import gymnasium as gym import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import deque import random import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F from tqdm import tqdm # Define model class DQN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_states, h1_nodes, out_actions): super().__init__() # Define network layers self.fc1 = nn.Linear(in_states, h1_nodes) # first fully connected layer self.out = nn.Linear(h1_nodes, out_actions) # ouptut layer w def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # Apply rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation x = self.out(x) # Calculate output return x # Define memory for Experience Replay class ReplayMemory(): def __init__(self, maxlen): self.memory = deque([], maxlen=maxlen) # Deques are a generalization of stacks and # queues (the name is pronounced “deck” and # is short for “double-ended queue”). def append(self, transition): self.memory.append(transition) def sample(self, sample_size): return random.sample(self.memory, sample_size) def __len__(self): return len(self.memory) # FrozeLake Deep Q-Learning class FrozenLakeDQL(): # Hyperparameters (adjustable) learning_rate_a = 0.001 # learning rate (alpha) discount_factor_g = 0.9 # discount rate (gamma) network_sync_rate = 10 # number of steps the agent takes before syncing the policy and target network replay_memory_size = 1000 # size of replay memory mini_batch_size = 32 # size of the training data set sampled from the replay memory # Neural Network loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() # NN Loss function. MSE=Mean Squared Error can be swapped to something else. optimizer = None # NN Optimizer. Initialize later. ACTIONS = ['L','D','R','U'] # for printing 0,1,2,3 => L(eft),D(own),R(ight),U(p) # Train the FrozeLake environment def train(self, episodes, render=False, is_slippery=False): # Create FrozenLake instance env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v1', map_name="4x4", is_slippery=is_slippery, render_mode='human' if render else None) num_states = env.observation_space.n num_actions = env.action_space.n epsilon = 1 # 1 = 100% random actions memory = ReplayMemory(self.replay_memory_size) # Create policy and target network. Number of nodes in the hidden layer can be adjusted. policy_dqn = DQN(in_states=num_states, h1_nodes=num_states, out_actions=num_actions) target_dqn = DQN(in_states=num_states, h1_nodes=num_states, out_actions=num_actions) # Make the target and policy networks the same (copy weights/biases from one network to the other) target_dqn.load_state_dict(policy_dqn.state_dict()) print('Policy (random, before training):') self.print_dqn(policy_dqn) # Policy network optimizer. "Adam" optimizer can be swapped to something else. self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(policy_dqn.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate_a) # List to keep track of rewards collected per episode. Initialize list to 0's. rewards_per_episode = np.zeros(episodes) # List to keep track of epsilon decay epsilon_history = [] # Track number of steps taken. Used for syncing policy => target network. step_count=0 for i in tqdm(range(episodes)): state = env.reset()[0] # Initialize to state 0 terminated = False # True when agent falls in hole or reached goal truncated = False # True when agent takes more than 200 actions # Agent navigates map until it falls into hole/reaches goal (terminated), or has taken 200 actions (truncated). while(not terminated and not truncated): # Select action based on epsilon-greedy if random.random() < epsilon: # select random action action = env.action_space.sample() # actions: 0=left,1=down,2=right,3=up else: # select best action with torch.no_grad(): action = policy_dqn(self.state_to_dqn_input(state, num_states)).argmax().item() # Execute action new_state,reward,terminated,truncated,_ = env.step(action) # Save experience into memory memory.append((state, action, new_state, reward, terminated)) # Move to the next state state = new_state # Increment step counter step_count+=1 # Keep track of the rewards collected per episode. if reward == 1: rewards_per_episode[i] = 1 # Check if enough experience has been collected and if at least 1 reward has been collected if len(memory)>self.mini_batch_size and np.sum(rewards_per_episode)>0: mini_batch = memory.sample(self.mini_batch_size) self.optimize(mini_batch, policy_dqn, target_dqn) # Decay epsilon epsilon = max(epsilon - 1/episodes, 0) epsilon_history.append(epsilon) # Copy policy network to target network after a certain number of steps if step_count > self.network_sync_rate: target_dqn.load_state_dict(policy_dqn.state_dict()) step_count=0 # Close environment env.close() # Save policy, "") # Create new graph plt.figure(1) # Plot average rewards (Y-axis) vs episodes (X-axis) sum_rewards = np.zeros(episodes) for x in range(episodes): sum_rewards[x] = np.sum(rewards_per_episode[max(0, x-100):(x+1)]) plt.subplot(121) # plot on a 1 row x 2 col grid, at cell 1 plt.plot(sum_rewards) # Plot epsilon decay (Y-axis) vs episodes (X-axis) plt.subplot(122) # plot on a 1 row x 2 col grid, at cell 2 plt.plot(epsilon_history) # Save plots plt.savefig('frozen_lake_dql.png') # Optimize policy network def optimize(self, mini_batch, policy_dqn, target_dqn): # Get number of input nodes num_states = policy_dqn.fc1.in_features current_q_list = [] target_q_list = [] for state, action, new_state, reward, terminated in mini_batch: if terminated: # Agent either reached goal (reward=1) or fell into hole (reward=0) # When in a terminated state, target q value should be set to the reward. target = torch.tensor([reward]) else: # Calculate target q value with torch.no_grad(): target = torch.tensor( reward + self.discount_factor_g * target_dqn(self.state_to_dqn_input(new_state, num_states)).max() ) # Get the current set of Q values current_q = policy_dqn(self.state_to_dqn_input(state, num_states)) current_q_list.append(current_q) # Get the target set of Q values target_q = target_dqn(self.state_to_dqn_input(state, num_states)) # Adjust the specific action to the target that was just calculated target_q[action] = target target_q_list.append(target_q) # Compute loss for the whole minibatch loss = self.loss_fn(torch.stack(current_q_list), torch.stack(target_q_list)) # Optimize the model self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() ''' Converts an state (int) to a tensor representation. For example, the FrozenLake 4x4 map has 4x4=16 states numbered from 0 to 15. Parameters: state=5, num_states=16 Return: tensor([0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) ''' def state_to_dqn_input(self, state:int, num_states:int)->torch.Tensor: input_tensor = torch.zeros(num_states) input_tensor[state] = 1 return input_tensor # Run the FrozeLake environment with the learned policy def test(self, episodes, is_slippery=False): # Create FrozenLake instance env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v1', map_name="4x4", is_slippery=is_slippery, render_mode='human') num_states = env.observation_space.n num_actions = env.action_space.n # Load learned policy policy_dqn = DQN(in_states=num_states, h1_nodes=num_states, out_actions=num_actions) policy_dqn.load_state_dict(torch.load("")) policy_dqn.eval() # switch model to evaluation mode print('Policy (trained):') self.print_dqn(policy_dqn) for i in tqdm(range(episodes)): state = env.reset()[0] # Initialize to state 0 terminated = False # True when agent falls in hole or reached goal truncated = False # True when agent takes more than 200 actions # Agent navigates map until it falls into a hole (terminated), reaches goal (terminated), or has taken 200 actions (truncated). while(not terminated and not truncated): # Select best action with torch.no_grad(): action = policy_dqn(self.state_to_dqn_input(state, num_states)).argmax().item() # Execute action state,reward,terminated,truncated,_ = env.step(action) env.close() # Print DQN: state, best action, q values def print_dqn(self, dqn): # Get number of input nodes num_states = dqn.fc1.in_features # Loop each state and print policy to console for s in range(num_states): # Format q values for printing q_values = '' for q in dqn(self.state_to_dqn_input(s, num_states)).tolist(): q_values += "{:+.2f}".format(q)+' ' # Concatenate q values, format to 2 decimals q_values=q_values.rstrip() # Remove space at the end # Map the best action to L D R U best_action = self.ACTIONS[dqn(self.state_to_dqn_input(s, num_states)).argmax()] # Print policy in the format of: state, action, q values # The printed layout matches the FrozenLake map. print(f'{s:02},{best_action},[{q_values}]', end=' ') if (s+1)%4==0: print() # Print a newline every 4 states if __name__ == '__main__': torch.set_default_device('cpu') frozen_lake = FrozenLakeDQL() is_slippery = True frozen_lake.train(3000, is_slippery=is_slippery) frozen_lake.test(10, is_slippery=is_slippery)