#!/usr/bin/env zsh ################################################################################################ # Created by Matt Wilson | support@kandji.io | Kandji, Inc. ################################################################################################ # Created on 2021-07-30 # Updated on 2022-06-09 # Updated on 2022-12.02 # Updated on 2023-01-25 - Matt Wilson ################################################################################################ # Tested macOS Versions ################################################################################################ # # 13.2 # 12.6.1 # 11.6.5 # ################################################################################################ # Software Information ################################################################################################ # # This Audit & Enfrce script checks for the presence of an app to see if it is # installed on a Mac. Optionally, a MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION can be set, which tells # this script to compare an # installed app version to the minimum enforced app version set in the script the # isntalled version of the provided APP_NAME. If the app cannot be found an installed # version of "None" is returned. # ################################################################################################ # License Information ################################################################################################ # # Copyright 2023 Kandji, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons # to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or # substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR # OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # ################################################################################################ # zsh has a built-in operator that can actually do float compares; just gotta load it autoload is-at-least ######################################################################################## ###################################### VARIABLES ####################################### ######################################################################################## # App info APP_NAME="Cloudflare WARP.app" # If you would like to enforce a minimum version, be sure to update the # MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION variable with the version number that the audit script # should enforce. (Example version number If MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION is # left blank, the audit script will not check for a version and will only check for the # presence of the app. MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION="5.7.6 (1321)" MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION="" # Change the PROFILE_ID_PREFIX variable to the profile prefix you want to wait on before # running the installer. The profile prefix below is associated with the settings # profile Kandji provided configuration profile. PROFILE_ID_PREFIX="io.kandji.cloudflare.EC275B21-ECA0" # Service management profile prefix # NOTE: this profile only contains managed backgroud settings for macOS 13+ # Change the SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_PREFIX variable to the profile prefix you want to wait # on before running the installer. SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_PREFIX="io.kandji.cloudflare.service-management" ######################################################################################## ##################################### FUNCTIONS ######################################## ######################################################################################## profile_search() { # Look for a profile # $1 - payload payload uuid /usr/bin/profiles show | grep "$1" | sed 's/.*\ //' } ######################################################################################## ###################################### MAIN LOGIC ###################################### ######################################################################################## # The profiles variable will be set to an array of profiles that match the prefix in # the PROFILE_ID_PREFIX variable profiles=$(profile_search "$PROFILE_ID_PREFIX") # If matching profiles are found exit 1 so the installer will run, else exit 0 to wait if [[ ${#profiles[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then /bin/echo "No profiles with ID $PROFILE_ID_PREFIX were found ..." /bin/echo "Will check again at the next Kandji agent check in before moving on ..." exit 0 fi # macOS Version osvers_major="$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion | /usr/bin/awk -F '.' '{print $1}')" # macOS Ventura(13.0) or newer - this is for the managed background settings profile. if [[ "${osvers_major}" -ge 13 ]]; then # The profiles variable will be set to an array of profiles that match the prefix in # the SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_PREFIX variable profiles=$(profile_search "$SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_PREFIX") # If matching profiles are found exit 1 so the installer will run, else exit 0 to # wait if [[ ${#profiles[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then /bin/echo "No profiles with ID $SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_PREFIX were found ..." /bin/echo "Will check again at the next Kandji agent check in before moving on ..." exit 0 fi /bin/echo "Profile prefix $SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_PREFIX present ..." fi # This command looks in /Applications, /System/Applications, and /Library for the # existance of the app defined in $APP_NAME installed_path="$(/usr/bin/find /Applications /System/Applications /Library/ -maxdepth 3 -name "$APP_NAME" 2>/dev/null)" # Validate the path returned in installed_path if [[ ! -e "$installed_path" ]] || [[ "$APP_NAME" != "$(/usr/bin/basename "$installed_path")" ]]; then /bin/echo "$APP_NAME not installed. Starting installation process ..." exit 1 else /bin/echo "$APP_NAME installed at $installed_path" fi # Check to see if the script is configured to enforce a minimum version if [[ -z $MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION ]]; then /bin/echo "This A&E script is not configured to check for a Minimum Enforced Version ..." else # Get the installed app version installed_version=$(/usr/bin/defaults read "$installed_path/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString 2>/dev/null) # make sure we got a version number back if [[ -z "$installed_version" ]]; then /bin/echo "App version could not be determined. Reinstalling $APP_NAME ..." exit 1 fi # Compare minimum enforced version to installed version using the zsh builtin operator is-at-least version_check="$(is-at-least "$MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION" "$installed_version" && /bin/echo "greater than or equal to" || /bin/echo "less than")" if [[ $version_check == *"less"* ]]; then /bin/echo "Installed version \"$installed_version\" is $version_check min enforced version \"$MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION\" ..." /bin/echo "Upgrading $APP_NAME ..." exit 1 else /bin/echo "Installed version \"$installed_version\" is $version_check min enforced version \"$MINIMUM_ENFORCED_VERSION\" ..." /bin/echo "Nothing to do ..." exit 0 fi fi