#!/usr/bin/env python """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 Johan Kanflo (github.com/kanflo) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. This script is used to communicate with an OpenDPS device and can be used to change all the settings possible with the buttons and dial on the device directly. The device can be talked to via a serial interface or (if you added an ESP8266) via wifi dpsctl.py --help will provide enlightenment. Oh, and if you get tired of specifying the comms interface (TTY or IP) all the time, add it tht the environment variable DPSIF. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import argparse import codecs import json import os import socket import sys import threading import time import math calibration_debug_plotting = False # Change this to True to enable plotting of the calibration graphs during dpsctl -C if calibration_debug_plotting: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import protocol import uframe from protocol import (create_cmd, create_enable_output, create_lock, create_set_calibration, create_set_function, create_set_parameter, create_temperature, create_set_brightness, create_upgrade_data, create_upgrade_start, create_change_screen, unpack_cal_report, unpack_query_response, unpack_version_response) try: import crc16 except ImportError: print("Missing dependency crc16:") print(" sudo pip{} install crc16" .format("3" if sys.version_info.major == 3 else "")) raise SystemExit() try: import serial except ImportError: print("Missing dependency pyserial:") print(" sudo pip{} install pyserial" .format("3" if sys.version_info.major == 3 else "")) raise SystemExit() parameters = [] class comm_interface(object): """ An abstract class that describes a communication interface """ _if_name = None def __init__(self, if_name): self._if_name = if_name def open(self): return False def close(self): return False def write(self, bytes_): return False def read(self): return bytearray() def name(self): return self._if_name class tty_interface(comm_interface): """ A class that describes a serial interface """ _port_handle = None _baudrate = None def __init__(self, if_name, baudrate): super(tty_interface, self).__init__(if_name) self._if_name = if_name self._baudrate = baudrate def open(self): if not self._port_handle: self._port_handle = serial.Serial(baudrate=self._baudrate, timeout=1.0) self._port_handle.port = self._if_name self._port_handle.open() return True def close(self): self._port_handle.port.close() self._port_handle = None return True def write(self, bytes_): self._port_handle.write(bytes_) return True def read(self): bytes_ = bytearray() sof = False while True: b = self._port_handle.read(1) if not b: # timeout break b = ord(b) if b == uframe._SOF: bytes_ = bytearray() sof = True if sof: bytes_.append(b) if b == uframe._EOF: break return bytes_ class tcp_interface(comm_interface): """ A class that describes a TCP interface """ _socket = None def __init__(self, if_name): super(tcp_interface, self).__init__(if_name) self._if_name = if_name def open(self): try: self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._socket.settimeout(1.0) self._socket.connect((self._if_name, 5005)) except socket.error: return False return True def close(self): self._socket.close() self._socket = None return True def write(self, bytes_): try: self._socket.send(bytes_) except socket.error as msg: fail("{} ({:d})".format(str(msg[0]), msg[1])) return True def read(self): bytes_ = bytearray() sof = False while True: b = self._socket.recv(1) b = ord(b) if b == uframe._SOF: bytes_ = bytearray() sof = True if sof: bytes_.append(b) if b == uframe._EOF: break return bytes_ class udp_interface(comm_interface): """ A class that describes a UDP interface """ _socket = None def __init__(self, if_name): super(udp_interface, self).__init__(if_name) self._if_name = if_name def open(self): try: self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._socket.settimeout(1.0) except socket.error: return False return True def close(self): self._socket.close() self._socket = None return True def write(self, bytes_): try: self._socket.sendto(bytes_, (self._if_name, 5005)) except socket.error as msg: fail("{} ({:d})".format(str(msg[0]), msg[1])) return True def read(self): reply = bytearray() try: d = self._socket.recvfrom(1000) reply = bytearray(d[0]) addr = d[1] except socket.timeout: pass except socket.error: pass return reply def fail(message): """ Print error message and exit with error """ print("Error: {}.".format(message)) sys.exit(1) def unit_name(unit): """ Return name of unit (must of course match unit_t in opendps/uui.h) """ if unit == 0: return "unitless" # none if unit == 1: return "A" # ampere if unit == 2: return "V" # volt if unit == 3: return "W" # watt if unit == 4: return "s" # second if unit == 5: return "Hz" # hertz return "unknown" def prefix_name(prefix): """ Return SI prefix """ if prefix == -6: return "u" if prefix == -3: return "m" if prefix == -2: return "c" if prefix == -1: return "d" # TODO: is this correct (deci? if prefix == 0: return "" if prefix == 1: return "D" # TODO: is this correct (deca)? if prefix == 2: return "hg" if prefix == 3: return "k" if prefix == 4: return "M" return "e{:d}".format(prefix) def handle_response(command, frame, args, quiet=False): """ Handle a response frame from the device. Return a dictionary of interesting information. """ ret_dict = {} resp_command = frame.get_frame()[0] if resp_command & protocol.CMD_RESPONSE: resp_command ^= protocol.CMD_RESPONSE success = frame.get_frame()[1] if resp_command != command: print("Warning: sent command {:02x}, response was {:02x}.".format(command, resp_command)) if resp_command != protocol.CMD_UPGRADE_START and resp_command != protocol.CMD_UPGRADE_DATA and not success: fail("command failed according to device") if args.json: _json = {} _json["cmd"] = resp_command _json["status"] = 1 # we're here aren't we? if resp_command == protocol.CMD_PING: if not quiet: print("Got pong from device") elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_QUERY: data = unpack_query_response(frame) enable_str = "on" if data['output_enabled'] else "temperature shutdown" if data['temp_shutdown'] == 1 else "off" v_in_str = "{:.2f}".format(data['v_in'] / 1000) v_out_str = "{:.2f}".format(data['v_out'] / 1000) i_out_str = "{:.3f}".format(data['i_out'] / 1000) if args.json: _json = data elif not quiet: print("{:<10} : {} ({})".format('Func', data['cur_func'], enable_str)) for key, value in data['params'].items(): print(" {:<8} : {}".format(key, value)) print("{:<10} : {} V".format('V_in', v_in_str)) print("{:<10} : {} V".format('V_out', v_out_str)) print("{:<10} : {} A".format('I_out', i_out_str)) if 'temp1' in data: print("{:<10} : {:.1f}".format('temp1', data['temp1'])) if 'temp2' in data: print("{:<10} : {:.1f}".format('temp2', data['temp2'])) elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_UPGRADE_START: # * DPS BL: [cmd_response | cmd_upgrade_start] [] [] cmd = frame.unpack8() status = frame.unpack8() chunk_size = frame.unpack16() ret_dict["status"] = status ret_dict["chunk_size"] = chunk_size elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_UPGRADE_DATA: cmd = frame.unpack8() status = frame.unpack8() ret_dict["status"] = status elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_SET_FUNCTION: cmd = frame.unpack8() status = frame.unpack8() if not status: print("Function does not exist.") # Never reached due to status == 0 elif not quiet: print("Changed function.") elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_LIST_FUNCTIONS: cmd = frame.unpack8() status = frame.unpack8() if status == 0: print("Error, failed to list available functions") else: functions = [] name = frame.unpack_cstr() while name != "": functions.append(name) name = frame.unpack_cstr() if args.json: _json["functions"] = functions else: if len(functions) == 0: print("Selected OpenDPS supports no functions at all, which is quite weird when you think about it...") elif len(functions) == 1: print("Selected OpenDPS supports the {} function.".format(functions[0])) else: temp = ", ".join(functions[:-1]) temp = "{} and {}".format(temp, functions[-1]) print("Selected OpenDPS supports the {} functions.".format(temp)) elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_SET_PARAMETERS: cmd = frame.unpack8() status = frame.unpack8() for p in args.parameter: status = frame.unpack8() parts = p.split("=") # TODO: handle json output if not quiet: print("{}: {}".format(parts[0], "ok" if status == 0 else "unknown parameter" if status == 1 else "out of range" if status == 2 else "unsupported parameter" if status == 3 else "unknown error {:d}".format(status))) elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_SET_CALIBRATION: cmd = frame.unpack8() status = frame.unpack8() for p in args.calibration_set: status = frame.unpack8() parts = p.split("=") # TODO: handle json output if not quiet: print("{}: {}".format(parts[0], "ok" if status == 0 else "unknown coefficient" if status == 1 else "out of range" if status == 2 else "unsupported coefficient" if status == 3 else "flash write error" if status == 4 else "unknown error {:d}".format(status))) elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_LIST_PARAMETERS: cmd = frame.unpack8() status = frame.unpack8() if status == 0: print("Error, failed to list available parameters") else: cur_func = frame.unpack_cstr() parameters = [] while not frame.eof(): parameter = {} parameter['name'] = frame.unpack_cstr() parameter['unit'] = unit_name(frame.unpack8()) parameter['prefix'] = prefix_name(frame.unpacks8()) parameters.append(parameter) if args.json: _json["current_function"] = cur_func _json["parameters"] = parameters if len(parameters) == 0: print("Selected OpenDPS supports no parameters at all for the {} function".format(cur_func)) elif len(parameters) == 1: print("Selected OpenDPS supports the {} parameter ({}{}) for the {} function.".format(parameters[0]['name'], parameters[0]['prefix'], parameters[0]['unit'], cur_func)) else: temp = "" for p in parameters: temp += p['name'] + ' ({}{})'.format(p['prefix'], p['unit']) + " " print("Selected OpenDPS supports the {}parameters for the {} function.".format(temp, cur_func)) elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_ENABLE_OUTPUT: cmd = frame.unpack8() status = frame.unpack8() if status == 0: print("Error, failed to enable/disable output.") elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_TEMPERATURE_REPORT: pass elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_LOCK: pass elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_VERSION: data = unpack_version_response(frame) print("BootDPS GIT Hash: {}".format(data['boot_git_hash'])) print("OpenDPS GIT Hash: {}".format(data['app_git_hash'])) elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_CAL_REPORT: ret_dict = unpack_cal_report(frame) elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_CLEAR_CALIBRATION: pass elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_CHANGE_SCREEN: pass elif resp_command == protocol.CMD_SET_BRIGHTNESS: pass else: print("Unknown response {:d} from device.".format(resp_command)) if args.json: print(json.dumps(_json, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) return ret_dict def communicate(comms, frame, args, quiet=False): """ Communicate with the DPS device according to the user's wishes """ bytes_ = frame.get_frame() if not comms: fail("no communication interface specified") if not comms.open(): fail("could not open {}".format(comms.name())) if args.verbose: print("Communicating with {}".format(comms.name())) print("TX {:2d} bytes [{}]".format(len(bytes_), " ".join("{:02x}".format(b) for b in bytes_))) if not comms.write(bytes_): fail("write failed on {}".format(comms.name())) resp = comms.read() if len(resp) == 0: fail("timeout talking to device {}".format(comms._if_name)) elif args.verbose: print("RX {:2d} bytes [{}]\n".format(len(resp), " ".join("{:02x}".format(b) for b in resp))) if not comms.close: print("Warning: could not close {}".format(comms.name())) f = uframe.uFrame() res = f.set_frame(resp) if res < 0: fail("protocol error ({:d})".format(res)) else: return handle_response(frame.get_frame()[1], f, args, quiet) def handle_commands(args): """ Communicate with the DPS device according to the user's wishes """ if args.scan: uhej_scan() return comms = create_comms(args) if args.ping: communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_PING), args) if args.firmware: run_upgrade(comms, args.firmware, args) if args.lock: communicate(comms, create_lock(1), args) if args.unlock: communicate(comms, create_lock(0), args) if args.list_functions: communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_LIST_FUNCTIONS), args) if args.list_parameters: communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_LIST_PARAMETERS), args) if args.function: communicate(comms, create_set_function(args.function), args) if args.enable: if args.enable == 'on' or args.enable == 'off': communicate(comms, create_enable_output(args.enable), args) else: fail("enable is 'on' or 'off'") if args.parameter: payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) if payload: communicate(comms, payload, args) else: fail("malformed parameters") if args.query: communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_QUERY), args) if args.version: communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_VERSION), args) if args.calibration_report: data = communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_CAL_REPORT), args) print("Calibration Report:") print("\tA_ADC_K = {}".format(data['cal']['A_ADC_K'])) print("\tA_ADC_C = {}".format(data['cal']['A_ADC_C'])) print("\tA_DAC_K = {}".format(data['cal']['A_DAC_K'])) print("\tA_DAC_C = {}".format(data['cal']['A_DAC_C'])) print("\tV_ADC_K = {}".format(data['cal']['V_ADC_K'])) print("\tV_ADC_C = {}".format(data['cal']['V_ADC_C'])) print("\tV_DAC_K = {}".format(data['cal']['V_DAC_K'])) print("\tV_DAC_C = {}".format(data['cal']['V_DAC_C'])) print("\tVIN_ADC_K = {}".format(data['cal']['VIN_ADC_K'])) print("\tVIN_ADC_C = {}".format(data['cal']['VIN_ADC_C'])) print("\tVIN_ADC = {}".format(data['vin_adc'])) print("\tVOUT_ADC = {}".format(data['vout_adc'])) print("\tIOUT_ADC = {}".format(data['iout_adc'])) print("\tIOUT_DAC = {}".format(data['iout_dac'])) print("\tVOUT_DAC = {}".format(data['vout_dac'])) if args.calibration_set: payload = create_set_calibration(args.calibration_set) if payload: communicate(comms, payload, args) else: fail("malformed parameters") if hasattr(args, 'temperature') and args.temperature: communicate(comms, create_temperature(float(args.temperature)), args) if args.calibration_reset: communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_CLEAR_CALIBRATION), args) if args.switch_screen: if (args.switch_screen.lower() == "main"): communicate(comms, create_change_screen(protocol.CHANGE_SCREEN_MAIN), args) elif (args.switch_screen.lower() == "settings"): communicate(comms, create_change_screen(protocol.CHANGE_SCREEN_SETTINGS), args) else: fail("please specify either 'settings' or 'main' as parameters") if args.calibrate: do_calibration(comms, args) if args.brightness: if args.brightness >=0 and args.brightness <=100: communicate(comms, create_set_brightness(args.brightness), args) else: fail("brightness must be between 0 and 100") def is_ip_address(if_name): """ Return True if the parameter if_name is an IP address. """ try: socket.inet_aton(if_name) return True except socket.error: return False def chunk_from_file(filename, chunk_size): # Darn beautiful, from SO: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1035456 with open(filename, "rb") as f: while True: chunk = f.read(chunk_size) if chunk: yield bytearray(chunk) else: break def run_upgrade(comms, fw_file_name, args): """ Run OpenDPS firmware upgrade """ with open(fw_file_name, mode='rb') as file: # crc = binascii.crc32(file.read()) % (1<<32) content = file.read() if codecs.encode(content, 'hex')[6:8] != b'20' and not args.force: fail("The firmware file does not seem valid, use --force to force upgrade") crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(content) chunk_size = 1024 ret_dict = communicate(comms, create_upgrade_start(chunk_size, crc), args) if ret_dict["status"] == protocol.UPGRADE_CONTINUE: if chunk_size != ret_dict["chunk_size"]: print("Device selected chunk size {:d}".format(ret_dict["chunk_size"])) chunk_size = ret_dict["chunk_size"] counter = 0 for chunk in chunk_from_file(fw_file_name, chunk_size): counter += len(chunk) sys.stdout.write("\rDownload progress: {:d}% ".format(int(counter / len(content) * 100))) sys.stdout.flush() # print(" {:d} bytes".format(counter)) ret_dict = communicate(comms, create_upgrade_data(chunk), args) status = ret_dict["status"] if status == protocol.UPGRADE_CONTINUE: pass elif status == protocol.UPGRADE_CRC_ERROR: print("") fail("device reported CRC error") elif status == protocol.UPGRADE_ERASE_ERROR: print("") fail("device reported erasing error") elif status == protocol.UPGRADE_FLASH_ERROR: print("") fail("device reported flashing error") elif status == protocol.UPGRADE_OVERFLOW_ERROR: print("") fail("device reported firmware overflow error") elif status == protocol.UPGRADE_SUCCESS: print("") else: print("") fail("device reported an unknown error ({:d})".format(status)) else: fail("Device rejected firmware upgrade") def best_fit(X, Y): """ Calculate linear line of best fit coefficients (y = kx + c) """ xbar = sum(X)/len(X) ybar = sum(Y)/len(Y) n = len(X) # or len(Y) numer = sum([xi*yi for xi, yi in zip(X, Y)]) - n * xbar * ybar denum = sum([xi**2 for xi in X]) - n * xbar**2 if denum != 0: k = numer / denum else: k = float('Inf') c = ybar - k * xbar return k, c def get_average_calibration_result(comms, variable, num_samples=20): """ Get an averaged reading of 'variable' from a calibration report """ data = [] for _ in range(num_samples): data.append(communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_CAL_REPORT), args, quiet=True)) return sum(d[variable] for d in data) / num_samples def create_comms(args): """ Create and return a communications interface object or None if no comms if was specified. """ if_name = None comms = None if args.device: if_name = args.device elif 'DPSIF' in os.environ and len(os.environ['DPSIF']) > 0: if_name = os.environ['DPSIF'] if if_name is not None: if is_ip_address(if_name): comms = udp_interface(if_name) elif if_name[0:4] == "tcp:": comms = tcp_interface(if_name[4:]) else: comms = tty_interface(if_name, args.baudrate) else: fail("no comms interface specified") return comms def do_calibration(comms, args): """ Run DPS calibration prompts """ print("For calibration you will need:") print("\tA multimeter") print("\tA known load capable of handling the required power") print("\tA thick wire for shorting the output of the DPS") print("\t2 stable input voltages\r\n") print("Please ensure nothing is connected to the output of the DPS before starting calibration!\r\n") t = input("Would you like to proceed? (y/n): ") if t.lower() != 'y': return # Change to the settings screen communicate(comms, create_change_screen(protocol.CHANGE_SCREEN_SETTINGS), args, quiet=True) print("\r\nInput Voltage Calibration:") calibration_input_voltage = [] calibration_vin_adc = [] print("Please hook up the first lower supply voltage to the DPS now") print("ensuring that the serial connection is connected after boot") calibration_input_voltage.append(float(input("Type input voltage in mV: "))) calibration_vin_adc.append(get_average_calibration_result(comms, 'vin_adc')) # Do second Voltage Hookup print("\r\nPlease hook up the second higher supply voltage to the DPS now") print("ensuring that the serial connection is connected after boot") calibration_input_voltage.append(float(input("Type input voltage in mV: "))) # Ensure that we are still on the settings screen communicate(comms, create_change_screen(protocol.CHANGE_SCREEN_SETTINGS), args, quiet=True) time.sleep(1) # Measure and record the new input voltage calibration_vin_adc.append(get_average_calibration_result(comms, 'vin_adc')) # Calculate and set the Vin_ADC coeffecients vin_adc_k, vin_adc_c = best_fit(calibration_vin_adc, calibration_input_voltage) args.calibration_set = ['VIN_ADC_K={}'.format(vin_adc_k), 'VIN_ADC_C={}'.format(vin_adc_c)] payload = create_set_calibration(args.calibration_set) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) # Draw data in graph if calibration_debug_plotting: plt.title("Input Voltage Calibration") ax = plt.gca() plt.text(0.03, 0.97, 'y = {} * x + {}'.format(vin_adc_k, vin_adc_c), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, va='top') plt.xlabel("Vin_adc") x_data = list(calibration_vin_adc) plt.ylabel("Input Voltage (V)") y_data = list(calibration_input_voltage) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro') y_data = [] x_data.insert(0, 0) # Ensure we have a x = 0 point on our line of best fit for i in range(len(x_data)): y_data.append(x_data[i] * vin_adc_k + vin_adc_c) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, '-') # Draw line of best fit plt.axis(xmin=0, ymin=0) plt.show() print("\r\nOutput Voltage Calibration:") print("Finding maximum output V_DAC value", end='') args.parameter = ["V_DAC=0", "A_DAC=4095"] payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) communicate(comms, create_enable_output("on"), args, quiet=True) # Turn the output on time.sleep(4) # Ensure the device has settled, this can take a while with an open circuit output # To find the maximum output V_DAC value we sweep through a range of output DAC values and read back the ADC values num_steps = 100 output_adc = [] output_dac = [] output_gradient = [] for x in range(num_steps + 1): output_dac.append(x*(4095/num_steps)) args.parameter = ["V_DAC={}".format(output_dac[-1])] payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) time.sleep(0.01) data = communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_CAL_REPORT), args, quiet=True) output_adc.append(data['vout_adc']) if not x % 4: print(".", end='') print(" Done") # Once this is complete we calculate the gradient between every other point for x in range(num_steps): k, _ = best_fit(output_dac[x:x+2], output_adc[x:x+2]) output_gradient.append(k) # Initialise max_v_dac to being the last sample, this will be overridden # if the output is non-linear max_v_dac = max(output_dac) # If the gradient is near zero then we know this is our maximum for x in range(len(output_gradient)): if output_gradient[x] < 0.1: max_v_dac = output_dac[x-1] # Use the one before this break # Draw data in graph if calibration_debug_plotting: plt.title("Output Voltage Sweep") plt.xlabel("V_DAC") x_data = list(output_dac) plt.ylabel("V_ADC") y_data = list(output_adc) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro') plt.axvline(x=max_v_dac) plt.axis(xmin=0, ymin=0) plt.show() # Get the user to give us two output voltages readings calibration_real_voltage = [] calibration_v_adc = [] calibration_v_dac = [] print("\r\nCalibration Point 1 of 2, 10% of Max") output_dac = int(max_v_dac * 0.1) args.parameter = ["V_DAC={}".format(output_dac)] payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) communicate(comms, create_enable_output("on"), args, quiet=True) # Turn the output on calibration_real_voltage.append(float(input("Type measured voltage on output in mV: "))) calibration_v_adc.append(get_average_calibration_result(comms, 'vout_adc')) calibration_v_dac.append(output_dac) print("\r\nCalibration Point 1 of 2, 90% of Max") output_dac = int(max_v_dac * 0.9) args.parameter = ["V_DAC={}".format(output_dac)] payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) calibration_real_voltage.append(float(input("Type measured voltage on output in mV: "))) calibration_v_adc.append(get_average_calibration_result(comms, 'vout_adc')) calibration_v_dac.append(output_dac) # Calculate and set the V_DAC coeffecients v_dac_k, v_dac_c = best_fit(calibration_real_voltage, calibration_v_dac) args.calibration_set = ['V_DAC_K={}'.format(v_dac_k), 'V_DAC_C={}'.format(v_dac_c)] payload = create_set_calibration(args.calibration_set) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) # Calculate and set the V_ADC coeffecients v_adc_k, v_adc_c = best_fit(calibration_v_adc, calibration_real_voltage) args.calibration_set = ['V_ADC_K={}'.format(v_adc_k), 'V_ADC_C={}'.format(v_adc_c)] payload = create_set_calibration(args.calibration_set) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) communicate(comms, create_enable_output("off"), args, quiet=True) # Turn the output off # Draw data in graph if calibration_debug_plotting: plt.title("Output Voltage Calibration (V_DAC)") ax = plt.gca() plt.text(0.03, 0.97, 'y = {} * x + {}'.format(v_dac_k, v_dac_c), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, va='top') plt.xlabel("Output Voltage (V)") x_data = list(calibration_real_voltage) plt.ylabel("V_DAC") y_data = list(calibration_v_dac) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro') y_data = [] x_data.insert(0, 0) # Ensure we have a x = 0 point on our line of best fit for i in range(len(x_data)): y_data.append(x_data[i] * v_dac_k + v_dac_c) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, '-') # Draw line of best fit plt.axis(xmin=0, ymin=0) plt.show() # Draw data in graph if calibration_debug_plotting: plt.title("Output Voltage Calibration (V_ADC)") ax = plt.gca() plt.text(0.03, 0.97, 'y = {} * x + {}'.format(v_adc_k, v_adc_c), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, va='top') plt.xlabel("V_ADC") x_data = list(calibration_v_adc) plt.ylabel("Output Voltage (V)") y_data = list(calibration_real_voltage) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro') y_data = [] x_data.insert(0, 0) # Ensure we have a x = 0 point on our line of best fit for i in range(len(x_data)): y_data.append(x_data[i] * v_adc_k + v_adc_c) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, '-') # Draw line of best fit plt.axis(xmin=0, ymin=0) plt.show() print("\r\nOutput Current Calibration:") max_dps_current = float(input("Max output current of your DPS (e.g 5 for the DPS5005) in amps: ")) load_resistance = float(input("Load resistance in ohms: ")) load_max_wattage = float(input("Load wattage rating in watts: ")) # There are three potential limiting factors for the output voltage, these are: output_voltage_based_on_input_voltage_mv = calibration_input_voltage[1] * 0.9 # 90% of input voltage output_voltage_based_on_max_wattage_of_load_mv = math.sqrt(load_max_wattage * load_resistance) * 1000 # Maximum supported voltage of the load V = Sqrt(W x R) output_voltage_based_on_max_output_current_mv = max_dps_current * load_resistance * 1000 # V = I x R max_output_voltage_mv = min(output_voltage_based_on_input_voltage_mv, output_voltage_based_on_max_wattage_of_load_mv, output_voltage_based_on_max_output_current_mv) # The more max_output_voltage_mv is maximised the more accurate the results of the current calibration will be input("Please connect the load to the output of the DPS, then press enter") # Take multiple current readings at different voltages and construct an Iout vs Iadc array print("Calibrating output current ADC", end='') num_steps = 15 calibration_i_out = [] calibration_a_adc = [] for x in range(num_steps): # Calculate our output voltage DAC value output_voltage = max_output_voltage_mv * (x / num_steps) output_dac = int(round(v_dac_k * output_voltage + v_dac_c)) # Set the output voltage args.parameter = ["V_DAC={}".format(output_dac)] payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) communicate(comms, create_enable_output("on"), args, quiet=True) time.sleep(1) # Wait for the DPS output to settle # Add these readings to our array calibration_i_out.append((get_average_calibration_result(comms, 'vout_adc') * v_adc_k + v_dac_c) / load_resistance) calibration_a_adc.append(get_average_calibration_result(comms, 'iout_adc')) print(".", end='') print(" Done") communicate(comms, create_enable_output("off"), args, quiet=True) # Turn the output off # Calculate and set the A_ADC coeffecients a_adc_k, a_adc_c = best_fit(calibration_a_adc, calibration_i_out) args.calibration_set = ['A_ADC_K={}'.format(a_adc_k), 'A_ADC_C={}'.format(a_adc_c)] payload = create_set_calibration(args.calibration_set) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) # Draw data in graph if calibration_debug_plotting: plt.title("Output Current Calibration (A_ADC)") ax = plt.gca() plt.text(0.03, 0.97, 'y = {} * x + {}'.format(a_adc_k, a_adc_c), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, va='top') plt.xlabel("A_ADC") x_data = list(calibration_a_adc) plt.ylabel("Output Current (A)") y_data = list(calibration_i_out) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro') y_data = [] x_data.insert(0, 0) # Ensure we have a x = 0 point on our line of best fit for i in range(len(x_data)): y_data.append(x_data[i] * a_adc_k + a_adc_c) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, '-') # Draw line of best fit plt.axis(xmin=0, ymin=0) plt.show() print("\r\nConstant Current Calibration:") input("Please short the output of the DPS with a thick wire capable of carrying {}A, then press enter".format(max_dps_current)) # Set the V_DAC output to the maximum args.parameter = ["V_DAC={}".format(4095)] payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) # Sweep the full range of the A_DAC so we can find out what its workable region is print("\r\nFinding maximum output A_DAC value", end='') num_steps = 100 calibration_a_adc = [] calibration_a_dac = [] output_gradient = [] for x in range(num_steps + 1): calibration_a_dac.append(int(x*(4095/num_steps))) args.parameter = ["A_DAC={}".format(calibration_a_dac[-1])] payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) communicate(comms, create_enable_output("on"), args, quiet=True) time.sleep(0.01) data = communicate(comms, create_cmd(protocol.CMD_CAL_REPORT), args, quiet=True) calibration_a_adc.append(data['iout_adc']) if not x % 4: print(".", end='') print(" Done") communicate(comms, create_enable_output("off"), args, quiet=True) # Turn the output off # Once this is complete we calculate the gradient between every other point for x in range(num_steps): k, _ = best_fit(calibration_a_dac[x:x+2], calibration_a_adc[x:x+2]) output_gradient.append(k) # Find the first point where the gradient is non-zero first_point = 0 for x in range(len(output_gradient)): if (output_gradient[x] > 0.1): first_point = x break # Find the last point where the gradient is non-zero last_point = len(output_gradient) - 1 for x in range(first_point, len(output_gradient)): if (output_gradient[x] < 0.1): last_point = x - 1 break # Find the A_DAC output range. Bringing the points in by 20% to trim any edge values out a_dac_lower_range = calibration_a_dac[first_point] + (calibration_a_dac[last_point] - calibration_a_dac[first_point]) * 0.1 a_dac_upper_range = calibration_a_dac[last_point] - (calibration_a_dac[last_point] - calibration_a_dac[first_point]) * 0.1 # Draw data in graph if calibration_debug_plotting: plt.title("Output Current Sweep") plt.xlabel("A_DAC") x_data = list(calibration_a_dac) plt.ylabel("A_ADC") y_data = list(calibration_a_adc) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro') plt.axvline(x=a_dac_lower_range) plt.axvline(x=a_dac_upper_range) plt.axis(xmin=0, ymin=0) plt.show() # Take multiple current readings in this range print("Calibrating output current DAC", end='') num_steps = 15 calibration_i_out = [] calibration_a_dac = [] for x in range(num_steps): # Calculate our output current DAC value output_dac = int(a_dac_lower_range + ((a_dac_upper_range - a_dac_lower_range) * (x / num_steps))) # Set the output current args.parameter = ["A_DAC={}".format(output_dac)] payload = create_set_parameter(args.parameter) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) communicate(comms, create_enable_output("on"), args, quiet=True) time.sleep(1) # Wait for the DPS output to settle # Add these readings to our array calibration_i_out.append((get_average_calibration_result(comms, 'iout_adc') * a_adc_k + a_adc_c)) calibration_a_dac.append(output_dac) print(".", end='') print(" Done") communicate(comms, create_enable_output("off"), args, quiet=True) # Turn the output off # Calculate and set the A_DAC coeffecients a_dac_k, a_dac_c = best_fit(calibration_i_out, calibration_a_dac) args.calibration_set = ['A_DAC_K={}'.format(a_dac_k), 'A_DAC_C={}'.format(a_dac_c)] payload = create_set_calibration(args.calibration_set) communicate(comms, payload, args, quiet=True) # Draw data in graph if calibration_debug_plotting: plt.title("Output Current Calibration (A_DAC)") ax = plt.gca() plt.text(0.03, 0.97, 'y = {} * x + {}'.format(a_dac_k, a_dac_c), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, va='top') plt.xlabel("Output Current (A)") x_data = list(calibration_i_out) plt.ylabel("A_DAC") y_data = list(calibration_a_dac) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro') y_data = [] x_data.insert(0, 0) # Ensure we have a x = 0 point on our line of best fit for i in range(len(x_data)): y_data.append(x_data[i] * a_dac_k + a_dac_c) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, '-') # Draw line of best fit plt.axis(xmin=0, ymin=0) plt.show() # Change to the main screen communicate(comms, create_change_screen(protocol.CHANGE_SCREEN_MAIN), args, quiet=True) print("\r\nCalibration Complete!\r\n") print("To restore the device to the OpenDPS defaults use dpsctl.py --calibration_reset") def uhej_worker_thread(): """ The worker thread used by uHej for service discovery """ from uhej import uhej global discovery_list global sock while 1: try: data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) port = addr[1] addr = addr[0] frame = bytearray(data) try: f = uhej.decode_frame(frame) f["source"] = addr f["port"] = port types = ["UDP", "TCP", "mcast"] if uhej.ANNOUNCE == f["frame_type"]: for s in f["services"]: key = "{}:{}:{}".format(f["source"], s["port"], s["type"]) if key not in discovery_list: if s["service_name"] == "opendps": discovery_list[key] = True # Keep track of which hosts we have seen print("{}".format(f["source"])) # print("{:>16}:{:<5d} {:<8} {}".format(f["source"], s["port"], types[s["type"]], s["service_name"])) except uhej.IllegalFrameException as e: pass except socket.error as e: print('Exception', e) def uhej_scan(): """ Scan for OpenDPS devices on the local network """ from uhej import uhej global discovery_list global sock discovery_list = {} ANY = "" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) try: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) except AttributeError: pass sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 32) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, 1) sock.bind((ANY, uhej.MCAST_PORT)) thread = threading.Thread(target=uhej_worker_thread) thread.daemon = True thread.start() sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, socket.inet_aton(uhej.MCAST_GRP) + socket.inet_aton(ANY)) run_time_s = 6 # Run query for this many seconds query_interval_s = 2 # Send query this often last_query = 0 start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < run_time_s: if time.time() - last_query > query_interval_s: f = uhej.query(uhej.UDP, "*") sock.sendto(f, (uhej.MCAST_GRP, uhej.MCAST_PORT)) last_query = time.time() time.sleep(1) num_found = len(discovery_list) if num_found == 0: print("No OpenDPS devices found") elif num_found == 1: print("1 OpenDPS device found") else: print("{:d} OpenDPS devices found".format(num_found)) def main(): """ Ye olde main """ global args testing = '--testing' in sys.argv parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Instrument an OpenDPS device') parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', help="OpenDPS device to connect to. Can be a /dev/tty device, IP address for UDP protocol or tcp:IP for TCP protocol. If omitted, dpsctl.py will try the environment variable DPSIF", default='') parser.add_argument('-b', '--baudrate', type=int, dest="baudrate", help="Set baudrate used for serial communications", default=9600) parser.add_argument('-B', '--brightness', type=int, help="Set display brightness (0..100)") parser.add_argument('-S', '--scan', action="store_true", help="Scan for OpenDPS wifi devices") parser.add_argument('-f', '--function', nargs='?', help="Set active function") parser.add_argument('-F', '--list-functions', action='store_true', help="List available functions") parser.add_argument('-p', '--parameter', nargs='+', help="Set function parameter =") parser.add_argument('-P', '--list-parameters', action='store_true', help="List function parameters of active function") parser.add_argument('-C', '--calibrate', action="store_true", help="Starts System Calibration Routine") parser.add_argument('-c', '--calibration_set', nargs='+', help="Set the specified calibration coefficient =") parser.add_argument('-cr', '--calibration_report', action="store_true", help="Prints Calibration report") parser.add_argument('--calibration_reset', action='store_true', help="Resets the calibration to the default values") parser.add_argument('-o', '--enable', help="Enable output ('on' or 'off')") parser.add_argument('--ping', action='store_true', help="Ping device (causes screen to flash)") parser.add_argument('-L', '--lock', action='store_true', help="Lock device keys") parser.add_argument('-l', '--unlock', action='store_true', help="Unlock device keys") parser.add_argument('-q', '--query', action='store_true', help="Query device settings and measurements") parser.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help="Output parameters as JSON") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Verbose communications") parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='store_true', help="Get firmware version information") parser.add_argument('-U', '--upgrade', type=str, dest="firmware", help="Perform upgrade of OpenDPS firmware") parser.add_argument('--screen', type=str, dest="switch_screen", help="Switch to 'settings' or 'main' screen") parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help="Force upgrade even if dpsctl complains about the firmware") if testing: parser.add_argument('-t', '--temperature', type=str, dest="temperature", help="Send temperature report (for testing)") args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() try: handle_commands(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") if __name__ == "__main__": main()