#### Sublime Tips 💡 Show random tips for Sublime Text

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![preview](preview.gif) Did you know you can `` in Sublime Text?! 🤯 Exactly! This plugin will remind you of random tips that would hopefully improve your workflow. --- ##### Contributing If you know other tips, edit `tips.txt` and create a pull request! Here are a few guidelines: - Make it short and sweet. ST's status message is displayed for 5 seconds. - Does not need to be a keyboard shortcut. It can also be "facts" (e.g. ST is made by Jon Skinner!) ##### Roadmap For now, this simply provides tips about default ST keybindings.. - Allow plugins to add their own tips - Allow plugins to override tips ##### Support You can always support me via [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/kapitanluffy) ##### License [MIT](LICENSE)