*! version 1.1.1 26aug2022 program sivqr11, eclass properties(svyb) byable(recall) version 11 if (!replay()) { * Parse variables with _iv_parse (as in ivregress.ado) _iv_parse `0' tempname lhs Xendo Xexog Zexcl local `lhs' `s(lhs)' local `Xendo' `s(endog)' local `Xexog' `s(exog)' local `Zexcl' `s(inst)' local 0 `s(zero)' if !wordcount("``Xendo''") { // could just stop and say to run qreg, but maybe some people want smoothed QR } * Parse rest of arguments syntax [if] [in] [pweight iweight fweight/] , Quantile(real) [Bandwidth(real -112358) Level(cilevel) Reps(integer 0) LOGiterations noCONstant SEED(integer 112358) INITial(string) noDOTS] if (`quantile'<=0) { di as error "{bf:quantile(`quantile')} is out of range: must be >0" exit 198 } else if (`quantile'>=100) { di as error "{bf:quantile(`quantile')} is out of range: must be <100" exit 198 } else if (`quantile'>=1) { local quantile = `quantile'/100 } if (`level'<10 | `level'>99.99) { // matches regress di as error "{bf:level(`level')} is out of range: must be between 10 and 99.99 inclusive" exit 198 } if (`reps'<2 & `reps'!=0) { // di as text "Note: computing analytic standard errors (not bootstrap) because reps<2" local reps 0 } if (`bandwidth'==-112358) { if ("`weight'"!="") { di as text "Warning: plug-in bandwidth ignores weights (assumes iid)" } } else if (`bandwidth'<0) { di as error "{bf:bandwidth(`bandwidth')} is out of range: must be non-negative real number" exit 198 } local wgtvar = "" if ("`weight'"!="") { tempvar wgtvar gen `wgtvar' = `exp' di as text "Warning: coefficient estimates are valid, but standard errors assume iid data" di as text " (usually not true with weights)" } marksample touse markout `touse' ``lhs'' ``Xexog'' ``Xendo'' ``Zexcl'' qui count if `touse' if (r(N) == 0) { error 2000 } else { local nobs `=r(N)' } * Main subroutine call tempname sivqrb sivqrV sivqrh sivqrhhat sivqrhhatmax initname if ("`initial'"=="") { * qreg doesn't support noconstant, so adjust after if ("`weight'"!="") { * Using aweight so can use Stata version 11; o/w need Stata 12 for pw/iw qui qreg ``lhs'' ``Xendo'' ``Xexog'' if `touse' [aw=`exp'] , quantile(`quantile') } else { qui qreg ``lhs'' ``Xendo'' ``Xexog'' if `touse' , quantile(`quantile') } matrix `initname' = e(b) if ("`constant'"=="noconstant") { matrix `initname' = `initname'[1,1..(colsof(`initname')-1)] } } else { matrix `initname' = `initial' } tempname seedname local `seedname' = c(seed) mata: sivqrmain("``lhs''", "``Xendo''", "``Xexog''", "``Zexcl''", "`touse'", `quantile', `bandwidth', `reps', "`logiterations'"=="logiterations", "`constant'"=="noconstant", "`wgtvar'", `seed', "`dots'"=="nodots", "`sivqrb'", "`sivqrV'", "`sivqrh'", "`sivqrhhat'", "`sivqrhhatmax'", "`initname'") set seed ``seedname'' * Store return values if ("`constant'"=="noconstant") { matrix colnames `sivqrb' = ``Xendo'' ``Xexog'' } else { matrix colnames `sivqrb' = ``Xendo'' ``Xexog'' _cons } tempname erpwgt erpopt local `erpwgt' = "" if ("`weight'"!="") { local `erpwgt' = "[`weight'=`exp'] " } local `erpopt' = `"depname("``lhs''") obs(`nobs') esample(`touse')"' capture confirm matrix `sivqrV' // [redundant w/ ereturn post] ereturn clear if _rc { // `sivqrV' does not exist ereturn post `sivqrb' ``erpwgt'', ``erpopt'' properties("b") } else { // `sivqrV' exists local names : colfullnames `sivqrb' matrix rownames `sivqrV' = `names' matrix colnames `sivqrV' = `names' ereturn post `sivqrb' `sivqrV' ``erpwgt'', ``erpopt'' properties("b V") } ereturn scalar reps = `reps' // # bootstrap replications if (strtrim("``Xexog''")=="") { ereturn local insts "``Zexcl''" ereturn local exogr "" } else { ereturn local insts "``Xexog'' ``Zexcl''" ereturn local exogr "``Xexog''" } ereturn local instd "``Xendo''" ereturn local title "Smoothed instrumental variables quantile regression (SIVQR)" if ("`constant'"=="noconstant") { ereturn local constant "noconstant" } ereturn scalar bwidth = `sivqrh' //matches qreg name (though different meaning!) ereturn scalar bwidth_req = `sivqrhhat' if (`bandwidth'<0) { ereturn scalar bwidth_max = `sivqrhhatmax' } ereturn scalar q = `quantile' ereturn local vcetype Robust if (`reps'>1) { ereturn local vcetype Bootstrap } ereturn local cmd "sivqr" // should be last to store (according to ereturn entry in Stata Manual) } else { // replay if `"`e(cmd)'"' != "sivqr" { error 301 } else if _by() { error 190 } syntax [, Level(cilevel)] } * Print results header; see https://www.stata.com/manuals13/pdisplay.pdf di as text "" di as text "Smoothed instrumental variables quantile regression (SIVQR)" /// as text " Quantile = " as result trim("`: display %6.0g e(q)'") di as text "Smoothing bandwidth used = " as result %-9.0g e(bwidth) /// as text " Number of obs =" as result %11.0gc e(N) * Print results // [redundant] return clear ereturn display , level(`level') if ("`e(instd)'"=="") { di as text "(no endogenous regressors)" } else { di as text "Instrumented: " e(instd) di as text "Instruments: " e(insts) } end * * * * Setting "version" here recommended by https://www.stata.com/manuals/m-2version.pdf version 11 mata: void sivqrmain(string scalar Yname, string matrix Dname, string matrix Xexogname, string matrix Zexclname, string scalar touse, real scalar tau, real scalar h, real scalar reps, real scalar logiterations, real scalar noconst, string scalar wgtname, real scalar seed, real scalar nodots, string scalar sivqrbname, string scalar sivqrVname, string scalar sivqrhname, string scalar sivqrhhatname, string scalar sivqrhhatmaxname, string scalar binitname) { real colvector Y, binit, weights, sivqrb, wstar, IQRs, hhats real matrix D, Xexog, Zexcl, Z, X, tmp, bstars, corrmat real scalar n, hhat, db, sivqrh, i, junk, k25, k75, eps25, eps75, p25, p75, N01iqr, Vhat, Vsd, sighat, hVCE string scalar iterlog iterlog = "off" if (logiterations) { iterlog = "on" } // initial value (from user or else qreg) binit = st_matrix(binitname)' // transposed to be colvector db = length(binit) st_eclear() st_rclear() st_view(Y, ., Yname, touse) // outcome (dependent variable) n = length(Y) weights = J(n,1,1) if (wgtname!="") { st_view(weights, ., wgtname, touse) // endog regressors weights = n * weights / sum(weights) // normalize: sum to n } st_view(D, ., Dname, touse) // endog regressors st_view(Xexog, ., Xexogname, touse) // exog regressors st_view(Zexcl, ., Zexclname, touse) Z = (J(n,1,1), Xexog, Zexcl) // all instruments (including intercept) X = (D, Xexog, J(n,1,1)) // all regressors (including intercept), conventional Stata order (endog, exog, _cons) if (noconst) { // same but no intercept/constant term Z = (Xexog, Zexcl) X = (D, Xexog) } if (cols(Zexcl)cols(D)) { Z = (J(n,1,1), Xexog, Z*invsym(quadcross(Z,Z))*quadcross(Z,D) ) if (noconst) { // same but no intercept/constant term Z = (Xexog, Z*invsym(quadcross(Z,Z))*quadcross(Z,D) ) } } if (dbcols(X)) { _error("The matrix (row vector) named in the initial() option is too long.") } if (h<0) { // compute plug-in bandwidth // binit = sivqrest(tau, Y, X, Z, 0, binit, weights, junk, iterlog) hhats = sivqrbw(tau, Y, X, binit, n, db) binit = sivqrest(tau, Y, X, Z, hhats[1], binit, weights, junk, iterlog) hhats = sivqrbw(tau, Y, X, binit, n, db) hhat = hhats[1] } else { hhats = h hhat = h } sivqrh = . retraw = sivqrest(tau, Y, X, Z, hhat, binit, weights, sivqrh, iterlog) sivqrb = retraw st_numscalar(sivqrhhatname, hhat) if (length(hhats)>1) { st_numscalar(sivqrhhatmaxname, max(hhats)) } st_numscalar(sivqrhname, sivqrh) st_matrix(sivqrbname, sivqrb') if (reps>=2) { if (!nodots) { printf("{txt}Bootstrap replications ({res:%g})\n", reps) printf("{c -}{c -}{c -}{c -}{c +}{c -}{c -}{c -} 1 {c -}{c -}{c -}{c +}{c -}{c -}{c -} 2 {c -}{c -}{c -}{c +}{c -}{c -}{c -} 3 {c -}{c -}{c -}{c +}{c -}{c -}{c -} 4 {c -}{c -}{c -}{c +}{c -}{c -}{c -} 5\n") displayflush() } rseed(seed) // to be reproducible bstars = J(reps,db,.) for (i=1; i<=reps; i++) { // Dirichlet weights for Bayesian bootstrap wstar = -log(J(n,1,1) - runiform(n,1)) wstar = n * wstar / sum(wstar) wstar = wstar:*weights wstar = n * wstar / sum(wstar) // Estimate with weights bstars[i,.] = sivqrest(tau, Y, X, Z, sivqrh, sivqrb, wstar, junk, iterlog)' if (!nodots) { printf(".") if (mod(i,50)==0) { printf("%6.0g", i) if (iepsilon(1)*1e2 & (hhi==. | (hhi/hlo)>1.4)) { solvenl_init_argument(S, 3, hcur\tau\n\Y) solvenl_init_startingvals(S, bbest) ecnl = _solvenl_solve(S) convnl = solvenl_result_converged(S) if (ecnl==0 & convnl==1) { // found solution bbest = solvenl_result_values(S) hhi = hcur hlo = hhat if (hcur==hhat) { //found solution w/ user-requested h break } else if (hhi/hinit>2.5 | hhat==0) { hcur = (hlo+hhi)*(2/3) } else { hcur = hinit } } else if (any(ecnl:==(0\1\6\20::22\27))) { // did not find solution lastec = ecnl lastet = solvenl_result_error_text(S) hlo = hcur if (hhi==.) { // keep going up till find hcur that actually works hcur = hcur*hfac } else { hcur = (hlo+hhi)/2 } } else { //bad error (not just lack of convergence); exit _error(ecnl, solvenl_result_error_text(S)) } } //end while loop if (hcur>HMAX) { printf("error in solvenl()") _error(lastec, lastet) } storeHhere = hhi return(bbest) } // Compute plug-in bandwidth from Stata Journal article real colvector sivqrbw(real scalar tau, real colvector Y, real matrix X, real colvector binit, real scalar n, real scalar db) { real scalar k, eps, k25, eps25, k75, eps75, p25, p75 real scalar h1, h2, h3, Vsd, sighat real colvector Vhat // Get residuals based on binit Vhat = Y - X*binit // Shift Vhat distribution such that tau-quantile=0 _sort(Vhat,1) // sort in place (argument 1=1st column) k = floor(tau*(n+1)) eps = tau*(n+1) - k Vhat = Vhat :- (Vhat[k] + eps*(Vhat[k+1]-Vhat[k])) // Compute Silverman-type "sigma hat" Vsd = sqrt(variance(Vhat)) k25 = floor(0.25*(n+1)); eps25 = (0.25*(n+1))-k25 k75 = floor(0.75*(n+1)); eps75 = (0.75*(n+1))-k75 p25 = ((1-eps25)*Vhat[k25]+eps25*Vhat[k25+1]) p75 = ((1-eps75)*Vhat[k75]+eps75*Vhat[k75+1]) sighat = min((Vsd, (p75-p25)/(invnormal(0.75)-invnormal(0.25)))) // Compute kernel estimated h h1 = sivqrbwK(tau, n, db, sighat, Vhat) // Compute Gaussian reference h h2 = sivqrbwG(tau, n, db, sighat) //adj'd to allow tau=.5 // Compute Silverman bandwidth h3 = 1.06*n^(-1/5)*sighat // Return all (will try min later, then next-lowest, etc.) return( sort( (h1,h2,h3)' , 1 ) ) } // Kernel plug-in bandwidth real scalar sivqrbwK(real scalar tau, real scalar n, real scalar db, real scalar sighat, real colvector Vhat) { real scalar f0hat, fdhat, s, b, tmp, tmp2, Ztau Ztau = invnormal(tau) // compute \hat{s} tmp = normalden(Ztau) * (Ztau^2 - 1)^2 s = (2*sqrt(pi()))^(-1/5) * n^(-1/5) * sighat * (tmp)^(-1/5) // compute \hat{b} tmp = 3 / (4*sqrt(pi())) tmp2 = normalden(Ztau) * Ztau^2 * (3-Ztau^2)^2 b = n^(-1/7) * sighat * (tmp/tmp2)^(1/7) // compute f0hat to est. f_v(0) = 1/(ns) sum K(-\hat{v}_i/s) f0hat = sum(normalden(-Vhat/s)) / (n*s) // compute fd0hat to est. f_v'(0) = 1/(nb^2) sum K'(-\hat{v}_i/b) // rem phi'(x)=(-x)*phi(x) fd0hat = sum((Vhat/b):*normalden(-Vhat/b)) / (n*b^2) // plug into formula for h* return( n^(-1/3) * (3*db*f0hat/(fd0hat^2))^(1/3) ) } // Gaussian reference bandwidth real scalar sivqrbwG(real scalar tau, real scalar n, real scalar db, real scalar sighat) { real scalar Ztau, denom Ztau = max( ( invnormal(0.55) , abs(invnormal(tau)) ) ) // avoid denom~0 denom = Ztau^2 * normalden(Ztau) return( n^(-1/3) * sighat * (3*db/denom)^(1/3) ) } // Smoothed indicator function // (Simpler and more robust than that of Kaplan and Sun (2017)) real colvector Itilde(real colvector u) { real colvector ret ret = J(length(u),1,1) inds1 = selectindex(abs(u):<1) inds2 = selectindex(u:<=-1) ret[inds2] = J(length(inds2),1,0) // Kaplan & Sun (2017): ret[inds1] = J(length(inds1),1,1/2) + (105/64)*( u[inds1] - (5/3)*u[inds1]:^3 + (7/5)*u[inds1]:^5 - (3/7)*u[inds1]:^7 ) ret[inds1] = J(length(inds1),1,1/2) + u[inds1]:/2 return(ret) } // Objective function for solvenl() // gmmq.R (unweighted): return(colMeans(Z*array(data=Itilde(-L/h)-tau,dim=dim(Z)))) with L = Y-X*b void objnl(real colvector b, real colvector values, real matrix Zw, real matrix X, real colvector htaunY) { values = quadcross(Zw , (Itilde(-(htaunY[|4\.|]-X*b)/htaunY[1]) - J(htaunY[3],1,htaunY[2]))) / htaunY[3] } end // end mata