# P2P Channel Connection Handshake Process This is a living document describing the peer handshake process when joining a Karai transaction channel. ### Later additions & enhancements - TRTL PKI - QUIC Rough flow of events: - user finds ktx address.. - user uses `connect-channel
` format in karai client - user's karai instance sends a GET request to the /version endpoint of the coordinator first. (the logic behind this is if we can't talk anyway, we should end the convo as soon as possible) - if coord version query fails to satisfy version required, disconnect, record ktx address and version info - if coord version query passes the client's requirements, the user sends their own version in a client-header to initiate handshake process - - the coordinator responds to the handshake request with the most current milestone tx transaction containing the current the governance parameters of the channel - user responds with ACK as a standard transaction in the channel announcing the completion of the handshake process - assuming the ACK is accepted, the coordinator broadcasts the join TX and the process is done.