# BlockCursorEverywhere A block cursor for Sublime Text 2 and 3. ![Screenshot](http://f.cl.ly/items/42131K2X1h0j0P2m1O2B/Screen%20Shot%202011-12-02%20at%202.36.54%20AM.png) The default cursor in Sublime Text is a thin line with low visibility. Command mode in the Vintage and Vintageous plugins decreases the visibility even further. This plugin displays the cursor as a rectangular block, increasing its prominence on the screen. ## Installation ### With Package Control The easiest way to install Block Cursor Everywhere is via [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) for Sublime Text. Once you install Package Control, restart Sublime Text and bring up the Command Palette with Command+Shift+P on OS X or Control+Shift+P on Linux/Windows. Select `Package Control: Install Package`, wait while Package Control fetches the latest package list, then select `Block Cursor Everywhere` when the list appears. Package Control will automatically keep the package up-to-date. ### Without Package Control Go to your Sublime Text Packages directory: Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\ Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ and clone the repository there. ## Configuration Change the style of the block cursor by adding a section to your color scheme file like the following. ```xml name Block Cursor scope block_cursor settings foreground #000000 background #FF1111 ``` The path to your color scheme file can be specified with the `color_scheme` key in your user preferences: ```json { "color_scheme": "Packages/User/Monokai (Block Cursor Everywhere).tmTheme" } ``` If you don't have a color scheme file yet, you can create one in your `Packages/User` directory from [this gist](https://gist.github.com/karlhorky/804b6d1fc12f2b9f504e).