# =================================================================================================================== # Template for generating a no-frills Rails application with support for Elasticsearch full-text search via Tire # =================================================================================================================== # # This file creates a basic, fully working Rails application with support for Elasticsearch full-text search # via the Tire gem [http://github.com/karmi/tire]. # # You DON'T NEED ELASTICSEARCH INSTALLED, it is installed and launched automatically by this script. # # Requirements # ------------ # # * Git # * Ruby >= 1.8.7 # * Rubygems # * Rails >= 3 # * Java 6 or 7 (for Elasticsearch) # # # Usage # ----- # # $ rails new tired -m https://github.com/karmi/tire/raw/master/examples/rails-application-template.rb # # =================================================================================================================== require 'rubygems' begin require 'restclient' rescue LoadError puts "\n" say_status "ERROR", "Rubygem 'rest-client' not installed\n", :red puts '-'*80 say_status "", "gem install rest-client" puts "\n" if yes?("Should I install it for you?", :bold) say_status "gem", "install rest-client", :yellow system "gem install rest-client" else exit(1) end end at_exit do pid = File.read("#{destination_root}/tmp/pids/elasticsearch.pid") rescue nil if pid say_status "Stop", "Elasticsearch", :yellow run "kill #{pid}" end end run "rm public/index.html" run "rm public/images/rails.png" run "touch tmp/.gitignore log/.gitignore vendor/.gitignore" run "rm -f .gitignore" file ".gitignore", <<-END.gsub(/ /, '') .DS_Store log/*.log tmp/**/* config/database.yml db/*.sqlite3 vendor/elasticsearch-0.20.6/ END git :init git :add => '.' git :commit => "-m 'Initial commit: Clean application'" unless (RestClient.get('http://localhost:9200') rescue false) COMMAND = <<-COMMAND.gsub(/^ /, '') curl -k -L -# -o elasticsearch-0.20.6.tar.gz \ "http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-0.20.6.tar.gz" tar -zxf elasticsearch-0.20.6.tar.gz rm -f elasticsearch-0.20.6.tar.gz ./elasticsearch-0.20.6/bin/elasticsearch -p #{destination_root}/tmp/pids/elasticsearch.pid COMMAND puts "\n" say_status "ERROR", "Elasticsearch not running!\n", :red puts '-'*80 say_status '', "It appears that Elasticsearch is not running on this machine." say_status '', "Is it installed? Do you want me to install it for you with this command?\n\n" COMMAND.each_line { |l| say_status '', "$ #{l}" } puts say_status '', "(To uninstall, just remove the generated application directory.)" puts '-'*80, '' if yes?("Install Elasticsearch?", :bold) puts say_status "Install", "Elasticsearch", :yellow commands = COMMAND.split("\n") exec = commands.pop inside("vendor") do commands.each { |command| run command } run "(#{exec})" # Launch Elasticsearch in subshell end end end puts say_status "Rubygems", "Adding Rubygems into Gemfile...\n", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 1 gem 'tire', :git => 'git://github.com/karmi/tire.git' gem 'will_paginate', '~> 3.0' git :add => '.' git :commit => "-m 'Added gems'" puts say_status "Rubygems", "Installing Rubygems...", :yellow puts '-'*80, '' puts "********************************************************************************" puts " Running `bundle install`. Let's watch a movie!" puts "********************************************************************************", "" run "bundle install" puts say_status "Model", "Adding the Article resource...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 1 generate :scaffold, "Article title:string content:text published_on:date" route "root :to => 'articles#index'" rake "db:migrate" git :add => '.' git :commit => "-m 'Added the Article resource'" puts say_status "Database", "Seeding the database with data...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 run "rm -f db/seeds.rb" file 'db/seeds.rb', %q{ contents = [ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', 'Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.', 'Labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.', 'Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.' ] puts "Deleting all articles..." Article.delete_all unless ENV['COUNT'] puts "Creating articles..." %w[ One Two Three Four Five ].each_with_index do |title, i| Article.create :title => title, :content => contents[i], :published_on => i.days.ago.utc end else puts "Creating 10,000 articles..." (1..ENV['COUNT'].to_i).each_with_index do |title, i| Article.create :title => "Title #{title}", :content => 'Lorem', :published_on => i.days.ago.utc print '.' end end } rake "db:seed" git :add => "db/seeds.rb" git :commit => "-m 'Added database seeding script'" puts say_status "Model", "Adding search support into the Article model...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 1 run "rm -f app/models/article.rb" file 'app/models/article.rb', <<-CODE class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include Tire::Model::Search include Tire::Model::Callbacks end CODE initializer 'tire.rb', <<-CODE Tire.configure do # url 'http://localhost:9200' # logger STDERR end CODE git :commit => "-a -m 'Added Tire support into the Article class and an initializer'" puts say_status "Controller", "Adding controller action, route, and HTML for search...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 1 gsub_file 'app/controllers/articles_controller.rb', %r{# GET /articles/1$}, <<-CODE # GET /articles/search def search @articles = Article.tire.search params[:q] render :action => "index" end # GET /articles/1 CODE gsub_file 'app/views/articles/index.html.erb', %r{