openapi: 3.0.3 info: description: |2 Karrio is a multi-carrier shipping API that simplifies the integration of logistics carrier services. The Karrio API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs. The Karrio API differs for every account as we release new versions. These docs are customized to your version of the API. ## Versioning When backwards-incompatible changes are made to the API, a new, dated version is released. The current version is `2024.6-rc21`. Read our API changelog to learn more about backwards compatibility. As a precaution, use API versioning to check a new API version before committing to an upgrade. ## Environments The Karrio API offer the possibility to create and retrieve certain objects in `test_mode`. In development, it is therefore possible to add carrier connections, get live rates, buy labels, create trackers and schedule pickups in `test_mode`. ## Pagination All top-level API resources have support for bulk fetches via "list" API methods. For instance, you can list addresses, list shipments, and list trackers. These list API methods share a common structure, taking at least these two parameters: limit, and offset. Karrio utilizes offset-based pagination via the offset and limit parameters. Both parameters take a number as value (see below) and return objects in reverse chronological order. The offset parameter returns objects listed after an index. The limit parameter take a limit on the number of objects to be returned from 1 to 100. ```json { "count": 100, "next": "/v1/shipments?limit=25&offset=50", "previous": "/v1/shipments?limit=25&offset=25", "results": [ { ... }, ] } ``` ## Metadata Updateable Karrio objects—including Shipment and Order have a metadata parameter. You can use this parameter to attach key-value data to these Karrio objects. Metadata is useful for storing additional, structured information on an object. As an example, you could store your user's full name and corresponding unique identifier from your system on a Karrio Order object. Do not store any sensitive information as metadata. ## Authentication API keys are used to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in the Dashboard. Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth. Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your API token as the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password. ```shell $ curl \ -u key_xxxxxx: # The colon prevents curl from asking for a password. ``` If you need to authenticate via bearer auth (e.g., for a cross-origin request), use `-H "Authorization: Token key_xxxxxx"` instead of `-u key_xxxxxx`. All API requests must be made over [HTTPS]( API requests without authentication will also fail. title: Karrio API version: 2024.6-rc21 paths: /: get: operationId: '&&ping' summary: Instance Metadata tags: - API responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object additionalProperties: {} examples: Metadata: value: VERSION: '' APP_NAME: '' APP_WEBSITE: '' HOST: '' ADMIN: '' OPENAPI: '' GRAPHQL: '' AUDIT_LOGGING: true ALLOW_SIGNUP: true ALLOW_ADMIN_APPROVED_SIGNUP: true ALLOW_MULTI_ACCOUNT: true ADMIN_DASHBOARD: true MULTI_ORGANIZATIONS: true ORDERS_MANAGEMENT: true APPS_MANAGEMENT: true DOCUMENTS_MANAGEMENT: true DATA_IMPORT_EXPORT: true CUSTOM_CARRIER_DEFINITION: true PERSIST_SDK_TRACING: true ORDER_DATA_RETENTION: true TRACKER_DATA_RETENTION: true SHIPMENT_DATA_RETENTION: true API_LOGS_DATA_RETENTION: true WORKFLOW_MANAGEMENT: true description: '' /api/token: post: operationId: '&&authenticate' description: Authenticate the user and return a token pair summary: Obtain auth token pair tags: - Auth requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenObtainPair' required: true responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenPair' description: '' /api/token/refresh: post: operationId: '&&refresh_token' description: Authenticate the user and return a token pair summary: Refresh auth token tags: - Auth requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenRefresh' required: true responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenPair' description: '' /api/token/verified: post: operationId: '&&get_verified_token' description: Get a verified JWT token pair by submitting a Two-Factor authentication code. summary: Get verified JWT token tags: - Auth requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VerifiedTokenObtainPair' required: true responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenPair' description: '' /api/token/verify: post: operationId: '&&verify_token' description: Verify an existent authentication token summary: Verify token tags: - Auth requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenVerify' required: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: '' /v1/addresses: get: operationId: $list description: Retrieve all addresses. summary: List all addresses tags: - Addresses security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressList' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listAddresses post: operationId: $create description: Create a new address. summary: Create an address tags: - Addresses requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: createAddress /v1/addresses/{id}: get: operationId: $retrieve description: Retrieve an address. summary: Retrieve an address parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Addresses security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveAddress patch: operationId: $update description: update an address. summary: Update an address parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Addresses requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchedAddressData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: updateAddress delete: operationId: $discard description: Discard an address. summary: Discard an address parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Addresses security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: discardAddress /v1/batches/data/import: post: operationId: '&&&&$import_file' description: |- Import csv, xls and xlsx data files for: `Beta`
- trackers data - orders data - shipments data - billing data (soon)

**This operation will return a batch operation that you can poll to follow the import progression.** summary: Import data files parameters: - in: query name: data_file schema: type: string format: binary - in: query name: data_template schema: type: string description: "A data template slug to use for the import.
\n **When\ \ nothing is specified, the system default headers are expected.**\n \ \ " - in: query name: resource_type schema: type: string enum: - billing - order - shipment - trackers description: The type of the resource to import tags: - Batches requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: resource_type: type: string data_template: type: string data_file: type: string format: binary security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '202': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchOperation' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/batches/operations: get: operationId: '&&&&$list' description: Retrieve all batch operations. `Beta` summary: List all batch operations tags: - Batches security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchOperations' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listBatchOperations /v1/batches/operations/{id}: get: operationId: '&&&&$retrieve' description: Retrieve a batch operation. `Beta` summary: Retrieve a batch operation parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Batches security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchOperation' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveBatchOperation /v1/batches/orders: post: operationId: '&&&&$create_orders' description: Create order batch. `Beta` summary: Create order batch tags: - Batches requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchOrderData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchOperation' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/batches/shipments: post: operationId: '&&&&$create_shipments' description: Create shipment batch. `Beta` summary: Create shipment batch tags: - Batches requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchShipmentData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchOperation' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/batches/trackers: post: operationId: '&&&&$create_trackers' description: Create tracker batch. `Beta` summary: Create tracker batch tags: - Batches requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchTrackerData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchOperation' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/carriers: get: operationId: '&&list' description: Returns the list of configured carriers summary: List all carriers parameters: - in: query name: active schema: type: boolean - in: query name: carrier_name schema: type: string description: 'The unique carrier slug.
Values: `allied_express`, `allied_express_local`, `amazon_shipping`, `aramex`, `asendia_us`, `australiapost`, `boxknight`, `bpost`, `canadapost`, `canpar`, `chronopost`, `colissimo`, `dhl_express`, `dhl_parcel_de`, `dhl_poland`, `dhl_universal`, `dicom`, `dpd`, `dpdhl`, `easypost`, `eshipper`, `fedex`, `fedex_ws`, `freightcom`, `generic`, `geodis`, `hay_post`, `laposte`, `locate2u`, `nationex`, `purolator`, `roadie`, `royalmail`, `sendle`, `tge`, `tnt`, `ups`, `usps`, `usps_international`, `zoom2u`' - in: query name: metadata_key schema: type: string - in: query name: metadata_value schema: type: string - in: query name: system_only schema: type: boolean tags: - Carriers security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CarrierList' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listCarriers /v1/carriers/{carrier_name}/services: get: operationId: '&&get_services' description: Retrieve a carrier's services summary: Get carrier services parameters: - in: path name: carrier_name schema: type: string description: 'The unique carrier slug.
Values: `allied_express`, `allied_express_local`, `amazon_shipping`, `aramex`, `asendia_us`, `australiapost`, `boxknight`, `bpost`, `canadapost`, `canpar`, `chronopost`, `colissimo`, `dhl_express`, `dhl_parcel_de`, `dhl_poland`, `dhl_universal`, `dicom`, `dpd`, `dpdhl`, `easypost`, `eshipper`, `fedex`, `fedex_ws`, `freightcom`, `generic`, `geodis`, `hay_post`, `laposte`, `locate2u`, `nationex`, `purolator`, `roadie`, `royalmail`, `sendle`, `tge`, `tnt`, `ups`, `usps`, `usps_international`, `zoom2u`' required: true tags: - Carriers security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/carriers/{id}: get: operationId: '&&retrieve' description: Retrieve a carrier account. summary: Retrieve a carrier account parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Carriers security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CarrierSettings' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveCarrier /v1/documents/generate: post: operationId: '&&&&$$generateDocument' description: |- Generate any document. This API is designed to be used to generate GS1 labels, invoices and any document that requires external data. summary: Generate a document tags: - Documents requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeneratedDocument' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/documents/templates: get: operationId: '&&&&$$list' description: Retrieve all templates. summary: List all templates tags: - Documents security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentTemplateList' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listDocumentTemplates post: operationId: '&&&&$$create' description: Create a new template. summary: Create a template tags: - Documents requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentTemplateData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentTemplate' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: createDocumentTemplate /v1/documents/templates/{id}: get: operationId: '&&&&$$retrieve' description: Retrieve a template. summary: Retrieve a template parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Documents security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentTemplate' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveDocumentTemplate patch: operationId: '&&&&$$update' description: update a template. summary: Update a template parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Documents requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchedDocumentTemplateData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentTemplate' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: updateDocumentTemplate delete: operationId: '&&&&$$discard' description: Delete a template. summary: Delete a template parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Documents security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentTemplate' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: discardDocumentTemplate /v1/documents/uploads: get: operationId: $$$$$&uploads description: Retrieve all shipping document upload records. summary: List all upload records parameters: - in: query name: created_after schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: created_before schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: shipment_id schema: type: string tags: - Documents security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUploadRecords' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' post: operationId: $$$$$&upload description: Upload a shipping document. summary: Upload documents tags: - Documents requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUploadData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUploadRecord' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/documents/uploads/{id}: get: operationId: $$$$$&retrieve_upload description: Retrieve a shipping document upload record. summary: Retrieve upload record parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Documents security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUploadRecord' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/manifests: get: operationId: $$$$&&list description: Retrieve all manifests. summary: List manifests parameters: - in: query name: carrier_name schema: type: string description: 'The unique carrier slug.
Values: `allied_express`, `allied_express_local`, `amazon_shipping`, `aramex`, `asendia_us`, `australiapost`, `boxknight`, `bpost`, `canadapost`, `canpar`, `chronopost`, `colissimo`, `dhl_express`, `dhl_parcel_de`, `dhl_poland`, `dhl_universal`, `dicom`, `dpd`, `dpdhl`, `easypost`, `eshipper`, `fedex`, `fedex_ws`, `freightcom`, `generic`, `geodis`, `hay_post`, `laposte`, `locate2u`, `nationex`, `purolator`, `roadie`, `royalmail`, `sendle`, `tge`, `tnt`, `ups`, `usps`, `usps_international`, `zoom2u`' - in: query name: created_after schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: created_before schema: type: string format: date-time tags: - Manifests security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManifestList' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listManifests post: operationId: $$$$&&create description: Create a manifest for one or many shipments with labels already purchased. summary: Create a manifest tags: - Manifests requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManifestData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Manifest' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: createManifest /v1/manifests/{id}: get: operationId: $$$$&&retrieve description: Retrieve a shipping manifest. summary: Retrieve a manifest parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Manifests security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Manifest' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveManifest /v1/orders: get: operationId: '&&&&list' description: Retrieve all orders. summary: List all orders tags: - Orders security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderList' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listOrders post: operationId: '&&&&create' description: Create a new order object. summary: Create an order tags: - Orders requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: createOrder /v1/orders/{id}: get: operationId: '&&&&retrieve' description: Retrieve an order. summary: Retrieve an order parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Orders security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveOrder put: operationId: '&&&&update' description: |- This operation allows for updating properties of an order including `options` and `metadata`. It is not for editing the line items of an order. summary: Update an order parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Orders requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderUpdateData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: updateOrder delete: operationId: '&&&&dismiss' description: Dismiss an order from fulfillment. summary: Dismiss an order parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Orders security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] deprecated: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: dismissOrder /v1/orders/{id}/cancel: post: operationId: '&&&&cancel' description: Cancel an order. summary: Cancel an order parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Orders security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: cancelOrder /v1/parcels: get: operationId: $$$list description: Retrieve all stored parcels. summary: List all parcels tags: - Parcels security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParcelList' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listParcels post: operationId: $$$create description: Create a new parcel. summary: Create a parcel tags: - Parcels requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParcelData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: createParcel /v1/parcels/{id}: get: operationId: $$$retrieve description: Retrieve a parcel. summary: Retrieve a parcel parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Parcels security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveParcel patch: operationId: $$$update description: modify an existing parcel's details. summary: Update a parcel parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Parcels requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchedParcelData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: updateParcel delete: operationId: $$$discard description: Remove a parcel. summary: Remove a parcel parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Parcels security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: discardParcel /v1/pickups: get: operationId: $$$$list description: Retrieve all scheduled pickups. summary: List shipment pickups tags: - Pickups security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupList' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listPickups /v1/pickups/{carrier_name}/schedule: post: operationId: $$$$schedule description: Schedule a pickup for one or many shipments with labels already purchased. summary: Schedule a pickup parameters: - in: path name: carrier_name schema: type: string required: true tags: - Pickups requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pickup' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: schedulePickup /v1/pickups/{id}: get: operationId: $$$$retrieve description: Retrieve a scheduled pickup. summary: Retrieve a pickup parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Pickups security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pickup' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrievePickup post: operationId: $$$$update description: Modify a pickup for one or many shipments with labels already purchased. summary: Update a pickup parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Pickups requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupUpdateData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pickup' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: updatePickup /v1/pickups/{id}/cancel: post: operationId: $$$$cancel description: Cancel a pickup of one or more shipments. summary: Cancel a pickup parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Pickups requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupCancelData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pickup' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: cancelPickup /v1/proxy/manifest: post: operationId: '@@@$generate_manifest' description: |2 Some carriers require shipment manifests to be created for pickups and dropoff. Creating a manifest for a shipment also kicks off billing as a commitment or confirmation of the shipment. summary: Create a manifest tags: - Proxy requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManifestRequest' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManifestResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: generateManifest /v1/proxy/pickups/{carrier_name}: post: operationId: '@schedule_pickup' description: Schedule one or many parcels pickup summary: Schedule a pickup parameters: - in: path name: carrier_name schema: type: string enum: - allied_express - allied_express_local - amazon_shipping - aramex - asendia_us - australiapost - boxknight - bpost - canadapost - canpar - chronopost - colissimo - dhl_express - dhl_parcel_de - dhl_poland - dhl_universal - dicom - dpd - dpdhl - easypost - eshipper - fedex - fedex_ws - freightcom - generic - geodis - hay_post - laposte - locate2u - nationex - purolator - roadie - royalmail - sendle - tge - tnt - ups - usps - usps_international - zoom2u required: true tags: - Proxy requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupRequest' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: pickupSchedule /v1/proxy/pickups/{carrier_name}/cancel: post: operationId: '@cancel_pickup' description: Cancel a pickup previously scheduled summary: Cancel a pickup parameters: - in: path name: carrier_name schema: type: string enum: - allied_express - allied_express_local - amazon_shipping - aramex - asendia_us - australiapost - boxknight - bpost - canadapost - canpar - chronopost - colissimo - dhl_express - dhl_parcel_de - dhl_poland - dhl_universal - dicom - dpd - dpdhl - easypost - eshipper - fedex - fedex_ws - freightcom - generic - geodis - hay_post - laposte - locate2u - nationex - purolator - roadie - royalmail - sendle - tge - tnt - ups - usps - usps_international - zoom2u required: true tags: - Proxy requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupCancelRequest' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OperationResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: pickupCancel /v1/proxy/pickups/{carrier_name}/update: post: operationId: '@update_pickup' description: Modify a scheduled pickup summary: Update a pickup parameters: - in: path name: carrier_name schema: type: string enum: - allied_express - allied_express_local - amazon_shipping - aramex - asendia_us - australiapost - boxknight - bpost - canadapost - canpar - chronopost - colissimo - dhl_express - dhl_parcel_de - dhl_poland - dhl_universal - dicom - dpd - dpdhl - easypost - eshipper - fedex - fedex_ws - freightcom - generic - geodis - hay_post - laposte - locate2u - nationex - purolator - roadie - royalmail - sendle - tge - tnt - ups - usps - usps_international - zoom2u required: true tags: - Proxy requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupUpdateRequest' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PickupResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: pickupUpdate /v1/proxy/rates: post: operationId: '@@fetch_rates' description: |2 The Shipping process begins by fetching rates for your shipment. Use this service to fetch a shipping rates available. summary: Fetch shipment rates tags: - Proxy requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateRequest' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: fetchRates /v1/proxy/shipping: post: operationId: '@@@buy_label' description: |- Once the shipping rates are retrieved, provide the required info to submit the shipment by specifying your preferred rate. summary: Buy a shipment label tags: - Proxy requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShippingRequest' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShippingResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: buyLabel /v1/proxy/shipping/{carrier_name}/cancel: post: operationId: '@@@void_label' description: Cancel a shipment and the label previously created summary: Void a shipment label parameters: - in: path name: carrier_name schema: type: string enum: - allied_express - allied_express_local - amazon_shipping - aramex - asendia_us - australiapost - boxknight - bpost - canadapost - canpar - chronopost - colissimo - dhl_express - dhl_parcel_de - dhl_poland - dhl_universal - dicom - dpd - dpdhl - easypost - eshipper - fedex - fedex_ws - freightcom - generic - geodis - hay_post - laposte - locate2u - nationex - purolator - roadie - royalmail - sendle - tge - tnt - ups - usps - usps_international - zoom2u required: true tags: - Proxy requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShipmentCancelRequest' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '202': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OperationResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' x-operationId: voidLabel /v1/proxy/tracking: post: operationId: '@@@@get_tracking' description: You can track a shipment by specifying the carrier and the shipment tracking number. summary: Get tracking details parameters: - in: query name: hub schema: type: string tags: - Proxy requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: getTracking /v1/proxy/tracking/{carrier_name}/{tracking_number}: get: operationId: '@@@@track_shipment' description: You can track a shipment by specifying the carrier and the shipment tracking number. summary: Track a shipment parameters: - in: path name: carrier_name schema: type: string enum: - allied_express - allied_express_local - amazon_shipping - aramex - asendia_us - australiapost - boxknight - bpost - canadapost - canpar - chronopost - colissimo - dhl_express - dhl_parcel_de - dhl_poland - dhl_universal - dicom - dpd - dpdhl - eshipper - fedex - fedex_ws - generic - geodis - hay_post - laposte - locate2u - nationex - purolator - roadie - royalmail - sendle - tge - tnt - ups - usps - usps_international - zoom2u required: true - in: query name: hub schema: type: string - in: path name: tracking_number schema: type: string required: true tags: - Proxy security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] deprecated: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: trackShipment /v1/references: get: operationId: '&&data' summary: Data References tags: - API responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object additionalProperties: {} examples: References: value: VERSION: '' APP_NAME: '' APP_WEBSITE: '' HOST: '' ADMIN: '' OPENAPI: '' GRAPHQL: '' AUDIT_LOGGING: true ALLOW_SIGNUP: true ALLOW_ADMIN_APPROVED_SIGNUP: true ALLOW_MULTI_ACCOUNT: true ADMIN_DASHBOARD: true MULTI_ORGANIZATIONS: true ORDERS_MANAGEMENT: true APPS_MANAGEMENT: true DOCUMENTS_MANAGEMENT: true DATA_IMPORT_EXPORT: true CUSTOM_CARRIER_DEFINITION: true PERSIST_SDK_TRACING: true ORDER_DATA_RETENTION: true TRACKER_DATA_RETENTION: true SHIPMENT_DATA_RETENTION: true API_LOGS_DATA_RETENTION: true WORKFLOW_MANAGEMENT: true ADDRESS_AUTO_COMPLETE: {} countries: {} currencies: {} carriers: {} customs_content_type: {} incoterms: {} states: {} services: {} connection_configs: {} service_names: {} options: {} option_names: {} package_presets: {} packaging_types: {} payment_types: {} carrier_capabilities: {} service_levels: {} description: '' /v1/shipments: get: operationId: $$$$$list description: Retrieve all shipments. summary: List all shipments parameters: - in: query name: address schema: type: string - in: query name: carrier_name schema: type: string description: 'The unique carrier slug.
Values: `allied_express`, `allied_express_local`, `amazon_shipping`, `aramex`, `asendia_us`, `australiapost`, `boxknight`, `bpost`, `canadapost`, `canpar`, `chronopost`, `colissimo`, `dhl_express`, `dhl_parcel_de`, `dhl_poland`, `dhl_universal`, `dicom`, `dpd`, `dpdhl`, `easypost`, `eshipper`, `fedex`, `fedex_ws`, `freightcom`, `generic`, `geodis`, `hay_post`, `laposte`, `locate2u`, `nationex`, `purolator`, `roadie`, `royalmail`, `sendle`, `tge`, `tnt`, `ups`, `usps`, `usps_international`, `zoom2u`' - in: query name: created_after schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: created_before schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: has_manifest schema: type: boolean - in: query name: has_tracker schema: type: boolean - in: query name: id schema: type: string - in: query name: keyword schema: type: string - in: query name: meta_key schema: type: string - in: query name: meta_value schema: type: string - in: query name: metadata_key schema: type: string - in: query name: metadata_value schema: type: string - in: query name: option_key schema: type: string - in: query name: option_value schema: type: string - in: query name: reference schema: type: string - in: query name: service schema: type: string - in: query name: status schema: type: string description: 'Valid shipment status.
Values: `draft`, `purchased`, `cancelled`, `shipped`, `in_transit`, `delivered`, `needs_attention`, `out_for_delivery`, `delivery_failed`' - in: query name: tracking_number schema: type: string tags: - Shipments security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Shipment' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listShipments post: operationId: $$$$$create description: Create a new shipment instance. summary: Create a shipment tags: - Shipments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShipmentData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Shipment' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: createShipment /v1/shipments/{id}: get: operationId: $$$$$retrieve description: Retrieve a shipment. summary: Retrieve a shipment parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Shipments security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Shipment' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveShipment put: operationId: $$$$$update description: |- This operation allows for updating properties of a shipment including `label_type`, `reference`, `payment`, `options` and `metadata`. It is not for editing the parcels of a shipment. summary: Update a shipment parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Shipments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShipmentUpdateData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Shipment' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: updateShipment /v1/shipments/{id}/cancel: post: operationId: $$$$$cancel description: Void a shipment with the associated label. summary: Cancel a shipment parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Shipments security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Shipment' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: cancelShipment /v1/shipments/{id}/purchase: post: operationId: $$$$$purchase description: Select your preferred rates to buy a shipment label. summary: Buy a shipment label parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Shipments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShipmentPurchaseData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Shipment' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/shipments/{id}/rates: post: operationId: $$$$$rates description: Refresh the list of the shipment rates summary: Fetch new shipment rates parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Shipments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShipmentRateData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Shipment' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' /v1/trackers: get: operationId: $$$$$$list description: Retrieve all shipment trackers. summary: List all package trackers parameters: - in: query name: carrier_name schema: type: string description: 'The unique carrier slug.
Values: `allied_express`, `allied_express_local`, `amazon_shipping`, `aramex`, `asendia_us`, `australiapost`, `boxknight`, `bpost`, `canadapost`, `canpar`, `chronopost`, `colissimo`, `dhl_express`, `dhl_parcel_de`, `dhl_poland`, `dhl_universal`, `dicom`, `dpd`, `dpdhl`, `easypost`, `eshipper`, `fedex`, `fedex_ws`, `freightcom`, `generic`, `geodis`, `hay_post`, `laposte`, `locate2u`, `nationex`, `purolator`, `roadie`, `royalmail`, `sendle`, `tge`, `tnt`, `ups`, `usps`, `usps_international`, `zoom2u`' - in: query name: created_after schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: created_before schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: status schema: type: string description: 'Valid tracker status.
Values: `pending`, `unknown`, `on_hold`, `delivered`, `in_transit`, `delivery_delayed`, `out_for_delivery`, `ready_for_pickup`, `delivery_failed`' - in: query name: tracking_number schema: type: string tags: - Trackers security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackerList' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listTrackers post: operationId: $$$$$$add description: |- This API creates or retrieves (if existent) a tracking status object containing the details and events of a shipping in progress. summary: Add a package tracker parameters: - in: query name: hub schema: type: string - in: query name: pending_pickup schema: type: boolean description: Add this flag to add the tracker whether the tracking info exist or not.When the package is eventually picked up, the tracker with capture real time updates. tags: - Trackers requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingStatus' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: addTracker /v1/trackers/{carrier_name}/{tracking_number}: get: operationId: $$$$$$create description: |- This API creates or retrieves (if existent) a tracking status object containing the details and events of a shipping in progress. summary: Create a package tracker parameters: - in: path name: carrier_name schema: type: string required: true - in: query name: carrier_name schema: type: string enum: - allied_express - allied_express_local - amazon_shipping - aramex - asendia_us - australiapost - boxknight - bpost - canadapost - canpar - chronopost - colissimo - dhl_express - dhl_parcel_de - dhl_poland - dhl_universal - dicom - dpd - dpdhl - eshipper - fedex - fedex_ws - generic - geodis - hay_post - laposte - locate2u - nationex - purolator - roadie - royalmail - sendle - tge - tnt - ups - usps - usps_international - zoom2u required: true - in: query name: hub schema: type: string - in: path name: tracking_number schema: type: string required: true tags: - Trackers security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] deprecated: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingStatus' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '424': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: createTracker /v1/trackers/{id_or_tracking_number}: get: operationId: $$$$$$retrieve description: Retrieve a package tracker summary: Retrieves a package tracker parameters: - in: path name: id_or_tracking_number schema: type: string required: true tags: - Trackers security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] - {} responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingStatus' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessages' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveTracker put: operationId: $$$$$$update description: Mixin to log requests summary: Update tracker data parameters: - in: path name: id_or_tracking_number schema: type: string required: true tags: - Trackers requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackerUpdateData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingStatus' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '409': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: updateTracker delete: operationId: $$$$$$remove description: Discard a package tracker. summary: Discard a package tracker parameters: - in: path name: id_or_tracking_number schema: type: string required: true tags: - Trackers security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingStatus' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: removeTracker /v1/webhooks: get: operationId: $$$$$$$list description: Retrieve all webhooks. summary: List all webhooks tags: - Webhooks security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebhookList' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: listWebhooks post: operationId: $$$$$$$create description: Create a new webhook. summary: Create a webhook tags: - Webhooks requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebhookData' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Webhook' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: createWebhook /v1/webhooks/{id}: get: operationId: $$$$$$$retrieve description: Retrieve a webhook. summary: Retrieve a webhook parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Webhooks security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '201': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Webhook' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: retrieveWebhook patch: operationId: $$$$$$$update description: update a webhook. summary: Update a webhook parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Webhooks requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchedWebhookData' security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Webhook' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: updateWebhook delete: operationId: $$$$$$$remove description: Remove a webhook. summary: Remove a webhook parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Webhooks security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Operation' description: '' '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: removeWebhook /v1/webhooks/{id}/test: post: operationId: $$$$$$$test description: test a webhook. summary: Test a webhook parameters: - in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true tags: - Webhooks requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebhookTestRequest' required: true security: - TokenBasic: [] - Token: [] - OAuth2: [] - JWT: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Operation' description: '' '400': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' '500': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' description: '' x-operationId: testWebhook components: schemas: APIError: type: object properties: message: type: string description: The error or warning message code: type: string description: The message code details: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: any additional details Address: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier postal_code: type: string nullable: true description: "The address postal code\n **(required for shipment\ \ purchase)**\n " maxLength: 10 city: type: string nullable: true description: "The address city.\n **(required for shipment purchase)**\n\ \ " maxLength: 30 federal_tax_id: type: string nullable: true description: The party frederal tax id maxLength: 20 state_tax_id: type: string nullable: true description: The party state id maxLength: 20 person_name: type: string nullable: true description: "Attention to\n **(required for shipment purchase)**\n\ \ " maxLength: 50 company_name: type: string nullable: true description: The company name if the party is a company maxLength: 50 country_code: enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BM - BN - BO - BR - BS - BT - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HN - HR - HT - HU - IC - ID - IE - IL - IN - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KV - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PR - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TG - TH - TJ - TL - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WS - XB - XC - XE - XM - XN - XS - XY - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW type: string x-spec-enum-id: f907b2af5d9d32f1 description: The address country code email: type: string nullable: true description: The party email phone_number: type: string nullable: true description: The party phone number. maxLength: 20 state_code: type: string nullable: true description: The address state code maxLength: 20 residential: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicate if the address is residential or commercial (enterprise) street_number: type: string nullable: true description: The address street number maxLength: 20 address_line1: type: string nullable: true description: "The address line with street number
\n **(required\ \ for shipment purchase)**\n " maxLength: 50 address_line2: type: string nullable: true description: The address line with suite number maxLength: 50 validate_location: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicate if the address should be validated object_type: type: string default: address description: Specifies the object type validation: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressValidation' nullable: true description: Specify address validation result required: - country_code AddressData: type: object properties: postal_code: type: string nullable: true description: "The address postal code\n **(required for shipment\ \ purchase)**\n " maxLength: 10 city: type: string nullable: true description: "The address city.\n **(required for shipment purchase)**\n\ \ " maxLength: 30 federal_tax_id: type: string nullable: true description: The party frederal tax id maxLength: 20 state_tax_id: type: string nullable: true description: The party state id maxLength: 20 person_name: type: string nullable: true description: "Attention to\n **(required for shipment purchase)**\n\ \ " maxLength: 50 company_name: type: string nullable: true description: The company name if the party is a company maxLength: 50 country_code: enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BM - BN - BO - BR - BS - BT - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HN - HR - HT - HU - IC - ID - IE - IL - IN - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KV - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PR - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TG - TH - TJ - TL - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WS - XB - XC - XE - XM - XN - XS - XY - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW type: string x-spec-enum-id: f907b2af5d9d32f1 description: The address country code email: type: string nullable: true description: The party email phone_number: type: string nullable: true description: The party phone number. maxLength: 20 state_code: type: string nullable: true description: The address state code maxLength: 20 residential: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicate if the address is residential or commercial (enterprise) street_number: type: string nullable: true description: The address street number maxLength: 20 address_line1: type: string nullable: true description: "The address line with street number
\n **(required\ \ for shipment purchase)**\n " maxLength: 50 address_line2: type: string nullable: true description: The address line with suite number maxLength: 50 validate_location: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicate if the address should be validated required: - country_code AddressList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' required: - results AddressValidation: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: True if the address is valid meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: validation service details required: - success BatchObject: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier status: enum: - queued - running - failed - completed - completed_with_errors type: string x-spec-enum-id: 75e3c72297e66209 description: The batch operation resource status errors: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: Resource processing errors required: - status BatchOperation: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier status: enum: - queued - running - failed - completed - completed_with_errors type: string x-spec-enum-id: 75e3c72297e66209 resource_type: enum: - orders - shipments - trackers - billing type: string x-spec-enum-id: 11343e2af644580f resources: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchObject' created_at: type: string format: date-time updated_at: type: string format: date-time test_mode: type: boolean required: - created_at - resource_type - resources - status - test_mode - updated_at BatchOperations: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BatchOperation' required: - results BatchOrderData: type: object properties: orders: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderData' description: The list of orders to process. required: - orders BatchShipmentData: type: object properties: shipments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShipmentDataReference' description: The list of shipments to process. required: - shipments BatchTrackerData: type: object properties: trackers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingData' description: The list of tracking info to process. required: - trackers CarrierList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CarrierSettings' required: - results CarrierSettings: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique address identifier object_type: type: string default: carrier description: Specifies the object type carrier_id: type: string description: Indicates a specific carrier configuration name. carrier_name: enum: - allied_express - allied_express_local - amazon_shipping - aramex - asendia_us - australiapost - boxknight - bpost - canadapost - canpar - chronopost - colissimo - dhl_express - dhl_parcel_de - dhl_poland - dhl_universal - dicom - dpd - dpdhl - easypost - eshipper - fedex - fedex_ws - freightcom - generic - geodis - hay_post - laposte - locate2u - nationex - purolator - roadie - royalmail - sendle - tge - tnt - ups - usps - usps_international - zoom2u type: string x-spec-enum-id: b4802ead8f816259 description: Indicates a carrier (type) display_name: type: string description: The carrier verbose name. test_mode: type: boolean description: The test flag indicates whether to use a carrier configured for test. active: type: boolean description: The active flag indicates whether the carrier account is active or not. capabilities: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: The carrier supported and enabled capabilities. metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: The carrier user metadata. config: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: The carrier connection config. required: - active - carrier_id - carrier_name - id - test_mode Charge: type: object properties: name: type: string nullable: true description: The charge description amount: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The charge monetary value currency: type: string nullable: true description: The charge amount currency Commodity: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier weight: type: number format: double description: The commodity's weight weight_unit: enum: - KG - LB - OZ - G type: string x-spec-enum-id: 2aa755cf319c6df9 description: The commodity's weight unit title: type: string nullable: true description: A description of the commodity maxLength: 35 description: type: string nullable: true description: A description of the commodity maxLength: 100 quantity: type: integer default: 1 description: The commodity's quantity (number or item) sku: type: string nullable: true description: The commodity's sku number maxLength: 35 hs_code: type: string nullable: true description: The commodity's hs_code number maxLength: 35 value_amount: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The monetary value of the commodity value_currency: enum: - EUR - AED - USD - XCD - AMD - ANG - AOA - ARS - AUD - AWG - AZN - BAM - BBD - BDT - XOF - BGN - BHD - BIF - BMD - BND - BOB - BRL - BSD - BTN - BWP - BYN - BZD - CAD - CDF - XAF - CHF - NZD - CLP - CNY - COP - CRC - CUC - CVE - CZK - DJF - DKK - DOP - DZD - EGP - ERN - ETB - FJD - GBP - GEL - GHS - GMD - GNF - GTQ - GYD - HKD - HNL - HRK - HTG - HUF - IDR - ILS - INR - IRR - ISK - JMD - JOD - JPY - KES - KGS - KHR - KMF - KPW - KRW - KWD - KYD - KZT - LAK - LKR - LRD - LSL - LYD - MAD - MDL - MGA - MKD - MMK - MNT - MOP - MRO - MUR - MVR - MWK - MXN - MYR - MZN - NAD - XPF - NGN - NIO - NOK - NPR - OMR - PEN - PGK - PHP - PKR - PLN - PYG - QAR - RSD - RUB - RWF - SAR - SBD - SCR - SDG - SEK - SGD - SHP - SLL - SOS - SRD - SSP - STD - SYP - SZL - THB - TJS - TND - TOP - TRY - TTD - TWD - TZS - UAH - UYU - UZS - VEF - VND - VUV - WST - YER - ZAR - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: f0290aeafc544e9d nullable: true description: The currency of the commodity value amount origin_country: enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BM - BN - BO - BR - BS - BT - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HN - HR - HT - HU - IC - ID - IE - IL - IN - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KV - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PR - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TG - TH - TJ - TL - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WS - XB - XC - XE - XM - XN - XS - XY - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: f907b2af5d9d32f1 nullable: true description: The origin or manufacture country parent_id: type: string nullable: true description: The id of the related order line item. metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: "
\n Commodity user references metadata.\n\ \n {\n \"part_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \ \ \"reference1\": \"# ref 1\",\n \"reference2\": \"# ref 2\"\ ,\n \"reference3\": \"# ref 3\",\n ...\n \ \ }\n
\n " object_type: type: string default: commodity description: Specifies the object type required: - weight - weight_unit CommodityData: type: object properties: weight: type: number format: double description: The commodity's weight weight_unit: enum: - KG - LB - OZ - G type: string x-spec-enum-id: 2aa755cf319c6df9 description: The commodity's weight unit title: type: string nullable: true description: A description of the commodity maxLength: 35 description: type: string nullable: true description: A description of the commodity maxLength: 100 quantity: type: integer default: 1 description: The commodity's quantity (number or item) sku: type: string nullable: true description: The commodity's sku number maxLength: 35 hs_code: type: string nullable: true description: The commodity's hs_code number maxLength: 35 value_amount: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The monetary value of the commodity value_currency: enum: - EUR - AED - USD - XCD - AMD - ANG - AOA - ARS - AUD - AWG - AZN - BAM - BBD - BDT - XOF - BGN - BHD - BIF - BMD - BND - BOB - BRL - BSD - BTN - BWP - BYN - BZD - CAD - CDF - XAF - CHF - NZD - CLP - CNY - COP - CRC - CUC - CVE - CZK - DJF - DKK - DOP - DZD - EGP - ERN - ETB - FJD - GBP - GEL - GHS - GMD - GNF - GTQ - GYD - HKD - HNL - HRK - HTG - HUF - IDR - ILS - INR - IRR - ISK - JMD - JOD - JPY - KES - KGS - KHR - KMF - KPW - KRW - KWD - KYD - KZT - LAK - LKR - LRD - LSL - LYD - MAD - MDL - MGA - MKD - MMK - MNT - MOP - MRO - MUR - MVR - MWK - MXN - MYR - MZN - NAD - XPF - NGN - NIO - NOK - NPR - OMR - PEN - PGK - PHP - PKR - PLN - PYG - QAR - RSD - RUB - RWF - SAR - SBD - SCR - SDG - SEK - SGD - SHP - SLL - SOS - SRD - SSP - STD - SYP - SZL - THB - TJS - TND - TOP - TRY - TTD - TWD - TZS - UAH - UYU - UZS - VEF - VND - VUV - WST - YER - ZAR - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: f0290aeafc544e9d nullable: true description: The currency of the commodity value amount origin_country: enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BM - BN - BO - BR - BS - BT - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HN - HR - HT - HU - IC - ID - IE - IL - IN - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KV - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PR - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TG - TH - TJ - TL - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WS - XB - XC - XE - XM - XN - XS - XY - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: f907b2af5d9d32f1 nullable: true description: The origin or manufacture country parent_id: type: string nullable: true description: The id of the related order line item. metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: "
\n Commodity user references metadata.\n\ \n {\n \"part_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \ \ \"reference1\": \"# ref 1\",\n \"reference2\": \"# ref 2\"\ ,\n \"reference3\": \"# ref 3\",\n ...\n \ \ }\n
\n " required: - weight - weight_unit Customs: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier commodities: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Commodity' description: The parcel content items duty: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Duty' nullable: true description: "The payment details.
\n **Note that this is required\ \ for a Dutiable parcel shipped internationally.**\n " duty_billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' nullable: true description: The duty payor address. content_type: enum: - documents - gift - sample - merchandise - return_merchandise - other - '' - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: 8bc1717e39f37f69 nullable: true content_description: type: string nullable: true incoterm: enum: - CFR - CIF - CIP - CPT - DAF - DDP - DDU - DEQ - DES - EXW - FAS - FCA - FOB - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: 544ac66d62cbdedb nullable: true description: The customs 'term of trade' also known as 'incoterm' invoice: type: string nullable: true description: The invoice reference number maxLength: 50 invoice_date: type: string nullable: true description: "The invoice date.
\n Date Format: `YYYY-MM-DD`\n\ \ " commercial_invoice: type: boolean nullable: true description: Indicates if the shipment is commercial certify: type: boolean nullable: true description: Indicate that signer certified confirmed all signer: type: string nullable: true maxLength: 50 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n Customs identification options.\n\ \n {\n \"aes\": \"5218487281\",\n \"eel_pfc\"\ : \"5218487281\",\n \"license_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \ \ \"certificate_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \"nip_number\"\ : \"5218487281\",\n \"eori_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \ \ \"vat_registration_number\": \"5218487281\",\n }\n \ \
\n " object_type: type: string default: customs_info description: Specifies the object type CustomsData: type: object properties: commodities: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommodityData' description: The parcel content items duty: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Duty' nullable: true description: "The payment details.
\n **Note that this is required\ \ for a Dutiable parcel shipped internationally.**\n " duty_billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The duty payor address. content_type: enum: - documents - gift - sample - merchandise - return_merchandise - other - '' - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: 8bc1717e39f37f69 nullable: true content_description: type: string nullable: true incoterm: enum: - CFR - CIF - CIP - CPT - DAF - DDP - DDU - DEQ - DES - EXW - FAS - FCA - FOB - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: 544ac66d62cbdedb nullable: true description: The customs 'term of trade' also known as 'incoterm' invoice: type: string nullable: true description: The invoice reference number maxLength: 50 invoice_date: type: string nullable: true description: "The invoice date.
\n Date Format: `YYYY-MM-DD`\n\ \ " commercial_invoice: type: boolean nullable: true description: Indicates if the shipment is commercial certify: type: boolean nullable: true description: Indicate that signer certified confirmed all signer: type: string nullable: true maxLength: 50 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n Customs identification options.\n\ \n {\n \"aes\": \"5218487281\",\n \"eel_pfc\"\ : \"5218487281\",\n \"license_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \ \ \"certificate_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \"nip_number\"\ : \"5218487281\",\n \"eori_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \ \ \"vat_registration_number\": \"5218487281\",\n }\n \ \
\n " required: - commodities DocumentData: type: object properties: template_id: type: string description: The template name. **Required if template is not provided.** template: type: string description: The template content. **Required if template_id is not provided.** doc_format: type: string description: The format of the document doc_name: type: string description: The file name data: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: The template data DocumentDetails: type: object properties: doc_id: type: string description: The uploaded document id. file_name: type: string description: The uploaded document file name. DocumentFileData: type: object properties: doc_file: type: string description: A base64 file to upload doc_name: type: string description: The file name doc_format: type: string nullable: true description: The file format doc_type: type: string nullable: true default: other description: "\n Shipment document type\n\n values:
\n\ \ `certificate_of_origin` `commercial_invoice` `pro_forma_invoice`\ \ `packing_list` `other`\n\n For carrier specific packaging types,\ \ please consult the reference.\n " maxLength: 50 required: - doc_file - doc_name DocumentTemplate: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier name: type: string description: The template name maxLength: 255 slug: type: string description: The template slug maxLength: 255 template: type: string description: The template content active: type: boolean default: true description: disable template flag. description: type: string description: The template description maxLength: 255 metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: The template metadata related_object: enum: - shipment - order - other type: string x-spec-enum-id: e453b27eb99d7157 default: other description: The template related object object_type: type: string default: document-template description: Specifies the object type required: - name - slug - template DocumentTemplateData: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The template name maxLength: 255 slug: type: string description: The template slug maxLength: 255 template: type: string description: The template content active: type: boolean default: true description: disable template flag. description: type: string description: The template description maxLength: 255 metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: The template metadata related_object: enum: - shipment - order - other type: string x-spec-enum-id: e453b27eb99d7157 default: other description: The template related object required: - name - slug - template DocumentTemplateList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentTemplate' required: - results DocumentUploadData: type: object properties: shipment_id: type: string description: The documents related shipment. document_files: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentFileData' description: Shipping document files reference: type: string nullable: true description: Shipping document file reference maxLength: 50 required: - document_files - shipment_id DocumentUploadRecord: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier carrier_name: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment carrier carrier_id: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment carrier configured identifier documents: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentDetails' default: [] description: the carrier shipping document ids meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata reference: type: string nullable: true description: Shipping document file reference maxLength: 50 messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' default: [] description: The list of note or warning messages DocumentUploadRecords: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUploadRecord' required: - results Documents: type: object properties: label: type: string nullable: true description: A shipping label in base64 string invoice: type: string nullable: true description: A shipping invoice in base64 string Duty: type: object properties: paid_by: enum: - sender - recipient - third_party - '' - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: 4d1fdef60a9538c0 nullable: true description: The duty payer currency: enum: - EUR - AED - USD - XCD - AMD - ANG - AOA - ARS - AUD - AWG - AZN - BAM - BBD - BDT - XOF - BGN - BHD - BIF - BMD - BND - BOB - BRL - BSD - BTN - BWP - BYN - BZD - CAD - CDF - XAF - CHF - NZD - CLP - CNY - COP - CRC - CUC - CVE - CZK - DJF - DKK - DOP - DZD - EGP - ERN - ETB - FJD - GBP - GEL - GHS - GMD - GNF - GTQ - GYD - HKD - HNL - HRK - HTG - HUF - IDR - ILS - INR - IRR - ISK - JMD - JOD - JPY - KES - KGS - KHR - KMF - KPW - KRW - KWD - KYD - KZT - LAK - LKR - LRD - LSL - LYD - MAD - MDL - MGA - MKD - MMK - MNT - MOP - MRO - MUR - MVR - MWK - MXN - MYR - MZN - NAD - XPF - NGN - NIO - NOK - NPR - OMR - PEN - PGK - PHP - PKR - PLN - PYG - QAR - RSD - RUB - RWF - SAR - SBD - SCR - SDG - SEK - SGD - SHP - SLL - SOS - SRD - SSP - STD - SYP - SZL - THB - TJS - TND - TOP - TRY - TTD - TWD - TZS - UAH - UYU - UZS - VEF - VND - VUV - WST - YER - ZAR - '' - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: f0290aeafc544e9d nullable: true description: The declared value currency declared_value: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The package declared value account_number: type: string nullable: true description: The duty payment account number ErrorMessages: type: object properties: messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' description: The list of error messages ErrorResponse: type: object properties: errors: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIError' description: The list of API errors GeneratedDocument: type: object properties: template_id: type: string description: The template name doc_format: type: string description: The format of the document doc_name: type: string description: The file name doc_file: type: string description: A base64 file content required: - doc_file Images: type: object properties: delivery_image: type: string nullable: true description: A delivery image in base64 string signature_image: type: string nullable: true description: A signature image in base64 string LineItem: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier weight: type: number format: double description: The commodity's weight weight_unit: enum: - KG - LB - OZ - G type: string x-spec-enum-id: 2aa755cf319c6df9 description: The commodity's weight unit title: type: string nullable: true description: A description of the commodity maxLength: 35 description: type: string nullable: true description: A description of the commodity maxLength: 100 quantity: type: integer default: 1 description: The commodity's quantity (number or item) sku: type: string nullable: true description: The commodity's sku number maxLength: 35 hs_code: type: string nullable: true description: The commodity's hs_code number maxLength: 35 value_amount: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The monetary value of the commodity value_currency: enum: - EUR - AED - USD - XCD - AMD - ANG - AOA - ARS - AUD - AWG - AZN - BAM - BBD - BDT - XOF - BGN - BHD - BIF - BMD - BND - BOB - BRL - BSD - BTN - BWP - BYN - BZD - CAD - CDF - XAF - CHF - NZD - CLP - CNY - COP - CRC - CUC - CVE - CZK - DJF - DKK - DOP - DZD - EGP - ERN - ETB - FJD - GBP - GEL - GHS - GMD - GNF - GTQ - GYD - HKD - HNL - HRK - HTG - HUF - IDR - ILS - INR - IRR - ISK - JMD - JOD - JPY - KES - KGS - KHR - KMF - KPW - KRW - KWD - KYD - KZT - LAK - LKR - LRD - LSL - LYD - MAD - MDL - MGA - MKD - MMK - MNT - MOP - MRO - MUR - MVR - MWK - MXN - MYR - MZN - NAD - XPF - NGN - NIO - NOK - NPR - OMR - PEN - PGK - PHP - PKR - PLN - PYG - QAR - RSD - RUB - RWF - SAR - SBD - SCR - SDG - SEK - SGD - SHP - SLL - SOS - SRD - SSP - STD - SYP - SZL - THB - TJS - TND - TOP - TRY - TTD - TWD - TZS - UAH - UYU - UZS - VEF - VND - VUV - WST - YER - ZAR - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: f0290aeafc544e9d nullable: true description: The currency of the commodity value amount origin_country: enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BM - BN - BO - BR - BS - BT - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HN - HR - HT - HU - IC - ID - IE - IL - IN - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KV - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PR - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TG - TH - TJ - TL - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WS - XB - XC - XE - XM - XN - XS - XY - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: f907b2af5d9d32f1 nullable: true description: The origin or manufacture country parent_id: type: string nullable: true description: The id of the related order line item. metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: "
\n Commodity user references metadata.\n\ \n {\n \"part_number\": \"5218487281\",\n \ \ \"reference1\": \"# ref 1\",\n \"reference2\": \"# ref 2\"\ ,\n \"reference3\": \"# ref 3\",\n ...\n \ \ }\n
\n " object_type: type: string default: commodity description: Specifies the object type unfulfilled_quantity: type: integer default: 0 required: - weight - weight_unit Manifest: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique manifest identifier object_type: type: string default: manifest description: Specifies the object type carrier_name: type: string description: The manifest carrier carrier_id: type: string description: The manifest carrier configured name meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether it was created with a carrier in test mode address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: The address of the warehouse or location where the shipments originate. options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ manifest.\n\n {\n \"shipments\": [\n \ \ {\n \"tracking_number\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n ...\n \"meta\": {...}\n \ \ }\n ]\n }\n
\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The manifest reference shipment_identifiers: type: array items: type: string description: "The list of shipment identifiers you want to add to your manifest.
\n\ \ shipment_identifier is often a tracking_number or shipment_id\ \ returned when you purchase a label.\n " metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the pickup manifest_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The Manifest file URL messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' default: [] description: The list of note or warning messages required: - address - carrier_id - carrier_name - shipment_identifiers - test_mode ManifestData: type: object properties: carrier_name: type: string description: The manifest's carrier address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: The address of the warehouse or location where the shipments originate. options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ manifest.\n\n {\n \"shipments\": [\n \ \ {\n \"tracking_number\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n ...\n \"meta\": {...}\n \ \ }\n ]\n }\n
\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The manifest reference shipment_ids: type: array items: type: string description: The list of existing shipment object ids with label purchased. required: - address - carrier_name - shipment_ids ManifestDetails: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique manifest identifier object_type: type: string default: manifest description: Specifies the object type carrier_name: type: string description: The manifest carrier carrier_id: type: string description: The manifest carrier configured name doc: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManifestDocument' nullable: true description: The manifest documents meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether it was created with a carrier in test mode required: - carrier_id - carrier_name - test_mode ManifestDocument: type: object properties: manifest: type: string nullable: true description: A manifest file in base64 string ManifestList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Manifest' required: - results ManifestRequest: type: object properties: carrier_name: type: string description: The manifest's carrier address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: The address of the warehouse or location where the shipments originate. options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ manifest.\n\n {\n \"shipments\": [\n \ \ {\n \"tracking_number\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n ...\n \"meta\": {...}\n \ \ }\n ]\n }\n
\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The manifest reference shipment_identifiers: type: array items: type: string description: "The list of shipment identifiers you want to add to your manifest.
\n\ \ shipment_identifier is often a tracking_number or shipment_id\ \ returned when you purchase a label.\n " required: - address - carrier_name - shipment_identifiers ManifestResponse: type: object properties: messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' description: The list of note or warning messages manifest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManifestDetails' description: The manifest details Message: type: object properties: message: type: string description: The error or warning message code: type: string description: The message code details: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: any additional details carrier_name: type: string description: The targeted carrier carrier_id: type: string description: The targeted carrier name (unique identifier) Operation: type: object properties: operation: type: string description: Operation performed success: type: boolean description: Specify whether the operation was successful required: - operation - success OperationConfirmation: type: object properties: operation: type: string description: Operation performed success: type: boolean description: Specify whether the operation was successful carrier_name: type: string description: The operation carrier carrier_id: type: string description: The targeted carrier's name (unique identifier) required: - carrier_id - carrier_name - operation - success OperationResponse: type: object properties: messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' description: The list of note or warning messages confirmation: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/OperationConfirmation' description: The operation details Order: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier object_type: type: string default: order description: Specifies the object type order_id: type: string description: The source' order id. order_date: type: string nullable: true description: 'The order date. format: `YYYY-MM-DD`' source: type: string description: The order's source. status: enum: - unfulfilled - cancelled - fulfilled - delivered - partial type: string x-spec-enum-id: 4993b3ade2f339b3 default: unfulfilled description: The order status. shipping_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: The customer address for the order. shipping_from: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' nullable: true description: The origin or warehouse address of the order items. billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The customer' or shipping billing address. line_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LineItem' description: The order line items. options: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ order shipments.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"\ USD\",\n \"paid_by\": \"third_party\",\n \"payment_account_number\"\ : \"123456789\",\n \"duty_paid_by\": \"third_party\",\n \ \ \"duty_account_number\": \"123456789\",\n \"invoice_number\"\ : \"123456789\",\n \"invoice_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \ \ \"single_item_per_parcel\": true,\n \"carrier_ids\"\ : [\"canadapost-test\"],\n \"preferred_service\": \"fedex_express_saver\"\ ,\n }\n
\n " meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: system related metadata. metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the order. shipments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Shipment' description: The shipments associated with the order. test_mode: type: boolean description: Specify whether the order is in test mode or not. created_at: type: string description: "The shipment creation datetime.
\n Date Format:\ \ `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmmmmmz`\n " required: - created_at - line_items - order_id - shipping_to - test_mode OrderData: type: object properties: order_id: type: string description: The source' order id. order_date: type: string nullable: true description: 'The order date. format: `YYYY-MM-DD`' source: type: string default: API description: "The order's source.
\n e.g. API, POS, ERP, Shopify,\ \ Woocommerce, etc.\n " shipping_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: The customer or recipient address for the order. shipping_from: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The origin or warehouse address of the order items. billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The customer' or shipping billing address. line_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommodityData' description: The order line items. options: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ order shipments.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"\ USD\",\n \"paid_by\": \"third_party\",\n \"payment_account_number\"\ : \"123456789\",\n \"duty_paid_by\": \"third_party\",\n \ \ \"duty_account_number\": \"123456789\",\n \"invoice_number\"\ : \"123456789\",\n \"invoice_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \ \ \"single_item_per_parcel\": true,\n \"carrier_ids\"\ : [\"canadapost-test\"],\n \"preferred_service\": \"fedex_express_saver\"\ ,\n }\n
\n " metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the order. required: - line_items - order_id - shipping_to OrderList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' required: - results OrderUpdateData: type: object properties: options: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ order shipments.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"\ USD\",\n \"paid_by\": \"third_party\",\n \"payment_account_number\"\ : \"123456789\",\n \"duty_paid_by\": \"recipient\",\n \ \ \"duty_account_number\": \"123456789\",\n \"invoice_number\"\ : \"123456789\",\n \"invoice_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \ \ \"single_item_per_parcel\": true,\n \"carrier_ids\"\ : [\"canadapost-test\"],\n }\n
\n " metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: User metadata for the shipment Parcel: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier weight: type: number format: double description: The parcel's weight width: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's width height: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's height length: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's length packaging_type: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel's packaging type.
\n **Note that the\ \ packaging is optional when using a package preset.**
\n values:\ \
\n `envelope` `pak` `tube` `pallet` `small_box` `medium_box`\ \ `your_packaging`
\n For carrier specific packaging types,\ \ please consult the reference.\n " maxLength: 50 package_preset: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel's package preset.
\n For carrier specific\ \ package presets, please consult the reference.\n " maxLength: 50 description: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's description maxLength: 250 content: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's content description maxLength: 100 is_document: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicates if the parcel is composed of documents only weight_unit: enum: - KG - LB - OZ - G type: string x-spec-enum-id: 2aa755cf319c6df9 description: The parcel's weight unit dimension_unit: enum: - CM - IN - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: 41993cb8117c279c nullable: true description: The parcel's dimension unit items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Commodity' description: The parcel items. reference_number: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel reference number.
\n (can be used as\ \ tracking number for custom carriers)\n " maxLength: 100 freight_class: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's freight class for pallet and freight shipments. maxLength: 6 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n Parcel specific options.\n\ \n {\n \"insurance\": \"100.00\",\n \"insured_by\"\ : \"carrier\",\n }\n
\n " object_type: type: string default: parcel description: Specifies the object type required: - weight - weight_unit ParcelData: type: object properties: weight: type: number format: double description: The parcel's weight width: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's width height: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's height length: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's length packaging_type: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel's packaging type.
\n **Note that the\ \ packaging is optional when using a package preset.**
\n values:\ \
\n `envelope` `pak` `tube` `pallet` `small_box` `medium_box`\ \ `your_packaging`
\n For carrier specific packaging types,\ \ please consult the reference.\n " maxLength: 50 package_preset: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel's package preset.
\n For carrier specific\ \ package presets, please consult the reference.\n " maxLength: 50 description: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's description maxLength: 250 content: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's content description maxLength: 100 is_document: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicates if the parcel is composed of documents only weight_unit: enum: - KG - LB - OZ - G type: string x-spec-enum-id: 2aa755cf319c6df9 description: The parcel's weight unit dimension_unit: enum: - CM - IN - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: 41993cb8117c279c nullable: true description: The parcel's dimension unit items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommodityData' description: The parcel items. reference_number: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel reference number.
\n (can be used as\ \ tracking number for custom carriers)\n " maxLength: 100 freight_class: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's freight class for pallet and freight shipments. maxLength: 6 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n Parcel specific options.\n\ \n {\n \"insurance\": \"100.00\",\n \"insured_by\"\ : \"carrier\",\n }\n
\n " required: - weight - weight_unit ParcelList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' required: - results PatchedAddressData: type: object properties: postal_code: type: string nullable: true description: "The address postal code\n **(required for shipment\ \ purchase)**\n " maxLength: 10 city: type: string nullable: true description: "The address city.\n **(required for shipment purchase)**\n\ \ " maxLength: 30 federal_tax_id: type: string nullable: true description: The party frederal tax id maxLength: 20 state_tax_id: type: string nullable: true description: The party state id maxLength: 20 person_name: type: string nullable: true description: "Attention to\n **(required for shipment purchase)**\n\ \ " maxLength: 50 company_name: type: string nullable: true description: The company name if the party is a company maxLength: 50 country_code: enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BM - BN - BO - BR - BS - BT - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HN - HR - HT - HU - IC - ID - IE - IL - IN - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KV - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PR - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TG - TH - TJ - TL - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WS - XB - XC - XE - XM - XN - XS - XY - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW type: string x-spec-enum-id: f907b2af5d9d32f1 description: The address country code email: type: string nullable: true description: The party email phone_number: type: string nullable: true description: The party phone number. maxLength: 20 state_code: type: string nullable: true description: The address state code maxLength: 20 residential: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicate if the address is residential or commercial (enterprise) street_number: type: string nullable: true description: The address street number maxLength: 20 address_line1: type: string nullable: true description: "The address line with street number
\n **(required\ \ for shipment purchase)**\n " maxLength: 50 address_line2: type: string nullable: true description: The address line with suite number maxLength: 50 validate_location: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicate if the address should be validated PatchedDocumentTemplateData: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The template name maxLength: 255 slug: type: string description: The template slug maxLength: 255 template: type: string description: The template content active: type: boolean default: true description: disable template flag. description: type: string description: The template description maxLength: 255 metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: The template metadata related_object: enum: - shipment - order - other type: string x-spec-enum-id: e453b27eb99d7157 default: other description: The template related object PatchedParcelData: type: object properties: weight: type: number format: double description: The parcel's weight width: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's width height: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's height length: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The parcel's length packaging_type: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel's packaging type.
\n **Note that the\ \ packaging is optional when using a package preset.**
\n values:\ \
\n `envelope` `pak` `tube` `pallet` `small_box` `medium_box`\ \ `your_packaging`
\n For carrier specific packaging types,\ \ please consult the reference.\n " maxLength: 50 package_preset: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel's package preset.
\n For carrier specific\ \ package presets, please consult the reference.\n " maxLength: 50 description: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's description maxLength: 250 content: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's content description maxLength: 100 is_document: type: boolean nullable: true default: false description: Indicates if the parcel is composed of documents only weight_unit: enum: - KG - LB - OZ - G type: string x-spec-enum-id: 2aa755cf319c6df9 description: The parcel's weight unit dimension_unit: enum: - CM - IN - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: 41993cb8117c279c nullable: true description: The parcel's dimension unit items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommodityData' description: The parcel items. reference_number: type: string nullable: true description: "The parcel reference number.
\n (can be used as\ \ tracking number for custom carriers)\n " maxLength: 100 freight_class: type: string nullable: true description: The parcel's freight class for pallet and freight shipments. maxLength: 6 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n Parcel specific options.\n\ \n {\n \"insurance\": \"100.00\",\n \"insured_by\"\ : \"carrier\",\n }\n
\n " PatchedWebhookData: type: object properties: url: type: string format: uri description: The URL of the webhook endpoint. description: type: string nullable: true description: An optional description of what the webhook is used for. enabled_events: type: array items: enum: - all - shipment_purchased - shipment_cancelled - shipment_fulfilled - shipment_out_for_delivery - shipment_needs_attention - shipment_delivery_failed - tracker_created - tracker_updated - order_created - order_updated - order_fulfilled - order_cancelled - order_delivered - batch_queued - batch_failed - batch_running - batch_completed type: string x-spec-enum-id: 516a21d18ffb1926 description: The list of events to enable for this endpoint. disabled: type: boolean nullable: true description: Indicates that the webhook is disabled Payment: type: object properties: paid_by: enum: - sender - recipient - third_party type: string x-spec-enum-id: 4d1fdef60a9538c0 default: sender description: The payor type currency: enum: - EUR - AED - USD - XCD - AMD - ANG - AOA - ARS - AUD - AWG - AZN - BAM - BBD - BDT - XOF - BGN - BHD - BIF - BMD - BND - BOB - BRL - BSD - BTN - BWP - BYN - BZD - CAD - CDF - XAF - CHF - NZD - CLP - CNY - COP - CRC - CUC - CVE - CZK - DJF - DKK - DOP - DZD - EGP - ERN - ETB - FJD - GBP - GEL - GHS - GMD - GNF - GTQ - GYD - HKD - HNL - HRK - HTG - HUF - IDR - ILS - INR - IRR - ISK - JMD - JOD - JPY - KES - KGS - KHR - KMF - KPW - KRW - KWD - KYD - KZT - LAK - LKR - LRD - LSL - LYD - MAD - MDL - MGA - MKD - MMK - MNT - MOP - MRO - MUR - MVR - MWK - MXN - MYR - MZN - NAD - XPF - NGN - NIO - NOK - NPR - OMR - PEN - PGK - PHP - PKR - PLN - PYG - QAR - RSD - RUB - RWF - SAR - SBD - SCR - SDG - SEK - SGD - SHP - SLL - SOS - SRD - SSP - STD - SYP - SZL - THB - TJS - TND - TOP - TRY - TTD - TWD - TZS - UAH - UYU - UZS - VEF - VND - VUV - WST - YER - ZAR - '' - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: f0290aeafc544e9d nullable: true description: The payment amount currency account_number: type: string nullable: true description: The payor account number Pickup: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique pickup identifier object_type: type: string default: pickup description: Specifies the object type carrier_name: type: string description: The pickup carrier carrier_id: type: string description: The pickup carrier configured name confirmation_number: type: string description: The pickup confirmation identifier pickup_date: type: string nullable: true description: The pickup date pickup_charge: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Charge' nullable: true description: The pickup cost details ready_time: type: string nullable: true description: The pickup expected ready time closing_time: type: string nullable: true description: The pickup expected closing or late time metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the pickup meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: The pickup address parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' description: The shipment parcels to pickup. instruction: type: string nullable: true description: "The pickup instruction.
\n eg: Handle with care.\n\ \ " maxLength: 50 package_location: type: string nullable: true description: "The package(s) location.
\n eg: Behind the entrance\ \ door.\n " maxLength: 50 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: Advanced carrier specific pickup options test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether it was created with a carrier in test mode required: - address - carrier_id - carrier_name - confirmation_number - parcels - test_mode PickupCancelData: type: object properties: reason: type: string description: The reason of the pickup cancellation PickupCancelRequest: type: object properties: confirmation_number: type: string description: The pickup confirmation identifier address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: The pickup address pickup_date: type: string nullable: true description: "The pickup date.
\n Date Format: `YYYY-MM-DD`\n\ \ " reason: type: string description: The reason of the pickup cancellation required: - confirmation_number PickupData: type: object properties: pickup_date: type: string description: "The expected pickup date.
\n Date Format: `YYYY-MM-DD`\n\ \ " address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: The pickup address ready_time: type: string description: "The ready time for pickup.
\n Time Format: `HH:MM`\n\ \ " closing_time: type: string description: "The closing or late time of the pickup.
\n Time\ \ Format: `HH:MM`\n " instruction: type: string nullable: true description: "The pickup instruction.
\n eg: Handle with care.\n\ \ " maxLength: 50 package_location: type: string nullable: true description: "The package(s) location.
\n eg: Behind the entrance\ \ door.\n " maxLength: 50 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: Advanced carrier specific pickup options tracking_numbers: type: array items: type: string description: The list of shipments to be picked up metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the pickup required: - closing_time - pickup_date - ready_time - tracking_numbers PickupList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pickup' required: - results PickupRequest: type: object properties: pickup_date: type: string description: "The expected pickup date.
\n Date Format: `YYYY-MM-DD`\n\ \ " address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: The pickup address parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParcelData' description: The shipment parcels to pickup. ready_time: type: string description: "The ready time for pickup.
\n Time Format: `HH:MM`\n\ \ " closing_time: type: string description: "The closing or late time of the pickup.
\n Time\ \ Format: `HH:MM`\n " instruction: type: string nullable: true description: "The pickup instruction.
\n eg: Handle with care.\n\ \ " maxLength: 50 package_location: type: string nullable: true description: "The package(s) location.
\n eg: Behind the entrance\ \ door.\n " maxLength: 50 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: Advanced carrier specific pickup options required: - address - closing_time - parcels - pickup_date - ready_time PickupResponse: type: object properties: messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' description: The list of note or warning messages pickup: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pickup' description: The scheduled pickup's summary PickupUpdateData: type: object properties: pickup_date: type: string description: "The expected pickup date.
\n Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD\n\ \ " address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: The pickup address ready_time: type: string nullable: true description: The ready time for pickup. closing_time: type: string nullable: true description: The closing or late time of the pickup instruction: type: string nullable: true description: "The pickup instruction.
\n eg: Handle with care.\n\ \ " package_location: type: string nullable: true description: "The package(s) location.
\n eg: Behind the entrance\ \ door.\n " options: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: Advanced carrier specific pickup options tracking_numbers: type: array items: type: string description: The list of shipments to be picked up metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the pickup confirmation_number: type: string description: pickup identification number required: - confirmation_number PickupUpdateRequest: type: object properties: pickup_date: type: string description: "The expected pickup date.
\n Date Format: `YYYY-MM-DD`\n\ \ " address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: The pickup address parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' description: The shipment parcels to pickup. confirmation_number: type: string description: pickup identification number ready_time: type: string description: "The ready time for pickup.\n Time Format: `HH:MM`\n\ \ " closing_time: type: string description: "The closing or late time of the pickup.
\n Time\ \ Format: `HH:MM`\n " instruction: type: string nullable: true description: "The pickup instruction.
\n eg: Handle with care.\n\ \ " maxLength: 50 package_location: type: string nullable: true description: "The package(s) location.
\n eg: Behind the entrance\ \ door.\n " maxLength: 50 options: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: Advanced carrier specific pickup options required: - address - closing_time - confirmation_number - parcels - pickup_date - ready_time Rate: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier object_type: type: string default: rate description: Specifies the object type carrier_name: type: string description: The rate's carrier carrier_id: type: string description: The targeted carrier's name (unique identifier) currency: type: string description: The rate monetary values currency code service: type: string nullable: true description: The carrier's rate (quote) service total_charge: type: number format: double default: 0.0 description: "The rate's monetary amount of the total charge.
\n \ \ This is the gross amount of the rate after adding the additional\ \ charges\n " transit_days: type: integer nullable: true description: The estimated delivery transit days extra_charges: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Charge' default: [] description: list of the rate's additional charges estimated_delivery: type: string nullable: true description: The delivery estimated date meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether it was created with a carrier in test mode required: - carrier_id - carrier_name - test_mode RateRequest: type: object properties: shipper: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: "The address of the party
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " recipient: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: "The address of the party
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParcelData' description: The shipment's parcels services: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The requested carrier service for the shipment.
\n \ \ Please consult the reference for specific carriers services.
\n\ \ Note that this is a list because on a Multi-carrier rate request\ \ you could specify a service per carrier.\n " options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ shipment.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"USD\"\ ,\n \"insurance\": 100.00,\n \"cash_on_delivery\"\ : 30.00,\n \"dangerous_good\": true,\n \"declared_value\"\ : 150.00,\n \"sms_notification\": true,\n \"email_notification\"\ : true,\n \"email_notification_to\": \"\",\n\ \ \"hold_at_location\": true,\n \"paperless_trade\"\ : true,\n \"preferred_service\": \"fedex_express_saver\",\n\ \ \"shipment_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \"shipment_note\"\ : \"This is a shipment note\",\n \"signature_confirmation\"\ : true,\n \"saturday_delivery\": true,\n \"is_return\"\ : true,\n \"doc_files\": [\n {\n \ \ \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \"\ doc_file\": \"base64 encoded file\",\n \"doc_name\"\ : \"commercial_invoice.pdf\",\n \"doc_format\": \"\ pdf\",\n }\n ],\n \"doc_references\"\ : [\n {\n \"doc_id\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \ \ }\n ],\n }\n
\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference carrier_ids: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from. required: - parcels - recipient - shipper RateResponse: type: object properties: messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' description: The list of note or warning messages rates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rate' description: The list of returned rates required: - rates Shipment: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier object_type: type: string default: shipment description: Specifies the object type tracking_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The shipment tracking url shipper: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " recipient: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " return_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The return address for this shipment. Defaults to the shipper address. billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The payor address. parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' description: The shipment's parcels services: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The carriers services requested for the shipment.
\n \ \ Please consult the reference for specific carriers services.
\n\ \ **Note that this is a list because on a Multi-carrier rate request\ \ you could specify a service per carrier.**\n " options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ shipment.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"USD\"\ ,\n \"insurance\": 100.00,\n \"cash_on_delivery\"\ : 30.00,\n \"dangerous_good\": true,\n \"declared_value\"\ : 150.00,\n \"sms_notification\": true,\n \"email_notification\"\ : true,\n \"email_notification_to\": \"\",\n\ \ \"hold_at_location\": true,\n \"paperless_trade\"\ : true,\n \"preferred_service\": \"fedex_express_saver\",\n\ \ \"shipment_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \"shipment_note\"\ : \"This is a shipment note\",\n \"signature_confirmation\"\ : true,\n \"saturday_delivery\": true,\n \"is_return\"\ : true,\n \"doc_files\": [\n {\n \ \ \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \"\ doc_file\": \"base64 encoded file\",\n \"doc_name\"\ : \"commercial_invoice.pdf\",\n \"doc_format\": \"\ pdf\",\n }\n ],\n \"doc_references\"\ : [\n {\n \"doc_id\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \ \ }\n ],\n }\n
\n " payment: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' default: paid_by: sender currency: null account_number: null description: The payment details customs: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Customs' nullable: true description: "The customs details.
\n **Note that this is required\ \ for the shipment of an international Dutiable parcel.**\n " rates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rate' default: [] description: The list for shipment rates fetched previously reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference label_type: enum: - PDF - ZPL - PNG - '' - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: d10a5d5e08394b13 nullable: true description: The shipment label file type. carrier_ids: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from.
\n\ \ **Note that the request will be sent to all carriers in nothing\ \ is specified**\n " tracker_id: type: string nullable: true description: The attached tracker id created_at: type: string description: "The shipment creation datetime.
\n Date Format:\ \ `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmmmmmz`\n " metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the shipment messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' default: [] description: The list of note or warning messages status: enum: - draft - purchased - cancelled - shipped - in_transit - delivered - needs_attention - out_for_delivery - delivery_failed type: string x-spec-enum-id: e418e9eb782a00a9 default: draft description: The current Shipment status carrier_name: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment carrier carrier_id: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment carrier configured identifier tracking_number: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment tracking number shipment_identifier: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment carrier system identifier selected_rate: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rate' nullable: true description: The shipment selected rate meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata service: type: string nullable: true description: The selected service selected_rate_id: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment selected rate. test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether it was created with a carrier in test mode label_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The shipment label URL invoice_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The shipment invoice URL required: - created_at - parcels - recipient - shipper - test_mode ShipmentCancelRequest: type: object properties: shipment_identifier: type: string description: The shipment identifier returned during creation. service: type: string nullable: true description: The selected shipment service carrier_id: type: string description: The shipment carrier_id for specific connection selection. options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: Advanced carrier specific cancellation options. required: - shipment_identifier ShipmentData: type: object properties: recipient: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " shipper: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " return_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The return address for this shipment. Defaults to the shipper address. billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The payor address. parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParcelData' description: The shipment's parcels options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ shipment.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"USD\"\ ,\n \"insurance\": 100.00,\n \"cash_on_delivery\"\ : 30.00,\n \"dangerous_good\": true,\n \"declared_value\"\ : 150.00,\n \"sms_notification\": true,\n \"email_notification\"\ : true,\n \"email_notification_to\": \"\",\n\ \ \"hold_at_location\": true,\n \"paperless_trade\"\ : true,\n \"preferred_service\": \"fedex_express_saver\",\n\ \ \"shipment_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \"shipment_note\"\ : \"This is a shipment note\",\n \"signature_confirmation\"\ : true,\n \"saturday_delivery\": true,\n \"is_return\"\ : true,\n \"doc_files\": [\n {\n \ \ \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \"\ doc_file\": \"base64 encoded file\",\n \"doc_name\"\ : \"commercial_invoice.pdf\",\n \"doc_format\": \"\ pdf\",\n }\n ],\n \"doc_references\"\ : [\n {\n \"doc_id\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \ \ }\n ],\n }\n
\n " payment: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' default: paid_by: sender currency: null account_number: null description: The payment details customs: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomsData' nullable: true description: "The customs details.
\n **Note that this is required\ \ for the shipment of an international Dutiable parcel.**\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference maxLength: 35 label_type: enum: - PDF - ZPL - PNG type: string x-spec-enum-id: d10a5d5e08394b13 default: PDF description: The shipment label file type. service: type: string description: '**Specify a service to Buy a label in one call without rating.**' services: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The requested carrier service for the shipment.
\n \ \ Please consult the reference for specific carriers services.
\n\ \ **Note that this is a list because on a Multi-carrier rate request\n\ \ you could specify a service per carrier.**\n " carrier_ids: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from.
\n\ \ **Note that the request will be sent to all carriers in nothing\ \ is specified**\n " metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the shipment required: - parcels - recipient - shipper ShipmentDataReference: type: object properties: recipient: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " shipper: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " return_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The return address for this shipment. Defaults to the shipper address. billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The payor address. parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParcelData' description: The shipment's parcels options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ shipment.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"USD\"\ ,\n \"insurance\": 100.00,\n \"cash_on_delivery\"\ : 30.00,\n \"dangerous_good\": true,\n \"declared_value\"\ : 150.00,\n \"sms_notification\": true,\n \"email_notification\"\ : true,\n \"email_notification_to\": \"\",\n\ \ \"hold_at_location\": true,\n \"paperless_trade\"\ : true,\n \"preferred_service\": \"fedex_express_saver\",\n\ \ \"shipment_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \"shipment_note\"\ : \"This is a shipment note\",\n \"signature_confirmation\"\ : true,\n \"saturday_delivery\": true,\n \"is_return\"\ : true,\n \"doc_files\": [\n {\n \ \ \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \"\ doc_file\": \"base64 encoded file\",\n \"doc_name\"\ : \"commercial_invoice.pdf\",\n \"doc_format\": \"\ pdf\",\n }\n ],\n \"doc_references\"\ : [\n {\n \"doc_id\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \ \ }\n ],\n }\n
\n " payment: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' default: paid_by: sender currency: null account_number: null description: The payment details customs: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomsData' nullable: true description: "The customs details.
\n **Note that this is required\ \ for the shipment of an international Dutiable parcel.**\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference maxLength: 35 label_type: enum: - PDF - ZPL - PNG type: string x-spec-enum-id: d10a5d5e08394b13 default: PDF description: The shipment label file type. service: type: string description: '**Specify a service to Buy a label in one call without rating.**' services: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The requested carrier service for the shipment.
\n \ \ Please consult the reference for specific carriers services.
\n\ \ **Note that this is a list because on a Multi-carrier rate request\n\ \ you could specify a service per carrier.**\n " carrier_ids: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from.
\n\ \ **Note that the request will be sent to all carriers in nothing\ \ is specified**\n " metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the shipment id: type: string description: The shipment id. required: - parcels - recipient - shipper ShipmentPurchaseData: type: object properties: selected_rate_id: type: string description: The shipment selected rate. label_type: enum: - PDF - ZPL - PNG type: string x-spec-enum-id: d10a5d5e08394b13 default: PDF description: The shipment label file type. payment: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' description: The payment details reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: User metadata for the shipment required: - selected_rate_id ShipmentRateData: type: object properties: services: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: "The requested carrier service for the shipment.
\n \ \ Please consult [the reference](#operation/references) for specific\ \ carriers services.
\n **Note that this is a list because\ \ on a Multi-carrier rate request you could\n specify a service\ \ per carrier.**\n " carrier_ids: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: "The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from.
\n\ \ **Note that the request will be sent to all carriers in nothing\ \ is specified**\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: User metadata for the shipment ShipmentUpdateData: type: object properties: label_type: enum: - PDF - ZPL - PNG type: string x-spec-enum-id: d10a5d5e08394b13 default: PDF description: The shipment label file type. payment: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' description: The payment details options: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ shipment.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"USD\"\ ,\n \"insurance\": 100.00,\n \"cash_on_delivery\"\ : 30.00,\n \"shipment_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \ \ \"dangerous_good\": true,\n \"declared_value\": 150.00,\n\ \ \"email_notification\": true,\n \"email_notification_to\"\ : \"\",\n \"signature_confirmation\": true,\n\ \ }\n
\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: User metadata for the shipment ShippingRequest: type: object properties: recipient: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " shipper: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " return_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The return address for this shipment. Defaults to the shipper address. billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The payor address. parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParcelData' description: The shipment's parcels options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ shipment.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"USD\"\ ,\n \"insurance\": 100.00,\n \"cash_on_delivery\"\ : 30.00,\n \"dangerous_good\": true,\n \"declared_value\"\ : 150.00,\n \"sms_notification\": true,\n \"email_notification\"\ : true,\n \"email_notification_to\": \"\",\n\ \ \"hold_at_location\": true,\n \"paperless_trade\"\ : true,\n \"preferred_service\": \"fedex_express_saver\",\n\ \ \"shipment_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \"shipment_note\"\ : \"This is a shipment note\",\n \"signature_confirmation\"\ : true,\n \"saturday_delivery\": true,\n \"is_return\"\ : true,\n \"doc_files\": [\n {\n \ \ \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \"\ doc_file\": \"base64 encoded file\",\n \"doc_name\"\ : \"commercial_invoice.pdf\",\n \"doc_format\": \"\ pdf\",\n }\n ],\n \"doc_references\"\ : [\n {\n \"doc_id\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \ \ }\n ],\n }\n
\n " payment: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' default: paid_by: sender currency: null account_number: null description: The payment details customs: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomsData' nullable: true description: "The customs details.
\n **Note that this is required\ \ for the shipment of an international Dutiable parcel.**\n " reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference maxLength: 35 label_type: enum: - PDF - ZPL - PNG type: string x-spec-enum-id: d10a5d5e08394b13 default: PDF description: The shipment label file type. selected_rate_id: type: string description: The shipment selected rate. rates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rate' description: The list for shipment rates fetched previously required: - parcels - rates - recipient - selected_rate_id - shipper ShippingResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier object_type: type: string default: shipment description: Specifies the object type tracking_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The shipment tracking url shipper: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " recipient: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' description: "The address of the party.
\n Origin address (ship\ \ from) for the **shipper**
\n Destination address (ship to)\ \ for the **recipient**\n " return_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The return address for this shipment. Defaults to the shipper address. billing_address: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressData' nullable: true description: The payor address. parcels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parcel' description: The shipment's parcels services: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The carriers services requested for the shipment.
\n \ \ Please consult the reference for specific carriers services.
\n\ \ **Note that this is a list because on a Multi-carrier rate request\ \ you could specify a service per carrier.**\n " options: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: "
\n The options available for the\ \ shipment.\n\n {\n \"currency\": \"USD\"\ ,\n \"insurance\": 100.00,\n \"cash_on_delivery\"\ : 30.00,\n \"dangerous_good\": true,\n \"declared_value\"\ : 150.00,\n \"sms_notification\": true,\n \"email_notification\"\ : true,\n \"email_notification_to\": \"\",\n\ \ \"hold_at_location\": true,\n \"paperless_trade\"\ : true,\n \"preferred_service\": \"fedex_express_saver\",\n\ \ \"shipment_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n \"shipment_note\"\ : \"This is a shipment note\",\n \"signature_confirmation\"\ : true,\n \"saturday_delivery\": true,\n \"is_return\"\ : true,\n \"doc_files\": [\n {\n \ \ \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \"\ doc_file\": \"base64 encoded file\",\n \"doc_name\"\ : \"commercial_invoice.pdf\",\n \"doc_format\": \"\ pdf\",\n }\n ],\n \"doc_references\"\ : [\n {\n \"doc_id\": \"123456789\"\ ,\n \"doc_type\": \"commercial_invoice\",\n \ \ }\n ],\n }\n
\n " payment: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' default: paid_by: sender currency: null account_number: null description: The payment details customs: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Customs' nullable: true description: "The customs details.
\n **Note that this is required\ \ for the shipment of an international Dutiable parcel.**\n " rates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rate' default: [] description: The list for shipment rates fetched previously reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference label_type: enum: - PDF - ZPL - PNG - '' - null type: string x-spec-enum-id: d10a5d5e08394b13 nullable: true description: The shipment label file type. carrier_ids: type: array items: type: string nullable: true default: [] description: "The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from.
\n\ \ **Note that the request will be sent to all carriers in nothing\ \ is specified**\n " tracker_id: type: string nullable: true description: The attached tracker id created_at: type: string description: "The shipment creation datetime.
\n Date Format:\ \ `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmmmmmz`\n " metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the shipment messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' default: [] description: The list of note or warning messages status: enum: - draft - purchased - cancelled - shipped - in_transit - delivered - needs_attention - out_for_delivery - delivery_failed type: string x-spec-enum-id: e418e9eb782a00a9 default: draft description: The current Shipment status carrier_name: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment carrier carrier_id: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment carrier configured identifier tracking_number: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment tracking number shipment_identifier: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment carrier system identifier selected_rate: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rate' nullable: true description: The shipment selected rate docs: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Documents' nullable: true description: The shipment documents meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata service: type: string nullable: true description: The selected service selected_rate_id: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment selected rate. test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether it was created with a carrier in test mode required: - created_at - parcels - recipient - shipper - test_mode TokenObtainPair: type: object properties: email: type: string writeOnly: true password: type: string writeOnly: true required: - email - password TokenPair: type: object properties: access: type: string refresh: type: string required: - access - refresh TokenRefresh: type: object properties: refresh: type: string access: type: string readOnly: true required: - access - refresh TokenVerify: type: object properties: token: type: string writeOnly: true required: - token TrackerDetails: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier carrier_name: type: string description: The tracking carrier carrier_id: type: string description: The tracking carrier configured identifier tracking_number: type: string description: The shipment tracking number info: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingInfo' nullable: true default: carrier_tracking_link: null customer_name: null expected_delivery: null note: null order_date: null order_id: null package_weight: null package_weight_unit: null shipment_package_count: null shipment_pickup_date: null shipment_delivery_date: null shipment_service: null shipment_origin_country: null shipment_origin_postal_code: null shipment_destination_country: null shipment_destination_postal_code: null shipping_date: null signed_by: null source: null description: The package and shipment tracking details events: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingEvent' nullable: true description: The tracking details events delivered: type: boolean description: Specified whether the related shipment was delivered test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether the object was created with a carrier in test mode status: enum: - pending - unknown - on_hold - delivered - in_transit - delivery_delayed - out_for_delivery - ready_for_pickup - delivery_failed type: string x-spec-enum-id: 979a07e5fd2a5042 default: pending description: The current tracking status estimated_delivery: type: string description: The delivery estimated date meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata images: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Images' nullable: true description: The tracker documents object_type: type: string default: tracker description: Specifies the object type metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the tracker messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' default: [] description: The list of note or warning messages required: - carrier_id - carrier_name - test_mode - tracking_number TrackerList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingStatus' required: - results TrackerUpdateData: type: object properties: info: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingInfo' nullable: true description: The package and shipment tracking details metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} description: User metadata for the tracker TrackingData: type: object properties: tracking_number: type: string description: The package tracking number carrier_name: enum: - allied_express - allied_express_local - amazon_shipping - aramex - asendia_us - australiapost - boxknight - bpost - canadapost - canpar - chronopost - colissimo - dhl_express - dhl_parcel_de - dhl_poland - dhl_universal - dicom - dpd - dpdhl - eshipper - fedex - fedex_ws - generic - geodis - hay_post - laposte - locate2u - nationex - purolator - roadie - royalmail - sendle - tge - tnt - ups - usps - usps_international - zoom2u type: string x-spec-enum-id: 7a9de47b0f615f7a description: The tracking carrier account_number: type: string nullable: true description: The shipper account number reference: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment reference info: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingInfo' nullable: true description: The package and shipment tracking details metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: The carrier user metadata. required: - carrier_name - tracking_number TrackingEvent: type: object properties: date: type: string description: 'The tracking event''s date. Format: `YYYY-MM-DD`' description: type: string description: The tracking event's description location: type: string description: The tracking event's location code: type: string nullable: true description: The tracking event's code time: type: string nullable: true description: 'The tracking event''s time. Format: `HH:MM AM/PM`' latitude: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The tracking event's latitude. longitude: type: number format: double nullable: true description: The tracking event's longitude. TrackingInfo: type: object properties: carrier_tracking_link: type: string nullable: true description: The carrier tracking link customer_name: type: string nullable: true description: The customer name expected_delivery: type: string nullable: true description: The expected delivery date note: type: string nullable: true description: A tracking note order_date: type: string nullable: true description: The package order date order_id: type: string nullable: true description: The package order id or number package_weight: type: string nullable: true description: The package weight package_weight_unit: type: string nullable: true description: The package weight unit shipment_package_count: type: string nullable: true description: The package count shipment_pickup_date: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment pickup date shipment_delivery_date: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment delivery date shipment_service: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment service shipment_origin_country: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment origin country shipment_origin_postal_code: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment origin postal code shipment_destination_country: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment destination country shipment_destination_postal_code: type: string nullable: true description: The shipment destination postal code shipping_date: type: string nullable: true description: The shipping date signed_by: type: string nullable: true description: The person who signed for the package source: type: string nullable: true description: The tracker source TrackingResponse: type: object properties: messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' description: The list of note or warning messages tracking: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackerDetails' description: The tracking details retrieved TrackingStatus: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier carrier_name: type: string description: The tracking carrier carrier_id: type: string description: The tracking carrier configured identifier tracking_number: type: string description: The shipment tracking number info: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingInfo' nullable: true default: carrier_tracking_link: null customer_name: null expected_delivery: null note: null order_date: null order_id: null package_weight: null package_weight_unit: null shipment_package_count: null shipment_pickup_date: null shipment_delivery_date: null shipment_service: null shipment_origin_country: null shipment_origin_postal_code: null shipment_destination_country: null shipment_destination_postal_code: null shipping_date: null signed_by: null source: null description: The package and shipment tracking details events: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackingEvent' nullable: true description: The tracking details events delivered: type: boolean description: Specified whether the related shipment was delivered test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether the object was created with a carrier in test mode status: enum: - pending - unknown - on_hold - delivered - in_transit - delivery_delayed - out_for_delivery - ready_for_pickup - delivery_failed type: string x-spec-enum-id: 979a07e5fd2a5042 default: pending description: The current tracking status estimated_delivery: type: string description: The delivery estimated date meta: type: object additionalProperties: {} nullable: true description: provider specific metadata object_type: type: string default: tracker description: Specifies the object type metadata: type: object additionalProperties: {} default: {} description: User metadata for the tracker messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' default: [] description: The list of note or warning messages delivery_image_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The shipment invoice URL signature_image_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The shipment invoice URL required: - carrier_id - carrier_name - test_mode - tracking_number VerifiedTokenObtainPair: type: object properties: refresh: type: string access: type: string readOnly: true otp_token: type: string description: "The OTP (One Time Password) token received by the user from\ \ the\n configured Two Factor Authentication method.\n " required: - access - otp_token - refresh Webhook: type: object properties: id: type: string description: A unique identifier url: type: string format: uri description: The URL of the webhook endpoint. description: type: string nullable: true description: An optional description of what the webhook is used for. enabled_events: type: array items: enum: - all - shipment_purchased - shipment_cancelled - shipment_fulfilled - shipment_out_for_delivery - shipment_needs_attention - shipment_delivery_failed - tracker_created - tracker_updated - order_created - order_updated - order_fulfilled - order_cancelled - order_delivered - batch_queued - batch_failed - batch_running - batch_completed type: string x-spec-enum-id: 516a21d18ffb1926 description: The list of events to enable for this endpoint. disabled: type: boolean nullable: true description: Indicates that the webhook is disabled object_type: type: string default: webhook description: Specifies the object type last_event_at: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: The datetime of the last event sent. secret: type: string description: Header signature secret test_mode: type: boolean description: Specified whether it was created with a carrier in test mode required: - enabled_events - secret - test_mode - url WebhookData: type: object properties: url: type: string format: uri description: The URL of the webhook endpoint. description: type: string nullable: true description: An optional description of what the webhook is used for. enabled_events: type: array items: enum: - all - shipment_purchased - shipment_cancelled - shipment_fulfilled - shipment_out_for_delivery - shipment_needs_attention - shipment_delivery_failed - tracker_created - tracker_updated - order_created - order_updated - order_fulfilled - order_cancelled - order_delivered - batch_queued - batch_failed - batch_running - batch_completed type: string x-spec-enum-id: 516a21d18ffb1926 description: The list of events to enable for this endpoint. disabled: type: boolean nullable: true description: Indicates that the webhook is disabled required: - enabled_events - url WebhookList: type: object properties: count: type: integer nullable: true next: type: string format: uri nullable: true previous: type: string format: uri nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Webhook' required: - results WebhookTestRequest: type: object properties: payload: type: object additionalProperties: {} required: - payload securitySchemes: JWT: in: header type: apiKey scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT name: Authorization description: 'Authorization: Bearer' OAuth2: type: oauth2 in: header name: Authorization flows: authorizationCode: authorizationUrl: /oauth/authorize/ tokenUrl: /oauth/token/ scopes: read: Reading scope write: Writing scope openid: OpenID connect description: 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx' Token: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization description: 'Authorization: Token key_xxxxxxxx' TokenBasic: type: http scheme: basic name: Authorization description: '-u key_xxxxxxxx:' tags: - name: API description: "API instance metadata resources.\n " - name: Auth description: "API authentication resources.\n " - name: Carriers description: "This is an object representing your Karrio carrier account connectsions.\n\ \ You can retrieve all configured connections available to your\ \ Karrio account.\n The `carrier_id` is a nickname you assign to\ \ your connection.\n " - name: Addresses description: "This is an object representing your Karrio shipping address.\n \ \ You can retrieve all addresses related to your Karrio account.\n\ \ Address objects are linked to your shipment history, and can\ \ be used for recurring shipping\n to / from the same locations.\n\ \ " - name: Parcels description: "This is an object representing your Karrio shipping parcel.\n \ \ Parcel objects are linked to your shipment history, and can be used\ \ for recurring shipping\n using the same packaging.\n \ \ " - name: Shipments description: "This is an object representing your Karrio shipment.\n \ \ A Shipment guides you through process of preparing and purchasing a label\ \ for an order.\n A Shipment transitions through multiple statuses\ \ throughout its lifetime as the package\n shipped makes its journey\ \ to it's destination.\n " - name: Documents description: "This is an object representing your Karrio document upload record.\n\ \ A Document upload record keep traces of shipping trade documents\ \ uploaded to carriers\n to fast track customs and border processing.\n\ \ " - name: Manifests description: "This is an object representing your Karrio manifest details.\n \ \ Some carriers require manifests to be created after labels are generated.\n\ \ A manifest is a summary of all the shipments that are being sent\ \ out.\n " - name: Trackers description: "This is an object representing your Karrio shipment tracker.\n \ \ A shipment tracker is an object attached to a shipment by it's tracking\ \ number.\n The tracker provide the latest tracking status and\ \ events associated with a shipment\n " - name: Pickups description: "This is an object representing your Karrio pickup booking.\n \ \ You can retrieve all pickup booked historically for your Karrio account\ \ shipments.\n " - name: Proxy description: "In some scenarios, all we need is to send request to a carrier using\ \ the Karrio unified API.\n The Proxy API comes handy for that\ \ as it turn Karrio into a simple middleware that converts and\n \ \ validate your request and simply forward it to the shipping carrier server.
\n\ \ **Note:**
\n When using the proxy API,\ \ no objects are created in the Karrio system.\n excpet API\ \ logs and tracing records for debugging purposes.\n " - name: Orders description: "This is an object representing your Karrio order.\n \ \ You can create Karrio orders to organize your shipments and ship line items\ \ separately.\n " - name: Webhooks description: "This is an object representing your Karrio webhook.\n \ \ You can configure webhook endpoints via the API to be notified about events\ \ happen in your\n Karrio account.\n " - name: Batches description: "This is an object representing your Karrio batch operation.\n \ \ You can retrieve all batch operations historically for your Karrio\ \ account.\n " - name: Reference & Enums description: |+ ## Carriers | Carrier Name | Display Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | zoom2u | Zoom2u | | usps_international | USPS International | | usps | USPS | | ups | UPS | | tnt | TNT | | tge | TGE | | sendle | Sendle | | royalmail | Royal Mail | | roadie | Roadie | | purolator | Purolator | | nationex | Nationex | | locate2u | Locate2u | | laposte | La Poste | | hay_post | HayPost | | geodis | GEODIS | | freightcom | Freightcom | | fedex_ws | FedEx Web Service | | fedex | FedEx | | eshipper | eShipper | | easypost | EasyPost | | dpdhl | Deutsche Post DHL | | dpd | DPD | | dicom | Dicom | | dhl_universal | DHL Universal | | dhl_poland | DHL Parcel Poland | | dhl_parcel_de | DHL Parcel DE | | dhl_express | DHL Express | | colissimo | Colissimo | | chronopost | Chronopost | | canpar | Canpar | | canadapost | Canada Post | | bpost | Belgian Post | | boxknight | BoxKnight | | australiapost | Australia Post | | asendia_us | Asendia US | | aramex | Aramex | | amazon_shipping | AmazonShipping | | allied_express_local | Allied Express Local | | allied_express | Allied Express | --- ## Services The following service level codes can be used to reference specific rates when purchasing shipping labels using single call label creation. You can also find all of the possible service levels for each of your carrier accounts by using [this endpoint](#operation/&&get_services). ### Zoom2u | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | zoom2u_VIP | VIP | | zoom2u_3_hour | 3 hour | | zoom2u_same_day | Same day | ### USPS International | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | usps_first_class | First Class | | usps_first_class_commercial | First Class Commercial | | usps_first_class_hfp_commercial | First Class HFPCommercial | | usps_priority | Priority | | usps_priority_commercial | Priority Commercial | | usps_priority_cpp | Priority Cpp | | usps_priority_hfp_commercial | Priority HFP Commercial | | usps_priority_hfp_cpp | Priority HFP CPP | | usps_priority_mail_express | Priority Mail Express | | usps_priority_mail_express_commercial | Priority Mail Express Commercial | | usps_priority_mail_express_cpp | Priority Mail Express CPP | | usps_priority_mail_express_sh | Priority Mail Express Sh | | usps_priority_mail_express_sh_commercial | Priority Mail Express ShCommercial | | usps_priority_mail_express_hfp | Priority Mail Express HFP | | usps_priority_mail_express_hfp_commercial | Priority Mail Express HFP Commercial | | usps_priority_mail_express_hfp_cpp | Priority Mail Express HFP CPP | | usps_priority_mail_cubic | Priority Mail Cubic | | usps_retail_ground | Retail Ground | | usps_media | Media | | usps_library | Library | | usps_all | All | | usps_online | Online | | usps_plus | Plus | | usps_bpm | BPM | ### USPS | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | usps_first_class | First Class | | usps_first_class_commercial | First Class Commercial | | usps_first_class_hfp_commercial | First Class HFPCommercial | | usps_priority | Priority | | usps_priority_commercial | Priority Commercial | | usps_priority_cpp | Priority Cpp | | usps_priority_hfp_commercial | Priority HFP Commercial | | usps_priority_hfp_cpp | Priority HFP CPP | | usps_priority_mail_express | Priority Mail Express | | usps_priority_mail_express_commercial | Priority Mail Express Commercial | | usps_priority_mail_express_cpp | Priority Mail Express CPP | | usps_priority_mail_express_sh | Priority Mail Express Sh | | usps_priority_mail_express_sh_commercial | Priority Mail Express ShCommercial | | usps_priority_mail_express_hfp | Priority Mail Express HFP | | usps_priority_mail_express_hfp_commercial | Priority Mail Express HFP Commercial | | usps_priority_mail_express_hfp_cpp | Priority Mail Express HFP CPP | | usps_priority_mail_cubic | Priority Mail Cubic | | usps_retail_ground | Retail Ground | | usps_media | Media | | usps_library | Library | | usps_all | All | | usps_online | Online | | usps_plus | Plus | | usps_bpm | BPM | | usps_ground_advantage | Ground Advantage | | usps_ground_advantage_commercial | Ground Advantage Commercial | | usps_ground_advantage_hfp | Ground Advantage HFP | | usps_ground_advantage_hfp_commercial | Ground Advantage HFP Commercial | | usps_ground_advantage_cubic | Ground Advantage Cubic | ### UPS | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | ups_standard | UPS Standard | | ups_worldwide_express | UPS Worldwide Express | | ups_worldwide_expedited | UPS Worldwide Expedited | | ups_worldwide_express_plus | UPS Worldwide Express Plus | | ups_worldwide_saver | UPS Worldwide Saver | | ups_2nd_day_air | UPS 2nd Day Air | | ups_2nd_day_air_am | UPS 2nd Day Air A.M. | | ups_3_day_select | UPS 3 Day Select | | ups_ground | UPS Ground | | ups_next_day_air | UPS Next Day Air | | ups_next_day_air_early | UPS Next Day Air Early | | ups_next_day_air_saver | UPS Next Day Air Saver | | ups_expedited_ca | UPS Expedited CA | | ups_express_saver_ca | UPS Express Saver CA | | ups_3_day_select_ca_us | UPS 3 Day Select CA US | | ups_access_point_economy_ca | UPS Access Point Economy CA | | ups_express_ca | UPS Express CA | | ups_express_early_ca | UPS Express Early CA | | ups_express_saver_intl_ca | UPS Express Saver Intl CA | | ups_standard_ca | UPS Standard CA | | ups_worldwide_expedited_ca | UPS Worldwide Expedited CA | | ups_worldwide_express_ca | UPS Worldwide Express CA | | ups_worldwide_express_plus_ca | UPS Worldwide Express Plus CA | | ups_express_early_ca_us | UPS Express Early CA US | | ups_access_point_economy_eu | UPS Access Point Economy EU | | ups_expedited_eu | UPS Expedited EU | | ups_express_eu | UPS Express EU | | ups_standard_eu | UPS Standard EU | | ups_worldwide_express_plus_eu | UPS Worldwide Express Plus EU | | ups_worldwide_saver_eu | UPS Worldwide Saver EU | | ups_access_point_economy_mx | UPS Access Point Economy MX | | ups_expedited_mx | UPS Expedited MX | | ups_express_mx | UPS Express MX | | ups_standard_mx | UPS Standard MX | | ups_worldwide_express_plus_mx | UPS Worldwide Express Plus MX | | ups_worldwide_saver_mx | UPS Worldwide Saver MX | | ups_access_point_economy_pl | UPS Access Point Economy PL | | ups_today_dedicated_courrier_pl | UPS Today Dedicated Courrier PL | | ups_today_express_pl | UPS Today Express PL | | ups_today_express_saver_pl | UPS Today Express Saver PL | | ups_today_standard_pl | UPS Today Standard PL | | ups_expedited_pl | UPS Expedited PL | | ups_express_pl | UPS Express PL | | ups_express_plus_pl | UPS Express Plus PL | | ups_express_saver_pl | UPS Express Saver PL | | ups_standard_pl | UPS Standard PL | | ups_2nd_day_air_pr | UPS 2nd Day Air PR | | ups_ground_pr | UPS Ground PR | | ups_next_day_air_pr | UPS Next Day Air PR | | ups_next_day_air_early_pr | UPS Next Day Air Early PR | | ups_worldwide_expedited_pr | UPS Worldwide Expedited PR | | ups_worldwide_express_pr | UPS Worldwide Express PR | | ups_worldwide_express_plus_pr | UPS Worldwide Express Plus PR | | ups_worldwide_saver_pr | UPS Worldwide Saver PR | | ups_express_12_00_de | UPS Express 12:00 DE | | ups_worldwide_express_freight | UPS Worldwide Express Freight | | ups_worldwide_express_freight_midday | UPS Worldwide Express Freight Midday | | ups_worldwide_economy_ddu | UPS Worldwide Economy DDU | | ups_worldwide_economy_ddp | UPS Worldwide Economy DDP | ### TNT | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | tnt_special_express | 1N | | tnt_9_00_express | 09N | | tnt_10_00_express | 10N | | tnt_12_00_express | 12N | | tnt_express | EX | | tnt_economy_express | 48N | | tnt_global_express | 15N | ### TGE | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | tge_freight_service | X | ### Sendle | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | sendle_standard_pickup | STANDARD-PICKUP | | sendle_standard_dropoff | STANDARD-DROPOFF | | sendle_express_pickup | EXPRESS-PICKUP | ### Roadie | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | roadie_local_delivery | Roadie Local Delivery | ### Purolator | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | purolator_express_9_am | PurolatorExpress9AM | | purolator_express_us | PurolatorExpressU.S. | | purolator_express_10_30_am | PurolatorExpress10:30AM | | purolator_express_us_9_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.9AM | | purolator_express_12_pm | PurolatorExpress12PM | | purolator_express_us_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.10:30AM | | purolator_express | PurolatorExpress | | purolator_express_us_12_00 | PurolatorExpressU.S.12:00 | | purolator_express_evening | PurolatorExpressEvening | | purolator_express_envelope_us | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeU.S. | | purolator_express_envelope_9_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelope9AM | | purolator_express_us_envelope_9_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Envelope9AM | | purolator_express_envelope_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelope10:30AM | | purolator_express_us_envelope_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Envelope10:30AM | | purolator_express_envelope_12_pm | PurolatorExpressEnvelope12PM | | purolator_express_us_envelope_12_00 | PurolatorExpressU.S.Envelope12:00 | | purolator_express_envelope | PurolatorExpressEnvelope | | purolator_express_pack_us | PurolatorExpressPackU.S. | | purolator_express_envelope_evening | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeEvening | | purolator_express_us_pack_9_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Pack9AM | | purolator_express_pack_9_am | PurolatorExpressPack9AM | | purolator_express_us_pack_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Pack10:30AM | | purolator_express_pack10_30_am | PurolatorExpressPack10:30AM | | purolator_express_us_pack_12_00 | PurolatorExpressU.S.Pack12:00 | | purolator_express_pack_12_pm | PurolatorExpressPack12PM | | purolator_express_box_us | PurolatorExpressBoxU.S. | | purolator_express_pack | PurolatorExpressPack | | purolator_express_us_box_9_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Box9AM | | purolator_express_pack_evening | PurolatorExpressPackEvening | | purolator_express_us_box_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Box10:30AM | | purolator_express_box_9_am | PurolatorExpressBox9AM | | purolator_express_us_box_12_00 | PurolatorExpressU.S.Box12:00 | | purolator_express_box_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressBox10:30AM | | purolator_ground_us | PurolatorGroundU.S. | | purolator_express_box_12_pm | PurolatorExpressBox12PM | | purolator_express_international | PurolatorExpressInternational | | purolator_express_box | PurolatorExpressBox | | purolator_express_international_9_am | PurolatorExpressInternational9AM | | purolator_express_box_evening | PurolatorExpressBoxEvening | | purolator_express_international_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressInternational10:30AM | | purolator_ground | PurolatorGround | | purolator_express_international_12_00 | PurolatorExpressInternational12:00 | | purolator_ground_9_am | PurolatorGround9AM | | purolator_express_envelope_international | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational | | purolator_ground_10_30_am | PurolatorGround10:30AM | | purolator_express_international_envelope_9_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalEnvelope9AM | | purolator_ground_evening | PurolatorGroundEvening | | purolator_express_international_envelope_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalEnvelope10:30AM | | purolator_quick_ship | PurolatorQuickShip | | purolator_express_international_envelope_12_00 | PurolatorExpressInternationalEnvelope12:00 | | purolator_quick_ship_envelope | PurolatorQuickShipEnvelope | | purolator_express_pack_international | PurolatorExpressPackInternational | | purolator_quick_ship_pack | PurolatorQuickShipPack | | purolator_express_international_pack_9_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalPack9AM | | purolator_quick_ship_box | PurolatorQuickShipBox | | purolator_express_international_pack_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalPack10:30AM | | purolator_express_international_pack_12_00 | PurolatorExpressInternationalPack12:00 | | purolator_express_box_international | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational | | purolator_express_international_box_9_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalBox9AM | | purolator_express_international_box_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalBox10:30AM | | purolator_express_international_box_12_00 | PurolatorExpressInternationalBox12:00 | ### Locate2u | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | locate2u_local_delivery | Locate2u Local Delivery | ### HayPost | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | letter_ordered | 88 | | letter_simple | 79 | | letter_valued | 89 | | package_ordered | 93 | | package_simple | 92 | | package_valued | 100 | | parcel_simple | 94 | | parcel_valued | 95 | | postcard_ordered | 91 | | postcard_simple | 90 | | sekogram_simple | 96 | | sprint_simple | 97 | | yes_ordered_value | 99 | ### GEODIS | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | geodis_EXP | EXP | | geodis_MES | MES | | geodis_express_france | NTX | | geodis_retour_trans_fr_messagerie_plus | ENL | ### Freightcom | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | freightcom_all | 0 | | freightcom_usf_holland | 1911 | | freightcom_central_transport | 2029 | | freightcom_estes | 2107 | | freightcom_canpar_ground | 3400 | | freightcom_canpar_select | 3404 | | freightcom_canpar_overnight | 3407 | | freightcom_dicom_ground | 3700 | | freightcom_purolator_ground | 4000 | | freightcom_purolator_express | 4003 | | freightcom_purolator_express_9_am | 4004 | | freightcom_purolator_express_10_30_am | 4005 | | freightcom_purolator_ground_us | 4016 | | freightcom_purolator_express_us | 4015 | | freightcom_purolator_express_us_9_am | 4013 | | freightcom_purolator_express_us_10_30_am | 4014 | | freightcom_fedex_express_saver | 4100 | | freightcom_fedex_ground | 4101 | | freightcom_fedex_2day | 4102 | | freightcom_fedex_priority_overnight | 4104 | | freightcom_fedex_standard_overnight | 4105 | | freightcom_fedex_first_overnight | 4106 | | freightcom_fedex_international_priority | 4108 | | freightcom_fedex_international_economy | 4109 | | freightcom_ups_standard | 4600 | | freightcom_ups_expedited | 4601 | | freightcom_ups_express_saver | 4602 | | freightcom_ups_express | 4603 | | freightcom_ups_express_early | 4604 | | freightcom_ups_3day_select | 4605 | | freightcom_ups_worldwide_expedited | 4606 | | freightcom_ups_worldwide_express | 4607 | | freightcom_ups_worldwide_express_plus | 4608 | | freightcom_ups_worldwide_express_saver | 4609 | | freightcom_dhl_express_easy | 5202 | | freightcom_dhl_express_10_30 | 5208 | | freightcom_dhl_express_worldwide | 5211 | | freightcom_dhl_express_12_00 | 5215 | | freightcom_dhl_economy_select | 5216 | | freightcom_dhl_ecommerce_am_service | 5706 | | freightcom_dhl_ecommerce_ground_service | 5707 | | freightcom_canadapost_regular_parcel | 6301 | | freightcom_canadapost_expedited_parcel | 6300 | | freightcom_canadapost_xpresspost | 6303 | | freightcom_canadapost_priority | 6302 | ### FedEx Web Service | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | fedex_europe_first_international_priority | EUROPE_FIRST_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY | | fedex_1_day_freight | FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_2_day | FEDEX_2_DAY | | fedex_2_day_am | FEDEX_2_DAY_AM | | fedex_2_day_freight | FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_3_day_freight | FEDEX_3_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_cargo_airport_to_airport | FEDEX_CARGO_AIRPORT_TO_AIRPORT | | fedex_cargo_freight_forwarding | FEDEX_CARGO_FREIGHT_FORWARDING | | fedex_cargo_international_express_freight | FEDEX_CARGO_INTERNATIONAL_EXPRESS_FREIGHT | | fedex_cargo_international_premium | FEDEX_CARGO_INTERNATIONAL_PREMIUM | | fedex_cargo_mail | FEDEX_CARGO_MAIL | | fedex_cargo_registered_mail | FEDEX_CARGO_REGISTERED_MAIL | | fedex_cargo_surface_mail | FEDEX_CARGO_SURFACE_MAIL | | fedex_custom_critical_air_expedite | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_AIR_EXPEDITE | | fedex_custom_critical_air_expedite_exclusive_use | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_AIR_EXPEDITE_EXCLUSIVE_USE | | fedex_custom_critical_air_expedite_network | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_AIR_EXPEDITE_NETWORK | | fedex_custom_critical_charter_air | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_CHARTER_AIR | | fedex_custom_critical_point_to_point | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_POINT_TO_POINT | | fedex_custom_critical_surface_expedite | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_SURFACE_EXPEDITE | | fedex_custom_critical_surface_expedite_exclusive_use | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_SURFACE_EXPEDITE_EXCLUSIVE_USE | | fedex_custom_critical_temp_assure_air | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_TEMP_ASSURE_AIR | | fedex_custom_critical_temp_assure_validated_air | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_TEMP_ASSURE_VALIDATED_AIR | | fedex_custom_critical_white_glove_services | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_WHITE_GLOVE_SERVICES | | fedex_distance_deferred | FEDEX_DISTANCE_DEFERRED | | fedex_express_saver | FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER | | fedex_first_freight | FEDEX_FIRST_FREIGHT | | fedex_freight_economy | FEDEX_FREIGHT_ECONOMY | | fedex_freight_priority | FEDEX_FREIGHT_PRIORITY | | fedex_ground | FEDEX_GROUND | | fedex_international_priority_plus | FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_PLUS | | fedex_next_day_afternoon | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_AFTERNOON | | fedex_next_day_early_morning | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_EARLY_MORNING | | fedex_next_day_end_of_day | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_END_OF_DAY | | fedex_next_day_freight | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_next_day_mid_morning | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_MID_MORNING | | fedex_first_overnight | FIRST_OVERNIGHT | | fedex_ground_home_delivery | GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY | | fedex_international_distribution_freight | INTERNATIONAL_DISTRIBUTION_FREIGHT | | fedex_international_economy | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY | | fedex_international_economy_distribution | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_DISTRIBUTION | | fedex_international_economy_freight | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_FREIGHT | | fedex_international_first | INTERNATIONAL_FIRST | | fedex_international_ground | INTERNATIONAL_GROUND | | fedex_international_priority | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY | | fedex_international_priority_distribution | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_DISTRIBUTION | | fedex_international_priority_express | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_EXPRESS | | fedex_international_priority_freight | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_FREIGHT | | fedex_priority_overnight | PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT | | fedex_same_day | SAME_DAY | | fedex_same_day_city | SAME_DAY_CITY | | fedex_same_day_metro_afternoon | SAME_DAY_METRO_AFTERNOON | | fedex_same_day_metro_morning | SAME_DAY_METRO_MORNING | | fedex_same_day_metro_rush | SAME_DAY_METRO_RUSH | | fedex_smart_post | SMART_POST | | fedex_standard_overnight | STANDARD_OVERNIGHT | | fedex_transborder_distribution_consolidation | TRANSBORDER_DISTRIBUTION_CONSOLIDATION | ### FedEx | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | fedex_international_priority_express | FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_EXPRESS | | fedex_international_first | INTERNATIONAL_FIRST | | fedex_international_priority | FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY | | fedex_international_economy | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY | | fedex_ground | FEDEX_GROUND | | fedex_cargo_mail | FEDEX_CARGO_MAIL | | fedex_cargo_international_premium | FEDEX_CARGO_INTERNATIONAL_PREMIUM | | fedex_first_overnight | FIRST_OVERNIGHT | | fedex_first_overnight_freight | FIRST_OVERNIGHT_FREIGHT | | fedex_1_day_freight | FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_2_day_freight | FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_3_day_freight | FEDEX_3_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_international_priority_freight | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_FREIGHT | | fedex_international_economy_freight | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_FREIGHT | | fedex_cargo_airport_to_airport | FEDEX_CARGO_AIRPORT_TO_AIRPORT | | fedex_international_priority_distribution | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_DISTRIBUTION | | fedex_ip_direct_distribution_freight | FEDEX_IP_DIRECT_DISTRIBUTION_FREIGHT | | fedex_intl_ground_distribution | INTL_GROUND_DISTRIBUTION | | fedex_ground_home_delivery | GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY | | fedex_smart_post | SMART_POST | | fedex_priority_overnight | PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT | | fedex_standard_overnight | STANDARD_OVERNIGHT | | fedex_2_day | FEDEX_2_DAY | | fedex_2_day_am | FEDEX_2_DAY_AM | | fedex_express_saver | FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER | | fedex_same_day | SAME_DAY | | fedex_same_day_city | SAME_DAY_CITY | | fedex_one_day_freight | FEDEX_ONE_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_international_economy_distribution | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_DISTRIBUTION | | fedex_international_connect_plus | FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_CONNECT_PLUS | | fedex_international_distribution_freight | INTERNATIONAL_DISTRIBUTION_FREIGHT | | fedex_regional_economy | FEDEX_REGIONAL_ECONOMY | | fedex_next_day_freight | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_FREIGHT | | fedex_next_day | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY | | fedex_next_day_10am | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_10AM | | fedex_next_day_12pm | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_12PM | | fedex_next_day_end_of_day | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_END_OF_DAY | | fedex_distance_deferred | FEDEX_DISTANCE_DEFERRED | ### eShipper | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | eshipper_aramex_economy_document_express | 5000049 | | eshipper_aramex_economy_parcel_express | 5000048 | | eshipper_aramex_priority_letter_express | 5000046 | | eshipper_aramex_priority_parcel_express | 5000047 | | eshipper_canada_post_air_parcel_intl | 5000030 | | eshipper_canada_post_expedited | 5000026 | | eshipper_canada_post_expedited_parcel_usa | 5000032 | | eshipper_canada_post_priority_courier | 5000024 | | eshipper_canada_post_regular | 5000027 | | eshipper_canada_post_small_packet | 5000033 | | eshipper_canada_post_small_packet_international_air | 5000034 | | eshipper_canada_post_small_packet_international_surface | 5000035 | | eshipper_canada_post_surface_parcel_intl | 5000031 | | eshipper_canada_post_xpress_post | 5000025 | | eshipper_canada_post_xpress_post_intl | 5000029 | | eshipper_canada_post_xpress_post_usa | 5000028 | | eshipper_canada_post_xpresspost | 5000181 | | eshipper_canpar_express_letter | 5000129 | | eshipper_canpar_express_pak | 5000130 | | eshipper_canpar_express_parcel | 5000131 | | eshipper_canpar_ground | 5000184 | | eshipper_canpar_international | 5000135 | | eshipper_canpar_select_letter | 5000126 | | eshipper_canpar_select_pak | 5000127 | | eshipper_canpar_select_parcel | 5000128 | | eshipper_canpar_usa | 5000125 | | eshipper_canpar_usa_select_letter | 5000132 | | eshipper_canpar_usa_select_pak | 5000133 | | eshipper_canpar_usa_select_parcel | 5000134 | | eshipper_cpx_canada_post | 5000454 | | eshipper_day_ross_ltl | 5000457 | | eshipper_dhl_dhl_ground | 5000022 | | eshipper_dhl_economy_select | 5000186 | | eshipper_dhl_esi_export | 5000018 | | eshipper_dhl_express_1030am | 5000016 | | eshipper_dhl_express_12pm | 5000017 | | eshipper_dhl_express_900 | 5000180 | | eshipper_dhl_express_9am | 5000014 | | eshipper_dhl_express_envelope | 5000023 | | eshipper_dhl_express_worldwide | 5000015 | | eshipper_dhl_import_express | 5000019 | | eshipper_dhl_import_express_12pm | 5000021 | | eshipper_dhl_import_express_9am | 5000020 | | eshipper_ltl_apex_v | 5000414 | | eshipper_ltl_apex_trucking | 5000120 | | eshipper_ltl_apex_trucking_v | 5000124 | | eshipper_ltl_fastfrate_rail | 5000118 | | eshipper_ltl_kindersley_expedited | 5000420 | | eshipper_ltl_kindersley_rail | 5000121 | | eshipper_ltl_kindersley_regular | 5000421 | | eshipper_ltl_kindersley_road | 5000122 | | eshipper_ltl_kingsway_road | 5000117 | | eshipper_ltl_m_o_eastbound | 5000123 | | eshipper_ltl_mo_rail | 5000116 | | eshipper_ltl_national_fastfreight_rail | 5000114 | | eshipper_ltl_national_fastfreight_road | 5000119 | | eshipper_ltl_vitran_rail | 5000112 | | eshipper_ltl_vitran_road | 5000113 | | eshipper_ltl_western_canada_rail | 5000115 | | eshipper_federal_express_2day_freight | 5000177 | | eshipper_federal_express_3day_freight | 5000178 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_2nd_day | 5000173 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_economy | 5000174 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_first_overnight | 5000170 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_ground | 5000171 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_ground_us | 5000183 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_international_priority | 8000017 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_international_priority_express | 8000018 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_intl_economy | 5000179 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_intl_economy_freight | 5000176 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_intl_priority | 8000022 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_intl_priority_express | 8000023 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_intl_priority_freight | 5000175 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_priority | 5000169 | | eshipper_federal_express_fedex_standard_overnight | 5000172 | | eshipper_flashbird_ground | 8000032 | | eshipper_fleet_optics_ground | 5000458 | | eshipper_project44_a_duie_pyle | 5000103 | | eshipper_project44_aaa_cooper_transportation | 5000081 | | eshipper_project44_aberdeen_express | 5000092 | | eshipper_project44_abfs | 5000111 | | eshipper_project44_averitt_express | 5000079 | | eshipper_project44_brown_transfer_company | 5000102 | | eshipper_project44_central_freight_lines | 5000066 | | eshipper_project44_central_transport | 5000085 | | eshipper_project44_chicago_suburban_express | 5000086 | | eshipper_project44_clear_lane_freight | 5000095 | | eshipper_project44_con_way_freight | 5000057 | | eshipper_project44_crosscountry_courier | 5000083 | | eshipper_project44_day_ross | 5000099 | | eshipper_project44_day_ross_v | 5000101 | | eshipper_project44_dayton_freight_lines | 5000072 | | eshipper_project44_dependable_highway_express | 5000091 | | eshipper_project44_dohrn_transfer_company | 5000078 | | eshipper_project44_dugan_truck_line | 5000076 | | eshipper_project44_estes_express_lines | 5000061 | | eshipper_project44_expedited_freight_systems | 5000077 | | eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_canada | 5000105 | | eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_east | 5000059 | | eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_national_canada | 5000107 | | eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_national_usa | 5000108 | | eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_usa | 5000106 | | eshipper_project44_fedex_national | 5000060 | | eshipper_project44_forwardair | 5000062 | | eshipper_project44_frontline_freight | 5000096 | | eshipper_project44_holland_motor_express | 5000051 | | eshipper_project44_lakeville_motor_express | 5000074 | | eshipper_project44_manitoulin_tlx_inc | 5000104 | | eshipper_project44_midwest_motor_express | 5000075 | | eshipper_project44_monroe_transportation_services | 5000087 | | eshipper_project44_n_m_transfer | 5000090 | | eshipper_project44_new_england_motor_freight | 5000064 | | eshipper_project44_new_penn_motor_express | 5000054 | | eshipper_project44_pitt_ohio | 5000071 | | eshipper_project44_polaris | 5000094 | | eshipper_project44_purolator_freight | 5000100 | | eshipper_project44_rl_carriers | 5000058 | | eshipper_project44_roadrunner_transportation_services | 5000052 | | eshipper_project44_saia_motor_freight | 5000067 | | eshipper_project44_southeastern_freight_lines | 5000082 | | eshipper_project44_southwestern_motor_transport | 5000084 | | eshipper_project44_standard_forwarding | 5000093 | | eshipper_project44_total_transportation_distribution | 5000097 | | eshipper_project44_tst_overland_express | 5000098 | | eshipper_project44_ups | 5000073 | | eshipper_project44_usf_reddaway | 5000080 | | eshipper_project44_valley_cartage | 5000089 | | eshipper_project44_vision_express_ltl | 5000065 | | eshipper_project44_ward_trucking | 5000088 | | eshipper_project44_xpo_logistics | 5000110 | | eshipper_project44_xpress_global_systems | 5000109 | | eshipper_project44_yrc | 5000053 | | eshipper_purolator_purolator_express | 5000001 | | eshipper_purolator_purolator_express_1030 | 5000003 | | eshipper_purolator_purolator_express_9am | 5000002 | | eshipper_purolator_purolator_expresscheque | 5000011 | | eshipper_purolator_purolator_ground | 5000010 | | eshipper_purolator_purolator_ground_1030 | 5000013 | | eshipper_purolator_purolator_ground_9am | 5000012 | | eshipper_purolator_puroletter | 5000004 | | eshipper_purolator_puroletter_1030 | 5000006 | | eshipper_purolator_puroletter_9am | 5000005 | | eshipper_purolator_puropak | 5000007 | | eshipper_purolator_puropak_1030 | 5000009 | | eshipper_purolator_puropak_9am | 5000008 | | eshipper_pyk_ground_advantage | 5000459 | | eshipper_pyk_priority_mail | 5000460 | | eshipper_sameday_9am_guaranteed | 5000156 | | eshipper_sameday_am_service | 5000157 | | eshipper_sameday_ground_service | 5000158 | | eshipper_sameday_h1_deliver_to_curbside | 5000159 | | eshipper_sameday_h2_delivery_to_room_of_choice | 5000160 | | eshipper_sameday_h3_delivery_packaging_removal | 5000161 | | eshipper_sameday_h4_delivery_to_curbside | 5000162 | | eshipper_sameday_h5_delivery_to_room_of_choice_2_man | 5000163 | | eshipper_sameday_h6_delivery_packaging_removal_2_man | 5000164 | | eshipper_sameday_ltl_service | 5000165 | | eshipper_sameday_pm_service | 5000166 | | eshipper_sameday_urgent_letter | 5000167 | | eshipper_sameday_urgent_pac | 5000168 | | eshipper_skip | 8000019 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_dhl_parcel_international_direct_ngr | 8000053 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_business_priority | 5000137 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_business_standard | 5000138 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_packet_plus_priority | 5000139 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_packet_priority | 5000140 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_packet_standard | 5000141 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_parcel_direct_priority_yyz | 5000142 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_parcel_direct_standard_yyz | 5000143 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_parcel_priority | 5000144 | | eshipper_smartepost_intl_global_mail_parcel_standard | 5000145 | | eshipper_ups_expedited | 5000182 | | eshipper_ups_express | 5000036 | | eshipper_ups_express_early_am | 5000040 | | eshipper_ups_ground | 5000043 | | eshipper_ups_second_day_air_am | 5000045 | | eshipper_ups_standard | 5000039 | | eshipper_ups_three_day_select | 5000041 | | eshipper_ups_ups_saver | 5000042 | | eshipper_ups_worldwide_expedited | 5000038 | | eshipper_ups_worldwide_express | 5000037 | | eshipper_ups_worldwide_express_plus | 5000044 | | eshipper_usps_first_class_mail | 5000146 | | eshipper_usps_first_class_package_return_service | 8000002 | | eshipper_usps_library_mail | 5000147 | | eshipper_usps_media_mail | 5000148 | | eshipper_usps_parcel_select | 5000149 | | eshipper_usps_pbx | 5000154 | | eshipper_usps_pbx_lightweight | 5000155 | | eshipper_usps_priority_mail | 5000150 | | eshipper_usps_priority_mail_express | 5000151 | | eshipper_usps_priority_mail_open_and_distribute | 5000152 | | eshipper_usps_priority_mail_return_service | 8000003 | | eshipper_usps_retail_ground_formerly_standard_post | 5000153 | ### EasyPost | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | easypost_amazonmws_ups_rates | UPS Rates | | easypost_amazonmws_usps_rates | USPS Rates | | easypost_amazonmws_fedex_rates | FedEx Rates | | easypost_amazonmws_ups_labels | UPS Labels | | easypost_amazonmws_usps_labels | USPS Labels | | easypost_amazonmws_fedex_labels | FedEx Labels | | easypost_amazonmws_ups_tracking | UPS Tracking | | easypost_amazonmws_usps_tracking | USPS Tracking | | easypost_amazonmws_fedex_tracking | FedEx Tracking | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_book_service | parcelConnectBookService | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_expedited_ddp | parcelConnectExpeditedDDP | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_expedited_ddu | parcelConnectExpeditedDDU | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddp | parcelConnectPriorityDDP | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddp_delcon | parcelConnectPriorityDDPDelcon | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddu | parcelConnectPriorityDDU | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddu_delcon | parcelConnectPriorityDDUDelcon | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddupqw | parcelConnectPriorityDDUPQW | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_standard_ddu | parcelConnectStandardDDU | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_standard_ddupqw | parcelConnectStandardDDUPQW | | easypost_apc_parcel_connect_packet_ddu | parcelConnectPacketDDU | | easypost_asendia_pmi | PMI | | easypost_asendia_e_packet | ePacket | | easypost_asendia_ipa | IPA | | easypost_asendia_isal | ISAL | | easypost_asendia_us_ads | ADS | | easypost_asendia_us_air_freight_inbound | AirFreightInbound | | easypost_asendia_us_air_freight_outbound | AirFreightOutbound | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_bound_printer_matter_expedited | AsendiaDomesticBoundPrinterMatterExpedited | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_bound_printer_matter_ground | AsendiaDomesticBoundPrinterMatterGround | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_flats_expedited | AsendiaDomesticFlatsExpedited | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_flats_ground | AsendiaDomesticFlatsGround | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_ground_over1lb | AsendiaDomesticParcelGroundOver1lb | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_ground_under1lb | AsendiaDomesticParcelGroundUnder1lb | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_max_over1lb | AsendiaDomesticParcelMAXOver1lb | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_max_under1lb | AsendiaDomesticParcelMAXUnder1lb | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_over1lb_expedited | AsendiaDomesticParcelOver1lbExpedited | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_under1lb_expedited | AsendiaDomesticParcelUnder1lbExpedited | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_promo_parcel_expedited | AsendiaDomesticPromoParcelExpedited | | easypost_asendia_us_domestic_promo_parcel_ground | AsendiaDomesticPromoParcelGround | | easypost_asendia_us_bulk_freight | BulkFreight | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_canada_lettermail | BusinessMailCanadaLettermail | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_canada_lettermail_machineable | BusinessMailCanadaLettermailMachineable | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_economy | BusinessMailEconomy | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_economy_lp_wholesale | BusinessMailEconomyLPWholesale | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_economy_sp_wholesale | BusinessMailEconomySPWholesale | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_ipa | BusinessMailIPA | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_isal | BusinessMailISAL | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_priority | BusinessMailPriority | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_priority_lp_wholesale | BusinessMailPriorityLPWholesale | | easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_priority_sp_wholesale | BusinessMailPrioritySPWholesale | | easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_canada_personalized_lcp | MarketingMailCanadaPersonalizedLCP | | easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_canada_personalized_machineable | MarketingMailCanadaPersonalizedMachineable | | easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_canada_personalized_ndg | MarketingMailCanadaPersonalizedNDG | | easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_economy | MarketingMailEconomy | | easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_ipa | MarketingMailIPA | | easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_isal | MarketingMailISAL | | easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_priority | MarketingMailPriority | | easypost_asendia_us_publications_canada_lcp | PublicationsCanadaLCP | | easypost_asendia_us_publications_canada_ndg | PublicationsCanadaNDG | | easypost_asendia_us_publications_economy | PublicationsEconomy | | easypost_asendia_us_publications_ipa | PublicationsIPA | | easypost_asendia_us_publications_isal | 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easypost_asendia_us_epaq_pluse_packet | ePAQPlusePacket | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_pluse_packet_canada_customs_pre_paid | ePAQPlusePacketCanadaCustomsPrePaid | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_pluse_packet_canada_ddp | ePAQPlusePacketCanadaDDP | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_returns_domestic | ePAQReturnsDomestic | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_returns_international | ePAQReturnsInternational | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select | ePAQSelect | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_custom | ePAQSelectCustom | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_customs_prepaid_by_shopper | ePAQSelectCustomsPrepaidByShopper | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_dap | ePAQSelectDAP | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_ddp | ePAQSelectDDP | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_ddp_direct_access | ePAQSelectDDPDirectAccess | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_direct_access | ePAQSelectDirectAccess | | easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_direct_access_canada_ddp | ePAQSelectDirectAccessCanadaDDP | | 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InterlinkFreightBy10 | | easypost_interlink_freight_by12 | InterlinkFreightBy12 | | easypost_interlink_freight_next_day | InterlinkFreightNextDay | | easypost_interlink_freight_saturday | InterlinkFreightSaturday | | easypost_interlink_freight_saturday_by10 | InterlinkFreightSaturdayBy10 | | easypost_interlink_freight_saturday_by12 | InterlinkFreightSaturdayBy12 | | easypost_interlink_freight_sunday | InterlinkFreightSunday | | easypost_interlink_freight_sunday_by12 | InterlinkFreightSundayBy12 | | easypost_interlink_parcel_by10 | InterlinkParcelBy10 | | easypost_interlink_parcel_by10_30 | InterlinkParcelBy10:30 | | easypost_interlink_parcel_by12 | InterlinkParcelBy12 | | easypost_interlink_parcel_dpd_europe_by_road | InterlinkParcelDpdEuropeByRoad | | easypost_interlink_parcel_next_day | InterlinkParcelNextDay | | easypost_interlink_parcel_return | InterlinkParcelReturn | | easypost_interlink_parcel_return_to_shop | InterlinkParcelReturnToShop | | easypost_interlink_parcel_saturday | InterlinkParcelSaturday | | easypost_interlink_parcel_saturday_by10 | InterlinkParcelSaturdayBy10 | | easypost_interlink_parcel_saturday_by10_30 | InterlinkParcelSaturdayBy10:30 | | easypost_interlink_parcel_saturday_by12 | InterlinkParcelSaturdayBy12 | | easypost_interlink_parcel_ship_to_shop | InterlinkParcelShipToShop | | easypost_interlink_parcel_sunday | InterlinkParcelSunday | | easypost_interlink_parcel_sunday_by12 | InterlinkParcelSundayBy12 | | easypost_interlink_parcel_two_day | InterlinkParcelTwoDay | | easypost_interlink_pickup_parcel_dpd_europe_by_road | InterlinkPickupParcelDpdEuropeByRoad | | easypost_lasership_weekend | Weekend | | easypost_loomis_ground | LoomisGround | | easypost_loomis_express1800 | LoomisExpress1800 | | easypost_loomis_express1200 | LoomisExpress1200 | | easypost_loomis_express900 | LoomisExpress900 | | easypost_lso_ground_early | GroundEarly | | easypost_lso_ground_basic | GroundBasic | | easypost_lso_priority_basic | PriorityBasic | | easypost_lso_priority_early | PriorityEarly | | easypost_lso_priority_saturday | PrioritySaturday | | easypost_lso_priority2nd_day | Priority2ndDay | | easypost_newgistics_parcel_select | ParcelSelect | | easypost_newgistics_parcel_select_lightweight | ParcelSelectLightweight | | easypost_newgistics_express | Express | | easypost_newgistics_first_class_mail | FirstClassMail | | easypost_newgistics_priority_mail | PriorityMail | | easypost_newgistics_bound_printed_matter | BoundPrintedMatter | | easypost_ontrac_sunrise | Sunrise | | easypost_ontrac_gold | Gold | | easypost_ontrac_on_trac_ground | OnTracGround | | easypost_ontrac_palletized_freight | PalletizedFreight | | easypost_osm_first | First | | easypost_osm_expedited | Expedited | | easypost_osm_bpm | BPM | | easypost_osm_media_mail | MediaMail | | easypost_osm_marketing_parcel | MarketingParcel | | easypost_osm_marketing_parcel_tracked | MarketingParcelTracked | | easypost_parcll_economy_west | Economy West | | easypost_parcll_economy_east | Economy East | | easypost_parcll_economy_central | Economy Central | | easypost_parcll_economy_northeast | Economy Northeast | | easypost_parcll_economy_south | Economy South | | easypost_parcll_expedited_west | Expedited West | | easypost_parcll_expedited_northeast | Expedited Northeast | | easypost_parcll_regional_west | Regional West | | easypost_parcll_regional_east | Regional East | | easypost_parcll_regional_central | Regional Central | | easypost_parcll_regional_northeast | Regional Northeast | | easypost_parcll_regional_south | Regional South | | easypost_parcll_us_to_canada_economy_west | US to Canada Economy West | | easypost_parcll_us_to_canada_economy_central | US to Canada Economy Central | | easypost_parcll_us_to_canada_economy_northeast | US to Canada Economy Northeast | | easypost_parcll_us_to_europe_economy_west | US to Europe Economy West | | easypost_parcll_us_to_europe_economy_northeast | US to Europe Economy Northeast | | easypost_purolator_express | PurolatorExpress | | easypost_purolator_express12_pm | PurolatorExpress12PM | | easypost_purolator_express_pack12_pm | PurolatorExpressPack12PM | | easypost_purolator_express_box12_pm | PurolatorExpressBox12PM | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope12_pm | PurolatorExpressEnvelope12PM | | easypost_purolator_express1030_am | PurolatorExpress1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express9_am | PurolatorExpress9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_box | PurolatorExpressBox | | easypost_purolator_express_box1030_am | PurolatorExpressBox1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_box9_am | PurolatorExpressBox9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_box_evening | PurolatorExpressBoxEvening | | easypost_purolator_express_box_international | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational | | easypost_purolator_express_box_international1030_am | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_box_international1200 | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational1200 | | easypost_purolator_express_box_international9_am | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_box_us | PurolatorExpressBoxUS | | easypost_purolator_express_box_us1030_am | PurolatorExpressBoxUS1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_box_us1200 | PurolatorExpressBoxUS1200 | | easypost_purolator_express_box_us9_am | PurolatorExpressBoxUS9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope | PurolatorExpressEnvelope | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope1030_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelope1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope9_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelope9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_evening | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeEvening | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_international | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_international1030_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_international1200 | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational1200 | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_international9_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_us | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeUS | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_us1030_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeUS1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_us1200 | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeUS1200 | | easypost_purolator_express_envelope_us9_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeUS9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_evening | PurolatorExpressEvening | | easypost_purolator_express_international | PurolatorExpressInternational | | easypost_purolator_express_international1030_am | PurolatorExpressInternational1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_international1200 | PurolatorExpressInternational1200 | | easypost_purolator_express_international9_am | PurolatorExpressInternational9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_pack | PurolatorExpressPack | | easypost_purolator_express_pack1030_am | PurolatorExpressPack1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_pack9_am | PurolatorExpressPack9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_evening | PurolatorExpressPackEvening | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_international | PurolatorExpressPackInternational | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_international1030_am | PurolatorExpressPackInternational1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_international1200 | PurolatorExpressPackInternational1200 | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_international9_am | PurolatorExpressPackInternational9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_us | PurolatorExpressPackUS | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_us1030_am | PurolatorExpressPackUS1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_us1200 | PurolatorExpressPackUS1200 | | easypost_purolator_express_pack_us9_am | PurolatorExpressPackUS9AM | | easypost_purolator_express_us | PurolatorExpressUS | | easypost_purolator_express_us1030_am | PurolatorExpressUS1030AM | | easypost_purolator_express_us1200 | PurolatorExpressUS1200 | | easypost_purolator_express_us9_am | PurolatorExpressUS9AM | | easypost_purolator_ground | PurolatorGround | | easypost_purolator_ground1030_am | PurolatorGround1030AM | | easypost_purolator_ground9_am | PurolatorGround9AM | | easypost_purolator_ground_distribution | PurolatorGroundDistribution | | easypost_purolator_ground_evening | PurolatorGroundEvening | | easypost_purolator_ground_regional | PurolatorGroundRegional | | easypost_purolator_ground_us | PurolatorGroundUS | | easypost_royalmail_international_signed | InternationalSigned | | easypost_royalmail_international_tracked | InternationalTracked | | easypost_royalmail_international_tracked_and_signed | InternationalTrackedAndSigned | | easypost_royalmail_1st_class | 1stClass | | easypost_royalmail_1st_class_signed_for | 1stClassSignedFor | | easypost_royalmail_2nd_class | 2ndClass | | easypost_royalmail_2nd_class_signed_for | 2ndClassSignedFor | | easypost_royalmail_royal_mail24 | RoyalMail24 | | easypost_royalmail_royal_mail24_signed_for | RoyalMail24SignedFor | | easypost_royalmail_royal_mail48 | RoyalMail48 | | easypost_royalmail_royal_mail48_signed_for | RoyalMail48SignedFor | | easypost_royalmail_special_delivery_guaranteed1pm | SpecialDeliveryGuaranteed1pm | | easypost_royalmail_special_delivery_guaranteed9am | SpecialDeliveryGuaranteed9am | | easypost_royalmail_standard_letter1st_class | StandardLetter1stClass | | easypost_royalmail_standard_letter1st_class_signed_for | StandardLetter1stClassSignedFor | | easypost_royalmail_standard_letter2nd_class | StandardLetter2ndClass | | easypost_royalmail_standard_letter2nd_class_signed_for | StandardLetter2ndClassSignedFor | | easypost_royalmail_tracked24 | Tracked24 | | easypost_royalmail_tracked24_high_volume | Tracked24HighVolume | | easypost_royalmail_tracked24_high_volume_signature | Tracked24HighVolumeSignature | | easypost_royalmail_tracked24_signature | Tracked24Signature | | easypost_royalmail_tracked48 | Tracked48 | | easypost_royalmail_tracked48_high_volume | Tracked48HighVolume | | easypost_royalmail_tracked48_high_volume_signature | Tracked48HighVolumeSignature | | easypost_royalmail_tracked48_signature | Tracked48Signature | | easypost_seko_ecommerce_standard_tracked | eCommerce Standard Tracked | | easypost_seko_ecommerce_express_tracked | eCommerce Express Tracked | | easypost_seko_domestic_express | Domestic Express | | easypost_seko_domestic_standard | Domestic Standard | | easypost_sendle_easy | Easy | | easypost_sendle_pro | Pro | | easypost_sendle_plus | Plus | | easypost_sfexpress_international_standard_express_doc | International Standard Express - Doc | | easypost_sfexpress_international_standard_express_parcel | International Standard Express - Parcel | | easypost_sfexpress_international_economy_express_pilot | International Economy Express - Pilot | | easypost_sfexpress_international_economy_express_doc | International Economy Express - Doc | | easypost_speedee_delivery | SpeeDeeDelivery | | easypost_startrack_express | StartrackExpress | | easypost_startrack_premium | StartrackPremium | | easypost_startrack_fixed_price_premium | StartrackFixedPricePremium | | easypost_tforce_same_day_white_glove | SameDayWhiteGlove | | easypost_tforce_next_day_white_glove | NextDayWhiteGlove | | easypost_uds_delivery_service | DeliveryService | | easypost_ups_standard | UPSStandard | | easypost_ups_saver | UPSSaver | | easypost_ups_express_plus | ExpressPlus | | easypost_ups_next_day_air | NextDayAir | | easypost_ups_next_day_air_saver | NextDayAirSaver | | easypost_ups_next_day_air_early_am | NextDayAirEarlyAM | | easypost_ups_2nd_day_air | 2ndDayAir | | easypost_ups_2nd_day_air_am | 2ndDayAirAM | | easypost_ups_3_day_select | 3DaySelect | | easypost_ups_mail_expedited_mail_innovations | ExpeditedMailInnovations | | easypost_ups_mail_priority_mail_innovations | PriorityMailInnovations | | easypost_ups_mail_economy_mail_innovations | EconomyMailInnovations | | easypost_usps_library_mail | LibraryMail | | easypost_usps_first_class_mail_international | FirstClassMailInternational | | easypost_usps_first_class_package_international_service | FirstClassPackageInternationalService | | easypost_usps_priority_mail_international | PriorityMailInternational | | easypost_usps_express_mail_international | ExpressMailInternational | | easypost_veho_next_day | nextDay | | easypost_veho_same_day | sameDay | ### Deutsche Post DHL | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | dpdhl_paket | V01PAK | | dpdhl_paket_international | V53WPAK | | dpdhl_europaket | V54EPAK | | dpdhl_paket_connect | V55PAK | | dpdhl_warenpost | V62WP | | dpdhl_warenpost_international | V66WPI | | dpdhl_retoure | | ### DPD | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | dpd_cl | CL | | dpd_express_10h | E10 | | dpd_express_12h | E12 | | dpd_express_18h_guarantee | E18 | | dpd_express_b2b_predict | B2B MSG option | ### DHL Parcel Poland | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | dhl_poland_premium | PR | | dhl_poland_polska | AH | | dhl_poland_09 | 09 | | dhl_poland_12 | 12 | | dhl_poland_connect | EK | | dhl_poland_international | PI | ### DHL Parcel DE | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | dhl_parcel_de_paket | V01PAK | | dhl_parcel_de_warenpost | V62WP | | dhl_parcel_de_europaket | V54EPAK | | dhl_parcel_de_paket_international | V53WPAK | | dhl_parcel_de_warenpost_international | V66WPI | ### DHL Express | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | dhl_logistics_services | 0 | | dhl_domestic_express_12_00 | 1 | | dhl_express_choice | 2 | | dhl_express_choice_nondoc | 3 | | dhl_jetline | 4 | | dhl_sprintline | 5 | | dhl_air_capacity_sales | 6 | | dhl_express_easy | 7 | | dhl_express_easy_nondoc | 8 | | dhl_parcel_product | 9 | | dhl_accounting | A | | dhl_breakbulk_express | B | | dhl_medical_express | C | | dhl_express_worldwide_doc | D | | dhl_express_9_00_nondoc | E | | dhl_freight_worldwide_nondoc | F | | dhl_economy_select_domestic | G | | dhl_economy_select_nondoc | H | | dhl_express_domestic_9_00 | I | | dhl_jumbo_box_nondoc | J | | dhl_express_9_00 | K | | dhl_express_10_30 | L | | dhl_express_10_30_nondoc | M | | dhl_express_domestic | N | | dhl_express_domestic_10_30 | O | | dhl_express_worldwide_nondoc | P | | dhl_medical_express_nondoc | Q | | dhl_globalmail | R | | dhl_same_day | S | | dhl_express_12_00 | T | | dhl_express_worldwide | U | | dhl_parcel_product_nondoc | V | | dhl_economy_select | W | | dhl_express_envelope | X | | dhl_express_12_00_nondoc | Y | | dhl_destination_charges | Z | | dhl_express_all | None | ### Colissimo | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | colissimo_home_without_signature | DOM | | colissimo_home_with_signature | DOS | | colissimo_eco_france | CECO | | colissimo_return_france | CORE | | colissimo_flash_without_signature | COLR | | colissimo_flash_with_signature | J+1 | | colissimo_oversea_home_without_signature | COM | | colissimo_oversea_home_with_signature | CDS | | colissimo_eco_om_without_signature | ECO | | colissimo_eco_om_with_signature | ECOS | | colissimo_retour_om | CORI | | colissimo_return_international_from_france | CORF | | colissimo_economical_big_export_offer | ACCI | | colissimo_out_of_home_national_international | HD | ### Chronopost | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | chronopost_retrait_bureau | 0 | | chronopost_13 | 1 | | chronopost_10 | 2 | | chronopost_18 | 16 | | chronopost_relais | 86 | | chronopost_express_international | 17 | | chronopost_premium_international | 37 | | chronopost_classic_international | 44 | ### Canada Post | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | canadapost_regular_parcel | DOM.RP | | canadapost_expedited_parcel | DOM.EP | | canadapost_xpresspost | DOM.XP | | canadapost_xpresspost_certified | DOM.XP.CERT | | canadapost_priority | DOM.PC | | canadapost_library_books | DOM.LIB | | canadapost_expedited_parcel_usa | USA.EP | | canadapost_priority_worldwide_envelope_usa | USA.PW.ENV | | canadapost_priority_worldwide_pak_usa | USA.PW.PAK | | canadapost_priority_worldwide_parcel_usa | USA.PW.PARCEL | | canadapost_small_packet_usa_air | USA.SP.AIR | | canadapost_tracked_packet_usa | USA.TP | | canadapost_tracked_packet_usa_lvm | USA.TP.LVM | | canadapost_xpresspost_usa | USA.XP | | canadapost_xpresspost_international | INT.XP | | canadapost_international_parcel_air | INT.IP.AIR | | canadapost_international_parcel_surface | INT.IP.SURF | | canadapost_priority_worldwide_envelope_intl | INT.PW.ENV | | canadapost_priority_worldwide_pak_intl | INT.PW.PAK | | canadapost_priority_worldwide_parcel_intl | INT.PW.PARCEL | | canadapost_small_packet_international_air | INT.SP.AIR | | canadapost_small_packet_international_surface | INT.SP.SURF | | canadapost_tracked_packet_international | INT.TP | ### Belgian Post | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | bpack_24h_pro | bpack 24h Pro | | bpack_24h_business | bpack 24h business | | bpack_bus | bpack Bus | | bpack_pallet | bpack Pallet | | bpack_easy_retour | bpack Easy Retour | | bpack_xl | bpack XL | | bpack_bpost | bpack@bpost | | bpack_24_7 | bpack 24/7 | | bpack_world_business | bpack World Business | | bpack_world_express_pro | bpack World Express Pro | | bpack_europe_business | bpack Europe Business | | bpack_world_easy_return | bpack World Easy Return | | bpack_bpost_international | bpack@bpost international | | bpack_24_7_international | bpack 24/7 international | ### BoxKnight | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | boxknight_sameday | SAMEDAY | | boxknight_nextday | NEXTDAY | | boxknight_scheduled | SCHEDULED | ### Australia Post | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | australiapost_parcel_post | T28 | | australiapost_express_post | E34 | | australiapost_parcel_post_signature | 3D55 | | australiapost_express_post_signature | 3J55 | | australiapost_intl_standard_pack_track | PTI8 | | australiapost_intl_standard_with_signature | PTI7 | | australiapost_intl_express_merch | ECM8 | | australiapost_intl_express_docs | ECD8 | | australiapost_eparcel_post_returns | PR | | australiapost_express_eparcel_post_returns | XPR | ### Asendia US | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | asendia_us_e_com_tracked_ddp | 19 | | asendia_us_fully_tracked | 65 | | asendia_us_country_tracked | 66 | ### AmazonShipping | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | amazon_shipping_ground | Amazon Shipping Ground | | amazon_shipping_standard | Amazon Shipping Standard | | amazon_shipping_premium | Amazon Shipping Premium | ### Allied Express Local | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | allied_road_service | R | | allied_parcel_service | P | | allied_standard_pallet_service | PT | | allied_oversized_pallet_service | PT2 | | allied_local_normal_service | N | | allied_local_vip_service | V | | allied_local_executive_service | E | | allied_local_gold_service | G | ### Allied Express | Code | Service Name | | ------------ | ------------ | | allied_road_service | R | | allied_parcel_service | P | | allied_standard_pallet_service | PT | | allied_oversized_pallet_service | PT2 | --- ## Parcel Templates Use any of the following templates when you ship with special carrier packaging. ### UPS | Code | Dimensions | | ------------ | ------------ | | ups_small_express_box | 13.0 x 11.0 x 2.0 in | | ups_medium_express_box | 16.0 x 11.0 x 3.0 in | | ups_large_express_box | 18.0 x 13.0 x 3.0 in | | ups_express_tube | 38.0 x 6.0 x 6.0 in | | ups_express_pak | 16.0 x 11.75 x 1.5 in | | ups_world_document_box | 17.5 x 12.5 x 3.0 in | ### TNT | Code | Dimensions | | ------------ | ------------ | | tnt_envelope_doc | 35.0 x 1.0 x 27.5 cm | | tnt_satchel_bag1 | 40.0 x 1.0 x 30.0 cm | | tnt_satchel_bag2 | 47.5 x 1.0 x 38.0 cm | | tnt_box_B | 29.5 x 19.0 x 40.0 cm | | tnt_box_C | 29.5 x 29.0 x 40.0 cm | | tnt_box_D | 39.5 x 29.0 x 50.0 cm | | tnt_box_E | 39.5 x 49.5 x 44.0 cm | | tnt_medpack_ambient | 18.0 x 12.0 x 23.0 cm | | tnt_medpack_fronzen_10 | 37.0 x 35.5 x 40.0 cm | ### Purolator | Code | Dimensions | | ------------ | ------------ | | purolator_express_envelope | 12.5 x 16 x 1.5 in | | purolator_express_pack | 12.5 x 16 x 1.0 in | | purolator_express_box | 18 x 12 x 3.5 in | ### FedEx Web Service | Code | Dimensions | | ------------ | ------------ | | fedex_envelope_legal_size | 9.5 x 15.5 x 1 in | | fedex_padded_pak | 11.75 x 14.75 x 1 in | | fedex_polyethylene_pak | 12.0 x 15.5 x 1 in | | fedex_clinical_pak | 13.5 x 18.0 x 1 in | | fedex_small_box | 12.25 x 10.9 x 1.5 in | | fedex_medium_box | 13.25 x 11.5 x 2.38 in | | fedex_large_box | 17.88 x 12.38 x 3.0 in | | fedex_extra_large_box | 11.88 x 11.0 x 10.75 in | | fedex_10_kg_box | 15.81 x 12.94 x 10.19 in | | fedex_25_kg_box | 21.56 x 16.56 x 13.19 in | | fedex_tube | 38.0 x 6.0 x 6.0 in | ### DHL Express | Code | Dimensions | | ------------ | ------------ | | dhl_express_envelope | 35.0 x 27.5 x 1.0 cm | | dhl_express_standard_flyer | 40.0 x 30.0 x 1.5 cm | | dhl_express_large_flyer | 47.5 x 37.5 x 1.5 cm | | dhl_express_box_2 | 33.7 x 18.2 x 10.0 cm | | dhl_express_box_3 | 33.6 x 32.0 x 5.2 cm | | dhl_express_box_4 | 33.7 x 32.2 x 18.0 cm | | dhl_express_box_5 | 33.7 x 32.2 x 34.5 cm | | dhl_express_box_6 | 41.7 x 35.9 x 36.9 cm | | dhl_express_box_7 | 48.1 x 40.4 x 38.9 cm | | dhl_express_box_8 | 54.2 x 44.4 x 40.9 cm | | dhl_express_tube | 96.0 x 15.0 x 15.0 cm | | dhl_didgeridoo_box | 13.0 x 13.0 x 162.0 cm | | dhl_jumbo_box | 45.0 x 42.7 x 33.0 cm | | dhl_jumbo_box_junior | 39.9 x 34.0 x 24.1 cm | ### Canada Post | Code | Dimensions | | ------------ | ------------ | | canadapost_mailing_box | 10.2 x 15.2 x 1.0 cm | | canadapost_extra_small_mailing_box | 14.0 x 14.0 x 14.0 cm | | canadapost_small_mailing_box | 28.6 x 22.9 x 6.4 cm | | canadapost_medium_mailing_box | 31.0 x 23.5 x 13.3 cm | | canadapost_large_mailing_box | 38.1 x 30.5 x 9.5 cm | | canadapost_extra_large_mailing_box | 40.0 x 30.5 x 21.6 cm | | canadapost_corrugated_small_box | 42.0 x 32.0 x 32.0 cm | | canadapost_corrugated_medium_box | 46.0 x 38.0 x 32.0 cm | | canadapost_corrugated_large_box | 46.0 x 46.0 x 40.6 cm | | canadapost_xexpresspost_certified_envelope | 26.0 x 15.9 x 1.5 cm | | canadapost_xexpresspost_national_large_envelope | 40.0 x 29.2 x 1.5 cm | ...