# Hi! This is an addon for SublimeLinter. ## Enabling/disabling registered linters First it adds a hook against Package Control. So, when you disable a package using Package Control it actually unregisters this linter immediately. No need to restart anymore. This kind of disabling is *persistent* and *global*. Second, it adds a command to quickly enable/disable registered linters. The new command is called `sublime_linter_addon_toggle_linters` and it may optionally take an argument. Bind it to a key, e.g. ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+t"], "command": "sublime_linter_addon_toggle_linters" "args": {"persist": "project"} // optional }, ``` If you don't set "persist" then disabling a linter is *global* for all open windows, but also only *in memory*. Currently only "project" is implemented and saves the configuration in the open project file. ## Toggle debug mode Adds a command to **toggle the debug mode** of SublimeLinter. Search for "SublimeLinter: Toggle debug mode" in the command palette. The internal name of that command is `sublime_linter_addon_toggle_debug`. ## Switch lint mode Adds a command to quickly **switch the lint mode** of SublimeLinter. Search for "SublimeLinter: Switch lint mode". The command is called `sublime_linter_addon_choose_lint_mode` and it takes `lint_mode` as an *optional* argument. # Install Open up the command palette and find `Package Control: Install Package`, and just search for `SublimeLinter-addon-toggler`. (just a normal install)