SublimeLinter-contrib-ember-template ==================================== [![tests](]( This linter plugin for [SublimeLinter]( provides an interface to [ember-template-lint]( It will be used with files that have the “handlebars” syntax. ## Installation SublimeLinter must be installed in order to use this plugin. Please use [Package Control]( to install the linter plugin. Before using this plugin, ensure that `ember-template-lint` is installed on your system. To install `ember-template-lint`, usually do the following: ``` npm install --save-dev ember-template-lint ``` But newer ember apps have it preinstalled. Note that `ember-template-lint` *requires* a configuration file but does *not* error if it can't find any! (So it can look like you're green and everything is okay to commit when in fact it didn't do anything.)