Katacoda has extended Markdown to simplify the users interaction while completing the scenarios and encounter less mistakes.

## Copy to Clipboard

This extension will copy the command or text to the clipboard.

<pre>`echo "Copy to Clipboard"`{{copy}}</pre>

`echo "Copy to Clipboard"`{{copy}}

## Multi-Line Copy to Clipboard

The same functionality as above is available over multiple lines.

echo "Line 1"

echo "Line 2"

echo "Line 3"

echo "Line 1"

echo "Line 2"

echo "Line 3"

## Execute in Terminal

Katacoda has integration to automatically execute the commands for the terminal.

This is done by adding `execute` to the markdown code block, for example:
<pre>`echo "Run in Terminal"`{{execute}}</pre>

This creates:
`echo "Run in Terminal"`{{execute}}

## Multi-Line Execute in Terminal

The same functionality as above is available over multiple lines.

echo "Line 1"

echo "Line 2"

echo "Line 3"


This creates:
echo "Line 1"

echo "Line 2"

echo "Line 3"

## Interrupt

When the user has long running commands, such as a watch, it can be useful to ensure that this is stopped but the user runs the next command. 

<pre>`echo "Send Ctrl+C before running Terminal"`{{execute interrupt}}</pre>

`echo "Send Ctrl+C before running Terminal"`{{execute interrupt}}

## Interrupt

When the user has long running commands, such as `top`{{execute}}, it can be useful to ensure that this is stopped but the user runs the next command. 

<pre>`echo "Send Ctrl+C before running Terminal"`{{execute interrupt}}</pre>

`echo "Send Ctrl+C before running Terminal"`{{execute interrupt}}

## Control Sequences

Alongside the interrupt command above, certain Control Sequences can be sent.

Given a long running command, like `top`{{execute}}. It can be stopped using <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd>. This can be executed as a control sequence with the command `^C`{{execute ctrl-seq}}

The markdown for this is:
`^C`{{execute ctrl-seq}}

The use of control sequences can be useful when teaching applications such as `vim`{{execute}}.

The instructions can guide the user on how  

* Switch to insert mode by typing `i`{{execute no-newline}}

* Once finished, press ESC (`^ESC`{{execute ctrl-seq}}) to switch back to normal mode

* To exit, type `:q!`{{execute}}

In the markdown, you would include:
`i`{{execute no-newline}}

`^ESC`{{execute ctrl-seq}}


Notice the use of `no-newline` as a way to send a keystroke with a carriage return following it.

## Keyboard Icons

This can also be helped by using Keyboard symbols to show users to use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd>

The Markdown is:

## Execute on different hosts 

When using the `terminal-terminal` layout and multiple hosts within the cluster, you can have commands executed on which host is required. This is used within our [Kubernetes scenarios](https://www.katacoda.com/courses/kubernetes/getting-started-with-kubeadm).

`echo "Run in Terminal Host 1"`{{execute HOST1}}

`echo "Run in Terminal Host 2"`{{execute HOST2}}

`echo "Run in Terminal Host 1"`{{execute HOST1}}

`echo "Run in Terminal Host 2"`{{execute HOST2}}

## Execute in different Terminal windows

When explaining complex systems, it can be useful to run commands in a separate terminal window. This can be run automatically by including the target Terminal number. 

If the terminal is not open, it will launch and the command will be executed. 

`echo "Run in Terminal 3"`{{execute T3}}

`echo "Open and Execute in Terminal 4"`{{execute T4}}


`echo "Run in Terminal 3"`{{execute T3}}

`echo "Open and Execute in Terminal 4"`{{execute T4}}