# LimeStyle LimeStyle is a Sublime plugin that performs checkstyle according to CS1331's stylesheet. The results of the checkstyle operation are displayed in Sublime's gutter. ![Screen shot](https://github.com/kauboy26/LimeStyle/blob/master/screen_shot.png) ## Installation LimeStyle will be installable via Package Control (once this plugin is approved). Until then, this project (as a folder) can be downloaded and placed into "/sublime-text-3/Packages" ### Dependencies JAVA must be accessible from the command line. To see if it is accessible, run from command prompt or the terminal (on Linux and OSX): ``` java -version ``` If the version shows up, this plugin can be used. ## Usage LimeStyle can be run either by navigating to "Tools > LimeStyle" in the menu bar. OR Press "ctrl+shift+P" to open the command palette. Type in "Checkstyle 1331" or "Javadoc 1331" and hit "Enter". OR View the .sublime-commands file and set up keybindings according to your preferences. *IMPORTANT*: LimeStyle will be performed on all *open* .java files. These .java files will also be *automatically saved*. ## License This is available under the GNU Lesser Greater Public License (see LICENSE.txt). The source code for the checkstyle jar used in this project can be found [here](https://github.com/cs1331/checkstyle).