#!/usr/bin/env bash # Version: v0.7-1-gbb0a9ee # This script uses the unofficial strict mode as explained in # http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode # # Also checks have been done with www.shellcheck.net to have a level of # confidence that this script will be free of loopholes.. or is it? :) # # This file is tangled from https://github.com/kaushalmodi/eless/blob/master/eless.org # Do NOT edit this manually. eless_version='v0.7-1-gbb0a9ee' h=" Script to run emacs in view-mode with some sane defaults in attempt to replace less, diff, man, (probably ls too). * Options to this script |--------+--------------------------| | Option | Description | |--------+--------------------------| | -h | Show this help and quit | | --gui | Run eless in GUI mode | | -V | Print version and quit | | -D | Run with debug messages | |--------+--------------------------| * Common bindings in 'view-mode' |--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Binding | Description | |--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SPC | Scroll forward 'page size' lines. With prefix scroll forward prefix lines. | | DEL or S-SPC | Scroll backward 'page size' lines. With prefix scroll backward prefix lines. | | | (If your terminal does not support this, use xterm instead or using C-h.) | | RET | Scroll forward one line. With prefix scroll forward prefix line(s). | | y | Scroll backward one line. With prefix scroll backward prefix line(s). | | s | Do forward incremental search. | | r | Do reverse incremental search. | | e | Quit the 'view-mode' and use that emacs session as usual to modify | | | the opened file if needed. | |--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ** Custom bindings |--------------+------------------------------------------------------------| | Binding | Description | |--------------+------------------------------------------------------------| | ! or K | Delete lines matching regexp | | & or k | Keep lines matching regexp | | 0 | Delete this window | | 1 | Keep only this window | | A | Auto-revert Tail Mode (like tail -f on current buffer) | | D | Dired | | N | Next error (next line in *occur*) | | P | Previous error (previous line in *occur*) | | a | Auto-revert Mode | | g or F5 | Revert buffer (probably after keep/delete lines) | | n | Next line | | o | Occur | | p | Previous line | | q | Quit emacs if at most one buffer is open, else kill buffer | | t | Toggle line truncation | | = or + or - | Adjust font size (in GUI mode) | | C-down/up | Inc/Dec frame height (in GUI mode) | | C-right/left | Inc/Dec frame width (in GUI mode) | |--------------+------------------------------------------------------------| ** Do 'C-h b' and search for 'view-mode' to see more bindings in this mode. * For GNU/Linux systems, set the environment variable PAGER to 'eless' to use it for viewing man pages. 'man grep' will then show the grep man page in eless. For macOS systems, 'PAGER=less man -P \"eless --gui\" grep' will work instead. * Usage Examples eless foo.txt # Open foo.txt in eless in terminal (-nw) mode by default. eless foo.txt --gui # Open foo.txt in eless in GUI mode. echo 'foo' | eless # echo 'foo' | eless - # Same as above. The hyphen after eless does not matter; is anyways discarded. grep 'bar' foo.txt | eless # diff foo bar | eless # Colored diff! diff -u foo bar | eless # Colored diff for unified diff format eless . # Open dired in the current directory (enhanced 'ls') ls --color=always | eless # Auto-detect ANSI color codes and convert those to colors PAGER=eless git diff # Show git diff with ANSI coded colors eless -h | eless # See eless help ;-) info emacs | eless # Read emacs Info manual in eless eless foo.tar.xz # Read the contents of archives; emacs does the unarchiving automatically PAGER=eless python3; help('def') # Read (I)Python keyword help pages (example: help for 'def' keyword) PAGER=eless python3; help('shlex') # Read (I)Python module help pages (example: help for 'shlex' module) PAGER=eless python3; help('TYPES') # Read (I)Python topic help pages (example: help for 'TYPES' topic) PAGER=eless man grep # Launches man pages in eless (terminal mode), if the env var PAGER is set to eless (does not work on macOS). PAGER=less man -P eless grep # Launches man pages in eless (terminal mode), if the env var PAGER is *not* set to eless (works on macOS). PAGER=\"eless --gui\" man grep # Launches man pages in eless (GUI mode), if the env var PAGER is set to \"eless --gui\" (does not work on macOS). PAGER=less man -P \"eless --gui\" grep # Launches man pages in eless (GUI mode), if the env var PAGER is *not* set to \"eless --gui\" (works on macOS). " set -o pipefail set -e # Error out and exit the script when any line in this script returns an error set -u # Error out when unbound variables are found # IFS=$'\n\t' # Separate fields in a sequence only at newlines and tab characters IFS=$' ' # Separate each field in a sequence at space characters help=0 debug=0 no_window_arg="-nw" emacs_args=("${no_window_arg}") # Run emacs with -nw by default piped_data_file='' cmd='' input_from_pipe_flag=0 output_to_pipe_flag=0 # Use the emacs binary if set by the environment variable EMACS, else set that # variable to emacs. EMACS="${EMACS:-emacs}" # http://redsymbol.net/articles/bash-exit-traps/ function cleanup { if [[ -n "${piped_data_file}" ]] && [[ ${debug} -eq 0 ]] then # Remove /tmp/foo.XXXXXX, /tmp/foo.XXXXXX.noblank rm -f "${piped_data_file}" "${piped_data_file}.noblank" fi } trap cleanup EXIT function debug { if [[ $debug -eq 1 ]] then function debug { echo -e "DEBUG: $*" >&2 } debug "$@" else function debug { true } fi } function eless_print_version { echo "Eless version ${eless_version}" } for var in "$@" do if [[ "${var}" == '-D' ]] then eless_print_version export ELESS_DEBUG=1 debug=1 fi done debug "[emacs version] $(emacs --version | head -1)" debug "[ perl version] $(perl --version | head -2 | tail -1)" debug "[ bash version] $(/usr/bin/env bash --version | head -1)" debug "[ info version] $(info --version | head -1)" # https://gist.github.com/davejamesmiller/1966557 if [[ -t 0 ]] # Script is called normally - Terminal input (keyboard) - interactive then # eless foo # eless foo | cat - debug "--> Input from terminal" input_from_pipe_flag=0 else # Script is getting input from pipe or file - non-interactive # echo bar | eless foo # echo bar | eless foo | cat - piped_data_file="$(mktemp -t emacs-stdin-"$USER".XXXXXXX)" # https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2086 debug "Piped data file : $piped_data_file" # https://github.com/kaushalmodi/eless/issues/21#issuecomment-366141999 cat > "${piped_data_file}" debug "--> Input from pipe/file" input_from_pipe_flag=1 fi # https://stackoverflow.com/a/911213/1219634 if [[ -t 1 ]] # Output is going to the terminal then # eless foo # echo bar | eless foo debug " Output to terminal -->" output_to_pipe_flag=0 else # Output is going to a pipe, file? # eless foo | cat - # echo bar | eless foo | cat - debug " Output to a pipe -->" output_to_pipe_flag=1 fi for var in "$@" do debug "var : $var" if [[ "${var}" == '-D' ]] then : # Put just a colon to represent null operation # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/133976/57923 # Do not pass -D option to emacs. elif [[ "${var}" == '-V' ]] then eless_print_version exit 0 elif [[ "${var}" == '-' ]] then : # Discard the '-'; it does nothing. (for the cases where a user might do "echo foo | eless -") elif [[ "${var}" == '-nw' ]] then : # Ignore the user-passed "-nw" option; we are adding it by default. elif [[ "${var}" == '-h' ]] # Do not hijack --help; use that to show emacs help then help=1 elif [[ "${var}" == '--gui' ]] then # Delete the ${no_window_arg} from ${emacs_args[@]} array if user passed "--gui" option # https://stackoverflow.com/a/16861932/1219634 emacs_args=("${emacs_args[@]/${no_window_arg}}") else # Collect all other arguments passed to eless and forward them to emacs. # Wrap the user-passed args in double quotes to take care of escaped spaces, etc. emacs_args=("${emacs_args[@]}" "\"${var}\"") fi done if [[ ${help} -eq 1 ]] then eless_print_version echo "${h}" exit 0 fi debug "Raw Args : $*" # https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2145 debug "Emacs Args : ${emacs_args[*]}" function emacs_Q_view_mode { # Here $@ is the list of arguments passed specifically to emacs_Q_view_mode, # not to eless. debug "Args passed to emacs_Q_view_mode : $*" ${EMACS} -Q "$@" \ --eval '(progn (when (getenv "ELESS_DEBUG") (setq debug-on-error t)) ;; Keep the default-directory to be the same from where ;; this script was launched from; useful during C-x C-f (setq default-directory "'"$(pwd)"'/") ;; No clutter (menu-bar-mode -1) (if (fboundp (function tool-bar-mode)) (tool-bar-mode -1)) ;; Show line and column numbers in the mode-line (line-number-mode 1) (column-number-mode 1) (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) ;Use spaces instead of tabs for indentation (setq x-select-enable-clipboard t) (setq x-select-enable-primary t) (setq save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t) (setq require-final-newline t) (setq visible-bell t) (setq load-prefer-newer t) (setq ediff-window-setup-function (function ediff-setup-windows-plain)) (setq org-src-fontify-natively t) ;Syntax-highlight source blocks in org (fset (quote yes-or-no-p) (quote y-or-n-p)) ;Use y or n instead of yes or no (setq ido-save-directory-list-file nil) ;Do not save ido history (ido-mode 1) (setq ido-enable-flex-matching t) ;Enable fuzzy search (setq ido-everywhere t) (setq ido-create-new-buffer (quote always)) ;Create a new buffer if no buffer matches substringv (setq ido-use-filename-at-point (quote guess)) ;Find file at point using ido (add-to-list (quote ido-ignore-buffers) "*Messages*") (setq isearch-allow-scroll t) ;Allow scrolling using isearch ;; DEL during isearch should edit the search string, not jump back to the previous result. (define-key isearch-mode-map [remap isearch-delete-char] (function isearch-del-char)) ;; Truncate long lines by default (setq truncate-partial-width-windows nil) ;Respect the value of truncate-lines (toggle-truncate-lines +1) (global-hl-line-mode 1) (defun eless/keep-lines () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ;Ignore read-only status of buffer (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (call-interactively (function keep-lines))))) (defun eless/delete-matching-lines () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ;Ignore read-only status of buffer (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (call-interactively (function delete-matching-lines))))) (defun eless/frame-width-half (double) (interactive "P") (let ((frame-resize-pixelwise t) ;Do not round frame sizes to character h/w (factor (if double 2 0.5))) (set-frame-size nil (round (* factor (frame-text-width))) (frame-text-height) :pixelwise))) (defun eless/frame-width-double () (interactive) (eless/frame-width-half :double)) (defun eless/frame-height-half (double) (interactive "P") (let ((frame-resize-pixelwise t) ;Do not round frame sizes to character h/w (factor (if double 2 0.5))) (set-frame-size nil (frame-text-width) (round (* factor (frame-text-height))) :pixelwise))) (defun eless/frame-height-double () (interactive) (eless/frame-height-half :double)) (defun eless/revert-buffer-retain-view-mode () (interactive) (let ((view-mode-state view-mode)) ;save the current state of view-mode (revert-buffer) (when view-mode-state (view-mode 1)))) (defun eless/enable-diff-mode-maybe () (let* ((max-line 10) ;Search first MAX-LINE lines of the buffer (bound (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line max-line) (point)))) (save-excursion (let ((diff-mode-enable)) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (and ;First header line of unified/context diff begins with "--- "/"*** " (thing-at-point (quote line)) ;Prevent error in string-match if the buffer is empty (string-match "^\\(---\\|\\*\\*\\*\\) " (thing-at-point (quote line))) ;; Second header line of unified/context diff begins with "+++ "/"--- " (progn (forward-line 1) (string-match "^\\(\\+\\+\\+\\|---\\) " (thing-at-point (quote line))))) (setq diff-mode-enable t)) ;; Check if the diff format is neither context nor unified (unless diff-mode-enable (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "^\\(?:[0-9]+,\\)?[0-9]+\\([adc]\\)\\(?:[0-9]+,\\)?[0-9]+$" bound :noerror) (forward-line 1) (let ((diff-type (match-string-no-properties 1))) (cond ;; Line(s) added ((string= diff-type "a") (when (re-search-forward "^> " nil :noerror) (setq diff-mode-enable t))) ;; Line(s) deleted or changed (t (when (re-search-forward "^< " nil :noerror) (setq diff-mode-enable t))))))) (when diff-mode-enable (message "Auto-enabling diff-mode") (diff-mode) (rename-buffer "*Diff*" :unique) (view-mode 1)))))) ;Re-enable view-mode (setq whitespace-style (quote (face ;Enable all visualization via faces trailing ;Show white space at end of lines tabs ;Show tabs using faces spaces space-mark ;space-mark shows spaces as dots space-before-tab space-after-tab ;mix of tabs and spaces indentation))) ;Highlight spaces/tabs at BOL depending on indent-tabs-mode (add-hook (quote diff-mode-hook) (function whitespace-mode)) (defun eless/enable-ansi-color-maybe () (save-excursion (let* ((max-line 100) ;Search first MAX-LINE lines of the buffer (bound (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line max-line) (point))) (ESC "\u001b") ;; Example ANSI codes: ^[[0;36m, or ^[[0m where ^[ is the ESC char (ansi-regexp (concat ESC "\\[" "[0-9]+\\(;[0-9]+\\)*m"))) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward ansi-regexp bound :noerror) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ;Ignore read-only status of buffer (message "Auto-converting ANSI codes to colors") (require (quote ansi-color)) (ansi-color-apply-on-region (point-min) (point-max))))))) (defun eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer (&optional kill-emacs) (interactive "P") (let ((num-non-special-buffers 0)) (dolist (buf (buffer-list)) (unless (string-match "\\`[ *]" (buffer-name buf)) ;Do not count buffers with names starting with space or * (setq num-non-special-buffers (+ 1 num-non-special-buffers))) (with-current-buffer buf ;; Mark all view-mode buffers as "not modified" to prevent save prompt on ;; quitting. (when view-mode (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (when (local-variable-p (quote kill-buffer-hook)) (setq kill-buffer-hook nil))))) (if (or kill-emacs (<= num-non-special-buffers 1)) (save-buffers-kill-emacs) (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))) ;Else only kill the current buffer (defun eless/save-buffers-maybe-and-kill-emacs () (interactive) (eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer :kill-emacs)) (defun eless/dired-mode-customization () ;; dired-find-file is bound to "f" and "RET" by default ;; So changing the "RET" binding to dired-view-file so that the file opens ;; in view-mode in the spirit of eless. (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "RET") (function dired-view-file)) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "E") (function wdired-change-to-wdired-mode)) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "Q") (function quit-window)) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer))) (add-hook (quote dired-mode-hook) (function eless/dired-mode-customization)) (defun eless/Man-mode-customization () (define-key Man-mode-map (kbd "Q") (function quit-window)) (define-key Man-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer))) (add-hook (quote Man-mode-hook) (function eless/Man-mode-customization)) (defun eless/Info-mode-customization () (define-key Info-mode-map (kbd "Q") (function quit-window)) (define-key Info-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer))) (add-hook (quote Info-mode-hook) (function eless/Info-mode-customization)) (defun eless/tar-mode-customization () (define-key tar-mode-map (kbd "RET") (function tar-view)) (define-key tar-mode-map (kbd "Q") (function quit-window)) (define-key tar-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer))) (add-hook (quote tar-mode-hook) (function eless/tar-mode-customization)) (cond ((derived-mode-p (quote dired-mode)) (eless/dired-mode-customization)) ((derived-mode-p (quote Man-mode)) (eless/Man-mode-customization)) ((derived-mode-p (quote Info-mode)) (eless/Info-mode-customization)) ((derived-mode-p (quote tar-mode)) (eless/tar-mode-customization)) (t ;Enable view-mode if none of the above major-modes are active ;; Auto-enable diff-mode. For example, when doing "diff foo bar | eless" (eless/enable-diff-mode-maybe) ;; Auto-convert ANSI codes to colors. For example, when doing "ls --color=always | eless" (eless/enable-ansi-color-maybe) (view-mode 1))) (eval-after-load (quote view) (quote (progn (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "!") (function eless/delete-matching-lines)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "&") (function eless/keep-lines)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "0") (function delete-window)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "1") (function delete-other-windows)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "A") (function auto-revert-tail-mode)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "D") (function dired)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "N") (function next-error)) ;Next line in *occur* (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "P") (function previous-error)) ;Previous line in *occur* (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "K") (function eless/delete-matching-lines)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "a") (function auto-revert-mode)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "g") (function eless/revert-buffer-retain-view-mode)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "k") (function eless/keep-lines)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "n") (function next-line)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "o") (function occur)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "p") (function previous-line)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "q") (function eless/kill-emacs-or-buffer)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "t") (function toggle-truncate-lines))))) ;; Global custom bindings (global-set-key (kbd "M-/") (function hippie-expand)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") (function ibuffer)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-c") (function eless/save-buffers-maybe-and-kill-emacs)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") (function view-file)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") (function query-replace-regexp)) (global-set-key (kbd "") (function eless/revert-buffer-retain-view-mode)) (when (display-graphic-p) (eval-after-load (quote view) (quote (progn (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "+") (function text-scale-adjust)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "-") (function text-scale-adjust)) (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "=") (function text-scale-adjust))))) (global-set-key (kbd "C-") (function eless/frame-width-double)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-") (function eless/frame-width-half)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-") (function eless/frame-height-double)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-") (function eless/frame-height-half))) (let* ((cfg-file "elesscfg") (cfg-path (if (fboundp (quote locate-user-emacs-file)) (locate-user-emacs-file cfg-file) ;; For emacs older than 23.1. (let ((home (file-name-as-directory (getenv "HOME")))) (or (expand-file-name cfg-file (concat home ".emacs.d")) (expand-file-name cfg-file home)))))) (unless (load cfg-path :noerror) (load-theme (quote tango-dark) :no-confirm) ;; The tango-dark theme is good except for the bright yellow hl-line face (custom-theme-set-faces (quote user) (quote (hl-line ((t (:background "color-238"))))) (quote (Man-overstrike ((t (:foreground "#f3dc55" :weight normal)))))))) ;gold yellow )' 2>/dev/null "${piped_data_file}.noblank" # Now parse only the first line of that ${piped_data_file}.noblank file. first_line_piped_data=$(head -n 1 "${piped_data_file}.noblank") debug "first_line_piped_data = \`${first_line_piped_data}'" # It is not mandatory for the below perl regex to always match. So OR it with # "true" so that "set -e" does not kill the script at this point. # The first line of man pages is assumed to be # FOO(1) optional something something FOO(1) # For some odd reason, the "BASH_BUILTINS" man page is named just # "builtins"; below deals with that corner case. # .. faced this problem when trying to do "man read | eless". # If the man page name is completely in upper-case, convert it # to lower-case. man_page=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \ | perl -ne '/^([A-Za-z0-9-_]+\([a-z0-9]+\))(?=\s+.*?\1$)/ and print $1' \ | perl -pe 's/bash_builtins/builtins/i' \ | perl -pe 's/xsel\(1x\)/xsel/i' \ | perl -pe 's/^[A-Z0-9-_()]+$/\L$_/' \ || true) # Using perl expression above instead of below grep (which requires # GNU grep -- not available by default on macOS): # grep -Po '^([A-Za-z-_]+\([0-9]+\))(?=\s+.*?\1$)' debug "man_page 1 = \`${man_page}'" # If it's not a regular man page, check if it's a Perl man page. if [[ -z ${man_page} ]] then # The first line of Perl man pages is assumed to be # Foo::Bar(1zoo) something something Foo::Bar(1zoo) # Example: PAGER=eless man Net::FTP or PAGER=less man Net::FTP | eless # If the man page name is completely in upper-case, convert it # to lower-case. # Example: PAGER=eless man error::pass1 or PAGER=less man error::pass1 | eless man_page=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \ | perl -ne '/^([A-Za-z0-9-_]+::[A-Za-z0-9-_]+)(\([a-z0-9]+\))(?=\s+.*?\1\2$)/ and print $1' \ | perl -pe 's/^[A-Z0-9-_]+::[A-Z0-9-_]+$/\L$_/' \ || true) debug "man_page 2 = \`${man_page}'" fi # The first line of Python package MODULE help is assumed to be # "Help on package MODULE:" OR "Help on module MODULE:" OR "Help on SOMETHING in module MODULE:" # Examples: PAGER=eless python3; help('shlex') -> "Help on module shlex:" # PAGER=eless python3; help('iter') -> "Help on built-in function iter in module builtins:" # PAGER=eless python3; help('exit') -> "Help on Quitter in module _sitebuiltins object:" python_module_help=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \ | perl -ne '/^Help on (?:.+ in )*(?:module|package) (.*)(?=:$)/ and print $1' \ || true) # Using perl expression above instead of below grep (which requires # GNU grep -- not available by default on macOS): # grep -Po '^Help on (.+ in )*(module|package) \K(.*)(?=:$)' debug "python_module_help = \`${python_module_help}'" # The first line of Info manuals will usually be the below: # - Begin with "File:", and # - Contain "Node:" # Example: "File: emacs, Node: Top, Next: Distrib, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir)" -> "emacs" info_man=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \ | perl -ne '/^File: ([^.,]+)(\.info.*)*.*, Node.*/ and print $1' \ || true) debug "info_man 1 = \`${info_man}'" # If an Info manual is not detected by the above regex, try the below regex. if [[ -z ${info_man} ]] then # The first line of Info manuals could be something like: # /path/to/some.info or /path/to/some.info.gz # Example: "/home/kmodi/usr_local/apps/6/emacs/26/share/info/emacs.info.gz" -> "emacs" info_man=$(echo "${first_line_piped_data}" \ | perl -ne '/^(?:.*\/)*([^\/]+)(?=\.info(?:\-[0-9]+)*(?:\.gz)*$)/ and print $1' \ || true) # Using perl expression above instead of below grep (which requires # GNU grep -- not available by default on macOS): # grep -Po '^(.*/)*\K[^/]+(?=\.info(\-[0-9]+)*(\.gz)*$)' debug "info_man 2 = \`${info_man}'" fi if [[ -n ${man_page} ]] then # After setting PAGER variable globally to eless (example, using export on bash, # setenv on (t)csh, try something like `man grep'. That will launch the man # page in eless. debug "Man Page = ${man_page}" cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode \ ${emacs_args[*]} \ --eval '(progn (man \"${man_page}\") ;; Below workaround is only for emacs 24.5.x and older releases ;; where the man page takes some time to load. ;; 1-second delay before killing the *scratch* window ;; seems to be sufficient (when (version<= emacs-version \"24.5.99\") (sit-for 1)) (delete-window))'" elif [[ -n ${python_module_help} ]] then debug "Python Module = ${python_module_help}" cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode \ ${emacs_args[*]} \ --eval '(progn (man \"${piped_data_file}\") ;; Below workaround is only for emacs 24.5.x and older releases ;; where the man page takes some time to load. ;; 1-second delay before killing the *scratch* window ;; seems to be sufficient (when (version<= emacs-version \"24.5.99\") (sit-for 1)) (delete-window) (rename-buffer \"${python_module_help}\"))'" elif [[ -n ${info_man} ]] then # Try something like `info emacs | eless'. # That will launch the Info manual in eless. debug "Info Manual = ${info_man}" cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode \ ${emacs_args[*]} \ --eval '(progn (info (downcase \"${info_man}\")))'" else # No man page or info manual detected debug "No man page or info manual detected" cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode ${piped_data_file} \ ${emacs_args[*]} \ --eval '(progn (set-visited-file-name nil) (rename-buffer \"*Stdin*\" :unique))'" fi # Below else condition is reached when you do this: # eless foo.txt else cmd="emacs_Q_view_mode ${emacs_args[*]}" fi fi debug "Eless Command : $cmd" eval "$cmd" # References: # https://superuser.com/a/843744/209371 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/15330784/1219634 - /dev/stdin (Kept just for # reference, not using this in this script any more.) # https://github.com/dj08/utils-generic/blob/master/eless