+++ title = "Source block without list syntax in a list" description = "Test source blocks inside list." date = 2017-08-01 tags = ["src-block", "lists", "hyphen"] draft = false +++ This case is not affected by _Blackfriday_ [Issue #239](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday/issues/239) as the fenced code block does not have Markdown syntax lists. - List item 1 ```md *abc* /def/ =def= ``` - List item 2 --- `ox-hugo` Issue #[645](https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo/issues/645) 1. paragraph -> src block with caption -> paragraph -> src block ```emacs-lisp (message "hey") ```
Code Snippet 1: Foo
sandwiched paragraph ```emacs-lisp (message "hey") ``` last paragraph 2. paragraph -> src block **without** caption -> paragraph -> src block ```emacs-lisp (message "hey") ``` sandwiched paragraph ```emacs-lisp (message "hey") ``` last paragraph