
[![ci](https://github.com/kawarimidoll/typograssy/workflows/ci/badge.svg)](.github/workflows/ci.yml) [![deno.land](https://img.shields.io/badge/deno-%5E1.14.0-green?logo=deno)](https://deno.land) [![vr scripts](https://badges.velociraptor.run/flat.svg)](https://velociraptor.run) [![LICENSE](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-brightgreen)](LICENSE) Generate SVG image like GitHub contribution graph (github-grass) with API. You can configure the URL in [the online editor](https://typograssy.deno.dev/) with seeing preview. ## Quick start Markdown: ```md [![typograssy](https://typograssy.deno.dev/api?text=Hello%20world!)](https://github.com/kawarimidoll/typograssy) ``` HTML: ```html typograssy ``` ## Features ### :gear: Configurable ![color](https://typograssy.deno.dev/api?text=Hello%20world!&l1=9ba8e9&l2=6d74d9&l3=5057b9&l4=21226e) See [parameters](#parameters) section. ### :scroll: Auto-scrolling ![scroll](https://typograssy.deno.dev/api?text=Hello%20developer!%20) The pixels will scroll if the text can't be show at once. :bulb: You should put 'trailing space' to the URL to separate the last character and the first one. ## :jp: Japanese support ![japanese](https://typograssy.deno.dev/api?text=東京スカイツリーの高さは634mです。) You can check supported characters on [characters.ts](characters.ts). ## Parameters :warning: Follow the [color value format](#color-value-format) when you change the colors. ### text [required] - type: `string` The text that you want to show. It need to be less than 70 characters. ### l0, l1, l2, l3, l4 - type: `string` - default: - l0: `ebedf0` - l1: `9be9a8` - l2: `40c463` - l3: `30a14e` - l4: `216e39` The color of the pixels. `l0` is used as base color, the others are used as font color at random. ### bg - type: `string` - default: `ffffff` The color of the background. ### frame - type: `string` - default: `000000` The color of the frame. ### speed - type: `number` - default: `200` The speed of scrolling. `200` means that move 1 pixel per 200 milliseconds. ### comment - type: `string` - default: `Generated by kawarimidoll/typograssy` The comment on left bottom. It need to be less than 70 characters. ## Color value format - hex value without hash symbol. e.g. `000`, `123abc`. - [html color name](w3c_color_names.ts). e.g. `red`, `aqua`. - `none`. ## Contribution All contributions are welcome! ## Develop This project is using [Velociraptor](https://velociraptor.run/) as a task runner. Confirm there is `~/.deno/bin` in `$PATH` to use the scripts installed by `deno install`. ```bash # install velociraptor deno install -qAn vr https://deno.land/x/velociraptor/cli.ts # install hook vr ``` The scripts are defined in [velociraptor.yml](velociraptor.yml). ### Local run ```bash vr server ``` ### Format files ```bash vr fmt ``` ### Lint files ```bash vr lint ``` ### Run tests ```bash vr test ``` ## Related pages - Runtime: [Deno](https://deno.land/), [Deno Deploy](https://deno.com/deploy) - Font: [美咲フォント](https://littlelimit.net/misaki.htm) - Style of GUI page: [Water.css](https://github.com/kognise/water.css) - Inspired: [Github Profile Trophy](https://github.com/ryo-ma/github-profile-trophy)