--- title: "R Markdown Example" author: "Karl Broman" date: "1/9/2018" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) ``` ## Set up This document illustrates R markdown, which is super cool. First I'll load some packages. ```{r load_libraries} # this comment will be shown library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) ``` ```{r comments_on_that, echo=FALSE} # this is a comment that will not be shown ``` Then I'll load the data. ```{r load_data} surveys <- read.csv("../clean_data/portal_clean.csv") ``` This dataset has `r nrow(surveys)` observations. ## Create some datasets ```{r create_datasets} # create some datasets # 1. only the obs with species_id=="DM" just_dm <- surveys %>% filter(species_id == "DM") # 2. average weight and hindfoot length and count of each species stat_summary <- surveys %>% group_by(species_id) %>% summarize(mean_wt=mean(weight), mean_hfl=mean(hindfoot_length), n=n()) # 3. average wt, hfl, count by year, species, sex year_summary <- surveys %>% group_by(species_id, year, sex) %>% summarize(mean_wt=mean(weight), mean_hfl=mean(hindfoot_length), n=n()) ``` Here's a scatterplot of hindfoot length vs weight for species DM. ```{r plot_hfl_vs_weight_for_DM, fig.height=8} ggplot(just_dm, aes(x=weight, y=hindfoot_length)) + geom_point() ``` ## R markdown This is _italics_ this is **bold**. - This is a bulleted list. - This is the second item.