var SOUND_VOL = 0.25; var SAMPLE_RATE = 5512; var BIT_DEPTH = 8; var SQUARE = 0; var SAWTOOTH = 1; var SINE = 2; var NOISE = 3; var TRIANGLE = 4; var BREAKER = 5; var SHAPES = [ 'square', 'sawtooth', 'sine', 'noise', 'triangle', 'breaker' ]; var AUDIO_CONTEXT; if (typeof AudioContext != 'undefined') { AUDIO_CONTEXT = new AudioContext(); } else if (typeof webkitAudioContext != 'undefined') { AUDIO_CONTEXT = new webkitAudioContext(); } var filter4 = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createGain(); var filter1 = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createBiquadFilter(); var filter2 = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createBiquadFilter(); var filter3 = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createBiquadFilter(); filter1.frequency.value = 1600; filter2.frequency.value = 1600; filter3.frequency.value = 1600; filter1.connect(filter2); filter2.connect(filter3); filter3.connect(filter4); filter4.connect(AUDIO_CONTEXT.destination); //var input = AUDIO_CONTEXT.destination; var recorder = new Recorder(filter4); function showFile(blob,datauri){ // It is necessary to create a new blob object with mime-type explicitly set // otherwise only Chrome works like it should var newBlob = new Blob([blob], {type: "audio/x-wav"}) // IE doesn't allow using a blob object directly as link href // instead it is necessary to use msSaveOrOpenBlob if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(newBlob); return; } // For other browsers: // Create a link pointing to the ObjectURL containing the blob. //const data = window.URL.createObjectURL(newBlob); var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = datauri;"music.wav";; setTimeout(function(){ window.URL.revokeObjectURL(data); }, 100); } function blobToDataURL(blob, callback) { var a = new FileReader(); a.onload = function(e) {callback(;} a.readAsDataURL(blob); } function downloadFile() { recorder && recorder.exportWAV( function(blob) { blobToDataURL(blob, function(datauri){ showFile(blob,datauri); window.console.log("generated wav file\n"+datauri) } ) } ) } function startRecording() { recorder && recorder.record(); window.console.log('Recording...'); } function stopRecording() { recorder && recorder.stop(); window.console.log('Stopped recording...'); downloadFile(); recorder.clear(); } // Playback volume var masterVolume = 1.0; // Sound generation parameters are on [0,1] unless noted SIGNED, & thus [-1,1] function Params() { var result={}; // Wave shape result.wave_type = SQUARE; // Envelope result.p_env_attack = 0.0; // Attack time result.p_env_sustain = 0.3; // Sustain time result.p_env_punch = 0.0; // Sustain punch result.p_env_decay = 0.4; // Decay time // Tone result.p_base_freq = 0.3; // Start frequency result.p_freq_limit = 0.0; // Min frequency cutoff result.p_freq_ramp = 0.0; // Slide (SIGNED) result.p_freq_dramp = 0.0; // Delta slide (SIGNED) // Vibrato result.p_vib_strength = 0.0; // Vibrato depth result.p_vib_speed = 0.0; // Vibrato speed // Tonal change result.p_arp_mod = 0.0; // Change amount (SIGNED) result.p_arp_speed = 0.0; // Change speed // Duty (wat's that?) result.p_duty = 0.0; // Square duty result.p_duty_ramp = 0.0; // Duty sweep (SIGNED) // Repeat result.p_repeat_speed = 0.0; // Repeat speed // Phaser result.p_pha_offset = 0.0; // Phaser offset (SIGNED) result.p_pha_ramp = 0.0; // Phaser sweep (SIGNED) // Low-pass filter result.p_lpf_freq = 1.0; // Low-pass filter cutoff result.p_lpf_ramp = 0.0; // Low-pass filter cutoff sweep (SIGNED) result.p_lpf_resonance = 0.0;// Low-pass filter resonance // High-pass filter result.p_hpf_freq = 0.0; // High-pass filter cutoff result.p_hpf_ramp = 0.0; // High-pass filter cutoff sweep (SIGNED) // Sample parameters result.sound_vol = 0.5; result.sample_rate = 44100; result.bit_depth = 8; return result; } var rng; var seeded = false; function frnd(range) { if (seeded) { return rng.uniform() * range; } else { return Math.random() * range; } } function rnd(max) { if (seeded) { return Math.floor(rng.uniform() * (max + 1)); } else { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1)); } } pickupCoin = function() { var result=Params(); result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = 0; } result.p_base_freq = 0.4 + frnd(0.5); result.p_env_attack = 0.0; result.p_env_sustain = frnd(0.1); result.p_env_decay = 0.1 + frnd(0.4); result.p_env_punch = 0.3 + frnd(0.3); if (rnd(1)) { result.p_arp_speed = 0.5 + frnd(0.2); var num = (frnd(7) | 1) + 1; var den = num + (frnd(7) | 1) + 2; result.p_arp_mod = (+num) / (+den); //0.2 + frnd(0.4); } return result; }; laserShoot = function() { var result=Params(); result.wave_type = rnd(2); if (result.wave_type === SINE && rnd(1)) result.wave_type = rnd(1); result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = SQUARE; } result.p_base_freq = 0.5 + frnd(0.5); result.p_freq_limit = result.p_base_freq - 0.2 - frnd(0.6); if (result.p_freq_limit < 0.2) result.p_freq_limit = 0.2; result.p_freq_ramp = -0.15 - frnd(0.2); if (rnd(2) === 0) { result.p_base_freq = 0.3 + frnd(0.6); result.p_freq_limit = frnd(0.1); result.p_freq_ramp = -0.35 - frnd(0.3); } if (rnd(1)) { result.p_duty = frnd(0.5); result.p_duty_ramp = frnd(0.2); } else { result.p_duty = 0.4 + frnd(0.5); result.p_duty_ramp = -frnd(0.7); } result.p_env_attack = 0.0; result.p_env_sustain = 0.1 + frnd(0.2); result.p_env_decay = frnd(0.4); if (rnd(1)) result.p_env_punch = frnd(0.3); if (rnd(2) === 0) { result.p_pha_offset = frnd(0.2); result.p_pha_ramp = -frnd(0.2); } if (rnd(1)) result.p_hpf_freq = frnd(0.3); return result; }; explosion = function() { var result=Params(); if (rnd(1)) { result.p_base_freq = 0.1 + frnd(0.4); result.p_freq_ramp = -0.1 + frnd(0.4); } else { result.p_base_freq = 0.2 + frnd(0.7); result.p_freq_ramp = -0.2 - frnd(0.2); } result.p_base_freq *= result.p_base_freq; if (rnd(4) === 0) result.p_freq_ramp = 0.0; if (rnd(2) === 0) result.p_repeat_speed = 0.3 + frnd(0.5); result.p_env_attack = 0.0; result.p_env_sustain = 0.1 + frnd(0.3); result.p_env_decay = frnd(0.5); if (rnd(1) === 0) { result.p_pha_offset = -0.3 + frnd(0.9); result.p_pha_ramp = -frnd(0.3); } result.p_env_punch = 0.2 + frnd(0.6); if (rnd(1)) { result.p_vib_strength = frnd(0.7); result.p_vib_speed = frnd(0.6); } if (rnd(2) === 0) { result.p_arp_speed = 0.6 + frnd(0.3); result.p_arp_mod = 0.8 - frnd(1.6); } return result; }; //9675111 birdSound = function() { var result=Params(); if (frnd(10) < 1) { result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = SQUARE; } result.p_env_attack = 0.4304400932967592 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_sustain = 0.15739346034252394 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_punch = 0.004488201744871758 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_decay = 0.07478075528212291 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_base_freq = 0.9865265720147687 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_limit = 0 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_ramp = -0.2995018224359539 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; if (frnd(1.0) < 0.5) { result.p_freq_ramp = 0.1 + frnd(0.15); } result.p_freq_dramp = 0.004598608156964473 + frnd(0.1) - 0.05; result.p_vib_strength = -0.2202799497929496 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_vib_speed = 0.8084998703158364 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_arp_mod = 0;//-0.46410459213693644+frnd(0.2)-0.1; result.p_arp_speed = 0;//-0.10955361249587248+frnd(0.2)-0.1; result.p_duty = -0.9031808754347107 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty_ramp = -0.8128699999808343 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_repeat_speed = 0.6014860189319991 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_offset = -0.9424902314367765 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_ramp = -0.1055482222272056 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_freq = 0.9989765717851521 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_ramp = -0.25051720626043017 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_resonance = 0.32777871505494693 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_freq = 0.0023548750981756753 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_ramp = -0.002375673204842568 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; return result; } if (frnd(10) < 1) { result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = SQUARE; } result.p_env_attack = 0.5277795946672003 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_sustain = 0.18243733568468432 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_punch = -0.020159754546840117 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_decay = 0.1561353422051903 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_base_freq = 0.9028855606533718 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_limit = -0.008842787837148716; result.p_freq_ramp = -0.1; result.p_freq_dramp = -0.012891241489551925; result.p_vib_strength = -0.17923136138403065 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_vib_speed = 0.908263385610142 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_arp_mod = 0.41690153355414894 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_arp_speed = 0.0010766233195860703 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty = -0.8735363011184684 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty_ramp = -0.7397985366747507 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_repeat_speed = 0.0591789344172107 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_offset = -0.9961184222777699 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_ramp = -0.08234769395850523 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_freq = 0.9412475115697335 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_ramp = -0.18261358925834958 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_resonance = 0.24541438107389477 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_freq = -0.01831940280978611 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_ramp = -0.03857383633171346 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; return result; } if (frnd(10) < 1) { //result.wave_type = 4; result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = SQUARE; } result.p_env_attack = 0.4304400932967592 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_sustain = 0.15739346034252394 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_punch = 0.004488201744871758 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_decay = 0.07478075528212291 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_base_freq = 0.9865265720147687 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_limit = 0 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_ramp = -0.2995018224359539 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_dramp = 0.004598608156964473 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_vib_strength = -0.2202799497929496 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_vib_speed = 0.8084998703158364 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_arp_mod = -0.46410459213693644 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_arp_speed = -0.10955361249587248 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty = -0.9031808754347107 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty_ramp = -0.8128699999808343 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_repeat_speed = 0.7014860189319991 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_offset = -0.9424902314367765 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_ramp = -0.1055482222272056 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_freq = 0.9989765717851521 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_ramp = -0.25051720626043017 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_resonance = 0.32777871505494693 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_freq = 0.0023548750981756753 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_ramp = -0.002375673204842568 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; return result; } if (frnd(5) > 1) { result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = SQUARE; } if (rnd(1)) { result.p_arp_mod = 0.2697849293151393 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_arp_speed = -0.3131172257760948 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_base_freq = 0.8090588299313949 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty = -0.6210022920964955 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty_ramp = -0.00043441813553182567 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_attack = 0.004321877246874195 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_decay = 0.1 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_punch = 0.061737781504416146 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_sustain = 0.4987252564798832 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_dramp = 0.31700340314222614 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_limit = 0 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_ramp = -0.163380391341416 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_freq = 0.4709005021145149 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_ramp = 0.6924667290539194 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_freq = 0.8351398631384511 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_ramp = 0.36616557192873134 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_resonance = -0.08685777111664439 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_offset = -0.036084571580025544 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_ramp = -0.014806445085568108 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_repeat_speed = -0.8094368475518489 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_vib_speed = 0.4496665457171294 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_vib_strength = 0.23413762515532424 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; } else { result.p_arp_mod = -0.35697118026766184 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_arp_speed = 0.3581140690559588 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_base_freq = 1.3260897696157528 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty = -0.30984900436710694 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_duty_ramp = -0.0014374759133411626 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_attack = 0.3160357835682254 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_decay = 0.1 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_punch = 0.24323114016870148 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_env_sustain = 0.4 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_dramp = 0.2866475886237244 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_limit = 0 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_freq_ramp = -0.10956352368742976 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_freq = 0.20772718017889846 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_hpf_ramp = 0.1564090637378835 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_freq = 0.6021372770637031 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_ramp = 0.24016227139979027 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_lpf_resonance = -0.08787383821160144 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_offset = -0.381597686151701 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_pha_ramp = -0.0002481687661373495 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_repeat_speed = 0.07812112809425686 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_vib_speed = -0.13648848579133943 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; result.p_vib_strength = 0.0018874158972302657 + frnd(0.2) - 0.1; } return result; } result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length));//TRIANGLE; if (result.wave_type === 1 || result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = 2; } //new result.p_base_freq = 0.85 + frnd(0.15); result.p_freq_ramp = 0.3 + frnd(0.15); // result.p_freq_dramp = 0.3+frnd(2.0); result.p_env_attack = 0 + frnd(0.09); result.p_env_sustain = 0.2 + frnd(0.3); result.p_env_decay = 0 + frnd(0.1); result.p_duty = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; result.p_duty_ramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); result.p_repeat_speed = 0.5 + frnd(0.1); result.p_pha_offset = -0.3 + frnd(0.9); result.p_pha_ramp = -frnd(0.3); result.p_arp_speed = 0.4 + frnd(0.6); result.p_arp_mod = 0.8 + frnd(0.1); result.p_lpf_resonance = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; result.p_lpf_freq = 1.0 - Math.pow(frnd(1.0), 3.0); result.p_lpf_ramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); if (result.p_lpf_freq < 0.1 && result.p_lpf_ramp < -0.05) result.p_lpf_ramp = -result.p_lpf_ramp; result.p_hpf_freq = Math.pow(frnd(1.0), 5.0); result.p_hpf_ramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 5.0); return result; }; pushSound = function() { var result=Params(); result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length));//TRIANGLE; if (result.wave_type === 2) { result.wave_type++; } if (result.wave_type === 0) { result.wave_type = NOISE; } //new result.p_base_freq = 0.1 + frnd(0.4); result.p_freq_ramp = 0.05 + frnd(0.2); result.p_env_attack = 0.01 + frnd(0.09); result.p_env_sustain = 0.01 + frnd(0.09); result.p_env_decay = 0.01 + frnd(0.09); result.p_repeat_speed = 0.3 + frnd(0.5); result.p_pha_offset = -0.3 + frnd(0.9); result.p_pha_ramp = -frnd(0.3); result.p_arp_speed = 0.6 + frnd(0.3); result.p_arp_mod = 0.8 - frnd(1.6); return result; }; powerUp = function() { var result=Params(); if (rnd(1)) result.wave_type = SAWTOOTH; else result.p_duty = frnd(0.6); result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = SQUARE; } if (rnd(1)) { result.p_base_freq = 0.2 + frnd(0.3); result.p_freq_ramp = 0.1 + frnd(0.4); result.p_repeat_speed = 0.4 + frnd(0.4); } else { result.p_base_freq = 0.2 + frnd(0.3); result.p_freq_ramp = 0.05 + frnd(0.2); if (rnd(1)) { result.p_vib_strength = frnd(0.7); result.p_vib_speed = frnd(0.6); } } result.p_env_attack = 0.0; result.p_env_sustain = frnd(0.4); result.p_env_decay = 0.1 + frnd(0.4); return result; }; hitHurt = function() { result = Params(); result.wave_type = rnd(2); if (result.wave_type === SINE) result.wave_type = NOISE; if (result.wave_type === SQUARE) result.p_duty = frnd(0.6); result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); result.p_base_freq = 0.2 + frnd(0.6); result.p_freq_ramp = -0.3 - frnd(0.4); result.p_env_attack = 0.0; result.p_env_sustain = frnd(0.1); result.p_env_decay = 0.1 + frnd(0.2); if (rnd(1)) result.p_hpf_freq = frnd(0.3); return result; }; jump = function() { result = Params(); result.wave_type = SQUARE; result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = SQUARE; } result.p_duty = frnd(0.6); result.p_base_freq = 0.3 + frnd(0.3); result.p_freq_ramp = 0.1 + frnd(0.2); result.p_env_attack = 0.0; result.p_env_sustain = 0.1 + frnd(0.3); result.p_env_decay = 0.1 + frnd(0.2); if (rnd(1)) result.p_hpf_freq = frnd(0.3); if (rnd(1)) result.p_lpf_freq = 1.0 - frnd(0.6); return result; }; blipSelect = function() { result = Params(); result.wave_type = rnd(1); result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); if (result.wave_type === 3) { result.wave_type = rnd(1); } if (result.wave_type === SQUARE) result.p_duty = frnd(0.6); result.p_base_freq = 0.2 + frnd(0.4); result.p_env_attack = 0.0; result.p_env_sustain = 0.1 + frnd(0.1); result.p_env_decay = frnd(0.2); result.p_hpf_freq = 0.1; return result; }; random = function() { result = Params(); result.wave_type = Math.floor(frnd(SHAPES.length)); result.p_base_freq = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 2.0); if (rnd(1)) result.p_base_freq = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0) + 0.5; result.p_freq_limit = 0.0; result.p_freq_ramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 5.0); if (result.p_base_freq > 0.7 && result.p_freq_ramp > 0.2) result.p_freq_ramp = -result.p_freq_ramp; if (result.p_base_freq < 0.2 && result.p_freq_ramp < -0.05) result.p_freq_ramp = -result.p_freq_ramp; result.p_freq_dramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); result.p_duty = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; result.p_duty_ramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); result.p_vib_strength = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); result.p_vib_speed = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; result.p_env_attack = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); result.p_env_sustain = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 2.0); result.p_env_decay = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; result.p_env_punch = Math.pow(frnd(0.8), 2.0); if (result.p_env_attack + result.p_env_sustain + result.p_env_decay < 0.2) { result.p_env_sustain += 0.2 + frnd(0.3); result.p_env_decay += 0.2 + frnd(0.3); } result.p_lpf_resonance = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; result.p_lpf_freq = 1.0 - Math.pow(frnd(1.0), 3.0); result.p_lpf_ramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); if (result.p_lpf_freq < 0.1 && result.p_lpf_ramp < -0.05) result.p_lpf_ramp = -result.p_lpf_ramp; result.p_hpf_freq = Math.pow(frnd(1.0), 5.0); result.p_hpf_ramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 5.0); result.p_pha_offset = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); result.p_pha_ramp = Math.pow(frnd(2.0) - 1.0, 3.0); result.p_repeat_speed = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; result.p_arp_speed = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; result.p_arp_mod = frnd(2.0) - 1.0; return result; }; var generators = [ pickupCoin, laserShoot, explosion, powerUp, hitHurt, jump, blipSelect, pushSound, random, birdSound ]; var generatorNames = [ 'pickupCoin', 'laserShoot', 'explosion', 'powerUp', 'hitHurt', 'jump', 'blipSelect', 'pushSound', 'random', 'birdSound' ]; /* i like 9675111 */ generateFromSeed = function(seed) { rng = new RNG((seed / 100) | 0); var generatorindex = seed % 100; var soundGenerator = generators[generatorindex % generators.length]; seeded = true; var result = soundGenerator(); result.seed = seed; seeded = false; return result; }; function SoundEffect(length, sample_rate) { this._buffer = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createBuffer(1, length, sample_rate); } SoundEffect.prototype.getBuffer = function() { return this._buffer.getChannelData(0); }; function ULBS(){ if (AUDIO_CONTEXT.state === 'suspended') { var unlock = function() { AUDIO_CONTEXT.resume().then(function() { document.body.removeEventListener('touchstart', unlock); document.body.removeEventListener('touchend', unlock); document.body.removeEventListener('mousedown', unlock); document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', unlock); document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', unlock); document.body.removeEventListener('keyup', unlock); }); }; document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', unlock, false); document.body.addEventListener('touchend', unlock, false); document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', unlock, false); document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', unlock, false); document.body.addEventListener('keydown', unlock, false); document.body.addEventListener('keyup', unlock, false); } } = function() { ULBS(); var source = AUDIO_CONTEXT.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = this._buffer; source.connect(filter1); var t = AUDIO_CONTEXT.currentTime; if (typeof source.start != 'undefined') { source.start(t); } else { source.noteOn(t); } }; SoundEffect.MIN_SAMPLE_RATE = 22050; if (typeof AUDIO_CONTEXT == 'undefined') { SoundEffect = function SoundEffect(length, sample_rate) { this._sample_rate = sample_rate; this._buffer = new Array(length); this._audioElement = null; }; SoundEffect.prototype.getBuffer = function() { this._audioElement = null; return this._buffer; }; = function() { if (this._audioElement) { this._audioElement.cloneNode(false).play(); } else { for (var i = 0; i < this._buffer.length; i++) { // bit_depth is always 8, rescale [-1.0, 1.0) to [0, 256) this._buffer[i] = 255 & Math.floor(128 * Math.max(0, Math.min(this._buffer[i] + 1, 2))); } var wav = MakeRiff(this._sample_rate, BIT_DEPTH, this._buffer); this._audioElement = new Audio(); this._audioElement.src = wav.dataURI;; } }; SoundEffect.MIN_SAMPLE_RATE = 1; } SoundEffect.generate = function(ps) { /* window.console.log(ps.wave_type + "\t" + ps.seed); var psstring=""; for (var n in ps) { if (ps.hasOwnProperty(n)) { psstring = psstring +"result." + n+" = " + ps[n] + ";\n"; } } window.console.log(ps); window.console.log(psstring);*/ function repeat() { rep_time = 0; fperiod = 100.0 / (ps.p_base_freq * ps.p_base_freq + 0.001); period = Math.floor(fperiod); fmaxperiod = 100.0 / (ps.p_freq_limit * ps.p_freq_limit + 0.001); fslide = 1.0 - Math.pow(ps.p_freq_ramp, 3.0) * 0.01; fdslide = -Math.pow(ps.p_freq_dramp, 3.0) * 0.000001; square_duty = 0.5 - ps.p_duty * 0.5; square_slide = -ps.p_duty_ramp * 0.00005; if (ps.p_arp_mod >= 0.0) arp_mod = 1.0 - Math.pow(ps.p_arp_mod, 2.0) * 0.9; else arp_mod = 1.0 + Math.pow(ps.p_arp_mod, 2.0) * 10.0; arp_time = 0; arp_limit = Math.floor(Math.pow(1.0 - ps.p_arp_speed, 2.0) * 20000 + 32); if (ps.p_arp_speed == 1.0) arp_limit = 0; }; var rep_time; var fperiod, period, fmaxperiod; var fslide, fdslide; var square_duty, square_slide; var arp_mod, arp_time, arp_limit; repeat(); // First time through, this is a bit of a misnomer // Filter var fltp = 0.0; var fltdp = 0.0; var fltw = Math.pow(ps.p_lpf_freq, 3.0) * 0.1; var fltw_d = 1.0 + ps.p_lpf_ramp * 0.0001; var fltdmp = 5.0 / (1.0 + Math.pow(ps.p_lpf_resonance, 2.0) * 20.0) * (0.01 + fltw); if (fltdmp > 0.8) fltdmp = 0.8; var fltphp = 0.0; var flthp = Math.pow(ps.p_hpf_freq, 2.0) * 0.1; var flthp_d = 1.0 + ps.p_hpf_ramp * 0.0003; // Vibrato var vib_phase = 0.0; var vib_speed = Math.pow(ps.p_vib_speed, 2.0) * 0.01; var vib_amp = ps.p_vib_strength * 0.5; // Envelope var env_vol = 0.0; var env_stage = 0; var env_time = 0; var env_length = [ Math.floor(ps.p_env_attack * ps.p_env_attack * 100000.0), Math.floor(ps.p_env_sustain * ps.p_env_sustain * 100000.0), Math.floor(ps.p_env_decay * ps.p_env_decay * 100000.0) ]; var env_total_length = env_length[0] + env_length[1] + env_length[2]; // Phaser var phase = 0; var fphase = Math.pow(ps.p_pha_offset, 2.0) * 1020.0; if (ps.p_pha_offset < 0.0) fphase = -fphase; var fdphase = Math.pow(ps.p_pha_ramp, 2.0) * 1.0; if (ps.p_pha_ramp < 0.0) fdphase = -fdphase; var iphase = Math.abs(Math.floor(fphase)); var ipp = 0; var phaser_buffer = []; for (var i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) phaser_buffer[i] = 0.0; // Noise var noise_buffer = []; for (var i = 0; i < 32; ++i) noise_buffer[i] = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0; // Repeat var rep_limit = Math.floor(Math.pow(1.0 - ps.p_repeat_speed, 2.0) * 20000 + 32); if (ps.p_repeat_speed == 0.0) rep_limit = 0; //var gain = 2.0 * Math.log(1 + (Math.E - 1) * ps.sound_vol); var gain = 2.0 * ps.sound_vol; var gain = Math.exp(ps.sound_vol) - 1; var num_clipped = 0; // ...end of initialization. Generate samples. var sample_sum = 0; var num_summed = 0; var summands = Math.floor(44100 / ps.sample_rate); var buffer_i = 0; var buffer_length = Math.ceil(env_total_length / summands); var buffer_complete = false; var sound; if (ps.sample_rate < SoundEffect.MIN_SAMPLE_RATE) { // Assume 4x gets close enough to MIN_SAMPLE_RATE sound = new SoundEffect(4 * buffer_length, SoundEffect.MIN_SAMPLE_RATE); } else { sound = new SoundEffect(buffer_length, ps.sample_rate) } var buffer = sound.getBuffer(); for (var t = 0;; ++t) { // Repeats if (rep_limit != 0 && ++rep_time >= rep_limit) repeat(); // Arpeggio (single) if (arp_limit != 0 && t >= arp_limit) { arp_limit = 0; fperiod *= arp_mod; } // Frequency slide, and frequency slide slide! fslide += fdslide; fperiod *= fslide; if (fperiod > fmaxperiod) { fperiod = fmaxperiod; if (ps.p_freq_limit > 0.0) buffer_complete = true; } // Vibrato var rfperiod = fperiod; if (vib_amp > 0.0) { vib_phase += vib_speed; rfperiod = fperiod * (1.0 + Math.sin(vib_phase) * vib_amp); } period = Math.floor(rfperiod); if (period < 8) period = 8; square_duty += square_slide; if (square_duty < 0.0) square_duty = 0.0; if (square_duty > 0.5) square_duty = 0.5; // Volume envelope env_time++; if (env_time > env_length[env_stage]) { env_time = 0; env_stage++; if (env_stage === 3) buffer_complete = true; } if (env_stage === 0) env_vol = env_time / env_length[0]; else if (env_stage === 1) env_vol = 1.0 + Math.pow(1.0 - env_time / env_length[1], 1.0) * 2.0 * ps.p_env_punch; else // env_stage == 2 env_vol = 1.0 - env_time / env_length[2]; // Phaser step fphase += fdphase; iphase = Math.abs(Math.floor(fphase)); if (iphase > 1023) iphase = 1023; if (flthp_d != 0.0) { flthp *= flthp_d; if (flthp < 0.00001) flthp = 0.00001; if (flthp > 0.1) flthp = 0.1; } // 8x supersampling var sample = 0.0; for (var si = 0; si < 8; ++si) { var sub_sample = 0.0; phase++; if (phase >= period) { phase %= period; if (ps.wave_type === NOISE) for (var i = 0; i < 32; ++i) noise_buffer[i] = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0; } // Base waveform var fp = phase / period; if (ps.wave_type === SQUARE) { if (fp < square_duty) sub_sample = 0.5; else sub_sample = -0.5; } else if (ps.wave_type === SAWTOOTH) { sub_sample = 1.0 - fp * 2; } else if (ps.wave_type === SINE) { sub_sample = Math.sin(fp * 2 * Math.PI); } else if (ps.wave_type === NOISE) { sub_sample = noise_buffer[Math.floor(phase * 32 / period)]; } else if (ps.wave_type === TRIANGLE) { sub_sample = Math.abs(1 - fp * 2) - 1; } else if (ps.wave_type === BREAKER) { sub_sample = Math.abs(1 - fp * fp * 2) - 1; } else { throw new Exception('bad wave type! ' + ps.wave_type); } // Low-pass filter var pp = fltp; fltw *= fltw_d; if (fltw < 0.0) fltw = 0.0; if (fltw > 0.1) fltw = 0.1; if (ps.p_lpf_freq != 1.0) { fltdp += (sub_sample - fltp) * fltw; fltdp -= fltdp * fltdmp; } else { fltp = sub_sample; fltdp = 0.0; } fltp += fltdp; // High-pass filter fltphp += fltp - pp; fltphp -= fltphp * flthp; sub_sample = fltphp; // Phaser phaser_buffer[ipp & 1023] = sub_sample; sub_sample += phaser_buffer[(ipp - iphase + 1024) & 1023]; ipp = (ipp + 1) & 1023; // final accumulation and envelope application sample += sub_sample * env_vol; } // Accumulate samples appropriately for sample rate sample_sum += sample; if (++num_summed >= summands) { num_summed = 0; sample = sample_sum / summands; sample_sum = 0; } else { continue; } sample = sample / 8 * masterVolume; sample *= gain; buffer[buffer_i++] = sample; if (ps.sample_rate < SoundEffect.MIN_SAMPLE_RATE) { buffer[buffer_i++] = sample; buffer[buffer_i++] = sample; buffer[buffer_i++] = sample; } if (buffer_complete) { for (; buffer_i < buffer_length; buffer_i++) { if (ps.sample_rate < SoundEffect.MIN_SAMPLE_RATE) { buffer[buffer_i++] = 0; buffer[buffer_i++] = 0; buffer[buffer_i++] = 0; } buffer[buffer_i] = 0; } break; } } return sound; }; if (typeof exports != 'undefined') { // For node.js var RIFFWAVE = require('./riffwave').RIFFWAVE; exports.Params = Params; exports.generate = generate; } var sfxCache = {}; var noteCache = {}; var cachedSeeds = []; var cachedNotes = []; var CACHE_MAX = 50; var NOTE_CACHE_MAX = 200; function cacheNote(seed,frequency,length,volume){ var str = seed.toString()+frequency.toString()+length.toString()+volume.toString(); frequency=Math.sqrt(frequency); if (str in noteCache) { return noteCache[str]; } var params = generateFromSeed(seed); var env_length = [ Math.floor(params.p_env_attack * params.p_env_attack * 100000.0), Math.floor(params.p_env_sustain * params.p_env_sustain * 100000.0), Math.floor(params.p_env_decay * params.p_env_decay * 100000.0) ]; var totLen=env_length[0]+env_length[1]+env_length[2]; //i want totlen=length*samplerate var scaleFactor=length*44100/totLen; scaleFactor=Math.sqrt(scaleFactor); params.p_env_attack*=scaleFactor; params.p_env_sustain*=scaleFactor; params.p_env_punch*=scaleFactor; params.p_env_decay*=scaleFactor; env_length = [ Math.floor(params.p_env_attack * params.p_env_attack * 100000.0), Math.floor(params.p_env_sustain * params.p_env_sustain * 100000.0), Math.floor(params.p_env_decay * params.p_env_decay * 100000.0) ]; totLen=env_length[0]+env_length[1]+env_length[2]; params.p_base_freq=0.4*frequency; if (volume>1){ volume=1; } if (volume<0){ volume=0; } params.sound_vol = SOUND_VOL*volume; params.sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE; params.bit_depth = BIT_DEPTH; var sound = SoundEffect.generate(params); noteCache[str] = sound; cachedNotes.push(str); while (cachedNotes.length>NOTE_CACHE_MAX) { var toRemove=cachedNotes[0]; cachedNotes = cachedNotes.slice(1); delete noteCache[toRemove]; } return sound; } function cacheSeed(seed, vol){ var seedStr = seed+"_"+vol; if (seedStr in sfxCache) { return sfxCache[seedStr]; } var params = generateFromSeed(seed); params.sound_vol = SOUND_VOL*vol; params.sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE; params.bit_depth = BIT_DEPTH; var sound = SoundEffect.generate(params); sfxCache[seedStr] = sound; cachedSeeds.push(seedStr); while (cachedSeeds.length>CACHE_MAX) { var toRemove=cachedSeeds[0]; cachedSeeds = cachedSeeds.slice(1); delete sfxCache[toRemove]; } return sound; } function playNote(seed,frequency,length,volume){ var sound = cacheNote(seed,frequency,length,volume);; } //consider looing here // function playSound(seed,vol) { if (typeof vol === "undefined"){ vol=1; } if (vol>1){ vol=1; } if (vol<0){ vol=0; } if (vol===0){ return; } var sound = cacheSeed(seed,vol);; } /* */