// Generated by Haxe 3.4.7 (function ($hx_exports, $global) { "use strict"; $hx_exports["lime"] = $hx_exports["lime"] || {}; var $hxClasses = {},$estr = function() { return js_Boot.__string_rec(this,''); }; function $extend(from, fields) { function Inherit() {} Inherit.prototype = from; var proto = new Inherit(); for (var name in fields) proto[name] = fields[name]; if( fields.toString !== Object.prototype.toString ) proto.toString = fields.toString; return proto; } var lime_app_IModule = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.app.IModule"] = lime_app_IModule; lime_app_IModule.__name__ = ["lime","app","IModule"]; lime_app_IModule.prototype = { __registerLimeModule: null ,__unregisterLimeModule: null ,__class__: lime_app_IModule }; var lime_app_Module = function() { this.onExit = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void(); }; $hxClasses["lime.app.Module"] = lime_app_Module; lime_app_Module.__name__ = ["lime","app","Module"]; lime_app_Module.__interfaces__ = [lime_app_IModule]; lime_app_Module.prototype = { onExit: null ,__registerLimeModule: function(application) { } ,__unregisterLimeModule: function(application) { } ,__class__: lime_app_Module }; var lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Application = function(parent) { this.gameDeviceCache = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.parent = parent; this.currentUpdate = 0; this.lastUpdate = 0; this.nextUpdate = 0; this.framePeriod = -1; lime_media_AudioManager.init(); this.accelerometer = lime_system_Sensor.registerSensor(lime_system_SensorType.ACCELEROMETER,0); }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.backend.html5.HTML5Application"] = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Application; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Application.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","backend","html5","HTML5Application"]; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Application.prototype = { gameDeviceCache: null ,accelerometer: null ,currentUpdate: null ,deltaTime: null ,framePeriod: null ,lastUpdate: null ,nextUpdate: null ,parent: null ,convertKeyCode: function(keyCode) { if(keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) { return keyCode + 32; } switch(keyCode) { case 12: return 1073741980; case 16: return 1073742049; case 17: return 1073742048; case 18: return 1073742050; case 19: return 1073741896; case 20: return 1073741881; case 33: return 1073741899; case 34: return 1073741902; case 35: return 1073741901; case 36: return 1073741898; case 37: return 1073741904; case 38: return 1073741906; case 39: return 1073741903; case 40: return 1073741905; case 41: return 1073741943; case 43: return 1073741940; case 44: return 1073741894; case 45: return 1073741897; case 46: return 127; case 91: return 1073742051; case 92: return 1073742055; case 93: return 1073742055; case 95: return 1073742106; case 96: return 1073741922; case 97: return 1073741913; case 98: return 1073741914; case 99: return 1073741915; case 100: return 1073741916; case 101: return 1073741917; case 102: return 1073741918; case 103: return 1073741919; case 104: return 1073741920; case 105: return 1073741921; case 106: return 1073741909; case 107: return 1073741911; case 108: return 1073741923; case 109: return 1073741910; case 110: return 1073741923; case 111: return 1073741908; case 112: return 1073741882; case 113: return 1073741883; case 114: return 1073741884; case 115: return 1073741885; case 116: return 1073741886; case 117: return 1073741887; case 118: return 1073741888; case 119: return 1073741889; case 120: return 1073741890; case 121: return 1073741891; case 122: return 1073741892; case 123: return 1073741893; case 124: return 1073741928; case 125: return 1073741929; case 126: return 1073741930; case 127: return 1073741931; case 128: return 1073741932; case 129: return 1073741933; case 130: return 1073741934; case 131: return 1073741935; case 132: return 1073741936; case 133: return 1073741937; case 134: return 1073741938; case 135: return 1073741939; case 144: return 1073741907; case 145: return 1073741895; case 160: return 94; case 161: return 33; case 163: return 35; case 164: return 36; case 166: return 1073742094; case 167: return 1073742095; case 168: return 1073742097; case 169: return 41; case 170: return 42; case 171: return 96; case 172: return 1073741898; case 173: return 45; case 174: return 1073741953; case 175: return 1073741952; case 176: return 1073742082; case 177: return 1073742083; case 178: return 1073742084; case 179: return 1073742085; case 180: return 1073742089; case 181: return 1073742086; case 182: return 1073741953; case 183: return 1073741952; case 186: return 59; case 187: return 61; case 188: return 44; case 189: return 45; case 190: return 46; case 191: return 47; case 192: return 96; case 193: return 63; case 194: return 1073741923; case 219: return 91; case 220: return 92; case 221: return 93; case 222: return 39; case 223: return 96; case 224: return 1073742051; case 226: return 92; } return keyCode; } ,exec: function() { window.addEventListener("keydown",$bind(this,this.handleKeyEvent),false); window.addEventListener("keyup",$bind(this,this.handleKeyEvent),false); window.addEventListener("focus",$bind(this,this.handleWindowEvent),false); window.addEventListener("blur",$bind(this,this.handleWindowEvent),false); window.addEventListener("resize",$bind(this,this.handleWindowEvent),false); window.addEventListener("beforeunload",$bind(this,this.handleWindowEvent),false); window.addEventListener("devicemotion",$bind(this,this.handleSensorEvent),false); if (!CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInStroke) { CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInStroke = function (path, x, y) { return false; }; } if (!CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInPath) { CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInPath = function (path, x, y) { return false; }; } if ('performance' in window == false) { window.performance = {}; } if ('now' in window.performance == false) { var offset = Date.now(); if (performance.timing && performance.timing.navigationStart) { offset = performance.timing.navigationStart } window.performance.now = function now() { return Date.now() - offset; } } var lastTime = 0; var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o']; for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; window.requestAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame; ; this.lastUpdate = new Date().getTime(); this.handleApplicationEvent(); return 0; } ,exit: function() { } ,handleApplicationEvent: function(__) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.parent.__windows; while(_g < _g1.length) { var $window = _g1[_g]; ++_g; $window.__backend.updateSize(); } this.updateGameDevices(); this.currentUpdate = new Date().getTime(); if(this.currentUpdate >= this.nextUpdate) { this.deltaTime = this.currentUpdate - this.lastUpdate; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.parent.__windows; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var window1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; this.parent.onUpdate.dispatch(this.deltaTime | 0); if(window1.context != null) { window1.onRender.dispatch(window1.context); } } if(this.framePeriod < 0) { this.nextUpdate = this.currentUpdate; } else { this.nextUpdate = this.currentUpdate - this.currentUpdate % this.framePeriod + this.framePeriod; } this.lastUpdate = this.currentUpdate; } window.requestAnimationFrame($bind(this,this.handleApplicationEvent)); } ,handleKeyEvent: function(event) { if(this.parent.__window != null) { var keyCode = this.convertKeyCode(event.keyCode != null ? event.keyCode : event.which); var modifier = (event.shiftKey ? 3 : 0) | (event.ctrlKey ? 192 : 0) | (event.altKey ? 768 : 0) | (event.metaKey ? 3072 : 0); if(event.type == "keydown") { this.parent.__window.onKeyDown.dispatch(keyCode,modifier); if(this.parent.__window.onKeyDown.canceled && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } else { this.parent.__window.onKeyUp.dispatch(keyCode,modifier); if(this.parent.__window.onKeyUp.canceled && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } } } ,handleSensorEvent: function(event) { this.accelerometer.onUpdate.dispatch(event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x,event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y,event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z); } ,handleWindowEvent: function(event) { if(this.parent.__window != null) { var _g = event.type; switch(_g) { case "beforeunload": break; case "blur": this.parent.__window.onFocusOut.dispatch(); this.parent.__window.onDeactivate.dispatch(); break; case "focus": this.parent.__window.onFocusIn.dispatch(); this.parent.__window.onActivate.dispatch(); break; case "resize": this.parent.__window.__backend.handleResizeEvent(event); break; } } } ,updateGameDevices: function() { var devices = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); if(devices == null) { return; } var id; var gamepad; var joystick; var data; var cache; var _g1 = 0; var _g = devices.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; id = i; data = devices[id]; if(data == null) { continue; } if(!this.gameDeviceCache.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { cache = new lime__$internal_backend_html5_GameDeviceData(); cache.id = id; cache.connected = data.connected; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = data.buttons.length; while(_g3 < _g2) { var i1 = _g3++; cache.buttons.push(data.buttons[i1].value); } var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = data.axes.length; while(_g31 < _g21) { var i2 = _g31++; cache.axes.push(data.axes[i2]); } if(data.mapping == "standard") { cache.isGamepad = true; } this.gameDeviceCache.h[id] = cache; if(data.connected) { lime_ui_Joystick.__connect(id); if(cache.isGamepad) { lime_ui_Gamepad.__connect(id); } } } cache = this.gameDeviceCache.h[id]; joystick = lime_ui_Joystick.devices.h[id]; gamepad = lime_ui_Gamepad.devices.h[id]; if(data.connected) { var button; var value; var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = data.buttons.length; while(_g32 < _g22) { var i3 = _g32++; value = data.buttons[i3].value; if(value != cache.buttons[i3]) { if(i3 == 6) { joystick.onAxisMove.dispatch(data.axes.length,value); if(gamepad != null) { gamepad.onAxisMove.dispatch(4,value); } } else if(i3 == 7) { joystick.onAxisMove.dispatch(data.axes.length + 1,value); if(gamepad != null) { gamepad.onAxisMove.dispatch(5,value); } } else { if(value > 0) { joystick.onButtonDown.dispatch(i3); } else { joystick.onButtonUp.dispatch(i3); } if(gamepad != null) { switch(i3) { case 0: button = 0; break; case 1: button = 1; break; case 2: button = 2; break; case 3: button = 3; break; case 4: button = 9; break; case 5: button = 10; break; case 8: button = 4; break; case 9: button = 6; break; case 10: button = 7; break; case 11: button = 8; break; case 12: button = 11; break; case 13: button = 12; break; case 14: button = 13; break; case 15: button = 14; break; case 16: button = 5; break; default: continue; } if(value > 0) { gamepad.onButtonDown.dispatch(button); } else { gamepad.onButtonUp.dispatch(button); } } } cache.buttons[i3] = value; } } var _g33 = 0; var _g23 = data.axes.length; while(_g33 < _g23) { var i4 = _g33++; if(data.axes[i4] != cache.axes[i4]) { joystick.onAxisMove.dispatch(i4,data.axes[i4]); if(gamepad != null) { gamepad.onAxisMove.dispatch(i4,data.axes[i4]); } cache.axes[i4] = data.axes[i4]; } } } else if(cache.connected) { cache.connected = false; lime_ui_Joystick.__disconnect(id); lime_ui_Gamepad.__disconnect(id); } } } ,__class__: lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Application }; var lime_app_Application = function() { this.onCreateWindow = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Window_$Void(); this.onUpdate = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void(); lime_app_Module.call(this); if(lime_app_Application.current == null) { lime_app_Application.current = this; } this.meta = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.modules = []; this.__windowByID = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.__windows = []; this.__backend = new lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Application(this); this.__registerLimeModule(this); this.__preloader = new lime_utils_Preloader(); this.__preloader.onProgress.add($bind(this,this.onPreloadProgress)); this.__preloader.onComplete.add($bind(this,this.onPreloadComplete)); }; $hxClasses["lime.app.Application"] = lime_app_Application; lime_app_Application.__name__ = ["lime","app","Application"]; lime_app_Application.current = null; lime_app_Application.__super__ = lime_app_Module; lime_app_Application.prototype = $extend(lime_app_Module.prototype,{ meta: null ,modules: null ,onUpdate: null ,onCreateWindow: null ,preloader: null ,window: null ,windows: null ,__backend: null ,__preloader: null ,__window: null ,__windowByID: null ,__windows: null ,addModule: function(module) { module.__registerLimeModule(this); this.modules.push(module); } ,createWindow: function(attributes) { var $window = this.__createWindow(attributes); this.__addWindow($window); return $window; } ,exec: function() { lime_app_Application.current = this; return this.__backend.exec(); } ,onGamepadAxisMove: function(gamepad,axis,value) { } ,onGamepadButtonDown: function(gamepad,button) { } ,onGamepadButtonUp: function(gamepad,button) { } ,onGamepadConnect: function(gamepad) { } ,onGamepadDisconnect: function(gamepad) { } ,onJoystickAxisMove: function(joystick,axis,value) { } ,onJoystickButtonDown: function(joystick,button) { } ,onJoystickButtonUp: function(joystick,button) { } ,onJoystickConnect: function(joystick) { } ,onJoystickDisconnect: function(joystick) { } ,onJoystickHatMove: function(joystick,hat,position) { } ,onJoystickTrackballMove: function(joystick,trackball,x,y) { } ,onKeyDown: function(keyCode,modifier) { } ,onKeyUp: function(keyCode,modifier) { } ,onModuleExit: function(code) { } ,onMouseDown: function(x,y,button) { } ,onMouseMove: function(x,y) { } ,onMouseMoveRelative: function(x,y) { } ,onMouseUp: function(x,y,button) { } ,onMouseWheel: function(deltaX,deltaY,deltaMode) { } ,onPreloadComplete: function() { } ,onPreloadProgress: function(loaded,total) { } ,onRenderContextLost: function() { } ,onRenderContextRestored: function(context) { } ,onTextEdit: function(text,start,length) { } ,onTextInput: function(text) { } ,onTouchCancel: function(touch) { } ,onTouchEnd: function(touch) { } ,onTouchMove: function(touch) { } ,onTouchStart: function(touch) { } ,onWindowActivate: function() { } ,onWindowClose: function() { } ,onWindowCreate: function() { } ,onWindowDeactivate: function() { } ,onWindowDropFile: function(file) { } ,onWindowEnter: function() { } ,onWindowExpose: function() { } ,onWindowFocusIn: function() { } ,onWindowFocusOut: function() { } ,onWindowFullscreen: function() { } ,onWindowLeave: function() { } ,onWindowMove: function(x,y) { } ,onWindowMinimize: function() { } ,onWindowResize: function(width,height) { } ,onWindowRestore: function() { } ,removeModule: function(module) { if(module != null) { module.__unregisterLimeModule(this); HxOverrides.remove(this.modules,module); } } ,render: function(context) { } ,update: function(deltaTime) { } ,__addWindow: function(window) { if(window != null) { this.__windows.push(window); this.__windowByID.h[window.id] = window; var f = $bind(this,this.__onWindowClose); var a1 = window; var tmp = function() { f(a1); }; window.onClose.add(tmp,false,-10000); if(this.__window == null) { this.__window = window; window.onActivate.add($bind(this,this.onWindowActivate)); window.onRenderContextLost.add($bind(this,this.onRenderContextLost)); window.onRenderContextRestored.add($bind(this,this.onRenderContextRestored)); window.onDeactivate.add($bind(this,this.onWindowDeactivate)); window.onDropFile.add($bind(this,this.onWindowDropFile)); window.onEnter.add($bind(this,this.onWindowEnter)); window.onExpose.add($bind(this,this.onWindowExpose)); window.onFocusIn.add($bind(this,this.onWindowFocusIn)); window.onFocusOut.add($bind(this,this.onWindowFocusOut)); window.onFullscreen.add($bind(this,this.onWindowFullscreen)); window.onKeyDown.add($bind(this,this.onKeyDown)); window.onKeyUp.add($bind(this,this.onKeyUp)); window.onLeave.add($bind(this,this.onWindowLeave)); window.onMinimize.add($bind(this,this.onWindowMinimize)); window.onMouseDown.add($bind(this,this.onMouseDown)); window.onMouseMove.add($bind(this,this.onMouseMove)); window.onMouseMoveRelative.add($bind(this,this.onMouseMoveRelative)); window.onMouseUp.add($bind(this,this.onMouseUp)); window.onMouseWheel.add($bind(this,this.onMouseWheel)); window.onMove.add($bind(this,this.onWindowMove)); window.onRender.add($bind(this,this.render)); window.onResize.add($bind(this,this.onWindowResize)); window.onRestore.add($bind(this,this.onWindowRestore)); window.onTextEdit.add($bind(this,this.onTextEdit)); window.onTextInput.add($bind(this,this.onTextInput)); this.onWindowCreate(); } this.onCreateWindow.dispatch(window); } } ,__createWindow: function(attributes) { var $window = new lime_ui_Window(this,attributes); if($window.id == -1) { return null; } return $window; } ,__registerLimeModule: function(application) { application.onUpdate.add($bind(this,this.update)); application.onExit.add($bind(this,this.onModuleExit),false,0); application.onExit.add($bind(this,this.__onModuleExit),false,0); var gamepad = lime_ui_Gamepad.devices.iterator(); while(gamepad.hasNext()) { var gamepad1 = gamepad.next(); this.__onGamepadConnect(gamepad1); } lime_ui_Gamepad.onConnect.add($bind(this,this.__onGamepadConnect)); var joystick = lime_ui_Joystick.devices.iterator(); while(joystick.hasNext()) { var joystick1 = joystick.next(); this.__onJoystickConnect(joystick1); } lime_ui_Joystick.onConnect.add($bind(this,this.__onJoystickConnect)); lime_ui_Touch.onCancel.add($bind(this,this.onTouchCancel)); lime_ui_Touch.onStart.add($bind(this,this.onTouchStart)); lime_ui_Touch.onMove.add($bind(this,this.onTouchMove)); lime_ui_Touch.onEnd.add($bind(this,this.onTouchEnd)); } ,__removeWindow: function(window) { if(window != null && this.__windowByID.h.hasOwnProperty(window.id)) { if(this.__window == window) { this.__window = null; } HxOverrides.remove(this.__windows,window); this.__windowByID.remove(window.id); window.close(); if(this.__windows.length == 0) { lime_system_System.exit(0); } } } ,__onGamepadConnect: function(gamepad) { this.onGamepadConnect(gamepad); var f = $bind(this,this.onGamepadAxisMove); var a1 = gamepad; var tmp = function(a2,a3) { f(a1,a2,a3); }; gamepad.onAxisMove.add(tmp); var f1 = $bind(this,this.onGamepadButtonDown); var a11 = gamepad; var tmp1 = function(a21) { f1(a11,a21); }; gamepad.onButtonDown.add(tmp1); var f2 = $bind(this,this.onGamepadButtonUp); var a12 = gamepad; var tmp2 = function(a22) { f2(a12,a22); }; gamepad.onButtonUp.add(tmp2); var f3 = $bind(this,this.onGamepadDisconnect); var a13 = gamepad; var tmp3 = function() { f3(a13); }; gamepad.onDisconnect.add(tmp3); } ,__onJoystickConnect: function(joystick) { this.onJoystickConnect(joystick); var f = $bind(this,this.onJoystickAxisMove); var a1 = joystick; var tmp = function(a2,a3) { f(a1,a2,a3); }; joystick.onAxisMove.add(tmp); var f1 = $bind(this,this.onJoystickButtonDown); var a11 = joystick; var tmp1 = function(a21) { f1(a11,a21); }; joystick.onButtonDown.add(tmp1); var f2 = $bind(this,this.onJoystickButtonUp); var a12 = joystick; var tmp2 = function(a22) { f2(a12,a22); }; joystick.onButtonUp.add(tmp2); var f3 = $bind(this,this.onJoystickDisconnect); var a13 = joystick; var tmp3 = function() { f3(a13); }; joystick.onDisconnect.add(tmp3); var f4 = $bind(this,this.onJoystickHatMove); var a14 = joystick; var tmp4 = function(a23,a31) { f4(a14,a23,a31); }; joystick.onHatMove.add(tmp4); var f5 = $bind(this,this.onJoystickTrackballMove); var a15 = joystick; var tmp5 = function(a24,x,y) { f5(a15,a24,x,y); }; joystick.onTrackballMove.add(tmp5); } ,__onModuleExit: function(code) { this.__backend.exit(); } ,__onWindowClose: function(window) { if(this.__window == window) { this.onWindowClose(); } this.__removeWindow(window); } ,__unregisterLimeModule: function(application) { application.onUpdate.remove($bind(this,this.update)); application.onExit.remove($bind(this,this.__onModuleExit)); application.onExit.remove($bind(this,this.onModuleExit)); lime_ui_Gamepad.onConnect.remove($bind(this,this.__onGamepadConnect)); lime_ui_Joystick.onConnect.remove($bind(this,this.__onJoystickConnect)); lime_ui_Touch.onCancel.remove($bind(this,this.onTouchCancel)); lime_ui_Touch.onStart.remove($bind(this,this.onTouchStart)); lime_ui_Touch.onMove.remove($bind(this,this.onTouchMove)); lime_ui_Touch.onEnd.remove($bind(this,this.onTouchEnd)); this.onModuleExit(0); } ,get_preloader: function() { return this.__preloader; } ,get_window: function() { return this.__window; } ,get_windows: function() { return this.__windows; } ,__class__: lime_app_Application ,__properties__: {get_windows:"get_windows",get_window:"get_window",get_preloader:"get_preloader"} }); var ApplicationMain = function() { }; $hxClasses["ApplicationMain"] = ApplicationMain; ApplicationMain.__name__ = ["ApplicationMain"]; ApplicationMain.main = function() { lime_system_System.__registerEntryPoint("Bowsette",ApplicationMain.create); }; ApplicationMain.create = function(config) { var app = new openfl_display_Application(); ManifestResources.init(config); var _this = app.meta; if(__map_reserved["build"] != null) { _this.setReserved("build","121"); } else { _this.h["build"] = "121"; } var _this1 = app.meta; if(__map_reserved["company"] != null) { _this1.setReserved("company","HaxeFlixel"); } else { _this1.h["company"] = "HaxeFlixel"; } var _this2 = app.meta; if(__map_reserved["file"] != null) { _this2.setReserved("file","Bowsette"); } else { _this2.h["file"] = "Bowsette"; } var _this3 = app.meta; if(__map_reserved["name"] != null) { _this3.setReserved("name","Bowsette"); } else { _this3.h["name"] = "Bowsette"; } var _this4 = app.meta; if(__map_reserved["packageName"] != null) { _this4.setReserved("packageName","com.example.myapp"); } else { _this4.h["packageName"] = "com.example.myapp"; } var _this5 = app.meta; if(__map_reserved["version"] != null) { _this5.setReserved("version","0.0.1"); } else { _this5.h["version"] = "0.0.1"; } var attributes = { allowHighDPI : false, alwaysOnTop : false, borderless : false, element : null, frameRate : 60, height : 640, hidden : false, maximized : false, minimized : false, parameters : { }, resizable : false, title : "Bowsette", width : 640, x : null, y : null}; attributes.context = { antialiasing : 0, background : 0, colorDepth : 32, depth : true, hardware : true, stencil : true, type : null, vsync : false}; if(app.__window == null) { if(config != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = Reflect.fields(config); while(_g < _g1.length) { var field = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,field)) { attributes[field] = Reflect.field(config,field); } else if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes.context,field)) { attributes.context[field] = Reflect.field(config,field); } } } } app.createWindow(attributes); var preloader = new openfl_display_Preloader(new flixel_system_FlxPreloader()); app.__preloader.onProgress.add(function(loaded,total) { preloader.update(loaded,total); }); app.__preloader.onComplete.add(function() { preloader.start(); }); var a1 = (js_Boot.__cast(app.__window , openfl_display_Window)).stage; var tmp = function() { ApplicationMain.start(a1); }; preloader.onComplete.add(tmp); var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = ManifestResources.preloadLibraries; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var library = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; app.__preloader.addLibrary(library); } var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = ManifestResources.preloadLibraryNames; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var name = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; app.__preloader.addLibraryName(name); } app.__preloader.load(); var result = app.exec(); }; ApplicationMain.start = function(stage) { try { var current = stage.getChildAt(0); if(current == null || !js_Boot.__instanceof(current,openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer)) { current = new openfl_display_MovieClip(); stage.addChild(current); } new DocumentClass(current); stage.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("resize",false,false)); if(stage.window.__fullscreen) { stage.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_FullScreenEvent("fullScreen",false,false,true,true)); } } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; stage.__handleError(e); } }; var openfl_events_IEventDispatcher = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.IEventDispatcher"] = openfl_events_IEventDispatcher; openfl_events_IEventDispatcher.__name__ = ["openfl","events","IEventDispatcher"]; openfl_events_IEventDispatcher.prototype = { addEventListener: null ,dispatchEvent: null ,hasEventListener: null ,removeEventListener: null ,willTrigger: null ,__class__: openfl_events_IEventDispatcher }; var openfl_events_EventDispatcher = function(target) { if(target != null) { this.__targetDispatcher = target; } }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.EventDispatcher"] = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_events_EventDispatcher.__name__ = ["openfl","events","EventDispatcher"]; openfl_events_EventDispatcher.__interfaces__ = [openfl_events_IEventDispatcher]; openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype = { __eventMap: null ,__iterators: null ,__targetDispatcher: null ,addEventListener: function(type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference) { if(useWeakReference == null) { useWeakReference = false; } if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(useCapture == null) { useCapture = false; } if(listener == null) { return; } if(this.__eventMap == null) { this.__eventMap = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.__iterators = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); } var _this = this.__eventMap; if(!(__map_reserved[type] != null ? _this.existsReserved(type) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(type))) { var list = []; list.push(new openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_Listener(listener,useCapture,priority)); var iterator = new openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_DispatchIterator(list); var _this1 = this.__eventMap; if(__map_reserved[type] != null) { _this1.setReserved(type,list); } else { _this1.h[type] = list; } var _this2 = this.__iterators; var value = [iterator]; if(__map_reserved[type] != null) { _this2.setReserved(type,value); } else { _this2.h[type] = value; } } else { var _this3 = this.__eventMap; var list1 = __map_reserved[type] != null ? _this3.getReserved(type) : _this3.h[type]; var _g1 = 0; var _g = list1.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(list1[i].match(listener,useCapture)) { return; } } var _this4 = this.__iterators; var iterators = __map_reserved[type] != null ? _this4.getReserved(type) : _this4.h[type]; var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < iterators.length) { var iterator1 = iterators[_g2]; ++_g2; if(iterator1.active) { iterator1.copy(); } } this.__addListenerByPriority(list1,new openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_Listener(listener,useCapture,priority)); } } ,dispatchEvent: function(event) { if(this.__targetDispatcher != null) { event.target = this.__targetDispatcher; } else { event.target = this; } return this.__dispatchEvent(event); } ,hasEventListener: function(type) { if(this.__eventMap == null) { return false; } var _this = this.__eventMap; if(__map_reserved[type] != null) { return _this.existsReserved(type); } else { return _this.h.hasOwnProperty(type); } } ,removeEventListener: function(type,listener,useCapture) { if(useCapture == null) { useCapture = false; } if(this.__eventMap == null || listener == null) { return; } var _this = this.__eventMap; var list = __map_reserved[type] != null ? _this.getReserved(type) : _this.h[type]; if(list == null) { return; } var _this1 = this.__iterators; var iterators = __map_reserved[type] != null ? _this1.getReserved(type) : _this1.h[type]; var _g1 = 0; var _g = list.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(list[i].match(listener,useCapture)) { var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < iterators.length) { var iterator = iterators[_g2]; ++_g2; iterator.remove(list[i],i); } list.splice(i,1); break; } } if(list.length == 0) { this.__eventMap.remove(type); this.__iterators.remove(type); } var _this2 = this.__eventMap; if(!new haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator(_this2,_this2.arrayKeys()).hasNext()) { this.__eventMap = null; this.__iterators = null; } } ,toString: function() { var full = Type.getClassName(js_Boot.getClass(this)); var $short = full.split(".").pop(); return "[object " + $short + "]"; } ,willTrigger: function(type) { return this.hasEventListener(type); } ,__dispatchEvent: function(event) { if(this.__eventMap == null || event == null) { return true; } var type = event.type; var _this = this.__eventMap; var list = __map_reserved[type] != null ? _this.getReserved(type) : _this.h[type]; if(list == null) { return true; } if(event.target == null) { if(this.__targetDispatcher != null) { event.target = this.__targetDispatcher; } else { event.target = this; } } event.currentTarget = this; var capture = event.eventPhase == 1; var index = 0; var _this1 = this.__iterators; var iterators = __map_reserved[type] != null ? _this1.getReserved(type) : _this1.h[type]; var iterator = iterators[0]; if(iterator.active) { iterator = new openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_DispatchIterator(list); iterators.push(iterator); } iterator.start(); var listener = iterator; while(listener.hasNext()) { var listener1 = listener.next(); if(listener1 == null) { continue; } if(listener1.useCapture == capture) { listener1.callback(event); if(event.__isCanceledNow) { break; } } } iterator.stop(); if(iterator != iterators[0]) { HxOverrides.remove(iterators,iterator); } else { iterator.reset(list); } return !event.isDefaultPrevented(); } ,__removeAllListeners: function() { this.__eventMap = null; this.__iterators = null; } ,__addListenerByPriority: function(list,listener) { var numElements = list.length; var addAtPosition = numElements; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numElements; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(list[i].priority < listener.priority) { addAtPosition = i; break; } } list.splice(addAtPosition,0,listener); } ,__class__: openfl_events_EventDispatcher }; var openfl_display_IBitmapDrawable = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.IBitmapDrawable"] = openfl_display_IBitmapDrawable; openfl_display_IBitmapDrawable.__name__ = ["openfl","display","IBitmapDrawable"]; openfl_display_IBitmapDrawable.prototype = { __blendMode: null ,__isMask: null ,__renderable: null ,__renderTransform: null ,__transform: null ,__worldAlpha: null ,__worldColorTransform: null ,__worldTransform: null ,__getBounds: null ,__renderCairo: null ,__renderCairoMask: null ,__renderCanvas: null ,__renderCanvasMask: null ,__renderDOM: null ,__renderGL: null ,__renderGLMask: null ,__update: null ,__updateTransforms: null ,__mask: null ,__scrollRect: null ,__class__: openfl_display_IBitmapDrawable }; var openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._Vector.Vector_Impl_"] = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_Vector","Vector_Impl_"]; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length",set_fixed:"set_fixed",get_fixed:"get_fixed"}; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.ofArray_Float = function(a) { var vector = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); var _g1 = 0; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; vector.set(i,a[i]); } return vector; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.ofArray_Int = function(a) { var vector = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); var _g1 = 0; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; vector.set(i,a[i]); } return vector; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.concat = function(this1,a) { return this1.concat(a); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.copy = function(this1) { return this1.copy(); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.get = function(this1,index) { return this1.get(index); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.indexOf = function(this1,x,from) { if(from == null) { from = 0; } return this1.indexOf(x,from); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.insertAt = function(this1,index,element) { this1.insertAt(index,element); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.iterator = function(this1) { return this1.iterator(); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.join = function(this1,sep) { if(sep == null) { sep = ","; } return this1.join(sep); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.lastIndexOf = function(this1,x,from) { return this1.lastIndexOf(x,from); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.pop = function(this1) { return this1.pop(); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.push = function(this1,x) { return this1.push(x); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.removeAt = function(this1,index) { return this1.removeAt(index); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.reverse = function(this1) { return this1.reverse(); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,index,value) { return this1.set(index,value); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.shift = function(this1) { return this1.shift(); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.slice = function(this1,pos,end) { return this1.slice(pos,end); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.sort = function(this1,f) { this1.sort(f); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.splice = function(this1,pos,len) { return this1.splice(pos,len); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return this1.toString(); } else { return null; } }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.unshift = function(this1,x) { this1.unshift(x); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.convert = function(v) { return v; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toBoolVector = function(t,length,fixed,array) { return new openfl__$Vector_BoolVector(length,fixed,array); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector = function(t,length,fixed,array) { return new openfl__$Vector_IntVector(length,fixed,array); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector = function(t,length,fixed,array) { return new openfl__$Vector_FloatVector(length,fixed,array,true); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFunctionVector = function(t,length,fixed,array) { return new openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector(length,fixed,array); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector = function(t,length,fixed,array) { return new openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector(length,fixed,array,true); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toNullVector = function(t,length,fixed,array) { return new openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector(length,fixed,array,true); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.fromBoolVector = function(vector) { return vector; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.fromIntVector = function(vector) { return vector; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.fromFloatVector = function(vector) { return vector; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.fromFunctionVector = function(vector) { return vector; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.fromObjectVector = function(vector) { return vector; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.get_fixed = function(this1) { return this1.fixed; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.set_fixed = function(this1,value) { return this1.fixed = value; }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { return this1.get_length(); }; openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.set_length = function(this1,value) { return this1.set_length(value); }; var lime_utils_ObjectPool = function(create,clean,size) { this.__pool = new haxe_ds_ObjectMap(); this.activeObjects = 0; this.inactiveObjects = 0; this.__inactiveObject0 = null; this.__inactiveObject1 = null; this.__inactiveObjectList = new List(); if(create != null) { this.create = create; } if(clean != null) { this.clean = clean; } if(size != null) { this.set_size(size); } }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.ObjectPool"] = lime_utils_ObjectPool; lime_utils_ObjectPool.__name__ = ["lime","utils","ObjectPool"]; lime_utils_ObjectPool.prototype = { activeObjects: null ,inactiveObjects: null ,__inactiveObject0: null ,__inactiveObject1: null ,__inactiveObjectList: null ,__pool: null ,__size: null ,add: function(object) { if(!this.__pool.exists(object)) { this.__pool.set(object,false); this.clean(object); if(this.__inactiveObject0 == null) { this.__inactiveObject0 = object; } else if(this.__inactiveObject1 == null) { this.__inactiveObject1 = object; } else { this.__inactiveObjectList.add(object); } this.inactiveObjects++; } } ,clean: function(object) { } ,clear: function() { this.__pool = new haxe_ds_ObjectMap(); this.activeObjects = 0; this.inactiveObjects = 0; this.__inactiveObject0 = null; this.__inactiveObject1 = null; this.__inactiveObjectList.clear(); } ,create: function() { return null; } ,get: function() { var object = null; if(this.inactiveObjects > 0) { var object1 = null; if(this.__inactiveObject0 != null) { object1 = this.__inactiveObject0; this.__inactiveObject0 = null; } else if(this.__inactiveObject1 != null) { object1 = this.__inactiveObject1; this.__inactiveObject1 = null; } else { object1 = this.__inactiveObjectList.pop(); if(this.__inactiveObjectList.length > 0) { this.__inactiveObject0 = this.__inactiveObjectList.pop(); } if(this.__inactiveObjectList.length > 0) { this.__inactiveObject1 = this.__inactiveObjectList.pop(); } } this.inactiveObjects--; this.activeObjects++; object = object1; } else if(this.__size == null || this.activeObjects < this.__size) { object = this.create(); if(object != null) { this.__pool.set(object,true); this.activeObjects++; } } return object; } ,release: function(object) { this.activeObjects--; if(this.__size == null || this.activeObjects + this.inactiveObjects < this.__size) { this.clean(object); if(this.__inactiveObject0 == null) { this.__inactiveObject0 = object; } else if(this.__inactiveObject1 == null) { this.__inactiveObject1 = object; } else { this.__inactiveObjectList.add(object); } this.inactiveObjects++; } else { this.__pool.remove(object); } } ,__addInactive: function(object) { if(this.__inactiveObject0 == null) { this.__inactiveObject0 = object; } else if(this.__inactiveObject1 == null) { this.__inactiveObject1 = object; } else { this.__inactiveObjectList.add(object); } this.inactiveObjects++; } ,__getInactive: function() { var object = null; if(this.__inactiveObject0 != null) { object = this.__inactiveObject0; this.__inactiveObject0 = null; } else if(this.__inactiveObject1 != null) { object = this.__inactiveObject1; this.__inactiveObject1 = null; } else { object = this.__inactiveObjectList.pop(); if(this.__inactiveObjectList.length > 0) { this.__inactiveObject0 = this.__inactiveObjectList.pop(); } if(this.__inactiveObjectList.length > 0) { this.__inactiveObject1 = this.__inactiveObjectList.pop(); } } this.inactiveObjects--; this.activeObjects++; return object; } ,__removeInactive: function(count) { if(count <= 0 || this.inactiveObjects == 0) { return; } if(this.__inactiveObject0 != null) { this.__pool.remove(this.__inactiveObject0); this.__inactiveObject0 = null; this.inactiveObjects--; --count; } if(count == 0 || this.inactiveObjects == 0) { return; } if(this.__inactiveObject1 != null) { this.__pool.remove(this.__inactiveObject1); this.__inactiveObject1 = null; this.inactiveObjects--; --count; } if(count == 0 || this.inactiveObjects == 0) { return; } var _g_head = this.__inactiveObjectList.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var object = val; this.__pool.remove(object); this.__inactiveObjectList.remove(object); this.inactiveObjects--; --count; if(count == 0 || this.inactiveObjects == 0) { return; } } } ,get_size: function() { return this.__size; } ,set_size: function(value) { if(value == null) { this.__size = null; } else { var current = this.inactiveObjects + this.activeObjects; this.__size = value; if(current > value) { this.__removeInactive(current - value); } else if(value > current) { var object; var _g1 = 0; var _g = value - current; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; object = this.create(); if(object != null) { this.__pool.set(object,false); this.__inactiveObjectList.add(object); this.inactiveObjects++; } else { break; } } } } return value; } ,__class__: lime_utils_ObjectPool ,__properties__: {set_size:"set_size",get_size:"get_size"} }; var haxe_IMap = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.IMap"] = haxe_IMap; haxe_IMap.__name__ = ["haxe","IMap"]; haxe_IMap.prototype = { get: null ,set: null ,exists: null ,remove: null ,keys: null ,iterator: null ,__class__: haxe_IMap }; var haxe_ds_ObjectMap = function() { this.h = { __keys__ : { }}; }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.ObjectMap"] = haxe_ds_ObjectMap; haxe_ds_ObjectMap.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","ObjectMap"]; haxe_ds_ObjectMap.__interfaces__ = [haxe_IMap]; haxe_ds_ObjectMap.assignId = function(obj) { return obj.__id__ = ++haxe_ds_ObjectMap.count; }; haxe_ds_ObjectMap.getId = function(obj) { return obj.__id__; }; haxe_ds_ObjectMap.prototype = { h: null ,set: function(key,value) { var id = key.__id__ || (key.__id__ = ++haxe_ds_ObjectMap.count); this.h[id] = value; this.h.__keys__[id] = key; } ,get: function(key) { return this.h[key.__id__]; } ,exists: function(key) { return this.h.__keys__[key.__id__] != null; } ,remove: function(key) { var id = key.__id__; if(this.h.__keys__[id] == null) { return false; } delete(this.h[id]); delete(this.h.__keys__[id]); return true; } ,keys: function() { var a = []; for( var key in this.h.__keys__ ) { if(this.h.hasOwnProperty(key)) { a.push(this.h.__keys__[key]); } } return HxOverrides.iter(a); } ,iterator: function() { return { ref : this.h, it : this.keys(), hasNext : function() { return this.it.hasNext(); }, next : function() { var i = this.it.next(); return this.ref[i.__id__]; }}; } ,__class__: haxe_ds_ObjectMap }; var List = function() { this.length = 0; }; $hxClasses["List"] = List; List.__name__ = ["List"]; List.prototype = { h: null ,q: null ,length: null ,add: function(item) { var x = new _$List_ListNode(item,null); if(this.h == null) { this.h = x; } else { this.q.next = x; } this.q = x; this.length++; } ,pop: function() { if(this.h == null) { return null; } var x = this.h.item; this.h = this.h.next; if(this.h == null) { this.q = null; } this.length--; return x; } ,clear: function() { this.h = null; this.q = null; this.length = 0; } ,remove: function(v) { var prev = null; var l = this.h; while(l != null) { if(l.item == v) { if(prev == null) { this.h = l.next; } else { prev.next = l.next; } if(this.q == l) { this.q = prev; } this.length--; return true; } prev = l; l = l.next; } return false; } ,iterator: function() { return new _$List_ListIterator(this.h); } ,__class__: List }; var openfl_display_DisplayObject = function() { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.__alpha = 1; this.__blendMode = 10; this.__cacheAsBitmap = false; this.__transform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__visible = true; this.__rotation = 0; this.__rotationSine = 0; this.__rotationCosine = 1; this.__scaleX = 1; this.__scaleY = 1; this.__worldAlpha = 1; this.__worldBlendMode = 10; this.__worldTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__worldColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); this.__renderTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__worldVisible = true; this.set_name("instance" + ++openfl_display_DisplayObject.__instanceCount); if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__initStage != null) { this.stage = openfl_display_DisplayObject.__initStage; openfl_display_DisplayObject.__initStage = null; this.stage.addChild(this); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.DisplayObject"] = openfl_display_DisplayObject; openfl_display_DisplayObject.__name__ = ["openfl","display","DisplayObject"]; openfl_display_DisplayObject.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IBitmapDrawable]; openfl_display_DisplayObject.__initStage = null; openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM = null; openfl_display_DisplayObject.__calculateAbsoluteTransform = function(local,parentTransform,target) { target.a = local.a * parentTransform.a + local.b * parentTransform.c; target.b = local.a * parentTransform.b + local.b * parentTransform.d; target.c = local.c * parentTransform.a + local.d * parentTransform.c; target.d = local.c * parentTransform.b + local.d * parentTransform.d; target.tx = local.tx * parentTransform.a + local.ty * parentTransform.c + parentTransform.tx; target.ty = local.tx * parentTransform.b + local.ty * parentTransform.d + parentTransform.ty; }; openfl_display_DisplayObject.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ opaqueBackground: null ,parent: null ,scale9Grid: null ,stage: null ,__alpha: null ,__blendMode: null ,__cacheAsBitmap: null ,__cacheAsBitmapMatrix: null ,__cacheBitmap: null ,__cacheBitmapBackground: null ,__cacheBitmapColorTransform: null ,__cacheBitmapData: null ,__cacheBitmapData2: null ,__cacheBitmapData3: null ,__cacheBitmapMatrix: null ,__cacheBitmapRenderer: null ,__cairo: null ,__children: null ,__customRenderClear: null ,__customRenderEvent: null ,__filters: null ,__graphics: null ,__interactive: null ,__isCacheBitmapRender: null ,__isMask: null ,__loaderInfo: null ,__mask: null ,__maskTarget: null ,__name: null ,__objectTransform: null ,__renderable: null ,__renderDirty: null ,__renderParent: null ,__renderTransform: null ,__renderTransformCache: null ,__renderTransformChanged: null ,__rotation: null ,__rotationCosine: null ,__rotationSine: null ,__scaleX: null ,__scaleY: null ,__scrollRect: null ,__shader: null ,__tempPoint: null ,__transform: null ,__transformDirty: null ,__visible: null ,__worldAlpha: null ,__worldAlphaChanged: null ,__worldBlendMode: null ,__worldClip: null ,__worldClipChanged: null ,__worldColorTransform: null ,__worldShader: null ,__worldTransform: null ,__worldVisible: null ,__worldVisibleChanged: null ,__worldTransformInvalid: null ,__worldZ: null ,__canvas: null ,__context: null ,__style: null ,addEventListener: function(type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference) { if(useWeakReference == null) { useWeakReference = false; } if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(useCapture == null) { useCapture = false; } switch(type) { case "activate":case "deactivate":case "enterFrame":case "exitFrame":case "frameConstructed":case "render": if(!openfl_display_DisplayObject.__broadcastEvents.exists(type)) { openfl_display_DisplayObject.__broadcastEvents.set(type,[]); } var dispatchers = openfl_display_DisplayObject.__broadcastEvents.get(type); if(dispatchers.indexOf(this) == -1) { dispatchers.push(this); } break; case "clearDOM":case "renderCairo":case "renderCanvas":case "renderDOM":case "renderOpenGL": if(this.__customRenderEvent == null) { this.__customRenderEvent = new openfl_events_RenderEvent(null); this.__customRenderEvent.objectColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); this.__customRenderEvent.objectMatrix = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__customRenderClear = true; } break; default: } openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener.call(this,type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference); } ,dispatchEvent: function(event) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(event,openfl_events_MouseEvent)) { var mouseEvent = event; var _this = this.__getRenderTransform(); mouseEvent.stageX = mouseEvent.localX * _this.a + mouseEvent.localY * _this.c + _this.tx; var _this1 = this.__getRenderTransform(); mouseEvent.stageY = mouseEvent.localX * _this1.b + mouseEvent.localY * _this1.d + _this1.ty; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(event,openfl_events_TouchEvent)) { var touchEvent = event; var _this2 = this.__getRenderTransform(); touchEvent.stageX = touchEvent.localX * _this2.a + touchEvent.localY * _this2.c + _this2.tx; var _this3 = this.__getRenderTransform(); touchEvent.stageY = touchEvent.localX * _this3.b + touchEvent.localY * _this3.d + _this3.ty; } event.target = this; return this.__dispatchWithCapture(event); } ,getBounds: function(targetCoordinateSpace) { var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); if(targetCoordinateSpace != null && targetCoordinateSpace != this) { matrix.copyFrom(this.__getWorldTransform()); var targetMatrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); targetMatrix.copyFrom(targetCoordinateSpace.__getWorldTransform()); targetMatrix.invert(); matrix.concat(targetMatrix); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(targetMatrix); } else { matrix.identity(); } var bounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this.__getBounds(bounds,matrix); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); return bounds; } ,getRect: function(targetCoordinateSpace) { return this.getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace); } ,globalToLocal: function(pos) { return this.__globalToLocal(pos,new openfl_geom_Point()); } ,hitTestObject: function(obj) { if(obj != null && obj.parent != null && this.parent != null) { var currentBounds = this.getBounds(this); var targetBounds = obj.getBounds(this); return currentBounds.intersects(targetBounds); } return false; } ,hitTestPoint: function(x,y,shapeFlag) { if(shapeFlag == null) { shapeFlag = false; } if(this.stage != null) { return this.__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,null,false,this); } else { return false; } } ,invalidate: function() { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } ,localToGlobal: function(point) { return this.__getRenderTransform().transformPoint(point); } ,removeEventListener: function(type,listener,useCapture) { if(useCapture == null) { useCapture = false; } openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype.removeEventListener.call(this,type,listener,useCapture); switch(type) { case "activate":case "deactivate":case "enterFrame":case "exitFrame":case "frameConstructed":case "render": if(!this.hasEventListener(type)) { if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__broadcastEvents.exists(type)) { HxOverrides.remove(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__broadcastEvents.get(type),this); } } break; case "clearDOM":case "renderCairo":case "renderCanvas":case "renderDOM":case "renderOpenGL": if(!this.hasEventListener("clearDOM") && !this.hasEventListener("renderCairo") && !this.hasEventListener("renderCanvas") && !this.hasEventListener("renderDOM") && !this.hasEventListener("renderOpenGL")) { this.__customRenderEvent = null; } break; default: } } ,__cleanup: function() { this.__cairo = null; this.__canvas = null; this.__context = null; if(this.__graphics != null) { this.__graphics.__cleanup(); } if(this.__cacheBitmap != null) { this.__cacheBitmap.__cleanup(); this.__cacheBitmap = null; } if(this.__cacheBitmapData != null) { this.__cacheBitmapData.dispose(); this.__cacheBitmapData = null; } } ,__dispatch: function(event) { if(this.__eventMap != null && this.hasEventListener(event.type)) { var result = openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype.__dispatchEvent.call(this,event); if(event.__isCanceled) { return true; } return result; } return true; } ,__dispatchChildren: function(event) { } ,__dispatchEvent: function(event) { var parent = event.bubbles ? this.parent : null; var result = openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype.__dispatchEvent.call(this,event); if(event.__isCanceled) { return true; } if(parent != null && parent != this) { event.eventPhase = 3; if(event.target == null) { event.target = this; } parent.__dispatchEvent(event); } return result; } ,__dispatchWithCapture: function(event) { if(event.target == null) { event.target = this; } if(this.parent != null) { event.eventPhase = 1; if(this.parent == this.stage) { this.parent.__dispatch(event); } else { var stack = openfl_display_DisplayObject.__tempStack.get(); var parent = this.parent; var i = 0; while(parent != null) { stack.set(i,parent); parent = parent.parent; ++i; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = i; while(_g1 < _g) { var j = _g1++; stack.get(i - j - 1).__dispatch(event); } openfl_display_DisplayObject.__tempStack.release(stack); } } event.eventPhase = 2; return this.__dispatchEvent(event); } ,__enterFrame: function(deltaTime) { } ,__getBounds: function(rect,matrix) { if(this.__graphics != null) { this.__graphics.__getBounds(rect,matrix); } } ,__getCursor: function() { return null; } ,__getFilterBounds: function(rect,matrix) { this.__getBounds(rect,matrix); if(this.__filters != null) { var extension = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__filters; while(_g < _g1.length) { var filter = _g1[_g]; ++_g; extension.__expand(-filter.__leftExtension,-filter.__topExtension,filter.__leftExtension + filter.__rightExtension,filter.__topExtension + filter.__bottomExtension); } rect.width += extension.width; rect.height += extension.height; rect.x += extension.x; rect.y += extension.y; openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(extension); } } ,__getInteractive: function(stack) { return false; } ,__getLocalBounds: function(rect) { this.__getBounds(rect,this.__transform); rect.x -= this.__transform.tx; rect.y -= this.__transform.ty; } ,__getRenderBounds: function(rect,matrix) { if(this.__scrollRect == null) { this.__getBounds(rect,matrix); } else { var r = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); r.copyFrom(this.__scrollRect); r.__transform(r,matrix); rect.__expand(matrix.tx,matrix.ty,r.width,r.height); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(r); } } ,__getRenderTransform: function() { this.__getWorldTransform(); return this.__renderTransform; } ,__getWorldTransform: function() { var transformDirty = this.__transformDirty || this.__worldTransformInvalid; if(transformDirty) { var list = []; var current = this; if(this.parent == null) { this.__update(true,false); } else { while(current != this.stage) { list.push(current); current = current.parent; if(current == null) { break; } } } var i = list.length; while(--i >= 0) { current = list[i]; current.__update(true,false); } } return this.__worldTransform; } ,__globalToLocal: function(global,local) { this.__getRenderTransform(); if(global == local) { var _this = this.__renderTransform; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { global.x = -_this.tx; global.y = -_this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - global.y) + _this.d * (global.x - _this.tx)); global.y = 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (global.y - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - global.x)); global.x = px; } } else { var _this1 = this.__renderTransform; var norm1 = _this1.a * _this1.d - _this1.b * _this1.c; local.x = norm1 == 0 ? -_this1.tx : 1.0 / norm1 * (_this1.c * (_this1.ty - global.y) + _this1.d * (global.x - _this1.tx)); var _this2 = this.__renderTransform; var norm2 = _this2.a * _this2.d - _this2.b * _this2.c; local.y = norm2 == 0 ? -_this2.ty : 1.0 / norm2 * (_this2.a * (global.y - _this2.ty) + _this2.b * (_this2.tx - global.x)); } return local; } ,__hitTest: function(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject) { if(this.__graphics != null) { if(!hitObject.__visible || this.__isMask) { return false; } if(this.get_mask() != null && !this.get_mask().__hitTestMask(x,y)) { return false; } if(this.__graphics.__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,this.__getRenderTransform())) { if(stack != null && !interactiveOnly) { stack.push(hitObject); } return true; } } return false; } ,__hitTestMask: function(x,y) { if(this.__graphics != null) { if(this.__graphics.__hitTest(x,y,true,this.__getRenderTransform())) { return true; } } return false; } ,__readGraphicsData: function(graphicsData,recurse) { if(this.__graphics != null) { this.__graphics.__readGraphicsData(graphicsData); } } ,__renderCairo: function(renderer) { } ,__renderCairoMask: function(renderer) { } ,__renderCanvas: function(renderer) { if(this.get_mask() == null || this.get_mask().get_width() > 0 && this.get_mask().get_height() > 0) { this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,false); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { var bitmap = this.__cacheBitmap; if(!(!bitmap.__renderable)) { var alpha = renderer.__getAlpha(bitmap.__worldAlpha); if(alpha > 0 && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid && bitmap.__bitmapData.readable) { var context = renderer.context; renderer.__setBlendMode(bitmap.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap,false); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(bitmap.__bitmapData.image); context.globalAlpha = alpha; var scrollRect = bitmap.__scrollRect; renderer.setTransform(bitmap.__renderTransform,context); if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } if(scrollRect == null) { context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),0,0,bitmap.__bitmapData.image.width,bitmap.__bitmapData.image.height); } else { context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),scrollRect.x,scrollRect.y,scrollRect.width,scrollRect.height); } if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap,false); } } } else if(!(this.opaqueBackground == null && this.__graphics == null)) { if(!(!this.__renderable)) { var alpha1 = renderer.__getAlpha(this.__worldAlpha); if(!(alpha1 <= 0)) { if(this.opaqueBackground != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender && this.get_width() > 0 && this.get_height() > 0) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var context1 = renderer.context; renderer.setTransform(this.__renderTransform,context1); var color = this.opaqueBackground; context1.fillStyle = "rgb(" + (color >>> 16 & 255) + "," + (color >>> 8 & 255) + "," + (color & 255) + ")"; context1.fillRect(0,0,this.get_width(),this.get_height()); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } if(this.__graphics != null) { if(!(!this.__renderable)) { var alpha2 = renderer.__getAlpha(this.__worldAlpha); if(!(alpha2 <= 0)) { var graphics = this.__graphics; if(graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer); var bounds = graphics.__bounds; var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if(graphics.__canvas != null) { var context2 = renderer.context; var scrollRect1 = this.__scrollRect; if(width > 0 && height > 0 && (scrollRect1 == null || scrollRect1.width > 0 && scrollRect1.height > 0)) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); context2.globalAlpha = alpha2; renderer.setTransform(graphics.__worldTransform,context2); if(renderer.__isDOM) { var reverseScale = 1 / renderer.pixelRatio; context2.scale(reverseScale,reverseScale); } context2.drawImage(graphics.__canvas,0,0,width,height); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } } } } } } } } } } this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderCanvasMask: function(renderer) { if(this.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.renderMask(this.__graphics,renderer); } } ,__renderDOM: function(renderer) { this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,false); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { this.__renderDOMClear(renderer); this.__cacheBitmap.stage = this.stage; var bitmap = this.__cacheBitmap; if(bitmap.stage != null && bitmap.__worldVisible && bitmap.__renderable && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid && bitmap.__bitmapData.readable) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap); if(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.buffer.__srcImage != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderImage(bitmap,renderer); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderCanvas(bitmap,renderer); } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.clear(bitmap,renderer); } } else { var tmp = this.opaqueBackground != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender && this.get_width() > 0 && this.get_height() > 0; var graphics = this.__graphics; if(this.stage != null && this.__worldVisible && this.__renderable && graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer.__canvasRenderer); if(graphics.__softwareDirty || this.__worldAlphaChanged || this.__canvas != graphics.__canvas) { if(graphics.__canvas != null) { if(this.__canvas != graphics.__canvas) { if(this.__canvas != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(this.__canvas); } this.__canvas = graphics.__canvas; this.__context = graphics.__context; renderer.__initializeElement(this,this.__canvas); } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(this,renderer); } } if(this.__canvas != null) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var cacheTransform = this.__renderTransform; this.__renderTransform = graphics.__worldTransform; if(graphics.__transformDirty) { graphics.__transformDirty = false; this.__renderTransformChanged = true; } renderer.__updateClip(this); renderer.__applyStyle(this,true,true,true); this.__renderTransform = cacheTransform; renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(this,renderer); } } this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderDOMClear: function(renderer) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMDisplayObject.clear(this,renderer); } ,__renderEvent: function(renderer) { if(this.__customRenderEvent != null && this.__renderable) { this.__customRenderEvent.allowSmoothing = renderer.__allowSmoothing; this.__customRenderEvent.objectMatrix.copyFrom(this.__renderTransform); this.__customRenderEvent.objectColorTransform.__copyFrom(this.__worldColorTransform); this.__customRenderEvent.renderer = renderer; var _g = renderer.__type; switch(_g) { case "cairo": this.__customRenderEvent.type = "renderCairo"; break; case "canvas": this.__customRenderEvent.type = "renderCanvas"; break; case "dom": if(this.stage != null && this.__worldVisible) { this.__customRenderEvent.type = "renderDOM"; } else { this.__customRenderEvent.type = "clearDOM"; } break; case "opengl": if(!renderer.__cleared) { renderer.__clear(); } var renderer1 = renderer; renderer1.setShader(this.__worldShader); renderer1.__context3D.__flushGL(); this.__customRenderEvent.type = "renderOpenGL"; break; default: return; } renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); this.dispatchEvent(this.__customRenderEvent); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); if(renderer.__type == "opengl") { var renderer2 = renderer; renderer2.setViewport(); } } } ,__renderGL: function(renderer) { this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,false); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap.render(this.__cacheBitmap,renderer); } else if(!(this.opaqueBackground == null && this.__graphics == null)) { if(!(!this.__renderable || this.__worldAlpha <= 0)) { if(this.opaqueBackground != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender && this.get_width() > 0 && this.get_height() > 0) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var context = renderer.__context3D; var rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); rect.setTo(0,0,this.get_width(),this.get_height()); renderer.__pushMaskRect(rect,this.__renderTransform); var color = this.opaqueBackground; context.clear((color >>> 16 & 255) / 255,(color >>> 8 & 255) / 255,(color & 255) / 255,1,0,0,1); renderer.__popMaskRect(); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); } if(this.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.render(this,renderer); } } } this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderGLMask: function(renderer) { if(this.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.renderMask(this,renderer); } } ,__setParentRenderDirty: function() { var renderParent = this.__renderParent != null ? this.__renderParent : this.parent; if(renderParent != null && !renderParent.__renderDirty) { renderParent.__renderDirty = true; renderParent.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } ,__setRenderDirty: function() { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } ,__setStageReference: function(stage) { this.stage = stage; } ,__setTransformDirty: function() { if(!this.__transformDirty) { this.__transformDirty = true; this.__setWorldTransformInvalid(); this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } ,__setWorldTransformInvalid: function() { this.__worldTransformInvalid = true; } ,__shouldCacheHardware: function(value) { if(value == true || this.__filters != null) { return true; } if(value == false || this.__graphics != null && !openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.isCompatible(this.__graphics)) { return false; } return null; } ,__stopAllMovieClips: function() { } ,__update: function(transformOnly,updateChildren) { var renderParent = this.__renderParent != null ? this.__renderParent : this.parent; if(this.__isMask && renderParent == null) { renderParent = this.__maskTarget; } this.__renderable = this.__visible && this.__scaleX != 0 && this.__scaleY != 0 && !this.__isMask && (renderParent == null || !renderParent.__isMask); this.__updateTransforms(); this.__transformDirty = false; this.__worldTransformInvalid = false; if(!transformOnly) { if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { this.__renderTransformChanged = !this.__renderTransform.equals(this.__renderTransformCache); if(this.__renderTransformCache == null) { this.__renderTransformCache = this.__renderTransform.clone(); } else { this.__renderTransformCache.copyFrom(this.__renderTransform); } } if(renderParent != null) { if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { var worldVisible = renderParent.__worldVisible && this.__visible; this.__worldVisibleChanged = this.__worldVisible != worldVisible; this.__worldVisible = worldVisible; var worldAlpha = this.get_alpha() * renderParent.__worldAlpha; this.__worldAlphaChanged = this.__worldAlpha != worldAlpha; this.__worldAlpha = worldAlpha; } else { this.__worldAlpha = this.get_alpha() * renderParent.__worldAlpha; } if(this.__objectTransform != null) { this.__worldColorTransform.__copyFrom(this.__objectTransform.get_colorTransform()); this.__worldColorTransform.__combine(renderParent.__worldColorTransform); } else { this.__worldColorTransform.__copyFrom(renderParent.__worldColorTransform); } if(this.__blendMode == null || this.__blendMode == 10) { this.__worldBlendMode = renderParent.__worldBlendMode; } else { this.__worldBlendMode = this.__blendMode; } if(this.__shader == null) { this.__worldShader = renderParent.__shader; } else { this.__worldShader = this.__shader; } } else { this.__worldAlpha = this.get_alpha(); if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { this.__worldVisibleChanged = this.__worldVisible != this.__visible; this.__worldVisible = this.__visible; this.__worldAlphaChanged = this.__worldAlpha != this.get_alpha(); } if(this.__objectTransform != null) { this.__worldColorTransform.__copyFrom(this.__objectTransform.get_colorTransform()); } else { this.__worldColorTransform.__identity(); } } } if(updateChildren && this.get_mask() != null) { this.get_mask().__update(transformOnly,true); } } ,__updateCacheBitmap: function(renderer,force) { if(this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { return false; } var colorTransform = openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__pool.get(); colorTransform.__copyFrom(this.__worldColorTransform); if(renderer.__worldColorTransform != null) { colorTransform.__combine(renderer.__worldColorTransform); } var updated = false; if(this.get_cacheAsBitmap() || renderer.__type != "opengl" && !colorTransform.__isDefault(true)) { var rect = null; var needRender = this.__cacheBitmap == null || this.__renderDirty && (force || this.__children != null && this.__children.length > 0) || this.opaqueBackground != this.__cacheBitmapBackground; var softwareDirty = needRender || this.__graphics != null && this.__graphics.__softwareDirty || !this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform.__equals(colorTransform,true); var hardwareDirty = needRender || this.__graphics != null && this.__graphics.__hardwareDirty; var renderType = renderer.__type; if(softwareDirty || hardwareDirty) { if(renderType == "opengl") { if(this.__shouldCacheHardware(null) == false) { renderType = "canvas"; } } if(softwareDirty && (renderType == "canvas" || renderType == "cairo")) { needRender = true; } if(hardwareDirty && renderType == "opengl") { needRender = true; } } var updateTransform = needRender || !this.__cacheBitmap.__worldTransform.equals(this.__worldTransform); var hasFilters = this.__filters != null; if(hasFilters && !needRender) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__filters; while(_g < _g1.length) { var filter = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(filter.__renderDirty) { needRender = true; break; } } } if(this.__cacheBitmapMatrix == null) { this.__cacheBitmapMatrix = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); } var bitmapMatrix = this.__cacheAsBitmapMatrix != null ? this.__cacheAsBitmapMatrix : this.__renderTransform; if(!needRender && (bitmapMatrix.a != this.__cacheBitmapMatrix.a || bitmapMatrix.b != this.__cacheBitmapMatrix.b || bitmapMatrix.c != this.__cacheBitmapMatrix.c || bitmapMatrix.d != this.__cacheBitmapMatrix.d)) { needRender = true; } if(!needRender && renderer.__type != "opengl" && this.__cacheBitmapData != null && this.__cacheBitmapData.image != null && this.__cacheBitmapData.image.version < this.__cacheBitmapData.__textureVersion) { needRender = true; } this.__cacheBitmapMatrix.copyFrom(bitmapMatrix); this.__cacheBitmapMatrix.tx = 0; this.__cacheBitmapMatrix.ty = 0; var bitmapWidth = 0; var bitmapHeight = 0; var filterWidth = 0; var filterHeight = 0; var offsetX = 0.; var offsetY = 0.; if(updateTransform || needRender) { rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); this.__getFilterBounds(rect,this.__cacheBitmapMatrix); filterWidth = Math.ceil(rect.width); filterHeight = Math.ceil(rect.height); if(rect.x > 0) { offsetX = Math.ceil(rect.x); } else { offsetX = Math.floor(rect.x); } if(rect.y > 0) { offsetY = Math.ceil(rect.y); } else { offsetY = Math.floor(rect.y); } if(this.__cacheBitmapData != null) { if(filterWidth > this.__cacheBitmapData.width || filterHeight > this.__cacheBitmapData.height) { bitmapWidth = Math.ceil(Math.max(filterWidth * 1.25,this.__cacheBitmapData.width)); bitmapHeight = Math.ceil(Math.max(filterHeight * 1.25,this.__cacheBitmapData.height)); needRender = true; } else { bitmapWidth = this.__cacheBitmapData.width; bitmapHeight = this.__cacheBitmapData.height; } } else { bitmapWidth = filterWidth; bitmapHeight = filterHeight; } } if(needRender) { updateTransform = true; this.__cacheBitmapBackground = this.opaqueBackground; if(filterWidth >= 0.5 && filterHeight >= 0.5) { var needsFill = this.opaqueBackground != null && (bitmapWidth != filterWidth || bitmapHeight != filterHeight); var fillColor = this.opaqueBackground != null ? -16777216 | this.opaqueBackground : 0; var bitmapColor = needsFill ? 0 : fillColor; var allowFramebuffer = renderer.__type == "opengl"; if(this.__cacheBitmapData == null || bitmapWidth > this.__cacheBitmapData.width || bitmapHeight > this.__cacheBitmapData.height) { this.__cacheBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapWidth,bitmapHeight,true,bitmapColor); if(this.__cacheBitmap == null) { this.__cacheBitmap = new openfl_display_Bitmap(); } this.__cacheBitmap.__bitmapData = this.__cacheBitmapData; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer = null; } else { this.__cacheBitmapData.__fillRect(this.__cacheBitmapData.rect,bitmapColor,allowFramebuffer); } if(needsFill) { rect.setTo(0,0,filterWidth,filterHeight); this.__cacheBitmapData.__fillRect(rect,fillColor,allowFramebuffer); } } else { openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__pool.release(colorTransform); this.__cacheBitmap = null; this.__cacheBitmapData = null; this.__cacheBitmapData2 = null; this.__cacheBitmapData3 = null; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer = null; return true; } } else { this.__cacheBitmapData = this.__cacheBitmap.get_bitmapData(); this.__cacheBitmapData2 = null; this.__cacheBitmapData3 = null; } if(updateTransform || needRender) { this.__cacheBitmap.__worldTransform.copyFrom(this.__worldTransform); if(bitmapMatrix == this.__renderTransform) { this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.identity(); this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.tx = this.__renderTransform.tx + offsetX; this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.ty = this.__renderTransform.ty + offsetY; } else { this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.copyFrom(this.__cacheBitmapMatrix); this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.invert(); this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.concat(this.__renderTransform); this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.tx += offsetX; this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.ty += offsetY; } } this.__cacheBitmap.smoothing = renderer.__allowSmoothing; this.__cacheBitmap.__renderable = this.__renderable; this.__cacheBitmap.__worldAlpha = this.__worldAlpha; this.__cacheBitmap.__worldBlendMode = this.__worldBlendMode; this.__cacheBitmap.__worldShader = this.__worldShader; this.__cacheBitmap.__scrollRect = this.__scrollRect; this.__cacheBitmap.set_mask(this.__mask); if(needRender) { if(this.__cacheBitmapRenderer == null || renderType != this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__type) { if(renderType == "opengl") { this.__cacheBitmapRenderer = new openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer((js_Boot.__cast(renderer , openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer)).__context3D,this.__cacheBitmapData); } else { if(this.__cacheBitmapData.image == null) { var color = this.opaqueBackground != null ? -16777216 | this.opaqueBackground : 0; this.__cacheBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapWidth,bitmapHeight,true,color); this.__cacheBitmap.__bitmapData = this.__cacheBitmapData; } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this.__cacheBitmapData.image); this.__cacheBitmapRenderer = new openfl_display_CanvasRenderer(this.__cacheBitmapData.image.buffer.__srcContext); } this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); } if(this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform == null) { this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); } this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__stage = this.stage; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__allowSmoothing = renderer.__allowSmoothing; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__setBlendMode(10); this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldAlpha = 1 / this.__worldAlpha; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldTransform.copyFrom(this.__renderTransform); this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldTransform.invert(); this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldTransform.concat(this.__cacheBitmapMatrix); this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldTransform.tx -= offsetX; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldTransform.ty -= offsetY; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldColorTransform.__copyFrom(colorTransform); this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__worldColorTransform.__invert(); this.__isCacheBitmapRender = true; if(this.__cacheBitmapRenderer.__type == "opengl") { var parentRenderer = renderer; var childRenderer = this.__cacheBitmapRenderer; var context = childRenderer.__context3D; var cacheRTT = context.__state.renderToTexture; var cacheRTTDepthStencil = context.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil; var cacheRTTAntiAlias = context.__state.renderToTextureAntiAlias; var cacheRTTSurfaceSelector = context.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector; var cacheBlendMode = parentRenderer.__blendMode; parentRenderer.__suspendClipAndMask(); childRenderer.__copyShader(parentRenderer); this.__cacheBitmapData.__setUVRect(context,0,0,filterWidth,filterHeight); childRenderer.__setRenderTarget(this.__cacheBitmapData); if(this.__cacheBitmapData.image != null) { this.__cacheBitmapData.__textureVersion = this.__cacheBitmapData.image.version + 1; } this.__cacheBitmapData.__drawGL(this,childRenderer); if(hasFilters) { var needSecondBitmapData = true; var needCopyOfOriginal = false; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__filters; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var filter1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; if(filter1.__preserveObject) { needCopyOfOriginal = true; } } var bitmap = this.__cacheBitmapData; var bitmap2 = null; var bitmap3 = null; if(this.__cacheBitmapData2 == null || bitmapWidth > this.__cacheBitmapData2.width || bitmapHeight > this.__cacheBitmapData2.height) { this.__cacheBitmapData2 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapWidth,bitmapHeight,true,0); } else { this.__cacheBitmapData2.fillRect(this.__cacheBitmapData2.rect,0); if(this.__cacheBitmapData2.image != null) { this.__cacheBitmapData2.__textureVersion = this.__cacheBitmapData2.image.version + 1; } } this.__cacheBitmapData2.__setUVRect(context,0,0,filterWidth,filterHeight); bitmap2 = this.__cacheBitmapData2; if(needCopyOfOriginal) { if(this.__cacheBitmapData3 == null || bitmapWidth > this.__cacheBitmapData3.width || bitmapHeight > this.__cacheBitmapData3.height) { this.__cacheBitmapData3 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapWidth,bitmapHeight,true,0); } else { this.__cacheBitmapData3.fillRect(this.__cacheBitmapData3.rect,0); if(this.__cacheBitmapData3.image != null) { this.__cacheBitmapData3.__textureVersion = this.__cacheBitmapData3.image.version + 1; } } this.__cacheBitmapData3.__setUVRect(context,0,0,filterWidth,filterHeight); bitmap3 = this.__cacheBitmapData3; } childRenderer.__setBlendMode(10); childRenderer.__worldAlpha = 1; childRenderer.__worldTransform.identity(); childRenderer.__worldColorTransform.__identity(); var shader; var cacheBitmap; var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__filters; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var filter2 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; if(filter2.__preserveObject) { childRenderer.__setRenderTarget(bitmap3); childRenderer.__renderFilterPass(bitmap,childRenderer.__defaultDisplayShader,filter2.__smooth); } var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = filter2.__numShaderPasses; while(_g31 < _g21) { var i = _g31++; shader = filter2.__initShader(childRenderer,i); childRenderer.__setBlendMode(filter2.__shaderBlendMode); childRenderer.__setRenderTarget(bitmap2); childRenderer.__renderFilterPass(bitmap,shader,filter2.__smooth); cacheBitmap = bitmap; bitmap = bitmap2; bitmap2 = cacheBitmap; } if(filter2.__preserveObject) { childRenderer.__setBlendMode(10); childRenderer.__setRenderTarget(bitmap); childRenderer.__renderFilterPass(bitmap3,childRenderer.__defaultDisplayShader,filter2.__smooth,false); } filter2.__renderDirty = false; } this.__cacheBitmap.__bitmapData = bitmap; } parentRenderer.__blendMode = 10; parentRenderer.__setBlendMode(cacheBlendMode); parentRenderer.__copyShader(childRenderer); if(cacheRTT != null) { context.setRenderToTexture(cacheRTT,cacheRTTDepthStencil,cacheRTTAntiAlias,cacheRTTSurfaceSelector); } else { context.setRenderToBackBuffer(); } parentRenderer.__resumeClipAndMask(childRenderer); parentRenderer.setViewport(); this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform.__copyFrom(colorTransform); } else { this.__cacheBitmapData.__drawCanvas(this,this.__cacheBitmapRenderer); if(hasFilters) { var needSecondBitmapData1 = false; var needCopyOfOriginal1 = false; var _g4 = 0; var _g13 = this.__filters; while(_g4 < _g13.length) { var filter3 = _g13[_g4]; ++_g4; if(filter3.__needSecondBitmapData) { needSecondBitmapData1 = true; } if(filter3.__preserveObject) { needCopyOfOriginal1 = true; } } var bitmap1 = this.__cacheBitmapData; var bitmap21 = null; var bitmap31 = null; if(needSecondBitmapData1) { if(this.__cacheBitmapData2 == null || this.__cacheBitmapData2.image == null || bitmapWidth > this.__cacheBitmapData2.width || bitmapHeight > this.__cacheBitmapData2.height) { this.__cacheBitmapData2 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapWidth,bitmapHeight,true,0); } else { this.__cacheBitmapData2.fillRect(this.__cacheBitmapData2.rect,0); } bitmap21 = this.__cacheBitmapData2; } else { bitmap21 = bitmap1; } if(needCopyOfOriginal1) { if(this.__cacheBitmapData3 == null || this.__cacheBitmapData3.image == null || bitmapWidth > this.__cacheBitmapData3.width || bitmapHeight > this.__cacheBitmapData3.height) { this.__cacheBitmapData3 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapWidth,bitmapHeight,true,0); } else { this.__cacheBitmapData3.fillRect(this.__cacheBitmapData3.rect,0); } bitmap31 = this.__cacheBitmapData3; } if(this.__tempPoint == null) { this.__tempPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); } var destPoint = this.__tempPoint; var cacheBitmap1; var lastBitmap; var _g5 = 0; var _g14 = this.__filters; while(_g5 < _g14.length) { var filter4 = _g14[_g5]; ++_g5; if(filter4.__preserveObject) { bitmap31.copyPixels(bitmap1,bitmap1.rect,destPoint); } lastBitmap = filter4.__applyFilter(bitmap21,bitmap1,bitmap1.rect,destPoint); if(filter4.__preserveObject) { lastBitmap.draw(bitmap31,null,this.__objectTransform != null ? this.__objectTransform.get_colorTransform() : null); } filter4.__renderDirty = false; if(needSecondBitmapData1 && lastBitmap == bitmap21) { cacheBitmap1 = bitmap1; bitmap1 = bitmap21; bitmap21 = cacheBitmap1; } } if(this.__cacheBitmapData != bitmap1) { cacheBitmap1 = this.__cacheBitmapData; this.__cacheBitmapData = bitmap1; this.__cacheBitmapData2 = cacheBitmap1; this.__cacheBitmap.__bitmapData = this.__cacheBitmapData; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer = null; } this.__cacheBitmap.__imageVersion = this.__cacheBitmapData.__textureVersion; } this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform.__copyFrom(colorTransform); if(!this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform.__isDefault(true)) { this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform.alphaMultiplier = 1; this.__cacheBitmapData.colorTransform(this.__cacheBitmapData.rect,this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform); } } this.__isCacheBitmapRender = false; } if(updateTransform || needRender) { openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); } updated = updateTransform; } else if(this.__cacheBitmap != null) { if(renderer.__type == "dom") { this.__cacheBitmap.__renderDOMClear(renderer); } this.__cacheBitmap = null; this.__cacheBitmapData = null; this.__cacheBitmapData2 = null; this.__cacheBitmapData3 = null; this.__cacheBitmapColorTransform = null; this.__cacheBitmapRenderer = null; updated = true; } openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__pool.release(colorTransform); return updated; } ,__updateTransforms: function(overrideTransform) { var overrided = overrideTransform != null; var local = overrided ? overrideTransform : this.__transform; if(this.__worldTransform == null) { this.__worldTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); } if(this.__renderTransform == null) { this.__renderTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); } var renderParent = this.__renderParent != null ? this.__renderParent : this.parent; if(!overrided && this.parent != null) { var parentTransform = this.parent.__worldTransform; var target = this.__worldTransform; target.a = local.a * parentTransform.a + local.b * parentTransform.c; target.b = local.a * parentTransform.b + local.b * parentTransform.d; target.c = local.c * parentTransform.a + local.d * parentTransform.c; target.d = local.c * parentTransform.b + local.d * parentTransform.d; target.tx = local.tx * parentTransform.a + local.ty * parentTransform.c + parentTransform.tx; target.ty = local.tx * parentTransform.b + local.ty * parentTransform.d + parentTransform.ty; } else { this.__worldTransform.copyFrom(local); } if(!overrided && renderParent != null) { var parentTransform1 = renderParent.__renderTransform; var target1 = this.__renderTransform; target1.a = local.a * parentTransform1.a + local.b * parentTransform1.c; target1.b = local.a * parentTransform1.b + local.b * parentTransform1.d; target1.c = local.c * parentTransform1.a + local.d * parentTransform1.c; target1.d = local.c * parentTransform1.b + local.d * parentTransform1.d; target1.tx = local.tx * parentTransform1.a + local.ty * parentTransform1.c + parentTransform1.tx; target1.ty = local.tx * parentTransform1.b + local.ty * parentTransform1.d + parentTransform1.ty; } else { this.__renderTransform.copyFrom(local); } if(this.__scrollRect != null) { var _this = this.__renderTransform; var px = -this.__scrollRect.x; var py = -this.__scrollRect.y; _this.tx = px * _this.a + py * _this.c + _this.tx; _this.ty = px * _this.b + py * _this.d + _this.ty; } } ,get_alpha: function() { return this.__alpha; } ,set_alpha: function(value) { if(value > 1.0) { value = 1.0; } if(value < 0.0) { value = 0.0; } if(value != this.__alpha && !this.get_cacheAsBitmap()) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__alpha = value; } ,get_blendMode: function() { return this.__blendMode; } ,set_blendMode: function(value) { if(value == null) { value = 10; } if(value != this.__blendMode) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__blendMode = value; } ,get_cacheAsBitmap: function() { if(this.__filters == null) { return this.__cacheAsBitmap; } else { return true; } } ,set_cacheAsBitmap: function(value) { if(value != this.__cacheAsBitmap) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__cacheAsBitmap = value; } ,get_cacheAsBitmapMatrix: function() { return this.__cacheAsBitmapMatrix; } ,set_cacheAsBitmapMatrix: function(value) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } return this.__cacheAsBitmapMatrix = value != null ? value.clone() : value; } ,get_filters: function() { if(this.__filters == null) { return []; } else { return this.__filters.slice(); } } ,set_filters: function(value) { if(value != null && value.length > 0) { this.__filters = value; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } else if(this.__filters != null) { this.__filters = null; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return value; } ,get_height: function() { var rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); this.__getLocalBounds(rect); var height = rect.height; openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); return height; } ,set_height: function(value) { var rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); matrix.identity(); this.__getBounds(rect,matrix); if(value != rect.height) { this.set_scaleY(value / rect.height); } else { this.set_scaleY(1); } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); return value; } ,get_loaderInfo: function() { if(this.stage != null) { return openfl__$internal_Lib.current.__loaderInfo; } return null; } ,get_mask: function() { return this.__mask; } ,set_mask: function(value) { if(value == this.__mask) { return value; } if(value != this.__mask) { this.__setTransformDirty(); if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } if(this.__mask != null) { this.__mask.__isMask = false; this.__mask.__maskTarget = null; this.__mask.__setTransformDirty(); var _this = this.__mask; if(!_this.__renderDirty) { _this.__renderDirty = true; _this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } if(value != null) { value.__isMask = true; value.__maskTarget = this; value.__setWorldTransformInvalid(); } if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && this.__cacheBitmap.get_mask() != value) { this.__cacheBitmap.set_mask(value); } return this.__mask = value; } ,get_mouseX: function() { var mouseX = this.stage != null ? this.stage.__mouseX : openfl__$internal_Lib.current.stage.__mouseX; var mouseY = this.stage != null ? this.stage.__mouseY : openfl__$internal_Lib.current.stage.__mouseY; var _this = this.__getRenderTransform(); var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { return -_this.tx; } else { return 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - mouseY) + _this.d * (mouseX - _this.tx)); } } ,get_mouseY: function() { var mouseX = this.stage != null ? this.stage.__mouseX : openfl__$internal_Lib.current.stage.__mouseX; var mouseY = this.stage != null ? this.stage.__mouseY : openfl__$internal_Lib.current.stage.__mouseY; var _this = this.__getRenderTransform(); var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { return -_this.ty; } else { return 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (mouseY - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - mouseX)); } } ,get_name: function() { return this.__name; } ,set_name: function(value) { return this.__name = value; } ,get_root: function() { if(this.stage != null) { return openfl__$internal_Lib.current; } return null; } ,get_rotation: function() { return this.__rotation; } ,set_rotation: function(value) { if(value != this.__rotation) { this.__rotation = value; var radians = this.__rotation * (Math.PI / 180); this.__rotationSine = Math.sin(radians); this.__rotationCosine = Math.cos(radians); this.__transform.a = this.__rotationCosine * this.__scaleX; this.__transform.b = this.__rotationSine * this.__scaleX; this.__transform.c = -this.__rotationSine * this.__scaleY; this.__transform.d = this.__rotationCosine * this.__scaleY; this.__setTransformDirty(); } return value; } ,get_scaleX: function() { return this.__scaleX; } ,set_scaleX: function(value) { if(value != this.__scaleX) { this.__scaleX = value; if(this.__transform.b == 0) { if(value != this.__transform.a) { this.__setTransformDirty(); } this.__transform.a = value; } else { var a = this.__rotationCosine * value; var b = this.__rotationSine * value; if(this.__transform.a != a || this.__transform.b != b) { this.__setTransformDirty(); } this.__transform.a = a; this.__transform.b = b; } } return value; } ,get_scaleY: function() { return this.__scaleY; } ,set_scaleY: function(value) { if(value != this.__scaleY) { this.__scaleY = value; if(this.__transform.c == 0) { if(value != this.__transform.d) { this.__setTransformDirty(); } this.__transform.d = value; } else { var c = -this.__rotationSine * value; var d = this.__rotationCosine * value; if(this.__transform.d != d || this.__transform.c != c) { this.__setTransformDirty(); } this.__transform.c = c; this.__transform.d = d; } } return value; } ,get_scrollRect: function() { if(this.__scrollRect == null) { return null; } return this.__scrollRect.clone(); } ,set_scrollRect: function(value) { if(value == null && this.__scrollRect == null) { return value; } if(value != null && this.__scrollRect != null && this.__scrollRect.equals(value)) { return value; } if(value != null) { if(this.__scrollRect == null) { this.__scrollRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } this.__scrollRect.copyFrom(value); } else { this.__scrollRect = null; } this.__setTransformDirty(); if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return value; } ,get_shader: function() { return this.__shader; } ,set_shader: function(value) { this.__shader = value; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } return value; } ,get_transform: function() { if(this.__objectTransform == null) { this.__objectTransform = new openfl_geom_Transform(this); } return this.__objectTransform; } ,set_transform: function(value) { if(value == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_TypeError("Parameter transform must be non-null.")); } if(this.__objectTransform == null) { this.__objectTransform = new openfl_geom_Transform(this); } this.__setTransformDirty(); this.__objectTransform.set_matrix(value.get_matrix()); if(!this.__objectTransform.get_colorTransform().__equals(value.get_colorTransform(),true) || !this.get_cacheAsBitmap() && this.__objectTransform.get_colorTransform().alphaMultiplier != value.get_colorTransform().alphaMultiplier) { this.__objectTransform.get_colorTransform().__copyFrom(value.get_colorTransform()); if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__objectTransform; } ,get_visible: function() { return this.__visible; } ,set_visible: function(value) { if(value != this.__visible) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__visible = value; } ,get_width: function() { var rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); this.__getLocalBounds(rect); var width = rect.width; openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); return width; } ,set_width: function(value) { var rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); matrix.identity(); this.__getBounds(rect,matrix); if(value != rect.width) { this.set_scaleX(value / rect.width); } else { this.set_scaleX(1); } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); return value; } ,get_x: function() { return this.__transform.tx; } ,set_x: function(value) { if(value != this.__transform.tx) { this.__setTransformDirty(); } return this.__transform.tx = value; } ,get_y: function() { return this.__transform.ty; } ,set_y: function(value) { if(value != this.__transform.ty) { this.__setTransformDirty(); } return this.__transform.ty = value; } ,__class__: openfl_display_DisplayObject ,__properties__: {set_y:"set_y",get_y:"get_y",set_x:"set_x",get_x:"get_x",set_width:"set_width",get_width:"get_width",set_visible:"set_visible",get_visible:"get_visible",set_transform:"set_transform",get_transform:"get_transform",set_shader:"set_shader",get_shader:"get_shader",set_scrollRect:"set_scrollRect",get_scrollRect:"get_scrollRect",set_scaleY:"set_scaleY",get_scaleY:"get_scaleY",set_scaleX:"set_scaleX",get_scaleX:"get_scaleX",set_rotation:"set_rotation",get_rotation:"get_rotation",get_root:"get_root",set_name:"set_name",get_name:"get_name",get_mouseY:"get_mouseY",get_mouseX:"get_mouseX",set_mask:"set_mask",get_mask:"get_mask",get_loaderInfo:"get_loaderInfo",set_height:"set_height",get_height:"get_height",set_filters:"set_filters",get_filters:"get_filters",set_cacheAsBitmapMatrix:"set_cacheAsBitmapMatrix",get_cacheAsBitmapMatrix:"get_cacheAsBitmapMatrix",set_cacheAsBitmap:"set_cacheAsBitmap",get_cacheAsBitmap:"get_cacheAsBitmap",set_blendMode:"set_blendMode",get_blendMode:"get_blendMode",set_alpha:"set_alpha",get_alpha:"get_alpha"} }); var openfl_display_InteractiveObject = function() { openfl_display_DisplayObject.call(this); this.doubleClickEnabled = false; this.mouseEnabled = true; this.needsSoftKeyboard = false; this.__tabEnabled = null; this.__tabIndex = -1; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.InteractiveObject"] = openfl_display_InteractiveObject; openfl_display_InteractiveObject.__name__ = ["openfl","display","InteractiveObject"]; openfl_display_InteractiveObject.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObject; openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype,{ doubleClickEnabled: null ,focusRect: null ,mouseEnabled: null ,needsSoftKeyboard: null ,softKeyboardInputAreaOfInterest: null ,__tabEnabled: null ,__tabIndex: null ,requestSoftKeyboard: function() { openfl__$internal_Lib.notImplemented({ fileName : "InteractiveObject.hx", lineNumber : 1185, className : "openfl.display.InteractiveObject", methodName : "requestSoftKeyboard"}); return false; } ,__allowMouseFocus: function() { return this.get_tabEnabled(); } ,__getInteractive: function(stack) { if(stack != null) { stack.push(this); if(this.parent != null) { this.parent.__getInteractive(stack); } } return true; } ,__hitTest: function(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject) { if(!hitObject.get_visible() || this.__isMask || interactiveOnly && !this.mouseEnabled) { return false; } return openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype.__hitTest.call(this,x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject); } ,__tabTest: function(stack) { if(this.get_tabEnabled()) { stack.push(this); } } ,get_tabEnabled: function() { if(this.__tabEnabled == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } ,set_tabEnabled: function(value) { if(this.__tabEnabled != value) { this.__tabEnabled = value; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("tabEnabledChange",true,false)); } return this.__tabEnabled; } ,get_tabIndex: function() { return this.__tabIndex; } ,set_tabIndex: function(value) { if(this.__tabIndex != value) { if(value < -1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_RangeError("Parameter tabIndex must be a non-negative number; got " + value)); } this.__tabIndex = value; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("tabIndexChange",true,false)); } return this.__tabIndex; } ,__class__: openfl_display_InteractiveObject ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype.__properties__,{set_tabIndex:"set_tabIndex",get_tabIndex:"get_tabIndex",set_tabEnabled:"set_tabEnabled",get_tabEnabled:"get_tabEnabled"}) }); var openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer = function() { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.call(this); this.mouseChildren = true; this.__tabChildren = true; this.__children = []; this.__removedChildren = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector(null); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.DisplayObjectContainer"] = openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer; openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.__name__ = ["openfl","display","DisplayObjectContainer"]; openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.__super__ = openfl_display_InteractiveObject; openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype,{ mouseChildren: null ,__removedChildren: null ,__tabChildren: null ,addChild: function(child) { return this.addChildAt(child,this.get_numChildren()); } ,addChildAt: function(child,index) { if(child == null) { var error = new openfl_errors_TypeError("Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null."); error.errorID = 2007; throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(error); } else if(child.stage == child) { var error1 = new openfl_errors_ArgumentError("Error #3783: A Stage object cannot be added as the child of another object."); error1.errorID = 3783; throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(error1); } if(index > this.__children.length || index < 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid index position " + index); } if(child.parent == this) { if(this.__children[index] != child) { HxOverrides.remove(this.__children,child); this.__children.splice(index,0,child); if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } } else { if(child.parent != null) { child.parent.removeChild(child); } this.__children.splice(index,0,child); child.parent = this; var addedToStage = this.stage != null && child.stage == null; if(addedToStage) { this.__setStageReference(this.stage); } child.__setTransformDirty(); if(!child.__renderDirty) { child.__renderDirty = true; child.__setParentRenderDirty(); } if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } var event = new openfl_events_Event("added",true); event.target = child; child.__dispatchWithCapture(event); if(addedToStage) { var event1 = new openfl_events_Event("addedToStage",false,false); child.__dispatchWithCapture(event1); child.__dispatchChildren(event1); } } return child; } ,areInaccessibleObjectsUnderPoint: function(point) { return false; } ,contains: function(child) { while(child != this && child != null) child = child.parent; return child == this; } ,getChildAt: function(index) { if(index >= 0 && index < this.__children.length) { return this.__children[index]; } return null; } ,getChildByName: function(name) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(child.get_name() == name) { return child; } } return null; } ,getChildIndex: function(child) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__children.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.__children[i] == child) { return i; } } return -1; } ,getObjectsUnderPoint: function(point) { var stack = []; this.__hitTest(point.x,point.y,false,stack,false,this); stack.reverse(); return stack; } ,removeChild: function(child) { if(child != null && child.parent == this) { child.__setTransformDirty(); if(!child.__renderDirty) { child.__renderDirty = true; child.__setParentRenderDirty(); } if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } var event = new openfl_events_Event("removed",true); child.__dispatchWithCapture(event); if(this.stage != null) { if(child.stage != null && this.stage.get_focus() == child) { this.stage.set_focus(null); } var event1 = new openfl_events_Event("removedFromStage",false,false); child.__dispatchWithCapture(event1); child.__dispatchChildren(event1); child.__setStageReference(null); } child.parent = null; HxOverrides.remove(this.__children,child); this.__removedChildren.push(child); child.__setTransformDirty(); } return child; } ,removeChildAt: function(index) { if(index >= 0 && index < this.__children.length) { return this.removeChild(this.__children[index]); } return null; } ,removeChildren: function(beginIndex,endIndex) { if(endIndex == null) { endIndex = 2147483647; } if(beginIndex == null) { beginIndex = 0; } if(endIndex == 2147483647) { endIndex = this.__children.length - 1; if(endIndex < 0) { return; } } if(beginIndex > this.__children.length - 1) { return; } else if(endIndex < beginIndex || beginIndex < 0 || endIndex > this.__children.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_RangeError("The supplied index is out of bounds.")); } var numRemovals = endIndex - beginIndex; while(numRemovals >= 0) { this.removeChildAt(beginIndex); --numRemovals; } } ,resolve: function(fieldName) { if(this.__children == null) { return null; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(child.get_name() == fieldName) { return child; } } return null; } ,setChildIndex: function(child,index) { if(index >= 0 && index <= this.__children.length && child.parent == this) { HxOverrides.remove(this.__children,child); this.__children.splice(index,0,child); } } ,stopAllMovieClips: function() { this.__stopAllMovieClips(); } ,swapChildren: function(child1,child2) { if(child1.parent == this && child2.parent == this) { var index1 = this.__children.indexOf(child1); var index2 = this.__children.indexOf(child2); this.__children[index1] = child2; this.__children[index2] = child1; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } } ,swapChildrenAt: function(index1,index2) { var swap = this.__children[index1]; this.__children[index1] = this.__children[index2]; this.__children[index2] = swap; swap = null; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } ,__cleanup: function() { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__cleanup.call(this); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.__cleanup(); } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var orphan = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(orphan.stage == null) { orphan.__cleanup(); } } this.__removedChildren.set_length(0); } ,__cleanupRemovedChildren: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var orphan = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(orphan.stage == null) { orphan.__cleanup(); } } this.__removedChildren.set_length(0); } ,__dispatchChildren: function(event) { if(this.__children != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; event.target = child; if(!child.__dispatchWithCapture(event)) { break; } child.__dispatchChildren(event); } } } ,__enterFrame: function(deltaTime) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.__enterFrame(deltaTime); } } ,__getBounds: function(rect,matrix) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__getBounds.call(this,rect,matrix); if(this.__children.length == 0) { return; } var childWorldTransform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(child.__scaleX == 0 || child.__scaleY == 0) { continue; } var local = child.__transform; childWorldTransform.a = local.a * matrix.a + local.b * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.b = local.a * matrix.b + local.b * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.c = local.c * matrix.a + local.d * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.d = local.c * matrix.b + local.d * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.tx = local.tx * matrix.a + local.ty * matrix.c + matrix.tx; childWorldTransform.ty = local.tx * matrix.b + local.ty * matrix.d + matrix.ty; child.__getBounds(rect,childWorldTransform); } openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(childWorldTransform); } ,__getFilterBounds: function(rect,matrix) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__getFilterBounds.call(this,rect,matrix); if(this.__children.length == 0) { return; } var childWorldTransform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(child.__scaleX == 0 || child.__scaleY == 0 || child.__isMask) { continue; } var local = child.__transform; childWorldTransform.a = local.a * matrix.a + local.b * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.b = local.a * matrix.b + local.b * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.c = local.c * matrix.a + local.d * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.d = local.c * matrix.b + local.d * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.tx = local.tx * matrix.a + local.ty * matrix.c + matrix.tx; childWorldTransform.ty = local.tx * matrix.b + local.ty * matrix.d + matrix.ty; child.__getFilterBounds(rect,childWorldTransform); } openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(childWorldTransform); } ,__getRenderBounds: function(rect,matrix) { if(this.__scrollRect != null) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__getRenderBounds.call(this,rect,matrix); return; } else { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__getBounds.call(this,rect,matrix); } if(this.__children.length == 0) { return; } var childWorldTransform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(child.__scaleX == 0 || child.__scaleY == 0 || child.__isMask) { continue; } var local = child.__transform; childWorldTransform.a = local.a * matrix.a + local.b * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.b = local.a * matrix.b + local.b * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.c = local.c * matrix.a + local.d * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.d = local.c * matrix.b + local.d * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.tx = local.tx * matrix.a + local.ty * matrix.c + matrix.tx; childWorldTransform.ty = local.tx * matrix.b + local.ty * matrix.d + matrix.ty; child.__getRenderBounds(rect,childWorldTransform); } openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(childWorldTransform); } ,__hitTest: function(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject) { if(!hitObject.get_visible() || this.__isMask || interactiveOnly && !this.mouseEnabled && !this.mouseChildren) { return false; } if(this.get_mask() != null && !this.get_mask().__hitTestMask(x,y)) { return false; } if(this.__scrollRect != null) { var point = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); point.setTo(x,y); var _this = this.__getRenderTransform(); var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { point.x = -_this.tx; point.y = -_this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - point.y) + _this.d * (point.x - _this.tx)); point.y = 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (point.y - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - point.x)); point.x = px; } if(!this.__scrollRect.containsPoint(point)) { openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(point); return false; } openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(point); } var i = this.__children.length; if(interactiveOnly) { if(stack == null || !this.mouseChildren) { while(--i >= 0) if(this.__children[i].__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,null,true,this.__children[i])) { if(stack != null) { stack.push(hitObject); } return true; } } else if(stack != null) { var length = stack.length; var interactive = false; var hitTest = false; while(--i >= 0) { interactive = this.__children[i].__getInteractive(null); if(interactive || this.mouseEnabled && !hitTest) { if(this.__children[i].__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,true,this.__children[i])) { hitTest = true; if(interactive && stack.length > length) { break; } } } } if(hitTest) { stack.splice(length,0,hitObject); return true; } } } else { var hitTest1 = false; while(--i >= 0) if(this.__children[i].__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,false,this.__children[i])) { hitTest1 = true; if(stack == null) { break; } } return hitTest1; } return false; } ,__hitTestMask: function(x,y) { var i = this.__children.length; while(--i >= 0) if(this.__children[i].__hitTestMask(x,y)) { return true; } return false; } ,__readGraphicsData: function(graphicsData,recurse) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__readGraphicsData.call(this,graphicsData,recurse); if(recurse) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.__readGraphicsData(graphicsData,recurse); } } } ,__renderCairo: function(renderer) { } ,__renderCairoMask: function(renderer) { } ,__renderCanvas: function(renderer) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var orphan = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(orphan.stage == null) { orphan.__cleanup(); } } this.__removedChildren.set_length(0); if(!this.__renderable || this.__worldAlpha <= 0 || this.get_mask() != null && (this.get_mask().get_width() <= 0 || this.get_mask().get_height() <= 0)) { return; } openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__renderCanvas.call(this,renderer); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { return; } renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); if(renderer.__stage != null) { var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__children; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var child = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; child.__renderCanvas(renderer); child.__renderDirty = false; } this.__renderDirty = false; } else { var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__children; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var child1 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; child1.__renderCanvas(renderer); } } renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } ,__renderCanvasMask: function(renderer) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var orphan = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(orphan.stage == null) { orphan.__cleanup(); } } this.__removedChildren.set_length(0); if(this.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.renderMask(this.__graphics,renderer); } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__children; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var child = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; child.__renderCanvasMask(renderer); } } ,__renderDOM: function(renderer) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var orphan = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(orphan.stage == null) { orphan.__renderDOM(renderer); } } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var orphan1 = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(orphan1.stage == null) { orphan1.__cleanup(); } } this.__removedChildren.set_length(0); openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__renderDOM.call(this,renderer); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { return; } renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); if(renderer.__stage != null) { var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__children; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var child = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; child.__renderDOM(renderer); child.__renderDirty = false; } this.__renderDirty = false; } else { var _g4 = 0; var _g13 = this.__children; while(_g4 < _g13.length) { var child1 = _g13[_g4]; ++_g4; child1.__renderDOM(renderer); } } renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } ,__renderDOMClear: function(renderer) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var orphan = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(orphan.stage == null) { orphan.__renderDOMClear(renderer); } } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var orphan1 = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(orphan1.stage == null) { orphan1.__cleanup(); } } this.__removedChildren.set_length(0); var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__children; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var child = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; child.__renderDOMClear(renderer); } } ,__renderGL: function(renderer) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var orphan = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(orphan.stage == null) { orphan.__cleanup(); } } this.__removedChildren.set_length(0); if(!this.__renderable || this.__worldAlpha <= 0) { return; } openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__renderGL.call(this,renderer); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { return; } if(this.__children.length > 0) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); if(renderer.__stage != null) { var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__children; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var child = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; child.__renderGL(renderer); child.__renderDirty = false; } this.__renderDirty = false; } else { var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__children; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var child1 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; child1.__renderGL(renderer); } } } if(this.__children.length > 0) { renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } } ,__renderGLMask: function(renderer) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__removedChildren; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var orphan = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(orphan.stage == null) { orphan.__cleanup(); } } this.__removedChildren.set_length(0); if(this.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.renderMask(this,renderer); } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__children; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var child = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; child.__renderGLMask(renderer); } } ,__setStageReference: function(stage) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__setStageReference.call(this,stage); if(this.__children != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.__setStageReference(stage); } } } ,__setWorldTransformInvalid: function() { if(!this.__worldTransformInvalid) { this.__worldTransformInvalid = true; if(this.__children != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.__setWorldTransformInvalid(); } } } } ,__shouldCacheHardware: function(value) { if(value == true) { return true; } value = openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__shouldCacheHardware.call(this,value); if(value == true) { return true; } if(this.__children != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; value = child.__shouldCacheHardware(value); if(value == true) { return true; } } } return value; } ,__stopAllMovieClips: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.__stopAllMovieClips(); } } ,__tabTest: function(stack) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__tabTest.call(this,stack); if(!this.get_tabChildren()) { return; } var interactive = false; var interactiveObject = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; interactive = child.__getInteractive(null); if(interactive) { interactiveObject = child; interactiveObject.__tabTest(stack); } } } ,__update: function(transformOnly,updateChildren) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__update.call(this,transformOnly,updateChildren); if(updateChildren) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.__update(transformOnly,true); } } } ,get_numChildren: function() { return this.__children.length; } ,get_tabChildren: function() { return this.__tabChildren; } ,set_tabChildren: function(value) { if(this.__tabChildren != value) { this.__tabChildren = value; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("tabChildrenChange",true,false)); } return this.__tabChildren; } ,__class__: openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__properties__,{set_tabChildren:"set_tabChildren",get_tabChildren:"get_tabChildren",get_numChildren:"get_numChildren"}) }); var openfl_display_Sprite = function() { openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.call(this); this.__buttonMode = false; this.useHandCursor = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Sprite"] = openfl_display_Sprite; openfl_display_Sprite.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Sprite"]; openfl_display_Sprite.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer; openfl_display_Sprite.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype,{ dropTarget: null ,hitArea: null ,useHandCursor: null ,__buttonMode: null ,startDrag: function(lockCenter,bounds) { if(lockCenter == null) { lockCenter = false; } if(this.stage != null) { this.stage.__startDrag(this,lockCenter,bounds); } } ,stopDrag: function() { if(this.stage != null) { this.stage.__stopDrag(this); } } ,__getCursor: function() { if(this.__buttonMode && this.useHandCursor) { return "button"; } else { return null; } } ,__hitTest: function(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject) { if(interactiveOnly && !this.mouseEnabled && !this.mouseChildren) { return false; } if(!hitObject.get_visible() || this.__isMask) { return this.__hitTestHitArea(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject); } if(this.get_mask() != null && !this.get_mask().__hitTestMask(x,y)) { return this.__hitTestHitArea(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject); } if(this.__scrollRect != null) { var point = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); point.setTo(x,y); var _this = this.__getRenderTransform(); var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { point.x = -_this.tx; point.y = -_this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - point.y) + _this.d * (point.x - _this.tx)); point.y = 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (point.y - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - point.x)); point.x = px; } if(!this.__scrollRect.containsPoint(point)) { openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(point); return this.__hitTestHitArea(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,true,hitObject); } openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(point); } if(openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.__hitTest.call(this,x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject)) { if(stack != null) { return interactiveOnly; } else { return true; } } else if(this.hitArea == null && this.__graphics != null && this.__graphics.__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,this.__getRenderTransform())) { if(stack != null && (!interactiveOnly || this.mouseEnabled)) { stack.push(hitObject); } return true; } return this.__hitTestHitArea(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject); } ,__hitTestHitArea: function(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject) { if(this.hitArea != null) { if(!this.hitArea.mouseEnabled) { this.hitArea.mouseEnabled = true; var hitTest = this.hitArea.__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,null,true,hitObject); this.hitArea.mouseEnabled = false; if(stack != null && hitTest) { stack[stack.length] = hitObject; } return hitTest; } } return false; } ,__hitTestMask: function(x,y) { if(openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.__hitTestMask.call(this,x,y)) { return true; } else if(this.__graphics != null && this.__graphics.__hitTest(x,y,true,this.__getRenderTransform())) { return true; } return false; } ,get_graphics: function() { if(this.__graphics == null) { this.__graphics = new openfl_display_Graphics(this); } return this.__graphics; } ,get_tabEnabled: function() { if(this.__tabEnabled == null) { return this.__buttonMode; } else { return this.__tabEnabled; } } ,get_buttonMode: function() { return this.__buttonMode; } ,set_buttonMode: function(value) { return this.__buttonMode = value; } ,__class__: openfl_display_Sprite ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.__properties__,{get_graphics:"get_graphics",set_buttonMode:"set_buttonMode",get_buttonMode:"get_buttonMode"}) }); var Main = function() { flixel_FlxG.autoPause = false; new GameData(); openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.addChild(new flixel_FlxGame(0,0,LevelSelectState,1,60,60,true)); }; $hxClasses["Main"] = Main; Main.__name__ = ["Main"]; Main.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; Main.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ __class__: Main }); var DocumentClass = function(current) { current.addChild(this); Main.call(this); this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("addedToStage",false,false)); }; $hxClasses["DocumentClass"] = DocumentClass; DocumentClass.__name__ = ["DocumentClass"]; DocumentClass.__super__ = Main; DocumentClass.prototype = $extend(Main.prototype,{ __class__: DocumentClass }); var flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.IFlxDestroyable"] = flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable; flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable.__name__ = ["flixel","util","IFlxDestroyable"]; flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable.prototype = { destroy: null ,__class__: flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable }; var flixel_FlxBasic = function() { this.flixelType = 0; this.exists = true; this.alive = true; this.visible = true; this.active = true; this.ID = -1; }; $hxClasses["flixel.FlxBasic"] = flixel_FlxBasic; flixel_FlxBasic.__name__ = ["flixel","FlxBasic"]; flixel_FlxBasic.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_FlxBasic.prototype = { ID: null ,active: null ,visible: null ,alive: null ,exists: null ,flixelType: null ,_cameras: null ,destroy: function() { this.set_exists(false); this._cameras = null; } ,kill: function() { this.set_alive(false); this.set_exists(false); } ,revive: function() { this.set_alive(true); this.set_exists(true); } ,update: function(elapsed) { } ,draw: function() { } ,toString: function() { var value = this.active; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "active"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.visible; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "visible"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this.alive; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "alive"; _this2.value = value2; var value3 = this.exists; var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "exists"; _this3.value = value3; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2,_this3]); } ,set_visible: function(Value) { return this.visible = Value; } ,set_active: function(Value) { return this.active = Value; } ,set_exists: function(Value) { return this.exists = Value; } ,set_alive: function(Value) { return this.alive = Value; } ,get_camera: function() { if(this._cameras == null || this._cameras.length == 0) { return flixel_FlxCamera.defaultCameras[0]; } else { return this._cameras[0]; } } ,set_camera: function(Value) { if(this._cameras == null) { this._cameras = [Value]; } else { this._cameras[0] = Value; } return Value; } ,get_cameras: function() { if(this._cameras == null) { return flixel_FlxCamera.defaultCameras; } else { return this._cameras; } } ,set_cameras: function(Value) { return this._cameras = Value; } ,__class__: flixel_FlxBasic ,__properties__: {set_cameras:"set_cameras",get_cameras:"get_cameras",set_camera:"set_camera",get_camera:"get_camera",set_exists:"set_exists",set_alive:"set_alive",set_visible:"set_visible",set_active:"set_active"} }; var flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup = function(MaxSize) { if(MaxSize == null) { MaxSize = 0; } this._marker = 0; this.length = 0; flixel_FlxBasic.call(this); this.members = []; this.set_maxSize(Math.abs(MaxSize) | 0); this.flixelType = 2; }; $hxClasses["flixel.group.FlxTypedGroup"] = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.__name__ = ["flixel","group","FlxTypedGroup"]; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.overlaps = function(Callback,Group,X,Y,InScreenSpace,Camera) { var result = false; if(Group != null) { var i = 0; var l = Group.length; var basic; while(i < l) { basic = Group.members[i++]; if(basic != null && Callback(basic,X,Y,InScreenSpace,Camera)) { result = true; break; } } } return result; }; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup = function(ObjectOrGroup) { var group = null; if(ObjectOrGroup != null) { if(ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 2) { group = ObjectOrGroup; } else if(ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 4) { var spriteGroup = ObjectOrGroup; group = spriteGroup.group; } } return group; }; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.__super__ = flixel_FlxBasic; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype,{ members: null ,maxSize: null ,length: null ,_memberAdded: null ,_memberRemoved: null ,_marker: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.destroy.call(this); flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._memberAdded); flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._memberRemoved); if(this.members != null) { var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null) { basic.destroy(); } } this.members = null; } } ,update: function(elapsed) { var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && basic.exists && basic.active) { basic.update(elapsed); } } } ,draw: function() { var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && basic.exists && basic.visible) { basic.draw(); } } } ,add: function(Object) { if(Object == null) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; return null; } if(this.members.indexOf(Object) >= 0) { return Object; } var index = this.getFirstNull(); if(index != -1) { this.members[index] = Object; if(index >= this.length) { this.length = index + 1; } if(this._memberAdded != null) { this._memberAdded.dispatch(Object); } return Object; } if(this.maxSize > 0 && this.length >= this.maxSize) { return Object; } this.members.push(Object); this.length++; if(this._memberAdded != null) { this._memberAdded.dispatch(Object); } return Object; } ,insert: function(position,object) { if(object == null) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; return null; } if(this.members.indexOf(object) >= 0) { return object; } if(position < this.length && this.members[position] == null) { this.members[position] = object; if(this._memberAdded != null) { this._memberAdded.dispatch(object); } return object; } if(this.maxSize > 0 && this.length >= this.maxSize) { return object; } this.members.splice(position,0,object); this.length++; if(this._memberAdded != null) { this._memberAdded.dispatch(object); } return object; } ,recycle: function(ObjectClass,ObjectFactory,Force,Revive) { if(Revive == null) { Revive = true; } if(Force == null) { Force = false; } var basic = null; if(this.maxSize > 0) { if(this.length < this.maxSize) { var object = null; if(ObjectFactory != null) { object = ObjectFactory(); this.add(object); } else if(ObjectClass != null) { object = Type.createInstance(ObjectClass,[]); this.add(object); } return object; } else { basic = this.members[this._marker++]; if(this._marker >= this.maxSize) { this._marker = 0; } if(Revive) { basic.revive(); } return basic; } } else { basic = this.getFirstAvailable(ObjectClass,Force); if(basic != null) { if(Revive) { basic.revive(); } return basic; } var object1 = null; if(ObjectFactory != null) { object1 = ObjectFactory(); this.add(object1); } else if(ObjectClass != null) { object1 = Type.createInstance(ObjectClass,[]); this.add(object1); } return object1; } } ,recycleCreateObject: function(ObjectClass,ObjectFactory) { var object = null; if(ObjectFactory != null) { object = ObjectFactory(); this.add(object); } else if(ObjectClass != null) { object = Type.createInstance(ObjectClass,[]); this.add(object); } return object; } ,remove: function(Object,Splice) { if(Splice == null) { Splice = false; } if(this.members == null) { return null; } var index = this.members.indexOf(Object); if(index < 0) { return null; } if(Splice) { this.members.splice(index,1); this.length--; } else { this.members[index] = null; } if(this._memberRemoved != null) { this._memberRemoved.dispatch(Object); } return Object; } ,replace: function(OldObject,NewObject) { var index = this.members.indexOf(OldObject); if(index < 0) { return null; } this.members[index] = NewObject; if(this._memberRemoved != null) { this._memberRemoved.dispatch(OldObject); } if(this._memberAdded != null) { this._memberAdded.dispatch(NewObject); } return NewObject; } ,sort: function(Function,Order) { if(Order == null) { Order = -1; } var f = Function; var a1 = Order; var tmp = function(a2,a3) { return f(a1,a2,a3); }; this.members.sort(tmp); } ,getFirstAvailable: function(ObjectClass,Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && !basic.exists && (ObjectClass == null || js_Boot.__instanceof(basic,ObjectClass))) { if(Force && Type.getClassName(basic == null ? null : js_Boot.getClass(basic)) != Type.getClassName(ObjectClass)) { continue; } return this.members[i - 1]; } } return null; } ,getFirstNull: function() { var i = 0; while(i < this.length) { if(this.members[i] == null) { return i; } ++i; } return -1; } ,getFirstExisting: function() { var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && basic.exists) { return basic; } } return null; } ,getFirstAlive: function() { var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && basic.exists && basic.alive) { return basic; } } return null; } ,getFirstDead: function() { var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && !basic.alive) { return basic; } } return null; } ,countLiving: function() { var i = 0; var count = -1; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null) { if(count < 0) { count = 0; } if(basic.exists && basic.alive) { ++count; } } } return count; } ,countDead: function() { var i = 0; var count = -1; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null) { if(count < 0) { count = 0; } if(!basic.alive) { ++count; } } } return count; } ,getRandom: function(StartIndex,Length) { if(Length == null) { Length = 0; } if(StartIndex == null) { StartIndex = 0; } if(StartIndex < 0) { StartIndex = 0; } if(Length <= 0) { Length = this.length; } return flixel_FlxG.random.getObject_flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup_T(this.members,null,StartIndex,Length); } ,clear: function() { this.length = 0; if(this._memberRemoved != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var member = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(member != null) { this._memberRemoved.dispatch(member); } } } flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.clearArray(this.members); } ,kill: function() { var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && basic.exists) { basic.kill(); } } flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.kill.call(this); } ,revive: function() { var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && !basic.exists) { basic.revive(); } } flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.revive.call(this); } ,iterator: function(filter) { return new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator(this.members,filter); } ,forEach: function(Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null) { if(Recurse) { var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(basic); if(group != null) { group.forEach(Function,Recurse); } } Function(basic); } } } ,forEachAlive: function(Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && basic.exists && basic.alive) { if(Recurse) { var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(basic); if(group != null) { group.forEachAlive(Function,Recurse); } } Function(basic); } } } ,forEachDead: function(Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && !basic.alive) { if(Recurse) { var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(basic); if(group != null) { group.forEachDead(Function,Recurse); } } Function(basic); } } } ,forEachExists: function(Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null && basic.exists) { if(Recurse) { var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(basic); if(group != null) { group.forEachExists(Function,Recurse); } } Function(basic); } } } ,forEachOfType: function(ObjectClass,Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } var i = 0; var basic = null; while(i < this.length) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null) { if(Recurse) { var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(basic); if(group != null) { group.forEachOfType(ObjectClass,Function,Recurse); } } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(basic,ObjectClass)) { Function(basic); } } } } ,set_maxSize: function(Size) { this.maxSize = Math.abs(Size) | 0; if(this._marker >= this.maxSize) { this._marker = 0; } if(this.maxSize == 0 || this.members == null || this.maxSize >= this.length) { return this.maxSize; } var i = this.maxSize; var l = this.length; var basic = null; while(i < l) { basic = this.members[i++]; if(basic != null) { if(this._memberRemoved != null) { this._memberRemoved.dispatch(basic); } basic.destroy(); } } flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.setLength_flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup_T(this.members,this.maxSize); this.length = this.members.length; return this.maxSize; } ,get_memberAdded: function() { if(this._memberAdded == null) { this._memberAdded = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); } return this._memberAdded; } ,get_memberRemoved: function() { if(this._memberRemoved == null) { this._memberRemoved = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); } return this._memberRemoved; } ,__class__: flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.__properties__,{get_memberRemoved:"get_memberRemoved",get_memberAdded:"get_memberAdded",set_maxSize:"set_maxSize"}) }); var flixel_FlxState = function(MaxSize) { this._requestSubStateReset = false; this.destroySubStates = true; this.persistentDraw = true; this.persistentUpdate = false; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.call(this,MaxSize); }; $hxClasses["flixel.FlxState"] = flixel_FlxState; flixel_FlxState.__name__ = ["flixel","FlxState"]; flixel_FlxState.__super__ = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup; flixel_FlxState.prototype = $extend(flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype,{ persistentUpdate: null ,persistentDraw: null ,destroySubStates: null ,subState: null ,_requestedSubState: null ,_requestSubStateReset: null ,create: function() { } ,draw: function() { if(this.persistentDraw || this.subState == null) { flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype.draw.call(this); } if(this.subState != null) { this.subState.draw(); } } ,openSubState: function(SubState) { this._requestSubStateReset = true; this._requestedSubState = SubState; } ,closeSubState: function() { this._requestSubStateReset = true; } ,resetSubState: function() { if(this.subState != null) { if(this.subState.closeCallback != null) { this.subState.closeCallback(); } if(this.destroySubStates) { this.subState.destroy(); } } this.subState = this._requestedSubState; this._requestedSubState = null; if(this.subState != null) { if(!this.persistentUpdate) { flixel_FlxG.inputs.onStateSwitch(); } this.subState._parentState = this; if(!this.subState._created) { this.subState._created = true; this.subState.create(); } if(this.subState.openCallback != null) { this.subState.openCallback(); } } } ,destroy: function() { if(this.subState != null) { this.subState.destroy(); this.subState = null; } flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,switchTo: function(nextState) { return true; } ,onFocusLost: function() { } ,onFocus: function() { } ,onResize: function(Width,Height) { } ,tryUpdate: function(elapsed) { if(this.persistentUpdate || this.subState == null) { this.update(elapsed); } if(this._requestSubStateReset) { this._requestSubStateReset = false; this.resetSubState(); } if(this.subState != null) { this.subState.tryUpdate(elapsed); } } ,get_bgColor: function() { return flixel_FlxG.cameras.get_bgColor(); } ,set_bgColor: function(Value) { return flixel_FlxG.cameras.set_bgColor(Value); } ,__class__: flixel_FlxState ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype.__properties__,{set_bgColor:"set_bgColor",get_bgColor:"get_bgColor"}) }); var flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState = function(TransIn,TransOut) { this._exiting = false; this.transOutFinished = false; this.transIn = TransIn; this.transOut = TransOut; if(this.transIn == null && flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn != null) { this.transIn = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn; } if(this.transOut == null && flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut != null) { this.transOut = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; } flixel_FlxState.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState"] = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","FlxTransitionableState"]; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.__super__ = flixel_FlxState; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxState.prototype,{ transIn: null ,transOut: null ,hasTransIn: null ,hasTransOut: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_FlxState.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.transIn = null; this.transOut = null; this._onExit = null; } ,create: function() { flixel_FlxState.prototype.create.call(this); this.transitionIn(); } ,switchTo: function(nextState) { if(!this.get_hasTransOut()) { return true; } if(!this._exiting) { this.transitionToState(nextState); } return this.transOutFinished; } ,transitionToState: function(nextState) { this._exiting = true; this.transitionOut(function() { if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } }); if(flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut) { flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = false; this.finishTransOut(); } } ,transitionIn: function() { if(this.transIn != null && this.transIn.type != "none") { if(flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn) { flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = false; if($bind(this,this.finishTransIn) != null) { this.finishTransIn(); } return; } var _trans = this.createTransition(this.transIn); _trans.setStatus(3); this.openSubState(_trans); _trans.set_finishCallback($bind(this,this.finishTransIn)); _trans.start(1); } } ,transitionOut: function(OnExit) { this._onExit = OnExit; if(this.get_hasTransOut()) { var _trans = this.createTransition(this.transOut); _trans.setStatus(2); this.openSubState(_trans); _trans.set_finishCallback($bind(this,this.finishTransOut)); _trans.start(0); } else { this._onExit(); } } ,transOutFinished: null ,_exiting: null ,_onExit: null ,get_hasTransIn: function() { if(this.transIn != null) { return this.transIn.type != "none"; } else { return false; } } ,get_hasTransOut: function() { if(this.transOut != null) { return this.transOut.type != "none"; } else { return false; } } ,createTransition: function(data) { var _g = data.type; switch(_g) { case "fade": return new flixel_addons_transition_Transition(data); case "tiles": return new flixel_addons_transition_Transition(data); default: return null; } } ,finishTransIn: function() { this.closeSubState(); } ,finishTransOut: function() { this.transOutFinished = true; if(!this._exiting) { this.closeSubState(); } if(this._onExit != null) { this._onExit(); } } ,__class__: flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxState.prototype.__properties__,{get_hasTransOut:"get_hasTransOut",get_hasTransIn:"get_hasTransIn"}) }); var ControlScreenState = function(foreground) { this.canAdvance = false; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.call(this); this.foreground = foreground; }; $hxClasses["ControlScreenState"] = ControlScreenState; ControlScreenState.__name__ = ["ControlScreenState"]; ControlScreenState.__super__ = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState; ControlScreenState.prototype = $extend(flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype,{ foreground: null ,canAdvance: null ,create: function() { var _gthis = this; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.create.call(this); var bgBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select_bg.png"); var backgroundLayer = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(bgBitmapData)); this.add(backgroundLayer); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(backgroundLayer,{ x : -62, y : -62},4,{ type : 2}); var foregroundLayer = new nova_render_FlxLocalSprite(); var foregroundImage = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.foreground)); this.add(foregroundLayer); foregroundLayer.add(foregroundImage); var diamond = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/diamond.png")); diamond.persist = true; diamond.set_destroyOnNoUse(false); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn = new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut = new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.color = -16777216; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.color = -16777216; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.type = "tiles"; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.type = "tiles"; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.tileData = { asset : diamond, width : 32, height : 32}; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.tileData = { asset : diamond, width : 32, height : 32}; this.transOut = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20),function(x) { _gthis.canAdvance = true; }); } ,update: function(elapsed) { var tryToAdvance = false; if(flixel_FlxG.mouse._leftButton.current == 2) { tryToAdvance = true; } var tmp; var tmp1; var _this = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(!_this.keyManager.checkStatus(32,_this.status)) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; tmp1 = _this1.keyManager.checkStatus(27,_this1.status); } else { tmp1 = true; } if(tmp1) { tmp = this.canAdvance; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { tryToAdvance = true; } if(tryToAdvance) { var nextState = new LevelSelectState(); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } } nova_animation_Director.update(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); } ,__class__: ControlScreenState }); var DialogWithBackgroundState = function(background,text) { this.initialized = false; this.startVisible = true; this.canAdvance = false; this.nextTarget = null; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.call(this); this.background = background; this.text = text; }; $hxClasses["DialogWithBackgroundState"] = DialogWithBackgroundState; DialogWithBackgroundState.__name__ = ["DialogWithBackgroundState"]; DialogWithBackgroundState.loadImageFromUrl = function(url,callback) { var urlLoader = new openfl_net_URLLoader(); urlLoader.addEventListener("complete",function(s) { var s1 = urlLoader.data; var b = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(s1))); var _g1 = 0; var _g = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(s1); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var v = s1.readUnsignedByte(); b.b[i] = v & 255; } var bytesInput = new haxe_io_BytesInput(b); var reader = new format_png_Reader(bytesInput); var d = reader.read(); var hdr = format_png_Tools.getHeader(d); var data = format_png_Tools.extract32(d); var width = hdr.width; var height = hdr.height; var dataBitmap = new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,height); var k = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(data); dataBitmap.setPixels(dataBitmap.rect,k); callback(dataBitmap); }); urlLoader.dataFormat = 0; urlLoader.load(new openfl_net_URLRequest(url)); }; DialogWithBackgroundState.__super__ = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState; DialogWithBackgroundState.prototype = $extend(flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype,{ backgroundLayer: null ,backgroundImage: null ,uiLayer: null ,nextTarget: null ,dialogBox: null ,background: null ,text: null ,canAdvance: null ,startVisible: null ,initialized: null ,create: function() { var _gthis = this; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.create.call(this); this.backgroundLayer = new nova_render_FlxLocalSprite(); this.backgroundImage = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.background)); this.add(this.backgroundLayer); this.backgroundLayer.add(this.backgroundImage); if(this.text != null) { this.dialogBox = GameData.dbf.create(this.text,{ emitCallback : $bind(this,this.switchBackground), callback : function(s) { _gthis.canAdvance = false; if(_gthis.nextTarget != null) { var nextLevel = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = GameData.LevelMenuOptions; while(_g < _g1.length) { var level = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(level.type == "cinematic" && level.params.name == _gthis.nextTarget) { nextLevel = level; } } if(nextLevel != null) { var nextState = new DialogWithBackgroundState(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(nextLevel.params.background),nextLevel.params.dialog); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } } } else { var nextState1 = new LevelSelectState(); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState1)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState1; } } }}); this.initialized = true; this.add(this.dialogBox); this.dialogBox.set_y(flixel_FlxG.height - this.dialogBox.get_height()); if(!this.startVisible) { this.dialogBox.set_visible(false); } } nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20),function(x) { _gthis.canAdvance = true; }); var diamond = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/diamond.png")); diamond.persist = true; diamond.set_destroyOnNoUse(false); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn = new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut = new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.color = -16777216; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.color = -16777216; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.type = "tiles"; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.type = "tiles"; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.tileData = { asset : diamond, width : 32, height : 32}; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.tileData = { asset : diamond, width : 32, height : 32}; this.transOut = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; } ,switchBackground: function(background) { if(background == "hide") { if(!this.initialized) { this.startVisible = false; } else { this.dialogBox.set_visible(false); } return; } if(background == "show") { this.dialogBox.set_visible(true); return; } if(background == "shake") { nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,5),function(x) { flixel_FlxG.camera.shake(0.05,0.15); }); return; } if(background == "laugh_shake") { nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,5),function(x1) { flixel_FlxG.camera.shake(0.03,0.8); }); return; } var backgroundBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(background); var newBGImage = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(backgroundBD)); this.backgroundLayer.remove(this.backgroundImage); this.backgroundImage = newBGImage; this.backgroundLayer.add(this.backgroundImage); } ,update: function(elapsed) { var tryToAdvance = false; if(flixel_FlxG.mouse._leftButton.current == 2) { tryToAdvance = true; } var tmp; var _this = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this.keyManager.checkStatus(32,_this.status)) { tmp = this.canAdvance; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { tryToAdvance = true; } if(tryToAdvance) { if(this.dialogBox != null && this.dialogBox.canAdvance) { if(!this.dialogBox.advancing) { this.dialogBox.advanceAndRender(); } else if(this.dialogBox.skip) { var advanceTransitions = nova_animation_Director.actorsWithTag("__dialogTransition"); var _g1 = 0; var _g = advanceTransitions.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; nova_animation_Director.skipToEnd(advanceTransitions[i]); } } } else if(this.dialogBox == null) { var nextState = new LevelSelectState(); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } } } nova_animation_Director.update(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); } ,__class__: DialogWithBackgroundState }); var EReg = function(r,opt) { this.r = new RegExp(r,opt.split("u").join("")); }; $hxClasses["EReg"] = EReg; EReg.__name__ = ["EReg"]; EReg.prototype = { r: null ,match: function(s) { if(this.r.global) { this.r.lastIndex = 0; } this.r.m = this.r.exec(s); this.r.s = s; return this.r.m != null; } ,matched: function(n) { if(this.r.m != null && n >= 0 && n < this.r.m.length) { return this.r.m[n]; } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("EReg::matched"); } } ,matchedRight: function() { if(this.r.m == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("No string matched"); } var sz = this.r.m.index + this.r.m[0].length; return HxOverrides.substr(this.r.s,sz,this.r.s.length - sz); } ,matchedPos: function() { if(this.r.m == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("No string matched"); } return { pos : this.r.m.index, len : this.r.m[0].length}; } ,matchSub: function(s,pos,len) { if(len == null) { len = -1; } if(this.r.global) { this.r.lastIndex = pos; var tmp = this.r; var tmp1 = len < 0 ? s : HxOverrides.substr(s,0,pos + len); this.r.m = tmp.exec(tmp1); var b = this.r.m != null; if(b) { this.r.s = s; } return b; } else { var b1 = this.match(len < 0 ? HxOverrides.substr(s,pos,null) : HxOverrides.substr(s,pos,len)); if(b1) { this.r.s = s; this.r.m.index += pos; } return b1; } } ,split: function(s) { var d = "#__delim__#"; return s.replace(this.r,d).split(d); } ,map: function(s,f) { var offset = 0; var buf_b = ""; while(true) { if(offset >= s.length) { break; } else if(!this.matchSub(s,offset)) { buf_b += Std.string(HxOverrides.substr(s,offset,null)); break; } var p = this.matchedPos(); buf_b += Std.string(HxOverrides.substr(s,offset,p.pos - offset)); buf_b += Std.string(f(this)); if(p.len == 0) { buf_b += Std.string(HxOverrides.substr(s,p.pos,1)); offset = p.pos + 1; } else { offset = p.pos + p.len; } if(!this.r.global) { break; } } if(!this.r.global && offset > 0 && offset < s.length) { buf_b += Std.string(HxOverrides.substr(s,offset,null)); } return buf_b; } ,__class__: EReg }; var LevelInfo = function(start,target,allowedCharacters,introDialogue) { this.start = start; this.target = target; this.allowedCharacters = allowedCharacters; this.introDialogue = introDialogue; }; $hxClasses["LevelInfo"] = LevelInfo; LevelInfo.__name__ = ["LevelInfo"]; LevelInfo.prototype = { start: null ,target: null ,allowedCharacters: null ,introDialogue: null ,__class__: LevelInfo }; var Level = function(type,params) { this.type = type; this.params = params; }; $hxClasses["Level"] = Level; Level.__name__ = ["Level"]; Level.prototype = { type: null ,params: null ,__class__: Level }; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle = $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogAdvanceStyle"] = { __ename__ : ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogAdvanceStyle"], __constructs__ : ["NONE","SCROLL","TYPEWRITER"] }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.NONE = ["NONE",0]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.NONE.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.NONE.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.SCROLL = ["SCROLL",1]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.SCROLL.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.SCROLL.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.TYPEWRITER = ["TYPEWRITER",2]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.TYPEWRITER.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.TYPEWRITER.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxFactory = function(options) { this.options = options; this.defaultGlobalStore = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.options,"globalVariables")) { this.options.globalVariables = this.defaultGlobalStore; } }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogBoxFactory"] = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxFactory; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxFactory.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogBoxFactory"]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxFactory.prototype = { options: null ,defaultGlobalStore: null ,create: function(messages,overrideOptions) { var merged = nova_utils_StructureUtils.merge(this.options,overrideOptions); if((messages instanceof Array) && messages.__enum__ == null) { messages = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseLines(messages); } return new nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox(messages,merged); } ,createControlled: function(overrideOptions) { var merged = nova_utils_StructureUtils.merge(this.options,overrideOptions); return new nova_ui_dialog_ControlledDialogBox(merged); } ,__class__: nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxFactory }; var GameData = function() { GameData.Save = new flixel_util_FlxSave(); GameData.Save.bind("default"); GameData.LevelSolutions = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); if(GameData.Save.data.CompletedLevels != null && GameData.Save.data.LevelSolutions != null) { var storedCompletedLevels = GameData.Save.data.CompletedLevels; var _g = []; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < storedCompletedLevels.length) { var i = storedCompletedLevels[_g1]; ++_g1; _g.push(i); } GameData.CompletedLevels = _g; var savedLevelSolutions = GameData.Save.data.LevelSolutions; var solution = savedLevelSolutions.keys(); while(solution.hasNext()) { var solution1 = solution.next(); var v = savedLevelSolutions.h[solution1]; GameData.LevelSolutions.h[solution1] = v; } } if(GameData.CompletedLevels.length > 0) { GameData.LastLevelTried = 0; GameData.CompletedIntro = true; } }; $hxClasses["GameData"] = GameData; GameData.__name__ = ["GameData"]; GameData.LevelSolutions = null; GameData.Save = null; GameData.prototype = { __class__: GameData }; var HxOverrides = function() { }; $hxClasses["HxOverrides"] = HxOverrides; HxOverrides.__name__ = ["HxOverrides"]; HxOverrides.strDate = function(s) { var _g = s.length; switch(_g) { case 8: var k = s.split(":"); var d = new Date(); d["setTime"](0); d["setUTCHours"](k[0]); d["setUTCMinutes"](k[1]); d["setUTCSeconds"](k[2]); return d; case 10: var k1 = s.split("-"); return new Date(k1[0],k1[1] - 1,k1[2],0,0,0); case 19: var k2 = s.split(" "); var y = k2[0].split("-"); var t = k2[1].split(":"); return new Date(y[0],y[1] - 1,y[2],t[0],t[1],t[2]); default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid date format : " + s); } }; HxOverrides.cca = function(s,index) { var x = s.charCodeAt(index); if(x != x) { return undefined; } return x; }; HxOverrides.substr = function(s,pos,len) { if(len == null) { len = s.length; } else if(len < 0) { if(pos == 0) { len = s.length + len; } else { return ""; } } return s.substr(pos,len); }; HxOverrides.remove = function(a,obj) { var i = a.indexOf(obj); if(i == -1) { return false; } a.splice(i,1); return true; }; HxOverrides.iter = function(a) { return { cur : 0, arr : a, hasNext : function() { return this.cur < this.arr.length; }, next : function() { return this.arr[this.cur++]; }}; }; var IntIterator = function(min,max) { this.min = min; this.max = max; }; $hxClasses["IntIterator"] = IntIterator; IntIterator.__name__ = ["IntIterator"]; IntIterator.prototype = { min: null ,max: null ,hasNext: function() { return this.min < this.max; } ,next: function() { return this.min++; } ,__class__: IntIterator }; var Lambda = function() { }; $hxClasses["Lambda"] = Lambda; Lambda.__name__ = ["Lambda"]; Lambda.array = function(it) { var a = []; var i = $iterator(it)(); while(i.hasNext()) { var i1 = i.next(); a.push(i1); } return a; }; Lambda.fold = function(it,f,first) { var x = $iterator(it)(); while(x.hasNext()) { var x1 = x.next(); first = f(x1,first); } return first; }; Lambda.count = function(it,pred) { var n = 0; if(pred == null) { var _ = $iterator(it)(); while(_.hasNext()) { var _1 = _.next(); ++n; } } else { var x = $iterator(it)(); while(x.hasNext()) { var x1 = x.next(); if(pred(x1)) { ++n; } } } return n; }; var LevelPlayState = function(level) { this.buffer = null; this.canSwitch = true; this.skillsUsed = []; this.blooperPosn = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([2,2]); this.playerPosn = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([4,4]); this.locked = false; this.selectedCharIndex = 0; this.turn = 0; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.call(this); this.levelIndex = level; this.level = GameData.levels[level]; this.metaballs = []; this.vs = []; this.metaballTypes = []; }; $hxClasses["LevelPlayState"] = LevelPlayState; LevelPlayState.__name__ = ["LevelPlayState"]; LevelPlayState.__super__ = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState; LevelPlayState.prototype = $extend(flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype,{ player: null ,blooper: null ,crown: null ,turn: null ,selectedCharIndex: null ,backgroundLayer: null ,stageLayer: null ,foregroundStageLayer: null ,uiLayer: null ,charPicker: null ,charactersBitmap: null ,characterDisplay: null ,dialogBox: null ,statusWindow: null ,recipeText: null ,levelIndex: null ,level: null ,locked: null ,chargeMeter: null ,playerPosn: null ,blooperPosn: null ,skillsUsed: null ,characterSprites: null ,canSwitch: null ,buffer: null ,metaballWrapper: null ,metaballBD: null ,metaballSourceGreen: null ,metaballSourceBlue: null ,metaballSMCGreen: null ,metaballSMCBlue: null ,metaballs: null ,vs: null ,metaballTypes: null ,sparkleEmitter: null ,create: function() { var _gthis = this; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.create.call(this); this.characterSprites = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.level.allowedCharacters; while(_g < _g1.length) { var allowedCharacter = _g1[_g]; ++_g; var characterIndex = js_Boot.__cast(allowedCharacter , Int); var characterName = GameData.CHARACTER_NAMES[characterIndex]; var this1 = this.characterSprites; var v = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/" + characterName + "_default.png"); var _this = this1; var key = characterName + "_default"; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { _this.setReserved(key,v); } else { _this.h[key] = v; } var this2 = this.characterSprites; var v1 = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/" + characterName + "_cooking.png"); var _this1 = this2; var key1 = characterName + "_cooking"; if(__map_reserved[key1] != null) { _this1.setReserved(key1,v1); } else { _this1.h[key1] = v1; } if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists("assets/images/" + characterName + "_charging.png")) { var this3 = this.characterSprites; var v2 = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/" + characterName + "_charging.png"); var _this2 = this3; var key2 = characterName + "_charging"; if(__map_reserved[key2] != null) { _this2.setReserved(key2,v2); } else { _this2.h[key2] = v2; } } } var tbd = new nova_render_TiledBitmapData("assets/images/tiles.png",16,16,function(b) { return (nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.scaleFn(2,2))(b); }); var uiBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/ui.png"); var bgBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/cooking_bg.png"); this.backgroundLayer = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(bgBitmapData)); this.stageLayer = new nova_render_FlxLocalSprite(); this.foregroundStageLayer = new nova_render_FlxLocalSprite(); var characterIndex1 = js_Boot.__cast(this.level.allowedCharacters[this.selectedCharIndex] , Int); var selectedCharName = GameData.CHARACTER_NAMES[characterIndex1]; var tmp = new flixel_FlxSprite(); var _this3 = this.characterSprites; var key3 = selectedCharName + "_default"; this.characterDisplay = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(tmp.loadGraphic(__map_reserved[key3] != null ? _this3.getReserved(key3) : _this3.h[key3])); this.characterDisplay.set_x(-20); this.stageLayer.add(this.characterDisplay); this.uiLayer = new nova_render_FlxLocalSprite(); var dialogFG = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/cooking_fg.png"))); dialogFG.set_y(flixel_FlxG.height - dialogFG.get_height()); this.recipeText = new ui_RecipeText(this.level.start,openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/pan.png")); var dishFileName = StringTools.replace(this.level.start.toLowerCase()," ","_"); var cookedFood = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic("assets/images/start_foods/" + dishFileName + ".png")); this.uiLayer.add(cookedFood); this.uiLayer.add(dialogFG); this.uiLayer.add(this.recipeText); var recipeTextY = flixel_FlxG.height - dialogFG.get_height() - this.recipeText.get_height(); this.recipeText.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([(flixel_FlxG.width - this.recipeText.get_width()) / 2,recipeTextY])); this.recipeText.text.set_visible(false); this.locked = true; cookedFood.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([320 - cookedFood.get_width() / 2,-cookedFood.get_height()])); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(cookedFood,{ y : (recipeTextY - cookedFood.get_height()) * 3 / 4},1,{ ease : flixel_tweens_FlxEase.cubeOut}).then(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(cookedFood,{ y : recipeTextY + 8},0.5,{ ease : flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quadIn})).then(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(this.recipeText,{ y : recipeTextY + 8},0.05)).then(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(this.recipeText,{ y : recipeTextY},0.02,{ onComplete : function(t) { _gthis.locked = false; _gthis.recipeText.text.set_visible(true); }})); this.chargeMeter = new ui_ChargeMeter(); this.uiLayer.add(this.chargeMeter); this.chargeMeter.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([455,40])); this.statusWindow = new ui_StatusWindow(this.level.target); this.uiLayer.add(this.statusWindow); this.updateChargeMeter(); this.charPicker = new ui_CharacterPicker(this.level.allowedCharacters.map(function(x) { return js_Boot.__cast(x , Int); })); this.uiLayer.add(this.charPicker); this.charPicker.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([5,-5])); this.dialogBox = GameData.dbf.create([this.level.introDialogue]); this.uiLayer.add(this.dialogBox); this.dialogBox.set_y(flixel_FlxG.height - this.dialogBox.get_height()); this.metaballBD = new openfl_display_BitmapData(flixel_FlxG.width,3 * flixel_FlxG.height / 4 | 0,true,0); var metaballSource = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/metaball-falloff.png"); var SCALE = 0.13; this.metaballSourceBlue = metaballSource.clone(); this.metaballSourceBlue.applyFilter(this.metaballSourceBlue,this.metaballSourceBlue.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(0,0),new openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0])); this.metaballSMCBlue = new openfl_display_MovieClip(); this.metaballSMCBlue.get_graphics().beginBitmapFill(this.metaballSourceBlue,new openfl_geom_Matrix(SCALE,0,0,SCALE)); this.metaballSMCBlue.get_graphics().drawRect(0,0,SCALE * metaballSource.width,SCALE * metaballSource.height); this.metaballSMCBlue.get_graphics().endFill(); this.metaballSourceGreen = metaballSource.clone(); this.metaballSourceGreen.applyFilter(this.metaballSourceGreen,this.metaballSourceGreen.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(0,0),new openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter([0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0])); this.metaballSMCGreen = new openfl_display_MovieClip(); this.metaballSMCGreen.get_graphics().beginBitmapFill(this.metaballSourceGreen,new openfl_geom_Matrix(SCALE,0,0,SCALE)); this.metaballSMCGreen.get_graphics().drawRect(0,0,SCALE * metaballSource.width,SCALE * metaballSource.height); this.metaballSMCGreen.get_graphics().endFill(); this.add(this.backgroundLayer); this.add(this.stageLayer); this.add(this.foregroundStageLayer); this.add(this.uiLayer); this.metaballWrapper = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.metaballBD)); this.foregroundStageLayer.add(this.metaballWrapper); this.metaballWrapper._sprite.shader = new shaders_MetaballShader(); var diamond = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/diamond.png")); diamond.persist = true; diamond.set_destroyOnNoUse(false); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn = new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut = new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.color = -16777216; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.color = -16777216; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.type = "tiles"; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.type = "tiles"; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.tileData = { asset : diamond, width : 32, height : 32}; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.tileData = { asset : diamond, width : 32, height : 32}; this.transOut = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; } ,updateMetaballs: function() { this.metaballBD.fillRect(this.metaballBD.rect,0); var i = 0; while(i < this.metaballs.length) { var metaball = this.metaballs[i]; var mx = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); mx.translate(-0.13 * this.metaballSourceBlue.width / 2,-0.13 * this.metaballSourceBlue.height / 2); mx.translate(metaball.x,metaball.y); this.metaballBD.draw(this.metaballTypes[i] == 0 ? this.metaballSMCBlue : this.metaballSMCGreen,mx,null,0); var _g = this.metaballs[i]; _g.set_x(_g.x + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.vs[i])); var _g1 = this.metaballs[i]; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.vs[i])); var _g2 = this.vs[i]; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.set_y(_g2,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(_g2) + 0.32); if(this.metaballs[i].y > 650) { this.metaballs.splice(i,1); this.metaballTypes.splice(i,1); this.vs.splice(i,1); --i; } ++i; } } ,tempApplyFilter: function(target,filter,frames) { var savedData = target.graphic.bitmap.clone(); var filteredData = savedData.clone(); filteredData.applyFilter(filteredData,filteredData.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(0,0),filter); var tmp = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(filteredData); var X = target.get_width(); var Y = target.get_height(); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; var tmp1 = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromGraphic(tmp,point); target.setFrames(tmp1); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(target,frames),function(s) { var tmp2 = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(savedData); var X1 = target.get_width(); var Y1 = target.get_height(); var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point1._inPool = false; s.setFrames(flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromGraphic(tmp2,point1)); }); } ,addParticleFX: function() { var _gthis = this; var particleBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/particles.png"); var charIndex = this.level.allowedCharacters[this.selectedCharIndex]; if(charIndex == 0) { flixel_FlxG.camera.shake(0.002,0.2); } if(charIndex == 4) { nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,6),function(t) { var redMatrixFilter = new openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter([0.97,0.3,0.3,0,50,0,0.70,0,0,20,0,0,0.70,0,20,0,0,0,1,0]); _gthis.tempApplyFilter(_gthis.recipeText.background._sprite,redMatrixFilter,12); nova_animation_Director.bob(_gthis.recipeText.background,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([-10,0]),3,12); nova_animation_Director.bob(_gthis.recipeText.text,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([-10,0]),3,12); }); } else if(charIndex == 7) { var _g = 0; while(_g < 15) { var i = _g++; this.metaballs.push(new flixel_math_FlxPoint(173 + 10 * Math.random(),390 + 20 * Math.random() + 2 * i)); this.vs.push(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([-4.7 + 9.4 * Math.random(),-3 - 4 * Math.random() - 0.05 * i])); this.metaballTypes.push(0); } } } ,lateAddParticleFX: function() { var _gthis = this; var particleBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/particles.png"); var charIndex = this.level.allowedCharacters[this.selectedCharIndex]; if(charIndex == 0) { var fireBD = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.crop(particleBD,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([32,0]),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([32,32])); fireBD.colorTransform(fireBD.rect,new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(0,0,0,1,255,64,0,0)); var sparkle = new nova_render_NovaEmitter(this.recipeText.x,this.recipeText.y); sparkle.endAlpha = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0,0]); sparkle.lifespan = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0.4,0.6]); sparkle.addParticles(fireBD,70,1,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([1,1]),null); sparkle.onCreate = function(n) { var middle = _gthis.recipeText.background.get_width() / 2 - 8; var v = Math.random() * 450 + 500; n.set_x(Math.random() * _gthis.recipeText.background.get_width() - 16); n.set_y(16); n._sprite.set_angle((n.x - middle) * 0.1); n.velocity.set(v * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * n._sprite.angle),v * -Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * n._sprite.angle)); n.onUpdate = function(p) { p.velocity.set(0.97 * p.velocity.x,0.97 * p.velocity.y); }; }; sparkle.limit = 70; sparkle.rate = 0.0005; this.foregroundStageLayer.add(sparkle); } else if(charIndex == 1) { var sparkle1 = new nova_render_NovaEmitter(this.recipeText.x,this.recipeText.y); var sparkle2 = new nova_render_NovaEmitter(this.recipeText.x,this.recipeText.y); sparkle1.endAlpha = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0,0]); sparkle1.lifespan = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0.25,0.4]); sparkle2.endAlpha = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0,0]); sparkle2.lifespan = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0.25,0.4]); sparkle1.limit = 20; sparkle1.rate = 0.03; sparkle2.limit = 20; sparkle2.rate = 0.03; var shyDiamondBD = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.crop(particleBD,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([128,64]),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([128,64])); sparkle1.addParticles(shyDiamondBD,20,1,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([2,1]),function() { return [2 * Math.random() | 0]; }); sparkle1.onCreate = function(n1) { var v1 = 500 + 550 * Math.random(); n1.set_x(48 + Math.random() * (_gthis.recipeText.background.get_width() / 3)); n1.set_y(0); n1.velocity.set(-v1,-v1); n1.onUpdate = function(p1) { p1.velocity.set(0.91 * p1.velocity.x,0.91 * p1.velocity.y); }; }; sparkle2.onCreate = function(n2) { var v2 = 500 + 550 * Math.random(); n2.set_x(_gthis.recipeText.background.get_width() - 112 - Math.random() * (_gthis.recipeText.background.get_width() / 3)); n2.set_y(0); n2.velocity.set(v2,-v2); n2.onUpdate = function(p2) { p2.velocity.set(0.91 * p2.velocity.x,0.91 * p2.velocity.y); }; }; nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,30),function(x) { sparkle2.addParticles(shyDiamondBD,20,1,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([2,1]),function() { return [2 * Math.random() | 0]; }); }); this.foregroundStageLayer.add(sparkle1); this.foregroundStageLayer.add(sparkle2); } else if(charIndex == 2) { flixel_FlxG.camera.shake(0.07,0.25); } else if(charIndex == 3) { var sparkle3 = new nova_render_NovaEmitter(this.recipeText.x,this.recipeText.y); sparkle3.endAlpha = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0,0]); sparkle3.lifespan = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0.4,0.6]); sparkle3.addParticles(particleBD,70,1,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([4,2]),function() { return [4,5]; },{ frameRate : 7, looping : true}); sparkle3.onCreate = function(n3) { var middle1 = _gthis.recipeText.background.get_width() / 2 - 8; var v3 = Math.random() * 450 + 500; n3.set_x(Math.random() * (_gthis.recipeText.background.get_width() - 64)); n3.set_y(0); n3.velocity.set(0,-200 - 200 * Math.random()); n3.onUpdate = function(p3) { p3.velocity.set(0.98 * p3.velocity.x,0.98 * p3.velocity.y); }; }; sparkle3.limit = 30; sparkle3.rate = 0.035; this.foregroundStageLayer.add(sparkle3); } else if(charIndex != 4) { if(charIndex == 6) { var _g = 0; while(_g < 85) { var i = _g++; this.metaballs.push(new flixel_math_FlxPoint(305 + 30 * Math.random(),390 + 20 * Math.random() + 2 * i)); this.vs.push(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([-1.4 + 2.8 * Math.random() + (Math.random() < 0.3 ? 4.0 * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1) : 0),-4 - 15 * Math.random() - 0.05 * i])); this.metaballTypes.push(1); } } } } ,update: function(elapsed) { var _gthis = this; this.updateMetaballs(); if(this.locked) { nova_animation_Director.update(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); return; } var _this = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; var cooking = _this.keyManager.checkStatus(32,_this.status); var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; var chargingUp = _this1.keyManager.checkStatus(38,_this1.status); var touchesDown = flixel_FlxG.touches.justStarted(); var _g = 0; while(_g < touchesDown.length) { var touch = touchesDown[_g]; ++_g; var cookHitRectangle = new flixel_math_FlxRect(this.statusWindow.cookSprite.get_globalX(),this.statusWindow.cookSprite.get_globalY(),this.statusWindow.cookSprite.get_width(),this.statusWindow.cookSprite.get_height()); var _this2 = touch.getPosition(); if(flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(_this2.x,_this2.y,cookHitRectangle)) { cooking = true; } } if(flixel_FlxG.mouse._leftButton.current == 2) { var cookHitRectangle1 = new flixel_math_FlxRect(this.statusWindow.cookSprite.get_globalX(),this.statusWindow.cookSprite.get_globalY(),this.statusWindow.cookSprite.get_width(),this.statusWindow.cookSprite.get_height()); var chargeHitRectangle = new flixel_math_FlxRect(this.statusWindow.chargeSprite.get_globalX(),this.statusWindow.chargeSprite.get_globalY(),this.statusWindow.chargeSprite.get_width(),this.statusWindow.chargeSprite.get_height()); var _this3 = flixel_FlxG.mouse.getPosition(); if(flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(_this3.x,_this3.y,cookHitRectangle1)) { cooking = true; } else { var tmp; var _this4 = flixel_FlxG.mouse.getPosition(); if(flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(_this4.x,_this4.y,chargeHitRectangle)) { tmp = this.currentCharacterCanCharge(); } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { chargingUp = true; } else { var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = this.charPicker.characterImageSprites.length; while(_g1 < _g2) { var i = _g1++; if(i == this.charPicker.get_index()) { continue; } var imageSprite = this.charPicker.characterImageSprites[i]; var imageSpriteRect = new flixel_math_FlxRect(imageSprite.x,imageSprite.y,imageSprite.get_width(),imageSprite.get_height()); var tmp1; if(this.canSwitch) { var _this5 = flixel_FlxG.mouse.getPosition(); tmp1 = flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(_this5.x,_this5.y,imageSpriteRect); } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { this.switchChar(i - this.charPicker.get_index()); } } } } } if(cooking && this.canSwitch) { this.locked = true; nova_animation_Director.clearTag("chargeAnimation"); this.redrawCharacterSprite("cooking"); this.addParticleFX(); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20),function(x) { var before = _gthis.recipeText.storedText; _gthis.recipeText.useCharacterSkill(_gthis.level.allowedCharacters[_gthis.selectedCharIndex],_gthis.chargeMeter.getCharge()); _gthis.lateAddParticleFX(); var after = _gthis.recipeText.storedText; _gthis.skillsUsed.push((_gthis.selectedCharIndex == null ? "null" : "" + _gthis.selectedCharIndex) + "," + Std.string(_gthis.chargeMeter.getCharge())); _gthis.turn += 1; _gthis.chargeMeter.resetCharge(); _gthis.updateChargeMeter(); _gthis.statusWindow.setClock(_gthis.turn); var characterIndex = js_Boot.__cast(_gthis.level.allowedCharacters[_gthis.selectedCharIndex] , Int); var dialogue = GameData.CHARACTER_POWER_DIALOGUE[characterIndex]; if(before == after) { dialogue = dialogue.substring(0,dialogue.length - 1) + GameData.DIDNT_WORK_DIALOGUE.substring(1); } else if(Math.random() < 0.2) { dialogue = dialogue.substring(0,dialogue.length - 1) + GameData.NOVEL_DIALOGUE.substring(1); } _gthis.uiLayer.remove(_gthis.dialogBox); _gthis.dialogBox = GameData.dbf.create([dialogue]); _gthis.dialogBox.set_y(flixel_FlxG.height - _gthis.dialogBox.get_height()); _gthis.uiLayer.add(_gthis.dialogBox); if(_gthis.recipeText.storedText == _gthis.level.target) { _gthis.locked = true; var nextTarget = null; if(GameData.CompletedLevels.indexOf(_gthis.levelIndex) == -1) { if(_gthis.levelIndex == 0) { nextTarget = "Intermission"; } else if(GameData.CompletedLevels.length == GameData.NUM_LEVELS - 1) { nextTarget = "Ending"; } GameData.CompletedLevels.push(_gthis.levelIndex); var this1 = GameData.LevelSolutions; var k = _gthis.levelIndex; var v = _gthis.skillsUsed.join(","); this1.h[k] = v; GameData.Save.data.CompletedLevels = GameData.CompletedLevels; GameData.Save.data.LevelSolutions = GameData.LevelSolutions; GameData.Save.flush(); } nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20),function(x1) { _gthis.redrawCharacterSprite(); }); var sparkleBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/particles.png"); var sparkle = new nova_render_NovaEmitter(_gthis.recipeText.x,_gthis.recipeText.y); sparkle.addParticles(sparkleBitmapData,70,1,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([8,4]),function() { return [8 + (Math.random() * 3 | 0)]; }); sparkle.onCreate = function(n) { n.alphaRange = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([1,0]); n.set_x(Math.random() * _gthis.recipeText.background.get_width() - 16); n.set_y(-Math.random() * _gthis.recipeText.background.get_height() - 16); n.velocity.set(-4 + 8 * Math.random(),-20 - 120 * Math.random()); }; sparkle.rate = 0.01; _gthis.add(sparkle); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,180),function(x2) { var victoryScreenState = new VictoryScreenState(_gthis.level.target,_gthis.turn); if(nextTarget != null) { victoryScreenState.nextTarget = nextTarget; } if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(victoryScreenState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = victoryScreenState; } }); } else if(StringTools.trim(_gthis.recipeText.storedText) == "") { _gthis.locked = true; nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20),function(x3) { _gthis.redrawCharacterSprite(); }); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,120),function(x4) { var nextState = new DialogWithBackgroundState(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/failure_screens/empty_bg.png"),["ToadetteWat: \"...Huh? There's nothing left???\"","emit \"assets/images/failure_screens/failure_bg2.png\"","ToadetteAnnounce: \"Let's cut to a commercial break!\""]); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } }); } else if(_gthis.turn >= 10) { _gthis.locked = true; nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20),function(x5) { _gthis.redrawCharacterSprite(); }); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,120),function(x6) { var nextState1 = new DialogWithBackgroundState(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/failure_screens/failure_bg.png"),["ToadetteWat: \"Time's up! And it looks like...\nUh, what is this?\"","emit \"assets/images/failure_screens/failure_bg2.png\"","ToadetteAnnounce: \"Let's cut to a commercial break!\""]); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState1)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState1; } }); } else { nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20),function(x7) { _gthis.redrawCharacterSprite(); _gthis.locked = false; }); } }); } if(this.locked) { return; } var tmp2; var _this6 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this6.keyManager.checkStatus(37,_this6.status)) { tmp2 = this.level.allowedCharacters.length > 1; } else { tmp2 = false; } if(tmp2) { if(this.canSwitch) { this.switchChar(-1); } else if(this.buffer == null) { this.buffer = 37; } } var tmp3; var _this7 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this7.keyManager.checkStatus(39,_this7.status)) { tmp3 = this.level.allowedCharacters.length > 1; } else { tmp3 = false; } if(tmp3) { if(this.canSwitch) { this.switchChar(1); } else if(this.buffer == null) { this.buffer = 39; } } var _this8 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this8.keyManager.checkStatus(38,_this8.status)) { chargingUp = true; } if(chargingUp) { if(!this.currentCharacterCanCharge() || !this.canSwitch) { return; } var characterIndex1 = js_Boot.__cast(this.level.allowedCharacters[this.selectedCharIndex] , Int); if(this.chargeMeter.incrementCharge()) { this.chargeMeter.setText(this.getHintTextForCharge(characterIndex1,this.recipeText.storedText,this.chargeMeter.getCharge())); this.redrawCharacterSprite("charging"); nova_animation_Director.clearTag("chargeAnimation"); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20,"chargeAnimation"),function(x8) { _gthis.redrawCharacterSprite(); }); } } var _this9 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this9.keyManager.checkStatus(40,_this9.status)) { if(!this.currentCharacterCanCharge() || !this.canSwitch) { return; } var characterIndex2 = js_Boot.__cast(this.level.allowedCharacters[this.selectedCharIndex] , Int); if(this.chargeMeter.decrementCharge()) { this.chargeMeter.setText(this.getHintTextForCharge(characterIndex2,this.recipeText.storedText,this.chargeMeter.getCharge())); this.redrawCharacterSprite("charging"); nova_animation_Director.clearTag("chargeAnimation"); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(null,20,"chargeAnimation"),function(x9) { _gthis.redrawCharacterSprite(); }); } } var _this10 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this10.keyManager.checkStatus(27,_this10.status)) { var nextState2 = new LevelSelectState(); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState2)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState2; } } var _this11 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this11.keyManager.checkStatus(82,_this11.status)) { var nextState3 = new LevelPlayState(this.levelIndex); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState3)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState3; } } nova_animation_Director.update(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); } ,switchChar: function(direction) { if(direction == null) { direction = 1; } this.selectedCharIndex = (this.selectedCharIndex + this.level.allowedCharacters.length + direction) % this.level.allowedCharacters.length; this.charPicker.set_index(this.selectedCharIndex); nova_animation_Director.clearTag("chargeAnimation"); this.redrawCharacterSprite(null,true); this.uiLayer.remove(this.dialogBox); this.dialogBox = GameData.dbf.create([GameData.CHARACTER_CHANGE_DIALOGUE]); this.dialogBox.set_y(flixel_FlxG.height - this.dialogBox.get_height()); this.uiLayer.add(this.dialogBox); this.chargeMeter.resetCharge(); this.updateChargeMeter(); } ,redrawCharacterSprite: function(frame,tween) { if(tween == null) { tween = false; } if(frame == null) { frame = "default"; } var _gthis = this; this.statusWindow.setState(frame); var characterIndex = js_Boot.__cast(this.level.allowedCharacters[this.selectedCharIndex] , Int); var selectedCharName = GameData.CHARACTER_NAMES[characterIndex]; var newCharacterDisplay = new flixel_FlxSprite(); var _this = this.characterSprites; var key = selectedCharName + "_" + frame; var newCharacterDisplay1 = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(newCharacterDisplay.loadGraphic(__map_reserved[key] != null ? _this.getReserved(key) : _this.h[key])); newCharacterDisplay1.set_x(-20); if(tween) { this.canSwitch = false; nova_animation_Director.fadeOut(this.characterDisplay,4); var a = nova_animation_Director.then(nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.moveBy(this.characterDisplay,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([-30,0]),4),function(s) { _gthis.stageLayer.remove(s); _gthis.stageLayer.add(newCharacterDisplay1); newCharacterDisplay1.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([-50,0])); }),newCharacterDisplay1); nova_animation_Director.fadeIn(a,4); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.moveBy(a,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([30,0]),4),function(s1) { _gthis.characterDisplay = newCharacterDisplay1; if(_gthis.buffer != null) { if(_gthis.buffer == 37) { _gthis.switchChar(-1); } else { _gthis.switchChar(1); } _gthis.buffer = null; } else { _gthis.canSwitch = true; } }); } else { this.stageLayer.remove(this.characterDisplay); this.characterDisplay = newCharacterDisplay1; this.stageLayer.add(this.characterDisplay); } } ,inBounds: function(pos) { if(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(pos) >= 0 && nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(pos) < 10 && nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(pos) >= 0) { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(pos) < 10; } else { return false; } } ,currentCharacterCanCharge: function() { return GameData.CHARGEABLE_POWERS.indexOf(this.level.allowedCharacters[this.selectedCharIndex]) != -1; } ,getMaxCharge: function(characterIndex,text) { switch(characterIndex) { case 2: return 25; case 4: return text.length; case 6: return 26; case 7: return text.length - 1; } return 0; } ,getHintTextForCharge: function(characterIndex,text,charge) { switch(characterIndex) { case 2: return (ui_RecipeText.rotateFirstLetterGen(charge))(text).charAt(0); case 4: return text.charAt(charge - 1); case 6: return String.fromCharCode(HxOverrides.cca("A",0) - 1 + charge); case 7: return text.charAt(text.length - charge); } return ""; } ,updateChargeMeter: function() { var characterIndex = js_Boot.__cast(this.level.allowedCharacters[this.selectedCharIndex] , Int); var canCharge = this.currentCharacterCanCharge(); this.statusWindow.setHasCharge(canCharge); if(canCharge) { this.chargeMeter.setMaxCharge(this.getMaxCharge(characterIndex,this.recipeText.storedText)); this.chargeMeter.setText(this.getHintTextForCharge(characterIndex,this.recipeText.storedText,this.chargeMeter.getCharge())); } } ,__class__: LevelPlayState }); var openfl_geom_Rectangle = function(x,y,width,height) { if(height == null) { height = 0; } if(width == null) { width = 0; } if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; }; $hxClasses["openfl.geom.Rectangle"] = openfl_geom_Rectangle; openfl_geom_Rectangle.__name__ = ["openfl","geom","Rectangle"]; openfl_geom_Rectangle.__limeRectangle = null; openfl_geom_Rectangle.prototype = { height: null ,width: null ,x: null ,y: null ,clone: function() { return new openfl_geom_Rectangle(this.x,this.y,this.width,this.height); } ,contains: function(x,y) { if(x >= this.x && y >= this.y && x < this.get_right()) { return y < this.get_bottom(); } else { return false; } } ,containsPoint: function(point) { return this.contains(point.x,point.y); } ,containsRect: function(rect) { if(rect.width <= 0 || rect.height <= 0) { if(rect.x > this.x && rect.y > this.y && rect.get_right() < this.get_right()) { return rect.get_bottom() < this.get_bottom(); } else { return false; } } else if(rect.x >= this.x && rect.y >= this.y && rect.get_right() <= this.get_right()) { return rect.get_bottom() <= this.get_bottom(); } else { return false; } } ,copyFrom: function(sourceRect) { this.x = sourceRect.x; this.y = sourceRect.y; this.width = sourceRect.width; this.height = sourceRect.height; } ,equals: function(toCompare) { if(toCompare == this) { return true; } else if(toCompare != null && this.x == toCompare.x && this.y == toCompare.y && this.width == toCompare.width) { return this.height == toCompare.height; } else { return false; } } ,inflate: function(dx,dy) { this.x -= dx; this.width += dx * 2; this.y -= dy; this.height += dy * 2; } ,inflatePoint: function(point) { this.inflate(point.x,point.y); } ,intersection: function(toIntersect) { var x0 = this.x < toIntersect.x ? toIntersect.x : this.x; var x1 = this.get_right() > toIntersect.get_right() ? toIntersect.get_right() : this.get_right(); if(x1 <= x0) { return new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } var y0 = this.y < toIntersect.y ? toIntersect.y : this.y; var y1 = this.get_bottom() > toIntersect.get_bottom() ? toIntersect.get_bottom() : this.get_bottom(); if(y1 <= y0) { return new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } return new openfl_geom_Rectangle(x0,y0,x1 - x0,y1 - y0); } ,intersects: function(toIntersect) { var x0 = this.x < toIntersect.x ? toIntersect.x : this.x; var x1 = this.get_right() > toIntersect.get_right() ? toIntersect.get_right() : this.get_right(); if(x1 <= x0) { return false; } var y0 = this.y < toIntersect.y ? toIntersect.y : this.y; var y1 = this.get_bottom() > toIntersect.get_bottom() ? toIntersect.get_bottom() : this.get_bottom(); return y1 > y0; } ,isEmpty: function() { if(!(this.width <= 0)) { return this.height <= 0; } else { return true; } } ,offset: function(dx,dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; } ,offsetPoint: function(point) { this.x += point.x; this.y += point.y; } ,setEmpty: function() { this.x = this.y = this.width = this.height = 0; } ,setTo: function(xa,ya,widtha,heighta) { this.x = xa; this.y = ya; this.width = widtha; this.height = heighta; } ,toString: function() { return "(x=" + this.x + ", y=" + this.y + ", width=" + this.width + ", height=" + this.height + ")"; } ,union: function(toUnion) { if(this.width == 0 || this.height == 0) { return toUnion.clone(); } else if(toUnion.width == 0 || toUnion.height == 0) { return this.clone(); } var x0 = this.x > toUnion.x ? toUnion.x : this.x; var x1 = this.get_right() < toUnion.get_right() ? toUnion.get_right() : this.get_right(); var y0 = this.y > toUnion.y ? toUnion.y : this.y; var y1 = this.get_bottom() < toUnion.get_bottom() ? toUnion.get_bottom() : this.get_bottom(); return new openfl_geom_Rectangle(x0,y0,x1 - x0,y1 - y0); } ,__contract: function(x,y,width,height) { if(this.width == 0 && this.height == 0) { return; } var offsetX = 0.0; var offsetY = 0.0; var offsetRight = 0.0; var offsetBottom = 0.0; if(this.x < x) { offsetX = x - this.x; } if(this.y < y) { offsetY = y - this.y; } if(this.get_right() > x + width) { offsetRight = x + width - this.get_right(); } if(this.get_bottom() > y + height) { offsetBottom = y + height - this.get_bottom(); } this.x += offsetX; this.y += offsetY; this.width += offsetRight - offsetX; this.height += offsetBottom - offsetY; } ,__expand: function(x,y,width,height) { if(this.width == 0 && this.height == 0) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; return; } var cacheRight = this.get_right(); var cacheBottom = this.get_bottom(); if(this.x > x) { this.x = x; this.width = cacheRight - x; } if(this.y > y) { this.y = y; this.height = cacheBottom - y; } if(cacheRight < x + width) { this.width = x + width - this.x; } if(cacheBottom < y + height) { this.height = y + height - this.y; } } ,__toLimeRectangle: function() { if(openfl_geom_Rectangle.__limeRectangle == null) { openfl_geom_Rectangle.__limeRectangle = new lime_math_Rectangle(); } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__limeRectangle.setTo(this.x,this.y,this.width,this.height); return openfl_geom_Rectangle.__limeRectangle; } ,__transform: function(rect,m) { var tx0 = m.a * this.x + m.c * this.y; var tx1 = tx0; var ty0 = m.b * this.x + m.d * this.y; var ty1 = ty0; var tx = m.a * (this.x + this.width) + m.c * this.y; var ty = m.b * (this.x + this.width) + m.d * this.y; if(tx < tx0) { tx0 = tx; } if(ty < ty0) { ty0 = ty; } if(tx > tx1) { tx1 = tx; } if(ty > ty1) { ty1 = ty; } tx = m.a * (this.x + this.width) + m.c * (this.y + this.height); ty = m.b * (this.x + this.width) + m.d * (this.y + this.height); if(tx < tx0) { tx0 = tx; } if(ty < ty0) { ty0 = ty; } if(tx > tx1) { tx1 = tx; } if(ty > ty1) { ty1 = ty; } tx = m.a * this.x + m.c * (this.y + this.height); ty = m.b * this.x + m.d * (this.y + this.height); if(tx < tx0) { tx0 = tx; } if(ty < ty0) { ty0 = ty; } if(tx > tx1) { tx1 = tx; } if(ty > ty1) { ty1 = ty; } rect.setTo(tx0 + m.tx,ty0 + m.ty,tx1 - tx0,ty1 - ty0); } ,get_bottom: function() { return this.y + this.height; } ,set_bottom: function(b) { this.height = b - this.y; return b; } ,get_bottomRight: function() { return new openfl_geom_Point(this.x + this.width,this.y + this.height); } ,set_bottomRight: function(p) { this.width = p.x - this.x; this.height = p.y - this.y; return p.clone(); } ,get_left: function() { return this.x; } ,set_left: function(l) { this.width -= l - this.x; this.x = l; return l; } ,get_right: function() { return this.x + this.width; } ,set_right: function(r) { this.width = r - this.x; return r; } ,get_size: function() { return new openfl_geom_Point(this.width,this.height); } ,set_size: function(p) { this.width = p.x; this.height = p.y; return p.clone(); } ,get_top: function() { return this.y; } ,set_top: function(t) { this.height -= t - this.y; this.y = t; return t; } ,get_topLeft: function() { return new openfl_geom_Point(this.x,this.y); } ,set_topLeft: function(p) { this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; return p.clone(); } ,__class__: openfl_geom_Rectangle ,__properties__: {set_topLeft:"set_topLeft",get_topLeft:"get_topLeft",set_top:"set_top",get_top:"get_top",set_size:"set_size",get_size:"get_size",set_right:"set_right",get_right:"get_right",set_left:"set_left",get_left:"get_left",set_bottomRight:"set_bottomRight",get_bottomRight:"get_bottomRight",set_bottom:"set_bottom",get_bottom:"get_bottom"} }; var LevelSelectState = function(TransIn,TransOut) { this.maxLevelUnlocked = 1; this.cakeTier = 0; this.menuIndex = 0; this.selectedCharIndex = 0; this.turn = 1; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.call(this,TransIn,TransOut); }; $hxClasses["LevelSelectState"] = LevelSelectState; LevelSelectState.__name__ = ["LevelSelectState"]; LevelSelectState.__super__ = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState; LevelSelectState.prototype = $extend(flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype,{ player: null ,blooper: null ,crown: null ,turn: null ,selectedCharIndex: null ,backgroundLayer: null ,foregroundLayer: null ,cakeLayer: null ,stageLayer: null ,uiLayer: null ,toadette: null ,charPicker: null ,charactersBitmap: null ,characterDisplay: null ,levelPicker: null ,levelsUnlocked: null ,dialogBox: null ,recipeText: null ,menuIndex: null ,cakeTier: null ,maxLevelUnlocked: null ,create: function() { flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.create.call(this); var uiBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/ui.png"); var fgBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select_fg.png"); var bgBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select_bg.png"); this.backgroundLayer = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(bgBitmapData)); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(this.backgroundLayer,{ x : -62, y : -62},4,{ type : 2}); this.foregroundLayer = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(fgBitmapData)); this.stageLayer = new nova_render_FlxLocalSprite(); this.add(this.backgroundLayer); this.add(this.foregroundLayer); var numLevelsCompleted = GameData.CompletedLevels.length; if(numLevelsCompleted >= 1) { this.maxLevelUnlocked = 3; this.cakeTier = 1; } if(numLevelsCompleted >= 3) { this.maxLevelUnlocked = 5; this.cakeTier = 2; } if(numLevelsCompleted >= 5) { this.maxLevelUnlocked = 8; this.cakeTier = 3; } if(numLevelsCompleted >= 7) { this.maxLevelUnlocked = 11; this.cakeTier = 4; } if(numLevelsCompleted >= 10) { this.maxLevelUnlocked = 15; this.cakeTier = 5; } if(numLevelsCompleted >= 15) { this.maxLevelUnlocked = 15; this.cakeTier = 6; } if(!GameData.CompletedIntro) { this.maxLevelUnlocked = 0; this.cakeTier = -1; } var cakeBD; if(this.cakeTier > -1) { cakeBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select/cake" + Std.string(this.cakeTier) + ".png"); } else { cakeBD = new openfl_display_BitmapData(flixel_FlxG.width,flixel_FlxG.height,true,0); } cakeBD = cakeBD.clone(); var orangeText = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select/cake_orange_words.png"); var greenText = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select/cake_green_words.png"); var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.maxLevelUnlocked; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(GameData.CompletedLevels.indexOf(i) != -1) { cakeBD.copyPixels(greenText,LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES[i],LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES[i].get_topLeft(),null,null,true); } else { cakeBD.copyPixels(orangeText,LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES[i],LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES[i].get_topLeft(),null,null,true); } } var controlsBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select/controls_btn.png"); cakeBD.copyPixels(controlsBD,controlsBD.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(458,568)); var introBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select/intro_btn.png"); cakeBD.copyPixels(introBD,introBD.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(28,33)); if(this.maxLevelUnlocked >= 3) { var interBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select/intermission_btn.png"); cakeBD.copyPixels(interBD,interBD.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(28,83)); } if(this.cakeTier == 6) { var endingBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select/ending_btn.png"); cakeBD.copyPixels(endingBD,endingBD.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(28,133)); cakeBD.copyPixels(orangeText,LevelSelectState.MENU_OPTION_RECTANGLES[4],LevelSelectState.MENU_OPTION_RECTANGLES[4].get_topLeft(),null,null,true); } this.cakeLayer = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(cakeBD)); this.add(this.cakeLayer); this.add(this.stageLayer); this.toadette = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/level_select/cake_picker.png"))); this.stageLayer.add(this.toadette); this.menuIndex = GameData.LastLevelTried; this.updateToadettePosition(); var diamond = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData(openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/diamond.png")); diamond.persist = true; diamond.set_destroyOnNoUse(false); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn = new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut = new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.color = -16777216; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.color = -16777216; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.type = "tiles"; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.type = "tiles"; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.tileData = { asset : diamond, width : 32, height : 32}; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.tileData = { asset : diamond, width : 32, height : 32}; this.transOut = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; } ,update: function(elapsed) { var levelToSwitchTo = -1; var touchesDown = flixel_FlxG.touches.justStarted(); var _g = 0; while(_g < touchesDown.length) { var touch = touchesDown[_g]; ++_g; var _g2 = 0; var _g1 = this.maxLevelUnlocked; while(_g2 < _g1) { var i = _g2++; var _this = touch.getPosition(); var _this1 = new flixel_math_FlxRect(); var FlashRect = LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES[i]; _this1.x = FlashRect.x; _this1.y = FlashRect.y; _this1.width = FlashRect.width; _this1.height = FlashRect.height; if(flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(_this.x,_this.y,_this1)) { levelToSwitchTo = i; } } var reqs = [-1,-1,1,6,6]; var _g11 = 0; while(_g11 < 5) { var i1 = _g11++; var r = new flixel_math_FlxRect(); var tmp; if(this.cakeTier >= reqs[i1]) { var _this2 = touch.getPosition(); var _this3 = new flixel_math_FlxRect(); var FlashRect1 = LevelSelectState.MENU_OPTION_RECTANGLES[i1]; _this3.x = FlashRect1.x; _this3.y = FlashRect1.y; _this3.width = FlashRect1.width; _this3.height = FlashRect1.height; tmp = flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(_this2.x,_this2.y,_this3); } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { levelToSwitchTo = 15 + i1; } } } if(flixel_FlxG.mouse._leftButton.current == 2) { var _g12 = 0; var _g3 = this.maxLevelUnlocked; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i2 = _g12++; var _this4 = flixel_FlxG.mouse.getPosition(); var _this5 = new flixel_math_FlxRect(); var FlashRect2 = LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES[i2]; _this5.x = FlashRect2.x; _this5.y = FlashRect2.y; _this5.width = FlashRect2.width; _this5.height = FlashRect2.height; if(flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(_this4.x,_this4.y,_this5)) { levelToSwitchTo = i2; } } var reqs1 = [-1,-1,1,6,6]; var _g4 = 0; while(_g4 < 5) { var i3 = _g4++; var r1 = new flixel_math_FlxRect(); var tmp1; if(this.cakeTier >= reqs1[i3]) { var _this6 = flixel_FlxG.mouse.getPosition(); var _this7 = new flixel_math_FlxRect(); var FlashRect3 = LevelSelectState.MENU_OPTION_RECTANGLES[i3]; _this7.x = FlashRect3.x; _this7.y = FlashRect3.y; _this7.width = FlashRect3.width; _this7.height = FlashRect3.height; tmp1 = flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(_this6.x,_this6.y,_this7); } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { levelToSwitchTo = 15 + i3; } } } var _this8 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this8.keyManager.checkStatus(32,_this8.status)) { levelToSwitchTo = this.menuIndex; } if(levelToSwitchTo != -1) { var switchingToLevel = GameData.LevelMenuOptions[levelToSwitchTo]; if(switchingToLevel.type == "cinematic") { if(levelToSwitchTo == 16) { GameData.CompletedIntro = true; GameData.LastLevelTried = 0; } if(switchingToLevel.params.background == "") { var hostName = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host; var requestParams = ""; var i4 = GameData.LevelSolutions.keys(); while(i4.hasNext()) { var i5 = i4.next(); requestParams += (i5 == 0 ? "?" : "&") + "level" + (i5 == null ? "null" : "" + i5) + "=" + GameData.LevelSolutions.h[i5]; } var requestUrl = hostName + GameData.EndingUrlSuffix + requestParams; haxe_Log.trace(requestUrl,{ fileName : "LevelSelectState.hx", lineNumber : 259, className : "LevelSelectState", methodName : "update"}); GameData.LastLevelTried = levelToSwitchTo; DialogWithBackgroundState.loadImageFromUrl(requestUrl,function(b) { var nextState = new DialogWithBackgroundState(b,null); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } }); } else if(levelToSwitchTo == 15) { GameData.LastLevelTried = levelToSwitchTo; var nextState1 = new ControlScreenState(switchingToLevel.params.background); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState1)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState1; } } else { GameData.LastLevelTried = levelToSwitchTo; var nextState2 = new DialogWithBackgroundState(switchingToLevel.params.background,switchingToLevel.params.dialog); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState2)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState2; } } } else { GameData.LastLevelTried = levelToSwitchTo; var nextState3 = new LevelPlayState((switchingToLevel.params.level | 0) - 1); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState3)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState3; } } return; } var numLevelsCompleted = GameData.CompletedLevels.length; var lastIndex = this.menuIndex; var _this9 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this9.keyManager.checkStatus(37,_this9.status)) { if(this.menuIndex >= 0 && this.menuIndex <= 14) { var next = [16,17,1,-1,3,-1,5,6,-1,8,9,-1,11,12,13]; var nextI = next[this.menuIndex]; if(nextI != -1) { this.menuIndex = nextI; } } else if(this.menuIndex == 15 && numLevelsCompleted >= 15) { this.menuIndex = 19; } else if(this.menuIndex == 15 && numLevelsCompleted == 0) { this.menuIndex = 16; } } else { var _this10 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this10.keyManager.checkStatus(39,_this10.status)) { if(this.menuIndex >= 0 && this.menuIndex <= 14) { var next1 = [-1,2,-1,4,-1,6,7,-1,9,10,-1,12,13,14,-1]; var nextI1 = next1[this.menuIndex]; if(nextI1 != -1) { this.menuIndex = nextI1; } } else if(this.menuIndex == 16) { if(GameData.CompletedIntro) { this.menuIndex = 0; } else { this.menuIndex = 15; } } else if(this.menuIndex == 17) { this.menuIndex = 1; } else if(this.menuIndex == 18) { this.menuIndex = 1; } else if(this.menuIndex == 19) { this.menuIndex = 15; } } else { var _this11 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this11.keyManager.checkStatus(38,_this11.status)) { if(this.menuIndex >= 0 && this.menuIndex <= 14) { var tier = this.getTier(this.menuIndex); if(tier == 1) { this.menuIndex = 0; } else if(tier == 2) { this.menuIndex -= 2; } else if(tier == 3) { this.menuIndex -= 2; if(this.menuIndex == 5) { this.menuIndex--; } } else if(tier == 4) { this.menuIndex -= 3; } else if(tier == 5) { this.menuIndex -= 4; if(this.menuIndex == 7) { this.menuIndex++; } } } else if(this.menuIndex == 17 || this.menuIndex == 18) { this.menuIndex -= 1; } else if(this.menuIndex == 15) { var lastInRow = [16,0,2,4,7,10,14,14]; this.menuIndex = lastInRow[this.cakeTier + 1]; } else if(this.menuIndex == 19) { this.menuIndex = 12; } } else { var _this12 = flixel_FlxG.keys.justPressed; if(_this12.keyManager.checkStatus(40,_this12.status)) { if(this.menuIndex >= 0 && this.menuIndex <= 14) { var tier1 = this.getTier(this.menuIndex); if(tier1 < this.cakeTier || this.cakeTier == 5) { if(tier1 == 0) { this.menuIndex = 1; } else if(tier1 == 1) { this.menuIndex += 2; } else if(tier1 == 2 || tier1 == 3 || tier1 == 4) { this.menuIndex += 3; } else if(tier1 == 5) { if(numLevelsCompleted >= 15 && this.menuIndex <= 13) { this.menuIndex = 19; } else { this.menuIndex = 15; } } } else { this.menuIndex = 15; } } else if(this.menuIndex == 16) { if(numLevelsCompleted >= 1) { this.menuIndex = 17; } else { this.menuIndex = 15; } } else if(this.menuIndex == 17 && numLevelsCompleted >= 15) { this.menuIndex = 18; } } } } } if(lastIndex != this.menuIndex) { this.updateToadettePosition(); } nova_animation_Director.update(); flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionableState.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); } ,updateToadettePosition: function() { if(this.menuIndex < 15) { this.toadette.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES[this.menuIndex].get_right() - 40,LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES[this.menuIndex].y - 10])); } else { this.toadette.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([LevelSelectState.MENU_OPTION_RECTANGLES[this.menuIndex - 15].get_right() - 8,LevelSelectState.MENU_OPTION_RECTANGLES[this.menuIndex - 15].y - 22])); if(this.menuIndex == 19) { var _g = this.toadette; _g.set_x(_g.x - 13); var _g1 = this.toadette; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + 16); } } } ,getTier: function(level) { if(level == 0) { return 0; } if(level <= 2) { return 1; } if(level <= 4) { return 2; } if(level <= 7) { return 3; } if(level <= 10) { return 4; } return 5; } ,__class__: LevelSelectState }); var _$List_ListNode = function(item,next) { this.item = item; this.next = next; }; $hxClasses["_List.ListNode"] = _$List_ListNode; _$List_ListNode.__name__ = ["_List","ListNode"]; _$List_ListNode.prototype = { item: null ,next: null ,__class__: _$List_ListNode }; var _$List_ListIterator = function(head) { this.head = head; }; $hxClasses["_List.ListIterator"] = _$List_ListIterator; _$List_ListIterator.__name__ = ["_List","ListIterator"]; _$List_ListIterator.prototype = { head: null ,hasNext: function() { return this.head != null; } ,next: function() { var val = this.head.item; this.head = this.head.next; return val; } ,__class__: _$List_ListIterator }; var ManifestResources = function() { }; $hxClasses["ManifestResources"] = ManifestResources; ManifestResources.__name__ = ["ManifestResources"]; ManifestResources.preloadLibraries = null; ManifestResources.preloadLibraryNames = null; ManifestResources.rootPath = null; ManifestResources.init = 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var isUIWebView = new EReg("(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Version)","i").match(userAgent); if(!isSafari && !isUIWebView && (window.document.fonts && ($_=window.document.fonts,$bind($_,$_.load)))) { window.document.fonts.load("1em '" + name + "'").then(function(_) { promise.complete(_gthis); },function(_1) { lime_utils_Log.warn("Could not load web font \"" + name + "\"",{ fileName : "Font.hx", lineNumber : 549, className : "lime.text.Font", methodName : "__loadFromName"}); promise.complete(_gthis); }); } else { var node1 = lime_text_Font.__measureFontNode("'" + name + "', sans-serif"); var node2 = lime_text_Font.__measureFontNode("'" + name + "', serif"); var width1 = node1.offsetWidth; var width2 = node2.offsetWidth; var interval = -1; var timeout = 3000; var intervalLength = 50; var intervalCount = 0; var loaded; var timeExpired; var checkFont = function() { intervalCount += 1; if(node1.offsetWidth == width1) { loaded = node2.offsetWidth != width2; } else { loaded = true; } timeExpired = intervalCount * intervalLength >= timeout; if(loaded || timeExpired) { window.clearInterval(interval); node1.parentNode.removeChild(node1); node2.parentNode.removeChild(node2); node1 = null; node2 = null; if(timeExpired) { lime_utils_Log.warn("Could not load web font \"" + name + "\"",{ fileName : "Font.hx", lineNumber : 585, className : "lime.text.Font", methodName : "__loadFromName"}); } promise.complete(_gthis); } }; interval = window.setInterval(checkFont,intervalLength); } return promise.future; } ,__setSize: function(size) { } ,__class__: lime_text_Font }; var _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_bold_03_ttf"] = function() { this.ascender = 1024; this.descender = -256; this.height = 1292; this.numGlyphs = 1086; this.underlinePosition = -163; this.underlineThickness = 20; this.unitsPerEM = 905; this.name = "Chalkboard SE Bold"; lime_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_bold_03_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_bold_03_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf.__super__ = lime_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf.prototype = $extend(lime_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_light_01_ttf"] = function() { this.ascender = 1024; this.descender = -256; this.height = 1292; this.numGlyphs = 1086; this.underlinePosition = -163; this.underlineThickness = 20; this.unitsPerEM = 905; this.name = "Chalkboard SE Light"; lime_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_light_01_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_light_01_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf.__super__ = lime_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf.prototype = $extend(lime_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_regular_02_ttf"] = function() { this.ascender = 1024; this.descender = -256; this.height = 1292; this.numGlyphs = 1086; this.underlinePosition = -163; this.underlineThickness = 20; this.unitsPerEM = 905; this.name = "Chalkboard SE Regular"; lime_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_regular_02_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_regular_02_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf.__super__ = lime_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf.prototype = $extend(lime_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__flixel_fonts_nokiafc22_ttf"] = function() { this.ascender = 2048; this.descender = -512; this.height = 2816; this.numGlyphs = 172; this.underlinePosition = -640; this.underlineThickness = 256; this.unitsPerEM = 2048; this.name = "Nokia Cellphone FC Small"; lime_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__flixel_fonts_nokiafc22_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__flixel_fonts_nokiafc22_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf.__super__ = lime_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf.prototype = $extend(lime_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__flixel_fonts_monsterrat_ttf"] = function() { this.ascender = 968; this.descender = -251; this.height = 1219; this.numGlyphs = 263; this.underlinePosition = -150; this.underlineThickness = 50; this.unitsPerEM = 1000; this.name = "Monsterrat"; lime_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__flixel_fonts_monsterrat_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__flixel_fonts_monsterrat_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf.__super__ = lime_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf.prototype = $extend(lime_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf }); var openfl_text_Font = function(name) { lime_text_Font.call(this,name); }; $hxClasses["openfl.text.Font"] = openfl_text_Font; openfl_text_Font.__name__ = ["openfl","text","Font"]; openfl_text_Font.enumerateFonts = function(enumerateDeviceFonts) { if(enumerateDeviceFonts == null) { enumerateDeviceFonts = false; } return openfl_text_Font.__registeredFonts; }; openfl_text_Font.fromBytes = function(bytes) { var font = new openfl_text_Font(); font.__fromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(bytes)); return font; }; openfl_text_Font.fromFile = function(path) { var font = new openfl_text_Font(); font.__fromFile(path); return font; }; openfl_text_Font.loadFromBytes = function(bytes) { return lime_text_Font.loadFromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(bytes)).then(function(limeFont) { var font = new openfl_text_Font(); font.__fromLimeFont(limeFont); return lime_app_Future.withValue(font); }); }; openfl_text_Font.loadFromFile = function(path) { return lime_text_Font.loadFromFile(path).then(function(limeFont) { var font = new openfl_text_Font(); font.__fromLimeFont(limeFont); return lime_app_Future.withValue(font); }); }; openfl_text_Font.loadFromName = function(path) { return lime_text_Font.loadFromName(path).then(function(limeFont) { var font = new openfl_text_Font(); font.__fromLimeFont(limeFont); return lime_app_Future.withValue(font); }); }; openfl_text_Font.registerFont = function(font) { var instance = null; var o = font; if((o == null ? null : js_Boot.getClass(o)) == null) { instance = js_Boot.__cast(Type.createInstance(font,[]) , openfl_text_Font); } else { instance = js_Boot.__cast(font , openfl_text_Font); } if(instance != null) { openfl_text_Font.__registeredFonts.push(instance); var k = instance.name; var _this = openfl_text_Font.__fontByName; if(__map_reserved[k] != null) { _this.setReserved(k,instance); } else { _this.h[k] = instance; } } }; openfl_text_Font.__super__ = lime_text_Font; openfl_text_Font.prototype = $extend(lime_text_Font.prototype,{ fontStyle: null ,fontType: null ,__initialized: null ,__fromLimeFont: function(font) { this.__copyFrom(font); } ,__initialize: function() { return this.__initialized; } ,get_fontName: function() { return this.name; } ,set_fontName: function(value) { return this.name = value; } ,__class__: openfl_text_Font ,__properties__: {set_fontName:"set_fontName",get_fontName:"get_fontName"} }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_bold_03_ttf"] = function() { this.__fromLimeFont(new _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf()); openfl_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_bold_03_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_bold_03_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf.__super__ = openfl_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf.prototype = $extend(openfl_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$bold_$03_$ttf }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_light_01_ttf"] = function() { this.__fromLimeFont(new _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf()); openfl_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_light_01_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_light_01_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf.__super__ = openfl_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf.prototype = $extend(openfl_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$light_$01_$ttf }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_regular_02_ttf"] = function() { this.__fromLimeFont(new _$_$ASSET_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf()); openfl_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_regular_02_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__OPENFL__assets_fonts_chalkboardse_regular_02_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf.__super__ = openfl_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf.prototype = $extend(openfl_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$assets_$fonts_$chalkboardse_$regular_$02_$ttf }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__OPENFL__flixel_fonts_nokiafc22_ttf"] = function() { this.__fromLimeFont(new _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf()); openfl_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__OPENFL__flixel_fonts_nokiafc22_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__OPENFL__flixel_fonts_nokiafc22_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf.__super__ = openfl_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf.prototype = $extend(openfl_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$nokiafc22_$ttf }); var _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf = $hx_exports["__ASSET__OPENFL__flixel_fonts_monsterrat_ttf"] = function() { this.__fromLimeFont(new _$_$ASSET_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf()); openfl_text_Font.call(this); }; $hxClasses["__ASSET__OPENFL__flixel_fonts_monsterrat_ttf"] = _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf.__name__ = ["__ASSET__OPENFL__flixel_fonts_monsterrat_ttf"]; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf.__super__ = openfl_text_Font; _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf.prototype = $extend(openfl_text_Font.prototype,{ __class__: _$_$ASSET_$_$OPENFL_$_$flixel_$fonts_$monsterrat_$ttf }); Math.__name__ = ["Math"]; var Reflect = function() { }; $hxClasses["Reflect"] = Reflect; Reflect.__name__ = ["Reflect"]; Reflect.field = function(o,field) { try { return o[field]; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; return null; } }; Reflect.getProperty = function(o,field) { var tmp; if(o == null) { return null; } else { var tmp1; if(o.__properties__) { tmp = o.__properties__["get_" + field]; tmp1 = tmp; } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { return o[tmp](); } else { return o[field]; } } }; Reflect.setProperty = function(o,field,value) { var tmp; var tmp1; if(o.__properties__) { tmp = o.__properties__["set_" + field]; tmp1 = tmp; } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { o[tmp](value); } else { o[field] = value; } }; Reflect.fields = function(o) { var a = []; if(o != null) { var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; for( var f in o ) { if(f != "__id__" && f != "hx__closures__" && hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)) { a.push(f); } } } return a; }; Reflect.isFunction = function(f) { if(typeof(f) == "function") { return !(f.__name__ || f.__ename__); } else { return false; } }; Reflect.compare = function(a,b) { if(a == b) { return 0; } else if(a > b) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }; Reflect.compareMethods = function(f1,f2) { if(f1 == f2) { return true; } if(!Reflect.isFunction(f1) || !Reflect.isFunction(f2)) { return false; } if(f1.scope == f2.scope && f1.method == f2.method) { return f1.method != null; } else { return false; } }; Reflect.isObject = function(v) { if(v == null) { return false; } var t = typeof(v); if(!(t == "string" || t == "object" && v.__enum__ == null)) { if(t == "function") { return (v.__name__ || v.__ename__) != null; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } }; Reflect.isEnumValue = function(v) { if(v != null) { return v.__enum__ != null; } else { return false; } }; Reflect.deleteField = function(o,field) { if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,field)) { return false; } delete(o[field]); return true; }; Reflect.makeVarArgs = function(f) { return function() { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return f(a); }; }; var Std = function() { }; $hxClasses["Std"] = Std; Std.__name__ = ["Std"]; Std.string = function(s) { return js_Boot.__string_rec(s,""); }; Std.parseInt = function(x) { var v = parseInt(x,10); if(v == 0 && (HxOverrides.cca(x,1) == 120 || HxOverrides.cca(x,1) == 88)) { v = parseInt(x); } if(isNaN(v)) { return null; } return v; }; Std.random = function(x) { if(x <= 0) { return 0; } else { return Math.floor(Math.random() * x); } }; var StringBuf = function() { this.b = ""; }; $hxClasses["StringBuf"] = StringBuf; StringBuf.__name__ = ["StringBuf"]; StringBuf.prototype = { b: null ,__class__: StringBuf }; var StringTools = function() { }; $hxClasses["StringTools"] = StringTools; StringTools.__name__ = ["StringTools"]; StringTools.htmlEscape = function(s,quotes) { s = s.split("&").join("&").split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">"); if(quotes) { return s.split("\"").join(""").split("'").join("'"); } else { return s; } }; StringTools.startsWith = function(s,start) { if(s.length >= start.length) { return HxOverrides.substr(s,0,start.length) == start; } else { return false; } }; StringTools.endsWith = function(s,end) { var elen = end.length; var slen = s.length; if(slen >= elen) { return HxOverrides.substr(s,slen - elen,elen) == end; } else { return false; } }; StringTools.isSpace = function(s,pos) { var c = HxOverrides.cca(s,pos); if(!(c > 8 && c < 14)) { return c == 32; } else { return true; } }; StringTools.ltrim = function(s) { var l = s.length; var r = 0; while(r < l && StringTools.isSpace(s,r)) ++r; if(r > 0) { return HxOverrides.substr(s,r,l - r); } else { return s; } }; StringTools.rtrim = function(s) { var l = s.length; var r = 0; while(r < l && StringTools.isSpace(s,l - r - 1)) ++r; if(r > 0) { return HxOverrides.substr(s,0,l - r); } else { return s; } }; StringTools.trim = function(s) { return StringTools.ltrim(StringTools.rtrim(s)); }; StringTools.replace = function(s,sub,by) { return s.split(sub).join(by); }; StringTools.hex = function(n,digits) { var s = ""; var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; while(true) { s = hexChars.charAt(n & 15) + s; n >>>= 4; if(!(n > 0)) { break; } } if(digits != null) { while(s.length < digits) s = "0" + s; } return s; }; var ValueType = $hxClasses["ValueType"] = { __ename__ : ["ValueType"], __constructs__ : ["TNull","TInt","TFloat","TBool","TObject","TFunction","TClass","TEnum","TUnknown"] }; ValueType.TNull = ["TNull",0]; ValueType.TNull.toString = $estr; ValueType.TNull.__enum__ = ValueType; ValueType.TInt = ["TInt",1]; ValueType.TInt.toString = $estr; ValueType.TInt.__enum__ = ValueType; ValueType.TFloat = ["TFloat",2]; ValueType.TFloat.toString = $estr; ValueType.TFloat.__enum__ = ValueType; ValueType.TBool = ["TBool",3]; ValueType.TBool.toString = $estr; ValueType.TBool.__enum__ = ValueType; ValueType.TObject = ["TObject",4]; ValueType.TObject.toString = $estr; ValueType.TObject.__enum__ = ValueType; ValueType.TFunction = ["TFunction",5]; ValueType.TFunction.toString = $estr; ValueType.TFunction.__enum__ = ValueType; ValueType.TClass = function(c) { var $x = ["TClass",6,c]; $x.__enum__ = ValueType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; ValueType.TEnum = function(e) { var $x = ["TEnum",7,e]; $x.__enum__ = ValueType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; ValueType.TUnknown = ["TUnknown",8]; ValueType.TUnknown.toString = $estr; ValueType.TUnknown.__enum__ = ValueType; var Type = function() { }; $hxClasses["Type"] = Type; Type.__name__ = ["Type"]; Type.getEnum = function(o) { if(o == null) { return null; } return o.__enum__; }; Type.getSuperClass = function(c) { return c.__super__; }; Type.getClassName = function(c) { var a = c.__name__; if(a == null) { return null; } return a.join("."); }; Type.getEnumName = function(e) { var a = e.__ename__; return a.join("."); }; Type.resolveClass = function(name) { var cl = $hxClasses[name]; if(cl == null || !cl.__name__) { return null; } return cl; }; Type.resolveEnum = function(name) { var e = $hxClasses[name]; if(e == null || !e.__ename__) { return null; } return e; }; Type.createInstance = function(cl,args) { var _g = args.length; switch(_g) { case 0: return new cl(); case 1: return new cl(args[0]); case 2: return new cl(args[0],args[1]); case 3: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2]); case 4: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3]); case 5: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4]); case 6: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5]); case 7: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6]); case 8: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7]); case 9: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8]); case 10: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],args[9]); case 11: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],args[9],args[10]); case 12: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],args[9],args[10],args[11]); case 13: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],args[9],args[10],args[11],args[12]); case 14: return new cl(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],args[9],args[10],args[11],args[12],args[13]); default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Too many arguments"); } }; Type.createEmptyInstance = function(cl) { function empty() {}; empty.prototype = cl.prototype; return new empty(); }; Type.createEnum = function(e,constr,params) { var f = Reflect.field(e,constr); if(f == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("No such constructor " + constr); } if(Reflect.isFunction(f)) { if(params == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Constructor " + constr + " need parameters"); } return f.apply(e,params); } if(params != null && params.length != 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Constructor " + constr + " does not need parameters"); } return f; }; Type.getInstanceFields = function(c) { var a = []; for(var i in c.prototype) a.push(i); HxOverrides.remove(a,"__class__"); HxOverrides.remove(a,"__properties__"); return a; }; Type.getClassFields = function(c) { var a = Reflect.fields(c); HxOverrides.remove(a,"__name__"); HxOverrides.remove(a,"__interfaces__"); HxOverrides.remove(a,"__properties__"); HxOverrides.remove(a,"__super__"); HxOverrides.remove(a,"__meta__"); HxOverrides.remove(a,"prototype"); return a; }; Type["typeof"] = function(v) { var _g = typeof(v); switch(_g) { case "boolean": return ValueType.TBool; case "function": if(v.__name__ || v.__ename__) { return ValueType.TObject; } return ValueType.TFunction; case "number": if(Math.ceil(v) == v % 2147483648.0) { return ValueType.TInt; } return ValueType.TFloat; case "object": if(v == null) { return ValueType.TNull; } var e = v.__enum__; if(e != null) { return ValueType.TEnum(e); } var c = js_Boot.getClass(v); if(c != null) { return ValueType.TClass(c); } return ValueType.TObject; case "string": return ValueType.TClass(String); case "undefined": return ValueType.TNull; default: return ValueType.TUnknown; } }; Type.enumEq = function(a,b) { if(a == b) { return true; } try { if(a[0] != b[0]) { return false; } var _g1 = 2; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(!Type.enumEq(a[i],b[i])) { return false; } } var e = a.__enum__; if(e != b.__enum__ || e == null) { return false; } } catch( e1 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e1; return false; } return true; }; var _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["_UInt.UInt_Impl_"] = _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$; _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["_UInt","UInt_Impl_"]; _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt = function(a,b) { var aNeg = a < 0; var bNeg = b < 0; if(aNeg != bNeg) { return aNeg; } else { return a > b; } }; _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat = function(this1) { var $int = this1; if($int < 0) { return 4294967296.0 + $int; } else { return $int + 0.0; } }; var VictoryScreenState = function(dish,steps) { var background = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/victory_screen/victory_screen_splash.png"); DialogWithBackgroundState.call(this,background,["Toadette: \"And there you have it! " + dish + ", in just " + steps + " easy steps!\""]); this.dish = dish; }; $hxClasses["VictoryScreenState"] = VictoryScreenState; VictoryScreenState.__name__ = ["VictoryScreenState"]; VictoryScreenState.__super__ = DialogWithBackgroundState; VictoryScreenState.prototype = $extend(DialogWithBackgroundState.prototype,{ dish: null ,create: function() { DialogWithBackgroundState.prototype.create.call(this); var dishFileName = StringTools.replace(this.dish.toLowerCase()," ","_"); var sparkleBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/particles.png"); sparkleBitmapData = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.crop(sparkleBitmapData,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,32]),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([96,32])); var sparkle = new nova_render_NovaEmitter(100,120); sparkle.endAlpha = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0,0]); sparkle.lifespan = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([1.0,1.0]); sparkle.addParticles(sparkleBitmapData,50,1,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([3,1]),function() { return [Math.random() * 3 | 0]; }); sparkle.onCreate = function(n) { var v = Math.random() * 400 + 350; var a = 0.12000000000000001 + 0.16 * Math.random(); n.set_y(Math.random() * 400 + 600 * a - 200); n.set_x(-50 * a); n.velocity.set(v * Math.cos(a),v * -Math.sin(a)); n.onUpdate = function(p) { p.velocity.set(0.96 * p.velocity.x,0.96 * p.velocity.y); }; }; sparkle.rate = 0.03; var cookedFood = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic("assets/images/victory_screen/success_foods/" + dishFileName + ".png")); this.backgroundLayer.add(cookedFood); cookedFood.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([640,250 - cookedFood.get_height() / 2])); if(dishFileName == "salad" || dishFileName == "uni" || dishFileName == "tons_of_noodles") { var _g = cookedFood; _g.set_y(_g.y + 40); } flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(cookedFood,{ x : 640 - cookedFood.get_width()},0.2); var victoryBar = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic("assets/images/victory_screen/victory_screen_white_bar.png")); this.backgroundLayer.add(victoryBar); victoryBar.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([640,40])); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(victoryBar,{ x : 640 - victoryBar.get_width()},0.2,{ startDelay : 0.2}); var victoryText = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic("assets/images/victory_screen/victory_screen_success.png")); this.backgroundLayer.add(victoryText); victoryText.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([-victoryText.get_width(),20])); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(victoryText,{ x : 250},0.2,{ startDelay : 0.2}); this.backgroundLayer.add(sparkle); var bowserCutIn = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic("assets/images/victory_screen/victory_screen_bowser.png")); this.backgroundLayer.add(bowserCutIn); bowserCutIn.set_x(-bowserCutIn.get_width()); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(bowserCutIn,{ x : 0},0.2); } ,__class__: VictoryScreenState }); var Xml = function(nodeType) { this.nodeType = nodeType; this.children = []; this.attributeMap = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); }; $hxClasses["Xml"] = Xml; Xml.__name__ = ["Xml"]; Xml.parse = function(str) { return haxe_xml_Parser.parse(str); }; Xml.createElement = function(name) { var xml = new Xml(Xml.Element); if(xml.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + xml.nodeType); } xml.nodeName = name; return xml; }; Xml.createPCData = function(data) { var xml = new Xml(Xml.PCData); if(xml.nodeType == Xml.Document || xml.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + xml.nodeType); } xml.nodeValue = data; return xml; }; Xml.createCData = function(data) { var xml = new Xml(Xml.CData); if(xml.nodeType == Xml.Document || xml.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + xml.nodeType); } xml.nodeValue = data; return xml; }; Xml.createComment = function(data) { var xml = new Xml(Xml.Comment); if(xml.nodeType == Xml.Document || xml.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + xml.nodeType); } xml.nodeValue = data; return xml; }; Xml.createDocType = function(data) { var xml = new Xml(Xml.DocType); if(xml.nodeType == Xml.Document || xml.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + xml.nodeType); } xml.nodeValue = data; return xml; }; Xml.createProcessingInstruction = function(data) { var xml = new Xml(Xml.ProcessingInstruction); if(xml.nodeType == Xml.Document || xml.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + xml.nodeType); } xml.nodeValue = data; return xml; }; Xml.createDocument = function() { return new Xml(Xml.Document); }; Xml.prototype = { nodeType: null ,nodeName: null ,nodeValue: null ,parent: null ,children: null ,attributeMap: null ,get: function(att) { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + this.nodeType); } var _this = this.attributeMap; if(__map_reserved[att] != null) { return _this.getReserved(att); } else { return _this.h[att]; } } ,set: function(att,value) { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + this.nodeType); } var _this = this.attributeMap; if(__map_reserved[att] != null) { _this.setReserved(att,value); } else { _this.h[att] = value; } } ,exists: function(att) { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + this.nodeType); } var _this = this.attributeMap; if(__map_reserved[att] != null) { return _this.existsReserved(att); } else { return _this.h.hasOwnProperty(att); } } ,attributes: function() { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + this.nodeType); } return this.attributeMap.keys(); } ,elements: function() { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Document && this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element or Document but found " + this.nodeType); } var _g = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = this.children; while(_g1 < _g2.length) { var child = _g2[_g1]; ++_g1; if(child.nodeType == Xml.Element) { _g.push(child); } } var ret = _g; return HxOverrides.iter(ret); } ,elementsNamed: function(name) { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Document && this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element or Document but found " + this.nodeType); } var _g = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = this.children; while(_g1 < _g2.length) { var child = _g2[_g1]; ++_g1; var tmp; if(child.nodeType == Xml.Element) { if(child.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + child.nodeType); } tmp = child.nodeName == name; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { _g.push(child); } } var ret = _g; return HxOverrides.iter(ret); } ,firstElement: function() { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Document && this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element or Document but found " + this.nodeType); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(child.nodeType == Xml.Element) { return child; } } return null; } ,addChild: function(x) { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Document && this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element or Document but found " + this.nodeType); } if(x.parent != null) { x.parent.removeChild(x); } this.children.push(x); x.parent = this; } ,removeChild: function(x) { if(this.nodeType != Xml.Document && this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element or Document but found " + this.nodeType); } if(HxOverrides.remove(this.children,x)) { x.parent = null; return true; } return false; } ,__class__: Xml }; var flixel_IFlxBasic = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.IFlxBasic"] = flixel_IFlxBasic; flixel_IFlxBasic.__name__ = ["flixel","IFlxBasic"]; flixel_IFlxBasic.prototype = { set_exists: null ,set_alive: null ,set_visible: null ,set_active: null ,ID: null ,active: null ,visible: null ,alive: null ,exists: null ,draw: null ,update: null ,destroy: null ,kill: null ,revive: null ,toString: null ,__class__: flixel_IFlxBasic ,__properties__: {set_exists:"set_exists",set_alive:"set_alive",set_visible:"set_visible",set_active:"set_active"} }; var flixel_util_IFlxPooled = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.IFlxPooled"] = flixel_util_IFlxPooled; flixel_util_IFlxPooled.__name__ = ["flixel","util","IFlxPooled"]; flixel_util_IFlxPooled.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_util_IFlxPooled.prototype = { put: null ,_inPool: null ,__class__: flixel_util_IFlxPooled }; var flixel_util_IFlxPool = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.IFlxPool"] = flixel_util_IFlxPool; flixel_util_IFlxPool.__name__ = ["flixel","util","IFlxPool"]; flixel_util_IFlxPool.prototype = { preAllocate: null ,clear: null ,__class__: flixel_util_IFlxPool }; var flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxPoint = function(classObj) { this._count = 0; this._pool = []; this._class = classObj; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxPool_flixel_math_FlxPoint"] = flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxPoint; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxPoint.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxPool_flixel_math_FlxPoint"]; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxPoint.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxPool]; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxPoint.prototype = { _pool: null ,_class: null ,_count: null ,get: function() { if(this._count == 0) { return Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } return this._pool[--this._count]; } ,put: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { var i = this._pool.indexOf(obj); if(i == -1 || i >= this._count) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } } ,putUnsafe: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } ,preAllocate: function(numObjects) { while(numObjects-- > 0) this._pool[this._count++] = Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } ,clear: function() { this._count = 0; var oldPool = this._pool; this._pool = []; return oldPool; } ,get_length: function() { return this._count; } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxPoint ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length"} }; var flixel_math_FlxPoint = function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._inPool = false; this._weak = false; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; this.set(X,Y); }; $hxClasses["flixel.math.FlxPoint"] = flixel_math_FlxPoint; flixel_math_FlxPoint.__name__ = ["flixel","math","FlxPoint"]; flixel_math_FlxPoint.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxPooled]; flixel_math_FlxPoint.__properties__ = {get_pool:"get_pool"}; flixel_math_FlxPoint.get = function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; return point; }; flixel_math_FlxPoint.weak = function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; return point1; }; flixel_math_FlxPoint.get_pool = function() { return flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool; }; flixel_math_FlxPoint.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,_weak: null ,_inPool: null ,put: function() { if(!this._inPool) { this._inPool = true; this._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.putUnsafe(this); } } ,putWeak: function() { if(this._weak) { this.put(); } } ,set: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this.set_x(X); this.set_y(Y); return this; } ,add: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.x + X); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + Y); return this; } ,addPoint: function(point) { var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.x + point.x); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + point.y); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } return this; } ,addPointWeak: function(point) { var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.x + point.x); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + point.y); return this; } ,subtract: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.x - X); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - Y); return this; } ,subtractPoint: function(point) { var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.x - point.x); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - point.y); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } return this; } ,subtractPointWeak: function(point) { var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.x - point.x); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - point.y); return this; } ,scale: function(k) { var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.x * k); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y * k); return this; } ,copyFrom: function(point) { this.set_x(point.x); this.set_y(point.y); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } return this; } ,copyTo: function(point) { if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } point.set_x(this.x); point.set_y(this.y); return point; } ,copyFromFlash: function(FlashPoint) { this.set_x(FlashPoint.x); this.set_y(FlashPoint.y); return this; } ,copyToFlash: function(FlashPoint) { if(FlashPoint == null) { FlashPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); } FlashPoint.x = this.x; FlashPoint.y = this.y; return FlashPoint; } ,addToFlash: function(FlashPoint) { FlashPoint.x += this.x; FlashPoint.y += this.y; return FlashPoint; } ,subtractFromFlash: function(FlashPoint) { FlashPoint.x -= this.x; FlashPoint.y -= this.y; return FlashPoint; } ,inCoords: function(RectX,RectY,RectWidth,RectHeight) { return flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInCoordinates(this.x,this.y,RectX,RectY,RectWidth,RectHeight); } ,inRect: function(Rect) { return flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(this.x,this.y,Rect); } ,distanceTo: function(point) { var dx = this.x - point.x; var dy = this.y - point.y; if(point._weak) { point.put(); } return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } ,floor: function() { this.set_x(Math.floor(this.x)); this.set_y(Math.floor(this.y)); return this; } ,ceil: function() { this.set_x(Math.ceil(this.x)); this.set_y(Math.ceil(this.y)); return this; } ,round: function() { this.set_x(Math.round(this.x)); this.set_y(Math.round(this.y)); return this; } ,rotate: function(Pivot,Angle) { var radians = Angle * (Math.PI / 180); var n = radians; n *= 0.3183098862; if(n > 1) { n -= Math.ceil(n) >> 1 << 1; } else if(n < -1) { n += Math.ceil(-n) >> 1 << 1; } var sin = n > 0 ? n * (3.1 + n * (0.5 + n * (-7.2 + n * 3.6))) : n * (3.1 - n * (0.5 + n * (7.2 + n * 3.6))); var n1 = radians + 1.570796327; n1 *= 0.3183098862; if(n1 > 1) { n1 -= Math.ceil(n1) >> 1 << 1; } else if(n1 < -1) { n1 += Math.ceil(-n1) >> 1 << 1; } var cos = n1 > 0 ? n1 * (3.1 + n1 * (0.5 + n1 * (-7.2 + n1 * 3.6))) : n1 * (3.1 - n1 * (0.5 + n1 * (7.2 + n1 * 3.6))); var dx = this.x - Pivot.x; var dy = this.y - Pivot.y; this.set_x(cos * dx - sin * dy + Pivot.x); this.set_y(sin * dx + cos * dy + Pivot.y); if(Pivot._weak) { Pivot.put(); } return this; } ,angleBetween: function(point) { var x = point.x - this.x; var y = point.y - this.y; var angle = 0; if(x != 0 || y != 0) { var c1 = Math.PI * 0.25; var c2 = 3 * c1; var ay = y < 0 ? -y : y; if(x >= 0) { angle = c1 - c1 * ((x - ay) / (x + ay)); } else { angle = c2 - c1 * ((x + ay) / (ay - x)); } angle = (y < 0 ? -angle : angle) * (180 / Math.PI); if(angle > 90) { angle -= 270; } else { angle += 90; } } if(point._weak) { point.put(); } return angle; } ,toVector: function() { var x = this.x; var y = this.y; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(x,y); point._inPool = false; return point; } ,equals: function(point) { var result = Math.abs(this.x - point.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this.y - point.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point._weak) { point.put(); } return result; } ,destroy: function() { } ,transform: function(matrix) { var x1 = this.x * matrix.a + this.y * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var y1 = this.x * matrix.b + this.y * matrix.d + matrix.ty; return this.set(x1,y1); } ,toString: function() { var value = this.x; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "x"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.y; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "y"; _this1.value = value1; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1]); } ,set_x: function(Value) { return this.x = Value; } ,set_y: function(Value) { return this.y = Value; } ,__class__: flixel_math_FlxPoint ,__properties__: {set_y:"set_y",set_x:"set_x"} }; var flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxRect = function(classObj) { this._count = 0; this._pool = []; this._class = classObj; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxPool_flixel_math_FlxRect"] = flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxRect; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxRect.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxPool_flixel_math_FlxRect"]; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxRect.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxPool]; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxRect.prototype = { _pool: null ,_class: null ,_count: null ,get: function() { if(this._count == 0) { return Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } return this._pool[--this._count]; } ,put: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { var i = this._pool.indexOf(obj); if(i == -1 || i >= this._count) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } } ,putUnsafe: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } ,preAllocate: function(numObjects) { while(numObjects-- > 0) this._pool[this._count++] = Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } ,clear: function() { this._count = 0; var oldPool = this._pool; this._pool = []; return oldPool; } ,get_length: function() { return this._count; } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$math_$FlxRect ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length"} }; var flixel_math_FlxRect = function(X,Y,Width,Height) { if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._inPool = false; this._weak = false; this.x = X; this.y = Y; this.width = Width; this.height = Height; }; $hxClasses["flixel.math.FlxRect"] = flixel_math_FlxRect; flixel_math_FlxRect.__name__ = ["flixel","math","FlxRect"]; flixel_math_FlxRect.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxPooled]; flixel_math_FlxRect.__properties__ = {get_pool:"get_pool"}; flixel_math_FlxRect.get = function(X,Y,Width,Height) { if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; return rect; }; flixel_math_FlxRect.weak = function(X,Y,Width,Height) { if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; var rect1 = rect; rect1._weak = true; return rect1; }; flixel_math_FlxRect.get_pool = function() { return flixel_math_FlxRect._pool; }; flixel_math_FlxRect.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,width: null ,height: null ,isEmpty: null ,_weak: null ,_inPool: null ,put: function() { if(!this._inPool) { this._inPool = true; this._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(this); } } ,putWeak: function() { if(this._weak) { if(!this._inPool) { this._inPool = true; this._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(this); } } } ,setSize: function(Width,Height) { this.width = Width; this.height = Height; return this; } ,setPosition: function(x,y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; return this; } ,set: function(X,Y,Width,Height) { if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this.x = X; this.y = Y; this.width = Width; this.height = Height; return this; } ,copyFrom: function(Rect) { this.x = Rect.x; this.y = Rect.y; this.width = Rect.width; this.height = Rect.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } return this; } ,copyTo: function(Rect) { Rect.x = this.x; Rect.y = this.y; Rect.width = this.width; Rect.height = this.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } return Rect; } ,copyFromFlash: function(FlashRect) { this.x = FlashRect.x; this.y = FlashRect.y; this.width = FlashRect.width; this.height = FlashRect.height; return this; } ,copyToFlash: function(FlashRect) { if(FlashRect == null) { FlashRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } FlashRect.x = this.x; FlashRect.y = this.y; FlashRect.width = this.width; FlashRect.height = this.height; return FlashRect; } ,overlaps: function(Rect) { var result = Rect.x + Rect.width > this.x && Rect.x < this.x + this.width && Rect.y + Rect.height > this.y && Rect.y < this.y + this.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } return result; } ,containsPoint: function(Point) { var result = flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(Point.x,Point.y,this); if(Point._weak) { Point.put(); } return result; } ,union: function(Rect) { var minX = Math.min(this.x,Rect.x); var minY = Math.min(this.y,Rect.y); var maxX = Math.max(this.x + this.width,Rect.x + Rect.width); var maxY = Math.max(this.y + this.height,Rect.y + Rect.height); if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } this.x = minX; this.y = minY; this.width = maxX - minX; this.height = maxY - minY; return this; } ,floor: function() { this.x = Math.floor(this.x); this.y = Math.floor(this.y); this.width = Math.floor(this.width); this.height = Math.floor(this.height); return this; } ,ceil: function() { this.x = Math.ceil(this.x); this.y = Math.ceil(this.y); this.width = Math.ceil(this.width); this.height = Math.ceil(this.height); return this; } ,round: function() { this.x = Math.round(this.x); this.y = Math.round(this.y); this.width = Math.round(this.width); this.height = Math.round(this.height); return this; } ,fromTwoPoints: function(Point1,Point2) { var minX = Math.min(Point1.x,Point2.x); var minY = Math.min(Point1.y,Point2.y); var maxX = Math.max(Point1.x,Point2.x); var maxY = Math.max(Point1.y,Point2.y); if(Point1._weak) { Point1.put(); } if(Point2._weak) { Point2.put(); } this.x = minX; this.y = minY; this.width = maxX - minX; this.height = maxY - minY; return this; } ,unionWithPoint: function(Point) { var minX = Math.min(this.x,Point.x); var minY = Math.min(this.y,Point.y); var maxX = Math.max(this.x + this.width,Point.x); var maxY = Math.max(this.y + this.height,Point.y); if(Point._weak) { Point.put(); } this.x = minX; this.y = minY; this.width = maxX - minX; this.height = maxY - minY; return this; } ,offset: function(dx,dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; return this; } ,destroy: function() { } ,equals: function(rect) { var result = Math.abs(this.x - rect.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this.y - rect.y) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this.width - rect.width) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this.height - rect.height) <= 0.0000001; if(rect._weak) { if(!rect._inPool) { rect._inPool = true; rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(rect); } } return result; } ,intersection: function(rect,result) { if(result == null) { var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect1 = _this; rect1._inPool = false; result = rect1; } var x0 = this.x < rect.x ? rect.x : this.x; var x1 = this.x + this.width > rect.x + rect.width ? rect.x + rect.width : this.x + this.width; if(x1 <= x0) { if(rect._weak) { if(!rect._inPool) { rect._inPool = true; rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(rect); } } return result; } var y0 = this.y < rect.y ? rect.y : this.y; var y1 = this.y + this.height > rect.y + rect.height ? rect.y + rect.height : this.y + this.height; if(y1 <= y0) { if(rect._weak) { if(!rect._inPool) { rect._inPool = true; rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(rect); } } return result; } if(rect._weak) { if(!rect._inPool) { rect._inPool = true; rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(rect); } } result.x = x0; result.y = y0; result.width = x1 - x0; result.height = y1 - y0; return result; } ,toString: function() { var value = this.x; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "x"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.y; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "y"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this.width; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "w"; _this2.value = value2; var value3 = this.height; var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "h"; _this3.value = value3; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2,_this3]); } ,get_left: function() { return this.x; } ,set_left: function(Value) { this.width -= Value - this.x; return this.x = Value; } ,get_right: function() { return this.x + this.width; } ,set_right: function(Value) { this.width = Value - this.x; return Value; } ,get_top: function() { return this.y; } ,set_top: function(Value) { this.height -= Value - this.y; return this.y = Value; } ,get_bottom: function() { return this.y + this.height; } ,set_bottom: function(Value) { this.height = Value - this.y; return Value; } ,get_isEmpty: function() { if(this.width != 0) { return this.height == 0; } else { return true; } } ,__class__: flixel_math_FlxRect ,__properties__: {get_isEmpty:"get_isEmpty",set_bottom:"set_bottom",get_bottom:"get_bottom",set_top:"set_top",get_top:"get_top",set_right:"set_right",get_right:"get_right",set_left:"set_left",get_left:"get_left"} }; var lime_math_Matrix3 = function(a,b,c,d,tx,ty) { if(ty == null) { ty = 0; } if(tx == null) { tx = 0; } if(d == null) { d = 1; } if(c == null) { c = 0; } if(b == null) { b = 0; } if(a == null) { a = 1; } this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; }; $hxClasses["lime.math.Matrix3"] = lime_math_Matrix3; lime_math_Matrix3.__name__ = ["lime","math","Matrix3"]; lime_math_Matrix3.prototype = { a: null ,b: null ,c: null ,d: null ,tx: null ,ty: null ,clone: function() { return new lime_math_Matrix3(this.a,this.b,this.c,this.d,this.tx,this.ty); } ,concat: function(m) { var a1 = this.a * m.a + this.b * m.c; this.b = this.a * m.b + this.b * m.d; this.a = a1; var c1 = this.c * m.a + this.d * m.c; this.d = this.c * m.b + this.d * m.d; this.c = c1; var tx1 = this.tx * m.a + this.ty * m.c + m.tx; this.ty = this.tx * m.b + this.ty * m.d + m.ty; this.tx = tx1; } ,copyColumnFrom: function(column,vector4) { if(column > 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Column " + column + " out of bounds (2)"); } else if(column == 0) { this.a = vector4.x; this.b = vector4.y; } else if(column == 1) { this.c = vector4.x; this.d = vector4.y; } else { this.tx = vector4.x; this.ty = vector4.y; } } ,copyColumnTo: function(column,vector4) { if(column > 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Column " + column + " out of bounds (2)"); } else if(column == 0) { vector4.x = this.a; vector4.y = this.b; vector4.z = 0; } else if(column == 1) { vector4.x = this.c; vector4.y = this.d; vector4.z = 0; } else { vector4.x = this.tx; vector4.y = this.ty; vector4.z = 1; } } ,copyFrom: function(sourceMatrix3) { this.a = sourceMatrix3.a; this.b = sourceMatrix3.b; this.c = sourceMatrix3.c; this.d = sourceMatrix3.d; this.tx = sourceMatrix3.tx; this.ty = sourceMatrix3.ty; } ,copyRowFrom: function(row,vector4) { if(row > 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Row " + row + " out of bounds (2)"); } else if(row == 0) { this.a = vector4.x; this.c = vector4.y; this.tx = vector4.z; } else if(row == 1) { this.b = vector4.x; this.d = vector4.y; this.ty = vector4.z; } } ,copyRowTo: function(row,vector4) { if(row > 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Row " + row + " out of bounds (2)"); } else if(row == 0) { vector4.x = this.a; vector4.y = this.c; vector4.z = this.tx; } else if(row == 1) { vector4.x = this.b; vector4.y = this.d; vector4.z = this.ty; } else { vector4.x = 0; vector4.y = 0; vector4.z = 1; } } ,createBox: function(scaleX,scaleY,rotation,tx,ty) { if(ty == null) { ty = 0; } if(tx == null) { tx = 0; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } if(rotation != 0) { var cos = Math.cos(rotation); var sin = Math.sin(rotation); this.a = cos * scaleX; this.b = sin * scaleY; this.c = -sin * scaleX; this.d = cos * scaleY; } else { this.a = scaleX; this.b = 0; this.c = 0; this.d = scaleY; } this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; } ,createGradientBox: function(width,height,rotation,tx,ty) { if(ty == null) { ty = 0; } if(tx == null) { tx = 0; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } this.a = width / 1638.4; this.d = height / 1638.4; if(rotation != 0) { var cos = Math.cos(rotation); var sin = Math.sin(rotation); this.b = sin * this.d; this.c = -sin * this.a; this.a *= cos; this.d *= cos; } else { this.b = 0; this.c = 0; } this.tx = tx + width / 2; this.ty = ty + height / 2; } ,equals: function(matrix3) { if(matrix3 != null && this.tx == matrix3.tx && this.ty == matrix3.ty && this.a == matrix3.a && this.b == matrix3.b && this.c == matrix3.c) { return this.d == matrix3.d; } else { return false; } } ,deltaTransformVector: function(Vector2,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector2(); } result.x = Vector2.x * this.a + Vector2.y * this.c; result.y = Vector2.x * this.b + Vector2.y * this.d; return result; } ,identity: function() { this.a = 1; this.b = 0; this.c = 0; this.d = 1; this.tx = 0; this.ty = 0; } ,invert: function() { var norm = this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c; if(norm == 0) { this.a = this.b = this.c = this.d = 0; this.tx = -this.tx; this.ty = -this.ty; } else { norm = 1.0 / norm; var a1 = this.d * norm; this.d = this.a * norm; this.a = a1; this.b *= -norm; this.c *= -norm; var tx1 = -this.a * this.tx - this.c * this.ty; this.ty = -this.b * this.tx - this.d * this.ty; this.tx = tx1; } return this; } ,rotate: function(theta) { var cos = Math.cos(theta); var sin = Math.sin(theta); var a1 = this.a * cos - this.b * sin; this.b = this.a * sin + this.b * cos; this.a = a1; var c1 = this.c * cos - this.d * sin; this.d = this.c * sin + this.d * cos; this.c = c1; var tx1 = this.tx * cos - this.ty * sin; this.ty = this.tx * sin + this.ty * cos; this.tx = tx1; } ,scale: function(sx,sy) { this.a *= sx; this.b *= sy; this.c *= sx; this.d *= sy; this.tx *= sx; this.ty *= sy; } ,setRotation: function(theta,scale) { if(scale == null) { scale = 1; } this.a = Math.cos(theta) * scale; this.c = Math.sin(theta) * scale; this.b = -this.c; this.d = this.a; } ,setTo: function(a,b,c,d,tx,ty) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; } ,to3DString: function(roundPixels) { if(roundPixels == null) { roundPixels = false; } if(roundPixels) { return "matrix3d(" + this.a + ", " + this.b + ", " + "0, 0, " + this.c + ", " + this.d + ", " + "0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, " + (this.tx | 0) + ", " + (this.ty | 0) + ", 0, 1)"; } else { return "matrix3d(" + this.a + ", " + this.b + ", " + "0, 0, " + this.c + ", " + this.d + ", " + "0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, " + this.tx + ", " + this.ty + ", 0, 1)"; } } ,toString: function() { return "matrix(" + this.a + ", " + this.b + ", " + this.c + ", " + this.d + ", " + this.tx + ", " + this.ty + ")"; } ,transformRect: function(rect,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Rectangle(); } var tx0 = this.a * rect.x + this.c * rect.y; var tx1 = tx0; var ty0 = this.b * rect.x + this.d * rect.y; var ty1 = ty0; var tx = this.a * (rect.x + rect.width) + this.c * rect.y; var ty = this.b * (rect.x + rect.width) + this.d * rect.y; if(tx < tx0) { tx0 = tx; } if(ty < ty0) { ty0 = ty; } if(tx > tx1) { tx1 = tx; } if(ty > ty1) { ty1 = ty; } tx = this.a * (rect.x + rect.width) + this.c * (rect.y + rect.height); ty = this.b * (rect.x + rect.width) + this.d * (rect.y + rect.height); if(tx < tx0) { tx0 = tx; } if(ty < ty0) { ty0 = ty; } if(tx > tx1) { tx1 = tx; } if(ty > ty1) { ty1 = ty; } tx = this.a * rect.x + this.c * (rect.y + rect.height); ty = this.b * rect.x + this.d * (rect.y + rect.height); if(tx < tx0) { tx0 = tx; } if(ty < ty0) { ty0 = ty; } if(tx > tx1) { tx1 = tx; } if(ty > ty1) { ty1 = ty; } result.setTo(tx0 + tx,ty0 + ty,tx1 - tx0,ty1 - ty0); return result; } ,transformVector: function(pos,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector2(); } result.x = pos.x * this.a + pos.y * this.c + this.tx; result.y = pos.x * this.b + pos.y * this.d + this.ty; return result; } ,translate: function(dx,dy) { this.tx += dx; this.ty += dy; } ,__class__: lime_math_Matrix3 }; var openfl_geom_Matrix = function(a,b,c,d,tx,ty) { if(ty == null) { ty = 0; } if(tx == null) { tx = 0; } if(d == null) { d = 1; } if(c == null) { c = 0; } if(b == null) { b = 0; } if(a == null) { a = 1; } this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; }; $hxClasses["openfl.geom.Matrix"] = openfl_geom_Matrix; openfl_geom_Matrix.__name__ = ["openfl","geom","Matrix"]; openfl_geom_Matrix.prototype = { a: null ,b: null ,c: null ,d: null ,tx: null ,ty: null ,__array: null ,clone: function() { return new openfl_geom_Matrix(this.a,this.b,this.c,this.d,this.tx,this.ty); } ,concat: function(m) { var a1 = this.a * m.a + this.b * m.c; this.b = this.a * m.b + this.b * m.d; this.a = a1; var c1 = this.c * m.a + this.d * m.c; this.d = this.c * m.b + this.d * m.d; this.c = c1; var tx1 = this.tx * m.a + this.ty * m.c + m.tx; this.ty = this.tx * m.b + this.ty * m.d + m.ty; this.tx = tx1; } ,copyColumnFrom: function(column,vector3D) { if(column > 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Column " + column + " out of bounds (2)"); } else if(column == 0) { this.a = vector3D.x; this.b = vector3D.y; } else if(column == 1) { this.c = vector3D.x; this.d = vector3D.y; } else { this.tx = vector3D.x; this.ty = vector3D.y; } } ,copyColumnTo: function(column,vector3D) { if(column > 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Column " + column + " out of bounds (2)"); } else if(column == 0) { vector3D.x = this.a; vector3D.y = this.b; vector3D.z = 0; } else if(column == 1) { vector3D.x = this.c; vector3D.y = this.d; vector3D.z = 0; } else { vector3D.x = this.tx; vector3D.y = this.ty; vector3D.z = 1; } } ,copyFrom: function(sourceMatrix) { this.a = sourceMatrix.a; this.b = sourceMatrix.b; this.c = sourceMatrix.c; this.d = sourceMatrix.d; this.tx = sourceMatrix.tx; this.ty = sourceMatrix.ty; } ,copyRowFrom: function(row,vector3D) { if(row > 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Row " + row + " out of bounds (2)"); } else if(row == 0) { this.a = vector3D.x; this.c = vector3D.y; this.tx = vector3D.z; } else if(row == 1) { this.b = vector3D.x; this.d = vector3D.y; this.ty = vector3D.z; } } ,copyRowTo: function(row,vector3D) { if(row > 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Row " + row + " out of bounds (2)"); } else if(row == 0) { vector3D.x = this.a; vector3D.y = this.c; vector3D.z = this.tx; } else if(row == 1) { vector3D.x = this.b; vector3D.y = this.d; vector3D.z = this.ty; } else { vector3D.setTo(0,0,1); } } ,createBox: function(scaleX,scaleY,rotation,tx,ty) { if(ty == null) { ty = 0; } if(tx == null) { tx = 0; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } if(rotation != 0) { var cos = Math.cos(rotation); var sin = Math.sin(rotation); this.a = cos * scaleX; this.b = sin * scaleY; this.c = -sin * scaleX; this.d = cos * scaleY; } else { this.a = scaleX; this.b = 0; this.c = 0; this.d = scaleY; } this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; } ,createGradientBox: function(width,height,rotation,tx,ty) { if(ty == null) { ty = 0; } if(tx == null) { tx = 0; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } this.a = width / 1638.4; this.d = height / 1638.4; if(rotation != 0) { var cos = Math.cos(rotation); var sin = Math.sin(rotation); this.b = sin * this.d; this.c = -sin * this.a; this.a *= cos; this.d *= cos; } else { this.b = 0; this.c = 0; } this.tx = tx + width / 2; this.ty = ty + height / 2; } ,deltaTransformPoint: function(point) { return new openfl_geom_Point(point.x * this.a + point.y * this.c,point.x * this.b + point.y * this.d); } ,equals: function(matrix) { if(matrix != null && this.tx == matrix.tx && this.ty == matrix.ty && this.a == matrix.a && this.b == matrix.b && this.c == matrix.c) { return this.d == matrix.d; } else { return false; } } ,identity: function() { this.a = 1; this.b = 0; this.c = 0; this.d = 1; this.tx = 0; this.ty = 0; } ,invert: function() { var norm = this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c; if(norm == 0) { this.a = this.b = this.c = this.d = 0; this.tx = -this.tx; this.ty = -this.ty; } else { norm = 1.0 / norm; var a1 = this.d * norm; this.d = this.a * norm; this.a = a1; this.b *= -norm; this.c *= -norm; var tx1 = -this.a * this.tx - this.c * this.ty; this.ty = -this.b * this.tx - this.d * this.ty; this.tx = tx1; } return this; } ,rotate: function(theta) { var cos = Math.cos(theta); var sin = Math.sin(theta); var a1 = this.a * cos - this.b * sin; this.b = this.a * sin + this.b * cos; this.a = a1; var c1 = this.c * cos - this.d * sin; this.d = this.c * sin + this.d * cos; this.c = c1; var tx1 = this.tx * cos - this.ty * sin; this.ty = this.tx * sin + this.ty * cos; this.tx = tx1; } ,scale: function(sx,sy) { this.a *= sx; this.b *= sy; this.c *= sx; this.d *= sy; this.tx *= sx; this.ty *= sy; } ,setRotation: function(theta,scale) { if(scale == null) { scale = 1; } this.a = Math.cos(theta) * scale; this.c = Math.sin(theta) * scale; this.b = -this.c; this.d = this.a; } ,setTo: function(a,b,c,d,tx,ty) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; } ,to3DString: function(roundPixels) { if(roundPixels == null) { roundPixels = false; } if(roundPixels) { return "matrix3d(" + this.a + ", " + this.b + ", 0, 0, " + this.c + ", " + this.d + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, " + (this.tx | 0) + ", " + (this.ty | 0) + ", 0, 1)"; } else { return "matrix3d(" + this.a + ", " + this.b + ", 0, 0, " + this.c + ", " + this.d + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, " + this.tx + ", " + this.ty + ", 0, 1)"; } } ,toMozString: function() { return "matrix(" + this.a + ", " + this.b + ", " + this.c + ", " + this.d + ", " + this.tx + "px, " + this.ty + "px)"; } ,toString: function() { return "matrix(" + this.a + ", " + this.b + ", " + this.c + ", " + this.d + ", " + this.tx + ", " + this.ty + ")"; } ,transformPoint: function(pos) { return new openfl_geom_Point(pos.x * this.a + pos.y * this.c + this.tx,pos.x * this.b + pos.y * this.d + this.ty); } ,translate: function(dx,dy) { this.tx += dx; this.ty += dy; } ,toArray: function(transpose) { if(transpose == null) { transpose = false; } if(this.__array == null) { var this1 = new Float32Array(9); this.__array = this1; } if(transpose) { this.__array[0] = this.a; this.__array[1] = this.b; this.__array[2] = 0; this.__array[3] = this.c; this.__array[4] = this.d; this.__array[5] = 0; this.__array[6] = this.tx; this.__array[7] = this.ty; this.__array[8] = 1; } else { this.__array[0] = this.a; this.__array[1] = this.c; this.__array[2] = this.tx; this.__array[3] = this.b; this.__array[4] = this.d; this.__array[5] = this.ty; this.__array[6] = 0; this.__array[7] = 0; this.__array[8] = 1; } return this.__array; } ,__cleanValues: function() { this.a = Math.round(this.a * 1000) / 1000; this.b = Math.round(this.b * 1000) / 1000; this.c = Math.round(this.c * 1000) / 1000; this.d = Math.round(this.d * 1000) / 1000; this.tx = Math.round(this.tx * 10) / 10; this.ty = Math.round(this.ty * 10) / 10; } ,__toMatrix3: function() { openfl_geom_Matrix.__matrix3.setTo(this.a,this.b,this.c,this.d,this.tx,this.ty); return openfl_geom_Matrix.__matrix3; } ,__transformInversePoint: function(point) { var norm = this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c; if(norm == 0) { point.x = -this.tx; point.y = -this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (this.c * (this.ty - point.y) + this.d * (point.x - this.tx)); point.y = 1.0 / norm * (this.a * (point.y - this.ty) + this.b * (this.tx - point.x)); point.x = px; } } ,__transformInverseX: function(px,py) { var norm = this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c; if(norm == 0) { return -this.tx; } else { return 1.0 / norm * (this.c * (this.ty - py) + this.d * (px - this.tx)); } } ,__transformInverseY: function(px,py) { var norm = this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c; if(norm == 0) { return -this.ty; } else { return 1.0 / norm * (this.a * (py - this.ty) + this.b * (this.tx - px)); } } ,__transformPoint: function(point) { var px = point.x; var py = point.y; point.x = px * this.a + py * this.c + this.tx; point.y = px * this.b + py * this.d + this.ty; } ,__transformX: function(px,py) { return px * this.a + py * this.c + this.tx; } ,__transformY: function(px,py) { return px * this.b + py * this.d + this.ty; } ,__translateTransformed: function(px,py) { this.tx = px * this.a + py * this.c + this.tx; this.ty = px * this.b + py * this.d + this.ty; } ,__class__: openfl_geom_Matrix }; var openfl_geom_ColorTransform = function(redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier,redOffset,greenOffset,blueOffset,alphaOffset) { if(alphaOffset == null) { alphaOffset = 0; } if(blueOffset == null) { blueOffset = 0; } if(greenOffset == null) { greenOffset = 0; } if(redOffset == null) { redOffset = 0; } if(alphaMultiplier == null) { alphaMultiplier = 1; } if(blueMultiplier == null) { blueMultiplier = 1; } if(greenMultiplier == null) { greenMultiplier = 1; } if(redMultiplier == null) { redMultiplier = 1; } this.redMultiplier = redMultiplier; this.greenMultiplier = greenMultiplier; this.blueMultiplier = blueMultiplier; this.alphaMultiplier = alphaMultiplier; this.redOffset = redOffset; this.greenOffset = greenOffset; this.blueOffset = blueOffset; this.alphaOffset = alphaOffset; }; $hxClasses["openfl.geom.ColorTransform"] = openfl_geom_ColorTransform; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__name__ = ["openfl","geom","ColorTransform"]; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix = null; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.prototype = { alphaMultiplier: null ,alphaOffset: null ,blueMultiplier: null ,blueOffset: null ,greenMultiplier: null ,greenOffset: null ,redMultiplier: null ,redOffset: null ,concat: function(second) { this.redOffset = second.redOffset * this.redMultiplier + this.redOffset; this.greenOffset = second.greenOffset * this.greenMultiplier + this.greenOffset; this.blueOffset = second.blueOffset * this.blueMultiplier + this.blueOffset; this.alphaOffset = second.alphaOffset * this.alphaMultiplier + this.alphaOffset; this.redMultiplier *= second.redMultiplier; this.greenMultiplier *= second.greenMultiplier; this.blueMultiplier *= second.blueMultiplier; this.alphaMultiplier *= second.alphaMultiplier; } ,toString: function() { return "(redMultiplier=" + this.redMultiplier + ", greenMultiplier=" + this.greenMultiplier + ", blueMultiplier=" + this.blueMultiplier + ", alphaMultiplier=" + this.alphaMultiplier + ", redOffset=" + this.redOffset + ", greenOffset=" + this.greenOffset + ", blueOffset=" + this.blueOffset + ", alphaOffset=" + this.alphaOffset + ")"; } ,__clone: function() { return new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(this.redMultiplier,this.greenMultiplier,this.blueMultiplier,this.alphaMultiplier,this.redOffset,this.greenOffset,this.blueOffset,this.alphaOffset); } ,__copyFrom: function(ct) { this.redMultiplier = ct.redMultiplier; this.greenMultiplier = ct.greenMultiplier; this.blueMultiplier = ct.blueMultiplier; this.alphaMultiplier = ct.alphaMultiplier; this.redOffset = ct.redOffset; this.greenOffset = ct.greenOffset; this.blueOffset = ct.blueOffset; this.alphaOffset = ct.alphaOffset; } ,__combine: function(ct) { this.redMultiplier *= ct.redMultiplier; this.greenMultiplier *= ct.greenMultiplier; this.blueMultiplier *= ct.blueMultiplier; this.alphaMultiplier *= ct.alphaMultiplier; this.redOffset += ct.redOffset; this.greenOffset += ct.greenOffset; this.blueOffset += ct.blueOffset; this.alphaOffset += ct.alphaOffset; } ,__identity: function() { this.redMultiplier = 1; this.greenMultiplier = 1; this.blueMultiplier = 1; this.alphaMultiplier = 1; this.redOffset = 0; this.greenOffset = 0; this.blueOffset = 0; this.alphaOffset = 0; } ,__invert: function() { this.redMultiplier = 1 / this.redMultiplier; this.greenMultiplier = 1 / this.greenMultiplier; this.blueMultiplier = 1 / this.blueMultiplier; this.alphaMultiplier = 1 / this.alphaMultiplier; this.redOffset = -this.redOffset; this.greenOffset = -this.greenOffset; this.blueOffset = -this.blueOffset; this.alphaOffset = -this.alphaOffset; } ,__equals: function(ct,ignoreAlphaMultiplier) { if(ct != null && this.redMultiplier == ct.redMultiplier && this.greenMultiplier == ct.greenMultiplier && this.blueMultiplier == ct.blueMultiplier && (ignoreAlphaMultiplier || this.alphaMultiplier == ct.alphaMultiplier) && this.redOffset == ct.redOffset && this.greenOffset == ct.greenOffset && this.blueOffset == ct.blueOffset) { return this.alphaOffset == ct.alphaOffset; } else { return false; } } ,__isDefault: function(ignoreAlphaMultiplier) { if(ignoreAlphaMultiplier) { if(this.redMultiplier == 1 && this.greenMultiplier == 1 && this.blueMultiplier == 1 && this.redOffset == 0 && this.greenOffset == 0 && this.blueOffset == 0) { return this.alphaOffset == 0; } else { return false; } } else if(this.redMultiplier == 1 && this.greenMultiplier == 1 && this.blueMultiplier == 1 && this.alphaMultiplier == 1 && this.redOffset == 0 && this.greenOffset == 0 && this.blueOffset == 0) { return this.alphaOffset == 0; } else { return false; } } ,__setArrays: function(colorMultipliers,colorOffsets) { colorMultipliers[0] = this.redMultiplier; colorMultipliers[1] = this.greenMultiplier; colorMultipliers[2] = this.blueMultiplier; colorMultipliers[3] = this.alphaMultiplier; colorOffsets[0] = this.redOffset; colorOffsets[1] = this.greenOffset; colorOffsets[2] = this.blueOffset; colorOffsets[3] = this.alphaOffset; } ,get_color: function() { return (this.redOffset | 0) << 16 | (this.greenOffset | 0) << 8 | (this.blueOffset | 0); } ,set_color: function(value) { this.redOffset = value >> 16 & 255; this.greenOffset = value >> 8 & 255; this.blueOffset = value & 255; this.redMultiplier = 0; this.greenMultiplier = 0; this.blueMultiplier = 0; return this.get_color(); } ,__toLimeColorMatrix: function() { if(openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix == null) { var this1 = new Float32Array(20); openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix = this1; } openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix[0] = this.redMultiplier; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix[4] = this.redOffset / 255; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix[6] = this.greenMultiplier; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix[9] = this.greenOffset / 255; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix[12] = this.blueMultiplier; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix[14] = this.blueOffset / 255; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix[18] = this.alphaMultiplier; openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix[19] = this.alphaOffset / 255; return openfl_geom_ColorTransform.__limeColorMatrix; } ,__class__: openfl_geom_ColorTransform ,__properties__: {set_color:"set_color",get_color:"get_color"} }; var flixel_FlxCamera = function(X,Y,Width,Height,Zoom) { if(Zoom == null) { Zoom = 0; } if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._helperPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); this._helperMatrix = new flixel_math_FlxMatrix(); var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this._bounds = rect; this._scrollRect = new openfl_display_Sprite(); this.initialZoom = 1; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this._point = point; this._fxShakeAxes = flixel_util_FlxAxes.XY; this._fxShakeDuration = 0; this._fxShakeIntensity = 0; this._fxFadeAlpha = 0; this._fxFadeCompleted = true; this._fxFadeComplete = null; this._fxFadeIn = false; this._fxFadeDuration = 0; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; this._scrollTarget = point1; this._fxFadeColor = 0; this._fxFlashAlpha = 0; this._fxFlashComplete = null; this._fxFlashDuration = 0; this._fxFlashColor = 0; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point2._inPool = false; this._flashOffset = point2; this._flashPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); this.filtersEnabled = true; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point3._inPool = false; this.followLead = point3; this.antialiasing = false; this.color = -1; this.angle = 0; this.alpha = 1; this._useBlitMatrix = false; this._blitMatrix = new flixel_math_FlxMatrix(); this.viewHeight = 0; this.viewWidth = 0; this.viewOffsetHeight = 0; this.viewOffsetWidth = 0; this.viewOffsetY = 0; this.viewOffsetX = 0; this.height = 0; this.width = 0; this.flashSprite = new openfl_display_Sprite(); this.useBgAlphaBlending = false; var point4 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point4._inPool = false; this.scroll = point4; this.followLerp = 60 / flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate; var point5 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point5._inPool = false; this.targetOffset = point5; this.scaleY = 0; this.scaleX = 0; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; flixel_FlxBasic.call(this); this.set_x(X); this.set_y(Y); this.set_width(Width <= 0 ? flixel_FlxG.width : Width); this.set_height(Height <= 0 ? flixel_FlxG.height : Height); this._flashRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,this.width,this.height); this.flashSprite.addChild(this._scrollRect); this._scrollRect.set_scrollRect(new openfl_geom_Rectangle()); this.pixelPerfectRender = flixel_FlxG.renderBlit; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this.screen = new flixel_FlxSprite(); this.buffer = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.width,this.height,true,0); this.screen.set_pixels(this.buffer); this.screen.origin.set(); this._flashBitmap = new openfl_display_Bitmap(this.buffer); this._scrollRect.addChild(this._flashBitmap); this._fill = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.width,this.height,true,0); } else { this.canvas = new openfl_display_Sprite(); this._scrollRect.addChild(this.canvas); } this.set_color(-1); this.initialZoom = Zoom == 0 ? flixel_FlxCamera.defaultZoom : Zoom; this.set_zoom(Zoom); this.updateScrollRect(); this.updateFlashOffset(); this.updateFlashSpritePosition(); this.updateInternalSpritePositions(); this.bgColor = flixel_FlxG.cameras.get_bgColor(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.FlxCamera"] = flixel_FlxCamera; flixel_FlxCamera.__name__ = ["flixel","FlxCamera"]; flixel_FlxCamera.defaultZoom = null; flixel_FlxCamera.defaultCameras = null; flixel_FlxCamera._storageTilesHead = null; flixel_FlxCamera._storageTrianglesHead = null; flixel_FlxCamera.__super__ = flixel_FlxBasic; flixel_FlxCamera.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype,{ x: null ,y: null ,scaleX: null ,scaleY: null ,totalScaleX: null ,totalScaleY: null ,style: null ,target: null ,targetOffset: null ,followLerp: null ,deadzone: null ,minScrollX: null ,maxScrollX: null ,minScrollY: null ,maxScrollY: null ,scroll: null ,buffer: null ,bgColor: null ,screen: null ,useBgAlphaBlending: null ,flashSprite: null ,pixelPerfectRender: null ,width: null ,height: null ,zoom: null ,viewOffsetX: null ,viewOffsetY: null ,viewOffsetWidth: null ,viewOffsetHeight: null ,viewWidth: null ,viewHeight: null ,_blitMatrix: null ,_useBlitMatrix: null ,alpha: null ,angle: null ,color: null ,antialiasing: null ,followLead: null ,filtersEnabled: null ,_flashRect: null ,_flashPoint: null ,_flashOffset: null ,_fxFlashColor: null ,_fxFlashDuration: null ,_fxFlashComplete: null ,_fxFlashAlpha: null ,_fxFadeColor: null ,_lastTargetPosition: null ,_scrollTarget: null ,_fxFadeDuration: null ,_fxFadeIn: null ,_fxFadeComplete: null ,_fxFadeCompleted: null ,_fxFadeAlpha: null ,_fxShakeIntensity: null ,_fxShakeDuration: null ,_fxShakeComplete: null ,_fxShakeAxes: null ,_point: null ,_filters: null ,initialZoom: null ,_fill: null ,_flashBitmap: null ,_scrollRect: null ,_bounds: null ,canvas: null ,_helperMatrix: null ,_helperPoint: null ,_currentDrawItem: null ,_headOfDrawStack: null ,_headTiles: null ,_headTriangles: null ,startQuadBatch: function(graphic,colored,hasColorOffsets,blend,smooth,shader) { if(smooth == null) { smooth = false; } if(hasColorOffsets == null) { hasColorOffsets = false; } var itemToReturn = null; var blendInt = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.blendToInt(blend); if(this._currentDrawItem != null && this._currentDrawItem.type == flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TILES && this._headTiles.graphics == graphic && this._headTiles.colored == colored && this._headTiles.hasColorOffsets == hasColorOffsets && this._headTiles.blending == blendInt && this._headTiles.blend == blend && this._headTiles.antialiasing == smooth && this._headTiles.shader == shader) { return this._headTiles; } if(flixel_FlxCamera._storageTilesHead != null) { itemToReturn = flixel_FlxCamera._storageTilesHead; var newHead = flixel_FlxCamera._storageTilesHead.nextTyped; itemToReturn.reset(); flixel_FlxCamera._storageTilesHead = newHead; } else { itemToReturn = new flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawQuadsItem(); } itemToReturn.graphics = graphic; itemToReturn.antialiasing = smooth; itemToReturn.colored = colored; itemToReturn.hasColorOffsets = hasColorOffsets; itemToReturn.blending = blendInt; itemToReturn.blend = blend; itemToReturn.shader = shader; itemToReturn.nextTyped = this._headTiles; this._headTiles = itemToReturn; if(this._headOfDrawStack == null) { this._headOfDrawStack = itemToReturn; } if(this._currentDrawItem != null) { this._currentDrawItem.next = itemToReturn; } this._currentDrawItem = itemToReturn; return itemToReturn; } ,startTrianglesBatch: function(graphic,smoothing,isColored,blend) { if(isColored == null) { isColored = false; } if(smoothing == null) { smoothing = false; } var blendInt = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.blendToInt(blend); if(this._currentDrawItem != null && this._currentDrawItem.type == flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TRIANGLES && this._headTriangles.graphics == graphic && this._headTriangles.antialiasing == smoothing && this._headTriangles.colored == isColored && this._headTriangles.blending == blendInt) { return this._headTriangles; } return this.getNewDrawTrianglesItem(graphic,smoothing,isColored,blend); } ,getNewDrawTrianglesItem: function(graphic,smoothing,isColored,blend) { if(isColored == null) { isColored = false; } if(smoothing == null) { smoothing = false; } var itemToReturn = null; var blendInt = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.blendToInt(blend); if(flixel_FlxCamera._storageTrianglesHead != null) { itemToReturn = flixel_FlxCamera._storageTrianglesHead; var newHead = flixel_FlxCamera._storageTrianglesHead.nextTyped; itemToReturn.reset(); flixel_FlxCamera._storageTrianglesHead = newHead; } else { itemToReturn = new flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem(); } itemToReturn.graphics = graphic; itemToReturn.antialiasing = smoothing; itemToReturn.colored = isColored; itemToReturn.blending = blendInt; itemToReturn.nextTyped = this._headTriangles; this._headTriangles = itemToReturn; if(this._headOfDrawStack == null) { this._headOfDrawStack = itemToReturn; } if(this._currentDrawItem != null) { this._currentDrawItem.next = itemToReturn; } this._currentDrawItem = itemToReturn; return itemToReturn; } ,clearDrawStack: function() { var currTiles = this._headTiles; var newTilesHead; while(currTiles != null) { newTilesHead = currTiles.nextTyped; currTiles.reset(); currTiles.nextTyped = flixel_FlxCamera._storageTilesHead; flixel_FlxCamera._storageTilesHead = currTiles; currTiles = newTilesHead; } var currTriangles = this._headTriangles; var newTrianglesHead; while(currTriangles != null) { newTrianglesHead = currTriangles.nextTyped; currTriangles.reset(); currTriangles.nextTyped = flixel_FlxCamera._storageTrianglesHead; flixel_FlxCamera._storageTrianglesHead = currTriangles; currTriangles = newTrianglesHead; } this._currentDrawItem = null; this._headOfDrawStack = null; this._headTiles = null; this._headTriangles = null; } ,render: function() { var currItem = this._headOfDrawStack; while(currItem != null) { currItem.render(this); currItem = currItem.next; } } ,drawPixels: function(frame,pixels,matrix,transform,blend,smoothing,shader) { if(smoothing == null) { smoothing = false; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this._helperMatrix.copyFrom(matrix); if(this._useBlitMatrix) { this._helperMatrix.concat(this._blitMatrix); this.buffer.draw(pixels,this._helperMatrix,null,null,null,smoothing || this.antialiasing); } else { this._helperMatrix.translate(-this.viewOffsetX,-this.viewOffsetY); this.buffer.draw(pixels,this._helperMatrix,null,blend,null,smoothing || this.antialiasing); } } else { var isColored = transform != null && flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBMultipliers(transform); var hasColorOffsets = transform != null && flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBAOffsets(transform); var drawItem = this.startQuadBatch(frame.parent,isColored,hasColorOffsets,blend,smoothing,shader); drawItem.addQuad(frame,matrix,transform); } } ,copyPixels: function(frame,pixels,sourceRect,destPoint,transform,blend,smoothing,shader) { if(smoothing == null) { smoothing = false; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(pixels != null) { if(this._useBlitMatrix) { this._helperMatrix.identity(); this._helperMatrix.translate(destPoint.x,destPoint.y); this._helperMatrix.concat(this._blitMatrix); this.buffer.draw(pixels,this._helperMatrix,null,null,null,smoothing || this.antialiasing); } else { this._helperPoint.x = destPoint.x - (this.viewOffsetX | 0); this._helperPoint.y = destPoint.y - (this.viewOffsetY | 0); this.buffer.copyPixels(pixels,sourceRect,this._helperPoint,null,null,true); } } else if(frame != null) { frame.paint(this.buffer,destPoint,true); } } else { this._helperMatrix.identity(); this._helperMatrix.translate(destPoint.x + frame.offset.x,destPoint.y + frame.offset.y); var isColored = transform != null && flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBMultipliers(transform); var hasColorOffsets = transform != null && flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBAOffsets(transform); var drawItem = this.startQuadBatch(frame.parent,isColored,hasColorOffsets,blend,smoothing,shader); drawItem.addQuad(frame,this._helperMatrix,transform); } } ,drawTriangles: function(graphic,vertices,indices,uvtData,colors,position,blend,repeat,smoothing) { if(smoothing == null) { smoothing = false; } if(repeat == null) { repeat = false; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(position == null) { position = flixel_FlxCamera.renderPoint.set(); } var _this = this._bounds; _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = this.width; _this.height = this.height; var verticesLength = vertices.get_length(); var currentVertexPosition = 0; var tempX; var tempY; var i = 0; var _this1 = flixel_FlxCamera.renderRect; _this1.x = 0; _this1.y = 0; _this1.width = 0; _this1.height = 0; var bounds = _this1; flixel_FlxCamera.drawVertices.splice(0,flixel_FlxCamera.drawVertices.get_length()); while(i < verticesLength) { tempX = position.x + vertices.get(i); tempY = position.y + vertices.get(i + 1); flixel_FlxCamera.drawVertices.set(currentVertexPosition++,tempX); flixel_FlxCamera.drawVertices.set(currentVertexPosition++,tempY); if(i == 0) { bounds.x = tempX; bounds.y = tempY; bounds.width = 0; bounds.height = 0; } else { if(tempX < bounds.x) { bounds.width += bounds.x - tempX; bounds.x = tempX; } if(tempY < bounds.y) { bounds.height += bounds.y - tempY; bounds.y = tempY; } if(tempX > bounds.x + bounds.width) { bounds.width = tempX - bounds.x; } if(tempY > bounds.y + bounds.height) { bounds.height = tempY - bounds.y; } } i += 2; } if(position._weak) { position.put(); } var _this2 = this._bounds; var result = bounds.x + bounds.width > _this2.x && bounds.x < _this2.x + _this2.width && bounds.y + bounds.height > _this2.y && bounds.y < _this2.y + _this2.height; if(bounds._weak) { if(!bounds._inPool) { bounds._inPool = true; bounds._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(bounds); } } if(!result) { flixel_FlxCamera.drawVertices.splice(flixel_FlxCamera.drawVertices.get_length() - verticesLength,verticesLength); } else { flixel_FlxCamera.trianglesSprite.get_graphics().clear(); flixel_FlxCamera.trianglesSprite.get_graphics().beginBitmapFill(graphic.bitmap,null,repeat,smoothing); flixel_FlxCamera.trianglesSprite.get_graphics().drawTriangles(flixel_FlxCamera.drawVertices,indices,uvtData); flixel_FlxCamera.trianglesSprite.get_graphics().endFill(); if(this._useBlitMatrix) { this._helperMatrix.copyFrom(this._blitMatrix); } else { this._helperMatrix.identity(); this._helperMatrix.translate(-this.viewOffsetX,-this.viewOffsetY); } this.buffer.draw(flixel_FlxCamera.trianglesSprite,this._helperMatrix); } if(!bounds._inPool) { bounds._inPool = true; bounds._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(bounds); } } else { var _this3 = this._bounds; _this3.x = 0; _this3.y = 0; _this3.width = this.width; _this3.height = this.height; var isColored = colors != null && colors.get_length() != 0; var drawItem = this.startTrianglesBatch(graphic,smoothing,isColored,blend); drawItem.addTriangles(vertices,indices,uvtData,colors,position,this._bounds); } } ,transformRect: function(rect) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { rect.x += -this.viewOffsetX; rect.y += -this.viewOffsetY; if(this._useBlitMatrix) { rect.x *= this.zoom; rect.y *= this.zoom; rect.width *= this.zoom; rect.height *= this.zoom; } } return rect; } ,transformPoint: function(point) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { var Y = this.viewOffsetY; var _g = point; _g.set_x(_g.x - this.viewOffsetX); var _g1 = point; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - Y); if(this._useBlitMatrix) { point.scale(this.zoom); } } return point; } ,transformVector: function(vector) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit && this._useBlitMatrix) { vector.scale(this.zoom); } return vector; } ,transformObject: function(object) { var _g = object; _g.set_scaleX(_g.get_scaleX() * this.totalScaleX); var _g1 = object; _g1.set_scaleY(_g1.get_scaleY() * this.totalScaleY); var _g2 = object; _g2.set_x(_g2.get_x() - this.scroll.x * this.totalScaleX); var _g3 = object; _g3.set_y(_g3.get_y() - this.scroll.y * this.totalScaleY); var _g4 = object; _g4.set_x(_g4.get_x() - 0.5 * this.width * (this.scaleX - this.initialZoom) * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x); var _g5 = object; _g5.set_y(_g5.get_y() - 0.5 * this.height * (this.scaleY - this.initialZoom) * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y); return object; } ,destroy: function() { flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this.flashSprite,this._scrollRect); if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this._scrollRect,this._flashBitmap); this.screen = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.screen); this.buffer = null; this._flashBitmap = null; this._fill = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(this._fill); } else { flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this._scrollRect,this.canvas); if(this.canvas != null) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.canvas.get_numChildren(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.canvas.removeChildAt(0); } this.canvas = null; } if(this._headOfDrawStack != null) { this.clearDrawStack(); } this._blitMatrix = null; this._helperMatrix = null; this._helperPoint = null; } this._bounds = null; this.scroll = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.scroll); this.targetOffset = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.targetOffset); this.deadzone = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.deadzone); this.target = null; this.flashSprite = null; this._scrollRect = null; this._flashRect = null; this._flashPoint = null; this._fxFlashComplete = null; this._fxFadeComplete = null; this._fxShakeComplete = null; flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this.target != null) { this.updateFollow(); } this.updateScroll(); this.updateFlash(elapsed); this.updateFade(elapsed); this.flashSprite.set_filters(this.filtersEnabled ? this._filters : null); this.updateFlashSpritePosition(); this.updateShake(elapsed); } ,updateScroll: function() { var zoom = this.zoom / flixel_FlxG.initialZoom; var minX = this.minScrollX == null ? null : this.minScrollX - (zoom - 1) * this.width / (2 * zoom); var maxX = this.maxScrollX == null ? null : this.maxScrollX + (zoom - 1) * this.width / (2 * zoom); var minY = this.minScrollY == null ? null : this.minScrollY - (zoom - 1) * this.height / (2 * zoom); var maxY = this.maxScrollY == null ? null : this.maxScrollY + (zoom - 1) * this.height / (2 * zoom); var Value = this.scroll.x; var Max = maxX != null ? maxX - this.width : null; var lowerBound = minX != null && Value < minX ? minX : Value; this.scroll.set_x(Max != null && lowerBound > Max ? Max : lowerBound); var Value1 = this.scroll.y; var Max1 = maxY != null ? maxY - this.height : null; var lowerBound1 = minY != null && Value1 < minY ? minY : Value1; this.scroll.set_y(Max1 != null && lowerBound1 > Max1 ? Max1 : lowerBound1); } ,updateFollow: function() { if(this.deadzone == null) { this.target.getMidpoint(this._point); this._point.addPoint(this.targetOffset); var point = this._point; this.scroll.set(point.x - this.width * 0.5,point.y - this.height * 0.5); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } } else { var edge; var targetX = this.target.x + this.targetOffset.x; var targetY = this.target.y + this.targetOffset.y; if(this.style == flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.SCREEN_BY_SCREEN) { if(targetX >= this.scroll.x + this.width) { var _g = this._scrollTarget; _g.set_x(_g.x + this.width); } else if(targetX < this.scroll.x) { var _g1 = this._scrollTarget; _g1.set_x(_g1.x - this.width); } if(targetY >= this.scroll.y + this.height) { var _g2 = this._scrollTarget; _g2.set_y(_g2.y + this.height); } else if(targetY < this.scroll.y) { var _g3 = this._scrollTarget; _g3.set_y(_g3.y - this.height); } } else { edge = targetX - this.deadzone.x; if(this._scrollTarget.x > edge) { this._scrollTarget.set_x(edge); } edge = targetX + this.target.get_width() - this.deadzone.x - this.deadzone.width; if(this._scrollTarget.x < edge) { this._scrollTarget.set_x(edge); } edge = targetY - this.deadzone.y; if(this._scrollTarget.y > edge) { this._scrollTarget.set_y(edge); } edge = targetY + this.target.get_height() - this.deadzone.y - this.deadzone.height; if(this._scrollTarget.y < edge) { this._scrollTarget.set_y(edge); } } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(this.target,flixel_FlxSprite)) { if(this._lastTargetPosition == null) { var X = this.target.x; var Y = this.target.y; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point1._inPool = false; this._lastTargetPosition = point1; } var _g4 = this._scrollTarget; _g4.set_x(_g4.x + (this.target.x - this._lastTargetPosition.x) * this.followLead.x); var _g5 = this._scrollTarget; _g5.set_y(_g5.y + (this.target.y - this._lastTargetPosition.y) * this.followLead.y); this._lastTargetPosition.set_x(this.target.x); this._lastTargetPosition.set_y(this.target.y); } if(this.followLerp >= 60 / flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate) { var _this = this.scroll; var point2 = this._scrollTarget; _this.set_x(point2.x); _this.set_y(point2.y); if(point2._weak) { point2.put(); } } else { var _g6 = this.scroll; _g6.set_x(_g6.x + (this._scrollTarget.x - this.scroll.x) * this.followLerp * flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate / 60); var _g7 = this.scroll; _g7.set_y(_g7.y + (this._scrollTarget.y - this.scroll.y) * this.followLerp * flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate / 60); } } } ,updateFlash: function(elapsed) { if(this._fxFlashAlpha > 0.0) { this._fxFlashAlpha -= elapsed / this._fxFlashDuration; if(this._fxFlashAlpha <= 0 && this._fxFlashComplete != null) { this._fxFlashComplete(); } } } ,updateFade: function(elapsed) { if(this._fxFadeCompleted) { return; } if(this._fxFadeIn) { this._fxFadeAlpha -= elapsed / this._fxFadeDuration; if(this._fxFadeAlpha <= 0.0) { this._fxFadeAlpha = 0.0; this.completeFade(); } } else { this._fxFadeAlpha += elapsed / this._fxFadeDuration; if(this._fxFadeAlpha >= 1.0) { this._fxFadeAlpha = 1.0; this.completeFade(); } } } ,completeFade: function() { this._fxFadeCompleted = true; if(this._fxFadeComplete != null) { this._fxFadeComplete(); } } ,updateShake: function(elapsed) { if(this._fxShakeDuration > 0) { this._fxShakeDuration -= elapsed; if(this._fxShakeDuration <= 0) { if(this._fxShakeComplete != null) { this._fxShakeComplete(); } } else { if(this._fxShakeAxes != flixel_util_FlxAxes.Y) { var _g = this.flashSprite; _g.set_x(_g.get_x() + flixel_FlxG.random["float"](-this._fxShakeIntensity * this.width,this._fxShakeIntensity * this.width) * this.zoom * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x); } if(this._fxShakeAxes != flixel_util_FlxAxes.X) { var _g1 = this.flashSprite; _g1.set_y(_g1.get_y() + flixel_FlxG.random["float"](-this._fxShakeIntensity * this.height,this._fxShakeIntensity * this.height) * this.zoom * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y); } } } } ,updateFlashSpritePosition: function() { if(this.flashSprite != null) { this.flashSprite.set_x(this.x * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x + this._flashOffset.x); this.flashSprite.set_y(this.y * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y + this._flashOffset.y); } } ,updateFlashOffset: function() { this._flashOffset.set_x(this.width * 0.5 * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x * this.initialZoom); this._flashOffset.set_y(this.height * 0.5 * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y * this.initialZoom); } ,updateScrollRect: function() { var rect = this._scrollRect != null ? this._scrollRect.get_scrollRect() : null; if(rect != null) { rect.x = rect.y = 0; rect.width = this.width * this.initialZoom * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x; rect.height = this.height * this.initialZoom * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y; this._scrollRect.set_scrollRect(rect); this._scrollRect.set_x(-0.5 * rect.width); this._scrollRect.set_y(-0.5 * rect.height); } } ,updateInternalSpritePositions: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(this._flashBitmap != null) { this._flashBitmap.set_x(0); this._flashBitmap.set_y(0); } } else if(this.canvas != null) { this.canvas.set_x(-0.5 * this.width * (this.scaleX - this.initialZoom) * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x); this.canvas.set_y(-0.5 * this.height * (this.scaleY - this.initialZoom) * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y); this.canvas.set_scaleX(this.totalScaleX); this.canvas.set_scaleY(this.totalScaleY); } } ,follow: function(Target,Style,Lerp) { if(Style == null) { Style = flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.LOCKON; } if(Lerp == null) { Lerp = 60 / flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate; } this.style = Style; this.target = Target; this.set_followLerp(Lerp); var helper; var w = 0; var h = 0; this._lastTargetPosition = null; switch(Style[1]) { case 0: if(this.target != null) { w = this.target.get_width(); h = this.target.get_height(); } var X = (this.width - w) / 2; var Y = (this.height - h) / 2 - h * 0.25; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = w; _this.height = h; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this.deadzone = rect; break; case 1: var w1 = this.width / 8; var h1 = this.height / 3; var X1 = (this.width - w1) / 2; var Y1 = (this.height - h1) / 2 - h1 * 0.25; var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = X1; _this1.y = Y1; _this1.width = w1; _this1.height = h1; var rect1 = _this1; rect1._inPool = false; this.deadzone = rect1; break; case 2: helper = Math.max(this.width,this.height) / 4; var X2 = (this.width - helper) / 2; var Y2 = (this.height - helper) / 2; var _this2 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this2.x = X2; _this2.y = Y2; _this2.width = helper; _this2.height = helper; var rect2 = _this2; rect2._inPool = false; this.deadzone = rect2; break; case 3: helper = Math.max(this.width,this.height) / 8; var X3 = (this.width - helper) / 2; var Y3 = (this.height - helper) / 2; var _this3 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this3.x = X3; _this3.y = Y3; _this3.width = helper; _this3.height = helper; var rect3 = _this3; rect3._inPool = false; this.deadzone = rect3; break; case 4: var Width = this.width; var Height = this.height; var _this4 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this4.x = 0; _this4.y = 0; _this4.width = Width; _this4.height = Height; var rect4 = _this4; rect4._inPool = false; this.deadzone = rect4; break; case 5: this.deadzone = null; break; } } ,snapToTarget: function() { this.updateFollow(); var _this = this.scroll; var point = this._scrollTarget; _this.set_x(point.x); _this.set_y(point.y); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } } ,focusOn: function(point) { this.scroll.set(point.x - this.width * 0.5,point.y - this.height * 0.5); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } } ,flash: function(Color,Duration,OnComplete,Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } if(!Force && this._fxFlashAlpha > 0.0) { return; } this._fxFlashColor = Color; if(Duration <= 0) { Duration = 0.000001; } this._fxFlashDuration = Duration; this._fxFlashComplete = OnComplete; this._fxFlashAlpha = 1.0; } ,fade: function(Color,Duration,FadeIn,OnComplete,Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } if(FadeIn == null) { FadeIn = false; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } if(Color == null) { Color = -16777216; } if(!this._fxFadeCompleted && !Force) { return; } this._fxFadeColor = Color; if(Duration <= 0) { Duration = 0.000001; } this._fxFadeIn = FadeIn; this._fxFadeDuration = Duration; this._fxFadeComplete = OnComplete; this._fxFadeAlpha = this._fxFadeIn ? 0.999999 : 0.000001; this._fxFadeCompleted = false; } ,shake: function(Intensity,Duration,OnComplete,Force,Axes) { if(Force == null) { Force = true; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 0.5; } if(Intensity == null) { Intensity = 0.05; } if(Axes == null) { Axes = flixel_util_FlxAxes.XY; } if(!Force && this._fxShakeDuration > 0) { return; } this._fxShakeIntensity = Intensity; this._fxShakeDuration = Duration; this._fxShakeComplete = OnComplete; this._fxShakeAxes = Axes; } ,stopFX: function() { this._fxFlashAlpha = 0.0; this._fxFadeAlpha = 0.0; this._fxShakeDuration = 0; this.updateFlashSpritePosition(); } ,setFilters: function(filters) { this._filters = filters; } ,copyFrom: function(Camera) { this.setScrollBounds(Camera.minScrollX,Camera.maxScrollX,Camera.minScrollY,Camera.maxScrollY); this.target = Camera.target; if(this.target != null) { if(Camera.deadzone == null) { this.deadzone = null; } else { if(this.deadzone == null) { var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this.deadzone = rect; } var _this1 = this.deadzone; var Rect = Camera.deadzone; _this1.x = Rect.x; _this1.y = Rect.y; _this1.width = Rect.width; _this1.height = Rect.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } } } return this; } ,fill: function(Color,BlendAlpha,FxAlpha,graphics) { if(FxAlpha == null) { FxAlpha = 1.0; } if(BlendAlpha == null) { BlendAlpha = true; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(BlendAlpha) { this._fill.fillRect(this._flashRect,Color); this.buffer.copyPixels(this._fill,this._flashRect,this._flashPoint,null,null,BlendAlpha); } else { this.buffer.fillRect(this._flashRect,Color); } } else { var targetGraphics = graphics == null ? this.canvas.get_graphics() : graphics; targetGraphics.beginFill(Color,FxAlpha); targetGraphics.drawRect(this.viewOffsetX - 1,this.viewOffsetY - 1,this.viewWidth + 2,this.viewHeight + 2); targetGraphics.endFill(); } } ,drawFX: function() { var alphaComponent; if(this._fxFlashAlpha > 0.0) { alphaComponent = this._fxFlashColor >> 24 & 255; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this.fill((((alphaComponent <= 0 ? 255 : alphaComponent) * this._fxFlashAlpha | 0) << 24) + (this._fxFlashColor & 16777215)); } else { this.fill(this._fxFlashColor & 16777215,true,(alphaComponent <= 0 ? 255 : alphaComponent) * this._fxFlashAlpha / 255,this.canvas.get_graphics()); } } if(this._fxFadeAlpha > 0.0) { alphaComponent = this._fxFadeColor >> 24 & 255; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this.fill((((alphaComponent <= 0 ? 255 : alphaComponent) * this._fxFadeAlpha | 0) << 24) + (this._fxFadeColor & 16777215)); } else { this.fill(this._fxFadeColor & 16777215,true,(alphaComponent <= 0 ? 255 : alphaComponent) * this._fxFadeAlpha / 255,this.canvas.get_graphics()); } } } ,checkResize: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(this.width != this.buffer.width || this.height != this.buffer.height) { var oldBuffer = this.screen.graphic; this.buffer = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.width,this.height,true,0); this.screen.set_pixels(this.buffer); this.screen.origin.set(); this._flashBitmap.set_bitmapData(this.buffer); this._flashRect.width = this.width; this._flashRect.height = this.height; this._fill = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(this._fill); this._fill = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.width,this.height,true,0); flixel_FlxG.bitmap.removeIfNoUse(oldBuffer); } this._blitMatrix.identity(); this._blitMatrix.translate(-this.viewOffsetX,-this.viewOffsetY); this._blitMatrix.scale(this.scaleX,this.scaleY); this._useBlitMatrix = this.scaleX < this.initialZoom || this.scaleY < this.initialZoom; } } ,updateBlitMatrix: function() { this._blitMatrix.identity(); this._blitMatrix.translate(-this.viewOffsetX,-this.viewOffsetY); this._blitMatrix.scale(this.scaleX,this.scaleY); this._useBlitMatrix = this.scaleX < this.initialZoom || this.scaleY < this.initialZoom; } ,setSize: function(Width,Height) { this.set_width(Width); this.set_height(Height); } ,setPosition: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this.set_x(X); this.set_y(Y); } ,setScrollBoundsRect: function(X,Y,Width,Height,UpdateWorld) { if(UpdateWorld == null) { UpdateWorld = false; } if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } if(UpdateWorld) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.worldBounds; _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; } this.setScrollBounds(X,X + Width,Y,Y + Height); } ,setScrollBounds: function(MinX,MaxX,MinY,MaxY) { this.minScrollX = MinX; this.maxScrollX = MaxX; this.minScrollY = MinY; this.maxScrollY = MaxY; this.updateScroll(); } ,setScale: function(X,Y) { this.scaleX = X; this.scaleY = Y; this.totalScaleX = this.scaleX * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x; this.totalScaleY = this.scaleY * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this._blitMatrix.identity(); this._blitMatrix.translate(-this.viewOffsetX,-this.viewOffsetY); this._blitMatrix.scale(this.scaleX,this.scaleY); this._useBlitMatrix = this.scaleX < this.initialZoom || this.scaleY < this.initialZoom; if(this._useBlitMatrix) { this._flashBitmap.set_scaleX(this.initialZoom * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x); this._flashBitmap.set_scaleY(this.initialZoom * flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y); } else { this._flashBitmap.set_scaleX(this.totalScaleX); this._flashBitmap.set_scaleY(this.totalScaleY); } } this.viewOffsetX = 0.5 * this.width * (this.scaleX - this.initialZoom) / this.scaleX; this.viewOffsetWidth = this.width - this.viewOffsetX; this.viewWidth = this.width - 2 * this.viewOffsetX; this.viewOffsetY = 0.5 * this.height * (this.scaleY - this.initialZoom) / this.scaleY; this.viewOffsetHeight = this.height - this.viewOffsetY; this.viewHeight = this.height - 2 * this.viewOffsetY; this.updateScrollRect(); this.updateInternalSpritePositions(); flixel_FlxG.cameras.cameraResized.dispatch(this); } ,onResize: function() { this.updateFlashOffset(); this.setScale(this.scaleX,this.scaleY); } ,containsPoint: function(point,width,height) { if(height == null) { height = 0; } if(width == null) { width = 0; } if(point.x + width > this.viewOffsetX && point.x < this.viewOffsetWidth && point.y + height > this.viewOffsetY) { return point.y < this.viewOffsetHeight; } else { return false; } } ,set_followLerp: function(Value) { var Max = 60 / flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate; var lowerBound = Value < 0 ? 0 : Value; return this.followLerp = Max != null && lowerBound > Max ? Max : lowerBound; } ,set_width: function(Value) { if(this.width != Value && Value > 0) { this.width = Value; this.viewOffsetX = 0.5 * this.width * (this.scaleX - this.initialZoom) / this.scaleX; this.viewOffsetWidth = this.width - this.viewOffsetX; this.viewWidth = this.width - 2 * this.viewOffsetX; this.updateFlashOffset(); this.updateScrollRect(); this.updateInternalSpritePositions(); flixel_FlxG.cameras.cameraResized.dispatch(this); } return Value; } ,set_height: function(Value) { if(this.height != Value && Value > 0) { this.height = Value; this.viewOffsetY = 0.5 * this.height * (this.scaleY - this.initialZoom) / this.scaleY; this.viewOffsetHeight = this.height - this.viewOffsetY; this.viewHeight = this.height - 2 * this.viewOffsetY; this.updateFlashOffset(); this.updateScrollRect(); this.updateInternalSpritePositions(); flixel_FlxG.cameras.cameraResized.dispatch(this); } return Value; } ,set_zoom: function(Zoom) { this.zoom = Zoom == 0 ? flixel_FlxCamera.defaultZoom : Zoom; this.setScale(this.zoom,this.zoom); return this.zoom; } ,set_alpha: function(Alpha) { var lowerBound = Alpha < 0 ? 0 : Alpha; this.alpha = lowerBound > 1 ? 1 : lowerBound; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this._flashBitmap.set_alpha(Alpha); } else { this.canvas.set_alpha(Alpha); } return Alpha; } ,set_angle: function(Angle) { this.angle = Angle; this.flashSprite.set_rotation(Angle); return Angle; } ,set_color: function(Color) { this.color = Color; var colorTransform; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(this._flashBitmap == null) { return Color; } colorTransform = this._flashBitmap.get_transform().get_colorTransform(); } else { colorTransform = this.canvas.get_transform().get_colorTransform(); } colorTransform.redMultiplier = (this.color >> 16 & 255) / 255; colorTransform.greenMultiplier = (this.color >> 8 & 255) / 255; colorTransform.blueMultiplier = (this.color & 255) / 255; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this._flashBitmap.get_transform().set_colorTransform(colorTransform); } else { this.canvas.get_transform().set_colorTransform(colorTransform); } return Color; } ,set_antialiasing: function(Antialiasing) { this.antialiasing = Antialiasing; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this._flashBitmap.smoothing = Antialiasing; } return Antialiasing; } ,set_x: function(x) { this.x = x; this.updateFlashSpritePosition(); return x; } ,set_y: function(y) { this.y = y; this.updateFlashSpritePosition(); return y; } ,set_visible: function(visible) { if(this.flashSprite != null) { this.flashSprite.set_visible(visible); } return this.visible = visible; } ,calcOffsetX: function() { this.viewOffsetX = 0.5 * this.width * (this.scaleX - this.initialZoom) / this.scaleX; this.viewOffsetWidth = this.width - this.viewOffsetX; this.viewWidth = this.width - 2 * this.viewOffsetX; } ,calcOffsetY: function() { this.viewOffsetY = 0.5 * this.height * (this.scaleY - this.initialZoom) / this.scaleY; this.viewOffsetHeight = this.height - this.viewOffsetY; this.viewHeight = this.height - 2 * this.viewOffsetY; } ,__class__: flixel_FlxCamera ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.__properties__,{set_antialiasing:"set_antialiasing",set_color:"set_color",set_angle:"set_angle",set_alpha:"set_alpha",set_zoom:"set_zoom",set_height:"set_height",set_width:"set_width",set_followLerp:"set_followLerp",set_y:"set_y",set_x:"set_x"}) }); var flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle = $hxClasses["flixel.FlxCameraFollowStyle"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","FlxCameraFollowStyle"], __constructs__ : ["LOCKON","PLATFORMER","TOPDOWN","TOPDOWN_TIGHT","SCREEN_BY_SCREEN","NO_DEAD_ZONE"] }; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.LOCKON = ["LOCKON",0]; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.LOCKON.toString = $estr; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.LOCKON.__enum__ = flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.PLATFORMER = ["PLATFORMER",1]; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.PLATFORMER.toString = $estr; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.PLATFORMER.__enum__ = flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.TOPDOWN = ["TOPDOWN",2]; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.TOPDOWN.toString = $estr; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.TOPDOWN.__enum__ = flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.TOPDOWN_TIGHT = ["TOPDOWN_TIGHT",3]; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.TOPDOWN_TIGHT.toString = $estr; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.TOPDOWN_TIGHT.__enum__ = flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.SCREEN_BY_SCREEN = ["SCREEN_BY_SCREEN",4]; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.SCREEN_BY_SCREEN.toString = $estr; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.SCREEN_BY_SCREEN.__enum__ = flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.NO_DEAD_ZONE = ["NO_DEAD_ZONE",5]; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.NO_DEAD_ZONE.toString = $estr; flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle.NO_DEAD_ZONE.__enum__ = flixel_FlxCameraFollowStyle; var flixel_system_FlxVersion = function(Major,Minor,Patch) { this.major = Major; this.minor = Minor; this.patch = Patch; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxVersion"] = flixel_system_FlxVersion; flixel_system_FlxVersion.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxVersion"]; flixel_system_FlxVersion.prototype = { major: null ,minor: null ,patch: null ,toString: function() { var sha = flixel_system_FlxVersion.sha; if(sha != "") { sha = "@" + sha.substring(0,7); } return "HaxeFlixel " + this.major + "." + this.minor + "." + this.patch + sha; } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxVersion }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapFrontEnd = function() { this._lastUniqueKeyIndex = 0; this.reset(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.BitmapFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","BitmapFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapFrontEnd.prototype = { _cache: null ,_whitePixel: null ,_lastUniqueKeyIndex: null ,onAssetsReload: function(_) { var key = this._cache.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); var _this = this._cache; var obj = __map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this.getReserved(key1) : _this.h[key1]; if(obj != null && (obj.assetsClass != null || obj.assetsKey != null)) { obj.onAssetsReload(); } } } ,onContext: function() { var key = this._cache.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); var _this = this._cache; var obj = __map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this.getReserved(key1) : _this.h[key1]; if(obj != null && obj.isDumped) { obj.onContext(); } } } ,dumpCache: function() { } ,undumpCache: function() { } ,checkCache: function(Key) { return this._cache.get(Key) != null; } ,create: function(Width,Height,Color,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromRectangle(Width,Height,Color,Unique,Key); } ,add: function(Graphic,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Graphic,flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic)) { return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromGraphic(Graphic,Unique,Key); } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Graphic,openfl_display_BitmapData)) { return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData(Graphic,Unique,Key); } return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromAssetKey(Std.string(Graphic),Unique,Key); } ,addGraphic: function(graphic) { var key = graphic.key; var _this = this._cache; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { _this.setReserved(key,graphic); } else { _this.h[key] = graphic; } return graphic; } ,get: function(key) { var _this = this._cache; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { return _this.getReserved(key); } else { return _this.h[key]; } } ,findKeyForBitmap: function(bmd) { var key = this._cache.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); var _this = this._cache; if((__map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this.getReserved(key1) : _this.h[key1]).bitmap == bmd) { return key1; } } return null; } ,getKeyForClass: function(source) { return Type.getClassName(source); } ,generateKey: function(systemKey,userKey,unique) { if(unique == null) { unique = false; } var key = userKey; if(key == null) { key = systemKey; } if(unique || key == null) { key = this.getUniqueKey(key); } return key; } ,getUniqueKey: function(baseKey) { if(baseKey == null) { baseKey = "pixels"; } if(this._cache.get(baseKey) == null) { return baseKey; } var i = this._lastUniqueKeyIndex; var uniqueKey; while(true) { ++i; uniqueKey = baseKey + i; if(!(this._cache.get(uniqueKey) != null)) { break; } } this._lastUniqueKeyIndex = i; return uniqueKey; } ,getKeyWithSpacesAndBorders: function(baseKey,frameSize,frameSpacing,frameBorder,region) { var result = baseKey; if(region != null) { result += "_Region:" + region.x + "_" + region.y + "_" + region.width + "_" + region.height; } if(frameSize != null) { result += "_FrameSize:" + frameSize.x + "_" + frameSize.y; } if(frameSpacing != null) { result += "_Spaces:" + frameSpacing.x + "_" + frameSpacing.y; } if(frameBorder != null) { result += "_Border:" + frameBorder.x + "_" + frameBorder.y; } return result; } ,remove: function(graphic) { if(graphic != null) { var key = graphic.key; if(key != null) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.removeBitmapData(key); this._cache.remove(key); } graphic.destroy(); } } ,removeByKey: function(key) { if(key != null) { var obj = this._cache.get(key); if(key != null) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.removeBitmapData(key); this._cache.remove(key); } if(obj != null) { obj.destroy(); } } } ,removeIfNoUse: function(graphic) { if(graphic != null && graphic.get_useCount() == 0 && !graphic.persist) { this.remove(graphic); } } ,clearCache: function() { if(this._cache == null) { this._cache = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); return; } var key = this._cache.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); var obj = this._cache.get(key1); if(obj != null && !obj.persist && obj.get_useCount() <= 0) { if(key1 != null) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.removeBitmapData(key1); this._cache.remove(key1); } obj.destroy(); } } } ,removeKey: function(key) { if(key != null) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.removeBitmapData(key); this._cache.remove(key); } } ,reset: function() { if(this._cache == null) { this._cache = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); return; } var key = this._cache.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); var obj = this._cache.get(key1); if(key1 != null) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.removeBitmapData(key1); this._cache.remove(key1); } if(obj != null) { obj.destroy(); } } } ,clearUnused: function() { var key = this._cache.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); var _this = this._cache; var obj = __map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this.getReserved(key1) : _this.h[key1]; if(obj != null && obj.get_useCount() <= 0 && !obj.persist && obj.get_destroyOnNoUse()) { this.removeByKey(key1); } } } ,get_maxTextureSize: function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getParameter(3379); } ,get_whitePixel: function() { if(this._whitePixel == null) { var bd = new openfl_display_BitmapData(10,10,true,-1); var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(bd,true,"whitePixels"); graphic.persist = true; this._whitePixel = graphic.get_imageFrame().get_frame(); } return this._whitePixel; } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapFrontEnd ,__properties__: {get_whitePixel:"get_whitePixel",get_maxTextureSize:"get_maxTextureSize"} }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapLogFrontEnd = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.BitmapLogFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapLogFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapLogFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","BitmapLogFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapLogFrontEnd.prototype = { add: function(Data,Name) { if(Name == null) { Name = ""; } } ,clear: function() { } ,clearAt: function(Index) { if(Index == null) { Index = -1; } } ,viewCache: function() { } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_BitmapLogFrontEnd }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_CameraFrontEnd = function() { this._cameraRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this.useBufferLocking = false; this.cameraResized = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); this.cameraRemoved = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); this.cameraAdded = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); this.list = []; flixel_FlxCamera.defaultCameras = this.list; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.CameraFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_CameraFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_CameraFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","CameraFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_CameraFrontEnd.prototype = { list: null ,cameraAdded: null ,cameraRemoved: null ,cameraResized: null ,useBufferLocking: null ,_cameraRect: null ,add: function(NewCamera) { flixel_FlxG.game.addChildAt(NewCamera.flashSprite,flixel_FlxG.game.getChildIndex(flixel_FlxG.game._inputContainer)); flixel_FlxG.cameras.list.push(NewCamera); NewCamera.ID = flixel_FlxG.cameras.list.length - 1; this.cameraAdded.dispatch(NewCamera); return NewCamera; } ,remove: function(Camera,Destroy) { if(Destroy == null) { Destroy = true; } var index = this.list.indexOf(Camera); if(Camera != null && index != -1) { flixel_FlxG.game.removeChild(Camera.flashSprite); this.list.splice(index,1); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; return; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.list.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.list[i].ID = i; } } if(Destroy) { Camera.destroy(); } this.cameraRemoved.dispatch(Camera); } ,reset: function(NewCamera) { while(this.list.length > 0) this.remove(this.list[0]); if(NewCamera == null) { NewCamera = new flixel_FlxCamera(0,0,flixel_FlxG.width,flixel_FlxG.height); } flixel_FlxG.camera = this.add(NewCamera); NewCamera.ID = 0; flixel_FlxCamera.defaultCameras = this.list; } ,flash: function(Color,Duration,OnComplete,Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; camera.flash(Color,Duration,OnComplete,Force); } } ,fade: function(Color,Duration,FadeIn,OnComplete,Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } if(FadeIn == null) { FadeIn = false; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } if(Color == null) { Color = -16777216; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; camera.fade(Color,Duration,FadeIn,OnComplete,Force); } } ,shake: function(Intensity,Duration,OnComplete,Force,Axes) { if(Force == null) { Force = true; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 0.5; } if(Intensity == null) { Intensity = 0.05; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; camera.shake(Intensity,Duration,OnComplete,Force,Axes); } } ,lock: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(camera == null || !camera.exists || !camera.visible) { continue; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { camera.checkResize(); if(this.useBufferLocking) { camera.buffer.lock(); } } if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { camera.clearDrawStack(); camera.canvas.get_graphics().clear(); } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { camera.fill(camera.bgColor,camera.useBgAlphaBlending); camera.screen.dirty = true; } else { camera.fill(camera.bgColor & 16777215,camera.useBgAlphaBlending,(camera.bgColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } } } ,render: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(camera != null && camera.exists && camera.visible) { camera.render(); } } } } ,unlock: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(camera == null || !camera.exists || !camera.visible) { continue; } camera.drawFX(); if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(this.useBufferLocking) { camera.buffer.unlock(); } camera.screen.dirty = true; } } } ,update: function(elapsed) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(camera != null && camera.exists && camera.active) { camera.update(elapsed); } } } ,resize: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; camera.onResize(); } } ,get_bgColor: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.camera == null) { return -16777216; } else { return flixel_FlxG.camera.bgColor; } } ,set_bgColor: function(Color) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; camera.bgColor = Color; } return Color; } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_CameraFrontEnd ,__properties__: {set_bgColor:"set_bgColor",get_bgColor:"get_bgColor"} }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_ConsoleFrontEnd = function() { this.stepAfterCommand = true; this.autoPause = true; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.ConsoleFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_ConsoleFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_ConsoleFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","ConsoleFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_ConsoleFrontEnd.prototype = { autoPause: null ,stepAfterCommand: null ,registerFunction: function(FunctionAlias,Function) { } ,registerObject: function(ObjectAlias,AnyObject) { } ,registerClass: function(cl) { } ,registerEnum: function(e) { } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_ConsoleFrontEnd }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_DebuggerFrontEnd = function() { this.visible = false; this.visibilityChanged = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.drawDebugChanged = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.drawDebug = false; this.toggleKeys = [113,192,220]; this.precision = 3; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.DebuggerFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_DebuggerFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_DebuggerFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","DebuggerFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_DebuggerFrontEnd.prototype = { precision: null ,toggleKeys: null ,drawDebug: null ,drawDebugChanged: null ,visibilityChanged: null ,visible: null ,setLayout: function(Layout) { } ,resetLayout: function() { } ,addButton: function(Alignment,Icon,UpHandler,ToggleMode,UpdateLayout) { if(UpdateLayout == null) { UpdateLayout = true; } if(ToggleMode == null) { ToggleMode = false; } return null; } ,track: function(ObjectOrClass,WindowTitle) { return null; } ,addTrackerProfile: function(Profile) { } ,removeButton: function(Button,UpdateLayout) { if(UpdateLayout == null) { UpdateLayout = true; } } ,set_drawDebug: function(Value) { if(this.drawDebug == Value) { return this.drawDebug; } this.drawDebug = Value; return this.drawDebug; } ,set_visible: function(Value) { if(this.visible == Value) { return this.visible; } this.visible = Value; return this.visible; } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_DebuggerFrontEnd ,__properties__: {set_visible:"set_visible",set_drawDebug:"set_drawDebug"} }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_HTML5FrontEnd = function() { this.browser = this.getBrowser(); this.platform = this.getPlatform(); this.onMobile = this.getOnMobile(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.HTML5FrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_HTML5FrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_HTML5FrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","HTML5FrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_HTML5FrontEnd.prototype = { browser: null ,platform: null ,onMobile: null ,browserPosition: null ,getBrowser: function() { if(this.userAgentContains(" OPR/")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.OPERA; } else if(this.userAgentContains("chrome",true)) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.CHROME; } else if(window.navigator.appName == "Netscape") { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.FIREFOX; } else if(!(!document.documentMode)) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.INTERNET_EXPLORER; } else if(Object.prototype.toString.call(window.HTMLElement).indexOf("Constructor") > 0) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.SAFARI; } return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.UNKNOWN; } ,getPlatform: function() { if(this.userAgentContains("Win")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.WINDOWS; } else if(this.userAgentContains("IEMobile")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.WINDOWS_PHONE; } else if(this.userAgentContains("Android")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.ANDROID; } else if(this.userAgentContains("Linux")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.LINUX; } else if(this.userAgentContains("BlackBerry")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.BLACKBERRY; } else if(this.userAgentContains("iPhone")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.IOS(flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPHONE); } else if(this.userAgentContains("iPad")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.IOS(flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPAD); } else if(this.userAgentContains("iPod")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.IOS(flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPOD); } else if(this.userAgentContains("Mac")) { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.MAC; } else { return flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.UNKNOWN; } } ,getOnMobile: function() { var _g = this.platform; switch(_g[1]) { case 3:case 4:case 5:case 6: return true; default: return false; } } ,userAgentContains: function(substring,toLowerCase) { if(toLowerCase == null) { toLowerCase = false; } var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; if(toLowerCase) { userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase(); } return userAgent.indexOf(substring) != -1; } ,get_browserPosition: function() { if(this.browserPosition == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this.browserPosition = point; } this.browserPosition.set(window.screenX,window.screenY); return this.browserPosition; } ,get_browserWidth: function() { return window.innerWidth; } ,get_browserHeight: function() { return window.innerHeight; } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_HTML5FrontEnd ,__properties__: {get_browserPosition:"get_browserPosition",get_browserHeight:"get_browserHeight",get_browserWidth:"get_browserWidth"} }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_InputFrontEnd = function() { this.resetOnStateSwitch = true; this.list = []; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.InputFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_InputFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_InputFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","InputFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_InputFrontEnd.prototype = { replace_flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse: function(Old,New) { var i = 0; var success = false; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(input == Old) { this.list[i] = New; success = true; break; } ++i; } if(success) { return New; } return null; } ,add_flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager: function(Input) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(Input,true) == flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(input,true)) { return Input; } } this.list.push(Input); return Input; } ,add_flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager: function(Input) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(Input,true) == flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(input,true)) { return Input; } } this.list.push(Input); return Input; } ,add_flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse: function(Input) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(Input,true) == flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(input,true)) { return Input; } } this.list.push(Input); return Input; } ,add_flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard: function(Input) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(Input,true) == flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(input,true)) { return Input; } } this.list.push(Input); return Input; } ,list: null ,resetOnStateSwitch: null ,reset: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.reset(); } } ,update: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.update(); } } ,onFocus: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.onFocus(); } } ,onFocusLost: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.onFocusLost(); } } ,onStateSwitch: function() { if(this.resetOnStateSwitch) { this.reset(); } } ,destroy: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(input); } } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_InputFrontEnd }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_LogFrontEnd = function() { this.redirectTraces = false; this._standardTraceFunction = haxe_Log.trace; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.LogFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_LogFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_LogFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","LogFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_LogFrontEnd.prototype = { redirectTraces: null ,_standardTraceFunction: null ,add: function(Data) { } ,warn: function(Data) { } ,error: function(Data) { } ,notice: function(Data) { } ,advanced: function(Data,Style,FireOnce) { if(FireOnce == null) { FireOnce = false; } } ,clear: function() { } ,set_redirectTraces: function(Redirect) { haxe_Log.trace = Redirect ? $bind(this,this.processTraceData) : this._standardTraceFunction; return this.redirectTraces = Redirect; } ,processTraceData: function(Data,Info) { var paramArray = [Data]; if(Info.customParams != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = Info.customParams; while(_g < _g1.length) { var i = _g1[_g]; ++_g; paramArray.push(i); } } this.advanced(paramArray,flixel_system_debug_log_LogStyle.NORMAL); } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_LogFrontEnd ,__properties__: {set_redirectTraces:"set_redirectTraces"} }; var haxe_Log = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.Log"] = haxe_Log; haxe_Log.__name__ = ["haxe","Log"]; haxe_Log.trace = function(v,infos) { js_Boot.__trace(v,infos); }; var js_Boot = function() { }; $hxClasses["js.Boot"] = js_Boot; js_Boot.__name__ = ["js","Boot"]; js_Boot.__unhtml = function(s) { return s.split("&").join("&").split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">"); }; js_Boot.__trace = function(v,i) { var msg = i != null ? i.fileName + ":" + i.lineNumber + ": " : ""; msg += js_Boot.__string_rec(v,""); if(i != null && i.customParams != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = i.customParams; while(_g < _g1.length) { var v1 = _g1[_g]; ++_g; msg += "," + js_Boot.__string_rec(v1,""); } } var d; var tmp; if(typeof(document) != "undefined") { d = document.getElementById("haxe:trace"); tmp = d != null; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { d.innerHTML += js_Boot.__unhtml(msg) + "
"; } else if(typeof console != "undefined" && console.log != null) { console.log(msg); } }; js_Boot.getClass = function(o) { if((o instanceof Array) && o.__enum__ == null) { return Array; } else { var cl = o.__class__; if(cl != null) { return cl; } var name = js_Boot.__nativeClassName(o); if(name != null) { return js_Boot.__resolveNativeClass(name); } return null; } }; js_Boot.__string_rec = function(o,s) { if(o == null) { return "null"; } if(s.length >= 5) { return "<...>"; } var t = typeof(o); if(t == "function" && (o.__name__ || o.__ename__)) { t = "object"; } switch(t) { case "function": return ""; case "object": if(o instanceof Array) { if(o.__enum__) { if(o.length == 2) { return o[0]; } var str = o[0] + "("; s += "\t"; var _g1 = 2; var _g = o.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(i != 2) { str += "," + js_Boot.__string_rec(o[i],s); } else { str += js_Boot.__string_rec(o[i],s); } } return str + ")"; } var l = o.length; var i1; var str1 = "["; s += "\t"; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = l; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i2 = _g11++; str1 += (i2 > 0 ? "," : "") + js_Boot.__string_rec(o[i2],s); } str1 += "]"; return str1; } var tostr; try { tostr = o.toString; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; return "???"; } if(tostr != null && tostr != Object.toString && typeof(tostr) == "function") { var s2 = o.toString(); if(s2 != "[object Object]") { return s2; } } var k = null; var str2 = "{\n"; s += "\t"; var hasp = o.hasOwnProperty != null; for( var k in o ) { if(hasp && !o.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue; } if(k == "prototype" || k == "__class__" || k == "__super__" || k == "__interfaces__" || k == "__properties__") { continue; } if(str2.length != 2) { str2 += ", \n"; } str2 += s + k + " : " + js_Boot.__string_rec(o[k],s); } s = s.substring(1); str2 += "\n" + s + "}"; return str2; case "string": return o; default: return String(o); } }; js_Boot.__interfLoop = function(cc,cl) { if(cc == null) { return false; } if(cc == cl) { return true; } var intf = cc.__interfaces__; if(intf != null) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = intf.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var i1 = intf[i]; if(i1 == cl || js_Boot.__interfLoop(i1,cl)) { return true; } } } return js_Boot.__interfLoop(cc.__super__,cl); }; js_Boot.__instanceof = function(o,cl) { if(cl == null) { return false; } switch(cl) { case Array: if((o instanceof Array)) { return o.__enum__ == null; } else { return false; } break; case Bool: return typeof(o) == "boolean"; case Dynamic: return true; case Float: return typeof(o) == "number"; case Int: if(typeof(o) == "number") { return (o|0) === o; } else { return false; } break; case String: return typeof(o) == "string"; default: if(o != null) { if(typeof(cl) == "function") { if(o instanceof cl) { return true; } if(js_Boot.__interfLoop(js_Boot.getClass(o),cl)) { return true; } } else if(typeof(cl) == "object" && js_Boot.__isNativeObj(cl)) { if(o instanceof cl) { return true; } } } else { return false; } if(cl == Class ? o.__name__ != null : false) { return true; } if(cl == Enum ? o.__ename__ != null : false) { return true; } return o.__enum__ == cl; } }; js_Boot.__cast = function(o,t) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(o,t)) { return o; } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Cannot cast " + Std.string(o) + " to " + Std.string(t)); } }; js_Boot.__nativeClassName = function(o) { var name = js_Boot.__toStr.call(o).slice(8,-1); if(name == "Object" || name == "Function" || name == "Math" || name == "JSON") { return null; } return name; }; js_Boot.__isNativeObj = function(o) { return js_Boot.__nativeClassName(o) != null; }; js_Boot.__resolveNativeClass = function(name) { return $global[name]; }; var flixel_math_FlxRandom = function(InitialSeed) { this.internalSeed = 1; this._floatNormalRho = 0; this._twoPI = Math.PI * 2; this._floatNormalRand2 = 0; this._floatNormalRand1 = 0; this._hasFloatNormalSpare = false; this.initialSeed = 1; if(InitialSeed != null) { var lowerBound = InitialSeed < 1 ? 1 : InitialSeed; var NewSeed = (lowerBound > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound) | 0; var lowerBound1 = NewSeed < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed; this.initialSeed = (this.internalSeed = (lowerBound1 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound1) | 0) | 0; } else { var Value = Math.random() * 2147483647 | 0; var lowerBound2 = Value < 1 ? 1 : Value; var NewSeed1 = (lowerBound2 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound2) | 0; var lowerBound3 = NewSeed1 < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed1; var NewSeed2 = (lowerBound3 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound3) | 0; var lowerBound4 = NewSeed2 < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed2; this.initialSeed = (this.internalSeed = (lowerBound4 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound4) | 0) | 0; } }; $hxClasses["flixel.math.FlxRandom"] = flixel_math_FlxRandom; flixel_math_FlxRandom.__name__ = ["flixel","math","FlxRandom"]; flixel_math_FlxRandom.rangeBound = function(Value) { var lowerBound = Value < 1 ? 1 : Value; return (lowerBound > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound) | 0; }; flixel_math_FlxRandom.prototype = { getObject_flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup_T: function(Objects,WeightsArray,StartIndex,EndIndex) { if(StartIndex == null) { StartIndex = 0; } var selected = null; if(Objects.length != 0) { if(WeightsArray == null) { var _g = []; var _g2 = 0; var _g1 = Objects.length; while(_g2 < _g1) { var i = _g2++; _g.push(1); } WeightsArray = _g; } if(EndIndex == null) { EndIndex = Objects.length - 1; } var Max = Objects.length - 1; var lowerBound = StartIndex < 0 ? 0 : StartIndex; StartIndex = (Max != null && lowerBound > Max ? Max : lowerBound) | 0; var Max1 = Objects.length - 1; var lowerBound1 = EndIndex < 0 ? 0 : EndIndex; EndIndex = (Max1 != null && lowerBound1 > Max1 ? Max1 : lowerBound1) | 0; if(EndIndex < StartIndex) { StartIndex += EndIndex; EndIndex = StartIndex - EndIndex; StartIndex -= EndIndex; } if(EndIndex > WeightsArray.length - 1) { EndIndex = WeightsArray.length - 1; } var _g3 = []; var _g21 = StartIndex; var _g11 = EndIndex + 1; while(_g21 < _g11) { var i1 = _g21++; _g3.push(WeightsArray[i1]); } flixel_math_FlxRandom._arrayFloatHelper = _g3; selected = Objects[StartIndex + this.weightedPick(flixel_math_FlxRandom._arrayFloatHelper)]; } return selected; } ,initialSeed: null ,resetInitialSeed: function() { var Value = Math.random() * 2147483647 | 0; var lowerBound = Value < 1 ? 1 : Value; var NewSeed = (lowerBound > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound) | 0; var lowerBound1 = NewSeed < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed; var NewSeed1 = (lowerBound1 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound1) | 0; var lowerBound2 = NewSeed1 < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed1; return this.initialSeed = (this.internalSeed = (lowerBound2 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound2) | 0) | 0; } ,'int': function(Min,Max,Excludes) { if(Max == null) { Max = 2147483647; } if(Min == null) { Min = 0; } if(Min == 0 && Max == 2147483647 && Excludes == null) { return (this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647) | 0; } else if(Min == Max) { return Min; } else { if(Min > Max) { Min += Max; Max = Min - Max; Min -= Max; } if(Excludes == null) { return Math.floor(Min + (this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647) / 2147483647 * (Max - Min + 1)); } else { var result = 0; while(true) { result = Math.floor(Min + (this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647) / 2147483647 * (Max - Min + 1)); if(!(Excludes.indexOf(result) >= 0)) { break; } } return result; } } } ,'float': function(Min,Max,Excludes) { if(Max == null) { Max = 1; } if(Min == null) { Min = 0; } var result = 0; if(Min == 0 && Max == 1 && Excludes == null) { return (this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647) / 2147483647; } else if(Min == Max) { result = Min; } else { if(Min > Max) { Min += Max; Max = Min - Max; Min -= Max; } if(Excludes == null) { result = Min + (this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647) / 2147483647 * (Max - Min); } else { while(true) { result = Min + (this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647) / 2147483647 * (Max - Min); if(!(Excludes.indexOf(result) >= 0)) { break; } } } } return result; } ,_hasFloatNormalSpare: null ,_floatNormalRand1: null ,_floatNormalRand2: null ,_twoPI: null ,_floatNormalRho: null ,floatNormal: function(Mean,StdDev) { if(StdDev == null) { StdDev = 1; } if(Mean == null) { Mean = 0; } if(this._hasFloatNormalSpare) { this._hasFloatNormalSpare = false; var scale = StdDev * this._floatNormalRho; return Mean + scale * this._floatNormalRand2; } this._hasFloatNormalSpare = true; var theta = this._twoPI * ((this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647) / 2147483647); this._floatNormalRho = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(1 - (this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647) / 2147483647)); var scale1 = StdDev * this._floatNormalRho; this._floatNormalRand1 = Math.cos(theta); this._floatNormalRand2 = Math.sin(theta); return Mean + scale1 * this._floatNormalRand1; } ,bool: function(Chance) { if(Chance == null) { Chance = 50; } return this["float"](0,100) < Chance; } ,sign: function(Chance) { if(Chance == null) { Chance = 50; } if(this["float"](0,100) < Chance) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } ,weightedPick: function(WeightsArray) { var totalWeight = 0; var pick = 0; var _g = 0; while(_g < WeightsArray.length) { var i = WeightsArray[_g]; ++_g; totalWeight += i; } totalWeight = this["float"](0,totalWeight); var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = WeightsArray.length; while(_g1 < _g2) { var i1 = _g1++; if(totalWeight < WeightsArray[i1]) { pick = i1; break; } totalWeight -= WeightsArray[i1]; } return pick; } ,color: function(Min,Max,Alpha,GreyScale) { if(GreyScale == null) { GreyScale = false; } var red; var green; var blue; var alpha; if(Min == null && Max == null) { red = this["int"](0,255); green = this["int"](0,255); blue = this["int"](0,255); if(Alpha == null) { alpha = this["int"](0,255); } else { alpha = Alpha; } } else if(Max == null) { red = this["int"](Min >> 16 & 255,255); if(GreyScale) { green = red; } else { green = this["int"](Min >> 8 & 255,255); } if(GreyScale) { blue = red; } else { blue = this["int"](Min & 255,255); } if(Alpha == null) { alpha = this["int"](Min >> 24 & 255,255); } else { alpha = Alpha; } } else if(Min == null) { red = this["int"](0,Max >> 16 & 255); if(GreyScale) { green = red; } else { green = this["int"](0,Max >> 8 & 255); } if(GreyScale) { blue = red; } else { blue = this["int"](0,Max & 255); } if(Alpha == null) { alpha = this["int"](0,Max >> 24 & 255); } else { alpha = Alpha; } } else { red = this["int"](Min >> 16 & 255,Max >> 16 & 255); if(GreyScale) { green = red; } else { green = this["int"](Min >> 8 & 255,Max >> 8 & 255); } if(GreyScale) { blue = red; } else { blue = this["int"](Min & 255,Max & 255); } if(Alpha == null) { alpha = this["int"](Min >> 24 & 255,Max >> 24 & 255); } else { alpha = Alpha; } } var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (red > 255 ? 255 : red < 0 ? 0 : red) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (green > 255 ? 255 : green < 0 ? 0 : green) << 8; color &= -256; color |= blue > 255 ? 255 : blue < 0 ? 0 : blue; color &= 16777215; color |= (alpha > 255 ? 255 : alpha < 0 ? 0 : alpha) << 24; return color; } ,generate: function() { return this.internalSeed = this.internalSeed * 48271.0 % 2147483647; } ,internalSeed: null ,set_initialSeed: function(NewSeed) { var lowerBound = NewSeed < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed; var NewSeed1 = (lowerBound > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound) | 0; var lowerBound1 = NewSeed1 < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed1; return this.initialSeed = (this.internalSeed = (lowerBound1 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound1) | 0) | 0; } ,get_currentSeed: function() { return this.internalSeed | 0; } ,set_currentSeed: function(NewSeed) { var lowerBound = NewSeed < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed; return (this.internalSeed = (lowerBound > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound) | 0) | 0; } ,__class__: flixel_math_FlxRandom ,__properties__: {set_currentSeed:"set_currentSeed",get_currentSeed:"get_currentSeed",set_initialSeed:"set_initialSeed"} }; var flixel_util_FlxSave = function() { this._closeRequested = false; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxSave"] = flixel_util_FlxSave; flixel_util_FlxSave.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxSave"]; flixel_util_FlxSave.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_util_FlxSave.prototype = { data: null ,name: null ,path: null ,_sharedObject: null ,_onComplete: null ,_closeRequested: null ,destroy: function() { this._sharedObject = null; this.name = null; this.path = null; this.data = null; this._onComplete = null; this._closeRequested = false; } ,bind: function(Name,Path) { this.destroy(); this.name = Name; this.path = Path; try { this._sharedObject = openfl_net_SharedObject.getLocal(this.name,this.path); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(e,openfl_errors_Error) ) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; this.destroy(); return false; } else throw(e); } this.data = this._sharedObject.data; return true; } ,close: function(MinFileSize,OnComplete) { if(MinFileSize == null) { MinFileSize = 0; } this._closeRequested = true; return this.flush(MinFileSize,OnComplete); } ,flush: function(MinFileSize,OnComplete) { if(MinFileSize == null) { MinFileSize = 0; } if(!this.checkBinding()) { return false; } this._onComplete = OnComplete; var result = null; try { result = this._sharedObject.flush(); } catch( _ ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = _; if (_ instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) _ = _.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(_,openfl_errors_Error) ) { return this.onDone(flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.ERROR); } else throw(_); } return this.onDone(result == 0 ? flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.SUCCESS : flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.PENDING); } ,erase: function() { if(!this.checkBinding()) { return false; } this._sharedObject.clear(); this.data = { }; return true; } ,onDone: function(Result) { switch(Result[1]) { case 1: var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; break; case 2: var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.log; break; default: } if(this._onComplete != null) { this._onComplete(Result == flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.SUCCESS); } if(this._closeRequested) { this.destroy(); } return Result == flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.SUCCESS; } ,checkBinding: function() { if(this._sharedObject == null) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; return false; } return true; } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxSave }; var flixel_system_scaleModes_BaseScaleMode = function() { this.verticalAlign = flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.CENTER; this.horizontalAlign = flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.CENTER; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this.deviceSize = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; this.gameSize = point1; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point2._inPool = false; this.scale = point2; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point3._inPool = false; this.offset = point3; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.scaleModes.BaseScaleMode"] = flixel_system_scaleModes_BaseScaleMode; flixel_system_scaleModes_BaseScaleMode.__name__ = ["flixel","system","scaleModes","BaseScaleMode"]; flixel_system_scaleModes_BaseScaleMode.prototype = { deviceSize: null ,gameSize: null ,scale: null ,offset: null ,horizontalAlign: null ,verticalAlign: null ,onMeasure: function(Width,Height) { flixel_FlxG.width = flixel_FlxG.initialWidth; flixel_FlxG.height = flixel_FlxG.initialHeight; this.updateGameSize(Width,Height); this.updateDeviceSize(Width,Height); this.updateScaleOffset(); this.updateGamePosition(); } ,updateGameSize: function(Width,Height) { this.gameSize.set(Width,Height); } ,updateDeviceSize: function(Width,Height) { this.deviceSize.set(Width,Height); } ,updateScaleOffset: function() { this.scale.set_x(this.gameSize.x / (flixel_FlxG.width * flixel_FlxG.initialZoom)); this.scale.set_y(this.gameSize.y / (flixel_FlxG.height * flixel_FlxG.initialZoom)); this.updateOffsetX(); this.updateOffsetY(); } ,updateOffsetX: function() { var _g = this.horizontalAlign; var tmp; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: tmp = 0; break; case 1: tmp = Math.ceil((this.deviceSize.x - this.gameSize.x) * 0.5); break; case 2: tmp = this.deviceSize.x - this.gameSize.x; break; } this.offset.set_x(tmp); } ,updateOffsetY: function() { var _g = this.verticalAlign; var tmp; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: tmp = 0; break; case 1: tmp = Math.ceil((this.deviceSize.y - this.gameSize.y) * 0.5); break; case 2: tmp = this.deviceSize.y - this.gameSize.y; break; } this.offset.set_y(tmp); } ,updateGamePosition: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.game == null) { return; } flixel_FlxG.game.set_x(this.offset.x); flixel_FlxG.game.set_y(this.offset.y); } ,set_horizontalAlign: function(value) { this.horizontalAlign = value; if(this.offset != null) { this.updateOffsetX(); this.updateGamePosition(); } return value; } ,set_verticalAlign: function(value) { this.verticalAlign = value; if(this.offset != null) { this.updateOffsetY(); this.updateGamePosition(); } return value; } ,__class__: flixel_system_scaleModes_BaseScaleMode ,__properties__: {set_verticalAlign:"set_verticalAlign",set_horizontalAlign:"set_horizontalAlign"} }; var flixel_system_scaleModes_RatioScaleMode = function(fillScreen) { if(fillScreen == null) { fillScreen = false; } flixel_system_scaleModes_BaseScaleMode.call(this); this.fillScreen = fillScreen; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.scaleModes.RatioScaleMode"] = flixel_system_scaleModes_RatioScaleMode; flixel_system_scaleModes_RatioScaleMode.__name__ = ["flixel","system","scaleModes","RatioScaleMode"]; flixel_system_scaleModes_RatioScaleMode.__super__ = flixel_system_scaleModes_BaseScaleMode; flixel_system_scaleModes_RatioScaleMode.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_scaleModes_BaseScaleMode.prototype,{ fillScreen: null ,updateGameSize: function(Width,Height) { var ratio = flixel_FlxG.width / flixel_FlxG.height; var realRatio = Width / Height; var scaleY = realRatio < ratio; if(this.fillScreen) { scaleY = !scaleY; } if(scaleY) { this.gameSize.set_x(Width); this.gameSize.set_y(Math.floor(this.gameSize.x / ratio)); } else { this.gameSize.set_y(Height); this.gameSize.set_x(Math.floor(this.gameSize.y * ratio)); } } ,__class__: flixel_system_scaleModes_RatioScaleMode }); var flixel_system_frontEnds_SignalFrontEnd = function() { this.focusLost = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.focusGained = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.postDraw = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.preDraw = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.postUpdate = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.preUpdate = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.postGameStart = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.preGameStart = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.postGameReset = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.preGameReset = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.gameResized = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal2(); this.preStateCreate = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); this.postStateSwitch = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); this.preStateSwitch = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.SignalFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_SignalFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_SignalFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","SignalFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_SignalFrontEnd.prototype = { preStateSwitch: null ,postStateSwitch: null ,preStateCreate: null ,gameResized: null ,preGameReset: null ,postGameReset: null ,preGameStart: null ,postGameStart: null ,preUpdate: null ,postUpdate: null ,preDraw: null ,postDraw: null ,focusGained: null ,focusLost: null ,get_stateSwitched: function() { return this.preStateSwitch; } ,get_gameStarted: function() { return this.postGameStart; } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_SignalFrontEnd ,__properties__: {get_gameStarted:"get_gameStarted",get_stateSwitched:"get_stateSwitched"} }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_WatchFrontEnd = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.WatchFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_WatchFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_WatchFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","WatchFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_WatchFrontEnd.prototype = { add: function(object,field,displayName) { } ,remove: function(object,field) { } ,addQuick: function(displayName,value) { } ,removeQuick: function(displayName) { } ,addExpression: function(expression,displayName) { } ,removeExpression: function(displayName) { } ,addMouse: function() { } ,removeMouse: function() { } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_WatchFrontEnd }; var flixel_FlxG = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.FlxG"] = flixel_FlxG; flixel_FlxG.__name__ = ["flixel","FlxG"]; flixel_FlxG.__properties__ = {set_mouse:"set_mouse",set_fullscreen:"set_fullscreen",get_fullscreen:"get_fullscreen",set_scaleMode:"set_scaleMode",get_onMobile:"get_onMobile",set_drawFramerate:"set_drawFramerate",set_updateFramerate:"set_updateFramerate",get_state:"get_state",get_stage:"get_stage"}; flixel_FlxG.camera = null; flixel_FlxG.game = null; flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate = null; flixel_FlxG.drawFramerate = null; flixel_FlxG.renderMethod = null; flixel_FlxG.renderBlit = null; flixel_FlxG.renderTile = null; flixel_FlxG.width = null; flixel_FlxG.height = null; flixel_FlxG.mouse = null; flixel_FlxG.touches = null; flixel_FlxG.keys = null; flixel_FlxG.gamepads = null; flixel_FlxG.accelerometer = null; flixel_FlxG.vcr = null; flixel_FlxG.plugins = null; flixel_FlxG.sound = null; flixel_FlxG.resizeGame = function(Width,Height) { flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.onMeasure(Width,Height); }; flixel_FlxG.resizeWindow = function(Width,Height) { }; flixel_FlxG.resetGame = function() { flixel_FlxG.game._resetGame = true; }; flixel_FlxG.switchState = function(nextState) { if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } }; flixel_FlxG.resetState = function() { var o = flixel_FlxG.game._state; var nextState = Type.createInstance(o == null ? null : js_Boot.getClass(o),[]); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } }; flixel_FlxG.overlap = function(ObjectOrGroup1,ObjectOrGroup2,NotifyCallback,ProcessCallback) { if(ObjectOrGroup1 == null) { ObjectOrGroup1 = flixel_FlxG.game._state; } if(ObjectOrGroup2 == ObjectOrGroup1) { ObjectOrGroup2 = null; } flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.divisions = flixel_FlxG.worldDivisions; var quadTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(flixel_FlxG.worldBounds.x,flixel_FlxG.worldBounds.y,flixel_FlxG.worldBounds.width,flixel_FlxG.worldBounds.height); quadTree.load(ObjectOrGroup1,ObjectOrGroup2,NotifyCallback,ProcessCallback); var result = quadTree.execute(); quadTree.destroy(); return result; }; flixel_FlxG.pixelPerfectOverlap = function(Sprite1,Sprite2,AlphaTolerance,Camera) { if(AlphaTolerance == null) { AlphaTolerance = 255; } return flixel_util_FlxCollision.pixelPerfectCheck(Sprite1,Sprite2,AlphaTolerance,Camera); }; flixel_FlxG.collide = function(ObjectOrGroup1,ObjectOrGroup2,NotifyCallback) { return flixel_FlxG.overlap(ObjectOrGroup1,ObjectOrGroup2,NotifyCallback,flixel_FlxObject.separate); }; flixel_FlxG.addPostProcess = function(postProcess) { return postProcess; }; flixel_FlxG.removePostProcess = function(postProcess) { }; flixel_FlxG.openURL = function(URL,Target) { if(Target == null) { Target = "_blank"; } var prefix = ""; if(!new EReg("^https?://","").match(URL)) { prefix = "http://"; } openfl_Lib.getURL(new openfl_net_URLRequest(prefix + URL),Target); }; flixel_FlxG.init = function(Game,Width,Height,Zoom) { flixel_FlxG.game = Game; flixel_FlxG.width = Math.abs(Width) | 0; flixel_FlxG.height = Math.abs(Height) | 0; flixel_FlxG.initRenderMethod(); flixel_FlxG.initialWidth = flixel_FlxG.width; flixel_FlxG.initialHeight = flixel_FlxG.height; flixel_FlxG.initialZoom = flixel_FlxCamera.defaultZoom = Zoom; var Width1 = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth; var Height1 = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight; flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.onMeasure(Width1,Height1); flixel_FlxG.keys = flixel_FlxG.inputs.add_flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard(new flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard()); flixel_FlxG.set_mouse(flixel_FlxG.inputs.add_flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse(new flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse(flixel_FlxG.game._inputContainer))); flixel_FlxG.touches = flixel_FlxG.inputs.add_flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager(new flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager()); flixel_FlxG.gamepads = flixel_FlxG.inputs.add_flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager(new flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager()); flixel_FlxG.accelerometer = new flixel_input_FlxAccelerometer(); flixel_FlxG.save.bind("flixel"); flixel_FlxG.plugins = new flixel_system_frontEnds_PluginFrontEnd(); flixel_FlxG.vcr = new flixel_system_frontEnds_VCRFrontEnd(); flixel_FlxG.sound = new flixel_system_frontEnds_SoundFrontEnd(); }; flixel_FlxG.initRenderMethod = function() { flixel_FlxG.renderMethod = flixel_FlxRenderMethod.BLITTING; var _g = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.window.context.type; var tmp; switch(_g) { case "opengl":case "opengles":case "webgl": tmp = flixel_FlxRenderMethod.DRAW_TILES; break; default: tmp = flixel_FlxRenderMethod.BLITTING; } flixel_FlxG.renderMethod = tmp; flixel_FlxG.renderBlit = flixel_FlxG.renderMethod == flixel_FlxRenderMethod.BLITTING; flixel_FlxG.renderTile = flixel_FlxG.renderMethod == flixel_FlxRenderMethod.DRAW_TILES; flixel_FlxObject.defaultPixelPerfectPosition = flixel_FlxG.renderBlit; }; flixel_FlxG.reset = function() { var _this = flixel_FlxG.random; var Value = Math.random() * 2147483647 | 0; var lowerBound = Value < 1 ? 1 : Value; var NewSeed = (lowerBound > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound) | 0; var lowerBound1 = NewSeed < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed; var NewSeed1 = (lowerBound1 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound1) | 0; var lowerBound2 = NewSeed1 < 1 ? 1 : NewSeed1; _this.initialSeed = (_this.internalSeed = (lowerBound2 > 2147483646 ? 2147483646 : lowerBound2) | 0) | 0; flixel_FlxG.bitmap.reset(); flixel_FlxG.inputs.reset(); flixel_FlxG.sound.destroy(true); flixel_FlxG.autoPause = true; flixel_FlxG.fixedTimestep = true; flixel_FlxG.timeScale = 1.0; flixel_FlxG.elapsed = 0; flixel_FlxG.maxElapsed = 0.1; var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.worldBounds; _this1.x = -10; _this1.y = -10; _this1.width = flixel_FlxG.width + 20; _this1.height = flixel_FlxG.height + 20; flixel_FlxG.worldDivisions = 6; }; flixel_FlxG.set_scaleMode = function(ScaleMode) { flixel_FlxG.scaleMode = ScaleMode; flixel_FlxG.game.onResize(null); return ScaleMode; }; flixel_FlxG.set_mouse = function(NewMouse) { if(flixel_FlxG.mouse == null) { flixel_FlxG.mouse = flixel_FlxG.inputs.add_flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse(NewMouse); return flixel_FlxG.mouse; } var oldMouse = flixel_FlxG.mouse; var result = flixel_FlxG.inputs.replace_flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse(oldMouse,NewMouse); if(result != null) { flixel_FlxG.mouse = result; oldMouse.destroy(); return NewMouse; } return oldMouse; }; flixel_FlxG.set_updateFramerate = function(Framerate) { if(Framerate < flixel_FlxG.drawFramerate) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; } flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate = Framerate; flixel_FlxG.game._stepMS = Math.abs(1000 / Framerate); flixel_FlxG.game._stepSeconds = flixel_FlxG.game._stepMS / 1000; if(flixel_FlxG.game._maxAccumulation < flixel_FlxG.game._stepMS) { flixel_FlxG.game._maxAccumulation = flixel_FlxG.game._stepMS; } return Framerate; }; flixel_FlxG.set_drawFramerate = function(Framerate) { if(Framerate > flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; } flixel_FlxG.drawFramerate = Math.abs(Framerate) | 0; if(flixel_FlxG.game.stage != null) { flixel_FlxG.game.stage.set_frameRate(flixel_FlxG.drawFramerate); } flixel_FlxG.game._maxAccumulation = 2000 / flixel_FlxG.drawFramerate - 1; if(flixel_FlxG.game._maxAccumulation < flixel_FlxG.game._stepMS) { flixel_FlxG.game._maxAccumulation = flixel_FlxG.game._stepMS; } return Framerate; }; flixel_FlxG.get_fullscreen = function() { if(openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.get_displayState() != 0) { return openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.get_displayState() == 1; } else { return true; } }; flixel_FlxG.set_fullscreen = function(Value) { openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.set_displayState(Value ? 0 : 2); return Value; }; flixel_FlxG.get_stage = function() { return openfl_Lib.get_current().stage; }; flixel_FlxG.get_state = function() { return flixel_FlxG.game._state; }; flixel_FlxG.get_onMobile = function() { return flixel_FlxG.html5.onMobile; }; var flixel_FlxRenderMethod = $hxClasses["flixel.FlxRenderMethod"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","FlxRenderMethod"], __constructs__ : ["DRAW_TILES","BLITTING"] }; flixel_FlxRenderMethod.DRAW_TILES = ["DRAW_TILES",0]; flixel_FlxRenderMethod.DRAW_TILES.toString = $estr; flixel_FlxRenderMethod.DRAW_TILES.__enum__ = flixel_FlxRenderMethod; flixel_FlxRenderMethod.BLITTING = ["BLITTING",1]; flixel_FlxRenderMethod.BLITTING.toString = $estr; flixel_FlxRenderMethod.BLITTING.__enum__ = flixel_FlxRenderMethod; var flixel_FlxGame = function(GameWidth,GameHeight,InitialState,Zoom,UpdateFramerate,DrawFramerate,SkipSplash,StartFullscreen) { if(StartFullscreen == null) { StartFullscreen = false; } if(SkipSplash == null) { SkipSplash = false; } if(DrawFramerate == null) { DrawFramerate = 60; } if(UpdateFramerate == null) { UpdateFramerate = 60; } if(Zoom == null) { Zoom = 1; } if(GameHeight == null) { GameHeight = 0; } if(GameWidth == null) { GameWidth = 0; } this._resetGame = false; this._skipSplash = false; this._customSoundTray = flixel_system_ui_FlxSoundTray; this._lostFocus = false; this._startTime = 0; this._total = 0; this._gameJustStarted = false; this.filtersEnabled = true; this.ticks = 0; this.focusLostFramerate = 10; openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this._inputContainer = new openfl_display_Sprite(); if(GameWidth == 0) { GameWidth = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth; } if(GameHeight == 0) { GameHeight = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight; } flixel_FlxG.init(this,GameWidth,GameHeight,Zoom); flixel_FlxG.set_updateFramerate(UpdateFramerate); flixel_FlxG.set_drawFramerate(DrawFramerate); this._accumulator = this._stepMS; this._skipSplash = SkipSplash; this._initialState = InitialState == null ? flixel_FlxState : InitialState; this.addEventListener("addedToStage",$bind(this,this.create)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.FlxGame"] = flixel_FlxGame; flixel_FlxGame.__name__ = ["flixel","FlxGame"]; flixel_FlxGame.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_FlxGame.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ focusLostFramerate: null ,soundTray: null ,ticks: null ,filtersEnabled: null ,_gameJustStarted: null ,_initialState: null ,_state: null ,_total: null ,_startTime: null ,_accumulator: null ,_elapsedMS: null ,_stepMS: null ,_stepSeconds: null ,_maxAccumulation: null ,_lostFocus: null ,_filters: null ,_inputContainer: null ,_customSoundTray: null ,_skipSplash: null ,_requestedState: null ,_resetGame: null ,setFilters: function(filters) { this._filters = filters; } ,create: function(_) { if(this.stage == null) { return; } this.removeEventListener("addedToStage",$bind(this,this.create)); this._startTime = this.getTimer(); this._total = this.getTimer() - this._startTime; this.stage.set_scaleMode(2); this.stage.align = 6; this.stage.set_frameRate(flixel_FlxG.drawFramerate); this.addChild(this._inputContainer); this.soundTray = Type.createInstance(this._customSoundTray,[]); this.addChild(this.soundTray); this.stage.addEventListener("deactivate",$bind(this,this.onFocusLost)); this.stage.addEventListener("activate",$bind(this,this.onFocus)); flixel_FlxG.signals.preGameReset.dispatch(); if(this._skipSplash || flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState != null) { this._requestedState = Type.createInstance(this._initialState,[]); if(flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState == null) { this._gameJustStarted = true; } } else { flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState = this._initialState; this._requestedState = new flixel_system_FlxSplash(); this._skipSplash = true; } flixel_FlxG.reset(); flixel_FlxG.signals.postGameReset.dispatch(); this.switchState(); if(flixel_FlxG.updateFramerate < flixel_FlxG.drawFramerate) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; } this.stage.addEventListener("enterFrame",$bind(this,this.onEnterFrame)); this.stage.addEventListener("resize",$bind(this,this.onResize)); this.resizeGame(openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth,openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight); openfl_utils_Assets.addEventListener("change",($_=flixel_FlxG.bitmap,$bind($_,$_.onAssetsReload))); } ,onFocus: function(_) { this._lostFocus = false; flixel_FlxG.signals.focusGained.dispatch(); this._state.onFocus(); if(!flixel_FlxG.autoPause) { return; } this.stage.set_frameRate(flixel_FlxG.drawFramerate); flixel_FlxG.sound.onFocus(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = flixel_FlxG.inputs.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.onFocus(); } } ,onFocusLost: function(event) { this._lostFocus = true; flixel_FlxG.signals.focusLost.dispatch(); this._state.onFocusLost(); if(!flixel_FlxG.autoPause) { return; } this.stage.set_frameRate(this.focusLostFramerate); flixel_FlxG.sound.onFocusLost(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = flixel_FlxG.inputs.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.onFocusLost(); } } ,onResize: function(_) { var width = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth; var height = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight; if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { flixel_FlxG.bitmap.onContext(); } this.resizeGame(width,height); } ,resizeGame: function(width,height) { flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.onMeasure(width,height); this._state.onResize(width,height); flixel_FlxG.cameras.resize(); flixel_FlxG.signals.gameResized.dispatch(width,height); if(this.soundTray != null) { this.soundTray.screenCenter(); } } ,onEnterFrame: function(_) { this.ticks = this.getTimer() - this._startTime; this._elapsedMS = this.ticks - this._total; this._total = this.ticks; if(this.soundTray != null && this.soundTray.active) { this.soundTray.update(this._elapsedMS); } if(!this._lostFocus || !flixel_FlxG.autoPause) { if(flixel_FlxG.vcr.paused) { if(flixel_FlxG.vcr.stepRequested) { flixel_FlxG.vcr.stepRequested = false; } else if(this._state == this._requestedState) { return; } } if(flixel_FlxG.fixedTimestep) { this._accumulator += this._elapsedMS; this._accumulator = this._accumulator > this._maxAccumulation ? this._maxAccumulation : this._accumulator; while(this._accumulator >= this._stepMS) { this.step(); this._accumulator -= this._stepMS; } } else { this.step(); } this.draw(); } } ,resetGame: function() { flixel_FlxG.signals.preGameReset.dispatch(); if(this._skipSplash || flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState != null) { this._requestedState = Type.createInstance(this._initialState,[]); if(flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState == null) { this._gameJustStarted = true; } } else { flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState = this._initialState; this._requestedState = new flixel_system_FlxSplash(); this._skipSplash = true; } flixel_FlxG.reset(); flixel_FlxG.signals.postGameReset.dispatch(); } ,switchState: function() { flixel_FlxG.cameras.reset(); flixel_FlxG.inputs.onStateSwitch(); flixel_FlxG.sound.destroy(); flixel_FlxG.signals.preStateSwitch.dispatch(); if(this._state != null) { this._state.destroy(); } flixel_FlxG.bitmap.clearCache(); this._state = this._requestedState; if(this._gameJustStarted) { flixel_FlxG.signals.preGameStart.dispatch(); } flixel_FlxG.signals.preStateCreate.dispatch(this._state); this._state.create(); if(this._gameJustStarted) { this.gameStart(); } flixel_FlxG.signals.postStateSwitch.dispatch(); } ,gameStart: function() { flixel_FlxG.signals.postGameStart.dispatch(); this._gameJustStarted = false; } ,step: function() { if(this._resetGame) { flixel_FlxG.signals.preGameReset.dispatch(); if(this._skipSplash || flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState != null) { this._requestedState = Type.createInstance(this._initialState,[]); if(flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState == null) { this._gameJustStarted = true; } } else { flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState = this._initialState; this._requestedState = new flixel_system_FlxSplash(); this._skipSplash = true; } flixel_FlxG.reset(); flixel_FlxG.signals.postGameReset.dispatch(); this._resetGame = false; } this.handleReplayRequests(); this.update(); } ,handleReplayRequests: function() { } ,update: function() { if(!this._state.active || !this._state.exists) { return; } if(this._state != this._requestedState) { this.switchState(); } this.updateElapsed(); flixel_FlxG.signals.preUpdate.dispatch(); this.updateInput(); flixel_FlxG.sound.update(flixel_FlxG.elapsed); var elapsed = flixel_FlxG.elapsed; var _g = 0; var _g1 = flixel_FlxG.plugins.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var plugin = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(plugin.exists && plugin.active) { plugin.update(elapsed); } } this._state.tryUpdate(flixel_FlxG.elapsed); var elapsed1 = flixel_FlxG.elapsed; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = flixel_FlxG.cameras.list; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var camera = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; if(camera != null && camera.exists && camera.active) { camera.update(elapsed1); } } flixel_FlxG.signals.postUpdate.dispatch(); flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.clearArray(flixel_FlxG.swipes); this.set_filters(this.filtersEnabled ? this._filters : null); } ,updateElapsed: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.fixedTimestep) { flixel_FlxG.elapsed = flixel_FlxG.timeScale * this._stepSeconds; } else { flixel_FlxG.elapsed = flixel_FlxG.timeScale * (this._elapsedMS / 1000); var max = flixel_FlxG.maxElapsed * flixel_FlxG.timeScale; if(flixel_FlxG.elapsed > max) { flixel_FlxG.elapsed = max; } } } ,updateInput: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = flixel_FlxG.inputs.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.update(); } } ,draw: function() { if(!this._state.visible || !this._state.exists) { return; } flixel_FlxG.signals.preDraw.dispatch(); if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.drawCalls = 0; } var _this = flixel_FlxG.cameras; var _g = 0; var _g1 = _this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(camera == null || !camera.exists || !camera.visible) { continue; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { camera.checkResize(); if(_this.useBufferLocking) { camera.buffer.lock(); } } if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { camera.clearDrawStack(); camera.canvas.get_graphics().clear(); } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { camera.fill(camera.bgColor,camera.useBgAlphaBlending); camera.screen.dirty = true; } else { camera.fill(camera.bgColor & 16777215,camera.useBgAlphaBlending,(camera.bgColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = flixel_FlxG.plugins.list; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var plugin = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; if(plugin.exists && plugin.visible) { plugin.draw(); } } this._state.draw(); if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = flixel_FlxG.cameras.list; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var camera1 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; if(camera1 != null && camera1.exists && camera1.visible) { camera1.render(); } } } } var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.cameras; var _g4 = 0; var _g13 = _this1.list; while(_g4 < _g13.length) { var camera2 = _g13[_g4]; ++_g4; if(camera2 == null || !camera2.exists || !camera2.visible) { continue; } camera2.drawFX(); if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(_this1.useBufferLocking) { camera2.buffer.unlock(); } camera2.screen.dirty = true; } } flixel_FlxG.signals.postDraw.dispatch(); } ,getTicks: function() { return this.getTimer() - this._startTime; } ,getTimer: function() { return openfl_Lib.getTimer(); } ,__class__: flixel_FlxGame }); var flixel_FlxObject = function(X,Y,Width,Height) { if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this._rect = rect; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this._point = point; this.path = null; this.collisonXDrag = true; this.allowCollisions = 4369; this.wasTouching = 0; this.touching = 0; this.health = 1; this.maxAngular = 10000; this.angularDrag = 0; this.angularAcceleration = 0; this.angularVelocity = 0; this.elasticity = 0; this.mass = 1; this.immovable = false; this.moves = true; this.angle = 0; this.pixelPerfectPosition = true; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; flixel_FlxBasic.call(this); this.set_x(X); this.set_y(Y); this.set_width(Width); this.set_height(Height); this.initVars(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.FlxObject"] = flixel_FlxObject; flixel_FlxObject.__name__ = ["flixel","FlxObject"]; flixel_FlxObject.separate = function(Object1,Object2) { var separatedX = flixel_FlxObject.separateX(Object1,Object2); var separatedY = flixel_FlxObject.separateY(Object1,Object2); if(!separatedX) { return separatedY; } else { return true; } }; flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlags = function(Object1,Object2) { var touchingX = flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlagsX(Object1,Object2); var touchingY = flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlagsY(Object1,Object2); if(!touchingX) { return touchingY; } else { return true; } }; flixel_FlxObject.computeOverlapX = function(Object1,Object2,checkMaxOverlap) { if(checkMaxOverlap == null) { checkMaxOverlap = true; } var overlap = 0; var obj1delta = Object1.x - Object1.last.x; var obj2delta = Object2.x - Object2.last.x; if(obj1delta != obj2delta) { var obj1deltaAbs = obj1delta > 0 ? obj1delta : -obj1delta; var obj2deltaAbs = obj2delta > 0 ? obj2delta : -obj2delta; var _this = flixel_FlxObject._firstSeparateFlxRect; var X = Object1.x - (obj1delta > 0 ? obj1delta : 0); var Y = Object1.last.y; var Width = Object1.get_width() + obj1deltaAbs; var Height = Object1.get_height(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var obj1rect = _this; var _this1 = flixel_FlxObject._secondSeparateFlxRect; var X1 = Object2.x - (obj2delta > 0 ? obj2delta : 0); var Y1 = Object2.last.y; var Width1 = Object2.get_width() + obj2deltaAbs; var Height1 = Object2.get_height(); _this1.x = X1; _this1.y = Y1; _this1.width = Width1; _this1.height = Height1; var obj2rect = _this1; if(obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x && obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width && obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y && obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height) { var maxOverlap = checkMaxOverlap ? obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + flixel_FlxObject.SEPARATE_BIAS : 0; if(obj1delta > obj2delta) { overlap = Object1.x + Object1.get_width() - Object2.x; if(checkMaxOverlap && overlap > maxOverlap || (Object1.allowCollisions & 16) == 0 || (Object2.allowCollisions & 1) == 0) { overlap = 0; } else { Object1.touching |= 16; Object2.touching |= 1; } } else if(obj1delta < obj2delta) { overlap = Object1.x - Object2.get_width() - Object2.x; if(checkMaxOverlap && -overlap > maxOverlap || (Object1.allowCollisions & 1) == 0 || (Object2.allowCollisions & 16) == 0) { overlap = 0; } else { Object1.touching |= 1; Object2.touching |= 16; } } } } return overlap; }; flixel_FlxObject.separateX = function(Object1,Object2) { var obj1immovable = Object1.immovable; var obj2immovable = Object2.immovable; if(obj1immovable && obj2immovable) { return false; } if(Object1.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap = Object1; return tilemap.overlapsWithCallback(Object2,flixel_FlxObject.separateX); } if(Object2.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap1 = Object2; return tilemap1.overlapsWithCallback(Object1,flixel_FlxObject.separateX,true); } var overlap = flixel_FlxObject.computeOverlapX(Object1,Object2); if(overlap != 0) { var obj1v = Object1.velocity.x; var obj2v = Object2.velocity.x; if(!obj1immovable && !obj2immovable) { overlap *= 0.5; Object1.set_x(Object1.x - overlap); var _g = Object2; _g.set_x(_g.x + overlap); var obj1velocity = Math.sqrt(obj2v * obj2v * Object2.mass / Object1.mass) * (obj2v > 0 ? 1 : -1); var obj2velocity = Math.sqrt(obj1v * obj1v * Object1.mass / Object2.mass) * (obj1v > 0 ? 1 : -1); var average = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5; obj1velocity -= average; obj2velocity -= average; Object1.velocity.set_x(average + obj1velocity * Object1.elasticity); Object2.velocity.set_x(average + obj2velocity * Object2.elasticity); } else if(!obj1immovable) { Object1.set_x(Object1.x - overlap); Object1.velocity.set_x(obj2v - obj1v * Object1.elasticity); } else if(!obj2immovable) { var _g1 = Object2; _g1.set_x(_g1.x + overlap); Object2.velocity.set_x(obj1v - obj2v * Object2.elasticity); } return true; } return false; }; flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlagsX = function(Object1,Object2) { if(Object1.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap = Object1; return tilemap.overlapsWithCallback(Object2,flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlagsX); } if(Object2.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap1 = Object2; return tilemap1.overlapsWithCallback(Object1,flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlagsX,true); } return flixel_FlxObject.computeOverlapX(Object1,Object2,false) != 0; }; flixel_FlxObject.computeOverlapY = function(Object1,Object2,checkMaxOverlap) { if(checkMaxOverlap == null) { checkMaxOverlap = true; } var overlap = 0; var obj1delta = Object1.y - Object1.last.y; var obj2delta = Object2.y - Object2.last.y; if(obj1delta != obj2delta) { var obj1deltaAbs = obj1delta > 0 ? obj1delta : -obj1delta; var obj2deltaAbs = obj2delta > 0 ? obj2delta : -obj2delta; var _this = flixel_FlxObject._firstSeparateFlxRect; var X = Object1.x; var Y = Object1.y - (obj1delta > 0 ? obj1delta : 0); var Width = Object1.get_width(); var Height = Object1.get_height() + obj1deltaAbs; _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var obj1rect = _this; var _this1 = flixel_FlxObject._secondSeparateFlxRect; var X1 = Object2.x; var Y1 = Object2.y - (obj2delta > 0 ? obj2delta : 0); var Width1 = Object2.get_width(); var Height1 = Object2.get_height() + obj2deltaAbs; _this1.x = X1; _this1.y = Y1; _this1.width = Width1; _this1.height = Height1; var obj2rect = _this1; if(obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x && obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width && obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y && obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height) { var maxOverlap = checkMaxOverlap ? obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + flixel_FlxObject.SEPARATE_BIAS : 0; if(obj1delta > obj2delta) { overlap = Object1.y + Object1.get_height() - Object2.y; if(checkMaxOverlap && overlap > maxOverlap || (Object1.allowCollisions & 4096) == 0 || (Object2.allowCollisions & 256) == 0) { overlap = 0; } else { Object1.touching |= 4096; Object2.touching |= 256; } } else if(obj1delta < obj2delta) { overlap = Object1.y - Object2.get_height() - Object2.y; if(checkMaxOverlap && -overlap > maxOverlap || (Object1.allowCollisions & 256) == 0 || (Object2.allowCollisions & 4096) == 0) { overlap = 0; } else { Object1.touching |= 256; Object2.touching |= 4096; } } } } return overlap; }; flixel_FlxObject.separateY = function(Object1,Object2) { var obj1immovable = Object1.immovable; var obj2immovable = Object2.immovable; if(obj1immovable && obj2immovable) { return false; } if(Object1.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap = Object1; return tilemap.overlapsWithCallback(Object2,flixel_FlxObject.separateY); } if(Object2.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap1 = Object2; return tilemap1.overlapsWithCallback(Object1,flixel_FlxObject.separateY,true); } var overlap = flixel_FlxObject.computeOverlapY(Object1,Object2); if(overlap != 0) { var obj1delta = Object1.y - Object1.last.y; var obj2delta = Object2.y - Object2.last.y; var obj1v = Object1.velocity.y; var obj2v = Object2.velocity.y; if(!obj1immovable && !obj2immovable) { overlap *= 0.5; Object1.set_y(Object1.y - overlap); var _g = Object2; _g.set_y(_g.y + overlap); var obj1velocity = Math.sqrt(obj2v * obj2v * Object2.mass / Object1.mass) * (obj2v > 0 ? 1 : -1); var obj2velocity = Math.sqrt(obj1v * obj1v * Object1.mass / Object2.mass) * (obj1v > 0 ? 1 : -1); var average = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5; obj1velocity -= average; obj2velocity -= average; Object1.velocity.set_y(average + obj1velocity * Object1.elasticity); Object2.velocity.set_y(average + obj2velocity * Object2.elasticity); } else if(!obj1immovable) { Object1.set_y(Object1.y - overlap); Object1.velocity.set_y(obj2v - obj1v * Object1.elasticity); if(Object1.collisonXDrag && Object2.active && Object2.moves && obj1delta > obj2delta) { var _g1 = Object1; _g1.set_x(_g1.x + (Object2.x - Object2.last.x)); } } else if(!obj2immovable) { var _g2 = Object2; _g2.set_y(_g2.y + overlap); Object2.velocity.set_y(obj1v - obj2v * Object2.elasticity); if(Object2.collisonXDrag && Object1.active && Object1.moves && obj1delta < obj2delta) { var _g3 = Object2; _g3.set_x(_g3.x + (Object1.x - Object1.last.x)); } } return true; } return false; }; flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlagsY = function(Object1,Object2) { if(Object1.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap = Object1; return tilemap.overlapsWithCallback(Object2,flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlagsY); } if(Object2.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap1 = Object2; return tilemap1.overlapsWithCallback(Object1,flixel_FlxObject.updateTouchingFlagsY,true); } return flixel_FlxObject.computeOverlapY(Object1,Object2,false) != 0; }; flixel_FlxObject.__super__ = flixel_FlxBasic; flixel_FlxObject.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype,{ x: null ,y: null ,width: null ,height: null ,pixelPerfectRender: null ,pixelPerfectPosition: null ,angle: null ,moves: null ,immovable: null ,scrollFactor: null ,velocity: null ,acceleration: null ,drag: null ,maxVelocity: null ,last: null ,mass: null ,elasticity: null ,angularVelocity: null ,angularAcceleration: null ,angularDrag: null ,maxAngular: null ,health: null ,touching: null ,wasTouching: null ,allowCollisions: null ,collisonXDrag: null ,path: null ,_point: null ,_rect: null ,initVars: function() { this.flixelType = 1; var X = this.x; var Y = this.y; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; this.last = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(1,1); point1._inPool = false; this.scrollFactor = point1; this.pixelPerfectPosition = flixel_FlxObject.defaultPixelPerfectPosition; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point2._inPool = false; this.velocity = point2; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point3._inPool = false; this.acceleration = point3; var point4 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point4._inPool = false; this.drag = point4; var point5 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(10000,10000); point5._inPool = false; this.maxVelocity = point5; } ,initMotionVars: function() { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this.velocity = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; this.acceleration = point1; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point2._inPool = false; this.drag = point2; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(10000,10000); point3._inPool = false; this.maxVelocity = point3; } ,destroy: function() { flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.velocity = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.velocity); this.acceleration = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.acceleration); this.drag = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.drag); this.maxVelocity = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.maxVelocity); this.scrollFactor = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.scrollFactor); this.last = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.last); this._point = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._point); this._rect = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._rect); } ,update: function(elapsed) { this.last.set(this.x,this.y); if(this.path != null && this.path.active) { this.path.update(elapsed); } if(this.moves) { this.updateMotion(elapsed); } this.wasTouching = this.touching; this.touching = 0; } ,updateMotion: function(elapsed) { var velocityDelta = 0.5 * (flixel_math_FlxVelocity.computeVelocity(this.angularVelocity,this.angularAcceleration,this.angularDrag,this.maxAngular,elapsed) - this.angularVelocity); this.angularVelocity += velocityDelta; var _g = this; _g.set_angle(_g.angle + this.angularVelocity * elapsed); this.angularVelocity += velocityDelta; velocityDelta = 0.5 * (flixel_math_FlxVelocity.computeVelocity(this.velocity.x,this.acceleration.x,this.drag.x,this.maxVelocity.x,elapsed) - this.velocity.x); var _g1 = this.velocity; _g1.set_x(_g1.x + velocityDelta); var delta = this.velocity.x * elapsed; var _g2 = this.velocity; _g2.set_x(_g2.x + velocityDelta); var _g3 = this; _g3.set_x(_g3.x + delta); velocityDelta = 0.5 * (flixel_math_FlxVelocity.computeVelocity(this.velocity.y,this.acceleration.y,this.drag.y,this.maxVelocity.y,elapsed) - this.velocity.y); var _g4 = this.velocity; _g4.set_y(_g4.y + velocityDelta); delta = this.velocity.y * elapsed; var _g5 = this.velocity; _g5.set_y(_g5.y + velocityDelta); var _g6 = this; _g6.set_y(_g6.y + delta); } ,draw: function() { } ,overlaps: function(ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(InScreenSpace == null) { InScreenSpace = false; } var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(ObjectOrGroup); if(group != null) { return flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.overlaps($bind(this,this.overlapsCallback),group,0,0,InScreenSpace,Camera); } if(ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap = ObjectOrGroup; return tilemap.overlaps(this,InScreenSpace,Camera); } var object = ObjectOrGroup; if(!InScreenSpace) { if(object.x + object.get_width() > this.x && object.x < this.x + this.get_width() && object.y + object.get_height() > this.y) { return object.y < this.y + this.get_height(); } else { return false; } } if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } var objectScreenPos = object.getScreenPosition(null,Camera); this.getScreenPosition(this._point,Camera); if(objectScreenPos.x + object.get_width() > this._point.x && objectScreenPos.x < this._point.x + this.get_width() && objectScreenPos.y + object.get_height() > this._point.y) { return objectScreenPos.y < this._point.y + this.get_height(); } else { return false; } } ,overlapsCallback: function(ObjectOrGroup,X,Y,InScreenSpace,Camera) { return this.overlaps(ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera); } ,overlapsAt: function(X,Y,ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(InScreenSpace == null) { InScreenSpace = false; } var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(ObjectOrGroup); if(group != null) { return flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.overlaps($bind(this,this.overlapsAtCallback),group,X,Y,InScreenSpace,Camera); } if(ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 3) { var tilemap = ObjectOrGroup; return tilemap.overlapsAt(tilemap.x - (X - this.x),tilemap.y - (Y - this.y),this,InScreenSpace,Camera); } var object = ObjectOrGroup; if(!InScreenSpace) { if(object.x + object.get_width() > X && object.x < X + this.get_width() && object.y + object.get_height() > Y) { return object.y < Y + this.get_height(); } else { return false; } } if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } var objectScreenPos = object.getScreenPosition(null,Camera); this.getScreenPosition(this._point,Camera); if(objectScreenPos.x + object.get_width() > this._point.x && objectScreenPos.x < this._point.x + this.get_width() && objectScreenPos.y + object.get_height() > this._point.y) { return objectScreenPos.y < this._point.y + this.get_height(); } else { return false; } } ,overlapsAtCallback: function(ObjectOrGroup,X,Y,InScreenSpace,Camera) { return this.overlapsAt(X,Y,ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera); } ,overlapsPoint: function(point,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(InScreenSpace == null) { InScreenSpace = false; } if(!InScreenSpace) { if(point.x >= this.x && point.x < this.x + this.get_width() && point.y >= this.y) { return point.y < this.y + this.get_height(); } else { return false; } } if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } var xPos = point.x - Camera.scroll.x; var yPos = point.y - Camera.scroll.y; this.getScreenPosition(this._point,Camera); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } if(xPos >= this._point.x && xPos < this._point.x + this.get_width() && yPos >= this._point.y) { return yPos < this._point.y + this.get_height(); } else { return false; } } ,inWorldBounds: function() { var tmp; var tmp1; if(this.x + this.get_width() > flixel_FlxG.worldBounds.x) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.worldBounds; tmp1 = this.x < _this.x + _this.width; } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { tmp = this.y + this.get_height() > flixel_FlxG.worldBounds.y; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.worldBounds; return this.y < _this1.y + _this1.height; } else { return false; } } ,getScreenPosition: function(point,Camera) { if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } point.set(this.x,this.y); if(this.pixelPerfectPosition) { point.set_x(Math.floor(point.x)); point.set_y(Math.floor(point.y)); } var Y = Camera.scroll.y * this.scrollFactor.y; var _g = point; _g.set_x(_g.x - Camera.scroll.x * this.scrollFactor.x); var _g1 = point; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - Y); return point; } ,getPosition: function(point) { if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } return point.set(this.x,this.y); } ,getMidpoint: function(point) { if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } return point.set(this.x + this.get_width() * 0.5,this.y + this.get_height() * 0.5); } ,getHitbox: function(rect) { if(rect == null) { var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect1 = _this; rect1._inPool = false; rect = rect1; } var X = this.x; var Y = this.y; var Width = this.get_width(); var Height = this.get_height(); rect.x = X; rect.y = Y; rect.width = Width; rect.height = Height; return rect; } ,reset: function(X,Y) { this.touching = 0; this.wasTouching = 0; this.setPosition(X,Y); this.last.set(this.x,this.y); this.velocity.set(); this.revive(); } ,isOnScreen: function(Camera) { if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } this.getScreenPosition(this._point,Camera); var point = this._point; var width = this.get_width(); var height = this.get_height(); if(point.x + width > Camera.viewOffsetX && point.x < Camera.viewOffsetWidth && point.y + height > Camera.viewOffsetY) { return point.y < Camera.viewOffsetHeight; } else { return false; } } ,isPixelPerfectRender: function(Camera) { if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } if(this.pixelPerfectRender == null) { return Camera.pixelPerfectRender; } else { return this.pixelPerfectRender; } } ,isTouching: function(Direction) { return (this.touching & Direction) > 0; } ,justTouched: function(Direction) { if((this.touching & Direction) > 0) { return (this.wasTouching & Direction) <= 0; } else { return false; } } ,hurt: function(Damage) { this.health -= Damage; if(this.health <= 0) { this.kill(); } } ,screenCenter: function(axes) { if(axes == null) { axes = flixel_util_FlxAxes.XY; } if(axes != flixel_util_FlxAxes.Y) { this.set_x(flixel_FlxG.width / 2 - this.get_width() / 2); } if(axes != flixel_util_FlxAxes.X) { this.set_y(flixel_FlxG.height / 2 - this.get_height() / 2); } return this; } ,setPosition: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this.set_x(X); this.set_y(Y); } ,setSize: function(Width,Height) { this.set_width(Width); this.set_height(Height); } ,getBoundingBox: function(camera) { this.getScreenPosition(this._point,camera); var _this = this._rect; var X = this._point.x; var Y = this._point.y; var Width = this.get_width(); var Height = this.get_height(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; this._rect = camera.transformRect(this._rect); if(this.isPixelPerfectRender(camera)) { var _this1 = this._rect; _this1.x = Math.floor(_this1.x); _this1.y = Math.floor(_this1.y); _this1.width = Math.floor(_this1.width); _this1.height = Math.floor(_this1.height); } return this._rect; } ,toString: function() { var value = this.x; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "x"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.y; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "y"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this.get_width(); var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "w"; _this2.value = value2; var value3 = this.get_height(); var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "h"; _this3.value = value3; var value4 = this.visible; var _this4 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this4.label = "visible"; _this4.value = value4; var value5 = this.velocity; var _this5 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this5.label = "velocity"; _this5.value = value5; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2,_this3,_this4,_this5]); } ,set_x: function(NewX) { return this.x = NewX; } ,set_y: function(NewY) { return this.y = NewY; } ,set_width: function(Width) { return this.width = Width; } ,set_height: function(Height) { return this.height = Height; } ,get_width: function() { return this.width; } ,get_height: function() { return this.height; } ,get_solid: function() { return (this.allowCollisions & 4369) > 0; } ,set_solid: function(Solid) { this.set_allowCollisions(Solid ? 4369 : 0); return Solid; } ,set_angle: function(Value) { return this.angle = Value; } ,set_moves: function(Value) { return this.moves = Value; } ,set_immovable: function(Value) { return this.immovable = Value; } ,set_pixelPerfectRender: function(Value) { return this.pixelPerfectRender = Value; } ,set_allowCollisions: function(Value) { return this.allowCollisions = Value; } ,set_path: function(path) { if(this.path == path) { return path; } if(this.path != null) { this.path.object = null; } if(path != null) { path.object = this; } return this.path = path; } ,__class__: flixel_FlxObject ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.__properties__,{set_path:"set_path",set_allowCollisions:"set_allowCollisions",set_solid:"set_solid",get_solid:"get_solid",set_immovable:"set_immovable",set_moves:"set_moves",set_angle:"set_angle",set_pixelPerfectRender:"set_pixelPerfectRender",set_height:"set_height",get_height:"get_height",set_width:"set_width",get_width:"get_width",set_y:"set_y",set_x:"set_x"}) }); var flixel_FlxSprite = function(X,Y,SimpleGraphic) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._facingFlip = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this._angleChanged = true; this._cosAngle = 1; this._sinAngle = 0; this._facingVerticalMult = 1; this._facingHorizontalMult = 1; this.useColorTransform = false; this.color = 16777215; this.flipY = false; this.flipX = false; this.facing = 16; this.alpha = 1.0; this.bakedRotationAngle = 0; this.numFrames = 0; this.frameHeight = 0; this.frameWidth = 0; this.dirty = true; this.antialiasing = false; this.useFramePixels = true; flixel_FlxObject.call(this,X,Y); this.set_useFramePixels(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit); if(SimpleGraphic != null) { this.loadGraphic(SimpleGraphic); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.FlxSprite"] = flixel_FlxSprite; flixel_FlxSprite.__name__ = ["flixel","FlxSprite"]; flixel_FlxSprite.__super__ = flixel_FlxObject; flixel_FlxSprite.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxObject.prototype,{ animation: null ,framePixels: null ,useFramePixels: null ,antialiasing: null ,dirty: null ,frame: null ,frameWidth: null ,frameHeight: null ,numFrames: null ,frames: null ,graphic: null ,bakedRotationAngle: null ,alpha: null ,facing: null ,flipX: null ,flipY: null ,origin: null ,offset: null ,scale: null ,blend: null ,color: null ,colorTransform: null ,useColorTransform: null ,clipRect: null ,shader: null ,_frame: null ,_frameGraphic: null ,_facingHorizontalMult: null ,_facingVerticalMult: null ,_flashPoint: null ,_flashRect: null ,_flashRect2: null ,_flashPointZero: null ,_matrix: null ,_halfSize: null ,_sinAngle: null ,_cosAngle: null ,_angleChanged: null ,_facingFlip: null ,initVars: function() { flixel_FlxObject.prototype.initVars.call(this); this.animation = new flixel_animation_FlxAnimationController(this); this._flashPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); this._flashRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this._flashRect2 = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this._flashPointZero = new openfl_geom_Point(); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this.offset = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; this.origin = point1; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(1,1); point2._inPool = false; this.scale = point2; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point3._inPool = false; this._halfSize = point3; this._matrix = new flixel_math_FlxMatrix(); this.colorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); } ,destroy: function() { flixel_FlxObject.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.animation = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.animation); this.offset = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.offset); this.origin = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.origin); this.scale = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.scale); this._halfSize = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._halfSize); this.framePixels = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(this.framePixels); this._flashPoint = null; this._flashRect = null; this._flashRect2 = null; this._flashPointZero = null; this._matrix = null; this.colorTransform = null; this.set_blend(null); this.set_frames(null); this.set_graphic(null); this._frame = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._frame); this._frameGraphic = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._frameGraphic); this.shader = null; } ,clone: function() { return new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphicFromSprite(this); } ,loadGraphicFromSprite: function(Sprite) { this.set_frames(Sprite.frames); this.bakedRotationAngle = Sprite.bakedRotationAngle; if(this.bakedRotationAngle > 0) { this.set_width(Sprite.get_width()); this.set_height(Sprite.get_height()); this.centerOffsets(); } this.set_antialiasing(Sprite.antialiasing); this.animation.copyFrom(Sprite.animation); this.graphicLoaded(); this.set_clipRect(Sprite.clipRect); return this; } ,loadGraphic: function(Graphic,Animated,Width,Height,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Animated == null) { Animated = false; } var graph = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(Graphic,Unique,Key); if(graph == null) { return this; } if(Width == 0) { if(Animated) { Width = graph.height; } else { Width = graph.width; } if(Width > graph.width) { Width = graph.width; } else { Width = Width; } } if(Height == 0) { if(Animated) { Height = Width; } else { Height = graph.height; } if(Height > graph.height) { Height = graph.height; } else { Height = Height; } } if(Animated) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(Width,Height); point._inPool = false; this.set_frames(flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromGraphic(graph,point)); } else { this.set_frames(graph.get_imageFrame()); } return this; } ,loadRotatedGraphic: function(Graphic,Rotations,Frame,AntiAliasing,AutoBuffer,Key) { if(AutoBuffer == null) { AutoBuffer = false; } if(AntiAliasing == null) { AntiAliasing = false; } if(Frame == null) { Frame = -1; } if(Rotations == null) { Rotations = 16; } var brushGraphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(Graphic,false,Key); if(brushGraphic == null) { return this; } var brush = brushGraphic.bitmap; var key = brushGraphic.key; if(Frame >= 0) { var brushSize = brush.height; var framesNum = brush.width / brushSize | 0; if(framesNum > Frame) { Frame = Frame; } else { Frame %= framesNum; } key += ":" + Frame; var full = brush; brush = new openfl_display_BitmapData(brushSize,brushSize,true,0); this._flashRect.setTo(Frame * brushSize,0,brushSize,brushSize); brush.copyPixels(full,this._flashRect,this._flashPointZero); } key += ":" + Rotations + ":" + (AutoBuffer == null ? "null" : "" + AutoBuffer); var tempGraph = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(tempGraph == null) { var bitmap = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.generateRotations(brush,Rotations,AntiAliasing,AutoBuffer); tempGraph = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData(bitmap,false,key); } var max = brush.height > brush.width ? brush.height : brush.width; if(AutoBuffer) { max = max * 1.5 | 0; } else { max = max; } var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(max,max); point._inPool = false; this.set_frames(flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromGraphic(tempGraph,point)); if(AutoBuffer) { this.set_width(brush.width); this.set_height(brush.height); this.centerOffsets(); } this.bakedRotationAngle = 360 / Rotations; this.animation.createPrerotated(); return this; } ,loadRotatedFrame: function(Frame,Rotations,AntiAliasing,AutoBuffer) { if(AutoBuffer == null) { AutoBuffer = false; } if(AntiAliasing == null) { AntiAliasing = false; } if(Rotations == null) { Rotations = 16; } var key = Frame.parent.key; if(Frame.name != null) { key += ":" + Frame.name; } else { var _this = Frame.frame; var value = _this.x; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "x"; _this1.value = value; var value1 = _this.y; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "y"; _this2.value = value1; var value2 = _this.width; var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "w"; _this3.value = value2; var value3 = _this.height; var _this4 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this4.label = "h"; _this4.value = value3; key += ":" + flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this1,_this2,_this3,_this4]); } var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(graphic == null) { graphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData(Frame.paint(),false,key); } return this.loadRotatedGraphic(graphic,Rotations,-1,AntiAliasing,AutoBuffer); } ,makeGraphic: function(Width,Height,Color,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } var graph = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.create(Width,Height,Color,Unique,Key); this.set_frames(graph.get_imageFrame()); return this; } ,graphicLoaded: function() { } ,resetSize: function() { this._flashRect.x = 0; this._flashRect.y = 0; this._flashRect.width = this.frameWidth; this._flashRect.height = this.frameHeight; } ,resetFrameSize: function() { if(this.frame != null) { this.frameWidth = this.frame.sourceSize.x | 0; this.frameHeight = this.frame.sourceSize.y | 0; } this._halfSize.set(0.5 * this.frameWidth,0.5 * this.frameHeight); this._flashRect.x = 0; this._flashRect.y = 0; this._flashRect.width = this.frameWidth; this._flashRect.height = this.frameHeight; } ,resetSizeFromFrame: function() { this.set_width(this.frameWidth); this.set_height(this.frameHeight); } ,resetFrame: function() { this.set_frame(this.frame); } ,setGraphicSize: function(Width,Height) { if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Width <= 0 && Height <= 0) { return; } var newScaleX = Width / this.frameWidth; var newScaleY = Height / this.frameHeight; this.scale.set(newScaleX,newScaleY); if(Width <= 0) { this.scale.set_x(newScaleY); } else if(Height <= 0) { this.scale.set_y(newScaleX); } } ,updateHitbox: function() { this.set_width(Math.abs(this.scale.x) * this.frameWidth); this.set_height(Math.abs(this.scale.y) * this.frameHeight); this.offset.set(-0.5 * (this.get_width() - this.frameWidth),-0.5 * (this.get_height() - this.frameHeight)); this.origin.set(this.frameWidth * 0.5,this.frameHeight * 0.5); } ,resetHelpers: function() { if(this.frame != null) { this.frameWidth = this.frame.sourceSize.x | 0; this.frameHeight = this.frame.sourceSize.y | 0; } this._halfSize.set(0.5 * this.frameWidth,0.5 * this.frameHeight); this._flashRect.x = 0; this._flashRect.y = 0; this._flashRect.width = this.frameWidth; this._flashRect.height = this.frameHeight; this.set_width(this.frameWidth); this.set_height(this.frameHeight); this._flashRect2.x = 0; this._flashRect2.y = 0; if(this.graphic != null) { this._flashRect2.width = this.graphic.width; this._flashRect2.height = this.graphic.height; } this.origin.set(this.frameWidth * 0.5,this.frameHeight * 0.5); if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this.dirty = true; this.updateFramePixels(); } } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_FlxObject.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this.updateAnimation(elapsed); } ,updateAnimation: function(elapsed) { this.animation.update(elapsed); } ,checkEmptyFrame: function() { if(this._frame == null) { this.loadGraphic("flixel/images/logo/default.png"); } } ,draw: function() { this.checkEmptyFrame(); if(this.alpha == 0 || this._frame.type == 2) { return; } if(this.dirty) { this.calcFrame(this.useFramePixels); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.get_cameras(); while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(!camera.visible || !camera.exists || !this.isOnScreen(camera)) { continue; } this.getScreenPosition(this._point,camera).subtractPoint(this.offset); if(this.isSimpleRender(camera)) { this.drawSimple(camera); } else { this.drawComplex(camera); } } } ,drawSimple: function(camera) { if(this.isPixelPerfectRender(camera)) { var _this = this._point; _this.set_x(Math.floor(_this.x)); _this.set_y(Math.floor(_this.y)); } var _this1 = this._point; var FlashPoint = this._flashPoint; if(FlashPoint == null) { FlashPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); } FlashPoint.x = _this1.x; FlashPoint.y = _this1.y; camera.copyPixels(this._frame,this.framePixels,this._flashRect,this._flashPoint,this.colorTransform,this.blend,this.antialiasing); } ,drawComplex: function(camera) { var doFlipX = this.flipX != this._frame.flipX; var doFlipY = this.flipY != this._frame.flipY; this._frame.prepareMatrix(this._matrix,0,this.animation._curAnim != null ? doFlipX != this.animation._curAnim.flipX : doFlipX,this.animation._curAnim != null ? doFlipY != this.animation._curAnim.flipY : doFlipY); this._matrix.translate(-this.origin.x,-this.origin.y); this._matrix.scale(this.scale.x,this.scale.y); if(this.bakedRotationAngle <= 0) { if(this._angleChanged) { var radians = this.angle * (Math.PI / 180); this._sinAngle = Math.sin(radians); this._cosAngle = Math.cos(radians); this._angleChanged = false; } if(this.angle != 0) { var _this = this._matrix; var cos = this._cosAngle; var sin = this._sinAngle; var a1 = _this.a * cos - _this.b * sin; _this.b = _this.a * sin + _this.b * cos; _this.a = a1; var c1 = _this.c * cos - _this.d * sin; _this.d = _this.c * sin + _this.d * cos; _this.c = c1; var tx1 = _this.tx * cos - _this.ty * sin; _this.ty = _this.tx * sin + _this.ty * cos; _this.tx = tx1; } } var _this1 = this._point; var Y = this.origin.y; var _g = _this1; _g.set_x(_g.x + this.origin.x); var _g1 = _this1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + Y); this._matrix.translate(this._point.x,this._point.y); if(this.isPixelPerfectRender(camera)) { this._matrix.tx = Math.floor(this._matrix.tx); this._matrix.ty = Math.floor(this._matrix.ty); } camera.drawPixels(this._frame,this.framePixels,this._matrix,this.colorTransform,this.blend,this.antialiasing,this.shader); } ,stamp: function(Brush,X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } Brush.drawFrame(); if(this.graphic == null || Brush.graphic == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Cannot stamp to or from a FlxSprite with no graphics."); } var bitmapData = Brush.framePixels; if(this.isSimpleRenderBlit()) { this._flashPoint.x = X + this.frame.frame.x; this._flashPoint.y = Y + this.frame.frame.y; this._flashRect2.width = bitmapData.width; this._flashRect2.height = bitmapData.height; this.graphic.bitmap.copyPixels(bitmapData,this._flashRect2,this._flashPoint,null,null,true); this._flashRect2.width = this.graphic.bitmap.width; this._flashRect2.height = this.graphic.bitmap.height; } else { this._matrix.identity(); this._matrix.translate(-Brush.origin.x,-Brush.origin.y); this._matrix.scale(Brush.scale.x,Brush.scale.y); if(Brush.angle != 0) { this._matrix.rotate(Brush.angle * (Math.PI / 180)); } this._matrix.translate(X + this.frame.frame.x + Brush.origin.x,Y + this.frame.frame.y + Brush.origin.y); var brushBlend = Brush.blend; this.graphic.bitmap.draw(bitmapData,this._matrix,null,brushBlend,null,Brush.antialiasing); } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { this.dirty = true; this.calcFrame(); } } ,drawFrame: function(Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { if(Force || this.dirty) { this.dirty = true; this.calcFrame(); } } else { this.dirty = true; this.calcFrame(true); } } ,centerOffsets: function(AdjustPosition) { if(AdjustPosition == null) { AdjustPosition = false; } this.offset.set_x((this.frameWidth - this.get_width()) * 0.5); this.offset.set_y((this.frameHeight - this.get_height()) * 0.5); if(AdjustPosition) { var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.x + this.offset.x); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + this.offset.y); } } ,centerOrigin: function() { this.origin.set(this.frameWidth * 0.5,this.frameHeight * 0.5); } ,replaceColor: function(Color,NewColor,FetchPositions) { if(FetchPositions == null) { FetchPositions = false; } var positions = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.replaceColor(this.graphic.bitmap,Color,NewColor,FetchPositions); if(positions != null) { this.dirty = true; } return positions; } ,setColorTransform: function(redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier,redOffset,greenOffset,blueOffset,alphaOffset) { if(alphaOffset == null) { alphaOffset = 0; } if(blueOffset == null) { blueOffset = 0; } if(greenOffset == null) { greenOffset = 0; } if(redOffset == null) { redOffset = 0; } if(alphaMultiplier == null) { alphaMultiplier = 1.0; } if(blueMultiplier == null) { blueMultiplier = 1.0; } if(greenMultiplier == null) { greenMultiplier = 1.0; } if(redMultiplier == null) { redMultiplier = 1.0; } var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); var Value = Math.round(redMultiplier * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(greenMultiplier * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(blueMultiplier * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; this.set_color(color & 16777215); this.set_alpha(alphaMultiplier); flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.setMultipliers(this.colorTransform,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier); flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.setOffsets(this.colorTransform,redOffset,greenOffset,blueOffset,alphaOffset); this.useColorTransform = this.alpha != 1 || this.color != 16777215 || flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBOffsets(this.colorTransform); this.dirty = true; } ,updateColorTransform: function() { if(this.colorTransform == null) { this.colorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); } this.useColorTransform = this.alpha != 1 || this.color != 16777215; if(this.useColorTransform) { flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.setMultipliers(this.colorTransform,(this.color >> 16 & 255) / 255,(this.color >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this.color & 255) / 255,this.alpha); } else { flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.setMultipliers(this.colorTransform,1,1,1,1); } this.dirty = true; } ,pixelsOverlapPoint: function(point,Mask,Camera) { if(Mask == null) { Mask = 255; } if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } this.getScreenPosition(this._point,Camera); this._point.subtractPoint(this.offset); this._flashPoint.x = point.x - Camera.scroll.x - this._point.x; this._flashPoint.y = point.y - Camera.scroll.y - this._point.y; if(point._weak) { point.put(); } if(this._flashPoint.x < 0 || this._flashPoint.x > this.frameWidth || this._flashPoint.y < 0 || this._flashPoint.y > this.frameHeight) { return false; } else { var frameData = this.updateFramePixels(); var pixelColor = frameData.getPixel32(this._flashPoint.x | 0,this._flashPoint.y | 0); return (pixelColor >> 24 & 255) * this.alpha >= Mask; } } ,calcFrame: function(RunOnCpp) { if(RunOnCpp == null) { RunOnCpp = false; } this.checkEmptyFrame(); if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile && !RunOnCpp) { return; } this.updateFramePixels(); } ,updateFramePixels: function() { if(this._frame == null || !this.dirty) { return this.framePixels; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile && this._frameGraphic != null) { this.dirty = false; return this.framePixels; } var doFlipX = this.flipX != this._frame.flipX; var doFlipX1 = this.animation._curAnim != null ? doFlipX != this.animation._curAnim.flipX : doFlipX; var doFlipY = this.flipY != this._frame.flipY; var doFlipY1 = this.animation._curAnim != null ? doFlipY != this.animation._curAnim.flipY : doFlipY; if(!doFlipX1 && !doFlipY1 && this._frame.type == 0) { this.framePixels = this._frame.paint(this.framePixels,this._flashPointZero,false,true); } else { this.framePixels = this._frame.paintRotatedAndFlipped(this.framePixels,this._flashPointZero,0,doFlipX1,doFlipY1,false,true); } if(this.useColorTransform) { this.framePixels.colorTransform(this._flashRect,this.colorTransform); } if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile && this.useFramePixels) { this._frameGraphic = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._frameGraphic); this._frameGraphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData(this.framePixels,false,null,false); this._frame = this._frameGraphic.get_imageFrame().get_frame().copyTo(this._frame); } this.dirty = false; return this.framePixels; } ,getGraphicMidpoint: function(point) { if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } return point.set(this.x + this.frameWidth * 0.5,this.y + this.frameHeight * 0.5); } ,isOnScreen: function(Camera) { if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } var minX = this.x - this.offset.x - Camera.scroll.x * this.scrollFactor.x; var minY = this.y - this.offset.y - Camera.scroll.y * this.scrollFactor.y; if((this.angle == 0 || this.bakedRotationAngle > 0) && this.scale.x == 1 && this.scale.y == 1) { this._point.set(minX,minY); var point = this._point; if(point.x + this.frameWidth > Camera.viewOffsetX && point.x < Camera.viewOffsetWidth && point.y + this.frameHeight > Camera.viewOffsetY) { return point.y < Camera.viewOffsetHeight; } else { return false; } } var radiusX = this._halfSize.x; var radiusY = this._halfSize.y; var ox = this.origin.x; if(ox != radiusX) { var x1 = Math.abs(ox); var x2 = Math.abs(this.frameWidth - ox); radiusX = Math.max(x2,x1); } var oy = this.origin.y; if(oy != radiusY) { var y1 = Math.abs(oy); var y2 = Math.abs(this.frameHeight - oy); radiusY = Math.max(y2,y1); } radiusX *= Math.abs(this.scale.x); radiusY *= Math.abs(this.scale.y); var radius = Math.max(radiusX,radiusY); radius *= 1.41421356237; minX += ox - radius; minY += oy - radius; var doubleRadius = 2 * radius; this._point.set(minX,minY); var point1 = this._point; if(point1.x + doubleRadius > Camera.viewOffsetX && point1.x < Camera.viewOffsetWidth && point1.y + doubleRadius > Camera.viewOffsetY) { return point1.y < Camera.viewOffsetHeight; } else { return false; } } ,isSimpleRender: function(camera) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { return false; } return this.isSimpleRenderBlit(camera); } ,isSimpleRenderBlit: function(camera) { var result = (this.angle == 0 || this.bakedRotationAngle > 0) && this.scale.x == 1 && this.scale.y == 1 && this.blend == null; if(result) { if(camera != null) { result = this.isPixelPerfectRender(camera); } else { result = this.pixelPerfectRender; } } else { result = false; } return result; } ,setFacingFlip: function(Direction,FlipX,FlipY) { this._facingFlip.h[Direction] = { x : FlipX, y : FlipY}; } ,setFrames: function(Frames,saveAnimations) { if(saveAnimations == null) { saveAnimations = true; } if(saveAnimations) { var animations = this.animation._animations; var reverse = false; var index = 0; var frameIndex = this.animation.frameIndex; var currName = null; if(this.animation._curAnim != null) { reverse = this.animation._curAnim.reversed; index = this.animation._curAnim.curFrame; currName = this.animation._curAnim.name; } this.animation._animations = null; this.set_frames(Frames); this.set_frame(this.frames.frames[frameIndex]); this.animation._animations = animations; if(currName != null) { this.animation.play(currName,false,reverse,index); } } else { this.set_frames(Frames); } return this; } ,get_pixels: function() { if(this.graphic == null) { return null; } else { return this.graphic.bitmap; } } ,set_pixels: function(Pixels) { var key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.findKeyForBitmap(Pixels); if(key == null) { key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.getUniqueKey(); this.set_graphic(flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(Pixels,false,key)); } else { this.set_graphic(flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key)); } this.set_frames(this.graphic.get_imageFrame()); return Pixels; } ,set_frame: function(Value) { this.frame = Value; if(this.frame != null) { if(this.frame != null) { this.frameWidth = this.frame.sourceSize.x | 0; this.frameHeight = this.frame.sourceSize.y | 0; } this._halfSize.set(0.5 * this.frameWidth,0.5 * this.frameHeight); this._flashRect.x = 0; this._flashRect.y = 0; this._flashRect.width = this.frameWidth; this._flashRect.height = this.frameHeight; this.dirty = true; } else if(this.frames != null && this.frames.frames != null && this.numFrames > 0) { this.frame = this.frames.frames[0]; this.dirty = true; } else { return null; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { this._frameGraphic = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._frameGraphic); } if(this.clipRect != null) { this._frame = this.frame.clipTo(this.clipRect,this._frame); } else { this._frame = this.frame.copyTo(this._frame); } return this.frame; } ,set_facing: function(Direction) { var flip = this._facingFlip.h[Direction]; if(flip != null) { this.set_flipX(flip.x); this.set_flipY(flip.y); } return this.facing = Direction; } ,set_alpha: function(Alpha) { if(this.alpha == Alpha) { return Alpha; } var lowerBound = Alpha < 0 ? 0 : Alpha; this.alpha = lowerBound > 1 ? 1 : lowerBound; this.updateColorTransform(); return this.alpha; } ,set_color: function(Color) { if(this.color == Color) { return Color; } this.color = Color; this.updateColorTransform(); return this.color; } ,set_angle: function(Value) { var newAngle = this.angle != Value; var ret = flixel_FlxObject.prototype.set_angle.call(this,Value); if(newAngle) { this._angleChanged = true; this.animation.update(0); } return ret; } ,updateTrig: function() { if(this._angleChanged) { var radians = this.angle * (Math.PI / 180); this._sinAngle = Math.sin(radians); this._cosAngle = Math.cos(radians); this._angleChanged = false; } } ,set_blend: function(Value) { return this.blend = Value; } ,set_graphic: function(Value) { var oldGraphic = this.graphic; if(this.graphic != Value && Value != null) { var _g = Value; var _g1 = _g.get_useCount(); _g.set_useCount(_g1 + 1); } if(oldGraphic != null && oldGraphic != Value) { var _g2 = oldGraphic; var _g11 = _g2.get_useCount(); _g2.set_useCount(_g11 - 1); } return this.graphic = Value; } ,set_clipRect: function(rect) { if(rect != null) { rect.x = Math.round(rect.x); rect.y = Math.round(rect.y); rect.width = Math.round(rect.width); rect.height = Math.round(rect.height); this.clipRect = rect; } else { this.clipRect = null; } if(this.frames != null) { this.set_frame(this.frames.frames[this.animation.frameIndex]); } return rect; } ,set_frames: function(Frames) { if(this.animation != null) { this.animation.destroyAnimations(); } if(Frames != null) { this.set_graphic(Frames.parent); this.frames = Frames; this.set_frame(this.frames.frames[0]); this.numFrames = this.frames.frames.length; this.resetHelpers(); this.bakedRotationAngle = 0; this.animation.set_frameIndex(0); this.graphicLoaded(); } else { this.frames = null; this.set_frame(null); this.set_graphic(null); } return Frames; } ,set_flipX: function(Value) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { this._facingHorizontalMult = Value ? -1 : 1; } this.dirty = this.flipX != Value || this.dirty; return this.flipX = Value; } ,set_flipY: function(Value) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { this._facingVerticalMult = Value ? -1 : 1; } this.dirty = this.flipY != Value || this.dirty; return this.flipY = Value; } ,set_antialiasing: function(value) { return this.antialiasing = value; } ,set_useFramePixels: function(value) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { if(value != this.useFramePixels) { this.useFramePixels = value; this.set_frame(this.frame); if(value) { this.updateFramePixels(); } } return value; } else { this.useFramePixels = true; return true; } } ,checkFlipX: function() { var doFlipX = this.flipX != this._frame.flipX; if(this.animation._curAnim != null) { return doFlipX != this.animation._curAnim.flipX; } return doFlipX; } ,checkFlipY: function() { var doFlipY = this.flipY != this._frame.flipY; if(this.animation._curAnim != null) { return doFlipY != this.animation._curAnim.flipY; } return doFlipY; } ,__class__: flixel_FlxSprite ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxObject.prototype.__properties__,{set_clipRect:"set_clipRect",set_color:"set_color",set_blend:"set_blend",set_flipY:"set_flipY",set_flipX:"set_flipX",set_facing:"set_facing",set_alpha:"set_alpha",set_graphic:"set_graphic",set_frames:"set_frames",set_frame:"set_frame",set_pixels:"set_pixels",get_pixels:"get_pixels",set_antialiasing:"set_antialiasing",set_useFramePixels:"set_useFramePixels"}) }); var flixel_IFlxSprite = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.IFlxSprite"] = flixel_IFlxSprite; flixel_IFlxSprite.__name__ = ["flixel","IFlxSprite"]; flixel_IFlxSprite.__interfaces__ = [flixel_IFlxBasic]; flixel_IFlxSprite.prototype = { set_immovable: null ,set_moves: null ,set_facing: null ,set_angle: null ,set_alpha: null ,set_y: null ,set_x: null ,x: null ,y: null ,alpha: null ,angle: null ,facing: null ,moves: null ,immovable: null ,offset: null ,origin: null ,scale: null ,velocity: null ,maxVelocity: null ,acceleration: null ,drag: null ,scrollFactor: null ,reset: null ,setPosition: null ,__class__: flixel_IFlxSprite ,__properties__: {set_immovable:"set_immovable",set_moves:"set_moves",set_facing:"set_facing",set_angle:"set_angle",set_alpha:"set_alpha",set_y:"set_y",set_x:"set_x"} }; var flixel_FlxSubState = function(BGColor) { if(BGColor == null) { BGColor = 0; } this._created = false; flixel_FlxState.call(this); this.closeCallback = null; this.openCallback = null; if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { this._bgSprite = new flixel_system_FlxBGSprite(); } this.set_bgColor(BGColor); }; $hxClasses["flixel.FlxSubState"] = flixel_FlxSubState; flixel_FlxSubState.__name__ = ["flixel","FlxSubState"]; flixel_FlxSubState.__super__ = flixel_FlxState; flixel_FlxSubState.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxState.prototype,{ openCallback: null ,closeCallback: null ,_bgSprite: null ,_parentState: null ,_bgColor: null ,_created: null ,draw: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.get_cameras(); while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; camera.fill(this._bgColor); } } else { this._bgSprite.draw(); } flixel_FlxState.prototype.draw.call(this); } ,destroy: function() { flixel_FlxState.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.closeCallback = null; this.openCallback = null; this._parentState = null; this._bgSprite = null; } ,close: function() { if(this._parentState != null && this._parentState.subState == this) { this._parentState.closeSubState(); } } ,get_bgColor: function() { return this._bgColor; } ,set_bgColor: function(Value) { if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile && this._bgSprite != null) { this._bgSprite.get_pixels().setPixel32(0,0,Value); } return this._bgColor = Value; } ,__class__: flixel_FlxSubState }); var lime_math_Vector2 = function(x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } this.x = x; this.y = y; }; $hxClasses["lime.math.Vector2"] = lime_math_Vector2; lime_math_Vector2.__name__ = ["lime","math","Vector2"]; lime_math_Vector2.distance = function(pt1,pt2) { var dx = pt1.x - pt2.x; var dy = pt1.y - pt2.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }; lime_math_Vector2.interpolate = function(pt1,pt2,f,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector2(); } result.x = pt2.x + f * (pt1.x - pt2.x); result.y = pt2.y + f * (pt1.y - pt2.y); return result; }; lime_math_Vector2.polar = function(len,angle,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector2(); } var ya = len * Math.sin(angle); result.x = len * Math.cos(angle); result.y = ya; return result; }; lime_math_Vector2.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,add: function(v,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector2(); } result.x = v.x + this.x; result.y = v.y + this.y; return result; } ,clone: function() { return new lime_math_Vector2(this.x,this.y); } ,equals: function(toCompare) { if(toCompare != null && toCompare.x == this.x) { return toCompare.y == this.y; } else { return false; } } ,normalize: function(thickness) { if(this.x == 0 && this.y == 0) { return; } else { var norm = thickness / Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); this.x *= norm; this.y *= norm; } } ,offset: function(dx,dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; } ,setTo: function(xa,ya) { this.x = xa; this.y = ya; } ,subtract: function(v,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector2(); } result.x = this.x - v.x; result.y = this.y - v.y; return result; } ,__toFlashPoint: function() { return null; } ,get_length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } ,get_lengthSquared: function() { return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y; } ,__class__: lime_math_Vector2 ,__properties__: {get_lengthSquared:"get_lengthSquared",get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl_display_BitmapData = function(width,height,transparent,fillColor) { if(fillColor == null) { fillColor = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } this.transparent = transparent; if(width == null) { width = 0; } else { width = width; } if(height == null) { height = 0; } else { height = height; } if(width < 0) { width = 0; } else { width = width; } if(height < 0) { height = 0; } else { height = height; } this.width = width; this.height = height; this.rect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,width,height); this.__textureWidth = width; this.__textureHeight = height; if(width > 0 && height > 0) { if(transparent) { if((fillColor & -16777216) == 0) { fillColor = 0; } } else { fillColor = -16777216 | fillColor & 16777215; } fillColor = fillColor << 8 | fillColor >>> 24 & 255; this.image = new lime_graphics_Image(null,0,0,width,height,fillColor); this.image.set_transparent(transparent); this.__isValid = true; this.readable = true; } this.__renderTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__worldAlpha = 1; this.__worldTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__worldColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); this.__renderable = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.BitmapData"] = openfl_display_BitmapData; openfl_display_BitmapData.__name__ = ["openfl","display","BitmapData"]; openfl_display_BitmapData.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IBitmapDrawable]; openfl_display_BitmapData.__textureFormat = null; openfl_display_BitmapData.__textureInternalFormat = null; openfl_display_BitmapData.fromBase64 = function(base64,type) { return null; }; openfl_display_BitmapData.fromBytes = function(bytes,rawAlpha) { return null; }; openfl_display_BitmapData.fromCanvas = function(canvas,transparent) { if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } if(canvas == null) { return null; } var bitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(0,0,transparent,0); bitmapData.__fromImage(lime_graphics_Image.fromCanvas(canvas)); bitmapData.image.set_transparent(transparent); return bitmapData; }; openfl_display_BitmapData.fromFile = function(path) { return null; }; openfl_display_BitmapData.fromImage = function(image,transparent) { if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } if(image == null || image.buffer == null) { return null; } var bitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(0,0,transparent,0); bitmapData.__fromImage(image); bitmapData.image.set_transparent(transparent); if(bitmapData.image != null) { return bitmapData; } else { return null; } }; openfl_display_BitmapData.fromTexture = function(texture) { if(texture == null) { return null; } var bitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(texture.__width,texture.__height,true,0); bitmapData.readable = false; bitmapData.__texture = texture; bitmapData.__textureContext = texture.__textureContext; bitmapData.image = null; return bitmapData; }; openfl_display_BitmapData.loadFromBase64 = function(base64,type) { return lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(base64,type).then(function(image) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(openfl_display_BitmapData.fromImage(image)); }); }; openfl_display_BitmapData.loadFromBytes = function(bytes,rawAlpha) { return lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(bytes)).then(function(image) { var bitmapData = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromImage(image); if(rawAlpha != null) { bitmapData.__applyAlpha(rawAlpha); } return lime_app_Future.withValue(bitmapData); }); }; openfl_display_BitmapData.loadFromFile = function(path) { return lime_graphics_Image.loadFromFile(path).then(function(image) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(openfl_display_BitmapData.fromImage(image)); }); }; openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype = { height: null ,image: null ,readable: null ,rect: null ,transparent: null ,width: null ,__blendMode: null ,__framebuffer: null ,__framebufferContext: null ,__indexBuffer: null ,__indexBufferContext: null ,__indexBufferData: null ,__isMask: null ,__isValid: null ,__mask: null ,__renderable: null ,__renderTransform: null ,__scrollRect: null ,__stencilBuffer: null ,__surface: null ,__symbol: null ,__texture: null ,__textureContext: null ,__textureHeight: null ,__textureVersion: null ,__textureWidth: null ,__transform: null ,__uvRect: null ,__vertexBuffer: null ,__vertexBufferContext: null ,__vertexBufferData: null ,__worldAlpha: null ,__worldColorTransform: null ,__worldTransform: null ,applyFilter: function(sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint,filter) { if(!this.readable || sourceBitmapData == null || !sourceBitmapData.readable) { return; } var needSecondBitmapData = filter.__needSecondBitmapData; var needCopyOfOriginal = filter.__preserveObject; var bitmapData2 = null; var bitmapData3 = null; if(needSecondBitmapData) { bitmapData2 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.width,this.height,true,0); } else { bitmapData2 = this; } if(needCopyOfOriginal) { bitmapData3 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.width,this.height,true,0); } if(filter.__preserveObject) { bitmapData3.copyPixels(this,this.rect,destPoint); } var lastBitmap = filter.__applyFilter(bitmapData2,this,sourceRect,destPoint); if(filter.__preserveObject) { lastBitmap.draw(bitmapData3,null,null); } if(needSecondBitmapData && lastBitmap == bitmapData2) { bitmapData2.image.version = this.image.version; this.image = bitmapData2.image; } this.image.dirty = true; this.image.version++; } ,clone: function() { var bitmapData; if(!this.__isValid) { bitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.width,this.height,this.transparent,0); } else if(!this.readable && this.image == null) { bitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(0,0,this.transparent,0); bitmapData.width = this.width; bitmapData.height = this.height; bitmapData.__textureWidth = this.__textureWidth; bitmapData.__textureHeight = this.__textureHeight; bitmapData.rect.copyFrom(this.rect); bitmapData.__framebuffer = this.__framebuffer; bitmapData.__framebufferContext = this.__framebufferContext; bitmapData.__texture = this.__texture; bitmapData.__textureContext = this.__textureContext; bitmapData.__isValid = true; } else { bitmapData = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromImage(this.image.clone(),this.transparent); } bitmapData.__worldTransform.copyFrom(this.__worldTransform); bitmapData.__renderTransform.copyFrom(this.__renderTransform); return bitmapData; } ,colorTransform: function(rect,colorTransform) { if(!this.readable) { return; } this.image.colorTransform(rect.__toLimeRectangle(),colorTransform.__toLimeColorMatrix()); } ,compare: function(otherBitmapData) { if(otherBitmapData == this) { return 0; } else if(otherBitmapData == null) { return -1; } else if(this.readable == false || otherBitmapData.readable == false) { return -2; } else if(this.width != otherBitmapData.width) { return -3; } else if(this.height != otherBitmapData.height) { return -4; } if(this.image != null && otherBitmapData.image != null && this.image.get_format() == otherBitmapData.image.get_format()) { var bytes = this.image.get_data(); var otherBytes = otherBitmapData.image.get_data(); var equal = true; var _g1 = 0; var _g = bytes.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(bytes[i] != otherBytes[i]) { equal = false; break; } } if(equal) { return 0; } } var bitmapData = null; var foundDifference; var pixel; var otherPixel; var comparePixel; var r; var g; var b; var a; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = this.height; while(_g11 < _g2) { var y = _g11++; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = this.width; while(_g3 < _g21) { var x = _g3++; foundDifference = false; pixel = this.getPixel32(x,y); otherPixel = otherBitmapData.getPixel32(x,y); comparePixel = 0; if(pixel != otherPixel) { r = (pixel >>> 16 & 255) - (otherPixel >>> 16 & 255); g = (pixel >>> 8 & 255) - (otherPixel >>> 8 & 255); b = (pixel & 255) - (otherPixel & 255); if(r < 0) { r *= -1; } if(g < 0) { g *= -1; } if(b < 0) { b *= -1; } if(r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0) { a = (pixel >>> 24 & 255) - (otherPixel >>> 24 & 255); if(a != 0) { comparePixel = (comparePixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | 16711680 | (comparePixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | comparePixel & 255 & 255; comparePixel = (comparePixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (comparePixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | 65280 | comparePixel & 255 & 255; comparePixel = (comparePixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (comparePixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (comparePixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 255; comparePixel = (a & 255) << 24 | (comparePixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (comparePixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | comparePixel & 255 & 255; foundDifference = true; } } else { comparePixel = (comparePixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (r & 255) << 16 | (comparePixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | comparePixel & 255 & 255; comparePixel = (comparePixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (comparePixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (g & 255) << 8 | comparePixel & 255 & 255; comparePixel = (comparePixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (comparePixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (comparePixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | b & 255; comparePixel = -16777216 | (comparePixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (comparePixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | comparePixel & 255 & 255; foundDifference = true; } } if(foundDifference) { if(bitmapData == null) { bitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.width,this.height,this.transparent || otherBitmapData.transparent,0); } bitmapData.setPixel32(x,y,comparePixel); } } } if(bitmapData == null) { return 0; } return bitmapData; } ,copyChannel: function(sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint,sourceChannel,destChannel) { if(!this.readable) { return; } var sourceChannel1; switch(sourceChannel) { case 1: sourceChannel1 = lime_graphics_ImageChannel.RED; break; case 2: sourceChannel1 = lime_graphics_ImageChannel.GREEN; break; case 4: sourceChannel1 = lime_graphics_ImageChannel.BLUE; break; case 8: sourceChannel1 = lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA; break; default: return; } var destChannel1; switch(destChannel) { case 1: destChannel1 = lime_graphics_ImageChannel.RED; break; case 2: destChannel1 = lime_graphics_ImageChannel.GREEN; break; case 4: destChannel1 = lime_graphics_ImageChannel.BLUE; break; case 8: destChannel1 = lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA; break; default: return; } this.image.copyChannel(sourceBitmapData.image,sourceRect.__toLimeRectangle(),destPoint.__toLimeVector2(),sourceChannel1,destChannel1); } ,copyPixels: function(sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint,alphaBitmapData,alphaPoint,mergeAlpha) { if(mergeAlpha == null) { mergeAlpha = false; } if(!this.readable || sourceBitmapData == null) { return; } if(alphaPoint != null) { openfl_display_BitmapData.__tempVector.x = alphaPoint.x; openfl_display_BitmapData.__tempVector.y = alphaPoint.y; } this.image.copyPixels(sourceBitmapData.image,sourceRect.__toLimeRectangle(),destPoint.__toLimeVector2(),alphaBitmapData != null ? alphaBitmapData.image : null,alphaPoint != null ? openfl_display_BitmapData.__tempVector : null,mergeAlpha); } ,dispose: function() { this.image = null; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.rect = null; this.__isValid = false; this.readable = false; this.__surface = null; this.__vertexBuffer = null; this.__framebuffer = null; this.__framebufferContext = null; this.__texture = null; this.__textureContext = null; } ,disposeImage: function() { this.readable = false; } ,draw: function(source,matrix,colorTransform,blendMode,clipRect,smoothing) { if(smoothing == null) { smoothing = false; } if(source == null) { return; } source.__update(false,true); var transform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); transform.copyFrom(source.__renderTransform); transform.invert(); if(matrix != null) { transform.concat(matrix); } var clipMatrix = null; if(clipRect != null) { clipMatrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); clipMatrix.copyFrom(transform); clipMatrix.invert(); } var _colorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); _colorTransform.__copyFrom(source.__worldColorTransform); _colorTransform.__invert(); if(!this.readable && openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.context3D != null) { if(this.__textureContext == null) { this.__textureContext = lime_app_Application.current.__window.context; } if(colorTransform != null) { _colorTransform.__combine(colorTransform); } var renderer = new openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer(openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.context3D,this); renderer.__allowSmoothing = smoothing; renderer.__overrideBlendMode = blendMode; renderer.__worldTransform = transform; renderer.__worldAlpha = 1 / source.__worldAlpha; renderer.__worldColorTransform = _colorTransform; renderer.__resize(this.width,this.height); if(clipRect != null) { renderer.__pushMaskRect(clipRect,clipMatrix); } this.__drawGL(source,renderer); if(clipRect != null) { renderer.__popMaskRect(); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(clipMatrix); } } else { if(colorTransform != null) { var bounds = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); var boundsMatrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); source.__getBounds(bounds,boundsMatrix); var width = Math.ceil(bounds.width); var height = Math.ceil(bounds.height); boundsMatrix.tx = -bounds.x; boundsMatrix.ty = -bounds.y; var copy = new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,height,true,0); copy.draw(source,boundsMatrix); copy.colorTransform(copy.rect,colorTransform); copy.__renderTransform.identity(); copy.__renderTransform.tx = bounds.x; copy.__renderTransform.ty = bounds.y; copy.__renderTransform.concat(source.__renderTransform); copy.__worldAlpha = source.__worldAlpha; copy.__worldColorTransform.__copyFrom(source.__worldColorTransform); source = copy; openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(bounds); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(boundsMatrix); } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this.image); var renderer1 = new openfl_display_CanvasRenderer(this.image.buffer.__srcContext); renderer1.__allowSmoothing = smoothing; renderer1.__overrideBlendMode = blendMode; renderer1.__worldTransform = transform; renderer1.__worldAlpha = 1 / source.__worldAlpha; renderer1.__worldColorTransform = _colorTransform; if(clipRect != null) { renderer1.__pushMaskRect(clipRect,clipMatrix); } this.__drawCanvas(source,renderer1); if(clipRect != null) { renderer1.__popMaskRect(); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(clipMatrix); } } openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(transform); } ,drawWithQuality: function(source,matrix,colorTransform,blendMode,clipRect,smoothing,quality) { if(smoothing == null) { smoothing = false; } this.draw(source,matrix,colorTransform,blendMode,clipRect,quality != 2 && smoothing); } ,encode: function(rect,compressor,byteArray) { if(!this.readable || rect == null) { byteArray = null; return byteArray; } if(byteArray == null) { var this1 = new openfl_utils_ByteArrayData(0); byteArray = this1; } var image = this.image; if(!rect.equals(this.rect)) { var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); matrix.tx = Math.round(-rect.x); matrix.ty = Math.round(-rect.y); var bitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(Math.ceil(rect.width),Math.ceil(rect.height),true,0); bitmapData.draw(this,matrix); image = bitmapData.image; openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(compressor,openfl_display_PNGEncoderOptions)) { byteArray.writeBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(image.encode(lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.PNG)),0,0); return byteArray; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(compressor,openfl_display_JPEGEncoderOptions)) { byteArray.writeBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(image.encode(lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.JPEG,(js_Boot.__cast(compressor , openfl_display_JPEGEncoderOptions)).quality)),0,0); return byteArray; } byteArray = null; return byteArray; } ,fillRect: function(rect,color) { this.__fillRect(rect,color,true); } ,floodFill: function(x,y,color) { if(!this.readable) { return; } this.image.floodFill(x,y,color,1); } ,generateFilterRect: function(sourceRect,filter) { return sourceRect.clone(); } ,getIndexBuffer: function(context) { var gl = context.gl; if(this.__indexBuffer == null || this.__indexBufferContext != context.__context) { var this1 = new Uint16Array(6); this.__indexBufferData = this1; this.__indexBufferData[0] = 0; this.__indexBufferData[1] = 1; this.__indexBufferData[2] = 2; this.__indexBufferData[3] = 2; this.__indexBufferData[4] = 1; this.__indexBufferData[5] = 3; this.__indexBufferContext = context.__context; this.__indexBuffer = context.createIndexBuffer(6); this.__indexBuffer.uploadFromTypedArray(this.__indexBufferData); } return this.__indexBuffer; } ,getVertexBuffer: function(context) { var gl = context.gl; if(this.__vertexBuffer == null || this.__vertexBufferContext != context.__context) { this.__uvRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,this.width,this.height); var uvWidth = 1; var uvHeight = 1; var this1 = new Float32Array(56); this.__vertexBufferData = this1; this.__vertexBufferData[0] = this.width; this.__vertexBufferData[1] = this.height; this.__vertexBufferData[3] = uvWidth; this.__vertexBufferData[4] = uvHeight; this.__vertexBufferData[15] = this.height; this.__vertexBufferData[18] = uvHeight; this.__vertexBufferData[28] = this.width; this.__vertexBufferData[31] = uvWidth; this.__vertexBufferContext = context.__context; this.__vertexBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(3,14); this.__vertexBuffer.uploadFromTypedArray(this.__vertexBufferData); } return this.__vertexBuffer; } ,getColorBoundsRect: function(mask,color,findColor) { if(findColor == null) { findColor = true; } if(!this.readable) { return new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,this.width,this.height); } if(!this.transparent || (mask >> 24 & 255) > 0) { var color1 = color; if((color1 >>> 24 & 255) == 0) { color1 = 0; } } var rect = this.image.getColorBoundsRect(mask,color,findColor,1); return new openfl_geom_Rectangle(rect.x,rect.y,rect.width,rect.height); } ,getPixel: function(x,y) { if(!this.readable) { return 0; } return this.image.getPixel(x,y,1); } ,getPixel32: function(x,y) { if(!this.readable) { return 0; } return this.image.getPixel32(x,y,1); } ,getPixels: function(rect) { if(!this.readable) { return null; } if(rect == null) { rect = this.rect; } var byteArray = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(this.image.getPixels(rect.__toLimeRectangle(),1)); byteArray.__endian = 0; return byteArray; } ,getSurface: function() { if(!this.readable) { return null; } if(this.__surface == null) { this.__surface = lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.fromImage(this.image); } return this.__surface; } ,getTexture: function(context) { if(!this.__isValid) { return null; } if(this.__texture == null || this.__textureContext != context.__context) { this.__textureContext = context.__context; this.__texture = context.createRectangleTexture(this.width,this.height,1,false); this.__textureVersion = -1; } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.sync(this.image,false); if(this.image != null && this.image.version > this.__textureVersion) { if(this.__surface != null) { lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoSurface_CairoSurface_$Impl_$.flush(this.__surface); } var textureImage = this.image; if(!openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__supportsBGRA && textureImage.get_format() != 0) { textureImage = textureImage.clone(); textureImage.set_format(0); } this.__texture.__uploadFromImage(textureImage); this.__textureVersion = this.image.version; this.__textureWidth = textureImage.buffer.width; this.__textureHeight = textureImage.buffer.height; } if(!this.readable && this.image != null) { this.__surface = null; this.image = null; } return this.__texture; } ,getVector: function(rect) { var pixels = this.getPixels(rect); var length = _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(pixels)) / _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(4) | 0; var result = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null,length,true); var _g1 = 0; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; result.set(i,pixels.readUnsignedInt()); } return result; } ,histogram: function(hRect) { var rect = hRect != null ? hRect : new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,this.width,this.height); var pixels = this.getPixels(rect); var _g = []; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 4) { var i = _g1++; var _g2 = []; var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < 256) { var j = _g3++; _g2.push(0); } _g.push(_g2); } var result = _g; var _g21 = 0; var _g11 = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(pixels); while(_g21 < _g11) { var i1 = _g21++; ++result[i1 % 4][pixels.readUnsignedByte()]; } return result; } ,hitTest: function(firstPoint,firstAlphaThreshold,secondObject,secondBitmapDataPoint,secondAlphaThreshold) { if(secondAlphaThreshold == null) { secondAlphaThreshold = 1; } if(!this.readable) { return false; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(secondObject,openfl_display_Bitmap)) { secondObject = (js_Boot.__cast(secondObject , openfl_display_Bitmap)).__bitmapData; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(secondObject,openfl_geom_Point)) { var secondPoint = secondObject; var x = secondPoint.x - firstPoint.x | 0; var y = secondPoint.y - firstPoint.y | 0; if(this.rect.contains(x,y)) { var pixel = this.getPixel32(x,y); if((pixel >> 24 & 255) > firstAlphaThreshold) { return true; } } } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(secondObject,openfl_display_BitmapData)) { var secondBitmapData = secondObject; var x1; var y1; if(secondBitmapDataPoint == null) { x1 = 0; y1 = 0; } else { x1 = Math.round(secondBitmapDataPoint.x - firstPoint.x); y1 = Math.round(secondBitmapDataPoint.y - firstPoint.y); } var hitRect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); hitRect.setTo(x1,y1,secondBitmapData.width,secondBitmapData.height); if(this.rect.intersects(hitRect)) { if(x1 < 0) { hitRect.x = 0; hitRect.width = Math.min(secondBitmapData.width + x1,this.width); } else { hitRect.width = Math.min(secondBitmapData.width,this.width - x1); } if(y1 < 0) { hitRect.y = 0; hitRect.height = Math.min(secondBitmapData.height + y1,this.height); } else { hitRect.height = Math.min(secondBitmapData.height,this.height - y1); } var pixels = this.getPixels(hitRect); hitRect.x = x1 < 0 ? -x1 : 0; hitRect.y = y1 < 0 ? -y1 : 0; var testPixels = secondBitmapData.getPixels(hitRect); var length = hitRect.width * hitRect.height | 0; var pixel1; var testPixel; var _g1 = 0; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; pixel1 = pixels.readUnsignedInt(); testPixel = testPixels.readUnsignedInt(); if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(pixel1 >>> 24 & 255,firstAlphaThreshold) && _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(testPixel >>> 24 & 255,secondAlphaThreshold)) { openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(hitRect); return true; } } } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(hitRect); } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(secondObject,openfl_geom_Rectangle)) { var secondRectangle = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); secondRectangle.copyFrom(secondObject); secondRectangle.offset(-firstPoint.x,-firstPoint.y); secondRectangle.__contract(0,0,this.width,this.height); if(secondRectangle.width > 0 && secondRectangle.height > 0) { var pixels1 = this.getPixels(secondRectangle); var length1 = _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(pixels1)) / _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(4) | 0; var pixel2; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = length1; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; pixel2 = pixels1.readUnsignedInt(); if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(pixel2 >>> 24 & 255,firstAlphaThreshold)) { openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(secondRectangle); return true; } } } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(secondRectangle); } return false; } ,lock: function() { } ,merge: function(sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier) { if(!this.readable || sourceBitmapData == null || !sourceBitmapData.readable || sourceRect == null || destPoint == null) { return; } this.image.merge(sourceBitmapData.image,sourceRect.__toLimeRectangle(),destPoint.__toLimeVector2(),redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier); } ,noise: function(randomSeed,low,high,channelOptions,grayScale) { if(grayScale == null) { grayScale = false; } if(channelOptions == null) { channelOptions = 7; } if(high == null) { high = 255; } if(low == null) { low = 0; } if(!this.readable) { return; } var func = function() { randomSeed = randomSeed * 1103515245 + 12345; return (Math.abs(randomSeed / 65536) | 0) % 32768; }; var rand = func; rand(); var range = high - low; var this1 = new openfl_utils_ByteArrayData(0); var data = this1; var redChannel = (channelOptions & 1) == 1; var greenChannel = (channelOptions & 2) >> 1 == 1; var blueChannel = (channelOptions & 4) >> 2 == 1; var alphaChannel = (channelOptions & 8) >> 3 == 1; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = this.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; var red = 0; var blue = 0; var green = 0; var alpha = 255; if(grayScale) { blue = low + rand() % range; green = blue; red = green; alpha = 255; } else { if(redChannel) { red = low + rand() % range; } if(greenChannel) { green = low + rand() % range; } if(blueChannel) { blue = low + rand() % range; } if(alphaChannel) { alpha = low + rand() % range; } } var rgb = alpha; rgb = (rgb << 8) + red; rgb = (rgb << 8) + green; rgb = (rgb << 8) + blue; this.setPixel32(x,y,rgb); } } } ,paletteMap: function(sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint,redArray,greenArray,blueArray,alphaArray) { var sw = sourceRect.width | 0; var sh = sourceRect.height | 0; var pixels = sourceBitmapData.getPixels(sourceRect); var pixelValue; var r; var g; var b; var a; var color; var _g1 = 0; var _g = sh * sw; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; pixelValue = pixels.readUnsignedInt(); if(alphaArray == null) { a = pixelValue & -16777216; } else { a = alphaArray[pixelValue >> 24 & 255]; } if(redArray == null) { r = pixelValue & 16711680; } else { r = redArray[pixelValue >> 16 & 255]; } if(greenArray == null) { g = pixelValue & 65280; } else { g = greenArray[pixelValue >> 8 & 255]; } if(blueArray == null) { b = pixelValue & 255; } else { b = blueArray[pixelValue & 255]; } color = a + r + g + b; pixels.position = i * 4; pixels.writeUnsignedInt(color); } pixels.position = 0; var destRect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); destRect.setTo(destPoint.x,destPoint.y,sw,sh); this.setPixels(destRect,pixels); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(destRect); } ,perlinNoise: function(baseX,baseY,numOctaves,randomSeed,stitch,fractalNoise,channelOptions,grayScale,offsets) { if(grayScale == null) { grayScale = false; } if(channelOptions == null) { channelOptions = 7; } if(!this.readable) { return; } var noise = new openfl__$internal_utils_PerlinNoise(randomSeed,numOctaves,channelOptions,grayScale,0.5,stitch,0.15); noise.fill(this,baseX,baseY,0); } ,scroll: function(x,y) { if(!this.readable) { return; } this.image.scroll(x,y); } ,setPixel: function(x,y,color) { if(!this.readable) { return; } this.image.setPixel(x,y,color,1); } ,setPixel32: function(x,y,color) { if(!this.readable) { return; } this.image.setPixel32(x,y,color,1); } ,setPixels: function(rect,byteArray) { if(!this.readable || rect == null) { return; } var length = rect.width * rect.height * 4; if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(byteArray.length - byteArray.position) < length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_Error("End of file was encountered.",2030)); } this.image.setPixels(rect.__toLimeRectangle(),openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytePointer(byteArray),1,openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$.toLimeEndian(byteArray.__endian)); } ,setVector: function(rect,inputVector) { var this1 = new openfl_utils_ByteArrayData(0); var byteArray = this1; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set_length(byteArray,inputVector.get_length() * 4); var _g = 0; while(_g < inputVector.get_length()) { var color = inputVector.get(_g); ++_g; byteArray.writeUnsignedInt(color); } byteArray.position = 0; this.setPixels(rect,byteArray); } ,threshold: function(sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint,operation,threshold,color,mask,copySource) { if(copySource == null) { copySource = false; } if(mask == null) { mask = -1; } if(color == null) { color = 0; } if(sourceBitmapData == null || sourceRect == null || destPoint == null || sourceRect.x > sourceBitmapData.width || sourceRect.y > sourceBitmapData.height || destPoint.x > this.width || destPoint.y > this.height) { return 0; } return this.image.threshold(sourceBitmapData.image,sourceRect.__toLimeRectangle(),destPoint.__toLimeVector2(),operation,threshold,color,mask,copySource,1); } ,unlock: function(changeRect) { } ,__applyAlpha: function(alpha) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this.image); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createImageData(this.image); var data = this.image.buffer.data; var _g1 = 0; var _g = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(alpha); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; data[i * 4 + 3] = alpha.readUnsignedByte(); } this.image.version++; } ,__drawCairo: function(source,renderer) { } ,__drawCanvas: function(source,renderer) { var buffer = this.image.buffer; if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing) { renderer.applySmoothing(buffer.__srcContext,false); } renderer.__render(source); if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing) { renderer.applySmoothing(buffer.__srcContext,true); } buffer.__srcContext.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); buffer.__srcImageData = null; buffer.data = null; this.image.dirty = true; this.image.version++; } ,__drawGL: function(source,renderer) { var context = renderer.__context3D; var cacheRTT = context.__state.renderToTexture; var cacheRTTDepthStencil = context.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil; var cacheRTTAntiAlias = context.__state.renderToTextureAntiAlias; var cacheRTTSurfaceSelector = context.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector; context.setRenderToTexture(this.getTexture(context),true); renderer.__render(source); if(cacheRTT != null) { context.setRenderToTexture(cacheRTT,cacheRTTDepthStencil,cacheRTTAntiAlias,cacheRTTSurfaceSelector); } else { context.setRenderToBackBuffer(); } } ,__fillRect: function(rect,color,allowFramebuffer) { if(rect == null) { return; } if(this.transparent && (color & -16777216) == 0) { color = 0; } if(allowFramebuffer && this.__texture != null && this.__texture.__glFramebuffer != null && openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.__renderer.__type == "opengl") { var renderer = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.__renderer; var context = renderer.__context3D; var color1 = color; var useScissor = !this.rect.equals(rect); var cacheRTT = context.__state.renderToTexture; var cacheRTTDepthStencil = context.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil; var cacheRTTAntiAlias = context.__state.renderToTextureAntiAlias; var cacheRTTSurfaceSelector = context.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector; context.setRenderToTexture(this.__texture); if(useScissor) { context.setScissorRectangle(rect); } context.clear((color1 >>> 16 & 255) / 255,(color1 >>> 8 & 255) / 255,(color1 & 255) / 255,this.transparent ? (color1 >>> 24 & 255) / 255 : 1,0,0,1); if(useScissor) { context.setScissorRectangle(null); } if(cacheRTT != null) { context.setRenderToTexture(cacheRTT,cacheRTTDepthStencil,cacheRTTAntiAlias,cacheRTTSurfaceSelector); } else { context.setRenderToBackBuffer(); } } else if(this.readable) { this.image.fillRect(rect.__toLimeRectangle(),color,1); } } ,__fromBase64: function(base64,type) { var image = lime_graphics_Image.fromBase64(base64,type); this.__fromImage(image); } ,__fromBytes: function(bytes,rawAlpha) { var image = lime_graphics_Image.fromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(bytes)); this.__fromImage(image); if(rawAlpha != null) { this.__applyAlpha(rawAlpha); } } ,__fromFile: function(path) { var image = lime_graphics_Image.fromFile(path); this.__fromImage(image); } ,__fromImage: function(image) { if(image != null && image.buffer != null) { this.image = image; this.width = image.width; this.height = image.height; this.rect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,image.width,image.height); this.__textureWidth = this.width; this.__textureHeight = this.height; this.readable = true; this.__isValid = true; } } ,__fromSymbol: function(swf,symbol) { var _gthis = this; this.__symbol = symbol; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromFile(symbol.path).onComplete(function(image) { if(symbol.alpha != null) { lime_graphics_Image.loadFromFile(symbol.alpha).onComplete(function(alpha) { if(image != null && alpha != null) { var tmp = alpha.get_rect(); image.copyChannel(alpha,tmp,new lime_math_Vector2(),lime_graphics_ImageChannel.RED,lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA); image.buffer.premultiplied = true; image.set_premultiplied(false); } _gthis.__fromImage(image); }); } else { _gthis.__fromImage(image); } }); } ,__getBounds: function(rect,matrix) { var bounds = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); this.rect.__transform(bounds,matrix); rect.__expand(bounds.x,bounds.y,bounds.width,bounds.height); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(bounds); } ,__loadFromBase64: function(base64,type) { var _gthis = this; return lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(base64,type).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }); } ,__loadFromBytes: function(bytes,rawAlpha) { var _gthis = this; return lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(bytes)).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); if(rawAlpha != null) { _gthis.__applyAlpha(rawAlpha); } return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }); } ,__loadFromFile: function(path) { var _gthis = this; return lime_graphics_Image.loadFromFile(path).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }); } ,__renderCairo: function(renderer) { } ,__renderCairoMask: function(renderer) { } ,__renderCanvas: function(renderer) { if(!this.readable) { return; } if(this.image.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this.image); } var context = renderer.context; context.globalAlpha = 1; renderer.setTransform(this.__renderTransform,context); context.drawImage(this.image.get_src(),0,0,this.image.width,this.image.height); } ,__renderCanvasMask: function(renderer) { } ,__renderDOM: function(renderer) { } ,__renderGL: function(renderer) { var context = renderer.__context3D; var gl = context.gl; renderer.__setBlendMode(10); var shader = renderer.__defaultDisplayShader; renderer.setShader(shader); renderer.applyBitmapData(this,renderer.__allowSmoothing && renderer.__upscaled); renderer.applyMatrix(renderer.__getMatrix(this.__worldTransform,1)); renderer.applyAlpha(this.__worldAlpha); renderer.applyColorTransform(this.__worldColorTransform); renderer.updateShader(); var vertexBuffer = this.getVertexBuffer(context); if(shader.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__position.index,vertexBuffer,0,3); } if(shader.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer,3,2); } var indexBuffer = this.getIndexBuffer(context); context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer); renderer.__clearShader(); } ,__renderGLMask: function(renderer) { var context = renderer.__context3D; var gl = context.gl; var shader = renderer.__maskShader; renderer.setShader(shader); renderer.applyBitmapData(this,renderer.__allowSmoothing && renderer.__upscaled); renderer.applyMatrix(renderer.__getMatrix(this.__worldTransform,1)); renderer.updateShader(); var vertexBuffer = this.getVertexBuffer(context); if(shader.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__position.index,vertexBuffer,0,3); } if(shader.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer,3,2); } var indexBuffer = this.getIndexBuffer(context); context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer); renderer.__clearShader(); } ,__resize: function(width,height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.rect.width = width; this.rect.height = height; this.__textureWidth = width; this.__textureHeight = height; } ,__setUVRect: function(context,x,y,width,height) { var buffer = this.getVertexBuffer(context); if(buffer != null && (width != this.__uvRect.width || height != this.__uvRect.height || x != this.__uvRect.x || y != this.__uvRect.y)) { var gl = context.gl; if(this.__uvRect == null) { this.__uvRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } this.__uvRect.setTo(x,y,width,height); var uvX = this.__textureWidth > 0 ? x / this.__textureWidth : 0; var uvY = this.__textureHeight > 0 ? y / this.__textureHeight : 0; var uvWidth = this.__textureWidth > 0 ? width / this.__textureWidth : 0; var uvHeight = this.__textureHeight > 0 ? height / this.__textureHeight : 0; this.__vertexBufferData[0] = width; this.__vertexBufferData[1] = height; this.__vertexBufferData[3] = uvX + uvWidth; this.__vertexBufferData[4] = uvY + uvHeight; this.__vertexBufferData[15] = height; this.__vertexBufferData[17] = uvX; this.__vertexBufferData[18] = uvY + uvHeight; this.__vertexBufferData[28] = width; this.__vertexBufferData[31] = uvX + uvWidth; this.__vertexBufferData[32] = uvY; this.__vertexBufferData[45] = uvX; this.__vertexBufferData[46] = uvY; this.__vertexBuffer.uploadFromTypedArray(this.__vertexBufferData); } } ,__sync: function() { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.sync(this.image,false); } ,__update: function(transformOnly,updateChildren) { this.__updateTransforms(); } ,__updateTransforms: function(overrideTransform) { if(overrideTransform == null) { this.__worldTransform.identity(); } else { this.__worldTransform.copyFrom(overrideTransform); } this.__renderTransform.copyFrom(this.__worldTransform); } ,__class__: openfl_display_BitmapData }; var flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.resourceName),flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.preload == null) { flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.GraphicTransTileCircle"] = flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","GraphicTransTileCircle"]; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.preload = null; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle }); var flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.resourceName),flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.preload == null) { flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.GraphicTransTileDiamond"] = flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","GraphicTransTileDiamond"]; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.preload = null; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond }); var flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.resourceName),flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.preload == null) { flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.GraphicTransTileSquare"] = flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","GraphicTransTileSquare"]; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.preload = null; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileSquare }); var flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionSprite = function(X,Y,Delay,Graphic,GraphicWidth,GraphicHeight,FrameRate) { if(FrameRate == null) { FrameRate = 40; } if(GraphicHeight == null) { GraphicHeight = 32; } if(GraphicWidth == null) { GraphicWidth = 32; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._newStatus = -1; this.status = 0; this._finished = false; this._starting = true; flixel_FlxSprite.call(this,X,Y); if(Graphic == null) { Graphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromClass(flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileDiamond); GraphicWidth = 32; GraphicHeight = 32; } this._delay = Delay; this.loadGraphic(Graphic,true,GraphicWidth,GraphicHeight); this.graphic.persist = true; this.graphic.set_destroyOnNoUse(false); var inArray = []; var outArray = []; var _g1 = 1; var _g = this.numFrames - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; inArray.push(i); } outArray = inArray.slice(); outArray.reverse(); this.animation.add("empty",[0],0,false); this.animation.add("in",inArray,FrameRate,false); this.animation.add("full",[this.numFrames - 1],0,false); this.animation.add("out",outArray,FrameRate,false); this.setStatus(3); }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionSprite"] = flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionSprite; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionSprite.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","FlxTransitionSprite"]; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionSprite.__super__ = flixel_FlxSprite; flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionSprite.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype,{ _delay: null ,_count: null ,_starting: null ,_finished: null ,status: null ,_newStatus: null ,start: function(NewStatus) { this._starting = true; this._finished = false; this._count = 0; this._newStatus = NewStatus; } ,startStatus: function(NewStatus) { this.setStatus(NewStatus); } ,setStatus: function(Status) { var anim; switch(Status) { case -1:case 2: anim = "empty"; break; case 0: anim = "in"; break; case 1: anim = "out"; break; case 3: anim = "full"; break; } this.animation.play(anim); this.animation.finishCallback = $bind(this,this.onFinishAnim); this.status = Status; } ,onFinishAnim: function(str) { if(!this._finished) { this._finished = true; var _g = this.status; switch(_g) { case 0: this.setStatus(3); break; case 1: this.setStatus(2); break; default: } } } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); if(this._starting) { this._count += elapsed; if(this._count >= this._delay) { this.onTime(); } } } ,onTime: function() { this._starting = false; this._count = 0; this.setStatus(this._newStatus); this._newStatus = -1; } ,__class__: flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionSprite }); var flixel_addons_transition_Transition = function(data) { flixel_FlxSubState.call(this,0); this._effect = this.createEffect(data); this._effect.scrollFactor.set(0,0); this.add(this._effect); }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.Transition"] = flixel_addons_transition_Transition; flixel_addons_transition_Transition.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","Transition"]; flixel_addons_transition_Transition.__super__ = flixel_FlxSubState; flixel_addons_transition_Transition.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxSubState.prototype,{ _effect: null ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_FlxSubState.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this._effect.update(elapsed); } ,destroy: function() { flixel_FlxSubState.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.set_finishCallback(null); this._effect.destroy(); this._effect = null; } ,start: function(NewStatus) { this._effect.start(NewStatus); } ,setStatus: function(NewStatus) { this._effect.setStatus(NewStatus); } ,createEffect: function(Data) { var _g = Data.type; switch(_g) { case "fade": return new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionFade(Data); case "tiles": return new flixel_addons_transition_TransitionTiles(Data); default: return null; } } ,get_finishCallback: function() { if(this._effect != null) { return this._effect.finishCallback; } return null; } ,set_finishCallback: function(f) { if(this._effect != null) { this._effect.finishCallback = f; return f; } return null; } ,__class__: flixel_addons_transition_Transition ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxSubState.prototype.__properties__,{set_finishCallback:"set_finishCallback",get_finishCallback:"get_finishCallback"}) }); var flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData = function(TransType,Color,Duration,Direction,TileData,Region) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1.0; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } if(TransType == null) { TransType = "fade"; } this.duration = 1.0; this.type = TransType; this.tileData = TileData; this.duration = Duration; this.color = Color; this.direction = Direction; if(this.direction == null) { this.direction = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(0,0); } var Value = this.direction.x; var lowerBound = Value < -1 ? -1 : Value; var tmp = lowerBound > 1; var Value1 = this.direction.y; var lowerBound1 = Value1 < -1 ? -1 : Value1; var tmp1 = lowerBound1 > 1; this.tweenOptions = { onComplete : null}; this.region = Region; if(Region == null) { this.region = new flixel_math_FlxRect(0,0,flixel_FlxG.width,flixel_FlxG.height); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.TransitionData"] = flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","TransitionData"]; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData.prototype = { type: null ,tileData: null ,color: null ,duration: null ,direction: null ,tweenOptions: null ,region: null ,destroy: function() { this.tileData = null; this.direction = null; this.tweenOptions.onComplete = null; this.tweenOptions.ease = null; this.tweenOptions = null; this.region = null; this.direction = null; } ,__class__: flixel_addons_transition_TransitionData }; var flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup = function(X,Y,MaxSize) { if(MaxSize == null) { MaxSize = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._skipTransformChildren = false; this.directAlpha = false; flixel_FlxSprite.call(this,X,Y); this.group = new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup(MaxSize); this._sprites = this.group.members; }; $hxClasses["flixel.group.FlxTypedSpriteGroup"] = flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup; flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup.__name__ = ["flixel","group","FlxTypedSpriteGroup"]; flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup.__super__ = flixel_FlxSprite; flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype,{ transformChildren_flixel_math_FlxRect: function(Function,Value) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { Function(sprite,Value); } } } ,transformChildren_openfl_display_BlendMode: function(Function,Value) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { Function(sprite,Value); } } } ,transformChildren_Int: function(Function,Value) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { Function(sprite,Value); } } } ,transformChildren_Float: function(Function,Value) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { Function(sprite,Value); } } } ,transformChildren_Bool: function(Function,Value) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { Function(sprite,Value); } } } ,transformChildren_Array_flixel_FlxCamera: function(Function,Value) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { Function(sprite,Value); } } } ,transformChildren_flixel_FlxCamera: function(Function,Value) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { Function(sprite,Value); } } } ,multiTransformChildren_Float: function(FunctionArray,ValueArray) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var numProps = FunctionArray.length; if(numProps > ValueArray.length) { return; } var lambda; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null && sprite.exists) { var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = numProps; while(_g3 < _g2) { var i = _g3++; lambda = FunctionArray[i]; lambda(sprite,ValueArray[i]); } } } } ,transformChildren_flixel_math_FlxPoint: function(Function,Value) { if(this.group == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { Function(sprite,Value); } } } ,group: null ,directAlpha: null ,_skipTransformChildren: null ,_sprites: null ,initVars: function() { this.flixelType = 4; this.offset = new flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint($bind(this,this.offsetCallback)); this.origin = new flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint($bind(this,this.originCallback)); this.scale = new flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint($bind(this,this.scaleCallback)); this.scrollFactor = new flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint($bind(this,this.scrollFactorCallback)); this.scale.set(1,1); this.scrollFactor.set(1,1); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this.velocity = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; this.acceleration = point1; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point2._inPool = false; this.drag = point2; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(10000,10000); point3._inPool = false; this.maxVelocity = point3; } ,destroy: function() { this.offset = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.offset); this.origin = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.origin); this.scale = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.scale); this.scrollFactor = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.scrollFactor); this.group = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.group); this._sprites = null; flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,clone: function() { var newGroup = new flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup(this.x,this.y,this.group.maxSize); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.group.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { newGroup.add(sprite.clone()); } } return newGroup; } ,isOnScreen: function(Camera) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null && sprite.exists && sprite.visible && sprite.isOnScreen(Camera)) { return true; } } return false; } ,overlapsPoint: function(point,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(InScreenSpace == null) { InScreenSpace = false; } var result = false; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null && sprite.exists && sprite.visible) { if(!result) { result = sprite.overlapsPoint(point,InScreenSpace,Camera); } else { result = true; } } } return result; } ,pixelsOverlapPoint: function(point,Mask,Camera) { if(Mask == null) { Mask = 255; } var result = false; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null && sprite.exists && sprite.visible) { if(!result) { result = sprite.pixelsOverlapPoint(point,Mask,Camera); } else { result = true; } } } return result; } ,update: function(elapsed) { this.group.update(elapsed); if(this.moves) { this.updateMotion(elapsed); } } ,draw: function() { this.group.draw(); } ,replaceColor: function(Color,NewColor,FetchPositions) { if(FetchPositions == null) { FetchPositions = false; } var positions = null; if(FetchPositions) { positions = []; } var spritePositions; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { spritePositions = sprite.replaceColor(Color,NewColor,FetchPositions); if(FetchPositions) { positions = positions.concat(spritePositions); } } } return positions; } ,add: function(Sprite) { this.preAdd(Sprite); return this.group.add(Sprite); } ,insert: function(Position,Sprite) { this.preAdd(Sprite); return this.group.insert(Position,Sprite); } ,preAdd: function(Sprite) { var sprite = Sprite; var _g = sprite; _g.set_x(_g.x + this.x); var _g1 = sprite; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + this.y); var _g2 = sprite; _g2.set_alpha(_g2.alpha * this.alpha); var _this = sprite.scrollFactor; var point = this.scrollFactor; _this.set_x(point.x); _this.set_y(point.y); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } sprite.set_cameras(this._cameras); if(this.clipRect != null) { var ClipRect = this.clipRect; if(ClipRect == null) { sprite.set_clipRect(null); } else { var X = ClipRect.x - sprite.x + this.x; var Y = ClipRect.y - sprite.y + this.y; var Width = ClipRect.width; var Height = ClipRect.height; var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = X; _this1.y = Y; _this1.width = Width; _this1.height = Height; var rect = _this1; rect._inPool = false; sprite.set_clipRect(rect); } } } ,recycle: function(ObjectClass,ObjectFactory,Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } return this.group.recycle(ObjectClass,ObjectFactory,Force); } ,remove: function(Sprite,Splice) { if(Splice == null) { Splice = false; } var sprite = Sprite; var _g = sprite; _g.set_x(_g.x - this.x); var _g1 = sprite; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - this.y); sprite.set_cameras(null); return this.group.remove(Sprite,Splice); } ,replace: function(OldObject,NewObject) { return this.group.replace(OldObject,NewObject); } ,sort: function(Function,Order) { if(Order == null) { Order = -1; } var f = Function; var a1 = Order; var tmp = function(a2,a3) { return f(a1,a2,a3); }; this.group.members.sort(tmp); } ,getFirstAvailable: function(ObjectClass,Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } return this.group.getFirstAvailable(ObjectClass,Force); } ,getFirstNull: function() { return this.group.getFirstNull(); } ,getFirstExisting: function() { return this.group.getFirstExisting(); } ,getFirstAlive: function() { return this.group.getFirstAlive(); } ,getFirstDead: function() { return this.group.getFirstDead(); } ,countLiving: function() { return this.group.countLiving(); } ,countDead: function() { return this.group.countDead(); } ,getRandom: function(StartIndex,Length) { if(Length == null) { Length = 0; } if(StartIndex == null) { StartIndex = 0; } return this.group.getRandom(StartIndex,Length); } ,iterator: function(filter) { return new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator(this.group.members,filter); } ,forEach: function(Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } this.group.forEach(Function,Recurse); } ,forEachAlive: function(Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } this.group.forEachAlive(Function,Recurse); } ,forEachDead: function(Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } this.group.forEachDead(Function,Recurse); } ,forEachExists: function(Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } this.group.forEachExists(Function,Recurse); } ,forEachOfType: function(ObjectClass,Function,Recurse) { if(Recurse == null) { Recurse = false; } this.group.forEachOfType(ObjectClass,Function,Recurse); } ,clear: function() { this.group.clear(); } ,kill: function() { flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.kill.call(this); this.group.kill(); } ,revive: function() { flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.revive.call(this); this.group.revive(); } ,reset: function(X,Y) { this.revive(); this.setPosition(X,Y); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite != null) { sprite.reset(X,Y); } } } ,setPosition: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } var dx = X - this.x; var dy = Y - this.y; this.multiTransformChildren_Float([$bind(this,this.xTransform),$bind(this,this.yTransform)],[dx,dy]); this._skipTransformChildren = true; this.set_x(X); this.set_y(Y); this._skipTransformChildren = false; } ,set_camera: function(Value) { if(this.get_camera() != Value) { this.transformChildren_flixel_FlxCamera($bind(this,this.cameraTransform),Value); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_camera.call(this,Value); } ,set_cameras: function(Value) { if(this.get_cameras() != Value) { this.transformChildren_Array_flixel_FlxCamera($bind(this,this.camerasTransform),Value); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_cameras.call(this,Value); } ,set_exists: function(Value) { if(this.exists != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.existsTransform),Value); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_exists.call(this,Value); } ,set_visible: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.visible != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.visibleTransform),Value); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_visible.call(this,Value); } ,set_active: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.active != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.activeTransform),Value); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_active.call(this,Value); } ,set_alive: function(Value) { if(this.alive != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.aliveTransform),Value); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_alive.call(this,Value); } ,set_x: function(Value) { if(!this._skipTransformChildren && this.exists && this.x != Value) { var offset = Value - this.x; this.transformChildren_Float($bind(this,this.xTransform),offset); } return this.x = Value; } ,set_y: function(Value) { if(!this._skipTransformChildren && this.exists && this.y != Value) { var offset = Value - this.y; this.transformChildren_Float($bind(this,this.yTransform),offset); } return this.y = Value; } ,set_angle: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.angle != Value) { var offset = Value - this.angle; this.transformChildren_Float($bind(this,this.angleTransform),offset); } return this.angle = Value; } ,set_alpha: function(Value) { var lowerBound = Value < 0 ? 0 : Value; if(lowerBound > 1) { Value = 1; } else { Value = lowerBound; } if(this.exists && this.alpha != Value) { var factor = this.alpha > 0 ? Value / this.alpha : 0; if(!this.directAlpha && this.alpha != 0) { this.transformChildren_Float($bind(this,this.alphaTransform),factor); } else { this.transformChildren_Float($bind(this,this.directAlphaTransform),Value); } } return this.alpha = Value; } ,set_facing: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.facing != Value) { this.transformChildren_Int($bind(this,this.facingTransform),Value); } return this.facing = Value; } ,set_flipX: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.flipX != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.flipXTransform),Value); } return this.flipX = Value; } ,set_flipY: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.flipY != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.flipYTransform),Value); } return this.flipY = Value; } ,set_moves: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.moves != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.movesTransform),Value); } return this.moves = Value; } ,set_immovable: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.immovable != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.immovableTransform),Value); } return this.immovable = Value; } ,set_solid: function(Value) { if(this.exists && (this.allowCollisions & 4369) > 0 != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.solidTransform),Value); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_solid.call(this,Value); } ,set_color: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.color != Value) { this.transformChildren_Int($bind(this,this.gColorTransform),Value); } return this.color = Value; } ,set_blend: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.blend != Value) { this.transformChildren_openfl_display_BlendMode($bind(this,this.blendTransform),Value); } return this.blend = Value; } ,set_clipRect: function(rect) { if(this.exists) { this.transformChildren_flixel_math_FlxRect($bind(this,this.clipRectTransform),rect); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_clipRect.call(this,rect); } ,set_pixelPerfectRender: function(Value) { if(this.exists && this.pixelPerfectRender != Value) { this.transformChildren_Bool($bind(this,this.pixelPerfectTransform),Value); } return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_pixelPerfectRender.call(this,Value); } ,set_width: function(Value) { return Value; } ,get_width: function() { if(this.group.length == 0) { return 0; } var minX = Infinity; var maxX = -Infinity; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var member = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(member == null) { continue; } var minMemberX = member.x; var maxMemberX = minMemberX + member.get_width(); if(maxMemberX > maxX) { maxX = maxMemberX; } if(minMemberX < minX) { minX = minMemberX; } } return maxX - minX; } ,set_height: function(Value) { return Value; } ,get_height: function() { if(this.group.length == 0) { return 0; } var minY = Infinity; var maxY = -Infinity; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprites; while(_g < _g1.length) { var member = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(member == null) { continue; } var minMemberY = member.y; var maxMemberY = minMemberY + member.get_height(); if(maxMemberY > maxY) { maxY = maxMemberY; } if(minMemberY < minY) { minY = minMemberY; } } return maxY - minY; } ,get_length: function() { return this.group.length; } ,get_maxSize: function() { return this.group.maxSize; } ,set_maxSize: function(Size) { return this.group.set_maxSize(Size); } ,get_members: function() { return this.group.members; } ,xTransform: function(Sprite,X) { var _g = Sprite; _g.set_x(_g.x + X); } ,yTransform: function(Sprite,Y) { var _g = Sprite; _g.set_y(_g.y + Y); } ,angleTransform: function(Sprite,Angle) { var _g = Sprite; _g.set_angle(_g.angle + Angle); } ,alphaTransform: function(Sprite,Alpha) { if(Sprite.alpha != 0 || Alpha == 0) { var _g = Sprite; _g.set_alpha(_g.alpha * Alpha); } else { Sprite.set_alpha(1 / Alpha); } } ,directAlphaTransform: function(Sprite,Alpha) { Sprite.set_alpha(Alpha); } ,facingTransform: function(Sprite,Facing) { Sprite.set_facing(Facing); } ,flipXTransform: function(Sprite,FlipX) { Sprite.set_flipX(FlipX); } ,flipYTransform: function(Sprite,FlipY) { Sprite.set_flipY(FlipY); } ,movesTransform: function(Sprite,Moves) { Sprite.set_moves(Moves); } ,pixelPerfectTransform: function(Sprite,PixelPerfect) { Sprite.set_pixelPerfectRender(PixelPerfect); } ,gColorTransform: function(Sprite,Color) { Sprite.set_color(Color); } ,blendTransform: function(Sprite,Blend) { Sprite.set_blend(Blend); } ,immovableTransform: function(Sprite,Immovable) { Sprite.set_immovable(Immovable); } ,visibleTransform: function(Sprite,Visible) { Sprite.set_visible(Visible); } ,activeTransform: function(Sprite,Active) { Sprite.set_active(Active); } ,solidTransform: function(Sprite,Solid) { Sprite.set_solid(Solid); } ,aliveTransform: function(Sprite,Alive) { Sprite.set_alive(Alive); } ,existsTransform: function(Sprite,Exists) { Sprite.set_exists(Exists); } ,cameraTransform: function(Sprite,Camera) { Sprite.set_camera(Camera); } ,camerasTransform: function(Sprite,Cameras) { Sprite.set_cameras(Cameras); } ,offsetTransform: function(Sprite,Offset) { var _this = Sprite.offset; _this.set_x(Offset.x); _this.set_y(Offset.y); if(Offset._weak) { Offset.put(); } } ,originTransform: function(Sprite,Origin) { var _this = Sprite.origin; _this.set_x(Origin.x); _this.set_y(Origin.y); if(Origin._weak) { Origin.put(); } } ,scaleTransform: function(Sprite,Scale) { var _this = Sprite.scale; _this.set_x(Scale.x); _this.set_y(Scale.y); if(Scale._weak) { Scale.put(); } } ,scrollFactorTransform: function(Sprite,ScrollFactor) { var _this = Sprite.scrollFactor; _this.set_x(ScrollFactor.x); _this.set_y(ScrollFactor.y); if(ScrollFactor._weak) { ScrollFactor.put(); } } ,clipRectTransform: function(Sprite,ClipRect) { if(ClipRect == null) { Sprite.set_clipRect(null); } else { var X = ClipRect.x - Sprite.x + this.x; var Y = ClipRect.y - Sprite.y + this.y; var Width = ClipRect.width; var Height = ClipRect.height; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; Sprite.set_clipRect(rect); } } ,offsetCallback: function(Offset) { this.transformChildren_flixel_math_FlxPoint($bind(this,this.offsetTransform),Offset); } ,originCallback: function(Origin) { this.transformChildren_flixel_math_FlxPoint($bind(this,this.originTransform),Origin); } ,scaleCallback: function(Scale) { this.transformChildren_flixel_math_FlxPoint($bind(this,this.scaleTransform),Scale); } ,scrollFactorCallback: function(ScrollFactor) { this.transformChildren_flixel_math_FlxPoint($bind(this,this.scrollFactorTransform),ScrollFactor); } ,loadGraphicFromSprite: function(Sprite) { return this; } ,loadGraphic: function(Graphic,Animated,Width,Height,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } if(Animated == null) { Animated = false; } return this; } ,loadRotatedGraphic: function(Graphic,Rotations,Frame,AntiAliasing,AutoBuffer,Key) { if(AutoBuffer == null) { AutoBuffer = false; } if(AntiAliasing == null) { AntiAliasing = false; } if(Frame == null) { Frame = -1; } if(Rotations == null) { Rotations = 16; } return this; } ,makeGraphic: function(Width,Height,Color,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } return this; } ,set_pixels: function(Value) { return Value; } ,set_frame: function(Value) { return Value; } ,get_pixels: function() { return null; } ,calcFrame: function(RunOnCpp) { if(RunOnCpp == null) { RunOnCpp = false; } } ,resetHelpers: function() { } ,stamp: function(Brush,X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } } ,set_frames: function(Frames) { return Frames; } ,updateColorTransform: function() { } ,__class__: flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.__properties__,{set_maxSize:"set_maxSize",get_maxSize:"get_maxSize",get_length:"get_length",get_members:"get_members"}) }); var flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect = function(data) { this._finalDelayTime = 0.0; this._started = false; this.finished = false; this._data = data; flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.TransitionEffect"] = flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","TransitionEffect"]; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.__super__ = flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype = $extend(flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup.prototype,{ finishCallback: null ,finished: null ,_started: null ,_endStatus: null ,_finalDelayTime: null ,_data: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.finishCallback = null; } ,start: function(NewStatus) { this._started = true; if(NewStatus == 0) { this._endStatus = 3; } else { this._endStatus = 2; } } ,setStatus: function(NewStatus) { } ,delayThenFinish: function() { new flixel_util_FlxTimer().start(this._finalDelayTime,$bind(this,this.onFinish)); } ,onFinish: function(f) { this.finished = true; if(this.finishCallback != null) { this.finishCallback(); this.finishCallback = null; } } ,__class__: flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect }); var flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.resourceName),flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.preload == null) { flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition._TransitionFade.GraphicDiagonalGradient"] = flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient; flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","_TransitionFade","GraphicDiagonalGradient"]; flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.preload = null; flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient }); var flixel_addons_transition_TransitionFade = function(data) { this.tweenValEnd2 = 0; this.tweenValEnd = 0; this.tweenValStart2 = 0; this.tweenValStart = 0; this.tweenStr2 = ""; this.tweenStr = ""; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.call(this,data); this.back = this.makeSprite(data.direction.x,data.direction.y); this.back.scrollFactor.set(0,0); this.add(this.back); }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.TransitionFade"] = flixel_addons_transition_TransitionFade; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionFade.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","TransitionFade"]; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionFade.__super__ = flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionFade.prototype = $extend(flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype,{ back: null ,tweenStr: null ,tweenStr2: null ,tweenValStart: null ,tweenValStart2: null ,tweenValEnd: null ,tweenValEnd2: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.back = null; } ,start: function(NewStatus) { flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype.start.call(this,NewStatus); this.setTweenValues(NewStatus,this._data.direction.x,this._data.direction.y); var _g = this.tweenStr; switch(_g) { case "alpha": this.back.set_alpha(this.tweenValStart); break; case "x": this.back.set_x(this.tweenValStart); break; case "y": this.back.set_y(this.tweenValStart); break; } var _g1 = this.tweenStr2; switch(_g1) { case "alpha": this.back.set_alpha(this.tweenValStart2); break; case "x": this.back.set_x(this.tweenValStart2); break; case "y": this.back.set_y(this.tweenValStart2); break; } var Values = { }; Values[this.tweenStr] = this.tweenValEnd; if(this.tweenStr2 != "") { Values[this.tweenStr2] = this.tweenValEnd2; } this._data.tweenOptions.onComplete = $bind(this,this.finishTween); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(this.back,Values,this._data.duration,this._data.tweenOptions); } ,setTweenValues: function(NewStatus,DirX,DirY) { if(DirX == 0 && DirY == 0) { this.tweenStr = "alpha"; this.tweenValStart = NewStatus == 0 ? 0.0 : 1.0; this.tweenValEnd = NewStatus == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0; } else if(Math.abs(DirX) > 0 && DirY == 0) { this.tweenStr = "x"; if(DirX > 0) { this.tweenValStart = NewStatus == 0 ? -this.back.get_width() : 0; this.tweenValEnd = NewStatus == 0 ? 0 : -this.back.get_width(); } else { this.tweenValStart = NewStatus == 0 ? flixel_FlxG.width : -this.back.get_width() / 2; this.tweenValEnd = NewStatus == 0 ? -this.back.get_width() / 2 : flixel_FlxG.width; } } else if(DirX == 0 && Math.abs(DirY) > 0) { this.tweenStr = "y"; if(DirY > 0) { this.tweenValStart = NewStatus == 0 ? -this.back.get_height() : 0; this.tweenValEnd = NewStatus == 0 ? 0 : -this.back.get_height(); } else { this.tweenValStart = NewStatus == 0 ? flixel_FlxG.height : -this.back.get_height() / 2; this.tweenValEnd = NewStatus == 0 ? -this.back.get_height() / 2 : flixel_FlxG.height; } } else if(Math.abs(DirX) > 0 && Math.abs(DirY) > 0) { this.tweenStr = "x"; this.tweenStr2 = "y"; if(DirX > 0) { this.tweenValStart = NewStatus == 0 ? -this.back.get_width() : 0; this.tweenValEnd = NewStatus == 0 ? 0 : -this.back.get_width(); } else { this.tweenValStart = NewStatus == 0 ? flixel_FlxG.width : -this.back.get_width() * 0.66666666666666663; this.tweenValEnd = NewStatus == 0 ? -this.back.get_width() * 0.66666666666666663 : flixel_FlxG.width; } if(DirY > 0) { this.tweenValStart2 = NewStatus == 0 ? -this.back.get_height() : 0; this.tweenValEnd2 = NewStatus == 0 ? 0 : -this.back.get_height(); } else { this.tweenValStart2 = NewStatus == 0 ? flixel_FlxG.height : -this.back.get_height() * 0.66666666666666663; this.tweenValEnd2 = NewStatus == 0 ? -this.back.get_height() * 0.66666666666666663 : flixel_FlxG.height; } } } ,makeSprite: function(DirX,DirY) { var s = new flixel_FlxSprite(0,0); var locX = 0; var locY = 0; var angle = 0; var pixels = null; if(DirX == 0 && DirY == 0) { s.makeGraphic(flixel_FlxG.width,flixel_FlxG.height,this._data.color); } else if(DirX == 0 && Math.abs(DirY) > 0) { if(DirY > 0) { locY = flixel_FlxG.height; } else { locY = 0; } if(DirY > 0) { angle = 90; } else { angle = 270; } s.makeGraphic(1,flixel_FlxG.height * 2,this._data.color); pixels = s.get_pixels(); var gvert = flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientBitmapData(1,flixel_FlxG.height,[this._data.color,0],1,angle); pixels.copyPixels(gvert,gvert.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(0,locY)); s.set_pixels(pixels); s.scale.set(flixel_FlxG.width,1.0); s.updateHitbox(); } else if(Math.abs(DirX) > 0 && DirY == 0) { if(DirX > 0) { locX = flixel_FlxG.width; } else { locX = 0; } if(DirX > 0) { angle = 0; } else { angle = 180; } s.makeGraphic(flixel_FlxG.width * 2,1,this._data.color); pixels = s.get_pixels(); var ghorz = flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientBitmapData(flixel_FlxG.width,1,[this._data.color,0],1,angle); pixels.copyPixels(ghorz,ghorz.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(locX,0)); s.set_pixels(pixels); s.scale.set(1.0,flixel_FlxG.height); s.updateHitbox(); } else if(Math.abs(DirX) > 0 && Math.abs(DirY) > 0) { if(DirY > 0) { locY = flixel_FlxG.height; } else { locY = 0; } s.loadGraphic(this.getGradient()); s.set_flipX(DirX < 0); s.set_flipY(DirY < 0); } return s; } ,getGradient: function() { var rawBmp = new flixel_addons_transition__$TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient(0,0); var gdiag = rawBmp; var gdiag_scaled = new openfl_display_BitmapData(flixel_FlxG.width * 2,flixel_FlxG.height * 2,true); var m = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); m.scale(gdiag_scaled.width / gdiag.width,gdiag_scaled.height / gdiag.height); gdiag_scaled.draw(gdiag,m,null,null,null,true); var theColor = this._data.color; var final_pixels = new openfl_display_BitmapData(flixel_FlxG.width * 3,flixel_FlxG.height * 3,true,theColor); final_pixels.copyChannel(gdiag_scaled,gdiag_scaled.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(final_pixels.width - gdiag_scaled.width,final_pixels.height - gdiag_scaled.height),1,8); gdiag.dispose(); gdiag_scaled.dispose(); return final_pixels; } ,finishTween: function(f) { this.delayThenFinish(); } ,__class__: flixel_addons_transition_TransitionFade }); var flixel_addons_transition_TransitionTiles = function(data) { this._isCenter = false; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.call(this,data); this._grpSprites = new flixel_group_FlxTypedSpriteGroup(); var delay = 0; if(data.tileData == null) { data.tileData = { asset : null, width : 32, height : 32}; } var region = data.region; var tilesX = Math.ceil(region.width / data.tileData.width); var tilesY = Math.ceil(region.height / data.tileData.height); var maxTiles = tilesX > tilesY ? tilesX : tilesY; var dTime = data.duration / maxTiles; var xDelay = dTime * Math.abs(data.direction.x); var yDelay = dTime * Math.abs(data.direction.y); var addX = data.tileData.width; var addY = data.tileData.height; var tx = 0; var ty = 0; var startX = region.x | 0; var startY = region.y | 0; if(data.direction.x < 0) { addX *= -1; startX += region.width + addX | 0; } if(data.direction.y < 0) { addY *= -1; startY += region.height + addY | 0; } tx = startX; ty = startY; var _g1 = 0; var _g = tilesY; while(_g1 < _g) { var iy = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = tilesX; while(_g3 < _g2) { var ix = _g3++; var frameRate = 40; if(data.tileData.frameRate != null) { frameRate = data.tileData.frameRate; } var ts = new flixel_addons_transition_FlxTransitionSprite(tx,ty,delay,data.tileData.asset,data.tileData.width,data.tileData.height,frameRate); ts.set_color(data.color); ts.scrollFactor.set(0,0); this._grpSprites.add(ts); tx += addX; delay += xDelay; } ty += addY; tx = startX; delay = (iy + 1) * yDelay; } this.add(this._grpSprites); this._isCenter = data.direction.x == 0 && data.direction.y == 0; }; $hxClasses["flixel.addons.transition.TransitionTiles"] = flixel_addons_transition_TransitionTiles; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionTiles.__name__ = ["flixel","addons","transition","TransitionTiles"]; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionTiles.__super__ = flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect; flixel_addons_transition_TransitionTiles.prototype = $extend(flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype,{ _grpSprites: null ,_isCenter: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype.destroy.call(this); this._grpSprites = null; } ,start: function(NewStatus) { flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype.start.call(this,NewStatus); this._grpSprites.group.forEach(function(t) { t.start(NewStatus); },false); } ,setStatus: function(NewStatus) { flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype.setStatus.call(this,NewStatus); this._grpSprites.group.forEach(function(t) { t.setStatus(NewStatus); },false); } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_addons_transition_TransitionEffect.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); if(this._started) { var allDone = true; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._grpSprites.group.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sprite = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sprite.status != -1 && sprite.status != this._endStatus) { allDone = false; break; } } if(allDone) { this._started = false; this.delayThenFinish(); } } } ,__class__: flixel_addons_transition_TransitionTiles }); var flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation = function(Parent,Name) { this.curIndex = 0; this.parent = Parent; this.name = Name; }; $hxClasses["flixel.animation.FlxBaseAnimation"] = flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation; flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.__name__ = ["flixel","animation","FlxBaseAnimation"]; flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.prototype = { parent: null ,name: null ,curIndex: null ,set_curIndex: function(Value) { this.curIndex = Value; if(this.parent != null && this.parent._curAnim == this) { this.parent.set_frameIndex(Value); } return Value; } ,destroy: function() { this.parent = null; this.name = null; } ,update: function(elapsed) { } ,clone: function(Parent) { return null; } ,__class__: flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation ,__properties__: {set_curIndex:"set_curIndex"} }; var flixel_animation_FlxAnimation = function(Parent,Name,Frames,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY) { if(FlipY == null) { FlipY = false; } if(FlipX == null) { FlipX = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = true; } if(FrameRate == null) { FrameRate = 0; } this._frameTimer = 0; this.flipY = false; this.flipX = false; this.reversed = false; this.looped = true; this.paused = true; this.finished = true; this.delay = 0; this.curFrame = 0; flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.call(this,Parent,Name); this.set_frameRate(FrameRate); this.frames = Frames; this.looped = Looped; this.flipX = FlipX; this.flipY = FlipY; }; $hxClasses["flixel.animation.FlxAnimation"] = flixel_animation_FlxAnimation; flixel_animation_FlxAnimation.__name__ = ["flixel","animation","FlxAnimation"]; flixel_animation_FlxAnimation.__super__ = flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation; flixel_animation_FlxAnimation.prototype = $extend(flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.prototype,{ frameRate: null ,curFrame: null ,numFrames: null ,delay: null ,finished: null ,paused: null ,looped: null ,reversed: null ,flipX: null ,flipY: null ,frames: null ,_frameTimer: null ,destroy: function() { this.frames = null; this.name = null; flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,play: function(Force,Reversed,Frame) { if(Frame == null) { Frame = 0; } if(Reversed == null) { Reversed = false; } if(Force == null) { Force = false; } if(!Force && !this.finished && this.reversed == Reversed) { this.paused = false; this.finished = false; return; } this.reversed = Reversed; this.paused = false; this._frameTimer = 0; this.finished = this.delay == 0; var maxFrameIndex = this.frames.length - 1; if(Frame < 0) { this.set_curFrame(flixel_FlxG.random["int"](0,maxFrameIndex)); } else { if(Frame > maxFrameIndex) { Frame = maxFrameIndex; } if(this.reversed) { Frame = maxFrameIndex - Frame; } this.set_curFrame(Frame); } if(this.finished) { var _this = this.parent; if(_this.finishCallback != null) { _this.finishCallback(this.name); } } } ,restart: function() { this.play(true,this.reversed); } ,stop: function() { this.finished = true; this.paused = true; } ,reset: function() { this.stop(); this.set_curFrame(this.reversed ? this.frames.length - 1 : 0); } ,finish: function() { this.stop(); this.set_curFrame(this.reversed ? 0 : this.frames.length - 1); } ,pause: function() { this.paused = true; } ,resume: function() { this.paused = false; } ,reverse: function() { this.reversed = !this.reversed; if(this.finished) { this.play(false,this.reversed); } } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this.delay == 0 || this.finished || this.paused) { return; } this._frameTimer += elapsed; while(this._frameTimer > this.delay && !this.finished) { this._frameTimer -= this.delay; if(this.reversed) { if(this.looped && this.curFrame == 0) { this.set_curFrame(this.frames.length - 1); } else { var _g = this; var _g1 = _g.curFrame; _g.set_curFrame(_g1 - 1); } } else if(this.looped && this.curFrame == this.frames.length - 1) { this.set_curFrame(0); } else { var _g2 = this; var _g11 = _g2.curFrame; _g2.set_curFrame(_g11 + 1); } } } ,clone: function(Parent) { return new flixel_animation_FlxAnimation(Parent,this.name,this.frames,this.frameRate,this.looped,this.flipX,this.flipY); } ,set_frameRate: function(value) { this.delay = 0; this.frameRate = value; if(value > 0) { this.delay = 1.0 / value; } return value; } ,set_curFrame: function(Frame) { var maxFrameIndex = this.frames.length - 1; var tempFrame = this.reversed ? maxFrameIndex - Frame : Frame; if(tempFrame >= 0) { if(!this.looped && Frame > maxFrameIndex) { this.finished = true; this.curFrame = this.reversed ? 0 : maxFrameIndex; } else { this.curFrame = Frame; } } else { this.curFrame = flixel_FlxG.random["int"](0,maxFrameIndex); } this.set_curIndex(this.frames[this.curFrame]); if(this.finished && this.parent != null) { var _this = this.parent; if(_this.finishCallback != null) { _this.finishCallback(this.name); } } return Frame; } ,get_numFrames: function() { return this.frames.length; } ,__class__: flixel_animation_FlxAnimation ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.prototype.__properties__,{get_numFrames:"get_numFrames",set_curFrame:"set_curFrame",set_frameRate:"set_frameRate"}) }); var flixel_animation_FlxAnimationController = function(Sprite) { this.frameIndex = -1; this._sprite = Sprite; this._animations = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.animation.FlxAnimationController"] = flixel_animation_FlxAnimationController; flixel_animation_FlxAnimationController.__name__ = ["flixel","animation","FlxAnimationController"]; flixel_animation_FlxAnimationController.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_animation_FlxAnimationController.prototype = { frameIndex: null ,frames: null ,callback: null ,finishCallback: null ,_sprite: null ,_curAnim: null ,_animations: null ,_prerotated: null ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.update(elapsed); } else if(this._prerotated != null) { this._prerotated.set_angle(this._sprite.angle); } } ,copyFrom: function(controller) { this.destroyAnimations(); var _this = controller._animations; var anim = new haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator(_this,_this.arrayKeys()); while(anim.hasNext()) { var anim1 = anim.next(); this.add(anim1.name,anim1.frames,anim1.frameRate,anim1.looped,anim1.flipX,anim1.flipY); } if(controller._prerotated != null) { this.createPrerotated(); } if(controller.get_name() != null) { this.set_name(controller.get_name()); } this.set_frameIndex(controller.frameIndex); return this; } ,createPrerotated: function(Controller) { this.destroyAnimations(); if(Controller != null) { Controller = Controller; } else { Controller = this; } this._prerotated = new flixel_animation_FlxPrerotatedAnimation(Controller,Controller._sprite.bakedRotationAngle); this._prerotated.set_angle(this._sprite.angle); } ,destroyAnimations: function() { this.clearAnimations(); this.clearPrerotated(); } ,destroy: function() { this.destroyAnimations(); this._animations = null; this.callback = null; this._sprite = null; } ,clearPrerotated: function() { if(this._prerotated != null) { this._prerotated.destroy(); } this._prerotated = null; } ,clearAnimations: function() { if(this._animations != null) { var anim; var key = this._animations.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); var _this = this._animations; if(__map_reserved[key1] != null) { anim = _this.getReserved(key1); } else { anim = _this.h[key1]; } if(anim != null) { anim.destroy(); } } } this._animations = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this._curAnim = null; } ,add: function(Name,Frames,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY) { if(FlipY == null) { FlipY = false; } if(FlipX == null) { FlipX = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = true; } if(FrameRate == null) { FrameRate = 30; } var framesToAdd = Frames; var numFrames = framesToAdd.length - 1; var i = numFrames; while(i >= 0) { if(framesToAdd[i] >= this._sprite.numFrames) { if(framesToAdd == Frames) { framesToAdd = Frames.slice(); } framesToAdd.splice(i,1); } --i; } if(framesToAdd.length > 0) { var anim = new flixel_animation_FlxAnimation(this,Name,framesToAdd,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY); var _this = this._animations; if(__map_reserved[Name] != null) { _this.setReserved(Name,anim); } else { _this.h[Name] = anim; } } } ,remove: function(Name) { var _this = this._animations; var anim = __map_reserved[Name] != null ? _this.getReserved(Name) : _this.h[Name]; if(anim != null) { this._animations.remove(Name); anim.destroy(); } } ,append: function(Name,Frames) { var _this = this._animations; var anim = __map_reserved[Name] != null ? _this.getReserved(Name) : _this.h[Name]; if(anim == null) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.log; return; } var numFrames = Frames.length - 1; var i = numFrames; while(i >= 0) { if(Frames[numFrames - i] < this._sprite.numFrames) { anim.frames.push(Frames[numFrames - i]); } --i; } } ,addByNames: function(Name,FrameNames,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY) { if(FlipY == null) { FlipY = false; } if(FlipX == null) { FlipX = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = true; } if(FrameRate == null) { FrameRate = 30; } if(this._sprite.frames != null) { var indices = []; this.byNamesHelper(indices,FrameNames); if(indices.length > 0) { var anim = new flixel_animation_FlxAnimation(this,Name,indices,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY); var _this = this._animations; if(__map_reserved[Name] != null) { _this.setReserved(Name,anim); } else { _this.h[Name] = anim; } } } } ,appendByNames: function(Name,FrameNames) { var _this = this._animations; var anim = __map_reserved[Name] != null ? _this.getReserved(Name) : _this.h[Name]; if(anim == null) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.log; return; } if(this._sprite.frames != null) { this.byNamesHelper(anim.frames,FrameNames); } } ,addByStringIndices: function(Name,Prefix,Indices,Postfix,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY) { if(FlipY == null) { FlipY = false; } if(FlipX == null) { FlipX = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = true; } if(FrameRate == null) { FrameRate = 30; } if(this._sprite.frames != null) { var frameIndices = []; this.byStringIndicesHelper(frameIndices,Prefix,Indices,Postfix); if(frameIndices.length > 0) { var anim = new flixel_animation_FlxAnimation(this,Name,frameIndices,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY); var _this = this._animations; if(__map_reserved[Name] != null) { _this.setReserved(Name,anim); } else { _this.h[Name] = anim; } } } } ,appendByStringIndices: function(Name,Prefix,Indices,Postfix) { var _this = this._animations; var anim = __map_reserved[Name] != null ? _this.getReserved(Name) : _this.h[Name]; if(anim == null) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.log; return; } if(this._sprite.frames != null) { this.byStringIndicesHelper(anim.frames,Prefix,Indices,Postfix); } } ,addByIndices: function(Name,Prefix,Indices,Postfix,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY) { if(FlipY == null) { FlipY = false; } if(FlipX == null) { FlipX = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = true; } if(FrameRate == null) { FrameRate = 30; } if(this._sprite.frames != null) { var frameIndices = []; this.byIndicesHelper(frameIndices,Prefix,Indices,Postfix); if(frameIndices.length > 0) { var anim = new flixel_animation_FlxAnimation(this,Name,frameIndices,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY); var _this = this._animations; if(__map_reserved[Name] != null) { _this.setReserved(Name,anim); } else { _this.h[Name] = anim; } } } } ,appendByIndices: function(Name,Prefix,Indices,Postfix) { var _this = this._animations; var anim = __map_reserved[Name] != null ? _this.getReserved(Name) : _this.h[Name]; if(anim == null) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.log; return; } if(this._sprite.frames != null) { this.byIndicesHelper(anim.frames,Prefix,Indices,Postfix); } } ,findSpriteFrame: function(Prefix,Index,Postfix) { var numFrames = this._sprite.numFrames; var flxFrames = this._sprite.frames.frames; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numFrames; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var name = flxFrames[i].name; if(StringTools.startsWith(name,Prefix) && StringTools.endsWith(name,Postfix)) { var index = Std.parseInt(name.substring(Prefix.length,name.length - Postfix.length)); if(index != null && index == Index) { return i; } } } return -1; } ,addByPrefix: function(Name,Prefix,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY) { if(FlipY == null) { FlipY = false; } if(FlipX == null) { FlipX = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = true; } if(FrameRate == null) { FrameRate = 30; } if(this._sprite.frames != null) { var animFrames = []; this.findByPrefix(animFrames,Prefix); if(animFrames.length > 0) { var frameIndices = []; this.byPrefixHelper(frameIndices,animFrames,Prefix); if(frameIndices.length > 0) { var anim = new flixel_animation_FlxAnimation(this,Name,frameIndices,FrameRate,Looped,FlipX,FlipY); var _this = this._animations; if(__map_reserved[Name] != null) { _this.setReserved(Name,anim); } else { _this.h[Name] = anim; } } } } } ,appendByPrefix: function(Name,Prefix) { var _this = this._animations; var anim = __map_reserved[Name] != null ? _this.getReserved(Name) : _this.h[Name]; if(anim == null) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.log; return; } if(this._sprite.frames != null) { var animFrames = []; this.findByPrefix(animFrames,Prefix); if(animFrames.length > 0) { this.byPrefixHelper(anim.frames,animFrames,Prefix); } } } ,play: function(AnimName,Force,Reversed,Frame) { if(Frame == null) { Frame = 0; } if(Reversed == null) { Reversed = false; } if(Force == null) { Force = false; } if(AnimName == null) { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.stop(); } this._curAnim = null; } var tmp; if(AnimName != null) { var _this = this._animations; tmp = (__map_reserved[AnimName] != null ? _this.getReserved(AnimName) : _this.h[AnimName]) == null; } else { tmp = true; } if(tmp) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.log; return; } var oldFlipX = false; var oldFlipY = false; if(this._curAnim != null && AnimName != this._curAnim.name) { oldFlipX = this._curAnim.flipX; oldFlipY = this._curAnim.flipY; this._curAnim.stop(); } var _this2 = this._animations; this._curAnim = __map_reserved[AnimName] != null ? _this2.getReserved(AnimName) : _this2.h[AnimName]; this._curAnim.play(Force,Reversed,Frame); if(oldFlipX != this._curAnim.flipX || oldFlipY != this._curAnim.flipY) { this._sprite.dirty = true; } } ,reset: function() { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.reset(); } } ,finish: function() { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.finish(); } } ,stop: function() { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.stop(); } } ,pause: function() { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.pause(); } } ,resume: function() { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.paused = false; } } ,reverse: function() { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.reverse(); } } ,getByName: function(Name) { var _this = this._animations; if(__map_reserved[Name] != null) { return _this.getReserved(Name); } else { return _this.h[Name]; } } ,randomFrame: function() { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.stop(); this._curAnim = null; } this.set_frameIndex(flixel_FlxG.random["int"](0,this._sprite.numFrames - 1)); } ,fireCallback: function() { if(this.callback != null) { var name = this._curAnim != null ? this._curAnim.name : null; var number = this._curAnim != null ? this._curAnim.curFrame : this.frameIndex; this.callback(name,number,this.frameIndex); } } ,fireFinishCallback: function(name) { if(this.finishCallback != null) { this.finishCallback(name); } } ,byNamesHelper: function(AddTo,FrameNames) { var _g = 0; while(_g < FrameNames.length) { var frameName = FrameNames[_g]; ++_g; var _this = this._sprite.frames.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[frameName] != null ? _this.existsReserved(frameName) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(frameName)) { var _this1 = this._sprite.frames.framesHash; var frameToAdd = __map_reserved[frameName] != null ? _this1.getReserved(frameName) : _this1.h[frameName]; AddTo.push(this._sprite.frames.frames.indexOf(frameToAdd)); } } } ,byStringIndicesHelper: function(AddTo,Prefix,Indices,Postfix) { var _g = 0; while(_g < Indices.length) { var index = Indices[_g]; ++_g; var name = Prefix + index + Postfix; var _this = this._sprite.frames.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[name] != null ? _this.existsReserved(name) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var _this1 = this._sprite.frames.framesHash; var frameToAdd = __map_reserved[name] != null ? _this1.getReserved(name) : _this1.h[name]; AddTo.push(this._sprite.frames.frames.indexOf(frameToAdd)); } } } ,byIndicesHelper: function(AddTo,Prefix,Indices,Postfix) { var _g = 0; while(_g < Indices.length) { var index = Indices[_g]; ++_g; var indexToAdd = this.findSpriteFrame(Prefix,index,Postfix); if(indexToAdd != -1) { AddTo.push(indexToAdd); } } } ,byPrefixHelper: function(AddTo,AnimFrames,Prefix) { var name = AnimFrames[0].name; var postIndex = name.indexOf(".",Prefix.length); var postFix = name.substring(postIndex == -1 ? name.length : postIndex,name.length); flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame.sort(AnimFrames,Prefix.length,postFix.length); var _g = 0; while(_g < AnimFrames.length) { var animFrame = AnimFrames[_g]; ++_g; AddTo.push(this._sprite.frames.frames.indexOf(animFrame)); } } ,findByPrefix: function(AnimFrames,Prefix) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._sprite.frames.frames; while(_g < _g1.length) { var frame = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(frame.name != null && StringTools.startsWith(frame.name,Prefix)) { AnimFrames.push(frame); } } } ,set_frameIndex: function(Frame) { if(this._sprite.frames != null && this._sprite.numFrames > 0) { Frame %= this._sprite.numFrames; this._sprite.set_frame(this._sprite.frames.frames[Frame]); this.frameIndex = Frame; if(this.callback != null) { var name = this._curAnim != null ? this._curAnim.name : null; var number = this._curAnim != null ? this._curAnim.curFrame : this.frameIndex; this.callback(name,number,this.frameIndex); } } return this.frameIndex; } ,get_frameName: function() { return this._sprite.frame.name; } ,set_frameName: function(Value) { var tmp; if(this._sprite.frames != null) { var _this = this._sprite.frames.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[Value] != null) { tmp = _this.existsReserved(Value); } else { tmp = _this.h.hasOwnProperty(Value); } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.stop(); this._curAnim = null; } var _this1 = this._sprite.frames.framesHash; var frame = __map_reserved[Value] != null ? _this1.getReserved(Value) : _this1.h[Value]; if(frame != null) { this.set_frameIndex(this._sprite.frames.frames.indexOf(frame)); } } return Value; } ,get_name: function() { var animName = null; if(this._curAnim != null) { animName = this._curAnim.name; } return animName; } ,set_name: function(AnimName) { this.play(AnimName); return AnimName; } ,get_curAnim: function() { return this._curAnim; } ,set_curAnim: function(Anim) { if(Anim != this._curAnim) { if(this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.stop(); } if(Anim != null) { Anim.play(); } } return this._curAnim = Anim; } ,get_paused: function() { var paused = false; if(this._curAnim != null) { paused = this._curAnim.paused; } return paused; } ,set_paused: function(Value) { if(this._curAnim != null) { if(Value) { this._curAnim.pause(); } else { this._curAnim.paused = false; } } return Value; } ,get_finished: function() { var finished = true; if(this._curAnim != null) { finished = this._curAnim.finished; } return finished; } ,set_finished: function(Value) { if(Value && this._curAnim != null) { this._curAnim.finish(); } return Value; } ,get_frames: function() { return this._sprite.numFrames; } ,getFrameIndex: function(Frame) { return this._sprite.frames.frames.indexOf(Frame); } ,__class__: flixel_animation_FlxAnimationController ,__properties__: {get_frames:"get_frames",set_finished:"set_finished",get_finished:"get_finished",set_paused:"set_paused",get_paused:"get_paused",set_name:"set_name",get_name:"get_name",set_frameName:"set_frameName",get_frameName:"get_frameName",set_frameIndex:"set_frameIndex",set_curAnim:"set_curAnim",get_curAnim:"get_curAnim"} }; var flixel_animation_FlxPrerotatedAnimation = function(Parent,Baked) { this.angle = 0; flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.call(this,Parent,"prerotated_animation"); this.baked = Baked; this.rotations = Math.round(360 / Baked); }; $hxClasses["flixel.animation.FlxPrerotatedAnimation"] = flixel_animation_FlxPrerotatedAnimation; flixel_animation_FlxPrerotatedAnimation.__name__ = ["flixel","animation","FlxPrerotatedAnimation"]; flixel_animation_FlxPrerotatedAnimation.__super__ = flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation; flixel_animation_FlxPrerotatedAnimation.prototype = $extend(flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.prototype,{ rotations: null ,baked: null ,angle: null ,set_angle: function(Value) { if(isNaN(Value)) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("angle must not be NaN"); } var oldIndex = this.curIndex; var angleHelper = Math.floor(Value % 360); while(angleHelper < 0) angleHelper += 360; var newIndex = Math.floor(angleHelper / this.baked + 0.5); newIndex = newIndex % this.rotations | 0; if(oldIndex != newIndex) { this.set_curIndex(newIndex); } return this.angle = Value; } ,set_curIndex: function(Value) { this.curIndex = Value; if(this.parent != null) { this.parent.set_frameIndex(Value); } return Value; } ,clone: function(Parent) { return new flixel_animation_FlxPrerotatedAnimation(Parent,this.baked); } ,__class__: flixel_animation_FlxPrerotatedAnimation ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_animation_FlxBaseAnimation.prototype.__properties__,{set_angle:"set_angle"}) }); var flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$effects_$FlxFlicker = function(classObj) { this._count = 0; this._pool = []; this._class = classObj; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxPool_flixel_effects_FlxFlicker"] = flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$effects_$FlxFlicker; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$effects_$FlxFlicker.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxPool_flixel_effects_FlxFlicker"]; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$effects_$FlxFlicker.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxPool]; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$effects_$FlxFlicker.prototype = { _pool: null ,_class: null ,_count: null ,get: function() { if(this._count == 0) { return Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } return this._pool[--this._count]; } ,put: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { var i = this._pool.indexOf(obj); if(i == -1 || i >= this._count) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } } ,putUnsafe: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } ,preAllocate: function(numObjects) { while(numObjects-- > 0) this._pool[this._count++] = Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } ,clear: function() { this._count = 0; var oldPool = this._pool; this._pool = []; return oldPool; } ,get_length: function() { return this._count; } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$effects_$FlxFlicker ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length"} }; var flixel_effects_FlxFlicker = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.effects.FlxFlicker"] = flixel_effects_FlxFlicker; flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.__name__ = ["flixel","effects","FlxFlicker"]; flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.flicker = function(Object,Duration,Interval,EndVisibility,ForceRestart,CompletionCallback,ProgressCallback) { if(ForceRestart == null) { ForceRestart = true; } if(EndVisibility == null) { EndVisibility = true; } if(Interval == null) { Interval = 0.04; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } if(flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.isFlickering(Object)) { if(ForceRestart) { flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.stopFlickering(Object); } else { return flixel_effects_FlxFlicker._boundObjects.h[Object.__id__]; } } if(Interval <= 0) { Interval = flixel_FlxG.elapsed; } var flicker = flixel_effects_FlxFlicker._pool.get(); flicker.start(Object,Duration,Interval,EndVisibility,CompletionCallback,ProgressCallback); flixel_effects_FlxFlicker._boundObjects.set(Object,flicker); return flicker; }; flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.isFlickering = function(Object) { return flixel_effects_FlxFlicker._boundObjects.h.__keys__[Object.__id__] != null; }; flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.stopFlickering = function(Object) { var boundFlicker = flixel_effects_FlxFlicker._boundObjects.h[Object.__id__]; if(boundFlicker != null) { boundFlicker.stop(); } }; flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.prototype = { object: null ,endVisibility: null ,timer: null ,completionCallback: null ,progressCallback: null ,duration: null ,interval: null ,destroy: function() { this.object = null; this.timer = null; this.completionCallback = null; this.progressCallback = null; } ,start: function(Object,Duration,Interval,EndVisibility,CompletionCallback,ProgressCallback) { this.object = Object; this.duration = Duration; this.interval = Interval; this.completionCallback = CompletionCallback; this.progressCallback = ProgressCallback; this.endVisibility = EndVisibility; var tmp = this.duration / this.interval | 0; this.timer = new flixel_util_FlxTimer().start(this.interval,$bind(this,this.flickerProgress),tmp); } ,stop: function() { this.timer.cancel(); this.object.set_visible(true); this.release(); } ,release: function() { flixel_effects_FlxFlicker._boundObjects.remove(this.object); flixel_effects_FlxFlicker._pool.put(this); } ,flickerProgress: function(Timer) { this.object.set_visible(!this.object.visible); if(this.progressCallback != null) { this.progressCallback(this); } if(Timer.loops > 0 && Timer.loops - Timer._loopsCounter == 0) { this.object.set_visible(this.endVisibility); if(this.completionCallback != null) { this.completionCallback(this); } this.release(); } } ,__class__: flixel_effects_FlxFlicker }; var flixel_effects_particles_FlxTypedEmitter = function(X,Y,Size) { if(Size == null) { Size = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._waitForKill = false; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this._point = point; this._counter = 0; this._timer = 0; this._explode = true; this._quantity = 0; this.allowCollisions = 0; this.autoUpdateHitbox = false; this.immovable = false; this.elasticity = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds(0); this.acceleration = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds(0,0); this.drag = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds(0,0); this.color = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds(-1,-1); this.alpha = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds(1); this.scale = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds(1,1); this.lifespan = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds(3); this.launchAngle = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds(-180,180); this.ignoreAngularVelocity = false; this.angle = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds(0); this.angularVelocity = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds(0,0); this.angularDrag = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds(0,0); this.angularAcceleration = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds(0,0); this.speed = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds(0,100); this.velocity = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds(-100,-100,100,100); this.keepScaleRatio = false; this.launchMode = flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE; this.height = 0; this.width = 0; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; this.frequency = 0.1; this.emitting = false; this.particleClass = flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.call(this,Size); this.x = X; this.y = Y; this.set_exists(false); }; $hxClasses["flixel.effects.particles.FlxTypedEmitter"] = flixel_effects_particles_FlxTypedEmitter; flixel_effects_particles_FlxTypedEmitter.__name__ = ["flixel","effects","particles","FlxTypedEmitter"]; flixel_effects_particles_FlxTypedEmitter.__super__ = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup; flixel_effects_particles_FlxTypedEmitter.prototype = $extend(flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype,{ particleClass: null ,emitting: null ,frequency: null ,blend: null ,x: null ,y: null ,width: null ,height: null ,launchMode: null ,keepScaleRatio: null ,velocity: null ,speed: null ,angularAcceleration: null ,angularDrag: null ,angularVelocity: null ,angle: null ,ignoreAngularVelocity: null ,launchAngle: null ,lifespan: null ,scale: null ,alpha: null ,color: null ,drag: null ,acceleration: null ,elasticity: null ,immovable: null ,autoUpdateHitbox: null ,allowCollisions: null ,_quantity: null ,_explode: null ,_timer: null ,_counter: null ,_point: null ,_waitForKill: null ,destroy: function() { this.velocity = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.velocity); this.scale = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.scale); this.drag = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.drag); this.acceleration = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.acceleration); this._point = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._point); this.blend = null; this.angularAcceleration = null; this.angularDrag = null; this.angularVelocity = null; this.angle = null; this.speed = null; this.launchAngle = null; this.lifespan = null; this.alpha = null; this.color = null; this.elasticity = null; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,loadParticles: function(Graphics,Quantity,bakedRotationAngles,Multiple,AutoBuffer) { if(AutoBuffer == null) { AutoBuffer = false; } if(Multiple == null) { Multiple = false; } if(bakedRotationAngles == null) { bakedRotationAngles = 16; } if(Quantity == null) { Quantity = 50; } this.set_maxSize(Quantity); var totalFrames = 1; if(Multiple) { var sprite = new flixel_FlxSprite(); sprite.loadGraphic(Graphics,true); totalFrames = sprite.numFrames; sprite.destroy(); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = Quantity; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.add(this.loadParticle(Graphics,Quantity,bakedRotationAngles,Multiple,AutoBuffer,totalFrames)); } return this; } ,loadParticle: function(Graphics,Quantity,bakedRotationAngles,Multiple,AutoBuffer,totalFrames) { if(AutoBuffer == null) { AutoBuffer = false; } if(Multiple == null) { Multiple = false; } var particle = Type.createInstance(this.particleClass,[]); var frame = Multiple ? flixel_FlxG.random["int"](0,totalFrames - 1) : -1; if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit && bakedRotationAngles > 0) { particle.loadRotatedGraphic(Graphics,bakedRotationAngles,frame,false,AutoBuffer); } else { particle.loadGraphic(Graphics,Multiple); } if(Multiple) { particle.animation.set_frameIndex(frame); } return particle; } ,makeParticles: function(Width,Height,Color,Quantity) { if(Quantity == null) { Quantity = 50; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } if(Height == null) { Height = 2; } if(Width == null) { Width = 2; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = Quantity; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var particle = Type.createInstance(this.particleClass,[]); particle.makeGraphic(Width,Height,Color); this.add(particle); } return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this.emitting) { if(this._explode) { this.explode(); } else { this.emitContinuously(elapsed); } } else if(this._waitForKill) { this._timer += elapsed; if(this.lifespan.max > 0 && this._timer > this.lifespan.max) { this.kill(); return; } } flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); } ,explode: function() { var amount = this._quantity; if(amount <= 0 || amount > this.length) { amount = this.length; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = amount; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.emitParticle(); } this.onFinished(); } ,emitContinuously: function(elapsed) { if(this.frequency <= 0) { this.emitParticleContinuously(); } else { this._timer += elapsed; while(this._timer > this.frequency) { this._timer -= this.frequency; this.emitParticleContinuously(); } } } ,emitParticleContinuously: function() { this.emitParticle(); this._counter++; if(this._quantity > 0 && this._counter >= this._quantity) { this.onFinished(); } } ,onFinished: function() { this.emitting = false; this._waitForKill = true; this._quantity = 0; } ,kill: function() { this.emitting = false; this._waitForKill = false; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype.kill.call(this); } ,start: function(Explode,Frequency,Quantity) { if(Quantity == null) { Quantity = 0; } if(Frequency == null) { Frequency = 0.1; } if(Explode == null) { Explode = true; } this.set_exists(true); this.set_visible(true); this.emitting = true; this._explode = Explode; this.frequency = Frequency; this._quantity += Quantity; this._counter = 0; this._timer = 0; this._waitForKill = false; return this; } ,emitParticle: function() { var particle = this.recycle(this.particleClass); particle.reset(0,0); particle.set_blend(this.blend); particle.set_immovable(this.immovable); particle.set_solid((this.allowCollisions & 4369) > 0); particle.set_allowCollisions(this.allowCollisions); particle.autoUpdateHitbox = this.autoUpdateHitbox; if(this.lifespan.active) { particle.lifespan = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.lifespan.min,this.lifespan.max); } if(this.velocity.active) { var tmp; if(particle.lifespan > 0) { var _this = particle.velocityRange.start; var point = particle.velocityRange.end; var result = Math.abs(_this.x - point.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this.y - point.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point._weak) { point.put(); } tmp = !result; } else { tmp = false; } particle.velocityRange.active = tmp; if(this.launchMode == flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE) { var particleAngle = 0; if(this.launchAngle.active) { particleAngle = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.launchAngle.min,this.launchAngle.max); } var Speed = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.speed.start.min,this.speed.start.max); var a = particleAngle * (Math.PI / 180); var X = Math.cos(a) * Speed; var Y = Math.sin(a) * Speed; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point1._inPool = false; this._point = point1; particle.velocity.set_x(this._point.x); particle.velocity.set_y(this._point.y); particle.velocityRange.start.set(this._point.x,this._point.y); var Speed1 = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.speed.end.min,this.speed.end.max); var a1 = particleAngle * (Math.PI / 180); var X1 = Math.cos(a1) * Speed1; var Y1 = Math.sin(a1) * Speed1; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point2._inPool = false; this._point = point2; particle.velocityRange.end.set(this._point.x,this._point.y); } else { particle.velocityRange.start.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.velocity.start.min.x,this.velocity.start.max.x)); particle.velocityRange.start.set_y(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.velocity.start.min.y,this.velocity.start.max.y)); particle.velocityRange.end.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.velocity.end.min.x,this.velocity.end.max.x)); particle.velocityRange.end.set_y(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.velocity.end.min.y,this.velocity.end.max.y)); particle.velocity.set_x(particle.velocityRange.start.x); particle.velocity.set_y(particle.velocityRange.start.y); } } else { particle.velocityRange.active = false; } particle.angularVelocityRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && this.angularVelocity.start != this.angularVelocity.end; if(!this.ignoreAngularVelocity) { if(this.angularAcceleration.active) { particle.angularAcceleration = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.angularAcceleration.start.min,this.angularAcceleration.start.max); } if(this.angularVelocity.active) { particle.angularVelocityRange.start = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.angularVelocity.start.min,this.angularVelocity.start.max); particle.angularVelocityRange.end = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.angularVelocity.end.min,this.angularVelocity.end.max); particle.angularVelocity = particle.angularVelocityRange.start; } if(this.angularDrag.active) { particle.angularDrag = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.angularDrag.start.min,this.angularDrag.start.max); } } else if(this.angularVelocity.active) { particle.angularVelocity = (flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.angle.end.min,this.angle.end.max) - flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.angle.start.min,this.angle.start.max)) / flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.lifespan.min,this.lifespan.max); particle.angularVelocityRange.active = false; } if(this.angle.active) { particle.set_angle(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.angle.start.min,this.angle.start.max)); } if(this.scale.active) { particle.scaleRange.start.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.scale.start.min.x,this.scale.start.max.x)); particle.scaleRange.start.set_y(this.keepScaleRatio ? particle.scaleRange.start.x : flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.scale.start.min.y,this.scale.start.max.y)); particle.scaleRange.end.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.scale.end.min.x,this.scale.end.max.x)); particle.scaleRange.end.set_y(this.keepScaleRatio ? particle.scaleRange.end.x : flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.scale.end.min.y,this.scale.end.max.y)); var tmp1; if(particle.lifespan > 0) { var _this1 = particle.scaleRange.start; var point3 = particle.scaleRange.end; var result1 = Math.abs(_this1.x - point3.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this1.y - point3.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point3._weak) { point3.put(); } tmp1 = !result1; } else { tmp1 = false; } particle.scaleRange.active = tmp1; particle.scale.set_x(particle.scaleRange.start.x); particle.scale.set_y(particle.scaleRange.start.y); if(particle.autoUpdateHitbox) { particle.updateHitbox(); } } else { particle.scaleRange.active = false; } if(this.alpha.active) { particle.alphaRange.start = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.alpha.start.min,this.alpha.start.max); particle.alphaRange.end = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.alpha.end.min,this.alpha.end.max); particle.alphaRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && particle.alphaRange.start != particle.alphaRange.end; particle.set_alpha(particle.alphaRange.start); } else { particle.alphaRange.active = false; } if(this.color.active) { particle.colorRange.start = flixel_FlxG.random.color(this.color.start.min,this.color.start.max); particle.colorRange.end = flixel_FlxG.random.color(this.color.end.min,this.color.end.max); particle.colorRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && particle.colorRange.start != particle.colorRange.end; particle.set_color(particle.colorRange.start); } else { particle.colorRange.active = false; } if(this.drag.active) { particle.dragRange.start.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.drag.start.min.x,this.drag.start.max.x)); particle.dragRange.start.set_y(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.drag.start.min.y,this.drag.start.max.y)); particle.dragRange.end.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.drag.end.min.x,this.drag.end.max.x)); particle.dragRange.end.set_y(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.drag.end.min.y,this.drag.end.max.y)); var tmp2; if(particle.lifespan > 0) { var _this2 = particle.dragRange.start; var point4 = particle.dragRange.end; var result2 = Math.abs(_this2.x - point4.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this2.y - point4.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point4._weak) { point4.put(); } tmp2 = !result2; } else { tmp2 = false; } particle.dragRange.active = tmp2; particle.drag.set_x(particle.dragRange.start.x); particle.drag.set_y(particle.dragRange.start.y); } else { particle.dragRange.active = false; } if(this.acceleration.active) { particle.accelerationRange.start.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.acceleration.start.min.x,this.acceleration.start.max.x)); particle.accelerationRange.start.set_y(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.acceleration.start.min.y,this.acceleration.start.max.y)); particle.accelerationRange.end.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.acceleration.end.min.x,this.acceleration.end.max.x)); particle.accelerationRange.end.set_y(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.acceleration.end.min.y,this.acceleration.end.max.y)); var tmp3; if(particle.lifespan > 0) { var _this3 = particle.accelerationRange.start; var point5 = particle.accelerationRange.end; var result3 = Math.abs(_this3.x - point5.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this3.y - point5.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point5._weak) { point5.put(); } tmp3 = !result3; } else { tmp3 = false; } particle.accelerationRange.active = tmp3; particle.acceleration.set_x(particle.accelerationRange.start.x); particle.acceleration.set_y(particle.accelerationRange.start.y); } else { particle.accelerationRange.active = false; } if(this.elasticity.active) { particle.elasticityRange.start = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.elasticity.start.min,this.elasticity.start.max); particle.elasticityRange.end = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.elasticity.end.min,this.elasticity.end.max); particle.elasticityRange.active = particle.lifespan > 0 && particle.elasticityRange.start != particle.elasticityRange.end; particle.elasticity = particle.elasticityRange.start; } else { particle.elasticityRange.active = false; } particle.set_x(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.x,this.x + this.width) - particle.get_width() / 2); particle.set_y(flixel_FlxG.random["float"](this.y,this.y + this.height) - particle.get_height() / 2); if(particle.animation._curAnim != null) { particle.animation._curAnim.restart(); } particle.onEmit(); return particle; } ,focusOn: function(Object) { Object.getMidpoint(this._point); this.x = this._point.x - ((this.width | 0) >> 1); this.y = this._point.y - ((this.height | 0) >> 1); } ,setPosition: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this.x = X; this.y = Y; } ,setSize: function(Width,Height) { this.width = Width; this.height = Height; } ,get_solid: function() { return (this.allowCollisions & 4369) > 0; } ,set_solid: function(Solid) { if(Solid) { this.allowCollisions = 4369; } else { this.allowCollisions = 0; } return Solid; } ,__class__: flixel_effects_particles_FlxTypedEmitter ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.prototype.__properties__,{set_solid:"set_solid",get_solid:"get_solid"}) }); var flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode = $hxClasses["flixel.effects.particles.FlxEmitterMode"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","effects","particles","FlxEmitterMode"], __constructs__ : ["SQUARE","CIRCLE"] }; flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode.SQUARE = ["SQUARE",0]; flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode.SQUARE.toString = $estr; flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode.SQUARE.__enum__ = flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode; flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE = ["CIRCLE",1]; flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE.toString = $estr; flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE.__enum__ = flixel_effects_particles_FlxEmitterMode; var flixel_effects_particles_IFlxParticle = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.effects.particles.IFlxParticle"] = flixel_effects_particles_IFlxParticle; flixel_effects_particles_IFlxParticle.__name__ = ["flixel","effects","particles","IFlxParticle"]; flixel_effects_particles_IFlxParticle.__interfaces__ = [flixel_IFlxSprite]; flixel_effects_particles_IFlxParticle.prototype = { lifespan: null ,age: null ,percent: null ,autoUpdateHitbox: null ,velocityRange: null ,angularVelocityRange: null ,scaleRange: null ,alphaRange: null ,colorRange: null ,dragRange: null ,accelerationRange: null ,elasticityRange: null ,onEmit: null ,__class__: flixel_effects_particles_IFlxParticle }; var flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle = function() { this._delta = 0; this.autoUpdateHitbox = false; this.percent = 0; this.age = 0; this.lifespan = 0; flixel_FlxSprite.call(this); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; this.velocityRange = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(point,point1); this.angularVelocityRange = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(0); var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(1,1); point2._inPool = false; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(1,1); point3._inPool = false; this.scaleRange = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(point2,point3); this.alphaRange = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(1,1); this.colorRange = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(-1); var point4 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point4._inPool = false; var point5 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point5._inPool = false; this.dragRange = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(point4,point5); var point6 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point6._inPool = false; var point7 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point7._inPool = false; this.accelerationRange = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(point6,point7); this.elasticityRange = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(0); this.set_exists(false); }; $hxClasses["flixel.effects.particles.FlxParticle"] = flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle; flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle.__name__ = ["flixel","effects","particles","FlxParticle"]; flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle.__interfaces__ = [flixel_effects_particles_IFlxParticle]; flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle.__super__ = flixel_FlxSprite; flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype,{ lifespan: null ,age: null ,percent: null ,autoUpdateHitbox: null ,velocityRange: null ,angularVelocityRange: null ,scaleRange: null ,alphaRange: null ,colorRange: null ,dragRange: null ,accelerationRange: null ,elasticityRange: null ,_delta: null ,destroy: function() { if(this.velocityRange != null) { this.velocityRange.start = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.velocityRange.start); this.velocityRange.end = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.velocityRange.end); this.velocityRange = null; } if(this.scaleRange != null) { this.scaleRange.start = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.scaleRange.start); this.scaleRange.end = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.scaleRange.end); this.scaleRange = null; } if(this.dragRange != null) { this.dragRange.start = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.dragRange.start); this.dragRange.end = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.dragRange.end); this.dragRange = null; } if(this.accelerationRange != null) { this.accelerationRange.start = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.accelerationRange.start); this.accelerationRange.end = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.accelerationRange.end); this.angularVelocityRange = null; } this.alphaRange = null; this.colorRange = null; this.accelerationRange = null; this.elasticityRange = null; flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this.age < this.lifespan) { this.age += elapsed; } if(this.age >= this.lifespan && this.lifespan != 0) { this.kill(); } else { this._delta = elapsed / this.lifespan; this.percent = this.age / this.lifespan; if(this.velocityRange.active) { var _g = this.velocity; _g.set_x(_g.x + (this.velocityRange.end.x - this.velocityRange.start.x) * this._delta); var _g1 = this.velocity; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + (this.velocityRange.end.y - this.velocityRange.start.y) * this._delta); } if(this.angularVelocityRange.active) { this.angularVelocity += (this.angularVelocityRange.end - this.angularVelocityRange.start) * this._delta; } if(this.scaleRange.active) { var _g2 = this.scale; _g2.set_x(_g2.x + (this.scaleRange.end.x - this.scaleRange.start.x) * this._delta); var _g3 = this.scale; _g3.set_y(_g3.y + (this.scaleRange.end.y - this.scaleRange.start.y) * this._delta); if(this.autoUpdateHitbox) { this.updateHitbox(); } } if(this.alphaRange.active) { var _g4 = this; _g4.set_alpha(_g4.alpha + (this.alphaRange.end - this.alphaRange.start) * this._delta); } if(this.colorRange.active) { var Color1 = this.colorRange.start; var Color2 = this.colorRange.end; var Factor = this.percent; var r = ((Color2 >> 16 & 255) - (Color1 >> 16 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 16 & 255) | 0; var g = ((Color2 >> 8 & 255) - (Color1 >> 8 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 8 & 255) | 0; var b = ((Color2 & 255) - (Color1 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 & 255) | 0; var a = ((Color2 >> 24 & 255) - (Color1 >> 24 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 24 & 255) | 0; var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (r > 255 ? 255 : r < 0 ? 0 : r) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (g > 255 ? 255 : g < 0 ? 0 : g) << 8; color &= -256; color |= b > 255 ? 255 : b < 0 ? 0 : b; color &= 16777215; color |= (a > 255 ? 255 : a < 0 ? 0 : a) << 24; this.set_color(color); } if(this.dragRange.active) { var _g5 = this.drag; _g5.set_x(_g5.x + (this.dragRange.end.x - this.dragRange.start.x) * this._delta); var _g6 = this.drag; _g6.set_y(_g6.y + (this.dragRange.end.y - this.dragRange.start.y) * this._delta); } if(this.accelerationRange.active) { var _g7 = this.acceleration; _g7.set_x(_g7.x + (this.accelerationRange.end.x - this.accelerationRange.start.x) * this._delta); var _g8 = this.acceleration; _g8.set_y(_g8.y + (this.accelerationRange.end.y - this.accelerationRange.start.y) * this._delta); } if(this.elasticityRange.active) { this.elasticity += (this.elasticityRange.end - this.elasticityRange.start) * this._delta; } } flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); } ,reset: function(X,Y) { flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.reset.call(this,X,Y); this.age = 0; this.set_visible(true); } ,onEmit: function() { } ,__class__: flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle }); var flixel_effects_postprocess_PostProcess = function(shader) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; }; $hxClasses["flixel.effects.postprocess.PostProcess"] = flixel_effects_postprocess_PostProcess; flixel_effects_postprocess_PostProcess.__name__ = ["flixel","effects","postprocess","PostProcess"]; flixel_effects_postprocess_PostProcess.prototype = { enable: function(to) { } ,capture: function() { } ,rebuild: function() { } ,update: function(elapsed) { } ,render: function(rect) { } ,setUniform: function(uniform,value) { } ,set_to: function(value) { return null; } ,__class__: flixel_effects_postprocess_PostProcess ,__properties__: {set_to:"set_to"} }; var flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic = function(Key,Bitmap,Persist) { this._destroyOnNoUse = true; this._useCount = 0; this.unique = false; this.isDumped = false; this.persist = false; this.height = 0; this.width = 0; this.key = Key; this.persist = Persist != null ? Persist : flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.defaultPersist; this.frameCollections = new haxe_ds_EnumValueMap(); this.frameCollectionTypes = []; this.set_bitmap(Bitmap); this.shader = new flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic"] = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","FlxGraphic"]; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromAssetKey = function(Source,Unique,Key,Cache) { if(Cache == null) { Cache = true; } if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } var bitmap = null; if(!Cache) { if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(Source)) { bitmap = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(Source,false); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; bitmap = null; } if(bitmap == null) { return null; } return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(bitmap,Key,Unique,Cache); } var key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(Source,Key,Unique); var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(graphic != null) { return graphic; } if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(Source)) { bitmap = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(Source,false); } else { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.log; bitmap = null; } if(bitmap == null) { return null; } graphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(bitmap,key,Unique); graphic.assetsKey = Source; return graphic; }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromClass = function(Source,Unique,Key,Cache) { if(Cache == null) { Cache = true; } if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } var bitmap = null; if(!Cache) { bitmap = Type.createInstance(Source,[0,0]); return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(bitmap,Key,Unique,Cache); } var _this = flixel_FlxG.bitmap; var key = Type.getClassName(Source); key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(key,Key,Unique); var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(graphic != null) { return graphic; } bitmap = Type.createInstance(Source,[0,0]); graphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(bitmap,key,Unique); graphic.assetsClass = Source; return graphic; }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromBitmapData = function(Source,Unique,Key,Cache) { if(Cache == null) { Cache = true; } if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(!Cache) { return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(Source,Key,Unique,Cache); } var key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.findKeyForBitmap(Source); var assetKey = null; var assetClass = null; var graphic = null; if(key != null) { graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); assetKey = graphic.assetsKey; assetClass = graphic.assetsClass; } key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(key,Key,Unique); graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(graphic != null) { return graphic; } graphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(Source,key,Unique); graphic.assetsKey = assetKey; graphic.assetsClass = assetClass; return graphic; }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromFrame = function(Source,Unique,Key,Cache) { if(Cache == null) { Cache = true; } if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } var key = Source.name; if(key == null) { var _this = Source.frame; var value = _this.x; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "x"; _this1.value = value; var value1 = _this.y; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "y"; _this2.value = value1; var value2 = _this.width; var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "w"; _this3.value = value2; var value3 = _this.height; var _this4 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this4.label = "h"; _this4.value = value3; key = flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this1,_this2,_this3,_this4]); } key = Source.parent.key + ":" + key; key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(key,Key,Unique); var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(graphic != null) { return graphic; } var bitmap = Source.paint(); graphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(bitmap,key,Unique,Cache); var image = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromGraphic(graphic); image.frames[0].name = Source.name; return graphic; }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromFrames = function(Source,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromGraphic(Source.parent,Unique,Key); }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromGraphic = function(Source,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(!Unique) { return Source; } var key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(Source.key,Key,Unique); var graphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(Source.bitmap,key,Unique); graphic.unique = Unique; graphic.assetsClass = Source.assetsClass; graphic.assetsKey = Source.assetsKey; flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.set(graphic.key,graphic); return graphic; }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromRectangle = function(Width,Height,Color,Unique,Key) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } var systemKey = Width + "x" + Height + ":" + Color; var key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(systemKey,Key,Unique); var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(graphic != null) { return graphic; } var bitmap = new openfl_display_BitmapData(Width,Height,true,Color); return flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic(bitmap,key); }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.getBitmap = function(Bitmap,Unique) { if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(Unique) { return Bitmap.clone(); } else { return Bitmap; } }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.createGraphic = function(Bitmap,Key,Unique,Cache) { if(Cache == null) { Cache = true; } if(Unique == null) { Unique = false; } if(Unique) { Bitmap = Bitmap.clone(); } else { Bitmap = Bitmap; } var graphic = null; if(Cache) { graphic = new flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic(Key,Bitmap); graphic.unique = Unique; flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.set(graphic.key,graphic); } else { graphic = new flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic(null,Bitmap); } return graphic; }; flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.prototype = { key: null ,bitmap: null ,width: null ,height: null ,assetsKey: null ,assetsClass: null ,persist: null ,isDumped: null ,shader: null ,imageFrame: null ,atlasFrames: null ,frameCollections: null ,frameCollectionTypes: null ,unique: null ,_imageFrame: null ,_useCount: null ,_destroyOnNoUse: null ,dump: function() { } ,undump: function() { var newBitmap = this.getBitmapFromSystem(); if(newBitmap != null) { this.set_bitmap(newBitmap); } this.isDumped = false; } ,onContext: function() { if(this.isDumped) { this.undump(); this.dump(); } } ,onAssetsReload: function() { if(!(this.assetsClass != null || this.assetsKey != null)) { return; } var dumped = this.isDumped; this.undump(); if(dumped) { this.dump(); } } ,destroy: function() { this.set_bitmap(flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(this.bitmap)); this.shader = null; this.key = null; this.assetsKey = null; this.assetsClass = null; this._imageFrame = null; if(this.frameCollections == null) { return; } var collections; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.frameCollectionTypes; while(_g < _g1.length) { var collectionType = _g1[_g]; ++_g; collections = this.frameCollections.get(collectionType); flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(collections); } this.frameCollections = null; this.frameCollectionTypes = null; } ,addFrameCollection: function(collection) { if(collection.type != null) { var type = collection.type; var collections = this.frameCollections.get(type); if(collections == null) { collections = []; this.frameCollections.set(type,collections); } var collections1 = collections; collections1.push(collection); } } ,getFramesCollections: function(type) { var collections = this.frameCollections.get(type); if(collections == null) { collections = []; this.frameCollections.set(type,collections); } return collections; } ,getEmptyFrame: function(size) { var frame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame(this); frame.type = 2; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; frame.set_frame(rect); var _this1 = frame.sourceSize; _this1.set_x(size.x); _this1.set_y(size.y); if(size._weak) { size.put(); } return frame; } ,getBitmapFromSystem: function() { var newBitmap = null; if(this.assetsClass != null) { newBitmap = Type.createInstance(this.assetsClass,[0,0]); } else if(this.assetsKey != null) { var id = this.assetsKey; if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(id)) { newBitmap = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(id,false); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; newBitmap = null; } } if(newBitmap != null) { if(this.unique) { return newBitmap.clone(); } else { return newBitmap; } } return null; } ,get_canBeDumped: function() { if(this.assetsClass == null) { return this.assetsKey != null; } else { return true; } } ,get_useCount: function() { return this._useCount; } ,set_useCount: function(Value) { if(Value <= 0 && this._destroyOnNoUse && !this.persist) { flixel_FlxG.bitmap.remove(this); } return this._useCount = Value; } ,get_destroyOnNoUse: function() { return this._destroyOnNoUse; } ,set_destroyOnNoUse: function(Value) { if(Value && this._useCount <= 0 && this.key != null && !this.persist) { flixel_FlxG.bitmap.remove(this); } return this._destroyOnNoUse = Value; } ,get_imageFrame: function() { if(this._imageFrame == null) { var Width = this.bitmap.width; var Height = this.bitmap.height; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this._imageFrame = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromRectangle(this,rect); } return this._imageFrame; } ,get_atlasFrames: function() { return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(this,null); } ,set_bitmap: function(value) { if(value != null) { this.bitmap = value; this.width = this.bitmap.width; this.height = this.bitmap.height; } return value; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic ,__properties__: {get_atlasFrames:"get_atlasFrames",get_imageFrame:"get_imageFrame",set_useCount:"set_useCount",get_useCount:"get_useCount",get_canBeDumped:"get_canBeDumped",set_destroyOnNoUse:"set_destroyOnNoUse",get_destroyOnNoUse:"get_destroyOnNoUse",set_bitmap:"set_bitmap"} }; var openfl_geom_Point = function(x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } this.x = x; this.y = y; }; $hxClasses["openfl.geom.Point"] = openfl_geom_Point; openfl_geom_Point.__name__ = ["openfl","geom","Point"]; openfl_geom_Point.__limeVector2 = null; openfl_geom_Point.distance = function(pt1,pt2) { var dx = pt1.x - pt2.x; var dy = pt1.y - pt2.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }; openfl_geom_Point.interpolate = function(pt1,pt2,f) { return new openfl_geom_Point(pt2.x + f * (pt1.x - pt2.x),pt2.y + f * (pt1.y - pt2.y)); }; openfl_geom_Point.polar = function(len,angle) { return new openfl_geom_Point(len * Math.cos(angle),len * Math.sin(angle)); }; openfl_geom_Point.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,add: function(v) { return new openfl_geom_Point(v.x + this.x,v.y + this.y); } ,clone: function() { return new openfl_geom_Point(this.x,this.y); } ,copyFrom: function(sourcePoint) { this.x = sourcePoint.x; this.y = sourcePoint.y; } ,equals: function(toCompare) { if(toCompare != null && toCompare.x == this.x) { return toCompare.y == this.y; } else { return false; } } ,normalize: function(thickness) { if(this.x == 0 && this.y == 0) { return; } else { var norm = thickness / Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); this.x *= norm; this.y *= norm; } } ,offset: function(dx,dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; } ,setTo: function(xa,ya) { this.x = xa; this.y = ya; } ,subtract: function(v) { return new openfl_geom_Point(this.x - v.x,this.y - v.y); } ,toString: function() { return "(x=" + this.x + ", y=" + this.y + ")"; } ,__toLimeVector2: function() { if(openfl_geom_Point.__limeVector2 == null) { openfl_geom_Point.__limeVector2 = new lime_math_Vector2(); } var _this = openfl_geom_Point.__limeVector2; _this.x = this.x; _this.y = this.y; return openfl_geom_Point.__limeVector2; } ,get_length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } ,__class__: openfl_geom_Point ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length"} }; var flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas = function(name,powerOfTwo,border,rotate,minSize,maxSize) { if(rotate == null) { rotate = false; } if(border == null) { border = 1; } if(powerOfTwo == null) { powerOfTwo = false; } this.powerOfTwo = false; this.allowRotation = false; this.maxHeight = 1024; this.maxWidth = 1024; this.minHeight = 128; this.minWidth = 128; this.border = 1; this.persist = false; this.nodes = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.name = name; this.set_powerOfTwo(powerOfTwo); this.border = border; if(minSize != null) { minSize = minSize; } else { minSize = flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.defaultMinSize; } if(maxSize != null) { maxSize = maxSize; } else { maxSize = flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.defaultMaxSize; } this.set_minWidth(minSize.x | 0); this.set_minHeight(minSize.y | 0); this.set_maxWidth(maxSize.x > minSize.x ? maxSize.x | 0 : this.minWidth); this.set_maxHeight(maxSize.y > minSize.x ? maxSize.y | 0 : this.minHeight); this.allowRotation = rotate; this.initRoot(); flixel_FlxG.signals.preStateCreate.add($bind(this,this.onClear)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.atlas.FlxAtlas"] = flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas; flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","atlas","FlxAtlas"]; flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.prototype = { root: null ,name: null ,nodes: null ,bitmapData: null ,graphic: null ,persist: null ,border: null ,width: null ,height: null ,minWidth: null ,minHeight: null ,maxWidth: null ,maxHeight: null ,allowRotation: null ,powerOfTwo: null ,_graphic: null ,_tempStorage: null ,initRoot: function() { var rootWidth = this.minWidth; var rootHeight = this.minHeight; if(this.powerOfTwo) { rootWidth = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(rootWidth); rootHeight = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(rootHeight); } var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = rootWidth; _this.height = rootHeight; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this.root = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect,this); } ,addNode: function(Graphic,Key) { var key = flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveKey(Graphic,Key); if(key == null) { return null; } if(this.hasNodeWithName(key)) { var _this = this.nodes; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { return _this.getReserved(key); } else { return _this.h[key]; } } var data = flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData(Graphic); if(data == null) { return null; } if(this.root.left == null) { return this.insertFirstNodeInRoot(data,key); } if(this.root.right == null) { return this.expand(data,key); } var inserted = this.tryInsert(data,key); if(inserted != null) { return inserted; } this.wrapRoot(); return this.expand(data,key); } ,wrapRoot: function() { var temp = this.root; var Width = temp.rect.width | 0; var Height = temp.rect.height | 0; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this.root = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect,this); this.root.left = temp; } ,tryInsert: function(data,key) { var insertWidth = data.width + this.border; var insertHeight = data.height + this.border; var rotateNode = false; var nodeToInsert = this.findNodeToInsert(insertWidth,insertHeight); if(this.allowRotation) { var nodeToInsertWithRotation = this.findNodeToInsert(insertHeight,insertWidth); if(nodeToInsertWithRotation != null) { var nodeWithRotationArea = (nodeToInsertWithRotation.rect.width | 0) * (nodeToInsertWithRotation.rect.height | 0); if(nodeToInsert == null || nodeToInsert != null && (nodeToInsert.rect.width | 0) * (nodeToInsert.rect.height | 0) > nodeWithRotationArea) { nodeToInsert = nodeToInsertWithRotation; rotateNode = true; var temp = insertWidth; insertWidth = insertHeight; insertHeight = temp; } } } if(nodeToInsert != null) { var horizontally = this.needToDivideHorizontally(nodeToInsert,insertWidth,insertHeight); return this.divideNode(nodeToInsert,insertWidth,insertHeight,horizontally,data,key,rotateNode); } return null; } ,needToDivideHorizontally: function(nodeToDivide,insertWidth,insertHeight) { var dw = (nodeToDivide.rect.width | 0) - insertWidth; var dh = (nodeToDivide.rect.height | 0) - insertHeight; return dw > dh; } ,divideNode: function(nodeToDivide,insertWidth,insertHeight,divideHorizontally,firstGrandChildData,firstGrandChildKey,firstGrandChildRotated) { if(firstGrandChildRotated == null) { firstGrandChildRotated = false; } if(nodeToDivide != null) { var firstChild = null; var secondChild = null; var firstGrandChild = null; var secondGrandChild = null; var firstGrandChildFilled = firstGrandChildKey != null; if(divideHorizontally) { var X = nodeToDivide.rect.x | 0; var Y = nodeToDivide.rect.y | 0; var Height = nodeToDivide.rect.height | 0; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = insertWidth; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; firstChild = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect,this); if((nodeToDivide.rect.width | 0) - insertWidth > 0) { var X1 = (nodeToDivide.rect.x | 0) + insertWidth; var Y1 = nodeToDivide.rect.y | 0; var Width = (nodeToDivide.rect.width | 0) - insertWidth; var Height1 = nodeToDivide.rect.height | 0; var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = X1; _this1.y = Y1; _this1.width = Width; _this1.height = Height1; var rect1 = _this1; rect1._inPool = false; secondChild = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect1,this); } var X2 = firstChild.rect.x | 0; var Y2 = firstChild.rect.y | 0; var _this2 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this2.x = X2; _this2.y = Y2; _this2.width = insertWidth; _this2.height = insertHeight; var rect2 = _this2; rect2._inPool = false; firstGrandChild = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect2,this,firstGrandChildFilled,firstGrandChildKey,firstGrandChildRotated); if((firstChild.rect.height | 0) - insertHeight > 0) { var X3 = firstChild.rect.x | 0; var Y3 = (firstChild.rect.y | 0) + insertHeight; var Height2 = (firstChild.rect.height | 0) - insertHeight; var _this3 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this3.x = X3; _this3.y = Y3; _this3.width = insertWidth; _this3.height = Height2; var rect3 = _this3; rect3._inPool = false; secondGrandChild = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect3,this); } } else { var X4 = nodeToDivide.rect.x | 0; var Y4 = nodeToDivide.rect.y | 0; var Width1 = nodeToDivide.rect.width | 0; var _this4 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this4.x = X4; _this4.y = Y4; _this4.width = Width1; _this4.height = insertHeight; var rect4 = _this4; rect4._inPool = false; firstChild = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect4,this); if((nodeToDivide.rect.height | 0) - insertHeight > 0) { var X5 = nodeToDivide.rect.x | 0; var Y5 = (nodeToDivide.rect.y | 0) + insertHeight; var Width2 = nodeToDivide.rect.width | 0; var Height3 = (nodeToDivide.rect.height | 0) - insertHeight; var _this5 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this5.x = X5; _this5.y = Y5; _this5.width = Width2; _this5.height = Height3; var rect5 = _this5; rect5._inPool = false; secondChild = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect5,this); } var X6 = firstChild.rect.x | 0; var Y6 = firstChild.rect.y | 0; var _this6 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this6.x = X6; _this6.y = Y6; _this6.width = insertWidth; _this6.height = insertHeight; var rect6 = _this6; rect6._inPool = false; firstGrandChild = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect6,this,firstGrandChildFilled,firstGrandChildKey,firstGrandChildRotated); if((firstChild.rect.width | 0) - insertWidth > 0) { var X7 = (firstChild.rect.x | 0) + insertWidth; var Y7 = firstChild.rect.y | 0; var Width3 = (firstChild.rect.width | 0) - insertWidth; var _this7 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this7.x = X7; _this7.y = Y7; _this7.width = Width3; _this7.height = insertHeight; var rect7 = _this7; rect7._inPool = false; secondGrandChild = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect7,this); } } firstChild.left = firstGrandChild; firstChild.right = secondGrandChild; nodeToDivide.left = firstChild; nodeToDivide.right = secondChild; if(firstGrandChildKey != null && firstGrandChildData != null) { this.expandBitmapData(); if(firstGrandChildRotated) { flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.matrix.identity(); flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.matrix.rotate(Math.PI / 2); flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.matrix.translate(firstGrandChildData.height + (firstGrandChild.rect.x | 0),firstGrandChild.rect.y | 0); this.bitmapData.draw(firstGrandChildData,flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.matrix); } else { flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.point.setTo(firstGrandChild.rect.x | 0,firstGrandChild.rect.y | 0); this.bitmapData.copyPixels(firstGrandChildData,firstGrandChildData.rect,flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.point); } this.addNodeToAtlasFrames(firstGrandChild); var _this8 = this.nodes; if(__map_reserved[firstGrandChildKey] != null) { _this8.setReserved(firstGrandChildKey,firstGrandChild); } else { _this8.h[firstGrandChildKey] = firstGrandChild; } } return firstGrandChild; } return null; } ,insertFirstNodeInRoot: function(data,key) { if(this.root.left == null) { var insertWidth = data.width + this.border; var insertHeight = data.height + this.border; var rootWidth = insertWidth; var rootHeight = insertHeight; if(this.powerOfTwo) { rootWidth = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(rootWidth); rootHeight = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(rootHeight); } if(this.minWidth > rootWidth) { rootWidth = this.minWidth; } else { rootWidth = rootWidth; } if(this.minHeight > rootHeight) { rootHeight = this.minHeight; } else { rootHeight = rootHeight; } if(this.powerOfTwo) { rootWidth = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(rootWidth); rootHeight = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(rootHeight); } if(this.maxWidth > 0 && rootWidth > this.maxWidth || this.maxHeight > 0 && rootHeight > this.maxHeight) { return null; } this.root.set_width(rootWidth); this.root.set_height(rootHeight); var horizontally = this.needToDivideHorizontally(this.root,insertWidth,insertHeight); return this.divideNode(this.root,insertWidth,insertHeight,horizontally,data,key); } return null; } ,expand: function(data,key) { if(this.root.right == null) { var insertWidth = data.width + this.border; var insertHeight = data.height + this.border; var addRightWidth = (this.root.rect.width | 0) + insertWidth; var addRightHeight = Math.max(this.root.rect.height | 0,insertHeight) | 0; var addBottomWidth = Math.max(this.root.rect.width | 0,insertWidth) | 0; var addBottomHeight = (this.root.rect.height | 0) + insertHeight; var addRightWidthRotate = addRightWidth; var addRightHeightRotate = addRightHeight; var addBottomWidthRotate = addBottomWidth; var addBottomHeightRotate = addBottomHeight; if(this.allowRotation) { addRightWidthRotate = (this.root.rect.width | 0) + insertHeight; addRightHeightRotate = Math.max(this.root.rect.height | 0,insertWidth) | 0; addBottomWidthRotate = Math.max(this.root.rect.width | 0,insertHeight) | 0; addBottomHeightRotate = (this.root.rect.height | 0) + insertWidth; } if(this.powerOfTwo) { addRightWidth = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(addRightWidth); addRightWidthRotate = addRightWidth; addRightHeight = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(addRightHeight); addRightHeightRotate = addRightHeight; addBottomWidth = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(addBottomWidth); addBottomWidthRotate = addBottomWidth; addBottomHeight = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(addBottomHeight); addBottomHeightRotate = addBottomHeight; if(this.allowRotation) { addRightWidthRotate = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(addRightWidthRotate); addRightHeightRotate = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(addRightHeightRotate); addBottomWidthRotate = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(addBottomWidthRotate); addBottomHeightRotate = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(addBottomHeightRotate); } } var canExpandRight = true; var canExpandBottom = true; var canExpandRightRotate = this.allowRotation; var canExpandBottomRotate = this.allowRotation; if(this.maxWidth > 0 && addRightWidth > this.maxWidth || this.maxHeight > 0 && addRightHeight > this.maxHeight) { canExpandRight = false; } if(this.maxWidth > 0 && addBottomWidth > this.maxWidth || this.maxHeight > 0 && addBottomHeight > this.maxHeight) { canExpandBottom = false; } if(this.maxWidth > 0 && addRightWidthRotate > this.maxWidth || this.maxHeight > 0 && addRightHeightRotate > this.maxHeight) { canExpandRightRotate = false; } if(this.maxWidth > 0 && addBottomWidthRotate > this.maxWidth || this.maxHeight > 0 && addBottomHeightRotate > this.maxHeight) { canExpandBottomRotate = false; } if(!canExpandRight && !canExpandBottom && !canExpandRightRotate && !canExpandBottomRotate) { return null; } var addRightArea = addRightWidth * addRightHeight; var addBottomArea = addBottomWidth * addBottomHeight; var addRightAreaRotate = addRightWidthRotate * addRightHeightRotate; var addBottomAreaRotate = addBottomWidthRotate * addBottomHeightRotate; var rotateRight = false; var rotateBottom = false; var rotateNode = false; if(canExpandRight && canExpandRightRotate && addRightArea > addRightAreaRotate || !canExpandRight && canExpandRightRotate) { addRightArea = addBottomAreaRotate; addRightWidth = addRightWidthRotate; addRightHeight = addRightHeightRotate; canExpandRight = true; rotateRight = true; } if(canExpandBottom && canExpandBottomRotate && addBottomArea > addBottomAreaRotate || !canExpandBottom && canExpandBottomRotate) { addBottomArea = addBottomAreaRotate; addBottomWidth = addBottomWidthRotate; addBottomHeight = addBottomHeightRotate; canExpandBottom = true; rotateBottom = true; } if(!canExpandRight && canExpandBottom) { addRightArea = addBottomArea + 1; rotateNode = rotateRight; } else if(canExpandRight && !canExpandBottom) { addBottomArea = addRightArea + 1; rotateNode = rotateBottom; } var dataNode = null; var temp = this.root; var insertNodeWidth = insertWidth; var insertNodeHeight = insertHeight; if(addBottomArea >= addRightArea) { if(rotateRight) { insertNodeWidth = insertHeight; insertNodeHeight = insertWidth; } this.expandRoot((temp.rect.width | 0) + insertNodeWidth,Math.max(temp.rect.height | 0,insertNodeHeight),true); dataNode = this.divideNode(this.root.right,insertNodeWidth,insertNodeHeight,true,data,key,rotateRight); this.expandRoot(addRightWidth,addRightHeight,false,true); } else { if(rotateBottom) { insertNodeWidth = insertHeight; insertNodeHeight = insertWidth; } this.expandRoot(Math.max(temp.rect.width | 0,insertNodeWidth),(temp.rect.height | 0) + insertNodeHeight,false); dataNode = this.divideNode(this.root.right,insertNodeWidth,insertNodeHeight,true,data,key,rotateBottom); this.expandRoot(addBottomWidth,addBottomHeight,false,true); } return dataNode; } return null; } ,expandRoot: function(newWidth,newHeight,divideHorizontally,decideHowToDivide) { if(decideHowToDivide == null) { decideHowToDivide = false; } if(newWidth > (this.root.rect.width | 0) || newHeight > (this.root.rect.height | 0)) { var temp = this.root; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = newWidth; _this.height = newHeight; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this.root = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect,this); if(decideHowToDivide) { divideHorizontally = this.needToDivideHorizontally(this.root,temp.rect.width | 0,temp.rect.height | 0); } else { divideHorizontally = divideHorizontally; } this.divideNode(this.root,temp.rect.width | 0,temp.rect.height | 0,divideHorizontally); this.root.left.left = temp; } } ,expandBitmapData: function() { if(this.bitmapData != null && this.bitmapData.width == (this.root.rect.width | 0) && this.bitmapData.height == (this.root.rect.height | 0)) { return; } var newBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.root.rect.width | 0,this.root.rect.height | 0,true,0); if(this.bitmapData != null) { flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.point.setTo(0,0); newBitmapData.copyPixels(this.bitmapData,this.bitmapData.rect,flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas.point); } this.set_bitmapData(flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(this.bitmapData)); this.set_bitmapData(newBitmapData); } ,getNextPowerOfTwo: function(number) { var n = number | 0; if(n > 0 && (n & n - 1) == 0) { return n; } var result = 1; while(result < n) result <<= 1; return result; } ,addNodeWithSpacesAndBorders: function(Graphic,Key,tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder,region) { var key = flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveKey(Graphic,Key); if(key == null) { return null; } key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.getKeyWithSpacesAndBorders(key,tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder,region); if(this.hasNodeWithName(key)) { var _this = this.nodes; return (__map_reserved[key] != null ? _this.getReserved(key) : _this.h[key]).getTileFrames(tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder); } var data = flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData(Graphic); if(data == null) { return null; } var nodeData = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.addSpacesAndBorders(data,tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder,region); var node = this.addNode(nodeData,key); if(node == null) { return null; } if(tileBorder != null) { var Y = 2 * tileBorder.y; var _g = tileSize; _g.set_x(_g.x + 2 * tileBorder.x); var _g1 = tileSize; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + Y); } return node.getTileFrames(tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder); } ,getAtlasFrames: function() { var graph = this.get_graphic(); var atlasFrames = graph.get_atlasFrames(); if(graph.get_atlasFrames() == null) { atlasFrames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames(graph); } var _this = this.nodes; var node = new haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator(_this,_this.arrayKeys()); while(node.hasNext()) { var node1 = node.next(); this.addNodeToAtlasFrames(node1); } return atlasFrames; } ,addNodeToAtlasFrames: function(node) { if(this._graphic == null || this._graphic.get_atlasFrames() == null || node == null) { return; } var atlasFrames = this._graphic.get_atlasFrames(); var tmp; if(node.filled) { var key = node.key; var _this = atlasFrames.framesHash; tmp = !(__map_reserved[key] != null ? _this.existsReserved(key) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(key)); } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var X = node.rect.x | 0; var Y = node.rect.y | 0; var Width = (node.rect.width | 0) - this.border; var Height = (node.rect.height | 0) - this.border; var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = X; _this1.y = Y; _this1.width = Width; _this1.height = Height; var rect = _this1; rect._inPool = false; var frame = rect; var sourceSize; if(node.rotated) { var X1 = (node.rect.height | 0) - this.border; var Y1 = (node.rect.width | 0) - this.border; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point._inPool = false; sourceSize = point; } else { var X2 = (node.rect.width | 0) - this.border; var Y2 = (node.rect.height | 0) - this.border; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X2,Y2); point1._inPool = false; sourceSize = point1; } var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point2._inPool = false; var offset = point2; var angle = node.rotated ? -90 : 0; atlasFrames.addAtlasFrame(frame,sourceSize,offset,node.key,angle); } } ,hasNodeWithName: function(nodeName) { var _this = this.nodes; if(__map_reserved[nodeName] != null) { return _this.existsReserved(nodeName); } else { return _this.h.hasOwnProperty(nodeName); } } ,getNode: function(key) { var _this = this.nodes; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { return _this.getReserved(key); } else { return _this.h[key]; } } ,addNodes: function(bitmaps,keys) { var numKeys = keys.length; var numBitmaps = bitmaps.length; if(numBitmaps != numKeys) { return null; } this._tempStorage = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numBitmaps; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this._tempStorage.push({ bmd : bitmaps[i], keyStr : keys[i]}); } this.addFromAtlasObjects(this._tempStorage); return this; } ,addFromAtlasObjects: function(objects) { objects.sort($bind(this,this.bitmapSorter)); var numBitmaps = objects.length; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numBitmaps; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.addNode(objects[i].bmd,objects[i].keyStr); } this._tempStorage = null; } ,bitmapSorter: function(obj1,obj2) { if(this.allowRotation) { var area1 = obj1.bmd.width * obj1.bmd.height; var area2 = obj2.bmd.width * obj2.bmd.height; return area2 - area1; } if(obj2.bmd.width == obj1.bmd.width) { return obj2.bmd.height - obj1.bmd.height; } return obj2.bmd.width - obj1.bmd.width; } ,createQueue: function() { this._tempStorage = []; return this; } ,addToQueue: function(data,key) { if(this._tempStorage == null) { this._tempStorage = []; } this._tempStorage.push({ bmd : data, keyStr : key}); return this; } ,generateFromQueue: function() { if(this._tempStorage != null) { this.addFromAtlasObjects(this._tempStorage); } return this; } ,onClear: function(_) { if(!this.persist || this._graphic != null && this._graphic.get_useCount() <= 0) { this.destroy(); } } ,destroy: function() { this._tempStorage = null; this.deleteSubtree(this.root); this.root = null; flixel_FlxG.bitmap.removeByKey(this.name); this.set_bitmapData(null); this.nodes = null; this._graphic = null; flixel_FlxG.signals.preStateCreate.remove($bind(this,this.onClear)); } ,clear: function() { this.deleteSubtree(this.root); this.initRoot(); flixel_FlxG.bitmap.removeByKey(this.name); this.set_bitmapData(null); this.nodes = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this._graphic = null; } ,getLibGdxData: function() { var data = "\n"; data += this.name + "\n"; data += "format: RGBA8888\n"; data += "filter: Linear,Linear\n"; data += "repeat: none\n"; var _this = this.nodes; var node = new haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator(_this,_this.arrayKeys()); while(node.hasNext()) { var node1 = node.next(); data += node1.key + "\n"; data += " rotate: " + (node1.rotated == null ? "null" : "" + node1.rotated) + "\n"; data += " xy: " + (node1.rect.x | 0) + ", " + (node1.rect.y | 0) + "\n"; if(this.allowRotation) { data += "size: " + (node1.rect.height | 0) + ", " + (node1.rect.width | 0) + "\n"; data += "orig: " + (node1.rect.height | 0) + ", " + (node1.rect.width | 0) + "\n"; } else { data += "size: " + (node1.rect.width | 0) + ", " + (node1.rect.height | 0) + "\n"; data += "orig: " + (node1.rect.width | 0) + ", " + (node1.rect.height | 0) + "\n"; } data += " offset: 0, 0\n"; data += " index: -1\n"; } return data; } ,deleteSubtree: function(node) { if(node != null) { if(node.left != null) { this.deleteSubtree(node.left); } if(node.right != null) { this.deleteSubtree(node.right); } node.key = null; node.left = null; node.right = null; node.rect = null; node.atlas = null; } } ,findNodeToInsert: function(insertWidth,insertHeight) { var stack = []; var current = this.root; var emptyNodes = []; var canPlaceRight = false; var canPlaceLeft = false; var looping = true; var result = null; var minArea = this.maxWidth * this.maxHeight + 1; var nodeArea; while(looping) { if(!current.filled && current.left == null && current.right == null && (current.rect.width >= insertWidth && current.rect.height >= insertHeight)) { nodeArea = (current.rect.width | 0) * (current.rect.height | 0); if(nodeArea < minArea) { minArea = nodeArea; result = current; } } if(current.right != null) { var _this = current.right; if(_this.rect.width >= insertWidth) { canPlaceRight = _this.rect.height >= insertHeight; } else { canPlaceRight = false; } } else { canPlaceRight = false; } if(current.left != null) { var _this1 = current.left; if(_this1.rect.width >= insertWidth) { canPlaceLeft = _this1.rect.height >= insertHeight; } else { canPlaceLeft = false; } } else { canPlaceLeft = false; } if(canPlaceRight && canPlaceLeft) { stack.push(current.right); current = current.left; } else if(canPlaceLeft) { current = current.left; } else if(canPlaceRight) { current = current.right; } else if(stack.length > 0) { current = stack.pop(); } else { looping = false; } } return result; } ,set_bitmapData: function(value) { if(value != null && this._graphic != null) { this._graphic.set_bitmap(value); } return this.bitmapData = value; } ,get_graphic: function() { if(this._graphic != null) { return this._graphic; } this._graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(this.bitmapData,false,this.name); this._graphic.persist = this.persist; return this._graphic; } ,set_persist: function(value) { if(this._graphic != null) { this._graphic.persist = value; } return this.persist = value; } ,set_minWidth: function(value) { if(value <= this.maxWidth) { this.minWidth = value; if(value > this.get_width()) { this.set_width(value); } } return this.minWidth; } ,set_minHeight: function(value) { if(value <= this.maxHeight) { this.minHeight = value; if(value > this.get_height()) { this.set_height(value); } } return this.minHeight; } ,get_width: function() { if(this.root != null) { return this.root.rect.width | 0; } return 0; } ,set_width: function(value) { if(value > this.get_width()) { if(this.powerOfTwo) { value = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(value); } if(value <= this.maxWidth) { if(this.root != null && (this.root.rect.width | 0) < value) { this.expandRoot(value,this.root.rect.height | 0,this.needToDivideHorizontally(this.root,this.root.rect.width | 0,this.root.rect.height | 0)); } } } return value; } ,get_height: function() { if(this.root != null) { return this.root.rect.height | 0; } return 0; } ,set_height: function(value) { if(value > this.get_height()) { if(this.powerOfTwo) { value = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(value); } if(value <= this.maxHeight) { if(this.root != null && (this.root.rect.height | 0) < value) { this.expandRoot(this.root.rect.width | 0,value,this.needToDivideHorizontally(this.root,this.root.rect.width | 0,this.root.rect.height | 0)); } } } return value; } ,set_maxWidth: function(value) { if(value >= this.minWidth && (this.root == null || value >= this.get_width())) { this.maxWidth = value; } return this.maxWidth; } ,set_maxHeight: function(value) { if(value >= this.minHeight && (this.root == null || value >= this.get_height())) { this.maxHeight = value; } return this.maxHeight; } ,set_powerOfTwo: function(value) { if(value != this.powerOfTwo && value && this.root != null) { var nextWidth = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(this.root.rect.width | 0); var nextHeight = this.getNextPowerOfTwo(this.root.rect.height | 0); if(nextWidth != (this.root.rect.width | 0) || nextHeight != (this.root.rect.height | 0)) { if(this.maxWidth > 0 && nextWidth > this.maxWidth || this.maxHeight > 0 && nextHeight > this.maxHeight) { return false; } var temp = this.root; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = nextWidth; _this.height = nextHeight; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this.root = new flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode(rect,this); if(temp.left != null) { this.divideNode(this.root,temp.rect.width | 0,temp.rect.height | 0,this.needToDivideHorizontally(this.root,temp.rect.width | 0,temp.rect.height | 0)); this.root.left.left = temp; } } } return this.powerOfTwo = value; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxAtlas ,__properties__: {set_powerOfTwo:"set_powerOfTwo",set_maxHeight:"set_maxHeight",set_maxWidth:"set_maxWidth",set_minHeight:"set_minHeight",set_minWidth:"set_minWidth",set_height:"set_height",get_height:"get_height",set_width:"set_width",get_width:"get_width",set_persist:"set_persist",get_graphic:"get_graphic",set_bitmapData:"set_bitmapData"} }; var flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode = function(rect,atlas,filled,key,rotated) { if(rotated == null) { rotated = false; } if(key == null) { key = ""; } if(filled == null) { filled = false; } this.filled = filled; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.rect = rect; this.key = key; this.atlas = atlas; this.rotated = rotated; }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.atlas.FlxNode"] = flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode; flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","atlas","FlxNode"]; flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode.prototype = { left: null ,right: null ,rect: null ,key: null ,filled: null ,atlas: null ,x: null ,y: null ,isEmpty: null ,rotated: null ,destroy: function() { this.key = null; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.rect = null; this.atlas = null; } ,canPlace: function(width,height) { if(this.rect.width >= width) { return this.rect.height >= height; } else { return false; } } ,getTileFrames: function(tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder) { flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(this.atlas.bitmapData,false,this.atlas.name); var frame = this.atlas.getAtlasFrames().framesHash.get(this.key); if(frame != null) { var tileFrames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromFrame(frame,tileSize,tileSpacing); if(tileBorder != null) { tileFrames = tileFrames.addBorder(tileBorder); } return tileFrames; } return null; } ,getImageFrame: function() { flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(this.atlas.bitmapData,false,this.atlas.name); var frame = this.atlas.getAtlasFrames().framesHash.get(this.key); if(frame != null) { return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromFrame(frame); } return null; } ,get_isEmpty: function() { if(!this.filled && this.left == null) { return this.right == null; } else { return false; } } ,get_x: function() { return this.rect.x | 0; } ,get_y: function() { return this.rect.y | 0; } ,get_width: function() { return this.rect.width | 0; } ,set_width: function(value) { this.rect.width = value; return value; } ,get_height: function() { return this.rect.height | 0; } ,set_height: function(value) { this.rect.height = value; return value; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_atlas_FlxNode ,__properties__: {get_isEmpty:"get_isEmpty",set_height:"set_height",get_height:"get_height",set_width:"set_width",get_width:"get_width",get_y:"get_y",get_x:"get_x"} }; var flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection = function(parent,type,border) { this.parent = parent; this.type = type; var tmp; if(border == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; tmp = point; } else { tmp = border; } this.border = tmp; this.frames = []; this.framesHash = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); if(parent != null) { parent.addFrameCollection(this); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFramesCollection"] = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","frames","FlxFramesCollection"]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.prototype = { frames: null ,framesHash: null ,parent: null ,type: null ,border: null ,getByName: function(name) { var _this = this.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { return _this.getReserved(name); } else { return _this.h[name]; } } ,getByIndex: function(index) { return this.frames[index]; } ,getIndexByName: function(name) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.frames.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.frames[i].name == name) { return i; } } return -1; } ,getFrameIndex: function(frame) { return this.frames.indexOf(frame); } ,destroy: function() { this.frames = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(this.frames); this.border = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.border); this.framesHash = null; this.parent = null; this.type = null; } ,addEmptyFrame: function(size) { var frame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame(this.parent); frame.type = 2; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; frame.set_frame(rect); frame.sourceSize.set(size.width,size.height); this.frames.push(frame); return frame; } ,addSpriteSheetFrame: function(region) { var frame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame(this.parent); frame.set_frame(this.checkFrame(region)); frame.sourceSize.set(region.width,region.height); frame.offset.set(0,0); return this.pushFrame(frame); } ,addAtlasFrame: function(frame,sourceSize,offset,name,angle,flipX,flipY) { if(flipY == null) { flipY = false; } if(flipX == null) { flipX = false; } if(angle == null) { angle = 0; } var tmp; if(name != null) { var _this = this.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { tmp = _this.existsReserved(name); } else { tmp = _this.h.hasOwnProperty(name); } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var _this1 = this.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(name); } else { return _this1.h[name]; } } var texFrame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame(this.parent,angle,flipX,flipY); texFrame.name = name; texFrame.sourceSize.set(sourceSize.x,sourceSize.y); texFrame.offset.set(offset.x,offset.y); texFrame.set_frame(this.checkFrame(frame,name)); sourceSize = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(sourceSize); offset = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(offset); return this.pushFrame(texFrame); } ,checkFrame: function(frame,name) { var Value = frame.x; var Max = this.parent.width; var lowerBound = Value < 0 ? 0 : Value; var x = Max != null && lowerBound > Max ? Max : lowerBound; var Value1 = frame.y; var Max1 = this.parent.height; var lowerBound1 = Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1; var y = Max1 != null && lowerBound1 > Max1 ? Max1 : lowerBound1; var Value2 = frame.x + frame.width; var Max2 = this.parent.width; var lowerBound2 = Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var r = Max2 != null && lowerBound2 > Max2 ? Max2 : lowerBound2; var Value3 = frame.y + frame.height; var Max3 = this.parent.height; var lowerBound3 = Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3; var b = Max3 != null && lowerBound3 > Max3 ? Max3 : lowerBound3; frame.x = x; frame.y = y; frame.width = r - x; frame.height = b - y; if(frame.width <= 0 || frame.height <= 0) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; } return frame; } ,pushFrame: function(frameObj) { var name = frameObj.name; var tmp; if(name != null) { var _this = this.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { tmp = _this.existsReserved(name); } else { tmp = _this.h.hasOwnProperty(name); } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var _this1 = this.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(name); } else { return _this1.h[name]; } } this.frames.push(frameObj); frameObj.cacheFrameMatrix(); if(name != null) { var _this2 = this.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { _this2.setReserved(name,frameObj); } else { _this2.h[name] = frameObj; } } return frameObj; } ,addBorder: function(border) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("To be overriden in subclasses"); } ,toString: function() { var value = this.frames; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "frames"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.type; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "type"; _this1.value = value1; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1]); } ,get_numFrames: function() { return this.frames.length; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection ,__properties__: {get_numFrames:"get_numFrames"} }; var flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames = function(parent,border) { flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.call(this,parent,flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.ATLAS,border); }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.frames.FlxAtlasFrames"] = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","frames","FlxAtlasFrames"]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.fromTexturePackerJson = function(Source,Description) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(Source,false); if(graphic == null) { return null; } var frames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic); if(frames != null) { return frames; } if(graphic == null || Description == null) { return null; } frames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames(graphic); var data; if(typeof(Description) == "string") { var json = Description; if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(json)) { json = openfl_utils_Assets.getText(json); } data = JSON.parse(json); } else { data = Description; } if((data.frames instanceof Array) && data.frames.__enum__ == null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = Lambda.array(data.frames); while(_g < _g1.length) { var frame = _g1[_g]; ++_g; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.texturePackerHelper(frame.filename,frame,frames); } } else { var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = Reflect.fields(data.frames); while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var frameName = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.texturePackerHelper(frameName,Reflect.field(data.frames,frameName),frames); } } return frames; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.texturePackerHelper = function(FrameName,FrameData,Frames) { var rotated = FrameData.rotated; var name = FrameName; var X = FrameData.sourceSize.w; var Y = FrameData.sourceSize.h; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; var sourceSize = point; var X1 = FrameData.spriteSourceSize.x; var Y1 = FrameData.spriteSourceSize.y; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point1._inPool = false; var offset = point1; var angle = 0; var frameRect = null; if(rotated) { var X2 = FrameData.frame.x; var Y2 = FrameData.frame.y; var Width = FrameData.frame.h; var Height = FrameData.frame.w; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X2; _this.y = Y2; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; frameRect = rect; angle = -90; } else { var X3 = FrameData.frame.x; var Y3 = FrameData.frame.y; var Width1 = FrameData.frame.w; var Height1 = FrameData.frame.h; var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = X3; _this1.y = Y3; _this1.width = Width1; _this1.height = Height1; var rect1 = _this1; rect1._inPool = false; frameRect = rect1; } Frames.addAtlasFrame(frameRect,sourceSize,offset,name,angle); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.fromLibGdx = function(Source,Description) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(Source); if(graphic == null) { return null; } var frames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic); if(frames != null) { return frames; } if(graphic == null || Description == null) { return null; } frames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames(graphic); if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(Description)) { Description = openfl_utils_Assets.getText(Description); } var pack = StringTools.trim(Description); var lines = pack.split("\n"); var repeatLine = lines[3].indexOf("repeat:") > -1 ? 3 : 4; lines.splice(0,repeatLine + 1); var numElementsPerImage = 7; var numImages = lines.length / numElementsPerImage | 0; var size = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numImages; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var curIndex = i * numElementsPerImage; var name = lines[curIndex++]; var rotated = lines[curIndex++].indexOf("true") >= 0; var angle = 0; var tempString = lines[curIndex++]; var size1 = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.getDimensions(tempString,size); var imageX = size1[0]; var imageY = size1[1]; tempString = lines[curIndex++]; size1 = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.getDimensions(tempString,size1); var imageWidth = size1[0]; var imageHeight = size1[1]; var rect = null; if(rotated) { var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = imageX; _this.y = imageY; _this.width = imageHeight; _this.height = imageWidth; var rect1 = _this; rect1._inPool = false; rect = rect1; angle = 90; } else { var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = imageX; _this1.y = imageY; _this1.width = imageWidth; _this1.height = imageHeight; var rect2 = _this1; rect2._inPool = false; rect = rect2; } tempString = lines[curIndex++]; size1 = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.getDimensions(tempString,size1); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(size1[0],size1[1]); point._inPool = false; var sourceSize = point; tempString = lines[curIndex++]; size1 = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.getDimensions(tempString,size1); var Y = sourceSize.y - size1[1] - imageHeight; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(size1[0],Y); point1._inPool = false; var offset = point1; frames.addAtlasFrame(rect,sourceSize,offset,name,angle); } return frames; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.getDimensions = function(line,size) { var colonPosition = line.indexOf(":"); var comaPosition = line.indexOf(","); size[0] = Std.parseInt(line.substring(colonPosition + 1,comaPosition)); size[1] = Std.parseInt(line.substring(comaPosition + 1,line.length)); return size; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.fromSparrow = function(Source,Description) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(Source); if(graphic == null) { return null; } var frames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic); if(frames != null) { return frames; } if(graphic == null || Description == null) { return null; } frames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames(graphic); if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(Description)) { Description = openfl_utils_Assets.getText(Description); } var data = new haxe_xml_Fast(Xml.parse(Description).firstElement()); var _g_head = data.nodes.resolve("SubTexture").h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var texture = val; var name = texture.att.resolve("name"); var trimmed = texture.has.resolve("frameX"); var rotated = texture.has.resolve("rotated") && texture.att.resolve("rotated") == "true"; var flipX = texture.has.resolve("flipX") && texture.att.resolve("flipX") == "true"; var flipY = texture.has.resolve("flipY") && texture.att.resolve("flipY") == "true"; var X = parseFloat(texture.att.resolve("x")); var Y = parseFloat(texture.att.resolve("y")); var Width = parseFloat(texture.att.resolve("width")); var Height = parseFloat(texture.att.resolve("height")); var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; var rect1 = rect; var size = trimmed ? new openfl_geom_Rectangle(Std.parseInt(texture.att.resolve("frameX")),Std.parseInt(texture.att.resolve("frameY")),Std.parseInt(texture.att.resolve("frameWidth")),Std.parseInt(texture.att.resolve("frameHeight"))) : new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,rect1.width,rect1.height); var angle = rotated ? -90 : 0; var X1 = -size.get_left(); var Y1 = -size.get_top(); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point._inPool = false; var offset = point; var X2 = size.width; var Y2 = size.height; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X2,Y2); point1._inPool = false; var sourceSize = point1; if(rotated && !trimmed) { sourceSize.set(size.height,size.width); } frames.addAtlasFrame(rect1,sourceSize,offset,name,angle,flipX,flipY); } return frames; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.fromTexturePackerXml = function(Source,Description) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(Source,false); if(graphic == null) { return null; } var frames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic); if(frames != null) { return frames; } if(graphic == null || Description == null) { return null; } frames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames(graphic); if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(Description)) { Description = openfl_utils_Assets.getText(Description); } var xml = Xml.parse(Description); var sprite = xml.firstElement().elements(); while(sprite.hasNext()) { var sprite1 = sprite.next(); var trimmed = sprite1.exists("oX") || sprite1.exists("oY"); var rotated = sprite1.exists("r") && sprite1.get("r") == "y"; var angle = rotated ? -90 : 0; var name = sprite1.get("n"); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var offset = point; var X = Std.parseInt(sprite1.get("x")); var Y = Std.parseInt(sprite1.get("y")); var Width = Std.parseInt(sprite1.get("w")); var Height = Std.parseInt(sprite1.get("h")); var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; var rect1 = rect; var X1 = rect1.width; var Y1 = rect1.height; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point1._inPool = false; var sourceSize = point1; if(trimmed) { offset.set(Std.parseInt(sprite1.get("oX")),Std.parseInt(sprite1.get("oY"))); sourceSize.set(Std.parseInt(sprite1.get("oW")),Std.parseInt(sprite1.get("oH"))); } frames.addAtlasFrame(rect1,sourceSize,offset,name,angle); } return frames; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.fromSpriteSheetPacker = function(Source,Description) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(Source); if(graphic == null) { return null; } var frames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic); if(frames != null) { return frames; } if(graphic == null || Description == null) { return null; } frames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames(graphic); if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(Description)) { Description = openfl_utils_Assets.getText(Description); } var pack = StringTools.trim(Description); var lines = pack.split("\n"); var _g1 = 0; var _g = lines.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var currImageData = lines[i].split("="); var name = StringTools.trim(currImageData[0]); var currImageRegion = StringTools.trim(currImageData[1]).split(" "); var X = Std.parseInt(currImageRegion[0]); var Y = Std.parseInt(currImageRegion[1]); var Width = Std.parseInt(currImageRegion[2]); var Height = Std.parseInt(currImageRegion[3]); var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; var rect1 = rect; var X1 = rect1.width; var Y1 = rect1.height; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point._inPool = false; var sourceSize = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; var offset = point1; frames.addAtlasFrame(rect1,sourceSize,offset,name,0); } return frames; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame = function(graphic,border) { if(border == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; border = point1; } var type = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.ATLAS; var collections = graphic.frameCollections.get(type); if(collections == null) { collections = []; graphic.frameCollections.set(type,collections); } var atlasFrames = collections; var _g = 0; while(_g < atlasFrames.length) { var atlas = atlasFrames[_g]; ++_g; var _this = atlas.border; var result = Math.abs(_this.x - border.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this.y - border.y) <= 0.0000001; if(border._weak) { border.put(); } if(result) { return atlas; } } return null; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.__super__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.prototype = $extend(flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.prototype,{ addBorder: function(border) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; var resultBorder = point1.addPoint(this.border).addPoint(border); var atlasFrames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(this.parent,resultBorder); if(atlasFrames != null) { return atlasFrames; } atlasFrames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames(this.parent,resultBorder); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.frames; while(_g < _g1.length) { var frame = _g1[_g]; ++_g; atlasFrames.pushFrame(frame.setBorderTo(border)); } return atlasFrames; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames }); var flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame = function(parent,angle,flipX,flipY) { if(flipY == null) { flipY = false; } if(flipX == null) { flipX = false; } if(angle == null) { angle = 0; } this.matrix = new flixel_math_FlxMatrix(); this.rect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this.point2 = new openfl_geom_Point(); this.point1 = new openfl_geom_Point(); this.parent = parent; this.angle = angle; this.flipX = flipX; this.flipY = flipY; this.type = 0; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this.sourceSize = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; this.offset = point1; var this1 = new Array(6); this.blitMatrix = this1; if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { var this2 = new Array(6); this.tileMatrix = this2; } }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame"] = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","frames","FlxFrame"]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame.sort = function(frames,prefixLength,postfixLength) { var a3 = prefixLength; var a4 = postfixLength; haxe_ds_ArraySort.sort(frames,function(a1,a2) { return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame.sortByName(a1,a2,a3,a4); }); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame.sortByName = function(frame1,frame2,prefixLength,postfixLength) { var name1 = frame1.name; var name2 = frame2.name; var num1 = Std.parseInt(name1.substring(prefixLength,name1.length - postfixLength)); var num2 = Std.parseInt(name2.substring(prefixLength,name2.length - postfixLength)); if(num1 == null) { num1 = 0; } if(num2 == null) { num2 = 0; } return num1 - num2; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame.prototype = { point1: null ,point2: null ,rect: null ,matrix: null ,name: null ,frame: null ,uv: null ,parent: null ,angle: null ,flipX: null ,flipY: null ,sourceSize: null ,offset: null ,type: null ,tileMatrix: null ,blitMatrix: null ,cacheFrameMatrix: function() { var mat = this.matrix; mat.identity(); mat.translate(-this.frame.x,-this.frame.y); if(this.angle == 90) { mat.setTo(-mat.b,mat.a,-mat.d,mat.c,-mat.ty,mat.tx); mat.translate(this.frame.height,0); } else if(this.angle == -90) { mat.setTo(mat.b,-mat.a,mat.d,-mat.c,mat.ty,-mat.tx); mat.translate(0,this.frame.width); } mat.translate(this.offset.x,this.offset.y); this.blitMatrix[0] = this.matrix.a; this.blitMatrix[1] = this.matrix.b; this.blitMatrix[2] = this.matrix.c; this.blitMatrix[3] = this.matrix.d; this.blitMatrix[4] = this.matrix.tx; this.blitMatrix[5] = this.matrix.ty; if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { var mat1 = this.matrix; mat1.identity(); if(this.angle == 90) { mat1.setTo(-mat1.b,mat1.a,-mat1.d,mat1.c,-mat1.ty,mat1.tx); mat1.translate(this.frame.height,0); } else if(this.angle == -90) { mat1.setTo(mat1.b,-mat1.a,mat1.d,-mat1.c,mat1.ty,-mat1.tx); mat1.translate(0,this.frame.width); } mat1.translate(this.offset.x,this.offset.y); this.tileMatrix[0] = this.matrix.a; this.tileMatrix[1] = this.matrix.b; this.tileMatrix[2] = this.matrix.c; this.tileMatrix[3] = this.matrix.d; this.tileMatrix[4] = this.matrix.tx; this.tileMatrix[5] = this.matrix.ty; } } ,prepareBlitMatrix: function(mat,blit) { if(blit == null) { blit = true; } mat.identity(); if(blit) { mat.translate(-this.frame.x,-this.frame.y); } if(this.angle == 90) { mat.setTo(-mat.b,mat.a,-mat.d,mat.c,-mat.ty,mat.tx); mat.translate(this.frame.height,0); } else if(this.angle == -90) { mat.setTo(mat.b,-mat.a,mat.d,-mat.c,mat.ty,-mat.tx); mat.translate(0,this.frame.width); } mat.translate(this.offset.x,this.offset.y); return mat; } ,rotateAndFlip: function(mat,rotation,flipX,flipY) { if(flipY == null) { flipY = false; } if(flipX == null) { flipX = false; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } var w = this.sourceSize.x | 0; var h = this.sourceSize.y | 0; if(rotation != 0) { var t = w; w = h; h = t; if(rotation == 90) { mat.setTo(-mat.b,mat.a,-mat.d,mat.c,-mat.ty,mat.tx); mat.translate(this.sourceSize.y,0); } else if(rotation == -90 || rotation == -90) { mat.setTo(mat.b,-mat.a,mat.d,-mat.c,mat.ty,-mat.tx); mat.translate(0,this.sourceSize.x); } } if(flipX) { mat.scale(-1,1); mat.translate(w,0); } if(flipY) { mat.scale(1,-1); mat.translate(0,h); } return mat; } ,prepareTransformedBlitMatrix: function(mat,rotation,flipX,flipY) { if(flipY == null) { flipY = false; } if(flipX == null) { flipX = false; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } mat.a = this.blitMatrix[0]; mat.b = this.blitMatrix[1]; mat.c = this.blitMatrix[2]; mat.d = this.blitMatrix[3]; mat.tx = this.blitMatrix[4]; mat.ty = this.blitMatrix[5]; mat = mat; var w = this.sourceSize.x | 0; var h = this.sourceSize.y | 0; if(rotation != 0) { var t = w; w = h; h = t; if(rotation == 90) { mat.setTo(-mat.b,mat.a,-mat.d,mat.c,-mat.ty,mat.tx); mat.translate(this.sourceSize.y,0); } else if(rotation == -90 || rotation == -90) { mat.setTo(mat.b,-mat.a,mat.d,-mat.c,mat.ty,-mat.tx); mat.translate(0,this.sourceSize.x); } } if(flipX) { mat.scale(-1,1); mat.translate(w,0); } if(flipY) { mat.scale(1,-1); mat.translate(0,h); } return mat; } ,prepareMatrix: function(mat,rotation,flipX,flipY) { if(flipY == null) { flipY = false; } if(flipX == null) { flipX = false; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { mat.identity(); return mat; } mat.a = this.tileMatrix[0]; mat.b = this.tileMatrix[1]; mat.c = this.tileMatrix[2]; mat.d = this.tileMatrix[3]; mat.tx = this.tileMatrix[4]; mat.ty = this.tileMatrix[5]; var doFlipX = flipX != this.flipX; var doFlipY = flipY != this.flipY; if(rotation == 0 && !doFlipX && !doFlipY) { return mat; } var w = this.sourceSize.x | 0; var h = this.sourceSize.y | 0; if(rotation != 0) { var t = w; w = h; h = t; if(rotation == 90) { mat.setTo(-mat.b,mat.a,-mat.d,mat.c,-mat.ty,mat.tx); mat.translate(this.sourceSize.y,0); } else if(rotation == -90 || rotation == -90) { mat.setTo(mat.b,-mat.a,mat.d,-mat.c,mat.ty,-mat.tx); mat.translate(0,this.sourceSize.x); } } if(doFlipX) { mat.scale(-1,1); mat.translate(w,0); } if(doFlipY) { mat.scale(1,-1); mat.translate(0,h); } return mat; } ,fillBlitMatrix: function(mat) { mat.a = this.blitMatrix[0]; mat.b = this.blitMatrix[1]; mat.c = this.blitMatrix[2]; mat.d = this.blitMatrix[3]; mat.tx = this.blitMatrix[4]; mat.ty = this.blitMatrix[5]; return mat; } ,paint: function(bmd,point,mergeAlpha,disposeIfNotEqual) { if(disposeIfNotEqual == null) { disposeIfNotEqual = false; } if(mergeAlpha == null) { mergeAlpha = false; } if(point == null) { point = this.point1; point.setTo(0,0); } var bmd1 = bmd; var w = this.sourceSize.x | 0; var h = this.sourceSize.y | 0; if(0 != 0) { var t = w; w = h; h = t; } if(bmd1 != null && disposeIfNotEqual) { bmd1 = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.disposeIfNotEqual(bmd1,w,h); } if(bmd1 != null && !mergeAlpha) { this.rect.setTo(point.x,point.y,w,h); bmd1.fillRect(this.rect,0); } else if(bmd1 == null) { bmd1 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(w,h,true,0); } bmd = bmd1; if(this.type == 2) { return bmd; } if(this.angle == 0) { var _this = this.offset; var FlashPoint = this.point2; if(FlashPoint == null) { FlashPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); } FlashPoint.x = _this.x; FlashPoint.y = _this.y; this.point2.x += point.x; this.point2.y += point.y; var tmp = this.parent.bitmap; var _this1 = this.frame; var FlashRect = this.rect; if(FlashRect == null) { FlashRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } FlashRect.x = _this1.x; FlashRect.y = _this1.y; FlashRect.width = _this1.width; FlashRect.height = _this1.height; bmd.copyPixels(tmp,FlashRect,this.point2,null,null,mergeAlpha); } else { var mat = this.matrix; mat.a = this.blitMatrix[0]; mat.b = this.blitMatrix[1]; mat.c = this.blitMatrix[2]; mat.d = this.blitMatrix[3]; mat.tx = this.blitMatrix[4]; mat.ty = this.blitMatrix[5]; this.matrix.translate(point.x,point.y); var mat1 = this.matrix; var X = this.frame.x; var Y = this.frame.y; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point1._inPool = false; var point2 = point1; point2._weak = true; var p1 = point2; var _this2 = this.frame; var X1 = _this2.x + _this2.width; var _this3 = this.frame; var Y1 = _this3.y + _this3.height; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point3._inPool = false; var point4 = point3; point4._weak = true; var p2 = point4; var x1 = p1.x * mat1.a + p1.y * mat1.c + mat1.tx; var y1 = p1.x * mat1.b + p1.y * mat1.d + mat1.ty; p1.set(x1,y1); var x11 = p2.x * mat1.a + p2.y * mat1.c + mat1.tx; var y11 = p2.x * mat1.b + p2.y * mat1.d + mat1.ty; p2.set(x11,y11); var _this4 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this4.x = 0; _this4.y = 0; _this4.width = 0; _this4.height = 0; var rect = _this4; rect._inPool = false; var _this5 = rect; var minX = Math.min(p1.x,p2.x); var minY = Math.min(p1.y,p2.y); var maxX = Math.max(p1.x,p2.x); var maxY = Math.max(p1.y,p2.y); if(p1._weak) { p1.put(); } if(p2._weak) { p2.put(); } _this5.x = minX; _this5.y = minY; _this5.width = maxX - minX; _this5.height = maxY - minY; var flxRect = _this5; var FlashRect1 = this.rect; if(FlashRect1 == null) { FlashRect1 = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } FlashRect1.x = flxRect.x; FlashRect1.y = flxRect.y; FlashRect1.width = flxRect.width; FlashRect1.height = flxRect.height; if(!flxRect._inPool) { flxRect._inPool = true; flxRect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(flxRect); } var rect1 = this.rect; bmd.draw(this.parent.bitmap,this.matrix,null,null,rect1); } return bmd; } ,paintRotatedAndFlipped: function(bmd,point,rotation,flipX,flipY,mergeAlpha,disposeIfNotEqual) { if(disposeIfNotEqual == null) { disposeIfNotEqual = false; } if(mergeAlpha == null) { mergeAlpha = false; } if(flipY == null) { flipY = false; } if(flipX == null) { flipX = false; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } if(this.type == 2 && rotation == 0) { return this.paint(bmd,point,mergeAlpha,disposeIfNotEqual); } if(point == null) { point = this.point2; point.setTo(0,0); } var bmd1 = bmd; var w = this.sourceSize.x | 0; var h = this.sourceSize.y | 0; if(rotation != 0) { var t = w; w = h; h = t; } if(bmd1 != null && disposeIfNotEqual) { bmd1 = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.disposeIfNotEqual(bmd1,w,h); } if(bmd1 != null && !mergeAlpha) { this.rect.setTo(point.x,point.y,w,h); bmd1.fillRect(this.rect,0); } else if(bmd1 == null) { bmd1 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(w,h,true,0); } bmd = bmd1; if(this.type == 2) { return bmd; } var doFlipX = flipX != this.flipX; var doFlipY = flipY != this.flipY; this.prepareTransformedBlitMatrix(this.matrix,rotation,doFlipX,doFlipY); this.matrix.translate(point.x,point.y); var mat = this.matrix; var X = this.frame.x; var Y = this.frame.y; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point1._inPool = false; var point2 = point1; point2._weak = true; var p1 = point2; var _this = this.frame; var X1 = _this.x + _this.width; var _this1 = this.frame; var Y1 = _this1.y + _this1.height; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point3._inPool = false; var point4 = point3; point4._weak = true; var p2 = point4; var x1 = p1.x * mat.a + p1.y * mat.c + mat.tx; var y1 = p1.x * mat.b + p1.y * mat.d + mat.ty; p1.set(x1,y1); var x11 = p2.x * mat.a + p2.y * mat.c + mat.tx; var y11 = p2.x * mat.b + p2.y * mat.d + mat.ty; p2.set(x11,y11); var _this2 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this2.x = 0; _this2.y = 0; _this2.width = 0; _this2.height = 0; var rect = _this2; rect._inPool = false; var _this3 = rect; var minX = Math.min(p1.x,p2.x); var minY = Math.min(p1.y,p2.y); var maxX = Math.max(p1.x,p2.x); var maxY = Math.max(p1.y,p2.y); if(p1._weak) { p1.put(); } if(p2._weak) { p2.put(); } _this3.x = minX; _this3.y = minY; _this3.width = maxX - minX; _this3.height = maxY - minY; var flxRect = _this3; var FlashRect = this.rect; if(FlashRect == null) { FlashRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } FlashRect.x = flxRect.x; FlashRect.y = flxRect.y; FlashRect.width = flxRect.width; FlashRect.height = flxRect.height; if(!flxRect._inPool) { flxRect._inPool = true; flxRect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(flxRect); } var rect1 = this.rect; bmd.draw(this.parent.bitmap,this.matrix,null,null,rect1); return bmd; } ,checkInputBitmap: function(bmd,point,rotation,mergeAlpha,disposeIfNotEqual) { if(disposeIfNotEqual == null) { disposeIfNotEqual = false; } if(mergeAlpha == null) { mergeAlpha = false; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } var w = this.sourceSize.x | 0; var h = this.sourceSize.y | 0; if(rotation != 0) { var t = w; w = h; h = t; } if(bmd != null && disposeIfNotEqual) { bmd = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.disposeIfNotEqual(bmd,w,h); } if(bmd != null && !mergeAlpha) { this.rect.setTo(point.x,point.y,w,h); bmd.fillRect(this.rect,0); } else if(bmd == null) { bmd = new openfl_display_BitmapData(w,h,true,0); } return bmd; } ,getDrawFrameRect: function(mat) { var X = this.frame.x; var Y = this.frame.y; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; var p1 = point1; var _this = this.frame; var X1 = _this.x + _this.width; var _this1 = this.frame; var Y1 = _this1.y + _this1.height; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point2._inPool = false; var point3 = point2; point3._weak = true; var p2 = point3; var x1 = p1.x * mat.a + p1.y * mat.c + mat.tx; var y1 = p1.x * mat.b + p1.y * mat.d + mat.ty; p1.set(x1,y1); var x11 = p2.x * mat.a + p2.y * mat.c + mat.tx; var y11 = p2.x * mat.b + p2.y * mat.d + mat.ty; p2.set(x11,y11); var _this2 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this2.x = 0; _this2.y = 0; _this2.width = 0; _this2.height = 0; var rect = _this2; rect._inPool = false; var _this3 = rect; var minX = Math.min(p1.x,p2.x); var minY = Math.min(p1.y,p2.y); var maxX = Math.max(p1.x,p2.x); var maxY = Math.max(p1.y,p2.y); if(p1._weak) { p1.put(); } if(p2._weak) { p2.put(); } _this3.x = minX; _this3.y = minY; _this3.width = maxX - minX; _this3.height = maxY - minY; var flxRect = _this3; var FlashRect = this.rect; if(FlashRect == null) { FlashRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } FlashRect.x = flxRect.x; FlashRect.y = flxRect.y; FlashRect.width = flxRect.width; FlashRect.height = flxRect.height; if(!flxRect._inPool) { flxRect._inPool = true; flxRect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(flxRect); } return this.rect; } ,subFrameTo: function(rect,frameToFill) { if(frameToFill == null) { frameToFill = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame(this.parent,this.angle); } else { frameToFill.parent = this.parent; frameToFill.angle = this.angle; frameToFill.set_frame(flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(frameToFill.frame)); } frameToFill.sourceSize.set(rect.width,rect.height); if(this.type == 2) { frameToFill.type = 2; frameToFill.offset.set(0,0); return frameToFill; } var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect1 = _this; rect1._inPool = false; var _this1 = rect1; _this1.width = this.frame.width; _this1.height = this.frame.height; var clippedRect = _this1; if(this.angle != 0) { clippedRect.width = this.frame.height; clippedRect.height = this.frame.width; } var ox = Math.max(this.offset.x,0); var oy = Math.max(this.offset.y,0); rect.x += -ox; rect.y += -oy; var frameRect = clippedRect.intersection(rect); clippedRect = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(clippedRect); rect.x += ox; rect.y += oy; if(frameRect.width == 0 || frameRect.height == 0) { frameToFill.type = 2; frameRect.x = 0; frameRect.y = 0; frameRect.width = 0; frameRect.height = 0; frameToFill.set_frame(frameRect); frameToFill.offset.set(0,0); } else { frameToFill.type = 0; var _this2 = frameToFill.offset.set(frameRect.x,frameRect.y); var Y = rect.y; var _g = _this2; _g.set_x(_g.x - rect.x); var _g1 = _this2; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - Y); _this2.addPoint(this.offset); var X = frameRect.x; var Y1 = frameRect.y; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y1); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; var p1 = point1; var X1 = frameRect.x + frameRect.width; var Y2 = frameRect.y + frameRect.height; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y2); point2._inPool = false; var point3 = point2; point3._weak = true; var p2 = point3; this.matrix.identity(); if(this.angle == -90) { var _this3 = this.matrix; _this3.setTo(-_this3.b,_this3.a,-_this3.d,_this3.c,-_this3.ty,_this3.tx); this.matrix.translate(this.frame.width,0); } else if(this.angle == 90) { var _this4 = this.matrix; _this4.setTo(_this4.b,-_this4.a,_this4.d,-_this4.c,_this4.ty,-_this4.tx); this.matrix.translate(0,this.frame.height); } if(this.angle != 0) { var matrix = this.matrix; var x1 = p1.x * matrix.a + p1.y * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var y1 = p1.x * matrix.b + p1.y * matrix.d + matrix.ty; p1.set(x1,y1); var matrix1 = this.matrix; var x11 = p2.x * matrix1.a + p2.y * matrix1.c + matrix1.tx; var y11 = p2.x * matrix1.b + p2.y * matrix1.d + matrix1.ty; p2.set(x11,y11); } var minX = Math.min(p1.x,p2.x); var minY = Math.min(p1.y,p2.y); var maxX = Math.max(p1.x,p2.x); var maxY = Math.max(p1.y,p2.y); if(p1._weak) { p1.put(); } if(p2._weak) { p2.put(); } frameRect.x = minX; frameRect.y = minY; frameRect.width = maxX - minX; frameRect.height = maxY - minY; frameRect.x += this.frame.x; frameRect.y += this.frame.y; frameToFill.set_frame(frameRect); frameToFill.cacheFrameMatrix(); } return frameToFill; } ,setBorderTo: function(border,frameToFill) { var X = border.x; var Y = border.y; var Width = this.sourceSize.x - 2 * border.x; var Height = this.sourceSize.y - 2 * border.y; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = X; _this.y = Y; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; var rect1 = rect; frameToFill = this.subFrameTo(rect1,frameToFill); frameToFill.name = this.name; rect1 = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(rect1); return frameToFill; } ,clipTo: function(clip,clippedFrame) { if(clippedFrame == null) { clippedFrame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame(this.parent,this.angle); } else { clippedFrame.parent = this.parent; clippedFrame.angle = this.angle; clippedFrame.set_frame(flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(clippedFrame.frame)); } var _this = clippedFrame.sourceSize; var point = this.sourceSize; _this.set_x(point.x); _this.set_y(point.y); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } clippedFrame.name = this.name; if(this.type == 2) { clippedFrame.type = 2; clippedFrame.offset.set(0,0); return clippedFrame; } var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = 0; _this1.y = 0; _this1.width = 0; _this1.height = 0; var rect = _this1; rect._inPool = false; var _this2 = rect; _this2.width = this.frame.width; _this2.height = this.frame.height; var clippedRect = _this2; if(this.angle != 0) { clippedRect.width = this.frame.height; clippedRect.height = this.frame.width; } clip.x += -this.offset.x; clip.y += -this.offset.y; var frameRect = clippedRect.intersection(clip); clippedRect = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(clippedRect); if(frameRect.width == 0 || frameRect.height == 0) { clippedFrame.type = 2; frameRect.x = 0; frameRect.y = 0; frameRect.width = 0; frameRect.height = 0; clippedFrame.set_frame(frameRect); clippedFrame.offset.set(0,0); } else { clippedFrame.type = 0; clippedFrame.offset.set(frameRect.x,frameRect.y).addPoint(this.offset); var X = frameRect.x; var Y = frameRect.y; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point1._inPool = false; var point2 = point1; point2._weak = true; var p1 = point2; var X1 = frameRect.x + frameRect.width; var Y1 = frameRect.y + frameRect.height; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X1,Y1); point3._inPool = false; var point4 = point3; point4._weak = true; var p2 = point4; this.matrix.identity(); if(this.angle == -90) { var _this3 = this.matrix; _this3.setTo(-_this3.b,_this3.a,-_this3.d,_this3.c,-_this3.ty,_this3.tx); this.matrix.translate(this.frame.width,0); } else if(this.angle == 90) { var _this4 = this.matrix; _this4.setTo(_this4.b,-_this4.a,_this4.d,-_this4.c,_this4.ty,-_this4.tx); this.matrix.translate(0,this.frame.height); } if(this.angle != 0) { var matrix = this.matrix; var x1 = p1.x * matrix.a + p1.y * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var y1 = p1.x * matrix.b + p1.y * matrix.d + matrix.ty; p1.set(x1,y1); var matrix1 = this.matrix; var x11 = p2.x * matrix1.a + p2.y * matrix1.c + matrix1.tx; var y11 = p2.x * matrix1.b + p2.y * matrix1.d + matrix1.ty; p2.set(x11,y11); } var minX = Math.min(p1.x,p2.x); var minY = Math.min(p1.y,p2.y); var maxX = Math.max(p1.x,p2.x); var maxY = Math.max(p1.y,p2.y); if(p1._weak) { p1.put(); } if(p2._weak) { p2.put(); } frameRect.x = minX; frameRect.y = minY; frameRect.width = maxX - minX; frameRect.height = maxY - minY; frameRect.x += this.frame.x; frameRect.y += this.frame.y; clippedFrame.set_frame(frameRect); clippedFrame.cacheFrameMatrix(); } clip.x += this.offset.x; clip.y += this.offset.y; return clippedFrame; } ,copyTo: function(clone) { if(clone == null) { clone = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame(this.parent,this.angle); } else { clone.parent = this.parent; clone.angle = this.angle; clone.set_frame(flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(clone.frame)); } var _this = clone.offset; var point = this.offset; _this.set_x(point.x); _this.set_y(point.y); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } clone.flipX = this.flipX; clone.flipY = this.flipY; var _this1 = clone.sourceSize; var point1 = this.sourceSize; _this1.set_x(point1.x); _this1.set_y(point1.y); if(point1._weak) { point1.put(); } var _this2 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this2.x = 0; _this2.y = 0; _this2.width = 0; _this2.height = 0; var rect = _this2; rect._inPool = false; var _this3 = rect; var Rect = this.frame; _this3.x = Rect.x; _this3.y = Rect.y; _this3.width = Rect.width; _this3.height = Rect.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } clone.set_frame(_this3); clone.type = this.type; clone.name = this.name; clone.cacheFrameMatrix(); return clone; } ,destroy: function() { this.name = null; this.parent = null; this.sourceSize = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.sourceSize); this.offset = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.offset); this.set_frame(flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.frame)); this.uv = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.uv); this.blitMatrix = null; this.tileMatrix = null; } ,toString: function() { var value = this.name; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "name"; _this.value = value; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this]); } ,set_frame: function(value) { if(value != null) { if(this.uv == null) { var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this.uv = rect; } var _this1 = this.uv; var Width = (value.x + value.width) / this.parent.width; var Height = (value.y + value.height) / this.parent.height; _this1.x = value.x / this.parent.width; _this1.y = value.y / this.parent.height; _this1.width = Width; _this1.height = Height; } return this.frame = value; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame ,__properties__: {set_frame:"set_frame"} }; var flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType = $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrameCollectionType"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","graphics","frames","FlxFrameCollectionType"], __constructs__ : ["IMAGE","TILES","ATLAS","FONT","USER","FILTER"] }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.IMAGE = ["IMAGE",0]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.IMAGE.toString = $estr; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.IMAGE.__enum__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.TILES = ["TILES",1]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.TILES.toString = $estr; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.TILES.__enum__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.ATLAS = ["ATLAS",2]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.ATLAS.toString = $estr; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.ATLAS.__enum__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.FONT = ["FONT",3]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.FONT.toString = $estr; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.FONT.__enum__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.USER = function(type) { var $x = ["USER",4,type]; $x.__enum__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.FILTER = ["FILTER",5]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.FILTER.toString = $estr; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.FILTER.__enum__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType; var flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame = function(parent,border) { flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.call(this,parent,flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.IMAGE,border); }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.frames.FlxImageFrame"] = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","frames","FlxImageFrame"]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromEmptyFrame = function(graphic,frameRect) { if(graphic == null || frameRect == null) { return null; } var imageFrame = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.findEmptyFrame(graphic,frameRect); if(imageFrame != null) { return imageFrame; } imageFrame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame(graphic); imageFrame.addEmptyFrame(frameRect); return imageFrame; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromFrame = function(source) { var graphic = source.parent; var rect = source.frame; var imageFrame = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.findFrame(graphic,rect); if(imageFrame != null) { return imageFrame; } imageFrame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame(graphic); var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect1 = _this; rect1._inPool = false; var Rect = rect1; Rect.x = rect.x; Rect.y = rect.y; Rect.width = rect.width; Rect.height = rect.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } imageFrame.addSpriteSheetFrame(Rect); return imageFrame; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromImage = function(source) { return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromRectangle(source,null); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromGraphic = function(graphic,region) { if(graphic == null) { return null; } var checkRegion = region; if(checkRegion == null) { var Width = graphic.width; var Height = graphic.height; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; var rect1 = rect; rect1._weak = true; checkRegion = rect1; } var imageFrame = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.findFrame(graphic,checkRegion); if(imageFrame != null) { return imageFrame; } imageFrame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame(graphic); if(region == null) { var Width1 = graphic.width; var Height1 = graphic.height; var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = 0; _this1.y = 0; _this1.width = Width1; _this1.height = Height1; var rect2 = _this1; rect2._inPool = false; region = rect2; } else { if(region.width == 0) { region.width = graphic.width - region.x; } if(region.height == 0) { region.height = graphic.height - region.y; } } imageFrame.addSpriteSheetFrame(region); return imageFrame; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromRectangle = function(source,region) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(source,false); return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromGraphic(graphic,region); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromBitmapAddSpacesAndBorders = function(source,border,region) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(source,false); if(graphic == null) { return null; } var key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.getKeyWithSpacesAndBorders(graphic.key,null,null,border,region); var result = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(result == null) { var bitmap = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.addSpacesAndBorders(graphic.bitmap,null,null,border,region); result = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(bitmap,false,key); } var imageFrame = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromGraphic(graphic); return imageFrame.addBorder(border); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromFrameAddSpacesAndBorders = function(frame,border) { var bitmap = frame.paint(); return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.fromBitmapAddSpacesAndBorders(bitmap,border); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.findFrame = function(graphic,frameRect,frameBorder) { if(frameBorder == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; frameBorder = point1; } var type = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.IMAGE; var collections = graphic.frameCollections.get(type); if(collections == null) { collections = []; graphic.frameCollections.set(type,collections); } var imageFrames = collections; var _g = 0; while(_g < imageFrames.length) { var imageFrame = imageFrames[_g]; ++_g; var tmp; var tmp1; var rect = imageFrame.get_frame().frame; var result = Math.abs(frameRect.x - rect.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(frameRect.y - rect.y) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(frameRect.width - rect.width) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(frameRect.height - rect.height) <= 0.0000001; if(rect._weak) { if(!rect._inPool) { rect._inPool = true; rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(rect); } } if(result) { var point2 = imageFrame.border; var result1 = Math.abs(frameBorder.x - point2.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(frameBorder.y - point2.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point2._weak) { point2.put(); } tmp1 = result1; } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { tmp = imageFrame.get_frame().type != 2; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { return imageFrame; } } return null; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.findEmptyFrame = function(graphic,frameRect) { var type = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.IMAGE; var collections = graphic.frameCollections.get(type); if(collections == null) { collections = []; graphic.frameCollections.set(type,collections); } var imageFrames = collections; var _g = 0; while(_g < imageFrames.length) { var imageFrame = imageFrames[_g]; ++_g; var frame = imageFrame.get_frame(); if(frame.sourceSize.x == frameRect.width && frame.sourceSize.y == frameRect.height && frame.type == 2) { return imageFrame; } } return null; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.__super__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.prototype = $extend(flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.prototype,{ frame: null ,equals: function(rect,border) { var rect1 = this.get_frame().frame; var result = Math.abs(rect.x - rect1.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(rect.y - rect1.y) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(rect.width - rect1.width) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(rect.height - rect1.height) <= 0.0000001; if(rect1._weak) { if(!rect1._inPool) { rect1._inPool = true; rect1._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(rect1); } } if(result) { var point = this.border; var result1 = Math.abs(border.x - point.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(border.y - point.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point._weak) { point.put(); } return result1; } else { return false; } } ,addBorder: function(border) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; var resultBorder = point1.addPoint(this.border).addPoint(border); var imageFrame = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame.findFrame(this.parent,this.get_frame().frame,resultBorder); if(imageFrame != null) { return imageFrame; } imageFrame = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame(this.parent,resultBorder); imageFrame.pushFrame(this.get_frame().setBorderTo(border)); return imageFrame; } ,destroy: function() { flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.frame = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.get_frame()); } ,get_frame: function() { return this.frames[0]; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_frames_FlxImageFrame ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.prototype.__properties__,{get_frame:"get_frame"}) }); var flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames = function(parent,border) { this.numCols = 0; this.numRows = 0; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.call(this,parent,flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.TILES,border); }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.frames.FlxTileFrames"] = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","frames","FlxTileFrames"]; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromBitmapAddSpacesAndBorders = function(source,tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder,region) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(source,false); if(graphic == null) { return null; } var key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.getKeyWithSpacesAndBorders(graphic.key,tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder,region); var result = flixel_FlxG.bitmap._cache.get(key); if(result == null) { var bitmap = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.addSpacesAndBorders(graphic.bitmap,tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder,region); result = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(bitmap,false,key); } var borderX = 0; var borderY = 0; if(tileBorder != null) { borderX = tileBorder.x | 0; borderY = tileBorder.y | 0; } var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var _this = point.addPoint(tileSize); var _g = _this; _g.set_x(_g.x + 2 * borderX); var _g1 = _this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + 2 * borderY); var tileFrames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromGraphic(result,_this,null,tileSpacing); if(tileBorder == null) { return tileFrames; } return tileFrames.addBorder(tileBorder); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromFrameAddSpacesAndBorders = function(frame,tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder) { var bitmap = frame.paint(); return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromBitmapAddSpacesAndBorders(bitmap,tileSize,tileSpacing,tileBorder); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromFrame = function(frame,tileSize,tileSpacing) { var graphic = frame.parent; var tileFrames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.findFrame(graphic,tileSize,null,frame,tileSpacing); if(tileFrames != null) { return tileFrames; } if(tileSpacing != null) { tileSpacing = tileSpacing; } else { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; tileSpacing = point; } tileFrames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames(graphic); tileFrames.atlasFrame = frame; tileFrames.region = frame.frame; tileFrames.tileSize = tileSize; tileFrames.tileSpacing = tileSpacing; tileSpacing.set_x(Math.floor(tileSpacing.x)); tileSpacing.set_y(Math.floor(tileSpacing.y)); tileSize.set_x(Math.floor(tileSize.x)); tileSize.set_y(Math.floor(tileSize.y)); var spacedWidth = tileSize.x + tileSpacing.x; var spacedHeight = tileSize.y + tileSpacing.y; var numRows = tileSize.y == 0 ? 1 : (frame.sourceSize.y + tileSpacing.y) / spacedHeight | 0; var numCols = tileSize.x == 0 ? 1 : (frame.sourceSize.x + tileSpacing.x) / spacedWidth | 0; var Width = tileSize.x; var Height = tileSize.y; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; var helperRect = rect; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numRows; while(_g1 < _g) { var j = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = numCols; while(_g3 < _g2) { var i = _g3++; helperRect.x = spacedWidth * i; helperRect.y = spacedHeight * j; tileFrames.pushFrame(frame.subFrameTo(helperRect)); } } helperRect = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(helperRect); tileFrames.numCols = numCols; tileFrames.numRows = numRows; return tileFrames; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromFrames = function(Frames) { var firstFrame = Frames[0]; var graphic = firstFrame.parent; var _g = 0; while(_g < Frames.length) { var frame = Frames[_g]; ++_g; var tmp; if(frame.parent == firstFrame.parent) { var _this = frame.sourceSize; var point = firstFrame.sourceSize; var result = Math.abs(_this.x - point.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this.y - point.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point._weak) { point.put(); } tmp = !result; } else { tmp = true; } if(tmp) { return null; } } var tileFrames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames(graphic); tileFrames.region = null; tileFrames.atlasFrame = null; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; var _this1 = point1; var point2 = firstFrame.sourceSize; _this1.set_x(point2.x); _this1.set_y(point2.y); if(point2._weak) { point2.put(); } tileFrames.tileSize = _this1; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point3._inPool = false; tileFrames.tileSpacing = point3; tileFrames.numCols = Frames.length; tileFrames.numRows = 1; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < Frames.length) { var frame1 = Frames[_g1]; ++_g1; tileFrames.frames.push(frame1); if(frame1.name != null) { var key = frame1.name; var _this2 = tileFrames.framesHash; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { _this2.setReserved(key,frame1); } else { _this2.h[key] = frame1; } } } return tileFrames; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromAtlasByPrefix = function(Frames,Prefix) { var framesToAdd = []; var _g = 0; var _g1 = Frames.frames; while(_g < _g1.length) { var frame = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(StringTools.startsWith(frame.name,Prefix)) { framesToAdd.push(frame); } } if(framesToAdd.length > 0) { var name = framesToAdd[0].name; var postIndex = name.indexOf(".",Prefix.length); var postFix = name.substring(postIndex == -1 ? name.length : postIndex,name.length); flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrame.sort(framesToAdd,Prefix.length,postFix.length); return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromFrames(framesToAdd); } return null; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromGraphic = function(graphic,tileSize,region,tileSpacing) { var tileFrames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.findFrame(graphic,tileSize,region,null,tileSpacing); if(tileFrames != null) { return tileFrames; } if(region == null) { var Width = graphic.width; var Height = graphic.height; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; region = rect; } else { if(region.width == 0) { region.width = graphic.width - region.x; } if(region.height == 0) { region.height = graphic.height - region.y; } } if(tileSpacing != null) { tileSpacing = tileSpacing; } else { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; tileSpacing = point; } tileFrames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames(graphic); tileFrames.region = region; tileFrames.atlasFrame = null; tileFrames.tileSize = tileSize; tileFrames.tileSpacing = tileSpacing; region.x = Math.floor(region.x); region.y = Math.floor(region.y); region.width = Math.floor(region.width); region.height = Math.floor(region.height); tileSpacing.set_x(Math.floor(tileSpacing.x)); tileSpacing.set_y(Math.floor(tileSpacing.y)); tileSize.set_x(Math.floor(tileSize.x)); tileSize.set_y(Math.floor(tileSize.y)); var spacedWidth = tileSize.x + tileSpacing.x; var spacedHeight = tileSize.y + tileSpacing.y; var numRows = tileSize.y == 0 ? 1 : (region.height + tileSpacing.y) / spacedHeight | 0; var numCols = tileSize.x == 0 ? 1 : (region.width + tileSpacing.x) / spacedWidth | 0; var tileRect; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numRows; while(_g1 < _g) { var j = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = numCols; while(_g3 < _g2) { var i = _g3++; var X = region.x + i * spacedWidth; var Y = region.y + j * spacedHeight; var Width1 = tileSize.x; var Height1 = tileSize.y; var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = X; _this1.y = Y; _this1.width = Width1; _this1.height = Height1; var rect1 = _this1; rect1._inPool = false; tileRect = rect1; tileFrames.addSpriteSheetFrame(tileRect); } } tileFrames.numCols = numCols; tileFrames.numRows = numRows; return tileFrames; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromRectangle = function(source,tileSize,region,tileSpacing) { var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(source,false); if(graphic == null) { return null; } return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromGraphic(graphic,tileSize,region,tileSpacing); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.combineTileSets = function(bitmaps,tileSize,spacing,border) { var framesCollections = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < bitmaps.length) { var bitmap = bitmaps[_g]; ++_g; framesCollections.push(flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromRectangle(bitmap,tileSize)); } return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.combineTileFrames(framesCollections,spacing,border); }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.combineTileFrames = function(tileframes,spacing,border) { var totalArea = 0; var rows = 0; var cols = 0; var tileWidth = tileframes[0].frames[0].sourceSize.x | 0; var tileHeight = tileframes[0].frames[0].sourceSize.y | 0; var spaceX = 0; var spaceY = 0; if(spacing != null) { spaceX = spacing.x | 0; spaceY = spacing.y | 0; } var borderX = 0; var borderY = 0; if(border != null) { borderX = border.x | 0; borderY = border.y | 0; } var _g = 0; while(_g < tileframes.length) { var collection = tileframes[_g]; ++_g; cols = collection.numCols; rows = collection.numRows; totalArea += cols * (tileWidth + 2 * borderX) * rows * (tileHeight + 2 * borderY) | 0; } var side = Math.sqrt(totalArea); cols = side / (tileWidth + 2 * borderX) | 0; rows = Math.ceil(totalArea / (cols * (tileWidth + 2 * borderX) * (tileHeight + 2 * borderY))); var width = (cols * (tileWidth + 2 * borderX) | 0) + (cols - 1) * spaceX; var height = (rows * (tileHeight + 2 * borderY) | 0) + (rows - 1) * spaceY; var combined = new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,height,true,0); var graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(combined); var result = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames(graphic); var destPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(borderX,borderY); var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = width; _this.height = height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; result.region = rect; result.atlasFrame = null; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(tileWidth,tileHeight); point._inPool = false; result.tileSize = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(spaceX,spaceY); point1._inPool = false; result.tileSpacing = point1; result.numCols = cols; result.numRows = rows; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < tileframes.length) { var collection1 = tileframes[_g1]; ++_g1; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = collection1.frames; while(_g11 < _g2.length) { var frame = _g2[_g11]; ++_g11; frame.paint(combined,destPoint,true); var X = destPoint.x; var Y = destPoint.y; var _this1 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this1.x = X; _this1.y = Y; _this1.width = tileWidth; _this1.height = tileHeight; var rect1 = _this1; rect1._inPool = false; var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(tileWidth,tileHeight); point2._inPool = false; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point3._inPool = false; result.addAtlasFrame(rect1,point2,point3); destPoint.x += tileWidth + 2 * borderX + spaceX; if(destPoint.x >= combined.width) { destPoint.x = borderX; destPoint.y += tileHeight + 2 * borderY + spaceY; } } } flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.copyBorderPixels(combined,tileWidth,tileHeight,spaceX,spaceY,borderX,borderY,cols,rows); return result; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.findFrame = function(graphic,tileSize,region,atlasFrame,tileSpacing,border) { var type = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFrameCollectionType.TILES; var collections = graphic.frameCollections.get(type); if(collections == null) { collections = []; graphic.frameCollections.set(type,collections); } var tileFrames = collections; var _g = 0; while(_g < tileFrames.length) { var sheet = tileFrames[_g]; ++_g; if(sheet.equals(tileSize,region,null,tileSpacing,border)) { return sheet; } } return null; }; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.__super__ = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection; flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.prototype = $extend(flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.prototype,{ atlasFrame: null ,region: null ,tileSize: null ,tileSpacing: null ,numRows: null ,numCols: null ,getByTilePosition: function(column,row) { return this.frames[row * this.numCols + column]; } ,equals: function(tileSize,region,atlasFrame,tileSpacing,border) { if(this.region == null && this.atlasFrame == null) { return false; } if(atlasFrame != null) { region = atlasFrame.frame; } if(region == null) { var Width = this.parent.width; var Height = this.parent.height; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; var rect1 = rect; rect1._weak = true; region = rect1; } if(tileSpacing == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; tileSpacing = point1; } if(border == null) { var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point2._inPool = false; var point3 = point2; point3._weak = true; border = point3; } var tmp; var tmp1; var tmp2; if(this.atlasFrame == atlasFrame) { var _this1 = this.region; var result = Math.abs(_this1.x - region.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this1.y - region.y) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this1.width - region.width) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this1.height - region.height) <= 0.0000001; if(region._weak) { if(!region._inPool) { region._inPool = true; region._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(region); } } tmp2 = result; } else { tmp2 = false; } if(tmp2) { var _this2 = this.tileSize; var result1 = Math.abs(_this2.x - tileSize.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this2.y - tileSize.y) <= 0.0000001; if(tileSize._weak) { tileSize.put(); } tmp1 = result1; } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { var _this3 = this.tileSpacing; var result2 = Math.abs(_this3.x - tileSpacing.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this3.y - tileSpacing.y) <= 0.0000001; if(tileSpacing._weak) { tileSpacing.put(); } tmp = result2; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var _this4 = this.border; var result3 = Math.abs(_this4.x - border.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this4.y - border.y) <= 0.0000001; if(border._weak) { border.put(); } return result3; } else { return false; } } ,addBorder: function(border) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var resultBorder = point.addPoint(this.border).addPoint(border); var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; var _this = point1; var point2 = this.tileSize; _this.set_x(point2.x); _this.set_y(point2.y); if(point2._weak) { point2.put(); } var _this1 = _this; var Y = 2 * border.y; var _g = _this1; _g.set_x(_g.x - 2 * border.x); var _g1 = _this1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - Y); var resultSize = _this1; var tileFrames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.findFrame(this.parent,resultSize,this.region,this.atlasFrame,this.tileSpacing,resultBorder); if(tileFrames != null) { resultSize = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(resultSize); return tileFrames; } tileFrames = new flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames(this.parent,resultBorder); var _this2 = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this2.x = 0; _this2.y = 0; _this2.width = 0; _this2.height = 0; var rect = _this2; rect._inPool = false; var _this3 = rect; var Rect = this.region; _this3.x = Rect.x; _this3.y = Rect.y; _this3.width = Rect.width; _this3.height = Rect.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } tileFrames.region = _this3; tileFrames.atlasFrame = this.atlasFrame; tileFrames.tileSize = resultSize; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point3._inPool = false; var _this4 = point3; var point4 = this.tileSpacing; _this4.set_x(point4.x); _this4.set_y(point4.y); if(point4._weak) { point4.put(); } tileFrames.tileSpacing = _this4; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.frames; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var frame = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; tileFrames.pushFrame(frame.setBorderTo(border)); } return tileFrames; } ,destroy: function() { flixel_graphics_frames_FlxFramesCollection.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.atlasFrame = null; this.region = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.region); this.tileSize = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.tileSize); this.tileSpacing = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.tileSpacing); } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames }); var flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem = function() { this.blending = 0; this.hasColorOffsets = false; this.colored = false; this.antialiasing = false; }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.tile.FlxDrawBaseItem"] = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","tile","FlxDrawBaseItem"]; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.blendToInt = function(blend) { return 0; }; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype = { nextTyped: null ,next: null ,graphics: null ,antialiasing: null ,colored: null ,hasColorOffsets: null ,blending: null ,blend: null ,type: null ,reset: function() { this.graphics = null; this.antialiasing = false; this.nextTyped = null; this.next = null; } ,dispose: function() { this.graphics = null; this.next = null; this.type = null; this.nextTyped = null; } ,render: function(camera) { flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.drawCalls++; } ,addQuad: function(frame,matrix,transform) { } ,get_numVertices: function() { return 0; } ,get_numTriangles: function() { return 0; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem ,__properties__: {get_numTriangles:"get_numTriangles",get_numVertices:"get_numVertices"} }; var flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType = $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.tile.FlxDrawItemType"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","graphics","tile","FlxDrawItemType"], __constructs__ : ["TILES","TRIANGLES"] }; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TILES = ["TILES",0]; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TILES.toString = $estr; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TILES.__enum__ = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TRIANGLES = ["TRIANGLES",1]; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TRIANGLES.toString = $estr; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TRIANGLES.__enum__ = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType; var flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawQuadsItem = function() { flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.call(this); this.type = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TILES; this.rects = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); this.transforms = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); this.alphas = []; }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.tile.FlxDrawQuadsItem"] = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawQuadsItem; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawQuadsItem.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","tile","FlxDrawQuadsItem"]; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawQuadsItem.__super__ = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawQuadsItem.prototype = $extend(flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype,{ shader: null ,rects: null ,transforms: null ,alphas: null ,colorMultipliers: null ,colorOffsets: null ,reset: function() { flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype.reset.call(this); this.rects.set_length(0); this.transforms.set_length(0); this.alphas.splice(0,this.alphas.length); if(this.colorMultipliers != null) { this.colorMultipliers.splice(0,this.colorMultipliers.length); } if(this.colorOffsets != null) { this.colorOffsets.splice(0,this.colorOffsets.length); } } ,dispose: function() { flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype.dispose.call(this); this.rects = null; this.transforms = null; this.alphas = null; this.colorMultipliers = null; this.colorOffsets = null; } ,addQuad: function(frame,matrix,transform) { var rect = frame.frame; this.rects.push(rect.x); this.rects.push(rect.y); this.rects.push(rect.width); this.rects.push(rect.height); this.transforms.push(matrix.a); this.transforms.push(matrix.b); this.transforms.push(matrix.c); this.transforms.push(matrix.d); this.transforms.push(matrix.tx); this.transforms.push(matrix.ty); var _g = 0; while(_g < 4) { var i = _g++; this.alphas.push(transform != null ? transform.alphaMultiplier : 1.0); } if(this.colored || this.hasColorOffsets) { if(this.colorMultipliers == null) { this.colorMultipliers = []; } if(this.colorOffsets == null) { this.colorOffsets = []; } var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 4) { var i1 = _g1++; if(transform != null) { this.colorMultipliers.push(transform.redMultiplier); this.colorMultipliers.push(transform.greenMultiplier); this.colorMultipliers.push(transform.blueMultiplier); this.colorOffsets.push(transform.redOffset); this.colorOffsets.push(transform.greenOffset); this.colorOffsets.push(transform.blueOffset); this.colorOffsets.push(transform.alphaOffset); } else { this.colorMultipliers.push(1); this.colorMultipliers.push(1); this.colorMultipliers.push(1); this.colorOffsets.push(0); this.colorOffsets.push(0); this.colorOffsets.push(0); this.colorOffsets.push(0); } this.colorMultipliers.push(1); } } } ,render: function(camera) { if(this.rects.get_length() == 0) { return; } var shader = this.shader != null ? this.shader : this.graphics.shader; shader.bitmap.input = this.graphics.bitmap; shader.bitmap.filter = camera.antialiasing || this.antialiasing ? 4 : 5; shader.alpha.value = this.alphas; if(this.colored || this.hasColorOffsets) { shader.colorMultiplier.value = this.colorMultipliers; shader.colorOffset.value = this.colorOffsets; } var parameter = shader.hasTransform; if(parameter.value == null) { parameter.value = []; } parameter.value[0] = true; var parameter1 = shader.hasColorTransform; if(parameter1.value == null) { parameter1.value = []; } parameter1.value[0] = this.colored || this.hasColorOffsets; camera.canvas.get_graphics().overrideBlendMode(this.blend); camera.canvas.get_graphics().beginShaderFill(shader); camera.canvas.get_graphics().drawQuads(this.rects,null,this.transforms); flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype.render.call(this,camera); } ,setParameterValue: function(parameter,value) { if(parameter.value == null) { parameter.value = []; } parameter.value[0] = value; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawQuadsItem }); var flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem = function() { var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; this.bounds = rect; this.colorsPosition = 0; this.indicesPosition = 0; this.verticesPosition = 0; this.colors = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); this.uvtData = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); this.indices = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); this.vertices = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.call(this); this.type = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawItemType.TRIANGLES; }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.tile.FlxDrawTrianglesItem"] = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","tile","FlxDrawTrianglesItem"]; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem.inflateBounds = function(bounds,x,y) { if(x < bounds.x) { bounds.width += bounds.x - x; bounds.x = x; } if(y < bounds.y) { bounds.height += bounds.y - y; bounds.y = y; } if(x > bounds.x + bounds.width) { bounds.width = x - bounds.x; } if(y > bounds.y + bounds.height) { bounds.height = y - bounds.y; } return bounds; }; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem.__super__ = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem.prototype = $extend(flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype,{ vertices: null ,indices: null ,uvtData: null ,colors: null ,verticesPosition: null ,indicesPosition: null ,colorsPosition: null ,bounds: null ,render: function(camera) { if(!flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { return; } if(this.get_numTriangles() <= 0) { return; } var tmp = camera.antialiasing || this.antialiasing; camera.canvas.get_graphics().beginBitmapFill(this.graphics.bitmap,null,true,tmp); camera.canvas.get_graphics().drawTriangles(this.vertices,this.indices,this.uvtData,1); camera.canvas.get_graphics().endFill(); flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype.render.call(this,camera); } ,reset: function() { flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype.reset.call(this); this.vertices.splice(0,this.vertices.get_length()); this.indices.splice(0,this.indices.get_length()); this.uvtData.splice(0,this.uvtData.get_length()); this.colors.splice(0,this.colors.get_length()); this.verticesPosition = 0; this.indicesPosition = 0; this.colorsPosition = 0; } ,dispose: function() { flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawBaseItem.prototype.dispose.call(this); this.vertices = null; this.indices = null; this.uvtData = null; this.colors = null; this.bounds = null; } ,addTriangles: function(vertices,indices,uvtData,colors,position,cameraBounds) { if(position == null) { position = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem.point.set(); } if(cameraBounds == null) { var _this = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem.rect; _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = flixel_FlxG.width; _this.height = flixel_FlxG.height; cameraBounds = _this; } var verticesLength = vertices.get_length(); var prevVerticesLength = this.vertices.get_length(); var numberOfVertices = verticesLength / 2 | 0; var prevIndicesLength = this.indices.get_length(); var prevUVTDataLength = this.uvtData.get_length(); var prevColorsLength = this.colors.get_length(); var prevNumberOfVertices = this.get_numVertices(); var tempX; var tempY; var i = 0; var currentVertexPosition = prevVerticesLength; while(i < verticesLength) { tempX = position.x + vertices.get(i); tempY = position.y + vertices.get(i + 1); this.vertices.set(currentVertexPosition++,tempX); this.vertices.set(currentVertexPosition++,tempY); if(i == 0) { var _this1 = this.bounds; _this1.x = tempX; _this1.y = tempY; _this1.width = 0; _this1.height = 0; } else { var bounds = this.bounds; if(tempX < bounds.x) { bounds.width += bounds.x - tempX; bounds.x = tempX; } if(tempY < bounds.y) { bounds.height += bounds.y - tempY; bounds.y = tempY; } if(tempX > bounds.x + bounds.width) { bounds.width = tempX - bounds.x; } if(tempY > bounds.y + bounds.height) { bounds.height = tempY - bounds.y; } } i += 2; } var Rect = this.bounds; var result = Rect.x + Rect.width > cameraBounds.x && Rect.x < cameraBounds.x + cameraBounds.width && Rect.y + Rect.height > cameraBounds.y && Rect.y < cameraBounds.y + cameraBounds.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } if(!result) { this.vertices.splice(this.vertices.get_length() - verticesLength,verticesLength); } else { var uvtDataLength = uvtData.get_length(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = uvtDataLength; while(_g1 < _g) { var i1 = _g1++; this.uvtData.set(prevUVTDataLength + i1,uvtData.get(i1)); } var indicesLength = indices.get_length(); var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = indicesLength; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i2 = _g11++; this.indices.set(prevIndicesLength + i2,indices.get(i2) + prevNumberOfVertices); } if(this.colored) { var _g12 = 0; var _g3 = numberOfVertices; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i3 = _g12++; this.colors.set(prevColorsLength + i3,colors.get(i3)); } this.colorsPosition += numberOfVertices; } this.verticesPosition += verticesLength; this.indicesPosition += indicesLength; } if(position._weak) { position.put(); } if(cameraBounds._weak) { if(!cameraBounds._inPool) { cameraBounds._inPool = true; cameraBounds._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(cameraBounds); } } } ,addQuad: function(frame,matrix,transform) { var prevVerticesPos = this.verticesPosition; var prevIndicesPos = this.indicesPosition; var prevColorsPos = this.colorsPosition; var prevNumberOfVertices = this.get_numVertices(); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; var x1 = point1.x * matrix.a + point1.y * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var y1 = point1.x * matrix.b + point1.y * matrix.d + matrix.ty; point1.set(x1,y1); this.vertices.set(prevVerticesPos,point1.x); this.vertices.set(prevVerticesPos + 1,point1.y); this.uvtData.set(prevVerticesPos,frame.uv.x); this.uvtData.set(prevVerticesPos + 1,frame.uv.y); point1.set(frame.frame.width,0); var x11 = point1.x * matrix.a + point1.y * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var y11 = point1.x * matrix.b + point1.y * matrix.d + matrix.ty; point1.set(x11,y11); this.vertices.set(prevVerticesPos + 2,point1.x); this.vertices.set(prevVerticesPos + 3,point1.y); this.uvtData.set(prevVerticesPos + 2,frame.uv.width); this.uvtData.set(prevVerticesPos + 3,frame.uv.y); point1.set(frame.frame.width,frame.frame.height); var x12 = point1.x * matrix.a + point1.y * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var y12 = point1.x * matrix.b + point1.y * matrix.d + matrix.ty; point1.set(x12,y12); this.vertices.set(prevVerticesPos + 4,point1.x); this.vertices.set(prevVerticesPos + 5,point1.y); this.uvtData.set(prevVerticesPos + 4,frame.uv.width); this.uvtData.set(prevVerticesPos + 5,frame.uv.height); point1.set(0,frame.frame.height); var x13 = point1.x * matrix.a + point1.y * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var y13 = point1.x * matrix.b + point1.y * matrix.d + matrix.ty; point1.set(x13,y13); this.vertices.set(prevVerticesPos + 6,point1.x); this.vertices.set(prevVerticesPos + 7,point1.y); point1.put(); this.uvtData.set(prevVerticesPos + 6,frame.uv.x); this.uvtData.set(prevVerticesPos + 7,frame.uv.height); this.indices.set(prevIndicesPos,prevNumberOfVertices); this.indices.set(prevIndicesPos + 1,prevNumberOfVertices + 1); this.indices.set(prevIndicesPos + 2,prevNumberOfVertices + 2); this.indices.set(prevIndicesPos + 3,prevNumberOfVertices + 2); this.indices.set(prevIndicesPos + 4,prevNumberOfVertices + 3); this.indices.set(prevIndicesPos + 5,prevNumberOfVertices); if(this.colored) { var red = 1.0; var green = 1.0; var blue = 1.0; var alpha = 1.0; if(transform != null) { red = transform.redMultiplier; green = transform.greenMultiplier; blue = transform.blueMultiplier; alpha = transform.alphaMultiplier; } var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); var Value = Math.round(red * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(green * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(blue * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; var color1 = color; this.colors.set(prevColorsPos,color1); this.colors.set(prevColorsPos + 1,color1); this.colors.set(prevColorsPos + 2,color1); this.colors.set(prevColorsPos + 3,color1); this.colorsPosition += 4; } this.verticesPosition += 8; this.indicesPosition += 6; } ,get_numVertices: function() { return this.vertices.get_length() / 2 | 0; } ,get_numTriangles: function() { return this.indices.get_length() / 3 | 0; } ,__class__: flixel_graphics_tile_FlxDrawTrianglesItem }); var openfl_display_Shader = function(code) { this.byteCode = code; this.precisionHint = 1; this.__glSourceDirty = true; this.__numPasses = 1; this.__data = openfl_display__$ShaderData_ShaderData_$Impl_$._new(code); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Shader"] = openfl_display_Shader; openfl_display_Shader.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Shader"]; openfl_display_Shader.prototype = { byteCode: null ,glProgram: null ,precisionHint: null ,program: null ,__alpha: null ,__bitmap: null ,__colorMultiplier: null ,__colorOffset: null ,__context: null ,__data: null ,__glFragmentSource: null ,__glSourceDirty: null ,__glVertexSource: null ,__hasColorTransform: null ,__inputBitmapData: null ,__isGenerated: null ,__matrix: null ,__numPasses: null ,__paramBool: null ,__paramFloat: null ,__paramInt: null ,__position: null ,__textureCoord: null ,__texture: null ,__textureSize: null ,__clearUseArray: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__paramBool; while(_g < _g1.length) { var parameter = _g1[_g]; ++_g; parameter.__useArray = false; } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__paramFloat; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var parameter1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; parameter1.__useArray = false; } var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__paramInt; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var parameter2 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; parameter2.__useArray = false; } } ,__createGLShader: function(source,type) { var gl = this.__context.gl; var shader = gl.createShader(type); gl.shaderSource(shader,source); gl.compileShader(shader); if(gl.getShaderParameter(shader,gl.COMPILE_STATUS) == 0) { var message = type == gl.VERTEX_SHADER ? "Error compiling vertex shader" : "Error compiling fragment shader"; message += "\n" + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader); message += "\n" + source; lime_utils_Log.error(message,{ fileName : "Shader.hx", lineNumber : 184, className : "openfl.display.Shader", methodName : "__createGLShader"}); } return shader; } ,__createGLProgram: function(vertexSource,fragmentSource) { var gl = this.__context.gl; var vertexShader = this.__createGLShader(vertexSource,gl.VERTEX_SHADER); var fragmentShader = this.__createGLShader(fragmentSource,gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); var program = gl.createProgram(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__paramFloat; while(_g < _g1.length) { var param = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(param.name.indexOf("Position") > -1 && StringTools.startsWith(param.name,"openfl_")) { gl.bindAttribLocation(program,0,param.name); break; } } gl.attachShader(program,vertexShader); gl.attachShader(program,fragmentShader); gl.linkProgram(program); if(gl.getProgramParameter(program,gl.LINK_STATUS) == 0) { var message = "Unable to initialize the shader program"; message += "\n" + gl.getProgramInfoLog(program); lime_utils_Log.error(message,{ fileName : "Shader.hx", lineNumber : 224, className : "openfl.display.Shader", methodName : "__createGLProgram"}); } return program; } ,__disable: function() { if(this.program != null) { this.__disableGL(); } } ,__disableGL: function() { var gl = this.__context.gl; var textureCount = 0; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__inputBitmapData; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.__disableGL(this.__context,textureCount); ++textureCount; } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__paramBool; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var parameter = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; parameter.__disableGL(this.__context); } var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__paramFloat; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var parameter1 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; parameter1.__disableGL(this.__context); } var _g4 = 0; var _g13 = this.__paramInt; while(_g4 < _g13.length) { var parameter2 = _g13[_g4]; ++_g4; parameter2.__disableGL(this.__context); } this.__context.__bindGLArrayBuffer(null); if(this.__context.__context.type == "opengl") { gl.disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D); } } ,__enable: function() { this.__init(); if(this.program != null) { this.__enableGL(); } } ,__enableGL: function() { var textureCount = 0; var gl = this.__context.gl; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__inputBitmapData; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; gl.uniform1i(input.index,textureCount); ++textureCount; } if(this.__context.__context.type == "opengl" && textureCount > 0) { gl.enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D); } } ,__init: function() { if(this.__data == null) { this.__data = openfl_display__$ShaderData_ShaderData_$Impl_$._new(null); } if(this.__glFragmentSource != null && this.__glVertexSource != null && (this.program == null || this.__glSourceDirty)) { this.__initGL(); } } ,__initGL: function() { if(this.__glSourceDirty || this.__paramBool == null) { this.__glSourceDirty = false; this.program = null; this.__inputBitmapData = []; this.__paramBool = []; this.__paramFloat = []; this.__paramInt = []; this.__processGLData(this.get_glVertexSource(),"attribute"); this.__processGLData(this.get_glVertexSource(),"uniform"); this.__processGLData(this.get_glFragmentSource(),"uniform"); } if(this.__context != null && this.program == null) { var gl = this.__context.gl; var prefix = "#ifdef GL_ES\n\t\t\t\t" + (this.precisionHint == 1 ? "#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\n\t\t\t\tprecision highp float;\n\t\t\t\t#else\n\t\t\t\tprecision mediump float;\n\t\t\t\t#endif" : "precision lowp float;") + "\n\t\t\t\t#endif\n\t\t\t\t"; var vertex = prefix + this.get_glVertexSource(); var fragment = prefix + this.get_glFragmentSource(); var id = vertex + fragment; var _this = this.__context.__programs; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.__context.__programs; this.program = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id) : _this1.h[id]; } else { this.program = this.__context.createProgram(1); this.program.__glProgram = this.__createGLProgram(vertex,fragment); var value = this.program; var _this2 = this.__context.__programs; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this2.setReserved(id,value); } else { _this2.h[id] = value; } } if(this.program != null) { this.glProgram = this.program.__glProgram; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__inputBitmapData; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(input.__isUniform) { input.index = gl.getUniformLocation(this.glProgram,input.name); } else { input.index = gl.getAttribLocation(this.glProgram,input.name); } } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__paramBool; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var parameter = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; if(parameter.__isUniform) { parameter.index = gl.getUniformLocation(this.glProgram,parameter.name); } else { parameter.index = gl.getAttribLocation(this.glProgram,parameter.name); } } var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__paramFloat; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var parameter1 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; if(parameter1.__isUniform) { parameter1.index = gl.getUniformLocation(this.glProgram,parameter1.name); } else { parameter1.index = gl.getAttribLocation(this.glProgram,parameter1.name); } } var _g4 = 0; var _g13 = this.__paramInt; while(_g4 < _g13.length) { var parameter2 = _g13[_g4]; ++_g4; if(parameter2.__isUniform) { parameter2.index = gl.getUniformLocation(this.glProgram,parameter2.name); } else { parameter2.index = gl.getAttribLocation(this.glProgram,parameter2.name); } } } } } ,__processGLData: function(source,storageType) { var lastMatch = 0; var position; var regex; var name; var type; if(storageType == "uniform") { regex = new EReg("uniform ([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)",""); } else { regex = new EReg("attribute ([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)",""); } while(regex.matchSub(source,lastMatch)) { type = regex.matched(1); name = regex.matched(2); if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"gl_")) { continue; } var isUniform = storageType == "uniform"; if(StringTools.startsWith(type,"sampler")) { var input = new openfl_display_ShaderInput(); input.name = name; input.__isUniform = isUniform; this.__inputBitmapData.push(input); switch(name) { case "bitmap": this.__bitmap = input; break; case "openfl_Texture": this.__texture = input; break; default: } this.__data[name] = input; if(this.__isGenerated) { this[name] = input; } } else if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.__data,name) || Reflect.field(this.__data,name) == null) { var parameterType; switch(type) { case "bool": parameterType = 0; break; case "bvec2": parameterType = 1; break; case "bvec3": parameterType = 2; break; case "bvec4": parameterType = 3; break; case "dvec2":case "vec2": parameterType = 5; break; case "dvec3":case "vec3": parameterType = 6; break; case "double":case "float": parameterType = 4; break; case "ivec3":case "uvec3": parameterType = 10; break; case "ivec4":case "uvec4": parameterType = 11; break; case "mat2":case "mat2x2": parameterType = 12; break; case "mat2x3": parameterType = 13; break; case "mat2x4": parameterType = 14; break; case "mat3x2": parameterType = 15; break; case "mat3":case "mat3x3": parameterType = 16; break; case "mat3x4": parameterType = 17; break; case "mat4":case "mat4x4": parameterType = 20; break; case "mat4x2": parameterType = 18; break; case "mat4x3": parameterType = 19; break; case "int":case "uint": parameterType = 8; break; case "ivec2":case "uvec2": parameterType = 9; break; case "dvec4":case "vec4": parameterType = 7; break; default: parameterType = null; } var length; switch(parameterType) { case 1:case 5:case 9: length = 2; break; case 3:case 7:case 11:case 12: length = 4; break; case 2:case 6:case 10: length = 3; break; case 16: length = 9; break; case 20: length = 16; break; default: length = 1; } var arrayLength; switch(parameterType) { case 12: arrayLength = 2; break; case 16: arrayLength = 3; break; case 20: arrayLength = 4; break; default: arrayLength = 1; } switch(parameterType) { case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3: var parameter = new openfl_display_ShaderParameter(); parameter.set_name(name); parameter.type = parameterType; parameter.__arrayLength = arrayLength; parameter.__isBool = true; parameter.__isUniform = isUniform; parameter.__length = length; this.__paramBool.push(parameter); if(name == "openfl_HasColorTransform") { this.__hasColorTransform = parameter; } this.__data[name] = parameter; if(this.__isGenerated) { this[name] = parameter; } break; case 8:case 9:case 10:case 11: var parameter1 = new openfl_display_ShaderParameter(); parameter1.set_name(name); parameter1.type = parameterType; parameter1.__arrayLength = arrayLength; parameter1.__isInt = true; parameter1.__isUniform = isUniform; parameter1.__length = length; this.__paramInt.push(parameter1); this.__data[name] = parameter1; if(this.__isGenerated) { this[name] = parameter1; } break; default: var parameter2 = new openfl_display_ShaderParameter(); parameter2.set_name(name); parameter2.type = parameterType; parameter2.__arrayLength = arrayLength; if(arrayLength > 0) { var elements = arrayLength * arrayLength; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Float32Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } parameter2.__uniformMatrix = this1; } parameter2.__isFloat = true; parameter2.__isUniform = isUniform; parameter2.__length = length; this.__paramFloat.push(parameter2); if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"openfl_")) { switch(name) { case "openfl_Alpha": this.__alpha = parameter2; break; case "openfl_ColorMultiplier": this.__colorMultiplier = parameter2; break; case "openfl_ColorOffset": this.__colorOffset = parameter2; break; case "openfl_Matrix": this.__matrix = parameter2; break; case "openfl_Position": this.__position = parameter2; break; case "openfl_TextureCoord": this.__textureCoord = parameter2; break; case "openfl_TextureSize": this.__textureSize = parameter2; break; default: } } this.__data[name] = parameter2; if(this.__isGenerated) { this[name] = parameter2; } } } position = regex.matchedPos(); lastMatch = position.pos + position.len; } } ,__update: function() { if(this.program != null) { this.__updateGL(); } } ,__updateFromBuffer: function(shaderBuffer,bufferOffset) { if(this.program != null) { this.__updateGLFromBuffer(shaderBuffer,bufferOffset); } } ,__updateGL: function() { var textureCount = 0; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__inputBitmapData; while(_g < _g1.length) { var input = _g1[_g]; ++_g; input.__updateGL(this.__context,textureCount); ++textureCount; } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__paramBool; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var parameter = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; parameter.__updateGL(this.__context); } var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.__paramFloat; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var parameter1 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; parameter1.__updateGL(this.__context); } var _g4 = 0; var _g13 = this.__paramInt; while(_g4 < _g13.length) { var parameter2 = _g13[_g4]; ++_g4; parameter2.__updateGL(this.__context); } } ,__updateGLFromBuffer: function(shaderBuffer,bufferOffset) { var textureCount = 0; var input; var inputData; var inputFilter; var inputMipFilter; var inputWrap; var _g1 = 0; var _g = shaderBuffer.inputCount; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; input = shaderBuffer.inputRefs[i]; inputData = shaderBuffer.inputs[i]; inputFilter = shaderBuffer.inputFilter[i]; inputMipFilter = shaderBuffer.inputMipFilter[i]; inputWrap = shaderBuffer.inputWrap[i]; if(inputData != null) { input.__updateGL(this.__context,textureCount,inputData,inputFilter,inputMipFilter,inputWrap); ++textureCount; } } var gl = this.__context.gl; if(shaderBuffer.paramDataLength > 0) { if(shaderBuffer.paramDataBuffer == null) { shaderBuffer.paramDataBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); } this.__context.__bindGLArrayBuffer(shaderBuffer.paramDataBuffer); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.bufferData(gl,gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,shaderBuffer.paramData,gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW); } else { this.__context.__bindGLArrayBuffer(null); } var boolIndex = 0; var floatIndex = 0; var intIndex = 0; var boolCount = shaderBuffer.paramBoolCount; var floatCount = shaderBuffer.paramFloatCount; var paramData = shaderBuffer.paramData; var boolRef; var floatRef; var intRef; var hasOverride; var overrideBoolValue = null; var overrideFloatValue = null; var overrideIntValue = null; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = shaderBuffer.paramCount; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; hasOverride = false; if(i1 < boolCount) { boolRef = shaderBuffer.paramRefs_Bool[boolIndex]; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = shaderBuffer.overrideBoolCount; while(_g3 < _g21) { var j = _g3++; if(boolRef.name == shaderBuffer.overrideBoolNames[j]) { overrideBoolValue = shaderBuffer.overrideBoolValues[j]; hasOverride = true; break; } } if(hasOverride) { boolRef.__updateGL(this.__context,overrideBoolValue); } else { boolRef.__updateGLFromBuffer(this.__context,paramData,shaderBuffer.paramPositions[i1],shaderBuffer.paramLengths[i1],bufferOffset); } ++boolIndex; } else if(i1 < boolCount + floatCount) { floatRef = shaderBuffer.paramRefs_Float[floatIndex]; var _g31 = 0; var _g22 = shaderBuffer.overrideFloatCount; while(_g31 < _g22) { var j1 = _g31++; if(floatRef.name == shaderBuffer.overrideFloatNames[j1]) { overrideFloatValue = shaderBuffer.overrideFloatValues[j1]; hasOverride = true; break; } } if(hasOverride) { floatRef.__updateGL(this.__context,overrideFloatValue); } else { floatRef.__updateGLFromBuffer(this.__context,paramData,shaderBuffer.paramPositions[i1],shaderBuffer.paramLengths[i1],bufferOffset); } ++floatIndex; } else { intRef = shaderBuffer.paramRefs_Int[intIndex]; var _g32 = 0; var _g23 = shaderBuffer.overrideIntCount; while(_g32 < _g23) { var j2 = _g32++; if(intRef.name == shaderBuffer.overrideIntNames[j2]) { overrideIntValue = shaderBuffer.overrideIntValues[j2]; hasOverride = true; break; } } if(hasOverride) { intRef.__updateGL(this.__context,overrideIntValue); } else { intRef.__updateGLFromBuffer(this.__context,paramData,shaderBuffer.paramPositions[i1],shaderBuffer.paramLengths[i1],bufferOffset); } ++intIndex; } } } ,get_data: function() { if(this.__glSourceDirty || this.__data == null) { this.__init(); } return this.__data; } ,set_data: function(value) { return this.__data = value; } ,get_glFragmentSource: function() { return this.__glFragmentSource; } ,set_glFragmentSource: function(value) { if(value != this.__glFragmentSource) { this.__glSourceDirty = true; } return this.__glFragmentSource = value; } ,get_glVertexSource: function() { return this.__glVertexSource; } ,set_glVertexSource: function(value) { if(value != this.__glVertexSource) { this.__glSourceDirty = true; } return this.__glVertexSource = value; } ,__class__: openfl_display_Shader ,__properties__: {set_glVertexSource:"set_glVertexSource",get_glVertexSource:"get_glVertexSource",set_glFragmentSource:"set_glFragmentSource",get_glFragmentSource:"get_glFragmentSource",set_data:"set_data",get_data:"get_data"} }; var openfl_display_GraphicsShader = function(code) { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "varying float openfl_Alphav;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplierv;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorOffsetv;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform bool openfl_HasColorTransform;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\tuniform sampler2D bitmap;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D (bitmap, openfl_TextureCoordv);\n\t\t\n\t\tif (color.a == 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t} else if (openfl_HasColorTransform) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tcolor = vec4 (color.rgb / color.a, color.a);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tmat4 colorMultiplier = mat4 (0);\n\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[0][0] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.x;\n\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[1][1] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.y;\n\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[2][2] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.z;\n\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[3][3] = 1.0; // openfl_ColorMultiplierv.w;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tcolor = clamp (openfl_ColorOffsetv + (color * colorMultiplier), 0.0, 1.0);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (color.a > 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4 (color.rgb * color.a * openfl_Alphav, color.a * openfl_Alphav);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = color * openfl_Alphav;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "attribute float openfl_Alpha;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplier;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_ColorOffset;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tvarying float openfl_Alphav;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplierv;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorOffsetv;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\tuniform bool openfl_HasColorTransform;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_Alphav = openfl_Alpha;\n\t\topenfl_TextureCoordv = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tif (openfl_HasColorTransform) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_ColorMultiplierv = openfl_ColorMultiplier;\n\t\t\topenfl_ColorOffsetv = openfl_ColorOffset / 255.0;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } openfl_display_Shader.call(this,code); this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsShader"] = openfl_display_GraphicsShader; openfl_display_GraphicsShader.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsShader"]; openfl_display_GraphicsShader.__super__ = openfl_display_Shader; openfl_display_GraphicsShader.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Shader.prototype,{ openfl_Alpha: null ,openfl_ColorMultiplier: null ,openfl_ColorOffset: null ,openfl_Position: null ,openfl_TextureCoord: null ,openfl_Matrix: null ,openfl_HasColorTransform: null ,openfl_TextureSize: null ,bitmap: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsShader }); var flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader = function() { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "\n\t\tvarying float openfl_Alphav;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplierv;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorOffsetv;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform bool openfl_HasColorTransform;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\tuniform sampler2D bitmap;\n\n\t\tuniform bool hasTransform;\n\t\tuniform bool hasColorTransform;\n\n\t\tvec4 flixel_texture2D(sampler2D bitmap, vec2 coord)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D(bitmap, coord);\n\t\t\tif (!hasTransform)\n\t\t\t\treturn color;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (color.a == 0.0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (hasColorTransform)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tcolor = vec4(color.rgb / color.a, color.a);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tmat4 colorMultiplier = mat4(0);\n\t\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[0][0] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.x;\n\t\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[1][1] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.y;\n\t\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[2][2] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.z;\n\t\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[3][3] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.w;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tcolor = clamp(openfl_ColorOffsetv + (color * colorMultiplier), 0.0, 1.0);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif (color.a > 0.0)\n\t\t\t\t\treturn vec4(color.rgb * color.a * openfl_Alphav, color.a * openfl_Alphav);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\treturn vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn color * openfl_Alphav;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = flixel_texture2D(bitmap, openfl_TextureCoordv);\n\t\t}"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "\n\t\tattribute float openfl_Alpha;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplier;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_ColorOffset;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tvarying float openfl_Alphav;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplierv;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorOffsetv;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\tuniform bool openfl_HasColorTransform;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\n\t\t\n\t\tattribute float alpha;\n\t\tattribute vec4 colorMultiplier;\n\t\tattribute vec4 colorOffset;\n\t\tuniform bool hasColorTransform;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\topenfl_Alphav = openfl_Alpha;\n\t\topenfl_TextureCoordv = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tif (openfl_HasColorTransform) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_ColorMultiplierv = openfl_ColorMultiplier;\n\t\t\topenfl_ColorOffsetv = openfl_ColorOffset / 255.0;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_Alphav = openfl_Alpha * alpha;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (hasColorTransform)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\topenfl_ColorOffsetv = colorOffset / 255.0;\n\t\t\t\topenfl_ColorMultiplierv = colorMultiplier;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}"; } openfl_display_GraphicsShader.call(this); this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.graphics.tile.FlxGraphicsShader"] = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader.__name__ = ["flixel","graphics","tile","FlxGraphicsShader"]; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader.__super__ = openfl_display_GraphicsShader; flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_GraphicsShader.prototype,{ alpha: null ,colorMultiplier: null ,colorOffset: null ,hasColorTransform: null ,hasTransform: null ,__class__: flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader }); var flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator = function(GroupMembers,filter) { this._groupMembers = GroupMembers; this._filter = filter; this._cursor = 0; this._length = this._groupMembers.length; }; $hxClasses["flixel.group.FlxTypedGroupIterator"] = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator.__name__ = ["flixel","group","FlxTypedGroupIterator"]; flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator.prototype = { _groupMembers: null ,_filter: null ,_cursor: null ,_length: null ,next: function() { if(this.hasNext()) { return this._groupMembers[this._cursor++]; } else { return null; } } ,hasNext: function() { while(this._cursor < this._length && (this._groupMembers[this._cursor] == null || this._filter != null && !this._filter(this._groupMembers[this._cursor]))) this._cursor++; return this._cursor < this._length; } ,__class__: flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator }; var flixel_input_FlxAccelerometer = function() { this.z = 0; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; if(openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.get_isSupported()) { this._sensor = new openfl_sensors_Accelerometer(); this._sensor.addEventListener("update",$bind(this,this.update)); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.FlxAccelerometer"] = flixel_input_FlxAccelerometer; flixel_input_FlxAccelerometer.__name__ = ["flixel","input","FlxAccelerometer"]; flixel_input_FlxAccelerometer.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,z: null ,_sensor: null ,get_isSupported: function() { return openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.get_isSupported(); } ,update: function(Event) { this.x = Event.accelerationX; this.y = Event.accelerationY; this.z = Event.accelerationZ; this.x /= 10; this.y /= 10; this.z /= 10; } ,__class__: flixel_input_FlxAccelerometer ,__properties__: {get_isSupported:"get_isSupported"} }; var flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList = function(status,keyManager) { this.status = status; this.keyManager = keyManager; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.FlxBaseKeyList"] = flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList; flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","FlxBaseKeyList"]; flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList.prototype = { status: null ,keyManager: null ,check: function(keyCode) { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(keyCode,this.status); } ,get_ANY: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.keyManager._keyListArray; while(_g < _g1.length) { var key = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(key != null && this.keyManager.checkStatus(key.ID,this.status)) { return true; } } return false; } ,__class__: flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList ,__properties__: {get_ANY:"get_ANY"} }; var flixel_input_IFlxInput = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.IFlxInput"] = flixel_input_IFlxInput; flixel_input_IFlxInput.__name__ = ["flixel","input","IFlxInput"]; flixel_input_IFlxInput.prototype = { get_justPressed: null ,get_pressed: null ,get_released: null ,get_justReleased: null ,__class__: flixel_input_IFlxInput ,__properties__: {get_justPressed:"get_justPressed",get_pressed:"get_pressed",get_released:"get_released",get_justReleased:"get_justReleased"} }; var flixel_input_FlxInput = function(ID) { this.last = 0; this.current = 0; this.ID = ID; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.FlxInput"] = flixel_input_FlxInput; flixel_input_FlxInput.__name__ = ["flixel","input","FlxInput"]; flixel_input_FlxInput.__interfaces__ = [flixel_input_IFlxInput]; flixel_input_FlxInput.prototype = { ID: null ,current: null ,last: null ,press: function() { this.last = this.current; this.current = this.current == 1 || this.current == 2 ? 1 : 2; } ,release: function() { this.last = this.current; this.current = this.current == 1 || this.current == 2 ? -1 : 0; } ,update: function() { if(this.last == -1 && this.current == -1) { this.current = 0; } else if(this.last == 2 && this.current == 2) { this.current = 1; } this.last = this.current; } ,reset: function() { this.current = 0; this.last = 0; } ,hasState: function(state) { switch(state) { case -1: return this.current == -1; case 0: if(this.current != 0) { return this.current == -1; } else { return true; } break; case 1: if(this.current != 1) { return this.current == 2; } else { return true; } break; case 2: return this.current == 2; } } ,get_justReleased: function() { return this.current == -1; } ,get_released: function() { if(this.current != 0) { return this.current == -1; } else { return true; } } ,get_pressed: function() { if(this.current != 1) { return this.current == 2; } else { return true; } } ,get_justPressed: function() { return this.current == 2; } ,__class__: flixel_input_FlxInput ,__properties__: {get_justPressed:"get_justPressed",get_pressed:"get_pressed",get_released:"get_released",get_justReleased:"get_justReleased"} }; var flixel_input_IFlxInputManager = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.IFlxInputManager"] = flixel_input_IFlxInputManager; flixel_input_IFlxInputManager.__name__ = ["flixel","input","IFlxInputManager"]; flixel_input_IFlxInputManager.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_input_IFlxInputManager.prototype = { reset: null ,update: null ,onFocus: null ,onFocusLost: null ,__class__: flixel_input_IFlxInputManager }; var flixel_input_FlxKeyManager = function(createKeyList) { this._keyListMap = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this._keyListArray = []; this.preventDefaultKeys = []; this.enabled = true; openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("keyDown",$bind(this,this.onKeyDown)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("keyUp",$bind(this,this.onKeyUp)); this.pressed = createKeyList(1,this); this.justPressed = createKeyList(2,this); this.justReleased = createKeyList(-1,this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.FlxKeyManager"] = flixel_input_FlxKeyManager; flixel_input_FlxKeyManager.__name__ = ["flixel","input","FlxKeyManager"]; flixel_input_FlxKeyManager.__interfaces__ = [flixel_input_IFlxInputManager]; flixel_input_FlxKeyManager.prototype = { enabled: null ,preventDefaultKeys: null ,pressed: null ,justPressed: null ,justReleased: null ,_keyListArray: null ,_keyListMap: null ,anyPressed: function(KeyArray) { return this.checkKeyArrayState(KeyArray,1); } ,anyJustPressed: function(KeyArray) { return this.checkKeyArrayState(KeyArray,2); } ,anyJustReleased: function(KeyArray) { return this.checkKeyArrayState(KeyArray,-1); } ,firstPressed: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._keyListArray; while(_g < _g1.length) { var key = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(key != null && (key.current == 1 || key.current == 2)) { return key.ID; } } return -1; } ,firstJustPressed: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._keyListArray; while(_g < _g1.length) { var key = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(key != null && key.current == 2) { return key.ID; } } return -1; } ,firstJustReleased: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._keyListArray; while(_g < _g1.length) { var key = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(key != null && key.current == -1) { return key.ID; } } return -1; } ,checkStatus: function(KeyCode,Status) { var key = this._keyListMap.get(KeyCode); if(key != null) { if(key.hasState(Status)) { return true; } } return false; } ,getIsDown: function() { var keysDown = []; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._keyListArray; while(_g < _g1.length) { var key = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(key != null && (key.current == 1 || key.current == 2)) { keysDown.push(key); } } return keysDown; } ,destroy: function() { this._keyListArray = null; this._keyListMap = null; } ,reset: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._keyListArray; while(_g < _g1.length) { var key = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(key != null) { key.release(); } } } ,update: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._keyListArray; while(_g < _g1.length) { var key = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(key != null) { key.update(); } } } ,checkKeyArrayState: function(KeyArray,State) { if(KeyArray == null) { return false; } var _g = 0; while(_g < KeyArray.length) { var code = KeyArray[_g]; ++_g; var key = this._keyListMap.get(code); if(key != null) { if(key.hasState(State)) { return true; } } } return false; } ,onKeyUp: function(event) { var c = this.resolveKeyCode(event); this.handlePreventDefaultKeys(c,event); if(this.enabled) { var key = this._keyListMap.get(c); if(key != null) { key.release(); } } } ,onKeyDown: function(event) { var c = this.resolveKeyCode(event); this.handlePreventDefaultKeys(c,event); if(this.enabled) { var key = this._keyListMap.get(c); if(key != null) { key.press(); } } } ,handlePreventDefaultKeys: function(keyCode,event) { var key = this._keyListMap.get(keyCode); if(key != null && this.preventDefaultKeys != null && this.preventDefaultKeys.indexOf(key.ID) != -1) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } } ,inKeyArray: function(KeyArray,Event) { if(KeyArray == null) { return false; } else { var code = this.resolveKeyCode(Event); var _g = 0; while(_g < KeyArray.length) { var key = KeyArray[_g]; ++_g; if(key == code || key == -2) { return true; } } } return false; } ,resolveKeyCode: function(e) { return e.keyCode; } ,updateKeyStates: function(KeyCode,Down) { var key = this._keyListMap.get(KeyCode); if(key != null) { if(Down) { key.press(); } else { key.release(); } } } ,onFocus: function() { } ,onFocusLost: function() { this.reset(); } ,getKey: function(KeyCode) { return this._keyListMap.h[KeyCode]; } ,__class__: flixel_input_FlxKeyManager }; var flixel_input_FlxPointer = function() { this._globalScreenY = 0; this._globalScreenX = 0; this.screenY = 0; this.screenX = 0; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.FlxPointer"] = flixel_input_FlxPointer; flixel_input_FlxPointer.__name__ = ["flixel","input","FlxPointer"]; flixel_input_FlxPointer.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,screenX: null ,screenY: null ,_globalScreenX: null ,_globalScreenY: null ,getWorldPosition: function(Camera,point) { if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } this.getScreenPosition(Camera,flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint); point.set_x(flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint.x + Camera.scroll.x); point.set_y(flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint.y + Camera.scroll.y); return point; } ,getScreenPosition: function(Camera,point) { if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } point.set_x((this._globalScreenX - Camera.x + 0.5 * Camera.width * (Camera.zoom - Camera.initialZoom)) / Camera.zoom); point.set_y((this._globalScreenY - Camera.y + 0.5 * Camera.height * (Camera.zoom - Camera.initialZoom)) / Camera.zoom); return point; } ,getPositionInCameraView: function(Camera,point) { if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } point.set_x((this._globalScreenX - Camera.x) / Camera.zoom + Camera.viewOffsetX); point.set_y((this._globalScreenY - Camera.y) / Camera.zoom + Camera.viewOffsetY); return point; } ,getPosition: function(point) { if(point == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; point = point1; } return point.set(this.x,this.y); } ,overlaps: function(ObjectOrGroup,Camera) { var _gthis = this; var result = false; var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(ObjectOrGroup); if(group != null) { group.forEachExists(function(basic) { if(_gthis.overlaps(basic,Camera)) { result = true; return; } }); } else { this.getPosition(flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint); var object = ObjectOrGroup; result = object.overlapsPoint(flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint,true,Camera); } return result; } ,setGlobalScreenPositionUnsafe: function(newX,newY) { this._globalScreenX = newX / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x | 0; this._globalScreenY = newY / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y | 0; this.updatePositions(); } ,toString: function() { var value = this.x; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "x"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.y; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "y"; _this1.value = value1; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1]); } ,updatePositions: function() { this.getScreenPosition(flixel_FlxG.camera,flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint); this.screenX = flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint.x | 0; this.screenY = flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint.y | 0; this.getWorldPosition(flixel_FlxG.camera,flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint); this.x = flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint.x | 0; this.y = flixel_input_FlxPointer._cachedPoint.y | 0; } ,__class__: flixel_input_FlxPointer }; var flixel_input_FlxSwipe = function(ID,StartPosition,EndPosition,StartTimeInTicks) { this.ID = ID; this.startPosition = StartPosition; this.endPosition = EndPosition; this._startTimeInTicks = StartTimeInTicks; this._endTimeInTicks = flixel_FlxG.game.ticks; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.FlxSwipe"] = flixel_input_FlxSwipe; flixel_input_FlxSwipe.__name__ = ["flixel","input","FlxSwipe"]; flixel_input_FlxSwipe.prototype = { ID: null ,startPosition: null ,endPosition: null ,_startTimeInTicks: null ,_endTimeInTicks: null ,toString: function() { var value = this.ID; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "ID"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.startPosition; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "start"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this.endPosition; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "end"; _this2.value = value2; var dx = this.startPosition.x - this.endPosition.x; var dy = this.startPosition.y - this.endPosition.y; var value3 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "distance"; _this3.value = value3; var value4 = this.startPosition.angleBetween(this.endPosition); var _this4 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this4.label = "angle"; _this4.value = value4; var value5 = (this._endTimeInTicks - this._startTimeInTicks) / 1000; var _this5 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this5.label = "duration"; _this5.value = value5; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2,_this3,_this4,_this5]); } ,get_distance: function() { var dx = this.startPosition.x - this.endPosition.x; var dy = this.startPosition.y - this.endPosition.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } ,get_angle: function() { return this.startPosition.angleBetween(this.endPosition); } ,get_duration: function() { return (this._endTimeInTicks - this._startTimeInTicks) / 1000; } ,__class__: flixel_input_FlxSwipe ,__properties__: {get_duration:"get_duration",get_angle:"get_angle",get_distance:"get_distance"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepad = function(ID,Manager,Model,Attachment) { this.buttons = []; this._deadZone = 0.15; this.axisActive = false; var _g = []; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 6) { var i = _g1++; _g.push(0); } this.axis = _g; this.deadZoneMode = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.INDEPENDENT_AXES; this.connected = true; this.id = ID; this.manager = Manager; this.pressed = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList(1,this); this.released = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList(0,this); this.justPressed = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList(2,this); this.justReleased = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList(-1,this); this.analog = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogList(this); this.motion = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadMotionValueList(this); this.pointer = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadPointerValueList(this); if(Model == null) { Model = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.XINPUT; } if(Attachment == null) { Attachment = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.NONE; } this.set_model(Model); this.detectedModel = Model; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepad"] = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepad; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepad.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","FlxGamepad"]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepad.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepad.prototype = { id: null ,model: null ,detectedModel: null ,mapping: null ,connected: null ,attachment: null ,deadZoneMode: null ,pressed: null ,released: null ,justPressed: null ,justReleased: null ,analog: null ,motion: null ,pointer: null ,axis: null ,axisActive: null ,manager: null ,_deadZone: null ,_device: null ,buttons: null ,getButton: function(RawID) { if(RawID == -1) { return null; } var gamepadButton = this.buttons[RawID]; if(gamepadButton == null) { gamepadButton = new flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadButton(RawID); this.buttons[RawID] = gamepadButton; } return gamepadButton; } ,applyAxisFlip: function(axisValue,axisID) { if(this.mapping.isAxisFlipped(axisID)) { axisValue *= -1; } return axisValue; } ,update: function() { var control; var button; if(this._device == null) { return; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._device.get_numControls(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; control = this._device.getControlAt(i); button = this.getButton(i); if(this.isAxisForAnalogStick(i)) { this.handleAxisMove(i,control.value,button.value); } button.value = control.value; var value = Math.abs(control.value); if(value < this.get_deadZone()) { button.release(); } else if(value > this.get_deadZone()) { button.press(); } } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.buttons; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var button1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; if(button1 != null) { button1.update(); } } } ,reset: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.buttons; while(_g < _g1.length) { var button = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(button != null) { button.reset(); } } var numAxis = this.axis.length; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = numAxis; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i = _g11++; this.axis[i] = 0; } } ,destroy: function() { this.connected = false; this.buttons = null; this.axis = null; this.manager = null; } ,checkStatus: function(ID,Status) { switch(ID) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = this.mapping.getRawID(ID); var button = this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } ,checkStatusRaw: function(RawID,Status) { if(this.buttons[RawID] != null) { return this.buttons[RawID].current == Status; } return false; } ,anyPressed: function(IDArray) { var _g = 0; while(_g < IDArray.length) { var id = IDArray[_g]; ++_g; var raw = this.mapping.getRawID(id); if(this.buttons[raw] != null) { var _this = this.buttons[raw]; if(_this.current == 1 || _this.current == 2) { return true; } } } return false; } ,anyPressedRaw: function(RawIDArray) { var _g = 0; while(_g < RawIDArray.length) { var b = RawIDArray[_g]; ++_g; if(this.buttons[b] != null) { var _this = this.buttons[b]; if(_this.current == 1 || _this.current == 2) { return true; } } } return false; } ,anyJustPressed: function(IDArray) { var _g = 0; while(_g < IDArray.length) { var b = IDArray[_g]; ++_g; var raw = this.mapping.getRawID(b); if(this.buttons[raw] != null) { if(this.buttons[raw].current == 2) { return true; } } } return false; } ,anyJustPressedRaw: function(RawIDArray) { var _g = 0; while(_g < RawIDArray.length) { var b = RawIDArray[_g]; ++_g; if(this.buttons[b] != null) { if(this.buttons[b].current == 2) { return true; } } } return false; } ,anyJustReleased: function(IDArray) { var _g = 0; while(_g < IDArray.length) { var b = IDArray[_g]; ++_g; var raw = this.mapping.getRawID(b); if(this.buttons[raw] != null) { if(this.buttons[raw].current == -1) { return true; } } } return false; } ,anyJustReleasedRaw: function(RawIDArray) { var _g = 0; while(_g < RawIDArray.length) { var b = RawIDArray[_g]; ++_g; if(this.buttons[b] != null) { if(this.buttons[b].current == -1) { return true; } } } return false; } ,firstPressedID: function() { return this.mapping.getID(this.firstPressedRawID()); } ,firstPressedRawID: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.buttons; while(_g < _g1.length) { var button = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(button != null && (button.current == 0 || button.current == -1)) { return button.ID; } } return -1; } ,firstJustPressedID: function() { return this.mapping.getID(this.firstJustPressedRawID()); } ,firstJustPressedRawID: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.buttons; while(_g < _g1.length) { var button = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(button != null && button.current == 2) { return button.ID; } } return -1; } ,firstJustReleasedID: function() { return this.mapping.getID(this.firstJustReleasedRawID()); } ,firstJustReleasedRawID: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.buttons; while(_g < _g1.length) { var button = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(button != null && button.current == -1) { return button.ID; } } return -1; } ,getAxis: function(AxisButtonID) { var axisValue = this.getAxisValue(this.mapping.getRawID(AxisButtonID)); if(Math.abs(axisValue) > this.get_deadZone()) { return axisValue; } else { return 0; } } ,getAxisRaw: function(RawAxisID) { var axisValue = this.getAxisValue(RawAxisID); if(Math.abs(axisValue) > this.get_deadZone()) { return axisValue; } return 0; } ,isAxisForAnalogStick: function(AxisIndex) { var leftStick = this.mapping.leftStick; var rightStick = this.mapping.rightStick; if(leftStick != null) { if(AxisIndex == leftStick.x || AxisIndex == leftStick.y) { return true; } } if(rightStick != null) { if(AxisIndex == rightStick.x || AxisIndex == rightStick.y) { return true; } } return false; } ,getAnalogStickByAxis: function(AxisIndex) { var leftStick = this.mapping.leftStick; var rightStick = this.mapping.rightStick; if(leftStick != null && AxisIndex == leftStick.x || AxisIndex == leftStick.y) { return leftStick; } if(rightStick != null && AxisIndex == rightStick.x || AxisIndex == rightStick.y) { return rightStick; } return null; } ,getXAxis: function(AxesButtonID) { return this.getAnalogXAxisValue(this.mapping.getAnalogStick(AxesButtonID)); } ,getXAxisRaw: function(Stick) { return this.getAnalogXAxisValue(Stick); } ,getYAxis: function(AxesButtonID) { return this.getYAxisRaw(this.mapping.getAnalogStick(AxesButtonID)); } ,getYAxisRaw: function(Stick) { return this.getAnalogYAxisValue(Stick); } ,getAnalogAxes: function(AxesButtonID) { var x = this.getAnalogXAxisValue(this.mapping.getAnalogStick(AxesButtonID)); var y = this.getYAxisRaw(this.mapping.getAnalogStick(AxesButtonID)); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(x,y); point._inPool = false; return point; } ,anyButton: function(state) { if(state == null) { state = 1; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.buttons; while(_g < _g1.length) { var button = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(button != null && button.hasState(state)) { return true; } } return false; } ,anyInput: function() { if(this.anyButton()) { return true; } var numAxis = this.axis.length; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numAxis; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.axis[0] != 0) { return true; } } return false; } ,getAxisValue: function(AxisID) { var axisValue = 0; if(AxisID == -1) { return 0; } var tmp; if(this._device != null && this._device.enabled) { var Max = this._device.get_numControls() - 1; if(AxisID >= 0) { if(Max != null) { tmp = AxisID <= Max; } else { tmp = true; } } else { tmp = false; } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { axisValue = this._device.getControlAt(AxisID).value; } if(this.isAxisForAnalogStick(AxisID)) { var axisValue1 = axisValue; if(this.mapping.isAxisFlipped(AxisID)) { axisValue1 *= -1; } axisValue = axisValue1; } return axisValue; } ,getAnalogXAxisValue: function(stick) { if(stick == null) { return 0; } if(this.deadZoneMode == flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.CIRCULAR) { return this.getAnalogAxisValueCircular(stick,stick.x); } else { return this.getAnalogAxisValueIndependent(stick.x); } } ,getAnalogYAxisValue: function(stick) { if(stick == null) { return 0; } if(this.deadZoneMode == flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.CIRCULAR) { return this.getAnalogAxisValueCircular(stick,stick.y); } else { return this.getAnalogAxisValueIndependent(stick.y); } } ,getAnalogAxisValueCircular: function(stick,axisID) { if(stick == null) { return 0; } var xAxis = this.getAxisValue(stick.x); var yAxis = this.getAxisValue(stick.y); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(xAxis,yAxis); point._inPool = false; var vector = point; var length = Math.sqrt(vector.x * vector.x + vector.y * vector.y); vector.put(); if(length > this.get_deadZone()) { return this.getAxisValue(axisID); } return 0; } ,getAnalogAxisValueIndependent: function(axisID) { var axisValue = this.getAxisValue(axisID); if(Math.abs(axisValue) > this.get_deadZone()) { return axisValue; } return 0; } ,handleAxisMove: function(axis,newValue,oldValue) { var axisValue = newValue; if(this.mapping.isAxisFlipped(axis)) { axisValue *= -1; } newValue = axisValue; var axisValue1 = oldValue; if(this.mapping.isAxisFlipped(axis)) { axisValue1 *= -1; } oldValue = axisValue1; var leftStick = this.mapping.leftStick; var rightStick = this.mapping.rightStick; var stick = leftStick != null && axis == leftStick.x || axis == leftStick.y ? leftStick : rightStick != null && axis == rightStick.x || axis == rightStick.y ? rightStick : null; if(stick.mode == flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.ONLY_DIGITAL || stick.mode == flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.BOTH) { this.handleAxisMoveSub(stick,axis,newValue,oldValue,1.0); this.handleAxisMoveSub(stick,axis,newValue,oldValue,-1.0); var tmp = stick.mode == flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.ONLY_DIGITAL; } } ,handleAxisMoveSub: function(stick,axis,value,oldValue,sign) { if(sign == null) { sign = 1.0; } var digitalButton = -1; if(axis == stick.x) { if(sign < 0) { digitalButton = stick.rawLeft; } else { digitalButton = stick.rawRight; } } else if(axis == stick.y) { if(sign < 0) { digitalButton = stick.rawUp; } else { digitalButton = stick.rawDown; } } var threshold = stick.digitalThreshold; var valueSign = value * sign; var oldValueSign = oldValue * sign; if(valueSign > threshold && oldValueSign <= threshold) { var btn = this.getButton(digitalButton); if(btn != null) { btn.press(); } } else if(valueSign <= threshold && oldValueSign > threshold) { var btn1 = this.getButton(digitalButton); if(btn1 != null) { btn1.release(); } } } ,createMappingForModel: function(model) { switch(model[1]) { case 0: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_LogitechMapping(this.attachment); case 1: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_OUYAMapping(this.attachment); case 2: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PS4Mapping(this.attachment); case 3: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PSVitaMapping(this.attachment); case 4: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_XInputMapping(this.attachment); case 5: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MayflashWiiRemoteMapping(this.attachment); case 6: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_WiiRemoteMapping(this.attachment); case 7: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MFiMapping(this.attachment); default: return new flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_XInputMapping(this.attachment); } } ,get_name: function() { if(this._device == null) { return null; } return this._device.name; } ,set_model: function(Model) { this.model = Model; this.mapping = this.createMappingForModel(this.model); return this.model; } ,set_attachment: function(Attachment) { this.attachment = Attachment; this.mapping.set_attachment(Attachment); return this.attachment; } ,get_deadZone: function() { if(this.manager == null || this.manager.globalDeadZone == null) { return this._deadZone; } else { return this.manager.globalDeadZone; } } ,set_deadZone: function(deadZone) { return this._deadZone = deadZone; } ,toString: function() { var value = this.id; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "id"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.model; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "model"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this.get_deadZone(); var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "deadZone"; _this2.value = value2; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2]); } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepad ,__properties__: {set_deadZone:"set_deadZone",get_deadZone:"get_deadZone",set_attachment:"set_attachment",set_model:"set_model",get_name:"get_name"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode = $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","input","gamepad","FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode"], __constructs__ : ["INDEPENDENT_AXES","CIRCULAR"] }; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.INDEPENDENT_AXES = ["INDEPENDENT_AXES",0]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.INDEPENDENT_AXES.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.INDEPENDENT_AXES.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.CIRCULAR = ["CIRCULAR",1]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.CIRCULAR.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode.CIRCULAR.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode; var flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel = $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadModel"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","input","gamepad","FlxGamepadModel"], __constructs__ : ["LOGITECH","OUYA","PS4","PSVITA","XINPUT","MAYFLASH_WII_REMOTE","WII_REMOTE","MFI","UNKNOWN"] }; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.LOGITECH = ["LOGITECH",0]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.LOGITECH.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.LOGITECH.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.OUYA = ["OUYA",1]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.OUYA.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.OUYA.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.PS4 = ["PS4",2]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.PS4.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.PS4.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.PSVITA = ["PSVITA",3]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.PSVITA.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.PSVITA.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.XINPUT = ["XINPUT",4]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.XINPUT.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.XINPUT.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.MAYFLASH_WII_REMOTE = ["MAYFLASH_WII_REMOTE",5]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.MAYFLASH_WII_REMOTE.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.MAYFLASH_WII_REMOTE.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.WII_REMOTE = ["WII_REMOTE",6]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.WII_REMOTE.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.WII_REMOTE.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.MFI = ["MFI",7]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.MFI.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.MFI.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.UNKNOWN = ["UNKNOWN",8]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.UNKNOWN.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.UNKNOWN.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel; var flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment = $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadAttachment"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","input","gamepad","FlxGamepadAttachment"], __constructs__ : ["WII_NUNCHUCK","WII_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER","NONE"] }; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.WII_NUNCHUCK = ["WII_NUNCHUCK",0]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.WII_NUNCHUCK.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.WII_NUNCHUCK.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.WII_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER = ["WII_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER",1]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.WII_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.WII_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.NONE = ["NONE",2]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.NONE.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.NONE.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment; var flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAnalogStick = function(x,y,settings) { this.mode = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.BOTH; this.digitalThreshold = 0.5; this.rawRight = -1; this.rawLeft = -1; this.rawDown = -1; this.rawUp = -1; this.x = x; this.y = y; if(settings == null) { return; } this.mode = settings.mode != null ? settings.mode : flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.BOTH; this.rawUp = settings.up != null ? settings.up : -1; this.rawDown = settings.down != null ? settings.down : -1; this.rawLeft = settings.left != null ? settings.left : -1; this.rawRight = settings.right != null ? settings.right : -1; this.digitalThreshold = settings.threshold != null ? settings.threshold : 0.5; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadAnalogStick"] = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAnalogStick; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAnalogStick.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","FlxGamepadAnalogStick"]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAnalogStick.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,rawUp: null ,rawDown: null ,rawLeft: null ,rawRight: null ,digitalThreshold: null ,mode: null ,toString: function() { var value = this.x; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "x"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.y; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "y"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this.rawUp; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "rawUp"; _this2.value = value2; var value3 = this.rawDown; var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "rawDown"; _this3.value = value3; var value4 = this.rawLeft; var _this4 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this4.label = "rawLeft"; _this4.value = value4; var value5 = this.rawRight; var _this5 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this5.label = "rawRight"; _this5.value = value5; var value6 = this.digitalThreshold; var _this6 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this6.label = "digitalThreshold"; _this6.value = value6; var value7 = this.mode; var _this7 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this7.label = "mode"; _this7.value = value7; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2,_this3,_this4,_this5,_this6,_this7]); } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAnalogStick }; var flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode = $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.FlxAnalogToDigitalMode"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","input","gamepad","FlxAnalogToDigitalMode"], __constructs__ : ["BOTH","ONLY_DIGITAL","ONLY_ANALOG"] }; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.BOTH = ["BOTH",0]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.BOTH.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.BOTH.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.ONLY_DIGITAL = ["ONLY_DIGITAL",1]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.ONLY_DIGITAL.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.ONLY_DIGITAL.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.ONLY_ANALOG = ["ONLY_ANALOG",2]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.ONLY_ANALOG.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode.ONLY_ANALOG.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxAnalogToDigitalMode; var flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadButton = function(ID) { this.value = 0; flixel_input_FlxInput.call(this,ID); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadButton"] = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadButton; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadButton.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","FlxGamepadButton"]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadButton.__super__ = flixel_input_FlxInput; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadButton.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_FlxInput.prototype,{ value: null ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadButton }); var flixel_input_gamepad__$FlxGamepadInputID_FlxGamepadInputID_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad._FlxGamepadInputID.FlxGamepadInputID_Impl_"] = flixel_input_gamepad__$FlxGamepadInputID_FlxGamepadInputID_$Impl_$; flixel_input_gamepad__$FlxGamepadInputID_FlxGamepadInputID_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","_FlxGamepadInputID","FlxGamepadInputID_Impl_"]; flixel_input_gamepad__$FlxGamepadInputID_FlxGamepadInputID_$Impl_$.fromString = function(s) { s = s.toUpperCase(); var _this = flixel_input_gamepad__$FlxGamepadInputID_FlxGamepadInputID_$Impl_$.fromStringMap; if(__map_reserved[s] != null ? _this.existsReserved(s) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var _this1 = flixel_input_gamepad__$FlxGamepadInputID_FlxGamepadInputID_$Impl_$.fromStringMap; if(__map_reserved[s] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(s); } else { return _this1.h[s]; } } else { return -1; } }; flixel_input_gamepad__$FlxGamepadInputID_FlxGamepadInputID_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return flixel_input_gamepad__$FlxGamepadInputID_FlxGamepadInputID_$Impl_$.toStringMap.h[this1]; }; var openfl_ui_GameInput = function() { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); openfl_ui_GameInput.__instances.push(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl.ui.GameInput"] = openfl_ui_GameInput; openfl_ui_GameInput.__name__ = ["openfl","ui","GameInput"]; openfl_ui_GameInput.getDeviceAt = function(index) { if(index >= 0 && index < openfl_ui_GameInput.__deviceList.length) { return openfl_ui_GameInput.__deviceList[index]; } return null; }; openfl_ui_GameInput.__getDevice = function(gamepad) { if(gamepad == null) { return null; } if(openfl_ui_GameInput.__devices.h.__keys__[gamepad.__id__] == null) { var devices = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); var device = devices[gamepad.id].id; var devices1 = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); var device1 = new openfl_ui_GameInputDevice(device,devices1[gamepad.id].id); openfl_ui_GameInput.__deviceList.push(device1); openfl_ui_GameInput.__devices.set(gamepad,device1); openfl_ui_GameInput.numDevices = openfl_ui_GameInput.__deviceList.length; } return openfl_ui_GameInput.__devices.h[gamepad.__id__]; }; openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadAxisMove = function(gamepad,axis,value) { var device = openfl_ui_GameInput.__getDevice(gamepad); if(device == null) { return; } if(device.enabled) { if(!device.__axis.h.hasOwnProperty(axis)) { var control; switch(axis) { case 0: control = "LEFT_X"; break; case 1: control = "LEFT_Y"; break; case 2: control = "RIGHT_X"; break; case 3: control = "RIGHT_Y"; break; case 4: control = "TRIGGER_LEFT"; break; case 5: control = "TRIGGER_RIGHT"; break; default: control = "UNKNOWN (" + axis + ")"; } var control1 = new openfl_ui_GameInputControl(device,"AXIS_" + control,-1,1); device.__axis.h[axis] = control1; device.__controls.push(control1); } var control2 = device.__axis.h[axis]; control2.value = value; control2.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change")); } }; openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadButtonDown = function(gamepad,button) { var device = openfl_ui_GameInput.__getDevice(gamepad); if(device == null) { return; } if(device.enabled) { if(!device.__button.h.hasOwnProperty(button)) { var control; switch(button) { case 0: control = "A"; break; case 1: control = "B"; break; case 2: control = "X"; break; case 3: control = "Y"; break; case 4: control = "BACK"; break; case 5: control = "GUIDE"; break; case 6: control = "START"; break; case 7: control = "LEFT_STICK"; break; case 8: control = "RIGHT_STICK"; break; case 9: control = "LEFT_SHOULDER"; break; case 10: control = "RIGHT_SHOULDER"; break; case 11: control = "DPAD_UP"; break; case 12: control = "DPAD_DOWN"; break; case 13: control = "DPAD_LEFT"; break; case 14: control = "DPAD_RIGHT"; break; default: control = "UNKNOWN (" + button + ")"; } var control1 = new openfl_ui_GameInputControl(device,"BUTTON_" + control,0,1); device.__button.h[button] = control1; device.__controls.push(control1); } var control2 = device.__button.h[button]; control2.value = 1; control2.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change")); } }; openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadButtonUp = function(gamepad,button) { var device = openfl_ui_GameInput.__getDevice(gamepad); if(device == null) { return; } if(device.enabled) { if(!device.__button.h.hasOwnProperty(button)) { var control; switch(button) { case 0: control = "A"; break; case 1: control = "B"; break; case 2: control = "X"; break; case 3: control = "Y"; break; case 4: control = "BACK"; break; case 5: control = "GUIDE"; break; case 6: control = "START"; break; case 7: control = "LEFT_STICK"; break; case 8: control = "RIGHT_STICK"; break; case 9: control = "LEFT_SHOULDER"; break; case 10: control = "RIGHT_SHOULDER"; break; case 11: control = "DPAD_UP"; break; case 12: control = "DPAD_DOWN"; break; case 13: control = "DPAD_LEFT"; break; case 14: control = "DPAD_RIGHT"; break; default: control = "UNKNOWN (" + button + ")"; } var control1 = new openfl_ui_GameInputControl(device,"BUTTON_" + control,0,1); device.__button.h[button] = control1; device.__controls.push(control1); } var control2 = device.__button.h[button]; control2.value = 0; control2.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change")); } }; openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadConnect = function(gamepad) { var device = openfl_ui_GameInput.__getDevice(gamepad); if(device == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = openfl_ui_GameInput.__instances; while(_g < _g1.length) { var instance = _g1[_g]; ++_g; instance.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_GameInputEvent("deviceAdded",true,false,device)); } }; openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadDisconnect = function(gamepad) { var device = openfl_ui_GameInput.__devices.h[gamepad.__id__]; if(device != null) { if(openfl_ui_GameInput.__devices.h.__keys__[gamepad.__id__] != null) { HxOverrides.remove(openfl_ui_GameInput.__deviceList,openfl_ui_GameInput.__devices.h[gamepad.__id__]); openfl_ui_GameInput.__devices.remove(gamepad); } openfl_ui_GameInput.numDevices = openfl_ui_GameInput.__deviceList.length; var _g = 0; var _g1 = openfl_ui_GameInput.__instances; while(_g < _g1.length) { var instance = _g1[_g]; ++_g; instance.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_GameInputEvent("deviceRemoved",true,false,device)); } } }; openfl_ui_GameInput.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_ui_GameInput.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ addEventListener: function(type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference) { if(useWeakReference == null) { useWeakReference = false; } if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(useCapture == null) { useCapture = false; } openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener.call(this,type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference); if(type == "deviceAdded") { var _g = 0; var _g1 = openfl_ui_GameInput.__deviceList; while(_g < _g1.length) { var device = _g1[_g]; ++_g; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_GameInputEvent("deviceAdded",true,false,device)); } } } ,__class__: openfl_ui_GameInput }); var flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager = function() { this._activeGamepads = []; this._gamepads = []; this.deviceConnected = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); this.deviceDisconnected = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager._gameInput.addEventListener("deviceAdded",$bind(this,this.onDeviceAdded)); flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager._gameInput.addEventListener("deviceRemoved",$bind(this,this.onDeviceRemoved)); var _g1 = 0; var _g = openfl_ui_GameInput.numDevices; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.addGamepad(openfl_ui_GameInput.getDeviceAt(i)); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadManager"] = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","FlxGamepadManager"]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager.__interfaces__ = [flixel_input_IFlxInputManager]; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager.prototype = { firstActive: null ,lastActive: null ,numActiveGamepads: null ,globalDeadZone: null ,deviceConnected: null ,deviceDisconnected: null ,_gamepads: null ,_activeGamepads: null ,getByID: function(GamepadID) { return this._activeGamepads[GamepadID]; } ,removeByID: function(GamepadID) { var gamepad = this._gamepads[GamepadID]; if(gamepad != null) { this._gamepads[GamepadID] = null; var i = this._activeGamepads.indexOf(gamepad); if(i != -1) { this._activeGamepads[i] = null; this.deviceDisconnected.dispatch(gamepad); } flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(gamepad); } if(this.lastActive == gamepad) { this.lastActive = null; } if(this.firstActive == gamepad) { this.firstActive = null; } } ,createByID: function(GamepadID,Model) { var gamepad = this._gamepads[GamepadID]; if(gamepad == null) { gamepad = new flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepad(GamepadID,this,Model); this._gamepads[GamepadID] = gamepad; var nullFound = false; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._activeGamepads.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this._activeGamepads[i] == null) { this._activeGamepads[i] = gamepad; nullFound = true; break; } } if(!nullFound) { this._activeGamepads.push(gamepad); } } this.lastActive = gamepad; if(this.firstActive == null) { this.firstActive = gamepad; } return gamepad; } ,getActiveGamepadIDs: function(IDsArray) { if(IDsArray == null) { IDsArray = []; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad != null && gamepad.anyInput()) { IDsArray.push(gamepad.id); } } return IDsArray; } ,getActiveGamepads: function(GamepadArray) { if(GamepadArray == null) { GamepadArray = []; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad != null && gamepad.anyInput()) { GamepadArray.push(gamepad); } } return GamepadArray; } ,getFirstActiveGamepadID: function() { var firstActive = this.getFirstActiveGamepad(); if(firstActive == null) { return -1; } else { return firstActive.id; } } ,getFirstActiveGamepad: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad != null && gamepad.anyInput()) { return gamepad; } } return null; } ,anyButton: function(state) { if(state == null) { state = 1; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad != null && gamepad.anyButton(state)) { return true; } } return false; } ,anyInput: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad != null && gamepad.anyInput()) { return true; } } return false; } ,anyPressed: function(buttonID) { return this.anyHasState(buttonID,1); } ,anyJustPressed: function(buttonID) { return this.anyHasState(buttonID,2); } ,anyJustReleased: function(buttonID) { return this.anyHasState(buttonID,-1); } ,anyHasState: function(buttonID,state) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; var tmp; if(gamepad != null) { switch(buttonID) { case -2: switch(state) { case -1: tmp = gamepad.justReleased.get_ANY(); break; case 0: tmp = gamepad.released.get_ANY(); break; case 1: tmp = gamepad.pressed.get_ANY(); break; case 2: tmp = gamepad.justPressed.get_ANY(); break; } break; case -1: switch(state) { case -1: tmp = gamepad.justReleased.get_NONE(); break; case 0: tmp = gamepad.released.get_NONE(); break; case 1: tmp = gamepad.pressed.get_NONE(); break; case 2: tmp = gamepad.justPressed.get_NONE(); break; } break; default: var rawID = gamepad.mapping.getRawID(buttonID); var button = gamepad.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { tmp = false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(state) { case -1: tmp = value == -1; break; case 0: tmp = value == 0; break; case 1: tmp = value == 1; break; case 2: tmp = value == 2; break; } } } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { return true; } } return false; } ,anyMovedXAxis: function(RawAxisID) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad == null) { continue; } var value = gamepad.getAnalogXAxisValue(RawAxisID); if(value != 0) { return value; } } return 0; } ,anyMovedYAxis: function(RawAxisID) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad == null) { continue; } var value = gamepad.getYAxisRaw(RawAxisID); if(value != 0) { return value; } } return 0; } ,destroy: function() { this._gamepads = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(this._gamepads); this.firstActive = null; this.lastActive = null; this._gamepads = null; flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager._gameInput.removeEventListener("deviceAdded",$bind(this,this.onDeviceAdded)); flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager._gameInput.removeEventListener("deviceRemoved",$bind(this,this.onDeviceRemoved)); } ,reset: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad != null) { gamepad.reset(); } } } ,onDeviceAdded: function(Event) { this.addGamepad(Event.device); } ,onDeviceRemoved: function(Event) { this.removeGamepad(Event.device); } ,findGamepadIndex: function(Device) { if(Device == null) { return -1; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = openfl_ui_GameInput.numDevices; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(openfl_ui_GameInput.getDeviceAt(i) == Device) { return i; } } return -1; } ,addGamepad: function(Device) { if(Device == null) { return; } Device.enabled = true; var id = this.findGamepadIndex(Device); if(id < 0) { return; } var gamepad = this.createByID(id,this.getModelFromDeviceName(Device.name)); gamepad._device = Device; this.deviceConnected.dispatch(gamepad); } ,getModelFromDeviceName: function(name) { if(name == null) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.UNKNOWN; } name = StringTools.replace(StringTools.replace(name.toLowerCase(),"-",""),"_",""); if(name.indexOf("ouya") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.OUYA; } else if(name.indexOf("wireless controller") != -1 || name.indexOf("ps4") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.PS4; } else if(name.indexOf("logitech") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.LOGITECH; } else if(name.indexOf("xbox") != -1 && name.indexOf("360") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.XINPUT; } else if(name.indexOf("xinput") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.XINPUT; } else if(name.indexOf("nintendo rvlcnt01tr") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.WII_REMOTE; } else if(name.indexOf("nintendo rvlcnt01") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.WII_REMOTE; } else if(name.indexOf("mayflash wiimote pc adapter") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.MAYFLASH_WII_REMOTE; } else if(name.indexOf("mfi") != -1) { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.MFI; } else { return flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadModel.UNKNOWN; } } ,removeGamepad: function(Device) { if(Device == null) { return; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._gamepads.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var gamepad = this._gamepads[i]; if(gamepad != null && gamepad._device == Device) { this.removeByID(i); } } } ,update: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad != null) { gamepad.update(); } } } ,onFocus: function() { } ,onFocusLost: function() { this.reset(); } ,get_numActiveGamepads: function() { var count = 0; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._gamepads; while(_g < _g1.length) { var gamepad = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(gamepad != null) { ++count; } } return count; } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadManager ,__properties__: {get_numActiveGamepads:"get_numActiveGamepads"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.id.LogitechID"] = flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID; flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","id","LogitechID"]; var flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.id.MFiID"] = flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID; flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","id","MFiID"]; var flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.id.MayflashWiiRemoteID"] = flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID; flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","id","MayflashWiiRemoteID"]; var flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.id.OUYAID"] = flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID; flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","id","OUYAID"]; var flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.id.PS4ID"] = flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID; flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","id","PS4ID"]; var flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.id.PSVitaID"] = flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID; flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","id","PSVitaID"]; var flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.id.WiiRemoteID"] = flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID; flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","id","WiiRemoteID"]; var flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.id.XInputID"] = flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","id","XInputID"]; var flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList = function(status,gamepad) { this.status = status; this.gamepad = gamepad; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.lists.FlxBaseGamepadList"] = flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","lists","FlxBaseGamepadList"]; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList.prototype = { status: null ,gamepad: null ,check: function(id) { var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,checkRaw: function(id) { return this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(id,this.status); } ,get_ANY: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.gamepad.buttons; while(_g < _g1.length) { var button = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(button != null && this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(button.ID,this.status)) { return true; } } return false; } ,get_ALL: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.gamepad.buttons; while(_g < _g1.length) { var button = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(button != null && !this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(button.ID,this.status)) { return false; } } return true; } ,get_NONE: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.gamepad.buttons; while(_g < _g1.length) { var button = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(button != null && this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(button.ID,this.status)) { return false; } } return true; } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList ,__properties__: {get_NONE:"get_NONE",get_ALL:"get_ALL",get_ANY:"get_ANY"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogList = function(gamepad) { this.value = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogValueList(gamepad); this.justMoved = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogStateList(2,gamepad); this.justReleased = new flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogStateList(-1,gamepad); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.lists.FlxGamepadAnalogList"] = flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogList; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","lists","FlxGamepadAnalogList"]; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogList.prototype = { value: null ,justMoved: null ,justReleased: null ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogList }; var flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogStateList = function(status,gamepad) { this.status = status; this.gamepad = gamepad; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.lists.FlxGamepadAnalogStateList"] = flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogStateList; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogStateList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","lists","FlxGamepadAnalogStateList"]; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogStateList.prototype = { gamepad: null ,status: null ,get_LEFT_STICK: function() { return this.checkXY(19); } ,get_LEFT_STICK_X: function() { var stick = this.gamepad.mapping.getAnalogStick(19); if(stick == null) { return false; } else { return this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.x,this.status); } } ,get_LEFT_STICK_Y: function() { var stick = this.gamepad.mapping.getAnalogStick(19); if(stick == null) { return false; } else { return this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.y,this.status); } } ,get_RIGHT_STICK: function() { return this.checkXY(20); } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_X: function() { var stick = this.gamepad.mapping.getAnalogStick(20); if(stick == null) { return false; } else { return this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.x,this.status); } } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_Y: function() { var stick = this.gamepad.mapping.getAnalogStick(20); if(stick == null) { return false; } else { return this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.y,this.status); } } ,checkXY: function(id) { var stick = this.gamepad.mapping.getAnalogStick(id); if(stick == null) { return false; } var xVal = this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.x,this.status); var yVal = this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.y,this.status); if(xVal && yVal) { return true; } if(xVal) { var yReleased = this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.y,0); var yJustReleased = this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.y,-1); if(yReleased || yJustReleased) { return true; } } if(yVal) { var xReleased = this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.x,0); var xJustReleased = this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.x,-1); if(xReleased || xJustReleased) { return true; } } return false; } ,checkX: function(id) { var stick = this.gamepad.mapping.getAnalogStick(id); if(stick == null) { return false; } return this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.x,this.status); } ,checkY: function(id) { var stick = this.gamepad.mapping.getAnalogStick(id); if(stick == null) { return false; } return this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(stick.y,this.status); } ,checkRaw: function(RawID,Status) { return this.gamepad.checkStatusRaw(RawID,Status); } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogStateList ,__properties__: {get_RIGHT_STICK_Y:"get_RIGHT_STICK_Y",get_RIGHT_STICK_X:"get_RIGHT_STICK_X",get_RIGHT_STICK:"get_RIGHT_STICK",get_LEFT_STICK_Y:"get_LEFT_STICK_Y",get_LEFT_STICK_X:"get_LEFT_STICK_X",get_LEFT_STICK:"get_LEFT_STICK"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogValueList = function(gamepad) { this.gamepad = gamepad; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.lists.FlxGamepadAnalogValueList"] = flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogValueList; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogValueList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","lists","FlxGamepadAnalogValueList"]; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogValueList.prototype = { gamepad: null ,get_LEFT_STICK_X: function() { var _this = this.gamepad; return _this.getAnalogXAxisValue(_this.mapping.getAnalogStick(19)); } ,get_LEFT_STICK_Y: function() { var _this = this.gamepad; return _this.getYAxisRaw(_this.mapping.getAnalogStick(19)); } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_X: function() { var _this = this.gamepad; return _this.getAnalogXAxisValue(_this.mapping.getAnalogStick(20)); } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_Y: function() { var _this = this.gamepad; return _this.getYAxisRaw(_this.mapping.getAnalogStick(20)); } ,get_LEFT_TRIGGER: function() { return this.gamepad.getAxis(17); } ,get_RIGHT_TRIGGER: function() { return this.gamepad.getAxis(18); } ,get_POINTER_X: function() { return this.gamepad.getAxis(28); } ,get_POINTER_Y: function() { return this.gamepad.getAxis(29); } ,getAxis: function(id) { return this.gamepad.getAxis(id); } ,getXAxis: function(id) { var _this = this.gamepad; return _this.getAnalogXAxisValue(_this.mapping.getAnalogStick(id)); } ,getYAxis: function(id) { var _this = this.gamepad; return _this.getYAxisRaw(_this.mapping.getAnalogStick(id)); } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadAnalogValueList ,__properties__: {get_POINTER_Y:"get_POINTER_Y",get_POINTER_X:"get_POINTER_X",get_RIGHT_TRIGGER:"get_RIGHT_TRIGGER",get_LEFT_TRIGGER:"get_LEFT_TRIGGER",get_RIGHT_STICK_Y:"get_RIGHT_STICK_Y",get_RIGHT_STICK_X:"get_RIGHT_STICK_X",get_LEFT_STICK_Y:"get_LEFT_STICK_Y",get_LEFT_STICK_X:"get_LEFT_STICK_X"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList = function(status,gamepad) { flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList.call(this,status,gamepad); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.lists.FlxGamepadButtonList"] = flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","lists","FlxGamepadButtonList"]; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList.prototype,{ get_A: function() { var id = 0; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_B: function() { var id = 1; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_X: function() { var id = 2; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_Y: function() { var id = 3; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_SHOULDER: function() { var id = 4; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_SHOULDER: function() { var id = 5; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_BACK: function() { var id = 6; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_START: function() { var id = 7; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_STICK_CLICK: function() { var id = 8; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_CLICK: function() { var id = 9; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_GUIDE: function() { var id = 10; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_DPAD_UP: function() { var id = 11; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_DPAD_DOWN: function() { var id = 12; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_DPAD_LEFT: function() { var id = 13; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_DPAD_RIGHT: function() { var id = 14; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_TRIGGER_BUTTON: function() { var id = 15; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_TRIGGER_BUTTON: function() { var id = 16; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_TRIGGER: function() { var id = 17; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_TRIGGER: function() { var id = 18; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_ANALOG_STICK: function() { var id = 19; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK: function() { var id = 20; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_DPAD: function() { var id = 21; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_TILT_PITCH: function() { var id = 26; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_TILT_ROLL: function() { var id = 27; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_POINTER_X: function() { var id = 28; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_POINTER_Y: function() { var id = 29; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_EXTRA_0: function() { var id = 30; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_EXTRA_1: function() { var id = 31; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_EXTRA_2: function() { var id = 32; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_EXTRA_3: function() { var id = 33; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP: function() { var id = 34; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT: function() { var id = 35; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN: function() { var id = 36; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT: function() { var id = 37; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP: function() { var id = 38; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT: function() { var id = 39; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN: function() { var id = 40; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT: function() { var id = 41; var _this = this.gamepad; var Status = this.status; switch(id) { case -2: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_ANY(); case 0: return _this.released.get_ANY(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_ANY(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_ANY(); } break; case -1: switch(Status) { case -1: return _this.justReleased.get_NONE(); case 0: return _this.released.get_NONE(); case 1: return _this.pressed.get_NONE(); case 2: return _this.justPressed.get_NONE(); } break; default: var rawID = _this.mapping.getRawID(id); var button = _this.buttons[rawID]; if(button == null) { return false; } else { var value = button.current; switch(Status) { case -1: return value == -1; case 0: return value == 0; case 1: return value == 1; case 2: return value == 2; } } } } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadButtonList ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxBaseGamepadList.prototype.__properties__,{get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT:"get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT",get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN:"get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN",get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT:"get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT",get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP:"get_RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP",get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT:"get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT",get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN:"get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN",get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT:"get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT",get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP:"get_LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP",get_EXTRA_3:"get_EXTRA_3",get_EXTRA_2:"get_EXTRA_2",get_EXTRA_1:"get_EXTRA_1",get_EXTRA_0:"get_EXTRA_0",get_POINTER_Y:"get_POINTER_Y",get_POINTER_X:"get_POINTER_X",get_TILT_ROLL:"get_TILT_ROLL",get_TILT_PITCH:"get_TILT_PITCH",get_DPAD:"get_DPAD",get_RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK:"get_RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK",get_LEFT_ANALOG_STICK:"get_LEFT_ANALOG_STICK",get_RIGHT_TRIGGER:"get_RIGHT_TRIGGER",get_LEFT_TRIGGER:"get_LEFT_TRIGGER",get_RIGHT_TRIGGER_BUTTON:"get_RIGHT_TRIGGER_BUTTON",get_LEFT_TRIGGER_BUTTON:"get_LEFT_TRIGGER_BUTTON",get_DPAD_RIGHT:"get_DPAD_RIGHT",get_DPAD_LEFT:"get_DPAD_LEFT",get_DPAD_DOWN:"get_DPAD_DOWN",get_DPAD_UP:"get_DPAD_UP",get_GUIDE:"get_GUIDE",get_RIGHT_STICK_CLICK:"get_RIGHT_STICK_CLICK",get_LEFT_STICK_CLICK:"get_LEFT_STICK_CLICK",get_START:"get_START",get_BACK:"get_BACK",get_RIGHT_SHOULDER:"get_RIGHT_SHOULDER",get_LEFT_SHOULDER:"get_LEFT_SHOULDER",get_Y:"get_Y",get_X:"get_X",get_B:"get_B",get_A:"get_A"}) }); var flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadMotionValueList = function(gamepad) { this.gamepad = gamepad; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.lists.FlxGamepadMotionValueList"] = flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadMotionValueList; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadMotionValueList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","lists","FlxGamepadMotionValueList"]; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadMotionValueList.prototype = { gamepad: null ,get_TILT_PITCH: function() { if(!this.gamepad.mapping.supportsMotion) { return 0; } else { return this.gamepad.getAxis(26); } } ,get_TILT_ROLL: function() { if(!this.gamepad.mapping.supportsMotion) { return 0; } else { return this.gamepad.getAxis(27); } } ,getAxis: function(id) { if(!this.gamepad.mapping.supportsMotion) { return 0; } return this.gamepad.getAxis(id); } ,get_isSupported: function() { return this.gamepad.mapping.supportsMotion; } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadMotionValueList ,__properties__: {get_TILT_ROLL:"get_TILT_ROLL",get_TILT_PITCH:"get_TILT_PITCH",get_isSupported:"get_isSupported"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadPointerValueList = function(gamepad) { this.gamepad = gamepad; }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.lists.FlxGamepadPointerValueList"] = flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadPointerValueList; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadPointerValueList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","lists","FlxGamepadPointerValueList"]; flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadPointerValueList.prototype = { gamepad: null ,get_X: function() { if(!this.gamepad.mapping.supportsPointer) { return 0; } else { return this.gamepad.getAxis(28); } } ,get_Y: function() { if(!this.gamepad.mapping.supportsPointer) { return 0; } else { return this.gamepad.getAxis(29); } } ,getAxis: function(id) { if(!this.gamepad.mapping.supportsPointer) { return 0; } return this.gamepad.getAxis(id); } ,get_isSupported: function() { return this.gamepad.mapping.supportsPointer; } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_lists_FlxGamepadPointerValueList ,__properties__: {get_Y:"get_Y",get_X:"get_X",get_isSupported:"get_isSupported"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping = function(attachment) { this.attachment = flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.NONE; this.supportsPointer = false; this.supportsMotion = false; if(attachment != null) { this.set_attachment(attachment); } this.initValues(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.FlxGamepadMapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","FlxGamepadMapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype = { supportsMotion: null ,supportsPointer: null ,leftStick: null ,rightStick: null ,attachment: null ,manufacturer: null ,initValues: function() { } ,getAnalogStick: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 19: return this.leftStick; case 20: return this.rightStick; default: return null; } } ,getID: function(rawID) { return -1; } ,getRawID: function(ID) { return -1; } ,isAxisFlipped: function(axisID) { return false; } ,isAxisForMotion: function(ID) { return false; } ,set_attachment: function(attachment) { return this.attachment = attachment; } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping ,__properties__: {set_attachment:"set_attachment"} }; var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer = $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.Manufacturer"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","Manufacturer"], __constructs__ : ["GooglePepper","AdobeWindows","Unknown"] }; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.GooglePepper = ["GooglePepper",0]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.GooglePepper.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.GooglePepper.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.AdobeWindows = ["AdobeWindows",1]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.AdobeWindows.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.AdobeWindows.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.Unknown = ["Unknown",2]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.Unknown.toString = $estr; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.Unknown.__enum__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_Manufacturer.__meta__ = { obj : { SuppressWarnings : ["checkstyle:MemberName"]}}; var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_LogitechMapping = function(attachment) { flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.call(this,attachment); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.LogitechMapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_LogitechMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_LogitechMapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","LogitechMapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_LogitechMapping.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_LogitechMapping.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype,{ initValues: function() { this.leftStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK; this.rightStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK; } ,getID: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case -5: return 10; case 0: return 2; case 1: return 0; case 2: return 1; case 3: return 3; case 4: return 4; case 5: return 5; case 6: return 17; case 7: return 18; case 8: return 6; case 9: return 7; case 10: return 8; case 11: return 9; case 16: return 11; case 17: return 12; case 18: return 13; case 19: return 14; default: var id = rawID; if(id == this.leftStick.rawUp) { return 34; } else { var id1 = rawID; if(id1 == this.leftStick.rawDown) { return 36; } else { var id2 = rawID; if(id2 == this.leftStick.rawLeft) { return 37; } else { var id3 = rawID; if(id3 == this.leftStick.rawRight) { return 35; } else { var id4 = rawID; if(id4 == this.rightStick.rawUp) { return 38; } else { var id5 = rawID; if(id5 == this.rightStick.rawDown) { return 40; } else { var id6 = rawID; if(id6 == this.rightStick.rawLeft) { return 41; } else { var id7 = rawID; if(id7 == this.rightStick.rawRight) { return 39; } else { return -1; } } } } } } } } } } ,getRawID: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 1; case 1: return 2; case 2: return 0; case 3: return 3; case 4: return 4; case 5: return 5; case 6: return 8; case 7: return 9; case 8: return 10; case 9: return 11; case 10: return -5; case 11: return 16; case 12: return 17; case 13: return 18; case 14: return 19; case 17: return 6; case 18: return 7; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; case 38: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 39: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 40: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 41: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_LogitechID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_LogitechMapping }); var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MFiMapping = function(attachment) { flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.call(this,attachment); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.MFiMapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MFiMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MFiMapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","MFiMapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MFiMapping.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MFiMapping.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype,{ initValues: function() { this.leftStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK; this.rightStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK; } ,getID: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 6: return 0; case 7: return 1; case 8: return 2; case 9: return 3; case 10: return 6; case 11: return 10; case 12: return 7; case 13: return 8; case 14: return 9; case 15: return 4; case 16: return 5; case 17: return 11; case 18: return 12; case 19: return 13; case 20: return 14; default: var id = rawID; if(id == this.leftStick.rawUp) { return 34; } else { var id1 = rawID; if(id1 == this.leftStick.rawDown) { return 36; } else { var id2 = rawID; if(id2 == this.leftStick.rawLeft) { return 37; } else { var id3 = rawID; if(id3 == this.leftStick.rawRight) { return 35; } else { var id4 = rawID; if(id4 == this.rightStick.rawUp) { return 38; } else { var id5 = rawID; if(id5 == this.rightStick.rawDown) { return 40; } else { var id6 = rawID; if(id6 == this.rightStick.rawLeft) { return 41; } else { var id7 = rawID; if(id7 == this.rightStick.rawRight) { return 39; } else { return -1; } } } } } } } } } } ,getRawID: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 6; case 1: return 7; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 9; case 4: return 15; case 5: return 16; case 6: return 10; case 7: return 12; case 8: return 13; case 9: return 14; case 10: return 11; case 11: return 17; case 12: return 18; case 13: return 19; case 14: return 20; case 17: return 4; case 18: return 5; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; case 38: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 39: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 40: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 41: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MFiID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MFiMapping }); var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MayflashWiiRemoteMapping = function(attachment) { flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.call(this,attachment); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.MayflashWiiRemoteMapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MayflashWiiRemoteMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MayflashWiiRemoteMapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","MayflashWiiRemoteMapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MayflashWiiRemoteMapping.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MayflashWiiRemoteMapping.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype,{ initValues: function() { this.supportsPointer = true; } ,getID: function(rawID) { var _g = this.attachment; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return this.getIDNunchuk(rawID); case 1: return this.getIDClassicController(rawID); case 2: return this.getIDDefault(rawID); } } ,getIDClassicController: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 4: return 11; case 5: return 12; case 6: return 13; case 7: return 14; case 8: return 2; case 9: return 3; case 10: return 0; case 11: return 1; case 12: return 17; case 13: return 18; case 14: return 4; case 15: return 5; case 16: return 6; case 17: return 7; case 19: return 10; default: var id = rawID; if(id == this.leftStick.rawUp) { return 34; } else { var id1 = rawID; if(id1 == this.leftStick.rawDown) { return 36; } else { var id2 = rawID; if(id2 == this.leftStick.rawLeft) { return 37; } else { var id3 = rawID; if(id3 == this.leftStick.rawRight) { return 35; } else { var id4 = rawID; if(id4 == this.rightStick.rawUp) { return 38; } else { var id5 = rawID; if(id5 == this.rightStick.rawDown) { return 40; } else { var id6 = rawID; if(id6 == this.rightStick.rawLeft) { return 41; } else { var id7 = rawID; if(id7 == this.rightStick.rawRight) { return 39; } else { return -1; } } } } } } } } } } ,getIDNunchuk: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 4: return 11; case 5: return 12; case 6: return 13; case 7: return 14; case 8: return 2; case 9: return 3; case 10: return 0; case 11: return 1; case 12: return 6; case 13: return 7; case 14: return 17; case 15: return 4; case 19: return 10; default: var tmp = rawID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; var tmp1 = rawID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; var tmp2 = rawID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; var tmp3 = rawID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; return -1; } } ,getIDDefault: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 8: return 2; case 9: return 3; case 10: return 0; case 11: return 1; case 12: return 6; case 13: return 7; case 19: return 10; case 22: return 11; case 23: return 12; case 24: return 13; case 25: return 14; default: return -1; } } ,getRawID: function(ID) { var _g = this.attachment; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return this.getRawNunchuk(ID); case 1: return this.getRawClassicController(ID); case 2: return this.getRawDefault(ID); } } ,getRawClassicController: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 10; case 1: return 11; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 9; case 4: return 14; case 5: return 15; case 6: return 16; case 7: return 17; case 10: return 19; case 11: return 4; case 12: return 5; case 13: return 6; case 14: return 7; case 17: return 12; case 18: return 13; case 30: return -1; case 31: return -1; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; case 38: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 39: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 40: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 41: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return this.getRawDefault(ID); } } ,getRawNunchuk: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 10; case 1: return 11; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 9; case 4: return 15; case 6: return 12; case 7: return 13; case 10: return 19; case 11: return 4; case 12: return 5; case 13: return 6; case 14: return 7; case 17: return 14; case 28: return 2; case 29: return 3; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,getRawDefault: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 10; case 1: return 11; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 9; case 6: return 12; case 7: return 13; case 10: return 19; case 11: return 22; case 12: return 23; case 13: return 24; case 14: return 25; default: return -1; } } ,set_attachment: function(attachment) { var tmp; switch(attachment[1]) { case 0:case 1: tmp = flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK; break; case 2: tmp = flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.REMOTE_DPAD; break; } this.leftStick = tmp; this.rightStick = attachment[1] == 1 ? flixel_input_gamepad_id_MayflashWiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK : null; return flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype.set_attachment.call(this,attachment); } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_MayflashWiiRemoteMapping }); var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_OUYAMapping = function(attachment) { flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.call(this,attachment); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.OUYAMapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_OUYAMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_OUYAMapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","OUYAMapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_OUYAMapping.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_OUYAMapping.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype,{ initValues: function() { this.leftStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK; this.rightStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK; } ,getID: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return 1; case 2: return 10; case 3: return 2; case 4: return 3; case 6: return 4; case 7: return 5; case 8: return 17; case 9: return 18; case 10: return 8; case 11: return 9; case 13: return 13; case 14: return 14; case 15: return 12; case 16: return 11; default: var id = rawID; if(id == this.leftStick.rawUp) { return 34; } else { var id1 = rawID; if(id1 == this.leftStick.rawDown) { return 36; } else { var id2 = rawID; if(id2 == this.leftStick.rawLeft) { return 37; } else { var id3 = rawID; if(id3 == this.leftStick.rawRight) { return 35; } else { var id4 = rawID; if(id4 == this.rightStick.rawUp) { return 38; } else { var id5 = rawID; if(id5 == this.rightStick.rawDown) { return 40; } else { var id6 = rawID; if(id6 == this.rightStick.rawLeft) { return 41; } else { var id7 = rawID; if(id7 == this.rightStick.rawRight) { return 39; } else { return -1; } } } } } } } } } } ,getRawID: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return 1; case 2: return 3; case 3: return 4; case 4: return 6; case 5: return 7; case 8: return 10; case 9: return 11; case 10: return 2; case 11: return 16; case 12: return 15; case 13: return 13; case 14: return 14; case 17: return 8; case 18: return 9; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; case 38: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 39: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 40: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 41: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_OUYAID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_OUYAMapping }); var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PS4Mapping = function(attachment) { flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.call(this,attachment); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.PS4Mapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PS4Mapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PS4Mapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","PS4Mapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PS4Mapping.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PS4Mapping.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype,{ initValues: function() { this.leftStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK; this.rightStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK; this.supportsMotion = true; this.supportsPointer = true; } ,getID: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 6: return 0; case 7: return 1; case 8: return 2; case 9: return 3; case 10: return 6; case 11: return 10; case 12: return 7; case 13: return 8; case 14: return 9; case 15: return 4; case 16: return 5; case 17: return 11; case 18: return 12; case 19: return 13; case 20: return 14; default: var id = rawID; if(id == this.leftStick.rawUp) { return 34; } else { var id1 = rawID; if(id1 == this.leftStick.rawDown) { return 36; } else { var id2 = rawID; if(id2 == this.leftStick.rawLeft) { return 37; } else { var id3 = rawID; if(id3 == this.leftStick.rawRight) { return 35; } else { var id4 = rawID; if(id4 == this.rightStick.rawUp) { return 38; } else { var id5 = rawID; if(id5 == this.rightStick.rawDown) { return 40; } else { var id6 = rawID; if(id6 == this.rightStick.rawLeft) { return 41; } else { var id7 = rawID; if(id7 == this.rightStick.rawRight) { return 39; } else { return -1; } } } } } } } } } } ,getRawID: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 6; case 1: return 7; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 9; case 4: return 15; case 5: return 16; case 6: return 10; case 7: return 12; case 8: return 13; case 9: return 14; case 10: return 11; case 11: return 17; case 12: return 18; case 13: return 19; case 14: return 20; case 17: return 4; case 18: return 5; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; case 38: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 39: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 40: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 41: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PS4ID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PS4Mapping }); var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PSVitaMapping = function(attachment) { flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.call(this,attachment); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.PSVitaMapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PSVitaMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PSVitaMapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","PSVitaMapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PSVitaMapping.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PSVitaMapping.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype,{ initValues: function() { this.leftStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK; this.rightStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK; } ,getID: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 6: return 0; case 7: return 1; case 8: return 2; case 9: return 3; case 10: return 6; case 12: return 7; case 15: return 4; case 16: return 5; case 17: return 11; case 18: return 12; case 19: return 13; case 20: return 14; default: var id = rawID; if(id == this.leftStick.rawUp) { return 34; } else { var id1 = rawID; if(id1 == this.leftStick.rawDown) { return 34; } else { var id2 = rawID; if(id2 == this.leftStick.rawLeft) { return 37; } else { var id3 = rawID; if(id3 == this.leftStick.rawRight) { return 35; } else { var id4 = rawID; if(id4 == this.rightStick.rawUp) { return 38; } else { var id5 = rawID; if(id5 == this.rightStick.rawDown) { return 40; } else { var id6 = rawID; if(id6 == this.rightStick.rawLeft) { return 41; } else { var id7 = rawID; if(id7 == this.rightStick.rawRight) { return 39; } else { return -1; } } } } } } } } } } ,getRawID: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 6; case 1: return 7; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 9; case 4: return 15; case 5: return 16; case 6: return 10; case 7: return 12; case 11: return 17; case 12: return 18; case 13: return 19; case 14: return 20; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; case 38: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 39: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 40: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 41: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,isAxisFlipped: function(axisID) { if(axisID != flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.y) { return axisID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_PSVitaID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.y; } else { return true; } } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_PSVitaMapping }); var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_WiiRemoteMapping = function(attachment) { flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.call(this,attachment); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.WiiRemoteMapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_WiiRemoteMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_WiiRemoteMapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","WiiRemoteMapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_WiiRemoteMapping.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_WiiRemoteMapping.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype,{ initValues: function() { this.supportsMotion = true; this.supportsPointer = false; } ,getID: function(rawID) { var _g = this.attachment; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return this.getIDNunchuk(rawID); case 1: return this.getIDClassicController(rawID); case 2: return this.getIDDefault(rawID); } } ,getIDClassicController: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 5: return 11; case 6: return 12; case 7: return 13; case 8: return 14; case 9: return 1; case 10: return 0; case 11: return 2; case 12: return 3; case 13: return 17; case 14: return 18; case 15: return 4; case 16: return 5; case 17: return 7; case 18: return 6; case 19: return 10; case 20: return 30; case 21: return 31; default: var id = rawID; if(id == this.leftStick.rawUp) { return 34; } else { var id1 = rawID; if(id1 == this.leftStick.rawDown) { return 36; } else { var id2 = rawID; if(id2 == this.leftStick.rawLeft) { return 37; } else { var id3 = rawID; if(id3 == this.leftStick.rawRight) { return 35; } else { var id4 = rawID; if(id4 == this.rightStick.rawUp) { return 38; } else { var id5 = rawID; if(id5 == this.rightStick.rawDown) { return 40; } else { var id6 = rawID; if(id6 == this.rightStick.rawLeft) { return 41; } else { var id7 = rawID; if(id7 == this.rightStick.rawRight) { return 39; } else { return -1; } } } } } } } } } } ,getIDNunchuk: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 5: return 11; case 6: return 12; case 7: return 13; case 8: return 14; case 9: return 0; case 10: return 1; case 11: return 4; case 12: return 17; case 13: return 2; case 14: return 3; case 15: return 7; case 16: return 6; case 17: return 10; default: var tmp = rawID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; var tmp1 = rawID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; var tmp2 = rawID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; var tmp3 = rawID == flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; return -1; } } ,getIDDefault: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case 9: return 2; case 10: return 3; case 11: return 0; case 12: return 1; case 13: return 7; case 14: return 6; case 15: return 10; case 22: return 11; case 23: return 12; case 24: return 13; case 25: return 14; default: return -1; } } ,getRawID: function(ID) { var _g = this.attachment; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return this.getRawNunchuk(ID); case 1: return this.getRawClassicController(ID); case 2: return this.getRawDefault(ID); } } ,getRawClassicController: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 10; case 1: return 9; case 2: return 11; case 3: return 12; case 4: return 15; case 5: return 16; case 6: return 18; case 7: return 17; case 10: return 19; case 11: return 5; case 12: return 6; case 13: return 7; case 14: return 8; case 17: return 13; case 18: return 14; case 30: return 20; case 31: return 21; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; case 38: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 39: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 40: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 41: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,getRawNunchuk: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 9; case 1: return 10; case 2: return 13; case 3: return 14; case 4: return 11; case 6: return 16; case 7: return 15; case 10: return 17; case 11: return 5; case 12: return 6; case 13: return 7; case 14: return 8; case 17: return 12; case 26: return 3; case 27: return 2; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,getRawDefault: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 11; case 1: return 12; case 2: return 9; case 3: return 10; case 6: return 14; case 7: return 13; case 10: return 15; case 11: return 22; case 12: return 23; case 13: return 24; case 14: return 25; case 26: return 2; case 27: return 3; default: return -1; } } ,isAxisForMotion: function(ID) { if(this.attachment == flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.NONE) { if(ID == 2 || ID == 3) { return true; } } else if(this.attachment == flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAttachment.WII_NUNCHUCK) { if(ID == 3 || ID == 2) { return true; } } return false; } ,isAxisFlipped: function(axisID) { return axisID == 4; } ,set_attachment: function(attachment) { var tmp; switch(attachment[1]) { case 0:case 1: tmp = flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK; break; case 2: tmp = flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.REMOTE_DPAD; break; } this.leftStick = tmp; this.rightStick = attachment[1] == 1 ? flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK : null; return flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype.set_attachment.call(this,attachment); } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_WiiRemoteMapping }); var flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_XInputMapping = function(attachment) { flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.call(this,attachment); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.gamepad.mappings.XInputMapping"] = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_XInputMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_XInputMapping.__name__ = ["flixel","input","gamepad","mappings","XInputMapping"]; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_XInputMapping.__super__ = flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping; flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_XInputMapping.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_FlxGamepadMapping.prototype,{ initValues: function() { this.leftStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK; this.rightStick = flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK; } ,getID: function(rawID) { switch(rawID) { case -1: return 10; case 4: return 17; case 5: return 18; case 6: return 0; case 7: return 1; case 8: return 2; case 9: return 3; case 10: return 6; case 12: return 7; case 13: return 8; case 14: return 9; case 15: return 4; case 16: return 5; case 17: return 11; case 18: return 12; case 19: return 13; case 20: return 14; default: var id = rawID; if(id == this.leftStick.rawUp) { return 34; } else { var id1 = rawID; if(id1 == this.leftStick.rawDown) { return 36; } else { var id2 = rawID; if(id2 == this.leftStick.rawLeft) { return 37; } else { var id3 = rawID; if(id3 == this.leftStick.rawRight) { return 35; } else { var id4 = rawID; if(id4 == this.rightStick.rawUp) { return 38; } else { var id5 = rawID; if(id5 == this.rightStick.rawDown) { return 40; } else { var id6 = rawID; if(id6 == this.rightStick.rawLeft) { return 41; } else { var id7 = rawID; if(id7 == this.rightStick.rawRight) { return 39; } else { return -1; } } } } } } } } } } ,getRawID: function(ID) { switch(ID) { case 0: return 6; case 1: return 7; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 9; case 4: return 15; case 5: return 16; case 6: return 10; case 7: return 12; case 8: return 13; case 9: return 14; case 10: return -1; case 11: return 17; case 12: return 18; case 13: return 19; case 14: return 20; case 17: return 4; case 18: return 5; case 34: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 35: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 36: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 37: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; case 38: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawUp; case 39: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawRight; case 40: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawDown; case 41: return flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK.rawLeft; default: return -1; } } ,__class__: flixel_input_gamepad_mappings_XInputMapping }); var flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["flixel.input.keyboard._FlxKey.FlxKey_Impl_"] = flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["flixel","input","keyboard","_FlxKey","FlxKey_Impl_"]; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.fromString = function(s) { s = s.toUpperCase(); var _this = flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.fromStringMap; if(__map_reserved[s] != null ? _this.existsReserved(s) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var _this1 = flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.fromStringMap; if(__map_reserved[s] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(s); } else { return _this1.h[s]; } } else { return -1; } }; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.toStringMap.h[this1]; }; var flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyList = function(status,keyManager) { flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList.call(this,status,keyManager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKeyList"] = flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyList; flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyList.__name__ = ["flixel","input","keyboard","FlxKeyList"]; flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyList.__super__ = flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList; flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyList.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList.prototype,{ get_A: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(65,this.status); } ,get_B: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(66,this.status); } ,get_C: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(67,this.status); } ,get_D: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(68,this.status); } ,get_E: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(69,this.status); } ,get_F: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(70,this.status); } ,get_G: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(71,this.status); } ,get_H: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(72,this.status); } ,get_I: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(73,this.status); } ,get_J: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(74,this.status); } ,get_K: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(75,this.status); } ,get_L: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(76,this.status); } ,get_M: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(77,this.status); } ,get_N: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(78,this.status); } ,get_O: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(79,this.status); } ,get_P: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(80,this.status); } ,get_Q: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(81,this.status); } ,get_R: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(82,this.status); } ,get_S: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(83,this.status); } ,get_T: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(84,this.status); } ,get_U: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(85,this.status); } ,get_V: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(86,this.status); } ,get_W: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(87,this.status); } ,get_X: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(88,this.status); } ,get_Y: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(89,this.status); } ,get_Z: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(90,this.status); } ,get_ZERO: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(48,this.status); } ,get_ONE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(49,this.status); } ,get_TWO: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(50,this.status); } ,get_THREE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(51,this.status); } ,get_FOUR: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(52,this.status); } ,get_FIVE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(53,this.status); } ,get_SIX: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(54,this.status); } ,get_SEVEN: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(55,this.status); } ,get_EIGHT: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(56,this.status); } ,get_NINE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(57,this.status); } ,get_PAGEUP: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(33,this.status); } ,get_PAGEDOWN: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(34,this.status); } ,get_HOME: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(36,this.status); } ,get_END: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(35,this.status); } ,get_INSERT: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(45,this.status); } ,get_ESCAPE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(27,this.status); } ,get_MINUS: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(189,this.status); } ,get_PLUS: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(187,this.status); } ,get_DELETE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(46,this.status); } ,get_BACKSPACE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(8,this.status); } ,get_LBRACKET: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(219,this.status); } ,get_RBRACKET: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(221,this.status); } ,get_BACKSLASH: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(220,this.status); } ,get_CAPSLOCK: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(20,this.status); } ,get_SEMICOLON: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(186,this.status); } ,get_QUOTE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(222,this.status); } ,get_ENTER: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(13,this.status); } ,get_SHIFT: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(16,this.status); } ,get_COMMA: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(188,this.status); } ,get_PERIOD: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(190,this.status); } ,get_SLASH: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(191,this.status); } ,get_GRAVEACCENT: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(192,this.status); } ,get_CONTROL: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(17,this.status); } ,get_ALT: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(18,this.status); } ,get_SPACE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(32,this.status); } ,get_UP: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(38,this.status); } ,get_DOWN: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(40,this.status); } ,get_LEFT: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(37,this.status); } ,get_RIGHT: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(39,this.status); } ,get_TAB: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(9,this.status); } ,get_PRINTSCREEN: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(301,this.status); } ,get_F1: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(112,this.status); } ,get_F2: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(113,this.status); } ,get_F3: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(114,this.status); } ,get_F4: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(115,this.status); } ,get_F5: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(116,this.status); } ,get_F6: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(117,this.status); } ,get_F7: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(118,this.status); } ,get_F8: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(119,this.status); } ,get_F9: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(120,this.status); } ,get_F10: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(121,this.status); } ,get_F11: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(122,this.status); } ,get_F12: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(123,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADONE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(97,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADTWO: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(98,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADTHREE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(99,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADFOUR: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(100,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADFIVE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(101,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADSIX: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(102,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADSEVEN: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(103,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADEIGHT: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(104,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADNINE: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(105,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADZERO: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(96,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADMINUS: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(109,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADPLUS: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(107,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADPERIOD: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(110,this.status); } ,get_NUMPADMULTIPLY: function() { return this.keyManager.checkStatus(106,this.status); } ,__class__: flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyList ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_input_FlxBaseKeyList.prototype.__properties__,{get_NUMPADMULTIPLY:"get_NUMPADMULTIPLY",get_NUMPADPERIOD:"get_NUMPADPERIOD",get_NUMPADPLUS:"get_NUMPADPLUS",get_NUMPADMINUS:"get_NUMPADMINUS",get_NUMPADZERO:"get_NUMPADZERO",get_NUMPADNINE:"get_NUMPADNINE",get_NUMPADEIGHT:"get_NUMPADEIGHT",get_NUMPADSEVEN:"get_NUMPADSEVEN",get_NUMPADSIX:"get_NUMPADSIX",get_NUMPADFIVE:"get_NUMPADFIVE",get_NUMPADFOUR:"get_NUMPADFOUR",get_NUMPADTHREE:"get_NUMPADTHREE",get_NUMPADTWO:"get_NUMPADTWO",get_NUMPADONE:"get_NUMPADONE",get_F12:"get_F12",get_F11:"get_F11",get_F10:"get_F10",get_F9:"get_F9",get_F8:"get_F8",get_F7:"get_F7",get_F6:"get_F6",get_F5:"get_F5",get_F4:"get_F4",get_F3:"get_F3",get_F2:"get_F2",get_F1:"get_F1",get_PRINTSCREEN:"get_PRINTSCREEN",get_TAB:"get_TAB",get_RIGHT:"get_RIGHT",get_LEFT:"get_LEFT",get_DOWN:"get_DOWN",get_UP:"get_UP",get_SPACE:"get_SPACE",get_ALT:"get_ALT",get_CONTROL:"get_CONTROL",get_GRAVEACCENT:"get_GRAVEACCENT",get_SLASH:"get_SLASH",get_PERIOD:"get_PERIOD",get_COMMA:"get_COMMA",get_SHIFT:"get_SHIFT",get_ENTER:"get_ENTER",get_QUOTE:"get_QUOTE",get_SEMICOLON:"get_SEMICOLON",get_CAPSLOCK:"get_CAPSLOCK",get_BACKSLASH:"get_BACKSLASH",get_RBRACKET:"get_RBRACKET",get_LBRACKET:"get_LBRACKET",get_BACKSPACE:"get_BACKSPACE",get_DELETE:"get_DELETE",get_PLUS:"get_PLUS",get_MINUS:"get_MINUS",get_ESCAPE:"get_ESCAPE",get_INSERT:"get_INSERT",get_END:"get_END",get_HOME:"get_HOME",get_PAGEDOWN:"get_PAGEDOWN",get_PAGEUP:"get_PAGEUP",get_NINE:"get_NINE",get_EIGHT:"get_EIGHT",get_SEVEN:"get_SEVEN",get_SIX:"get_SIX",get_FIVE:"get_FIVE",get_FOUR:"get_FOUR",get_THREE:"get_THREE",get_TWO:"get_TWO",get_ONE:"get_ONE",get_ZERO:"get_ZERO",get_Z:"get_Z",get_Y:"get_Y",get_X:"get_X",get_W:"get_W",get_V:"get_V",get_U:"get_U",get_T:"get_T",get_S:"get_S",get_R:"get_R",get_Q:"get_Q",get_P:"get_P",get_O:"get_O",get_N:"get_N",get_M:"get_M",get_L:"get_L",get_K:"get_K",get_J:"get_J",get_I:"get_I",get_H:"get_H",get_G:"get_G",get_F:"get_F",get_E:"get_E",get_D:"get_D",get_C:"get_C",get_B:"get_B",get_A:"get_A"}) }); var flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard = function() { flixel_input_FlxKeyManager.call(this,function(status,keyManager) { return new flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyList(status,keyManager); }); this.preventDefaultKeys = [38,40,37,39,32,9]; var _this = flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.fromStringMap; var code = new haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator(_this,_this.arrayKeys()); while(code.hasNext()) { var code1 = code.next(); if(code1 != -2 && code1 != -1) { var input = new flixel_input_FlxInput(code1); this._keyListArray.push(input); this._keyListMap.h[code1] = input; } } }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKeyboard"] = flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard; flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard.__name__ = ["flixel","input","keyboard","FlxKeyboard"]; flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard.__super__ = flixel_input_FlxKeyManager; flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_FlxKeyManager.prototype,{ onKeyUp: function(event) { flixel_input_FlxKeyManager.prototype.onKeyUp.call(this,event); } ,onKeyDown: function(event) { flixel_input_FlxKeyManager.prototype.onKeyDown.call(this,event); } ,resolveKeyCode: function(e) { return e.keyCode; } ,record: function() { var data = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._keyListArray; while(_g < _g1.length) { var key = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(key == null || (key.current == 0 || key.current == -1)) { continue; } if(data == null) { data = []; } data.push(new flixel_system_replay_CodeValuePair(key.ID,key.current)); } return data; } ,playback: function(Record) { var i = 0; var l = Record.length; while(i < l) { var o = Record[i++]; var o2 = this._keyListMap.get(o.code); o2.current = o.value; } } ,__class__: flixel_input_keyboard_FlxKeyboard }); var flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.resourceName),flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.preload == null) { flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.mouse._FlxMouse.GraphicCursor"] = flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor; flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.__name__ = ["flixel","input","mouse","_FlxMouse","GraphicCursor"]; flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.preload = null; flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor }); var flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse = function(CursorContainer) { this._prevY = 0; this._prevX = 0; this._lastWheel = 0; this._lastY = 0; this._lastX = 0; this._visibleWhenFocusLost = true; this._wheelUsed = false; this._cursor = null; this.useSystemCursor = false; this.visible = true; this.wheel = 0; this.enabled = true; flixel_input_FlxPointer.call(this); this.cursorContainer = CursorContainer; this.cursorContainer.mouseChildren = false; this.cursorContainer.mouseEnabled = false; this._leftButton = new flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton(-1); this._stage = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage; this._stage.addEventListener("mouseDown",($_=this._leftButton,$bind($_,$_.onDown))); this._stage.addEventListener("mouseUp",($_=this._leftButton,$bind($_,$_.onUp))); this._middleButton = new flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton(-2); this._rightButton = new flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton(-3); this._stage.addEventListener("middleMouseDown",($_=this._middleButton,$bind($_,$_.onDown))); this._stage.addEventListener("middleMouseUp",($_=this._middleButton,$bind($_,$_.onUp))); this._stage.addEventListener("rightMouseDown",($_=this._rightButton,$bind($_,$_.onDown))); this._stage.addEventListener("rightMouseUp",($_=this._rightButton,$bind($_,$_.onUp))); this._stage.addEventListener("mouseLeave",$bind(this,this.onMouseLeave)); this._stage.addEventListener("mouseWheel",$bind(this,this.onMouseWheel)); flixel_FlxG.signals.postGameStart.add($bind(this,this.onGameStart)); openfl_ui_Mouse.hide(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse"] = flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse.__name__ = ["flixel","input","mouse","FlxMouse"]; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse.__interfaces__ = [flixel_input_IFlxInputManager]; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse.__super__ = flixel_input_FlxPointer; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_FlxPointer.prototype,{ enabled: null ,wheel: null ,cursorContainer: null ,visible: null ,useSystemCursor: null ,_leftButton: null ,_middleButton: null ,_rightButton: null ,_cursor: null ,_cursorBitmapData: null ,_wheelUsed: null ,_visibleWhenFocusLost: null ,_lastX: null ,_lastY: null ,_lastWheel: null ,_lastLeftButtonState: null ,_prevX: null ,_prevY: null ,_stage: null ,load: function(Graphic,Scale,XOffset,YOffset) { if(YOffset == null) { YOffset = 0; } if(XOffset == null) { XOffset = 0; } if(Scale == null) { Scale = 1; } if(this._cursor != null) { flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this.cursorContainer,this._cursor); } if(Graphic == null) { Graphic = new flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor(0,0); } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Graphic,Class)) { this._cursor = Type.createInstance(Graphic,[]); } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Graphic,openfl_display_BitmapData)) { this._cursor = new openfl_display_Bitmap(Graphic); } else if(typeof(Graphic) == "string") { var id = Graphic; var tmp; if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(id)) { tmp = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(id,false); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; tmp = null; } this._cursor = new openfl_display_Bitmap(tmp); } else { this._cursor = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new flixel_input_mouse__$FlxMouse_GraphicCursor(0,0)); } this._cursor.set_x(XOffset); this._cursor.set_y(YOffset); this._cursor.set_scaleX(Scale); this._cursor.set_scaleY(Scale); this.cursorContainer.addChild(this._cursor); } ,unload: function() { if(this._cursor != null) { if(this.cursorContainer.get_visible()) { this.load(); } else { this._cursor = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this.cursorContainer,this._cursor); } } } ,destroy: function() { if(this._stage != null) { this._stage.removeEventListener("mouseDown",($_=this._leftButton,$bind($_,$_.onDown))); this._stage.removeEventListener("mouseUp",($_=this._leftButton,$bind($_,$_.onUp))); this._stage.removeEventListener("middleMouseDown",($_=this._middleButton,$bind($_,$_.onDown))); this._stage.removeEventListener("middleMouseUp",($_=this._middleButton,$bind($_,$_.onUp))); this._stage.removeEventListener("rightMouseDown",($_=this._rightButton,$bind($_,$_.onDown))); this._stage.removeEventListener("rightMouseUp",($_=this._rightButton,$bind($_,$_.onUp))); this._stage.removeEventListener("mouseLeave",$bind(this,this.onMouseLeave)); this._stage.removeEventListener("mouseWheel",$bind(this,this.onMouseWheel)); } this.cursorContainer = null; this._cursor = null; this._leftButton = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._leftButton); this._middleButton = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._middleButton); this._rightButton = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._rightButton); this._cursorBitmapData = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(this._cursorBitmapData); flixel_FlxG.signals.postGameStart.remove($bind(this,this.onGameStart)); } ,reset: function() { this._leftButton.reset(); this._middleButton.reset(); this._rightButton.reset(); } ,update: function() { this._prevX = this.x; this._prevY = this.y; var newX = flixel_FlxG.game.get_mouseX(); var newY = flixel_FlxG.game.get_mouseY(); this._globalScreenX = newX / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x | 0; this._globalScreenY = newY / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y | 0; this.updatePositions(); if(this.visible) { this.cursorContainer.set_x(flixel_FlxG.game.get_mouseX()); this.cursorContainer.set_y(flixel_FlxG.game.get_mouseY()); } this._leftButton.update(); this._middleButton.update(); this._rightButton.update(); if(!this._wheelUsed) { this.wheel = 0; } this._wheelUsed = false; } ,onFocus: function() { this.reset(); this.set_useSystemCursor(this.useSystemCursor); this.set_visible(this._visibleWhenFocusLost); } ,onFocusLost: function() { this._visibleWhenFocusLost = this.visible; if(this.visible) { this.set_visible(false); } openfl_ui_Mouse.show(); } ,onGameStart: function() { this.set_visible(this.visible); } ,onMouseWheel: function(FlashEvent) { if(this.enabled) { this._wheelUsed = true; this.wheel = FlashEvent.delta; } } ,onMouseLeave: function(_) { this._rightButton.onUp(); this._middleButton.onUp(); } ,get_justMoved: function() { if(this._prevX == this.x) { return this._prevY != this.y; } else { return true; } } ,get_pressed: function() { var _this = this._leftButton; if(_this.current != 1) { return _this.current == 2; } else { return true; } } ,get_justPressed: function() { return this._leftButton.current == 2; } ,get_justReleased: function() { return this._leftButton.current == -1; } ,get_justPressedTimeInTicks: function() { return this._leftButton.justPressedTimeInTicks; } ,get_pressedRight: function() { var _this = this._rightButton; if(_this.current != 1) { return _this.current == 2; } else { return true; } } ,get_justPressedRight: function() { return this._rightButton.current == 2; } ,get_justReleasedRight: function() { return this._rightButton.current == -1; } ,get_justPressedTimeInTicksRight: function() { return this._rightButton.justPressedTimeInTicks; } ,get_pressedMiddle: function() { var _this = this._middleButton; if(_this.current != 1) { return _this.current == 2; } else { return true; } } ,get_justPressedMiddle: function() { return this._middleButton.current == 2; } ,get_justReleasedMiddle: function() { return this._middleButton.current == -1; } ,get_justPressedTimeInTicksMiddle: function() { return this._middleButton.justPressedTimeInTicks; } ,showSystemCursor: function() { this.cursorContainer.set_visible(false); openfl_ui_Mouse.show(); } ,hideSystemCursor: function() { openfl_ui_Mouse.hide(); if(this.visible) { this.cursorContainer.set_visible(true); } } ,set_useSystemCursor: function(Value) { if(Value) { this.showSystemCursor(); } else { this.hideSystemCursor(); } return this.useSystemCursor = Value; } ,showCursor: function() { if(this.useSystemCursor) { openfl_ui_Mouse.show(); } else { if(this._cursor == null) { this.load(); } this.cursorContainer.set_visible(true); openfl_ui_Mouse.hide(); } } ,hideCursor: function() { this.cursorContainer.set_visible(false); openfl_ui_Mouse.hide(); } ,set_visible: function(Value) { if(Value) { this.showCursor(); } else { this.hideCursor(); } return this.visible = Value; } ,record: function() { if(this._lastX == this._globalScreenX && this._lastY == this._globalScreenY && this._lastLeftButtonState == this._leftButton.current && this._lastWheel == this.wheel) { return null; } this._lastX = this._globalScreenX; this._lastY = this._globalScreenY; this._lastLeftButtonState = this._leftButton.current; this._lastWheel = this.wheel; return new flixel_system_replay_MouseRecord(this._lastX,this._lastY,this._leftButton.current,this._lastWheel); } ,playback: function(Record) { if((this._lastLeftButtonState == 1 || this._lastLeftButtonState == 2) && (Record.button == 0 || Record.button == -1)) { this._stage.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_MouseEvent("mouseUp",true,false,Record.x,Record.y)); } this._lastLeftButtonState = this._leftButton.current = Record.button; this.wheel = Record.wheel; this._globalScreenX = Record.x; this._globalScreenY = Record.y; this.updatePositions(); } ,__class__: flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouse ,__properties__: {get_justPressedTimeInTicksMiddle:"get_justPressedTimeInTicksMiddle",get_justReleasedMiddle:"get_justReleasedMiddle",get_justPressedMiddle:"get_justPressedMiddle",get_pressedMiddle:"get_pressedMiddle",get_justPressedTimeInTicksRight:"get_justPressedTimeInTicksRight",get_justReleasedRight:"get_justReleasedRight",get_justPressedRight:"get_justPressedRight",get_pressedRight:"get_pressedRight",get_justPressedTimeInTicks:"get_justPressedTimeInTicks",get_justReleased:"get_justReleased",get_justPressed:"get_justPressed",get_pressed:"get_pressed",get_justMoved:"get_justMoved",set_useSystemCursor:"set_useSystemCursor",set_visible:"set_visible"} }); var flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton = function(ID) { this.justPressedTimeInTicks = -1; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this.justPressedPosition = point; flixel_input_FlxInput.call(this,ID); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouseButton"] = flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton.__name__ = ["flixel","input","mouse","FlxMouseButton"]; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton.getByID = function(id) { switch(id) { case -3: return flixel_FlxG.mouse._rightButton; case -2: return flixel_FlxG.mouse._middleButton; case -1: return flixel_FlxG.mouse._leftButton; } }; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton.__super__ = flixel_input_FlxInput; flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_FlxInput.prototype,{ justPressedPosition: null ,justPressedTimeInTicks: null ,update: function() { flixel_input_FlxInput.prototype.update.call(this); if(this.current == 2) { this.justPressedPosition.set(flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenX,flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenY); this.justPressedTimeInTicks = flixel_FlxG.game.ticks; } else if(this.current == -1) { flixel_FlxG.swipes.push(new flixel_input_FlxSwipe(this.ID,this.justPressedPosition,flixel_FlxG.mouse.getScreenPosition(),this.justPressedTimeInTicks)); } } ,destroy: function() { this.justPressedPosition = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.justPressedPosition); } ,onDown: function(_) { if(flixel_FlxG.mouse.enabled) { this.press(); } } ,onUp: function(_) { if(flixel_FlxG.mouse.enabled) { this.release(); } } ,__class__: flixel_input_mouse_FlxMouseButton }); var flixel_input_touch_FlxTouch = function(x,y,pointID) { if(pointID == null) { pointID = 0; } if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } this.justPressedTimeInTicks = -1; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; this.justPressedPosition = point; this.flashPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); flixel_input_FlxPointer.call(this); this.input = new flixel_input_FlxInput(pointID); this.setXY(x,y); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.touch.FlxTouch"] = flixel_input_touch_FlxTouch; flixel_input_touch_FlxTouch.__name__ = ["flixel","input","touch","FlxTouch"]; flixel_input_touch_FlxTouch.__interfaces__ = [flixel_input_IFlxInput,flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_input_touch_FlxTouch.__super__ = flixel_input_FlxPointer; flixel_input_touch_FlxTouch.prototype = $extend(flixel_input_FlxPointer.prototype,{ input: null ,flashPoint: null ,justPressedPosition: null ,justPressedTimeInTicks: null ,destroy: function() { this.input = null; this.justPressedPosition = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.justPressedPosition); this.flashPoint = null; } ,recycle: function(x,y,pointID) { this.setXY(x,y); this.input.ID = pointID; this.input.reset(); } ,update: function() { this.input.update(); if(this.input.current == 2) { this.justPressedPosition.set(this.screenX,this.screenY); this.justPressedTimeInTicks = flixel_FlxG.game.ticks; } else if(this.input.current == -1) { flixel_FlxG.swipes.push(new flixel_input_FlxSwipe(this.input.ID,this.justPressedPosition,this.getScreenPosition(),this.justPressedTimeInTicks)); } } ,setXY: function(X,Y) { this.flashPoint.setTo(X,Y); this.flashPoint = flixel_FlxG.game.globalToLocal(this.flashPoint); this._globalScreenX = this.flashPoint.x / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x | 0; this._globalScreenY = this.flashPoint.y / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y | 0; this.updatePositions(); } ,get_touchPointID: function() { return this.input.ID; } ,get_justReleased: function() { return this.input.current == -1; } ,get_released: function() { var _this = this.input; if(_this.current != 0) { return _this.current == -1; } else { return true; } } ,get_pressed: function() { var _this = this.input; if(_this.current != 1) { return _this.current == 2; } else { return true; } } ,get_justPressed: function() { return this.input.current == 2; } ,__class__: flixel_input_touch_FlxTouch ,__properties__: {get_justPressed:"get_justPressed",get_pressed:"get_pressed",get_released:"get_released",get_justReleased:"get_justReleased",get_touchPointID:"get_touchPointID"} }); var flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager = function() { this.list = []; this._inactiveTouches = []; this._touchesCache = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager.maxTouchPoints = openfl_ui_Multitouch.maxTouchPoints; openfl_ui_Multitouch.inputMode = 2; openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("touchBegin",$bind(this,this.handleTouchBegin)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("touchEnd",$bind(this,this.handleTouchEnd)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("touchMove",$bind(this,this.handleTouchMove)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.input.touch.FlxTouchManager"] = flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager; flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager.__name__ = ["flixel","input","touch","FlxTouchManager"]; flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager.__interfaces__ = [flixel_input_IFlxInputManager]; flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager.prototype = { list: null ,_inactiveTouches: null ,_touchesCache: null ,getByID: function(TouchPointID) { return this._touchesCache.h[TouchPointID]; } ,getFirst: function() { if(this.list[0] != null) { return this.list[0]; } else { return null; } } ,destroy: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var touch = _g1[_g]; ++_g; touch.destroy(); } this.list = null; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this._inactiveTouches; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var touch1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; touch1.destroy(); } this._inactiveTouches = null; this._touchesCache = null; } ,justStarted: function(TouchArray) { if(TouchArray == null) { TouchArray = []; } var touchLen = TouchArray.length; if(touchLen > 0) { TouchArray.splice(0,touchLen); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var touch = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(touch.input.current == 2) { TouchArray.push(touch); } } return TouchArray; } ,justReleased: function(TouchArray) { if(TouchArray == null) { TouchArray = []; } var touchLen = TouchArray.length; if(touchLen > 0) { TouchArray.splice(0,touchLen); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var touch = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(touch.input.current == -1) { TouchArray.push(touch); } } return TouchArray; } ,reset: function() { var key = this._touchesCache.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); this._touchesCache.remove(key1); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var touch = _g1[_g]; ++_g; touch.input.reset(); this._inactiveTouches.push(touch); } this.list.splice(0,this.list.length); } ,handleTouchBegin: function(FlashEvent) { var touch = this._touchesCache.h[FlashEvent.touchPointID]; if(touch != null) { touch.setXY(FlashEvent.stageX | 0,FlashEvent.stageY | 0); } else { touch = this.recycle(FlashEvent.stageX | 0,FlashEvent.stageY | 0,FlashEvent.touchPointID); } touch.input.press(); } ,handleTouchEnd: function(FlashEvent) { var touch = this._touchesCache.h[FlashEvent.touchPointID]; if(touch != null) { touch.input.release(); } } ,handleTouchMove: function(FlashEvent) { var touch = this._touchesCache.h[FlashEvent.touchPointID]; if(touch != null) { touch.setXY(FlashEvent.stageX | 0,FlashEvent.stageY | 0); } } ,add: function(Touch) { this.list.push(Touch); this._touchesCache.h[Touch.input.ID] = Touch; return Touch; } ,recycle: function(X,Y,PointID) { if(this._inactiveTouches.length > 0) { var touch = this._inactiveTouches.pop(); touch.recycle(X,Y,PointID); return this.add(touch); } return this.add(new flixel_input_touch_FlxTouch(X,Y,PointID)); } ,update: function() { var i = this.list.length - 1; var touch; while(i >= 0) { touch = this.list[i]; var tmp; var _this = touch.input; if(_this.current == 0 || _this.current == -1) { tmp = touch.input.current != -1; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { touch.input.reset(); this._touchesCache.remove(touch.input.ID); this.list.splice(i,1); this._inactiveTouches.push(touch); } else { touch.update(); } --i; } } ,onFocus: function() { } ,onFocusLost: function() { this.reset(); } ,__class__: flixel_input_touch_FlxTouchManager }; var flixel_math_FlxAngle = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.math.FlxAngle"] = flixel_math_FlxAngle; flixel_math_FlxAngle.__name__ = ["flixel","math","FlxAngle"]; flixel_math_FlxAngle.__properties__ = {get_TO_RAD:"get_TO_RAD",get_TO_DEG:"get_TO_DEG"}; flixel_math_FlxAngle.wrapAngle = function(angle) { if(angle > 180) { angle = flixel_math_FlxAngle.wrapAngle(angle - 360); } else if(angle < -180) { angle = flixel_math_FlxAngle.wrapAngle(angle + 360); } return angle; }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.asDegrees = function(radians) { return radians * (180 / Math.PI); }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.asRadians = function(degrees) { return degrees * (Math.PI / 180); }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetween = function(SpriteA,SpriteB,AsDegrees) { if(AsDegrees == null) { AsDegrees = false; } var dx = SpriteB.x + SpriteB.origin.x - (SpriteA.x + SpriteA.origin.x); var dy = SpriteB.y + SpriteB.origin.y - (SpriteA.y + SpriteA.origin.y); if(AsDegrees) { return Math.atan2(dy,dx) * (180 / Math.PI); } else { return Math.atan2(dy,dx); } }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenPoint = function(Sprite,Target,AsDegrees) { if(AsDegrees == null) { AsDegrees = false; } var dx = Target.x - (Sprite.x + Sprite.origin.x); var dy = Target.y - (Sprite.y + Sprite.origin.y); if(Target._weak) { Target.put(); } if(AsDegrees) { return Math.atan2(dy,dx) * (180 / Math.PI); } else { return Math.atan2(dy,dx); } }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenMouse = function(Object,AsDegrees) { if(AsDegrees == null) { AsDegrees = false; } if(Object == null) { return 0; } var p = Object.getScreenPosition(); var dx = flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenX - p.x; var dy = flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenY - p.y; p.put(); if(AsDegrees) { return Math.atan2(dy,dx) * (180 / Math.PI); } else { return Math.atan2(dy,dx); } }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenTouch = function(Object,Touch,AsDegrees) { if(AsDegrees == null) { AsDegrees = false; } var p = Object.getScreenPosition(); var dx = Touch.screenX - p.x; var dy = Touch.screenY - p.y; p.put(); if(AsDegrees) { return Math.atan2(dy,dx) * (180 / Math.PI); } else { return Math.atan2(dy,dx); } }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleFromFacing = function(FacingBitmask,AsDegrees) { if(AsDegrees == null) { AsDegrees = false; } var degrees; switch(FacingBitmask) { case 1: degrees = 180; break; case 16: degrees = 0; break; case 256: degrees = -90; break; case 4096: degrees = 90; break; default: var f = FacingBitmask; if(f == 257) { degrees = -135; } else { var f1 = FacingBitmask; if(f1 == 272) { degrees = -45; } else { var f2 = FacingBitmask; if(f2 == 4097) { degrees = 135; } else { var f3 = FacingBitmask; if(f3 == 4112) { degrees = 45; } else { degrees = 0; } } } } } if(AsDegrees) { return degrees; } else { return degrees * (Math.PI / 180); } }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.getCartesianCoords = function(Radius,Angle,point) { var p = point; if(p == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; p = point1; } p.set_x(Radius * Math.cos(Angle * (Math.PI / 180))); p.set_y(Radius * Math.sin(Angle * (Math.PI / 180))); return p; }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.getPolarCoords = function(X,Y,point) { var p = point; if(p == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; p = point1; } p.set_x(Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y)); p.set_y(Math.atan2(Y,X) * (180 / Math.PI)); return p; }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.get_TO_DEG = function() { return 180 / Math.PI; }; flixel_math_FlxAngle.get_TO_RAD = function() { return Math.PI / 180; }; var flixel_math_FlxMath = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.math.FlxMath"] = flixel_math_FlxMath; flixel_math_FlxMath.__name__ = ["flixel","math","FlxMath"]; flixel_math_FlxMath.roundDecimal = function(Value,Precision) { var mult = 1; var _g1 = 0; var _g = Precision; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; mult *= 10; } return Math.round(Value * mult) / mult; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.bound = function(Value,Min,Max) { var lowerBound = Min != null && Value < Min ? Min : Value; if(Max != null && lowerBound > Max) { return Max; } else { return lowerBound; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.lerp = function(a,b,ratio) { return a + ratio * (b - a); }; flixel_math_FlxMath.inBounds = function(Value,Min,Max) { if(Min == null || Value >= Min) { if(Max != null) { return Value <= Max; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.isOdd = function(n) { return ((n | 0) & 1) != 0; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.isEven = function(n) { return ((n | 0) & 1) == 0; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.numericComparison = function(a,b) { if(b > a) { return -1; } else if(a > b) { return 1; } return 0; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInCoordinates = function(pointX,pointY,rectX,rectY,rectWidth,rectHeight) { if(pointX >= rectX && pointX <= rectX + rectWidth) { if(pointY >= rectY && pointY <= rectY + rectHeight) { return true; } } return false; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect = function(pointX,pointY,rect) { if(pointX >= rect.x && pointX <= rect.x + rect.width && pointY >= rect.y) { return pointY <= rect.y + rect.height; } else { return false; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.mouseInFlxRect = function(useWorldCoords,rect) { if(rect == null) { return true; } if(useWorldCoords) { return flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(Math.floor(flixel_FlxG.mouse.x),Math.floor(flixel_FlxG.mouse.y),rect); } else { return flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInFlxRect(flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenX,flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenY,rect); } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInRectangle = function(pointX,pointY,rect) { if(pointX >= rect.x && pointX <= rect.get_right() && pointY >= rect.y) { return pointY <= rect.get_bottom(); } else { return false; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.maxAdd = function(value,amount,max,min) { if(min == null) { min = 0; } value += amount; if(value > max) { value = max; } else if(value <= min) { value = min; } return value; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap = function(value,min,max) { var range = max - min + 1; if(value < min) { value += range * ((min - value) / range + 1 | 0); } return min + (value - min) % range; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.remapToRange = function(value,start1,stop1,start2,stop2) { return start2 + (value - start1) * ((stop2 - start2) / (stop1 - start1)); }; flixel_math_FlxMath.dotProduct = function(ax,ay,bx,by) { return ax * bx + ay * by; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.vectorLength = function(dx,dy) { return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }; flixel_math_FlxMath.distanceBetween = function(SpriteA,SpriteB) { var dx = SpriteA.x + SpriteA.origin.x - (SpriteB.x + SpriteB.origin.x); var dy = SpriteA.y + SpriteA.origin.y - (SpriteB.y + SpriteB.origin.y); return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) | 0; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.isDistanceWithin = function(SpriteA,SpriteB,Distance,IncludeEqual) { if(IncludeEqual == null) { IncludeEqual = false; } var dx = SpriteA.x + SpriteA.origin.x - (SpriteB.x + SpriteB.origin.x); var dy = SpriteA.y + SpriteA.origin.y - (SpriteB.y + SpriteB.origin.y); if(IncludeEqual) { return dx * dx + dy * dy <= Distance * Distance; } else { return dx * dx + dy * dy < Distance * Distance; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.distanceToPoint = function(Sprite,Target) { var dx = Sprite.x + Sprite.origin.x - Target.x; var dy = Sprite.y + Sprite.origin.y - Target.y; if(Target._weak) { Target.put(); } return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) | 0; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.isDistanceToPointWithin = function(Sprite,Target,Distance,IncludeEqual) { if(IncludeEqual == null) { IncludeEqual = false; } var dx = Sprite.x + Sprite.origin.x - Target.x; var dy = Sprite.y + Sprite.origin.y - Target.y; if(Target._weak) { Target.put(); } if(IncludeEqual) { return dx * dx + dy * dy <= Distance * Distance; } else { return dx * dx + dy * dy < Distance * Distance; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.distanceToMouse = function(Sprite) { var dx = Sprite.x + Sprite.origin.x - flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenX; var dy = Sprite.y + Sprite.origin.y - flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenY; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) | 0; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.isDistanceToMouseWithin = function(Sprite,Distance,IncludeEqual) { if(IncludeEqual == null) { IncludeEqual = false; } var dx = Sprite.x + Sprite.origin.x - flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenX; var dy = Sprite.y + Sprite.origin.y - flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenY; if(IncludeEqual) { return dx * dx + dy * dy <= Distance * Distance; } else { return dx * dx + dy * dy < Distance * Distance; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.distanceToTouch = function(Sprite,Touch) { var dx = Sprite.x + Sprite.origin.x - Touch.screenX; var dy = Sprite.y + Sprite.origin.y - Touch.screenY; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) | 0; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.isDistanceToTouchWithin = function(Sprite,Touch,Distance,IncludeEqual) { if(IncludeEqual == null) { IncludeEqual = false; } var dx = Sprite.x + Sprite.origin.x - Touch.screenX; var dy = Sprite.y + Sprite.origin.y - Touch.screenY; if(IncludeEqual) { return dx * dx + dy * dy <= Distance * Distance; } else { return dx * dx + dy * dy < Distance * Distance; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.getDecimals = function(n) { var helperArray = (n == null ? "null" : "" + n).split("."); var decimals = 0; if(helperArray.length > 1) { decimals = helperArray[1].length; } return decimals; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.equal = function(aValueA,aValueB,aDiff) { if(aDiff == null) { aDiff = 0.0000001; } return Math.abs(aValueA - aValueB) <= aDiff; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.signOf = function(n) { if(n < 0) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.sameSign = function(a,b) { return (a < 0 ? -1 : 1) == (b < 0 ? -1 : 1); }; flixel_math_FlxMath.fastSin = function(n) { n *= 0.3183098862; if(n > 1) { n -= Math.ceil(n) >> 1 << 1; } else if(n < -1) { n += Math.ceil(-n) >> 1 << 1; } if(n > 0) { return n * (3.1 + n * (0.5 + n * (-7.2 + n * 3.6))); } else { return n * (3.1 - n * (0.5 + n * (7.2 + n * 3.6))); } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.fastCos = function(n) { var n1 = n + 1.570796327; n1 *= 0.3183098862; if(n1 > 1) { n1 -= Math.ceil(n1) >> 1 << 1; } else if(n1 < -1) { n1 += Math.ceil(-n1) >> 1 << 1; } if(n1 > 0) { return n1 * (3.1 + n1 * (0.5 + n1 * (-7.2 + n1 * 3.6))); } else { return n1 * (3.1 - n1 * (0.5 + n1 * (7.2 + n1 * 3.6))); } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.sinh = function(n) { return (Math.exp(n) - Math.exp(-n)) / 2; }; flixel_math_FlxMath.maxInt = function(a,b) { if(a > b) { return a; } else { return b; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.minInt = function(a,b) { if(a > b) { return b; } else { return a; } }; flixel_math_FlxMath.absInt = function(n) { if(n > 0) { return n; } else { return -n; } }; var flixel_math_FlxMatrix = function(a,b,c,d,tx,ty) { openfl_geom_Matrix.call(this,a,b,c,d,tx,ty); }; $hxClasses["flixel.math.FlxMatrix"] = flixel_math_FlxMatrix; flixel_math_FlxMatrix.__name__ = ["flixel","math","FlxMatrix"]; flixel_math_FlxMatrix.__super__ = openfl_geom_Matrix; flixel_math_FlxMatrix.prototype = $extend(openfl_geom_Matrix.prototype,{ rotateWithTrig: function(cos,sin) { var a1 = this.a * cos - this.b * sin; this.b = this.a * sin + this.b * cos; this.a = a1; var c1 = this.c * cos - this.d * sin; this.d = this.c * sin + this.d * cos; this.c = c1; var tx1 = this.tx * cos - this.ty * sin; this.ty = this.tx * sin + this.ty * cos; this.tx = tx1; return this; } ,rotateBy180: function() { this.setTo(-this.a,-this.b,-this.c,-this.d,-this.tx,-this.ty); return this; } ,rotateByPositive90: function() { this.setTo(-this.b,this.a,-this.d,this.c,-this.ty,this.tx); return this; } ,rotateByNegative90: function() { this.setTo(this.b,-this.a,this.d,-this.c,this.ty,-this.tx); return this; } ,transformX: function(px,py) { return px * this.a + py * this.c + this.tx; } ,transformY: function(px,py) { return px * this.b + py * this.d + this.ty; } ,__class__: flixel_math_FlxMatrix }); var flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint = function(setXCallback,setYCallback,setXYCallback) { flixel_math_FlxPoint.call(this); this._setXCallback = setXCallback; this._setYCallback = setXYCallback; this._setXYCallback = setXYCallback; if(this._setXCallback != null) { if(this._setYCallback == null) { this._setYCallback = setXCallback; } if(this._setXYCallback == null) { this._setXYCallback = setXCallback; } } }; $hxClasses["flixel.math.FlxCallbackPoint"] = flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint; flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint.__name__ = ["flixel","math","FlxCallbackPoint"]; flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint.__super__ = flixel_math_FlxPoint; flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint.prototype = $extend(flixel_math_FlxPoint.prototype,{ _setXCallback: null ,_setYCallback: null ,_setXYCallback: null ,set: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } flixel_math_FlxPoint.prototype.set.call(this,X,Y); if(this._setXYCallback != null) { this._setXYCallback(this); } return this; } ,set_x: function(Value) { flixel_math_FlxPoint.prototype.set_x.call(this,Value); if(this._setXCallback != null) { this._setXCallback(this); } return Value; } ,set_y: function(Value) { flixel_math_FlxPoint.prototype.set_y.call(this,Value); if(this._setYCallback != null) { this._setYCallback(this); } return Value; } ,destroy: function() { flixel_math_FlxPoint.prototype.destroy.call(this); this._setXCallback = null; this._setYCallback = null; this._setXYCallback = null; } ,put: function() { } ,__class__: flixel_math_FlxCallbackPoint }); var flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["flixel.math._FlxVector.FlxVector_Impl_"] = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["flixel","math","_FlxVector","FlxVector_Impl_"]; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_ly:"get_ly",get_lx:"get_lx",get_ry:"get_ry",get_rx:"get_rx",set_radians:"set_radians",get_radians:"get_radians",set_degrees:"set_degrees",get_degrees:"get_degrees",get_lengthSquared:"get_lengthSquared",set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length",get_dy:"get_dy",get_dx:"get_dx",set_y:"set_y",get_y:"get_y",set_x:"set_x",get_x:"get_x",get_pool:"get_pool"}; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get = function(x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(x,y); point._inPool = false; return point; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.weak = function(x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(x,y); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; return point1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._new = function(x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } var this1 = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(x,y); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } return this1.set(x,y); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.add = function(this1,x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } var _g = this1; _g.set_x(_g.x + x); var _g1 = this1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + y); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.addPoint = function(this1,point) { return this1.addPoint(point); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.subtract = function(this1,x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } var _g = this1; _g.set_x(_g.x - x); var _g1 = this1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - y); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.subtractPoint = function(this1,point) { return this1.subtractPoint(point); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.scale = function(this1,k) { return this1.scale(k); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.scaleNew = function(this1,k) { return flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(this1).scale(k); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.addNew = function(this1,v) { return flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(this1).addPoint(v); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.subtractNew = function(this1,v) { return flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(this1).subtractPoint(v); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.copyFrom = function(this1,point) { this1.set_x(point.x); this1.set_y(point.y); if(point._weak) { point.put(); } return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.copyFromFlash = function(this1,flashPoint) { this1.set_x(flashPoint.x); this1.set_y(flashPoint.y); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.floor = function(this1) { this1.set_x(Math.floor(this1.x)); this1.set_y(Math.floor(this1.y)); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.ceil = function(this1) { this1.set_x(Math.ceil(this1.x)); this1.set_y(Math.ceil(this1.y)); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.round = function(this1) { this1.set_x(Math.round(this1.x)); this1.set_y(Math.round(this1.y)); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.rotate = function(this1,pivot,angle) { return this1.rotate(pivot,angle); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.transform = function(this1,matrix) { var x1 = this1.x * matrix.a + this1.y * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var y1 = this1.x * matrix.b + this1.y * matrix.d + matrix.ty; return this1.set(x1,y1); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.dotProduct = function(this1,v) { var dp = this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y; if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return dp; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.dotProductWeak = function(this1,v) { return this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.dotProdWithNormalizing = function(this1,v) { var normalized = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.normalize(flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(v,flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1)); if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return this1.x * normalized.x + this1.y * normalized.y; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.isPerpendicular = function(this1,v) { var dp = this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y; if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return Math.abs(dp) < 9.9999999999999984e-015; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.crossProductLength = function(this1,v) { var cp = this1.x * v.y - this1.y * v.x; if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return cp; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.crossProductLengthWeak = function(this1,v) { return this1.x * v.y - this1.y * v.x; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.isParallel = function(this1,v) { var p = Math.abs(this1.x * v.y - this1.y * v.x) < 9.9999999999999984e-015; if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return p; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.isParallelWeak = function(this1,v) { return Math.abs(this1.x * v.y - this1.y * v.x) < 9.9999999999999984e-015; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.isZero = function(this1) { if(Math.abs(this1.x) < 0.0000001) { return Math.abs(this1.y) < 0.0000001; } else { return false; } }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.zero = function(this1) { this1.set_x(this1.set_y(0)); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.normalize = function(this1) { if(Math.abs(this1.x) < 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this1.y) < 0.0000001) { return this1; } return this1.scale(1 / Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y)); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.isNormalized = function(this1) { return Math.abs(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y - 1) < 9.9999999999999984e-015; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.rotateByRadians = function(this1,rads) { var s = Math.sin(rads); var c = Math.cos(rads); var tempX = this1.x; this1.set_x(tempX * c - this1.y * s); this1.set_y(tempX * s + this1.y * c); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.rotateByDegrees = function(this1,degs) { var rads = degs * (Math.PI / 180); var s = Math.sin(rads); var c = Math.cos(rads); var tempX = this1.x; this1.set_x(tempX * c - this1.y * s); this1.set_y(tempX * s + this1.y * c); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.rotateWithTrig = function(this1,sin,cos) { var tempX = this1.x; this1.set_x(tempX * cos - this1.y * sin); this1.set_y(tempX * sin + this1.y * cos); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.rightNormal = function(this1,vec) { if(vec == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; vec = point; } vec.set(-this1.y,this1.x); return vec; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.leftNormal = function(this1,vec) { if(vec == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; vec = point; } vec.set(this1.y,-this1.x); return vec; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.negate = function(this1) { var _g = this1; _g.set_x(_g.x * -1); var _g1 = this1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y * -1); return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.negateNew = function(this1) { var this2 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(this1); var _g = this2; _g.set_x(_g.x * -1); var _g1 = this2; _g1.set_y(_g1.y * -1); return this2; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.projectTo = function(this1,v,proj) { var dp = this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y; var lenSq = v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y; if(proj == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; proj = point; } proj.set(dp * v.x / lenSq,dp * v.y / lenSq); if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return proj; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.projectToNormalized = function(this1,v,proj) { var proj1 = proj; var dp = this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y; if(proj1 == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; proj1 = point; } proj = proj1.set(dp * v.x,dp * v.y); if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return proj; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.projectToNormalizedWeak = function(this1,v,proj) { var dp = this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y; if(proj == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; proj = point; } return proj.set(dp * v.x,dp * v.y); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.perpProduct = function(this1,v) { var pp = this1.y * v.x + -this1.x * v.y; if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return pp; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.perpProductWeak = function(this1,v) { return this1.y * v.x + -this1.x * v.y; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.ratio = function(this1,a,b,v) { var r; if(Math.abs(this1.x * v.y - this1.y * v.x) < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { r = NaN; } else if(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015 || v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { r = NaN; } else { flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(b,flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1); var _this = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; var _g = _this; _g.set_x(_g.x - a.x); var _g1 = _this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - a.y); var this2 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; r = (this2.y * v.x + -this2.x * v.y) / (this1.y * v.x + -this1.x * v.y); } if(a._weak) { a.put(); } if(b._weak) { b.put(); } if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return r; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.ratioWeak = function(this1,a,b,v) { if(Math.abs(this1.x * v.y - this1.y * v.x) < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { return NaN; } if(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015 || v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { return NaN; } flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(b,flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1); var _this = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; var _g = _this; _g.set_x(_g.x - a.x); var _g1 = _this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - a.y); var this2 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; return (this2.y * v.x + -this2.x * v.y) / (this1.y * v.x + -this1.x * v.y); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.findIntersection = function(this1,a,b,v,intersection) { var t; if(Math.abs(this1.x * v.y - this1.y * v.x) < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { t = NaN; } else if(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015 || v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { t = NaN; } else { flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(b,flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1); var _this = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; var _g = _this; _g.set_x(_g.x - a.x); var _g1 = _this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - a.y); var this2 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; t = (this2.y * v.x + -this2.x * v.y) / (this1.y * v.x + -this1.x * v.y); } if(intersection == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; intersection = point; } if(isNaN(t)) { intersection.set(NaN,NaN); } else { intersection.set(a.x + t * this1.x,a.y + t * this1.y); } if(a._weak) { a.put(); } if(b._weak) { b.put(); } if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return intersection; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.findIntersectionInBounds = function(this1,a,b,v,intersection) { if(intersection == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; intersection = point; } var t1; if(Math.abs(this1.x * v.y - this1.y * v.x) < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { t1 = NaN; } else if(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015 || v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { t1 = NaN; } else { flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(b,flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1); var _this = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; var _g = _this; _g.set_x(_g.x - a.x); var _g1 = _this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - a.y); var this2 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; t1 = (this2.y * v.x + -this2.x * v.y) / (this1.y * v.x + -this1.x * v.y); } var t2; if(Math.abs(v.x * this1.y - v.y * this1.x) < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { t2 = NaN; } else if(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015 || this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y < 9.9999999999999984e-015) { t2 = NaN; } else { flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone(a,flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1); var _this1 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; var _g2 = _this1; _g2.set_x(_g2.x - b.x); var _g3 = _this1; _g3.set_y(_g3.y - b.y); var this3 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; t2 = (this3.y * this1.x + -this3.x * this1.y) / (v.y * this1.x + -v.x * this1.y); } if(!isNaN(t1) && !isNaN(t2) && t1 > 0 && t1 <= 1 && t2 > 0 && t2 <= 1) { intersection.set(a.x + t1 * this1.x,a.y + t1 * this1.y); } else { intersection.set(NaN,NaN); } if(a._weak) { a.put(); } if(b._weak) { b.put(); } if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return intersection; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.truncate = function(this1,max) { var l = Math.min(max,Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y)); if(!(Math.abs(this1.x) < 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this1.y) < 0.0000001)) { var a = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_radians(this1); this1.set_x(l * Math.cos(a)); this1.set_y(l * Math.sin(a)); } return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.radiansBetween = function(this1,v) { var rads = Math.acos((this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y) / (Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y) * Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y))); if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return rads; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.degreesBetween = function(this1,v) { var rads = Math.acos((this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y) / (Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y) * Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y))); if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return rads * (180 / Math.PI); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.sign = function(this1,a,b) { var signFl = (a.x - this1.x) * (b.y - this1.y) - (a.y - this1.y) * (b.x - this1.x); if(a._weak) { a.put(); } if(b._weak) { b.put(); } if(signFl == 0) { return 0; } return Math.round(signFl / Math.abs(signFl)); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.dist = function(this1,v) { var dx = v.x - this1.x; var dy = v.y - this1.y; if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.distSquared = function(this1,v) { var dx = v.x - this1.x; var dy = v.y - this1.y; if(v._weak) { v.put(); } return dx * dx + dy * dy; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.bounce = function(this1,normal,bounceCoeff) { if(bounceCoeff == null) { bounceCoeff = 1; } var d = (1 + bounceCoeff) * (this1.x * normal.x + this1.y * normal.y); var _g = this1; _g.set_x(_g.x - d * normal.x); var _g1 = this1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - d * normal.y); if(normal._weak) { normal.put(); } return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.bounceWithFriction = function(this1,normal,bounceCoeff,friction) { if(friction == null) { friction = 0; } if(bounceCoeff == null) { bounceCoeff = 1; } var v = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.rightNormal(normal,flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector3); var proj = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector1; var dp = this1.x * v.x + this1.y * v.y; if(proj == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; proj = point; } var p1 = proj.set(dp * v.x,dp * v.y); var proj1 = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$._vector2; var dp1 = this1.x * normal.x + this1.y * normal.y; if(proj1 == null) { var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; proj1 = point1; } var p2 = proj1.set(dp1 * normal.x,dp1 * normal.y); var bounceX = -p2.x; var bounceY = -p2.y; var frictionX = p1.x; var frictionY = p1.y; this1.set_x(bounceX * bounceCoeff + frictionX * friction); this1.set_y(bounceY * bounceCoeff + frictionY * friction); if(normal._weak) { normal.put(); } return this1; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.isValid = function(this1) { if(!isNaN(this1.x) && !isNaN(this1.y) && isFinite(this1.x)) { return isFinite(this1.y); } else { return false; } }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.clone = function(this1,vec) { if(vec == null) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; vec = point; } vec.set_x(this1.x); vec.set_y(this1.y); return vec; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_x = function(this1) { return this1.x; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.set_x = function(this1,x) { return this1.set_x(x); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_y = function(this1) { return this1.y; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.set_y = function(this1,y) { return this1.set_y(y); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_dx = function(this1) { if(Math.abs(this1.x) < 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this1.y) < 0.0000001) { return 0; } return this1.x / Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_dy = function(this1) { if(Math.abs(this1.x) < 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this1.y) < 0.0000001) { return 0; } return this1.y / Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { return Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.set_length = function(this1,l) { if(!(Math.abs(this1.x) < 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this1.y) < 0.0000001)) { var a = flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_radians(this1); this1.set_x(l * Math.cos(a)); this1.set_y(l * Math.sin(a)); } return l; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_lengthSquared = function(this1) { return this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_degrees = function(this1) { return flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_radians(this1) * (180 / Math.PI); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.set_degrees = function(this1,degs) { var rads = degs * (Math.PI / 180); var len = Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y); this1.set_x(len * Math.cos(rads)); this1.set_y(len * Math.sin(rads)); return degs; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_radians = function(this1) { if(Math.abs(this1.x) < 0.0000001 && Math.abs(this1.y) < 0.0000001) { return 0; } return Math.atan2(this1.y,this1.x); }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.set_radians = function(this1,rads) { var len = Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y); this1.set_x(len * Math.cos(rads)); this1.set_y(len * Math.sin(rads)); return rads; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_rx = function(this1) { return -this1.y; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_ry = function(this1) { return this1.x; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_lx = function(this1) { return this1.y; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_ly = function(this1) { return -this1.x; }; flixel_math__$FlxVector_FlxVector_$Impl_$.get_pool = function() { return flixel_math_FlxPoint.get_pool(); }; var flixel_math_FlxVelocity = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.math.FlxVelocity"] = flixel_math_FlxVelocity; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.__name__ = ["flixel","math","FlxVelocity"]; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.moveTowardsObject = function(Source,Dest,Speed,MaxTime) { if(MaxTime == null) { MaxTime = 0; } if(Speed == null) { Speed = 60; } var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetween(Source,Dest); if(MaxTime > 0) { var dx = Source.x + Source.origin.x - (Dest.x + Dest.origin.x); var dy = Source.y + Source.origin.y - (Dest.y + Dest.origin.y); var d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) | 0; Speed = d / (MaxTime / 1000) | 0; } Source.velocity.set_x(Math.cos(a) * Speed); Source.velocity.set_y(Math.sin(a) * Speed); }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.accelerateTowardsObject = function(Source,Dest,Acceleration,MaxSpeed) { var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetween(Source,Dest); var sinA = Math.sin(a); var cosA = Math.cos(a); Source.velocity.set(0,0); Source.acceleration.set(cosA * Acceleration,sinA * Acceleration); Source.maxVelocity.set(Math.abs(cosA * MaxSpeed),Math.abs(sinA * MaxSpeed)); }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.moveTowardsMouse = function(Source,Speed,MaxTime) { if(MaxTime == null) { MaxTime = 0; } if(Speed == null) { Speed = 60; } var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenMouse(Source); if(MaxTime > 0) { var dx = Source.x + Source.origin.x - flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenX; var dy = Source.y + Source.origin.y - flixel_FlxG.mouse.screenY; var d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) | 0; Speed = d / (MaxTime / 1000) | 0; } Source.velocity.set_x(Math.cos(a) * Speed); Source.velocity.set_y(Math.sin(a) * Speed); }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.moveTowardsTouch = function(Source,Touch,Speed,MaxTime) { if(MaxTime == null) { MaxTime = 0; } if(Speed == null) { Speed = 60; } var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenTouch(Source,Touch); if(MaxTime > 0) { var dx = Source.x + Source.origin.x - Touch.screenX; var dy = Source.y + Source.origin.y - Touch.screenY; var d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) | 0; Speed = d / (MaxTime / 1000) | 0; } Source.velocity.set_x(Math.cos(a) * Speed); Source.velocity.set_y(Math.sin(a) * Speed); }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.accelerateTowardsMouse = function(Source,Acceleration,MaxSpeed) { var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenMouse(Source); var sinA = Math.sin(a); var cosA = Math.cos(a); Source.velocity.set(0,0); Source.acceleration.set(cosA * Acceleration,sinA * Acceleration); Source.maxVelocity.set(Math.abs(cosA * MaxSpeed),Math.abs(sinA * MaxSpeed)); }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.accelerateTowardsTouch = function(Source,Touch,Acceleration,MaxSpeed) { var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenTouch(Source,Touch); var sinA = Math.sin(a); var cosA = Math.cos(a); Source.velocity.set(0,0); Source.acceleration.set(cosA * Acceleration,sinA * Acceleration); Source.maxVelocity.set(Math.abs(cosA * MaxSpeed),Math.abs(sinA * MaxSpeed)); }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.moveTowardsPoint = function(Source,Target,Speed,MaxTime) { if(MaxTime == null) { MaxTime = 0; } if(Speed == null) { Speed = 60; } var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenPoint(Source,Target); if(MaxTime > 0) { var dx = Source.x + Source.origin.x - Target.x; var dy = Source.y + Source.origin.y - Target.y; if(Target._weak) { Target.put(); } var d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) | 0; Speed = d / (MaxTime / 1000) | 0; } Source.velocity.set_x(Math.cos(a) * Speed); Source.velocity.set_y(Math.sin(a) * Speed); if(Target._weak) { Target.put(); } }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.accelerateTowardsPoint = function(Source,Target,Acceleration,MaxSpeed) { var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenPoint(Source,Target); var sinA = Math.sin(a); var cosA = Math.cos(a); Source.velocity.set(0,0); Source.acceleration.set(cosA * Acceleration,sinA * Acceleration); Source.maxVelocity.set(Math.abs(cosA * MaxSpeed),Math.abs(sinA * MaxSpeed)); if(Target._weak) { Target.put(); } }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.velocityFromAngle = function(Angle,Speed) { var a = Angle * (Math.PI / 180); var X = Math.cos(a) * Speed; var Y = Math.sin(a) * Speed; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; return point; }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.velocityFromFacing = function(Parent,Speed) { var a = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleFromFacing(Parent.facing); var X = Math.cos(a) * Speed; var Y = Math.sin(a) * Speed; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; return point; }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.computeVelocity = function(Velocity,Acceleration,Drag,Max,Elapsed) { if(Acceleration != 0) { Velocity += Acceleration * Elapsed; } else if(Drag != 0) { var drag = Drag * Elapsed; if(Velocity - drag > 0) { Velocity -= drag; } else if(Velocity + drag < 0) { Velocity += drag; } else { Velocity = 0; } } if(Velocity != 0 && Max != 0) { if(Velocity > Max) { Velocity = Max; } else if(Velocity < -Max) { Velocity = -Max; } } return Velocity; }; flixel_math_FlxVelocity.accelerateFromAngle = function(source,radians,acceleration,maxSpeed,resetVelocity) { if(resetVelocity == null) { resetVelocity = true; } var sinA = Math.sin(radians); var cosA = Math.cos(radians); if(resetVelocity) { source.velocity.set(0,0); } source.acceleration.set(cosA * acceleration,sinA * acceleration); source.maxVelocity.set(Math.abs(cosA * maxSpeed),Math.abs(sinA * maxSpeed)); }; var flixel_system_GraphicLogo = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_GraphicLogo.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_GraphicLogo.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_GraphicLogo.resourceName),flixel_system_GraphicLogo.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_GraphicLogo.preload == null) { flixel_system_GraphicLogo.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.GraphicLogo"] = flixel_system_GraphicLogo; flixel_system_GraphicLogo.__name__ = ["flixel","system","GraphicLogo"]; flixel_system_GraphicLogo.preload = null; flixel_system_GraphicLogo.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_GraphicLogo.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_GraphicLogo }); var flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.resourceName),flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.preload == null) { flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.GraphicVirtualInput"] = flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput; flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.__name__ = ["flixel","system","GraphicVirtualInput"]; flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.preload = null; flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput }); var haxe_io_Bytes = function(data) { this.length = data.byteLength; this.b = new Uint8Array(data); this.b.bufferValue = data; data.hxBytes = this; data.bytes = this.b; }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.Bytes"] = haxe_io_Bytes; haxe_io_Bytes.__name__ = ["haxe","io","Bytes"]; haxe_io_Bytes.alloc = function(length) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(length)); }; haxe_io_Bytes.ofString = function(s,encoding) { var a = []; var i = 0; while(i < s.length) { var c = s.charCodeAt(i++); if(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) { c = c - 55232 << 10 | s.charCodeAt(i++) & 1023; } if(c <= 127) { a.push(c); } else if(c <= 2047) { a.push(192 | c >> 6); a.push(128 | c & 63); } else if(c <= 65535) { a.push(224 | c >> 12); a.push(128 | c >> 6 & 63); a.push(128 | c & 63); } else { a.push(240 | c >> 18); a.push(128 | c >> 12 & 63); a.push(128 | c >> 6 & 63); a.push(128 | c & 63); } } return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(a).buffer); }; haxe_io_Bytes.ofData = function(b) { var hb = b.hxBytes; if(hb != null) { return hb; } return new haxe_io_Bytes(b); }; haxe_io_Bytes.fastGet = function(b,pos) { return b.bytes[pos]; }; haxe_io_Bytes.prototype = { length: null ,b: null ,data: null ,get: function(pos) { return this.b[pos]; } ,set: function(pos,v) { this.b[pos] = v & 255; } ,blit: function(pos,src,srcpos,len) { if(pos < 0 || srcpos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > this.length || srcpos + len > src.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } if(srcpos == 0 && len == src.b.byteLength) { this.b.set(src.b,pos); } else { this.b.set(src.b.subarray(srcpos,srcpos + len),pos); } } ,fill: function(pos,len,value) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.b[pos++] = value & 255; } } ,sub: function(pos,len) { if(pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > this.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } return new haxe_io_Bytes(this.b.buffer.slice(pos + this.b.byteOffset,pos + this.b.byteOffset + len)); } ,compare: function(other) { var b1 = this.b; var b2 = other.b; var len = this.length < other.length ? this.length : other.length; var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(b1[i] != b2[i]) { return b1[i] - b2[i]; } } return this.length - other.length; } ,initData: function() { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } } ,getDouble: function(pos) { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } return this.data.getFloat64(pos,true); } ,getFloat: function(pos) { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } return this.data.getFloat32(pos,true); } ,setDouble: function(pos,v) { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } this.data.setFloat64(pos,v,true); } ,setFloat: function(pos,v) { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } this.data.setFloat32(pos,v,true); } ,getUInt16: function(pos) { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } return this.data.getUint16(pos,true); } ,setUInt16: function(pos,v) { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } this.data.setUint16(pos,v,true); } ,getInt32: function(pos) { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } return this.data.getInt32(pos,true); } ,setInt32: function(pos,v) { if(this.data == null) { this.data = new DataView(this.b.buffer,this.b.byteOffset,this.b.byteLength); } this.data.setInt32(pos,v,true); } ,getInt64: function(pos) { var this1 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(this.getInt32(pos + 4),this.getInt32(pos)); return this1; } ,setInt64: function(pos,v) { this.setInt32(pos,v.low); this.setInt32(pos + 4,v.high); } ,getString: function(pos,len,encoding) { if(pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > this.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } var s = ""; var b = this.b; var fcc = String.fromCharCode; var i = pos; var max = pos + len; while(i < max) { var c = b[i++]; if(c < 128) { if(c == 0) { break; } s += fcc(c); } else if(c < 224) { s += fcc((c & 63) << 6 | b[i++] & 127); } else if(c < 240) { var c2 = b[i++]; s += fcc((c & 31) << 12 | (c2 & 127) << 6 | b[i++] & 127); } else { var c21 = b[i++]; var c3 = b[i++]; var u = (c & 15) << 18 | (c21 & 127) << 12 | (c3 & 127) << 6 | b[i++] & 127; s += fcc((u >> 10) + 55232); s += fcc(u & 1023 | 56320); } } return s; } ,readString: function(pos,len) { return this.getString(pos,len); } ,toString: function() { return this.getString(0,this.length); } ,toHex: function() { var s_b = ""; var chars = []; var str = "0123456789abcdef"; var _g1 = 0; var _g = str.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; chars.push(HxOverrides.cca(str,i)); } var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = this.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; var c = this.b[i1]; s_b += String.fromCharCode(chars[c >> 4]); s_b += String.fromCharCode(chars[c & 15]); } return s_b; } ,getData: function() { return this.b.bufferValue; } ,__class__: haxe_io_Bytes }; var openfl_utils_IDataOutput = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils.IDataOutput"] = openfl_utils_IDataOutput; openfl_utils_IDataOutput.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","IDataOutput"]; openfl_utils_IDataOutput.prototype = { set_endian: null ,get_endian: null ,objectEncoding: null ,writeBoolean: null ,writeByte: null ,writeBytes: null ,writeDouble: null ,writeFloat: null ,writeInt: null ,writeMultiByte: null ,writeShort: null ,writeUTF: null ,writeUTFBytes: null ,writeUnsignedInt: null ,__class__: openfl_utils_IDataOutput ,__properties__: {set_endian:"set_endian",get_endian:"get_endian"} }; var openfl_utils_IDataInput = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils.IDataInput"] = openfl_utils_IDataInput; openfl_utils_IDataInput.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","IDataInput"]; openfl_utils_IDataInput.prototype = { set_endian: null ,get_endian: null ,get_bytesAvailable: null ,objectEncoding: null ,readBoolean: null ,readByte: null ,readBytes: null ,readDouble: null ,readFloat: null ,readInt: null ,readMultiByte: null ,readShort: null ,readUnsignedByte: null ,readUnsignedInt: null ,readUnsignedShort: null ,readUTF: null ,readUTFBytes: null ,__class__: openfl_utils_IDataInput ,__properties__: {set_endian:"set_endian",get_endian:"get_endian",get_bytesAvailable:"get_bytesAvailable"} }; var openfl_utils_ByteArrayData = function(length) { if(length == null) { length = 0; } var bytes = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(length)); haxe_io_Bytes.call(this,bytes.b.buffer); this.__length = length; if(openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian == null) { if(lime_system_System.get_endianness() == lime_system_Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN) { openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian = 1; } else { openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian = 0; } } this.__endian = openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian; this.objectEncoding = openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.defaultObjectEncoding; this.position = 0; }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils.ByteArrayData"] = openfl_utils_ByteArrayData; openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","ByteArrayData"]; openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__interfaces__ = [openfl_utils_IDataOutput,openfl_utils_IDataInput]; openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__properties__ = {set_defaultEndian:"set_defaultEndian",get_defaultEndian:"get_defaultEndian"}; openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.fromBytes = function(bytes) { var result = new openfl_utils_ByteArrayData(); result.__fromBytes(bytes); return result; }; openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.get_defaultEndian = function() { if(openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian == null) { if(lime_system_System.get_endianness() == lime_system_Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN) { openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian = 1; } else { openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian = 0; } } return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian; }; openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.set_defaultEndian = function(value) { return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian = value; }; openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__super__ = haxe_io_Bytes; openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.prototype = $extend(haxe_io_Bytes.prototype,{ objectEncoding: null ,position: null ,__endian: null ,__length: null ,clear: function() { this.length = 0; this.position = 0; } ,compress: function(algorithm) { if(algorithm == null) { algorithm = 2; } if(this.__length > this.length) { var cacheLength = this.length; this.length = this.__length; var data = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(cacheLength)); data.blit(0,this,0,cacheLength); this.b = data.b; this.__length = data.length; this.data = data.data; this.length = cacheLength; } var limeBytes = this; var bytes; switch(algorithm) { case 0: bytes = lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.compress(limeBytes,lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.DEFLATE); break; case 1: bytes = lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.compress(limeBytes,lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.LZMA); break; default: bytes = lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.compress(limeBytes,lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.ZLIB); } if(bytes != null) { this.b = bytes.b; this.__length = bytes.length; this.data = bytes.data; this.length = this.__length; this.position = this.length; } } ,deflate: function() { this.compress(0); } ,inflate: function() { this.uncompress(0); } ,readBoolean: function() { if(this.position < this.length) { return this.b[this.position++] != 0; } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_EOFError()); } } ,readByte: function() { var value = this.readUnsignedByte(); if((value & 128) != 0) { return value - 256; } else { return value; } } ,readBytes: function(bytes,offset,length) { if(length == null) { length = 0; } if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } if(length == 0) { length = this.length - this.position; } if(this.position + length > this.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_EOFError()); } if(bytes.length < offset + length) { bytes.__resize(offset + length); } bytes.blit(offset,this,this.position,length); this.position += length; } ,readDouble: function() { if(this.__endian == 1) { if(this.position + 8 > this.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_EOFError()); } this.position += 8; return this.getDouble(this.position - 8); } else { var ch1 = this.readInt(); var ch2 = this.readInt(); return haxe_io_FPHelper.i64ToDouble(ch2,ch1); } } ,readFloat: function() { if(this.__endian == 1) { if(this.position + 4 > this.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_EOFError()); } this.position += 4; return this.getFloat(this.position - 4); } else { return haxe_io_FPHelper.i32ToFloat(this.readInt()); } } ,readInt: function() { var ch1 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var ch2 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var ch3 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var ch4 = this.readUnsignedByte(); if(this.__endian == 1) { return ch4 << 24 | ch3 << 16 | ch2 << 8 | ch1; } else { return ch1 << 24 | ch2 << 16 | ch3 << 8 | ch4; } } ,readMultiByte: function(length,charSet) { return this.readUTFBytes(length); } ,readObject: function() { var _g = this.objectEncoding; switch(_g) { case 0: var input = new haxe_io_BytesInput(this,this.position); var reader = new format_amf_Reader(input); var data = reader.read(); this.position = input.pos; return data; case 3: var input1 = new haxe_io_BytesInput(this,this.position); var reader1 = new format_amf3_Reader(input1); var data1 = reader1.read(); this.position = input1.pos; return data1; case 10: var data2 = this.readUTF(); return haxe_Unserializer.run(data2); case 12: var data3 = this.readUTF(); return JSON.parse(data3); default: return null; } } ,readShort: function() { var ch1 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var ch2 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var value; if(this.__endian == 1) { value = ch2 << 8 | ch1; } else { value = ch1 << 8 | ch2; } if((value & 32768) != 0) { return value - 65536; } else { return value; } } ,readUnsignedByte: function() { if(this.position < this.length) { return this.b[this.position++]; } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_EOFError()); } } ,readUnsignedInt: function() { var ch1 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var ch2 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var ch3 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var ch4 = this.readUnsignedByte(); if(this.__endian == 1) { return ch4 << 24 | ch3 << 16 | ch2 << 8 | ch1; } else { return ch1 << 24 | ch2 << 16 | ch3 << 8 | ch4; } } ,readUnsignedShort: function() { var ch1 = this.readUnsignedByte(); var ch2 = this.readUnsignedByte(); if(this.__endian == 1) { return (ch2 << 8) + ch1; } else { return ch1 << 8 | ch2; } } ,readUTF: function() { var bytesCount = this.readUnsignedShort(); return this.readUTFBytes(bytesCount); } ,readUTFBytes: function(length) { if(this.position + length > this.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_EOFError()); } this.position += length; return this.getString(this.position - length,length); } ,uncompress: function(algorithm) { if(algorithm == null) { algorithm = 2; } if(this.__length > this.length) { var cacheLength = this.length; this.length = this.__length; var data = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(cacheLength)); data.blit(0,this,0,cacheLength); this.b = data.b; this.__length = data.length; this.data = data.data; this.length = cacheLength; } var limeBytes = this; var bytes; switch(algorithm) { case 0: bytes = lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.decompress(limeBytes,lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.DEFLATE); break; case 1: bytes = lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.decompress(limeBytes,lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.LZMA); break; default: bytes = lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.decompress(limeBytes,lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.ZLIB); } if(bytes != null) { this.b = bytes.b; this.__length = bytes.length; this.data = bytes.data; this.length = this.__length; } this.position = 0; } ,writeBoolean: function(value) { this.writeByte(value ? 1 : 0); } ,writeByte: function(value) { this.__resize(this.position + 1); this.b[this.position++] = value & 255 & 255; } ,writeBytes: function(bytes,offset,length) { if(length == null) { length = 0; } if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } if(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(bytes) == 0) { return; } if(length == 0) { length = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(bytes) - offset; } this.__resize(this.position + length); this.blit(this.position,bytes,offset,length); this.position = this.position + length; } ,writeDouble: function(value) { var int64 = haxe_io_FPHelper.doubleToI64(value); if(this.__endian == 1) { this.writeInt(int64.low); this.writeInt(int64.high); } else { this.writeInt(int64.high); this.writeInt(int64.low); } } ,writeFloat: function(value) { if(this.__endian == 1) { this.__resize(this.position + 4); this.setFloat(this.position,value); this.position += 4; } else { var $int = haxe_io_FPHelper.floatToI32(value); this.writeInt($int); } } ,writeInt: function(value) { this.__resize(this.position + 4); if(this.__endian == 1) { this.b[this.position++] = value & 255 & 255; this.b[this.position++] = value >> 8 & 255 & 255; this.b[this.position++] = value >> 16 & 255 & 255; this.b[this.position++] = value >> 24 & 255 & 255; } else { this.b[this.position++] = value >> 24 & 255 & 255; this.b[this.position++] = value >> 16 & 255 & 255; this.b[this.position++] = value >> 8 & 255 & 255; this.b[this.position++] = value & 255 & 255; } } ,writeMultiByte: function(value,charSet) { this.writeUTFBytes(value); } ,writeObject: function(object) { var _g = this.objectEncoding; switch(_g) { case 0: var value = format_amf_Tools.encode(object); var output = new haxe_io_BytesOutput(); var writer = new format_amf_Writer(output); writer.write(value); this.writeBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(output.getBytes())); break; case 3: var value1 = format_amf3_Tools.encode(object); var output1 = new haxe_io_BytesOutput(); var writer1 = new format_amf3_Writer(output1); writer1.write(value1); this.writeBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(output1.getBytes())); break; case 10: var value2 = haxe_Serializer.run(object); this.writeUTF(value2); break; case 12: var value3 = JSON.stringify(object); this.writeUTF(value3); break; default: return; } } ,writeShort: function(value) { this.__resize(this.position + 2); if(this.__endian == 1) { this.b[this.position++] = value & 255; this.b[this.position++] = value >> 8 & 255; } else { this.b[this.position++] = value >> 8 & 255; this.b[this.position++] = value & 255; } } ,writeUnsignedInt: function(value) { this.writeInt(value); } ,writeUTF: function(value) { var bytes = haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(value); this.writeShort(bytes.length); this.writeBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(bytes)); } ,writeUTFBytes: function(value) { var bytes = haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(value); this.writeBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(value))); } ,__fromBytes: function(bytes) { this.b = bytes.b; this.__length = bytes.length; this.data = bytes.data; this.length = bytes.length; } ,__resize: function(size) { if(size > this.__length) { var bytes = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer((size + 1) * 3 >> 1)); if(this.__length > 0) { var cacheLength = this.length; this.length = this.__length; bytes.blit(0,this,0,this.__length); this.length = cacheLength; } this.b = bytes.b; this.__length = bytes.length; this.data = bytes.data; } if(this.length < size) { this.length = size; } } ,__setData: function(bytes) { this.b = bytes.b; this.__length = bytes.length; this.data = bytes.data; } ,get_bytesAvailable: function() { return this.length - this.position; } ,get_endian: function() { return this.__endian; } ,set_endian: function(value) { return this.__endian = value; } ,__class__: openfl_utils_ByteArrayData ,__properties__: {set_endian:"set_endian",get_endian:"get_endian",get_bytesAvailable:"get_bytesAvailable"} }); var flixel_system_VirtualInputData = function(length) { if(length == null) { length = 0; } openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.call(this); var bytes = haxe_Resource.getBytes(flixel_system_VirtualInputData.resourceName); this.__fromBytes(bytes); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.VirtualInputData"] = flixel_system_VirtualInputData; flixel_system_VirtualInputData.__name__ = ["flixel","system","VirtualInputData"]; flixel_system_VirtualInputData.__super__ = openfl_utils_ByteArrayData; flixel_system_VirtualInputData.prototype = $extend(openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_VirtualInputData }); var flixel_system_FlxAssets = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxAssets"] = flixel_system_FlxAssets; flixel_system_FlxAssets.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxAssets"]; flixel_system_FlxAssets.drawLogo = function(graph) { graph.beginFill(47394); graph.moveTo(50,13); graph.lineTo(51,13); graph.lineTo(87,50); graph.lineTo(87,51); graph.lineTo(51,87); graph.lineTo(50,87); graph.lineTo(13,51); graph.lineTo(13,50); graph.lineTo(50,13); graph.endFill(); graph.beginFill(16761138); graph.moveTo(0,0); graph.lineTo(25,0); graph.lineTo(50,13); graph.lineTo(13,50); graph.lineTo(0,25); graph.lineTo(0,0); graph.endFill(); graph.beginFill(16066382); graph.moveTo(100,0); graph.lineTo(75,0); graph.lineTo(51,13); graph.lineTo(87,50); graph.lineTo(100,25); graph.lineTo(100,0); graph.endFill(); graph.beginFill(3555839); graph.moveTo(0,100); graph.lineTo(25,100); graph.lineTo(50,87); graph.lineTo(13,51); graph.lineTo(0,75); graph.lineTo(0,100); graph.endFill(); graph.beginFill(314875); graph.moveTo(100,100); graph.lineTo(75,100); graph.lineTo(51,87); graph.lineTo(87,51); graph.lineTo(100,75); graph.lineTo(100,100); graph.endFill(); }; flixel_system_FlxAssets.getBitmapData = function(id) { if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(id)) { return openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(id,false); } var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; return null; }; flixel_system_FlxAssets.getBitmapFromClass = function(source) { return Type.createInstance(source,[0,0]); }; flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData = function(Graphic) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Graphic,openfl_display_BitmapData)) { return Graphic; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Graphic,Class)) { return Type.createInstance(Graphic,[0,0]); } else if(typeof(Graphic) == "string") { if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(Graphic)) { return openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(Graphic,false); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; return null; } } return null; }; flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveKey = function(Graphic,Key) { if(Key != null) { return Key; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Graphic,openfl_display_BitmapData)) { return Key; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Graphic,Class)) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.bitmap; return Type.getClassName(Graphic); } else if(typeof(Graphic) == "string") { return Graphic; } return null; }; flixel_system_FlxAssets.getSound = function(id) { var extension = ""; extension = ".ogg"; return openfl_utils_Assets.getSound(id + extension); }; flixel_system_FlxAssets.getVirtualInputFrames = function() { var graphic = flixel_graphics_FlxGraphic.fromClass(flixel_system_GraphicVirtualInput); return flixel_graphics_frames_FlxAtlasFrames.fromSpriteSheetPacker(graphic,Std.string(new flixel_system_VirtualInputData())); }; var flixel_system_FlxBGSprite = function() { flixel_FlxSprite.call(this); this.makeGraphic(1,1,-1,true,flixel_FlxG.bitmap.getUniqueKey("bg_graphic_")); this.scrollFactor.set(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxBGSprite"] = flixel_system_FlxBGSprite; flixel_system_FlxBGSprite.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxBGSprite"]; flixel_system_FlxBGSprite.__super__ = flixel_FlxSprite; flixel_system_FlxBGSprite.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype,{ draw: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.get_cameras(); while(_g < _g1.length) { var camera = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(!camera.visible || !camera.exists) { continue; } this._matrix.identity(); this._matrix.scale(camera.viewWidth,camera.viewHeight); camera.drawPixels(this.frame,null,this._matrix,this.colorTransform); } } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxBGSprite }); var flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader = function() { openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.addEventListener("addedToStage",$bind(this,this.onAddedToStage)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system._FlxBasePreloader.DefaultPreloader"] = flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader; flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader.__name__ = ["flixel","system","_FlxBasePreloader","DefaultPreloader"]; flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ onAddedToStage: function(_) { this.removeEventListener("addedToStage",$bind(this,this.onAddedToStage)); this.onInit(); this.onUpdate(this.get_loaderInfo().bytesLoaded,this.get_loaderInfo().bytesTotal); this.addEventListener("progress",$bind(this,this.onProgress)); this.addEventListener("complete",$bind(this,this.onComplete)); } ,onComplete: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.removeEventListener("progress",$bind(this,this.onProgress)); this.removeEventListener("complete",$bind(this,this.onComplete)); this.onLoaded(); } ,onProgress: function(event) { this.onUpdate(event.bytesLoaded | 0,event.bytesTotal | 0); } ,onInit: function() { } ,onLoaded: function() { this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("unload")); } ,onUpdate: function(bytesLoaded,bytesTotal) { var percentLoaded = 0.0; if(bytesTotal > 0) { percentLoaded = bytesLoaded / bytesTotal; if(percentLoaded > 1) { percentLoaded = 1; } } } ,__class__: flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader }); var flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader = function(MinDisplayTime,AllowedURLs) { if(MinDisplayTime == null) { MinDisplayTime = 0; } this._urlChecked = false; this._loaded = false; this._percent = 0; this.siteLockBodyText = "It appears the website you are using is hosting an unauthorized copy of this game. " + "Storage or redistribution of this content, without the express permission of the " + "developer or other copyright holder, is prohibited under copyright law.\n\n" + "Thank you for your interest in this game! Please support the developer by " + "visiting the following website to play the game:"; this.siteLockTitleText = "Sorry."; this.siteLockURLIndex = 0; this.minDisplayTime = 0; flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader.call(this); this.minDisplayTime = MinDisplayTime; if(AllowedURLs != null) { this.allowedURLs = AllowedURLs; } else { this.allowedURLs = []; } this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxBasePreloader"] = flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader; flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxBasePreloader"]; flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader.__super__ = flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader; flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader.prototype = $extend(flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader.prototype,{ minDisplayTime: null ,allowedURLs: null ,siteLockURLIndex: null ,siteLockTitleText: null ,siteLockBodyText: null ,_percent: null ,_width: null ,_height: null ,_loaded: null ,_urlChecked: null ,_startTime: null ,create: function() { } ,onInit: function() { flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader.prototype.onInit.call(this); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.set_scaleMode(2); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.align = 6; this.create(); this.addEventListener("enterFrame",$bind(this,this.onEnterFrame)); this.checkSiteLock(); } ,onUpdate: function(bytesLoaded,bytesTotal) { this._percent = bytesTotal != 0 ? bytesLoaded / bytesTotal : 0; } ,onEnterFrame: function(E) { var time = new Date().getTime() - this._startTime; var min = this.minDisplayTime * 1000; var percent = this._percent; if(min > 0 && this._percent > time / min) { percent = time / min; } this.update(percent); if(this._loaded && (min <= 0 || time / min >= 1)) { this.removeEventListener("enterFrame",$bind(this,this.onEnterFrame)); flixel_system__$FlxBasePreloader_DefaultPreloader.prototype.onLoaded.call(this); this.destroy(); } } ,destroy: function() { } ,update: function(Percent) { } ,onLoaded: function() { this._loaded = true; this._percent = 1; } ,createBitmap: function(bitmapDataClass,onLoad) { var bmp = new openfl_display_Bitmap(); var tmp = Type.createInstance(bitmapDataClass,[0,0,true,-1,function(_) { onLoad(bmp); }]); bmp.set_bitmapData(tmp); return bmp; } ,loadBitmapData: function(bitmapDataClass,onLoad) { return Type.createInstance(bitmapDataClass,[0,0,true,-1,onLoad]); } ,checkSiteLock: function() { if(this._urlChecked) { return; } if(!this.isHostUrlAllowed()) { this.removeChildren(); this.removeEventListener("enterFrame",$bind(this,this.onEnterFrame)); this.createSiteLockFailureScreen(); } else { this._urlChecked = true; } } ,createSiteLockFailureScreen: function() { this.addChild(this.createSiteLockFailureBackground(16777215,15066597)); this.addChild(this.createSiteLockFailureIcon(15066597,0.9)); this.addChild(this.createSiteLockFailureText(30)); } ,createSiteLockFailureBackground: function(innerColor,outerColor) { var shape = new openfl_display_Shape(); var graphics = shape.get_graphics(); graphics.clear(); var fillMatrix = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); fillMatrix.createGradientBox(1,1,0,-0.5,-0.5); var scaling = Math.max(this.stage.stageWidth,this.stage.stageHeight); fillMatrix.scale(scaling,scaling); fillMatrix.translate(0.5 * this.stage.stageWidth,0.5 * this.stage.stageHeight); graphics.beginGradientFill(1,[innerColor,outerColor],[1,1],[0,255],fillMatrix); graphics.drawRect(0,0,this.stage.stageWidth,this.stage.stageHeight); graphics.endFill(); return shape; } ,createSiteLockFailureIcon: function(color,scale) { var shape = new openfl_display_Shape(); var graphics = shape.get_graphics(); graphics.clear(); graphics.beginFill(color); var a = [1,6,2,2,2,6,6,2,2,2,6,1,6,2,6,2,6,2,6,1,6,6,2,2,2,6,6]; var vector = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); var _g1 = 0; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; vector.set(i,a[i]); } var tmp = vector; var a1 = [120.0,0,164,0,200,35,200,79,200,130,160,130,160,79,160,57,142,40,120,40,97,40,79,57,79,79,80,130,40,130,40,79,40,35,75,0,120,0,220,140,231,140,240,148,240,160,240,300,240,311,231,320,220,320,20,320,8,320,0,311,0,300,0,160,0,148,8,140,20,140,120,190,108,190,100,198,100,210,100,217,104,223,110,227,110,270,130,270,130,227,135,223,140,217,140,210,140,198,131,190,120,190]; var vector1 = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = a1.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; vector1.set(i1,a1[i1]); } graphics.drawPath(tmp,vector1,1); graphics.endFill(); var transformMatrix = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); transformMatrix.translate(-0.5 * shape.get_width(),-0.5 * shape.get_height()); var scaling = scale * Math.min(this.stage.stageWidth / shape.get_width(),this.stage.stageHeight / shape.get_height()); transformMatrix.scale(scaling,scaling); transformMatrix.translate(0.5 * this.stage.stageWidth,0.5 * this.stage.stageHeight); shape.get_transform().set_matrix(transformMatrix); return shape; } ,createSiteLockFailureText: function(margin) { var sprite = new openfl_display_Sprite(); var bounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,this.stage.stageWidth,this.stage.stageHeight); bounds.inflate(-margin,-margin); var titleText = new openfl_text_TextField(); var titleTextFormat = new openfl_text_TextFormat("_sans",33,3355443,true); titleTextFormat.align = 3; titleText.set_defaultTextFormat(titleTextFormat); titleText.set_selectable(false); titleText.set_width(bounds.width); titleText.set_text(this.siteLockTitleText); var bodyText = new openfl_text_TextField(); var bodyTextFormat = new openfl_text_TextFormat("_sans",22,3355443); bodyTextFormat.align = 2; bodyText.set_defaultTextFormat(bodyTextFormat); bodyText.set_multiline(true); bodyText.set_wordWrap(true); bodyText.set_selectable(false); bodyText.set_width(bounds.width); bodyText.set_text(this.siteLockBodyText); var hyperlinkText = new openfl_text_TextField(); var hyperlinkTextFormat = new openfl_text_TextFormat("_sans",22,7247820,true,false,true); hyperlinkTextFormat.align = 0; hyperlinkTextFormat.url = this.allowedURLs[this.siteLockURLIndex]; hyperlinkText.set_defaultTextFormat(hyperlinkTextFormat); hyperlinkText.set_selectable(true); hyperlinkText.set_width(bounds.width); hyperlinkText.set_text(this.allowedURLs[this.siteLockURLIndex]); this.adjustSiteLockTextFields(titleText,bodyText,hyperlinkText); var gutterSize = 4; titleText.set_height(titleText.get_textHeight() + gutterSize); bodyText.set_height(bodyText.get_textHeight() + gutterSize); hyperlinkText.set_height(hyperlinkText.get_textHeight() + gutterSize); titleText.set_x(bodyText.set_x(hyperlinkText.set_x(bounds.get_left()))); titleText.set_y(bounds.get_top()); bodyText.set_y(titleText.get_y() + 2.0 * titleText.get_height()); hyperlinkText.set_y(bodyText.get_y() + bodyText.get_height() + hyperlinkText.get_height()); sprite.addChild(titleText); sprite.addChild(bodyText); sprite.addChild(hyperlinkText); return sprite; } ,adjustSiteLockTextFields: function(titleText,bodyText,hyperlinkText) { } ,goToMyURL: function(e) { if(this.allowedURLs[this.siteLockURLIndex] != "localhost") { var URL = this.allowedURLs[this.siteLockURLIndex]; var prefix = ""; if(!new EReg("^https?://","").match(URL)) { prefix = "http://"; } openfl_Lib.getURL(new openfl_net_URLRequest(prefix + URL),"_blank"); } else { openfl_Lib.getURL(new openfl_net_URLRequest(this.allowedURLs[this.siteLockURLIndex])); } } ,isHostUrlAllowed: function() { if(this.allowedURLs.length == 0) { return true; } var homeURL = window.location.href; var homeDomain = flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDomain(homeURL); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.allowedURLs; while(_g < _g1.length) { var allowedURL = _g1[_g]; ++_g; var allowedDomain = flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDomain(allowedURL); if(allowedDomain == homeDomain) { return true; } } return false; } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader }); var flixel_system_FlxLinkedList = function() { this.exists = true; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxLinkedList"] = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxLinkedList"]; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead = null; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.recycle = function() { if(flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead != null) { var cachedList = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead.next; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._NUM_CACHED_FLX_LIST--; cachedList.exists = true; cachedList.next = null; return cachedList; } else { return new flixel_system_FlxLinkedList(); } }; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.clearCache = function() { while(flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead != null) { var node = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead.next; node.object = null; node.next = null; } flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._NUM_CACHED_FLX_LIST = 0; }; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.prototype = { object: null ,next: null ,exists: null ,destroy: function() { if(!this.exists) { return; } this.object = null; if(this.next != null) { this.next.destroy(); } this.exists = false; this.next = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._cachedListsHead = this; flixel_system_FlxLinkedList._NUM_CACHED_FLX_LIST++; } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxLinkedList }; var flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.resourceName),flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.preload == null) { flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system._FlxPreloader.GraphicLogoLight"] = flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight; flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.__name__ = ["flixel","system","_FlxPreloader","GraphicLogoLight"]; flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.preload = null; flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight }); var flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.resourceName),flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.preload == null) { flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system._FlxPreloader.GraphicLogoCorners"] = flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners; flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.__name__ = ["flixel","system","_FlxPreloader","GraphicLogoCorners"]; flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.preload = null; flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners }); var flixel_system_FlxPreloader = function(MinDisplayTime,AllowedURLs) { if(MinDisplayTime == null) { MinDisplayTime = 0; } flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader.call(this,MinDisplayTime,AllowedURLs); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxPreloader"] = flixel_system_FlxPreloader; flixel_system_FlxPreloader.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxPreloader"]; flixel_system_FlxPreloader.__super__ = flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader; flixel_system_FlxPreloader.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader.prototype,{ _buffer: null ,_bmpBar: null ,_text: null ,_logo: null ,_logoGlow: null ,create: function() { var _gthis = this; this._buffer = new openfl_display_Sprite(); this._buffer.set_scaleX(this._buffer.set_scaleY(2)); this.addChild(this._buffer); this._width = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth / this._buffer.get_scaleX() | 0; this._height = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight / this._buffer.get_scaleY() | 0; this._buffer.addChild(new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(this._width,this._height,false,13406))); var logoLight = this.createBitmap(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoLight,function(logoLight1) { logoLight1.set_width(logoLight1.set_height(_gthis._height)); logoLight1.set_x((_gthis._width - logoLight1.get_width()) / 2); }); logoLight.smoothing = true; this._buffer.addChild(logoLight); this._bmpBar = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(1,7,false,6253311)); this._bmpBar.set_x(4); this._bmpBar.set_y(this._height - 11); this._buffer.addChild(this._bmpBar); this._text = new openfl_text_TextField(); this._text.set_defaultTextFormat(new openfl_text_TextFormat(flixel_system_FlxAssets.FONT_DEFAULT,8,6253311)); this._text.set_embedFonts(true); this._text.set_selectable(false); this._text.set_multiline(false); this._text.set_x(2); this._text.set_y(this._bmpBar.get_y() - 11); this._text.set_width(200); this._buffer.addChild(this._text); this._logo = new openfl_display_Sprite(); flixel_system_FlxAssets.drawLogo(this._logo.get_graphics()); this._logo.set_scaleX(this._logo.set_scaleY(this._height / 8 * 0.04)); this._logo.set_x((this._width - this._logo.get_width()) / 2); this._logo.set_y((this._height - this._logo.get_height()) / 2); this._buffer.addChild(this._logo); this._logoGlow = new openfl_display_Sprite(); flixel_system_FlxAssets.drawLogo(this._logoGlow.get_graphics()); this._logoGlow.set_blendMode(12); this._logoGlow.set_scaleX(this._logoGlow.set_scaleY(this._height / 8 * 0.04)); this._logoGlow.set_x((this._width - this._logoGlow.get_width()) / 2); this._logoGlow.set_y((this._height - this._logoGlow.get_height()) / 2); this._buffer.addChild(this._logoGlow); var corners = this.createBitmap(flixel_system__$FlxPreloader_GraphicLogoCorners,function(corners1) { corners1.set_width(_gthis._width); corners1.set_height(_gthis.get_height()); }); corners.smoothing = true; this._buffer.addChild(corners); var bitmap = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(this._width,this._height,false,16777215)); var i = 0; var j = 0; while(i < this._height) { j = 0; while(j < this._width) bitmap.get_bitmapData().setPixel(j++,i,0); i += 2; } bitmap.set_blendMode(11); bitmap.set_alpha(0.25); this._buffer.addChild(bitmap); flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader.prototype.create.call(this); } ,destroy: function() { if(this._buffer != null) { this.removeChild(this._buffer); } this._buffer = null; this._bmpBar = null; this._text = null; this._logo = null; this._logoGlow = null; flixel_system_FlxBasePreloader.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,update: function(Percent) { this._bmpBar.set_scaleX(Percent * (this._width - 8)); this._text.set_text(Std.string(flixel_FlxG.VERSION) + " " + (Percent * 100 | 0) + "%"); if(Percent < 0.1) { this._logoGlow.set_alpha(0); this._logo.set_alpha(0); } else if(Percent < 0.15) { this._logoGlow.set_alpha(Math.random()); this._logo.set_alpha(0); } else if(Percent < 0.2) { this._logoGlow.set_alpha(0); this._logo.set_alpha(0); } else if(Percent < 0.25) { this._logoGlow.set_alpha(0); this._logo.set_alpha(Math.random()); } else if(Percent < 0.7) { this._logoGlow.set_alpha((Percent - 0.45) / 0.45); this._logo.set_alpha(1); } else if(Percent > 0.8 && Percent < 0.9) { this._logoGlow.set_alpha(1 - (Percent - 0.8) / 0.1); this._logo.set_alpha(0); } else if(Percent > 0.9) { this._buffer.set_alpha(1 - (Percent - 0.9) / 0.1); } } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxPreloader }); var flixel_system_FlxQuadTree = function(X,Y,Width,Height,Parent) { flixel_math_FlxRect.call(this); this.x = X; this.y = Y; this.width = Width; this.height = Height; this.reset(X,Y,Width,Height,Parent); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxQuadTree"] = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxQuadTree"]; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.divisions = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._min = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._list = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._useBothLists = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._processingCallback = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._notifyCallback = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullX = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullY = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullWidth = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullHeight = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullX = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullY = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullWidth = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullHeight = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle = function(X,Y,Width,Height,Parent) { if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead != null) { var cachedTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead.next; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._NUM_CACHED_QUAD_TREES--; cachedTree.reset(X,Y,Width,Height,Parent); return cachedTree; } else { return new flixel_system_FlxQuadTree(X,Y,Width,Height,Parent); } }; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.clearCache = function() { while(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead != null) { var node = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead.next; node.next = null; } flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._NUM_CACHED_QUAD_TREES = 0; }; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.__super__ = flixel_math_FlxRect; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.prototype = $extend(flixel_math_FlxRect.prototype,{ exists: null ,_canSubdivide: null ,_headA: null ,_tailA: null ,_headB: null ,_tailB: null ,_northWestTree: null ,_northEastTree: null ,_southEastTree: null ,_southWestTree: null ,_leftEdge: null ,_rightEdge: null ,_topEdge: null ,_bottomEdge: null ,_halfWidth: null ,_halfHeight: null ,_midpointX: null ,_midpointY: null ,next: null ,reset: function(X,Y,Width,Height,Parent) { this.exists = true; this.x = X; this.y = Y; this.width = Width; this.height = Height; this._headA = this._tailA = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.recycle(); this._headB = this._tailB = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.recycle(); if(Parent != null) { var iterator; var ot; if(Parent._headA.object != null) { iterator = Parent._headA; while(iterator != null) { if(this._tailA.object != null) { ot = this._tailA; this._tailA = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.recycle(); ot.next = this._tailA; } this._tailA.object = iterator.object; iterator = iterator.next; } } if(Parent._headB.object != null) { iterator = Parent._headB; while(iterator != null) { if(this._tailB.object != null) { ot = this._tailB; this._tailB = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.recycle(); ot.next = this._tailB; } this._tailB.object = iterator.object; iterator = iterator.next; } } } else { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._min = Math.floor((this.width + this.height) / (2 * flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.divisions)); } this._canSubdivide = this.width > flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._min || this.height > flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._min; this._northWestTree = null; this._northEastTree = null; this._southEastTree = null; this._southWestTree = null; this._leftEdge = this.x; this._rightEdge = this.x + this.width; this._halfWidth = this.width / 2; this._midpointX = this._leftEdge + this._halfWidth; this._topEdge = this.y; this._bottomEdge = this.y + this.height; this._halfHeight = this.height / 2; this._midpointY = this._topEdge + this._halfHeight; } ,destroy: function() { this._headA = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._headA); this._headB = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._headB); this._tailA = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._tailA); this._tailB = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._tailB); this._northWestTree = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._northWestTree); this._northEastTree = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._northEastTree); this._southWestTree = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._southWestTree); this._southEastTree = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._southEastTree); flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._processingCallback = null; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._notifyCallback = null; this.exists = false; this.next = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._cachedTreesHead = this; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._NUM_CACHED_QUAD_TREES++; flixel_math_FlxRect.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,load: function(ObjectOrGroup1,ObjectOrGroup2,NotifyCallback,ProcessCallback) { this.add(ObjectOrGroup1,0); if(ObjectOrGroup2 != null) { this.add(ObjectOrGroup2,1); flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._useBothLists = true; } else { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._useBothLists = false; } flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._notifyCallback = NotifyCallback; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._processingCallback = ProcessCallback; } ,add: function(ObjectOrGroup,list) { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._list = list; var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(ObjectOrGroup); if(group != null) { var i = 0; var basic; var members = group.members; var l = group.length; while(i < l) { basic = members[i++]; if(basic != null && basic.exists) { group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(basic); if(group != null) { this.add(group,list); } else { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object = basic; if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.exists && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.allowCollisions != 0) { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.x; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.y; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.x + flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.get_width(); flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.y + flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.get_height(); this.addObject(); } } } } } else { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object = ObjectOrGroup; if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.exists && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.allowCollisions != 0) { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.x; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.y; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.x + flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.get_width(); flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.y + flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.get_height(); this.addObject(); } } } ,addObject: function() { if(!this._canSubdivide || this._leftEdge >= flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge && this._rightEdge <= flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge && this._topEdge >= flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge && this._bottomEdge <= flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge) { this.addToList(); return; } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge > this._leftEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge < this._midpointX) { if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge > this._topEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge < this._midpointY) { if(this._northWestTree == null) { this._northWestTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(this._leftEdge,this._topEdge,this._halfWidth,this._halfHeight,this); } this._northWestTree.addObject(); return; } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge > this._midpointY && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge < this._bottomEdge) { if(this._southWestTree == null) { this._southWestTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(this._leftEdge,this._midpointY,this._halfWidth,this._halfHeight,this); } this._southWestTree.addObject(); return; } } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge > this._midpointX && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge < this._rightEdge) { if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge > this._topEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge < this._midpointY) { if(this._northEastTree == null) { this._northEastTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(this._midpointX,this._topEdge,this._halfWidth,this._halfHeight,this); } this._northEastTree.addObject(); return; } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge > this._midpointY && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge < this._bottomEdge) { if(this._southEastTree == null) { this._southEastTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(this._midpointX,this._midpointY,this._halfWidth,this._halfHeight,this); } this._southEastTree.addObject(); return; } } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge > this._leftEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge < this._midpointX && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge > this._topEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge < this._midpointY) { if(this._northWestTree == null) { this._northWestTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(this._leftEdge,this._topEdge,this._halfWidth,this._halfHeight,this); } this._northWestTree.addObject(); } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge > this._midpointX && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge < this._rightEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge > this._topEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge < this._midpointY) { if(this._northEastTree == null) { this._northEastTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(this._midpointX,this._topEdge,this._halfWidth,this._halfHeight,this); } this._northEastTree.addObject(); } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge > this._midpointX && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge < this._rightEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge > this._midpointY && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge < this._bottomEdge) { if(this._southEastTree == null) { this._southEastTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(this._midpointX,this._midpointY,this._halfWidth,this._halfHeight,this); } this._southEastTree.addObject(); } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectRightEdge > this._leftEdge && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectLeftEdge < this._midpointX && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectBottomEdge > this._midpointY && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectTopEdge < this._bottomEdge) { if(this._southWestTree == null) { this._southWestTree = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree.recycle(this._leftEdge,this._midpointY,this._halfWidth,this._halfHeight,this); } this._southWestTree.addObject(); } } ,addToList: function() { var ot; if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._list == 0) { if(this._tailA.object != null) { ot = this._tailA; this._tailA = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.recycle(); ot.next = this._tailA; } this._tailA.object = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object; } else { if(this._tailB.object != null) { ot = this._tailB; this._tailB = flixel_system_FlxLinkedList.recycle(); ot.next = this._tailB; } this._tailB.object = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object; } if(!this._canSubdivide) { return; } if(this._northWestTree != null) { this._northWestTree.addToList(); } if(this._northEastTree != null) { this._northEastTree.addToList(); } if(this._southEastTree != null) { this._southEastTree.addToList(); } if(this._southWestTree != null) { this._southWestTree.addToList(); } } ,execute: function() { var overlapProcessed = false; if(this._headA.object != null) { var iterator = this._headA; while(iterator != null) { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object = iterator.object; if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._useBothLists) { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator = this._headB; } else { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator = iterator.next; } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object != null && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.exists && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.allowCollisions > 0 && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator != null && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator.object != null && this.overlapNode()) { overlapProcessed = true; } iterator = iterator.next; } } if(this._northWestTree != null && this._northWestTree.execute()) { overlapProcessed = true; } if(this._northEastTree != null && this._northEastTree.execute()) { overlapProcessed = true; } if(this._southEastTree != null && this._southEastTree.execute()) { overlapProcessed = true; } if(this._southWestTree != null && this._southWestTree.execute()) { overlapProcessed = true; } return overlapProcessed; } ,overlapNode: function() { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullX = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.x < flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.last.x ? flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.x : flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.last.x; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullY = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.y < flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.last.y ? flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.y : flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.last.y; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullWidth = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.x - flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.last.x; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullWidth = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.get_width() + (flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullWidth > 0 ? flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullWidth : -flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullWidth); flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullHeight = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.y - flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.last.y; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullHeight = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object.get_height() + (flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullHeight > 0 ? flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullHeight : -flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullHeight); var overlapProcessed = false; var checkObject; while(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator != null) { checkObject = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator.object; if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object == checkObject || !checkObject.exists || checkObject.allowCollisions <= 0) { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator.next; continue; } flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullX = checkObject.x < checkObject.last.x ? checkObject.x : checkObject.last.x; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullY = checkObject.y < checkObject.last.y ? checkObject.y : checkObject.last.y; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullWidth = checkObject.x - checkObject.last.x; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullWidth = checkObject.get_width() + (flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullWidth > 0 ? flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullWidth : -flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullWidth); flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullHeight = checkObject.y - checkObject.last.y; flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullHeight = checkObject.get_height() + (flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullHeight > 0 ? flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullHeight : -flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullHeight); if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullX + flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullWidth > flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullX && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullX < flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullX + flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullWidth && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullY + flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullHeight > flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullY && flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._objectHullY < flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullY + flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._checkObjectHullHeight) { if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._processingCallback == null || flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._processingCallback(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object,checkObject)) { overlapProcessed = true; if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._notifyCallback != null) { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._notifyCallback(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._object,checkObject); } } } if(flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator != null) { flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator = flixel_system_FlxQuadTree._iterator.next; } } return overlapProcessed; } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxQuadTree }); var flixel_system_FlxSound = function() { this._alreadyPaused = false; this._volumeAdjust = 1.0; this._length = 0; this._time = 0; this.loopTime = 0; flixel_FlxBasic.call(this); this.reset(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxSound"] = flixel_system_FlxSound; flixel_system_FlxSound.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxSound"]; flixel_system_FlxSound.__super__ = flixel_FlxBasic; flixel_system_FlxSound.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype,{ x: null ,y: null ,persist: null ,name: null ,artist: null ,amplitude: null ,amplitudeLeft: null ,amplitudeRight: null ,autoDestroy: null ,onComplete: null ,playing: null ,group: null ,looped: null ,loopTime: null ,endTime: null ,fadeTween: null ,_sound: null ,_channel: null ,_transform: null ,_paused: null ,_volume: null ,_time: null ,_length: null ,_volumeAdjust: null ,_target: null ,_radius: null ,_proximityPan: null ,_alreadyPaused: null ,reset: function() { this.destroy(); this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this._time = 0; this._paused = false; this._volume = 1.0; this._volumeAdjust = 1.0; this.looped = false; this.loopTime = 0.0; this.endTime = 0.0; this._target = null; this._radius = 0; this._proximityPan = false; this.set_visible(false); this.amplitude = 0; this.amplitudeLeft = 0; this.amplitudeRight = 0; this.autoDestroy = false; if(this._transform == null) { this._transform = new openfl_media_SoundTransform(); } this._transform.pan = 0; } ,destroy: function() { this._transform = null; this.set_exists(false); this.set_active(false); this._target = null; this.name = null; this.artist = null; if(this._channel != null) { this._channel.removeEventListener("soundComplete",$bind(this,this.stopped)); this._channel.stop(); this._channel = null; } if(this._sound != null) { this._sound.removeEventListener("id3",$bind(this,this.gotID3)); this._sound = null; } this.onComplete = null; flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this._channel == null) { return; } this._time = this._channel.get_position(); var radialMultiplier = 1.0; if(this._target != null) { var targetPosition = this._target.getPosition(); var X = this.x; var Y = this.y; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; radialMultiplier = targetPosition.distanceTo(point1) / this._radius; targetPosition.put(); var lowerBound = radialMultiplier < 0 ? 0 : radialMultiplier; radialMultiplier = 1 - (lowerBound > 1 ? 1 : lowerBound); if(this._proximityPan) { var d = (this.x - this._target.x) / this._radius; var lowerBound1 = d < -1 ? -1 : d; this._transform.pan = lowerBound1 > 1 ? 1 : lowerBound1; } } this._volumeAdjust = radialMultiplier; this.updateTransform(); if(this._transform.volume > 0) { this.amplitudeLeft = this._channel.leftPeak / this._transform.volume; this.amplitudeRight = this._channel.rightPeak / this._transform.volume; this.amplitude = (this.amplitudeLeft + this.amplitudeRight) * 0.5; } else { this.amplitudeLeft = 0; this.amplitudeRight = 0; this.amplitude = 0; } if(this.endTime != null && this._time >= this.endTime) { this.stopped(); } } ,kill: function() { flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.kill.call(this); this.cleanup(false); } ,loadEmbedded: function(EmbeddedSound,Looped,AutoDestroy,OnComplete) { if(AutoDestroy == null) { AutoDestroy = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = false; } if(EmbeddedSound == null) { return this; } this.cleanup(true); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(EmbeddedSound,openfl_media_Sound)) { this._sound = EmbeddedSound; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(EmbeddedSound,Class)) { this._sound = Type.createInstance(EmbeddedSound,[]); } else if(typeof(EmbeddedSound) == "string") { if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(EmbeddedSound,"SOUND") || openfl_utils_Assets.exists(EmbeddedSound,"MUSIC")) { this._sound = openfl_utils_Assets.getSound(EmbeddedSound); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; } } return this.init(Looped,AutoDestroy,OnComplete); } ,loadStream: function(SoundURL,Looped,AutoDestroy,OnComplete) { if(AutoDestroy == null) { AutoDestroy = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = false; } this.cleanup(true); this._sound = new openfl_media_Sound(); this._sound.addEventListener("id3",$bind(this,this.gotID3)); this._sound.load(new openfl_net_URLRequest(SoundURL)); return this.init(Looped,AutoDestroy,OnComplete); } ,init: function(Looped,AutoDestroy,OnComplete) { if(AutoDestroy == null) { AutoDestroy = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = false; } this.looped = Looped; this.autoDestroy = AutoDestroy; this.updateTransform(); this.set_exists(true); this.onComplete = OnComplete; this._length = this._sound == null ? 0 : this._sound.get_length(); this.endTime = this._length; return this; } ,proximity: function(X,Y,TargetObject,Radius,Pan) { if(Pan == null) { Pan = true; } this.x = X; this.y = Y; this._target = TargetObject; this._radius = Radius; this._proximityPan = Pan; return this; } ,play: function(ForceRestart,StartTime,EndTime) { if(StartTime == null) { StartTime = 0.0; } if(ForceRestart == null) { ForceRestart = false; } if(!this.exists) { return this; } if(ForceRestart) { this.cleanup(false,true); } else if(this._channel != null) { return this; } if(this._paused) { this.resume(); } else { this.startSound(StartTime); } this.endTime = EndTime; return this; } ,resume: function() { if(this._paused) { this.startSound(this._time); } return this; } ,pause: function() { if(this._channel == null) { return this; } this._time = this._channel.get_position(); this._paused = true; this.cleanup(false,false); return this; } ,stop: function() { this.cleanup(this.autoDestroy,true); return this; } ,fadeOut: function(Duration,To,onComplete) { if(To == null) { To = 0; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } if(this.fadeTween != null) { this.fadeTween.cancel(); } this.fadeTween = flixel_tweens_FlxTween.num(this._volume,To,Duration,{ onComplete : onComplete},$bind(this,this.volumeTween)); return this; } ,fadeIn: function(Duration,From,To,onComplete) { if(To == null) { To = 1; } if(From == null) { From = 0; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } if(this._channel == null) { this.play(); } if(this.fadeTween != null) { this.fadeTween.cancel(); } this.fadeTween = flixel_tweens_FlxTween.num(From,To,Duration,{ onComplete : onComplete},$bind(this,this.volumeTween)); return this; } ,volumeTween: function(f) { this.set_volume(f); } ,getActualVolume: function() { return this._volume * this._volumeAdjust; } ,setPosition: function(X,Y) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this.x = X; this.y = Y; } ,updateTransform: function() { this._transform.volume = (flixel_FlxG.sound.muted ? 0 : 1) * flixel_FlxG.sound.volume * (this.group != null ? this.group.volume : 1) * this._volume * this._volumeAdjust; if(this._channel != null) { this._channel.set_soundTransform(this._transform); } } ,startSound: function(StartTime) { if(this._sound == null) { return; } this._time = StartTime; this._paused = false; this._channel = this._sound.play(this._time,0,this._transform); if(this._channel != null) { this._channel.addEventListener("soundComplete",$bind(this,this.stopped)); this.set_active(true); } else { this.set_exists(false); this.set_active(false); } } ,stopped: function(_) { if(this.onComplete != null) { this.onComplete(); } if(this.looped) { this.cleanup(false); this.play(false,this.loopTime,this.endTime); } else { this.cleanup(this.autoDestroy); } } ,cleanup: function(destroySound,resetPosition) { if(resetPosition == null) { resetPosition = true; } if(destroySound) { this.reset(); return; } if(this._channel != null) { this._channel.removeEventListener("soundComplete",$bind(this,this.stopped)); this._channel.stop(); this._channel = null; } this.set_active(false); if(resetPosition) { this._time = 0; this._paused = false; } } ,gotID3: function(_) { this.name = this._sound.get_id3().songName; this.artist = this._sound.get_id3().artist; this._sound.removeEventListener("id3",$bind(this,this.gotID3)); } ,onFocus: function() { if(!this._alreadyPaused) { this.resume(); } } ,onFocusLost: function() { this._alreadyPaused = this._paused; this.pause(); } ,set_group: function(group) { if(this.group != group) { var oldGroup = this.group; this.group = group; if(oldGroup != null) { oldGroup.remove(this); } if(group != null) { group.add(this); } this.updateTransform(); } return group; } ,get_playing: function() { return this._channel != null; } ,get_volume: function() { return this._volume; } ,set_volume: function(Volume) { var lowerBound = Volume < 0 ? 0 : Volume; this._volume = lowerBound > 1 ? 1 : lowerBound; this.updateTransform(); return Volume; } ,get_pan: function() { return this._transform.pan; } ,set_pan: function(pan) { return this._transform.pan = pan; } ,get_time: function() { return this._time; } ,set_time: function(time) { if(this._channel != null) { this.cleanup(false,true); this.startSound(time); } return this._time = time; } ,get_length: function() { return this._length; } ,toString: function() { var value = this._channel != null; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "playing"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this._time; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "time"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this._length; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "length"; _this2.value = value2; var value3 = this._volume; var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "volume"; _this3.value = value3; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2,_this3]); } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxSound ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.__properties__,{set_group:"set_group",get_length:"get_length",set_time:"set_time",get_time:"get_time",set_volume:"set_volume",get_volume:"get_volume",get_playing:"get_playing",set_pan:"set_pan",get_pan:"get_pan"}) }); var flixel_system_FlxSoundGroup = function(volume) { if(volume == null) { volume = 1; } this.sounds = []; this.set_volume(volume); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxSoundGroup"] = flixel_system_FlxSoundGroup; flixel_system_FlxSoundGroup.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxSoundGroup"]; flixel_system_FlxSoundGroup.prototype = { sounds: null ,volume: null ,add: function(sound) { if(this.sounds.indexOf(sound) < 0) { this.sounds.push(sound); sound.set_group(this); return true; } return false; } ,remove: function(sound) { if(this.sounds.indexOf(sound) >= 0) { sound.set_group(null); return HxOverrides.remove(this.sounds,sound); } return false; } ,pause: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.sounds; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sound = _g1[_g]; ++_g; sound.pause(); } } ,resume: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.sounds; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sound = _g1[_g]; ++_g; sound.resume(); } } ,set_volume: function(volume) { this.volume = volume; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.sounds; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sound = _g1[_g]; ++_g; sound.updateTransform(); } return volume; } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxSoundGroup ,__properties__: {set_volume:"set_volume"} }; var flixel_system_FlxSplash = function(MaxSize) { this._curPart = 0; flixel_FlxState.call(this,MaxSize); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.FlxSplash"] = flixel_system_FlxSplash; flixel_system_FlxSplash.__name__ = ["flixel","system","FlxSplash"]; flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState = null; flixel_system_FlxSplash.__super__ = flixel_FlxState; flixel_system_FlxSplash.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxState.prototype,{ _sprite: null ,_gfx: null ,_text: null ,_times: null ,_colors: null ,_functions: null ,_curPart: null ,_cachedBgColor: null ,_cachedTimestep: null ,_cachedAutoPause: null ,create: function() { this._cachedBgColor = flixel_FlxG.cameras.get_bgColor(); flixel_FlxG.cameras.set_bgColor(-16777216); this._cachedTimestep = flixel_FlxG.fixedTimestep; flixel_FlxG.fixedTimestep = false; this._cachedAutoPause = flixel_FlxG.autoPause; flixel_FlxG.autoPause = false; flixel_FlxG.keys.enabled = false; this._times = [0.041,0.184,0.334,0.495,0.636]; this._colors = [47394,16761138,16066382,3555839,314875]; this._functions = [$bind(this,this.drawGreen),$bind(this,this.drawYellow),$bind(this,this.drawRed),$bind(this,this.drawBlue),$bind(this,this.drawLightBlue)]; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._times; while(_g < _g1.length) { var time = _g1[_g]; ++_g; new flixel_util_FlxTimer().start(time,$bind(this,this.timerCallback)); } var stageWidth = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth; var stageHeight = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight; this._sprite = new openfl_display_Sprite(); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addChild(this._sprite); this._gfx = this._sprite.get_graphics(); this._text = new openfl_text_TextField(); this._text.set_selectable(false); this._text.set_embedFonts(true); var dtf = new openfl_text_TextFormat(flixel_system_FlxAssets.FONT_DEFAULT,16,16777215); dtf.align = 0; this._text.set_defaultTextFormat(dtf); this._text.set_text("HaxeFlixel"); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addChild(this._text); this.onResize(stageWidth,stageHeight); var extension = ""; extension = ".ogg"; flixel_FlxG.sound.load(openfl_utils_Assets.getSound("flixel/sounds/flixel" + extension)).play(); } ,destroy: function() { this._sprite = null; this._gfx = null; this._text = null; this._times = null; this._colors = null; this._functions = null; flixel_FlxState.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,onResize: function(Width,Height) { flixel_FlxState.prototype.onResize.call(this,Width,Height); this._sprite.set_x(Width / 2); this._sprite.set_y(Height / 2 - 20 * flixel_FlxG.game.get_scaleY()); this._text.set_width(Width / flixel_FlxG.game.get_scaleX()); this._text.set_x(0); this._text.set_y(this._sprite.get_y() + 80 * flixel_FlxG.game.get_scaleY()); this._sprite.set_scaleX(this._text.set_scaleX(flixel_FlxG.game.get_scaleX())); this._sprite.set_scaleY(this._text.set_scaleY(flixel_FlxG.game.get_scaleY())); } ,timerCallback: function(Timer) { this._functions[this._curPart](); this._text.set_textColor(this._colors[this._curPart]); this._text.set_text("HaxeFlixel"); this._curPart++; if(this._curPart == 5) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(this._sprite,{ alpha : 0},3.0,{ ease : flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quadOut, onComplete : $bind(this,this.onComplete)}); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(this._text,{ alpha : 0},3.0,{ ease : flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quadOut}); } } ,drawGreen: function() { this._gfx.beginFill(47394); this._gfx.moveTo(0,-37); this._gfx.lineTo(1,-37); this._gfx.lineTo(37,0); this._gfx.lineTo(37,1); this._gfx.lineTo(1,37); this._gfx.lineTo(0,37); this._gfx.lineTo(-37,1); this._gfx.lineTo(-37,0); this._gfx.lineTo(0,-37); this._gfx.endFill(); } ,drawYellow: function() { this._gfx.beginFill(16761138); this._gfx.moveTo(-50,-50); this._gfx.lineTo(-25,-50); this._gfx.lineTo(0,-37); this._gfx.lineTo(-37,0); this._gfx.lineTo(-50,-25); this._gfx.lineTo(-50,-50); this._gfx.endFill(); } ,drawRed: function() { this._gfx.beginFill(16066382); this._gfx.moveTo(50,-50); this._gfx.lineTo(25,-50); this._gfx.lineTo(1,-37); this._gfx.lineTo(37,0); this._gfx.lineTo(50,-25); this._gfx.lineTo(50,-50); this._gfx.endFill(); } ,drawBlue: function() { this._gfx.beginFill(3555839); this._gfx.moveTo(-50,50); this._gfx.lineTo(-25,50); this._gfx.lineTo(0,37); this._gfx.lineTo(-37,1); this._gfx.lineTo(-50,25); this._gfx.lineTo(-50,50); this._gfx.endFill(); } ,drawLightBlue: function() { this._gfx.beginFill(314875); this._gfx.moveTo(50,50); this._gfx.lineTo(25,50); this._gfx.lineTo(1,37); this._gfx.lineTo(37,1); this._gfx.lineTo(50,25); this._gfx.lineTo(50,50); this._gfx.endFill(); } ,onComplete: function(Tween) { flixel_FlxG.cameras.set_bgColor(this._cachedBgColor); flixel_FlxG.fixedTimestep = this._cachedTimestep; flixel_FlxG.autoPause = this._cachedAutoPause; flixel_FlxG.keys.enabled = true; openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.removeChild(this._sprite); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.removeChild(this._text); var nextState = Type.createInstance(flixel_system_FlxSplash.nextState,[]); if(flixel_FlxG.game._state.switchTo(nextState)) { flixel_FlxG.game._requestedState = nextState; } flixel_FlxG.game._gameJustStarted = true; } ,__class__: flixel_system_FlxSplash }); var flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.DebuggerUtil"] = flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil; flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","DebuggerUtil"]; flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.createTextField = function(X,Y,Color,Size) { if(Size == null) { Size = 12; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } return flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.initTextField(new openfl_text_TextField(),X,Y,Color,Size); }; flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.initTextField = function(tf,X,Y,Color,Size) { if(Size == null) { Size = 12; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } tf.set_x(X); tf.set_y(Y); tf.set_multiline(false); tf.set_wordWrap(false); tf.set_embedFonts(true); tf.set_selectable(false); tf.set_defaultTextFormat(new openfl_text_TextFormat(flixel_system_FlxAssets.FONT_DEBUGGER,Size,Color & 16777215)); tf.set_alpha((Color >> 24 & 255) / 255); tf.set_autoSize(1); return tf; }; flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.fixSize = function(bitmapData) { Reflect.setProperty(bitmapData,"width",11); Reflect.setProperty(bitmapData,"height",11); return bitmapData; }; var flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.resourceName),flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug._FlxDebugger.GraphicFlixel"] = flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel; flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","_FlxDebugger","GraphicFlixel"]; flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.preload = null; flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel }); var flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.resourceName),flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug._FlxDebugger.GraphicDrawDebug"] = flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug; flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","_FlxDebugger","GraphicDrawDebug"]; flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.preload = null; flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug__$FlxDebugger_GraphicDrawDebug }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicLog"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog; flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicLog"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicLog }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicStats"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats; flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicStats"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicStats }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicWatch"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch; flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicWatch"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicWatch }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicBitmapLog"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog; flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicBitmapLog"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicBitmapLog }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicConsole"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole; flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicConsole"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicConsole }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicArrowLeft"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft; flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicArrowLeft"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowLeft }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicArrowRight"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight; flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicArrowRight"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicArrowRight }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicCloseButton"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton; flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicCloseButton"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton }); var flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.GraphicInteractive"] = flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive; flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","GraphicInteractive"]; flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive }); var flixel_system_debug_FlxDebugger = function() { openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.FlxDebugger"] = flixel_system_debug_FlxDebugger; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebugger.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","FlxDebugger"]; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebugger.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebugger.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_FlxDebugger }); var flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout = $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.FlxDebuggerLayout"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","system","debug","FlxDebuggerLayout"], __constructs__ : ["STANDARD","MICRO","BIG","TOP","LEFT","RIGHT"] }; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.STANDARD = ["STANDARD",0]; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.STANDARD.toString = $estr; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.STANDARD.__enum__ = flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.MICRO = ["MICRO",1]; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.MICRO.toString = $estr; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.MICRO.__enum__ = flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.BIG = ["BIG",2]; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.BIG.toString = $estr; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.BIG.__enum__ = flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.TOP = ["TOP",3]; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.TOP.toString = $estr; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.TOP.__enum__ = flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.LEFT = ["LEFT",4]; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.LEFT.toString = $estr; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.LEFT.__enum__ = flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.RIGHT = ["RIGHT",5]; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.RIGHT.toString = $estr; flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout.RIGHT.__enum__ = flixel_system_debug_FlxDebuggerLayout; var flixel_system_debug_Tooltip = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.Tooltip"] = flixel_system_debug_Tooltip; flixel_system_debug_Tooltip.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","Tooltip"]; flixel_system_debug_Tooltip._container = null; flixel_system_debug_Tooltip.init = function(container) { flixel_system_debug_Tooltip._container = container; }; flixel_system_debug_Tooltip.add = function(element,text) { var tooltip = new flixel_system_debug_TooltipOverlay(element,text); flixel_system_debug_Tooltip._container.addChild(tooltip); flixel_system_debug_Tooltip._tooltips.push(tooltip); return tooltip; }; flixel_system_debug_Tooltip.remove = function(element) { var removed = false; var _g1 = 0; var _g = flixel_system_debug_Tooltip._tooltips.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(flixel_system_debug_Tooltip._tooltips[i] != null && flixel_system_debug_Tooltip._tooltips[i].owner == element) { var tooltip = flixel_system_debug_Tooltip._tooltips.splice(i,1)[0]; tooltip.destroy(); removed = true; break; } } return removed; }; var flixel_system_debug_TooltipOverlay = function(target,text,width,height) { if(height == null) { height = 0; } if(width == null) { width = 0; } openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.owner = target; this.maxSize = new openfl_geom_Point(width,height); this._shadow = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(1,2,true,-16777216)); this._background = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(1,1,true,-12961222)); this.textField = flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.createTextField(2,1); this.textField.set_alpha(0.8); this.textField.set_text(text); this.textField.set_wordWrap(true); this.addChild(this._shadow); this.addChild(this._background); this.addChild(this.textField); this.updateSize(); this.setVisible(false); if(this.owner != null) { this.owner.addEventListener("mouseOver",$bind(this,this.handleMouseEvents)); this.owner.addEventListener("mouseOut",$bind(this,this.handleMouseEvents)); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.TooltipOverlay"] = flixel_system_debug_TooltipOverlay; flixel_system_debug_TooltipOverlay.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","TooltipOverlay"]; flixel_system_debug_TooltipOverlay.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_debug_TooltipOverlay.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ _width: null ,_height: null ,_background: null ,_shadow: null ,textField: null ,owner: null ,maxSize: null ,destroy: function() { this._shadow = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this,this._shadow); this._background = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this,this._background); this.textField = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this,this.textField); this.maxSize = null; if(this.owner != null) { this.owner.removeEventListener("mouseOver",$bind(this,this.handleMouseEvents)); this.owner.removeEventListener("mouseOut",$bind(this,this.handleMouseEvents)); } this.owner = null; } ,resize: function(Width,Height) { this.maxSize.x = Math.abs(Width) | 0; this.maxSize.y = Math.abs(Height) | 0; this.updateSize(); } ,reposition: function(X,Y) { this.set_x(X); this.set_y(Y); this.ensureOnScreen(); } ,setVisible: function(Value) { this.set_visible(Value); if(this.get_visible()) { this.parent.addChild(this); this.ensureOnScreen(); } } ,setText: function(Text) { this.textField.set_text(Text); this.updateSize(); this.ensureOnScreen(); } ,toggleVisible: function() { this.setVisible(!this.get_visible()); } ,putOnTop: function() { this.parent.addChild(this); } ,update: function() { } ,updateSize: function() { this._width = ((this.maxSize.x <= 0 ? this.textField.get_textWidth() : Math.abs(this.maxSize.x)) | 0) + 8; this._height = ((this.maxSize.y <= 0 ? this.textField.get_textHeight() : Math.abs(this.maxSize.y)) | 0) + 8; this._background.set_scaleX(this._width); this._background.set_scaleY(this._height); this._shadow.set_scaleX(this._width); this._shadow.set_y(this._height); this.textField.set_width(this._width); } ,ensureOnScreen: function() { this.set_x(this.get_x() < 0 ? 0 : this.get_x()); this.set_y(this.get_y() < 0 ? 0 : this.get_y()); var offsetX = this.get_x() + this.get_width() >= openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth ? openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth - (this.get_x() + this.get_width()) : 0; var offsetY = this.get_y() + this.get_height() >= openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight ? openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight - (this.get_y() + this.get_height()) : 0; var _g = this; _g.set_x(_g.get_x() + offsetX); var _g1 = this; _g1.set_y(_g1.get_y() + offsetY); } ,handleMouseEvents: function(event) { if(event.type == "mouseOver" && !this.get_visible()) { this.set_x(event.stageX + 10); this.set_y(event.stageY + 10); this.setVisible(true); } else if(event.type == "mouseOut") { this.setVisible(false); } } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_TooltipOverlay }); var flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.resourceName),flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug._Window.GraphicWindowHandle"] = flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle; flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","_Window","GraphicWindowHandle"]; flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.preload = null; flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle }); var flixel_system_debug_Window = function(Title,Icon,Width,Height,Resizable,Bounds,Closable,AlwaysOnTop) { if(AlwaysOnTop == null) { AlwaysOnTop = true; } if(Closable == null) { Closable = false; } if(Resizable == null) { Resizable = true; } if(Height == null) { Height = 0; } if(Width == null) { Width = 0; } openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.minSize = new openfl_geom_Point(50,30); this._width = Math.abs(Width) | 0; this._height = Math.abs(Height) | 0; this.updateBounds(Bounds); this._drag = new openfl_geom_Point(); this._resizable = Resizable; this._closable = Closable; this._alwaysOnTop = AlwaysOnTop; this._shadow = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(1,2,true,-16777216)); this._background = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(1,1,true,-580952225)); this._header = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(1,15,true,-1157627904)); this._background.set_y(this._header.get_height()); this._title = flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.createTextField(2,-1); this._title.set_alpha(0.8); this._title.set_text(Title); this.addChild(this._shadow); this.addChild(this._background); this.addChild(this._header); this.addChild(this._title); if(Icon != null) { flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.fixSize(Icon); this._icon = new openfl_display_Bitmap(Icon); this._icon.set_x(5); this._icon.set_y(2); this._icon.set_alpha(0.8); this._title.set_x(this._icon.get_x() + this._icon.get_width() + 2); this.addChild(this._icon); } if(this._resizable) { this._handle = new openfl_display_Bitmap(flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.fixSize(new flixel_system_debug__$Window_GraphicWindowHandle(0,0))); this.addChild(this._handle); } if(Closable) { this._closeButton = new flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton(new flixel_system_debug_GraphicCloseButton(0,0),$bind(this,this.close)); this._closeButton.set_alpha(0.8); this.addChild(this._closeButton); } else { this._id = flixel_system_debug_Window.WINDOW_AMOUNT; this.loadSaveData(); flixel_system_debug_Window.WINDOW_AMOUNT++; } if(this._width != 0 || this._height != 0) { this.updateSize(); } this.bound(); this.addEventListener("enterFrame",$bind(this,this.init)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.Window"] = flixel_system_debug_Window; flixel_system_debug_Window.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","Window"]; flixel_system_debug_Window.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_debug_Window.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ minSize: null ,maxSize: null ,toggleButton: null ,_width: null ,_height: null ,_bounds: null ,_background: null ,_header: null ,_shadow: null ,_title: null ,_handle: null ,_icon: null ,_closeButton: null ,_overHeader: null ,_overHandle: null ,_drag: null ,_dragging: null ,_resizing: null ,_resizable: null ,_closable: null ,_alwaysOnTop: null ,_id: null ,destroy: function() { this.minSize = null; this.maxSize = null; this._bounds = null; if(this._shadow != null) { this.removeChild(this._shadow); } this._shadow = null; if(this._background != null) { this.removeChild(this._background); } this._background = null; if(this._header != null) { this.removeChild(this._header); } this._header = null; if(this._title != null) { this.removeChild(this._title); } this._title = null; if(this._handle != null) { this.removeChild(this._handle); } this._handle = null; this._drag = null; this._closeButton = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this._closeButton); var stage = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage; if(stage.hasEventListener("mouseMove")) { stage.removeEventListener("mouseMove",$bind(this,this.onMouseMove)); } if(this.hasEventListener("mouseDown")) { this.removeEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.onMouseDown)); } if(stage.hasEventListener("mouseUp")) { stage.removeEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.onMouseUp)); } } ,resize: function(Width,Height) { this._width = Math.abs(Width) | 0; this._height = Math.abs(Height) | 0; this.updateSize(); } ,reposition: function(X,Y) { this.set_x(X); this.set_y(Y); this.bound(); } ,updateBounds: function(Bounds) { this._bounds = Bounds; if(this._bounds != null) { this.maxSize = new openfl_geom_Point(this._bounds.width,this._bounds.height); } else { this.maxSize = new openfl_geom_Point(1.79e+308,1.79e+308); } } ,setVisible: function(Value) { this.set_visible(Value); if(!this._closable) { flixel_FlxG.save.data.windowSettings[this._id] = this.get_visible(); flixel_FlxG.save.flush(); } if(this.toggleButton != null) { this.toggleButton.set_toggled(!this.get_visible()); } if(this.get_visible() && this._alwaysOnTop) { this.parent.addChild(this); } } ,toggleVisible: function() { this.setVisible(!this.get_visible()); } ,putOnTop: function() { this.parent.addChild(this); } ,loadSaveData: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.save.data.windowSettings != null) { this.set_visible(flixel_FlxG.save.data.windowSettings[this._id]); } else { this.initSaveData(); this.loadSaveData(); } } ,initSaveData: function() { var settings = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < 10) { var i = _g++; settings[i] = true; } flixel_FlxG.save.data.windowSettings = settings; flixel_FlxG.save.flush(); } ,update: function() { } ,init: function(E) { if(this.stage == null) { return; } this.removeEventListener("enterFrame",$bind(this,this.init)); this.stage.addEventListener("mouseMove",$bind(this,this.onMouseMove)); this.stage.addEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.onMouseUp)); this.addEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.onMouseDown)); } ,onMouseMove: function(E) { var mouseX = this.get_mouseX() < 0 ? 0 : this.get_mouseX(); var mouseY = this.get_mouseY() < 0 ? 0 : this.get_mouseY(); if(!this.parent.get_visible()) { this._overHandle = this._overHeader = false; return; } if(this._dragging) { this._overHeader = true; this.reposition(this.parent.get_mouseX() - this._drag.x,this.parent.get_mouseY() - this._drag.y); } else if(this._resizing) { this._overHandle = true; this.resize(mouseX - this._drag.x,mouseY - this._drag.y); } else if(mouseX >= 0 && mouseX <= this._width && mouseY >= 0 && mouseY <= this._height) { this._overHeader = mouseX <= this._header.get_width() && mouseY <= this._header.get_height(); if(this._resizable) { this._overHandle = mouseX >= this._width - this._handle.get_width() && mouseY >= this._height - this._handle.get_height(); } } else { this._overHandle = this._overHeader = false; } } ,onMouseDown: function(E) { if(this._overHeader) { if(this._alwaysOnTop) { this.parent.addChild(this); } this._dragging = true; this._drag.x = this.get_mouseX(); this._drag.y = this.get_mouseY(); } else if(this._overHandle) { if(this._alwaysOnTop) { this.parent.addChild(this); } this._resizing = true; var tmp = this._width; var tmp1 = this.get_mouseX(); this._drag.x = tmp - tmp1; var tmp2 = this._height; var tmp3 = this.get_mouseY(); this._drag.y = tmp2 - tmp3; } } ,onMouseUp: function(E) { this._dragging = false; this._resizing = false; } ,bound: function() { if(this._bounds != null) { var Value = this.get_x(); var Min = this._bounds.get_left(); var Max = this._bounds.get_right() - this._width; var lowerBound = Min != null && Value < Min ? Min : Value; this.set_x(Max != null && lowerBound > Max ? Max : lowerBound); var Value1 = this.get_y(); var Min1 = this._bounds.get_top(); var Max1 = this._bounds.get_bottom() - this._height; var lowerBound1 = Min1 != null && Value1 < Min1 ? Min1 : Value1; this.set_y(Max1 != null && lowerBound1 > Max1 ? Max1 : lowerBound1); } } ,updateSize: function() { var Value = this._width; var Min = this.minSize.x; var Max = this.maxSize.x; var lowerBound = Min != null && Value < Min ? Min : Value; this._width = (Max != null && lowerBound > Max ? Max : lowerBound) | 0; var Value1 = this._height; var Min1 = this.minSize.y; var Max1 = this.maxSize.y; var lowerBound1 = Min1 != null && Value1 < Min1 ? Min1 : Value1; this._height = (Max1 != null && lowerBound1 > Max1 ? Max1 : lowerBound1) | 0; this._header.set_scaleX(this._width); this._background.set_scaleX(this._width); this._background.set_scaleY(this._height - this._header.get_height()); this._shadow.set_scaleX(this._width); this._shadow.set_y(this._height); this._title.set_width(this._width - 4); if(this._resizable) { this._handle.set_x(this._width - this._handle.get_width()); this._handle.set_y(this._height - this._handle.get_height()); } if(this._closeButton != null) { this._closeButton.set_x(this._width - this._closeButton.get_width() - 3); this._closeButton.set_y(3); } } ,close: function() { this.destroy(); } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_Window }); var flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionList = function(capacity) { this.upperVisibleIndex = 0; this.lowerVisibleIndex = 0; this.selectedIndex = 0; this.entries = []; openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.set_visible(false); this.upperVisibleIndex = capacity - 1; this.actualHeight = capacity * 20; this.createPopupEntries(capacity); this.createScrollBar(); this.updateSelectedItem(); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("keyDown",$bind(this,this.onKeyDown)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.completion.CompletionList"] = flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionList; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionList.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","completion","CompletionList"]; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionList.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionList.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ completed: null ,selectionChanged: null ,closed: null ,filter: null ,items: null ,entries: null ,originalItems: null ,selectedIndex: null ,lowerVisibleIndex: null ,upperVisibleIndex: null ,scrollBar: null ,actualHeight: null ,show: function(x,items) { this.set_visible(true); this.set_x(x); this.originalItems = items; this.set_filter(""); this.updateEntries(); } ,setY: function(y) { this.set_y(y - this.actualHeight); } ,close: function() { this.set_visible(false); this.set_filter(null); if(this.closed != null) { this.closed(); } } ,createPopupEntries: function(amount) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = amount; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var entry = new flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry(); this.entries.push(entry); this.addChild(entry); entry.set_y(20 * i); } } ,createScrollBar: function() { this.scrollBar = new flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListScrollBar(150,0,5,this.actualHeight); this.addChild(this.scrollBar); } ,onKeyDown: function(e) { if(!this.get_visible()) { return; } var _g = e.keyCode; switch(_g) { case 13: if(this.completed != null) { this.completed(this.items[this.selectedIndex]); } this.close(); return; case 27: this.close(); return; case 38: this.updateIndices(-1); break; case 40: this.updateIndices(1); break; } this.updateEntries(); } ,updateIndices: function(modifier) { this.selectedIndex = this.bound(this.selectedIndex + modifier); var Value = this.selectedIndex; var Min = this.lowerVisibleIndex; var Max = this.upperVisibleIndex; if((Min == null || Value >= Min) && (Max == null || Value <= Max)) { return; } this.lowerVisibleIndex = this.bound(this.lowerVisibleIndex + modifier); this.upperVisibleIndex = this.bound(this.upperVisibleIndex + modifier); var range = this.upperVisibleIndex - this.lowerVisibleIndex; if(range == this.items.length) { return; } if(this.lowerVisibleIndex == 0) { this.upperVisibleIndex = this.entries.length - 1; } else if(this.upperVisibleIndex == this.items.length - 1) { this.lowerVisibleIndex = this.items.length - this.entries.length; } } ,bound: function(index) { var Max = this.items.length - 1; var lowerBound = index < 0 ? 0 : index; return (Max != null && lowerBound > Max ? Max : lowerBound) | 0; } ,updateEntries: function() { this.updateLabels(); this.updateSelectedItem(); this.scrollBar.updateHandle(this.lowerVisibleIndex,this.items.length,this.entries.length); } ,updateLabels: function() { var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.entries.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var selectedItem = this.items[this.lowerVisibleIndex + i]; if(selectedItem == null) { selectedItem = ""; } this.entries[i].setItem(selectedItem); } } ,updateSelectedItem: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.entries; while(_g < _g1.length) { var entry = _g1[_g]; ++_g; entry.set_selected(false); } this.entries[this.selectedIndex - this.lowerVisibleIndex].set_selected(true); if(this.selectionChanged != null) { this.selectionChanged(this.items[this.selectedIndex]); } } ,setItems: function(items) { if(items == null) { return; } if(items.length == 0) { this.close(); } this.items = items; this.selectedIndex = 0; this.lowerVisibleIndex = 0; this.upperVisibleIndex = this.entries.length - 1; this.updateEntries(); } ,filterItems: function(filter) { if(filter == null) { filter = ""; } var tmp = this.originalItems.filter(function(item) { return item.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) != -1; }); return this.sortItems(filter,tmp); } ,sortItems: function(filter,items) { var _gthis = this; if(filter == "") { return items; } items.sort(function(a,b) { var valueA = _gthis.startsWithExt(a,filter); var valueB = _gthis.startsWithExt(b,filter); if(valueA > valueB) { return -valueA; } if(valueB > valueA) { return valueB; } if(valueA == valueB) { return a.length - b.length | 0; } return 0; }); return items; } ,startsWithExt: function(s,start) { if(StringTools.startsWith(s,start)) { return 2; } var _this_r = new RegExp("^[_]+","".split("u").join("")); if(StringTools.startsWith(s.replace(_this_r,""),start)) { return 1; } return 0; } ,set_filter: function(filter) { if(filter == this.filter) { return filter; } this.setItems(this.filterItems(filter)); return this.filter = filter; } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionList ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__properties__,{set_filter:"set_filter"}) }); var flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry = function() { this.selected = false; openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.initBitmapDatas(); this.addChild(this.background = new openfl_display_Bitmap()); this.background.set_bitmapData(flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.normalBitmapData); this.label = flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.createTextField(); this.label.set_x(4); this.addChild(this.label); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.completion.CompletionListEntry"] = flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","completion","CompletionListEntry"]; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.normalBitmapData = null; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.highlightBitmapData = null; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ selected: null ,background: null ,label: null ,initBitmapDatas: function() { if(flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.normalBitmapData == null) { flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.normalBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(150,20,true,-10526881); } if(flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.highlightBitmapData == null) { flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.highlightBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(150,20,true,-9605779); } } ,setItem: function(item) { this.label.set_text(item); if(this.label.get_width() > 150) { this.label.set_width(150); this.label.set_autoSize(2); } } ,set_selected: function(selected) { if(selected == this.selected) { return selected; } this.background.set_bitmapData(selected ? flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.highlightBitmapData : flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry.normalBitmapData); return this.selected = selected; } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListEntry ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__properties__,{set_selected:"set_selected"}) }); var flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListScrollBar = function(x,y,width,height) { openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.set_x(x); this.set_y(y); this.addChild(new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,height,true,-12303292))); this.handle = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,1,true,-14540254)); this.addChild(this.handle); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.completion.CompletionListScrollBar"] = flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListScrollBar; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListScrollBar.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","completion","CompletionListScrollBar"]; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListScrollBar.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListScrollBar.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ handle: null ,updateHandle: function(lower,items,entries) { this.handle.set_scaleY(Math.min(this.get_height() / items * entries,this.get_height())); this.handle.set_y(this.get_height() / items * lower); var tmp = this.handle; var Value = this.handle.get_y(); var Max = this.get_height() - this.handle.get_scaleY(); var lowerBound = Value < 0 ? 0 : Value; tmp.set_y(Max != null && lowerBound > Max ? Max : lowerBound); } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_completion_CompletionListScrollBar }); var flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.console.ConsoleUtil"] = flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","console","ConsoleUtil"]; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.parser = null; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.interp = null; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.init = function() { flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.parser = new hscript_Parser(); flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.parser.allowJSON = true; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.parser.allowTypes = true; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.interp = new flixel_system_debug_console__$ConsoleUtil_Interp(); }; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.parseCommand = function(Input) { if(StringTools.endsWith(Input,";")) { Input = HxOverrides.substr(Input,0,-1); } return flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.parser.parseString(Input); }; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.runCommand = function(Input) { return flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.interp.expr(flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.parseCommand(Input)); }; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.runExpr = function(expr) { return flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.interp.expr(expr); }; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.registerObject = function(ObjectAlias,AnyObject) { if(AnyObject == null || Reflect.isObject(AnyObject)) { var _this = flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.interp.variables; var value = AnyObject; if(__map_reserved[ObjectAlias] != null) { _this.setReserved(ObjectAlias,value); } else { _this.h[ObjectAlias] = value; } } }; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.registerFunction = function(FunctionAlias,Function) { if(Reflect.isFunction(Function)) { var _this = flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.interp.variables; var value = Function; if(__map_reserved[FunctionAlias] != null) { _this.setReserved(FunctionAlias,value); } else { _this.h[FunctionAlias] = value; } } }; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.getFields = function(Object) { var fields = []; if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Object,Class)) { fields = Type.getClassFields(Object); } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Object,Enum)) { fields = Object.__constructs__.slice(); } else if(Reflect.isObject(Object)) { var o = Object; fields = Type.getInstanceFields(o == null ? null : js_Boot.getClass(o)); } HxOverrides.remove(fields,"__constructs__"); var filteredFields = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < fields.length) { var field = fields[_g]; ++_g; if(StringTools.startsWith(field,"get_") || StringTools.startsWith(field,"set_")) { var name = HxOverrides.substr(field,4,null); if(fields.indexOf(name) == -1 && filteredFields.indexOf(name) == -1) { filteredFields.push(name); } } else { filteredFields.push(field); } } return flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.sortFields(filteredFields); }; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.sortFields = function(fields) { var underscoreList = []; fields = fields.filter(function(field) { if(StringTools.startsWith(field,"_")) { underscoreList.push(field); return false; } return true; }); flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.sortAlphabetically(fields); flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.sortAlphabetically(underscoreList); return fields.concat(underscoreList); }; flixel_system_debug_console_ConsoleUtil.log = function(Text) { flixel_FlxG.log.advanced([Text],flixel_system_debug_log_LogStyle.CONSOLE); }; var hscript_Interp = function() { var _gthis = this; this.variables = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.locals = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.declared = []; var _this = this.variables; if(__map_reserved["null"] != null) { _this.setReserved("null",null); } else { _this.h["null"] = null; } var _this1 = this.variables; if(__map_reserved["true"] != null) { _this1.setReserved("true",true); } else { _this1.h["true"] = true; } var _this2 = this.variables; if(__map_reserved["false"] != null) { _this2.setReserved("false",false); } else { _this2.h["false"] = false; } var _this3 = this.variables; var value = Reflect.makeVarArgs(function(el) { var inf = _gthis.posInfos(); var v = el.shift(); if(el.length > 0) { inf.customParams = el; } haxe_Log.trace(Std.string(v),inf); }); if(__map_reserved["trace"] != null) { _this3.setReserved("trace",value); } else { _this3.h["trace"] = value; } this.initOps(); }; $hxClasses["hscript.Interp"] = hscript_Interp; hscript_Interp.__name__ = ["hscript","Interp"]; hscript_Interp.prototype = { variables: null ,locals: null ,binops: null ,depth: null ,inTry: null ,declared: null ,returnValue: null ,posInfos: function() { return { fileName : "hscript", lineNumber : 0}; } ,initOps: function() { var me = this; this.binops = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var _this = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["+"] != null) { _this.setReserved("+",function(e11,e21) { return me.expr(e11) + me.expr(e21); }); } else { _this.h["+"] = function(e11,e21) { return me.expr(e11) + me.expr(e21); }; } var _this1 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["-"] != null) { _this1.setReserved("-",function(e121,e221) { return me.expr(e121) - me.expr(e221); }); } else { _this1.h["-"] = function(e121,e221) { return me.expr(e121) - me.expr(e221); }; } var _this2 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["*"] != null) { _this2.setReserved("*",function(e131,e231) { return me.expr(e131) * me.expr(e231); }); } else { _this2.h["*"] = function(e131,e231) { return me.expr(e131) * me.expr(e231); }; } var _this3 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["/"] != null) { _this3.setReserved("/",function(e141,e241) { return me.expr(e141) / me.expr(e241); }); } else { _this3.h["/"] = function(e141,e241) { return me.expr(e141) / me.expr(e241); }; } var _this4 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["%"] != null) { _this4.setReserved("%",function(e151,e251) { return me.expr(e151) % me.expr(e251); }); } else { _this4.h["%"] = function(e151,e251) { return me.expr(e151) % me.expr(e251); }; } var _this5 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["&"] != null) { _this5.setReserved("&",function(e161,e261) { return me.expr(e161) & me.expr(e261); }); } else { _this5.h["&"] = function(e161,e261) { return me.expr(e161) & me.expr(e261); }; } var _this6 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["|"] != null) { _this6.setReserved("|",function(e171,e271) { return me.expr(e171) | me.expr(e271); }); } else { _this6.h["|"] = function(e171,e271) { return me.expr(e171) | me.expr(e271); }; } var _this7 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["^"] != null) { _this7.setReserved("^",function(e181,e281) { return me.expr(e181) ^ me.expr(e281); }); } else { _this7.h["^"] = function(e181,e281) { return me.expr(e181) ^ me.expr(e281); }; } var _this8 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["<<"] != null) { _this8.setReserved("<<",function(e191,e291) { return me.expr(e191) << me.expr(e291); }); } else { _this8.h["<<"] = function(e191,e291) { return me.expr(e191) << me.expr(e291); }; } var _this9 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved[">>"] != null) { _this9.setReserved(">>",function(e1101,e2101) { return me.expr(e1101) >> me.expr(e2101); }); } else { _this9.h[">>"] = function(e1101,e2101) { return me.expr(e1101) >> me.expr(e2101); }; } var _this10 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved[">>>"] != null) { _this10.setReserved(">>>",function(e1111,e2111) { return me.expr(e1111) >>> me.expr(e2111); }); } else { _this10.h[">>>"] = function(e1111,e2111) { return me.expr(e1111) >>> me.expr(e2111); }; } var _this11 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["=="] != null) { _this11.setReserved("==",function(e1121,e2121) { return me.expr(e1121) == me.expr(e2121); }); } else { _this11.h["=="] = function(e1121,e2121) { return me.expr(e1121) == me.expr(e2121); }; } var _this12 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["!="] != null) { _this12.setReserved("!=",function(e1131,e2131) { return me.expr(e1131) != me.expr(e2131); }); } else { _this12.h["!="] = function(e1131,e2131) { return me.expr(e1131) != me.expr(e2131); }; } var _this13 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved[">="] != null) { _this13.setReserved(">=",function(e1141,e2141) { return me.expr(e1141) >= me.expr(e2141); }); } else { _this13.h[">="] = function(e1141,e2141) { return me.expr(e1141) >= me.expr(e2141); }; } var _this14 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["<="] != null) { _this14.setReserved("<=",function(e1151,e2151) { return me.expr(e1151) <= me.expr(e2151); }); } else { _this14.h["<="] = function(e1151,e2151) { return me.expr(e1151) <= me.expr(e2151); }; } var _this15 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved[">"] != null) { _this15.setReserved(">",function(e1161,e2161) { return me.expr(e1161) > me.expr(e2161); }); } else { _this15.h[">"] = function(e1161,e2161) { return me.expr(e1161) > me.expr(e2161); }; } var _this16 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["<"] != null) { _this16.setReserved("<",function(e1171,e2171) { return me.expr(e1171) < me.expr(e2171); }); } else { _this16.h["<"] = function(e1171,e2171) { return me.expr(e1171) < me.expr(e2171); }; } var _this17 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["||"] != null) { _this17.setReserved("||",function(e1181,e2181) { if(me.expr(e1181) != true) { return me.expr(e2181) == true; } else { return true; } }); } else { _this17.h["||"] = function(e1181,e2181) { if(me.expr(e1181) != true) { return me.expr(e2181) == true; } else { return true; } }; } var _this18 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["&&"] != null) { _this18.setReserved("&&",function(e1191,e2191) { if(me.expr(e1191) == true) { return me.expr(e2191) == true; } else { return false; } }); } else { _this18.h["&&"] = function(e1191,e2191) { if(me.expr(e1191) == true) { return me.expr(e2191) == true; } else { return false; } }; } var _this19 = this.binops; var value = $bind(this,this.assign); if(__map_reserved["="] != null) { _this19.setReserved("=",value); } else { _this19.h["="] = value; } var _this20 = this.binops; if(__map_reserved["..."] != null) { _this20.setReserved("...",function(e1201,e2201) { return new IntIterator(me.expr(e1201),me.expr(e2201)); }); } else { _this20.h["..."] = function(e1201,e2201) { return new IntIterator(me.expr(e1201),me.expr(e2201)); }; } this.assignOp("+=",function(v1,v2) { return v1 + v2; }); this.assignOp("-=",function(v11,v21) { return v11 - v21; }); this.assignOp("*=",function(v12,v22) { return v12 * v22; }); this.assignOp("/=",function(v13,v23) { return v13 / v23; }); this.assignOp("%=",function(v14,v24) { return v14 % v24; }); this.assignOp("&=",function(v15,v25) { return v15 & v25; }); this.assignOp("|=",function(v16,v26) { return v16 | v26; }); this.assignOp("^=",function(v17,v27) { return v17 ^ v27; }); this.assignOp("<<=",function(v18,v28) { return v18 << v28; }); this.assignOp(">>=",function(v19,v29) { return v19 >> v29; }); this.assignOp(">>>=",function(v110,v210) { return v110 >>> v210; }); } ,assign: function(e1,e2) { var v = this.expr(e2); switch(e1[1]) { case 1: var id = e1[2]; var l = this.locals.get(id); if(l == null) { this.variables.set(id,v); } else { l.r = v; } break; case 5: var f = e1[3]; var e = e1[2]; v = this.set(this.expr(e),f,v); break; case 16: var index = e1[3]; var e3 = e1[2]; var arr = this.expr(e3); var index1 = this.expr(index); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arr,haxe_IMap)) { (js_Boot.__cast(arr , haxe_IMap)).set(index1,v); } else { arr[index1] = v; } break; default: var e4 = hscript_Error.EInvalidOp("="); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e4); } return v; } ,assignOp: function(op,fop) { var me = this; var _this = this.binops; if(__map_reserved[op] != null) { _this.setReserved(op,function(e11,e21) { return me.evalAssignOp(op,fop,e11,e21); }); } else { _this.h[op] = function(e11,e21) { return me.evalAssignOp(op,fop,e11,e21); }; } } ,evalAssignOp: function(op,fop,e1,e2) { var v; switch(e1[1]) { case 1: var id = e1[2]; var l = this.locals.get(id); v = fop(this.expr(e1),this.expr(e2)); if(l == null) { this.variables.set(id,v); } else { l.r = v; } break; case 5: var f = e1[3]; var e = e1[2]; var obj = this.expr(e); v = fop(this.get(obj,f),this.expr(e2)); v = this.set(obj,f,v); break; case 16: var index = e1[3]; var e3 = e1[2]; var arr = this.expr(e3); var index1 = this.expr(index); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arr,haxe_IMap)) { v = fop((js_Boot.__cast(arr , haxe_IMap)).get(index1),this.expr(e2)); (js_Boot.__cast(arr , haxe_IMap)).set(index1,v); } else { v = fop(arr[index1],this.expr(e2)); arr[index1] = v; } break; default: var e4 = hscript_Error.EInvalidOp(op); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e4); } return v; } ,increment: function(e,prefix,delta) { switch(e[1]) { case 1: var id = e[2]; var l = this.locals.get(id); var v = l == null ? this.variables.get(id) : l.r; if(prefix) { v += delta; if(l == null) { this.variables.set(id,v); } else { l.r = v; } } else if(l == null) { this.variables.set(id,v + delta); } else { l.r = v + delta; } return v; case 5: var f = e[3]; var e1 = e[2]; var obj = this.expr(e1); var v1 = this.get(obj,f); if(prefix) { v1 += delta; this.set(obj,f,v1); } else { this.set(obj,f,v1 + delta); } return v1; case 16: var index = e[3]; var e2 = e[2]; var arr = this.expr(e2); var index1 = this.expr(index); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arr,haxe_IMap)) { var v2 = (js_Boot.__cast(arr , haxe_IMap)).get(index1); if(prefix) { v2 += delta; (js_Boot.__cast(arr , haxe_IMap)).set(index1,v2); } else { (js_Boot.__cast(arr , haxe_IMap)).set(index1,v2 + delta); } return v2; } else { var v3 = arr[index1]; if(prefix) { v3 += delta; arr[index1] = v3; } else { arr[index1] = v3 + delta; } return v3; } break; default: var e3 = hscript_Error.EInvalidOp(delta > 0 ? "++" : "--"); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e3); } } ,execute: function(expr) { this.depth = 0; this.locals = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.declared = []; return this.exprReturn(expr); } ,exprReturn: function(e) { try { return this.expr(e); } catch( e1 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e1; if (e1 instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e1 = e1.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(e1,hscript__$Interp_Stop) ) { switch(e1[1]) { case 0: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid break"); break; case 1: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid continue"); break; case 2: var v = this.returnValue; this.returnValue = null; return v; } } else throw(e1); } } ,duplicate: function(h) { var h2 = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var k = h.keys(); while(k.hasNext()) { var k1 = k.next(); var value = __map_reserved[k1] != null ? h.getReserved(k1) : h.h[k1]; if(__map_reserved[k1] != null) { h2.setReserved(k1,value); } else { h2.h[k1] = value; } } return h2; } ,restore: function(old) { while(this.declared.length > old) { var d = this.declared.pop(); var key = d.n; var value = d.old; var _this = this.locals; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { _this.setReserved(key,value); } else { _this.h[key] = value; } } } ,edef: function(e) { return e; } ,error: function(e,rethrow) { if(rethrow == null) { rethrow = false; } if(rethrow) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e); } } ,rethrow: function(e) { throw js__$Boot_HaxeError.wrap(e); } ,resolve: function(id) { var _this = this.locals; var l = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.getReserved(id) : _this.h[id]; if(l != null) { return l.r; } var _this1 = this.variables; var v = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id) : _this1.h[id]; var tmp; if(v == null) { var _this2 = this.variables; tmp = !(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)); } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var e = hscript_Error.EUnknownVariable(id); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e); } return v; } ,expr: function(e) { var _gthis = this; switch(e[1]) { case 0: var c = e[2]; switch(c[1]) { case 0: var v = c[2]; return v; case 1: var f = c[2]; return f; case 2: var s = c[2]; return s; } break; case 1: var id = e[2]; return this.resolve(id); case 2: var e1 = e[4]; var n = e[2]; this.declared.push({ n : n, old : this.locals.get(n)}); this.locals.set(n,{ r : e1 == null ? null : this.expr(e1)}); return null; case 3: var e2 = e[2]; return this.expr(e2); case 4: var exprs = e[2]; var old = this.declared.length; var v1 = null; var _g = 0; while(_g < exprs.length) { var e3 = exprs[_g]; ++_g; v1 = this.expr(e3); } this.restore(old); return v1; case 5: var f1 = e[3]; var e4 = e[2]; return this.get(this.expr(e4),f1); case 6: var e21 = e[4]; var e11 = e[3]; var op = e[2]; var fop = this.binops.get(op); if(fop == null) { var e5 = hscript_Error.EInvalidOp(op); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e5); } return fop(e11,e21); case 7: var e6 = e[4]; var prefix = e[3]; var op1 = e[2]; switch(op1) { case "!": return this.expr(e6) != true; case "++": return this.increment(e6,prefix,1); case "-": return -this.expr(e6); case "--": return this.increment(e6,prefix,-1); case "~": return ~this.expr(e6); default: var e7 = hscript_Error.EInvalidOp(op1); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e7); } break; case 8: var params = e[3]; var e8 = e[2]; var args = []; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < params.length) { var p = params[_g1]; ++_g1; args.push(this.expr(p)); } if(e8[1] == 5) { var f2 = e8[3]; var e9 = e8[2]; var obj = this.expr(e9); if(obj == null) { var e10 = hscript_Error.EInvalidAccess(f2); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e10); } return this.fcall(obj,f2,args); } else { return this.call(null,this.expr(e8),args); } break; case 9: var e22 = e[4]; var e12 = e[3]; var econd = e[2]; if(this.expr(econd) == true) { return this.expr(e12); } else if(e22 == null) { return null; } else { return this.expr(e22); } break; case 10: var e13 = e[3]; var econd1 = e[2]; this.whileLoop(econd1,e13); return null; case 11: var e14 = e[4]; var it = e[3]; var v2 = e[2]; this.forLoop(v2,it,e14); return null; case 12: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript__$Interp_Stop.SBreak); break; case 13: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript__$Interp_Stop.SContinue); break; case 14: var name = e[4]; var fexpr = e[3]; var params1 = e[2]; var capturedLocals = this.duplicate(this.locals); var me = this; var hasOpt = false; var minParams = 0; var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < params1.length) { var p1 = params1[_g2]; ++_g2; if(p1.opt) { hasOpt = true; } else { minParams += 1; } } var f3 = function(args1) { if(args1.length != params1.length) { if(args1.length < minParams) { var str = "Invalid number of parameters. Got " + args1.length + ", required " + minParams; if(name != null) { str += " for function '" + name + "'"; } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(str); } var args2 = []; var extraParams = args1.length - minParams; var pos = 0; var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < params1.length) { var p2 = params1[_g3]; ++_g3; if(p2.opt) { if(extraParams > 0) { args2.push(args1[pos++]); --extraParams; } else { args2.push(null); } } else { args2.push(args1[pos++]); } } args1 = args2; } var old1 = me.locals; var depth = me.depth; me.depth++; me.locals = me.duplicate(capturedLocals); var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = params1.length; while(_g11 < _g4) { var i = _g11++; me.locals.set(params1[i].name,{ r : args1[i]}); } var r = null; if(_gthis.inTry) { try { r = me.exprReturn(fexpr); } catch( e15 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e15; if (e15 instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e15 = e15.val; me.locals = old1; me.depth = depth; throw js__$Boot_HaxeError.wrap(e15); } } else { r = me.exprReturn(fexpr); } me.locals = old1; me.depth = depth; return r; }; var f4 = Reflect.makeVarArgs(f3); if(name != null) { if(this.depth == 0) { this.variables.set(name,f4); } else { var tmp = this.declared; var tmp1 = this.locals.get(name); tmp.push({ n : name, old : tmp1}); var ref = { r : f4}; this.locals.set(name,ref); if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { capturedLocals.setReserved(name,ref); } else { capturedLocals.h[name] = ref; } } } return f4; case 15: var e16 = e[2]; this.returnValue = e16 == null ? null : this.expr(e16); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript__$Interp_Stop.SReturn); break; case 16: var index = e[3]; var e17 = e[2]; var arr = this.expr(e17); var index1 = this.expr(index); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arr,haxe_IMap)) { return (js_Boot.__cast(arr , haxe_IMap)).get(index1); } else { return arr[index1]; } break; case 17: var arr1 = e[2]; var tmp2; if(arr1.length > 0) { var _g5 = arr1[0]; if(_g5[1] == 6) { if(_g5[2] == "=>") { tmp2 = true; } else { tmp2 = false; } } else { tmp2 = false; } } else { tmp2 = false; } if(tmp2) { var isAllString = true; var isAllInt = true; var isAllObject = true; var isAllEnum = true; var keys = []; var values = []; var _g12 = 0; while(_g12 < arr1.length) { var e18 = arr1[_g12]; ++_g12; if(e18[1] == 6) { if(e18[2] == "=>") { var eValue = e18[4]; var eKey = e18[3]; var key = this.expr(eKey); var value = this.expr(eValue); if(isAllString) { isAllString = typeof(key) == "string"; } else { isAllString = false; } if(isAllInt) { if(typeof(key) == "number") { isAllInt = ((key | 0) === key); } else { isAllInt = false; } } else { isAllInt = false; } if(isAllObject) { isAllObject = Reflect.isObject(key); } else { isAllObject = false; } if(isAllEnum) { isAllEnum = Reflect.isEnumValue(key); } else { isAllEnum = false; } keys.push(key); values.push(value); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("=> expected"); } } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("=> expected"); } } var map; if(isAllInt) { map = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); } else if(isAllString) { map = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); } else if(isAllEnum) { map = new haxe_ds_EnumValueMap(); } else if(isAllObject) { map = new haxe_ds_ObjectMap(); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Inconsistent key types"); } var _g21 = 0; var _g13 = keys.length; while(_g21 < _g13) { var n1 = _g21++; (js_Boot.__cast(map , haxe_IMap)).set(keys[n1],values[n1]); } return map; } else { var a = []; var _g14 = 0; while(_g14 < arr1.length) { var e19 = arr1[_g14]; ++_g14; a.push(this.expr(e19)); } return a; } break; case 18: var params2 = e[3]; var cl = e[2]; var a1 = []; var _g6 = 0; while(_g6 < params2.length) { var e20 = params2[_g6]; ++_g6; a1.push(this.expr(e20)); } return this.cnew(cl,a1); case 19: var e23 = e[2]; throw js__$Boot_HaxeError.wrap(this.expr(e23)); break; case 20: var ecatch = e[5]; var n2 = e[3]; var e24 = e[2]; var old2 = this.declared.length; var oldTry = this.inTry; try { this.inTry = true; var v3 = this.expr(e24); this.restore(old2); this.inTry = oldTry; return v3; } catch( $e0 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = $e0; if ($e0 instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) $e0 = $e0.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof($e0,hscript__$Interp_Stop) ) { var err = $e0; this.inTry = oldTry; throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(err); } else { var err1 = $e0; this.restore(old2); this.inTry = oldTry; this.declared.push({ n : n2, old : this.locals.get(n2)}); this.locals.set(n2,{ r : err1}); var v4 = this.expr(ecatch); this.restore(old2); return v4; } } break; case 21: var fl = e[2]; var o = { }; var _g7 = 0; while(_g7 < fl.length) { var f5 = fl[_g7]; ++_g7; this.set(o,f5.name,this.expr(f5.e)); } return o; case 22: var e25 = e[4]; var e110 = e[3]; var econd2 = e[2]; if(this.expr(econd2) == true) { return this.expr(e110); } else { return this.expr(e25); } break; case 23: var def = e[4]; var cases = e[3]; var e26 = e[2]; var val = this.expr(e26); var match = false; var _g8 = 0; while(_g8 < cases.length) { var c1 = cases[_g8]; ++_g8; var _g15 = 0; var _g22 = c1.values; while(_g15 < _g22.length) { var v5 = _g22[_g15]; ++_g15; if(this.expr(v5) == val) { match = true; break; } } if(match) { val = this.expr(c1.expr); break; } } if(!match) { if(def == null) { val = null; } else { val = this.expr(def); } } return val; case 24: var e27 = e[3]; var econd3 = e[2]; this.doWhileLoop(econd3,e27); return null; case 25: var e28 = e[4]; return this.expr(e28); } } ,doWhileLoop: function(econd,e) { var old = this.declared.length; try { while(true) { try { this.expr(e); } catch( err ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = err; if (err instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) err = err.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(err,hscript__$Interp_Stop) ) { switch(err[1]) { case 0: throw "__break__"; break; case 1: break; case 2: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(err); break; } } else throw(err); } if(!(this.expr(econd) == true)) { throw "__break__"; } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } this.restore(old); } ,whileLoop: function(econd,e) { var old = this.declared.length; try { while(this.expr(econd) == true) try { this.expr(e); } catch( err ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = err; if (err instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) err = err.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(err,hscript__$Interp_Stop) ) { switch(err[1]) { case 0: throw "__break__"; break; case 1: break; case 2: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(err); break; } } else throw(err); } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } this.restore(old); } ,makeIterator: function(v) { try { v = $iterator(v)(); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } if(v.hasNext == null || v.next == null) { var e1 = hscript_Error.EInvalidIterator(v); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e1); } return v; } ,forLoop: function(n,it,e) { var old = this.declared.length; var _this = this.locals; this.declared.push({ n : n, old : __map_reserved[n] != null ? _this.getReserved(n) : _this.h[n]}); var it1 = this.makeIterator(this.expr(it)); try { while(it1.hasNext()) { var this1 = this.locals; var value = { r : it1.next()}; var _this1 = this1; if(__map_reserved[n] != null) { _this1.setReserved(n,value); } else { _this1.h[n] = value; } try { this.expr(e); } catch( err ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = err; if (err instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) err = err.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(err,hscript__$Interp_Stop) ) { switch(err[1]) { case 0: throw "__break__"; break; case 1: break; case 2: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(err); break; } } else throw(err); } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } this.restore(old); } ,isMap: function(o) { return js_Boot.__instanceof(o,haxe_IMap); } ,getMapValue: function(map,key) { return (js_Boot.__cast(map , haxe_IMap)).get(key); } ,setMapValue: function(map,key,value) { (js_Boot.__cast(map , haxe_IMap)).set(key,value); } ,get: function(o,f) { if(o == null) { var e = hscript_Error.EInvalidAccess(f); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e); } return Reflect.getProperty(o,f); } ,set: function(o,f,v) { if(o == null) { var e = hscript_Error.EInvalidAccess(f); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e); } Reflect.setProperty(o,f,v); return v; } ,fcall: function(o,f,args) { return this.call(o,this.get(o,f),args); } ,call: function(o,f,args) { return f.apply(o,args); } ,cnew: function(cl,args) { var c = Type.resolveClass(cl); if(c == null) { c = this.resolve(cl); } return Type.createInstance(c,args); } ,__class__: hscript_Interp }; var flixel_system_debug_console__$ConsoleUtil_Interp = function() { hscript_Interp.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.console._ConsoleUtil.Interp"] = flixel_system_debug_console__$ConsoleUtil_Interp; flixel_system_debug_console__$ConsoleUtil_Interp.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","console","_ConsoleUtil","Interp"]; flixel_system_debug_console__$ConsoleUtil_Interp.__super__ = hscript_Interp; flixel_system_debug_console__$ConsoleUtil_Interp.prototype = $extend(hscript_Interp.prototype,{ getGlobals: function() { return this.toArray(this.locals.keys()).concat(this.toArray(this.variables.keys())); } ,toArray: function(iterator) { var array = []; var element = iterator; while(element.hasNext()) { var element1 = element.next(); array.push(element1); } return array; } ,get: function(o,f) { if(o == null) { var e = hscript_Error.EInvalidAccess(f); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e); } return Reflect.getProperty(o,f); } ,set: function(o,f,v) { if(o == null) { var e = hscript_Error.EInvalidAccess(f); throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(e); } Reflect.setProperty(o,f,v); return v; } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_console__$ConsoleUtil_Interp }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_Interaction = function(container) { this._flixelPointer = new flixel_input_FlxPointer(); this._debuggerInteraction = false; this._keysUp = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this._keysDown = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this._turn = 2; this._tools = []; this.shouldDrawItemsSelection = true; this.pointerPressed = false; this.pointerJustReleased = false; this.pointerJustPressed = false; this.flixelPointer = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(); this.selectedItems = new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup(); flixel_system_debug_Window.call(this,"Tools",new flixel_system_debug_GraphicInteractive(0,0),40,25,false); this.reposition(2,100); this._container = container; this._customCursor = new openfl_display_Sprite(); this._customCursor.mouseEnabled = false; this._container.addChild(this._customCursor); this.addTool(new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer()); this.addTool(new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Mover()); this.addTool(new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Eraser()); this.addTool(new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Transform()); flixel_FlxG.signals.postDraw.add($bind(this,this.postDraw)); flixel_FlxG["debugger"].visibilityChanged.add($bind(this,this.handleDebuggerVisibilityChanged)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("mouseMove",$bind(this,this.updateMouse)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.handleMouseClick)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.handleMouseClick)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("keyDown",$bind(this,this.handleKeyEvent)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.addEventListener("keyUp",$bind(this,this.handleKeyEvent)); this._container.addEventListener("mouseOver",$bind(this,this.handleMouseInDebugger)); this._container.addEventListener("mouseOut",$bind(this,this.handleMouseInDebugger)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.Interaction"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_Interaction; flixel_system_debug_interaction_Interaction.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","Interaction"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_Interaction.__super__ = flixel_system_debug_Window; flixel_system_debug_interaction_Interaction.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_debug_Window.prototype,{ activeTool: null ,selectedItems: null ,flixelPointer: null ,pointerJustPressed: null ,pointerJustReleased: null ,pointerPressed: null ,shouldDrawItemsSelection: null ,_container: null ,_customCursor: null ,_tools: null ,_turn: null ,_keysDown: null ,_keysUp: null ,_wasMouseVisible: null ,_wasUsingSystemCursor: null ,_debuggerInteraction: null ,_flixelPointer: null ,handleDebuggerVisibilityChanged: function() { if(flixel_FlxG["debugger"].visible) { this.saveSystemCursorInfo(); } else { this.restoreSystemCursor(); } } ,updateMouse: function(event) { if(event.stageX == null || event.stageY == null) { return; } var offsetX = 0.0; var offsetY = 0.0; if(this.activeTool != null) { var cursorIcon = this.activeTool.cursor; if(cursorIcon != null) { offsetX = cursorIcon.width / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x / 2; offsetY = cursorIcon.height / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y / 2; } } this._customCursor.set_x(event.stageX + offsetX); this._customCursor.set_y(event.stageY + offsetY); var _this = this._flixelPointer; _this._globalScreenX = event.stageX / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x | 0; _this._globalScreenY = event.stageY / flixel_FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y | 0; _this.updatePositions(); this.flixelPointer.set_x(this._flixelPointer.x + offsetX); this.flixelPointer.set_y(this._flixelPointer.y + offsetY); } ,handleMouseClick: function(event) { if(event.type == "mouseDown" && this.belongsToDebugger(event.target)) { return; } this.pointerJustPressed = event.type == "mouseDown"; this.pointerJustReleased = event.type == "mouseUp"; if(this.pointerJustPressed) { this.pointerPressed = true; } else if(this.pointerJustReleased) { this.pointerPressed = false; } } ,belongsToDebugger: function(object) { if(object == null) { return false; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(object,flixel_system_debug_FlxDebugger)) { return true; } return this.belongsToDebugger(object.parent); } ,handleMouseInDebugger: function(event) { if(!this.isActive()) { return; } if(event.type == "mouseOver") { this._debuggerInteraction = true; } else if(event.type == "mouseOut") { this._debuggerInteraction = false; } event.stopPropagation(); } ,handleKeyEvent: function(event) { if(event.type == "keyDown") { this._keysDown.h[event.keyCode] = true; } else if(event.type == "keyUp") { this._keysDown.h[event.keyCode] = false; this._keysUp.h[event.keyCode] = this._turn; } } ,countToolsWithUIButton: function() { var count = 0; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._tools; while(_g < _g1.length) { var tool = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(tool.button != null) { ++count; } } return count; } ,addTool: function(tool) { tool.init(this); this._tools.push(tool); var button = tool.button; if(button == null) { return; } var buttonsPerLine = 2; var buttons = this.countToolsWithUIButton(); var lines = Math.ceil(buttons / buttonsPerLine) | 0; var slot = buttons / lines | 0; button.set_x(-15 + slot * 25); button.set_y(20 * lines); this.addChild(button); this.resize(25 * Math.min(buttons,buttonsPerLine) + 10,25 * lines + 10); } ,destroy: function() { flixel_FlxG.signals.postDraw.remove($bind(this,this.postDraw)); flixel_FlxG["debugger"].visibilityChanged.remove($bind(this,this.handleDebuggerVisibilityChanged)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.removeEventListener("mouseMove",$bind(this,this.updateMouse)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.removeEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.handleMouseClick)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.removeEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.handleMouseClick)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.removeEventListener("keyDown",$bind(this,this.handleKeyEvent)); openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.removeEventListener("keyUp",$bind(this,this.handleKeyEvent)); if(this._container != null) { this._container.removeEventListener("mouseOver",$bind(this,this.handleMouseInDebugger)); this._container.removeEventListener("mouseOut",$bind(this,this.handleMouseInDebugger)); } if(this._customCursor != null) { this._customCursor.parent.removeChild(this._customCursor); this._customCursor = null; } this._tools = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(this._tools); this.selectedItems = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.selectedItems); this.flixelPointer = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.flixelPointer); this._keysDown = null; this._keysUp = null; } ,isActive: function() { if(flixel_FlxG["debugger"].visible) { return this.get_visible(); } else { return false; } } ,update: function() { if(!this.isActive()) { return; } this.updateCustomCursors(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._tools; while(_g < _g1.length) { var tool = _g1[_g]; ++_g; tool.update(); } this.pointerJustPressed = false; this.pointerJustReleased = false; this._turn++; } ,postDraw: function() { if(!this.isActive()) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._tools; while(_g < _g1.length) { var tool = _g1[_g]; ++_g; tool.draw(); } if(this.shouldDrawItemsSelection) { this.drawItemsSelection(); } } ,getDebugGraphics: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); return flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx; } return null; } ,drawItemsSelection: function() { var gfx = this.getDebugGraphics(); if(gfx == null) { return; } var member = new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator(this.selectedItems.members,null); while(member.hasNext()) { var member1 = member.next(); if(member1 != null && member1.scrollFactor != null && member1.isOnScreen()) { gfx.lineStyle(0.9,16711680); gfx.drawRect(member1.x - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.x,member1.y - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.y,member1.get_width(),member1.get_height()); } } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { flixel_FlxG.camera.buffer.draw(flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfxSprite); } } ,getTool: function(className) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._tools; while(_g < _g1.length) { var tool = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(js_Boot.__instanceof(tool,className)) { return tool; } } return null; } ,toggleVisible: function() { flixel_system_debug_Window.prototype.toggleVisible.call(this); if(!this.get_visible()) { this.setActiveTool(null); this.restoreSystemCursor(); } } ,registerCustomCursor: function(name,icon) { if(icon == null) { return; } var sprite = new openfl_display_Sprite(); sprite.set_visible(false); sprite.set_name(name); sprite.addChild(new openfl_display_Bitmap(icon)); this._customCursor.addChild(sprite); } ,updateCustomCursors: function() { if(this.activeTool != null && !this._debuggerInteraction) { if(this.activeTool.cursor != null) { var cursorInUse = this.activeTool.cursorInUse == "" ? this.activeTool.getName() : this.activeTool.cursorInUse; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._customCursor.get_numChildren(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var sprite = this._customCursor.getChildAt(i); sprite.set_visible(sprite.get_name() == cursorInUse); } if(flixel_FlxG.mouse.visible) { flixel_FlxG.mouse.set_visible(false); } } else { flixel_FlxG.mouse.set_useSystemCursor(true); } } else { flixel_FlxG.mouse.set_useSystemCursor(true); } } ,saveSystemCursorInfo: function() { this._wasMouseVisible = flixel_FlxG.mouse.visible; this._wasUsingSystemCursor = flixel_FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor; } ,restoreSystemCursor: function() { flixel_FlxG.mouse.set_useSystemCursor(this._wasUsingSystemCursor); flixel_FlxG.mouse.set_visible(this._wasMouseVisible); this._customCursor.set_visible(false); } ,setActiveTool: function(value) { if(this.activeTool != null) { this.activeTool.deactivate(); this.activeTool.button.set_toggled(true); } if(this.activeTool == value) { value = null; } this.activeTool = value; if(this.activeTool != null) { this.setToolsCursorVisibility(true); this.activeTool.button.set_toggled(false); this.activeTool.activate(); this.updateCustomCursors(); } else { this.setSystemCursorVisibility(true); } } ,setSystemCursorVisibility: function(status) { flixel_FlxG.mouse.set_useSystemCursor(status); this._customCursor.set_visible(!status); } ,setToolsCursorVisibility: function(status) { flixel_FlxG.mouse.set_useSystemCursor(false); this._customCursor.set_visible(status); if(status) { return; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._customCursor.get_numChildren(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this._customCursor.getChildAt(i).set_visible(false); } } ,clearSelection: function() { this.selectedItems.clear(); } ,keyPressed: function(key) { return this._keysDown.h[key]; } ,keyJustPressed: function(key) { var value = this._keysUp.h[key] == null ? 0 : this._keysUp.h[key]; return this._turn - value == 1; } ,findItemsWithinState: function(items,state,area) { this.findItemsWithinArea(items,state.members,area); if(state.subState != null) { this.findItemsWithinState(items,state.subState,area); } } ,findItemsWithinArea: function(items,members,area) { var i = members.length; while(i-- > 0) { var member = members[i]; if(member == null || !member.visible || !member.exists) { continue; } var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(member); if(group != null) { this.findItemsWithinArea(items,group.members,area); } else { var tmp; if(js_Boot.__instanceof(member,flixel_FlxSprite)) { var Rect = (js_Boot.__cast(member , flixel_FlxSprite)).getHitbox(); var result = Rect.x + Rect.width > area.x && Rect.x < area.x + area.width && Rect.y + Rect.height > area.y && Rect.y < area.y + area.height; if(Rect._weak) { if(!Rect._inPool) { Rect._inPool = true; Rect._weak = false; flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.putUnsafe(Rect); } } tmp = result; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { items.push(member); } } } } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_Interaction }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicEraserTool"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicEraserTool"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicEraserTool }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool = function() { this._name = "(Unknown tool)"; this.cursorInUse = ""; openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Tool"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","Tool"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ button: null ,cursor: null ,cursorInUse: null ,_name: null ,_shortcut: null ,_brain: null ,init: function(brain) { this._brain = brain; return this; } ,update: function() { } ,draw: function() { } ,activate: function() { } ,deactivate: function() { } ,destroy: function() { } ,isActive: function() { if(this._brain.activeTool == this) { return this._brain.get_visible(); } else { return false; } } ,setButton: function(Icon) { this.button = new flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton(Type.createInstance(Icon,[0,0]),$bind(this,this.onButtonClicked),true); this.button.set_toggled(true); var tooltip = this._name; if(this._shortcut != null) { tooltip += " (" + this._shortcut + ")"; } flixel_system_debug_Tooltip.add(this.button,tooltip); } ,setCursor: function(Icon) { this.cursor = Icon; this._brain.registerCustomCursor(this._name,this.cursor); } ,setCursorInUse: function(customCursorName) { this.cursorInUse = customCursorName; } ,useDefaultCursor: function() { if(this.cursorInUse != "") { this.cursorInUse = ""; } } ,onButtonClicked: function() { this._brain.setActiveTool(this); } ,getName: function() { return this._name; } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Eraser = function() { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Eraser"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Eraser; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Eraser.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","Eraser"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Eraser.__super__ = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Eraser.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype,{ init: function(Brain) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype.init.call(this,Brain); this._name = "Eraser"; return this; } ,update: function() { if(this._brain.keyJustPressed(46)) { this.doDeletion(this._brain.keyPressed(16)); } } ,activate: function() { this.doDeletion(this._brain.keyPressed(16)); this._brain.setActiveTool(null); } ,doDeletion: function(remove) { var selectedItems = this._brain.selectedItems; if(selectedItems != null) { this.findAndDelete(selectedItems,remove); selectedItems.clear(); } } ,findAndDelete: function(items,remove) { if(remove == null) { remove = false; } var member = new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator(items.members,null); while(member.hasNext()) { var member1 = member.next(); if(member1 == null) { continue; } if(!js_Boot.__instanceof(member1,flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup)) { member1.kill(); if(remove) { this.removeFromMemory(member1,flixel_FlxG.game._state); } } } } ,removeFromMemory: function(item,parentGroup) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = parentGroup.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var member = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(member == null) { continue; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(member,flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup)) { this.removeFromMemory(item,member); } else if(member == item) { parentGroup.remove(member); } } } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Eraser }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicMoverTool"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicMoverTool"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Mover = function() { this._dragging = false; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Mover"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Mover; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Mover.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","Mover"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Mover.__super__ = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Mover.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype,{ _dragging: null ,_lastCursorPosition: null ,init: function(brain) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype.init.call(this,brain); this._lastCursorPosition = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(brain.flixelPointer.x,brain.flixelPointer.x); this._name = "Mover"; this._shortcut = "Shift"; this.setButton(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool); this.setCursor(new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicMoverTool(0,0)); return this; } ,update: function() { if(!this.isActive() && !this._brain.keyPressed(16)) { return; } if(this._brain.pointerPressed && !this._dragging) { this.startDragging(); } else if(this._brain.pointerPressed && this._dragging) { this.doDragging(); } else if(this._brain.pointerJustReleased) { this.stopDragging(); } this._lastCursorPosition.set_x(this._brain.flixelPointer.x); this._lastCursorPosition.set_y(this._brain.flixelPointer.y); } ,stopDragging: function() { this._dragging = false; } ,startDragging: function() { if(this._dragging) { return; } this._dragging = true; if(!this.isActive() && js_Boot.__instanceof(this._brain.activeTool,flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer)) { (js_Boot.__cast(this._brain.activeTool , flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer)).cancelSelection(); } } ,doDragging: function() { var dx = this._brain.flixelPointer.x - this._lastCursorPosition.x; var dy = this._brain.flixelPointer.y - this._lastCursorPosition.y; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._brain.selectedItems.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var member = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(!js_Boot.__instanceof(member,flixel_FlxObject)) { continue; } var object = member; if(object != null) { var _g2 = object; _g2.set_x(_g2.x + dx); var _g21 = object; _g21.set_y(_g21.y + dy); } } } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Mover }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicCursorCross"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicCursorCross"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer = function() { this._itemsInSelectionArea = []; this._selectionArea = new flixel_math_FlxRect(); this._selectionCancelled = false; this._selectionHappening = false; this._selectionEndPoint = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(); this._selectionStartPoint = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(); flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Pointer"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","Pointer"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer.__super__ = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype,{ _selectionStartPoint: null ,_selectionEndPoint: null ,_selectionHappening: null ,_selectionCancelled: null ,_selectionArea: null ,_itemsInSelectionArea: null ,init: function(brain) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype.init.call(this,brain); this._name = "Pointer"; this.setButton(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross); this.setCursor(new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicCursorCross(0,0)); return this; } ,update: function() { if(!this.isActive()) { return; } if(this._brain.pointerJustPressed && !this._selectionHappening) { this.startSelection(); } if(this._selectionHappening) { this._selectionEndPoint.set(this._brain.flixelPointer.x,this._brain.flixelPointer.y); this.calculateSelectionArea(); } if(!this._brain.pointerJustReleased) { return; } if(this._selectionHappening) { this.stopSelection(); } if(this._itemsInSelectionArea.length > 0) { this.handleItemAddition(this._itemsInSelectionArea); } else if(!this._brain.keyPressed(17) && !this._selectionCancelled) { this._brain.clearSelection(); } } ,calculateSelectionArea: function() { this._selectionArea.x = this._selectionStartPoint.x; this._selectionArea.y = this._selectionStartPoint.y; this._selectionArea.width = this._selectionEndPoint.x - this._selectionArea.x; this._selectionArea.height = this._selectionEndPoint.y - this._selectionArea.y; if(this._selectionArea.width < 0) { this._selectionArea.width *= -1; this._selectionArea.x -= this._selectionArea.width; } if(this._selectionArea.height < 0) { this._selectionArea.height *= -1; this._selectionArea.y -= this._selectionArea.height; } } ,startSelection: function() { this._selectionHappening = true; this._selectionCancelled = false; this._selectionStartPoint.set(this._brain.flixelPointer.x,this._brain.flixelPointer.y); flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.clearArray(this._itemsInSelectionArea); this.updateConsoleSelection(); } ,cancelSelection: function() { if(!this._selectionHappening) { return; } this._selectionCancelled = true; this.stopSelection(false); } ,stopSelection: function(findItems) { if(findItems == null) { findItems = true; } if(!this._selectionHappening) { return; } this._selectionEndPoint.set(this._brain.flixelPointer.x,this._brain.flixelPointer.y); this.calculateSelectionArea(); if(findItems) { this._brain.findItemsWithinState(this._itemsInSelectionArea,flixel_FlxG.game._state,this._selectionArea); this.updateConsoleSelection(); } this._selectionHappening = false; var _this = this._selectionArea; _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; } ,updateConsoleSelection: function() { var _this = flixel_FlxG.console; var AnyObject; var _g = this._itemsInSelectionArea.length; switch(_g) { case 0: AnyObject = null; break; case 1: AnyObject = this._itemsInSelectionArea[0]; break; default: AnyObject = this._itemsInSelectionArea; } } ,handleItemAddition: function(itemsInSelectionArea) { var adding = this._brain.keyPressed(17); var selectedItems = this._brain.selectedItems; if(itemsInSelectionArea.length == 0) { return; } if(!adding) { this._brain.clearSelection(); } var _g = 0; while(_g < itemsInSelectionArea.length) { var item = itemsInSelectionArea[_g]; ++_g; if(selectedItems.members.indexOf(item) != -1 && adding) { selectedItems.remove(item); } else { selectedItems.add(item); } } } ,draw: function() { var gfx = this._brain.getDebugGraphics(); if(gfx == null) { return; } if(this._selectionHappening) { gfx.lineStyle(0.9,12255232); gfx.drawRect(this._selectionArea.x - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.x,this._selectionArea.y - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.y,this._selectionArea.width,this._selectionArea.height); } if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { flixel_FlxG.camera.buffer.draw(flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfxSprite); } } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Pointer }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicTransformTool"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicTransformTool"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicTransformCursorDefault"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicTransformCursorDefault"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicTransformCursorScaleY"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicTransformCursorScaleY"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicTransformCursorScaleX"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicTransformCursorScaleX"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.GraphicTransformCursorRotate"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","GraphicTransformCursorRotate"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate }); var flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Transform = function() { this._mouseCursor = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(); this._targetArea = new flixel_math_FlxRect(); this._markers = []; this._actionScaleDirection = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(); this._actionStartPoint = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(); this._actionTargetStartScale = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(); flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.call(this); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Transform"] = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Transform; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Transform.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","interaction","tools","Transform"]; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Transform.__super__ = flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool; flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Transform.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype,{ _actionTargetStartScale: null ,_actionTargetStartAngle: null ,_actionStartPoint: null ,_actionHappening: null ,_actionMarker: null ,_actionScaleDirection: null ,_tooltip: null ,_markers: null ,_target: null ,_targetArea: null ,_mouseCursor: null ,init: function(brain) { flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Tool.prototype.init.call(this,brain); this._name = "Transform"; this.setButton(flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformTool); this.setCursor(new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorDefault(0,0)); brain.registerCustomCursor("transformRotate",new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorRotate(0,0)); brain.registerCustomCursor("transformScaleX",new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleX(0,0)); brain.registerCustomCursor("transformScaleY",new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleY(0,0)); brain.registerCustomCursor("transformScaleXY",new flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_GraphicTransformCursorScaleXY(0,0)); this._tooltip = flixel_system_debug_Tooltip.add(null,""); this._tooltip.textField.set_wordWrap(false); var _g = 0; while(_g < 4) { var i = _g++; this._markers.push(new flixel_math_FlxPoint()); } this.stopAction(); return this; } ,updateTargetArea: function() { if(this._target == null) { var _this = this._targetArea; _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; var _this1 = this._targetArea; _this1.width = 0; _this1.height = 0; } else { var _this2 = this._targetArea; _this2.x = this._target.x - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.x; _this2.y = this._target.y - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.y; var _this3 = this._targetArea; var Width = this._target.get_width(); var Height = this._target.get_height(); _this3.width = Width; _this3.height = Height; } } ,startAction: function(whichMarker) { if(this._actionHappening) { return; } this._actionHappening = true; this._actionMarker = whichMarker; this._actionStartPoint.set(this._brain.flixelPointer.x - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.x,this._brain.flixelPointer.y - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.y); this._actionTargetStartAngle = flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenPoint(this._target,this._markers[0],true); this._actionTargetStartScale.set(this._target.scale.x,this._target.scale.y); } ,stopAction: function() { this._actionHappening = false; this._actionMarker = -1; this._tooltip.setVisible(false); } ,getCursorNameByMarker: function(marker) { switch(marker) { case 0: return "transformRotate"; case 1: return "transformScaleX"; case 2: return "transformScaleXY"; case 3: return "transformScaleY"; default: return ""; } } ,handleInteractionsWithMarkersUI: function() { if(this._actionHappening) { return; } var cursorName = ""; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._markers.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this._mouseCursor.distanceTo(this._markers[i]) <= 5.0) { cursorName = this.getCursorNameByMarker(i); if(this._brain.pointerJustPressed) { this.startAction(i); break; } } } if(cursorName != "") { this.setCursorInUse(cursorName); } else { this.useDefaultCursor(); } } ,formatFloat: function(number) { var value = flixel_math_FlxMath.roundDecimal(number,flixel_FlxG["debugger"].precision); if(value == null) { return "null"; } else { return "" + value; } } ,showTooltip: function(text) { if(!this._tooltip.get_visible()) { this._tooltip.setVisible(true); } this._tooltip.set_x(this._target.x - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.x); this._tooltip.set_y(this._target.y - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.y); this._tooltip.setText(text); } ,updateScaleActionDirection: function() { var deltaX = this._mouseCursor.x - this._actionStartPoint.x; var deltaY = this._mouseCursor.y - this._actionStartPoint.y; this._actionScaleDirection.set_x(deltaX >= 0 ? 1 : -1); this._actionScaleDirection.set_y(deltaY >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } ,updateScaleAction: function() { this.updateScaleActionDirection(); var deltaX = this._actionScaleDirection.x * Math.abs(this._mouseCursor.x - this._actionStartPoint.x) / 10.0; var deltaY = this._actionScaleDirection.y * Math.abs(this._mouseCursor.y - this._actionStartPoint.y) / 10.0; if(this._actionMarker == 1 || this._actionMarker == 2) { this._target.scale.set_x(this._actionTargetStartScale.x + deltaX); } if(this._actionMarker == 2 || this._actionMarker == 3) { this._target.scale.set_y(this._actionTargetStartScale.y + deltaY); } this._target.updateHitbox(); var _this = this._target; _this.origin.set(_this.frameWidth * 0.5,_this.frameHeight * 0.5); this.showTooltip("w: " + this.formatFloat(this._target.get_width()) + "\nh: " + this.formatFloat(this._target.get_height())); } ,updateRotateAction: function() { this._target.set_angle(flixel_math_FlxAngle.angleBetweenPoint(this._target,this._brain.flixelPointer,true) - this._actionTargetStartAngle); this.showTooltip("deg: " + this.formatFloat(this._target.angle) + "\nrad: " + this.formatFloat(this._target.angle * (Math.PI / 180))); } ,updateAction: function() { if(!this._actionHappening || this._actionMarker < 0) { return; } if(this._actionMarker == 0) { this.updateRotateAction(); } else { this.updateScaleAction(); } } ,updateMarkersPosition: function() { var topLeftX = this._targetArea.x - 5.0; var topLeftY = this._targetArea.y - 5.0; var width = this._targetArea.width + 10.; var height = this._targetArea.height + 10.; this._markers[0].set(topLeftX,topLeftY); this._markers[1].set(topLeftX + width,topLeftY); this._markers[2].set(topLeftX + width,topLeftY + height); this._markers[3].set(topLeftX,topLeftY + height); if(this._target.angle != 0) { this.updateMarkersRotation(width,height); } } ,updateMarkersRotation: function(outlineWidth,outlineHeight) { var rotationAngleRad = this._target.angle * (Math.PI / 180); var originX = this._markers[0].x + outlineWidth / 2; var originY = this._markers[0].y + outlineHeight / 2; var n = rotationAngleRad + 1.570796327; n *= 0.3183098862; if(n > 1) { n -= Math.ceil(n) >> 1 << 1; } else if(n < -1) { n += Math.ceil(-n) >> 1 << 1; } var cos = n > 0 ? n * (3.1 + n * (0.5 + n * (-7.2 + n * 3.6))) : n * (3.1 - n * (0.5 + n * (7.2 + n * 3.6))); var n1 = rotationAngleRad; n1 *= 0.3183098862; if(n1 > 1) { n1 -= Math.ceil(n1) >> 1 << 1; } else if(n1 < -1) { n1 += Math.ceil(-n1) >> 1 << 1; } var sin = n1 > 0 ? n1 * (3.1 + n1 * (0.5 + n1 * (-7.2 + n1 * 3.6))) : n1 * (3.1 - n1 * (0.5 + n1 * (7.2 + n1 * 3.6))); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._markers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var marker = _g1[_g]; ++_g; var rotatedX = (marker.x - originX) * cos - (marker.y - originY) * sin; var rotatedY = (marker.x - originX) * sin + (marker.y - originY) * cos; marker.set(rotatedX + originX,rotatedY + originY); } } ,update: function() { if(!this.isActive() || this._target == null) { return; } this._mouseCursor.set_x(this._brain.flixelPointer.x - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.x); this._mouseCursor.set_y(this._brain.flixelPointer.y - flixel_FlxG.camera.scroll.y); this.updateTargetArea(); this.updateMarkersPosition(); this.handleInteractionsWithMarkersUI(); if(this._actionHappening) { this.updateAction(); if(this._brain.pointerJustReleased) { this.stopAction(); } } } ,drawTargetAreaOutline: function(gfx) { gfx.lineStyle(0.9,-65281,1.0,false,2,2); gfx.moveTo(this._markers[0].x,this._markers[0].y); var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._markers.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; gfx.lineTo(this._markers[i].x,this._markers[i].y); } gfx.lineTo(this._markers[0].x,this._markers[0].y); } ,drawMarkers: function(gfx) { gfx.lineStyle(0.9,-65281,1.0,false,2,2); gfx.beginFill(-65281); var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._markers.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(i == 0) { gfx.drawCircle(this._markers[i].x,this._markers[i].y,2.7); } else { gfx.drawRect(this._markers[i].x - 1.5,this._markers[i].y - 1.5,3.0,3.0); } } gfx.endFill(); } ,draw: function() { var gfx = this._brain.getDebugGraphics(); if(gfx == null || this._target == null || !this.isActive()) { return; } this.drawTargetAreaOutline(gfx); this.drawMarkers(gfx); if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit) { flixel_FlxG.camera.buffer.draw(flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfxSprite); } } ,activate: function() { this._target = null; if(this._brain.selectedItems.length == 0) { return; } var member = new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroupIterator(this._brain.selectedItems.members,null); while(member.hasNext()) { var member1 = member.next(); if(member1 != null && member1.scrollFactor != null && member1.isOnScreen()) { this._target = member1; break; } } this._brain.shouldDrawItemsSelection = false; } ,deactivate: function() { this._brain.shouldDrawItemsSelection = true; } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_interaction_tools_Transform }); var flixel_system_debug_log_LogStyle = function(Prefix,Color,Size,Bold,Italic,Underlined,ErrorSound,OpenConsole,CallbackFunction) { if(OpenConsole == null) { OpenConsole = false; } if(Underlined == null) { Underlined = false; } if(Italic == null) { Italic = false; } if(Bold == null) { Bold = false; } if(Size == null) { Size = 12; } if(Color == null) { Color = "FFFFFF"; } if(Prefix == null) { Prefix = ""; } this.prefix = Prefix; this.color = Color; this.size = Size; this.bold = Bold; this.italic = Italic; this.underlined = Underlined; this.errorSound = ErrorSound; this.openConsole = OpenConsole; this.callbackFunction = CallbackFunction; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.log.LogStyle"] = flixel_system_debug_log_LogStyle; flixel_system_debug_log_LogStyle.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","log","LogStyle"]; flixel_system_debug_log_LogStyle.prototype = { prefix: null ,color: null ,size: null ,bold: null ,italic: null ,underlined: null ,errorSound: null ,openConsole: null ,callbackFunction: null ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_log_LogStyle }; var flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.stats._Stats.GraphicMinimizeButton"] = flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton; flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","stats","_Stats","GraphicMinimizeButton"]; flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMinimizeButton }); var flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton = function(width,height,transparent,fillRGBA,onload) { if(fillRGBA == null) { fillRGBA = -1; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } openfl_display_BitmapData.call(this,0,0,transparent,fillRGBA); if(flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.preload != null) { this.__fromImage(flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.preload); } else { var _gthis = this; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(haxe_Resource.getString(flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.resourceName),flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.resourceType).then(function(image) { _gthis.__fromImage(image); return lime_app_Future.withValue(_gthis); }).onComplete(function(b) { if(flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.preload == null) { flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.preload = b.image; } if(onload != null) { onload(b); } }); } }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.stats._Stats.GraphicMaximizeButton"] = flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton; flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","stats","_Stats","GraphicMaximizeButton"]; flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.preload = null; flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.__super__ = openfl_display_BitmapData; flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_BitmapData.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_stats__$Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton }); var flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch = function(Title,Icon,Width,Height,Resizable,Bounds,Closable,AlwaysOnTop) { flixel_system_debug_Window.call(this,Title,Icon,Width,Height,Resizable,Bounds,Closable,AlwaysOnTop); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.watch.Watch"] = flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch; flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","watch","Watch"]; flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch.__super__ = flixel_system_debug_Window; flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_debug_Window.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch }); var flixel_system_debug_watch_Tracker = function(Title,Icon,Width,Height,Resizable,Bounds,Closable,AlwaysOnTop) { flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch.call(this,Title,Icon,Width,Height,Resizable,Bounds,Closable,AlwaysOnTop); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.watch.Tracker"] = flixel_system_debug_watch_Tracker; flixel_system_debug_watch_Tracker.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","watch","Tracker"]; flixel_system_debug_watch_Tracker.__super__ = flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch; flixel_system_debug_watch_Tracker.prototype = $extend(flixel_system_debug_watch_Watch.prototype,{ __class__: flixel_system_debug_watch_Tracker }); var flixel_system_debug_watch_TrackerProfile = function(ObjectClass,Variables,Extensions) { this.objectClass = ObjectClass; this.variables = Variables; this.extensions = Extensions; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.debug.watch.TrackerProfile"] = flixel_system_debug_watch_TrackerProfile; flixel_system_debug_watch_TrackerProfile.__name__ = ["flixel","system","debug","watch","TrackerProfile"]; flixel_system_debug_watch_TrackerProfile.prototype = { objectClass: null ,variables: null ,extensions: null ,toString: function() { var value = this.variables; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "variables"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.extensions; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "extensions"; _this1.value = value1; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1]); } ,__class__: flixel_system_debug_watch_TrackerProfile }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser = $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.FlxBrowser"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","system","frontEnds","FlxBrowser"], __constructs__ : ["INTERNET_EXPLORER","CHROME","FIREFOX","SAFARI","OPERA","UNKNOWN"] }; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.INTERNET_EXPLORER = ["INTERNET_EXPLORER",0]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.INTERNET_EXPLORER.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.INTERNET_EXPLORER.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.CHROME = ["CHROME",1]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.CHROME.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.CHROME.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.FIREFOX = ["FIREFOX",2]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.FIREFOX.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.FIREFOX.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.SAFARI = ["SAFARI",3]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.SAFARI.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.SAFARI.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.OPERA = ["OPERA",4]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.OPERA.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.OPERA.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.UNKNOWN = ["UNKNOWN",5]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.UNKNOWN.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser.UNKNOWN.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxBrowser; var flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform = $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.FlxPlatform"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","system","frontEnds","FlxPlatform"], __constructs__ : ["WINDOWS","LINUX","MAC","ANDROID","BLACKBERRY","WINDOWS_PHONE","IOS","UNKNOWN"] }; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.WINDOWS = ["WINDOWS",0]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.WINDOWS.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.WINDOWS.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.LINUX = ["LINUX",1]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.LINUX.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.LINUX.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.MAC = ["MAC",2]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.MAC.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.MAC.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.ANDROID = ["ANDROID",3]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.ANDROID.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.ANDROID.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.BLACKBERRY = ["BLACKBERRY",4]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.BLACKBERRY.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.BLACKBERRY.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.WINDOWS_PHONE = ["WINDOWS_PHONE",5]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.WINDOWS_PHONE.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.WINDOWS_PHONE.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.IOS = function(device) { var $x = ["IOS",6,device]; $x.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.UNKNOWN = ["UNKNOWN",7]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.UNKNOWN.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform.UNKNOWN.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxPlatform; var flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice = $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.FlxIOSDevice"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","system","frontEnds","FlxIOSDevice"], __constructs__ : ["IPHONE","IPAD","IPOD"] }; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPHONE = ["IPHONE",0]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPHONE.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPHONE.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPAD = ["IPAD",1]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPAD.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPAD.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPOD = ["IPOD",2]; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPOD.toString = $estr; flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice.IPOD.__enum__ = flixel_system_frontEnds_FlxIOSDevice; var flixel_system_frontEnds_PluginFrontEnd = function() { this.list = []; this.add_flixel_util_FlxTimerManager(flixel_util_FlxTimer.globalManager = new flixel_util_FlxTimerManager()); this.add_flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager = new flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager()); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.PluginFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_PluginFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_PluginFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","PluginFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_PluginFrontEnd.prototype = { add_flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager: function(Plugin) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var plugin = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(Plugin,true) == flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(plugin,true)) { return Plugin; } } this.list.push(Plugin); return Plugin; } ,add_flixel_util_FlxTimerManager: function(Plugin) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var plugin = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(Plugin,true) == flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(plugin,true)) { return Plugin; } } this.list.push(Plugin); return Plugin; } ,list: null ,get: function(ClassType) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var plugin = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(js_Boot.__instanceof(plugin,ClassType)) { return plugin; } } return null; } ,remove: function(Plugin) { var i = this.list.length - 1; while(i >= 0) { if(this.list[i] == Plugin) { this.list.splice(i,1); return Plugin; } --i; } return Plugin; } ,removeType: function(ClassType) { var results = false; var i = this.list.length - 1; while(i >= 0) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(this.list[i],ClassType)) { this.list.splice(i,1); results = true; } --i; } return results; } ,update: function(elapsed) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var plugin = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(plugin.exists && plugin.active) { plugin.update(elapsed); } } } ,draw: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list; while(_g < _g1.length) { var plugin = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(plugin.exists && plugin.visible) { plugin.draw(); } } } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_PluginFrontEnd }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_SoundFrontEnd = function() { this.volume = 1; this.list = new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup(); this.defaultSoundGroup = new flixel_system_FlxSoundGroup(); this.defaultMusicGroup = new flixel_system_FlxSoundGroup(); this.soundTrayEnabled = true; this.muteKeys = [48,96]; this.volumeDownKeys = [189,109]; this.volumeUpKeys = [187,107]; this.muted = false; this.loadSavedPrefs(); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.SoundFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_SoundFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_SoundFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","SoundFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_SoundFrontEnd.prototype = { music: null ,muted: null ,volumeHandler: null ,volumeUpKeys: null ,volumeDownKeys: null ,muteKeys: null ,soundTrayEnabled: null ,defaultMusicGroup: null ,defaultSoundGroup: null ,list: null ,volume: null ,playMusic: function(Music,Volume,Looped,Group) { if(Looped == null) { Looped = true; } if(Volume == null) { Volume = 1; } if(this.music == null) { this.music = new flixel_system_FlxSound(); } else if(this.music.active) { var _this = this.music; _this.cleanup(_this.autoDestroy,true); } this.music.loadEmbedded(Music,Looped); this.music.set_volume(Volume); this.music.persist = true; this.music.set_group(Group == null ? this.defaultMusicGroup : Group); this.music.play(); } ,load: function(EmbeddedSound,Volume,Looped,Group,AutoDestroy,AutoPlay,URL,OnComplete) { if(AutoPlay == null) { AutoPlay = false; } if(AutoDestroy == null) { AutoDestroy = false; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = false; } if(Volume == null) { Volume = 1; } if(EmbeddedSound == null && URL == null) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; return null; } var sound = this.list.recycle(flixel_system_FlxSound); if(EmbeddedSound != null) { sound.loadEmbedded(EmbeddedSound,Looped,AutoDestroy,OnComplete); } else { sound.loadStream(URL,Looped,AutoDestroy,OnComplete); } sound.set_volume(Volume); if(AutoPlay) { sound.play(); } sound.set_group(Group == null ? this.defaultSoundGroup : Group); return sound; } ,cache: function(EmbeddedSound) { if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(EmbeddedSound,"SOUND") || openfl_utils_Assets.exists(EmbeddedSound,"MUSIC")) { return openfl_utils_Assets.getSound(EmbeddedSound,true); } var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; return null; } ,cacheAll: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = openfl_utils_Assets.list("SOUND"); while(_g < _g1.length) { var id = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(id,"SOUND") || openfl_utils_Assets.exists(id,"MUSIC")) { openfl_utils_Assets.getSound(id,true); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; } } } ,play: function(EmbeddedSound,Volume,Looped,Group,AutoDestroy,OnComplete) { if(AutoDestroy == null) { AutoDestroy = true; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = false; } if(Volume == null) { Volume = 1; } if(typeof(EmbeddedSound) == "string") { if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(EmbeddedSound,"SOUND") || openfl_utils_Assets.exists(EmbeddedSound,"MUSIC")) { EmbeddedSound = openfl_utils_Assets.getSound(EmbeddedSound,true); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; EmbeddedSound = null; } } var sound = this.list.recycle(flixel_system_FlxSound).loadEmbedded(EmbeddedSound,Looped,AutoDestroy,OnComplete); sound.set_volume(Volume); sound.set_group(Group == null ? this.defaultSoundGroup : Group); return sound.play(); } ,stream: function(URL,Volume,Looped,Group,AutoDestroy,OnComplete) { if(AutoDestroy == null) { AutoDestroy = true; } if(Looped == null) { Looped = false; } if(Volume == null) { Volume = 1; } return this.load(null,Volume,Looped,null,AutoDestroy,true,URL,OnComplete); } ,pause: function() { if(this.music != null && this.music.exists && this.music.active) { this.music.pause(); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sound = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sound != null && sound.exists && sound.active) { sound.pause(); } } } ,resume: function() { if(this.music != null && this.music.exists) { this.music.resume(); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sound = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sound != null && sound.exists) { sound.resume(); } } } ,destroy: function(ForceDestroy) { if(ForceDestroy == null) { ForceDestroy = false; } if(this.music != null && (ForceDestroy || !this.music.persist)) { this.destroySound(this.music); this.music = null; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sound = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sound != null && (ForceDestroy || !sound.persist)) { this.destroySound(sound); } } } ,destroySound: function(sound) { this.defaultMusicGroup.remove(sound); this.defaultSoundGroup.remove(sound); sound.destroy(); } ,toggleMuted: function() { this.muted = !this.muted; if(this.volumeHandler != null) { this.volumeHandler(this.muted ? 0 : this.volume); } this.showSoundTray(); } ,changeVolume: function(Amount) { this.muted = false; var _g = this; _g.set_volume(_g.volume + Amount); this.showSoundTray(); } ,showSoundTray: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.game.soundTray != null && this.soundTrayEnabled) { flixel_FlxG.game.soundTray.show(); } } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this.music != null && this.music.active) { this.music.update(elapsed); } if(this.list != null && this.list.active) { this.list.update(elapsed); } if(flixel_FlxG.keys.checkKeyArrayState(this.muteKeys,-1)) { this.toggleMuted(); } else if(flixel_FlxG.keys.checkKeyArrayState(this.volumeUpKeys,-1)) { this.changeVolume(0.1); } else if(flixel_FlxG.keys.checkKeyArrayState(this.volumeDownKeys,-1)) { this.changeVolume(-0.1); } } ,onFocusLost: function() { if(this.music != null) { this.music.onFocusLost(); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sound = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sound != null) { sound.onFocusLost(); } } } ,onFocus: function() { if(this.music != null) { this.music.onFocus(); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.list.members; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sound = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sound != null) { sound.onFocus(); } } } ,loadSavedPrefs: function() { if(flixel_FlxG.save.data.volume != null) { this.set_volume(flixel_FlxG.save.data.volume); } if(flixel_FlxG.save.data.mute != null) { this.muted = flixel_FlxG.save.data.mute; } } ,set_volume: function(Volume) { var lowerBound = Volume < 0 ? 0 : Volume; if(lowerBound > 1) { Volume = 1; } else { Volume = lowerBound; } if(this.volumeHandler != null) { var param = this.muted ? 0 : Volume; this.volumeHandler(param); } return this.volume = Volume; } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_SoundFrontEnd ,__properties__: {set_volume:"set_volume"} }; var flixel_system_frontEnds_VCRFrontEnd = function() { this.stepRequested = false; this.paused = false; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.frontEnds.VCRFrontEnd"] = flixel_system_frontEnds_VCRFrontEnd; flixel_system_frontEnds_VCRFrontEnd.__name__ = ["flixel","system","frontEnds","VCRFrontEnd"]; flixel_system_frontEnds_VCRFrontEnd.prototype = { paused: null ,stepRequested: null ,pause: function() { if(!this.paused) { if(!flixel_FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor) { openfl_ui_Mouse.show(); } this.paused = true; } } ,resume: function() { if(this.paused) { if(!flixel_FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor) { openfl_ui_Mouse.hide(); } this.paused = false; } } ,__class__: flixel_system_frontEnds_VCRFrontEnd }; var flixel_system_macros_FlxMacroUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.macros.FlxMacroUtil"] = flixel_system_macros_FlxMacroUtil; flixel_system_macros_FlxMacroUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","system","macros","FlxMacroUtil"]; var flixel_system_replay_CodeValuePair = function(code,value) { this.code = code; this.value = value; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.replay.CodeValuePair"] = flixel_system_replay_CodeValuePair; flixel_system_replay_CodeValuePair.__name__ = ["flixel","system","replay","CodeValuePair"]; flixel_system_replay_CodeValuePair.prototype = { code: null ,value: null ,__class__: flixel_system_replay_CodeValuePair }; var flixel_system_replay_MouseRecord = function(x,y,button,wheel) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.button = button; this.wheel = wheel; }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.replay.MouseRecord"] = flixel_system_replay_MouseRecord; flixel_system_replay_MouseRecord.__name__ = ["flixel","system","replay","MouseRecord"]; flixel_system_replay_MouseRecord.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,button: null ,wheel: null ,__class__: flixel_system_replay_MouseRecord }; var flixel_system_ui_FlxSoundTray = function() { this._defaultScale = 2.0; this._width = 80; openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.set_visible(false); this.set_scaleX(this._defaultScale); this.set_scaleY(this._defaultScale); var tmp = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(this._width,30,true,2130706432)); this.screenCenter(); this.addChild(tmp); var text = new openfl_text_TextField(); text.set_width(tmp.get_width()); text.set_height(tmp.get_height()); text.set_multiline(true); text.set_wordWrap(true); text.set_selectable(false); var dtf = new openfl_text_TextFormat(flixel_system_FlxAssets.FONT_DEFAULT,10,16777215); dtf.align = 0; text.set_defaultTextFormat(dtf); this.addChild(text); text.set_text("VOLUME"); text.set_y(16); var bx = 10; var by = 14; this._bars = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < 10) { var i = _g++; tmp = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(4,i + 1,false,-1)); tmp.set_x(bx); tmp.set_y(by); this.addChild(tmp); this._bars.push(tmp); bx += 6; --by; } this.set_y(-this.get_height()); this.set_visible(false); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.ui.FlxSoundTray"] = flixel_system_ui_FlxSoundTray; flixel_system_ui_FlxSoundTray.__name__ = ["flixel","system","ui","FlxSoundTray"]; flixel_system_ui_FlxSoundTray.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_ui_FlxSoundTray.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ active: null ,_timer: null ,_bars: null ,_width: null ,_defaultScale: null ,update: function(MS) { if(this._timer > 0) { this._timer -= MS / 1000; } else if(this.get_y() > -this.get_height()) { var _g = this; _g.set_y(_g.get_y() - MS / 1000 * flixel_FlxG.height * 2); if(this.get_y() <= -this.get_height()) { this.set_visible(false); this.active = false; flixel_FlxG.save.data.mute = flixel_FlxG.sound.muted; flixel_FlxG.save.data.volume = flixel_FlxG.sound.volume; flixel_FlxG.save.flush(); } } } ,show: function(Silent) { if(Silent == null) { Silent = false; } if(!Silent) { var extension = ""; extension = ".ogg"; var sound = openfl_utils_Assets.getSound("flixel/sounds/beep" + extension); if(sound != null) { flixel_FlxG.sound.load(sound).play(); } } this._timer = 1; this.set_y(0); this.set_visible(true); this.active = true; var globalVolume = Math.round(flixel_FlxG.sound.volume * 10); if(flixel_FlxG.sound.muted) { globalVolume = 0; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this._bars.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(i < globalVolume) { this._bars[i].set_alpha(1); } else { this._bars[i].set_alpha(0.5); } } } ,screenCenter: function() { this.set_scaleX(this._defaultScale); this.set_scaleY(this._defaultScale); this.set_x(0.5 * (openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth - this._width * this._defaultScale) - flixel_FlxG.game.get_x()); } ,__class__: flixel_system_ui_FlxSoundTray }); var flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton = function(Icon,UpHandler,ToggleMode) { if(ToggleMode == null) { ToggleMode = false; } this._mouseDown = false; this.toggled = false; this.toggleMode = false; this.enabled = true; openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); if(Icon != null) { this.changeIcon(Icon); } this.upHandler = UpHandler; this.toggleMode = ToggleMode; this.addEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.onMouseUp)); this.addEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.onMouseDown)); this.addEventListener("mouseOut",$bind(this,this.onMouseOut)); this.addEventListener("mouseOver",$bind(this,this.onMouseOver)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.system.ui.FlxSystemButton"] = flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton; flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton.__name__ = ["flixel","system","ui","FlxSystemButton"]; flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ upHandler: null ,enabled: null ,toggleMode: null ,toggled: null ,_icon: null ,_mouseDown: null ,changeIcon: function(Icon) { if(this._icon != null) { this.removeChild(this._icon); } flixel_system_debug_DebuggerUtil.fixSize(Icon); this._icon = new openfl_display_Bitmap(Icon); this.addChild(this._icon); } ,destroy: function() { this.removeEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.onMouseUp)); this.removeEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.onMouseDown)); this.removeEventListener("mouseOut",$bind(this,this.onMouseOut)); this.removeEventListener("mouseOver",$bind(this,this.onMouseOver)); this._icon = null; this.upHandler = null; } ,onMouseUp: function(_) { if(this.enabled && this._mouseDown) { this.set_toggled(!this.toggled); this._mouseDown = false; if(this.upHandler != null) { this.upHandler(); } } } ,onMouseDown: function(_) { this._mouseDown = true; } ,onMouseOver: function(_) { if(this.enabled) { var _g = this; _g.set_alpha(_g.get_alpha() - 0.2); } } ,onMouseOut: function(_) { if(this.enabled) { var _g = this; _g.set_alpha(_g.get_alpha() + 0.2); } } ,set_toggled: function(Value) { if(this.toggleMode) { this.set_alpha(Value ? 0.3 : 1); } return this.toggled = Value; } ,__class__: flixel_system_ui_FlxSystemButton ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__properties__,{set_toggled:"set_toggled"}) }); var flixel_text_FlxText = function(X,Y,FieldWidth,Text,Size,EmbeddedFont) { if(EmbeddedFont == null) { EmbeddedFont = true; } if(Size == null) { Size = 8; } if(FieldWidth == null) { FieldWidth = 0; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._hasBorderAlpha = false; this._regen = true; this._formatRanges = []; this.borderQuality = 1; this.borderSize = 1; this.borderColor = 0; this.borderStyle = flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.NONE; this.text = ""; flixel_FlxSprite.call(this,X,Y); if(Text == null || Text == "") { this.set_text(""); Text = " "; } else { this.set_text(Text); } this.textField = new openfl_text_TextField(); this.textField.set_selectable(false); this.textField.set_multiline(true); this.textField.set_wordWrap(true); this._defaultFormat = new openfl_text_TextFormat(null,Size,16777215); this.set_font(flixel_system_FlxAssets.FONT_DEFAULT); this._formatAdjusted = new openfl_text_TextFormat(); this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.set_text(Text); this.set_fieldWidth(FieldWidth); this.textField.set_embedFonts(EmbeddedFont); this.textField.set_sharpness(100); this.textField.set_height(Text.length <= 0 ? 1 : 10); this.set_allowCollisions(0); this.set_moves(false); this.drawFrame(); var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(1,1); point._inPool = false; this.shadowOffset = point; }; $hxClasses["flixel.text.FlxText"] = flixel_text_FlxText; flixel_text_FlxText.__name__ = ["flixel","text","FlxText"]; flixel_text_FlxText.__super__ = flixel_FlxSprite; flixel_text_FlxText.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype,{ text: null ,borderStyle: null ,borderColor: null ,borderSize: null ,borderQuality: null ,textField: null ,shadowOffset: null ,_defaultFormat: null ,_formatAdjusted: null ,_formatRanges: null ,_font: null ,_regen: null ,_borderPixels: null ,_borderColorTransform: null ,_hasBorderAlpha: null ,destroy: function() { this.textField = null; this._font = null; this._defaultFormat = null; this._formatAdjusted = null; this.shadowOffset = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.shadowOffset); flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,drawFrame: function(Force) { if(Force == null) { Force = false; } this._regen = this._regen || Force; flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.drawFrame.call(this,this._regen); } ,stampOnAtlas: function(atlas) { this.regenGraphic(); var node = atlas.addNode(this.graphic.bitmap,this.graphic.key); var result = node != null; if(node != null) { this.set_frames(node.getImageFrame()); } return result; } ,applyMarkup: function(input,rules) { if(rules == null || rules.length == 0) { return this; } this.clearFormats(); var rangeStarts = []; var rangeEnds = []; var rulesToApply = []; var i = 0; var _g = 0; while(_g < rules.length) { var rule = rules[_g]; ++_g; if(rule.marker == null || rule.format == null) { continue; } var start = false; var markerLength = rule.marker.length; if(input.indexOf(rule.marker) == -1) { continue; } var _g2 = 0; var _g1 = input.length; while(_g2 < _g1) { var charIndex = _g2++; if(haxe_Utf8.compare(HxOverrides.substr(input,charIndex,markerLength),rule.marker) != 0) { continue; } if(start) { start = false; rangeEnds.push(charIndex); } else { start = true; rangeStarts.push(charIndex); rulesToApply.push(rule); } } if(start) { rangeEnds.push(-1); } ++i; } var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < rules.length) { var rule1 = rules[_g3]; ++_g3; input = StringTools.replace(input,rule1.marker,""); } var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = rangeStarts.length; while(_g11 < _g4) { var i1 = _g11++; var delIndex = rangeStarts[i1]; var markerLength1 = rulesToApply[i1].marker.length; var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = rangeStarts.length; while(_g31 < _g21) { var j = _g31++; if(rangeStarts[j] > delIndex) { rangeStarts[j] -= markerLength1; } if(rangeEnds[j] > delIndex) { rangeEnds[j] -= markerLength1; } } delIndex = rangeEnds[i1]; var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = rangeStarts.length; while(_g32 < _g22) { var j1 = _g32++; if(rangeStarts[j1] > delIndex) { rangeStarts[j1] -= markerLength1; } if(rangeEnds[j1] > delIndex) { rangeEnds[j1] -= markerLength1; } } } this.set_text(input); var _g12 = 0; var _g5 = rangeStarts.length; while(_g12 < _g5) { var i2 = _g12++; this.addFormat(rulesToApply[i2].format,rangeStarts[i2],rangeEnds[i2]); } return this; } ,addFormat: function(Format,Start,End) { if(End == null) { End = -1; } if(Start == null) { Start = -1; } this._formatRanges.push(new flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextFormatRange(Format,Start,End)); this._formatRanges.sort(function(left,right) { if(left.range.start < right.range.start) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }); this._regen = true; return this; } ,removeFormat: function(Format,Start,End) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._formatRanges; while(_g < _g1.length) { var formatRange = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(formatRange.format != Format) { continue; } if(Start != null && End != null && (Start > formatRange.range.end || End < formatRange.range.start)) { continue; } HxOverrides.remove(this._formatRanges,formatRange); } this._regen = true; return this; } ,clearFormats: function() { this._formatRanges = []; this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; return this; } ,setFormat: function(Font,Size,Color,Alignment,BorderStyle,BorderColor,EmbeddedFont) { if(EmbeddedFont == null) { EmbeddedFont = true; } if(BorderColor == null) { BorderColor = 0; } if(Color == null) { Color = -1; } if(Size == null) { Size = 8; } if(BorderStyle == null) { BorderStyle = flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.NONE; } else { BorderStyle = BorderStyle; } if(EmbeddedFont) { this.set_font(Font); } else if(Font != null) { this.set_systemFont(Font); } this.set_size(Size); this.set_color(Color); if(Alignment != null) { this.set_alignment(Alignment); } this.set_borderStyle(BorderStyle); this.set_borderColor(BorderColor); this.set_borderSize(1); this.set_borderQuality(1); this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; return this; } ,setBorderStyle: function(Style,Color,Size,Quality) { if(Quality == null) { Quality = 1; } if(Size == null) { Size = 1; } if(Color == null) { Color = 0; } this.set_borderStyle(Style); this.set_borderColor(Color); this.set_borderSize(Size); this.set_borderQuality(Quality); return this; } ,updateHitbox: function() { this.regenGraphic(); flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.updateHitbox.call(this); } ,set_fieldWidth: function(value) { if(this.textField == null) { return value; } if(value <= 0) { this.set_wordWrap(false); this.set_autoSize(true); } else { this.set_autoSize(false); this.set_wordWrap(true); this.textField.set_width(value); } this._regen = true; return value; } ,get_fieldWidth: function() { if(this.textField != null) { return this.textField.get_width(); } else { return 0; } } ,set_autoSize: function(value) { if(this.textField != null) { this.textField.set_autoSize(value ? 1 : 2); this._regen = true; } return value; } ,get_autoSize: function() { if(this.textField != null) { return this.textField.get_autoSize() != 2; } else { return false; } } ,set_text: function(Text) { this.text = Text; if(this.textField != null) { var ot = this.textField.get_text(); this.textField.set_text(Text); this._regen = this.textField.get_text() != ot || this._regen; } return Text; } ,get_size: function() { return this._defaultFormat.size | 0; } ,set_size: function(Size) { this._defaultFormat.size = Size; this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; return Size; } ,set_color: function(Color) { if(this._defaultFormat.color == (Color & 16777215)) { return Color; } this._defaultFormat.color = Color & 16777215; this.color = Color; this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; return Color; } ,get_font: function() { return this._font; } ,set_font: function(Font) { this.textField.set_embedFonts(true); if(Font != null) { var newFontName = Font; if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(Font,"FONT")) { newFontName = openfl_utils_Assets.getFont(Font).name; } this._defaultFormat.font = newFontName; } else { this._defaultFormat.font = flixel_system_FlxAssets.FONT_DEFAULT; } this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; return this._font = this._defaultFormat.font; } ,get_embedded: function() { return this.textField.set_embedFonts(true); } ,get_systemFont: function() { return this._defaultFormat.font; } ,set_systemFont: function(Font) { this.textField.set_embedFonts(false); this._defaultFormat.font = Font; this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; return Font; } ,get_bold: function() { return this._defaultFormat.bold; } ,set_bold: function(value) { if(this._defaultFormat.bold != value) { this._defaultFormat.bold = value; this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; } return value; } ,get_italic: function() { return this._defaultFormat.italic; } ,set_italic: function(value) { if(this._defaultFormat.italic != value) { this._defaultFormat.italic = value; this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; } return value; } ,get_wordWrap: function() { return this.textField.get_wordWrap(); } ,set_wordWrap: function(value) { if(this.textField.get_wordWrap() != value) { this.textField.set_wordWrap(value); this._regen = true; } return value; } ,get_alignment: function() { return flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextAlign_$Impl_$.fromOpenFL(this._defaultFormat.align); } ,set_alignment: function(Alignment) { this._defaultFormat.align = flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextAlign_$Impl_$.toOpenFL(Alignment); this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; return Alignment; } ,set_borderStyle: function(style) { if(style != this.borderStyle) { this._regen = true; } return this.borderStyle = style; } ,set_borderColor: function(Color) { if(this.borderColor != Color && this.borderStyle != flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.NONE) { this._regen = true; } this._hasBorderAlpha = (Color >> 24 & 255) / 255 < 1; return this.borderColor = Color; } ,set_borderSize: function(Value) { if(Value != this.borderSize && this.borderStyle != flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.NONE) { this._regen = true; } return this.borderSize = Value; } ,set_borderQuality: function(Value) { var lowerBound = Value < 0 ? 0 : Value; if(lowerBound > 1) { Value = 1; } else { Value = lowerBound; } if(Value != this.borderQuality && this.borderStyle != flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.NONE) { this._regen = true; } return this.borderQuality = Value; } ,set_graphic: function(Value) { var oldGraphic = this.graphic; var graph = flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_graphic.call(this,Value); flixel_FlxG.bitmap.removeIfNoUse(oldGraphic); return graph; } ,get_width: function() { this.regenGraphic(); return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.get_width.call(this); } ,get_height: function() { this.regenGraphic(); return flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.get_height.call(this); } ,updateColorTransform: function() { if(this.colorTransform == null) { this.colorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); } if(this.alpha != 1) { this.colorTransform.alphaMultiplier = this.alpha; this.useColorTransform = true; } else { this.colorTransform.alphaMultiplier = 1; this.useColorTransform = false; } this.dirty = true; } ,regenGraphic: function() { if(this.textField == null || !this._regen) { return; } var oldWidth = 0; var oldHeight = 4; if(this.graphic != null) { oldWidth = this.graphic.width; oldHeight = this.graphic.height; } var newWidth = this.textField.get_width(); var newHeight = this.textField.get_textHeight() + 4; if(this.textField.get_textHeight() == 0) { newHeight = oldHeight; } if(oldWidth != newWidth || oldHeight != newHeight) { this.set_height(newHeight); var key = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.getUniqueKey("text"); this.makeGraphic(newWidth | 0,newHeight | 0,0,false,key); if(this._hasBorderAlpha) { this._borderPixels = this.graphic.bitmap.clone(); } this.frameHeight = this.get_height() | 0; this.textField.set_height(this.get_height() * 1.2); this._flashRect.x = 0; this._flashRect.y = 0; this._flashRect.width = newWidth; this._flashRect.height = newHeight; } else { this.graphic.bitmap.fillRect(this._flashRect,0); if(this._hasBorderAlpha) { if(this._borderPixels == null) { this._borderPixels = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.frameWidth,this.frameHeight,true); } else { this._borderPixels.fillRect(this._flashRect,0); } } } if(this.textField != null && this.textField.get_text() != null && lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.textField.get_text()) > 0) { this.copyTextFormat(this._defaultFormat,this._formatAdjusted); this._matrix.identity(); this.applyBorderStyle(); if(!(!this._hasBorderAlpha)) { if(this._borderColorTransform == null) { this._borderColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); } this._borderColorTransform.alphaMultiplier = (this.borderColor >> 24 & 255) / 255; this._borderPixels.colorTransform(this._borderPixels.rect,this._borderColorTransform); this.graphic.bitmap.draw(this._borderPixels); } this.applyFormats(this._formatAdjusted,false); this.drawTextFieldTo(this.graphic.bitmap); } this._regen = false; this.set_frame(this.frame); } ,drawTextFieldTo: function(graphic) { graphic.draw(this.textField,this._matrix); } ,draw: function() { this.regenGraphic(); flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.draw.call(this); } ,calcFrame: function(RunOnCpp) { if(RunOnCpp == null) { RunOnCpp = false; } if(this.textField == null) { return; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile && !RunOnCpp) { return; } this.regenGraphic(); flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.calcFrame.call(this,RunOnCpp); } ,applyBorderStyle: function() { var iterations = this.borderSize * this.borderQuality | 0; if(iterations <= 0) { iterations = 1; } var delta = this.borderSize / iterations; var _g = this.borderStyle; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: break; case 1: this.applyFormats(this._formatAdjusted,true); var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = iterations; while(_g1 < _g2) { var i = _g1++; var graphic = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(delta,delta); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic); } this._matrix.translate(-this.shadowOffset.x * this.borderSize,-this.shadowOffset.y * this.borderSize); break; case 2: this.applyFormats(this._formatAdjusted,true); var curDelta = delta; var _g11 = 0; var _g3 = iterations; while(_g11 < _g3) { var i1 = _g11++; var graphic1 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(-curDelta,-curDelta); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic1); var graphic2 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(curDelta,0); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic2); var graphic3 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(curDelta,0); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic3); var graphic4 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(0,curDelta); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic4); var graphic5 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(0,curDelta); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic5); var graphic6 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(-curDelta,0); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic6); var graphic7 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(-curDelta,0); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic7); var graphic8 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(0,-curDelta); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic8); this._matrix.translate(curDelta,0); curDelta += delta; } break; case 3: this.applyFormats(this._formatAdjusted,true); var curDelta1 = delta; var _g12 = 0; var _g4 = iterations; while(_g12 < _g4) { var i2 = _g12++; var graphic9 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(-curDelta1,-curDelta1); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic9); var graphic10 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(curDelta1 * 2,0); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic10); var graphic11 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(0,curDelta1 * 2); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic11); var graphic12 = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(-curDelta1 * 2,0); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic12); this._matrix.translate(curDelta1,-curDelta1); curDelta1 += delta; } break; } } ,applyBorderTransparency: function() { if(!this._hasBorderAlpha) { return; } if(this._borderColorTransform == null) { this._borderColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); } this._borderColorTransform.alphaMultiplier = (this.borderColor >> 24 & 255) / 255; this._borderPixels.colorTransform(this._borderPixels.rect,this._borderColorTransform); this.graphic.bitmap.draw(this._borderPixels); } ,copyTextWithOffset: function(x,y) { var graphic = this._hasBorderAlpha ? this._borderPixels : this.graphic.bitmap; this._matrix.translate(x,y); this.drawTextFieldTo(graphic); } ,applyFormats: function(FormatAdjusted,UseBorderColor) { if(UseBorderColor == null) { UseBorderColor = false; } this.copyTextFormat(this._defaultFormat,FormatAdjusted,false); FormatAdjusted.color = UseBorderColor ? this.borderColor & 16777215 : this._defaultFormat.color; this.textField.setTextFormat(FormatAdjusted); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._formatRanges; while(_g < _g1.length) { var formatRange = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.textField.get_text()) - 1 < formatRange.range.start) { break; } else { var textFormat = formatRange.format.format; this.copyTextFormat(textFormat,FormatAdjusted,false); FormatAdjusted.color = UseBorderColor ? formatRange.format.borderColor & 16777215 : textFormat.color; } this.textField.setTextFormat(FormatAdjusted,formatRange.range.start,Math.min(formatRange.range.end,lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.textField.get_text())) | 0); } } ,copyTextFormat: function(from,to,withAlign) { if(withAlign == null) { withAlign = true; } to.font = from.font; to.bold = from.bold; to.italic = from.italic; to.size = from.size; to.color = from.color; if(withAlign) { to.align = from.align; } } ,dtfCopy: function() { var dtf = this.textField.get_defaultTextFormat(); return new openfl_text_TextFormat(dtf.font,dtf.size,dtf.color,dtf.bold,dtf.italic,dtf.underline,dtf.url,dtf.target,dtf.align); } ,updateDefaultFormat: function() { this.textField.set_defaultTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this.textField.setTextFormat(this._defaultFormat); this._regen = true; } ,set_frames: function(Frames) { flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.set_frames.call(this,Frames); this._regen = false; return Frames; } ,__class__: flixel_text_FlxText ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.__properties__,{set_autoSize:"set_autoSize",get_autoSize:"get_autoSize",set_fieldWidth:"set_fieldWidth",get_fieldWidth:"get_fieldWidth",set_borderQuality:"set_borderQuality",set_borderSize:"set_borderSize",set_borderColor:"set_borderColor",set_borderStyle:"set_borderStyle",set_alignment:"set_alignment",get_alignment:"get_alignment",set_wordWrap:"set_wordWrap",get_wordWrap:"get_wordWrap",set_italic:"set_italic",get_italic:"get_italic",set_bold:"set_bold",get_bold:"get_bold",set_systemFont:"set_systemFont",get_systemFont:"get_systemFont",get_embedded:"get_embedded",set_font:"set_font",get_font:"get_font",set_size:"set_size",get_size:"get_size",set_text:"set_text"}) }); var flixel_text_FlxTextFormat = function(FontColor,Bold,Italic,BorderColor) { this.format = new openfl_text_TextFormat(null,null,FontColor,Bold,Italic); this.borderColor = BorderColor == null ? 0 : BorderColor; }; $hxClasses["flixel.text.FlxTextFormat"] = flixel_text_FlxTextFormat; flixel_text_FlxTextFormat.__name__ = ["flixel","text","FlxTextFormat"]; flixel_text_FlxTextFormat.prototype = { borderColor: null ,format: null ,__class__: flixel_text_FlxTextFormat }; var flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextFormatRange = function(format,start,end) { this.range = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange(start,end); this.format = format; }; $hxClasses["flixel.text._FlxText.FlxTextFormatRange"] = flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextFormatRange; flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextFormatRange.__name__ = ["flixel","text","_FlxText","FlxTextFormatRange"]; flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextFormatRange.prototype = { range: null ,format: null ,__class__: flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextFormatRange }; var flixel_text_FlxTextFormatMarkerPair = function(format,marker) { this.format = format; this.marker = marker; }; $hxClasses["flixel.text.FlxTextFormatMarkerPair"] = flixel_text_FlxTextFormatMarkerPair; flixel_text_FlxTextFormatMarkerPair.__name__ = ["flixel","text","FlxTextFormatMarkerPair"]; flixel_text_FlxTextFormatMarkerPair.prototype = { format: null ,marker: null ,__class__: flixel_text_FlxTextFormatMarkerPair }; var flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle = $hxClasses["flixel.text.FlxTextBorderStyle"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","text","FlxTextBorderStyle"], __constructs__ : ["NONE","SHADOW","OUTLINE","OUTLINE_FAST"] }; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.NONE = ["NONE",0]; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.NONE.toString = $estr; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.NONE.__enum__ = flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.SHADOW = ["SHADOW",1]; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.SHADOW.toString = $estr; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.SHADOW.__enum__ = flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE = ["OUTLINE",2]; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE.toString = $estr; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE.__enum__ = flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE_FAST = ["OUTLINE_FAST",3]; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE_FAST.toString = $estr; flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE_FAST.__enum__ = flixel_text_FlxTextBorderStyle; var flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextAlign_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["flixel.text._FlxText.FlxTextAlign_Impl_"] = flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextAlign_$Impl_$; flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextAlign_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["flixel","text","_FlxText","FlxTextAlign_Impl_"]; flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextAlign_$Impl_$.fromOpenFL = function(align) { switch(align) { case 0: return "center"; case 2: return "justify"; case 3: return "left"; case 4: return "right"; default: return "left"; } }; flixel_text__$FlxText_FlxTextAlign_$Impl_$.toOpenFL = function(align) { switch(align) { case "center": return 0; case "justify": return 2; case "left": return 3; case "right": return 4; default: return 3; } }; var flixel_tile_FlxBaseTilemap = function() { this._collideIndex = 0; this._drawIndex = 0; this._startingIndex = 0; this._tileObjects = []; this.totalTiles = 0; this.heightInTiles = 0; this.widthInTiles = 0; this.auto = flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.OFF; flixel_FlxObject.call(this); this.flixelType = 3; this.set_immovable(true); this.set_moves(false); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tile.FlxBaseTilemap"] = flixel_tile_FlxBaseTilemap; flixel_tile_FlxBaseTilemap.__name__ = ["flixel","tile","FlxBaseTilemap"]; flixel_tile_FlxBaseTilemap.__super__ = flixel_FlxObject; flixel_tile_FlxBaseTilemap.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxObject.prototype,{ auto: null ,widthInTiles: null ,heightInTiles: null ,totalTiles: null ,customTileRemap: null ,_randomIndices: null ,_randomChoices: null ,_randomLambda: null ,_tileObjects: null ,_startingIndex: null ,_data: null ,_drawIndex: null ,_collideIndex: null ,updateTile: function(Index) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("updateTile must be implemented"); } ,cacheGraphics: function(TileWidth,TileHeight,TileGraphic) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("cacheGraphics must be implemented"); } ,initTileObjects: function() { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("initTileObjects must be implemented"); } ,updateMap: function() { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("updateMap must be implemented"); } ,computeDimensions: function() { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("computeDimensions must be implemented"); } ,getTileIndexByCoords: function(Coord) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("getTileIndexByCoords must be implemented"); } ,getTileCoordsByIndex: function(Index,Midpoint) { if(Midpoint == null) { Midpoint = true; } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("getTileCoordsByIndex must be implemented"); } ,ray: function(Start,End,Result,Resolution) { if(Resolution == null) { Resolution = 1; } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("ray must be implemented"); } ,overlapsWithCallback: function(Object,Callback,FlipCallbackParams,Position) { if(FlipCallbackParams == null) { FlipCallbackParams = false; } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("overlapsWithCallback must be implemented"); } ,setDirty: function(Dirty) { if(Dirty == null) { Dirty = true; } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("setDirty must be implemented"); } ,destroy: function() { this._data = null; flixel_FlxObject.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,loadMapFromCSV: function(MapData,TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex) { if(CollideIndex == null) { CollideIndex = 1; } if(DrawIndex == null) { DrawIndex = 1; } if(StartingIndex == null) { StartingIndex = 0; } if(TileHeight == null) { TileHeight = 0; } if(TileWidth == null) { TileWidth = 0; } if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(MapData)) { MapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getText(MapData); } this._data = []; var columns; var regex = new EReg("[ \t]*((\r\n)|\r|\n)[ \t]*","g"); var lines = regex.split(MapData); var rows = lines.filter(function(line) { return line != ""; }); this.heightInTiles = rows.length; this.widthInTiles = 0; var row = 0; while(row < this.heightInTiles) { var rowString = rows[row]; if(StringTools.endsWith(rowString,",")) { rowString = HxOverrides.substr(rowString,0,rowString.length - 1); } columns = rowString.split(","); if(columns.length == 0) { this.heightInTiles--; continue; } if(this.widthInTiles == 0) { this.widthInTiles = columns.length; } var column = 0; while(column < this.widthInTiles) { var columnString = columns[column]; var curTile = Std.parseInt(columnString); if(curTile == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("String in row " + row + ", column " + column + " is not a valid integer: \"" + columnString + "\""); } if(curTile < 0) { curTile = 0; } this._data.push(curTile); ++column; } ++row; } this.loadMapHelper(TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex); return this; } ,loadMapFromArray: function(MapData,WidthInTiles,HeightInTiles,TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex) { if(CollideIndex == null) { CollideIndex = 1; } if(DrawIndex == null) { DrawIndex = 1; } if(StartingIndex == null) { StartingIndex = 0; } if(TileHeight == null) { TileHeight = 0; } if(TileWidth == null) { TileWidth = 0; } this.widthInTiles = WidthInTiles; this.heightInTiles = HeightInTiles; this._data = MapData.slice(); this.loadMapHelper(TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex); return this; } ,loadMapFrom2DArray: function(MapData,TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex) { if(CollideIndex == null) { CollideIndex = 1; } if(DrawIndex == null) { DrawIndex = 1; } if(StartingIndex == null) { StartingIndex = 0; } if(TileHeight == null) { TileHeight = 0; } if(TileWidth == null) { TileWidth = 0; } this.widthInTiles = MapData[0].length; this.heightInTiles = MapData.length; this._data = flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.flatten2DArray_Int(MapData); this.loadMapHelper(TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex); return this; } ,loadMapFromGraphic: function(MapGraphic,Invert,Scale,ColorMap,TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex) { if(CollideIndex == null) { CollideIndex = 1; } if(DrawIndex == null) { DrawIndex = 1; } if(StartingIndex == null) { StartingIndex = 0; } if(TileHeight == null) { TileHeight = 0; } if(TileWidth == null) { TileWidth = 0; } if(Scale == null) { Scale = 1; } if(Invert == null) { Invert = false; } var mapBitmap = flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData(MapGraphic); var mapData = flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.bitmapToCSV(mapBitmap,Invert,Scale,ColorMap); return this.loadMapFromCSV(mapData,TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex); } ,loadMapHelper: function(TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,AutoTile,StartingIndex,DrawIndex,CollideIndex) { if(CollideIndex == null) { CollideIndex = 1; } if(DrawIndex == null) { DrawIndex = 1; } if(StartingIndex == null) { StartingIndex = 0; } if(TileHeight == null) { TileHeight = 0; } if(TileWidth == null) { TileWidth = 0; } this.totalTiles = this._data.length; this.auto = AutoTile == null ? flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.OFF : AutoTile; this._startingIndex = StartingIndex <= 0 ? 0 : StartingIndex; if(this.auto != flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.OFF) { this._startingIndex = 1; DrawIndex = 1; CollideIndex = 1; } this._drawIndex = DrawIndex; this._collideIndex = CollideIndex; this.applyAutoTile(); this.applyCustomRemap(); this.randomizeIndices(); this.cacheGraphics(TileWidth,TileHeight,TileGraphic); this.postGraphicLoad(); } ,postGraphicLoad: function() { this.initTileObjects(); this.computeDimensions(); this.updateMap(); } ,applyAutoTile: function() { if(this.auto != flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.OFF) { var i = 0; while(i < this.totalTiles) this.autoTile(i++); } } ,applyCustomRemap: function() { var i = 0; if(this.customTileRemap != null) { while(i < this.totalTiles) { var oldIndex = this._data[i]; var newIndex = oldIndex; if(oldIndex < this.customTileRemap.length) { newIndex = this.customTileRemap[oldIndex]; } this._data[i] = newIndex; ++i; } } } ,randomizeIndices: function() { var i = 0; if(this._randomIndices != null) { var randLambda = this._randomLambda != null ? this._randomLambda : function() { return flixel_FlxG.random["float"](); }; while(i < this.totalTiles) { var oldIndex = this._data[i]; var j = 0; var newIndex = oldIndex; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._randomIndices; while(_g < _g1.length) { var rand = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(oldIndex == rand) { var k = randLambda() * this._randomChoices[j].length | 0; newIndex = this._randomChoices[j][k]; } ++j; } this._data[i] = newIndex; ++i; } } } ,autoTile: function(Index) { if(this._data[Index] == 0) { return; } if(this.auto == flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.FULL) { this.autoTileFull(Index); return; } this._data[Index] = 0; if(Index - this.widthInTiles < 0 || this._data[Index - this.widthInTiles] > 0) { this._data[Index] += 1; } if(Index % this.widthInTiles >= this.widthInTiles - 1 || this._data[Index + 1] > 0) { this._data[Index] += 2; } if((Index + this.widthInTiles | 0) >= this.totalTiles || this._data[Index + this.widthInTiles] > 0) { this._data[Index] += 4; } if(Index % this.widthInTiles <= 0 || this._data[Index - 1] > 0) { this._data[Index] += 8; } if(this.auto == flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.ALT && this._data[Index] == 15) { if(Index % this.widthInTiles > 0 && (Index + this.widthInTiles | 0) < this.totalTiles && this._data[Index + this.widthInTiles - 1] <= 0) { this._data[Index] = 1; } if(Index % this.widthInTiles > 0 && Index - this.widthInTiles >= 0 && this._data[Index - this.widthInTiles - 1] <= 0) { this._data[Index] = 2; } if(Index % this.widthInTiles < this.widthInTiles - 1 && Index - this.widthInTiles >= 0 && this._data[Index - this.widthInTiles + 1] <= 0) { this._data[Index] = 4; } if(Index % this.widthInTiles < this.widthInTiles - 1 && (Index + this.widthInTiles | 0) < this.totalTiles && this._data[Index + this.widthInTiles + 1] <= 0) { this._data[Index] = 8; } } this._data[Index] += 1; } ,autoTileFull: function(Index) { this._data[Index] = 0; var wallUp = Index - this.widthInTiles < 0; var wallRight = Index % this.widthInTiles >= this.widthInTiles - 1; var wallDown = (Index + this.widthInTiles | 0) >= this.totalTiles; var wallLeft = Index % this.widthInTiles <= 0; var up = wallUp || this._data[Index - this.widthInTiles] > 0; var upRight = wallUp || wallRight || this._data[Index - this.widthInTiles + 1] > 0; var right = wallRight || this._data[Index + 1] > 0; var rightDown = wallRight || wallDown || this._data[Index + this.widthInTiles + 1] > 0; var down = wallDown || this._data[Index + this.widthInTiles] > 0; var downLeft = wallDown || wallLeft || this._data[Index + this.widthInTiles - 1] > 0; var left = wallLeft || this._data[Index - 1] > 0; var leftUp = wallLeft || wallUp || this._data[Index - this.widthInTiles - 1] > 0; if(up) { this._data[Index] += 1; } if(upRight && up && right) { this._data[Index] += 2; } if(right) { this._data[Index] += 4; } if(rightDown && right && down) { this._data[Index] += 8; } if(down) { this._data[Index] += 16; } if(downLeft && down && left) { this._data[Index] += 32; } if(left) { this._data[Index] += 64; } if(leftUp && left && up) { this._data[Index] += 128; } this._data[Index] -= flixel_tile_FlxBaseTilemap.offsetAutoTile[this._data[Index]] - 1; } ,setCustomTileMappings: function(mappings,randomIndices,randomChoices,randomLambda) { this.customTileRemap = mappings; this._randomIndices = randomIndices; this._randomChoices = randomChoices; this._randomLambda = randomLambda; if(this._randomIndices != null && (this._randomChoices == null || this._randomChoices.length == 0)) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("You must provide valid 'randomChoices' if you wish to randomize tilemap indices, please read documentation of 'setCustomTileMappings' function."); } } ,getTile: function(X,Y) { return this._data[Y * this.widthInTiles + X]; } ,getTileByIndex: function(Index) { return this._data[Index]; } ,getTileCollisions: function(Index) { return this._tileObjects[Index].allowCollisions; } ,getTileInstances: function(Index) { var array = null; var i = 0; var l = this.widthInTiles * this.heightInTiles; while(i < l) { if(this._data[i] == Index) { if(array == null) { array = []; } array.push(i); } ++i; } return array; } ,setTile: function(X,Y,Tile,UpdateGraphics) { if(UpdateGraphics == null) { UpdateGraphics = true; } if(X >= this.widthInTiles || Y >= this.heightInTiles) { return false; } return this.setTileByIndex(Y * this.widthInTiles + X,Tile,UpdateGraphics); } ,setTileByIndex: function(Index,Tile,UpdateGraphics) { if(UpdateGraphics == null) { UpdateGraphics = true; } if(Index >= this._data.length) { return false; } var ok = true; this._data[Index] = Tile; if(!UpdateGraphics) { return ok; } this.setDirty(); if(this.auto == flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.OFF) { this.updateTile(this._data[Index]); return ok; } var i; var row = (Index / this.widthInTiles | 0) - 1; var rowLength = row + 3; var column = Index % this.widthInTiles - 1; var columnHeight = column + 3; while(row < rowLength) { column = columnHeight - 3; while(column < columnHeight) { if(row >= 0 && row < this.heightInTiles && column >= 0 && column < this.widthInTiles) { i = row * this.widthInTiles + column; this.autoTile(i); this.updateTile(this._data[i]); } ++column; } ++row; } return ok; } ,setTileProperties: function(Tile,AllowCollisions,Callback,CallbackFilter,Range) { if(Range == null) { Range = 1; } if(AllowCollisions == null) { AllowCollisions = 4369; } if(Range <= 0) { Range = 1; } var tile; var i = Tile; var l = Tile + Range; var maxIndex = this._tileObjects.length; if(l > maxIndex) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Index " + l + " exceeds the maximum tile index of " + maxIndex + ". Please verify the Tile (" + Tile + ") and Range (" + Range + ") parameters."); } while(i < l) { tile = this._tileObjects[i++]; tile.set_allowCollisions(AllowCollisions); tile.callbackFunction = Callback; tile.filter = CallbackFilter; } } ,getData: function(Simple) { if(Simple == null) { Simple = false; } if(!Simple) { return this._data; } var i = 0; var l = this._data.length; var data = []; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.setLength_Int(data,l); while(i < l) { data[i] = this._tileObjects[this._data[i]].allowCollisions > 0 ? 1 : 0; ++i; } return data; } ,findPath: function(Start,End,Simplify,RaySimplify,DiagonalPolicy) { if(DiagonalPolicy == null) { DiagonalPolicy = 2; } if(RaySimplify == null) { RaySimplify = false; } if(Simplify == null) { Simplify = true; } var startIndex = this.getTileIndexByCoords(Start); var endIndex = this.getTileIndexByCoords(End); if(startIndex < 0 || endIndex < 0) { return null; } if(this._tileObjects[this._data[startIndex]].allowCollisions > 0 || this._tileObjects[this._data[endIndex]].allowCollisions > 0) { return null; } var distances = this.computePathDistance(startIndex,endIndex,DiagonalPolicy); if(distances == null) { return null; } var points = []; this.walkPath(distances,endIndex,points); var node = points[points.length - 1]; node.set_x(Start.x); node.set_y(Start.y); if(Start._weak) { Start.put(); } node = points[0]; node.set_x(End.x); node.set_y(End.y); if(End._weak) { End.put(); } if(Simplify) { this.simplifyPath(points); } if(RaySimplify) { this.raySimplifyPath(points); } var path = []; var i = points.length - 1; while(i >= 0) { node = points[i--]; if(node != null) { path.push(node); } } return path; } ,computePathDistance: function(StartIndex,EndIndex,DiagonalPolicy,StopOnEnd) { if(StopOnEnd == null) { StopOnEnd = true; } var mapSize = this.widthInTiles * this.heightInTiles; var distances = []; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.setLength_Int(distances,mapSize); var i = 0; while(i < mapSize) { if(this._tileObjects[this._data[i]].allowCollisions != 0) { distances[i] = -2; } else { distances[i] = -1; } ++i; } distances[StartIndex] = 0; var distance = 1; var neighbors = [StartIndex]; var current; var currentIndex; var left; var right; var up; var down; var currentLength; var foundEnd = false; while(neighbors.length > 0) { current = neighbors; neighbors = []; i = 0; currentLength = current.length; while(i < currentLength) { currentIndex = current[i++]; if(currentIndex == (EndIndex | 0)) { foundEnd = true; if(StopOnEnd) { neighbors = []; break; } } left = currentIndex % this.widthInTiles > 0; right = currentIndex % this.widthInTiles < this.widthInTiles - 1; up = currentIndex / this.widthInTiles > 0; down = currentIndex / this.widthInTiles < this.heightInTiles - 1; var index; if(up) { index = currentIndex - this.widthInTiles; if(distances[index] == -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } } if(right) { index = currentIndex + 1; if(distances[index] == -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } } if(down) { index = currentIndex + this.widthInTiles; if(distances[index] == -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } } if(left) { index = currentIndex - 1; if(distances[index] == -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } } if(DiagonalPolicy != 0) { var wideDiagonal = DiagonalPolicy == 2; if(up && right) { index = currentIndex - this.widthInTiles + 1; if(wideDiagonal && distances[index] == -1 && distances[currentIndex - this.widthInTiles] >= -1 && distances[currentIndex + 1] >= -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } else if(!wideDiagonal && distances[index] == -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } } if(right && down) { index = currentIndex + this.widthInTiles + 1; if(wideDiagonal && distances[index] == -1 && distances[currentIndex + this.widthInTiles] >= -1 && distances[currentIndex + 1] >= -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } else if(!wideDiagonal && distances[index] == -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } } if(left && down) { index = currentIndex + this.widthInTiles - 1; if(wideDiagonal && distances[index] == -1 && distances[currentIndex + this.widthInTiles] >= -1 && distances[currentIndex - 1] >= -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } else if(!wideDiagonal && distances[index] == -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } } if(up && left) { index = currentIndex - this.widthInTiles - 1; if(wideDiagonal && distances[index] == -1 && distances[currentIndex - this.widthInTiles] >= -1 && distances[currentIndex - 1] >= -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } else if(!wideDiagonal && distances[index] == -1) { distances[index] = distance; neighbors.push(index); } } } } ++distance; } if(!foundEnd) { distances = null; } return distances; } ,walkPath: function(Data,Start,Points) { Points.push(this.getTileCoordsByIndex(Start)); if(Data[Start] == 0) { return; } var left = Start % this.widthInTiles > 0; var right = Start % this.widthInTiles < this.widthInTiles - 1; var up = Start / this.widthInTiles > 0; var down = Start / this.widthInTiles < this.heightInTiles - 1; var current = Data[Start]; var i; if(up) { i = Start - this.widthInTiles; if(i >= 0 && Data[i] >= 0 && Data[i] < current) { this.walkPath(Data,i,Points); return; } } if(right) { i = Start + 1; if(i >= 0 && Data[i] >= 0 && Data[i] < current) { this.walkPath(Data,i,Points); return; } } if(down) { i = Start + this.widthInTiles; if(i >= 0 && Data[i] >= 0 && Data[i] < current) { this.walkPath(Data,i,Points); return; } } if(left) { i = Start - 1; if(i >= 0 && Data[i] >= 0 && Data[i] < current) { this.walkPath(Data,i,Points); return; } } if(up && right) { i = Start - this.widthInTiles + 1; if(i >= 0 && Data[i] >= 0 && Data[i] < current) { this.walkPath(Data,i,Points); return; } } if(right && down) { i = Start + this.widthInTiles + 1; if(i >= 0 && Data[i] >= 0 && Data[i] < current) { this.walkPath(Data,i,Points); return; } } if(left && down) { i = Start + this.widthInTiles - 1; if(i >= 0 && Data[i] >= 0 && Data[i] < current) { this.walkPath(Data,i,Points); return; } } if(up && left) { i = Start - this.widthInTiles - 1; if(i >= 0 && Data[i] >= 0 && Data[i] < current) { this.walkPath(Data,i,Points); return; } } return; } ,simplifyPath: function(Points) { var deltaPrevious; var deltaNext; var last = Points[0]; var node; var i = 1; var l = Points.length - 1; while(i < l) { node = Points[i]; deltaPrevious = (node.x - last.x) / (node.y - last.y); deltaNext = (node.x - Points[i + 1].x) / (node.y - Points[i + 1].y); if(last.x == Points[i + 1].x || last.y == Points[i + 1].y || deltaPrevious == deltaNext) { Points[i] = null; } else { last = node; } ++i; } } ,raySimplifyPath: function(Points) { var source = Points[0]; var lastIndex = -1; var node; var i = 1; var l = Points.length; while(i < l) { node = Points[i++]; if(node == null) { continue; } if(this.ray(source,node,this._point)) { if(lastIndex >= 0) { Points[lastIndex] = null; } } else { source = Points[lastIndex]; } lastIndex = i - 1; } } ,overlaps: function(ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(InScreenSpace == null) { InScreenSpace = false; } var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(ObjectOrGroup); if(group != null) { return flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.overlaps($bind(this,this.tilemapOverlapsCallback),group,0,0,InScreenSpace,Camera); } else if(ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 1 || ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 3 ? this.overlapsWithCallback(ObjectOrGroup) : this.overlaps(ObjectOrGroup,false,null)) { return true; } return false; } ,tilemapOverlapsCallback: function(ObjectOrGroup,X,Y,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(InScreenSpace == null) { InScreenSpace = false; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } if(ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 1 || ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 3) { return this.overlapsWithCallback(ObjectOrGroup); } else { return this.overlaps(ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera); } } ,overlapsAt: function(X,Y,ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(InScreenSpace == null) { InScreenSpace = false; } var group = flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(ObjectOrGroup); if(group != null) { return flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup.overlaps($bind(this,this.tilemapOverlapsAtCallback),group,X,Y,InScreenSpace,Camera); } else if(ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 1 || ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 3 ? this.overlapsWithCallback(ObjectOrGroup,null,false,this._point.set(X,Y)) : this.overlapsAt(X,Y,ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera)) { return true; } return false; } ,tilemapOverlapsAtCallback: function(ObjectOrGroup,X,Y,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 1 || ObjectOrGroup.flixelType == 3) { return this.overlapsWithCallback(ObjectOrGroup,null,false,this._point.set(X,Y)); } else { return this.overlapsAt(X,Y,ObjectOrGroup,InScreenSpace,Camera); } } ,overlapsPoint: function(WorldPoint,InScreenSpace,Camera) { if(InScreenSpace == null) { InScreenSpace = false; } if(InScreenSpace) { if(Camera == null) { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } WorldPoint.subtractPoint(Camera.scroll); if(WorldPoint._weak) { WorldPoint.put(); } } return this.tileAtPointAllowsCollisions(WorldPoint); } ,tileAtPointAllowsCollisions: function(point) { var tileIndex = this.getTileIndexByCoords(point); if(tileIndex < 0 || tileIndex >= this._data.length) { return false; } return this._tileObjects[this._data[tileIndex]].allowCollisions > 0; } ,getBounds: function(Bounds) { if(Bounds == null) { var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; Bounds = rect; } var X = this.x; var Y = this.y; var Width = this.get_width(); var Height = this.get_height(); Bounds.x = X; Bounds.y = Y; Bounds.width = Width; Bounds.height = Height; return Bounds; } ,__class__: flixel_tile_FlxBaseTilemap }); var flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling = $hxClasses["flixel.tile.FlxTilemapAutoTiling"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","tile","FlxTilemapAutoTiling"], __constructs__ : ["OFF","AUTO","ALT","FULL"] }; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.OFF = ["OFF",0]; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.OFF.toString = $estr; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.OFF.__enum__ = flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.AUTO = ["AUTO",1]; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.AUTO.toString = $estr; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.AUTO.__enum__ = flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.ALT = ["ALT",2]; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.ALT.toString = $estr; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.ALT.__enum__ = flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.FULL = ["FULL",3]; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.FULL.toString = $estr; flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling.FULL.__enum__ = flixel_tile_FlxTilemapAutoTiling; var flixel_tile_FlxTileblock = function(X,Y,Width,Height) { flixel_FlxSprite.call(this,X,Y); this.makeGraphic(Width,Height,0,true); this.set_active(false); this.set_immovable(true); this.set_moves(false); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tile.FlxTileblock"] = flixel_tile_FlxTileblock; flixel_tile_FlxTileblock.__name__ = ["flixel","tile","FlxTileblock"]; flixel_tile_FlxTileblock.__super__ = flixel_FlxSprite; flixel_tile_FlxTileblock.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype,{ tileSprite: null ,destroy: function() { this.tileSprite = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(this.tileSprite); flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,loadFrames: function(tileFrames,empties) { if(empties == null) { empties = 0; } if(tileFrames == null) { return this; } this.tileSprite = this.tileSprite == null ? new flixel_FlxSprite() : this.tileSprite; this.tileSprite.set_frames(tileFrames); var spriteWidth = this.tileSprite.get_width() | 0; var spriteHeight = this.tileSprite.get_height() | 0; var total = this.tileSprite.numFrames + empties; var regen = false; if(this.get_width() % this.tileSprite.get_width() != 0) { this.set_width((this.get_width() / spriteWidth + 1 | 0) * spriteWidth); regen = true; } if(this.get_height() % this.tileSprite.get_height() != 0) { this.set_height((this.get_height() / spriteHeight + 1 | 0) * spriteHeight); regen = true; } if(regen) { this.makeGraphic(this.get_width() | 0,this.get_height() | 0,0,true); } else { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.fill(this,0); } var row = 0; var column; var destinationX; var destinationY = 0; var widthInTiles = this.get_width() / spriteWidth | 0; var heightInTiles = this.get_height() / spriteHeight | 0; while(row < heightInTiles) { destinationX = 0; column = 0; while(column < widthInTiles) { if(flixel_FlxG.random["float"]() * total > empties) { this.tileSprite.animation.randomFrame(); this.tileSprite.drawFrame(); this.stamp(this.tileSprite,destinationX,destinationY); } destinationX += spriteWidth; ++column; } destinationY += spriteHeight; ++row; } this.dirty = true; return this; } ,loadTiles: function(TileGraphic,TileWidth,TileHeight,Empties) { if(Empties == null) { Empties = 0; } if(TileHeight == null) { TileHeight = 0; } if(TileWidth == null) { TileWidth = 0; } if(TileGraphic == null) { return this; } var graph = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(TileGraphic); if(graph == null) { return this; } if(TileWidth == 0) { TileWidth = graph.height; if(TileWidth > graph.width) { TileWidth = graph.width; } else { TileWidth = TileWidth; } } if(TileHeight == 0) { TileHeight = TileWidth; if(TileHeight > graph.height) { TileHeight = graph.height; } else { TileHeight = TileHeight; } } var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(TileWidth,TileHeight); point._inPool = false; var tileFrames = flixel_graphics_frames_FlxTileFrames.fromGraphic(graph,point); return this.loadFrames(tileFrames,Empties); } ,setTile: function(x,y,index) { this.tileSprite.animation.set_frameIndex(index); this.stamp(this.tileSprite,x * (this.tileSprite.get_width() | 0),y * (this.tileSprite.get_height() | 0)); this.dirty = true; } ,__class__: flixel_tile_FlxTileblock }); var flixel_tweens_FlxEase = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.FlxEase"] = flixel_tweens_FlxEase; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","FlxEase"]; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.linear = function(t) { return t; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quadIn = function(t) { return t * t; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quadOut = function(t) { return -t * (t - 2); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quadInOut = function(t) { if(t <= .5) { return t * t * 2; } else { return 1 - --t * t * 2; } }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.cubeIn = function(t) { return t * t * t; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.cubeOut = function(t) { return 1 + --t * t * t; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.cubeInOut = function(t) { if(t <= .5) { return t * t * t * 4; } else { return 1 + --t * t * t * 4; } }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quartIn = function(t) { return t * t * t * t; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quartOut = function(t) { return 1 - --t * t * t * t; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quartInOut = function(t) { if(t <= .5) { return t * t * t * t * 8; } else { t = t * 2 - 2; return (1 - t * t * t * t) / 2 + .5; } }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quintIn = function(t) { return t * t * t * t * t; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quintOut = function(t) { return --t * t * t * t * t + 1; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.quintInOut = function(t) { if((t *= 2) < 1) { return t * t * t * t * t / 2; } else { return ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) / 2; } }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.smoothStepIn = function(t) { var t1 = t / 2; return 2 * (t1 * t1 * (t1 * -2 + 3)); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.smoothStepOut = function(t) { var t1 = t / 2 + 0.5; return 2 * (t1 * t1 * (t1 * -2 + 3)) - 1; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.smoothStepInOut = function(t) { return t * t * (t * -2 + 3); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.smootherStepIn = function(t) { var t1 = t / 2; return 2 * (t1 * t1 * t1 * (t1 * (t1 * 6 - 15) + 10)); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.smootherStepOut = function(t) { var t1 = t / 2 + 0.5; return 2 * (t1 * t1 * t1 * (t1 * (t1 * 6 - 15) + 10)) - 1; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.smootherStepInOut = function(t) { return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.sineIn = function(t) { return -Math.cos(flixel_tweens_FlxEase.PI2 * t) + 1; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.sineOut = function(t) { return Math.sin(flixel_tweens_FlxEase.PI2 * t); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.sineInOut = function(t) { return -Math.cos(Math.PI * t) / 2 + .5; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.bounceIn = function(t) { t = 1 - t; if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B1) { return 1 - 7.5625 * t * t; } if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B2) { return 1 - (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B3) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B3) + .75); } if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B4) { return 1 - (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B5) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B5) + .9375); } return 1 - (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B6) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B6) + .984375); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.bounceOut = function(t) { if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B1) { return 7.5625 * t * t; } if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B2) { return 7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B3) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B3) + .75; } if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B4) { return 7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B5) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B5) + .9375; } return 7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B6) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B6) + .984375; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.bounceInOut = function(t) { if(t < .5) { t = 1 - t * 2; if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B1) { return (1 - 7.5625 * t * t) / 2; } if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B2) { return (1 - (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B3) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B3) + .75)) / 2; } if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B4) { return (1 - (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B5) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B5) + .9375)) / 2; } return (1 - (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B6) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B6) + .984375)) / 2; } t = t * 2 - 1; if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B1) { return 7.5625 * t * t / 2 + .5; } if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B2) { return (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B3) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B3) + .75) / 2 + .5; } if(t < flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B4) { return (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B5) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B5) + .9375) / 2 + .5; } return (7.5625 * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B6) * (t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.B6) + .984375) / 2 + .5; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.circIn = function(t) { return -(Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.circOut = function(t) { return Math.sqrt(1 - (t - 1) * (t - 1)); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.circInOut = function(t) { if(t <= .5) { return (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t * 4) - 1) / -2; } else { return (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * 2 - 2) * (t * 2 - 2)) + 1) / 2; } }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.expoIn = function(t) { return Math.pow(2,10 * (t - 1)); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.expoOut = function(t) { return -Math.pow(2,-10 * t) + 1; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.expoInOut = function(t) { if(t < .5) { return Math.pow(2,10 * (t * 2 - 1)) / 2; } else { return (-Math.pow(2,-10 * (t * 2 - 1)) + 2) / 2; } }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.backIn = function(t) { return t * t * (2.70158 * t - 1.70158); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.backOut = function(t) { return 1 - --t * t * (-2.70158 * t - 1.70158); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.backInOut = function(t) { t *= 2; if(t < 1) { return t * t * (2.70158 * t - 1.70158) / 2; } --t; return (1 - --t * t * (-2.70158 * t - 1.70158)) / 2 + .5; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.elasticIn = function(t) { return -(flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_AMPLITUDE * Math.pow(2,10 * --t) * Math.sin((t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_PERIOD / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_AMPLITUDE)) * (2 * Math.PI) / flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_PERIOD)); }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.elasticOut = function(t) { return flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_AMPLITUDE * Math.pow(2,-10 * t) * Math.sin((t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_PERIOD / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_AMPLITUDE)) * (2 * Math.PI) / flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_PERIOD) + 1; }; flixel_tweens_FlxEase.elasticInOut = function(t) { if(t < 0.5) { return -0.5 * (Math.pow(2,10 * (t -= 0.5)) * Math.sin((t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_PERIOD / 4) * (2 * Math.PI) / flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_PERIOD)); } return Math.pow(2,-10 * (t -= 0.5)) * Math.sin((t - flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_PERIOD / 4) * (2 * Math.PI) / flixel_tweens_FlxEase.ELASTIC_PERIOD) * 0.5 + 1; }; var flixel_tweens_FlxTween = function(Options,manager) { this._waitingForRestart = false; this._running = false; this._delayToUse = 0; this._secondsSinceStart = 0; this.loopDelay = 0; this.startDelay = 0; this.executions = 0; this.scale = 0; this.duration = 0; this.active = false; Options = this.resolveTweenOptions(Options); this.set_type(Options.type); this.onStart = Options.onStart; this.onUpdate = Options.onUpdate; this.onComplete = Options.onComplete; this.ease = Options.ease; this.setDelays(Options.startDelay,Options.loopDelay); this.manager = manager != null ? manager : flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager; }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.FlxTween"] = flixel_tweens_FlxTween; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","FlxTween"]; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager = null; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween = function(Object,Values,Duration,Options) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.tween(Object,Values,Duration,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.num = function(FromValue,ToValue,Duration,Options,TweenFunction) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.num(FromValue,ToValue,Duration,Options,TweenFunction); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.angle = function(Sprite,FromAngle,ToAngle,Duration,Options) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.angle(Sprite,FromAngle,ToAngle,Duration,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.color = function(Sprite,Duration,FromColor,ToColor,Options) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.color(Sprite,Duration,FromColor,ToColor,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.linearMotion = function(Object,FromX,FromY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.linearMotion(Object,FromX,FromY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.quadMotion = function(Object,FromX,FromY,ControlX,ControlY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.quadMotion(Object,FromX,FromY,ControlX,ControlY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.cubicMotion = function(Object,FromX,FromY,aX,aY,bX,bY,ToX,ToY,Duration,Options) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.cubicMotion(Object,FromX,FromY,aX,aY,bX,bY,ToX,ToY,Duration,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.circularMotion = function(Object,CenterX,CenterY,Radius,Angle,Clockwise,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.circularMotion(Object,CenterX,CenterY,Radius,Angle,Clockwise,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.linearPath = function(Object,Points,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.linearPath(Object,Points,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.quadPath = function(Object,Points,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } return flixel_tweens_FlxTween.globalManager.quadPath(Object,Points,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype = { manager: null ,active: null ,duration: null ,ease: null ,onStart: null ,onUpdate: null ,onComplete: null ,type: null ,finished: null ,scale: null ,backward: null ,executions: null ,startDelay: null ,loopDelay: null ,_secondsSinceStart: null ,_delayToUse: null ,_running: null ,_waitingForRestart: null ,_chainedTweens: null ,_nextTweenInChain: null ,resolveTweenOptions: function(Options) { if(Options == null) { Options = { type : 8}; } if(Options.type == null) { Options.type = 8; } return Options; } ,destroy: function() { this.onStart = null; this.onUpdate = null; this.onComplete = null; this.ease = null; this.manager = null; this._chainedTweens = null; this._nextTweenInChain = null; } ,then: function(tween) { return this.addChainedTween(tween); } ,wait: function(delay) { return this.addChainedTween(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.num(0,0,delay)); } ,addChainedTween: function(tween) { tween.setVarsOnEnd(); tween.manager.remove(tween,false); if(this._chainedTweens == null) { this._chainedTweens = []; } this._chainedTweens.push(tween); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { this._secondsSinceStart += elapsed; var delay = this.executions > 0 ? this.loopDelay : this.startDelay; if(this._secondsSinceStart < delay) { return; } this.scale = Math.max(this._secondsSinceStart - delay,0) / this.duration; if(this.ease != null) { this.scale = this.ease(this.scale); } if(this.backward) { this.scale = 1 - this.scale; } if(this._secondsSinceStart > delay && !this._running) { this._running = true; if(this.onStart != null) { this.onStart(this); } } if(this._secondsSinceStart >= this.duration + delay) { this.scale = this.backward ? 0 : 1; this.finished = true; } else if(this.onUpdate != null) { this.onUpdate(this); } } ,start: function() { this._waitingForRestart = false; this._secondsSinceStart = 0; this._delayToUse = this.executions > 0 ? this.loopDelay : this.startDelay; if(this.duration == 0) { this.set_active(false); return this; } this.set_active(true); this._running = false; this.finished = false; return this; } ,cancel: function() { this.onEnd(); if(this.manager != null) { this.manager.remove(this); } } ,cancelChain: function() { if(this._nextTweenInChain != null) { this._nextTweenInChain.cancelChain(); } if(this._chainedTweens != null) { this._chainedTweens = null; } this.cancel(); } ,finish: function() { this.executions++; if(this.onComplete != null) { this.onComplete(this); } var type = this.type & ~16; if(type == 1 || type == 8) { this.onEnd(); this._secondsSinceStart = this.duration + this.startDelay; if(type == 8 && this.manager != null) { this.manager.remove(this); } } if(type == 2 || type == 4) { this._secondsSinceStart = (this._secondsSinceStart - this._delayToUse) % this.duration + this._delayToUse; this.scale = Math.max(this._secondsSinceStart - this._delayToUse,0) / this.duration; if(this.ease != null && this.scale > 0 && this.scale < 1) { this.scale = this.ease(this.scale); } if(type == 4) { this.backward = !this.backward; if(this.backward) { this.scale = 1 - this.scale; } } this.restart(); } } ,onEnd: function() { this.setVarsOnEnd(); this.processTweenChain(); } ,setVarsOnEnd: function() { this.set_active(false); this._running = false; this.finished = true; } ,processTweenChain: function() { if(this._chainedTweens == null || this._chainedTweens.length <= 0) { return; } this._nextTweenInChain = this._chainedTweens.shift(); this.doNextTween(this._nextTweenInChain); this._chainedTweens = null; } ,doNextTween: function(tween) { if(!tween.active) { tween.start(); this.manager.add_flixel_tweens_FlxTween(tween); } tween.setChain(this._chainedTweens); } ,setChain: function(previousChain) { if(previousChain == null) { return; } if(this._chainedTweens == null) { this._chainedTweens = previousChain; } else { this._chainedTweens = this._chainedTweens.concat(previousChain); } } ,restart: function() { if(this.active) { this.start(); } else { this._waitingForRestart = true; } } ,setDelays: function(StartDelay,LoopDelay) { this.set_startDelay(StartDelay != null ? StartDelay : 0); this.set_loopDelay(LoopDelay != null ? LoopDelay : 0); return this; } ,set_startDelay: function(value) { var dly = Math.abs(value); if(this.executions == 0) { this._secondsSinceStart = this.duration * (Math.max(this._secondsSinceStart - this._delayToUse,0) / this.duration) + Math.max(dly - this.startDelay,0); this._delayToUse = dly; } return this.startDelay = dly; } ,set_loopDelay: function(value) { var dly = Math.abs(value); if(this.executions > 0) { this._secondsSinceStart = this.duration * (Math.max(this._secondsSinceStart - this._delayToUse,0) / this.duration) + Math.max(dly - this.loopDelay,0); this._delayToUse = dly; } return this.loopDelay = dly; } ,get_percent: function() { return Math.max(this._secondsSinceStart - this._delayToUse,0) / this.duration; } ,set_percent: function(value) { return this._secondsSinceStart = this.duration * value + this._delayToUse; } ,set_type: function(value) { if(value == 0) { value = 8; } else if(value == 16) { value = 1 | 16; } this.backward = (value & 16) > 0; return this.type = value; } ,set_active: function(active) { this.active = active; if(this._waitingForRestart) { this.restart(); } return active; } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_FlxTween ,__properties__: {set_loopDelay:"set_loopDelay",set_startDelay:"set_startDelay",set_percent:"set_percent",get_percent:"get_percent",set_type:"set_type",set_active:"set_active"} }; var flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager = function() { this._tweens = []; flixel_FlxBasic.call(this); this.set_visible(false); flixel_FlxG.signals.preStateSwitch.add($bind(this,this.clear)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.FlxTweenManager"] = flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager; flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","FlxTweenManager"]; flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager.__super__ = flixel_FlxBasic; flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype,{ add_flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_FlxTween: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,add_flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween: function(Tween,Start) { if(Start == null) { Start = false; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } this._tweens.push(Tween); if(Start) { Tween.start(); } return Tween; } ,_tweens: null ,tween: function(Object,Values,Duration,Options) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween(Options,this); tween.tween(Object,Values,Duration); return this.add_flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween(tween); } ,num: function(FromValue,ToValue,Duration,Options,TweenFunction) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween(Options,this); tween.tween(FromValue,ToValue,Duration,TweenFunction); return this.add_flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween(tween); } ,angle: function(Sprite,FromAngle,ToAngle,Duration,Options) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween(Options,this); tween.tween(FromAngle,ToAngle,Duration,Sprite); return this.add_flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween(tween); } ,color: function(Sprite,Duration,FromColor,ToColor,Options) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween(Options,this); tween.tween(Duration,FromColor,ToColor,Sprite); return this.add_flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween(tween); } ,linearMotion: function(Object,FromX,FromY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion(Options,this); tween.setObject(Object); tween.setMotion(FromX,FromY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration); return this.add_flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion(tween); } ,quadMotion: function(Object,FromX,FromY,ControlX,ControlY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion(Options,this); tween.setObject(Object); tween.setMotion(FromX,FromY,ControlX,ControlY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration); return this.add_flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion(tween); } ,cubicMotion: function(Object,FromX,FromY,aX,aY,bX,bY,ToX,ToY,Duration,Options) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion(Options,this); tween.setObject(Object); tween.setMotion(FromX,FromY,aX,aY,bX,bY,ToX,ToY,Duration); return this.add_flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion(tween); } ,circularMotion: function(Object,CenterX,CenterY,Radius,Angle,Clockwise,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion(Options,this); tween.setObject(Object); tween.setMotion(CenterX,CenterY,Radius,Angle,Clockwise,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration); return this.add_flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion(tween); } ,linearPath: function(Object,Points,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath(Options,this); if(Points != null) { var _g = 0; while(_g < Points.length) { var point = Points[_g]; ++_g; tween.addPoint(point.x,point.y); } } tween.setObject(Object); tween.setMotion(DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration); return this.add_flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath(tween); } ,quadPath: function(Object,Points,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration,Options) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } if(DurationOrSpeed == null) { DurationOrSpeed = 1; } var tween = new flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath(Options,this); if(Points != null) { var _g = 0; while(_g < Points.length) { var point = Points[_g]; ++_g; tween.addPoint(point.x,point.y); } } tween.setObject(Object); tween.setMotion(DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration); return this.add_flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath(tween); } ,destroy: function() { flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.destroy.call(this); flixel_FlxG.signals.preStateSwitch.remove($bind(this,this.clear)); } ,update: function(elapsed) { var finishedTweens = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._tweens; while(_g < _g1.length) { var tween = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(!tween.active) { continue; } tween.update(elapsed); if(tween.finished) { if(finishedTweens == null) { finishedTweens = []; } finishedTweens.push(tween); } } if(finishedTweens != null) { while(finishedTweens.length > 0) finishedTweens.shift().finish(); } } ,remove: function(Tween,Destroy) { if(Destroy == null) { Destroy = true; } if(Tween == null) { return null; } Tween.set_active(false); if(Destroy) { Tween.destroy(); } var array = this._tweens; var index = array.indexOf(Tween); if(index != -1) { array[index] = array[array.length - 1]; array.pop(); } return Tween; } ,clear: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._tweens; while(_g < _g1.length) { var tween = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(tween != null) { tween.set_active(false); tween.destroy(); } } this._tweens.splice(0,this._tweens.length); } ,completeAll: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._tweens; while(_g < _g1.length) { var tween = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if((tween.type & 2) == 0 && (tween.type & 4) == 0 && tween.active) { tween.update(1.79e+308); } } } ,forEach: function(Function) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._tweens; while(_g < _g1.length) { var tween = _g1[_g]; ++_g; Function(tween); } } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_FlxTweenManager }); var flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween = function(Options,manager) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.call(this,Options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.misc.AngleTween"] = flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween; flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","misc","AngleTween"]; flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween.__super__ = flixel_tweens_FlxTween; flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype,{ angle: null ,sprite: null ,_start: null ,_range: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.sprite = null; } ,tween: function(FromAngle,ToAngle,Duration,Sprite) { this._start = this.angle = FromAngle; this._range = ToAngle - this.angle; this.duration = Duration; this.sprite = Sprite; if(this.sprite != null) { this.sprite.set_angle(this.angle % 360); } this.start(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this.angle = this._start + this._range * this.scale; if(this.sprite != null) { var spriteAngle = this.angle % 360; this.sprite.set_angle(spriteAngle); } } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_misc_AngleTween }); var flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween = function(Options,manager) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.call(this,Options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.misc.ColorTween"] = flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween; flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","misc","ColorTween"]; flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween.__super__ = flixel_tweens_FlxTween; flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype,{ color: null ,startColor: null ,endColor: null ,sprite: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.sprite = null; } ,tween: function(Duration,FromColor,ToColor,Sprite) { this.color = this.startColor = FromColor; this.endColor = ToColor; this.duration = Duration; this.sprite = Sprite; this.start(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); var Color1 = this.startColor; var Color2 = this.endColor; var Factor = this.scale; var r = ((Color2 >> 16 & 255) - (Color1 >> 16 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 16 & 255) | 0; var g = ((Color2 >> 8 & 255) - (Color1 >> 8 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 8 & 255) | 0; var b = ((Color2 & 255) - (Color1 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 & 255) | 0; var a = ((Color2 >> 24 & 255) - (Color1 >> 24 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 24 & 255) | 0; var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (r > 255 ? 255 : r < 0 ? 0 : r) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (g > 255 ? 255 : g < 0 ? 0 : g) << 8; color &= -256; color |= b > 255 ? 255 : b < 0 ? 0 : b; color &= 16777215; color |= (a > 255 ? 255 : a < 0 ? 0 : a) << 24; this.color = color; if(this.sprite != null) { this.sprite.set_color(this.color); this.sprite.set_alpha((this.color >> 24 & 255) / 255); } } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_misc_ColorTween }); var flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween = function(Options,manager) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.call(this,Options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.misc.NumTween"] = flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween; flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","misc","NumTween"]; flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween.__super__ = flixel_tweens_FlxTween; flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype,{ value: null ,_tweenFunction: null ,_start: null ,_range: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.destroy.call(this); this._tweenFunction = null; } ,tween: function(fromValue,toValue,duration,tweenFunction) { this._tweenFunction = tweenFunction; this._start = this.value = fromValue; this._range = toValue - this.value; this.duration = duration; this.start(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this.value = this._start + this._range * this.scale; if(this._tweenFunction != null) { this._tweenFunction(this.value); } } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_misc_NumTween }); var flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween = function(options,manager) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.call(this,options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.misc.VarTween"] = flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween; flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","misc","VarTween"]; flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween.__super__ = flixel_tweens_FlxTween; flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype,{ _object: null ,_properties: null ,_propertyInfos: null ,tween: function(object,properties,duration) { this._object = object; this._properties = properties; this._propertyInfos = []; this.duration = duration; this.start(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { var delay = this.executions > 0 ? this.loopDelay : this.startDelay; if(this._secondsSinceStart < delay) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); } else { if(this._propertyInfos.length == 0) { this.initializeVars(); } flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._propertyInfos; while(_g < _g1.length) { var info = _g1[_g]; ++_g; Reflect.setProperty(info.object,info.field,info.startValue + info.range * this.scale); } } } ,initializeVars: function() { var fieldPaths; if(Reflect.isObject(this._properties)) { fieldPaths = Reflect.fields(this._properties); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unsupported properties container - use an object containing key/value pairs."); } var _g = 0; while(_g < fieldPaths.length) { var fieldPath = fieldPaths[_g]; ++_g; var target = this._object; var path = fieldPath.split("."); var field = path.pop(); var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < path.length) { var component = path[_g1]; ++_g1; target = Reflect.getProperty(target,component); if(!Reflect.isObject(target)) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("The object does not have the property \"" + component + "\" in \"" + fieldPath + "\""); } } if(Reflect.getProperty(target,field) == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("The object does not have the property \"" + field + "\""); } var value = Reflect.getProperty(target,field); if(isNaN(value)) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("The property \"" + field + "\" is not numeric."); } var targetValue = Reflect.getProperty(this._properties,fieldPath); this._propertyInfos.push({ object : target, field : field, startValue : value, range : targetValue - value}); } } ,destroy: function() { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.destroy.call(this); this._object = null; this._properties = null; this._propertyInfos = null; } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_misc_VarTween }); var flixel_tweens_motion_Motion = function(Options,manager) { this.y = 0; this.x = 0; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.call(this,Options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.motion.Motion"] = flixel_tweens_motion_Motion; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","motion","Motion"]; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.__super__ = flixel_tweens_FlxTween; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype,{ x: null ,y: null ,_object: null ,_wasObjectImmovable: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.destroy.call(this); this._object = null; } ,setObject: function(object) { this._object = object; this._wasObjectImmovable = this._object.immovable; this._object.set_immovable(true); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this.postUpdate(); } ,onEnd: function() { this._object.set_immovable(this._wasObjectImmovable); flixel_tweens_FlxTween.prototype.onEnd.call(this); } ,postUpdate: function() { if(this._object != null) { this._object.setPosition(this.x,this.y); } } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_motion_Motion }); var flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion = function(Options,manager) { this._angleFinish = 0; this._angleStart = 0; this._radius = 0; this._centerY = 0; this._centerX = 0; this.angle = 0; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.call(this,Options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.motion.CircularMotion"] = flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion; flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","motion","CircularMotion"]; flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion.__super__ = flixel_tweens_motion_Motion; flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype,{ angle: null ,_centerX: null ,_centerY: null ,_radius: null ,_angleStart: null ,_angleFinish: null ,setMotion: function(CenterX,CenterY,Radius,Angle,Clockwise,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } this._centerX = CenterX; this._centerY = CenterY; this._radius = Radius; this.angle = this._angleStart = Angle * Math.PI / -180; this._angleFinish = Math.PI * 2 * (Clockwise ? 1 : -1); if(UseDuration) { this.duration = DurationOrSpeed; } else { this.duration = this._radius * (Math.PI * 2) / DurationOrSpeed; } this.start(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this.angle = this._angleStart + this._angleFinish * this.scale; this.x = this._centerX + Math.cos(this.angle) * this._radius; this.y = this._centerY + Math.sin(this.angle) * this._radius; if(this.finished) { this.postUpdate(); } } ,get_circumference: function() { return this._radius * (Math.PI * 2); } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_motion_CircularMotion ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.__properties__,{get_circumference:"get_circumference"}) }); var flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion = function(Options,manager) { this._tt = 0; this._ttt = 0; this._bY = 0; this._bX = 0; this._aY = 0; this._aX = 0; this._toY = 0; this._toX = 0; this._fromY = 0; this._fromX = 0; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.call(this,Options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.motion.CubicMotion"] = flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion; flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","motion","CubicMotion"]; flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion.__super__ = flixel_tweens_motion_Motion; flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype,{ _fromX: null ,_fromY: null ,_toX: null ,_toY: null ,_aX: null ,_aY: null ,_bX: null ,_bY: null ,_ttt: null ,_tt: null ,setMotion: function(fromX,fromY,aX,aY,bX,bY,toX,toY,duration) { this.x = this._fromX = fromX; this.y = this._fromY = fromY; this._aX = aX; this._aY = aY; this._bX = bX; this._bY = bY; this._toX = toX; this._toY = toY; this.duration = duration; this.start(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this.x = this.scale * this.scale * this.scale * (this._toX + 3 * (this._aX - this._bX) - this._fromX) + 3 * this.scale * this.scale * (this._fromX - 2 * this._aX + this._bX) + 3 * this.scale * (this._aX - this._fromX) + this._fromX; this.y = this.scale * this.scale * this.scale * (this._toY + 3 * (this._aY - this._bY) - this._fromY) + 3 * this.scale * this.scale * (this._fromY - 2 * this._aY + this._bY) + 3 * this.scale * (this._aY - this._fromY) + this._fromY; if(this.finished) { this.postUpdate(); } } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_motion_CubicMotion }); var flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion = function(Options,manager) { this._distance = -1; this._moveY = 0; this._moveX = 0; this._fromY = 0; this._fromX = 0; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.call(this,Options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.motion.LinearMotion"] = flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion; flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","motion","LinearMotion"]; flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion.__super__ = flixel_tweens_motion_Motion; flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype,{ _fromX: null ,_fromY: null ,_moveX: null ,_moveY: null ,_distance: null ,setMotion: function(FromX,FromY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } this._distance = -1; this.x = this._fromX = FromX; this.y = this._fromY = FromY; this._moveX = ToX - FromX; this._moveY = ToY - FromY; if(UseDuration) { this.duration = DurationOrSpeed; } else { this.duration = this.get_distance() / DurationOrSpeed; } this.start(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this.x = this._fromX + this._moveX * this.scale; this.y = this._fromY + this._moveY * this.scale; if(this.x == this._fromX + this._moveX && this.y == this._fromY + this._moveY && this.active && this._secondsSinceStart >= this.duration) { this.finished = true; } if(this.finished) { this.postUpdate(); } } ,get_distance: function() { if(this._distance >= 0) { return this._distance; } return this._distance = Math.sqrt(this._moveX * this._moveX + this._moveY * this._moveY); } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_motion_LinearMotion ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.__properties__,{get_distance:"get_distance"}) }); var flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath = function(Options,manager) { this._index = 0; this._speed = 0; this.distance = 0; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.call(this,Options,manager); this.points = []; this._pointD = [0]; this._pointT = [0]; }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.motion.LinearPath"] = flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath; flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","motion","LinearPath"]; flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath.__super__ = flixel_tweens_motion_Motion; flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype,{ distance: null ,points: null ,_pointD: null ,_pointT: null ,_speed: null ,_index: null ,_last: null ,_prevPoint: null ,_nextPoint: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.destroy.call(this); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.points; while(_g < _g1.length) { var point = _g1[_g]; ++_g; point = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(point); } this._last = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._last); this._prevPoint = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._prevPoint); this._nextPoint = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._nextPoint); } ,setMotion: function(DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } this.updatePath(); if(UseDuration) { this.duration = DurationOrSpeed; this._speed = this.distance / DurationOrSpeed; } else { this.duration = this.distance / DurationOrSpeed; this._speed = DurationOrSpeed; } this.start(); return this; } ,addPoint: function(x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } if(this._last != null) { this.distance += Math.sqrt((x - this._last.x) * (x - this._last.x) + (y - this._last.y) * (y - this._last.y)); this._pointD[this.points.length] = this.distance; } var tmp = this.points; var tmp1 = this.points.length; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(x,y); point._inPool = false; tmp[tmp1] = this._last = point; return this; } ,getPoint: function(index) { if(index == null) { index = 0; } if(this.points.length == 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("No points have been added to the path yet."); } return this.points[index % this.points.length]; } ,start: function() { this._index = this.backward ? this.points.length - 1 : 0; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.start.call(this); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); var td; var tt; if(this.points == null) { return; } if(!this.backward) { if(this._index < this.points.length - 1) { while(this.scale > this._pointT[this._index + 1]) { this._index++; if(this._index == this.points.length - 1) { this._index -= 1; break; } } } td = this._pointT[this._index]; tt = this._pointT[this._index + 1] - td; td = (this.scale - td) / tt; this._prevPoint = this.points[this._index]; this._nextPoint = this.points[this._index + 1]; this.x = this._prevPoint.x + (this._nextPoint.x - this._prevPoint.x) * td; this.y = this._prevPoint.y + (this._nextPoint.y - this._prevPoint.y) * td; } else { if(this._index > 0) { while(this.scale < this._pointT[this._index - 1]) { this._index -= 1; if(this._index == 0) { this._index += 1; break; } } } td = this._pointT[this._index]; tt = this._pointT[this._index - 1] - td; td = (this.scale - td) / tt; this._prevPoint = this.points[this._index]; this._nextPoint = this.points[this._index - 1]; this.x = this._prevPoint.x + (this._nextPoint.x - this._prevPoint.x) * td; this.y = this._prevPoint.y + (this._nextPoint.y - this._prevPoint.y) * td; } flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.postUpdate.call(this); } ,updatePath: function() { if(this.points.length < 2) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("A LinearPath must have at least 2 points to operate."); } if(this._pointD.length == this._pointT.length) { return; } var i = 0; while(i < this.points.length) this._pointT[i] = this._pointD[i++] / this.distance; } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_motion_LinearPath }); var flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion = function(Options,manager) { this._controlY = 0; this._controlX = 0; this._toY = 0; this._toX = 0; this._fromY = 0; this._fromX = 0; this._distance = -1; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.call(this,Options,manager); }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.motion.QuadMotion"] = flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion; flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","motion","QuadMotion"]; flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion.__super__ = flixel_tweens_motion_Motion; flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype,{ _distance: null ,_fromX: null ,_fromY: null ,_toX: null ,_toY: null ,_controlX: null ,_controlY: null ,setMotion: function(FromX,FromY,ControlX,ControlY,ToX,ToY,DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } this._distance = -1; this.x = this._fromX = FromX; this.y = this._fromY = FromY; this._controlX = ControlX; this._controlY = ControlY; this._toX = ToX; this._toY = ToY; if(UseDuration) { this.duration = DurationOrSpeed; } else { this.duration = this.get_distance() / DurationOrSpeed; } this.start(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this.x = this._fromX * (1 - this.scale) * (1 - this.scale) + this._controlX * 2 * (1 - this.scale) * this.scale + this._toX * this.scale * this.scale; this.y = this._fromY * (1 - this.scale) * (1 - this.scale) + this._controlY * 2 * (1 - this.scale) * this.scale + this._toY * this.scale * this.scale; if(this.finished) { this.postUpdate(); } } ,get_distance: function() { if(this._distance >= 0) { return this._distance; } var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var p1 = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; var p2 = point1; p1.set_x(this.x - 2 * this._controlX + this._toX); p1.set_y(this.y - 2 * this._controlY + this._toY); p2.set_x(2 * this._controlX - 2 * this.x); p2.set_y(2 * this._controlY - 2 * this.y); var a = 4 * (p1.x * p1.x + p1.y * p1.y); var b = 4 * (p1.x * p2.x + p1.y * p2.y); var c = p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y; var abc = 2 * Math.sqrt(a + b + c); var a2 = Math.sqrt(a); var a32 = 2 * a * a2; var c2 = 2 * Math.sqrt(c); var ba = b / a2; p1.put(); p2.put(); return (a32 * abc + a2 * b * (abc - c2) + (4 * c * a - b * b) * Math.log((2 * a2 + ba + abc) / (ba + c2))) / (4 * a32); } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_motion_QuadMotion ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.__properties__,{get_distance:"get_distance"}) }); var flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath = function(Options,manager) { this._updateCurve = true; this._numSegs = 0; this._index = 0; this._speed = 0; this._distance = 0; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.call(this,Options,manager); this._points = []; this._curveT = []; this._curveD = []; }; $hxClasses["flixel.tweens.motion.QuadPath"] = flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath; flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath.__name__ = ["flixel","tweens","motion","QuadPath"]; flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath.__super__ = flixel_tweens_motion_Motion; flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath.prototype = $extend(flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype,{ _points: null ,_distance: null ,_speed: null ,_index: null ,_numSegs: null ,_updateCurve: null ,_curveT: null ,_curveD: null ,_a: null ,_b: null ,_c: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.destroy.call(this); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._points; while(_g < _g1.length) { var point = _g1[_g]; ++_g; point = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(point); } this._a = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._a); this._b = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._b); this._c = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this._c); } ,setMotion: function(DurationOrSpeed,UseDuration) { if(UseDuration == null) { UseDuration = true; } this.updatePath(); if(UseDuration) { this.duration = DurationOrSpeed; this._speed = this._distance / DurationOrSpeed; } else { this.duration = this._distance / DurationOrSpeed; this._speed = DurationOrSpeed; } this.start(); return this; } ,addPoint: function(x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } this._updateCurve = true; var tmp = this._points; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(x,y); point._inPool = false; tmp.push(point); return this; } ,getPoint: function(index) { if(index == null) { index = 0; } if(this._points.length == 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("No points have been added to the path yet."); } return this._points[index % this._points.length]; } ,start: function() { this._index = this.backward ? this._numSegs - 1 : 0; flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.start.call(this); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); var td; var tt; if(!this.backward && this._points != null) { if(this._index < this._numSegs - 1) { while(this.scale > this._curveT[this._index + 1]) { this._index++; if(this._index == this._numSegs - 1) { break; } } } td = this._curveT[this._index]; tt = this._curveT[this._index + 1] - td; td = (this.scale - td) / tt; this._a = this._points[this._index * 2]; this._b = this._points[this._index * 2 + 1]; this._c = this._points[this._index * 2 + 2]; this.x = this._a.x * (1 - td) * (1 - td) + this._b.x * 2 * (1 - td) * td + this._c.x * td * td; this.y = this._a.y * (1 - td) * (1 - td) + this._b.y * 2 * (1 - td) * td + this._c.y * td * td; } else if(this._points != null) { if(this._index > 0) { while(this.scale < this._curveT[this._index]) { this._index--; if(this._index == 0) { break; } } } td = this._curveT[this._index + 1]; tt = this._curveT[this._index] - td; td = (this.scale - td) / tt; this._a = this._points[this._index * 2 + 2]; this._b = this._points[this._index * 2 + 1]; this._c = this._points[this._index * 2]; this.x = this._a.x * (1 - td) * (1 - td) + this._b.x * 2 * (1 - td) * td + this._c.x * td * td; this.y = this._a.y * (1 - td) * (1 - td) + this._b.y * 2 * (1 - td) * td + this._c.y * td * td; } flixel_tweens_motion_Motion.prototype.postUpdate.call(this); } ,updatePath: function() { if((this._points.length - 1) % 2 != 0 || this._points.length < 3) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("A QuadPath must have at least 3 points to operate and number of points must be a odd."); } if(!this._updateCurve) { return; } this._updateCurve = false; var i = 0; var j = 0; this._distance = 0; this._numSegs = (this._points.length - 1) / 2 | 0; while(i < this._numSegs) { j = i * 2; this._curveD[i] = this.getCurveLength(this._points[j],this._points[j + 1],this._points[j + 2]); this._distance += this._curveD[i++]; } i = 0; var d = 0; while(i < this._numSegs) { d += this._curveD[i]; this._curveT[i++] = d / this._distance; } this._curveT[this._numSegs - 1] = 1; this._curveT.unshift(0); } ,getCurveLength: function(start,control,finish) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var p1 = point; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; var p2 = point1; p1.set_x(start.x - 2 * control.x + finish.x); p1.set_y(start.y - 2 * control.y + finish.y); p2.set_x(2 * control.x - 2 * start.x); p2.set_y(2 * control.y - 2 * start.y); var a = 4 * (p1.x * p1.x + p1.y * p1.y); var b = 4 * (p1.x * p2.x + p1.y * p2.y); var c = p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y; var abc = 2 * Math.sqrt(a + b + c); var a2 = Math.sqrt(a); var a32 = 2 * a * a2; var c2 = 2 * Math.sqrt(c); var ba = b / a2; p1.put(); p2.put(); return (a32 * abc + a2 * b * (abc - c2) + (4 * c * a - b * b) * Math.log((2 * a2 + ba + abc) / (ba + c2))) / (4 * a32); } ,__class__: flixel_tweens_motion_QuadPath }); var flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxArrayUtil"] = flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxArrayUtil"]; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.setLength_Int = function(array,newLength) { if(newLength < 0) { return array; } var oldLength = array.length; var diff = newLength - oldLength; if(diff >= 0) { return array; } diff = -diff; var _g1 = 0; var _g = diff; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; array.pop(); } return array; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.flatten2DArray_Int = function(array) { var result = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < array.length) { var innerArray = array[_g]; ++_g; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < innerArray.length) { var element = innerArray[_g1]; ++_g1; result.push(element); } } return result; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.fastSplice_flixel_util_FlxTimer = function(array,element) { var index = array.indexOf(element); if(index != -1) { array[index] = array[array.length - 1]; array.pop(); return array; } return array; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.fastSplice_flixel_tweens_FlxTween = function(array,element) { var index = array.indexOf(element); if(index != -1) { array[index] = array[array.length - 1]; array.pop(); return array; } return array; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.swapAndPop_fastSplice_T = function(array,index) { array[index] = array[array.length - 1]; array.pop(); return array; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.setLength_flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup_T = function(array,newLength) { if(newLength < 0) { return array; } var oldLength = array.length; var diff = newLength - oldLength; if(diff >= 0) { return array; } diff = -diff; var _g1 = 0; var _g = diff; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; array.pop(); } return array; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.clearArray = function(array,recursive) { if(recursive == null) { recursive = false; } if(array == null) { return array; } if(recursive) { while(array.length > 0) { var thing = array.pop(); if((thing instanceof Array) && thing.__enum__ == null) { flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.clearArray(array,recursive); } } } else { while(array.length > 0) array.pop(); } return array; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.equals = function(array1,array2) { if(array1 == null && array2 == null) { return true; } if(array1 == null && array2 != null) { return false; } if(array1 != null && array2 == null) { return false; } if(array1.length != array2.length) { return false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = array1.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(array1[i] != array2[i]) { return false; } } return true; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.last = function(array) { if(array == null || array.length == 0) { return null; } return array[array.length - 1]; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.safePush = function(array,element) { if(array == null) { array = []; } array.push(element); return array; }; flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.contains = function(array,element) { return array.indexOf(element) != -1; }; var flixel_util_FlxAxes = $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxAxes"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","util","FlxAxes"], __constructs__ : ["X","Y","XY"] }; flixel_util_FlxAxes.X = ["X",0]; flixel_util_FlxAxes.X.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxAxes.X.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxAxes; flixel_util_FlxAxes.Y = ["Y",1]; flixel_util_FlxAxes.Y.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxAxes.Y.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxAxes; flixel_util_FlxAxes.XY = ["XY",2]; flixel_util_FlxAxes.XY.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxAxes.XY.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxAxes; var flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxBitmapDataPool"] = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxBitmapDataPool"]; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.__properties__ = {set_maxLength:"set_maxLength"}; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.get = function(w,h,transparent,fillColor,exactSize) { if(exactSize == null) { exactSize = false; } if(transparent == null) { transparent = true; } var res = null; var node = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head; while(node != null) { var bmd = node.bmd; if(bmd.transparent == transparent && bmd.width >= w && bmd.height >= h && (!exactSize || exactSize && bmd.width == w && bmd.height == h)) { res = bmd; if(node.prev != null) { node.prev.next = node.next; } if(node.next != null) { node.next.prev = node.prev; } if(node == flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head) { flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head = node.next; } if(node == flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._tail) { flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._tail = node.prev; } node = null; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.$length--; break; } node = node.next; } if(res != null) { if(fillColor != null) { flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._rect.x = 0; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._rect.y = 0; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._rect.width = w; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._rect.height = h; res.fillRect(flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._rect,fillColor); } } else { res = new openfl_display_BitmapData(w,h,transparent,fillColor != null ? fillColor : -1); } return res; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.put = function(bmd) { if(flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.$length >= flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.maxLength) { var last = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._tail; last.bmd.dispose(); if(last.prev != null) { last.prev.next = null; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._tail = last.prev; } last = null; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.$length--; } var node = new flixel_util__$FlxBitmapDataPool_FlxBitmapDataPoolNode(bmd); node.next = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head; if(flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head == null) { flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._tail = node; } else { flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head = node; node.next.prev = node; } flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.$length++; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.clear = function() { var node = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head; while(node != null) { var bmd = node.bmd; bmd.dispose(); bmd = null; node = node.next; } flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.$length = 0; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._head = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._tail = null; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.set_maxLength = function(value) { if(flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.maxLength != value) { var node = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool._tail; while(node != null && flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.$length > value) { var bmd = node.bmd; bmd.dispose(); bmd = null; node = node.prev; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.$length--; } } return flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.maxLength = value; }; var flixel_util__$FlxBitmapDataPool_FlxBitmapDataPoolNode = function(bmd,prev,next) { this.bmd = bmd; this.prev = prev; this.next = next; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxBitmapDataPool.FlxBitmapDataPoolNode"] = flixel_util__$FlxBitmapDataPool_FlxBitmapDataPoolNode; flixel_util__$FlxBitmapDataPool_FlxBitmapDataPoolNode.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxBitmapDataPool","FlxBitmapDataPoolNode"]; flixel_util__$FlxBitmapDataPool_FlxBitmapDataPoolNode.prototype = { bmd: null ,prev: null ,next: null ,__class__: flixel_util__$FlxBitmapDataPool_FlxBitmapDataPoolNode }; var flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxBitmapDataUtil"] = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxBitmapDataUtil"]; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.merge = function(sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destBitmapData,destPoint,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier) { if(destPoint.x >= destBitmapData.width || destPoint.y >= destBitmapData.height || sourceRect.x >= sourceBitmapData.width || sourceRect.y >= sourceBitmapData.height || sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width <= 0 || sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height <= 0) { return; } while(sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width > sourceBitmapData.width || sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height > sourceBitmapData.height || sourceRect.x < 0 || sourceRect.y < 0 || destPoint.x < 0 || destPoint.y < 0) { if(sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width > sourceBitmapData.width) { sourceRect.width = sourceBitmapData.width - sourceRect.x; } if(sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height > sourceBitmapData.height) { sourceRect.height = sourceBitmapData.height - sourceRect.y; } if(sourceRect.x < 0) { destPoint.x -= sourceRect.x; sourceRect.width += sourceRect.x; sourceRect.x = 0; } if(sourceRect.y < 0) { destPoint.y -= sourceRect.y; sourceRect.height += sourceRect.y; sourceRect.y = 0; } if(destPoint.x >= destBitmapData.width || destPoint.y >= destBitmapData.height) { return; } if(destPoint.x < 0) { sourceRect.x -= destPoint.x; sourceRect.width += destPoint.x; destPoint.x = 0; } if(destPoint.y < 0) { sourceRect.y -= destPoint.y; sourceRect.height += destPoint.y; destPoint.y = 0; } } if(sourceRect.width <= 0 || sourceRect.height <= 0) { return; } var startSourceX = Math.round(sourceRect.x); var startSourceY = Math.round(sourceRect.y); var width = Math.round(sourceRect.width); var height = Math.round(sourceRect.height); var sourceX = startSourceX; var sourceY = startSourceY; var destX = Math.round(destPoint.x); var destY = Math.round(destPoint.y); var currX = destX; var currY = destY; var sourceColor; var destColor; var resultRed; var resultGreen; var resultBlue; var resultAlpha; var resultColor = 0; destBitmapData.lock(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = width; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = height; while(_g3 < _g2) { var j = _g3++; sourceX = startSourceX + i; sourceY = startSourceY + j; currX = destX + i; currY = destY + j; sourceColor = sourceBitmapData.getPixel32(sourceX,sourceY); destColor = destBitmapData.getPixel32(currX,currY); resultRed = ((sourceColor >> 16 & 255) * redMultiplier + (destColor >> 16 & 255) * (256 - redMultiplier)) / 256 | 0; resultGreen = ((sourceColor >> 8 & 255) * greenMultiplier + (destColor >> 8 & 255) * (256 - greenMultiplier)) / 256 | 0; resultBlue = ((sourceColor & 255) * blueMultiplier + (destColor & 255) * (256 - blueMultiplier)) / 256 | 0; resultAlpha = ((sourceColor >> 24 & 255) * alphaMultiplier + (destColor >> 24 & 255) * (256 - alphaMultiplier)) / 256 | 0; var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (resultRed > 255 ? 255 : resultRed < 0 ? 0 : resultRed) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (resultGreen > 255 ? 255 : resultGreen < 0 ? 0 : resultGreen) << 8; color &= -256; color |= resultBlue > 255 ? 255 : resultBlue < 0 ? 0 : resultBlue; color &= 16777215; color |= (resultAlpha > 255 ? 255 : resultAlpha < 0 ? 0 : resultAlpha) << 24; resultColor = color; destBitmapData.setPixel32(currX,currY,resultColor); } } destBitmapData.unlock(); }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.mergeColorComponent = function(source,dest,multiplier) { return (source * multiplier + dest * (256 - multiplier)) / 256 | 0; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.compare = function(Bitmap1,Bitmap2) { if(Bitmap1 == Bitmap2) { return 0; } if(Bitmap1.width != Bitmap2.width) { return -3; } else if(Bitmap1.height != Bitmap2.height) { return -4; } else { var width = Bitmap1.width; var height = Bitmap1.height; var result = new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,height,true,0); var identical = true; var _g1 = 0; var _g = width; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = height; while(_g3 < _g2) { var j = _g3++; var pixel1 = Bitmap1.getPixel32(i,j); var pixel2 = Bitmap2.getPixel32(i,j); if(pixel1 != pixel2) { identical = false; if((pixel1 & 16777215) != (pixel2 & 16777215)) { var diff = (pixel1 >> 16 & 255) - (pixel2 >> 16 & 255); var Red = diff >= 0 ? diff : 256 + diff; var diff1 = (pixel1 >> 8 & 255) - (pixel2 >> 8 & 255); var Green = diff1 >= 0 ? diff1 : 256 + diff1; var diff2 = (pixel1 & 255) - (pixel2 & 255); var Blue = diff2 >= 0 ? diff2 : 256 + diff2; var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (Red > 255 ? 255 : Red < 0 ? 0 : Red) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (Green > 255 ? 255 : Green < 0 ? 0 : Green) << 8; color &= -256; color |= Blue > 255 ? 255 : Blue < 0 ? 0 : Blue; color &= 16777215; color |= -16777216; result.setPixel32(i,j,color); } else { var alpha1 = pixel1 >> 24 & 255; var alpha2 = pixel2 >> 24 & 255; if(alpha1 != alpha2) { var diff3 = alpha1 - alpha2; var Alpha = diff3 >= 0 ? diff3 : 256 + diff3; var color1 = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color1 &= -16711681; color1 |= 16711680; color1 &= -65281; color1 |= 65280; color1 &= -256; color1 |= 255; color1 &= 16777215; color1 |= (Alpha > 255 ? 255 : Alpha < 0 ? 0 : Alpha) << 24; result.setPixel32(i,j,color1); } } } } } if(!identical) { return result; } } return 0; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.getDiff = function(value1,value2) { var diff = value1 - value2; if(diff >= 0) { return diff; } else { return 256 + diff; } }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.getMemorySize = function(bitmapData) { return bitmapData.width * bitmapData.height * 4; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.replaceColor = function(bitmapData,color,newColor,fetchPositions,rect) { if(fetchPositions == null) { fetchPositions = false; } var positions = null; if(fetchPositions) { positions = []; } var startX = 0; var startY = 0; var columns = bitmapData.width; var rows = bitmapData.height; if(rect != null) { startX = rect.x | 0; startY = rect.y | 0; columns = rect.width | 0; rows = rect.height | 0; } columns = Math.max(columns,bitmapData.width) | 0; rows = Math.max(rows,bitmapData.height) | 0; var row = 0; var column = 0; var x; var y; var changed = false; bitmapData.lock(); while(row < rows) { column = 0; while(column < columns) { x = startX + column; y = startY + row; if(bitmapData.getPixel32(x,y) == color) { bitmapData.setPixel32(x,y,newColor); changed = true; if(fetchPositions) { var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(x,y); point._inPool = false; positions.push(point); } } ++column; } ++row; } bitmapData.unlock(); if(changed && positions == null) { positions = []; } return positions; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.addSpacesAndBorders = function(bitmapData,frameSize,spacing,border,region) { if(region == null) { var Width = bitmapData.width; var Height = bitmapData.height; var _this = flixel_math_FlxRect._pool.get(); _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = Width; _this.height = Height; var rect = _this; rect._inPool = false; region = rect; } var frameWidth = region.width | 0; var frameHeight = region.height | 0; if(frameSize != null) { frameWidth = frameSize.x | 0; frameHeight = frameSize.y | 0; } var numHorizontalFrames = region.width / frameWidth | 0; var numVerticalFrames = region.height / frameHeight | 0; var spaceX = 0; var spaceY = 0; if(spacing != null) { spaceX = spacing.x | 0; spaceY = spacing.y | 0; } var borderX = 0; var borderY = 0; if(border != null) { borderX = border.x | 0; borderY = border.y | 0; } var result = new openfl_display_BitmapData(region.width + (numHorizontalFrames - 1) * spaceX + 2 * numHorizontalFrames * borderX | 0,region.height + (numVerticalFrames - 1) * spaceY + 2 * numVerticalFrames * borderY | 0,true,0); result.lock(); var tempRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,frameWidth,frameHeight); var tempPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = numHorizontalFrames; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; tempPoint.x = i * (frameWidth + spaceX + 2 * borderX) + borderX; tempRect.x = i * frameWidth + region.x; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = numVerticalFrames; while(_g3 < _g2) { var j = _g3++; tempPoint.y = j * (frameHeight + spaceY + 2 * borderY) + borderY; tempRect.y = j * frameHeight + region.y; result.copyPixels(bitmapData,tempRect,tempPoint); } } result.unlock(); flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.copyBorderPixels(result,frameWidth,frameHeight,spaceX,spaceY,borderX,borderY,numHorizontalFrames,numVerticalFrames); return result; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.copyBorderPixels = function(bitmapData,frameWidth,frameHeight,spaceX,spaceY,borderX,borderY,horizontalFrames,verticalFrames) { var tempRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,1,bitmapData.height); var tempPoint = new openfl_geom_Point(); bitmapData.lock(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = horizontalFrames; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; tempRect.x = i * (frameWidth + 2 * borderX + spaceX) + borderX; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = borderX; while(_g3 < _g2) { var j = _g3++; tempPoint.x = tempRect.x - j - 1; bitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,tempRect,tempPoint); } tempRect.x += frameWidth - 1; var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = borderX; while(_g31 < _g21) { var j1 = _g31++; tempPoint.x = tempRect.x + j1 + 1; bitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,tempRect,tempPoint); } } tempPoint.setTo(0,0); tempRect.setTo(0,0,bitmapData.width,1); var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = verticalFrames; while(_g11 < _g4) { var i1 = _g11++; tempRect.y = i1 * (frameHeight + 2 * borderY + spaceY) + borderY; var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = borderY; while(_g32 < _g22) { var j2 = _g32++; tempPoint.y = tempRect.y - j2 - 1; bitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,tempRect,tempPoint); } tempRect.y += frameHeight - 1; var _g33 = 0; var _g23 = borderY; while(_g33 < _g23) { var j3 = _g33++; tempPoint.y = tempRect.y + j3 + 1; bitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,tempRect,tempPoint); } } bitmapData.unlock(); return bitmapData; }; flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.generateRotations = function(brush,rotations,antiAliasing,autoBuffer) { if(autoBuffer == null) { autoBuffer = false; } if(antiAliasing == null) { antiAliasing = false; } if(rotations == null) { rotations = 16; } var brushWidth = brush.width; var brushHeight = brush.height; var max = brushHeight > brushWidth ? brushHeight : brushWidth; if(autoBuffer) { max = max * 1.5 | 0; } else { max = max; } var rows = Math.sqrt(rotations) | 0; var columns = Math.ceil(rotations / rows); var bakedRotationAngle = 360 / rotations; var width = max * columns; var height = max * rows; var result = new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,height,true,0); var row = 0; var column = 0; var bakedAngle = 0; var halfBrushWidth = brushWidth * 0.5 | 0; var halfBrushHeight = brushHeight * 0.5 | 0; var midpointX = max * 0.5 | 0; var midpointY = max * 0.5 | 0; while(row < rows) { column = 0; while(column < columns) { flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.matrix.identity(); flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.matrix.translate(-halfBrushWidth,-halfBrushHeight); flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.matrix.rotate(bakedAngle * (Math.PI / 180)); flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.matrix.translate(max * column + midpointX,midpointY); bakedAngle += bakedRotationAngle; result.draw(brush,flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataUtil.matrix,null,null,null,antiAliasing); ++column; } midpointY += max; ++row; } return result; }; var flixel_util_FlxCollision = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxCollision"] = flixel_util_FlxCollision; flixel_util_FlxCollision.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxCollision"]; flixel_util_FlxCollision.pixelPerfectCheck = function(Contact,Target,AlphaTolerance,Camera) { if(AlphaTolerance == null) { AlphaTolerance = 1; } var considerRotation = Contact.angle != 0 || Target.angle != 0; if(Camera != null) { Camera = Camera; } else { Camera = flixel_FlxG.camera; } flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointA.set_x(Contact.x - (Camera.scroll.x * Contact.scrollFactor.x | 0) - Contact.offset.x); flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointA.set_y(Contact.y - (Camera.scroll.y * Contact.scrollFactor.y | 0) - Contact.offset.y); flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointB.set_x(Target.x - (Camera.scroll.x * Target.scrollFactor.x | 0) - Target.offset.x); flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointB.set_y(Target.y - (Camera.scroll.y * Target.scrollFactor.y | 0) - Target.offset.y); if(considerRotation) { Contact.origin.copyTo(flixel_util_FlxCollision.centerA); Target.origin.copyTo(flixel_util_FlxCollision.centerB); var this1 = flixel_util_FlxCollision.centerA; var lengthA = Math.sqrt(this1.x * this1.x + this1.y * this1.y); flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.x = flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointA.x + flixel_util_FlxCollision.centerA.x - lengthA; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.y = flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointA.y + flixel_util_FlxCollision.centerA.y - lengthA; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.width = lengthA * 2; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.height = flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.width; var this2 = flixel_util_FlxCollision.centerB; var lengthB = Math.sqrt(this2.x * this2.x + this2.y * this2.y); flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.x = flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointB.x + flixel_util_FlxCollision.centerB.x - lengthB; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.y = flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointB.y + flixel_util_FlxCollision.centerB.y - lengthB; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.width = lengthB * 2; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.height = flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.width; } else { flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.x = flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointA.x; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.y = flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointA.y; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.width = Contact.frameWidth; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.height = Contact.frameHeight; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.x = flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointB.x; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.y = flixel_util_FlxCollision.pointB.y; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.width = Target.frameWidth; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.height = Target.frameHeight; } var _this = flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect; _this.x = 0; _this.y = 0; _this.width = 0; _this.height = 0; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.intersection(flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB,_this); var tmp; var tmp1; var _this1 = flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect; if(!(_this1.width == 0 || _this1.height == 0)) { tmp1 = flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect.width < 1; } else { tmp1 = true; } if(!tmp1) { tmp = flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect.height < 1; } else { tmp = true; } if(tmp) { return false; } flixel_util_FlxCollision.matrixA.identity(); flixel_util_FlxCollision.matrixA.translate(-(flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect.x - flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.x),-(flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect.y - flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.y)); flixel_util_FlxCollision.matrixB.identity(); flixel_util_FlxCollision.matrixB.translate(-(flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect.x - flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.x),-(flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect.y - flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.y)); Contact.drawFrame(); Target.drawFrame(); var testA = Contact.framePixels; var testB = Target.framePixels; var overlapWidth = flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect.width | 0; var overlapHeight = flixel_util_FlxCollision.intersect.height | 0; if(considerRotation) { flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix.identity(); flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix.translate(-Contact.origin.x,-Contact.origin.y); flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix.rotate(Contact.angle * (Math.PI / 180)); flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix.translate(flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.width / 2,flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.height / 2); var testA2 = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.get(Math.floor(flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.width),Math.floor(flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.height),true,0,false); testA2.draw(testA,flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix,null,null,null,false); testA = testA2; flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix.identity(); flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix.translate(-Target.origin.x,-Target.origin.y); flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix.rotate(Target.angle * (Math.PI / 180)); flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix.translate(flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.width / 2,flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.height / 2); var testB2 = flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.get(Math.floor(flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.width),Math.floor(flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.height),true,0,false); testB2.draw(testB,flixel_util_FlxCollision.testMatrix,null,null,null,false); testB = testB2; } flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.x = -flixel_util_FlxCollision.matrixA.tx | 0; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.y = -flixel_util_FlxCollision.matrixA.ty | 0; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.width = overlapWidth; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA.height = overlapHeight; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.x = -flixel_util_FlxCollision.matrixB.tx | 0; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.y = -flixel_util_FlxCollision.matrixB.ty | 0; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.width = overlapWidth; flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB.height = overlapHeight; var _this2 = flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsA; var FlashRect = flixel_util_FlxCollision.flashRect; if(FlashRect == null) { FlashRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } FlashRect.x = _this2.x; FlashRect.y = _this2.y; FlashRect.width = _this2.width; FlashRect.height = _this2.height; var pixelsA = testA.getPixels(flixel_util_FlxCollision.flashRect); var _this3 = flixel_util_FlxCollision.boundsB; var FlashRect1 = flixel_util_FlxCollision.flashRect; if(FlashRect1 == null) { FlashRect1 = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } FlashRect1.x = _this3.x; FlashRect1.y = _this3.y; FlashRect1.width = _this3.width; FlashRect1.height = _this3.height; var pixelsB = testB.getPixels(flixel_util_FlxCollision.flashRect); var hit = false; var alphaA = 0; var alphaB = 0; var overlapPixels = overlapWidth * overlapHeight; var alphaIdx = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = Math.ceil(overlapPixels / 2); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; alphaIdx = i << 3; pixelsA.position = pixelsB.position = alphaIdx; alphaA = pixelsA.readUnsignedByte(); alphaB = pixelsB.readUnsignedByte(); if(alphaA >= AlphaTolerance && alphaB >= AlphaTolerance) { hit = true; break; } } if(!hit) { var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = overlapPixels >> 1; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; alphaIdx = (i1 << 3) + 4; pixelsA.position = pixelsB.position = alphaIdx; alphaA = pixelsA.readUnsignedByte(); alphaB = pixelsB.readUnsignedByte(); if(alphaA >= AlphaTolerance && alphaB >= AlphaTolerance) { hit = true; break; } } } if(considerRotation) { flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.put(testA); flixel_util_FlxBitmapDataPool.put(testB); } return hit; }; flixel_util_FlxCollision.pixelPerfectPointCheck = function(PointX,PointY,Target,AlphaTolerance) { if(AlphaTolerance == null) { AlphaTolerance = 1; } if(!flixel_math_FlxMath.pointInCoordinates(PointX,PointY,Math.floor(Target.x),Math.floor(Target.y),Target.get_width() | 0,Target.get_height() | 0)) { return false; } if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { Target.drawFrame(); } var test = Target.framePixels; var pixelAlpha = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(test.getPixel32(Math.floor(PointX - Target.x),Math.floor(PointY - Target.y))) >> 24 & 255; if(flixel_FlxG.renderTile) { pixelAlpha = pixelAlpha * Target.alpha | 0; } return pixelAlpha >= AlphaTolerance; }; flixel_util_FlxCollision.createCameraWall = function(Camera,PlaceOutside,Thickness,AdjustWorldBounds) { if(AdjustWorldBounds == null) { AdjustWorldBounds = false; } if(PlaceOutside == null) { PlaceOutside = true; } var left = null; var right = null; var top = null; var bottom = null; if(PlaceOutside) { left = new flixel_tile_FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x - Thickness),Math.floor(Camera.y + Thickness),Thickness,Camera.height - Thickness * 2); right = new flixel_tile_FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x + Camera.width),Math.floor(Camera.y + Thickness),Thickness,Camera.height - Thickness * 2); top = new flixel_tile_FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x - Thickness),Math.floor(Camera.y - Thickness),Camera.width + Thickness * 2,Thickness); bottom = new flixel_tile_FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x - Thickness),Camera.height,Camera.width + Thickness * 2,Thickness); if(AdjustWorldBounds) { var _this = flixel_FlxG.worldBounds; _this.x = Camera.x - Thickness; _this.y = Camera.y - Thickness; _this.width = Camera.width + Thickness * 2; _this.height = Camera.height + Thickness * 2; } } else { left = new flixel_tile_FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x),Math.floor(Camera.y + Thickness),Thickness,Camera.height - Thickness * 2); right = new flixel_tile_FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x + Camera.width - Thickness),Math.floor(Camera.y + Thickness),Thickness,Camera.height - Thickness * 2); top = new flixel_tile_FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x),Math.floor(Camera.y),Camera.width,Thickness); bottom = new flixel_tile_FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x),Camera.height - Thickness,Camera.width,Thickness); if(AdjustWorldBounds) { var _this1 = flixel_FlxG.worldBounds; _this1.x = Camera.x; _this1.y = Camera.y; _this1.width = Camera.width; _this1.height = Camera.height; } } var result = new flixel_group_FlxTypedGroup(); result.add(left); result.add(right); result.add(top); result.add(bottom); return result; }; var flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxColor.FlxColor_Impl_"] = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxColor","FlxColor_Impl_"]; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_lightness:"set_lightness",get_lightness:"get_lightness",set_brightness:"set_brightness",get_brightness:"get_brightness",set_saturation:"set_saturation",get_saturation:"get_saturation",set_hue:"set_hue",get_hue:"get_hue",set_black:"set_black",get_black:"get_black",set_yellow:"set_yellow",get_yellow:"get_yellow",set_magenta:"set_magenta",get_magenta:"get_magenta",set_cyan:"set_cyan",get_cyan:"get_cyan",set_alphaFloat:"set_alphaFloat",get_alphaFloat:"get_alphaFloat",set_greenFloat:"set_greenFloat",get_greenFloat:"get_greenFloat",set_blueFloat:"set_blueFloat",get_blueFloat:"get_blueFloat",set_redFloat:"set_redFloat",get_redFloat:"get_redFloat",set_alpha:"set_alpha",get_alpha:"get_alpha",set_green:"set_green",get_green:"get_green",set_blue:"set_blue",get_blue:"get_blue",set_red:"set_red",get_red:"get_red"}; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(Value) { return flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(Value); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromRGB = function(Red,Green,Blue,Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 255; } var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (Red > 255 ? 255 : Red < 0 ? 0 : Red) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (Green > 255 ? 255 : Green < 0 ? 0 : Green) << 8; color &= -256; color |= Blue > 255 ? 255 : Blue < 0 ? 0 : Blue; color &= 16777215; color |= (Alpha > 255 ? 255 : Alpha < 0 ? 0 : Alpha) << 24; return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromRGBFloat = function(Red,Green,Blue,Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 1; } var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); var Value = Math.round(Red * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(Green * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(Blue * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromCMYK = function(Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black,Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 1; } var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); var Value = (1 - Cyan) * (1 - Black); var Value1 = Math.round(Value * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; var Value2 = (1 - Magenta) * (1 - Black); var Value3 = Math.round(Value2 * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 8; var Value4 = (1 - Yellow) * (1 - Black); var Value5 = Math.round(Value4 * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5; var Value6 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6) << 24; return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB = function(Hue,Saturation,Brightness,Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 1; } var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); var chroma = Brightness * Saturation; var match = Brightness - chroma; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; break; case 1: var Value4 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 16; var Value5 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 8; var Value6 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; break; case 2: var Value8 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 16; var Value9 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 8; var Value10 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10; var Value11 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11) << 24; break; case 3: var Value12 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 16; var Value13 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 8; var Value14 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14; var Value15 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15) << 24; break; case 4: var Value16 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 16; var Value17 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 8; var Value18 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18; var Value19 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19) << 24; break; case 5: var Value20 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 16; var Value21 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 8; var Value22 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22; var Value23 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23) << 24; break; } return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSL = function(Hue,Saturation,Lightness,Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 1; } var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); var chroma = (1 - Math.abs(2 * Lightness - 1)) * Saturation; var match = Lightness - chroma / 2; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; break; case 1: var Value4 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 16; var Value5 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 8; var Value6 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; break; case 2: var Value8 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 16; var Value9 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 8; var Value10 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10; var Value11 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11) << 24; break; case 3: var Value12 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 16; var Value13 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 8; var Value14 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14; var Value15 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15) << 24; break; case 4: var Value16 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 16; var Value17 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 8; var Value18 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18; var Value19 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19) << 24; break; case 5: var Value20 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 16; var Value21 = Math.round(match * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 8; var Value22 = Math.round(mid * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22; var Value23 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23) << 24; break; } return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromString = function(str) { var result = null; str = StringTools.trim(str); if(flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.COLOR_REGEX.match(str)) { var hexColor = "0x" + flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.COLOR_REGEX.matched(2); result = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(Std.parseInt(hexColor)); if(hexColor.length == 8) { var Value = Math.round(255); result &= 16777215; result |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 24; } } else { str = str.toUpperCase(); var key = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.colorLookup.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); if(key1.toUpperCase() == str) { var _this = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.colorLookup; result = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(__map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this.getReserved(key1) : _this.h[key1]); break; } } } return result; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getHSBColorWheel = function(Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 255; } var _g = []; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 360) { var c = _g1++; _g.push(flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB(c,1.0,1.0,Alpha)); } return _g; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.interpolate = function(Color1,Color2,Factor) { if(Factor == null) { Factor = 0.5; } var r = ((Color2 >> 16 & 255) - (Color1 >> 16 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 16 & 255) | 0; var g = ((Color2 >> 8 & 255) - (Color1 >> 8 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 8 & 255) | 0; var b = ((Color2 & 255) - (Color1 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 & 255) | 0; var a = ((Color2 >> 24 & 255) - (Color1 >> 24 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 24 & 255) | 0; var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (r > 255 ? 255 : r < 0 ? 0 : r) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (g > 255 ? 255 : g < 0 ? 0 : g) << 8; color &= -256; color |= b > 255 ? 255 : b < 0 ? 0 : b; color &= 16777215; color |= (a > 255 ? 255 : a < 0 ? 0 : a) << 24; return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.gradient = function(Color1,Color2,Steps,Ease) { var output = []; if(Ease == null) { Ease = function(t) { return t; }; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = Steps; while(_g1 < _g) { var step = _g1++; var Factor = Ease(step / (Steps - 1)); var r = ((Color2 >> 16 & 255) - (Color1 >> 16 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 16 & 255) | 0; var g = ((Color2 >> 8 & 255) - (Color1 >> 8 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 8 & 255) | 0; var b = ((Color2 & 255) - (Color1 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 & 255) | 0; var a = ((Color2 >> 24 & 255) - (Color1 >> 24 & 255)) * Factor + (Color1 >> 24 & 255) | 0; var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (r > 255 ? 255 : r < 0 ? 0 : r) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (g > 255 ? 255 : g < 0 ? 0 : g) << 8; color &= -256; color |= b > 255 ? 255 : b < 0 ? 0 : b; color &= 16777215; color |= (a > 255 ? 255 : a < 0 ? 0 : a) << 24; output[step] = color; } return output; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.multiply = function(lhs,rhs) { var Red = (lhs >> 16 & 255) / 255 * ((rhs >> 16 & 255) / 255); var Green = (lhs >> 8 & 255) / 255 * ((rhs >> 8 & 255) / 255); var Blue = (lhs & 255) / 255 * ((rhs & 255) / 255); var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); var Value = Math.round(Red * 255); color &= -16711681; color |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(Green * 255); color &= -65281; color |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(Blue * 255); color &= -256; color |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(255); color &= 16777215; color |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.add = function(lhs,rhs) { var Red = (lhs >> 16 & 255) + (rhs >> 16 & 255); var Green = (lhs >> 8 & 255) + (rhs >> 8 & 255); var Blue = (lhs & 255) + (rhs & 255); var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (Red > 255 ? 255 : Red < 0 ? 0 : Red) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (Green > 255 ? 255 : Green < 0 ? 0 : Green) << 8; color &= -256; color |= Blue > 255 ? 255 : Blue < 0 ? 0 : Blue; color &= 16777215; color |= -16777216; return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.subtract = function(lhs,rhs) { var Red = (lhs >> 16 & 255) - (rhs >> 16 & 255); var Green = (lhs >> 8 & 255) - (rhs >> 8 & 255); var Blue = (lhs & 255) - (rhs & 255); var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (Red > 255 ? 255 : Red < 0 ? 0 : Red) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (Green > 255 ? 255 : Green < 0 ? 0 : Green) << 8; color &= -256; color |= Blue > 255 ? 255 : Blue < 0 ? 0 : Blue; color &= 16777215; color |= -16777216; return color; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getComplementHarmony = function(this1) { return flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB(flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap((flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1) | 0) + 180,0,350),Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),(Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),(this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getAnalogousHarmony = function(this1,Threshold) { if(Threshold == null) { Threshold = 30; } var warmer = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB(flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap((flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1) | 0) - Threshold,0,350),(Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),(this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255); var colder = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB(flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap((flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1) | 0) + Threshold,0,350),(Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),(this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255); return { original : this1, warmer : warmer, colder : colder}; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getSplitComplementHarmony = function(this1,Threshold) { if(Threshold == null) { Threshold = 30; } var oppositeHue = flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap((flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1) | 0) + 180,0,350); var warmer = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB(flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap(oppositeHue - Threshold,0,350),(Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),(this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255); var colder = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB(flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap(oppositeHue + Threshold,0,350),(Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),(this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255); return { original : this1, warmer : warmer, colder : colder}; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getTriadicHarmony = function(this1) { var triadic1 = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB(flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap((flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1) | 0) + 120,0,359),(Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),(this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255); var triadic2 = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.fromHSB(flixel_math_FlxMath.wrap((flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(triadic1) | 0) + 120,0,359),(Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),(this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255); return { color1 : this1, color2 : triadic1, color3 : triadic2}; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.to24Bit = function(this1) { return this1 & 16777215; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.toHexString = function(this1,Alpha,Prefix) { if(Prefix == null) { Prefix = true; } if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = true; } var tmp = Alpha ? StringTools.hex(this1 >> 24 & 255,2) : ""; return (Prefix ? "0x" : "") + tmp + StringTools.hex(this1 >> 16 & 255,2) + StringTools.hex(this1 >> 8 & 255,2) + StringTools.hex(this1 & 255,2); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.toWebString = function(this1) { return "#" + ("" + StringTools.hex(this1 >> 16 & 255,2) + StringTools.hex(this1 >> 8 & 255,2) + StringTools.hex(this1 & 255,2)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getColorInfo = function(this1) { var result = "0x" + StringTools.hex(this1 >> 24 & 255,2) + StringTools.hex(this1 >> 16 & 255,2) + StringTools.hex(this1 >> 8 & 255,2) + StringTools.hex(this1 & 255,2) + "\n"; result += "Alpha: " + (this1 >> 24 & 255) + " Red: " + (this1 >> 16 & 255) + " Green: " + (this1 >> 8 & 255) + " Blue: " + (this1 & 255) + "\n"; result += "Hue: " + flixel_math_FlxMath.roundDecimal(flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1),2) + " Saturation: " + flixel_math_FlxMath.roundDecimal((Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),2) + " Brightness: " + flixel_math_FlxMath.roundDecimal(Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)),2) + " Lightness: " + flixel_math_FlxMath.roundDecimal((Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) + Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / 2,2); return result; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getDarkened = function(this1,Factor) { if(Factor == null) { Factor = 0.2; } var lowerBound = Factor < 0 ? 0 : Factor; if(lowerBound > 1) { Factor = 1; } else { Factor = lowerBound; } var output = this1; var Value = (Math.max((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255)) + Math.min((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255))) / 2 * (1 - Factor); var Hue = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(output); var Alpha = (output >> 24 & 255) / 255; var chroma = (1 - Math.abs(2 * Value - 1)) * ((Math.max((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255))); var match = Value - chroma / 2; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value1 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; var Value2 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 8; var Value3 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3; var Value4 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 24; break; case 1: var Value5 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 16; var Value6 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6) << 8; var Value7 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7; var Value8 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 24; break; case 2: var Value9 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 16; var Value10 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10) << 8; var Value11 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11; var Value12 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 24; break; case 3: var Value13 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 16; var Value14 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14) << 8; var Value15 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15; var Value16 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 24; break; case 4: var Value17 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 16; var Value18 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18) << 8; var Value19 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19; var Value20 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 24; break; case 5: var Value21 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 16; var Value22 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22) << 8; var Value23 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23; var Value24 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value24 > 255 ? 255 : Value24 < 0 ? 0 : Value24) << 24; break; } return output; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getLightened = function(this1,Factor) { if(Factor == null) { Factor = 0.2; } var lowerBound = Factor < 0 ? 0 : Factor; if(lowerBound > 1) { Factor = 1; } else { Factor = lowerBound; } var output = this1; var Value = (Math.max((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255)) + Math.min((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255))) / 2 + (1 - (Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) + Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / 2) * Factor; var Hue = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(output); var Alpha = (output >> 24 & 255) / 255; var chroma = (1 - Math.abs(2 * Value - 1)) * ((Math.max((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((output >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((output >> 8 & 255) / 255,(output & 255) / 255))); var match = Value - chroma / 2; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value1 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; var Value2 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 8; var Value3 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3; var Value4 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 24; break; case 1: var Value5 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 16; var Value6 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6) << 8; var Value7 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7; var Value8 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 24; break; case 2: var Value9 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 16; var Value10 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10) << 8; var Value11 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11; var Value12 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 24; break; case 3: var Value13 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 16; var Value14 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14) << 8; var Value15 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15; var Value16 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 24; break; case 4: var Value17 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 16; var Value18 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18) << 8; var Value19 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19; var Value20 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 24; break; case 5: var Value21 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); output &= -16711681; output |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 16; var Value22 = Math.round(match * 255); output &= -65281; output |= (Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22) << 8; var Value23 = Math.round(mid * 255); output &= -256; output |= Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23; var Value24 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); output &= 16777215; output |= (Value24 > 255 ? 255 : Value24 < 0 ? 0 : Value24) << 24; break; } return output; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getInverted = function(this1) { var oldAlpha = this1 >> 24 & 255; var lhs = -1; var Red = (lhs >> 16 & 255) - (this1 >> 16 & 255); var Green = (lhs >> 8 & 255) - (this1 >> 8 & 255); var Blue = (lhs & 255) - (this1 & 255); var color = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new(); color &= -16711681; color |= (Red > 255 ? 255 : Red < 0 ? 0 : Red) << 16; color &= -65281; color |= (Green > 255 ? 255 : Green < 0 ? 0 : Green) << 8; color &= -256; color |= Blue > 255 ? 255 : Blue < 0 ? 0 : Blue; color &= 16777215; color |= -16777216; var output = color; output &= 16777215; output |= (oldAlpha > 255 ? 255 : oldAlpha < 0 ? 0 : oldAlpha) << 24; return output; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.setRGB = function(this1,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 255; } this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Red > 255 ? 255 : Red < 0 ? 0 : Red) << 16; this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Green > 255 ? 255 : Green < 0 ? 0 : Green) << 8; this1 &= -256; this1 |= Blue > 255 ? 255 : Blue < 0 ? 0 : Blue; this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Alpha > 255 ? 255 : Alpha < 0 ? 0 : Alpha) << 24; return this1; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.setRGBFloat = function(this1,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 1; } var Value = Math.round(Red * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(Green * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(Blue * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; return this1; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.setCMYK = function(this1,Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black,Alpha) { if(Alpha == null) { Alpha = 1; } var Value = (1 - Cyan) * (1 - Black); var Value1 = Math.round(Value * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; var Value2 = (1 - Magenta) * (1 - Black); var Value3 = Math.round(Value2 * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 8; var Value4 = (1 - Yellow) * (1 - Black); var Value5 = Math.round(Value4 * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5; var Value6 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6) << 24; return this1; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.setHSB = function(this1,Hue,Saturation,Brightness,Alpha) { var chroma = Brightness * Saturation; var match = Brightness - chroma; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; break; case 1: var Value4 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 16; var Value5 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 8; var Value6 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; break; case 2: var Value8 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 16; var Value9 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 8; var Value10 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10; var Value11 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11) << 24; break; case 3: var Value12 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 16; var Value13 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 8; var Value14 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14; var Value15 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15) << 24; break; case 4: var Value16 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 16; var Value17 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 8; var Value18 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18; var Value19 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19) << 24; break; case 5: var Value20 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 16; var Value21 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 8; var Value22 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22; var Value23 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23) << 24; break; } return this1; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.setHSL = function(this1,Hue,Saturation,Lightness,Alpha) { var chroma = (1 - Math.abs(2 * Lightness - 1)) * Saturation; var match = Lightness - chroma / 2; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; break; case 1: var Value4 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 16; var Value5 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 8; var Value6 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; break; case 2: var Value8 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 16; var Value9 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 8; var Value10 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10; var Value11 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11) << 24; break; case 3: var Value12 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 16; var Value13 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 8; var Value14 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14; var Value15 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15) << 24; break; case 4: var Value16 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 16; var Value17 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 8; var Value18 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18; var Value19 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19) << 24; break; case 5: var Value20 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 16; var Value21 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 8; var Value22 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22; var Value23 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23) << 24; break; } return this1; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.setHSChromaMatch = function(this1,Hue,Saturation,Chroma,Match,Alpha) { Hue %= 360; var hueD = Hue / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + Match; Chroma += Match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; var Value1 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; var Value2 = Math.round(Match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2; var Value3 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3) << 24; break; case 1: var Value4 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 16; var Value5 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 8; var Value6 = Math.round(Match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; break; case 2: var Value8 = Math.round(Match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 16; var Value9 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 8; var Value10 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10; var Value11 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11) << 24; break; case 3: var Value12 = Math.round(Match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 16; var Value13 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 8; var Value14 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14; var Value15 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15) << 24; break; case 4: var Value16 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 16; var Value17 = Math.round(Match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 8; var Value18 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18; var Value19 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19) << 24; break; case 5: var Value20 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 16; var Value21 = Math.round(Match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 8; var Value22 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22; var Value23 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23) << 24; break; } return this1; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$._new = function(Value) { if(Value == null) { Value = 0; } var this1 = Value; return this1; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.getThis = function(this1) { return this1; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.validate = function(this1) { }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_red = function(this1) { return this1 >> 16 & 255; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_green = function(this1) { return this1 >> 8 & 255; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_blue = function(this1) { return this1 & 255; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_alpha = function(this1) { return this1 >> 24 & 255; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_redFloat = function(this1) { return (this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_greenFloat = function(this1) { return (this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_blueFloat = function(this1) { return (this1 & 255) / 255; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_alphaFloat = function(this1) { return (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_red = function(this1,Value) { this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 16; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_green = function(this1,Value) { this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 8; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_blue = function(this1,Value) { this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_alpha = function(this1,Value) { this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value > 255 ? 255 : Value < 0 ? 0 : Value) << 24; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_redFloat = function(this1,Value) { var Value1 = Math.round(Value * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_greenFloat = function(this1,Value) { var Value1 = Math.round(Value * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 8; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_blueFloat = function(this1,Value) { var Value1 = Math.round(Value * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_alphaFloat = function(this1,Value) { var Value1 = Math.round(Value * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 24; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_cyan = function(this1) { return (1 - (this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_magenta = function(this1) { return (1 - (this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_yellow = function(this1) { return (1 - (this1 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_black = function(this1) { return 1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_cyan = function(this1,Value) { var Magenta = (1 - (this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Yellow = (1 - (this1 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Black = 1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Alpha = (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; var Value1 = (1 - Value) * (1 - Black); var Value2 = Math.round(Value1 * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 16; var Value3 = (1 - Magenta) * (1 - Black); var Value4 = Math.round(Value3 * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 8; var Value5 = (1 - Yellow) * (1 - Black); var Value6 = Math.round(Value5 * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_magenta = function(this1,Value) { var Yellow = (1 - (this1 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Black = 1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Alpha = (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; var Value1 = (1 - (1 - (this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) * (1 - Black); var Value2 = Math.round(Value1 * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 16; var Value3 = (1 - Value) * (1 - Black); var Value4 = Math.round(Value3 * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 8; var Value5 = (1 - Yellow) * (1 - Black); var Value6 = Math.round(Value5 * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_yellow = function(this1,Value) { var Magenta = (1 - (this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Black = 1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Alpha = (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; var Value1 = (1 - (1 - (this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) * (1 - Black); var Value2 = Math.round(Value1 * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 16; var Value3 = (1 - Magenta) * (1 - Black); var Value4 = Math.round(Value3 * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 8; var Value5 = (1 - Value) * (1 - Black); var Value6 = Math.round(Value5 * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_black = function(this1,Value) { var Magenta = (1 - (this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Yellow = (1 - (this1 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Alpha = (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; var Value1 = (1 - (1 - (this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255 - (1 - Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) * (1 - Value); var Value2 = Math.round(Value1 * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 16; var Value3 = (1 - Magenta) * (1 - Value); var Value4 = Math.round(Value3 * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 8; var Value5 = (1 - Yellow) * (1 - Value); var Value6 = Math.round(Value5 * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6; var Value7 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7) << 24; return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue = function(this1) { var hueRad = Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(3) * ((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255 - (this1 & 255) / 255),2 * ((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255) - (this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255 - (this1 & 255) / 255); var hue = 0; if(hueRad != 0) { hue = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(3) * ((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255 - (this1 & 255) / 255),2 * ((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255) - (this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255 - (this1 & 255) / 255); } if(hue < 0) { return hue + 360; } else { return hue; } }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_brightness = function(this1) { return Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_saturation = function(this1) { return (Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_lightness = function(this1) { return (Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) + Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / 2; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_hue = function(this1,Value) { var Brightness = Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Alpha = (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; var chroma = Brightness * ((Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))); var match = Brightness - chroma; var Hue = Value; var Chroma = chroma; Hue %= 360; var hueD = Hue / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value1 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; var Value2 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 8; var Value3 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3; var Value4 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 24; break; case 1: var Value5 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 16; var Value6 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6) << 8; var Value7 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7; var Value8 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 24; break; case 2: var Value9 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 16; var Value10 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10) << 8; var Value11 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11; var Value12 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 24; break; case 3: var Value13 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 16; var Value14 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14) << 8; var Value15 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15; var Value16 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 24; break; case 4: var Value17 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 16; var Value18 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18) << 8; var Value19 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19; var Value20 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 24; break; case 5: var Value21 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 16; var Value22 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22) << 8; var Value23 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23; var Value24 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value24 > 255 ? 255 : Value24 < 0 ? 0 : Value24) << 24; break; } return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_saturation = function(this1,Value) { var Hue = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1); var Brightness = Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); var Alpha = (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; var chroma = Brightness * Value; var match = Brightness - chroma; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value1 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; var Value2 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 8; var Value3 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3; var Value4 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 24; break; case 1: var Value5 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 16; var Value6 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6) << 8; var Value7 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7; var Value8 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 24; break; case 2: var Value9 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 16; var Value10 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10) << 8; var Value11 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11; var Value12 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 24; break; case 3: var Value13 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 16; var Value14 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14) << 8; var Value15 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15; var Value16 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 24; break; case 4: var Value17 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 16; var Value18 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18) << 8; var Value19 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19; var Value20 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 24; break; case 5: var Value21 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 16; var Value22 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22) << 8; var Value23 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23; var Value24 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value24 > 255 ? 255 : Value24 < 0 ? 0 : Value24) << 24; break; } return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_brightness = function(this1,Value) { var Hue = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1); var Alpha = (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; var chroma = Value * ((Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))); var match = Value - chroma; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value1 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; var Value2 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 8; var Value3 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3; var Value4 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 24; break; case 1: var Value5 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 16; var Value6 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6) << 8; var Value7 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7; var Value8 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 24; break; case 2: var Value9 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 16; var Value10 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10) << 8; var Value11 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11; var Value12 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 24; break; case 3: var Value13 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 16; var Value14 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14) << 8; var Value15 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15; var Value16 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 24; break; case 4: var Value17 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 16; var Value18 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18) << 8; var Value19 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19; var Value20 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 24; break; case 5: var Value21 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 16; var Value22 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22) << 8; var Value23 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23; var Value24 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value24 > 255 ? 255 : Value24 < 0 ? 0 : Value24) << 24; break; } return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.set_lightness = function(this1,Value) { var Hue = flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.get_hue(this1); var Alpha = (this1 >> 24 & 255) / 255; var chroma = (1 - Math.abs(2 * Value - 1)) * ((Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)) - Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))) / Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255))); var match = Value - chroma / 2; var Hue1 = Hue; var Chroma = chroma; Hue1 %= 360; var hueD = Hue1 / 60; var mid = Chroma * (1 - Math.abs(hueD % 2 - 1)) + match; Chroma += match; var _g = hueD | 0; switch(_g) { case 0: var Value1 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value1 > 255 ? 255 : Value1 < 0 ? 0 : Value1) << 16; var Value2 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value2 > 255 ? 255 : Value2 < 0 ? 0 : Value2) << 8; var Value3 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value3 > 255 ? 255 : Value3 < 0 ? 0 : Value3; var Value4 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value4 > 255 ? 255 : Value4 < 0 ? 0 : Value4) << 24; break; case 1: var Value5 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value5 > 255 ? 255 : Value5 < 0 ? 0 : Value5) << 16; var Value6 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value6 > 255 ? 255 : Value6 < 0 ? 0 : Value6) << 8; var Value7 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value7 > 255 ? 255 : Value7 < 0 ? 0 : Value7; var Value8 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value8 > 255 ? 255 : Value8 < 0 ? 0 : Value8) << 24; break; case 2: var Value9 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value9 > 255 ? 255 : Value9 < 0 ? 0 : Value9) << 16; var Value10 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value10 > 255 ? 255 : Value10 < 0 ? 0 : Value10) << 8; var Value11 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value11 > 255 ? 255 : Value11 < 0 ? 0 : Value11; var Value12 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value12 > 255 ? 255 : Value12 < 0 ? 0 : Value12) << 24; break; case 3: var Value13 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value13 > 255 ? 255 : Value13 < 0 ? 0 : Value13) << 16; var Value14 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value14 > 255 ? 255 : Value14 < 0 ? 0 : Value14) << 8; var Value15 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value15 > 255 ? 255 : Value15 < 0 ? 0 : Value15; var Value16 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value16 > 255 ? 255 : Value16 < 0 ? 0 : Value16) << 24; break; case 4: var Value17 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value17 > 255 ? 255 : Value17 < 0 ? 0 : Value17) << 16; var Value18 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value18 > 255 ? 255 : Value18 < 0 ? 0 : Value18) << 8; var Value19 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value19 > 255 ? 255 : Value19 < 0 ? 0 : Value19; var Value20 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value20 > 255 ? 255 : Value20 < 0 ? 0 : Value20) << 24; break; case 5: var Value21 = Math.round(Chroma * 255); this1 &= -16711681; this1 |= (Value21 > 255 ? 255 : Value21 < 0 ? 0 : Value21) << 16; var Value22 = Math.round(match * 255); this1 &= -65281; this1 |= (Value22 > 255 ? 255 : Value22 < 0 ? 0 : Value22) << 8; var Value23 = Math.round(mid * 255); this1 &= -256; this1 |= Value23 > 255 ? 255 : Value23 < 0 ? 0 : Value23; var Value24 = Math.round(Alpha * 255); this1 &= 16777215; this1 |= (Value24 > 255 ? 255 : Value24 < 0 ? 0 : Value24) << 24; break; } return Value; }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.maxColor = function(this1) { return Math.max((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.max((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.minColor = function(this1) { return Math.min((this1 >> 16 & 255) / 255,Math.min((this1 >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this1 & 255) / 255)); }; flixel_util__$FlxColor_FlxColor_$Impl_$.boundChannel = function(this1,Value) { if(Value > 255) { return 255; } else if(Value < 0) { return 0; } else { return Value; } }; var flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxColorTransformUtil"] = flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil; flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxColorTransformUtil"]; flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.setMultipliers = function(transform,red,green,blue,alpha) { transform.redMultiplier = red; transform.greenMultiplier = green; transform.blueMultiplier = blue; transform.alphaMultiplier = alpha; return transform; }; flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.setOffsets = function(transform,red,green,blue,alpha) { transform.redOffset = red; transform.greenOffset = green; transform.blueOffset = blue; transform.alphaOffset = alpha; return transform; }; flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBMultipliers = function(transform) { if(!(transform.redMultiplier != 1 || transform.greenMultiplier != 1)) { return transform.blueMultiplier != 1; } else { return true; } }; flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBAMultipliers = function(transform) { if(!flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBMultipliers(transform)) { return transform.alphaMultiplier != 1; } else { return true; } }; flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBOffsets = function(transform) { if(!(transform.redOffset != 0 || transform.greenOffset != 0)) { return transform.blueOffset != 0; } else { return true; } }; flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBAOffsets = function(transform) { if(!flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.hasRGBOffsets(transform)) { return transform.alphaOffset != 0; } else { return true; } }; var flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil"] = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxDestroyUtil"]; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy = function(object) { if(object != null) { object.destroy(); } return null; }; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray = function(array) { if(array != null) { var _g = 0; while(_g < array.length) { var e = array[_g]; ++_g; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(e); } array.splice(0,array.length); } return null; }; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put = function(object) { if(object != null) { object.put(); } return null; }; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.putArray = function(array) { if(array != null) { var _g = 0; while(_g < array.length) { var e = array[_g]; ++_g; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(e); } array.splice(0,array.length); } return null; }; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.dispose = function(bitmapData) { if(bitmapData != null) { bitmapData.dispose(); } return null; }; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.disposeIfNotEqual = function(bitmapData,width,height) { if(bitmapData != null && (bitmapData.width != width || bitmapData.height != height)) { bitmapData.dispose(); return null; } else if(bitmapData != null) { return bitmapData; } return null; }; flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild = function(parent,child) { if(parent != null && child != null && parent.contains(child)) { parent.removeChild(child); } return null; }; var flixel_util_FlxGradient = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxGradient"] = flixel_util_FlxGradient; flixel_util_FlxGradient.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxGradient"]; flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientMatrix = function(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation) { if(rotation == null) { rotation = 90; } if(chunkSize == null) { chunkSize = 1; } var gradientMatrix = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); var rot = rotation * (Math.PI / 180); gradientMatrix.createGradientBox(width,_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(height) / _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(chunkSize),rot,0,0); var alpha = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = colors.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var ai = _g1++; alpha.push((colors[ai] >> 24 & 255) / 255); } var ratio = []; if(colors.length == 2) { ratio[0] = 0; ratio[1] = 255; } else { var spread = 255 / (colors.length - 1) | 0; ratio.push(0); var _g11 = 1; var _g2 = colors.length - 1; while(_g11 < _g2) { var ri = _g11++; ratio.push(ri * spread); } ratio.push(255); } return { matrix : gradientMatrix, alpha : alpha, ratio : ratio}; }; flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientArray = function(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate) { if(interpolate == null) { interpolate = true; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 90; } if(chunkSize == null) { chunkSize = 1; } var data = flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientBitmapData(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate); var result = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = data.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; result.push(data.getPixel32(0,y)); } return result; }; flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientFlxSprite = function(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate) { if(interpolate == null) { interpolate = true; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 90; } if(chunkSize == null) { chunkSize = 1; } var data = flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientBitmapData(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate); var dest = new flixel_FlxSprite(); dest.set_pixels(data); return dest; }; flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientBitmapData = function(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate) { if(interpolate == null) { interpolate = true; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 90; } if(chunkSize == null) { chunkSize = 1; } if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(1,width)) { width = 1; } if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(1,height)) { height = 1; } var gradient = flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientMatrix(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation); var shape = new openfl_display_Shape(); var interpolationMethod = interpolate ? 1 : 0; shape.get_graphics().beginGradientFill(0,colors,gradient.alpha,gradient.ratio,gradient.matrix,0,interpolationMethod,0); shape.get_graphics().drawRect(0,0,_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(width),_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(height) / _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(chunkSize)); var data = new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,height,true,0); if(chunkSize == 1) { data.draw(shape); } else { var tempBitmap = new openfl_display_Bitmap(new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(height) / _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(chunkSize) | 0,true,0)); tempBitmap.get_bitmapData().draw(shape); tempBitmap.set_scaleY(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(chunkSize)); var sM = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); sM.scale(tempBitmap.get_scaleX(),tempBitmap.get_scaleY()); data.draw(tempBitmap,sM); } return data; }; flixel_util_FlxGradient.overlayGradientOnFlxSprite = function(dest,width,height,colors,destX,destY,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate) { if(interpolate == null) { interpolate = true; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 90; } if(chunkSize == null) { chunkSize = 1; } if(destY == null) { destY = 0; } if(destX == null) { destX = 0; } if(width > dest.get_width()) { width = dest.get_width() | 0; } if(height > dest.get_height()) { height = dest.get_height() | 0; } var source = flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientFlxSprite(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate); dest.stamp(source,destX,destY); source.destroy(); return dest; }; flixel_util_FlxGradient.overlayGradientOnBitmapData = function(dest,width,height,colors,destX,destY,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate) { if(interpolate == null) { interpolate = true; } if(rotation == null) { rotation = 90; } if(chunkSize == null) { chunkSize = 1; } if(destY == null) { destY = 0; } if(destX == null) { destX = 0; } if(width > dest.width) { width = dest.width; } if(height > dest.height) { height = dest.height; } var source = flixel_util_FlxGradient.createGradientBitmapData(width,height,colors,chunkSize,rotation,interpolate); dest.copyPixels(source,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,source.width,source.height),new openfl_geom_Point(destX,destY),null,null,true); source.dispose(); return dest; }; var flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign = $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxHorizontalAlign"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","util","FlxHorizontalAlign"], __constructs__ : ["LEFT","CENTER","RIGHT"] }; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.LEFT = ["LEFT",0]; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.LEFT.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.LEFT.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.CENTER = ["CENTER",1]; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.CENTER.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.CENTER.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.RIGHT = ["RIGHT",2]; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.RIGHT.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign.RIGHT.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxHorizontalAlign; var flixel_util_FlxPath = function(Nodes) { this._firstUpdate = false; this._wasObjectImmovable = null; this._autoRotate = false; this._inc = 1; this.finished = false; this.nodeIndex = 0; this.active = false; this.autoCenter = true; this.angle = 0; this.speed = 0; if(Nodes != null) { this._nodes = Nodes.slice(); } else { this._nodes = []; } }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxPath"] = flixel_util_FlxPath; flixel_util_FlxPath.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxPath"]; flixel_util_FlxPath.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_util_FlxPath.prototype = { _nodes: null ,speed: null ,angle: null ,autoCenter: null ,active: null ,onComplete: null ,nodeIndex: null ,finished: null ,_mode: null ,_inc: null ,_autoRotate: null ,_wasObjectImmovable: null ,_firstUpdate: null ,object: null ,reset: function() { this.autoCenter = true; return this; } ,setProperties: function(Speed,Mode,AutoRotate) { if(AutoRotate == null) { AutoRotate = false; } if(Mode == null) { Mode = 0; } if(Speed == null) { Speed = 100; } this.speed = Math.abs(Speed); this._mode = Mode; this._autoRotate = AutoRotate; return this; } ,start: function(Nodes,Speed,Mode,AutoRotate,NodesAsReference) { if(NodesAsReference == null) { NodesAsReference = false; } if(AutoRotate == null) { AutoRotate = false; } if(Mode == null) { Mode = 0; } if(Speed == null) { Speed = 100; } if(Nodes != null) { if(NodesAsReference) { this._nodes = Nodes; } else { this._nodes = Nodes.slice(); } } this.setProperties(Speed,Mode,AutoRotate); if(this._nodes.length > 0) { this.restart(); } return this; } ,restart: function() { this.finished = false; this._firstUpdate = true; this.active = this._nodes.length > 0; if(!this.active) { return this; } if(this._mode == 1 || this._mode == 256) { this.nodeIndex = this._nodes.length - 1; this._inc = -1; } else { this.nodeIndex = 0; this._inc = 1; } return this; } ,setNode: function(NodeIndex) { if(NodeIndex < 0) { NodeIndex = 0; } else if(NodeIndex > this._nodes.length - 1) { NodeIndex = this._nodes.length - 1; } this.nodeIndex = NodeIndex; this.advancePath(); return this; } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this.object == null) { return; } if(this._firstUpdate) { this._wasObjectImmovable = this.object.immovable; this.object.set_immovable(true); this._firstUpdate = false; } flixel_util_FlxPath._point.set_x(this.object.x); flixel_util_FlxPath._point.set_y(this.object.y); if(this.autoCenter) { var _this = flixel_util_FlxPath._point; var X = this.object.get_width() * 0.5; var Y = this.object.get_height() * 0.5; var _g = _this; _g.set_x(_g.x + X); var _g1 = _this; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + Y); } var node = this._nodes[this.nodeIndex]; var deltaX = node.x - flixel_util_FlxPath._point.x; var deltaY = node.y - flixel_util_FlxPath._point.y; var horizontalOnly = (this._mode & 65536) > 0; var verticalOnly = (this._mode & 1048576) > 0; if(horizontalOnly) { if((deltaX > 0 ? deltaX : -deltaX) < this.speed * elapsed) { node = this.advancePath(); } } else if(verticalOnly) { if((deltaY > 0 ? deltaY : -deltaY) < this.speed * elapsed) { node = this.advancePath(); } } else if(Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) < this.speed * elapsed) { node = this.advancePath(); } if(this.object != null && this.speed != 0) { flixel_util_FlxPath._point.set_x(this.object.x); flixel_util_FlxPath._point.set_y(this.object.y); if(this.autoCenter) { var _this1 = flixel_util_FlxPath._point; var X1 = this.object.get_width() * 0.5; var Y1 = this.object.get_height() * 0.5; var _g2 = _this1; _g2.set_x(_g2.x + X1); var _g3 = _this1; _g3.set_y(_g3.y + Y1); } var _this2 = flixel_util_FlxPath._point; var result = Math.abs(_this2.x - node.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this2.y - node.y) <= 0.0000001; if(node._weak) { node.put(); } if(!result) { this.calculateVelocity(node,horizontalOnly,verticalOnly); } else { this.object.velocity.set(); } if(this._autoRotate) { this.object.angularVelocity = 0; this.object.angularAcceleration = 0; this.object.set_angle(this.angle); } if(this.finished) { this.cancel(); } } } ,calculateVelocity: function(node,horizontalOnly,verticalOnly) { if(horizontalOnly || flixel_util_FlxPath._point.y == node.y) { this.object.velocity.set_x(flixel_util_FlxPath._point.x < node.x ? this.speed : -this.speed); this.angle = this.object.velocity.x < 0 ? -90 : 90; if(!horizontalOnly) { this.object.velocity.set_y(0); } } else if(verticalOnly || flixel_util_FlxPath._point.x == node.x) { this.object.velocity.set_y(flixel_util_FlxPath._point.y < node.y ? this.speed : -this.speed); this.angle = this.object.velocity.y < 0 ? 0 : 180; if(!verticalOnly) { this.object.velocity.set_x(0); } } else { this.object.velocity.set_x(flixel_util_FlxPath._point.x < node.x ? this.speed : -this.speed); this.object.velocity.set_y(flixel_util_FlxPath._point.y < node.y ? this.speed : -this.speed); this.angle = flixel_util_FlxPath._point.angleBetween(node); this.object.velocity.set(0,-this.speed); var tmp = this.object.velocity; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = point; point1._weak = true; tmp.rotate(point1,this.angle); } } ,advancePath: function(Snap) { if(Snap == null) { Snap = true; } if(Snap) { var oldNode = this._nodes[this.nodeIndex]; if(oldNode != null) { if((this._mode & 1048576) == 0) { this.object.set_x(oldNode.x); if(this.autoCenter) { var _g = this.object; _g.set_x(_g.x - this.object.get_width() * 0.5); } } if((this._mode & 65536) == 0) { this.object.set_y(oldNode.y); if(this.autoCenter) { var _g1 = this.object; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - this.object.get_height() * 0.5); } } } } var callComplete = false; this.nodeIndex += this._inc; if((this._mode & 1) > 0) { if(this.nodeIndex < 0) { this.nodeIndex = 0; callComplete = true; this.onEnd(); } } else if((this._mode & 16) > 0) { if(this.nodeIndex >= this._nodes.length) { callComplete = true; this.nodeIndex = 0; } } else if((this._mode & 256) > 0) { if(this.nodeIndex < 0) { this.nodeIndex = this._nodes.length - 1; callComplete = true; if(this.nodeIndex < 0) { this.nodeIndex = 0; } } } else if((this._mode & 4096) > 0) { if(this._inc > 0) { if(this.nodeIndex >= this._nodes.length) { this.nodeIndex = this._nodes.length - 2; callComplete = true; if(this.nodeIndex < 0) { this.nodeIndex = 0; } this._inc = -this._inc; } } else if(this.nodeIndex < 0) { this.nodeIndex = 1; callComplete = true; if(this.nodeIndex >= this._nodes.length) { this.nodeIndex = this._nodes.length - 1; } if(this.nodeIndex < 0) { this.nodeIndex = 0; } this._inc = -this._inc; } } else if(this.nodeIndex >= this._nodes.length) { this.nodeIndex = this._nodes.length - 1; callComplete = true; this.onEnd(); } if(callComplete && this.onComplete != null) { this.onComplete(this); } return this._nodes[this.nodeIndex]; } ,cancel: function() { this.onEnd(); if(this.object != null) { this.object.velocity.set(0,0); } return this; } ,onEnd: function() { this.finished = true; this.active = false; if(this._wasObjectImmovable != null) { this.object.set_immovable(this._wasObjectImmovable); } this._wasObjectImmovable = null; } ,destroy: function() { flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.putArray(this._nodes); this._nodes = null; this.object = null; this.onComplete = null; } ,add: function(X,Y) { var tmp = this._nodes; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; tmp.push(point); return this; } ,addAt: function(X,Y,Index) { if(Index < 0) { return this; } var _this = this._nodes; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; _this.splice(Index,0,point); return this; } ,addPoint: function(Node,AsReference) { if(AsReference == null) { AsReference = false; } if(AsReference) { this._nodes.push(Node); } else { var tmp = this._nodes; var X = Node.x; var Y = Node.y; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; tmp.push(point); } return this; } ,addPointAt: function(Node,Index,AsReference) { if(AsReference == null) { AsReference = false; } if(Index < 0) { return this; } if(AsReference) { this._nodes.splice(Index,0,Node); } else { var _this = this._nodes; var X = Node.x; var Y = Node.y; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(X,Y); point._inPool = false; _this.splice(Index,0,point); } return this; } ,remove: function(Node) { var index = this._nodes.indexOf(Node); if(index >= 0) { return this._nodes.splice(index,1)[0]; } return null; } ,removeAt: function(Index) { if(this._nodes.length <= 0) { return null; } if(Index >= this._nodes.length - 1) { this._nodes.pop(); } return this._nodes.splice(Index,1)[0]; } ,head: function() { if(this._nodes.length > 0) { return this._nodes[0]; } return null; } ,tail: function() { if(this._nodes.length > 0) { return this._nodes[this._nodes.length - 1]; } return null; } ,get_nodes: function() { return this._nodes; } ,set_nodes: function(Nodes) { if(Nodes != null) { this._nodes = Nodes; } return this._nodes; } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxPath ,__properties__: {set_nodes:"set_nodes",get_nodes:"get_nodes"} }; var flixel_util_FlxPool = function(classObj) { this._count = 0; this._pool = []; this._class = classObj; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxPool"] = flixel_util_FlxPool; flixel_util_FlxPool.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxPool"]; flixel_util_FlxPool.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxPool]; flixel_util_FlxPool.prototype = { _pool: null ,_class: null ,_count: null ,get: function() { if(this._count == 0) { return Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } return this._pool[--this._count]; } ,put: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { var i = this._pool.indexOf(obj); if(i == -1 || i >= this._count) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } } ,putUnsafe: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } ,preAllocate: function(numObjects) { while(numObjects-- > 0) this._pool[this._count++] = Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } ,clear: function() { this._count = 0; var oldPool = this._pool; this._pool = []; return oldPool; } ,get_length: function() { return this._count; } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxPool ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length"} }; var flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$util_$LabelValuePair = function(classObj) { this._count = 0; this._pool = []; this._class = classObj; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxPool_flixel_util_LabelValuePair"] = flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$util_$LabelValuePair; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$util_$LabelValuePair.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxPool_flixel_util_LabelValuePair"]; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$util_$LabelValuePair.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxPool]; flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$util_$LabelValuePair.prototype = { _pool: null ,_class: null ,_count: null ,get: function() { if(this._count == 0) { return Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } return this._pool[--this._count]; } ,put: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { var i = this._pool.indexOf(obj); if(i == -1 || i >= this._count) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } } ,putUnsafe: function(obj) { if(obj != null) { obj.destroy(); this._pool[this._count++] = obj; } } ,preAllocate: function(numObjects) { while(numObjects-- > 0) this._pool[this._count++] = Type.createInstance(this._class,[]); } ,clear: function() { this._count = 0; var oldPool = this._pool; this._pool = []; return oldPool; } ,get_length: function() { return this._count; } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxPool_$flixel_$util_$LabelValuePair ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length"} }; var flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus = $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxSaveStatus"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","util","FlxSaveStatus"], __constructs__ : ["SUCCESS","PENDING","ERROR"] }; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.SUCCESS = ["SUCCESS",0]; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.SUCCESS.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.SUCCESS.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.PENDING = ["PENDING",1]; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.PENDING.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.PENDING.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.ERROR = ["ERROR",2]; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.ERROR.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus.ERROR.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxSaveStatus; var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.FlxTypedSignal_Impl_"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","FlxTypedSignal_Impl_"]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_dispatch:"get_dispatch"}; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.add = function(this1,listener) { this1.add(listener); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.addOnce = function(this1,listener) { this1.addOnce(listener); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.remove = function(this1,listener) { this1.remove(listener); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.has = function(this1,listener) { return this1.has(listener); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.removeAll = function(this1) { this1.removeAll(); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.get_dispatch = function(this1) { return this1.dispatch; }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.toSignal0 = function(signal) { return new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0(); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.toSignal1 = function(signal) { return new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1(); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.toSignal2 = function(signal) { return new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal2(); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.toSignal3 = function(signal) { return new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal3(); }; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxTypedSignal_$Impl_$.toSignal4 = function(signal) { return new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal4(); }; var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignalHandler = function(listener,dispatchOnce) { this.dispatchOnce = false; this.listener = listener; this.dispatchOnce = dispatchOnce; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.FlxSignalHandler"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignalHandler; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignalHandler.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","FlxSignalHandler"]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignalHandler.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignalHandler.prototype = { listener: null ,dispatchOnce: null ,destroy: function() { this.listener = null; } ,__class__: flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignalHandler }; var flixel_util_IFlxSignal = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.IFlxSignal"] = flixel_util_IFlxSignal; flixel_util_IFlxSignal.__name__ = ["flixel","util","IFlxSignal"]; flixel_util_IFlxSignal.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_util_IFlxSignal.prototype = { dispatch: null ,add: null ,addOnce: null ,remove: null ,removeAll: null ,has: null ,__class__: flixel_util_IFlxSignal }; var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal = function() { this.processingListeners = false; this.handlers = []; this.pendingRemove = []; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.FlxBaseSignal"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","FlxBaseSignal"]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxSignal]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.prototype = { dispatch: null ,handlers: null ,pendingRemove: null ,processingListeners: null ,add: function(listener) { if(listener != null) { this.registerListener(listener,false); } } ,addOnce: function(listener) { if(listener != null) { this.registerListener(listener,true); } } ,remove: function(listener) { if(listener != null) { var handler = this.getHandler(listener); if(handler != null) { if(this.processingListeners) { this.pendingRemove.push(handler); } else { HxOverrides.remove(this.handlers,handler); handler.destroy(); } } } } ,has: function(listener) { if(listener == null) { return false; } return this.getHandler(listener) != null; } ,removeAll: function() { flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(this.handlers); } ,destroy: function() { flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(this.handlers); this.handlers = null; this.pendingRemove = null; } ,registerListener: function(listener,dispatchOnce) { var handler = this.getHandler(listener); if(handler == null) { handler = new flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignalHandler(listener,dispatchOnce); this.handlers.push(handler); return handler; } else if(handler.dispatchOnce != dispatchOnce) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("You cannot addOnce() then add() the same listener without removing the relationship first."); } else { return handler; } } ,getHandler: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.handlers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var handler = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(handler.listener == listener) { return handler; } } return null; } ,__class__: flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal }; var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0 = function() { flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.call(this); this.dispatch = $bind(this,this.dispatch0); }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.FlxSignal0"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","FlxSignal0"]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0.__super__ = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0.prototype = $extend(flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.prototype,{ dispatch0: function() { this.processingListeners = true; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.handlers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var handler = _g1[_g]; ++_g; handler.listener(); if(handler.dispatchOnce) { this.remove(handler.listener); } } this.processingListeners = false; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.pendingRemove; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var handler1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; this.remove(handler1.listener); } if(this.pendingRemove.length > 0) { this.pendingRemove = []; } } ,__class__: flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal0 }); var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1 = function() { flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.call(this); this.dispatch = $bind(this,this.dispatch1); }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.FlxSignal1"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","FlxSignal1"]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1.__super__ = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1.prototype = $extend(flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.prototype,{ dispatch1: function(value1) { this.processingListeners = true; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.handlers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var handler = _g1[_g]; ++_g; handler.listener(value1); if(handler.dispatchOnce) { this.remove(handler.listener); } } this.processingListeners = false; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.pendingRemove; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var handler1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; this.remove(handler1.listener); } if(this.pendingRemove.length > 0) { this.pendingRemove = []; } } ,__class__: flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal1 }); var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal2 = function() { flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.call(this); this.dispatch = $bind(this,this.dispatch2); }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.FlxSignal2"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal2; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal2.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","FlxSignal2"]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal2.__super__ = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal2.prototype = $extend(flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.prototype,{ dispatch2: function(value1,value2) { this.processingListeners = true; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.handlers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var handler = _g1[_g]; ++_g; handler.listener(value1,value2); if(handler.dispatchOnce) { this.remove(handler.listener); } } this.processingListeners = false; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.pendingRemove; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var handler1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; this.remove(handler1.listener); } if(this.pendingRemove.length > 0) { this.pendingRemove = []; } } ,__class__: flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal2 }); var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal3 = function() { flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.call(this); this.dispatch = $bind(this,this.dispatch3); }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.FlxSignal3"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal3; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal3.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","FlxSignal3"]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal3.__super__ = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal3.prototype = $extend(flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.prototype,{ dispatch3: function(value1,value2,value3) { this.processingListeners = true; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.handlers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var handler = _g1[_g]; ++_g; handler.listener(value1,value2,value3); if(handler.dispatchOnce) { this.remove(handler.listener); } } this.processingListeners = false; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.pendingRemove; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var handler1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; this.remove(handler1.listener); } if(this.pendingRemove.length > 0) { this.pendingRemove = []; } } ,__class__: flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal3 }); var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal4 = function() { flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.call(this); this.dispatch = $bind(this,this.dispatch4); }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.FlxSignal4"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal4; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal4.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","FlxSignal4"]; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal4.__super__ = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal4.prototype = $extend(flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxBaseSignal.prototype,{ dispatch4: function(value1,value2,value3,value4) { this.processingListeners = true; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.handlers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var handler = _g1[_g]; ++_g; handler.listener(value1,value2,value3,value4); if(handler.dispatchOnce) { this.remove(handler.listener); } } this.processingListeners = false; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.pendingRemove; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var handler1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; this.remove(handler1.listener); } if(this.pendingRemove.length > 0) { this.pendingRemove = []; } } ,__class__: flixel_util__$FlxSignal_FlxSignal4 }); var flixel_util__$FlxSignal_Macro = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util._FlxSignal.Macro"] = flixel_util__$FlxSignal_Macro; flixel_util__$FlxSignal_Macro.__name__ = ["flixel","util","_FlxSignal","Macro"]; var flixel_util_FlxSort = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxSort"] = flixel_util_FlxSort; flixel_util_FlxSort.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxSort"]; flixel_util_FlxSort.byY = function(Order,Obj1,Obj2) { var Value1 = Obj1.y; var Value2 = Obj2.y; var result = 0; if(Value1 < Value2) { result = Order; } else if(Value1 > Value2) { result = -Order; } return result; }; flixel_util_FlxSort.byValues = function(Order,Value1,Value2) { var result = 0; if(Value1 < Value2) { result = Order; } else if(Value1 > Value2) { result = -Order; } return result; }; var flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil"] = flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxSpriteUtil"]; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.alphaMask = function(output,source,mask) { var data = flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData(source); var maskData = flixel_system_FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData(mask); if(data == null || maskData == null) { return null; } data = data.clone(); data.copyChannel(maskData,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,data.width,data.height),new openfl_geom_Point(),8,8); output.set_pixels(data); return output; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.alphaMaskFlxSprite = function(sprite,mask,output) { sprite.drawFrame(); var data = sprite.get_pixels().clone(); data.copyChannel(mask.get_pixels(),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,sprite.get_width(),sprite.get_height()),new openfl_geom_Point(),8,8); output.set_pixels(data); return output; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.screenWrap = function(sprite,Left,Right,Top,Bottom) { if(Bottom == null) { Bottom = true; } if(Top == null) { Top = true; } if(Right == null) { Right = true; } if(Left == null) { Left = true; } if(Left && sprite.x + sprite.frameWidth / 2 <= 0) { sprite.set_x(flixel_FlxG.width); } else if(Right && sprite.x >= flixel_FlxG.width) { sprite.set_x(0); } if(Top && sprite.y + sprite.frameHeight / 2 <= 0) { sprite.set_y(flixel_FlxG.height); } else if(Bottom && sprite.y >= flixel_FlxG.height) { sprite.set_y(0); } return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.bound = function(sprite,MinX,MaxX,MinY,MaxY) { if(MaxY == null) { MaxY = 0; } if(MinY == null) { MinY = 0; } if(MaxX == null) { MaxX = 0; } if(MinX == null) { MinX = 0; } if(MaxX <= 0) { MaxX = flixel_FlxG.width; } if(MaxY <= 0) { MaxY = flixel_FlxG.height; } MaxX -= sprite.frameWidth; MaxY -= sprite.frameHeight; var Value = sprite.x; var lowerBound = MinX != null && Value < MinX ? MinX : Value; sprite.set_x(MaxX != null && lowerBound > MaxX ? MaxX : lowerBound); var Value1 = sprite.y; var lowerBound1 = MinY != null && Value1 < MinY ? MinY : Value1; sprite.set_y(MaxY != null && lowerBound1 > MaxY ? MaxY : lowerBound1); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.space = function(objects,startX,startY,horizontalSpacing,verticalSpacing,spaceFromBounds,position) { if(spaceFromBounds == null) { spaceFromBounds = false; } var prevWidth = 0; var runningX = 0; if(horizontalSpacing != null) { if(spaceFromBounds) { prevWidth = objects[0].get_width(); } runningX = startX; } else { runningX = objects[0].x; } var prevHeight = 0; var runningY = 0; if(verticalSpacing != null) { if(spaceFromBounds) { prevHeight = objects[0].get_height(); } runningY = startY; } else { runningY = objects[0].y; } if(position != null) { position(objects[0],runningX,runningY); } else { objects[0].set_x(runningX); objects[0].set_y(runningY); } var curX = 0; var curY = 0; var _g1 = 1; var _g = objects.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var object = objects[i]; if(horizontalSpacing != null) { curX = runningX + prevWidth + horizontalSpacing; runningX = curX; } else { curX = object.x; } if(verticalSpacing != null) { curY = runningY + prevHeight + verticalSpacing; runningY = curY; } else { curY = object.y; } if(position != null) { position(object,curX,curY); } else { object.set_x(curX); object.set_y(curY); } if(spaceFromBounds) { prevWidth = object.get_width(); prevHeight = object.get_height(); } } }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.drawLine = function(sprite,StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,lineStyle,drawStyle) { var lineStyle1 = lineStyle; if(lineStyle1 == null) { lineStyle1 = { thickness : 1, color : -1}; } if(lineStyle1.thickness == null) { lineStyle1.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle1.color == null) { lineStyle1.color = -1; } lineStyle = lineStyle1; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(0 != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(0 & 16777215,(0 >> 24 & 255) / 255); } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.moveTo(StartX,StartY); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineTo(EndX,EndY); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.drawCurve = function(sprite,StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,ControlX,ControlY,FillColor,lineStyle,drawStyle) { if(FillColor == null) { FillColor = 0; } var lineStyle1 = lineStyle; if(lineStyle1 == null) { lineStyle1 = { thickness : 1, color : -1}; } if(lineStyle1.thickness == null) { lineStyle1.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle1.color == null) { lineStyle1.color = -1; } lineStyle = lineStyle1; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(FillColor != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(FillColor & 16777215,(FillColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.moveTo(StartX,StartY); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.curveTo(EndX,EndY,ControlX,ControlY); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.drawRect = function(sprite,X,Y,Width,Height,FillColor,lineStyle,drawStyle) { if(FillColor == null) { FillColor = -1; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(FillColor != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(FillColor & 16777215,(FillColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.drawRect(X,Y,Width,Height); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.drawRoundRect = function(sprite,X,Y,Width,Height,EllipseWidth,EllipseHeight,FillColor,lineStyle,drawStyle) { if(FillColor == null) { FillColor = -1; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(FillColor != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(FillColor & 16777215,(FillColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.drawRoundRect(X,Y,Width,Height,EllipseWidth,EllipseHeight); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.drawCircle = function(sprite,X,Y,Radius,FillColor,lineStyle,drawStyle) { if(FillColor == null) { FillColor = -1; } if(Radius == null) { Radius = -1; } if(Y == null) { Y = -1; } if(X == null) { X = -1; } if(X == -1 || Y == -1) { var midPoint = sprite.getGraphicMidpoint(); if(X == -1) { X = midPoint.x - sprite.x; } if(Y == -1) { Y = midPoint.y - sprite.y; } midPoint.put(); } if(Radius < 1) { var minVal = Math.min(sprite.frameWidth,sprite.frameHeight); Radius = minVal / 2; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(FillColor != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(FillColor & 16777215,(FillColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.drawCircle(X,Y,Radius); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.drawEllipse = function(sprite,X,Y,Width,Height,FillColor,lineStyle,drawStyle) { if(FillColor == null) { FillColor = -1; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(FillColor != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(FillColor & 16777215,(FillColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.drawEllipse(X,Y,Width,Height); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.drawTriangle = function(sprite,X,Y,Height,FillColor,lineStyle,drawStyle) { if(FillColor == null) { FillColor = -1; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(FillColor != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(FillColor & 16777215,(FillColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.moveTo(X + Height / 2,Y); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineTo(X + Height,Height + Y); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineTo(X,Height + Y); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineTo(X + Height / 2,Y); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.drawPolygon = function(sprite,Vertices,FillColor,lineStyle,drawStyle) { if(FillColor == null) { FillColor = -1; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(FillColor != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(FillColor & 16777215,(FillColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } var p = Vertices.shift(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.moveTo(p.x,p.y); var _g = 0; while(_g < Vertices.length) { var p1 = Vertices[_g]; ++_g; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineTo(p1.x,p1.y); } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); Vertices.unshift(p); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.beginDraw = function(FillColor,lineStyle) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.clear(); if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } if(FillColor != 0) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.beginFill(FillColor & 16777215,(FillColor >> 24 & 255) / 255); } }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.endDraw = function(sprite,drawStyle) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.endFill(); flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic(sprite,drawStyle); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.updateSpriteGraphic = function(sprite,drawStyle) { if(drawStyle == null) { drawStyle = { smoothing : false}; } else if(drawStyle.smoothing == null) { drawStyle.smoothing = false; } sprite.get_pixels().draw(flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfxSprite,drawStyle.matrix,drawStyle.colorTransform,drawStyle.blendMode,drawStyle.clipRect,drawStyle.smoothing); sprite.dirty = true; return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.setLineStyle = function(lineStyle) { if(lineStyle != null) { var color = lineStyle.color == null ? -16777216 : lineStyle.color; if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.pixelHinting == null) { lineStyle.pixelHinting = false; } if(lineStyle.miterLimit == null) { lineStyle.miterLimit = 3; } flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.lineStyle(lineStyle.thickness,color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255,lineStyle.pixelHinting,lineStyle.scaleMode,lineStyle.capsStyle,lineStyle.jointStyle,lineStyle.miterLimit); } }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.getDefaultLineStyle = function(lineStyle) { if(lineStyle == null) { lineStyle = { thickness : 1, color : -1}; } if(lineStyle.thickness == null) { lineStyle.thickness = 1; } if(lineStyle.color == null) { lineStyle.color = -1; } return lineStyle; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.fill = function(sprite,FillColor) { sprite.get_pixels().fillRect(sprite.get_pixels().rect,FillColor); if(sprite.get_pixels() != sprite.framePixels) { sprite.dirty = true; } return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.flicker = function(Object,Duration,Interval,EndVisibility,ForceRestart,CompletionCallback,ProgressCallback) { if(ForceRestart == null) { ForceRestart = true; } if(EndVisibility == null) { EndVisibility = true; } if(Interval == null) { Interval = 0.04; } if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } return flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.flicker(Object,Duration,Interval,EndVisibility,ForceRestart,CompletionCallback,ProgressCallback); }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.isFlickering = function(Object) { return flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.isFlickering(Object); }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.stopFlickering = function(Object) { flixel_effects_FlxFlicker.stopFlickering(Object); return Object; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.fadeIn = function(sprite,Duration,ResetAlpha,OnComplete) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } if(ResetAlpha) { sprite.set_alpha(0); } var a1 = sprite; var tmp = function(f) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.alphaTween(a1,f); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.num(sprite.alpha,1,Duration,{ onComplete : OnComplete},tmp); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.fadeOut = function(sprite,Duration,OnComplete) { if(Duration == null) { Duration = 1; } var a1 = sprite; var tmp = function(f) { flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.alphaTween(a1,f); }; flixel_tweens_FlxTween.num(sprite.alpha,0,Duration,{ onComplete : OnComplete},tmp); return sprite; }; flixel_util_FlxSpriteUtil.alphaTween = function(sprite,f) { sprite.set_alpha(f); }; var flixel_util_FlxStringUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxStringUtil"] = flixel_util_FlxStringUtil; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxStringUtil"]; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatTicks = function(StartTicks,EndTicks) { return Math.abs(EndTicks - StartTicks) / 1000 + "s"; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatTime = function(Seconds,ShowMS) { if(ShowMS == null) { ShowMS = false; } var timeString = (Seconds / 60 | 0) + ":"; var timeStringHelper = (Seconds | 0) % 60; if(timeStringHelper < 10) { timeString += "0"; } timeString += timeStringHelper; if(ShowMS) { timeString += "."; timeStringHelper = (Seconds - (Seconds | 0)) * 100 | 0; if(timeStringHelper < 10) { timeString += "0"; } timeString += timeStringHelper; } return timeString; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatArray = function(AnyArray) { var string = ""; if(AnyArray != null && AnyArray.length > 0) { string = Std.string(AnyArray[0]); var i = 1; var l = AnyArray.length; while(i < l) string += ", " + Std.string(AnyArray[i++]); } return string; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatStringMap = function(AnyMap) { var string = ""; var key = AnyMap.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); string += key1 == null ? "null" : "" + key1; string += ", "; } return string.substring(0,string.length - 2); }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatMoney = function(Amount,ShowDecimal,EnglishStyle) { if(EnglishStyle == null) { EnglishStyle = true; } if(ShowDecimal == null) { ShowDecimal = true; } var isNegative = Amount < 0; Amount = Math.abs(Amount); var string = ""; var comma = ""; var amount = Math.floor(Amount); while(amount > 0) { if(string.length > 0 && comma.length <= 0) { if(EnglishStyle) { comma = ","; } else { comma = "."; } } var zeroes = ""; var helper = amount - Math.floor(amount / 1000) * 1000; amount = Math.floor(amount / 1000); if(amount > 0) { if(helper < 100) { zeroes += "0"; } if(helper < 10) { zeroes += "0"; } } string = zeroes + helper + comma + string; } if(string == "") { string = "0"; } if(ShowDecimal) { amount = Math.floor(Amount * 100) - Math.floor(Amount) * 100; string += EnglishStyle ? "." : ","; if(amount < 10) { string += "0"; } string += amount; } if(isNegative) { string = "-" + string; } return string; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatBytes = function(Bytes,Precision) { if(Precision == null) { Precision = 2; } var units = ["Bytes","kB","MB","GB","TB","PB"]; var curUnit = 0; while(Bytes >= 1024 && curUnit < units.length - 1) { Bytes /= 1024; ++curUnit; } return flixel_math_FlxMath.roundDecimal(Bytes,Precision) + units[curUnit]; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.filterDigits = function(Input) { var output_b = ""; var _g1 = 0; var _g = Input.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var c = HxOverrides.cca(Input,i); if(c >= 48 && c <= 57) { output_b += String.fromCharCode(c); } } return output_b; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.htmlFormat = function(Text,Size,Color,Bold,Italic,Underlined) { if(Underlined == null) { Underlined = false; } if(Italic == null) { Italic = false; } if(Bold == null) { Bold = false; } if(Color == null) { Color = "FFFFFF"; } if(Size == null) { Size = 12; } var prefix = ""; var suffix = ""; if(Bold) { prefix = "" + prefix; suffix += ""; } if(Italic) { prefix = "" + prefix; suffix += ""; } if(Underlined) { prefix = "" + prefix; suffix += ""; } return prefix + Text + suffix; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName = function(objectOrClass,simple) { if(simple == null) { simple = false; } var cl; if(js_Boot.__instanceof(objectOrClass,Class)) { cl = objectOrClass; } else { var o = objectOrClass; if(o == null) { cl = null; } else { cl = js_Boot.getClass(o); } } return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatPackage(Type.getClassName(cl),simple); }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getEnumName = function(enumValueOrEnum,simple) { if(simple == null) { simple = false; } var e; if(js_Boot.__instanceof(enumValueOrEnum,Enum)) { e = enumValueOrEnum; } else { e = Type.getEnum(enumValueOrEnum); } return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatPackage(Type.getEnumName(e),simple); }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.formatPackage = function(s,simple) { if(s == null) { return null; } s = StringTools.replace(s,"::","."); if(simple) { s = HxOverrides.substr(s,s.lastIndexOf(".") + 1,null); } return s; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getHost = function(url) { var hostFromURL = new EReg("^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+\\-.]*://)?(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~%!$&'()*+,;=]+@)?([a-z0-9\\-._~%]{3,}|\\[[a-f0-9:.]+\\])?(?::[0-9]+)?","i"); if(hostFromURL.match(url)) { var host = hostFromURL.matched(1); if(host != null) { return decodeURIComponent(host.split("+").join(" ")).toLowerCase(); } else { return ""; } } return ""; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDomain = function(url) { var host = flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getHost(url); var isLocalhostOrIpAddress = new EReg("^(localhost|[0-9.]+|\\[[a-f0-9:.]+\\])$","i"); var domainFromHost = new EReg("^(?:[a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)*([a-z0-9\\-]+\\.[a-z0-9\\-]+)$","i"); if(!isLocalhostOrIpAddress.match(host) && domainFromHost.match(host)) { var domain = domainFromHost.matched(1); if(domain != null) { return domain.toLowerCase(); } else { return ""; } } return ""; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.sameClassName = function(Obj1,Obj2,Simple) { if(Simple == null) { Simple = true; } return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(Obj1,Simple) == flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getClassName(Obj2,Simple); }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.toIntArray = function(Data) { if(Data != null && Data != "") { var strArray = Data.split(","); var iArray = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < strArray.length) { var str = strArray[_g]; ++_g; iArray.push(Std.parseInt(str)); } return iArray; } return null; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.toFloatArray = function(Data) { if(Data != null && Data != "") { var strArray = Data.split(","); var fArray = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < strArray.length) { var str = strArray[_g]; ++_g; fArray.push(parseFloat(str)); } return fArray; } return null; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.arrayToCSV = function(Data,Width,Invert) { if(Invert == null) { Invert = false; } var row = 0; var column; var csv = ""; var height = Data.length / Width | 0; var index; var offset = 0; while(row < height) { column = 0; while(column < Width) { index = Data[offset]; if(Invert) { if(index == 0) { index = 1; } else if(index == 1) { index = 0; } } if(column == 0) { if(row == 0) { csv += index; } else { csv += "\n" + index; } } else { csv += ", " + index; } ++column; ++offset; } ++row; } return csv; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.bitmapToCSV = function(Bitmap,Invert,Scale,ColorMap) { if(Scale == null) { Scale = 1; } if(Invert == null) { Invert = false; } if(Scale < 1) { Scale = 1; } if(Scale > 1) { var bd = Bitmap; Bitmap = new openfl_display_BitmapData(Bitmap.width * Scale,Bitmap.height * Scale); var bdW = bd.width; var bdH = bd.height; var pCol = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = bdW; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = bdH; while(_g3 < _g2) { var j = _g3++; pCol = bd.getPixel(i,j); var _g5 = 0; var _g4 = Scale; while(_g5 < _g4) { var k = _g5++; var _g7 = 0; var _g6 = Scale; while(_g7 < _g6) { var m = _g7++; Bitmap.setPixel(i * Scale + k,j * Scale + m,pCol); } } } } } if(ColorMap != null) { var _g11 = 0; var _g8 = ColorMap.length; while(_g11 < _g8) { var i1 = _g11++; ColorMap[i1] = ColorMap[i1] & 16777215; } } var row = 0; var column; var pixel; var csv = ""; var bitmapWidth = Bitmap.width; var bitmapHeight = Bitmap.height; while(row < bitmapHeight) { column = 0; while(column < bitmapWidth) { pixel = Bitmap.getPixel(column,row); if(ColorMap != null) { pixel = ColorMap.indexOf(pixel); } else if(Invert && pixel > 0 || !Invert && pixel == 0) { pixel = 1; } else { pixel = 0; } if(column == 0) { if(row == 0) { csv += pixel; } else { csv += "\n" + pixel; } } else { csv += ", " + pixel; } ++column; } ++row; } return csv; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.imageToCSV = function(ImageFile,Invert,Scale,ColorMap) { if(Scale == null) { Scale = 1; } if(Invert == null) { Invert = false; } var tempBitmapData; if(typeof(ImageFile) == "string") { var id = ImageFile; if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(id)) { tempBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(id,false); } else { var _this = flixel_FlxG.log; tempBitmapData = null; } } else { tempBitmapData = Type.createInstance(ImageFile,[]).bitmapData; } return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.bitmapToCSV(tempBitmapData,Invert,Scale,ColorMap); }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString = function(LabelValuePairs) { var output = "("; var _g = 0; while(_g < LabelValuePairs.length) { var pair = LabelValuePairs[_g]; ++_g; output += pair.label + ": "; var value = pair.value; if(typeof(value) == "number") { value = flixel_math_FlxMath.roundDecimal(value,flixel_FlxG["debugger"].precision); } output += Std.string(value) + " | "; flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.put(pair); } output = StringTools.trim(HxOverrides.substr(output,0,output.length - 2)); return output + ")"; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.contains = function(s,str) { return s.indexOf(str) != -1; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.remove = function(s,sub) { return StringTools.replace(s,sub,""); }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.insert = function(s,pos,insertion) { return s.substring(0,pos) + insertion + HxOverrides.substr(s,pos,null); }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.sortAlphabetically = function(list) { list.sort(function(a,b) { a = a.toLowerCase(); b = b.toLowerCase(); if(a < b) { return -1; } if(a > b) { return 1; } return 0; }); return list; }; flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty = function(s) { if(s != null) { return s.length == 0; } else { return true; } }; var flixel_util_LabelValuePair = function() { }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.LabelValuePair"] = flixel_util_LabelValuePair; flixel_util_LabelValuePair.__name__ = ["flixel","util","LabelValuePair"]; flixel_util_LabelValuePair.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_util_LabelValuePair.weak = function(label,value) { var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = label; _this.value = value; return _this; }; flixel_util_LabelValuePair.prototype = { label: null ,value: null ,create: function(label,value) { this.label = label; this.value = value; return this; } ,put: function() { flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.put(this); } ,destroy: function() { this.label = null; this.value = null; } ,__class__: flixel_util_LabelValuePair }; var flixel_util_FlxTimer = function(manager) { this._inManager = false; this._loopsCounter = 0; this._timeCounter = 0; this.finished = false; this.active = false; this.loops = 0; this.time = 0; this.manager = manager != null ? manager : flixel_util_FlxTimer.globalManager; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxTimer"] = flixel_util_FlxTimer; flixel_util_FlxTimer.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxTimer"]; flixel_util_FlxTimer.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_util_FlxTimer.globalManager = null; flixel_util_FlxTimer.prototype = { manager: null ,time: null ,loops: null ,active: null ,finished: null ,onComplete: null ,_timeCounter: null ,_loopsCounter: null ,_inManager: null ,destroy: function() { this.onComplete = null; } ,start: function(Time,OnComplete,Loops) { if(Loops == null) { Loops = 1; } if(Time == null) { Time = 1; } if(this.manager != null && !this._inManager) { this.manager.add(this); this._inManager = true; } this.active = true; this.finished = false; this.time = Math.abs(Time); if(Loops < 0) { Loops *= -1; } this.loops = Loops; this.onComplete = OnComplete; this._timeCounter = 0; this._loopsCounter = 0; return this; } ,reset: function(NewTime) { if(NewTime == null) { NewTime = -1; } if(NewTime < 0) { NewTime = this.time; } this.start(NewTime,this.onComplete,this.loops); return this; } ,cancel: function() { this.finished = true; this.active = false; if(this.manager != null && this._inManager) { this.manager.remove(this); this._inManager = false; } } ,update: function(elapsed) { this._timeCounter += elapsed; while(this._timeCounter >= this.time && this.active && !this.finished) { this._timeCounter -= this.time; this._loopsCounter++; if(this.loops > 0 && this._loopsCounter >= this.loops) { this.finished = true; } } } ,onLoopFinished: function() { if(this.finished) { this.cancel(); } if(this.onComplete != null) { this.onComplete(this); } } ,get_timeLeft: function() { return this.time - this._timeCounter; } ,get_elapsedTime: function() { return this._timeCounter; } ,get_loopsLeft: function() { return this.loops - this._loopsCounter; } ,get_elapsedLoops: function() { return this._loopsCounter; } ,get_progress: function() { if(this.time > 0) { return this._timeCounter / this.time; } else { return 0; } } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxTimer ,__properties__: {get_progress:"get_progress",get_elapsedLoops:"get_elapsedLoops",get_loopsLeft:"get_loopsLeft",get_elapsedTime:"get_elapsedTime",get_timeLeft:"get_timeLeft"} }; var flixel_util_FlxTimerManager = function() { this._timers = []; flixel_FlxBasic.call(this); this.set_visible(false); flixel_FlxG.signals.preStateSwitch.add($bind(this,this.clear)); }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxTimerManager"] = flixel_util_FlxTimerManager; flixel_util_FlxTimerManager.__name__ = ["flixel","util","FlxTimerManager"]; flixel_util_FlxTimerManager.__super__ = flixel_FlxBasic; flixel_util_FlxTimerManager.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxBasic.prototype,{ _timers: null ,destroy: function() { flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.clearArray(this._timers); this._timers = null; flixel_FlxG.signals.preStateSwitch.remove($bind(this,this.clear)); flixel_FlxBasic.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,update: function(elapsed) { var loopedTimers = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._timers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var timer = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(timer.active && !timer.finished && timer.time >= 0) { var timerLoops = timer._loopsCounter; timer.update(elapsed); if(timerLoops != timer._loopsCounter) { if(loopedTimers == null) { loopedTimers = []; } loopedTimers.push(timer); } } } if(loopedTimers != null) { while(loopedTimers.length > 0) loopedTimers.shift().onLoopFinished(); } } ,add: function(Timer) { this._timers.push(Timer); } ,remove: function(Timer) { var array = this._timers; var index = array.indexOf(Timer); if(index != -1) { array[index] = array[array.length - 1]; array.pop(); } } ,completeAll: function() { var timersToFinish = []; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._timers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var timer = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(timer.loops > 0 && timer.active) { timersToFinish.push(timer); } } var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < timersToFinish.length) { var timer1 = timersToFinish[_g2]; ++_g2; while(!timer1.finished) { timer1.update(timer1.time - timer1._timeCounter); timer1.onLoopFinished(); } } } ,clear: function() { flixel_util_FlxArrayUtil.clearArray(this._timers); } ,forEach: function(Function) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this._timers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var timer = _g1[_g]; ++_g; Function(timer); } } ,__class__: flixel_util_FlxTimerManager }); var flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign = $hxClasses["flixel.util.FlxVerticalAlign"] = { __ename__ : ["flixel","util","FlxVerticalAlign"], __constructs__ : ["TOP","CENTER","BOTTOM"] }; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.TOP = ["TOP",0]; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.TOP.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.TOP.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.CENTER = ["CENTER",1]; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.CENTER.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.CENTER.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.BOTTOM = ["BOTTOM",2]; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.BOTTOM.toString = $estr; flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign.BOTTOM.__enum__ = flixel_util_FlxVerticalAlign; var flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds = function(min,max) { this.active = true; this.min = min; this.max = max == null ? min : max; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.helpers.FlxBounds"] = flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds; flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds.__name__ = ["flixel","util","helpers","FlxBounds"]; flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds.prototype = { min: null ,max: null ,active: null ,set: function(min,max) { this.min = min; this.max = max == null ? min : max; return this; } ,equals: function(otherBounds) { if(this.min == otherBounds.min) { return this.max == otherBounds.max; } else { return false; } } ,toString: function() { var value = this.min; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "min"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.max; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "max"; _this1.value = value1; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1]); } ,__class__: flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds }; var flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds = function(startMinX,startMinY,startMaxX,startMaxY,endMinX,endMinY,endMaxX,endMaxY) { this.active = true; var point = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point._inPool = false; var point1 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point1._inPool = false; this.start = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds(point,point1); var point2 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point2._inPool = false; var point3 = flixel_math_FlxPoint._pool.get().set(0,0); point3._inPool = false; this.end = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds(point2,point3); this.set(startMinX,startMinY,startMaxX,startMaxY,endMinX,endMinY,endMaxX,endMaxY); }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.helpers.FlxPointRangeBounds"] = flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds; flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds.__name__ = ["flixel","util","helpers","FlxPointRangeBounds"]; flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds.__interfaces__ = [flixel_util_IFlxDestroyable]; flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds.prototype = { start: null ,end: null ,active: null ,set: function(startMinX,startMinY,startMaxX,startMaxY,endMinX,endMinY,endMaxX,endMaxY) { this.start.min.set_x(startMinX); this.start.min.set_y(startMinY == null ? this.start.min.x : startMinY); this.start.max.set_x(startMaxX == null ? this.start.min.x : startMaxX); this.start.max.set_y(startMaxY == null ? this.start.min.y : startMaxY); this.end.min.set_x(endMinX == null ? this.start.min.x : endMinX); this.end.min.set_y(endMinY == null ? this.start.min.y : endMinY); this.end.max.set_x(endMaxX == null ? endMinX == null ? this.start.max.x : this.end.min.x : endMaxX); this.end.max.set_y(endMaxY == null ? endMinY == null ? this.start.max.y : this.end.min.y : endMaxY); return this; } ,equals: function(OtherFlxPointRangeBounds) { var tmp; var tmp1; var _this = this.start.min; var point = OtherFlxPointRangeBounds.start.min; var result = Math.abs(_this.x - point.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this.y - point.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point._weak) { point.put(); } if(result) { var _this1 = this.start.max; var point1 = OtherFlxPointRangeBounds.start.max; var result1 = Math.abs(_this1.x - point1.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this1.y - point1.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point1._weak) { point1.put(); } tmp1 = result1; } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { var _this2 = this.end.min; var point2 = OtherFlxPointRangeBounds.end.min; var result2 = Math.abs(_this2.x - point2.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this2.y - point2.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point2._weak) { point2.put(); } tmp = result2; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var _this3 = this.end.max; var point3 = OtherFlxPointRangeBounds.end.max; var result3 = Math.abs(_this3.x - point3.x) <= 0.0000001 && Math.abs(_this3.y - point3.y) <= 0.0000001; if(point3._weak) { point3.put(); } return result3; } else { return false; } } ,toString: function() { var value = this.start.min.x; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "start.min.x"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.start.min.y; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "start.min.y"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this.start.max.x; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "start.max.x"; _this2.value = value2; var value3 = this.start.max.y; var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "start.max.y"; _this3.value = value3; var value4 = this.end.min.x; var _this4 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this4.label = "end.min.x"; _this4.value = value4; var value5 = this.end.min.y; var _this5 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this5.label = "end.min.y"; _this5.value = value5; var value6 = this.end.max.x; var _this6 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this6.label = "end.max.x"; _this6.value = value6; var value7 = this.end.max.y; var _this7 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this7.label = "end.max.y"; _this7.value = value7; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2,_this3,_this4,_this5,_this6,_this7]); } ,destroy: function() { this.start.min = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.start.min); this.start.max = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.start.max); this.end.min = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.end.min); this.end.max = flixel_util_FlxDestroyUtil.put(this.end.max); } ,__class__: flixel_util_helpers_FlxPointRangeBounds }; var flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange = function(start,end) { this.active = true; this.start = start; this.end = end == null ? start : end; }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.helpers.FlxRange"] = flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange; flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange.__name__ = ["flixel","util","helpers","FlxRange"]; flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange.prototype = { start: null ,end: null ,active: null ,set: function(start,end) { this.start = start; this.end = end == null ? start : end; return this; } ,equals: function(OtherFlxRange) { if(this.start == OtherFlxRange.start) { return this.end == OtherFlxRange.end; } else { return false; } } ,toString: function() { var value = this.start; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "start"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.end; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "end"; _this1.value = value1; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1]); } ,__class__: flixel_util_helpers_FlxRange }; var flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds = function(startMin,startMax,endMin,endMax) { this.active = true; this.start = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds(startMin,startMax == null ? startMin : startMax); this.end = new flixel_util_helpers_FlxBounds(endMin == null ? startMin : endMin,endMax == null ? this.start.max : endMax); }; $hxClasses["flixel.util.helpers.FlxRangeBounds"] = flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds; flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds.__name__ = ["flixel","util","helpers","FlxRangeBounds"]; flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds.prototype = { start: null ,end: null ,active: null ,set: function(startMin,startMax,endMin,endMax) { this.start.min = startMin; this.start.max = startMax == null ? this.start.min : startMax; this.end.min = endMin == null ? this.start.min : endMin; this.end.max = endMax == null ? endMin == null ? this.start.max : this.end.min : endMax; return this; } ,equals: function(OtherRangeBounds) { var _this = this.start; var otherBounds = OtherRangeBounds.start; if(_this.min == otherBounds.min && _this.max == otherBounds.max) { var _this1 = this.end; var otherBounds1 = OtherRangeBounds.end; if(_this1.min == otherBounds1.min) { return _this1.max == otherBounds1.max; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } ,toString: function() { var value = this.start.min; var _this = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this.label = "start.min"; _this.value = value; var value1 = this.start.min; var _this1 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this1.label = "start.max"; _this1.value = value1; var value2 = this.end.min; var _this2 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this2.label = "end.min"; _this2.value = value2; var value3 = this.end.max; var _this3 = flixel_util_LabelValuePair._pool.get(); _this3.label = "end.max"; _this3.value = value3; return flixel_util_FlxStringUtil.getDebugString([_this,_this1,_this2,_this3]); } ,__class__: flixel_util_helpers_FlxRangeBounds }; var format_amf_Reader = function(i) { this.i = i; i.set_bigEndian(true); }; $hxClasses["format.amf.Reader"] = format_amf_Reader; format_amf_Reader.__name__ = ["format","amf","Reader"]; format_amf_Reader.prototype = { i: null ,readObject: function() { var h = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); while(true) { var c1 = this.i.readByte(); var c2 = this.i.readByte(); var name = this.i.readString(c1 << 8 | c2); var k = this.i.readByte(); if(k == 9) { break; } var value = this.readWithCode(k); if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { h.setReserved(name,value); } else { h.h[name] = value; } } return h; } ,readArray: function(n) { var a = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = n; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; a.push(this.read()); } return a; } ,readInt: function() { return this.i.readInt32(); } ,readWithCode: function(id) { var i = this.i; switch(id) { case 0: return format_amf_Value.ANumber(i.readDouble()); case 1: var _g = i.readByte(); var tmp; switch(_g) { case 0: tmp = false; break; case 1: tmp = true; break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid AMF"); } return format_amf_Value.ABool(tmp); case 2: return format_amf_Value.AString(i.readString(i.readUInt16())); case 5: return format_amf_Value.ANull; case 6: return format_amf_Value.AUndefined; case 7: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not supported : Reference"); break; case 3:case 8: var ismixed = id == 8; var size = ismixed ? this.i.readInt32() : null; return format_amf_Value.AObject(this.readObject(),size); case 10: return format_amf_Value.AArray(this.readArray(this.i.readInt32())); case 11: var time_ms = i.readDouble(); var tz_min = i.readUInt16(); return format_amf_Value.ADate(new Date(time_ms + tz_min * 60 * 1000.0)); case 12: return format_amf_Value.AString(i.readString(this.i.readInt32())); default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unknown AMF " + id); } } ,read: function() { return this.readWithCode(this.i.readByte()); } ,__class__: format_amf_Reader }; var format_amf_Tools = function() { }; $hxClasses["format.amf.Tools"] = format_amf_Tools; format_amf_Tools.__name__ = ["format","amf","Tools"]; format_amf_Tools.encode = function(o) { var _g = Type["typeof"](o); switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return format_amf_Value.ANull; case 1: return format_amf_Value.ANumber(o); case 2: return format_amf_Value.ANumber(o); case 3: return format_amf_Value.ABool(o); case 4: var h = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var _g1 = 0; var _g11 = Reflect.fields(o); while(_g1 < _g11.length) { var f = _g11[_g1]; ++_g1; var value = format_amf_Tools.encode(Reflect.field(o,f)); if(__map_reserved[f] != null) { h.setReserved(f,value); } else { h.h[f] = value; } } return format_amf_Value.AObject(h); case 6: var c = _g[2]; switch(c) { case Array: var o1 = o; var a = []; var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < o1.length) { var v = o1[_g2]; ++_g2; a.push(format_amf_Tools.encode(v)); } return format_amf_Value.AArray(a); case String: return format_amf_Value.AString(o); case haxe_ds_StringMap: var o2 = o; var h1 = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var f1 = o2.keys(); while(f1.hasNext()) { var f2 = f1.next(); var value1 = format_amf_Tools.encode(__map_reserved[f2] != null ? o2.getReserved(f2) : o2.h[f2]); if(__map_reserved[f2] != null) { h1.setReserved(f2,value1); } else { h1.h[f2] = value1; } } return format_amf_Value.AObject(h1); default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Can't encode instance of " + Type.getClassName(c)); } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Can't encode " + Std.string(o)); } }; format_amf_Tools.number = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 0) { var n = a[2]; return n; } else { return null; } }; format_amf_Tools.string = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 2) { var s = a[2]; return s; } else { return null; } }; format_amf_Tools.object = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 3) { var o = a[2]; return o; } else { return null; } }; format_amf_Tools.abool = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 1) { var b = a[2]; return b; } else { return null; } }; format_amf_Tools.array = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 7) { var a1 = a[2]; return a1; } else { return null; } }; var format_amf_Value = $hxClasses["format.amf.Value"] = { __ename__ : ["format","amf","Value"], __constructs__ : ["ANumber","ABool","AString","AObject","ADate","AUndefined","ANull","AArray"] }; format_amf_Value.ANumber = function(f) { var $x = ["ANumber",0,f]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf_Value.ABool = function(b) { var $x = ["ABool",1,b]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf_Value.AString = function(s) { var $x = ["AString",2,s]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf_Value.AObject = function(fields,size) { var $x = ["AObject",3,fields,size]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf_Value.ADate = function(d) { var $x = ["ADate",4,d]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf_Value.AUndefined = ["AUndefined",5]; format_amf_Value.AUndefined.toString = $estr; format_amf_Value.AUndefined.__enum__ = format_amf_Value; format_amf_Value.ANull = ["ANull",6]; format_amf_Value.ANull.toString = $estr; format_amf_Value.ANull.__enum__ = format_amf_Value; format_amf_Value.AArray = function(values) { var $x = ["AArray",7,values]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_amf_Writer = function(o) { this.o = o; o.set_bigEndian(true); }; $hxClasses["format.amf.Writer"] = format_amf_Writer; format_amf_Writer.__name__ = ["format","amf","Writer"]; format_amf_Writer.prototype = { o: null ,write: function(v) { var o = this.o; switch(v[1]) { case 0: var n = v[2]; o.writeByte(0); o.writeDouble(n); break; case 1: var b = v[2]; o.writeByte(1); o.writeByte(b ? 1 : 0); break; case 2: var s = v[2]; if(s.length <= 65535) { o.writeByte(2); o.writeUInt16(s.length); } else { o.writeByte(12); o.writeInt32(s.length); } o.writeString(s); break; case 3: var size = v[3]; var h = v[2]; if(size == null) { o.writeByte(3); } else { o.writeByte(8); o.writeInt32(size); } var f = h.keys(); while(f.hasNext()) { var f1 = f.next(); o.writeUInt16(f1.length); o.writeString(f1); this.write(__map_reserved[f1] != null ? h.getReserved(f1) : h.h[f1]); } o.writeByte(0); o.writeByte(0); o.writeByte(9); break; case 4: var d = v[2]; o.writeByte(11); o.writeDouble(d.getTime()); o.writeUInt16(0); break; case 5: o.writeByte(6); break; case 6: o.writeByte(5); break; case 7: var a = v[2]; o.writeByte(10); o.writeInt32(a.length); var _g = 0; while(_g < a.length) { var f2 = a[_g]; ++_g; this.write(f2); } break; } } ,__class__: format_amf_Writer }; var format_amf3_Amf3Array = function(initA,initExtra) { this.a = initA; this.extra = initExtra; }; $hxClasses["format.amf3.Amf3Array"] = format_amf3_Amf3Array; format_amf3_Amf3Array.__name__ = ["format","amf3","Amf3Array"]; format_amf3_Amf3Array.prototype = { a: null ,extra: null ,__class__: format_amf3_Amf3Array }; var format_amf3_Reader = function(i) { this.complexObjectsTable = []; this.objectTraitsTable = []; this.stringTable = []; this.i = i; i.set_bigEndian(true); }; $hxClasses["format.amf3.Reader"] = format_amf3_Reader; format_amf3_Reader.__name__ = ["format","amf3","Reader"]; format_amf3_Reader.prototype = { complexObjectsTable: null ,objectTraitsTable: null ,stringTable: null ,i: null ,readObject: function() { var dyn = false; var isExternalizable = false; var className = null; var sealedMemberNames = []; var n = this.readInt(); if((n & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[n >> 1]; } else if((n & 3) == 1) { n >>= 3; var refTraits = this.objectTraitsTable[n]; dyn = refTraits.isDynamic; isExternalizable = refTraits.isExternalizable; sealedMemberNames = refTraits.sealedMemberNames; } else if((n & 7) == 3) { dyn = (n >> 3 & 1) == 1; n >>= 4; className = this.readString(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = n; while(_g1 < _g) { var j = _g1++; sealedMemberNames.push(format_amf3_Tools.decode(this.readString())); } this.objectTraitsTable.push({ isExternalizable : isExternalizable, isDynamic : dyn, className : className, sealedMemberNames : sealedMemberNames}); } else if((n & 7) == 7) { isExternalizable = true; className = this.readString(); haxe_Log.trace(format_amf3_Tools.decode(className),{ fileName : "Reader.hx", lineNumber : 108, className : "format.amf3.Reader", methodName : "readObject"}); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid object traits"); } var h = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var ret = format_amf3_Value.AObject(h); this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); if(!isExternalizable) { var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = sealedMemberNames.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var j1 = _g11++; var value = this.read(); var key = sealedMemberNames[j1]; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { h.setReserved(key,value); } else { h.h[key] = value; } } if(dyn) { var s; while(true) { s = format_amf3_Tools.decode(this.readString()); if(s == "") { break; } var value1 = this.read(); if(__map_reserved[s] != null) { h.setReserved(s,value1); } else { h.h[s] = value1; } } } } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Externalizable not supported"); } return ret; } ,readMap: function() { var n = this.readInt(); if((n & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[n >> 1]; } n >>= 1; var h = new haxe_ds_EnumValueMap(); var ret = format_amf3_Value.AMap(h); this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); this.i.readByte(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = n; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; h.set(this.read(),this.read()); } return ret; } ,readArray: function() { var n = this.readInt(); if((n & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[n >> 1]; } n >>= 1; var a = []; var m = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var ret = format_amf3_Value.AArray(a,m); this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); var assocName = format_amf3_Tools.decode(this.readString()); while(assocName.length != 0) { var v = this.read(); if(__map_reserved[assocName] != null) { m.setReserved(assocName,v); } else { m.h[assocName] = v; } assocName = format_amf3_Tools.decode(this.readString()); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = n; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; a.push(this.read()); } return ret; } ,readIntVector: function() { var header = this.readInt(); if((header & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[header >> 1]; } var len = header >> 1; var fixed = this.i.readByte() != 0; var a; if(fixed) { var this1 = new Array(len); a = this1; } else { a = []; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var r = _g1++; a[r] = format_amf3_Value.AInt(this.i.readInt32()); } var ret = fixed ? format_amf3_Value.AVector(a) : format_amf3_Value.AArray(a); this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); return ret; } ,readDoubleVector: function() { var header = this.readInt(); if((header & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[header >> 1]; } var len = header >> 1; var fixed = this.i.readByte() != 0; var a; if(fixed) { var this1 = new Array(len); a = this1; } else { a = []; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var r = _g1++; a[r] = format_amf3_Value.ANumber(this.i.readDouble()); } var ret = fixed ? format_amf3_Value.AVector(a) : format_amf3_Value.AArray(a); this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); return ret; } ,readObjectVector: function() { var header = this.readInt(); if((header & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[header >> 1]; } var len = header >> 1; var fixed = this.i.readByte() != 0; var objectTypeName = format_amf3_Tools.decode(this.readString()); haxe_Log.trace("readObjectVector name:" + objectTypeName,{ fileName : "Reader.hx", lineNumber : 259, className : "format.amf3.Reader", methodName : "readObjectVector"}); var VC = Type.resolveClass(objectTypeName); haxe_Log.trace("VC:" + Std.string(VC),{ fileName : "Reader.hx", lineNumber : 261, className : "format.amf3.Reader", methodName : "readObjectVector"}); var a; var ret; if(fixed) { var this1 = new Array(len); a = this1; ret = format_amf3_Value.AVector(a); } else { a = []; ret = format_amf3_Value.AArray(a); } this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var r = _g1++; a[r] = this.read(); } return ret; } ,readBytes: function() { var n = this.readInt(); if((n & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[n >> 1]; } n >>= 1; var b = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(n)); var _g1 = 0; var _g = n; while(_g1 < _g) { var j = _g1++; var v = this.i.readByte(); b.b[j] = v & 255; } var ret = format_amf3_Value.ABytes(b); this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); return ret; } ,readInt: function(signExtend,preShift) { if(preShift == null) { preShift = 0; } if(signExtend == null) { signExtend = false; } var c = this.i.readByte() & 255; if(c < 128) { return c >> preShift; } var ret = (c & 127) << 7; c = this.i.readByte() & 255; if(c < 128) { return (ret | c) >> preShift; } ret |= c & 127; ret <<= 7; c = this.i.readByte() & 255; if(c < 128) { return (ret | c) >> preShift; } ret |= c & 127; ret <<= 8; c = this.i.readByte() & 255; ret |= c; if(signExtend && (ret & 268435456) != 0) { ret |= -536870912; } return ret >> preShift; } ,readString: function() { var header = this.readInt(); if((header & 1) == 0) { var strRefIdx = header >> 1; return this.stringTable[strRefIdx]; } var len = header >> 1; return this.readStringNoHeader(len); } ,readStringNoHeader: function(len) { if(len == 0) { return format_amf3_Value.AString(""); } var u = new haxe_Utf8(len); var c = 0; var d = 0; var j = 0; var it = 0; while(j < len) { c = this.i.readByte(); if(c < 128) { it = 0; d = c; } else if(c < 224) { it = 1; d = c & 31; } else if(c < 240) { it = 2; d = c & 15; } else if(c < 241) { it = 3; d = c & 7; } c = it; while(c-- > 0) { d <<= 6; d |= this.i.readByte() & 63; } j += it + 1; if(d != 1) { u.__b += String.fromCharCode(d); } } var ret = format_amf3_Value.AString(u.__b); this.stringTable.push(ret); return ret; } ,readDate: function() { var n = this.readInt(); if((n & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[n >> 1]; } var t = this.i.readDouble(); var date = new Date(t); var ret = format_amf3_Value.ADate(date); this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); return ret; } ,readXml: function() { var n = this.readInt(); if((n & 1) == 0) { return this.complexObjectsTable[n >> 1]; } n >>= 1; var xml = Xml.parse(format_amf3_Tools.decode(this.readStringNoHeader(n))); var ret = format_amf3_Value.AXml(xml); this.complexObjectsTable.push(ret); return ret; } ,readWithCode: function(id) { var i = this.i; switch(id) { case 0: return format_amf3_Value.AUndefined; case 1: return format_amf3_Value.ANull; case 2: return format_amf3_Value.ABool(false); case 3: return format_amf3_Value.ABool(true); case 4: return format_amf3_Value.AInt(this.readInt(true)); case 5: return format_amf3_Value.ANumber(i.readDouble()); case 6: return this.readString(); case 7: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("XMLDocument unsupported"); break; case 8: return this.readDate(); case 9: return this.readArray(); case 10: return this.readObject(); case 11: return this.readXml(); case 12: return this.readBytes(); case 13:case 14: return this.readIntVector(); case 15: return this.readDoubleVector(); case 16: return this.readObjectVector(); case 17: return this.readMap(); default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unknown AMF " + id); } } ,read: function() { return this.readWithCode(this.i.readByte()); } ,__class__: format_amf3_Reader }; var format_amf3_Tools = function() { }; $hxClasses["format.amf3.Tools"] = format_amf3_Tools; format_amf3_Tools.__name__ = ["format","amf3","Tools"]; format_amf3_Tools.encode = function(o) { var _g = Type["typeof"](o); switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return format_amf3_Value.ANull; case 1: return format_amf3_Value.AInt(o); case 2: return format_amf3_Value.ANumber(o); case 3: return format_amf3_Value.ABool(o); case 4: var h = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var _g1 = 0; var _g11 = Reflect.fields(o); while(_g1 < _g11.length) { var f = _g11[_g1]; ++_g1; var value = format_amf3_Tools.encode(Reflect.field(o,f)); if(__map_reserved[f] != null) { h.setReserved(f,value); } else { h.h[f] = value; } } return format_amf3_Value.AObject(h); case 6: var c = _g[2]; switch(c) { case Array: var o1 = o; var a = []; var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < o1.length) { var v = o1[_g2]; ++_g2; a.push(format_amf3_Tools.encode(v)); } return format_amf3_Value.AArray(a); case Date: return format_amf3_Value.ADate(o); case String: return format_amf3_Value.AString(o); case Xml: return format_amf3_Value.AXml(o); case format_amf3_Amf3Array: var o2 = o; var a1 = []; var m = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = o2.a; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var v1 = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; a1.push(format_amf3_Tools.encode(v1)); } var k = o2.extra.iterator(); while(k.hasNext()) { var k1 = k.next(); var v2 = format_amf3_Tools.encode(o2.extra.get(k1)); if(__map_reserved[k1] != null) { m.setReserved(k1,v2); } else { m.h[k1] = v2; } } return format_amf3_Value.AArray(a1,m); case haxe_ds_IntMap:case haxe_ds_ObjectMap:case haxe_ds_StringMap: var o3 = o; var h1 = new haxe_ds_EnumValueMap(); var f1 = o3.keys(); while(f1.hasNext()) { var f2 = f1.next(); h1.set(format_amf3_Tools.encode(f2),format_amf3_Tools.encode(o3.get(f2))); } return format_amf3_Value.AMap(h1); case haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$: var o4 = o; var length = o4.length; var this1 = new Array(length); var a2 = this1; var _g13 = 0; var _g4 = o4.length; while(_g13 < _g4) { var i = _g13++; a2[i] = format_amf3_Tools.encode(o4[i]); } return format_amf3_Value.AVector(a2); case haxe_io_Bytes: return format_amf3_Value.ABytes(o); default: var h2 = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var i1 = 0; var _g5 = 0; var o5 = o; var _g14 = Type.getInstanceFields(o5 == null ? null : js_Boot.getClass(o5)); while(_g5 < _g14.length) { var f3 = _g14[_g5]; ++_g5; var value1 = format_amf3_Tools.encode(Reflect.getProperty(o,f3)); if(__map_reserved[f3] != null) { h2.setReserved(f3,value1); } else { h2.h[f3] = value1; } ++i1; } return format_amf3_Value.AObject(h2,i1); } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Can't encode " + Std.string(o)); } }; format_amf3_Tools.decode = function(a) { switch(a[1]) { case 0: return format_amf3_Tools.undefined(a); case 1: return format_amf3_Tools.anull(a); case 2: return format_amf3_Tools.bool(a); case 3: return format_amf3_Tools["int"](a); case 4: return format_amf3_Tools.number(a); case 5: return format_amf3_Tools.string(a); case 6: return format_amf3_Tools.date(a); case 7: return format_amf3_Tools.object(a); case 8: return format_amf3_Tools.array(a); case 9: return format_amf3_Tools.vector(a); case 10: return format_amf3_Tools.xml(a); case 11: return format_amf3_Tools.bytes(a); case 12: return format_amf3_Tools.map(a); } }; format_amf3_Tools.undefined = function(a) { return null; }; format_amf3_Tools.anull = function(a) { return null; }; format_amf3_Tools.bool = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 2) { var b = a[2]; return b; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools["int"] = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 3) { var n = a[2]; return n; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.number = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 4) { var n = a[2]; return n; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.string = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 5) { var s = a[2]; return s; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.date = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 6) { var d = a[2]; return d; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.array = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 8) { var m = a[3]; var a1 = a[2]; var b = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < a1.length) { var f = a1[_g]; ++_g; b.push(format_amf3_Tools.decode(f)); } var c = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var mk = m.keys(); while(mk.hasNext()) { var mk1 = mk.next(); var v = format_amf3_Tools.decode(__map_reserved[mk1] != null ? m.getReserved(mk1) : m.h[mk1]); var value = v; if(__map_reserved[mk1] != null) { c.setReserved(mk1,value); } else { c.h[mk1] = value; } } return new format_amf3_Amf3Array(b,c); } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.vector = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 9) { var a1 = a[2]; var length = a1.length; var this1 = new Array(length); var v = this1; var _g1 = 0; var _g = a1.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; v[i] = format_amf3_Tools.decode(a1[i]); } return v; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.object = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 7) { var o = a[2]; var m = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var f = o.keys(); while(f.hasNext()) { var f1 = f.next(); var value = format_amf3_Tools.decode(__map_reserved[f1] != null ? o.getReserved(f1) : o.h[f1]); if(__map_reserved[f1] != null) { m.setReserved(f1,value); } else { m.h[f1] = value; } } return m; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.xml = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 10) { var x = a[2]; return x; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.bytes = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 11) { var b = a[2]; return b; } else { return null; } }; format_amf3_Tools.map = function(a) { if(a == null) { return null; } if(a[1] == 12) { var m = a[2]; var p = new haxe_ds_EnumValueMap(); var f = m.keys(); while(f.hasNext()) { var f1 = f.next(); p.set(format_amf3_Tools.decode(f1),format_amf3_Tools.decode(m.get(f1))); } return p; } else { return null; } }; var format_amf3_Value = $hxClasses["format.amf3.Value"] = { __ename__ : ["format","amf3","Value"], __constructs__ : ["AUndefined","ANull","ABool","AInt","ANumber","AString","ADate","AObject","AArray","AVector","AXml","ABytes","AMap"] }; format_amf3_Value.AUndefined = ["AUndefined",0]; format_amf3_Value.AUndefined.toString = $estr; format_amf3_Value.AUndefined.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; format_amf3_Value.ANull = ["ANull",1]; format_amf3_Value.ANull.toString = $estr; format_amf3_Value.ANull.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; format_amf3_Value.ABool = function(b) { var $x = ["ABool",2,b]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.AInt = function(i) { var $x = ["AInt",3,i]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.ANumber = function(f) { var $x = ["ANumber",4,f]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.AString = function(s) { var $x = ["AString",5,s]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.ADate = function(d) { var $x = ["ADate",6,d]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.AObject = function(fields,size) { var $x = ["AObject",7,fields,size]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.AArray = function(values,extra) { var $x = ["AArray",8,values,extra]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.AVector = function(values) { var $x = ["AVector",9,values]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.AXml = function(x) { var $x = ["AXml",10,x]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.ABytes = function(b) { var $x = ["ABytes",11,b]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_amf3_Value.AMap = function(m) { var $x = ["AMap",12,m]; $x.__enum__ = format_amf3_Value; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_amf3_Writer = function(o) { this.o = o; o.set_bigEndian(true); }; $hxClasses["format.amf3.Writer"] = format_amf3_Writer; format_amf3_Writer.__name__ = ["format","amf3","Writer"]; format_amf3_Writer.prototype = { o: null ,writeInt: function(i) { if(i > 268435455 || i < -268435456) { this.o.writeByte(5); this.o.writeDouble(i); } else { this.o.writeByte(4); this.writeUInt(i); } } ,writeUInt: function(u,shiftLeft) { if(shiftLeft == null) { shiftLeft = false; } if(shiftLeft) { u = u << 1 | 1; } if((u >>> 31 & 1) == 1) { u = u & 536870911; } var bits = 22; var started = false; var chunk = u >>> bits - 1; if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(chunk,0)) { chunk = chunk >>> 1; this.o.writeByte(chunk | 128); u = u - (chunk << bits); ++bits; started = true; } bits -= 8; chunk = u >>> bits; if(started || _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(chunk,0)) { this.o.writeByte(chunk | 128); u = u - (chunk << bits); started = true; } bits -= 7; chunk = u >>> bits; if(started || _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(chunk,0)) { this.o.writeByte(chunk | 128); u = u - (chunk << bits); started = true; } this.o.writeByte(u); } ,writeString: function(s) { this.writeUInt(s.length,true); var j = 0; var it = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = s.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; j = HxOverrides.cca(s,i); if(j < 127) { this.o.writeByte(j); it = 0; } else if(j < 2047) { this.o.writeByte(j >> 6 | 192); j &= 63; it = 1; } else if(j < 65535) { this.o.writeByte(j >> 12 | 224); j &= 4095; it = 2; } else if(j < 1114111) { this.o.writeByte(j >> 18 | 240); j &= 196607; it = 3; } while(it-- > 0) this.o.writeByte(j >> 6 * it); } } ,writeObject: function(h,size) { if(size == null) { this.o.writeByte(11); } else { this.writeUInt(size << 4 | 3); } this.o.writeByte(1); if(size == null) { var f = h.keys(); while(f.hasNext()) { var f1 = f.next(); this.writeString(f1); this.write(__map_reserved[f1] != null ? h.getReserved(f1) : h.h[f1]); } this.o.writeByte(1); } else { var k = []; var f2 = h.keys(); while(f2.hasNext()) { var f3 = f2.next(); k.push(f3); this.writeString(f3); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = k.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var key = k[i]; this.write(__map_reserved[key] != null ? h.getReserved(key) : h.h[key]); } } } ,write: function(v) { var o = this.o; switch(v[1]) { case 0: o.writeByte(0); break; case 1: o.writeByte(1); break; case 2: var b = v[2]; o.writeByte(b ? 3 : 2); break; case 3: var i = v[2]; this.writeInt(i); break; case 4: var n = v[2]; o.writeByte(5); o.writeDouble(n); break; case 5: var s = v[2]; o.writeByte(6); this.writeString(s); break; case 6: var d = v[2]; o.writeByte(8); o.writeByte(1); o.writeDouble(d.getTime()); break; case 7: var n1 = v[3]; var h = v[2]; o.writeByte(10); this.writeObject(h,n1); break; case 8: var extra = v[3]; var a = v[2]; o.writeByte(9); this.writeUInt(a.length,true); if(extra != null) { var mk = extra.keys(); while(mk.hasNext()) { var mk1 = mk.next(); o.writeString(mk1); this.write(__map_reserved[mk1] != null ? extra.getReserved(mk1) : extra.h[mk1]); } } o.writeByte(1); var _g = 0; while(_g < a.length) { var f = a[_g]; ++_g; this.write(f); } break; case 10: var x = v[2]; o.writeByte(11); this.writeString(haxe_xml_Printer.print(x)); break; case 11: var b1 = v[2]; o.writeByte(12); this.writeUInt(b1.length,true); o.write(b1); break; case 12: var m = v[2]; o.writeByte(17); this.writeUInt(Lambda.count(m),true); o.writeByte(0); var f1 = m.keys(); while(f1.hasNext()) { var f2 = f1.next(); this.write(f2); this.write(m.get(f2)); } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unsupported type"); } } ,__class__: format_amf3_Writer }; var format_jpg_Writer = function(out) { this.YTable = []; this.UVTable = []; this.fdtbl_Y = []; this.fdtbl_UV = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < 64) { var i = _g++; this.YTable.push(0); this.UVTable.push(0); this.fdtbl_Y.push(0.0); this.fdtbl_UV.push(0.0); } this.bitcode = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.category = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.byteout = out; this.bytenew = 0; this.bytepos = 7; this.YDC_HT = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.UVDC_HT = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.YAC_HT = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.UVAC_HT = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.YDU = []; this.UDU = []; this.VDU = []; this.DU = []; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 64) { var i1 = _g1++; this.YDU.push(0.0); this.UDU.push(0.0); this.VDU.push(0.0); this.DU.push(0.0); } this.initZigZag(); this.initLuminance(); this.initChrominance(); this.initHuffmanTbl(); this.initCategoryNumber(); }; $hxClasses["format.jpg.Writer"] = format_jpg_Writer; format_jpg_Writer.__name__ = ["format","jpg","Writer"]; format_jpg_Writer.prototype = { ZigZag: null ,initZigZag: function() { this.ZigZag = [0,1,5,6,14,15,27,28,2,4,7,13,16,26,29,42,3,8,12,17,25,30,41,43,9,11,18,24,31,40,44,53,10,19,23,32,39,45,52,54,20,22,33,38,46,51,55,60,21,34,37,47,50,56,59,61,35,36,48,49,57,58,62,63]; } ,YTable: null ,UVTable: null ,fdtbl_Y: null ,fdtbl_UV: null ,initQuantTables: function(sf) { var YQT = [16,11,10,16,24,40,51,61,12,12,14,19,26,58,60,55,14,13,16,24,40,57,69,56,14,17,22,29,51,87,80,62,18,22,37,56,68,109,103,77,24,35,55,64,81,104,113,92,49,64,78,87,103,121,120,101,72,92,95,98,112,100,103,99]; var _g = 0; while(_g < 64) { var i = _g++; var t = Math.floor((YQT[i] * sf + 50) / 100); if(t < 1) { t = 1; } else if(t > 255) { t = 255; } this.YTable[this.ZigZag[i]] = t; } var UVQT = [17,18,24,47,99,99,99,99,18,21,26,66,99,99,99,99,24,26,56,99,99,99,99,99,47,66,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99]; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 64) { var j = _g1++; var u = Math.floor((UVQT[j] * sf + 50) / 100); if(u < 1) { u = 1; } else if(u > 255) { u = 255; } this.UVTable[this.ZigZag[j]] = u; } var aasf = [1.0,1.387039845,1.306562965,1.175875602,1.0,0.785694958,0.541196100,0.275899379]; var k = 0; var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < 8) { var row = _g2++; var _g11 = 0; while(_g11 < 8) { var col = _g11++; this.fdtbl_Y[k] = 1.0 / (this.YTable[this.ZigZag[k]] * aasf[row] * aasf[col] * 8.0); this.fdtbl_UV[k] = 1.0 / (this.UVTable[this.ZigZag[k]] * aasf[row] * aasf[col] * 8.0); ++k; } } } ,std_dc_luminance_nrcodes: null ,std_dc_luminance_values: null ,std_ac_luminance_nrcodes: null ,std_ac_luminance_values: null ,initLuminance: function() { this.std_dc_luminance_nrcodes = [0,0,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; this.std_dc_luminance_values = this.strIntsToBytes("0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11"); this.std_ac_luminance_nrcodes = [0,0,2,1,3,3,2,4,3,5,5,4,4,0,0,1,125]; this.std_ac_luminance_values = this.strIntsToBytes("0x01,0x02,0x03,0x00,0x04,0x11,0x05,0x12," + "0x21,0x31,0x41,0x06,0x13,0x51,0x61,0x07," + "0x22,0x71,0x14,0x32,0x81,0x91,0xa1,0x08," + "0x23,0x42,0xb1,0xc1,0x15,0x52,0xd1,0xf0," + "0x24,0x33,0x62,0x72,0x82,0x09,0x0a,0x16," + "0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x28," + "0x29,0x2a,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39," + "0x3a,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48,0x49," + "0x4a,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,0x58,0x59," + "0x5a,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,0x68,0x69," + "0x6a,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79," + "0x7a,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89," + "0x8a,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98," + "0x99,0x9a,0xa2,0xa3,0xa4,0xa5,0xa6,0xa7," + "0xa8,0xa9,0xaa,0xb2,0xb3,0xb4,0xb5,0xb6," + "0xb7,0xb8,0xb9,0xba,0xc2,0xc3,0xc4,0xc5," + "0xc6,0xc7,0xc8,0xc9,0xca,0xd2,0xd3,0xd4," + "0xd5,0xd6,0xd7,0xd8,0xd9,0xda,0xe1,0xe2," + "0xe3,0xe4,0xe5,0xe6,0xe7,0xe8,0xe9,0xea," + "0xf1,0xf2,0xf3,0xf4,0xf5,0xf6,0xf7,0xf8," + "0xf9,0xfa"); } ,strIntsToBytes: function(s) { var len = s.length; var b = new haxe_io_BytesBuffer(); var val = 0; var i = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var j = _g1++; if(s.charAt(j) == ",") { val = Std.parseInt(HxOverrides.substr(s,i,j - i)); b.b.push(val); i = j + 1; } } if(i < len) { val = Std.parseInt(HxOverrides.substr(s,i,null)); b.b.push(val); } return b.getBytes(); } ,std_dc_chrominance_nrcodes: null ,std_dc_chrominance_values: null ,std_ac_chrominance_nrcodes: null ,std_ac_chrominance_values: null ,initChrominance: function() { this.std_dc_chrominance_nrcodes = [0,0,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0]; this.std_dc_chrominance_values = this.strIntsToBytes("0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11"); this.std_ac_chrominance_nrcodes = [0,0,2,1,2,4,4,3,4,7,5,4,4,0,1,2,119]; this.std_ac_chrominance_values = this.strIntsToBytes("0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x11,0x04,0x05,0x21," + "0x31,0x06,0x12,0x41,0x51,0x07,0x61,0x71," + "0x13,0x22,0x32,0x81,0x08,0x14,0x42,0x91," + "0xa1,0xb1,0xc1,0x09,0x23,0x33,0x52,0xf0," + "0x15,0x62,0x72,0xd1,0x0a,0x16,0x24,0x34," + "0xe1,0x25,0xf1,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x26," + "0x27,0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38," + "0x39,0x3a,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48," + "0x49,0x4a,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,0x58," + "0x59,0x5a,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,0x68," + "0x69,0x6a,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78," + "0x79,0x7a,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87," + "0x88,0x89,0x8a,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96," + "0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9a,0xa2,0xa3,0xa4,0xa5," + "0xa6,0xa7,0xa8,0xa9,0xaa,0xb2,0xb3,0xb4," + "0xb5,0xb6,0xb7,0xb8,0xb9,0xba,0xc2,0xc3," + "0xc4,0xc5,0xc6,0xc7,0xc8,0xc9,0xca,0xd2," + "0xd3,0xd4,0xd5,0xd6,0xd7,0xd8,0xd9,0xda," + "0xe2,0xe3,0xe4,0xe5,0xe6,0xe7,0xe8,0xe9," + "0xea,0xf2,0xf3,0xf4,0xf5,0xf6,0xf7,0xf8," + "0xf9,0xfa"); } ,YDC_HT: null ,UVDC_HT: null ,YAC_HT: null ,UVAC_HT: null ,initHuffmanTbl: function() { this.YDC_HT = this.computeHuffmanTbl(this.std_dc_luminance_nrcodes,this.std_dc_luminance_values); this.UVDC_HT = this.computeHuffmanTbl(this.std_dc_chrominance_nrcodes,this.std_dc_chrominance_values); this.YAC_HT = this.computeHuffmanTbl(this.std_ac_luminance_nrcodes,this.std_ac_luminance_values); this.UVAC_HT = this.computeHuffmanTbl(this.std_ac_chrominance_nrcodes,this.std_ac_chrominance_values); } ,computeHuffmanTbl: function(nrcodes,std_table) { var codevalue = 0; var pos_in_table = 0; var HT = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); var _g = 1; while(_g < 17) { var k = _g++; var end = nrcodes[k]; var _g2 = 0; var _g1 = end; while(_g2 < _g1) { var j = _g2++; var idx = std_table.b[pos_in_table]; var value = new format_jpg__$Writer_BitString(k,codevalue); HT.h[idx] = value; ++pos_in_table; ++codevalue; } codevalue *= 2; } return HT; } ,bitcode: null ,category: null ,initCategoryNumber: function() { var nrlower = 1; var nrupper = 2; var idx; var _g = 1; while(_g < 16) { var cat = _g++; var _g2 = nrlower; var _g1 = nrupper; while(_g2 < _g1) { var nr = _g2++; idx = 32767 + nr; this.category.h[idx] = cat; var this1 = this.bitcode; var value = new format_jpg__$Writer_BitString(cat,nr); this1.h[idx] = value; } var nrneg = -(nrupper - 1); while(nrneg <= -nrlower) { idx = 32767 + nrneg; this.category.h[idx] = cat; var this2 = this.bitcode; var value1 = new format_jpg__$Writer_BitString(cat,nrupper - 1 + nrneg); this2.h[idx] = value1; ++nrneg; } nrlower <<= 1; nrupper <<= 1; } } ,byteout: null ,bytenew: null ,bytepos: null ,writeBits: function(bs) { var value = bs.val; var posval = bs.len - 1; while(posval >= 0) { if((value & 1 << posval) != 0) { this.bytenew |= 1 << this.bytepos; } --posval; this.bytepos--; if(this.bytepos < 0) { if(this.bytenew == 255) { this.byteout.writeByte(255); this.byteout.writeByte(0); } else { this.byteout.writeByte(this.bytenew); } this.bytepos = 7; this.bytenew = 0; } } } ,writeWord: function(val) { this.byteout.writeByte(val >> 8 & 255); this.byteout.writeByte(val & 255); } ,fDCTQuant: function(data,fdtbl) { var dataOff = 0; var _g = 0; while(_g < 8) { var i = _g++; var tmp0 = data[dataOff] + data[dataOff + 7]; var tmp7 = data[dataOff] - data[dataOff + 7]; var tmp1 = data[dataOff + 1] + data[dataOff + 6]; var tmp6 = data[dataOff + 1] - data[dataOff + 6]; var tmp2 = data[dataOff + 2] + data[dataOff + 5]; var tmp5 = data[dataOff + 2] - data[dataOff + 5]; var tmp3 = data[dataOff + 3] + data[dataOff + 4]; var tmp4 = data[dataOff + 3] - data[dataOff + 4]; var tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp3; var tmp13 = tmp0 - tmp3; var tmp11 = tmp1 + tmp2; var tmp12 = tmp1 - tmp2; data[dataOff] = tmp10 + tmp11; data[dataOff + 4] = tmp10 - tmp11; var z1 = (tmp12 + tmp13) * 0.707106781; data[dataOff + 2] = tmp13 + z1; data[dataOff + 6] = tmp13 - z1; tmp10 = tmp4 + tmp5; tmp11 = tmp5 + tmp6; tmp12 = tmp6 + tmp7; var z5 = (tmp10 - tmp12) * 0.382683433; var z2 = 0.541196100 * tmp10 + z5; var z4 = 1.306562965 * tmp12 + z5; var z3 = tmp11 * 0.707106781; var z11 = tmp7 + z3; var z13 = tmp7 - z3; data[dataOff + 5] = z13 + z2; data[dataOff + 3] = z13 - z2; data[dataOff + 1] = z11 + z4; data[dataOff + 7] = z11 - z4; dataOff += 8; } dataOff = 0; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 8) { var j = _g1++; var tmp0p2 = data[dataOff] + data[dataOff + 56]; var tmp7p2 = data[dataOff] - data[dataOff + 56]; var tmp1p2 = data[dataOff + 8] + data[dataOff + 48]; var tmp6p2 = data[dataOff + 8] - data[dataOff + 48]; var tmp2p2 = data[dataOff + 16] + data[dataOff + 40]; var tmp5p2 = data[dataOff + 16] - data[dataOff + 40]; var tmp3p2 = data[dataOff + 24] + data[dataOff + 32]; var tmp4p2 = data[dataOff + 24] - data[dataOff + 32]; var tmp10p2 = tmp0p2 + tmp3p2; var tmp13p2 = tmp0p2 - tmp3p2; var tmp11p2 = tmp1p2 + tmp2p2; var tmp12p2 = tmp1p2 - tmp2p2; data[dataOff] = tmp10p2 + tmp11p2; data[dataOff + 32] = tmp10p2 - tmp11p2; var z1p2 = (tmp12p2 + tmp13p2) * 0.707106781; data[dataOff + 16] = tmp13p2 + z1p2; data[dataOff + 48] = tmp13p2 - z1p2; tmp10p2 = tmp4p2 + tmp5p2; tmp11p2 = tmp5p2 + tmp6p2; tmp12p2 = tmp6p2 + tmp7p2; var z5p2 = (tmp10p2 - tmp12p2) * 0.382683433; var z2p2 = 0.541196100 * tmp10p2 + z5p2; var z4p2 = 1.306562965 * tmp12p2 + z5p2; var z3p2 = tmp11p2 * 0.707106781; var z11p2 = tmp7p2 + z3p2; var z13p2 = tmp7p2 - z3p2; data[dataOff + 40] = z13p2 + z2p2; data[dataOff + 24] = z13p2 - z2p2; data[dataOff + 8] = z11p2 + z4p2; data[dataOff + 56] = z11p2 - z4p2; ++dataOff; } var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < 64) { var k = _g2++; data[k] = Math.round(data[k] * fdtbl[k]); } return data; } ,b: function(v) { this.byteout.writeByte(v); } ,writeAPP0: function() { this.byteout.writeByte(255); this.byteout.writeByte(224); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(16); this.byteout.writeByte(74); this.byteout.writeByte(70); this.byteout.writeByte(73); this.byteout.writeByte(70); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(1); this.byteout.writeByte(1); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(1); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(1); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(0); } ,writeDQT: function() { this.byteout.writeByte(255); this.byteout.writeByte(219); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(132); this.byteout.writeByte(0); var _g = 0; while(_g < 64) { var j = _g++; this.byteout.writeByte(this.YTable[j]); } this.byteout.writeByte(1); var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 64) { var j1 = _g1++; this.byteout.writeByte(this.UVTable[j1]); } } ,writeSOF0: function(width,height) { this.byteout.writeByte(255); this.byteout.writeByte(192); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(17); this.byteout.writeByte(8); this.byteout.writeByte(height >> 8 & 255); this.byteout.writeByte(height & 255); this.byteout.writeByte(width >> 8 & 255); this.byteout.writeByte(width & 255); this.byteout.writeByte(3); this.byteout.writeByte(1); this.byteout.writeByte(17); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(2); this.byteout.writeByte(17); this.byteout.writeByte(1); this.byteout.writeByte(3); this.byteout.writeByte(17); this.byteout.writeByte(1); } ,writeDHT: function() { this.byteout.writeByte(255); this.byteout.writeByte(196); this.byteout.writeByte(1); this.byteout.writeByte(162); this.byteout.writeByte(0); var _g = 1; while(_g < 17) { var j = _g++; this.byteout.writeByte(this.std_dc_luminance_nrcodes[j]); } this.byteout.write(this.std_dc_luminance_values); this.byteout.writeByte(16); var _g1 = 1; while(_g1 < 17) { var j1 = _g1++; this.byteout.writeByte(this.std_ac_luminance_nrcodes[j1]); } this.byteout.write(this.std_ac_luminance_values); this.byteout.writeByte(1); var _g2 = 1; while(_g2 < 17) { var j2 = _g2++; this.byteout.writeByte(this.std_dc_chrominance_nrcodes[j2]); } this.byteout.write(this.std_dc_chrominance_values); this.byteout.writeByte(17); var _g3 = 1; while(_g3 < 17) { var j3 = _g3++; this.byteout.writeByte(this.std_ac_chrominance_nrcodes[j3]); } this.byteout.write(this.std_ac_chrominance_values); } ,writeSOS: function() { this.byteout.writeByte(255); this.byteout.writeByte(218); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(12); this.byteout.writeByte(3); this.byteout.writeByte(1); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(2); this.byteout.writeByte(17); this.byteout.writeByte(3); this.byteout.writeByte(17); this.byteout.writeByte(0); this.byteout.writeByte(63); this.byteout.writeByte(0); } ,DU: null ,processDU: function(CDU,fdtbl,DC,HTDC,HTAC) { var EOB = HTAC.h[0]; var M16zeroes = HTAC.h[240]; var DU_DCT = this.fDCTQuant(CDU,fdtbl); var _g = 0; while(_g < 64) { var i = _g++; this.DU[this.ZigZag[i]] = DU_DCT[i]; } var idx; var Diff = this.DU[0] - DC | 0; DC = this.DU[0]; if(Diff == 0) { this.writeBits(HTDC.h[0]); } else { idx = 32767 + Diff; this.writeBits(HTDC.h[this.category.h[idx]]); this.writeBits(this.bitcode.h[idx]); } var end0pos = 63; while(end0pos > 0 && this.DU[end0pos] == 0.0) --end0pos; if(end0pos == 0) { this.writeBits(EOB); return DC; } var i1 = 1; while(i1 <= end0pos) { var startpos = i1; while(this.DU[i1] == 0.0 && i1 <= end0pos) ++i1; var nrzeroes = i1 - startpos; if(nrzeroes >= 16) { var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = nrzeroes >> 4; while(_g1 < _g2) { var nrmarker = _g1++; this.writeBits(M16zeroes); } nrzeroes &= 15; } idx = 32767 + (this.DU[i1] | 0); this.writeBits(HTAC.h[nrzeroes * 16 + this.category.h[idx]]); this.writeBits(this.bitcode.h[idx]); ++i1; } if(end0pos != 63) { this.writeBits(EOB); } return DC; } ,YDU: null ,UDU: null ,VDU: null ,RGB2YUV: function(img,width,xpos,ypos) { var pos = 0; var _g = 0; while(_g < 8) { var y = _g++; var offset = (y + ypos) * width + xpos << 2; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 8) { var x = _g1++; ++offset; var R = img.b[offset++]; var G = img.b[offset++]; var B = img.b[offset++]; this.YDU[pos] = 0.29900 * R + 0.58700 * G + 0.11400 * B - 128; this.UDU[pos] = -0.16874 * R + -0.33126 * G + 0.50000 * B; this.VDU[pos] = 0.50000 * R + -0.41869 * G + -0.08131 * B; ++pos; } } } ,write: function(image) { var quality = image.quality; if(quality <= 0) { quality = 1; } if(quality > 100) { quality = 100; } var sf = quality < 50 ? 5000 / quality | 0 : 200 - quality * 2 | 0; this.initQuantTables(sf); this.bytenew = 0; this.bytepos = 7; var width = image.width; var height = image.height; this.writeWord(65496); this.writeAPP0(); this.writeDQT(); this.writeSOF0(width,height); this.writeDHT(); this.writeSOS(); var DCY = 0.0; var DCU = 0.0; var DCV = 0.0; this.bytenew = 0; this.bytepos = 7; var ypos = 0; while(ypos < height) { var xpos = 0; while(xpos < width) { this.RGB2YUV(image.pixels,width,xpos,ypos); DCY = this.processDU(this.YDU,this.fdtbl_Y,DCY,this.YDC_HT,this.YAC_HT); DCU = this.processDU(this.UDU,this.fdtbl_UV,DCU,this.UVDC_HT,this.UVAC_HT); DCV = this.processDU(this.VDU,this.fdtbl_UV,DCV,this.UVDC_HT,this.UVAC_HT); xpos += 8; } ypos += 8; } if(this.bytepos >= 0) { var fillbits = new format_jpg__$Writer_BitString(this.bytepos + 1,(1 << this.bytepos + 1) - 1); this.writeBits(fillbits); } this.writeWord(65497); } ,__class__: format_jpg_Writer }; var format_jpg__$Writer_BitString = function(l,v) { this.len = l; this.val = v; }; $hxClasses["format.jpg._Writer.BitString"] = format_jpg__$Writer_BitString; format_jpg__$Writer_BitString.__name__ = ["format","jpg","_Writer","BitString"]; format_jpg__$Writer_BitString.prototype = { len: null ,val: null ,__class__: format_jpg__$Writer_BitString }; var format_png_Color = $hxClasses["format.png.Color"] = { __ename__ : ["format","png","Color"], __constructs__ : ["ColGrey","ColTrue","ColIndexed"] }; format_png_Color.ColGrey = function(alpha) { var $x = ["ColGrey",0,alpha]; $x.__enum__ = format_png_Color; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_png_Color.ColTrue = function(alpha) { var $x = ["ColTrue",1,alpha]; $x.__enum__ = format_png_Color; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_png_Color.ColIndexed = ["ColIndexed",2]; format_png_Color.ColIndexed.toString = $estr; format_png_Color.ColIndexed.__enum__ = format_png_Color; var format_png_Chunk = $hxClasses["format.png.Chunk"] = { __ename__ : ["format","png","Chunk"], __constructs__ : ["CEnd","CHeader","CData","CPalette","CUnknown"] }; format_png_Chunk.CEnd = ["CEnd",0]; format_png_Chunk.CEnd.toString = $estr; format_png_Chunk.CEnd.__enum__ = format_png_Chunk; format_png_Chunk.CHeader = function(h) { var $x = ["CHeader",1,h]; $x.__enum__ = format_png_Chunk; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_png_Chunk.CData = function(b) { var $x = ["CData",2,b]; $x.__enum__ = format_png_Chunk; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_png_Chunk.CPalette = function(b) { var $x = ["CPalette",3,b]; $x.__enum__ = format_png_Chunk; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_png_Chunk.CUnknown = function(id,data) { var $x = ["CUnknown",4,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_png_Chunk; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_png_Reader = function(i) { this.i = i; i.set_bigEndian(true); this.checkCRC = true; }; $hxClasses["format.png.Reader"] = format_png_Reader; format_png_Reader.__name__ = ["format","png","Reader"]; format_png_Reader.prototype = { i: null ,checkCRC: null ,read: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = [137,80,78,71,13,10,26,10]; while(_g < _g1.length) { var b = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(this.i.readByte() != b) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid header"); } } var l = new List(); while(true) { var c = this.readChunk(); l.add(c); if(c == format_png_Chunk.CEnd) { break; } } return l; } ,readHeader: function(i) { i.set_bigEndian(true); var width = i.readInt32(); var height = i.readInt32(); var colbits = i.readByte(); var color = i.readByte(); var color1; switch(color) { case 0: color1 = format_png_Color.ColGrey(false); break; case 2: color1 = format_png_Color.ColTrue(false); break; case 3: color1 = format_png_Color.ColIndexed; break; case 4: color1 = format_png_Color.ColGrey(true); break; case 6: color1 = format_png_Color.ColTrue(true); break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unknown color model " + color + ":" + colbits); } var compress = i.readByte(); var filter = i.readByte(); if(compress != 0 || filter != 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid header"); } var interlace = i.readByte(); if(interlace != 0 && interlace != 1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid header"); } return { width : width, height : height, colbits : colbits, color : color1, interlaced : interlace == 1}; } ,readChunk: function() { var dataLen = this.i.readInt32(); var id = this.i.readString(4); var data = this.i.read(dataLen); var crc = this.i.readInt32(); if(this.checkCRC) { var c = new haxe_crypto_Crc32(); var _g = 0; while(_g < 4) { var i = _g++; c["byte"](HxOverrides.cca(id,i)); } c.update(data,0,data.length); if(c.get() != crc) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("CRC check failure"); } } switch(id) { case "IDAT": return format_png_Chunk.CData(data); case "IEND": return format_png_Chunk.CEnd; case "IHDR": return format_png_Chunk.CHeader(this.readHeader(new haxe_io_BytesInput(data))); case "PLTE": return format_png_Chunk.CPalette(data); default: return format_png_Chunk.CUnknown(id,data); } } ,__class__: format_png_Reader }; var format_png_Tools = function() { }; $hxClasses["format.png.Tools"] = format_png_Tools; format_png_Tools.__name__ = ["format","png","Tools"]; format_png_Tools.getHeader = function(d) { var _g_head = d.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var c = val; if(c[1] == 1) { var h = c[2]; return h; } } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Header not found"); }; format_png_Tools.getPalette = function(d) { var _g_head = d.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var c = val; if(c[1] == 3) { var b = c[2]; return b; } } return null; }; format_png_Tools.filter = function(data,x,y,stride,prev,p,numChannels) { if(numChannels == null) { numChannels = 4; } var b = y == 0 ? 0 : data.b[p - stride]; var c = x == 0 || y == 0 ? 0 : data.b[p - stride - numChannels]; var k = prev + b - c; var pa = k - prev; if(pa < 0) { pa = -pa; } var pb = k - b; if(pb < 0) { pb = -pb; } var pc = k - c; if(pc < 0) { pc = -pc; } if(pa <= pb && pa <= pc) { return prev; } else if(pb <= pc) { return b; } else { return c; } }; format_png_Tools.reverseBytes = function(b) { var p = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = b.length >> 2; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var b1 = b.b[p]; var g = b.b[p + 1]; var r = b.b[p + 2]; var a = b.b[p + 3]; b.b[p++] = a & 255; b.b[p++] = r & 255; b.b[p++] = g & 255; b.b[p++] = b1 & 255; } }; format_png_Tools.extractGrey = function(d) { var h = format_png_Tools.getHeader(d); var grey = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(h.width * h.height)); var data = null; var fullData = null; var _g_head = d.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var c = val; if(c[1] == 2) { var b = c[2]; if(fullData != null) { var b1 = fullData.b; var b2 = b.b; var _g1 = 0; var _g = b.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; fullData.b.push(b2[i]); } } else if(data == null) { data = b; } else { fullData = new haxe_io_BytesBuffer(); var b11 = fullData.b; var b21 = data.b; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = data.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; fullData.b.push(b21[i1]); } var b12 = fullData.b; var b22 = b.b; var _g12 = 0; var _g3 = b.length; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i2 = _g12++; fullData.b.push(b22[i2]); } data = null; } } } if(fullData != null) { data = fullData.getBytes(); } if(data == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Data not found"); } data = format_tools_Inflate.run(data); var r = 0; var w = 0; var _g4 = h.color; if(_g4[1] == 0) { var alpha = _g4[2]; if(h.colbits != 8) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unsupported color mode"); } var width = h.width; var stride = (alpha ? 2 : 1) * width + 1; if(data.length < h.height * stride) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not enough data"); } var rinc = alpha ? 2 : 1; var _g13 = 0; var _g5 = h.height; while(_g13 < _g5) { var y = _g13++; var f = data.b[r++]; switch(f) { case 0: var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = width; while(_g31 < _g21) { var x = _g31++; var v = data.b[r]; r += rinc; grey.b[w++] = v & 255; } break; case 1: var cv = 0; var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = width; while(_g32 < _g22) { var x1 = _g32++; cv += data.b[r]; r += rinc; grey.b[w++] = cv & 255; } break; case 2: var stride1 = y == 0 ? 0 : width; var _g33 = 0; var _g23 = width; while(_g33 < _g23) { var x2 = _g33++; var v1 = data.b[r] + grey.b[w - stride1]; r += rinc; grey.b[w++] = v1 & 255; } break; case 3: var cv1 = 0; var stride2 = y == 0 ? 0 : width; var _g34 = 0; var _g24 = width; while(_g34 < _g24) { var x3 = _g34++; cv1 = data.b[r] + (cv1 + grey.b[w - stride2] >> 1) & 255; r += rinc; grey.b[w++] = cv1 & 255; } break; case 4: var stride3 = width; var cv2 = 0; var _g35 = 0; var _g25 = width; while(_g35 < _g25) { var x4 = _g35++; var b3 = y == 0 ? 0 : grey.b[w - stride3]; var c1 = x4 == 0 || y == 0 ? 0 : grey.b[w - stride3 - 1]; var k = cv2 + b3 - c1; var pa = k - cv2; if(pa < 0) { pa = -pa; } var pb = k - b3; if(pb < 0) { pb = -pb; } var pc = k - c1; if(pc < 0) { pc = -pc; } cv2 = (pa <= pb && pa <= pc ? cv2 : pb <= pc ? b3 : c1) + data.b[r] & 255; r += rinc; grey.b[w++] = cv2 & 255; } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid filter " + f); } } } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unsupported color mode"); } return grey; }; format_png_Tools.extract32 = function(d,bytes,flipY) { var h = format_png_Tools.getHeader(d); var bgra = bytes == null ? new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(h.width * h.height * 4)) : bytes; var data = null; var fullData = null; var _g_head = d.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var c = val; if(c[1] == 2) { var b = c[2]; if(fullData != null) { var b1 = fullData.b; var b2 = b.b; var _g1 = 0; var _g = b.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; fullData.b.push(b2[i]); } } else if(data == null) { data = b; } else { fullData = new haxe_io_BytesBuffer(); var b11 = fullData.b; var b21 = data.b; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = data.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; fullData.b.push(b21[i1]); } var b12 = fullData.b; var b22 = b.b; var _g12 = 0; var _g3 = b.length; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i2 = _g12++; fullData.b.push(b22[i2]); } data = null; } } } if(fullData != null) { data = fullData.getBytes(); } if(data == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Data not found"); } data = format_tools_Inflate.run(data); var r = 0; var w = 0; var lineDelta = 0; if(flipY) { lineDelta = -h.width * 8; w = (h.height - 1) * (h.width * 4); } var flipY1 = flipY ? -1 : 1; var _g4 = h.color; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: var alpha = _g4[2]; if(h.colbits != 8) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unsupported color mode"); } var width = h.width; var stride = (alpha ? 2 : 1) * width + 1; if(data.length < h.height * stride) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not enough data"); } var alphvaIdx = -1; if(!alpha) { var _g_head1 = d.h; while(_g_head1 != null) { var val1 = _g_head1.item; _g_head1 = _g_head1.next; var t = val1; if(t[1] == 4) { if(t[2] == "tRNS") { var data1 = t[3]; if(data1.length >= 2) { alphvaIdx = data1.b[1]; } break; } } } } var _g13 = 0; var _g5 = h.height; while(_g13 < _g5) { var y = _g13++; var f = data.b[r++]; switch(f) { case 0: if(alpha) { var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = width; while(_g31 < _g21) { var x = _g31++; var v = data.b[r++]; bgra.b[w++] = v & 255; bgra.b[w++] = v & 255; bgra.b[w++] = v & 255; bgra.b[w++] = data.b[r++] & 255; } } else { var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = width; while(_g32 < _g22) { var x1 = _g32++; var v1 = data.b[r++]; bgra.b[w++] = v1 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = v1 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = v1 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (v1 == alphvaIdx ? 0 : 255) & 255; } } break; case 1: var cv = 0; var ca = 0; if(alpha) { var _g33 = 0; var _g23 = width; while(_g33 < _g23) { var x2 = _g33++; cv += data.b[r++]; bgra.b[w++] = cv & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv & 255; ca += data.b[r++]; bgra.b[w++] = ca & 255; } } else { var _g34 = 0; var _g24 = width; while(_g34 < _g24) { var x3 = _g34++; cv += data.b[r++]; bgra.b[w++] = cv & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (cv == alphvaIdx ? 0 : 255) & 255; } } break; case 2: var stride1 = y == 0 ? 0 : width * 4 * flipY1; if(alpha) { var _g35 = 0; var _g25 = width; while(_g35 < _g25) { var x4 = _g35++; var v2 = data.b[r++] + bgra.b[w - stride1]; bgra.b[w++] = v2 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = v2 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = v2 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = data.b[r++] + bgra.b[w - stride1] & 255; } } else { var _g36 = 0; var _g26 = width; while(_g36 < _g26) { var x5 = _g36++; var v3 = data.b[r++] + bgra.b[w - stride1]; bgra.b[w++] = v3 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = v3 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = v3 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (v3 == alphvaIdx ? 0 : 255) & 255; } } break; case 3: var cv1 = 0; var ca1 = 0; var stride2 = y == 0 ? 0 : width * 4 * flipY1; if(alpha) { var _g37 = 0; var _g27 = width; while(_g37 < _g27) { var x6 = _g37++; cv1 = data.b[r++] + (cv1 + bgra.b[w - stride2] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv1 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv1 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv1 & 255; ca1 = data.b[r++] + (ca1 + bgra.b[w - stride2] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = ca1 & 255; } } else { var _g38 = 0; var _g28 = width; while(_g38 < _g28) { var x7 = _g38++; cv1 = data.b[r++] + (cv1 + bgra.b[w - stride2] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv1 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv1 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv1 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (cv1 == alphvaIdx ? 0 : 255) & 255; } } break; case 4: var stride3 = width * 4 * flipY1; var cv2 = 0; var ca2 = 0; if(alpha) { var _g39 = 0; var _g29 = width; while(_g39 < _g29) { var x8 = _g39++; var b3 = y == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride3]; var c1 = x8 == 0 || y == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride3 - 4]; var k = cv2 + b3 - c1; var pa = k - cv2; if(pa < 0) { pa = -pa; } var pb = k - b3; if(pb < 0) { pb = -pb; } var pc = k - c1; if(pc < 0) { pc = -pc; } cv2 = (pa <= pb && pa <= pc ? cv2 : pb <= pc ? b3 : c1) + data.b[r++] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv2 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv2 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv2 & 255; var b4 = y == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride3]; var c2 = x8 == 0 || y == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride3 - 4]; var k1 = ca2 + b4 - c2; var pa1 = k1 - ca2; if(pa1 < 0) { pa1 = -pa1; } var pb1 = k1 - b4; if(pb1 < 0) { pb1 = -pb1; } var pc1 = k1 - c2; if(pc1 < 0) { pc1 = -pc1; } ca2 = (pa1 <= pb1 && pa1 <= pc1 ? ca2 : pb1 <= pc1 ? b4 : c2) + data.b[r++] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = ca2 & 255; } } else { var _g310 = 0; var _g210 = width; while(_g310 < _g210) { var x9 = _g310++; var b5 = y == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride3]; var c3 = x9 == 0 || y == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride3 - 4]; var k2 = cv2 + b5 - c3; var pa2 = k2 - cv2; if(pa2 < 0) { pa2 = -pa2; } var pb2 = k2 - b5; if(pb2 < 0) { pb2 = -pb2; } var pc2 = k2 - c3; if(pc2 < 0) { pc2 = -pc2; } cv2 = (pa2 <= pb2 && pa2 <= pc2 ? cv2 : pb2 <= pc2 ? b5 : c3) + data.b[r++] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv2 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv2 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cv2 & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (cv2 == alphvaIdx ? 0 : 255) & 255; } } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid filter " + f); } w += lineDelta; } break; case 1: var alpha1 = _g4[2]; if(h.colbits != 8) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unsupported color mode"); } var width1 = h.width; var stride4 = (alpha1 ? 4 : 3) * width1 + 1; if(data.length < h.height * stride4) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not enough data"); } var alphaRed = -1; var alphaGreen = -1; var alphaBlue = -1; if(!alpha1) { var _g_head2 = d.h; while(_g_head2 != null) { var val2 = _g_head2.item; _g_head2 = _g_head2.next; var t1 = val2; if(t1[1] == 4) { if(t1[2] == "tRNS") { var data2 = t1[3]; if(data2.length >= 6) { alphaRed = data2.b[1]; alphaGreen = data2.b[3]; alphaBlue = data2.b[5]; } break; } } } } var cr = 0; var cg = 0; var cb = 0; var ca3 = 0; var _g14 = 0; var _g6 = h.height; while(_g14 < _g6) { var y1 = _g14++; var f1 = data.b[r++]; switch(f1) { case 0: if(alpha1) { var _g311 = 0; var _g211 = width1; while(_g311 < _g211) { var x10 = _g311++; bgra.b[w++] = data.b[r + 2] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = data.b[r + 1] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = data.b[r] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = data.b[r + 3] & 255; r += 4; } } else { var _g312 = 0; var _g212 = width1; while(_g312 < _g212) { var x11 = _g312++; cb = data.b[r + 2]; bgra.b[w++] = cb & 255; cg = data.b[r + 1]; bgra.b[w++] = cg & 255; cr = data.b[r]; bgra.b[w++] = cr & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (cr == alphaRed && cg == alphaGreen && cb == alphaBlue ? 0 : 255) & 255; r += 3; } } break; case 1: ca3 = 0; cb = ca3; cg = cb; cr = cg; if(alpha1) { var _g313 = 0; var _g213 = width1; while(_g313 < _g213) { var x12 = _g313++; cb += data.b[r + 2]; bgra.b[w++] = cb & 255; cg += data.b[r + 1]; bgra.b[w++] = cg & 255; cr += data.b[r]; bgra.b[w++] = cr & 255; ca3 += data.b[r + 3]; bgra.b[w++] = ca3 & 255; r += 4; } } else { var _g314 = 0; var _g214 = width1; while(_g314 < _g214) { var x13 = _g314++; cb += data.b[r + 2]; bgra.b[w++] = cb & 255; cg += data.b[r + 1]; bgra.b[w++] = cg & 255; cr += data.b[r]; bgra.b[w++] = cr & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (cr == alphaRed && cg == alphaGreen && cb == alphaBlue ? 0 : 255) & 255; r += 3; } } break; case 2: var stride5 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : width1 * 4 * flipY1; if(alpha1) { var _g315 = 0; var _g215 = width1; while(_g315 < _g215) { var x14 = _g315++; bgra.b[w] = data.b[r + 2] + bgra.b[w - stride5] & 255; ++w; bgra.b[w] = data.b[r + 1] + bgra.b[w - stride5] & 255; ++w; bgra.b[w] = data.b[r] + bgra.b[w - stride5] & 255; ++w; bgra.b[w] = data.b[r + 3] + bgra.b[w - stride5] & 255; ++w; r += 4; } } else { var _g316 = 0; var _g216 = width1; while(_g316 < _g216) { var x15 = _g316++; cb = data.b[r + 2] + bgra.b[w - stride5]; bgra.b[w] = cb & 255; ++w; cg = data.b[r + 1] + bgra.b[w - stride5]; bgra.b[w] = cg & 255; ++w; cr = data.b[r] + bgra.b[w - stride5]; bgra.b[w] = cr & 255; ++w; bgra.b[w++] = (cr == alphaRed && cg == alphaGreen && cb == alphaBlue ? 0 : 255) & 255; r += 3; } } break; case 3: ca3 = 0; cb = ca3; cg = cb; cr = cg; var stride6 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : width1 * 4 * flipY1; if(alpha1) { var _g317 = 0; var _g217 = width1; while(_g317 < _g217) { var x16 = _g317++; cb = data.b[r + 2] + (cb + bgra.b[w - stride6] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cb & 255; cg = data.b[r + 1] + (cg + bgra.b[w - stride6] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cg & 255; cr = data.b[r] + (cr + bgra.b[w - stride6] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cr & 255; ca3 = data.b[r + 3] + (ca3 + bgra.b[w - stride6] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = ca3 & 255; r += 4; } } else { var _g318 = 0; var _g218 = width1; while(_g318 < _g218) { var x17 = _g318++; cb = data.b[r + 2] + (cb + bgra.b[w - stride6] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cb & 255; cg = data.b[r + 1] + (cg + bgra.b[w - stride6] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cg & 255; cr = data.b[r] + (cr + bgra.b[w - stride6] >> 1) & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cr & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (cr == alphaRed && cg == alphaGreen && cb == alphaBlue ? 0 : 255) & 255; r += 3; } } break; case 4: var stride7 = width1 * 4 * flipY1; ca3 = 0; cb = ca3; cg = cb; cr = cg; if(alpha1) { var _g319 = 0; var _g219 = width1; while(_g319 < _g219) { var x18 = _g319++; var b6 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7]; var c4 = x18 == 0 || y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7 - 4]; var k3 = cb + b6 - c4; var pa3 = k3 - cb; if(pa3 < 0) { pa3 = -pa3; } var pb3 = k3 - b6; if(pb3 < 0) { pb3 = -pb3; } var pc3 = k3 - c4; if(pc3 < 0) { pc3 = -pc3; } cb = (pa3 <= pb3 && pa3 <= pc3 ? cb : pb3 <= pc3 ? b6 : c4) + data.b[r + 2] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cb & 255; var b7 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7]; var c5 = x18 == 0 || y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7 - 4]; var k4 = cg + b7 - c5; var pa4 = k4 - cg; if(pa4 < 0) { pa4 = -pa4; } var pb4 = k4 - b7; if(pb4 < 0) { pb4 = -pb4; } var pc4 = k4 - c5; if(pc4 < 0) { pc4 = -pc4; } cg = (pa4 <= pb4 && pa4 <= pc4 ? cg : pb4 <= pc4 ? b7 : c5) + data.b[r + 1] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cg & 255; var b8 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7]; var c6 = x18 == 0 || y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7 - 4]; var k5 = cr + b8 - c6; var pa5 = k5 - cr; if(pa5 < 0) { pa5 = -pa5; } var pb5 = k5 - b8; if(pb5 < 0) { pb5 = -pb5; } var pc5 = k5 - c6; if(pc5 < 0) { pc5 = -pc5; } cr = (pa5 <= pb5 && pa5 <= pc5 ? cr : pb5 <= pc5 ? b8 : c6) + data.b[r] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cr & 255; var b9 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7]; var c7 = x18 == 0 || y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7 - 4]; var k6 = ca3 + b9 - c7; var pa6 = k6 - ca3; if(pa6 < 0) { pa6 = -pa6; } var pb6 = k6 - b9; if(pb6 < 0) { pb6 = -pb6; } var pc6 = k6 - c7; if(pc6 < 0) { pc6 = -pc6; } ca3 = (pa6 <= pb6 && pa6 <= pc6 ? ca3 : pb6 <= pc6 ? b9 : c7) + data.b[r + 3] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = ca3 & 255; r += 4; } } else { var _g320 = 0; var _g220 = width1; while(_g320 < _g220) { var x19 = _g320++; var b10 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7]; var c8 = x19 == 0 || y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7 - 4]; var k7 = cb + b10 - c8; var pa7 = k7 - cb; if(pa7 < 0) { pa7 = -pa7; } var pb7 = k7 - b10; if(pb7 < 0) { pb7 = -pb7; } var pc7 = k7 - c8; if(pc7 < 0) { pc7 = -pc7; } cb = (pa7 <= pb7 && pa7 <= pc7 ? cb : pb7 <= pc7 ? b10 : c8) + data.b[r + 2] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cb & 255; var b13 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7]; var c9 = x19 == 0 || y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7 - 4]; var k8 = cg + b13 - c9; var pa8 = k8 - cg; if(pa8 < 0) { pa8 = -pa8; } var pb8 = k8 - b13; if(pb8 < 0) { pb8 = -pb8; } var pc8 = k8 - c9; if(pc8 < 0) { pc8 = -pc8; } cg = (pa8 <= pb8 && pa8 <= pc8 ? cg : pb8 <= pc8 ? b13 : c9) + data.b[r + 1] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cg & 255; var b14 = y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7]; var c10 = x19 == 0 || y1 == 0 ? 0 : bgra.b[w - stride7 - 4]; var k9 = cr + b14 - c10; var pa9 = k9 - cr; if(pa9 < 0) { pa9 = -pa9; } var pb9 = k9 - b14; if(pb9 < 0) { pb9 = -pb9; } var pc9 = k9 - c10; if(pc9 < 0) { pc9 = -pc9; } cr = (pa9 <= pb9 && pa9 <= pc9 ? cr : pb9 <= pc9 ? b14 : c10) + data.b[r] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = cr & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (cr == alphaRed && cg == alphaGreen && cb == alphaBlue ? 0 : 255) & 255; r += 3; } } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid filter " + f1); } w += lineDelta; } break; case 2: var pal = format_png_Tools.getPalette(d); if(pal == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("PNG Palette is missing"); } var alpha2 = null; var _g_head3 = d.h; while(_g_head3 != null) { var val3 = _g_head3.item; _g_head3 = _g_head3.next; var t2 = val3; if(t2[1] == 4) { if(t2[2] == "tRNS") { var data3 = t2[3]; alpha2 = data3; break; } } } if(alpha2 != null && alpha2.length < 1 << h.colbits) { var alpha21 = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(1 << h.colbits)); alpha21.blit(0,alpha2,0,alpha2.length); alpha21.fill(alpha2.length,alpha21.length - alpha2.length,255); alpha2 = alpha21; } var width2 = h.width; var stride8 = Math.ceil(width2 * h.colbits / 8) + 1; if(data.length < h.height * stride8) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not enough data"); } var tmp = h.width * h.colbits; var rline = tmp >> 3; var _g15 = 0; var _g7 = h.height; while(_g15 < _g7) { var y2 = _g15++; var f2 = data.b[r++]; if(f2 == 0) { r += rline; continue; } switch(f2) { case 1: var c11 = 0; var _g321 = 0; var _g221 = width2; while(_g321 < _g221) { var x20 = _g321++; var v4 = data.b[r]; c11 += v4; data.b[r++] = c11 & 255 & 255; } break; case 2: var stride9 = y2 == 0 ? 0 : rline + 1; var _g322 = 0; var _g222 = width2; while(_g322 < _g222) { var x21 = _g322++; var v5 = data.b[r]; data.b[r] = v5 + data.b[r - stride9] & 255; ++r; } break; case 3: var c12 = 0; var stride10 = y2 == 0 ? 0 : rline + 1; var _g323 = 0; var _g223 = width2; while(_g323 < _g223) { var x22 = _g323++; var v6 = data.b[r]; c12 = v6 + (c12 + data.b[r - stride10] >> 1) & 255; data.b[r++] = c12 & 255; } break; case 4: var stride11 = rline + 1; var c13 = 0; var _g324 = 0; var _g224 = width2; while(_g324 < _g224) { var x23 = _g324++; var v7 = data.b[r]; var b15 = y2 == 0 ? 0 : data.b[r - stride11]; var c14 = x23 == 0 || y2 == 0 ? 0 : data.b[r - stride11 - 1]; var k10 = c13 + b15 - c14; var pa10 = k10 - c13; if(pa10 < 0) { pa10 = -pa10; } var pb10 = k10 - b15; if(pb10 < 0) { pb10 = -pb10; } var pc10 = k10 - c14; if(pc10 < 0) { pc10 = -pc10; } c13 = (pa10 <= pb10 && pa10 <= pc10 ? c13 : pb10 <= pc10 ? b15 : c14) + v7 & 255; data.b[r++] = c13 & 255; } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid filter " + f2); } } var r1 = 0; if(h.colbits == 8) { var _g16 = 0; var _g8 = h.height; while(_g16 < _g8) { var y3 = _g16++; ++r1; var _g325 = 0; var _g225 = h.width; while(_g325 < _g225) { var x24 = _g325++; var c15 = data.b[r1++]; bgra.b[w++] = pal.b[c15 * 3 + 2] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = pal.b[c15 * 3 + 1] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = pal.b[c15 * 3] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (alpha2 != null ? alpha2.b[c15] : 255) & 255; } w += lineDelta; } } else if(h.colbits < 8) { var req = h.colbits; var mask = (1 << req) - 1; var _g17 = 0; var _g9 = h.height; while(_g17 < _g9) { var y4 = _g17++; ++r1; var bits = 0; var nbits = 0; var v8; var _g326 = 0; var _g226 = h.width; while(_g326 < _g226) { var x25 = _g326++; if(nbits < req) { bits = bits << 8 | data.b[r1++]; nbits += 8; } var c16 = bits >>> nbits - req & mask; nbits -= req; bgra.b[w++] = pal.b[c16 * 3 + 2] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = pal.b[c16 * 3 + 1] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = pal.b[c16 * 3] & 255; bgra.b[w++] = (alpha2 != null ? alpha2.b[c16] : 255) & 255; } w += lineDelta; } } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(h.colbits + " indexed bits per pixel not supported"); } break; } return bgra; }; format_png_Tools.buildGrey = function(width,height,data,level) { if(level == null) { level = 9; } var rgb = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(width * height + height)); var w = 0; var r = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; rgb.b[w++] = 0; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; rgb.b[w++] = data.b[r++] & 255; } } var l = new List(); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CHeader({ width : width, height : height, colbits : 8, color : format_png_Color.ColGrey(false), interlaced : false})); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CData(format_tools_Deflate.run(rgb,level))); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CEnd); return l; }; format_png_Tools.buildIndexed = function(width,height,data,palette,level) { if(level == null) { level = 9; } var rgb = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(width * height + height)); var w = 0; var r = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; rgb.b[w++] = 0; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; rgb.b[w++] = data.b[r++] & 255; } } var l = new List(); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CHeader({ width : width, height : height, colbits : 8, color : format_png_Color.ColIndexed, interlaced : false})); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CPalette(palette)); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CData(format_tools_Deflate.run(rgb,level))); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CEnd); return l; }; format_png_Tools.buildRGB = function(width,height,data,level) { if(level == null) { level = 9; } var rgb = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(width * height * 3 + height)); var w = 0; var r = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; rgb.b[w++] = 0; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; rgb.b[w++] = data.b[r + 2] & 255; rgb.b[w++] = data.b[r + 1] & 255; rgb.b[w++] = data.b[r] & 255; r += 3; } } var l = new List(); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CHeader({ width : width, height : height, colbits : 8, color : format_png_Color.ColTrue(false), interlaced : false})); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CData(format_tools_Deflate.run(rgb,level))); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CEnd); return l; }; format_png_Tools.build32ARGB = function(width,height,data,level) { if(level == null) { level = 9; } var rgba = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(width * height * 4 + height)); var w = 0; var r = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; rgba.b[w++] = 0; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; rgba.b[w++] = data.b[r + 1] & 255; rgba.b[w++] = data.b[r + 2] & 255; rgba.b[w++] = data.b[r + 3] & 255; rgba.b[w++] = data.b[r] & 255; r += 4; } } var l = new List(); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CHeader({ width : width, height : height, colbits : 8, color : format_png_Color.ColTrue(true), interlaced : false})); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CData(format_tools_Deflate.run(rgba,level))); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CEnd); return l; }; format_png_Tools.build32BGRA = function(width,height,data,level) { if(level == null) { level = 9; } var rgba = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(width * height * 4 + height)); var w = 0; var r = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; rgba.b[w++] = 0; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; rgba.b[w++] = data.b[r + 2] & 255; rgba.b[w++] = data.b[r + 1] & 255; rgba.b[w++] = data.b[r] & 255; rgba.b[w++] = data.b[r + 3] & 255; r += 4; } } var l = new List(); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CHeader({ width : width, height : height, colbits : 8, color : format_png_Color.ColTrue(true), interlaced : false})); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CData(format_tools_Deflate.run(rgba,level))); l.add(format_png_Chunk.CEnd); return l; }; var format_png_Writer = function(o) { this.o = o; o.set_bigEndian(true); }; $hxClasses["format.png.Writer"] = format_png_Writer; format_png_Writer.__name__ = ["format","png","Writer"]; format_png_Writer.prototype = { o: null ,write: function(png) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = [137,80,78,71,13,10,26,10]; while(_g < _g1.length) { var b = _g1[_g]; ++_g; this.o.writeByte(b); } var _g_head = png.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var c = val; switch(c[1]) { case 0: this.writeChunk("IEND",new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(0))); break; case 1: var h = c[2]; var b1 = new haxe_io_BytesOutput(); b1.set_bigEndian(true); b1.writeInt32(h.width); b1.writeInt32(h.height); b1.writeByte(h.colbits); var _g2 = h.color; var tmp; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: var alpha = _g2[2]; if(alpha) { tmp = 4; } else { tmp = 0; } break; case 1: var alpha1 = _g2[2]; if(alpha1) { tmp = 6; } else { tmp = 2; } break; case 2: tmp = 3; break; } b1.writeByte(tmp); b1.writeByte(0); b1.writeByte(0); b1.writeByte(h.interlaced ? 1 : 0); this.writeChunk("IHDR",b1.getBytes()); break; case 2: var d = c[2]; this.writeChunk("IDAT",d); break; case 3: var b2 = c[2]; this.writeChunk("PLTE",b2); break; case 4: var data = c[3]; var id = c[2]; this.writeChunk(id,data); break; } } } ,writeChunk: function(id,data) { this.o.writeInt32(data.length); this.o.writeString(id); this.o.write(data); var crc = new haxe_crypto_Crc32(); var _g = 0; while(_g < 4) { var i = _g++; crc["byte"](HxOverrides.cca(id,i)); } crc.update(data,0,data.length); this.o.writeInt32(crc.get()); } ,__class__: format_png_Writer }; var format_swf_SWFTag = $hxClasses["format.swf.SWFTag"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","SWFTag"], __constructs__ : ["TShowFrame","TShape","TMorphShape","TFont","TFontInfo","TBackgroundColor","TDoActions","TClip","TPlaceObject2","TPlaceObject3","TRemoveObject2","TFrameLabel","TExport","TDoInitActions","TActionScript3","TSymbolClass","TExportAssets","TSandBox","TBitsLossless","TBitsLossless2","TBitsJPEG","TJPEGTables","TBinaryData","TSound","TScenes","TUnknown"] }; format_swf_SWFTag.TShowFrame = ["TShowFrame",0]; format_swf_SWFTag.TShowFrame.toString = $estr; format_swf_SWFTag.TShowFrame.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; format_swf_SWFTag.TShape = function(id,data) { var $x = ["TShape",1,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TMorphShape = function(id,data) { var $x = ["TMorphShape",2,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TFont = function(id,data) { var $x = ["TFont",3,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TFontInfo = function(id,data) { var $x = ["TFontInfo",4,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TBackgroundColor = function(color) { var $x = ["TBackgroundColor",5,color]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TDoActions = function(data) { var $x = ["TDoActions",6,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TClip = function(id,frames,tags) { var $x = ["TClip",7,id,frames,tags]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TPlaceObject2 = function(po) { var $x = ["TPlaceObject2",8,po]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TPlaceObject3 = function(po) { var $x = ["TPlaceObject3",9,po]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TRemoveObject2 = function(depth) { var $x = ["TRemoveObject2",10,depth]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TFrameLabel = function(label,anchor) { var $x = ["TFrameLabel",11,label,anchor]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TExport = function(el) { var $x = ["TExport",12,el]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TDoInitActions = function(id,data) { var $x = ["TDoInitActions",13,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TActionScript3 = function(data,context) { var $x = ["TActionScript3",14,data,context]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TSymbolClass = function(symbols) { var $x = ["TSymbolClass",15,symbols]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TExportAssets = function(symbols) { var $x = ["TExportAssets",16,symbols]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TSandBox = function(useDirectBlit,useGpu,hasMeta,useAs3,useNetwork) { var $x = ["TSandBox",17,useDirectBlit,useGpu,hasMeta,useAs3,useNetwork]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TBitsLossless = function(data) { var $x = ["TBitsLossless",18,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TBitsLossless2 = function(data) { var $x = ["TBitsLossless2",19,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TBitsJPEG = function(id,data) { var $x = ["TBitsJPEG",20,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TJPEGTables = function(data) { var $x = ["TJPEGTables",21,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TBinaryData = function(id,data) { var $x = ["TBinaryData",22,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TSound = function(data) { var $x = ["TSound",23,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TScenes = function(scenes,labels) { var $x = ["TScenes",24,scenes,labels]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SWFTag.TUnknown = function(id,data) { var $x = ["TUnknown",25,id,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SWFTag; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_PlaceObject = function() { }; $hxClasses["format.swf.PlaceObject"] = format_swf_PlaceObject; format_swf_PlaceObject.__name__ = ["format","swf","PlaceObject"]; format_swf_PlaceObject.prototype = { depth: null ,move: null ,cid: null ,matrix: null ,color: null ,ratio: null ,instanceName: null ,clipDepth: null ,events: null ,filters: null ,blendMode: null ,bitmapCache: null ,hasImage: null ,className: null ,__class__: format_swf_PlaceObject }; var format_swf_ShapeData = $hxClasses["format.swf.ShapeData"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","ShapeData"], __constructs__ : ["SHDShape1","SHDShape2","SHDShape3","SHDShape4"] }; format_swf_ShapeData.SHDShape1 = function(bounds,shapes) { var $x = ["SHDShape1",0,bounds,shapes]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_ShapeData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_ShapeData.SHDShape2 = function(bounds,shapes) { var $x = ["SHDShape2",1,bounds,shapes]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_ShapeData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_ShapeData.SHDShape3 = function(bounds,shapes) { var $x = ["SHDShape3",2,bounds,shapes]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_ShapeData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_ShapeData.SHDShape4 = function(data) { var $x = ["SHDShape4",3,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_ShapeData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_MorphShapeData = $hxClasses["format.swf.MorphShapeData"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","MorphShapeData"], __constructs__ : ["MSDShape1","MSDShape2"] }; format_swf_MorphShapeData.MSDShape1 = function(data) { var $x = ["MSDShape1",0,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_MorphShapeData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_MorphShapeData.MSDShape2 = function(data) { var $x = ["MSDShape2",1,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_MorphShapeData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_MorphFillStyle = $hxClasses["format.swf.MorphFillStyle"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","MorphFillStyle"], __constructs__ : ["MFSSolid","MFSLinearGradient","MFSRadialGradient","MFSBitmap"] }; format_swf_MorphFillStyle.MFSSolid = function(startColor,endColor) { var $x = ["MFSSolid",0,startColor,endColor]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_MorphFillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_MorphFillStyle.MFSLinearGradient = function(startMatrix,endMatrix,gradients) { var $x = ["MFSLinearGradient",1,startMatrix,endMatrix,gradients]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_MorphFillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_MorphFillStyle.MFSRadialGradient = function(startMatrix,endMatrix,gradients) { var $x = ["MFSRadialGradient",2,startMatrix,endMatrix,gradients]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_MorphFillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_MorphFillStyle.MFSBitmap = function(cid,startMatrix,endMatrix,repeat,smooth) { var $x = ["MFSBitmap",3,cid,startMatrix,endMatrix,repeat,smooth]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_MorphFillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_Morph2LineStyle = $hxClasses["format.swf.Morph2LineStyle"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","Morph2LineStyle"], __constructs__ : ["M2LSNoFill","M2LSFill"] }; format_swf_Morph2LineStyle.M2LSNoFill = function(startColor,endColor,data) { var $x = ["M2LSNoFill",0,startColor,endColor,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Morph2LineStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_Morph2LineStyle.M2LSFill = function(fill,data) { var $x = ["M2LSFill",1,fill,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Morph2LineStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_ShapeRecord = $hxClasses["format.swf.ShapeRecord"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","ShapeRecord"], __constructs__ : ["SHREnd","SHRChange","SHREdge","SHRCurvedEdge"] }; format_swf_ShapeRecord.SHREnd = ["SHREnd",0]; format_swf_ShapeRecord.SHREnd.toString = $estr; format_swf_ShapeRecord.SHREnd.__enum__ = format_swf_ShapeRecord; format_swf_ShapeRecord.SHRChange = function(data) { var $x = ["SHRChange",1,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_ShapeRecord; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_ShapeRecord.SHREdge = function(dx,dy) { var $x = ["SHREdge",2,dx,dy]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_ShapeRecord; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_ShapeRecord.SHRCurvedEdge = function(cdx,cdy,adx,ady) { var $x = ["SHRCurvedEdge",3,cdx,cdy,adx,ady]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_ShapeRecord; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_FillStyle = $hxClasses["format.swf.FillStyle"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","FillStyle"], __constructs__ : ["FSSolid","FSSolidAlpha","FSLinearGradient","FSRadialGradient","FSFocalGradient","FSBitmap"] }; format_swf_FillStyle.FSSolid = function(rgb) { var $x = ["FSSolid",0,rgb]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_FillStyle.FSSolidAlpha = function(rgb) { var $x = ["FSSolidAlpha",1,rgb]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_FillStyle.FSLinearGradient = function(mat,grad) { var $x = ["FSLinearGradient",2,mat,grad]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_FillStyle.FSRadialGradient = function(mat,grad) { var $x = ["FSRadialGradient",3,mat,grad]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_FillStyle.FSFocalGradient = function(mat,grad) { var $x = ["FSFocalGradient",4,mat,grad]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_FillStyle.FSBitmap = function(cid,mat,repeat,smooth) { var $x = ["FSBitmap",5,cid,mat,repeat,smooth]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FillStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_LineStyleData = $hxClasses["format.swf.LineStyleData"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","LineStyleData"], __constructs__ : ["LSRGB","LSRGBA","LS2"] }; format_swf_LineStyleData.LSRGB = function(rgb) { var $x = ["LSRGB",0,rgb]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_LineStyleData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_LineStyleData.LSRGBA = function(rgba) { var $x = ["LSRGBA",1,rgba]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_LineStyleData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_LineStyleData.LS2 = function(data) { var $x = ["LS2",2,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_LineStyleData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_LineCapStyle = $hxClasses["format.swf.LineCapStyle"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","LineCapStyle"], __constructs__ : ["LCRound","LCNone","LCSquare"] }; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCRound = ["LCRound",0]; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCRound.toString = $estr; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCRound.__enum__ = format_swf_LineCapStyle; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCNone = ["LCNone",1]; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCNone.toString = $estr; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCNone.__enum__ = format_swf_LineCapStyle; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCSquare = ["LCSquare",2]; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCSquare.toString = $estr; format_swf_LineCapStyle.LCSquare.__enum__ = format_swf_LineCapStyle; var format_swf_LineJoinStyle = $hxClasses["format.swf.LineJoinStyle"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","LineJoinStyle"], __constructs__ : ["LJRound","LJBevel","LJMiter"] }; format_swf_LineJoinStyle.LJRound = ["LJRound",0]; format_swf_LineJoinStyle.LJRound.toString = $estr; format_swf_LineJoinStyle.LJRound.__enum__ = format_swf_LineJoinStyle; format_swf_LineJoinStyle.LJBevel = ["LJBevel",1]; format_swf_LineJoinStyle.LJBevel.toString = $estr; format_swf_LineJoinStyle.LJBevel.__enum__ = format_swf_LineJoinStyle; format_swf_LineJoinStyle.LJMiter = function(limitFactor) { var $x = ["LJMiter",2,limitFactor]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_LineJoinStyle; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_LS2Fill = $hxClasses["format.swf.LS2Fill"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","LS2Fill"], __constructs__ : ["LS2FColor","LS2FStyle"] }; format_swf_LS2Fill.LS2FColor = function(color) { var $x = ["LS2FColor",0,color]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_LS2Fill; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_LS2Fill.LS2FStyle = function(style) { var $x = ["LS2FStyle",1,style]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_LS2Fill; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_GradRecord = $hxClasses["format.swf.GradRecord"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","GradRecord"], __constructs__ : ["GRRGB","GRRGBA"] }; format_swf_GradRecord.GRRGB = function(pos,col) { var $x = ["GRRGB",0,pos,col]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_GradRecord; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_GradRecord.GRRGBA = function(pos,col) { var $x = ["GRRGBA",1,pos,col]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_GradRecord; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_SpreadMode = $hxClasses["format.swf.SpreadMode"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","SpreadMode"], __constructs__ : ["SMPad","SMReflect","SMRepeat","SMReserved"] }; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMPad = ["SMPad",0]; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMPad.toString = $estr; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMPad.__enum__ = format_swf_SpreadMode; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMReflect = ["SMReflect",1]; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMReflect.toString = $estr; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMReflect.__enum__ = format_swf_SpreadMode; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMRepeat = ["SMRepeat",2]; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMRepeat.toString = $estr; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMRepeat.__enum__ = format_swf_SpreadMode; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMReserved = ["SMReserved",3]; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMReserved.toString = $estr; format_swf_SpreadMode.SMReserved.__enum__ = format_swf_SpreadMode; var format_swf_InterpolationMode = $hxClasses["format.swf.InterpolationMode"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","InterpolationMode"], __constructs__ : ["IMNormalRGB","IMLinearRGB","IMReserved1","IMReserved2"] }; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMNormalRGB = ["IMNormalRGB",0]; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMNormalRGB.toString = $estr; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMNormalRGB.__enum__ = format_swf_InterpolationMode; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMLinearRGB = ["IMLinearRGB",1]; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMLinearRGB.toString = $estr; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMLinearRGB.__enum__ = format_swf_InterpolationMode; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMReserved1 = ["IMReserved1",2]; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMReserved1.toString = $estr; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMReserved1.__enum__ = format_swf_InterpolationMode; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMReserved2 = ["IMReserved2",3]; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMReserved2.toString = $estr; format_swf_InterpolationMode.IMReserved2.__enum__ = format_swf_InterpolationMode; var format_swf_BlendMode = $hxClasses["format.swf.BlendMode"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","BlendMode"], __constructs__ : ["BNormal","BLayer","BMultiply","BScreen","BLighten","BDarken","BDifference","BAdd","BSubtract","BInvert","BAlpha","BErase","BOverlay","BHardLight"] }; format_swf_BlendMode.BNormal = ["BNormal",0]; format_swf_BlendMode.BNormal.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BNormal.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BLayer = ["BLayer",1]; format_swf_BlendMode.BLayer.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BLayer.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BMultiply = ["BMultiply",2]; format_swf_BlendMode.BMultiply.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BMultiply.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BScreen = ["BScreen",3]; format_swf_BlendMode.BScreen.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BScreen.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BLighten = ["BLighten",4]; format_swf_BlendMode.BLighten.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BLighten.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BDarken = ["BDarken",5]; format_swf_BlendMode.BDarken.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BDarken.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BDifference = ["BDifference",6]; format_swf_BlendMode.BDifference.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BDifference.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BAdd = ["BAdd",7]; format_swf_BlendMode.BAdd.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BAdd.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BSubtract = ["BSubtract",8]; format_swf_BlendMode.BSubtract.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BSubtract.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BInvert = ["BInvert",9]; format_swf_BlendMode.BInvert.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BInvert.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BAlpha = ["BAlpha",10]; format_swf_BlendMode.BAlpha.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BAlpha.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BErase = ["BErase",11]; format_swf_BlendMode.BErase.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BErase.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BOverlay = ["BOverlay",12]; format_swf_BlendMode.BOverlay.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BOverlay.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; format_swf_BlendMode.BHardLight = ["BHardLight",13]; format_swf_BlendMode.BHardLight.toString = $estr; format_swf_BlendMode.BHardLight.__enum__ = format_swf_BlendMode; var format_swf_Filter = $hxClasses["format.swf.Filter"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","Filter"], __constructs__ : ["FDropShadow","FBlur","FGlow","FBevel","FGradientGlow","FColorMatrix","FGradientBevel"] }; format_swf_Filter.FDropShadow = function(data) { var $x = ["FDropShadow",0,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Filter; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_Filter.FBlur = function(data) { var $x = ["FBlur",1,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Filter; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_Filter.FGlow = function(data) { var $x = ["FGlow",2,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Filter; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_Filter.FBevel = function(data) { var $x = ["FBevel",3,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Filter; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_Filter.FGradientGlow = function(data) { var $x = ["FGradientGlow",4,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Filter; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_Filter.FColorMatrix = function(data) { var $x = ["FColorMatrix",5,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Filter; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_Filter.FGradientBevel = function(data) { var $x = ["FGradientBevel",6,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_Filter; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_JPEGData = $hxClasses["format.swf.JPEGData"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","JPEGData"], __constructs__ : ["JDJPEG1","JDJPEG2","JDJPEG3"] }; format_swf_JPEGData.JDJPEG1 = function(data) { var $x = ["JDJPEG1",0,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_JPEGData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_JPEGData.JDJPEG2 = function(data) { var $x = ["JDJPEG2",1,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_JPEGData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_JPEGData.JDJPEG3 = function(data,mask) { var $x = ["JDJPEG3",2,data,mask]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_JPEGData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_ColorModel = $hxClasses["format.swf.ColorModel"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","ColorModel"], __constructs__ : ["CM8Bits","CM15Bits","CM24Bits","CM32Bits"] }; format_swf_ColorModel.CM8Bits = function(ncolors) { var $x = ["CM8Bits",0,ncolors]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_ColorModel; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_ColorModel.CM15Bits = ["CM15Bits",1]; format_swf_ColorModel.CM15Bits.toString = $estr; format_swf_ColorModel.CM15Bits.__enum__ = format_swf_ColorModel; format_swf_ColorModel.CM24Bits = ["CM24Bits",2]; format_swf_ColorModel.CM24Bits.toString = $estr; format_swf_ColorModel.CM24Bits.__enum__ = format_swf_ColorModel; format_swf_ColorModel.CM32Bits = ["CM32Bits",3]; format_swf_ColorModel.CM32Bits.toString = $estr; format_swf_ColorModel.CM32Bits.__enum__ = format_swf_ColorModel; var format_swf_SoundData = $hxClasses["format.swf.SoundData"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","SoundData"], __constructs__ : ["SDMp3","SDRaw","SDOther"] }; format_swf_SoundData.SDMp3 = function(seek,data) { var $x = ["SDMp3",0,seek,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SoundData.SDRaw = function(data) { var $x = ["SDRaw",1,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_SoundData.SDOther = function(data) { var $x = ["SDOther",2,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_SoundFormat = $hxClasses["format.swf.SoundFormat"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","SoundFormat"], __constructs__ : ["SFNativeEndianUncompressed","SFADPCM","SFMP3","SFLittleEndianUncompressed","SFNellymoser16k","SFNellymoser8k","SFNellymoser","SFSpeex"] }; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNativeEndianUncompressed = ["SFNativeEndianUncompressed",0]; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNativeEndianUncompressed.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNativeEndianUncompressed.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundFormat; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFADPCM = ["SFADPCM",1]; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFADPCM.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFADPCM.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundFormat; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFMP3 = ["SFMP3",2]; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFMP3.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFMP3.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundFormat; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFLittleEndianUncompressed = ["SFLittleEndianUncompressed",3]; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFLittleEndianUncompressed.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFLittleEndianUncompressed.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundFormat; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser16k = ["SFNellymoser16k",4]; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser16k.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser16k.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundFormat; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser8k = ["SFNellymoser8k",5]; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser8k.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser8k.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundFormat; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser = ["SFNellymoser",6]; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFNellymoser.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundFormat; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFSpeex = ["SFSpeex",7]; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFSpeex.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundFormat.SFSpeex.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundFormat; var format_swf_SoundRate = $hxClasses["format.swf.SoundRate"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","SoundRate"], __constructs__ : ["SR5k","SR11k","SR22k","SR44k"] }; format_swf_SoundRate.SR5k = ["SR5k",0]; format_swf_SoundRate.SR5k.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundRate.SR5k.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundRate; format_swf_SoundRate.SR11k = ["SR11k",1]; format_swf_SoundRate.SR11k.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundRate.SR11k.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundRate; format_swf_SoundRate.SR22k = ["SR22k",2]; format_swf_SoundRate.SR22k.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundRate.SR22k.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundRate; format_swf_SoundRate.SR44k = ["SR44k",3]; format_swf_SoundRate.SR44k.toString = $estr; format_swf_SoundRate.SR44k.__enum__ = format_swf_SoundRate; var format_swf_FontData = $hxClasses["format.swf.FontData"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","FontData"], __constructs__ : ["FDFont1","FDFont2","FDFont3"] }; format_swf_FontData.FDFont1 = function(data) { var $x = ["FDFont1",0,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FontData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_FontData.FDFont2 = function(hasWideChars,data) { var $x = ["FDFont2",1,hasWideChars,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FontData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_FontData.FDFont3 = function(data) { var $x = ["FDFont3",2,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FontData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_FontInfoData = $hxClasses["format.swf.FontInfoData"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","FontInfoData"], __constructs__ : ["FIDFont1","FIDFont2"] }; format_swf_FontInfoData.FIDFont1 = function(shiftJIS,isANSI,hasWideCodes,data) { var $x = ["FIDFont1",0,shiftJIS,isANSI,hasWideCodes,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FontInfoData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; format_swf_FontInfoData.FIDFont2 = function(language,data) { var $x = ["FIDFont2",1,language,data]; $x.__enum__ = format_swf_FontInfoData; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var format_swf_LangCode = $hxClasses["format.swf.LangCode"] = { __ename__ : ["format","swf","LangCode"], __constructs__ : ["LCNone","LCLatin","LCJapanese","LCKorean","LCSimplifiedChinese","LCTraditionalChinese"] }; format_swf_LangCode.LCNone = ["LCNone",0]; format_swf_LangCode.LCNone.toString = $estr; format_swf_LangCode.LCNone.__enum__ = format_swf_LangCode; format_swf_LangCode.LCLatin = ["LCLatin",1]; format_swf_LangCode.LCLatin.toString = $estr; format_swf_LangCode.LCLatin.__enum__ = format_swf_LangCode; format_swf_LangCode.LCJapanese = ["LCJapanese",2]; format_swf_LangCode.LCJapanese.toString = $estr; format_swf_LangCode.LCJapanese.__enum__ = format_swf_LangCode; format_swf_LangCode.LCKorean = ["LCKorean",3]; format_swf_LangCode.LCKorean.toString = $estr; format_swf_LangCode.LCKorean.__enum__ = format_swf_LangCode; format_swf_LangCode.LCSimplifiedChinese = ["LCSimplifiedChinese",4]; format_swf_LangCode.LCSimplifiedChinese.toString = $estr; format_swf_LangCode.LCSimplifiedChinese.__enum__ = format_swf_LangCode; format_swf_LangCode.LCTraditionalChinese = ["LCTraditionalChinese",5]; format_swf_LangCode.LCTraditionalChinese.toString = $estr; format_swf_LangCode.LCTraditionalChinese.__enum__ = format_swf_LangCode; var format_tools_Deflate = function() { }; $hxClasses["format.tools.Deflate"] = format_tools_Deflate; format_tools_Deflate.__name__ = ["format","tools","Deflate"]; format_tools_Deflate.run = function(b,level) { if(level == null) { level = 9; } return haxe_zip_Compress.run(b,level); }; var format_tools_Inflate = function() { }; $hxClasses["format.tools.Inflate"] = format_tools_Inflate; format_tools_Inflate.__name__ = ["format","tools","Inflate"]; format_tools_Inflate.run = function(bytes) { return haxe_zip_Uncompress.run(bytes); }; var haxe_StackItem = $hxClasses["haxe.StackItem"] = { __ename__ : ["haxe","StackItem"], __constructs__ : ["CFunction","Module","FilePos","Method","LocalFunction"] }; haxe_StackItem.CFunction = ["CFunction",0]; haxe_StackItem.CFunction.toString = $estr; haxe_StackItem.CFunction.__enum__ = haxe_StackItem; haxe_StackItem.Module = function(m) { var $x = ["Module",1,m]; $x.__enum__ = haxe_StackItem; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; haxe_StackItem.FilePos = function(s,file,line) { var $x = ["FilePos",2,s,file,line]; $x.__enum__ = haxe_StackItem; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; haxe_StackItem.Method = function(classname,method) { var $x = ["Method",3,classname,method]; $x.__enum__ = haxe_StackItem; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; haxe_StackItem.LocalFunction = function(v) { var $x = ["LocalFunction",4,v]; $x.__enum__ = haxe_StackItem; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var haxe_CallStack = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.CallStack"] = haxe_CallStack; haxe_CallStack.__name__ = ["haxe","CallStack"]; haxe_CallStack.lastException = null; haxe_CallStack.getStack = function(e) { if(e == null) { return []; } var oldValue = Error.prepareStackTrace; Error.prepareStackTrace = function(error,callsites) { var stack = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < callsites.length) { var site = callsites[_g]; ++_g; if(haxe_CallStack.wrapCallSite != null) { site = haxe_CallStack.wrapCallSite(site); } var method = null; var fullName = site.getFunctionName(); if(fullName != null) { var idx = fullName.lastIndexOf("."); if(idx >= 0) { var className = HxOverrides.substr(fullName,0,idx); var methodName = HxOverrides.substr(fullName,idx + 1,null); method = haxe_StackItem.Method(className,methodName); } } stack.push(haxe_StackItem.FilePos(method,site.getFileName(),site.getLineNumber())); } return stack; }; var a = haxe_CallStack.makeStack(e.stack); Error.prepareStackTrace = oldValue; return a; }; haxe_CallStack.wrapCallSite = null; haxe_CallStack.callStack = function() { try { throw new Error(); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; var a = haxe_CallStack.getStack(e); a.shift(); return a; } }; haxe_CallStack.exceptionStack = function() { return haxe_CallStack.getStack(haxe_CallStack.lastException); }; haxe_CallStack.toString = function(stack) { var b = new StringBuf(); var _g = 0; while(_g < stack.length) { var s = stack[_g]; ++_g; b.b += "\nCalled from "; haxe_CallStack.itemToString(b,s); } return b.b; }; haxe_CallStack.itemToString = function(b,s) { switch(s[1]) { case 0: b.b += "a C function"; break; case 1: var m = s[2]; b.b += "module "; b.b += m == null ? "null" : "" + m; break; case 2: var line = s[4]; var file = s[3]; var s1 = s[2]; if(s1 != null) { haxe_CallStack.itemToString(b,s1); b.b += " ("; } b.b += file == null ? "null" : "" + file; b.b += " line "; b.b += line == null ? "null" : "" + line; if(s1 != null) { b.b += ")"; } break; case 3: var meth = s[3]; var cname = s[2]; b.b += cname == null ? "null" : "" + cname; b.b += "."; b.b += meth == null ? "null" : "" + meth; break; case 4: var n = s[2]; b.b += "local function #"; b.b += n == null ? "null" : "" + n; break; } }; haxe_CallStack.makeStack = function(s) { if(s == null) { return []; } else if(typeof(s) == "string") { var stack = s.split("\n"); if(stack[0] == "Error") { stack.shift(); } var m = []; var rie10 = new EReg("^ at ([A-Za-z0-9_. ]+) \\(([^)]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\\)$",""); var _g = 0; while(_g < stack.length) { var line = stack[_g]; ++_g; if(rie10.match(line)) { var path = rie10.matched(1).split("."); var meth = path.pop(); var file = rie10.matched(2); var line1 = Std.parseInt(rie10.matched(3)); m.push(haxe_StackItem.FilePos(meth == "Anonymous function" ? haxe_StackItem.LocalFunction() : meth == "Global code" ? null : haxe_StackItem.Method(path.join("."),meth),file,line1)); } else { m.push(haxe_StackItem.Module(StringTools.trim(line))); } } return m; } else { return s; } }; var haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64 = function(high,low) { this.high = high; this.low = low; }; $hxClasses["haxe._Int64.___Int64"] = haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64; haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64.__name__ = ["haxe","_Int64","___Int64"]; haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64.prototype = { high: null ,low: null ,__class__: haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64 }; var haxe_Resource = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.Resource"] = haxe_Resource; haxe_Resource.__name__ = ["haxe","Resource"]; haxe_Resource.content = null; haxe_Resource.getString = function(name) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = haxe_Resource.content; while(_g < _g1.length) { var x = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(x.name == name) { if(x.str != null) { return x.str; } var b = haxe_crypto_Base64.decode(x.data); return b.toString(); } } return null; }; haxe_Resource.getBytes = function(name) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = haxe_Resource.content; while(_g < _g1.length) { var x = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(x.name == name) { if(x.str != null) { return haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(x.str); } return haxe_crypto_Base64.decode(x.data); } } return null; }; var haxe_Serializer = function() { this.buf = new StringBuf(); this.cache = []; this.useCache = haxe_Serializer.USE_CACHE; this.useEnumIndex = haxe_Serializer.USE_ENUM_INDEX; this.shash = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.scount = 0; }; $hxClasses["haxe.Serializer"] = haxe_Serializer; haxe_Serializer.__name__ = ["haxe","Serializer"]; haxe_Serializer.run = function(v) { var s = new haxe_Serializer(); s.serialize(v); return s.toString(); }; haxe_Serializer.prototype = { buf: null ,cache: null ,shash: null ,scount: null ,useCache: null ,useEnumIndex: null ,toString: function() { return this.buf.b; } ,serializeString: function(s) { var _this = this.shash; var x = __map_reserved[s] != null ? _this.getReserved(s) : _this.h[s]; if(x != null) { this.buf.b += "R"; this.buf.b += x == null ? "null" : "" + x; return; } var _this1 = this.shash; var value = this.scount++; if(__map_reserved[s] != null) { _this1.setReserved(s,value); } else { _this1.h[s] = value; } this.buf.b += "y"; s = encodeURIComponent(s); this.buf.b += Std.string(s.length); this.buf.b += ":"; this.buf.b += s == null ? "null" : "" + s; } ,serializeRef: function(v) { var vt = typeof(v); var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.cache.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var ci = this.cache[i]; if(typeof(ci) == vt && ci == v) { this.buf.b += "r"; this.buf.b += i == null ? "null" : "" + i; return true; } } this.cache.push(v); return false; } ,serializeFields: function(v) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = Reflect.fields(v); while(_g < _g1.length) { var f = _g1[_g]; ++_g; this.serializeString(f); this.serialize(Reflect.field(v,f)); } this.buf.b += "g"; } ,serialize: function(v) { var _g = Type["typeof"](v); switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.buf.b += "n"; break; case 1: var v1 = v; if(v1 == 0) { this.buf.b += "z"; return; } this.buf.b += "i"; this.buf.b += v1 == null ? "null" : "" + v1; break; case 2: var v2 = v; if(isNaN(v2)) { this.buf.b += "k"; } else if(!isFinite(v2)) { this.buf.b += v2 < 0 ? "m" : "p"; } else { this.buf.b += "d"; this.buf.b += v2 == null ? "null" : "" + v2; } break; case 3: this.buf.b += v ? "t" : "f"; break; case 4: if(js_Boot.__instanceof(v,Class)) { var className = Type.getClassName(v); this.buf.b += "A"; this.serializeString(className); } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(v,Enum)) { this.buf.b += "B"; this.serializeString(Type.getEnumName(v)); } else { if(this.useCache && this.serializeRef(v)) { return; } this.buf.b += "o"; this.serializeFields(v); } break; case 5: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Cannot serialize function"); break; case 6: var c = _g[2]; if(c == String) { this.serializeString(v); return; } if(this.useCache && this.serializeRef(v)) { return; } switch(c) { case Array: var ucount = 0; this.buf.b += "a"; var l = v["length"]; var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = l; while(_g1 < _g2) { var i = _g1++; if(v[i] == null) { ++ucount; } else { if(ucount > 0) { if(ucount == 1) { this.buf.b += "n"; } else { this.buf.b += "u"; this.buf.b += ucount == null ? "null" : "" + ucount; } ucount = 0; } this.serialize(v[i]); } } if(ucount > 0) { if(ucount == 1) { this.buf.b += "n"; } else { this.buf.b += "u"; this.buf.b += ucount == null ? "null" : "" + ucount; } } this.buf.b += "h"; break; case Date: var d = v; this.buf.b += "v"; this.buf.b += Std.string(d.getTime()); break; case List: this.buf.b += "l"; var v3 = v; var _g_head = v3.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var i1 = val; this.serialize(i1); } this.buf.b += "h"; break; case haxe_ds_IntMap: this.buf.b += "q"; var v4 = v; var k = v4.keys(); while(k.hasNext()) { var k1 = k.next(); this.buf.b += ":"; this.buf.b += k1 == null ? "null" : "" + k1; this.serialize(v4.h[k1]); } this.buf.b += "h"; break; case haxe_ds_ObjectMap: this.buf.b += "M"; var v5 = v; var k2 = v5.keys(); while(k2.hasNext()) { var k3 = k2.next(); var id = Reflect.field(k3,"__id__"); Reflect.deleteField(k3,"__id__"); this.serialize(k3); k3["__id__"] = id; this.serialize(v5.h[k3.__id__]); } this.buf.b += "h"; break; case haxe_ds_StringMap: this.buf.b += "b"; var v6 = v; var k4 = v6.keys(); while(k4.hasNext()) { var k5 = k4.next(); this.serializeString(k5); this.serialize(__map_reserved[k5] != null ? v6.getReserved(k5) : v6.h[k5]); } this.buf.b += "h"; break; case haxe_io_Bytes: var v7 = v; this.buf.b += "s"; this.buf.b += Std.string(Math.ceil(v7.length * 8 / 6)); this.buf.b += ":"; var i2 = 0; var max = v7.length - 2; var b64 = haxe_Serializer.BASE64_CODES; if(b64 == null) { var length = haxe_Serializer.BASE64.length; var this1 = new Array(length); b64 = this1; var _g11 = 0; var _g3 = haxe_Serializer.BASE64.length; while(_g11 < _g3) { var i3 = _g11++; b64[i3] = HxOverrides.cca(haxe_Serializer.BASE64,i3); } haxe_Serializer.BASE64_CODES = b64; } while(i2 < max) { var b1 = v7.b[i2++]; var b2 = v7.b[i2++]; var b3 = v7.b[i2++]; this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[b1 >> 2]); this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[(b1 << 4 | b2 >> 4) & 63]); this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[(b2 << 2 | b3 >> 6) & 63]); this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[b3 & 63]); } if(i2 == max) { var b11 = v7.b[i2++]; var b21 = v7.b[i2++]; this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[b11 >> 2]); this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[(b11 << 4 | b21 >> 4) & 63]); this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[b21 << 2 & 63]); } else if(i2 == max + 1) { var b12 = v7.b[i2++]; this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[b12 >> 2]); this.buf.b += String.fromCharCode(b64[b12 << 4 & 63]); } break; default: if(this.useCache) { this.cache.pop(); } if(v.hxSerialize != null) { this.buf.b += "C"; this.serializeString(Type.getClassName(c)); if(this.useCache) { this.cache.push(v); } v.hxSerialize(this); this.buf.b += "g"; } else { this.buf.b += "c"; this.serializeString(Type.getClassName(c)); if(this.useCache) { this.cache.push(v); } this.serializeFields(v); } } break; case 7: var e = _g[2]; if(this.useCache) { if(this.serializeRef(v)) { return; } this.cache.pop(); } this.buf.b += Std.string(this.useEnumIndex ? "j" : "w"); this.serializeString(Type.getEnumName(e)); if(this.useEnumIndex) { this.buf.b += ":"; this.buf.b += Std.string(v[1]); } else { this.serializeString(v[0]); } this.buf.b += ":"; var l1 = v["length"]; this.buf.b += Std.string(l1 - 2); var _g12 = 2; var _g4 = l1; while(_g12 < _g4) { var i4 = _g12++; this.serialize(v[i4]); } if(this.useCache) { this.cache.push(v); } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Cannot serialize " + Std.string(v)); } } ,__class__: haxe_Serializer }; var haxe_Timer = function(time_ms) { var me = this; this.id = setInterval(function() { me.run(); },time_ms); }; $hxClasses["haxe.Timer"] = haxe_Timer; haxe_Timer.__name__ = ["haxe","Timer"]; haxe_Timer.delay = function(f,time_ms) { var t = new haxe_Timer(time_ms); t.run = function() { t.stop(); f(); }; return t; }; haxe_Timer.measure = function(f,pos) { var t0 = new Date().getTime() / 1000; var r = f(); haxe_Log.trace(new Date().getTime() / 1000 - t0 + "s",pos); return r; }; haxe_Timer.stamp = function() { return new Date().getTime() / 1000; }; haxe_Timer.prototype = { id: null ,stop: function() { if(this.id == null) { return; } clearInterval(this.id); this.id = null; } ,run: function() { } ,__class__: haxe_Timer }; var haxe__$Unserializer_DefaultResolver = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe._Unserializer.DefaultResolver"] = haxe__$Unserializer_DefaultResolver; haxe__$Unserializer_DefaultResolver.__name__ = ["haxe","_Unserializer","DefaultResolver"]; haxe__$Unserializer_DefaultResolver.prototype = { resolveClass: function(name) { return Type.resolveClass(name); } ,resolveEnum: function(name) { return Type.resolveEnum(name); } ,__class__: haxe__$Unserializer_DefaultResolver }; var haxe_Unserializer = function(buf) { this.buf = buf; this.length = buf.length; this.pos = 0; this.scache = []; this.cache = []; var r = haxe_Unserializer.DEFAULT_RESOLVER; if(r == null) { r = new haxe__$Unserializer_DefaultResolver(); haxe_Unserializer.DEFAULT_RESOLVER = r; } this.resolver = r; }; $hxClasses["haxe.Unserializer"] = haxe_Unserializer; haxe_Unserializer.__name__ = ["haxe","Unserializer"]; haxe_Unserializer.initCodes = function() { var codes = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = haxe_Unserializer.BASE64.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; codes[haxe_Unserializer.BASE64.charCodeAt(i)] = i; } return codes; }; haxe_Unserializer.run = function(v) { return new haxe_Unserializer(v).unserialize(); }; haxe_Unserializer.prototype = { buf: null ,pos: null ,length: null ,cache: null ,scache: null ,resolver: null ,setResolver: function(r) { if(r == null) { if(haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver.instance == null) { haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver.instance = new haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver(); } this.resolver = haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver.instance; } else { this.resolver = r; } } ,readDigits: function() { var k = 0; var s = false; var fpos = this.pos; while(true) { var c = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos); if(c != c) { break; } if(c == 45) { if(this.pos != fpos) { break; } s = true; this.pos++; continue; } if(c < 48 || c > 57) { break; } k = k * 10 + (c - 48); this.pos++; } if(s) { k *= -1; } return k; } ,readFloat: function() { var p1 = this.pos; while(true) { var c = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos); if(c != c) { break; } if(c >= 43 && c < 58 || c == 101 || c == 69) { this.pos++; } else { break; } } return parseFloat(HxOverrides.substr(this.buf,p1,this.pos - p1)); } ,unserializeObject: function(o) { while(true) { if(this.pos >= this.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid object"); } if(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos) == 103) { break; } var k = this.unserialize(); if(typeof(k) != "string") { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid object key"); } var v = this.unserialize(); o[k] = v; } this.pos++; } ,unserializeEnum: function(edecl,tag) { if(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos++) != 58) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid enum format"); } var nargs = this.readDigits(); if(nargs == 0) { return Type.createEnum(edecl,tag); } var args = []; while(nargs-- > 0) args.push(this.unserialize()); return Type.createEnum(edecl,tag,args); } ,unserialize: function() { var _g = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos++); switch(_g) { case 65: var name = this.unserialize(); var cl = this.resolver.resolveClass(name); if(cl == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Class not found " + name); } return cl; case 66: var name1 = this.unserialize(); var e = this.resolver.resolveEnum(name1); if(e == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Enum not found " + name1); } return e; case 67: var name2 = this.unserialize(); var cl1 = this.resolver.resolveClass(name2); if(cl1 == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Class not found " + name2); } var o = Type.createEmptyInstance(cl1); this.cache.push(o); o.hxUnserialize(this); if(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos++) != 103) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid custom data"); } return o; case 77: var h = new haxe_ds_ObjectMap(); this.cache.push(h); var buf = this.buf; while(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos) != 104) { var s = this.unserialize(); h.set(s,this.unserialize()); } this.pos++; return h; case 82: var n = this.readDigits(); if(n < 0 || n >= this.scache.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid string reference"); } return this.scache[n]; case 97: var buf1 = this.buf; var a = []; this.cache.push(a); while(true) { var c = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos); if(c == 104) { this.pos++; break; } if(c == 117) { this.pos++; var n1 = this.readDigits(); a[a.length + n1 - 1] = null; } else { a.push(this.unserialize()); } } return a; case 98: var h1 = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.cache.push(h1); var buf2 = this.buf; while(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos) != 104) { var s1 = this.unserialize(); var value = this.unserialize(); if(__map_reserved[s1] != null) { h1.setReserved(s1,value); } else { h1.h[s1] = value; } } this.pos++; return h1; case 99: var name3 = this.unserialize(); var cl2 = this.resolver.resolveClass(name3); if(cl2 == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Class not found " + name3); } var o1 = Type.createEmptyInstance(cl2); this.cache.push(o1); this.unserializeObject(o1); return o1; case 100: return this.readFloat(); case 102: return false; case 105: return this.readDigits(); case 106: var name4 = this.unserialize(); var edecl = this.resolver.resolveEnum(name4); if(edecl == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Enum not found " + name4); } this.pos++; var index = this.readDigits(); var tag = edecl.__constructs__.slice()[index]; if(tag == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unknown enum index " + name4 + "@" + index); } var e1 = this.unserializeEnum(edecl,tag); this.cache.push(e1); return e1; case 107: return NaN; case 108: var l = new List(); this.cache.push(l); var buf3 = this.buf; while(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos) != 104) l.add(this.unserialize()); this.pos++; return l; case 109: return -Infinity; case 110: return null; case 111: var o2 = { }; this.cache.push(o2); this.unserializeObject(o2); return o2; case 112: return Infinity; case 113: var h2 = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.cache.push(h2); var buf4 = this.buf; var c1 = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos++); while(c1 == 58) { var i = this.readDigits(); var value1 = this.unserialize(); h2.h[i] = value1; c1 = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos++); } if(c1 != 104) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid IntMap format"); } return h2; case 114: var n2 = this.readDigits(); if(n2 < 0 || n2 >= this.cache.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid reference"); } return this.cache[n2]; case 115: var len = this.readDigits(); var buf5 = this.buf; if(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos++) != 58 || this.length - this.pos < len) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid bytes length"); } var codes = haxe_Unserializer.CODES; if(codes == null) { codes = haxe_Unserializer.initCodes(); haxe_Unserializer.CODES = codes; } var i1 = this.pos; var rest = len & 3; var size = (len >> 2) * 3 + (rest >= 2 ? rest - 1 : 0); var max = i1 + (len - rest); var bytes = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(size)); var bpos = 0; while(i1 < max) { var c11 = codes[buf5.charCodeAt(i1++)]; var c2 = codes[buf5.charCodeAt(i1++)]; bytes.b[bpos++] = (c11 << 2 | c2 >> 4) & 255; var c3 = codes[buf5.charCodeAt(i1++)]; bytes.b[bpos++] = (c2 << 4 | c3 >> 2) & 255; var c4 = codes[buf5.charCodeAt(i1++)]; bytes.b[bpos++] = (c3 << 6 | c4) & 255; } if(rest >= 2) { var c12 = codes[buf5.charCodeAt(i1++)]; var c21 = codes[buf5.charCodeAt(i1++)]; bytes.b[bpos++] = (c12 << 2 | c21 >> 4) & 255; if(rest == 3) { var c31 = codes[buf5.charCodeAt(i1++)]; bytes.b[bpos++] = (c21 << 4 | c31 >> 2) & 255; } } this.pos += len; this.cache.push(bytes); return bytes; case 116: return true; case 118: var d; if(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos) >= 48 && this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos) <= 57 && this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) >= 48 && this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) <= 57 && this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) >= 48 && this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) <= 57 && this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos + 3) >= 48 && this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos + 3) <= 57 && this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos + 4) == 45) { d = HxOverrides.strDate(HxOverrides.substr(this.buf,this.pos,19)); this.pos += 19; } else { var t = this.readFloat(); d = new Date(t); } this.cache.push(d); return d; case 119: var name5 = this.unserialize(); var edecl1 = this.resolver.resolveEnum(name5); if(edecl1 == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Enum not found " + name5); } var e2 = this.unserializeEnum(edecl1,this.unserialize()); this.cache.push(e2); return e2; case 120: throw js__$Boot_HaxeError.wrap(this.unserialize()); break; case 121: var len1 = this.readDigits(); if(this.buf.charCodeAt(this.pos++) != 58 || this.length - this.pos < len1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid string length"); } var s2 = HxOverrides.substr(this.buf,this.pos,len1); this.pos += len1; s2 = decodeURIComponent(s2.split("+").join(" ")); this.scache.push(s2); return s2; case 122: return 0; default: } this.pos--; throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid char " + this.buf.charAt(this.pos) + " at position " + this.pos); } ,__class__: haxe_Unserializer }; var haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe._Unserializer.NullResolver"] = haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver; haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver.__name__ = ["haxe","_Unserializer","NullResolver"]; haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver.instance = null; haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver.prototype = { resolveClass: function(name) { return null; } ,resolveEnum: function(name) { return null; } ,__class__: haxe__$Unserializer_NullResolver }; var haxe_Utf8 = function(size) { this.__b = ""; }; $hxClasses["haxe.Utf8"] = haxe_Utf8; haxe_Utf8.__name__ = ["haxe","Utf8"]; haxe_Utf8.compare = function(a,b) { if(a > b) { return 1; } else if(a == b) { return 0; } else { return -1; } }; haxe_Utf8.prototype = { __b: null ,__class__: haxe_Utf8 }; var haxe_crypto_Adler32 = function() { this.a1 = 1; this.a2 = 0; }; $hxClasses["haxe.crypto.Adler32"] = haxe_crypto_Adler32; haxe_crypto_Adler32.__name__ = ["haxe","crypto","Adler32"]; haxe_crypto_Adler32.read = function(i) { var a = new haxe_crypto_Adler32(); var a2a = i.readByte(); var a2b = i.readByte(); var a1a = i.readByte(); var a1b = i.readByte(); a.a1 = a1a << 8 | a1b; a.a2 = a2a << 8 | a2b; return a; }; haxe_crypto_Adler32.prototype = { a1: null ,a2: null ,update: function(b,pos,len) { var a1 = this.a1; var a2 = this.a2; var _g1 = pos; var _g = pos + len; while(_g1 < _g) { var p = _g1++; var c = b.b[p]; a1 = (a1 + c) % 65521; a2 = (a2 + a1) % 65521; } this.a1 = a1; this.a2 = a2; } ,equals: function(a) { if(a.a1 == this.a1) { return a.a2 == this.a2; } else { return false; } } ,__class__: haxe_crypto_Adler32 }; var haxe_crypto_Base64 = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.crypto.Base64"] = haxe_crypto_Base64; haxe_crypto_Base64.__name__ = ["haxe","crypto","Base64"]; haxe_crypto_Base64.encode = function(bytes,complement) { if(complement == null) { complement = true; } var str = new haxe_crypto_BaseCode(haxe_crypto_Base64.BYTES).encodeBytes(bytes).toString(); if(complement) { var _g = bytes.length % 3; switch(_g) { case 1: str += "=="; break; case 2: str += "="; break; default: } } return str; }; haxe_crypto_Base64.decode = function(str,complement) { if(complement == null) { complement = true; } if(complement) { while(HxOverrides.cca(str,str.length - 1) == 61) str = HxOverrides.substr(str,0,-1); } return new haxe_crypto_BaseCode(haxe_crypto_Base64.BYTES).decodeBytes(haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(str)); }; var haxe_crypto_BaseCode = function(base) { var len = base.length; var nbits = 1; while(len > 1 << nbits) ++nbits; if(nbits > 8 || len != 1 << nbits) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("BaseCode : base length must be a power of two."); } this.base = base; this.nbits = nbits; }; $hxClasses["haxe.crypto.BaseCode"] = haxe_crypto_BaseCode; haxe_crypto_BaseCode.__name__ = ["haxe","crypto","BaseCode"]; haxe_crypto_BaseCode.prototype = { base: null ,nbits: null ,tbl: null ,encodeBytes: function(b) { var nbits = this.nbits; var base = this.base; var size = b.length * 8 / nbits | 0; var out = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(size + (b.length * 8 % nbits == 0 ? 0 : 1))); var buf = 0; var curbits = 0; var mask = (1 << nbits) - 1; var pin = 0; var pout = 0; while(pout < size) { while(curbits < nbits) { curbits += 8; buf <<= 8; buf |= b.b[pin++]; } curbits -= nbits; out.b[pout++] = base.b[buf >> curbits & mask] & 255; } if(curbits > 0) { out.b[pout++] = base.b[buf << nbits - curbits & mask] & 255; } return out; } ,initTable: function() { var tbl = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < 256) { var i = _g++; tbl[i] = -1; } var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = this.base.length; while(_g1 < _g2) { var i1 = _g1++; tbl[this.base.b[i1]] = i1; } this.tbl = tbl; } ,decodeBytes: function(b) { var nbits = this.nbits; var base = this.base; if(this.tbl == null) { this.initTable(); } var tbl = this.tbl; var size = b.length * nbits >> 3; var out = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(size)); var buf = 0; var curbits = 0; var pin = 0; var pout = 0; while(pout < size) { while(curbits < 8) { curbits += nbits; buf <<= nbits; var i = tbl[b.b[pin++]]; if(i == -1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("BaseCode : invalid encoded char"); } buf |= i; } curbits -= 8; out.b[pout++] = buf >> curbits & 255 & 255; } return out; } ,__class__: haxe_crypto_BaseCode }; var haxe_crypto_Crc32 = function() { this.crc = -1; }; $hxClasses["haxe.crypto.Crc32"] = haxe_crypto_Crc32; haxe_crypto_Crc32.__name__ = ["haxe","crypto","Crc32"]; haxe_crypto_Crc32.prototype = { crc: null ,'byte': function(b) { var tmp = (this.crc ^ b) & 255; var _g = 0; while(_g < 8) { var j = _g++; if((tmp & 1) == 1) { tmp = tmp >>> 1 ^ -306674912; } else { tmp >>>= 1; } } this.crc = this.crc >>> 8 ^ tmp; } ,update: function(b,pos,len) { var b1 = b.b.bufferValue; var _g1 = pos; var _g = pos + len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var tmp = (this.crc ^ b1.bytes[i]) & 255; var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < 8) { var j = _g2++; if((tmp & 1) == 1) { tmp = tmp >>> 1 ^ -306674912; } else { tmp >>>= 1; } } this.crc = this.crc >>> 8 ^ tmp; } } ,get: function() { return this.crc ^ -1; } ,__class__: haxe_crypto_Crc32 }; var haxe_ds_ArraySort = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.ArraySort"] = haxe_ds_ArraySort; haxe_ds_ArraySort.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","ArraySort"]; haxe_ds_ArraySort.sort = function(a,cmp) { haxe_ds_ArraySort.rec(a,cmp,0,a.length); }; haxe_ds_ArraySort.rec = function(a,cmp,from,to) { var middle = from + to >> 1; if(to - from < 12) { if(to <= from) { return; } var _g1 = from + 1; var _g = to; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var j = i; while(j > from) { if(cmp(a[j],a[j - 1]) < 0) { haxe_ds_ArraySort.swap(a,j - 1,j); } else { break; } --j; } } return; } haxe_ds_ArraySort.rec(a,cmp,from,middle); haxe_ds_ArraySort.rec(a,cmp,middle,to); haxe_ds_ArraySort.doMerge(a,cmp,from,middle,to,middle - from,to - middle); }; haxe_ds_ArraySort.doMerge = function(a,cmp,from,pivot,to,len1,len2) { var first_cut; var second_cut; var len11; var len22; var new_mid; if(len1 == 0 || len2 == 0) { return; } if(len1 + len2 == 2) { if(cmp(a[pivot],a[from]) < 0) { haxe_ds_ArraySort.swap(a,pivot,from); } return; } if(len1 > len2) { len11 = len1 >> 1; first_cut = from + len11; second_cut = haxe_ds_ArraySort.lower(a,cmp,pivot,to,first_cut); len22 = second_cut - pivot; } else { len22 = len2 >> 1; second_cut = pivot + len22; first_cut = haxe_ds_ArraySort.upper(a,cmp,from,pivot,second_cut); len11 = first_cut - from; } haxe_ds_ArraySort.rotate(a,cmp,first_cut,pivot,second_cut); new_mid = first_cut + len22; haxe_ds_ArraySort.doMerge(a,cmp,from,first_cut,new_mid,len11,len22); haxe_ds_ArraySort.doMerge(a,cmp,new_mid,second_cut,to,len1 - len11,len2 - len22); }; haxe_ds_ArraySort.rotate = function(a,cmp,from,mid,to) { var n; if(from == mid || mid == to) { return; } n = haxe_ds_ArraySort.gcd(to - from,mid - from); while(n-- != 0) { var val = a[from + n]; var shift = mid - from; var p1 = from + n; var p2 = from + n + shift; while(p2 != from + n) { a[p1] = a[p2]; p1 = p2; if(to - p2 > shift) { p2 += shift; } else { p2 = from + (shift - (to - p2)); } } a[p1] = val; } }; haxe_ds_ArraySort.gcd = function(m,n) { while(n != 0) { var t = m % n; m = n; n = t; } return m; }; haxe_ds_ArraySort.upper = function(a,cmp,from,to,val) { var len = to - from; var half; var mid; while(len > 0) { half = len >> 1; mid = from + half; if(cmp(a[val],a[mid]) < 0) { len = half; } else { from = mid + 1; len = len - half - 1; } } return from; }; haxe_ds_ArraySort.lower = function(a,cmp,from,to,val) { var len = to - from; var half; var mid; while(len > 0) { half = len >> 1; mid = from + half; if(cmp(a[mid],a[val]) < 0) { from = mid + 1; len = len - half - 1; } else { len = half; } } return from; }; haxe_ds_ArraySort.swap = function(a,i,j) { var tmp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; }; var haxe_ds_BalancedTree = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.BalancedTree"] = haxe_ds_BalancedTree; haxe_ds_BalancedTree.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","BalancedTree"]; haxe_ds_BalancedTree.prototype = { root: null ,set: function(key,value) { this.root = this.setLoop(key,value,this.root); } ,get: function(key) { var node = this.root; while(node != null) { var c = this.compare(key,node.key); if(c == 0) { return node.value; } if(c < 0) { node = node.left; } else { node = node.right; } } return null; } ,remove: function(key) { try { this.root = this.removeLoop(key,this.root); return true; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(e,String) ) { return false; } else throw(e); } } ,exists: function(key) { var node = this.root; while(node != null) { var c = this.compare(key,node.key); if(c == 0) { return true; } else if(c < 0) { node = node.left; } else { node = node.right; } } return false; } ,iterator: function() { var ret = []; this.iteratorLoop(this.root,ret); return HxOverrides.iter(ret); } ,keys: function() { var ret = []; this.keysLoop(this.root,ret); return HxOverrides.iter(ret); } ,setLoop: function(k,v,node) { if(node == null) { return new haxe_ds_TreeNode(null,k,v,null); } var c = this.compare(k,node.key); if(c == 0) { return new haxe_ds_TreeNode(node.left,k,v,node.right,node == null ? 0 : node._height); } else if(c < 0) { var nl = this.setLoop(k,v,node.left); return this.balance(nl,node.key,node.value,node.right); } else { var nr = this.setLoop(k,v,node.right); return this.balance(node.left,node.key,node.value,nr); } } ,removeLoop: function(k,node) { if(node == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not_found"); } var c = this.compare(k,node.key); if(c == 0) { return this.merge(node.left,node.right); } else if(c < 0) { return this.balance(this.removeLoop(k,node.left),node.key,node.value,node.right); } else { return this.balance(node.left,node.key,node.value,this.removeLoop(k,node.right)); } } ,iteratorLoop: function(node,acc) { if(node != null) { this.iteratorLoop(node.left,acc); acc.push(node.value); this.iteratorLoop(node.right,acc); } } ,keysLoop: function(node,acc) { if(node != null) { this.keysLoop(node.left,acc); acc.push(node.key); this.keysLoop(node.right,acc); } } ,merge: function(t1,t2) { if(t1 == null) { return t2; } if(t2 == null) { return t1; } var t = this.minBinding(t2); return this.balance(t1,t.key,t.value,this.removeMinBinding(t2)); } ,minBinding: function(t) { if(t == null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not_found"); } else if(t.left == null) { return t; } else { return this.minBinding(t.left); } } ,removeMinBinding: function(t) { if(t.left == null) { return t.right; } else { return this.balance(this.removeMinBinding(t.left),t.key,t.value,t.right); } } ,balance: function(l,k,v,r) { var hl = l == null ? 0 : l._height; var hr = r == null ? 0 : r._height; if(hl > hr + 2) { var _this = l.left; var _this1 = l.right; if((_this == null ? 0 : _this._height) >= (_this1 == null ? 0 : _this1._height)) { return new haxe_ds_TreeNode(l.left,l.key,l.value,new haxe_ds_TreeNode(l.right,k,v,r)); } else { return new haxe_ds_TreeNode(new haxe_ds_TreeNode(l.left,l.key,l.value,l.right.left),l.right.key,l.right.value,new haxe_ds_TreeNode(l.right.right,k,v,r)); } } else if(hr > hl + 2) { var _this2 = r.right; var _this3 = r.left; if((_this2 == null ? 0 : _this2._height) > (_this3 == null ? 0 : _this3._height)) { return new haxe_ds_TreeNode(new haxe_ds_TreeNode(l,k,v,r.left),r.key,r.value,r.right); } else { return new haxe_ds_TreeNode(new haxe_ds_TreeNode(l,k,v,r.left.left),r.left.key,r.left.value,new haxe_ds_TreeNode(r.left.right,r.key,r.value,r.right)); } } else { return new haxe_ds_TreeNode(l,k,v,r,(hl > hr ? hl : hr) + 1); } } ,compare: function(k1,k2) { return Reflect.compare(k1,k2); } ,__class__: haxe_ds_BalancedTree }; var haxe_ds_TreeNode = function(l,k,v,r,h) { if(h == null) { h = -1; } this.left = l; this.key = k; this.value = v; this.right = r; if(h == -1) { var tmp; var _this = this.left; var _this1 = this.right; if((_this == null ? 0 : _this._height) > (_this1 == null ? 0 : _this1._height)) { var _this2 = this.left; if(_this2 == null) { tmp = 0; } else { tmp = _this2._height; } } else { var _this3 = this.right; if(_this3 == null) { tmp = 0; } else { tmp = _this3._height; } } this._height = tmp + 1; } else { this._height = h; } }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.TreeNode"] = haxe_ds_TreeNode; haxe_ds_TreeNode.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","TreeNode"]; haxe_ds_TreeNode.prototype = { left: null ,right: null ,key: null ,value: null ,_height: null ,__class__: haxe_ds_TreeNode }; var haxe_ds_EnumValueMap = function() { haxe_ds_BalancedTree.call(this); }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.EnumValueMap"] = haxe_ds_EnumValueMap; haxe_ds_EnumValueMap.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","EnumValueMap"]; haxe_ds_EnumValueMap.__interfaces__ = [haxe_IMap]; haxe_ds_EnumValueMap.__super__ = haxe_ds_BalancedTree; haxe_ds_EnumValueMap.prototype = $extend(haxe_ds_BalancedTree.prototype,{ compare: function(k1,k2) { var d = k1[1] - k2[1]; if(d != 0) { return d; } var p1 = k1.slice(2); var p2 = k2.slice(2); if(p1.length == 0 && p2.length == 0) { return 0; } return this.compareArgs(p1,p2); } ,compareArgs: function(a1,a2) { var ld = a1.length - a2.length; if(ld != 0) { return ld; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = a1.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var d = this.compareArg(a1[i],a2[i]); if(d != 0) { return d; } } return 0; } ,compareArg: function(v1,v2) { if(Reflect.isEnumValue(v1) && Reflect.isEnumValue(v2)) { return this.compare(v1,v2); } else if((v1 instanceof Array) && v1.__enum__ == null && ((v2 instanceof Array) && v2.__enum__ == null)) { return this.compareArgs(v1,v2); } else { return Reflect.compare(v1,v2); } } ,__class__: haxe_ds_EnumValueMap }); var haxe_ds_GenericCell = function(elt,next) { this.elt = elt; this.next = next; }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.GenericCell"] = haxe_ds_GenericCell; haxe_ds_GenericCell.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","GenericCell"]; haxe_ds_GenericCell.prototype = { elt: null ,next: null ,__class__: haxe_ds_GenericCell }; var haxe_ds_GenericStack = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.GenericStack"] = haxe_ds_GenericStack; haxe_ds_GenericStack.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","GenericStack"]; haxe_ds_GenericStack.prototype = { head: null ,__class__: haxe_ds_GenericStack }; var haxe_ds_IntMap = function() { this.h = { }; }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.IntMap"] = haxe_ds_IntMap; haxe_ds_IntMap.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","IntMap"]; haxe_ds_IntMap.__interfaces__ = [haxe_IMap]; haxe_ds_IntMap.prototype = { h: null ,set: function(key,value) { this.h[key] = value; } ,get: function(key) { return this.h[key]; } ,exists: function(key) { return this.h.hasOwnProperty(key); } ,remove: function(key) { if(!this.h.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } delete(this.h[key]); return true; } ,keys: function() { var a = []; for( var key in this.h ) if(this.h.hasOwnProperty(key)) { a.push(key | 0); } return HxOverrides.iter(a); } ,iterator: function() { return { ref : this.h, it : this.keys(), hasNext : function() { return this.it.hasNext(); }, next : function() { var i = this.it.next(); return this.ref[i]; }}; } ,__class__: haxe_ds_IntMap }; var haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator = function(map,keys) { this.map = map; this.keys = keys; this.index = 0; this.count = keys.length; }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds._StringMap.StringMapIterator"] = haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator; haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","_StringMap","StringMapIterator"]; haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator.prototype = { map: null ,keys: null ,index: null ,count: null ,hasNext: function() { return this.index < this.count; } ,next: function() { var _this = this.map; var key = this.keys[this.index++]; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { return _this.getReserved(key); } else { return _this.h[key]; } } ,__class__: haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator }; var haxe_ds_StringMap = function() { this.h = { }; }; $hxClasses["haxe.ds.StringMap"] = haxe_ds_StringMap; haxe_ds_StringMap.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","StringMap"]; haxe_ds_StringMap.__interfaces__ = [haxe_IMap]; haxe_ds_StringMap.prototype = { h: null ,rh: null ,set: function(key,value) { if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { this.setReserved(key,value); } else { this.h[key] = value; } } ,get: function(key) { if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { return this.getReserved(key); } return this.h[key]; } ,exists: function(key) { if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { return this.existsReserved(key); } return this.h.hasOwnProperty(key); } ,setReserved: function(key,value) { if(this.rh == null) { this.rh = { }; } this.rh["$" + key] = value; } ,getReserved: function(key) { if(this.rh == null) { return null; } else { return this.rh["$" + key]; } } ,existsReserved: function(key) { if(this.rh == null) { return false; } return this.rh.hasOwnProperty("$" + key); } ,remove: function(key) { if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { key = "$" + key; if(this.rh == null || !this.rh.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } delete(this.rh[key]); return true; } else { if(!this.h.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } delete(this.h[key]); return true; } } ,keys: function() { return HxOverrides.iter(this.arrayKeys()); } ,arrayKeys: function() { var out = []; for( var key in this.h ) { if(this.h.hasOwnProperty(key)) { out.push(key); } } if(this.rh != null) { for( var key in this.rh ) { if(key.charCodeAt(0) == 36) { out.push(key.substr(1)); } } } return out; } ,iterator: function() { return new haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator(this,this.arrayKeys()); } ,__class__: haxe_ds_StringMap }; var haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["haxe.ds._Vector.Vector_Impl_"] = haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["haxe","ds","_Vector","Vector_Impl_"]; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_length:"get_length"}; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$._new = function(length) { var this1 = new Array(length); return this1; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.get = function(this1,index) { return this1[index]; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,index,val) { return this1[index] = val; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { return this1.length; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.blit = function(src,srcPos,dest,destPos,len) { if(src == dest) { if(srcPos < destPos) { var i = srcPos + len; var j = destPos + len; var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var k = _g1++; --i; --j; src[j] = src[i]; } } else if(srcPos > destPos) { var i1 = srcPos; var j1 = destPos; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = len; while(_g11 < _g2) { var k1 = _g11++; src[j1] = src[i1]; ++i1; ++j1; } } } else { var _g12 = 0; var _g3 = len; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i2 = _g12++; dest[destPos + i2] = src[srcPos + i2]; } } }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toArray = function(this1) { return this1.slice(0); }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toData = function(this1) { return this1; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.fromData = function(data) { return data; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.fromArrayCopy = function(array) { return array.slice(0); }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.copy = function(this1) { var length = this1.length; var this2 = new Array(length); var r = this2; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.blit(this1,0,r,0,this1.length); return r; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.join = function(this1,sep) { var b_b = ""; var i = 0; var len = this1.length; var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i1 = _g1++; b_b += Std.string(Std.string(this1[i1])); if(i1 < len - 1) { b_b += sep == null ? "null" : "" + sep; } } return b_b; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.map = function(this1,f) { var length = this1.length; var this2 = new Array(length); var r = this2; var i = 0; var len = length; var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i1 = _g1++; var v = f(this1[i1]); r[i1] = v; } return r; }; haxe_ds__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.sort = function(this1,f) { this1.sort(f); }; var haxe_io_BytesBuffer = function() { this.b = []; }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.BytesBuffer"] = haxe_io_BytesBuffer; haxe_io_BytesBuffer.__name__ = ["haxe","io","BytesBuffer"]; haxe_io_BytesBuffer.prototype = { b: null ,getBytes: function() { var bytes = new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this.b).buffer); this.b = null; return bytes; } ,__class__: haxe_io_BytesBuffer }; var haxe_io_Input = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.Input"] = haxe_io_Input; haxe_io_Input.__name__ = ["haxe","io","Input"]; haxe_io_Input.prototype = { bigEndian: null ,readByte: function() { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not implemented"); } ,readBytes: function(s,pos,len) { var k = len; var b = s.b; if(pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > s.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } try { while(k > 0) { b[pos] = this.readByte(); ++pos; --k; } } catch( eof ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = eof; if (eof instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) eof = eof.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(eof,haxe_io_Eof) ) { } else throw(eof); } return len - k; } ,set_bigEndian: function(b) { this.bigEndian = b; return b; } ,readFullBytes: function(s,pos,len) { while(len > 0) { var k = this.readBytes(s,pos,len); if(k == 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.Blocked); } pos += k; len -= k; } } ,read: function(nbytes) { var s = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(nbytes)); var p = 0; while(nbytes > 0) { var k = this.readBytes(s,p,nbytes); if(k == 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.Blocked); } p += k; nbytes -= k; } return s; } ,readDouble: function() { var i1 = this.readInt32(); var i2 = this.readInt32(); if(this.bigEndian) { return haxe_io_FPHelper.i64ToDouble(i2,i1); } else { return haxe_io_FPHelper.i64ToDouble(i1,i2); } } ,readUInt16: function() { var ch1 = this.readByte(); var ch2 = this.readByte(); if(this.bigEndian) { return ch2 | ch1 << 8; } else { return ch1 | ch2 << 8; } } ,readInt32: function() { var ch1 = this.readByte(); var ch2 = this.readByte(); var ch3 = this.readByte(); var ch4 = this.readByte(); if(this.bigEndian) { return ch4 | ch3 << 8 | ch2 << 16 | ch1 << 24; } else { return ch1 | ch2 << 8 | ch3 << 16 | ch4 << 24; } } ,readString: function(len) { var b = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(len)); this.readFullBytes(b,0,len); return b.toString(); } ,__class__: haxe_io_Input ,__properties__: {set_bigEndian:"set_bigEndian"} }; var haxe_io_BytesInput = function(b,pos,len) { if(pos == null) { pos = 0; } if(len == null) { len = b.length - pos; } if(pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > b.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } this.b = b.b; this.pos = pos; this.len = len; this.totlen = len; }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.BytesInput"] = haxe_io_BytesInput; haxe_io_BytesInput.__name__ = ["haxe","io","BytesInput"]; haxe_io_BytesInput.__super__ = haxe_io_Input; haxe_io_BytesInput.prototype = $extend(haxe_io_Input.prototype,{ b: null ,pos: null ,len: null ,totlen: null ,readByte: function() { if(this.len == 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_io_Eof()); } this.len--; return this.b[this.pos++]; } ,readBytes: function(buf,pos,len) { if(pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > buf.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } if(this.len == 0 && len > 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_io_Eof()); } if(this.len < len) { len = this.len; } var b1 = this.b; var b2 = buf.b; var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; b2[pos + i] = b1[this.pos + i]; } this.pos += len; this.len -= len; return len; } ,__class__: haxe_io_BytesInput }); var haxe_io_Output = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.Output"] = haxe_io_Output; haxe_io_Output.__name__ = ["haxe","io","Output"]; haxe_io_Output.prototype = { bigEndian: null ,writeByte: function(c) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not implemented"); } ,writeBytes: function(s,pos,len) { if(pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > s.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } var b = s.b; var k = len; while(k > 0) { this.writeByte(b[pos]); ++pos; --k; } return len; } ,set_bigEndian: function(b) { this.bigEndian = b; return b; } ,write: function(s) { var l = s.length; var p = 0; while(l > 0) { var k = this.writeBytes(s,p,l); if(k == 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.Blocked); } p += k; l -= k; } } ,writeFullBytes: function(s,pos,len) { while(len > 0) { var k = this.writeBytes(s,pos,len); pos += k; len -= k; } } ,writeDouble: function(x) { var i64 = haxe_io_FPHelper.doubleToI64(x); if(this.bigEndian) { this.writeInt32(i64.high); this.writeInt32(i64.low); } else { this.writeInt32(i64.low); this.writeInt32(i64.high); } } ,writeUInt16: function(x) { if(x < 0 || x >= 65536) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.Overflow); } if(this.bigEndian) { this.writeByte(x >> 8); this.writeByte(x & 255); } else { this.writeByte(x & 255); this.writeByte(x >> 8); } } ,writeInt32: function(x) { if(this.bigEndian) { this.writeByte(x >>> 24); this.writeByte(x >> 16 & 255); this.writeByte(x >> 8 & 255); this.writeByte(x & 255); } else { this.writeByte(x & 255); this.writeByte(x >> 8 & 255); this.writeByte(x >> 16 & 255); this.writeByte(x >>> 24); } } ,writeString: function(s) { var b = haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(s); this.writeFullBytes(b,0,b.length); } ,__class__: haxe_io_Output ,__properties__: {set_bigEndian:"set_bigEndian"} }; var haxe_io_BytesOutput = function() { this.b = new haxe_io_BytesBuffer(); }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.BytesOutput"] = haxe_io_BytesOutput; haxe_io_BytesOutput.__name__ = ["haxe","io","BytesOutput"]; haxe_io_BytesOutput.__super__ = haxe_io_Output; haxe_io_BytesOutput.prototype = $extend(haxe_io_Output.prototype,{ b: null ,writeByte: function(c) { this.b.b.push(c); } ,writeBytes: function(buf,pos,len) { var _this = this.b; if(pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > buf.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } var b1 = _this.b; var b2 = buf.b; var _g1 = pos; var _g = pos + len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; _this.b.push(b2[i]); } return len; } ,getBytes: function() { return this.b.getBytes(); } ,__class__: haxe_io_BytesOutput }); var haxe_io_Eof = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.Eof"] = haxe_io_Eof; haxe_io_Eof.__name__ = ["haxe","io","Eof"]; haxe_io_Eof.prototype = { toString: function() { return "Eof"; } ,__class__: haxe_io_Eof }; var haxe_io_Error = $hxClasses["haxe.io.Error"] = { __ename__ : ["haxe","io","Error"], __constructs__ : ["Blocked","Overflow","OutsideBounds","Custom"] }; haxe_io_Error.Blocked = ["Blocked",0]; haxe_io_Error.Blocked.toString = $estr; haxe_io_Error.Blocked.__enum__ = haxe_io_Error; haxe_io_Error.Overflow = ["Overflow",1]; haxe_io_Error.Overflow.toString = $estr; haxe_io_Error.Overflow.__enum__ = haxe_io_Error; haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds = ["OutsideBounds",2]; haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds.toString = $estr; haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds.__enum__ = haxe_io_Error; haxe_io_Error.Custom = function(e) { var $x = ["Custom",3,e]; $x.__enum__ = haxe_io_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var haxe_io_FPHelper = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.FPHelper"] = haxe_io_FPHelper; haxe_io_FPHelper.__name__ = ["haxe","io","FPHelper"]; haxe_io_FPHelper.i32ToFloat = function(i) { var sign = 1 - (i >>> 31 << 1); var exp = i >>> 23 & 255; var sig = i & 8388607; if(sig == 0 && exp == 0) { return 0.0; } return sign * (1 + Math.pow(2,-23) * sig) * Math.pow(2,exp - 127); }; haxe_io_FPHelper.floatToI32 = function(f) { if(f == 0) { return 0; } var af = f < 0 ? -f : f; var exp = Math.floor(Math.log(af) / 0.6931471805599453); if(exp < -127) { exp = -127; } else if(exp > 128) { exp = 128; } var sig = Math.round((af / Math.pow(2,exp) - 1) * 8388608); if(sig == 8388608 && exp < 128) { sig = 0; ++exp; } return (f < 0 ? -2147483648 : 0) | exp + 127 << 23 | sig; }; haxe_io_FPHelper.i64ToDouble = function(low,high) { var sign = 1 - (high >>> 31 << 1); var exp = (high >> 20 & 2047) - 1023; var sig = (high & 1048575) * 4294967296. + (low >>> 31) * 2147483648. + (low & 2147483647); if(sig == 0 && exp == -1023) { return 0.0; } return sign * (1.0 + Math.pow(2,-52) * sig) * Math.pow(2,exp); }; haxe_io_FPHelper.doubleToI64 = function(v) { var i64 = haxe_io_FPHelper.i64tmp; if(v == 0) { i64.low = 0; i64.high = 0; } else if(!isFinite(v)) { if(v > 0) { i64.low = 0; i64.high = 2146435072; } else { i64.low = 0; i64.high = -1048576; } } else { var av = v < 0 ? -v : v; var exp = Math.floor(Math.log(av) / 0.6931471805599453); var sig = Math.round((av / Math.pow(2,exp) - 1) * 4503599627370496.); var sig_l = sig | 0; var sig_h = sig / 4294967296.0 | 0; i64.low = sig_l; i64.high = (v < 0 ? -2147483648 : 0) | exp + 1023 << 20 | sig_h; } return i64; }; var haxe_io_Path = function(path) { switch(path) { case ".":case "..": this.dir = path; this.file = ""; return; } var c1 = path.lastIndexOf("/"); var c2 = path.lastIndexOf("\\"); if(c1 < c2) { this.dir = HxOverrides.substr(path,0,c2); path = HxOverrides.substr(path,c2 + 1,null); this.backslash = true; } else if(c2 < c1) { this.dir = HxOverrides.substr(path,0,c1); path = HxOverrides.substr(path,c1 + 1,null); } else { this.dir = null; } var cp = path.lastIndexOf("."); if(cp != -1) { this.ext = HxOverrides.substr(path,cp + 1,null); this.file = HxOverrides.substr(path,0,cp); } else { this.ext = null; this.file = path; } }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.Path"] = haxe_io_Path; haxe_io_Path.__name__ = ["haxe","io","Path"]; haxe_io_Path.directory = function(path) { var s = new haxe_io_Path(path); if(s.dir == null) { return ""; } return s.dir; }; haxe_io_Path.prototype = { dir: null ,file: null ,ext: null ,backslash: null ,__class__: haxe_io_Path }; var haxe_io_StringInput = function(s) { haxe_io_BytesInput.call(this,haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(s)); }; $hxClasses["haxe.io.StringInput"] = haxe_io_StringInput; haxe_io_StringInput.__name__ = ["haxe","io","StringInput"]; haxe_io_StringInput.__super__ = haxe_io_BytesInput; haxe_io_StringInput.prototype = $extend(haxe_io_BytesInput.prototype,{ __class__: haxe_io_StringInput }); var haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeAccess = function(x) { this.__x = x; }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml._Fast.NodeAccess"] = haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeAccess; haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeAccess.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","_Fast","NodeAccess"]; haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeAccess.prototype = { __x: null ,__class__: haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeAccess }; var haxe_xml__$Fast_AttribAccess = function(x) { this.__x = x; }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml._Fast.AttribAccess"] = haxe_xml__$Fast_AttribAccess; haxe_xml__$Fast_AttribAccess.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","_Fast","AttribAccess"]; haxe_xml__$Fast_AttribAccess.prototype = { __x: null ,resolve: function(name) { if(this.__x.nodeType == Xml.Document) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Cannot access document attribute " + name); } var v = this.__x.get(name); if(v == null) { var _this = this.__x; if(_this.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + _this.nodeType); } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(_this.nodeName + " is missing attribute " + name); } return v; } ,__class__: haxe_xml__$Fast_AttribAccess }; var haxe_xml__$Fast_HasAttribAccess = function(x) { this.__x = x; }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml._Fast.HasAttribAccess"] = haxe_xml__$Fast_HasAttribAccess; haxe_xml__$Fast_HasAttribAccess.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","_Fast","HasAttribAccess"]; haxe_xml__$Fast_HasAttribAccess.prototype = { __x: null ,resolve: function(name) { if(this.__x.nodeType == Xml.Document) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Cannot access document attribute " + name); } return this.__x.exists(name); } ,__class__: haxe_xml__$Fast_HasAttribAccess }; var haxe_xml__$Fast_HasNodeAccess = function(x) { this.__x = x; }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml._Fast.HasNodeAccess"] = haxe_xml__$Fast_HasNodeAccess; haxe_xml__$Fast_HasNodeAccess.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","_Fast","HasNodeAccess"]; haxe_xml__$Fast_HasNodeAccess.prototype = { __x: null ,__class__: haxe_xml__$Fast_HasNodeAccess }; var haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeListAccess = function(x) { this.__x = x; }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml._Fast.NodeListAccess"] = haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeListAccess; haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeListAccess.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","_Fast","NodeListAccess"]; haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeListAccess.prototype = { __x: null ,resolve: function(name) { var l = new List(); var x = this.__x.elementsNamed(name); while(x.hasNext()) { var x1 = x.next(); l.add(new haxe_xml_Fast(x1)); } return l; } ,__class__: haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeListAccess }; var haxe_xml_Fast = function(x) { if(x.nodeType != Xml.Document && x.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid nodeType " + x.nodeType); } this.x = x; this.node = new haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeAccess(x); this.nodes = new haxe_xml__$Fast_NodeListAccess(x); this.att = new haxe_xml__$Fast_AttribAccess(x); this.has = new haxe_xml__$Fast_HasAttribAccess(x); this.hasNode = new haxe_xml__$Fast_HasNodeAccess(x); }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml.Fast"] = haxe_xml_Fast; haxe_xml_Fast.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","Fast"]; haxe_xml_Fast.prototype = { x: null ,node: null ,nodes: null ,att: null ,has: null ,hasNode: null ,__class__: haxe_xml_Fast }; var haxe_xml_XmlParserException = function(message,xml,position) { this.xml = xml; this.message = message; this.position = position; this.lineNumber = 1; this.positionAtLine = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = position; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var c = xml.charCodeAt(i); if(c == 10) { this.lineNumber++; this.positionAtLine = 0; } else if(c != 13) { this.positionAtLine++; } } }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml.XmlParserException"] = haxe_xml_XmlParserException; haxe_xml_XmlParserException.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","XmlParserException"]; haxe_xml_XmlParserException.prototype = { message: null ,lineNumber: null ,positionAtLine: null ,position: null ,xml: null ,toString: function() { return Type.getClassName(js_Boot.getClass(this)) + ": " + this.message + " at line " + this.lineNumber + " char " + this.positionAtLine; } ,__class__: haxe_xml_XmlParserException }; var haxe_xml_Parser = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml.Parser"] = haxe_xml_Parser; haxe_xml_Parser.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","Parser"]; haxe_xml_Parser.parse = function(str,strict) { if(strict == null) { strict = false; } var doc = Xml.createDocument(); haxe_xml_Parser.doParse(str,strict,0,doc); return doc; }; haxe_xml_Parser.doParse = function(str,strict,p,parent) { if(p == null) { p = 0; } var xml = null; var state = 1; var next = 1; var aname = null; var start = 0; var nsubs = 0; var nbrackets = 0; var c = str.charCodeAt(p); var buf = new StringBuf(); var escapeNext = 1; var attrValQuote = -1; while(c == c) { switch(state) { case 0: switch(c) { case 9:case 10:case 13:case 32: break; default: state = next; continue; } break; case 1: if(c == 60) { state = 0; next = 2; } else { start = p; state = 13; continue; } break; case 2: switch(c) { case 33: if(str.charCodeAt(p + 1) == 91) { p += 2; if(HxOverrides.substr(str,p,6).toUpperCase() != "CDATA[") { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected = 97 && c <= 122 || c >= 65 && c <= 90 || c >= 48 && c <= 57 || c == 58 || c == 46 || c == 95 || c == 45)) { if(p == start) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected node name",str,p)); } xml = Xml.createElement(HxOverrides.substr(str,start,p - start)); parent.addChild(xml); ++nsubs; state = 0; next = 4; continue; } break; case 4: switch(c) { case 47: state = 11; break; case 62: state = 9; break; default: state = 5; start = p; continue; } break; case 5: if(!(c >= 97 && c <= 122 || c >= 65 && c <= 90 || c >= 48 && c <= 57 || c == 58 || c == 46 || c == 95 || c == 45)) { var tmp; if(start == p) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected attribute name",str,p)); } tmp = HxOverrides.substr(str,start,p - start); aname = tmp; if(xml.exists(aname)) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Duplicate attribute [" + aname + "]",str,p)); } state = 0; next = 6; continue; } break; case 6: if(c == 61) { state = 0; next = 7; } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected =",str,p)); } break; case 7: switch(c) { case 34:case 39: buf = new StringBuf(); state = 8; start = p + 1; attrValQuote = c; break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected \"",str,p)); } break; case 8: switch(c) { case 38: var len = p - start; buf.b += len == null ? HxOverrides.substr(str,start,null) : HxOverrides.substr(str,start,len); state = 18; escapeNext = 8; start = p + 1; break; case 60:case 62: if(strict) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Invalid unescaped " + String.fromCharCode(c) + " in attribute value",str,p)); } else if(c == attrValQuote) { var len1 = p - start; buf.b += len1 == null ? HxOverrides.substr(str,start,null) : HxOverrides.substr(str,start,len1); var val = buf.b; buf = new StringBuf(); xml.set(aname,val); state = 0; next = 4; } break; default: if(c == attrValQuote) { var len2 = p - start; buf.b += len2 == null ? HxOverrides.substr(str,start,null) : HxOverrides.substr(str,start,len2); var val1 = buf.b; buf = new StringBuf(); xml.set(aname,val1); state = 0; next = 4; } } break; case 9: p = haxe_xml_Parser.doParse(str,strict,p,xml); start = p; state = 1; break; case 10: if(!(c >= 97 && c <= 122 || c >= 65 && c <= 90 || c >= 48 && c <= 57 || c == 58 || c == 46 || c == 95 || c == 45)) { if(start == p) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected node name",str,p)); } var v = HxOverrides.substr(str,start,p - start); if(parent.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + parent.nodeType); } if(v != parent.nodeName) { if(parent.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + parent.nodeType); } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected ",str,p)); } state = 0; next = 12; continue; } break; case 11: if(c == 62) { state = 1; } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected >",str,p)); } break; case 12: if(c == 62) { if(nsubs == 0) { parent.addChild(Xml.createPCData("")); } return p; } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Expected >",str,p)); } break; case 13: if(c == 60) { var len3 = p - start; buf.b += len3 == null ? HxOverrides.substr(str,start,null) : HxOverrides.substr(str,start,len3); var child = Xml.createPCData(buf.b); buf = new StringBuf(); parent.addChild(child); ++nsubs; state = 0; next = 2; } else if(c == 38) { var len4 = p - start; buf.b += len4 == null ? HxOverrides.substr(str,start,null) : HxOverrides.substr(str,start,len4); state = 18; escapeNext = 13; start = p + 1; } break; case 14: if(c == 63 && str.charCodeAt(p + 1) == 62) { ++p; var str1 = HxOverrides.substr(str,start + 1,p - start - 2); parent.addChild(Xml.createProcessingInstruction(str1)); ++nsubs; state = 1; } break; case 15: if(c == 45 && str.charCodeAt(p + 1) == 45 && str.charCodeAt(p + 2) == 62) { parent.addChild(Xml.createComment(HxOverrides.substr(str,start,p - start))); ++nsubs; p += 2; state = 1; } break; case 16: if(c == 91) { ++nbrackets; } else if(c == 93) { --nbrackets; } else if(c == 62 && nbrackets == 0) { parent.addChild(Xml.createDocType(HxOverrides.substr(str,start,p - start))); ++nsubs; state = 1; } break; case 17: if(c == 93 && str.charCodeAt(p + 1) == 93 && str.charCodeAt(p + 2) == 62) { var child1 = Xml.createCData(HxOverrides.substr(str,start,p - start)); parent.addChild(child1); ++nsubs; p += 2; state = 1; } break; case 18: if(c == 59) { var s = HxOverrides.substr(str,start,p - start); if(s.charCodeAt(0) == 35) { var c1 = s.charCodeAt(1) == 120 ? Std.parseInt("0" + HxOverrides.substr(s,1,s.length - 1)) : Std.parseInt(HxOverrides.substr(s,1,s.length - 1)); buf.b += String.fromCharCode(c1); } else { var _this = haxe_xml_Parser.escapes; if(!(__map_reserved[s] != null ? _this.existsReserved(s) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(s))) { if(strict) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Undefined entity: " + s,str,p)); } buf.b += Std.string("&" + s + ";"); } else { var _this1 = haxe_xml_Parser.escapes; var x = __map_reserved[s] != null ? _this1.getReserved(s) : _this1.h[s]; buf.b += Std.string(x); } } start = p + 1; state = escapeNext; } else if(!(c >= 97 && c <= 122 || c >= 65 && c <= 90 || c >= 48 && c <= 57 || c == 58 || c == 46 || c == 95 || c == 45) && c != 35) { if(strict) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Invalid character in entity: " + String.fromCharCode(c),str,p)); } buf.b += "&"; var len5 = p - start; buf.b += len5 == null ? HxOverrides.substr(str,start,null) : HxOverrides.substr(str,start,len5); start = p--; state = escapeNext; } break; } c = str.charCodeAt(++p); } if(state == 1) { start = p; state = 13; } if(state == 13) { if(p != start || nsubs == 0) { var len6 = p - start; buf.b += len6 == null ? HxOverrides.substr(str,start,null) : HxOverrides.substr(str,start,len6); parent.addChild(Xml.createPCData(buf.b)); ++nsubs; } return p; } if(!strict && state == 18 && escapeNext == 13) { buf.b += "&"; var len7 = p - start; buf.b += len7 == null ? HxOverrides.substr(str,start,null) : HxOverrides.substr(str,start,len7); parent.addChild(Xml.createPCData(buf.b)); ++nsubs; return p; } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new haxe_xml_XmlParserException("Unexpected end",str,p)); }; var haxe_xml_Printer = function(pretty) { this.output = new StringBuf(); this.pretty = pretty; }; $hxClasses["haxe.xml.Printer"] = haxe_xml_Printer; haxe_xml_Printer.__name__ = ["haxe","xml","Printer"]; haxe_xml_Printer.print = function(xml,pretty) { if(pretty == null) { pretty = false; } var printer = new haxe_xml_Printer(pretty); printer.writeNode(xml,""); return printer.output.b; }; haxe_xml_Printer.prototype = { output: null ,pretty: null ,writeNode: function(value,tabs) { var _g = value.nodeType; switch(_g) { case 0: this.output.b += Std.string(tabs + "<"); if(value.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element but found " + value.nodeType); } this.output.b += Std.string(value.nodeName); var attribute = value.attributes(); while(attribute.hasNext()) { var attribute1 = attribute.next(); this.output.b += Std.string(" " + attribute1 + "=\""); var input = StringTools.htmlEscape(value.get(attribute1),true); this.output.b += Std.string(input); this.output.b += "\""; } if(this.hasChildren(value)) { this.output.b += ">"; if(this.pretty) { this.output.b += "\n"; } if(value.nodeType != Xml.Document && value.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element or Document but found " + value.nodeType); } var child = HxOverrides.iter(value.children); while(child.hasNext()) { var child1 = child.next(); this.writeNode(child1,this.pretty ? tabs + "\t" : tabs); } this.output.b += Std.string(tabs + ""; if(this.pretty) { this.output.b += "\n"; } } else { this.output.b += "/>"; if(this.pretty) { this.output.b += "\n"; } } break; case 1: if(value.nodeType == Xml.Document || value.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + value.nodeType); } var nodeValue = value.nodeValue; if(nodeValue.length != 0) { var input1 = tabs + StringTools.htmlEscape(nodeValue); this.output.b += Std.string(input1); if(this.pretty) { this.output.b += "\n"; } } break; case 2: this.output.b += Std.string(tabs + ""; if(this.pretty) { this.output.b += "\n"; } break; case 3: if(value.nodeType == Xml.Document || value.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + value.nodeType); } var commentContent = value.nodeValue; var _this_r = new RegExp("[\n\r\t]+","g".split("u").join("")); commentContent = commentContent.replace(_this_r,""); commentContent = ""; this.output.b += tabs == null ? "null" : "" + tabs; var input3 = StringTools.trim(commentContent); this.output.b += Std.string(input3); if(this.pretty) { this.output.b += "\n"; } break; case 4: if(value.nodeType == Xml.Document || value.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + value.nodeType); } this.output.b += Std.string(""); if(this.pretty) { this.output.b += "\n"; } break; case 5: if(value.nodeType == Xml.Document || value.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + value.nodeType); } this.output.b += Std.string(""); if(this.pretty) { this.output.b += "\n"; } break; case 6: if(value.nodeType != Xml.Document && value.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element or Document but found " + value.nodeType); } var child2 = HxOverrides.iter(value.children); while(child2.hasNext()) { var child3 = child2.next(); this.writeNode(child3,tabs); } break; } } ,hasChildren: function(value) { if(value.nodeType != Xml.Document && value.nodeType != Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, expected Element or Document but found " + value.nodeType); } var child = HxOverrides.iter(value.children); while(child.hasNext()) { var child1 = child.next(); var _g = child1.nodeType; switch(_g) { case 0:case 1: return true; case 2:case 3: if(child1.nodeType == Xml.Document || child1.nodeType == Xml.Element) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Bad node type, unexpected " + child1.nodeType); } if(StringTools.ltrim(child1.nodeValue).length != 0) { return true; } break; default: } } return false; } ,__class__: haxe_xml_Printer }; var haxe_zip_Compress = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.zip.Compress"] = haxe_zip_Compress; haxe_zip_Compress.__name__ = ["haxe","zip","Compress"]; haxe_zip_Compress.run = function(s,level) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not implemented for this platform"); }; var haxe_zip_Huffman = $hxClasses["haxe.zip.Huffman"] = { __ename__ : ["haxe","zip","Huffman"], __constructs__ : ["Found","NeedBit","NeedBits"] }; haxe_zip_Huffman.Found = function(i) { var $x = ["Found",0,i]; $x.__enum__ = haxe_zip_Huffman; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; haxe_zip_Huffman.NeedBit = function(left,right) { var $x = ["NeedBit",1,left,right]; $x.__enum__ = haxe_zip_Huffman; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; haxe_zip_Huffman.NeedBits = function(n,table) { var $x = ["NeedBits",2,n,table]; $x.__enum__ = haxe_zip_Huffman; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var haxe_zip_HuffTools = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.zip.HuffTools"] = haxe_zip_HuffTools; haxe_zip_HuffTools.__name__ = ["haxe","zip","HuffTools"]; haxe_zip_HuffTools.prototype = { treeDepth: function(t) { switch(t[1]) { case 0: return 0; case 1: var b = t[3]; var a = t[2]; var da = this.treeDepth(a); var db = this.treeDepth(b); return 1 + (da < db ? da : db); case 2: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("assert"); break; } } ,treeCompress: function(t) { var d = this.treeDepth(t); if(d == 0) { return t; } if(d == 1) { if(t[1] == 1) { var b = t[3]; var a = t[2]; return haxe_zip_Huffman.NeedBit(this.treeCompress(a),this.treeCompress(b)); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("assert"); } } var size = 1 << d; var table = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = size; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; table.push(haxe_zip_Huffman.Found(-1)); } this.treeWalk(table,0,0,d,t); return haxe_zip_Huffman.NeedBits(d,table); } ,treeWalk: function(table,p,cd,d,t) { if(t[1] == 1) { var b = t[3]; var a = t[2]; if(d > 0) { this.treeWalk(table,p,cd + 1,d - 1,a); this.treeWalk(table,p | 1 << cd,cd + 1,d - 1,b); } else { table[p] = this.treeCompress(t); } } else { table[p] = this.treeCompress(t); } } ,treeMake: function(bits,maxbits,v,len) { if(len > maxbits) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid huffman"); } var idx = v << 5 | len; if(bits.h.hasOwnProperty(idx)) { return haxe_zip_Huffman.Found(bits.h[idx]); } v <<= 1; ++len; return haxe_zip_Huffman.NeedBit(this.treeMake(bits,maxbits,v,len),this.treeMake(bits,maxbits,v | 1,len)); } ,make: function(lengths,pos,nlengths,maxbits) { var counts = []; var tmp = []; if(maxbits > 32) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid huffman"); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = maxbits; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; counts.push(0); tmp.push(0); } var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = nlengths; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; var p = lengths[i1 + pos]; if(p >= maxbits) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid huffman"); } counts[p]++; } var code = 0; var _g12 = 1; var _g3 = maxbits - 1; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i2 = _g12++; code = code + counts[i2] << 1; tmp[i2] = code; } var bits = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); var _g13 = 0; var _g4 = nlengths; while(_g13 < _g4) { var i3 = _g13++; var l = lengths[i3 + pos]; if(l != 0) { var n = tmp[l - 1]; tmp[l - 1] = n + 1; bits.h[n << 5 | l] = i3; } } return this.treeCompress(haxe_zip_Huffman.NeedBit(this.treeMake(bits,maxbits,0,1),this.treeMake(bits,maxbits,1,1))); } ,__class__: haxe_zip_HuffTools }; var haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_Window = function(hasCrc) { this.buffer = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(65536)); this.pos = 0; if(hasCrc) { this.crc = new haxe_crypto_Adler32(); } }; $hxClasses["haxe.zip._InflateImpl.Window"] = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_Window; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_Window.__name__ = ["haxe","zip","_InflateImpl","Window"]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_Window.prototype = { buffer: null ,pos: null ,crc: null ,slide: function() { if(this.crc != null) { this.crc.update(this.buffer,0,32768); } var b = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(65536)); this.pos -= 32768; b.blit(0,this.buffer,32768,this.pos); this.buffer = b; } ,addBytes: function(b,p,len) { if(this.pos + len > 65536) { this.slide(); } this.buffer.blit(this.pos,b,p,len); this.pos += len; } ,addByte: function(c) { if(this.pos == 65536) { this.slide(); } this.buffer.b[this.pos] = c & 255; this.pos++; } ,getLastChar: function() { return this.buffer.b[this.pos - 1]; } ,available: function() { return this.pos; } ,checksum: function() { if(this.crc != null) { this.crc.update(this.buffer,0,this.pos); } return this.crc; } ,__class__: haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_Window }; var haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State = $hxClasses["haxe.zip._InflateImpl.State"] = { __ename__ : ["haxe","zip","_InflateImpl","State"], __constructs__ : ["Head","Block","CData","Flat","Crc","Dist","DistOne","Done"] }; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Head = ["Head",0]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Head.toString = $estr; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Head.__enum__ = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Block = ["Block",1]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Block.toString = $estr; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Block.__enum__ = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.CData = ["CData",2]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.CData.toString = $estr; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.CData.__enum__ = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Flat = ["Flat",3]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Flat.toString = $estr; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Flat.__enum__ = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Crc = ["Crc",4]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Crc.toString = $estr; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Crc.__enum__ = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Dist = ["Dist",5]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Dist.toString = $estr; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Dist.__enum__ = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.DistOne = ["DistOne",6]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.DistOne.toString = $estr; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.DistOne.__enum__ = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Done = ["Done",7]; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Done.toString = $estr; haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Done.__enum__ = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State; var haxe_zip_InflateImpl = function(i,header,crc) { if(crc == null) { crc = true; } if(header == null) { header = true; } this["final"] = false; this.htools = new haxe_zip_HuffTools(); this.huffman = this.buildFixedHuffman(); this.huffdist = null; this.len = 0; this.dist = 0; this.state = header ? haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Head : haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Block; this.input = i; this.bits = 0; this.nbits = 0; this.needed = 0; this.output = null; this.outpos = 0; this.lengths = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < 19) { var i1 = _g++; this.lengths.push(-1); } this.window = new haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_Window(crc); }; $hxClasses["haxe.zip.InflateImpl"] = haxe_zip_InflateImpl; haxe_zip_InflateImpl.__name__ = ["haxe","zip","InflateImpl"]; haxe_zip_InflateImpl.run = function(i,bufsize) { if(bufsize == null) { bufsize = 65536; } var buf = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(bufsize)); var output = new haxe_io_BytesBuffer(); var inflate = new haxe_zip_InflateImpl(i); while(true) { var len = inflate.readBytes(buf,0,bufsize); if(len < 0 || len > buf.length) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } var b1 = output.b; var b2 = buf.b; var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i1 = _g1++; output.b.push(b2[i1]); } if(len < bufsize) { break; } } return output.getBytes(); }; haxe_zip_InflateImpl.prototype = { nbits: null ,bits: null ,state: null ,'final': null ,huffman: null ,huffdist: null ,htools: null ,len: null ,dist: null ,needed: null ,output: null ,outpos: null ,input: null ,lengths: null ,window: null ,buildFixedHuffman: function() { if(haxe_zip_InflateImpl.FIXED_HUFFMAN != null) { return haxe_zip_InflateImpl.FIXED_HUFFMAN; } var a = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < 288) { var n = _g++; a.push(n <= 143 ? 8 : n <= 255 ? 9 : n <= 279 ? 7 : 8); } haxe_zip_InflateImpl.FIXED_HUFFMAN = this.htools.make(a,0,288,10); return haxe_zip_InflateImpl.FIXED_HUFFMAN; } ,readBytes: function(b,pos,len) { this.needed = len; this.outpos = pos; this.output = b; if(len > 0) { while(this.inflateLoop()) { } } return len - this.needed; } ,getBits: function(n) { while(this.nbits < n) { this.bits |= this.input.readByte() << this.nbits; this.nbits += 8; } var b = this.bits & (1 << n) - 1; this.nbits -= n; this.bits >>= n; return b; } ,getBit: function() { if(this.nbits == 0) { this.nbits = 8; this.bits = this.input.readByte(); } var b = (this.bits & 1) == 1; this.nbits--; this.bits >>= 1; return b; } ,getRevBits: function(n) { if(n == 0) { return 0; } else if(this.getBit()) { return 1 << n - 1 | this.getRevBits(n - 1); } else { return this.getRevBits(n - 1); } } ,resetBits: function() { this.bits = 0; this.nbits = 0; } ,addBytes: function(b,p,len) { this.window.addBytes(b,p,len); this.output.blit(this.outpos,b,p,len); this.needed -= len; this.outpos += len; } ,addByte: function(b) { this.window.addByte(b); this.output.b[this.outpos] = b & 255; this.needed--; this.outpos++; } ,addDistOne: function(n) { var c = this.window.getLastChar(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = n; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.addByte(c); } } ,addDist: function(d,len) { this.addBytes(this.window.buffer,this.window.pos - d,len); } ,applyHuffman: function(h) { switch(h[1]) { case 0: var n = h[2]; return n; case 1: var b = h[3]; var a = h[2]; return this.applyHuffman(this.getBit() ? b : a); case 2: var tbl = h[3]; var n1 = h[2]; return this.applyHuffman(tbl[this.getBits(n1)]); } } ,inflateLengths: function(a,max) { var i = 0; var prev = 0; while(i < max) { var n = this.applyHuffman(this.huffman); switch(n) { case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:case 6:case 7:case 8:case 9:case 10:case 11:case 12:case 13:case 14:case 15: prev = n; a[i] = n; ++i; break; case 16: var end = i + 3 + this.getBits(2); if(end > max) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } while(i < end) { a[i] = prev; ++i; } break; case 17: i += 3 + this.getBits(3); if(i > max) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } break; case 18: i += 11 + this.getBits(7); if(i > max) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } } } ,inflateLoop: function() { var _g = this.state; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: var cmf = this.input.readByte(); var cm = cmf & 15; var cinfo = cmf >> 4; if(cm != 8) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } var flg = this.input.readByte(); var fdict = (flg & 32) != 0; if(((cmf << 8) + flg) % 31 != 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } if(fdict) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unsupported dictionary"); } this.state = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Block; return true; case 1: this["final"] = this.getBit(); var _g1 = this.getBits(2); switch(_g1) { case 0: this.len = this.input.readUInt16(); var nlen = this.input.readUInt16(); if(nlen != 65535 - this.len) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } this.state = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Flat; var r = this.inflateLoop(); this.resetBits(); return r; case 1: this.huffman = this.buildFixedHuffman(); this.huffdist = null; this.state = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.CData; return true; case 2: var hlit = this.getBits(5) + 257; var hdist = this.getBits(5) + 1; var hclen = this.getBits(4) + 4; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = hclen; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i = _g11++; this.lengths[haxe_zip_InflateImpl.CODE_LENGTHS_POS[i]] = this.getBits(3); } var _g3 = hclen; while(_g3 < 19) { var i1 = _g3++; this.lengths[haxe_zip_InflateImpl.CODE_LENGTHS_POS[i1]] = 0; } this.huffman = this.htools.make(this.lengths,0,19,8); var lengths = []; var _g12 = 0; var _g4 = hlit + hdist; while(_g12 < _g4) { var i2 = _g12++; lengths.push(0); } this.inflateLengths(lengths,hlit + hdist); this.huffdist = this.htools.make(lengths,hlit,hdist,16); this.huffman = this.htools.make(lengths,0,hlit,16); this.state = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.CData; return true; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } break; case 2: var n = this.applyHuffman(this.huffman); if(n < 256) { this.addByte(n); return this.needed > 0; } else if(n == 256) { this.state = this["final"] ? haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Crc : haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Block; return true; } else { n -= 257; var extra_bits = haxe_zip_InflateImpl.LEN_EXTRA_BITS_TBL[n]; if(extra_bits == -1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } this.len = haxe_zip_InflateImpl.LEN_BASE_VAL_TBL[n] + this.getBits(extra_bits); var dist_code = this.huffdist == null ? this.getRevBits(5) : this.applyHuffman(this.huffdist); extra_bits = haxe_zip_InflateImpl.DIST_EXTRA_BITS_TBL[dist_code]; if(extra_bits == -1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } this.dist = haxe_zip_InflateImpl.DIST_BASE_VAL_TBL[dist_code] + this.getBits(extra_bits); if(this.dist > this.window.available()) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid data"); } this.state = this.dist == 1 ? haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.DistOne : haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Dist; return true; } break; case 3: var rlen = this.len < this.needed ? this.len : this.needed; var bytes = this.input.read(rlen); this.len -= rlen; this.addBytes(bytes,0,rlen); if(this.len == 0) { this.state = this["final"] ? haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Crc : haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Block; } return this.needed > 0; case 4: var calc = this.window.checksum(); if(calc == null) { this.state = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Done; return true; } var crc = haxe_crypto_Adler32.read(this.input); if(!calc.equals(crc)) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid CRC"); } this.state = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.Done; return true; case 5: while(this.len > 0 && this.needed > 0) { var rdist = this.len < this.dist ? this.len : this.dist; var rlen1 = this.needed < rdist ? this.needed : rdist; this.addDist(this.dist,rlen1); this.len -= rlen1; } if(this.len == 0) { this.state = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.CData; } return this.needed > 0; case 6: var rlen2 = this.len < this.needed ? this.len : this.needed; this.addDistOne(rlen2); this.len -= rlen2; if(this.len == 0) { this.state = haxe_zip__$InflateImpl_State.CData; } return this.needed > 0; case 7: return false; } } ,__class__: haxe_zip_InflateImpl }; var haxe_zip_Uncompress = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.zip.Uncompress"] = haxe_zip_Uncompress; haxe_zip_Uncompress.__name__ = ["haxe","zip","Uncompress"]; haxe_zip_Uncompress.run = function(src,bufsize) { return haxe_zip_InflateImpl.run(new haxe_io_BytesInput(src),bufsize); }; var hscript_Const = $hxClasses["hscript.Const"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","Const"], __constructs__ : ["CInt","CFloat","CString"] }; hscript_Const.CInt = function(v) { var $x = ["CInt",0,v]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Const; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Const.CFloat = function(f) { var $x = ["CFloat",1,f]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Const; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Const.CString = function(s) { var $x = ["CString",2,s]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Const; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var hscript_Expr = $hxClasses["hscript.Expr"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","Expr"], __constructs__ : ["EConst","EIdent","EVar","EParent","EBlock","EField","EBinop","EUnop","ECall","EIf","EWhile","EFor","EBreak","EContinue","EFunction","EReturn","EArray","EArrayDecl","ENew","EThrow","ETry","EObject","ETernary","ESwitch","EDoWhile","EMeta"] }; hscript_Expr.EConst = function(c) { var $x = ["EConst",0,c]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EIdent = function(v) { var $x = ["EIdent",1,v]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EVar = function(n,t,e) { var $x = ["EVar",2,n,t,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EParent = function(e) { var $x = ["EParent",3,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EBlock = function(e) { var $x = ["EBlock",4,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EField = function(e,f) { var $x = ["EField",5,e,f]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EBinop = function(op,e1,e2) { var $x = ["EBinop",6,op,e1,e2]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EUnop = function(op,prefix,e) { var $x = ["EUnop",7,op,prefix,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.ECall = function(e,params) { var $x = ["ECall",8,e,params]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EIf = function(cond,e1,e2) { var $x = ["EIf",9,cond,e1,e2]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EWhile = function(cond,e) { var $x = ["EWhile",10,cond,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EFor = function(v,it,e) { var $x = ["EFor",11,v,it,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EBreak = ["EBreak",12]; hscript_Expr.EBreak.toString = $estr; hscript_Expr.EBreak.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; hscript_Expr.EContinue = ["EContinue",13]; hscript_Expr.EContinue.toString = $estr; hscript_Expr.EContinue.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; hscript_Expr.EFunction = function(args,e,name,ret) { var $x = ["EFunction",14,args,e,name,ret]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EReturn = function(e) { var $x = ["EReturn",15,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EArray = function(e,index) { var $x = ["EArray",16,e,index]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EArrayDecl = function(e) { var $x = ["EArrayDecl",17,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.ENew = function(cl,params) { var $x = ["ENew",18,cl,params]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EThrow = function(e) { var $x = ["EThrow",19,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.ETry = function(e,v,t,ecatch) { var $x = ["ETry",20,e,v,t,ecatch]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EObject = function(fl) { var $x = ["EObject",21,fl]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.ETernary = function(cond,e1,e2) { var $x = ["ETernary",22,cond,e1,e2]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.ESwitch = function(e,cases,defaultExpr) { var $x = ["ESwitch",23,e,cases,defaultExpr]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EDoWhile = function(cond,e) { var $x = ["EDoWhile",24,cond,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Expr.EMeta = function(name,args,e) { var $x = ["EMeta",25,name,args,e]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Expr; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var hscript_CType = $hxClasses["hscript.CType"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","CType"], __constructs__ : ["CTPath","CTFun","CTAnon","CTParent"] }; hscript_CType.CTPath = function(path,params) { var $x = ["CTPath",0,path,params]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_CType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_CType.CTFun = function(args,ret) { var $x = ["CTFun",1,args,ret]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_CType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_CType.CTAnon = function(fields) { var $x = ["CTAnon",2,fields]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_CType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_CType.CTParent = function(t) { var $x = ["CTParent",3,t]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_CType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var hscript_Error = $hxClasses["hscript.Error"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","Error"], __constructs__ : ["EInvalidChar","EUnexpected","EUnterminatedString","EUnterminatedComment","EInvalidPreprocessor","EUnknownVariable","EInvalidIterator","EInvalidOp","EInvalidAccess","ECustom"] }; hscript_Error.EInvalidChar = function(c) { var $x = ["EInvalidChar",0,c]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Error.EUnexpected = function(s) { var $x = ["EUnexpected",1,s]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Error.EUnterminatedString = ["EUnterminatedString",2]; hscript_Error.EUnterminatedString.toString = $estr; hscript_Error.EUnterminatedString.__enum__ = hscript_Error; hscript_Error.EUnterminatedComment = ["EUnterminatedComment",3]; hscript_Error.EUnterminatedComment.toString = $estr; hscript_Error.EUnterminatedComment.__enum__ = hscript_Error; hscript_Error.EInvalidPreprocessor = function(msg) { var $x = ["EInvalidPreprocessor",4,msg]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Error.EUnknownVariable = function(v) { var $x = ["EUnknownVariable",5,v]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Error.EInvalidIterator = function(v) { var $x = ["EInvalidIterator",6,v]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Error.EInvalidOp = function(op) { var $x = ["EInvalidOp",7,op]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Error.EInvalidAccess = function(f) { var $x = ["EInvalidAccess",8,f]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Error.ECustom = function(msg) { var $x = ["ECustom",9,msg]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Error; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var hscript_ModuleDecl = $hxClasses["hscript.ModuleDecl"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","ModuleDecl"], __constructs__ : ["DPackage","DImport","DClass","DTypedef"] }; hscript_ModuleDecl.DPackage = function(path) { var $x = ["DPackage",0,path]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_ModuleDecl; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_ModuleDecl.DImport = function(path,everything) { var $x = ["DImport",1,path,everything]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_ModuleDecl; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_ModuleDecl.DClass = function(c) { var $x = ["DClass",2,c]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_ModuleDecl; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_ModuleDecl.DTypedef = function(c) { var $x = ["DTypedef",3,c]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_ModuleDecl; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var hscript_FieldAccess = $hxClasses["hscript.FieldAccess"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","FieldAccess"], __constructs__ : ["APublic","APrivate","AInline","AOverride","AStatic","AMacro"] }; hscript_FieldAccess.APublic = ["APublic",0]; hscript_FieldAccess.APublic.toString = $estr; hscript_FieldAccess.APublic.__enum__ = hscript_FieldAccess; hscript_FieldAccess.APrivate = ["APrivate",1]; hscript_FieldAccess.APrivate.toString = $estr; hscript_FieldAccess.APrivate.__enum__ = hscript_FieldAccess; hscript_FieldAccess.AInline = ["AInline",2]; hscript_FieldAccess.AInline.toString = $estr; hscript_FieldAccess.AInline.__enum__ = hscript_FieldAccess; hscript_FieldAccess.AOverride = ["AOverride",3]; hscript_FieldAccess.AOverride.toString = $estr; hscript_FieldAccess.AOverride.__enum__ = hscript_FieldAccess; hscript_FieldAccess.AStatic = ["AStatic",4]; hscript_FieldAccess.AStatic.toString = $estr; hscript_FieldAccess.AStatic.__enum__ = hscript_FieldAccess; hscript_FieldAccess.AMacro = ["AMacro",5]; hscript_FieldAccess.AMacro.toString = $estr; hscript_FieldAccess.AMacro.__enum__ = hscript_FieldAccess; var hscript_FieldKind = $hxClasses["hscript.FieldKind"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","FieldKind"], __constructs__ : ["KFunction","KVar"] }; hscript_FieldKind.KFunction = function(f) { var $x = ["KFunction",0,f]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_FieldKind; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_FieldKind.KVar = function(v) { var $x = ["KVar",1,v]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_FieldKind; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var hscript__$Interp_Stop = $hxClasses["hscript._Interp.Stop"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","_Interp","Stop"], __constructs__ : ["SBreak","SContinue","SReturn"] }; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SBreak = ["SBreak",0]; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SBreak.toString = $estr; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SBreak.__enum__ = hscript__$Interp_Stop; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SContinue = ["SContinue",1]; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SContinue.toString = $estr; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SContinue.__enum__ = hscript__$Interp_Stop; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SReturn = ["SReturn",2]; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SReturn.toString = $estr; hscript__$Interp_Stop.SReturn.__enum__ = hscript__$Interp_Stop; var hscript_Token = $hxClasses["hscript.Token"] = { __ename__ : ["hscript","Token"], __constructs__ : ["TEof","TConst","TId","TOp","TPOpen","TPClose","TBrOpen","TBrClose","TDot","TComma","TSemicolon","TBkOpen","TBkClose","TQuestion","TDoubleDot","TMeta","TPrepro"] }; hscript_Token.TEof = ["TEof",0]; hscript_Token.TEof.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TEof.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TConst = function(c) { var $x = ["TConst",1,c]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Token; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Token.TId = function(s) { var $x = ["TId",2,s]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Token; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Token.TOp = function(s) { var $x = ["TOp",3,s]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Token; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Token.TPOpen = ["TPOpen",4]; hscript_Token.TPOpen.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TPOpen.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TPClose = ["TPClose",5]; hscript_Token.TPClose.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TPClose.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TBrOpen = ["TBrOpen",6]; hscript_Token.TBrOpen.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TBrOpen.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TBrClose = ["TBrClose",7]; hscript_Token.TBrClose.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TBrClose.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TDot = ["TDot",8]; hscript_Token.TDot.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TDot.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TComma = ["TComma",9]; hscript_Token.TComma.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TComma.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TSemicolon = ["TSemicolon",10]; hscript_Token.TSemicolon.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TSemicolon.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TBkOpen = ["TBkOpen",11]; hscript_Token.TBkOpen.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TBkOpen.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TBkClose = ["TBkClose",12]; hscript_Token.TBkClose.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TBkClose.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TQuestion = ["TQuestion",13]; hscript_Token.TQuestion.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TQuestion.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TDoubleDot = ["TDoubleDot",14]; hscript_Token.TDoubleDot.toString = $estr; hscript_Token.TDoubleDot.__enum__ = hscript_Token; hscript_Token.TMeta = function(s) { var $x = ["TMeta",15,s]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Token; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; hscript_Token.TPrepro = function(s) { var $x = ["TPrepro",16,s]; $x.__enum__ = hscript_Token; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var hscript_Parser = function() { this.uid = 0; this.preprocesorValues = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.line = 1; this.opChars = "+*/-=!><&|^%~"; this.identChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_"; var priorities = [["%"],["*","/"],["+","-"],["<<",">>",">>>"],["|","&","^"],["==","!=",">","<",">=","<="],["..."],["&&"],["||"],["=","+=","-=","*=","/=","%=","<<=",">>=",">>>=","|=","&=","^=","=>"]]; this.opPriority = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.opRightAssoc = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.unops = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var _g2 = 0; var _g3 = priorities[i]; while(_g2 < _g3.length) { var x = _g3[_g2]; ++_g2; var _this = this.opPriority; if(__map_reserved[x] != null) { _this.setReserved(x,i); } else { _this.h[x] = i; } if(i == 9) { var _this1 = this.opRightAssoc; if(__map_reserved[x] != null) { _this1.setReserved(x,true); } else { _this1.h[x] = true; } } } } var _g4 = 0; var _g11 = ["!","++","--","-","~"]; while(_g4 < _g11.length) { var x1 = _g11[_g4]; ++_g4; var _this2 = this.unops; var value = x1 == "++" || x1 == "--"; if(__map_reserved[x1] != null) { _this2.setReserved(x1,value); } else { _this2.h[x1] = value; } } }; $hxClasses["hscript.Parser"] = hscript_Parser; hscript_Parser.__name__ = ["hscript","Parser"]; hscript_Parser.prototype = { line: null ,opChars: null ,identChars: null ,opPriority: null ,opRightAssoc: null ,unops: null ,preprocesorValues: null ,allowJSON: null ,allowTypes: null ,allowMetadata: null ,input: null ,'char': null ,ops: null ,idents: null ,uid: null ,tokens: null ,error: function(err,pmin,pmax) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(err); } ,invalidChar: function(c) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EInvalidChar(c)); } ,initParser: function(origin) { this.preprocStack = []; this.tokens = new haxe_ds_GenericStack(); this["char"] = -1; this.ops = []; this.idents = []; this.uid = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.opChars.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.ops[HxOverrides.cca(this.opChars,i)] = true; } var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = this.identChars.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; this.idents[HxOverrides.cca(this.identChars,i1)] = true; } } ,parseString: function(s,origin) { if(origin == null) { origin = "hscript"; } return this.parse(new haxe_io_StringInput(s),origin); } ,parse: function(s,origin) { if(origin == null) { origin = "hscript"; } this.initParser(origin); this.input = s; var a = []; while(true) { var tk = this.token(); if(tk == hscript_Token.TEof) { break; } var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); this.parseFullExpr(a); } if(a.length == 1) { return a[0]; } else { return hscript_Expr.EBlock(a); } } ,unexpected: function(tk) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EUnexpected(this.tokenString(tk))); } ,push: function(tk) { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); } ,ensure: function(tk) { var t = this.token(); if(t != tk) { this.unexpected(t); } } ,ensureToken: function(tk) { var t = this.token(); if(!Type.enumEq(t,tk)) { this.unexpected(t); } } ,maybe: function(tk) { var t = this.token(); if(Type.enumEq(t,tk)) { return true; } var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(t,_this.head); return false; } ,getIdent: function() { var tk = this.token(); if(tk[1] == 2) { var id = tk[2]; return id; } else { this.unexpected(tk); return null; } } ,expr: function(e) { return e; } ,pmin: function(e) { return 0; } ,pmax: function(e) { return 0; } ,mk: function(e,pmin,pmax) { return e; } ,isBlock: function(e) { switch(e[1]) { case 2: var e1 = e[4]; var t = e[3]; if(e1 != null) { return this.isBlock(e1); } else if(t != null) { if(t == null) { return false; } else if(t[1] == 2) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } break; case 6: var e2 = e[4]; return this.isBlock(e2); case 7: var e3 = e[4]; var prefix = e[3]; if(!prefix) { return this.isBlock(e3); } else { return false; } break; case 9: var e21 = e[4]; var e11 = e[3]; if(e21 != null) { return this.isBlock(e21); } else { return this.isBlock(e11); } break; case 10: var e4 = e[3]; return this.isBlock(e4); case 11: var e5 = e[4]; return this.isBlock(e5); case 14: var e6 = e[3]; return this.isBlock(e6); case 15: var e7 = e[2]; if(e7 != null) { return this.isBlock(e7); } else { return false; } break; case 20: var e8 = e[5]; return this.isBlock(e8); case 4:case 21:case 23: return true; case 24: var e9 = e[3]; return this.isBlock(e9); case 25: var e10 = e[4]; return this.isBlock(e10); default: return false; } } ,parseFullExpr: function(exprs) { var e = this.parseExpr(); exprs.push(e); var tk = this.token(); while(tk == hscript_Token.TComma && e[1] == 2) { e = this.parseStructure("var"); exprs.push(e); tk = this.token(); } if(tk != hscript_Token.TSemicolon && tk != hscript_Token.TEof) { if(this.isBlock(e)) { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); } else { this.unexpected(tk); } } } ,parseObject: function(p1) { var fl = []; try { while(true) { var tk = this.token(); var id = null; switch(tk[1]) { case 1: var c = tk[2]; if(!this.allowJSON) { this.unexpected(tk); } if(c[1] == 2) { var s = c[2]; id = s; } else { this.unexpected(tk); } break; case 2: var i = tk[2]; id = i; break; case 7: throw "__break__"; break; default: this.unexpected(tk); } var t = this.token(); if(t != hscript_Token.TDoubleDot) { this.unexpected(t); } fl.push({ name : id, e : this.parseExpr()}); tk = this.token(); switch(tk[1]) { case 7: throw "__break__"; break; case 9: break; default: this.unexpected(tk); } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.EObject(fl)); } ,parseExpr: function() { var tk = this.token(); switch(tk[1]) { case 1: var c = tk[2]; return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.EConst(c)); case 2: var id = tk[2]; var e = this.parseStructure(id); if(e == null) { e = hscript_Expr.EIdent(id); } return this.parseExprNext(e); case 3: var op = tk[2]; if(this.unops.exists(op)) { var start = 0; var e1 = this.parseExpr(); if(op == "-") { if(e1[1] == 0) { switch(e1[2][1]) { case 0: var i = e1[2][2]; return hscript_Expr.EConst(hscript_Const.CInt(-i)); case 1: var f = e1[2][2]; return hscript_Expr.EConst(hscript_Const.CFloat(-f)); default: } } } return this.makeUnop(op,e1); } return this.unexpected(tk); case 4: var e2 = this.parseExpr(); var t = this.token(); if(t != hscript_Token.TPClose) { this.unexpected(t); } return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.EParent(e2)); case 6: tk = this.token(); switch(tk[1]) { case 1: var c1 = tk[2]; if(this.allowJSON) { if(c1[1] == 2) { var tk2 = this.token(); var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk2,_this.head); var _this1 = this.tokens; _this1.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this1.head); if(tk2[1] == 14) { return this.parseExprNext(this.parseObject(0)); } } else { var _this2 = this.tokens; _this2.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this2.head); } } else { var _this3 = this.tokens; _this3.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this3.head); } break; case 2: var tk21 = this.token(); var _this4 = this.tokens; _this4.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk21,_this4.head); var _this5 = this.tokens; _this5.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this5.head); if(tk21[1] == 14) { return this.parseExprNext(this.parseObject(0)); } break; case 7: return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.EObject([])); default: var _this6 = this.tokens; _this6.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this6.head); } var a = []; while(true) { this.parseFullExpr(a); tk = this.token(); if(tk == hscript_Token.TBrClose) { break; } var _this7 = this.tokens; _this7.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this7.head); } return hscript_Expr.EBlock(a); case 11: var a1 = []; tk = this.token(); while(tk != hscript_Token.TBkClose) { var _this8 = this.tokens; _this8.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this8.head); a1.push(this.parseExpr()); tk = this.token(); if(tk == hscript_Token.TComma) { tk = this.token(); } } if(a1.length == 1) { var _g = a1[0]; switch(_g[1]) { case 10:case 11:case 24: var tmp = "__a_" + this.uid++; var e3 = hscript_Expr.EBlock([hscript_Expr.EVar(tmp,null,hscript_Expr.EArrayDecl([])),this.mapCompr(tmp,a1[0]),hscript_Expr.EIdent(tmp)]); return this.parseExprNext(e3); default: } } return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.EArrayDecl(a1)); case 15: var id1 = tk[2]; if(this.allowMetadata) { var args = this.parseMetaArgs(); return hscript_Expr.EMeta(id1,args,this.parseExpr()); } else { return this.unexpected(tk); } break; default: return this.unexpected(tk); } } ,parseMetaArgs: function() { var tk = this.token(); if(tk != hscript_Token.TPOpen) { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); return null; } var args = []; tk = this.token(); if(tk != hscript_Token.TPClose) { var _this1 = this.tokens; _this1.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this1.head); try { while(true) { args.push(this.parseExpr()); var _g = this.token(); switch(_g[1]) { case 5: throw "__break__"; break; case 9: break; default: var tk1 = _g; this.unexpected(tk1); } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } } return args; } ,mapCompr: function(tmp,e) { var edef; switch(e[1]) { case 3: var e2 = e[2]; edef = hscript_Expr.EParent(this.mapCompr(tmp,e2)); break; case 4: if(e[2].length == 1) { var e1 = e[2][0]; edef = hscript_Expr.EBlock([this.mapCompr(tmp,e1)]); } else { edef = hscript_Expr.ECall(hscript_Expr.EField(hscript_Expr.EIdent(tmp),"push"),[e]); } break; case 9: var e21 = e[4]; var e11 = e[3]; var cond = e[2]; if(e21 == null) { edef = hscript_Expr.EIf(cond,this.mapCompr(tmp,e11),null); } else { edef = hscript_Expr.ECall(hscript_Expr.EField(hscript_Expr.EIdent(tmp),"push"),[e]); } break; case 10: var e22 = e[3]; var cond1 = e[2]; edef = hscript_Expr.EWhile(cond1,this.mapCompr(tmp,e22)); break; case 11: var e23 = e[4]; var it = e[3]; var v = e[2]; edef = hscript_Expr.EFor(v,it,this.mapCompr(tmp,e23)); break; case 24: var e24 = e[3]; var cond2 = e[2]; edef = hscript_Expr.EDoWhile(cond2,this.mapCompr(tmp,e24)); break; default: edef = hscript_Expr.ECall(hscript_Expr.EField(hscript_Expr.EIdent(tmp),"push"),[e]); } return edef; } ,makeUnop: function(op,e) { switch(e[1]) { case 6: var e2 = e[4]; var e1 = e[3]; var bop = e[2]; return hscript_Expr.EBinop(bop,this.makeUnop(op,e1),e2); case 22: var e3 = e[4]; var e21 = e[3]; var e11 = e[2]; return hscript_Expr.ETernary(this.makeUnop(op,e11),e21,e3); default: return hscript_Expr.EUnop(op,true,e); } } ,makeBinop: function(op,e1,e) { switch(e[1]) { case 6: var e3 = e[4]; var e2 = e[3]; var op2 = e[2]; if(this.opPriority.get(op) <= this.opPriority.get(op2) && !this.opRightAssoc.exists(op)) { return hscript_Expr.EBinop(op2,this.makeBinop(op,e1,e2),e3); } else { return hscript_Expr.EBinop(op,e1,e); } break; case 22: var e4 = e[4]; var e31 = e[3]; var e21 = e[2]; if(this.opRightAssoc.exists(op)) { return hscript_Expr.EBinop(op,e1,e); } else { return hscript_Expr.ETernary(this.makeBinop(op,e1,e21),e31,e4); } break; default: return hscript_Expr.EBinop(op,e1,e); } } ,parseStructure: function(id) { switch(id) { case "break": return hscript_Expr.EBreak; case "continue": return hscript_Expr.EContinue; case "do": var e = this.parseExpr(); var tk = this.token(); if(tk[1] == 2) { if(tk[2] != "while") { this.unexpected(tk); } } else { this.unexpected(tk); } var econd = this.parseExpr(); return hscript_Expr.EDoWhile(econd,e); case "else": return this.unexpected(hscript_Token.TId(id)); case "for": var t = this.token(); if(t != hscript_Token.TPOpen) { this.unexpected(t); } var vname = this.getIdent(); var t1 = this.token(); if(!Type.enumEq(t1,hscript_Token.TId("in"))) { this.unexpected(t1); } var eiter = this.parseExpr(); var t2 = this.token(); if(t2 != hscript_Token.TPClose) { this.unexpected(t2); } var e1 = this.parseExpr(); return hscript_Expr.EFor(vname,eiter,e1); case "function": var tk1 = this.token(); var name = null; if(tk1[1] == 2) { var id1 = tk1[2]; name = id1; } else { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk1,_this.head); } var inf = this.parseFunctionDecl(); var e2 = inf.body; var pmax = 0; return hscript_Expr.EFunction(inf.args,inf.body,name,inf.ret); case "if": var t3 = this.token(); if(t3 != hscript_Token.TPOpen) { this.unexpected(t3); } var cond = this.parseExpr(); var t4 = this.token(); if(t4 != hscript_Token.TPClose) { this.unexpected(t4); } var e11 = this.parseExpr(); var e21 = null; var semic = false; var tk2 = this.token(); if(tk2 == hscript_Token.TSemicolon) { semic = true; tk2 = this.token(); } if(Type.enumEq(tk2,hscript_Token.TId("else"))) { e21 = this.parseExpr(); } else { var _this1 = this.tokens; _this1.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk2,_this1.head); if(semic) { var _this2 = this.tokens; _this2.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(hscript_Token.TSemicolon,_this2.head); } } return hscript_Expr.EIf(cond,e11,e21); case "inline": if(!this.maybe(hscript_Token.TId("function"))) { this.unexpected(hscript_Token.TId("inline")); } return this.parseStructure("function"); case "new": var a = []; a.push(this.getIdent()); var next = true; while(next) { var tk3 = this.token(); switch(tk3[1]) { case 4: next = false; break; case 8: a.push(this.getIdent()); break; default: this.unexpected(tk3); } } var args = this.parseExprList(hscript_Token.TPClose); return hscript_Expr.ENew(a.join("."),args); case "return": var tk4 = this.token(); var _this3 = this.tokens; _this3.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk4,_this3.head); var e3 = tk4 == hscript_Token.TSemicolon ? null : this.parseExpr(); return hscript_Expr.EReturn(e3); case "switch": var e4 = this.parseExpr(); var def = null; var cases = []; var t5 = this.token(); if(t5 != hscript_Token.TBrOpen) { this.unexpected(t5); } try { while(true) { var tk5 = this.token(); switch(tk5[1]) { case 2: switch(tk5[2]) { case "case": var c = { values : [], expr : null}; cases.push(c); try { while(true) { var e5 = this.parseExpr(); c.values.push(e5); tk5 = this.token(); switch(tk5[1]) { case 9: break; case 14: throw "__break__"; break; default: this.unexpected(tk5); } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } var exprs = []; try { while(true) { tk5 = this.token(); var _this4 = this.tokens; _this4.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk5,_this4.head); switch(tk5[1]) { case 2: switch(tk5[2]) { case "case":case "default": throw "__break__"; break; default: this.parseFullExpr(exprs); } break; case 7: throw "__break__"; break; default: this.parseFullExpr(exprs); } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } var tmp; if(exprs.length == 1) { tmp = exprs[0]; } else if(exprs.length == 0) { tmp = hscript_Expr.EBlock([]); } else { var e6 = exprs[exprs.length - 1]; var pmax1 = 0; tmp = hscript_Expr.EBlock(exprs); } c.expr = tmp; break; case "default": if(def != null) { this.unexpected(tk5); } var t6 = this.token(); if(t6 != hscript_Token.TDoubleDot) { this.unexpected(t6); } var exprs1 = []; try { while(true) { tk5 = this.token(); var _this5 = this.tokens; _this5.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk5,_this5.head); switch(tk5[1]) { case 2: switch(tk5[2]) { case "case":case "default": throw "__break__"; break; default: this.parseFullExpr(exprs1); } break; case 7: throw "__break__"; break; default: this.parseFullExpr(exprs1); } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } if(exprs1.length == 1) { def = exprs1[0]; } else if(exprs1.length == 0) { def = hscript_Expr.EBlock([]); } else { var e7 = exprs1[exprs1.length - 1]; var pmax2 = 0; def = hscript_Expr.EBlock(exprs1); } break; default: this.unexpected(tk5); } break; case 7: throw "__break__"; break; default: this.unexpected(tk5); } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } return hscript_Expr.ESwitch(e4,cases,def); case "throw": var e8 = this.parseExpr(); return hscript_Expr.EThrow(e8); case "try": var e9 = this.parseExpr(); var t7 = this.token(); if(!Type.enumEq(t7,hscript_Token.TId("catch"))) { this.unexpected(t7); } var t8 = this.token(); if(t8 != hscript_Token.TPOpen) { this.unexpected(t8); } var vname1 = this.getIdent(); var t9 = this.token(); if(t9 != hscript_Token.TDoubleDot) { this.unexpected(t9); } var t10 = null; if(this.allowTypes) { t10 = this.parseType(); } else { var t11 = this.token(); if(!Type.enumEq(t11,hscript_Token.TId("Dynamic"))) { this.unexpected(t11); } } var t12 = this.token(); if(t12 != hscript_Token.TPClose) { this.unexpected(t12); } var ec = this.parseExpr(); return hscript_Expr.ETry(e9,vname1,t10,ec); case "var": var ident = this.getIdent(); var tk6 = this.token(); var t13 = null; if(tk6 == hscript_Token.TDoubleDot && this.allowTypes) { t13 = this.parseType(); tk6 = this.token(); } var e10 = null; if(Type.enumEq(tk6,hscript_Token.TOp("="))) { e10 = this.parseExpr(); } else { var _this6 = this.tokens; _this6.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk6,_this6.head); } return hscript_Expr.EVar(ident,t13,e10); case "while": var econd1 = this.parseExpr(); var e12 = this.parseExpr(); return hscript_Expr.EWhile(econd1,e12); default: return null; } } ,parseExprNext: function(e1) { var tk = this.token(); switch(tk[1]) { case 3: var op = tk[2]; if(this.unops.get(op)) { if(this.isBlock(e1) || e1[1] == 3) { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); return e1; } return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.EUnop(op,false,e1)); } return this.makeBinop(op,e1,this.parseExpr()); case 4: return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.ECall(e1,this.parseExprList(hscript_Token.TPClose))); case 8: var field = this.getIdent(); return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.EField(e1,field)); case 11: var e2 = this.parseExpr(); var t = this.token(); if(t != hscript_Token.TBkClose) { this.unexpected(t); } return this.parseExprNext(hscript_Expr.EArray(e1,e2)); case 13: var e21 = this.parseExpr(); var t1 = this.token(); if(t1 != hscript_Token.TDoubleDot) { this.unexpected(t1); } var e3 = this.parseExpr(); return hscript_Expr.ETernary(e1,e21,e3); default: var _this1 = this.tokens; _this1.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this1.head); return e1; } } ,parseFunctionDecl: function() { var t = this.token(); if(t != hscript_Token.TPOpen) { this.unexpected(t); } var args = []; var tk = this.token(); if(tk != hscript_Token.TPClose) { var done = false; while(!done) { var name = null; var opt = false; if(tk[1] == 13) { opt = true; tk = this.token(); } if(tk[1] == 2) { var id = tk[2]; name = id; } else { this.unexpected(tk); } var arg = { name : name}; args.push(arg); if(opt) { arg.opt = true; } if(this.allowTypes) { if(this.maybe(hscript_Token.TDoubleDot)) { arg.t = this.parseType(); } if(this.maybe(hscript_Token.TOp("="))) { arg.value = this.parseExpr(); } } tk = this.token(); switch(tk[1]) { case 5: done = true; break; case 9: tk = this.token(); break; default: this.unexpected(tk); } } } var ret = null; if(this.allowTypes) { tk = this.token(); if(tk != hscript_Token.TDoubleDot) { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); } else { ret = this.parseType(); } } return { args : args, ret : ret, body : this.parseExpr()}; } ,parsePath: function() { var path = [this.getIdent()]; while(true) { var t = this.token(); if(t != hscript_Token.TDot) { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(t,_this.head); break; } path.push(this.getIdent()); } return path; } ,parseType: function() { var t = this.token(); switch(t[1]) { case 2: var v = t[2]; var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(t,_this.head); var path = this.parsePath(); var params = null; t = this.token(); if(t[1] == 3) { var op = t[2]; if(op == "<") { params = []; try { while(true) { params.push(this.parseType()); t = this.token(); switch(t[1]) { case 3: var op1 = t[2]; if(op1 == ">") { throw "__break__"; } if(HxOverrides.cca(op1,0) == 62) { var _this1 = this.tokens; _this1.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(hscript_Token.TOp(HxOverrides.substr(op1,1,null)),_this1.head); throw "__break__"; } break; case 9: continue; break; default: } this.unexpected(t); } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } } else { var _this2 = this.tokens; _this2.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(t,_this2.head); } } else { var _this3 = this.tokens; _this3.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(t,_this3.head); } return this.parseTypeNext(hscript_CType.CTPath(path,params)); case 4: var t1 = this.parseType(); var t2 = this.token(); if(t2 != hscript_Token.TPClose) { this.unexpected(t2); } return this.parseTypeNext(hscript_CType.CTParent(t1)); case 6: var fields = []; var meta = null; try { while(true) { t = this.token(); switch(t[1]) { case 2: if(t[2] == "var") { var name = this.getIdent(); var t3 = this.token(); if(t3 != hscript_Token.TDoubleDot) { this.unexpected(t3); } fields.push({ name : name, t : this.parseType(), meta : meta}); meta = null; var t4 = this.token(); if(t4 != hscript_Token.TSemicolon) { this.unexpected(t4); } } else { var name1 = t[2]; var t5 = this.token(); if(t5 != hscript_Token.TDoubleDot) { this.unexpected(t5); } fields.push({ name : name1, t : this.parseType(), meta : meta}); t = this.token(); switch(t[1]) { case 7: throw "__break__"; break; case 9: break; default: this.unexpected(t); } } break; case 7: throw "__break__"; break; case 15: var name2 = t[2]; if(meta == null) { meta = []; } meta.push({ name : name2, params : this.parseMetaArgs()}); break; default: this.unexpected(t); } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } return this.parseTypeNext(hscript_CType.CTAnon(fields)); default: return this.unexpected(t); } } ,parseTypeNext: function(t) { var tk = this.token(); if(tk[1] == 3) { var op = tk[2]; if(op != "->") { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); return t; } } else { var _this1 = this.tokens; _this1.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this1.head); return t; } var t2 = this.parseType(); if(t2[1] == 1) { var args = t2[2]; args.unshift(t); return t2; } else { return hscript_CType.CTFun([t],t2); } } ,parseExprList: function(etk) { var args = []; var tk = this.token(); if(tk == etk) { return args; } var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); while(true) { args.push(this.parseExpr()); tk = this.token(); if(tk[1] != 9) { if(tk == etk) { break; } this.unexpected(tk); } } return args; } ,parseModule: function(content,origin) { if(origin == null) { origin = "hscript"; } this.initParser(origin); this.input = new haxe_io_StringInput(content); this.allowTypes = true; this.allowMetadata = true; var decls = []; while(true) { var tk = this.token(); if(tk == hscript_Token.TEof) { break; } var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); decls.push(this.parseModuleDecl()); } return decls; } ,parseMetadata: function() { var meta = []; while(true) { var tk = this.token(); if(tk[1] == 15) { var name = tk[2]; meta.push({ name : name, params : this.parseMetaArgs()}); } else { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); break; } } return meta; } ,parseParams: function() { if(this.maybe(hscript_Token.TOp("<"))) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EInvalidOp("Unsupported class type parameters")); } return { }; } ,parseModuleDecl: function() { var meta = this.parseMetadata(); var ident = this.getIdent(); var isPrivate = false; var isExtern = false; try { while(true) { switch(ident) { case "extern": isExtern = true; break; case "private": isPrivate = true; break; default: throw "__break__"; } ident = this.getIdent(); } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } switch(ident) { case "class": var name = this.getIdent(); var params = this.parseParams(); var extend = null; var implement = []; try { while(true) { var t = this.token(); if(t[1] == 2) { switch(t[2]) { case "extends": extend = this.parseType(); break; case "implements": implement.push(this.parseType()); break; default: var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(t,_this.head); throw "__break__"; } } else { var _this1 = this.tokens; _this1.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(t,_this1.head); throw "__break__"; } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } var fields = []; var t1 = this.token(); if(t1 != hscript_Token.TBrOpen) { this.unexpected(t1); } while(!this.maybe(hscript_Token.TBrClose)) fields.push(this.parseField()); return hscript_ModuleDecl.DClass({ name : name, meta : meta, params : params, extend : extend, implement : implement, fields : fields, isPrivate : isPrivate, isExtern : isExtern}); case "import": var path = [this.getIdent()]; var star = false; while(true) { var t2 = this.token(); if(t2 != hscript_Token.TDot) { var _this2 = this.tokens; _this2.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(t2,_this2.head); break; } t2 = this.token(); switch(t2[1]) { case 2: var id = t2[2]; path.push(id); break; case 3: if(t2[2] == "*") { star = true; } else { this.unexpected(t2); } break; default: this.unexpected(t2); } } var t3 = this.token(); if(t3 != hscript_Token.TSemicolon) { this.unexpected(t3); } return hscript_ModuleDecl.DImport(path,star); case "package": var path1 = this.parsePath(); var t4 = this.token(); if(t4 != hscript_Token.TSemicolon) { this.unexpected(t4); } return hscript_ModuleDecl.DPackage(path1); case "typedef": var name1 = this.getIdent(); var params1 = this.parseParams(); var t5 = this.token(); if(!Type.enumEq(t5,hscript_Token.TOp("="))) { this.unexpected(t5); } var t6 = this.parseType(); return hscript_ModuleDecl.DTypedef({ name : name1, meta : meta, params : params1, isPrivate : isPrivate, t : t6}); default: this.unexpected(hscript_Token.TId(ident)); } return null; } ,parseField: function() { var meta = this.parseMetadata(); var access = []; while(true) { var id = this.getIdent(); switch(id) { case "function": var name = this.getIdent(); var inf = this.parseFunctionDecl(); return { name : name, meta : meta, access : access, kind : hscript_FieldKind.KFunction({ args : inf.args, expr : inf.body, ret : inf.ret})}; case "inline": access.push(hscript_FieldAccess.AInline); break; case "macro": access.push(hscript_FieldAccess.AMacro); break; case "override": access.push(hscript_FieldAccess.AOverride); break; case "private": access.push(hscript_FieldAccess.APrivate); break; case "public": access.push(hscript_FieldAccess.APublic); break; case "static": access.push(hscript_FieldAccess.AStatic); break; case "var": var name1 = this.getIdent(); var get = null; var set = null; if(this.maybe(hscript_Token.TPOpen)) { get = this.getIdent(); var t = this.token(); if(t != hscript_Token.TComma) { this.unexpected(t); } set = this.getIdent(); var t1 = this.token(); if(t1 != hscript_Token.TPClose) { this.unexpected(t1); } } var type = this.maybe(hscript_Token.TDoubleDot) ? this.parseType() : null; var expr = this.maybe(hscript_Token.TOp("=")) ? this.parseExpr() : null; if(expr != null) { if(this.isBlock(expr)) { this.maybe(hscript_Token.TSemicolon); } else { var t2 = this.token(); if(t2 != hscript_Token.TSemicolon) { this.unexpected(t2); } } } else if(type != null && type[1] == 2) { this.maybe(hscript_Token.TSemicolon); } else { var t3 = this.token(); if(t3 != hscript_Token.TSemicolon) { this.unexpected(t3); } } return { name : name1, meta : meta, access : access, kind : hscript_FieldKind.KVar({ get : get, set : set, type : type, expr : expr})}; default: this.unexpected(hscript_Token.TId(id)); } } } ,incPos: function() { } ,readChar: function() { try { return this.input.readByte(); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; return 0; } } ,readString: function(until) { var c = 0; var b = new haxe_io_BytesOutput(); var esc = false; var old = this.line; var s = this.input; while(true) { try { c = s.readByte(); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; this.line = old; throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EUnterminatedString); } if(esc) { esc = false; switch(c) { case 34:case 39:case 92: b.writeByte(c); break; case 47: if(this.allowJSON) { b.writeByte(c); } else { this.invalidChar(c); } break; case 110: b.writeByte(10); break; case 114: b.writeByte(13); break; case 116: b.writeByte(9); break; case 117: if(!this.allowJSON) { this.invalidChar(c); } var code = null; try { code = s.readString(4); } catch( e1 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e1; this.line = old; throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EUnterminatedString); } var k = 0; var _g = 0; while(_g < 4) { var i = _g++; k <<= 4; var $char = HxOverrides.cca(code,i); if($char == null) { this.invalidChar($char); } else { switch($char) { case 48:case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57: k += $char - 48; break; case 65:case 66:case 67:case 68:case 69:case 70: k += $char - 55; break; case 97:case 98:case 99:case 100:case 101:case 102: k += $char - 87; break; default: this.invalidChar($char); } } } if(k <= 127) { b.writeByte(k); } else if(k <= 2047) { b.writeByte(192 | k >> 6); b.writeByte(128 | k & 63); } else { b.writeByte(224 | k >> 12); b.writeByte(128 | k >> 6 & 63); b.writeByte(128 | k & 63); } break; default: this.invalidChar(c); } } else if(c == 92) { esc = true; } else if(c == until) { break; } else { if(c == 10) { this.line++; } b.writeByte(c); } } return b.getBytes().toString(); } ,token: function() { if(this.tokens.head != null) { var _this = this.tokens; var k = _this.head; if(k == null) { return null; } else { _this.head = k.next; return k.elt; } } var $char; if(this["char"] < 0) { $char = this.readChar(); } else { $char = this["char"]; this["char"] = -1; } while(true) { switch($char) { case 0: return hscript_Token.TEof; case 10: this.line++; break; case 9:case 13:case 32: break; case 35: $char = this.readChar(); if(this.idents[$char]) { var id = String.fromCharCode($char); while(true) { $char = this.readChar(); if(!this.idents[$char]) { this["char"] = $char; return this.preprocess(id); } id += String.fromCharCode($char); } } this.invalidChar($char); break; case 34:case 39: return hscript_Token.TConst(hscript_Const.CString(this.readString($char))); case 40: return hscript_Token.TPOpen; case 41: return hscript_Token.TPClose; case 44: return hscript_Token.TComma; case 46: $char = this.readChar(); switch($char) { case 46: $char = this.readChar(); if($char != 46) { this.invalidChar($char); } return hscript_Token.TOp("..."); case 48:case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57: var n = $char - 48; var exp = 1; while(true) { $char = this.readChar(); exp *= 10; switch($char) { case 48:case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57: n = n * 10 + ($char - 48); break; default: this["char"] = $char; return hscript_Token.TConst(hscript_Const.CFloat(n / exp)); } } break; default: this["char"] = $char; return hscript_Token.TDot; } break; case 48:case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57: var n1 = ($char - 48) * 1.0; var exp1 = 0.; while(true) { $char = this.readChar(); exp1 *= 10; switch($char) { case 46: if(exp1 > 0) { if(exp1 == 10 && this.readChar() == 46) { var _this1 = this.tokens; _this1.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(hscript_Token.TOp("..."),_this1.head); var i = n1 | 0; return hscript_Token.TConst(i == n1 ? hscript_Const.CInt(i) : hscript_Const.CFloat(n1)); } this.invalidChar($char); } exp1 = 1.; break; case 48:case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57: n1 = n1 * 10 + ($char - 48); break; case 69:case 101: var tk = this.token(); var pow = null; switch(tk[1]) { case 1: if(tk[2][1] == 0) { var e = tk[2][2]; pow = e; } else { var _this2 = this.tokens; _this2.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this2.head); } break; case 3: if(tk[2] == "-") { tk = this.token(); if(tk[1] == 1) { if(tk[2][1] == 0) { var e1 = tk[2][2]; pow = -e1; } else { var _this3 = this.tokens; _this3.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this3.head); } } else { var _this4 = this.tokens; _this4.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this4.head); } } else { var _this5 = this.tokens; _this5.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this5.head); } break; default: var _this6 = this.tokens; _this6.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this6.head); } if(pow == null) { this.invalidChar($char); } return hscript_Token.TConst(hscript_Const.CFloat(Math.pow(10,pow) / exp1 * n1 * 10)); case 120: if(n1 > 0 || exp1 > 0) { this.invalidChar($char); } var n2 = 0; while(true) { $char = this.readChar(); switch($char) { case 48:case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57: n2 = (n2 << 4) + $char - 48; break; case 65:case 66:case 67:case 68:case 69:case 70: n2 = (n2 << 4) + ($char - 55); break; case 97:case 98:case 99:case 100:case 101:case 102: n2 = (n2 << 4) + ($char - 87); break; default: this["char"] = $char; return hscript_Token.TConst(hscript_Const.CInt(n2)); } } break; default: this["char"] = $char; var i1 = n1 | 0; return hscript_Token.TConst(exp1 > 0 ? hscript_Const.CFloat(n1 * 10 / exp1) : i1 == n1 ? hscript_Const.CInt(i1) : hscript_Const.CFloat(n1)); } } break; case 58: return hscript_Token.TDoubleDot; case 59: return hscript_Token.TSemicolon; case 61: $char = this.readChar(); if($char == 61) { return hscript_Token.TOp("=="); } else if($char == 62) { return hscript_Token.TOp("=>"); } this["char"] = $char; return hscript_Token.TOp("="); case 63: return hscript_Token.TQuestion; case 64: $char = this.readChar(); if(this.idents[$char] || $char == 58) { var id1 = String.fromCharCode($char); while(true) { $char = this.readChar(); if(!this.idents[$char]) { this["char"] = $char; return hscript_Token.TMeta(id1); } id1 += String.fromCharCode($char); } } this.invalidChar($char); break; case 91: return hscript_Token.TBkOpen; case 93: return hscript_Token.TBkClose; case 123: return hscript_Token.TBrOpen; case 125: return hscript_Token.TBrClose; default: if(this.ops[$char]) { var op = String.fromCharCode($char); var prev = -1; while(true) { $char = this.readChar(); if(!this.ops[$char] || prev == 61) { if(HxOverrides.cca(op,0) == 47) { return this.tokenComment(op,$char); } this["char"] = $char; return hscript_Token.TOp(op); } prev = $char; op += String.fromCharCode($char); } } if(this.idents[$char]) { var id2 = String.fromCharCode($char); while(true) { $char = this.readChar(); if(!this.idents[$char]) { this["char"] = $char; return hscript_Token.TId(id2); } id2 += String.fromCharCode($char); } } this.invalidChar($char); } $char = this.readChar(); } } ,preprocValue: function(id) { var _this = this.preprocesorValues; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this.getReserved(id); } else { return _this.h[id]; } } ,preprocStack: null ,parsePreproCond: function() { var tk = this.token(); switch(tk[1]) { case 2: var id = tk[2]; return hscript_Expr.EIdent(id); case 3: if(tk[2] == "!") { return hscript_Expr.EUnop("!",true,this.parsePreproCond()); } else { return this.unexpected(tk); } break; case 4: var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(hscript_Token.TPOpen,_this.head); return this.parseExpr(); default: return this.unexpected(tk); } } ,evalPreproCond: function(e) { switch(e[1]) { case 1: var id = e[2]; return this.preprocValue(id) != null; case 3: var e1 = e[2]; return this.evalPreproCond(e1); case 6: switch(e[2]) { case "&&": var e2 = e[4]; var e11 = e[3]; if(this.evalPreproCond(e11)) { return this.evalPreproCond(e2); } else { return false; } break; case "||": var e21 = e[4]; var e12 = e[3]; if(!this.evalPreproCond(e12)) { return this.evalPreproCond(e21); } else { return true; } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EInvalidPreprocessor("Can't eval " + e[0])); } break; case 7: if(e[2] == "!") { var e3 = e[4]; return !this.evalPreproCond(e3); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EInvalidPreprocessor("Can't eval " + e[0])); } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EInvalidPreprocessor("Can't eval " + e[0])); } } ,preprocess: function(id) { switch(id) { case "else":case "elseif": if(this.preprocStack.length > 0) { if(this.preprocStack[this.preprocStack.length - 1].r) { this.preprocStack[this.preprocStack.length - 1].r = false; this.skipTokens(); return this.token(); } else if(id == "else") { this.preprocStack.pop(); this.preprocStack.push({ r : true}); return this.token(); } else { this.preprocStack.pop(); return this.preprocess("if"); } } else { return hscript_Token.TPrepro(id); } break; case "end": if(this.preprocStack.length > 0) { this.preprocStack.pop(); return this.token(); } else { return hscript_Token.TPrepro(id); } break; case "if": var e = this.parsePreproCond(); if(this.evalPreproCond(e)) { this.preprocStack.push({ r : true}); return this.token(); } this.preprocStack.push({ r : false}); this.skipTokens(); return this.token(); default: return hscript_Token.TPrepro(id); } } ,skipTokens: function() { var spos = this.preprocStack.length - 1; var obj = this.preprocStack[spos]; var pos = 0; while(true) { var tk = this.token(); if(tk == hscript_Token.TEof) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EInvalidPreprocessor("Unclosed")); } if(this.preprocStack[spos] != obj) { var _this = this.tokens; _this.head = new haxe_ds_GenericCell(tk,_this.head); break; } } } ,tokenComment: function(op,$char) { var c = HxOverrides.cca(op,1); var s = this.input; if(c == 47) { try { while($char != 13 && $char != 10) $char = s.readByte(); this["char"] = $char; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } return this.token(); } if(c == 42) { var old = this.line; if(op == "/**/") { this["char"] = $char; return this.token(); } try { while(true) { while($char != 42) { if($char == 10) { this.line++; } $char = s.readByte(); } $char = s.readByte(); if($char == 47) { break; } } } catch( e1 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e1; this.line = old; throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(hscript_Error.EUnterminatedComment); } return this.token(); } this["char"] = $char; return hscript_Token.TOp(op); } ,constString: function(c) { switch(c[1]) { case 0: var v = c[2]; if(v == null) { return "null"; } else { return "" + v; } break; case 1: var f = c[2]; if(f == null) { return "null"; } else { return "" + f; } break; case 2: var s = c[2]; return s; } } ,tokenString: function(t) { switch(t[1]) { case 0: return ""; case 1: var c = t[2]; return this.constString(c); case 2: var s = t[2]; return s; case 3: var s1 = t[2]; return s1; case 4: return "("; case 5: return ")"; case 6: return "{"; case 7: return "}"; case 8: return "."; case 9: return ","; case 10: return ";"; case 11: return "["; case 12: return "]"; case 13: return "?"; case 14: return ":"; case 15: var id = t[2]; return "@" + id; case 16: var id1 = t[2]; return "#" + id1; } } ,__class__: hscript_Parser }; var js__$Boot_HaxeError = function(val) { Error.call(this); this.val = val; this.message = String(val); if(Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this,js__$Boot_HaxeError); } }; $hxClasses["js._Boot.HaxeError"] = js__$Boot_HaxeError; js__$Boot_HaxeError.__name__ = ["js","_Boot","HaxeError"]; js__$Boot_HaxeError.wrap = function(val) { if((val instanceof Error)) { return val; } else { return new js__$Boot_HaxeError(val); } }; js__$Boot_HaxeError.__super__ = Error; js__$Boot_HaxeError.prototype = $extend(Error.prototype,{ val: null ,__class__: js__$Boot_HaxeError }); var js_Browser = function() { }; $hxClasses["js.Browser"] = js_Browser; js_Browser.__name__ = ["js","Browser"]; js_Browser.getLocalStorage = function() { try { var s = window.localStorage; s.getItem(""); return s; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; return null; } }; js_Browser.alert = function(v) { window.alert(js_Boot.__string_rec(v,"")); }; var js_html__$CanvasElement_CanvasUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["js.html._CanvasElement.CanvasUtil"] = js_html__$CanvasElement_CanvasUtil; js_html__$CanvasElement_CanvasUtil.__name__ = ["js","html","_CanvasElement","CanvasUtil"]; js_html__$CanvasElement_CanvasUtil.getContextWebGL = function(canvas,attribs) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = ["webgl","experimental-webgl"]; while(_g < _g1.length) { var name = _g1[_g]; ++_g; var ctx = canvas.getContext(name,attribs); if(ctx != null) { return ctx; } } return null; }; var js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer = function(a) { if((a instanceof Array) && a.__enum__ == null) { this.a = a; this.byteLength = a.length; } else { var len = a; this.a = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = len; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.a[i] = 0; } this.byteLength = len; } }; $hxClasses["js.html.compat.ArrayBuffer"] = js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer; js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer.__name__ = ["js","html","compat","ArrayBuffer"]; js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer.sliceImpl = function(begin,end) { var u = new Uint8Array(this,begin,end == null ? null : end - begin); var result = new ArrayBuffer(u.byteLength); var resultArray = new Uint8Array(result); resultArray.set(u); return result; }; js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer.prototype = { byteLength: null ,a: null ,slice: function(begin,end) { return new js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer(this.a.slice(begin,end)); } ,__class__: js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer }; var js_html_compat_DataView = function(buffer,byteOffset,byteLength) { this.buf = buffer; this.offset = byteOffset == null ? 0 : byteOffset; this.length = byteLength == null ? buffer.byteLength - this.offset : byteLength; if(this.offset < 0 || this.length < 0 || this.offset + this.length > buffer.byteLength) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(haxe_io_Error.OutsideBounds); } this.byteLength = this.length; this.byteOffset = this.offset; this.buffer = this.buf; }; $hxClasses["js.html.compat.DataView"] = js_html_compat_DataView; js_html_compat_DataView.__name__ = ["js","html","compat","DataView"]; js_html_compat_DataView.prototype = { buf: null ,offset: null ,length: null ,byteLength: null ,byteOffset: null ,buffer: null ,getInt8: function(byteOffset) { var v = this.buf.a[this.offset + byteOffset]; if(v >= 128) { return v - 256; } else { return v; } } ,getUint8: function(byteOffset) { return this.buf.a[this.offset + byteOffset]; } ,getInt16: function(byteOffset,littleEndian) { var v = this.getUint16(byteOffset,littleEndian); if(v >= 32768) { return v - 65536; } else { return v; } } ,getUint16: function(byteOffset,littleEndian) { if(littleEndian) { return this.buf.a[this.offset + byteOffset] | this.buf.a[this.offset + byteOffset + 1] << 8; } else { return this.buf.a[this.offset + byteOffset] << 8 | this.buf.a[this.offset + byteOffset + 1]; } } ,getInt32: function(byteOffset,littleEndian) { var p = this.offset + byteOffset; var a = this.buf.a[p++]; var b = this.buf.a[p++]; var c = this.buf.a[p++]; var d = this.buf.a[p++]; if(littleEndian) { return a | b << 8 | c << 16 | d << 24; } else { return d | c << 8 | b << 16 | a << 24; } } ,getUint32: function(byteOffset,littleEndian) { var v = this.getInt32(byteOffset,littleEndian); if(v < 0) { return v + 4294967296.; } else { return v; } } ,getFloat32: function(byteOffset,littleEndian) { return haxe_io_FPHelper.i32ToFloat(this.getInt32(byteOffset,littleEndian)); } ,getFloat64: function(byteOffset,littleEndian) { var a = this.getInt32(byteOffset,littleEndian); var b = this.getInt32(byteOffset + 4,littleEndian); return haxe_io_FPHelper.i64ToDouble(littleEndian ? a : b,littleEndian ? b : a); } ,setInt8: function(byteOffset,value) { this.buf.a[byteOffset + this.offset] = value < 0 ? value + 128 & 255 : value & 255; } ,setUint8: function(byteOffset,value) { this.buf.a[byteOffset + this.offset] = value & 255; } ,setInt16: function(byteOffset,value,littleEndian) { this.setUint16(byteOffset,value < 0 ? value + 65536 : value,littleEndian); } ,setUint16: function(byteOffset,value,littleEndian) { var p = byteOffset + this.offset; if(littleEndian) { this.buf.a[p] = value & 255; this.buf.a[p++] = value >> 8 & 255; } else { this.buf.a[p++] = value >> 8 & 255; this.buf.a[p] = value & 255; } } ,setInt32: function(byteOffset,value,littleEndian) { this.setUint32(byteOffset,value,littleEndian); } ,setUint32: function(byteOffset,value,littleEndian) { var p = byteOffset + this.offset; if(littleEndian) { this.buf.a[p++] = value & 255; this.buf.a[p++] = value >> 8 & 255; this.buf.a[p++] = value >> 16 & 255; this.buf.a[p++] = value >>> 24; } else { this.buf.a[p++] = value >>> 24; this.buf.a[p++] = value >> 16 & 255; this.buf.a[p++] = value >> 8 & 255; this.buf.a[p++] = value & 255; } } ,setFloat32: function(byteOffset,value,littleEndian) { this.setUint32(byteOffset,haxe_io_FPHelper.floatToI32(value),littleEndian); } ,setFloat64: function(byteOffset,value,littleEndian) { var i64 = haxe_io_FPHelper.doubleToI64(value); if(littleEndian) { this.setUint32(byteOffset,i64.low); this.setUint32(byteOffset,i64.high); } else { this.setUint32(byteOffset,i64.high); this.setUint32(byteOffset,i64.low); } } ,__class__: js_html_compat_DataView }; var js_html_compat_Float32Array = function() { }; $hxClasses["js.html.compat.Float32Array"] = js_html_compat_Float32Array; js_html_compat_Float32Array.__name__ = ["js","html","compat","Float32Array"]; js_html_compat_Float32Array._new = function(arg1,offset,length) { var arr; if(typeof(arg1) == "number") { arr = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = arg1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; arr[i] = 0; } arr.byteLength = arr.length << 2; arr.byteOffset = 0; var _g2 = []; var _g21 = 0; var _g11 = arr.length << 2; while(_g21 < _g11) { var i1 = _g21++; _g2.push(0); } arr.buffer = new js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer(_g2); } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arg1,js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer)) { var buffer = arg1; if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } if(length == null) { length = buffer.byteLength - offset >> 2; } arr = []; var _g12 = 0; var _g3 = length; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i2 = _g12++; var val = buffer.a[offset++] | buffer.a[offset++] << 8 | buffer.a[offset++] << 16 | buffer.a[offset++] << 24; arr.push(haxe_io_FPHelper.i32ToFloat(val)); } arr.byteLength = arr.length << 2; arr.byteOffset = offset; arr.buffer = buffer; } else if((arg1 instanceof Array) && arg1.__enum__ == null) { arr = arg1.slice(); var buffer1 = []; var _g4 = 0; while(_g4 < arr.length) { var f = arr[_g4]; ++_g4; var i3 = haxe_io_FPHelper.floatToI32(f); buffer1.push(i3 & 255); buffer1.push(i3 >> 8 & 255); buffer1.push(i3 >> 16 & 255); buffer1.push(i3 >>> 24); } arr.byteLength = arr.length << 2; arr.byteOffset = 0; arr.buffer = new js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer(buffer1); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("TODO " + Std.string(arg1)); } arr.subarray = js_html_compat_Float32Array._subarray; arr.set = js_html_compat_Float32Array._set; return arr; }; js_html_compat_Float32Array._set = function(arg,offset) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arg.buffer,js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer)) { var a = arg; if(arg.byteLength + offset > this.byteLength) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("set() outside of range"); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = arg.byteLength; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this[i + offset] = a[i]; } } else if((arg instanceof Array) && arg.__enum__ == null) { var a1 = arg; if(a1.length + offset > this.byteLength) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("set() outside of range"); } var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = a1.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; this[i1 + offset] = a1[i1]; } } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("TODO"); } }; js_html_compat_Float32Array._subarray = function(start,end) { var a = js_html_compat_Float32Array._new(this.slice(start,end)); a.byteOffset = start * 4; return a; }; var js_html_compat_Float64Array = function() { }; $hxClasses["js.html.compat.Float64Array"] = js_html_compat_Float64Array; js_html_compat_Float64Array.__name__ = ["js","html","compat","Float64Array"]; js_html_compat_Float64Array._new = function(arg1,offset,length) { var arr; if(typeof(arg1) == "number") { arr = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = arg1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; arr[i] = 0; } arr.byteLength = arr.length << 3; arr.byteOffset = 0; var _g2 = []; var _g21 = 0; var _g11 = arr.length << 3; while(_g21 < _g11) { var i1 = _g21++; _g2.push(0); } arr.buffer = new js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer(_g2); } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arg1,js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer)) { var buffer = arg1; if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } if(length == null) { length = buffer.byteLength - offset >> 3; } arr = []; var _g12 = 0; var _g3 = length; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i2 = _g12++; var val1 = buffer.a[offset++] | buffer.a[offset++] << 8 | buffer.a[offset++] << 16 | buffer.a[offset++] << 24; var val2 = buffer.a[offset++] | buffer.a[offset++] << 8 | buffer.a[offset++] << 16 | buffer.a[offset++] << 24; arr.push(haxe_io_FPHelper.i64ToDouble(val1,val2)); } arr.byteLength = arr.length << 3; arr.byteOffset = offset; arr.buffer = buffer; } else if((arg1 instanceof Array) && arg1.__enum__ == null) { arr = arg1.slice(); var buffer1 = []; var _g4 = 0; while(_g4 < arr.length) { var f = arr[_g4]; ++_g4; var v = haxe_io_FPHelper.doubleToI64(f); var i3 = v.low; buffer1.push(i3 & 255); buffer1.push(i3 >> 8 & 255); buffer1.push(i3 >> 16 & 255); buffer1.push(i3 >>> 24); var i4 = v.high; buffer1.push(i4 & 255); buffer1.push(i4 >> 8 & 255); buffer1.push(i4 >> 16 & 255); buffer1.push(i4 >>> 24); } arr.byteLength = arr.length << 3; arr.byteOffset = 0; arr.buffer = new js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer(buffer1); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("TODO " + Std.string(arg1)); } arr.subarray = js_html_compat_Float64Array._subarray; arr.set = js_html_compat_Float64Array._set; return arr; }; js_html_compat_Float64Array._set = function(arg,offset) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arg.buffer,js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer)) { var a = arg; if(arg.byteLength + offset > this.byteLength) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("set() outside of range"); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = arg.byteLength; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this[i + offset] = a[i]; } } else if((arg instanceof Array) && arg.__enum__ == null) { var a1 = arg; if(a1.length + offset > this.byteLength) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("set() outside of range"); } var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = a1.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; this[i1 + offset] = a1[i1]; } } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("TODO"); } }; js_html_compat_Float64Array._subarray = function(start,end) { var a = js_html_compat_Float64Array._new(this.slice(start,end)); a.byteOffset = start * 8; return a; }; var js_html_compat_Uint8Array = function() { }; $hxClasses["js.html.compat.Uint8Array"] = js_html_compat_Uint8Array; js_html_compat_Uint8Array.__name__ = ["js","html","compat","Uint8Array"]; js_html_compat_Uint8Array._new = function(arg1,offset,length) { var arr; if(typeof(arg1) == "number") { arr = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = arg1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; arr[i] = 0; } arr.byteLength = arr.length; arr.byteOffset = 0; arr.buffer = new js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer(arr); } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arg1,js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer)) { var buffer = arg1; if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } if(length == null) { length = buffer.byteLength - offset; } if(offset == 0) { arr = buffer.a; } else { arr = buffer.a.slice(offset,offset + length); } arr.byteLength = arr.length; arr.byteOffset = offset; arr.buffer = buffer; } else if((arg1 instanceof Array) && arg1.__enum__ == null) { arr = arg1.slice(); arr.byteLength = arr.length; arr.byteOffset = 0; arr.buffer = new js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer(arr); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("TODO " + Std.string(arg1)); } arr.subarray = js_html_compat_Uint8Array._subarray; arr.set = js_html_compat_Uint8Array._set; return arr; }; js_html_compat_Uint8Array._set = function(arg,offset) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(arg.buffer,js_html_compat_ArrayBuffer)) { var a = arg; if(arg.byteLength + offset > this.byteLength) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("set() outside of range"); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = arg.byteLength; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this[i + offset] = a[i]; } } else if((arg instanceof Array) && arg.__enum__ == null) { var a1 = arg; if(a1.length + offset > this.byteLength) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("set() outside of range"); } var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = a1.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; this[i1 + offset] = a1[i1]; } } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("TODO"); } }; js_html_compat_Uint8Array._subarray = function(start,end) { var a = js_html_compat_Uint8Array._new(this.slice(start,end)); a.byteOffset = start; return a; }; var lime__$internal_backend_html5_GameDeviceData = function() { this.connected = true; this.buttons = []; this.axes = []; }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.backend.html5.GameDeviceData"] = lime__$internal_backend_html5_GameDeviceData; lime__$internal_backend_html5_GameDeviceData.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","backend","html5","GameDeviceData"]; lime__$internal_backend_html5_GameDeviceData.prototype = { connected: null ,id: null ,isGamepad: null ,buttons: null ,axes: null ,__class__: lime__$internal_backend_html5_GameDeviceData }; var lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5AudioSource = function(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.id = -1; this.gain = 1; this.position = new lime_math_Vector4(); }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.backend.html5.HTML5AudioSource"] = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5AudioSource; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5AudioSource.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","backend","html5","HTML5AudioSource"]; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5AudioSource.prototype = { completed: null ,gain: null ,id: null ,length: null ,loops: null ,parent: null ,playing: null ,position: null ,dispose: function() { } ,init: function() { } ,play: function() { if(this.playing || this.parent.buffer == null || this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl == null) { return; } this.playing = true; var time = this.getCurrentTime(); this.completed = false; var cacheVolume = this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl._volume; this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl._volume = this.parent.get_gain(); this.id = this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.play(); this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl._volume = cacheVolume; this.setPosition(this.parent.get_position()); this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.on("end",$bind(this,this.howl_onEnd),this.id); this.setCurrentTime(time); } ,pause: function() { this.playing = false; if(this.parent.buffer != null && this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl != null) { this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.pause(this.id); } } ,stop: function() { this.playing = false; if(this.parent.buffer != null && this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl != null) { this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.stop(this.id); } } ,howl_onEnd: function() { this.playing = false; if(this.loops > 0) { this.loops--; this.stop(); this.play(); return; } else if(this.parent.buffer != null && this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl != null) { this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.stop(this.id); } this.completed = true; this.parent.onComplete.dispatch(); } ,getCurrentTime: function() { if(this.id == -1) { return 0; } if(this.completed) { return this.getLength(); } else if(this.parent.buffer != null && this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl != null) { var time = (this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.seek(this.id) * 1000 | 0) - this.parent.offset; if(time < 0) { return 0; } return time; } return 0; } ,setCurrentTime: function(value) { if(this.parent.buffer != null && this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl != null) { var pos = (value + this.parent.offset) / 1000; if(pos < 0) { pos = 0; } this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.seek(pos,this.id); } return value; } ,getGain: function() { return this.gain; } ,setGain: function(value) { if(this.parent.buffer != null && this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl != null && this.id != -1) { this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.volume(value,this.id); } return this.gain = value; } ,getLength: function() { if(this.length != 0) { return this.length; } if(this.parent.buffer != null && this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl != null) { return this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.duration() * 1000 | 0; } return 0; } ,setLength: function(value) { return this.length = value; } ,getLoops: function() { return this.loops; } ,setLoops: function(value) { return this.loops = value; } ,getPosition: function() { return this.position; } ,setPosition: function(value) { this.position.x = value.x; this.position.y = value.y; this.position.z = value.z; this.position.w = value.w; if(this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl != null && ($_=this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl,$bind($_,$_.pos)) != null) { this.parent.buffer.__srcHowl.pos(this.position.x,this.position.y,this.position.z,this.id); } return this.position; } ,__class__: lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5AudioSource }; var lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest = function() { this.validStatus0 = new EReg("Tizen","gi").match(window.navigator.userAgent); }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.backend.html5.HTML5HTTPRequest"] = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","backend","html5","HTML5HTTPRequest"]; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originElement = null; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originHostname = null; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originPort = null; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originProtocol = null; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.supportsImageProgress = null; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.loadImage = function(uri) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); if(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests < lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestLimit) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests++; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__loadImage(uri,promise); } else { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestQueue.add({ instance : null, uri : uri, promise : promise, type : "IMAGE"}); } return promise.future; }; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.processQueue = function() { if(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests < lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestLimit && lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestQueue.length > 0) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests++; var queueItem = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestQueue.pop(); var _g = queueItem.type; switch(_g) { case "BINARY": queueItem.instance.__loadData(queueItem.uri,queueItem.promise); break; case "IMAGE": lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__loadImage(queueItem.uri,queueItem.promise); break; case "TEXT": queueItem.instance.__loadText(queueItem.uri,queueItem.promise); break; default: lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests--; } } }; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixHostname = function(hostname) { if(hostname == null) { return ""; } else { return hostname; } }; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixPort = function(port,protocol) { if(port == null || port == "") { switch(protocol) { case "ftp:": return "21"; case "gopher:": return "70"; case "http:": return "80"; case "https:": return "443"; case "ws:": return "80"; case "wss:": return "443"; default: return ""; } } return port; }; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixProtocol = function(protocol) { if(protocol == null || protocol == "") { return "http:"; } else { return protocol; } }; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__isSameOrigin = function(path) { if(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originElement == null) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originElement = window.document.createElement("a"); lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originHostname = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixHostname(window.location.hostname); lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originProtocol = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixProtocol(window.location.protocol); lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originPort = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixPort(window.location.port,lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originProtocol); } var a = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originElement; a.href = path; if(a.hostname == "") { a.href = a.href; } var hostname = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixHostname(a.hostname); var protocol = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixProtocol(a.protocol); var port = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__fixPort(a.port,protocol); var sameHost = hostname == "" || hostname == lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originHostname; var samePort = port == "" || port == lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.originPort; if(protocol != "file:" && sameHost) { return samePort; } else { return false; } }; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__loadImage = function(uri,promise) { var image = new Image(); if(!lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__isSameOrigin(uri)) { image.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; } if(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.supportsImageProgress == null) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.supportsImageProgress = 'onprogress' in image; } if(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.supportsImageProgress || StringTools.startsWith(uri,"data:")) { image.addEventListener("load",function(event) { var buffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(null,image.width,image.height); buffer.__srcImage = image; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests--; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.processQueue(); promise.complete(new lime_graphics_Image(buffer)); },false); image.addEventListener("progress",function(event1) { promise.progress(event1.loaded,event1.total); },false); image.addEventListener("error",function(event2) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests--; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.processQueue(); promise.error(event2.detail); },false); image.src = uri; } else { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function(_) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests--; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.processQueue(); var img = new lime_graphics_Image(); img.__fromBytes(haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(request.response),function(img1) { promise.complete(img1); }); }; request.onerror = function(event3) { promise.error(event3.message); }; request.onprogress = function(event4) { if(event4.lengthComputable) { promise.progress(event4.loaded,event4.total); } }; request.open("GET",uri,true); request.responseType = "arraybuffer"; request.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); request.send(null); } }; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.prototype = { binary: null ,parent: null ,request: null ,validStatus0: null ,cancel: function() { if(this.request != null) { this.request.abort(); } } ,init: function(parent) { this.parent = parent; } ,load: function(uri,progress,readyStateChange) { this.request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if(this.parent.method == "POST") { this.request.upload.addEventListener("progress",progress,false); } else { this.request.addEventListener("progress",progress,false); } this.request.onreadystatechange = readyStateChange; var query = ""; if(this.parent.data == null) { var key = this.parent.formData.keys(); while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); if(query.length > 0) { query += "&"; } var query1 = encodeURIComponent(key1) + "="; var _this = this.parent.formData; var s = Std.string(__map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this.getReserved(key1) : _this.h[key1]); query += query1 + encodeURIComponent(s); } if(this.parent.method == "GET" && query != "") { if(uri.indexOf("?") > -1) { uri += "&" + query; } else { uri += "?" + query; } query = ""; } } this.request.open(Std.string(this.parent.method),uri,true); if(this.parent.timeout > 0) { this.request.timeout = this.parent.timeout; } if(this.binary) { this.request.responseType = "arraybuffer"; } var contentType = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.parent.headers; while(_g < _g1.length) { var header = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(header.name == "Content-Type") { contentType = header.value; } else { this.request.setRequestHeader(header.name,header.value); } } if(this.parent.contentType != null) { contentType = this.parent.contentType; } if(contentType == null) { if(this.parent.data != null) { contentType = "application/octet-stream"; } else if(query != "") { contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } } if(contentType != null) { this.request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",contentType); } if(this.parent.withCredentials) { this.request.withCredentials = true; } if(this.parent.data != null) { this.request.send(this.parent.data.b.bufferValue); } else { this.request.send(query); } } ,loadData: function(uri) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); if(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests < lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestLimit) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests++; this.__loadData(uri,promise); } else { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestQueue.add({ instance : this, uri : uri, promise : promise, type : "BINARY"}); } return promise.future; } ,loadText: function(uri) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); if(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests < lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestLimit) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests++; this.__loadText(uri,promise); } else { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.requestQueue.add({ instance : this, uri : uri, promise : promise, type : "TEXT"}); } return promise.future; } ,processResponse: function() { if(this.parent.enableResponseHeaders) { this.parent.responseHeaders = []; var name; var value; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.request.getAllResponseHeaders().split("\n"); while(_g < _g1.length) { var line = _g1[_g]; ++_g; name = StringTools.trim(HxOverrides.substr(line,0,line.indexOf(":"))); value = StringTools.trim(HxOverrides.substr(line,line.indexOf(":") + 1,null)); if(name != "") { this.parent.responseHeaders.push(new lime_net_HTTPRequestHeader(name,value)); } } } this.parent.responseStatus = this.request.status; } ,__loadData: function(uri,promise) { var _gthis = this; var progress = function(event) { promise.progress(event.loaded,event.total); }; var readyStateChange = function(event1) { if(_gthis.request.readyState != 4) { return; } if(_gthis.request.status != null && (_gthis.request.status >= 200 && _gthis.request.status < 400 || _gthis.validStatus0 && _gthis.request.status == 0)) { var bytes = null; if(_gthis.request.responseType == "") { if(_gthis.request.responseText != null) { bytes = haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(_gthis.request.responseText); } } else if(_gthis.request.response != null) { bytes = haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(_gthis.request.response); } _gthis.processResponse(); promise.complete(bytes); } else { _gthis.processResponse(); promise.error(_gthis.request.status); } _gthis.request = null; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests--; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.processQueue(); }; this.binary = true; this.load(uri,progress,readyStateChange); } ,__loadText: function(uri,promise) { var _gthis = this; var progress = function(event) { promise.progress(event.loaded,event.total); }; var readyStateChange = function(event1) { if(_gthis.request.readyState != 4) { return; } if(_gthis.request.status != null && (_gthis.request.status >= 200 && _gthis.request.status <= 400 || _gthis.validStatus0 && _gthis.request.status == 0)) { _gthis.processResponse(); promise.complete(_gthis.request.responseText); } else { _gthis.processResponse(); promise.error(_gthis.request.status); } _gthis.request = null; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.activeRequests--; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.processQueue(); }; this.binary = false; this.load(uri,progress,readyStateChange); } ,__class__: lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest }; var lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window = function(parent) { this.unusedTouchesPool = new List(); this.scale = 1.0; this.currentTouches = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.parent = parent; this.cursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.DEFAULT; this.cacheMouseX = 0; this.cacheMouseY = 0; var attributes = parent.__attributes; if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"context")) { attributes.context = { }; } this.renderType = attributes.context.type; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"element")) { parent.element = attributes.element; } var element = parent.element; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"allowHighDPI") && attributes.allowHighDPI && this.renderType != "dom") { this.scale = window.devicePixelRatio; } parent.__scale = this.scale; this.setWidth = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"width") ? attributes.width : 0; this.setHeight = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"height") ? attributes.height : 0; parent.__width = this.setWidth; parent.__height = this.setHeight; parent.id = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.windowID++; 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} else { parent.__width = window.innerWidth; parent.__height = window.innerHeight; } this.cacheElementWidth = parent.__width; this.cacheElementHeight = parent.__height; this.resizeElement = true; } if(this.canvas != null) { this.canvas.width = Math.round(parent.__width * this.scale); this.canvas.height = Math.round(parent.__height * this.scale); this.canvas.style.width = parent.__width + "px"; this.canvas.style.height = parent.__height + "px"; } else { this.div.style.width = parent.__width + "px"; this.div.style.height = parent.__height + "px"; } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"resizable") && attributes.resizable || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"width") && this.setWidth == 0 && this.setHeight == 0) { parent.__resizable = true; } this.updateSize(); if(element != null) { if(this.canvas != null) { if(element != this.canvas) { element.appendChild(this.canvas); } } else { element.appendChild(this.div); } var events = ["mousedown","mouseenter","mouseleave","mousemove","mouseup","wheel"]; var _g = 0; while(_g < events.length) { var event = events[_g]; ++_g; element.addEventListener(event,$bind(this,this.handleMouseEvent),true); } window.document.addEventListener("dragstart",function(e) { if(e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "img" && e.cancelable) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } return true; },false); element.addEventListener("contextmenu",$bind(this,this.handleContextMenuEvent),true); element.addEventListener("touchstart",$bind(this,this.handleTouchEvent),true); element.addEventListener("touchmove",$bind(this,this.handleTouchEvent),true); element.addEventListener("touchend",$bind(this,this.handleTouchEvent),true); element.addEventListener("touchcancel",$bind(this,this.handleTouchEvent),true); element.addEventListener("gamepadconnected",$bind(this,this.handleGamepadEvent),true); element.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected",$bind(this,this.handleGamepadEvent),true); } this.createContext(); if(parent.context.type == "webgl") { this.canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextlost",$bind(this,this.handleContextEvent),false); this.canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored",$bind(this,this.handleContextEvent),false); } }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.backend.html5.HTML5Window"] = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","backend","html5","HTML5Window"]; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.textInput = null; lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.prototype = { canvas: null ,div: null ,cacheElementHeight: null ,cacheElementWidth: null ,cacheMouseX: null ,cacheMouseY: null ,cursor: null ,currentTouches: null ,isFullscreen: null ,parent: null ,primaryTouch: null ,renderType: null ,requestedFullscreen: null ,resizeElement: null ,scale: null ,setHeight: null ,setWidth: null ,textInputEnabled: null ,unusedTouchesPool: null ,alert: function(message,title) { if(message != null) { js_Browser.alert(message); } } ,close: function() { this.parent.application.__removeWindow(this.parent); } ,createContext: function() { var context = new lime_graphics_RenderContext(); var contextAttributes = this.parent.__attributes.context; context.window = this.parent; context.attributes = contextAttributes; if(this.div != null) { context.dom = this.div; context.type = "dom"; context.version = ""; } else if(this.canvas != null) { var webgl = null; var forceCanvas = this.renderType == "canvas"; var forceWebGL = this.renderType == "opengl" || this.renderType == "opengles" || this.renderType == "webgl"; var allowWebGL2 = !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(contextAttributes,"version") || contextAttributes.version != "1"; var isWebGL2 = false; if(forceWebGL || !forceCanvas && (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(contextAttributes,"hardware") || contextAttributes.hardware)) { var transparentBackground = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(contextAttributes,"background") && contextAttributes.background == null; var colorDepth = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(contextAttributes,"colorDepth") ? contextAttributes.colorDepth : 16; var options = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(contextAttributes,"antialiasing"); var options1 = { alpha : transparentBackground || colorDepth > 16, antialias : options, depth : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(contextAttributes,"depth") ? contextAttributes.depth : true, premultipliedAlpha : true, stencil : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(contextAttributes,"stencil") && contextAttributes.stencil, preserveDrawingBuffer : false}; var glContextType = ["webgl","experimental-webgl"]; if(allowWebGL2) { glContextType.unshift("webgl2"); } var _g = 0; while(_g < glContextType.length) { var name = glContextType[_g]; ++_g; webgl = this.canvas.getContext(name,options1); if(webgl != null && name == "webgl2") { isWebGL2 = true; } if(webgl != null) { break; } } } if(webgl == null) { context.canvas2D = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); context.type = "canvas"; context.version = ""; } else { context.webgl = lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromWebGL2RenderContext(webgl); if(isWebGL2) { context.webgl2 = webgl; } if(lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context == null) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context = webgl; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.type = "webgl"; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.version = isWebGL2 ? 2 : 1; } context.type = "webgl"; context.version = isWebGL2 ? "2" : "1"; } } this.parent.context = context; } ,focus: function() { } ,getCursor: function() { return this.cursor; } ,getDisplay: function() { return lime_system_System.getDisplay(0); } ,getDisplayMode: function() { return lime_system_System.getDisplay(0).currentMode; } ,getFrameRate: function() { if(this.parent.application == null) { return 0; } if(this.parent.application.__backend.framePeriod < 0) { return 60; } else if(this.parent.application.__backend.framePeriod == 1000) { return 0; } else { return 1000 / this.parent.application.__backend.framePeriod; } } ,getMouseLock: function() { return false; } ,getTextInputEnabled: function() { return this.textInputEnabled; } ,handleContextEvent: function(event) { var _g = event.type; switch(_g) { case "webglcontextlost": if(event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } var tmp = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context != null; this.parent.context = null; this.parent.onRenderContextLost.dispatch(); break; case "webglcontextrestored": this.createContext(); this.parent.onRenderContextRestored.dispatch(this.parent.context); break; default: } } ,handleContextMenuEvent: function(event) { if((this.parent.onMouseUp.canceled || this.parent.onMouseDown.canceled) && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } ,handleCutOrCopyEvent: function(event) { event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain",lime_system_Clipboard.get_text()); if(event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } ,handleFocusEvent: function(event) { var _gthis = this; if(this.textInputEnabled) { if(event.relatedTarget == null || this.isDescendent(event.relatedTarget)) { haxe_Timer.delay(function() { if(_gthis.textInputEnabled) { lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.textInput.focus(); } },20); } } } ,handleFullscreenEvent: function(event) { var fullscreenElement = document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement; if(fullscreenElement != null) { this.isFullscreen = true; this.parent.__fullscreen = true; if(this.requestedFullscreen) { this.requestedFullscreen = false; this.parent.onFullscreen.dispatch(); } } else { this.isFullscreen = false; this.parent.__fullscreen = false; this.parent.onRestore.dispatch(); var changeEvents = ["fullscreenchange","mozfullscreenchange","webkitfullscreenchange","MSFullscreenChange"]; var errorEvents = ["fullscreenerror","mozfullscreenerror","webkitfullscreenerror","MSFullscreenError"]; var _g1 = 0; var _g = changeEvents.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; window.document.removeEventListener(changeEvents[i],$bind(this,this.handleFullscreenEvent),false); window.document.removeEventListener(errorEvents[i],$bind(this,this.handleFullscreenEvent),false); } } } ,handleGamepadEvent: function(event) { var _g = event.type; switch(_g) { case "gamepadconnected": lime_ui_Joystick.__connect(event.gamepad.index); if(event.gamepad.mapping == "standard") { lime_ui_Gamepad.__connect(event.gamepad.index); } break; case "gamepaddisconnected": lime_ui_Joystick.__disconnect(event.gamepad.index); lime_ui_Gamepad.__disconnect(event.gamepad.index); break; default: } } ,handleInputEvent: function(event) { if(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.textInput.value != lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.dummyCharacter) { var value = StringTools.replace(lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.textInput.value,lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.dummyCharacter,""); if(value.length > 0) { this.parent.onTextInput.dispatch(value); } lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.textInput.value = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window.dummyCharacter; } } ,handleMouseEvent: function(event) { var x = 0.0; var y = 0.0; if(event.type != "wheel") { if(this.parent.element != null) { if(this.canvas != null) { var rect = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); x = (event.clientX - rect.left) * (this.parent.__width / rect.width); y = (event.clientY - rect.top) * (this.parent.__height / rect.height); } else if(this.div != null) { var rect1 = this.div.getBoundingClientRect(); x = event.clientX - rect1.left; y = event.clientY - rect1.top; } else { var rect2 = this.parent.element.getBoundingClientRect(); x = (event.clientX - rect2.left) * (this.parent.__width / rect2.width); y = (event.clientY - rect2.top) * (this.parent.__height / rect2.height); } } else { x = event.clientX; y = event.clientY; } var _g = event.type; switch(_g) { case "mousedown": if(event.currentTarget == this.parent.element) { window.addEventListener("mouseup",$bind(this,this.handleMouseEvent)); } this.parent.onMouseDown.dispatch(x,y,event.button); if(this.parent.onMouseDown.canceled && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } break; case "mouseenter": if(event.target == this.parent.element) { this.parent.onEnter.dispatch(); if(this.parent.onEnter.canceled && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } break; case "mouseleave": if(event.target == this.parent.element) { this.parent.onLeave.dispatch(); if(this.parent.onLeave.canceled && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } break; case "mousemove": if(x != this.cacheMouseX || y != this.cacheMouseY) { this.parent.onMouseMove.dispatch(x,y); this.parent.onMouseMoveRelative.dispatch(x - this.cacheMouseX,y - this.cacheMouseY); if((this.parent.onMouseMove.canceled || this.parent.onMouseMoveRelative.canceled) && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } break; case "mouseup": window.removeEventListener("mouseup",$bind(this,this.handleMouseEvent)); if(event.currentTarget == this.parent.element) { event.stopPropagation(); } this.parent.onMouseUp.dispatch(x,y,event.button); if(this.parent.onMouseUp.canceled && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } break; default: } this.cacheMouseX = x; this.cacheMouseY = y; } else { var deltaMode; var _g1 = event.deltaMode; switch(_g1) { case 0: deltaMode = lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PIXELS; break; case 1: deltaMode = lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.LINES; break; case 2: deltaMode = lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PAGES; break; default: deltaMode = lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.UNKNOWN; } this.parent.onMouseWheel.dispatch(event.deltaX,-event.deltaY,deltaMode); if(this.parent.onMouseWheel.canceled && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } } ,handlePasteEvent: function(event) { if(event.clipboardData.types.indexOf("text/plain") > -1) { var text = event.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); lime_system_Clipboard.set_text(text); if(this.textInputEnabled) { this.parent.onTextInput.dispatch(text); } if(event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } } ,handleResizeEvent: function(event) { this.primaryTouch = null; this.updateSize(); } ,handleTouchEvent: function(event) { if(event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } var rect = null; if(this.parent.element != null) { if(this.canvas != null) { rect = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); } else if(this.div != null) { rect = this.div.getBoundingClientRect(); } else { rect = this.parent.element.getBoundingClientRect(); } } var windowWidth = this.setWidth; var windowHeight = this.setHeight; if(windowWidth == 0 || windowHeight == 0) { if(rect != null) { windowWidth = rect.width; windowHeight = rect.height; } else { windowWidth = 1; windowHeight = 1; } } var touch; var x; var y; var cacheX; var cacheY; var _g = 0; var _g1 = event.changedTouches; while(_g < _g1.length) { var data = _g1[_g]; ++_g; x = 0.0; y = 0.0; if(rect != null) { x = (data.clientX - rect.left) * (windowWidth / rect.width); y = (data.clientY - rect.top) * (windowHeight / rect.height); } else { x = data.clientX; y = data.clientY; } if(event.type == "touchstart") { touch = this.unusedTouchesPool.pop(); if(touch == null) { touch = new lime_ui_Touch(x / windowWidth,y / windowHeight,data.identifier,0,0,data.force,this.parent.id); } else { touch.x = x / windowWidth; touch.y = y / windowHeight; touch.id = data.identifier; touch.dx = 0; touch.dy = 0; touch.pressure = data.force; touch.device = this.parent.id; } this.currentTouches.h[data.identifier] = touch; lime_ui_Touch.onStart.dispatch(touch); if(this.primaryTouch == null) { this.primaryTouch = touch; } if(touch == this.primaryTouch) { this.parent.onMouseDown.dispatch(x,y,0); } } else { touch = this.currentTouches.h[data.identifier]; if(touch != null) { cacheX = touch.x; cacheY = touch.y; touch.x = x / windowWidth; touch.y = y / windowHeight; touch.dx = touch.x - cacheX; touch.dy = touch.y - cacheY; touch.pressure = data.force; var _g2 = event.type; switch(_g2) { case "touchcancel": lime_ui_Touch.onCancel.dispatch(touch); this.currentTouches.remove(data.identifier); this.unusedTouchesPool.add(touch); if(touch == this.primaryTouch) { this.primaryTouch = null; } break; case "touchend": lime_ui_Touch.onEnd.dispatch(touch); this.currentTouches.remove(data.identifier); this.unusedTouchesPool.add(touch); if(touch == this.primaryTouch) { this.parent.onMouseUp.dispatch(x,y,0); this.primaryTouch = null; } break; case "touchmove": lime_ui_Touch.onMove.dispatch(touch); if(touch == this.primaryTouch) { this.parent.onMouseMove.dispatch(x,y); } break; default: } } } } } ,isDescendent: function(node) { if(node == this.parent.element) { return true; } while(node != null) { if(node.parentNode == this.parent.element) { return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; 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var position = 0; if(fileHeaderLength > 0) { data.b[position++] = 66; data.b[position++] = 77; data.setInt32(position,data.length); position += 4; data.setUInt16(position,0); position += 2; data.setUInt16(position,0); position += 2; data.setInt32(position,fileHeaderLength + infoHeaderLength); position += 4; } data.setInt32(position,infoHeaderLength); position += 4; data.setInt32(position,image.width); position += 4; data.setInt32(position,type == lime__$internal_format_BMPType.ICO ? image.height * 2 : image.height); position += 4; data.setUInt16(position,1); position += 2; data.setUInt16(position,type == lime__$internal_format_BMPType.RGB ? 24 : 32); position += 2; data.setInt32(position,type == lime__$internal_format_BMPType.BITFIELD ? 3 : 0); position += 4; data.setInt32(position,pixelValuesLength); position += 4; data.setInt32(position,11824); position += 4; data.setInt32(position,11824); position += 4; data.setInt32(position,0); position += 4; data.setInt32(position,0); position += 4; 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} var _g31 = 0; var _g22 = image.width * 3 % 4; while(_g31 < _g22) { var i1 = _g31++; data.b[position++] = 0; } } break; case 1: var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = image.height; while(_g11 < _g4) { var y1 = _g11++; readPosition = (image.height - 1 - y1) * 4 * image.width; var _g32 = 0; var _g23 = image.width; while(_g32 < _g23) { var x1 = _g32++; a = pixels.b[readPosition++]; r = pixels.b[readPosition++]; g = pixels.b[readPosition++]; b = pixels.b[readPosition++]; data.b[position++] = b & 255; data.b[position++] = g & 255; data.b[position++] = r & 255; data.b[position++] = a & 255; } } break; case 2: var andMask = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(image.width * image.height)); var maskPosition = 0; var _g12 = 0; var _g5 = image.height; while(_g12 < _g5) { var y2 = _g12++; readPosition = (image.height - 1 - y2) * 4 * image.width; var _g33 = 0; var _g24 = image.width; while(_g33 < _g24) { var x2 = _g33++; a = pixels.b[readPosition++]; r = pixels.b[readPosition++]; g = pixels.b[readPosition++]; b = pixels.b[readPosition++]; data.b[position++] = b & 255; data.b[position++] = g & 255; data.b[position++] = r & 255; data.b[position++] = a & 255; andMask.b[maskPosition++] = 0; } } data.blit(position,andMask,0,image.width * image.height); break; } } return data; }; var lime__$internal_format_BMPType = $hxClasses["lime._internal.format.BMPType"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","_internal","format","BMPType"], __constructs__ : ["RGB","BITFIELD","ICO"] }; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.RGB = ["RGB",0]; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.RGB.toString = $estr; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.RGB.__enum__ = lime__$internal_format_BMPType; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.BITFIELD = ["BITFIELD",1]; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.BITFIELD.toString = $estr; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.BITFIELD.__enum__ = lime__$internal_format_BMPType; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.ICO = ["ICO",2]; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.ICO.toString = $estr; lime__$internal_format_BMPType.ICO.__enum__ = lime__$internal_format_BMPType; var lime__$internal_format_Deflate = function() { }; 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if(image.buffer.__srcCanvas != null) { var data = image.buffer.__srcCanvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var buffer = window.atob(data.split(";base64,")[1]); var bytes = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(buffer.length)); var _g1 = 0; var _g = buffer.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var v = HxOverrides.cca(buffer,i); bytes.b[i] = v & 255; } return bytes; } return null; }; var lime__$internal_format_Zlib = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.format.Zlib"] = lime__$internal_format_Zlib; lime__$internal_format_Zlib.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","format","Zlib"]; lime__$internal_format_Zlib.compress = function(bytes) { var data = pako.deflate(bytes.b.bufferValue); return haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(data); }; lime__$internal_format_Zlib.decompress = function(bytes) { var data = pako.inflate(bytes.b.bufferValue); return haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(data); }; var lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.graphics.ImageCanvasUtil"] = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","graphics","ImageCanvasUtil"]; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.colorTransform = function(image,rect,colorMatrix) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.colorTransform(image,rect,colorMatrix); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas = function(image,clear) { if(clear == null) { clear = false; } var buffer = image.buffer; if(buffer.__srcImage != null) { if(buffer.__srcCanvas == null) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createCanvas(image,buffer.__srcImage.width,buffer.__srcImage.height); buffer.__srcContext.drawImage(buffer.__srcImage,0,0); } buffer.__srcImage = null; } else if(buffer.__srcCanvas == null && buffer.data != null) { image.set_transparent(true); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createCanvas(image,buffer.width,buffer.height); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createImageData(image); buffer.__srcContext.putImageData(buffer.__srcImageData,0,0); } else if(image.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA && buffer.__srcImageData != null && image.dirty) { buffer.__srcContext.putImageData(buffer.__srcImageData,0,0); image.dirty = false; } if(clear) { buffer.data = null; buffer.__srcImageData = null; } else if(buffer.data == null && buffer.__srcImageData != null) { buffer.data = buffer.__srcImageData.data; } image.type = lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData = function(image,clear) { if(clear == null) { clear = false; } var buffer = image.buffer; if(buffer.__srcImage != null) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(image); } if(buffer.__srcCanvas != null && buffer.data == null) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createImageData(image); if(image.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS) { image.dirty = false; } } else if(image.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS && buffer.__srcCanvas != null && image.dirty) { if(buffer.__srcImageData == null) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createImageData(image); } else { buffer.__srcImageData = buffer.__srcContext.getImageData(0,0,buffer.width,buffer.height); var elements = buffer.__srcImageData.data.buffer; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } buffer.data = this1; } image.dirty = false; } if(clear) { image.buffer.__srcCanvas = null; image.buffer.__srcContext = null; } image.type = lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.copyChannel = function(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,sourceChannel,destChannel) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(sourceImage); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.copyChannel(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,sourceChannel,destChannel); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.copyPixels = function(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,alphaImage,alphaPoint,mergeAlpha) { if(mergeAlpha == null) { mergeAlpha = false; } if(destPoint == null || destPoint.x >= image.width || destPoint.y >= image.height || sourceRect == null || sourceRect.width < 1 || sourceRect.height < 1) { return; } if(alphaImage != null && alphaImage.get_transparent()) { if(alphaPoint == null) { alphaPoint = new lime_math_Vector2(); } var tempData = image.clone(); tempData.copyChannel(alphaImage,new lime_math_Rectangle(alphaPoint.x,alphaPoint.y,sourceRect.width,sourceRect.height),new lime_math_Vector2(sourceRect.x,sourceRect.y),lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA,lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA); sourceImage = tempData; } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(image,true); if(!mergeAlpha) { if(image.get_transparent() && sourceImage.get_transparent()) { image.buffer.__srcContext.clearRect(destPoint.x + image.offsetX,destPoint.y + image.offsetY,sourceRect.width + image.offsetX,sourceRect.height + image.offsetY); } } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(sourceImage); if(sourceImage.buffer.get_src() != null) { image.buffer.__srcContext.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; image.buffer.__srcContext.drawImage(sourceImage.buffer.get_src(),sourceRect.x + sourceImage.offsetX | 0,sourceRect.y + sourceImage.offsetY | 0,sourceRect.width | 0,sourceRect.height | 0,destPoint.x + image.offsetX | 0,destPoint.y + image.offsetY | 0,sourceRect.width | 0,sourceRect.height | 0); } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createCanvas = function(image,width,height) { var buffer = image.buffer; if(buffer.__srcCanvas == null) { buffer.__srcCanvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); buffer.__srcCanvas.width = width; buffer.__srcCanvas.height = height; if(!image.get_transparent()) { if(!image.get_transparent()) { buffer.__srcCanvas.setAttribute("moz-opaque","true"); } buffer.__srcContext = buffer.__srcCanvas.getContext ("2d", { alpha: false }); } else { buffer.__srcContext = buffer.__srcCanvas.getContext("2d"); } buffer.__srcContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createImageData = function(image) { var buffer = image.buffer; if(buffer.__srcImageData == null) { if(buffer.data == null) { buffer.__srcImageData = buffer.__srcContext.getImageData(0,0,buffer.width,buffer.height); } else { buffer.__srcImageData = buffer.__srcContext.createImageData(buffer.width,buffer.height); buffer.__srcImageData.data.set(buffer.data); } var elements = buffer.__srcImageData.data.buffer; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } buffer.data = this1; } }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.fillRect = function(image,rect,color,format) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(image); var r; var g; var b; var a; if(format == 1) { r = color >> 16 & 255; g = color >> 8 & 255; b = color & 255; if(image.get_transparent()) { a = color >> 24 & 255; } else { a = 255; } } else { r = color >> 24 & 255; g = color >> 16 & 255; b = color >> 8 & 255; if(image.get_transparent()) { a = color & 255; } else { a = 255; } } if(rect.x == 0 && rect.y == 0 && rect.width == image.width && rect.height == image.height) { if(image.get_transparent() && a == 0) { image.buffer.__srcCanvas.width = image.buffer.width; return; } } if(a < 255) { image.buffer.__srcContext.clearRect(rect.x + image.offsetX,rect.y + image.offsetY,rect.width + image.offsetX,rect.height + image.offsetY); } if(a > 0) { image.buffer.__srcContext.fillStyle = "rgba(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + a / 255 + ")"; image.buffer.__srcContext.fillRect(rect.x + image.offsetX,rect.y + image.offsetY,rect.width + image.offsetX,rect.height + image.offsetY); } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.floodFill = function(image,x,y,color,format) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.floodFill(image,x,y,color,format); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.getPixel = function(image,x,y,format) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixel(image,x,y,format); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.getPixel32 = function(image,x,y,format) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixel32(image,x,y,format); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.getPixels = function(image,rect,format) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixels(image,rect,format); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.merge = function(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(sourceImage); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.merge(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.resize = function(image,newWidth,newHeight) { var buffer = image.buffer; if(buffer.__srcCanvas == null) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createCanvas(image,newWidth,newHeight); buffer.__srcContext.drawImage(buffer.get_src(),0,0,newWidth,newHeight); } else { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(image,true); var sourceCanvas = buffer.__srcCanvas; buffer.__srcCanvas = null; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createCanvas(image,newWidth,newHeight); buffer.__srcContext.drawImage(sourceCanvas,0,0,newWidth,newHeight); } buffer.__srcImageData = null; buffer.data = null; image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.scroll = function(image,x,y) { if(x % image.width == 0 && y % image.height == 0) { return; } var copy = image.clone(); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(image,true); image.buffer.__srcContext.clearRect(x,y,image.width,image.height); image.buffer.__srcContext.drawImage(copy.get_src(),x,y); image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.setPixel = function(image,x,y,color,format) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixel(image,x,y,color,format); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.setPixel32 = function(image,x,y,color,format) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixel32(image,x,y,color,format); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.setPixels = function(image,rect,bytePointer,format,endian) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixels(image,rect,bytePointer,format,endian); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.sync = function(image,clear) { if(image == null) { return; } if(image.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS && (image.buffer.__srcCanvas != null || image.buffer.data != null)) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(image,clear); } else if(image.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image,clear); } }; var lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.graphics.ImageDataUtil"] = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","graphics","ImageDataUtil"]; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.displaceMap = function(target,source,map,mapPoint,componentX,componentY,smooth) { var targetData = target.buffer.data; var sourceData = source.buffer.data; var mapData = map.buffer.data; var targetFormat = target.buffer.format; var sourceFormat = source.buffer.format; var mapFormat = map.buffer.format; var targetPremultiplied = target.get_premultiplied(); var sourcePremultiplied = source.get_premultiplied(); var mapPremultiplied = map.get_premultiplied(); var sourceView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(source); var mapView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(map); var row; var sourceOffset; var sourcePixel; var mapPixel; var targetPixel; var mapPixelX; var mapPixelY; var mapPixelA; var s1; var s2; var s3; var s4; var mPointXFloor; var mPointYFloor; var disOffsetXFloor; var disOffsetYFloor; var disX; var disY; var _g1 = 0; var _g = sourceView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; row = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = sourceView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; sourceOffset = row + x * 4; mPointXFloor = mapPoint.x | 0; mPointYFloor = mapPoint.y | 0; if(smooth) { var offset = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y - mPointYFloor + 1) + (x - mPointXFloor) * 4; switch(mapFormat) { case 0: s1 = (mapData[offset] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: s1 = (mapData[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset] & 255; break; case 2: s1 = (mapData[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if(mapPremultiplied) { if((s1 & 255) != 0 && (s1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (s1 & 255); s1 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | s1 & 255 & 255; } } var offset1 = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y - mPointYFloor) + (x - mPointXFloor + 1) * 4; switch(mapFormat) { case 0: s2 = (mapData[offset1] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset1 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset1 + 2] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset1 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: s2 = (mapData[offset1 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset1 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset1 + 3] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset1] & 255; break; case 2: s2 = (mapData[offset1 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset1 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset1] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset1 + 3] & 255; break; } if(mapPremultiplied) { if((s2 & 255) != 0 && (s2 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (s2 & 255); s2 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s2 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s2 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s2 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | s2 & 255 & 255; } } var offset2 = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y - mPointYFloor + 1) + (x - mPointXFloor + 1) * 4; switch(mapFormat) { case 0: s3 = (mapData[offset2] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset2 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset2 + 2] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset2 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: s3 = (mapData[offset2 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset2 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset2 + 3] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset2] & 255; break; case 2: s3 = (mapData[offset2 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset2 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset2] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset2 + 3] & 255; break; } if(mapPremultiplied) { if((s3 & 255) != 0 && (s3 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (s3 & 255); s3 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s3 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s3 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s3 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | s3 & 255 & 255; } } var offset3 = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y - mPointYFloor) + (x - mPointXFloor) * 4; switch(mapFormat) { case 0: s4 = (mapData[offset3] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset3 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset3 + 2] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset3 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: s4 = (mapData[offset3 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset3 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset3 + 3] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset3] & 255; break; case 2: s4 = (mapData[offset3 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset3 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset3] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset3 + 3] & 255; break; } if(mapPremultiplied) { if((s4 & 255) != 0 && (s4 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (s4 & 255); s4 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s4 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s4 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s4 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | s4 & 255 & 255; } } mapPixel = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.bilinear(s1,s2,s3,s4,mapPoint.x - mPointXFloor,mapPoint.y - mPointYFloor); } else { var offset4 = mapView.byteOffset + mapView.stride * (y - mPointYFloor) + (x - mPointXFloor) * 4; switch(mapFormat) { case 0: mapPixel = (mapData[offset4] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset4 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset4 + 2] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset4 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: mapPixel = (mapData[offset4 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset4 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset4 + 3] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset4] & 255; break; case 2: mapPixel = (mapData[offset4 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (mapData[offset4 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (mapData[offset4] & 255) << 8 | mapData[offset4 + 3] & 255; break; } if(mapPremultiplied) { if((mapPixel & 255) != 0 && (mapPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (mapPixel & 255); mapPixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((mapPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((mapPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((mapPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | mapPixel & 255 & 255; } } } mapPixelA = (mapPixel & 255) / 255.0; mapPixelX = ((mapPixel >>> 24 & 255) - 128) / 255.0 * mapPixelA; mapPixelY = ((mapPixel >>> 16 & 255) - 128) / 255.0 * mapPixelA; disX = mapPixelX * componentX.x + mapPixelY * componentY.x; disY = mapPixelX * componentX.y + mapPixelY * componentY.y; disOffsetXFloor = Math.floor(disX * sourceView.width); disOffsetYFloor = Math.floor(disY * sourceView.height); if(smooth) { var offset5 = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y + disOffsetYFloor + 1) + (x + disOffsetXFloor) * 4; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: s1 = (sourceData[offset5] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset5 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset5 + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset5 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: s1 = (sourceData[offset5 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset5 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset5 + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset5] & 255; break; case 2: s1 = (sourceData[offset5 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset5 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset5] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset5 + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((s1 & 255) != 0 && (s1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (s1 & 255); s1 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | s1 & 255 & 255; } } var offset6 = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y + disOffsetYFloor) + (x + disOffsetXFloor + 1) * 4; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: s2 = (sourceData[offset6] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset6 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset6 + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset6 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: s2 = (sourceData[offset6 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset6 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset6 + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset6] & 255; break; case 2: s2 = (sourceData[offset6 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset6 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset6] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset6 + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((s2 & 255) != 0 && (s2 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (s2 & 255); s2 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s2 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s2 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s2 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | s2 & 255 & 255; } } var offset7 = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y + disOffsetYFloor + 1) + (x + disOffsetXFloor + 1) * 4; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: s3 = (sourceData[offset7] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset7 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset7 + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset7 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: s3 = (sourceData[offset7 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset7 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset7 + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset7] & 255; break; case 2: s3 = (sourceData[offset7 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset7 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset7] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset7 + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((s3 & 255) != 0 && (s3 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (s3 & 255); s3 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s3 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s3 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s3 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | s3 & 255 & 255; } } var offset8 = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y + disOffsetYFloor) + (x + disOffsetXFloor) * 4; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: s4 = (sourceData[offset8] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset8 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset8 + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset8 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: s4 = (sourceData[offset8 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset8 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset8 + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset8] & 255; break; case 2: s4 = (sourceData[offset8 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset8 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset8] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset8 + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((s4 & 255) != 0 && (s4 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (s4 & 255); s4 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s4 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s4 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((s4 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | s4 & 255 & 255; } } sourcePixel = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.bilinear(s1,s2,s3,s4,disX * sourceView.width - disOffsetXFloor,disY * sourceView.height - disOffsetYFloor); } else { var offset9 = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * (y + disOffsetYFloor) + (x + disOffsetXFloor) * 4; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: sourcePixel = (sourceData[offset9] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset9 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset9 + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset9 + 3] & 255; break; case 1: sourcePixel = (sourceData[offset9 + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset9 + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset9 + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset9] & 255; break; case 2: sourcePixel = (sourceData[offset9 + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[offset9 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[offset9] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[offset9 + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) != 0 && (sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (sourcePixel & 255); sourcePixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } } if(targetPremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) == 0) { if(sourcePixel != 0) { sourcePixel = 0; } } else if((sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[sourcePixel & 255]; sourcePixel = ((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(targetFormat) { case 0: targetData[sourceOffset] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 3] = sourcePixel & 255; break; case 1: targetData[sourceOffset] = sourcePixel & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 3] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: targetData[sourceOffset] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; targetData[sourceOffset + 3] = sourcePixel & 255; break; } } } target.dirty = true; target.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.bilinear = function(s1,s2,s3,s4,su,sv) { return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerpRGBA(lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerpRGBA(s4,s2,su),lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerpRGBA(s1,s3,su),sv); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerpRGBA = function(v0,v1,x) { var this1 = 0; var result = this1; var value = Math.floor(lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp(v0 >>> 24 & 255,v1 >>> 24 & 255,x)); result = (value & 255) << 24 | (result >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (result >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | result & 255 & 255; var value1 = Math.floor(lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp(v0 >>> 16 & 255,v1 >>> 16 & 255,x)); result = (result >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value1 & 255) << 16 | (result >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | result & 255 & 255; var value2 = Math.floor(lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp(v0 >>> 8 & 255,v1 >>> 8 & 255,x)); result = (result >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (result >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value2 & 255) << 8 | result & 255 & 255; var value3 = Math.floor(lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp(v0 & 255,v1 & 255,x)); result = (result >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (result >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (result >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value3 & 255; return result; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp4f = function(v0,v1,x) { return new lime_math_Vector4(lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp(v0.x,v1.x,x),lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp(v0.y,v1.y,x),lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp(v0.z,v1.z,x),lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp(v0.w,v1.w,x)); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.lerp = function(v0,v1,x) { return (1.0 - x) * v0 + x * v1; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.colorTransform = function(image,rect,colorMatrix) { var data = image.buffer.data; if(data == null) { return; } var format = image.buffer.format; var premultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var dataView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(image,rect); var alphaTable = lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.getAlphaTable(colorMatrix); var redTable = lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.getRedTable(colorMatrix); var greenTable = lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.getGreenTable(colorMatrix); var blueTable = lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.getBlueTable(colorMatrix); var row; var offset; var pixel; var _g1 = 0; var _g = dataView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; row = dataView.byteOffset + dataView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = dataView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; offset = row + x * 4; switch(format) { case 0: pixel = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: pixel = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: pixel = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((pixel & 255) != 0 && (pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (pixel & 255); pixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } } pixel = (redTable[pixel >>> 24 & 255] & 255) << 24 | (greenTable[pixel >>> 16 & 255] & 255) << 16 | (blueTable[pixel >>> 8 & 255] & 255) << 8 | alphaTable[pixel & 255] & 255; if(premultiplied) { if((pixel & 255) == 0) { if(pixel != 0) { pixel = 0; } } else if((pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[pixel & 255]; pixel = ((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(format) { case 0: data[offset] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel & 255; break; case 1: data[offset] = pixel & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel & 255; break; } } } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.copyChannel = function(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,sourceChannel,destChannel) { var destIdx; switch(destChannel[1]) { case 0: destIdx = 0; break; case 1: destIdx = 1; break; case 2: destIdx = 2; break; case 3: destIdx = 3; break; } var srcIdx; switch(sourceChannel[1]) { case 0: srcIdx = 0; break; case 1: srcIdx = 1; break; case 2: srcIdx = 2; break; case 3: srcIdx = 3; break; } var srcData = sourceImage.buffer.data; var destData = image.buffer.data; if(srcData == null || destData == null) { return; } var srcView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(sourceImage,sourceRect); var destView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(image,new lime_math_Rectangle(destPoint.x,destPoint.y,srcView.width,srcView.height)); var srcFormat = sourceImage.buffer.format; var destFormat = image.buffer.format; var srcPremultiplied = sourceImage.buffer.premultiplied; var destPremultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var srcPosition; var destPosition; var srcPixel; var destPixel; var value = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = destView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; srcPosition = srcView.byteOffset + srcView.stride * y; destPosition = destView.byteOffset + destView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = destView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; switch(srcFormat) { case 0: srcPixel = (srcData[srcPosition] & 255) << 24 | (srcData[srcPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (srcData[srcPosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | srcData[srcPosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: srcPixel = (srcData[srcPosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (srcData[srcPosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (srcData[srcPosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | srcData[srcPosition] & 255; break; case 2: srcPixel = (srcData[srcPosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (srcData[srcPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (srcData[srcPosition] & 255) << 8 | srcData[srcPosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(srcPremultiplied) { if((srcPixel & 255) != 0 && (srcPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (srcPixel & 255); srcPixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((srcPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((srcPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((srcPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | srcPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destPixel = (destData[destPosition] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: destPixel = (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition] & 255; break; case 2: destPixel = (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) != 0 && (destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (destPixel & 255); destPixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(srcIdx) { case 0: value = srcPixel >>> 24 & 255; break; case 1: value = srcPixel >>> 16 & 255; break; case 2: value = srcPixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 3: value = srcPixel & 255; break; } switch(destIdx) { case 0: destPixel = (value & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; break; case 1: destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; break; case 2: destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; break; case 3: destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value & 255; break; } if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) == 0) { if(destPixel != 0) { destPixel = 0; } } else if((destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[destPixel & 255]; destPixel = ((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destPosition] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; case 1: destData[destPosition] = destPixel & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destPosition] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; } srcPosition += 4; destPosition += 4; } } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.copyPixels = function(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,alphaImage,alphaPoint,mergeAlpha) { if(mergeAlpha == null) { mergeAlpha = false; } if(image.width == sourceImage.width && image.height == sourceImage.height && sourceRect.width == sourceImage.width && sourceRect.height == sourceImage.height && sourceRect.x == 0 && sourceRect.y == 0 && destPoint.x == 0 && destPoint.y == 0 && alphaImage == null && alphaPoint == null && mergeAlpha == false && image.get_format() == sourceImage.get_format()) { image.buffer.data.set(sourceImage.buffer.data); } else { var sourceData = sourceImage.buffer.data; var destData = image.buffer.data; if(sourceData == null || destData == null) { return; } var sourceView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(sourceImage,sourceRect); var destRect = new lime_math_Rectangle(destPoint.x,destPoint.y,sourceView.width,sourceView.height); var destView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(image,destRect); var sourceFormat = sourceImage.buffer.format; var destFormat = image.buffer.format; var sourcePosition; var destPosition; var sourceAlpha; var destAlpha; var oneMinusSourceAlpha; var blendAlpha; var sourcePixel; var destPixel; var sourcePremultiplied = sourceImage.buffer.premultiplied; var destPremultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var sourceBytesPerPixel = sourceImage.buffer.bitsPerPixel / 8 | 0; var destBytesPerPixel = image.buffer.bitsPerPixel / 8 | 0; var useAlphaImage = alphaImage != null && alphaImage.get_transparent(); var blend = mergeAlpha || useAlphaImage && !image.get_transparent(); if(!useAlphaImage) { if(blend) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = destView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; sourcePosition = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * y; destPosition = destView.byteOffset + destView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = destView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255; break; case 2: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) != 0 && (sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (sourcePixel & 255); sourcePixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destPixel = (destData[destPosition] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: destPixel = (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition] & 255; break; case 2: destPixel = (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) != 0 && (destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (destPixel & 255); destPixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } sourceAlpha = (sourcePixel & 255) / 255.0; destAlpha = (destPixel & 255) / 255.0; oneMinusSourceAlpha = 1 - sourceAlpha; blendAlpha = sourceAlpha + destAlpha * oneMinusSourceAlpha; if(blendAlpha == 0) { destPixel = 0; } else { var value = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round(((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * sourceAlpha + (destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * destAlpha * oneMinusSourceAlpha) / blendAlpha)]; destPixel = (value & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value1 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round(((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * sourceAlpha + (destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * destAlpha * oneMinusSourceAlpha) / blendAlpha)]; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value1 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value2 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round(((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * sourceAlpha + (destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * destAlpha * oneMinusSourceAlpha) / blendAlpha)]; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value2 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value3 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round(blendAlpha * 255.0)]; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value3 & 255; } if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) == 0) { if(destPixel != 0) { destPixel = 0; } } else if((destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[destPixel & 255]; destPixel = ((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destPosition] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; case 1: destData[destPosition] = destPixel & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destPosition] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; } sourcePosition += 4; destPosition += 4; } } } else if(sourceFormat == destFormat && sourcePremultiplied == destPremultiplied && sourceBytesPerPixel == destBytesPerPixel) { var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = destView.height; while(_g11 < _g4) { var y1 = _g11++; sourcePosition = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * y1; destPosition = destView.byteOffset + destView.stride * y1; destData.set(sourceData.subarray(sourcePosition,sourcePosition + destView.width * destBytesPerPixel),destPosition); } } else { var _g12 = 0; var _g5 = destView.height; while(_g12 < _g5) { var y2 = _g12++; sourcePosition = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * y2; destPosition = destView.byteOffset + destView.stride * y2; var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = destView.width; while(_g31 < _g21) { var x1 = _g31++; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255; break; case 2: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) != 0 && (sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (sourcePixel & 255); sourcePixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } if(destPremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) == 0) { if(sourcePixel != 0) { sourcePixel = 0; } } else if((sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[sourcePixel & 255]; sourcePixel = ((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destPosition] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = sourcePixel & 255; break; case 1: destData[destPosition] = sourcePixel & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destPosition] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = sourcePixel & 255; break; } sourcePosition += 4; destPosition += 4; } } } } else { if(alphaPoint == null) { alphaPoint = new lime_math_Vector2(); } var alphaData = alphaImage.buffer.data; var alphaFormat = alphaImage.buffer.format; var alphaPosition; var alphaPixel; var alphaView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(alphaImage,new lime_math_Rectangle(alphaPoint.x,alphaPoint.y,alphaImage.width,alphaImage.height)); alphaView.offset(sourceView.x,sourceView.y); destView.clip(destPoint.x | 0,destPoint.y | 0,alphaView.width,alphaView.height); if(blend) { var _g13 = 0; var _g6 = destView.height; while(_g13 < _g6) { var y3 = _g13++; sourcePosition = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * y3; destPosition = destView.byteOffset + destView.stride * y3; alphaPosition = alphaView.byteOffset + alphaView.stride * y3; var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = destView.width; while(_g32 < _g22) { var x2 = _g32++; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255; break; case 2: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) != 0 && (sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (sourcePixel & 255); sourcePixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destPixel = (destData[destPosition] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: destPixel = (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition] & 255; break; case 2: destPixel = (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) != 0 && (destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (destPixel & 255); destPixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(alphaFormat) { case 0: alphaPixel = (alphaData[alphaPosition] & 255) << 24 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | alphaData[alphaPosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: alphaPixel = (alphaData[alphaPosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | alphaData[alphaPosition] & 255; break; case 2: alphaPixel = (alphaData[alphaPosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (alphaData[alphaPosition] & 255) << 8 | alphaData[alphaPosition + 3] & 255; break; } sourceAlpha = (alphaPixel & 255) / 255.0 * ((sourcePixel & 255) / 255.0); if(sourceAlpha > 0) { destAlpha = (destPixel & 255) / 255.0; oneMinusSourceAlpha = 1 - sourceAlpha; blendAlpha = sourceAlpha + destAlpha * oneMinusSourceAlpha; var value4 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round(((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * sourceAlpha + (destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * destAlpha * oneMinusSourceAlpha) / blendAlpha)]; destPixel = (value4 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value5 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round(((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * sourceAlpha + (destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * destAlpha * oneMinusSourceAlpha) / blendAlpha)]; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value5 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value6 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round(((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * sourceAlpha + (destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * destAlpha * oneMinusSourceAlpha) / blendAlpha)]; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value6 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value7 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round(blendAlpha * 255.0)]; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value7 & 255; if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) == 0) { if(destPixel != 0) { destPixel = 0; } } else if((destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[destPixel & 255]; destPixel = ((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destPosition] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; case 1: destData[destPosition] = destPixel & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destPosition] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; } } sourcePosition += 4; destPosition += 4; alphaPosition += 4; } } } else { var _g14 = 0; var _g7 = destView.height; while(_g14 < _g7) { var y4 = _g14++; sourcePosition = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * y4; destPosition = destView.byteOffset + destView.stride * y4; alphaPosition = alphaView.byteOffset + alphaView.stride * y4; var _g33 = 0; var _g23 = destView.width; while(_g33 < _g23) { var x3 = _g33++; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255; break; case 2: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) != 0 && (sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (sourcePixel & 255); sourcePixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(alphaFormat) { case 0: alphaPixel = (alphaData[alphaPosition] & 255) << 24 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | alphaData[alphaPosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: alphaPixel = (alphaData[alphaPosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | alphaData[alphaPosition] & 255; break; case 2: alphaPixel = (alphaData[alphaPosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (alphaData[alphaPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (alphaData[alphaPosition] & 255) << 8 | alphaData[alphaPosition + 3] & 255; break; } var value8 = Math.round((sourcePixel & 255) * ((alphaPixel & 255) / 255)); sourcePixel = (sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value8 & 255; if(destPremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) == 0) { if(sourcePixel != 0) { sourcePixel = 0; } } else if((sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[sourcePixel & 255]; sourcePixel = ((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destPosition] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = sourcePixel & 255; break; case 1: destData[destPosition] = sourcePixel & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destPosition] = sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = sourcePixel & 255; break; } sourcePosition += 4; destPosition += 4; alphaPosition += 4; } } } } } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.fillRect = function(image,rect,color,format) { var fillColor; switch(format) { case 1: var argb = color; var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (argb >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb >>> 24 & 255 & 255; fillColor = rgba; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var rgba1 = this2; rgba1 = (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra & 255 & 255; fillColor = rgba1; break; default: fillColor = color; } if(!image.get_transparent()) { fillColor = (fillColor >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (fillColor >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (fillColor >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 255; } var data = image.buffer.data; if(data == null) { return; } var format1 = image.buffer.format; var premultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; if(premultiplied) { if((fillColor & 255) == 0) { if(fillColor != 0) { fillColor = 0; } } else if((fillColor & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[fillColor & 255]; fillColor = ((fillColor >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((fillColor >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((fillColor >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | fillColor & 255 & 255; } } var dataView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(image,rect); var row; var _g1 = 0; var _g = dataView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; row = dataView.byteOffset + dataView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = dataView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; var offset = row + x * 4; switch(format1) { case 0: data[offset] = fillColor >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 1] = fillColor >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = fillColor >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 3] = fillColor & 255; break; case 1: data[offset] = fillColor & 255; data[offset + 1] = fillColor >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 2] = fillColor >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 3] = fillColor >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset] = fillColor >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 1] = fillColor >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = fillColor >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 3] = fillColor & 255; break; } } } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.floodFill = function(image,x,y,color,format) { var data = image.buffer.data; if(data == null) { return; } if(format == 1) { color = (color & 16777215) << 8 | color >> 24 & 255; } var format1 = image.buffer.format; var premultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var fillColor = color; var hitColor; var offset = (y + image.offsetY) * (image.buffer.width * 4) + (x + image.offsetX) * 4; switch(format1) { case 0: hitColor = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: hitColor = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: hitColor = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((hitColor & 255) != 0 && (hitColor & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (hitColor & 255); hitColor = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((hitColor >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((hitColor >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((hitColor >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | hitColor & 255 & 255; } } if(!image.get_transparent()) { fillColor = (fillColor >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (fillColor >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (fillColor >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 255; hitColor = (hitColor >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (hitColor >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (hitColor >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 255; } if(fillColor == hitColor) { return; } if(premultiplied) { if((fillColor & 255) == 0) { if(fillColor != 0) { fillColor = 0; } } else if((fillColor & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[fillColor & 255]; fillColor = ((fillColor >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((fillColor >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((fillColor >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | fillColor & 255 & 255; } } var dx = [0,-1,1,0]; var dy = [-1,0,0,1]; var minX = -image.offsetX; var minY = -image.offsetY; var maxX = minX + image.width; var maxY = minY + image.height; var queue = []; queue.push(x); queue.push(y); var curPointX; var curPointY; var nextPointX; var nextPointY; var nextPointOffset; var readColor; while(queue.length > 0) { curPointY = queue.pop(); curPointX = queue.pop(); var _g = 0; while(_g < 4) { var i = _g++; nextPointX = curPointX + dx[i]; nextPointY = curPointY + dy[i]; if(nextPointX < minX || nextPointY < minY || nextPointX >= maxX || nextPointY >= maxY) { continue; } nextPointOffset = (nextPointY * image.width + nextPointX) * 4; switch(format1) { case 0: readColor = (data[nextPointOffset] & 255) << 24 | (data[nextPointOffset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[nextPointOffset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[nextPointOffset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: readColor = (data[nextPointOffset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[nextPointOffset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[nextPointOffset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[nextPointOffset] & 255; break; case 2: readColor = (data[nextPointOffset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[nextPointOffset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[nextPointOffset] & 255) << 8 | data[nextPointOffset + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((readColor & 255) != 0 && (readColor & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (readColor & 255); readColor = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((readColor >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((readColor >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((readColor >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | readColor & 255 & 255; } } if(readColor == hitColor) { switch(format1) { case 0: data[nextPointOffset] = fillColor >>> 24 & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 1] = fillColor >>> 16 & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 2] = fillColor >>> 8 & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 3] = fillColor & 255; break; case 1: data[nextPointOffset] = fillColor & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 1] = fillColor >>> 24 & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 2] = fillColor >>> 16 & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 3] = fillColor >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data[nextPointOffset] = fillColor >>> 8 & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 1] = fillColor >>> 16 & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 2] = fillColor >>> 24 & 255; data[nextPointOffset + 3] = fillColor & 255; break; } queue.push(nextPointX); queue.push(nextPointY); } } } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.gaussianBlur = function(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,blurX,blurY,quality,strength,color) { if(strength == null) { strength = 1; } if(quality == null) { quality = 1; } if(blurY == null) { blurY = 4; } if(blurX == null) { blurX = 4; } var imagePremultiplied = image.get_premultiplied(); var sourceImagePremultiplied = sourceImage.get_premultiplied(); if(imagePremultiplied) { image.set_premultiplied(false); } if(sourceImagePremultiplied) { sourceImage.set_premultiplied(false); } var imgB = image.get_data(); var imgA = sourceImage.get_data(); var w = sourceRect.width | 0; var h = sourceRect.height | 0; var bx = blurX | 0; var by = blurY | 0; var oX = destPoint.x | 0; var oY = destPoint.y | 0; var n = quality * 2 - 1; var rng = Math.pow(2,quality) * 0.125; var bxs = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__getBoxesForGaussianBlur(bx * rng,n); var bys = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__getBoxesForGaussianBlur(by * rng,n); var offset = (w * oY + oX) * 4 | 0; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlur(imgA,imgB,w,h,(bxs[0] - 1) / 2,(bys[0] - 1) / 2); var bIndex = 1; var _g1 = 0; var _g = n / 2 | 0; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlur(imgB,imgA,w,h,(bxs[bIndex] - 1) / 2,(bys[bIndex] - 1) / 2); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlur(imgA,imgB,w,h,(bxs[bIndex + 1] - 1) / 2,(bys[bIndex + 1] - 1) / 2); bIndex += 2; } var x; var y; if(offset != 0 || strength != 1) { if(offset <= 0) { y = 0; while(y < h) { x = 0; while(x < w) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__translatePixel(imgB,sourceImage.get_rect(),image.get_rect(),destPoint,x,y,strength); ++x; } ++y; } } else { y = h - 1; while(y >= 0) { x = w - 1; while(x >= 0) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__translatePixel(imgB,sourceImage.get_rect(),image.get_rect(),destPoint,x,y,strength); --x; } --y; } } } image.dirty = true; image.version++; sourceImage.dirty = true; sourceImage.version++; if(imagePremultiplied) { image.set_premultiplied(true); } if(sourceImagePremultiplied) { sourceImage.set_premultiplied(true); } if(imgB == image.get_data()) { return image; } return sourceImage; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getColorBoundsRect = function(image,mask,color,findColor,format) { var left = image.width + 1; var right = 0; var top = image.height + 1; var bottom = 0; var _color; var _mask; switch(format) { case 1: var argb = color; var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (argb >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb >>> 24 & 255 & 255; _color = rgba; var argb1 = mask; var this2 = 0; var rgba1 = this2; rgba1 = (argb1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb1 & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255; _mask = rgba1; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this3 = 0; var rgba2 = this3; rgba2 = (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra & 255 & 255; _color = rgba2; var bgra1 = mask; var this4 = 0; var rgba3 = this4; rgba3 = (bgra1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra1 & 255 & 255; _mask = rgba3; break; default: _color = color; _mask = mask; } if(!image.get_transparent()) { _color = (_color >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (_color >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (_color >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 255; _mask = (_mask >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (_mask >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (_mask >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 255; } var pixel; var hit; var _g1 = 0; var _g = image.width; while(_g1 < _g) { var x = _g1++; hit = false; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = image.height; while(_g3 < _g2) { var y = _g3++; pixel = image.getPixel32(x,y,0); if(findColor) { hit = (pixel & _mask) == _color; } else { hit = (pixel & _mask) != _color; } if(hit) { if(x < left) { left = x; } break; } } if(hit) { break; } } var ix; var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = image.width; while(_g11 < _g4) { var x1 = _g11++; ix = image.width - 1 - x1; hit = false; var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = image.height; while(_g31 < _g21) { var y1 = _g31++; pixel = image.getPixel32(ix,y1,0); if(findColor) { hit = (pixel & _mask) == _color; } else { hit = (pixel & _mask) != _color; } if(hit) { if(ix > right) { right = ix; } break; } } if(hit) { break; } } var _g12 = 0; var _g5 = image.height; while(_g12 < _g5) { var y2 = _g12++; hit = false; var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = image.width; while(_g32 < _g22) { var x2 = _g32++; pixel = image.getPixel32(x2,y2,0); if(findColor) { hit = (pixel & _mask) == _color; } else { hit = (pixel & _mask) != _color; } if(hit) { if(y2 < top) { top = y2; } break; } } if(hit) { break; } } var iy; var _g13 = 0; var _g6 = image.height; while(_g13 < _g6) { var y3 = _g13++; iy = image.height - 1 - y3; hit = false; var _g33 = 0; var _g23 = image.width; while(_g33 < _g23) { var x3 = _g33++; pixel = image.getPixel32(x3,iy,0); if(findColor) { hit = (pixel & _mask) == _color; } else { hit = (pixel & _mask) != _color; } if(hit) { if(iy > bottom) { bottom = iy; } break; } } if(hit) { break; } } var w = right - left; var h = bottom - top; if(w > 0) { ++w; } if(h > 0) { ++h; } if(w < 0) { w = 0; } if(h < 0) { h = 0; } if(left == right) { w = 1; } if(top == bottom) { h = 1; } if(left > image.width) { left = 0; } if(top > image.height) { top = 0; } return new lime_math_Rectangle(left,top,w,h); }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixel = function(image,x,y,format) { var pixel; var data = image.buffer.data; var offset = 4 * (y + image.offsetY) * image.buffer.width + (x + image.offsetX) * 4; var premultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; switch(image.buffer.format) { case 0: pixel = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: pixel = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: pixel = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((pixel & 255) != 0 && (pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (pixel & 255); pixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } } pixel = (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 0; switch(format) { case 1: var this1 = 0; var argb = this1; argb = (pixel & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255; return argb; case 2: var this2 = 0; var bgra = this2; bgra = (pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; return bgra; default: return pixel; } }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixel32 = function(image,x,y,format) { var pixel; var data = image.buffer.data; var offset = 4 * (y + image.offsetY) * image.buffer.width + (x + image.offsetX) * 4; var premultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; switch(image.buffer.format) { case 0: pixel = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: pixel = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: pixel = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((pixel & 255) != 0 && (pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (pixel & 255); pixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(format) { case 1: var this1 = 0; var argb = this1; argb = (pixel & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255; return argb; case 2: var this2 = 0; var bgra = this2; bgra = (pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; return bgra; default: return pixel; } }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixels = function(image,rect,format) { if(image.buffer.data == null) { return null; } var length = rect.width * rect.height | 0; var bytes = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(length * 4)); var data = image.buffer.data; var sourceFormat = image.buffer.format; var premultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var dataView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(image,rect); var position; var argb; var bgra; var pixel; var destPosition = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = dataView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; position = dataView.byteOffset + dataView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = dataView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: pixel = (data[position] & 255) << 24 | (data[position + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[position + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[position + 3] & 255; break; case 1: pixel = (data[position + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[position + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[position + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[position] & 255; break; case 2: pixel = (data[position + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[position + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[position] & 255) << 8 | data[position + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((pixel & 255) != 0 && (pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (pixel & 255); pixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(format) { case 1: var this1 = 0; var argb1 = this1; argb1 = (pixel & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb1; pixel = argb; break; case 2: var this2 = 0; var bgra1 = this2; bgra1 = (pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; bgra = bgra1; pixel = bgra; break; default: } bytes.b[destPosition++] = pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255; bytes.b[destPosition++] = pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255; bytes.b[destPosition++] = pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255; bytes.b[destPosition++] = pixel & 255 & 255; position += 4; } } return bytes; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.merge = function(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier) { if(image.buffer.data == null || sourceImage.buffer.data == null) { return; } var sourceView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(sourceImage,sourceRect); var destView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(image,new lime_math_Rectangle(destPoint.x,destPoint.y,sourceView.width,sourceView.height)); var sourceData = sourceImage.buffer.data; var destData = image.buffer.data; var sourceFormat = sourceImage.buffer.format; var destFormat = image.buffer.format; var sourcePremultiplied = sourceImage.buffer.premultiplied; var destPremultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var sourcePosition; var destPosition; var sourcePixel; var destPixel; var _g1 = 0; var _g = destView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; sourcePosition = sourceView.byteOffset + sourceView.stride * y; destPosition = destView.byteOffset + destView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = destView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255; break; case 2: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourcePosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourcePosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourcePosition] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourcePosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) != 0 && (sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (sourcePixel & 255); sourcePixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destPixel = (destData[destPosition] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: destPixel = (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition] & 255; break; case 2: destPixel = (destData[destPosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (destData[destPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (destData[destPosition] & 255) << 8 | destData[destPosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) != 0 && (destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (destPixel & 255); destPixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } var value = ((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * redMultiplier + (destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * (256 - redMultiplier)) / 256 | 0; destPixel = (value & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value1 = ((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * greenMultiplier + (destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * (256 - greenMultiplier)) / 256 | 0; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value1 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value2 = ((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * blueMultiplier + (destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * (256 - blueMultiplier)) / 256 | 0; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value2 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value3 = ((sourcePixel & 255) * alphaMultiplier + (destPixel & 255) * (256 - alphaMultiplier)) / 256 | 0; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value3 & 255; if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) == 0) { if(destPixel != 0) { destPixel = 0; } } else if((destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[destPixel & 255]; destPixel = ((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destPosition] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; case 1: destData[destPosition] = destPixel & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destPosition] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; } sourcePosition += 4; destPosition += 4; } } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.multiplyAlpha = function(image) { var data = image.buffer.data; if(data == null || !image.buffer.transparent) { return; } var format = image.buffer.format; var length = data.length / 4 | 0; var pixel; var _g1 = 0; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var offset = i * 4; switch(format) { case 0: pixel = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: pixel = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: pixel = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } var offset1 = i * 4; if((pixel & 255) == 0) { if(pixel != 0) { pixel = 0; } } else if((pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[pixel & 255]; pixel = ((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } switch(format) { case 0: data[offset1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset1 + 3] = pixel & 255; break; case 1: data[offset1] = pixel & 255; data[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset1 + 3] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset1] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset1 + 3] = pixel & 255; break; } } image.buffer.premultiplied = true; image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.resize = function(image,newWidth,newHeight) { var buffer = image.buffer; if(buffer.width == newWidth && buffer.height == newHeight) { return; } var elements = newWidth * newHeight * 4; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } var newBuffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(this1,newWidth,newHeight); var imageWidth = image.width; var imageHeight = image.height; var data = image.get_data(); var newData = newBuffer.data; var sourceIndex; var sourceIndexX; var sourceIndexY; var sourceIndexXY; var index; var sourceX; var sourceY; var u; var v; var uRatio; var vRatio; var uOpposite; var vOpposite; var _g1 = 0; var _g = newHeight; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = newWidth; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; u = (x + 0.5) / newWidth * imageWidth - 0.5; v = (y + 0.5) / newHeight * imageHeight - 0.5; sourceX = u | 0; sourceY = v | 0; sourceIndex = (sourceY * imageWidth + sourceX) * 4; if(sourceX < imageWidth - 1) { sourceIndexX = sourceIndex + 4; } else { sourceIndexX = sourceIndex; } if(sourceY < imageHeight - 1) { sourceIndexY = sourceIndex + imageWidth * 4; } else { sourceIndexY = sourceIndex; } if(sourceIndexX != sourceIndex) { sourceIndexXY = sourceIndexY + 4; } else { sourceIndexXY = sourceIndexY; } index = (y * newWidth + x) * 4; uRatio = u - sourceX; vRatio = v - sourceY; uOpposite = 1 - uRatio; vOpposite = 1 - vRatio; newData[index] = (_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndex]) * uOpposite + _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexX]) * uRatio) * vOpposite + (_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexY]) * uOpposite + _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexXY]) * uRatio) * vRatio | 0; newData[index + 1] = (_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndex + 1]) * uOpposite + _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexX + 1]) * uRatio) * vOpposite + (_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexY + 1]) * uOpposite + _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexXY + 1]) * uRatio) * vRatio | 0; newData[index + 2] = (_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndex + 2]) * uOpposite + _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexX + 2]) * uRatio) * vOpposite + (_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexY + 2]) * uOpposite + _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(data[sourceIndexXY + 2]) * uRatio) * vRatio | 0; if(data[sourceIndexX + 3] == 0 || data[sourceIndexY + 3] == 0 || data[sourceIndexXY + 3] == 0) { newData[index + 3] = 0; } else { newData[index + 3] = data[sourceIndex + 3]; } } } buffer.data = newBuffer.data; buffer.width = newWidth; buffer.height = newHeight; buffer.__srcImage = null; buffer.__srcImageData = null; buffer.__srcCanvas = null; buffer.__srcContext = null; image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.resizeBuffer = function(image,newWidth,newHeight) { var buffer = image.buffer; var data = image.get_data(); var elements = newWidth * newHeight * 4; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } var newData = this1; var sourceIndex; var index; var _g1 = 0; var _g = buffer.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = buffer.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; sourceIndex = (y * buffer.width + x) * 4; index = (y * newWidth + x) * 4; newData[index] = data[sourceIndex]; newData[index + 1] = data[sourceIndex + 1]; newData[index + 2] = data[sourceIndex + 2]; newData[index + 3] = data[sourceIndex + 3]; } } buffer.data = newData; buffer.width = newWidth; buffer.height = newHeight; buffer.__srcImage = null; buffer.__srcImageData = null; buffer.__srcCanvas = null; buffer.__srcContext = null; image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setFormat = function(image,format) { var data = image.buffer.data; if(data == null) { return; } var index; var a16; var length = data.length / 4 | 0; var r1; var g1; var b1; var a1; var r2; var g2; var b2; var a2; var r; var g; var b; var a; var _g = image.get_format(); switch(_g) { case 0: r1 = 0; g1 = 1; b1 = 2; a1 = 3; break; case 1: r1 = 1; g1 = 2; b1 = 3; a1 = 0; break; case 2: r1 = 2; g1 = 1; b1 = 0; a1 = 3; break; } switch(format) { case 0: r2 = 0; g2 = 1; b2 = 2; a2 = 3; break; case 1: r2 = 1; g2 = 2; b2 = 3; a2 = 0; break; case 2: r2 = 2; g2 = 1; b2 = 0; a2 = 3; break; } var _g2 = 0; var _g1 = length; while(_g2 < _g1) { var i = _g2++; index = i * 4; r = data[index + r1]; g = data[index + g1]; b = data[index + b1]; a = data[index + a1]; data[index + r2] = r; data[index + g2] = g; data[index + b2] = b; data[index + a2] = a; } image.buffer.format = format; image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixel = function(image,x,y,color,format) { var pixel; switch(format) { case 1: var argb = color; var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (argb >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb >>> 24 & 255 & 255; pixel = rgba; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var rgba1 = this2; rgba1 = (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra & 255 & 255; pixel = rgba1; break; default: pixel = color; } var this3 = 0; var source = this3; var data = image.buffer.data; var offset = 4 * (y + image.offsetY) * image.buffer.width + (x + image.offsetX) * 4; var premultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; switch(image.buffer.format) { case 0: source = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: source = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: source = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((source & 255) != 0 && (source & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (source & 255); source = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((source >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((source >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((source >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | source & 255 & 255; } } var value = source & 255; pixel = (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value & 255; var data1 = image.buffer.data; var offset1 = 4 * (y + image.offsetY) * image.buffer.width + (x + image.offsetX) * 4; if(image.buffer.premultiplied) { if((pixel & 255) == 0) { if(pixel != 0) { pixel = 0; } } else if((pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[pixel & 255]; pixel = ((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(image.buffer.format) { case 0: data1[offset1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data1[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data1[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data1[offset1 + 3] = pixel & 255; break; case 1: data1[offset1] = pixel & 255; data1[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data1[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data1[offset1 + 3] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data1[offset1] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data1[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data1[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data1[offset1 + 3] = pixel & 255; break; } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixel32 = function(image,x,y,color,format) { var pixel; switch(format) { case 1: var argb = color; var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (argb >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb >>> 24 & 255 & 255; pixel = rgba; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var rgba1 = this2; rgba1 = (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra & 255 & 255; pixel = rgba1; break; default: pixel = color; } if(!image.get_transparent()) { pixel = (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 255; } var data = image.buffer.data; var offset = 4 * (y + image.offsetY) * image.buffer.width + (x + image.offsetX) * 4; if(image.buffer.premultiplied) { if((pixel & 255) == 0) { if(pixel != 0) { pixel = 0; } } else if((pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[pixel & 255]; pixel = ((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(image.buffer.format) { case 0: data[offset] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel & 255; break; case 1: data[offset] = pixel & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel & 255; break; } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixels = function(image,rect,bytePointer,format,endian) { if(image.buffer.data == null) { return; } var data = image.buffer.data; var sourceFormat = image.buffer.format; var premultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var dataView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(image,rect); var row; var color; var pixel; var transparent = image.get_transparent(); var bytes = bytePointer.bytes; var dataPosition = bytePointer.offset; var littleEndian = endian != lime_system_Endian.BIG_ENDIAN; var _g1 = 0; var _g = dataView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; row = dataView.byteOffset + dataView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = dataView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; if(littleEndian) { color = bytes.getInt32(dataPosition); } else { color = bytes.b[dataPosition + 3] | bytes.b[dataPosition + 2] << 8 | bytes.b[dataPosition + 1] << 16 | bytes.b[dataPosition] << 24; } dataPosition += 4; switch(format) { case 1: var argb = color; var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (argb >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb >>> 24 & 255 & 255; pixel = rgba; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var rgba1 = this2; rgba1 = (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra & 255 & 255; pixel = rgba1; break; default: pixel = color; } if(!transparent) { pixel = (pixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (pixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (pixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | 255; } var offset = row + x * 4; if(premultiplied) { if((pixel & 255) == 0) { if(pixel != 0) { pixel = 0; } } else if((pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[pixel & 255]; pixel = ((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: data[offset] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel & 255; break; case 1: data[offset] = pixel & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 3] = pixel & 255; break; } } } image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.threshold = function(image,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,operation,threshold,color,mask,copySource,format) { var _color; var _mask; var _threshold; switch(format) { case 1: var argb = color; var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (argb >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb >>> 24 & 255 & 255; _color = rgba; var argb1 = mask; var this2 = 0; var rgba1 = this2; rgba1 = (argb1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb1 & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255; _mask = rgba1; var argb2 = threshold; var this3 = 0; var rgba2 = this3; rgba2 = (argb2 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb2 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb2 & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb2 >>> 24 & 255 & 255; _threshold = rgba2; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this4 = 0; var rgba3 = this4; rgba3 = (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra & 255 & 255; _color = rgba3; var bgra1 = mask; var this5 = 0; var rgba4 = this5; rgba4 = (bgra1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra1 & 255 & 255; _mask = rgba4; var bgra2 = threshold; var this6 = 0; var rgba5 = this6; rgba5 = (bgra2 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra2 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra2 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra2 & 255 & 255; _threshold = rgba5; break; default: _color = color; _mask = mask; _threshold = threshold; } var _operation; switch(operation) { case "!=": _operation = 0; break; case "<": _operation = 2; break; case "<=": _operation = 3; break; case "==": _operation = 1; break; case ">": _operation = 4; break; case ">=": _operation = 5; break; default: _operation = -1; } if(_operation == -1) { return 0; } var srcData = sourceImage.buffer.data; var destData = image.buffer.data; if(srcData == null || destData == null) { return 0; } var hits = 0; var srcView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(sourceImage,sourceRect); var destView = new lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView(image,new lime_math_Rectangle(destPoint.x,destPoint.y,srcView.width,srcView.height)); var srcFormat = sourceImage.buffer.format; var destFormat = image.buffer.format; var srcPremultiplied = sourceImage.buffer.premultiplied; var destPremultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var srcPosition; var destPosition; var srcPixel; var destPixel; var pixelMask; var test; var value; var _g1 = 0; var _g = destView.height; while(_g1 < _g) { var y = _g1++; srcPosition = srcView.byteOffset + srcView.stride * y; destPosition = destView.byteOffset + destView.stride * y; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = destView.width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var x = _g3++; switch(srcFormat) { case 0: srcPixel = (srcData[srcPosition] & 255) << 24 | (srcData[srcPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (srcData[srcPosition + 2] & 255) << 8 | srcData[srcPosition + 3] & 255; break; case 1: srcPixel = (srcData[srcPosition + 1] & 255) << 24 | (srcData[srcPosition + 2] & 255) << 16 | (srcData[srcPosition + 3] & 255) << 8 | srcData[srcPosition] & 255; break; case 2: srcPixel = (srcData[srcPosition + 2] & 255) << 24 | (srcData[srcPosition + 1] & 255) << 16 | (srcData[srcPosition] & 255) << 8 | srcData[srcPosition + 3] & 255; break; } if(srcPremultiplied) { if((srcPixel & 255) != 0 && (srcPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (srcPixel & 255); srcPixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((srcPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((srcPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((srcPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | srcPixel & 255 & 255; } } pixelMask = srcPixel & _mask; var tmp1; var tmp2; tmp1 = pixelMask >>> 24 & 255; tmp2 = _threshold >>> 24 & 255; if(tmp1 != tmp2) { if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(tmp1,tmp2)) { value = 1; } else { value = -1; } } else { tmp1 = pixelMask >>> 16 & 255; tmp2 = _threshold >>> 16 & 255; if(tmp1 != tmp2) { if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(tmp1,tmp2)) { value = 1; } else { value = -1; } } else { tmp1 = pixelMask >>> 8 & 255; tmp2 = _threshold >>> 8 & 255; if(tmp1 != tmp2) { if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(tmp1,tmp2)) { value = 1; } else { value = -1; } } else { tmp1 = pixelMask & 255; tmp2 = _threshold & 255; if(tmp1 != tmp2) { if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(tmp1,tmp2)) { value = 1; } else { value = -1; } } else { value = 0; } } } } switch(_operation) { case 0: test = value != 0; break; case 1: test = value == 0; break; case 2: test = value == -1; break; case 3: if(value != 0) { test = value == -1; } else { test = true; } break; case 4: test = value == 1; break; case 5: if(value != 0) { test = value == 1; } else { test = true; } break; default: test = false; } if(test) { if(destPremultiplied) { if((_color & 255) == 0) { if(_color != 0) { _color = 0; } } else if((_color & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[_color & 255]; _color = ((_color >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((_color >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((_color >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | _color & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destPosition] = _color >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = _color >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = _color >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = _color & 255; break; case 1: destData[destPosition] = _color & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = _color >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = _color >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = _color >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destPosition] = _color >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = _color >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = _color >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = _color & 255; break; } ++hits; } else if(copySource) { if(destPremultiplied) { if((srcPixel & 255) == 0) { if(srcPixel != 0) { srcPixel = 0; } } else if((srcPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[srcPixel & 255]; srcPixel = ((srcPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((srcPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((srcPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | srcPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destPosition] = srcPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = srcPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = srcPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = srcPixel & 255; break; case 1: destData[destPosition] = srcPixel & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = srcPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = srcPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = srcPixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destPosition] = srcPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destPosition + 1] = srcPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destPosition + 2] = srcPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destPosition + 3] = srcPixel & 255; break; } } srcPosition += 4; destPosition += 4; } } if(hits > 0) { image.dirty = true; image.version++; } return hits; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.unmultiplyAlpha = function(image) { var data = image.buffer.data; if(data == null) { return; } var format = image.buffer.format; var length = data.length / 4 | 0; var pixel; var _g1 = 0; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var offset = i * 4; switch(format) { case 0: pixel = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: pixel = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: pixel = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if((pixel & 255) != 0 && (pixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (pixel & 255); pixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((pixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | pixel & 255 & 255; } var offset1 = i * 4; switch(format) { case 0: data[offset1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset1 + 3] = pixel & 255; break; case 1: data[offset1] = pixel & 255; data[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset1 + 3] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset1] = pixel >>> 8 & 255; data[offset1 + 1] = pixel >>> 16 & 255; data[offset1 + 2] = pixel >>> 24 & 255; data[offset1 + 3] = pixel & 255; break; } } image.buffer.premultiplied = false; image.dirty = true; image.version++; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlur = function(imgA,imgB,w,h,bx,by) { imgB.set(imgA); var bx1 = bx | 0; var by1 = by | 0; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlurH(imgB,imgA,w,h,bx1,0); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlurH(imgB,imgA,w,h,bx1,1); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlurH(imgB,imgA,w,h,bx1,2); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlurH(imgB,imgA,w,h,bx1,3); var iarr = 1 / (by1 + by1 + 1); var ws = w * 4; var ti; var li; var ri; var fv; var lv; var val; var _g1 = 0; var _g = w; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; ti = i * 4; li = ti; ri = ti + by1 * ws; fv = imgA[ti]; lv = imgA[ti + ws * (h - 1)]; val = (by1 + 1) * fv; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = by1; while(_g3 < _g2) { var j = _g3++; val = val + imgA[ti + j * ws]; } var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = by1 + 1; while(_g31 < _g21) { var j1 = _g31++; val = val + (imgA[ri] - fv); imgB[ti] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); ri += ws; ti += ws; } var _g32 = by1 + 1; var _g22 = h - by1; while(_g32 < _g22) { var j2 = _g32++; val = val + (imgA[ri] - imgA[li]); imgB[ti] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); li += ws; ri += ws; ti += ws; } var _g33 = h - by1; var _g23 = h; while(_g33 < _g23) { var j3 = _g33++; val = val + (lv - imgA[li]); imgB[ti] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); li += ws; ti += ws; } } var iarr1 = 1 / (by1 + by1 + 1); var ws1 = w * 4; var ti1; var li1; var ri1; var fv1; var lv1; var val1; var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = w; while(_g11 < _g4) { var i1 = _g11++; ti1 = i1 * 4 + 1; li1 = ti1; ri1 = ti1 + by1 * ws1; fv1 = imgA[ti1]; lv1 = imgA[ti1 + ws1 * (h - 1)]; val1 = (by1 + 1) * fv1; var _g34 = 0; var _g24 = by1; while(_g34 < _g24) { var j4 = _g34++; val1 = val1 + imgA[ti1 + j4 * ws1]; } var _g35 = 0; var _g25 = by1 + 1; while(_g35 < _g25) { var j5 = _g35++; val1 = val1 + (imgA[ri1] - fv1); imgB[ti1] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val1) * iarr1); ri1 += ws1; ti1 += ws1; } var _g36 = by1 + 1; var _g26 = h - by1; while(_g36 < _g26) { var j6 = _g36++; val1 = val1 + (imgA[ri1] - imgA[li1]); imgB[ti1] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val1) * iarr1); li1 += ws1; ri1 += ws1; ti1 += ws1; } var _g37 = h - by1; var _g27 = h; while(_g37 < _g27) { var j7 = _g37++; val1 = val1 + (lv1 - imgA[li1]); imgB[ti1] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val1) * iarr1); li1 += ws1; ti1 += ws1; } } var iarr2 = 1 / (by1 + by1 + 1); var ws2 = w * 4; var ti2; var li2; var ri2; var fv2; var lv2; var val2; var _g12 = 0; var _g5 = w; while(_g12 < _g5) { var i2 = _g12++; ti2 = i2 * 4 + 2; li2 = ti2; ri2 = ti2 + by1 * ws2; fv2 = imgA[ti2]; lv2 = imgA[ti2 + ws2 * (h - 1)]; val2 = (by1 + 1) * fv2; var _g38 = 0; var _g28 = by1; while(_g38 < _g28) { var j8 = _g38++; val2 = val2 + imgA[ti2 + j8 * ws2]; } var _g39 = 0; var _g29 = by1 + 1; while(_g39 < _g29) { var j9 = _g39++; val2 = val2 + (imgA[ri2] - fv2); imgB[ti2] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val2) * iarr2); ri2 += ws2; ti2 += ws2; } var _g310 = by1 + 1; var _g210 = h - by1; while(_g310 < _g210) { var j10 = _g310++; val2 = val2 + (imgA[ri2] - imgA[li2]); imgB[ti2] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val2) * iarr2); li2 += ws2; ri2 += ws2; ti2 += ws2; } var _g311 = h - by1; var _g211 = h; while(_g311 < _g211) { var j11 = _g311++; val2 = val2 + (lv2 - imgA[li2]); imgB[ti2] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val2) * iarr2); li2 += ws2; ti2 += ws2; } } var iarr3 = 1 / (by1 + by1 + 1); var ws3 = w * 4; var ti3; var li3; var ri3; var fv3; var lv3; var val3; var _g13 = 0; var _g6 = w; while(_g13 < _g6) { var i3 = _g13++; ti3 = i3 * 4 + 3; li3 = ti3; ri3 = ti3 + by1 * ws3; fv3 = imgA[ti3]; lv3 = imgA[ti3 + ws3 * (h - 1)]; val3 = (by1 + 1) * fv3; var _g312 = 0; var _g212 = by1; while(_g312 < _g212) { var j12 = _g312++; val3 = val3 + imgA[ti3 + j12 * ws3]; } var _g313 = 0; var _g213 = by1 + 1; while(_g313 < _g213) { var j13 = _g313++; val3 = val3 + (imgA[ri3] - fv3); imgB[ti3] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val3) * iarr3); ri3 += ws3; ti3 += ws3; } var _g314 = by1 + 1; var _g214 = h - by1; while(_g314 < _g214) { var j14 = _g314++; val3 = val3 + (imgA[ri3] - imgA[li3]); imgB[ti3] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val3) * iarr3); li3 += ws3; ri3 += ws3; ti3 += ws3; } var _g315 = h - by1; var _g215 = h; while(_g315 < _g215) { var j15 = _g315++; val3 = val3 + (lv3 - imgA[li3]); imgB[ti3] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val3) * iarr3); li3 += ws3; ti3 += ws3; } } }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlurH = function(imgA,imgB,w,h,r,off) { var iarr = 1 / (r + r + 1); var ti; var li; var ri; var fv; var lv; var val; var _g1 = 0; var _g = h; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; ti = i * w; li = ti; ri = ti + r; fv = imgA[ti * 4 + off]; lv = imgA[(ti + w - 1) * 4 + off]; val = (r + 1) * fv; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = r; while(_g3 < _g2) { var j = _g3++; val = val + imgA[(ti + j) * 4 + off]; } var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = r + 1; while(_g31 < _g21) { var j1 = _g31++; val = val + (imgA[ri * 4 + off] - fv); imgB[ti * 4 + off] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); ++ri; ++ti; } var _g32 = r + 1; var _g22 = w - r; while(_g32 < _g22) { var j2 = _g32++; val = val + (imgA[ri * 4 + off] - imgA[li * 4 + off]); imgB[ti * 4 + off] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); ++ri; ++li; ++ti; } var _g33 = w - r; var _g23 = w; while(_g33 < _g23) { var j3 = _g33++; val = val + (lv - imgA[li * 4 + off]); imgB[ti * 4 + off] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); ++li; ++ti; } } }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__boxBlurT = function(imgA,imgB,w,h,r,off) { var iarr = 1 / (r + r + 1); var ws = w * 4; var ti; var li; var ri; var fv; var lv; var val; var _g1 = 0; var _g = w; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; ti = i * 4 + off; li = ti; ri = ti + r * ws; fv = imgA[ti]; lv = imgA[ti + ws * (h - 1)]; val = (r + 1) * fv; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = r; while(_g3 < _g2) { var j = _g3++; val = val + imgA[ti + j * ws]; } var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = r + 1; while(_g31 < _g21) { var j1 = _g31++; val = val + (imgA[ri] - fv); imgB[ti] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); ri += ws; ti += ws; } var _g32 = r + 1; var _g22 = h - r; while(_g32 < _g22) { var j2 = _g32++; val = val + (imgA[ri] - imgA[li]); imgB[ti] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); li += ws; ri += ws; ti += ws; } var _g33 = h - r; var _g23 = h; while(_g33 < _g23) { var j3 = _g33++; val = val + (lv - imgA[li]); imgB[ti] = Math.round(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(val) * iarr); li += ws; ti += ws; } } }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__calculateSourceOffset = function(sourceRect,destPoint,destX,destY) { var sourceX = destX - (destPoint.x | 0); var sourceY = destY - (destPoint.y | 0); var offset = 0; if(sourceX < 0 || sourceY < 0 || sourceX >= sourceRect.width || sourceY >= sourceRect.height) { offset = -1; } else { offset = 4 * (sourceY * (sourceRect.width | 0) + sourceX); } return offset; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__getBoxesForGaussianBlur = function(sigma,n) { var wIdeal = Math.sqrt(12 * sigma * sigma / n + 1); var wl = Math.floor(wIdeal); if(wl % 2 == 0) { --wl; } var wu = wl + 2; var mIdeal = (12 * sigma * sigma - n * wl * wl - 4 * n * wl - 3 * n) / (-4 * wl - 4); var m = Math.round(mIdeal); var sizes = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = n; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; sizes.push(i < m ? wl : wu); } return sizes; }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__pixelCompare = function(n1,n2) { var tmp1; var tmp2; tmp1 = n1 >>> 24 & 255; tmp2 = n2 >>> 24 & 255; if(tmp1 != tmp2) { if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(tmp1,tmp2)) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } else { tmp1 = n1 >>> 16 & 255; tmp2 = n2 >>> 16 & 255; if(tmp1 != tmp2) { if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(tmp1,tmp2)) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } else { tmp1 = n1 >>> 8 & 255; tmp2 = n2 >>> 8 & 255; if(tmp1 != tmp2) { if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(tmp1,tmp2)) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } else { tmp1 = n1 & 255; tmp2 = n2 & 255; if(tmp1 != tmp2) { if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(tmp1,tmp2)) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } else { return 0; } } } } }; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__translatePixel = function(imgB,sourceRect,destRect,destPoint,destX,destY,strength) { var d = 4 * (destY * (destRect.width | 0) + destX); var s = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.__calculateSourceOffset(sourceRect,destPoint,destX,destY); if(s < 0) { imgB[d] = imgB[d + 1] = imgB[d + 2] = imgB[d + 3] = 0; } else { imgB[d] = imgB[s]; imgB[d + 1] = imgB[s + 1]; imgB[d + 2] = imgB[s + 2]; var a = _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(imgB[s + 3]) * strength | 0; imgB[d + 3] = a < 0 ? 0 : a > 255 ? 255 : a; } }; var lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView = function(image,rect) { this.image = image; if(rect == null) { this.rect = image.get_rect(); } else { if(rect.x < 0) { rect.x = 0; } if(rect.y < 0) { rect.y = 0; } if(rect.x + rect.width > image.width) { rect.width = image.width - rect.x; } if(rect.y + rect.height > image.height) { rect.height = image.height - rect.y; } if(rect.width < 0) { rect.width = 0; } if(rect.height < 0) { rect.height = 0; } this.rect = rect; } this.stride = image.buffer.get_stride(); this.__update(); }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.graphics._ImageDataUtil.ImageDataView"] = lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView; lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","graphics","_ImageDataUtil","ImageDataView"]; lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView.prototype = { x: null ,y: null ,height: null ,width: null ,byteOffset: null ,image: null ,rect: null ,stride: null ,tempRect: null ,clip: function(x,y,width,height) { if(this.tempRect == null) { this.tempRect = new lime_math_Rectangle(); } this.tempRect.setTo(x,y,width,height); this.rect.intersection(this.tempRect,this.rect); this.__update(); } ,hasRow: function(y) { if(y >= 0) { return y < this.height; } else { return false; } } ,offset: function(x,y) { if(x < 0) { this.rect.x += x; if(this.rect.x < 0) { this.rect.x = 0; } } else { this.rect.x += x; this.rect.width -= x; } if(y < 0) { this.rect.y += y; if(this.rect.y < 0) { this.rect.y = 0; } } else { this.rect.y += y; this.rect.height -= y; } this.__update(); } ,row: function(y) { return this.byteOffset + this.stride * y; } ,__update: function() { this.x = Math.ceil(this.rect.x); this.y = Math.ceil(this.rect.y); this.width = Math.floor(this.rect.width); this.height = Math.floor(this.rect.height); this.byteOffset = this.stride * (this.y + this.image.offsetY) + (this.x + this.image.offsetX) * 4; } ,__class__: lime__$internal_graphics__$ImageDataUtil_ImageDataView }; var lime__$internal_macros_AssetsMacro = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.macros.AssetsMacro"] = lime__$internal_macros_AssetsMacro; lime__$internal_macros_AssetsMacro.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","macros","AssetsMacro"]; var lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill._CodePoint.CodePoint_Impl_"] = lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","_CodePoint","CodePoint_Impl_"]; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(code) { if(!(0 <= code && code <= 1114111 && !(55296 <= code && code <= 56319) && !(56320 <= code && code <= 57343))) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint(code)); } var this1 = code; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.cons = function(a,b) { var this1; if(a <= 65535) { var this2 = String.fromCharCode(a); var this3 = this2; this1 = this3; } else { var this4 = String.fromCharCode((a >> 10) + 55232) + String.fromCharCode(a & 1023 | 56320); var this5 = this4; this1 = this5; } return this1 + b; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.snoc = function(a,b) { var this1; if(b <= 65535) { var this2 = String.fromCharCode(b); var this3 = this2; this1 = this3; } else { var this4 = String.fromCharCode((b >> 10) + 55232) + String.fromCharCode(b & 1023 | 56320); var this5 = this4; this1 = this5; } return a + this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.addInt = function(a,b) { var code = a + b; if(!(0 <= code && code <= 1114111 && !(55296 <= code && code <= 56319) && !(56320 <= code && code <= 57343))) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint(code)); } var this1 = code; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.sub = function(a,b) { return a - b; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.subInt = function(a,b) { var code = a - b; if(!(0 <= code && code <= 1114111 && !(55296 <= code && code <= 56319) && !(56320 <= code && code <= 57343))) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint(code)); } var this1 = code; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$._new = function(code) { var this1 = code; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { var this2; if(this1 <= 65535) { var this3 = String.fromCharCode(this1); var this4 = this3; this2 = this4; } else { var this5 = String.fromCharCode((this1 >> 10) + 55232) + String.fromCharCode(this1 & 1023 | 56320); var this6 = this5; this2 = this6; } return this2; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$CodePoint_CodePoint_$Impl_$.toInt = function(this1) { return this1; }; var lime__$internal_unifill_CodePointIter = function(s) { this.i = 0; this.string = s; this.index = 0; this.endIndex = s.length; }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill.CodePointIter"] = lime__$internal_unifill_CodePointIter; lime__$internal_unifill_CodePointIter.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","CodePointIter"]; lime__$internal_unifill_CodePointIter.prototype = { string: null ,index: null ,endIndex: null ,hasNext: function() { return this.index < this.endIndex; } ,i: null ,next: function() { this.i = this.index; var tmp = this; var tmp1 = tmp.index; var this1 = this.string; var this2 = this1; var c = this2.charCodeAt(this.index); tmp.index = tmp1 + (!(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2); var this3 = this.string; var this4 = this3; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointAt(this4,this.i); } ,__class__: lime__$internal_unifill_CodePointIter }; var lime__$internal_unifill_Exception = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill.Exception"] = lime__$internal_unifill_Exception; lime__$internal_unifill_Exception.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","Exception"]; lime__$internal_unifill_Exception.prototype = { toString: function() { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(null); } ,__class__: lime__$internal_unifill_Exception }; var lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint = function(code) { lime__$internal_unifill_Exception.call(this); this.code = code; }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill.InvalidCodePoint"] = lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint; lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","InvalidCodePoint"]; lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint.__super__ = lime__$internal_unifill_Exception; lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint.prototype = $extend(lime__$internal_unifill_Exception.prototype,{ code: null ,toString: function() { return "InvalidCodePoint(code: " + this.code + ")"; } ,__class__: lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint }); var lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence = function(index) { lime__$internal_unifill_Exception.call(this); this.index = index; }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill.InvalidCodeUnitSequence"] = lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence; lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","InvalidCodeUnitSequence"]; lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence.__super__ = lime__$internal_unifill_Exception; lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence.prototype = $extend(lime__$internal_unifill_Exception.prototype,{ index: null ,toString: function() { return "InvalidCodeUnitSequence(index: " + this.index + ")"; } ,__class__: lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence }); var lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill.InternalEncoding"] = lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","InternalEncoding"]; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.__properties__ = {get_internalEncoding:"get_internalEncoding"}; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.get_internalEncoding = function() { return "UTF-16"; }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.codeUnitAt = function(s,index) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; return this2.charCodeAt(index); }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.codePointAt = function(s,index) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointAt(this2,index); }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.charAt = function(s,index) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var c = this3.charCodeAt(index); var this4 = HxOverrides.substr(this3,index,!(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2); var this5 = this4; return this5; }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.codePointCount = function(s,beginIndex,endIndex) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount(this2,beginIndex,endIndex); }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.codePointWidthAt = function(s,index) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var c = this2.charCodeAt(index); if(!(55296 <= c && c <= 56319)) { return 1; } else { return 2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.codePointWidthBefore = function(s,index) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var c = this2.charCodeAt(index - 1); if(!(56320 <= c && c <= 57343)) { return 1; } else { return 2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.offsetByCodePoints = function(s,index,codePointOffset) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; if(codePointOffset >= 0) { var index1 = index; var len = this3.length; var i = 0; while(i < codePointOffset && index1 < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } return index1; } else { var index2 = index; var count = 0; while(count < -codePointOffset && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } return index2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.backwardOffsetByCodePoints = function(s,index,codePointOffset) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var codePointOffset1 = -codePointOffset; if(codePointOffset1 >= 0) { var index1 = index; var len = this3.length; var i = 0; while(i < codePointOffset1 && index1 < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } return index1; } else { var index2 = index; var count = 0; while(count < -codePointOffset1 && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } return index2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.fromCodePoint = function(codePoint) { var this1; if(codePoint <= 65535) { var this2 = String.fromCharCode(codePoint); var this3 = this2; this1 = this3; } else { var this4 = String.fromCharCode((codePoint >> 10) + 55232) + String.fromCharCode(codePoint & 1023 | 56320); var this5 = this4; this1 = this5; } return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.fromCodePoints = function(codePoints) { var this1 = new StringBuf(); var buf = this1; var c = $iterator(codePoints)(); while(c.hasNext()) { var c1 = c.next(); if(c1 <= 65535) { buf.b += String.fromCharCode(c1); } else { buf.b += String.fromCharCode((c1 >> 10) + 55232); buf.b += String.fromCharCode(c1 & 1023 | 56320); } } var this2 = buf.b; var this3 = this2; return this3; }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.validate = function(s) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.validate(this2); }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.isValidString = function(s) { try { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.validate(this2); return true; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; if( js_Boot.__instanceof(e,lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence) ) { return false; } else throw(e); } }; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncoding.encodeWith = function(f,c) { if(c <= 65535) { f(c); } else { f((c >> 10) + 55232); f(c & 1023 | 56320); } }; var lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncodingIter = function(s,beginIndex,endIndex) { this.i = 0; this.string = s; this.index = beginIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill.InternalEncodingIter"] = lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncodingIter; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncodingIter.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","InternalEncodingIter"]; lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncodingIter.prototype = { string: null ,index: null ,endIndex: null ,hasNext: function() { return this.index < this.endIndex; } ,i: null ,next: function() { this.i = this.index; var tmp = this; var tmp1 = tmp.index; var this1 = this.string; var this2 = this1; var c = this2.charCodeAt(this.index); tmp.index = tmp1 + (!(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2); return this.i; } ,__class__: lime__$internal_unifill_InternalEncodingIter }; var lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill.Unicode"] = lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode; lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","Unicode"]; lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode.decodeSurrogate = function(hi,lo) { return hi - 55232 << 10 | lo & 1023; }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode.encodeHighSurrogate = function(c) { return (c >> 10) + 55232; }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode.encodeLowSurrogate = function(c) { return c & 1023 | 56320; }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode.isScalar = function(code) { if(0 <= code && code <= 1114111 && !(55296 <= code && code <= 56319)) { return !(56320 <= code && code <= 57343); } else { return false; } }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode.isHighSurrogate = function(code) { if(55296 <= code) { return code <= 56319; } else { return false; } }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unicode.isLowSurrogate = function(code) { if(56320 <= code) { return code <= 57343; } else { return false; } }; var lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill.Unifill"] = lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","Unifill"]; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uLength = function(s) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount(this2,0,s.length); }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCharAt = function(s,index) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var i; if(index >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this3.length; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < index && index1 < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i1; } i = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -index && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } i = index2; } var this4 = s; var this5 = this4; var this6 = this5; var c2 = this6.charCodeAt(i); var this7 = HxOverrides.substr(this6,i,!(55296 <= c2 && c2 <= 56319) ? 1 : 2); var this8 = this7; return this8; }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCharCodeAt = function(s,index) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var i; if(index >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this3.length; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < index && index1 < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i1; } i = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -index && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } i = index2; } var this4 = s; var this5 = this4; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointAt(this5,i); }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCodePointAt = function(s,index) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var i; if(index >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this3.length; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < index && index1 < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i1; } i = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -index && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } i = index2; } var this4 = s; var this5 = this4; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointAt(this5,i); }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uIndexOf = function(s,value,startIndex) { if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = 0; } var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var index; if(startIndex >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this3.length; var i = 0; while(i < startIndex && index1 < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } index = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -startIndex && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } index = index2; } var index3 = s.indexOf(value,index); if(index3 >= 0) { var this4 = s; var this5 = this4; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount(this5,0,index3); } else { return -1; } }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uLastIndexOf = function(s,value,startIndex) { if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = s.length - 1; } var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var index; if(startIndex >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this3.length; var i = 0; while(i < startIndex && index1 < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } index = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -startIndex && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } index = index2; } var index3 = s.lastIndexOf(value,index); if(index3 >= 0) { var this4 = s; var this5 = this4; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount(this5,0,index3); } else { return -1; } }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uSplit = function(s,delimiter) { if(delimiter.length == 0) { var _g = []; var _g1_string; var _g1_index; var _g1_i; var _g1_endIndex; _g1_i = 0; _g1_string = s; _g1_index = 0; _g1_endIndex = s.length; while(_g1_index < _g1_endIndex) { _g1_i = _g1_index; var this1 = _g1_string; var this2 = this1; var c = this2.charCodeAt(_g1_index); _g1_index += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; var i = _g1_i; var this3 = s; var this4 = this3; var this5 = this4; var c1 = this5.charCodeAt(i); var this6 = HxOverrides.substr(this5,i,!(55296 <= c1 && c1 <= 56319) ? 1 : 2); var this7 = this6; _g.push(this7); } return _g; } else { return s.split(delimiter); } }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uSubstr = function(s,startIndex,length) { var index = startIndex >= 0 ? 0 : s.length; var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var si; if(startIndex >= 0) { var index1 = index; var len = this3.length; var i = 0; while(i < startIndex && index1 < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } si = index1; } else { var index2 = index; var count = 0; while(count < -startIndex && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } si = index2; } var ei; if(length == null) { ei = s.length; } else if(length < 0) { ei = si; } else { var this4 = s; var this5 = this4; var this6 = this5; if(length >= 0) { var index3 = si; var len1 = this6.length; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < length && index3 < len1) { var c2 = this6.charCodeAt(index3); index3 += !(55296 <= c2 && c2 <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i1; } ei = index3; } else { var index4 = si; var count1 = 0; while(count1 < -length && 0 < index4) { var c3 = this6.charCodeAt(index4 - 1); index4 -= !(56320 <= c3 && c3 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count1; } ei = index4; } } return s.substring(si,ei); }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uSubstring = function(s,startIndex,endIndex) { var si; if(startIndex < 0) { si = 0; } else { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; if(startIndex >= 0) { var index = 0; var len = this3.length; var i = 0; while(i < startIndex && index < len) { var c = this3.charCodeAt(index); index += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } si = index; } else { var index1 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -startIndex && 0 < index1) { var c1 = this3.charCodeAt(index1 - 1); index1 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } si = index1; } } var ei; if(endIndex == null) { ei = s.length; } else if(endIndex < 0) { ei = 0; } else { var this4 = s; var this5 = this4; var this6 = this5; if(endIndex >= 0) { var index2 = 0; var len1 = this6.length; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < endIndex && index2 < len1) { var c2 = this6.charCodeAt(index2); index2 += !(55296 <= c2 && c2 <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i1; } ei = index2; } else { var index3 = 0; var count1 = 0; while(count1 < -endIndex && 0 < index3) { var c3 = this6.charCodeAt(index3 - 1); index3 -= !(56320 <= c3 && c3 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count1; } ei = index3; } } return s.substring(si,ei); }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uIterator = function(s) { return new lime__$internal_unifill_CodePointIter(s); }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCompare = function(a,b) { var aiter_string; var aiter_index; var aiter_i; var aiter_endIndex; aiter_i = 0; aiter_string = a; aiter_index = 0; aiter_endIndex = a.length; var biter_string; var biter_index; var biter_i; var biter_endIndex; biter_i = 0; biter_string = b; biter_index = 0; biter_endIndex = b.length; while(aiter_index < aiter_endIndex && biter_index < biter_endIndex) { aiter_i = aiter_index; var this1 = aiter_string; var this2 = this1; var c = this2.charCodeAt(aiter_index); aiter_index += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; var this3 = a; var this4 = this3; var acode = lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointAt(this4,aiter_i); biter_i = biter_index; var this5 = biter_string; var this6 = this5; var c1 = this6.charCodeAt(biter_index); biter_index += !(55296 <= c1 && c1 <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; var this7 = b; var this8 = this7; var bcode = lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointAt(this8,biter_i); if(acode < bcode) { return -1; } if(acode > bcode) { return 1; } } if(biter_index < biter_endIndex) { return -1; } if(aiter_index < aiter_endIndex) { return 1; } return 0; }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uToString = function(codePoints) { var this1 = new StringBuf(); var buf = this1; var c = $iterator(codePoints)(); while(c.hasNext()) { var c1 = c.next(); if(c1 <= 65535) { buf.b += String.fromCharCode(c1); } else { buf.b += String.fromCharCode((c1 >> 10) + 55232); buf.b += String.fromCharCode(c1 & 1023 | 56320); } } var this2 = buf.b; var this3 = this2; return this3; }; lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uAddChar = function(sb,c) { var c1 = c; if(c1 <= 65535) { sb.b += String.fromCharCode(c1); } else { sb.b += String.fromCharCode((c1 >> 10) + 55232); sb.b += String.fromCharCode(c1 & 1023 | 56320); } }; var lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill._Utf16.Utf16_Impl_"] = lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","_Utf16","Utf16_Impl_"]; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_length:"get_length"}; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.fromCodePoint = function(codePoint) { if(codePoint <= 65535) { var this1 = String.fromCharCode(codePoint); var this2 = this1; return this2; } else { var this3 = String.fromCharCode((codePoint >> 10) + 55232) + String.fromCharCode(codePoint & 1023 | 56320); var this4 = this3; return this4; } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.fromCodePoints = function(codePoints) { var this1 = new StringBuf(); var buf = this1; var c = $iterator(codePoints)(); while(c.hasNext()) { var c1 = c.next(); if(c1 <= 65535) { buf.b += String.fromCharCode(c1); } else { buf.b += String.fromCharCode((c1 >> 10) + 55232); buf.b += String.fromCharCode(c1 & 1023 | 56320); } } var this2 = buf.b; var this3 = this2; return this3; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.fromString = function(s) { var this1 = s; var this2 = this1; return this2; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.fromArray = function(a) { var buf_b = ""; var _g = 0; while(_g < a.length) { var x = a[_g]; ++_g; buf_b += String.fromCharCode(x); } var this1 = buf_b; var this2 = this1; return this2; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.encodeWith = function(f,c) { if(c <= 65535) { f(c); } else { f((c >> 10) + 55232); f(c & 1023 | 56320); } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codeUnitAt = function(this1,index) { return this1.charCodeAt(index); }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointAt = function(this1,index) { return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl.decode_code_point(this1.length,function(i) { return this1.charCodeAt(i); },index); }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.charAt = function(this1,index) { var c = this1.charCodeAt(index); var this2 = HxOverrides.substr(this1,index,!(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2); var this3 = this2; return this3; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount = function(this1,beginIndex,endIndex) { var index = beginIndex; var i = 0; while(index < endIndex) { var c = this1.charCodeAt(index); index += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } return i; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointWidthAt = function(this1,index) { var c = this1.charCodeAt(index); if(!(55296 <= c && c <= 56319)) { return 1; } else { return 2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointWidthBefore = function(this1,index) { var c = this1.charCodeAt(index - 1); if(!(56320 <= c && c <= 57343)) { return 1; } else { return 2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.offsetByCodePoints = function(this1,index,codePointOffset) { if(codePointOffset >= 0) { var index1 = index; var len = this1.length; var i = 0; while(i < codePointOffset && index1 < len) { var c = this1.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } return index1; } else { var index2 = index; var count = 0; while(count < -codePointOffset && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this1.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } return index2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.substr = function(this1,index,len) { var this2 = HxOverrides.substr(this1,index,len); var this3 = this2; return this3; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.validate = function(this1) { var len = this1.length; var accessor = function(i) { return this1.charCodeAt(i); }; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < len) { lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl.decode_code_point(len,accessor,i1); var c = this1.charCodeAt(i1); i1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.toArray = function(this1) { var i = 0; var len = this1.length; var _g = []; while(i < len) _g.push(this1.charCodeAt(i++)); return _g; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$._new = function(s) { var this1 = s; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { return this1.length; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.forward_offset_by_code_points = function(this1,index,codePointOffset) { var len = this1.length; var i = 0; while(i < codePointOffset && index < len) { var c = this1.charCodeAt(index); index += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } return index; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.backward_offset_by_code_points = function(this1,index,codePointOffset) { var count = 0; while(count < codePointOffset && 0 < index) { var c = this1.charCodeAt(index - 1); index -= !(56320 <= c && c <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } return index; }; var lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill._Utf16.Utf16Impl"] = lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","_Utf16","Utf16Impl"]; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl.code_point_width = function(c) { if(!(55296 <= c && c <= 56319)) { return 1; } else { return 2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl.find_prev_code_point = function(accessor,index) { var c = accessor(index - 1); if(!(56320 <= c && c <= 57343)) { return 1; } else { return 2; } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl.encode_code_point = function(addUnit,codePoint) { if(codePoint <= 65535) { addUnit(codePoint); } else { addUnit((codePoint >> 10) + 55232); addUnit(codePoint & 1023 | 56320); } }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16Impl.decode_code_point = function(len,accessor,index) { if(index < 0 || len <= index) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence(index)); } var hi = accessor(index); if(55296 <= hi && hi <= 56319) { if(index + 1 < 0 || len <= index + 1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence(index)); } var lo = accessor(index + 1); if(56320 <= lo && lo <= 57343) { return hi - 55232 << 10 | lo & 1023; } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence(index)); } } else if(56320 <= hi && hi <= 57343) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodeUnitSequence(index)); } else { return hi; } }; var lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16Buffer_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill._Utf16.StringU16Buffer_Impl_"] = lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16Buffer_$Impl_$; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16Buffer_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","_Utf16","StringU16Buffer_Impl_"]; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16Buffer_$Impl_$._new = function() { var this1 = new StringBuf(); return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16Buffer_$Impl_$.addUnit = function(this1,unit) { this1.b += String.fromCharCode(unit); }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16Buffer_$Impl_$.getStringU16 = function(this1) { var this2 = this1.b; return this2; }; var lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime._internal.unifill._Utf16.StringU16_Impl_"] = lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","_internal","unifill","_Utf16","StringU16_Impl_"]; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_length:"get_length"}; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.fromString = function(s) { var this1 = s; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.fromCodeUnit = function(u) { var this1 = String.fromCharCode(u); return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.fromTwoCodeUnits = function(u0,u1) { var this1 = String.fromCharCode(u0) + String.fromCharCode(u1); return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.ofArray = function(a) { var buf_b = ""; var _g = 0; while(_g < a.length) { var x = a[_g]; ++_g; buf_b += String.fromCharCode(x); } var this1 = buf_b; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.fromArray = function(a) { var buf_b = ""; var _g = 0; while(_g < a.length) { var x = a[_g]; ++_g; buf_b += String.fromCharCode(x); } var this1 = buf_b; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.codeUnitAt = function(this1,index) { return this1.charCodeAt(index); }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.substr = function(this1,index,len) { var this2 = HxOverrides.substr(this1,index,len); return this2; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.toArray = function(this1) { var i = 0; var len = this1.length; var _g = []; while(i < len) _g.push(this1.charCodeAt(i++)); return _g; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$._new = function(s) { var this1 = s; return this1; }; lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_StringU16_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { return this1.length; }; var lime_app_Event = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app.Event"] = lime_app_Event; lime_app_Event.__name__ = ["lime","app","Event"]; lime_app_Event.prototype = { canceled: null ,__listeners: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,dispatch: null ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__class__: lime_app_Event }; var lime_app_Future = function(work,async) { if(async == null) { async = false; } if(work != null) { if(async) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); promise.future = this; lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.queue({ promise : promise, work : work}); } else { try { this.value = work(); this.isComplete = true; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.error = e; this.isError = true; } } } }; $hxClasses["lime.app.Future"] = lime_app_Future; lime_app_Future.__name__ = ["lime","app","Future"]; lime_app_Future.ofEvents = function(onComplete,onError,onProgress) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); onComplete.add(function(data) { promise.complete(data); },true); if(onError != null) { onError.add(function(error) { promise.error(error); },true); } if(onProgress != null) { onProgress.add(function(progress,total) { promise.progress(progress,total); },true); } return promise.future; }; lime_app_Future.withError = function(error) { var future = new lime_app_Future(); future.isError = true; future.error = error; return future; }; lime_app_Future.withValue = function(value) { var future = new lime_app_Future(); future.isComplete = true; future.value = value; return future; }; lime_app_Future.prototype = { error: null ,isComplete: null ,isError: null ,value: null ,__completeListeners: null ,__errorListeners: null ,__progressListeners: null ,onComplete: function(listener) { if(listener != null) { if(this.isComplete) { listener(this.value); } else if(!this.isError) { if(this.__completeListeners == null) { this.__completeListeners = []; } this.__completeListeners.push(listener); } } return this; } ,onError: function(listener) { if(listener != null) { if(this.isError) { listener(this.error); } else if(!this.isComplete) { if(this.__errorListeners == null) { this.__errorListeners = []; } this.__errorListeners.push(listener); } } return this; } ,onProgress: function(listener) { if(listener != null) { if(this.__progressListeners == null) { this.__progressListeners = []; } this.__progressListeners.push(listener); } return this; } ,ready: function(waitTime) { if(waitTime == null) { waitTime = -1; } if(this.isComplete || this.isError) { return this; } else { lime_utils_Log.warn("Cannot block thread in JavaScript",{ fileName : "Future.hx", lineNumber : 239, className : "lime.app.Future", methodName : "ready"}); return this; } } ,result: function(waitTime) { if(waitTime == null) { waitTime = -1; } this.ready(waitTime); if(this.isComplete) { return this.value; } else { return null; } } ,then: function(next) { if(this.isComplete) { return next(this.value); } else if(this.isError) { var future = new lime_app_Future(); future.isError = true; future.error = this.error; return future; } else { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); this.onError($bind(promise,promise.error)); this.onProgress($bind(promise,promise.progress)); this.onComplete(function(val) { var future1 = next(val); future1.onError($bind(promise,promise.error)); future1.onComplete($bind(promise,promise.complete)); }); return promise.future; } } ,__class__: lime_app_Future }; var lime_app__$Future_FutureWork = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Future.FutureWork"] = lime_app__$Future_FutureWork; lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Future","FutureWork"]; lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool = null; lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.queue = function(state) { if(lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool == null) { lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool = new lime_system_ThreadPool(); lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool.doWork.add(lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool_doWork); lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool.onComplete.add(lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool_onComplete); lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool.onError.add(lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool_onError); } lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool.queue(state); }; lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool_doWork = function(state) { try { var result = state.work(); lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool.sendComplete({ promise : state.promise, result : result}); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool.sendError({ promise : state.promise, error : e}); } }; lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool_onComplete = function(state) { state.promise.complete(state.result); }; lime_app__$Future_FutureWork.threadPool_onError = function(state) { state.promise.error(state.error); }; var lime_app_Promise = function() { this.future = new lime_app_Future(); }; $hxClasses["lime.app.Promise"] = lime_app_Promise; lime_app_Promise.__name__ = ["lime","app","Promise"]; lime_app_Promise.prototype = { future: null ,isComplete: null ,isError: null ,complete: function(data) { if(!this.future.isError) { this.future.isComplete = true; this.future.value = data; if(this.future.__completeListeners != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.future.__completeListeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var listener = _g1[_g]; ++_g; listener(data); } this.future.__completeListeners = null; } } return this; } ,completeWith: function(future) { future.onComplete($bind(this,this.complete)); future.onError($bind(this,this.error)); future.onProgress($bind(this,this.progress)); return this; } ,error: function(msg) { if(!this.future.isComplete) { this.future.isError = true; this.future.error = msg; if(this.future.__errorListeners != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.future.__errorListeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var listener = _g1[_g]; ++_g; listener(msg); } this.future.__errorListeners = null; } } return this; } ,progress: function(progress,total) { if(!this.future.isError && !this.future.isComplete) { if(this.future.__progressListeners != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.future.__progressListeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var listener = _g1[_g]; ++_g; listener(progress,total); } } } return this; } ,get_isComplete: function() { return this.future.isComplete; } ,get_isError: function() { return this.future.isError; } ,__class__: lime_app_Promise ,__properties__: {get_isError:"get_isError",get_isComplete:"get_isComplete"} }; var lime_app__$Event_$Dynamic_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Dynamic_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Dynamic_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Dynamic_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Dynamic_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Dynamic_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Dynamic_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Float_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Float_Float_Float_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Float_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Float_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Float_Float_Float_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Float_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1,a2) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1,a2); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Float_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Int_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Float_Float_Int_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Int_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Int_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Float_Float_Int_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Int_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1,a2) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1,a2); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Int_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Float_Float_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Float_Float_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseButton_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Float_Float_lime_ui_MouseButton_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseButton_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseButton_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Float_Float_lime_ui_MouseButton_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseButton_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1,a2) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1,a2); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseButton_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseWheelMode_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Float_Float_lime_ui_MouseWheelMode_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseWheelMode_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseWheelMode_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Float_Float_lime_ui_MouseWheelMode_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseWheelMode_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1,a2) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1,a2); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseWheelMode_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Float_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Int_Float_Float_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Float_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Float_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Int_Float_Float_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Float_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1,a2) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1,a2); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Float_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Int_Float_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Int_Float_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Int_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Int_Int_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Int_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Int_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Int_Int_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Int_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Int_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Int_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Int_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Int_$lime_$ui_$JoystickHatPosition_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Int_lime_ui_JoystickHatPosition_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Int_$lime_$ui_$JoystickHatPosition_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$lime_$ui_$JoystickHatPosition_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Int_lime_ui_JoystickHatPosition_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Int_$lime_$ui_$JoystickHatPosition_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Int_$lime_$ui_$JoystickHatPosition_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$String_$Int_$Int_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_String_Int_Int_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$String_$Int_$Int_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$String_$Int_$Int_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_String_Int_Int_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$String_$Int_$Int_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1,a2) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1,a2); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$String_$Int_$Int_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$String_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_String_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$String_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$String_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_String_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$String_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$String_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_Void_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_Void_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function() { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_haxe_Function_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_haxe_Function_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$lime_$graphics_$RenderContext_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_lime_graphics_RenderContext_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$lime_$graphics_$RenderContext_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$graphics_$RenderContext_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_lime_graphics_RenderContext_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$graphics_$RenderContext_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$lime_$graphics_$RenderContext_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadAxis_$Float_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_lime_ui_GamepadAxis_Float_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadAxis_$Float_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadAxis_$Float_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_lime_ui_GamepadAxis_Float_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadAxis_$Float_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadAxis_$Float_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadButton_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_lime_ui_GamepadButton_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadButton_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadButton_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_lime_ui_GamepadButton_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadButton_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadButton_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Gamepad_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_lime_ui_Gamepad_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Gamepad_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Gamepad_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_lime_ui_Gamepad_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Gamepad_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Gamepad_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Joystick_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_lime_ui_Joystick_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Joystick_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Joystick_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_lime_ui_Joystick_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Joystick_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Joystick_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$KeyCode_$lime_$ui_$KeyModifier_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_lime_ui_KeyCode_lime_ui_KeyModifier_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$KeyCode_$lime_$ui_$KeyModifier_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$KeyCode_$lime_$ui_$KeyModifier_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_lime_ui_KeyCode_lime_ui_KeyModifier_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$KeyCode_$lime_$ui_$KeyModifier_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a,a1) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a,a1); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$KeyCode_$lime_$ui_$KeyModifier_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Touch_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_lime_ui_Touch_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Touch_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Touch_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_lime_ui_Touch_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Touch_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Touch_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Window_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_lime_ui_Window_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Window_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Window_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_lime_ui_Window_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Window_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Window_$Void }; var lime_app__$Event_$ofEvents_$T_$Void = function() { this.canceled = false; this.__listeners = []; this.__priorities = []; this.__repeat = []; }; $hxClasses["lime.app._Event_ofEvents_T_Void"] = lime_app__$Event_$ofEvents_$T_$Void; lime_app__$Event_$ofEvents_$T_$Void.__name__ = ["lime","app","_Event_ofEvents_T_Void"]; lime_app__$Event_$ofEvents_$T_$Void.prototype = { canceled: null ,__repeat: null ,__priorities: null ,add: function(listener,once,priority) { if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(once == null) { once = false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__priorities.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(priority > this.__priorities[i]) { this.__listeners.splice(i,0,listener); this.__priorities.splice(i,0,priority); this.__repeat.splice(i,0,!once); return; } } this.__listeners.push(listener); this.__priorities.push(priority); this.__repeat.push(!once); } ,cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } ,has: function(listener) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__listeners; while(_g < _g1.length) { var l = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(Reflect.compareMethods(l,listener)) { return true; } } return false; } ,remove: function(listener) { var i = this.__listeners.length; while(--i >= 0) if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__listeners[i],listener)) { this.__listeners.splice(i,1); this.__priorities.splice(i,1); this.__repeat.splice(i,1); } } ,__listeners: null ,dispatch: function(a) { this.canceled = false; var listeners = this.__listeners; var repeat = this.__repeat; var i = 0; while(i < listeners.length) { listeners[i](a); if(!repeat[i]) { this.remove(listeners[i]); } else { ++i; } if(this.canceled) { break; } } } ,__class__: lime_app__$Event_$ofEvents_$T_$Void }; var lime_graphics__$CairoRenderContext_CairoRenderContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics._CairoRenderContext.CairoRenderContext_Impl_"] = lime_graphics__$CairoRenderContext_CairoRenderContext_$Impl_$; lime_graphics__$CairoRenderContext_CairoRenderContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","_CairoRenderContext","CairoRenderContext_Impl_"]; lime_graphics__$CairoRenderContext_CairoRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromRenderContext = function(context) { return context.cairo; }; var lime_graphics__$Canvas2DRenderContext_Canvas2DRenderContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics._Canvas2DRenderContext.Canvas2DRenderContext_Impl_"] = lime_graphics__$Canvas2DRenderContext_Canvas2DRenderContext_$Impl_$; lime_graphics__$Canvas2DRenderContext_Canvas2DRenderContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","_Canvas2DRenderContext","Canvas2DRenderContext_Impl_"]; lime_graphics__$Canvas2DRenderContext_Canvas2DRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromRenderContext = function(context) { return context.canvas2D; }; var lime_graphics__$DOMRenderContext_DOMRenderContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics._DOMRenderContext.DOMRenderContext_Impl_"] = lime_graphics__$DOMRenderContext_DOMRenderContext_$Impl_$; lime_graphics__$DOMRenderContext_DOMRenderContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","_DOMRenderContext","DOMRenderContext_Impl_"]; lime_graphics__$DOMRenderContext_DOMRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromRenderContext = function(context) { return context.dom; }; var lime_graphics__$FlashRenderContext_FlashRenderContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics._FlashRenderContext.FlashRenderContext_Impl_"] = lime_graphics__$FlashRenderContext_FlashRenderContext_$Impl_$; lime_graphics__$FlashRenderContext_FlashRenderContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","_FlashRenderContext","FlashRenderContext_Impl_"]; lime_graphics__$FlashRenderContext_FlashRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromRenderContext = function(context) { return null; }; var lime_graphics_Image = function(buffer,offsetX,offsetY,width,height,color,type) { if(height == null) { height = -1; } if(width == null) { width = -1; } if(offsetY == null) { offsetY = 0; } if(offsetX == null) { offsetX = 0; } this.offsetX = offsetX; this.offsetY = offsetY; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.version = 0; if(type == null) { type = lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS; } this.type = type; if(buffer == null) { if(width > 0 && height > 0) { var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.buffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(null,width,height); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.createCanvas(this,width,height); if(color != null && color != 0) { this.fillRect(new lime_math_Rectangle(0,0,width,height),color); } break; case 1: var elements = width * height * 4; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } this.buffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(this1,width,height); if(color != null && color != 0) { this.fillRect(new lime_math_Rectangle(0,0,width,height),color); } break; case 2: break; default: } } } else { this.__fromImageBuffer(buffer); } }; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.Image"] = lime_graphics_Image; lime_graphics_Image.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","Image"]; lime_graphics_Image.__base64Encoder = null; lime_graphics_Image.fromBase64 = function(base64,type) { if(base64 == null) { return null; } var image = new lime_graphics_Image(); image.__fromBase64(base64,type); return image; }; lime_graphics_Image.fromBitmapData = function(bitmapData) { if(bitmapData == null) { return null; } return bitmapData.image; }; lime_graphics_Image.fromBytes = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null) { return null; } var image = new lime_graphics_Image(); if(image.__fromBytes(bytes)) { return image; } else { return null; } }; lime_graphics_Image.fromCanvas = function(canvas) { if(canvas == null) { return null; } var buffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(null,canvas.width,canvas.height); buffer.set_src(canvas); var image = new lime_graphics_Image(buffer); image.type = lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS; return image; }; lime_graphics_Image.fromFile = function(path) { if(path == null) { return null; } var image = new lime_graphics_Image(); if(image.__fromFile(path)) { return image; } else { return null; } }; lime_graphics_Image.fromImageElement = function(image) { if(image == null) { return null; } var buffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(null,image.width,image.height); buffer.set_src(image); var _image = new lime_graphics_Image(buffer); _image.type = lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS; return _image; }; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64 = function(base64,type) { if(base64 == null || type == null) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(null); } return lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.loadImage("data:" + type + ";base64," + base64); }; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBytes = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(null); } var type = ""; if(lime_graphics_Image.__isPNG(bytes)) { type = "image/png"; } else if(lime_graphics_Image.__isJPG(bytes)) { type = "image/jpeg"; } else if(lime_graphics_Image.__isGIF(bytes)) { type = "image/gif"; } else if(lime_graphics_Image.__isWebP(bytes)) { type = "image/webp"; } else { return lime_app_Future.withValue(null); } return lime_graphics_Image.loadFromBase64(lime_graphics_Image.__base64Encode(bytes),type); }; lime_graphics_Image.loadFromFile = function(path) { if(path == null) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(null); } return lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.loadImage(path); }; lime_graphics_Image.__base64Encode = function(bytes) { var extension; var _g = bytes.length % 3; switch(_g) { case 1: extension = "=="; break; case 2: extension = "="; break; default: extension = ""; } if(lime_graphics_Image.__base64Encoder == null) { lime_graphics_Image.__base64Encoder = new haxe_crypto_BaseCode(haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(lime_graphics_Image.__base64Chars)); } return lime_graphics_Image.__base64Encoder.encodeBytes(bytes).toString() + extension; }; lime_graphics_Image.__isGIF = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null || bytes.length < 6) { return false; } var header = bytes.getString(0,6); if(header != "GIF87a") { return header == "GIF89a"; } else { return true; } }; lime_graphics_Image.__isJPG = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null || bytes.length < 4) { return false; } if(bytes.b[0] == 255 && bytes.b[1] == 216 && bytes.b[bytes.length - 2] == 255) { return bytes.b[bytes.length - 1] == 217; } else { return false; } }; lime_graphics_Image.__isPNG = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null || bytes.length < 8) { return false; } if(bytes.b[0] == 137 && bytes.b[1] == 80 && bytes.b[2] == 78 && bytes.b[3] == 71 && bytes.b[4] == 13 && bytes.b[5] == 10 && bytes.b[6] == 26) { return bytes.b[7] == 10; } else { return false; } }; lime_graphics_Image.__isWebP = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null || bytes.length < 16) { return false; } if(bytes.getString(0,4) == "RIFF") { return bytes.getString(8,4) == "WEBP"; } else { return false; } }; lime_graphics_Image.prototype = { buffer: null ,dirty: null ,height: null ,offsetX: null ,offsetY: null ,rect: null ,type: null ,version: null ,width: null ,x: null ,y: null ,clone: function() { if(this.buffer != null) { if(this.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this); } else { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); } var image = new lime_graphics_Image(this.buffer.clone(),this.offsetX,this.offsetY,this.width,this.height,null,this.type); image.version = this.version; return image; } else { return new lime_graphics_Image(null,this.offsetX,this.offsetY,this.width,this.height,null,this.type); } } ,colorTransform: function(rect,colorMatrix) { rect = this.__clipRect(rect); if(this.buffer == null || rect == null) { return; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.colorTransform(this,rect,colorMatrix); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.colorTransform(this,rect,colorMatrix); break; case 2: rect.offset(this.offsetX,this.offsetY); this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.colorTransform(rect.__toFlashRectangle(),lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__toFlashColorTransform(colorMatrix)); break; default: } } ,copyChannel: function(sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,sourceChannel,destChannel) { sourceRect = this.__clipRect(sourceRect); if(this.buffer == null || sourceRect == null) { return; } if(destChannel == lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA && !this.get_transparent()) { return; } if(sourceRect.width <= 0 || sourceRect.height <= 0) { return; } if(sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width > sourceImage.width) { sourceRect.width = sourceImage.width - sourceRect.x; } if(sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height > sourceImage.height) { sourceRect.height = sourceImage.height - sourceRect.y; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.copyChannel(this,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,sourceChannel,destChannel); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(sourceImage); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.copyChannel(this,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,sourceChannel,destChannel); break; case 2: var srcChannel; switch(sourceChannel[1]) { case 0: srcChannel = 1; break; case 1: srcChannel = 2; break; case 2: srcChannel = 4; break; case 3: srcChannel = 8; break; } var dstChannel; switch(destChannel[1]) { case 0: dstChannel = 1; break; case 1: dstChannel = 2; break; case 2: dstChannel = 4; break; case 3: dstChannel = 8; break; } sourceRect.offset(sourceImage.offsetX,sourceImage.offsetY); destPoint.offset(this.offsetX,this.offsetY); this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.copyChannel(sourceImage.buffer.get_src(),sourceRect.__toFlashRectangle(),destPoint.__toFlashPoint(),srcChannel,dstChannel); break; default: } } ,copyPixels: function(sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,alphaImage,alphaPoint,mergeAlpha) { if(mergeAlpha == null) { mergeAlpha = false; } if(this.buffer == null || sourceImage == null) { return; } if(sourceRect.width <= 0 || sourceRect.height <= 0) { return; } if(this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0) { return; } if(sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width > sourceImage.width) { sourceRect.width = sourceImage.width - sourceRect.x; } if(sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height > sourceImage.height) { sourceRect.height = sourceImage.height - sourceRect.y; } if(sourceRect.x < 0) { sourceRect.width += sourceRect.x; sourceRect.x = 0; } if(sourceRect.y < 0) { sourceRect.height += sourceRect.y; sourceRect.y = 0; } if(destPoint.x + sourceRect.width > this.width) { sourceRect.width = this.width - destPoint.x; } if(destPoint.y + sourceRect.height > this.height) { sourceRect.height = this.height - destPoint.y; } if(destPoint.x < 0) { sourceRect.width += destPoint.x; sourceRect.x -= destPoint.x; destPoint.x = 0; } if(destPoint.y < 0) { sourceRect.height += destPoint.y; sourceRect.y -= destPoint.y; destPoint.y = 0; } if(sourceImage == this && destPoint.x < sourceRect.get_right() && destPoint.y < sourceRect.get_bottom()) { sourceImage = this.clone(); } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: if(alphaImage != null || sourceImage.type != lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(sourceImage); if(alphaImage != null) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(alphaImage); } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.copyPixels(this,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,alphaImage,alphaPoint,mergeAlpha); } else { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(sourceImage); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.copyPixels(this,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,alphaImage,alphaPoint,mergeAlpha); } break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(sourceImage); if(alphaImage != null) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(alphaImage); } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.copyPixels(this,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,alphaImage,alphaPoint,mergeAlpha); break; case 2: sourceRect.offset(sourceImage.offsetX,sourceImage.offsetY); destPoint.offset(this.offsetX,this.offsetY); if(alphaImage != null && alphaPoint != null) { alphaPoint.offset(alphaImage.offsetX,alphaImage.offsetY); } this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.copyPixels(sourceImage.buffer.__srcBitmapData,sourceRect.__toFlashRectangle(),destPoint.__toFlashPoint(),alphaImage != null ? alphaImage.buffer.get_src() : null,alphaPoint != null ? alphaPoint.__toFlashPoint() : null,mergeAlpha); break; default: } } ,encode: function(format,quality) { if(quality == null) { quality = 90; } if(format == null) { return lime__$internal_format_PNG.encode(this); } else { switch(format[1]) { case 0: return lime__$internal_format_BMP.encode(this); case 1: return lime__$internal_format_JPEG.encode(this,quality); case 2: return lime__$internal_format_PNG.encode(this); } } } ,fillRect: function(rect,color,format) { rect = this.__clipRect(rect); if(this.buffer == null || rect == null) { return; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.fillRect(this,rect,color,format); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); if(this.buffer.data.length == 0) { return; } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.fillRect(this,rect,color,format); break; case 2: rect.offset(this.offsetX,this.offsetY); var argb; if(format == null) { var rgba = color; var this1 = 0; var argb1 = this1; argb1 = (rgba & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb1; } else { switch(format) { case 1: argb = color; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var argb2 = this2; argb2 = (bgra & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255; argb = argb2; break; default: var rgba1 = color; var this3 = 0; var argb3 = this3; argb3 = (rgba1 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb3; } } this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.fillRect(rect.__toFlashRectangle(),argb); break; default: } } ,floodFill: function(x,y,color,format) { if(this.buffer == null) { return; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.floodFill(this,x,y,color,format); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.floodFill(this,x,y,color,format); break; case 2: var argb; if(format == null) { var rgba = color; var this1 = 0; var argb1 = this1; argb1 = (rgba & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb1; } else { switch(format) { case 1: argb = color; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var argb2 = this2; argb2 = (bgra & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255; argb = argb2; break; default: var rgba1 = color; var this3 = 0; var argb3 = this3; argb3 = (rgba1 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb3; } } this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.floodFill(x + this.offsetX,y + this.offsetY,argb); break; default: } } ,getColorBoundsRect: function(mask,color,findColor,format) { if(findColor == null) { findColor = true; } if(this.buffer == null) { return null; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getColorBoundsRect(this,mask,color,findColor,format); case 1: return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getColorBoundsRect(this,mask,color,findColor,format); case 2: var rect = this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.getColorBoundsRect(mask,color,findColor); return new lime_math_Rectangle(rect.x,rect.y,rect.width,rect.height); default: return null; } } ,getPixel: function(x,y,format) { if(this.buffer == null || x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= this.width || y >= this.height) { return 0; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.getPixel(this,x,y,format); case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixel(this,x,y,format); case 2: var color = this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.getPixel(x + this.offsetX,y + this.offsetY); if(format == null) { var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (color >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (color >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (color & 255 & 255) << 8 | color >>> 24 & 255 & 255; var rgba1 = rgba; return rgba1; } else { switch(format) { case 1: return color; case 2: var this2 = 0; var bgra = this2; bgra = (color & 255 & 255) << 24 | (color >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (color >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | color >>> 24 & 255 & 255; var bgra1 = bgra; return bgra1; default: var this3 = 0; var rgba2 = this3; rgba2 = (color >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (color >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (color & 255 & 255) << 8 | color >>> 24 & 255 & 255; var rgba3 = rgba2; return rgba3; } } break; default: return 0; } } ,getPixel32: function(x,y,format) { if(this.buffer == null || x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= this.width || y >= this.height) { return 0; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.getPixel32(this,x,y,format); case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixel32(this,x,y,format); case 2: var color = this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.getPixel32(x + this.offsetX,y + this.offsetY); if(format == null) { var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (color >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (color >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (color & 255 & 255) << 8 | color >>> 24 & 255 & 255; var rgba1 = rgba; return rgba1; } else { switch(format) { case 1: return color; case 2: var this2 = 0; var bgra = this2; bgra = (color & 255 & 255) << 24 | (color >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (color >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | color >>> 24 & 255 & 255; var bgra1 = bgra; return bgra1; default: var this3 = 0; var rgba2 = this3; rgba2 = (color >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (color >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (color & 255 & 255) << 8 | color >>> 24 & 255 & 255; var rgba3 = rgba2; return rgba3; } } break; default: return 0; } } ,getPixels: function(rect,format) { if(this.buffer == null) { return null; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.getPixels(this,rect,format); case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.getPixels(this,rect,format); case 2: return null; default: return null; } } ,merge: function(sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier) { if(this.buffer == null || sourceImage == null) { return; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.merge(this,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(sourceImage); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.merge(this,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier); break; case 2: sourceRect.offset(this.offsetX,this.offsetY); this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.merge(sourceImage.buffer.__srcBitmapData,sourceRect.__toFlashRectangle(),destPoint.__toFlashPoint(),redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier); break; default: return; } } ,resize: function(newWidth,newHeight) { var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.resize(this,newWidth,newHeight); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.resize(this,newWidth,newHeight); break; case 2: break; default: } this.buffer.width = newWidth; this.buffer.height = newHeight; this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = 0; this.width = newWidth; this.height = newHeight; } ,scroll: function(x,y) { if(this.buffer == null) { return; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.scroll(this,x,y); break; case 1: this.copyPixels(this,this.get_rect(),new lime_math_Vector2(x,y)); break; case 2: this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.scroll(x + this.offsetX,y + this.offsetX); break; default: } } ,setPixel: function(x,y,color,format) { if(this.buffer == null || x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= this.width || y >= this.height) { return; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.setPixel(this,x,y,color,format); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixel(this,x,y,color,format); break; case 2: var argb; if(format == null) { var rgba = color; var this1 = 0; var argb1 = this1; argb1 = (rgba & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb1; } else { switch(format) { case 1: argb = color; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var argb2 = this2; argb2 = (bgra & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255; argb = argb2; break; default: var rgba1 = color; var this3 = 0; var argb3 = this3; argb3 = (rgba1 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb3; } } this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.setPixel(x + this.offsetX,y + this.offsetX,argb); break; default: } } ,setPixel32: function(x,y,color,format) { if(this.buffer == null || x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= this.width || y >= this.height) { return; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.setPixel32(this,x,y,color,format); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixel32(this,x,y,color,format); break; case 2: var argb; if(format == null) { var rgba = color; var this1 = 0; var argb1 = this1; argb1 = (rgba & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb1; } else { switch(format) { case 1: argb = color; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var argb2 = this2; argb2 = (bgra & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255; argb = argb2; break; default: var rgba1 = color; var this3 = 0; var argb3 = this3; argb3 = (rgba1 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255; argb = argb3; } } this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.setPixel32(x + this.offsetX,y + this.offsetY,argb); break; default: } } ,setPixels: function(rect,bytePointer,format,endian) { rect = this.__clipRect(rect); if(this.buffer == null || rect == null) { return; } if(endian == null) { endian = lime_system_Endian.BIG_ENDIAN; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.setPixels(this,rect,bytePointer,format,endian); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setPixels(this,rect,bytePointer,format,endian); break; case 2: break; default: } } ,threshold: function(sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,operation,threshold,color,mask,copySource,format) { if(copySource == null) { copySource = false; } if(mask == null) { mask = -1; } if(color == null) { color = 0; } if(this.buffer == null || sourceImage == null || sourceRect == null) { return 0; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0:case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(sourceImage); return lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.threshold(this,sourceImage,sourceRect,destPoint,operation,threshold,color,mask,copySource,format); case 2: var _color; if(format == null) { var rgba = color; var this1 = 0; var argb = this1; argb = (rgba & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba >>> 8 & 255 & 255; _color = argb; } else { switch(format) { case 1: _color = color; break; case 2: var bgra = color; var this2 = 0; var argb1 = this2; argb1 = (bgra & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255; _color = argb1; break; default: var rgba1 = color; var this3 = 0; var argb2 = this3; argb2 = (rgba1 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255; _color = argb2; } } var _mask; if(format == null) { var rgba2 = mask; var this4 = 0; var argb3 = this4; argb3 = (rgba2 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba2 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba2 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba2 >>> 8 & 255 & 255; _mask = argb3; } else { switch(format) { case 1: _mask = mask; break; case 2: var bgra1 = mask; var this5 = 0; var argb4 = this5; argb4 = (bgra1 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255; _mask = argb4; break; default: var rgba3 = mask; var this6 = 0; var argb5 = this6; argb5 = (rgba3 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba3 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba3 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba3 >>> 8 & 255 & 255; _mask = argb5; } } sourceRect.offset(sourceImage.offsetX,sourceImage.offsetY); destPoint.offset(this.offsetX,this.offsetY); return this.buffer.__srcBitmapData.threshold(sourceImage.buffer.get_src(),sourceRect.__toFlashRectangle(),destPoint.__toFlashPoint(),operation,threshold,_color,_mask,copySource); default: } return 0; } ,__clipRect: function(r) { if(r == null) { return null; } if(r.x < 0) { r.width -= -r.x; r.x = 0; if(r.x + r.width <= 0) { return null; } } if(r.y < 0) { r.height -= -r.y; r.y = 0; if(r.y + r.height <= 0) { return null; } } if(r.x + r.width >= this.width) { r.width -= r.x + r.width - this.width; if(r.width <= 0) { return null; } } if(r.y + r.height >= this.height) { r.height -= r.y + r.height - this.height; if(r.height <= 0) { return null; } } return r; } ,__fromBase64: function(base64,type,onload) { var _gthis = this; var image = new Image(); var image_onLoaded = function(event) { _gthis.buffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(null,image.width,image.height); _gthis.buffer.__srcImage = image; _gthis.offsetX = 0; _gthis.offsetY = 0; _gthis.width = _gthis.buffer.width; _gthis.height = _gthis.buffer.height; if(onload != null) { onload(_gthis); } }; image.addEventListener("load",image_onLoaded,false); image.src = "data:" + type + ";base64," + base64; } ,__fromBytes: function(bytes,onload) { var type = ""; if(lime_graphics_Image.__isPNG(bytes)) { type = "image/png"; } else if(lime_graphics_Image.__isJPG(bytes)) { type = "image/jpeg"; } else if(lime_graphics_Image.__isGIF(bytes)) { type = "image/gif"; } else { return false; } this.__fromBase64(lime_graphics_Image.__base64Encode(bytes),type,onload); return true; } ,__fromFile: function(path,onload,onerror) { var _gthis = this; var image = new Image(); if(!lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.__isSameOrigin(path)) { image.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; } image.onload = function(_) { _gthis.buffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(null,image.width,image.height); _gthis.buffer.__srcImage = image; _gthis.width = image.width; _gthis.height = image.height; if(onload != null) { onload(_gthis); } }; image.onerror = function(_1) { if(onerror != null) { onerror(); } }; image.src = path; var image1 = image.complete; return true; } ,__fromImageBuffer: function(buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; if(buffer != null) { if(this.width == -1) { this.width = buffer.width; } if(this.height == -1) { this.height = buffer.height; } } } ,get_data: function() { if(this.buffer.data == null && this.buffer.width > 0 && this.buffer.height > 0) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); } return this.buffer.data; } ,set_data: function(value) { return this.buffer.data = value; } ,get_format: function() { return this.buffer.format; } ,set_format: function(value) { if(this.buffer.format != value) { var _g = this.type; if(_g[1] == 1) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.setFormat(this,value); } } return this.buffer.format = value; } ,get_powerOfTwo: function() { if(this.buffer.width != 0 && (this.buffer.width & ~this.buffer.width + 1) == this.buffer.width) { if(this.buffer.height != 0) { return (this.buffer.height & ~this.buffer.height + 1) == this.buffer.height; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } ,set_powerOfTwo: function(value) { if(value != this.get_powerOfTwo()) { var newWidth = 1; var newHeight = 1; while(newWidth < this.buffer.width) newWidth <<= 1; while(newHeight < this.buffer.height) newHeight <<= 1; if(newWidth == this.buffer.width && newHeight == this.buffer.height) { return value; } var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.resizeBuffer(this,newWidth,newHeight); break; case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.resizeBuffer(this,newWidth,newHeight); break; case 2: break; default: } } return value; } ,get_premultiplied: function() { return this.buffer.premultiplied; } ,set_premultiplied: function(value) { if(value && !this.buffer.premultiplied) { var _g = this.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0:case 1: lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.multiplyAlpha(this); break; default: } } else if(!value && this.buffer.premultiplied) { var _g1 = this.type; if(_g1[1] == 1) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(this); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.unmultiplyAlpha(this); } } return value; } ,get_rect: function() { return new lime_math_Rectangle(0,0,this.width,this.height); } ,get_src: function() { if(this.buffer.__srcCanvas == null && (this.buffer.data != null || this.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA)) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this); } return this.buffer.get_src(); } ,set_src: function(value) { return this.buffer.set_src(value); } ,get_transparent: function() { if(this.buffer == null) { return false; } return this.buffer.transparent; } ,set_transparent: function(value) { if(this.buffer == null) { return false; } return this.buffer.transparent = value; } ,__class__: lime_graphics_Image ,__properties__: {set_transparent:"set_transparent",get_transparent:"get_transparent",set_src:"set_src",get_src:"get_src",get_rect:"get_rect",set_premultiplied:"set_premultiplied",get_premultiplied:"get_premultiplied",set_powerOfTwo:"set_powerOfTwo",get_powerOfTwo:"get_powerOfTwo",set_format:"set_format",get_format:"get_format",set_data:"set_data",get_data:"get_data"} }; var lime_graphics_ImageBuffer = function(data,width,height,bitsPerPixel,format) { if(bitsPerPixel == null) { bitsPerPixel = 32; } if(height == null) { height = 0; } if(width == null) { width = 0; } this.data = data; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel; this.format = format == null ? 0 : format; this.premultiplied = false; this.transparent = true; }; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.ImageBuffer"] = lime_graphics_ImageBuffer; lime_graphics_ImageBuffer.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","ImageBuffer"]; lime_graphics_ImageBuffer.prototype = { bitsPerPixel: null ,data: null ,format: null ,height: null ,premultiplied: null ,transparent: null ,width: null ,__srcBitmapData: null ,__srcCanvas: null ,__srcContext: null ,__srcCustom: null ,__srcImage: null ,__srcImageData: null ,clone: function() { var buffer = new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(this.data,this.width,this.height,this.bitsPerPixel); if(this.data != null) { var elements = this.data.byteLength; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } buffer.data = this1; var view = this.data; var this2; if(view != null) { this2 = new Uint8Array(view); } else { this2 = null; } var copy = this2; buffer.data.set(copy); } else if(this.__srcImageData != null) { buffer.__srcCanvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); buffer.__srcContext = buffer.__srcCanvas.getContext("2d"); buffer.__srcCanvas.width = this.__srcImageData.width; buffer.__srcCanvas.height = this.__srcImageData.height; buffer.__srcImageData = buffer.__srcContext.createImageData(this.__srcImageData.width,this.__srcImageData.height); var copy1 = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.__srcImageData.data); buffer.__srcImageData.data.set(copy1); } else if(this.__srcCanvas != null) { buffer.__srcCanvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); buffer.__srcContext = buffer.__srcCanvas.getContext("2d"); buffer.__srcCanvas.width = this.__srcCanvas.width; buffer.__srcCanvas.height = this.__srcCanvas.height; buffer.__srcContext.drawImage(this.__srcCanvas,0,0); } else { buffer.__srcImage = this.__srcImage; } buffer.bitsPerPixel = this.bitsPerPixel; buffer.format = this.format; buffer.premultiplied = this.premultiplied; buffer.transparent = this.transparent; return buffer; } ,get_src: function() { if(this.__srcImage != null) { return this.__srcImage; } return this.__srcCanvas; } ,set_src: function(value) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(value,Image)) { this.__srcImage = value; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(value,HTMLCanvasElement)) { this.__srcCanvas = value; this.__srcContext = this.__srcCanvas.getContext("2d"); } return value; } ,get_stride: function() { return this.width * 4; } ,__class__: lime_graphics_ImageBuffer ,__properties__: {get_stride:"get_stride",set_src:"set_src",get_src:"get_src"} }; var lime_graphics_ImageChannel = $hxClasses["lime.graphics.ImageChannel"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","graphics","ImageChannel"], __constructs__ : ["RED","GREEN","BLUE","ALPHA"] }; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.RED = ["RED",0]; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.RED.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.RED.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageChannel; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.GREEN = ["GREEN",1]; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.GREEN.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.GREEN.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageChannel; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.BLUE = ["BLUE",2]; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.BLUE.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.BLUE.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageChannel; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA = ["ALPHA",3]; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageChannel; var lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat = $hxClasses["lime.graphics.ImageFileFormat"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","graphics","ImageFileFormat"], __constructs__ : ["BMP","JPEG","PNG"] }; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.BMP = ["BMP",0]; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.BMP.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.BMP.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.JPEG = ["JPEG",1]; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.JPEG.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.JPEG.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.PNG = ["PNG",2]; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.PNG.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat.PNG.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageFileFormat; var lime_graphics_ImageType = $hxClasses["lime.graphics.ImageType"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","graphics","ImageType"], __constructs__ : ["CANVAS","DATA","FLASH","CUSTOM"] }; lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS = ["CANVAS",0]; lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageType.CANVAS.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageType; lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA = ["DATA",1]; lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageType; lime_graphics_ImageType.FLASH = ["FLASH",2]; lime_graphics_ImageType.FLASH.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageType.FLASH.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageType; lime_graphics_ImageType.CUSTOM = ["CUSTOM",3]; lime_graphics_ImageType.CUSTOM.toString = $estr; lime_graphics_ImageType.CUSTOM.__enum__ = lime_graphics_ImageType; var lime_graphics__$OpenGLES2RenderContext_OpenGLES2RenderContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics._OpenGLES2RenderContext.OpenGLES2RenderContext_Impl_"] = lime_graphics__$OpenGLES2RenderContext_OpenGLES2RenderContext_$Impl_$; lime_graphics__$OpenGLES2RenderContext_OpenGLES2RenderContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","_OpenGLES2RenderContext","OpenGLES2RenderContext_Impl_"]; 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}; lime_graphics__$OpenGLES3RenderContext_OpenGLES3RenderContext_$Impl_$.fromGL = function(gl) { return null; }; lime_graphics__$OpenGLES3RenderContext_OpenGLES3RenderContext_$Impl_$.fromOpenGLES2RenderContext = function(context) { return null; }; lime_graphics__$OpenGLES3RenderContext_OpenGLES3RenderContext_$Impl_$.fromWebGLRenderContext = function(context) { return null; }; lime_graphics__$OpenGLES3RenderContext_OpenGLES3RenderContext_$Impl_$.fromWebGL2RenderContext = function(context) { return null; }; var lime_graphics__$OpenGLRenderContext_OpenGLRenderContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics._OpenGLRenderContext.OpenGLRenderContext_Impl_"] = lime_graphics__$OpenGLRenderContext_OpenGLRenderContext_$Impl_$; lime_graphics__$OpenGLRenderContext_OpenGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","_OpenGLRenderContext","OpenGLRenderContext_Impl_"]; lime_graphics__$OpenGLRenderContext_OpenGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromRenderContext = function(context) { return null; }; var lime_graphics_RenderContext = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.RenderContext"] = lime_graphics_RenderContext; lime_graphics_RenderContext.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","RenderContext"]; lime_graphics_RenderContext.prototype = { attributes: null ,cairo: null ,canvas2D: null ,dom: null ,flash: null ,gl: null ,gles2: null ,gles3: null ,type: null ,version: null ,webgl: null ,webgl2: null ,window: null ,__class__: lime_graphics_RenderContext }; var lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics._WebGL2RenderContext.WebGL2RenderContext_Impl_"] = lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","_WebGL2RenderContext","WebGL2RenderContext_Impl_"]; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.bufferData = function(this1,target,srcData,usage,srcOffset,length) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.bufferData(target,srcData,usage,srcOffset,length); } else { this1.bufferData(target,srcData,usage); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.bufferSubData = function(this1,target,dstByteOffset,srcData,srcOffset,length) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.bufferSubData(target,dstByteOffset,srcData,srcOffset,length); } else { this1.bufferSubData(target,dstByteOffset,srcData); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexImage2D = function(this1,target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.compressedTexImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride); } else { this1.compressedTexImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,srcData); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexSubImage2D = function(this1,target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.compressedTexSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride); } else { this1.compressedTexSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,srcData); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.getBufferSubData = function(this1,target,srcByteOffset,dstData,srcOffset,length) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.getBufferSubData(target,srcByteOffset,dstData,srcOffset,length); } else { this1.getBufferSubData(target,srcByteOffset,dstData); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.readPixels = function(this1,x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels,dstOffset) { if(dstOffset != null) { this1.readPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels,dstOffset); } else { this1.readPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D = function(this1,target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,format,type,srcData,srcOffset) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.texImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,format,type,srcData,srcOffset); } else if(format != null) { this1.texImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,format,type,srcData); } else { this1.texImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.texSubImage2D = function(this1,target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,type,srcData,srcOffset) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.texSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,type,srcData,srcOffset); } else if(type != null) { this1.texSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,type,srcData); } else { this1.texSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform1fv = function(this1,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform1fv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform1fv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform1iv = function(this1,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform1iv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform1iv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform2fv = function(this1,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform2fv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform2fv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform2iv = function(this1,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform2iv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform2iv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform3fv = function(this1,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform3fv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform3fv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform3iv = function(this1,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform3iv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform3iv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform4fv = function(this1,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform4fv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform4fv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform4iv = function(this1,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform4iv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform4iv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix2fv = function(this1,location,transpose,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniformMatrix2fv(location,transpose,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniformMatrix2fv(location,transpose,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix3fv = function(this1,location,transpose,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniformMatrix3fv(location,transpose,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniformMatrix3fv(location,transpose,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix4fv = function(this1,location,transpose,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniformMatrix4fv(location,transpose,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniformMatrix4fv(location,transpose,data); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.fromGL = function(gl) { return null; }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.fromRenderContext = function(context) { return context.webgl2; }; lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.toWebGLRenderContext = function(gl) { return gl; }; var lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics._WebGLRenderContext.WebGLRenderContext_Impl_"] = lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","_WebGLRenderContext","WebGLRenderContext_Impl_"]; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.bufferData = function(this1,target,srcData,usage) { this1.bufferData(target,srcData,usage); }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.bufferSubData = function(this1,target,offset,srcData) { this1.bufferSubData(target,offset,srcData); }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexImage2D = function(this1,target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,srcData) { this1.compressedTexImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,srcData); }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexSubImage2D = function(this1,target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,srcData) { this1.compressedTexSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,srcData); }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.readPixels = function(this1,x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels) { this1.readPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels); }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D = function(this1,target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,format,type,srcData) { if(format != null) { this1.texImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,format,type,srcData); } else { this1.texImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texSubImage2D = function(this1,target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,type,srcData) { if(type != null) { this1.texSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,type,srcData); } else { this1.texSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format); } }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix2fv = function(this1,location,transpose,v) { this1.uniformMatrix2fv(location,transpose,v); }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix3fv = function(this1,location,transpose,v) { this1.uniformMatrix3fv(location,transpose,v); }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix4fv = function(this1,location,transpose,v) { this1.uniformMatrix4fv(location,transpose,v); }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromWebGL2RenderContext = function(gl) { return gl; }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromRenderContext = function(context) { return context.webgl; }; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.fromGL = function(gl) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; }; var lime_graphics_cairo_Cairo = function(surface) { var tmp = surface != null; }; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.cairo.Cairo"] = lime_graphics_cairo_Cairo; lime_graphics_cairo_Cairo.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","cairo","Cairo"]; lime_graphics_cairo_Cairo.__properties__ = {get_versionString:"get_versionString",get_version:"get_version"}; lime_graphics_cairo_Cairo.version = null; lime_graphics_cairo_Cairo.versionString = null; lime_graphics_cairo_Cairo.get_version = function() { return 0; 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return this1; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontFace_CairoFontFace_$Impl_$.status = function(this1) { return 0; }; var lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.cairo._CairoFontOptions.CairoFontOptions_Impl_"] = lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","cairo","_CairoFontOptions","CairoFontOptions_Impl_"]; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_subpixelOrder:"set_subpixelOrder",get_subpixelOrder:"get_subpixelOrder",set_hintStyle:"set_hintStyle",get_hintStyle:"get_hintStyle",set_hintMetrics:"set_hintMetrics",get_hintMetrics:"get_hintMetrics",set_antialias:"set_antialias",get_antialias:"get_antialias"}; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$._new = function() { var this1 = null; return this1; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.get_antialias = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.set_antialias = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.get_hintMetrics = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.set_hintMetrics = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.get_hintStyle = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.set_hintStyle = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.get_subpixelOrder = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoFontOptions_CairoFontOptions_$Impl_$.set_subpixelOrder = function(this1,value) { return value; }; var lime_graphics_cairo_CairoGlyph = function(index,x,y) { if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } this.index = index; this.x = x; this.y = y; }; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.cairo.CairoGlyph"] = lime_graphics_cairo_CairoGlyph; lime_graphics_cairo_CairoGlyph.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","cairo","CairoGlyph"]; lime_graphics_cairo_CairoGlyph.prototype = { index: null ,x: null ,y: null ,__class__: lime_graphics_cairo_CairoGlyph }; var lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.cairo._CairoImageSurface.CairoImageSurface_Impl_"] = lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","cairo","_CairoImageSurface","CairoImageSurface_Impl_"]; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_width:"get_width",get_stride:"get_stride",get_height:"get_height",get_format:"get_format",get_data:"get_data"}; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$._new = function(format,width,height) { var this1 = 0; return this1; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.create = function(data,format,width,height,stride) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.fromImage = function(image) { return null; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.get_data = function(this1) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromInt(0); }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.get_format = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.get_height = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.get_stride = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoImageSurface_CairoImageSurface_$Impl_$.get_width = function(this1) { return 0; }; var lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.cairo._CairoPattern.CairoPattern_Impl_"] = lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","cairo","_CairoPattern","CairoPattern_Impl_"]; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_matrix:"set_matrix",get_matrix:"get_matrix",set_filter:"set_filter",get_filter:"get_filter",set_extend:"set_extend",get_extend:"get_extend",get_colorStopCount:"get_colorStopCount"}; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.addColorStopRGB = function(this1,offset,r,g,b) { }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.addColorStopRGBA = function(this1,offset,r,g,b,a) { }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.createForSurface = function(surface) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.createLinear = function(x0,y0,x1,y1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.createRadial = function(cx0,cy0,radius0,cx1,cy1,radius1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.createRGB = function(r,g,b) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.createRGBA = function(r,g,b,a) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.get_colorStopCount = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.get_extend = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.set_extend = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.get_filter = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.set_filter = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.get_matrix = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.set_matrix = function(this1,value) { return value; }; var lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoSurface_CairoSurface_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.cairo._CairoSurface.CairoSurface_Impl_"] = lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoSurface_CairoSurface_$Impl_$; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoSurface_CairoSurface_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","cairo","_CairoSurface","CairoSurface_Impl_"]; lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoSurface_CairoSurface_$Impl_$.flush = function(this1) { }; var lime_graphics_opengl_GL = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.opengl.GL"] = lime_graphics_opengl_GL; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","opengl","GL"]; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context = null; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.type = null; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.version = null; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.activeTexture = function(texture) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.activeTexture(texture); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.attachShader = function(program,shader) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.attachShader(program,shader); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.beginQuery = function(target,query) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.beginQuery(target,query); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.beginTransformFeedback = function(primitiveNode) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.beginTransformFeedback(primitiveNode); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindAttribLocation = function(program,index,name) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindAttribLocation(program,index,name); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindBuffer = function(target,buffer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindBuffer(target,buffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindBufferBase = function(target,index,buffer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindBufferBase(target,index,buffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindBufferRange = function(target,index,buffer,offset,size) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindBufferRange(target,index,buffer,offset,lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromInt(size)); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindFramebuffer = function(target,framebuffer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindFramebuffer(target,framebuffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindRenderbuffer = function(target,renderbuffer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindRenderbuffer(target,renderbuffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindSampler = function(unit,sampler) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindSampler(unit,sampler); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindTexture = function(target,texture) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindTexture(target,texture); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindTransformFeedback = function(target,transformFeedback) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindTransformFeedback(target,transformFeedback); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bindVertexArray = function(vertexArray) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.bindVertexArray(vertexArray); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.blitFramebuffer = function(srcX0,srcY0,srcX1,srcY1,dstX0,dstY0,dstX1,dstY1,mask,filter) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.blitFramebuffer(srcX0,srcY0,srcX1,srcY1,dstX0,dstY0,dstX1,dstY1,mask,filter); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.blendColor = function(red,green,blue,alpha) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.blendColor(red,green,blue,alpha); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.blendEquation = function(mode) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.blendEquation(mode); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.blendEquationSeparate = function(modeRGB,modeAlpha) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB,modeAlpha); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.blendFunc = function(sfactor,dfactor) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.blendFunc(sfactor,dfactor); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.blendFuncSeparate = function(srcRGB,dstRGB,srcAlpha,dstAlpha) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.blendFuncSeparate(srcRGB,dstRGB,srcAlpha,dstAlpha); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bufferDataWEBGL = function(target,srcData,usage,srcOffset,length) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.bufferData(target,srcData,usage,srcOffset,length); } else { this1.bufferData(target,srcData,usage); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.bufferSubDataWEBGL = function(target,dstByteOffset,srcData,srcOffset,length) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.bufferSubData(target,dstByteOffset,srcData,srcOffset,length); } else { this1.bufferSubData(target,dstByteOffset,srcData); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.checkFramebufferStatus = function(target) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.checkFramebufferStatus(target); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clear = function(mask) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clear(mask); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clearBufferfi = function(buffer,drawbuffer,depth,stencil) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clearBufferfi(buffer,drawbuffer,depth,stencil); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clearBufferfvWEBGL = function(buffer,drawbuffer,values,srcOffset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clearBufferfv(buffer,drawbuffer,values,srcOffset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clearBufferivWEBGL = function(buffer,drawbuffer,values,srcOffset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clearBufferiv(buffer,drawbuffer,values,srcOffset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clearBufferuivWEBGL = function(buffer,drawbuffer,values,srcOffset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clearBufferuiv(buffer,drawbuffer,values,srcOffset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clearColor = function(red,green,blue,alpha) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clearColor(red,green,blue,alpha); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clearDepth = function(depth) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clearDepth(depth); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clearStencil = function(s) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clearStencil(s); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.clientWaitSync = function(sync,flags,timeout) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.clientWaitSync(sync,flags,timeout); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.colorMask = function(red,green,blue,alpha) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.colorMask(red,green,blue,alpha); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.compileShader = function(shader) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.compileShader(shader); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.compressedTexImage2DWEBGL = function(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.compressedTexImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride); } else { this1.compressedTexImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,srcData); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.compressedTexImage3DWEBGL = function(target,level,internalformat,width,height,depth,border,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.compressedTexImage3D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,depth,border,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.compressedTexSubImage2DWEBGL = function(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.compressedTexSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride); } else { this1.compressedTexSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,srcData); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.compressedTexSubImage3DWEBGL = function(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,zoffset,width,height,depth,format,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.compressedTexSubImage3D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,zoffset,width,height,depth,format,srcData,srcOffset,srcLengthOverride); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.copyTexImage2D = function(target,level,internalformat,x,y,width,height,border) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.copyTexImage2D(target,level,internalformat,x,y,width,height,border); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.copyTexSubImage2D = function(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,x,y,width,height) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.copyTexSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,x,y,width,height); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.copyTexSubImage3D = function(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,zoffset,x,y,width,height) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.copyTexSubImage3D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,zoffset,x,y,width,height); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createBuffer = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createBuffer(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createFramebuffer = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createFramebuffer(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createProgram = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createProgram(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createQuery = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createQuery(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createRenderbuffer = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createRenderbuffer(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createSampler = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createSampler(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createShader = function(type) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createShader(type); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createTexture = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createTexture(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createTransformFeedback = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createTransformFeedback(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.createVertexArray = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.createVertexArray(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.cullFace = function(mode) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.cullFace(mode); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteBuffer = function(buffer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteBuffer(buffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteFramebuffer = function(framebuffer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteProgram = function(program) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteProgram(program); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteQuery = function(query) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteQuery(query); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteRenderbuffer = function(renderbuffer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteSampler = function(sampler) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteSampler(sampler); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteShader = function(shader) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteShader(shader); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteSync = function(sync) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteSync(sync); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteTexture = function(texture) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteTexture(texture); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteTransformFeedback = function(transformFeedback) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteTransformFeedback(transformFeedback); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.deleteVertexArray = function(vertexArray) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.deleteVertexArray(vertexArray); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.depthFunc = function(func) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.depthFunc(func); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.depthMask = function(flag) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.depthMask(flag); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.depthRange = function(zNear,zFar) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.depthRange(zNear,zFar); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.detachShader = function(program,shader) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.detachShader(program,shader); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.disable = function(cap) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.disable(cap); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.disableVertexAttribArray = function(index) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.disableVertexAttribArray(index); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.drawArrays = function(mode,first,count) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.drawArrays(mode,first,count); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.drawArraysInstanced = function(mode,first,count,instanceCount) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.drawArraysInstanced(mode,first,count,instanceCount); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.drawBuffers = function(buffers) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.drawBuffers(buffers); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.drawElements = function(mode,count,type,offset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.drawElements(mode,count,type,offset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.drawElementsInstanced = function(mode,count,type,offset,instanceCount) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.drawElementsInstanced(mode,count,type,offset,instanceCount); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.drawRangeElements = function(mode,start,end,count,type,offset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.drawRangeElements(mode,start,end,count,type,offset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.enable = function(cap) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.enable(cap); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.enableVertexAttribArray = function(index) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.enableVertexAttribArray(index); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.endQuery = function(target) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.endQuery(target); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.endTransformFeedback = function() { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.endTransformFeedback(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.fenceSync = function(condition,flags) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.fenceSync(condition,flags); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.finish = function() { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.finish(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.flush = function() { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.flush(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.framebufferRenderbuffer = function(target,attachment,renderbuffertarget,renderbuffer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.framebufferRenderbuffer(target,attachment,renderbuffertarget,renderbuffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.framebufferTexture2D = function(target,attachment,textarget,texture,level) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.framebufferTexture2D(target,attachment,textarget,texture,level); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.framebufferTextureLayer = function(target,attachment,texture,level,layer) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.framebufferTextureLayer(target,attachment,texture,level,layer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.frontFace = function(mode) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.frontFace(mode); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.generateMipmap = function(target) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.generateMipmap(target); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getActiveAttrib = function(program,index) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getActiveAttrib(program,index); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getActiveUniform = function(program,index) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getActiveUniform(program,index); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getActiveUniformBlockName = function(program,uniformBlockIndex) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getActiveUniformBlockName(program,uniformBlockIndex); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getActiveUniformBlockParameter = function(program,uniformBlockIndex,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getActiveUniformBlockParameter(program,uniformBlockIndex,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getActiveUniforms = function(program,uniformIndices,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getActiveUniforms(program,uniformIndices,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getAttachedShaders = function(program) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getAttachedShaders(program); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getAttribLocation = function(program,name) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getAttribLocation(program,name); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getBufferParameter = function(target,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getBufferParameter(target,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getBufferSubDataWEBGL = function(target,srcByteOffset,dstData,srcOffset,length) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.getBufferSubData(target,srcByteOffset,dstData,srcOffset,length); } else { this1.getBufferSubData(target,srcByteOffset,dstData); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getContextAttributes = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getContextAttributes(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getError = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getError(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getExtension = function(name) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getExtension(name); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getFragDataLocation = function(program,name) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getFragDataLocation(program,name); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter = function(target,attachment,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(target,attachment,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getIndexedParameter = function(target,index) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getIndexedParameter(target,index); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getInternalformatParameter = function(target,internalformat,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getInternalformatParameter(target,internalformat,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getParameter = function(pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getParameter(pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getProgramInfoLog = function(program) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getProgramInfoLog(program); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getProgramParameter = function(program,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getProgramParameter(program,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getQuery = function(target,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getQuery(target,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getQueryParameter = function(query,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getQueryParameter(query,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getRenderbufferParameter = function(target,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getRenderbufferParameter(target,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getSamplerParameter = function(sampler,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getSamplerParameter(sampler,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getShaderInfoLog = function(shader) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getShaderInfoLog(shader); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getShaderParameter = function(shader,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getShaderParameter(shader,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getShaderPrecisionFormat = function(shadertype,precisiontype) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getShaderPrecisionFormat(shadertype,precisiontype); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getShaderSource = function(shader) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getShaderSource(shader); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getSupportedExtensions = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getSupportedExtensions(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getSyncParameter = function(sync,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getSyncParameter(sync,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getTexParameter = function(target,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getTexParameter(target,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getTransformFeedbackVarying = function(program,index) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getTransformFeedbackVarying(program,index); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getUniform = function(program,location) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getUniform(program,location); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getUniformBlockIndex = function(program,uniformBlockName) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getUniformBlockIndex(program,uniformBlockName); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getUniformIndices = function(program,uniformNames) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getUniformIndices(program,uniformNames); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getUniformLocation = function(program,name) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getUniformLocation(program,name); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getVertexAttrib = function(index,pname) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getVertexAttrib(index,pname); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.getVertexAttribOffset = function(index,pname) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromInt(lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getVertexAttribOffset(index,pname)); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.hint = function(target,mode) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.hint(target,mode); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.invalidateFramebuffer = function(target,attachments) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.invalidateFramebuffer(target,attachments); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.invalidateSubFramebuffer = function(target,attachments,x,y,width,height) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.invalidateSubFramebuffer(target,attachments,x,y,width,height); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isBuffer = function(buffer) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isBuffer(buffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isContextLost = function() { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isContextLost(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isEnabled = function(cap) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isEnabled(cap); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isFramebuffer = function(framebuffer) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isFramebuffer(framebuffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isProgram = function(program) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isProgram(program); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isQuery = function(query) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isQuery(query); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isRenderbuffer = function(renderbuffer) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isSampler = function(sampler) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isSampler(sampler); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isShader = function(shader) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isShader(shader); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isSync = function(sync) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isSync(sync); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isTexture = function(texture) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isTexture(texture); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isTransformFeedback = function(transformFeedback) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isTransformFeedback(transformFeedback); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.isVertexArray = function(vertexArray) { return lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.isVertexArray(vertexArray); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.lineWidth = function(width) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.lineWidth(width); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.linkProgram = function(program) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.linkProgram(program); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.pauseTransformFeedback = function() { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.pauseTransformFeedback(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.pixelStorei = function(pname,param) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.pixelStorei(pname,param); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.polygonOffset = function(factor,units) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.polygonOffset(factor,units); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.readBuffer = function(src) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.readBuffer(src); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.readPixelsWEBGL = function(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels,dstOffset) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(dstOffset != null) { this1.readPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels,dstOffset); } else { this1.readPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.renderbufferStorage = function(target,internalformat,width,height) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.renderbufferStorage(target,internalformat,width,height); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.renderbufferStorageMultisample = function(target,samples,internalformat,width,height) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.renderbufferStorageMultisample(target,samples,internalformat,width,height); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.resumeTransformFeedback = function() { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.resumeTransformFeedback(); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.sampleCoverage = function(value,invert) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.sampleCoverage(value,invert); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.samplerParameterf = function(sampler,pname,param) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.samplerParameterf(sampler,pname,param); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.samplerParameteri = function(sampler,pname,param) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.samplerParameteri(sampler,pname,param); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.scissor = function(x,y,width,height) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.scissor(x,y,width,height); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.shaderSource = function(shader,source) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.shaderSource(shader,source); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.stencilFunc = function(func,ref,mask) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.stencilFunc(func,ref,mask); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.stencilFuncSeparate = function(face,func,ref,mask) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.stencilFuncSeparate(face,func,ref,mask); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.stencilMask = function(mask) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.stencilMask(mask); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.stencilMaskSeparate = function(face,mask) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.stencilMaskSeparate(face,mask); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.stencilOp = function(fail,zfail,zpass) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.stencilOp(fail,zfail,zpass); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.stencilOpSeparate = function(face,fail,zfail,zpass) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.stencilOpSeparate(face,fail,zfail,zpass); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.texImage2DWEBGL = function(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,format,type,srcData,srcOffset) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.texImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,format,type,srcData,srcOffset); } else if(format != null) { this1.texImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border,format,type,srcData); } else { this1.texImage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,border); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.texImage3DWEBGL = function(target,level,internalformat,width,height,depth,border,format,type,srcData,srcOffset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.texImage3D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,depth,border,format,type,srcData,srcOffset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.texStorage2D = function(target,level,internalformat,width,height) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.texStorage2D(target,level,internalformat,width,height); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.texStorage3D = function(target,level,internalformat,width,height,depth) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.texStorage3D(target,level,internalformat,width,height,depth); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.texParameterf = function(target,pname,param) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.texParameterf(target,pname,param); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.texParameteri = function(target,pname,param) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.texParameteri(target,pname,param); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.texSubImage2DWEBGL = function(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,type,srcData,srcOffset) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.texSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,type,srcData,srcOffset); } else if(type != null) { this1.texSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format,type,srcData); } else { this1.texSubImage2D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,width,height,format); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.texSubImage3DWEBGL = function(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,zoffset,width,height,depth,format,type,source,srcOffset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.texSubImage3D(target,level,xoffset,yoffset,zoffset,width,height,depth,format,type,source,srcOffset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.transformFeedbackVaryings = function(program,varyings,bufferMode) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.transformFeedbackVaryings(program,varyings,bufferMode); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform1f = function(location,v0) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform1f(location,v0); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform1fvWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform1fv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform1fv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform1i = function(location,v0) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform1i(location,v0); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform1ivWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform1iv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform1iv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform1ui = function(location,v0) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform1ui(location,v0); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform1uivWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform1uiv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform2f = function(location,v0,v1) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform2f(location,v0,v1); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform2fvWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform2fv(lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context,location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform2i = function(location,x,y) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform2i(location,x,y); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform2ivWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform2iv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform2iv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform2ui = function(location,x,y) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform2ui(location,x,y); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform2uivWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform2uiv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform3f = function(location,v0,v1,v2) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform3f(location,v0,v1,v2); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform3fvWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform3fv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform3fv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform3i = function(location,v0,v1,v2) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform3i(location,v0,v1,v2); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform3ivWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform3iv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform3iv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform3ui = function(location,v0,v1,v2) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform3ui(location,v0,v1,v2); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform3uivWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform3uiv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform4f = function(location,v0,v1,v2,v3) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform4f(location,v0,v1,v2,v3); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform4fvWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform4fv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform4fv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform4i = function(location,v0,v1,v2,v3) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform4i(location,v0,v1,v2,v3); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform4ivWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniform4iv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniform4iv(location,data); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform4ui = function(location,v0,v1,v2,v3) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform4ui(location,v0,v1,v2,v3); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniform4uivWEBGL = function(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniform4uiv(location,data,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformBlockBinding = function(program,uniformBlockIndex,uniformBlockBinding) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniformBlockBinding(program,uniformBlockIndex,uniformBlockBinding); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix2fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniformMatrix2fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniformMatrix2fv(location,transpose,v); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix2x3fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniformMatrix2x3fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix2x4fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniformMatrix2x4fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix3fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniformMatrix3fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniformMatrix3fv(location,transpose,v); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix3x2fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniformMatrix3x2fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix3x4fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniformMatrix3x4fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix4fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { var this1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context; if(srcOffset != null) { this1.uniformMatrix4fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); } else { this1.uniformMatrix4fv(location,transpose,v); } }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix4x2fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniformMatrix4x2fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.uniformMatrix4x3fvWEBGL = function(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.uniformMatrix4x3fv(location,transpose,v,srcOffset,srcLength); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.useProgram = function(program) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.useProgram(program); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.validateProgram = function(program) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.validateProgram(program); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib1f = function(index,v0) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib1f(index,v0); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib1fv = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib1fv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib1fvWEBGL = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib1fv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib2f = function(index,v0,v1) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib2f(index,v0,v1); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib2fv = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib2fv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib2fvWEBGL = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib2fv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib3f = function(index,v0,v1,v2) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib3f(index,v0,v1,v2); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib3fv = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib3fv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib3fvWEBGL = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib3fv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib4f = function(index,v0,v1,v2,v3) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib4f(index,v0,v1,v2,v3); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib4fv = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib4fv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttrib4fvWEBGL = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttrib4fv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribDivisor = function(index,divisor) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribDivisor(index,divisor); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribI4i = function(index,v0,v1,v2,v3) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribI4i(index,v0,v1,v2,v3); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribI4iv = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribI4iv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribI4ivWEBGL = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribI4iv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribI4ui = function(index,v0,v1,v2,v3) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribI4ui(index,v0,v1,v2,v3); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribI4uiv = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribI4uiv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribI4uivWEBGL = function(index,v) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribI4uiv(index,v); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribIPointer = function(index,size,type,stride,offset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribIPointer(index,size,type,stride,offset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.vertexAttribPointer = function(index,size,type,normalized,stride,offset) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.vertexAttribPointer(index,size,type,normalized,stride,offset); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.viewport = function(x,y,width,height) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.viewport(x,y,width,height); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.waitSync = function(sync,flags,timeout) { lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.waitSync(sync,flags,timeout); }; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.__getObjectID = function(object) { if(object == null) { return 0; } else { return object.id; } }; var lime_graphics_opengl__$GLProgram_GLProgram_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.opengl._GLProgram.GLProgram_Impl_"] = lime_graphics_opengl__$GLProgram_GLProgram_$Impl_$; lime_graphics_opengl__$GLProgram_GLProgram_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","opengl","_GLProgram","GLProgram_Impl_"]; lime_graphics_opengl__$GLProgram_GLProgram_$Impl_$.fromSources = function(gl,vertexSource,fragmentSource) { var vertexShader = lime_graphics_opengl__$GLShader_GLShader_$Impl_$.fromSource(gl,vertexSource,gl.VERTEX_SHADER); var fragmentShader = lime_graphics_opengl__$GLShader_GLShader_$Impl_$.fromSource(gl,fragmentSource,gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); var program = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(program,vertexShader); gl.attachShader(program,fragmentShader); gl.linkProgram(program); if(gl.getProgramParameter(program,35714) == 0) { var message = "Unable to initialize the shader program"; message += "\n" + lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getProgramInfoLog(program); lime_utils_Log.error(message,{ fileName : "GLProgram.hx", lineNumber : 40, className : "lime.graphics.opengl._GLProgram.GLProgram_Impl_", methodName : "fromSources"}); } return program; }; var lime_graphics_opengl__$GLShader_GLShader_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.opengl._GLShader.GLShader_Impl_"] = lime_graphics_opengl__$GLShader_GLShader_$Impl_$; lime_graphics_opengl__$GLShader_GLShader_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","opengl","_GLShader","GLShader_Impl_"]; lime_graphics_opengl__$GLShader_GLShader_$Impl_$.fromSource = function(gl,source,type) { var shader = gl.createShader(type); gl.shaderSource(shader,source); gl.compileShader(shader); if(gl.getShaderParameter(shader,gl.COMPILE_STATUS) == 0) { var message; if(type == gl.VERTEX_SHADER) { message = "Error compiling vertex shader"; } else if(type == gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER) { message = "Error compiling fragment shader"; } else { message = "Error compiling unknown shader type"; } message += "\n" + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader); lime_utils_Log.error(message,{ fileName : "GLShader.hx", lineNumber : 41, className : "lime.graphics.opengl._GLShader.GLShader_Impl_", methodName : "fromSource"}); } return shader; }; var lime_graphics_opengl_ext_KHR_$debug = function() { this.STACK_UNDERFLOW = 1284; this.STACK_OVERFLOW = 1283; this.CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT = 2; this.DEBUG_OUTPUT = 37600; this.DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW = 37192; this.DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM = 37191; this.DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH = 37190; this.DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES = 37189; this.MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES = 37188; this.MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 37187; this.MAX_LABEL_LENGTH = 33512; this.SAMPLER = 33510; this.QUERY = 33507; this.PROGRAM = 33506; this.SHADER = 33505; this.BUFFER = 33504; this.DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH = 33389; this.MAX_DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH = 33388; this.DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION = 33387; this.DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP = 33386; this.DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP = 33385; this.DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER = 33384; this.DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER = 33361; this.DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE = 33360; this.DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY = 33359; this.DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR = 33358; this.DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR = 33357; this.DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR = 33356; this.DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER = 33355; this.DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION = 33354; this.DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY = 33353; this.DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER = 33352; this.DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM = 33351; this.DEBUG_SOURCE_API = 33350; this.DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM = 33349; this.DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION = 33348; this.DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 33347; this.DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS = 33346; }; $hxClasses["lime.graphics.opengl.ext.KHR_debug"] = lime_graphics_opengl_ext_KHR_$debug; lime_graphics_opengl_ext_KHR_$debug.__name__ = ["lime","graphics","opengl","ext","KHR_debug"]; lime_graphics_opengl_ext_KHR_$debug.prototype = { DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS: null ,DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH: null ,DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION: null ,DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM: null ,DEBUG_SOURCE_API: null ,DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM: null ,DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER: null ,DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY: null ,DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION: null ,DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP: null ,DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP: null ,DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION: null ,MAX_DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH: null ,DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH: null ,BUFFER: null ,SHADER: null ,PROGRAM: null ,QUERY: null ,SAMPLER: null ,MAX_LABEL_LENGTH: null ,MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH: null ,MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES: null ,DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES: null ,DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH: null ,DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM: null ,DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW: null ,DEBUG_OUTPUT: null ,CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT: null ,STACK_OVERFLOW: null ,STACK_UNDERFLOW: null ,__class__: lime_graphics_opengl_ext_KHR_$debug }; var lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.math._ARGB.ARGB_Impl_"] = lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","math","_ARGB","ARGB_Impl_"]; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_r:"set_r",get_r:"get_r",set_g:"set_g",get_g:"get_g",set_b:"set_b",get_b:"get_b",set_a:"set_a",get_a:"get_a"}; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 = null; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult = null; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$._new = function(argb) { if(argb == null) { argb = 0; } var this1 = argb; return this1; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.create = function(a,r,g,b) { var this1 = 0; var argb = this1; argb = (a & 255) << 24 | (r & 255) << 16 | (g & 255) << 8 | b & 255; return argb; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.multiplyAlpha = function(this1) { if((this1 >>> 24 & 255) == 0) { this1 = 0; } else if((this1 >>> 24 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[this1 >>> 24 & 255]; this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | ((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | (this1 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255; } }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.readUInt8 = function(this1,data,offset,format,premultiplied) { if(premultiplied == null) { premultiplied = false; } if(format == null) { format = 0; } switch(format) { case 0: this1 = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 1: this1 = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 1] & 255; break; case 2: this1 = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 2] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((this1 >>> 24 & 255) != 0 && (this1 >>> 24 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (this1 >>> 24 & 255); this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255; } } }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,a,r,g,b) { this1 = (a & 255) << 24 | (r & 255) << 16 | (g & 255) << 8 | b & 255; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmultiplyAlpha = function(this1) { if((this1 >>> 24 & 255) != 0 && (this1 >>> 24 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (this1 >>> 24 & 255); this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255; } }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.writeUInt8 = function(this1,data,offset,format,premultiplied) { if(premultiplied == null) { premultiplied = false; } if(format == null) { format = 0; } if(premultiplied) { if((this1 >>> 24 & 255) == 0) { this1 = 0; } else if((this1 >>> 24 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[this1 >>> 24 & 255]; this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | ((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | (this1 & 255) * lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255; } } switch(format) { case 0: data[offset] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; break; case 1: data[offset] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset] = this1 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; break; } }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.__fromBGRA = function(bgra) { var this1 = 0; var argb = this1; argb = (bgra & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255; return argb; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.__fromRGBA = function(rgba) { var this1 = 0; var argb = this1; argb = (rgba & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba >>> 8 & 255 & 255; return argb; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.get_a = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 24 & 255; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.set_a = function(this1,value) { this1 = (value & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.get_b = function(this1) { return this1 & 255; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.set_b = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.get_g = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 8 & 255; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.set_g = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.get_r = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 16 & 255; }; lime_math__$ARGB_ARGB_$Impl_$.set_r = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; var lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.math._BGRA.BGRA_Impl_"] = lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","math","_BGRA","BGRA_Impl_"]; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_r:"set_r",get_r:"get_r",set_g:"set_g",get_g:"get_g",set_b:"set_b",get_b:"get_b",set_a:"set_a",get_a:"get_a"}; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 = null; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult = null; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$._new = function(bgra) { if(bgra == null) { bgra = 0; } var this1 = bgra; return this1; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.create = function(b,g,r,a) { var this1 = 0; var bgra = this1; bgra = (b & 255) << 24 | (g & 255) << 16 | (r & 255) << 8 | a & 255; return bgra; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.multiplyAlpha = function(this1) { if((this1 & 255) == 0) { this1 = 0; } else if((this1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[this1 & 255]; this1 = ((this1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; } }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.readUInt8 = function(this1,data,offset,format,premultiplied) { if(premultiplied == null) { premultiplied = false; } if(format == null) { format = 0; } switch(format) { case 0: this1 = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: this1 = (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: this1 = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((this1 & 255) != 0 && (this1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (this1 & 255); this1 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; } } }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,b,g,r,a) { this1 = (b & 255) << 24 | (g & 255) << 16 | (r & 255) << 8 | a & 255; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmultiplyAlpha = function(this1) { if((this1 & 255) != 0 && (this1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (this1 & 255); this1 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.floor((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; } }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.writeUInt8 = function(this1,data,offset,format,premultiplied) { if(premultiplied == null) { premultiplied = false; } if(format == null) { format = 0; } if(premultiplied) { if((this1 & 255) == 0) { this1 = 0; } else if((this1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[this1 & 255]; this1 = ((this1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; } } switch(format) { case 0: data[offset] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 & 255; break; case 1: data[offset] = this1 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 & 255; break; } }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.__fromARGB = function(argb) { var this1 = 0; var bgra = this1; bgra = (argb & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb >>> 24 & 255 & 255; return bgra; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.__fromRGBA = function(rgba) { var this1 = 0; var bgra = this1; bgra = (rgba >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (rgba >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (rgba >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | rgba & 255 & 255; return bgra; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.get_a = function(this1) { return this1 & 255; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.set_a = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.get_b = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 24 & 255; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.set_b = function(this1,value) { this1 = (value & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.get_g = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 16 & 255; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.set_g = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.get_r = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 8 & 255; }; lime_math__$BGRA_BGRA_$Impl_$.set_r = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; var lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.math._ColorMatrix.ColorMatrix_Impl_"] = lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","math","_ColorMatrix","ColorMatrix_Impl_"]; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_redOffset:"set_redOffset",get_redOffset:"get_redOffset",set_redMultiplier:"set_redMultiplier",get_redMultiplier:"get_redMultiplier",set_greenOffset:"set_greenOffset",get_greenOffset:"get_greenOffset",set_greenMultiplier:"set_greenMultiplier",get_greenMultiplier:"get_greenMultiplier",set_color:"set_color",get_color:"get_color",set_blueOffset:"set_blueOffset",get_blueOffset:"get_blueOffset",set_blueMultiplier:"set_blueMultiplier",get_blueMultiplier:"get_blueMultiplier",set_alphaOffset:"set_alphaOffset",get_alphaOffset:"get_alphaOffset",set_alphaMultiplier:"set_alphaMultiplier",get_alphaMultiplier:"get_alphaMultiplier"}; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__alphaTable = null; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__blueTable = null; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__greenTable = null; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__redTable = null; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$._new = function(data) { var this1; if(data != null && data.length == 20) { this1 = data; } else { var array = lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__identity; var this2; if(array != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(array); } else { this2 = null; } this1 = this2; } return this1; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.clone = function(this1) { var this2; if(this1 != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(this1); } else { this2 = null; } return lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$._new(this2); }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.concat = function(this1,second) { var _g = this1; _g[0] += second[0]; var _g1 = this1; _g1[6] += second[6]; var _g2 = this1; _g2[12] += second[12]; var _g3 = this1; _g3[18] += second[18]; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.copyFrom = function(this1,other) { this1.set(other); }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.identity = function(this1) { this1[0] = 1; this1[1] = 0; this1[2] = 0; this1[3] = 0; this1[4] = 0; this1[5] = 0; this1[6] = 1; this1[7] = 0; this1[8] = 0; this1[9] = 0; this1[10] = 0; this1[11] = 0; this1[12] = 1; this1[13] = 0; this1[14] = 0; this1[15] = 0; this1[16] = 0; this1[17] = 0; this1[18] = 1; this1[19] = 0; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.getAlphaTable = function(this1) { if(lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__alphaTable == null) { var this2 = new Uint8Array(256); lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__alphaTable = this2; } var value; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__alphaTable[0] = 0; var _g = 1; while(_g < 256) { var i = _g++; value = Math.floor(i * this1[18] + this1[19] * 255); if(value > 255) { value = 255; } if(value < 0) { value = 0; } lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__alphaTable[i] = value; } return lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__alphaTable; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.getBlueTable = function(this1) { if(lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__blueTable == null) { var this2 = new Uint8Array(256); lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__blueTable = this2; } var value; var _g = 0; while(_g < 256) { var i = _g++; value = Math.floor(i * this1[12] + this1[14] * 255); if(value > 255) { value = 255; } if(value < 0) { value = 0; } lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__blueTable[i] = value; } return lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__blueTable; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.getGreenTable = function(this1) { if(lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__greenTable == null) { var this2 = new Uint8Array(256); lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__greenTable = this2; } var value; var _g = 0; while(_g < 256) { var i = _g++; value = Math.floor(i * this1[6] + this1[9] * 255); if(value > 255) { value = 255; } if(value < 0) { value = 0; } lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__greenTable[i] = value; } return lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__greenTable; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.getRedTable = function(this1) { if(lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__redTable == null) { var this2 = new Uint8Array(256); lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__redTable = this2; } var value; var _g = 0; while(_g < 256) { var i = _g++; value = Math.floor(i * this1[0] + this1[4] * 255); if(value > 255) { value = 255; } if(value < 0) { value = 0; } lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__redTable[i] = value; } return lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__redTable; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__toFlashColorTransform = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_alphaMultiplier = function(this1) { return this1[18]; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_alphaMultiplier = function(this1,value) { return this1[18] = value; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_alphaOffset = function(this1) { return this1[19] * 255; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_alphaOffset = function(this1,value) { return this1[19] = value / 255; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_blueMultiplier = function(this1) { return this1[12]; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_blueMultiplier = function(this1,value) { return this1[12] = value; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_blueOffset = function(this1) { return this1[14] * 255; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_blueOffset = function(this1,value) { return this1[14] = value / 255; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_color = function(this1) { return (this1[4] * 255 | 0) << 16 | (this1[9] * 255 | 0) << 8 | (this1[14] * 255 | 0); }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_color = function(this1,value) { this1[4] = (value >> 16 & 255) / 255; this1[9] = (value >> 8 & 255) / 255; this1[14] = (value & 255) / 255; this1[0] = 0; this1[6] = 0; this1[12] = 0; return lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_color(this1); }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_greenMultiplier = function(this1) { return this1[6]; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_greenMultiplier = function(this1,value) { return this1[6] = value; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_greenOffset = function(this1) { return this1[9] * 255; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_greenOffset = function(this1,value) { return this1[9] = value / 255; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_redMultiplier = function(this1) { return this1[0]; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_redMultiplier = function(this1,value) { return this1[0] = value; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get_redOffset = function(this1) { return this1[4] * 255; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set_redOffset = function(this1,value) { return this1[4] = value / 255; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.get = function(this1,index) { return this1[index]; }; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,index,value) { return this1[index] = value; }; var lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.math._Matrix4.Matrix4_Impl_"] = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","math","_Matrix4","Matrix4_Impl_"]; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_position:"set_position",get_position:"get_position",get_determinant:"get_determinant"}; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new = function(data) { var this1; if(data != null && data.length == 16) { this1 = data; } else { var array = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.__identity; var this2; if(array != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(array); } else { this2 = null; } this1 = this2; } return this1; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.append = function(this1,lhs) { var m111 = this1[0]; var m121 = this1[4]; var m131 = this1[8]; var m141 = this1[12]; var m112 = this1[1]; var m122 = this1[5]; var m132 = this1[9]; var m142 = this1[13]; var m113 = this1[2]; var m123 = this1[6]; var m133 = this1[10]; var m143 = this1[14]; var m114 = this1[3]; var m124 = this1[7]; var m134 = this1[11]; var m144 = this1[15]; var m211 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,0); var m221 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,4); var m231 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,8); var m241 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,12); var m212 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,1); var m222 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,5); var m232 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,9); var m242 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,13); var m213 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,2); var m223 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,6); var m233 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,10); var m243 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,14); var m214 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,3); var m224 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,7); var m234 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,11); var m244 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(lhs,15); this1[0] = m111 * m211 + m112 * m221 + m113 * m231 + m114 * m241; this1[1] = m111 * m212 + m112 * m222 + m113 * m232 + m114 * m242; this1[2] = m111 * m213 + m112 * m223 + m113 * m233 + m114 * m243; this1[3] = m111 * m214 + m112 * m224 + m113 * m234 + m114 * m244; this1[4] = m121 * m211 + m122 * m221 + m123 * m231 + m124 * m241; this1[5] = m121 * m212 + m122 * m222 + m123 * m232 + m124 * m242; this1[6] = m121 * m213 + m122 * m223 + m123 * m233 + m124 * m243; this1[7] = m121 * m214 + m122 * m224 + m123 * m234 + m124 * m244; this1[8] = m131 * m211 + m132 * m221 + m133 * m231 + m134 * m241; this1[9] = m131 * m212 + m132 * m222 + m133 * m232 + m134 * m242; this1[10] = m131 * m213 + m132 * m223 + m133 * m233 + m134 * m243; this1[11] = m131 * m214 + m132 * m224 + m133 * m234 + m134 * m244; this1[12] = m141 * m211 + m142 * m221 + m143 * m231 + m144 * m241; this1[13] = m141 * m212 + m142 * m222 + m143 * m232 + m144 * m242; this1[14] = m141 * m213 + m142 * m223 + m143 * m233 + m144 * m243; this1[15] = m141 * m214 + m142 * m224 + m143 * m234 + m144 * m244; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.appendRotation = function(this1,degrees,axis,pivotPoint) { var m = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.__getAxisRotation(this1,axis.x,axis.y,axis.z,degrees); if(pivotPoint != null) { var p = pivotPoint; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.appendTranslation(m,p.x,p.y,p.z); } lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.append(this1,m); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.appendScale = function(this1,xScale,yScale,zScale) { var array = [xScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,yScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,zScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]; var this2; if(array != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(array); } else { this2 = null; } lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.append(this1,lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(this2)); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.appendTranslation = function(this1,x,y,z) { this1[12] += x; this1[13] += y; this1[14] += z; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.clone = function(this1) { var this2; if(this1 != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(this1); } else { this2 = null; } return lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(this2); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.copyColumnFrom = function(this1,column,vector) { switch(column) { case 0: this1[0] = vector.x; this1[1] = vector.y; this1[2] = vector.z; this1[3] = vector.w; break; case 1: this1[4] = vector.x; this1[5] = vector.y; this1[6] = vector.z; this1[7] = vector.w; break; case 2: this1[8] = vector.x; this1[9] = vector.y; this1[10] = vector.z; this1[11] = vector.w; break; case 3: this1[12] = vector.x; this1[13] = vector.y; this1[14] = vector.z; this1[15] = vector.w; break; default: lime_utils_Log.error("Column " + column + " out of bounds [0, ..., 3]",{ fileName : "Matrix4.hx", lineNumber : 185, className : "lime.math._Matrix4.Matrix4_Impl_", methodName : "copyColumnFrom"}); } }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.copyColumnTo = function(this1,column,vector) { switch(column) { case 0: vector.x = this1[0]; vector.y = this1[1]; vector.z = this1[2]; vector.w = this1[3]; break; case 1: vector.x = this1[4]; vector.y = this1[5]; vector.z = this1[6]; vector.w = this1[7]; break; case 2: vector.x = this1[8]; vector.y = this1[9]; vector.z = this1[10]; vector.w = this1[11]; break; case 3: vector.x = this1[12]; vector.y = this1[13]; vector.z = this1[14]; vector.w = this1[15]; break; default: lime_utils_Log.error("Column " + column + " out of bounds [0, ..., 3]",{ fileName : "Matrix4.hx", lineNumber : 231, className : "lime.math._Matrix4.Matrix4_Impl_", methodName : "copyColumnTo"}); } }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.copyFrom = function(this1,other) { this1.set(other); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.copyRowFrom = function(this1,row,vector) { switch(row) { case 0: this1[0] = vector.x; this1[4] = vector.y; this1[8] = vector.z; this1[12] = vector.w; break; case 1: this1[1] = vector.x; this1[5] = vector.y; this1[9] = vector.z; this1[13] = vector.w; break; case 2: this1[2] = vector.x; this1[6] = vector.y; this1[10] = vector.z; this1[14] = vector.w; break; case 3: this1[3] = vector.x; this1[7] = vector.y; this1[11] = vector.z; this1[15] = vector.w; break; default: lime_utils_Log.error("Row " + row + " out of bounds [0, ..., 3]",{ fileName : "Matrix4.hx", lineNumber : 288, className : "lime.math._Matrix4.Matrix4_Impl_", methodName : "copyRowFrom"}); } }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.copyRowTo = function(this1,row,vector) { switch(row) { case 0: vector.x = this1[0]; vector.y = this1[4]; vector.z = this1[8]; vector.w = this1[12]; break; case 1: vector.x = this1[1]; vector.y = this1[5]; vector.z = this1[9]; vector.w = this1[13]; break; case 2: vector.x = this1[2]; vector.y = this1[6]; vector.z = this1[10]; vector.w = this1[14]; break; case 3: vector.x = this1[3]; vector.y = this1[7]; vector.z = this1[11]; vector.w = this1[15]; break; default: lime_utils_Log.error("Row " + row + " out of bounds [0, ..., 3]",{ fileName : "Matrix4.hx", lineNumber : 334, className : "lime.math._Matrix4.Matrix4_Impl_", methodName : "copyRowTo"}); } }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.create2D = function(this1,a,b,c,d,tx,ty) { if(ty == null) { ty = 0; } if(tx == null) { tx = 0; } this1[0] = a; this1[1] = b; this1[2] = 0; this1[3] = 0; this1[4] = c; this1[5] = d; this1[6] = 0; this1[7] = 0; this1[8] = 0; this1[9] = 0; this1[10] = 1; this1[11] = 0; this1[12] = tx; this1[13] = ty; this1[14] = 0; this1[15] = 1; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.createOrtho = function(this1,left,right,bottom,top,zNear,zFar) { var sx = 1.0 / (right - left); var sy = 1.0 / (top - bottom); var sz = 1.0 / (zFar - zNear); this1[0] = 2 * sx; this1[1] = 0; this1[2] = 0; this1[3] = 0; this1[4] = 0; this1[5] = 2 * sy; this1[6] = 0; this1[7] = 0; this1[8] = 0; this1[9] = 0; this1[10] = -2 * sz; this1[11] = 0; this1[12] = -(left + right) * sx; this1[13] = -(bottom + top) * sy; this1[14] = -(zNear + zFar) * sz; this1[15] = 1; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.deltaTransformVector = function(this1,v,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector4(); } var x = v.x; var y = v.y; var z = v.z; result.x = x * this1[0] + y * this1[4] + z * this1[8] + this1[3]; result.y = x * this1[1] + y * this1[5] + z * this1[9] + this1[7]; result.z = x * this1[2] + y * this1[6] + z * this1[10] + this1[11]; return result; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.fromMatrix3 = function(matrix3) { var mat = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.create2D(mat,matrix3.a,matrix3.b,matrix3.c,matrix3.d,matrix3.tx,matrix3.ty); return mat; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.identity = function(this1) { this1[0] = 1; this1[1] = 0; this1[2] = 0; this1[3] = 0; this1[4] = 0; this1[5] = 1; this1[6] = 0; this1[7] = 0; this1[8] = 0; this1[9] = 0; this1[10] = 1; this1[11] = 0; this1[12] = 0; this1[13] = 0; this1[14] = 0; this1[15] = 1; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.interpolate = function(thisMat,toMat,percent,result) { if(result == null) { result = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(); } var _g = 0; while(_g < 16) { var i = _g++; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(result,i,lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(thisMat,i) + (lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(toMat,i) - lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(thisMat,i)) * percent); } return result; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.interpolateTo = function(this1,toMat,percent) { var _g = 0; while(_g < 16) { var i = _g++; this1[i] += (lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(toMat,i) - this1[i]) * percent; } }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.invert = function(this1) { var d = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get_determinant(this1); var invertable = Math.abs(d) > 0.00000000001; if(invertable) { d = 1 / d; var m11 = this1[0]; var m21 = this1[4]; var m31 = this1[8]; var m41 = this1[12]; var m12 = this1[1]; var m22 = this1[5]; var m32 = this1[9]; var m42 = this1[13]; var m13 = this1[2]; var m23 = this1[6]; var m33 = this1[10]; var m43 = this1[14]; var m14 = this1[3]; var m24 = this1[7]; var m34 = this1[11]; var m44 = this1[15]; this1[0] = d * (m22 * (m33 * m44 - m43 * m34) - m32 * (m23 * m44 - m43 * m24) + m42 * (m23 * m34 - m33 * m24)); this1[1] = -d * (m12 * (m33 * m44 - m43 * m34) - m32 * (m13 * m44 - m43 * m14) + m42 * (m13 * m34 - m33 * m14)); this1[2] = d * (m12 * (m23 * m44 - m43 * m24) - m22 * (m13 * m44 - m43 * m14) + m42 * (m13 * m24 - m23 * m14)); this1[3] = -d * (m12 * (m23 * m34 - m33 * m24) - m22 * (m13 * m34 - m33 * m14) + m32 * (m13 * m24 - m23 * m14)); this1[4] = -d * (m21 * (m33 * m44 - m43 * m34) - m31 * (m23 * m44 - m43 * m24) + m41 * (m23 * m34 - m33 * m24)); this1[5] = d * (m11 * (m33 * m44 - m43 * m34) - m31 * (m13 * m44 - m43 * m14) + m41 * (m13 * m34 - m33 * m14)); this1[6] = -d * (m11 * (m23 * m44 - m43 * m24) - m21 * (m13 * m44 - m43 * m14) + m41 * (m13 * m24 - m23 * m14)); this1[7] = d * (m11 * (m23 * m34 - m33 * m24) - m21 * (m13 * m34 - m33 * m14) + m31 * (m13 * m24 - m23 * m14)); this1[8] = d * (m21 * (m32 * m44 - m42 * m34) - m31 * (m22 * m44 - m42 * m24) + m41 * (m22 * m34 - m32 * m24)); this1[9] = -d * (m11 * (m32 * m44 - m42 * m34) - m31 * (m12 * m44 - m42 * m14) + m41 * (m12 * m34 - m32 * m14)); this1[10] = d * (m11 * (m22 * m44 - m42 * m24) - m21 * (m12 * m44 - m42 * m14) + m41 * (m12 * m24 - m22 * m14)); this1[11] = -d * (m11 * (m22 * m34 - m32 * m24) - m21 * (m12 * m34 - m32 * m14) + m31 * (m12 * m24 - m22 * m14)); this1[12] = -d * (m21 * (m32 * m43 - m42 * m33) - m31 * (m22 * m43 - m42 * m23) + m41 * (m22 * m33 - m32 * m23)); this1[13] = d * (m11 * (m32 * m43 - m42 * m33) - m31 * (m12 * m43 - m42 * m13) + m41 * (m12 * m33 - m32 * m13)); this1[14] = -d * (m11 * (m22 * m43 - m42 * m23) - m21 * (m12 * m43 - m42 * m13) + m41 * (m12 * m23 - m22 * m13)); this1[15] = d * (m11 * (m22 * m33 - m32 * m23) - m21 * (m12 * m33 - m32 * m13) + m31 * (m12 * m23 - m22 * m13)); } return invertable; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.pointAt = function(this1,pos,at,up) { if(at == null) { at = new lime_math_Vector4(0,0,1); } if(up == null) { up = new lime_math_Vector4(0,1,0); } var result = null; if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector4(); } result.x = pos.x - at.x; result.y = pos.y - at.y; result.z = pos.z - at.z; var dir = result; var vup = new lime_math_Vector4(up.x,up.y,up.z,up.w); var right; var l = Math.sqrt(dir.x * dir.x + dir.y * dir.y + dir.z * dir.z); if(l != 0) { dir.x /= l; dir.y /= l; dir.z /= l; } var l1 = Math.sqrt(vup.x * vup.x + vup.y * vup.y + vup.z * vup.z); if(l1 != 0) { vup.x /= l1; vup.y /= l1; vup.z /= l1; } var dir2 = new lime_math_Vector4(dir.x,dir.y,dir.z,dir.w); var s = vup.x * dir.x + vup.y * dir.y + vup.z * dir.z; dir2.x *= s; dir2.y *= s; dir2.z *= s; var result1 = null; if(result1 == null) { result1 = new lime_math_Vector4(); } result1.x = vup.x - dir2.x; result1.y = vup.y - dir2.y; result1.z = vup.z - dir2.z; vup = result1; if(Math.sqrt(vup.x * vup.x + vup.y * vup.y + vup.z * vup.z) > 0) { var l2 = Math.sqrt(vup.x * vup.x + vup.y * vup.y + vup.z * vup.z); if(l2 != 0) { vup.x /= l2; vup.y /= l2; vup.z /= l2; } } else if(dir.x != 0) { vup = new lime_math_Vector4(-dir.y,dir.x,0); } else { vup = new lime_math_Vector4(1,0,0); } var result2 = null; if(result2 == null) { result2 = new lime_math_Vector4(); } var ya = vup.z * dir.x - vup.x * dir.z; var za = vup.x * dir.y - vup.y * dir.x; result2.x = vup.y * dir.z - vup.z * dir.y; result2.y = ya; result2.z = za; result2.w = 1; right = result2; var l3 = Math.sqrt(right.x * right.x + right.y * right.y + right.z * right.z); if(l3 != 0) { right.x /= l3; right.y /= l3; right.z /= l3; } this1[0] = right.x; this1[4] = right.y; this1[8] = right.z; this1[12] = 0.0; this1[1] = vup.x; this1[5] = vup.y; this1[9] = vup.z; this1[13] = 0.0; this1[2] = dir.x; this1[6] = dir.y; this1[10] = dir.z; this1[14] = 0.0; this1[3] = pos.x; this1[7] = pos.y; this1[11] = pos.z; this1[15] = 1.0; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.prepend = function(this1,rhs) { var m111 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,0); var m121 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,4); var m131 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,8); var m141 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,12); var m112 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,1); var m122 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,5); var m132 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,9); var m142 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,13); var m113 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,2); var m123 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,6); var m133 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,10); var m143 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,14); var m114 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,3); var m124 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,7); var m134 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,11); var m144 = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(rhs,15); var m211 = this1[0]; var m221 = this1[4]; var m231 = this1[8]; var m241 = this1[12]; var m212 = this1[1]; var m222 = this1[5]; var m232 = this1[9]; var m242 = this1[13]; var m213 = this1[2]; var m223 = this1[6]; var m233 = this1[10]; var m243 = this1[14]; var m214 = this1[3]; var m224 = this1[7]; var m234 = this1[11]; var m244 = this1[15]; this1[0] = m111 * m211 + m112 * m221 + m113 * m231 + m114 * m241; this1[1] = m111 * m212 + m112 * m222 + m113 * m232 + m114 * m242; this1[2] = m111 * m213 + m112 * m223 + m113 * m233 + m114 * m243; this1[3] = m111 * m214 + m112 * m224 + m113 * m234 + m114 * m244; this1[4] = m121 * m211 + m122 * m221 + m123 * m231 + m124 * m241; this1[5] = m121 * m212 + m122 * m222 + m123 * m232 + m124 * m242; this1[6] = m121 * m213 + m122 * m223 + m123 * m233 + m124 * m243; this1[7] = m121 * m214 + m122 * m224 + m123 * m234 + m124 * m244; this1[8] = m131 * m211 + m132 * m221 + m133 * m231 + m134 * m241; this1[9] = m131 * m212 + m132 * m222 + m133 * m232 + m134 * m242; this1[10] = m131 * m213 + m132 * m223 + m133 * m233 + m134 * m243; this1[11] = m131 * m214 + m132 * m224 + m133 * m234 + m134 * m244; this1[12] = m141 * m211 + m142 * m221 + m143 * m231 + m144 * m241; this1[13] = m141 * m212 + m142 * m222 + m143 * m232 + m144 * m242; this1[14] = m141 * m213 + m142 * m223 + m143 * m233 + m144 * m243; this1[15] = m141 * m214 + m142 * m224 + m143 * m234 + m144 * m244; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.prependRotation = function(this1,degrees,axis,pivotPoint) { var m = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.__getAxisRotation(this1,axis.x,axis.y,axis.z,degrees); if(pivotPoint != null) { var p = pivotPoint; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.appendTranslation(m,p.x,p.y,p.z); } lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.prepend(this1,m); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.prependScale = function(this1,xScale,yScale,zScale) { var array = [xScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,yScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,zScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]; var this2; if(array != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(array); } else { this2 = null; } lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.prepend(this1,lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(this2)); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.prependTranslation = function(this1,x,y,z) { var m = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set_position(m,new lime_math_Vector4(x,y,z)); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.prepend(this1,m); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.transformVector = function(this1,v,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector4(); } var x = v.x; var y = v.y; var z = v.z; result.x = x * this1[0] + y * this1[4] + z * this1[8] + this1[12]; result.y = x * this1[1] + y * this1[5] + z * this1[9] + this1[13]; result.z = x * this1[2] + y * this1[6] + z * this1[10] + this1[14]; result.w = x * this1[3] + y * this1[7] + z * this1[11] + this1[15]; return result; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.transformVectors = function(this1,ain,aout) { var i = 0; var x; var y; var z; while(i + 3 <= ain.length) { x = ain[i]; y = ain[i + 1]; z = ain[i + 2]; aout[i] = x * this1[0] + y * this1[4] + z * this1[8] + this1[12]; aout[i + 1] = x * this1[1] + y * this1[5] + z * this1[9] + this1[13]; aout[i + 2] = x * this1[2] + y * this1[6] + z * this1[10] + this1[14]; i += 3; } }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.transpose = function(this1) { var temp = this1[1]; this1[1] = this1[4]; this1[4] = temp; var temp1 = this1[2]; this1[2] = this1[8]; this1[8] = temp1; var temp2 = this1[3]; this1[3] = this1[12]; this1[12] = temp2; var temp3 = this1[6]; this1[6] = this1[9]; this1[9] = temp3; var temp4 = this1[7]; this1[7] = this1[13]; this1[13] = temp4; var temp5 = this1[11]; this1[11] = this1[14]; this1[14] = temp5; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.__getAxisRotation = function(this1,x,y,z,degrees) { var m = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(); var a1 = new lime_math_Vector4(x,y,z); var rad = -degrees * (Math.PI / 180); var c = Math.cos(rad); var s = Math.sin(rad); var t = 1.0 - c; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,0,c + a1.x * a1.x * t); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,5,c + a1.y * a1.y * t); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,10,c + a1.z * a1.z * t); var tmp1 = a1.x * a1.y * t; var tmp2 = a1.z * s; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,4,tmp1 + tmp2); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,1,tmp1 - tmp2); tmp1 = a1.x * a1.z * t; tmp2 = a1.y * s; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,8,tmp1 - tmp2); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,2,tmp1 + tmp2); tmp1 = a1.y * a1.z * t; tmp2 = a1.x * s; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,9,tmp1 + tmp2); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(m,6,tmp1 - tmp2); return m; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.__swap = function(this1,a,b) { var temp = this1[a]; this1[a] = this1[b]; this1[b] = temp; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get_determinant = function(this1) { return (this1[0] * this1[5] - this1[4] * this1[1]) * (this1[10] * this1[15] - this1[14] * this1[11]) - (this1[0] * this1[9] - this1[8] * this1[1]) * (this1[6] * this1[15] - this1[14] * this1[7]) + (this1[0] * this1[13] - this1[12] * this1[1]) * (this1[6] * this1[11] - this1[10] * this1[7]) + (this1[4] * this1[9] - this1[8] * this1[5]) * (this1[2] * this1[15] - this1[14] * this1[3]) - (this1[4] * this1[13] - this1[12] * this1[5]) * (this1[2] * this1[11] - this1[10] * this1[3]) + (this1[8] * this1[13] - this1[12] * this1[9]) * (this1[2] * this1[7] - this1[6] * this1[3]); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get_position = function(this1) { return new lime_math_Vector4(this1[12],this1[13],this1[14]); }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set_position = function(this1,val) { this1[12] = val.x; this1[13] = val.y; this1[14] = val.z; return val; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get = function(this1,index) { return this1[index]; }; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,index,value) { this1[index] = value; return value; }; var lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.math._RGBA.RGBA_Impl_"] = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","math","_RGBA","RGBA_Impl_"]; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_r:"set_r",get_r:"get_r",set_g:"set_g",get_g:"get_g",set_b:"set_b",get_b:"get_b",set_a:"set_a",get_a:"get_a"}; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16 = null; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp = null; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = null; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = null; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$._new = function(rgba) { if(rgba == null) { rgba = 0; } var this1 = rgba; return this1; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.create = function(r,g,b,a) { var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (r & 255) << 24 | (g & 255) << 16 | (b & 255) << 8 | a & 255; return rgba; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.multiplyAlpha = function(this1) { if((this1 & 255) == 0) { if(this1 != 0) { this1 = 0; } } else if((this1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[this1 & 255]; this1 = ((this1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; } }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.readUInt8 = function(this1,data,offset,format,premultiplied) { if(premultiplied == null) { premultiplied = false; } if(format == null) { format = 0; } switch(format) { case 0: this1 = (data[offset] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: this1 = (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset + 3] & 255) << 8 | data[offset] & 255; break; case 2: this1 = (data[offset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (data[offset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (data[offset] & 255) << 8 | data[offset + 3] & 255; break; } if(premultiplied) { if((this1 & 255) != 0 && (this1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (this1 & 255); this1 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((this1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; } } }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,r,g,b,a) { this1 = (r & 255) << 24 | (g & 255) << 16 | (b & 255) << 8 | a & 255; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmultiplyAlpha = function(this1) { if((this1 & 255) != 0 && (this1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (this1 & 255); this1 = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((this1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; } }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.writeUInt8 = function(this1,data,offset,format,premultiplied) { if(premultiplied == null) { premultiplied = false; } if(format == null) { format = 0; } if(premultiplied) { if((this1 & 255) == 0) { if(this1 != 0) { this1 = 0; } } else if((this1 & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[this1 & 255]; this1 = ((this1 >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((this1 >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((this1 >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; } } switch(format) { case 0: data[offset] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 & 255; break; case 1: data[offset] = this1 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: data[offset] = this1 >>> 8 & 255; data[offset + 1] = this1 >>> 16 & 255; data[offset + 2] = this1 >>> 24 & 255; data[offset + 3] = this1 & 255; break; } }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__fromARGB = function(argb) { var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (argb >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (argb >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (argb & 255 & 255) << 8 | argb >>> 24 & 255 & 255; return rgba; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__fromBGRA = function(bgra) { var this1 = 0; var rgba = this1; rgba = (bgra >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (bgra >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (bgra >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 8 | bgra & 255 & 255; return rgba; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.get_a = function(this1) { return this1 & 255; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.set_a = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.get_b = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 8 & 255; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.set_b = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.get_g = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 16 & 255; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.set_g = function(this1,value) { this1 = (this1 >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.get_r = function(this1) { return this1 >>> 24 & 255; }; lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.set_r = function(this1,value) { this1 = (value & 255) << 24 | (this1 >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (this1 >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 & 255; return value; }; var lime_math_Rectangle = function(x,y,width,height) { if(height == null) { height = 0; } if(width == null) { width = 0; } if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; }; $hxClasses["lime.math.Rectangle"] = lime_math_Rectangle; lime_math_Rectangle.__name__ = ["lime","math","Rectangle"]; lime_math_Rectangle.prototype = { height: null ,width: null ,x: null ,y: null ,clone: function() { return new lime_math_Rectangle(this.x,this.y,this.width,this.height); } ,contains: function(x,y) { if(x >= this.x && y >= this.y && x < this.get_right()) { return y < this.get_bottom(); } else { return false; } } ,containsPoint: function(point) { return this.containsVector(point); } ,containsRect: function(rect) { if(rect.width <= 0 || rect.height <= 0) { if(rect.x > this.x && rect.y > this.y && rect.get_right() < this.get_right()) { return rect.get_bottom() < this.get_bottom(); } else { return false; } } else if(rect.x >= this.x && rect.y >= this.y && rect.get_right() <= this.get_right()) { return rect.get_bottom() <= this.get_bottom(); } else { return false; } } ,containsVector: function(vector) { return this.contains(vector.x,vector.y); } ,copyFrom: function(sourceRect) { this.x = sourceRect.x; this.y = sourceRect.y; this.width = sourceRect.width; this.height = sourceRect.height; } ,equals: function(toCompare) { if(toCompare != null && this.x == toCompare.x && this.y == toCompare.y && this.width == toCompare.width) { return this.height == toCompare.height; } else { return false; } } ,inflate: function(dx,dy) { this.x -= dx; this.width += dx * 2; this.y -= dy; this.height += dy * 2; } ,inflateVector: function(vector) { this.inflate(vector.x,vector.y); } ,intersection: function(toIntersect,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Rectangle(); } var x0 = this.x < toIntersect.x ? toIntersect.x : this.x; var x1 = this.get_right() > toIntersect.get_right() ? toIntersect.get_right() : this.get_right(); if(x1 <= x0) { result.setEmpty(); return result; } var y0 = this.y < toIntersect.y ? toIntersect.y : this.y; var y1 = this.get_bottom() > toIntersect.get_bottom() ? toIntersect.get_bottom() : this.get_bottom(); if(y1 <= y0) { result.setEmpty(); return result; } result.x = x0; result.y = y0; result.width = x1 - x0; result.height = y1 - y0; return result; } ,intersects: function(toIntersect) { var x0 = this.x < toIntersect.x ? toIntersect.x : this.x; var x1 = this.get_right() > toIntersect.get_right() ? toIntersect.get_right() : this.get_right(); if(x1 <= x0) { return false; } var y0 = this.y < toIntersect.y ? toIntersect.y : this.y; var y1 = this.get_bottom() > toIntersect.get_bottom() ? toIntersect.get_bottom() : this.get_bottom(); return y1 > y0; } ,isEmpty: function() { if(!(this.width <= 0)) { return this.height <= 0; } else { return true; } } ,offset: function(dx,dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; } ,offsetVector: function(vector) { this.x += vector.x; this.y += vector.y; } ,setEmpty: function() { this.x = this.y = this.width = this.height = 0; } ,setTo: function(xa,ya,widtha,heighta) { this.x = xa; this.y = ya; this.width = widtha; this.height = heighta; } ,union: function(toUnion,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Rectangle(); } if(this.width == 0 || this.height == 0) { result.copyFrom(toUnion); } else if(toUnion.width == 0 || toUnion.height == 0) { result.copyFrom(this); } else { var x0 = this.x > toUnion.x ? toUnion.x : this.x; var x1 = this.get_right() < toUnion.get_right() ? toUnion.get_right() : this.get_right(); var y0 = this.y > toUnion.y ? toUnion.y : this.y; var y1 = this.get_bottom() < toUnion.get_bottom() ? toUnion.get_bottom() : this.get_bottom(); result.setTo(x0,y0,x1 - x0,y1 - y0); } return result; } ,__toFlashRectangle: function() { return null; } ,get_bottom: function() { return this.y + this.height; } ,set_bottom: function(b) { this.height = b - this.y; return b; } ,get_bottomRight: function() { return new lime_math_Vector2(this.x + this.width,this.y + this.height); } ,set_bottomRight: function(p) { this.width = p.x - this.x; this.height = p.y - this.y; return p.clone(); } ,get_left: function() { return this.x; } ,set_left: function(l) { this.width -= l - this.x; this.x = l; return l; } ,get_right: function() { return this.x + this.width; } ,set_right: function(r) { this.width = r - this.x; return r; } ,get_size: function() { return new lime_math_Vector2(this.width,this.height); } ,set_size: function(p) { this.width = p.x; this.height = p.y; return p.clone(); } ,get_top: function() { return this.y; } ,set_top: function(t) { this.height -= t - this.y; this.y = t; return t; } ,get_topLeft: function() { return new lime_math_Vector2(this.x,this.y); } ,set_topLeft: function(p) { this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; return p.clone(); } ,__class__: lime_math_Rectangle ,__properties__: {set_topLeft:"set_topLeft",get_topLeft:"get_topLeft",set_top:"set_top",get_top:"get_top",set_size:"set_size",get_size:"get_size",set_right:"set_right",get_right:"get_right",set_left:"set_left",get_left:"get_left",set_bottomRight:"set_bottomRight",get_bottomRight:"get_bottomRight",set_bottom:"set_bottom",get_bottom:"get_bottom"} }; var lime_math_Vector4 = function(x,y,z,w) { if(w == null) { w = 0.; } if(z == null) { z = 0.; } if(y == null) { y = 0.; } if(x == null) { x = 0.; } this.w = w; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }; $hxClasses["lime.math.Vector4"] = lime_math_Vector4; lime_math_Vector4.__name__ = ["lime","math","Vector4"]; lime_math_Vector4.__properties__ = {get_Z_AXIS:"get_Z_AXIS",get_Y_AXIS:"get_Y_AXIS",get_X_AXIS:"get_X_AXIS"}; lime_math_Vector4.angleBetween = function(a,b) { var a0 = new lime_math_Vector4(a.x,a.y,a.z,a.w); var l = Math.sqrt(a0.x * a0.x + a0.y * a0.y + a0.z * a0.z); if(l != 0) { a0.x /= l; a0.y /= l; a0.z /= l; } var b0 = new lime_math_Vector4(b.x,b.y,b.z,b.w); var l1 = Math.sqrt(b0.x * b0.x + b0.y * b0.y + b0.z * b0.z); if(l1 != 0) { b0.x /= l1; b0.y /= l1; b0.z /= l1; } return Math.acos(a0.x * b0.x + a0.y * b0.y + a0.z * b0.z); }; lime_math_Vector4.distance = function(pt1,pt2) { var x = pt2.x - pt1.x; var y = pt2.y - pt1.y; var z = pt2.z - pt1.z; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); }; lime_math_Vector4.distanceSquared = function(pt1,pt2) { var x = pt2.x - pt1.x; var y = pt2.y - pt1.y; var z = pt2.z - pt1.z; return x * x + y * y + z * z; }; lime_math_Vector4.get_X_AXIS = function() { return new lime_math_Vector4(1,0,0); }; lime_math_Vector4.get_Y_AXIS = function() { return new lime_math_Vector4(0,1,0); }; lime_math_Vector4.get_Z_AXIS = function() { return new lime_math_Vector4(0,0,1); }; lime_math_Vector4.prototype = { w: null ,x: null ,y: null ,z: null ,add: function(a,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector4(); } result.x = this.x + a.x; result.y = this.y + a.y; result.z = this.z + a.z; return result; } ,clone: function() { return new lime_math_Vector4(this.x,this.y,this.z,this.w); } ,copyFrom: function(sourceVector4) { this.x = sourceVector4.x; this.y = sourceVector4.y; this.z = sourceVector4.z; } ,crossProduct: function(a,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector4(); } var ya = this.z * a.x - this.x * a.z; var za = this.x * a.y - this.y * a.x; result.x = this.y * a.z - this.z * a.y; result.y = ya; result.z = za; result.w = 1; return result; } ,decrementBy: function(a) { this.x -= a.x; this.y -= a.y; this.z -= a.z; } ,dotProduct: function(a) { return this.x * a.x + this.y * a.y + this.z * a.z; } ,equals: function(toCompare,allFour) { if(allFour == null) { allFour = false; } if(this.x == toCompare.x && this.y == toCompare.y && this.z == toCompare.z) { if(!(!allFour)) { return this.w == toCompare.w; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } ,incrementBy: function(a) { this.x += a.x; this.y += a.y; this.z += a.z; } ,nearEquals: function(toCompare,tolerance,allFour) { if(allFour == null) { allFour = false; } if(Math.abs(this.x - toCompare.x) < tolerance && Math.abs(this.y - toCompare.y) < tolerance && Math.abs(this.z - toCompare.z) < tolerance) { if(!(!allFour)) { return Math.abs(this.w - toCompare.w) < tolerance; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } ,negate: function() { this.x *= -1; this.y *= -1; this.z *= -1; } ,normalize: function() { var l = Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); if(l != 0) { this.x /= l; this.y /= l; this.z /= l; } return l; } ,project: function() { this.x /= this.w; this.y /= this.w; this.z /= this.w; } ,scaleBy: function(s) { this.x *= s; this.y *= s; this.z *= s; } ,setTo: function(xa,ya,za) { this.x = xa; this.y = ya; this.z = za; } ,subtract: function(a,result) { if(result == null) { result = new lime_math_Vector4(); } result.x = this.x - a.x; result.y = this.y - a.y; result.z = this.z - a.z; return result; } ,toString: function() { return "Vector4(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ", " + this.z + ")"; } ,get_length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); } ,get_lengthSquared: function() { return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z; } ,__class__: lime_math_Vector4 ,__properties__: {get_lengthSquared:"get_lengthSquared",get_length:"get_length"} }; var lime_media_AudioBuffer = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.media.AudioBuffer"] = lime_media_AudioBuffer; lime_media_AudioBuffer.__name__ = ["lime","media","AudioBuffer"]; lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromBase64 = function(base64String) { if(base64String == null) { return null; } if(base64String.indexOf(",") == -1) { base64String = "data:" + lime_media_AudioBuffer.__getCodec(haxe_crypto_Base64.decode(base64String)) + ";base64," + base64String; } var audioBuffer = new lime_media_AudioBuffer(); audioBuffer.set_src(new Howl({ src : [base64String], html5 : true, preload : false})); return audioBuffer; }; lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromBytes = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null) { return null; } var audioBuffer = new lime_media_AudioBuffer(); audioBuffer.set_src(new Howl({ src : ["data:" + lime_media_AudioBuffer.__getCodec(bytes) + ";base64," + haxe_crypto_Base64.encode(bytes)], html5 : true, preload : false})); return audioBuffer; }; lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromFile = function(path) { if(path == null) { return null; } var audioBuffer = new lime_media_AudioBuffer(); audioBuffer.__srcHowl = new Howl({ src : [path], preload : false}); return audioBuffer; }; lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromFiles = function(paths) { var audioBuffer = new lime_media_AudioBuffer(); audioBuffer.__srcHowl = new Howl({ src : paths, preload : false}); return audioBuffer; }; lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromVorbisFile = function(vorbisFile) { return null; }; lime_media_AudioBuffer.loadFromFile = function(path) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); var audioBuffer = lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromFile(path); if(audioBuffer != null) { if(audioBuffer != null) { audioBuffer.__srcHowl.on("load",function() { promise.complete(audioBuffer); }); audioBuffer.__srcHowl.on("loaderror",function(id,msg) { promise.error(msg); }); audioBuffer.__srcHowl.load(); } } else { promise.error(null); } return promise.future; }; lime_media_AudioBuffer.loadFromFiles = function(paths) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); var audioBuffer = lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromFiles(paths); if(audioBuffer != null) { audioBuffer.__srcHowl.on("load",function() { promise.complete(audioBuffer); }); audioBuffer.__srcHowl.on("loaderror",function() { promise.error(null); }); audioBuffer.__srcHowl.load(); } else { promise.error(null); } return promise.future; }; lime_media_AudioBuffer.__getCodec = function(bytes) { var signature = bytes.getString(0,4); switch(signature) { case "OggS": return "audio/ogg"; case "RIFF": if(bytes.getString(8,4) == "WAVE") { return "audio/wav"; } else { var _g = bytes.b[2]; var _g1 = bytes.b[1]; var _g2 = bytes.b[0]; switch(_g2) { case 73: if(_g1 == 68) { if(_g == 51) { return "audio/mp3"; } } break; case 255: switch(_g1) { case 243:case 250:case 251: return "audio/mp3"; default: } break; default: } } break; case "fLaC": return "audio/flac"; default: var _g3 = bytes.b[2]; var _g11 = bytes.b[1]; var _g21 = bytes.b[0]; switch(_g21) { case 73: if(_g11 == 68) { if(_g3 == 51) { return "audio/mp3"; } } break; case 255: switch(_g11) { case 243:case 250:case 251: return "audio/mp3"; default: } break; default: } } lime_utils_Log.error("Unsupported sound format",{ fileName : "AudioBuffer.hx", lineNumber : 443, className : "lime.media.AudioBuffer", methodName : "__getCodec"}); return null; }; lime_media_AudioBuffer.prototype = { bitsPerSample: null ,channels: null ,data: null ,sampleRate: null ,__srcAudio: null ,__srcBuffer: null ,__srcCustom: null ,__srcHowl: null ,__srcSound: null ,__srcVorbisFile: null ,dispose: function() { this.__srcHowl.unload(); } ,get_src: function() { return this.__srcHowl; } ,set_src: function(value) { return this.__srcHowl = value; } ,__class__: lime_media_AudioBuffer ,__properties__: {set_src:"set_src",get_src:"get_src"} }; var lime_media_AudioContext = function(type) { if(type != "custom") { if(type == null || type == "web") { try { window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; this.web = new window.AudioContext (); this.type = "web"; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } } if(this.web == null && type != "web") { this.html5 = new lime_media_HTML5AudioContext(); this.type = "html5"; } } else { this.type = "custom"; } }; $hxClasses["lime.media.AudioContext"] = lime_media_AudioContext; lime_media_AudioContext.__name__ = ["lime","media","AudioContext"]; lime_media_AudioContext.prototype = { custom: null ,flash: null ,html5: null ,openal: null ,type: null ,web: null ,__class__: lime_media_AudioContext }; var lime_media_AudioManager = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.media.AudioManager"] = lime_media_AudioManager; lime_media_AudioManager.__name__ = ["lime","media","AudioManager"]; lime_media_AudioManager.context = null; lime_media_AudioManager.init = function(context) { if(lime_media_AudioManager.context == null) { if(context == null) { lime_media_AudioManager.context = new lime_media_AudioContext(); context = lime_media_AudioManager.context; if(context.type == "openal") { var alc = context.openal; var device = alc.openDevice(); var ctx = alc.createContext(device); alc.makeContextCurrent(ctx); alc.processContext(ctx); } } lime_media_AudioManager.context = context; } }; lime_media_AudioManager.resume = function() { if(lime_media_AudioManager.context != null && lime_media_AudioManager.context.type == "openal") { var alc = lime_media_AudioManager.context.openal; var currentContext = alc.getCurrentContext(); if(currentContext != null) { var device = alc.getContextsDevice(currentContext); alc.resumeDevice(device); alc.processContext(currentContext); } } }; lime_media_AudioManager.shutdown = function() { if(lime_media_AudioManager.context != null && lime_media_AudioManager.context.type == "openal") { var alc = lime_media_AudioManager.context.openal; var currentContext = alc.getCurrentContext(); if(currentContext != null) { var device = alc.getContextsDevice(currentContext); alc.makeContextCurrent(null); alc.destroyContext(currentContext); if(device != null) { alc.closeDevice(device); } } } lime_media_AudioManager.context = null; }; lime_media_AudioManager.suspend = function() { if(lime_media_AudioManager.context != null && lime_media_AudioManager.context.type == "openal") { var alc = lime_media_AudioManager.context.openal; var currentContext = alc.getCurrentContext(); if(currentContext != null) { alc.suspendContext(currentContext); var device = alc.getContextsDevice(currentContext); alc.pauseDevice(device); } } }; var lime_media_AudioSource = function(buffer,offset,length,loops) { if(loops == null) { loops = 0; } if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } this.onComplete = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.buffer = buffer; this.offset = offset; this.__backend = new lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5AudioSource(this); if(length != null && length != 0) { this.set_length(length); } this.set_loops(loops); if(buffer != null) { this.init(); } }; $hxClasses["lime.media.AudioSource"] = lime_media_AudioSource; lime_media_AudioSource.__name__ = ["lime","media","AudioSource"]; lime_media_AudioSource.prototype = { onComplete: null ,buffer: null ,offset: null ,__backend: null ,dispose: function() { this.__backend.dispose(); } ,init: function() { this.__backend.init(); } ,play: function() { this.__backend.play(); } ,pause: function() { this.__backend.pause(); } ,stop: function() { this.__backend.stop(); } ,get_currentTime: function() { return this.__backend.getCurrentTime(); } ,set_currentTime: function(value) { return this.__backend.setCurrentTime(value); } ,get_gain: function() { return this.__backend.getGain(); } ,set_gain: function(value) { return this.__backend.setGain(value); } ,get_length: function() { return this.__backend.getLength(); } ,set_length: function(value) { return this.__backend.setLength(value); } ,get_loops: function() { return this.__backend.getLoops(); } ,set_loops: function(value) { return this.__backend.setLoops(value); } ,get_position: function() { return this.__backend.getPosition(); } ,set_position: function(value) { return this.__backend.setPosition(value); } ,__class__: lime_media_AudioSource ,__properties__: {set_position:"set_position",get_position:"get_position",set_loops:"set_loops",get_loops:"get_loops",set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length",set_gain:"set_gain",get_gain:"get_gain",set_currentTime:"set_currentTime",get_currentTime:"get_currentTime"} }; var lime_media_FlashAudioContext = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.media.FlashAudioContext"] = lime_media_FlashAudioContext; lime_media_FlashAudioContext.__name__ = ["lime","media","FlashAudioContext"]; lime_media_FlashAudioContext.prototype = { createBuffer: function(stream,context) { return null; } ,getBytesLoaded: function(buffer) { return 0; } ,getBytesTotal: function(buffer) { return 0; } ,getID3: function(buffer) { return null; } ,getIsBuffering: function(buffer) { return false; } ,getIsURLInaccessible: function(buffer) { return false; } ,getLength: function(buffer) { return 0; } ,getURL: function(buffer) { return null; } ,close: function(buffer) { } ,extract: function(buffer,target,length,startPosition) { if(startPosition == null) { startPosition = -1; } return 0; } ,load: function(buffer,stream,context) { } ,loadCompressedDataFromByteArray: function(buffer,bytes,bytesLength) { } ,loadPCMFromByteArray: function(buffer,bytes,samples,format,stereo,sampleRate) { if(sampleRate == null) { sampleRate = 44100; } if(stereo == null) { stereo = true; } } ,play: function(buffer,startTime,loops,sndTransform) { if(loops == null) { loops = 0; } if(startTime == null) { startTime = 0; } return null; } ,__class__: lime_media_FlashAudioContext }; var lime_media_HTML5AudioContext = function() { this.NETWORK_NO_SOURCE = 3; this.NETWORK_LOADING = 2; this.NETWORK_IDLE = 1; this.NETWORK_EMPTY = 0; this.HAVE_NOTHING = 0; this.HAVE_METADATA = 1; this.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA = 3; this.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA = 4; this.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA = 2; }; $hxClasses["lime.media.HTML5AudioContext"] = lime_media_HTML5AudioContext; lime_media_HTML5AudioContext.__name__ = ["lime","media","HTML5AudioContext"]; lime_media_HTML5AudioContext.prototype = { HAVE_CURRENT_DATA: null ,HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA: null ,HAVE_FUTURE_DATA: null ,HAVE_METADATA: null ,HAVE_NOTHING: null ,NETWORK_EMPTY: null ,NETWORK_IDLE: null ,NETWORK_LOADING: null ,NETWORK_NO_SOURCE: null ,canPlayType: function(buffer,type) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.canPlayType(type); } return null; } ,createBuffer: function(urlString) { var buffer = new lime_media_AudioBuffer(); buffer.__srcAudio = new Audio(); buffer.__srcAudio.src = urlString; return buffer; } ,getAutoplay: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.autoplay; } return false; } ,getBuffered: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.buffered; } return null; } ,getCurrentSrc: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.currentSrc; } return null; } ,getCurrentTime: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.currentTime; } return 0; } ,getDefaultPlaybackRate: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.defaultPlaybackRate; } return 1; } ,getDuration: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.duration; } return 0; } ,getEnded: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.ended; } return false; } ,getError: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.error; } return null; } ,getLoop: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.loop; } return false; } ,getMuted: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.muted; } return false; } ,getNetworkState: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.networkState; } return 0; } ,getPaused: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.paused; } return false; } ,getPlaybackRate: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.playbackRate; } return 1; } ,getPlayed: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.played; } return null; } ,getPreload: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.preload; } return null; } ,getReadyState: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.readyState; } return 0; } ,getSeekable: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.seekable; } return null; } ,getSeeking: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.seeking; } return false; } ,getSrc: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.src; } return null; } ,getStartTime: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.playbackRate; } return 0; } ,getVolume: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { return buffer.__srcAudio.volume; } return 1; } ,load: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.load(); } } ,pause: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.pause(); } } ,play: function(buffer) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.play(); } } ,setAutoplay: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.autoplay = value; } } ,setCurrentTime: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.currentTime = value; } } ,setDefaultPlaybackRate: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.defaultPlaybackRate = value; } } ,setLoop: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.loop = value; } } ,setMuted: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.muted = value; } } ,setPlaybackRate: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.playbackRate = value; } } ,setPreload: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.preload = value; } } ,setSrc: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.src = value; } } ,setVolume: function(buffer,value) { if(buffer.__srcAudio != null) { buffer.__srcAudio.volume = value; } } ,__class__: lime_media_HTML5AudioContext }; var lime_media_OpenALAudioContext = function() { this.ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER = 4115; this.DEFAULT_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER = 4114; this.ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT = 1; this.DEVICE_SPECIFIER = 4101; this.DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER = 4100; this.ALL_ATTRIBUTES = 4099; this.ATTRIBUTES_SIZE = 4098; this.INVALID_CONTEXT = 40962; this.INVALID_DEVICE = 40961; this.STEREO_SOURCES = 4113; this.MONO_SOURCES = 4112; this.SYNC = 4105; this.REFRESH = 4104; this.EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED = 53254; this.EXPONENT_DISTANCE = 53253; this.LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED = 53252; this.LINEAR_DISTANCE = 53251; this.INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED = 53250; this.INVERSE_DISTANCE = 53249; this.DISTANCE_MODEL = 53248; this.DOPPLER_VELOCITY = 49153; this.SPEED_OF_SOUND = 49155; this.DOPPLER_FACTOR = 49152; this.EXTENSIONS = 45060; this.RENDERER = 45059; this.VERSION = 45058; this.VENDOR = 45057; this.OUT_OF_MEMORY = 40965; this.INVALID_OPERATION = 40964; this.INVALID_VALUE = 40963; this.INVALID_ENUM = 40962; this.INVALID_NAME = 40961; this.NO_ERROR = 0; this.SIZE = 8196; this.CHANNELS = 8195; this.BITS = 8194; this.FREQUENCY = 8193; this.FORMAT_STEREO16 = 4355; this.FORMAT_STEREO8 = 4354; this.FORMAT_MONO16 = 4353; this.FORMAT_MONO8 = 4352; this.UNDETERMINED = 4144; this.STREAMING = 4137; this.STATIC = 4136; this.SOURCE_TYPE = 4135; this.BYTE_OFFSET = 4134; this.SAMPLE_OFFSET = 4133; this.SEC_OFFSET = 4132; this.MAX_DISTANCE = 4131; this.CONE_OUTER_GAIN = 4130; this.ROLLOFF_FACTOR = 4129; this.REFERENCE_DISTANCE = 4128; this.BUFFERS_PROCESSED = 4118; this.BUFFERS_QUEUED = 4117; this.STOPPED = 4116; this.PAUSED = 4115; this.PLAYING = 4114; this.INITIAL = 4113; this.SOURCE_STATE = 4112; this.ORIENTATION = 4111; this.MAX_GAIN = 4110; this.MIN_GAIN = 4109; this.GAIN = 4106; this.BUFFER = 4105; this.LOOPING = 4103; this.VELOCITY = 4102; this.DIRECTION = 4101; this.POSITION = 4100; this.PITCH = 4099; this.CONE_OUTER_ANGLE = 4098; this.CONE_INNER_ANGLE = 4097; this.SOURCE_RELATIVE = 514; this.TRUE = 1; this.FALSE = 0; this.NONE = 0; }; $hxClasses["lime.media.OpenALAudioContext"] = lime_media_OpenALAudioContext; lime_media_OpenALAudioContext.__name__ = ["lime","media","OpenALAudioContext"]; lime_media_OpenALAudioContext.prototype = { NONE: null ,FALSE: null ,TRUE: null ,SOURCE_RELATIVE: null ,CONE_INNER_ANGLE: null ,CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: null ,PITCH: null ,POSITION: null ,DIRECTION: null ,VELOCITY: null ,LOOPING: null ,BUFFER: null ,GAIN: null ,MIN_GAIN: null ,MAX_GAIN: null ,ORIENTATION: null ,SOURCE_STATE: null ,INITIAL: null ,PLAYING: null ,PAUSED: null ,STOPPED: null ,BUFFERS_QUEUED: null ,BUFFERS_PROCESSED: null ,REFERENCE_DISTANCE: null ,ROLLOFF_FACTOR: null ,CONE_OUTER_GAIN: null ,MAX_DISTANCE: null ,SEC_OFFSET: null ,SAMPLE_OFFSET: null ,BYTE_OFFSET: null ,SOURCE_TYPE: null ,STATIC: null ,STREAMING: null ,UNDETERMINED: null ,FORMAT_MONO8: null ,FORMAT_MONO16: null ,FORMAT_STEREO8: null ,FORMAT_STEREO16: null ,FREQUENCY: null ,BITS: null ,CHANNELS: null ,SIZE: null ,NO_ERROR: null ,INVALID_NAME: null ,INVALID_ENUM: null ,INVALID_VALUE: null ,INVALID_OPERATION: null ,OUT_OF_MEMORY: null ,VENDOR: null ,VERSION: null ,RENDERER: null ,EXTENSIONS: null ,DOPPLER_FACTOR: null ,SPEED_OF_SOUND: null ,DOPPLER_VELOCITY: null ,DISTANCE_MODEL: null ,INVERSE_DISTANCE: null ,INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED: null ,LINEAR_DISTANCE: null ,LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED: null ,EXPONENT_DISTANCE: null ,EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED: null ,REFRESH: null ,SYNC: null ,MONO_SOURCES: null ,STEREO_SOURCES: null ,INVALID_DEVICE: null ,INVALID_CONTEXT: null ,ATTRIBUTES_SIZE: null ,ALL_ATTRIBUTES: null ,DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER: null ,DEVICE_SPECIFIER: null ,ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT: null ,DEFAULT_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER: null ,ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER: null ,bufferData: function(buffer,format,data,size,freq) { lime_media_openal_AL.bufferData(buffer,format,data,size,freq); } ,buffer3f: function(buffer,param,value1,value2,value3) { lime_media_openal_AL.buffer3f(buffer,param,value1,value2,value3); } ,buffer3i: function(buffer,param,value1,value2,value3) { lime_media_openal_AL.buffer3i(buffer,param,value1,value2,value3); } ,bufferf: function(buffer,param,value) { lime_media_openal_AL.bufferf(buffer,param,value); } ,bufferfv: function(buffer,param,values) { lime_media_openal_AL.bufferfv(buffer,param,values); } ,bufferi: function(buffer,param,value) { lime_media_openal_AL.bufferi(buffer,param,value); } ,bufferiv: function(buffer,param,values) { lime_media_openal_AL.bufferiv(buffer,param,values); } ,closeDevice: function(device) { return lime_media_openal_ALC.closeDevice(device); } ,createContext: function(device,attrlist) { return lime_media_openal_ALC.createContext(device,attrlist); } ,createBuffer: function() { return lime_media_openal_AL.createBuffer(); } ,createSource: function() { return lime_media_openal_AL.createSource(); } ,deleteBuffer: function(buffer) { lime_media_openal_AL.deleteBuffer(buffer); } ,deleteBuffers: function(buffers) { lime_media_openal_AL.deleteBuffers(buffers); } ,deleteSource: function(source) { lime_media_openal_AL.deleteSource(source); } ,deleteSources: function(sources) { lime_media_openal_AL.deleteSources(sources); } ,destroyContext: function(context) { if(context == null) { return; } lime_media_openal_ALC.destroyContext(context); } ,disable: function(capability) { lime_media_openal_AL.disable(capability); } ,distanceModel: function(distanceModel) { lime_media_openal_AL.distanceModel(distanceModel); } ,dopplerFactor: function(value) { lime_media_openal_AL.dopplerFactor(value); } ,dopplerVelocity: function(value) { lime_media_openal_AL.dopplerVelocity(value); } ,enable: function(capability) { lime_media_openal_AL.enable(capability); } ,genSource: function() { return this.createSource(); } ,genSources: function(n) { return lime_media_openal_AL.genSources(n); } ,genBuffer: function() { return this.createBuffer(); } ,genBuffers: function(n) { return lime_media_openal_AL.genBuffers(n); } ,getBoolean: function(param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getBoolean(param); } ,getBooleanv: function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getBooleanv(param,count); } ,getBuffer3f: function(buffer,param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getBuffer3f(buffer,param); } ,getBuffer3i: function(buffer,param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getBuffer3i(buffer,param); } ,getBufferf: function(buffer,param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getBufferf(buffer,param); } ,getBufferfv: function(buffer,param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getBufferfv(buffer,param,count); } ,getBufferi: function(buffer,param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getBufferi(buffer,param); } ,getBufferiv: function(buffer,param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getBufferiv(buffer,param,count); } ,getContextsDevice: function(context) { if(context == null) { return null; } return lime_media_openal_ALC.getContextsDevice(context); } ,getCurrentContext: function() { return lime_media_openal_ALC.getCurrentContext(); } ,getDouble: function(param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getDouble(param); } ,getDoublev: function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getDoublev(param,count); } ,getEnumValue: function(ename) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getEnumValue(ename); } ,getError: function(device) { if(device == null) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getError(); } else { return lime_media_openal_ALC.getError(device); } } ,getErrorString: function(device) { if(device == null) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getErrorString(); } else { return lime_media_openal_ALC.getErrorString(device); } } ,getFloat: function(param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getFloat(param); } ,getFloatv: function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getFloatv(param,count); } ,getInteger: function(param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getInteger(param); } ,getIntegerv: function(param,count,device) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } if(device == null) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getIntegerv(param,count); } else { return lime_media_openal_ALC.getIntegerv(device,param,count); } } ,getListener3f: function(param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getListener3f(param); } ,getListener3i: function(param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getListener3i(param); } ,getListenerf: function(param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getListenerf(param); } ,getListenerfv: function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getListenerfv(param,count); } ,getListeneri: function(param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getListeneri(param); } ,getListeneriv: function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getListeneriv(param,count); } ,getProcAddress: function(fname) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getProcAddress(fname); } ,getSource3f: function(source,param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getSource3f(source,param); } ,getSourcef: function(source,param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getSourcef(source,param); } ,getSource3i: function(source,param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getSource3i(source,param); } ,getSourcefv: function(source,param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getSourcefv(source,param); } ,getSourcei: function(source,param) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getSourcei(source,param); } ,getSourceiv: function(source,param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return lime_media_openal_AL.getSourceiv(source,param,count); } ,getString: function(param,device) { if(device == null) { return lime_media_openal_AL.getString(param); } else { return lime_media_openal_ALC.getString(device,param); } } ,isBuffer: function(buffer) { return lime_media_openal_AL.isBuffer(buffer); } ,isEnabled: function(capability) { return lime_media_openal_AL.isEnabled(capability); } ,isExtensionPresent: function(extname) { return lime_media_openal_AL.isExtensionPresent(extname); } ,isSource: function(source) { return lime_media_openal_AL.isSource(source); } ,listener3f: function(param,value1,value2,value3) { lime_media_openal_AL.listener3f(param,value1,value2,value3); } ,listener3i: function(param,value1,value2,value3) { lime_media_openal_AL.listener3i(param,value1,value2,value3); } ,listenerf: function(param,value) { lime_media_openal_AL.listenerf(param,value); } ,listenerfv: function(param,values) { lime_media_openal_AL.listenerfv(param,values); } ,listeneri: function(param,value) { lime_media_openal_AL.listeneri(param,value); } ,listeneriv: function(param,values) { lime_media_openal_AL.listeneriv(param,values); } ,makeContextCurrent: function(context) { return lime_media_openal_ALC.makeContextCurrent(context); } ,openDevice: function(deviceName) { return lime_media_openal_ALC.openDevice(deviceName); } ,pauseDevice: function(device) { lime_media_openal_ALC.pauseDevice(device); } ,processContext: function(context) { lime_media_openal_ALC.processContext(context); } ,resumeDevice: function(device) { lime_media_openal_ALC.resumeDevice(device); } ,source3f: function(source,param,value1,value2,value3) { lime_media_openal_AL.source3f(source,param,value1,value2,value3); } ,source3i: function(source,param,value1,value2,value3) { lime_media_openal_AL.source3i(source,param,value1,value2,value3); } ,sourcef: function(source,param,value) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourcef(source,param,value); } ,sourcefv: function(source,param,values) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourcefv(source,param,values); } ,sourcei: function(source,param,value) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourcei(source,param,value); } ,sourceiv: function(source,param,values) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourceiv(source,param,values); } ,sourcePlay: function(source) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourcePlay(source); } ,sourcePlayv: function(sources) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourcePlayv(sources); } ,sourceStop: function(source) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourceStop(source); } ,sourceStopv: function(sources) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourceStopv(sources); } ,sourceRewind: function(source) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourceRewind(source); } ,sourceRewindv: function(sources) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourceRewindv(sources); } ,sourcePause: function(source) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourcePause(source); } ,sourcePausev: function(sources) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourcePausev(sources); } ,sourceQueueBuffer: function(source,buffer) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourceQueueBuffer(source,buffer); } ,sourceQueueBuffers: function(source,nb,buffers) { lime_media_openal_AL.sourceQueueBuffers(source,nb,buffers); } ,sourceUnqueueBuffer: function(source) { return lime_media_openal_AL.sourceUnqueueBuffer(source); } ,sourceUnqueueBuffers: function(source,nb) { return lime_media_openal_AL.sourceUnqueueBuffers(source,nb); } ,speedOfSound: function(value) { lime_media_openal_AL.speedOfSound(value); } ,suspendContext: function(context) { lime_media_openal_ALC.suspendContext(context); } ,__class__: lime_media_OpenALAudioContext }; var lime_media_openal_AL = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal.AL"] = lime_media_openal_AL; lime_media_openal_AL.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","AL"]; lime_media_openal_AL.removeDirectFilter = function(source) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.removeSend = function(source,index) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.auxf = function(aux,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.auxfv = function(aux,param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.auxi = function(aux,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.auxiv = function(aux,param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.bufferData = function(buffer,format,data,size,freq) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.buffer3f = function(buffer,param,value1,value2,value3) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.buffer3i = function(buffer,param,value1,value2,value3) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.bufferf = function(buffer,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.bufferfv = function(buffer,param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.bufferi = function(buffer,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.bufferiv = function(buffer,param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.createAux = function() { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.createBuffer = function() { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.createEffect = function() { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.createFilter = function() { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.createSource = function() { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.deleteBuffer = function(buffer) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.deleteBuffers = function(buffers) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.deleteSource = function(source) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.deleteSources = function(sources) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.disable = function(capability) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.distanceModel = function(distanceModel) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.dopplerFactor = function(value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.dopplerVelocity = function(value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.effectf = function(effect,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.effectfv = function(effect,param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.effecti = function(effect,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.effectiv = function(effect,param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.enable = function(capability) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.genSource = function() { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.genSources = function(n) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.genBuffer = function() { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.genBuffers = function(n) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getBoolean = function(param) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getBooleanv = function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getBuffer3f = function(buffer,param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getBuffer3i = function(buffer,param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getBufferf = function(buffer,param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getBufferfv = function(buffer,param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getBufferi = function(buffer,param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getBufferiv = function(buffer,param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getDouble = function(param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getDoublev = function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getEnumValue = function(ename) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getError = function() { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getErrorString = function() { var _g = lime_media_openal_AL.getError(); switch(_g) { case 40961: return "INVALID_NAME: Invalid parameter name"; case 40962: return "INVALID_ENUM: Invalid enum value"; case 40963: return "INVALID_VALUE: Invalid parameter value"; case 40964: return "INVALID_OPERATION: Illegal operation or call"; case 40965: return "OUT_OF_MEMORY: OpenAL has run out of memory"; default: return ""; } }; lime_media_openal_AL.getFilteri = function(filter,param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getFloat = function(param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getFloatv = function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getInteger = function(param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getIntegerv = function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getListener3f = function(param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getListener3i = function(param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getListenerf = function(param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getListenerfv = function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getListeneri = function(param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getListeneriv = function(param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getParameter = function(param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getProcAddress = function(fname) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getSource3f = function(source,param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getSourcef = function(source,param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getSource3i = function(source,param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getSourcefv = function(source,param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getSourcei = function(source,param) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getSourceiv = function(source,param,count) { if(count == null) { count = 1; } return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.getString = function(param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.isBuffer = function(buffer) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_AL.isEnabled = function(capability) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_AL.isExtensionPresent = function(extname) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_AL.isAux = function(aux) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_AL.isEffect = function(effect) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_AL.isFilter = function(filter) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_AL.isSource = function(source) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_AL.listener3f = function(param,value1,value2,value3) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.listener3i = function(param,value1,value2,value3) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.listenerf = function(param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.listenerfv = function(param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.listeneri = function(param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.listeneriv = function(param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.source3f = function(source,param,value1,value2,value3) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.source3i = function(source,param,value1,value2,value3) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourcef = function(source,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourcefv = function(source,param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourcei = function(source,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.filteri = function(filter,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.filterf = function(filter,param,value) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceiv = function(source,param,values) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourcePlay = function(source) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourcePlayv = function(sources) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceStop = function(source) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceStopv = function(sources) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceRewind = function(source) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceRewindv = function(sources) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourcePause = function(source) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourcePausev = function(sources) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceQueueBuffer = function(source,buffer) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceQueueBuffers = function(source,nb,buffers) { }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceUnqueueBuffer = function(source) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_AL.sourceUnqueueBuffers = function(source,nb) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_AL.speedOfSound = function(value) { }; var lime_media_openal__$ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal._ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot.ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_Impl_"] = lime_media_openal__$ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_$Impl_$; lime_media_openal__$ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","_ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot","ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_Impl_"]; lime_media_openal__$ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_ALAuxiliaryEffectSlot_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; var lime_media_openal__$ALBuffer_ALBuffer_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal._ALBuffer.ALBuffer_Impl_"] = lime_media_openal__$ALBuffer_ALBuffer_$Impl_$; lime_media_openal__$ALBuffer_ALBuffer_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","_ALBuffer","ALBuffer_Impl_"]; lime_media_openal__$ALBuffer_ALBuffer_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; var lime_media_openal_ALC = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal.ALC"] = lime_media_openal_ALC; lime_media_openal_ALC.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","ALC"]; lime_media_openal_ALC.closeDevice = function(device) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.createContext = function(device,attrlist) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.destroyContext = function(context) { }; lime_media_openal_ALC.getContextsDevice = function(context) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.getCurrentContext = function() { return null; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.getError = function(device) { return 0; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.getErrorString = function(device) { var _g = lime_media_openal_ALC.getError(device); switch(_g) { case 40961: return "INVALID_DEVICE: Invalid device (or no device?)"; case 40962: return "INVALID_CONTEXT: Invalid context (or no context?)"; case 40963: return "INVALID_ENUM: Invalid enum value"; case 40964: return "INVALID_VALUE: Invalid param value"; case 40965: return "OUT_OF_MEMORY: OpenAL has run out of memory"; default: return ""; } }; lime_media_openal_ALC.getIntegerv = function(device,param,size) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.getString = function(device,param) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.makeContextCurrent = function(context) { return false; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.openDevice = function(deviceName) { return null; }; lime_media_openal_ALC.pauseDevice = function(device) { }; lime_media_openal_ALC.processContext = function(context) { }; lime_media_openal_ALC.resumeDevice = function(device) { }; lime_media_openal_ALC.suspendContext = function(context) { }; var lime_media_openal__$ALContext_ALContext_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal._ALContext.ALContext_Impl_"] = lime_media_openal__$ALContext_ALContext_$Impl_$; lime_media_openal__$ALContext_ALContext_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","_ALContext","ALContext_Impl_"]; lime_media_openal__$ALContext_ALContext_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; var lime_media_openal__$ALDevice_ALDevice_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal._ALDevice.ALDevice_Impl_"] = lime_media_openal__$ALDevice_ALDevice_$Impl_$; lime_media_openal__$ALDevice_ALDevice_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","_ALDevice","ALDevice_Impl_"]; lime_media_openal__$ALDevice_ALDevice_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; var lime_media_openal__$ALEffect_ALEffect_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal._ALEffect.ALEffect_Impl_"] = lime_media_openal__$ALEffect_ALEffect_$Impl_$; lime_media_openal__$ALEffect_ALEffect_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","_ALEffect","ALEffect_Impl_"]; lime_media_openal__$ALEffect_ALEffect_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; var lime_media_openal__$ALFilter_ALFilter_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal._ALFilter.ALFilter_Impl_"] = lime_media_openal__$ALFilter_ALFilter_$Impl_$; lime_media_openal__$ALFilter_ALFilter_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","_ALFilter","ALFilter_Impl_"]; lime_media_openal__$ALFilter_ALFilter_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; var lime_media_openal__$ALSource_ALSource_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.media.openal._ALSource.ALSource_Impl_"] = lime_media_openal__$ALSource_ALSource_$Impl_$; lime_media_openal__$ALSource_ALSource_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","media","openal","_ALSource","ALSource_Impl_"]; lime_media_openal__$ALSource_ALSource_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; var lime_media_vorbis_VorbisComment = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.media.vorbis.VorbisComment"] = lime_media_vorbis_VorbisComment; lime_media_vorbis_VorbisComment.__name__ = ["lime","media","vorbis","VorbisComment"]; lime_media_vorbis_VorbisComment.prototype = { userComments: null ,vendor: null ,__class__: lime_media_vorbis_VorbisComment }; var lime_media_vorbis_VorbisFile = function(handle) { this.handle = handle; }; $hxClasses["lime.media.vorbis.VorbisFile"] = lime_media_vorbis_VorbisFile; lime_media_vorbis_VorbisFile.__name__ = ["lime","media","vorbis","VorbisFile"]; lime_media_vorbis_VorbisFile.fromBytes = function(bytes) { return null; }; lime_media_vorbis_VorbisFile.fromFile = function(path) { return null; }; lime_media_vorbis_VorbisFile.prototype = { bitstream: null ,handle: null ,bitrate: function(bitstream) { if(bitstream == null) { bitstream = -1; } return 0; } ,bitrateInstant: function() { return 0; } ,clear: function() { } ,comment: function(bitstream) { if(bitstream == null) { bitstream = -1; } return null; } ,crosslap: function(other) { return 0; } ,info: function(bitstream) { if(bitstream == null) { bitstream = -1; } return null; } ,pcmSeek: function(pos) { return 0; } ,pcmSeekLap: function(pos) { return 0; } ,pcmSeekPage: function(pos) { return 0; } ,pcmSeekPageLap: function(pos) { return 0; } ,pcmTell: function() { var this1 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,0); return this1; } ,pcmTotal: function(bitstream) { if(bitstream == null) { bitstream = -1; } var this1 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,0); return this1; } ,rawSeek: function(pos) { return 0; } ,rawSeekLap: function(pos) { return 0; } ,rawTell: function() { var this1 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,0); return this1; } ,rawTotal: function(bitstream) { if(bitstream == null) { bitstream = -1; } var this1 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,0); return this1; } ,read: function(buffer,position,length,bigEndianPacking,wordSize,signed) { if(signed == null) { signed = true; } if(wordSize == null) { wordSize = 2; } if(bigEndianPacking == null) { bigEndianPacking = false; } if(length == null) { length = 4096; } return 0; } ,readFloat: function(pcmChannels,samples) { return 0; } ,seekable: function() { return false; } ,serialNumber: function(bitstream) { if(bitstream == null) { bitstream = -1; } return 0; } ,streams: function() { return 0; } ,timeSeek: function(s) { return 0; } ,timeSeekLap: function(s) { return 0; } ,timeSeekPage: function(s) { return 0; } ,timeSeekPageLap: function(s) { return 0; } ,timeTell: function() { return 0; } ,timeTotal: function(bitstream) { if(bitstream == null) { bitstream = -1; } return 0; } ,__class__: lime_media_vorbis_VorbisFile }; var lime_media_vorbis_VorbisInfo = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.media.vorbis.VorbisInfo"] = lime_media_vorbis_VorbisInfo; lime_media_vorbis_VorbisInfo.__name__ = ["lime","media","vorbis","VorbisInfo"]; lime_media_vorbis_VorbisInfo.prototype = { bitrateLower: null ,bitrateNominal: null ,bitrateUpper: null ,channels: null ,rate: null ,version: null ,__class__: lime_media_vorbis_VorbisInfo }; var lime_net__$IHTTPRequest = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.net._IHTTPRequest"] = lime_net__$IHTTPRequest; lime_net__$IHTTPRequest.__name__ = ["lime","net","_IHTTPRequest"]; lime_net__$IHTTPRequest.prototype = { contentType: null ,data: null ,enableResponseHeaders: null ,followRedirects: null ,formData: null ,headers: null ,method: null ,responseHeaders: null ,responseStatus: null ,timeout: null ,uri: null ,userAgent: null ,withCredentials: null ,cancel: null ,__class__: lime_net__$IHTTPRequest }; var lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest = function(uri) { this.uri = uri; this.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; this.followRedirects = true; this.enableResponseHeaders = false; this.formData = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.headers = []; this.method = "GET"; this.timeout = 30000; this.withCredentials = false; this.__backend = new lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest(); this.__backend.init(this); }; $hxClasses["lime.net._HTTPRequest.AbstractHTTPRequest"] = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.__name__ = ["lime","net","_HTTPRequest","AbstractHTTPRequest"]; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.__interfaces__ = [lime_net__$IHTTPRequest]; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.prototype = { contentType: null ,data: null ,enableResponseHeaders: null ,followRedirects: null ,formData: null ,headers: null ,method: null ,responseData: null ,responseHeaders: null ,responseStatus: null ,timeout: null ,uri: null ,userAgent: null ,withCredentials: null ,__backend: null ,cancel: function() { this.__backend.cancel(); } ,load: function(uri) { return null; } ,__class__: lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest }; var lime_net_HTTPRequest = function(uri) { lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.call(this,uri); }; $hxClasses["lime.net.HTTPRequest"] = lime_net_HTTPRequest; lime_net_HTTPRequest.__name__ = ["lime","net","HTTPRequest"]; lime_net_HTTPRequest.__super__ = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest; lime_net_HTTPRequest.prototype = $extend(lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.prototype,{ __class__: lime_net_HTTPRequest }); var lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes = function(uri) { lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.call(this,uri); }; $hxClasses["lime.net._HTTPRequest_Bytes"] = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.__name__ = ["lime","net","_HTTPRequest_Bytes"]; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.__super__ = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.prototype = $extend(lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.prototype,{ fromBytes: function(bytes) { return bytes; } ,load: function(uri) { var _gthis = this; if(uri != null) { this.uri = uri; } var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); var future = this.__backend.loadData(this.uri); future.onProgress($bind(promise,promise.progress)); future.onError($bind(promise,promise.error)); future.onComplete(function(bytes) { _gthis.responseData = _gthis.fromBytes(bytes); promise.complete(_gthis.responseData); }); return promise.future; } ,__class__: lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes }); var lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$String = function(uri) { lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.call(this,uri); }; $hxClasses["lime.net._HTTPRequest_String"] = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$String; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$String.__name__ = ["lime","net","_HTTPRequest_String"]; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$String.__super__ = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$String.prototype = $extend(lime_net__$HTTPRequest_AbstractHTTPRequest.prototype,{ load: function(uri) { var _gthis = this; if(uri != null) { this.uri = uri; } var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); var future = this.__backend.loadText(this.uri); future.onProgress($bind(promise,promise.progress)); future.onError($bind(promise,promise.error)); future.onComplete(function(text) { _gthis.responseData = text; promise.complete(_gthis.responseData); }); return promise.future; } ,__class__: lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$String }); var lime_net_HTTPRequestHeader = function(name,value) { if(value == null) { value = ""; } this.name = name; this.value = value; }; $hxClasses["lime.net.HTTPRequestHeader"] = lime_net_HTTPRequestHeader; lime_net_HTTPRequestHeader.__name__ = ["lime","net","HTTPRequestHeader"]; lime_net_HTTPRequestHeader.prototype = { name: null ,value: null ,__class__: lime_net_HTTPRequestHeader }; var lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$text_$Font = function(uri) { lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.call(this,uri); }; $hxClasses["lime.net._HTTPRequest_lime_text_Font"] = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$text_$Font; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$text_$Font.__name__ = ["lime","net","_HTTPRequest_lime_text_Font"]; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$text_$Font.__super__ = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$text_$Font.prototype = $extend(lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.prototype,{ fromBytes: function(bytes) { return lime_text_Font.fromBytes(bytes); } ,__class__: lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$text_$Font }); var lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$utils_$Bytes = function(uri) { lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.call(this,uri); }; $hxClasses["lime.net._HTTPRequest_lime_utils_Bytes"] = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$utils_$Bytes; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$utils_$Bytes.__name__ = ["lime","net","_HTTPRequest_lime_utils_Bytes"]; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$utils_$Bytes.__super__ = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$utils_$Bytes.prototype = $extend(lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.prototype,{ fromBytes: function(bytes) { return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fromBytes(bytes); } ,__class__: lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$utils_$Bytes }); var lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$openfl_$utils_$ByteArray = function(uri) { lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.call(this,uri); }; $hxClasses["lime.net._HTTPRequest_openfl_utils_ByteArray"] = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$openfl_$utils_$ByteArray; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$openfl_$utils_$ByteArray.__name__ = ["lime","net","_HTTPRequest_openfl_utils_ByteArray"]; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$openfl_$utils_$ByteArray.__super__ = lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes; lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$openfl_$utils_$ByteArray.prototype = $extend(lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$Bytes.prototype,{ fromBytes: function(bytes) { return openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(bytes); } ,__class__: lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$openfl_$utils_$ByteArray }); var lime_system_CFFI = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.system.CFFI"] = lime_system_CFFI; lime_system_CFFI.__name__ = ["lime","system","CFFI"]; lime_system_CFFI.available = null; lime_system_CFFI.enabled = null; lime_system_CFFI.load = function(library,method,args,lazy) { if(lazy == null) { lazy = false; } if(args == null) { args = 0; } if(!lime_system_CFFI.enabled) { return Reflect.makeVarArgs(function(__) { return { }; }); } var result = null; return result; }; lime_system_CFFI.__findHaxelib = function(library) { return ""; }; lime_system_CFFI.__loaderTrace = function(message) { }; lime_system_CFFI.__sysName = function() { return null; }; lime_system_CFFI.__tryLoad = function(name,library,func,args) { return null; }; var lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.system._CFFIPointer.CFFIPointer_Impl_"] = lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","system","_CFFIPointer","CFFIPointer_Impl_"]; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$._new = function(handle) { var this1 = handle; return this1; }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get = function(this1) { var tmp = this1 != null; return 0; }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.equals = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) == b; }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.equalsPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) == lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.greaterThan = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) > b; }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.greaterThanPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) > lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.greaterThanOrEqual = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) >= b; }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.greaterThanOrEqualPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) >= lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.lessThan = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) < b; }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.lessThanPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) < lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.lessThanOrEqual = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) <= b; }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.lessThanOrEqualPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) <= lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.notEquals = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) != b; }; lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.notEqualsPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) != lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; var lime_system_Clipboard = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.system.Clipboard"] = lime_system_Clipboard; lime_system_Clipboard.__name__ = ["lime","system","Clipboard"]; lime_system_Clipboard.__properties__ = {set_text:"set_text",get_text:"get_text"}; lime_system_Clipboard._text = null; lime_system_Clipboard.__update = function() { var cacheText = lime_system_Clipboard._text; if(lime_system_Clipboard._text != cacheText) { lime_system_Clipboard.onUpdate.dispatch(); } }; lime_system_Clipboard.get_text = function() { lime_system_Clipboard.__update(); return lime_system_Clipboard._text; }; lime_system_Clipboard.set_text = function(value) { var cacheText = lime_system_Clipboard._text; lime_system_Clipboard._text = value; var $window = lime_app_Application.current.__window; if($window != null) { $window.__backend.setClipboard(value); } if(lime_system_Clipboard._text != cacheText) { lime_system_Clipboard.onUpdate.dispatch(); } return value; }; var lime_system_Display = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.system.Display"] = lime_system_Display; lime_system_Display.__name__ = ["lime","system","Display"]; lime_system_Display.prototype = { bounds: null ,currentMode: null ,id: null ,dpi: null ,name: null ,supportedModes: null ,__class__: lime_system_Display }; var lime_system_DisplayMode = function(width,height,refreshRate,pixelFormat) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.refreshRate = refreshRate; this.pixelFormat = pixelFormat; }; $hxClasses["lime.system.DisplayMode"] = lime_system_DisplayMode; lime_system_DisplayMode.__name__ = ["lime","system","DisplayMode"]; lime_system_DisplayMode.prototype = { height: null ,pixelFormat: null ,refreshRate: null ,width: null ,__class__: lime_system_DisplayMode }; var lime_system_Endian = $hxClasses["lime.system.Endian"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","system","Endian"], __constructs__ : ["LITTLE_ENDIAN","BIG_ENDIAN"] }; lime_system_Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN = ["LITTLE_ENDIAN",0]; lime_system_Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN.toString = $estr; lime_system_Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN.__enum__ = lime_system_Endian; lime_system_Endian.BIG_ENDIAN = ["BIG_ENDIAN",1]; lime_system_Endian.BIG_ENDIAN.toString = $estr; lime_system_Endian.BIG_ENDIAN.__enum__ = lime_system_Endian; var lime_system_JNI = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.system.JNI"] = lime_system_JNI; lime_system_JNI.__name__ = ["lime","system","JNI"]; lime_system_JNI.callMember = function(method,jobject,a) { var _g = a.length; switch(_g) { case 0: return method(jobject); case 1: return method(jobject,a[0]); case 2: return method(jobject,a[0],a[1]); case 3: return method(jobject,a[0],a[1],a[2]); case 4: return method(jobject,a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]); case 5: return method(jobject,a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]); case 6: return method(jobject,a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5]); case 7: return method(jobject,a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6]); default: return null; } }; lime_system_JNI.callStatic = function(method,a) { var _g = a.length; switch(_g) { case 0: return method(); case 1: return method(a[0]); case 2: return method(a[0],a[1]); case 3: return method(a[0],a[1],a[2]); case 4: return method(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]); case 5: return method(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]); case 6: return method(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5]); case 7: return method(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6]); default: return null; } }; lime_system_JNI.createMemberField = function(className,memberName,signature) { lime_system_JNI.init(); return null; }; lime_system_JNI.createMemberMethod = function(className,memberName,signature,useArray,quietFail) { if(quietFail == null) { quietFail = false; } if(useArray == null) { useArray = false; } lime_system_JNI.init(); return null; }; lime_system_JNI.createStaticField = function(className,memberName,signature) { lime_system_JNI.init(); return null; }; lime_system_JNI.createStaticMethod = function(className,memberName,signature,useArray,quietFail) { if(quietFail == null) { quietFail = false; } if(useArray == null) { useArray = false; } lime_system_JNI.init(); return null; }; lime_system_JNI.getEnv = function() { lime_system_JNI.init(); return null; }; lime_system_JNI.init = function() { if(!lime_system_JNI.initialized) { lime_system_JNI.initialized = true; } }; lime_system_JNI.onCallback = function(object,method,args) { var field = Reflect.field(object,method); if(field != null) { if(args == null) { args = []; } return field.apply(object,args); } haxe_Log.trace("onCallback - unknown field " + method,{ fileName : "JNI.hx", lineNumber : 184, className : "lime.system.JNI", methodName : "onCallback"}); return null; }; lime_system_JNI.postUICallback = function(callback) { callback(); }; var lime_system_JNIMemberField = function(field) { this.field = field; }; $hxClasses["lime.system.JNIMemberField"] = lime_system_JNIMemberField; lime_system_JNIMemberField.__name__ = ["lime","system","JNIMemberField"]; lime_system_JNIMemberField.prototype = { field: null ,get: function(jobject) { return null; } ,set: function(jobject,value) { return value; } ,__class__: lime_system_JNIMemberField }; var lime_system_JNIStaticField = function(field) { this.field = field; }; $hxClasses["lime.system.JNIStaticField"] = lime_system_JNIStaticField; lime_system_JNIStaticField.__name__ = ["lime","system","JNIStaticField"]; lime_system_JNIStaticField.prototype = { field: null ,get: function() { return null; } ,set: function(value) { return value; } ,__class__: lime_system_JNIStaticField }; var lime_system_JNIMethod = function(method) { this.method = method; }; $hxClasses["lime.system.JNIMethod"] = lime_system_JNIMethod; lime_system_JNIMethod.__name__ = ["lime","system","JNIMethod"]; lime_system_JNIMethod.prototype = { method: null ,callMember: function(args) { return null; } ,callStatic: function(args) { return null; } ,getMemberMethod: function(useArray) { if(useArray) { return $bind(this,this.callMember); } else { return Reflect.makeVarArgs($bind(this,this.callMember)); } } ,getStaticMethod: function(useArray) { if(useArray) { return $bind(this,this.callStatic); } else { return Reflect.makeVarArgs($bind(this,this.callStatic)); } } ,__class__: lime_system_JNIMethod }; var lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.system._Locale.Locale_Impl_"] = lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","system","_Locale","Locale_Impl_"]; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_region:"get_region",get_language:"get_language",get_systemLocale:"get_systemLocale",set_currentLocale:"set_currentLocale",get_currentLocale:"get_currentLocale"}; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.currentLocale = null; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__systemLocale = null; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$._new = function(value) { var this1 = value; return this1; }; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.equals = function(a,b) { var language = lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_language(a); var region = lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_region(a); var language2 = lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_language(b); var region2 = lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_region(b); var languageMatch = language == language2; var regionMatch = region == region2; if(!languageMatch && language != null && language2 != null) { languageMatch = language.toLowerCase() == language2.toLowerCase(); } if(!regionMatch && region != null && region2 != null) { regionMatch = region.toLowerCase() == region2.toLowerCase(); } if(languageMatch) { return regionMatch; } else { return false; } }; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__init = function() { if(lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__systemLocale == null) { var locale = null; locale = navigator.language; if(locale != null) { lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__systemLocale = locale; } else { lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__systemLocale = "en-US"; } lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.set_currentLocale(lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__systemLocale); } }; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_language = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { var index = this1.indexOf("_"); if(index > -1) { var dashIndex = this1.indexOf("-"); if(dashIndex > -1 && dashIndex < index) { index = dashIndex; } return this1.substring(0,index); } index = this1.indexOf("-"); if(index > -1) { return this1.substring(0,index); } } return this1; }; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_region = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { var underscoreIndex = this1.indexOf("_"); var dotIndex = this1.indexOf("."); var dashIndex = this1.indexOf("-"); if(underscoreIndex > -1) { if(dotIndex > -1) { return this1.substring(underscoreIndex + 1,dotIndex); } else { return this1.substring(underscoreIndex + 1); } } else if(dashIndex > -1) { if(dotIndex > -1) { return this1.substring(dashIndex + 1,dotIndex); } else { return this1.substring(dashIndex + 1); } } } return null; }; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_currentLocale = function() { lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__init(); return lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.currentLocale; }; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.set_currentLocale = function(value) { lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__init(); return lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.currentLocale = value; }; lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_systemLocale = function() { lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__init(); return lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.__systemLocale; }; var lime_system_Sensor = function(type,id) { this.onUpdate = new lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Float_$Void(); this.type = type; this.id = id; }; $hxClasses["lime.system.Sensor"] = lime_system_Sensor; lime_system_Sensor.__name__ = ["lime","system","Sensor"]; lime_system_Sensor.getSensors = function(type) { if(type == null) { return lime_system_Sensor.sensors.slice(); } else { var result = []; var _g = 0; var _g1 = lime_system_Sensor.sensors; while(_g < _g1.length) { var sensor = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(sensor.type == type) { result.push(sensor); } } return result; } }; lime_system_Sensor.registerSensor = function(type,id) { var sensor = new lime_system_Sensor(type,id); lime_system_Sensor.sensors.push(sensor); lime_system_Sensor.sensorByID.h[id] = sensor; return sensor; }; lime_system_Sensor.prototype = { id: null ,onUpdate: null ,type: null ,__class__: lime_system_Sensor }; var lime_system_SensorType = $hxClasses["lime.system.SensorType"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","system","SensorType"], __constructs__ : ["ACCELEROMETER"] }; lime_system_SensorType.ACCELEROMETER = ["ACCELEROMETER",0]; lime_system_SensorType.ACCELEROMETER.toString = $estr; lime_system_SensorType.ACCELEROMETER.__enum__ = lime_system_SensorType; var lime_system_System = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.system.System"] = lime_system_System; lime_system_System.__name__ = ["lime","system","System"]; lime_system_System.__properties__ = {get_userDirectory:"get_userDirectory",get_platformVersion:"get_platformVersion",get_platformName:"get_platformName",get_platformLabel:"get_platformLabel",get_numDisplays:"get_numDisplays",get_fontsDirectory:"get_fontsDirectory",get_endianness:"get_endianness",get_documentsDirectory:"get_documentsDirectory",get_deviceVendor:"get_deviceVendor",get_deviceModel:"get_deviceModel",get_desktopDirectory:"get_desktopDirectory",get_applicationStorageDirectory:"get_applicationStorageDirectory",get_applicationDirectory:"get_applicationDirectory",set_allowScreenTimeout:"set_allowScreenTimeout",get_allowScreenTimeout:"get_allowScreenTimeout"}; lime_system_System.disableCFFI = null; lime_system_System.__applicationDirectory = null; lime_system_System.__applicationEntryPoint = null; lime_system_System.__applicationStorageDirectory = null; lime_system_System.__desktopDirectory = null; lime_system_System.__deviceModel = null; lime_system_System.__deviceVendor = null; lime_system_System.__documentsDirectory = null; lime_system_System.__endianness = null; lime_system_System.__fontsDirectory = null; lime_system_System.__platformLabel = null; lime_system_System.__platformName = null; lime_system_System.__platformVersion = null; lime_system_System.__userDirectory = null; lime_system_System.embed = $hx_exports["lime"]["embed"] = function(projectName,element,width,height,config) { if(lime_system_System.__applicationEntryPoint == null) { return; } var _this = lime_system_System.__applicationEntryPoint; if(__map_reserved[projectName] != null ? _this.existsReserved(projectName) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(projectName)) { var htmlElement = null; if(typeof(element) == "string") { htmlElement = window.document.getElementById(element); } else if(element == null) { htmlElement = window.document.createElement("div"); } else { htmlElement = element; } if(htmlElement == null) { window.console.log("[lime.embed] ERROR: Cannot find target element: " + Std.string(element)); return; } if(width == null) { width = 0; } if(height == null) { height = 0; } if(config == null) { config = { }; } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(config,"background") && typeof(config.background) == "string") { var background = StringTools.replace(Std.string(config.background),"#",""); if(background.indexOf("0x") > -1) { config.background = Std.parseInt(background); } else { config.background = Std.parseInt("0x" + background); } } config.element = htmlElement; config.width = width; config.height = height; var _this1 = lime_system_System.__applicationEntryPoint; (__map_reserved[projectName] != null ? _this1.getReserved(projectName) : _this1.h[projectName])(config); } }; lime_system_System.exit = function(code) { }; lime_system_System.getDisplay = function(id) { if(id == 0) { var display = new lime_system_Display(); display.id = 0; display.name = "Generic Display"; display.dpi = 96 * window.devicePixelRatio; display.currentMode = new lime_system_DisplayMode(window.screen.width,window.screen.height,60,1); display.supportedModes = [display.currentMode]; display.bounds = new lime_math_Rectangle(0,0,display.currentMode.width,display.currentMode.height); return display; } return null; }; lime_system_System.getTimer = function() { return window.performance.now() | 0; }; lime_system_System.load = function(library,method,args,lazy) { if(lazy == null) { lazy = false; } if(args == null) { args = 0; } return lime_system_CFFI.load(library,method,args,lazy); }; lime_system_System.openFile = function(path) { if(path != null) { window.open(path,"_blank"); } }; lime_system_System.openURL = function(url,target) { if(target == null) { target = "_blank"; } if(url != null) { window.open(url,target); } }; lime_system_System.__copyMissingFields = function(target,source) { if(source == null || target == null) { return; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = Reflect.fields(source); while(_g < _g1.length) { var field = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target,field)) { target[field] = Reflect.field(source,field); } } }; lime_system_System.__getDirectory = function(type) { return null; }; lime_system_System.__parseBool = function(value) { return value == "true"; }; lime_system_System.__registerEntryPoint = function(projectName,entryPoint) { if(lime_system_System.__applicationEntryPoint == null) { lime_system_System.__applicationEntryPoint = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); } var _this = lime_system_System.__applicationEntryPoint; if(__map_reserved[projectName] != null) { _this.setReserved(projectName,entryPoint); } else { _this.h[projectName] = entryPoint; } }; lime_system_System.__runProcess = function(command,args) { return null; }; lime_system_System.get_allowScreenTimeout = function() { return true; }; lime_system_System.set_allowScreenTimeout = function(value) { return true; }; lime_system_System.get_applicationDirectory = function() { if(lime_system_System.__applicationDirectory == null) { lime_system_System.__applicationDirectory = lime_system_System.__getDirectory(0); } return lime_system_System.__applicationDirectory; }; lime_system_System.get_applicationStorageDirectory = function() { if(lime_system_System.__applicationStorageDirectory == null) { lime_system_System.__applicationStorageDirectory = lime_system_System.__getDirectory(1); } return lime_system_System.__applicationStorageDirectory; }; lime_system_System.get_deviceModel = function() { var tmp = lime_system_System.__deviceModel == null; return lime_system_System.__deviceModel; }; lime_system_System.get_deviceVendor = function() { var tmp = lime_system_System.__deviceVendor == null; return lime_system_System.__deviceVendor; }; lime_system_System.get_desktopDirectory = function() { if(lime_system_System.__desktopDirectory == null) { lime_system_System.__desktopDirectory = lime_system_System.__getDirectory(2); } return lime_system_System.__desktopDirectory; }; lime_system_System.get_documentsDirectory = function() { if(lime_system_System.__documentsDirectory == null) { lime_system_System.__documentsDirectory = lime_system_System.__getDirectory(3); } return lime_system_System.__documentsDirectory; }; lime_system_System.get_endianness = function() { if(lime_system_System.__endianness == null) { var arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(2); var this1; if(arrayBuffer != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer,0); } else { this1 = null; } var uint8Array = this1; var this2; if(arrayBuffer != null) { this2 = new Uint16Array(arrayBuffer,0); } else { this2 = null; } var uint16array = this2; uint8Array[0] = 170; uint8Array[1] = 187; if(uint16array[0] == 43707) { lime_system_System.__endianness = lime_system_Endian.BIG_ENDIAN; } else { lime_system_System.__endianness = lime_system_Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; } } return lime_system_System.__endianness; }; lime_system_System.get_fontsDirectory = function() { if(lime_system_System.__fontsDirectory == null) { lime_system_System.__fontsDirectory = lime_system_System.__getDirectory(4); } return lime_system_System.__fontsDirectory; }; lime_system_System.get_numDisplays = function() { return 1; }; lime_system_System.get_platformLabel = function() { if(lime_system_System.__platformLabel == null) { var name = lime_system_System.get_platformName(); var version = lime_system_System.get_platformVersion(); if(name != null && version != null) { lime_system_System.__platformLabel = name + " " + version; } else if(name != null) { lime_system_System.__platformLabel = name; } } return lime_system_System.__platformLabel; }; lime_system_System.get_platformName = function() { if(lime_system_System.__platformName == null) { lime_system_System.__platformName = "HTML5"; } return lime_system_System.__platformName; }; lime_system_System.get_platformVersion = function() { var tmp = lime_system_System.__platformVersion == null; return lime_system_System.__platformVersion; }; lime_system_System.get_userDirectory = function() { if(lime_system_System.__userDirectory == null) { lime_system_System.__userDirectory = lime_system_System.__getDirectory(5); } return lime_system_System.__userDirectory; }; var lime_system_ThreadPool = function(minThreads,maxThreads) { if(maxThreads == null) { maxThreads = 1; } if(minThreads == null) { minThreads = 0; } this.onRun = new lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void(); this.onProgress = new lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void(); this.onError = new lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void(); this.onComplete = new lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void(); this.doWork = new lime_app__$Event_$haxe_$Function_$Void(); this.minThreads = minThreads; this.maxThreads = maxThreads; this.currentThreads = 0; }; $hxClasses["lime.system.ThreadPool"] = lime_system_ThreadPool; lime_system_ThreadPool.__name__ = ["lime","system","ThreadPool"]; lime_system_ThreadPool.prototype = { currentThreads: null ,doWork: null ,maxThreads: null ,minThreads: null ,onComplete: null ,onError: null ,onProgress: null ,onRun: null ,queue: function(state) { this.runWork(state); } ,sendComplete: function(state) { this.onComplete.dispatch(state); } ,sendError: function(state) { this.onError.dispatch(state); } ,sendProgress: function(state) { this.onProgress.dispatch(state); } ,runWork: function(state) { this.onRun.dispatch(state); this.doWork.dispatch(state); } ,__class__: lime_system_ThreadPool }; var lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType = $hxClasses["lime.system._ThreadPool.ThreadPoolMessageType"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","system","_ThreadPool","ThreadPoolMessageType"], __constructs__ : ["COMPLETE","ERROR","EXIT","PROGRESS","WORK"] }; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.COMPLETE = ["COMPLETE",0]; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.COMPLETE.toString = $estr; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.COMPLETE.__enum__ = lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.ERROR = ["ERROR",1]; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.ERROR.toString = $estr; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.ERROR.__enum__ = lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.EXIT = ["EXIT",2]; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.EXIT.toString = $estr; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.EXIT.__enum__ = lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.PROGRESS = ["PROGRESS",3]; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.PROGRESS.toString = $estr; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.PROGRESS.__enum__ = lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.WORK = ["WORK",4]; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.WORK.toString = $estr; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType.WORK.__enum__ = lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessageType; var lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessage = function(type,state) { this.type = type; this.state = state; }; $hxClasses["lime.system._ThreadPool.ThreadPoolMessage"] = lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessage; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessage.__name__ = ["lime","system","_ThreadPool","ThreadPoolMessage"]; lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessage.prototype = { state: null ,type: null ,__class__: lime_system__$ThreadPool_ThreadPoolMessage }; var lime_text__$Glyph_Glyph_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.text._Glyph.Glyph_Impl_"] = lime_text__$Glyph_Glyph_$Impl_$; lime_text__$Glyph_Glyph_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","text","_Glyph","Glyph_Impl_"]; lime_text__$Glyph_Glyph_$Impl_$._new = function(i) { var this1 = i; return this1; }; var lime_text_GlyphMetrics = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.text.GlyphMetrics"] = lime_text_GlyphMetrics; lime_text_GlyphMetrics.__name__ = ["lime","text","GlyphMetrics"]; lime_text_GlyphMetrics.prototype = { advance: null ,height: null ,horizontalBearing: null ,verticalBearing: null ,__class__: lime_text_GlyphMetrics }; var lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.text._UTF8String.UTF8String_Impl_"] = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","text","_UTF8String","UTF8String_Impl_"]; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_length:"get_length"}; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$._new = function(str) { var this1 = new String(str); return this1; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.charAt = function(this1,index) { var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var this4 = this3; var i; if(index >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this4.length; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < index && index1 < len) { var c = this4.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i1; } i = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -index && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this4.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } i = index2; } var this5 = this1; var this6 = this5; var this7 = this6; var c2 = this7.charCodeAt(i); var this8 = HxOverrides.substr(this7,i,!(55296 <= c2 && c2 <= 56319) ? 1 : 2); var this9 = this8; return this9; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.charCodeAt = function(this1,index) { var tmp; if(index >= 0) { var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; tmp = index >= lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount(this3,0,this1.length); } else { tmp = true; } if(tmp) { return null; } var this4 = this1; var this5 = this4; var this6 = this5; var i; if(index >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this6.length; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < index && index1 < len) { var c = this6.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i1; } i = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -index && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this6.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } i = index2; } var this7 = this1; var this8 = this7; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointAt(this8,i); }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.fromCharCode = function(code) { if(!(0 <= code && code <= 1114111 && !(55296 <= code && code <= 56319) && !(56320 <= code && code <= 57343))) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint(code)); } var this1 = code; var this2 = this1; var this3; if(this2 <= 65535) { var this4 = String.fromCharCode(this2); var this5 = this4; this3 = this5; } else { var this6 = String.fromCharCode((this2 >> 10) + 55232) + String.fromCharCode(this2 & 1023 | 56320); var this7 = this6; this3 = this7; } return this3; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.fromCharCodes = function(codes) { var s = ""; var _g = 0; while(_g < codes.length) { var code = codes[_g]; ++_g; if(!(0 <= code && code <= 1114111 && !(55296 <= code && code <= 56319) && !(56320 <= code && code <= 57343))) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new lime__$internal_unifill_InvalidCodePoint(code)); } var this1 = code; var b = this1; var this2; if(b <= 65535) { var this3 = String.fromCharCode(b); var this4 = this3; this2 = this4; } else { var this5 = String.fromCharCode((b >> 10) + 55232) + String.fromCharCode(b & 1023 | 56320); var this6 = this5; this2 = this6; } s += this2; } return s; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.indexOf = function(this1,str,startIndex) { if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = 0; } var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var this4 = this3; var index; if(startIndex >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this4.length; var i = 0; while(i < startIndex && index1 < len) { var c = this4.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } index = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -startIndex && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this4.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } index = index2; } var index3 = this1.indexOf(str,index); if(index3 >= 0) { var this5 = this1; var this6 = this5; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount(this6,0,index3); } else { return -1; } }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.lastIndexOf = function(this1,str,startIndex) { var startIndex1 = startIndex; if(startIndex1 == null) { startIndex1 = this1.length - 1; } var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var this4 = this3; var index; if(startIndex1 >= 0) { var index1 = 0; var len = this4.length; var i = 0; while(i < startIndex1 && index1 < len) { var c = this4.charCodeAt(index1); index1 += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } index = index1; } else { var index2 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -startIndex1 && 0 < index2) { var c1 = this4.charCodeAt(index2 - 1); index2 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } index = index2; } var index3 = this1.lastIndexOf(str,index); if(index3 >= 0) { var this5 = this1; var this6 = this5; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount(this6,0,index3); } else { return -1; } }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.split = function(this1,delimiter) { if(delimiter.length == 0) { var _g = []; var _g1_string; var _g1_index; var _g1_i; var _g1_endIndex; _g1_i = 0; _g1_string = this1; _g1_index = 0; _g1_endIndex = this1.length; while(_g1_index < _g1_endIndex) { _g1_i = _g1_index; var this2 = _g1_string; var this3 = this2; var c = this3.charCodeAt(_g1_index); _g1_index += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; var i = _g1_i; var this4 = this1; var this5 = this4; var this6 = this5; var c1 = this6.charCodeAt(i); var this7 = HxOverrides.substr(this6,i,!(55296 <= c1 && c1 <= 56319) ? 1 : 2); var this8 = this7; _g.push(this8); } return _g; } else { return this1.split(delimiter); } }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substr = function(this1,pos,len) { if(len == null) { len = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this1) - pos; } return HxOverrides.substr(this1,pos,len); }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring = function(this1,startIndex,endIndex) { var si; if(startIndex < 0) { si = 0; } else { var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; var this4 = this3; if(startIndex >= 0) { var index = 0; var len = this4.length; var i = 0; while(i < startIndex && index < len) { var c = this4.charCodeAt(index); index += !(55296 <= c && c <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i; } si = index; } else { var index1 = 0; var count = 0; while(count < -startIndex && 0 < index1) { var c1 = this4.charCodeAt(index1 - 1); index1 -= !(56320 <= c1 && c1 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count; } si = index1; } } var ei; if(endIndex == null) { ei = this1.length; } else if(endIndex < 0) { ei = 0; } else { var this5 = this1; var this6 = this5; var this7 = this6; if(endIndex >= 0) { var index2 = 0; var len1 = this7.length; var i1 = 0; while(i1 < endIndex && index2 < len1) { var c2 = this7.charCodeAt(index2); index2 += !(55296 <= c2 && c2 <= 56319) ? 1 : 2; ++i1; } ei = index2; } else { var index3 = 0; var count1 = 0; while(count1 < -endIndex && 0 < index3) { var c3 = this7.charCodeAt(index3 - 1); index3 -= !(56320 <= c3 && c3 <= 57343) ? 1 : 2; ++count1; } ei = index3; } } return this1.substring(si,ei); }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.toLowerCase = function(this1,locale) { return this1.toLowerCase(); }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.toLowerCaseLocaleFixes = function(v,locale) { var _g = lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_language(locale); if(_g == "tr") { if(v == 50352) { return 105; } else { return v; } } else { return v; } }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return this1; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.toUpperCase = function(this1,locale) { return this1.toUpperCase(); }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.toUpperCaseLocaleFixes = function(v,locale) { var _g = lime_system__$Locale_Locale_$Impl_$.get_language(locale); if(_g == "tr") { if(v == 105) { return 50352; } else { return v; } } else { return v; } }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.equals = function(a,b) { if(a == null || b == null) { return a == b; } return lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCompare(a,b) == 0; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.lt = function(a,b) { if(b == null) { return false; } if(a == null) { return true; } return lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCompare(a,b) == -1; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.gt = function(a,b) { if(a == null) { return false; } if(b == null) { return true; } return lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCompare(a,b) == 1; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.lteq = function(a,b) { if(b == null) { return a == null; } if(a == null) { return true; } return lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCompare(a,b) != 1; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.gteq = function(a,b) { if(a == null) { return b == null; } if(b == null) { return true; } return lime__$internal_unifill_Unifill.uCompare(a,b) != -1; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.plus = function(a,b) { if(a == null && b == null) { return null; } if(a == null) { return b; } if(b == null) { return a; } var sb_b = ""; sb_b += Std.string(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.toString(a)); sb_b += Std.string(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.toString(b)); return sb_b; }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.fromDynamic = function(value) { return Std.string(value); }; lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { if(this1 == null) { return 0; } else { var this2 = this1; var this3 = this2; return lime__$internal_unifill__$Utf16_Utf16_$Impl_$.codePointCount(this3,0,this1.length); } }; var lime_text__$UTF8String_Utf8Ext = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.text._UTF8String.Utf8Ext"] = lime_text__$UTF8String_Utf8Ext; lime_text__$UTF8String_Utf8Ext.__name__ = ["lime","text","_UTF8String","Utf8Ext"]; lime_text__$UTF8String_Utf8Ext.fillUpperToLowerMap = function(map) { var i = 0; var _g = 0; while(_g < 26) { var i1 = _g++; var v = 97 + i1; map.h[65 + i1] = v; } var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 23) { var i2 = _g1++; var v1 = 224 + i2; map.h[192 + i2] = v1; } var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < 7) { var i3 = _g2++; var v2 = 248 + i3; map.h[216 + i3] = v2; } while(i < 48) { var v3 = 257 + i; map.h[256 + i] = v3; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[304] = 105; while(i < 6) { var v4 = 307 + i; map.h[306 + i] = v4; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 16) { var v5 = 314 + i; map.h[313 + i] = v5; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 46) { var v6 = 331 + i; map.h[330 + i] = v6; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[376] = 255; while(i < 6) { var v7 = 378 + i; map.h[377 + i] = v7; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[385] = 595; while(i < 4) { var v8 = 387 + i; map.h[386 + i] = v8; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[390] = 596; map.h[391] = 392; var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < 2) { var i4 = _g3++; var v9 = 598 + i4; map.h[393 + i4] = v9; } map.h[395] = 396; map.h[398] = 477; map.h[399] = 601; map.h[400] = 603; map.h[401] = 402; map.h[403] = 608; map.h[404] = 611; map.h[406] = 617; map.h[407] = 616; map.h[408] = 409; map.h[412] = 623; map.h[413] = 626; map.h[415] = 629; while(i < 6) { var v10 = 417 + i; map.h[416 + i] = v10; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[422] = 640; map.h[423] = 424; map.h[425] = 643; map.h[428] = 429; map.h[430] = 648; map.h[431] = 432; var _g4 = 0; while(_g4 < 2) { var i5 = _g4++; var v11 = 650 + i5; map.h[433 + i5] = v11; } while(i < 4) { var v12 = 436 + i; map.h[435 + i] = v12; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[439] = 658; map.h[440] = 441; map.h[444] = 445; map.h[452] = 454; map.h[455] = 457; map.h[458] = 460; while(i < 16) { var v13 = 462 + i; map.h[461 + i] = v13; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 18) { var v14 = 479 + i; map.h[478 + i] = v14; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[497] = 499; map.h[500] = 501; map.h[502] = 405; map.h[503] = 447; while(i < 40) { var v15 = 505 + i; map.h[504 + i] = v15; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[544] = 414; while(i < 18) { var v16 = 547 + i; map.h[546 + i] = v16; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[570] = 11365; map.h[571] = 572; map.h[573] = 410; map.h[574] = 11366; map.h[577] = 578; map.h[579] = 384; map.h[580] = 649; map.h[581] = 652; while(i < 10) { var v17 = 583 + i; map.h[582 + i] = v17; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 4) { var v18 = 881 + i; map.h[880 + i] = v18; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[886] = 887; map.h[895] = 1011; map.h[902] = 940; var _g5 = 0; while(_g5 < 3) { var i6 = _g5++; var v19 = 941 + i6; map.h[904 + i6] = v19; } map.h[908] = 972; var _g6 = 0; while(_g6 < 2) { var i7 = _g6++; var v20 = 973 + i7; map.h[910 + i7] = v20; } var _g7 = 0; while(_g7 < 17) { var i8 = _g7++; var v21 = 945 + i8; map.h[913 + i8] = v21; } var _g8 = 0; while(_g8 < 9) { var i9 = _g8++; var v22 = 963 + i9; map.h[931 + i9] = v22; } map.h[975] = 983; while(i < 24) { var v23 = 985 + i; map.h[984 + i] = v23; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[1012] = 952; map.h[1015] = 1016; map.h[1017] = 1010; map.h[1018] = 1019; var _g9 = 0; while(_g9 < 3) { var i10 = _g9++; var v24 = 891 + i10; map.h[1021 + i10] = v24; } var _g10 = 0; while(_g10 < 16) { var i11 = _g10++; var v25 = 1104 + i11; map.h[1024 + i11] = v25; } var _g11 = 0; while(_g11 < 32) { var i12 = _g11++; var v26 = 1072 + i12; map.h[1040 + i12] = v26; } while(i < 34) { var v27 = 1121 + i; map.h[1120 + i] = v27; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 54) { var v28 = 1163 + i; map.h[1162 + i] = v28; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[1216] = 1231; while(i < 14) { var v29 = 1218 + i; map.h[1217 + i] = v29; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 96) { var v30 = 1233 + i; map.h[1232 + i] = v30; i += 2; } i = 0; var _g12 = 0; while(_g12 < 38) { var i13 = _g12++; var v31 = 1377 + i13; map.h[1329 + i13] = v31; } var _g13 = 0; while(_g13 < 38) { var i14 = _g13++; var v32 = 11520 + i14; map.h[4256 + i14] = v32; } map.h[4295] = 11559; map.h[4301] = 11565; var _g14 = 0; while(_g14 < 80) { var i15 = _g14++; var v33 = 43888 + i15; map.h[5024 + i15] = v33; } var _g15 = 0; while(_g15 < 6) { var i16 = _g15++; var v34 = 5112 + i16; map.h[5104 + i16] = v34; } while(i < 150) { var v35 = 7681 + i; map.h[7680 + i] = v35; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[7838] = 223; while(i < 96) { var v36 = 7841 + i; map.h[7840 + i] = v36; i += 2; } i = 0; var _g16 = 0; while(_g16 < 8) { var i17 = _g16++; var v37 = 7936 + i17; map.h[7944 + i17] = v37; } var _g17 = 0; while(_g17 < 6) { var i18 = _g17++; var v38 = 7952 + i18; map.h[7960 + i18] = v38; } var _g18 = 0; while(_g18 < 8) { var i19 = _g18++; var v39 = 7968 + i19; map.h[7976 + i19] = v39; } var _g19 = 0; while(_g19 < 8) { var i20 = _g19++; var v40 = 7984 + i20; map.h[7992 + i20] = v40; } var _g20 = 0; while(_g20 < 6) { var i21 = _g20++; var v41 = 8000 + i21; map.h[8008 + i21] = v41; } while(i < 8) { var v42 = 8017 + i; map.h[8025 + i] = v42; i += 2; } i = 0; var _g21 = 0; while(_g21 < 8) { var i22 = _g21++; var v43 = 8032 + i22; map.h[8040 + i22] = v43; } var _g22 = 0; while(_g22 < 2) { var i23 = _g22++; var v44 = 8112 + i23; map.h[8120 + i23] = v44; } var _g23 = 0; while(_g23 < 2) { var i24 = _g23++; var v45 = 8048 + i24; map.h[8122 + i24] = v45; } var _g24 = 0; while(_g24 < 4) { var i25 = _g24++; var v46 = 8050 + i25; map.h[8136 + i25] = v46; } var _g25 = 0; while(_g25 < 2) { var i26 = _g25++; var v47 = 8144 + i26; map.h[8152 + i26] = v47; } var _g26 = 0; while(_g26 < 2) { var i27 = _g26++; var v48 = 8054 + i27; map.h[8154 + i27] = v48; } var _g27 = 0; while(_g27 < 2) { var i28 = _g27++; var v49 = 8160 + i28; map.h[8168 + i28] = v49; } var _g28 = 0; while(_g28 < 2) { var i29 = _g28++; var v50 = 8058 + i29; map.h[8170 + i29] = v50; } map.h[8172] = 8165; var _g29 = 0; while(_g29 < 2) { var i30 = _g29++; var v51 = 8056 + i30; map.h[8184 + i30] = v51; } var _g30 = 0; while(_g30 < 2) { var i31 = _g30++; var v52 = 8060 + i31; map.h[8186 + i31] = v52; } map.h[8486] = 969; map.h[8490] = 107; map.h[8491] = 229; map.h[8498] = 8526; map.h[8579] = 8580; var _g31 = 0; while(_g31 < 47) { var i32 = _g31++; var v53 = 11312 + i32; map.h[11264 + i32] = v53; } map.h[11360] = 11361; map.h[11362] = 619; map.h[11363] = 7549; map.h[11364] = 637; while(i < 6) { var v54 = 11368 + i; map.h[11367 + i] = v54; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[11373] = 593; map.h[11374] = 625; map.h[11375] = 592; map.h[11376] = 594; map.h[11378] = 11379; map.h[11381] = 11382; var _g32 = 0; while(_g32 < 2) { var i33 = _g32++; var v55 = 575 + i33; map.h[11390 + i33] = v55; } while(i < 100) { var v56 = 11393 + i; map.h[11392 + i] = v56; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 4) { var v57 = 11500 + i; map.h[11499 + i] = v57; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[11506] = 11507; while(i < 46) { var v58 = 42561 + i; map.h[42560 + i] = v58; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 28) { var v59 = 42625 + i; map.h[42624 + i] = v59; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 14) { var v60 = 42787 + i; map.h[42786 + i] = v60; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 62) { var v61 = 42803 + i; map.h[42802 + i] = v61; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 4) { var v62 = 42874 + i; map.h[42873 + i] = v62; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[42877] = 7545; while(i < 10) { var v63 = 42879 + i; map.h[42878 + i] = v63; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[42891] = 42892; map.h[42893] = 613; while(i < 4) { var v64 = 42897 + i; map.h[42896 + i] = v64; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 20) { var v65 = 42903 + i; map.h[42902 + i] = v65; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[42922] = 614; map.h[42923] = 604; map.h[42924] = 609; map.h[42925] = 620; map.h[42926] = 618; map.h[42928] = 670; map.h[42929] = 647; map.h[42930] = 669; map.h[42931] = 43859; while(i < 4) { var v66 = 42933 + i; map.h[42932 + i] = v66; i += 2; } i = 0; var _g33 = 0; while(_g33 < 26) { var i34 = _g33++; var v67 = 65345 + i34; map.h[65313 + i34] = v67; } var _g34 = 0; while(_g34 < 40) { var i35 = _g34++; var v68 = 66600 + i35; map.h[66560 + i35] = v68; } var _g35 = 0; while(_g35 < 36) { var i36 = _g35++; var v69 = 66776 + i36; map.h[66736 + i36] = v69; } var _g36 = 0; while(_g36 < 51) { var i37 = _g36++; var v70 = 68800 + i37; map.h[68736 + i37] = v70; } var _g37 = 0; while(_g37 < 32) { var i38 = _g37++; var v71 = 71872 + i38; map.h[71840 + i38] = v71; } var _g38 = 0; while(_g38 < 34) { var i39 = _g38++; var v72 = 125218 + i39; map.h[125184 + i39] = v72; } }; lime_text__$UTF8String_Utf8Ext.fillLowerToUpperMap = function(map) { var i = 0; var _g = 0; while(_g < 26) { var i1 = _g++; var v = 65 + i1; map.h[97 + i1] = v; } map.h[181] = 924; var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 23) { var i2 = _g1++; var v1 = 192 + i2; map.h[224 + i2] = v1; } var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < 7) { var i3 = _g2++; var v2 = 216 + i3; map.h[248 + i3] = v2; } map.h[255] = 376; while(i < 48) { var v3 = 256 + i; map.h[257 + i] = v3; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[305] = 73; while(i < 6) { var v4 = 306 + i; map.h[307 + i] = v4; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 16) { var v5 = 313 + i; map.h[314 + i] = v5; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 46) { var v6 = 330 + i; map.h[331 + i] = v6; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 6) { var v7 = 377 + i; map.h[378 + i] = v7; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[383] = 83; map.h[384] = 579; while(i < 4) { var v8 = 386 + i; map.h[387 + i] = v8; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[392] = 391; map.h[396] = 395; map.h[402] = 401; map.h[405] = 502; map.h[409] = 408; map.h[410] = 573; map.h[414] = 544; while(i < 6) { var v9 = 416 + i; map.h[417 + i] = v9; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[424] = 423; map.h[429] = 428; map.h[432] = 431; while(i < 4) { var v10 = 435 + i; map.h[436 + i] = v10; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[441] = 440; map.h[445] = 444; map.h[447] = 503; map.h[454] = 452; map.h[457] = 455; map.h[460] = 458; while(i < 16) { var v11 = 461 + i; map.h[462 + i] = v11; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[477] = 398; while(i < 18) { var v12 = 478 + i; map.h[479 + i] = v12; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[496] = 74; map.h[499] = 497; map.h[501] = 500; while(i < 40) { var v13 = 504 + i; map.h[505 + i] = v13; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 18) { var v14 = 546 + i; map.h[547 + i] = v14; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[572] = 571; var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < 2) { var i4 = _g3++; var v15 = 11390 + i4; map.h[575 + i4] = v15; } map.h[578] = 577; while(i < 10) { var v16 = 582 + i; map.h[583 + i] = v16; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[592] = 11375; map.h[593] = 11373; map.h[594] = 11376; map.h[595] = 385; map.h[596] = 390; var _g4 = 0; while(_g4 < 2) { var i5 = _g4++; var v17 = 393 + i5; map.h[598 + i5] = v17; } map.h[601] = 399; map.h[603] = 400; map.h[604] = 42923; map.h[608] = 403; map.h[609] = 42924; map.h[611] = 404; map.h[613] = 42893; map.h[614] = 42922; map.h[616] = 407; map.h[617] = 406; map.h[618] = 42926; map.h[619] = 11362; map.h[620] = 42925; map.h[623] = 412; map.h[625] = 11374; map.h[626] = 413; map.h[629] = 415; map.h[637] = 11364; map.h[640] = 422; map.h[643] = 425; map.h[647] = 42929; map.h[648] = 430; map.h[649] = 580; var _g5 = 0; while(_g5 < 2) { var i6 = _g5++; var v18 = 433 + i6; map.h[650 + i6] = v18; } map.h[652] = 581; map.h[658] = 439; map.h[669] = 42930; map.h[670] = 42928; while(i < 4) { var v19 = 880 + i; map.h[881 + i] = v19; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[887] = 886; var _g6 = 0; while(_g6 < 3) { var i7 = _g6++; var v20 = 1021 + i7; map.h[891 + i7] = v20; } map.h[912] = 938; map.h[940] = 902; var _g7 = 0; while(_g7 < 3) { var i8 = _g7++; var v21 = 904 + i8; map.h[941 + i8] = v21; } map.h[944] = 939; var _g8 = 0; while(_g8 < 17) { var i9 = _g8++; var v22 = 913 + i9; map.h[945 + i9] = v22; } map.h[962] = 931; var _g9 = 0; while(_g9 < 9) { var i10 = _g9++; var v23 = 931 + i10; map.h[963 + i10] = v23; } map.h[972] = 908; var _g10 = 0; while(_g10 < 2) { var i11 = _g10++; var v24 = 910 + i11; map.h[973 + i11] = v24; } map.h[976] = 914; map.h[977] = 920; map.h[981] = 934; map.h[982] = 928; map.h[983] = 975; while(i < 24) { var v25 = 984 + i; map.h[985 + i] = v25; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[1008] = 922; map.h[1009] = 929; map.h[1010] = 1017; map.h[1011] = 895; map.h[1013] = 917; map.h[1016] = 1015; map.h[1019] = 1018; var _g11 = 0; while(_g11 < 32) { var i12 = _g11++; var v26 = 1040 + i12; map.h[1072 + i12] = v26; } var _g12 = 0; while(_g12 < 16) { var i13 = _g12++; var v27 = 1024 + i13; map.h[1104 + i13] = v27; } while(i < 34) { var v28 = 1120 + i; map.h[1121 + i] = v28; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 54) { var v29 = 1162 + i; map.h[1163 + i] = v29; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 14) { var v30 = 1217 + i; map.h[1218 + i] = v30; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[1231] = 1216; while(i < 96) { var v31 = 1232 + i; map.h[1233 + i] = v31; i += 2; } i = 0; var _g13 = 0; while(_g13 < 38) { var i14 = _g13++; var v32 = 1329 + i14; map.h[1377 + i14] = v32; } var _g14 = 0; while(_g14 < 6) { var i15 = _g14++; var v33 = 5104 + i15; map.h[5112 + i15] = v33; } map.h[7296] = 1042; map.h[7297] = 1044; map.h[7298] = 1054; var _g15 = 0; while(_g15 < 2) { var i16 = _g15++; var v34 = 1057 + i16; map.h[7299 + i16] = v34; } map.h[7301] = 1058; map.h[7302] = 1066; map.h[7303] = 1122; map.h[7304] = 42570; map.h[7545] = 42877; map.h[7549] = 11363; while(i < 150) { var v35 = 7680 + i; map.h[7681 + i] = v35; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[7830] = 72; map.h[7831] = 84; map.h[7832] = 87; map.h[7833] = 89; map.h[7835] = 7776; while(i < 96) { var v36 = 7840 + i; map.h[7841 + i] = v36; i += 2; } i = 0; var _g16 = 0; while(_g16 < 8) { var i17 = _g16++; var v37 = 7944 + i17; map.h[7936 + i17] = v37; } var _g17 = 0; while(_g17 < 6) { var i18 = _g17++; var v38 = 7960 + i18; map.h[7952 + i18] = v38; } var _g18 = 0; while(_g18 < 8) { var i19 = _g18++; var v39 = 7976 + i19; map.h[7968 + i19] = v39; } var _g19 = 0; while(_g19 < 8) { var i20 = _g19++; var v40 = 7992 + i20; map.h[7984 + i20] = v40; } var _g20 = 0; while(_g20 < 6) { var i21 = _g20++; var v41 = 8008 + i21; map.h[8000 + i21] = v41; } map.h[8016] = 933; map.h[8017] = 8025; map.h[8018] = 933; map.h[8019] = 8027; map.h[8020] = 933; map.h[8021] = 8029; map.h[8022] = 933; map.h[8023] = 8031; var _g21 = 0; while(_g21 < 8) { var i22 = _g21++; var v42 = 8040 + i22; map.h[8032 + i22] = v42; } var _g22 = 0; while(_g22 < 2) { var i23 = _g22++; var v43 = 8122 + i23; map.h[8048 + i23] = v43; } var _g23 = 0; while(_g23 < 4) { var i24 = _g23++; var v44 = 8136 + i24; map.h[8050 + i24] = v44; } var _g24 = 0; while(_g24 < 2) { var i25 = _g24++; var v45 = 8154 + i25; map.h[8054 + i25] = v45; } var _g25 = 0; while(_g25 < 2) { var i26 = _g25++; var v46 = 8184 + i26; map.h[8056 + i26] = v46; } var _g26 = 0; while(_g26 < 2) { var i27 = _g26++; var v47 = 8170 + i27; map.h[8058 + i27] = v47; } var _g27 = 0; while(_g27 < 2) { var i28 = _g27++; var v48 = 8186 + i28; map.h[8060 + i28] = v48; } var _g28 = 0; while(_g28 < 8) { var i29 = _g28++; var v49 = 8072 + i29; map.h[8064 + i29] = v49; } var _g29 = 0; while(_g29 < 8) { var i30 = _g29++; var v50 = 8088 + i30; map.h[8080 + i30] = v50; } var _g30 = 0; while(_g30 < 8) { var i31 = _g30++; var v51 = 8104 + i31; map.h[8096 + i31] = v51; } var _g31 = 0; while(_g31 < 3) { var i32 = _g31++; var v52 = 8120 + i32; map.h[8112 + i32] = v52; } map.h[8115] = 8124; map.h[8116] = 902; map.h[8118] = 913; map.h[8119] = 913; map.h[8126] = 921; map.h[8130] = 8138; map.h[8131] = 8140; map.h[8132] = 905; map.h[8134] = 919; map.h[8135] = 919; var _g32 = 0; while(_g32 < 2) { var i33 = _g32++; var v53 = 8152 + i33; map.h[8144 + i33] = v53; } map.h[8146] = 938; map.h[8147] = 938; map.h[8150] = 921; map.h[8151] = 938; var _g33 = 0; while(_g33 < 2) { var i34 = _g33++; var v54 = 8168 + i34; map.h[8160 + i34] = v54; } map.h[8162] = 939; map.h[8163] = 939; map.h[8164] = 929; map.h[8165] = 8172; map.h[8166] = 933; map.h[8167] = 939; map.h[8178] = 8186; map.h[8179] = 8188; map.h[8180] = 911; map.h[8182] = 937; map.h[8183] = 937; map.h[8526] = 8498; map.h[8580] = 8579; var _g34 = 0; while(_g34 < 47) { var i35 = _g34++; var v55 = 11264 + i35; map.h[11312 + i35] = v55; } map.h[11361] = 11360; map.h[11365] = 570; map.h[11366] = 574; while(i < 6) { var v56 = 11367 + i; map.h[11368 + i] = v56; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[11379] = 11378; map.h[11382] = 11381; while(i < 100) { var v57 = 11392 + i; map.h[11393 + i] = v57; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 4) { var v58 = 11499 + i; map.h[11500 + i] = v58; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[11507] = 11506; var _g35 = 0; while(_g35 < 38) { var i36 = _g35++; var v59 = 4256 + i36; map.h[11520 + i36] = v59; } map.h[11559] = 4295; map.h[11565] = 4301; while(i < 46) { var v60 = 42560 + i; map.h[42561 + i] = v60; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 28) { var v61 = 42624 + i; map.h[42625 + i] = v61; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 14) { var v62 = 42786 + i; map.h[42787 + i] = v62; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 62) { var v63 = 42802 + i; map.h[42803 + i] = v63; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 4) { var v64 = 42873 + i; map.h[42874 + i] = v64; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 10) { var v65 = 42878 + i; map.h[42879 + i] = v65; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[42892] = 42891; while(i < 4) { var v66 = 42896 + i; map.h[42897 + i] = v66; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 20) { var v67 = 42902 + i; map.h[42903 + i] = v67; i += 2; } i = 0; while(i < 4) { var v68 = 42932 + i; map.h[42933 + i] = v68; i += 2; } i = 0; map.h[43859] = 42931; var _g36 = 0; while(_g36 < 80) { var i37 = _g36++; var v69 = 5024 + i37; map.h[43888 + i37] = v69; } var _g37 = 0; while(_g37 < 26) { var i38 = _g37++; var v70 = 65313 + i38; map.h[65345 + i38] = v70; } var _g38 = 0; while(_g38 < 40) { var i39 = _g38++; var v71 = 66560 + i39; map.h[66600 + i39] = v71; } var _g39 = 0; while(_g39 < 36) { var i40 = _g39++; var v72 = 66736 + i40; map.h[66776 + i40] = v72; } var _g40 = 0; while(_g40 < 51) { var i41 = _g40++; var v73 = 68736 + i41; map.h[68800 + i41] = v73; } var _g41 = 0; while(_g41 < 32) { var i42 = _g41++; var v74 = 71840 + i42; map.h[71872 + i42] = v74; } var _g42 = 0; while(_g42 < 34) { var i43 = _g42++; var v75 = 125184 + i43; map.h[125218 + i43] = v75; } }; var lime_text_harfbuzz_HB = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz.HB"] = lime_text_harfbuzz_HB; lime_text_harfbuzz_HB.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","HB"]; lime_text_harfbuzz_HB.shape = function(font,buffer,features) { }; var lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz._HBBlob.HBBlob_Impl_"] = lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","_HBBlob","HBBlob_Impl_"]; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_length:"get_length",get_immutable:"get_immutable",get_dataWritable:"get_dataWritable",get_data:"get_data",get_empty:"get_empty"}; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$._new = function(data,length,memoryMode) { var this1 = null; return this1; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.createSubBlob = function(this1,offset,length) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.makeImmutable = function(this1) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.get_data = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.get_dataWritable = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.get_empty = function() { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.get_immutable = function(this1) { return false; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBlob_HBBlob_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { return 0; }; var lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz._HBBuffer.HBBuffer_Impl_"] = lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","_HBBuffer","HBBuffer_Impl_"]; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_segmentProperties:"set_segmentProperties",get_segmentProperties:"get_segmentProperties",set_script:"set_script",get_script:"get_script",set_replacementCodepoint:"set_replacementCodepoint",get_replacementCodepoint:"get_replacementCodepoint",set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length",set_language:"set_language",get_language:"get_language",set_flags:"set_flags",get_flags:"get_flags",set_direction:"set_direction",get_direction:"get_direction",set_contentType:"set_contentType",get_contentType:"get_contentType",set_clusterLevel:"set_clusterLevel",get_clusterLevel:"get_clusterLevel",get_allocationSuccessful:"get_allocationSuccessful"}; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$._new = function() { var this1 = null; return this1; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.add = function(this1,codepoint,cluster) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.addCodepoints = function(this1,text,textLength,itemOffset,itemLength) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.addUTF8 = function(this1,text,itemOffset,itemLength) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.addUTF16 = function(this1,text,textLength,itemOffset,itemLength) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.addUTF32 = function(this1,text,textLength,itemOffset,itemLength) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.clearContents = function(this1) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.getGlyphInfo = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.getGlyphPositions = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.guessSegmentProperties = function(this1) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.normalizeGlyphs = function(this1) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.preallocate = function(this1,size) { return false; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.reset = function(this1) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.reverse = function(this1) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.reverseClusters = function(this1) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_allocationSuccessful = function(this1) { return false; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_clusterLevel = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_clusterLevel = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_contentType = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_contentType = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_direction = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_direction = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_empty = function() { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_flags = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_flags = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_language = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_language = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_length = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_replacementCodepoint = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_replacementCodepoint = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_script = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_script = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.get_segmentProperties = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$.set_segmentProperties = function(this1,value) { return value; }; var lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFTFont_HBFTFont_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz._HBFTFont.HBFTFont_Impl_"] = lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFTFont_HBFTFont_$Impl_$; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFTFont_HBFTFont_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","_HBFTFont","HBFTFont_Impl_"]; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFTFont_HBFTFont_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_loadFlags:"set_loadFlags",get_loadFlags:"get_loadFlags"}; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFTFont_HBFTFont_$Impl_$._new = function(font) { var this1; if(font.src != null) { this1 = null; } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFTFont_HBFTFont_$Impl_$.get_loadFlags = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFTFont_HBFTFont_$Impl_$.set_loadFlags = function(this1,value) { return value; }; var lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz._HBFace.HBFace_Impl_"] = lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","_HBFace","HBFace_Impl_"]; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_upem:"set_upem",get_upem:"get_upem",set_index:"set_index",get_index:"get_index",get_immutable:"get_immutable",set_glyphCount:"set_glyphCount",get_glyphCount:"get_glyphCount",get_empty:"get_empty"}; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$._new = function(blob,index) { var this1 = null; return this1; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.get_empty = function() { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.get_glyphCount = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.set_glyphCount = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.get_immutable = function(this1) { return false; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.get_index = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.set_index = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.get_upem = function(this1) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFace_HBFace_$Impl_$.set_upem = function(this1,value) { return value; }; var lime_text_harfbuzz_HBFeature = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz.HBFeature"] = lime_text_harfbuzz_HBFeature; lime_text_harfbuzz_HBFeature.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","HBFeature"]; lime_text_harfbuzz_HBFeature.prototype = { __class__: lime_text_harfbuzz_HBFeature }; var lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz._HBFont.HBFont_Impl_"] = lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","_HBFont","HBFont_Impl_"]; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_scale:"set_scale",get_scale:"get_scale",set_ppem:"set_ppem",get_ppem:"get_ppem",get_parent:"get_parent",get_immutable:"get_immutable",get_face:"get_face",get_empty:"get_empty"}; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$._new = function(face) { var this1 = null; return this1; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.addGlyphOriginForDirection = function(this1,glyph,direction,x,y) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.createSubFont = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.getGlyphAdvanceForDirection = function(this1,glyph,direction) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.getGlyphKerningForDirection = function(this1,glyph,firstGlyph,secondGlyph,direction) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.getGlyphOriginForDirection = function(this1,glyph,direction) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.glyphFromString = function(this1,s) { return 0; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.glyphToString = function(this1,codepoint) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.makeImmutable = function(this1) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.subtractGlyphOriginForDirection = function(this1,glyph,direction,x,y) { }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.get_empty = function() { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.get_face = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.get_immutable = function(this1) { return false; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.get_parent = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.get_ppem = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.set_ppem = function(this1,value) { return value; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.get_scale = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBFont_HBFont_$Impl_$.set_scale = function(this1,value) { return value; }; var lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphInfo = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz.HBGlyphInfo"] = lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphInfo; lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphInfo.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","HBGlyphInfo"]; lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphInfo.prototype = { codepoint: null ,mask: null ,cluster: null ,__class__: lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphInfo }; var lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphPosition = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz.HBGlyphPosition"] = lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphPosition; lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphPosition.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","HBGlyphPosition"]; lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphPosition.prototype = { xAdvance: null ,xOffset: null ,yAdvance: null ,yOffset: null ,__class__: lime_text_harfbuzz_HBGlyphPosition }; var lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBLanguage_HBLanguage_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz._HBLanguage.HBLanguage_Impl_"] = lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBLanguage_HBLanguage_$Impl_$; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBLanguage_HBLanguage_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","_HBLanguage","HBLanguage_Impl_"]; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBLanguage_HBLanguage_$Impl_$._new = function(language) { var this1 = null; return this1; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBLanguage_HBLanguage_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return null; }; lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBLanguage_HBLanguage_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { return lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBLanguage_HBLanguage_$Impl_$._new(value); }; var lime_text_harfbuzz_HBSegmentProperties = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.text.harfbuzz.HBSegmentProperties"] = lime_text_harfbuzz_HBSegmentProperties; lime_text_harfbuzz_HBSegmentProperties.__name__ = ["lime","text","harfbuzz","HBSegmentProperties"]; lime_text_harfbuzz_HBSegmentProperties.prototype = { __class__: lime_text_harfbuzz_HBSegmentProperties }; var lime_ui_Gamepad = function(id) { this.onDisconnect = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onButtonUp = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadButton_$Void(); this.onButtonDown = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadButton_$Void(); this.onAxisMove = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$GamepadAxis_$Float_$Void(); this.id = id; this.connected = true; }; $hxClasses["lime.ui.Gamepad"] = lime_ui_Gamepad; lime_ui_Gamepad.__name__ = ["lime","ui","Gamepad"]; lime_ui_Gamepad.addMappings = function(mappings) { }; lime_ui_Gamepad.__connect = function(id) { if(!lime_ui_Gamepad.devices.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var gamepad = new lime_ui_Gamepad(id); lime_ui_Gamepad.devices.h[id] = gamepad; lime_ui_Gamepad.onConnect.dispatch(gamepad); } }; lime_ui_Gamepad.__disconnect = function(id) { var gamepad = lime_ui_Gamepad.devices.h[id]; if(gamepad != null) { gamepad.connected = false; } lime_ui_Gamepad.devices.remove(id); if(gamepad != null) { gamepad.onDisconnect.dispatch(); } }; lime_ui_Gamepad.prototype = { connected: null ,id: null ,onAxisMove: null ,onButtonDown: null ,onButtonUp: null ,onDisconnect: null ,get_guid: function() { var devices = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); return devices[this.id].id; } ,get_name: function() { var devices = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); return devices[this.id].id; } ,__class__: lime_ui_Gamepad ,__properties__: {get_name:"get_name",get_guid:"get_guid"} }; var lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.ui._GamepadAxis.GamepadAxis_Impl_"] = lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$; lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","ui","_GamepadAxis","GamepadAxis_Impl_"]; lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { switch(this1) { case 0: return "LEFT_X"; case 1: return "LEFT_Y"; case 2: return "RIGHT_X"; case 3: return "RIGHT_Y"; case 4: return "TRIGGER_LEFT"; case 5: return "TRIGGER_RIGHT"; default: return "UNKNOWN (" + this1 + ")"; } }; var lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.ui._GamepadButton.GamepadButton_Impl_"] = lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","ui","_GamepadButton","GamepadButton_Impl_"]; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { switch(this1) { case 0: return "A"; case 1: return "B"; case 2: return "X"; case 3: return "Y"; case 4: return "BACK"; case 5: return "GUIDE"; case 6: return "START"; case 7: return "LEFT_STICK"; case 8: return "RIGHT_STICK"; case 9: return "LEFT_SHOULDER"; case 10: return "RIGHT_SHOULDER"; case 11: return "DPAD_UP"; case 12: return "DPAD_DOWN"; case 13: return "DPAD_LEFT"; case 14: return "DPAD_RIGHT"; default: return "UNKNOWN (" + this1 + ")"; } }; var lime_ui_Joystick = function(id) { this.onTrackballMove = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Float_$Void(); this.onHatMove = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$lime_$ui_$JoystickHatPosition_$Void(); this.onDisconnect = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onButtonUp = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void(); this.onButtonDown = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Void(); this.onAxisMove = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Float_$Void(); this.id = id; this.connected = true; }; $hxClasses["lime.ui.Joystick"] = lime_ui_Joystick; lime_ui_Joystick.__name__ = ["lime","ui","Joystick"]; lime_ui_Joystick.__connect = function(id) { if(!lime_ui_Joystick.devices.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var joystick = new lime_ui_Joystick(id); lime_ui_Joystick.devices.h[id] = joystick; lime_ui_Joystick.onConnect.dispatch(joystick); } }; lime_ui_Joystick.__disconnect = function(id) { var joystick = lime_ui_Joystick.devices.h[id]; if(joystick != null) { joystick.connected = false; } lime_ui_Joystick.devices.remove(id); if(joystick != null) { joystick.onDisconnect.dispatch(); } }; lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData = function() { if(navigator.getGamepads) { return navigator.getGamepads(); } else if(navigator.webkitGetGamepads) { return navigator.webkitGetGamepads(); } else { return null; } }; lime_ui_Joystick.prototype = { connected: null ,id: null ,onAxisMove: null ,onButtonDown: null ,onButtonUp: null ,onDisconnect: null ,onHatMove: null ,onTrackballMove: null ,get_guid: function() { var devices = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); return devices[this.id].id; } ,get_name: function() { var devices = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); return devices[this.id].id; } ,get_numAxes: function() { var devices = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); return devices[this.id].axes.length; } ,get_numButtons: function() { var devices = lime_ui_Joystick.__getDeviceData(); return devices[this.id].buttons.length; } ,get_numHats: function() { return 0; } ,get_numTrackballs: function() { return 0; } ,__class__: lime_ui_Joystick ,__properties__: {get_numTrackballs:"get_numTrackballs",get_numHats:"get_numHats",get_numButtons:"get_numButtons",get_numAxes:"get_numAxes",get_name:"get_name",get_guid:"get_guid"} }; var lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.ui._JoystickHatPosition.JoystickHatPosition_Impl_"] = lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","ui","_JoystickHatPosition","JoystickHatPosition_Impl_"]; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_up:"set_up",get_up:"get_up",set_right:"set_right",get_right:"get_right",set_left:"set_left",get_left:"get_left",set_down:"set_down",get_down:"get_down",set_center:"set_center",get_center:"get_center"}; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$._new = function(value) { var this1 = value; return this1; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.get_center = function(this1) { return this1 == 0; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.set_center = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 = 0; } return value; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.get_down = function(this1) { return (this1 & 4) > 0; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.set_down = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 4; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 4; } return value; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.get_left = function(this1) { return (this1 & 8) > 0; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.set_left = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 8; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 8; } return value; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.get_right = function(this1) { return (this1 & 2) > 0; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.set_right = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 2; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 2; } return value; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.get_up = function(this1) { return (this1 & 1) > 0; }; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.set_up = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 1; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 1; } return value; }; var lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.ui._KeyCode.KeyCode_Impl_"] = lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","ui","_KeyCode","KeyCode_Impl_"]; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.fromScanCode = function(scanCode) { return 0; }; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.toScanCode = function(keyCode) { return 0; }; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.gt = function(a,b) { return a > b; }; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.gte = function(a,b) { return a >= b; }; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.lt = function(a,b) { return a < b; }; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.lte = function(a,b) { return a <= b; }; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.plus = function(a,b) { return a + b; }; var lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.ui._KeyModifier.KeyModifier_Impl_"] = lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","ui","_KeyModifier","KeyModifier_Impl_"]; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_shiftKey:"set_shiftKey",get_shiftKey:"get_shiftKey",set_numLock:"set_numLock",get_numLock:"get_numLock",set_metaKey:"set_metaKey",get_metaKey:"get_metaKey",set_ctrlKey:"set_ctrlKey",get_ctrlKey:"get_ctrlKey",set_capsLock:"set_capsLock",get_capsLock:"get_capsLock",set_altKey:"set_altKey",get_altKey:"get_altKey"}; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_altKey = function(this1) { if((this1 & 256) <= 0) { return (this1 & 512) > 0; } else { return true; } }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.set_altKey = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 768; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 768; } return value; }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_capsLock = function(this1) { if((this1 & 8192) <= 0) { return (this1 & 8192) > 0; } else { return true; } }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.set_capsLock = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 8192; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 8192; } return value; }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_ctrlKey = function(this1) { if((this1 & 64) <= 0) { return (this1 & 128) > 0; } else { return true; } }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.set_ctrlKey = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 192; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 192; } return value; }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey = function(this1) { if((this1 & 1024) <= 0) { return (this1 & 2048) > 0; } else { return true; } }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.set_metaKey = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 3072; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 3072; } return value; }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_numLock = function(this1) { if((this1 & 4096) <= 0) { return (this1 & 4096) > 0; } else { return true; } }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.set_numLock = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 4096; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 4096; } return value; }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey = function(this1) { if((this1 & 1) <= 0) { return (this1 & 2) > 0; } else { return true; } }; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.set_shiftKey = function(this1,value) { if(value) { this1 |= 3; } else { this1 &= 268435455 - 3; } return value; }; var lime_ui_MouseCursor = $hxClasses["lime.ui.MouseCursor"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","ui","MouseCursor"], __constructs__ : ["ARROW","CROSSHAIR","DEFAULT","MOVE","POINTER","RESIZE_NESW","RESIZE_NS","RESIZE_NWSE","RESIZE_WE","TEXT","WAIT","WAIT_ARROW","CUSTOM"] }; lime_ui_MouseCursor.ARROW = ["ARROW",0]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.ARROW.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.ARROW.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.CROSSHAIR = ["CROSSHAIR",1]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.CROSSHAIR.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.CROSSHAIR.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.DEFAULT = ["DEFAULT",2]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.DEFAULT.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.DEFAULT.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.MOVE = ["MOVE",3]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.MOVE.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.MOVE.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.POINTER = ["POINTER",4]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.POINTER.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.POINTER.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NESW = ["RESIZE_NESW",5]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NESW.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NESW.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NS = ["RESIZE_NS",6]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NS.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NS.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NWSE = ["RESIZE_NWSE",7]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NWSE.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NWSE.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_WE = ["RESIZE_WE",8]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_WE.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_WE.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.TEXT = ["TEXT",9]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.TEXT.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.TEXT.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT = ["WAIT",10]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT_ARROW = ["WAIT_ARROW",11]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT_ARROW.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT_ARROW.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; lime_ui_MouseCursor.CUSTOM = ["CUSTOM",12]; lime_ui_MouseCursor.CUSTOM.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseCursor.CUSTOM.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseCursor; var lime_ui_MouseWheelMode = $hxClasses["lime.ui.MouseWheelMode"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","ui","MouseWheelMode"], __constructs__ : ["PIXELS","LINES","PAGES","UNKNOWN"] }; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PIXELS = ["PIXELS",0]; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PIXELS.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PIXELS.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseWheelMode; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.LINES = ["LINES",1]; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.LINES.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.LINES.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseWheelMode; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PAGES = ["PAGES",2]; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PAGES.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PAGES.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseWheelMode; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.UNKNOWN = ["UNKNOWN",3]; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.UNKNOWN.toString = $estr; lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.UNKNOWN.__enum__ = lime_ui_MouseWheelMode; var lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.ui._ScanCode.ScanCode_Impl_"] = lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","ui","_ScanCode","ScanCode_Impl_"]; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.fromKeyCode = function(keyCode) { return lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.toScanCode(keyCode); }; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.toKeyCode = function(scanCode) { return lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.fromScanCode(scanCode); }; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.gt = function(a,b) { return a > b; }; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.gte = function(a,b) { return a >= b; }; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.lt = function(a,b) { return a < b; }; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.lte = function(a,b) { return a <= b; }; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.plus = function(a,b) { return a + b; }; var lime_ui_Touch = function(x,y,id,dx,dy,pressure,device) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.id = id; this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; this.pressure = pressure; this.device = device; }; $hxClasses["lime.ui.Touch"] = lime_ui_Touch; lime_ui_Touch.__name__ = ["lime","ui","Touch"]; lime_ui_Touch.prototype = { device: null ,dx: null ,dy: null ,id: null ,pressure: null ,x: null ,y: null ,__class__: lime_ui_Touch }; var lime_ui_Window = function(application,attributes) { this.onTextInput = new lime_app__$Event_$String_$Void(); this.onTextEdit = new lime_app__$Event_$String_$Int_$Int_$Void(); this.onRestore = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onResize = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Int_$Void(); this.onRenderContextRestored = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$graphics_$RenderContext_$Void(); this.onRenderContextLost = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onRender = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$graphics_$RenderContext_$Void(); this.onMove = new lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Void(); this.onMouseWheel = new lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseWheelMode_$Void(); this.onMouseUp = new lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Int_$Void(); this.onMouseMoveRelative = new lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Void(); this.onMouseMove = new lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$Void(); this.onMouseDown = new lime_app__$Event_$Float_$Float_$lime_$ui_$MouseButton_$Void(); this.onMinimize = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onMaximize = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onLeave = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onKeyUp = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$KeyCode_$lime_$ui_$KeyModifier_$Void(); this.onKeyDown = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$KeyCode_$lime_$ui_$KeyModifier_$Void(); this.onFullscreen = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onFocusOut = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onFocusIn = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onExpose = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onEnter = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onDropFile = new lime_app__$Event_$String_$Void(); this.onDeactivate = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onClose = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.onActivate = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.application = application; this.__attributes = attributes != null ? attributes : { }; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.__attributes,"parameters")) { this.parameters = this.__attributes.parameters; } this.__width = 0; this.__height = 0; this.__fullscreen = false; this.__scale = 1; this.__x = 0; this.__y = 0; this.__title = ""; this.id = -1; this.__backend = new lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Window(this); }; $hxClasses["lime.ui.Window"] = lime_ui_Window; lime_ui_Window.__name__ = ["lime","ui","Window"]; lime_ui_Window.prototype = { application: null ,context: null ,display: null ,element: null ,hidden: null ,id: null ,onActivate: null ,onClose: null ,onDeactivate: null ,onDropFile: null ,onEnter: null ,onExpose: null ,onFocusIn: null ,onFocusOut: null ,onFullscreen: null ,onKeyDown: null ,onKeyUp: null ,onLeave: null ,onMaximize: null ,onMinimize: null ,onMouseDown: null ,onMouseMove: null ,onMouseMoveRelative: null ,onMouseUp: null ,onMouseWheel: null ,onMove: null ,onRender: null ,onRenderContextLost: null ,onRenderContextRestored: null ,onResize: null ,onRestore: null ,onTextEdit: null ,onTextInput: null ,parameters: null ,scale: null ,stage: null ,__attributes: null ,__backend: null ,__borderless: null ,__fullscreen: null ,__height: null ,__hidden: null ,__maximized: null ,__minimized: null ,__resizable: null ,__scale: null ,__title: null ,__width: null ,__x: null ,__y: null ,alert: function(message,title) { this.__backend.alert(message,title); } ,close: function() { this.__backend.close(); } ,focus: function() { this.__backend.focus(); } ,move: function(x,y) { this.__backend.move(x,y); this.__x = x; this.__y = y; } ,readPixels: function(rect) { return this.__backend.readPixels(rect); } ,resize: function(width,height) { this.__backend.resize(width,height); this.__width = width; this.__height = height; } ,setIcon: function(image) { if(image == null) { return; } this.__backend.setIcon(image); } ,toString: function() { return "[object Window]"; } ,warpMouse: function(x,y) { this.__backend.warpMouse(x,y); } ,get_cursor: function() { return this.__backend.getCursor(); } ,set_cursor: function(value) { return this.__backend.setCursor(value); } ,get_display: function() { return this.__backend.getDisplay(); } ,get_displayMode: function() { return this.__backend.getDisplayMode(); } ,set_displayMode: function(value) { return this.__backend.setDisplayMode(value); } ,get_borderless: function() { return this.__borderless; } ,set_borderless: function(value) { return this.__borderless = this.__backend.setBorderless(value); } ,get_frameRate: function() { return this.__backend.getFrameRate(); } ,set_frameRate: function(value) { return this.__backend.setFrameRate(value); } ,get_fullscreen: function() { return this.__fullscreen; } ,set_fullscreen: function(value) { return this.__fullscreen = this.__backend.setFullscreen(value); } ,get_height: function() { return this.__height; } ,set_height: function(value) { this.resize(this.__width,value); return this.__height; } ,get_hidden: function() { return this.__hidden; } ,get_maximized: function() { return this.__maximized; } ,set_maximized: function(value) { this.__minimized = false; return this.__maximized = this.__backend.setMaximized(value); } ,get_minimized: function() { return this.__minimized; } ,set_minimized: function(value) { this.__maximized = false; return this.__minimized = this.__backend.setMinimized(value); } ,get_mouseLock: function() { return this.__backend.getMouseLock(); } ,set_mouseLock: function(value) { this.__backend.setMouseLock(value); return value; } ,get_resizable: function() { return this.__resizable; } ,set_resizable: function(value) { this.__resizable = this.__backend.setResizable(value); return this.__resizable; } ,get_scale: function() { return this.__scale; } ,get_textInputEnabled: function() { return this.__backend.getTextInputEnabled(); } ,set_textInputEnabled: function(value) { return this.__backend.setTextInputEnabled(value); } ,get_title: function() { return this.__title; } ,set_title: function(value) { return this.__title = this.__backend.setTitle(value); } ,get_width: function() { return this.__width; } ,set_width: function(value) { this.resize(value,this.__height); return this.__width; } ,get_x: function() { return this.__x; } ,set_x: function(value) { this.move(value,this.__y); return this.__x; } ,get_y: function() { return this.__y; } ,set_y: function(value) { this.move(this.__x,value); return this.__y; } ,__class__: lime_ui_Window ,__properties__: {set_y:"set_y",get_y:"get_y",set_x:"set_x",get_x:"get_x",set_width:"set_width",get_width:"get_width",set_title:"set_title",get_title:"get_title",set_textInputEnabled:"set_textInputEnabled",get_textInputEnabled:"get_textInputEnabled",get_scale:"get_scale",set_resizable:"set_resizable",get_resizable:"get_resizable",set_mouseLock:"set_mouseLock",get_mouseLock:"get_mouseLock",set_minimized:"set_minimized",get_minimized:"get_minimized",set_maximized:"set_maximized",get_maximized:"get_maximized",get_hidden:"get_hidden",set_height:"set_height",get_height:"get_height",set_fullscreen:"set_fullscreen",get_fullscreen:"get_fullscreen",set_frameRate:"set_frameRate",get_frameRate:"get_frameRate",set_displayMode:"set_displayMode",get_displayMode:"get_displayMode",get_display:"get_display",set_cursor:"set_cursor",get_cursor:"get_cursor",set_borderless:"set_borderless",get_borderless:"get_borderless"} }; var lime_utils_TAError = $hxClasses["lime.utils.TAError"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","utils","TAError"], __constructs__ : ["RangeError"] }; lime_utils_TAError.RangeError = ["RangeError",0]; lime_utils_TAError.RangeError.toString = $estr; lime_utils_TAError.RangeError.__enum__ = lime_utils_TAError; var lime_utils_AssetCache = function() { this.enabled = true; this.audio = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.font = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.image = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.version = 346336; }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.AssetCache"] = lime_utils_AssetCache; lime_utils_AssetCache.__name__ = ["lime","utils","AssetCache"]; lime_utils_AssetCache.prototype = { audio: null ,enabled: null ,image: null ,font: null ,version: null ,exists: function(id,type) { if(type == "IMAGE" || type == null) { var _this = this.image; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return true; } } if(type == "FONT" || type == null) { var _this1 = this.font; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.existsReserved(id) : _this1.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return true; } } if(type == "SOUND" || type == "MUSIC" || type == null) { var _this2 = this.audio; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return true; } } return false; } ,set: function(id,type,asset) { switch(type) { case "FONT": this.font.set(id,asset); break; case "IMAGE": if(!js_Boot.__instanceof(asset,lime_graphics_Image)) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Cannot cache non-Image asset: " + Std.string(asset) + " as Image"); } this.image.set(id,asset); break; case "MUSIC":case "SOUND": if(!js_Boot.__instanceof(asset,lime_media_AudioBuffer)) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Cannot cache non-AudioBuffer asset: " + Std.string(asset) + " as AudioBuffer"); } this.audio.set(id,asset); break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(type + " assets are not cachable"); } } ,clear: function(prefix) { if(prefix == null) { this.audio = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.font = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.image = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); } else { var keys = this.audio.keys(); var key = keys; while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); if(StringTools.startsWith(key1,prefix)) { this.audio.remove(key1); } } var keys1 = this.font.keys(); var key2 = keys1; while(key2.hasNext()) { var key3 = key2.next(); if(StringTools.startsWith(key3,prefix)) { this.font.remove(key3); } } var keys2 = this.image.keys(); var key4 = keys2; while(key4.hasNext()) { var key5 = key4.next(); if(StringTools.startsWith(key5,prefix)) { this.image.remove(key5); } } } } ,__class__: lime_utils_AssetCache }; var lime_utils_AssetLibrary = function() { this.types = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.sizes = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.preload = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.paths = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.pathGroups = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.classTypes = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.cachedText = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.cachedImages = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.cachedFonts = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.cachedBytes = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.cachedAudioBuffers = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.onChange = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.bytesLoaded = 0; this.bytesTotal = 0; }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.AssetLibrary"] = lime_utils_AssetLibrary; lime_utils_AssetLibrary.__name__ = ["lime","utils","AssetLibrary"]; lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromBytes = function(bytes,rootPath) { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromBytes(bytes,rootPath)); }; lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromFile = function(path,rootPath) { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromFile(path,rootPath)); }; lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest = function(manifest) { if(manifest == null) { return null; } var library = null; if(manifest.libraryType == null) { library = new lime_utils_AssetLibrary(); } else { var libraryClass = Type.resolveClass(manifest.libraryType); if(libraryClass != null) { library = Type.createInstance(libraryClass,manifest.libraryArgs); } else { lime_utils_Log.warn("Could not find library type: " + manifest.libraryType,{ fileName : "AssetLibrary.hx", lineNumber : 141, className : "lime.utils.AssetLibrary", methodName : "fromManifest"}); return null; } } library.__fromManifest(manifest); return library; }; lime_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromBytes = function(bytes,rootPath) { return lime_utils_AssetManifest.loadFromBytes(bytes,rootPath).then(function(manifest) { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromManifest(manifest); }); }; lime_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromFile = function(path,rootPath) { return lime_utils_AssetManifest.loadFromFile(path,rootPath).then(function(manifest) { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromManifest(manifest); }); }; lime_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromManifest = function(manifest) { var library = lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(manifest); if(library != null) { return library.load(); } else { return lime_app_Future.withError("Could not load asset manifest"); } }; lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype = { onChange: null ,assetsLoaded: null ,assetsTotal: null ,bytesLoaded: null ,bytesLoadedCache: null ,bytesTotal: null ,cachedAudioBuffers: null ,cachedBytes: null ,cachedFonts: null ,cachedImages: null ,cachedText: null ,classTypes: null ,loaded: null ,pathGroups: null ,paths: null ,preload: null ,promise: null ,sizes: null ,types: null ,exists: function(id,type) { var requestedType = type != null ? js_Boot.__cast(type , String) : null; var _this = this.types; var assetType = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.getReserved(id) : _this.h[id]; if(assetType != null) { if(assetType == requestedType || (requestedType == "SOUND" || requestedType == "MUSIC") && (assetType == "MUSIC" || assetType == "SOUND")) { return true; } if(requestedType == "BINARY" || requestedType == null || assetType == "BINARY" && requestedType == "TEXT") { return true; } } return false; } ,getAsset: function(id,type) { switch(type) { case "BINARY": return this.getBytes(id); case "FONT": return this.getFont(id); case "IMAGE": return this.getImage(id); case "MUSIC":case "SOUND": return this.getAudioBuffer(id); case "TEMPLATE": throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not sure how to get template: " + id); break; case "TEXT": return this.getText(id); default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unknown asset type: " + type); } } ,getAudioBuffer: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedAudioBuffers; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedAudioBuffers; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(id); } else { return _this1.h[id]; } } else { var _this2 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.classTypes; return lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromBytes(js_Boot.__cast(Type.createInstance(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id],[]) , haxe_io_Bytes)); } else { var _this4 = this.paths; return lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromFile(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this4.getReserved(id) : _this4.h[id]); } } } ,getBytes: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedBytes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedBytes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(id); } else { return _this1.h[id]; } } else { var _this2 = this.cachedText; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.cachedText; var bytes = lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.ofString(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id]); var _this4 = this.cachedBytes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this4.setReserved(id,bytes); } else { _this4.h[id] = bytes; } return bytes; } else { var _this5 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this5.existsReserved(id) : _this5.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this6 = this.classTypes; return js_Boot.__cast(Type.createInstance(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this6.getReserved(id) : _this6.h[id],[]) , haxe_io_Bytes); } else { var _this7 = this.paths; return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fromFile(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this7.getReserved(id) : _this7.h[id]); } } } } ,getFont: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedFonts; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedFonts; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(id); } else { return _this1.h[id]; } } else { var _this2 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.classTypes; return js_Boot.__cast(Type.createInstance(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id],[]) , lime_text_Font); } else { var _this4 = this.paths; return lime_text_Font.fromFile(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this4.getReserved(id) : _this4.h[id]); } } } ,getImage: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedImages; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedImages; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(id); } else { return _this1.h[id]; } } else { var _this2 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.classTypes; return js_Boot.__cast(Type.createInstance(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id],[]) , lime_graphics_Image); } else { var _this4 = this.paths; return lime_graphics_Image.fromFile(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this4.getReserved(id) : _this4.h[id]); } } } ,getPath: function(id) { var _this = this.paths; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.paths; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(id); } else { return _this1.h[id]; } } else { var _this2 = this.pathGroups; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.pathGroups; return (__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id])[0]; } else { return null; } } } ,getText: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedText; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedText; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(id); } else { return _this1.h[id]; } } else { var bytes = this.getBytes(id); if(bytes == null) { return null; } else { return bytes.getString(0,bytes.length); } } } ,isLocal: function(id,type) { var _this = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return true; } var requestedType = type != null ? js_Boot.__cast(type , String) : null; switch(requestedType) { case "FONT": return this.cachedFonts.exists(id); case "IMAGE": return this.cachedImages.exists(id); case "MUSIC":case "SOUND": return this.cachedAudioBuffers.exists(id); default: if(!this.cachedBytes.exists(id)) { return this.cachedText.exists(id); } else { return true; } } } ,list: function(type) { var requestedType = type != null ? js_Boot.__cast(type , String) : null; var items = []; var id = this.types.keys(); while(id.hasNext()) { var id1 = id.next(); if(requestedType == null || this.exists(id1,type)) { items.push(id1); } } return items; } ,loadAsset: function(id,type) { switch(type) { case "BINARY": return this.loadBytes(id); case "FONT": return this.loadFont(id); case "IMAGE": return this.loadImage(id); case "MUSIC":case "SOUND": return this.loadAudioBuffer(id); case "TEMPLATE": throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not sure how to load template: " + id); break; case "TEXT": return this.loadText(id); default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Unknown asset type: " + type); } } ,load: function() { if(this.loaded) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(this); } if(this.promise == null) { this.promise = new lime_app_Promise(); this.bytesLoadedCache = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.assetsLoaded = 0; this.assetsTotal = 1; var id = this.preload.keys(); while(id.hasNext()) { var id1 = id.next(); var _this = this.preload; if(!(__map_reserved[id1] != null ? _this.getReserved(id1) : _this.h[id1])) { continue; } var _this1 = this.types; lime_utils_Log.verbose("Preloading asset: " + id1 + " [" + (__map_reserved[id1] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id1) : _this1.h[id1]) + "]",{ fileName : "AssetLibrary.hx", lineNumber : 453, className : "lime.utils.AssetLibrary", methodName : "load"}); var _g = this.types.get(id1); if(_g != null) { switch(_g) { case "BINARY": this.assetsTotal++; var future = this.loadBytes(id1); future.onProgress((function(id2,f) { return function(a1,a2) { f[0](id2[0],a1,a2); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onProgress)])); future.onError((function(id3,f1) { return function(a11) { f1[0](id3[0],a11); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onError)])); future.onComplete((function(id4,f2) { return function(a12) { f2[0](id4[0],a12); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.loadBytes_onComplete)])); break; case "FONT": this.assetsTotal++; var future1 = this.loadFont(id1); future1.onProgress((function(id5,f3) { return function(a13,a21) { f3[0](id5[0],a13,a21); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onProgress)])); future1.onError((function(id6,f4) { return function(a14) { f4[0](id6[0],a14); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onError)])); future1.onComplete((function(id7,f5) { return function(a15) { f5[0](id7[0],a15); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.loadFont_onComplete)])); break; case "IMAGE": this.assetsTotal++; var future2 = this.loadImage(id1); future2.onProgress((function(id8,f6) { return function(a16,a22) { f6[0](id8[0],a16,a22); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onProgress)])); future2.onError((function(id9,f7) { return function(a17) { f7[0](id9[0],a17); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onError)])); future2.onComplete((function(id10,f8) { return function(a18) { f8[0](id10[0],a18); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.loadImage_onComplete)])); break; case "MUSIC":case "SOUND": this.assetsTotal++; var future3 = this.loadAudioBuffer(id1); future3.onProgress((function(id11,f9) { return function(a19,a23) { f9[0](id11[0],a19,a23); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onProgress)])); future3.onError((function(id12,f10) { return function(a110) { f10[0](id12[0],a110); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.loadAudioBuffer_onError)])); future3.onComplete((function(id13,f11) { return function(a111) { f11[0](id13[0],a111); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.loadAudioBuffer_onComplete)])); break; case "TEXT": this.assetsTotal++; var future4 = this.loadText(id1); future4.onProgress((function(id14,f12) { return function(a112,a24) { f12[0](id14[0],a112,a24); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onProgress)])); future4.onError((function(id15,f13) { return function(a113) { f13[0](id15[0],a113); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.load_onError)])); future4.onComplete((function(id16,f14) { return function(a114) { f14[0](id16[0],a114); }; })([id1],[$bind(this,this.loadText_onComplete)])); break; default: } } } this.__assetLoaded(null); } return this.promise.future; } ,loadAudioBuffer: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedAudioBuffers; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedAudioBuffers; return lime_app_Future.withValue(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id) : _this1.h[id]); } else { var _this2 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.classTypes; return lime_app_Future.withValue(Type.createInstance(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id],[])); } else { var _this4 = this.pathGroups; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this4.existsReserved(id) : _this4.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this5 = this.pathGroups; return lime_media_AudioBuffer.loadFromFiles(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this5.getReserved(id) : _this5.h[id]); } else { var _this6 = this.paths; return lime_media_AudioBuffer.loadFromFile(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this6.getReserved(id) : _this6.h[id]); } } } } ,loadBytes: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedBytes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedBytes; return lime_app_Future.withValue(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id) : _this1.h[id]); } else { var _this2 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.classTypes; return lime_app_Future.withValue(Type.createInstance(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id],[])); } else { var _this4 = this.paths; return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.loadFromFile(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this4.getReserved(id) : _this4.h[id]); } } } ,loadFont: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedFonts; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedFonts; return lime_app_Future.withValue(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id) : _this1.h[id]); } else { var _this2 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.classTypes; var font = Type.createInstance(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id],[]); return font.__loadFromName(font.name); } else { var _this4 = this.paths; return lime_text_Font.loadFromName(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this4.getReserved(id) : _this4.h[id]); } } } ,loadImage: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedImages; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedImages; return lime_app_Future.withValue(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id) : _this1.h[id]); } else { var _this2 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this3 = this.classTypes; return lime_app_Future.withValue(Type.createInstance(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id],[])); } else { var _this4 = this.paths; return lime_graphics_Image.loadFromFile(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this4.getReserved(id) : _this4.h[id]); } } } ,loadText: function(id) { var _this = this.cachedText; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.cachedText; return lime_app_Future.withValue(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id) : _this1.h[id]); } else { var tmp; var _this2 = this.cachedBytes; if(!(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id))) { var _this3 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { tmp = _this3.existsReserved(id); } else { tmp = _this3.h.hasOwnProperty(id); } } else { tmp = true; } if(tmp) { var bytes = this.getBytes(id); if(bytes == null) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(null); } else { var text = bytes.getString(0,bytes.length); var _this4 = this.cachedText; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this4.setReserved(id,text); } else { _this4.h[id] = text; } return lime_app_Future.withValue(text); } } else { var request = new lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$String(); var _this5 = this.paths; return request.load(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this5.getReserved(id) : _this5.h[id]); } } } ,unload: function() { } ,__assetLoaded: function(id) { this.assetsLoaded++; if(id != null) { var _this = this.types; lime_utils_Log.verbose("Loaded asset: " + id + " [" + (__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.getReserved(id) : _this.h[id]) + "] (" + (this.assetsLoaded - 1) + "/" + (this.assetsTotal - 1) + ")",{ fileName : "AssetLibrary.hx", lineNumber : 699, className : "lime.utils.AssetLibrary", methodName : "__assetLoaded"}); } if(id != null) { var _this1 = this.sizes; var size = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.getReserved(id) : _this1.h[id]; var _this2 = this.bytesLoadedCache; if(!(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id))) { this.bytesLoaded += size; } else { var _this3 = this.bytesLoadedCache; var cache = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this3.getReserved(id) : _this3.h[id]; if(cache < size) { this.bytesLoaded += size - cache; } } var _this4 = this.bytesLoadedCache; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this4.setReserved(id,size); } else { _this4.h[id] = size; } } if(this.assetsLoaded < this.assetsTotal) { this.promise.progress(this.bytesLoaded,this.bytesTotal); } else { this.loaded = true; this.promise.progress(this.bytesTotal,this.bytesTotal); this.promise.complete(this); } } ,__cacheBreak: function(path) { return lime_utils_Assets.__cacheBreak(path); } ,__fromManifest: function(manifest) { var hasSize = manifest.version >= 2; var size; var id; var pathGroup; var classRef; var basePath = manifest.rootPath; if(basePath == null) { basePath = ""; } if(basePath != "") { basePath += "/"; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = manifest.assets; while(_g < _g1.length) { var asset = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(hasSize && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(asset,"size")) { size = asset.size; } else { size = 100; } id = asset.id; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(asset,"path")) { var this1 = this.paths; var value = this.__cacheBreak(basePath + Std.string(Reflect.field(asset,"path"))); var _this = this1; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,value); } else { _this.h[id] = value; } } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(asset,"pathGroup")) { pathGroup = Reflect.field(asset,"pathGroup"); var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = pathGroup.length; while(_g3 < _g2) { var i = _g3++; pathGroup[i] = this.__cacheBreak(basePath + pathGroup[i]); } var _this1 = this.pathGroups; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this1.setReserved(id,pathGroup); } else { _this1.h[id] = pathGroup; } } var _this2 = this.sizes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this2.setReserved(id,size); } else { _this2.h[id] = size; } var value1 = asset.type; var _this3 = this.types; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this3.setReserved(id,value1); } else { _this3.h[id] = value1; } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(asset,"preload")) { var this2 = this.preload; var value2 = Reflect.field(asset,"preload"); var _this4 = this2; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this4.setReserved(id,value2); } else { _this4.h[id] = value2; } } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(asset,"className")) { classRef = Type.resolveClass(Reflect.field(asset,"className")); var _this5 = this.classTypes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this5.setReserved(id,classRef); } else { _this5.h[id] = classRef; } } } this.bytesTotal = 0; var _g4 = 0; var _g11 = manifest.assets; while(_g4 < _g11.length) { var asset1 = _g11[_g4]; ++_g4; id = asset1.id; var tmp; var _this6 = this.preload; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this6.existsReserved(id) : _this6.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this7 = this.preload; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { tmp = _this7.getReserved(id); } else { tmp = _this7.h[id]; } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var _this8 = this.sizes; this.bytesTotal += __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this8.getReserved(id) : _this8.h[id]; } } } ,loadAudioBuffer_onComplete: function(id,audioBuffer) { var _this = this.cachedAudioBuffers; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,audioBuffer); } else { _this.h[id] = audioBuffer; } var _this1 = this.pathGroups; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.existsReserved(id) : _this1.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this2 = this.pathGroups; var pathGroup = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.getReserved(id) : _this2.h[id]; var otherID = this.pathGroups.keys(); while(otherID.hasNext()) { var otherID1 = otherID.next(); if(otherID1 == id) { continue; } var _g = 0; while(_g < pathGroup.length) { var path = pathGroup[_g]; ++_g; var _this3 = this.pathGroups; if((__map_reserved[otherID1] != null ? _this3.getReserved(otherID1) : _this3.h[otherID1]).indexOf(path) > -1) { var _this4 = this.cachedAudioBuffers; if(__map_reserved[otherID1] != null) { _this4.setReserved(otherID1,audioBuffer); } else { _this4.h[otherID1] = audioBuffer; } break; } } } } this.__assetLoaded(id); } ,loadAudioBuffer_onError: function(id,message) { if(message != null && message != "") { lime_utils_Log.warn("Could not load \"" + id + "\": " + Std.string(message),{ fileName : "AssetLibrary.hx", lineNumber : 872, className : "lime.utils.AssetLibrary", methodName : "loadAudioBuffer_onError"}); } else { lime_utils_Log.warn("Could not load \"" + id + "\"",{ fileName : "AssetLibrary.hx", lineNumber : 876, className : "lime.utils.AssetLibrary", methodName : "loadAudioBuffer_onError"}); } this.loadAudioBuffer_onComplete(id,new lime_media_AudioBuffer()); } ,loadBytes_onComplete: function(id,bytes) { var _this = this.cachedBytes; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,bytes); } else { _this.h[id] = bytes; } this.__assetLoaded(id); } ,loadFont_onComplete: function(id,font) { var _this = this.cachedFonts; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,font); } else { _this.h[id] = font; } this.__assetLoaded(id); } ,loadImage_onComplete: function(id,image) { var _this = this.cachedImages; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,image); } else { _this.h[id] = image; } this.__assetLoaded(id); } ,loadText_onComplete: function(id,text) { var _this = this.cachedText; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,text); } else { _this.h[id] = text; } this.__assetLoaded(id); } ,load_onError: function(id,message) { if(message != null && message != "") { this.promise.error("Error loading asset \"" + id + "\": " + Std.string(message)); } else { this.promise.error("Error loading asset \"" + id + "\""); } } ,load_onProgress: function(id,bytesLoaded,bytesTotal) { if(bytesLoaded > 0) { var _this = this.sizes; var size = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.getReserved(id) : _this.h[id]; var percent; if(bytesTotal > 0) { percent = bytesLoaded / bytesTotal; if(percent > 1) { percent = 1; } bytesLoaded = Math.floor(percent * size); } else if(bytesLoaded > size) { bytesLoaded = size; } var _this1 = this.bytesLoadedCache; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this1.existsReserved(id) : _this1.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this2 = this.bytesLoadedCache; var cache = __map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.getReserved(id) : _this2.h[id]; if(bytesLoaded != cache) { this.bytesLoaded += bytesLoaded - cache; } } else { this.bytesLoaded += bytesLoaded; } var _this3 = this.bytesLoadedCache; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this3.setReserved(id,bytesLoaded); } else { _this3.h[id] = bytesLoaded; } this.promise.progress(this.bytesLoaded,this.bytesTotal); } } ,__class__: lime_utils_AssetLibrary }; var lime_utils_AssetManifest = function() { this.assets = []; this.libraryArgs = []; this.version = 2; }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.AssetManifest"] = lime_utils_AssetManifest; lime_utils_AssetManifest.__name__ = ["lime","utils","AssetManifest"]; lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromBytes = function(bytes,rootPath) { if(bytes != null) { return lime_utils_AssetManifest.parse(bytes.getString(0,bytes.length),rootPath); } else { return null; } }; lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromFile = function(path,rootPath) { path = lime_utils_AssetManifest.__resolvePath(path); rootPath = lime_utils_AssetManifest.__resolveRootPath(rootPath,path); if(path == null) { return null; } return lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromBytes(lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fromFile(path),rootPath); }; lime_utils_AssetManifest.loadFromBytes = function(bytes,rootPath) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromBytes(bytes,rootPath)); }; lime_utils_AssetManifest.loadFromFile = function(path,rootPath) { path = lime_utils_AssetManifest.__resolvePath(path); rootPath = lime_utils_AssetManifest.__resolveRootPath(rootPath,path); if(path == null) { return null; } return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.loadFromFile(path).then(function(bytes) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromBytes(bytes,rootPath)); }); }; lime_utils_AssetManifest.parse = function(data,rootPath) { if(data == null || data == "") { return null; } var manifestData = JSON.parse(data); var manifest = new lime_utils_AssetManifest(); manifest.name = manifestData.name; manifest.libraryType = manifestData.libraryType; manifest.libraryArgs = manifestData.libraryArgs; manifest.assets = haxe_Unserializer.run(manifestData.assets); if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(manifestData,"rootPath")) { manifest.rootPath = manifestData.rootPath; } if(rootPath != null && rootPath != "") { if(manifest.rootPath == null || manifest.rootPath == "") { manifest.rootPath = rootPath; } else { manifest.rootPath = rootPath + "/" + manifest.rootPath; } } return manifest; }; lime_utils_AssetManifest.__resolvePath = function(path) { if(path == null) { return null; } var queryIndex = path.indexOf("?"); var basePath; if(queryIndex > -1) { basePath = HxOverrides.substr(path,0,queryIndex); } else { basePath = path; } StringTools.replace(basePath,"\\","/"); while(StringTools.endsWith(basePath,"/")) basePath = HxOverrides.substr(basePath,0,basePath.length - 1); if(StringTools.endsWith(basePath,".bundle")) { if(queryIndex > -1) { return basePath + "/library.json" + HxOverrides.substr(path,queryIndex,null); } else { return basePath + "/library.json"; } } else { return path; } }; lime_utils_AssetManifest.__resolveRootPath = function(rootPath,path) { if(rootPath != null) { return rootPath; } var queryIndex = path.indexOf("?"); if(queryIndex > -1) { rootPath = HxOverrides.substr(path,0,queryIndex); } else { rootPath = path; } StringTools.replace(rootPath,"\\","/"); while(StringTools.endsWith(rootPath,"/")) { if(rootPath == "/") { return rootPath; } rootPath = HxOverrides.substr(rootPath,0,rootPath.length - 1); } if(StringTools.endsWith(rootPath,".bundle")) { return rootPath; } else { return haxe_io_Path.directory(rootPath); } }; lime_utils_AssetManifest.prototype = { assets: null ,libraryArgs: null ,libraryType: null ,name: null ,rootPath: null ,version: null ,serialize: function() { var manifestData = { }; manifestData.version = this.version; manifestData.libraryType = this.libraryType; manifestData.libraryArgs = this.libraryArgs; manifestData.name = this.name; manifestData.assets = haxe_Serializer.run(this.assets); manifestData.rootPath = this.rootPath; return JSON.stringify(manifestData); } ,__class__: lime_utils_AssetManifest }; var lime_utils_Assets = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.Assets"] = lime_utils_Assets; lime_utils_Assets.__name__ = ["lime","utils","Assets"]; lime_utils_Assets.defaultRootPath = null; lime_utils_Assets.exists = function(id,type) { if(type == null) { type = "BINARY"; } var symbol_symbolName; var symbol_libraryName; var symbol_library; var colonIndex = id.indexOf(":"); symbol_libraryName = id.substring(0,colonIndex); symbol_symbolName = id.substring(colonIndex + 1); symbol_library = lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary(symbol_libraryName); if(symbol_library != null) { return symbol_library.exists(symbol_symbolName,type); } return false; }; lime_utils_Assets.getAsset = function(id,type,useCache) { if(useCache && lime_utils_Assets.cache.enabled) { switch(type) { case "BINARY":case "TEXT": useCache = false; break; case "FONT": var font = lime_utils_Assets.cache.font.get(id); if(font != null) { return font; } break; case "IMAGE": var image = lime_utils_Assets.cache.image.get(id); if(lime_utils_Assets.isValidImage(image)) { return image; } break; case "MUSIC":case "SOUND": var audio = lime_utils_Assets.cache.audio.get(id); if(lime_utils_Assets.isValidAudio(audio)) { return audio; } break; case "TEMPLATE": throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not sure how to get template: " + id); break; default: return null; } } var symbol_symbolName; var symbol_libraryName; var symbol_library; var colonIndex = id.indexOf(":"); symbol_libraryName = id.substring(0,colonIndex); symbol_symbolName = id.substring(colonIndex + 1); symbol_library = lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary(symbol_libraryName); if(symbol_library != null) { if(symbol_library.exists(symbol_symbolName,type)) { if(symbol_library.isLocal(symbol_symbolName,type)) { var asset = symbol_library.getAsset(symbol_symbolName,type); if(useCache && lime_utils_Assets.cache.enabled) { lime_utils_Assets.cache.set(id,type,asset); } return asset; } else { lime_utils_Log.error(type + " asset \"" + id + "\" exists, but only asynchronously",{ fileName : "Assets.hx", lineNumber : 160, className : "lime.utils.Assets", methodName : "getAsset"}); } } else { lime_utils_Log.error("There is no " + type + " asset with an ID of \"" + id + "\"",{ fileName : "Assets.hx", lineNumber : 166, className : "lime.utils.Assets", methodName : "getAsset"}); } } else { lime_utils_Log.error(lime_utils_Assets.__libraryNotFound(symbol_libraryName),{ fileName : "Assets.hx", lineNumber : 172, className : "lime.utils.Assets", methodName : "getAsset"}); } return null; }; lime_utils_Assets.getAudioBuffer = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } return lime_utils_Assets.getAsset(id,"SOUND",useCache); }; lime_utils_Assets.getBytes = function(id) { return lime_utils_Assets.getAsset(id,"BINARY",false); }; lime_utils_Assets.getFont = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } return lime_utils_Assets.getAsset(id,"FONT",useCache); }; lime_utils_Assets.getImage = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } return lime_utils_Assets.getAsset(id,"IMAGE",useCache); }; lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary = function(name) { if(name == null || name == "") { name = "default"; } var _this = lime_utils_Assets.libraries; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { return _this.getReserved(name); } else { return _this.h[name]; } }; lime_utils_Assets.getPath = function(id) { var symbol_symbolName; var symbol_libraryName; var symbol_library; var colonIndex = id.indexOf(":"); symbol_libraryName = id.substring(0,colonIndex); symbol_symbolName = id.substring(colonIndex + 1); symbol_library = lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary(symbol_libraryName); if(symbol_library != null) { if(symbol_library.exists(symbol_symbolName,null)) { return symbol_library.getPath(symbol_symbolName); } else { lime_utils_Log.error("There is no asset with an ID of \"" + id + "\"",{ fileName : "Assets.hx", lineNumber : 269, className : "lime.utils.Assets", methodName : "getPath"}); } } else { lime_utils_Log.error(lime_utils_Assets.__libraryNotFound(symbol_libraryName),{ fileName : "Assets.hx", lineNumber : 275, className : "lime.utils.Assets", methodName : "getPath"}); } return null; }; lime_utils_Assets.getText = function(id) { return lime_utils_Assets.getAsset(id,"TEXT",false); }; lime_utils_Assets.hasLibrary = function(name) { if(name == null || name == "") { name = "default"; } var _this = lime_utils_Assets.libraries; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { return _this.existsReserved(name); } else { return _this.h.hasOwnProperty(name); } }; lime_utils_Assets.isLocal = function(id,type,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache && lime_utils_Assets.cache.enabled) { if(lime_utils_Assets.cache.exists(id,type)) { return true; } } var symbol_symbolName; var symbol_libraryName; var symbol_library; var colonIndex = id.indexOf(":"); symbol_libraryName = id.substring(0,colonIndex); symbol_symbolName = id.substring(colonIndex + 1); symbol_library = lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary(symbol_libraryName); if(symbol_library != null) { return symbol_library.isLocal(symbol_symbolName,type); } else { return false; } }; lime_utils_Assets.isValidAudio = function(buffer) { return buffer != null; }; lime_utils_Assets.isValidImage = function(image) { if(image != null) { return image.buffer != null; } else { return false; } }; lime_utils_Assets.list = function(type) { var items = []; var _this = lime_utils_Assets.libraries; var library = new haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator(_this,_this.arrayKeys()); while(library.hasNext()) { var library1 = library.next(); var libraryItems = library1.list(type); if(libraryItems != null) { items = items.concat(libraryItems); } } return items; }; lime_utils_Assets.loadAsset = function(id,type,useCache) { if(useCache && lime_utils_Assets.cache.enabled) { switch(type) { case "BINARY":case "TEXT": useCache = false; break; case "FONT": var font = lime_utils_Assets.cache.font.get(id); if(font != null) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(font); } break; case "IMAGE": var image = lime_utils_Assets.cache.image.get(id); if(lime_utils_Assets.isValidImage(image)) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(image); } break; case "MUSIC":case "SOUND": var audio = lime_utils_Assets.cache.audio.get(id); if(lime_utils_Assets.isValidAudio(audio)) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(audio); } break; case "TEMPLATE": throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Not sure how to get template: " + id); break; default: return null; } } var symbol_symbolName; var symbol_libraryName; var symbol_library; var colonIndex = id.indexOf(":"); symbol_libraryName = id.substring(0,colonIndex); symbol_symbolName = id.substring(colonIndex + 1); symbol_library = lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary(symbol_libraryName); if(symbol_library != null) { if(symbol_library.exists(symbol_symbolName,type)) { var future = symbol_library.loadAsset(symbol_symbolName,type); if(useCache && lime_utils_Assets.cache.enabled) { future.onComplete(function(asset) { lime_utils_Assets.cache.set(id,type,asset); }); } return future; } else { return lime_app_Future.withError("There is no " + type + " asset with an ID of \"" + id + "\""); } } else { return lime_app_Future.withError(lime_utils_Assets.__libraryNotFound(symbol_libraryName)); } }; lime_utils_Assets.loadAudioBuffer = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } return lime_utils_Assets.loadAsset(id,"SOUND",useCache); }; lime_utils_Assets.loadBytes = function(id) { return lime_utils_Assets.loadAsset(id,"BINARY",false); }; lime_utils_Assets.loadFont = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } return lime_utils_Assets.loadAsset(id,"FONT",useCache); }; lime_utils_Assets.loadImage = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } return lime_utils_Assets.loadAsset(id,"IMAGE",useCache); }; lime_utils_Assets.loadLibrary = function(id) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); var library = lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary(id); if(library != null) { return library.load(); } var path = id; var rootPath = null; var _this = lime_utils_Assets.libraryPaths; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = lime_utils_Assets.libraryPaths; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { path = _this1.getReserved(id); } else { path = _this1.h[id]; } rootPath = lime_utils_Assets.defaultRootPath; } else { if(StringTools.endsWith(path,".bundle")) { path += "/library.json"; } path = lime_utils_Assets.__cacheBreak(path); } lime_utils_AssetManifest.loadFromFile(path,rootPath).onComplete(function(manifest) { if(manifest == null) { promise.error("Cannot parse asset manifest for library \"" + id + "\""); return; } var library1 = lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(manifest); if(library1 == null) { promise.error("Cannot open library \"" + id + "\""); } else { var _this2 = lime_utils_Assets.libraries; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this2.setReserved(id,library1); } else { _this2.h[id] = library1; } library1.onChange.add(($_=lime_utils_Assets.onChange,$bind($_,$_.dispatch))); var tmp = library1.load(); promise.completeWith(tmp); } }).onError(function(_) { promise.error("There is no asset library with an ID of \"" + id + "\""); }); return promise.future; }; lime_utils_Assets.loadText = function(id) { return lime_utils_Assets.loadAsset(id,"TEXT",false); }; lime_utils_Assets.registerLibrary = function(name,library) { var _this = lime_utils_Assets.libraries; if(__map_reserved[name] != null ? _this.existsReserved(name) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var _this1 = lime_utils_Assets.libraries; if((__map_reserved[name] != null ? _this1.getReserved(name) : _this1.h[name]) == library) { return; } else { lime_utils_Assets.unloadLibrary(name); } } if(library != null) { library.onChange.add(lime_utils_Assets.library_onChange); } var _this2 = lime_utils_Assets.libraries; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { _this2.setReserved(name,library); } else { _this2.h[name] = library; } }; lime_utils_Assets.unloadLibrary = function(name) { var _this = lime_utils_Assets.libraries; var library = __map_reserved[name] != null ? _this.getReserved(name) : _this.h[name]; if(library != null) { lime_utils_Assets.cache.clear(name + ":"); library.onChange.remove(lime_utils_Assets.library_onChange); library.unload(); } lime_utils_Assets.libraries.remove(name); }; lime_utils_Assets.__cacheBreak = function(path) { if(lime_utils_Assets.cache.version > 0) { if(path.indexOf("?") > -1) { path += "&" + lime_utils_Assets.cache.version; } else { path += "?" + lime_utils_Assets.cache.version; } } return path; }; lime_utils_Assets.__libraryNotFound = function(name) { if(name == null || name == "") { name = "default"; } if(lime_app_Application.current != null && lime_app_Application.current.__preloader != null && !lime_app_Application.current.__preloader.complete) { return "There is no asset library named \"" + name + "\", or it is not yet preloaded"; } else { return "There is no asset library named \"" + name + "\""; } }; lime_utils_Assets.library_onChange = function() { lime_utils_Assets.cache.clear(); lime_utils_Assets.onChange.dispatch(); }; var lime_utils__$Assets_LibrarySymbol = function(id) { var colonIndex = id.indexOf(":"); this.libraryName = id.substring(0,colonIndex); this.symbolName = id.substring(colonIndex + 1); this.library = lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary(this.libraryName); }; $hxClasses["lime.utils._Assets.LibrarySymbol"] = lime_utils__$Assets_LibrarySymbol; lime_utils__$Assets_LibrarySymbol.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_Assets","LibrarySymbol"]; lime_utils__$Assets_LibrarySymbol.prototype = { library: null ,libraryName: null ,symbolName: null ,isLocal: function(type) { return this.library.isLocal(this.symbolName,type); } ,exists: function(type) { return this.library.exists(this.symbolName,type); } ,__class__: lime_utils__$Assets_LibrarySymbol }; var lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._BytePointer.BytePointer_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_BytePointer","BytePointer_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$._new = function(bytes,offset) { if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } var this1 = new lime_utils_BytePointerData(bytes,offset); return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,bytes,bufferView,buffer,offset) { if(buffer != null) { bytes = haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(buffer); } if(bytes != null || bufferView == null) { this1.bytes = bytes; this1.offset = offset != null ? offset : 0; } else { this1.bytes = haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(bufferView.buffer); this1.offset = offset != null ? bufferView.byteOffset + offset : bufferView.byteOffset; } }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.__arrayGet = function(this1,index) { if(this1.bytes != null) { return this1.bytes.b[index + this1.offset]; } else { return 0; } }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.__arraySet = function(this1,index,value) { if(this1.bytes == null) { this1.bytes.b[index + this1.offset] = value & 255; } return value; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.fromArrayBufferView = function(arrayBufferView) { if(arrayBufferView == null) { return null; } return new lime_utils_BytePointerData(haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(arrayBufferView.buffer),arrayBufferView.byteOffset); }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.fromArrayBuffer = function(buffer) { if(buffer == null) { return null; } return new lime_utils_BytePointerData(haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(buffer),0); }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes) { return new lime_utils_BytePointerData(bytes,0); }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.fromBytesData = function(bytesData) { if(bytesData == null) { return new lime_utils_BytePointerData(null,0); } else { return new lime_utils_BytePointerData(haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(bytesData),0); } }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.fromFile = function(path) { return new lime_utils_BytePointerData(lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fromFile(path),0); }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.fromLimeBytes = function(bytes) { return new lime_utils_BytePointerData(bytes,0); }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toUInt8Array = function(bytePointer) { var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 8 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toUInt8ClampedArray = function(bytePointer) { if(bytePointer == null || bytePointer.bytes == null) { return null; } var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 8 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toInt8Array = function(bytePointer) { if(bytePointer == null || bytePointer.bytes == null) { return null; } var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 8 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Int8Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toUInt16Array = function(bytePointer) { if(bytePointer == null || bytePointer.bytes == null) { return null; } var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 16 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Uint16Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toInt16Array = function(bytePointer) { if(bytePointer == null || bytePointer.bytes == null) { return null; } var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 16 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Int16Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toUInt32Array = function(bytePointer) { if(bytePointer == null || bytePointer.bytes == null) { return null; } var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 32 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Uint32Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toInt32Array = function(bytePointer) { if(bytePointer == null || bytePointer.bytes == null) { return null; } var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 32 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Int32Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toFloat32Array = function(bytePointer) { if(bytePointer == null || bytePointer.bytes == null) { return null; } var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 32 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Float32Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.toFloat64Array = function(bytePointer) { if(bytePointer == null || bytePointer.bytes == null) { return null; } var buffer = bytePointer.bytes.b.bufferValue; var byteoffset = bytePointer.offset / 64 | 0; var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Float64Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this1 = null; } return this1; }; var lime_utils_BytePointerData = function(bytes,offset) { this.bytes = bytes; this.offset = offset; }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.BytePointerData"] = lime_utils_BytePointerData; lime_utils_BytePointerData.__name__ = ["lime","utils","BytePointerData"]; lime_utils_BytePointerData.prototype = { bytes: null ,offset: null ,__class__: lime_utils_BytePointerData }; var lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._Bytes.Bytes_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_Bytes","Bytes_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$._new = function(length,bytesData) { var this1 = new haxe_io_Bytes(bytesData); return this1; }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.alloc = function(length) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(length)); }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.compress = function(this1,algorithm) { switch(algorithm[1]) { case 0: return lime__$internal_format_Deflate.compress(this1); case 1: return lime__$internal_format_GZip.compress(this1); case 2: return lime__$internal_format_LZMA.compress(this1); case 3: return lime__$internal_format_Zlib.compress(this1); } }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.decompress = function(this1,algorithm) { switch(algorithm[1]) { case 0: return lime__$internal_format_Deflate.decompress(this1); case 1: return lime__$internal_format_GZip.decompress(this1); case 2: return lime__$internal_format_LZMA.decompress(this1); case 3: return lime__$internal_format_Zlib.decompress(this1); } }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fastGet = function(b,pos) { return b.bytes[pos]; }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null) { return null; } return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$._new(bytes.length,bytes.b.bufferValue); }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fromFile = function(path) { return null; }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.loadFromBytes = function(bytes) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fromBytes(bytes)); }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.loadFromFile = function(path) { var request = new lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$lime_$utils_$Bytes(); return request.load(path); }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.ofData = function(b) { var bytes = haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(b); return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$._new(bytes.length,bytes.b.bufferValue); }; lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.ofString = function(s) { var bytes = haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(s); return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$._new(bytes.length,bytes.b.bufferValue); }; var lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm = $hxClasses["lime.utils.CompressionAlgorithm"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","utils","CompressionAlgorithm"], __constructs__ : ["DEFLATE","GZIP","LZMA","ZLIB"] }; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.DEFLATE = ["DEFLATE",0]; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.DEFLATE.toString = $estr; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.DEFLATE.__enum__ = lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.GZIP = ["GZIP",1]; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.GZIP.toString = $estr; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.GZIP.__enum__ = lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.LZMA = ["LZMA",2]; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.LZMA.toString = $estr; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.LZMA.__enum__ = lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.ZLIB = ["ZLIB",3]; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.ZLIB.toString = $estr; lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm.ZLIB.__enum__ = lime_utils_CompressionAlgorithm; var lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._DataPointer.DataPointer_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_DataPointer","DataPointer_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$._new = function(data) { var this1 = data; return this1; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(value) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$._new(new lime_utils_DataPointerObject(null,null,value)); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromFloat = function(value) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$._new(new lime_utils_DataPointerObject(null,null,value | 0)); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromBytesPointer = function(pointer) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$._new(new lime_utils_DataPointerObject(null,pointer.bytes.b.bufferValue,pointer.offset)); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromArrayBufferView = function(arrayBufferView) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$._new(new lime_utils_DataPointerObject(arrayBufferView)); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromArrayBuffer = function(buffer) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$._new(new lime_utils_DataPointerObject(null,buffer)); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromArrayBuffer(bytes.b.bufferValue); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromBytesData = function(bytesData) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromArrayBuffer(bytesData); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromLimeBytes = function(bytes) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromBytes(bytes); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromCFFIPointer = function(pointer) { return null; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.fromFile = function(path) { return null; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.toBufferOrBufferView = function(this1,length) { var data = this1; if (!data) return null; var _g = data.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: if(length == null) { length = data.buffer.byteLength; } if(data.offset == 0 && length == data.buffer.byteLength) { return data.buffer; } else { var buffer = data.buffer; var byteoffset = data.offset; var this2; if(buffer != null) { if(length == null) { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteoffset,length); } } else { this2 = null; } return this2; } break; case 1: if(length == null) { length = data.bufferView.byteLength; } if(data.offset == 0 && length == data.bufferView.byteLength) { return data.bufferView; } else { var buffer1 = data.bufferView.buffer; var byteoffset1 = data.bufferView.byteOffset + data.offset; var this3; if(buffer1 != null) { if(length == null) { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,byteoffset1); } else { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,byteoffset1,length); } } else { this3 = null; } return this3; } break; default: return null; } }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.toBufferView = function(this1,length) { var data = this1; if (!data) return null; var _g = data.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: if(length == null) { length = data.buffer.byteLength; } var buffer = data.buffer; var byteoffset = data.offset; var this2; if(buffer != null) { if(length == null) { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteoffset,length); } } else { this2 = null; } return this2; case 1: if(length == null) { length = data.bufferView.byteLength; } if(data.offset == 0 && length == data.bufferView.byteLength) { return data.bufferView; } else { var buffer1 = data.bufferView.buffer; var byteoffset1 = data.bufferView.byteOffset + data.offset; var this3; if(buffer1 != null) { if(length == null) { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,byteoffset1); } else { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,byteoffset1,length); } } else { this3 = null; } return this3; } break; default: return null; } }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.toFloat32Array = function(this1,length) { var data = this1; if (!data) return null; var _g = data.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: if(length == null) { length = data.buffer.byteLength; } var buffer = data.buffer; var byteoffset = data.offset; var len = length / 4 | 0; var this2; if(buffer != null) { if(len == null) { this2 = new Float32Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this2 = new Float32Array(buffer,byteoffset,len); } } else { this2 = null; } return this2; case 1: if(length == null) { length = data.bufferView.byteLength; } if(data.offset == 0 && length == data.bufferView.byteLength && data.bufferView.constructor == Float32Array) { return data.bufferView; } else { if(length > data.bufferView.byteLength) { length = data.bufferView.byteLength; } var buffer1 = data.bufferView.buffer; var byteoffset1 = data.bufferView.byteOffset + data.offset; var len1 = length / 4 | 0; var this3; if(buffer1 != null) { if(len1 == null) { this3 = new Float32Array(buffer1,byteoffset1); } else { this3 = new Float32Array(buffer1,byteoffset1,len1); } } else { this3 = null; } return this3; } break; default: return null; } }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.toInt32Array = function(this1,length) { var data = this1; if (!data) return null; var _g = data.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: if(length == null) { length = data.buffer.byteLength; } var buffer = data.buffer; var byteoffset = data.offset; var len = length / 4 | 0; var this2; if(buffer != null) { if(len == null) { this2 = new Int32Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this2 = new Int32Array(buffer,byteoffset,len); } } else { this2 = null; } return this2; case 1: if(length == null) { length = data.bufferView.byteLength; } if(data.offset == 0 && length == data.bufferView.byteLength && data.bufferView.constructor == Int32Array) { return data.bufferView; } else { var buffer1 = data.bufferView.buffer; var byteoffset1 = data.bufferView.byteOffset + data.offset; var len1 = length / 4 | 0; var this3; if(buffer1 != null) { if(len1 == null) { this3 = new Int32Array(buffer1,byteoffset1); } else { this3 = new Int32Array(buffer1,byteoffset1,len1); } } else { this3 = null; } return this3; } break; default: return null; } }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.toUInt8Array = function(this1,length) { var data = this1; if (!data) return null; var _g = data.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: if(length == null) { length = data.buffer.byteLength; } var buffer = data.buffer; var byteoffset = data.offset; var this2; if(buffer != null) { if(length == null) { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteoffset,length); } } else { this2 = null; } return this2; case 1: if(length == null) { length = data.bufferView.byteLength; } if(data.offset == 0 && length == data.bufferView.byteLength && data.bufferView.constructor == Uint8Array) { return data.bufferView; } else { var buffer1 = data.bufferView.buffer; var byteoffset1 = data.bufferView.byteOffset + data.offset; var this3; if(buffer1 != null) { if(length == null) { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,byteoffset1); } else { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,byteoffset1,length); } } else { this3 = null; } return this3; } break; default: return null; } }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.toUInt32Array = function(this1,length) { var data = this1; if (!data) return null; var _g = data.type; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: if(length == null) { length = data.buffer.byteLength; } var buffer = data.buffer; var byteoffset = data.offset; var len = length / 4 | 0; var this2; if(buffer != null) { if(len == null) { this2 = new Uint32Array(buffer,byteoffset); } else { this2 = new Uint32Array(buffer,byteoffset,len); } } else { this2 = null; } return this2; case 1: if(length == null) { length = data.bufferView.byteLength; } if(data.offset == 0 && length == data.bufferView.byteLength && data.bufferView.constructor == Uint32Array) { return data.bufferView; } else { var buffer1 = data.bufferView.buffer; var byteoffset1 = data.bufferView.byteOffset + data.offset; var len1 = length / 4 | 0; var this3; if(buffer1 != null) { if(len1 == null) { this3 = new Uint32Array(buffer1,byteoffset1); } else { this3 = new Uint32Array(buffer1,byteoffset1,len1); } } else { this3 = null; } return this3; } break; default: return null; } }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.toValue = function(this1) { var data = this1; if (!data) return 0; if (typeof data === 'number') return data; var _g = data.type; if(_g[1] == 2) { return data.offset; } else { return 0; } }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.__withOffset = function(data,offset) { return null; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.equals = function(a,b) { return a == b; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.equalsPointer = function(a,b) { return a == b; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.greaterThan = function(a,b) { return a > b; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.greaterThanPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) > lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.greaterThanOrEqual = function(a,b) { return a >= b; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.greaterThanOrEqualPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) >= lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.lessThan = function(a,b) { return a < b; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.lessThanPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) < lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.lessThanOrEqual = function(a,b) { return a <= b; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.lessThanOrEqualPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(a) <= lime_system__$CFFIPointer_CFFIPointer_$Impl_$.get(b); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.notEquals = function(a,b) { return a != b; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.notEqualsPointer = function(a,b) { return a != b; }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.plus = function(a,b) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.__withOffset(a,b); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.plusPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.__withOffset(a,b | 0); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.minus = function(a,b) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.__withOffset(a,-b); }; lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.minusPointer = function(a,b) { return lime_utils__$DataPointer_DataPointer_$Impl_$.__withOffset(a,-(b | 0)); }; var lime_utils_DataPointerObject = function(bufferView,buffer,offset) { if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } if(bufferView != null) { this.bufferView = bufferView; this.type = lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.BUFFER_VIEW; } else if(buffer != null) { this.buffer = buffer; this.type = lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.BUFFER; } else { this.type = lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.VALUE; } this.offset = offset; }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.DataPointerObject"] = lime_utils_DataPointerObject; lime_utils_DataPointerObject.__name__ = ["lime","utils","DataPointerObject"]; lime_utils_DataPointerObject.prototype = { buffer: null ,bufferView: null ,offset: null ,type: null ,__class__: lime_utils_DataPointerObject }; var lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType = $hxClasses["lime.utils.DataPointerObjectType"] = { __ename__ : ["lime","utils","DataPointerObjectType"], __constructs__ : ["BUFFER","BUFFER_VIEW","VALUE"] }; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.BUFFER = ["BUFFER",0]; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.BUFFER.toString = $estr; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.BUFFER.__enum__ = lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.BUFFER_VIEW = ["BUFFER_VIEW",1]; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.BUFFER_VIEW.toString = $estr; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.BUFFER_VIEW.__enum__ = lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.VALUE = ["VALUE",2]; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.VALUE.toString = $estr; lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType.VALUE.__enum__ = lime_utils_DataPointerObjectType; var lime_utils__$Float32Array_Float32Array_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._Float32Array.Float32Array_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$Float32Array_Float32Array_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$Float32Array_Float32Array_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_Float32Array","Float32Array_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$Float32Array_Float32Array_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { byteOffset = 0; } if(byteOffset == null) { return new Float32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue); } if(len == null) { return new Float32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset); } return new Float32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$Float32Array_Float32Array_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$Float32Array_Float32Array_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "Float32Array [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; var lime_utils__$Float64Array_Float64Array_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._Float64Array.Float64Array_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$Float64Array_Float64Array_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$Float64Array_Float64Array_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_Float64Array","Float64Array_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$Float64Array_Float64Array_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { byteOffset = 0; } if(byteOffset == null) { return new Float64Array(bytes.b.bufferValue); } if(len == null) { return new Float64Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset); } return new Float64Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$Float64Array_Float64Array_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$Float64Array_Float64Array_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "Float64Array [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; var lime_utils__$Int16Array_Int16Array_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._Int16Array.Int16Array_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$Int16Array_Int16Array_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$Int16Array_Int16Array_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_Int16Array","Int16Array_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$Int16Array_Int16Array_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { byteOffset = 0; } if(byteOffset == null) { return new Int16Array(bytes.b.bufferValue); } if(len == null) { return new Int16Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset); } return new Int16Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$Int16Array_Int16Array_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$Int16Array_Int16Array_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "Int16Array [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; var lime_utils__$Int32Array_Int32Array_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._Int32Array.Int32Array_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$Int32Array_Int32Array_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$Int32Array_Int32Array_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_Int32Array","Int32Array_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$Int32Array_Int32Array_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { byteOffset = 0; } if(byteOffset == null) { return new Int32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue); } if(len == null) { return new Int32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset); } return new Int32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$Int32Array_Int32Array_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$Int32Array_Int32Array_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "Int32Array [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; var lime_utils__$Int8Array_Int8Array_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._Int8Array.Int8Array_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$Int8Array_Int8Array_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$Int8Array_Int8Array_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_Int8Array","Int8Array_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$Int8Array_Int8Array_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { byteOffset = 0; } return new Int8Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$Int8Array_Int8Array_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$Int8Array_Int8Array_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "Int8Array [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; var lime_utils_Log = function() { }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.Log"] = lime_utils_Log; lime_utils_Log.__name__ = ["lime","utils","Log"]; lime_utils_Log.level = null; lime_utils_Log.debug = function(message,info) { if(lime_utils_Log.level >= 4) { console.debug("[" + info.className + "] " + Std.string(message)); } }; lime_utils_Log.error = function(message,info) { if(lime_utils_Log.level >= 1) { var message1 = "[" + info.className + "] ERROR: " + Std.string(message); if(lime_utils_Log.throwErrors) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(message1); } else { console.error(message1); } } }; lime_utils_Log.info = function(message,info) { if(lime_utils_Log.level >= 3) { console.info("[" + info.className + "] " + Std.string(message)); } }; lime_utils_Log.print = function(message) { console.log(message); }; lime_utils_Log.println = function(message) { console.log(message); }; lime_utils_Log.verbose = function(message,info) { if(lime_utils_Log.level >= 5) { console.log("[" + info.className + "] " + Std.string(message)); } }; lime_utils_Log.warn = function(message,info) { if(lime_utils_Log.level >= 2) { console.warn("[" + info.className + "] WARNING: " + Std.string(message)); } }; var lime_utils__$LogLevel_LogLevel_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._LogLevel.LogLevel_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$LogLevel_LogLevel_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$LogLevel_LogLevel_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_LogLevel","LogLevel_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$LogLevel_LogLevel_$Impl_$.gt = function(a,b) { return a > b; }; lime_utils__$LogLevel_LogLevel_$Impl_$.gte = function(a,b) { return a >= b; }; lime_utils__$LogLevel_LogLevel_$Impl_$.lt = function(a,b) { return a < b; }; lime_utils__$LogLevel_LogLevel_$Impl_$.lte = function(a,b) { return a <= b; }; var lime_utils_Preloader = function() { this.bytesTotalCache = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.bytesLoadedCache2 = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.bytesLoadedCache = new haxe_ds_ObjectMap(); this.onProgress = new lime_app__$Event_$Int_$Int_$Void(); this.onComplete = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.bytesLoaded = 0; this.bytesTotal = 0; this.libraries = []; this.libraryNames = []; this.onProgress.add($bind(this,this.update)); }; $hxClasses["lime.utils.Preloader"] = lime_utils_Preloader; lime_utils_Preloader.__name__ = ["lime","utils","Preloader"]; lime_utils_Preloader.prototype = { complete: null ,onComplete: null ,onProgress: null ,bytesLoaded: null ,bytesLoadedCache: null ,bytesLoadedCache2: null ,bytesTotal: null ,bytesTotalCache: null ,initLibraryNames: null ,libraries: null ,libraryNames: null ,loadedLibraries: null ,loadedStage: null ,preloadComplete: null ,preloadStarted: null ,simulateProgress: null ,addLibrary: function(library) { this.libraries.push(library); } ,addLibraryName: function(name) { if(this.libraryNames.indexOf(name) == -1) { this.libraryNames.push(name); } } ,load: function() { var _gthis = this; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.libraries; while(_g < _g1.length) { var library = _g1[_g]; ++_g; this.bytesTotal += library.bytesTotal; } this.loadedLibraries = -1; this.preloadStarted = false; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.libraries; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var library1 = [_g11[_g2]]; ++_g2; lime_utils_Log.verbose("Preloading asset library",{ fileName : "Preloader.hx", lineNumber : 150, className : "lime.utils.Preloader", methodName : "load"}); library1[0].load().onProgress((function(library2) { return function(loaded,total) { if(_gthis.bytesLoadedCache.h.__keys__[library2[0].__id__] == null) { _gthis.bytesLoaded += loaded; } else { _gthis.bytesLoaded += loaded - _gthis.bytesLoadedCache.h[library2[0].__id__]; } _gthis.bytesLoadedCache.set(library2[0],loaded); if(!_gthis.simulateProgress) { _gthis.onProgress.dispatch(_gthis.bytesLoaded,_gthis.bytesTotal); } }; })(library1)).onComplete((function(library3) { return function(_) { if(_gthis.bytesLoadedCache.h.__keys__[library3[0].__id__] == null) { _gthis.bytesLoaded += library3[0].bytesTotal; } else { _gthis.bytesLoaded += library3[0].bytesTotal - _gthis.bytesLoadedCache.h[library3[0].__id__]; } _gthis.loadedAssetLibrary(); }; })(library1)).onError((function() { return function(e) { lime_utils_Log.error(e,{ fileName : "Preloader.hx", lineNumber : 188, className : "lime.utils.Preloader", methodName : "load"}); }; })()); } var _g3 = 0; var _g12 = this.libraryNames; while(_g3 < _g12.length) { var name = _g12[_g3]; ++_g3; this.bytesTotal += 200; } this.loadedLibraries++; this.preloadStarted = true; this.updateProgress(); } ,loadedAssetLibrary: function(name) { this.loadedLibraries++; var current = this.loadedLibraries; if(!this.preloadStarted) { ++current; } var totalLibraries = this.libraries.length + this.libraryNames.length; if(name != null) { lime_utils_Log.verbose("Loaded asset library: " + name + " [" + current + "/" + totalLibraries + "]",{ fileName : "Preloader.hx", lineNumber : 220, className : "lime.utils.Preloader", methodName : "loadedAssetLibrary"}); } else { lime_utils_Log.verbose("Loaded asset library [" + current + "/" + totalLibraries + "]",{ fileName : "Preloader.hx", lineNumber : 224, className : "lime.utils.Preloader", methodName : "loadedAssetLibrary"}); } this.updateProgress(); } ,start: function() { if(this.complete || this.simulateProgress || !this.preloadComplete) { return; } this.complete = true; this.onComplete.dispatch(); } ,update: function(loaded,total) { } ,updateProgress: function() { var _gthis = this; if(!this.simulateProgress) { this.onProgress.dispatch(this.bytesLoaded,this.bytesTotal); } if(this.loadedLibraries == this.libraries.length && !this.initLibraryNames) { this.initLibraryNames = true; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.libraryNames; while(_g < _g1.length) { var name = [_g1[_g]]; ++_g; lime_utils_Log.verbose("Preloading asset library: " + name[0],{ fileName : "Preloader.hx", lineNumber : 273, className : "lime.utils.Preloader", methodName : "updateProgress"}); lime_utils_Assets.loadLibrary(name[0]).onProgress((function(name1) { return function(loaded,total) { if(total > 0) { var _this = _gthis.bytesTotalCache; if(!(__map_reserved[name1[0]] != null ? _this.existsReserved(name1[0]) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(name1[0]))) { var _this1 = _gthis.bytesTotalCache; if(__map_reserved[name1[0]] != null) { _this1.setReserved(name1[0],total); } else { _this1.h[name1[0]] = total; } _gthis.bytesTotal += total - 200; } if(loaded > total) { loaded = total; } var _this2 = _gthis.bytesLoadedCache2; if(!(__map_reserved[name1[0]] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(name1[0]) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(name1[0]))) { _gthis.bytesLoaded += loaded; } else { var _this3 = _gthis.bytesLoadedCache2; _gthis.bytesLoaded += loaded - (__map_reserved[name1[0]] != null ? _this3.getReserved(name1[0]) : _this3.h[name1[0]]); } var _this4 = _gthis.bytesLoadedCache2; if(__map_reserved[name1[0]] != null) { _this4.setReserved(name1[0],loaded); } else { _this4.h[name1[0]] = loaded; } if(!_gthis.simulateProgress) { _gthis.onProgress.dispatch(_gthis.bytesLoaded,_gthis.bytesTotal); } } }; })(name)).onComplete((function(name2) { return function(library) { var total1 = 200; var _this5 = _gthis.bytesTotalCache; if(__map_reserved[name2[0]] != null ? _this5.existsReserved(name2[0]) : _this5.h.hasOwnProperty(name2[0])) { var _this6 = _gthis.bytesTotalCache; if(__map_reserved[name2[0]] != null) { total1 = _this6.getReserved(name2[0]); } else { total1 = _this6.h[name2[0]]; } } var _this7 = _gthis.bytesLoadedCache2; if(!(__map_reserved[name2[0]] != null ? _this7.existsReserved(name2[0]) : _this7.h.hasOwnProperty(name2[0]))) { _gthis.bytesLoaded += total1; } else { var _this8 = _gthis.bytesLoadedCache2; _gthis.bytesLoaded += total1 - (__map_reserved[name2[0]] != null ? _this8.getReserved(name2[0]) : _this8.h[name2[0]]); } _gthis.loadedAssetLibrary(name2[0]); }; })(name)).onError((function() { return function(e) { lime_utils_Log.error(e,{ fileName : "Preloader.hx", lineNumber : 332, className : "lime.utils.Preloader", methodName : "updateProgress"}); }; })()); } } if(!this.simulateProgress && this.loadedLibraries == this.libraries.length + this.libraryNames.length) { if(!this.preloadComplete) { this.preloadComplete = true; lime_utils_Log.verbose("Preload complete",{ fileName : "Preloader.hx", lineNumber : 346, className : "lime.utils.Preloader", methodName : "updateProgress"}); } this.start(); } } ,__class__: lime_utils_Preloader }; var lime_utils__$UInt16Array_UInt16Array_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._UInt16Array.UInt16Array_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$UInt16Array_UInt16Array_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$UInt16Array_UInt16Array_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_UInt16Array","UInt16Array_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$UInt16Array_UInt16Array_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { byteOffset = 0; } if(byteOffset == null) { return new Uint16Array(bytes.b.bufferValue); } if(len == null) { return new Uint16Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset); } return new Uint16Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$UInt16Array_UInt16Array_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$UInt16Array_UInt16Array_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "UInt16Array [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; var lime_utils__$UInt32Array_UInt32Array_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._UInt32Array.UInt32Array_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$UInt32Array_UInt32Array_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$UInt32Array_UInt32Array_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_UInt32Array","UInt32Array_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$UInt32Array_UInt32Array_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { byteOffset = 0; } if(byteOffset == null) { return new Uint32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue); } if(len == null) { return new Uint32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset); } return new Uint32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$UInt32Array_UInt32Array_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$UInt32Array_UInt32Array_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "UInt32Array [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; var lime_utils__$UInt8Array_UInt8Array_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._UInt8Array.UInt8Array_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$UInt8Array_UInt8Array_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$UInt8Array_UInt8Array_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_UInt8Array","UInt8Array_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$UInt8Array_UInt8Array_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { return new Uint8Array(bytes.b.bufferValue); } if(len == null) { return new Uint8Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset); } return new Uint8Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$UInt8Array_UInt8Array_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$UInt8Array_UInt8Array_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "UInt8Array [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; var lime_utils__$UInt8ClampedArray_UInt8ClampedArray_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["lime.utils._UInt8ClampedArray.UInt8ClampedArray_Impl_"] = lime_utils__$UInt8ClampedArray_UInt8ClampedArray_$Impl_$; lime_utils__$UInt8ClampedArray_UInt8ClampedArray_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["lime","utils","_UInt8ClampedArray","UInt8ClampedArray_Impl_"]; lime_utils__$UInt8ClampedArray_UInt8ClampedArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes,byteOffset,len) { if(byteOffset == null) { byteOffset = 0; } if(byteOffset == null) { return new Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.b.bufferValue); } if(len == null) { return new Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset); } return new Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.b.bufferValue,byteOffset,len); }; lime_utils__$UInt8ClampedArray_UInt8ClampedArray_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(this1) { return new haxe_io_Bytes(new Uint8Array(this1.buffer)); }; lime_utils__$UInt8ClampedArray_UInt8ClampedArray_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { if(this1 != null) { return "UInt8ClampedArray [byteLength:" + this1.byteLength + ", length:" + this1.length + "]"; } else { return null; } }; lime_utils__$UInt8ClampedArray_UInt8ClampedArray_$Impl_$._clamp = function(_in) { var _out = _in | 0; if(_out > 255) { _out = 255; } else { _out = _out; } if(_out < 0) { return 0; } else { return _out; } }; var nova_animation_Action = function(initFn,updateFn,length) { this.initFn = initFn; this.updateFn = updateFn; this.object = { }; this.length = length; }; $hxClasses["nova.animation.Action"] = nova_animation_Action; nova_animation_Action.__name__ = ["nova","animation","Action"]; nova_animation_Action.prototype = { initFn: null ,updateFn: null ,object: null ,length: null ,init: function(sprite) { this.initFn(sprite,this.object); } ,update: function(sprite,frame) { this.updateFn(sprite,frame,this.object); } ,__class__: nova_animation_Action }; var nova_animation_Actor = function(sprite,action,isDoneA) { this.currentFrame = 0; this.tag = null; this._id = -1; var _gthis = this; this.sprite = sprite; this.action = action; this.isDone = function() { return isDoneA(_gthis); }; this.prevSets = []; this.nextSets = []; this.currentFrame = 0; this.callback = null; }; $hxClasses["nova.animation.Actor"] = nova_animation_Actor; nova_animation_Actor.__name__ = ["nova","animation","Actor"]; nova_animation_Actor.prototype = { _id: null ,tag: null ,currentFrame: null ,sprite: null ,action: null ,callback: null ,isDone: null ,prevSets: null ,nextSets: null ,setCallback: function(callback) { this.callback = callback; } ,addAsDependencyOf: function(other) { this.nextSets.push(other); other.prevSets.push(this); } ,dependOn: function(other) { other.nextSets.push(this); this.prevSets.push(other); } ,__class__: nova_animation_Actor }; var nova_animation_Director = function() { this.paused = false; this.nextID = 0; this._animationInfoMap = new haxe_ds_ObjectMap(); this._liveActors = []; }; $hxClasses["nova.animation.Director"] = nova_animation_Director; nova_animation_Director.__name__ = ["nova","animation","Director"]; nova_animation_Director._noopAction = function(frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { },frames); }; nova_animation_Director._fadeInAction = function(frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { sprite.set_alpha(0); },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { sprite1.set_alpha(frame / frames); },frames); }; nova_animation_Director._fadeOutAction = function(frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { sprite.set_alpha(1); },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { sprite1.set_alpha(1.0 - frame / frames); },frames); }; nova_animation_Director._moveToAction = function(point,frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { object.x = sprite.x; object.y = sprite.y; },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { var _g = sprite1; _g.set_x(_g.x + 1.0 / frames * (nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(point) - object1.x)); var _g1 = sprite1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + 1.0 / frames * (nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(point) - object1.y)); },frames); }; nova_animation_Director._moveByAction = function(point,frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { object.x = sprite.x; object.y = sprite.y; object.point = point; },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { var _g = sprite1; _g.set_x(_g.x + 1.0 / frames * object1.point[0]); var _g1 = sprite1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + 1.0 / frames * object1.point[1]); },frames); }; nova_animation_Director._bobAction = function(point,reps,frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { object.x = sprite.x; object.y = sprite.y; object.point = point; object.reps = reps; },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { if(frame == frames) { sprite1.set_x(object1.x); sprite1.set_y(object1.y); return; } var pct = frame / frames * reps; pct -= Math.floor(pct); if(pct < 0.25) { pct = 4 * pct; } else if(pct < 0.75) { pct = 1.0 - 4.0 * (pct - 0.25); } else { pct = -1.0 + 4.0 * (pct - 0.75); } sprite1.set_x(object1.x + object1.point[0] * pct); sprite1.set_y(object1.y + object1.point[1] * pct); },frames); }; nova_animation_Director._jumpInArcAction = function(verticalDist,frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { object.mult = verticalDist / (frames * frames / 4 + 0.2 | 0); },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { var dist = 2 * frame - frames - 1; sprite1.set_y(sprite1.y + dist * object1.mult); },frames); }; nova_animation_Director.getID = function() { return nova_animation_Director.instance.nextID++; }; nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn = function(action,sprite,tag) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(sprite,flixel_FlxSprite) || sprite == null) { var a = new nova_animation_Actor(sprite != null ? js_Boot.__cast(sprite , flixel_FlxSprite) : null,action,function(a1) { return a1.currentFrame == a1.action.length; }); a._id = nova_animation_Director.instance.nextID++; a.tag = tag; if(action.initFn != null) { action.init(sprite != null ? js_Boot.__cast(sprite , flixel_FlxSprite) : null); } nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.push(a); return a; } var prevActor = js_Boot.__cast(sprite , nova_animation_Actor); if(prevActor.action == null && prevActor.callback == null) { prevActor.action = action; prevActor.isDone = function() { return prevActor.currentFrame == prevActor.action.length; }; return prevActor; } var a2 = new nova_animation_Actor(prevActor.sprite,action,function(a3) { return a3.currentFrame == a3.action.length; }); a2._id = nova_animation_Director.getID(); a2.tag = tag; a2.dependOn(prevActor); return a2; }; nova_animation_Director.fadeIn = function(sprite,frames,tag) { return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_animation_Director._fadeInAction(frames),sprite,tag); }; nova_animation_Director.fadeOut = function(sprite,frames,tag) { return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_animation_Director._fadeOutAction(frames),sprite,tag); }; nova_animation_Director.moveTo = function(sprite,point,frames,tag) { return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_animation_Director._moveToAction(point,frames),sprite,tag); }; nova_animation_Director.moveBy = function(sprite,point,frames,tag) { return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_animation_Director._moveByAction(point,frames),sprite,tag); }; nova_animation_Director.bob = function(sprite,point,reps,frames,tag) { return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_animation_Director._bobAction(point,reps,frames),sprite,tag); }; nova_animation_Director.jumpInArc = function(sprite,verticalDist,frames,tag) { var startPoint; if(js_Boot.__instanceof(sprite,flixel_FlxSprite)) { startPoint = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([(js_Boot.__cast(sprite , flixel_FlxSprite)).x | 0,(js_Boot.__cast(sprite , flixel_FlxSprite)).y | 0]); } else { startPoint = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([(js_Boot.__cast(sprite , nova_animation_Actor)).sprite.x | 0,(js_Boot.__cast(sprite , nova_animation_Actor)).sprite.y | 0]); } return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_animation_Director._jumpInArcAction(verticalDist,frames),sprite,tag); }; nova_animation_Director.wait = function(sprite,frames,tag) { if(frames == null) { return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_animation_Director._noopAction(js_Boot.__cast(sprite , Int)),null,tag); } var ootSprite = null; if(sprite != null) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(sprite,flixel_FlxSprite)) { ootSprite = js_Boot.__cast(sprite , flixel_FlxSprite); } else { ootSprite = js_Boot.__cast(sprite , nova_animation_Actor); } } return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_animation_Director._noopAction(frames),ootSprite,tag); }; nova_animation_Director.call = function(actor,callback) { actor.setCallback(callback); return actor; }; nova_animation_Director.then = function(prevActor,newActor) { var a = new nova_animation_Actor(newActor,null,null); a._id = nova_animation_Director.instance.nextID++; a.dependOn(prevActor); return a; }; nova_animation_Director.afterAll = function(sprite,prevActors) { var a = new nova_animation_Actor(sprite,null,null); a._id = nova_animation_Director.instance.nextID++; var _g = 0; while(_g < prevActors.length) { var prevActor = prevActors[_g]; ++_g; a.dependOn(prevActor); } return a; }; nova_animation_Director.skipToEnd = function(actor) { if(actor.action != null) { actor.action.update(actor.sprite,actor.action.length); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = actor.nextSets; while(_g < _g1.length) { var nextActor = _g1[_g]; ++_g; HxOverrides.remove(nextActor.prevSets,actor); if(nextActor.prevSets.length == 0) { if(nextActor.action != null) { nextActor.action.init(nextActor.sprite); } nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.push(nextActor); } } if(actor.callback != null) { actor.callback(actor.sprite); } HxOverrides.remove(nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors,actor); }; nova_animation_Director.actorsWithTag = function(tag) { return nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.filter(function(a) { return a.tag == tag; }); }; nova_animation_Director.update = function() { if(!nova_animation_Director.instance.paused) { nova_animation_Director.instance._update(); } }; nova_animation_Director.pause = function() { nova_animation_Director.instance.paused = true; }; nova_animation_Director.resume = function() { nova_animation_Director.instance.paused = false; }; nova_animation_Director.clear = function() { nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.splice(0,nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.length); }; nova_animation_Director.clearTag = function(tag) { var i = nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.length - 1; while(i >= 0) { if(nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors[i].tag == tag) { nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.splice(i,1); } --i; } }; nova_animation_Director.prototype = { nextID: null ,_liveActors: null ,_animationInfoMap: null ,paused: null ,_update: function() { var i = nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.length - 1; while(i >= 0) { var liveActor = nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors[i]; liveActor.currentFrame += 1; if(liveActor.action != null) { liveActor.action.update(liveActor.sprite,liveActor.currentFrame); } if(liveActor.action == null || liveActor.isDone != null && liveActor.isDone()) { if(liveActor.callback != null) { liveActor.callback(liveActor.sprite); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = liveActor.nextSets; while(_g < _g1.length) { var nextActor = _g1[_g]; ++_g; HxOverrides.remove(nextActor.prevSets,liveActor); if(nextActor.prevSets.length == 0) { if(nextActor.action != null) { nextActor.action.init(nextActor.sprite); } if(nextActor.action == null) { nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.splice(0,0,nextActor); ++i; } else { nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.push(nextActor); } } } nova_animation_Director.instance._liveActors.splice(i,1); } --i; } } ,__class__: nova_animation_Director }; var nova_input_Focusable = function() { }; $hxClasses["nova.input.Focusable"] = nova_input_Focusable; nova_input_Focusable.__name__ = ["nova","input","Focusable"]; nova_input_Focusable.prototype = { handleInput: null ,__class__: nova_input_Focusable }; var nova_input_Button = $hxClasses["nova.input.Button"] = { __ename__ : ["nova","input","Button"], __constructs__ : ["CONFIRM","CANCEL","LEFT","RIGHT","UP","DOWN","START","SELECT","X","Y","Z","LB","LT","RB","RT","D_LEFT","D_RIGHT","D_UP","D_DOWN","LEFT_CLICK","RIGHT_CLICK"] }; nova_input_Button.CONFIRM = ["CONFIRM",0]; nova_input_Button.CONFIRM.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.CONFIRM.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.CANCEL = ["CANCEL",1]; nova_input_Button.CANCEL.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.CANCEL.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.LEFT = ["LEFT",2]; nova_input_Button.LEFT.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.LEFT.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.RIGHT = ["RIGHT",3]; nova_input_Button.RIGHT.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.RIGHT.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.UP = ["UP",4]; nova_input_Button.UP.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.UP.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.DOWN = ["DOWN",5]; nova_input_Button.DOWN.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.DOWN.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.START = ["START",6]; nova_input_Button.START.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.START.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.SELECT = ["SELECT",7]; nova_input_Button.SELECT.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.SELECT.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.X = ["X",8]; nova_input_Button.X.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.X.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.Y = ["Y",9]; nova_input_Button.Y.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.Y.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.Z = ["Z",10]; nova_input_Button.Z.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.Z.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.LB = ["LB",11]; nova_input_Button.LB.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.LB.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.LT = ["LT",12]; nova_input_Button.LT.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.LT.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.RB = ["RB",13]; nova_input_Button.RB.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.RB.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.RT = ["RT",14]; nova_input_Button.RT.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.RT.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.D_LEFT = ["D_LEFT",15]; nova_input_Button.D_LEFT.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.D_LEFT.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.D_RIGHT = ["D_RIGHT",16]; nova_input_Button.D_RIGHT.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.D_RIGHT.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.D_UP = ["D_UP",17]; nova_input_Button.D_UP.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.D_UP.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.D_DOWN = ["D_DOWN",18]; nova_input_Button.D_DOWN.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.D_DOWN.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.LEFT_CLICK = ["LEFT_CLICK",19]; nova_input_Button.LEFT_CLICK.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.LEFT_CLICK.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; nova_input_Button.RIGHT_CLICK = ["RIGHT_CLICK",20]; nova_input_Button.RIGHT_CLICK.toString = $estr; nova_input_Button.RIGHT_CLICK.__enum__ = nova_input_Button; var nova_input_InputController = function() { this._inputMap = new haxe_ds_EnumValueMap(); this._disabled = []; }; $hxClasses["nova.input.InputController"] = nova_input_InputController; nova_input_InputController.__name__ = ["nova","input","InputController"]; nova_input_InputController.addKeyMapping = function(keyCode,button) { if(!nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.exists(button)) { nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.set(button,[]); } nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.get(button).push(keyCode); }; nova_input_InputController.justPressed = function(button) { if(nova_input_InputController.instance._disabled.indexOf(button) != -1) { return false; } if(nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.exists(button)) { if(flixel_FlxG.keys.checkKeyArrayState(nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.get(button),2)) { return true; } } return false; }; nova_input_InputController.pressed = function(button) { if(nova_input_InputController.instance._disabled.indexOf(button) != -1) { return false; } if(nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.exists(button)) { if(flixel_FlxG.keys.checkKeyArrayState(nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.get(button),1)) { return true; } } return false; }; nova_input_InputController.justReleased = function(button) { if(nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.exists(button)) { if(flixel_FlxG.keys.checkKeyArrayState(nova_input_InputController.instance._inputMap.get(button),-1)) { return true; } } return false; }; nova_input_InputController.consume = function(button) { nova_input_InputController.instance._disabled.push(button); }; nova_input_InputController.update = function() { nova_input_InputController.instance._disabled = []; }; nova_input_InputController.prototype = { _inputMap: null ,_disabled: null ,__class__: nova_input_InputController }; var nova_render_FlxLocalSprite = function(X,Y,SimpleGraphic) { if(Y == null) { Y = 0; } if(X == null) { X = 0; } this._skipTransformChildren = false; this.globalOffset = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0,0]); this.globalAlpha = 1; this.children = []; flixel_FlxSprite.call(this,X,Y,SimpleGraphic); }; $hxClasses["nova.render.FlxLocalSprite"] = nova_render_FlxLocalSprite; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.__name__ = ["nova","render","FlxLocalSprite"]; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.__super__ = flixel_FlxSprite; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype = $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype,{ globalOffset: null ,globalAlpha: null ,children: null ,_skipTransformChildren: null ,checkEmptyFrame: function() { return; } ,preAdd: function(Sprite,relative) { Sprite.globalOffset = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.globalOffset) + this.x,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.globalOffset) + this.y]); if(!relative) { var _g = Sprite; _g.set_x(_g.x - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.globalOffset)); var _g1 = Sprite; _g1.set_y(_g1.y - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.globalOffset)); } else { Sprite.set_x(Sprite.x); Sprite.set_y(Sprite.y); } } ,add: function(Sprite,relative) { if(relative == null) { relative = true; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(Sprite,nova_render_FlxLocalSprite)) { this.preAdd(js_Boot.__cast(Sprite , nova_render_FlxLocalSprite),relative); return this.children.push(js_Boot.__cast(Sprite , nova_render_FlxLocalSprite)); } var wrapper = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(Sprite); this.preAdd(wrapper,relative); return this.children.push(wrapper); } ,remove: function(sprite,Splice) { if(Splice == null) { Splice = false; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(sprite,nova_render_FlxLocalSprite)) { sprite.set_cameras(null); return HxOverrides.remove(this.children,js_Boot.__cast(sprite , nova_render_FlxLocalSprite)); } return false; } ,isOnScreen: function(Camera) { var minX = this.get_globalX(); var minY = this.get_globalY(); var maxX = this.get_globalX() + this.get_width(); var maxY = this.get_globalY() + this.get_height(); if(minX <= flixel_FlxG.width || maxX >= 0) { if(minY <= flixel_FlxG.height) { return maxY >= 0; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } ,draw: function() { if(this._frame != null) { flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.draw.call(this); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.draw(); } } ,sort: function(Function) { this.children.sort(Function); } ,set_x: function(Value) { this.x = Value; if(!this._skipTransformChildren) { this._percolate(function(n,v) { nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.set_x(n.globalOffset,v); },function(n1) { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(n1.globalOffset) + n1.x; }); } return this.x; } ,set_y: function(Value) { this.y = Value; if(!this._skipTransformChildren) { this._percolate(function(n,v) { nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.set_y(n.globalOffset,v); },function(n1) { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(n1.globalOffset) + n1.y; }); } return this.y; } ,set_alpha: function(Value) { this.alpha = Value; if(!this._skipTransformChildren) { this._percolate(function(n,v) { n.globalAlpha = v; n.updateColorTransform(); },function(n1) { return n1.globalAlpha * n1.alpha; }); } return Value; } ,updateColorTransform: function() { if(this.colorTransform == null) { this.colorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); } this.useColorTransform = this.alpha * this.globalAlpha != 1 || this.color != 16777215; if(this.useColorTransform) { flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.setMultipliers(this.colorTransform,(this.color >> 16 & 255) / 255,(this.color >> 8 & 255) / 255,(this.color & 255) / 255,this.alpha * this.globalAlpha); } else { flixel_util_FlxColorTransformUtil.setMultipliers(this.colorTransform,1,1,1,1); } this.dirty = true; } ,get_globalX: function() { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.globalOffset) + this.x; } ,set_globalX: function(v) { this.set_x(v - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.globalOffset)); return v; } ,get_globalY: function() { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.globalOffset) + this.y; } ,set_globalY: function(v) { this.set_y(v - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.globalOffset)); return v; } ,get_xy: function() { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([this.x,this.y]); } ,set_xy: function(xy) { this.set_x(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(xy)); this.set_y(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(xy)); return xy; } ,setPositionNoChildren: function(pos) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child._skipTransformChildren = true; var _g2 = child; _g2.set_x(_g2.x + (this.x - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(pos))); var _g21 = child; _g21.set_y(_g21.y + (this.y - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(pos))); child._skipTransformChildren = false; } this._skipTransformChildren = true; this.set_x(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(pos)); this.set_y(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(pos)); this._skipTransformChildren = false; } ,drawSimple: function(camera) { if(this.isPixelPerfectRender(camera)) { var _this = this._point; _this.set_x(Math.floor(_this.x)); _this.set_y(Math.floor(_this.y)); } var tmp = this._point.x; var tmp1 = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.globalOffset); this._flashPoint.x = tmp + tmp1; var tmp2 = this._point.y; var tmp3 = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.globalOffset); this._flashPoint.y = tmp2 + tmp3; camera.copyPixels(this._frame,this.framePixels,this._flashRect,this._flashPoint,this.colorTransform,this.blend,this.antialiasing); } ,drawComplex: function(camera) { var doFlipX = this.flipX != this._frame.flipX; var doFlipY = this.flipY != this._frame.flipY; this._frame.prepareMatrix(this._matrix,0,this.animation._curAnim != null ? doFlipX != this.animation._curAnim.flipX : doFlipX,this.animation._curAnim != null ? doFlipY != this.animation._curAnim.flipY : doFlipY); this._matrix.translate(-this.origin.x,-this.origin.y); this._matrix.scale(this.scale.x,this.scale.y); if(this.bakedRotationAngle <= 0) { if(this._angleChanged) { var radians = this.angle * (Math.PI / 180); this._sinAngle = Math.sin(radians); this._cosAngle = Math.cos(radians); this._angleChanged = false; } if(this.angle != 0) { var _this = this._matrix; var cos = this._cosAngle; var sin = this._sinAngle; var a1 = _this.a * cos - _this.b * sin; _this.b = _this.a * sin + _this.b * cos; _this.a = a1; var c1 = _this.c * cos - _this.d * sin; _this.d = _this.c * sin + _this.d * cos; _this.c = c1; var tx1 = _this.tx * cos - _this.ty * sin; _this.ty = _this.tx * sin + _this.ty * cos; _this.tx = tx1; } } var _this1 = this._point; var Y = this.origin.y; var _g = _this1; _g.set_x(_g.x + this.origin.x); var _g1 = _this1; _g1.set_y(_g1.y + Y); this._matrix.translate(this._point.x + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.globalOffset),this._point.y + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.globalOffset)); if(this.isPixelPerfectRender(camera)) { this._matrix.tx = Math.floor(this._matrix.tx); this._matrix.ty = Math.floor(this._matrix.ty); } camera.drawPixels(this._frame,this.framePixels,this._matrix,this.colorTransform,this.blend,this.antialiasing,this.shader); } ,_percolate: function(applyFn,computeFn) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; applyFn(child,computeFn(this)); child._percolate(applyFn,computeFn); } } ,update: function(elapsed) { flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.children; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; child.update(elapsed); } } ,__class__: nova_render_FlxLocalSprite ,__properties__: $extend(flixel_FlxSprite.prototype.__properties__,{set_xy:"set_xy",get_xy:"get_xy",set_globalY:"set_globalY",get_globalY:"get_globalY",set_globalX:"set_globalX",get_globalX:"get_globalX"}) }); var nova_render_LocalWrapper = function(sprite) { var recordSpritePosn = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([sprite.x,sprite.y]); this._sprite = sprite; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.call(this); this.set_x(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(recordSpritePosn)); this.set_y(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(recordSpritePosn)); this.set_width(sprite.get_width()); this.set_height(sprite.get_height()); }; $hxClasses["nova.render.LocalWrapper"] = nova_render_LocalWrapper; nova_render_LocalWrapper.__name__ = ["nova","render","LocalWrapper"]; nova_render_LocalWrapper.__super__ = nova_render_FlxLocalSprite; nova_render_LocalWrapper.prototype = $extend(nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype,{ _sprite: null ,toT: function(sprite) { return new nova_render_LocalWrapper(sprite); } ,set_x: function(Value) { this.x = Value; return Value; } ,set_y: function(Value) { this.y = Value; return Value; } ,set_scale: function(Value) { this.scale = Value; if(!this._skipTransformChildren) { this._sprite.scale = Value; } return Value; } ,set_alpha: function(Value) { this.alpha = Value; if(!this._skipTransformChildren) { this._sprite.set_alpha(Value * this.globalAlpha); } return Value; } ,get_pixels: function() { return this._sprite.get_pixels(); } ,set_pixels: function(Pixels) { return this._sprite.set_pixels(Pixels); } ,updateColorTransform: function() { this._sprite.set_alpha(this.alpha * this.globalAlpha); } ,draw: function() { if(this.visible) { this._sprite.set_x(this.get_globalX()); this._sprite.set_y(this.get_globalY()); this._sprite.draw(); } } ,destroy: function() { this._sprite.destroy(); nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,update: function(elapsed) { nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); this._sprite.updateAnimation(elapsed); } ,__class__: nova_render_LocalWrapper }); var nova_render_NovaEmitter = function(X,Y,limit) { if(limit == null) { limit = -1; } if(Y == null) { Y = 0.0; } if(X == null) { X = 0.0; } this.colorTransformB = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0.0,0.0]); this.colorTransformG = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0.0,0.0]); this.colorTransformR = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0.0,0.0]); this.onFinished = null; this.onCreate = null; this.rate = 0; this.endAlpha = null; this.startAlpha = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([1.0,1.0]); this.launchAngle = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([0,2 * Math.PI]); this.speed = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([300,300]); this.lifespan = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([1,1]); this.limit = -1; this.emitting = true; this.markForDeletion = false; this._waitForKill = false; this._timer = 0; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.call(this); this.particles = []; this.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([X,Y])); this.limit = limit; }; $hxClasses["nova.render.NovaEmitter"] = nova_render_NovaEmitter; nova_render_NovaEmitter.__name__ = ["nova","render","NovaEmitter"]; nova_render_NovaEmitter.__super__ = nova_render_FlxLocalSprite; nova_render_NovaEmitter.prototype = $extend(nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype,{ _timer: null ,_waitForKill: null ,markForDeletion: null ,emitting: null ,limit: null ,particles: null ,lifespan: null ,speed: null ,launchAngle: null ,startAlpha: null ,endAlpha: null ,rate: null ,onCreate: null ,onFinished: null ,colorTransformR: null ,colorTransformG: null ,colorTransformB: null ,destroy: function() { this.lifespan = null; this.speed = null; this.launchAngle = null; this.startAlpha = null; this.endAlpha = null; this.colorTransformR = null; this.colorTransformG = null; this.colorTransformB = null; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,loadParticle: function(Graphics,Quantity,bakedRotationAngles,graphicsTableDims,getFrames,Options) { var particle = new flixel_effects_particles_FlxParticle(); if(flixel_FlxG.renderBlit && bakedRotationAngles > 0) { particle.loadRotatedGraphic(Graphics,bakedRotationAngles,1,false,Options != null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Options,"autoBuffer") && Options.autoBuffer); } else if(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.equals(graphicsTableDims,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.toArray(null)) || nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(graphicsTableDims) == 1 && nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(graphicsTableDims) == 1) { particle.loadGraphic(Graphics,false); } else { particle.loadGraphic(Graphics,true,Graphics.width / nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(graphicsTableDims) | 0,Graphics.height / nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(graphicsTableDims) | 0); if(getFrames == null) { particle.animation.set_frameIndex(0); } else { var res = getFrames(); particle.animation.add("normal",res,Options != null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Options,"frameRate") ? Options.frameRate : nova_render_NovaEmitter.DEFAULT_PARTICLE_FPS,Options != null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Options,"looping") && Options.looping); particle.animation.play("normal"); } } return particle; } ,addParticles: function(Graphics,Quantity,bakedRotationAngles,graphicsTableDims,getFrames,options) { if(bakedRotationAngles == null) { bakedRotationAngles = 1; } if(Quantity == null) { Quantity = 50; } var totalFrames = 1; var _g1 = 0; var _g = Quantity; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.particles.push(new nova_render_NovaParticle(this.loadParticle(Graphics,Quantity,bakedRotationAngles,graphicsTableDims,getFrames,options))); } nova_utils_ArrayUtils.randomShuffle(this.particles); return this; } ,addSimpleParticles: function(color,sideLength,Quantity) { if(Quantity == null) { Quantity = 50; } if(sideLength == null) { sideLength = 3; } if(color == null) { color = 0; } var squareBD = new openfl_display_BitmapData(sideLength,sideLength); squareBD.fillRect(squareBD.rect,color); return this.addParticles(squareBD,Quantity); } ,tryEmit: function() { if(this.particles.length == 0) { return; } if(this.limit == 0) { return; } else if(this.limit > 0) { --this.limit; } this.emitParticle(this.particles[this.particles.length - 1]); this.particles.splice(this.particles.length - 1,1); if(this.limit == 0) { this._waitForKill = true; this.emitting = false; if(this.onFinished != null) { this.onFinished(); } } } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this.markForDeletion) { return; } if(this.emitting) { if(this.rate <= 0) { this.tryEmit(); } else { this._timer += elapsed; while(this._timer > this.rate) { this._timer -= this.rate; this.tryEmit(); } } } else if(this._waitForKill) { this._timer += elapsed; if(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.lifespan) > 0 && this._timer > nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.lifespan)) { this.markForDeletion = true; return; } } nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); var i = this.children.length - 1; while(i >= 0) { var c = this.children[i]; var cp = js_Boot.__cast(c , nova_render_NovaParticle); if(cp.markedForDeath) { cp.reset(0,0); this.particles.push(cp); HxOverrides.remove(this.children,c); } --i; } } ,emitParticle: function(particle) { if(Math.abs(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.colorTransformR)) > 1e-6 || Math.abs(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.colorTransformG)) > 1e-6 || Math.abs(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.colorTransformB)) > 1e-6) { var adjustR = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.colorTransformR),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.colorTransformR)); var adjustG = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.colorTransformG),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.colorTransformG)); var adjustB = flixel_FlxG.random["float"](nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.colorTransformB),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.colorTransformB)); particle.setColorTransform(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,adjustR | 0,adjustG | 0,adjustB | 0,0); } particle.lifespan = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.lifespan) + Math.random() * (nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.lifespan) - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.lifespan)); var startAlphaV = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.startAlpha) + Math.random() * (nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.startAlpha) - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.startAlpha)); var speedV = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.speed) + Math.random() * (nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.speed) - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.speed)); var launchV = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.launchAngle) + Math.random() * (nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.launchAngle) - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.launchAngle)); var endAlphaV = this.endAlpha != null ? nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.endAlpha) + Math.random() * (nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.endAlpha) - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.endAlpha)) : startAlphaV; particle.alphaRange = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([startAlphaV,endAlphaV]); particle.set_alpha(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(particle.alphaRange)); particle.velocity.set(speedV * Math.cos(launchV),speedV * Math.sin(launchV)); if(this.onCreate != null) { this.onCreate(particle); } this.add(particle); return particle; } ,__class__: nova_render_NovaEmitter }); var nova_render_NovaParticle = function(sprite) { this.percent = 0; this._delta = 0; this.onUpdate = null; this.alphaRange = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([1,1]); this.velocityMultiplier = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([1,1]); this.age = 0; this.markedForDeath = false; this.lifespan = 1; nova_render_LocalWrapper.call(this,sprite); this.set_exists(false); }; $hxClasses["nova.render.NovaParticle"] = nova_render_NovaParticle; nova_render_NovaParticle.__name__ = ["nova","render","NovaParticle"]; nova_render_NovaParticle.__super__ = nova_render_LocalWrapper; nova_render_NovaParticle.prototype = $extend(nova_render_LocalWrapper.prototype,{ lifespan: null ,markedForDeath: null ,age: null ,velocityMultiplier: null ,alphaRange: null ,onUpdate: null ,_delta: null ,percent: null ,destroy: function() { nova_render_LocalWrapper.prototype.destroy.call(this); } ,get_animation: function() { return this._sprite.animation; } ,update: function(elapsed) { if(this.age < this.lifespan) { this.age += elapsed; } if(this.age >= this.lifespan && this.lifespan != 0) { this.markedForDeath = true; return; } else { this._delta = elapsed / this.lifespan; this.percent = this.age / this.lifespan; if(this.onUpdate != null) { this.onUpdate(this); } if(this.alpha != 0) { this.set_alpha(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.alphaRange) + this.percent * (nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.alphaRange) - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.alphaRange))); } } nova_render_LocalWrapper.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); if(this._sprite.animation._curAnim != null && this._sprite.animation._curAnim.frames.length > 1 && this._sprite.animation.get_finished()) { this.markedForDeath = true; } } ,reset: function(X,Y) { nova_render_LocalWrapper.prototype.reset.call(this,X,Y); this.age = 0; this.markedForDeath = false; this.set_visible(true); } ,onEmit: function() { } ,__class__: nova_render_NovaParticle }); var nova_render_TiledBitmapData = function(graphicAsset,tileWidth,tileHeight,transform) { if(tileHeight == null) { tileHeight = 0; } if(tileWidth == null) { tileWidth = 0; } this.graphic = flixel_FlxG.bitmap.add(graphicAsset); if(this.graphic == null) { return; } this.tileWidth = tileWidth == 0 ? this.graphic.bitmap.width : tileWidth; this.tileHeight = tileHeight == 0 ? this.graphic.bitmap.height : tileHeight; this.transform = transform; this.numColumns = this.graphic.bitmap.width / tileWidth | 0; this.numRows = this.graphic.bitmap.height / tileHeight | 0; }; $hxClasses["nova.render.TiledBitmapData"] = nova_render_TiledBitmapData; nova_render_TiledBitmapData.__name__ = ["nova","render","TiledBitmapData"]; nova_render_TiledBitmapData.prototype = { graphic: null ,tileWidth: null ,tileHeight: null ,numRows: null ,numColumns: null ,transform: null ,getTile: function(coords) { var pairCoords = (nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.toIntPairFn(this.numColumns))(coords); var tile = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.tileWidth,this.tileHeight); tile.copyPixels(this.graphic.bitmap,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(pairCoords) * this.tileWidth,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(pairCoords) * this.tileHeight,this.tileWidth,this.tileHeight),new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); if(this.transform == null) { return tile; } return this.transform(tile); } ,stitchTiles: function(coords) { var pairCoords = coords.map(nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.toIntPairFn(this.numColumns)); var tile = new openfl_display_BitmapData(coords.length * this.tileWidth,this.tileHeight); var _g1 = 0; var _g = coords.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; tile.copyPixels(this.graphic.bitmap,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(pairCoords[i]) * this.tileWidth,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(pairCoords[i]) * this.tileHeight,this.tileWidth,this.tileHeight),new openfl_geom_Point(i * this.tileWidth,0)); } if(this.transform == null) { return tile; } return this.transform(tile); } ,__class__: nova_render_TiledBitmapData }; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox = function(messages,options) { this.optionsOffset = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,0]); this.selectOptionSprite = null; this.canAdvance = true; this.boxCallbackStr = null; this.emitCallback = null; this.boxCallback = null; this.callback = null; this.textPreprocess = null; this.textOffset = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,0]); this.speakerOffset = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,0]); this.speakerImage = null; this.speakerPadding = 6; this.speakerBackground = null; this.speakerText = null; this.dialogSpeakerSprite = null; this.speakerSpriteMap = null; this.speakerSprite = null; this.currentSpeaker = ""; this.lastSpeaker = ""; this.globalScale = 1; this.bgSprite = null; this.textPadding = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([6,5]); this.backgroundPadding = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,0]); this.choiceIndicator = null; this.choiceSprite = null; this.choiceIndex = 0; this.mode = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.NORMAL; this.advanceIndicatorSprite = null; this.advanceSound = null; this.advancing = false; this.advanceLength = 8; this.advanceStyle = nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.NONE; this.position = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.BOTTOM; this.align = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.LEFT; this.finished = false; this.skip = true; this.abort = false; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.call(this); if(messages != null) { nova_input_InputController.consume(nova_input_Button.CONFIRM); this.messages = messages; this.pointer = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSequencePointer(messages,0); this.labelMap = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.messages.get_length(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var node = this.messages.sequence[i]; if(node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.LABEL) { var key = node.value; var _this = this.labelMap; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { _this.setReserved(key,i); } else { _this.h[key] = i; } } } } this.options = options; this.labels = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.variables = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.globalVariables = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.globalReferences = []; this.choicesTaken = []; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options,"scale")) { this["globalScale"] = Reflect.field(options,"scale"); } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = ["abort","align","skip","advanceStyle","advanceLength","advanceSound","callback","abortCallback","emitCallback","selectOptionSprite","globalVariables","speakerSpriteMap","textPreprocess","textPadding"]; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var supportedField = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options,supportedField)) { this[supportedField] = Reflect.field(options,supportedField); } } this.textPadding = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.multiply(this.textPadding,this.globalScale); if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options,"background")) { var bgSrc = new flixel_FlxSprite(); var bitmapData = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.loadFromObject(options.background); bgSrc.loadGraphic(bitmapData); this.bgSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(bgSrc); this.add(this.bgSprite); this.set_width(this.bgSprite.get_width()); this.set_height(this.bgSprite.get_height()); } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options,"speakerSprite")) { this.speakerSprite = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.loadTilesFromObject(options.speakerSprite); this.speakerSpriteData = options.speakerSprite; } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options,"speakerBackground")) { var dialogSpeakerSrc = new flixel_FlxSprite(); var bitmapData1 = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.loadFromObject(options.speakerBackground); this.speakerBackground = options.speakerBackground; dialogSpeakerSrc.loadGraphic(bitmapData1); this.dialogSpeakerSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(dialogSpeakerSrc); this.add(this.dialogSpeakerSprite); if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.speakerBackground,"offset")) { this.speakerOffset = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([options.speakerBackground.offset.x * this.globalScale | 0,options.speakerBackground.offset.y * this.globalScale | 0]); } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.speakerBackground,"padding")) { this.speakerPadding = options.speakerBackground.padding; } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.speakerBackground,"textOffset")) { this.textOffset = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([options.speakerBackground.textOffset.x * this.globalScale | 0,options.speakerBackground.textOffset.y * this.globalScale | 0]); } this.speakerBoxTop = -this.dialogSpeakerSprite.get_height() + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.speakerOffset); this.dialogSpeakerSprite.set_y(this.speakerBoxTop); this.dialogSpeakerSprite.set_x(5 * this.globalScale + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.speakerOffset)); this.dialogSpeakerSprite.set_visible(false); } this.speakerPadding *= this.globalScale; if(nova_utils_StructureUtils.prop(options,"selectOptionSprite.offset") != null) { this.optionsOffset = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([nova_utils_StructureUtils.prop(options,"selectOptionSprite.offset.x") | 0,nova_utils_StructureUtils.prop(options,"selectOptionSprite.offset.y") | 0]); } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options,"advanceIndicator")) { var advanceIndicatorSrc = new flixel_FlxSprite(); var advanceIndicator = options.advanceIndicator; if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(advanceIndicator,"nextFrames")) { haxe_Log.trace("Warning: parameter `advanceIndicator` has no Array field `nextFrames`!",{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 288, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "new"}); } if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(advanceIndicator,"finishFrames")) { haxe_Log.trace("Warning: parameter `advanceIndicator` has no Array field `finishFrames`!",{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 291, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "new"}); } this.advanceIndicatorInfo = { image : nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.loadFromObject(advanceIndicator), nextFrames : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(advanceIndicator,"nextFrames") ? advanceIndicator.nextFrames : [0], finishFrames : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(advanceIndicator,"finishFrames") ? advanceIndicator.finishFrames : [0]}; advanceIndicatorSrc.loadGraphic(this.advanceIndicatorInfo.image,true,Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(advanceIndicator,"width") ? advanceIndicator.width : advanceIndicator.image.width,Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(advanceIndicator,"height") ? advanceIndicator.height : advanceIndicator.image.height); advanceIndicatorSrc.animation.add("next",this.advanceIndicatorInfo.nextFrames,5); advanceIndicatorSrc.animation.add("finish",this.advanceIndicatorInfo.finishFrames,5); advanceIndicatorSrc.animation.play("next"); advanceIndicatorSrc.set_x(this.get_width() - advanceIndicatorSrc.get_width() - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textPadding)); advanceIndicatorSrc.set_y(this.get_height() - advanceIndicatorSrc.get_height() - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding)); this.advanceIndicatorSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(advanceIndicatorSrc); if(advanceIndicator.animation != null) { var destination = { x : advanceIndicator.animation.x + advanceIndicatorSrc.x, y : advanceIndicator.animation.y + advanceIndicatorSrc.y}; this.advanceIndicatorTween = flixel_tweens_FlxTween.tween(this.advanceIndicatorSprite,destination,0.3,{ ease : flixel_tweens_FlxEase.expoInOut, type : 4}); } this.add(this.advanceIndicatorSprite); } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options,"beforeMount")) { options.beforeMount(this); } this.text = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_text_FlxText()); this.add(this.text); this.setTextFormat(this.text._sprite,options.textFormat); if(messages != null) { if(this.pointer.get().type != nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT && this.pointer.get().type != nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE_BOX) { this.advanceUntilBlocked(false); } if(this.pointer.get().type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.RETURN) { if(this.callback != null) { this.callback(this.pointer.get().value); } else { haxe_Log.trace("Warning: called RETURN statement without any callback function!",{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 334, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "new"}); } this.finished = true; return; } this.renderText(this.parseDialogNode()); } }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox"] = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogBox"]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.__interfaces__ = [nova_input_Focusable]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox._typeOutAction = function(text,frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { object.text = text; (js_Boot.__cast(sprite , flixel_text_FlxText)).set_text(""); },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { var textSprite = js_Boot.__cast(sprite1 , flixel_text_FlxText); var utf8Text = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$._new(object1.text); var prevLength = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(utf8Text) * (frame - 1) / frames | 0; var newLength = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(utf8Text) * frame / frames | 0; var newSubstring = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(utf8Text,prevLength,newLength); var firstSpace = newSubstring.indexOf(" "); if(firstSpace != -1) { textSprite.set_text(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(utf8Text,0,newLength)); var lastSpace = prevLength + newSubstring.lastIndexOf(" "); var nextSpace = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.indexOf(utf8Text," ",lastSpace + 1); if(nextSpace == -1) { nextSpace = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(utf8Text); } var lines = textSprite.textField.get_numLines(); textSprite.set_text(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(utf8Text,0,nextSpace)); if(textSprite.textField.get_numLines() > lines) { textSprite.set_text(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(utf8Text,0,prevLength + firstSpace) + "\n" + lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(utf8Text,prevLength + firstSpace + 1,newLength)); } else { textSprite.set_text(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(utf8Text,0,newLength)); } } else { textSprite.set_text(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(utf8Text,0,newLength)); } },frames); }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox._slideInAction = function(direction,frames) { return new nova_animation_Action(function(sprite,object) { if(direction.charAt(0) == "l") { object.direction = [-1,0]; } else if(direction.charAt(0) == "r") { object.direction = [1,0]; } else if(direction.charAt(0) == "u") { object.direction = [0,-1]; } else if(direction.charAt(0) == "d") { object.direction = [0,1]; } else { haxe_Log.trace("Error: unknown `slideIn` direction " + direction + " (defaulting to right)",{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 171, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "_slideInAction"}); object.direction = [1,0]; } object.bitmapData = sprite.get_pixels().clone(); },function(sprite1,frame,object1) { sprite1.get_pixels().copyPixels(object1.bitmapData,object1.bitmapData.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); var ratio = (frames - frame) / frames; if(object1.direction[1] == 0) { var wid = object1.bitmapData.width * ratio | 0; sprite1.get_pixels().fillRect(new openfl_geom_Rectangle(object1.direction[0] < 0 ? object1.bitmapData.width - wid : 0,0,wid,object1.bitmapData.height),0); } else { var hei = object1.bitmapData.height * ratio | 0; sprite1.get_pixels().fillRect(new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,object1.direction[1] < 0 ? object1.bitmapData.height - hei : 0,object1.bitmapData.width,hei),0); } },frames); }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.typeOut = function(sprite,text,frames) { return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox._typeOutAction(text,frames),js_Boot.__cast(sprite , flixel_FlxSprite),"__dialogTransition"); }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.slideIn = function(sprite,startOffset,frames) { return nova_animation_Director.directorChainableFn(nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox._slideInAction(startOffset,frames),js_Boot.__cast(sprite , flixel_FlxSprite),"__slideInTransition"); }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.__super__ = nova_render_FlxLocalSprite; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.prototype = $extend(nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype,{ abort: null ,skip: null ,finished: null ,labelMap: null ,align: null ,position: null ,advanceStyle: null ,advanceLength: null ,advancing: null ,advanceSound: null ,advanceIndicatorInfo: null ,advanceIndicatorSprite: null ,advanceIndicatorTween: null ,mode: null ,choices: null ,choiceIndex: null ,choiceSprite: null ,choiceIndicator: null ,backgroundPadding: null ,textPadding: null ,textFormat: null ,optionsTextFormat: null ,bgSprite: null ,text: null ,nextText: null ,copiedText: null ,messages: null ,bottomImageStore: null ,globalScale: null ,lastSpeaker: null ,currentSpeaker: null ,speakerSprite: null ,speakerSpriteData: null ,speakerSpriteMap: null ,dialogSpeakerSprite: null ,speakerText: null ,speakerBackground: null ,speakerPadding: null ,speakerImage: null ,speakerOffset: null ,textOffset: null ,textPreprocess: null ,callback: null ,boxCallback: null ,emitCallback: null ,boxCallbackStr: null ,canAdvance: null ,options: null ,optionsTween: null ,selectOptionSprite: null ,optionsOffset: null ,speakerBoxTop: null ,choicesTaken: null ,variables: null ,globalVariables: null ,globalReferences: null ,pointer: null ,labels: null ,parseDialogNode: function() { var current = this.pointer.get(); if(current.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT) { var build = nova_utils_StructureUtils.clone(current.value); return build; } if(current.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE_BOX) { var build1 = { text : "", choices : []}; var _g = 0; var _g1 = current.child.sequence; while(_g < _g1.length) { var child = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(child.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT) { build1 = nova_utils_StructureUtils.merge(build1,child.value); } } this.scrapeChoices(current.child,build1.choices); return build1; } return null; } ,scrapeChoices: function(sequence,choices) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = sequence.sequence; while(_g < _g1.length) { var s = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(s.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE) { choices.push([s.value.text,s.value.tag]); } else if(s.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.IF) { var mergedVariables = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var k = this.globalVariables.keys(); while(k.hasNext()) { var k1 = k.next(); var _this = this.globalVariables; var value = __map_reserved[k1] != null ? _this.getReserved(k1) : _this.h[k1]; if(__map_reserved[k1] != null) { mergedVariables.setReserved(k1,value); } else { mergedVariables.h[k1] = value; } } var k2 = this.variables.keys(); while(k2.hasNext()) { var k3 = k2.next(); if(this.globalReferences.indexOf(k3) == -1) { var _this1 = this.globalVariables; var value1 = __map_reserved[k3] != null ? _this1.getReserved(k3) : _this1.h[k3]; if(__map_reserved[k3] != null) { mergedVariables.setReserved(k3,value1); } else { mergedVariables.h[k3] = value1; } } } var exp = s.value.evaluate(mergedVariables); if(exp.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER && exp.value > 0) { this.scrapeChoices(s.child,choices); } } } } ,advanceUntilBlocked: function(stepFirst) { if(stepFirst == null) { stepFirst = true; } var steppedFirst = false; while(true) { if(stepFirst || steppedFirst) { this.pointer.step(); } steppedFirst = true; var node = this.pointer.get(); if(node == null || node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT || node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE_BOX || node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.RETURN || node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.FUNCTION) { return; } else if(node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.JUMP) { var label = node.value; var _this = this.labelMap; if(__map_reserved[label] != null ? _this.existsReserved(label) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(label)) { this.pointer.sequence = this.messages; var _this1 = this.labelMap; var tmp = __map_reserved[label] != null ? _this1.getReserved(label) : _this1.h[label]; this.pointer.index = tmp; } else if(label == "end") { this.pointer.sequence = null; return; } else { haxe_Log.trace("Label " + label + " doesn't exist!",{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 407, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "advanceUntilBlocked"}); } } else if(node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.IF) { var mergedVariables = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var k = this.globalVariables.keys(); while(k.hasNext()) { var k1 = k.next(); var _this2 = this.globalVariables; var value = __map_reserved[k1] != null ? _this2.getReserved(k1) : _this2.h[k1]; if(__map_reserved[k1] != null) { mergedVariables.setReserved(k1,value); } else { mergedVariables.h[k1] = value; } } var k2 = this.variables.keys(); while(k2.hasNext()) { var k3 = k2.next(); if(this.globalReferences.indexOf(k3) == -1) { var _this3 = this.globalVariables; var value1 = __map_reserved[k3] != null ? _this3.getReserved(k3) : _this3.h[k3]; if(__map_reserved[k3] != null) { mergedVariables.setReserved(k3,value1); } else { mergedVariables.h[k3] = value1; } } } var exp = node.value.evaluate(mergedVariables); if(exp.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER && exp.value > 0) { this.pointer.sequence = node.child; this.pointer.index = -1; } } else if(node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.VARIABLE_ASSIGN) { var global = false; if(this.globalReferences.indexOf(node.value.name) != -1) { global = true; } var tmp1; var key = node.value.name; var _this4 = this.globalVariables; if(__map_reserved[key] != null ? _this4.existsReserved(key) : _this4.h.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var key1 = node.value.name; var _this5 = this.variables; tmp1 = !(__map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this5.existsReserved(key1) : _this5.h.hasOwnProperty(key1)); } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { global = true; } if(global) { var key2 = node.value.name; var _this6 = this.globalVariables; var value2 = node.value.value; if(__map_reserved[key2] != null) { _this6.setReserved(key2,value2); } else { _this6.h[key2] = value2; } } else { var key3 = node.value.name; var _this7 = this.variables; var value3 = node.value.value; if(__map_reserved[key3] != null) { _this7.setReserved(key3,value3); } else { _this7.h[key3] = value3; } } } else if(node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.GLOBAL) { this.globalReferences.push(node.value); } else if(node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.EMIT) { this.emitCallback(node.value); } else if(node.type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.DEBUG) { var mergedVariables1 = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var k4 = this.globalVariables.keys(); while(k4.hasNext()) { var k5 = k4.next(); var _this8 = this.globalVariables; var value4 = __map_reserved[k5] != null ? _this8.getReserved(k5) : _this8.h[k5]; if(__map_reserved[k5] != null) { mergedVariables1.setReserved(k5,value4); } else { mergedVariables1.h[k5] = value4; } } var k6 = this.variables.keys(); while(k6.hasNext()) { var k7 = k6.next(); if(this.globalReferences.indexOf(k7) == -1) { var _this9 = this.globalVariables; var value5 = __map_reserved[k7] != null ? _this9.getReserved(k7) : _this9.h[k7]; if(__map_reserved[k7] != null) { mergedVariables1.setReserved(k7,value5); } else { mergedVariables1.h[k7] = value5; } } } var key4 = node.value.name; haxe_Log.trace("DEBUG [line " + Std.string(node.value.line) + "]: " + Std.string(node.value.name) + " = " + Std.string(__map_reserved[key4] != null ? mergedVariables1.getReserved(key4) : mergedVariables1.h[key4]),{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 451, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "advanceUntilBlocked"}); } } } ,renderText: function(message) { var _gthis = this; var nextTextStr; var nextSpeaker = ""; if(this.speakerText != null) { this.remove(this.speakerText); this.speakerText.destroy(); } if(typeof(message) == "string") { nextTextStr = message; if(this.textPreprocess != null) { nextTextStr = this.textPreprocess(this,nextTextStr); } } else { if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(message,"text")) { nextTextStr = message.text; } else { nextTextStr = ""; } if(this.textPreprocess != null) { nextTextStr = this.textPreprocess(this,nextTextStr); } nextSpeaker = message.speaker; if(nextSpeaker == null) { nextSpeaker = ""; } if(this.choiceSprite != null) { this.remove(this.choiceSprite); this.choiceSprite.destroy(); this.choiceSprite = null; this.remove(this.choiceIndicator); this.choiceIndicator.destroy(); } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(message,"choices")) { var _g = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = js_Boot.__cast(message.choices , Array); while(_g1 < _g2.length) { var i = _g2[_g1]; ++_g1; _g.push(i[0]); } this.choices = _g; this.choiceIndex = 0; this.mode = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.SELECT_OPTION; var strIndex = 0; var choiceText = new flixel_text_FlxText(0,0,0); if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.options,"choiceTextFormat")) { this.setTextFormat(choiceText,nova_utils_StructureUtils.merge(this.options.choiceTextFormat,{ size : 5})); } else { this.setTextFormat(choiceText,nova_utils_StructureUtils.merge(this.options.textFormat,{ size : 5})); } this.choiceSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(choiceText); this.add(this.choiceSprite); var selectWrapper = new flixel_FlxSprite(); if(this.selectOptionSprite != null) { selectWrapper.loadGraphic(nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.loadFromObject(this.selectOptionSprite)); } else { haxe_Log.trace("Warning: `selectOptionSprite` is null!",{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 507, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "renderText"}); } this.choiceIndicator = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(selectWrapper); this.add(this.choiceIndicator); } else { this.mode = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.NORMAL; nextTextStr = message.text; if(this.textPreprocess != null) { nextTextStr = this.textPreprocess(this,nextTextStr); } } } var tmp = nextSpeaker != this.currentSpeaker && this.dialogSpeakerSprite != null; var textX = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textPadding) + (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.options,"textOffset") ? this.options.textOffset[0] : 0); if(this.speakerImage != null) { this.remove(this.speakerImage); this.speakerImage = null; } if(nextSpeaker != "") { if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.options,"speakerBackground")) { if(this.dialogSpeakerSprite != null) { this.dialogSpeakerSprite.set_visible(true); } this.speakerText = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_text_FlxText(0,0,0,nextSpeaker)); this.setTextFormat(this.speakerText._sprite,this.options.textFormat); this.speakerText.set_x(5 * this.globalScale + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.speakerOffset) + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textOffset) + this.speakerPadding); this.speakerText.set_y(this.speakerBoxTop + this.dialogSpeakerSprite.get_height() - this.speakerText.get_height() - 4 * this.globalScale + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textOffset)); this.speakerText.set_width(this.speakerText._sprite.get_width()); if(this.speakerBackground != null) { var speakerBitmapData = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.loadFromObject(this.speakerBackground); this.dialogSpeakerSprite._sprite.loadGraphic(nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.horizontalStretchCenter(speakerBitmapData,this.speakerPadding,(this.speakerText.get_width() | 0) + 2 * this.speakerPadding)); } this.add(this.speakerText); } var tmp1; if(this.speakerSpriteMap != null && this.speakerSprite != null) { var _this = this.speakerSpriteMap; if(__map_reserved[nextSpeaker] != null) { tmp1 = _this.existsReserved(nextSpeaker); } else { tmp1 = _this.h.hasOwnProperty(nextSpeaker); } } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { var tmp2; var tmp3 = ((function($this) { var $r; var this11 = $this.speakerSpriteMap; $r = (function($this) { var $r; var _this1 = this11; $r = __map_reserved[nextSpeaker] != null ? _this1.getReserved(nextSpeaker) : _this1.h[nextSpeaker]; return $r; }($this)); return $r; }(this)) instanceof Array); if(tmp3) { var this11 = this.speakerSpriteMap; var _this2 = this11; tmp2 = (__map_reserved[nextSpeaker] != null ? _this2.getReserved(nextSpeaker) : _this2.h[nextSpeaker]).__enum__ == null; } else { tmp2 = false; } if(tmp2) { var _this3 = this.speakerSpriteMap; var loc = __map_reserved[nextSpeaker] != null ? _this3.getReserved(nextSpeaker) : _this3.h[nextSpeaker]; this.speakerImage = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite(null,null,this.speakerSprite.getTile(loc))); } else { var _this4 = this.speakerSpriteMap; var m = __map_reserved[nextSpeaker] != null ? _this4.getReserved(nextSpeaker) : _this4.h[nextSpeaker]; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(message,"mood")) { var mood = message.mood; if(__map_reserved[mood] != null ? m.existsReserved(mood) : m.h.hasOwnProperty(mood)) { var loc1 = __map_reserved[mood] != null ? m.getReserved(mood) : m.h[mood]; this.speakerImage = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite(null,null,this.speakerSprite.getTile(loc1))); } } else if(__map_reserved["default"] != null ? m.existsReserved("default") : m.h.hasOwnProperty("default")) { var loc2 = __map_reserved["default"] != null ? m.getReserved("default") : m.h["default"]; this.speakerImage = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite(null,null,this.speakerSprite.getTile(loc2))); } } } if(this.speakerImage != null) { this.add(this.speakerImage); this.speakerImage.set_y((this.bgSprite.get_height() - this.speakerImage.get_height()) / 2 + (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.speakerSpriteData,"offset") ? this.speakerSpriteData.offset[1] : 0)); this.speakerImage.set_x(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textPadding) + (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.speakerSpriteData,"offset") ? this.speakerSpriteData.offset[0] : 0)); textX += nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textPadding) + (this.speakerImage.get_width() | 0); if(this.lastSpeaker != nextSpeaker && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.speakerSpriteData,"transitionIn")) { this.speakerSpriteData.transitionIn(this.speakerImage); } } this.lastSpeaker = nextSpeaker; } else if(this.dialogSpeakerSprite != null) { this.dialogSpeakerSprite.set_visible(false); } if(this.advanceStyle == nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.NONE) { this.remove(this.text); this.text.destroy(); this.text = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_text_FlxText(0,0,this.bgSprite.get_width() - textX - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textPadding),nextTextStr)); this.setTextFormat(this.text._sprite,this.options.textFormat); this.text.set_x(textX); this.text.set_y(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding) + (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.options,"textOffset") ? this.options.textOffset[1] : 0)); this.text._sprite.set_fieldWidth(this.bgSprite.get_width() - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textPadding) - this.text.x); if(this.choiceSprite != null) { this.choiceSprite.set_x(textX + this.choiceIndicator.get_width() + this.globalScale * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.optionsOffset)); if(nextTextStr.length > 0) { this.choiceSprite.set_y(this.text.y + this.text._sprite.textField.getLineMetrics(0).height + 5 + this.globalScale * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.optionsOffset)); } else { this.choiceSprite.set_y(this.text.y + this.globalScale * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.optionsOffset)); } this.redrawOptions(); } this.add(this.text); if(this.advanceIndicatorSprite != null) { this.advanceIndicatorSprite.set_visible(true); } } else if(this.advanceStyle == nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.SCROLL) { this.advancing = true; if(this.advanceIndicatorSprite != null) { this.advanceIndicatorSprite.set_visible(false); } this.nextText = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_text_FlxText(0,0,this.bgSprite.get_width() - 2 * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textPadding),nextTextStr)); this.nextText.set_x(textX); this.nextText.set_y(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding) + this.bgSprite.get_height()); this.setTextFormat(this.nextText._sprite,this.options.textFormat); this.nextText._sprite.draw(); this.bottomImageStore = new flixel_FlxSprite(); this.bottomImageStore.set_pixels(this.nextText._sprite.get_pixels().clone()); this.add(this.nextText); nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.afterAll(null,[nova_animation_Director.moveBy(this.text,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,-(this.bgSprite.get_height() | 0)]),this.advanceLength,"__dialogTransition"),nova_animation_Director.moveBy(this.nextText,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,-(this.bgSprite.get_height() | 0)]),this.advanceLength,"__dialogTransition")]),function(sprite) { _gthis.remove(_gthis.text); _gthis.text.destroy(); _gthis.text = _gthis.nextText; _gthis.advancing = false; if(_gthis.advanceIndicatorSprite != null) { _gthis.advanceIndicatorSprite.set_visible(true); } }); } else if(this.advanceStyle == nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.TYPEWRITER) { this.advancing = true; if(this.advanceIndicatorSprite != null) { this.advanceIndicatorSprite.set_visible(false); } this.remove(this.text); this.text.destroy(); this.text = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_text_FlxText(textX,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding),this.bgSprite.get_width() - textX - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.textPadding),nextTextStr)); this.add(this.text); this.setTextFormat(this.text._sprite,this.options.textFormat); if(this.choiceSprite != null) { this.choiceSprite.set_x(textX + this.choiceIndicator.get_width() + this.globalScale * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(this.optionsOffset)); if(nextTextStr.length > 0) { this.choiceSprite.set_y(this.text.y + this.text._sprite.textField.getLineMetrics(0).height + 5 + this.globalScale * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.optionsOffset)); } else { this.choiceSprite.set_y(this.text.y + this.globalScale * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.optionsOffset)); } this.choiceSprite.set_visible(false); this.choiceIndicator.set_visible(false); this.redrawOptions(); } nova_animation_Director.call(nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.typeOut(this.text._sprite,nextTextStr,this.advanceLength),function(sprite1) { _gthis.advancing = false; if(_gthis.advanceIndicatorSprite != null) { _gthis.advanceIndicatorSprite.set_visible(true); } if(_gthis.choiceSprite != null) { _gthis.choiceSprite.set_visible(true); _gthis.choiceIndicator.set_visible(true); } }); } } ,advanceAndRender: function() { this.advanceUntilBlocked(); if(this.pointer.get() != null) { if(this.pointer.get().type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.RETURN) { if(this.callback != null) { this.callback(this.pointer.get().value); } else { haxe_Log.trace("Warning: called RETURN statement without any callback function!",{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 669, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "advanceAndRender"}); } this.finished = true; return; } else if(this.pointer.get().type == nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.FUNCTION) { this.pointer.get().value(this); return; } this.renderText(this.parseDialogNode()); } else { if(this.callback != null && this.boxCallbackStr == null) { this.callback(); } this.finished = true; } } ,redrawOptions: function() { var choiceTextStr = this.choices.join("\n"); var lineHeight = this.choiceSprite._sprite.textField.getLineMetrics(0).height; var anchor = 0; if(this.choices.length * lineHeight > this.bgSprite.get_height() - 2 * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding)) { anchor = this.choiceIndex - 1; if(anchor < 0) { anchor = 0; } if(anchor > this.choices.length - 4) { anchor = this.choices.length - 4; } var _g = []; var _g2 = anchor; var _g1 = anchor + 4; while(_g2 < _g1) { var i = _g2++; _g.push(this.choices[i]); } choiceTextStr = _g.join("\n"); } this.choiceSprite._sprite.set_text(choiceTextStr); this.choiceIndicator.set_x(this.choiceSprite.x - this.choiceIndicator.get_width() - 5); this.choiceIndicator.set_y(this.choiceSprite.y + (this.choiceIndex - anchor) * this.choiceSprite._sprite.textField.getLineMetrics(0).height); } ,handleInput: function() { var message = this.parseDialogNode(); var advance = nova_input_InputController.justPressed(nova_input_Button.CONFIRM); if(advance) { nova_input_InputController.consume(nova_input_Button.CONFIRM); } if(this.mode == nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.NORMAL) { if(advance && this.canAdvance) { if(!this.advancing) { this.advanceAndRender(); } else if(this.skip) { var advanceTransitions = nova_animation_Director.actorsWithTag("__dialogTransition"); var _g1 = 0; var _g = advanceTransitions.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; nova_animation_Director.skipToEnd(advanceTransitions[i]); } } } } else if(this.mode == nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.SELECT_OPTION) { if(nova_input_InputController.justPressed(nova_input_Button.DOWN)) { if(this.choiceIndex < this.choices.length - 1) { ++this.choiceIndex; this.redrawOptions(); } } else if(nova_input_InputController.justPressed(nova_input_Button.UP)) { if(this.choiceIndex > 0) { --this.choiceIndex; this.redrawOptions(); } } else if(advance) { var jumpToLabel = message.choices[this.choiceIndex][1]; var _this = this.labelMap; if(__map_reserved[jumpToLabel] != null ? _this.existsReserved(jumpToLabel) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(jumpToLabel)) { this.pointer.sequence = this.messages; var _this1 = this.labelMap; var tmp = __map_reserved[jumpToLabel] != null ? _this1.getReserved(jumpToLabel) : _this1.h[jumpToLabel]; this.pointer.index = tmp; if(this.choicesTaken.indexOf(jumpToLabel) == -1) { this.choicesTaken.push(jumpToLabel); } this.advanceAndRender(); } else if(jumpToLabel == "end") { if(this.callback != null && this.boxCallbackStr == null) { this.callback(); } this.finished = true; } else { haxe_Log.trace("No label " + jumpToLabel + " found!",{ fileName : "DialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 759, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBox", methodName : "handleInput"}); this.advanceAndRender(); } } } } ,setLocked: function(locked) { this.canAdvance = locked; } ,update: function(elapsed) { nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype.update.call(this,elapsed); if(this.advancing && this.advanceStyle == nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.SCROLL) { var top = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding); var bottom = this.bgSprite.get_height() - nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding); if(this.text.y < top) { var transparentRect = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.text.get_width() | 0,top - this.text.y | 0,true,0); this.text._sprite.get_pixels().copyPixels(transparentRect,transparentRect.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); } if(this.nextText.y + this.nextText.get_height() + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding) > bottom) { var transparentRect1 = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.nextText.get_width() | 0,this.nextText.y + this.nextText.get_height() + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(this.textPadding) - bottom | 0,true,0); this.nextText._sprite.set_pixels(this.bottomImageStore.get_pixels().clone()); this.nextText._sprite.get_pixels().copyPixels(transparentRect1,transparentRect1.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(0,this.nextText._sprite.get_height() - transparentRect1.height)); } else if(this.bottomImageStore != null) { this.nextText._sprite.set_pixels(this.bottomImageStore.get_pixels().clone()); this.bottomImageStore = null; } } } ,setTextFormat: function(text,format) { var font = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(format,"font") ? format.font : null; var size = (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(format,"size") ? format.size * this.globalScale : 5 * this.globalScale) | 0; var color = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(format,"color") ? format.color : -16777216; text.setFormat(font,size,color); } ,__class__: nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox }); var nova_ui_dialog_ControlledDialogBox = function(options) { nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.call(this,null,options); }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.ControlledDialogBox"] = nova_ui_dialog_ControlledDialogBox; nova_ui_dialog_ControlledDialogBox.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","ControlledDialogBox"]; nova_ui_dialog_ControlledDialogBox.__super__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox; nova_ui_dialog_ControlledDialogBox.prototype = $extend(nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox.prototype,{ message: null ,handleInput: function() { haxe_Log.trace("Warning: handleInput should not be called on a ControlledDialogBox!",{ fileName : "ControlledDialogBox.hx", lineNumber : 27, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ControlledDialogBox", methodName : "handleInput"}); } ,setText: function(text) { this.message = text; this.renderText(text); } ,__class__: nova_ui_dialog_ControlledDialogBox }); var nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition = $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogBoxPosition"] = { __ename__ : ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogBoxPosition"], __constructs__ : ["TOP","MIDDLE","BOTTOM"] }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.TOP = ["TOP",0]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.TOP.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.TOP.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.MIDDLE = ["MIDDLE",1]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.MIDDLE.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.MIDDLE.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.BOTTOM = ["BOTTOM",2]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.BOTTOM.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition.BOTTOM.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxPosition; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign = $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogBoxAlign"] = { __ename__ : ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogBoxAlign"], __constructs__ : ["LEFT","CENTER","RIGHT"] }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.LEFT = ["LEFT",0]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.LEFT.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.LEFT.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.CENTER = ["CENTER",1]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.CENTER.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.CENTER.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.RIGHT = ["RIGHT",2]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.RIGHT.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign.RIGHT.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAlign; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode = $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogBoxMode"] = { __ename__ : ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogBoxMode"], __constructs__ : ["NORMAL","SELECT_OPTION"] }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.NORMAL = ["NORMAL",0]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.NORMAL.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.NORMAL.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.SELECT_OPTION = ["SELECT_OPTION",1]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.SELECT_OPTION.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode.SELECT_OPTION.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxMode; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAddons = function() { }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogBoxAddons"] = nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAddons; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAddons.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogBoxAddons"]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxAddons.parseVariableCodes = function(code) { var codeMatch = code + "([a-z]+)?" + code; return function(db,text) { return new EReg(codeMatch,"ig").map(text,function(e) { var s = e.matched(1); var _this = db.variables; if(__map_reserved[s] != null ? _this.existsReserved(s) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var _this1 = db.variables; if(__map_reserved[s] != null) { return _this1.getReserved(s); } else { return _this1.h[s]; } } else { var _this2 = db.globalVariables; if(__map_reserved[s] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(s) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var _this3 = db.globalVariables; if(__map_reserved[s] != null) { return _this3.getReserved(s); } else { return _this3.h[s]; } } } haxe_Log.trace("Warning: unknown variable " + s,{ fileName : "DialogBoxAddons.hx", lineNumber : 19, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogBoxAddons", methodName : "parseVariableCodes"}); return codeMatch; }); }; }; var nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType = $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.SyntaxNodeType"] = { __ename__ : ["nova","ui","dialog","SyntaxNodeType"], __constructs__ : ["DEBUG","TEXT","CHOICE","CHOICE_BOX","LABEL","VARIABLE_ASSIGN","IF","FUNCTION","JUMP","EMIT","GLOBAL","RETURN","EXPRESSION"] }; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.DEBUG = ["DEBUG",0]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.DEBUG.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.DEBUG.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT = ["TEXT",1]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE = ["CHOICE",2]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE_BOX = ["CHOICE_BOX",3]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE_BOX.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE_BOX.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.LABEL = ["LABEL",4]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.LABEL.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.LABEL.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.VARIABLE_ASSIGN = ["VARIABLE_ASSIGN",5]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.VARIABLE_ASSIGN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.VARIABLE_ASSIGN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.IF = ["IF",6]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.IF.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.IF.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.FUNCTION = ["FUNCTION",7]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.FUNCTION.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.FUNCTION.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.JUMP = ["JUMP",8]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.JUMP.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.JUMP.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.EMIT = ["EMIT",9]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.EMIT.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.EMIT.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.GLOBAL = ["GLOBAL",10]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.GLOBAL.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.GLOBAL.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.RETURN = ["RETURN",11]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.RETURN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.RETURN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.EXPRESSION = ["EXPRESSION",12]; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.EXPRESSION.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.EXPRESSION.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogSequencePointer = function(sequence,index) { this.sequence = sequence; this.index = index; }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogSequencePointer"] = nova_ui_dialog_DialogSequencePointer; nova_ui_dialog_DialogSequencePointer.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogSequencePointer"]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogSequencePointer.prototype = { sequence: null ,index: null ,step: function() { while(true) { this.index++; if(this.index < this.sequence.get_length()) { return; } var pt = this.sequence.parent; if(pt == null) { this.sequence = null; this.index = 0; return; } this.sequence = pt.sequence; this.index = pt.index; } } ,get: function() { if(this.sequence == null) { return null; } return this.sequence.sequence[this.index]; } ,__class__: nova_ui_dialog_DialogSequencePointer }; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode = function(type,value,child) { this.type = type; this.value = value; this.child = child; }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogSyntaxNode"] = nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode; nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogSyntaxNode"]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode.spaces = function(num) { var s = ""; var _g1 = 0; var _g = num; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; s += " "; } return s; }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode.prototype = { type: null ,value: null ,child: null ,_printableForm: function(indent) { if(indent == null) { indent = 0; } var r = [nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode.spaces(indent) + "[" + Std.string(this.type) + ": " + Std.string(this.value) + "]"]; if(this.child != null) { nova_utils_ArrayUtils.extend(r,this.child._printableForm(indent + 4)); } return r; } ,toString: function() { return this._printableForm().join("\n"); } ,__class__: nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode }; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogNodeSequence = function() { this.parent = null; this.sequence = []; }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogNodeSequence"] = nova_ui_dialog_DialogNodeSequence; nova_ui_dialog_DialogNodeSequence.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogNodeSequence"]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogNodeSequence.prototype = { sequence: null ,parent: null ,length: null ,get_length: function() { return this.sequence.length; } ,toString: function() { return this._printableForm().join("\n"); } ,_printableForm: function(indent) { if(indent == null) { indent = 0; } var r = []; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.sequence; while(_g < _g1.length) { var s = _g1[_g]; ++_g; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.extend(r,s._printableForm(indent)); } return r; } ,__class__: nova_ui_dialog_DialogNodeSequence ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length"} }; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType = $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogTokenType"] = { __ename__ : ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogTokenType"], __constructs__ : ["INT","FLOAT","VARIABLE","RESERVED","STRING","ARITHMETIC_OP","EQUALS_SIGN","DOUBLE_EQUALS_SIGN","LESS_THAN_SIGN","LESS_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN","GREATER_THAN_SIGN","GREATER_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN","OPEN_PARENTHESIS","CLOSE_PARENTHESIS","COLON","COMMA","CHOICE","DOLLAR_SIGN"] }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.INT = ["INT",0]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.INT.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.INT.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.FLOAT = ["FLOAT",1]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.FLOAT.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.FLOAT.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE = ["VARIABLE",2]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.RESERVED = ["RESERVED",3]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.RESERVED.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.RESERVED.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING = ["STRING",4]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.ARITHMETIC_OP = ["ARITHMETIC_OP",5]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.ARITHMETIC_OP.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.ARITHMETIC_OP.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.EQUALS_SIGN = ["EQUALS_SIGN",6]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.EQUALS_SIGN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.EQUALS_SIGN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOUBLE_EQUALS_SIGN = ["DOUBLE_EQUALS_SIGN",7]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOUBLE_EQUALS_SIGN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOUBLE_EQUALS_SIGN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_SIGN = ["LESS_THAN_SIGN",8]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_SIGN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_SIGN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN = ["LESS_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN",9]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_SIGN = ["GREATER_THAN_SIGN",10]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_SIGN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_SIGN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN = ["GREATER_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN",11]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESIS = ["OPEN_PARENTHESIS",12]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESIS.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESIS.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS = ["CLOSE_PARENTHESIS",13]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COLON = ["COLON",14]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COLON.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COLON.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COMMA = ["COMMA",15]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COMMA.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COMMA.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CHOICE = ["CHOICE",16]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CHOICE.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CHOICE.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOLLAR_SIGN = ["DOLLAR_SIGN",17]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOLLAR_SIGN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOLLAR_SIGN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken = function(type,value) { this.value = null; this.type = type; this.value = value; }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogToken"] = nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken; nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogToken"]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken.prototype = { type: null ,value: null ,__class__: nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken }; var nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser = function() { }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser"] = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","DialogParser"]; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.isAlphabetic = function(c) { if(!(c >= 97 && c <= 122 || c >= 65 && c <= 90)) { if(c >= 48) { return c <= 57; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.isValidVariableChar = function(c) { if(c != 95) { return nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.isAlphabetic(c); } else { return true; } }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType = function(arr,type,start) { if(start == null) { start = 0; } var i = start; while(i < arr.length) { if(arr[i].type == type) { return i; } ++i; } return -1; }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseLine = function(text) { var builtTokens = []; var i = 0; while(i < text.length) if(nova_utils_CharUtils.isDigit(HxOverrides.cca(text,i)) || i < text.length - 1 && text.charAt(i) == "-" && nova_utils_CharUtils.isDigit(HxOverrides.cca(text,i + 1))) { var anchorI = i; if(text.charAt(i) == "-") { ++i; } var periodCount = 0; while(i < text.length && (HxOverrides.cca(text,i) >= 48 && HxOverrides.cca(text,i) <= 57 || HxOverrides.cca(text,i) == 46)) { ++i; if(HxOverrides.cca(text,i) == 46) { ++periodCount; } } var textStr = HxOverrides.substr(text,anchorI,i - anchorI); if(periodCount == 0) { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.INT,Std.parseInt(textStr))); } else if(periodCount == 1) { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.FLOAT,parseFloat(textStr))); } else { haxe_Log.trace("Error: Too many periods for string " + textStr,{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 113, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseLine"}); } } else if(text.charAt(i) == "\"" || text.charAt(i) == "'") { var pt = i + 1; var next = text.indexOf(text.charAt(i),pt); while(next != -1 && text.charAt(next - 1) == "\\") { pt = next + 1; next = text.indexOf(text.charAt(i),pt); } if(next != -1) { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING,StringTools.replace(HxOverrides.substr(text,i + 1,next - (i + 1)),"\\",""))); i = next + 1; } else { haxe_Log.trace("Error: unterminated string: [" + text + "]!",{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 126, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseLine"}); return null; } } else if(text.charAt(i) == "(") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESIS)); ++i; } else if(text.charAt(i) == ")") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS)); ++i; } else if(["+","-","*","/"].indexOf(text.charAt(i)) != -1) { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.ARITHMETIC_OP,text.charAt(i))); ++i; } else if(text.charAt(i) == ":") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COLON)); ++i; } else if(text.charAt(i) == ",") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COMMA)); ++i; } else if(text.charAt(i) == ">") { if(builtTokens.length == 0) { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.RESERVED,"choice")); ++i; } else if(text.charAt(i + 1) == "=") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN,null)); i += 2; } else { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_SIGN,null)); ++i; } } else if(text.charAt(i) == "<") { if(i < text.length - 1 && text.charAt(i + 1) == "=") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN,null)); i += 2; } else { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_SIGN,null)); ++i; } } else if(text.charAt(i) == "#") { break; } else if(text.charAt(i) == "$") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOLLAR_SIGN)); ++i; } else if(text.charAt(i) == "=") { if(i < text.length - 1 && text.charAt(i + 1) == "=") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOUBLE_EQUALS_SIGN)); i += 2; } else { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.EQUALS_SIGN)); ++i; } } else if(nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.isValidVariableChar(HxOverrides.cca(text,i))) { var anchorI1 = i; while(i < text.length && nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.isValidVariableChar(HxOverrides.cca(text,i))) ++i; var resultString = HxOverrides.substr(text,anchorI1,i - anchorI1); if(nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.RESERVED_STRINGS.indexOf(resultString) != -1) { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.RESERVED,resultString)); } else if(resultString.toLowerCase() == "true") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.INT,1)); } else if(resultString.toLowerCase() == "false") { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.INT,0)); } else { builtTokens.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogToken(nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE,resultString)); } } else { ++i; } return builtTokens; }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseFile = function(path) { var text = openfl_utils_Assets.getText(path).split("\n").filter(function(s) { return StringTools.trim(s) != ""; }); return nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseLines(text); }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseLines = function(text) { var characters = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); var builtText = []; var labelToApply = null; var rootSequence = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogNodeSequence(); var callStack = [rootSequence]; var parseType_0 = "normal"; var indentStack = [0]; var _g1 = 0; var _g = text.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var line = text[i]; var tokens = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseLine(line); if(tokens.length == 0) { continue; } var indentation = 0; while(indentation < line.length && (line.charAt(indentation) == " " || line.charAt(indentation) == "\t")) ++indentation; if(indentation > nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(indentStack)) { if(callStack.length > indentStack.length) { indentStack.push(indentation); } else { haxe_Log.trace("Improper indentation at line " + i + ": " + line,{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 233, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseLines"}); } } while(indentation < nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(indentStack)) { indentStack.pop(); callStack.pop(); } if(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.RESERVED) { if(tokens[0].value == "define") { var shortName = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE); var tk = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESIS); var k = tokens[shortName].value; var v = tokens[tk + 1].value; var value = v; if(__map_reserved[k] != null) { characters.setReserved(k,value); } else { characters.h[k] = value; } } if(tokens[0].value == "global") { var i1 = 1; if([nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING].indexOf(tokens[i1].type) == -1) { haxe_Log.trace("Line " + i1 + ": unknown token " + Std.string(tokens[i1].value) + " after \"global\". Should be a variable.",{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 250, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseLines"}); } nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.GLOBAL,tokens[i1].value)); while(i1 < tokens.length - 1) if(tokens[i1 + 1].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COMMA && [nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING].indexOf(tokens[i1 + 2].type) != -1) { i1 += 2; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.GLOBAL,tokens[i1].value)); } else { haxe_Log.trace("Line " + i1 + ": unknown token " + Std.string(tokens[i1].value) + ". Should be a comma-separated list of variables.",{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 258, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseLines"}); } } else if(tokens[0].value == "label") { var newNode = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.LABEL,tokens[1].value); nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(newNode); } else if(tokens[0].value == "return") { var s1 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE); var s2 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING); var labelName = tokens[Math.max(s1,s2) | 0].value; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.RETURN,labelName)); } else if(tokens[0].value == "debug") { var newNode1 = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.DEBUG,{ line : i + 1, name : tokens[1].value}); nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(newNode1); } else if(tokens[0].value == "jump") { var s11 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE); var s21 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING); var labelName1 = tokens[Math.max(s11,s21) | 0].value; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.JUMP,labelName1)); } else if(tokens[0].value == "emit") { var s12 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE,1); var s22 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING,1); var labelName2 = tokens[Math.max(s12,s22) | 0].value; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.EMIT,labelName2)); } else if(tokens[0].value == "wait") { var s13 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.FLOAT,1); var tokenValue = [tokens[s13].value]; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.FUNCTION,(function(tokenValue1) { return function(k1) { k1.skip = false; k1.canAdvance = false; nova_animation_Director.call(nova_animation_Director.wait(k1,60 * tokenValue1[0] | 0),(function() { return function(s) { (js_Boot.__cast(s , nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox)).skip = true; (js_Boot.__cast(s , nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox)).canAdvance = true; (js_Boot.__cast(s , nova_ui_dialog_DialogBox)).advanceAndRender(); }; })()); }; })(tokenValue))); } else if(tokens[0].value == "choice") { var s14 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING); var s23 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING,s14 + 1); var s2_2 = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE,s14 + 1); var s3 = s23 > s2_2 ? s23 : s2_2; if(s3 == -1) { haxe_Log.trace("Error: Could not parse choice on line " + (i + 1) + ": " + line,{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 300, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseLines"}); } var newNode2 = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE,{ text : tokens[s14].value, tag : tokens[s3].value}); nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(newNode2); } else if(tokens[0].value == "choice_box") { var newNode3 = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.CHOICE_BOX,null,new nova_ui_dialog_DialogNodeSequence()); var tmp = nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack); var tmp1 = nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).get_length(); newNode3.child.parent = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSequencePointer(tmp,tmp1); nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(newNode3); callStack.push(newNode3.child); } else if(tokens[0].value == "if") { var newNode4 = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.IF,null,new nova_ui_dialog_DialogNodeSequence()); if(tokens[tokens.length - 1].type != nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.COLON) { haxe_Log.trace("[Warning] Statement on line " + (i + 1) + " should end in a colon. (" + line + ")",{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 313, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseLines"}); newNode4.value = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(1,tokens.length)); } else { newNode4.value = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(1,tokens.length - 1)); } var tmp2 = nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack); var tmp3 = nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).get_length(); newNode4.child.parent = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSequencePointer(tmp2,tmp3); nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(newNode4); callStack.push(newNode4.child); } } else if(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE) { if(tokens[1].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.EQUALS_SIGN) { var newNode5 = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.VARIABLE_ASSIGN,{ name : tokens[0].value, value : tokens[2].value}); nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(newNode5); } else { var speaker = tokens[0].value; if(__map_reserved[speaker] != null ? characters.existsReserved(speaker) : characters.h.hasOwnProperty(speaker)) { speaker = __map_reserved[speaker] != null ? characters.getReserved(speaker) : characters.h[speaker]; } var nextToken = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.indexOfTokenType(tokens,nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING,1); if(nextToken == -1) { haxe_Log.trace("[Warning] No value found for variable " + Std.string(tokens[0].value) + ". (" + line + ")",{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 333, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseLines"}); } nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT,{ text : tokens[nextToken].value, speaker : speaker})); } } else if(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING) { if(tokens.length > 1 && tokens[1].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING) { nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT,{ text : tokens[1].value, speaker : tokens[0].value})); } else { nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last(callStack).sequence.push(new nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode(nova_ui_dialog_SyntaxNodeType.TEXT,{ text : tokens[0].value})); } } } return rootSequence; }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression = function(tokens) { if(tokens.length == 1) { if(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING || tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.INT || tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.FLOAT) { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.STRING ? nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.STRING : tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.INT ? nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER : nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT,tokens[0].value); } else if(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE) { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.VARIABLE,tokens[0].value); } else { haxe_Log.trace("Can't parse single token with type " + Std.string(tokens[0].type) + "!",{ fileName : "DialogParser.hx", lineNumber : 355, className : "nova.ui.dialog.DialogParser", methodName : "parseExpression"}); return null; } } if(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESIS && tokens[tokens.length - 1].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) { tokens = tokens.slice(1,tokens.length - 1); } var outsideIndices = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.findOutsideTokenIndices(tokens); var _g = 0; while(_g < outsideIndices.length) { var index = outsideIndices[_g]; ++_g; var tok = tokens[index]; if(tok.type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.RESERVED && (tok.value == "and" || tok.value == "or")) { var root = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(tok.value == "and" ? nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.AND : nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.OR,null); root.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(0,index)); root.rightChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(index + 1,tokens.length)); return root; } } var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < outsideIndices.length) { var index1 = outsideIndices[_g1]; ++_g1; var tok1 = tokens[index1]; if(tok1.type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.DOUBLE_EQUALS_SIGN) { var root1 = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.EQUALS,null); root1.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(0,index1)); root1.rightChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(index1 + 1,tokens.length)); return root1; } else if(tok1.type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_SIGN) { var root2 = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN,null); root2.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(0,index1)); root2.rightChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(index1 + 1,tokens.length)); return root2; } else if(tok1.type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN) { var root3 = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS,null); root3.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(0,index1)); root3.rightChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(index1 + 1,tokens.length)); return root3; } else if(tok1.type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_SIGN) { var root4 = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN,null); root4.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(0,index1)); root4.rightChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(index1 + 1,tokens.length)); return root4; } else if(tok1.type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.ARITHMETIC_OP) { var root5 = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.ARITHMETIC_NODE,tok1.value); root5.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(0,index1)); root5.rightChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(index1 + 1,tokens.length)); return root5; } else if(tok1.type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS_SIGN) { var root6 = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS,null); root6.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(0,index1)); root6.rightChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(index1 + 1,tokens.length)); return root6; } } if(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.RESERVED && tokens[0].value == "not") { var root7 = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.NOT,null); root7.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(1,tokens.length)); } if(tokens[0].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.VARIABLE && tokens[1].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESIS && tokens[tokens.length - 1].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) { var root8 = new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FUNCTION,tokens[0].value); root8.leftChild = nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.parseExpression(tokens.slice(2,tokens.length - 1)); return root8; } return null; }; nova_ui_dialog_DialogParser.findOutsideTokenIndices = function(tokens) { var pCount = 0; var r = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = tokens.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(tokens[i].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESIS) { ++pCount; } else if(tokens[i].type == nova_ui_dialog_DialogTokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) { --pCount; } else if(pCount == 0) { r.push(i); } } return r; }; var nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType = $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNodeType"] = { __ename__ : ["nova","ui","dialog","ExpressionNodeType"], __constructs__ : ["VARIABLE","FUNCTION","ARITHMETIC_NODE","STRING","INTEGER","FLOAT","AND","OR","NOT","EQUALS","LESS_THAN","GREATER_THAN","LESS_THAN_EQUALS","GREATER_THAN_EQUALS"] }; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.VARIABLE = ["VARIABLE",0]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.VARIABLE.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.VARIABLE.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FUNCTION = ["FUNCTION",1]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FUNCTION.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FUNCTION.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.ARITHMETIC_NODE = ["ARITHMETIC_NODE",2]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.ARITHMETIC_NODE.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.ARITHMETIC_NODE.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.STRING = ["STRING",3]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.STRING.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.STRING.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER = ["INTEGER",4]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT = ["FLOAT",5]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.AND = ["AND",6]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.AND.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.AND.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.OR = ["OR",7]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.OR.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.OR.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.NOT = ["NOT",8]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.NOT.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.NOT.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.EQUALS = ["EQUALS",9]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.EQUALS.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.EQUALS.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN = ["LESS_THAN",10]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN = ["GREATER_THAN",11]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS = ["LESS_THAN_EQUALS",12]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS = ["GREATER_THAN_EQUALS",13]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS.toString = $estr; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS.__enum__ = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType; var nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode = function(type,value) { this.rightChild = null; this.leftChild = null; this.type = type; this.value = value; }; $hxClasses["nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode"] = nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.__name__ = ["nova","ui","dialog","ExpressionNode"]; nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.prototype = { type: null ,value: null ,leftChild: null ,rightChild: null ,evaluate: function(variableMap) { if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.STRING || this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER) { return this; } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.VARIABLE) { var key = this.value; if(!(__map_reserved[key] != null ? variableMap.existsReserved(key) : variableMap.h.hasOwnProperty(key))) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } var key1 = this.value; var v = __map_reserved[key1] != null ? variableMap.getReserved(key1) : variableMap.h[key1]; if(typeof(v) == "number" && ((v | 0) === v)) { var key2 = this.value; return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER,__map_reserved[key2] != null ? variableMap.getReserved(key2) : variableMap.h[key2]); } else { var tmp = typeof((function($this) { var $r; var key3 = $this.value; $r = __map_reserved[key3] != null ? variableMap.getReserved(key3) : variableMap.h[key3]; return $r; }(this))); if(tmp == "number") { var key4 = this.value; return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT,__map_reserved[key4] != null ? variableMap.getReserved(key4) : variableMap.h[key4]); } else { var tmp1 = typeof((function($this) { var $r; var key5 = $this.value; $r = __map_reserved[key5] != null ? variableMap.getReserved(key5) : variableMap.h[key5]; return $r; }(this))); if(tmp1 == "string") { var key6 = this.value; return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.STRING,__map_reserved[key6] != null ? variableMap.getReserved(key6) : variableMap.h[key6]); } } } var key7 = this.value; haxe_Log.trace("Unknown type for variable " + Std.string(this.value) + " (value " + Std.string(__map_reserved[key7] != null ? variableMap.getReserved(key7) : variableMap.h[key7]) + ")",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 62, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FUNCTION) { var key8 = this.value; if(!(__map_reserved[key8] != null ? variableMap.existsReserved(key8) : variableMap.h.hasOwnProperty(key8))) { haxe_Log.trace("Function " + Std.string(this.value) + " -- not found in variableMap! (defaulting to FALSE)",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 67, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } var key9 = this.value; var fn = __map_reserved[key9] != null ? variableMap.getReserved(key9) : variableMap.h[key9]; var result = fn(this.leftChild.evaluate(variableMap).value); if(typeof(result) == "number" && ((result | 0) === result)) { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER,js_Boot.__cast(result , Int)); } else if(typeof(result) == "number") { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT,js_Boot.__cast(result , Float)); } else if(typeof(result) == "boolean") { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER,js_Boot.__cast(result , Bool) ? 1 : 0); } else if(typeof(result) == "string") { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.STRING,js_Boot.__cast(result , String)); } haxe_Log.trace("Unknown function result for function with name " + Std.string(this.value) + " (value " + result + ")",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 81, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.ARITHMETIC_NODE) { if(this.leftChild == null || this.rightChild == null) { haxe_Log.trace("Attempt to evaluate ARITHMETIC_NODE op with a null child!",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 86, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } var leftResult = this.leftChild.evaluate(variableMap); var rightResult = this.rightChild.evaluate(variableMap); if(leftResult.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER && leftResult.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT || rightResult.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER && rightResult.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT) { haxe_Log.trace("Attempt to evaluate ARITHMETIC_NODE op with non-numbers!",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 94, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } var resultType = leftResult.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT || rightResult.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT ? nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT : nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER; if(this.value == "+") { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(resultType,leftResult.value + rightResult.value); } else if(this.value == "-") { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(resultType,leftResult.value - rightResult.value); } else if(this.value == "*") { return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(resultType,leftResult.value * rightResult.value); } else if(this.value == "/") { var result1 = leftResult.value / rightResult.value; return new nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode(resultType,resultType == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER ? result1 | 0 : result1); } haxe_Log.trace("Unknown op " + Std.string(this.value),{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 109, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.EQUALS || this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN || this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN || this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS || this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS) { if(this.leftChild == null || this.rightChild == null) { haxe_Log.trace("Attempt to evaluate comparison op with a null child!",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 115, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } var leftResult1 = this.leftChild.evaluate(variableMap); var rightResult1 = this.rightChild.evaluate(variableMap); if(leftResult1.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER && leftResult1.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT || rightResult1.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER && rightResult1.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.FLOAT) { if(leftResult1.type != rightResult1.type) { haxe_Log.trace("Warning: Attempt to evaluate type " + Std.string(this.type) + " on incompatible values " + Std.string(leftResult1) + " and " + Std.string(rightResult1) + ". (Returning FALSE)",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 123, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.EQUALS) { if(leftResult1.value == rightResult1.value) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } else { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN) { if(leftResult1.value < rightResult1.value) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } else { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.LESS_THAN_EQUALS) { if(leftResult1.value <= rightResult1.value) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } else { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN) { if(leftResult1.value > rightResult1.value) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } else { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS) { if(leftResult1.value >= rightResult1.value) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } else { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } } return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.AND || this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.OR) { if(this.leftChild == null || this.rightChild == null) { haxe_Log.trace("Attempt to evaluate AND op with a null child!",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 148, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } var leftResult2 = this.leftChild.evaluate(variableMap); var rightResult2 = this.rightChild.evaluate(variableMap); if(leftResult2.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER || rightResult2.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER) { haxe_Log.trace("Attempt to evaluate " + Std.string(this.type) + " op with types " + Std.string(leftResult2.type) + " and " + Std.string(rightResult2.type) + "!",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 154, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.AND) { if(leftResult2.value > 0 && rightResult2.value > 0) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } else { if(leftResult2.value > 0 || rightResult2.value > 0) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } } if(this.type == nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.NOT) { if(this.leftChild == null) { haxe_Log.trace("Attempt to evaluate NOT op with a null child!",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 171, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } var result2 = this.leftChild.evaluate(variableMap); if(result2.type != nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNodeType.INTEGER) { haxe_Log.trace("Attempt to evaluate NOT op with type " + Std.string(result2.type) + "!",{ fileName : "ExpressionNode.hx", lineNumber : 177, className : "nova.ui.dialog.ExpressionNode", methodName : "evaluate"}); return null; } if(result2.value > 0) { return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.FALSE; } return nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode.TRUE; } return null; } ,toString: function() { return this._printableForm().join("\n"); } ,_printableForm: function(indent) { if(indent == null) { indent = 0; } var r = []; r.push(nova_ui_dialog_DialogSyntaxNode.spaces(indent) + "> " + Std.string(this.type) + ": " + Std.string(this.value)); if(this.leftChild != null) { nova_utils_ArrayUtils.extend(r,this.leftChild._printableForm(indent + 4)); } if(this.rightChild != null) { nova_utils_ArrayUtils.extend(r,this.rightChild._printableForm(indent + 4)); } return r; } ,__class__: nova_ui_dialog_ExpressionNode }; var nova_utils_ArrayUtils = function() { }; $hxClasses["nova.utils.ArrayUtils"] = nova_utils_ArrayUtils; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.__name__ = ["nova","utils","ArrayUtils"]; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.foldFn = function(a,cmpFn) { var foldf = function(a1,b) { if(b == null) { return a1; } return cmpFn(a1,b); }; return Lambda.fold(a,foldf,null); }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.min = function(a) { return nova_utils_ArrayUtils.foldFn(a,Math.min); }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.max = function(a) { return nova_utils_ArrayUtils.foldFn(a,Math.max); }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.minBy = function(a,cmpFn) { var bestIndex = 0; var bestValue = cmpFn(a[0]); var _g1 = 1; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var value = cmpFn(a[i]); if(value < bestValue) { bestValue = value; bestIndex = i; } } return a[bestIndex]; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.last = function(a) { return a[a.length - 1]; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.indexOf = function(a,element,cmpFn) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(cmpFn == null && a[i] == element) { return i; } if(cmpFn != null && cmpFn(a[i],element)) { return i; } } return -1; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.indices = function(a,b) { var r = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < b.length) { var i = b[_g]; ++_g; r.push(a[i]); } return r; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.extend = function(a,b) { var _g = 0; while(_g < b.length) { var k = b[_g]; ++_g; a.push(k); } return a; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.remove = function(a,element,cmpFn) { var index = nova_utils_ArrayUtils.indexOf(a,element,cmpFn); if(index != -1) { a.splice(index,1); } return index != -1; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.exactMatch = function(a,b) { if(a.length != b.length) { return false; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(a[i] != b[i]) { return false; } } return true; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.unorderedMatch = function(a,b,fn) { if(a.length != b.length) { return false; } var sa = a.slice(); sa.sort(fn); var sb = b.slice(); sb.sort(fn); return nova_utils_ArrayUtils.exactMatch(sa,sb); }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.unorderedStringMatch = function(a,b) { return nova_utils_ArrayUtils.unorderedMatch(a,b,function(a1,b1) { if(a1 < b1) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }); }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.randomShuffle = function(a) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var t = a[i]; var pivot = Std.random(a.length - i) + i; a[i] = a[pivot]; a[pivot] = t; } }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.filterByIndex = function(a,fn) { var ret = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(fn(i)) { ret.push(a[i]); } } return ret; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.eachRow = function(a,fn) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = a.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; a[i] = fn(a[i]); } return a; }; nova_utils_ArrayUtils.to2D = function(a,columns) { if(a.length % columns != 0) { haxe_Log.trace("Warning: called `to2D` where length (" + Std.string(a) + ".length) doesn't evenly divide " + columns,{ fileName : "ArrayUtils.hx", lineNumber : 133, className : "nova.utils.ArrayUtils", methodName : "to2D"}); } var builtArray = []; var index = 0; while(index < a.length) { builtArray.push(a.slice(index,index + columns)); index += columns; } return builtArray; }; var nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils = function() { }; $hxClasses["nova.utils.BitmapDataUtils"] = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.__name__ = ["nova","utils","BitmapDataUtils"]; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.scaleFn = function(scaleX,scaleY) { return function(bitmapData) { var newBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapData.width * scaleX,bitmapData.height * scaleY,true,0); var mx = new openfl_geom_Matrix(scaleX,0,0,scaleY); newBitmapData.draw(bitmapData,mx); return newBitmapData; }; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.rotateFn = function(rotation) { return function(bitmapData) { var newBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapData.width,bitmapData.height,true,0); var mx = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); mx.translate(-bitmapData.width / 2,-bitmapData.height / 2); mx.rotate(rotation); mx.translate(bitmapData.width / 2,bitmapData.height / 2); newBitmapData.draw(bitmapData,mx); return newBitmapData; }; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.horizontalStretchCenter = function(bitmapData,borderWidth,targetWidth) { var resultBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(targetWidth,bitmapData.height,true,0); var middleWidth = bitmapData.width - 2 * borderWidth; var middleBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(middleWidth,bitmapData.height,true,0); middleBitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(borderWidth,0,middleWidth,bitmapData.height),new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); resultBitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,borderWidth,bitmapData.height),new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); resultBitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(borderWidth + middleWidth,0,borderWidth,bitmapData.height),new openfl_geom_Point(targetWidth - borderWidth,0)); var mx = new openfl_geom_Matrix((targetWidth - 2 * borderWidth) / middleWidth,0,0,1); mx.translate(borderWidth,0); resultBitmapData.draw(middleBitmapData,mx); return resultBitmapData; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.verticalStretchCenter = function(bitmapData,borderHeight,targetHeight) { var resultBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapData.width,targetHeight,true,0); var middleHeight = bitmapData.height - 2 * borderHeight; var middleBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(bitmapData.width,middleHeight); middleBitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,borderHeight,bitmapData.width,middleHeight),new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); resultBitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,bitmapData.width,borderHeight),new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); resultBitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,borderHeight + middleHeight,bitmapData.width,borderHeight),new openfl_geom_Point(0,targetHeight - borderHeight)); var mx = new openfl_geom_Matrix(1,0,0,(targetHeight - 2 * borderHeight) / middleHeight); mx.translate(0,borderHeight); resultBitmapData.draw(middleBitmapData,mx); return resultBitmapData; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.getSpriteFromSheetFn = function(sourceBitmapData,tileDimensions) { return function(tileCoords,transformFn) { var tile = new openfl_display_BitmapData(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(tileDimensions),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(tileDimensions),true,0); var tmp = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(tileCoords) * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(tileDimensions),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(tileCoords) * nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(tileDimensions),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(tileDimensions),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(tileDimensions)); tile.copyPixels(sourceBitmapData,tmp,new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); if(transformFn == null) { return tile; } else { return transformFn(tile); } }; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.stitchSpriteSheetsFn = function(sourceBitmapData,tileDimensions) { return function(tiles,transformFn,columns) { if(columns == null) { columns = 0; } var transformedBitmapData = []; var getSpriteFn = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.getSpriteFromSheetFn(sourceBitmapData,tileDimensions); var _g1 = 0; var _g = tiles.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var tileCoords = tiles[i]; if(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(tileCoords) >= 0 && nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(tileCoords) >= 0) { transformedBitmapData.push(getSpriteFn(tileCoords,transformFn)); } else { var transparentBD = new openfl_display_BitmapData(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(tileDimensions),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(tileDimensions),true,0); if(transformFn != null) { transparentBD = transformFn(transparentBD); } transformedBitmapData.push(transparentBD); } } var returnBitmapData; if(columns == 0) { returnBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(transformedBitmapData[0].width * tiles.length,transformedBitmapData[0].height,true,0); } else { returnBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(transformedBitmapData[0].width * columns,transformedBitmapData[0].height * Math.ceil(tiles.length / columns - 0.0001),true,0); } var intPairFromColumn = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.intToIntPairFn(columns); var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = transformedBitmapData.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; var transformedTile = transformedBitmapData[i1]; var pointCoords = intPairFromColumn(i1); returnBitmapData.copyPixels(transformedTile,transformedTile.rect,new openfl_geom_Point(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(pointCoords) * transformedBitmapData[0].width,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(pointCoords) * transformedBitmapData[0].height)); } return returnBitmapData; }; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.crop = function(bitmapData,point,dims) { var newBitmapData = new openfl_display_BitmapData(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(dims),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(dims)); newBitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData,new openfl_geom_Rectangle(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(point),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(point),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(point) + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x(dims),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(point) + nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y(dims)),new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); return newBitmapData; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.intToIntPairFn = function(columns) { if(columns == 0) { return function(id) { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([id,0]); }; } return function(id1) { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([id1 % columns,id1 / columns | 0]); }; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.toIntPairFn = function(columns) { if(columns == 0) { return function(id) { if(typeof(id) == "number" && ((id | 0) === id)) { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([id,0]); } return id; }; } return function(id1) { if(typeof(id1) == "number" && ((id1 | 0) === id1)) { return nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([id1 % columns,id1 / columns | 0]); } return id1; }; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.loadFromObject = function(object) { if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object,"image")) { haxe_Log.trace("Error: object " + Std.string(object) + " has no `image` field!",{ fileName : "BitmapDataUtils.hx", lineNumber : 170, className : "nova.utils.BitmapDataUtils", methodName : "loadFromObject"}); return null; } var toReturn = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(object.image); if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object,"transform")) { toReturn = object.transform(toReturn); } return toReturn; }; nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.loadTilesFromObject = function(object) { if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object,"image")) { haxe_Log.trace("Error: object " + Std.string(object) + " has no `image` field!",{ fileName : "BitmapDataUtils.hx", lineNumber : 182, className : "nova.utils.BitmapDataUtils", methodName : "loadTilesFromObject"}); return null; } var tileWidth = 0; var tileHeight = 0; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object,"width")) { tileWidth = object.width; } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object,"tileWidth")) { tileWidth = object.tileWidth; } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object,"height")) { tileHeight = object.height; } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object,"tileHeight")) { tileHeight = object.tileHeight; } return new nova_render_TiledBitmapData(object.image,tileWidth,tileHeight,nova_utils_StructureUtils.prop(object,"transform")); }; var nova_utils_CharUtils = function() { }; $hxClasses["nova.utils.CharUtils"] = nova_utils_CharUtils; nova_utils_CharUtils.__name__ = ["nova","utils","CharUtils"]; nova_utils_CharUtils.isDigit = function(code) { if(code >= 48) { return code <= 57; } else { return false; } }; var nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["nova.utils._Pair.Pair_Impl_"] = nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["nova","utils","_Pair","Pair_Impl_"]; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_second:"get_second",get_first:"get_first",set_y:"set_y",get_y:"get_y",set_x:"set_x",get_x:"get_x"}; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$._new = function(x,y) { var this1 = [x,y]; return this1; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_x = function(this1) { return this1[0]; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.set_x = function(this1,x) { this1[0] = x; return x; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_y = function(this1) { return this1[1]; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.set_y = function(this1,y) { this1[1] = y; return y; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_first = function(this1) { return this1[0]; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.get_second = function(this1) { return this1[1]; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray = function(a) { if(a.length != 2) { haxe_Log.trace("Error: `fromArray` must have exactly two arguments.",{ fileName : "Pair.hx", lineNumber : 39, className : "nova.utils._Pair.Pair_Impl_", methodName : "fromIntArray"}); return null; } var this1 = [a[0],a[1]]; return this1; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray = function(a) { if(a.length != 2) { haxe_Log.trace("Error: `fromArray` must have exactly two arguments.",{ fileName : "Pair.hx", lineNumber : 48, className : "nova.utils._Pair.Pair_Impl_", methodName : "fromFloatArray"}); return null; } var this1 = [a[0],a[1]]; return this1; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFlxPoint = function(a) { var this1 = [a.x,a.y]; return this1; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.toArray = function(this1) { return this1; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.add = function(this1,rhs) { var this2 = [this1[0] + rhs[0],this1[1] + rhs[1]]; return this2; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.subtract = function(this1,rhs) { var this2 = [this1[0] - rhs[0],this1[1] - rhs[1]]; return this2; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.multiply = function(this1,rhs) { var this2 = [this1[0] * rhs,this1[1] * rhs]; return this2; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.negate = function(this1) { var this2 = [-this1[0],-this1[1]]; return this2; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.equals = function(this1,rhs) { if(rhs == null) { return this1 == null; } if(this1[0] == rhs[0]) { return this1[1] == rhs[1]; } else { return false; } }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.norm = function(this1) { return Math.sqrt(this1[0] * this1[0] + this1[1] * this1[1]); }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.normSquared = function(this1) { return this1[0] * this1[0] + this1[1] * this1[1]; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.copy = function(this1) { var this2 = [this1[0],this1[1]]; return this2; }; nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return "(" + Std.string(this1[0]) + ", " + Std.string(this1[1]) + ")"; }; var nova_utils_StructureUtils = function() { }; $hxClasses["nova.utils.StructureUtils"] = nova_utils_StructureUtils; nova_utils_StructureUtils.__name__ = ["nova","utils","StructureUtils"]; nova_utils_StructureUtils.merge = function(struct1,struct2) { var merged = { }; if(struct2 != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = Reflect.fields(struct2); while(_g < _g1.length) { var field = _g1[_g]; ++_g; merged[field] = Reflect.field(struct2,field); } } if(struct1 != null) { var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = Reflect.fields(struct1); while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var field1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(merged,field1)) { merged[field1] = Reflect.field(struct1,field1); } } } return merged; }; nova_utils_StructureUtils.clone = function(struct) { if(struct == null) { return null; } var newStruct = { }; var _g = 0; var _g1 = Reflect.fields(struct); while(_g < _g1.length) { var field = _g1[_g]; ++_g; newStruct[field] = Reflect.field(struct,field); } return newStruct; }; nova_utils_StructureUtils.prop = function(struct,prop) { var splitProp = prop.split("."); var index = 0; var point = struct; while(index < splitProp.length) if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(point,splitProp[index])) { point = Reflect.field(point,splitProp[index]); ++index; } else { return null; } return point; }; var openfl_Lib = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.Lib"] = openfl_Lib; openfl_Lib.__name__ = ["openfl","Lib"]; openfl_Lib.__properties__ = {get_current:"get_current",get_application:"get_application"}; openfl_Lib["as"] = function(v,c) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(v,c)) { return v; } else { return null; } }; openfl_Lib.attach = function(name) { return new openfl_display_MovieClip(); }; openfl_Lib.clearInterval = function(id) { if(openfl_Lib.__timers.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var timer = openfl_Lib.__timers.h[id]; timer.stop(); openfl_Lib.__timers.remove(id); } }; openfl_Lib.clearTimeout = function(id) { if(openfl_Lib.__timers.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var timer = openfl_Lib.__timers.h[id]; timer.stop(); openfl_Lib.__timers.remove(id); } }; openfl_Lib.getDefinitionByName = function(name) { return Type.resolveClass(name); }; openfl_Lib.getQualifiedClassName = function(value) { var o = value; return Type.getClassName(o == null ? null : js_Boot.getClass(o)); }; openfl_Lib.getQualifiedSuperclassName = function(value) { var o = value; var ref = Type.getSuperClass(o == null ? null : js_Boot.getClass(o)); if(ref != null) { return Type.getClassName(ref); } else { return null; } }; openfl_Lib.getTimer = function() { return lime_system_System.getTimer(); }; openfl_Lib.getURL = function(request,target) { openfl_Lib.navigateToURL(request,target); }; openfl_Lib.navigateToURL = function(request,window) { if(window == null) { window = "_blank"; } var uri = request.url; if(Type["typeof"](request.data) == ValueType.TObject) { var query = ""; var fields = Reflect.fields(request.data); var _g = 0; while(_g < fields.length) { var field = fields[_g]; ++_g; if(query.length > 0) { query += "&"; } var query1 = encodeURIComponent(field) + "="; var s = Std.string(Reflect.field(request.data,field)); query += query1 + encodeURIComponent(s); } if(uri.indexOf("?") > -1) { uri += "&" + query; } else { uri += "?" + query; } } lime_system_System.openURL(uri,window); }; openfl_Lib.notImplemented = function(posInfo) { var api = posInfo.className + "." + posInfo.methodName; var _this = openfl_Lib.__sentWarnings; if(!(__map_reserved[api] != null ? _this.existsReserved(api) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(api))) { var _this1 = openfl_Lib.__sentWarnings; if(__map_reserved[api] != null) { _this1.setReserved(api,true); } else { _this1.h[api] = true; } lime_utils_Log.warn(posInfo.methodName + " is not implemented",posInfo); } }; openfl_Lib.preventDefaultTouchMove = function() { window.document.addEventListener("touchmove",function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); },false); }; openfl_Lib.sendToURL = function(request) { var urlLoader = new openfl_net_URLLoader(); urlLoader.load(request); }; openfl_Lib.setInterval = function(closure,delay,args) { var id = ++openfl_Lib.__lastTimerID; var timer = new haxe_Timer(delay); openfl_Lib.__timers.h[id] = timer; timer.run = function() { closure.apply(closure,args == null ? [] : args); }; return id; }; openfl_Lib.setTimeout = function(closure,delay,args) { var id = ++openfl_Lib.__lastTimerID; var this1 = openfl_Lib.__timers; var v = haxe_Timer.delay(function() { closure.apply(closure,args == null ? [] : args); },delay); this1.h[id] = v; return id; }; openfl_Lib.trace = function(arg) { haxe_Log.trace(arg,{ fileName : "Lib.hx", lineNumber : 289, className : "openfl.Lib", methodName : "trace"}); }; openfl_Lib.get_application = function() { return openfl__$internal_Lib.application; }; openfl_Lib.get_current = function() { if(openfl__$internal_Lib.current == null) { openfl__$internal_Lib.current = new openfl_display_MovieClip(); } return openfl__$internal_Lib.current; }; var openfl__$Vector_IVector = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._Vector.IVector"] = openfl__$Vector_IVector; openfl__$Vector_IVector.__name__ = ["openfl","_Vector","IVector"]; openfl__$Vector_IVector.prototype = { set_length: null ,get_length: null ,fixed: null ,concat: null ,copy: null ,get: null ,indexOf: null ,insertAt: null ,iterator: null ,join: null ,lastIndexOf: null ,pop: null ,push: null ,removeAt: null ,reverse: null ,set: null ,shift: null ,slice: null ,sort: null ,splice: null ,toString: null ,unshift: null ,__class__: openfl__$Vector_IVector ,__properties__: {set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl__$Vector_BoolVector = function(length,fixed,array) { if(array == null) { array = []; } this.__array = array; if(length != null && length > 0) { this.set_length(length); } this.fixed = fixed == true; }; $hxClasses["openfl._Vector.BoolVector"] = openfl__$Vector_BoolVector; openfl__$Vector_BoolVector.__name__ = ["openfl","_Vector","BoolVector"]; openfl__$Vector_BoolVector.__interfaces__ = [openfl__$Vector_IVector]; openfl__$Vector_BoolVector.prototype = { fixed: null ,__array: null ,concat: function(a) { if(a == null) { return new openfl__$Vector_BoolVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } else { var other = a; if(other.__array.length > 0) { return new openfl__$Vector_BoolVector(null,null,this.__array.concat(other.__array)); } else { return new openfl__$Vector_BoolVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } } } ,copy: function() { return new openfl__$Vector_BoolVector(null,this.fixed,this.__array.slice()); } ,get: function(index) { if(index >= this.__array.length) { return false; } else { return this.__array[index]; } } ,indexOf: function(x,from) { if(from == null) { from = 0; } var _g1 = from; var _g = this.__array.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.__array[i] == x) { return i; } } return -1; } ,insertAt: function(index,element) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { this.__array.splice(index,0,element); } } ,iterator: function() { return HxOverrides.iter(this.__array); } ,join: function(sep) { if(sep == null) { sep = ","; } return this.__array.join(sep); } ,lastIndexOf: function(x,from) { var i = from == null || from >= this.__array.length ? this.__array.length - 1 : from; while(i >= 0) { if(this.__array[i] == x) { return i; } --i; } return -1; } ,pop: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.pop(); } else { return null; } } ,push: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.push(x); } else { return this.__array.length; } } ,removeAt: function(index) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array.splice(index,1)[0]; } return false; } ,reverse: function() { this.__array.reverse(); return this; } ,set: function(index,value) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array[index] = value; } else { return value; } } ,shift: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.shift(); } else { return null; } } ,slice: function(startIndex,endIndex) { if(endIndex == null) { endIndex = 16777215; } if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = 0; } return new openfl__$Vector_BoolVector(null,null,this.__array.slice(startIndex,endIndex)); } ,sort: function(f) { this.__array.sort(f); } ,splice: function(pos,len) { return new openfl__$Vector_BoolVector(null,null,this.__array.splice(pos,len)); } ,toJSON: function() { return this.__array; } ,toString: function() { if(this.__array != null) { return this.__array.toString(); } else { return null; } } ,unshift: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { this.__array.unshift(x); } } ,get_length: function() { return this.__array.length; } ,set_length: function(value) { if(!this.fixed) { var currentLength = this.__array.length; if(value < 0) { value = 0; } if(value > currentLength) { var _g1 = currentLength; var _g = value; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__array[i] = false; } } else { while(this.__array.length > value) this.__array.pop(); } } return this.__array.length; } ,__class__: openfl__$Vector_BoolVector ,__properties__: {set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl__$Vector_FloatVector = function(length,fixed,array,forceCopy) { if(forceCopy == null) { forceCopy = false; } if(forceCopy) { this.__array = []; if(array != null) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = array.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__array[i] = array[i]; } } } else { if(array == null) { array = []; } this.__array = array; } if(length != null && length > 0) { this.set_length(length); } this.fixed = fixed == true; }; $hxClasses["openfl._Vector.FloatVector"] = openfl__$Vector_FloatVector; openfl__$Vector_FloatVector.__name__ = ["openfl","_Vector","FloatVector"]; openfl__$Vector_FloatVector.__interfaces__ = [openfl__$Vector_IVector]; openfl__$Vector_FloatVector.prototype = { fixed: null ,__array: null ,concat: function(a) { if(a == null) { return new openfl__$Vector_FloatVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } else { var other = a; if(other.__array.length > 0) { return new openfl__$Vector_FloatVector(null,null,this.__array.concat(other.__array)); } else { return new openfl__$Vector_FloatVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } } } ,copy: function() { return new openfl__$Vector_FloatVector(null,this.fixed,this.__array.slice()); } ,get: function(index) { return this.__array[index]; } ,indexOf: function(x,from) { if(from == null) { from = 0; } var _g1 = from; var _g = this.__array.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.__array[i] == x) { return i; } } return -1; } ,insertAt: function(index,element) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { this.__array.splice(index,0,element); } } ,iterator: function() { return HxOverrides.iter(this.__array); } ,join: function(sep) { if(sep == null) { sep = ","; } return this.__array.join(sep); } ,lastIndexOf: function(x,from) { var i = from == null || from >= this.__array.length ? this.__array.length - 1 : from; while(i >= 0) { if(this.__array[i] == x) { return i; } --i; } return -1; } ,pop: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.pop(); } else { return null; } } ,push: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.push(x); } else { return this.__array.length; } } ,removeAt: function(index) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array.splice(index,1)[0]; } return 0; } ,reverse: function() { this.__array.reverse(); return this; } ,set: function(index,value) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array[index] = value; } else { return value; } } ,shift: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.shift(); } else { return null; } } ,slice: function(startIndex,endIndex) { if(endIndex == null) { endIndex = 16777215; } if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = 0; } return new openfl__$Vector_FloatVector(null,null,this.__array.slice(startIndex,endIndex)); } ,sort: function(f) { this.__array.sort(f); } ,splice: function(pos,len) { return new openfl__$Vector_FloatVector(null,null,this.__array.splice(pos,len)); } ,toJSON: function() { return this.__array; } ,toString: function() { if(this.__array != null) { return this.__array.toString(); } else { return null; } } ,unshift: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { this.__array.unshift(x); } } ,get_length: function() { return this.__array.length; } ,set_length: function(value) { if(value != this.__array.length && !this.fixed) { var currentLength = this.__array.length; if(value < 0) { value = 0; } if(value > currentLength) { var _g1 = currentLength; var _g = value; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__array[i] = 0; } } else { while(this.__array.length > value) this.__array.pop(); } } return this.__array.length; } ,__class__: openfl__$Vector_FloatVector ,__properties__: {set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector = function(length,fixed,array) { if(array == null) { array = []; } this.__array = array; if(length != null && length > 0) { this.set_length(length); } this.fixed = fixed == true; }; $hxClasses["openfl._Vector.FunctionVector"] = openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector; openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector.__name__ = ["openfl","_Vector","FunctionVector"]; openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector.__interfaces__ = [openfl__$Vector_IVector]; openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector.prototype = { fixed: null ,__array: null ,concat: function(a) { if(a == null) { return new openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } else { var other = a; if(other.__array.length > 0) { return new openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector(null,null,this.__array.concat(other.__array)); } else { return new openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } } } ,copy: function() { return new openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector(null,this.fixed,this.__array.slice()); } ,get: function(index) { if(index >= this.__array.length) { return null; } else { return this.__array[index]; } } ,indexOf: function(x,from) { if(from == null) { from = 0; } var _g1 = from; var _g = this.__array.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__array[i],x)) { return i; } } return -1; } ,insertAt: function(index,element) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { this.__array.splice(index,0,element); } } ,iterator: function() { return HxOverrides.iter(this.__array); } ,join: function(sep) { if(sep == null) { sep = ","; } return this.__array.join(sep); } ,lastIndexOf: function(x,from) { var i = from == null || from >= this.__array.length ? this.__array.length - 1 : from; while(i >= 0) { if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.__array[i],x)) { return i; } --i; } return -1; } ,pop: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.pop(); } else { return null; } } ,push: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.push(x); } else { return this.__array.length; } } ,removeAt: function(index) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array.splice(index,1)[0]; } return null; } ,reverse: function() { this.__array.reverse(); return this; } ,set: function(index,value) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array[index] = value; } else { return value; } } ,shift: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.shift(); } else { return null; } } ,slice: function(startIndex,endIndex) { if(endIndex == null) { endIndex = 16777215; } if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = 0; } return new openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector(null,null,this.__array.slice(startIndex,endIndex)); } ,sort: function(f) { this.__array.sort(f); } ,splice: function(pos,len) { return new openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector(null,null,this.__array.splice(pos,len)); } ,toJSON: function() { return this.__array; } ,toString: function() { if(this.__array != null) { return this.__array.toString(); } else { return null; } } ,unshift: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { this.__array.unshift(x); } } ,get_length: function() { return this.__array.length; } ,set_length: function(value) { if(!this.fixed) { var currentLength = this.__array.length; if(value < 0) { value = 0; } if(value > currentLength) { var _g1 = currentLength; var _g = value; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__array[i] = null; } } else { while(this.__array.length > value) this.__array.pop(); } } return this.__array.length; } ,__class__: openfl__$Vector_FunctionVector ,__properties__: {set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl__$Vector_IntVector = function(length,fixed,array) { if(array == null) { array = []; } this.__array = array; if(length != null && length > 0) { this.set_length(length); } this.fixed = fixed == true; }; $hxClasses["openfl._Vector.IntVector"] = openfl__$Vector_IntVector; openfl__$Vector_IntVector.__name__ = ["openfl","_Vector","IntVector"]; openfl__$Vector_IntVector.__interfaces__ = [openfl__$Vector_IVector]; openfl__$Vector_IntVector.prototype = { fixed: null ,__array: null ,concat: function(a) { if(a == null) { return new openfl__$Vector_IntVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } else { var other = a; if(other.__array.length > 0) { return new openfl__$Vector_IntVector(null,null,this.__array.concat(other.__array)); } else { return new openfl__$Vector_IntVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } } } ,copy: function() { return new openfl__$Vector_IntVector(null,this.fixed,this.__array.slice()); } ,get: function(index) { return this.__array[index]; } ,indexOf: function(x,from) { if(from == null) { from = 0; } var _g1 = from; var _g = this.__array.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.__array[i] == x) { return i; } } return -1; } ,insertAt: function(index,element) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { this.__array.splice(index,0,element); } } ,iterator: function() { return HxOverrides.iter(this.__array); } ,join: function(sep) { if(sep == null) { sep = ","; } return this.__array.join(sep); } ,lastIndexOf: function(x,from) { var i = from == null || from >= this.__array.length ? this.__array.length - 1 : from; while(i >= 0) { if(this.__array[i] == x) { return i; } --i; } return -1; } ,pop: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.pop(); } else { return null; } } ,push: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.push(x); } else { return this.__array.length; } } ,removeAt: function(index) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array.splice(index,1)[0]; } return 0; } ,reverse: function() { this.__array.reverse(); return this; } ,set: function(index,value) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array[index] = value; } else { return value; } } ,shift: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.shift(); } else { return null; } } ,slice: function(startIndex,endIndex) { if(endIndex == null) { endIndex = 16777215; } if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = 0; } return new openfl__$Vector_IntVector(null,null,this.__array.slice(startIndex,endIndex)); } ,sort: function(f) { this.__array.sort(f); } ,splice: function(pos,len) { return new openfl__$Vector_IntVector(null,null,this.__array.splice(pos,len)); } ,toJSON: function() { return this.__array; } ,toString: function() { if(this.__array != null) { return this.__array.toString(); } else { return null; } } ,unshift: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { this.__array.unshift(x); } } ,get_length: function() { return this.__array.length; } ,set_length: function(value) { if(!this.fixed) { var currentLength = this.__array.length; if(value < 0) { value = 0; } if(value > currentLength) { var _g1 = currentLength; var _g = value; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__array[i] = 0; } } else { while(this.__array.length > value) this.__array.pop(); } } return this.__array.length; } ,__class__: openfl__$Vector_IntVector ,__properties__: {set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector = function(length,fixed,array,forceCopy) { if(forceCopy == null) { forceCopy = false; } if(forceCopy) { this.__array = []; if(array != null) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = array.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__array[i] = array[i]; } } } else { if(array == null) { array = []; } this.__array = array; } if(length != null && length > 0) { this.set_length(length); } this.fixed = fixed == true; }; $hxClasses["openfl._Vector.ObjectVector"] = openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector; openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector.__name__ = ["openfl","_Vector","ObjectVector"]; openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector.__interfaces__ = [openfl__$Vector_IVector]; openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector.prototype = { fixed: null ,__array: null ,concat: function(a) { if(a == null) { return new openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } else { var other = a; if(other.__array.length > 0) { return new openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector(null,null,this.__array.concat(other.__array)); } else { return new openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } } } ,copy: function() { return new openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector(null,null,this.__array.slice()); } ,get: function(index) { return this.__array[index]; } ,indexOf: function(x,from) { if(from == null) { from = 0; } var _g1 = from; var _g = this.__array.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.__array[i] == x) { return i; } } return -1; } ,insertAt: function(index,element) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { this.__array.splice(index,0,element); } } ,iterator: function() { return HxOverrides.iter(this.__array); } ,join: function(sep) { if(sep == null) { sep = ","; } return this.__array.join(sep); } ,lastIndexOf: function(x,from) { var i = from == null || from >= this.__array.length ? this.__array.length - 1 : from; while(i >= 0) { if(this.__array[i] == x) { return i; } --i; } return -1; } ,pop: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.pop(); } else { return null; } } ,push: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.push(x); } else { return this.__array.length; } } ,removeAt: function(index) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array.splice(index,1)[0]; } return null; } ,reverse: function() { this.__array.reverse(); return this; } ,set: function(index,value) { if(!this.fixed || index < this.__array.length) { return this.__array[index] = value; } else { return value; } } ,shift: function() { if(!this.fixed) { return this.__array.shift(); } else { return null; } } ,slice: function(startIndex,endIndex) { if(endIndex == null) { endIndex = 16777215; } if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = 0; } return new openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector(null,null,this.__array.slice(startIndex,endIndex)); } ,sort: function(f) { this.__array.sort(f); } ,splice: function(pos,len) { return new openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector(null,null,this.__array.splice(pos,len)); } ,toJSON: function() { return this.__array; } ,toString: function() { if(this.__array != null) { return this.__array.toString(); } else { return null; } } ,unshift: function(x) { if(!this.fixed) { this.__array.unshift(x); } } ,get_length: function() { return this.__array.length; } ,set_length: function(value) { if(!this.fixed) { var currentLength = this.__array.length; if(value < 0) { value = 0; } if(value > currentLength) { var _g1 = currentLength; var _g = value; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__array.push(null); } } else { while(this.__array.length > value) this.__array.pop(); } } return this.__array.length; } ,__class__: openfl__$Vector_ObjectVector ,__properties__: {set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl__$internal_Lib = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.Lib"] = openfl__$internal_Lib; openfl__$internal_Lib.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","Lib"]; openfl__$internal_Lib.application = null; openfl__$internal_Lib.current = null; openfl__$internal_Lib.notImplemented = function(posInfo) { var api = posInfo.className + "." + posInfo.methodName; var _this = openfl__$internal_Lib.__sentWarnings; if(!(__map_reserved[api] != null ? _this.existsReserved(api) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(api))) { var _this1 = openfl__$internal_Lib.__sentWarnings; if(__map_reserved[api] != null) { _this1.setReserved(api,true); } else { _this1.h[api] = true; } lime_utils_Log.warn(posInfo.methodName + " is not implemented",posInfo); } }; var openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.agal.AGALConverter"] = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter; openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","agal","AGALConverter"]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.prefixFromType = function(regType,programType) { switch(regType) { case 0: return "va"; case 1: if(programType == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX) { return "vc"; } else { return "fc"; } break; case 2: if(programType == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX) { return "vt"; } else { return "ft"; } break; case 3: return "output_"; case 4: return "v"; case 5: return "sampler"; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Invalid data!")); } }; openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.readUInt64 = function(byteArray) { var low = byteArray.readInt(); var high = byteArray.readInt(); var this1 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(high,low); return this1; }; openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.convertToGLSL = function(agal,samplerState) { agal.position = 0; agal.__endian = 1; var magic = agal.readByte() & 255; if(magic == 176) { return agal.readUTF(); } if(magic != 160) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Magic value must be 0xA0, may not be AGAL")); } var version = agal.readInt(); if(version != 1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Version must be 1")); } var shaderTypeID = agal.readByte() & 255; if(shaderTypeID != 161) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Shader type ID must be 0xA1")); } var programType = (agal.readByte() & 255) == 0 ? openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX : openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.FRAGMENT; var map = new openfl__$internal_formats_agal_RegisterMap(); var sb_b = ""; while(true) { var a = agal.position; if(!_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(agal),a)) { break; } var opcode = agal.readInt(); var dest = agal.readUnsignedInt(); var source1 = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.readUInt64(agal); var source2 = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.readUInt64(agal); var dr = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_DestRegister.parse(dest,programType); var sr1 = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister.parse(source1,programType,dr.mask); var sr2 = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister.parse(source2,programType,dr.mask); sb_b += "\t"; switch(opcode) { case 0: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = " + sr1.toGLSL() + "; // mov"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 1: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = " + sr1.toGLSL() + " + " + sr2.toGLSL() + "; // add"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 2: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = " + sr1.toGLSL() + " - " + sr2.toGLSL() + "; // sub"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 3: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = " + sr1.toGLSL() + " * " + sr2.toGLSL() + "; // mul"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 4: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = " + sr1.toGLSL() + " / " + sr2.toGLSL() + "; // div"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 5: var sr = sr1.toGLSL(); if(sr.indexOf(".") > -1) { sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = 1.0 / " + sr1.toGLSL() + "; // rcp"); } else { sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(1) / " + sr1.toGLSL() + "; // rcp"); } map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 6: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = min(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", " + sr2.toGLSL() + "); // min"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 7: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = max(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", " + sr2.toGLSL() + "); // max"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 8: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = fract(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // frc"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 9: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = sqrt(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // sqrt"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 10: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = inversesqrt(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // rsq"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 11: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = pow(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", " + sr2.toGLSL() + "); // pow"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 12: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = log2(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // log"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 13: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = exp2(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // exp"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 14: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = normalize(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // normalize"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 15: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = sin(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // sin"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 16: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = cos(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // cos"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 17: sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 7; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = cross(vec3(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "), vec3(" + sr2.toGLSL() + ")); // crs"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 18: sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 7; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(dot(vec3(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "), vec3(" + sr2.toGLSL() + ")))" + dr.getWriteMask() + "; // dp3"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 19: sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 15; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(dot(vec4(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "), vec4(" + sr2.toGLSL() + ")))" + dr.getWriteMask() + "; // dp4"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 20: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = abs(" + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // abs"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 21: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = -" + sr1.toGLSL() + "; // neg"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 22: sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = clamp(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", 0.0, 1.0); // saturate"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 23: var existingUsage = map.getRegisterUsage(sr2); if(existingUsage != openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4 && existingUsage != openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY) { sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = " + sr1.toGLSL() + " * mat3(" + sr2.toGLSL(false) + "); // m33"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.MATRIX_4_4); } else { sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 7; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec3(" + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,0) + "), " + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,1) + ")," + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,2) + ")); // m33"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,0); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,1); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,2); } break; case 24: var existingUsage1 = map.getRegisterUsage(sr2); if(existingUsage1 != openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4 && existingUsage1 != openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY) { sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = " + sr1.toGLSL() + " * " + sr2.toGLSL(false) + "; // m44"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.MATRIX_4_4); } else { sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 15; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(" + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,0) + "), " + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,1) + "), " + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,2) + "), " + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,3) + ")); // m44"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,0); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,1); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,2); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,3); } break; case 25: dr.mask &= 7; var existingUsage2 = map.getRegisterUsage(sr2); if(existingUsage2 != openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4 && existingUsage2 != openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY) { sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = " + sr1.toGLSL() + " * " + sr2.toGLSL(false) + "; // m34"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.MATRIX_4_4); } else { sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 15; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec3(" + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,0) + "), " + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,1) + ")," + "dot(" + sr1.toGLSL(true) + "," + sr2.toGLSL(true,2) + ")); // m34"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,0); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,1); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4,2); } break; case 39: sr1.sourceMask = 15; sb_b += Std.string("if (any(lessThan(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", vec4(0)))) discard;"); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 40: var sampler = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SamplerRegister.parse(source2,programType); var _g = sampler.d; switch(_g) { case 0: if(sampler.t == 2) { sr1.sourceMask = 3; map.addSaR(sampler,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D_ALPHA); sb_b += Std.string("if (" + sampler.toGLSL() + "_alphaEnabled) {\n"); sb_b += Std.string("\t\t" + dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(texture2D(" + sampler.toGLSL() + ", " + sr1.toGLSL() + ").xyz, texture2D(" + sampler.toGLSL() + "_alpha, " + sr1.toGLSL() + ").x); // tex + alpha\n"); sb_b += "\t} else {\n"; sb_b += Std.string("\t\t" + dr.toGLSL() + " = texture2D(" + sampler.toGLSL() + ", " + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // tex\n"); sb_b += "\t}"; } else { sr1.sourceMask = 3; map.addSaR(sampler,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D); sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = texture2D(" + sampler.toGLSL() + ", " + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // tex"); } break; case 1: if(sampler.t == 2) { sr1.sourceMask = 7; map.addSaR(sampler,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE_ALPHA); sb_b += Std.string("if (" + sampler.toGLSL() + "_alphaEnabled) {\n"); sb_b += Std.string("\t\t" + dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(textureCube(" + sampler.toGLSL() + ", " + sr1.toGLSL() + ").xyz, textureCube(" + sampler.toGLSL() + "_alpha, " + sr1.toGLSL() + ").x); // tex + alpha\n"); sb_b += "\t} else {\n"; sb_b += Std.string("\t\t" + dr.toGLSL() + " = textureCube(" + sampler.toGLSL() + ", " + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // tex"); sb_b += "\t}"; } else { sr1.sourceMask = 7; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = textureCube(" + sampler.toGLSL() + ", " + sr1.toGLSL() + "); // tex"); map.addSaR(sampler,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE); } break; } map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); if(samplerState != null) { samplerState[sampler.n] = sampler.toSamplerState(); } break; case 41: sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 15; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(greaterThanEqual(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", " + sr2.toGLSL() + "))" + dr.getWriteMask() + "; // ste"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 42: sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 15; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(lessThan(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", " + sr2.toGLSL() + "))" + dr.getWriteMask() + "; // slt"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 44: sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 15; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(equal(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", " + sr2.toGLSL() + "))" + dr.getWriteMask() + "; // seq"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; case 45: sr1.sourceMask = sr2.sourceMask = 15; sb_b += Std.string(dr.toGLSL() + " = vec4(notEqual(" + sr1.toGLSL() + ", " + sr2.toGLSL() + "))" + dr.getWriteMask() + "; // sne"); map.addDR(dr,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr1,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); map.addSR(sr2,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Opcode " + opcode)); } sb_b += "\n"; } if(openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.limitedProfile == null) { var version1 = lime_graphics_opengl_GL.context.getParameter(7938); openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.limitedProfile = version1.indexOf("OpenGL ES") > -1 || version1.indexOf("WebGL") > -1; } var glsl_b = ""; glsl_b += Std.string("// AGAL " + (programType == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX ? "vertex" : "fragment") + " shader\n"); if(openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.limitedProfile) { glsl_b += "#version 100\n"; glsl_b += "precision highp float;\n"; } else { glsl_b += "#version 120\n"; } glsl_b += Std.string(map.toGLSL(false)); if(programType == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX) { glsl_b += "uniform vec4 vcPositionScale;\n"; } glsl_b += "void main() {\n"; glsl_b += Std.string(map.toGLSL(true)); glsl_b += Std.string(sb_b); if(programType == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX) { glsl_b += "\tgl_Position *= vcPositionScale;\n"; } glsl_b += "}\n"; return glsl_b; }; var openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_DestRegister = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.agal._AGALConverter.DestRegister"] = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_DestRegister; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_DestRegister.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","agal","_AGALConverter","DestRegister"]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_DestRegister.parse = function(v,programType) { var dr = new openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_DestRegister(); dr.programType = programType; dr.type = v >>> 24 & 15; dr.mask = v >>> 16 & 15; dr.n = v & 65535; return dr; }; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_DestRegister.prototype = { mask: null ,n: null ,programType: null ,type: null ,getWriteMask: function() { var str = "."; if((this.mask & 1) != 0) { str += "x"; } if((this.mask & 2) != 0) { str += "y"; } if((this.mask & 4) != 0) { str += "z"; } if((this.mask & 8) != 0) { str += "w"; } return str; } ,toGLSL: function(useMask) { if(useMask == null) { useMask = true; } var str; if(this.type == 3) { if(this.programType == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX) { str = "gl_Position"; } else { str = "gl_FragColor"; } } else { str = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.prefixFromType(this.type,this.programType) + this.n; } if(useMask && this.mask != 15) { str += this.getWriteMask(); } return str; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_DestRegister }; var openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType = $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.agal._AGALConverter.ProgramType"] = { __ename__ : ["openfl","_internal","formats","agal","_AGALConverter","ProgramType"], __constructs__ : ["VERTEX","FRAGMENT"] }; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX = ["VERTEX",0]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.FRAGMENT = ["FRAGMENT",1]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.FRAGMENT.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.FRAGMENT.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType; var openfl__$internal_formats_agal_RegisterMap = function() { this.mEntries = []; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.agal.RegisterMap"] = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_RegisterMap; openfl__$internal_formats_agal_RegisterMap.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","agal","RegisterMap"]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal_RegisterMap.prototype = { mEntries: null ,add: function(type,name,number,usage) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.mEntries; while(_g < _g1.length) { var entry = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(entry.type == type && entry.name == name && entry.number == number) { if(entry.usage != usage) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Cannot use register in multiple ways yet (mat4/vec4)")); } return; } } var entry1 = new openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterMapEntry(); entry1.type = type; entry1.name = name; entry1.number = number; entry1.usage = usage; this.mEntries.push(entry1); } ,addDR: function(dr,usage) { this.add(dr.type,dr.toGLSL(false),dr.n,usage); } ,addSaR: function(sr,usage) { this.add(sr.type,sr.toGLSL(),sr.n,usage); } ,addSR: function(sr,usage,offset) { if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } if(sr.d != 0) { this.add(sr.itype,openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.prefixFromType(sr.itype,sr.programType) + sr.n,sr.n,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4); this.add(sr.type,openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.prefixFromType(sr.type,sr.programType) + sr.o,sr.o,openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY); return; } this.add(sr.type,sr.toGLSL(false,offset),sr.n + offset,usage); } ,getRegisterUsage: function(sr) { if(sr.d != 0) { return openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY; } return this.getUsage(sr.type,sr.toGLSL(false),sr.n); } ,getUsage: function(type,name,number) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.mEntries; while(_g < _g1.length) { var entry = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(entry.type == type && entry.name == name && entry.number == number) { return entry.usage; } } return openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.UNUSED; } ,toGLSL: function(tempRegistersOnly) { this.mEntries.sort(function(a,b) { return a.number - b.number; }); var entry; this.mEntries.sort(function(a1,b1) { return js_Boot.__cast(a1.type , Int) - js_Boot.__cast(b1.type , Int); }); var sb_b = ""; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.mEntries.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; entry = this.mEntries[i]; if(tempRegistersOnly && entry.type != 2 || !tempRegistersOnly && entry.type == 2) { continue; } if(entry.type == 3) { continue; } var _g2 = entry.type; switch(_g2) { case 0: sb_b += "attribute "; break; case 1: sb_b += "uniform "; break; case 2: sb_b += "\t"; break; case 3: break; case 4: sb_b += "varying "; break; case 5: sb_b += "uniform "; break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } var _g3 = entry.usage; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: haxe_Log.trace("Missing switch patten: RegisterUsage.UNUSED",{ fileName : "AGALConverter.hx", lineNumber : 831, className : "openfl._internal.formats.agal.RegisterMap", methodName : "toGLSL"}); break; case 1: sb_b += "vec4 "; break; case 2: sb_b += "mat4 "; break; case 3: sb_b += "sampler2D "; break; case 4: break; case 5: sb_b += "samplerCube "; break; case 6: break; case 7: sb_b += "vec4 "; break; } if(entry.usage == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D_ALPHA) { sb_b += "sampler2D "; sb_b += Std.string(entry.name); sb_b += ";\n"; sb_b += "uniform "; sb_b += "sampler2D "; sb_b += Std.string(entry.name + "_alpha"); sb_b += ";\n"; sb_b += "uniform "; sb_b += "bool "; sb_b += Std.string(entry.name + "_alphaEnabled"); sb_b += ";\n"; } else if(entry.usage == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE_ALPHA) { sb_b += "samplerCube "; sb_b += Std.string(entry.name); sb_b += ";\n"; sb_b += "uniform "; sb_b += "samplerCube "; sb_b += Std.string(entry.name + "_alpha"); sb_b += ";\n"; sb_b += "uniform "; sb_b += "bool "; sb_b += Std.string(entry.name + "_alphaEnabled"); sb_b += ";\n"; } else if(entry.usage == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY) { sb_b += Std.string(entry.name + "[128]"); sb_b += ";\n"; } else { sb_b += Std.string(entry.name); sb_b += ";\n"; } } return sb_b; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_formats_agal_RegisterMap }; var openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterMapEntry = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.agal._AGALConverter.RegisterMapEntry"] = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterMapEntry; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterMapEntry.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","agal","_AGALConverter","RegisterMapEntry"]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterMapEntry.prototype = { name: null ,number: null ,type: null ,usage: null ,__class__: openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterMapEntry }; var openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage = $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.agal._AGALConverter.RegisterUsage"] = { __ename__ : ["openfl","_internal","formats","agal","_AGALConverter","RegisterUsage"], __constructs__ : ["UNUSED","VECTOR_4","MATRIX_4_4","SAMPLER_2D","SAMPLER_2D_ALPHA","SAMPLER_CUBE","SAMPLER_CUBE_ALPHA","VECTOR_4_ARRAY"] }; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.UNUSED = ["UNUSED",0]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.UNUSED.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.UNUSED.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4 = ["VECTOR_4",1]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.MATRIX_4_4 = ["MATRIX_4_4",2]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.MATRIX_4_4.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.MATRIX_4_4.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D = ["SAMPLER_2D",3]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D_ALPHA = ["SAMPLER_2D_ALPHA",4]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D_ALPHA.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_2D_ALPHA.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE = ["SAMPLER_CUBE",5]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE_ALPHA = ["SAMPLER_CUBE_ALPHA",6]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE_ALPHA.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.SAMPLER_CUBE_ALPHA.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY = ["VECTOR_4_ARRAY",7]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage.VECTOR_4_ARRAY.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_RegisterUsage; var openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SamplerRegister = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.agal._AGALConverter.SamplerRegister"] = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SamplerRegister; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SamplerRegister.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","agal","_AGALConverter","SamplerRegister"]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SamplerRegister.parse = function(v,programType) { var sr = new openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SamplerRegister(); sr.programType = programType; var b = 60; b &= 63; var a; if(b == 0) { var this1 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a = this1; } else if(b < 32) { var this2 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b,v.high << 32 - b | v.low >>> b); a = this2; } else { var this3 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b - 32); a = this3; } var this4 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b1 = this4; var this5 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a.high & b1.high,a.low & b1.low); sr.f = this5.low; var b2 = 56; b2 &= 63; var a1; if(b2 == 0) { var this6 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a1 = this6; } else if(b2 < 32) { var this7 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b2,v.high << 32 - b2 | v.low >>> b2); a1 = this7; } else { var this8 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b2 - 32); a1 = this8; } var this9 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b3 = this9; var this10 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a1.high & b3.high,a1.low & b3.low); sr.m = this10.low; var b4 = 52; b4 &= 63; var a2; if(b4 == 0) { var this11 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a2 = this11; } else if(b4 < 32) { var this12 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b4,v.high << 32 - b4 | v.low >>> b4); a2 = this12; } else { var this13 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b4 - 32); a2 = this13; } var this14 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b5 = this14; var this15 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a2.high & b5.high,a2.low & b5.low); sr.w = this15.low; var b6 = 48; b6 &= 63; var a3; if(b6 == 0) { var this16 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a3 = this16; } else if(b6 < 32) { var this17 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b6,v.high << 32 - b6 | v.low >>> b6); a3 = this17; } else { var this18 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b6 - 32); a3 = this18; } var this19 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b7 = this19; var this20 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a3.high & b7.high,a3.low & b7.low); sr.s = this20.low; var b8 = 44; b8 &= 63; var a4; if(b8 == 0) { var this21 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a4 = this21; } else if(b8 < 32) { var this22 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b8,v.high << 32 - b8 | v.low >>> b8); a4 = this22; } else { var this23 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b8 - 32); a4 = this23; } var this24 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b9 = this24; var this25 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a4.high & b9.high,a4.low & b9.low); sr.d = this25.low; var b10 = 40; b10 &= 63; var a5; if(b10 == 0) { var this26 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a5 = this26; } else if(b10 < 32) { var this27 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b10,v.high << 32 - b10 | v.low >>> b10); a5 = this27; } else { var this28 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b10 - 32); a5 = this28; } var this29 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b11 = this29; var this30 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a5.high & b11.high,a5.low & b11.low); sr.t = this30.low; var b12 = 32; b12 &= 63; var a6; if(b12 == 0) { var this31 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a6 = this31; } else if(b12 < 32) { var this32 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b12,v.high << 32 - b12 | v.low >>> b12); a6 = this32; } else { var this33 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b12 - 32); a6 = this33; } var this34 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b13 = this34; var this35 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a6.high & b13.high,a6.low & b13.low); sr.type = this35.low; var b14 = 16; b14 &= 63; var a7; if(b14 == 0) { var this36 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a7 = this36; } else if(b14 < 32) { var this37 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b14,v.high << 32 - b14 | v.low >>> b14); a7 = this37; } else { var this38 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b14 - 32); a7 = this38; } var this39 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,255); var b15 = this39; var this40 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a7.high & b15.high,a7.low & b15.low); sr.b = this40.low; var this41 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,65535); var b16 = this41; var this42 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high & b16.high,v.low & b16.low); sr.n = this42.low; return sr; }; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SamplerRegister.prototype = { b: null ,d: null ,f: null ,m: null ,n: null ,programType: null ,s: null ,t: null ,type: null ,w: null ,toGLSL: function() { var str = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.prefixFromType(this.type,this.programType) + this.n; return str; } ,toSamplerState: function() { var wrap; var filter; var mipfilter; var _g = this.f; switch(_g) { case 0: filter = 5; break; case 1: filter = 4; break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } var _g1 = this.m; switch(_g1) { case 0: mipfilter = 2; break; case 1: mipfilter = 1; break; case 2: mipfilter = 0; break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } var _g2 = this.w; switch(_g2) { case 0: wrap = 0; break; case 1: wrap = 2; break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } var ignoreSampler = (this.s & 4) == 4; var centroid = (this.s & 1) == 1; var textureAlpha = this.t == 2; var lodBias = (this.b << 24 >> 24) / 8.0; return new openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState(wrap,filter,mipfilter,lodBias,ignoreSampler,centroid,textureAlpha); } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SamplerRegister }; var openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.agal._AGALConverter.SourceRegister"] = openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","agal","_AGALConverter","SourceRegister"]; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister.parse = function(v,programType,sourceMask) { var sr = new openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister(); sr.programType = programType; var b = 63; b &= 63; var a; if(b == 0) { var this1 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a = this1; } else if(b < 32) { var this2 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b,v.high << 32 - b | v.low >>> b); a = this2; } else { var this3 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b - 32); a = this3; } var this4 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,1); var b1 = this4; var this5 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a.high & b1.high,a.low & b1.low); sr.d = this5.low; var b2 = 48; b2 &= 63; var a1; if(b2 == 0) { var this6 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a1 = this6; } else if(b2 < 32) { var this7 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b2,v.high << 32 - b2 | v.low >>> b2); a1 = this7; } else { var this8 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b2 - 32); a1 = this8; } var this9 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,3); var b3 = this9; var this10 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a1.high & b3.high,a1.low & b3.low); sr.q = this10.low; var b4 = 40; b4 &= 63; var a2; if(b4 == 0) { var this11 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a2 = this11; } else if(b4 < 32) { var this12 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b4,v.high << 32 - b4 | v.low >>> b4); a2 = this12; } else { var this13 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b4 - 32); a2 = this13; } var this14 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b5 = this14; var this15 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a2.high & b5.high,a2.low & b5.low); sr.itype = this15.low; var b6 = 32; b6 &= 63; var a3; if(b6 == 0) { var this16 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a3 = this16; } else if(b6 < 32) { var this17 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b6,v.high << 32 - b6 | v.low >>> b6); a3 = this17; } else { var this18 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b6 - 32); a3 = this18; } var this19 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,15); var b7 = this19; var this20 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a3.high & b7.high,a3.low & b7.low); sr.type = this20.low; var b8 = 24; b8 &= 63; var a4; if(b8 == 0) { var this21 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a4 = this21; } else if(b8 < 32) { var this22 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b8,v.high << 32 - b8 | v.low >>> b8); a4 = this22; } else { var this23 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b8 - 32); a4 = this23; } var this24 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,255); var b9 = this24; var this25 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a4.high & b9.high,a4.low & b9.low); sr.s = this25.low; var b10 = 16; b10 &= 63; var a5; if(b10 == 0) { var this26 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high,v.low); a5 = this26; } else if(b10 < 32) { var this27 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> b10,v.high << 32 - b10 | v.low >>> b10); a5 = this27; } else { var this28 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high >> 31,v.high >> b10 - 32); a5 = this28; } var this29 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,255); var b11 = this29; var this30 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(a5.high & b11.high,a5.low & b11.low); sr.o = this30.low; var this31 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(0,65535); var b12 = this31; var this32 = new haxe__$Int64__$_$_$Int64(v.high & b12.high,v.low & b12.low); sr.n = this32.low; sr.sourceMask = sourceMask; return sr; }; openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister.prototype = { d: null ,itype: null ,n: null ,o: null ,programType: null ,q: null ,s: null ,sourceMask: null ,type: null ,toGLSL: function(emitSwizzle,offset) { if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } if(emitSwizzle == null) { emitSwizzle = true; } if(this.type == 3) { if(this.programType == openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_ProgramType.VERTEX) { return "gl_Position"; } else { return "gl_FragColor"; } } var fullxyzw = this.s == 228 && this.sourceMask == 15; var swizzle = ""; if(this.type != 5 && !fullxyzw) { var _g = 0; while(_g < 4) { var i = _g++; if((this.sourceMask & 1 << i) != 0) { var _g1 = this.s >> i * 2 & 3; switch(_g1) { case 0: swizzle += "x"; break; case 1: swizzle += "y"; break; case 2: swizzle += "z"; break; case 3: swizzle += "w"; break; } } } } var str = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.prefixFromType(this.type,this.programType); if(this.d == 0) { str += this.n + offset; } else { str += this.o; var indexComponent = String.fromCharCode(HxOverrides.cca("x",0) + this.q); var indexRegister = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.prefixFromType(this.itype,this.programType) + this.n + "." + indexComponent; str += "[ int(" + indexRegister + ") +" + offset + "]"; } if(emitSwizzle && swizzle != "") { str += "." + swizzle; } return str; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_formats_agal__$AGALConverter_SourceRegister }; var openfl__$internal_formats_atf_ATFReader = function(data,byteArrayOffset) { this.version = 0; data.position = byteArrayOffset; var signature = data.readUTFBytes(3); data.position = byteArrayOffset; if(signature != "ATF") { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("ATF signature not found")); } var length = 0; if(data.b[byteArrayOffset + 6] == 255) { this.version = data.b[byteArrayOffset + 7]; data.position = byteArrayOffset + 8; length = this.__readUInt32(data); } else { this.version = 0; data.position = byteArrayOffset + 3; length = this.__readUInt24(data); } if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(js_Boot.__cast(byteArrayOffset + length , Int),openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(data))) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("ATF length exceeds byte array length")); } this.data = data; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.atf.ATFReader"] = openfl__$internal_formats_atf_ATFReader; openfl__$internal_formats_atf_ATFReader.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","atf","ATFReader"]; openfl__$internal_formats_atf_ATFReader.prototype = { atfFormat: null ,cubeMap: null ,data: null ,height: null ,mipCount: null ,version: null ,width: null ,readHeader: function(__width,__height,cubeMap) { var tdata = this.data.readUnsignedByte(); var type = tdata >>> 7; if(!cubeMap && type != 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("ATF Cube map not expected")); } if(cubeMap && type != 1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("ATF Cube map expected")); } this.cubeMap = cubeMap; this.atfFormat = tdata & 127; if(this.atfFormat != 3 && this.atfFormat != 5) { lime_utils_Log.warn("Only ATF block compressed textures without JPEG-XR+LZMA are supported",{ fileName : "ATFReader.hx", lineNumber : 107, className : "openfl._internal.formats.atf.ATFReader", methodName : "readHeader"}); } this.width = 1 << this.data.readUnsignedByte(); this.height = 1 << this.data.readUnsignedByte(); if(this.width != __width || this.height != __height) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("ATF width and height dont match")); } this.mipCount = this.data.readUnsignedByte(); return this.atfFormat == 5; } ,readTextures: function(uploadCallback) { var gpuFormats = this.version < 3 ? 3 : 4; var sideCount = this.cubeMap ? 6 : 1; var _g1 = 0; var _g = sideCount; while(_g1 < _g) { var side = _g1++; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = this.mipCount; while(_g3 < _g2) { var level = _g3++; var _g5 = 0; var _g4 = gpuFormats; while(_g5 < _g4) { var gpuFormat = _g5++; var blockLength = this.version == 0 ? this.__readUInt24(this.data) : this.__readUInt32(this.data); if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(this.data.position + blockLength,openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(this.data))) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Block length exceeds ATF file length")); } if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(blockLength,0)) { var bytes = new haxe_io_Bytes(new ArrayBuffer(blockLength)); this.data.readBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(bytes),0,blockLength); uploadCallback(side,level,gpuFormat,this.width >> level,this.height >> level,blockLength,bytes); } } } } } ,__readUInt24: function(data) { var value = data.readUnsignedByte() << 16; value = value | data.readUnsignedByte() << 8; value = value | data.readUnsignedByte(); return value; } ,__readUInt32: function(data) { var value = data.readUnsignedByte() << 24; value = value | data.readUnsignedByte() << 16; value = value | data.readUnsignedByte() << 8; value = value | data.readUnsignedByte(); return value; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_formats_atf_ATFReader }; var openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.html.HTMLParser"] = openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser; openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","html","HTMLParser"]; openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.parse = function(value,textFormat,textFormatRanges) { value = value.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexBreakTag.r,"\n"); value = value.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexEntities[0].r,"\""); value = value.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexEntities[1].r,"'"); value = value.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexEntities[2].r,"&"); value = value.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexEntities[5].r," "); var segments = value.split("<"); if(segments.length == 1) { value = value.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexHTMLTag.r,""); if(textFormatRanges.get_length() > 1) { textFormatRanges.splice(1,textFormatRanges.get_length() - 1); } value = value.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexEntities[3].r,"<"); value = value.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexEntities[4].r,">"); var range = textFormatRanges.get(0); range.format = textFormat; range.start = 0; range.end = value.length; return value; } else { textFormatRanges.splice(0,textFormatRanges.get_length()); value = ""; var segment; var _g1 = 0; var _g = segments.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; segment = segments[i]; segment = segment.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexEntities[3].r,"<"); segment = segment.replace(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexEntities[4].r,">"); segments[i] = segment; } var formatStack = [textFormat.clone()]; var tagStack = []; var sub; var noLineBreak = false; var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < segments.length) { var segment1 = segments[_g2]; ++_g2; if(segment1 == "") { continue; } var isClosingTag = HxOverrides.substr(segment1,0,1) == "/"; var tagEndIndex = segment1.indexOf(">"); var start = tagEndIndex + 1; var spaceIndex = segment1.indexOf(" "); var tagName = segment1.substring(isClosingTag ? 1 : 0,spaceIndex > -1 && spaceIndex < tagEndIndex ? spaceIndex : tagEndIndex); var format; if(isClosingTag) { if(tagName.toLowerCase() != tagStack[tagStack.length - 1].toLowerCase()) { haxe_Log.trace("Invalid HTML, unexpected closing tag ignored: " + tagName,{ fileName : "HTMLParser.hx", lineNumber : 101, className : "openfl._internal.formats.html.HTMLParser", methodName : "parse"}); continue; } tagStack.pop(); formatStack.pop(); format = formatStack[formatStack.length - 1].clone(); if(tagName.toLowerCase() == "p" && textFormatRanges.get_length() > 0) { value += "\n"; noLineBreak = true; } if(start < segment1.length) { sub = HxOverrides.substr(segment1,start,null); textFormatRanges.push(new openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange(format,value.length,value.length + sub.length)); value += sub; noLineBreak = false; } } else { format = formatStack[formatStack.length - 1].clone(); if(tagEndIndex > -1) { var _g11 = tagName.toLowerCase(); switch(_g11) { case "a": if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexHref.match(segment1)) { format.url = openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexHref); } break; case "b": format.bold = true; break; case "em":case "i": format.italic = true; break; case "font": if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexFace.match(segment1)) { format.font = openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexFace); } if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexColor.match(segment1)) { format.color = Std.parseInt("0x" + openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexColor)); } if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexSize.match(segment1)) { var sizeAttr = openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexSize); var firstChar = HxOverrides.cca(sizeAttr,0); if(firstChar == 43 || firstChar == 45) { var parentFormat = formatStack.length >= 2 ? formatStack[formatStack.length - 2] : textFormat; format.size = parentFormat.size + Std.parseInt(sizeAttr); } else { format.size = Std.parseInt(sizeAttr); } } break; case "p": if(textFormatRanges.get_length() > 0 && !noLineBreak) { value += "\n"; } if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexAlign.match(segment1)) { var align = openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexAlign).toLowerCase(); format.align = openfl_text__$TextFormatAlign_TextFormatAlign_$Impl_$.fromString(align); } break; case "textformat": if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexBlockIndent.match(segment1)) { format.blockIndent = Std.parseInt(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexBlockIndent)); } if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexIndent.match(segment1)) { format.indent = Std.parseInt(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexIndent)); } if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexLeading.match(segment1)) { format.leading = Std.parseInt(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexLeading)); } if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexLeftMargin.match(segment1)) { format.leftMargin = Std.parseInt(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexLeftMargin)); } if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexRightMargin.match(segment1)) { format.rightMargin = Std.parseInt(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexRightMargin)); } if(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexTabStops.match(segment1)) { var values = openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__regexTabStops).split(" "); var tabStops = []; var _g12 = 0; while(_g12 < values.length) { var stop = values[_g12]; ++_g12; tabStops.push(Std.parseInt(stop)); } format.tabStops = tabStops; } break; case "u": format.underline = true; break; } formatStack.push(format); tagStack.push(tagName); if(start < segment1.length) { sub = segment1.substring(start); textFormatRanges.push(new openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange(format,value.length,value.length + sub.length)); value += sub; noLineBreak = false; } } else { textFormatRanges.push(new openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange(format,value.length,value.length + segment1.length)); value += segment1; noLineBreak = false; } } } if(textFormatRanges.get_length() == 0) { textFormatRanges.push(new openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange(formatStack[0],0,0)); } } return value; }; openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.__getAttributeMatch = function(regex) { if(regex.matched(2) != null) { return regex.matched(2); } else { return regex.matched(3); } }; var openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType = $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.swf.FilterType"] = { __ename__ : ["openfl","_internal","formats","swf","FilterType"], __constructs__ : ["BlurFilter","ColorMatrixFilter","DropShadowFilter","GlowFilter"] }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType.BlurFilter = function(blurX,blurY,quality) { var $x = ["BlurFilter",0,blurX,blurY,quality]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType.ColorMatrixFilter = function(matrix) { var $x = ["ColorMatrixFilter",1,matrix]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType.DropShadowFilter = function(distance,angle,color,alpha,blurX,blurY,strength,quality,inner,knockout,hideObject) { var $x = ["DropShadowFilter",2,distance,angle,color,alpha,blurX,blurY,strength,quality,inner,knockout,hideObject]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType.GlowFilter = function(color,alpha,blurX,blurY,strength,quality,inner,knockout) { var $x = ["GlowFilter",3,color,alpha,blurX,blurY,strength,quality,inner,knockout]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_FilterType; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite = function() { this.symbols = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.swf.SWFLite"] = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","swf","SWFLite"]; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.resolveClass = function(name) { var value = Type.resolveClass(name); if(value == null) { value = Type.resolveClass(StringTools.replace(name,"openfl._legacy","openfl")); } if(value == null) { value = Type.resolveClass(StringTools.replace(name,"openfl._v2","openfl")); } return value; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.resolveEnum = function(name) { var value = Type.resolveEnum(name); if(value == null) { value = Type.resolveEnum(StringTools.replace(name,"openfl._legacy","openfl")); } if(value == null) { value = Type.resolveEnum(StringTools.replace(name,"openfl._v2","openfl")); } return value; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.unserialize = function(data) { if(data == null) { return null; } var unserializer = new haxe_Unserializer(data); unserializer.setResolver({ resolveClass : openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.resolveClass, resolveEnum : openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.resolveEnum}); return unserializer.unserialize(); }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.prototype = { frameRate: null ,library: null ,root: null ,symbols: null ,createButton: function(className) { return null; } ,createMovieClip: function(className) { if(className == null) { className = ""; } if(className == "") { return this.root.__createObject(this); } else { var symbol = this.symbols.iterator(); while(symbol.hasNext()) { var symbol1 = symbol.next(); if(symbol1.className == className) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(symbol1,openfl__$internal_symbols_SpriteSymbol)) { return (js_Boot.__cast(symbol1 , openfl__$internal_symbols_SpriteSymbol)).__createObject(this); } } } } return null; } ,getBitmapData: function(className) { var symbol = this.symbols.iterator(); while(symbol.hasNext()) { var symbol1 = symbol.next(); if(symbol1.className == className) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(symbol1,openfl__$internal_symbols_BitmapSymbol)) { var bitmap = symbol1; return openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData(bitmap.path); } } } return null; } ,hasSymbol: function(className) { var symbol = this.symbols.iterator(); while(symbol.hasNext()) { var symbol1 = symbol.next(); if(symbol1.className == className) { return true; } } return false; } ,serialize: function() { var serializer = new haxe_Serializer(); serializer.serialize(this); return serializer.toString(); } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite }; var openfl_utils_AssetLibrary = function() { lime_utils_AssetLibrary.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils.AssetLibrary"] = openfl_utils_AssetLibrary; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","AssetLibrary"]; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.fromBytes = function(bytes,rootPath) { return openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(bytes),rootPath)); }; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.fromFile = function(path,rootPath) { return openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(lime_utils_AssetManifest.fromFile(path,rootPath)); }; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest = function(manifest) { var library = lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(manifest); if(library != null) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(library,openfl_utils_AssetLibrary)) { return library; } else { var _library = new openfl_utils_AssetLibrary(); _library.__proxy = library; return _library; } } else { return null; } }; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromBytes = function(bytes,rootPath) { return lime_utils_AssetManifest.loadFromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(bytes),rootPath).then(function(manifest) { return openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromManifest(manifest); }); }; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromFile = function(path,rootPath) { return lime_utils_AssetManifest.loadFromFile(path,rootPath).then(function(manifest) { return openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromManifest(manifest); }); }; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.loadFromManifest = function(manifest) { var library = openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(manifest); if(library != null) { return library.load().then(function(library1) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(library1); }); } else { return lime_app_Future.withError("Could not load asset manifest"); } }; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.__super__ = lime_utils_AssetLibrary; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype = $extend(lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype,{ __proxy: null ,exists: function(id,type) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.exists(id,type); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.exists.call(this,id,type); } } ,getAsset: function(id,type) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.getAsset(id,type); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getAsset.call(this,id,type); } } ,getAudioBuffer: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.getAudioBuffer(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getAudioBuffer.call(this,id); } } ,getBytes: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.getBytes(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getBytes.call(this,id); } } ,getFont: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.getFont(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getFont.call(this,id); } } ,getImage: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.getImage(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getImage.call(this,id); } } ,getMovieClip: function(id) { return null; } ,getPath: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.getPath(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getPath.call(this,id); } } ,getText: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.getText(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getText.call(this,id); } } ,isLocal: function(id,type) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.isLocal(id,type); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.isLocal.call(this,id,type); } } ,list: function(type) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.list(type); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.list.call(this,type); } } ,loadAsset: function(id,type) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.loadAsset(id,type); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.loadAsset.call(this,id,type); } } ,load: function() { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.load(); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.load.call(this); } } ,loadAudioBuffer: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.loadAudioBuffer(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.loadAudioBuffer.call(this,id); } } ,loadBytes: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.loadBytes(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.loadBytes.call(this,id); } } ,loadFont: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.loadFont(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.loadFont.call(this,id); } } ,loadImage: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.loadImage(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.loadImage.call(this,id); } } ,loadMovieClip: function(id) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(this.getMovieClip(id)); } ,loadText: function(id) { if(this.__proxy != null) { return this.__proxy.loadText(id); } else { return lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.loadText.call(this,id); } } ,unload: function() { if(this.__proxy != null) { this.__proxy.unload(); return; } else { lime_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.unload.call(this); return; } } ,__class__: openfl_utils_AssetLibrary }); var openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLiteLibrary = function(id,uuid) { openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.call(this); this.id = id; this.instanceID = uuid != null ? uuid : id; this.alphaCheck = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.imageClassNames = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.rootPath = ""; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.swf.SWFLiteLibrary"] = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLiteLibrary; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLiteLibrary.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","formats","swf","SWFLiteLibrary"]; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLiteLibrary.__super__ = openfl_utils_AssetLibrary; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLiteLibrary.prototype = $extend(openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype,{ alphaCheck: null ,id: null ,imageClassNames: null ,instanceID: null ,preloading: null ,rootPath: null ,swf: null ,exists: function(id,type) { if(this.swf == null) { return false; } if(id == "" && type == "MOVIE_CLIP") { return true; } if(type == "IMAGE" || type == "MOVIE_CLIP") { if(this.swf != null) { return this.swf.hasSymbol(id); } else { return false; } } return false; } ,getImage: function(id) { var _this = this.imageClassNames; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.imageClassNames; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { id = _this1.getReserved(id); } else { id = _this1.h[id]; } } var _this2 = this.alphaCheck; if(!(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id))) { var symbol = this.swf.symbols.iterator(); while(symbol.hasNext()) { var symbol1 = symbol.next(); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(symbol1,openfl__$internal_symbols_BitmapSymbol) && (js_Boot.__cast(symbol1 , openfl__$internal_symbols_BitmapSymbol)).path == id) { var bitmapSymbol = symbol1; if(bitmapSymbol.alpha != null) { var image = openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getImage.call(this,id); var alpha = openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getImage.call(this,bitmapSymbol.alpha); this.__copyChannel(image,alpha); var _this3 = this.cachedImages; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this3.setReserved(id,image); } else { _this3.h[id] = image; } this.cachedImages.remove(bitmapSymbol.alpha); var _this4 = this.alphaCheck; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this4.setReserved(id,true); } else { _this4.h[id] = true; } return image; } } } } return openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.getImage.call(this,id); } ,getMovieClip: function(id) { if(this.swf != null) { return this.swf.createMovieClip(id); } else { return null; } } ,isLocal: function(id,type) { return true; } ,load: function() { var _gthis = this; if(this.id != null) { var key = this.id; var _this = this.preload; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { _this.setReserved(key,true); } else { _this.h[key] = true; } } var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); this.preloading = true; var onComplete = function(data) { var key1 = _gthis.id; var _this1 = _gthis.cachedText; if(__map_reserved[key1] != null) { _this1.setReserved(key1,data); } else { _this1.h[key1] = data; } _gthis.swf = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.unserialize(data); _gthis.swf.library = _gthis; var bitmapSymbol; var symbol = _gthis.swf.symbols.iterator(); while(symbol.hasNext()) { var symbol1 = symbol.next(); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(symbol1,openfl__$internal_symbols_BitmapSymbol)) { bitmapSymbol = symbol1; if(bitmapSymbol.className != null) { var key2 = bitmapSymbol.className; var value = bitmapSymbol.path; var _this2 = _gthis.imageClassNames; if(__map_reserved[key2] != null) { _this2.setReserved(key2,value); } else { _this2.h[key2] = value; } } } } var key3 = _gthis.instanceID; var value1 = _gthis.swf; var _this3 = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.instances; if(__map_reserved[key3] != null) { _this3.setReserved(key3,value1); } else { _this3.h[key3] = value1; } _gthis.__load().onProgress($bind(promise,promise.progress)).onError($bind(promise,promise.error)).onComplete(function(_) { _gthis.preloading = false; promise.complete(_gthis); }); }; if(openfl_utils_Assets.exists(this.id)) { var id = this.paths.keys(); while(id.hasNext()) { var id1 = id.next(); var _this4 = this.preload; if(__map_reserved[id1] != null) { _this4.setReserved(id1,true); } else { _this4.h[id1] = true; } } this.loadText(this.id).onError($bind(promise,promise.error)).onComplete(onComplete); } else { var id2 = this.paths.keys(); while(id2.hasNext()) { var id3 = id2.next(); var _this5 = this.preload; if(__map_reserved[id3] != null) { _this5.setReserved(id3,true); } else { _this5.h[id3] = true; } } var path = null; var key4 = this.id; var _this6 = this.paths; if(__map_reserved[key4] != null ? _this6.existsReserved(key4) : _this6.h.hasOwnProperty(key4)) { var key5 = this.id; var _this7 = this.paths; if(__map_reserved[key5] != null) { path = _this7.getReserved(key5); } else { path = _this7.h[key5]; } } else if(this.rootPath != null && this.rootPath != "") { path = this.rootPath + "/" + this.id; } else { path = this.id; } var loader = new openfl_net_URLLoader(); loader.addEventListener("complete",function(_1) { onComplete(loader.data); }); loader.addEventListener("ioError",function(e) { promise.error(e); }); loader.load(new openfl_net_URLRequest(path)); } return promise.future; } ,loadImage: function(id) { var _gthis = this; var _this = this.imageClassNames; if(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var _this1 = this.imageClassNames; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { id = _this1.getReserved(id); } else { id = _this1.h[id]; } } var tmp; if(!this.preloading) { var _this2 = this.alphaCheck; tmp = !(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this2.existsReserved(id) : _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(id)); } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var symbol = this.swf.symbols.iterator(); while(symbol.hasNext()) { var symbol1 = symbol.next(); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(symbol1,openfl__$internal_symbols_BitmapSymbol) && (js_Boot.__cast(symbol1 , openfl__$internal_symbols_BitmapSymbol)).path == id) { var bitmapSymbol = [symbol1]; if(bitmapSymbol[0].alpha != null) { var promise = [new lime_app_Promise()]; this.__loadImage(id).onError(($_=promise[0],$bind($_,$_.error))).onComplete((function(promise1,bitmapSymbol1) { return function(image) { _gthis.__loadImage(bitmapSymbol1[0].alpha).onError(($_=promise1[0],$bind($_,$_.error))).onComplete((function(promise2,bitmapSymbol2) { return function(alpha) { _gthis.__copyChannel(image,alpha); var _this3 = _gthis.cachedImages; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this3.setReserved(id,image); } else { _this3.h[id] = image; } _gthis.cachedImages.remove(bitmapSymbol2[0].alpha); var _this4 = _gthis.alphaCheck; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this4.setReserved(id,true); } else { _this4.h[id] = true; } promise2[0].complete(image); }; })(promise1,bitmapSymbol1)); }; })(promise,bitmapSymbol)); return promise[0].future; } } } } return openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.loadImage.call(this,id); } ,unload: function() { if(this.swf == null) { return; } var tmp; var key = this.instanceID; var _this = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.instances; if(__map_reserved[key] != null ? _this.existsReserved(key) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var key1 = this.instanceID; var _this1 = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.instances; tmp = (__map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this1.getReserved(key1) : _this1.h[key1]) == this.swf; } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLite.instances.remove(this.instanceID); } var bitmap; var symbol = this.swf.symbols.iterator(); while(symbol.hasNext()) { var symbol1 = symbol.next(); if(js_Boot.__instanceof(symbol1,openfl__$internal_symbols_BitmapSymbol)) { bitmap = symbol1; openfl_utils_Assets.cache.removeBitmapData(bitmap.path); } } } ,__copyChannel: function(image,alpha) { if(alpha != null) { image.copyChannel(alpha,alpha.get_rect(),new lime_math_Vector2(),lime_graphics_ImageChannel.RED,lime_graphics_ImageChannel.ALPHA); } image.buffer.premultiplied = true; image.set_premultiplied(false); } ,__fromManifest: function(manifest) { this.rootPath = manifest.rootPath; openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.__fromManifest.call(this,manifest); this.bytesTotal = 0; var id = this.paths.keys(); while(id.hasNext()) { var id1 = id.next(); var _this = this.sizes; this.bytesTotal += __map_reserved[id1] != null ? _this.getReserved(id1) : _this.h[id1]; } } ,__load: function() { return openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.load.call(this); } ,__loadImage: function(id) { return openfl_utils_AssetLibrary.prototype.loadImage.call(this,id); } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_formats_swf_SWFLiteLibrary }); var openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand = $hxClasses["openfl._internal.formats.swf.ShapeCommand"] = { __ename__ : ["openfl","_internal","formats","swf","ShapeCommand"], __constructs__ : ["BeginBitmapFill","BeginFill","BeginGradientFill","CurveTo","EndFill","LineStyle","LineTo","MoveTo"] }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.BeginBitmapFill = function(bitmap,matrix,repeat,smooth) { var $x = ["BeginBitmapFill",0,bitmap,matrix,repeat,smooth]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.BeginFill = function(color,alpha) { var $x = ["BeginFill",1,color,alpha]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.BeginGradientFill = function(fillType,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio) { var $x = ["BeginGradientFill",2,fillType,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.CurveTo = function(controlX,controlY,anchorX,anchorY) { var $x = ["CurveTo",3,controlX,controlY,anchorX,anchorY]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.EndFill = ["EndFill",4]; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.EndFill.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.EndFill.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.LineStyle = function(thickness,color,alpha,pixelHinting,scaleMode,caps,joints,miterLimit) { var $x = ["LineStyle",5,thickness,color,alpha,pixelHinting,scaleMode,caps,joints,miterLimit]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.LineTo = function(x,y) { var $x = ["LineTo",6,x,y]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand.MoveTo = function(x,y) { var $x = ["MoveTo",7,x,y]; $x.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_formats_swf_ShapeCommand; $x.toString = $estr; return $x; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer = function() { if(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.empty == null) { this.types = []; this.b = []; this.i = []; this.f = []; this.o = []; this.ff = []; this.ii = []; this.copyOnWrite = true; } else { this.clear(); } }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.DrawCommandBuffer"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","DrawCommandBuffer"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.prototype = { types: null ,b: null ,copyOnWrite: null ,f: null ,ff: null ,i: null ,ii: null ,o: null ,append: function(other) { if(this.get_length() == 0) { this.types = other.types; this.b = other.b; this.i = other.i; this.f = other.f; this.o = other.o; this.ff = other.ff; this.ii = other.ii; this.copyOnWrite = other.copyOnWrite = true; return other; } var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(other); var _g = 0; var _g1 = other.types; while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 0: var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL; var this1 = data; var c = this1; this.beginBitmapFill(c.buffer.o[c.oPos],c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1],c.buffer.b[c.bPos],c.buffer.b[c.bPos + 1]); break; case 1: var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL; var this2 = data; var c1 = this2; this.beginFill(c1.buffer.i[c1.iPos],c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos]); break; case 2: var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL; var this3 = data; var c2 = this3; this.beginGradientFill(c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos],c2.buffer.ii[c2.iiPos],c2.buffer.ff[c2.ffPos],c2.buffer.ii[c2.iiPos + 1],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 1],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 2],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 3],c2.buffer.f[c2.fPos]); break; case 3: var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL; var this4 = data; var c3 = this4; this.beginShaderFill(c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos]); break; case 4: var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO; var this5 = data; var c4 = this5; this.cubicCurveTo(c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 4],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 5]); break; case 5: var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO; var this6 = data; var c5 = this6; this.curveTo(c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 1],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 3]); break; case 6: var _g8 = data.prev; switch(_g8[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE; var this7 = data; var c6 = this7; this.drawCircle(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 2]); break; case 7: var _g9 = data.prev; switch(_g9[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE; var this8 = data; var c7 = this8; this.drawEllipse(c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 2],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 3]); break; case 8: var _g10 = data.prev; switch(_g10[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS; var this9 = data; var c8 = this9; this.drawQuads(c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos],c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos + 1],c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos + 2]); break; case 9: var _g11 = data.prev; switch(_g11[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT; var this10 = data; var c9 = this10; this.drawRect(c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3]); break; case 10: var _g12 = data.prev; switch(_g12[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT; var this11 = data; var c10 = this11; this.drawRoundRect(c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 1],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 2],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 3],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 4],c10.buffer.o[c10.oPos]); break; case 12: var _g13 = data.prev; switch(_g13[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES; var this12 = data; var c11 = this12; this.drawTriangles(c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 1],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 2],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 3]); break; case 13: var _g14 = data.prev; switch(_g14[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL; var this13 = data; var c12 = this13; this.endFill(); break; case 14: var _g15 = data.prev; switch(_g15[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE; var this14 = data; var c13 = this14; this.lineBitmapStyle(c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos],c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos + 1],c13.buffer.b[c13.bPos],c13.buffer.b[c13.bPos + 1]); break; case 15: var _g16 = data.prev; switch(_g16[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE; var this15 = data; var c14 = this15; this.lineGradientStyle(c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos],c14.buffer.ii[c14.iiPos],c14.buffer.ff[c14.ffPos],c14.buffer.ii[c14.iiPos + 1],c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 1],c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 2],c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 3],c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos]); break; case 16: var _g17 = data.prev; switch(_g17[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE; var this16 = data; var c15 = this16; this.lineStyle(c15.buffer.o[c15.oPos],c15.buffer.i[c15.iPos],c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos],c15.buffer.b[c15.bPos],c15.buffer.o[c15.oPos + 1],c15.buffer.o[c15.oPos + 2],c15.buffer.o[c15.oPos + 3],c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos + 1]); break; case 17: var _g18 = data.prev; switch(_g18[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO; var this17 = data; var c16 = this17; this.lineTo(c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos],c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos + 1]); break; case 18: var _g19 = data.prev; switch(_g19[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO; var this18 = data; var c17 = this18; this.moveTo(c17.buffer.f[c17.fPos],c17.buffer.f[c17.fPos + 1]); break; case 20: var _g20 = data.prev; switch(_g20[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_MATRIX; var this19 = data; var c18 = this19; this.overrideMatrix(c18.buffer.o[c18.oPos]); break; case 21: var _g21 = data.prev; switch(_g21[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_EVEN_ODD; var this20 = data; var c19 = this20; this.windingEvenOdd(); break; case 22: var _g22 = data.prev; switch(_g22[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_NON_ZERO; var this21 = data; var c20 = this21; this.windingNonZero(); break; default: } } data.destroy(); return other; } ,beginBitmapFill: function(bitmap,matrix,repeat,smooth) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL); this.o.push(bitmap); this.o.push(matrix); this.b.push(repeat); this.b.push(smooth); } ,beginFill: function(color,alpha) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL); this.i.push(color); this.f.push(alpha); } ,beginGradientFill: function(type,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL); this.o.push(type); this.ii.push(colors); this.ff.push(alphas); this.ii.push(ratios); this.o.push(matrix); this.o.push(spreadMethod); this.o.push(interpolationMethod); this.f.push(focalPointRatio); } ,beginShaderFill: function(shaderBuffer) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL); this.o.push(shaderBuffer); } ,clear: function() { this.types = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.empty.types; this.b = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.empty.b; this.i = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.empty.i; this.f = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.empty.f; this.o = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.empty.o; this.ff = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.empty.ff; this.ii = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer.empty.ii; this.copyOnWrite = true; } ,copy: function() { var copy = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer(); copy.append(this); return copy; } ,cubicCurveTo: function(controlX1,controlY1,controlX2,controlY2,anchorX,anchorY) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO); this.f.push(controlX1); this.f.push(controlY1); this.f.push(controlX2); this.f.push(controlY2); this.f.push(anchorX); this.f.push(anchorY); } ,curveTo: function(controlX,controlY,anchorX,anchorY) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO); this.f.push(controlX); this.f.push(controlY); this.f.push(anchorX); this.f.push(anchorY); } ,destroy: function() { this.clear(); this.types = null; this.b = null; this.i = null; this.f = null; this.o = null; this.ff = null; this.ii = null; } ,drawCircle: function(x,y,radius) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE); this.f.push(x); this.f.push(y); this.f.push(radius); } ,drawEllipse: function(x,y,width,height) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE); this.f.push(x); this.f.push(y); this.f.push(width); this.f.push(height); } ,drawQuads: function(rects,indices,transforms) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS); this.o.push(rects); this.o.push(indices); this.o.push(transforms); } ,drawRect: function(x,y,width,height) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT); this.f.push(x); this.f.push(y); this.f.push(width); this.f.push(height); } ,drawRoundRect: function(x,y,width,height,ellipseWidth,ellipseHeight) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT); this.f.push(x); this.f.push(y); this.f.push(width); this.f.push(height); this.f.push(ellipseWidth); this.o.push(ellipseHeight); } ,drawTriangles: function(vertices,indices,uvtData,culling) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES); this.o.push(vertices); this.o.push(indices); this.o.push(uvtData); this.o.push(culling); } ,endFill: function() { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL); } ,lineBitmapStyle: function(bitmap,matrix,repeat,smooth) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE); this.o.push(bitmap); this.o.push(matrix); this.b.push(repeat); this.b.push(smooth); } ,lineGradientStyle: function(type,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE); this.o.push(type); this.ii.push(colors); this.ff.push(alphas); this.ii.push(ratios); this.o.push(matrix); this.o.push(spreadMethod); this.o.push(interpolationMethod); this.f.push(focalPointRatio); } ,lineStyle: function(thickness,color,alpha,pixelHinting,scaleMode,caps,joints,miterLimit) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE); this.o.push(thickness); this.i.push(color); this.f.push(alpha); this.b.push(pixelHinting); this.o.push(scaleMode); this.o.push(caps); this.o.push(joints); this.f.push(miterLimit); } ,lineTo: function(x,y) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO); this.f.push(x); this.f.push(y); } ,moveTo: function(x,y) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO); this.f.push(x); this.f.push(y); } ,prepareWrite: function() { if(this.copyOnWrite) { this.types = this.types.slice(); this.b = this.b.slice(); this.i = this.i.slice(); this.f = this.f.slice(); this.o = this.o.slice(); this.ff = this.ff.slice(); this.ii = this.ii.slice(); this.copyOnWrite = false; } } ,overrideBlendMode: function(blendMode) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE); this.o.push(blendMode); } ,overrideMatrix: function(matrix) { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_MATRIX); this.o.push(matrix); } ,windingEvenOdd: function() { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_EVEN_ODD); } ,windingNonZero: function() { this.prepareWrite(); this.types.push(openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_NON_ZERO); } ,get_length: function() { return this.types.length; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader = function(buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; this.bPos = this.iPos = this.fPos = this.oPos = this.ffPos = this.iiPos = this.tsPos = 0; this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.UNKNOWN; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.DrawCommandReader"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","DrawCommandReader"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader.prototype = { buffer: null ,bPos: null ,iiPos: null ,iPos: null ,ffPos: null ,fPos: null ,oPos: null ,prev: null ,tsPos: null ,advance: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } } ,bool: function(index) { return this.buffer.b[this.bPos + index]; } ,destroy: function() { this.buffer = null; this.reset(); } ,fArr: function(index) { return this.buffer.ff[this.ffPos + index]; } ,'float': function(index) { return this.buffer.f[this.fPos + index]; } ,iArr: function(index) { return this.buffer.ii[this.iiPos + index]; } ,'int': function(index) { return this.buffer.i[this.iPos + index]; } ,obj: function(index) { return this.buffer.o[this.oPos + index]; } ,readBeginBitmapFill: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readBeginFill: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readBeginGradientFill: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readBeginShaderFill: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readCubicCurveTo: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readCurveTo: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readDrawCircle: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readDrawEllipse: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readDrawQuads: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readDrawRect: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readDrawRoundRect: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readDrawTriangles: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readEndFill: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readLineBitmapStyle: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readLineGradientStyle: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readLineStyle: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readLineTo: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readMoveTo: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readOverrideBlendMode: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readOverrideMatrix: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_MATRIX; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readWindingEvenOdd: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_EVEN_ODD; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,readWindingNonZero: function() { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_NON_ZERO; var this1 = this; return this1; } ,reset: function() { this.bPos = this.iPos = this.fPos = this.oPos = this.ffPos = this.iiPos = this.tsPos = 0; } ,skip: function(type) { var _g = this.prev; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 1: this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 2: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 3: this.oPos += 1; break; case 4: this.fPos += 6; break; case 5: this.fPos += 4; break; case 6: this.fPos += 3; break; case 7: this.fPos += 4; break; case 8: this.oPos += 3; break; case 9: this.fPos += 4; break; case 10: this.fPos += 5; this.oPos += 1; break; case 12: this.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: this.oPos += 2; this.bPos += 2; break; case 15: this.oPos += 4; this.iiPos += 2; this.ffPos += 1; this.fPos += 1; break; case 16: this.oPos += 4; this.iPos += 1; this.fPos += 2; this.bPos += 1; break; case 17: this.fPos += 2; break; case 18: this.fPos += 2; break; case 19: this.oPos += 1; break; case 20: this.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } this.prev = type; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.BeginBitmapFillView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","BeginBitmapFillView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_smooth:"get_smooth",get_repeat:"get_repeat",get_matrix:"get_matrix",get_bitmap:"get_bitmap"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$.get_bitmap = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$.get_matrix = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$.get_repeat = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.b[this1.bPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginBitmapFillView_$Impl_$.get_smooth = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.b[this1.bPos + 1]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginFillView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.BeginFillView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginFillView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginFillView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","BeginFillView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginFillView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_alpha:"get_alpha",get_color:"get_color"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginFillView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginFillView_$Impl_$.get_color = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.i[this1.iPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginFillView_$Impl_$.get_alpha = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.BeginGradientFillView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","BeginGradientFillView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_focalPointRatio:"get_focalPointRatio",get_interpolationMethod:"get_interpolationMethod",get_spreadMethod:"get_spreadMethod",get_matrix:"get_matrix",get_ratios:"get_ratios",get_alphas:"get_alphas",get_colors:"get_colors",get_type:"get_type"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.get_type = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.get_colors = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.ii[this1.iiPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.get_alphas = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.ff[this1.ffPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.get_ratios = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.ii[this1.iiPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.get_matrix = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.get_spreadMethod = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.get_interpolationMethod = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 3]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginGradientFillView_$Impl_$.get_focalPointRatio = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginShaderFillView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.BeginShaderFillView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginShaderFillView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginShaderFillView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","BeginShaderFillView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginShaderFillView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_shaderBuffer:"get_shaderBuffer"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginShaderFillView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_BeginShaderFillView_$Impl_$.get_shaderBuffer = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.CubicCurveToView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","CubicCurveToView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_anchorY:"get_anchorY",get_anchorX:"get_anchorX",get_controlY2:"get_controlY2",get_controlX2:"get_controlX2",get_controlY1:"get_controlY1",get_controlX1:"get_controlX1"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$.get_controlX1 = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$.get_controlY1 = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$.get_controlX2 = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$.get_controlY2 = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 3]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$.get_anchorX = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 4]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CubicCurveToView_$Impl_$.get_anchorY = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 5]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.CurveToView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","CurveToView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_anchorY:"get_anchorY",get_anchorX:"get_anchorX",get_controlY:"get_controlY",get_controlX:"get_controlX"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$.get_controlX = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$.get_controlY = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$.get_anchorX = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_CurveToView_$Impl_$.get_anchorY = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 3]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawCircleView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.DrawCircleView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawCircleView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawCircleView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","DrawCircleView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawCircleView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_radius:"get_radius",get_y:"get_y",get_x:"get_x"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawCircleView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawCircleView_$Impl_$.get_x = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawCircleView_$Impl_$.get_y = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawCircleView_$Impl_$.get_radius = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 2]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.DrawEllipseView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","DrawEllipseView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_height:"get_height",get_width:"get_width",get_y:"get_y",get_x:"get_x"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$.get_x = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$.get_y = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$.get_width = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawEllipseView_$Impl_$.get_height = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 3]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawQuadsView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.DrawQuadsView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawQuadsView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawQuadsView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","DrawQuadsView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawQuadsView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_transforms:"get_transforms",get_indices:"get_indices",get_rects:"get_rects"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawQuadsView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawQuadsView_$Impl_$.get_rects = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawQuadsView_$Impl_$.get_indices = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawQuadsView_$Impl_$.get_transforms = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 2]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.DrawRectView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","DrawRectView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_height:"get_height",get_width:"get_width",get_y:"get_y",get_x:"get_x"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$.get_x = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$.get_y = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$.get_width = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRectView_$Impl_$.get_height = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 3]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.DrawRoundRectView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","DrawRoundRectView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_ellipseHeight:"get_ellipseHeight",get_ellipseWidth:"get_ellipseWidth",get_height:"get_height",get_width:"get_width",get_y:"get_y",get_x:"get_x"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$.get_x = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$.get_y = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$.get_width = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$.get_height = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 3]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$.get_ellipseWidth = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 4]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawRoundRectView_$Impl_$.get_ellipseHeight = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.DrawTrianglesView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","DrawTrianglesView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_culling:"get_culling",get_uvtData:"get_uvtData",get_indices:"get_indices",get_vertices:"get_vertices"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$.get_vertices = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$.get_indices = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$.get_uvtData = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_DrawTrianglesView_$Impl_$.get_culling = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 3]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_EndFillView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.EndFillView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_EndFillView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_EndFillView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","EndFillView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_EndFillView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.LineBitmapStyleView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","LineBitmapStyleView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_smooth:"get_smooth",get_repeat:"get_repeat",get_matrix:"get_matrix",get_bitmap:"get_bitmap"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$.get_bitmap = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$.get_matrix = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$.get_repeat = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.b[this1.bPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineBitmapStyleView_$Impl_$.get_smooth = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.b[this1.bPos + 1]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.LineGradientStyleView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","LineGradientStyleView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_focalPointRatio:"get_focalPointRatio",get_interpolationMethod:"get_interpolationMethod",get_spreadMethod:"get_spreadMethod",get_matrix:"get_matrix",get_ratios:"get_ratios",get_alphas:"get_alphas",get_colors:"get_colors",get_type:"get_type"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.get_type = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.get_colors = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.ii[this1.iiPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.get_alphas = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.ff[this1.ffPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.get_ratios = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.ii[this1.iiPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.get_matrix = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.get_spreadMethod = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.get_interpolationMethod = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 3]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineGradientStyleView_$Impl_$.get_focalPointRatio = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.LineStyleView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","LineStyleView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_miterLimit:"get_miterLimit",get_joints:"get_joints",get_caps:"get_caps",get_scaleMode:"get_scaleMode",get_pixelHinting:"get_pixelHinting",get_alpha:"get_alpha",get_color:"get_color",get_thickness:"get_thickness"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.get_thickness = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.get_color = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.i[this1.iPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.get_alpha = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.get_pixelHinting = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.b[this1.bPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.get_scaleMode = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 1]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.get_caps = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 2]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.get_joints = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos + 3]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineStyleView_$Impl_$.get_miterLimit = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineToView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.LineToView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineToView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineToView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","LineToView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineToView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_y:"get_y",get_x:"get_x"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineToView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineToView_$Impl_$.get_x = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_LineToView_$Impl_$.get_y = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_MoveToView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.MoveToView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_MoveToView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_MoveToView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","MoveToView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_MoveToView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_y:"get_y",get_x:"get_x"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_MoveToView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_MoveToView_$Impl_$.get_x = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos]; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_MoveToView_$Impl_$.get_y = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.f[this1.fPos + 1]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideBlendModeView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.OverrideBlendModeView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideBlendModeView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideBlendModeView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","OverrideBlendModeView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideBlendModeView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_blendMode:"get_blendMode"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideBlendModeView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideBlendModeView_$Impl_$.get_blendMode = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideMatrixView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.OverrideMatrixView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideMatrixView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideMatrixView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","OverrideMatrixView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideMatrixView_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_matrix:"get_matrix"}; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideMatrixView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_OverrideMatrixView_$Impl_$.get_matrix = function(this1) { return this1.buffer.o[this1.oPos]; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_WindingEvenOddView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.WindingEvenOddView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_WindingEvenOddView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_WindingEvenOddView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","WindingEvenOddView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_WindingEvenOddView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_WindingNonZeroView_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer._DrawCommandReader.WindingNonZeroView_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_WindingNonZeroView_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_WindingNonZeroView_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","_DrawCommandReader","WindingNonZeroView_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_renderer__$DrawCommandReader_WindingNonZeroView_$Impl_$._new = function(d) { var this1 = d; return this1; }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType = $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.DrawCommandType"] = { __ename__ : ["openfl","_internal","renderer","DrawCommandType"], __constructs__ : ["BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL","BEGIN_FILL","BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL","BEGIN_SHADER_FILL","CUBIC_CURVE_TO","CURVE_TO","DRAW_CIRCLE","DRAW_ELLIPSE","DRAW_QUADS","DRAW_RECT","DRAW_ROUND_RECT","DRAW_TILES","DRAW_TRIANGLES","END_FILL","LINE_BITMAP_STYLE","LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE","LINE_STYLE","LINE_TO","MOVE_TO","OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE","OVERRIDE_MATRIX","WINDING_EVEN_ODD","WINDING_NON_ZERO","UNKNOWN"] }; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL = ["BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL",0]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL = ["BEGIN_FILL",1]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL = ["BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL",2]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL = ["BEGIN_SHADER_FILL",3]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO = ["CUBIC_CURVE_TO",4]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO = ["CURVE_TO",5]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE = ["DRAW_CIRCLE",6]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE = ["DRAW_ELLIPSE",7]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS = ["DRAW_QUADS",8]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT = ["DRAW_RECT",9]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT = ["DRAW_ROUND_RECT",10]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TILES = ["DRAW_TILES",11]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TILES.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TILES.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES = ["DRAW_TRIANGLES",12]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL = ["END_FILL",13]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE = ["LINE_BITMAP_STYLE",14]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE = ["LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE",15]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE = ["LINE_STYLE",16]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO = ["LINE_TO",17]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO = ["MOVE_TO",18]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE = ["OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE",19]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_MATRIX = ["OVERRIDE_MATRIX",20]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_MATRIX.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_MATRIX.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_EVEN_ODD = ["WINDING_EVEN_ODD",21]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_EVEN_ODD.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_EVEN_ODD.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_NON_ZERO = ["WINDING_NON_ZERO",22]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_NON_ZERO.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_NON_ZERO.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.UNKNOWN = ["UNKNOWN",23]; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.UNKNOWN.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.UNKNOWN.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType; var openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState = function(wrap,filter,mipfilter,lodBias,ignoreSampler,centroid,textureAlpha) { if(textureAlpha == null) { textureAlpha = false; } if(centroid == null) { centroid = false; } if(ignoreSampler == null) { ignoreSampler = false; } if(lodBias == null) { lodBias = 0.0; } if(mipfilter == null) { mipfilter = 2; } if(filter == null) { filter = 5; } if(wrap == null) { wrap = 0; } this.wrap = wrap; this.filter = filter; this.mipfilter = mipfilter; this.lodBias = lodBias; this.ignoreSampler = ignoreSampler; this.centroid = centroid; this.textureAlpha = textureAlpha; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.SamplerState"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState; openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","SamplerState"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState.prototype = { centroid: null ,filter: null ,ignoreSampler: null ,lodBias: null ,mipfilter: null ,mipmapGenerated: null ,textureAlpha: null ,wrap: null ,clone: function() { var copy = new openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState(this.wrap,this.filter,this.mipfilter,this.lodBias,this.ignoreSampler,this.centroid,this.textureAlpha); copy.mipmapGenerated = this.mipmapGenerated; return copy; } ,copyFrom: function(other) { if(other == null || other.ignoreSampler) { return; } this.wrap = other.wrap; this.filter = other.filter; this.mipfilter = other.mipfilter; this.lodBias = other.lodBias; this.centroid = other.centroid; this.textureAlpha = other.textureAlpha; } ,equals: function(other) { if(other == null) { return false; } if(this.wrap == other.wrap && this.filter == other.filter && this.mipfilter == other.mipfilter && this.lodBias == other.lodBias) { return this.textureAlpha == other.textureAlpha; } else { return false; } } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_ShaderBuffer = function() { this.inputRefs = []; this.inputFilter = []; this.inputMipFilter = []; this.inputs = []; this.inputWrap = []; this.overrideIntNames = []; this.overrideIntValues = []; this.overrideFloatNames = []; this.overrideFloatValues = []; this.overrideBoolNames = []; this.overrideBoolValues = []; this.paramLengths = []; this.paramPositions = []; this.paramRefs_Bool = []; this.paramRefs_Float = []; this.paramRefs_Int = []; this.paramTypes = []; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.ShaderBuffer"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_ShaderBuffer; openfl__$internal_renderer_ShaderBuffer.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","ShaderBuffer"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_ShaderBuffer.prototype = { inputCount: null ,inputRefs: null ,inputFilter: null ,inputMipFilter: null ,inputs: null ,inputWrap: null ,overrideBoolCount: null ,overrideBoolNames: null ,overrideBoolValues: null ,overrideFloatCount: null ,overrideFloatNames: null ,overrideFloatValues: null ,overrideIntCount: null ,overrideIntNames: null ,overrideIntValues: null ,paramBoolCount: null ,paramCount: null ,paramData: null ,paramDataBuffer: null ,paramDataLength: null ,paramFloatCount: null ,paramIntCount: null ,paramLengths: null ,paramPositions: null ,paramRefs_Bool: null ,paramRefs_Float: null ,paramRefs_Int: null ,paramTypes: null ,shader: null ,addBoolOverride: function(name,values) { this.overrideBoolNames[this.overrideBoolCount] = name; this.overrideBoolValues[this.overrideBoolCount] = values; this.overrideBoolCount++; } ,addFloatOverride: function(name,values) { this.overrideFloatNames[this.overrideFloatCount] = name; this.overrideFloatValues[this.overrideFloatCount] = values; this.overrideFloatCount++; } ,addIntOverride: function(name,values) { this.overrideIntNames[this.overrideIntCount] = name; this.overrideIntValues[this.overrideIntCount] = values; this.overrideIntCount++; } ,clearOverride: function() { this.overrideIntCount = 0; this.overrideFloatCount = 0; this.overrideBoolCount = 0; } ,update: function(shader) { this.inputCount = 0; this.overrideIntCount = 0; this.overrideFloatCount = 0; this.overrideBoolCount = 0; this.paramBoolCount = 0; this.paramCount = 0; this.paramDataLength = 0; this.paramFloatCount = 0; this.paramIntCount = 0; this.shader = null; if(shader == null) { return; } shader.__init(); this.inputCount = shader.__inputBitmapData.length; var input; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.inputCount; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; input = shader.__inputBitmapData[i]; this.inputs[i] = input.input; this.inputFilter[i] = input.filter; this.inputMipFilter[i] = input.mipFilter; this.inputRefs[i] = input; this.inputWrap[i] = input.wrap; } var boolCount = shader.__paramBool.length; var floatCount = shader.__paramFloat.length; var intCount = shader.__paramInt.length; this.paramCount = boolCount + floatCount + intCount; this.paramBoolCount = boolCount; this.paramFloatCount = floatCount; this.paramIntCount = intCount; var paramLength = 0; var length = 0; var p = 0; var param; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = boolCount; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; param = shader.__paramBool[i1]; this.paramPositions[p] = this.paramDataLength; if(param.value != null) { length = param.value.length; } else { length = 0; } this.paramLengths[p] = length; this.paramDataLength += length; this.paramTypes[p] = 0; this.paramRefs_Bool[i1] = param; ++p; } var param1; var _g12 = 0; var _g3 = floatCount; while(_g12 < _g3) { var i2 = _g12++; param1 = shader.__paramFloat[i2]; this.paramPositions[p] = this.paramDataLength; if(param1.value != null) { length = param1.value.length; } else { length = 0; } this.paramLengths[p] = length; this.paramDataLength += length; this.paramTypes[p] = 1; this.paramRefs_Float[i2] = param1; ++p; } var param2; var _g13 = 0; var _g4 = intCount; while(_g13 < _g4) { var i3 = _g13++; param2 = shader.__paramInt[i3]; this.paramPositions[p] = this.paramDataLength; if(param2.value != null) { length = param2.value.length; } else { length = 0; } this.paramLengths[p] = length; this.paramDataLength += length; this.paramTypes[p] = 2; this.paramRefs_Int[i3] = param2; ++p; } if(this.paramDataLength > 0) { if(this.paramData == null) { var elements = this.paramDataLength; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Float32Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } this.paramData = this1; } else if(this.paramDataLength > this.paramData.length) { var elements1 = this.paramDataLength; var this2; if(elements1 != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(elements1); } else { this2 = null; } var data = this2; data.set(this.paramData); this.paramData = data; } } var boolIndex = 0; var floatIndex = 0; var intIndex = 0; var paramPosition = 0; var boolParam; var floatParam; var intParam; var length1; var _g14 = 0; var _g5 = this.paramCount; while(_g14 < _g5) { var i4 = _g14++; length1 = this.paramLengths[i4]; if(i4 < boolCount) { boolParam = this.paramRefs_Bool[boolIndex]; ++boolIndex; var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = length1; while(_g31 < _g21) { var j = _g31++; this.paramData[paramPosition] = boolParam.value[j] ? 1 : 0; ++paramPosition; } } else if(i4 < boolCount + floatCount) { floatParam = this.paramRefs_Float[floatIndex]; ++floatIndex; var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = length1; while(_g32 < _g22) { var j1 = _g32++; this.paramData[paramPosition] = floatParam.value[j1]; ++paramPosition; } } else { intParam = this.paramRefs_Int[intIndex]; ++intIndex; var _g33 = 0; var _g23 = length1; while(_g33 < _g23) { var j2 = _g33++; this.paramData[paramPosition] = intParam.value[j2]; ++paramPosition; } } } this.shader = shader; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_renderer_ShaderBuffer }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoBitmap = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.cairo.CairoBitmap"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoBitmap; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoBitmap.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","cairo","CairoBitmap"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoBitmap.render = function(bitmap,renderer) { if(!bitmap.__renderable) { return; } var alpha = renderer.__getAlpha(bitmap.__worldAlpha); if(alpha > 0 && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid) { var cairo = renderer.cairo; renderer.__setBlendMode(bitmap.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap); renderer.applyMatrix(bitmap.__renderTransform,cairo); var surface = bitmap.__bitmapData.getSurface(); if(surface != null) { var pattern = lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.createForSurface(surface); lime_graphics_cairo__$CairoPattern_CairoPattern_$Impl_$.set_filter(pattern,renderer.__allowSmoothing && bitmap.smoothing ? 1 : 3); cairo.set_source(pattern); if(alpha == 1) { cairo.paint(); } else { cairo.paintWithAlpha(alpha); } } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap); } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoDisplayObject = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.cairo.CairoDisplayObject"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoDisplayObject; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoDisplayObject.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","cairo","CairoDisplayObject"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoDisplayObject.render = function(displayObject,renderer) { }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoGraphics = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.cairo.CairoGraphics"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoGraphics; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoGraphics.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","cairo","CairoGraphics"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoGraphics.hitTest = function(graphics,x,y) { return false; }; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoGraphics.render = function(graphics,renderer) { }; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoGraphics.renderMask = function(graphics,renderer) { }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoTextField = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.cairo.CairoTextField"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoTextField; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoTextField.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","cairo","CairoTextField"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_cairo_CairoTextField.render = function(textField,renderer,transform) { }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasBitmap = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.canvas.CanvasBitmap"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasBitmap; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasBitmap.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","canvas","CanvasBitmap"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasBitmap.render = function(bitmap,renderer) { if(!bitmap.__renderable) { return; } var alpha = renderer.__getAlpha(bitmap.__worldAlpha); if(alpha > 0 && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid && bitmap.__bitmapData.readable) { var context = renderer.context; renderer.__setBlendMode(bitmap.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap,false); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(bitmap.__bitmapData.image); context.globalAlpha = alpha; var scrollRect = bitmap.__scrollRect; renderer.setTransform(bitmap.__renderTransform,context); if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } if(scrollRect == null) { context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),0,0,bitmap.__bitmapData.image.width,bitmap.__bitmapData.image.height); } else { context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),scrollRect.x,scrollRect.y,scrollRect.width,scrollRect.height); } if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap,false); } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasDisplayObject = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.canvas.CanvasDisplayObject"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasDisplayObject; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasDisplayObject.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","canvas","CanvasDisplayObject"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasDisplayObject.render = function(displayObject,renderer) { if(displayObject.opaqueBackground == null && displayObject.__graphics == null) { return; } if(!displayObject.__renderable) { return; } var alpha = renderer.__getAlpha(displayObject.__worldAlpha); if(alpha <= 0) { return; } if(displayObject.opaqueBackground != null && !displayObject.__isCacheBitmapRender && displayObject.get_width() > 0 && displayObject.get_height() > 0) { renderer.__setBlendMode(displayObject.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(displayObject); var context = renderer.context; renderer.setTransform(displayObject.__renderTransform,context); var color = displayObject.opaqueBackground; context.fillStyle = "rgb(" + (color >>> 16 & 255) + "," + (color >>> 8 & 255) + "," + (color & 255) + ")"; context.fillRect(0,0,displayObject.get_width(),displayObject.get_height()); renderer.__popMaskObject(displayObject); } if(displayObject.__graphics != null) { if(!(!displayObject.__renderable)) { var alpha1 = renderer.__getAlpha(displayObject.__worldAlpha); if(!(alpha1 <= 0)) { var graphics = displayObject.__graphics; if(graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer); var bounds = graphics.__bounds; var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if(graphics.__canvas != null) { var context1 = renderer.context; var scrollRect = displayObject.__scrollRect; if(width > 0 && height > 0 && (scrollRect == null || scrollRect.width > 0 && scrollRect.height > 0)) { renderer.__setBlendMode(displayObject.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(displayObject); context1.globalAlpha = alpha1; renderer.setTransform(graphics.__worldTransform,context1); if(renderer.__isDOM) { var reverseScale = 1 / renderer.pixelRatio; context1.scale(reverseScale,reverseScale); } context1.drawImage(graphics.__canvas,0,0,width,height); renderer.__popMaskObject(displayObject); } } } } } } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.canvas.CanvasGraphics"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","canvas","CanvasGraphics"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.allowSmoothing = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapStroke = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapRepeat = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.graphics = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.worldAlpha = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTestCanvas = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTestContext = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.closePath = function(strokeBefore) { if(strokeBefore == null) { strokeBefore = false; } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.strokeStyle == null) { return; } if(!strokeBefore) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.closePath(); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.stroke(); if(strokeBefore) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.closePath(); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.beginPath(); }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createBitmapFill = function(bitmap,bitmapRepeat,smooth) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(bitmap.image); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.setSmoothing(smooth); return openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.createPattern(bitmap.image.get_src(),bitmapRepeat ? "repeat" : "no-repeat"); }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createGradientPattern = function(type,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio) { var gradientFill = null; var point = null; var point2 = null; var releaseMatrix = false; if(matrix == null) { matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); releaseMatrix = true; } switch(type) { case 0: point = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); point.setTo(-819.2,0); var px = point.x; var py = point.y; point.x = px * matrix.a + py * matrix.c + matrix.tx; point.y = px * matrix.b + py * matrix.d + matrix.ty; point2 = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); point2.setTo(819.2,0); var px1 = point2.x; var py1 = point2.y; point2.x = px1 * matrix.a + py1 * matrix.c + matrix.tx; point2.y = px1 * matrix.b + py1 * matrix.d + matrix.ty; gradientFill = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.createLinearGradient(point.x,point.y,point2.x,point2.y); break; case 1: point = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); point.setTo(1638.4,0); var px2 = point.x; var py2 = point.y; point.x = px2 * matrix.a + py2 * matrix.c + matrix.tx; point.y = px2 * matrix.b + py2 * matrix.d + matrix.ty; gradientFill = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.createRadialGradient(matrix.tx,matrix.ty,0,matrix.tx,matrix.ty,Math.abs((point.x - matrix.tx) / 2)); break; } var rgb; var alpha; var r; var g; var b; var ratio; var _g1 = 0; var _g = colors.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; rgb = colors[i]; alpha = alphas[i]; r = (rgb & 16711680) >>> 16; g = (rgb & 65280) >>> 8; b = rgb & 255; ratio = ratios[i] / 255; if(ratio < 0) { ratio = 0; } if(ratio > 1) { ratio = 1; } gradientFill.addColorStop(ratio,"rgba(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + alpha + ")"); } if(point != null) { openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(point); } if(point2 != null) { openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(point2); } if(releaseMatrix) { openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); } return gradientFill; }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createTempPatternCanvas = function(bitmap,repeat,width,height) { var canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; var tmp = bitmap.image.get_src(); context.fillStyle = context.createPattern(tmp,repeat ? "repeat" : "no-repeat"); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0,0); context.lineTo(0,height); context.lineTo(width,height); context.lineTo(width,0); context.lineTo(0,0); context.closePath(); if(!openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting) { context.fill(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule); } return canvas; }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.drawRoundRect = function(x,y,width,height,ellipseWidth,ellipseHeight) { if(ellipseHeight == null) { ellipseHeight = ellipseWidth; } ellipseWidth *= 0.5; ellipseHeight *= 0.5; if(ellipseWidth > width / 2) { ellipseWidth = width / 2; } if(ellipseHeight > height / 2) { ellipseHeight = height / 2; } var xe = x + width; var ye = y + height; var cx1 = -ellipseWidth + ellipseWidth * openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.SIN45; var cx2 = -ellipseWidth + ellipseWidth * openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.TAN22; var cy1 = -ellipseHeight + ellipseHeight * openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.SIN45; var cy2 = -ellipseHeight + ellipseHeight * openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.TAN22; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(xe,ye - ellipseHeight); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(xe,ye + cy2,xe + cx1,ye + cy1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(xe + cx2,ye,xe - ellipseWidth,ye); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(x + ellipseWidth,ye); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(x - cx2,ye,x - cx1,ye + cy1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(x,ye + cy2,x,ye - ellipseHeight); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(x,y + ellipseHeight); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(x,y - cy2,x - cx1,y - cy1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(x - cx2,y,x + ellipseWidth,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(xe - ellipseWidth,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(xe + cx2,y,xe + cx1,y - cy1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(xe,y - cy2,xe,y + ellipseHeight); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(xe,ye - ellipseHeight); }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endFill = function() { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.playCommands(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands,false); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.clear(); }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endStroke = function() { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.playCommands(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands,true); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.closePath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.clear(); }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTest = function(graphics,x,y) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds = graphics.__bounds; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.graphics = graphics; if(graphics.__commands.get_length() == 0 || openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds == null || openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.width <= 0 || openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.height <= 0) { return false; } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting = true; var transform = graphics.__renderTransform; var px = x * transform.a + y * transform.c + transform.tx; var py = x * transform.b + y * transform.d + transform.ty; x = px; y = py; x -= openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.x * transform.a + openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.y * transform.c + transform.tx; y -= openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.x * transform.b + openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.y * transform.d + transform.ty; var cacheCanvas = graphics.__canvas; var cacheContext = graphics.__context; graphics.__canvas = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTestCanvas; graphics.__context = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTestContext; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context = graphics.__context; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.setTransform(transform.a,transform.b,transform.c,transform.d,transform.tx,transform.ty); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.clear(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.clear(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapRepeat = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "evenodd"; var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(graphics.__commands); var _g = 0; var _g1 = graphics.__commands.types; while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3: openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endFill(); if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.isPointInPath(x,y,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule)) { data.destroy(); graphics.__canvas = cacheCanvas; graphics.__context = cacheContext; return true; } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endStroke(); if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.isPointInStroke(x,y)) { data.destroy(); graphics.__canvas = cacheCanvas; graphics.__context = cacheContext; return true; } if(type == openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL) { var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL; var this1 = data; var c = this1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.beginBitmapFill(c.buffer.o[c.oPos],c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1],c.buffer.b[c.bPos],c.buffer.b[c.bPos + 1]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.beginBitmapFill(c.buffer.o[c.oPos],c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1],c.buffer.b[c.bPos],c.buffer.b[c.bPos + 1]); } else if(type == openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL) { var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL; var this2 = data; var c1 = this2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.beginGradientFill(c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos],c1.buffer.ii[c1.iiPos],c1.buffer.ff[c1.ffPos],c1.buffer.ii[c1.iiPos + 1],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 1],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 2],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 3],c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.beginGradientFill(c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos],c1.buffer.ii[c1.iiPos],c1.buffer.ff[c1.ffPos],c1.buffer.ii[c1.iiPos + 1],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 1],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 2],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 3],c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos]); } else if(type == openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL) { var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL; var this3 = data; var c2 = this3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.beginShaderFill(c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.beginShaderFill(c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos]); } else { var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL; var this4 = data; var c3 = this4; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.beginFill(c3.buffer.i[c3.iPos],1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.beginFill(c3.buffer.i[c3.iPos],1); } break; case 4: var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO; var this5 = data; var c4 = this5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.cubicCurveTo(c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 4],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 5]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.cubicCurveTo(c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 4],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 5]); break; case 5: var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO; var this6 = data; var c5 = this6; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.curveTo(c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 1],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 3]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.curveTo(c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 1],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 3]); break; case 6: var _g8 = data.prev; switch(_g8[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE; var this7 = data; var c6 = this7; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawCircle(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 2]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.drawCircle(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 2]); break; case 7: var _g9 = data.prev; switch(_g9[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE; var this8 = data; var c7 = this8; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawEllipse(c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 2],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 3]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.drawEllipse(c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 2],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 3]); break; case 9: var _g10 = data.prev; switch(_g10[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT; var this9 = data; var c8 = this9; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawRect(c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 1],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 2],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 3]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.drawRect(c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 1],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 2],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 3]); break; case 10: var _g11 = data.prev; switch(_g11[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT; var this10 = data; var c9 = this10; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawRoundRect(c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 4],c9.buffer.o[c9.oPos]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.drawRoundRect(c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 4],c9.buffer.o[c9.oPos]); break; case 13: var _g12 = data.prev; switch(_g12[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL; var this11 = data; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endFill(); if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.isPointInPath(x,y,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule)) { data.destroy(); graphics.__canvas = cacheCanvas; graphics.__context = cacheContext; return true; } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endStroke(); if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.isPointInStroke(x,y)) { data.destroy(); graphics.__canvas = cacheCanvas; graphics.__context = cacheContext; return true; } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = null; break; case 14: var _g13 = data.prev; switch(_g13[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE; var this12 = data; var c10 = this12; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.lineBitmapStyle(c10.buffer.o[c10.oPos],c10.buffer.o[c10.oPos + 1],c10.buffer.b[c10.bPos],c10.buffer.b[c10.bPos + 1]); break; case 15: var _g14 = data.prev; switch(_g14[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE; var this13 = data; var c11 = this13; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.lineGradientStyle(c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos],c11.buffer.ii[c11.iiPos],c11.buffer.ff[c11.ffPos],c11.buffer.ii[c11.iiPos + 1],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 1],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 2],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 3],c11.buffer.f[c11.fPos]); break; case 16: var _g15 = data.prev; switch(_g15[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE; var this14 = data; var c12 = this14; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.lineStyle(c12.buffer.o[c12.oPos],c12.buffer.i[c12.iPos],1,c12.buffer.b[c12.bPos],c12.buffer.o[c12.oPos + 1],c12.buffer.o[c12.oPos + 2],c12.buffer.o[c12.oPos + 3],c12.buffer.f[c12.fPos + 1]); break; case 17: var _g16 = data.prev; switch(_g16[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO; var this15 = data; var c13 = this15; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.lineTo(c13.buffer.f[c13.fPos],c13.buffer.f[c13.fPos + 1]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.lineTo(c13.buffer.f[c13.fPos],c13.buffer.f[c13.fPos + 1]); break; case 18: var _g17 = data.prev; switch(_g17[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO; var this16 = data; var c14 = this16; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.moveTo(c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos],c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos + 1]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.moveTo(c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos],c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos + 1]); break; case 21: openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "evenodd"; break; case 22: openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "nonzero"; break; default: var _g18 = data.prev; switch(_g18[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } } var hitTest = false; if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.get_length() > 0) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endFill(); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.isPointInPath(x,y,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule)) { hitTest = true; } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.get_length() > 0) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endStroke(); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.isPointInStroke(x,y)) { hitTest = true; } data.destroy(); graphics.__canvas = cacheCanvas; graphics.__context = cacheContext; return hitTest; } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.isCCW = function(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) { return (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1) * (x3 - x1) < 0; }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.normalizeUVT = function(uvt,skipT) { if(skipT == null) { skipT = false; } var max = -Infinity; var tmp = -Infinity; var len = uvt.get_length(); var _g1 = 1; var _g = len + 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var t = _g1++; if(skipT && t % 3 == 0) { continue; } tmp = uvt.get(t - 1); if(max < tmp) { max = tmp; } } if(!skipT) { return { max : max, uvt : uvt}; } var result = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); var _g11 = 1; var _g2 = len + 1; while(_g11 < _g2) { var t1 = _g11++; if(skipT && t1 % 3 == 0) { continue; } result.push(uvt.get(t1 - 1)); } return { max : max, uvt : result}; }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.playCommands = function(commands,stroke) { if(stroke == null) { stroke = false; } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.graphics.__bounds; var offsetX = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.x; var offsetY = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.y; var positionX = 0.0; var positionY = 0.0; var closeGap = false; var startX = 0.0; var startY = 0.0; var setStart = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "evenodd"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.setSmoothing(true); var hasPath = false; var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(commands); var x; var y; var width; var height; var kappa = .5522848; var ox; var oy; var xe; var ye; var xm; var ym; var r; var g; var b; var optimizationUsed; var canOptimizeMatrix; var st; var sr; var sb; var sl; var stl = null; var sbr = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = commands.types; try { while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 0: var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL; var this1 = data; var c = this1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = c.buffer.o[c.oPos]; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fillStyle = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createBitmapFill(c.buffer.o[c.oPos],c.buffer.b[c.bPos],c.buffer.b[c.bPos + 1]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = true; if(c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1] != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix = c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1]; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix = c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1].clone(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix.invert(); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix = null; } break; case 1: var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL; var this2 = data; var c1 = this2; if(c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos] < 0.005) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = false; } else { if(c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos] == 1) { var tmp = StringTools.hex(c1.buffer.i[c1.iPos] & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp; } else { r = (c1.buffer.i[c1.iPos] & 16711680) >>> 16; g = (c1.buffer.i[c1.iPos] & 65280) >>> 8; b = c1.buffer.i[c1.iPos] & 255; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fillStyle = "rgba(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos] + ")"; } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.setSmoothing(true); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = true; } break; case 2: var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL; var this3 = data; var c2 = this3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fillStyle = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createGradientPattern(c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos],c2.buffer.ii[c2.iiPos],c2.buffer.ff[c2.ffPos],c2.buffer.ii[c2.iiPos + 1],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 1],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 2],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 3],c2.buffer.f[c2.fPos]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.setSmoothing(true); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = true; break; case 3: var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL; var this4 = data; var c3 = this4; var shaderBuffer = c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos]; if(shaderBuffer.inputCount > 0) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = shaderBuffer.inputs[0]; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fillStyle = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createBitmapFill(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill,shaderBuffer.inputWrap[0] != 0,shaderBuffer.inputFilter[0] != 5); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix = null; } break; case 4: var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO; var this5 = data; var c4 = this5; hasPath = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos] - offsetX,c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2] - offsetX,c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3] - offsetY,c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 4] - offsetX,c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 5] - offsetY); break; case 5: var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO; var this6 = data; var c5 = this6; hasPath = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos] - offsetX,c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2] - offsetX,c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 3] - offsetY); break; case 6: var _g8 = data.prev; switch(_g8[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE; var this7 = data; var c6 = this7; hasPath = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos] - offsetX + c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 2],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1] - offsetY); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.arc(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos] - offsetX,c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 2],0,Math.PI * 2,true); break; case 7: var _g9 = data.prev; switch(_g9[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE; var this8 = data; var c7 = this8; hasPath = true; x = c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos]; y = c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1]; width = c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 2]; height = c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 3]; x -= offsetX; y -= offsetY; ox = width / 2 * kappa; oy = height / 2 * kappa; xe = x + width; ye = y + height; xm = x + width / 2; ym = y + height / 2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(x,ym); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(x,ym - oy,xm - ox,y,xm,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(xm + ox,y,xe,ym - oy,xe,ym); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(xe,ym + oy,xm + ox,ye,xm,ye); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(xm - ox,ye,x,ym + oy,x,ym); break; case 8: var _g10 = data.prev; switch(_g10[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS; var this9 = data; var c8 = this9; var rects = c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos]; var indices = c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos + 1]; var transforms = c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos + 2]; var hasIndices = indices != null; var transformABCD = false; var transformXY = false; var length = hasIndices ? indices.get_length() : Math.floor(rects.get_length() / 4); if(length == 0) { return; } if(transforms != null) { if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 6) { transformABCD = true; transformXY = true; } else if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 4) { transformABCD = true; } else if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 2) { transformXY = true; } } var tileRect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); var tileTransform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var sourceRect = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill != null ? openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.rect : null; var transform = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.graphics.__renderTransform; var alpha = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.worldAlpha; var ri; var ti; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.save(); var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = length; while(_g31 < _g21) { var i = _g31++; if(hasIndices) { ri = indices.get(i) * 4; } else { ri = i * 4; } if(ri < 0) { continue; } tileRect.setTo(rects.get(ri),rects.get(ri + 1),rects.get(ri + 2),rects.get(ri + 3)); if(tileRect.width <= 0 || tileRect.height <= 0) { continue; } if(transformABCD && transformXY) { ti = i * 6; tileTransform.setTo(transforms.get(ti),transforms.get(ti + 1),transforms.get(ti + 2),transforms.get(ti + 3),transforms.get(ti + 4),transforms.get(ti + 5)); } else if(transformABCD) { ti = i * 4; tileTransform.setTo(transforms.get(ti),transforms.get(ti + 1),transforms.get(ti + 2),transforms.get(ti + 3),tileRect.x,tileRect.y); } else if(transformXY) { ti = i * 2; tileTransform.tx = transforms.get(ti); tileTransform.ty = transforms.get(ti + 1); } else { tileTransform.tx = tileRect.x; tileTransform.ty = tileRect.y; } tileTransform.tx += positionX - offsetX; tileTransform.ty += positionY - offsetY; tileTransform.concat(transform); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.setTransform(tileTransform.a,tileTransform.b,tileTransform.c,tileTransform.d,tileTransform.tx,tileTransform.ty); if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.drawImage(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.image.get_src(),tileRect.x,tileRect.y,tileRect.width,tileRect.height,0,0,tileRect.width,tileRect.height); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fillRect(0,0,tileRect.width,tileRect.height); } } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(tileRect); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(tileTransform); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.restore(); break; case 9: var _g11 = data.prev; switch(_g11[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT; var this10 = data; var c9 = this10; optimizationUsed = false; if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill != null && !openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting) { st = 0; sr = 0; sb = 0; sl = 0; canOptimizeMatrix = true; if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix != null) { if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix.b != 0 || openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix.c != 0) { canOptimizeMatrix = false; } else { if(stl == null) { stl = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); } if(sbr == null) { sbr = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); } stl.setTo(c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1]); var _this = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix; var px = stl.x; var py = stl.y; stl.x = px * _this.a + py * _this.c + _this.tx; stl.y = px * _this.b + py * _this.d + _this.ty; sbr.setTo(c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos] + c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1] + c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3]); var _this1 = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix; var px1 = sbr.x; var py1 = sbr.y; sbr.x = px1 * _this1.a + py1 * _this1.c + _this1.tx; sbr.y = px1 * _this1.b + py1 * _this1.d + _this1.ty; st = stl.y; sl = stl.x; sb = sbr.y; sr = sbr.x; } } else { st = c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1]; sl = c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos]; sb = c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1] + c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3]; sr = c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos] + c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2]; } if(canOptimizeMatrix && st >= 0 && sl >= 0 && sr <= openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.width && sb <= openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.height) { optimizationUsed = true; if(!openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.drawImage(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.image.get_src(),sl,st,sr - sl,sb - st,c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos] - offsetX,c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3]); } } } if(!optimizationUsed) { hasPath = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.rect(c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos] - offsetX,c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3]); } break; case 10: var _g12 = data.prev; switch(_g12[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT; var this11 = data; var c10 = this11; hasPath = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.drawRoundRect(c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos] - offsetX,c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 2],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 3],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 4],c10.buffer.o[c10.oPos]); break; case 12: var _g13 = data.prev; switch(_g13[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES; var this12 = data; var c11 = this12; var v = c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos]; var ind = c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 1]; var uvt = c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 2]; var pattern = null; var colorFill = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill == null; if(colorFill && uvt != null) { throw "__break__"; } if(!colorFill) { if(uvt == null) { uvt = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = v.get_length() / 2 | 0; while(_g32 < _g22) { var i1 = _g32++; uvt.push(v.get(i1 * 2) - offsetX / openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.width); uvt.push(v.get(i1 * 2 + 1) - offsetY / openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.height); } } var skipT = uvt.get_length() != v.get_length(); var normalizedUVT = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.normalizeUVT(uvt,skipT); var maxUVT = normalizedUVT.max; uvt = normalizedUVT.uvt; if(maxUVT > 1) { pattern = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createTempPatternCanvas(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapRepeat,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.width | 0,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.height | 0); } else { pattern = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createTempPatternCanvas(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapRepeat,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.width,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill.height); } } var i2 = 0; var l = ind.get_length(); var a_; var b_; var c_; var iax; var iay; var ibx; var iby; var icx; var icy; var x1; var y1; var x2; var y2; var x3; var y3; var uvx1; var uvy1; var uvx2; var uvy2; var uvx3; var uvy3; var denom; var t1; var t2; var t3; var t4; var dx; var dy; while(i2 < l) { a_ = i2; b_ = i2 + 1; c_ = i2 + 2; iax = ind.get(a_) * 2; iay = ind.get(a_) * 2 + 1; ibx = ind.get(b_) * 2; iby = ind.get(b_) * 2 + 1; icx = ind.get(c_) * 2; icy = ind.get(c_) * 2 + 1; x1 = v.get(iax) - offsetX; y1 = v.get(iay) - offsetY; x2 = v.get(ibx) - offsetX; y2 = v.get(iby) - offsetY; x3 = v.get(icx) - offsetX; y3 = v.get(icy) - offsetY; var _g23 = c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 3]; switch(_g23) { case 0: if((x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1) * (x3 - x1) < 0) { i2 += 3; continue; } break; case 2: if(!((x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1) * (x3 - x1) < 0)) { i2 += 3; continue; } break; default: } if(colorFill) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(x1,y1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(x2,y2); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(x3,y3); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.closePath(); if(!openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fill(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule); } i2 += 3; continue; } uvx1 = uvt.get(iax) * pattern.width; uvx2 = uvt.get(ibx) * pattern.width; uvx3 = uvt.get(icx) * pattern.width; uvy1 = uvt.get(iay) * pattern.height; uvy2 = uvt.get(iby) * pattern.height; uvy3 = uvt.get(icy) * pattern.height; denom = uvx1 * (uvy3 - uvy2) - uvx2 * uvy3 + uvx3 * uvy2 + (uvx2 - uvx3) * uvy1; if(denom == 0) { i2 += 3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.restore(); continue; } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.save(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(x1,y1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(x2,y2); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(x3,y3); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.closePath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.clip(); t1 = -(uvy1 * (x3 - x2) - uvy2 * x3 + uvy3 * x2 + (uvy2 - uvy3) * x1) / denom; t2 = (uvy2 * y3 + uvy1 * (y2 - y3) - uvy3 * y2 + (uvy3 - uvy2) * y1) / denom; t3 = (uvx1 * (x3 - x2) - uvx2 * x3 + uvx3 * x2 + (uvx2 - uvx3) * x1) / denom; t4 = -(uvx2 * y3 + uvx1 * (y2 - y3) - uvx3 * y2 + (uvx3 - uvx2) * y1) / denom; dx = (uvx1 * (uvy3 * x2 - uvy2 * x3) + uvy1 * (uvx2 * x3 - uvx3 * x2) + (uvx3 * uvy2 - uvx2 * uvy3) * x1) / denom; dy = (uvx1 * (uvy3 * y2 - uvy2 * y3) + uvy1 * (uvx2 * y3 - uvx3 * y2) + (uvx3 * uvy2 - uvx2 * uvy3) * y1) / denom; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.transform(t1,t2,t3,t4,dx,dy); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.drawImage(pattern,0,0,pattern.width,pattern.height); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.restore(); i2 += 3; } break; case 14: var _g14 = data.prev; switch(_g14[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE; var this13 = data; var c12 = this13; if(stroke && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.closePath(); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(positionX - offsetX,positionY - offsetY); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.strokeStyle = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createBitmapFill(c12.buffer.o[c12.oPos],c12.buffer.b[c12.bPos],c12.buffer.b[c12.bPos + 1]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke = true; break; case 15: var _g15 = data.prev; switch(_g15[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE; var this14 = data; var c13 = this14; if(stroke && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.closePath(); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(positionX - offsetX,positionY - offsetY); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.strokeStyle = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.createGradientPattern(c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos],c13.buffer.ii[c13.iiPos],c13.buffer.ff[c13.ffPos],c13.buffer.ii[c13.iiPos + 1],c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos + 1],c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos + 2],c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos + 3],c13.buffer.f[c13.fPos]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.setSmoothing(true); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke = true; break; case 16: var _g16 = data.prev; switch(_g16[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE; var this15 = data; var c14 = this15; if(stroke && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.closePath(true); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(positionX - offsetX,positionY - offsetY); if(c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos] == null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke = false; } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineWidth = c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos] > 0 ? c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos] : 1; var tmp1 = c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 3] == null ? "round" : openfl_display__$JointStyle_JointStyle_$Impl_$.toString(c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 3]).toLowerCase(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineJoin = tmp1; var tmp2; if(c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 2] == null) { tmp2 = "round"; } else { var _g24 = c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 2]; if(_g24 == 0) { tmp2 = "butt"; } else { tmp2 = openfl_display__$CapsStyle_CapsStyle_$Impl_$.toString(c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 2]).toLowerCase(); } } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineCap = tmp2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.miterLimit = c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos + 1]; if(c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos] == 1) { var tmp3 = StringTools.hex(c14.buffer.i[c14.iPos] & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp3; } else { r = (c14.buffer.i[c14.iPos] & 16711680) >>> 16; g = (c14.buffer.i[c14.iPos] & 65280) >>> 8; b = c14.buffer.i[c14.iPos] & 255; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos] + ")"; } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.setSmoothing(true); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke = true; } break; case 17: var _g17 = data.prev; switch(_g17[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO; var this16 = data; var c15 = this16; hasPath = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos] - offsetX,c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos + 1] - offsetY); positionX = c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos]; positionY = c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos + 1]; if(positionX == startX && positionY == startY) { closeGap = true; } break; case 18: var _g18 = data.prev; switch(_g18[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO; var this17 = data; var c16 = this17; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos] - offsetX,c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos + 1] - offsetY); positionX = c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos]; positionY = c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos + 1]; if(setStart) { closeGap = true; } startX = c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos]; startY = c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos + 1]; setStart = true; break; case 21: openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "evenodd"; break; case 22: openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "nonzero"; break; default: var _g19 = data.prev; switch(_g19[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } if(stl != null) { openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(stl); } if(sbr != null) { openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(sbr); } data.destroy(); if(hasPath) { if(stroke && openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke) { if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill && closeGap) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(startX - offsetX,startY - offsetY); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.closePath(false); } else if(closeGap && positionX == startX && positionY == startY) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.closePath(false); } if(!openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.stroke(); } } if(!stroke) { if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill || openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.translate(-openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.x,-openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.y); if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.transform(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix.a,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix.b,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix.c,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix.d,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix.tx,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.pendingMatrix.ty); if(!openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fill(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.transform(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix.a,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix.b,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix.c,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix.d,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix.tx,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.inversePendingMatrix.ty); } else if(!openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.fill(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.translate(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.x,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.closePath(); } } } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render = function(graphics,renderer) { graphics.__update(renderer.__worldTransform); if(graphics.__softwareDirty) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTesting = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.graphics = graphics; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.allowSmoothing = renderer.__allowSmoothing; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.worldAlpha = renderer.__getAlpha(graphics.__owner.__worldAlpha); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds = graphics.__bounds; var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if(!graphics.__visible || graphics.__commands.get_length() == 0 || openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bounds == null || width < 1 || height < 1) { graphics.__canvas = null; graphics.__context = null; graphics.__bitmap = null; } else { if(graphics.__canvas == null) { graphics.__canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); graphics.__context = graphics.__canvas.getContext("2d"); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context = graphics.__context; var transform = graphics.__renderTransform; var canvas = graphics.__canvas; var scale = renderer.pixelRatio; var scaledWidth = width * scale | 0; var scaledHeight = height * scale | 0; renderer.__setBlendModeContext(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context,10); if(renderer.__isDOM) { if(canvas.width == scaledWidth && canvas.height == scaledHeight) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.clearRect(0,0,scaledWidth,scaledHeight); } else { canvas.width = scaledWidth; canvas.height = scaledHeight; canvas.style.width = width + "px"; canvas.style.height = height + "px"; } var transform1 = graphics.__renderTransform; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.setTransform(transform1.a * scale,transform1.b * scale,transform1.c * scale,transform1.d * scale,transform1.tx * scale,transform1.ty * scale); } else { if(canvas.width == scaledWidth && canvas.height == scaledHeight) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.closePath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.clearRect(0,0,scaledWidth,scaledHeight); } else { canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.setTransform(transform.a,transform.b,transform.c,transform.d,transform.tx,transform.ty); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.clear(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.clear(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasStroke = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapRepeat = false; var hasLineStyle = false; var initStrokeX = 0.0; var initStrokeY = 0.0; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "evenodd"; var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(graphics.__commands); var _g = 0; var _g1 = graphics.__commands.types; while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3: openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endFill(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endStroke(); if(type == openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL) { var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL; var this1 = data; var c = this1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.beginBitmapFill(c.buffer.o[c.oPos],c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1],c.buffer.b[c.bPos],c.buffer.b[c.bPos + 1]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.beginBitmapFill(c.buffer.o[c.oPos],c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1],c.buffer.b[c.bPos],c.buffer.b[c.bPos + 1]); } else if(type == openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL) { var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL; var this2 = data; var c1 = this2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.beginGradientFill(c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos],c1.buffer.ii[c1.iiPos],c1.buffer.ff[c1.ffPos],c1.buffer.ii[c1.iiPos + 1],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 1],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 2],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 3],c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.beginGradientFill(c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos],c1.buffer.ii[c1.iiPos],c1.buffer.ff[c1.ffPos],c1.buffer.ii[c1.iiPos + 1],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 1],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 2],c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos + 3],c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos]); } else if(type == openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL) { var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL; var this3 = data; var c2 = this3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.beginShaderFill(c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.beginShaderFill(c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos]); } else { var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL; var this4 = data; var c3 = this4; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.beginFill(c3.buffer.i[c3.iPos],c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.beginFill(c3.buffer.i[c3.iPos],c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos]); } break; case 4: var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO; var this5 = data; var c4 = this5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.cubicCurveTo(c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 4],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 5]); if(hasLineStyle) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.cubicCurveTo(c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 4],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 5]); } else { initStrokeX = c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 4]; initStrokeY = c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 5]; } break; case 5: var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO; var this6 = data; var c5 = this6; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.curveTo(c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 1],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 3]); if(hasLineStyle) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.curveTo(c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 1],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 3]); } else { initStrokeX = c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2]; initStrokeY = c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 3]; } break; case 6: var _g8 = data.prev; switch(_g8[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE; var this7 = data; var c6 = this7; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawCircle(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 2]); if(hasLineStyle) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.drawCircle(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 2]); } break; case 7: var _g9 = data.prev; switch(_g9[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE; var this8 = data; var c7 = this8; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawEllipse(c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 2],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 3]); if(hasLineStyle) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.drawEllipse(c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 2],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 3]); } break; case 8: var _g10 = data.prev; switch(_g10[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS; var this9 = data; var c8 = this9; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawQuads(c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos],c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos + 1],c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos + 2]); break; case 9: var _g11 = data.prev; switch(_g11[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT; var this10 = data; var c9 = this10; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawRect(c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3]); if(hasLineStyle) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.drawRect(c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 1],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 2],c9.buffer.f[c9.fPos + 3]); } break; case 10: var _g12 = data.prev; switch(_g12[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT; var this11 = data; var c10 = this11; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawRoundRect(c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 1],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 2],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 3],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 4],c10.buffer.o[c10.oPos]); if(hasLineStyle) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.drawRoundRect(c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 1],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 2],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 3],c10.buffer.f[c10.fPos + 4],c10.buffer.o[c10.oPos]); } break; case 12: var _g13 = data.prev; switch(_g13[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES; var this12 = data; var c11 = this12; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.drawTriangles(c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 1],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 2],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 3]); break; case 13: var _g14 = data.prev; switch(_g14[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL; var this13 = data; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endFill(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endStroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hasFill = false; hasLineStyle = false; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.bitmapFill = null; initStrokeX = 0; initStrokeY = 0; break; case 14: var _g15 = data.prev; switch(_g15[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE; var this14 = data; var c12 = this14; if(!hasLineStyle && (initStrokeX != 0 || initStrokeY != 0)) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.moveTo(initStrokeX,initStrokeY); initStrokeX = 0; initStrokeY = 0; } hasLineStyle = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.lineBitmapStyle(c12.buffer.o[c12.oPos],c12.buffer.o[c12.oPos + 1],c12.buffer.b[c12.bPos],c12.buffer.b[c12.bPos + 1]); break; case 15: var _g16 = data.prev; switch(_g16[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE; var this15 = data; var c13 = this15; if(!hasLineStyle && (initStrokeX != 0 || initStrokeY != 0)) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.moveTo(initStrokeX,initStrokeY); initStrokeX = 0; initStrokeY = 0; } hasLineStyle = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.lineGradientStyle(c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos],c13.buffer.ii[c13.iiPos],c13.buffer.ff[c13.ffPos],c13.buffer.ii[c13.iiPos + 1],c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos + 1],c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos + 2],c13.buffer.o[c13.oPos + 3],c13.buffer.f[c13.fPos]); break; case 16: var _g17 = data.prev; switch(_g17[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE; var this16 = data; var c14 = this16; if(!hasLineStyle && c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos] != null) { if(initStrokeX != 0 || initStrokeY != 0) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.moveTo(initStrokeX,initStrokeY); initStrokeX = 0; initStrokeY = 0; } } hasLineStyle = c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos] != null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.lineStyle(c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos],c14.buffer.i[c14.iPos],c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos],c14.buffer.b[c14.bPos],c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 1],c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 2],c14.buffer.o[c14.oPos + 3],c14.buffer.f[c14.fPos + 1]); break; case 17: var _g18 = data.prev; switch(_g18[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO; var this17 = data; var c15 = this17; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.lineTo(c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos],c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos + 1]); if(hasLineStyle) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.lineTo(c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos],c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos + 1]); } else { initStrokeX = c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos]; initStrokeY = c15.buffer.f[c15.fPos + 1]; } break; case 18: var _g19 = data.prev; switch(_g19[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO; var this18 = data; var c16 = this18; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.moveTo(c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos],c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos + 1]); if(hasLineStyle) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.moveTo(c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos],c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos + 1]); } else { initStrokeX = c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos]; initStrokeY = c16.buffer.f[c16.fPos + 1]; } break; case 19: var _g20 = data.prev; switch(_g20[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE; var this19 = data; var c17 = this19; renderer.__setBlendModeContext(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context,c17.buffer.o[c17.oPos]); break; case 21: var _g21 = data.prev; switch(_g21[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_EVEN_ODD; var this20 = data; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.windingEvenOdd(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "evenodd"; break; case 22: var _g22 = data.prev; switch(_g22[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.WINDING_NON_ZERO; var this21 = data; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.windingNonZero(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.windingRule = "nonzero"; break; default: var _g23 = data.prev; switch(_g23[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.fillCommands.get_length() > 0) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endFill(); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.strokeCommands.get_length() > 0) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.endStroke(); } data.destroy(); graphics.__bitmap = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromCanvas(graphics.__canvas); } graphics.__softwareDirty = false; graphics.set___dirty(false); } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.renderMask = function(graphics,renderer) { if(graphics.__commands.get_length() != 0) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context = renderer.context; var positionX = 0.0; var positionY = 0.0; var offsetX = 0; var offsetY = 0; var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(graphics.__commands); var x; var y; var width; var height; var kappa = .5522848; var ox; var oy; var xe; var ye; var xm; var ym; var _g = 0; var _g1 = graphics.__commands.types; while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 4: var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO; var this1 = data; var c = this1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(c.buffer.f[c.fPos] - offsetX,c.buffer.f[c.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c.buffer.f[c.fPos + 2] - offsetX,c.buffer.f[c.fPos + 3] - offsetY,c.buffer.f[c.fPos + 4] - offsetX,c.buffer.f[c.fPos + 5] - offsetY); positionX = c.buffer.f[c.fPos + 4]; positionY = c.buffer.f[c.fPos + 5]; break; case 5: var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO; var this2 = data; var c1 = this2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.quadraticCurveTo(c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos] - offsetX,c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos + 2] - offsetX,c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos + 3] - offsetY); positionX = c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos + 2]; positionY = c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos + 3]; break; case 6: var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE; var this3 = data; var c2 = this3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.arc(c2.buffer.f[c2.fPos] - offsetX,c2.buffer.f[c2.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c2.buffer.f[c2.fPos + 2],0,Math.PI * 2,true); break; case 7: var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE; var this4 = data; var c3 = this4; x = c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos]; y = c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos + 1]; width = c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos + 2]; height = c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos + 3]; x -= offsetX; y -= offsetY; ox = width / 2 * kappa; oy = height / 2 * kappa; xe = x + width; ye = y + height; xm = x + width / 2; ym = y + height / 2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(x,ym); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(x,ym - oy,xm - ox,y,xm,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(xm + ox,y,xe,ym - oy,xe,ym); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(xe,ym + oy,xm + ox,ye,xm,ye); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.bezierCurveTo(xm - ox,ye,x,ym + oy,x,ym); break; case 9: var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT; var this5 = data; var c4 = this5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.rect(c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos] - offsetX,c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3]); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.closePath(); break; case 10: var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT; var this6 = data; var c5 = this6; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.drawRoundRect(c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos] - offsetX,c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 1] - offsetY,c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 3],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 4],c5.buffer.o[c5.oPos]); break; case 17: var _g8 = data.prev; switch(_g8[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO; var this7 = data; var c6 = this7; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.lineTo(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos] - offsetX,c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1] - offsetY); positionX = c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos]; positionY = c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1]; break; case 18: var _g9 = data.prev; switch(_g9[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO; var this8 = data; var c7 = this8; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.moveTo(c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos] - offsetX,c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1] - offsetY); positionX = c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos]; positionY = c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1]; break; default: var _g10 = data.prev; switch(_g10[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } } data.destroy(); } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.setSmoothing = function(smooth) { if(!openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.allowSmoothing) { smooth = false; } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.imageSmoothingEnabled != smooth) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.context.imageSmoothingEnabled = smooth; } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasShape = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.canvas.CanvasShape"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasShape; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasShape.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","canvas","CanvasShape"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasShape.render = function(shape,renderer) { if(!shape.__renderable) { return; } var alpha = renderer.__getAlpha(shape.__worldAlpha); if(alpha <= 0) { return; } var graphics = shape.__graphics; if(graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer); var bounds = graphics.__bounds; var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if(graphics.__canvas != null) { var context = renderer.context; var scrollRect = shape.__scrollRect; if(width > 0 && height > 0 && (scrollRect == null || scrollRect.width > 0 && scrollRect.height > 0)) { renderer.__setBlendMode(shape.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(shape); context.globalAlpha = alpha; renderer.setTransform(graphics.__worldTransform,context); if(renderer.__isDOM) { var reverseScale = 1 / renderer.pixelRatio; context.scale(reverseScale,reverseScale); } context.drawImage(graphics.__canvas,0,0,width,height); renderer.__popMaskObject(shape); } } } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.canvas.CanvasTextField"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","canvas","CanvasTextField"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.render = function(textField,renderer,transform) { var textEngine = textField.__textEngine; var bounds = textEngine.background || textEngine.border ? textEngine.bounds : textEngine.textBounds; var graphics = textField.__graphics; if(textField.__dirty) { textField.__updateLayout(); if(graphics.__bounds == null) { graphics.__bounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } graphics.__bounds.copyFrom(bounds); } graphics.__update(renderer.__worldTransform); if(textField.__dirty || graphics.__softwareDirty) { var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if((textEngine.text == null || lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.equals(textEngine.text,"")) && !textEngine.background && !textEngine.border && !textEngine.__hasFocus && (textEngine.type != 1 || !textEngine.selectable) || (textEngine.width <= 0 || textEngine.height <= 0) && textEngine.autoSize != 2) { textField.__graphics.__canvas = null; textField.__graphics.__context = null; textField.__graphics.__bitmap = null; textField.__graphics.__softwareDirty = false; textField.__graphics.set___dirty(false); textField.__dirty = false; } else { if(textField.__graphics.__canvas == null) { textField.__graphics.__canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); textField.__graphics.__context = textField.__graphics.__canvas.getContext("2d"); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context = graphics.__context; var transform1 = graphics.__renderTransform; if(renderer.__isDOM) { var scale = renderer.pixelRatio; graphics.__canvas.width = width * scale | 0; graphics.__canvas.height = height * scale | 0; graphics.__canvas.style.width = width + "px"; graphics.__canvas.style.height = height + "px"; var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); matrix.copyFrom(transform1); matrix.scale(scale,scale); renderer.setTransform(matrix,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); } else { graphics.__canvas.width = width; graphics.__canvas.height = height; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.setTransform(transform1.a,transform1.b,transform1.c,transform1.d,transform1.tx,transform1.ty); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect == null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect = (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator['isCocoonJS'] !== 'undefined'); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.clearRect(0,0,graphics.__canvas.width,graphics.__canvas.height); } if(textEngine.text != null && textEngine.text != "" || textEngine.__hasFocus) { var text = textEngine.text; if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || textEngine.antiAliasType == 0 && textEngine.sharpness == 400) { graphics.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } else { graphics.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } if(textEngine.border || textEngine.background) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0.5,0.5,bounds.width - 1,bounds.height - 1); if(textEngine.background) { var tmp = StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fill(); } if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; var tmp1 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); } } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.textAlign = "start"; var scrollX = -textField.get_scrollH(); var scrollY = 0.0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = textField.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; scrollY -= textEngine.lineHeights.get(i); } var advance; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var group = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(group.lineIndex < textField.get_scrollV() - 1) { continue; } if(group.lineIndex > textField.get_scrollV() + textEngine.bottomScrollV - 2) { break; } var color = "#" + StringTools.hex(group.format.color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFont(group.format); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = color; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,group.startIndex,group.endIndex),group.offsetX + scrollX - bounds.x,group.offsetY + group.ascent + scrollY - bounds.y); if(textField.__caretIndex > -1 && textEngine.selectable) { if(textField.__selectionIndex == textField.__caretIndex) { if(textField.__showCursor && group.startIndex <= textField.__caretIndex && group.endIndex >= textField.__caretIndex) { advance = 0.0; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = textField.__caretIndex - group.startIndex; while(_g3 < _g21) { var i1 = _g3++; if(group.positions.length <= i1) { break; } advance += group.positions[i1]; } var scrollY1 = 0.0; var _g31 = textField.get_scrollV(); var _g22 = group.lineIndex + 1; while(_g31 < _g22) { var i2 = _g31++; scrollY1 += textEngine.lineHeights.get(i2 - 1); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); var tmp2 = StringTools.hex(group.format.color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(group.offsetX + advance - textField.get_scrollH() - bounds.x,scrollY1 + 2 - bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(group.offsetX + advance - textField.get_scrollH() - bounds.x,scrollY1 + openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight(textField.get_defaultTextFormat()) - 1 - bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } else if(group.startIndex <= textField.__caretIndex && group.endIndex >= textField.__caretIndex || group.startIndex <= textField.__selectionIndex && group.endIndex >= textField.__selectionIndex || group.startIndex > textField.__caretIndex && group.endIndex < textField.__selectionIndex || group.startIndex > textField.__selectionIndex && group.endIndex < textField.__caretIndex) { var selectionStart = Math.min(textField.__selectionIndex,textField.__caretIndex) | 0; var selectionEnd = Math.max(textField.__selectionIndex,textField.__caretIndex) | 0; if(group.startIndex > selectionStart) { selectionStart = group.startIndex; } if(group.endIndex < selectionEnd) { selectionEnd = group.endIndex; } var start; var end; start = textField.getCharBoundaries(selectionStart); if(selectionEnd >= lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(textEngine.text)) { end = textField.getCharBoundaries(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(textEngine.text) - 1); end.x += end.width + 2; } else { end = textField.getCharBoundaries(selectionEnd); } if(start != null && end != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#000000"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillRect(start.x + scrollX,start.y + scrollY,end.x - start.x,group.height); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,selectionStart,selectionEnd),scrollX + start.x,group.offsetY + group.ascent + scrollY); } } } if(group.format.underline) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = color; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; var x = group.offsetX + scrollX - bounds.x; var y = Math.floor(group.offsetY + scrollY + group.ascent - bounds.y) + 0.5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(x,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(x + group.width,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } } else { if(textEngine.border || textEngine.background) { if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0.5,0.5,bounds.width - 1,bounds.height - 1); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0,0,bounds.width,bounds.height); } if(textEngine.background) { var tmp3 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fill(); } if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineCap = "square"; var tmp4 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp4; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); } } if(textField.__caretIndex > -1 && textEngine.selectable && textField.__showCursor) { var scrollX1 = -textField.get_scrollH(); var scrollY2 = 0.0; var _g12 = 0; var _g4 = textField.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g12 < _g4) { var i3 = _g12++; scrollY2 += textEngine.lineHeights.get(i3); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); var tmp5 = StringTools.hex(textField.get_defaultTextFormat().color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(scrollX1 + 2.5,scrollY2 + 2.5); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(scrollX1 + 2.5,scrollY2 + openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight(textField.get_defaultTextFormat()) - 1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } graphics.__bitmap = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromCanvas(textField.__graphics.__canvas); graphics.__visible = true; textField.__dirty = false; graphics.__softwareDirty = false; graphics.set___dirty(false); } } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.context3D.Context3DBitmap"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","context3D","Context3DBitmap"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap.render = function(bitmap,renderer) { if(!bitmap.__renderable || bitmap.__worldAlpha <= 0) { return; } if(bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid) { var context = renderer.__context3D; renderer.__setBlendMode(bitmap.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap); var shader = renderer.__initDisplayShader(bitmap.__worldShader); renderer.setShader(shader); renderer.applyBitmapData(bitmap.__bitmapData,renderer.__allowSmoothing && (bitmap.smoothing || renderer.__upscaled)); renderer.applyMatrix(renderer.__getMatrix(bitmap.__renderTransform,bitmap.pixelSnapping)); renderer.applyAlpha(bitmap.__worldAlpha); renderer.applyColorTransform(bitmap.__worldColorTransform); renderer.updateShader(); var vertexBuffer = bitmap.__bitmapData.getVertexBuffer(context); if(shader.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__position.index,vertexBuffer,0,3); } if(shader.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer,3,2); } var indexBuffer = bitmap.__bitmapData.getIndexBuffer(context); context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer); renderer.__clearShader(); renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap); } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap.renderMask = function(bitmap,renderer) { if(bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid) { var context = renderer.__context3D; var shader = renderer.__maskShader; renderer.setShader(shader); renderer.applyBitmapData(openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DMaskShader.opaqueBitmapData,true); renderer.applyMatrix(renderer.__getMatrix(bitmap.__renderTransform,bitmap.pixelSnapping)); renderer.updateShader(); var vertexBuffer = bitmap.__bitmapData.getVertexBuffer(context); if(shader.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__position.index,vertexBuffer,0,3); } if(shader.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer,3,2); } var indexBuffer = bitmap.__bitmapData.getIndexBuffer(context); context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer); renderer.__clearShader(); } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBuffer = function(context3D,elementType,elementCount,dataPerVertex) { this.context3D = context3D; this.elementType = elementType; this.dataPerVertex = dataPerVertex; this.indexCount = 0; this.vertexCount = 0; this.resize(elementCount); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.context3D.Context3DBuffer"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBuffer; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBuffer.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","context3D","Context3DBuffer"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBuffer.prototype = { dataPerVertex: null ,elementCount: null ,elementType: null ,indexBufferData: null ,indexBuffers: null ,indexCount: null ,vertexBuffer: null ,vertexBufferData: null ,vertexCount: null ,context3D: null ,drawElements: function(start,length) { if(length == null) { length = -1; } if(this.indexCount == 0 || this.vertexCount == 0) { return; } var _g = this.elementType; if(_g[1] == 0) { if(length == -1) { length = this.elementCount * 2; } if(start < 10922 && length - start < 10922) { this.context3D.drawTriangles(this.indexBuffers[0],start * 2,length * 2); } else { var end = start + length; while(start < end) { var arrayBufferIndex = Math.floor(start / 10922); length = Math.min(end - start,10922) | 0; if(length <= 0) { break; } this.context3D.drawTriangles(this.indexBuffers[arrayBufferIndex],(start - arrayBufferIndex * 10922) * 6,length * 2); start += length; } } } } ,flushVertexBufferData: function() { if(this.vertexBufferData.length > this.vertexCount) { this.vertexCount = this.vertexBufferData.length; this.vertexBuffer = this.context3D.createVertexBuffer(this.vertexCount,this.dataPerVertex,0); } this.vertexBuffer.uploadFromTypedArray(this.vertexBufferData); } ,resize: function(elementCount,dataPerVertex) { if(dataPerVertex == null) { dataPerVertex = -1; } this.elementCount = elementCount; if(dataPerVertex == -1) { dataPerVertex = this.dataPerVertex; } if(dataPerVertex != this.dataPerVertex) { this.vertexBuffer = null; this.vertexCount = 0; this.dataPerVertex = dataPerVertex; } var numVertices = 0; var _g = this.elementType; switch(_g[1]) { case 0: numVertices = elementCount * 4; break; case 1: numVertices = elementCount * 3; break; case 2: numVertices = elementCount * 3; break; } var vertexLength = numVertices * dataPerVertex; if(this.vertexBufferData == null) { var this1; if(vertexLength != null) { this1 = new Float32Array(vertexLength); } else { this1 = null; } this.vertexBufferData = this1; } else if(vertexLength > this.vertexBufferData.length) { var cacheBufferData = this.vertexBufferData; var this2; if(vertexLength != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(vertexLength); } else { this2 = null; } this.vertexBufferData = this2; this.vertexBufferData.set(cacheBufferData); } } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBuffer }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType = $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.context3D.Context3DElementType"] = { __ename__ : ["openfl","_internal","renderer","context3D","Context3DElementType"], __constructs__ : ["QUADS","TRIANGLES","TRIANGLE_INDICES"] }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.QUADS = ["QUADS",0]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.QUADS.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.QUADS.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.TRIANGLES = ["TRIANGLES",1]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.TRIANGLES.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.TRIANGLES.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.TRIANGLE_INDICES = ["TRIANGLE_INDICES",2]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.TRIANGLE_INDICES.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.TRIANGLE_INDICES.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType; var openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DDisplayObject = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.context3D.Context3DDisplayObject"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DDisplayObject; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DDisplayObject.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","context3D","Context3DDisplayObject"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DDisplayObject.render = function(displayObject,renderer) { if(displayObject.opaqueBackground == null && displayObject.__graphics == null) { return; } if(!displayObject.__renderable || displayObject.__worldAlpha <= 0) { return; } if(displayObject.opaqueBackground != null && !displayObject.__isCacheBitmapRender && displayObject.get_width() > 0 && displayObject.get_height() > 0) { renderer.__setBlendMode(displayObject.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(displayObject); var context = renderer.__context3D; var rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); rect.setTo(0,0,displayObject.get_width(),displayObject.get_height()); renderer.__pushMaskRect(rect,displayObject.__renderTransform); var color = displayObject.opaqueBackground; context.clear((color >>> 16 & 255) / 255,(color >>> 8 & 255) / 255,(color & 255) / 255,1,0,0,1); renderer.__popMaskRect(); renderer.__popMaskObject(displayObject); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); } if(displayObject.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.render(displayObject,renderer); } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DDisplayObject.renderMask = function(displayObject,renderer) { if(displayObject.opaqueBackground == null && displayObject.__graphics == null) { return; } var tmp = displayObject.opaqueBackground != null && !displayObject.__isCacheBitmapRender && displayObject.get_width() > 0 && displayObject.get_height() > 0; if(displayObject.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.renderMask(displayObject,renderer); } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.context3D.Context3DGraphics"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","context3D","Context3DGraphics"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender = null; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.buildBuffer = function(graphics,renderer) { var quadBufferPosition = 0; var triangleIndexBufferPosition = 0; var vertexBufferPosition = 0; var vertexBufferPositionUVT = 0; var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(graphics.__commands); var context = renderer.__context3D; var tileRect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); var tileTransform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var bitmap = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = graphics.__commands.types; while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 0: var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL; var this1 = data; var c = this1; bitmap = c.buffer.o[c.oPos]; break; case 1: bitmap = null; var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; break; case 3: var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL; var this2 = data; var c1 = this2; var shaderBuffer = c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos]; if(shaderBuffer == null || shaderBuffer.shader == null || shaderBuffer.shader.__bitmap == null) { bitmap = null; } else { bitmap = c1.buffer.o[c1.oPos].shader.__bitmap.input; } break; case 8: if(bitmap != null) { var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS; var this3 = data; var c2 = this3; var rects = c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos]; var indices = c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 1]; var transforms = c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 2]; var hasIndices = indices != null; var transformABCD = false; var transformXY = false; var length = hasIndices ? indices.get_length() : Math.floor(rects.get_length() / 4); if(length == 0) { return; } if(transforms != null) { if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 6) { transformABCD = true; transformXY = true; } else if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 4) { transformABCD = true; } else if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 2) { transformXY = true; } } var dataPerVertex = 4; var stride = dataPerVertex * 4; if(graphics.__quadBuffer == null) { graphics.__quadBuffer = new openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBuffer(context,openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DElementType.QUADS,length,dataPerVertex); } else { graphics.__quadBuffer.resize(quadBufferPosition + length,dataPerVertex); } var vertexOffset; var alpha = 1.0; var tileData; var id; var bitmapWidth; var bitmapHeight; var tileWidth; var tileHeight; var uvX; var uvY; var uvWidth; var uvHeight; var x; var y; var x2; var y2; var x3; var y3; var x4; var y4; var ri; var ti; var vertexBufferData = graphics.__quadBuffer.vertexBufferData; bitmapWidth = bitmap.width; bitmapHeight = bitmap.height; var sourceRect = bitmap.rect; var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = length; while(_g31 < _g21) { var i = _g31++; vertexOffset = (quadBufferPosition + i) * stride; if(hasIndices) { ri = indices.get(i) * 4; } else { ri = i * 4; } if(ri < 0) { continue; } tileRect.setTo(rects.get(ri),rects.get(ri + 1),rects.get(ri + 2),rects.get(ri + 3)); tileWidth = tileRect.width; tileHeight = tileRect.height; if(tileWidth <= 0 || tileHeight <= 0) { continue; } if(transformABCD && transformXY) { ti = i * 6; tileTransform.setTo(transforms.get(ti),transforms.get(ti + 1),transforms.get(ti + 2),transforms.get(ti + 3),transforms.get(ti + 4),transforms.get(ti + 5)); } else if(transformABCD) { ti = i * 4; tileTransform.setTo(transforms.get(ti),transforms.get(ti + 1),transforms.get(ti + 2),transforms.get(ti + 3),tileRect.x,tileRect.y); } else if(transformXY) { ti = i * 2; tileTransform.tx = transforms.get(ti); tileTransform.ty = transforms.get(ti + 1); } else { tileTransform.tx = tileRect.x; tileTransform.ty = tileRect.y; } uvX = tileRect.x / bitmapWidth; uvY = tileRect.y / bitmapHeight; uvWidth = tileRect.get_right() / bitmapWidth; uvHeight = tileRect.get_bottom() / bitmapHeight; x = 0 * tileTransform.a + 0 * tileTransform.c + tileTransform.tx; y = 0 * tileTransform.b + 0 * tileTransform.d + tileTransform.ty; x2 = tileWidth * tileTransform.a + 0 * tileTransform.c + tileTransform.tx; y2 = tileWidth * tileTransform.b + 0 * tileTransform.d + tileTransform.ty; x3 = 0 * tileTransform.a + tileHeight * tileTransform.c + tileTransform.tx; y3 = 0 * tileTransform.b + tileHeight * tileTransform.d + tileTransform.ty; x4 = tileWidth * tileTransform.a + tileHeight * tileTransform.c + tileTransform.tx; y4 = tileWidth * tileTransform.b + tileHeight * tileTransform.d + tileTransform.ty; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset] = x; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + 1] = y; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + 2] = uvX; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + 3] = uvY; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex] = x2; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex + 1] = y2; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex + 2] = uvWidth; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex + 3] = uvY; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex * 2] = x3; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex * 2 + 1] = y3; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex * 2 + 2] = uvX; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex * 2 + 3] = uvHeight; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex * 3] = x4; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex * 3 + 1] = y4; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex * 3 + 2] = uvWidth; vertexBufferData[vertexOffset + dataPerVertex * 3 + 3] = uvHeight; } quadBufferPosition += length; } break; case 12: var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES; var this4 = data; var c3 = this4; var vertices = c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos]; var indices1 = c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos + 1]; var uvtData = c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos + 2]; var culling = c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos + 3]; var hasIndices1 = indices1 != null; var numVertices = Math.floor(vertices.get_length() / 2); var length1 = hasIndices1 ? indices1.get_length() : numVertices; var hasUVData = uvtData != null; var hasUVTData = hasUVData && uvtData.get_length() >= numVertices * 3; var vertLength = hasUVTData ? 4 : 2; var uvStride = hasUVTData ? 3 : 2; var dataPerVertex1 = vertLength + 2; var vertexOffset1 = hasUVTData ? vertexBufferPositionUVT : vertexBufferPosition; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.resizeVertexBuffer(graphics,hasUVTData,vertexOffset1 + length1 * dataPerVertex1); var vertexBufferData1 = hasUVTData ? graphics.__vertexBufferDataUVT : graphics.__vertexBufferData; var offset; var vertOffset; var uvOffset; var t; var _g32 = 0; var _g22 = length1; while(_g32 < _g22) { var i1 = _g32++; offset = vertexOffset1 + i1 * dataPerVertex1; if(hasIndices1) { vertOffset = indices1.get(i1) * 2; } else { vertOffset = i1 * 2; } if(hasIndices1) { uvOffset = indices1.get(i1) * uvStride; } else { uvOffset = i1 * uvStride; } if(hasUVTData) { t = uvtData.get(uvOffset + 2); vertexBufferData1[offset] = vertices.get(vertOffset) / t; vertexBufferData1[offset + 1] = vertices.get(vertOffset + 1) / t; vertexBufferData1[offset + 2] = 0; vertexBufferData1[offset + 3] = 1 / t; } else { vertexBufferData1[offset] = vertices.get(vertOffset); vertexBufferData1[offset + 1] = vertices.get(vertOffset + 1); } vertexBufferData1[offset + vertLength] = hasUVData ? uvtData.get(uvOffset) : 0; vertexBufferData1[offset + vertLength + 1] = hasUVData ? uvtData.get(uvOffset + 1) : 0; } if(hasUVTData) { vertexBufferPositionUVT += length1 * dataPerVertex1; } else { vertexBufferPosition += length1 * dataPerVertex1; } break; case 13: bitmap = null; break; default: var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } } if(quadBufferPosition > 0) { graphics.__quadBuffer.flushVertexBufferData(); } if(triangleIndexBufferPosition > 0) { var buffer = graphics.__triangleIndexBuffer; if(buffer == null || triangleIndexBufferPosition > graphics.__triangleIndexBufferCount) { buffer = context.createIndexBuffer(triangleIndexBufferPosition,0); graphics.__triangleIndexBuffer = buffer; graphics.__triangleIndexBufferCount = triangleIndexBufferPosition; } buffer.uploadFromTypedArray(graphics.__triangleIndexBufferData); } if(vertexBufferPosition > 0) { var buffer1 = graphics.__vertexBuffer; if(buffer1 == null || vertexBufferPosition > graphics.__vertexBufferCount) { buffer1 = context.createVertexBuffer(vertexBufferPosition,4,0); graphics.__vertexBuffer = buffer1; graphics.__vertexBufferCount = vertexBufferPosition; } buffer1.uploadFromTypedArray(graphics.__vertexBufferData); } if(vertexBufferPositionUVT > 0) { var buffer2 = graphics.__vertexBufferUVT; if(buffer2 == null || vertexBufferPositionUVT > graphics.__vertexBufferCountUVT) { buffer2 = context.createVertexBuffer(vertexBufferPositionUVT,6,0); graphics.__vertexBufferUVT = buffer2; graphics.__vertexBufferCountUVT = vertexBufferPositionUVT; } buffer2.uploadFromTypedArray(graphics.__vertexBufferDataUVT); } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(tileRect); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(tileTransform); }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.isCompatible = function(graphics) { var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(graphics.__commands); var hasColorFill = false; var hasBitmapFill = false; var hasShaderFill = false; var _g = 0; var _g1 = graphics.__commands.types; while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 0: hasBitmapFill = true; hasColorFill = false; hasShaderFill = false; var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; break; case 1: hasBitmapFill = false; hasColorFill = true; hasShaderFill = false; var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; break; case 3: hasBitmapFill = false; hasColorFill = false; hasShaderFill = true; var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; break; case 8: if(hasBitmapFill || hasShaderFill) { var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } else { data.destroy(); return false; } break; case 9: if(hasColorFill) { var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } else { data.destroy(); return false; } break; case 12: if(hasBitmapFill || hasShaderFill) { var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } else { data.destroy(); return false; } break; case 13: hasBitmapFill = false; hasColorFill = false; hasShaderFill = false; var _g8 = data.prev; switch(_g8[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; break; case 18: var _g9 = data.prev; switch(_g9[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; break; case 19: var _g10 = data.prev; switch(_g10[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; break; default: data.destroy(); return false; } } data.destroy(); return true; }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.render = function(graphics,renderer) { if(!graphics.__visible || graphics.__commands.get_length() == 0) { return; } if(graphics.__bitmap != null && !graphics.__dirty || !openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.isCompatible(graphics)) { var cacheTransform = renderer.__softwareRenderer.__worldTransform; renderer.__softwareRenderer.__worldTransform = renderer.__worldTransform; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer.__softwareRenderer); renderer.__softwareRenderer.__worldTransform = cacheTransform; } else { graphics.__bitmap = null; graphics.__update(renderer.__worldTransform); var bounds = graphics.__bounds; var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if(bounds != null && width >= 1 && height >= 1) { if(graphics.__hardwareDirty || graphics.__quadBuffer == null && graphics.__vertexBuffer == null && graphics.__vertexBufferUVT == null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.buildBuffer(graphics,renderer); } var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(graphics.__commands); var context = renderer.__context3D; var gl = context.gl; var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var shaderBuffer = null; var bitmap = null; var repeat = false; var smooth = false; var fill = null; var positionX = 0.0; var positionY = 0.0; var quadBufferPosition = 0; var shaderBufferOffset = 0; var triangleIndexBufferPosition = 0; var vertexBufferPosition = 0; var vertexBufferPositionUVT = 0; var _g = 0; var _g1 = graphics.__commands.types; while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 0: var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL; var this1 = data; var c = this1; bitmap = c.buffer.o[c.oPos]; repeat = c.buffer.b[c.bPos]; smooth = c.buffer.b[c.bPos + 1]; shaderBuffer = null; fill = null; break; case 1: var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL; var this2 = data; var c1 = this2; var color = c1.buffer.i[c1.iPos] | 0; var alpha = c1.buffer.f[c1.fPos] * 255 | 0; fill = color & 16777215 | alpha << 24; shaderBuffer = null; bitmap = null; break; case 3: var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_SHADER_FILL; var this3 = data; var c2 = this3; shaderBuffer = c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos]; shaderBufferOffset = 0; if(shaderBuffer == null || shaderBuffer.shader == null || shaderBuffer.shader.__bitmap == null) { bitmap = null; } else { bitmap = shaderBuffer.shader.__bitmap.input; } fill = null; break; case 8: if(bitmap != null) { var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_QUADS; var this4 = data; var c3 = this4; var rects = c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos]; var indices = c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos + 1]; var transforms = c3.buffer.o[c3.oPos + 2]; var hasIndices = indices != null; var length = hasIndices ? indices.get_length() : Math.floor(rects.get_length() / 4); var uMatrix = renderer.__getMatrix(graphics.__owner.__renderTransform,1); var shader; if(shaderBuffer != null && !openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender) { shader = renderer.__initShaderBuffer(shaderBuffer); renderer.__setShaderBuffer(shaderBuffer); renderer.applyMatrix(uMatrix); renderer.applyBitmapData(bitmap,false,repeat); renderer.applyAlpha(graphics.__owner.__worldAlpha); renderer.applyColorTransform(graphics.__owner.__worldColorTransform); } else { if(openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender) { shader = renderer.__maskShader; } else { shader = renderer.__initGraphicsShader(null); } renderer.setShader(shader); renderer.applyMatrix(uMatrix); renderer.applyBitmapData(bitmap,renderer.__allowSmoothing && smooth,repeat); renderer.applyAlpha(graphics.__owner.__worldAlpha); renderer.applyColorTransform(graphics.__owner.__worldColorTransform); renderer.updateShader(); } var end = quadBufferPosition + length; while(quadBufferPosition < end) { length = Math.min(end - quadBufferPosition,context.__quadIndexBufferElements) | 0; if(length <= 0) { break; } if(shaderBuffer != null && !openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender) { renderer.__updateShaderBuffer(shaderBufferOffset); } if(shader.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__position.index,graphics.__quadBuffer.vertexBuffer,quadBufferPosition * 16,2); } if(shader.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__textureCoord.index,graphics.__quadBuffer.vertexBuffer,quadBufferPosition * 16 + 2,2); } context.drawTriangles(context.__quadIndexBuffer,0,length * 2); shaderBufferOffset += length * 4; quadBufferPosition += length; } renderer.__clearShader(); } break; case 9: if(fill != null) { var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT; var this5 = data; var c4 = this5; var x = c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos]; var y = c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1]; var width1 = c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2]; var height1 = c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3]; var color1 = fill; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.tempColorTransform.redOffset = color1 >>> 16 & 255; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.tempColorTransform.greenOffset = color1 >>> 8 & 255; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.tempColorTransform.blueOffset = color1 & 255; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.tempColorTransform.__combine(graphics.__owner.__worldColorTransform); matrix.identity(); matrix.scale(width1,height1); matrix.tx = x; matrix.ty = y; matrix.concat(graphics.__owner.__renderTransform); var shader1 = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender ? renderer.__maskShader : renderer.__initGraphicsShader(null); renderer.setShader(shader1); renderer.applyMatrix(renderer.__getMatrix(matrix,1)); renderer.applyBitmapData(openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.blankBitmapData,renderer.__allowSmoothing,repeat); renderer.applyAlpha((color1 >>> 24 & 255) / 255 * graphics.__owner.__worldAlpha); renderer.applyColorTransform(openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.tempColorTransform); renderer.updateShader(); var vertexBuffer = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.blankBitmapData.getVertexBuffer(context); if(shader1.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader1.__position.index,vertexBuffer,0,3); } if(shader1.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader1.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer,3,2); } var indexBuffer = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.blankBitmapData.getIndexBuffer(context); context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer); shaderBufferOffset += 4; renderer.__clearShader(); } break; case 12: var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_TRIANGLES; var this6 = data; var c5 = this6; var vertices = c5.buffer.o[c5.oPos]; var indices1 = c5.buffer.o[c5.oPos + 1]; var uvtData = c5.buffer.o[c5.oPos + 2]; var culling = c5.buffer.o[c5.oPos + 3]; var hasIndices1 = indices1 != null; var numVertices = Math.floor(vertices.get_length() / 2); var length1 = hasIndices1 ? indices1.get_length() : numVertices; var hasUVData = uvtData != null; var hasUVTData = hasUVData && uvtData.get_length() >= numVertices * 3; var vertLength = hasUVTData ? 4 : 2; var uvStride = hasUVTData ? 3 : 2; var dataPerVertex = vertLength + 2; var vertexBuffer1 = hasUVTData ? graphics.__vertexBufferUVT : graphics.__vertexBuffer; var bufferPosition = hasUVTData ? vertexBufferPositionUVT : vertexBufferPosition; var uMatrix1 = renderer.__getMatrix(graphics.__owner.__renderTransform,1); var shader2; if(shaderBuffer != null && !openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender) { shader2 = renderer.__initShaderBuffer(shaderBuffer); renderer.__setShaderBuffer(shaderBuffer); renderer.applyMatrix(uMatrix1); renderer.applyBitmapData(bitmap,false,repeat); renderer.applyAlpha(1); renderer.applyColorTransform(null); renderer.__updateShaderBuffer(shaderBufferOffset); } else { if(openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender) { shader2 = renderer.__maskShader; } else { shader2 = renderer.__initGraphicsShader(null); } renderer.setShader(shader2); renderer.applyMatrix(uMatrix1); renderer.applyBitmapData(bitmap,renderer.__allowSmoothing && smooth,repeat); renderer.applyAlpha(graphics.__owner.__worldAlpha); renderer.applyColorTransform(graphics.__owner.__worldColorTransform); renderer.updateShader(); } if(shader2.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader2.__position.index,vertexBuffer1,bufferPosition,hasUVTData ? 4 : 2); } if(shader2.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader2.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer1,bufferPosition + vertLength,2); } switch(culling) { case 0: context.setCulling(0); break; case 2: context.setCulling(1); break; default: } context.__drawTriangles(bufferPosition,length1); shaderBufferOffset += length1; if(hasUVData) { vertexBufferPositionUVT += dataPerVertex * length1; } else { vertexBufferPosition += dataPerVertex * length1; } if(culling != 1) { context.setCulling(0); } renderer.__clearShader(); break; case 13: bitmap = null; fill = null; shaderBuffer = null; var _g8 = data.prev; switch(_g8[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; break; case 18: var _g9 = data.prev; switch(_g9[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO; var this7 = data; var c6 = this7; positionX = c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos]; positionY = c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1]; break; case 19: var _g10 = data.prev; switch(_g10[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.OVERRIDE_BLEND_MODE; var this8 = data; var c7 = this8; renderer.__setBlendMode(c7.buffer.o[c7.oPos]); break; default: var _g11 = data.prev; switch(_g11[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } } openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); } graphics.__hardwareDirty = false; graphics.set___dirty(false); } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.renderMask = function(graphics,renderer) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender = true; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.render(graphics,renderer); openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.maskRender = false; }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.resizeIndexBuffer = function(graphics,isQuad,length) { if(isQuad) { return; } var buffer = isQuad ? null : graphics.__triangleIndexBufferData; var position = 0; var newBuffer = null; if(buffer == null) { var this1; if(length != null) { this1 = new Uint16Array(length); } else { this1 = null; } newBuffer = this1; } else if(length > buffer.length) { var this2; if(length != null) { this2 = new Uint16Array(length); } else { this2 = null; } newBuffer = this2; newBuffer.set(buffer); position = buffer.length; } if(newBuffer != null) { if(!isQuad) { graphics.__triangleIndexBufferData = newBuffer; } } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.resizeVertexBuffer = function(graphics,hasUVTData,length) { var buffer = hasUVTData ? graphics.__vertexBufferDataUVT : graphics.__vertexBufferData; var newBuffer = null; if(buffer == null) { var this1; if(length != null) { this1 = new Float32Array(length); } else { this1 = null; } newBuffer = this1; } else if(length > buffer.length) { var this2; if(length != null) { this2 = new Float32Array(length); } else { this2 = null; } newBuffer = this2; newBuffer.set(buffer); } if(newBuffer != null) { if(hasUVTData) { graphics.__vertexBufferDataUVT = newBuffer; } else { graphics.__vertexBufferData = newBuffer; } } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DMaskShader = function() { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "varying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform sampler2D openfl_Texture;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D (openfl_Texture, openfl_TextureCoordv);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (color.a == 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tdiscard;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = color;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "attribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_TextureCoordv = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } openfl_display_Shader.call(this); this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.context3D.Context3DMaskShader"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DMaskShader; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DMaskShader.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","context3D","Context3DMaskShader"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DMaskShader.__super__ = openfl_display_Shader; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DMaskShader.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Shader.prototype,{ openfl_Position: null ,openfl_TextureCoord: null ,openfl_Matrix: null ,openfl_Texture: null ,__class__: openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DMaskShader }); var openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.context3D.Context3DShape"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","context3D","Context3DShape"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.render = function(shape,renderer) { if(!shape.__renderable || shape.__worldAlpha <= 0) { return; } var graphics = shape.__graphics; if(graphics != null) { renderer.__setBlendMode(shape.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(shape); openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.render(graphics,renderer); var bounds = graphics.__bounds; if(graphics.__bitmap != null && graphics.__visible) { var context = renderer.__context3D; var shader = renderer.__initDisplayShader(shape.__worldShader); renderer.setShader(shader); renderer.applyBitmapData(graphics.__bitmap,renderer.__allowSmoothing); renderer.applyMatrix(renderer.__getMatrix(graphics.__worldTransform,1)); renderer.applyAlpha(shape.__worldAlpha); renderer.applyColorTransform(shape.__worldColorTransform); renderer.updateShader(); var vertexBuffer = graphics.__bitmap.getVertexBuffer(context); if(shader.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__position.index,vertexBuffer,0,3); } if(shader.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer,3,2); } var indexBuffer = graphics.__bitmap.getIndexBuffer(context); context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer); renderer.__clearShader(); } renderer.__popMaskObject(shape); } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.renderMask = function(shape,renderer) { var graphics = shape.__graphics; if(graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DGraphics.renderMask(graphics,renderer); var bounds = graphics.__bounds; if(graphics.__bitmap != null) { var context = renderer.__context3D; var shader = renderer.__maskShader; renderer.setShader(shader); renderer.applyBitmapData(graphics.__bitmap,renderer.__allowSmoothing); renderer.applyMatrix(renderer.__getMatrix(graphics.__worldTransform,1)); renderer.updateShader(); var vertexBuffer = graphics.__bitmap.getVertexBuffer(context); if(shader.__position != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__position.index,vertexBuffer,0,3); } if(shader.__textureCoord != null) { context.setVertexBufferAt(shader.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer,3,2); } var indexBuffer = graphics.__bitmap.getIndexBuffer(context); context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer); renderer.__clearShader(); } } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DState = function() { this.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil = false; this.blendDestinationAlphaFactor = 9; this.blendSourceAlphaFactor = 2; this.blendDestinationRGBFactor = 9; this.blendSourceRGBFactor = 2; this.colorMaskRed = true; this.colorMaskGreen = true; this.colorMaskBlue = true; this.colorMaskAlpha = true; this.culling = 3; this.depthCompareMode = 4; this.depthMask = true; this.samplerStates = []; this.scissorRectangle = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this.stencilCompareMode = 0; this.stencilDepthFail = 5; this.stencilFail = 5; this.stencilPass = 5; this.stencilReadMask = 255; this.stencilReferenceValue = 0; this.stencilTriangleFace = 2; this.stencilWriteMask = 255; this.textures = []; this.__frontFaceGLCCW = true; this.__glBlendEquation = 32774; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.context3D.Context3DState"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DState; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DState.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","context3D","Context3DState"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DState.prototype = { backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil: null ,blendDestinationAlphaFactor: null ,blendSourceAlphaFactor: null ,blendDestinationRGBFactor: null ,blendSourceRGBFactor: null ,colorMaskRed: null ,colorMaskGreen: null ,colorMaskBlue: null ,colorMaskAlpha: null ,culling: null ,depthCompareMode: null ,depthMask: null ,program: null ,renderToTexture: null ,renderToTextureAntiAlias: null ,renderToTextureDepthStencil: null ,renderToTextureSurfaceSelector: null ,samplerStates: null ,scissorEnabled: null ,scissorRectangle: null ,stencilCompareMode: null ,stencilDepthFail: null ,stencilFail: null ,stencilPass: null ,stencilReadMask: null ,stencilReferenceValue: null ,stencilTriangleFace: null ,stencilWriteMask: null ,textures: null ,shader: null ,__currentGLArrayBuffer: null ,__currentGLElementArrayBuffer: null ,__currentGLFramebuffer: null ,__currentGLTexture2D: null ,__currentGLTextureCubeMap: null ,__enableGLBlend: null ,__enableGLCullFace: null ,__enableGLDepthTest: null ,__enableGLScissorTest: null ,__enableGLStencilTest: null ,__frontFaceGLCCW: null ,__glBlendEquation: null ,__primaryGLFramebuffer: null ,__rttDepthGLRenderbuffer: null ,__rttGLFramebuffer: null ,__rttGLRenderbuffer: null ,__rttStencilGLRenderbuffer: null ,__class__: openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DState }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.dom.DOMBitmap"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","dom","DOMBitmap"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.clear = function(bitmap,renderer) { if(bitmap.__image != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(bitmap.__image); bitmap.__image = null; bitmap.__style = null; } if(bitmap.__canvas != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(bitmap.__canvas); bitmap.__canvas = null; bitmap.__style = null; } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.render = function(bitmap,renderer) { if(bitmap.stage != null && bitmap.__worldVisible && bitmap.__renderable && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid && bitmap.__bitmapData.readable) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap); if(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.buffer.__srcImage != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderImage(bitmap,renderer); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderCanvas(bitmap,renderer); } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.clear(bitmap,renderer); } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderCanvas = function(bitmap,renderer) { if(bitmap.__image != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(bitmap.__image); bitmap.__image = null; } if(bitmap.__canvas == null) { bitmap.__canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); bitmap.__context = bitmap.__canvas.getContext("2d"); bitmap.__imageVersion = -1; if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { bitmap.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } renderer.__initializeElement(bitmap,bitmap.__canvas); } if(bitmap.__imageVersion != bitmap.__bitmapData.image.version) { lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(bitmap.__bitmapData.image); bitmap.__canvas.width = bitmap.__bitmapData.width + 1; bitmap.__canvas.width = bitmap.__bitmapData.width; bitmap.__canvas.height = bitmap.__bitmapData.height; bitmap.__context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.buffer.__srcCanvas,0,0); bitmap.__imageVersion = bitmap.__bitmapData.image.version; } renderer.__updateClip(bitmap); renderer.__applyStyle(bitmap,true,true,true); }; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderImage = function(bitmap,renderer) { if(bitmap.__canvas != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(bitmap.__canvas); bitmap.__canvas = null; } if(bitmap.__image == null) { bitmap.__image = window.document.createElement("img"); bitmap.__image.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; bitmap.__image.src = bitmap.__bitmapData.image.buffer.__srcImage.src; renderer.__initializeElement(bitmap,bitmap.__image); } renderer.__updateClip(bitmap); renderer.__applyStyle(bitmap,true,true,true); }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMDisplayObject = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.dom.DOMDisplayObject"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMDisplayObject; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMDisplayObject.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","dom","DOMDisplayObject"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMDisplayObject.clear = function(displayObject,renderer) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(displayObject,renderer); }; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMDisplayObject.render = function(displayObject,renderer) { var tmp = displayObject.opaqueBackground != null && !displayObject.__isCacheBitmapRender && displayObject.get_width() > 0 && displayObject.get_height() > 0; var graphics = displayObject.__graphics; if(displayObject.stage != null && displayObject.__worldVisible && displayObject.__renderable && graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer.__canvasRenderer); if(graphics.__softwareDirty || displayObject.__worldAlphaChanged || displayObject.__canvas != graphics.__canvas) { if(graphics.__canvas != null) { if(displayObject.__canvas != graphics.__canvas) { if(displayObject.__canvas != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(displayObject.__canvas); } displayObject.__canvas = graphics.__canvas; displayObject.__context = graphics.__context; renderer.__initializeElement(displayObject,displayObject.__canvas); } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(displayObject,renderer); } } if(displayObject.__canvas != null) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(displayObject); var cacheTransform = displayObject.__renderTransform; displayObject.__renderTransform = graphics.__worldTransform; if(graphics.__transformDirty) { graphics.__transformDirty = false; displayObject.__renderTransformChanged = true; } renderer.__updateClip(displayObject); renderer.__applyStyle(displayObject,true,true,true); displayObject.__renderTransform = cacheTransform; renderer.__popMaskObject(displayObject); } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(displayObject,renderer); } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.dom.DOMShape"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","dom","DOMShape"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear = function(shape,renderer) { if(shape.__canvas != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(shape.__canvas); shape.__canvas = null; shape.__style = null; } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.render = function(shape,renderer) { var graphics = shape.__graphics; if(shape.stage != null && shape.__worldVisible && shape.__renderable && graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer.__canvasRenderer); if(graphics.__softwareDirty || shape.__worldAlphaChanged || shape.__canvas != graphics.__canvas) { if(graphics.__canvas != null) { if(shape.__canvas != graphics.__canvas) { if(shape.__canvas != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(shape.__canvas); } shape.__canvas = graphics.__canvas; shape.__context = graphics.__context; renderer.__initializeElement(shape,shape.__canvas); } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(shape,renderer); } } if(shape.__canvas != null) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(shape); var cacheTransform = shape.__renderTransform; shape.__renderTransform = graphics.__worldTransform; if(graphics.__transformDirty) { graphics.__transformDirty = false; shape.__renderTransformChanged = true; } renderer.__updateClip(shape); renderer.__applyStyle(shape,true,true,true); shape.__renderTransform = cacheTransform; renderer.__popMaskObject(shape); } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(shape,renderer); } }; var openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.renderer.dom.DOMTextField"] = openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","renderer","dom","DOMTextField"]; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.clear = function(textField,renderer) { if(textField.__div != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(textField.__div); textField.__div = null; textField.__style = null; } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.measureText = function(textField) { var textEngine = textField.__textEngine; var div = textField.__div; if(div == null) { div = window.document.createElement("div"); var _this_r = new RegExp("\n","g".split("u").join("")); div.innerHTML = textEngine.text.replace(_this_r,"
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} textField.__dirty = false; } else if(textField.__div != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(textField.__div); textField.__div = null; } } if(textField.__div != null) { var old = renderer.__roundPixels; renderer.__roundPixels = true; renderer.__updateClip(textField); renderer.__applyStyle(textField,true,true,true); renderer.__roundPixels = old; } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.clear(textField,renderer); } }; openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__getAttributeMatch = function(regex) { if(regex.matched(2) != null) { return regex.matched(2); } else { return regex.matched(3); } }; var openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.SWFSymbol"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","SWFSymbol"]; openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.prototype = { className: null ,id: null ,__createObject: function(swf) { return null; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol }; 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openfl__$internal_symbols_ButtonSymbol.__super__ = openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_ButtonSymbol.prototype = $extend(openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.prototype,{ downState: null ,hitState: null ,overState: null ,upState: null ,__createObject: function(swf) { var simpleButton = null; openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSWF = swf; openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSymbol = this; if(this.className != null) { var symbolType = Type.resolveClass(this.className); if(symbolType != null) { simpleButton = Type.createInstance(symbolType,[]); } } if(simpleButton == null) { simpleButton = new openfl_display_SimpleButton(); } return simpleButton; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_ButtonSymbol }); var openfl__$internal_symbols_DynamicTextSymbol = function() { openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.DynamicTextSymbol"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_DynamicTextSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_DynamicTextSymbol.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","DynamicTextSymbol"]; openfl__$internal_symbols_DynamicTextSymbol.__super__ = openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_DynamicTextSymbol.prototype = $extend(openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.prototype,{ align: null ,border: null ,color: null ,fontHeight: null ,fontID: null ,fontName: null ,height: null ,html: null ,indent: null ,input: null ,leading: null ,leftMargin: null ,multiline: null ,password: null ,rightMargin: null ,selectable: null ,text: null ,width: null ,wordWrap: null ,x: null ,y: null ,__createObject: function(swf) { var textField = new openfl_text_TextField(); textField.__fromSymbol(swf,this); return textField; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_DynamicTextSymbol }); var openfl__$internal_symbols_FontSymbol = function() { openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.FontSymbol"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_FontSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_FontSymbol.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","FontSymbol"]; openfl__$internal_symbols_FontSymbol.__super__ = openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_FontSymbol.prototype = $extend(openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.prototype,{ advances: null ,ascent: null ,bold: null ,codes: null ,descent: null ,glyphs: null ,italic: null ,leading: null ,name: null ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_FontSymbol }); var openfl__$internal_symbols_ShapeSymbol = function() { openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.ShapeSymbol"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_ShapeSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_ShapeSymbol.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","ShapeSymbol"]; openfl__$internal_symbols_ShapeSymbol.__super__ = openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_ShapeSymbol.prototype = $extend(openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.prototype,{ commands: null ,rendered: null ,__createObject: function(swf) { var shape = new openfl_display_Shape(); var graphics = shape.get_graphics(); if(this.rendered != null) { graphics.copyFrom(this.rendered.get_graphics()); return shape; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.commands; while(_g < _g1.length) { var command = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(command[1]) { case 0: var smooth = command[5]; var repeat = command[4]; var matrix = command[3]; var bitmapID = command[2]; var bitmapSymbol = swf.symbols.get(bitmapID); var bitmap = swf.library.getImage(bitmapSymbol.path); if(bitmap != null) { graphics.beginBitmapFill(openfl_display_BitmapData.fromImage(bitmap),matrix,repeat,smooth); } break; case 1: var alpha = command[3]; var color = command[2]; graphics.beginFill(color,alpha); break; case 2: var focalPointRatio = command[9]; var interpolationMethod = command[8]; var spreadMethod = command[7]; var matrix1 = command[6]; var ratios = command[5]; var alphas = command[4]; var colors = command[3]; var fillType = command[2]; graphics.beginGradientFill(fillType,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix1,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio); break; case 3: var anchorY = command[5]; var anchorX = command[4]; var controlY = command[3]; var controlX = command[2]; graphics.curveTo(controlX,controlY,anchorX,anchorY); break; case 4: graphics.endFill(); break; case 5: var miterLimit = command[9]; var joints = command[8]; var caps = command[7]; var scaleMode = command[6]; var pixelHinting = command[5]; var alpha1 = command[4]; var color1 = command[3]; var thickness = command[2]; if(thickness != null) { graphics.lineStyle(thickness,color1,alpha1,pixelHinting,scaleMode,caps,joints,miterLimit); } else { graphics.lineStyle(); } break; case 6: var y = command[3]; var x = command[2]; graphics.lineTo(x,y); break; case 7: var y1 = command[3]; var x1 = command[2]; graphics.moveTo(x1,y1); break; } } this.commands = null; this.rendered = new openfl_display_Shape(); this.rendered.get_graphics().copyFrom(shape.get_graphics()); return shape; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_ShapeSymbol }); var openfl__$internal_symbols_SpriteSymbol = function() { openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.call(this); this.frames = []; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.SpriteSymbol"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_SpriteSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_SpriteSymbol.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","SpriteSymbol"]; openfl__$internal_symbols_SpriteSymbol.__super__ = openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_SpriteSymbol.prototype = $extend(openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.prototype,{ baseClassName: null ,frames: null ,__createObject: function(swf) { openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSWF = swf; openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSymbol = this; var symbolType = null; if(this.className != null) { symbolType = Type.resolveClass(this.className); var tmp = symbolType == null; } if(symbolType == null && this.baseClassName != null) { symbolType = Type.resolveClass(this.baseClassName); var tmp1 = symbolType == null; } var movieClip = null; if(symbolType != null) { movieClip = Type.createInstance(symbolType,[]); } else { movieClip = new openfl_display_MovieClip(); } return movieClip; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_SpriteSymbol }); var openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextSymbol = function() { openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.StaticTextSymbol"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextSymbol.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","StaticTextSymbol"]; openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextSymbol.__super__ = openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol; openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextSymbol.prototype = $extend(openfl__$internal_symbols_SWFSymbol.prototype,{ matrix: null ,records: null ,rendered: null ,__createObject: function(swf) { var staticText = new openfl_text_StaticText(); var graphics = staticText.__graphics; if(this.rendered != null) { staticText.text = this.rendered.text; graphics.copyFrom(this.rendered.__graphics); return staticText; } var text = ""; if(this.records != null) { var font = null; var color = 16777215; var offsetX = this.matrix.tx; var offsetY = this.matrix.ty; var scale; var index; var code; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.records; while(_g < _g1.length) { var record = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(record.fontID != null) { font = swf.symbols.h[record.fontID]; } if(record.offsetX != null) { offsetX = this.matrix.tx + record.offsetX * 0.05; } if(record.offsetY != null) { offsetY = this.matrix.ty + record.offsetY * 0.05; } if(record.color != null) { color = record.color; } if(font != null) { scale = record.fontHeight / 1024 * 0.05; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = record.glyphs.length; while(_g3 < _g2) { var i = _g3++; index = record.glyphs[i]; text += String.fromCharCode(font.codes[index]); var _g4 = 0; var _g5 = font.glyphs[index]; while(_g4 < _g5.length) { var command = _g5[_g4]; ++_g4; switch(command[1]) { case 1: var alpha = command[3]; graphics.beginFill(color & 16777215,(color >> 24 & 255) / 255); break; case 3: var anchorY = command[5]; var anchorX = command[4]; var controlY = command[3]; var controlX = command[2]; graphics.curveTo(controlX * scale + offsetX,controlY * scale + offsetY,anchorX * scale + offsetX,anchorY * scale + offsetY); break; case 4: graphics.endFill(); break; case 5: var miterLimit = command[9]; var joints = command[8]; var caps = command[7]; var scaleMode = command[6]; var pixelHinting = command[5]; var alpha1 = command[4]; var color1 = command[3]; var thickness = command[2]; if(thickness != null) { graphics.lineStyle(thickness,color1,alpha1,pixelHinting,scaleMode,caps,joints,miterLimit); } else { graphics.lineStyle(); } break; case 6: var y = command[3]; var x = command[2]; graphics.lineTo(x * scale + offsetX,y * scale + offsetY); break; case 7: var y1 = command[3]; var x1 = command[2]; graphics.moveTo(x1 * scale + offsetX,y1 * scale + offsetY); break; default: } } offsetX += record.advances[i] * 0.05; } } } } staticText.text = text; this.records = null; this.rendered = new openfl_text_StaticText(); this.rendered.text = text; this.rendered.__graphics.copyFrom(staticText.__graphics); return staticText; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextSymbol }); var openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextRecord = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.StaticTextRecord"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextRecord; openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextRecord.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","StaticTextRecord"]; openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextRecord.prototype = { advances: null ,color: null ,fontHeight: null ,fontID: null ,glyphs: null ,offsetX: null ,offsetY: null ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_StaticTextRecord }; var openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_Frame = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.timeline.Frame"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_Frame; openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_Frame.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","timeline","Frame"]; openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_Frame.prototype = { label: null ,objects: null ,script: null ,scriptSource: null ,__class__: openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_Frame }; var openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_FrameObject = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.symbols.timeline.FrameObject"] = openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_FrameObject; openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_FrameObject.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","symbols","timeline","FrameObject"]; 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openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_FrameObjectType.DESTROY = ["DESTROY",2]; openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_FrameObjectType.DESTROY.toString = $estr; openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_FrameObjectType.DESTROY.__enum__ = openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_FrameObjectType; var openfl__$internal_text_GlyphPosition = function(glyph,advance,offset) { this.glyph = glyph; this.advance = advance; if(offset != null) { this.offset = offset; } else { this.offset = new lime_math_Vector2(); } }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.text.GlyphPosition"] = openfl__$internal_text_GlyphPosition; openfl__$internal_text_GlyphPosition.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","text","GlyphPosition"]; openfl__$internal_text_GlyphPosition.prototype = { advance: null ,glyph: null ,offset: null ,__class__: openfl__$internal_text_GlyphPosition }; var openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine = function(textField) { this.textField = textField; this.width = 100; this.height = 100; this.set_text(""); this.bounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,0,0); this.textBounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,0,0); this.type = 0; this.autoSize = 2; this.embedFonts = false; this.selectable = true; this.borderColor = 0; this.border = false; this.backgroundColor = 16777215; this.background = false; this.gridFitType = 1; this.maxChars = 0; this.multiline = false; this.sharpness = 0; this.scrollH = 0; this.scrollV = 1; this.wordWrap = false; this.lineAscents = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); this.lineBreaks = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); this.lineDescents = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); this.lineLeadings = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); this.lineHeights = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); this.lineWidths = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); this.layoutGroups = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector(null); this.textFormatRanges = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector(null); openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__canvas.getContext("2d"); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.text.TextEngine"] = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","text","TextEngine"]; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__canvas = null; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context = null; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.findFont = function(name) { var _this = openfl_text_Font.__fontByName; if(__map_reserved[name] != null) { return _this.getReserved(name); } else { return _this.h[name]; } }; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.findFontVariant = function(format) { var fontName = format.font; var bold = format.bold; var italic = format.italic; if(fontName == null) { fontName = "_serif"; } var fontNamePrefix = StringTools.replace(StringTools.replace(fontName," Normal","")," Regular",""); var tmp; if(bold && italic) { var _this = openfl_text_Font.__fontByName; var key = fontNamePrefix + " Bold Italic"; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { tmp = _this.existsReserved(key); } else { tmp = _this.h.hasOwnProperty(key); } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { return openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.findFont(fontNamePrefix + " Bold Italic"); } else { var tmp1; if(bold) { var _this1 = openfl_text_Font.__fontByName; var key1 = fontNamePrefix + " Bold"; if(__map_reserved[key1] != null) { tmp1 = _this1.existsReserved(key1); } else { tmp1 = _this1.h.hasOwnProperty(key1); } } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { return openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.findFont(fontNamePrefix + " Bold"); } else { var tmp2; if(italic) { var _this2 = openfl_text_Font.__fontByName; var key2 = fontNamePrefix + " Italic"; if(__map_reserved[key2] != null) { tmp2 = _this2.existsReserved(key2); } else { tmp2 = _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(key2); } } else { tmp2 = false; } if(tmp2) { return openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.findFont(fontNamePrefix + " Italic"); } } } return openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.findFont(fontName); }; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight = function(format) { var ascent; var descent; var leading; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context.font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFont(format); var font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFontInstance(format); if(format.__ascent != null) { ascent = format.size * format.__ascent; descent = format.size * format.__descent; } else if(font != null && font.unitsPerEM != 0) { ascent = font.ascender / font.unitsPerEM * format.size; descent = Math.abs(font.descender / font.unitsPerEM * format.size); } else { ascent = format.size; descent = format.size * 0.185; } leading = format.leading; return ascent + descent + leading; }; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFont = function(format) { var fontName = format.font; var bold = format.bold; var italic = format.italic; if(fontName == null) { fontName = "_serif"; } var fontNamePrefix = StringTools.replace(StringTools.replace(fontName," Normal","")," Regular",""); var tmp; if(bold && italic) { var _this = openfl_text_Font.__fontByName; var key = fontNamePrefix + " Bold Italic"; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { tmp = _this.existsReserved(key); } else { tmp = _this.h.hasOwnProperty(key); } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { fontName = fontNamePrefix + " Bold Italic"; bold = false; italic = false; } else { var tmp1; if(bold) { var _this1 = openfl_text_Font.__fontByName; var key1 = fontNamePrefix + " Bold"; if(__map_reserved[key1] != null) { tmp1 = _this1.existsReserved(key1); } else { tmp1 = _this1.h.hasOwnProperty(key1); } } else { tmp1 = false; } if(tmp1) { fontName = fontNamePrefix + " Bold"; bold = false; } else { var tmp2; if(italic) { var _this2 = openfl_text_Font.__fontByName; var key2 = fontNamePrefix + " Italic"; if(__map_reserved[key2] != null) { tmp2 = _this2.existsReserved(key2); } else { tmp2 = _this2.h.hasOwnProperty(key2); } } else { tmp2 = false; } if(tmp2) { fontName = fontNamePrefix + " Italic"; italic = false; } else { if(bold && (fontName.indexOf(" Bold ") > -1 || StringTools.endsWith(fontName," Bold"))) { bold = false; } if(italic && (fontName.indexOf(" Italic ") > -1 || StringTools.endsWith(fontName," Italic"))) { italic = false; } } } } var font = italic ? "italic " : "normal "; font += "normal "; font += bold ? "bold " : "normal "; font += format.size + "px"; font += "/" + (format.leading + format.size + 3) + "px "; var font1; switch(fontName) { case "_sans": font1 = "sans-serif"; break; case "_serif": font1 = "serif"; break; case "_typewriter": font1 = "monospace"; break; default: var _this_r = new RegExp("^[\\s'\"]+(.*)[\\s'\"]+$","".split("u").join("")); font1 = "'" + fontName.replace(_this_r,"$1") + "'"; } font += "" + font1; return font; }; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFontInstance = function(format) { return openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.findFontVariant(format); }; openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.prototype = { antiAliasType: null ,autoSize: null ,background: null ,backgroundColor: null ,border: null ,borderColor: null ,bottomScrollV: null ,bounds: null ,caretIndex: null ,embedFonts: null ,gridFitType: null ,height: null ,layoutGroups: null ,lineAscents: null ,lineBreaks: null ,lineDescents: null ,lineLeadings: null ,lineHeights: null ,lineWidths: null ,maxChars: null ,maxScrollH: null ,maxScrollV: null ,multiline: null ,numLines: null ,restrict: null ,scrollH: null ,scrollV: null ,selectable: null ,sharpness: null ,text: null ,textBounds: null ,textHeight: null ,textFormatRanges: null ,textWidth: null ,type: null ,width: null ,wordWrap: null ,textField: null ,__cursorTimer: null ,__hasFocus: null ,__isKeyDown: null ,__measuredHeight: null ,__measuredWidth: null ,__restrictRegexp: null ,__selectionStart: null ,__showCursor: null ,__textFormat: null ,__textLayout: null ,__texture: null ,__useIntAdvances: null ,__cairoFont: null ,__font: null ,createRestrictRegexp: function(restrict) { var declinedRange = new EReg("\\^(.-.|.)","gu"); var declined = ""; var accepted = declinedRange.map(restrict,function(ereg) { declined += ereg.matched(1); return ""; }); var testRegexpParts = []; if(accepted.length > 0) { testRegexpParts.push("[^" + restrict + "]"); } if(declined.length > 0) { testRegexpParts.push("[" + declined + "]"); } return new EReg("(" + testRegexpParts.join("|") + ")","g"); } ,getBounds: function() { var padding = this.border ? 1 : 0; this.bounds.width = this.width + padding; this.bounds.height = this.height + padding; var x = this.width; var y = this.width; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.layoutGroups; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(group.offsetX < x) { x = group.offsetX; } if(group.offsetY < y) { y = group.offsetY; } } if(x >= this.width) { x = 2; } if(y >= this.height) { y = 2; } var textHeight = this.textHeight * 1.185; this.textBounds.setTo(Math.max(x - 2,0),Math.max(y - 2,0),Math.min(this.textWidth + 4,this.bounds.width + 4),Math.min(textHeight + 4,this.bounds.height + 4)); } ,getLine: function(index) { if(index < 0 || index > this.lineBreaks.get_length() + 1) { return null; } if(this.lineBreaks.get_length() == 0) { return this.text; } else { return lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(this.text,index > 0 ? this.lineBreaks.get(index - 1) : 0,this.lineBreaks.get(index)); } } ,getLineBreakIndex: function(startIndex) { if(startIndex == null) { startIndex = 0; } var cr = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.indexOf(this.text,"\n",startIndex); var lf = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.indexOf(this.text,"\r",startIndex); if(cr == -1) { return lf; } if(lf == -1) { return cr; } if(cr < lf) { return cr; } else { return lf; } } ,getLineMeasurements: function() { this.lineAscents.set_length(0); this.lineDescents.set_length(0); this.lineLeadings.set_length(0); this.lineHeights.set_length(0); this.lineWidths.set_length(0); var currentLineAscent = 0.0; var currentLineDescent = 0.0; var currentLineLeading = null; var currentLineHeight = 0.0; var currentLineWidth = 0.0; var currentTextHeight = 0.0; this.textWidth = 0; this.textHeight = 0; this.numLines = 1; this.bottomScrollV = 0; this.maxScrollH = 0; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.layoutGroups; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; while(group.lineIndex > this.numLines - 1) { this.lineAscents.push(currentLineAscent); this.lineDescents.push(currentLineDescent); this.lineLeadings.push(currentLineLeading != null ? currentLineLeading : 0); this.lineHeights.push(currentLineHeight); this.lineWidths.push(currentLineWidth); currentLineAscent = 0; currentLineDescent = 0; currentLineLeading = null; currentLineHeight = 0; currentLineWidth = 0; this.numLines++; if(this.textHeight <= this.height - 2) { this.bottomScrollV++; } } currentLineAscent = Math.max(currentLineAscent,group.ascent); currentLineDescent = Math.max(currentLineDescent,group.descent); if(currentLineLeading == null) { currentLineLeading = group.leading; } else { currentLineLeading = Math.max(currentLineLeading,group.leading) | 0; } currentLineHeight = Math.max(currentLineHeight,group.height); currentLineWidth = group.offsetX - 2 + group.width; if(currentLineWidth > this.textWidth) { this.textWidth = currentLineWidth; } currentTextHeight = group.offsetY - 2 + group.ascent + group.descent; if(currentTextHeight > this.textHeight) { this.textHeight = currentTextHeight; } } if(this.textHeight == 0 && this.textField != null && this.textField.get_type() == 1) { var currentFormat = this.textField.__textFormat; var ascent; var descent; var leading; var heightValue; var font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFontInstance(currentFormat); if(currentFormat.__ascent != null) { ascent = currentFormat.size * currentFormat.__ascent; descent = currentFormat.size * currentFormat.__descent; } else if(font != null && font.unitsPerEM != 0) { ascent = font.ascender / font.unitsPerEM * currentFormat.size; descent = Math.abs(font.descender / font.unitsPerEM * currentFormat.size); } else { ascent = currentFormat.size; descent = currentFormat.size * 0.185; } leading = currentFormat.leading; heightValue = ascent + descent + leading; currentLineAscent = ascent; currentLineDescent = descent; currentLineLeading = leading; currentTextHeight = ascent + descent; this.textHeight = currentTextHeight; } this.lineAscents.push(currentLineAscent); this.lineDescents.push(currentLineDescent); this.lineLeadings.push(currentLineLeading != null ? currentLineLeading : 0); this.lineHeights.push(currentLineHeight); this.lineWidths.push(currentLineWidth); if(this.numLines == 1) { this.bottomScrollV = 1; if(currentLineLeading > 0) { this.textHeight += currentLineLeading; } } else if(this.textHeight <= this.height - 2) { this.bottomScrollV++; } if(this.autoSize != 2) { var _g2 = this.autoSize; switch(_g2) { case 0:case 1:case 3: if(!this.wordWrap) { this.width = this.textWidth + 4; } this.height = this.textHeight + 4; this.bottomScrollV = this.numLines; break; default: } } if(this.textWidth > this.width - 4) { this.maxScrollH = this.textWidth - this.width + 4 | 0; } else { this.maxScrollH = 0; } this.maxScrollV = this.numLines - this.bottomScrollV + 1; if(this.scrollV > this.maxScrollV) { this.scrollV = this.maxScrollV; } if(this.scrollH > this.maxScrollH) { this.scrollH = this.maxScrollH; } } ,getLayoutGroups: function() { var _gthis = this; this.layoutGroups.set_length(0); if(this.text == null || lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.equals(this.text,"")) { return; } var rangeIndex = -1; var formatRange = null; var font = null; var currentFormat = openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat.clone(); var leading = 0; var ascent = 0.0; var maxAscent = 0.0; var descent = 0.0; var layoutGroup = null; var positions = null; var widthValue = 0.0; var heightValue = 0.0; var maxHeightValue = 0.0; var previousSpaceIndex = -2; var spaceIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.indexOf(this.text," "); var breakIndex = this.getLineBreakIndex(); var offsetX = 2.0; var offsetY = 2.0; var textIndex = 0; var lineIndex = 0; var lineFormat = null; var getPositions = function(text,startIndex,endIndex) { var positions1 = []; var letterSpacing = 0.0; if(formatRange.format.letterSpacing != null) { letterSpacing = formatRange.format.letterSpacing; } if(_gthis.__useIntAdvances == null) { var getPositions1 = new EReg("Trident/7.0",""); _gthis.__useIntAdvances = getPositions1.match(window.navigator.userAgent); } if(_gthis.__useIntAdvances) { var previousWidth = 0.0; var width; var _g1 = startIndex; var _g = endIndex; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; width = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context.measureText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,startIndex,i + 1)).width; positions1.push(width - previousWidth); previousWidth = width; } } else { var _g11 = startIndex; var _g2 = endIndex; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; var advance; if(i1 < lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(text) - 1) { var nextWidth = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context.measureText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.charAt(text,i1 + 1)).width; var twoWidths = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context.measureText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substr(text,i1,2)).width; advance = twoWidths - nextWidth; } else { advance = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context.measureText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.charAt(text,i1)).width; } positions1.push(advance); } } return positions1; }; var getPositionsWidth = function(positions2) { var width1 = 0.0; var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < positions2.length) { var position = positions2[_g3]; ++_g3; width1 += position; } return width1; }; var getTextWidth = function(text1) { return openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context.measureText(text1).width; }; var nextLayoutGroup = function(startIndex1,endIndex1) { if(layoutGroup == null || layoutGroup.startIndex != layoutGroup.endIndex) { layoutGroup = new openfl__$internal_text_TextLayoutGroup(formatRange.format,startIndex1,endIndex1); _gthis.layoutGroups.push(layoutGroup); } else { layoutGroup.format = formatRange.format; layoutGroup.startIndex = startIndex1; layoutGroup.endIndex = endIndex1; } }; var setLineMetrics = function() { if(currentFormat.__ascent != null) { ascent = currentFormat.size * currentFormat.__ascent; descent = currentFormat.size * currentFormat.__descent; } else if(font != null && font.unitsPerEM != 0) { ascent = font.ascender / font.unitsPerEM * currentFormat.size; descent = Math.abs(font.descender / font.unitsPerEM * currentFormat.size); } else { ascent = currentFormat.size; descent = currentFormat.size * 0.185; } leading = currentFormat.leading; heightValue = ascent + descent + leading; if(heightValue > maxHeightValue) { maxHeightValue = heightValue; } if(ascent > maxAscent) { maxAscent = ascent; } }; var nextFormatRange = function() { var nextFormatRange1 = _gthis.textFormatRanges.get_length() - 1; if(rangeIndex < nextFormatRange1) { rangeIndex += 1; formatRange = _gthis.textFormatRanges.get(rangeIndex); currentFormat.__merge(formatRange.format); openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.__context.font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFont(currentFormat); font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFontInstance(currentFormat); } }; var setFormattedPositions = function(startIndex2,endIndex2) { if(endIndex2 <= formatRange.end) { positions = getPositions(_gthis.text,startIndex2,endIndex2); widthValue = getPositionsWidth(positions); } else { var tempIndex = startIndex2; var tempRangeEnd = formatRange.end; var countRanges = 0; positions = []; widthValue = 0; while(true) { if(tempIndex != tempRangeEnd) { var tempPositions = getPositions(_gthis.text,tempIndex,tempRangeEnd); positions = positions.concat(tempPositions); } if(tempRangeEnd != endIndex2) { nextFormatRange(); tempIndex = tempRangeEnd; if(endIndex2 < formatRange.end) { tempRangeEnd = endIndex2; } else { tempRangeEnd = formatRange.end; } ++countRanges; } else { widthValue = getPositionsWidth(positions); break; } } rangeIndex -= countRanges + 1; nextFormatRange(); } }; var placeFormattedText = function(endIndex3) { if(endIndex3 <= formatRange.end) { positions = getPositions(_gthis.text,textIndex,endIndex3); widthValue = getPositionsWidth(positions); nextLayoutGroup(textIndex,endIndex3); layoutGroup.positions = positions; layoutGroup.offsetX = offsetX; layoutGroup.ascent = ascent; layoutGroup.descent = descent; layoutGroup.leading = leading; layoutGroup.lineIndex = lineIndex; layoutGroup.offsetY = offsetY; layoutGroup.width = widthValue; layoutGroup.height = heightValue; offsetX += widthValue; if(endIndex3 == formatRange.end) { layoutGroup = null; nextFormatRange(); setLineMetrics(); } } else { while(true) { var tempRangeEnd1 = endIndex3 < formatRange.end ? endIndex3 : formatRange.end; if(textIndex != tempRangeEnd1) { positions = getPositions(_gthis.text,textIndex,tempRangeEnd1); widthValue = getPositionsWidth(positions); nextLayoutGroup(textIndex,tempRangeEnd1); layoutGroup.positions = positions; layoutGroup.offsetX = offsetX; layoutGroup.ascent = ascent; layoutGroup.descent = descent; layoutGroup.leading = leading; layoutGroup.lineIndex = lineIndex; layoutGroup.offsetY = offsetY; layoutGroup.width = widthValue; layoutGroup.height = heightValue; offsetX += widthValue; textIndex = tempRangeEnd1; } if(tempRangeEnd1 == formatRange.end) { layoutGroup = null; } if(tempRangeEnd1 == endIndex3) { break; } nextFormatRange(); setLineMetrics(); } } textIndex = endIndex3; }; var alignBaseline = function() { setLineMetrics(); var i2 = _gthis.layoutGroups.get_length(); while(--i2 > -1) { var lg = _gthis.layoutGroups.get(i2); if(lg.lineIndex < lineIndex) { break; } if(lg.lineIndex > lineIndex) { continue; } lg.ascent = maxAscent; lg.height = maxHeightValue; } offsetY += maxHeightValue; maxAscent = 0.0; maxHeightValue = 0.0; lineIndex += 1; offsetX = 2; }; var breakLongWords = function(endIndex4) { var remainingPositions = positions; var i3; var bufferCount; var placeIndex; var positionWidth; var currentPosition; var tempPositions1; var tempWidth = getPositionsWidth(remainingPositions); while(offsetX + tempWidth > _gthis.width - 2) { bufferCount = 0; i3 = bufferCount; positionWidth = 0.0; while(offsetX + positionWidth < _gthis.width - 2) { currentPosition = remainingPositions[i3]; if(currentPosition == 0.0) { ++i3; ++bufferCount; } else { positionWidth += currentPosition; ++i3; } } if(i3 < 2 && positionWidth + offsetX > _gthis.width - 2) { if(textIndex + i3 - bufferCount == endIndex4) { break; } } else { while(offsetX + positionWidth > _gthis.width - 2) { --i3; if(i3 - bufferCount > 0) { setFormattedPositions(textIndex,textIndex + i3 - bufferCount); positionWidth = widthValue; } else { i3 = 1; bufferCount = 0; setFormattedPositions(textIndex,textIndex + 1); positionWidth = 0; } } } placeIndex = textIndex + i3 - bufferCount; placeFormattedText(placeIndex); alignBaseline(); setFormattedPositions(placeIndex,endIndex4); remainingPositions = positions; tempWidth = widthValue; } }; var placeText = function(endIndex5) { if(_gthis.width >= 4 && _gthis.wordWrap) { breakLongWords(endIndex5); } placeFormattedText(endIndex5); }; nextFormatRange(); setLineMetrics(); lineFormat = formatRange.format; var wrap; var maxLoops = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text) + 1; while(textIndex < maxLoops) if(breakIndex > -1 && (spaceIndex == -1 || breakIndex < spaceIndex)) { if(textIndex <= breakIndex) { setFormattedPositions(textIndex,breakIndex); placeText(breakIndex); layoutGroup = null; } else if(layoutGroup != null && layoutGroup.startIndex != layoutGroup.endIndex) { if(layoutGroup.endIndex == spaceIndex) { layoutGroup.width -= layoutGroup.positions[layoutGroup.positions.length - 1]; } layoutGroup = null; } if(formatRange.end == breakIndex) { nextFormatRange(); setLineMetrics(); lineFormat = formatRange.format; } if(breakIndex >= lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text) - 1) { offsetY -= maxHeightValue; } alignBaseline(); textIndex = breakIndex + 1; breakIndex = this.getLineBreakIndex(textIndex); } else if(spaceIndex > -1) { if(layoutGroup != null && layoutGroup.startIndex != layoutGroup.endIndex) { layoutGroup = null; } wrap = false; while(true) { var tmp = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text); if(textIndex >= tmp) { break; } var endIndex6 = -1; if(spaceIndex == -1) { endIndex6 = breakIndex; } else { endIndex6 = spaceIndex + 1; if(breakIndex > -1 && breakIndex < endIndex6) { endIndex6 = breakIndex; } } if(endIndex6 == -1) { endIndex6 = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text); } setFormattedPositions(textIndex,endIndex6); if(lineFormat.align == 2) { if(positions.length > 0 && textIndex == previousSpaceIndex) { textIndex += 1; var spaceWidth = positions.shift(); widthValue -= spaceWidth; offsetX += spaceWidth; } if(positions.length > 0 && endIndex6 == spaceIndex + 1) { --endIndex6; var spaceWidth1 = positions.pop(); widthValue -= spaceWidth1; } } if(this.wordWrap) { if(offsetX + widthValue > this.width - 2) { wrap = true; if(positions.length > 0 && endIndex6 == spaceIndex + 1) { var lastPosition = positions[positions.length - 1]; var spaceWidth2 = lastPosition; if(offsetX + widthValue - spaceWidth2 <= this.width - 2) { wrap = false; } } } } if(wrap) { if(lineFormat.align != 2 && (layoutGroup != null || this.layoutGroups.get_length() > 0)) { var previous = layoutGroup; if(previous == null) { previous = this.layoutGroups.get(this.layoutGroups.get_length() - 1); } previous.width -= previous.positions[previous.positions.length - 1]; previous.endIndex--; } var i4 = this.layoutGroups.get_length() - 1; var offsetCount = 0; while(true) { layoutGroup = this.layoutGroups.get(i4); if(i4 > 0 && layoutGroup.startIndex > previousSpaceIndex) { ++offsetCount; } else { break; } --i4; } if(textIndex == previousSpaceIndex + 1) { alignBaseline(); } offsetX = 2; if(offsetCount > 0) { var bumpX = this.layoutGroups.get(this.layoutGroups.get_length() - offsetCount).offsetX; var _g12 = this.layoutGroups.get_length() - offsetCount; var _g4 = this.layoutGroups.get_length(); while(_g12 < _g4) { var i5 = _g12++; layoutGroup = this.layoutGroups.get(i5); layoutGroup.offsetX -= bumpX; layoutGroup.offsetY = offsetY; layoutGroup.lineIndex = lineIndex; offsetX += layoutGroup.width; } } placeText(endIndex6); wrap = false; } else if(layoutGroup != null && textIndex == spaceIndex) { if(lineFormat.align != 2) { layoutGroup.endIndex = spaceIndex; layoutGroup.positions = layoutGroup.positions.concat(positions); layoutGroup.width += widthValue; } offsetX += widthValue; textIndex = endIndex6; } else if(layoutGroup == null || lineFormat.align == 2) { placeText(endIndex6); } else { var tempRangeEnd2 = endIndex6 < formatRange.end ? endIndex6 : formatRange.end; if(tempRangeEnd2 < endIndex6) { positions = getPositions(this.text,textIndex,tempRangeEnd2); widthValue = getPositionsWidth(positions); } layoutGroup.endIndex = tempRangeEnd2; layoutGroup.positions = layoutGroup.positions.concat(positions); layoutGroup.width += widthValue; offsetX += widthValue; if(tempRangeEnd2 == formatRange.end) { layoutGroup = null; nextFormatRange(); setLineMetrics(); textIndex = tempRangeEnd2; if(tempRangeEnd2 != endIndex6) { placeFormattedText(endIndex6); } } if(breakIndex == endIndex6) { ++endIndex6; } textIndex = endIndex6; } var nextSpaceIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.indexOf(this.text," ",textIndex); if(breakIndex == previousSpaceIndex) { layoutGroup.endIndex = breakIndex; if(breakIndex - layoutGroup.startIndex - layoutGroup.positions.length < 0) { layoutGroup.positions.push(0.0); } textIndex = breakIndex + 1; } previousSpaceIndex = spaceIndex; spaceIndex = nextSpaceIndex; var tmp1; if(!(breakIndex > -1 && breakIndex <= textIndex && (spaceIndex > breakIndex || spaceIndex == -1))) { var tmp2 = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text); tmp1 = textIndex > tmp2; } else { tmp1 = true; } if(tmp1) { break; } } } else { var tmp3 = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text); if(textIndex < tmp3) { var tmp4 = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text); setFormattedPositions(textIndex,tmp4); placeText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text)); alignBaseline(); } textIndex += 1; } } ,restrictText: function(value) { if(value == null) { return value; } if(this.__restrictRegexp != null) { value = this.__restrictRegexp.split(value).join(""); } return value; } ,setTextAlignment: function() { var lineIndex = -1; var offsetX = 0.0; var totalWidth = this.width - 4; var group; var lineLength; var lineMeasurementsDirty = false; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.layoutGroups.get_length(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; group = this.layoutGroups.get(i); if(group.lineIndex != lineIndex) { lineIndex = group.lineIndex; var _g2 = group.format.align; switch(_g2) { case 0: if(this.lineWidths.get(lineIndex) < totalWidth) { offsetX = Math.round((totalWidth - this.lineWidths.get(lineIndex)) / 2); } else { offsetX = 0; } break; case 2: if(this.lineWidths.get(lineIndex) < totalWidth) { lineLength = 1; var _g3 = i + 1; var _g21 = this.layoutGroups.get_length(); while(_g3 < _g21) { var j = _g3++; if(this.layoutGroups.get(j).lineIndex == lineIndex) { if(j == 0 || lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.charCodeAt(this.text,this.layoutGroups.get(j).startIndex - 1) == 32) { ++lineLength; } } else { break; } } if(lineLength > 1) { group = this.layoutGroups.get(i + lineLength - 1); var endChar = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.charCodeAt(this.text,group.endIndex); if(group.endIndex < lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.text) && endChar != 10 && endChar != 13) { offsetX = (totalWidth - this.lineWidths.get(lineIndex)) / (lineLength - 1); lineMeasurementsDirty = true; var j1 = 1; while(true) { this.layoutGroups.get(i + j1).offsetX += offsetX * j1; if(!(++j1 < lineLength)) { break; } } } } } offsetX = 0; break; case 4: if(this.lineWidths.get(lineIndex) < totalWidth) { offsetX = Math.round(totalWidth - this.lineWidths.get(lineIndex)); } else { offsetX = 0; } break; default: offsetX = 0; } } if(offsetX > 0) { group.offsetX += offsetX; } } if(lineMeasurementsDirty) { this.getLineMeasurements(); } } ,trimText: function(value) { if(value == null) { return value; } if(this.maxChars > 0 && lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(value) > this.maxChars) { value = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substr(value,0,this.maxChars); } return value; } ,update: function() { if(this.text == null || this.textFormatRanges.get_length() == 0) { this.lineAscents.set_length(0); this.lineBreaks.set_length(0); this.lineDescents.set_length(0); this.lineLeadings.set_length(0); this.lineHeights.set_length(0); this.lineWidths.set_length(0); this.layoutGroups.set_length(0); this.textWidth = 0; this.textHeight = 0; this.numLines = 1; this.maxScrollH = 0; this.maxScrollV = 1; this.bottomScrollV = 1; } else { this.getLayoutGroups(); this.getLineMeasurements(); this.setTextAlignment(); } this.getBounds(); } ,set_restrict: function(value) { if(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.equals(this.restrict,value)) { return this.restrict; } this.restrict = value; if(this.restrict == null || lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.restrict) == 0) { this.__restrictRegexp = null; } else { this.__restrictRegexp = this.createRestrictRegexp(value); } return this.restrict; } ,set_text: function(value) { return this.text = value; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine ,__properties__: {set_text:"set_text",set_restrict:"set_restrict"} }; var openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange = function(format,start,end) { this.format = format; this.start = start; this.end = end; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.text.TextFormatRange"] = openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange; openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","text","TextFormatRange"]; openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange.prototype = { end: null ,format: null ,start: null ,__class__: openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange }; var openfl__$internal_text_TextLayout = function(text,font,size,direction,script,language) { if(language == null) { language = "en"; } if(script == null) { script = "Zyyy"; } if(direction == null) { direction = 4; } if(size == null) { size = 12; } if(text == null) { text = ""; } this.letterSpacing = 0; this.set_text(text); this.set_font(font); this.set_size(size); this.__direction = direction; this.__script = script; this.__language = language; this.positions = []; this.__dirty = true; this.__create(this.__direction,this.__script,this.__language); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.text.TextLayout"] = openfl__$internal_text_TextLayout; openfl__$internal_text_TextLayout.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","text","TextLayout"]; openfl__$internal_text_TextLayout.prototype = { autoHint: null ,font: null ,glyphs: null ,letterSpacing: null ,positions: null ,size: null ,text: null ,__buffer: null ,__direction: null ,__dirty: null ,__handle: null ,__language: null ,__script: null ,__font: null ,__hbBuffer: null ,__hbFont: null ,__create: function(direction,script,language) { if(language.length != 4) { return; } this.__hbBuffer = lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBBuffer_HBBuffer_$Impl_$._new(); var this1 = this.__hbBuffer; switch(direction) { case 4: break; case 5: break; case 6: break; case 7: break; default: } var this2 = this.__hbBuffer; var this3 = this.__hbBuffer; var value = lime_text_harfbuzz__$HBLanguage_HBLanguage_$Impl_$._new(language); } ,__position: function() { this.positions = []; } ,get_positions: function() { if(this.__dirty) { this.__dirty = false; this.__position(); } return this.positions; } ,get_direction: function() { return this.__direction; } ,set_direction: function(value) { if(value == this.__direction) { return value; } this.__direction = value; this.__dirty = true; return value; } ,set_font: function(value) { if(value == this.font) { return value; } this.font = value; this.__dirty = true; return value; } ,get_glyphs: function() { var glyphs = []; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.get_positions(); while(_g < _g1.length) { var position = _g1[_g]; ++_g; glyphs.push(position.glyph); } return glyphs; } ,get_language: function() { return this.__language; } ,set_language: function(value) { if(value == this.__language) { return value; } this.__language = value; this.__dirty = true; return value; } ,get_script: function() { return this.__script; } ,set_script: function(value) { if(value == this.__script) { return value; } this.__script = value; this.__dirty = true; return value; } ,set_size: function(value) { if(value == this.size) { return value; } this.size = value; this.__dirty = true; return value; } ,set_text: function(value) { if(value == this.text) { return value; } this.text = value; this.__dirty = true; return value; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_text_TextLayout ,__properties__: {set_text:"set_text",set_size:"set_size",set_script:"set_script",get_script:"get_script",get_positions:"get_positions",set_language:"set_language",get_language:"get_language",get_glyphs:"get_glyphs",set_font:"set_font",set_direction:"set_direction",get_direction:"get_direction"} }; var openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.text._TextLayout.TextDirection_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","text","_TextLayout","TextDirection_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_vertical:"get_vertical",get_horizontal:"get_horizontal",get_forward:"get_forward",get_backward:"get_backward"}; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.reverse = function(this1) { this1 ^= 1; }; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { switch(this1) { case 4: return "leftToRight"; case 5: return "rightToLeft"; case 6: return "topToBottom"; case 7: return "bottomToTop"; default: return ""; } }; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.toHBDirection = function(this1) { switch(this1) { case 4: return 4; case 5: return 5; case 6: return 6; case 7: return 7; default: return 0; } }; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.get_backward = function(this1) { return (this1 & -3) == 5; }; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.get_forward = function(this1) { return (this1 & -3) == 4; }; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.get_horizontal = function(this1) { return (this1 & -2) == 4; }; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextDirection_$Impl_$.get_vertical = function(this1) { return (this1 & -2) == 6; }; var openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextScript_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.text._TextLayout.TextScript_Impl_"] = openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextScript_$Impl_$; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextScript_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","text","_TextLayout","TextScript_Impl_"]; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextScript_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {get_rightToLeft:"get_rightToLeft"}; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextScript_$Impl_$.toHBScript = function(this1) { return 1517910393; }; openfl__$internal_text__$TextLayout_TextScript_$Impl_$.get_rightToLeft = function(this1) { switch(this1) { case "Arab":case "Armi":case "Avst":case "Cprt":case "Hebr":case "Khar":case "Lydi":case "Mand":case "Nkoo":case "Orkh":case "Phli":case "Phlp":case "Phnx":case "Samr":case "Sarb":case "Syrc":case "Thaa": return true; default: return false; } }; var openfl__$internal_text_TextLayoutGroup = function(format,startIndex,endIndex) { this.format = format; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.text.TextLayoutGroup"] = openfl__$internal_text_TextLayoutGroup; openfl__$internal_text_TextLayoutGroup.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","text","TextLayoutGroup"]; openfl__$internal_text_TextLayoutGroup.prototype = { ascent: null ,descent: null ,endIndex: null ,format: null ,height: null ,leading: null ,lineIndex: null ,offsetX: null ,offsetY: null ,positions: null ,startIndex: null ,width: null ,getAdvance: function(index) { return this.positions[index]; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_text_TextLayoutGroup }; var openfl__$internal_utils_AbstractNoise = function(seed,octaves,channels,grayScale,falloff,stitch,stitch_threshold) { if(stitch_threshold == null) { stitch_threshold = 0.05; } if(stitch == null) { stitch = false; } this.stitch = stitch; this.stitch_threshold = stitch_threshold; this.octaves = octaves; this.channels = channels; this.grayscale = grayScale; this.calculateOctaves(falloff); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.utils.AbstractNoise"] = openfl__$internal_utils_AbstractNoise; openfl__$internal_utils_AbstractNoise.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","utils","AbstractNoise"]; openfl__$internal_utils_AbstractNoise.prototype = { octaves: null ,stitch: null ,stitch_threshold: null ,channels: null ,grayscale: null ,octaves_frequencies: null ,octaves_persistences: null ,persistence_max: null ,fill: function(bitmap,_scale_x,_scale_y,_scale_z) { } ,stitching: function(bitmap,color,px,py,stitch_w,stitch_h,width,height) { var r = color >> 16 & 255; var g = color >> 8 & 255; var b = color & 255; if(width - stitch_w < px) { var dest = bitmap.getPixel32(width - px,py); var dest_r = dest >> 16 & 255; var dest_g = dest >> 8 & 255; var dest_b = dest & 255; var u = (width - px) / stitch_w; var uu = u * u; r = this.mixI(dest_r,r,u); g = this.mixI(dest_g,g,u); b = this.mixI(dest_b,b,u); } if(height - stitch_h < py) { var dest1 = bitmap.getPixel32(px,height - py); var dest_r1 = dest1 >> 16 & 255; var dest_g1 = dest1 >> 8 & 255; var dest_b1 = dest1 & 255; var u1 = (height - py) / stitch_h; var uu1 = u1 * u1; r = this.mixI(dest_r1,r,u1); g = this.mixI(dest_g1,g,u1); b = this.mixI(dest_b1,b,u1); } return -16777216 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b; } ,color: function(r_noise,g_noise,b_noise) { var color_r = 0; var color_g = 0; var color_b = 0; if(null != r_noise) { color_r = this.noiseToColor(r_noise); } if(null != g_noise) { color_g = this.noiseToColor(g_noise); } if(null != b_noise) { color_b = this.noiseToColor(b_noise); } return -16777216 | color_r << 16 | color_g << 8 | color_b; } ,noiseToColor: function(noise) { return (noise * this.persistence_max + 1.0) * 128 | 0; } ,fade: function(t) { return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6.0 - 15.0) + 10.0); } ,mixI: function(x,y,t) { return (1.0 - t) * x + t * y | 0; } ,mix: function(x,y,t) { return (1.0 - t) * x + t * y; } ,fastfloor: function(x) { if(x > 0) { return x | 0; } else { return x - 1 | 0; } } ,dot2d: function(grad,x,y) { return grad[0] * x + grad[1] * y; } ,dot: function(grad,x,y,z) { return grad[0] * x + grad[1] * y + grad[2] * z; } ,calculateOctaves: function(fPersistence) { var fFreq; var fPers; this.octaves_frequencies = []; this.octaves_persistences = []; this.persistence_max = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.octaves; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; fFreq = Math.pow(2.0,i); fPers = Math.pow(fPersistence,i); this.persistence_max += fPers; this.octaves_frequencies.push(fFreq); this.octaves_persistences.push(fPers); } this.persistence_max = 1.0 / this.persistence_max; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_utils_AbstractNoise }; var openfl__$internal_utils_PerlinNoise = function(seed,octaves,channels,grayScale,falloff,stitch,stitch_threshold) { if(stitch_threshold == null) { stitch_threshold = 0.05; } if(stitch == null) { stitch = false; } openfl__$internal_utils_AbstractNoise.call(this,seed,octaves,channels,grayScale,falloff,stitch,stitch_threshold); this.p_perm = []; var _g = 0; while(_g < 512) { var i = _g++; this.p_perm[i] = openfl__$internal_utils_PerlinNoise.P[i & 255]; } this.base_factor = 0.03125; this.setSeed(seed); }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.utils.PerlinNoise"] = openfl__$internal_utils_PerlinNoise; openfl__$internal_utils_PerlinNoise.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","utils","PerlinNoise"]; openfl__$internal_utils_PerlinNoise.__super__ = openfl__$internal_utils_AbstractNoise; openfl__$internal_utils_PerlinNoise.prototype = $extend(openfl__$internal_utils_AbstractNoise.prototype,{ p_perm: null ,x_offset: null ,y_offset: null ,z_offset: null ,base_factor: null ,fill: function(bitmap,_scale_x,_scale_y,_scale_z) { var width = bitmap.width; var height = bitmap.height; var octaves = this.octaves; var octaves_frequencies = this.octaves_frequencies; var octaves_persistences = this.octaves_persistences; var isRed = (1 & this.channels) == 1; var isGreen = (2 & this.channels) == 2; var isBlue = (4 & this.channels) == 4; var channels = 0; if(isRed) { ++channels; } if(isGreen) { ++channels; } if(isBlue) { ++channels; } var grayscale = this.grayscale; var stitch_w = this.stitch_threshold * width | 0; var stitch_h = this.stitch_threshold * height | 0; var base_x = _scale_x * this.base_factor + this.x_offset; _scale_y = _scale_y * this.base_factor + this.y_offset; _scale_z = _scale_z * this.base_factor + this.z_offset; var g_offset = 1.0; var b_offset = 2.0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = height; while(_g1 < _g) { var py = _g1++; _scale_x = base_x; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = width; while(_g3 < _g2) { var px = _g3++; var color1 = 0.0; var color2 = 0.0; var color3 = 0.0; var _g5 = 0; var _g4 = octaves; while(_g5 < _g4) { var i = _g5++; var frequency = octaves_frequencies[i]; var persistence = octaves_persistences[i]; color1 += this.noise(_scale_x * frequency,_scale_y * frequency,_scale_z * frequency) * persistence; if(!grayscale) { if(1 < channels) { color2 += this.noise((_scale_x + g_offset) * frequency,(_scale_y + g_offset) * frequency,_scale_z * frequency) * persistence; } if(2 < channels) { color3 += this.noise((_scale_x + b_offset) * frequency,(_scale_y + b_offset) * frequency,_scale_z * frequency) * persistence; } } } var color = 0; if(grayscale) { color = this.color(color1,color1,color1); } else if(isRed && isGreen && isBlue) { color = this.color(color1,color2,color3); } else if(isRed && isGreen) { color = this.color(color1,color2,null); } else if(isRed && isBlue) { color = this.color(color1,null,color2); } else if(isGreen && isBlue) { color = this.color(null,color1,color2); } else if(isRed) { color = this.color(color1,null,null); } else if(isGreen) { color = this.color(null,color1,null); } else if(isBlue) { color = this.color(null,null,color1); } if(this.stitch) { color = this.stitching(bitmap,color,px,py,stitch_w,stitch_h,width,height); } bitmap.setPixel32(px,py,color); _scale_x += this.base_factor; } _scale_y += this.base_factor; } } ,noise: function(x,y,z) { var xf = x - x % 1; var yf = y - y % 1; var zf = z - z % 1; x -= xf; y -= yf; z -= zf; var X = (xf | 0) & 255; var Y = (yf | 0) & 255; var Z = (zf | 0) & 255; var u = this.fade(x); var v = this.fade(y); var w = this.fade(z); var A = this.p_perm[X] + Y; var AA = this.p_perm[A] + Z; var AB = this.p_perm[A + 1] + Z; var B = this.p_perm[X + 1] + Y; var BA = this.p_perm[B] + Z; var BB = this.p_perm[B + 1] + Z; var x1 = x - 1; var y1 = y - 1; var z1 = z - 1; var hash = this.p_perm[BB + 1] & 15; var g1 = ((hash & 1) == 0 ? hash < 8 ? x1 : y1 : hash < 8 ? -x1 : -y1) + ((hash & 2) == 0 ? hash < 4 ? y1 : hash == 12 ? x1 : z1 : hash < 4 ? -y1 : hash == 14 ? -x1 : -z1); hash = this.p_perm[AB + 1] & 15; var g2 = ((hash & 1) == 0 ? hash < 8 ? x : y1 : hash < 8 ? -x : -y1) + ((hash & 2) == 0 ? hash < 4 ? y1 : hash == 12 ? x : z1 : hash < 4 ? -y1 : hash == 14 ? -x : -z1); hash = this.p_perm[BA + 1] & 15; var g3 = ((hash & 1) == 0 ? hash < 8 ? x1 : y : hash < 8 ? -x1 : -y) + ((hash & 2) == 0 ? hash < 4 ? y : hash == 12 ? x1 : z1 : hash < 4 ? -y : hash == 14 ? -x1 : -z1); hash = this.p_perm[AA + 1] & 15; var g4 = ((hash & 1) == 0 ? hash < 8 ? x : y : hash < 8 ? -x : -y) + ((hash & 2) == 0 ? hash < 4 ? y : hash == 12 ? x : z1 : hash < 4 ? -y : hash == 14 ? -x : -z1); hash = this.p_perm[BB] & 15; var g5 = ((hash & 1) == 0 ? hash < 8 ? x1 : y1 : hash < 8 ? -x1 : -y1) + ((hash & 2) == 0 ? hash < 4 ? y1 : hash == 12 ? x1 : z : hash < 4 ? -y1 : hash == 14 ? -x1 : -z); hash = this.p_perm[AB] & 15; var g6 = ((hash & 1) == 0 ? hash < 8 ? x : y1 : hash < 8 ? -x : -y1) + ((hash & 2) == 0 ? hash < 4 ? y1 : hash == 12 ? x : z : hash < 4 ? -y1 : hash == 14 ? -x : -z); hash = this.p_perm[BA] & 15; var g7 = ((hash & 1) == 0 ? hash < 8 ? x1 : y : hash < 8 ? -x1 : -y) + ((hash & 2) == 0 ? hash < 4 ? y : hash == 12 ? x1 : z : hash < 4 ? -y : hash == 14 ? -x1 : -z); hash = this.p_perm[AA] & 15; var g8 = ((hash & 1) == 0 ? hash < 8 ? x : y : hash < 8 ? -x : -y) + ((hash & 2) == 0 ? hash < 4 ? y : hash == 12 ? x : z : hash < 4 ? -y : hash == 14 ? -x : -z); g2 += u * (g1 - g2); g4 += u * (g3 - g4); g6 += u * (g5 - g6); g8 += u * (g7 - g8); g4 += v * (g2 - g4); g8 += v * (g6 - g8); return g8 + w * (g4 - g8); } ,setSeed: function(seed) { seed = seed * 16807.0 % 2147483647 | 0; this.x_offset = seed; seed = seed * 16807.0 % 2147483647 | 0; this.y_offset = seed; seed = seed * 16807.0 % 2147483647 | 0; this.z_offset = seed; } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_utils_PerlinNoise }); var openfl__$internal_utils_TouchData = function() { this.rollOutStack = []; }; $hxClasses["openfl._internal.utils.TouchData"] = openfl__$internal_utils_TouchData; openfl__$internal_utils_TouchData.__name__ = ["openfl","_internal","utils","TouchData"]; openfl__$internal_utils_TouchData.prototype = { rollOutStack: null ,touch: null ,touchDownTarget: null ,touchOverTarget: null ,reset: function() { this.touch = null; this.touchDownTarget = null; this.touchOverTarget = null; this.rollOutStack.splice(0,this.rollOutStack.length); } ,__class__: openfl__$internal_utils_TouchData }; var openfl_display_Application = function() { lime_app_Application.call(this); if(openfl__$internal_Lib.application == null) { openfl__$internal_Lib.application = this; } if(openfl__$internal_Lib.current == null) { openfl__$internal_Lib.current = new openfl_display_MovieClip(); } openfl__$internal_Lib.current.__loaderInfo = openfl_display_LoaderInfo.create(null); openfl__$internal_Lib.current.__loaderInfo.content = openfl__$internal_Lib.current; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Application"] = openfl_display_Application; openfl_display_Application.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Application"]; openfl_display_Application.__super__ = lime_app_Application; openfl_display_Application.prototype = $extend(lime_app_Application.prototype,{ createWindow: function(attributes) { var $window = new openfl_display_Window(this,attributes); this.__windows.push($window); this.__windowByID.h[$window.id] = $window; var f = $bind(this,this.__onWindowClose); var a1 = $window; var tmp = function() { f(a1); }; $window.onClose.add(tmp,false,-10000); if(this.__window == null) { this.__window = $window; $window.onActivate.add($bind(this,this.onWindowActivate)); $window.onRenderContextLost.add($bind(this,this.onRenderContextLost)); $window.onRenderContextRestored.add($bind(this,this.onRenderContextRestored)); $window.onDeactivate.add($bind(this,this.onWindowDeactivate)); $window.onDropFile.add($bind(this,this.onWindowDropFile)); $window.onEnter.add($bind(this,this.onWindowEnter)); $window.onExpose.add($bind(this,this.onWindowExpose)); $window.onFocusIn.add($bind(this,this.onWindowFocusIn)); $window.onFocusOut.add($bind(this,this.onWindowFocusOut)); $window.onFullscreen.add($bind(this,this.onWindowFullscreen)); $window.onKeyDown.add($bind(this,this.onKeyDown)); $window.onKeyUp.add($bind(this,this.onKeyUp)); $window.onLeave.add($bind(this,this.onWindowLeave)); $window.onMinimize.add($bind(this,this.onWindowMinimize)); $window.onMouseDown.add($bind(this,this.onMouseDown)); $window.onMouseMove.add($bind(this,this.onMouseMove)); $window.onMouseMoveRelative.add($bind(this,this.onMouseMoveRelative)); $window.onMouseUp.add($bind(this,this.onMouseUp)); $window.onMouseWheel.add($bind(this,this.onMouseWheel)); $window.onMove.add($bind(this,this.onWindowMove)); $window.onRender.add($bind(this,this.render)); $window.onResize.add($bind(this,this.onWindowResize)); $window.onRestore.add($bind(this,this.onWindowRestore)); $window.onTextEdit.add($bind(this,this.onTextEdit)); $window.onTextInput.add($bind(this,this.onTextInput)); this.onWindowCreate(); } this.onCreateWindow.dispatch($window); return $window; } ,__class__: openfl_display_Application }); var openfl_display_Bitmap = function(bitmapData,pixelSnapping,smoothing) { if(smoothing == null) { smoothing = false; } openfl_display_DisplayObject.call(this); this.__bitmapData = bitmapData; this.pixelSnapping = pixelSnapping; this.smoothing = smoothing; if(pixelSnapping == null) { this.pixelSnapping = 1; } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Bitmap"] = openfl_display_Bitmap; openfl_display_Bitmap.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Bitmap"]; openfl_display_Bitmap.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObject; openfl_display_Bitmap.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype,{ pixelSnapping: null ,smoothing: null ,__image: null ,__bitmapData: null ,__imageVersion: null ,__enterFrame: function(deltaTime) { if(this.__bitmapData != null && this.__bitmapData.image != null && this.__bitmapData.image.version != this.__imageVersion) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } } ,__getBounds: function(rect,matrix) { if(this.__bitmapData != null) { var bounds = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); bounds.setTo(0,0,this.__bitmapData.width,this.__bitmapData.height); bounds.__transform(bounds,matrix); rect.__expand(bounds.x,bounds.y,bounds.width,bounds.height); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(bounds); } } ,__hitTest: function(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject) { if(!hitObject.get_visible() || this.__isMask || this.__bitmapData == null) { return false; } if(this.get_mask() != null && !this.get_mask().__hitTestMask(x,y)) { return false; } this.__getRenderTransform(); var _this = this.__renderTransform; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; var px = norm == 0 ? -_this.tx : 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - y) + _this.d * (x - _this.tx)); var _this1 = this.__renderTransform; var norm1 = _this1.a * _this1.d - _this1.b * _this1.c; var py = norm1 == 0 ? -_this1.ty : 1.0 / norm1 * (_this1.a * (y - _this1.ty) + _this1.b * (_this1.tx - x)); if(px > 0 && py > 0 && px <= this.__bitmapData.width && py <= this.__bitmapData.height) { if(this.__scrollRect != null && !this.__scrollRect.contains(px,py)) { return false; } if(stack != null && !interactiveOnly) { stack.push(hitObject); } return true; } return false; } ,__hitTestMask: function(x,y) { if(this.__bitmapData == null) { return false; } this.__getRenderTransform(); var _this = this.__renderTransform; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; var px = norm == 0 ? -_this.tx : 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - y) + _this.d * (x - _this.tx)); var _this1 = this.__renderTransform; var norm1 = _this1.a * _this1.d - _this1.b * _this1.c; var py = norm1 == 0 ? -_this1.ty : 1.0 / norm1 * (_this1.a * (y - _this1.ty) + _this1.b * (_this1.tx - x)); if(px > 0 && py > 0 && px <= this.__bitmapData.width && py <= this.__bitmapData.height) { return true; } return false; } ,__renderCairo: function(renderer) { } ,__renderCairoMask: function(renderer) { renderer.cairo.rectangle(0,0,this.get_width(),this.get_height()); } ,__renderCanvas: function(renderer) { this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,false); if(this.__bitmapData != null && this.__bitmapData.image != null) { this.__imageVersion = this.__bitmapData.image.version; } if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { var bitmap = this.__cacheBitmap; if(!(!bitmap.__renderable)) { var alpha = renderer.__getAlpha(bitmap.__worldAlpha); if(alpha > 0 && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid && bitmap.__bitmapData.readable) { var context = renderer.context; renderer.__setBlendMode(bitmap.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap,false); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(bitmap.__bitmapData.image); context.globalAlpha = alpha; var scrollRect = bitmap.__scrollRect; renderer.setTransform(bitmap.__renderTransform,context); if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } if(scrollRect == null) { context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),0,0,bitmap.__bitmapData.image.width,bitmap.__bitmapData.image.height); } else { context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),scrollRect.x,scrollRect.y,scrollRect.width,scrollRect.height); } if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap,false); } } } else { if(!(this.opaqueBackground == null && this.__graphics == null)) { if(!(!this.__renderable)) { var alpha1 = renderer.__getAlpha(this.__worldAlpha); if(!(alpha1 <= 0)) { if(this.opaqueBackground != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender && this.get_width() > 0 && this.get_height() > 0) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var context1 = renderer.context; renderer.setTransform(this.__renderTransform,context1); var color = this.opaqueBackground; context1.fillStyle = "rgb(" + (color >>> 16 & 255) + "," + (color >>> 8 & 255) + "," + (color & 255) + ")"; context1.fillRect(0,0,this.get_width(),this.get_height()); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } if(this.__graphics != null) { if(!(!this.__renderable)) { var alpha2 = renderer.__getAlpha(this.__worldAlpha); if(!(alpha2 <= 0)) { var graphics = this.__graphics; if(graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer); var bounds = graphics.__bounds; var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if(graphics.__canvas != null) { var context2 = renderer.context; var scrollRect1 = this.__scrollRect; if(width > 0 && height > 0 && (scrollRect1 == null || scrollRect1.width > 0 && scrollRect1.height > 0)) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); context2.globalAlpha = alpha2; renderer.setTransform(graphics.__worldTransform,context2); if(renderer.__isDOM) { var reverseScale = 1 / renderer.pixelRatio; context2.scale(reverseScale,reverseScale); } context2.drawImage(graphics.__canvas,0,0,width,height); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } } } } } } } } } if(!(!this.__renderable)) { var alpha3 = renderer.__getAlpha(this.__worldAlpha); if(alpha3 > 0 && this.__bitmapData != null && this.__bitmapData.__isValid && this.__bitmapData.readable) { var context3 = renderer.context; renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this,false); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(this.__bitmapData.image); context3.globalAlpha = alpha3; var scrollRect2 = this.__scrollRect; renderer.setTransform(this.__renderTransform,context3); if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !this.smoothing) { context3.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } if(scrollRect2 == null) { context3.drawImage(this.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),0,0,this.__bitmapData.image.width,this.__bitmapData.image.height); } else { context3.drawImage(this.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),scrollRect2.x,scrollRect2.y,scrollRect2.width,scrollRect2.height); } if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !this.smoothing) { context3.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } renderer.__popMaskObject(this,false); } } } this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderCanvasMask: function(renderer) { renderer.context.rect(0,0,this.get_width(),this.get_height()); } ,__renderDOM: function(renderer) { this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,false); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { this.__renderDOMClear(renderer); this.__cacheBitmap.stage = this.stage; var bitmap = this.__cacheBitmap; if(bitmap.stage != null && bitmap.__worldVisible && bitmap.__renderable && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid && bitmap.__bitmapData.readable) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap); if(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.buffer.__srcImage != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderImage(bitmap,renderer); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderCanvas(bitmap,renderer); } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.clear(bitmap,renderer); } } else { var tmp = this.opaqueBackground != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender && this.get_width() > 0 && this.get_height() > 0; var graphics = this.__graphics; if(this.stage != null && this.__worldVisible && this.__renderable && graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics,renderer.__canvasRenderer); if(graphics.__softwareDirty || this.__worldAlphaChanged || this.__canvas != graphics.__canvas) { if(graphics.__canvas != null) { if(this.__canvas != graphics.__canvas) { if(this.__canvas != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(this.__canvas); } this.__canvas = graphics.__canvas; this.__context = graphics.__context; renderer.__initializeElement(this,this.__canvas); } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(this,renderer); } } if(this.__canvas != null) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var cacheTransform = this.__renderTransform; this.__renderTransform = graphics.__worldTransform; if(graphics.__transformDirty) { graphics.__transformDirty = false; this.__renderTransformChanged = true; } renderer.__updateClip(this); renderer.__applyStyle(this,true,true,true); this.__renderTransform = cacheTransform; renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMShape.clear(this,renderer); } if(this.stage != null && this.__worldVisible && this.__renderable && this.__bitmapData != null && this.__bitmapData.__isValid && this.__bitmapData.readable) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); if(this.__bitmapData.image.buffer.__srcImage != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderImage(this,renderer); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderCanvas(this,renderer); } renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.clear(this,renderer); } } this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderDOMClear: function(renderer) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.clear(this,renderer); } ,__renderGL: function(renderer) { this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,false); if(this.__bitmapData != null && this.__bitmapData.image != null) { this.__imageVersion = this.__bitmapData.image.version; } if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap.render(this.__cacheBitmap,renderer); } else { if(!(this.opaqueBackground == null && this.__graphics == null)) { if(!(!this.__renderable || this.__worldAlpha <= 0)) { if(this.opaqueBackground != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender && this.get_width() > 0 && this.get_height() > 0) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var context = renderer.__context3D; var rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); rect.setTo(0,0,this.get_width(),this.get_height()); renderer.__pushMaskRect(rect,this.__renderTransform); var color = this.opaqueBackground; context.clear((color >>> 16 & 255) / 255,(color >>> 8 & 255) / 255,(color & 255) / 255,1,0,0,1); renderer.__popMaskRect(); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); } if(this.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.render(this,renderer); } } } openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap.render(this,renderer); } this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderGLMask: function(renderer) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap.renderMask(this,renderer); } ,__updateCacheBitmap: function(renderer,force) { if(this.__bitmapData == null || this.__filters == null && renderer.__type == "opengl" && this.__cacheBitmap == null) { return false; } return openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype.__updateCacheBitmap.call(this,renderer,this.__bitmapData.image != null && this.__bitmapData.image.version != this.__imageVersion); } ,get_bitmapData: function() { return this.__bitmapData; } ,set_bitmapData: function(value) { this.__bitmapData = value; this.smoothing = false; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } var tmp = this.__filters != null; this.__imageVersion = -1; return this.__bitmapData; } ,get_height: function() { if(this.__bitmapData != null) { return this.__bitmapData.height * Math.abs(this.get_scaleY()); } return 0; } ,set_height: function(value) { if(this.__bitmapData != null) { if(value != this.__bitmapData.height) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } this.set_scaleY(value / this.__bitmapData.height); } return value; } return 0; } ,get_width: function() { if(this.__bitmapData != null) { return this.__bitmapData.width * Math.abs(this.__scaleX); } return 0; } ,set_width: function(value) { if(this.__bitmapData != null) { if(value != this.__bitmapData.width) { if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } this.set_scaleX(value / this.__bitmapData.width); } return value; } return 0; } ,__class__: openfl_display_Bitmap ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype.__properties__,{set_bitmapData:"set_bitmapData",get_bitmapData:"get_bitmapData"}) }); var openfl_display__$BlendMode_BlendMode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._BlendMode.BlendMode_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$BlendMode_BlendMode_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$BlendMode_BlendMode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_BlendMode","BlendMode_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$BlendMode_BlendMode_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "add": return 0; case "alpha": return 1; case "darken": return 2; case "difference": return 3; case "erase": return 4; case "hardlight": return 5; case "invert": return 6; case "layer": return 7; case "lighten": return 8; case "multiply": return 9; case "normal": return 10; case "overlay": return 11; case "screen": return 12; case "shader": return 13; case "subtract": return 14; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$BlendMode_BlendMode_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "add"; case 1: return "alpha"; case 2: return "darken"; case 3: return "difference"; case 4: return "erase"; case 5: return "hardlight"; case 6: return "invert"; case 7: return "layer"; case 8: return "lighten"; case 9: return "multiply"; case 10: return "normal"; case 11: return "overlay"; case 12: return "screen"; case 13: return "shader"; case 14: return "subtract"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer = function() { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.__allowSmoothing = true; this.__tempColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); this.__worldAlpha = 1; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.DisplayObjectRenderer"] = openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer; openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.__name__ = ["openfl","display","DisplayObjectRenderer"]; openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ __allowSmoothing: null ,__blendMode: null ,__cleared: null ,__context: null ,__overrideBlendMode: null ,__roundPixels: null ,__stage: null ,__tempColorTransform: null ,__transparent: null ,__type: null ,__worldAlpha: null ,__worldColorTransform: null ,__worldTransform: null ,__clear: function() { } ,__getAlpha: function(value) { return value * this.__worldAlpha; } ,__getColorTransform: function(value) { if(this.__worldColorTransform != null) { this.__tempColorTransform.__copyFrom(this.__worldColorTransform); this.__tempColorTransform.__combine(value); return this.__tempColorTransform; } else { return value; } } ,__popMask: function() { } ,__popMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } } ,__popMaskRect: function() { } ,__pushMask: function(mask) { } ,__pushMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } } ,__pushMaskRect: function(rect,transform) { } ,__render: function(object) { } ,__resize: function(width,height) { } ,__setBlendMode: function(value) { } ,__class__: openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer }); var openfl_display_CairoRenderer = function(cairo) { openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.CairoRenderer"] = openfl_display_CairoRenderer; openfl_display_CairoRenderer.__name__ = ["openfl","display","CairoRenderer"]; openfl_display_CairoRenderer.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer; openfl_display_CairoRenderer.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.prototype,{ cairo: null ,__matrix: null ,__matrix3: null ,applyMatrix: function(transform,cairo) { if(cairo == null) { cairo = this.cairo; } this.__matrix.copyFrom(transform); if(this.cairo == cairo && this.__worldTransform != null) { this.__matrix.concat(this.__worldTransform); } this.__matrix3.a = this.__matrix.a; this.__matrix3.b = this.__matrix.b; this.__matrix3.c = this.__matrix.c; this.__matrix3.d = this.__matrix.d; if(this.__roundPixels) { this.__matrix3.tx = Math.round(this.__matrix.tx); this.__matrix3.ty = Math.round(this.__matrix.ty); } else { this.__matrix3.tx = this.__matrix.tx; this.__matrix3.ty = this.__matrix.ty; } cairo.set_matrix(this.__matrix3); } ,__clear: function() { if(this.cairo == null) { return; } this.cairo.identityMatrix(); if(this.__stage != null && this.__stage.__clearBeforeRender) { var cacheBlendMode = this.__blendMode; this.__setBlendMode(10); this.cairo.setSourceRGB(this.__stage.__colorSplit[0],this.__stage.__colorSplit[1],this.__stage.__colorSplit[2]); this.cairo.paint(); this.__setBlendMode(cacheBlendMode); } } ,__popMask: function() { this.cairo.restore(); } ,__popMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } if(!object.__isCacheBitmapRender && object.__mask != null) { this.__popMask(); } if(handleScrollRect && object.__scrollRect != null) { this.__popMaskRect(); } } ,__popMaskRect: function() { this.cairo.restore(); } ,__pushMask: function(mask) { this.cairo.save(); this.applyMatrix(mask.__renderTransform,this.cairo); this.cairo.newPath(); mask.__renderCairoMask(this); this.cairo.clip(); } ,__pushMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } if(handleScrollRect && object.__scrollRect != null) { this.__pushMaskRect(object.__scrollRect,object.__renderTransform); } if(!object.__isCacheBitmapRender && object.__mask != null) { this.__pushMask(object.__mask); } } ,__pushMaskRect: function(rect,transform) { this.cairo.save(); this.applyMatrix(transform,this.cairo); this.cairo.newPath(); this.cairo.rectangle(rect.x,rect.y,rect.width,rect.height); this.cairo.clip(); } ,__render: function(object) { if(this.cairo == null) { return; } object.__renderCairo(this); } ,__setBlendMode: function(value) { if(this.__overrideBlendMode != null) { value = this.__overrideBlendMode; } if(this.__blendMode == value) { return; } this.__blendMode = value; this.__setBlendModeCairo(this.cairo,value); } ,__setBlendModeCairo: function(cairo,value) { switch(value) { case 0: cairo.setOperator(12); break; case 2: cairo.setOperator(17); break; case 3: cairo.setOperator(23); break; case 5: cairo.setOperator(21); break; case 7: cairo.setOperator(2); break; case 8: cairo.setOperator(18); break; case 9: cairo.setOperator(14); break; case 11: cairo.setOperator(16); break; case 12: cairo.setOperator(15); break; default: cairo.setOperator(2); } } ,__class__: openfl_display_CairoRenderer }); var openfl_display_CanvasRenderer = function(context) { this.pixelRatio = 1; openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.call(this); this.context = context; this.__tempMatrix = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__type = "canvas"; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.CanvasRenderer"] = openfl_display_CanvasRenderer; openfl_display_CanvasRenderer.__name__ = ["openfl","display","CanvasRenderer"]; openfl_display_CanvasRenderer.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer; openfl_display_CanvasRenderer.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.prototype,{ context: null ,pixelRatio: null ,__isDOM: null ,__tempMatrix: null ,applySmoothing: function(context,value) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = value; } ,setTransform: function(transform,context) { if(context == null) { context = this.context; } else if(this.context == context && this.__worldTransform != null) { this.__tempMatrix.copyFrom(transform); this.__tempMatrix.concat(this.__worldTransform); transform = this.__tempMatrix; } if(this.__roundPixels) { context.setTransform(transform.a,transform.b,transform.c,transform.d,transform.tx | 0,transform.ty | 0); } else { context.setTransform(transform.a,transform.b,transform.c,transform.d,transform.tx,transform.ty); } } ,__clear: function() { if(this.__stage != null) { var cacheBlendMode = this.__blendMode; this.__blendMode = null; this.__setBlendMode(10); this.context.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); this.context.globalAlpha = 1; if(!this.__stage.__transparent && this.__stage.__clearBeforeRender) { this.context.fillStyle = this.__stage.__colorString; this.context.fillRect(0,0,this.__stage.stageWidth * this.__stage.window.__scale,this.__stage.stageHeight * this.__stage.window.__scale); } else if(this.__stage.__transparent && this.__stage.__clearBeforeRender) { this.context.clearRect(0,0,this.__stage.stageWidth * this.__stage.window.__scale,this.__stage.stageHeight * this.__stage.window.__scale); } this.__setBlendMode(cacheBlendMode); } } ,__popMask: function() { this.context.restore(); } ,__popMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } if(!object.__isCacheBitmapRender && object.__mask != null) { this.__popMask(); } if(handleScrollRect && object.__scrollRect != null) { this.__popMaskRect(); } } ,__popMaskRect: function() { this.context.restore(); } ,__pushMask: function(mask) { this.context.save(); this.setTransform(mask.__renderTransform,this.context); this.context.beginPath(); mask.__renderCanvasMask(this); this.context.closePath(); this.context.clip(); } ,__pushMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } if(handleScrollRect && object.__scrollRect != null) { this.__pushMaskRect(object.__scrollRect,object.__renderTransform); } if(!object.__isCacheBitmapRender && object.__mask != null) { this.__pushMask(object.__mask); } } ,__pushMaskRect: function(rect,transform) { this.context.save(); this.setTransform(transform,this.context); this.context.beginPath(); this.context.rect(rect.x,rect.y,rect.width,rect.height); this.context.clip(); } ,__render: function(object) { object.__renderCanvas(this); } ,__setBlendMode: function(value) { if(this.__overrideBlendMode != null) { value = this.__overrideBlendMode; } if(this.__blendMode == value) { return; } this.__blendMode = value; this.__setBlendModeContext(this.context,value); } ,__setBlendModeContext: function(context,value) { switch(value) { case 0: context.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; break; case 2: context.globalCompositeOperation = "darken"; break; case 3: context.globalCompositeOperation = "difference"; break; case 5: context.globalCompositeOperation = "hard-light"; break; case 8: context.globalCompositeOperation = "lighten"; break; case 9: context.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply"; break; case 11: context.globalCompositeOperation = "overlay"; break; case 12: context.globalCompositeOperation = "screen"; break; default: context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; } } ,__class__: openfl_display_CanvasRenderer }); var openfl_display__$CapsStyle_CapsStyle_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._CapsStyle.CapsStyle_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$CapsStyle_CapsStyle_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$CapsStyle_CapsStyle_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_CapsStyle","CapsStyle_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$CapsStyle_CapsStyle_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(value) { return value; }; openfl_display__$CapsStyle_CapsStyle_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "none": return 0; case "round": return 1; case "square": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$CapsStyle_CapsStyle_$Impl_$.toInt = function(this1) { return this1; }; openfl_display__$CapsStyle_CapsStyle_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "none"; case 1: return "round"; case 2: return "square"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_DOMRenderer = function(element) { this.pixelRatio = 1; openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.call(this); this.element = element; openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM = true; var prefix = (function () { var styles = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, ''), pre = (Array.prototype.slice .call(styles) .join('') .match(/-(moz|webkit|ms)-/) || (styles.OLink === '' && ['', 'o']) )[1], dom = ('WebKit|Moz|MS|O').match(new RegExp('(' + pre + ')', 'i'))[1]; return { dom: dom, lowercase: pre, css: '-' + pre + '-', js: pre[0].toUpperCase() + pre.substr(1) }; })(); this.__vendorPrefix = prefix.lowercase; this.__transformProperty = prefix.lowercase == "webkit" ? "-webkit-transform" : "transform"; this.__transformOriginProperty = prefix.lowercase == "webkit" ? "-webkit-transform-origin" : "transform-origin"; this.__clipRects = []; this.__numClipRects = 0; this.__z = 0; this.__type = "dom"; this.__canvasRenderer = new openfl_display_CanvasRenderer(null); this.__canvasRenderer.__isDOM = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.DOMRenderer"] = openfl_display_DOMRenderer; openfl_display_DOMRenderer.__name__ = ["openfl","display","DOMRenderer"]; openfl_display_DOMRenderer.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer; openfl_display_DOMRenderer.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.prototype,{ element: null ,pixelRatio: null ,__canvasRenderer: null ,__clipRects: null ,__currentClipRect: null ,__numClipRects: null ,__transformOriginProperty: null ,__transformProperty: null ,__vendorPrefix: null ,__z: null ,applyStyle: function(parent,childElement) { if(parent != null && childElement != null) { if(parent.__style == null || childElement.parentElement != this.element) { this.__initializeElement(parent,childElement); } parent.__style = childElement.style; this.__updateClip(parent); this.__applyStyle(parent,true,true,true); } } ,clearStyle: function(childElement) { if(childElement != null && childElement.parentElement == this.element) { this.element.removeChild(childElement); } } ,__applyStyle: function(displayObject,setTransform,setAlpha,setClip) { var style = displayObject.__style; if(setTransform && displayObject.__renderTransformChanged) { var _this = displayObject.__renderTransform; style.setProperty(this.__transformProperty,this.__roundPixels ? "matrix3d(" + _this.a + ", " + _this.b + ", 0, 0, " + _this.c + ", " + _this.d + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, " + (_this.tx | 0) + ", " + (_this.ty | 0) + ", 0, 1)" : "matrix3d(" + _this.a + ", " + _this.b + ", 0, 0, " + _this.c + ", " + _this.d + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, " + _this.tx + ", " + _this.ty + ", 0, 1)",null); } if(displayObject.__worldZ != ++this.__z) { displayObject.__worldZ = this.__z; style.setProperty("z-index",displayObject.__worldZ == null ? "null" : "" + displayObject.__worldZ,null); } if(setAlpha && displayObject.__worldAlphaChanged) { if(displayObject.__worldAlpha < 1) { style.setProperty("opacity",displayObject.__worldAlpha == null ? "null" : "" + displayObject.__worldAlpha,null); } else { style.removeProperty("opacity"); } } if(setClip && displayObject.__worldClipChanged) { if(displayObject.__worldClip == null) { style.removeProperty("clip"); } else { var clip = displayObject.__worldClip; style.setProperty("clip","rect(" + clip.y + "px, " + clip.get_right() + "px, " + clip.get_bottom() + "px, " + clip.x + "px)",null); } } } ,__initializeElement: function(displayObject,element) { var style = displayObject.__style = element.style; style.setProperty("position","absolute",null); style.setProperty("top","0",null); style.setProperty("left","0",null); style.setProperty(this.__transformOriginProperty,"0 0 0",null); this.element.appendChild(element); displayObject.__worldAlphaChanged = true; displayObject.__renderTransformChanged = true; displayObject.__worldVisibleChanged = true; displayObject.__worldClipChanged = true; displayObject.__worldClip = null; displayObject.__worldZ = -1; } ,__popMask: function() { this.__popMaskRect(); } ,__popMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } if(object.__mask != null) { this.__popMask(); } if(handleScrollRect && object.__scrollRect != null) { this.__popMaskRect(); } } ,__popMaskRect: function() { if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { this.__numClipRects--; if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { this.__currentClipRect = this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects - 1]; } else { this.__currentClipRect = null; } } } ,__pushMask: function(mask) { this.__pushMaskRect(mask.getBounds(mask),mask.__renderTransform); } ,__pushMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } if(handleScrollRect && object.__scrollRect != null) { this.__pushMaskRect(object.__scrollRect,object.__renderTransform); } if(object.__mask != null) { this.__pushMask(object.__mask); } } ,__pushMaskRect: function(rect,transform) { if(this.__numClipRects == this.__clipRects.length) { this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects] = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } var clipRect = this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects]; rect.__transform(clipRect,transform); if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { var parentClipRect = this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects - 1]; clipRect.__contract(parentClipRect.x,parentClipRect.y,parentClipRect.width,parentClipRect.height); } if(clipRect.height < 0) { clipRect.height = 0; } if(clipRect.width < 0) { clipRect.width = 0; } this.__currentClipRect = clipRect; this.__numClipRects++; } ,__render: function(object) { if(!this.__stage.__transparent) { this.element.style.background = this.__stage.__colorString; } else { this.element.style.background = "none"; } this.__z = 1; object.__renderDOM(this); } ,__setBlendMode: function(value) { if(this.__overrideBlendMode != null) { value = this.__overrideBlendMode; } if(this.__blendMode == value) { return; } this.__blendMode = value; } ,__updateClip: function(displayObject) { if(this.__currentClipRect == null) { displayObject.__worldClipChanged = displayObject.__worldClip != null; displayObject.__worldClip = null; } else { if(displayObject.__worldClip == null) { displayObject.__worldClip = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } var clip = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); matrix.copyFrom(displayObject.__renderTransform); matrix.invert(); this.__currentClipRect.__transform(clip,matrix); if(clip.equals(displayObject.__worldClip)) { displayObject.__worldClipChanged = false; } else { displayObject.__worldClip.copyFrom(clip); displayObject.__worldClipChanged = true; } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(clip); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); } } ,__class__: openfl_display_DOMRenderer }); var openfl_display_DisplayObjectShader = function(code) { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "varying float openfl_Alphav;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplierv;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorOffsetv;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform bool openfl_HasColorTransform;\n\t\tuniform sampler2D openfl_Texture;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D (openfl_Texture, openfl_TextureCoordv);\n\t\t\n\t\tif (color.a == 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t} else if (openfl_HasColorTransform) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tcolor = vec4 (color.rgb / color.a, color.a);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tmat4 colorMultiplier = mat4 (0);\n\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[0][0] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.x;\n\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[1][1] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.y;\n\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[2][2] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.z;\n\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[3][3] = 1.0; // openfl_ColorMultiplierv.w;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tcolor = clamp (openfl_ColorOffsetv + (color * colorMultiplier), 0.0, 1.0);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (color.a > 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4 (color.rgb * color.a * openfl_Alphav, color.a * openfl_Alphav);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = color * openfl_Alphav;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "attribute float openfl_Alpha;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplier;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_ColorOffset;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tvarying float openfl_Alphav;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplierv;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorOffsetv;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\tuniform bool openfl_HasColorTransform;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_Alphav = openfl_Alpha;\n\t\topenfl_TextureCoordv = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tif (openfl_HasColorTransform) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_ColorMultiplierv = openfl_ColorMultiplier;\n\t\t\topenfl_ColorOffsetv = openfl_ColorOffset / 255.0;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } openfl_display_Shader.call(this,code); this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.DisplayObjectShader"] = openfl_display_DisplayObjectShader; openfl_display_DisplayObjectShader.__name__ = ["openfl","display","DisplayObjectShader"]; openfl_display_DisplayObjectShader.__super__ = openfl_display_Shader; openfl_display_DisplayObjectShader.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Shader.prototype,{ openfl_Alpha: null ,openfl_ColorMultiplier: null ,openfl_ColorOffset: null ,openfl_Position: null ,openfl_TextureCoord: null ,openfl_Matrix: null ,openfl_HasColorTransform: null ,openfl_TextureSize: null ,openfl_Texture: null ,__class__: openfl_display_DisplayObjectShader }); var openfl_display_FrameLabel = function(name,frame) { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.__name = name; this.__frame = frame; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.FrameLabel"] = openfl_display_FrameLabel; openfl_display_FrameLabel.__name__ = ["openfl","display","FrameLabel"]; openfl_display_FrameLabel.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_display_FrameLabel.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ __frame: null ,__name: null ,get_frame: function() { return this.__frame; } ,get_name: function() { return this.__name; } ,__class__: openfl_display_FrameLabel ,__properties__: {get_name:"get_name",get_frame:"get_frame"} }); var openfl_display__$GradientType_GradientType_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._GradientType.GradientType_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$GradientType_GradientType_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$GradientType_GradientType_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_GradientType","GradientType_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$GradientType_GradientType_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(value) { return value; }; openfl_display__$GradientType_GradientType_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "linear": return 0; case "radial": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$GradientType_GradientType_$Impl_$.toInt = function(this1) { return this1; }; openfl_display__$GradientType_GradientType_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "linear"; case 1: return "radial"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_Graphics = function(owner) { this.__dirty = true; this.__owner = owner; this.__commands = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandBuffer(); this.__strokePadding = 0; this.__positionX = 0; this.__positionY = 0; this.__renderTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__usedShaderBuffers = new List(); this.__worldTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__width = 0; this.__height = 0; this.__shaderBufferPool = new lime_utils_ObjectPool(function() { return new openfl__$internal_renderer_ShaderBuffer(); }); this.moveTo(0,0); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Graphics"] = openfl_display_Graphics; openfl_display_Graphics.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Graphics"]; openfl_display_Graphics.prototype = { __bounds: null ,__commands: null ,__dirty: null ,__hardwareDirty: null ,__height: null ,__managed: null ,__positionX: null ,__positionY: null ,__quadBuffer: null ,__renderTransform: null ,__shaderBufferPool: null ,__softwareDirty: null ,__strokePadding: null ,__transformDirty: null ,__triangleIndexBuffer: null ,__triangleIndexBufferCount: null ,__triangleIndexBufferData: null ,__usedShaderBuffers: null ,__vertexBuffer: null ,__vertexBufferCount: null ,__vertexBufferCountUVT: null ,__vertexBufferData: null ,__vertexBufferDataUVT: null ,__vertexBufferUVT: null ,__visible: null ,__owner: null ,__width: null ,__worldTransform: null ,__canvas: null ,__context: null ,__bitmap: null ,beginBitmapFill: function(bitmap,matrix,repeat,smooth) { if(smooth == null) { smooth = false; } if(repeat == null) { repeat = true; } this.__commands.beginBitmapFill(bitmap,matrix != null ? matrix.clone() : null,repeat,smooth); this.__visible = true; } ,beginFill: function(color,alpha) { if(alpha == null) { alpha = 1; } if(color == null) { color = 0; } this.__commands.beginFill(color & 16777215,alpha); if(alpha > 0) { this.__visible = true; } } ,beginGradientFill: function(type,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio) { if(focalPointRatio == null) { focalPointRatio = 0; } if(interpolationMethod == null) { interpolationMethod = 1; } if(spreadMethod == null) { spreadMethod = 0; } if(colors == null || colors.length == 0) { return; } if(alphas == null) { alphas = []; var _g1 = 0; var _g = colors.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; alphas.push(1); } } if(ratios == null) { ratios = []; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = colors.length; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; ratios.push(Math.ceil(i1 / colors.length * 255)); } } if(alphas.length < colors.length || ratios.length < colors.length) { return; } this.__commands.beginGradientFill(type,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio); var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < alphas.length) { var alpha = alphas[_g3]; ++_g3; if(alpha > 0) { this.__visible = true; break; } } } ,beginShaderFill: function(shader,matrix) { if(shader != null) { var shaderBuffer = this.__shaderBufferPool.get(); this.__usedShaderBuffers.add(shaderBuffer); shaderBuffer.update(shader); this.__commands.beginShaderFill(shaderBuffer); } } ,clear: function() { var _g_head = this.__usedShaderBuffers.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var shaderBuffer = val; this.__shaderBufferPool.release(shaderBuffer); } this.__usedShaderBuffers.clear(); this.__commands.clear(); this.__strokePadding = 0; if(this.__bounds != null) { this.set___dirty(true); this.__transformDirty = true; this.__bounds = null; } this.__visible = false; this.__positionX = 0; this.__positionY = 0; this.moveTo(0,0); } ,copyFrom: function(sourceGraphics) { this.__bounds = sourceGraphics.__bounds != null ? sourceGraphics.__bounds.clone() : null; this.__commands = sourceGraphics.__commands.copy(); this.set___dirty(true); this.__strokePadding = sourceGraphics.__strokePadding; this.__positionX = sourceGraphics.__positionX; this.__positionY = sourceGraphics.__positionY; this.__transformDirty = true; this.__visible = sourceGraphics.__visible; } ,cubicCurveTo: function(controlX1,controlY1,controlX2,controlY2,anchorX,anchorY) { this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX - this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX + this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY + this.__strokePadding); var ix1; var iy1; var ix2; var iy2; ix1 = anchorX; ix2 = anchorX; if(!((controlX1 < anchorX && controlX1 > this.__positionX || controlX1 > anchorX && controlX1 < this.__positionX) && (controlX2 < anchorX && controlX2 > this.__positionX || controlX2 > anchorX && controlX2 < this.__positionX))) { var u = 2 * this.__positionX - 4 * controlX1 + 2 * controlX2; var v = controlX1 - this.__positionX; var w = -this.__positionX + 3 * controlX1 + anchorX - 3 * controlX2; var t1 = (-u + Math.sqrt(u * u - 4 * v * w)) / (2 * w); var t2 = (-u - Math.sqrt(u * u - 4 * v * w)) / (2 * w); if(t1 > 0 && t1 < 1) { ix1 = this.__calculateBezierCubicPoint(t1,this.__positionX,controlX1,controlX2,anchorX); } if(t2 > 0 && t2 < 1) { ix2 = this.__calculateBezierCubicPoint(t2,this.__positionX,controlX1,controlX2,anchorX); } } iy1 = anchorY; iy2 = anchorY; if(!((controlY1 < anchorY && controlY1 > this.__positionX || controlY1 > anchorY && controlY1 < this.__positionX) && (controlY2 < anchorY && controlY2 > this.__positionX || controlY2 > anchorY && controlY2 < this.__positionX))) { var u1 = 2 * this.__positionX - 4 * controlY1 + 2 * controlY2; var v1 = controlY1 - this.__positionX; var w1 = -this.__positionX + 3 * controlY1 + anchorY - 3 * controlY2; var t11 = (-u1 + Math.sqrt(u1 * u1 - 4 * v1 * w1)) / (2 * w1); var t21 = (-u1 - Math.sqrt(u1 * u1 - 4 * v1 * w1)) / (2 * w1); if(t11 > 0 && t11 < 1) { iy1 = this.__calculateBezierCubicPoint(t11,this.__positionX,controlY1,controlY2,anchorY); } if(t21 > 0 && t21 < 1) { iy2 = this.__calculateBezierCubicPoint(t21,this.__positionX,controlY1,controlY2,anchorY); } } this.__inflateBounds(ix1 - this.__strokePadding,iy1 - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(ix1 + this.__strokePadding,iy1 + this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(ix2 - this.__strokePadding,iy2 - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(ix2 + this.__strokePadding,iy2 + this.__strokePadding); this.__positionX = anchorX; this.__positionY = anchorY; this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX - this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX + this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY + this.__strokePadding); this.__commands.cubicCurveTo(controlX1,controlY1,controlX2,controlY2,anchorX,anchorY); this.set___dirty(true); } ,curveTo: function(controlX,controlY,anchorX,anchorY) { this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX - this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX + this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY + this.__strokePadding); var ix; var iy; if(controlX < anchorX && controlX > this.__positionX || controlX > anchorX && controlX < this.__positionX) { ix = anchorX; } else { var tx = (this.__positionX - controlX) / (this.__positionX - 2 * controlX + anchorX); ix = this.__calculateBezierQuadPoint(tx,this.__positionX,controlX,anchorX); } if(controlY < anchorY && controlY > this.__positionY || controlY > anchorY && controlY < this.__positionY) { iy = anchorY; } else { var ty = (this.__positionY - controlY) / (this.__positionY - 2 * controlY + anchorY); iy = this.__calculateBezierQuadPoint(ty,this.__positionY,controlY,anchorY); } this.__inflateBounds(ix - this.__strokePadding,iy - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(ix + this.__strokePadding,iy + this.__strokePadding); this.__positionX = anchorX; this.__positionY = anchorY; this.__commands.curveTo(controlX,controlY,anchorX,anchorY); this.set___dirty(true); } ,drawCircle: function(x,y,radius) { if(radius <= 0) { return; } this.__inflateBounds(x - radius - this.__strokePadding,y - radius - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(x + radius + this.__strokePadding,y + radius + this.__strokePadding); this.__commands.drawCircle(x,y,radius); this.set___dirty(true); } ,drawEllipse: function(x,y,width,height) { if(width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } this.__inflateBounds(x - this.__strokePadding,y - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(x + width + this.__strokePadding,y + height + this.__strokePadding); this.__commands.drawEllipse(x,y,width,height); this.set___dirty(true); } ,drawGraphicsData: function(graphicsData) { var fill; var bitmapFill; var gradientFill; var shaderFill; var stroke; var path; var trianglePath; var quadPath; var _g = 0; while(_g < graphicsData.get_length()) { var graphics = graphicsData.get(_g); ++_g; var _g1 = graphics.__graphicsDataType; switch(_g1) { case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.STROKE: stroke = graphics; if(stroke.fill != null) { var thickness = stroke.thickness; if(isNaN(thickness)) { thickness = null; } var _g11 = stroke.fill.__graphicsFillType; switch(_g11) { case openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SOLID_FILL: fill = stroke.fill; this.lineStyle(thickness,fill.color,fill.alpha,stroke.pixelHinting,stroke.scaleMode,stroke.caps,stroke.joints,stroke.miterLimit); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.GRADIENT_FILL: gradientFill = stroke.fill; this.lineStyle(thickness,0,1,stroke.pixelHinting,stroke.scaleMode,stroke.caps,stroke.joints,stroke.miterLimit); this.lineGradientStyle(gradientFill.type,gradientFill.colors,gradientFill.alphas,gradientFill.ratios,gradientFill.matrix,gradientFill.spreadMethod,gradientFill.interpolationMethod,gradientFill.focalPointRatio); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.BITMAP_FILL: bitmapFill = stroke.fill; this.lineStyle(thickness,0,1,stroke.pixelHinting,stroke.scaleMode,stroke.caps,stroke.joints,stroke.miterLimit); this.lineBitmapStyle(bitmapFill.bitmapData,bitmapFill.matrix,bitmapFill.repeat,bitmapFill.smooth); break; default: } } else { this.lineStyle(); } break; case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SOLID: fill = graphics; this.beginFill(fill.color,fill.alpha); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.GRADIENT: gradientFill = graphics; this.beginGradientFill(gradientFill.type,gradientFill.colors,gradientFill.alphas,gradientFill.ratios,gradientFill.matrix,gradientFill.spreadMethod,gradientFill.interpolationMethod,gradientFill.focalPointRatio); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.PATH: path = graphics; this.drawPath(path.commands,path.data,path.winding); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.BITMAP: bitmapFill = graphics; this.beginBitmapFill(bitmapFill.bitmapData,bitmapFill.matrix,bitmapFill.repeat,bitmapFill.smooth); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.END: this.endFill(); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.QUAD_PATH: quadPath = graphics; this.drawQuads(quadPath.rects,quadPath.indices,quadPath.transforms); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.TRIANGLE_PATH: trianglePath = graphics; this.drawTriangles(trianglePath.vertices,trianglePath.indices,trianglePath.uvtData,trianglePath.culling); break; case openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SHADER: shaderFill = graphics; this.beginShaderFill(shaderFill.shader,shaderFill.matrix); break; } } } ,drawPath: function(commands,data,winding) { if(winding == null) { winding = 0; } var dataIndex = 0; if(winding == 1) { this.__commands.windingNonZero(); } var _g = 0; try { while(_g < commands.get_length()) { var command = commands.get(_g); ++_g; switch(command) { case 1: this.moveTo(data.get(dataIndex),data.get(dataIndex + 1)); dataIndex += 2; break; case 2: this.lineTo(data.get(dataIndex),data.get(dataIndex + 1)); dataIndex += 2; break; case 3: this.curveTo(data.get(dataIndex),data.get(dataIndex + 1),data.get(dataIndex + 2),data.get(dataIndex + 3)); dataIndex += 4; break; case 4: this.moveTo(data.get(dataIndex + 2),data.get(dataIndex + 3)); throw "__break__"; break; case 5: this.lineTo(data.get(dataIndex + 2),data.get(dataIndex + 3)); throw "__break__"; break; case 6: this.cubicCurveTo(data.get(dataIndex),data.get(dataIndex + 1),data.get(dataIndex + 2),data.get(dataIndex + 3),data.get(dataIndex + 4),data.get(dataIndex + 5)); dataIndex += 6; break; default: } } } catch( e ) { if( e != "__break__" ) throw e; } } ,drawQuads: function(rects,indices,transforms) { if(rects == null) { return; } var hasIndices = indices != null; var transformABCD = false; var transformXY = false; var length = hasIndices ? indices.get_length() : Math.floor(rects.get_length() / 4); if(length == 0) { return; } if(transforms != null) { if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 6) { transformABCD = true; transformXY = true; } else if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 4) { transformABCD = true; } else if(transforms.get_length() >= length * 2) { transformXY = true; } } var tileRect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); var tileTransform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var minX = Infinity; var minY = Infinity; var maxX = -Infinity; var maxY = -Infinity; var ri; var ti; var _g1 = 0; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(hasIndices) { ri = indices.get(i) * 4; } else { ri = i * 4; } if(ri < 0) { continue; } tileRect.setTo(rects.get(ri),rects.get(ri + 1),rects.get(ri + 2),rects.get(ri + 3)); if(tileRect.width <= 0 || tileRect.height <= 0) { continue; } if(transformABCD && transformXY) { ti = i * 6; tileTransform.setTo(transforms.get(ti),transforms.get(ti + 1),transforms.get(ti + 2),transforms.get(ti + 3),transforms.get(ti + 4),transforms.get(ti + 5)); } else if(transformABCD) { ti = i * 4; tileTransform.setTo(transforms.get(ti),transforms.get(ti + 1),transforms.get(ti + 2),transforms.get(ti + 3),tileRect.x,tileRect.y); } else if(transformXY) { ti = i * 2; tileTransform.tx = transforms.get(ti); tileTransform.ty = transforms.get(ti + 1); } else { tileTransform.tx = tileRect.x; tileTransform.ty = tileRect.y; } tileRect.__transform(tileRect,tileTransform); if(minX > tileRect.x) { minX = tileRect.x; } if(minY > tileRect.y) { minY = tileRect.y; } if(maxX < tileRect.get_right()) { maxX = tileRect.get_right(); } if(maxY < tileRect.get_bottom()) { maxY = tileRect.get_bottom(); } } this.__inflateBounds(minX,minY); this.__inflateBounds(maxX,maxY); this.__commands.drawQuads(rects,indices,transforms); this.set___dirty(true); this.__visible = true; openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(tileRect); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(tileTransform); } ,drawRect: function(x,y,width,height) { if(width == 0 && height == 0) { return; } var xSign = width < 0 ? -1 : 1; var ySign = height < 0 ? -1 : 1; this.__inflateBounds(x - this.__strokePadding * xSign,y - this.__strokePadding * ySign); this.__inflateBounds(x + width + this.__strokePadding * xSign,y + height + this.__strokePadding * ySign); this.__commands.drawRect(x,y,width,height); this.set___dirty(true); } ,drawRoundRect: function(x,y,width,height,ellipseWidth,ellipseHeight) { if(width == 0 && height == 0) { return; } var xSign = width < 0 ? -1 : 1; var ySign = height < 0 ? -1 : 1; this.__inflateBounds(x - this.__strokePadding * xSign,y - this.__strokePadding * ySign); this.__inflateBounds(x + width + this.__strokePadding * xSign,y + height + this.__strokePadding * ySign); this.__commands.drawRoundRect(x,y,width,height,ellipseWidth,ellipseHeight); this.set___dirty(true); } ,drawRoundRectComplex: function(x,y,width,height,topLeftRadius,topRightRadius,bottomLeftRadius,bottomRightRadius) { if(width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } this.__inflateBounds(x - this.__strokePadding,y - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(x + width + this.__strokePadding,y + height + this.__strokePadding); var xw = x + width; var yh = y + height; var minSize = width < height ? width * 2 : height * 2; if(topLeftRadius < minSize) { topLeftRadius = topLeftRadius; } else { topLeftRadius = minSize; } if(topRightRadius < minSize) { topRightRadius = topRightRadius; } else { topRightRadius = minSize; } if(bottomLeftRadius < minSize) { bottomLeftRadius = bottomLeftRadius; } else { bottomLeftRadius = minSize; } if(bottomRightRadius < minSize) { bottomRightRadius = bottomRightRadius; } else { bottomRightRadius = minSize; } var anchor = 1 - Math.sin(45 * (Math.PI / 180)); var control = 1 - Math.tan(22.5 * (Math.PI / 180)); var a = bottomRightRadius * anchor; var s = bottomRightRadius * control; this.moveTo(xw,yh - bottomRightRadius); this.curveTo(xw,yh - s,xw - a,yh - a); this.curveTo(xw - s,yh,xw - bottomRightRadius,yh); a = bottomLeftRadius * anchor; s = bottomLeftRadius * control; this.lineTo(x + bottomLeftRadius,yh); this.curveTo(x + s,yh,x + a,yh - a); this.curveTo(x,yh - s,x,yh - bottomLeftRadius); a = topLeftRadius * anchor; s = topLeftRadius * control; this.lineTo(x,y + topLeftRadius); this.curveTo(x,y + s,x + a,y + a); this.curveTo(x + s,y,x + topLeftRadius,y); a = topRightRadius * anchor; s = topRightRadius * control; this.lineTo(xw - topRightRadius,y); this.curveTo(xw - s,y,xw - a,y + a); this.curveTo(xw,y + s,xw,y + topRightRadius); this.lineTo(xw,yh - bottomRightRadius); this.set___dirty(true); } ,drawTriangles: function(vertices,indices,uvtData,culling) { if(culling == null) { culling = 1; } if(vertices == null || vertices.get_length() == 0) { return; } var vertLength = vertices.get_length() / 2 | 0; if(indices == null) { if(vertLength % 3 != 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_ArgumentError("Not enough vertices to close a triangle.")); } indices = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); var _g1 = 0; var _g = vertLength; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; indices.push(i); } } if(culling == null) { culling = 1; } var x; var y; var minX = Infinity; var minY = Infinity; var maxX = -Infinity; var maxY = -Infinity; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = vertLength; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; x = vertices.get(i1 * 2); y = vertices.get(i1 * 2 + 1); if(minX > x) { minX = x; } if(minY > y) { minY = y; } if(maxX < x) { maxX = x; } if(maxY < y) { maxY = y; } } this.__inflateBounds(minX,minY); this.__inflateBounds(maxX,maxY); this.__commands.drawTriangles(vertices,indices,uvtData,culling); this.set___dirty(true); this.__visible = true; } ,endFill: function() { this.__commands.endFill(); } ,lineBitmapStyle: function(bitmap,matrix,repeat,smooth) { if(smooth == null) { smooth = false; } if(repeat == null) { repeat = true; } this.__commands.lineBitmapStyle(bitmap,matrix != null ? matrix.clone() : null,repeat,smooth); } ,lineGradientStyle: function(type,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio) { if(focalPointRatio == null) { focalPointRatio = 0; } if(interpolationMethod == null) { interpolationMethod = 1; } if(spreadMethod == null) { spreadMethod = 0; } this.__commands.lineGradientStyle(type,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio); } ,lineStyle: function(thickness,color,alpha,pixelHinting,scaleMode,caps,joints,miterLimit) { if(miterLimit == null) { miterLimit = 3; } if(scaleMode == null) { scaleMode = 2; } if(pixelHinting == null) { pixelHinting = false; } if(alpha == null) { alpha = 1; } if(color == null) { color = 0; } if(thickness != null) { if(joints == 1) { if(thickness > this.__strokePadding) { this.__strokePadding = thickness; } } else if(thickness / 2 > this.__strokePadding) { this.__strokePadding = thickness / 2; } } this.__commands.lineStyle(thickness,color,alpha,pixelHinting,scaleMode,caps,joints,miterLimit); if(thickness != null) { this.__visible = true; } } ,lineTo: function(x,y) { if(!isFinite(x) || !isFinite(y)) { return; } this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX - this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX + this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY + this.__strokePadding); this.__positionX = x; this.__positionY = y; this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX - this.__strokePadding,this.__positionY - this.__strokePadding); this.__inflateBounds(this.__positionX + this.__strokePadding * 2,this.__positionY + this.__strokePadding); this.__commands.lineTo(x,y); this.set___dirty(true); } ,moveTo: function(x,y) { this.__positionX = x; this.__positionY = y; this.__commands.moveTo(x,y); } ,overrideBlendMode: function(blendMode) { if(blendMode == null) { blendMode = 10; } this.__commands.overrideBlendMode(blendMode); } ,readGraphicsData: function(recurse) { if(recurse == null) { recurse = true; } var graphicsData = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector(null); this.__owner.__readGraphicsData(graphicsData,recurse); return graphicsData; } ,__calculateBezierCubicPoint: function(t,p1,p2,p3,p4) { var iT = 1 - t; return p1 * (iT * iT * iT) + 3 * p2 * t * (iT * iT) + 3 * p3 * iT * (t * t) + p4 * (t * t * t); } ,__calculateBezierQuadPoint: function(t,p1,p2,p3) { var iT = 1 - t; return iT * iT * p1 + 2 * iT * t * p2 + t * t * p3; } ,__cleanup: function() { if(this.__bounds != null && this.__canvas != null) { this.set___dirty(true); this.__transformDirty = true; } this.__bitmap = null; this.__canvas = null; this.__context = null; } ,__getBounds: function(rect,matrix) { if(this.__bounds == null) { return; } var bounds = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); this.__bounds.__transform(bounds,matrix); rect.__expand(bounds.x,bounds.y,bounds.width,bounds.height); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(bounds); } ,__hitTest: function(x,y,shapeFlag,matrix) { if(this.__bounds == null) { return false; } var norm = matrix.a * matrix.d - matrix.b * matrix.c; var px = norm == 0 ? -matrix.tx : 1.0 / norm * (matrix.c * (matrix.ty - y) + matrix.d * (x - matrix.tx)); var norm1 = matrix.a * matrix.d - matrix.b * matrix.c; var py = norm1 == 0 ? -matrix.ty : 1.0 / norm1 * (matrix.a * (y - matrix.ty) + matrix.b * (matrix.tx - x)); if(px > this.__bounds.x && py > this.__bounds.y && this.__bounds.contains(px,py)) { if(shapeFlag) { return openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.hitTest(this,px,py); } return true; } return false; } ,__inflateBounds: function(x,y) { if(this.__bounds == null) { this.__bounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(x,y,0,0); this.__transformDirty = true; return; } if(x < this.__bounds.x) { this.__bounds.width += this.__bounds.x - x; this.__bounds.x = x; this.__transformDirty = true; } if(y < this.__bounds.y) { this.__bounds.height += this.__bounds.y - y; this.__bounds.y = y; this.__transformDirty = true; } if(x > this.__bounds.x + this.__bounds.width) { this.__bounds.width = x - this.__bounds.x; } if(y > this.__bounds.y + this.__bounds.height) { this.__bounds.height = y - this.__bounds.y; } } ,__readGraphicsData: function(graphicsData) { var data = new openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandReader(this.__commands); var path = null; var stroke; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__commands.types; while(_g < _g1.length) { var type = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(type[1]) { case 4:case 5:case 6:case 7:case 9:case 10:case 17:case 18: if(path == null) { path = new openfl_display_GraphicsPath(); } break; default: if(path != null) { graphicsData.push(path); path = null; } } switch(type[1]) { case 0: var _g2 = data.prev; switch(_g2[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_BITMAP_FILL; var this1 = data; var c = this1; graphicsData.push(new openfl_display_GraphicsBitmapFill(c.buffer.o[c.oPos],c.buffer.o[c.oPos + 1],c.buffer.b[c.bPos],c.buffer.b[c.bPos + 1])); break; case 1: var _g3 = data.prev; switch(_g3[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_FILL; var this2 = data; var c1 = this2; graphicsData.push(new openfl_display_GraphicsSolidFill(c1.buffer.i[c1.iPos],1)); break; case 2: var _g4 = data.prev; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.BEGIN_GRADIENT_FILL; var this3 = data; var c2 = this3; graphicsData.push(new openfl_display_GraphicsGradientFill(c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos],c2.buffer.ii[c2.iiPos],c2.buffer.ff[c2.ffPos],c2.buffer.ii[c2.iiPos + 1],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 1],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 2],c2.buffer.o[c2.oPos + 3],c2.buffer.f[c2.fPos])); break; case 3: break; case 4: var _g5 = data.prev; switch(_g5[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CUBIC_CURVE_TO; var this4 = data; var c3 = this4; path.cubicCurveTo(c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos],c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos + 1],c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos + 2],c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos + 3],c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos + 4],c3.buffer.f[c3.fPos + 5]); break; case 5: var _g6 = data.prev; switch(_g6[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.CURVE_TO; var this5 = data; var c4 = this5; path.curveTo(c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 1],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 2],c4.buffer.f[c4.fPos + 3]); break; case 6: var _g7 = data.prev; switch(_g7[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_CIRCLE; var this6 = data; var c5 = this6; path.__drawCircle(c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 1],c5.buffer.f[c5.fPos + 2]); break; case 7: var _g8 = data.prev; switch(_g8[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ELLIPSE; var this7 = data; var c6 = this7; path.__drawEllipse(c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 1],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 2],c6.buffer.f[c6.fPos + 3]); break; case 9: var _g9 = data.prev; switch(_g9[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_RECT; var this8 = data; var c7 = this8; path.__drawRect(c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 1],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 2],c7.buffer.f[c7.fPos + 3]); break; case 10: var _g10 = data.prev; switch(_g10[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.DRAW_ROUND_RECT; var this9 = data; var c8 = this9; path.__drawRoundRect(c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 1],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 2],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 3],c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 4],c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos] != null ? c8.buffer.o[c8.oPos] : c8.buffer.f[c8.fPos + 4]); break; case 13: var _g11 = data.prev; switch(_g11[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.END_FILL; var this10 = data; graphicsData.push(new openfl_display_GraphicsEndFill()); break; case 14: var _g12 = data.prev; switch(_g12[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_BITMAP_STYLE; var this11 = data; var c9 = this11; path = null; break; case 15: var _g13 = data.prev; switch(_g13[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_GRADIENT_STYLE; var this12 = data; var c10 = this12; break; case 16: var _g14 = data.prev; switch(_g14[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_STYLE; var this13 = data; var c11 = this13; stroke = new openfl_display_GraphicsStroke(c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos],c11.buffer.b[c11.bPos],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 1],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 2],c11.buffer.o[c11.oPos + 3],c11.buffer.f[c11.fPos + 1]); stroke.fill = new openfl_display_GraphicsSolidFill(c11.buffer.i[c11.iPos],c11.buffer.f[c11.fPos]); graphicsData.push(stroke); break; case 17: var _g15 = data.prev; switch(_g15[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.LINE_TO; var this14 = data; var c12 = this14; path.lineTo(c12.buffer.f[c12.fPos],c12.buffer.f[c12.fPos + 1]); break; case 18: var _g16 = data.prev; switch(_g16[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = openfl__$internal_renderer_DrawCommandType.MOVE_TO; var this15 = data; var c13 = this15; path.moveTo(c13.buffer.f[c13.fPos],c13.buffer.f[c13.fPos + 1]); break; default: var _g17 = data.prev; switch(_g17[1]) { case 0: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 1: data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 2: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 3: data.oPos += 1; break; case 4: data.fPos += 6; break; case 5: data.fPos += 4; break; case 6: data.fPos += 3; break; case 7: data.fPos += 4; break; case 8: data.oPos += 3; break; case 9: data.fPos += 4; break; case 10: data.fPos += 5; data.oPos += 1; break; case 12: data.oPos += 4; break; case 13: break; case 14: data.oPos += 2; data.bPos += 2; break; case 15: data.oPos += 4; data.iiPos += 2; data.ffPos += 1; data.fPos += 1; break; case 16: data.oPos += 4; data.iPos += 1; data.fPos += 2; data.bPos += 1; break; case 17: data.fPos += 2; break; case 18: data.fPos += 2; break; case 19: data.oPos += 1; break; case 20: data.oPos += 1; break; case 21:case 22: break; default: } data.prev = type; } } if(path != null) { graphicsData.push(path); } } ,__update: function(displayMatrix) { if(this.__bounds == null || this.__bounds.width <= 0 || this.__bounds.height <= 0) { return; } var parentTransform = this.__owner.__renderTransform; var scaleX = 1.0; var scaleY = 1.0; if(parentTransform != null) { if(parentTransform.b == 0) { scaleX = Math.abs(parentTransform.a); } else { scaleX = Math.sqrt(parentTransform.a * parentTransform.a + parentTransform.b * parentTransform.b); } if(parentTransform.c == 0) { scaleY = Math.abs(parentTransform.d); } else { scaleY = Math.sqrt(parentTransform.c * parentTransform.c + parentTransform.d * parentTransform.d); } } else { return; } if(displayMatrix != null) { if(displayMatrix.b == 0) { scaleX *= displayMatrix.a; } else { scaleX *= Math.sqrt(displayMatrix.a * displayMatrix.a + displayMatrix.b * displayMatrix.b); } if(displayMatrix.c == 0) { scaleY *= displayMatrix.d; } else { scaleY *= Math.sqrt(displayMatrix.c * displayMatrix.c + displayMatrix.d * displayMatrix.d); } } var width = this.__bounds.width * scaleX; var height = this.__bounds.height * scaleY; if(width < 1 || height < 1) { if(this.__width >= 1 || this.__height >= 1) { this.set___dirty(true); } this.__width = 0; this.__height = 0; return; } if(openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureWidth != null && width > openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureWidth) { width = openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureWidth; scaleX = openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureWidth / this.__bounds.width; } if(openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureWidth != null && height > openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureHeight) { height = openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureHeight; scaleY = openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureHeight / this.__bounds.height; } this.__renderTransform.a = width / this.__bounds.width; this.__renderTransform.d = height / this.__bounds.height; var inverseA = 1 / this.__renderTransform.a; var inverseD = 1 / this.__renderTransform.d; this.__worldTransform.a = inverseA * parentTransform.a; this.__worldTransform.b = inverseA * parentTransform.b; this.__worldTransform.c = inverseD * parentTransform.c; this.__worldTransform.d = inverseD * parentTransform.d; var x = this.__bounds.x; var y = this.__bounds.y; var tx = x * parentTransform.a + y * parentTransform.c + parentTransform.tx; var ty = x * parentTransform.b + y * parentTransform.d + parentTransform.ty; this.__worldTransform.tx = Math.floor(tx); this.__worldTransform.ty = Math.floor(ty); var _this = this.__worldTransform; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; this.__renderTransform.tx = norm == 0 ? -_this.tx : 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - ty) + _this.d * (tx - _this.tx)); var _this1 = this.__worldTransform; var norm1 = _this1.a * _this1.d - _this1.b * _this1.c; this.__renderTransform.ty = norm1 == 0 ? -_this1.ty : 1.0 / norm1 * (_this1.a * (ty - _this1.ty) + _this1.b * (_this1.tx - tx)); var newWidth = Math.ceil(width + this.__renderTransform.tx); var newHeight = Math.ceil(height + this.__renderTransform.ty); if(newWidth != this.__width || newHeight != this.__height) { this.set___dirty(true); } this.__width = newWidth; this.__height = newHeight; } ,set___dirty: function(value) { if(value && this.__owner != null) { var _this = this.__owner; if(!_this.__renderDirty) { _this.__renderDirty = true; _this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } if(value) { this.__softwareDirty = true; this.__hardwareDirty = true; } return this.__dirty = value; } ,__class__: openfl_display_Graphics ,__properties__: {set___dirty:"set___dirty"} }; var openfl_display_IGraphicsFill = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.IGraphicsFill"] = openfl_display_IGraphicsFill; openfl_display_IGraphicsFill.__name__ = ["openfl","display","IGraphicsFill"]; openfl_display_IGraphicsFill.prototype = { __graphicsFillType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_IGraphicsFill }; var openfl_display_IGraphicsData = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.IGraphicsData"] = openfl_display_IGraphicsData; openfl_display_IGraphicsData.__name__ = ["openfl","display","IGraphicsData"]; openfl_display_IGraphicsData.prototype = { __graphicsDataType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_IGraphicsData }; var openfl_display_GraphicsBitmapFill = function(bitmapData,matrix,repeat,smooth) { if(smooth == null) { smooth = false; } if(repeat == null) { repeat = true; } this.bitmapData = bitmapData; this.matrix = matrix; this.repeat = repeat; this.smooth = smooth; this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.BITMAP; this.__graphicsFillType = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.BITMAP_FILL; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsBitmapFill"] = openfl_display_GraphicsBitmapFill; openfl_display_GraphicsBitmapFill.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsBitmapFill"]; openfl_display_GraphicsBitmapFill.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsFill,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsBitmapFill.prototype = { bitmapData: null ,matrix: null ,repeat: null ,smooth: null ,__graphicsDataType: null ,__graphicsFillType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsBitmapFill }; var openfl_display_GraphicsEndFill = function() { this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.END; this.__graphicsFillType = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.END_FILL; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsEndFill"] = openfl_display_GraphicsEndFill; openfl_display_GraphicsEndFill.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsEndFill"]; openfl_display_GraphicsEndFill.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsFill,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsEndFill.prototype = { __graphicsDataType: null ,__graphicsFillType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsEndFill }; var openfl_display_GraphicsGradientFill = function(type,colors,alphas,ratios,matrix,spreadMethod,interpolationMethod,focalPointRatio) { if(focalPointRatio == null) { focalPointRatio = 0; } if(type == null) { type = 0; } if(spreadMethod == null) { spreadMethod = 0; } if(interpolationMethod == null) { interpolationMethod = 1; } this.type = type; this.colors = colors; this.alphas = alphas; this.ratios = ratios; this.matrix = matrix; this.spreadMethod = spreadMethod; this.interpolationMethod = interpolationMethod; this.focalPointRatio = focalPointRatio; this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.GRADIENT; this.__graphicsFillType = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.GRADIENT_FILL; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsGradientFill"] = openfl_display_GraphicsGradientFill; openfl_display_GraphicsGradientFill.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsGradientFill"]; openfl_display_GraphicsGradientFill.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsFill,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsGradientFill.prototype = { alphas: null ,colors: null ,focalPointRatio: null ,interpolationMethod: null ,matrix: null ,ratios: null ,spreadMethod: null ,type: null ,__graphicsDataType: null ,__graphicsFillType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsGradientFill }; var openfl_display_IGraphicsPath = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.IGraphicsPath"] = openfl_display_IGraphicsPath; openfl_display_IGraphicsPath.__name__ = ["openfl","display","IGraphicsPath"]; var openfl_display_GraphicsPath = function(commands,data,winding) { if(winding == null) { winding = 0; } this.commands = commands; this.data = data; this.winding = winding; this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.PATH; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsPath"] = openfl_display_GraphicsPath; openfl_display_GraphicsPath.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsPath"]; openfl_display_GraphicsPath.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsPath,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsPath.prototype = { commands: null ,data: null ,winding: null ,__graphicsDataType: null ,cubicCurveTo: function(controlX1,controlY1,controlX2,controlY2,anchorX,anchorY) { if(this.commands == null) { this.commands = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); } if(this.data == null) { this.data = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); } this.commands.push(6); this.data.push(controlX1); this.data.push(controlY1); this.data.push(controlX2); this.data.push(controlY2); this.data.push(anchorX); this.data.push(anchorY); } ,curveTo: function(controlX,controlY,anchorX,anchorY) { if(this.commands == null) { this.commands = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); } if(this.data == null) { this.data = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); } this.commands.push(3); this.data.push(controlX); this.data.push(controlY); this.data.push(anchorX); this.data.push(anchorY); } ,lineTo: function(x,y) { if(this.commands == null) { this.commands = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); } if(this.data == null) { this.data = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); } this.commands.push(2); this.data.push(x); this.data.push(y); } ,moveTo: function(x,y) { if(this.commands == null) { this.commands = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); } if(this.data == null) { this.data = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); } this.commands.push(1); this.data.push(x); this.data.push(y); } ,wideLineTo: function(x,y) { if(this.commands == null) { this.commands = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); } if(this.data == null) { this.data = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); } this.commands.push(2); this.data.push(x); this.data.push(y); } ,wideMoveTo: function(x,y) { if(this.commands == null) { this.commands = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null); } if(this.data == null) { this.data = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null); } this.commands.push(1); this.data.push(x); this.data.push(y); } ,__drawCircle: function(x,y,radius) { this.__drawRoundRect(x - radius,y - radius,radius * 2,radius * 2,radius * 2,radius * 2); } ,__drawEllipse: function(x,y,width,height) { this.__drawRoundRect(x,y,width,height,width,height); } ,__drawRect: function(x,y,width,height) { this.moveTo(x,y); this.lineTo(x + width,y); this.lineTo(x + width,y + height); this.lineTo(x,y + height); this.lineTo(x,y); } ,__drawRoundRect: function(x,y,width,height,ellipseWidth,ellipseHeight) { ellipseWidth *= 0.5; ellipseHeight *= 0.5; if(ellipseWidth > width / 2) { ellipseWidth = width / 2; } if(ellipseHeight > height / 2) { ellipseHeight = height / 2; } var xe = x + width; var ye = y + height; var cx1 = -ellipseWidth + ellipseWidth * openfl_display_GraphicsPath.SIN45; var cx2 = -ellipseWidth + ellipseWidth * openfl_display_GraphicsPath.TAN22; var cy1 = -ellipseHeight + ellipseHeight * openfl_display_GraphicsPath.SIN45; var cy2 = -ellipseHeight + ellipseHeight * openfl_display_GraphicsPath.TAN22; this.moveTo(xe,ye - ellipseHeight); this.curveTo(xe,ye + cy2,xe + cx1,ye + cy1); this.curveTo(xe + cx2,ye,xe - ellipseWidth,ye); this.lineTo(x + ellipseWidth,ye); this.curveTo(x - cx2,ye,x - cx1,ye + cy1); this.curveTo(x,ye + cy2,x,ye - ellipseHeight); this.lineTo(x,y + ellipseHeight); this.curveTo(x,y - cy2,x - cx1,y - cy1); this.curveTo(x - cx2,y,x + ellipseWidth,y); this.lineTo(xe - ellipseWidth,y); this.curveTo(xe + cx2,y,xe + cx1,y - cy1); this.curveTo(xe,y - cy2,xe,y + ellipseHeight); this.lineTo(xe,ye - ellipseHeight); } ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsPath }; var openfl_display__$GraphicsPathWinding_GraphicsPathWinding_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._GraphicsPathWinding.GraphicsPathWinding_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$GraphicsPathWinding_GraphicsPathWinding_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$GraphicsPathWinding_GraphicsPathWinding_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_GraphicsPathWinding","GraphicsPathWinding_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$GraphicsPathWinding_GraphicsPathWinding_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "evenOdd": return 0; case "nonZero": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$GraphicsPathWinding_GraphicsPathWinding_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "evenOdd"; case 1: return "nonZero"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_GraphicsQuadPath = function(rects,indices,transforms) { this.rects = rects; this.indices = indices; this.transforms = transforms; this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.QUAD_PATH; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsQuadPath"] = openfl_display_GraphicsQuadPath; openfl_display_GraphicsQuadPath.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsQuadPath"]; openfl_display_GraphicsQuadPath.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsPath,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsQuadPath.prototype = { indices: null ,rects: null ,transforms: null ,__graphicsDataType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsQuadPath }; var openfl_display_GraphicsShaderFill = function(shader,matrix) { this.shader = shader; this.matrix = matrix; this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SHADER; this.__graphicsFillType = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SHADER_FILL; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsShaderFill"] = openfl_display_GraphicsShaderFill; openfl_display_GraphicsShaderFill.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsShaderFill"]; openfl_display_GraphicsShaderFill.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsFill,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsShaderFill.prototype = { shader: null ,matrix: null ,__graphicsDataType: null ,__graphicsFillType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsShaderFill }; var openfl_display_GraphicsSolidFill = function(color,alpha) { if(alpha == null) { alpha = 1; } if(color == null) { color = 0; } this.alpha = alpha; this.color = color; this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SOLID; this.__graphicsFillType = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SOLID_FILL; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsSolidFill"] = openfl_display_GraphicsSolidFill; openfl_display_GraphicsSolidFill.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsSolidFill"]; openfl_display_GraphicsSolidFill.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsFill,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsSolidFill.prototype = { alpha: null ,color: null ,__graphicsDataType: null ,__graphicsFillType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsSolidFill }; var openfl_display_IGraphicsStroke = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.IGraphicsStroke"] = openfl_display_IGraphicsStroke; openfl_display_IGraphicsStroke.__name__ = ["openfl","display","IGraphicsStroke"]; var openfl_display_GraphicsStroke = function(thickness,pixelHinting,scaleMode,caps,joints,miterLimit,fill) { if(miterLimit == null) { miterLimit = 3; } if(joints == null) { joints = 2; } if(caps == null) { caps = 0; } if(scaleMode == null) { scaleMode = 2; } if(pixelHinting == null) { pixelHinting = false; } if(thickness == null) { thickness = NaN; } this.caps = caps; this.fill = fill; this.joints = joints; this.miterLimit = miterLimit; this.pixelHinting = pixelHinting; this.scaleMode = scaleMode; this.thickness = thickness; this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.STROKE; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsStroke"] = openfl_display_GraphicsStroke; openfl_display_GraphicsStroke.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsStroke"]; openfl_display_GraphicsStroke.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsStroke,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsStroke.prototype = { caps: null ,fill: null ,joints: null ,miterLimit: null ,pixelHinting: null ,scaleMode: null ,thickness: null ,__graphicsDataType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsStroke }; var openfl_display_GraphicsTrianglePath = function(vertices,indices,uvtData,culling) { if(culling == null) { culling = 1; } this.vertices = vertices; this.indices = indices; this.uvtData = uvtData; this.culling = culling; this.__graphicsDataType = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.TRIANGLE_PATH; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsTrianglePath"] = openfl_display_GraphicsTrianglePath; openfl_display_GraphicsTrianglePath.__name__ = ["openfl","display","GraphicsTrianglePath"]; openfl_display_GraphicsTrianglePath.__interfaces__ = [openfl_display_IGraphicsPath,openfl_display_IGraphicsData]; openfl_display_GraphicsTrianglePath.prototype = { culling: null ,indices: null ,uvtData: null ,vertices: null ,__graphicsDataType: null ,__class__: openfl_display_GraphicsTrianglePath }; var openfl_display_GraphicsDataType = $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsDataType"] = { __ename__ : ["openfl","display","GraphicsDataType"], __constructs__ : ["STROKE","SOLID","GRADIENT","PATH","BITMAP","END","QUAD_PATH","TRIANGLE_PATH","SHADER"] }; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.STROKE = ["STROKE",0]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.STROKE.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.STROKE.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SOLID = ["SOLID",1]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SOLID.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SOLID.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.GRADIENT = ["GRADIENT",2]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.GRADIENT.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.GRADIENT.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.PATH = ["PATH",3]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.PATH.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.PATH.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.BITMAP = ["BITMAP",4]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.BITMAP.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.BITMAP.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.END = ["END",5]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.END.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.END.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.QUAD_PATH = ["QUAD_PATH",6]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.QUAD_PATH.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.QUAD_PATH.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.TRIANGLE_PATH = ["TRIANGLE_PATH",7]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.TRIANGLE_PATH.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.TRIANGLE_PATH.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SHADER = ["SHADER",8]; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SHADER.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsDataType.SHADER.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsDataType; var openfl_display_GraphicsFillType = $hxClasses["openfl.display.GraphicsFillType"] = { __ename__ : ["openfl","display","GraphicsFillType"], __constructs__ : ["SOLID_FILL","GRADIENT_FILL","BITMAP_FILL","END_FILL","SHADER_FILL"] }; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SOLID_FILL = ["SOLID_FILL",0]; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SOLID_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SOLID_FILL.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.GRADIENT_FILL = ["GRADIENT_FILL",1]; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.GRADIENT_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.GRADIENT_FILL.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.BITMAP_FILL = ["BITMAP_FILL",2]; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.BITMAP_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.BITMAP_FILL.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.END_FILL = ["END_FILL",3]; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.END_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.END_FILL.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SHADER_FILL = ["SHADER_FILL",4]; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SHADER_FILL.toString = $estr; openfl_display_GraphicsFillType.SHADER_FILL.__enum__ = openfl_display_GraphicsFillType; var openfl_display__$InterpolationMethod_InterpolationMethod_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._InterpolationMethod.InterpolationMethod_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$InterpolationMethod_InterpolationMethod_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$InterpolationMethod_InterpolationMethod_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_InterpolationMethod","InterpolationMethod_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$InterpolationMethod_InterpolationMethod_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(value) { return value; }; openfl_display__$InterpolationMethod_InterpolationMethod_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "linearRGB": return 0; case "rgb": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$InterpolationMethod_InterpolationMethod_$Impl_$.toInt = function(this1) { return this1; }; openfl_display__$InterpolationMethod_InterpolationMethod_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "linearRGB"; case 1: return "rgb"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_JPEGEncoderOptions = function(quality) { if(quality == null) { quality = 80; } this.quality = quality; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.JPEGEncoderOptions"] = openfl_display_JPEGEncoderOptions; openfl_display_JPEGEncoderOptions.__name__ = ["openfl","display","JPEGEncoderOptions"]; openfl_display_JPEGEncoderOptions.prototype = { quality: null ,__class__: openfl_display_JPEGEncoderOptions }; var openfl_display__$JointStyle_JointStyle_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._JointStyle.JointStyle_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$JointStyle_JointStyle_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$JointStyle_JointStyle_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_JointStyle","JointStyle_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$JointStyle_JointStyle_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(value) { return value; }; openfl_display__$JointStyle_JointStyle_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "bevel": return 0; case "miter": return 1; case "round": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$JointStyle_JointStyle_$Impl_$.toInt = function(this1) { return this1; }; openfl_display__$JointStyle_JointStyle_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "bevel"; case 1: return "miter"; case 2: return "round"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display__$LineScaleMode_LineScaleMode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._LineScaleMode.LineScaleMode_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$LineScaleMode_LineScaleMode_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$LineScaleMode_LineScaleMode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_LineScaleMode","LineScaleMode_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$LineScaleMode_LineScaleMode_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(value) { return value; }; openfl_display__$LineScaleMode_LineScaleMode_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "horizontal": return 0; case "none": return 1; case "normal": return 2; case "vertical": return 3; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$LineScaleMode_LineScaleMode_$Impl_$.toInt = function(this1) { return this1; }; openfl_display__$LineScaleMode_LineScaleMode_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "horizontal"; case 1: return "none"; case 2: return "normal"; case 3: return "vertical"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_Loader = function() { openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.call(this); this.contentLoaderInfo = openfl_display_LoaderInfo.create(this); this.uncaughtErrorEvents = this.contentLoaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Loader"] = openfl_display_Loader; openfl_display_Loader.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Loader"]; openfl_display_Loader.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer; openfl_display_Loader.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype,{ content: null ,contentLoaderInfo: null ,uncaughtErrorEvents: null ,__library: null ,__path: null ,__unloaded: null ,close: function() { openfl__$internal_Lib.notImplemented({ fileName : "Loader.hx", lineNumber : 213, className : "openfl.display.Loader", methodName : "close"}); } ,load: function(request,context) { this.contentLoaderInfo.loaderURL = openfl_Lib.get_current().get_loaderInfo().url; this.contentLoaderInfo.url = request.url; this.__unloaded = false; if(request.contentType == null || request.contentType == "") { var extension = ""; this.__path = request.url; var queryIndex = this.__path.indexOf("?"); if(queryIndex > -1) { this.__path = this.__path.substring(0,queryIndex); } while(StringTools.endsWith(this.__path,"/")) this.__path = this.__path.substring(0,this.__path.length - 1); if(StringTools.endsWith(this.__path,".bundle")) { this.__path += "/library.json"; if(queryIndex > -1) { request.url = this.__path + request.url.substring(queryIndex); } else { request.url = this.__path; } } var extIndex = this.__path.lastIndexOf("."); if(extIndex > -1) { extension = this.__path.substring(extIndex + 1); } var tmp; switch(extension) { case "gif": tmp = "image/gif"; break; case "jpeg":case "jpg": tmp = "image/jpeg"; break; case "js": tmp = "application/javascript"; break; case "json": tmp = "application/json"; break; case "png": tmp = "image/png"; break; case "swf": tmp = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; break; default: tmp = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType = tmp; } else { this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType = request.contentType; } if(this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType.indexOf("image/") > -1 && request.method == "GET" && (request.requestHeaders == null || request.requestHeaders.length == 0) && request.userAgent == null) { openfl_display_BitmapData.loadFromFile(request.url).onComplete($bind(this,this.BitmapData_onLoad)).onError($bind(this,this.BitmapData_onError)).onProgress($bind(this,this.BitmapData_onProgress)); return; } var loader = new openfl_net_URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = 0; if(this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType.indexOf("/json") > -1 || this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType.indexOf("/javascript") > -1 || this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType.indexOf("/ecmascript") > -1) { loader.dataFormat = 1; } loader.addEventListener("complete",$bind(this,this.loader_onComplete)); loader.addEventListener("ioError",$bind(this,this.loader_onError)); loader.addEventListener("progress",$bind(this,this.loader_onProgress)); loader.load(request); } ,loadBytes: function(buffer,context) { openfl_display_BitmapData.loadFromBytes(buffer).onComplete($bind(this,this.BitmapData_onLoad)).onError($bind(this,this.BitmapData_onError)); } ,unload: function() { if(!this.__unloaded) { while(this.get_numChildren() > 0) this.removeChildAt(0); if(this.__library != null) { openfl_utils_Assets.unloadLibrary(this.contentLoaderInfo.url); this.__library = null; } this.content = null; this.contentLoaderInfo.url = null; this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType = null; this.contentLoaderInfo.content = null; this.contentLoaderInfo.bytesLoaded = 0; this.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal = 0; this.contentLoaderInfo.width = 0; this.contentLoaderInfo.height = 0; this.__unloaded = true; this.contentLoaderInfo.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("unload")); } } ,unloadAndStop: function(gc) { if(gc == null) { gc = true; } if(this.content != null) { this.content.__stopAllMovieClips(); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.get_numChildren(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.getChildAt(i).__stopAllMovieClips(); } this.unload(); var gc1 = gc; } ,__dispatchError: function(text) { var event = new openfl_events_IOErrorEvent("ioError"); event.text = text; this.contentLoaderInfo.dispatchEvent(event); } ,BitmapData_onError: function(error) { this.__dispatchError(Std.string(error)); } ,BitmapData_onLoad: function(bitmapData) { if(bitmapData == null) { this.__dispatchError("Unknown error"); return; } this.content = new openfl_display_Bitmap(bitmapData); this.contentLoaderInfo.content = this.content; var tmp = this.content.get_width() | 0; this.contentLoaderInfo.width = tmp; var tmp1 = this.content.get_height() | 0; this.contentLoaderInfo.height = tmp1; this.addChild(this.content); this.contentLoaderInfo.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("complete")); } ,BitmapData_onProgress: function(bytesLoaded,bytesTotal) { var event = new openfl_events_ProgressEvent("progress"); event.bytesLoaded = bytesLoaded; event.bytesTotal = bytesTotal; this.contentLoaderInfo.dispatchEvent(event); } ,loader_onComplete: function(event) { var _gthis = this; var loader = event.target; if(this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType != null && this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType.indexOf("/json") > -1) { var manifest = lime_utils_AssetManifest.parse(loader.data,haxe_io_Path.directory(this.__path)); if(manifest == null) { this.__dispatchError("Cannot parse asset manifest"); return; } var library = lime_utils_AssetLibrary.fromManifest(manifest); if(library == null) { this.__dispatchError("Cannot open library"); return; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(library,openfl_utils_AssetLibrary)) { library.load().onComplete(function(_) { _gthis.__library = library; openfl_utils_Assets.registerLibrary(_gthis.contentLoaderInfo.url,_gthis.__library); if(manifest.name != null && !openfl_utils_Assets.hasLibrary(manifest.name)) { openfl_utils_Assets.registerLibrary(manifest.name,_gthis.__library); } _gthis.content = _gthis.__library.getMovieClip(""); _gthis.contentLoaderInfo.content = _gthis.content; _gthis.addChild(_gthis.content); _gthis.contentLoaderInfo.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("complete")); }).onError(function(e) { _gthis.__dispatchError(e); }); } } else if(this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType != null && (this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType.indexOf("/javascript") > -1 || this.contentLoaderInfo.contentType.indexOf("/ecmascript") > -1)) { this.content = new openfl_display_Sprite(); this.contentLoaderInfo.content = this.content; this.addChild(this.content); eval("(function () {" + Std.string(loader.data) + "})()"); this.contentLoaderInfo.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("complete")); } else { this.contentLoaderInfo.bytes = loader.data; openfl_display_BitmapData.loadFromBytes(loader.data).onComplete($bind(this,this.BitmapData_onLoad)).onError($bind(this,this.BitmapData_onError)); } } ,loader_onError: function(event) { event.target = this.contentLoaderInfo; this.contentLoaderInfo.dispatchEvent(event); } ,loader_onProgress: function(event) { event.target = this.contentLoaderInfo; this.contentLoaderInfo.dispatchEvent(event); } ,__class__: openfl_display_Loader }); var openfl_display_LoaderInfo = function() { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.applicationDomain = openfl_system_ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; this.bytesLoaded = 0; this.bytesTotal = 0; this.childAllowsParent = true; this.parameters = { }; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.LoaderInfo"] = openfl_display_LoaderInfo; openfl_display_LoaderInfo.__name__ = ["openfl","display","LoaderInfo"]; openfl_display_LoaderInfo.create = function(loader) { var loaderInfo = new openfl_display_LoaderInfo(); loaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents = new openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvents(); if(loader != null) { loaderInfo.loader = loader; } else { loaderInfo.url = openfl_display_LoaderInfo.__rootURL; } return loaderInfo; }; openfl_display_LoaderInfo.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_display_LoaderInfo.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ applicationDomain: null ,bytes: null ,bytesLoaded: null ,bytesTotal: null ,childAllowsParent: null ,content: null ,contentType: null ,frameRate: null ,height: null ,loader: null ,loaderURL: null ,parameters: null ,parentAllowsChild: null ,sameDomain: null ,sharedEvents: null ,uncaughtErrorEvents: null ,url: null ,width: null ,__completed: null ,__complete: function() { if(!this.__completed) { if(this.bytesLoaded < this.bytesTotal) { this.bytesLoaded = this.bytesTotal; } this.__update(this.bytesLoaded,this.bytesTotal); this.__completed = true; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("complete")); } } ,__update: function(bytesLoaded,bytesTotal) { this.bytesLoaded = bytesLoaded; this.bytesTotal = bytesTotal; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_ProgressEvent("progress",false,false,bytesLoaded,bytesTotal)); } ,__class__: openfl_display_LoaderInfo }); var openfl_display_MovieClip = function() { openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); this.__currentFrame = 1; this.__currentLabels = []; this.__instanceFields = []; this.__totalFrames = 0; this.__enabled = true; if(openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSymbol != null) { this.__swf = openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSWF; this.__symbol = openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSymbol; openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSWF = null; openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSymbol = null; this.__fromSymbol(this.__swf,this.__symbol); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.MovieClip"] = openfl_display_MovieClip; openfl_display_MovieClip.__name__ = ["openfl","display","MovieClip"]; openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSWF = null; openfl_display_MovieClip.__initSymbol = null; openfl_display_MovieClip.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; openfl_display_MovieClip.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ __activeInstances: null ,__activeInstancesByFrameObjectID: null ,__currentFrame: null ,__currentFrameLabel: null ,__currentLabel: null ,__currentLabels: null ,__enabled: null ,__frameScripts: null ,__frameTime: null ,__hasDown: null ,__hasOver: null ,__hasUp: null ,__instanceFields: null ,__lastFrameScriptEval: null ,__lastFrameUpdate: null ,__mouseIsDown: null ,__playing: null ,__swf: null ,__symbol: null ,__timeElapsed: null ,__totalFrames: null ,addFrameScript: function(index,method) { if(index < 0) { return; } var frame = index + 1; if(method != null) { if(this.__frameScripts == null) { this.__frameScripts = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); } this.__frameScripts.h[frame] = method; } else if(this.__frameScripts != null) { this.__frameScripts.remove(frame); } } ,gotoAndPlay: function(frame,scene) { this.play(); this.__goto(this.__resolveFrameReference(frame)); } ,gotoAndStop: function(frame,scene) { this.stop(); this.__goto(this.__resolveFrameReference(frame)); } ,nextFrame: function() { this.stop(); this.__goto(this.__currentFrame + 1); } ,play: function() { if(this.__symbol == null || this.__playing || this.__totalFrames < 2) { return; } this.__playing = true; this.__frameTime = 1000 / this.__swf.frameRate | 0; this.__timeElapsed = 0; } ,prevFrame: function() { this.stop(); this.__goto(this.__currentFrame - 1); } ,stop: function() { this.__playing = false; } ,__enterFrame: function(deltaTime) { this.__updateFrameScript(deltaTime); this.__updateSymbol(this.__currentFrame); openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__enterFrame.call(this,deltaTime); } ,__updateFrameScript: function(deltaTime) { if(this.__symbol != null && this.__playing) { var nextFrame = this.__getNextFrame(deltaTime); if(this.__lastFrameScriptEval == nextFrame) { openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__enterFrame.call(this,deltaTime); return; } if(this.__frameScripts != null) { if(nextFrame < this.__currentFrame) { if(!this.__evaluateFrameScripts(this.__totalFrames)) { openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__enterFrame.call(this,deltaTime); return; } this.__currentFrame = 1; } if(!this.__evaluateFrameScripts(nextFrame)) { openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__enterFrame.call(this,deltaTime); return; } } else { this.__currentFrame = nextFrame; } } } ,__updateSymbol: function(targetFrame) { if(this.__symbol != null && this.__currentFrame != this.__lastFrameUpdate) { this.__updateFrameLabel(); var currentInstancesByFrameObjectID = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); var frame; var frameData; var instance; var _g1 = 0; var _g = targetFrame; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; frame = i + 1; frameData = this.__symbol.frames[i]; if(frameData.objects == null) { continue; } var _g2 = 0; var _g3 = frameData.objects; while(_g2 < _g3.length) { var frameObject = _g3[_g2]; ++_g2; var _g4 = frameObject.type; switch(_g4[1]) { case 0: instance = this.__activeInstancesByFrameObjectID.get(frameObject.id); if(instance != null) { currentInstancesByFrameObjectID.h[frameObject.id] = instance; this.__updateDisplayObject(instance.displayObject,frameObject,true); } break; case 1: instance = currentInstancesByFrameObjectID.h[frameObject.id]; if(instance != null && instance.displayObject != null) { this.__updateDisplayObject(instance.displayObject,frameObject); } break; case 2: currentInstancesByFrameObjectID.remove(frameObject.id); break; } } } var currentInstances = []; var currentMasks = []; var instance1 = currentInstancesByFrameObjectID.iterator(); while(instance1.hasNext()) { var instance2 = instance1.next(); if(currentInstances.indexOf(instance2) == -1) { currentInstances.push(instance2); if(instance2.clipDepth > 0) { currentMasks.push(instance2); } } } currentInstances.sort($bind(this,this.__sortDepths)); var existingChild; var targetDepth; var targetChild; var child; var maskApplied; var _g11 = 0; var _g5 = currentInstances.length; while(_g11 < _g5) { var i1 = _g11++; existingChild = this.__children[i1]; instance = currentInstances[i1]; targetDepth = instance.depth; targetChild = instance.displayObject; if(existingChild != targetChild) { child = targetChild; this.addChildAt(targetChild,i1); } else { child = this.__children[i1]; } maskApplied = false; var _g21 = 0; while(_g21 < currentMasks.length) { var mask = currentMasks[_g21]; ++_g21; if(targetDepth > mask.depth && targetDepth <= mask.clipDepth) { child.set_mask(mask.displayObject); maskApplied = true; break; } } if(currentMasks.length > 0 && !maskApplied && child.get_mask() != null) { child.set_mask(null); } } var child1; var i2 = currentInstances.length; var length = this.__children.length; while(i2 < length) { child1 = this.__children[i2]; var _g6 = 0; var _g12 = this.__activeInstances; while(_g6 < _g12.length) { var instance3 = _g12[_g6]; ++_g6; if(instance3.displayObject == child1) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(child1,openfl_display_MovieClip)) { var movie = child1; movie.gotoAndPlay(1); } this.removeChild(child1); --i2; --length; } } ++i2; } this.__lastFrameUpdate = this.__currentFrame; this.__updateInstanceFields(); } } ,__evaluateFrameScripts: function(advanceToFrame) { var _g1 = this.__currentFrame; var _g = advanceToFrame + 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var frame = _g1++; if(frame == this.__lastFrameScriptEval) { continue; } this.__lastFrameScriptEval = frame; this.__currentFrame = frame; if(this.__frameScripts.h.hasOwnProperty(frame)) { this.__updateSymbol(frame); var script = this.__frameScripts.h[frame]; script(); if(this.__currentFrame != frame) { return false; } } if(!this.__playing) { return false; } } return true; } ,__fromSymbol: function(swf,symbol) { if(this.__activeInstances != null) { return; } this.__swf = swf; this.__symbol = symbol; this.__activeInstances = []; this.__activeInstancesByFrameObjectID = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.__currentFrame = 1; this.__lastFrameScriptEval = -1; this.__lastFrameUpdate = -1; this.__totalFrames = this.__symbol.frames.length; var frame; var frameData; var parser = null; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__symbol.frames.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; frame = i + 1; frameData = this.__symbol.frames[i]; if(frameData.label != null) { this.__currentLabels.push(new openfl_display_FrameLabel(frameData.label,i + 1)); } if(frameData.script != null) { if(this.__frameScripts == null) { this.__frameScripts = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); } this.__frameScripts.h[frame] = frameData.script; } else if(frameData.scriptSource != null) { if(this.__frameScripts == null) { this.__frameScripts = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); } try { if(parser == null) { parser = new hscript_Parser(); parser.allowTypes = true; } var program = [parser.parseString(frameData.scriptSource)]; var interp = [new hscript_Interp()]; var _this = interp[0].variables; if(__map_reserved["this"] != null) { _this.setReserved("this",this); } else { _this.h["this"] = this; } var script = (function(interp1,program1) { return function() { interp1[0].execute(program1[0]); }; })(interp,program); this.__frameScripts.h[frame] = script; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if(this.__symbol.className != null) { lime_utils_Log.warn("Unable to evaluate frame script source for symbol \"" + this.__symbol.className + "\" frame " + frame + "\n" + frameData.scriptSource,{ fileName : "MovieClip.hx", lineNumber : 734, className : "openfl.display.MovieClip", methodName : "__fromSymbol"}); } else { lime_utils_Log.warn("Unable to evaluate frame script source:\n" + frameData.scriptSource,{ fileName : "MovieClip.hx", lineNumber : 738, className : "openfl.display.MovieClip", methodName : "__fromSymbol"}); } } } } var frame1; var frameData1; var instance; var duplicate; var symbol1; var displayObject; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = this.__totalFrames; while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; frame1 = i1 + 1; frameData1 = this.__symbol.frames[i1]; if(frameData1.objects == null) { continue; } var _g21 = 0; var _g3 = frameData1.objects; while(_g21 < _g3.length) { var frameObject = _g3[_g21]; ++_g21; if(frameObject.type == openfl__$internal_symbols_timeline_FrameObjectType.CREATE) { if(this.__activeInstancesByFrameObjectID.h.hasOwnProperty(frameObject.id)) { continue; } else { instance = null; duplicate = false; var _g4 = 0; var _g5 = this.__activeInstances; while(_g4 < _g5.length) { var activeInstance = _g5[_g4]; ++_g4; if(activeInstance.displayObject != null && activeInstance.characterID == frameObject.symbol && activeInstance.depth == frameObject.depth) { instance = activeInstance; duplicate = true; break; } } } if(instance == null) { symbol1 = this.__swf.symbols.h[frameObject.symbol]; if(symbol1 != null) { displayObject = symbol1.__createObject(this.__swf); if(displayObject != null) { displayObject.parent = this; displayObject.stage = this.stage; if(this.stage != null) { displayObject.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("addedToStage",false,false)); } instance = new openfl_display__$MovieClip_FrameSymbolInstance(frame1,frameObject.id,frameObject.symbol,frameObject.depth,displayObject,frameObject.clipDepth); } } } if(instance != null) { this.__activeInstancesByFrameObjectID.h[frameObject.id] = instance; if(!duplicate) { this.__activeInstances.push(instance); this.__updateDisplayObject(instance.displayObject,frameObject); } } } } } if(this.__totalFrames > 1) { this.play(); } this.__enterFrame(0); this.__instanceFields = Type.getInstanceFields(js_Boot.getClass(this)); this.__updateInstanceFields(); } ,__getNextFrame: function(deltaTime) { var nextFrame = 0; this.__timeElapsed += deltaTime; nextFrame = this.__currentFrame + Math.floor(this.__timeElapsed / this.__frameTime); if(nextFrame < 1) { nextFrame = 1; } if(nextFrame > this.__totalFrames) { nextFrame = Math.floor((nextFrame - 1) % this.__totalFrames) + 1; } this.__timeElapsed %= this.__frameTime; return nextFrame; } ,__goto: function(frame) { if(this.__symbol == null) { return; } if(frame < 1) { frame = 1; } else if(frame > this.__totalFrames) { frame = this.__totalFrames; } this.__currentFrame = frame; this.__enterFrame(0); } ,__resolveFrameReference: function(frame) { if(typeof(frame) == "number" && ((frame | 0) === frame)) { return frame; } else if(typeof(frame) == "string") { var label = frame; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__currentLabels; while(_g < _g1.length) { var frameLabel = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(frameLabel.get_name() == label) { return frameLabel.get_frame(); } } throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_ArgumentError("Error #2109: Frame label " + label + " not found in scene.")); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Invalid type for frame " + Type.getClassName(frame)); } } ,__sortDepths: function(a,b) { return a.depth - b.depth; } ,__stopAllMovieClips: function() { openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__stopAllMovieClips.call(this); this.stop(); } ,__tabTest: function(stack) { if(!this.__enabled) { return; } openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__tabTest.call(this,stack); } ,__updateDisplayObject: function(displayObject,frameObject,reset) { if(reset == null) { reset = false; } if(displayObject == null) { return; } if(frameObject.name != null) { displayObject.set_name(frameObject.name); } if(frameObject.matrix != null) { displayObject.get_transform().set_matrix(frameObject.matrix); } if(frameObject.colorTransform != null) { displayObject.get_transform().set_colorTransform(frameObject.colorTransform); } else if(reset && !displayObject.get_transform().get_colorTransform().__isDefault(true)) { displayObject.get_transform().set_colorTransform(new openfl_geom_ColorTransform()); } if(frameObject.filters != null) { var filters = []; var _g = 0; var _g1 = frameObject.filters; while(_g < _g1.length) { var filter = _g1[_g]; ++_g; switch(filter[1]) { case 0: var quality = filter[4]; var blurY = filter[3]; var blurX = filter[2]; filters.push(new openfl_filters_BlurFilter(blurX,blurY,quality)); break; case 1: var matrix = filter[2]; filters.push(new openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter(matrix)); break; case 2: var hideObject = filter[12]; var knockout = filter[11]; var inner = filter[10]; var quality1 = filter[9]; var strength = filter[8]; var blurY1 = filter[7]; var blurX1 = filter[6]; var alpha = filter[5]; var color = filter[4]; var angle = filter[3]; var distance = filter[2]; filters.push(new openfl_filters_DropShadowFilter(distance,angle,color,alpha,blurX1,blurY1,strength,quality1,inner,knockout,hideObject)); break; case 3: var knockout1 = filter[9]; var inner1 = filter[8]; var quality2 = filter[7]; var strength1 = filter[6]; var blurY2 = filter[5]; var blurX2 = filter[4]; var alpha1 = filter[3]; var color1 = filter[2]; filters.push(new openfl_filters_GlowFilter(color1,alpha1,blurX2,blurY2,strength1,quality2,inner1,knockout1)); break; } } displayObject.set_filters(filters); } else { displayObject.set_filters(null); } if(frameObject.visible != null) { displayObject.set_visible(frameObject.visible); } if(frameObject.blendMode != null) { displayObject.set_blendMode(frameObject.blendMode); } var tmp = frameObject.cacheAsBitmap != null; } ,__updateFrameLabel: function() { this.__currentFrameLabel = this.__symbol.frames[this.__currentFrame - 1].label; if(this.__currentFrameLabel != null) { this.__currentLabel = this.__currentFrameLabel; } else { this.__currentLabel = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__currentLabels; while(_g < _g1.length) { var label = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(label.get_frame() < this.__currentFrame) { this.__currentLabel = label.get_name(); } else { break; } } } } ,__updateInstanceFields: function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__instanceFields; while(_g < _g1.length) { var field = _g1[_g]; ++_g; var _g2 = 0; var _g3 = this.__children; while(_g2 < _g3.length) { var child = _g3[_g2]; ++_g2; if(child.get_name() == field) { this[field] = child; break; } } } } ,__onMouseDown: function(event) { if(this.__enabled && this.__hasDown) { this.gotoAndStop("_down"); } this.__mouseIsDown = true; this.stage.addEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.__onMouseUp),true); } ,__onMouseUp: function(event) { this.__mouseIsDown = false; if(this.stage != null) { this.stage.removeEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.__onMouseUp)); } if(event.target == this && this.__enabled && this.__hasOver) { this.gotoAndStop("_over"); } else if(this.__enabled && this.__hasUp) { this.gotoAndStop("_up"); } } ,__onRollOut: function(event) { if(!this.__enabled) { return; } if(this.__mouseIsDown && this.__hasOver) { this.gotoAndStop("_over"); } else if(this.__hasUp) { this.gotoAndStop("_up"); } } ,__onRollOver: function(event) { if(this.__enabled && this.__hasOver) { this.gotoAndStop("_over"); } } ,set_buttonMode: function(value) { if(this.__buttonMode != value) { if(value) { this.__hasDown = false; this.__hasOver = false; this.__hasUp = false; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__currentLabels; while(_g < _g1.length) { var frameLabel = _g1[_g]; ++_g; var _g2 = frameLabel.get_name(); switch(_g2) { case "_down": this.__hasDown = true; break; case "_over": this.__hasOver = true; break; case "_up": this.__hasUp = true; break; default: } } if(this.__hasDown || this.__hasOver || this.__hasUp) { this.addEventListener("rollOver",$bind(this,this.__onRollOver)); this.addEventListener("rollOut",$bind(this,this.__onRollOut)); this.addEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.__onMouseDown)); } } else { this.removeEventListener("rollOver",$bind(this,this.__onRollOver)); this.removeEventListener("rollOut",$bind(this,this.__onRollOut)); this.removeEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.__onMouseDown)); } this.__buttonMode = value; } return value; } ,get_currentFrame: function() { return this.__currentFrame; } ,get_currentFrameLabel: function() { return this.__currentFrameLabel; } ,get_currentLabel: function() { return this.__currentLabel; } ,get_currentLabels: function() { return this.__currentLabels; } ,get_enabled: function() { return this.__enabled; } ,set_enabled: function(value) { return this.__enabled = value; } ,get_framesLoaded: function() { return this.__totalFrames; } ,get_isPlaying: function() { return this.__playing; } ,get_totalFrames: function() { return this.__totalFrames; } ,__class__: openfl_display_MovieClip ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype.__properties__,{get_totalFrames:"get_totalFrames",get_isPlaying:"get_isPlaying",get_framesLoaded:"get_framesLoaded",set_enabled:"set_enabled",get_enabled:"get_enabled",get_currentLabels:"get_currentLabels",get_currentLabel:"get_currentLabel",get_currentFrameLabel:"get_currentFrameLabel",get_currentFrame:"get_currentFrame"}) }); var openfl_display__$MovieClip_FrameSymbolInstance = function(initFrame,initFrameObjectID,characterID,depth,displayObject,clipDepth) { this.initFrame = initFrame; this.initFrameObjectID = initFrameObjectID; this.characterID = characterID; this.depth = depth; this.displayObject = displayObject; this.clipDepth = clipDepth; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display._MovieClip.FrameSymbolInstance"] = openfl_display__$MovieClip_FrameSymbolInstance; openfl_display__$MovieClip_FrameSymbolInstance.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_MovieClip","FrameSymbolInstance"]; openfl_display__$MovieClip_FrameSymbolInstance.prototype = { characterID: null ,clipDepth: null ,depth: null ,displayObject: null ,initFrame: null ,initFrameObjectID: null ,__class__: openfl_display__$MovieClip_FrameSymbolInstance }; var openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer = function(context,defaultRenderTarget) { openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.call(this); this.__context3D = context; this.__context = context.__context; this.gl = context.__context.webgl; this.__gl = this.gl; this.__defaultRenderTarget = defaultRenderTarget; this.__flipped = this.__defaultRenderTarget == null; if(openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureWidth == null) { openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureWidth = openfl_display_Graphics.maxTextureHeight = this.__gl.getParameter(this.__gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE); } this.__matrix = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(); this.__values = []; this.__softwareRenderer = new openfl_display_CanvasRenderer(null); this.__type = "opengl"; this.__setBlendMode(10); this.__context3D.__setGLBlend(true); this.__clipRects = []; this.__maskObjects = []; this.__numClipRects = 0; this.__projection = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(); this.__projectionFlipped = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$._new(); this.__stencilReference = 0; this.__tempRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this.__defaultDisplayShader = new openfl_display_DisplayObjectShader(); this.__defaultGraphicsShader = new openfl_display_GraphicsShader(); this.__defaultShader = this.__defaultDisplayShader; this.__initShader(this.__defaultShader); this.__scrollRectMasks = new lime_utils_ObjectPool(function() { return new openfl_display_Shape(); }); this.__maskShader = new openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DMaskShader(); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.OpenGLRenderer"] = openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer; openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__name__ = ["openfl","display","OpenGLRenderer"]; openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer; openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectRenderer.prototype,{ gl: null ,__context3D: null ,__clipRects: null ,__currentDisplayShader: null ,__currentGraphicsShader: null ,__currentRenderTarget: null ,__currentShader: null ,__currentShaderBuffer: null ,__defaultDisplayShader: null ,__defaultGraphicsShader: null ,__defaultRenderTarget: null ,__defaultShader: null ,__displayHeight: null ,__displayWidth: null ,__flipped: null ,__gl: null ,__height: null ,__maskShader: null ,__matrix: null ,__maskObjects: null ,__numClipRects: null ,__offsetX: null ,__offsetY: null ,__projection: null ,__projectionFlipped: null ,__scrollRectMasks: null ,__softwareRenderer: null ,__stencilReference: null ,__tempRect: null ,__updatedStencil: null ,__upscaled: null ,__values: null ,__width: null ,applyAlpha: function(alpha) { openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__alphaValue[0] = alpha; if(this.__currentShaderBuffer != null) { this.__currentShaderBuffer.addFloatOverride("openfl_Alpha",openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__alphaValue); } else if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__alpha != null) { this.__currentShader.__alpha.value = openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__alphaValue; } } } ,applyBitmapData: function(bitmapData,smooth,repeat) { if(repeat == null) { repeat = false; } if(this.__currentShaderBuffer != null) { if(bitmapData != null) { openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__textureSizeValue[0] = bitmapData.__textureWidth; openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__textureSizeValue[1] = bitmapData.__textureHeight; this.__currentShaderBuffer.addFloatOverride("openfl_TextureSize",openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__textureSizeValue); } } else if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__bitmap != null) { this.__currentShader.__bitmap.input = bitmapData; this.__currentShader.__bitmap.filter = smooth && this.__allowSmoothing ? 4 : 5; this.__currentShader.__bitmap.mipFilter = 2; this.__currentShader.__bitmap.wrap = repeat ? 2 : 0; } if(this.__currentShader.__texture != null) { this.__currentShader.__texture.input = bitmapData; this.__currentShader.__texture.filter = smooth && this.__allowSmoothing ? 4 : 5; this.__currentShader.__texture.mipFilter = 2; this.__currentShader.__texture.wrap = repeat ? 2 : 0; } if(this.__currentShader.__textureSize != null) { if(bitmapData != null) { openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__textureSizeValue[0] = bitmapData.__textureWidth; openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__textureSizeValue[1] = bitmapData.__textureHeight; this.__currentShader.__textureSize.value = openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__textureSizeValue; } else { this.__currentShader.__textureSize.value = null; } } } } ,applyColorTransform: function(colorTransform) { var enabled = colorTransform != null && !colorTransform.__isDefault(true); this.applyHasColorTransform(enabled); if(enabled) { colorTransform.__setArrays(openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__colorMultipliersValue,openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__colorOffsetsValue); if(this.__currentShaderBuffer != null) { this.__currentShaderBuffer.addFloatOverride("openfl_ColorMultiplier",openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__colorMultipliersValue); this.__currentShaderBuffer.addFloatOverride("openfl_ColorOffset",openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__colorOffsetsValue); } else if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__colorMultiplier != null) { this.__currentShader.__colorMultiplier.value = openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__colorMultipliersValue; } if(this.__currentShader.__colorOffset != null) { this.__currentShader.__colorOffset.value = openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__colorOffsetsValue; } } } else if(this.__currentShaderBuffer != null) { this.__currentShaderBuffer.addFloatOverride("openfl_ColorMultiplier",openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__emptyColorValue); this.__currentShaderBuffer.addFloatOverride("openfl_ColorOffset",openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__emptyColorValue); } else if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__colorMultiplier != null) { this.__currentShader.__colorMultiplier.value = openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__emptyColorValue; } if(this.__currentShader.__colorOffset != null) { this.__currentShader.__colorOffset.value = openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__emptyColorValue; } } } ,applyHasColorTransform: function(enabled) { openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__hasColorTransformValue[0] = enabled; if(this.__currentShaderBuffer != null) { this.__currentShaderBuffer.addBoolOverride("openfl_HasColorTransform",openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__hasColorTransformValue); } else if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__hasColorTransform != null) { this.__currentShader.__hasColorTransform.value = openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__hasColorTransformValue; } } } ,applyMatrix: function(matrix) { if(this.__currentShaderBuffer != null) { this.__currentShaderBuffer.addFloatOverride("openfl_Matrix",matrix); } else if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__matrix != null) { this.__currentShader.__matrix.value = matrix; } } } ,getMatrix: function(transform) { if(this.gl != null) { var values = this.__getMatrix(transform,1); var _g = 0; while(_g < 16) { var i = _g++; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,i,values[i]); } return this.__matrix; } else { lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.identity(this.__matrix); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,0,transform.a); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,1,transform.b); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,4,transform.c); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,5,transform.d); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,12,transform.tx); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,13,transform.ty); return this.__matrix; } } ,setShader: function(shader) { this.__currentShaderBuffer = null; if(this.__currentShader == shader) { return; } var tmp = this.__currentShader != null; if(shader == null) { this.__currentShader = null; this.__context3D.setProgram(null); return; } else { this.__currentShader = shader; this.__initShader(shader); this.__context3D.setProgram(shader.program); this.__context3D.__flushGLProgram(); this.__currentShader.__enable(); this.__context3D.__state.shader = shader; } } ,setViewport: function() { this.__gl.viewport(this.__offsetX,this.__offsetY,this.__displayWidth,this.__displayHeight); } ,updateShader: function() { if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__position != null) { this.__currentShader.__position.__useArray = true; } if(this.__currentShader.__textureCoord != null) { this.__currentShader.__textureCoord.__useArray = true; } this.__context3D.setProgram(this.__currentShader.program); this.__context3D.__flushGLProgram(); this.__context3D.__flushGLTextures(); this.__currentShader.__update(); } } ,useAlphaArray: function() { if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__alpha != null) { this.__currentShader.__alpha.__useArray = true; } } } ,useColorTransformArray: function() { if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShader.__colorMultiplier != null) { this.__currentShader.__colorMultiplier.__useArray = true; } if(this.__currentShader.__colorOffset != null) { this.__currentShader.__colorOffset.__useArray = true; } } } ,__cleanup: function() { if(this.__stencilReference > 0) { this.__stencilReference = 0; this.__context3D.setStencilActions(); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(0,0,0); } if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { this.__numClipRects = 0; this.__scissorRect(); } } ,__clear: function() { if(this.__stage == null || this.__stage.__transparent) { this.__context3D.clear(0,0,0,0,0,0,1); } else { this.__context3D.clear(this.__stage.__colorSplit[0],this.__stage.__colorSplit[1],this.__stage.__colorSplit[2],1,0,0,1); } this.__cleared = true; } ,__clearShader: function() { if(this.__currentShader != null) { if(this.__currentShaderBuffer == null) { if(this.__currentShader.__bitmap != null) { this.__currentShader.__bitmap.input = null; } } else { this.__currentShaderBuffer.clearOverride(); } if(this.__currentShader.__texture != null) { this.__currentShader.__texture.input = null; } if(this.__currentShader.__textureSize != null) { this.__currentShader.__textureSize.value = null; } if(this.__currentShader.__hasColorTransform != null) { this.__currentShader.__hasColorTransform.value = null; } if(this.__currentShader.__position != null) { this.__currentShader.__position.value = null; } if(this.__currentShader.__matrix != null) { this.__currentShader.__matrix.value = null; } this.__currentShader.__clearUseArray(); } } ,__copyShader: function(other) { this.__currentShader = other.__currentShader; this.__currentShaderBuffer = other.__currentShaderBuffer; this.__currentDisplayShader = other.__currentDisplayShader; this.__currentGraphicsShader = other.__currentGraphicsShader; } ,__getMatrix: function(transform,pixelSnapping) { var _matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); _matrix.copyFrom(transform); _matrix.concat(this.__worldTransform); if(pixelSnapping == 0 || pixelSnapping == 1 && _matrix.b == 0 && _matrix.c == 0 && (_matrix.a < 1.001 && _matrix.a > 0.999) && (_matrix.d < 1.001 && _matrix.d > 0.999)) { _matrix.tx = Math.round(_matrix.tx); _matrix.ty = Math.round(_matrix.ty); } lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.identity(this.__matrix); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,0,_matrix.a); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,1,_matrix.b); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,4,_matrix.c); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,5,_matrix.d); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,12,_matrix.tx); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.set(this.__matrix,13,_matrix.ty); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.append(this.__matrix,this.__flipped ? this.__projectionFlipped : this.__projection); var _g = 0; while(_g < 16) { var i = _g++; this.__values[i] = lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.get(this.__matrix,i); } openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(_matrix); return this.__values; } ,__initShader: function(shader) { if(shader != null) { if(shader.__context == null) { shader.__context = this.__context3D; shader.__init(); } return shader; } return this.__defaultShader; } ,__initDisplayShader: function(shader) { if(shader != null) { if(shader.__context == null) { shader.__context = this.__context3D; shader.__init(); } return shader; } return this.__defaultDisplayShader; } ,__initGraphicsShader: function(shader) { if(shader != null) { if(shader.__context == null) { shader.__context = this.__context3D; shader.__init(); } return shader; } return this.__defaultGraphicsShader; } ,__initShaderBuffer: function(shaderBuffer) { if(shaderBuffer != null) { return this.__initGraphicsShader(shaderBuffer.shader); } return this.__defaultGraphicsShader; } ,__popMask: function() { if(this.__stencilReference == 0) { return; } var mask = this.__maskObjects.pop(); if(this.__stencilReference > 1) { this.__context3D.setStencilActions(2,1,0,0,5); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(this.__stencilReference,255,255); this.__context3D.setColorMask(false,false,false,false); mask.__renderGLMask(this); this.__stencilReference--; this.__context3D.setStencilActions(2,1,5,5,5); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(this.__stencilReference,255,0); this.__context3D.setColorMask(true,true,true,true); } else { this.__stencilReference = 0; this.__context3D.setStencilActions(); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(0,0,0); } } ,__popMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } if(object.__mask != null) { this.__popMask(); } if(handleScrollRect && object.__scrollRect != null) { if(object.__renderTransform.b != 0 || object.__renderTransform.c != 0) { this.__scrollRectMasks.release(this.__maskObjects[this.__maskObjects.length - 1]); this.__popMask(); } else { this.__popMaskRect(); } } } ,__popMaskRect: function() { if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { this.__numClipRects--; if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { this.__scissorRect(this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects - 1]); } else { this.__scissorRect(); } } } ,__pushMask: function(mask) { if(this.__stencilReference == 0) { this.__context3D.clear(0,0,0,0,0,0,4); this.__updatedStencil = true; } this.__context3D.setStencilActions(2,1,2,5,5); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(this.__stencilReference,255,255); this.__context3D.setColorMask(false,false,false,false); mask.__renderGLMask(this); this.__maskObjects.push(mask); this.__stencilReference++; this.__context3D.setStencilActions(2,1,5,5,5); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(this.__stencilReference,255,0); this.__context3D.setColorMask(true,true,true,true); } ,__pushMaskObject: function(object,handleScrollRect) { if(handleScrollRect == null) { handleScrollRect = true; } if(handleScrollRect && object.__scrollRect != null) { if(object.__renderTransform.b != 0 || object.__renderTransform.c != 0) { var shape = this.__scrollRectMasks.get(); shape.get_graphics().clear(); shape.get_graphics().beginFill(65280); shape.get_graphics().drawRect(object.__scrollRect.x,object.__scrollRect.y,object.__scrollRect.width,object.__scrollRect.height); shape.__renderTransform.copyFrom(object.__renderTransform); this.__pushMask(shape); } else { this.__pushMaskRect(object.__scrollRect,object.__renderTransform); } } if(object.__mask != null) { this.__pushMask(object.__mask); } } ,__pushMaskRect: function(rect,transform) { if(this.__numClipRects == this.__clipRects.length) { this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects] = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } var _matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); _matrix.copyFrom(transform); _matrix.concat(this.__worldTransform); var clipRect = this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects]; rect.__transform(clipRect,_matrix); if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { var parentClipRect = this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects - 1]; clipRect.__contract(parentClipRect.x,parentClipRect.y,parentClipRect.width,parentClipRect.height); } if(clipRect.height < 0) { clipRect.height = 0; } if(clipRect.width < 0) { clipRect.width = 0; } openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(_matrix); this.__scissorRect(clipRect); this.__numClipRects++; } ,__render: function(object) { this.__context3D.setColorMask(true,true,true,true); this.__context3D.setCulling(3); this.__context3D.setDepthTest(false,0); this.__context3D.setStencilActions(); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(0,0,0); this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(null); this.__blendMode = null; this.__setBlendMode(10); if(this.__defaultRenderTarget == null) { openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle.setTo(this.__offsetX,this.__offsetY,this.__displayWidth,this.__displayHeight); this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle); this.__upscaled = this.__worldTransform.a != 1 || this.__worldTransform.d != 1; object.__renderGL(this); if(this.__offsetX > 0 || this.__offsetY > 0) { if(this.__offsetX > 0) { openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle.setTo(0,0,this.__offsetX,this.__height); this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle); this.__context3D.__flushGL(); this.__gl.clearColor(0,0,0,1); this.__gl.clear(this.__gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle.setTo(this.__offsetX + this.__displayWidth,0,this.__width,this.__height); this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle); this.__context3D.__flushGL(); this.__gl.clearColor(0,0,0,1); this.__gl.clear(this.__gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } if(this.__offsetY > 0) { openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle.setTo(0,0,this.__width,this.__offsetY); this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle); this.__context3D.__flushGL(); this.__gl.clearColor(0,0,0,1); this.__gl.clear(this.__gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle.setTo(0,this.__offsetY + this.__displayHeight,this.__width,this.__height); this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle); this.__context3D.__flushGL(); this.__gl.clearColor(0,0,0,1); this.__gl.clear(this.__gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(null); } } else { openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle.setTo(this.__offsetX,this.__offsetY,this.__displayWidth,this.__displayHeight); this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle); var cacheMask = object.__mask; var cacheScrollRect = object.__scrollRect; object.__mask = null; object.__scrollRect = null; object.__renderGL(this); object.__mask = cacheMask; object.__scrollRect = cacheScrollRect; } this.__context3D.present(); } ,__renderFilterPass: function(source,shader,smooth,clear) { if(clear == null) { clear = true; } if(source == null || shader == null) { return; } if(this.__defaultRenderTarget == null) { return; } var cacheRTT = this.__context3D.__state.renderToTexture; var cacheRTTDepthStencil = this.__context3D.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil; var cacheRTTAntiAlias = this.__context3D.__state.renderToTextureAntiAlias; var cacheRTTSurfaceSelector = this.__context3D.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector; this.__context3D.setRenderToTexture(this.__defaultRenderTarget.getTexture(this.__context3D),false); if(clear) { this.__context3D.clear(0,0,0,0,0,0,1); } var shader1 = this.__initShader(shader); this.setShader(shader1); this.applyAlpha(1); this.applyBitmapData(source,smooth); this.applyColorTransform(null); this.applyMatrix(this.__getMatrix(source.__renderTransform,1)); this.updateShader(); var vertexBuffer = source.getVertexBuffer(this.__context3D); if(shader1.__position != null) { this.__context3D.setVertexBufferAt(shader1.__position.index,vertexBuffer,0,3); } if(shader1.__textureCoord != null) { this.__context3D.setVertexBufferAt(shader1.__textureCoord.index,vertexBuffer,3,2); } var indexBuffer = source.getIndexBuffer(this.__context3D); this.__context3D.drawTriangles(indexBuffer); if(cacheRTT != null) { this.__context3D.setRenderToTexture(cacheRTT,cacheRTTDepthStencil,cacheRTTAntiAlias,cacheRTTSurfaceSelector); } else { this.__context3D.setRenderToBackBuffer(); } this.__clearShader(); } ,__resize: function(width,height) { this.__width = width; this.__height = height; var w = this.__defaultRenderTarget == null ? this.__stage.stageWidth : this.__defaultRenderTarget.width; var h = this.__defaultRenderTarget == null ? this.__stage.stageHeight : this.__defaultRenderTarget.height; var tmp; if(this.__defaultRenderTarget == null) { var _this = this.__worldTransform; tmp = Math.round(0 * _this.a + 0 * _this.c + _this.tx); } else { tmp = 0; } this.__offsetX = tmp; var tmp1; if(this.__defaultRenderTarget == null) { var _this1 = this.__worldTransform; tmp1 = Math.round(0 * _this1.b + 0 * _this1.d + _this1.ty); } else { tmp1 = 0; } this.__offsetY = tmp1; var tmp2; if(this.__defaultRenderTarget == null) { var _this2 = this.__worldTransform; tmp2 = Math.round(w * _this2.a + 0 * _this2.c + _this2.tx - this.__offsetX); } else { tmp2 = w; } this.__displayWidth = tmp2; var tmp3; if(this.__defaultRenderTarget == null) { var _this3 = this.__worldTransform; tmp3 = Math.round(0 * _this3.b + h * _this3.d + _this3.ty - this.__offsetY); } else { tmp3 = h; } this.__displayHeight = tmp3; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.createOrtho(this.__projection,0,this.__displayWidth + this.__offsetX * 2,0,this.__displayHeight + this.__offsetY * 2,-1000,1000); lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.createOrtho(this.__projectionFlipped,0,this.__displayWidth + this.__offsetX * 2,this.__displayHeight + this.__offsetY * 2,0,-1000,1000); } ,__resumeClipAndMask: function(childRenderer) { if(this.__stencilReference > 0) { this.__context3D.setStencilActions(2,1,5,5,5); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(this.__stencilReference,255,0); } else { this.__context3D.setStencilActions(); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(0,0,0); } if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { this.__scissorRect(this.__clipRects[this.__numClipRects - 1]); } else { this.__scissorRect(); } } ,__scissorRect: function(clipRect) { if(clipRect != null) { var x = Math.floor(clipRect.x); var y = Math.floor(clipRect.y); var width = clipRect.width > 0 ? Math.ceil(clipRect.get_right()) - x : 0; var height = clipRect.height > 0 ? Math.ceil(clipRect.get_bottom()) - y : 0; if(width < 0) { width = 0; } if(height < 0) { height = 0; } openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle.setTo(x,y,width,height); this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer.__scissorRectangle); } else { this.__context3D.setScissorRectangle(null); } } ,__setBlendMode: function(value) { if(this.__overrideBlendMode != null) { value = this.__overrideBlendMode; } if(this.__blendMode == value) { return; } this.__blendMode = value; switch(value) { case 0: this.__context3D.setBlendFactors(2,2); break; case 9: this.__context3D.setBlendFactors(1,5); break; case 12: this.__context3D.setBlendFactors(2,6); break; case 14: this.__context3D.setBlendFactors(2,2); this.__context3D.__setGLBlendEquation(this.__gl.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT); break; default: this.__context3D.setBlendFactors(2,5); } } ,__setRenderTarget: function(renderTarget) { this.__defaultRenderTarget = renderTarget; this.__flipped = renderTarget == null; if(renderTarget != null) { this.__resize(renderTarget.width,renderTarget.height); } } ,__setShaderBuffer: function(shaderBuffer) { this.setShader(shaderBuffer.shader); this.__currentShaderBuffer = shaderBuffer; } ,__suspendClipAndMask: function() { if(this.__stencilReference > 0) { this.__context3D.setStencilActions(); this.__context3D.setStencilReferenceValue(0,0,0); } if(this.__numClipRects > 0) { this.__scissorRect(); } } ,__updateShaderBuffer: function(bufferOffset) { if(this.__currentShader != null && this.__currentShaderBuffer != null) { this.__currentShader.__updateFromBuffer(this.__currentShaderBuffer,bufferOffset); } } ,__class__: openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer }); var openfl_display_PNGEncoderOptions = function(fastCompression) { if(fastCompression == null) { fastCompression = false; } this.fastCompression = fastCompression; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.PNGEncoderOptions"] = openfl_display_PNGEncoderOptions; openfl_display_PNGEncoderOptions.__name__ = ["openfl","display","PNGEncoderOptions"]; openfl_display_PNGEncoderOptions.prototype = { fastCompression: null ,__class__: openfl_display_PNGEncoderOptions }; var openfl_display__$PixelSnapping_PixelSnapping_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._PixelSnapping.PixelSnapping_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$PixelSnapping_PixelSnapping_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$PixelSnapping_PixelSnapping_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_PixelSnapping","PixelSnapping_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$PixelSnapping_PixelSnapping_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "always": return 0; case "auto": return 1; case "never": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$PixelSnapping_PixelSnapping_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "always"; case 1: return "auto"; case 2: return "never"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_Preloader = function(display) { this.onComplete = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); this.display = display; if(display != null) { display.addEventListener("unload",$bind(this,this.display_onUnload)); openfl_Lib.get_current().addChild(display); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Preloader"] = openfl_display_Preloader; openfl_display_Preloader.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Preloader"]; openfl_display_Preloader.prototype = { onComplete: null ,complete: null ,display: null ,ready: null ,start: function() { this.ready = true; openfl_Lib.get_current().get_loaderInfo().__complete(); if(this.display != null) { var complete = new openfl_events_Event("complete",true,true); this.display.dispatchEvent(complete); if(!complete.isDefaultPrevented()) { this.display.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("unload")); } } else if(!this.complete) { this.complete = true; this.onComplete.dispatch(); } } ,update: function(loaded,total) { openfl_Lib.get_current().get_loaderInfo().__update(loaded,total); if(this.display != null) { this.display.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_ProgressEvent("progress",true,true,loaded,total)); } } ,display_onUnload: function(event) { if(this.display != null) { this.display.removeEventListener("unload",$bind(this,this.display_onUnload)); if(this.display.parent == openfl_Lib.get_current()) { openfl_Lib.get_current().removeChild(this.display); } openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.set_focus(null); this.display = null; } if(this.ready) { if(!this.complete) { this.complete = true; this.onComplete.dispatch(); } } } ,__class__: openfl_display_Preloader }; var openfl_display_DefaultPreloader = function() { openfl_display_Sprite.call(this); var backgroundColor = this.getBackgroundColor(); var r = backgroundColor >> 16 & 255; var g = backgroundColor >> 8 & 255; var b = backgroundColor & 255; var perceivedLuminosity = 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b; var color = 0; if(perceivedLuminosity < 70) { color = 16777215; } var x = 30; var height = 7; var y = this.getHeight() / 2 - height / 2; var width = this.getWidth() - x * 2; var padding = 2; this.outline = new openfl_display_Sprite(); this.outline.get_graphics().beginFill(color,0.07); this.outline.get_graphics().drawRect(0,0,width,height); this.outline.set_x(x); this.outline.set_y(y); this.outline.set_alpha(0); this.addChild(this.outline); this.progress = new openfl_display_Sprite(); this.progress.get_graphics().beginFill(color,0.35); this.progress.get_graphics().drawRect(0,0,width - padding * 2,height - padding * 2); this.progress.set_x(x + padding); this.progress.set_y(y + padding); this.progress.set_scaleX(0); this.progress.set_alpha(0); this.addChild(this.progress); this.startAnimation = openfl_Lib.getTimer() + 100; this.endAnimation = this.startAnimation + 1000; this.addEventListener("addedToStage",$bind(this,this.this_onAddedToStage)); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.DefaultPreloader"] = openfl_display_DefaultPreloader; openfl_display_DefaultPreloader.__name__ = ["openfl","display","DefaultPreloader"]; openfl_display_DefaultPreloader.__super__ = openfl_display_Sprite; openfl_display_DefaultPreloader.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Sprite.prototype,{ endAnimation: null ,outline: null ,progress: null ,startAnimation: null ,getBackgroundColor: function() { var attributes = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.window.context.attributes; if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"background") && attributes.background != null) { return attributes.background; } else { return 0; } } ,getHeight: function() { var height = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.window.__height; if(height > 0) { return height; } else { return openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageHeight; } } ,getWidth: function() { var width = openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.window.__width; if(width > 0) { return width; } else { return openfl_Lib.get_current().stage.stageWidth; } } ,onInit: function() { this.addEventListener("enterFrame",$bind(this,this.this_onEnterFrame)); } ,onLoaded: function() { this.removeEventListener("enterFrame",$bind(this,this.this_onEnterFrame)); this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("unload")); } ,onUpdate: function(bytesLoaded,bytesTotal) { var percentLoaded = 0.0; if(bytesTotal > 0) { percentLoaded = bytesLoaded / bytesTotal; if(percentLoaded > 1) { percentLoaded = 1; } } this.progress.set_scaleX(percentLoaded); } ,this_onAddedToStage: function(event) { this.removeEventListener("addedToStage",$bind(this,this.this_onAddedToStage)); this.onInit(); this.onUpdate(this.get_loaderInfo().bytesLoaded,this.get_loaderInfo().bytesTotal); this.addEventListener("progress",$bind(this,this.this_onProgress)); this.addEventListener("complete",$bind(this,this.this_onComplete)); } ,this_onComplete: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.removeEventListener("progress",$bind(this,this.this_onProgress)); this.removeEventListener("complete",$bind(this,this.this_onComplete)); this.onLoaded(); } ,this_onEnterFrame: function(event) { var elapsed = openfl_Lib.getTimer() - this.startAnimation; var total = this.endAnimation - this.startAnimation; var percent = elapsed / total; if(percent < 0) { percent = 0; } if(percent > 1) { percent = 1; } this.outline.set_alpha(percent); this.progress.set_alpha(percent); } ,this_onProgress: function(event) { this.onUpdate(event.bytesLoaded | 0,event.bytesTotal | 0); } ,__class__: openfl_display_DefaultPreloader }); var openfl_display__$ShaderData_ShaderData_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._ShaderData.ShaderData_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$ShaderData_ShaderData_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$ShaderData_ShaderData_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_ShaderData","ShaderData_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$ShaderData_ShaderData_$Impl_$._new = function(byteArray) { var this1 = { }; return this1; }; var openfl_display_ShaderInput = function() { this.channels = 0; this.filter = 5; this.height = 0; this.index = 0; this.mipFilter = 2; this.width = 0; this.wrap = 0; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.ShaderInput"] = openfl_display_ShaderInput; openfl_display_ShaderInput.__name__ = ["openfl","display","ShaderInput"]; openfl_display_ShaderInput.prototype = { channels: null ,filter: null ,height: null ,index: null ,input: null ,mipFilter: null ,name: null ,width: null ,wrap: null ,__isUniform: null ,__disableGL: function(context,id) { var gl = context.gl; context.setTextureAt(id,null); } ,__updateGL: function(context,id,overrideInput,overrideFilter,overrideMipFilter,overrideWrap) { var gl = context.gl; var input = overrideInput != null ? overrideInput : this.input; var filter = overrideFilter != null ? overrideFilter : this.filter; var mipFilter = overrideMipFilter != null ? overrideMipFilter : this.mipFilter; var wrap = overrideWrap != null ? overrideWrap : this.wrap; if(input != null) { var bitmapData = input; context.setTextureAt(id,bitmapData.getTexture(context)); context.setSamplerStateAt(id,wrap,filter,mipFilter); } else { context.setTextureAt(id,null); } } ,__class__: openfl_display_ShaderInput }; var openfl_display_ShaderParameter = function() { this.index = 0; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.ShaderParameter"] = openfl_display_ShaderParameter; openfl_display_ShaderParameter.__name__ = ["openfl","display","ShaderParameter"]; openfl_display_ShaderParameter.prototype = { index: null ,name: null ,type: null ,value: null ,__arrayLength: null ,__internal: null ,__isBool: null ,__isFloat: null ,__isInt: null ,__isUniform: null ,__length: null ,__uniformMatrix: null ,__useArray: null ,__disableGL: function(context) { var gl = context.gl; if(!this.__isUniform) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__arrayLength; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; gl.disableVertexAttribArray(this.index + i); } } } ,__updateGL: function(context,overrideValue) { var gl = context.gl; var value = overrideValue != null ? overrideValue : this.value; var boolValue = this.__isBool ? value : null; var floatValue = this.__isFloat ? value : null; var intValue = this.__isInt ? value : null; if(this.__isUniform) { if(value != null && value.length >= this.__length) { var _g = this.type; switch(_g) { case 0: gl.uniform1i(this.index,boolValue[0] ? 1 : 0); break; case 1: gl.uniform2i(this.index,boolValue[0] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[1] ? 1 : 0); break; case 2: gl.uniform3i(this.index,boolValue[0] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[1] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[2] ? 1 : 0); break; case 3: gl.uniform4i(this.index,boolValue[0] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[1] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[2] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[3] ? 1 : 0); break; case 4: gl.uniform1f(this.index,floatValue[0]); break; case 5: gl.uniform2f(this.index,floatValue[0],floatValue[1]); break; case 6: gl.uniform3f(this.index,floatValue[0],floatValue[1],floatValue[2]); break; case 7: gl.uniform4f(this.index,floatValue[0],floatValue[1],floatValue[2],floatValue[3]); break; case 8: gl.uniform1i(this.index,intValue[0]); break; case 9: gl.uniform2i(this.index,intValue[0],intValue[1]); break; case 10: gl.uniform3i(this.index,intValue[0],intValue[1],intValue[2]); break; case 11: gl.uniform4i(this.index,intValue[0],intValue[1],intValue[2],intValue[3]); break; case 12: var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 4) { var i = _g1++; this.__uniformMatrix[i] = floatValue[i]; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix2fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; case 16: var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < 9) { var i1 = _g2++; this.__uniformMatrix[i1] = floatValue[i1]; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix3fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; case 20: var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < 16) { var i2 = _g3++; this.__uniformMatrix[i2] = floatValue[i2]; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix4fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; default: } } else { var _g4 = this.type; switch(_g4) { case 1:case 9: gl.uniform2i(this.index,0,0); break; case 3:case 11: gl.uniform4i(this.index,0,0,0,0); break; case 4: gl.uniform1f(this.index,0); break; case 5: gl.uniform2f(this.index,0,0); break; case 6: gl.uniform3f(this.index,0,0,0); break; case 7: gl.uniform4f(this.index,0,0,0,0); break; case 0:case 8: gl.uniform1i(this.index,0); break; case 2:case 10: gl.uniform3i(this.index,0,0,0); break; case 12: var _g5 = 0; while(_g5 < 4) { var i3 = _g5++; this.__uniformMatrix[i3] = 0; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix2fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; case 16: var _g6 = 0; while(_g6 < 9) { var i4 = _g6++; this.__uniformMatrix[i4] = 0; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix3fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; case 20: var _g7 = 0; while(_g7 < 16) { var i5 = _g7++; this.__uniformMatrix[i5] = 0; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix4fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; default: } } } else if(!this.__useArray && (value == null || value.length == this.__length)) { var _g11 = 0; var _g8 = this.__arrayLength; while(_g11 < _g8) { var i6 = _g11++; gl.disableVertexAttribArray(this.index + i6); } if(value != null) { var _g9 = this.type; switch(_g9) { case 0: gl.vertexAttrib1f(this.index,boolValue[0] ? 1 : 0); break; case 1: gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index,boolValue[0] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[1] ? 1 : 0); break; case 2: gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index,boolValue[0] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[1] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[2] ? 1 : 0); break; case 3: gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index,boolValue[0] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[1] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[2] ? 1 : 0,boolValue[3] ? 1 : 0); break; case 4: gl.vertexAttrib1f(this.index,floatValue[0]); break; case 5: gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index,floatValue[0],floatValue[1]); break; case 6: gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index,floatValue[0],floatValue[1],floatValue[2]); break; case 7: gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index,floatValue[0],floatValue[1],floatValue[2],floatValue[3]); break; case 8: gl.vertexAttrib1f(this.index,intValue[0]); break; case 9: gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index,intValue[0],intValue[1]); break; case 10: gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index,intValue[0],intValue[1],intValue[2]); break; case 11: gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index,intValue[0],intValue[1],intValue[2],intValue[3]); break; case 12: var _g10 = 0; while(_g10 < 2) { var i7 = _g10++; gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index + i7,floatValue[i7 * 2],floatValue[i7 * 2 + 1]); } break; case 16: var _g12 = 0; while(_g12 < 3) { var i8 = _g12++; gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index + i8,floatValue[i8 * 3],floatValue[i8 * 3 + 1],floatValue[i8 * 3 + 2]); } break; case 20: var _g13 = 0; while(_g13 < 4) { var i9 = _g13++; gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index + i9,floatValue[i9 * 4],floatValue[i9 * 4 + 1],floatValue[i9 * 4 + 2],floatValue[i9 * 4 + 3]); } break; default: } } else { var _g14 = this.type; switch(_g14) { case 1:case 5:case 9: gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index,0,0); break; case 3:case 7:case 11: gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index,0,0,0,0); break; case 0:case 4:case 8: gl.vertexAttrib1f(this.index,0); break; case 2:case 6:case 10: gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index,0,0,0); break; case 12: var _g15 = 0; while(_g15 < 2) { var i10 = _g15++; gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index + i10,0,0); } break; case 16: var _g16 = 0; while(_g16 < 3) { var i11 = _g16++; gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index + i11,0,0,0); } break; case 20: var _g17 = 0; while(_g17 < 4) { var i12 = _g17++; gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index + i12,0,0,0,0); } break; default: } } } else { var _g18 = 0; var _g19 = this.__arrayLength; while(_g18 < _g19) { var i13 = _g18++; gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this.index + i13); } } } ,__updateGLFromBuffer: function(context,buffer,position,length,bufferOffset) { var gl = context.gl; if(this.__isUniform) { if(length >= this.__length) { var _g = this.type; switch(_g) { case 1:case 9: gl.uniform2i(this.index,buffer[position] | 0,buffer[position + 1] | 0); break; case 3:case 11: gl.uniform4i(this.index,buffer[position] | 0,buffer[position + 1] | 0,buffer[position + 2] | 0,buffer[position + 3] | 0); break; case 4: gl.uniform1f(this.index,buffer[position]); break; case 5: gl.uniform2f(this.index,buffer[position],buffer[position + 1]); break; case 6: gl.uniform3f(this.index,buffer[position],buffer[position + 1],buffer[position + 2]); break; case 7: gl.uniform4f(this.index,buffer[position],buffer[position + 1],buffer[position + 2],buffer[position + 3]); break; case 0:case 8: gl.uniform1i(this.index,buffer[position] | 0); break; case 2:case 10: gl.uniform3i(this.index,buffer[position] | 0,buffer[position + 1] | 0,buffer[position + 2] | 0); break; case 12: var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 4) { var i = _g1++; this.__uniformMatrix[i] = buffer[position + i]; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix2fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; case 16: var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < 9) { var i1 = _g2++; this.__uniformMatrix[i1] = buffer[position + i1]; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix3fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; case 20: var _g3 = 0; while(_g3 < 16) { var i2 = _g3++; this.__uniformMatrix[i2] = buffer[position + i2]; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix4fv(gl,this.index,false,this.__uniformMatrix); break; default: } } } else if(!this.__internal && (length == 0 || length == this.__length)) { var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = this.__arrayLength; while(_g11 < _g4) { var i3 = _g11++; gl.disableVertexAttribArray(this.index + i3); } if(length > 0) { var _g5 = this.type; switch(_g5) { case 1:case 5:case 9: gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index,buffer[position],buffer[position + 1]); break; case 3:case 7:case 11: gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index,buffer[position],buffer[position + 1],buffer[position + 2],buffer[position + 3]); break; case 0:case 4:case 8: gl.vertexAttrib1f(this.index,buffer[position]); break; case 2:case 6:case 10: gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index,buffer[position],buffer[position + 1],buffer[position + 2]); break; case 12: var _g6 = 0; while(_g6 < 2) { var i4 = _g6++; gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index + i4,buffer[position + i4 * 2],buffer[position + i4 * 2 + 1]); } break; case 16: var _g7 = 0; while(_g7 < 3) { var i5 = _g7++; gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index + i5,buffer[position + i5 * 3],buffer[position + i5 * 3 + 1],buffer[position + i5 * 3 + 2]); } break; case 20: var _g8 = 0; while(_g8 < 4) { var i6 = _g8++; gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index + i6,buffer[position + i6 * 4],buffer[position + i6 * 4 + 1],buffer[position + i6 * 4 + 2],buffer[position + i6 * 4 + 3]); } break; default: } } else { var _g9 = this.type; switch(_g9) { case 1:case 5:case 9: gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index,0,0); break; case 3:case 7:case 11: gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index,0,0,0,0); break; case 0:case 4:case 8: gl.vertexAttrib1f(this.index,0); break; case 2:case 6:case 10: gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index,0,0,0); break; case 12: var _g10 = 0; while(_g10 < 2) { var i7 = _g10++; gl.vertexAttrib2f(this.index + i7,0,0); } break; case 16: var _g12 = 0; while(_g12 < 3) { var i8 = _g12++; gl.vertexAttrib3f(this.index + i8,0,0,0); } break; case 20: var _g13 = 0; while(_g13 < 4) { var i9 = _g13++; gl.vertexAttrib4f(this.index + i9,0,0,0,0); } break; default: } } } else { var type = gl.FLOAT; if(this.__isBool) { type = gl.INT; } else if(this.__isInt) { type = gl.INT; } var _g14 = 0; var _g15 = this.__arrayLength; while(_g14 < _g15) { var i10 = _g14++; gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this.index + i10); } if(length > 0) { var _g16 = 0; var _g17 = this.__arrayLength; while(_g16 < _g17) { var i11 = _g16++; gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.index + i11,this.__length,type,false,this.__length * 4,(position + bufferOffset * this.__length + i11 * this.__arrayLength) * 4); } } } } ,set_name: function(value) { this.__internal = StringTools.startsWith(value,"openfl_"); return this.name = value; } ,__class__: openfl_display_ShaderParameter ,__properties__: {set_name:"set_name"} }; var openfl_display__$ShaderParameterType_ShaderParameterType_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._ShaderParameterType.ShaderParameterType_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$ShaderParameterType_ShaderParameterType_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$ShaderParameterType_ShaderParameterType_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_ShaderParameterType","ShaderParameterType_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$ShaderParameterType_ShaderParameterType_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "bool": return 0; case "bool2": return 1; case "bool3": return 1; case "bool4": return 1; case "float": return 4; case "float2": return 5; case "float3": return 6; case "float4": return 7; case "int": return 8; case "int2": return 9; case "int3": return 10; case "int4": return 11; case "matrix2x2": return 12; case "matrix2x3": return 13; case "matrix2x4": return 14; case "matrix3x2": return 15; case "matrix3x3": return 16; case "matrix3x4": return 17; case "matrix4x2": return 18; case "matrix4x3": return 19; case "matrix4x4": return 20; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$ShaderParameterType_ShaderParameterType_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "bool"; case 1: return "bool2"; case 2: return "bool3"; case 3: return "bool4"; case 4: return "float"; case 5: return "float2"; case 6: return "float3"; case 7: return "float4"; case 8: return "int"; case 9: return "int2"; case 10: return "int3"; case 11: return "int4"; case 12: return "matrix2x2"; case 13: return "matrix2x3"; case 14: return "matrix2x4"; case 15: return "matrix3x2"; case 16: return "matrix3x3"; case 17: return "matrix3x4"; case 18: return "matrix4x2"; case 19: return "matrix4x3"; case 20: return "matrix4x4"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display__$ShaderPrecision_ShaderPrecision_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._ShaderPrecision.ShaderPrecision_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$ShaderPrecision_ShaderPrecision_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$ShaderPrecision_ShaderPrecision_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_ShaderPrecision","ShaderPrecision_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$ShaderPrecision_ShaderPrecision_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "fast": return 0; case "full": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$ShaderPrecision_ShaderPrecision_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "fast"; case 1: return "full"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_Shape = function() { openfl_display_DisplayObject.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Shape"] = openfl_display_Shape; openfl_display_Shape.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Shape"]; openfl_display_Shape.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObject; openfl_display_Shape.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype,{ get_graphics: function() { if(this.__graphics == null) { this.__graphics = new openfl_display_Graphics(this); } return this.__graphics; } ,__class__: openfl_display_Shape ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype.__properties__,{get_graphics:"get_graphics"}) }); var openfl_display_SimpleButton = function(upState,overState,downState,hitTestState) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.call(this); this.enabled = true; this.trackAsMenu = false; this.useHandCursor = true; this.__upState = upState != null ? upState : new openfl_display_DisplayObject(); this.__overState = overState; this.__downState = downState; this.set_hitTestState(hitTestState != null ? hitTestState : new openfl_display_DisplayObject()); this.addEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.__this_onMouseDown)); this.addEventListener("mouseOut",$bind(this,this.__this_onMouseOut)); this.addEventListener("mouseOver",$bind(this,this.__this_onMouseOver)); this.addEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.__this_onMouseUp)); this.__tabEnabled = true; this.set___currentState(this.__upState); if(openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSymbol != null) { var swf = openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSWF; this.__symbol = openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSymbol; openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSWF = null; openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSymbol = null; this.__fromSymbol(swf,this.__symbol); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.SimpleButton"] = openfl_display_SimpleButton; openfl_display_SimpleButton.__name__ = ["openfl","display","SimpleButton"]; openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSWF = null; openfl_display_SimpleButton.__initSymbol = null; openfl_display_SimpleButton.__super__ = openfl_display_InteractiveObject; openfl_display_SimpleButton.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype,{ enabled: null ,trackAsMenu: null ,useHandCursor: null ,__currentState: null ,__downState: null ,__hitTestState: null ,__ignoreEvent: null ,__overState: null ,__previousStates: null ,__soundTransform: null ,__symbol: null ,__upState: null ,__fromSymbol: function(swf,symbol) { this.__symbol = symbol; if(symbol.downState != null) { this.set_downState(symbol.downState.__createObject(swf)); } if(symbol.hitState != null) { this.set_hitTestState(symbol.hitState.__createObject(swf)); } if(symbol.overState != null) { this.set_overState(symbol.overState.__createObject(swf)); } if(symbol.upState != null) { this.set_upState(symbol.upState.__createObject(swf)); } } ,__getBounds: function(rect,matrix) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__getBounds.call(this,rect,matrix); var childWorldTransform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var local = this.__currentState.__transform; childWorldTransform.a = local.a * matrix.a + local.b * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.b = local.a * matrix.b + local.b * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.c = local.c * matrix.a + local.d * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.d = local.c * matrix.b + local.d * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.tx = local.tx * matrix.a + local.ty * matrix.c + matrix.tx; childWorldTransform.ty = local.tx * matrix.b + local.ty * matrix.d + matrix.ty; this.__currentState.__getBounds(rect,childWorldTransform); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(childWorldTransform); } ,__getRenderBounds: function(rect,matrix) { if(this.__scrollRect != null) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__getRenderBounds.call(this,rect,matrix); return; } else { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__getBounds.call(this,rect,matrix); } var childWorldTransform = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); var local = this.__currentState.__transform; childWorldTransform.a = local.a * matrix.a + local.b * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.b = local.a * matrix.b + local.b * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.c = local.c * matrix.a + local.d * matrix.c; childWorldTransform.d = local.c * matrix.b + local.d * matrix.d; childWorldTransform.tx = local.tx * matrix.a + local.ty * matrix.c + matrix.tx; childWorldTransform.ty = local.tx * matrix.b + local.ty * matrix.d + matrix.ty; this.__currentState.__getRenderBounds(rect,childWorldTransform); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(childWorldTransform); } ,__getCursor: function() { if(this.useHandCursor && !this.__ignoreEvent && this.enabled) { return "button"; } else { return null; } } ,__hitTest: function(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject) { var hitTest = false; if(this.get_hitTestState() != null) { if(this.get_hitTestState().__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject)) { if(stack != null) { if(stack.length == 0) { stack[0] = hitObject; } else { stack[stack.length - 1] = hitObject; } } if(!(!interactiveOnly)) { hitTest = this.mouseEnabled; } else { hitTest = true; } } } else if(this.__currentState != null) { if(!hitObject.get_visible() || this.__isMask || interactiveOnly && !this.mouseEnabled) { return false; } if(this.get_mask() != null && !this.get_mask().__hitTestMask(x,y)) { return false; } if(this.__currentState.__hitTest(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject)) { hitTest = interactiveOnly; } } if(stack != null) { while(stack.length > 1 && stack[stack.length - 1] == stack[stack.length - 2]) stack.pop(); } return hitTest; } ,__hitTestMask: function(x,y) { var hitTest = false; if(this.__currentState.__hitTestMask(x,y)) { hitTest = true; } return hitTest; } ,__renderCairo: function(renderer) { if(!this.__renderable || this.__worldAlpha <= 0 || this.__currentState == null) { return; } renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); this.__currentState.__renderCairo(renderer); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderCairoMask: function(renderer) { this.__currentState.__renderCairoMask(renderer); } ,__renderCanvas: function(renderer) { if(!this.__renderable || this.__worldAlpha <= 0 || this.__currentState == null) { return; } renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); this.__currentState.__renderCanvas(renderer); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderCanvasMask: function(renderer) { this.__currentState.__renderCanvasMask(renderer); } ,__renderDOM: function(renderer) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__previousStates; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var previousState = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; previousState.__renderDOM(renderer); } this.__previousStates.set_length(0); if(this.__currentState != null) { if(this.__currentState.stage != this.stage) { this.__currentState.__setStageReference(this.stage); } this.__currentState.__renderDOM(renderer); } renderer.__popMaskObject(this); this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderGL: function(renderer) { if(!this.__renderable || this.__worldAlpha <= 0 || this.__currentState == null) { return; } renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); this.__currentState.__renderGL(renderer); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderGLMask: function(renderer) { if(this.__currentState == null) { return; } this.__currentState.__renderGLMask(renderer); } ,__setStageReference: function(stage) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__setStageReference.call(this,stage); if(this.__currentState != null) { this.__currentState.__setStageReference(stage); } if(this.get_hitTestState() != null && this.get_hitTestState() != this.__currentState) { this.get_hitTestState().__setStageReference(stage); } } ,__setTransformDirty: function() { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__setTransformDirty.call(this); if(this.__currentState != null) { this.__currentState.__setTransformDirty(); } if(this.get_hitTestState() != null && this.get_hitTestState() != this.__currentState) { this.get_hitTestState().__setTransformDirty(); } } ,__update: function(transformOnly,updateChildren) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__update.call(this,transformOnly,updateChildren); if(updateChildren) { if(this.__currentState != null) { this.__currentState.__update(transformOnly,true); } if(this.get_hitTestState() != null && this.get_hitTestState() != this.__currentState) { this.get_hitTestState().__update(transformOnly,true); } } } ,__updateTransforms: function(overrideTransform) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__updateTransforms.call(this,overrideTransform); if(this.__currentState != null) { this.__currentState.__updateTransforms(); } if(this.get_hitTestState() != null && this.get_hitTestState() != this.__currentState) { this.get_hitTestState().__updateTransforms(); } } ,get_downState: function() { return this.__downState; } ,set_downState: function(downState) { if(this.__downState != null && this.__currentState == this.__downState) { this.set___currentState(this.__downState); } return this.__downState = downState; } ,get_hitTestState: function() { return this.__hitTestState; } ,set_hitTestState: function(hitTestState) { if(this.__hitTestState != null && this.__hitTestState != hitTestState) { if(this.__hitTestState != this.get_downState() && this.__hitTestState != this.get_upState() && this.__hitTestState != this.get_overState()) { this.__hitTestState.__renderParent = null; } } if(hitTestState != null) { hitTestState.__renderParent = this; if(!hitTestState.__renderDirty) { hitTestState.__renderDirty = true; hitTestState.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__hitTestState = hitTestState; } ,get_overState: function() { return this.__overState; } ,set_overState: function(overState) { if(this.__overState != null && this.__currentState == this.__overState) { this.set___currentState(overState); } return this.__overState = overState; } ,get_soundTransform: function() { if(this.__soundTransform == null) { this.__soundTransform = new openfl_media_SoundTransform(); } return new openfl_media_SoundTransform(this.__soundTransform.volume,this.__soundTransform.pan); } ,set_soundTransform: function(value) { this.__soundTransform = new openfl_media_SoundTransform(value.volume,value.pan); return value; } ,get_upState: function() { return this.__upState; } ,set_upState: function(upState) { if(this.__upState != null && this.__currentState == this.__upState) { this.set___currentState(upState); } return this.__upState = upState; } ,set___currentState: function(value) { if(this.__currentState != null && this.__currentState != this.get_hitTestState()) { this.__currentState.__renderParent = null; } if(value != null && value.parent != null) { value.parent.removeChild(value); } if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM && this.__previousStates == null) { this.__previousStates = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector(null); } if(value != this.__currentState) { if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { if(this.__currentState != null) { this.__currentState.__setStageReference(null); this.__previousStates.push(this.__currentState); } var index = this.__previousStates.indexOf(value,0); if(index > -1) { this.__previousStates.splice(index,1); } } if(value != null) { value.__renderParent = this; if(!value.__renderDirty) { value.__renderDirty = true; value.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } this.__currentState = value; return value; } ,__this_onMouseDown: function(event) { if(this.enabled) { this.set___currentState(this.get_downState()); } } ,__this_onMouseOut: function(event) { this.__ignoreEvent = false; if(this.enabled && this.get_upState() != this.__currentState) { this.set___currentState(this.get_upState()); } } ,__this_onMouseOver: function(event) { if(event.buttonDown) { this.__ignoreEvent = true; } if(this.get_overState() != this.__currentState && this.get_overState() != null && !this.__ignoreEvent && this.enabled) { this.set___currentState(this.get_overState()); } } ,__this_onMouseUp: function(event) { this.__ignoreEvent = false; if(this.enabled) { if(this.get_overState() != null) { this.set___currentState(this.get_overState()); } else { this.set___currentState(this.get_upState()); } } } ,__class__: openfl_display_SimpleButton ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__properties__,{set___currentState:"set___currentState",set_upState:"set_upState",get_upState:"get_upState",set_soundTransform:"set_soundTransform",get_soundTransform:"get_soundTransform",set_overState:"set_overState",get_overState:"get_overState",set_hitTestState:"set_hitTestState",get_hitTestState:"get_hitTestState",set_downState:"set_downState",get_downState:"get_downState"}) }); var openfl_display__$SpreadMethod_SpreadMethod_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._SpreadMethod.SpreadMethod_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$SpreadMethod_SpreadMethod_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$SpreadMethod_SpreadMethod_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_SpreadMethod","SpreadMethod_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$SpreadMethod_SpreadMethod_$Impl_$.fromInt = function(value) { return value; }; openfl_display__$SpreadMethod_SpreadMethod_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "pad": return 0; case "reflect": return 1; case "repeat": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$SpreadMethod_SpreadMethod_$Impl_$.toInt = function(this1) { return this1; }; openfl_display__$SpreadMethod_SpreadMethod_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "pad"; case 1: return "reflect"; case 2: return "repeat"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_Stage = function(window,color) { openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.call(this); this.set_name(null); this.__color = -1; this.__colorSplit = [255,255,255]; this.__colorString = "#FFFFFF"; this.__contentsScaleFactor = 1; this.__currentTabOrderIndex = 0; this.__deltaTime = 0; this.__displayState = 2; this.__mouseX = 0; this.__mouseY = 0; this.__lastClickTime = 0; this.__logicalWidth = 0; this.__logicalHeight = 0; this.__displayMatrix = new openfl_geom_Matrix(); this.__displayRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this.__renderDirty = true; this.stage3Ds = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector(null); var _g = 0; while(_g < 4) { var i = _g++; this.stage3Ds.push(new openfl_display_Stage3D(this)); } this.stage = this; this.align = 6; this.allowsFullScreen = true; this.allowsFullScreenInteractive = true; this.__quality = 1; this.__scaleMode = 2; this.showDefaultContextMenu = true; this.softKeyboardRect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this.stageFocusRect = true; this.__macKeyboard = /AppleWebKit/.test (navigator.userAgent) && /Mobile\/\w+/.test (navigator.userAgent) || /Mac/.test (navigator.platform); this.__clearBeforeRender = true; this.__forceRender = false; this.__stack = []; this.__rollOutStack = []; this.__mouseOutStack = []; this.__touchData = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.application = window.application; this.window = window; this.set_color(color); this.__contentsScaleFactor = window.__scale; this.__wasFullscreen = window.__fullscreen; this.__resize(); if(openfl_Lib.get_current().stage == null) { this.stage.addChild(openfl_Lib.get_current()); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Stage"] = openfl_display_Stage; openfl_display_Stage.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Stage"]; openfl_display_Stage.__interfaces__ = [lime_app_IModule]; openfl_display_Stage.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer; openfl_display_Stage.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype,{ align: null ,allowsFullScreen: null ,allowsFullScreenInteractive: null ,application: null ,context3D: null ,showDefaultContextMenu: null ,softKeyboardRect: null ,stage3Ds: null ,stageFocusRect: null ,stageHeight: null ,stageWidth: null ,window: null ,__cacheFocus: null ,__clearBeforeRender: null ,__color: null ,__colorSplit: null ,__colorString: null ,__contentsScaleFactor: null ,__currentTabOrderIndex: null ,__deltaTime: null ,__dirty: null ,__displayMatrix: null ,__displayRect: null ,__displayState: null ,__dragBounds: null ,__dragObject: null ,__dragOffsetX: null ,__dragOffsetY: null ,__focus: null ,__forceRender: null ,__fullscreen: null ,__fullScreenSourceRect: null ,__invalidated: null ,__lastClickTime: null ,__logicalWidth: null ,__logicalHeight: null ,__macKeyboard: null ,__mouseDownLeft: null ,__mouseDownMiddle: null ,__mouseDownRight: null ,__mouseOutStack: null ,__mouseOverTarget: null ,__mouseX: null ,__mouseY: null ,__pendingMouseEvent: null ,__pendingMouseX: null ,__pendingMouseY: null ,__quality: null ,__renderer: null ,__rendering: null ,__rollOutStack: null ,__scaleMode: null ,__stack: null ,__touchData: null ,__transparent: null ,__wasDirty: null ,__wasFullscreen: null ,__primaryTouch: null ,invalidate: function() { this.__invalidated = true; this.__renderDirty = true; } ,localToGlobal: function(pos) { return pos.clone(); } ,onGamepadAxisMove: function(gamepad,axis,value) { try { openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadAxisMove(gamepad,axis,value); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); } } ,onGamepadButtonDown: function(gamepad,button) { try { openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadButtonDown(gamepad,button); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); } } ,onGamepadButtonUp: function(gamepad,button) { try { openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadButtonUp(gamepad,button); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); } } ,onGamepadConnect: function(gamepad) { try { openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadConnect(gamepad); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); } } ,onGamepadDisconnect: function(gamepad) { try { openfl_ui_GameInput.__onGamepadDisconnect(gamepad); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); } } ,onJoystickAxisMove: function(joystick,axis,value) { } ,onJoystickButtonDown: function(joystick,button) { } ,onJoystickButtonUp: function(joystick,button) { } ,onJoystickConnect: function(joystick) { } ,onJoystickDisconnect: function(joystick) { } ,onJoystickHatMove: function(joystick,hat,position) { } ,onJoystickTrackballMove: function(joystick,trackball,value) { } ,onKeyDown: function(window,keyCode,modifier) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__onKey("keyDown",keyCode,modifier); } ,onKeyUp: function(window,keyCode,modifier) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__onKey("keyUp",keyCode,modifier); } ,onModuleExit: function(code) { if(this.window != null) { this.__broadcastEvent(new openfl_events_Event("deactivate")); } } ,onMouseDown: function(window,x,y,button) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__dispatchPendingMouseEvent(); var type; switch(button) { case 1: type = "middleMouseDown"; break; case 2: type = "rightMouseDown"; break; default: type = "mouseDown"; } this.__onMouse(type,x * window.__scale | 0,y * window.__scale | 0,button); if(!this.showDefaultContextMenu && button == 2) { window.onMouseDown.cancel(); } } ,onMouseMove: function(window,x,y) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__pendingMouseEvent = true; this.__pendingMouseX = x * window.__scale | 0; this.__pendingMouseY = y * window.__scale | 0; } ,onMouseMoveRelative: function(window,x,y) { } ,onMouseUp: function(window,x,y,button) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__dispatchPendingMouseEvent(); var type; switch(button) { case 1: type = "middleMouseUp"; break; case 2: type = "rightMouseUp"; break; default: type = "mouseUp"; } this.__onMouse(type,x * window.__scale | 0,y * window.__scale | 0,button); if(!this.showDefaultContextMenu && button == 2) { window.onMouseUp.cancel(); } } ,onMouseWheel: function(window,deltaX,deltaY,deltaMode) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__dispatchPendingMouseEvent(); if(deltaMode == lime_ui_MouseWheelMode.PIXELS) { this.__onMouseWheel(deltaX * window.__scale | 0,deltaY * window.__scale | 0,deltaMode); } else { this.__onMouseWheel(deltaX | 0,deltaY | 0,deltaMode); } } ,onPreloadComplete: function() { } ,onPreloadProgress: function(loaded,total) { } ,onRenderContextLost: function() { this.__renderer = null; this.context3D = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.stage3Ds; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var stage3D = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; stage3D.__lostContext(); } } ,onRenderContextRestored: function(context) { this.__createRenderer(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.stage3Ds; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var stage3D = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; stage3D.__restoreContext(); } } ,onTextEdit: function(window,text,start,length) { } ,onTextInput: function(window,text) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } var stack = []; if(this.__focus == null) { this.__getInteractive(stack); } else { this.__focus.__getInteractive(stack); } var event = new openfl_events_TextEvent("textInput",true,true,text); if(stack.length > 0) { stack.reverse(); this.__dispatchStack(event,stack); } else { this.__dispatchEvent(event); } if(event.isDefaultPrevented()) { window.onTextInput.cancel(); } } ,onTouchCancel: function(touch) { if(this.__primaryTouch == touch) { this.__primaryTouch = null; } this.__onTouch("touchEnd",touch); } ,onTouchMove: function(touch) { this.__onTouch("touchMove",touch); } ,onTouchEnd: function(touch) { if(this.__primaryTouch == touch) { this.__primaryTouch = null; } this.__onTouch("touchEnd",touch); } ,onTouchStart: function(touch) { if(this.__primaryTouch == null) { this.__primaryTouch = touch; } this.__onTouch("touchBegin",touch); } ,onWindowActivate: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } } ,onWindowClose: function(window) { if(this.window == window) { this.window = null; } this.__primaryTouch = null; this.__broadcastEvent(new openfl_events_Event("deactivate")); } ,onWindowCreate: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } if(window.context != null) { this.__createRenderer(); } } ,onWindowDeactivate: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } } ,onWindowDropFile: function(window,file) { } ,onWindowEnter: function(window) { } ,onWindowExpose: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__renderDirty = true; } ,onWindowFocusIn: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__renderDirty = true; this.__broadcastEvent(new openfl_events_Event("activate")); this.set_focus(this.__cacheFocus); } ,onWindowFocusOut: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__primaryTouch = null; this.__broadcastEvent(new openfl_events_Event("deactivate")); var currentFocus = this.get_focus(); this.set_focus(null); this.__cacheFocus = currentFocus; } ,onWindowFullscreen: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__resize(); if(!this.__wasFullscreen) { this.__wasFullscreen = true; if(this.__displayState == 2) { this.__displayState = 1; } this.__dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_FullScreenEvent("fullScreen",false,false,true,true)); } } ,onWindowLeave: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window || openfl_events_MouseEvent.__buttonDown) { return; } this.__dispatchPendingMouseEvent(); this.__dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("mouseLeave")); } ,onWindowMinimize: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } } ,onWindowMove: function(window,x,y) { } ,onWindowResize: function(window,width,height) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } this.__resize(); if(this.__wasFullscreen && !window.__fullscreen) { this.__wasFullscreen = false; this.__displayState = 2; this.__dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_FullScreenEvent("fullScreen",false,false,false,true)); } } ,onWindowRestore: function(window) { if(this.window == null || this.window != window) { return; } if(this.__wasFullscreen && !window.__fullscreen) { this.__wasFullscreen = false; this.__displayState = 2; this.__dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_FullScreenEvent("fullScreen",false,false,false,true)); } } ,render: function(context) { if(this.__rendering) { return; } this.__rendering = true; this.__broadcastEvent(new openfl_events_Event("enterFrame")); this.__broadcastEvent(new openfl_events_Event("frameConstructed")); this.__broadcastEvent(new openfl_events_Event("exitFrame")); this.__renderable = true; this.__enterFrame(this.__deltaTime); this.__deltaTime = 0; var shouldRender = this.__renderer != null && (this.__renderDirty || this.__forceRender); if(this.__invalidated && shouldRender) { this.__invalidated = false; this.__broadcastEvent(new openfl_events_Event("render")); } this.__update(false,true); if(this.__renderer != null) { if(this.context3D != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.stage3Ds; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var stage3D = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; this.context3D.__renderStage3D(stage3D); } if(this.context3D.__present) { shouldRender = true; } } if(shouldRender) { var tmp = this.__renderer.__type == "cairo"; if(this.context3D == null) { this.__renderer.__clear(); } this.__renderer.__render(this); } else if(this.context3D == null) { this.window.onRender.cancel(); } if(this.context3D != null) { if(!this.context3D.__present) { this.window.onRender.cancel(); } else { if(!this.__renderer.__cleared) { this.__renderer.__clear(); } this.context3D.__present = false; this.context3D.__cleared = false; } } this.__renderer.__cleared = false; } this.__rendering = false; } ,update: function(deltaTime) { this.__deltaTime = deltaTime; this.__dispatchPendingMouseEvent(); } ,__addWindow: function(window) { if(this.window != window) { return; } var f = $bind(this,this.onWindowActivate); var a1 = window; var tmp = function() { f(a1); }; window.onActivate.add(tmp); var f1 = $bind(this,this.onWindowClose); var a11 = window; var tmp1 = function() { f1(a11); }; window.onClose.add(tmp1,false,-9000); var f2 = $bind(this,this.onWindowDeactivate); var a12 = window; var tmp2 = function() { f2(a12); }; window.onDeactivate.add(tmp2); var f3 = $bind(this,this.onWindowDropFile); var a13 = window; var tmp3 = function(a2) { f3(a13,a2); }; window.onDropFile.add(tmp3); var f4 = $bind(this,this.onWindowEnter); var a14 = window; var tmp4 = function() { f4(a14); }; window.onEnter.add(tmp4); var f5 = $bind(this,this.onWindowExpose); var a15 = window; var tmp5 = function() { f5(a15); }; window.onExpose.add(tmp5); var f6 = $bind(this,this.onWindowFocusIn); var a16 = window; var tmp6 = function() { f6(a16); }; window.onFocusIn.add(tmp6); var f7 = $bind(this,this.onWindowFocusOut); var a17 = window; var tmp7 = function() { f7(a17); }; window.onFocusOut.add(tmp7); var f8 = $bind(this,this.onWindowFullscreen); var a18 = window; var tmp8 = function() { f8(a18); }; window.onFullscreen.add(tmp8); var f9 = $bind(this,this.onKeyDown); var a19 = window; var tmp9 = function(a21,a3) { f9(a19,a21,a3); }; window.onKeyDown.add(tmp9); var f10 = $bind(this,this.onKeyUp); var a110 = window; var tmp10 = function(a22,a31) { f10(a110,a22,a31); }; window.onKeyUp.add(tmp10); var f11 = $bind(this,this.onWindowLeave); var a111 = window; var tmp11 = function() { f11(a111); }; window.onLeave.add(tmp11); var f12 = $bind(this,this.onWindowMinimize); var a112 = window; var tmp12 = function() { f12(a112); }; window.onMinimize.add(tmp12); var f13 = $bind(this,this.onMouseDown); var a113 = window; var tmp13 = function(x,y,a23) { f13(a113,x,y,a23); }; window.onMouseDown.add(tmp13); var f14 = $bind(this,this.onMouseMove); var a114 = window; var tmp14 = function(x1,y1) { f14(a114,x1,y1); }; window.onMouseMove.add(tmp14); var f15 = $bind(this,this.onMouseMoveRelative); var a115 = window; var tmp15 = function(x2,y2) { f15(a115,x2,y2); }; window.onMouseMoveRelative.add(tmp15); var f16 = $bind(this,this.onMouseUp); var a116 = window; var tmp16 = function(x3,y3,a24) { f16(a116,x3,y3,a24); }; window.onMouseUp.add(tmp16); var f17 = $bind(this,this.onMouseWheel); var a117 = window; var tmp17 = function(a25,a32,a4) { f17(a117,a25,a32,a4); }; window.onMouseWheel.add(tmp17); var f18 = $bind(this,this.onWindowMove); var a118 = window; var tmp18 = function(x4,y4) { f18(a118,x4,y4); }; window.onMove.add(tmp18); window.onRender.add($bind(this,this.render)); window.onRenderContextLost.add($bind(this,this.onRenderContextLost)); window.onRenderContextRestored.add($bind(this,this.onRenderContextRestored)); var f19 = $bind(this,this.onWindowResize); var a119 = window; var tmp19 = function(a26,a33) { f19(a119,a26,a33); }; window.onResize.add(tmp19); var f20 = $bind(this,this.onWindowRestore); var a120 = window; var tmp20 = function() { f20(a120); }; window.onRestore.add(tmp20); var f21 = $bind(this,this.onTextEdit); var a121 = window; var tmp21 = function(a27,a34,a41) { f21(a121,a27,a34,a41); }; window.onTextEdit.add(tmp21); var f22 = $bind(this,this.onTextInput); var a122 = window; var tmp22 = function(a28) { f22(a122,a28); }; window.onTextInput.add(tmp22); this.onWindowCreate(window); } ,__broadcastEvent: function(event) { var key = event.type; var _this = openfl_display_DisplayObject.__broadcastEvents; if(__map_reserved[key] != null ? _this.existsReserved(key) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var key1 = event.type; var _this1 = openfl_display_DisplayObject.__broadcastEvents; var dispatchers = __map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this1.getReserved(key1) : _this1.h[key1]; var _g = 0; while(_g < dispatchers.length) { var dispatcher = dispatchers[_g]; ++_g; if(dispatcher.stage == this || dispatcher.stage == null) { try { dispatcher.__dispatch(event); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); } } } } } ,__createRenderer: function() { var pixelRatio = 1; if(this.window.__scale > 1) { if(!this.window.devicePixelRatio) { pixelRatio = 1; } else { pixelRatio = true; } } var windowWidth = this.window.__width * this.window.__scale | 0; var windowHeight = this.window.__height * this.window.__scale | 0; var _g = this.window.context.type; switch(_g) { case "cairo": break; case "canvas": this.__renderer = new openfl_display_CanvasRenderer(this.window.context.canvas2D); (js_Boot.__cast(this.__renderer , openfl_display_CanvasRenderer)).pixelRatio = pixelRatio; break; case "dom": this.__renderer = new openfl_display_DOMRenderer(this.window.context.dom); (js_Boot.__cast(this.__renderer , openfl_display_DOMRenderer)).pixelRatio = pixelRatio; break; case "opengl":case "opengles":case "webgl": this.context3D = new openfl_display3D_Context3D(this); this.context3D.configureBackBuffer(windowWidth,windowHeight,0,true,true,true); this.context3D.present(); this.__renderer = new openfl_display_OpenGLRenderer(this.context3D); break; default: } if(this.__renderer != null) { var tmp = this.get_quality(); this.__renderer.__allowSmoothing = tmp != 2; this.__renderer.__worldTransform = this.__displayMatrix; this.__renderer.__stage = this; this.__renderer.__resize(windowWidth,windowHeight); } } ,__dispatchEvent: function(event) { try { return openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.__dispatchEvent.call(this,event); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); return false; } } ,__dispatchPendingMouseEvent: function() { if(this.__pendingMouseEvent) { this.__onMouse("mouseMove",this.__pendingMouseX,this.__pendingMouseY,0); this.__pendingMouseEvent = false; } } ,__dispatchStack: function(event,stack) { try { var target; var length = stack.length; if(length == 0) { event.eventPhase = 2; target = event.target; target.__dispatch(event); } else { event.eventPhase = 1; event.target = stack[stack.length - 1]; var _g1 = 0; var _g = length - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; stack[i].__dispatch(event); if(event.__isCanceled) { return; } } event.eventPhase = 2; target = event.target; target.__dispatch(event); if(event.__isCanceled) { return; } if(event.bubbles) { event.eventPhase = 3; var i1 = length - 2; while(i1 >= 0) { stack[i1].__dispatch(event); if(event.__isCanceled) { return; } --i1; } } } } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); } } ,__dispatchTarget: function(target,event) { try { return target.__dispatchEvent(event); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; if (e instanceof js__$Boot_HaxeError) e = e.val; this.__handleError(e); return false; } } ,__drag: function(mouse) { var parent = this.__dragObject.parent; if(parent != null) { var _this = parent.__getWorldTransform(); var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { mouse.x = -_this.tx; mouse.y = -_this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - mouse.y) + _this.d * (mouse.x - _this.tx)); mouse.y = 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (mouse.y - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - mouse.x)); mouse.x = px; } } var x = mouse.x + this.__dragOffsetX; var y = mouse.y + this.__dragOffsetY; if(this.__dragBounds != null) { if(x < this.__dragBounds.x) { x = this.__dragBounds.x; } else if(x > this.__dragBounds.get_right()) { x = this.__dragBounds.get_right(); } if(y < this.__dragBounds.y) { y = this.__dragBounds.y; } else if(y > this.__dragBounds.get_bottom()) { y = this.__dragBounds.get_bottom(); } } this.__dragObject.set_x(x); this.__dragObject.set_y(y); } ,__getInteractive: function(stack) { if(stack != null) { stack.push(this); } return true; } ,__globalToLocal: function(global,local) { if(global != local) { local.copyFrom(global); } return local; } ,__handleError: function(e) { var event = new openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvent("uncaughtError",true,true,e); try { openfl_Lib.get_current().__loaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents.dispatchEvent(event); } catch( e1 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e1; } if(!event.__preventDefault) { try { var exc = haxe_CallStack.lastException; if(exc != null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exc,"stack") && exc.stack != null && exc.stack != "") { console.log(exc.stack); e.stack = exc.stack; } else { var msg = haxe_CallStack.toString(haxe_CallStack.callStack()); console.log(msg); } } catch( e2 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e2; } throw e; } } ,__onKey: function(type,keyCode,modifier) { this.__dispatchPendingMouseEvent(); openfl_events_MouseEvent.__altKey = lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_altKey(modifier); openfl_events_MouseEvent.__commandKey = lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey(modifier); openfl_events_MouseEvent.__ctrlKey = lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_ctrlKey(modifier); openfl_events_MouseEvent.__shiftKey = lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier); var stack = []; if(this.__focus == null) { this.__getInteractive(stack); } else { this.__focus.__getInteractive(stack); } if(stack.length > 0) { var keyLocation; switch(keyCode) { case 1073741908:case 1073741909:case 1073741910:case 1073741911:case 1073741912:case 1073741913:case 1073741914:case 1073741915:case 1073741916:case 1073741917:case 1073741918:case 1073741919:case 1073741920:case 1073741921:case 1073741922:case 1073741923:case 1073742044: keyLocation = 3; break; case 1073742048:case 1073742049:case 1073742050:case 1073742051: keyLocation = 1; break; case 1073742052:case 1073742053:case 1073742054:case 1073742055: keyLocation = 2; break; default: keyLocation = 0; } var keyCode1; switch(keyCode) { case 8: keyCode1 = 8; break; case 9: keyCode1 = 9; break; case 13: keyCode1 = 13; break; case 27: keyCode1 = 27; break; case 32: keyCode1 = 32; break; case 33: keyCode1 = 49; break; case 34: keyCode1 = 222; break; case 35: keyCode1 = 51; break; case 36: keyCode1 = 52; break; case 37: keyCode1 = 53; break; case 38: keyCode1 = 55; break; case 39: keyCode1 = 222; break; case 40: keyCode1 = 57; break; case 41: keyCode1 = 48; break; case 42: keyCode1 = 56; break; case 44: keyCode1 = 188; break; case 45: keyCode1 = 189; break; case 46: keyCode1 = 190; break; case 47: keyCode1 = 191; break; case 48: keyCode1 = 48; break; case 49: keyCode1 = 49; break; case 50: keyCode1 = 50; break; case 51: keyCode1 = 51; break; case 52: keyCode1 = 52; break; case 53: keyCode1 = 53; break; case 54: keyCode1 = 54; break; case 55: keyCode1 = 55; break; case 56: keyCode1 = 56; break; case 57: keyCode1 = 57; break; case 58: keyCode1 = 186; break; case 59: keyCode1 = 186; break; case 60: keyCode1 = 60; break; case 61: keyCode1 = 187; break; case 62: keyCode1 = 190; break; case 63: keyCode1 = 191; break; case 64: keyCode1 = 50; break; case 91: keyCode1 = 219; break; case 92: keyCode1 = 220; break; case 93: keyCode1 = 221; break; case 94: keyCode1 = 54; break; case 95: keyCode1 = 189; break; case 96: keyCode1 = 192; break; case 97: keyCode1 = 65; break; case 98: keyCode1 = 66; break; case 99: keyCode1 = 67; break; case 100: keyCode1 = 68; break; case 101: keyCode1 = 69; break; case 102: keyCode1 = 70; break; case 103: keyCode1 = 71; break; case 104: keyCode1 = 72; break; case 105: keyCode1 = 73; break; case 106: keyCode1 = 74; break; case 107: keyCode1 = 75; break; case 108: keyCode1 = 76; break; case 109: keyCode1 = 77; break; case 110: keyCode1 = 78; break; case 111: keyCode1 = 79; break; case 112: keyCode1 = 80; break; case 113: keyCode1 = 81; break; case 114: keyCode1 = 82; break; case 115: keyCode1 = 83; break; case 116: keyCode1 = 84; break; case 117: keyCode1 = 85; break; case 118: keyCode1 = 86; break; case 119: keyCode1 = 87; break; case 120: keyCode1 = 88; break; case 121: keyCode1 = 89; break; case 122: keyCode1 = 90; break; case 127: keyCode1 = 46; break; case 1073741881: keyCode1 = 20; break; case 1073741882: keyCode1 = 112; break; case 1073741883: keyCode1 = 113; break; case 1073741884: keyCode1 = 114; break; case 1073741885: keyCode1 = 115; break; case 1073741886: keyCode1 = 116; break; case 1073741887: keyCode1 = 117; break; case 1073741888: keyCode1 = 118; break; case 1073741889: keyCode1 = 119; break; case 1073741890: keyCode1 = 120; break; case 1073741891: keyCode1 = 121; break; case 1073741892: keyCode1 = 122; break; case 1073741893: keyCode1 = 123; break; case 1073741894: keyCode1 = 301; break; case 1073741895: keyCode1 = 145; break; case 1073741896: keyCode1 = 19; break; case 1073741897: keyCode1 = 45; break; case 1073741898: keyCode1 = 36; break; case 1073741899: keyCode1 = 33; break; case 1073741901: keyCode1 = 35; break; case 1073741902: keyCode1 = 34; break; case 1073741903: keyCode1 = 39; break; case 1073741904: keyCode1 = 37; break; case 1073741905: keyCode1 = 40; break; case 1073741906: keyCode1 = 38; break; case 1073741907: keyCode1 = 144; break; case 1073741908: keyCode1 = 111; break; case 1073741909: keyCode1 = 106; break; case 1073741910: keyCode1 = 109; break; case 1073741911: keyCode1 = 107; break; case 1073741912: keyCode1 = 13; break; case 1073741913: keyCode1 = 97; break; case 1073741914: keyCode1 = 98; break; case 1073741915: keyCode1 = 99; break; case 1073741916: keyCode1 = 100; break; case 1073741917: keyCode1 = 101; break; case 1073741918: keyCode1 = 102; break; case 1073741919: keyCode1 = 103; break; case 1073741920: keyCode1 = 104; break; case 1073741921: keyCode1 = 105; break; case 1073741922: keyCode1 = 96; break; case 1073741923: keyCode1 = 110; break; case 1073741925: keyCode1 = 302; break; case 1073741928: keyCode1 = 124; break; case 1073741929: keyCode1 = 125; break; case 1073741930: keyCode1 = 126; break; case 1073741982: keyCode1 = 13; break; case 1073742044: keyCode1 = 110; break; case 1073742048: keyCode1 = 17; break; case 1073742049: keyCode1 = 16; break; case 1073742050: keyCode1 = 18; break; case 1073742051: keyCode1 = 15; break; case 1073742052: keyCode1 = 17; break; case 1073742053: keyCode1 = 16; break; case 1073742054: keyCode1 = 18; break; case 1073742055: keyCode1 = 15; break; default: keyCode1 = keyCode; } var charCode = openfl_ui_Keyboard.__getCharCode(keyCode1,lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier)); var event = new openfl_events_KeyboardEvent(type,true,true,charCode,keyCode1,keyLocation,this.__macKeyboard ? lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_ctrlKey(modifier) || lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey(modifier) : lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_ctrlKey(modifier),lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_altKey(modifier),lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier),lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_ctrlKey(modifier),lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey(modifier)); stack.reverse(); this.__dispatchStack(event,stack); if(event.__preventDefault) { if(type == "keyDown") { this.window.onKeyDown.cancel(); } else { this.window.onKeyUp.cancel(); } } else if(type == "keyDown" && keyCode1 == 9) { var tabStack = []; this.__tabTest(tabStack); var nextIndex = -1; var nextObject = null; var nextOffset = lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier) ? -1 : 1; if(tabStack.length > 1) { haxe_ds_ArraySort.sort(tabStack,function(a,b) { return a.get_tabIndex() - b.get_tabIndex(); }); if(tabStack[tabStack.length - 1].get_tabIndex() == -1) { if(this.get_focus() != null) { nextIndex = 0; } else { nextIndex = this.__currentTabOrderIndex; } } else { var i = 0; while(i < tabStack.length) { if(tabStack[i].get_tabIndex() > -1) { if(i > 0) { tabStack.splice(0,i); } break; } ++i; } if(this.get_focus() != null) { var index = tabStack.indexOf(this.get_focus()); if(index < 0) { nextIndex = 0; } else { nextIndex = index + nextOffset; } } else { nextIndex = this.__currentTabOrderIndex; } } } else if(tabStack.length == 1) { nextObject = tabStack[0]; if(this.get_focus() == nextObject) { nextObject = null; } } if(tabStack.length == 1 || tabStack.length == 0 && this.get_focus() != null) { nextIndex = 0; } else if(tabStack.length > 1) { if(nextIndex < 0) { nextIndex += tabStack.length; } nextIndex %= tabStack.length; nextObject = tabStack[nextIndex]; if(nextObject == this.get_focus()) { nextIndex += nextOffset; if(nextIndex < 0) { nextIndex += tabStack.length; } nextIndex %= tabStack.length; nextObject = tabStack[nextIndex]; } } var focusEvent = null; if(this.get_focus() != null) { focusEvent = new openfl_events_FocusEvent("keyFocusChange",true,true,nextObject,lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier),0); stack = []; this.get_focus().__getInteractive(stack); stack.reverse(); this.__dispatchStack(focusEvent,stack); } if(focusEvent == null || !focusEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) { this.__currentTabOrderIndex = nextIndex; if(nextObject != null) { this.set_focus(nextObject); } } } } } ,__onGamepadConnect: function(gamepad) { this.onGamepadConnect(gamepad); var f = $bind(this,this.onGamepadAxisMove); var a1 = gamepad; var tmp = function(a2,a3) { f(a1,a2,a3); }; gamepad.onAxisMove.add(tmp); var f1 = $bind(this,this.onGamepadButtonDown); var a11 = gamepad; var tmp1 = function(a21) { f1(a11,a21); }; gamepad.onButtonDown.add(tmp1); var f2 = $bind(this,this.onGamepadButtonUp); var a12 = gamepad; var tmp2 = function(a22) { f2(a12,a22); }; gamepad.onButtonUp.add(tmp2); var f3 = $bind(this,this.onGamepadDisconnect); var a13 = gamepad; var tmp3 = function() { f3(a13); }; gamepad.onDisconnect.add(tmp3); } ,__onMouse: function(type,x,y,button) { if(button > 2) { return; } var targetPoint = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); targetPoint.setTo(x,y); var _this = this.__displayMatrix; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { targetPoint.x = -_this.tx; targetPoint.y = -_this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - targetPoint.y) + _this.d * (targetPoint.x - _this.tx)); targetPoint.y = 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (targetPoint.y - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - targetPoint.x)); targetPoint.x = px; } this.__mouseX = targetPoint.x; this.__mouseY = targetPoint.y; var stack = []; var target = null; if(this.__hitTest(this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,true,stack,true,this)) { target = stack[stack.length - 1]; } else { target = this; stack = [this]; } if(target == null) { target = this; } var clickType = null; switch(type) { case "middleMouseDown": this.__mouseDownMiddle = target; break; case "middleMouseUp": if(this.__mouseDownMiddle == target) { clickType = "middleClick"; } this.__mouseDownMiddle = null; break; case "mouseDown": if(target.__allowMouseFocus()) { if(this.get_focus() != null) { var focusEvent = new openfl_events_FocusEvent("mouseFocusChange",true,true,target,false,0); this.__dispatchStack(focusEvent,stack); if(!focusEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) { this.set_focus(target); } } else { this.set_focus(target); } } else { this.set_focus(null); } this.__mouseDownLeft = target; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__buttonDown = true; break; case "mouseUp": if(this.__mouseDownLeft != null) { openfl_events_MouseEvent.__buttonDown = false; if(this.__mouseDownLeft == target) { clickType = "click"; } else { this.__mouseDownLeft.dispatchEvent(openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create("releaseOutside",1,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,new openfl_geom_Point(this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY),this)); } this.__mouseDownLeft = null; } break; case "rightMouseDown": this.__mouseDownRight = target; break; case "rightMouseUp": if(this.__mouseDownRight == target) { clickType = "rightClick"; } this.__mouseDownRight = null; break; default: } var localPoint = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); this.__dispatchStack(openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create(type,button,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,target.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target),stack); if(clickType != null) { this.__dispatchStack(openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create(clickType,button,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,target.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target),stack); if(type == "mouseUp" && (js_Boot.__cast(target , openfl_display_InteractiveObject)).doubleClickEnabled) { var currentTime = openfl_Lib.getTimer(); if(currentTime - this.__lastClickTime < 500) { this.__dispatchStack(openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create("doubleClick",button,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,target.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target),stack); this.__lastClickTime = 0; } else { this.__lastClickTime = currentTime; } } } if(openfl_ui_Mouse.__cursor == "auto" && !openfl_ui_Mouse.__hidden) { var cursor = null; if(this.__mouseDownLeft != null) { cursor = this.__mouseDownLeft.__getCursor(); } else { var _g = 0; while(_g < stack.length) { var target1 = stack[_g]; ++_g; cursor = target1.__getCursor(); if(cursor != null) { this.window.set_cursor(openfl_ui__$MouseCursor_MouseCursor_$Impl_$.toLimeCursor(cursor)); break; } } } if(cursor == null) { this.window.set_cursor(lime_ui_MouseCursor.ARROW); } } var event; if(target != this.__mouseOverTarget) { if(this.__mouseOverTarget != null) { event = openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create("mouseOut",button,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,this.__mouseOverTarget.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),this.__mouseOverTarget); this.__dispatchStack(event,this.__mouseOutStack); } } var _g1 = 0; var _g11 = this.__rollOutStack; while(_g1 < _g11.length) { var target2 = _g11[_g1]; ++_g1; if(stack.indexOf(target2) == -1) { HxOverrides.remove(this.__rollOutStack,target2); event = openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create("rollOut",button,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,this.__mouseOverTarget.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),this.__mouseOverTarget); event.bubbles = false; this.__dispatchTarget(target2,event); } } var _g2 = 0; while(_g2 < stack.length) { var target3 = stack[_g2]; ++_g2; if(this.__rollOutStack.indexOf(target3) == -1 && this.__mouseOverTarget != null) { if(target3.hasEventListener("rollOver")) { event = openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create("rollOver",button,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,this.__mouseOverTarget.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target3); event.bubbles = false; this.__dispatchTarget(target3,event); } if(target3.hasEventListener("rollOut") || target3.hasEventListener("rollOver")) { this.__rollOutStack.push(target3); } } } if(target != this.__mouseOverTarget) { if(target != null) { event = openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create("mouseOver",button,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,target.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target); this.__dispatchStack(event,stack); } this.__mouseOverTarget = target; this.__mouseOutStack = stack; } if(this.__dragObject != null) { this.__drag(targetPoint); var dropTarget = null; if(this.__mouseOverTarget == this.__dragObject) { var cacheMouseEnabled = this.__dragObject.mouseEnabled; var cacheMouseChildren = this.__dragObject.mouseChildren; this.__dragObject.mouseEnabled = false; this.__dragObject.mouseChildren = false; var stack1 = []; if(this.__hitTest(this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,true,stack1,true,this)) { dropTarget = stack1[stack1.length - 1]; } this.__dragObject.mouseEnabled = cacheMouseEnabled; this.__dragObject.mouseChildren = cacheMouseChildren; } else if(this.__mouseOverTarget != this) { dropTarget = this.__mouseOverTarget; } this.__dragObject.dropTarget = dropTarget; } openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(targetPoint); openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(localPoint); } ,__onMouseWheel: function(deltaX,deltaY,deltaMode) { var x = this.__mouseX; var y = this.__mouseY; var stack = []; var target = null; if(this.__hitTest(this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,true,stack,true,this)) { target = stack[stack.length - 1]; } else { target = this; stack = [this]; } if(target == null) { target = this; } var targetPoint = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); targetPoint.setTo(x,y); var _this = this.__displayMatrix; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { targetPoint.x = -_this.tx; targetPoint.y = -_this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - targetPoint.y) + _this.d * (targetPoint.x - _this.tx)); targetPoint.y = 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (targetPoint.y - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - targetPoint.x)); targetPoint.x = px; } var delta = deltaY | 0; this.__dispatchStack(openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create("mouseWheel",0,this.__mouseX,this.__mouseY,target.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,targetPoint),target,delta),stack); openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(targetPoint); } ,__onTouch: function(type,touch) { var targetPoint = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); targetPoint.setTo(Math.round(touch.x * this.window.__width * this.window.__scale),Math.round(touch.y * this.window.__height * this.window.__scale)); var _this = this.__displayMatrix; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { targetPoint.x = -_this.tx; targetPoint.y = -_this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - targetPoint.y) + _this.d * (targetPoint.x - _this.tx)); targetPoint.y = 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (targetPoint.y - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - targetPoint.x)); targetPoint.x = px; } var touchX = targetPoint.x; var touchY = targetPoint.y; var stack = []; var target = null; if(this.__hitTest(touchX,touchY,false,stack,true,this)) { target = stack[stack.length - 1]; } else { target = this; stack = [this]; } if(target == null) { target = this; } var touchId = touch.id; var touchData = null; if(this.__touchData.h.hasOwnProperty(touchId)) { touchData = this.__touchData.h[touchId]; } else { touchData = openfl__$internal_utils_TouchData.__pool.get(); touchData.reset(); touchData.touch = touch; this.__touchData.h[touchId] = touchData; } var touchType = null; var releaseTouchData = false; switch(type) { case "touchBegin": touchData.touchDownTarget = target; break; case "touchEnd": if(touchData.touchDownTarget == target) { touchType = "touchTap"; } touchData.touchDownTarget = null; releaseTouchData = true; break; default: } var localPoint = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); var isPrimaryTouchPoint = this.__primaryTouch == touch; var touchEvent = openfl_events_TouchEvent.__create(type,null,touchX,touchY,target.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target); touchEvent.touchPointID = touchId; touchEvent.isPrimaryTouchPoint = isPrimaryTouchPoint; touchEvent.pressure = touch.pressure; this.__dispatchStack(touchEvent,stack); if(touchType != null) { touchEvent = openfl_events_TouchEvent.__create(touchType,null,touchX,touchY,target.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target); touchEvent.touchPointID = touchId; touchEvent.isPrimaryTouchPoint = isPrimaryTouchPoint; touchEvent.pressure = touch.pressure; this.__dispatchStack(touchEvent,stack); } var touchOverTarget = touchData.touchOverTarget; if(target != touchOverTarget && touchOverTarget != null) { touchEvent = openfl_events_TouchEvent.__create("touchOut",null,touchX,touchY,touchOverTarget.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),touchOverTarget); touchEvent.touchPointID = touchId; touchEvent.isPrimaryTouchPoint = isPrimaryTouchPoint; touchEvent.pressure = touch.pressure; this.__dispatchTarget(touchOverTarget,touchEvent); } var touchOutStack = touchData.rollOutStack; var _g = 0; while(_g < touchOutStack.length) { var target1 = touchOutStack[_g]; ++_g; if(stack.indexOf(target1) == -1) { HxOverrides.remove(touchOutStack,target1); touchEvent = openfl_events_TouchEvent.__create("touchRollOut",null,touchX,touchY,touchOverTarget.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),touchOverTarget); touchEvent.touchPointID = touchId; touchEvent.isPrimaryTouchPoint = isPrimaryTouchPoint; touchEvent.bubbles = false; touchEvent.pressure = touch.pressure; this.__dispatchTarget(target1,touchEvent); } } var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < stack.length) { var target2 = stack[_g1]; ++_g1; if(touchOutStack.indexOf(target2) == -1) { if(target2.hasEventListener("touchRollOver")) { touchEvent = openfl_events_TouchEvent.__create("touchRollOver",null,touchX,touchY,touchOverTarget.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target2); touchEvent.touchPointID = touchId; touchEvent.isPrimaryTouchPoint = isPrimaryTouchPoint; touchEvent.bubbles = false; touchEvent.pressure = touch.pressure; this.__dispatchTarget(target2,touchEvent); } if(target2.hasEventListener("touchRollOut")) { touchOutStack.push(target2); } } } if(target != touchOverTarget) { if(target != null) { touchEvent = openfl_events_TouchEvent.__create("touchOver",null,touchX,touchY,target.__globalToLocal(targetPoint,localPoint),target); touchEvent.touchPointID = touchId; touchEvent.isPrimaryTouchPoint = isPrimaryTouchPoint; touchEvent.bubbles = true; touchEvent.pressure = touch.pressure; this.__dispatchTarget(target,touchEvent); } touchData.touchOverTarget = target; } openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(targetPoint); openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(localPoint); if(releaseTouchData) { this.__touchData.remove(touchId); touchData.reset(); openfl__$internal_utils_TouchData.__pool.release(touchData); } } ,__registerLimeModule: function(application) { application.onCreateWindow.add($bind(this,this.__addWindow)); application.onUpdate.add($bind(this,this.update)); application.onExit.add($bind(this,this.onModuleExit),false,0); var gamepad = lime_ui_Gamepad.devices.iterator(); while(gamepad.hasNext()) { var gamepad1 = gamepad.next(); this.__onGamepadConnect(gamepad1); } lime_ui_Gamepad.onConnect.add($bind(this,this.__onGamepadConnect)); lime_ui_Touch.onStart.add($bind(this,this.onTouchStart)); lime_ui_Touch.onMove.add($bind(this,this.onTouchMove)); lime_ui_Touch.onEnd.add($bind(this,this.onTouchEnd)); lime_ui_Touch.onCancel.add($bind(this,this.onTouchCancel)); } ,__resize: function() { var cacheWidth = this.stageWidth; var cacheHeight = this.stageHeight; var windowWidth = this.window.__width * this.window.__scale | 0; var windowHeight = this.window.__height * this.window.__scale | 0; this.__logicalWidth = windowWidth; this.__logicalHeight = windowHeight; this.__displayMatrix.identity(); if(this.get_fullScreenSourceRect() != null && this.window.__fullscreen) { this.stageWidth = this.get_fullScreenSourceRect().width | 0; this.stageHeight = this.get_fullScreenSourceRect().height | 0; var displayScaleX = windowWidth / this.stageWidth; var displayScaleY = windowHeight / this.stageHeight; this.__displayMatrix.translate(-this.get_fullScreenSourceRect().x,-this.get_fullScreenSourceRect().y); this.__displayMatrix.scale(displayScaleX,displayScaleY); this.__displayRect.setTo(this.get_fullScreenSourceRect().get_left(),this.get_fullScreenSourceRect().get_right(),this.get_fullScreenSourceRect().get_top(),this.get_fullScreenSourceRect().get_bottom()); } else { if(this.__logicalWidth == 0 && this.__logicalHeight == 0) { this.stageWidth = windowWidth; this.stageHeight = windowHeight; } else { this.stageWidth = this.__logicalWidth; this.stageHeight = this.__logicalHeight; var scaleX = windowWidth / this.stageWidth; var scaleY = windowHeight / this.stageHeight; var targetScale = Math.min(scaleX,scaleY); var offsetX = Math.round((windowWidth - this.stageWidth * targetScale) / 2); var offsetY = Math.round((windowHeight - this.stageHeight * targetScale) / 2); this.__displayMatrix.scale(targetScale,targetScale); this.__displayMatrix.translate(offsetX,offsetY); } this.__displayRect.setTo(0,0,this.stageWidth,this.stageHeight); } if(this.context3D != null) { this.context3D.configureBackBuffer(windowWidth,windowHeight,0,true,true,true); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.stage3Ds; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var stage3D = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; stage3D.__resize(windowWidth,windowHeight); } if(this.__renderer != null) { this.__renderer.__resize(windowWidth,windowHeight); } if(this.stageWidth != cacheWidth || this.stageHeight != cacheHeight) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setTransformDirty(); this.__dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("resize")); } } ,__setLogicalSize: function(width,height) { this.__logicalWidth = width; this.__logicalHeight = height; this.__resize(); } ,__startDrag: function(sprite,lockCenter,bounds) { if(bounds == null) { this.__dragBounds = null; } else { this.__dragBounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); var right = bounds.get_right(); var bottom = bounds.get_bottom(); this.__dragBounds.x = right < bounds.x ? right : bounds.x; this.__dragBounds.y = bottom < bounds.y ? bottom : bounds.y; this.__dragBounds.width = Math.abs(bounds.width); this.__dragBounds.height = Math.abs(bounds.height); } this.__dragObject = sprite; if(this.__dragObject != null) { if(lockCenter) { this.__dragOffsetX = 0; this.__dragOffsetY = 0; } else { var mouse = openfl_geom_Point.__pool.get(); mouse.setTo(this.get_mouseX(),this.get_mouseY()); var parent = this.__dragObject.parent; if(parent != null) { var _this = parent.__getWorldTransform(); var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; if(norm == 0) { mouse.x = -_this.tx; mouse.y = -_this.ty; } else { var px = 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - mouse.y) + _this.d * (mouse.x - _this.tx)); mouse.y = 1.0 / norm * (_this.a * (mouse.y - _this.ty) + _this.b * (_this.tx - mouse.x)); mouse.x = px; } } this.__dragOffsetX = this.__dragObject.get_x() - mouse.x; this.__dragOffsetY = this.__dragObject.get_y() - mouse.y; openfl_geom_Point.__pool.release(mouse); } } } ,__stopDrag: function(sprite) { this.__dragBounds = null; this.__dragObject = null; } ,__unregisterLimeModule: function(application) { application.onCreateWindow.remove($bind(this,this.__addWindow)); application.onUpdate.remove($bind(this,this.update)); application.onExit.remove($bind(this,this.onModuleExit)); lime_ui_Gamepad.onConnect.remove($bind(this,this.__onGamepadConnect)); lime_ui_Touch.onStart.remove($bind(this,this.onTouchStart)); lime_ui_Touch.onMove.remove($bind(this,this.onTouchMove)); lime_ui_Touch.onEnd.remove($bind(this,this.onTouchEnd)); lime_ui_Touch.onCancel.remove($bind(this,this.onTouchCancel)); } ,__update: function(transformOnly,updateChildren) { if(transformOnly) { if(this.__transformDirty) { openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.__update.call(this,true,updateChildren); if(updateChildren) { this.__transformDirty = false; } } } else if(this.__transformDirty || this.__renderDirty) { openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.__update.call(this,false,updateChildren); if(updateChildren) { if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { this.__wasDirty = true; } } } else if(!this.__renderDirty && this.__wasDirty) { openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.__update.call(this,false,updateChildren); if(updateChildren) { this.__wasDirty = false; } } } ,get_color: function() { return this.__color; } ,set_color: function(value) { if(value == null) { this.__transparent = true; value = 0; } else { this.__transparent = false; } if(this.__color != value) { var r = (value & 16711680) >>> 16; var g = (value & 65280) >>> 8; var b = value & 255; this.__colorSplit[0] = r / 255; this.__colorSplit[1] = g / 255; this.__colorSplit[2] = b / 255; this.__colorString = "#" + StringTools.hex(value & 16777215,6); this.__renderDirty = true; this.__color = -16777216 | value & 16777215; } return value; } ,get_contentsScaleFactor: function() { return this.__contentsScaleFactor; } ,get_displayState: function() { return this.__displayState; } ,set_displayState: function(value) { if(this.window != null) { if(value == 2) { if(this.window.__fullscreen) { this.window.set_fullscreen(false); } } else if(!this.window.__fullscreen) { this.window.set_fullscreen(true); } } return this.__displayState = value; } ,get_focus: function() { return this.__focus; } ,set_focus: function(value) { if(value != this.__focus) { var oldFocus = this.__focus; this.__focus = value; this.__cacheFocus = value; if(oldFocus != null) { var event = new openfl_events_FocusEvent("focusOut",true,false,value,false,0); var stack = []; oldFocus.__getInteractive(stack); stack.reverse(); this.__dispatchStack(event,stack); } if(value != null) { var event1 = new openfl_events_FocusEvent("focusIn",true,false,oldFocus,false,0); var stack1 = []; value.__getInteractive(stack1); stack1.reverse(); this.__dispatchStack(event1,stack1); } } return value; } ,get_frameRate: function() { if(this.window != null) { return this.window.__backend.getFrameRate(); } return 0; } ,set_frameRate: function(value) { if(this.window != null) { return this.window.__backend.setFrameRate(value); } return value; } ,get_fullScreenHeight: function() { var tmp = this.window.__scale; return Math.ceil(this.window.get_display().currentMode.height * tmp); } ,get_fullScreenSourceRect: function() { if(this.__fullScreenSourceRect == null) { return null; } else { return this.__fullScreenSourceRect.clone(); } } ,set_fullScreenSourceRect: function(value) { if(value == null) { if(this.__fullScreenSourceRect != null) { this.__fullScreenSourceRect = null; this.__resize(); } } else if(!value.equals(this.__fullScreenSourceRect)) { this.__fullScreenSourceRect = value.clone(); this.__resize(); } return value; } ,get_fullScreenWidth: function() { var tmp = this.window.__scale; return Math.ceil(this.window.get_display().currentMode.width * tmp); } ,set_height: function(value) { return this.get_height(); } ,get_mouseX: function() { return this.__mouseX; } ,get_mouseY: function() { return this.__mouseY; } ,get_quality: function() { return this.__quality; } ,set_quality: function(value) { this.__quality = value; if(this.__renderer != null) { var tmp = this.get_quality(); this.__renderer.__allowSmoothing = tmp != 2; } return value; } ,set_rotation: function(value) { return 0; } ,get_scaleMode: function() { return this.__scaleMode; } ,set_scaleMode: function(value) { return this.__scaleMode = value; } ,set_scaleX: function(value) { return 0; } ,set_scaleY: function(value) { return 0; } ,get_tabEnabled: function() { return false; } ,set_tabEnabled: function(value) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Error: The Stage class does not implement this property or method.")); } ,get_tabIndex: function() { return -1; } ,set_tabIndex: function(value) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("Error: The Stage class does not implement this property or method.")); } ,set_transform: function(value) { return this.get_transform(); } ,set_width: function(value) { return this.get_width(); } ,set_x: function(value) { return 0; } ,set_y: function(value) { return 0; } ,__class__: openfl_display_Stage ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.__properties__,{set_scaleMode:"set_scaleMode",get_scaleMode:"get_scaleMode",set_quality:"set_quality",get_quality:"get_quality",set_fullScreenSourceRect:"set_fullScreenSourceRect",get_fullScreenSourceRect:"get_fullScreenSourceRect",get_fullScreenWidth:"get_fullScreenWidth",get_fullScreenHeight:"get_fullScreenHeight",set_frameRate:"set_frameRate",get_frameRate:"get_frameRate",set_focus:"set_focus",get_focus:"get_focus",set_displayState:"set_displayState",get_displayState:"get_displayState",get_contentsScaleFactor:"get_contentsScaleFactor",set_color:"set_color",get_color:"get_color"}) }); var openfl_display_Stage3D = function(stage) { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.__stage = stage; this.__height = 0; this.__projectionTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(); this.__renderTransform = new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(); this.__width = 0; this.__x = 0; this.__y = 0; this.visible = true; if(stage.stageWidth > 0 && stage.stageHeight > 0) { this.__resize(stage.stageWidth,stage.stageHeight); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Stage3D"] = openfl_display_Stage3D; openfl_display_Stage3D.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Stage3D"]; openfl_display_Stage3D.__active = null; openfl_display_Stage3D.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_display_Stage3D.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ context3D: null ,visible: null ,__contextLost: null ,__contextRequested: null ,__height: null ,__indexBuffer: null ,__projectionTransform: null ,__renderTransform: null ,__stage: null ,__vertexBuffer: null ,__width: null ,__x: null ,__y: null ,__canvas: null ,__renderContext: null ,__style: null ,__webgl: null ,requestContext3D: function(context3DRenderMode,profile) { if(profile == null) { profile = 0; } if(context3DRenderMode == null) { context3DRenderMode = 0; } if(this.__contextLost) { this.__contextRequested = true; return; } if(this.context3D != null) { this.__contextRequested = true; haxe_Timer.delay($bind(this,this.__dispatchCreate),1); } else if(!this.__contextRequested) { this.__contextRequested = true; haxe_Timer.delay($bind(this,this.__createContext),1); } } ,requestContext3DMatchingProfiles: function(profiles) { this.requestContext3D(); } ,__createContext: function() { var stage = this.__stage; var renderer = stage.__renderer; if(renderer.__type == "cairo" || renderer.__type == "canvas") { this.__dispatchError(); return; } if(renderer.__type == "opengl") { this.context3D = new openfl_display3D_Context3D(stage,stage.context3D.__contextState,this); this.__dispatchCreate(); } else if(renderer.__type == "dom") { this.__canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); this.__canvas.width = stage.stageWidth; this.__canvas.height = stage.stageHeight; var $window = stage.window; var attributes = renderer.__context.attributes; var transparentBackground = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"background") && attributes.background == null; var colorDepth = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"colorDepth") ? attributes.colorDepth : 32; var options = { alpha : transparentBackground || colorDepth > 16, antialias : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"antialiasing") && attributes.antialiasing > 0, depth : true, premultipliedAlpha : true, stencil : true, preserveDrawingBuffer : false}; this.__webgl = js_html__$CanvasElement_CanvasUtil.getContextWebGL(this.__canvas,options); if(this.__webgl != null) { this.__dispatchError(); } else { this.__dispatchError(); } } } ,__dispatchError: function() { this.__contextRequested = false; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_ErrorEvent("error",false,false,"Context3D not available")); } ,__dispatchCreate: function() { if(this.__contextRequested) { this.__contextRequested = false; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("context3DCreate")); } } ,__lostContext: function() { this.__contextLost = true; if(this.context3D != null) { this.context3D.__dispose(); this.__contextRequested = true; } } ,__resize: function(width,height) { if(width != this.__width || height != this.__height) { if(this.__canvas != null) { this.__canvas.width = width; this.__canvas.height = height; } this.__projectionTransform.copyRawDataFrom(openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[2.0 / (width > 0 ? width : 1),0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-2.0 / (height > 0 ? height : 1),0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-0.001,0.0,-1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0])); this.__renderTransform.identity(); this.__renderTransform.appendTranslation(this.__x,this.__y,0); this.__renderTransform.append(this.__projectionTransform); this.__width = width; this.__height = height; } } ,__restoreContext: function() { this.__contextLost = false; this.__createContext(); } ,get_x: function() { return this.__x; } ,set_x: function(value) { if(this.__x == value) { return value; } this.__x = value; this.__renderTransform.identity(); this.__renderTransform.appendTranslation(this.__x,this.__y,0); this.__renderTransform.append(this.__projectionTransform); return value; } ,get_y: function() { return this.__y; } ,set_y: function(value) { if(this.__y == value) { return value; } this.__y = value; this.__renderTransform.identity(); this.__renderTransform.appendTranslation(this.__x,this.__y,0); this.__renderTransform.append(this.__projectionTransform); return value; } ,__class__: openfl_display_Stage3D ,__properties__: {set_y:"set_y",get_y:"get_y",set_x:"set_x",get_x:"get_x"} }); var openfl_display__$StageAlign_StageAlign_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._StageAlign.StageAlign_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$StageAlign_StageAlign_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$StageAlign_StageAlign_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_StageAlign","StageAlign_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$StageAlign_StageAlign_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "bottom": return 0; case "bottomLeft": return 1; case "bottomRight": return 2; case "left": return 3; case "right": return 4; case "top": return 5; case "topLeft": return 6; case "topRight": return 7; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$StageAlign_StageAlign_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "bottom"; case 1: return "bottomLeft"; case 2: return "bottomRight"; case 3: return "left"; case 4: return "right"; case 5: return "top"; case 6: return "topLeft"; case 7: return "topRight"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display__$StageDisplayState_StageDisplayState_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._StageDisplayState.StageDisplayState_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$StageDisplayState_StageDisplayState_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$StageDisplayState_StageDisplayState_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_StageDisplayState","StageDisplayState_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$StageDisplayState_StageDisplayState_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "fullScreen": return 0; case "fullScreenInteractive": return 1; case "normal": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$StageDisplayState_StageDisplayState_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "fullScreen"; case 1: return "fullScreenInteractive"; case 2: return "normal"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display__$StageQuality_StageQuality_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._StageQuality.StageQuality_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$StageQuality_StageQuality_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$StageQuality_StageQuality_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_StageQuality","StageQuality_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$StageQuality_StageQuality_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "best": return 0; case "high": return 1; case "low": return 2; case "medium": return 3; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$StageQuality_StageQuality_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "best"; case 1: return "high"; case 2: return "low"; case 3: return "medium"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display__$StageScaleMode_StageScaleMode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._StageScaleMode.StageScaleMode_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$StageScaleMode_StageScaleMode_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$StageScaleMode_StageScaleMode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_StageScaleMode","StageScaleMode_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$StageScaleMode_StageScaleMode_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "exactFit": return 0; case "noBorder": return 1; case "noScale": return 2; case "showAll": return 3; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$StageScaleMode_StageScaleMode_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "exactFit"; case 1: return "noBorder"; case 2: return "noScale"; case 3: return "showAll"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display__$TriangleCulling_TriangleCulling_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display._TriangleCulling.TriangleCulling_Impl_"] = openfl_display__$TriangleCulling_TriangleCulling_$Impl_$; openfl_display__$TriangleCulling_TriangleCulling_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display","_TriangleCulling","TriangleCulling_Impl_"]; openfl_display__$TriangleCulling_TriangleCulling_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "negative": return 0; case "none": return 1; case "positive": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_display__$TriangleCulling_TriangleCulling_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "negative"; case 1: return "none"; case 2: return "positive"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display_Window = function(application,attributes) { lime_ui_Window.call(this,application,attributes); this.stage = new openfl_display_Stage(this,Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes.context,"background") ? attributes.context.background : 16777215); if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"parameters")) { try { this.stage.get_loaderInfo().parameters = attributes.parameters; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } } if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributes,"resizable") && !attributes.resizable) { this.stage.__setLogicalSize(attributes.width,attributes.height); } application.addModule(this.stage); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display.Window"] = openfl_display_Window; openfl_display_Window.__name__ = ["openfl","display","Window"]; openfl_display_Window.__super__ = lime_ui_Window; openfl_display_Window.prototype = $extend(lime_ui_Window.prototype,{ __class__: openfl_display_Window }); var openfl_display3D_Context3D = function(stage,contextState,stage3D) { this.totalGPUMemory = 0; this.profile = 3; this.driverInfo = "OpenGL (Direct blitting)"; this.backBufferWidth = 0; this.backBufferHeight = 0; openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.__stage = stage; this.__contextState = contextState; this.__stage3D = stage3D; this.__context = stage.window.context; this.gl = this.__context.webgl; if(this.__contextState == null) { this.__contextState = new openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DState(); } this.__state = new openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DState(); var this1 = new Float32Array(512); this.__vertexConstants = this1; var this2 = new Float32Array(512); this.__fragmentConstants = this2; var array = [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]; var this3; if(array != null) { this3 = new Float32Array(array); } else { this3 = null; } this.__positionScale = this3; this.__programs = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); if(openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS == -1) { openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = this.gl.getParameter(this.gl.MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS); } this.maxBackBufferWidth = openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS; this.maxBackBufferHeight = openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS; if(openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT == -1) { var extension = this.gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"); if(extension == null || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(extension,"MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT")) { extension = this.gl.getExtension("MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"); } if(extension == null || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(extension,"MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT")) { extension = this.gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"); } if(extension != null) { openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT = extension.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT; openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT = this.gl.getParameter(extension.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT); } else { openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT = 0; openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT = 0; } } if(openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL == -1) { openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL = this.gl.DEPTH_STENCIL; } if(openfl_display3D_Context3D.__driverInfo == null) { var vendor = this.gl.getParameter(this.gl.VENDOR); var version = this.gl.getParameter(this.gl.VERSION); var renderer = this.gl.getParameter(this.gl.RENDERER); var glslVersion = this.gl.getParameter(this.gl.SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION); openfl_display3D_Context3D.__driverInfo = "OpenGL Vendor=" + vendor + " Version=" + version + " Renderer=" + renderer + " GLSL=" + glslVersion; } this.driverInfo = openfl_display3D_Context3D.__driverInfo; this.__quadIndexBufferElements = 16383; this.__quadIndexBufferCount = this.__quadIndexBufferElements * 6; var elements = this.__quadIndexBufferCount; var this4; if(elements != null) { this4 = new Uint16Array(elements); } else { this4 = null; } var data = this4; var index = 0; var vertex = 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__quadIndexBufferElements; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; data[index] = vertex; data[index + 1] = vertex + 1; data[index + 2] = vertex + 2; data[index + 3] = vertex + 2; data[index + 4] = vertex + 1; data[index + 5] = vertex + 3; index = index + 6; vertex = vertex + 4; } this.__quadIndexBuffer = this.createIndexBuffer(this.__quadIndexBufferCount); this.__quadIndexBuffer.uploadFromTypedArray(data); }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.Context3D"] = openfl_display3D_Context3D; openfl_display3D_Context3D.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","Context3D"]; openfl_display3D_Context3D.__driverInfo = null; openfl_display3D_Context3D.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_display3D_Context3D.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ backBufferHeight: null ,backBufferWidth: null ,driverInfo: null ,maxBackBufferHeight: null ,maxBackBufferWidth: null ,profile: null ,totalGPUMemory: null ,gl: null ,__backBufferAntiAlias: null ,__backBufferTexture: null ,__backBufferWantsBestResolution: null ,__backBufferWantsBestResolutionOnBrowserZoom: null ,__cleared: null ,__context: null ,__contextState: null ,__renderStage3DProgram: null ,__enableErrorChecking: null ,__fragmentConstants: null ,__frontBufferTexture: null ,__positionScale: null ,__present: null ,__programs: null ,__quadIndexBuffer: null ,__quadIndexBufferCount: null ,__quadIndexBufferElements: null ,__stage: null ,__stage3D: null ,__state: null ,__vertexConstants: null ,clear: function(red,green,blue,alpha,depth,stencil,mask) { if(mask == null) { mask = 7; } if(stencil == null) { stencil = 0; } if(depth == null) { depth = 1; } if(alpha == null) { alpha = 1; } if(blue == null) { blue = 0; } if(green == null) { green = 0; } if(red == null) { red = 0; } this.__flushGLFramebuffer(); this.__flushGLViewport(); var clearMask = 0; if((mask & 1) != 0) { if(this.__state.renderToTexture == null) { if(this.__stage.context3D == this && !this.__stage.__renderer.__cleared) { this.__stage.__renderer.__cleared = true; } this.__cleared = true; } clearMask |= this.gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; if(this.__contextState.colorMaskRed != true || this.__contextState.colorMaskGreen != true || this.__contextState.colorMaskBlue != true || this.__contextState.colorMaskAlpha != true) { this.gl.colorMask(true,true,true,true); this.__contextState.colorMaskRed = true; this.__contextState.colorMaskGreen = true; this.__contextState.colorMaskBlue = true; this.__contextState.colorMaskAlpha = true; } this.gl.clearColor(red,green,blue,alpha); } if((mask & 2) != 0) { clearMask |= this.gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT; if(this.__contextState.depthMask != true) { this.gl.depthMask(true); this.__contextState.depthMask = true; } this.gl.clearDepth(depth); } if((mask & 4) != 0) { clearMask |= this.gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT; if(this.__contextState.stencilWriteMask != 255) { this.gl.stencilMask(255); this.__contextState.stencilWriteMask = 255; } this.gl.clearStencil(stencil); this.__contextState.stencilWriteMask = 255; } if(clearMask == 0) { return; } this.__setGLScissorTest(false); this.gl.clear(clearMask); } ,configureBackBuffer: function(width,height,antiAlias,enableDepthAndStencil,wantsBestResolution,wantsBestResolutionOnBrowserZoom) { if(wantsBestResolutionOnBrowserZoom == null) { wantsBestResolutionOnBrowserZoom = false; } if(wantsBestResolution == null) { wantsBestResolution = false; } if(enableDepthAndStencil == null) { enableDepthAndStencil = true; } if(this.__stage3D == null) { this.backBufferWidth = width; this.backBufferHeight = height; this.__backBufferAntiAlias = antiAlias; this.__state.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil = enableDepthAndStencil; this.__backBufferWantsBestResolution = wantsBestResolution; this.__backBufferWantsBestResolutionOnBrowserZoom = wantsBestResolutionOnBrowserZoom; } else { if(this.__backBufferTexture == null || this.backBufferWidth != width || this.backBufferHeight != height) { this.__backBufferTexture = this.createRectangleTexture(width,height,1,true); this.__frontBufferTexture = this.createRectangleTexture(width,height,1,true); if(this.__stage3D.__vertexBuffer == null) { this.__stage3D.__vertexBuffer = this.createVertexBuffer(4,5); } var vertexData = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[width,height,0,1,1,0,height,0,0,1,width,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0.0]); this.__stage3D.__vertexBuffer.uploadFromVector(vertexData,0,20); if(this.__stage3D.__indexBuffer == null) { this.__stage3D.__indexBuffer = this.createIndexBuffer(6); var indexData = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toIntVector(null,null,null,[0,1,2,2,1,3]); this.__stage3D.__indexBuffer.uploadFromVector(indexData,0,6); } } this.backBufferWidth = width; this.backBufferHeight = height; this.__backBufferAntiAlias = antiAlias; this.__state.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil = enableDepthAndStencil; this.__backBufferWantsBestResolution = wantsBestResolution; this.__backBufferWantsBestResolutionOnBrowserZoom = wantsBestResolutionOnBrowserZoom; this.__state.__primaryGLFramebuffer = this.__backBufferTexture.__getGLFramebuffer(enableDepthAndStencil,antiAlias,0); this.__frontBufferTexture.__getGLFramebuffer(enableDepthAndStencil,antiAlias,0); } } ,createCubeTexture: function(size,format,optimizeForRenderToTexture,streamingLevels) { if(streamingLevels == null) { streamingLevels = 0; } return new openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture(this,size,format,optimizeForRenderToTexture,streamingLevels); } ,createIndexBuffer: function(numIndices,bufferUsage) { if(bufferUsage == null) { bufferUsage = 1; } return new openfl_display3D_IndexBuffer3D(this,numIndices,bufferUsage); } ,createProgram: function(format) { if(format == null) { format = 0; } return new openfl_display3D_Program3D(this,format); } ,createRectangleTexture: function(width,height,format,optimizeForRenderToTexture) { return new openfl_display3D_textures_RectangleTexture(this,width,height,openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFormat_Context3DTextureFormat_$Impl_$.toString(format),optimizeForRenderToTexture); } ,createTexture: function(width,height,format,optimizeForRenderToTexture,streamingLevels) { if(streamingLevels == null) { streamingLevels = 0; } return new openfl_display3D_textures_Texture(this,width,height,format,optimizeForRenderToTexture,streamingLevels); } ,createVertexBuffer: function(numVertices,data32PerVertex,bufferUsage) { if(bufferUsage == null) { bufferUsage = 1; } return new openfl_display3D_VertexBuffer3D(this,numVertices,data32PerVertex,openfl_display3D__$Context3DBufferUsage_Context3DBufferUsage_$Impl_$.toString(bufferUsage)); } ,createVideoTexture: function() { return new openfl_display3D_textures_VideoTexture(this); } ,dispose: function(recreate) { if(recreate == null) { recreate = true; } this.gl = null; this.__dispose(); } ,drawToBitmapData: function(destination,srcRect,destPoint) { if(destination == null) { return; } var sourceRect = srcRect != null ? srcRect.__toLimeRectangle() : new lime_math_Rectangle(0,0,this.backBufferWidth,this.backBufferHeight); var destVector = destPoint != null ? destPoint.__toLimeVector2() : new lime_math_Vector2(); if(this.__stage.context3D == this) { if(this.__stage.window != null) { if(this.__stage3D != null) { var xa = -this.__stage3D.get_x() | 0; var ya = -this.__stage3D.get_y() | 0; destVector.x = xa; destVector.y = ya; } var image = this.__stage.window.readPixels(); destination.image.copyPixels(image,sourceRect,destVector); } } else if(this.__backBufferTexture != null) { var cacheRenderToTexture = this.__state.renderToTexture; this.setRenderToBackBuffer(); this.__flushGLFramebuffer(); this.__flushGLViewport(); var elements = this.backBufferWidth * this.backBufferHeight * 4; var this1; if(elements != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this1 = null; } var data = this1; var this2 = this.gl; var width = this.backBufferWidth; var height = this.backBufferHeight; var format = this.__backBufferTexture.__format; var type = this.gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE; this2.readPixels(0,0,width,height,format,type,data); var image1 = new lime_graphics_Image(new lime_graphics_ImageBuffer(data,this.backBufferWidth,this.backBufferHeight,32,2)); destination.image.copyPixels(image1,sourceRect,destVector); if(cacheRenderToTexture != null) { this.setRenderToTexture(cacheRenderToTexture,this.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil,this.__state.renderToTextureAntiAlias,this.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector); } } } ,drawTriangles: function(indexBuffer,firstIndex,numTriangles) { if(numTriangles == null) { numTriangles = -1; } if(firstIndex == null) { firstIndex = 0; } if(this.__state.renderToTexture == null) { if(this.__stage.context3D == this && !this.__stage.__renderer.__cleared) { this.__stage.__renderer.__clear(); } else if(!this.__cleared) { this.clear(0,0,0,0,1,0,1); } } this.__flushGL(); if(this.__state.program != null) { this.__state.program.__flush(); } var count = numTriangles == -1 ? indexBuffer.__numIndices : numTriangles * 3; this.__bindGLElementArrayBuffer(indexBuffer.__id); this.gl.drawElements(this.gl.TRIANGLES,count,indexBuffer.__elementType,firstIndex); } ,present: function() { this.setRenderToBackBuffer(); if(this.__stage3D != null && this.__backBufferTexture != null) { if(!this.__cleared) { this.clear(0,0,0,0,1,0,1); } var cacheBuffer = this.__backBufferTexture; this.__backBufferTexture = this.__frontBufferTexture; this.__frontBufferTexture = cacheBuffer; this.__state.__primaryGLFramebuffer = this.__backBufferTexture.__getGLFramebuffer(this.__state.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil,this.__backBufferAntiAlias,0); this.__cleared = false; } this.__present = true; } ,setBlendFactors: function(sourceFactor,destinationFactor) { this.setBlendFactorsSeparate(sourceFactor,destinationFactor,sourceFactor,destinationFactor); } ,setBlendFactorsSeparate: function(sourceRGBFactor,destinationRGBFactor,sourceAlphaFactor,destinationAlphaFactor) { this.__state.blendSourceRGBFactor = sourceRGBFactor; this.__state.blendDestinationRGBFactor = destinationRGBFactor; this.__state.blendSourceAlphaFactor = sourceAlphaFactor; this.__state.blendDestinationAlphaFactor = destinationAlphaFactor; this.__setGLBlendEquation(this.gl.FUNC_ADD); } ,setColorMask: function(red,green,blue,alpha) { this.__state.colorMaskRed = red; this.__state.colorMaskGreen = green; this.__state.colorMaskBlue = blue; this.__state.colorMaskAlpha = alpha; } ,setCulling: function(triangleFaceToCull) { this.__state.culling = triangleFaceToCull; } ,setDepthTest: function(depthMask,passCompareMode) { this.__state.depthMask = depthMask; this.__state.depthCompareMode = passCompareMode; } ,setProgram: function(program) { this.__state.program = program; this.__state.shader = null; if(program != null) { var _g1 = 0; var _g = program.__samplerStates.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.__state.samplerStates[i] == null) { this.__state.samplerStates[i] = program.__samplerStates[i].clone(); } else { this.__state.samplerStates[i].copyFrom(program.__samplerStates[i]); } } } } ,setProgramConstantsFromByteArray: function(programType,firstRegister,numRegisters,data,byteArrayOffset) { if(numRegisters == 0 || this.__state.program == null) { return; } if(!(this.__state.program != null && this.__state.program.__format == 1)) { if(numRegisters == -1) { numRegisters = (openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(data) >>> 2) - byteArrayOffset; } var isVertex = programType == 1; var dest = isVertex ? this.__vertexConstants : this.__fragmentConstants; var bytes = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(data); var len = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(data); var floatData = len == null ? new Float32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,0) : new Float32Array(bytes.b.bufferValue,0,len); var outOffset = firstRegister * 4; var inOffset = _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(byteArrayOffset) / _$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(4) | 0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numRegisters * 4; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; dest[outOffset + i] = floatData[inOffset + i]; } if(this.__state.program != null) { this.__state.program.__markDirty(isVertex,firstRegister,numRegisters); } } } ,setProgramConstantsFromMatrix: function(programType,firstRegister,matrix,transposedMatrix) { if(transposedMatrix == null) { transposedMatrix = false; } if(this.__state.program != null && this.__state.program.__format == 1) { this.__flushGLProgram(); var this1 = new Float32Array(16); var data = this1; var _g = 0; while(_g < 16) { var i = _g++; data[i] = matrix.rawData.get(i); } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix4fv(this.gl,firstRegister,transposedMatrix,data); } else { var isVertex = programType == 1; var dest = isVertex ? this.__vertexConstants : this.__fragmentConstants; var source = matrix.rawData; var i1 = firstRegister * 4; if(transposedMatrix) { dest[i1++] = source.get(0); dest[i1++] = source.get(4); dest[i1++] = source.get(8); dest[i1++] = source.get(12); dest[i1++] = source.get(1); dest[i1++] = source.get(5); dest[i1++] = source.get(9); dest[i1++] = source.get(13); dest[i1++] = source.get(2); dest[i1++] = source.get(6); dest[i1++] = source.get(10); dest[i1++] = source.get(14); dest[i1++] = source.get(3); dest[i1++] = source.get(7); dest[i1++] = source.get(11); dest[i1++] = source.get(15); } else { dest[i1++] = source.get(0); dest[i1++] = source.get(1); dest[i1++] = source.get(2); dest[i1++] = source.get(3); dest[i1++] = source.get(4); dest[i1++] = source.get(5); dest[i1++] = source.get(6); dest[i1++] = source.get(7); dest[i1++] = source.get(8); dest[i1++] = source.get(9); dest[i1++] = source.get(10); dest[i1++] = source.get(11); dest[i1++] = source.get(12); dest[i1++] = source.get(13); dest[i1++] = source.get(14); dest[i1++] = source.get(15); } if(this.__state.program != null) { this.__state.program.__markDirty(isVertex,firstRegister,4); } } } ,setProgramConstantsFromVector: function(programType,firstRegister,data,numRegisters) { if(numRegisters == null) { numRegisters = -1; } if(numRegisters == 0) { return; } if(!(this.__state.program != null && this.__state.program.__format == 1)) { if(numRegisters == -1) { numRegisters = data.get_length() >> 2; } var isVertex = programType == 1; var dest = isVertex ? this.__vertexConstants : this.__fragmentConstants; var source = data; var sourceIndex = 0; var destIndex = firstRegister * 4; var _g1 = 0; var _g = numRegisters; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; dest[destIndex++] = source.get(sourceIndex++); dest[destIndex++] = source.get(sourceIndex++); dest[destIndex++] = source.get(sourceIndex++); dest[destIndex++] = source.get(sourceIndex++); } if(this.__state.program != null) { this.__state.program.__markDirty(isVertex,firstRegister,numRegisters); } } } ,setRenderToBackBuffer: function() { this.__state.renderToTexture = null; } ,setRenderToTexture: function(texture,enableDepthAndStencil,antiAlias,surfaceSelector) { if(surfaceSelector == null) { surfaceSelector = 0; } if(antiAlias == null) { antiAlias = 0; } if(enableDepthAndStencil == null) { enableDepthAndStencil = false; } this.__state.renderToTexture = texture; this.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil = enableDepthAndStencil; this.__state.renderToTextureAntiAlias = antiAlias; this.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector = surfaceSelector; } ,setSamplerStateAt: function(sampler,wrap,filter,mipfilter) { if(this.__state.samplerStates[sampler] == null) { this.__state.samplerStates[sampler] = new openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState(); } var state = this.__state.samplerStates[sampler]; state.wrap = wrap; state.filter = filter; state.mipfilter = mipfilter; } ,setScissorRectangle: function(rectangle) { if(rectangle != null) { this.__state.scissorEnabled = true; this.__state.scissorRectangle.copyFrom(rectangle); } else { this.__state.scissorEnabled = false; } } ,setStencilActions: function(triangleFace,compareMode,actionOnBothPass,actionOnDepthFail,actionOnDepthPassStencilFail) { if(actionOnDepthPassStencilFail == null) { actionOnDepthPassStencilFail = 5; } if(actionOnDepthFail == null) { actionOnDepthFail = 5; } if(actionOnBothPass == null) { actionOnBothPass = 5; } if(compareMode == null) { compareMode = 0; } if(triangleFace == null) { triangleFace = 2; } this.__state.stencilTriangleFace = triangleFace; this.__state.stencilCompareMode = compareMode; this.__state.stencilPass = actionOnBothPass; this.__state.stencilDepthFail = actionOnDepthFail; this.__state.stencilFail = actionOnDepthPassStencilFail; } ,setStencilReferenceValue: function(referenceValue,readMask,writeMask) { if(writeMask == null) { writeMask = 255; } if(readMask == null) { readMask = 255; } this.__state.stencilReferenceValue = referenceValue; this.__state.stencilReadMask = readMask; this.__state.stencilWriteMask = writeMask; } ,setTextureAt: function(sampler,texture) { this.__state.textures[sampler] = texture; } ,setVertexBufferAt: function(index,buffer,bufferOffset,format) { if(format == null) { format = 4; } if(bufferOffset == null) { bufferOffset = 0; } if(buffer == null) { this.gl.disableVertexAttribArray(index); this.__bindGLArrayBuffer(null); return; } this.__bindGLArrayBuffer(buffer.__id); this.gl.enableVertexAttribArray(index); var byteOffset = bufferOffset * 4; switch(format) { case 0: this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(index,4,this.gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,true,buffer.__stride,byteOffset); break; case 1: this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(index,1,this.gl.FLOAT,false,buffer.__stride,byteOffset); break; case 2: this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(index,2,this.gl.FLOAT,false,buffer.__stride,byteOffset); break; case 3: this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(index,3,this.gl.FLOAT,false,buffer.__stride,byteOffset); break; case 4: this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(index,4,this.gl.FLOAT,false,buffer.__stride,byteOffset); break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } } ,__bindGLArrayBuffer: function(buffer) { if(this.__contextState.__currentGLArrayBuffer != buffer) { this.gl.bindBuffer(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,buffer); this.__contextState.__currentGLArrayBuffer = buffer; } } ,__bindGLElementArrayBuffer: function(buffer) { if(this.__contextState.__currentGLElementArrayBuffer != buffer) { this.gl.bindBuffer(this.gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,buffer); this.__contextState.__currentGLElementArrayBuffer = buffer; } } ,__bindGLFramebuffer: function(framebuffer) { if(this.__contextState.__currentGLFramebuffer != framebuffer) { this.gl.bindFramebuffer(this.gl.FRAMEBUFFER,framebuffer); this.__contextState.__currentGLFramebuffer = framebuffer; } } ,__bindGLTexture2D: function(texture) { this.gl.bindTexture(this.gl.TEXTURE_2D,texture); this.__contextState.__currentGLTexture2D = texture; } ,__bindGLTextureCubeMap: function(texture) { this.gl.bindTexture(this.gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP,texture); this.__contextState.__currentGLTextureCubeMap = texture; } ,__dispose: function() { this.driverInfo += " (Disposed)"; if(this.__stage3D != null) { this.__stage3D.__indexBuffer = null; this.__stage3D.__vertexBuffer = null; this.__stage3D.context3D = null; this.__stage3D = null; } this.__backBufferTexture = null; this.__context = null; this.__renderStage3DProgram = null; this.__fragmentConstants = null; this.__frontBufferTexture = null; this.__positionScale = null; this.__present = false; this.__quadIndexBuffer = null; this.__stage = null; this.__vertexConstants = null; } ,__drawTriangles: function(firstIndex,count) { if(firstIndex == null) { firstIndex = 0; } if(this.__state.renderToTexture == null) { if(this.__stage.context3D == this && !this.__stage.__renderer.__cleared) { this.__stage.__renderer.__clear(); } else if(!this.__cleared) { this.clear(0,0,0,0,1,0,1); } } this.__flushGL(); if(this.__state.program != null) { this.__state.program.__flush(); } this.gl.drawArrays(this.gl.TRIANGLES,firstIndex,count); } ,__flushGL: function() { this.__flushGLProgram(); this.__flushGLFramebuffer(); this.__flushGLViewport(); this.__flushGLBlend(); if(this.__contextState.colorMaskRed != this.__state.colorMaskRed || this.__contextState.colorMaskGreen != this.__state.colorMaskGreen || this.__contextState.colorMaskBlue != this.__state.colorMaskBlue || this.__contextState.colorMaskAlpha != this.__state.colorMaskAlpha) { this.gl.colorMask(this.__state.colorMaskRed,this.__state.colorMaskGreen,this.__state.colorMaskBlue,this.__state.colorMaskAlpha); this.__contextState.colorMaskRed = this.__state.colorMaskRed; this.__contextState.colorMaskGreen = this.__state.colorMaskGreen; this.__contextState.colorMaskBlue = this.__state.colorMaskBlue; this.__contextState.colorMaskAlpha = this.__state.colorMaskAlpha; } this.__flushGLCulling(); this.__flushGLDepth(); this.__flushGLScissor(); this.__flushGLStencil(); this.__flushGLTextures(); } ,__flushGLBlend: function() { if(this.__contextState.blendDestinationRGBFactor != this.__state.blendDestinationRGBFactor || this.__contextState.blendSourceRGBFactor != this.__state.blendSourceRGBFactor || this.__contextState.blendDestinationAlphaFactor != this.__state.blendDestinationAlphaFactor || this.__contextState.blendSourceAlphaFactor != this.__state.blendSourceAlphaFactor) { this.__setGLBlend(true); if(this.__state.blendDestinationRGBFactor == this.__state.blendDestinationAlphaFactor && this.__state.blendSourceRGBFactor == this.__state.blendSourceAlphaFactor) { this.gl.blendFunc(this.__getGLBlend(this.__state.blendSourceRGBFactor),this.__getGLBlend(this.__state.blendDestinationRGBFactor)); } else { this.gl.blendFuncSeparate(this.__getGLBlend(this.__state.blendSourceRGBFactor),this.__getGLBlend(this.__state.blendDestinationRGBFactor),this.__getGLBlend(this.__state.blendSourceAlphaFactor),this.__getGLBlend(this.__state.blendDestinationAlphaFactor)); } this.__contextState.blendDestinationRGBFactor = this.__state.blendDestinationRGBFactor; this.__contextState.blendSourceRGBFactor = this.__state.blendSourceRGBFactor; this.__contextState.blendDestinationAlphaFactor = this.__state.blendDestinationAlphaFactor; this.__contextState.blendSourceAlphaFactor = this.__state.blendSourceAlphaFactor; } } ,__flushGLColor: function() { if(this.__contextState.colorMaskRed != this.__state.colorMaskRed || this.__contextState.colorMaskGreen != this.__state.colorMaskGreen || this.__contextState.colorMaskBlue != this.__state.colorMaskBlue || this.__contextState.colorMaskAlpha != this.__state.colorMaskAlpha) { this.gl.colorMask(this.__state.colorMaskRed,this.__state.colorMaskGreen,this.__state.colorMaskBlue,this.__state.colorMaskAlpha); this.__contextState.colorMaskRed = this.__state.colorMaskRed; this.__contextState.colorMaskGreen = this.__state.colorMaskGreen; this.__contextState.colorMaskBlue = this.__state.colorMaskBlue; this.__contextState.colorMaskAlpha = this.__state.colorMaskAlpha; } } ,__flushGLCulling: function() { if(this.__contextState.culling != this.__state.culling) { if(this.__state.culling == 3) { this.__setGLCullFace(false); } else { this.__setGLCullFace(true); var _g = this.__state.culling; switch(_g) { case 0: this.gl.cullFace(this.gl.BACK); break; case 1: this.gl.cullFace(this.gl.FRONT); break; case 2: this.gl.cullFace(this.gl.FRONT_AND_BACK); break; case 3: break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } } this.__contextState.culling = this.__state.culling; } } ,__flushGLDepth: function() { var depthMask = this.__state.depthMask && (this.__state.renderToTexture != null ? this.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil : this.__state.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil); if(this.__contextState.depthMask != depthMask) { this.gl.depthMask(depthMask); this.__contextState.depthMask = depthMask; } if(this.__contextState.depthCompareMode != this.__state.depthCompareMode) { var _g = this.__state.depthCompareMode; switch(_g) { case 0: this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.ALWAYS); break; case 1: this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.EQUAL); break; case 2: this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.GREATER); break; case 3: this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.GEQUAL); break; case 4: this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.LESS); break; case 5: this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.LEQUAL); break; case 6: this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.NEVER); break; case 7: this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.NOTEQUAL); break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } this.__contextState.depthCompareMode = this.__state.depthCompareMode; } } ,__flushGLFramebuffer: function() { if(this.__state.renderToTexture != null) { if(this.__contextState.renderToTexture != this.__state.renderToTexture || this.__contextState.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector != this.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector) { var framebuffer = this.__state.renderToTexture.__getGLFramebuffer(this.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil,this.__state.renderToTextureAntiAlias,this.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector); this.__bindGLFramebuffer(framebuffer); this.__contextState.renderToTexture = this.__state.renderToTexture; this.__contextState.renderToTextureAntiAlias = this.__state.renderToTextureAntiAlias; this.__contextState.renderToTextureDepthStencil = this.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil; this.__contextState.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector = this.__state.renderToTextureSurfaceSelector; } this.__setGLDepthTest(this.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil); this.__setGLStencilTest(this.__state.renderToTextureDepthStencil); this.__setGLFrontFace(true); } else { if(this.__stage == null && this.backBufferWidth == 0 && this.backBufferHeight == 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_Error("Context3D backbuffer has not been configured")); } if(this.__contextState.renderToTexture != null || this.__contextState.__currentGLFramebuffer != this.__state.__primaryGLFramebuffer || this.__contextState.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil != this.__state.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil) { this.__bindGLFramebuffer(this.__state.__primaryGLFramebuffer); this.__contextState.renderToTexture = null; this.__contextState.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil = this.__state.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil; } this.__setGLDepthTest(this.__state.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil); this.__setGLStencilTest(this.__state.backBufferEnableDepthAndStencil); this.__setGLFrontFace(this.__stage.context3D != this); } } ,__flushGLProgram: function() { var shader = this.__state.shader; var program = this.__state.program; if(this.__contextState.shader != shader) { if(this.__contextState.shader != null) { this.__contextState.shader.__disable(); } if(shader != null) { shader.__enable(); } this.__contextState.shader = shader; } if(this.__contextState.program != program) { if(this.__contextState.program != null) { this.__contextState.program.__disable(); } if(program != null) { program.__enable(); } this.__contextState.program = program; } if(program != null && program.__format == 0) { this.__positionScale[1] = this.__stage.context3D == this && this.__state.renderToTexture == null ? 1.0 : -1.0; program.__setPositionScale(this.__positionScale); } } ,__flushGLScissor: function() { if(!this.__state.scissorEnabled) { if(this.__contextState.scissorEnabled != this.__state.scissorEnabled) { this.__setGLScissorTest(false); this.__contextState.scissorEnabled = false; } } else { this.__setGLScissorTest(true); this.__contextState.scissorEnabled = true; var scissorX = this.__state.scissorRectangle.x | 0; var scissorY = this.__state.scissorRectangle.y | 0; var scissorWidth = this.__state.scissorRectangle.width | 0; var scissorHeight = this.__state.scissorRectangle.height | 0; if(this.__state.renderToTexture == null && this.__stage3D == null) { var contextHeight = this.__stage.window.__height * this.__stage.window.__scale | 0; scissorY = contextHeight - (this.__state.scissorRectangle.height | 0) - scissorY; } if(this.__contextState.scissorRectangle.x != scissorX || this.__contextState.scissorRectangle.y != scissorY || this.__contextState.scissorRectangle.width != scissorWidth || this.__contextState.scissorRectangle.height != scissorHeight) { this.gl.scissor(scissorX,scissorY,scissorWidth,scissorHeight); this.__contextState.scissorRectangle.setTo(scissorX,scissorY,scissorWidth,scissorHeight); } } } ,__flushGLStencil: function() { if(this.__contextState.stencilTriangleFace != this.__state.stencilTriangleFace || this.__contextState.stencilPass != this.__state.stencilPass || this.__contextState.stencilDepthFail != this.__state.stencilDepthFail || this.__contextState.stencilFail != this.__state.stencilFail) { this.gl.stencilOpSeparate(this.__getGLTriangleFace(this.__state.stencilTriangleFace),this.__getGLStencilAction(this.__state.stencilFail),this.__getGLStencilAction(this.__state.stencilDepthFail),this.__getGLStencilAction(this.__state.stencilPass)); this.__contextState.stencilTriangleFace = this.__state.stencilTriangleFace; this.__contextState.stencilPass = this.__state.stencilPass; this.__contextState.stencilDepthFail = this.__state.stencilDepthFail; this.__contextState.stencilFail = this.__state.stencilFail; } if(this.__contextState.stencilWriteMask != this.__state.stencilWriteMask) { this.gl.stencilMask(this.__state.stencilWriteMask); this.__contextState.stencilWriteMask = this.__state.stencilWriteMask; } if(this.__contextState.stencilCompareMode != this.__state.stencilCompareMode || this.__contextState.stencilReferenceValue != this.__state.stencilReferenceValue || this.__contextState.stencilReadMask != this.__state.stencilReadMask) { this.gl.stencilFunc(this.__getGLCompareMode(this.__state.stencilCompareMode),this.__state.stencilReferenceValue,this.__state.stencilReadMask); this.__contextState.stencilCompareMode = this.__state.stencilCompareMode; this.__contextState.stencilReferenceValue = this.__state.stencilReferenceValue; this.__contextState.stencilReadMask = this.__state.stencilReadMask; } } ,__flushGLTextures: function() { var sampler = 0; var texture; var samplerState; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__state.textures.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; texture = this.__state.textures[i]; samplerState = this.__state.samplerStates[i]; if(samplerState == null) { this.__state.samplerStates[i] = new openfl__$internal_renderer_SamplerState(); samplerState = this.__state.samplerStates[i]; } this.gl.activeTexture(this.gl.TEXTURE0 + sampler); if(texture != null) { if(texture.__textureTarget == this.gl.TEXTURE_2D) { this.__bindGLTexture2D(texture.__getTexture()); } else { this.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(texture.__getTexture()); } this.__contextState.textures[i] = texture; texture.__setSamplerState(samplerState); } else { this.__bindGLTexture2D(null); } if(this.__state.program != null && this.__state.program.__format == 0 && samplerState.textureAlpha) { this.gl.activeTexture(this.gl.TEXTURE0 + sampler + 4); if(texture != null && texture.__alphaTexture != null) { if(texture.__alphaTexture.__textureTarget == this.gl.TEXTURE_2D) { this.__bindGLTexture2D(texture.__alphaTexture.__getTexture()); } else { this.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(texture.__alphaTexture.__getTexture()); } texture.__alphaTexture.__setSamplerState(samplerState); this.gl.uniform1i(this.__state.program.__agalAlphaSamplerEnabled[sampler].location,1); } else { this.__bindGLTexture2D(null); this.gl.uniform1i(this.__state.program.__agalAlphaSamplerEnabled[sampler].location,0); } } ++sampler; } } ,__flushGLViewport: function() { if(this.__state.renderToTexture == null) { if(this.__stage.context3D == this) { var x = this.__stage3D == null ? 0 : this.__stage3D.get_x() | 0; var y = this.__stage.window.__height * this.__stage.window.__scale - this.backBufferHeight - (this.__stage3D == null ? 0 : this.__stage3D.get_y()) | 0; this.gl.viewport(x,y,this.backBufferWidth,this.backBufferHeight); } else { this.gl.viewport(0,0,this.backBufferWidth,this.backBufferHeight); } } else { var width = 0; var height = 0; if(js_Boot.__instanceof(this.__state.renderToTexture,openfl_display3D_textures_Texture)) { var texture2D = this.__state.renderToTexture; width = texture2D.__width; height = texture2D.__height; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(this.__state.renderToTexture,openfl_display3D_textures_RectangleTexture)) { var rectTexture = this.__state.renderToTexture; width = rectTexture.__width; height = rectTexture.__height; } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(this.__state.renderToTexture,openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture)) { var cubeTexture = this.__state.renderToTexture; width = cubeTexture.__size; height = cubeTexture.__size; } this.gl.viewport(0,0,width,height); } } ,__getGLBlend: function(blendFactor) { switch(blendFactor) { case 0: return this.gl.DST_ALPHA; case 1: return this.gl.DST_COLOR; case 2: return this.gl.ONE; case 3: return this.gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA; case 4: return this.gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR; case 5: return this.gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; case 6: return this.gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR; case 7: return this.gl.SRC_ALPHA; case 8: return this.gl.SRC_COLOR; case 9: return this.gl.ZERO; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } } ,__getGLCompareMode: function(mode) { switch(mode) { case 0: return this.gl.ALWAYS; case 1: return this.gl.EQUAL; case 2: return this.gl.GREATER; case 3: return this.gl.GEQUAL; case 4: return this.gl.LESS; case 5: return this.gl.LEQUAL; case 6: return this.gl.NEVER; case 7: return this.gl.NOTEQUAL; default: return this.gl.EQUAL; } } ,__getGLStencilAction: function(action) { switch(action) { case 0: return this.gl.DECR; case 1: return this.gl.DECR_WRAP; case 2: return this.gl.INCR; case 3: return this.gl.INCR_WRAP; case 4: return this.gl.INVERT; case 5: return this.gl.KEEP; case 6: return this.gl.REPLACE; case 7: return this.gl.ZERO; default: return this.gl.KEEP; } } ,__getGLTriangleFace: function(face) { switch(face) { case 0: return this.gl.BACK; case 1: return this.gl.FRONT; case 2: return this.gl.FRONT_AND_BACK; case 3: return this.gl.NONE; default: return this.gl.FRONT_AND_BACK; } } ,__renderStage3D: function(stage3D) { var context = stage3D.context3D; if(context != null && context != this && context.__frontBufferTexture != null && stage3D.visible && this.backBufferHeight > 0 && this.backBufferWidth > 0) { if(this.__renderStage3DProgram == null) { var vertexAssembler = new openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler(); vertexAssembler.assemble(openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramType_Context3DProgramType_$Impl_$.toString(1),"m44 op, va0, vc0\n" + "mov v0, va1"); var fragmentAssembler = new openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler(); fragmentAssembler.assemble(openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramType_Context3DProgramType_$Impl_$.toString(0),"tex ft1, v0, fs0 <2d,nearest,nomip>\n" + "mov oc, ft1"); this.__renderStage3DProgram = this.createProgram(); this.__renderStage3DProgram.upload(vertexAssembler.agalcode,fragmentAssembler.agalcode); } this.setProgram(this.__renderStage3DProgram); this.setBlendFactors(2,9); this.setColorMask(true,true,true,true); this.setCulling(3); this.setDepthTest(false,0); this.setStencilActions(); this.setStencilReferenceValue(0,0,0); this.setScissorRectangle(null); this.setTextureAt(0,context.__frontBufferTexture); this.setVertexBufferAt(0,stage3D.__vertexBuffer,0,3); this.setVertexBufferAt(1,stage3D.__vertexBuffer,3,2); this.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(1,0,stage3D.__renderTransform,true); this.drawTriangles(stage3D.__indexBuffer); this.__present = true; } } ,__setGLBlend: function(enable) { if(this.__contextState.__enableGLBlend != enable) { if(enable) { this.gl.enable(this.gl.BLEND); } else { this.gl.disable(this.gl.BLEND); } this.__contextState.__enableGLBlend = enable; } } ,__setGLBlendEquation: function(value) { if(this.__contextState.__glBlendEquation != value) { this.gl.blendEquation(value); this.__contextState.__glBlendEquation = value; } } ,__setGLCullFace: function(enable) { if(this.__contextState.__enableGLCullFace != enable) { if(enable) { this.gl.enable(this.gl.CULL_FACE); } else { this.gl.disable(this.gl.CULL_FACE); } this.__contextState.__enableGLCullFace = enable; } } ,__setGLDepthTest: function(enable) { if(this.__contextState.__enableGLDepthTest != enable) { if(enable) { this.gl.enable(this.gl.DEPTH_TEST); } else { this.gl.disable(this.gl.DEPTH_TEST); } this.__contextState.__enableGLDepthTest = enable; } } ,__setGLFrontFace: function(counterClockWise) { if(this.__contextState.__frontFaceGLCCW != counterClockWise) { this.gl.frontFace(counterClockWise ? this.gl.CCW : this.gl.CW); this.__contextState.__frontFaceGLCCW = counterClockWise; } } ,__setGLScissorTest: function(enable) { if(this.__contextState.__enableGLScissorTest != enable) { if(enable) { this.gl.enable(this.gl.SCISSOR_TEST); } else { this.gl.disable(this.gl.SCISSOR_TEST); } this.__contextState.__enableGLScissorTest = enable; } } ,__setGLStencilTest: function(enable) { if(this.__contextState.__enableGLStencilTest != enable) { if(enable) { this.gl.enable(this.gl.STENCIL_TEST); } else { this.gl.disable(this.gl.STENCIL_TEST); } this.__contextState.__enableGLStencilTest = enable; } } ,get_enableErrorChecking: function() { return this.__enableErrorChecking; } ,set_enableErrorChecking: function(value) { return this.__enableErrorChecking = value; } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_Context3D ,__properties__: {set_enableErrorChecking:"set_enableErrorChecking",get_enableErrorChecking:"get_enableErrorChecking"} }); var openfl_display3D__$Context3DBlendFactor_Context3DBlendFactor_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DBlendFactor.Context3DBlendFactor_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DBlendFactor_Context3DBlendFactor_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DBlendFactor_Context3DBlendFactor_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DBlendFactor","Context3DBlendFactor_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DBlendFactor_Context3DBlendFactor_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "destinationAlpha": return 0; case "destinationColor": return 1; case "one": return 2; case "oneMinusDestinationAlpha": return 3; case "oneMinusDestinationColor": return 4; case "oneMinusSourceAlpha": return 5; case "oneMinusSourceColor": return 6; case "sourceAlpha": return 7; case "sourceColor": return 8; case "zero": return 9; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DBlendFactor_Context3DBlendFactor_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "destinationAlpha"; case 1: return "destinationColor"; case 2: return "one"; case 3: return "oneMinusDestinationAlpha"; case 4: return "oneMinusDestinationColor"; case 5: return "oneMinusSourceAlpha"; case 6: return "oneMinusSourceColor"; case 7: return "sourceAlpha"; case 8: return "sourceColor"; case 9: return "zero"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DBufferUsage_Context3DBufferUsage_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DBufferUsage.Context3DBufferUsage_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DBufferUsage_Context3DBufferUsage_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DBufferUsage_Context3DBufferUsage_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DBufferUsage","Context3DBufferUsage_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DBufferUsage_Context3DBufferUsage_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "dynamicDraw": return 0; case "staticDraw": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DBufferUsage_Context3DBufferUsage_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "dynamicDraw"; case 1: return "staticDraw"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DCompareMode_Context3DCompareMode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DCompareMode.Context3DCompareMode_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DCompareMode_Context3DCompareMode_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DCompareMode_Context3DCompareMode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DCompareMode","Context3DCompareMode_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DCompareMode_Context3DCompareMode_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "always": return 0; case "equal": return 1; case "greater": return 2; case "greaterEqual": return 3; case "less": return 4; case "lessEqual": return 5; case "never": return 6; case "notEqual": return 7; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DCompareMode_Context3DCompareMode_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "always"; case 1: return "equal"; case 2: return "greater"; case 3: return "greaterEqual"; case 4: return "less"; case 5: return "lessEqual"; case 6: return "never"; case 7: return "notEqual"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DMipFilter_Context3DMipFilter_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DMipFilter.Context3DMipFilter_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DMipFilter_Context3DMipFilter_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DMipFilter_Context3DMipFilter_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DMipFilter","Context3DMipFilter_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DMipFilter_Context3DMipFilter_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "miplinear": return 0; case "mipnearest": return 1; case "mipnone": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DMipFilter_Context3DMipFilter_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "miplinear"; case 1: return "mipnearest"; case 2: return "mipnone"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DProfile_Context3DProfile_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DProfile.Context3DProfile_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DProfile_Context3DProfile_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProfile_Context3DProfile_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DProfile","Context3DProfile_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProfile_Context3DProfile_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "baseline": return 0; case "baselineConstrained": return 1; case "baselineExtended": return 2; case "standard": return 3; case "standardConstrained": return 4; case "standardExtended": return 5; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProfile_Context3DProfile_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "baseline"; case 1: return "baselineConstrained"; case 2: return "baselineExtended"; case 3: return "standard"; case 4: return "standardConstrained"; case 5: return "standardExtended"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramFormat_Context3DProgramFormat_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DProgramFormat.Context3DProgramFormat_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramFormat_Context3DProgramFormat_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramFormat_Context3DProgramFormat_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DProgramFormat","Context3DProgramFormat_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramFormat_Context3DProgramFormat_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "agal": return 0; case "glsl": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramFormat_Context3DProgramFormat_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "agal"; case 1: return "glsl"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramType_Context3DProgramType_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DProgramType.Context3DProgramType_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramType_Context3DProgramType_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramType_Context3DProgramType_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DProgramType","Context3DProgramType_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramType_Context3DProgramType_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "fragment": return 0; case "vertex": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DProgramType_Context3DProgramType_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "fragment"; case 1: return "vertex"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DRenderMode_Context3DRenderMode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DRenderMode.Context3DRenderMode_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DRenderMode_Context3DRenderMode_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DRenderMode_Context3DRenderMode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DRenderMode","Context3DRenderMode_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DRenderMode_Context3DRenderMode_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "auto": return 0; case "software": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DRenderMode_Context3DRenderMode_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "auto"; case 1: return "software"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DStencilAction_Context3DStencilAction_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DStencilAction.Context3DStencilAction_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DStencilAction_Context3DStencilAction_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DStencilAction_Context3DStencilAction_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DStencilAction","Context3DStencilAction_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DStencilAction_Context3DStencilAction_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "decrementSaturate": return 0; case "decrementWrap": return 1; case "incrementSaturate": return 2; case "incrementWrap": return 3; case "invert": return 4; case "keep": return 5; case "set": return 6; case "zero": return 7; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DStencilAction_Context3DStencilAction_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "decrementSaturate"; case 1: return "decrementWrap"; case 2: return "incrementSaturate"; case 3: return "incrementWrap"; case 4: return "invert"; case 5: return "keep"; case 6: return "set"; case 7: return "zero"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFilter_Context3DTextureFilter_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DTextureFilter.Context3DTextureFilter_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFilter_Context3DTextureFilter_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFilter_Context3DTextureFilter_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DTextureFilter","Context3DTextureFilter_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFilter_Context3DTextureFilter_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "anisotropic16x": return 0; case "anisotropic2x": return 1; case "anisotropic4x": return 2; case "anisotropic8x": return 3; case "linear": return 4; case "nearest": return 5; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFilter_Context3DTextureFilter_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "anisotropic16x"; case 1: return "anisotropic2x"; case 2: return "anisotropic4x"; case 3: return "anisotropic8x"; case 4: return "linear"; case 5: return "nearest"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFormat_Context3DTextureFormat_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DTextureFormat.Context3DTextureFormat_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFormat_Context3DTextureFormat_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFormat_Context3DTextureFormat_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DTextureFormat","Context3DTextureFormat_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFormat_Context3DTextureFormat_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "bgrPacked565": return 0; case "bgra": return 1; case "bgraPacked4444": return 2; case "compressed": return 3; case "compressedAlpha": return 4; case "rgbaHalfFloat": return 5; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTextureFormat_Context3DTextureFormat_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "bgrPacked565"; case 1: return "bgra"; case 2: return "bgraPacked4444"; case 3: return "compressed"; case 4: return "compressedAlpha"; case 5: return "rgbaHalfFloat"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DTriangleFace_Context3DTriangleFace_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DTriangleFace.Context3DTriangleFace_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DTriangleFace_Context3DTriangleFace_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTriangleFace_Context3DTriangleFace_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DTriangleFace","Context3DTriangleFace_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTriangleFace_Context3DTriangleFace_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "back": return 0; case "front": return 1; case "frontAndBack": return 2; case "none": return 3; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DTriangleFace_Context3DTriangleFace_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "back"; case 1: return "front"; case 2: return "frontAndBack"; case 3: return "none"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DVertexBufferFormat_Context3DVertexBufferFormat_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DVertexBufferFormat.Context3DVertexBufferFormat_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DVertexBufferFormat_Context3DVertexBufferFormat_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DVertexBufferFormat_Context3DVertexBufferFormat_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DVertexBufferFormat","Context3DVertexBufferFormat_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DVertexBufferFormat_Context3DVertexBufferFormat_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "bytes4": return 0; case "float1": return 1; case "float2": return 2; case "float3": return 3; case "float4": return 4; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DVertexBufferFormat_Context3DVertexBufferFormat_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "bytes4"; case 1: return "float1"; case 2: return "float2"; case 3: return "float3"; case 4: return "float4"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D__$Context3DWrapMode_Context3DWrapMode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D._Context3DWrapMode.Context3DWrapMode_Impl_"] = openfl_display3D__$Context3DWrapMode_Context3DWrapMode_$Impl_$; openfl_display3D__$Context3DWrapMode_Context3DWrapMode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","_Context3DWrapMode","Context3DWrapMode_Impl_"]; openfl_display3D__$Context3DWrapMode_Context3DWrapMode_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "clamp": return 0; case "clamp_u_repeat_v": return 1; case "repeat": return 2; case "repeat_u_clamp_v": return 3; default: return null; } }; openfl_display3D__$Context3DWrapMode_Context3DWrapMode_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "clamp"; case 1: return "clamp_u_repeat_v"; case 2: return "repeat"; case 3: return "repeat_u_clamp_v"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_display3D_IndexBuffer3D = function(context3D,numIndices,bufferUsage) { this.__context = context3D; this.__numIndices = numIndices; var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__elementType = gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT; this.__id = gl.createBuffer(); this.__usage = bufferUsage == 0 ? gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW : gl.STATIC_DRAW; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.IndexBuffer3D"] = openfl_display3D_IndexBuffer3D; openfl_display3D_IndexBuffer3D.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","IndexBuffer3D"]; openfl_display3D_IndexBuffer3D.prototype = { __context: null ,__elementType: null ,__id: null ,__memoryUsage: null ,__numIndices: null ,__tempUInt16Array: null ,__usage: null ,dispose: function() { var gl = this.__context.gl; gl.deleteBuffer(this.__id); } ,uploadFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset,startOffset,count) { var offset = byteArrayOffset + startOffset * 2; var buffer = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toArrayBuffer(data); var this1; if(buffer != null) { if(count == null) { this1 = new Uint16Array(buffer,offset); } else { this1 = new Uint16Array(buffer,offset,count); } } else { this1 = null; } this.uploadFromTypedArray(this1); } ,uploadFromTypedArray: function(data,byteLength) { if(byteLength == null) { byteLength = -1; } if(data == null) { return; } var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__context.__bindGLElementArrayBuffer(this.__id); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.bufferData(gl,gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,data,this.__usage); } ,uploadFromVector: function(data,startOffset,count) { if(data == null) { return; } var gl = this.__context.gl; var length = startOffset + count; var existingUInt16Array = this.__tempUInt16Array; if(this.__tempUInt16Array == null || this.__tempUInt16Array.length < count) { var this1; if(count != null) { this1 = new Uint16Array(count); } else { this1 = null; } this.__tempUInt16Array = this1; if(existingUInt16Array != null) { this.__tempUInt16Array.set(existingUInt16Array); } } var _g1 = startOffset; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__tempUInt16Array[i - startOffset] = data.get(i); } this.uploadFromTypedArray(this.__tempUInt16Array); } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_IndexBuffer3D }; var openfl_display3D_Program3D = function(context3D,format) { this.__context = context3D; this.__format = format; if(this.__format == 0) { this.__agalSamplerUsageMask = 0; this.__agalUniforms = new List(); this.__agalSamplerUniforms = new List(); this.__agalAlphaSamplerUniforms = new List(); this.__agalAlphaSamplerEnabled = []; } else { this.__glslAttribNames = []; this.__glslAttribTypes = []; this.__glslSamplerNames = []; this.__glslUniformLocations = []; this.__glslUniformNames = []; this.__glslUniformTypes = []; } this.__samplerStates = []; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.Program3D"] = openfl_display3D_Program3D; openfl_display3D_Program3D.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","Program3D"]; openfl_display3D_Program3D.prototype = { __agalAlphaSamplerEnabled: null ,__agalAlphaSamplerUniforms: null ,__agalFragmentUniformMap: null ,__agalPositionScale: null ,__agalSamplerUniforms: null ,__agalSamplerUsageMask: null ,__agalUniforms: null ,__agalVertexUniformMap: null ,__context: null ,__format: null ,__glFragmentShader: null ,__glFragmentSource: null ,__glProgram: null ,__glslAttribNames: null ,__glslAttribTypes: null ,__glslSamplerNames: null ,__glslUniformLocations: null ,__glslUniformNames: null ,__glslUniformTypes: null ,__glVertexShader: null ,__glVertexSource: null ,__samplerStates: null ,dispose: function() { this.__deleteShaders(); } ,getAttributeIndex: function(name) { if(this.__format == 0) { if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"va")) { return Std.parseInt(name.substring(2)); } else { return -1; } } else { var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__glslAttribNames.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.__glslAttribNames[i] == name) { return i; } } return -1; } } ,getConstantIndex: function(name) { if(this.__format == 0) { if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"vc")) { return Std.parseInt(name.substring(2)); } else if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"fc")) { return Std.parseInt(name.substring(2)); } else { return -1; } } else { var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__glslUniformNames.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.__glslUniformNames[i] == name) { return this.__glslUniformLocations[i]; } } return -1; } } ,upload: function(vertexProgram,fragmentProgram) { if(this.__format != 0) { return; } var samplerStates = []; var glslVertex = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.convertToGLSL(vertexProgram,null); var glslFragment = openfl__$internal_formats_agal_AGALConverter.convertToGLSL(fragmentProgram,samplerStates); if(lime_utils_Log.level == 5) { lime_utils_Log.info(glslVertex,{ fileName : "Program3D.hx", lineNumber : 180, className : "openfl.display3D.Program3D", methodName : "upload"}); lime_utils_Log.info(glslFragment,{ fileName : "Program3D.hx", lineNumber : 181, className : "openfl.display3D.Program3D", methodName : "upload"}); } this.__deleteShaders(); this.__uploadFromGLSL(glslVertex,glslFragment); this.__buildAGALUniformList(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = samplerStates.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__samplerStates[i] = samplerStates[i]; } } ,uploadSources: function(vertexSource,fragmentSource) { if(this.__format != 1) { return; } var prefix = "#ifdef GL_ES\n\t\t\t#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\n\t\t\tprecision highp float;\n\t\t\t#else\n\t\t\tprecision mediump float;\n\t\t\t#endif\n\t\t\t#endif\n\t\t\t"; var vertex = prefix + vertexSource; var fragment = prefix + fragmentSource; if(vertex == this.__glVertexSource && fragment == this.__glFragmentSource) { return; } this.__processGLSLData(vertexSource,"attribute"); this.__processGLSLData(vertexSource,"uniform"); this.__processGLSLData(fragmentSource,"uniform"); this.__deleteShaders(); this.__uploadFromGLSL(vertex,fragment); var samplerNames = this.__glslSamplerNames; var attribNames = this.__glslAttribNames; var attribTypes = this.__glslAttribTypes; var uniformNames = this.__glslUniformNames; var uniformTypes = this.__glslUniformTypes; this.__glslSamplerNames = []; this.__glslAttribNames = []; this.__glslAttribTypes = []; this.__glslUniformLocations = []; var gl = this.__context.gl; var index; var location; var _g = 0; while(_g < samplerNames.length) { var name = samplerNames[_g]; ++_g; index = gl.getUniformLocation(this.__glProgram,name); this.__glslSamplerNames[index] = name; } var _g1 = 0; var _g2 = attribNames.length; while(_g1 < _g2) { var i = _g1++; index = gl.getAttribLocation(this.__glProgram,attribNames[i]); this.__glslAttribNames[index] = attribNames[i]; this.__glslAttribTypes[index] = attribTypes[i]; } var _g11 = 0; var _g3 = uniformNames.length; while(_g11 < _g3) { var i1 = _g11++; location = gl.getUniformLocation(this.__glProgram,uniformNames[i1]); this.__glslUniformLocations[i1] = location; } } ,__buildAGALUniformList: function() { if(this.__format == 1) { return; } var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__agalUniforms.clear(); this.__agalSamplerUniforms.clear(); this.__agalAlphaSamplerUniforms.clear(); this.__agalAlphaSamplerEnabled = []; this.__agalSamplerUsageMask = 0; var numActive = 0; numActive = gl.getProgramParameter(this.__glProgram,gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS); var vertexUniforms = new List(); var fragmentUniforms = new List(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = numActive; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var info = gl.getActiveUniform(this.__glProgram,i); var name = info.name; var size = info.size; var uniformType = info.type; var uniform = new openfl_display3D_Uniform(this.__context); uniform.name = name; uniform.size = size; uniform.type = uniformType; uniform.location = gl.getUniformLocation(this.__glProgram,uniform.name); var indexBracket = uniform.name.indexOf("["); if(indexBracket >= 0) { uniform.name = uniform.name.substring(0,indexBracket); } var _g2 = uniform.type; switch(_g2) { case 35674: uniform.regCount = 2; break; case 35675: uniform.regCount = 3; break; case 35676: uniform.regCount = 4; break; default: uniform.regCount = 1; } uniform.regCount *= uniform.size; this.__agalUniforms.add(uniform); if(uniform.name == "vcPositionScale") { this.__agalPositionScale = uniform; } else if(StringTools.startsWith(uniform.name,"vc")) { uniform.regIndex = Std.parseInt(uniform.name.substring(2)); uniform.regData = this.__context.__vertexConstants; vertexUniforms.add(uniform); } else if(StringTools.startsWith(uniform.name,"fc")) { uniform.regIndex = Std.parseInt(uniform.name.substring(2)); uniform.regData = this.__context.__fragmentConstants; fragmentUniforms.add(uniform); } else if(StringTools.startsWith(uniform.name,"sampler") && uniform.name.indexOf("alpha") == -1) { uniform.regIndex = Std.parseInt(uniform.name.substring(7)); this.__agalSamplerUniforms.add(uniform); var _g4 = 0; var _g3 = uniform.regCount; while(_g4 < _g3) { var reg = _g4++; this.__agalSamplerUsageMask |= 1 << uniform.regIndex + reg; } } else if(StringTools.startsWith(uniform.name,"sampler") && StringTools.endsWith(uniform.name,"_alpha")) { var len = uniform.name.indexOf("_") - 7; uniform.regIndex = Std.parseInt(uniform.name.substring(7,7 + len)) + 4; this.__agalAlphaSamplerUniforms.add(uniform); } else if(StringTools.startsWith(uniform.name,"sampler") && StringTools.endsWith(uniform.name,"_alphaEnabled")) { uniform.regIndex = Std.parseInt(uniform.name.substring(7)); this.__agalAlphaSamplerEnabled[uniform.regIndex] = uniform; } if(lime_utils_Log.level == 5) { haxe_Log.trace("" + i + " name:" + uniform.name + " type:" + uniform.type + " size:" + uniform.size + " location:" + Std.string(uniform.location),{ fileName : "Program3D.hx", lineNumber : 365, className : "openfl.display3D.Program3D", methodName : "__buildAGALUniformList"}); } } this.__agalVertexUniformMap = new openfl_display3D_UniformMap(Lambda.array(vertexUniforms)); this.__agalFragmentUniformMap = new openfl_display3D_UniformMap(Lambda.array(fragmentUniforms)); } ,__deleteShaders: function() { var gl = this.__context.gl; if(this.__glProgram != null) { this.__glProgram = null; } if(this.__glVertexShader != null) { gl.deleteShader(this.__glVertexShader); this.__glVertexShader = null; } if(this.__glFragmentShader != null) { gl.deleteShader(this.__glFragmentShader); this.__glFragmentShader = null; } } ,__disable: function() { var tmp = this.__format == 1; } ,__enable: function() { var gl = this.__context.gl; gl.useProgram(this.__glProgram); if(this.__format == 0) { this.__agalVertexUniformMap.markAllDirty(); this.__agalFragmentUniformMap.markAllDirty(); var _g_head = this.__agalSamplerUniforms.h; while(_g_head != null) { var val = _g_head.item; _g_head = _g_head.next; var sampler = val; if(sampler.regCount == 1) { gl.uniform1i(sampler.location,sampler.regIndex); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("!!! TODO: uniform location on webgl")); } } var _g_head1 = this.__agalAlphaSamplerUniforms.h; while(_g_head1 != null) { var val1 = _g_head1.item; _g_head1 = _g_head1.next; var sampler1 = val1; if(sampler1.regCount == 1) { gl.uniform1i(sampler1.location,sampler1.regIndex); } else { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError("!!! TODO: uniform location on webgl")); } } } } ,__flush: function() { if(this.__format == 0) { this.__agalVertexUniformMap.flush(); this.__agalFragmentUniformMap.flush(); } else { return; } } ,__getSamplerState: function(sampler) { return this.__samplerStates[sampler]; } ,__markDirty: function(isVertex,index,count) { if(this.__format == 1) { return; } if(isVertex) { this.__agalVertexUniformMap.markDirty(index,count); } else { this.__agalFragmentUniformMap.markDirty(index,count); } } ,__processGLSLData: function(source,storageType) { var lastMatch = 0; var position; var regex; var name; var type; if(storageType == "uniform") { regex = new EReg("uniform ([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)",""); } else { regex = new EReg("attribute ([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)",""); } while(regex.matchSub(source,lastMatch)) { type = regex.matched(1); name = regex.matched(2); if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"gl_")) { continue; } if(StringTools.startsWith(type,"sampler")) { this.__glslSamplerNames.push(name); } else { var parameterType; switch(type) { case "bool": parameterType = 0; break; case "bvec2": parameterType = 1; break; case "bvec3": parameterType = 2; break; case "bvec4": parameterType = 3; break; case "dvec2":case "vec2": parameterType = 5; break; case "dvec3":case "vec3": parameterType = 6; break; case "double":case "float": parameterType = 4; break; case "ivec3":case "uvec3": parameterType = 10; break; case "ivec4":case "uvec4": parameterType = 11; break; case "mat2":case "mat2x2": parameterType = 12; break; case "mat2x3": parameterType = 13; break; case "mat2x4": parameterType = 14; break; case "mat3x2": parameterType = 15; break; case "mat3":case "mat3x3": parameterType = 16; break; case "mat3x4": parameterType = 17; break; case "mat4":case "mat4x4": parameterType = 20; break; case "mat4x2": parameterType = 18; break; case "mat4x3": parameterType = 19; break; case "int":case "uint": parameterType = 8; break; case "ivec2":case "uvec2": parameterType = 9; break; case "dvec4":case "vec4": parameterType = 7; break; default: parameterType = null; } if(storageType == "uniform") { this.__glslUniformNames.push(name); this.__glslUniformTypes.push(parameterType); } else { this.__glslAttribNames.push(name); this.__glslAttribTypes.push(parameterType); } } position = regex.matchedPos(); lastMatch = position.pos + position.len; } } ,__setPositionScale: function(positionScale) { if(this.__format == 1) { return; } if(this.__agalPositionScale != null) { var gl = this.__context.gl; var location = this.__agalPositionScale.location; gl.uniform4fv(location,positionScale); } } ,__setSamplerState: function(sampler,state) { this.__samplerStates[sampler] = state; } ,__uploadFromGLSL: function(vertexShaderSource,fragmentShaderSource) { var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__glVertexSource = vertexShaderSource; this.__glFragmentSource = fragmentShaderSource; this.__glVertexShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(this.__glVertexShader,vertexShaderSource); gl.compileShader(this.__glVertexShader); if(gl.getShaderParameter(this.__glVertexShader,gl.COMPILE_STATUS) == 0) { var message = "Error compiling vertex shader"; message += "\n" + gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.__glVertexShader); message += "\n" + vertexShaderSource; lime_utils_Log.error(message,{ fileName : "Program3D.hx", lineNumber : 697, className : "openfl.display3D.Program3D", methodName : "__uploadFromGLSL"}); } this.__glFragmentShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(this.__glFragmentShader,fragmentShaderSource); gl.compileShader(this.__glFragmentShader); if(gl.getShaderParameter(this.__glFragmentShader,gl.COMPILE_STATUS) == 0) { var message1 = "Error compiling fragment shader"; message1 += "\n" + gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.__glFragmentShader); message1 += "\n" + fragmentShaderSource; lime_utils_Log.error(message1,{ fileName : "Program3D.hx", lineNumber : 710, className : "openfl.display3D.Program3D", methodName : "__uploadFromGLSL"}); } this.__glProgram = gl.createProgram(); if(this.__format == 0) { var _g = 0; while(_g < 16) { var i = _g++; var name = "va" + i; if(vertexShaderSource.indexOf(" " + name) != -1) { gl.bindAttribLocation(this.__glProgram,i,name); } } } else { var _g1 = 0; var _g11 = this.__glslAttribNames; while(_g1 < _g11.length) { var name1 = _g11[_g1]; ++_g1; if(name1.indexOf("Position") > -1 && StringTools.startsWith(name1,"openfl_")) { gl.bindAttribLocation(this.__glProgram,0,name1); break; } } } gl.attachShader(this.__glProgram,this.__glVertexShader); gl.attachShader(this.__glProgram,this.__glFragmentShader); gl.linkProgram(this.__glProgram); if(gl.getProgramParameter(this.__glProgram,gl.LINK_STATUS) == 0) { var message2 = "Unable to initialize the shader program"; message2 += "\n" + gl.getProgramInfoLog(this.__glProgram); lime_utils_Log.error(message2,{ fileName : "Program3D.hx", lineNumber : 756, className : "openfl.display3D.Program3D", methodName : "__uploadFromGLSL"}); } } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_Program3D }; var openfl_display3D_Uniform = function(context) { this.context = context; this.isDirty = true; var this1 = new lime_utils_BytePointerData(null,0); this.regDataPointer = this1; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.Uniform"] = openfl_display3D_Uniform; openfl_display3D_Uniform.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","Uniform"]; openfl_display3D_Uniform.prototype = { name: null ,location: null ,type: null ,size: null ,regData: null ,regIndex: null ,regCount: null ,isDirty: null ,context: null ,regDataPointer: null ,flush: function() { var gl = this.context.gl; var index = this.regIndex * 4; var _g = this.type; switch(_g) { case 35664: lime_graphics__$WebGL2RenderContext_WebGL2RenderContext_$Impl_$.uniform2fv(gl,this.location,this.regData.subarray(index,index + this.regCount * 2)); break; case 35665: var location = this.location; var data = this.regData.subarray(index,index + this.regCount * 3); gl.uniform3fv(location,data); break; case 35666: var location1 = this.location; var data1 = this.regData.subarray(index,index + this.regCount * 4); gl.uniform4fv(location1,data1); break; case 35674: lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix2fv(gl,this.location,false,this.regData.subarray(index,index + this.size * 2 * 2)); break; case 35675: lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix3fv(gl,this.location,false,this.regData.subarray(index,index + this.size * 3 * 3)); break; case 35676: lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.uniformMatrix4fv(gl,this.location,false,this.regData.subarray(index,index + this.size * 4 * 4)); break; default: var location2 = this.location; var data2 = this.regData.subarray(index,index + this.regCount * 4); gl.uniform4fv(location2,data2); } } ,__getUniformRegisters: function(index,size) { return this.regData.subarray(index,index + size); } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_Uniform }; var openfl_display3D_UniformMap = function(list) { this.__uniforms = list; this.__uniforms.sort(function(a,b) { return Reflect.compare(a.regIndex,b.regIndex); }); var total = 0; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__uniforms; while(_g < _g1.length) { var uniform = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(uniform.regIndex + uniform.regCount > total) { total = uniform.regIndex + uniform.regCount; } } this.__registerLookup = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector(null,total); var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__uniforms; while(_g2 < _g11.length) { var uniform1 = _g11[_g2]; ++_g2; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = uniform1.regCount; while(_g3 < _g21) { var i = _g3++; this.__registerLookup.set(uniform1.regIndex + i,uniform1); } } this.__anyDirty = this.__allDirty = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.UniformMap"] = openfl_display3D_UniformMap; openfl_display3D_UniformMap.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","UniformMap"]; openfl_display3D_UniformMap.prototype = { __allDirty: null ,__anyDirty: null ,__registerLookup: null ,__uniforms: null ,flush: function() { if(this.__anyDirty) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__uniforms; while(_g < _g1.length) { var uniform = _g1[_g]; ++_g; if(this.__allDirty || uniform.isDirty) { uniform.flush(); uniform.isDirty = false; } } this.__anyDirty = this.__allDirty = false; } } ,markAllDirty: function() { this.__allDirty = true; this.__anyDirty = true; } ,markDirty: function(start,count) { if(this.__allDirty) { return; } var end = start + count; if(end > this.__registerLookup.get_length()) { end = this.__registerLookup.get_length(); } var index = start; while(index < end) { var uniform = this.__registerLookup.get(index); if(uniform != null) { uniform.isDirty = true; this.__anyDirty = true; index = uniform.regIndex + uniform.regCount; } else { ++index; } } } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_UniformMap }; var openfl_display3D_VertexBuffer3D = function(context3D,numVertices,dataPerVertex,bufferUsage) { this.__context = context3D; this.__numVertices = numVertices; this.__vertexSize = dataPerVertex; var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__id = gl.createBuffer(); this.__stride = this.__vertexSize * 4; this.__usage = openfl_display3D__$Context3DBufferUsage_Context3DBufferUsage_$Impl_$.fromString(bufferUsage) == 0 ? gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW : gl.STATIC_DRAW; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.VertexBuffer3D"] = openfl_display3D_VertexBuffer3D; openfl_display3D_VertexBuffer3D.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","VertexBuffer3D"]; openfl_display3D_VertexBuffer3D.prototype = { __context: null ,__data: null ,__id: null ,__memoryUsage: null ,__numVertices: null ,__stride: null ,__tempFloat32Array: null ,__usage: null ,__vertexSize: null ,dispose: function() { var gl = this.__context.gl; gl.deleteBuffer(this.__id); } ,uploadFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset,startVertex,numVertices) { var offset = byteArrayOffset + startVertex * this.__stride; var length = numVertices * this.__vertexSize; var buffer = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toArrayBuffer(data); var this1; if(buffer != null) { if(length == null) { this1 = new Float32Array(buffer,offset); } else { this1 = new Float32Array(buffer,offset,length); } } else { this1 = null; } this.uploadFromTypedArray(this1); } ,uploadFromTypedArray: function(data,byteLength) { if(byteLength == null) { byteLength = -1; } if(data == null) { return; } var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__context.__bindGLArrayBuffer(this.__id); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.bufferData(gl,gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,data,this.__usage); } ,uploadFromVector: function(data,startVertex,numVertices) { if(data == null) { return; } var gl = this.__context.gl; var start = startVertex * this.__vertexSize; var count = numVertices * this.__vertexSize; var length = start + count; var existingFloat32Array = this.__tempFloat32Array; if(this.__tempFloat32Array == null || this.__tempFloat32Array.length < count) { var this1; if(count != null) { this1 = new Float32Array(count); } else { this1 = null; } this.__tempFloat32Array = this1; if(existingFloat32Array != null) { this.__tempFloat32Array.set(existingFloat32Array); } } var _g1 = start; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.__tempFloat32Array[i - start] = data.get(i); } this.uploadFromTypedArray(this.__tempFloat32Array); } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_VertexBuffer3D }; var openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase = function(context) { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.__context = context; var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__textureID = gl.createTexture(); this.__textureContext = this.__context.__context; if(openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__supportsBGRA == null) { openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureInternalFormat = gl.RGBA; var bgraExtension = null; if(bgraExtension != null) { openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__supportsBGRA = true; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureFormat = bgraExtension.BGRA_EXT; if(context.__context.type == "opengles") { openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureInternalFormat = bgraExtension.BGRA_EXT; } } else { openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__supportsBGRA = false; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureFormat = gl.RGBA; } openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormats = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormatsAlpha = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); var dxtExtension = gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"); var etc1Extension = gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1"); var pvrtcExtension = gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"); if(dxtExtension != null) { var v = dxtExtension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormats.h[0] = v; var v1 = dxtExtension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormatsAlpha.h[0] = v1; } if(etc1Extension != null) { var v2 = etc1Extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormats.h[2] = v2; var v3 = etc1Extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormatsAlpha.h[2] = v3; } if(pvrtcExtension != null) { var v4 = pvrtcExtension.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormats.h[1] = v4; var v5 = pvrtcExtension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormatsAlpha.h[1] = v5; } } this.__internalFormat = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureInternalFormat; this.__format = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureFormat; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase"] = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","textures","TextureBase"]; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormats = null; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormatsAlpha = null; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureFormat = null; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureInternalFormat = null; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ __alphaTexture: null ,__context: null ,__format: null ,__glDepthRenderbuffer: null ,__glFramebuffer: null ,__glStencilRenderbuffer: null ,__height: null ,__internalFormat: null ,__optimizeForRenderToTexture: null ,__samplerState: null ,__streamingLevels: null ,__textureContext: null ,__textureID: null ,__textureTarget: null ,__width: null ,dispose: function() { var gl = this.__context.gl; if(this.__alphaTexture != null) { this.__alphaTexture.dispose(); } gl.deleteTexture(this.__textureID); } ,__getGLFramebuffer: function(enableDepthAndStencil,antiAlias,surfaceSelector) { var gl = this.__context.gl; if(this.__glFramebuffer == null) { this.__glFramebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); this.__context.__bindGLFramebuffer(this.__glFramebuffer); gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER,gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,gl.TEXTURE_2D,this.__textureID,0); if(this.__context.__enableErrorChecking) { var code = gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER); if(code != gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { haxe_Log.trace("Error: Context3D.setRenderToTexture status:" + code + " width:" + this.__width + " height:" + this.__height,{ fileName : "TextureBase.hx", lineNumber : 179, className : "openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase", methodName : "__getGLFramebuffer"}); } } } if(enableDepthAndStencil && this.__glDepthRenderbuffer == null) { this.__context.__bindGLFramebuffer(this.__glFramebuffer); if(openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL != 0) { this.__glDepthRenderbuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); this.__glStencilRenderbuffer = this.__glDepthRenderbuffer; gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER,this.__glDepthRenderbuffer); gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER,openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL,this.__width,this.__height); gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER,gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT,gl.RENDERBUFFER,this.__glDepthRenderbuffer); } else { this.__glDepthRenderbuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); this.__glStencilRenderbuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER,this.__glDepthRenderbuffer); gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER,gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16,this.__width,this.__height); gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER,this.__glStencilRenderbuffer); gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER,gl.STENCIL_INDEX8,this.__width,this.__height); gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER,gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,gl.RENDERBUFFER,this.__glDepthRenderbuffer); gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER,gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT,gl.RENDERBUFFER,this.__glStencilRenderbuffer); } if(this.__context.__enableErrorChecking) { var code1 = gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER); if(code1 != gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { haxe_Log.trace("Error: Context3D.setRenderToTexture status:" + code1 + " width:" + this.__width + " height:" + this.__height,{ fileName : "TextureBase.hx", lineNumber : 221, className : "openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase", methodName : "__getGLFramebuffer"}); } } gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER,null); } return this.__glFramebuffer; } ,__getImage: function(bitmapData) { var image = bitmapData.image; if(!bitmapData.__isValid || image == null) { return null; } lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.sync(image,false); var gl = this.__context.gl; if(image.type != lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA && !image.get_premultiplied()) { gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL,1); } else if(!image.get_premultiplied() && image.get_transparent()) { gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL,0); image = image.clone(); image.set_premultiplied(true); } if(image.get_format() != 0) { image = image.clone(); image.set_format(0); image.buffer.premultiplied = true; } return image; } ,__getTexture: function() { return this.__textureID; } ,__setSamplerState: function(state) { if(!state.equals(this.__samplerState)) { var gl = this.__context.gl; if(this.__textureTarget == this.__context.gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { this.__context.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(this.__textureID); } else { this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); } var wrapModeS = 0; var wrapModeT = 0; var _g = state.wrap; switch(_g) { case 0: wrapModeS = gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE; wrapModeT = gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE; break; case 1: wrapModeS = gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE; wrapModeT = gl.REPEAT; break; case 2: wrapModeS = gl.REPEAT; wrapModeT = gl.REPEAT; break; case 3: wrapModeS = gl.REPEAT; wrapModeT = gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE; break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_Error("wrap bad enum")); } var magFilter = 0; var minFilter = 0; var _g1 = state.filter; if(_g1 == 5) { magFilter = gl.NEAREST; } else { magFilter = gl.LINEAR; } var _g2 = state.mipfilter; switch(_g2) { case 0: if(state.filter == 5) { minFilter = gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR; } else { minFilter = gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; } break; case 1: if(state.filter == 5) { minFilter = gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST; } else { minFilter = gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; } break; case 2: if(state.filter == 5) { minFilter = gl.NEAREST; } else { minFilter = gl.LINEAR; } break; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_Error("mipfiter bad enum")); } gl.texParameteri(this.__textureTarget,gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,minFilter); gl.texParameteri(this.__textureTarget,gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,magFilter); gl.texParameteri(this.__textureTarget,gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S,wrapModeS); gl.texParameteri(this.__textureTarget,gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T,wrapModeT); var tmp = state.lodBias != 0.0; if(this.__samplerState == null) { this.__samplerState = state.clone(); } this.__samplerState.copyFrom(state); return true; } return false; } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase }); var openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture = function(context,size,format,optimizeForRenderToTexture,streamingLevels) { openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.call(this,context); this.__size = size; this.__width = this.__height = this.__size; this.__optimizeForRenderToTexture = optimizeForRenderToTexture; this.__streamingLevels = streamingLevels; this.__textureTarget = this.__context.gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP; this.__uploadedSides = 0; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.textures.CubeTexture"] = openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture; openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","textures","CubeTexture"]; openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture.__super__ = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase; openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture.prototype = $extend(openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype,{ __framebufferSurface: null ,__size: null ,__uploadedSides: null ,uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset,async) { if(async == null) { async = false; } var _gthis = this; if(!async) { this.__uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray(data,byteArrayOffset); } else { haxe_Timer.delay(function() { _gthis.__uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray(data,byteArrayOffset); _gthis.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("textureReady")); },1); } } ,uploadFromBitmapData: function(source,side,miplevel,generateMipmap) { if(generateMipmap == null) { generateMipmap = false; } if(miplevel == null) { miplevel = 0; } if(source == null) { return; } var size = this.__size >> miplevel; if(size == 0) { return; } var image = this.__getImage(source); if(image == null) { return; } if(miplevel == 0 && image.buffer != null && image.buffer.data == null && image.buffer.get_src() != null) { var gl = this.__context.gl; var size1 = this.__size >> miplevel; if(size1 == 0) { return; } var target = this.__sideToTarget(side); this.__context.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(this.__textureID); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,target,miplevel,this.__internalFormat,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,image.buffer.get_src()); this.__context.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(null); this.__uploadedSides |= 1 << side; return; } this.uploadFromTypedArray(image.get_data(),side,miplevel); } ,uploadFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset,side,miplevel) { if(miplevel == null) { miplevel = 0; } if(byteArrayOffset == 0) { this.uploadFromTypedArray(data.b,side,miplevel); return; } var buffer = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toArrayBuffer(data); var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteArrayOffset); } else { this1 = null; } this.uploadFromTypedArray(this1,side,miplevel); } ,uploadFromTypedArray: function(data,side,miplevel) { if(miplevel == null) { miplevel = 0; } if(data == null) { return; } var gl = this.__context.gl; var size = this.__size >> miplevel; if(size == 0) { return; } var target = this.__sideToTarget(side); this.__context.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(this.__textureID); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,target,miplevel,this.__internalFormat,size,size,0,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,data); this.__context.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(null); this.__uploadedSides |= 1 << side; } ,__getGLFramebuffer: function(enableDepthAndStencil,antiAlias,surfaceSelector) { var gl = this.__context.gl; if(this.__glFramebuffer == null) { this.__glFramebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); this.__framebufferSurface = -1; } if(this.__framebufferSurface != surfaceSelector) { this.__framebufferSurface = surfaceSelector; this.__context.__bindGLFramebuffer(this.__glFramebuffer); gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER,gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + surfaceSelector,this.__textureID,0); if(this.__context.__enableErrorChecking) { var code = gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER); if(code != gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { haxe_Log.trace("Error: Context3D.setRenderToTexture status:" + code + " width:" + this.__width + " height:" + this.__height,{ fileName : "CubeTexture.hx", lineNumber : 172, className : "openfl.display3D.textures.CubeTexture", methodName : "__getGLFramebuffer"}); } } } return openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype.__getGLFramebuffer.call(this,enableDepthAndStencil,antiAlias,surfaceSelector); } ,__setSamplerState: function(state) { if(openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype.__setSamplerState.call(this,state)) { var gl = this.__context.gl; if(state.mipfilter != 2 && !this.__samplerState.mipmapGenerated) { gl.generateMipmap(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); this.__samplerState.mipmapGenerated = true; } if(openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT != 0) { var aniso; var _g = state.filter; switch(_g) { case 0: aniso = 16; break; case 1: aniso = 2; break; case 2: aniso = 4; break; case 3: aniso = 8; break; default: aniso = 1; } if(aniso > openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) { aniso = openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT; } gl.texParameterf(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP,openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT,aniso); } return true; } return false; } ,__sideToTarget: function(side) { var gl = this.__context.gl; switch(side) { case 0: return gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X; case 1: return gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X; case 2: return gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y; case 3: return gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y; case 4: return gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z; case 5: return gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z; default: throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError()); } } ,__uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset) { var _gthis = this; var reader = new openfl__$internal_formats_atf_ATFReader(data,byteArrayOffset); var alpha = reader.readHeader(this.__size,this.__size,true); var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__context.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(this.__textureID); var hasTexture = false; reader.readTextures(function(side,level,gpuFormat,width,height,blockLength,bytes) { var format = alpha ? openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormatsAlpha.h[gpuFormat] : openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormats.h[gpuFormat]; if(format == 0) { return; } hasTexture = true; var target = _gthis.__sideToTarget(side); _gthis.__format = format; _gthis.__internalFormat = format; if(alpha && gpuFormat == 2) { var size = blockLength / 2 | 0; var _gthis1 = _gthis.__internalFormat; var buffer = bytes.b.buffer; var this1; if(buffer != null) { if(size == null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,0); } else { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,0,size); } } else { this1 = null; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexImage2D(gl,target,level,_gthis1,width,height,0,this1); var alphaTexture = new openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture(_gthis.__context,_gthis.__size,3,_gthis.__optimizeForRenderToTexture,_gthis.__streamingLevels); alphaTexture.__format = format; alphaTexture.__internalFormat = format; _gthis.__context.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(alphaTexture.__textureID); var alphaTexture1 = alphaTexture.__internalFormat; var buffer1 = bytes.b.buffer; var this2; if(buffer1 != null) { if(size == null) { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,size); } else { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,size,size); } } else { this2 = null; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexImage2D(gl,target,level,alphaTexture1,width,height,0,this2); _gthis.__alphaTexture = alphaTexture; } else { var _gthis2 = _gthis.__internalFormat; var buffer2 = bytes.b.buffer; var this3; if(buffer2 != null) { if(blockLength == null) { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer2,0); } else { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer2,0,blockLength); } } else { this3 = null; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexImage2D(gl,target,level,_gthis2,width,height,0,this3); } }); if(!hasTexture) { var _g = 0; while(_g < 6) { var side1 = _g++; var elements = this.__size * this.__size * 4; var this4; if(elements != null) { this4 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this4 = null; } var data1 = this4; var tmp = this.__sideToTarget(side1); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,tmp,0,this.__internalFormat,this.__size,this.__size,0,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,data1); } } this.__context.__bindGLTextureCubeMap(null); } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_textures_CubeTexture }); var openfl_display3D_textures_RectangleTexture = function(context,width,height,format,optimizeForRenderToTexture) { openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.call(this,context); this.__width = width; this.__height = height; this.__optimizeForRenderToTexture = optimizeForRenderToTexture; this.__textureTarget = this.__context.gl.TEXTURE_2D; this.uploadFromTypedArray(null); if(optimizeForRenderToTexture) { this.__getGLFramebuffer(true,0,0); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.textures.RectangleTexture"] = openfl_display3D_textures_RectangleTexture; openfl_display3D_textures_RectangleTexture.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","textures","RectangleTexture"]; openfl_display3D_textures_RectangleTexture.__super__ = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase; openfl_display3D_textures_RectangleTexture.prototype = $extend(openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype,{ uploadFromBitmapData: function(source) { if(source == null) { return; } var image = this.__getImage(source); if(image == null) { return; } if(image.buffer != null && image.buffer.data == null && image.buffer.get_src() != null) { var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,this.__textureTarget,0,this.__internalFormat,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,image.buffer.get_src()); this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(null); return; } this.uploadFromTypedArray(image.get_data()); } ,uploadFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset) { if(byteArrayOffset == 0) { this.uploadFromTypedArray(data.b); return; } var buffer = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toArrayBuffer(data); var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteArrayOffset); } else { this1 = null; } this.uploadFromTypedArray(this1); } ,uploadFromTypedArray: function(data) { var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,this.__textureTarget,0,this.__internalFormat,this.__width,this.__height,0,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,data); this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(null); } ,__setSamplerState: function(state) { if(openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype.__setSamplerState.call(this,state)) { var gl = this.__context.gl; if(openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT != 0) { var aniso; var _g = state.filter; switch(_g) { case 0: aniso = 16; break; case 1: aniso = 2; break; case 2: aniso = 4; break; case 3: aniso = 8; break; default: aniso = 1; } if(aniso > openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) { aniso = openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT; } gl.texParameterf(gl.TEXTURE_2D,openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT,aniso); } return true; } return false; } ,__uploadFromImage: function(image) { var gl = this.__context.gl; var internalFormat; var format; if(image.buffer.bitsPerPixel == 1) { internalFormat = gl.ALPHA; format = gl.ALPHA; } else { internalFormat = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureInternalFormat; format = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__textureFormat; } this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); if(image.type != lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA && !image.get_premultiplied()) { gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL,1); } else if(!image.get_premultiplied() && image.get_transparent()) { gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL,1); } if(image.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA) { lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,gl.TEXTURE_2D,0,internalFormat,image.buffer.width,image.buffer.height,0,format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,image.get_data()); } else { lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,gl.TEXTURE_2D,0,internalFormat,format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,image.get_src()); } this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(null); } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_textures_RectangleTexture }); var openfl_display3D_textures_Texture = function(context,width,height,format,optimizeForRenderToTexture,streamingLevels) { openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.call(this,context); this.__width = width; this.__height = height; this.__optimizeForRenderToTexture = optimizeForRenderToTexture; this.__streamingLevels = streamingLevels; var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__textureTarget = gl.TEXTURE_2D; this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,this.__textureTarget,0,this.__internalFormat,this.__width,this.__height,0,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,null); this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(null); if(optimizeForRenderToTexture) { this.__getGLFramebuffer(true,0,0); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.textures.Texture"] = openfl_display3D_textures_Texture; openfl_display3D_textures_Texture.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","textures","Texture"]; openfl_display3D_textures_Texture.__super__ = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase; openfl_display3D_textures_Texture.prototype = $extend(openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype,{ uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset,async) { if(async == null) { async = false; } var _gthis = this; if(!async) { this.__uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray(data,byteArrayOffset); } else { haxe_Timer.delay(function() { _gthis.__uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray(data,byteArrayOffset); _gthis.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("textureReady")); },1); } } ,uploadFromBitmapData: function(source,miplevel,generateMipmap) { if(generateMipmap == null) { generateMipmap = false; } if(miplevel == null) { miplevel = 0; } if(source == null) { return; } var width = this.__width >> miplevel; var height = this.__height >> miplevel; if(width == 0 && height == 0) { return; } if(width == 0) { width = 1; } if(height == 0) { height = 1; } if(source.width != width || source.height != height) { var copy = new openfl_display_BitmapData(width,height,true,0); copy.draw(source); source = copy; } var image = this.__getImage(source); if(image == null) { return; } if(miplevel == 0 && image.buffer != null && image.buffer.data == null && image.buffer.get_src() != null) { var gl = this.__context.gl; var width1 = this.__width >> miplevel; var height1 = this.__height >> miplevel; if(width1 == 0 && height1 == 0) { return; } if(width1 == 0) { width1 = 1; } if(height1 == 0) { height1 = 1; } this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,this.__textureTarget,miplevel,this.__internalFormat,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,image.buffer.get_src()); this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(null); return; } this.uploadFromTypedArray(image.get_data(),miplevel); } ,uploadFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset,miplevel) { if(miplevel == null) { miplevel = 0; } if(byteArrayOffset == 0) { this.uploadFromTypedArray(data.b,miplevel); return; } var buffer = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toArrayBuffer(data); var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,byteArrayOffset); } else { this1 = null; } this.uploadFromTypedArray(this1,miplevel); } ,uploadFromTypedArray: function(data,miplevel) { if(miplevel == null) { miplevel = 0; } if(data == null) { return; } var gl = this.__context.gl; var width = this.__width >> miplevel; var height = this.__height >> miplevel; if(width == 0 && height == 0) { return; } if(width == 0) { width = 1; } if(height == 0) { height = 1; } this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,this.__textureTarget,miplevel,this.__internalFormat,width,height,0,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,data); this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(null); } ,__setSamplerState: function(state) { if(openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype.__setSamplerState.call(this,state)) { var gl = this.__context.gl; if(state.mipfilter != 2 && !this.__samplerState.mipmapGenerated) { gl.generateMipmap(gl.TEXTURE_2D); this.__samplerState.mipmapGenerated = true; } if(openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT != 0) { var aniso; var _g = state.filter; switch(_g) { case 0: aniso = 16; break; case 1: aniso = 2; break; case 2: aniso = 4; break; case 3: aniso = 8; break; default: aniso = 1; } if(aniso > openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) { aniso = openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT; } gl.texParameterf(gl.TEXTURE_2D,openfl_display3D_Context3D.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT,aniso); } return true; } return false; } ,__uploadCompressedTextureFromByteArray: function(data,byteArrayOffset) { var _gthis = this; var reader = new openfl__$internal_formats_atf_ATFReader(data,byteArrayOffset); var alpha = reader.readHeader(this.__width,this.__height,false); var context = this.__context; var gl = context.gl; this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); var hasTexture = false; reader.readTextures(function(target,level,gpuFormat,width,height,blockLength,bytes) { var format = alpha ? openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormatsAlpha.h[gpuFormat] : openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.__compressedFormats.h[gpuFormat]; if(format == 0) { return; } hasTexture = true; _gthis.__format = format; _gthis.__internalFormat = format; if(alpha && gpuFormat == 2) { var size = blockLength / 2 | 0; var _gthis1 = _gthis.__textureTarget; var _gthis2 = _gthis.__internalFormat; var buffer = bytes.b.buffer; var this1; if(buffer != null) { if(size == null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,0); } else { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,0,size); } } else { this1 = null; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexImage2D(gl,_gthis1,level,_gthis2,width,height,0,this1); var alphaTexture = new openfl_display3D_textures_Texture(_gthis.__context,_gthis.__width,_gthis.__height,3,_gthis.__optimizeForRenderToTexture,_gthis.__streamingLevels); alphaTexture.__format = format; alphaTexture.__internalFormat = format; _gthis.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(alphaTexture.__textureID); var alphaTexture1 = alphaTexture.__textureTarget; var alphaTexture2 = alphaTexture.__internalFormat; var buffer1 = bytes.b.buffer; var this2; if(buffer1 != null) { if(size == null) { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,size); } else { this2 = new Uint8Array(buffer1,size,size); } } else { this2 = null; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexImage2D(gl,alphaTexture1,level,alphaTexture2,width,height,0,this2); _gthis.__alphaTexture = alphaTexture; } else { var _gthis3 = _gthis.__textureTarget; var _gthis4 = _gthis.__internalFormat; var buffer2 = bytes.b.buffer; var this3; if(buffer2 != null) { if(blockLength == null) { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer2,0); } else { this3 = new Uint8Array(buffer2,0,blockLength); } } else { this3 = null; } lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.compressedTexImage2D(gl,_gthis3,level,_gthis4,width,height,0,this3); } }); if(!hasTexture) { var elements = this.__width * this.__height * 4; var this4; if(elements != null) { this4 = new Uint8Array(elements); } else { this4 = null; } var data1 = this4; lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,this.__textureTarget,0,this.__internalFormat,this.__width,this.__height,0,this.__format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,data1); } this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(null); } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_textures_Texture }); var openfl_display3D_textures_VideoTexture = function(context) { openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.call(this,context); this.__textureTarget = this.__context.gl.TEXTURE_2D; }; $hxClasses["openfl.display3D.textures.VideoTexture"] = openfl_display3D_textures_VideoTexture; openfl_display3D_textures_VideoTexture.__name__ = ["openfl","display3D","textures","VideoTexture"]; openfl_display3D_textures_VideoTexture.__super__ = openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase; openfl_display3D_textures_VideoTexture.prototype = $extend(openfl_display3D_textures_TextureBase.prototype,{ videoHeight: null ,videoWidth: null ,__netStream: null ,attachNetStream: function(netStream) { var _gthis = this; this.__netStream = netStream; if(this.__netStream.__video.readyState == 4) { haxe_Timer.delay(function() { _gthis.__textureReady(); },0); } else { this.__netStream.__video.addEventListener("canplay",function(_) { _gthis.__textureReady(); },false); } } ,__getTexture: function() { if((!this.__netStream.__video.paused || this.__netStream.get___seeking()) && this.__netStream.__video.readyState > 0) { this.__netStream.set___seeking(false); var gl = this.__context.gl; this.__context.__bindGLTexture2D(this.__textureID); lime_graphics__$WebGLRenderContext_WebGLRenderContext_$Impl_$.texImage2D(gl,gl.TEXTURE_2D,0,gl.RGBA,gl.RGBA,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,this.__netStream.__video); } return this.__textureID; } ,__textureReady: function() { this.videoWidth = this.__netStream.__video.videoWidth; this.videoHeight = this.__netStream.__video.videoHeight; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("textureReady")); } ,__class__: openfl_display3D_textures_VideoTexture }); var openfl_errors_Error = function(message,id) { if(id == null) { id = 0; } if(message == null) { message = ""; } this.message = message; this.errorID = id; this.name = "Error"; }; $hxClasses["openfl.errors.Error"] = openfl_errors_Error; openfl_errors_Error.__name__ = ["openfl","errors","Error"]; openfl_errors_Error.prototype = { errorID: null ,message: null ,name: null ,getStackTrace: function() { return haxe_CallStack.toString(haxe_CallStack.exceptionStack()); } ,toString: function() { if(this.message != null) { return this.message; } else { return "Error"; } } ,__class__: openfl_errors_Error }; var openfl_errors_ArgumentError = function(message) { if(message == null) { message = ""; } openfl_errors_Error.call(this,message); this.name = "ArgumentError"; }; $hxClasses["openfl.errors.ArgumentError"] = openfl_errors_ArgumentError; openfl_errors_ArgumentError.__name__ = ["openfl","errors","ArgumentError"]; openfl_errors_ArgumentError.__super__ = openfl_errors_Error; openfl_errors_ArgumentError.prototype = $extend(openfl_errors_Error.prototype,{ __class__: openfl_errors_ArgumentError }); var openfl_errors_IOError = function(message) { if(message == null) { message = ""; } openfl_errors_Error.call(this,message); this.name = "IOError"; }; $hxClasses["openfl.errors.IOError"] = openfl_errors_IOError; openfl_errors_IOError.__name__ = ["openfl","errors","IOError"]; openfl_errors_IOError.__super__ = openfl_errors_Error; openfl_errors_IOError.prototype = $extend(openfl_errors_Error.prototype,{ __class__: openfl_errors_IOError }); var openfl_errors_EOFError = function(message,id) { if(id == null) { id = 0; } openfl_errors_IOError.call(this,"End of file was encountered"); this.name = "EOFError"; this.errorID = 2030; }; $hxClasses["openfl.errors.EOFError"] = openfl_errors_EOFError; openfl_errors_EOFError.__name__ = ["openfl","errors","EOFError"]; openfl_errors_EOFError.__super__ = openfl_errors_IOError; openfl_errors_EOFError.prototype = $extend(openfl_errors_IOError.prototype,{ __class__: openfl_errors_EOFError }); var openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError = function(message) { if(message == null) { message = ""; } openfl_errors_Error.call(this,message,0); this.name = "IllegalOperationError"; }; $hxClasses["openfl.errors.IllegalOperationError"] = openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError; openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError.__name__ = ["openfl","errors","IllegalOperationError"]; openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError.__super__ = openfl_errors_Error; openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError.prototype = $extend(openfl_errors_Error.prototype,{ __class__: openfl_errors_IllegalOperationError }); var openfl_errors_RangeError = function(message) { if(message == null) { message = ""; } openfl_errors_Error.call(this,message,0); this.name = "RangeError"; }; $hxClasses["openfl.errors.RangeError"] = openfl_errors_RangeError; openfl_errors_RangeError.__name__ = ["openfl","errors","RangeError"]; openfl_errors_RangeError.__super__ = openfl_errors_Error; openfl_errors_RangeError.prototype = $extend(openfl_errors_Error.prototype,{ __class__: openfl_errors_RangeError }); var openfl_errors_TypeError = function(message) { if(message == null) { message = ""; } openfl_errors_Error.call(this,message,0); this.name = "TypeError"; }; $hxClasses["openfl.errors.TypeError"] = openfl_errors_TypeError; openfl_errors_TypeError.__name__ = ["openfl","errors","TypeError"]; openfl_errors_TypeError.__super__ = openfl_errors_Error; openfl_errors_TypeError.prototype = $extend(openfl_errors_Error.prototype,{ __class__: openfl_errors_TypeError }); var openfl_events_Event = function(type,bubbles,cancelable) { if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } this.type = type; this.bubbles = bubbles; this.cancelable = cancelable; this.eventPhase = 2; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.Event"] = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_Event.__name__ = ["openfl","events","Event"]; openfl_events_Event.prototype = { bubbles: null ,cancelable: null ,currentTarget: null ,eventPhase: null ,target: null ,type: null ,__isCanceled: null ,__isCanceledNow: null ,__preventDefault: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_Event(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable); event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; return event; } ,formatToString: function(className,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { var parameters = []; if(p1 != null) { parameters.push(p1); } if(p2 != null) { parameters.push(p2); } if(p3 != null) { parameters.push(p3); } if(p4 != null) { parameters.push(p4); } if(p5 != null) { parameters.push(p5); } return $bind(this,this.__formatToString).apply(this,[className,parameters]); } ,isDefaultPrevented: function() { return this.__preventDefault; } ,preventDefault: function() { if(this.cancelable) { this.__preventDefault = true; } } ,stopImmediatePropagation: function() { this.__isCanceled = true; this.__isCanceledNow = true; } ,stopPropagation: function() { this.__isCanceled = true; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("Event",["type","bubbles","cancelable"]); } ,__formatToString: function(className,parameters) { var output = "[" + className; var arg = null; var _g = 0; while(_g < parameters.length) { var param = parameters[_g]; ++_g; arg = Reflect.field(this,param); if(typeof(arg) == "string") { output += " " + param + "=\"" + Std.string(arg) + "\""; } else { output += " " + param + "=" + Std.string(arg); } } output += "]"; return output; } ,__class__: openfl_events_Event }; var openfl_events_AccelerometerEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,timestamp,accelerationX,accelerationY,accelerationZ) { if(accelerationZ == null) { accelerationZ = 0; } if(accelerationY == null) { accelerationY = 0; } if(accelerationX == null) { accelerationX = 0; } if(timestamp == null) { timestamp = 0; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.timestamp = timestamp; this.accelerationX = accelerationX; this.accelerationY = accelerationY; this.accelerationZ = accelerationZ; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.AccelerometerEvent"] = openfl_events_AccelerometerEvent; openfl_events_AccelerometerEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","AccelerometerEvent"]; openfl_events_AccelerometerEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_AccelerometerEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ accelerationX: null ,accelerationY: null ,accelerationZ: null ,timestamp: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_AccelerometerEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.timestamp,this.accelerationX,this.accelerationY,this.accelerationZ); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("AccelerometerEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","timestamp","accelerationX","accelerationY","accelerationZ"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_AccelerometerEvent }); var openfl_events_ActivityEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,activating) { if(activating == null) { activating = false; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.activating = activating; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.ActivityEvent"] = openfl_events_ActivityEvent; openfl_events_ActivityEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","ActivityEvent"]; openfl_events_ActivityEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_ActivityEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ activating: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_ActivityEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.activating); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("ActivityEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","activating"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_ActivityEvent }); var openfl_events_TextEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,text) { if(text == null) { text = ""; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.text = text; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.TextEvent"] = openfl_events_TextEvent; openfl_events_TextEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","TextEvent"]; openfl_events_TextEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_TextEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ text: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_TextEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.text); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("TextEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","text"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_TextEvent }); var openfl_events_ErrorEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,text,id) { if(id == null) { id = 0; } if(text == null) { text = ""; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_TextEvent.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable,text); this.errorID = id; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.ErrorEvent"] = openfl_events_ErrorEvent; openfl_events_ErrorEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","ErrorEvent"]; openfl_events_ErrorEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_TextEvent; openfl_events_ErrorEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_TextEvent.prototype,{ errorID: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_ErrorEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.text,this.errorID); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("ErrorEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","text","errorID"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_ErrorEvent }); var openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_DispatchIterator = function(list) { this.active = false; this.reset(list); }; $hxClasses["openfl.events._EventDispatcher.DispatchIterator"] = openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_DispatchIterator; openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_DispatchIterator.__name__ = ["openfl","events","_EventDispatcher","DispatchIterator"]; openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_DispatchIterator.prototype = { active: null ,index: null ,isCopy: null ,list: null ,copy: function() { if(!this.isCopy) { this.list = this.list.slice(); this.isCopy = true; } } ,hasNext: function() { return this.index < this.list.length; } ,next: function() { return this.list[this.index++]; } ,remove: function(listener,listIndex) { if(this.active) { if(!this.isCopy) { if(listIndex < this.index) { this.index--; } } else { var _g1 = this.index; var _g = this.list.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; if(this.list[i] == listener) { this.list.splice(i,1); break; } } } } } ,reset: function(list) { this.list = list; this.isCopy = false; this.index = 0; } ,start: function() { this.active = true; } ,stop: function() { this.active = false; } ,__class__: openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_DispatchIterator }; var openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_Listener = function(callback,useCapture,priority) { this.callback = callback; this.useCapture = useCapture; this.priority = priority; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events._EventDispatcher.Listener"] = openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_Listener; openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_Listener.__name__ = ["openfl","events","_EventDispatcher","Listener"]; openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_Listener.prototype = { callback: null ,priority: null ,useCapture: null ,match: function(callback,useCapture) { if(Reflect.compareMethods(this.callback,callback)) { return this.useCapture == useCapture; } else { return false; } } ,__class__: openfl_events__$EventDispatcher_Listener }; var openfl_events_FocusEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,relatedObject,shiftKey,keyCode) { if(keyCode == null) { keyCode = 0; } if(shiftKey == null) { shiftKey = false; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.keyCode = keyCode; this.shiftKey = shiftKey; this.relatedObject = relatedObject; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.FocusEvent"] = openfl_events_FocusEvent; openfl_events_FocusEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","FocusEvent"]; openfl_events_FocusEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_FocusEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ keyCode: null ,relatedObject: null ,shiftKey: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_FocusEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.relatedObject,this.shiftKey,this.keyCode); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("FocusEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","relatedObject","shiftKey","keyCode"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_FocusEvent }); var openfl_events_FullScreenEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,fullScreen,interactive) { if(interactive == null) { interactive = false; } if(fullScreen == null) { fullScreen = false; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_ActivityEvent.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.fullScreen = fullScreen; this.interactive = interactive; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.FullScreenEvent"] = openfl_events_FullScreenEvent; openfl_events_FullScreenEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","FullScreenEvent"]; openfl_events_FullScreenEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_ActivityEvent; openfl_events_FullScreenEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_ActivityEvent.prototype,{ fullScreen: null ,interactive: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_FullScreenEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.fullScreen,this.interactive); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("FullscreenEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","fullscreen","interactive"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_FullScreenEvent }); var openfl_events_GameInputEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,device) { if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = true; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.device = device; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.GameInputEvent"] = openfl_events_GameInputEvent; openfl_events_GameInputEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","GameInputEvent"]; openfl_events_GameInputEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_GameInputEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ device: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_GameInputEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.device); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("GameInputEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","device"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_GameInputEvent }); var openfl_events_HTTPStatusEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,status,redirected) { if(redirected == null) { redirected = false; } if(status == null) { status = 0; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } this.status = status; this.redirected = redirected; openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.HTTPStatusEvent"] = openfl_events_HTTPStatusEvent; openfl_events_HTTPStatusEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","HTTPStatusEvent"]; openfl_events_HTTPStatusEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_HTTPStatusEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ redirected: null ,responseHeaders: null ,responseURL: null ,status: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_HTTPStatusEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.status,this.redirected); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("HTTPStatusEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","status","redirected"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_HTTPStatusEvent }); var openfl_events_IOErrorEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,text,id) { if(id == null) { id = 0; } if(text == null) { text = ""; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = true; } openfl_events_ErrorEvent.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable,text,id); }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.IOErrorEvent"] = openfl_events_IOErrorEvent; openfl_events_IOErrorEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","IOErrorEvent"]; openfl_events_IOErrorEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_ErrorEvent; openfl_events_IOErrorEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_ErrorEvent.prototype,{ clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_IOErrorEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.text,this.errorID); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("IOErrorEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","text","errorID"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_IOErrorEvent }); var openfl_events_KeyboardEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,charCodeValue,keyCodeValue,keyLocationValue,ctrlKeyValue,altKeyValue,shiftKeyValue,controlKeyValue,commandKeyValue) { if(commandKeyValue == null) { commandKeyValue = false; } if(controlKeyValue == null) { controlKeyValue = false; } if(shiftKeyValue == null) { shiftKeyValue = false; } if(altKeyValue == null) { altKeyValue = false; } if(ctrlKeyValue == null) { ctrlKeyValue = false; } if(keyCodeValue == null) { keyCodeValue = 0; } if(charCodeValue == null) { charCodeValue = 0; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.charCode = charCodeValue; this.keyCode = keyCodeValue; this.keyLocation = keyLocationValue != null ? keyLocationValue : 0; this.ctrlKey = ctrlKeyValue; this.altKey = altKeyValue; this.shiftKey = shiftKeyValue; this.controlKey = controlKeyValue; this.commandKey = commandKeyValue; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.KeyboardEvent"] = openfl_events_KeyboardEvent; openfl_events_KeyboardEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","KeyboardEvent"]; openfl_events_KeyboardEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_KeyboardEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ altKey: null ,charCode: null ,ctrlKey: null ,commandKey: null ,controlKey: null ,keyCode: null ,keyLocation: null ,shiftKey: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_KeyboardEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.charCode,this.keyCode,this.keyLocation,this.ctrlKey,this.altKey,this.shiftKey,this.controlKey,this.commandKey); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("KeyboardEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","charCode","keyCode","keyLocation","ctrlKey","altKey","shiftKey"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_KeyboardEvent }); var openfl_events_MouseEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,localX,localY,relatedObject,ctrlKey,altKey,shiftKey,buttonDown,delta,commandKey,clickCount) { if(clickCount == null) { clickCount = 0; } if(commandKey == null) { commandKey = false; } if(delta == null) { delta = 0; } if(buttonDown == null) { buttonDown = false; } if(shiftKey == null) { shiftKey = false; } if(altKey == null) { altKey = false; } if(ctrlKey == null) { ctrlKey = false; } if(localY == null) { localY = 0; } if(localX == null) { localX = 0; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = true; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.shiftKey = shiftKey; this.altKey = altKey; this.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; this.bubbles = bubbles; this.relatedObject = relatedObject; this.delta = delta; this.localX = localX; this.localY = localY; this.buttonDown = buttonDown; this.commandKey = commandKey; this.clickCount = clickCount; this.isRelatedObjectInaccessible = false; this.stageX = NaN; this.stageY = NaN; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.MouseEvent"] = openfl_events_MouseEvent; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","MouseEvent"]; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__altKey = null; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__buttonDown = null; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__commandKey = null; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__ctrlKey = null; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__shiftKey = null; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__create = function(type,button,stageX,stageY,local,target,delta) { if(delta == null) { delta = 0; } var event = new openfl_events_MouseEvent(type,true,false,local.x,local.y,null,openfl_events_MouseEvent.__ctrlKey,openfl_events_MouseEvent.__altKey,openfl_events_MouseEvent.__shiftKey,openfl_events_MouseEvent.__buttonDown,delta,openfl_events_MouseEvent.__commandKey); event.stageX = stageX; event.stageY = stageY; event.target = target; return event; }; openfl_events_MouseEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_MouseEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ altKey: null ,buttonDown: null ,commandKey: null ,clickCount: null ,ctrlKey: null ,delta: null ,isRelatedObjectInaccessible: null ,localX: null ,localY: null ,relatedObject: null ,shiftKey: null ,stageX: null ,stageY: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_MouseEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.localX,this.localY,this.relatedObject,this.ctrlKey,this.altKey,this.shiftKey,this.buttonDown,this.delta,this.commandKey,this.clickCount); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("MouseEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","localX","localY","relatedObject","ctrlKey","altKey","shiftKey","buttonDown","delta"]); } ,updateAfterEvent: function() { } ,__class__: openfl_events_MouseEvent }); var openfl_events_NetStatusEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,info) { if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } this.info = info; openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.NetStatusEvent"] = openfl_events_NetStatusEvent; openfl_events_NetStatusEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","NetStatusEvent"]; openfl_events_NetStatusEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_NetStatusEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ info: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_NetStatusEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.info); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("NetStatusEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","info"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_NetStatusEvent }); var openfl_events_ProgressEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,bytesLoaded,bytesTotal) { if(bytesTotal == null) { bytesTotal = 0; } if(bytesLoaded == null) { bytesLoaded = 0; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.bytesLoaded = bytesLoaded; this.bytesTotal = bytesTotal; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.ProgressEvent"] = openfl_events_ProgressEvent; openfl_events_ProgressEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","ProgressEvent"]; openfl_events_ProgressEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_ProgressEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ bytesLoaded: null ,bytesTotal: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_ProgressEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.bytesLoaded,this.bytesTotal); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("ProgressEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","bytesLoaded","bytesTotal"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_ProgressEvent }); var openfl_events_RenderEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,objectMatrix,objectColorTransform,allowSmoothing) { if(allowSmoothing == null) { allowSmoothing = true; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.objectMatrix = objectMatrix; this.objectColorTransform = objectColorTransform; this.allowSmoothing = allowSmoothing; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.RenderEvent"] = openfl_events_RenderEvent; openfl_events_RenderEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","RenderEvent"]; openfl_events_RenderEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_RenderEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ allowSmoothing: null ,objectColorTransform: null ,objectMatrix: null ,renderer: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_RenderEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.objectMatrix.clone(),this.objectColorTransform.__clone(),this.allowSmoothing); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("RenderEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_RenderEvent }); var openfl_events_SecurityErrorEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,text,id) { if(id == null) { id = 0; } if(text == null) { text = ""; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = false; } openfl_events_ErrorEvent.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable,text,id); }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.SecurityErrorEvent"] = openfl_events_SecurityErrorEvent; openfl_events_SecurityErrorEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","SecurityErrorEvent"]; openfl_events_SecurityErrorEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_ErrorEvent; openfl_events_SecurityErrorEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_ErrorEvent.prototype,{ clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_SecurityErrorEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.text,this.errorID); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("SecurityErrorEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","text","errorID"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_SecurityErrorEvent }); var openfl_events_TouchEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,touchPointID,isPrimaryTouchPoint,localX,localY,sizeX,sizeY,pressure,relatedObject,ctrlKey,altKey,shiftKey,commandKey,controlKey,timestamp,touchIntent,samples,isTouchPointCanceled) { if(isTouchPointCanceled == null) { isTouchPointCanceled = false; } if(timestamp == null) { timestamp = 0; } if(controlKey == null) { controlKey = false; } if(commandKey == null) { commandKey = false; } if(shiftKey == null) { shiftKey = false; } if(altKey == null) { altKey = false; } if(ctrlKey == null) { ctrlKey = false; } if(pressure == null) { pressure = 0; } if(sizeY == null) { sizeY = 0; } if(sizeX == null) { sizeX = 0; } if(localY == null) { localY = 0; } if(localX == null) { localX = 0; } if(isPrimaryTouchPoint == null) { isPrimaryTouchPoint = false; } if(touchPointID == null) { touchPointID = 0; } if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = false; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = true; } openfl_events_Event.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.touchPointID = touchPointID; this.isPrimaryTouchPoint = isPrimaryTouchPoint; this.localX = localX; this.localY = localY; this.sizeX = sizeX; this.sizeY = sizeY; this.pressure = pressure; this.relatedObject = relatedObject; this.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; this.altKey = altKey; this.shiftKey = shiftKey; this.commandKey = commandKey; this.controlKey = controlKey; this.stageX = NaN; this.stageY = NaN; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.TouchEvent"] = openfl_events_TouchEvent; openfl_events_TouchEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","TouchEvent"]; openfl_events_TouchEvent.__create = function(type,touch,stageX,stageY,local,target) { var evt = new openfl_events_TouchEvent(type,true,false,0,true,local.x,local.y,1,1,1); evt.stageX = stageX; evt.stageY = stageY; evt.target = target; return evt; }; openfl_events_TouchEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_Event; openfl_events_TouchEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_Event.prototype,{ altKey: null ,commandKey: null ,controlKey: null ,ctrlKey: null ,delta: null ,isPrimaryTouchPoint: null ,localX: null ,localY: null ,pressure: null ,relatedObject: null ,shiftKey: null ,sizeX: null ,sizeY: null ,stageX: null ,stageY: null ,touchPointID: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_TouchEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.touchPointID,this.isPrimaryTouchPoint,this.localX,this.localY,this.sizeX,this.sizeY,this.pressure,this.relatedObject,this.ctrlKey,this.altKey,this.shiftKey,this.commandKey,this.controlKey); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("TouchEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","touchPointID","isPrimaryTouchPoint","localX","localY","sizeX","sizeY","pressure","relatedObject","ctrlKey","altKey","shiftKey","commandKey","controlKey"]); } ,updateAfterEvent: function() { } ,__class__: openfl_events_TouchEvent }); var openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvent = function(type,bubbles,cancelable,error) { if(cancelable == null) { cancelable = true; } if(bubbles == null) { bubbles = true; } openfl_events_ErrorEvent.call(this,type,bubbles,cancelable); this.error = error; }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.UncaughtErrorEvent"] = openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvent; openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvent.__name__ = ["openfl","events","UncaughtErrorEvent"]; openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvent.__super__ = openfl_events_ErrorEvent; openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvent.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_ErrorEvent.prototype,{ error: null ,clone: function() { var event = new openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvent(this.type,this.bubbles,this.cancelable,this.error); event.target = this.target; event.currentTarget = this.currentTarget; event.eventPhase = this.eventPhase; return event; } ,toString: function() { return this.__formatToString("UncaughtErrorEvent",["type","bubbles","cancelable","error"]); } ,__class__: openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvent }); var openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvents = function() { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl.events.UncaughtErrorEvents"] = openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvents; openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvents.__name__ = ["openfl","events","UncaughtErrorEvents"]; openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvents.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvents.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ __class__: openfl_events_UncaughtErrorEvents }); var openfl_filters_BitmapFilter = function() { this.__bottomExtension = 0; this.__leftExtension = 0; this.__needSecondBitmapData = true; this.__numShaderPasses = 0; this.__preserveObject = false; this.__rightExtension = 0; this.__shaderBlendMode = 10; this.__topExtension = 0; this.__smooth = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters.BitmapFilter"] = openfl_filters_BitmapFilter; openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","BitmapFilter"]; openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.prototype = { __bottomExtension: null ,__leftExtension: null ,__needSecondBitmapData: null ,__numShaderPasses: null ,__preserveObject: null ,__renderDirty: null ,__rightExtension: null ,__shaderBlendMode: null ,__smooth: null ,__topExtension: null ,clone: function() { return new openfl_filters_BitmapFilter(); } ,__applyFilter: function(bitmapData,sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint) { return sourceBitmapData; } ,__initShader: function(renderer,pass) { return null; } ,__class__: openfl_filters_BitmapFilter }; var openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader = function(code) { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "varying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform sampler2D openfl_Texture;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = texture2D (openfl_Texture, openfl_TextureCoordv);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "attribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_TextureCoordv = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } openfl_display_Shader.call(this,code); this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters.BitmapFilterShader"] = openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader; openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","BitmapFilterShader"]; openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.__super__ = openfl_display_Shader; openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_Shader.prototype,{ openfl_Position: null ,openfl_TextureCoord: null ,openfl_Matrix: null ,openfl_TextureSize: null ,openfl_Texture: null ,__class__: openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader }); var openfl_filters__$BlurFilter_BlurShader = function() { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "uniform sampler2D openfl_Texture;\n\t\t\n\t\tvarying vec2 vBlurCoords[7];\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvec4 sum = vec4(0.0);\n\t\t\tsum += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[0]) * 0.00443;\n\t\t\tsum += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[1]) * 0.05399;\n\t\t\tsum += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[2]) * 0.24197;\n\t\t\tsum += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[3]) * 0.39894;\n\t\t\tsum += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[4]) * 0.24197;\n\t\t\tsum += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[5]) * 0.05399;\n\t\t\tsum += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[6]) * 0.00443;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = sum;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "attribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform vec2 uRadius;\n\t\tvarying vec2 vBlurCoords[7];\n\t\tuniform vec2 uTextureSize;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvec2 r = uRadius / uTextureSize;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[0] = openfl_TextureCoord - r * 1.0;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[1] = openfl_TextureCoord - r * 0.75;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[2] = openfl_TextureCoord - r * 0.5;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[3] = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[4] = openfl_TextureCoord + r * 0.5;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[5] = openfl_TextureCoord + r * 0.75;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[6] = openfl_TextureCoord + r * 1.0;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.call(this); this.uRadius.value = [0,0]; this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters._BlurFilter.BlurShader"] = openfl_filters__$BlurFilter_BlurShader; openfl_filters__$BlurFilter_BlurShader.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","_BlurFilter","BlurShader"]; openfl_filters__$BlurFilter_BlurShader.__super__ = openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader; openfl_filters__$BlurFilter_BlurShader.prototype = $extend(openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.prototype,{ __update: function() { this.uTextureSize.value = [this.__texture.input.width,this.__texture.input.height]; openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.prototype.__update.call(this); } ,uRadius: null ,uTextureSize: null ,__class__: openfl_filters__$BlurFilter_BlurShader }); var openfl_filters_BlurFilter = function(blurX,blurY,quality) { if(quality == null) { quality = 1; } if(blurY == null) { blurY = 4; } if(blurX == null) { blurX = 4; } openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.call(this); this.set_blurX(blurX); this.set_blurY(blurY); this.set_quality(quality); this.__needSecondBitmapData = true; this.__preserveObject = false; this.__renderDirty = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters.BlurFilter"] = openfl_filters_BlurFilter; openfl_filters_BlurFilter.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","BlurFilter"]; openfl_filters_BlurFilter.__super__ = openfl_filters_BitmapFilter; openfl_filters_BlurFilter.prototype = $extend(openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.prototype,{ __blurX: null ,__blurY: null ,__horizontalPasses: null ,__quality: null ,__verticalPasses: null ,clone: function() { return new openfl_filters_BlurFilter(this.__blurX,this.__blurY,this.__quality); } ,__applyFilter: function(bitmapData,sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint) { var finalImage = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.gaussianBlur(bitmapData.image,sourceBitmapData.image,sourceRect.__toLimeRectangle(),destPoint.__toLimeVector2(),this.__blurX,this.__blurY,this.__quality); if(finalImage == bitmapData.image) { return bitmapData; } return sourceBitmapData; } ,__initShader: function(renderer,pass) { if(pass <= this.__horizontalPasses) { var scale = Math.pow(0.5,pass >> 1); openfl_filters_BlurFilter.__blurShader.uRadius.value[0] = this.get_blurX() * scale; openfl_filters_BlurFilter.__blurShader.uRadius.value[1] = 0; } else { var scale1 = Math.pow(0.5,pass - this.__horizontalPasses >> 1); openfl_filters_BlurFilter.__blurShader.uRadius.value[0] = 0; openfl_filters_BlurFilter.__blurShader.uRadius.value[1] = this.get_blurY() * scale1; } return openfl_filters_BlurFilter.__blurShader; } ,get_blurX: function() { return this.__blurX; } ,set_blurX: function(value) { if(value != this.__blurX) { this.__blurX = value; this.__renderDirty = true; this.__leftExtension = value > 0 ? Math.ceil(value) : 0; this.__rightExtension = this.__leftExtension; } return value; } ,get_blurY: function() { return this.__blurY; } ,set_blurY: function(value) { if(value != this.__blurY) { this.__blurY = value; this.__renderDirty = true; this.__topExtension = value > 0 ? Math.ceil(value) : 0; this.__bottomExtension = this.__topExtension; } return value; } ,get_quality: function() { return this.__quality; } ,set_quality: function(value) { this.__horizontalPasses = this.__blurX <= 0 ? 0 : Math.round(this.__blurX * (value / 4)) + 1; this.__verticalPasses = this.__blurY <= 0 ? 0 : Math.round(this.__blurY * (value / 4)) + 1; this.__numShaderPasses = this.__horizontalPasses + this.__verticalPasses; if(value != this.__quality) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__quality = value; } ,__class__: openfl_filters_BlurFilter ,__properties__: {set_quality:"set_quality",get_quality:"get_quality",set_blurY:"set_blurY",get_blurY:"get_blurY",set_blurX:"set_blurX",get_blurX:"get_blurX"} }); var openfl_filters__$ColorMatrixFilter_ColorMatrixShader = function() { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "varying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\tuniform sampler2D openfl_Texture;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 uMultipliers;\n\t\tuniform vec4 uOffsets;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D (openfl_Texture, openfl_TextureCoordv);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (color.a == 0.0) {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tcolor = vec4 (color.rgb / color.a, color.a);\n\t\t\t\tcolor = uOffsets + color * uMultipliers;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4 (color.rgb * color.a, color.a);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "attribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_TextureCoordv = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.call(this); this.uMultipliers.value = [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]; this.uOffsets.value = [0,0,0,0]; this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters._ColorMatrixFilter.ColorMatrixShader"] = openfl_filters__$ColorMatrixFilter_ColorMatrixShader; openfl_filters__$ColorMatrixFilter_ColorMatrixShader.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","_ColorMatrixFilter","ColorMatrixShader"]; openfl_filters__$ColorMatrixFilter_ColorMatrixShader.__super__ = openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader; openfl_filters__$ColorMatrixFilter_ColorMatrixShader.prototype = $extend(openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.prototype,{ init: function(matrix) { var multipliers = this.uMultipliers.value; var offsets = this.uOffsets.value; multipliers[0] = matrix[0]; multipliers[1] = matrix[1]; multipliers[2] = matrix[2]; multipliers[3] = matrix[3]; multipliers[4] = matrix[5]; multipliers[5] = matrix[6]; multipliers[6] = matrix[7]; multipliers[7] = matrix[8]; multipliers[8] = matrix[10]; multipliers[9] = matrix[11]; multipliers[10] = matrix[12]; multipliers[11] = matrix[13]; multipliers[12] = matrix[15]; multipliers[13] = matrix[16]; multipliers[14] = matrix[17]; multipliers[15] = matrix[18]; offsets[0] = matrix[4] / 255.0; offsets[1] = matrix[9] / 255.0; offsets[2] = matrix[14] / 255.0; offsets[3] = matrix[19] / 255.0; } ,uMultipliers: null ,uOffsets: null ,__class__: openfl_filters__$ColorMatrixFilter_ColorMatrixShader }); var openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter = function(matrix) { openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.call(this); this.set_matrix(matrix); this.__numShaderPasses = 1; this.__needSecondBitmapData = false; }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters.ColorMatrixFilter"] = openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter; openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","ColorMatrixFilter"]; openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter.__super__ = openfl_filters_BitmapFilter; openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter.prototype = $extend(openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.prototype,{ __matrix: null ,clone: function() { return new openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter(this.__matrix); } ,__applyFilter: function(destBitmapData,sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint) { var sourceImage = sourceBitmapData.image; var image = destBitmapData.image; lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(sourceImage); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToData(image); var sourceData = sourceImage.get_data(); var destData = image.get_data(); var offsetX = destPoint.x - sourceRect.x | 0; var offsetY = destPoint.y - sourceRect.y | 0; var sourceStride = sourceBitmapData.width * 4; var destStride = destBitmapData.width * 4; var sourceFormat = sourceImage.buffer.format; var destFormat = image.buffer.format; var sourcePremultiplied = sourceImage.buffer.premultiplied; var destPremultiplied = image.buffer.premultiplied; var sourcePixel; var destPixel = 0; var sourceOffset; var destOffset; var _g1 = sourceRect.y | 0; var _g = sourceRect.height | 0; while(_g1 < _g) { var row = _g1++; var _g3 = sourceRect.x | 0; var _g2 = sourceRect.width | 0; while(_g3 < _g2) { var column = _g3++; sourceOffset = row * sourceStride + column * 4; destOffset = (row + offsetX) * destStride + (column + offsetY) * 4; switch(sourceFormat) { case 0: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourceOffset] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourceOffset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourceOffset + 2] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourceOffset + 3] & 255; break; case 1: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourceOffset + 1] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourceOffset + 2] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourceOffset + 3] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourceOffset] & 255; break; case 2: sourcePixel = (sourceData[sourceOffset + 2] & 255) << 24 | (sourceData[sourceOffset + 1] & 255) << 16 | (sourceData[sourceOffset] & 255) << 8 | sourceData[sourceOffset + 3] & 255; break; } if(sourcePremultiplied) { if((sourcePixel & 255) != 0 && (sourcePixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult = 255.0 / (sourcePixel & 255); sourcePixel = (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 24 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 16 | (lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__clamp[Math.round((sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.unmult)] & 255) << 8 | sourcePixel & 255 & 255; } } if((sourcePixel & 255) == 0) { destPixel = 0; } else { var value = Math.max(0,Math.min(this.__matrix[0] * (sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) + this.__matrix[1] * (sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) + this.__matrix[2] * (sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) + this.__matrix[3] * (sourcePixel & 255) + this.__matrix[4],255)) | 0; destPixel = (value & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value1 = Math.max(0,Math.min(this.__matrix[5] * (sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) + this.__matrix[6] * (sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) + this.__matrix[7] * (sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) + this.__matrix[8] * (sourcePixel & 255) + this.__matrix[9],255)) | 0; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (value1 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value2 = Math.max(0,Math.min(this.__matrix[10] * (sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) + this.__matrix[11] * (sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) + this.__matrix[12] * (sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) + this.__matrix[13] * (sourcePixel & 255) + this.__matrix[14],255)) | 0; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (value2 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; var value3 = Math.max(0,Math.min(this.__matrix[15] * (sourcePixel >>> 24 & 255) + this.__matrix[16] * (sourcePixel >>> 16 & 255) + this.__matrix[17] * (sourcePixel >>> 8 & 255) + this.__matrix[18] * (sourcePixel & 255) + this.__matrix[19],255)) | 0; destPixel = (destPixel >>> 24 & 255 & 255) << 24 | (destPixel >>> 16 & 255 & 255) << 16 | (destPixel >>> 8 & 255 & 255) << 8 | value3 & 255; } if(destPremultiplied) { if((destPixel & 255) == 0) { if(destPixel != 0) { destPixel = 0; } } else if((destPixel & 255) != 255) { lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 = lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.__alpha16[destPixel & 255]; destPixel = ((destPixel >>> 24 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 24 | ((destPixel >>> 16 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | ((destPixel >>> 8 & 255) * lime_math__$RGBA_RGBA_$Impl_$.a16 >> 16 & 255) << 8 | destPixel & 255 & 255; } } switch(destFormat) { case 0: destData[destOffset] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destOffset + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destOffset + 2] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destOffset + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; case 1: destData[destOffset] = destPixel & 255; destData[destOffset + 1] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destOffset + 2] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destOffset + 3] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; break; case 2: destData[destOffset] = destPixel >>> 8 & 255; destData[destOffset + 1] = destPixel >>> 16 & 255; destData[destOffset + 2] = destPixel >>> 24 & 255; destData[destOffset + 3] = destPixel & 255; break; } } } destBitmapData.image.dirty = true; return destBitmapData; } ,__initShader: function(renderer,pass) { openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter.__colorMatrixShader.init(this.get_matrix()); return openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter.__colorMatrixShader; } ,get_matrix: function() { return this.__matrix; } ,set_matrix: function(value) { if(value == null) { value = [1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]; } return this.__matrix = value; } ,__class__: openfl_filters_ColorMatrixFilter ,__properties__: {set_matrix:"set_matrix",get_matrix:"get_matrix"} }); var openfl_filters_DropShadowFilter = function(distance,angle,color,alpha,blurX,blurY,strength,quality,inner,knockout,hideObject) { if(hideObject == null) { hideObject = false; } if(knockout == null) { knockout = false; } if(inner == null) { inner = false; } if(quality == null) { quality = 1; } if(strength == null) { strength = 1; } if(blurY == null) { blurY = 4; } if(blurX == null) { blurX = 4; } if(alpha == null) { alpha = 1; } if(color == null) { color = 0; } if(angle == null) { angle = 45; } if(distance == null) { distance = 4; } openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.call(this); this.__offsetX = 0; this.__offsetY = 0; this.__distance = distance; this.__angle = angle; this.__color = color; this.__alpha = alpha; this.__blurX = blurX; this.__blurY = blurY; this.__strength = strength; this.__quality = quality; this.__inner = inner; this.__knockout = knockout; this.__hideObject = hideObject; this.__updateSize(); this.__needSecondBitmapData = true; this.__preserveObject = !this.__hideObject; this.__renderDirty = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters.DropShadowFilter"] = openfl_filters_DropShadowFilter; openfl_filters_DropShadowFilter.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","DropShadowFilter"]; openfl_filters_DropShadowFilter.__super__ = openfl_filters_BitmapFilter; openfl_filters_DropShadowFilter.prototype = $extend(openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.prototype,{ __alpha: null ,__angle: null ,__blurX: null ,__blurY: null ,__color: null ,__distance: null ,__hideObject: null ,__inner: null ,__knockout: null ,__offsetX: null ,__offsetY: null ,__quality: null ,__strength: null ,clone: function() { return new openfl_filters_DropShadowFilter(this.__distance,this.__angle,this.__color,this.__alpha,this.__blurX,this.__blurY,this.__strength,this.__quality,this.__inner,this.__knockout,this.__hideObject); } ,__applyFilter: function(bitmapData,sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint) { var r = this.__color >> 16 & 255; var g = this.__color >> 8 & 255; var b = this.__color & 255; var point = new openfl_geom_Point(destPoint.x + this.__offsetX,destPoint.y + this.__offsetY); var finalImage = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.gaussianBlur(bitmapData.image,sourceBitmapData.image,sourceRect.__toLimeRectangle(),point.__toLimeVector2(),this.__blurX,this.__blurY,this.__quality,this.__strength); finalImage.colorTransform(finalImage.get_rect(),new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(0,0,0,this.__alpha,r,g,b,0).__toLimeColorMatrix()); if(finalImage == bitmapData.image) { return bitmapData; } return sourceBitmapData; } ,__updateSize: function() { this.__offsetX = this.__distance * Math.cos(this.__angle * Math.PI / 180) | 0; this.__offsetY = this.__distance * Math.sin(this.__angle * Math.PI / 180) | 0; this.__topExtension = Math.ceil((this.__offsetY < 0 ? -this.__offsetY : 0) + this.__blurY); this.__bottomExtension = Math.ceil((this.__offsetY > 0 ? this.__offsetY : 0) + this.__blurY); this.__leftExtension = Math.ceil((this.__offsetX < 0 ? -this.__offsetX : 0) + this.__blurX); this.__rightExtension = Math.ceil((this.__offsetX > 0 ? this.__offsetX : 0) + this.__blurX); } ,get_alpha: function() { return this.__alpha; } ,set_alpha: function(value) { if(value != this.__alpha) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__alpha = value; } ,get_angle: function() { return this.__angle; } ,set_angle: function(value) { if(value != this.__angle) { this.__angle = value; this.__renderDirty = true; this.__updateSize(); } return value; } ,get_blurX: function() { return this.__blurX; } ,set_blurX: function(value) { if(value != this.__blurX) { this.__blurX = value; this.__renderDirty = true; this.__updateSize(); } return value; } ,get_blurY: function() { return this.__blurY; } ,set_blurY: function(value) { if(value != this.__blurY) { this.__blurY = value; this.__renderDirty = true; this.__updateSize(); } return value; } ,get_color: function() { return this.__color; } ,set_color: function(value) { if(value != this.__color) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__color = value; } ,get_distance: function() { return this.__distance; } ,set_distance: function(value) { if(value != this.__distance) { this.__distance = value; this.__renderDirty = true; this.__updateSize(); } return value; } ,get_hideObject: function() { return this.__hideObject; } ,set_hideObject: function(value) { if(value != this.__hideObject) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__preserveObject = !value; } return this.__hideObject = value; } ,get_inner: function() { return this.__inner; } ,set_inner: function(value) { if(value != this.__inner) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__inner = value; } ,get_knockout: function() { return this.__knockout; } ,set_knockout: function(value) { if(value != this.__knockout) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__knockout = value; } ,get_quality: function() { return this.__quality; } ,set_quality: function(value) { if(value != this.__quality) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__quality = value; } ,get_strength: function() { return this.__strength; } ,set_strength: function(value) { if(value != this.__strength) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__strength = value; } ,__class__: openfl_filters_DropShadowFilter ,__properties__: {set_strength:"set_strength",get_strength:"get_strength",set_quality:"set_quality",get_quality:"get_quality",set_knockout:"set_knockout",get_knockout:"get_knockout",set_inner:"set_inner",get_inner:"get_inner",set_hideObject:"set_hideObject",get_hideObject:"get_hideObject",set_distance:"set_distance",get_distance:"get_distance",set_color:"set_color",get_color:"get_color",set_blurY:"set_blurY",get_blurY:"get_blurY",set_blurX:"set_blurX",get_blurX:"get_blurX",set_angle:"set_angle",get_angle:"get_angle",set_alpha:"set_alpha",get_alpha:"get_alpha"} }); var openfl_filters__$GlowFilter_GlowShader = function() { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "uniform sampler2D openfl_Texture;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform vec4 uColor;\n\t\t\n\t\tvarying vec2 vBlurCoords[7];\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tfloat a = 0.0;\n\t\t\ta += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[0]).a * 0.00443;\n\t\t\ta += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[1]).a * 0.05399;\n\t\t\ta += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[2]).a * 0.24197;\n\t\t\ta += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[3]).a * 0.39894;\n\t\t\ta += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[4]).a * 0.24197;\n\t\t\ta += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[5]).a * 0.05399;\n\t\t\ta += texture2D(openfl_Texture, vBlurCoords[6]).a * 0.00443;\n\t\t\ta *= uColor.a;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4(uColor.rgb * a, a);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "attribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform vec2 uRadius;\n\t\tvarying vec2 vBlurCoords[7];\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvec2 r = uRadius / openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[0] = openfl_TextureCoord - r * 1.0;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[1] = openfl_TextureCoord - r * 0.75;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[2] = openfl_TextureCoord - r * 0.5;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[3] = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[4] = openfl_TextureCoord + r * 0.5;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[5] = openfl_TextureCoord + r * 0.75;\n\t\t\tvBlurCoords[6] = openfl_TextureCoord + r * 1.0;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}"; } openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.call(this); this.uRadius.value = [0,0]; this.uColor.value = [0,0,0,0]; this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters._GlowFilter.GlowShader"] = openfl_filters__$GlowFilter_GlowShader; openfl_filters__$GlowFilter_GlowShader.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","_GlowFilter","GlowShader"]; openfl_filters__$GlowFilter_GlowShader.__super__ = openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader; openfl_filters__$GlowFilter_GlowShader.prototype = $extend(openfl_filters_BitmapFilterShader.prototype,{ uRadius: null ,uColor: null ,__class__: openfl_filters__$GlowFilter_GlowShader }); var openfl_filters_GlowFilter = function(color,alpha,blurX,blurY,strength,quality,inner,knockout) { if(knockout == null) { knockout = false; } if(inner == null) { inner = false; } if(quality == null) { quality = 1; } if(strength == null) { strength = 2; } if(blurY == null) { blurY = 6; } if(blurX == null) { blurX = 6; } if(alpha == null) { alpha = 1; } if(color == null) { color = 16711680; } openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.call(this); this.__color = color; this.__alpha = alpha; this.set_blurX(blurX); this.set_blurY(blurY); this.__strength = strength; this.set_quality(quality); this.__inner = inner; this.__knockout = knockout; this.__needSecondBitmapData = true; this.__preserveObject = true; this.__renderDirty = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.filters.GlowFilter"] = openfl_filters_GlowFilter; openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__name__ = ["openfl","filters","GlowFilter"]; openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__super__ = openfl_filters_BitmapFilter; openfl_filters_GlowFilter.prototype = $extend(openfl_filters_BitmapFilter.prototype,{ __alpha: null ,__blurX: null ,__blurY: null ,__color: null ,__horizontalPasses: null ,__inner: null ,__knockout: null ,__quality: null ,__strength: null ,__verticalPasses: null ,clone: function() { return new openfl_filters_GlowFilter(this.__color,this.__alpha,this.__blurX,this.__blurY,this.__strength,this.__quality,this.__inner,this.__knockout); } ,__applyFilter: function(bitmapData,sourceBitmapData,sourceRect,destPoint) { var r = this.__color >> 16 & 255; var g = this.__color >> 8 & 255; var b = this.__color & 255; var finalImage = lime__$internal_graphics_ImageDataUtil.gaussianBlur(bitmapData.image,sourceBitmapData.image,sourceRect.__toLimeRectangle(),destPoint.__toLimeVector2(),this.__blurX,this.__blurY,this.__quality,this.__strength); finalImage.colorTransform(finalImage.get_rect(),new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(0,0,0,this.__alpha,r,g,b,0).__toLimeColorMatrix()); if(finalImage == bitmapData.image) { return bitmapData; } return sourceBitmapData; } ,__initShader: function(renderer,pass) { if(pass <= this.__horizontalPasses) { var scale = Math.pow(0.5,pass >> 1); openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader.uRadius.value[0] = this.get_blurX() * scale; openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader.uRadius.value[1] = 0; } else { var scale1 = Math.pow(0.5,pass - this.__horizontalPasses >> 1); openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader.uRadius.value[0] = 0; openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader.uRadius.value[1] = this.get_blurY() * scale1; } openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader.uColor.value[0] = (this.get_color() >> 16 & 255) / 255; openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader.uColor.value[1] = (this.get_color() >> 8 & 255) / 255; openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader.uColor.value[2] = (this.get_color() & 255) / 255; openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader.uColor.value[3] = this.get_alpha() * (this.__strength / this.__numShaderPasses); return openfl_filters_GlowFilter.__glowShader; } ,get_alpha: function() { return this.__alpha; } ,set_alpha: function(value) { if(value != this.__alpha) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__alpha = value; } ,get_blurX: function() { return this.__blurX; } ,set_blurX: function(value) { if(value != this.__blurX) { this.__blurX = value; this.__renderDirty = true; this.__leftExtension = value > 0 ? Math.ceil(value * 1.5) : 0; this.__rightExtension = this.__leftExtension; } return value; } ,get_blurY: function() { return this.__blurY; } ,set_blurY: function(value) { if(value != this.__blurY) { this.__blurY = value; this.__renderDirty = true; this.__topExtension = value > 0 ? Math.ceil(value * 1.5) : 0; this.__bottomExtension = this.__topExtension; } return value; } ,get_color: function() { return this.__color; } ,set_color: function(value) { if(value != this.__color) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__color = value; } ,get_inner: function() { return this.__inner; } ,set_inner: function(value) { if(value != this.__inner) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__inner = value; } ,get_knockout: function() { return this.__knockout; } ,set_knockout: function(value) { if(value != this.__knockout) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__knockout = value; } ,get_quality: function() { return this.__quality; } ,set_quality: function(value) { this.__horizontalPasses = this.__blurX <= 0 ? 0 : Math.round(this.__blurX * (value / 4)) + 1; this.__verticalPasses = this.__blurY <= 0 ? 0 : Math.round(this.__blurY * (value / 4)) + 1; this.__numShaderPasses = this.__horizontalPasses + this.__verticalPasses; if(value != this.__quality) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__quality = value; } ,get_strength: function() { return this.__strength; } ,set_strength: function(value) { if(value != this.__strength) { this.__renderDirty = true; } return this.__strength = value; } ,__class__: openfl_filters_GlowFilter ,__properties__: {set_strength:"set_strength",get_strength:"get_strength",set_quality:"set_quality",get_quality:"get_quality",set_knockout:"set_knockout",get_knockout:"get_knockout",set_inner:"set_inner",get_inner:"get_inner",set_color:"set_color",get_color:"get_color",set_blurY:"set_blurY",get_blurY:"get_blurY",set_blurX:"set_blurX",get_blurX:"get_blurX",set_alpha:"set_alpha",get_alpha:"get_alpha"} }); var openfl_geom_Matrix3D = function(v) { if(v != null && v.get_length() == 16) { this.rawData = v.concat(null); } else { this.rawData = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.geom.Matrix3D"] = openfl_geom_Matrix3D; openfl_geom_Matrix3D.__name__ = ["openfl","geom","Matrix3D"]; openfl_geom_Matrix3D.create2D = function(x,y,scale,rotation) { if(rotation == null) { rotation = 0; } if(scale == null) { scale = 1; } var theta = rotation * Math.PI / 180.0; var c = Math.cos(theta); var s = Math.sin(theta); return new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[c * scale,-s * scale,0,0,s * scale,c * scale,0,0,0,0,1,0,x,y,0,1])); }; openfl_geom_Matrix3D.createABCD = function(a,b,c,d,tx,ty) { return new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[a,b,0,0,c,d,0,0,0,0,1,0,tx,ty,0,1])); }; openfl_geom_Matrix3D.createOrtho = function(x0,x1,y0,y1,zNear,zFar) { var sx = 1.0 / (x1 - x0); var sy = 1.0 / (y1 - y0); var sz = 1.0 / (zFar - zNear); return new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[2.0 * sx,0,0,0,0,2.0 * sy,0,0,0,0,-2.0 * sz,0,-(x0 + x1) * sx,-(y0 + y1) * sy,-(zNear + zFar) * sz,1])); }; openfl_geom_Matrix3D.interpolate = function(thisMat,toMat,percent) { var m = new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(); var _g = 0; while(_g < 16) { var i = _g++; m.rawData.set(i,thisMat.rawData.get(i) + (toMat.rawData.get(i) - thisMat.rawData.get(i)) * percent); } return m; }; openfl_geom_Matrix3D.__getAxisRotation = function(x,y,z,degrees) { var m = new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(); var a1 = new openfl_geom_Vector3D(x,y,z); var rad = -degrees * (Math.PI / 180); var c = Math.cos(rad); var s = Math.sin(rad); var t = 1.0 - c; m.rawData.set(0,c + a1.x * a1.x * t); m.rawData.set(5,c + a1.y * a1.y * t); m.rawData.set(10,c + a1.z * a1.z * t); var tmp1 = a1.x * a1.y * t; var tmp2 = a1.z * s; m.rawData.set(4,tmp1 + tmp2); m.rawData.set(1,tmp1 - tmp2); tmp1 = a1.x * a1.z * t; tmp2 = a1.y * s; m.rawData.set(8,tmp1 - tmp2); m.rawData.set(2,tmp1 + tmp2); tmp1 = a1.y * a1.z * t; tmp2 = a1.x * s; m.rawData.set(9,tmp1 + tmp2); m.rawData.set(6,tmp1 - tmp2); return m; }; openfl_geom_Matrix3D.prototype = { rawData: null ,append: function(lhs) { var m111 = this.rawData.get(0); var m121 = this.rawData.get(4); var m131 = this.rawData.get(8); var m141 = this.rawData.get(12); var m112 = this.rawData.get(1); var m122 = this.rawData.get(5); var m132 = this.rawData.get(9); var m142 = this.rawData.get(13); var m113 = this.rawData.get(2); var m123 = this.rawData.get(6); var m133 = this.rawData.get(10); var m143 = this.rawData.get(14); var m114 = this.rawData.get(3); var m124 = this.rawData.get(7); var m134 = this.rawData.get(11); var m144 = this.rawData.get(15); var m211 = lhs.rawData.get(0); var m221 = lhs.rawData.get(4); var m231 = lhs.rawData.get(8); var m241 = lhs.rawData.get(12); var m212 = lhs.rawData.get(1); var m222 = lhs.rawData.get(5); var m232 = lhs.rawData.get(9); var m242 = lhs.rawData.get(13); var m213 = lhs.rawData.get(2); var m223 = lhs.rawData.get(6); var m233 = lhs.rawData.get(10); var m243 = lhs.rawData.get(14); var m214 = lhs.rawData.get(3); var m224 = lhs.rawData.get(7); var m234 = lhs.rawData.get(11); var m244 = lhs.rawData.get(15); this.rawData.set(0,m111 * m211 + m112 * m221 + m113 * m231 + m114 * m241); this.rawData.set(1,m111 * m212 + m112 * m222 + m113 * m232 + m114 * m242); this.rawData.set(2,m111 * m213 + m112 * m223 + m113 * m233 + m114 * m243); this.rawData.set(3,m111 * m214 + m112 * m224 + m113 * m234 + m114 * m244); this.rawData.set(4,m121 * m211 + m122 * m221 + m123 * m231 + m124 * m241); this.rawData.set(5,m121 * m212 + m122 * m222 + m123 * m232 + m124 * m242); this.rawData.set(6,m121 * m213 + m122 * m223 + m123 * m233 + m124 * m243); this.rawData.set(7,m121 * m214 + m122 * m224 + m123 * m234 + m124 * m244); this.rawData.set(8,m131 * m211 + m132 * m221 + m133 * m231 + m134 * m241); this.rawData.set(9,m131 * m212 + m132 * m222 + m133 * m232 + m134 * m242); this.rawData.set(10,m131 * m213 + m132 * m223 + m133 * m233 + m134 * m243); this.rawData.set(11,m131 * m214 + m132 * m224 + m133 * m234 + m134 * m244); this.rawData.set(12,m141 * m211 + m142 * m221 + m143 * m231 + m144 * m241); this.rawData.set(13,m141 * m212 + m142 * m222 + m143 * m232 + m144 * m242); this.rawData.set(14,m141 * m213 + m142 * m223 + m143 * m233 + m144 * m243); this.rawData.set(15,m141 * m214 + m142 * m224 + m143 * m234 + m144 * m244); } ,appendRotation: function(degrees,axis,pivotPoint) { var tx; var ty; var tz = 0; ty = tz; tx = ty; if(pivotPoint != null) { tx = pivotPoint.x; ty = pivotPoint.y; tz = pivotPoint.z; } var radian = degrees * Math.PI / 180; var cos = Math.cos(radian); var sin = Math.sin(radian); var x = axis.x; var y = axis.y; var z = axis.z; var x2 = x * x; var y2 = y * y; var z2 = z * z; var ls = x2 + y2 + z2; if(ls != 0) { var l = Math.sqrt(ls); x /= l; y /= l; z /= l; x2 /= ls; y2 /= ls; z2 /= ls; } var ccos = 1 - cos; var m = new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(); var d = m.rawData; d.set(0,x2 + (y2 + z2) * cos); d.set(1,x * y * ccos + z * sin); d.set(2,x * z * ccos - y * sin); d.set(4,x * y * ccos - z * sin); d.set(5,y2 + (x2 + z2) * cos); d.set(6,y * z * ccos + x * sin); d.set(8,x * z * ccos + y * sin); d.set(9,y * z * ccos - x * sin); d.set(10,z2 + (x2 + y2) * cos); d.set(12,(tx * (y2 + z2) - x * (ty * y + tz * z)) * ccos + (ty * z - tz * y) * sin); d.set(13,(ty * (x2 + z2) - y * (tx * x + tz * z)) * ccos + (tz * x - tx * z) * sin); d.set(14,(tz * (x2 + y2) - z * (tx * x + ty * y)) * ccos + (tx * y - ty * x) * sin); this.append(m); } ,appendScale: function(xScale,yScale,zScale) { this.append(new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[xScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,yScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,zScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]))); } ,appendTranslation: function(x,y,z) { var _g = this.rawData; _g.set(12,_g.get(12) + x); var _g1 = this.rawData; _g1.set(13,_g1.get(13) + y); var _g2 = this.rawData; _g2.set(14,_g2.get(14) + z); } ,clone: function() { return new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(this.rawData.copy()); } ,copyColumnFrom: function(column,vector3D) { switch(column) { case 0: this.rawData.set(0,vector3D.x); this.rawData.set(1,vector3D.y); this.rawData.set(2,vector3D.z); this.rawData.set(3,vector3D.w); break; case 1: this.rawData.set(4,vector3D.x); this.rawData.set(5,vector3D.y); this.rawData.set(6,vector3D.z); this.rawData.set(7,vector3D.w); break; case 2: this.rawData.set(8,vector3D.x); this.rawData.set(9,vector3D.y); this.rawData.set(10,vector3D.z); this.rawData.set(11,vector3D.w); break; case 3: this.rawData.set(12,vector3D.x); this.rawData.set(13,vector3D.y); this.rawData.set(14,vector3D.z); this.rawData.set(15,vector3D.w); break; default: } } ,copyColumnTo: function(column,vector3D) { switch(column) { case 0: vector3D.x = this.rawData.get(0); vector3D.y = this.rawData.get(1); vector3D.z = this.rawData.get(2); vector3D.w = this.rawData.get(3); break; case 1: vector3D.x = this.rawData.get(4); vector3D.y = this.rawData.get(5); vector3D.z = this.rawData.get(6); vector3D.w = this.rawData.get(7); break; case 2: vector3D.x = this.rawData.get(8); vector3D.y = this.rawData.get(9); vector3D.z = this.rawData.get(10); vector3D.w = this.rawData.get(11); break; case 3: vector3D.x = this.rawData.get(12); vector3D.y = this.rawData.get(13); vector3D.z = this.rawData.get(14); vector3D.w = this.rawData.get(15); break; default: } } ,copyFrom: function(other) { this.rawData = other.rawData.copy(); } ,copyRawDataFrom: function(vector,index,transpose) { if(transpose == null) { transpose = false; } if(index == null) { index = 0; } if(transpose) { this.transpose(); } var length = vector.get_length() - index; var _g1 = 0; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; this.rawData.set(i,vector.get(i + index)); } if(transpose) { this.transpose(); } } ,copyRawDataTo: function(vector,index,transpose) { if(transpose == null) { transpose = false; } if(index == null) { index = 0; } if(transpose) { this.transpose(); } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.rawData.get_length(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; vector.set(i + index,this.rawData.get(i)); } if(transpose) { this.transpose(); } } ,copyRowFrom: function(row,vector3D) { switch(row) { case 0: this.rawData.set(0,vector3D.x); this.rawData.set(4,vector3D.y); this.rawData.set(8,vector3D.z); this.rawData.set(12,vector3D.w); break; case 1: this.rawData.set(1,vector3D.x); this.rawData.set(5,vector3D.y); this.rawData.set(9,vector3D.z); this.rawData.set(13,vector3D.w); break; case 2: this.rawData.set(2,vector3D.x); this.rawData.set(6,vector3D.y); this.rawData.set(10,vector3D.z); this.rawData.set(14,vector3D.w); break; case 3: this.rawData.set(3,vector3D.x); this.rawData.set(7,vector3D.y); this.rawData.set(11,vector3D.z); this.rawData.set(15,vector3D.w); break; default: } } ,copyRowTo: function(row,vector3D) { switch(row) { case 0: vector3D.x = this.rawData.get(0); vector3D.y = this.rawData.get(4); vector3D.z = this.rawData.get(8); vector3D.w = this.rawData.get(12); break; case 1: vector3D.x = this.rawData.get(1); vector3D.y = this.rawData.get(5); vector3D.z = this.rawData.get(9); vector3D.w = this.rawData.get(13); break; case 2: vector3D.x = this.rawData.get(2); vector3D.y = this.rawData.get(6); vector3D.z = this.rawData.get(10); vector3D.w = this.rawData.get(14); break; case 3: vector3D.x = this.rawData.get(3); vector3D.y = this.rawData.get(7); vector3D.z = this.rawData.get(11); vector3D.w = this.rawData.get(15); break; default: } } ,copyToMatrix3D: function(other) { other.rawData = this.rawData.copy(); } ,decompose: function(orientationStyle) { if(orientationStyle == null) { orientationStyle = 1; } var vec = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toObjectVector(null); var m = this.clone(); var mr = m.rawData.copy(); var pos = new openfl_geom_Vector3D(mr.get(12),mr.get(13),mr.get(14)); mr.set(12,0); mr.set(13,0); mr.set(14,0); var scale = new openfl_geom_Vector3D(); scale.x = Math.sqrt(mr.get(0) * mr.get(0) + mr.get(1) * mr.get(1) + mr.get(2) * mr.get(2)); scale.y = Math.sqrt(mr.get(4) * mr.get(4) + mr.get(5) * mr.get(5) + mr.get(6) * mr.get(6)); scale.z = Math.sqrt(mr.get(8) * mr.get(8) + mr.get(9) * mr.get(9) + mr.get(10) * mr.get(10)); if(mr.get(0) * (mr.get(5) * mr.get(10) - mr.get(6) * mr.get(9)) - mr.get(1) * (mr.get(4) * mr.get(10) - mr.get(6) * mr.get(8)) + mr.get(2) * (mr.get(4) * mr.get(9) - mr.get(5) * mr.get(8)) < 0) { scale.z = -scale.z; } var _g = mr; _g.set(0,_g.get(0) / scale.x); var _g1 = mr; _g1.set(1,_g1.get(1) / scale.x); var _g2 = mr; _g2.set(2,_g2.get(2) / scale.x); var _g3 = mr; _g3.set(4,_g3.get(4) / scale.y); var _g4 = mr; _g4.set(5,_g4.get(5) / scale.y); var _g5 = mr; _g5.set(6,_g5.get(6) / scale.y); var _g6 = mr; _g6.set(8,_g6.get(8) / scale.z); var _g7 = mr; _g7.set(9,_g7.get(9) / scale.z); var _g8 = mr; _g8.set(10,_g8.get(10) / scale.z); var rot = new openfl_geom_Vector3D(); switch(orientationStyle) { case 0: rot.w = Math.acos((mr.get(0) + mr.get(5) + mr.get(10) - 1) / 2); var len = Math.sqrt((mr.get(6) - mr.get(9)) * (mr.get(6) - mr.get(9)) + (mr.get(8) - mr.get(2)) * (mr.get(8) - mr.get(2)) + (mr.get(1) - mr.get(4)) * (mr.get(1) - mr.get(4))); if(len != 0) { rot.x = (mr.get(6) - mr.get(9)) / len; rot.y = (mr.get(8) - mr.get(2)) / len; rot.z = (mr.get(1) - mr.get(4)) / len; } else { rot.x = rot.y = rot.z = 0; } break; case 1: rot.y = Math.asin(-mr.get(2)); if(mr.get(2) != 1 && mr.get(2) != -1) { rot.x = Math.atan2(mr.get(6),mr.get(10)); rot.z = Math.atan2(mr.get(1),mr.get(0)); } else { rot.z = 0; rot.x = Math.atan2(mr.get(4),mr.get(5)); } break; case 2: var tr = mr.get(0) + mr.get(5) + mr.get(10); if(tr > 0) { rot.w = Math.sqrt(1 + tr) / 2; rot.x = (mr.get(6) - mr.get(9)) / (4 * rot.w); rot.y = (mr.get(8) - mr.get(2)) / (4 * rot.w); rot.z = (mr.get(1) - mr.get(4)) / (4 * rot.w); } else if(mr.get(0) > mr.get(5) && mr.get(0) > mr.get(10)) { rot.x = Math.sqrt(1 + mr.get(0) - mr.get(5) - mr.get(10)) / 2; rot.w = (mr.get(6) - mr.get(9)) / (4 * rot.x); rot.y = (mr.get(1) + mr.get(4)) / (4 * rot.x); rot.z = (mr.get(8) + mr.get(2)) / (4 * rot.x); } else if(mr.get(5) > mr.get(10)) { rot.y = Math.sqrt(1 + mr.get(5) - mr.get(0) - mr.get(10)) / 2; rot.x = (mr.get(1) + mr.get(4)) / (4 * rot.y); rot.w = (mr.get(8) - mr.get(2)) / (4 * rot.y); rot.z = (mr.get(6) + mr.get(9)) / (4 * rot.y); } else { rot.z = Math.sqrt(1 + mr.get(10) - mr.get(0) - mr.get(5)) / 2; rot.x = (mr.get(8) + mr.get(2)) / (4 * rot.z); rot.y = (mr.get(6) + mr.get(9)) / (4 * rot.z); rot.w = (mr.get(1) - mr.get(4)) / (4 * rot.z); } break; } vec.push(pos); vec.push(rot); vec.push(scale); return vec; } ,deltaTransformVector: function(v) { var x = v.x; var y = v.y; var z = v.z; return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(x * this.rawData.get(0) + y * this.rawData.get(4) + z * this.rawData.get(8) + this.rawData.get(3),x * this.rawData.get(1) + y * this.rawData.get(5) + z * this.rawData.get(9) + this.rawData.get(7),x * this.rawData.get(2) + y * this.rawData.get(6) + z * this.rawData.get(10) + this.rawData.get(11),0); } ,identity: function() { this.rawData = openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]); } ,interpolateTo: function(toMat,percent) { var _g = 0; while(_g < 16) { var i = _g++; this.rawData.set(i,this.rawData.get(i) + (toMat.rawData.get(i) - this.rawData.get(i)) * percent); } } ,invert: function() { var d = this.get_determinant(); var invertable = Math.abs(d) > 0.00000000001; if(invertable) { d = 1 / d; var m11 = this.rawData.get(0); var m21 = this.rawData.get(4); var m31 = this.rawData.get(8); var m41 = this.rawData.get(12); var m12 = this.rawData.get(1); var m22 = this.rawData.get(5); var m32 = this.rawData.get(9); var m42 = this.rawData.get(13); var m13 = this.rawData.get(2); var m23 = this.rawData.get(6); var m33 = this.rawData.get(10); var m43 = this.rawData.get(14); var m14 = this.rawData.get(3); var m24 = this.rawData.get(7); var m34 = this.rawData.get(11); var m44 = this.rawData.get(15); this.rawData.set(0,d * (m22 * (m33 * m44 - m43 * m34) - m32 * (m23 * m44 - m43 * m24) + m42 * (m23 * m34 - m33 * m24))); this.rawData.set(1,-d * (m12 * (m33 * m44 - m43 * m34) - m32 * (m13 * m44 - m43 * m14) + m42 * (m13 * m34 - m33 * m14))); this.rawData.set(2,d * (m12 * (m23 * m44 - m43 * m24) - m22 * (m13 * m44 - m43 * m14) + m42 * (m13 * m24 - m23 * m14))); this.rawData.set(3,-d * (m12 * (m23 * m34 - m33 * m24) - m22 * (m13 * m34 - m33 * m14) + m32 * (m13 * m24 - m23 * m14))); this.rawData.set(4,-d * (m21 * (m33 * m44 - m43 * m34) - m31 * (m23 * m44 - m43 * m24) + m41 * (m23 * m34 - m33 * m24))); this.rawData.set(5,d * (m11 * (m33 * m44 - m43 * m34) - m31 * (m13 * m44 - m43 * m14) + m41 * (m13 * m34 - m33 * m14))); this.rawData.set(6,-d * (m11 * (m23 * m44 - m43 * m24) - m21 * (m13 * m44 - m43 * m14) + m41 * (m13 * m24 - m23 * m14))); this.rawData.set(7,d * (m11 * (m23 * m34 - m33 * m24) - m21 * (m13 * m34 - m33 * m14) + m31 * (m13 * m24 - m23 * m14))); this.rawData.set(8,d * (m21 * (m32 * m44 - m42 * m34) - m31 * (m22 * m44 - m42 * m24) + m41 * (m22 * m34 - m32 * m24))); this.rawData.set(9,-d * (m11 * (m32 * m44 - m42 * m34) - m31 * (m12 * m44 - m42 * m14) + m41 * (m12 * m34 - m32 * m14))); this.rawData.set(10,d * (m11 * (m22 * m44 - m42 * m24) - m21 * (m12 * m44 - m42 * m14) + m41 * (m12 * m24 - m22 * m14))); this.rawData.set(11,-d * (m11 * (m22 * m34 - m32 * m24) - m21 * (m12 * m34 - m32 * m14) + m31 * (m12 * m24 - m22 * m14))); this.rawData.set(12,-d * (m21 * (m32 * m43 - m42 * m33) - m31 * (m22 * m43 - m42 * m23) + m41 * (m22 * m33 - m32 * m23))); this.rawData.set(13,d * (m11 * (m32 * m43 - m42 * m33) - m31 * (m12 * m43 - m42 * m13) + m41 * (m12 * m33 - m32 * m13))); this.rawData.set(14,-d * (m11 * (m22 * m43 - m42 * m23) - m21 * (m12 * m43 - m42 * m13) + m41 * (m12 * m23 - m22 * m13))); this.rawData.set(15,d * (m11 * (m22 * m33 - m32 * m23) - m21 * (m12 * m33 - m32 * m13) + m31 * (m12 * m23 - m22 * m13))); } return invertable; } ,pointAt: function(pos,at,up) { if(at == null) { at = new openfl_geom_Vector3D(0,0,-1); } if(up == null) { up = new openfl_geom_Vector3D(0,-1,0); } var dir = at.subtract(pos); var vup = up.clone(); var right; dir.normalize(); vup.normalize(); var dir2 = dir.clone(); dir2.scaleBy(vup.dotProduct(dir)); vup = vup.subtract(dir2); if(vup.get_length() > 0) { vup.normalize(); } else if(dir.x != 0) { vup = new openfl_geom_Vector3D(-dir.y,dir.x,0); } else { vup = new openfl_geom_Vector3D(1,0,0); } right = vup.crossProduct(dir); right.normalize(); this.rawData.set(0,right.x); this.rawData.set(4,right.y); this.rawData.set(8,right.z); this.rawData.set(12,0.0); this.rawData.set(1,vup.x); this.rawData.set(5,vup.y); this.rawData.set(9,vup.z); this.rawData.set(13,0.0); this.rawData.set(2,dir.x); this.rawData.set(6,dir.y); this.rawData.set(10,dir.z); this.rawData.set(14,0.0); this.rawData.set(3,pos.x); this.rawData.set(7,pos.y); this.rawData.set(11,pos.z); this.rawData.set(15,1.0); } ,prepend: function(rhs) { var m111 = rhs.rawData.get(0); var m121 = rhs.rawData.get(4); var m131 = rhs.rawData.get(8); var m141 = rhs.rawData.get(12); var m112 = rhs.rawData.get(1); var m122 = rhs.rawData.get(5); var m132 = rhs.rawData.get(9); var m142 = rhs.rawData.get(13); var m113 = rhs.rawData.get(2); var m123 = rhs.rawData.get(6); var m133 = rhs.rawData.get(10); var m143 = rhs.rawData.get(14); var m114 = rhs.rawData.get(3); var m124 = rhs.rawData.get(7); var m134 = rhs.rawData.get(11); var m144 = rhs.rawData.get(15); var m211 = this.rawData.get(0); var m221 = this.rawData.get(4); var m231 = this.rawData.get(8); var m241 = this.rawData.get(12); var m212 = this.rawData.get(1); var m222 = this.rawData.get(5); var m232 = this.rawData.get(9); var m242 = this.rawData.get(13); var m213 = this.rawData.get(2); var m223 = this.rawData.get(6); var m233 = this.rawData.get(10); var m243 = this.rawData.get(14); var m214 = this.rawData.get(3); var m224 = this.rawData.get(7); var m234 = this.rawData.get(11); var m244 = this.rawData.get(15); this.rawData.set(0,m111 * m211 + m112 * m221 + m113 * m231 + m114 * m241); this.rawData.set(1,m111 * m212 + m112 * m222 + m113 * m232 + m114 * m242); this.rawData.set(2,m111 * m213 + m112 * m223 + m113 * m233 + m114 * m243); this.rawData.set(3,m111 * m214 + m112 * m224 + m113 * m234 + m114 * m244); this.rawData.set(4,m121 * m211 + m122 * m221 + m123 * m231 + m124 * m241); this.rawData.set(5,m121 * m212 + m122 * m222 + m123 * m232 + m124 * m242); this.rawData.set(6,m121 * m213 + m122 * m223 + m123 * m233 + m124 * m243); this.rawData.set(7,m121 * m214 + m122 * m224 + m123 * m234 + m124 * m244); this.rawData.set(8,m131 * m211 + m132 * m221 + m133 * m231 + m134 * m241); this.rawData.set(9,m131 * m212 + m132 * m222 + m133 * m232 + m134 * m242); this.rawData.set(10,m131 * m213 + m132 * m223 + m133 * m233 + m134 * m243); this.rawData.set(11,m131 * m214 + m132 * m224 + m133 * m234 + m134 * m244); this.rawData.set(12,m141 * m211 + m142 * m221 + m143 * m231 + m144 * m241); this.rawData.set(13,m141 * m212 + m142 * m222 + m143 * m232 + m144 * m242); this.rawData.set(14,m141 * m213 + m142 * m223 + m143 * m233 + m144 * m243); this.rawData.set(15,m141 * m214 + m142 * m224 + m143 * m234 + m144 * m244); } ,prependRotation: function(degrees,axis,pivotPoint) { var tx; var ty; var tz = 0; ty = tz; tx = ty; if(pivotPoint != null) { tx = pivotPoint.x; ty = pivotPoint.y; tz = pivotPoint.z; } var radian = degrees * Math.PI / 180; var cos = Math.cos(radian); var sin = Math.sin(radian); var x = axis.x; var y = axis.y; var z = axis.z; var x2 = x * x; var y2 = y * y; var z2 = z * z; var ls = x2 + y2 + z2; if(ls != 0) { var l = Math.sqrt(ls); x /= l; y /= l; z /= l; x2 /= ls; y2 /= ls; z2 /= ls; } var ccos = 1 - cos; var m = new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(); var d = m.rawData; d.set(0,x2 + (y2 + z2) * cos); d.set(1,x * y * ccos + z * sin); d.set(2,x * z * ccos - y * sin); d.set(4,x * y * ccos - z * sin); d.set(5,y2 + (x2 + z2) * cos); d.set(6,y * z * ccos + x * sin); d.set(8,x * z * ccos + y * sin); d.set(9,y * z * ccos - x * sin); d.set(10,z2 + (x2 + y2) * cos); d.set(12,(tx * (y2 + z2) - x * (ty * y + tz * z)) * ccos + (ty * z - tz * y) * sin); d.set(13,(ty * (x2 + z2) - y * (tx * x + tz * z)) * ccos + (tz * x - tx * z) * sin); d.set(14,(tz * (x2 + y2) - z * (tx * x + ty * y)) * ccos + (tx * y - ty * x) * sin); this.prepend(m); } ,prependScale: function(xScale,yScale,zScale) { this.prepend(new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[xScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,yScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,zScale,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]))); } ,prependTranslation: function(x,y,z) { var m = new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(); m.set_position(new openfl_geom_Vector3D(x,y,z)); this.prepend(m); } ,recompose: function(components,orientationStyle) { if(components.get_length() < 3 || components.get(2).x == 0 || components.get(2).y == 0 || components.get(2).z == 0) { return false; } if(orientationStyle == null) { orientationStyle = 1; } this.identity(); var scale = []; scale[0] = scale[1] = scale[2] = components.get(2).x; scale[4] = scale[5] = scale[6] = components.get(2).y; scale[8] = scale[9] = scale[10] = components.get(2).z; if(orientationStyle == null) { var x = components.get(1).x; var y = components.get(1).y; var z = components.get(1).z; var w = components.get(1).w; if(orientationStyle == 0) { x *= Math.sin(w / 2); y *= Math.sin(w / 2); z *= Math.sin(w / 2); w = Math.cos(w / 2); } this.rawData.set(0,(1 - 2 * y * y - 2 * z * z) * scale[0]); this.rawData.set(1,(2 * x * y + 2 * w * z) * scale[1]); this.rawData.set(2,(2 * x * z - 2 * w * y) * scale[2]); this.rawData.set(3,0); this.rawData.set(4,(2 * x * y - 2 * w * z) * scale[4]); this.rawData.set(5,(1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * z * z) * scale[5]); this.rawData.set(6,(2 * y * z + 2 * w * x) * scale[6]); this.rawData.set(7,0); this.rawData.set(8,(2 * x * z + 2 * w * y) * scale[8]); this.rawData.set(9,(2 * y * z - 2 * w * x) * scale[9]); this.rawData.set(10,(1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * y * y) * scale[10]); this.rawData.set(11,0); this.rawData.set(12,components.get(0).x); this.rawData.set(13,components.get(0).y); this.rawData.set(14,components.get(0).z); this.rawData.set(15,1); } else if(orientationStyle == 1) { var cx = Math.cos(components.get(1).x); var cy = Math.cos(components.get(1).y); var cz = Math.cos(components.get(1).z); var sx = Math.sin(components.get(1).x); var sy = Math.sin(components.get(1).y); var sz = Math.sin(components.get(1).z); this.rawData.set(0,cy * cz * scale[0]); this.rawData.set(1,cy * sz * scale[1]); this.rawData.set(2,-sy * scale[2]); this.rawData.set(3,0); this.rawData.set(4,(sx * sy * cz - cx * sz) * scale[4]); this.rawData.set(5,(sx * sy * sz + cx * cz) * scale[5]); this.rawData.set(6,sx * cy * scale[6]); this.rawData.set(7,0); this.rawData.set(8,(cx * sy * cz + sx * sz) * scale[8]); this.rawData.set(9,(cx * sy * sz - sx * cz) * scale[9]); this.rawData.set(10,cx * cy * scale[10]); this.rawData.set(11,0); this.rawData.set(12,components.get(0).x); this.rawData.set(13,components.get(0).y); this.rawData.set(14,components.get(0).z); this.rawData.set(15,1); } else { var x1 = components.get(1).x; var y1 = components.get(1).y; var z1 = components.get(1).z; var w1 = components.get(1).w; if(orientationStyle == 0) { x1 *= Math.sin(w1 / 2); y1 *= Math.sin(w1 / 2); z1 *= Math.sin(w1 / 2); w1 = Math.cos(w1 / 2); } this.rawData.set(0,(1 - 2 * y1 * y1 - 2 * z1 * z1) * scale[0]); this.rawData.set(1,(2 * x1 * y1 + 2 * w1 * z1) * scale[1]); this.rawData.set(2,(2 * x1 * z1 - 2 * w1 * y1) * scale[2]); this.rawData.set(3,0); this.rawData.set(4,(2 * x1 * y1 - 2 * w1 * z1) * scale[4]); this.rawData.set(5,(1 - 2 * x1 * x1 - 2 * z1 * z1) * scale[5]); this.rawData.set(6,(2 * y1 * z1 + 2 * w1 * x1) * scale[6]); this.rawData.set(7,0); this.rawData.set(8,(2 * x1 * z1 + 2 * w1 * y1) * scale[8]); this.rawData.set(9,(2 * y1 * z1 - 2 * w1 * x1) * scale[9]); this.rawData.set(10,(1 - 2 * x1 * x1 - 2 * y1 * y1) * scale[10]); this.rawData.set(11,0); this.rawData.set(12,components.get(0).x); this.rawData.set(13,components.get(0).y); this.rawData.set(14,components.get(0).z); this.rawData.set(15,1); } if(components.get(2).x == 0) { this.rawData.set(0,1e-15); } if(components.get(2).y == 0) { this.rawData.set(5,1e-15); } if(components.get(2).z == 0) { this.rawData.set(10,1e-15); } return !(components.get(2).x == 0 || components.get(2).y == 0 || components.get(2).y == 0); } ,transformVector: function(v) { var x = v.x; var y = v.y; var z = v.z; return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(x * this.rawData.get(0) + y * this.rawData.get(4) + z * this.rawData.get(8) + this.rawData.get(12),x * this.rawData.get(1) + y * this.rawData.get(5) + z * this.rawData.get(9) + this.rawData.get(13),x * this.rawData.get(2) + y * this.rawData.get(6) + z * this.rawData.get(10) + this.rawData.get(14),x * this.rawData.get(3) + y * this.rawData.get(7) + z * this.rawData.get(11) + this.rawData.get(15)); } ,transformVectors: function(vin,vout) { var i = 0; var x; var y; var z; while(i + 3 <= vin.get_length()) { x = vin.get(i); y = vin.get(i + 1); z = vin.get(i + 2); vout.set(i,x * this.rawData.get(0) + y * this.rawData.get(4) + z * this.rawData.get(8) + this.rawData.get(12)); vout.set(i + 1,x * this.rawData.get(1) + y * this.rawData.get(5) + z * this.rawData.get(9) + this.rawData.get(13)); vout.set(i + 2,x * this.rawData.get(2) + y * this.rawData.get(6) + z * this.rawData.get(10) + this.rawData.get(14)); i += 3; } } ,transpose: function() { var oRawData = this.rawData.copy(); this.rawData.set(1,oRawData.get(4)); this.rawData.set(2,oRawData.get(8)); this.rawData.set(3,oRawData.get(12)); this.rawData.set(4,oRawData.get(1)); this.rawData.set(6,oRawData.get(9)); this.rawData.set(7,oRawData.get(13)); this.rawData.set(8,oRawData.get(2)); this.rawData.set(9,oRawData.get(6)); this.rawData.set(11,oRawData.get(14)); this.rawData.set(12,oRawData.get(3)); this.rawData.set(13,oRawData.get(7)); this.rawData.set(14,oRawData.get(11)); } ,get_determinant: function() { return (this.rawData.get(0) * this.rawData.get(5) - this.rawData.get(4) * this.rawData.get(1)) * (this.rawData.get(10) * this.rawData.get(15) - this.rawData.get(14) * this.rawData.get(11)) - (this.rawData.get(0) * this.rawData.get(9) - this.rawData.get(8) * this.rawData.get(1)) * (this.rawData.get(6) * this.rawData.get(15) - this.rawData.get(14) * this.rawData.get(7)) + (this.rawData.get(0) * this.rawData.get(13) - this.rawData.get(12) * this.rawData.get(1)) * (this.rawData.get(6) * this.rawData.get(11) - this.rawData.get(10) * this.rawData.get(7)) + (this.rawData.get(4) * this.rawData.get(9) - this.rawData.get(8) * this.rawData.get(5)) * (this.rawData.get(2) * this.rawData.get(15) - this.rawData.get(14) * this.rawData.get(3)) - (this.rawData.get(4) * this.rawData.get(13) - this.rawData.get(12) * this.rawData.get(5)) * (this.rawData.get(2) * this.rawData.get(11) - this.rawData.get(10) * this.rawData.get(3)) + (this.rawData.get(8) * this.rawData.get(13) - this.rawData.get(12) * this.rawData.get(9)) * (this.rawData.get(2) * this.rawData.get(7) - this.rawData.get(6) * this.rawData.get(3)); } ,get_position: function() { return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(this.rawData.get(12),this.rawData.get(13),this.rawData.get(14)); } ,set_position: function(val) { this.rawData.set(12,val.x); this.rawData.set(13,val.y); this.rawData.set(14,val.z); return val; } ,__class__: openfl_geom_Matrix3D ,__properties__: {set_position:"set_position",get_position:"get_position",get_determinant:"get_determinant"} }; var openfl_geom__$Orientation3D_Orientation3D_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.geom._Orientation3D.Orientation3D_Impl_"] = openfl_geom__$Orientation3D_Orientation3D_$Impl_$; openfl_geom__$Orientation3D_Orientation3D_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","geom","_Orientation3D","Orientation3D_Impl_"]; openfl_geom__$Orientation3D_Orientation3D_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "axisAngle": return 0; case "eulerAngles": return 1; case "quaternion": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_geom__$Orientation3D_Orientation3D_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "axisAngle"; case 1: return "eulerAngles"; case 2: return "quaternion"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_geom_Transform = function(displayObject) { this.__colorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); this.concatenatedColorTransform = new openfl_geom_ColorTransform(); this.pixelBounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); this.__displayObject = displayObject; this.__hasMatrix = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.geom.Transform"] = openfl_geom_Transform; openfl_geom_Transform.__name__ = ["openfl","geom","Transform"]; openfl_geom_Transform.prototype = { concatenatedColorTransform: null ,pixelBounds: null ,__colorTransform: null ,__displayObject: null ,__hasMatrix: null ,__hasMatrix3D: null ,get_colorTransform: function() { return this.__colorTransform; } ,set_colorTransform: function(value) { if(!this.__colorTransform.__equals(value,false)) { this.__colorTransform.__copyFrom(value); if(value != null) { this.__displayObject.set_alpha(value.alphaMultiplier); } var _this = this.__displayObject; if(!_this.__renderDirty) { _this.__renderDirty = true; _this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__colorTransform; } ,get_concatenatedMatrix: function() { if(this.__hasMatrix) { return this.__displayObject.__getWorldTransform().clone(); } return null; } ,get_matrix: function() { if(this.__hasMatrix) { return this.__displayObject.__transform.clone(); } return null; } ,set_matrix: function(value) { if(value == null) { this.__hasMatrix = false; return null; } this.__hasMatrix = true; this.__hasMatrix3D = false; if(this.__displayObject != null) { this.__setTransform(value.a,value.b,value.c,value.d,value.tx,value.ty); } return value; } ,get_matrix3D: function() { if(this.__hasMatrix3D) { var matrix = this.__displayObject.__transform; return new openfl_geom_Matrix3D(openfl__$Vector_Vector_$Impl_$.toFloatVector(null,null,null,[matrix.a,matrix.b,0.0,0.0,matrix.c,matrix.d,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,matrix.tx,matrix.ty,0.0,1.0])); } return null; } ,set_matrix3D: function(value) { if(value == null) { this.__hasMatrix3D = false; return null; } this.__hasMatrix = false; this.__hasMatrix3D = true; this.__setTransform(value.rawData.get(0),value.rawData.get(1),value.rawData.get(5),value.rawData.get(6),value.rawData.get(12),value.rawData.get(13)); return value; } ,__setTransform: function(a,b,c,d,tx,ty) { if(this.__displayObject != null) { var scaleX = 0.0; var scaleY = 0.0; if(b == 0) { scaleX = a; } else { scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); } if(c == 0) { scaleY = a; } else { scaleY = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d); } this.__displayObject.__scaleX = scaleX; this.__displayObject.__scaleY = scaleY; var rotation = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(d,c) - 90; if(rotation != this.__displayObject.__rotation) { this.__displayObject.__rotation = rotation; var radians = rotation * (Math.PI / 180); this.__displayObject.__rotationSine = Math.sin(radians); this.__displayObject.__rotationCosine = Math.cos(radians); } this.__displayObject.__transform.a = a; this.__displayObject.__transform.b = b; this.__displayObject.__transform.c = c; this.__displayObject.__transform.d = d; this.__displayObject.__transform.tx = tx; this.__displayObject.__transform.ty = ty; this.__displayObject.__setTransformDirty(); } } ,__class__: openfl_geom_Transform ,__properties__: {set_matrix3D:"set_matrix3D",get_matrix3D:"get_matrix3D",set_matrix:"set_matrix",get_matrix:"get_matrix",get_concatenatedMatrix:"get_concatenatedMatrix",set_colorTransform:"set_colorTransform",get_colorTransform:"get_colorTransform"} }; var openfl_geom_Vector3D = function(x,y,z,w) { if(w == null) { w = 0; } if(z == null) { z = 0; } if(y == null) { y = 0; } if(x == null) { x = 0; } this.w = w; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }; $hxClasses["openfl.geom.Vector3D"] = openfl_geom_Vector3D; openfl_geom_Vector3D.__name__ = ["openfl","geom","Vector3D"]; openfl_geom_Vector3D.__properties__ = {get_Z_AXIS:"get_Z_AXIS",get_Y_AXIS:"get_Y_AXIS",get_X_AXIS:"get_X_AXIS"}; openfl_geom_Vector3D.angleBetween = function(a,b) { var la = a.get_length(); var lb = b.get_length(); var dot = a.dotProduct(b); if(la != 0) { dot /= la; } if(lb != 0) { dot /= lb; } return Math.acos(dot); }; openfl_geom_Vector3D.distance = function(pt1,pt2) { var x = pt2.x - pt1.x; var y = pt2.y - pt1.y; var z = pt2.z - pt1.z; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); }; openfl_geom_Vector3D.get_X_AXIS = function() { return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(1,0,0); }; openfl_geom_Vector3D.get_Y_AXIS = function() { return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(0,1,0); }; openfl_geom_Vector3D.get_Z_AXIS = function() { return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(0,0,1); }; openfl_geom_Vector3D.prototype = { w: null ,x: null ,y: null ,z: null ,add: function(a) { return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(this.x + a.x,this.y + a.y,this.z + a.z); } ,clone: function() { return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(this.x,this.y,this.z,this.w); } ,copyFrom: function(sourceVector3D) { this.x = sourceVector3D.x; this.y = sourceVector3D.y; this.z = sourceVector3D.z; } ,crossProduct: function(a) { return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(this.y * a.z - this.z * a.y,this.z * a.x - this.x * a.z,this.x * a.y - this.y * a.x,1); } ,decrementBy: function(a) { this.x -= a.x; this.y -= a.y; this.z -= a.z; } ,dotProduct: function(a) { return this.x * a.x + this.y * a.y + this.z * a.z; } ,equals: function(toCompare,allFour) { if(allFour == null) { allFour = false; } if(this.x == toCompare.x && this.y == toCompare.y && this.z == toCompare.z) { if(!(!allFour)) { return this.w == toCompare.w; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } ,incrementBy: function(a) { this.x += a.x; this.y += a.y; this.z += a.z; } ,nearEquals: function(toCompare,tolerance,allFour) { if(allFour == null) { allFour = false; } if(Math.abs(this.x - toCompare.x) < tolerance && Math.abs(this.y - toCompare.y) < tolerance && Math.abs(this.z - toCompare.z) < tolerance) { if(!(!allFour)) { return Math.abs(this.w - toCompare.w) < tolerance; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } ,negate: function() { this.x *= -1; this.y *= -1; this.z *= -1; } ,normalize: function() { var l = this.get_length(); if(l != 0) { this.x /= l; this.y /= l; this.z /= l; } return l; } ,project: function() { this.x /= this.w; this.y /= this.w; this.z /= this.w; } ,scaleBy: function(s) { this.x *= s; this.y *= s; this.z *= s; } ,setTo: function(xa,ya,za) { this.x = xa; this.y = ya; this.z = za; } ,subtract: function(a) { return new openfl_geom_Vector3D(this.x - a.x,this.y - a.y,this.z - a.z); } ,toString: function() { return "Vector3D(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ", " + this.z + ")"; } ,get_length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); } ,get_lengthSquared: function() { return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z; } ,__class__: openfl_geom_Vector3D ,__properties__: {get_lengthSquared:"get_lengthSquared",get_length:"get_length"} }; var openfl_media_ID3Info = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.media.ID3Info"] = openfl_media_ID3Info; openfl_media_ID3Info.__name__ = ["openfl","media","ID3Info"]; openfl_media_ID3Info.prototype = { album: null ,artist: null ,comment: null ,genre: null ,songName: null ,track: null ,year: null ,__class__: openfl_media_ID3Info }; var openfl_media_Sound = function(stream,context) { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this,this); this.bytesLoaded = 0; this.bytesTotal = 0; this.isBuffering = false; this.url = null; if(stream != null) { this.load(stream,context); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.media.Sound"] = openfl_media_Sound; openfl_media_Sound.__name__ = ["openfl","media","Sound"]; openfl_media_Sound.fromAudioBuffer = function(buffer) { var sound = new openfl_media_Sound(); sound.__buffer = buffer; return sound; }; openfl_media_Sound.fromFile = function(path) { return openfl_media_Sound.fromAudioBuffer(lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromFile(path)); }; openfl_media_Sound.loadFromFile = function(path) { return lime_media_AudioBuffer.loadFromFile(path).then(function(audioBuffer) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(openfl_media_Sound.fromAudioBuffer(audioBuffer)); }); }; openfl_media_Sound.loadFromFiles = function(paths) { return lime_media_AudioBuffer.loadFromFiles(paths).then(function(audioBuffer) { return lime_app_Future.withValue(openfl_media_Sound.fromAudioBuffer(audioBuffer)); }); }; openfl_media_Sound.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_media_Sound.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ bytesLoaded: null ,bytesTotal: null ,isBuffering: null ,url: null ,__buffer: null ,close: function() { if(this.__buffer != null) { this.__buffer.dispose(); this.__buffer = null; } } ,load: function(stream,context) { var _gthis = this; this.url = stream.url; var defaultLibrary = lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary("default"); var tmp; if(defaultLibrary != null) { var key = this.url; var _this = defaultLibrary.cachedAudioBuffers; if(__map_reserved[key] != null) { tmp = _this.existsReserved(key); } else { tmp = _this.h.hasOwnProperty(key); } } else { tmp = false; } if(tmp) { var key1 = this.url; var _this1 = defaultLibrary.cachedAudioBuffers; this.AudioBuffer_onURLLoad(__map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this1.getReserved(key1) : _this1.h[key1]); } else { lime_media_AudioBuffer.loadFromFile(this.url).onComplete($bind(this,this.AudioBuffer_onURLLoad)).onError(function(_) { _gthis.AudioBuffer_onURLLoad(null); }); } } ,loadCompressedDataFromByteArray: function(bytes,bytesLength) { if(bytes == null || bytesLength <= 0) { this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_IOErrorEvent("ioError")); return; } if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(bytes),bytesLength)) { var this1 = new openfl_utils_ByteArrayData(bytesLength); var copy = this1; copy.writeBytes(bytes,0,bytesLength); bytes = copy; } this.__buffer = lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(bytes)); if(this.__buffer == null) { this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_IOErrorEvent("ioError")); } else { this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("complete")); } } ,loadPCMFromByteArray: function(bytes,samples,format,stereo,sampleRate) { if(sampleRate == null) { sampleRate = 44100; } if(stereo == null) { stereo = true; } if(format == null) { format = "float"; } if(bytes == null) { this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_IOErrorEvent("ioError")); return; } var audioBuffer = new lime_media_AudioBuffer(); audioBuffer.bitsPerSample = format == "float" ? 32 : 16; audioBuffer.channels = stereo ? 2 : 1; var buffer = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toArrayBuffer(bytes); var this1; if(buffer != null) { this1 = new Uint8Array(buffer,0); } else { this1 = null; } audioBuffer.data = this1; audioBuffer.sampleRate = sampleRate | 0; this.__buffer = audioBuffer; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("complete")); } ,play: function(startTime,loops,sndTransform) { if(loops == null) { loops = 0; } if(startTime == null) { startTime = 0.0; } if(this.__buffer == null || openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundChannels.length >= 32) { return null; } if(sndTransform == null) { sndTransform = new openfl_media_SoundTransform(); } else { sndTransform = sndTransform.clone(); } var pan = openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundTransform.pan + sndTransform.pan; if(pan > 1) { pan = 1; } if(pan < -1) { pan = -1; } var volume = openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundTransform.volume * sndTransform.volume; var source = new lime_media_AudioSource(this.__buffer); source.offset = startTime | 0; if(loops > 1) { source.set_loops(loops - 1); } source.set_gain(volume); var position = source.get_position(); position.x = pan; position.z = -1 * Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(pan,2)); source.set_position(position); return new openfl_media_SoundChannel(source,sndTransform); } ,get_id3: function() { return new openfl_media_ID3Info(); } ,get_length: function() { if(this.__buffer != null) { return this.__buffer.get_src().duration() * 1000 | 0; } return 0; } ,AudioBuffer_onURLLoad: function(buffer) { if(buffer == null) { this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_IOErrorEvent("ioError")); } else { this.__buffer = buffer; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("complete")); } } ,__class__: openfl_media_Sound ,__properties__: {get_length:"get_length",get_id3:"get_id3"} }); var openfl_media_SoundChannel = function(source,soundTransform) { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this,this); this.leftPeak = 1; this.rightPeak = 1; if(soundTransform != null) { this.__soundTransform = soundTransform; } else { this.__soundTransform = new openfl_media_SoundTransform(); } if(source != null) { this.__source = source; this.__source.onComplete.add($bind(this,this.source_onComplete)); this.__isValid = true; this.__source.play(); } openfl_media_SoundMixer.__registerSoundChannel(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl.media.SoundChannel"] = openfl_media_SoundChannel; openfl_media_SoundChannel.__name__ = ["openfl","media","SoundChannel"]; openfl_media_SoundChannel.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_media_SoundChannel.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ leftPeak: null ,rightPeak: null ,__isValid: null ,__soundTransform: null ,__source: null ,stop: function() { openfl_media_SoundMixer.__unregisterSoundChannel(this); if(!this.__isValid) { return; } this.__source.stop(); this.__dispose(); } ,__dispose: function() { if(!this.__isValid) { return; } this.__source.onComplete.remove($bind(this,this.source_onComplete)); this.__source.dispose(); this.__isValid = false; } ,__updateTransform: function() { this.set_soundTransform(this.get_soundTransform()); } ,get_position: function() { if(!this.__isValid) { return 0; } return this.__source.get_currentTime() + this.__source.offset; } ,set_position: function(value) { if(!this.__isValid) { return 0; } this.__source.set_currentTime((value | 0) - this.__source.offset); return value; } ,get_soundTransform: function() { return this.__soundTransform.clone(); } ,set_soundTransform: function(value) { if(value != null) { this.__soundTransform.pan = value.pan; this.__soundTransform.volume = value.volume; var pan = openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundTransform.pan + this.__soundTransform.pan; if(pan < -1) { pan = -1; } if(pan > 1) { pan = 1; } var volume = openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundTransform.volume * this.__soundTransform.volume; if(this.__isValid) { this.__source.set_gain(volume); var position = this.__source.get_position(); position.x = pan; position.z = -1 * Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(pan,2)); this.__source.set_position(position); return value; } } return value; } ,source_onComplete: function() { openfl_media_SoundMixer.__unregisterSoundChannel(this); this.__dispose(); this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("soundComplete")); } ,__class__: openfl_media_SoundChannel ,__properties__: {set_soundTransform:"set_soundTransform",get_soundTransform:"get_soundTransform",set_position:"set_position",get_position:"get_position"} }); var openfl_media_SoundLoaderContext = function(bufferTime,checkPolicyFile) { if(checkPolicyFile == null) { checkPolicyFile = false; } if(bufferTime == null) { bufferTime = 1000; } this.bufferTime = bufferTime; this.checkPolicyFile = checkPolicyFile; }; $hxClasses["openfl.media.SoundLoaderContext"] = openfl_media_SoundLoaderContext; openfl_media_SoundLoaderContext.__name__ = ["openfl","media","SoundLoaderContext"]; openfl_media_SoundLoaderContext.prototype = { bufferTime: null ,checkPolicyFile: null ,__class__: openfl_media_SoundLoaderContext }; var openfl_media_SoundTransform = function(vol,panning) { if(panning == null) { panning = 0; } if(vol == null) { vol = 1; } this.volume = vol; this.pan = panning; this.leftToLeft = 0; this.leftToRight = 0; this.rightToLeft = 0; this.rightToRight = 0; }; $hxClasses["openfl.media.SoundTransform"] = openfl_media_SoundTransform; openfl_media_SoundTransform.__name__ = ["openfl","media","SoundTransform"]; openfl_media_SoundTransform.prototype = { leftToLeft: null ,leftToRight: null ,pan: null ,rightToLeft: null ,rightToRight: null ,volume: null ,clone: function() { return new openfl_media_SoundTransform(this.volume,this.pan); } ,__class__: openfl_media_SoundTransform }; var openfl_media_SoundMixer = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.media.SoundMixer"] = openfl_media_SoundMixer; openfl_media_SoundMixer.__name__ = ["openfl","media","SoundMixer"]; openfl_media_SoundMixer.__properties__ = {set_soundTransform:"set_soundTransform",get_soundTransform:"get_soundTransform"}; openfl_media_SoundMixer.bufferTime = null; openfl_media_SoundMixer.areSoundsInaccessible = function() { return false; }; openfl_media_SoundMixer.stopAll = function() { var _g = 0; var _g1 = openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundChannels; while(_g < _g1.length) { var channel = _g1[_g]; ++_g; channel.stop(); } }; openfl_media_SoundMixer.__registerSoundChannel = function(soundChannel) { openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundChannels.push(soundChannel); }; openfl_media_SoundMixer.__unregisterSoundChannel = function(soundChannel) { HxOverrides.remove(openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundChannels,soundChannel); }; openfl_media_SoundMixer.get_soundTransform = function() { return openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundTransform; }; openfl_media_SoundMixer.set_soundTransform = function(value) { openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundTransform = value.clone(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = openfl_media_SoundMixer.__soundChannels; while(_g < _g1.length) { var channel = _g1[_g]; ++_g; channel.__updateTransform(); } return value; }; var openfl_net_NetConnection = function() { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl.net.NetConnection"] = openfl_net_NetConnection; openfl_net_NetConnection.__name__ = ["openfl","net","NetConnection"]; openfl_net_NetConnection.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_net_NetConnection.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ connect: function(command,_,_1,_2,_3,_4) { if(command != null) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError("Error: Can only connect in \"HTTP streaming\" mode"); } this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_NetStatusEvent("netStatus",false,true,{ code : "NetConnection.Connect.Success"})); } ,__class__: openfl_net_NetConnection }); var openfl_net_NetStream = function(connection,peerID) { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.__connection = connection; this.__video = window.document.createElement("video"); this.__video.setAttribute("playsinline",""); this.__video.setAttribute("webkit-playsinline",""); this.__video.addEventListener("error",$bind(this,this.video_onError),false); this.__video.addEventListener("waiting",$bind(this,this.video_onWaiting),false); this.__video.addEventListener("ended",$bind(this,this.video_onEnd),false); this.__video.addEventListener("pause",$bind(this,this.video_onPause),false); this.__video.addEventListener("seeking",$bind(this,this.video_onSeeking),false); this.__video.addEventListener("playing",$bind(this,this.video_onPlaying),false); this.__video.addEventListener("timeupdate",$bind(this,this.video_onTimeUpdate),false); this.__video.addEventListener("loadstart",$bind(this,this.video_onLoadStart),false); this.__video.addEventListener("stalled",$bind(this,this.video_onStalled),false); this.__video.addEventListener("durationchanged",$bind(this,this.video_onDurationChanged),false); this.__video.addEventListener("canplay",$bind(this,this.video_onCanPlay),false); this.__video.addEventListener("canplaythrough",$bind(this,this.video_onCanPlayThrough),false); this.__video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata",$bind(this,this.video_onLoadMetaData),false); }; $hxClasses["openfl.net.NetStream"] = openfl_net_NetStream; openfl_net_NetStream.__name__ = ["openfl","net","NetStream"]; openfl_net_NetStream.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_net_NetStream.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ audioCodec: null ,bufferLength: null ,bufferTime: null ,bytesLoaded: null ,bytesTotal: null ,checkPolicyFile: null ,client: null ,currentFPS: null ,decodedFrames: null ,liveDelay: null ,objectEncoding: null ,soundTransform: null ,time: null ,videoCode: null ,__closed: null ,__connection: null ,__timer: null ,__seeking: null ,__video: null ,close: function() { if(this.__video == null) { return; } this.__closed = true; this.__video.pause(); this.__video.src = ""; this.time = 0; } ,dispose: function() { this.close(); this.__video = null; } ,pause: function() { if(this.__video != null) { this.__video.pause(); } } ,play: function(url,_,_1,_2,_3,_4) { if(this.__video == null) { return; } this.__video.src = url; this.__video.play(); } ,requestVideoStatus: function() { var _gthis = this; if(this.__video == null) { return; } if(this.__timer == null) { this.__timer = new haxe_Timer(1); } this.__timer.run = function() { if(_gthis.__video.paused) { _gthis.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.pause"); } else { _gthis.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.playing"); } _gthis.__timer.stop(); }; } ,resume: function() { if(this.__video != null) { this.__video.play(); } } ,seek: function(time) { if(this.__video == null) { return; } if(time < 0) { time = 0; } else if(time > this.__video.duration) { time = this.__video.duration; } this.set___seeking(true); this.__connection.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_NetStatusEvent("netStatus",false,false,{ code : "NetStream.SeekStart.Notify"})); this.__video.currentTime = time; } ,togglePause: function() { if(this.__video == null) { return; } if(this.__video.paused) { this.__video.play(); } else { this.__video.pause(); } } ,__playStatus: function(code) { if(this.__video == null) { return; } if(this.client != null) { try { var handler = this.client.onPlayStatus; handler({ code : code, duration : this.__video.duration, position : this.__video.currentTime, speed : this.__video.playbackRate, start : this.__video.startTime}); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } } } ,video_onCanPlay: function(event) { this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.canplay"); } ,video_onCanPlayThrough: function(event) { this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.canplaythrough"); } ,video_onDurationChanged: function(event) { this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.durationchanged"); } ,video_onEnd: function(event) { this.__connection.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_NetStatusEvent("netStatus",false,false,{ code : "NetStream.Play.Stop"})); this.__connection.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_NetStatusEvent("netStatus",false,false,{ code : "NetStream.Play.Complete"})); this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.Complete"); } ,video_onError: function(event) { this.__connection.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_NetStatusEvent("netStatus",false,false,{ code : "NetStream.Play.Stop"})); this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.error"); } ,video_onLoadMetaData: function(event) { if(this.__video == null) { return; } if(this.client != null) { try { var handler = this.client.onMetaData; handler({ width : this.__video.videoWidth, height : this.__video.videoHeight, duration : this.__video.duration}); } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } } } ,video_onLoadStart: function(event) { this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.loadstart"); } ,video_onPause: function(event) { this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.pause"); } ,video_onPlaying: function(event) { this.__connection.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_NetStatusEvent("netStatus",false,false,{ code : "NetStream.Play.Start"})); this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.playing"); } ,video_onSeeking: function(event) { this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.seeking"); this.__connection.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_NetStatusEvent("netStatus",false,false,{ code : "NetStream.Seek.Complete"})); } ,video_onStalled: function(event) { this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.stalled"); } ,video_onTimeUpdate: function(event) { if(this.__video == null) { return; } this.time = this.__video.currentTime; this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.timeupdate"); } ,video_onWaiting: function(event) { this.__playStatus("NetStream.Play.waiting"); } ,get_speed: function() { if(this.__video != null) { return this.__video.playbackRate; } else { return 1; } } ,set_speed: function(value) { if(this.__video != null) { return this.__video.playbackRate = value; } else { return value; } } ,get___seeking: function() { if(!this.__seeking) { return this.__video.seeking; } else { return true; } } ,set___seeking: function(value) { return this.__seeking = value; } ,__class__: openfl_net_NetStream ,__properties__: {set___seeking:"set___seeking",get___seeking:"get___seeking",set_speed:"set_speed",get_speed:"get_speed"} }); var openfl_net_SharedObject = function() { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.client = this; this.objectEncoding = openfl_net_SharedObject.defaultObjectEncoding; }; $hxClasses["openfl.net.SharedObject"] = openfl_net_SharedObject; openfl_net_SharedObject.__name__ = ["openfl","net","SharedObject"]; openfl_net_SharedObject.__sharedObjects = null; openfl_net_SharedObject.getLocal = function(name,localPath,secure) { if(secure == null) { secure = false; } var illegalValues = [" ","~","%","&","\\",";",":","\"","'",",","<",">","?","#"]; var allowed = true; if(name == null || name == "") { allowed = false; } else { var _g = 0; while(_g < illegalValues.length) { var value = illegalValues[_g]; ++_g; if(name.indexOf(value) > -1) { allowed = false; break; } } } if(!allowed) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_Error("Error #2134: Cannot create SharedObject.")); } if(localPath == null) { localPath = window.location.href; } if(openfl_net_SharedObject.__sharedObjects == null) { openfl_net_SharedObject.__sharedObjects = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); if(lime_app_Application.current != null) { lime_app_Application.current.onExit.add(openfl_net_SharedObject.application_onExit); } } var id = localPath + "/" + name; var _this = openfl_net_SharedObject.__sharedObjects; if(!(__map_reserved[id] != null ? _this.existsReserved(id) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id))) { var sharedObject = new openfl_net_SharedObject(); sharedObject.data = { }; sharedObject.__localPath = localPath; sharedObject.__name = name; var encodedData = null; try { var storage = js_Browser.getLocalStorage(); if(storage != null) { encodedData = storage.getItem(localPath + ":" + name); } } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } if(encodedData != null && encodedData != "") { try { var unserializer = new haxe_Unserializer(encodedData); unserializer.setResolver({ resolveEnum : Type.resolveEnum, resolveClass : openfl_net_SharedObject.__resolveClass}); sharedObject.data = unserializer.unserialize(); } catch( e1 ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e1; } } var _this1 = openfl_net_SharedObject.__sharedObjects; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this1.setReserved(id,sharedObject); } else { _this1.h[id] = sharedObject; } } var _this2 = openfl_net_SharedObject.__sharedObjects; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this2.getReserved(id); } else { return _this2.h[id]; } }; openfl_net_SharedObject.getRemote = function(name,remotePath,persistence,secure) { if(secure == null) { secure = false; } if(persistence == null) { persistence = false; } openfl__$internal_Lib.notImplemented({ fileName : "SharedObject.hx", lineNumber : 671, className : "openfl.net.SharedObject", methodName : "getRemote"}); return null; }; openfl_net_SharedObject.__getPath = function(localPath,name) { var path = lime_system_System.get_applicationStorageDirectory() + "/" + localPath + "/"; name = StringTools.replace(name,"//","/"); name = StringTools.replace(name,"//","/"); if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"/")) { name = HxOverrides.substr(name,1,null); } if(StringTools.endsWith(name,"/")) { name = name.substring(0,name.length - 1); } if(name.indexOf("/") > -1) { var split = name.split("/"); name = ""; var _g1 = 0; var _g = split.length - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; name += "#" + split[i] + "/"; } name += split[split.length - 1]; } return path + name + ".sol"; }; openfl_net_SharedObject.__mkdir = function(directory) { }; openfl_net_SharedObject.__resolveClass = function(name) { if(name != null) { if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"neash.")) { name = StringTools.replace(name,"neash.","openfl."); } if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"native.")) { name = StringTools.replace(name,"native.","openfl."); } if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"flash.")) { name = StringTools.replace(name,"flash.","openfl."); } if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"openfl._v2.")) { name = StringTools.replace(name,"openfl._v2.","openfl."); } if(StringTools.startsWith(name,"openfl._legacy.")) { name = StringTools.replace(name,"openfl._legacy.","openfl."); } return Type.resolveClass(name); } return null; }; openfl_net_SharedObject.application_onExit = function(_) { var _this = openfl_net_SharedObject.__sharedObjects; var sharedObject = new haxe_ds__$StringMap_StringMapIterator(_this,_this.arrayKeys()); while(sharedObject.hasNext()) { var sharedObject1 = sharedObject.next(); sharedObject1.flush(); } }; openfl_net_SharedObject.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_net_SharedObject.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ client: null ,data: null ,fps: null ,objectEncoding: null ,__localPath: null ,__name: null ,clear: function() { this.data = { }; try { var storage = js_Browser.getLocalStorage(); if(storage != null) { storage.removeItem(this.__localPath + ":" + this.__name); } } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } } ,close: function() { } ,connect: function(myConnection,params) { openfl__$internal_Lib.notImplemented({ fileName : "SharedObject.hx", lineNumber : 293, className : "openfl.net.SharedObject", methodName : "connect"}); } ,flush: function(minDiskSpace) { if(minDiskSpace == null) { minDiskSpace = 0; } if(Reflect.fields(this.data).length == 0) { return 0; } var encodedData = haxe_Serializer.run(this.data); try { var storage = js_Browser.getLocalStorage(); if(storage != null) { storage.removeItem(this.__localPath + ":" + this.__name); storage.setItem(this.__localPath + ":" + this.__name,encodedData); } } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; return 1; } return 0; } ,send: function(args) { openfl__$internal_Lib.notImplemented({ fileName : "SharedObject.hx", lineNumber : 680, className : "openfl.net.SharedObject", methodName : "send"}); } ,setDirty: function(propertyName) { } ,setProperty: function(propertyName,value) { if(this.data != null) { this.data[propertyName] = value; } } ,get_size: function() { try { var d = haxe_Serializer.run(this.data); return haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(d).length; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; return 0; } } ,__class__: openfl_net_SharedObject ,__properties__: {get_size:"get_size"} }); var openfl_net__$SharedObjectFlushStatus_SharedObjectFlushStatus_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.net._SharedObjectFlushStatus.SharedObjectFlushStatus_Impl_"] = openfl_net__$SharedObjectFlushStatus_SharedObjectFlushStatus_$Impl_$; openfl_net__$SharedObjectFlushStatus_SharedObjectFlushStatus_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","net","_SharedObjectFlushStatus","SharedObjectFlushStatus_Impl_"]; openfl_net__$SharedObjectFlushStatus_SharedObjectFlushStatus_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "flushed": return 0; case "pending": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_net__$SharedObjectFlushStatus_SharedObjectFlushStatus_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "flushed"; case 1: return "pending"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_net_URLLoader = function(request) { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.bytesLoaded = 0; this.bytesTotal = 0; this.dataFormat = 1; if(request != null) { this.load(request); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.net.URLLoader"] = openfl_net_URLLoader; openfl_net_URLLoader.__name__ = ["openfl","net","URLLoader"]; openfl_net_URLLoader.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_net_URLLoader.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ bytesLoaded: null ,bytesTotal: null ,data: null ,dataFormat: null ,__httpRequest: null ,close: function() { if(this.__httpRequest != null) { this.__httpRequest.cancel(); } } ,load: function(request) { var _gthis = this; if(this.dataFormat == 0) { var httpRequest = new lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$openfl_$utils_$ByteArray(); this.__prepareRequest(httpRequest,request); httpRequest.load().onProgress($bind(this,this.httpRequest_onProgress)).onError($bind(this,this.httpRequest_onError)).onComplete(function(data) { _gthis.__dispatchStatus(); _gthis.data = data; var event = new openfl_events_Event("complete"); _gthis.dispatchEvent(event); }); } else { var httpRequest1 = new lime_net__$HTTPRequest_$String(); this.__prepareRequest(httpRequest1,request); httpRequest1.load().onProgress($bind(this,this.httpRequest_onProgress)).onError($bind(this,this.httpRequest_onError)).onComplete(function(data1) { _gthis.__dispatchStatus(); _gthis.data = data1; var event1 = new openfl_events_Event("complete"); _gthis.dispatchEvent(event1); }); } } ,__dispatchStatus: function() { var event = new openfl_events_HTTPStatusEvent("httpStatus",false,false,this.__httpRequest.responseStatus); event.responseURL = this.__httpRequest.uri; var headers = []; if(this.__httpRequest.enableResponseHeaders && this.__httpRequest.responseHeaders != null) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__httpRequest.responseHeaders; while(_g < _g1.length) { var header = _g1[_g]; ++_g; headers.push(new openfl_net_URLRequestHeader(header.name,header.value)); } } event.responseHeaders = headers; this.dispatchEvent(event); } ,__prepareRequest: function(httpRequest,request) { this.__httpRequest = httpRequest; this.__httpRequest.uri = request.url; var _g = request.method; var tmp; switch(_g) { case "DELETE": tmp = "DELETE"; break; case "HEAD": tmp = "HEAD"; break; case "OPTIONS": tmp = "OPTIONS"; break; case "POST": tmp = "POST"; break; case "PUT": tmp = "PUT"; break; default: tmp = "GET"; } this.__httpRequest.method = tmp; if(request.data != null) { if(Type["typeof"](request.data) == ValueType.TObject) { var fields = Reflect.fields(request.data); var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < fields.length) { var field = fields[_g1]; ++_g1; var _this = this.__httpRequest.formData; var value = Reflect.field(request.data,field); if(__map_reserved[field] != null) { _this.setReserved(field,value); } else { _this.h[field] = value; } } } else if(js_Boot.__instanceof(request.data,haxe_io_Bytes)) { this.__httpRequest.data = request.data; } else { this.__httpRequest.data = haxe_io_Bytes.ofString(Std.string(request.data)); } } this.__httpRequest.contentType = request.contentType; if(request.requestHeaders != null) { var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = request.requestHeaders; while(_g11 < _g2.length) { var header = _g2[_g11]; ++_g11; this.__httpRequest.headers.push(new lime_net_HTTPRequestHeader(header.name,header.value)); } } this.__httpRequest.followRedirects = request.followRedirects; this.__httpRequest.timeout = request.idleTimeout | 0; this.__httpRequest.withCredentials = request.manageCookies; var userAgent = request.userAgent; if(userAgent == null) { userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) OpenFL/1.0"; } this.__httpRequest.userAgent = request.userAgent; this.__httpRequest.enableResponseHeaders = true; } ,httpRequest_onError: function(error) { this.__dispatchStatus(); if(error == 403) { var event = new openfl_events_SecurityErrorEvent("securityError"); event.text = Std.string(error); this.dispatchEvent(event); } else { var event1 = new openfl_events_IOErrorEvent("ioError"); event1.text = Std.string(error); this.dispatchEvent(event1); } } ,httpRequest_onProgress: function(bytesLoaded,bytesTotal) { var event = new openfl_events_ProgressEvent("progress"); event.bytesLoaded = bytesLoaded; event.bytesTotal = bytesTotal; this.dispatchEvent(event); } ,__class__: openfl_net_URLLoader }); var openfl_net__$URLLoaderDataFormat_URLLoaderDataFormat_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.net._URLLoaderDataFormat.URLLoaderDataFormat_Impl_"] = openfl_net__$URLLoaderDataFormat_URLLoaderDataFormat_$Impl_$; openfl_net__$URLLoaderDataFormat_URLLoaderDataFormat_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","net","_URLLoaderDataFormat","URLLoaderDataFormat_Impl_"]; openfl_net__$URLLoaderDataFormat_URLLoaderDataFormat_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "binary": return 0; case "text": return 1; case "variables": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_net__$URLLoaderDataFormat_URLLoaderDataFormat_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "binary"; case 1: return "text"; case 2: return "variables"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_net_URLRequest = function(url) { if(url != null) { this.url = url; } this.contentType = null; this.followRedirects = openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.followRedirects; this.idleTimeout = openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.idleTimeout > 0 ? openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.idleTimeout : 30000; this.manageCookies = openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.manageCookies; this.method = "GET"; this.requestHeaders = []; this.userAgent = openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.userAgent; }; $hxClasses["openfl.net.URLRequest"] = openfl_net_URLRequest; openfl_net_URLRequest.__name__ = ["openfl","net","URLRequest"]; openfl_net_URLRequest.prototype = { contentType: null ,data: null ,followRedirects: null ,idleTimeout: null ,manageCookies: null ,method: null ,requestHeaders: null ,url: null ,userAgent: null ,__class__: openfl_net_URLRequest }; var openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.net.URLRequestDefaults"] = openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults; openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.__name__ = ["openfl","net","URLRequestDefaults"]; openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.userAgent = null; var openfl_net_URLRequestHeader = function(name,value) { if(value == null) { value = ""; } if(name == null) { name = ""; } this.name = name; this.value = value; }; $hxClasses["openfl.net.URLRequestHeader"] = openfl_net_URLRequestHeader; openfl_net_URLRequestHeader.__name__ = ["openfl","net","URLRequestHeader"]; openfl_net_URLRequestHeader.prototype = { name: null ,value: null ,__class__: openfl_net_URLRequestHeader }; var openfl_net__$URLVariables_URLVariables_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.net._URLVariables.URLVariables_Impl_"] = openfl_net__$URLVariables_URLVariables_$Impl_$; openfl_net__$URLVariables_URLVariables_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","net","_URLVariables","URLVariables_Impl_"]; openfl_net__$URLVariables_URLVariables_$Impl_$._new = function(source) { var this1 = { }; if(source != null) { openfl_net__$URLVariables_URLVariables_$Impl_$.decode(this1,source); } return this1; }; openfl_net__$URLVariables_URLVariables_$Impl_$.decode = function(this1,source) { var fields = Reflect.fields(this1); var _g = 0; while(_g < fields.length) { var f = fields[_g]; ++_g; Reflect.deleteField(this1,f); } var fields1 = source.split(";").join("&").split("&"); var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < fields1.length) { var f1 = fields1[_g1]; ++_g1; var eq = f1.indexOf("="); if(eq > 0) { var s = HxOverrides.substr(f1,0,eq); var field = decodeURIComponent(s.split("+").join(" ")); var s1 = HxOverrides.substr(f1,eq + 1,null); this1[field] = decodeURIComponent(s1.split("+").join(" ")); } else if(eq != 0) { this1[decodeURIComponent(f1.split("+").join(" "))] = ""; } } }; openfl_net__$URLVariables_URLVariables_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { var result = []; var fields = Reflect.fields(this1); var _g = 0; while(_g < fields.length) { var f = fields[_g]; ++_g; var tmp = encodeURIComponent(f) + "="; var s = Reflect.field(this1,f); result.push(tmp + encodeURIComponent(s)); } return result.join("&"); }; var openfl_sensors_Accelerometer = function() { openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.initialize(); this.__interval = 0; this.__muted = false; this.setRequestedUpdateInterval(openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.defaultInterval); }; $hxClasses["openfl.sensors.Accelerometer"] = openfl_sensors_Accelerometer; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.__name__ = ["openfl","sensors","Accelerometer"]; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.__properties__ = {get_isSupported:"get_isSupported"}; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.initialize = function() { if(!openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.initialized) { var sensors = lime_system_Sensor.getSensors(lime_system_SensorType.ACCELEROMETER); if(sensors.length > 0) { sensors[0].onUpdate.add(openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.accelerometer_onUpdate); openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.supported = true; } openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.initialized = true; } }; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.accelerometer_onUpdate = function(x,y,z) { openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentX = x; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentY = y; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentZ = z; }; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.get_isSupported = function() { openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.initialize(); return openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.supported; }; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ __interval: null ,__muted: null ,__timer: null ,addEventListener: function(type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference) { if(useWeakReference == null) { useWeakReference = false; } if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(useCapture == null) { useCapture = false; } openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener.call(this,type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference); this.update(); } ,setRequestedUpdateInterval: function(interval) { this.__interval = interval; if(this.__interval < 0) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_ArgumentError()); } else if(this.__interval == 0) { this.__interval = openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.defaultInterval; } if(this.__timer != null) { this.__timer.stop(); this.__timer = null; } if(openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.supported && !this.get_muted()) { this.__timer = new haxe_Timer(this.__interval); this.__timer.run = $bind(this,this.update); } } ,update: function() { var event = new openfl_events_AccelerometerEvent("update"); event.timestamp = new Date().getTime() / 1000; event.accelerationX = openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentX; event.accelerationY = openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentY; event.accelerationZ = openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentZ; this.dispatchEvent(event); } ,get_muted: function() { return this.__muted; } ,set_muted: function(value) { this.__muted = value; this.setRequestedUpdateInterval(this.__interval); return value; } ,__class__: openfl_sensors_Accelerometer ,__properties__: {set_muted:"set_muted",get_muted:"get_muted"} }); var openfl_system_ApplicationDomain = function(parentDomain) { if(parentDomain != null) { this.parentDomain = parentDomain; } else { this.parentDomain = openfl_system_ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; } }; $hxClasses["openfl.system.ApplicationDomain"] = openfl_system_ApplicationDomain; openfl_system_ApplicationDomain.__name__ = ["openfl","system","ApplicationDomain"]; openfl_system_ApplicationDomain.prototype = { parentDomain: null ,getDefinition: function(name) { return Type.resolveClass(name); } ,hasDefinition: function(name) { return Type.resolveClass(name) != null; } ,__class__: openfl_system_ApplicationDomain }; var openfl_system_LoaderContext = function(checkPolicyFile,applicationDomain,securityDomain) { if(checkPolicyFile == null) { checkPolicyFile = false; } this.checkPolicyFile = checkPolicyFile; this.securityDomain = securityDomain; this.applicationDomain = applicationDomain; this.allowCodeImport = true; this.allowLoadBytesCodeExecution = true; }; $hxClasses["openfl.system.LoaderContext"] = openfl_system_LoaderContext; openfl_system_LoaderContext.__name__ = ["openfl","system","LoaderContext"]; openfl_system_LoaderContext.prototype = { allowCodeImport: null ,allowLoadBytesCodeExecution: null ,applicationDomain: null ,checkPolicyFile: null ,securityDomain: null ,__class__: openfl_system_LoaderContext }; var openfl_system_SecurityDomain = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.system.SecurityDomain"] = openfl_system_SecurityDomain; openfl_system_SecurityDomain.__name__ = ["openfl","system","SecurityDomain"]; openfl_system_SecurityDomain.prototype = { __class__: openfl_system_SecurityDomain }; var openfl_system_System = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.system.System"] = openfl_system_System; openfl_system_System.__name__ = ["openfl","system","System"]; openfl_system_System.__properties__ = {get_vmVersion:"get_vmVersion",get_totalMemory:"get_totalMemory"}; openfl_system_System.exit = function(code) { lime_system_System.exit(code); }; openfl_system_System.gc = function() { }; openfl_system_System.pause = function() { openfl__$internal_Lib.notImplemented({ fileName : "System.hx", lineNumber : 176, className : "openfl.system.System", methodName : "pause"}); }; openfl_system_System.resume = function() { openfl__$internal_Lib.notImplemented({ fileName : "System.hx", lineNumber : 193, className : "openfl.system.System", methodName : "resume"}); }; openfl_system_System.setClipboard = function(string) { lime_system_Clipboard.set_text(string); }; openfl_system_System.get_totalMemory = function() { return (window.performance && window.performance.memory) ? window.performance.memory.usedJSHeapSize : 0; }; openfl_system_System.get_vmVersion = function() { return "1.0.0"; }; var openfl_text__$AntiAliasType_AntiAliasType_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.text._AntiAliasType.AntiAliasType_Impl_"] = openfl_text__$AntiAliasType_AntiAliasType_$Impl_$; openfl_text__$AntiAliasType_AntiAliasType_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","text","_AntiAliasType","AntiAliasType_Impl_"]; openfl_text__$AntiAliasType_AntiAliasType_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "advanced": return 0; case "normal": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_text__$AntiAliasType_AntiAliasType_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "advanced"; case 1: return "normal"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_text__$FontStyle_FontStyle_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.text._FontStyle.FontStyle_Impl_"] = openfl_text__$FontStyle_FontStyle_$Impl_$; openfl_text__$FontStyle_FontStyle_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","text","_FontStyle","FontStyle_Impl_"]; openfl_text__$FontStyle_FontStyle_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "bold": return 0; case "boldItalic": return 1; case "italic": return 2; case "regular": return 3; default: return null; } }; openfl_text__$FontStyle_FontStyle_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "bold"; case 1: return "boldItalic"; case 2: return "italic"; case 3: return "regular"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_text__$FontType_FontType_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.text._FontType.FontType_Impl_"] = openfl_text__$FontType_FontType_$Impl_$; openfl_text__$FontType_FontType_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","text","_FontType","FontType_Impl_"]; openfl_text__$FontType_FontType_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "device": return 0; case "embedded": return 1; case "embeddedCFF": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_text__$FontType_FontType_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "device"; case 1: return "embedded"; case 2: return "embeddedCFF"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_text__$GridFitType_GridFitType_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.text._GridFitType.GridFitType_Impl_"] = openfl_text__$GridFitType_GridFitType_$Impl_$; openfl_text__$GridFitType_GridFitType_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","text","_GridFitType","GridFitType_Impl_"]; openfl_text__$GridFitType_GridFitType_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "none": return 0; case "pixel": return 1; case "subpixel": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_text__$GridFitType_GridFitType_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "none"; case 1: return "pixel"; case 2: return "subpixel"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_text_StaticText = function() { openfl_display_DisplayObject.call(this); this.__graphics = new openfl_display_Graphics(this); }; $hxClasses["openfl.text.StaticText"] = openfl_text_StaticText; openfl_text_StaticText.__name__ = ["openfl","text","StaticText"]; openfl_text_StaticText.__super__ = openfl_display_DisplayObject; openfl_text_StaticText.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_DisplayObject.prototype,{ text: null ,__class__: openfl_text_StaticText }); var openfl_text_TextField = function() { this.__forceCachedBitmapUpdate = false; this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM = false; openfl_display_InteractiveObject.call(this); this.__caretIndex = -1; this.__displayAsPassword = false; this.__graphics = new openfl_display_Graphics(this); this.__textEngine = new openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine(this); this.__layoutDirty = true; this.__offsetX = 0; this.__offsetY = 0; this.__mouseWheelEnabled = true; this.__text = ""; if(openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat == null) { openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat = new openfl_text_TextFormat("Times New Roman",12,0,false,false,false,"","",3,0,0,0,0); openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat.blockIndent = 0; openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat.bullet = false; openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat.letterSpacing = 0; openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat.kerning = false; } this.__textFormat = openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat.clone(); this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.push(new openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange(this.__textFormat,0,0)); this.addEventListener("mouseDown",$bind(this,this.this_onMouseDown)); this.addEventListener("focusIn",$bind(this,this.this_onFocusIn)); this.addEventListener("focusOut",$bind(this,this.this_onFocusOut)); this.addEventListener("keyDown",$bind(this,this.this_onKeyDown)); this.addEventListener("mouseWheel",$bind(this,this.this_onMouseWheel)); }; $hxClasses["openfl.text.TextField"] = openfl_text_TextField; openfl_text_TextField.__name__ = ["openfl","text","TextField"]; openfl_text_TextField.__defaultTextFormat = null; openfl_text_TextField.__super__ = openfl_display_InteractiveObject; openfl_text_TextField.prototype = $extend(openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype,{ __bounds: null ,__caretIndex: null ,__cursorTimer: null ,__dirty: null ,__displayAsPassword: null ,__domRender: null ,__inputEnabled: null ,__isHTML: null ,__layoutDirty: null ,__mouseWheelEnabled: null ,__offsetX: null ,__offsetY: null ,__selectionIndex: null ,__showCursor: null ,__symbol: null ,__text: null ,__htmlText: null ,__textEngine: null ,__textFormat: null ,__div: null ,__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM: null ,__rawHtmlText: null ,__forceCachedBitmapUpdate: null ,appendText: function(text) { if(text == null || text == "") { return; } this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } this.__updateText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.plus(this.__text,text)); this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get(this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length() - 1).end = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); this.__updateScrollH(); } ,getCharBoundaries: function(charIndex) { if(charIndex < 0 || charIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text) - 1) { return null; } var rect = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); if(this.__getCharBoundaries(charIndex,rect)) { return rect; } else { return null; } } ,getCharIndexAtPoint: function(x,y) { if(x <= 2 || x > this.get_width() + 4 || y <= 0 || y > this.get_height() + 4) { return -1; } this.__updateLayout(); x += this.get_scrollH(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; y += this.__textEngine.lineHeights.get(i); } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var group = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(y >= group.offsetY && y <= group.offsetY + group.height) { if(x >= group.offsetX && x <= group.offsetX + group.width) { var advance = 0.0; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = group.positions.length; while(_g3 < _g21) { var i1 = _g3++; advance += group.positions[i1]; if(x <= group.offsetX + advance) { return group.startIndex + i1; } } return group.endIndex; } } } return -1; } ,getFirstCharInParagraph: function(charIndex) { if(charIndex < 0 || charIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text())) { return -1; } var index = this.__textEngine.getLineBreakIndex(); var startIndex = 0; while(index > -1) { if(index < charIndex) { startIndex = index + 1; } else if(index >= charIndex) { break; } index = this.__textEngine.getLineBreakIndex(index + 1); } return startIndex; } ,getLineIndexAtPoint: function(x,y) { this.__updateLayout(); if(x <= 2 || x > this.get_width() + 4 || y <= 0 || y > this.get_height() + 4) { return -1; } var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; y += this.__textEngine.lineHeights.get(i); } var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var group = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(y >= group.offsetY && y <= group.offsetY + group.height) { return group.lineIndex; } } return -1; } ,getLineIndexOfChar: function(charIndex) { if(charIndex < 0 || charIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text)) { return -1; } this.__updateLayout(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(group.startIndex <= charIndex && group.endIndex >= charIndex) { return group.lineIndex; } } return -1; } ,getLineLength: function(lineIndex) { this.__updateLayout(); if(lineIndex < 0 || lineIndex > this.__textEngine.numLines - 1) { return 0; } var startIndex = -1; var endIndex = -1; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(group.lineIndex == lineIndex) { if(startIndex == -1) { startIndex = group.startIndex; } } else if(group.lineIndex == lineIndex + 1) { endIndex = group.startIndex; break; } } if(endIndex == -1) { endIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } return endIndex - startIndex; } ,getLineMetrics: function(lineIndex) { this.__updateLayout(); var ascender = this.__textEngine.lineAscents.get(lineIndex); var descender = this.__textEngine.lineDescents.get(lineIndex); var leading = this.__textEngine.lineLeadings.get(lineIndex); var lineHeight = this.__textEngine.lineHeights.get(lineIndex); var lineWidth = this.__textEngine.lineWidths.get(lineIndex); var margin; var _g = this.__textFormat.align; switch(_g) { case 0: margin = (this.__textEngine.width - lineWidth) / 2; break; case 1:case 4: margin = this.__textEngine.width - lineWidth - 2; break; case 2:case 3:case 5: margin = 2; break; } return new openfl_text_TextLineMetrics(margin,lineWidth,lineHeight,ascender,descender,leading); } ,getLineOffset: function(lineIndex) { this.__updateLayout(); if(lineIndex < 0 || lineIndex > this.__textEngine.numLines - 1) { return -1; } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(group.lineIndex == lineIndex) { return group.startIndex; } } return 0; } ,getLineText: function(lineIndex) { this.__updateLayout(); if(lineIndex < 0 || lineIndex > this.__textEngine.numLines - 1) { return null; } var startIndex = -1; var endIndex = -1; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(group.lineIndex == lineIndex) { if(startIndex == -1) { startIndex = group.startIndex; } } else if(group.lineIndex == lineIndex + 1) { endIndex = group.startIndex; break; } } if(endIndex == -1) { endIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } return lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(this.__textEngine.text,startIndex,endIndex); } ,getParagraphLength: function(charIndex) { if(charIndex < 0 || charIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text())) { return -1; } var startIndex = this.getFirstCharInParagraph(charIndex); if(charIndex >= lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text())) { return lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text()) - startIndex + 1; } var endIndex = this.__textEngine.getLineBreakIndex(charIndex) + 1; if(endIndex == 0) { endIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } return endIndex - startIndex; } ,getTextFormat: function(beginIndex,endIndex) { if(endIndex == null) { endIndex = -1; } if(beginIndex == null) { beginIndex = -1; } var format = null; if(beginIndex >= lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text()) || beginIndex < -1 || endIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text()) || endIndex < -1) { throw new js__$Boot_HaxeError(new openfl_errors_RangeError("The supplied index is out of bounds")); } if(beginIndex == -1) { beginIndex = 0; } if(endIndex == -1) { endIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text()); } if(beginIndex >= endIndex) { return new openfl_text_TextFormat(); } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(group.start <= beginIndex && group.end > beginIndex || group.start < endIndex && group.end >= endIndex) { if(format == null) { format = group.format.clone(); } else { if(group.format.font != format.font) { format.font = null; } if(group.format.size != format.size) { format.size = null; } if(group.format.color != format.color) { format.color = null; } if(group.format.bold != format.bold) { format.bold = null; } if(group.format.italic != format.italic) { format.italic = null; } if(group.format.underline != format.underline) { format.underline = null; } if(group.format.url != format.url) { format.url = null; } if(group.format.target != format.target) { format.target = null; } if(group.format.align != format.align) { format.align = null; } if(group.format.leftMargin != format.leftMargin) { format.leftMargin = null; } if(group.format.rightMargin != format.rightMargin) { format.rightMargin = null; } if(group.format.indent != format.indent) { format.indent = null; } if(group.format.leading != format.leading) { format.leading = null; } if(group.format.blockIndent != format.blockIndent) { format.blockIndent = null; } if(group.format.bullet != format.bullet) { format.bullet = null; } if(group.format.kerning != format.kerning) { format.kerning = null; } if(group.format.letterSpacing != format.letterSpacing) { format.letterSpacing = null; } if(group.format.tabStops != format.tabStops) { format.tabStops = null; } } } } if(format == null) { format = new openfl_text_TextFormat(); } return format; } ,replaceSelectedText: function(value) { this.__replaceSelectedText(value,false); } ,replaceText: function(beginIndex,endIndex,newText) { this.__replaceText(beginIndex,endIndex,newText,false); } ,setSelection: function(beginIndex,endIndex) { this.__selectionIndex = beginIndex; this.__caretIndex = endIndex; this.__stopCursorTimer(); this.__startCursorTimer(); } ,setTextFormat: function(format,beginIndex,endIndex) { if(endIndex == null) { endIndex = 0; } if(beginIndex == null) { beginIndex = 0; } var max = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text()); var range; if(beginIndex < 0) { beginIndex = 0; } if(endIndex < 0) { endIndex = 0; } if(endIndex == 0) { if(beginIndex == 0) { endIndex = max; } else { endIndex = beginIndex + 1; } } if(endIndex < beginIndex) { return; } if(beginIndex == 0 && endIndex >= max) { this.__textFormat.__merge(format); var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length(); while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; range = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get(i); range.format.__merge(this.__textFormat); } } else { var index = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length(); var searchIndex; while(index > 0) { --index; range = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get(index); if(range.start == beginIndex && range.end == endIndex) { range.format = this.__textFormat.clone(); range.format.__merge(format); this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } return; } if(range.start >= beginIndex && range.end <= endIndex) { searchIndex = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.indexOf(range,0); if(searchIndex > -1) { this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.splice(searchIndex,1); } } } var prevRange = null; var nextRange = null; if(beginIndex > 0) { var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length(); while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; range = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get(i1); if(range.end >= beginIndex) { prevRange = range; break; } } } if(endIndex < max) { var ni = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length(); while(--ni >= 0) { range = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get(ni); if(range.start <= endIndex) { nextRange = range; break; } } } if(nextRange == prevRange) { nextRange = new openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange(nextRange.format.clone(),nextRange.start,nextRange.end); this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.push(nextRange); } if(prevRange != null) { prevRange.end = beginIndex; } if(nextRange != null) { nextRange.start = endIndex; } var textFormat = this.__textFormat.clone(); textFormat.__merge(format); this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.push(new openfl__$internal_text_TextFormatRange(textFormat,beginIndex,endIndex)); this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.sort(function(a,b) { if(a.start < b.start || a.end < b.end) { return -1; } else if(a.start > b.start || a.end > b.end) { return 1; } return 0; }); } this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } ,__allowMouseFocus: function() { if(!(this.__textEngine.type == 1 || this.get_tabEnabled())) { return this.get_selectable(); } else { return true; } } ,__caretBeginningOfLine: function() { if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex || this.__caretIndex < this.__selectionIndex) { this.__caretIndex = this.getLineOffset(this.getLineIndexOfChar(this.__caretIndex)); } else { this.__selectionIndex = this.getLineOffset(this.getLineIndexOfChar(this.__selectionIndex)); } } ,__caretEndOfLine: function() { var lineIndex; if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { lineIndex = this.getLineIndexOfChar(this.__caretIndex); } else { lineIndex = this.getLineIndexOfChar(Math.max(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0); } if(lineIndex < this.__textEngine.numLines - 1) { this.__caretIndex = this.getLineOffset(lineIndex + 1) - 1; } else { this.__caretIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } } ,__caretNextCharacter: function() { if(this.__caretIndex < lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text)) { this.__caretIndex++; } } ,__caretNextLine: function(lineIndex,caretIndex) { if(lineIndex == null) { lineIndex = this.getLineIndexOfChar(this.__caretIndex); } if(lineIndex < this.__textEngine.numLines - 1) { if(caretIndex == null) { caretIndex = this.__caretIndex; } this.__caretIndex = this.__getCharIndexOnDifferentLine(caretIndex,lineIndex + 1); } else { this.__caretIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } } ,__caretPreviousCharacter: function() { if(this.__caretIndex > 0) { this.__caretIndex--; } } ,__caretPreviousLine: function(lineIndex,caretIndex) { if(lineIndex == null) { lineIndex = this.getLineIndexOfChar(this.__caretIndex); } if(lineIndex > 0) { if(caretIndex == null) { caretIndex = this.__caretIndex; } this.__caretIndex = this.__getCharIndexOnDifferentLine(caretIndex,lineIndex - 1); } else { this.__caretIndex = 0; } } ,__disableInput: function() { if(this.__inputEnabled && this.stage != null) { this.stage.window.__backend.setTextInputEnabled(false); this.stage.window.onTextInput.remove($bind(this,this.window_onTextInput)); this.stage.window.onKeyDown.remove($bind(this,this.window_onKeyDown)); this.__inputEnabled = false; this.__stopCursorTimer(); } } ,__dispatch: function(event) { if(event.eventPhase == 2 && event.type == "mouseUp") { var event1 = event; var group = this.__getGroup(this.get_mouseX(),this.get_mouseY(),true); if(group != null) { var url = group.format.url; if(url != null && url != "") { if(StringTools.startsWith(url,"event:")) { this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_TextEvent("link",false,false,HxOverrides.substr(url,6,null))); } else { openfl_Lib.getURL(new openfl_net_URLRequest(url)); } } } } return openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__dispatch.call(this,event); } ,__enableInput: function() { if(this.stage != null) { this.stage.window.__backend.setTextInputEnabled(true); if(!this.__inputEnabled) { this.stage.window.__backend.setTextInputEnabled(true); if(!this.stage.window.onTextInput.has($bind(this,this.window_onTextInput))) { this.stage.window.onTextInput.add($bind(this,this.window_onTextInput)); this.stage.window.onKeyDown.add($bind(this,this.window_onKeyDown)); } this.__inputEnabled = true; this.__startCursorTimer(); } } } ,__fromSymbol: function(swf,symbol) { this.__symbol = symbol; this.set_width(symbol.width); this.set_height(symbol.height); this.__offsetX = symbol.x; this.__offsetY = symbol.y; this.set_multiline(symbol.multiline); this.set_wordWrap(symbol.wordWrap); this.set_displayAsPassword(symbol.password); if(symbol.border) { this.set_border(true); this.set_background(true); } this.set_selectable(symbol.selectable); if(symbol.input) { this.set_type(1); } var format = new openfl_text_TextFormat(); if(symbol.color != null) { format.color = symbol.color & 16777215; } format.size = Math.round(symbol.fontHeight / 20); var font = swf.symbols.h[symbol.fontID]; if(font != null) { format.__ascent = font.ascent / 20 / 1024; format.__descent = font.descent / 20 / 1024; } format.font = symbol.fontName; var found = false; var _g = format.font; if(_g == null) { found = true; } else { switch(_g) { case "":case "_sans":case "_serif":case "_typewriter": found = true; break; default: var _g1 = 0; var _g11 = openfl_text_Font.enumerateFonts(); while(_g1 < _g11.length) { var font1 = _g11[_g1]; ++_g1; if(font1.name == format.font) { found = true; break; } } } } if(!found) { var alpha_r = new RegExp("[^a-zA-Z]+","g".split("u").join("")); var _g12 = 0; var _g2 = openfl_text_Font.enumerateFonts(); while(_g12 < _g2.length) { var font2 = _g2[_g12]; ++_g12; if(HxOverrides.substr(font2.name.replace(alpha_r,""),0,symbol.fontName.length) == symbol.fontName) { format.font = font2.name; found = true; break; } } } if(found) { this.set_embedFonts(true); } else { var key = format.font; var _this = openfl_text_TextField.__missingFontWarning; if(!(__map_reserved[key] != null ? _this.existsReserved(key) : _this.h.hasOwnProperty(key))) { var k = format.font; var _this1 = openfl_text_TextField.__missingFontWarning; if(__map_reserved[k] != null) { _this1.setReserved(k,true); } else { _this1.h[k] = true; } lime_utils_Log.warn("Could not find required font \"" + format.font + "\", it has not been embedded",{ fileName : "TextField.hx", lineNumber : 1676, className : "openfl.text.TextField", methodName : "__fromSymbol"}); } } if(symbol.align != null) { if(symbol.align == "center") { format.align = 0; } else if(symbol.align == "right") { format.align = 4; } else if(symbol.align == "justify") { format.align = 2; } format.leftMargin = symbol.leftMargin / 20 | 0; format.rightMargin = symbol.rightMargin / 20 | 0; format.indent = symbol.indent / 20 | 0; format.leading = symbol.leading / 20 | 0; } this.set_defaultTextFormat(format); if(symbol.text != null) { if(symbol.html) { this.set_htmlText(symbol.text); } else { this.set_text(symbol.text); } } } ,__getAdvance: function(position) { return position; } ,__getBounds: function(rect,matrix) { this.__updateLayout(); var bounds = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); bounds.copyFrom(this.__textEngine.bounds); matrix.tx += this.__offsetX; matrix.ty += this.__offsetY; bounds.__transform(bounds,matrix); rect.__expand(bounds.x,bounds.y,bounds.width,bounds.height); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(bounds); } ,__getCharBoundaries: function(charIndex,rect) { if(charIndex < 0 || charIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text) - 1) { return false; } this.__updateLayout(); var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(charIndex >= group.startIndex && charIndex <= group.endIndex) { try { var x = group.offsetX; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = charIndex - group.startIndex; while(_g3 < _g2) { var i = _g3++; x += group.positions[i]; } var lastPosition = group.positions[charIndex - group.startIndex]; rect.setTo(x,group.offsetY,lastPosition,group.ascent + group.descent); return true; } catch( e ) { haxe_CallStack.lastException = e; } } } return false; } ,__getCharIndexOnDifferentLine: function(charIndex,lineIndex) { if(charIndex < 0 || charIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text)) { return -1; } if(lineIndex < 0 || lineIndex > this.__textEngine.numLines - 1) { return -1; } var x = null; var y = null; var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var group = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; if(charIndex >= group.startIndex && charIndex <= group.endIndex) { x = group.offsetX; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = charIndex - group.startIndex; while(_g3 < _g2) { var i = _g3++; x += group.positions[i]; } if(y != null) { return this.__getPosition(x,y); } } if(group.lineIndex == lineIndex) { y = group.offsetY + group.height / 2; var _g31 = 0; var _g21 = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g31 < _g21) { var i1 = _g31++; y -= this.__textEngine.lineHeights.get(i1); } if(x != null) { return this.__getPosition(x,y); } } } return -1; } ,__getCursor: function() { var group = this.__getGroup(this.get_mouseX(),this.get_mouseY(),true); if(group != null && group.format.url != "") { return "button"; } else if(this.__textEngine.selectable) { return "ibeam"; } return null; } ,__getGroup: function(x,y,precise) { if(precise == null) { precise = false; } this.__updateLayout(); x += this.get_scrollH(); var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; y += this.__textEngine.lineHeights.get(i); } if(!precise && y > this.__textEngine.textHeight) { y = this.__textEngine.textHeight; } var firstGroup = true; var group; var nextGroup; var _g11 = 0; var _g2 = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups.get_length(); while(_g11 < _g2) { var i1 = _g11++; group = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups.get(i1); if(i1 < this.__textEngine.layoutGroups.get_length() - 1) { nextGroup = this.__textEngine.layoutGroups.get(i1 + 1); } else { nextGroup = null; } if(firstGroup) { if(y < group.offsetY) { y = group.offsetY; } if(x < group.offsetX) { x = group.offsetX; } firstGroup = false; } if(y >= group.offsetY && y <= group.offsetY + group.height || !precise && nextGroup == null) { if(x >= group.offsetX && x <= group.offsetX + group.width || !precise && (nextGroup == null || nextGroup.lineIndex != group.lineIndex)) { return group; } } } return null; } ,__getPosition: function(x,y) { var group = this.__getGroup(x,y); if(group == null) { return lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } var advance = 0.0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = group.positions.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; advance += group.positions[i]; if(x <= group.offsetX + advance) { if(x <= group.offsetX + (advance - group.positions[i]) + group.positions[i] / 2) { return group.startIndex + i; } else if(group.startIndex + i < group.endIndex) { return group.startIndex + i + 1; } else { return group.endIndex; } } } return group.endIndex; } ,__hitTest: function(x,y,shapeFlag,stack,interactiveOnly,hitObject) { if(!hitObject.get_visible() || this.__isMask || interactiveOnly && !this.mouseEnabled) { return false; } if(this.get_mask() != null && !this.get_mask().__hitTestMask(x,y)) { return false; } this.__getRenderTransform(); this.__updateLayout(); var _this = this.__renderTransform; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; var px = norm == 0 ? -_this.tx : 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - y) + _this.d * (x - _this.tx)); var _this1 = this.__renderTransform; var norm1 = _this1.a * _this1.d - _this1.b * _this1.c; var py = norm1 == 0 ? -_this1.ty : 1.0 / norm1 * (_this1.a * (y - _this1.ty) + _this1.b * (_this1.tx - x)); if(this.__textEngine.bounds.contains(px,py)) { if(stack != null) { stack.push(hitObject); } return true; } return false; } ,__hitTestMask: function(x,y) { this.__getRenderTransform(); this.__updateLayout(); var _this = this.__renderTransform; var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; var px = norm == 0 ? -_this.tx : 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - y) + _this.d * (x - _this.tx)); var _this1 = this.__renderTransform; var norm1 = _this1.a * _this1.d - _this1.b * _this1.c; var py = norm1 == 0 ? -_this1.ty : 1.0 / norm1 * (_this1.a * (y - _this1.ty) + _this1.b * (_this1.tx - x)); if(this.__textEngine.bounds.contains(px,py)) { return true; } return false; } ,__renderCairo: function(renderer) { } ,__renderCanvas: function(renderer) { if(renderer.__isDOM && !this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM) { this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM = true; if(this.get_type() == 1) { this.replaceText(0,lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text),this.__text); } if(this.__isHTML) { this.__updateText(openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.parse(this.__text,this.__textFormat,this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges)); } this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } if(this.get_mask() == null || this.get_mask().get_width() > 0 && this.get_mask().get_height() > 0) { this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,false); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { var bitmap = this.__cacheBitmap; if(!(!bitmap.__renderable)) { var alpha = renderer.__getAlpha(bitmap.__worldAlpha); if(alpha > 0 && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid && bitmap.__bitmapData.readable) { var context = renderer.context; renderer.__setBlendMode(bitmap.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap,false); lime__$internal_graphics_ImageCanvasUtil.convertToCanvas(bitmap.__bitmapData.image); context.globalAlpha = alpha; var scrollRect = bitmap.__scrollRect; renderer.setTransform(bitmap.__renderTransform,context); if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } if(scrollRect == null) { context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),0,0,bitmap.__bitmapData.image.width,bitmap.__bitmapData.image.height); } else { context.drawImage(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.get_src(),scrollRect.x,scrollRect.y,scrollRect.width,scrollRect.height); } if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || !bitmap.smoothing) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap,false); } } } else { var transform = this.__worldTransform; var textEngine = this.__textEngine; var bounds = textEngine.background || textEngine.border ? textEngine.bounds : textEngine.textBounds; var graphics = this.__graphics; if(this.__dirty) { this.__updateLayout(); if(graphics.__bounds == null) { graphics.__bounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } graphics.__bounds.copyFrom(bounds); } graphics.__update(renderer.__worldTransform); if(this.__dirty || graphics.__softwareDirty) { var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if((textEngine.text == null || lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.equals(textEngine.text,"")) && !textEngine.background && !textEngine.border && !textEngine.__hasFocus && (textEngine.type != 1 || !textEngine.selectable) || (textEngine.width <= 0 || textEngine.height <= 0) && textEngine.autoSize != 2) { this.__graphics.__canvas = null; this.__graphics.__context = null; this.__graphics.__bitmap = null; this.__graphics.__softwareDirty = false; this.__graphics.set___dirty(false); this.__dirty = false; } else { if(this.__graphics.__canvas == null) { this.__graphics.__canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); this.__graphics.__context = this.__graphics.__canvas.getContext("2d"); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context = graphics.__context; var transform1 = graphics.__renderTransform; if(renderer.__isDOM) { var scale = renderer.pixelRatio; graphics.__canvas.width = width * scale | 0; graphics.__canvas.height = height * scale | 0; graphics.__canvas.style.width = width + "px"; graphics.__canvas.style.height = height + "px"; var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); matrix.copyFrom(transform1); matrix.scale(scale,scale); renderer.setTransform(matrix,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); } else { graphics.__canvas.width = width; graphics.__canvas.height = height; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.setTransform(transform1.a,transform1.b,transform1.c,transform1.d,transform1.tx,transform1.ty); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect == null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect = (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator['isCocoonJS'] !== 'undefined'); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.clearRect(0,0,graphics.__canvas.width,graphics.__canvas.height); } if(textEngine.text != null && textEngine.text != "" || textEngine.__hasFocus) { var text = textEngine.text; if(!renderer.__allowSmoothing || textEngine.antiAliasType == 0 && textEngine.sharpness == 400) { graphics.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } else { graphics.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } if(textEngine.border || textEngine.background) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0.5,0.5,bounds.width - 1,bounds.height - 1); if(textEngine.background) { var tmp = StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fill(); } if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; var tmp1 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); } } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.textAlign = "start"; var scrollX = -this.get_scrollH(); var scrollY = 0.0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; scrollY -= textEngine.lineHeights.get(i); } var advance; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var group = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(group.lineIndex < this.get_scrollV() - 1) { continue; } if(group.lineIndex > this.get_scrollV() + textEngine.bottomScrollV - 2) { break; } var color = "#" + StringTools.hex(group.format.color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFont(group.format); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = color; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,group.startIndex,group.endIndex),group.offsetX + scrollX - bounds.x,group.offsetY + group.ascent + scrollY - bounds.y); if(this.__caretIndex > -1 && textEngine.selectable) { if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { if(this.__showCursor && group.startIndex <= this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__caretIndex) { advance = 0.0; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = this.__caretIndex - group.startIndex; while(_g3 < _g21) { var i1 = _g3++; if(group.positions.length <= i1) { break; } advance += group.positions[i1]; } var scrollY1 = 0.0; var _g31 = this.get_scrollV(); var _g22 = group.lineIndex + 1; while(_g31 < _g22) { var i2 = _g31++; scrollY1 += textEngine.lineHeights.get(i2 - 1); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); var tmp2 = StringTools.hex(group.format.color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(group.offsetX + advance - this.get_scrollH() - bounds.x,scrollY1 + 2 - bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(group.offsetX + advance - this.get_scrollH() - bounds.x,scrollY1 + openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight(this.get_defaultTextFormat()) - 1 - bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } else if(group.startIndex <= this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__caretIndex || group.startIndex <= this.__selectionIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__selectionIndex || group.startIndex > this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex < this.__selectionIndex || group.startIndex > this.__selectionIndex && group.endIndex < this.__caretIndex) { var selectionStart = Math.min(this.__selectionIndex,this.__caretIndex) | 0; var selectionEnd = Math.max(this.__selectionIndex,this.__caretIndex) | 0; if(group.startIndex > selectionStart) { selectionStart = group.startIndex; } if(group.endIndex < selectionEnd) { selectionEnd = group.endIndex; } var start; var end; start = this.getCharBoundaries(selectionStart); if(selectionEnd >= lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(textEngine.text)) { end = this.getCharBoundaries(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(textEngine.text) - 1); end.x += end.width + 2; } else { end = this.getCharBoundaries(selectionEnd); } if(start != null && end != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#000000"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillRect(start.x + scrollX,start.y + scrollY,end.x - start.x,group.height); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,selectionStart,selectionEnd),scrollX + start.x,group.offsetY + group.ascent + scrollY); } } } if(group.format.underline) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = color; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; var x = group.offsetX + scrollX - bounds.x; var y = Math.floor(group.offsetY + scrollY + group.ascent - bounds.y) + 0.5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(x,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(x + group.width,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } } else { if(textEngine.border || textEngine.background) { if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0.5,0.5,bounds.width - 1,bounds.height - 1); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0,0,bounds.width,bounds.height); } if(textEngine.background) { var tmp3 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fill(); } if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineCap = "square"; var tmp4 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp4; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); } } if(this.__caretIndex > -1 && textEngine.selectable && this.__showCursor) { var scrollX1 = -this.get_scrollH(); var scrollY2 = 0.0; var _g12 = 0; var _g4 = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g12 < _g4) { var i3 = _g12++; scrollY2 += textEngine.lineHeights.get(i3); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); var tmp5 = StringTools.hex(this.get_defaultTextFormat().color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(scrollX1 + 2.5,scrollY2 + 2.5); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(scrollX1 + 2.5,scrollY2 + openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight(this.get_defaultTextFormat()) - 1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } graphics.__bitmap = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromCanvas(this.__graphics.__canvas); graphics.__visible = true; this.__dirty = false; graphics.__softwareDirty = false; graphics.set___dirty(false); } } var smoothingEnabled = false; if(this.__textEngine.antiAliasType == 0 && this.__textEngine.gridFitType == 1) { smoothingEnabled = renderer.context.imageSmoothingEnabled; if(smoothingEnabled) { renderer.context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } } if(!(this.opaqueBackground == null && this.__graphics == null)) { if(!(!this.__renderable)) { var alpha1 = renderer.__getAlpha(this.__worldAlpha); if(!(alpha1 <= 0)) { if(this.opaqueBackground != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender && this.get_width() > 0 && this.get_height() > 0) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var context1 = renderer.context; renderer.setTransform(this.__renderTransform,context1); var color1 = this.opaqueBackground; context1.fillStyle = "rgb(" + (color1 >>> 16 & 255) + "," + (color1 >>> 8 & 255) + "," + (color1 & 255) + ")"; context1.fillRect(0,0,this.get_width(),this.get_height()); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } if(this.__graphics != null) { if(!(!this.__renderable)) { var alpha2 = renderer.__getAlpha(this.__worldAlpha); if(!(alpha2 <= 0)) { var graphics1 = this.__graphics; if(graphics1 != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasGraphics.render(graphics1,renderer); var bounds1 = graphics1.__bounds; var width1 = graphics1.__width; var height1 = graphics1.__height; if(graphics1.__canvas != null) { var context2 = renderer.context; var scrollRect1 = this.__scrollRect; if(width1 > 0 && height1 > 0 && (scrollRect1 == null || scrollRect1.width > 0 && scrollRect1.height > 0)) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); context2.globalAlpha = alpha2; renderer.setTransform(graphics1.__worldTransform,context2); if(renderer.__isDOM) { var reverseScale = 1 / renderer.pixelRatio; context2.scale(reverseScale,reverseScale); } context2.drawImage(graphics1.__canvas,0,0,width1,height1); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); } } } } } } } } } if(smoothingEnabled) { renderer.context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } } } } ,__renderDOM: function(renderer) { this.__domRender = true; this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,this.__forceCachedBitmapUpdate); this.__forceCachedBitmapUpdate = false; this.__domRender = false; if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { this.__renderDOMClear(renderer); this.__cacheBitmap.stage = this.stage; var bitmap = this.__cacheBitmap; if(bitmap.stage != null && bitmap.__worldVisible && bitmap.__renderable && bitmap.__bitmapData != null && bitmap.__bitmapData.__isValid && bitmap.__bitmapData.readable) { renderer.__pushMaskObject(bitmap); if(bitmap.__bitmapData.image.buffer.__srcImage != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderImage(bitmap,renderer); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.renderCanvas(bitmap,renderer); } renderer.__popMaskObject(bitmap); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMBitmap.clear(bitmap,renderer); } } else { if(this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM) { this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM = false; if(this.__isHTML && this.__rawHtmlText != null) { this.__updateText(this.__rawHtmlText); this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } } var textField = this; var textEngine = textField.__textEngine; if(textField.stage != null && textField.__worldVisible && textField.__renderable) { if(textField.__dirty || textField.__renderTransformChanged || textField.__div == null) { if(textEngine.text != "" || textEngine.background || textEngine.border || textEngine.type == 1) { if(textField.__div == null) { textField.__div = window.document.createElement("div"); renderer.__initializeElement(textField,textField.__div); textField.__style.setProperty("outline","none",null); textField.__div.addEventListener("input",function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(textField.get_htmlText() != textField.__div.innerHTML) { textField.set_htmlText(textField.__div.innerHTML); var textField1 = textField.__displayAsPassword; textField.__dirty = false; } },true); } if(!textEngine.wordWrap) { textField.__style.setProperty("white-space","nowrap",null); } else { textField.__style.setProperty("word-wrap","break-word",null); } textField.__style.setProperty("overflow","hidden",null); if(textEngine.selectable) { textField.__style.setProperty("cursor","text",null); textField.__style.setProperty("-webkit-user-select","text",null); textField.__style.setProperty("-moz-user-select","text",null); textField.__style.setProperty("-ms-user-select","text",null); textField.__style.setProperty("-o-user-select","text",null); } else { textField.__style.setProperty("cursor","inherit",null); } textField.__div.contentEditable = textEngine.type == 1; var style = textField.__style; if(textEngine.background) { style.setProperty("background-color","#" + StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6),null); } else { style.removeProperty("background-color"); } var w = textEngine.width; var h = textEngine.height; var scale = 1; var unscaledSize = textField.__textFormat.size; var scaledSize = unscaledSize; var t = textField.__renderTransform; if(t.a != 1.0 || t.d != 1.0) { if(t.a == t.d) { scale = t.a; t.a = t.d = 1.0; } else if(t.a > t.d) { scale = t.a; t.d /= t.a; t.a = 1.0; } else { scale = t.d; t.a /= t.d; t.d = 1.0; } scaledSize *= scale; w = Math.ceil(w * scale); h = Math.ceil(h * scale); } textField.__textFormat.size = scaledSize; var text = textEngine.text; var adjustment = 0; if(!textField.__isHTML) { text = StringTools.htmlEscape(text); } else { var matchText = text; while(openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexFont.match(matchText)) { var fontText = openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexFont.matched(0); var style1 = ""; if(openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexFace.match(fontText)) { style1 += "font-family:'" + openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexFace) + "';"; } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexColor.match(fontText)) { style1 += "color:#" + openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexColor) + ";"; } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexSize.match(fontText)) { var sizeAttr = openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__getAttributeMatch(openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexSize); var firstChar = HxOverrides.cca(sizeAttr,0); var size; adjustment = parseFloat(sizeAttr) * scale; if(firstChar == 43 || firstChar == 45) { size = scaledSize + adjustment; } else { size = adjustment; } style1 += "font-size:" + size + "px;"; } text = StringTools.replace(text,fontText,""); matchText = openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexFont.matchedRight(); } text = text.replace(openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.__regexCloseFont.r,""); } text = StringTools.replace(text,"

"); textField.__div.innerHTML = tmp; var _this_r1 = new RegExp("\n","g".split("u").join("")); var tmp1 = textField.__div.innerHTML.replace(_this_r1,"
"); textField.__div.innerHTML = tmp1; var _this_r2 = new RegExp("\r","g".split("u").join("")); var tmp2 = textField.__div.innerHTML.replace(_this_r2,"
"); textField.__div.innerHTML = tmp2; style.setProperty("font",openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFont(textField.__textFormat),null); textField.__textFormat.size = unscaledSize; textField.__textFormat.leading = unscaledLeading; style.setProperty("top","3px",null); if(textEngine.border) { style.setProperty("border","solid 1px #" + StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6),null); textField.__renderTransform.translate(-1,-1); textField.__renderTransformChanged = true; textField.__transformDirty = true; } else if(style.border != "") { style.removeProperty("border"); textField.__renderTransformChanged = true; } style.setProperty("color","#" + StringTools.hex(textField.__textFormat.color & 16777215,6),null); style.setProperty("width",w + "px",null); style.setProperty("height",h + "px",null); var _g = textField.__textFormat.align; switch(_g) { case 0: style.setProperty("text-align","center",null); break; case 4: style.setProperty("text-align","right",null); break; default: style.setProperty("text-align","left",null); } textField.__dirty = false; } else if(textField.__div != null) { renderer.element.removeChild(textField.__div); textField.__div = null; } } if(textField.__div != null) { var old = renderer.__roundPixels; renderer.__roundPixels = true; renderer.__updateClip(textField); renderer.__applyStyle(textField,true,true,true); renderer.__roundPixels = old; } } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.clear(textField,renderer); } } this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderDOMClear: function(renderer) { openfl__$internal_renderer_dom_DOMTextField.clear(this,renderer); } ,__renderGL: function(renderer) { this.__updateCacheBitmap(renderer,false); if(this.__cacheBitmap != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DBitmap.render(this.__cacheBitmap,renderer); } else { var renderer1 = renderer.__softwareRenderer; var transform = this.__worldTransform; var textEngine = this.__textEngine; var bounds = textEngine.background || textEngine.border ? textEngine.bounds : textEngine.textBounds; var graphics = this.__graphics; if(this.__dirty) { this.__updateLayout(); if(graphics.__bounds == null) { graphics.__bounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } graphics.__bounds.copyFrom(bounds); } graphics.__update(renderer1.__worldTransform); if(this.__dirty || graphics.__softwareDirty) { var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if((textEngine.text == null || lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.equals(textEngine.text,"")) && !textEngine.background && !textEngine.border && !textEngine.__hasFocus && (textEngine.type != 1 || !textEngine.selectable) || (textEngine.width <= 0 || textEngine.height <= 0) && textEngine.autoSize != 2) { this.__graphics.__canvas = null; this.__graphics.__context = null; this.__graphics.__bitmap = null; this.__graphics.__softwareDirty = false; this.__graphics.set___dirty(false); this.__dirty = false; } else { if(this.__graphics.__canvas == null) { this.__graphics.__canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); this.__graphics.__context = this.__graphics.__canvas.getContext("2d"); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context = graphics.__context; var transform1 = graphics.__renderTransform; if(renderer1.__isDOM) { var scale = renderer1.pixelRatio; graphics.__canvas.width = width * scale | 0; graphics.__canvas.height = height * scale | 0; graphics.__canvas.style.width = width + "px"; graphics.__canvas.style.height = height + "px"; var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); matrix.copyFrom(transform1); matrix.scale(scale,scale); renderer1.setTransform(matrix,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); } else { graphics.__canvas.width = width; graphics.__canvas.height = height; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.setTransform(transform1.a,transform1.b,transform1.c,transform1.d,transform1.tx,transform1.ty); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect == null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect = (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator['isCocoonJS'] !== 'undefined'); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.clearRect(0,0,graphics.__canvas.width,graphics.__canvas.height); } if(textEngine.text != null && textEngine.text != "" || textEngine.__hasFocus) { var text = textEngine.text; if(!renderer1.__allowSmoothing || textEngine.antiAliasType == 0 && textEngine.sharpness == 400) { graphics.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } else { graphics.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } if(textEngine.border || textEngine.background) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0.5,0.5,bounds.width - 1,bounds.height - 1); if(textEngine.background) { var tmp = StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fill(); } if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; var tmp1 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); } } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.textAlign = "start"; var scrollX = -this.get_scrollH(); var scrollY = 0.0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; scrollY -= textEngine.lineHeights.get(i); } var advance; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var group = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(group.lineIndex < this.get_scrollV() - 1) { continue; } if(group.lineIndex > this.get_scrollV() + textEngine.bottomScrollV - 2) { break; } var color = "#" + StringTools.hex(group.format.color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFont(group.format); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = color; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,group.startIndex,group.endIndex),group.offsetX + scrollX - bounds.x,group.offsetY + group.ascent + scrollY - bounds.y); if(this.__caretIndex > -1 && textEngine.selectable) { if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { if(this.__showCursor && group.startIndex <= this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__caretIndex) { advance = 0.0; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = this.__caretIndex - group.startIndex; while(_g3 < _g21) { var i1 = _g3++; if(group.positions.length <= i1) { break; } advance += group.positions[i1]; } var scrollY1 = 0.0; var _g31 = this.get_scrollV(); var _g22 = group.lineIndex + 1; while(_g31 < _g22) { var i2 = _g31++; scrollY1 += textEngine.lineHeights.get(i2 - 1); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); var tmp2 = StringTools.hex(group.format.color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(group.offsetX + advance - this.get_scrollH() - bounds.x,scrollY1 + 2 - bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(group.offsetX + advance - this.get_scrollH() - bounds.x,scrollY1 + openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight(this.get_defaultTextFormat()) - 1 - bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } else if(group.startIndex <= this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__caretIndex || group.startIndex <= this.__selectionIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__selectionIndex || group.startIndex > this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex < this.__selectionIndex || group.startIndex > this.__selectionIndex && group.endIndex < this.__caretIndex) { var selectionStart = Math.min(this.__selectionIndex,this.__caretIndex) | 0; var selectionEnd = Math.max(this.__selectionIndex,this.__caretIndex) | 0; if(group.startIndex > selectionStart) { selectionStart = group.startIndex; } if(group.endIndex < selectionEnd) { selectionEnd = group.endIndex; } var start; var end; start = this.getCharBoundaries(selectionStart); if(selectionEnd >= lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(textEngine.text)) { end = this.getCharBoundaries(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(textEngine.text) - 1); end.x += end.width + 2; } else { end = this.getCharBoundaries(selectionEnd); } if(start != null && end != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#000000"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillRect(start.x + scrollX,start.y + scrollY,end.x - start.x,group.height); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,selectionStart,selectionEnd),scrollX + start.x,group.offsetY + group.ascent + scrollY); } } } if(group.format.underline) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = color; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; var x = group.offsetX + scrollX - bounds.x; var y = Math.floor(group.offsetY + scrollY + group.ascent - bounds.y) + 0.5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(x,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(x + group.width,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } } else { if(textEngine.border || textEngine.background) { if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0.5,0.5,bounds.width - 1,bounds.height - 1); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0,0,bounds.width,bounds.height); } if(textEngine.background) { var tmp3 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fill(); } if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineCap = "square"; var tmp4 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp4; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); } } if(this.__caretIndex > -1 && textEngine.selectable && this.__showCursor) { var scrollX1 = -this.get_scrollH(); var scrollY2 = 0.0; var _g12 = 0; var _g4 = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g12 < _g4) { var i3 = _g12++; scrollY2 += textEngine.lineHeights.get(i3); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); var tmp5 = StringTools.hex(this.get_defaultTextFormat().color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(scrollX1 + 2.5,scrollY2 + 2.5); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(scrollX1 + 2.5,scrollY2 + openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight(this.get_defaultTextFormat()) - 1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } graphics.__bitmap = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromCanvas(this.__graphics.__canvas); graphics.__visible = true; this.__dirty = false; graphics.__softwareDirty = false; graphics.set___dirty(false); } } if(!(this.opaqueBackground == null && this.__graphics == null)) { if(!(!this.__renderable || this.__worldAlpha <= 0)) { if(this.opaqueBackground != null && !this.__isCacheBitmapRender && this.get_width() > 0 && this.get_height() > 0) { renderer.__setBlendMode(this.__worldBlendMode); renderer.__pushMaskObject(this); var context = renderer.__context3D; var rect = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); rect.setTo(0,0,this.get_width(),this.get_height()); renderer.__pushMaskRect(rect,this.__renderTransform); var color1 = this.opaqueBackground; context.clear((color1 >>> 16 & 255) / 255,(color1 >>> 8 & 255) / 255,(color1 & 255) / 255,1,0,0,1); renderer.__popMaskRect(); renderer.__popMaskObject(this); openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(rect); } if(this.__graphics != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_context3D_Context3DShape.render(this,renderer); } } } } this.__renderEvent(renderer); } ,__renderGLMask: function(renderer) { var renderer1 = renderer.__softwareRenderer; var transform = this.__worldTransform; var textEngine = this.__textEngine; var bounds = textEngine.background || textEngine.border ? textEngine.bounds : textEngine.textBounds; var graphics = this.__graphics; if(this.__dirty) { this.__updateLayout(); if(graphics.__bounds == null) { graphics.__bounds = new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); } graphics.__bounds.copyFrom(bounds); } graphics.__update(renderer1.__worldTransform); if(this.__dirty || graphics.__softwareDirty) { var width = graphics.__width; var height = graphics.__height; if((textEngine.text == null || lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.equals(textEngine.text,"")) && !textEngine.background && !textEngine.border && !textEngine.__hasFocus && (textEngine.type != 1 || !textEngine.selectable) || (textEngine.width <= 0 || textEngine.height <= 0) && textEngine.autoSize != 2) { this.__graphics.__canvas = null; this.__graphics.__context = null; this.__graphics.__bitmap = null; this.__graphics.__softwareDirty = false; this.__graphics.set___dirty(false); this.__dirty = false; } else { if(this.__graphics.__canvas == null) { this.__graphics.__canvas = window.document.createElement("canvas"); this.__graphics.__context = this.__graphics.__canvas.getContext("2d"); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context = graphics.__context; var transform1 = graphics.__renderTransform; if(renderer1.__isDOM) { var scale = renderer1.pixelRatio; graphics.__canvas.width = width * scale | 0; graphics.__canvas.height = height * scale | 0; graphics.__canvas.style.width = width + "px"; graphics.__canvas.style.height = height + "px"; var matrix = openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.get(); matrix.copyFrom(transform1); matrix.scale(scale,scale); renderer1.setTransform(matrix,openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context); openfl_geom_Matrix.__pool.release(matrix); } else { graphics.__canvas.width = width; graphics.__canvas.height = height; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.setTransform(transform1.a,transform1.b,transform1.c,transform1.d,transform1.tx,transform1.ty); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect == null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect = (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator['isCocoonJS'] !== 'undefined'); } if(openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.clearRect) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.clearRect(0,0,graphics.__canvas.width,graphics.__canvas.height); } if(textEngine.text != null && textEngine.text != "" || textEngine.__hasFocus) { var text = textEngine.text; if(!renderer1.__allowSmoothing || textEngine.antiAliasType == 0 && textEngine.sharpness == 400) { graphics.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } else { graphics.__context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } if(textEngine.border || textEngine.background) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0.5,0.5,bounds.width - 1,bounds.height - 1); if(textEngine.background) { var tmp = StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fill(); } if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; var tmp1 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); } } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.textAlign = "start"; var scrollX = -this.get_scrollH(); var scrollY = 0.0; var _g1 = 0; var _g = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; scrollY -= textEngine.lineHeights.get(i); } var advance; var _g2 = 0; var _g11 = textEngine.layoutGroups; while(_g2 < _g11.get_length()) { var group = _g11.get(_g2); ++_g2; if(group.lineIndex < this.get_scrollV() - 1) { continue; } if(group.lineIndex > this.get_scrollV() + textEngine.bottomScrollV - 2) { break; } var color = "#" + StringTools.hex(group.format.color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.font = openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFont(group.format); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = color; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,group.startIndex,group.endIndex),group.offsetX + scrollX - bounds.x,group.offsetY + group.ascent + scrollY - bounds.y); if(this.__caretIndex > -1 && textEngine.selectable) { if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { if(this.__showCursor && group.startIndex <= this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__caretIndex) { advance = 0.0; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = this.__caretIndex - group.startIndex; while(_g3 < _g21) { var i1 = _g3++; if(group.positions.length <= i1) { break; } advance += group.positions[i1]; } var scrollY1 = 0.0; var _g31 = this.get_scrollV(); var _g22 = group.lineIndex + 1; while(_g31 < _g22) { var i2 = _g31++; scrollY1 += textEngine.lineHeights.get(i2 - 1); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); var tmp2 = StringTools.hex(group.format.color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp2; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(group.offsetX + advance - this.get_scrollH() - bounds.x,scrollY1 + 2 - bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(group.offsetX + advance - this.get_scrollH() - bounds.x,scrollY1 + openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight(this.get_defaultTextFormat()) - 1 - bounds.y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } else if(group.startIndex <= this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__caretIndex || group.startIndex <= this.__selectionIndex && group.endIndex >= this.__selectionIndex || group.startIndex > this.__caretIndex && group.endIndex < this.__selectionIndex || group.startIndex > this.__selectionIndex && group.endIndex < this.__caretIndex) { var selectionStart = Math.min(this.__selectionIndex,this.__caretIndex) | 0; var selectionEnd = Math.max(this.__selectionIndex,this.__caretIndex) | 0; if(group.startIndex > selectionStart) { selectionStart = group.startIndex; } if(group.endIndex < selectionEnd) { selectionEnd = group.endIndex; } var start; var end; start = this.getCharBoundaries(selectionStart); if(selectionEnd >= lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(textEngine.text)) { end = this.getCharBoundaries(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(textEngine.text) - 1); end.x += end.width + 2; } else { end = this.getCharBoundaries(selectionEnd); } if(start != null && end != null) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#000000"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillRect(start.x + scrollX,start.y + scrollY,end.x - start.x,group.height); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(text,selectionStart,selectionEnd),scrollX + start.x,group.offsetY + group.ascent + scrollY); } } } if(group.format.underline) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = color; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; var x = group.offsetX + scrollX - bounds.x; var y = Math.floor(group.offsetY + scrollY + group.ascent - bounds.y) + 0.5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(x,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(x + group.width,y); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } } else { if(textEngine.border || textEngine.background) { if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0.5,0.5,bounds.width - 1,bounds.height - 1); } else { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.rect(0,0,bounds.width,bounds.height); } if(textEngine.background) { var tmp3 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.backgroundColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fillStyle = "#" + tmp3; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.fill(); } if(textEngine.border) { openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineCap = "square"; var tmp4 = StringTools.hex(textEngine.borderColor & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp4; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); } } if(this.__caretIndex > -1 && textEngine.selectable && this.__showCursor) { var scrollX1 = -this.get_scrollH(); var scrollY2 = 0.0; var _g12 = 0; var _g4 = this.get_scrollV() - 1; while(_g12 < _g4) { var i3 = _g12++; scrollY2 += textEngine.lineHeights.get(i3); } openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.beginPath(); var tmp5 = StringTools.hex(this.get_defaultTextFormat().color & 16777215,6); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.strokeStyle = "#" + tmp5; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.moveTo(scrollX1 + 2.5,scrollY2 + 2.5); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineWidth = 1; openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.lineTo(scrollX1 + 2.5,scrollY2 + openfl__$internal_text_TextEngine.getFormatHeight(this.get_defaultTextFormat()) - 1); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.stroke(); openfl__$internal_renderer_canvas_CanvasTextField.context.closePath(); } } graphics.__bitmap = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromCanvas(this.__graphics.__canvas); graphics.__visible = true; this.__dirty = false; graphics.__softwareDirty = false; graphics.set___dirty(false); } } openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__renderGLMask.call(this,renderer); } ,__replaceSelectedText: function(value,restrict) { if(restrict == null) { restrict = true; } if(value == null) { value = ""; } if(value == "" && this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { return; } var startIndex = this.__caretIndex < this.__selectionIndex ? this.__caretIndex : this.__selectionIndex; var endIndex = this.__caretIndex > this.__selectionIndex ? this.__caretIndex : this.__selectionIndex; if(startIndex == endIndex && this.__textEngine.maxChars > 0 && lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text) == this.__textEngine.maxChars) { return; } if(startIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text)) { startIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } if(endIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text)) { endIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } if(endIndex < startIndex) { var cache = endIndex; endIndex = startIndex; startIndex = cache; } if(startIndex < 0) { startIndex = 0; } this.__replaceText(startIndex,endIndex,value,restrict); var i = startIndex + lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(js_Boot.__cast(value , String)); if(i > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text)) { i = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } this.setSelection(i,i); this.__updateScrollH(); } ,__replaceText: function(beginIndex,endIndex,newText,restrict) { if(endIndex < beginIndex || beginIndex < 0 || endIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text) || newText == null) { return; } if(restrict) { newText = this.__textEngine.restrictText(newText); if(this.__textEngine.maxChars > 0) { var removeLength = endIndex - beginIndex; var maxLength = this.__textEngine.maxChars - lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text) + removeLength; if(maxLength <= 0) { newText = ""; } else if(maxLength < newText.length) { newText = HxOverrides.substr(newText,0,maxLength); } } } this.__updateText(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(this.__text,0,beginIndex) + newText + lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(this.__text,endIndex)); if(endIndex > lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text)) { endIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } var offset = newText.length - (endIndex - beginIndex); var i = 0; var range; while(i < this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length()) { range = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get(i); if(range.start <= beginIndex && range.end >= endIndex) { range.end += offset; ++i; } else if(range.start >= beginIndex && range.end <= endIndex) { if(i > 0) { this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.splice(i,1); } else { range.start = 0; range.end = beginIndex + newText.length; ++i; } offset -= range.end - range.start; } else if(range.start > beginIndex && range.start <= endIndex) { range.start += offset; ++i; } else { ++i; } } this.__updateScrollH(); this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } ,__shouldCacheHardware: function(value) { if(value == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } ,__startCursorTimer: function() { this.__cursorTimer = haxe_Timer.delay($bind(this,this.__startCursorTimer),600); this.__showCursor = !this.__showCursor; this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } ,__startTextInput: function() { if(this.__caretIndex < 0) { this.__caretIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; } var enableInput = openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM ? this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM : true; if(enableInput) { this.__enableInput(); } } ,__stopCursorTimer: function() { if(this.__cursorTimer != null) { this.__cursorTimer.stop(); this.__cursorTimer = null; } if(this.__showCursor) { this.__showCursor = false; this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } } ,__stopTextInput: function() { var disableInput = openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM ? this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM : true; if(disableInput) { this.__disableInput(); } } ,__updateCacheBitmap: function(renderer,force) { if(this.__filters == null && renderer.__type == "opengl" && this.__cacheBitmap == null && !this.__domRender) { return false; } if(openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__updateCacheBitmap.call(this,renderer,force || this.__dirty)) { if(this.__cacheBitmap != null) { this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.tx -= this.__offsetX; this.__cacheBitmap.__renderTransform.ty -= this.__offsetY; } return true; } return false; } ,__updateLayout: function() { if(this.__layoutDirty) { var cacheWidth = this.__textEngine.width; var cacheHeight = this.__textEngine.height; this.__textEngine.update(); if(this.__textEngine.autoSize != 2) { if(this.__textEngine.width != cacheWidth) { var _g = this.__textEngine.autoSize; switch(_g) { case 0: var _g1 = this; _g1.set_x(_g1.get_x() + (cacheWidth - this.__textEngine.width) / 2); break; case 3: var _g2 = this; _g2.set_x(_g2.get_x() + (cacheWidth - this.__textEngine.width)); break; default: } } this.__textEngine.getBounds(); } this.__layoutDirty = false; } } ,__updateScrollH: function() { if(!this.get_multiline() && this.get_type() == 1) { this.__layoutDirty = true; this.__updateLayout(); var offsetX = this.__textEngine.textWidth - this.__textEngine.width + 4; if(offsetX > 0) { if(this.__caretIndex >= lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text())) { this.set_scrollH(Math.ceil(offsetX)); } else { var caret = openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.get(); this.__getCharBoundaries(this.__caretIndex,caret); if(caret.x < this.get_scrollH()) { this.set_scrollH(Math.floor(caret.x - 2)); } else if(caret.x > this.get_scrollH() + this.__textEngine.width) { this.set_scrollH(Math.ceil(caret.x - this.__textEngine.width - 2)); } openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool.release(caret); } } else { this.set_scrollH(0); } } } ,__updateText: function(value) { if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM && this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM) { this.__forceCachedBitmapUpdate = this.__text != value; } this.__textEngine.set_text(value); this.__text = this.__textEngine.text; if(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text) < this.__caretIndex) { this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } if(!this.__displayAsPassword || openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM && !this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM) { this.__textEngine.set_text(this.__text); } else { var length = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.get_text()); var mask = ""; var _g1 = 0; var _g = length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; mask += "*"; } this.__textEngine.set_text(mask); } } ,__updateTransforms: function(overrideTransform) { openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__updateTransforms.call(this,overrideTransform); var _this = this.__renderTransform; var px = this.__offsetX; var py = this.__offsetY; _this.tx = px * _this.a + py * _this.c + _this.tx; _this.ty = px * _this.b + py * _this.d + _this.ty; } ,get_antiAliasType: function() { return this.__textEngine.antiAliasType; } ,set_antiAliasType: function(value) { var tmp = value != this.__textEngine.antiAliasType; return this.__textEngine.antiAliasType = value; } ,get_autoSize: function() { return this.__textEngine.autoSize; } ,set_autoSize: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.autoSize) { this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.autoSize = value; } ,get_background: function() { return this.__textEngine.background; } ,set_background: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.background) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.background = value; } ,get_backgroundColor: function() { return this.__textEngine.backgroundColor; } ,set_backgroundColor: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.backgroundColor) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.backgroundColor = value; } ,get_border: function() { return this.__textEngine.border; } ,set_border: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.border) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.border = value; } ,get_borderColor: function() { return this.__textEngine.borderColor; } ,set_borderColor: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.borderColor) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.borderColor = value; } ,get_bottomScrollV: function() { this.__updateLayout(); return this.__textEngine.bottomScrollV; } ,get_caretIndex: function() { return this.__caretIndex; } ,get_defaultTextFormat: function() { return this.__textFormat.clone(); } ,set_defaultTextFormat: function(value) { this.__textFormat.__merge(value); this.__layoutDirty = true; this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } return value; } ,get_displayAsPassword: function() { return this.__displayAsPassword; } ,set_displayAsPassword: function(value) { if(value != this.__displayAsPassword) { this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } this.__displayAsPassword = value; this.__updateText(this.__text); } return value; } ,get_embedFonts: function() { return this.__textEngine.embedFonts; } ,set_embedFonts: function(value) { return this.__textEngine.embedFonts = value; } ,get_gridFitType: function() { return this.__textEngine.gridFitType; } ,set_gridFitType: function(value) { return this.__textEngine.gridFitType = value; } ,get_height: function() { this.__updateLayout(); return this.__textEngine.height * Math.abs(this.get_scaleY()); } ,set_height: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.height) { this.__setTransformDirty(); this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } this.__textEngine.height = value; } return this.__textEngine.height * Math.abs(this.get_scaleY()); } ,get_htmlText: function() { if(this.__isHTML) { return this.__rawHtmlText; } else { return this.__text; } } ,set_htmlText: function(value) { if(!this.__isHTML || this.__text != value) { this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } this.__isHTML = true; this.__rawHtmlText = value; value = openfl__$internal_formats_html_HTMLParser.parse(value,this.__textFormat,this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges); if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { if(this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length() > 1) { this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.splice(1,this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length() - 1); } var range = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get(0); range.format = this.__textFormat; range.start = 0; if(this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM) { range.end = value.length; this.__updateText(value); } else { range.end = this.__rawHtmlText.length; this.__updateText(this.__rawHtmlText); } } else { this.__updateText(value); } return value; } ,get_length: function() { if(this.__text != null) { return lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); } return 0; } ,get_maxChars: function() { return this.__textEngine.maxChars; } ,set_maxChars: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.maxChars) { this.__textEngine.maxChars = value; this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return value; } ,get_maxScrollH: function() { this.__updateLayout(); return this.__textEngine.maxScrollH; } ,get_maxScrollV: function() { this.__updateLayout(); return this.__textEngine.maxScrollV; } ,get_mouseWheelEnabled: function() { return this.__mouseWheelEnabled; } ,set_mouseWheelEnabled: function(value) { return this.__mouseWheelEnabled = value; } ,get_multiline: function() { return this.__textEngine.multiline; } ,set_multiline: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.multiline) { this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; this.__updateText(this.__text); this.__updateScrollH(); if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.multiline = value; } ,get_numLines: function() { this.__updateLayout(); return this.__textEngine.numLines; } ,get_restrict: function() { return this.__textEngine.restrict; } ,set_restrict: function(value) { if(this.__textEngine.restrict != value) { this.__textEngine.set_restrict(value); this.__updateText(this.__text); } return value; } ,get_scrollH: function() { return this.__textEngine.scrollH; } ,set_scrollH: function(value) { this.__updateLayout(); if(value > this.__textEngine.maxScrollH) { value = this.__textEngine.maxScrollH; } if(value < 0) { value = 0; } if(value != this.__textEngine.scrollH) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("scroll")); } return this.__textEngine.scrollH = value; } ,get_scrollV: function() { return this.__textEngine.scrollV; } ,set_scrollV: function(value) { this.__updateLayout(); if(value > this.__textEngine.maxScrollV) { value = this.__textEngine.maxScrollV; } if(value < 1) { value = 1; } if(value != this.__textEngine.scrollV) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("scroll")); } return this.__textEngine.scrollV = value; } ,get_selectable: function() { return this.__textEngine.selectable; } ,set_selectable: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.selectable && this.get_type() == 1) { if(this.stage != null && this.stage.get_focus() == this) { this.__startTextInput(); } else if(!value) { this.__stopTextInput(); } } return this.__textEngine.selectable = value; } ,get_selectionBeginIndex: function() { return Math.min(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0; } ,get_selectionEndIndex: function() { return Math.max(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0; } ,get_sharpness: function() { return this.__textEngine.sharpness; } ,set_sharpness: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.sharpness) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.sharpness = value; } ,get_tabEnabled: function() { if(this.__tabEnabled == null) { return this.__textEngine.type == 1; } else { return this.__tabEnabled; } } ,get_text: function() { return this.__text; } ,set_text: function(value) { if(this.__isHTML || this.__text != value) { this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } else { return value; } if(this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length() > 1) { this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.splice(1,this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get_length() - 1); } var utfValue = value; var range = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges.get(0); range.format = this.__textFormat; range.start = 0; range.end = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(utfValue); this.__isHTML = false; this.__updateText(value); return value; } ,get_textColor: function() { return this.__textFormat.color; } ,set_textColor: function(value) { if(value != this.__textFormat.color) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } var _g = 0; var _g1 = this.__textEngine.textFormatRanges; while(_g < _g1.get_length()) { var range = _g1.get(_g); ++_g; range.format.color = value; } return this.__textFormat.color = value; } ,get_textWidth: function() { this.__updateLayout(); return this.__textEngine.textWidth; } ,get_textHeight: function() { this.__updateLayout(); return this.__textEngine.textHeight; } ,get_type: function() { return this.__textEngine.type; } ,set_type: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.type) { if(value == 1) { this.addEventListener("addedToStage",$bind(this,this.this_onAddedToStage)); this.this_onFocusIn(null); this.__textEngine.__useIntAdvances = true; } else { this.removeEventListener("addedToStage",$bind(this,this.this_onAddedToStage)); this.__stopTextInput(); this.__textEngine.__useIntAdvances = null; } this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.type = value; } ,get_width: function() { this.__updateLayout(); return this.__textEngine.width * Math.abs(this.__scaleX); } ,set_width: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.width) { this.__setTransformDirty(); this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } this.__textEngine.width = value; } return this.__textEngine.width * Math.abs(this.__scaleX); } ,get_wordWrap: function() { return this.__textEngine.wordWrap; } ,set_wordWrap: function(value) { if(value != this.__textEngine.wordWrap) { this.__dirty = true; this.__layoutDirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } return this.__textEngine.wordWrap = value; } ,get_x: function() { return this.__transform.tx + this.__offsetX; } ,set_x: function(value) { if(value != this.__transform.tx + this.__offsetX) { this.__setTransformDirty(); } return this.__transform.tx = value - this.__offsetX; } ,get_y: function() { return this.__transform.ty + this.__offsetY; } ,set_y: function(value) { if(value != this.__transform.ty + this.__offsetY) { this.__setTransformDirty(); } return this.__transform.ty = value - this.__offsetY; } ,stage_onMouseMove: function(event) { if(this.stage == null) { return; } if(this.__textEngine.selectable && this.__selectionIndex >= 0) { this.__updateLayout(); var position = this.__getPosition(this.get_mouseX() + this.get_scrollH(),this.get_mouseY()); if(position != this.__caretIndex) { this.__caretIndex = position; if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { if(this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM) { this.__forceCachedBitmapUpdate = true; } } else { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } } } } ,stage_onMouseUp: function(event) { if(this.stage == null) { return; } this.stage.removeEventListener("mouseMove",$bind(this,this.stage_onMouseMove)); this.stage.removeEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.stage_onMouseUp)); if(this.stage.get_focus() == this) { this.__getWorldTransform(); this.__updateLayout(); var _this = this.__worldTransform; var px = this.get_x(); var py = this.get_y(); var norm = _this.a * _this.d - _this.b * _this.c; var px1 = norm == 0 ? -_this.tx : 1.0 / norm * (_this.c * (_this.ty - py) + _this.d * (px - _this.tx)); var _this1 = this.__worldTransform; var px2 = this.get_x(); var py1 = this.get_y(); var norm1 = _this1.a * _this1.d - _this1.b * _this1.c; var py2 = norm1 == 0 ? -_this1.ty : 1.0 / norm1 * (_this1.a * (py1 - _this1.ty) + _this1.b * (_this1.tx - px2)); var upPos = this.__getPosition(this.get_mouseX() + this.get_scrollH(),this.get_mouseY()); var leftPos; var rightPos; leftPos = Math.min(this.__selectionIndex,upPos) | 0; rightPos = Math.max(this.__selectionIndex,upPos) | 0; this.__selectionIndex = leftPos; this.__caretIndex = rightPos; if(this.__inputEnabled) { this.this_onFocusIn(null); this.__stopCursorTimer(); this.__startCursorTimer(); if(openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM && this.__renderedOnCanvasWhileOnDOM) { this.__forceCachedBitmapUpdate = true; } } } } ,this_onAddedToStage: function(event) { this.this_onFocusIn(null); } ,this_onFocusIn: function(event) { if(this.get_type() == 1 && this.stage != null && this.stage.get_focus() == this) { this.__startTextInput(); } } ,this_onFocusOut: function(event) { this.__stopCursorTimer(); if(event.relatedObject == null || !js_Boot.__instanceof(event.relatedObject,openfl_text_TextField)) { this.__stopTextInput(); } else { if(this.stage != null) { this.stage.window.onTextInput.remove($bind(this,this.window_onTextInput)); this.stage.window.onKeyDown.remove($bind(this,this.window_onKeyDown)); } this.__inputEnabled = false; } if(this.__selectionIndex != this.__caretIndex) { this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } } ,this_onKeyDown: function(event) { if(this.get_selectable() && this.get_type() != 1 && event.keyCode == 67 && (event.commandKey || event.ctrlKey)) { if(this.__caretIndex != this.__selectionIndex) { lime_system_Clipboard.set_text(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(this.__text,this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex)); } } } ,this_onMouseDown: function(event) { if(!this.get_selectable() && this.get_type() != 1) { return; } this.__updateLayout(); this.__caretIndex = this.__getPosition(this.get_mouseX() + this.get_scrollH(),this.get_mouseY()); this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; if(!openfl_display_DisplayObject.__supportDOM) { this.__dirty = true; if(!this.__renderDirty) { this.__renderDirty = true; this.__setParentRenderDirty(); } } this.stage.addEventListener("mouseMove",$bind(this,this.stage_onMouseMove)); this.stage.addEventListener("mouseUp",$bind(this,this.stage_onMouseUp)); } ,this_onMouseWheel: function(event) { var _g = this; _g.set_scrollV(_g.get_scrollV() - event.delta); } ,window_onKeyDown: function(key,modifier) { switch(key) { case 8: if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex && this.__caretIndex > 0) { this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex - 1; } if(this.__selectionIndex != this.__caretIndex) { this.replaceSelectedText(""); this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change",true)); } break; case 97: if(this.get_selectable()) { if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey(modifier) || lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_ctrlKey(modifier)) { this.__caretIndex = lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text); this.__selectionIndex = 0; } } break; case 99: if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey(modifier) || lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_ctrlKey(modifier)) { if(this.__caretIndex != this.__selectionIndex) { lime_system_Clipboard.set_text(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(this.__text,this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex)); } } break; case 120: if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey(modifier) || lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_ctrlKey(modifier)) { if(this.__caretIndex != this.__selectionIndex) { lime_system_Clipboard.set_text(lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.substring(this.__text,this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex)); this.replaceSelectedText(""); this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change",true)); } } break; case 127: if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex && this.__caretIndex < lime_text__$UTF8String_UTF8String_$Impl_$.get_length(this.__text)) { this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex + 1; } if(this.__selectionIndex != this.__caretIndex) { this.replaceSelectedText(""); this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change",true)); } break; case 1073741898: if(this.get_selectable()) { this.__caretBeginningOfLine(); this.__stopCursorTimer(); this.__startCursorTimer(); } break; case 1073741901: if(this.get_selectable()) { this.__caretEndOfLine(); this.__stopCursorTimer(); this.__startCursorTimer(); } break; case 1073741903: if(this.get_selectable()) { if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey(modifier)) { this.__caretEndOfLine(); if(!lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier)) { this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; } } else if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier)) { this.__caretNextCharacter(); } else { if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { this.__caretNextCharacter(); } else { this.__caretIndex = Math.max(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0; } this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; } this.__updateScrollH(); this.__stopCursorTimer(); this.__startCursorTimer(); } break; case 1073741904: if(this.get_selectable()) { if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_metaKey(modifier)) { this.__caretBeginningOfLine(); if(!lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier)) { this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; } } else if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier)) { this.__caretPreviousCharacter(); } else { if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { this.__caretPreviousCharacter(); } else { this.__caretIndex = Math.min(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0; } this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; } this.__updateScrollH(); this.__stopCursorTimer(); this.__startCursorTimer(); } break; case 1073741905: if(this.get_selectable()) { if(!this.__textEngine.multiline) { return; } if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier)) { this.__caretNextLine(); } else { if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { this.__caretNextLine(); } else { var lineIndex = this.getLineIndexOfChar(Math.max(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0); this.__caretNextLine(lineIndex,Math.min(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0); } this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; } this.__stopCursorTimer(); this.__startCursorTimer(); } break; case 1073741906: if(this.get_selectable()) { if(!this.__textEngine.multiline) { return; } if(lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.get_shiftKey(modifier)) { this.__caretPreviousLine(); } else { if(this.__selectionIndex == this.__caretIndex) { this.__caretPreviousLine(); } else { var lineIndex1 = this.getLineIndexOfChar(Math.min(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0); this.__caretPreviousLine(lineIndex1,Math.min(this.__caretIndex,this.__selectionIndex) | 0); } this.__selectionIndex = this.__caretIndex; } this.__stopCursorTimer(); this.__startCursorTimer(); } break; case 13:case 1073741912: if(this.__textEngine.multiline) { var te = new openfl_events_TextEvent("textInput",true,true,"\n"); this.dispatchEvent(te); if(!te.isDefaultPrevented()) { this.__replaceSelectedText("\n",true); this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change",true)); } } break; default: } } ,window_onTextInput: function(value) { this.__replaceSelectedText(value,true); this.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change",true)); } ,__class__: openfl_text_TextField ,__properties__: $extend(openfl_display_InteractiveObject.prototype.__properties__,{set_wordWrap:"set_wordWrap",get_wordWrap:"get_wordWrap",set_type:"set_type",get_type:"get_type",get_textWidth:"get_textWidth",get_textHeight:"get_textHeight",set_textColor:"set_textColor",get_textColor:"get_textColor",set_text:"set_text",get_text:"get_text",set_sharpness:"set_sharpness",get_sharpness:"get_sharpness",get_selectionEndIndex:"get_selectionEndIndex",get_selectionBeginIndex:"get_selectionBeginIndex",set_selectable:"set_selectable",get_selectable:"get_selectable",set_scrollV:"set_scrollV",get_scrollV:"get_scrollV",set_scrollH:"set_scrollH",get_scrollH:"get_scrollH",set_restrict:"set_restrict",get_restrict:"get_restrict",get_numLines:"get_numLines",set_multiline:"set_multiline",get_multiline:"get_multiline",set_mouseWheelEnabled:"set_mouseWheelEnabled",get_mouseWheelEnabled:"get_mouseWheelEnabled",get_maxScrollV:"get_maxScrollV",get_maxScrollH:"get_maxScrollH",set_maxChars:"set_maxChars",get_maxChars:"get_maxChars",get_length:"get_length",set_htmlText:"set_htmlText",get_htmlText:"get_htmlText",set_gridFitType:"set_gridFitType",get_gridFitType:"get_gridFitType",set_embedFonts:"set_embedFonts",get_embedFonts:"get_embedFonts",set_displayAsPassword:"set_displayAsPassword",get_displayAsPassword:"get_displayAsPassword",set_defaultTextFormat:"set_defaultTextFormat",get_defaultTextFormat:"get_defaultTextFormat",get_caretIndex:"get_caretIndex",get_bottomScrollV:"get_bottomScrollV",set_borderColor:"set_borderColor",get_borderColor:"get_borderColor",set_border:"set_border",get_border:"get_border",set_backgroundColor:"set_backgroundColor",get_backgroundColor:"get_backgroundColor",set_background:"set_background",get_background:"get_background",set_autoSize:"set_autoSize",get_autoSize:"get_autoSize",set_antiAliasType:"set_antiAliasType",get_antiAliasType:"get_antiAliasType"}) }); var openfl_text__$TextFieldAutoSize_TextFieldAutoSize_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.text._TextFieldAutoSize.TextFieldAutoSize_Impl_"] = openfl_text__$TextFieldAutoSize_TextFieldAutoSize_$Impl_$; openfl_text__$TextFieldAutoSize_TextFieldAutoSize_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","text","_TextFieldAutoSize","TextFieldAutoSize_Impl_"]; openfl_text__$TextFieldAutoSize_TextFieldAutoSize_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "center": return 0; case "left": return 1; case "none": return 2; case "right": return 3; default: return null; } }; openfl_text__$TextFieldAutoSize_TextFieldAutoSize_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "center"; case 1: return "left"; case 2: return "none"; case 3: return "right"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_text__$TextFieldType_TextFieldType_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.text._TextFieldType.TextFieldType_Impl_"] = openfl_text__$TextFieldType_TextFieldType_$Impl_$; openfl_text__$TextFieldType_TextFieldType_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","text","_TextFieldType","TextFieldType_Impl_"]; openfl_text__$TextFieldType_TextFieldType_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "dynamic": return 0; case "input": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_text__$TextFieldType_TextFieldType_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "dynamic"; case 1: return "input"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_text_TextFormat = function(font,size,color,bold,italic,underline,url,target,align,leftMargin,rightMargin,indent,leading) { this.font = font; this.size = size; this.color = color; this.bold = bold; this.italic = italic; this.underline = underline; this.url = url; this.target = target; this.align = align; this.leftMargin = leftMargin; this.rightMargin = rightMargin; this.indent = indent; this.leading = leading; }; $hxClasses["openfl.text.TextFormat"] = openfl_text_TextFormat; openfl_text_TextFormat.__name__ = ["openfl","text","TextFormat"]; openfl_text_TextFormat.prototype = { align: null ,blockIndent: null ,bold: null ,bullet: null ,color: null ,font: null ,indent: null ,italic: null ,kerning: null ,leading: null ,leftMargin: null ,letterSpacing: null ,rightMargin: null ,size: null ,tabStops: null ,target: null ,underline: null ,url: null ,__ascent: null ,__descent: null ,clone: function() { var newFormat = new openfl_text_TextFormat(this.font,this.size,this.color,this.bold,this.italic,this.underline,this.url,this.target); newFormat.align = this.align; newFormat.leftMargin = this.leftMargin; newFormat.rightMargin = this.rightMargin; newFormat.indent = this.indent; newFormat.leading = this.leading; newFormat.blockIndent = this.blockIndent; newFormat.bullet = this.bullet; newFormat.kerning = this.kerning; newFormat.letterSpacing = this.letterSpacing; newFormat.tabStops = this.tabStops; newFormat.__ascent = this.__ascent; newFormat.__descent = this.__descent; return newFormat; } ,__merge: function(format) { if(format.font != null) { this.font = format.font; } if(format.size != null) { this.size = format.size; } if(format.color != null) { this.color = format.color; } if(format.bold != null) { this.bold = format.bold; } if(format.italic != null) { this.italic = format.italic; } if(format.underline != null) { this.underline = format.underline; } if(format.url != null && format.url != "") { this.url = format.url; } if(format.url == "" && this.url == null) { this.url = ""; } if(format.target != null) { this.target = format.target; } if(format.align != null) { this.align = format.align; } if(format.leftMargin != null) { this.leftMargin = format.leftMargin; } if(format.rightMargin != null) { this.rightMargin = format.rightMargin; } if(format.indent != null) { this.indent = format.indent; } if(format.leading != null) { this.leading = format.leading; } if(format.blockIndent != null) { this.blockIndent = format.blockIndent; } if(format.bullet != null) { this.bullet = format.bullet; } if(format.kerning != null) { this.kerning = format.kerning; } if(format.letterSpacing != null) { this.letterSpacing = format.letterSpacing; } if(format.tabStops != null) { this.tabStops = format.tabStops; } if(format.__ascent != null) { this.__ascent = format.__ascent; } if(format.__descent != null) { this.__descent = format.__descent; } } ,__class__: openfl_text_TextFormat }; var openfl_text__$TextFormatAlign_TextFormatAlign_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.text._TextFormatAlign.TextFormatAlign_Impl_"] = openfl_text__$TextFormatAlign_TextFormatAlign_$Impl_$; openfl_text__$TextFormatAlign_TextFormatAlign_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","text","_TextFormatAlign","TextFormatAlign_Impl_"]; openfl_text__$TextFormatAlign_TextFormatAlign_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "center": return 0; case "end": return 1; case "justify": return 2; case "left": return 3; case "right": return 4; case "start": return 5; default: return null; } }; openfl_text__$TextFormatAlign_TextFormatAlign_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "center"; case 1: return "end"; case 2: return "justify"; case 3: return "left"; case 4: return "right"; case 5: return "start"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_text_TextLineMetrics = function(x,width,height,ascent,descent,leading) { this.x = x; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.ascent = ascent; this.descent = descent; this.leading = leading; }; $hxClasses["openfl.text.TextLineMetrics"] = openfl_text_TextLineMetrics; openfl_text_TextLineMetrics.__name__ = ["openfl","text","TextLineMetrics"]; openfl_text_TextLineMetrics.prototype = { ascent: null ,descent: null ,height: null ,leading: null ,width: null ,x: null ,__class__: openfl_text_TextLineMetrics }; var openfl_ui_GameInputControl = function(device,id,minValue,maxValue,value) { if(value == null) { value = 0; } openfl_events_EventDispatcher.call(this); this.device = device; this.id = id; this.minValue = minValue; this.maxValue = maxValue; this.value = value; }; $hxClasses["openfl.ui.GameInputControl"] = openfl_ui_GameInputControl; openfl_ui_GameInputControl.__name__ = ["openfl","ui","GameInputControl"]; openfl_ui_GameInputControl.__super__ = openfl_events_EventDispatcher; openfl_ui_GameInputControl.prototype = $extend(openfl_events_EventDispatcher.prototype,{ device: null ,id: null ,maxValue: null ,minValue: null ,value: null ,__class__: openfl_ui_GameInputControl }); var openfl_ui_GameInputDevice = function(id,name) { this.__controls = []; this.__button = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.__axis = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); this.id = id; this.name = name; var control; var _g = 0; while(_g < 6) { var i = _g++; control = new openfl_ui_GameInputControl(this,"AXIS_" + i,-1,1); this.__axis.h[i] = control; this.__controls.push(control); } var _g1 = 0; while(_g1 < 15) { var i1 = _g1++; control = new openfl_ui_GameInputControl(this,"BUTTON_" + i1,0,1); this.__button.h[i1] = control; this.__controls.push(control); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.ui.GameInputDevice"] = openfl_ui_GameInputDevice; openfl_ui_GameInputDevice.__name__ = ["openfl","ui","GameInputDevice"]; openfl_ui_GameInputDevice.prototype = { enabled: null ,id: null ,name: null ,sampleInterval: null ,__axis: null ,__button: null ,__controls: null ,__gamepad: null ,getCachedSamples: function(data,append) { if(append == null) { append = false; } return 0; } ,getControlAt: function(i) { if(i >= 0 && i < this.__controls.length) { return this.__controls[i]; } return null; } ,startCachingSamples: function(numSamples,controls) { } ,stopCachingSamples: function() { } ,get_numControls: function() { return this.__controls.length; } ,__class__: openfl_ui_GameInputDevice ,__properties__: {get_numControls:"get_numControls"} }; var openfl_ui_Keyboard = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.ui.Keyboard"] = openfl_ui_Keyboard; openfl_ui_Keyboard.__name__ = ["openfl","ui","Keyboard"]; openfl_ui_Keyboard.capsLock = null; openfl_ui_Keyboard.numLock = null; openfl_ui_Keyboard.isAccessible = function() { return false; }; openfl_ui_Keyboard.__convertKeyCode = function(key) { switch(key) { case 8: return 8; case 9: return 9; case 13: return 13; case 27: return 27; case 32: return 32; case 33: return 49; case 34: return 222; case 35: return 51; case 36: return 52; case 37: return 53; case 38: return 55; case 39: return 222; case 40: return 57; case 41: return 48; case 42: return 56; case 44: return 188; case 45: return 189; case 46: return 190; case 47: return 191; case 48: return 48; case 49: return 49; case 50: return 50; case 51: return 51; case 52: return 52; case 53: return 53; case 54: return 54; case 55: return 55; case 56: return 56; case 57: return 57; case 58: return 186; case 59: return 186; case 60: return 60; case 61: return 187; case 62: return 190; case 63: return 191; case 64: return 50; case 91: return 219; case 92: return 220; case 93: return 221; case 94: return 54; case 95: return 189; case 96: return 192; case 97: return 65; case 98: return 66; case 99: return 67; case 100: return 68; case 101: return 69; case 102: return 70; case 103: return 71; case 104: return 72; case 105: return 73; case 106: return 74; case 107: return 75; case 108: return 76; case 109: return 77; case 110: return 78; case 111: return 79; case 112: return 80; case 113: return 81; case 114: return 82; case 115: return 83; case 116: return 84; case 117: return 85; case 118: return 86; case 119: return 87; case 120: return 88; case 121: return 89; case 122: return 90; case 127: return 46; case 1073741881: return 20; case 1073741882: return 112; case 1073741883: return 113; case 1073741884: return 114; case 1073741885: return 115; case 1073741886: return 116; case 1073741887: return 117; case 1073741888: return 118; case 1073741889: return 119; case 1073741890: return 120; case 1073741891: return 121; case 1073741892: return 122; case 1073741893: return 123; case 1073741894: return 301; case 1073741895: return 145; case 1073741896: return 19; case 1073741897: return 45; case 1073741898: return 36; case 1073741899: return 33; case 1073741901: return 35; case 1073741902: return 34; case 1073741903: return 39; case 1073741904: return 37; case 1073741905: return 40; case 1073741906: return 38; case 1073741907: return 144; case 1073741908: return 111; case 1073741909: return 106; case 1073741910: return 109; case 1073741911: return 107; case 1073741912: return 13; case 1073741913: return 97; case 1073741914: return 98; case 1073741915: return 99; case 1073741916: return 100; case 1073741917: return 101; case 1073741918: return 102; case 1073741919: return 103; case 1073741920: return 104; case 1073741921: return 105; case 1073741922: return 96; case 1073741923: return 110; case 1073741925: return 302; case 1073741928: return 124; case 1073741929: return 125; case 1073741930: return 126; case 1073741982: return 13; case 1073742044: return 110; case 1073742048: return 17; case 1073742049: return 16; case 1073742050: return 18; case 1073742051: return 15; case 1073742052: return 17; case 1073742053: return 16; case 1073742054: return 18; case 1073742055: return 15; default: return key; } }; openfl_ui_Keyboard.__getCharCode = function(key,shift) { if(shift == null) { shift = false; } if(!shift) { switch(key) { case 8: return 8; case 9: return 9; case 13: return 13; case 27: return 27; case 32: return 32; case 186: return 59; case 187: return 61; case 188: return 44; case 189: return 45; case 190: return 46; case 191: return 47; case 192: return 96; case 219: return 91; case 220: return 92; case 221: return 93; case 222: return 39; } if(key >= 48 && key <= 57) { return key - 48 + 48; } if(key >= 65 && key <= 90) { return key - 65 + 97; } } else { switch(key) { case 48: return 41; case 49: return 33; case 50: return 64; case 51: return 35; case 52: return 36; case 53: return 37; case 54: return 94; case 55: return 38; case 56: return 42; case 57: return 40; case 186: return 58; case 187: return 43; case 188: return 60; case 189: return 95; case 190: return 62; case 191: return 63; case 192: return 126; case 219: return 123; case 220: return 124; case 221: return 125; case 222: return 34; } if(key >= 65 && key <= 90) { return key - 65 + 65; } } if(key >= 96 && key <= 105) { return key - 96 + 48; } switch(key) { case 8: return 8; case 13: return 13; case 46: return 127; case 106: return 42; case 107: return 43; case 108: return 44; case 110: return 45; case 111: return 46; } return 0; }; openfl_ui_Keyboard.__getKeyLocation = function(key) { switch(key) { case 1073741908:case 1073741909:case 1073741910:case 1073741911:case 1073741912:case 1073741913:case 1073741914:case 1073741915:case 1073741916:case 1073741917:case 1073741918:case 1073741919:case 1073741920:case 1073741921:case 1073741922:case 1073741923:case 1073742044: return 3; case 1073742048:case 1073742049:case 1073742050:case 1073742051: return 1; case 1073742052:case 1073742053:case 1073742054:case 1073742055: return 2; default: return 0; } }; var openfl_ui_Mouse = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.ui.Mouse"] = openfl_ui_Mouse; openfl_ui_Mouse.__name__ = ["openfl","ui","Mouse"]; openfl_ui_Mouse.__properties__ = {set_cursor:"set_cursor",get_cursor:"get_cursor"}; openfl_ui_Mouse.__hidden = null; openfl_ui_Mouse.hide = function() { openfl_ui_Mouse.__hidden = true; var _g = 0; var _g1 = lime_app_Application.current.__windows; while(_g < _g1.length) { var $window = _g1[_g]; ++_g; $window.set_cursor(null); } }; openfl_ui_Mouse.show = function() { openfl_ui_Mouse.__hidden = false; var cacheCursor = openfl_ui_Mouse.__cursor; openfl_ui_Mouse.__cursor = null; openfl_ui_Mouse.set_cursor(cacheCursor); }; openfl_ui_Mouse.get_cursor = function() { return openfl_ui_Mouse.__cursor; }; openfl_ui_Mouse.set_cursor = function(value) { if(value == null) { value = "auto"; } var setCursor = null; switch(value) { case "arrow": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.ARROW; break; case "button": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.POINTER; break; case "crosshair": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.CROSSHAIR; break; case "custom": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.CUSTOM; break; case "hand": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.MOVE; break; case "ibeam": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.TEXT; break; case "resize_nesw": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NESW; break; case "resize_ns": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NS; break; case "resize_nwse": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NWSE; break; case "resize_we": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_WE; break; case "wait": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT; break; case "waitarrow": setCursor = lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT_ARROW; break; default: } if(setCursor != null && !openfl_ui_Mouse.__hidden) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = lime_app_Application.current.__windows; while(_g < _g1.length) { var $window = _g1[_g]; ++_g; $window.set_cursor(setCursor); } } return openfl_ui_Mouse.__cursor = value; }; var openfl_ui__$MouseCursor_MouseCursor_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.ui._MouseCursor.MouseCursor_Impl_"] = openfl_ui__$MouseCursor_MouseCursor_$Impl_$; openfl_ui__$MouseCursor_MouseCursor_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","ui","_MouseCursor","MouseCursor_Impl_"]; openfl_ui__$MouseCursor_MouseCursor_$Impl_$.fromLimeCursor = function(cursor) { switch(cursor[1]) { case 0: return "arrow"; case 1: return "crosshair"; case 2: return "auto"; case 3: return "hand"; case 4: return "button"; case 5: return "resize_nesw"; case 6: return "resize_ns"; case 7: return "resize_nwse"; case 8: return "resize_we"; case 9: return "ibeam"; case 10: return "wait"; case 11: return "waitarrow"; case 12: return "custom"; } }; openfl_ui__$MouseCursor_MouseCursor_$Impl_$.toLimeCursor = function(cursor) { switch(cursor) { case "arrow": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.ARROW; case "auto": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.DEFAULT; case "button": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.POINTER; case "crosshair": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.CROSSHAIR; case "custom": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.CUSTOM; case "hand": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.MOVE; case "ibeam": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.TEXT; case "resize_nesw": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NESW; case "resize_ns": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NS; case "resize_nwse": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_NWSE; case "resize_we": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.RESIZE_WE; case "wait": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT; case "waitarrow": return lime_ui_MouseCursor.WAIT_ARROW; default: return lime_ui_MouseCursor.DEFAULT; } }; var openfl_ui_Multitouch = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.ui.Multitouch"] = openfl_ui_Multitouch; openfl_ui_Multitouch.__name__ = ["openfl","ui","Multitouch"]; openfl_ui_Multitouch.__properties__ = {get_supportsTouchEvents:"get_supportsTouchEvents"}; openfl_ui_Multitouch.inputMode = null; openfl_ui_Multitouch.maxTouchPoints = null; openfl_ui_Multitouch.supportedGestures = null; openfl_ui_Multitouch.supportsGestureEvents = null; openfl_ui_Multitouch.get_supportsTouchEvents = function() { if(('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) || (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch)) { return true; } return false; }; var openfl_ui__$MultitouchInputMode_MultitouchInputMode_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.ui._MultitouchInputMode.MultitouchInputMode_Impl_"] = openfl_ui__$MultitouchInputMode_MultitouchInputMode_$Impl_$; openfl_ui__$MultitouchInputMode_MultitouchInputMode_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","ui","_MultitouchInputMode","MultitouchInputMode_Impl_"]; openfl_ui__$MultitouchInputMode_MultitouchInputMode_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "gesture": return 0; case "none": return 1; case "touchPoint": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_ui__$MultitouchInputMode_MultitouchInputMode_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "gesture"; case 1: return "none"; case 2: return "touchPoint"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler = function(debugging) { if(debugging == null) { debugging = false; } this.debugEnabled = false; this.debugEnabled = debugging; if(!openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.initialized) { openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.init(); } }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler"] = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler; openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","AGALMiniAssembler"]; openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.init = function() { openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.initialized = true; var this1 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("mov",2,0,0); var _this = this1; if(__map_reserved["mov"] != null) { _this.setReserved("mov",v); } else { _this.h["mov"] = v; } var this2 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v1 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("add",3,1,0); var _this1 = this2; if(__map_reserved["add"] != null) { _this1.setReserved("add",v1); } else { _this1.h["add"] = v1; } var this3 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v2 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("sub",3,2,0); var _this2 = this3; if(__map_reserved["sub"] != null) { _this2.setReserved("sub",v2); } else { _this2.h["sub"] = v2; } var this4 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v3 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("mul",3,3,0); var _this3 = this4; if(__map_reserved["mul"] != null) { _this3.setReserved("mul",v3); } else { _this3.h["mul"] = v3; } var this5 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v4 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("div",3,4,0); var _this4 = this5; if(__map_reserved["div"] != null) { _this4.setReserved("div",v4); } else { _this4.h["div"] = v4; } var this6 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v5 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("rcp",2,5,0); var _this5 = this6; if(__map_reserved["rcp"] != null) { _this5.setReserved("rcp",v5); } else { _this5.h["rcp"] = v5; } var this7 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v6 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("min",3,6,0); var _this6 = this7; if(__map_reserved["min"] != null) { _this6.setReserved("min",v6); } else { _this6.h["min"] = v6; } var this8 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v7 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("max",3,7,0); var _this7 = this8; if(__map_reserved["max"] != null) { _this7.setReserved("max",v7); } else { _this7.h["max"] = v7; } var this9 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v8 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("frc",2,8,0); var _this8 = this9; if(__map_reserved["frc"] != null) { _this8.setReserved("frc",v8); } else { _this8.h["frc"] = v8; } var this10 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v9 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("sqt",2,9,0); var _this9 = this10; if(__map_reserved["sqt"] != null) { _this9.setReserved("sqt",v9); } else { _this9.h["sqt"] = v9; } var this11 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v10 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("rsq",2,10,0); var _this10 = this11; if(__map_reserved["rsq"] != null) { _this10.setReserved("rsq",v10); } else { _this10.h["rsq"] = v10; } var this12 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v11 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("pow",3,11,0); var _this11 = this12; if(__map_reserved["pow"] != null) { _this11.setReserved("pow",v11); } else { _this11.h["pow"] = v11; } var this13 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v12 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("log",2,12,0); var _this12 = this13; if(__map_reserved["log"] != null) { _this12.setReserved("log",v12); } else { _this12.h["log"] = v12; } var this14 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v13 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("exp",2,13,0); var _this13 = this14; if(__map_reserved["exp"] != null) { _this13.setReserved("exp",v13); } else { _this13.h["exp"] = v13; } var this15 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v14 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("nrm",2,14,0); var _this14 = this15; if(__map_reserved["nrm"] != null) { _this14.setReserved("nrm",v14); } else { _this14.h["nrm"] = v14; } var this16 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v15 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("sin",2,15,0); var _this15 = this16; if(__map_reserved["sin"] != null) { _this15.setReserved("sin",v15); } else { _this15.h["sin"] = v15; } var this17 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v16 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("cos",2,16,0); var _this16 = this17; if(__map_reserved["cos"] != null) { _this16.setReserved("cos",v16); } else { _this16.h["cos"] = v16; } var this18 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v17 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("crs",3,17,0); var _this17 = this18; if(__map_reserved["crs"] != null) { _this17.setReserved("crs",v17); } else { _this17.h["crs"] = v17; } var this19 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v18 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("dp3",3,18,0); var _this18 = this19; if(__map_reserved["dp3"] != null) { _this18.setReserved("dp3",v18); } else { _this18.h["dp3"] = v18; } var this20 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v19 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("dp4",3,19,0); var _this19 = this20; if(__map_reserved["dp4"] != null) { _this19.setReserved("dp4",v19); } else { _this19.h["dp4"] = v19; } var this21 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v20 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("abs",2,20,0); var _this20 = this21; if(__map_reserved["abs"] != null) { _this20.setReserved("abs",v20); } else { _this20.h["abs"] = v20; } var this22 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v21 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("neg",2,21,0); var _this21 = this22; if(__map_reserved["neg"] != null) { _this21.setReserved("neg",v21); } else { _this21.h["neg"] = v21; } var this23 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v22 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("sat",2,22,0); var _this22 = this23; if(__map_reserved["sat"] != null) { _this22.setReserved("sat",v22); } else { _this22.h["sat"] = v22; } var this24 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v23 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("m33",3,23,16); var _this23 = this24; if(__map_reserved["m33"] != null) { _this23.setReserved("m33",v23); } else { _this23.h["m33"] = v23; } var this25 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v24 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("m44",3,24,16); var _this24 = this25; if(__map_reserved["m44"] != null) { _this24.setReserved("m44",v24); } else { _this24.h["m44"] = v24; } var this26 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v25 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("m34",3,25,16); var _this25 = this26; if(__map_reserved["m34"] != null) { _this25.setReserved("m34",v25); } else { _this25.h["m34"] = v25; } var this27 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v26 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("ddx",2,26,288); var _this26 = this27; if(__map_reserved["ddx"] != null) { _this26.setReserved("ddx",v26); } else { _this26.h["ddx"] = v26; } var this28 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v27 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("ddy",2,27,288); var _this27 = this28; if(__map_reserved["ddy"] != null) { _this27.setReserved("ddy",v27); } else { _this27.h["ddy"] = v27; } var this29 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v28 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("ife",2,28,897); var _this28 = this29; if(__map_reserved["ife"] != null) { _this28.setReserved("ife",v28); } else { _this28.h["ife"] = v28; } var this30 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v29 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("ine",2,29,897); var _this29 = this30; if(__map_reserved["ine"] != null) { _this29.setReserved("ine",v29); } else { _this29.h["ine"] = v29; } var this31 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v30 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("ifg",2,30,897); var _this30 = this31; if(__map_reserved["ifg"] != null) { _this30.setReserved("ifg",v30); } else { _this30.h["ifg"] = v30; } var this32 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v31 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("ifl",2,31,897); var _this31 = this32; if(__map_reserved["ifl"] != null) { _this31.setReserved("ifl",v31); } else { _this31.h["ifl"] = v31; } var this33 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v32 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("els",0,32,1921); var _this32 = this33; if(__map_reserved["els"] != null) { _this32.setReserved("els",v32); } else { _this32.h["els"] = v32; } var this34 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v33 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("eif",0,33,1409); var _this33 = this34; if(__map_reserved["eif"] != null) { _this33.setReserved("eif",v33); } else { _this33.h["eif"] = v33; } var this35 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v34 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("kil",1,39,160); var _this34 = this35; if(__map_reserved["kil"] != null) { _this34.setReserved("kil",v34); } else { _this34.h["kil"] = v34; } var this36 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v35 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("tex",3,40,40); var _this35 = this36; if(__map_reserved["tex"] != null) { _this35.setReserved("tex",v35); } else { _this35.h["tex"] = v35; } var this37 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v36 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("sge",3,41,0); var _this36 = this37; if(__map_reserved["sge"] != null) { _this36.setReserved("sge",v36); } else { _this36.h["sge"] = v36; } var this38 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v37 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("slt",3,42,0); var _this37 = this38; if(__map_reserved["slt"] != null) { _this37.setReserved("slt",v37); } else { _this37.h["slt"] = v37; } var this39 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v38 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("sgn",2,43,0); var _this38 = this39; if(__map_reserved["sgn"] != null) { _this38.setReserved("sgn",v38); } else { _this38.h["sgn"] = v38; } var this40 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v39 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("seq",3,44,0); var _this39 = this40; if(__map_reserved["seq"] != null) { _this39.setReserved("seq",v39); } else { _this39.h["seq"] = v39; } var this41 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; var v40 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode("sne",3,45,0); var _this40 = this41; if(__map_reserved["sne"] != null) { _this40.setReserved("sne",v40); } else { _this40.h["sne"] = v40; } var this42 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v41 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("rgba",8,0); var _this41 = this42; if(__map_reserved["rgba"] != null) { _this41.setReserved("rgba",v41); } else { _this41.h["rgba"] = v41; } var this43 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v42 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("compressed",8,1); var _this42 = this43; if(__map_reserved["compressed"] != null) { _this42.setReserved("compressed",v42); } else { _this42.h["compressed"] = v42; } var this44 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v43 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("compressedalpha",8,2); var _this43 = this44; if(__map_reserved["compressedalpha"] != null) { _this43.setReserved("compressedalpha",v43); } else { _this43.h["compressedalpha"] = v43; } var this45 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v44 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("dxt1",8,1); var _this44 = this45; if(__map_reserved["dxt1"] != null) { _this44.setReserved("dxt1",v44); } else { _this44.h["dxt1"] = v44; } var this46 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v45 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("dxt5",8,2); var _this45 = this46; if(__map_reserved["dxt5"] != null) { _this45.setReserved("dxt5",v45); } else { _this45.h["dxt5"] = v45; } var this47 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v46 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("video",8,3); var _this46 = this47; if(__map_reserved["video"] != null) { _this46.setReserved("video",v46); } else { _this46.h["video"] = v46; } var this48 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v47 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("2d",12,0); var _this47 = this48; if(__map_reserved["2d"] != null) { _this47.setReserved("2d",v47); } else { _this47.h["2d"] = v47; } var this49 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v48 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("3d",12,2); var _this48 = this49; if(__map_reserved["3d"] != null) { _this48.setReserved("3d",v48); } else { _this48.h["3d"] = v48; } var this50 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v49 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("cube",12,1); var _this49 = this50; if(__map_reserved["cube"] != null) { _this49.setReserved("cube",v49); } else { _this49.h["cube"] = v49; } var this51 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v50 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("mipnearest",24,1); var _this50 = this51; if(__map_reserved["mipnearest"] != null) { _this50.setReserved("mipnearest",v50); } else { _this50.h["mipnearest"] = v50; } var this52 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v51 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("miplinear",24,2); var _this51 = this52; if(__map_reserved["miplinear"] != null) { _this51.setReserved("miplinear",v51); } else { _this51.h["miplinear"] = v51; } var this53 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v52 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("mipnone",24,0); var _this52 = this53; if(__map_reserved["mipnone"] != null) { _this52.setReserved("mipnone",v52); } else { _this52.h["mipnone"] = v52; } var this54 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v53 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("nomip",24,0); var _this53 = this54; if(__map_reserved["nomip"] != null) { _this53.setReserved("nomip",v53); } else { _this53.h["nomip"] = v53; } var this55 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v54 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("nearest",28,0); var _this54 = this55; if(__map_reserved["nearest"] != null) { _this54.setReserved("nearest",v54); } else { _this54.h["nearest"] = v54; } var this56 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v55 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("linear",28,1); var _this55 = this56; if(__map_reserved["linear"] != null) { _this55.setReserved("linear",v55); } else { _this55.h["linear"] = v55; } var this57 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v56 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("anisotropic2x",28,2); var _this56 = this57; if(__map_reserved["anisotropic2x"] != null) { _this56.setReserved("anisotropic2x",v56); } else { _this56.h["anisotropic2x"] = v56; } var this58 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v57 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("anisotropic4x",28,3); var _this57 = this58; if(__map_reserved["anisotropic4x"] != null) { _this57.setReserved("anisotropic4x",v57); } else { _this57.h["anisotropic4x"] = v57; } var this59 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v58 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("anisotropic8x",28,4); var _this58 = this59; if(__map_reserved["anisotropic8x"] != null) { _this58.setReserved("anisotropic8x",v58); } else { _this58.h["anisotropic8x"] = v58; } var this60 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v59 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("anisotropic16x",28,5); var _this59 = this60; if(__map_reserved["anisotropic16x"] != null) { _this59.setReserved("anisotropic16x",v59); } else { _this59.h["anisotropic16x"] = v59; } var this61 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v60 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("centroid",16,1); var _this60 = this61; if(__map_reserved["centroid"] != null) { _this60.setReserved("centroid",v60); } else { _this60.h["centroid"] = v60; } var this62 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v61 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("single",16,2); var _this61 = this62; if(__map_reserved["single"] != null) { _this61.setReserved("single",v61); } else { _this61.h["single"] = v61; } var this63 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v62 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("ignoresampler",16,4); var _this62 = this63; if(__map_reserved["ignoresampler"] != null) { _this62.setReserved("ignoresampler",v62); } else { _this62.h["ignoresampler"] = v62; } var this64 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v63 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("repeat",20,1); var _this63 = this64; if(__map_reserved["repeat"] != null) { _this63.setReserved("repeat",v63); } else { _this63.h["repeat"] = v63; } var this65 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v64 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("wrap",20,1); var _this64 = this65; if(__map_reserved["wrap"] != null) { _this64.setReserved("wrap",v64); } else { _this64.h["wrap"] = v64; } var this66 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v65 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("clamp",20,0); var _this65 = this66; if(__map_reserved["clamp"] != null) { _this65.setReserved("clamp",v65); } else { _this65.h["clamp"] = v65; } var this67 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v66 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("clamp_u_repeat_v",20,2); var _this66 = this67; if(__map_reserved["clamp_u_repeat_v"] != null) { _this66.setReserved("clamp_u_repeat_v",v66); } else { _this66.h["clamp_u_repeat_v"] = v66; } var this68 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var v67 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler("repeat_u_clamp_v",20,3); var _this67 = this68; if(__map_reserved["repeat_u_clamp_v"] != null) { _this67.setReserved("repeat_u_clamp_v",v67); } else { _this67.h["repeat_u_clamp_v"] = v67; } }; openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.prototype = { agalcode: null ,error: null ,verbose: null ,debugEnabled: null ,assemble2: function(context3D,version,vertexSource,fragmentSource) { var agalVertex = this.assemble("vertex",vertexSource,version); var agalFragment = this.assemble("fragment",fragmentSource,version); var program = context3D.createProgram(); program.upload(agalVertex,agalFragment); return program; } ,assemble: function(mode,source,version,ignoreLimits) { if(ignoreLimits == null) { ignoreLimits = false; } if(version == null) { version = 1; } var start = openfl_Lib.getTimer(); var this1 = new openfl_utils_ByteArrayData(0); this.agalcode = this1; this.error = ""; var isFrag = false; if(mode == "fragment") { isFrag = true; } else if(mode != "vertex") { this.error = "ERROR: mode needs to be \"" + "fragment" + "\" or \"" + "vertex" + "\" but is \"" + mode + "\"."; } this.agalcode.__endian = 1; this.agalcode.writeByte(160); this.agalcode.writeUnsignedInt(version); this.agalcode.writeByte(161); this.agalcode.writeByte(isFrag ? 1 : 0); this.initregmap(version,ignoreLimits); var lines = StringTools.replace(source,"\r","\n").split("\n"); var nest = 0; var nops = 0; var lng = lines.length; var reg1 = new EReg("<.*>","g"); var reg2 = new EReg("([\\w\\.\\-\\+]+)","gi"); var reg3 = new EReg("^\\w{3}","ig"); var reg4 = new EReg("vc\\[([vofi][acostdip]?[d]?)(\\d*)?(\\.[xyzw](\\+\\d{1,3})?)?\\](\\.[xyzw]{1,4})?|([vofi][acostdip]?[d]?)(\\d*)?(\\.[xyzw]{1,4})?","gi"); var reg5 = new EReg("\\[.*\\]","ig"); var reg6 = new EReg("^\\b[A-Za-z]{1,3}","ig"); var reg7 = new EReg("\\d+",""); var reg8 = new EReg("(\\.[xyzw]{1,4})",""); var reg9 = new EReg("[A-Za-z]{1,3}","ig"); var reg10 = new EReg("(\\.[xyzw]{1,1})",""); var reg11 = new EReg("\\+\\d{1,3}","ig"); var i = 0; while(i < lng && this.error == "") { var line = StringTools.trim(lines[i]); var startcomment = line.indexOf("//"); if(startcomment != -1) { line = HxOverrides.substr(line,0,startcomment); } var optsi = reg1.match(line) ? reg1.matchedPos().pos : -1; var opts = null; if(optsi != -1) { opts = this.match(HxOverrides.substr(line,optsi,null),reg2); line = HxOverrides.substr(line,0,optsi); } var opCode = null; var opFound = null; if(reg3.match(line)) { opCode = reg3.matched(0); var _this = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.OPMAP; if(__map_reserved[opCode] != null) { opFound = _this.getReserved(opCode); } else { opFound = _this.h[opCode]; } } if(opFound == null) { if(line.length >= 3) { haxe_Log.trace("warning: bad line " + i + ": " + lines[i],{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 284, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } ++i; continue; } if(this.debugEnabled) { haxe_Log.trace(opFound,{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 296, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } if(opFound == null) { if(line.length >= 3) { haxe_Log.trace("warning: bad line " + i + ": " + lines[i],{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 304, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } ++i; continue; } line = HxOverrides.substr(line,line.indexOf(opFound.name) + opFound.name.length,null); if((opFound.flags & 256) != 0 && version < 2) { this.error = "error: opcode requires version 2."; break; } if((opFound.flags & 64) != 0 && isFrag) { this.error = "error: opcode is only allowed in vertex programs."; break; } if((opFound.flags & 32) != 0 && !isFrag) { this.error = "error: opcode is only allowed in fragment programs."; break; } if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace("emit opcode=" + Std.string(opFound),{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 338, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } this.agalcode.writeUnsignedInt(opFound.emitCode); ++nops; if(nops > 4096) { this.error = "error: too many opcodes. maximum is " + 4096 + "."; break; } var regs = this.match(line,reg4); if(regs.length != opFound.numRegister) { this.error = "error: wrong number of operands. found " + regs.length + " but expected " + opFound.numRegister + "."; break; } var badreg = false; var pad = 160; var regLength = regs.length; var _g1 = 0; var _g = regLength; while(_g1 < _g) { var j = _g1++; var isRelative = false; var relreg = this.match(regs[j],reg5); if(relreg.length > 0) { regs[j] = StringTools.replace(regs[j],relreg[0],"0"); if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace("IS REL",{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 377, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } isRelative = true; } var res = this.match(regs[j],reg6); if(res.length == 0) { this.error = "error: could not parse operand " + j + " (" + regs[j] + ")."; badreg = true; break; } var _this1 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var key = res[0]; var regFound = __map_reserved[key] != null ? _this1.getReserved(key) : _this1.h[key]; if(this.debugEnabled) { haxe_Log.trace(regFound,{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 399, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } if(regFound == null) { this.error = "error: could not find register name for operand " + j + " (" + regs[j] + ")."; badreg = true; break; } if(isFrag) { if((regFound.flags & 32) == 0) { this.error = "error: register operand " + j + " (" + regs[j] + ") only allowed in vertex programs."; badreg = true; break; } if(isRelative) { this.error = "error: register operand " + j + " (" + regs[j] + ") relative adressing not allowed in fragment programs."; badreg = true; break; } } else if((regFound.flags & 64) == 0) { this.error = "error: register operand " + j + " (" + regs[j] + ") only allowed in fragment programs."; badreg = true; break; } var pos = regs[j].indexOf(regFound.name) + regFound.name.length; regs[j] = HxOverrides.substr(regs[j],pos,null); var idxmatch = isRelative ? this.match(relreg[0],reg7) : this.match(regs[j],reg7); var regidx = 0; if(idxmatch.length > 0) { regidx = Std.parseInt(idxmatch[0]); } if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(regidx,regFound.range)) { this.error = "error: register operand " + j + " (" + regs[j] + ") index exceeds limit of " + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(regFound.range + 1)) + "."; badreg = true; break; } var regmask = 0; var maskmatch = this.match(regs[j],reg8); var isDest = j == 0 && (opFound.flags & 128) == 0; var isSampler = j == 2 && (opFound.flags & 8) != 0; var reltype = 0; var relsel = 0; var reloffset = 0; if(isDest && isRelative) { this.error = "error: relative can not be destination"; badreg = true; break; } if(maskmatch.length > 0) { regmask = 0; var cv = 0; var maskLength = maskmatch[0].length; var k = 1; while(k < maskLength) { cv = HxOverrides.cca(maskmatch[0],k) - 120; if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(cv,2)) { cv = 3; } if(isDest) { regmask |= 1 << cv; } else { regmask = regmask | cv << (k - 1 << 1); } ++k; } if(!isDest) { while(k <= 4) { regmask = regmask | cv << (k - 1 << 1); ++k; } } } else if(isDest) { regmask = 15; } else { regmask = 228; } if(isRelative) { var relname = this.match(relreg[0],reg9); var _this2 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var key1 = relname[0]; var regFoundRel = __map_reserved[key1] != null ? _this2.getReserved(key1) : _this2.h[key1]; if(regFoundRel == null) { this.error = "error: bad index register"; badreg = true; break; } reltype = regFoundRel.emitCode; var selmatch = this.match(relreg[0],reg10); if(selmatch.length == 0) { this.error = "error: bad index register select"; badreg = true; break; } relsel = HxOverrides.cca(selmatch[0],1) - 120; if(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.gt(relsel,2)) { relsel = 3; } var relofs = this.match(relreg[0],reg11); if(relofs.length > 0) { reloffset = Std.parseInt(relofs[0]); } if(reloffset < 0 || reloffset > 255) { this.error = "error: index offset " + reloffset + " out of bounds. [0..255]"; badreg = true; break; } if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace("RELATIVE: type=" + reltype + "==" + relname[0] + " sel=" + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(relsel)) + "==" + selmatch[0] + " idx=" + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(regidx)) + " offset=" + reloffset,{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 574, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } } if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace(" emit argcode=" + Std.string(regFound) + "[" + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(regidx)) + "][" + regmask + "]",{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 582, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } if(isDest) { this.agalcode.writeShort(regidx); this.agalcode.writeByte(regmask); this.agalcode.writeByte(regFound.emitCode); pad -= 32; } else if(isSampler) { if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace(" emit sampler",{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 599, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } var samplerbits = 5; var optsLength = opts == null ? 0 : opts.length; var bias = 0.0; var _g3 = 0; var _g2 = optsLength; while(_g3 < _g2) { var k1 = _g3++; if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace(" opt: " + opts[k1],{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 611, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } var _this3 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.SAMPLEMAP; var key2 = opts[k1]; var optfound = __map_reserved[key2] != null ? _this3.getReserved(key2) : _this3.h[key2]; if(optfound == null) { bias = parseFloat(opts[k1]); if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace(" bias: " + bias,{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 625, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } } else { if(optfound.flag != 16) { samplerbits &= ~(15 << optfound.flag); } samplerbits = samplerbits | optfound.mask << optfound.flag; } } this.agalcode.writeShort(regidx); this.agalcode.writeByte(bias * 8.0 | 0); this.agalcode.writeByte(0); this.agalcode.writeUnsignedInt(samplerbits); if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace(" bits: " + (samplerbits - 5),{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 650, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } pad -= 64; } else { if(j == 0) { this.agalcode.writeUnsignedInt(0); pad -= 32; } this.agalcode.writeShort(regidx); this.agalcode.writeByte(reloffset); this.agalcode.writeByte(regmask); this.agalcode.writeByte(regFound.emitCode); this.agalcode.writeByte(reltype); this.agalcode.writeShort(isRelative ? relsel | 32768 : 0); pad -= 64; } } var j1 = 0; while(j1 < pad) { this.agalcode.writeByte(0); j1 += 8; } if(badreg) { break; } ++i; } if(this.error != "") { this.error += "\n at line " + i + " " + lines[i]; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set_length(this.agalcode,0); haxe_Log.trace(this.error,{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 703, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } if(this.debugEnabled) { var dbgLine = "generated bytecode:"; var agalLength = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length(this.agalcode); var _g11 = 0; var _g4 = agalLength; while(_g11 < _g4) { var index = _g11++; if(index % 16 == 0) { dbgLine += "\n"; } if(index % 4 == 0) { dbgLine += " "; } var byteStr = StringTools.hex(this.agalcode.b[index],2); if(byteStr.length < 2) { byteStr = "0" + byteStr; } dbgLine += byteStr; } haxe_Log.trace(dbgLine,{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 739, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } if(this.verbose) { haxe_Log.trace("AGALMiniAssembler.assemble time: " + (openfl_Lib.getTimer() - start) / 1000 + "s",{ fileName : "AGALMiniAssembler.hx", lineNumber : 745, className : "openfl.utils.AGALMiniAssembler", methodName : "assemble"}); } return this.agalcode; } ,initregmap: function(version,ignorelimits) { var this1 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("va","vertex attribute",0,ignorelimits ? 1024 : version == 1 || version == 2 ? 7 : 15,66); var _this = this1; if(__map_reserved["va"] != null) { _this.setReserved("va",v); } else { _this.h["va"] = v; } var this2 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v1 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("vc","vertex constant",1,ignorelimits ? 1024 : version == 1 ? 127 : 249,66); var _this1 = this2; if(__map_reserved["vc"] != null) { _this1.setReserved("vc",v1); } else { _this1.h["vc"] = v1; } var this3 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v2 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("vt","vertex temporary",2,ignorelimits ? 1024 : version == 1 ? 7 : 25,67); var _this2 = this3; if(__map_reserved["vt"] != null) { _this2.setReserved("vt",v2); } else { _this2.h["vt"] = v2; } var this4 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v3 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("vo","vertex output",3,ignorelimits ? 1024 : 0,65); var _this3 = this4; if(__map_reserved["vo"] != null) { _this3.setReserved("vo",v3); } else { _this3.h["vo"] = v3; } var this5 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v4 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("vi","varying",4,ignorelimits ? 1024 : version == 1 ? 7 : 9,99); var _this4 = this5; if(__map_reserved["vi"] != null) { _this4.setReserved("vi",v4); } else { _this4.h["vi"] = v4; } var this6 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v5 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("fc","fragment constant",1,ignorelimits ? 1024 : version == 1 ? 27 : version == 2 ? 63 : 199,34); var _this5 = this6; if(__map_reserved["fc"] != null) { _this5.setReserved("fc",v5); } else { _this5.h["fc"] = v5; } var this7 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v6 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("ft","fragment temporary",2,ignorelimits ? 1024 : version == 1 ? 7 : 25,35); var _this6 = this7; if(__map_reserved["ft"] != null) { _this6.setReserved("ft",v6); } else { _this6.h["ft"] = v6; } var this8 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v7 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("fs","texture sampler",5,ignorelimits ? 1024 : 7,34); var _this7 = this8; if(__map_reserved["fs"] != null) { _this7.setReserved("fs",v7); } else { _this7.h["fs"] = v7; } var this9 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v8 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("fo","fragment output",3,ignorelimits ? 1024 : version == 1 ? 0 : 3,33); var _this8 = this9; if(__map_reserved["fo"] != null) { _this8.setReserved("fo",v8); } else { _this8.h["fo"] = v8; } var this10 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v9 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("fd","fragment depth output",6,ignorelimits ? 1024 : version == 1 ? -1 : 0,33); var _this9 = this10; if(__map_reserved["fd"] != null) { _this9.setReserved("fd",v9); } else { _this9.h["fd"] = v9; } var this11 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v10 = new openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register("iid","instance id",7,ignorelimits ? 1024 : 0,66); var _this10 = this11; if(__map_reserved["iid"] != null) { _this10.setReserved("iid",v10); } else { _this10.h["iid"] = v10; } var this12 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var _this11 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v11 = __map_reserved["vo"] != null ? _this11.getReserved("vo") : _this11.h["vo"]; var _this12 = this12; if(__map_reserved["op"] != null) { _this12.setReserved("op",v11); } else { _this12.h["op"] = v11; } var this13 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var _this13 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v12 = __map_reserved["vi"] != null ? _this13.getReserved("vi") : _this13.h["vi"]; var _this14 = this13; if(__map_reserved["i"] != null) { _this14.setReserved("i",v12); } else { _this14.h["i"] = v12; } var this14 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var _this15 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v13 = __map_reserved["vi"] != null ? _this15.getReserved("vi") : _this15.h["vi"]; var _this16 = this14; if(__map_reserved["v"] != null) { _this16.setReserved("v",v13); } else { _this16.h["v"] = v13; } var this15 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var _this17 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v14 = __map_reserved["fo"] != null ? _this17.getReserved("fo") : _this17.h["fo"]; var _this18 = this15; if(__map_reserved["oc"] != null) { _this18.setReserved("oc",v14); } else { _this18.h["oc"] = v14; } var this16 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var _this19 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v15 = __map_reserved["fd"] != null ? _this19.getReserved("fd") : _this19.h["fd"]; var _this20 = this16; if(__map_reserved["od"] != null) { _this20.setReserved("od",v15); } else { _this20.h["od"] = v15; } var this17 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var _this21 = openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler.REGMAP; var v16 = __map_reserved["vi"] != null ? _this21.getReserved("vi") : _this21.h["vi"]; var _this22 = this17; if(__map_reserved["fi"] != null) { _this22.setReserved("fi",v16); } else { _this22.h["fi"] = v16; } } ,match: function(value,reg) { var matches = []; var index = 0; var match; while(reg.matchSub(value,index)) { match = reg.matched(0); matches.push(match); index = reg.matchedPos().pos + match.length; } return matches; } ,__class__: openfl_utils_AGALMiniAssembler }; var openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode = function(name,numRegister,emitCode,flags) { this.name = name; this.numRegister = numRegister; this.emitCode = emitCode; this.flags = flags; }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils._AGALMiniAssembler.OpCode"] = openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode; openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","_AGALMiniAssembler","OpCode"]; openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode.prototype = { emitCode: null ,flags: null ,name: null ,numRegister: null ,toString: function() { return "[OpCode name=\"" + this.name + "\", numRegister=" + this.numRegister + ", emitCode=" + this.emitCode + ", flags=" + this.flags + "]"; } ,__class__: openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_OpCode }; var openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register = function(name,longName,emitCode,range,flags) { this.name = name; this.longName = longName; this.emitCode = emitCode; this.range = range; this.flags = flags; }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils._AGALMiniAssembler.Register"] = openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register; openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","_AGALMiniAssembler","Register"]; openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register.prototype = { emitCode: null ,name: null ,longName: null ,flags: null ,range: null ,toString: function() { return "[Register name=\"" + this.name + "\", longName=\"" + this.longName + "\", emitCode=" + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(this.emitCode)) + ", range=" + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(this.range)) + ", flags=" + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(this.flags)) + "]"; } ,__class__: openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Register }; var openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler = function(name,flag,mask) { this.name = name; this.flag = flag; this.mask = mask; }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils._AGALMiniAssembler.Sampler"] = openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler; openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","_AGALMiniAssembler","Sampler"]; openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler.prototype = { flag: null ,mask: null ,name: null ,toString: function() { return "[Sampler name=\"" + this.name + "\", flag=\"" + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(this.flag)) + "\", mask=" + Std.string(_$UInt_UInt_$Impl_$.toFloat(this.mask)) + "]"; } ,__class__: openfl_utils__$AGALMiniAssembler_Sampler }; var openfl_utils_IAssetCache = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils.IAssetCache"] = openfl_utils_IAssetCache; openfl_utils_IAssetCache.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","IAssetCache"]; openfl_utils_IAssetCache.prototype = { set_enabled: null ,get_enabled: null ,clear: null ,getBitmapData: null ,getFont: null ,getSound: null ,hasBitmapData: null ,hasFont: null ,hasSound: null ,removeBitmapData: null ,removeFont: null ,removeSound: null ,setBitmapData: null ,setFont: null ,setSound: null ,__class__: openfl_utils_IAssetCache ,__properties__: {set_enabled:"set_enabled",get_enabled:"get_enabled"} }; var openfl_utils_AssetCache = function() { this.__enabled = true; this.bitmapData = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.font = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.sound = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils.AssetCache"] = openfl_utils_AssetCache; openfl_utils_AssetCache.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","AssetCache"]; openfl_utils_AssetCache.__interfaces__ = [openfl_utils_IAssetCache]; openfl_utils_AssetCache.prototype = { bitmapData: null ,font: null ,sound: null ,__enabled: null ,clear: function(prefix) { if(prefix == null) { this.bitmapData = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.font = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); this.sound = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); } else { var keys = this.bitmapData.keys(); var key = keys; while(key.hasNext()) { var key1 = key.next(); if(StringTools.startsWith(key1,prefix)) { this.removeBitmapData(key1); } } var keys1 = this.font.keys(); var key2 = keys1; while(key2.hasNext()) { var key3 = key2.next(); if(StringTools.startsWith(key3,prefix)) { this.removeFont(key3); } } var keys2 = this.sound.keys(); var key4 = keys2; while(key4.hasNext()) { var key5 = key4.next(); if(StringTools.startsWith(key5,prefix)) { this.removeSound(key5); } } } } ,getBitmapData: function(id) { var _this = this.bitmapData; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this.getReserved(id); } else { return _this.h[id]; } } ,getFont: function(id) { var _this = this.font; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this.getReserved(id); } else { return _this.h[id]; } } ,getSound: function(id) { var _this = this.sound; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this.getReserved(id); } else { return _this.h[id]; } } ,hasBitmapData: function(id) { var _this = this.bitmapData; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this.existsReserved(id); } else { return _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id); } } ,hasFont: function(id) { var _this = this.font; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this.existsReserved(id); } else { return _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id); } } ,hasSound: function(id) { var _this = this.sound; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { return _this.existsReserved(id); } else { return _this.h.hasOwnProperty(id); } } ,removeBitmapData: function(id) { lime_utils_Assets.cache.image.remove(id); return this.bitmapData.remove(id); } ,removeFont: function(id) { lime_utils_Assets.cache.font.remove(id); return this.font.remove(id); } ,removeSound: function(id) { lime_utils_Assets.cache.audio.remove(id); return this.sound.remove(id); } ,setBitmapData: function(id,bitmapData) { var _this = this.bitmapData; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,bitmapData); } else { _this.h[id] = bitmapData; } } ,setFont: function(id,font) { var _this = this.font; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,font); } else { _this.h[id] = font; } } ,setSound: function(id,sound) { var _this = this.sound; if(__map_reserved[id] != null) { _this.setReserved(id,sound); } else { _this.h[id] = sound; } } ,get_enabled: function() { return this.__enabled; } ,set_enabled: function(value) { return this.__enabled = value; } ,__class__: openfl_utils_AssetCache ,__properties__: {set_enabled:"set_enabled",get_enabled:"get_enabled"} }; var openfl_utils_Assets = function() { }; $hxClasses["openfl.utils.Assets"] = openfl_utils_Assets; openfl_utils_Assets.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","Assets"]; openfl_utils_Assets.addEventListener = function(type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference) { if(useWeakReference == null) { useWeakReference = false; } if(priority == null) { priority = 0; } if(useCapture == null) { useCapture = false; } if(!lime_utils_Assets.onChange.has(openfl_utils_Assets.LimeAssets_onChange)) { lime_utils_Assets.onChange.add(openfl_utils_Assets.LimeAssets_onChange); } openfl_utils_Assets.dispatcher.addEventListener(type,listener,useCapture,priority,useWeakReference); }; openfl_utils_Assets.dispatchEvent = function(event) { return openfl_utils_Assets.dispatcher.dispatchEvent(event); }; openfl_utils_Assets.exists = function(id,type) { return lime_utils_Assets.exists(id,type); }; openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled() && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.hasBitmapData(id)) { var bitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.cache.getBitmapData(id); if(openfl_utils_Assets.isValidBitmapData(bitmapData)) { return bitmapData; } } var image = lime_utils_Assets.getImage(id,false); if(image != null) { var bitmapData1 = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromImage(image); if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled()) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.setBitmapData(id,bitmapData1); } return bitmapData1; } return null; }; openfl_utils_Assets.getBytes = function(id) { return openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(lime_utils_Assets.getBytes(id)); }; openfl_utils_Assets.getFont = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled() && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.hasFont(id)) { return openfl_utils_Assets.cache.getFont(id); } var limeFont = lime_utils_Assets.getFont(id,false); if(limeFont != null) { var font = new openfl_text_Font(); font.__fromLimeFont(limeFont); if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled()) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.setFont(id,font); } return font; } return new openfl_text_Font(); }; openfl_utils_Assets.getLibrary = function(name) { return lime_utils_Assets.getLibrary(name); }; openfl_utils_Assets.getMovieClip = function(id) { var libraryName = id.substring(0,id.indexOf(":")); var symbolName = HxOverrides.substr(id,id.indexOf(":") + 1,null); var limeLibrary = openfl_utils_Assets.getLibrary(libraryName); if(limeLibrary != null) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(limeLibrary,openfl_utils_AssetLibrary)) { var library = limeLibrary; if(library.exists(symbolName,"MOVIE_CLIP")) { if(library.isLocal(symbolName,"MOVIE_CLIP")) { return library.getMovieClip(symbolName); } else { lime_utils_Log.error("MovieClip asset \"" + id + "\" exists, but only asynchronously",{ fileName : "Assets.hx", lineNumber : 248, className : "openfl.utils.Assets", methodName : "getMovieClip"}); return null; } } } lime_utils_Log.error("There is no MovieClip asset with an ID of \"" + id + "\"",{ fileName : "Assets.hx", lineNumber : 257, className : "openfl.utils.Assets", methodName : "getMovieClip"}); } else { lime_utils_Log.error("There is no asset library named \"" + libraryName + "\"",{ fileName : "Assets.hx", lineNumber : 261, className : "openfl.utils.Assets", methodName : "getMovieClip"}); } return null; }; openfl_utils_Assets.getMusic = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } return openfl_utils_Assets.getSound(id,useCache); }; openfl_utils_Assets.getPath = function(id) { return lime_utils_Assets.getPath(id); }; openfl_utils_Assets.getSound = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled() && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.hasSound(id)) { var sound = openfl_utils_Assets.cache.getSound(id); if(openfl_utils_Assets.isValidSound(sound)) { return sound; } } var buffer = lime_utils_Assets.getAudioBuffer(id,false); if(buffer != null) { var sound1 = openfl_media_Sound.fromAudioBuffer(buffer); if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled()) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.setSound(id,sound1); } return sound1; } return null; }; openfl_utils_Assets.getText = function(id) { return lime_utils_Assets.getText(id); }; openfl_utils_Assets.hasEventListener = function(type) { return openfl_utils_Assets.dispatcher.hasEventListener(type); }; openfl_utils_Assets.hasLibrary = function(name) { return lime_utils_Assets.hasLibrary(name); }; openfl_utils_Assets.isLocal = function(id,type,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled()) { if(type == "IMAGE" || type == null) { if(openfl_utils_Assets.cache.hasBitmapData(id)) { return true; } } if(type == "FONT" || type == null) { if(openfl_utils_Assets.cache.hasFont(id)) { return true; } } if(type == "SOUND" || type == "MUSIC" || type == null) { if(openfl_utils_Assets.cache.hasSound(id)) { return true; } } } var libraryName = id.substring(0,id.indexOf(":")); var symbolName = HxOverrides.substr(id,id.indexOf(":") + 1,null); var library = openfl_utils_Assets.getLibrary(libraryName); if(library != null) { return library.isLocal(symbolName,type); } return false; }; openfl_utils_Assets.isValidBitmapData = function(bitmapData) { return bitmapData != null && bitmapData.image != null; }; openfl_utils_Assets.isValidSound = function(sound) { return true; }; openfl_utils_Assets.list = function(type) { return lime_utils_Assets.list(type); }; openfl_utils_Assets.loadBitmapData = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled() && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.hasBitmapData(id)) { var bitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.cache.getBitmapData(id); if(openfl_utils_Assets.isValidBitmapData(bitmapData)) { promise.complete(bitmapData); return promise.future; } } lime_utils_Assets.loadImage(id,false).onComplete(function(image) { if(image != null) { var bitmapData1 = openfl_display_BitmapData.fromImage(image); if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled()) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.setBitmapData(id,bitmapData1); } promise.complete(bitmapData1); } else { promise.error("[Assets] Could not load Image \"" + id + "\""); } }).onError($bind(promise,promise.error)).onProgress($bind(promise,promise.progress)); return promise.future; }; openfl_utils_Assets.loadBytes = function(id) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); var future = lime_utils_Assets.loadBytes(id); future.onComplete(function(bytes) { promise.complete(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(bytes)); }); future.onProgress(function(progress,total) { promise.progress(progress,total); }); future.onError(function(msg) { promise.error(msg); }); return promise.future; }; openfl_utils_Assets.loadFont = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled() && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.hasFont(id)) { var tmp = openfl_utils_Assets.cache.getFont(id); promise.complete(tmp); return promise.future; } lime_utils_Assets.loadFont(id).onComplete(function(limeFont) { var font = new openfl_text_Font(); font.__fromLimeFont(limeFont); if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled()) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.setFont(id,font); } promise.complete(font); }).onError($bind(promise,promise.error)).onProgress($bind(promise,promise.progress)); return promise.future; }; openfl_utils_Assets.loadLibrary = function(name) { return lime_utils_Assets.loadLibrary(name).then(function(library) { var _library = null; if(library != null) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(library,openfl_utils_AssetLibrary)) { _library = library; } else { _library = new openfl_utils_AssetLibrary(); _library.__proxy = library; lime_utils_Assets.registerLibrary(name,_library); } } return lime_app_Future.withValue(_library); }); }; openfl_utils_Assets.loadMusic = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } var future = new lime_app_Future(function() { return openfl_utils_Assets.getMusic(id,useCache); }); return future; }; openfl_utils_Assets.loadMovieClip = function(id) { var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); var libraryName = id.substring(0,id.indexOf(":")); var symbolName = HxOverrides.substr(id,id.indexOf(":") + 1,null); var limeLibrary = openfl_utils_Assets.getLibrary(libraryName); if(limeLibrary != null) { if(js_Boot.__instanceof(limeLibrary,openfl_utils_AssetLibrary)) { var library = limeLibrary; if(library.exists(symbolName,"MOVIE_CLIP")) { promise.completeWith(library.loadMovieClip(symbolName)); return promise.future; } } promise.error("[Assets] There is no MovieClip asset with an ID of \"" + id + "\""); } else { promise.error("[Assets] There is no asset library named \"" + libraryName + "\""); } return promise.future; }; openfl_utils_Assets.loadSound = function(id,useCache) { if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } if(useCache == null) { useCache = true; } var promise = new lime_app_Promise(); lime_utils_Assets.loadAudioBuffer(id,useCache).onComplete(function(buffer) { if(buffer != null) { var sound = openfl_media_Sound.fromAudioBuffer(buffer); if(useCache && openfl_utils_Assets.cache.get_enabled()) { openfl_utils_Assets.cache.setSound(id,sound); } promise.complete(sound); } else { promise.error("[Assets] Could not load Sound \"" + id + "\""); } }).onError($bind(promise,promise.error)).onProgress($bind(promise,promise.progress)); return promise.future; }; openfl_utils_Assets.loadText = function(id) { var future = lime_utils_Assets.loadText(id); return future; }; openfl_utils_Assets.registerLibrary = function(name,library) { lime_utils_Assets.registerLibrary(name,library); }; openfl_utils_Assets.removeEventListener = function(type,listener,capture) { if(capture == null) { capture = false; } openfl_utils_Assets.dispatcher.removeEventListener(type,listener,capture); }; openfl_utils_Assets.resolveClass = function(name) { return Type.resolveClass(name); }; openfl_utils_Assets.resolveEnum = function(name) { var value = Type.resolveEnum(name); return value; }; openfl_utils_Assets.unloadLibrary = function(name) { lime_utils_Assets.unloadLibrary(name); }; openfl_utils_Assets.LimeAssets_onChange = function() { openfl_utils_Assets.dispatchEvent(new openfl_events_Event("change")); }; var openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.utils._ByteArray.ByteArray_Impl_"] = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","_ByteArray","ByteArray_Impl_"]; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.__properties__ = {set_position:"set_position",get_position:"get_position",set_length:"set_length",get_length:"get_length",get_bytesAvailable:"get_bytesAvailable",set_defaultObjectEncoding:"set_defaultObjectEncoding",get_defaultObjectEncoding:"get_defaultObjectEncoding",set_defaultEndian:"set_defaultEndian",get_defaultEndian:"get_defaultEndian"}; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$._new = function(length) { if(length == null) { length = 0; } var this1 = new openfl_utils_ByteArrayData(length); return this1; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.clear = function(this1) { this1.clear(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.compress = function(this1,algorithm) { this1.compress(algorithm); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.deflate = function(this1) { this1.deflate(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromArrayBuffer = function(buffer) { if(buffer == null) { return null; } return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.fromBytes(haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(buffer)); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes = function(bytes) { if(bytes == null) { return null; } if(js_Boot.__instanceof(bytes,openfl_utils_ByteArrayData)) { return bytes; } else { return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.fromBytes(bytes); } }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytesData = function(bytesData) { if(bytesData == null) { return null; } return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.fromBytes(haxe_io_Bytes.ofData(bytesData)); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromFile = function(path) { return openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.fromFile(path)); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromLimeBytes = function(bytes) { return openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(bytes); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get = function(this1,index) { return this1.b[index]; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.inflate = function(this1) { this1.inflate(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.loadFromBytes = function(bytes) { return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.loadFromBytes(bytes).then(function(limeBytes) { var byteArray = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(limeBytes); return lime_app_Future.withValue(byteArray); }); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.loadFromFile = function(path) { return lime_utils__$Bytes_Bytes_$Impl_$.loadFromFile(path).then(function(limeBytes) { var byteArray = openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(limeBytes); return lime_app_Future.withValue(byteArray); }); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readBoolean = function(this1) { return this1.readBoolean(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readByte = function(this1) { return this1.readByte(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readBytes = function(this1,bytes,offset,length) { if(length == null) { length = 0; } if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } this1.readBytes(bytes,offset,length); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readDouble = function(this1) { return this1.readDouble(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readFloat = function(this1) { return this1.readFloat(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readInt = function(this1) { return this1.readInt(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readMultiByte = function(this1,length,charSet) { return this1.readMultiByte(length,charSet); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readObject = function(this1) { return this1.readObject(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readShort = function(this1) { return this1.readShort(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readUTF = function(this1) { return this1.readUTF(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readUTFBytes = function(this1,length) { return this1.readUTFBytes(length); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readUnsignedByte = function(this1) { return this1.readUnsignedByte(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readUnsignedInt = function(this1) { return this1.readUnsignedInt(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.readUnsignedShort = function(this1) { return this1.readUnsignedShort(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set = function(this1,index,value) { this1.__resize(index + 1); this1.b[index] = value & 255; return value; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toArrayBuffer = function(byteArray) { return byteArray.b.bufferValue; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytePointer = function(byteArray) { lime_utils__$BytePointer_BytePointer_$Impl_$.set(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.__bytePointer,byteArray,null,null,byteArray.position); return openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.__bytePointer; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes = function(byteArray) { return byteArray; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytesData = function(byteArray) { return byteArray.b.bufferValue; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toLimeBytes = function(byteArray) { return openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.fromBytes(openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toBytes(byteArray))); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return this1.toString(); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.uncompress = function(this1,algorithm) { this1.uncompress(algorithm); return; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeBoolean = function(this1,value) { this1.writeBoolean(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeByte = function(this1,value) { this1.writeByte(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeBytes = function(this1,bytes,offset,length) { if(length == null) { length = 0; } if(offset == null) { offset = 0; } this1.writeBytes(bytes,offset,length); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeDouble = function(this1,value) { this1.writeDouble(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeFloat = function(this1,value) { this1.writeFloat(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeInt = function(this1,value) { this1.writeInt(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeMultiByte = function(this1,value,charSet) { this1.writeMultiByte(value,charSet); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeObject = function(this1,object) { this1.writeObject(object); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeShort = function(this1,value) { this1.writeShort(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeUTF = function(this1,value) { this1.writeUTF(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeUTFBytes = function(this1,value) { this1.writeUTFBytes(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.writeUnsignedInt = function(this1,value) { this1.writeUnsignedInt(value); }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_bytesAvailable = function(this1) { return this1.length - this1.position; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_defaultEndian = function() { if(openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian == null) { if(lime_system_System.get_endianness() == lime_system_Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN) { openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian = 1; } else { openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian = 0; } } return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set_defaultEndian = function(value) { return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.__defaultEndian = value; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_defaultObjectEncoding = function() { return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.defaultObjectEncoding; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set_defaultObjectEncoding = function(value) { return openfl_utils_ByteArrayData.defaultObjectEncoding = value; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_endian = function(this1) { return this1.__endian; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set_endian = function(this1,value) { return this1.__endian = value; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_length = function(this1) { if(this1 == null) { return 0; } else { return this1.length; } }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set_length = function(this1,value) { if(value > 0) { this1.__resize(value); if(value < this1.position) { this1.position = value; } } this1.length = value; return value; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_objectEncoding = function(this1) { return this1.objectEncoding; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set_objectEncoding = function(this1,value) { return this1.objectEncoding = value; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.get_position = function(this1) { return this1.position; }; openfl_utils__$ByteArray_ByteArray_$Impl_$.set_position = function(this1,value) { return this1.position = value; }; var openfl_utils__$CompressionAlgorithm_CompressionAlgorithm_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.utils._CompressionAlgorithm.CompressionAlgorithm_Impl_"] = openfl_utils__$CompressionAlgorithm_CompressionAlgorithm_$Impl_$; openfl_utils__$CompressionAlgorithm_CompressionAlgorithm_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","_CompressionAlgorithm","CompressionAlgorithm_Impl_"]; openfl_utils__$CompressionAlgorithm_CompressionAlgorithm_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "deflate": return 0; case "lzma": return 1; case "zlib": return 2; default: return null; } }; openfl_utils__$CompressionAlgorithm_CompressionAlgorithm_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "deflate"; case 1: return "lzma"; case 2: return "zlib"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.utils._Endian.Endian_Impl_"] = openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$; openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","_Endian","Endian_Impl_"]; openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$.fromLimeEndian = function(value) { switch(value[1]) { case 0: return 1; case 1: return 0; } }; openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$.fromString = function(value) { switch(value) { case "bigEndian": return 0; case "littleEndian": return 1; default: return null; } }; openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$.toLimeEndian = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return lime_system_Endian.BIG_ENDIAN; case 1: return lime_system_Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; default: return null; } }; openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$.toString = function(value) { switch(value) { case 0: return "bigEndian"; case 1: return "littleEndian"; default: return null; } }; var openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$ = {}; $hxClasses["openfl.utils._Object.Object_Impl_"] = openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.__name__ = ["openfl","utils","_Object","Object_Impl_"]; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$._new = function() { var this1 = { }; return this1; }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.hasOwnProperty = function(this1,name) { if(this1 != null) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this1,name); } else { return false; } }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.isPrototypeOf = function(this1,theClass) { var o = this1; var c = o == null ? null : js_Boot.getClass(o); while(c != null) { if(c == theClass) { return true; } c = Type.getSuperClass(c); } return false; }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.iterator = function(this1) { var fields = Reflect.fields(this1); if(fields == null) { fields = []; } return HxOverrides.iter(fields); }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.propertyIsEnumerable = function(this1,name) { if(this1 != null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this1,name)) { return js_Boot.__instanceof(Reflect.field(this1,name),haxe_lang_Iterable); } else { return false; } }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.toLocaleString = function(this1) { return Std.string(this1); }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) { return Std.string(this1); }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.valueOf = function(this1) { return this1; }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.__get = function(this1,key) { return Reflect.field(this1,key); }; openfl_utils__$Object_Object_$Impl_$.__set = function(this1,key,value) { this1[key] = value; return value; }; var haxe_lang_Iterator = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.lang.Iterator"] = haxe_lang_Iterator; haxe_lang_Iterator.__name__ = ["haxe","lang","Iterator"]; haxe_lang_Iterator.prototype = { hasNext: null ,next: null ,__class__: haxe_lang_Iterator }; var haxe_lang_Iterable = function() { }; $hxClasses["haxe.lang.Iterable"] = haxe_lang_Iterable; haxe_lang_Iterable.__name__ = ["haxe","lang","Iterable"]; haxe_lang_Iterable.prototype = { iterator: null ,__class__: haxe_lang_Iterable }; var shaders_MetaballShader = function() { if(this.__glFragmentSource == null) { this.__glFragmentSource = "\r\n\t\tvarying float openfl_Alphav;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplierv;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorOffsetv;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform bool openfl_HasColorTransform;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\t\tuniform sampler2D bitmap;\n\n\t\tuniform bool hasTransform;\n\t\tuniform bool hasColorTransform;\n\n\t\tvec4 flixel_texture2D(sampler2D bitmap, vec2 coord)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D(bitmap, coord);\n\t\t\tif (!hasTransform)\n\t\t\t\treturn color;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (color.a == 0.0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (hasColorTransform)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tcolor = vec4(color.rgb / color.a, color.a);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tmat4 colorMultiplier = mat4(0);\n\t\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[0][0] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.x;\n\t\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[1][1] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.y;\n\t\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[2][2] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.z;\n\t\t\t\tcolorMultiplier[3][3] = openfl_ColorMultiplierv.w;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tcolor = clamp(openfl_ColorOffsetv + (color * colorMultiplier), 0.0, 1.0);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif (color.a > 0.0)\n\t\t\t\t\treturn vec4(color.rgb * color.a * openfl_Alphav, color.a * openfl_Alphav);\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\treturn vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn color * openfl_Alphav;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\n\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tfloat threshold = 0.5;\r\n\r\n\t\tvoid main() {\r\n\t\t\tfloat dist = 1.0 / 640.0;\r\n\t\t\tvec2 xy = openfl_TextureCoordv;\r\n\t\t\tgl_FragColor = texture2D(bitmap, openfl_TextureCoordv);\r\n\t\t\tif (gl_FragColor.b > threshold) {\r\n\t\t\t\tvec4 tr = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x + 4.0 * dist, xy.y - 4.0 * dist));\r\n\t\t\t\tvec4 bl = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x - 4.0 * dist, xy.y - 4.0 * dist));\r\n\t\t\t\tif (tr.b <= threshold && bl.b > threshold) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4(0.85, 0.85, 1.0, 1.0);\r\n\t\t\t\t} else {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4(0.6, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t} else {\r\n\t\t\t\tvec4 d1 = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x - dist, xy.y));\r\n\t\t\t\tvec4 d2 = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x + dist, xy.y));\r\n\t\t\t\tvec4 d3 = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x, xy.y - dist));\r\n\t\t\t\tvec4 d4 = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x, xy.y + dist));\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tif (d1.b > threshold || d2.b > threshold || d3.b > threshold || d4.b > threshold) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4(0.3, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0);\r\n\t\t\t\t} else {\r\n if (gl_FragColor.g > threshold) {\r\n vec4 tr = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x + 4.0 * dist, xy.y - 4.0 * dist));\r\n vec4 bl = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x - 4.0 * dist, xy.y - 4.0 * dist));\r\n if (tr.g <= threshold && bl.g > threshold) {\r\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0);\r\n } else {\r\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0);\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n vec4 d1 = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x - dist, xy.y));\r\n vec4 d2 = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x + dist, xy.y));\r\n vec4 d3 = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x, xy.y - dist));\r\n vec4 d4 = texture2D(bitmap, vec2(xy.x, xy.y + dist));\r\n \r\n if (d1.g > threshold || d2.g > threshold || d3.g > threshold || d4.g > threshold) {\r\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);\r\n } else {\r\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t"; } if(this.__glVertexSource == null) { this.__glVertexSource = "\n\t\tattribute float openfl_Alpha;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplier;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_ColorOffset;\n\t\tattribute vec4 openfl_Position;\n\t\tattribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tvarying float openfl_Alphav;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorMultiplierv;\n\t\tvarying vec4 openfl_ColorOffsetv;\n\t\tvarying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv;\n\t\t\n\t\tuniform mat4 openfl_Matrix;\n\t\tuniform bool openfl_HasColorTransform;\n\t\tuniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize;\n\n\t\t\n\t\tattribute float alpha;\n\t\tattribute vec4 colorMultiplier;\n\t\tattribute vec4 colorOffset;\n\t\tuniform bool hasColorTransform;\n\t\t\n\t\tvoid main(void)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\topenfl_Alphav = openfl_Alpha;\n\t\topenfl_TextureCoordv = openfl_TextureCoord;\n\t\t\n\t\tif (openfl_HasColorTransform) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_ColorMultiplierv = openfl_ColorMultiplier;\n\t\t\topenfl_ColorOffsetv = openfl_ColorOffset / 255.0;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tgl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position;\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\topenfl_Alphav = openfl_Alpha * alpha;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (hasColorTransform)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\topenfl_ColorOffsetv = colorOffset / 255.0;\n\t\t\t\topenfl_ColorMultiplierv = colorMultiplier;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}"; } flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader.call(this); this.__isGenerated = true; this.__initGL(); }; $hxClasses["shaders.MetaballShader"] = shaders_MetaballShader; shaders_MetaballShader.__name__ = ["shaders","MetaballShader"]; shaders_MetaballShader.__super__ = flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader; shaders_MetaballShader.prototype = $extend(flixel_graphics_tile_FlxGraphicsShader.prototype,{ __class__: shaders_MetaballShader }); var ui_CharacterPicker = function(optionIndices) { this._index = 0; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.call(this); this.characterThumbsBD = new nova_render_TiledBitmapData("assets/images/character_thumbs.png",48,48); this.characterImageSprites = []; var crownBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/character_indicator_crown.png"); this.crown = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(crownBitmapData)); this.crown.set_x(8); var _g1 = 0; var _g = optionIndices.length; while(_g1 < _g) { var i = _g1++; var ind = optionIndices[i]; var thumb = new openfl_display_BitmapData(48,48,true,0); thumb.copyPixels(this.characterThumbsBD.getTile(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,2])),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,48,48),new openfl_geom_Point(0,0)); thumb.copyPixels(this.characterThumbsBD.getTile(ind),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,48,48),new openfl_geom_Point(0,0),thumb,new openfl_geom_Point(0,0),true); var lw = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(thumb)); this.add(lw); this.characterImageSprites.push(lw); lw._sprite.scale = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(0.6,0.6); lw.set_x(42 * i); } this.characterImageSprites[0]._sprite.scale = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(1,1); this.characterImageSprites[0].set_y(10); this.add(this.crown); }; $hxClasses["ui.CharacterPicker"] = ui_CharacterPicker; ui_CharacterPicker.__name__ = ["ui","CharacterPicker"]; ui_CharacterPicker.__super__ = nova_render_FlxLocalSprite; ui_CharacterPicker.prototype = $extend(nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype,{ crown: null ,_index: null ,optionIndices: null ,characterThumbsBD: null ,characterImageRow: null ,characterImageSprites: null ,get_index: function() { return this._index; } ,set_index: function(index) { this.characterImageSprites[this._index]._sprite.scale = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(0.6,0.6); this.characterImageSprites[this._index].set_y(0); this._index = index; this.characterImageSprites[this._index]._sprite.scale = new flixel_math_FlxPoint(1,1); this.characterImageSprites[this._index].set_y(10); this.crown.set_x(index * 42 + 8); return index; } ,__class__: ui_CharacterPicker ,__properties__: $extend(nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype.__properties__,{set_index:"set_index",get_index:"get_index"}) }); var ui_ChargeMeter = function() { this.maxWidth = 170; this.maxCharge = 25; this.charge = 0; this.meterWrapper = null; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.call(this); this.meter = new openfl_display_BitmapData(this.maxWidth,15,true,0); this.meter.fillRect(this.meter.rect,0); this.meterWrapper = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.meter)); this.add(this.meterWrapper); this.text = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_text_FlxText(155,-7,this.maxWidth,"",16)); this.text._sprite.set_font(GameData.DEFAULT_FONT); this.text._sprite.set_color(GameData.DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR); this.text._sprite.set_bold(true); this.add(this.text); }; $hxClasses["ui.ChargeMeter"] = ui_ChargeMeter; ui_ChargeMeter.__name__ = ["ui","ChargeMeter"]; ui_ChargeMeter.__super__ = nova_render_FlxLocalSprite; ui_ChargeMeter.prototype = $extend(nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype,{ meter: null ,meterWrapper: null ,text: null ,uiBitmapData: null ,charge: null ,maxCharge: null ,maxWidth: null ,incrementCharge: function() { if(this.charge == this.maxCharge) { return false; } this.charge += 1; this.meter.fillRect(new openfl_geom_Rectangle(0,0,(this.maxWidth - 10) / this.maxCharge * this.charge + 10,15),-34816); this.remove(this.text); this.remove(this.meterWrapper); this.meterWrapper = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.meter)); this.add(this.meterWrapper); this.add(this.text); return true; } ,decrementCharge: function() { if(this.charge <= 1) { return false; } this.charge -= 1; this.meter.fillRect(new openfl_geom_Rectangle((this.maxWidth - 10) / this.maxCharge * this.charge + 10,0,(this.maxWidth - 10) / this.maxCharge + 1,15),0); this.remove(this.text); this.remove(this.meterWrapper); this.meterWrapper = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.meter)); this.add(this.meterWrapper); this.add(this.text); return true; } ,resetCharge: function() { this.charge = 0; this.meter.fillRect(this.meter.rect,0); this.remove(this.meterWrapper); this.remove(this.text); } ,setMaxCharge: function(maxCharge) { this.maxCharge = maxCharge; this.resetCharge(); this.incrementCharge(); } ,setText: function(newText) { this.remove(this.text); this.text._sprite.set_text(newText); this.add(this.text); } ,getCharge: function() { return this.charge; } ,__class__: ui_ChargeMeter }); var ui_RecipeText = function(startText,backgroundImage) { nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.call(this); this.background = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(backgroundImage)); this.add(this.background); this.text = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_text_FlxText(backgroundImage.width / 2 - 320,0,640,startText,32)); this.storedText = startText; this.add(this.text); this.text._sprite.set_font(GameData.DEFAULT_FONT); this.text._sprite.set_color(GameData.DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR); this.text._sprite.set_bold(true); this.text.set_y(2); this.text._sprite.set_alignment("center"); this.set_width(this.background.get_width()); this.set_height(this.background.get_height()); }; $hxClasses["ui.RecipeText"] = ui_RecipeText; ui_RecipeText.__name__ = ["ui","RecipeText"]; ui_RecipeText.removeAlphabeticallyFirst = function(word) { var _g = []; var _g2 = 0; var _g1 = word.length; while(_g2 < _g1) { var i = _g2++; _g.push(word.charAt(i)); } var wordWithoutSpaces = _g.filter(function(x) { return x != " "; }).join(""); var _g11 = []; var _g3 = 0; var _g21 = wordWithoutSpaces.length; while(_g3 < _g21) { var i1 = _g3++; _g11.push(HxOverrides.cca(wordWithoutSpaces,i1)); } var minCharValue = Lambda.fold(_g11,function(x1,y) { return Math.min(x1,y); },999) | 0; var _g22 = []; var _g4 = 0; var _g31 = word.length; while(_g4 < _g31) { var i2 = _g4++; _g22.push(word.charAt(i2)); } return _g22.filter(function(x2) { return HxOverrides.cca(x2,0) != minCharValue; }).join(""); }; ui_RecipeText.rlSwap = function(word) { return StringTools.replace(StringTools.replace(StringTools.replace(word,"R","$"),"L","R"),"$","L"); }; ui_RecipeText.rot = function(letter,n) { var limit = HxOverrides.cca("Z",0); n = (n + 2600) % 26; var $char = HxOverrides.cca(letter,0) + n; if($char > limit) { $char -= 26; } return String.fromCharCode($char); }; ui_RecipeText.rotVowel = function(letter,n) { var vowels = ["A","E","I","O","U"]; var index = vowels.indexOf(letter); index = (index + n + 5) % 5; return vowels[index]; }; ui_RecipeText.rotateFirstLetterGen = function(amt) { return function(word) { if(word.charAt(0) == " ") { return word; } return ui_RecipeText.rot(word.charAt(0),amt) + word.substring(1); }; }; ui_RecipeText.openLetterGen = function(number) { return function(word) { if(number >= word.length) { number = word.length - 1; } if(word.charAt(number) == " ") { return word; } return word.substring(0,number) + ui_RecipeText.rot(word.charAt(number),1) + ui_RecipeText.rot(word.charAt(number),-1) + word.substring(number + 1); }; }; ui_RecipeText.openVowels = function(word) { var vowels = ["A","E","I","O","U"]; var i = word.length - 1; while(i >= 0) { var $char = word.charAt(i); if(vowels.indexOf($char) == -1) { --i; continue; } var trans = ui_RecipeText.rotVowel($char,-1) + ui_RecipeText.rotVowel($char,1); word = word.substring(0,i) + trans + word.substring(i + 1); --i; } return word; }; ui_RecipeText.spaceSwap = function(word) { var firstHalf = word.substring(0,word.length / 2 | 0); var secondHalf = word.substring(word.length / 2 | 0); return secondHalf + " " + firstHalf; }; ui_RecipeText.insertLetterGen = function(number) { return function(word) { var $char = String.fromCharCode(64 + number); return word.charAt(0) + $char + word.substring(1,word.length - 1) + $char + word.charAt(word.length - 1); }; }; ui_RecipeText.lastLettersToFrontGen = function(number) { return function(word) { if(word.length <= number) { return word; } return word.substring(word.length - number) + word.substring(0,word.length - number); }; }; ui_RecipeText.__super__ = nova_render_FlxLocalSprite; ui_RecipeText.prototype = $extend(nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype,{ background: null ,storedText: null ,text: null ,useCharacterSkill: function(power,charge) { var characterIndex = js_Boot.__cast(power , Int); var fns = [ui_RecipeText.removeAlphabeticallyFirst,ui_RecipeText.rlSwap,ui_RecipeText.rotateFirstLetterGen(charge),ui_RecipeText.openVowels,ui_RecipeText.openLetterGen(charge - 1),ui_RecipeText.spaceSwap,ui_RecipeText.insertLetterGen(charge),ui_RecipeText.lastLettersToFrontGen(charge)]; this.storedText = fns[characterIndex](this.storedText); if(this.storedText.length > GameData.MAX_DISH_LENGTH) { this.storedText = this.storedText.substring(0,GameData.MAX_DISH_LENGTH); } this.storedText = StringTools.trim(this.storedText); this.storedText = StringTools.replace(this.storedText," "," "); this.text._sprite.set_text(this.storedText); if(this.storedText == "") { this.text._sprite.set_text(" "); } } ,__class__: ui_RecipeText }); var ui_StatusWindow = function(word) { this.charge = 0; nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.call(this); this.uiBitmapData = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/ui.png"); this.backgroundBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/status_bar.png"); this.backgroundChargeBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/status_bar_with_charge_bar.png"); var clockBD = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.crop(this.uiBitmapData,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([0,32]),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([16,16])); this.clock = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic((nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.scaleFn(2,2))(clockBD))); var targetWordText = new flixel_text_FlxText(0,0,0,"Making: " + word,20); targetWordText.set_color(GameData.DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR); targetWordText.set_bold(true); targetWordText.set_font(GameData.DEFAULT_FONT); this.targetWord = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(targetWordText); if(targetWordText.textField.get_textWidth() > 230) { targetWordText.set_size(18); var _g = this.targetWord; _g.set_y(_g.y + 1); } this.clock.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([this.backgroundBD.width - this.clock.get_width() - 10,72])); this.targetWord.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([395,0])); this.set_width(this.backgroundBD.width); this.background = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.backgroundBD)); this.add(this.background); this.add(this.clock); this.add(this.targetWord); this.cookBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/cook_btn.png"); this.chargeBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/charge_btn.png"); this.activeCookBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/cook_btn_pressed.png"); this.activeChargeBD = openfl_utils_Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/charge_btn_pressed.png"); this.cookSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.cookBD)); this.chargeSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.chargeBD)); this.add(this.cookSprite); this.cookSprite.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([267,4])); this.add(this.chargeSprite); this.chargeSprite.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([380,31])); }; $hxClasses["ui.StatusWindow"] = ui_StatusWindow; ui_StatusWindow.__name__ = ["ui","StatusWindow"]; ui_StatusWindow.__super__ = nova_render_FlxLocalSprite; ui_StatusWindow.prototype = $extend(nova_render_FlxLocalSprite.prototype,{ uiBitmapData: null ,backgroundBD: null ,backgroundChargeBD: null ,cookBD: null ,chargeBD: null ,activeChargeBD: null ,activeCookBD: null ,background: null ,clock: null ,targetWord: null ,chargeSprite: null ,cookSprite: null ,charge: null ,hasCharge: null ,setClock: function(amt) { this.remove(this.clock); var xy = this.clock.get_xy(); var clockBD = nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.crop(this.uiBitmapData,nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([16 * amt,32]),nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromIntArray([16,16])); this.clock = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic((nova_utils_BitmapDataUtils.scaleFn(2,2))(clockBD))); this.clock.set_xy(xy); this.add(this.clock); } ,setState: function(state) { this.remove(this.chargeSprite); this.remove(this.cookSprite); if(state == "charging") { this.cookSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.cookBD)); this.chargeSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.activeChargeBD)); } else if(state == "cooking") { this.chargeSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.chargeBD)); this.cookSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.activeCookBD)); } else { this.cookSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.cookBD)); this.chargeSprite = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(this.chargeBD)); } this.add(this.cookSprite); this.cookSprite.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([267,4])); if(this.hasCharge) { this.add(this.chargeSprite); this.chargeSprite.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([380,31])); } } ,setHasCharge: function(value) { if(this.hasCharge == value) { return; } this.hasCharge = value; this.remove(this.targetWord); this.remove(this.cookSprite); this.remove(this.chargeSprite); this.remove(this.background); var bitmap = value ? this.backgroundChargeBD : this.backgroundBD; this.background = new nova_render_LocalWrapper(new flixel_FlxSprite().loadGraphic(bitmap)); this.add(this.background); this.add(this.cookSprite); this.cookSprite.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([267,4])); if(value) { this.add(this.chargeSprite); this.chargeSprite.set_xy(nova_utils__$Pair_Pair_$Impl_$.fromFloatArray([380,31])); } this.add(this.targetWord); } ,__class__: ui_StatusWindow }); function $iterator(o) { if( o instanceof Array ) return function() { return HxOverrides.iter(o); }; return typeof(o.iterator) == 'function' ? $bind(o,o.iterator) : o.iterator; } var $_, $fid = 0; function $bind(o,m) { if( m == null ) return null; if( m.__id__ == null ) m.__id__ = $fid++; var f; if( o.hx__closures__ == null ) o.hx__closures__ = {}; else f = o.hx__closures__[m.__id__]; if( f == null ) { f = function(){ return f.method.apply(f.scope, arguments); }; f.scope = o; f.method = m; o.hx__closures__[m.__id__] = f; } return f; } var init = lime__$internal_backend_html5_HTML5Application; var init = lime_app_Application; $hxClasses["Math"] = Math; String.prototype.__class__ = $hxClasses["String"] = String; String.__name__ = ["String"]; $hxClasses["Array"] = Array; Array.__name__ = ["Array"]; Date.prototype.__class__ = $hxClasses["Date"] = Date; Date.__name__ = ["Date"]; var Int = $hxClasses["Int"] = { __name__ : ["Int"]}; var Dynamic = $hxClasses["Dynamic"] = { __name__ : ["Dynamic"]}; var Float = $hxClasses["Float"] = Number; Float.__name__ = ["Float"]; var Bool = $hxClasses["Bool"] = Boolean; Bool.__ename__ = ["Bool"]; var Class = $hxClasses["Class"] = { __name__ : ["Class"]}; var Enum = { }; haxe_Resource.content = [{ name : "__ASSET__:bitmap_flixel_system_debug_stats__Stats_GraphicMaximizeButton", data : "aVZCT1J3MEtHZ29BQUFBTlNVaEVVZ0FBQUFvQUFBQUtDQVlBQUFDTk1zKzlBQUFBQm1KTFIwUUEvd0QvQVArZ3ZhZVRBQUFBQ1hCSVdYTUFBQUIyQUFBQWRnRk9leVlJQUFBQUIzUkpUVVVIM2dNSkNSOFVCaGtEeVFBQUFFOUpSRUZVR05PdGtFRVN3REFJQW92Ly8vUDJvb2FhOUJaUFpvQXdxd0NlTlpMVUQ5ZkNIVzc2VFkyZmR3MklVOVVwZUhlVU5kMVlBRm5kTUFGUW1ndTV0eGFWM202VDV5bW9EL0gwT3ZrTFNBOUI4bis0Y2pvQUFBQUFTVVZPUks1Q1lJST0"},{ name : "__ASSET__:bitmap_flixel_system_GraphicLogo", data : "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name : "__ASSET__:bitmap_flixel_addons_transition_GraphicTransTileCircle", data : 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name : "__ASSET__:bitmap_flixel_addons_transition__TransitionFade_GraphicDiagonalGradient", data : 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name : "__ASSET__:bitmap_flixel_system_debug__FlxDebugger_GraphicFlixel", data : 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Princess Peach just scared the dish!\"","Toadette: \"It looks like the Princess is very angry at the dish!\"","ToadetteSwoon: \"Princess Peach just took a big bite out of the dish! Maybe it looked too delicious!\"","ToadetteSwoon: \"It looks like Princess Peach just added some kind of secret sauce!\"","ToadetteWat: \"It looks like the Princess… caught something?\""]; GameData.DIDNT_WORK_DIALOGUE = "\"\nEhh? I’m not sure it worked!\""; GameData.CHARACTER_CHANGE_DIALOGUE = "Toadette: \"Princess Peach has changed outfits! Even in the heat of cooking, it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends!\""; GameData.NOVEL_DIALOGUE = "\"\nShe sure is using some novel techniques today!\""; GameData.CHARACTER_NAMES = ["bowser","shy","bullet","boo","wiggler","piranha","blooper","cheep"]; GameData.NUM_LEVELS = 15; GameData.MAX_DISH_LENGTH = 20; GameData.dbf = (function($this) { var $r; var _g = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); { var value = [1,0]; if(__map_reserved["Toadette"] != null) { _g.setReserved("Toadette",value); } else { _g.h["Toadette"] = value; } } { var value1 = [0,0]; if(__map_reserved["ToadetteAnnounce"] != null) { _g.setReserved("ToadetteAnnounce",value1); } else { _g.h["ToadetteAnnounce"] = value1; } } { var value2 = [2,0]; if(__map_reserved["ToadetteSwoon"] != null) { _g.setReserved("ToadetteSwoon",value2); } else { _g.h["ToadetteSwoon"] = value2; } } { var value3 = [3,0]; if(__map_reserved["ToadetteWat"] != null) { _g.setReserved("ToadetteWat",value3); } else { _g.h["ToadetteWat"] = value3; } } $r = new nova_ui_dialog_DialogBoxFactory({ background : { image : "assets/images/textarea.png"}, advanceStyle : nova_ui_dialog_DialogAdvanceStyle.TYPEWRITER, advanceLength : 18, textFormat : { font : "assets/fonts/ChalkboardSE-Light-01.ttf", size : 20}, textPadding : [20,12], speakerSprite : { image : "assets/images/toadette_tiles.png", width : 150, height : 165, offset : [-10,0]}, speakerSpriteMap : _g}); return $r; }(this)); GameData.IntroText = ["emit hide","emit laugh_shake","\"(invisible)\"","emit show","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intro1.png\"","\"BOWSER: Finally, Peach and Mushroom Kingdom are ALL MINE!\"","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intro2.png\"","\"BOWSER: I just have to impersonate her using this magic crown, and those stupid toads are none the wiser!\"","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intro3.png\"","\"TOADETTE: Princess Peach, you're on to record your cooking show in 5 minutes!\"","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intro4.png\"","\"BOWSER: Uhhh...any of you guys know how to cook?\""]; GameData.IntermissionText = ["Toadette: \"Next, Princess Peach will be making SALAD using only LARD! As always, in 10 steps or fewer!\"","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission1_0.png\"","wait 0.5","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission1_1.png\"","wait 0.5","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission1_2.png\"","wait 0.5","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission2.png\"","\"TOADETTE: Oh? Where is she going?\"","emit hide","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission3.png\"","\"...\"","emit shake","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission4.png\"","\"...\"","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission5.png\"","emit show","\"TOADETTE: Princess Peach has brought out her entire royal wardrobe! In high heels, no less! We may be in for a special episode!\"","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission6.png\"","\"BOWSER: ONE OF YOU GUYS TAKE THIS THING!!\""]; GameData.EndingText = ["\"BOWSER: PHEW! We made it through somehow...\"","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/ending1.png\"","\"BOWSER: Finally, it's time to--\nTOADETTE: Princess Peach! You're on to star in your live action stunt opera in 5 minutes!\"","emit \"assets/images/comic_no_text/ending2.png\"","\"BOWSER: You can have your kingdom back.\""]; GameData.EndingUrlSuffix = "/puzzle/peaches/submit"; GameData.LevelMenuOptions = [new Level("play",{ "level" : 1}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 2}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 3}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 4}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 5}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 6}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 7}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 8}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 9}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 10}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 11}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 12}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 13}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 14}),new Level("play",{ "level" : 15}),new Level("cinematic",{ "background" : "assets/images/controls.png", "name" : "Controls", "dialog" : null}),new Level("cinematic",{ "background" : "assets/images/comic_no_text/intro0.png", "name" : "Intro", "dialog" : GameData.IntroText}),new Level("cinematic",{ "background" : "assets/images/comic_no_text/intermission0.png", "name" : "Intermission", "dialog" : GameData.IntermissionText}),new Level("cinematic",{ "background" : "assets/images/comic_no_text/ending0.png", "name" : "Ending", "dialog" : GameData.EndingText}),new Level("cinematic",{ "background" : "assets/images/comic_no_text/final_bg.png", "name" : "Finale", "dialog" : null})]; GameData.levels = [new LevelInfo("UNAGI","UNI",[0],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Welcome to Simple Home Cooking with Peach, where recipes are always 10 steps or less!\nFirst up, Princess Peach will be showing us how to make UNI using only UNAGI!\""),new LevelInfo("LARD","SALAD",[0,1,2,6],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Next, Princess Peach will be showing us how to make SALAD using only LARD!\""),new LevelInfo("CLAMS","EGGS",[0,1,2,6],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Next up, Princess Peach will be making EGGS using only CLAMS! As always, in 10 or fewer simple steps!\""),new LevelInfo("MAIL","ECLAIR",[0,1,2,4],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Have so much fan mail you don't know what to do with it all? Next up, Princess Peach will be showing us how to make an ECLAIR using only MAIL!\""),new LevelInfo("GOLD","AIOLI",[0,1,2,3,6],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Have so much gold you don't know what to do with it all? Next up, Princess Peach will be showing us how to make AIOLI using only GOLD!\""),new LevelInfo("HAY","CANDY HEN",[1,4,5,6,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Next, Princess Peach will be demonstrating how to craft a delicate CANDY HEN using only HAY!\""),new LevelInfo("TURF","PARFAIT",[2,3,4,5,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Next, Princess Peach will be showing us an easy way to use TURF to create a decadent PARFAIT!\""),new LevelInfo("HERON","ONIGIRI",[0,3,4,6,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Next, Princess Peach will show us how to use a HERON to make perfect ONIGIRI!\""),new LevelInfo("EASEL","WATER EEL",[2,4,5,6,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Next, Princess Peach will be using an EASEL to create WATER EEL!\""),new LevelInfo("SHRINE","REFRESHROOM",[0,1,3,4,6,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Next, Princess Peach will be using a SHRINE to make, you guessed it, a REFRESHROOM!\""),new LevelInfo("ETHICS","ANISE TAHINI",[0,3,4,5,6,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"We're getting close to the end of the show! Princess Peach will now show us how to create ANISE TAHINI using only ETHICS! Mmmm!\""),new LevelInfo("DEMON","LEMON EGGNOG",[1,2,3,5,6,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"Next, Princess Peach will show you one weird trick to turn a DEMON into LEMON EGGNOG!\""),new LevelInfo("SNOW","ASIAN SQUID",[2,3,4,5,6,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"If you're ever in Antarctica, be sure to try the following recipe to turn SNOW into ASIAN SQUID!\""),new LevelInfo("DRESS","TONS OF NOODLES",[1,2,3,5,6,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"For her penultimate act, Princess Peach will be using only a DRESS to prepare TONS OF NOODLES!\""),new LevelInfo("TIGHTS","CRAZY EIGHT",[0,1,2,4,5,7],"ToadetteAnnounce: \"For her final recipe, the Princess will show us how to make TIGHTS into a decadent CRAZY EIGHT!\"")]; openfl_geom_Rectangle.__pool = new lime_utils_ObjectPool(function() { return new openfl_geom_Rectangle(); },function(r) { r.setTo(0,0,0,0); }); LevelSelectState.LEVEL_TEXT_RECTANGLES = [new openfl_geom_Rectangle(249,47,141,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(189,126,133,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(322,126,132,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(189,209,133,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(322,209,132,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(128,288,131,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(259,288,122,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(381,288,133,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(128,367,131,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(259,367,122,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(381,367,133,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(67,446,133,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(200,446,116,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(316,446,125,73),new openfl_geom_Rectangle(441,446,131,73)]; 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flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.REMOTE_DPAD_DOWN = 23; flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.REMOTE_DPAD_LEFT = 24; flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.REMOTE_DPAD_RIGHT = 25; flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.REMOTE_DPAD_X = 26; flixel_input_gamepad_id_WiiRemoteID.REMOTE_DPAD_Y = 27; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.A = 6; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.B = 7; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.X = 8; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.Y = 9; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.BACK = 10; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.GUIDE = -1; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.START = 12; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LEFT_STICK_CLICK = 13; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RIGHT_STICK_CLICK = 14; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LB = 15; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RB = 16; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.DPAD_UP = 17; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.DPAD_DOWN = 18; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.DPAD_LEFT = 19; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.DPAD_RIGHT = 20; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LEFT_ANALOG_STICK = new flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0,1,{ up : 21, down : 22, left : 23, right : 24}); flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RIGHT_ANALOG_STICK = new flixel_input_gamepad_FlxGamepadAnalogStick(2,3,{ up : 25, down : 26, left : 27, right : 28}); flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.LEFT_TRIGGER = 4; flixel_input_gamepad_id_XInputID.RIGHT_TRIGGER = 5; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.fromStringMap = (function($this) { var $r; var _g = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); if(__map_reserved["ANY"] != null) { _g.setReserved("ANY",-2); } else { _g.h["ANY"] = -2; } if(__map_reserved["A"] != null) { _g.setReserved("A",65); } else { _g.h["A"] = 65; } if(__map_reserved["B"] != null) { _g.setReserved("B",66); } else { _g.h["B"] = 66; } if(__map_reserved["C"] != null) { _g.setReserved("C",67); } else { _g.h["C"] = 67; } if(__map_reserved["D"] != null) { _g.setReserved("D",68); } else { _g.h["D"] = 68; } if(__map_reserved["E"] != null) { _g.setReserved("E",69); } else { _g.h["E"] = 69; } if(__map_reserved["F"] != null) { _g.setReserved("F",70); } else { _g.h["F"] = 70; } if(__map_reserved["G"] != null) { _g.setReserved("G",71); 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} else { _g.h["F6"] = 117; } if(__map_reserved["F7"] != null) { _g.setReserved("F7",118); } else { _g.h["F7"] = 118; } if(__map_reserved["F8"] != null) { _g.setReserved("F8",119); } else { _g.h["F8"] = 119; } if(__map_reserved["F9"] != null) { _g.setReserved("F9",120); } else { _g.h["F9"] = 120; } if(__map_reserved["F10"] != null) { _g.setReserved("F10",121); } else { _g.h["F10"] = 121; } if(__map_reserved["F11"] != null) { _g.setReserved("F11",122); } else { _g.h["F11"] = 122; } if(__map_reserved["F12"] != null) { _g.setReserved("F12",123); } else { _g.h["F12"] = 123; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADZERO"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADZERO",96); } else { _g.h["NUMPADZERO"] = 96; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADONE"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADONE",97); } else { _g.h["NUMPADONE"] = 97; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADTWO"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADTWO",98); } else { _g.h["NUMPADTWO"] = 98; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADTHREE"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADTHREE",99); } else { _g.h["NUMPADTHREE"] = 99; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADFOUR"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADFOUR",100); } else { _g.h["NUMPADFOUR"] = 100; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADFIVE"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADFIVE",101); } else { _g.h["NUMPADFIVE"] = 101; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADSIX"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADSIX",102); } else { _g.h["NUMPADSIX"] = 102; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADSEVEN"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADSEVEN",103); } else { _g.h["NUMPADSEVEN"] = 103; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADEIGHT"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADEIGHT",104); } else { _g.h["NUMPADEIGHT"] = 104; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADNINE"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADNINE",105); } else { _g.h["NUMPADNINE"] = 105; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADMINUS"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADMINUS",109); } else { _g.h["NUMPADMINUS"] = 109; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADPLUS"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADPLUS",107); } else { _g.h["NUMPADPLUS"] = 107; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADPERIOD"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADPERIOD",110); } else { _g.h["NUMPADPERIOD"] = 110; } if(__map_reserved["NUMPADMULTIPLY"] != null) { _g.setReserved("NUMPADMULTIPLY",106); } else { _g.h["NUMPADMULTIPLY"] = 106; } $r = _g; return $r; }(this)); flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.toStringMap = (function($this) { var $r; var _g = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); _g.h[-2] = "ANY"; _g.h[65] = "A"; _g.h[66] = "B"; _g.h[67] = "C"; _g.h[68] = "D"; _g.h[69] = "E"; _g.h[70] = "F"; _g.h[71] = "G"; _g.h[72] = "H"; _g.h[73] = "I"; _g.h[74] = "J"; _g.h[75] = "K"; _g.h[76] = "L"; _g.h[77] = "M"; _g.h[78] = "N"; _g.h[79] = "O"; _g.h[80] = "P"; _g.h[81] = "Q"; _g.h[82] = "R"; _g.h[83] = "S"; _g.h[84] = "T"; _g.h[85] = "U"; _g.h[86] = "V"; _g.h[87] = "W"; _g.h[88] = "X"; _g.h[89] = "Y"; _g.h[90] = "Z"; _g.h[48] = "ZERO"; _g.h[49] = "ONE"; _g.h[50] = "TWO"; _g.h[51] = "THREE"; _g.h[52] = "FOUR"; _g.h[53] = "FIVE"; _g.h[54] = "SIX"; _g.h[55] = "SEVEN"; _g.h[56] = "EIGHT"; _g.h[57] = "NINE"; _g.h[33] = "PAGEUP"; _g.h[34] = "PAGEDOWN"; _g.h[36] = "HOME"; _g.h[35] = "END"; _g.h[45] = "INSERT"; _g.h[27] = "ESCAPE"; _g.h[189] = "MINUS"; _g.h[187] = "PLUS"; _g.h[46] = "DELETE"; _g.h[8] = "BACKSPACE"; _g.h[219] = "LBRACKET"; _g.h[221] = "RBRACKET"; _g.h[220] = "BACKSLASH"; _g.h[20] = "CAPSLOCK"; _g.h[186] = "SEMICOLON"; _g.h[222] = "QUOTE"; _g.h[13] = "ENTER"; _g.h[16] = "SHIFT"; _g.h[188] = "COMMA"; _g.h[190] = "PERIOD"; _g.h[191] = "SLASH"; _g.h[192] = "GRAVEACCENT"; _g.h[17] = "CONTROL"; _g.h[18] = "ALT"; _g.h[32] = "SPACE"; _g.h[38] = "UP"; _g.h[40] = "DOWN"; _g.h[37] = "LEFT"; _g.h[39] = "RIGHT"; _g.h[9] = "TAB"; _g.h[301] = "PRINTSCREEN"; _g.h[112] = "F1"; _g.h[113] = "F2"; _g.h[114] = "F3"; _g.h[115] = "F4"; _g.h[116] = "F5"; _g.h[117] = "F6"; _g.h[118] = "F7"; _g.h[119] = "F8"; _g.h[120] = "F9"; _g.h[121] = "F10"; _g.h[122] = "F11"; _g.h[123] = "F12"; _g.h[96] = "NUMPADZERO"; _g.h[97] = "NUMPADONE"; _g.h[98] = "NUMPADTWO"; _g.h[99] = "NUMPADTHREE"; _g.h[100] = "NUMPADFOUR"; _g.h[101] = "NUMPADFIVE"; _g.h[102] = "NUMPADSIX"; _g.h[103] = "NUMPADSEVEN"; _g.h[104] = "NUMPADEIGHT"; _g.h[105] = "NUMPADNINE"; _g.h[109] = "NUMPADMINUS"; _g.h[107] = "NUMPADPLUS"; _g.h[110] = "NUMPADPERIOD"; _g.h[106] = "NUMPADMULTIPLY"; $r = _g; return $r; }(this)); flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.ANY = -2; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.NONE = -1; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.A = 65; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.B = 66; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.C = 67; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.D = 68; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.E = 69; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.F = 70; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.G = 71; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.H = 72; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.I = 73; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.J = 74; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.K = 75; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.L = 76; flixel_input_keyboard__$FlxKey_FlxKey_$Impl_$.M = 77; 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lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE4 = 33988; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE5 = 33989; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE6 = 33990; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE7 = 33991; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE8 = 33992; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE9 = 33993; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE10 = 33994; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE11 = 33995; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE12 = 33996; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE13 = 33997; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE14 = 33998; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE15 = 33999; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE16 = 34000; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE17 = 34001; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE18 = 34002; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE19 = 34003; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE20 = 34004; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE21 = 34005; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE22 = 34006; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE23 = 34007; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE24 = 34008; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE25 = 34009; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE26 = 34010; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE27 = 34011; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE28 = 34012; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE29 = 34013; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE30 = 34014; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE31 = 34015; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.ACTIVE_TEXTURE = 34016; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.REPEAT = 10497; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 33071; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MIRRORED_REPEAT = 33648; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_VEC2 = 35664; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_VEC3 = 35665; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_VEC4 = 35666; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INT_VEC2 = 35667; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INT_VEC3 = 35668; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INT_VEC4 = 35669; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.BOOL = 35670; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.BOOL_VEC2 = 35671; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.BOOL_VEC3 = 35672; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.BOOL_VEC4 = 35673; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT2 = 35674; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT3 = 35675; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT4 = 35676; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SAMPLER_2D = 35678; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SAMPLER_CUBE = 35680; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED = 34338; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE = 34339; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE = 34340; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE = 34341; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED = 34922; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER = 34373; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING = 34975; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE = 35738; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT = 35739; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE = 34370; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.POINT_SPRITE = 34913; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COMPILE_STATUS = 35713; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.LOW_FLOAT = 36336; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MEDIUM_FLOAT = 36337; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.HIGH_FLOAT = 36338; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.LOW_INT = 36339; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MEDIUM_INT = 36340; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.HIGH_INT = 36341; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER = 36160; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER = 36161; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA4 = 32854; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB5_A1 = 32855; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB565 = 36194; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 = 33189; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.STENCIL_INDEX = 6401; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.STENCIL_INDEX8 = 36168; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH_STENCIL = 34041; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH = 36162; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT = 36163; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT = 36164; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE = 36176; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE = 36177; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE = 36178; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE = 36179; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE = 36180; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE = 36181; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE = 36048; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME = 36049; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL = 36050; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE = 36051; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 = 36064; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT = 36096; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = 36128; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = 33306; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.NONE = 0; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE = 36053; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT = 36054; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT = 36055; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS = 36057; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED = 36061; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING = 36006; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_BINDING = 36007; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE = 34024; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION = 1286; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL = 37440; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL = 37441; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL = 37442; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL = 37443; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL = 37444; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.READ_BUFFER = 3074; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH = 3314; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS = 3315; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS = 3316; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.PACK_ROW_LENGTH = 3330; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.PACK_SKIP_ROWS = 3331; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.PACK_SKIP_PIXELS = 3332; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_BINDING_3D = 32874; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES = 32877; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 32878; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE = 32883; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES = 33000; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES = 33001; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS = 34045; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS = 35657; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS = 35658; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS = 35071; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET = 35076; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET = 35077; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS = 35659; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT = 35723; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RASTERIZER_DISCARD = 35977; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING = 34229; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS = 37154; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS = 37157; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 37137; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX = 36203; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RED = 6403; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB8 = 32849; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA8 = 32856; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB10_A2 = 32857; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_3D = 32879; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_R = 32882; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_MIN_LOD = 33082; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_MAX_LOD = 33083; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL = 33084; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL = 33085; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE = 34892; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC = 34893; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SRGB = 35904; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SRGB8 = 35905; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SRGB8_ALPHA8 = 35907; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE = 34894; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA32F = 34836; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB32F = 34837; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA16F = 34842; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB16F = 34843; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY = 35866; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY = 35869; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R11F_G11F_B10F = 35898; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB9_E5 = 35901; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA32UI = 36208; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB32UI = 36209; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA16UI = 36214; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB16UI = 36215; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA8UI = 36220; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB8UI = 36221; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA32I = 36226; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB32I = 36227; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA16I = 36232; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB16I = 36233; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA8I = 36238; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB8I = 36239; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RED_INTEGER = 36244; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB_INTEGER = 36248; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA_INTEGER = 36249; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R8 = 33321; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG8 = 33323; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R16F = 33325; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R32F = 33326; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG16F = 33327; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG32F = 33328; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R8I = 33329; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R8UI = 33330; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R16I = 33331; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R16UI = 33332; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R32I = 33333; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R32UI = 33334; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG8I = 33335; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG8UI = 33336; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG16I = 33337; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG16UI = 33338; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG32I = 33339; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG32UI = 33340; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.R8_SNORM = 36756; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG8_SNORM = 36757; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB8_SNORM = 36758; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGBA8_SNORM = 36759; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RGB10_A2UI = 36975; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT = 37167; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS = 33503; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV = 33640; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV = 35899; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV = 35902; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV = 36269; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 = 34042; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.HALF_FLOAT = 5131; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG = 33319; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RG_INTEGER = 33320; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INT_2_10_10_10_REV = 36255; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.CURRENT_QUERY = 34917; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.QUERY_RESULT = 34918; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE = 34919; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED = 35887; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE = 36202; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS = 34852; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER0 = 34853; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER1 = 34854; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER2 = 34855; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER3 = 34856; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER4 = 34857; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER5 = 34858; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER6 = 34859; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER7 = 34860; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER8 = 34861; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER9 = 34862; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER10 = 34863; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER11 = 34864; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER12 = 34865; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER13 = 34866; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER14 = 34867; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_BUFFER15 = 34868; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS = 36063; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 = 36065; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 = 36066; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT3 = 36067; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT4 = 36068; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT5 = 36069; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT6 = 36070; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT7 = 36071; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT8 = 36072; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT9 = 36073; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT10 = 36074; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT11 = 36075; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT12 = 36076; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT13 = 36077; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT14 = 36078; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT15 = 36079; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SAMPLER_3D = 35679; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW = 35682; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY = 36289; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW = 36292; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW = 36293; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INT_SAMPLER_2D = 36298; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INT_SAMPLER_3D = 36299; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INT_SAMPLER_CUBE = 36300; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY = 36303; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D = 36306; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D = 36307; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE = 36308; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY = 36311; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_SAMPLES = 36183; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SAMPLER_BINDING = 35097; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER = 35051; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER = 35052; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING = 35053; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING = 35055; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COPY_READ_BUFFER = 36662; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COPY_WRITE_BUFFER = 36663; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING = 36662; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING = 36663; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT2x3 = 35685; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT2x4 = 35686; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT3x2 = 35687; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT3x4 = 35688; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT4x2 = 35689; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FLOAT_MAT4x3 = 35690; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 = 36294; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 = 36295; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 = 36296; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED = 35863; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SIGNED_NORMALIZED = 36764; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER = 35069; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR = 35070; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE = 35967; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS = 35968; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS = 35971; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START = 35972; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE = 35973; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN = 35976; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS = 35978; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS = 35979; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS = 35980; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SEPARATE_ATTRIBS = 35981; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER = 35982; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING = 35983; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK = 36386; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED = 36387; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE = 36388; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING = 36389; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING = 33296; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE = 33297; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE = 33298; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE = 33299; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_BLUE_SIZE = 33300; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ALPHA_SIZE = 33301; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH_SIZE = 33302; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE = 33303; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT = 33304; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH24_STENCIL8 = 35056; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING = 36006; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.READ_FRAMEBUFFER = 36008; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER = 36009; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING = 36010; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES = 36011; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER = 36052; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE = 36182; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BUFFER = 35345; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING = 35368; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BUFFER_START = 35369; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE = 35370; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS = 35371; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS = 35373; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS = 35374; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS = 35375; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE = 35376; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS = 35377; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS = 35379; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT = 35380; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS = 35382; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_TYPE = 35383; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_SIZE = 35384; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX = 35386; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_OFFSET = 35387; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE = 35388; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE = 35389; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR = 35390; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING = 35391; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE = 35392; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS = 35394; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES = 35395; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER = 35396; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER = 35398; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.OBJECT_TYPE = 37138; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SYNC_CONDITION = 37139; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SYNC_STATUS = 37140; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SYNC_FLAGS = 37141; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SYNC_FENCE = 37142; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE = 37143; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.UNSIGNALED = 37144; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SIGNALED = 37145; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.ALREADY_SIGNALED = 37146; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TIMEOUT_EXPIRED = 37147; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.CONDITION_SATISFIED = 37148; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.WAIT_FAILED = 37149; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT = 1; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.COLOR = 6144; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH = 6145; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.STENCIL = 6146; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MIN = 32775; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX = 32776; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT24 = 33190; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.STREAM_READ = 35041; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.STREAM_COPY = 35042; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.STATIC_READ = 35045; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.STATIC_COPY = 35046; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DYNAMIC_READ = 35049; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DYNAMIC_COPY = 35050; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT32F = 36012; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 = 36013; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.INVALID_INDEX = -1; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.TIMEOUT_IGNORED = -1; lime_graphics_opengl_GL.MAX_CLIENT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_WEBGL = 37447; lime_math__$ColorMatrix_ColorMatrix_$Impl_$.__identity = [1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0]; lime_math__$Matrix4_Matrix4_$Impl_$.__identity = [1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]; lime_media_openal_AL.NONE = 0; lime_media_openal_AL.FALSE = 0; lime_media_openal_AL.TRUE = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.SOURCE_RELATIVE = 514; lime_media_openal_AL.CONE_INNER_ANGLE = 4097; lime_media_openal_AL.CONE_OUTER_ANGLE = 4098; lime_media_openal_AL.PITCH = 4099; lime_media_openal_AL.POSITION = 4100; lime_media_openal_AL.DIRECTION = 4101; lime_media_openal_AL.VELOCITY = 4102; lime_media_openal_AL.LOOPING = 4103; lime_media_openal_AL.BUFFER = 4105; lime_media_openal_AL.GAIN = 4106; lime_media_openal_AL.MIN_GAIN = 4109; lime_media_openal_AL.MAX_GAIN = 4110; lime_media_openal_AL.ORIENTATION = 4111; lime_media_openal_AL.SOURCE_STATE = 4112; lime_media_openal_AL.INITIAL = 4113; lime_media_openal_AL.PLAYING = 4114; lime_media_openal_AL.PAUSED = 4115; lime_media_openal_AL.STOPPED = 4116; lime_media_openal_AL.BUFFERS_QUEUED = 4117; lime_media_openal_AL.BUFFERS_PROCESSED = 4118; lime_media_openal_AL.REFERENCE_DISTANCE = 4128; lime_media_openal_AL.ROLLOFF_FACTOR = 4129; lime_media_openal_AL.CONE_OUTER_GAIN = 4130; lime_media_openal_AL.MAX_DISTANCE = 4131; lime_media_openal_AL.SEC_OFFSET = 4132; lime_media_openal_AL.SAMPLE_OFFSET = 4133; lime_media_openal_AL.BYTE_OFFSET = 4134; lime_media_openal_AL.SOURCE_TYPE = 4135; lime_media_openal_AL.STATIC = 4136; lime_media_openal_AL.STREAMING = 4137; lime_media_openal_AL.UNDETERMINED = 4144; lime_media_openal_AL.FORMAT_MONO8 = 4352; lime_media_openal_AL.FORMAT_MONO16 = 4353; lime_media_openal_AL.FORMAT_STEREO8 = 4354; lime_media_openal_AL.FORMAT_STEREO16 = 4355; lime_media_openal_AL.FREQUENCY = 8193; lime_media_openal_AL.BITS = 8194; lime_media_openal_AL.CHANNELS = 8195; lime_media_openal_AL.SIZE = 8196; lime_media_openal_AL.NO_ERROR = 0; lime_media_openal_AL.INVALID_NAME = 40961; lime_media_openal_AL.INVALID_ENUM = 40962; lime_media_openal_AL.INVALID_VALUE = 40963; lime_media_openal_AL.INVALID_OPERATION = 40964; lime_media_openal_AL.OUT_OF_MEMORY = 40965; lime_media_openal_AL.VENDOR = 45057; lime_media_openal_AL.VERSION = 45058; lime_media_openal_AL.RENDERER = 45059; lime_media_openal_AL.EXTENSIONS = 45060; lime_media_openal_AL.DOPPLER_FACTOR = 49152; lime_media_openal_AL.SPEED_OF_SOUND = 49155; lime_media_openal_AL.DOPPLER_VELOCITY = 49153; lime_media_openal_AL.DISTANCE_MODEL = 53248; lime_media_openal_AL.INVERSE_DISTANCE = 53249; lime_media_openal_AL.INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED = 53250; lime_media_openal_AL.LINEAR_DISTANCE = 53251; lime_media_openal_AL.LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED = 53252; lime_media_openal_AL.EXPONENT_DISTANCE = 53253; lime_media_openal_AL.EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED = 53254; lime_media_openal_AL.METERS_PER_UNIT = 131076; lime_media_openal_AL.DIRECT_FILTER = 131077; lime_media_openal_AL.AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER = 131078; lime_media_openal_AL.AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR = 131079; lime_media_openal_AL.ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR = 131080; lime_media_openal_AL.CONE_OUTER_GAINHF = 131081; lime_media_openal_AL.DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO = 131082; lime_media_openal_AL.AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO = 131083; lime_media_openal_AL.AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO = 131084; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_DENSITY = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_DIFFUSION = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_GAIN = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_GAINHF = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_DECAY_TIME = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO = 6; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN = 7; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY = 8; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN = 9; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY = 10; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF = 11; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR = 12; lime_media_openal_AL.REVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT = 13; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_DENSITY = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_DIFFUSION = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_GAIN = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_GAINHF = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_GAINLF = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_DECAY_TIME = 6; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO = 7; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_DECAY_LFRATIO = 8; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN = 9; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY = 10; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_PAN = 11; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN = 12; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY = 13; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_PAN = 14; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_ECHO_TIME = 15; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_ECHO_DEPTH = 16; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_MODULATION_TIME = 17; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_MODULATION_DEPTH = 18; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF = 19; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_HFREFERENCE = 20; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_LFREFERENCE = 21; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR = 22; lime_media_openal_AL.EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT = 23; lime_media_openal_AL.CHORUS_WAVEFORM = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.CHORUS_PHASE = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.CHORUS_RATE = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.CHORUS_DEPTH = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.CHORUS_FEEDBACK = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.CHORUS_DELAY = 6; lime_media_openal_AL.DISTORTION_EDGE = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.DISTORTION_GAIN = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.DISTORTION_LOWPASS_CUTOFF = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.DISTORTION_EQCENTER = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.DISTORTION_EQBANDWIDTH = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.ECHO_DELAY = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.ECHO_LRDELAY = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.ECHO_DAMPING = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.ECHO_FEEDBACK = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.ECHO_SPREAD = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.FLANGER_WAVEFORM = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.FLANGER_PHASE = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.FLANGER_RATE = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.FLANGER_DEPTH = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.FLANGER_FEEDBACK = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.FLANGER_DELAY = 6; lime_media_openal_AL.FREQUENCY_SHIFTER_FREQUENCY = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.FREQUENCY_SHIFTER_LEFT_DIRECTION = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.FREQUENCY_SHIFTER_RIGHT_DIRECTION = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEMEA = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEMEA_COARSE_TUNING = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEMEB = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEMEB_COARSE_TUNING = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.VOCAL_MORPHER_WAVEFORM = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.VOCAL_MORPHER_RATE = 6; lime_media_openal_AL.PITCH_SHIFTER_COARSE_TUNE = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.PITCH_SHIFTER_FINE_TUNE = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.RING_MODULATOR_FREQUENCY = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.RING_MODULATOR_HIGHPASS_CUTOFF = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.RING_MODULATOR_WAVEFORM = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.AUTOWAH_ATTACK_TIME = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.AUTOWAH_RELEASE_TIME = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.AUTOWAH_RESONANCE = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.AUTOWAH_PEAK_GAIN = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.COMPRESSOR_ONOFF = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_LOW_GAIN = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_LOW_CUTOFF = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_MID1_GAIN = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_MID1_CENTER = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_MID1_WIDTH = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_MID2_GAIN = 6; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_MID2_CENTER = 7; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_MID2_WIDTH = 8; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_HIGH_GAIN = 9; lime_media_openal_AL.EQUALIZER_HIGH_CUTOFF = 10; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_FIRST_PARAMETER = 0; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_LAST_PARAMETER = 32768; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_TYPE = 32769; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_NULL = 0; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_EAXREVERB = 32768; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_REVERB = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_CHORUS = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_DISTORTION = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_ECHO = 4; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_FLANGER = 5; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_FREQUENCY_SHIFTER = 6; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_VOCAL_MORPHER = 7; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_PITCH_SHIFTER = 8; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_RING_MODULATOR = 9; lime_media_openal_AL.FFECT_AUTOWAH = 10; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_COMPRESSOR = 11; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECT_EQUALIZER = 12; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECTSLOT_GAIN = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.EFFECTSLOT_AUXILIARY_SEND_AUTO = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.LOWPASS_GAIN = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.LOWPASS_GAINHF = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.HIGHPASS_GAIN = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.HIGHPASS_GAINLF = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.BANDPASS_GAIN = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.BANDPASS_GAINLF = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.BANDPASS_GAINHF = 3; lime_media_openal_AL.FILTER_FIRST_PARAMETER = 0; lime_media_openal_AL.FILTER_LAST_PARAMETER = 32768; lime_media_openal_AL.FILTER_TYPE = 32769; lime_media_openal_AL.FILTER_NULL = 0; lime_media_openal_AL.FILTER_LOWPASS = 1; lime_media_openal_AL.FILTER_HIGHPASS = 2; lime_media_openal_AL.FILTER_BANDPASS = 3; lime_media_openal_ALC.FALSE = 0; lime_media_openal_ALC.TRUE = 1; lime_media_openal_ALC.FREQUENCY = 4103; lime_media_openal_ALC.REFRESH = 4104; lime_media_openal_ALC.SYNC = 4105; lime_media_openal_ALC.MONO_SOURCES = 4112; lime_media_openal_ALC.STEREO_SOURCES = 4113; lime_media_openal_ALC.NO_ERROR = 0; lime_media_openal_ALC.INVALID_DEVICE = 40961; lime_media_openal_ALC.INVALID_CONTEXT = 40962; lime_media_openal_ALC.INVALID_ENUM = 40963; lime_media_openal_ALC.INVALID_VALUE = 40964; lime_media_openal_ALC.OUT_OF_MEMORY = 40965; lime_media_openal_ALC.ATTRIBUTES_SIZE = 4098; lime_media_openal_ALC.ALL_ATTRIBUTES = 4099; lime_media_openal_ALC.DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER = 4100; lime_media_openal_ALC.DEVICE_SPECIFIER = 4101; lime_media_openal_ALC.EXTENSIONS = 4102; lime_media_openal_ALC.ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT = 1; lime_media_openal_ALC.DEFAULT_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER = 4114; lime_media_openal_ALC.ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER = 4115; lime_system_CFFI.__moduleNames = null; lime_system_Clipboard.onUpdate = new lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void(); lime_system_JNI.alreadyCreated = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); lime_system_JNI.initialized = false; lime_system_Sensor.sensorByID = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); lime_system_Sensor.sensors = []; lime_system_System.__directories = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); lime_ui_Gamepad.devices = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); lime_ui_Gamepad.onConnect = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Gamepad_$Void(); lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$.LEFT_X = 0; lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$.LEFT_Y = 1; lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$.RIGHT_X = 2; lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$.RIGHT_Y = 3; lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$.TRIGGER_LEFT = 4; lime_ui__$GamepadAxis_GamepadAxis_$Impl_$.TRIGGER_RIGHT = 5; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.A = 0; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.B = 1; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.X = 2; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.Y = 3; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.BACK = 4; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.GUIDE = 5; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.START = 6; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.LEFT_STICK = 7; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.RIGHT_STICK = 8; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.LEFT_SHOULDER = 9; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.RIGHT_SHOULDER = 10; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.DPAD_UP = 11; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.DPAD_DOWN = 12; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.DPAD_LEFT = 13; lime_ui__$GamepadButton_GamepadButton_$Impl_$.DPAD_RIGHT = 14; lime_ui_Joystick.devices = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); lime_ui_Joystick.onConnect = new lime_app__$Event_$lime_$ui_$Joystick_$Void(); lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.CENTER = 0; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.DOWN = 4; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.LEFT = 8; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.RIGHT = 2; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.UP = 1; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.DOWN_LEFT = 12; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.DOWN_RIGHT = 6; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.UP_LEFT = 9; lime_ui__$JoystickHatPosition_JoystickHatPosition_$Impl_$.UP_RIGHT = 3; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.UNKNOWN = 0; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.BACKSPACE = 8; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.TAB = 9; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RETURN = 13; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.ESCAPE = 27; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SPACE = 32; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.EXCLAMATION = 33; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.QUOTE = 34; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.HASH = 35; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.DOLLAR = 36; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PERCENT = 37; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.AMPERSAND = 38; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SINGLE_QUOTE = 39; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.LEFT_PARENTHESIS = 40; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = 41; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.ASTERISK = 42; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PLUS = 43; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.COMMA = 44; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.MINUS = 45; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PERIOD = 46; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SLASH = 47; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_0 = 48; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_1 = 49; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_2 = 50; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_3 = 51; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_4 = 52; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_5 = 53; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_6 = 54; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_7 = 55; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_8 = 56; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_9 = 57; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.COLON = 58; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SEMICOLON = 59; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.LESS_THAN = 60; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.EQUALS = 61; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.GREATER_THAN = 62; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.QUESTION = 63; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.AT = 64; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.LEFT_BRACKET = 91; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.BACKSLASH = 92; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT_BRACKET = 93; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CARET = 94; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.UNDERSCORE = 95; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.GRAVE = 96; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.A = 97; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.B = 98; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.C = 99; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.D = 100; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.E = 101; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F = 102; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.G = 103; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.H = 104; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.I = 105; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.J = 106; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.K = 107; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.L = 108; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.M = 109; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.N = 110; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.O = 111; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.P = 112; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.Q = 113; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.R = 114; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.S = 115; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.T = 116; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.U = 117; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.V = 118; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.W = 119; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.X = 120; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.Y = 121; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.Z = 122; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.DELETE = 127; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CAPS_LOCK = 1073741881; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F1 = 1073741882; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F2 = 1073741883; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F3 = 1073741884; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F4 = 1073741885; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F5 = 1073741886; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F6 = 1073741887; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F7 = 1073741888; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F8 = 1073741889; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F9 = 1073741890; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F10 = 1073741891; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F11 = 1073741892; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F12 = 1073741893; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PRINT_SCREEN = 1073741894; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SCROLL_LOCK = 1073741895; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PAUSE = 1073741896; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.INSERT = 1073741897; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.HOME = 1073741898; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PAGE_UP = 1073741899; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.END = 1073741901; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PAGE_DOWN = 1073741902; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT = 1073741903; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.LEFT = 1073741904; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.DOWN = 1073741905; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.UP = 1073741906; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUM_LOCK = 1073741907; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 1073741908; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = 1073741909; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MINUS = 1073741910; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_PLUS = 1073741911; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_ENTER = 1073741912; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_1 = 1073741913; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_2 = 1073741914; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_3 = 1073741915; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_4 = 1073741916; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_5 = 1073741917; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_6 = 1073741918; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_7 = 1073741919; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_8 = 1073741920; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_9 = 1073741921; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_0 = 1073741922; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_PERIOD = 1073741923; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.APPLICATION = 1073741925; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.POWER = 1073741926; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_EQUALS = 1073741927; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F13 = 1073741928; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F14 = 1073741929; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F15 = 1073741930; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F16 = 1073741931; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F17 = 1073741932; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F18 = 1073741933; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F19 = 1073741934; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F20 = 1073741935; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F21 = 1073741936; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F22 = 1073741937; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F23 = 1073741938; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.F24 = 1073741939; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.EXECUTE = 1073741940; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.HELP = 1073741941; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.MENU = 1073741942; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SELECT = 1073741943; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.STOP = 1073741944; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.AGAIN = 1073741945; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.UNDO = 1073741946; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CUT = 1073741947; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.COPY = 1073741948; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PASTE = 1073741949; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.FIND = 1073741950; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.MUTE = 1073741951; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.VOLUME_UP = 1073741952; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.VOLUME_DOWN = 1073741953; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_COMMA = 1073741957; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.ALT_ERASE = 1073741977; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SYSTEM_REQUEST = 1073741978; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CANCEL = 1073741979; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CLEAR = 1073741980; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.PRIOR = 1073741981; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RETURN2 = 1073741982; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SEPARATOR = 1073741983; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.OUT = 1073741984; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.OPER = 1073741985; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CLEAR_AGAIN = 1073741986; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CRSEL = 1073741987; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.EXSEL = 1073741988; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_00 = 1073742000; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_000 = 1073742001; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = 1073742002; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = 1073742003; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CURRENCY_UNIT = 1073742004; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CURRENCY_SUBUNIT = 1073742005; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_LEFT_PARENTHESIS = 1073742006; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = 1073742007; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_LEFT_BRACE = 1073742008; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_RIGHT_BRACE = 1073742009; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_TAB = 1073742010; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_BACKSPACE = 1073742011; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_A = 1073742012; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_B = 1073742013; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_C = 1073742014; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_D = 1073742015; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_E = 1073742016; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_F = 1073742017; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_XOR = 1073742018; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_POWER = 1073742019; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_PERCENT = 1073742020; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_LESS_THAN = 1073742021; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_GREATER_THAN = 1073742022; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_AMPERSAND = 1073742023; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_DOUBLE_AMPERSAND = 1073742024; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_VERTICAL_BAR = 1073742025; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_DOUBLE_VERTICAL_BAR = 1073742026; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_COLON = 1073742027; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_HASH = 1073742028; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_SPACE = 1073742029; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_AT = 1073742030; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_EXCLAMATION = 1073742031; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MEM_STORE = 1073742032; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MEM_RECALL = 1073742033; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MEM_CLEAR = 1073742034; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MEM_ADD = 1073742035; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MEM_SUBTRACT = 1073742036; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MEM_MULTIPLY = 1073742037; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MEM_DIVIDE = 1073742038; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_PLUS_MINUS = 1073742039; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_CLEAR = 1073742040; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_CLEAR_ENTRY = 1073742041; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_BINARY = 1073742042; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_OCTAL = 1073742043; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_DECIMAL = 1073742044; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_HEXADECIMAL = 1073742045; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.LEFT_CTRL = 1073742048; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.LEFT_SHIFT = 1073742049; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.LEFT_ALT = 1073742050; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.LEFT_META = 1073742051; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT_CTRL = 1073742052; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT_SHIFT = 1073742053; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT_ALT = 1073742054; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT_META = 1073742055; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.MODE = 1073742081; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.AUDIO_NEXT = 1073742082; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.AUDIO_PREVIOUS = 1073742083; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.AUDIO_STOP = 1073742084; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.AUDIO_PLAY = 1073742085; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.AUDIO_MUTE = 1073742086; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.MEDIA_SELECT = 1073742087; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.WWW = 1073742088; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.MAIL = 1073742089; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.CALCULATOR = 1073742090; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.COMPUTER = 1073742091; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.APP_CONTROL_SEARCH = 1073742092; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.APP_CONTROL_HOME = 1073742093; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.APP_CONTROL_BACK = 1073742094; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.APP_CONTROL_FORWARD = 1073742095; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.APP_CONTROL_STOP = 1073742096; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.APP_CONTROL_REFRESH = 1073742097; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.APP_CONTROL_BOOKMARKS = 1073742098; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.BRIGHTNESS_DOWN = 1073742099; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.BRIGHTNESS_UP = 1073742100; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.DISPLAY_SWITCH = 1073742101; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.BACKLIGHT_TOGGLE = 1073742102; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.BACKLIGHT_DOWN = 1073742103; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.BACKLIGHT_UP = 1073742104; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.EJECT = 1073742105; lime_ui__$KeyCode_KeyCode_$Impl_$.SLEEP = 1073742106; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.NONE = 0; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.LEFT_SHIFT = 1; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.RIGHT_SHIFT = 2; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.LEFT_CTRL = 64; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.RIGHT_CTRL = 128; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.LEFT_ALT = 256; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.RIGHT_ALT = 512; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.LEFT_META = 1024; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.RIGHT_META = 2048; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.NUM_LOCK = 4096; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.CAPS_LOCK = 8192; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.MODE = 16384; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.CTRL = 192; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.SHIFT = 3; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.ALT = 768; lime_ui__$KeyModifier_KeyModifier_$Impl_$.META = 3072; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.UNKNOWN = 0; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.BACKSPACE = 42; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.TAB = 43; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.RETURN = 40; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.ESCAPE = 41; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.SPACE = 44; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.SINGLE_QUOTE = 52; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.COMMA = 54; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.MINUS = 45; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.PERIOD = 55; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.SLASH = 56; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_0 = 39; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_1 = 30; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_2 = 31; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_3 = 32; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_4 = 33; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_5 = 34; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_6 = 35; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_7 = 36; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_8 = 37; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMBER_9 = 38; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.SEMICOLON = 51; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.EQUALS = 46; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.LEFT_BRACKET = 47; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.BACKSLASH = 49; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT_BRACKET = 48; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.GRAVE = 53; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.A = 4; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.B = 5; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.C = 6; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.D = 7; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.E = 8; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F = 9; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.G = 10; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.H = 11; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.I = 12; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.J = 13; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.K = 14; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.L = 15; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.M = 16; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.N = 17; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.O = 18; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.P = 19; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.Q = 20; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.R = 21; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.S = 22; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.T = 23; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.U = 24; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.V = 25; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.W = 26; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.X = 27; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.Y = 28; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.Z = 29; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.DELETE = 76; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.CAPS_LOCK = 57; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F1 = 58; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F2 = 59; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F3 = 60; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F4 = 61; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F5 = 62; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F6 = 63; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F7 = 64; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F8 = 65; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F9 = 66; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F10 = 67; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F11 = 68; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F12 = 69; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.PRINT_SCREEN = 70; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.SCROLL_LOCK = 71; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.PAUSE = 72; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.INSERT = 73; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.HOME = 74; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.PAGE_UP = 75; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.END = 77; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.PAGE_DOWN = 78; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.RIGHT = 79; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.LEFT = 80; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.DOWN = 81; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.UP = 82; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUM_LOCK = 83; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 84; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = 85; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_MINUS = 86; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_PLUS = 87; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_ENTER = 88; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_1 = 89; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_2 = 90; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_3 = 91; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_4 = 92; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_5 = 93; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_6 = 94; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_7 = 95; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_8 = 96; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_9 = 97; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_0 = 98; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_PERIOD = 99; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.APPLICATION = 101; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.POWER = 102; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_EQUALS = 103; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F13 = 104; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F14 = 105; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F15 = 106; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F16 = 107; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F17 = 108; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F18 = 109; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F19 = 110; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F20 = 111; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F21 = 112; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F22 = 113; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F23 = 114; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.F24 = 115; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.EXECUTE = 116; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.HELP = 117; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.MENU = 118; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.SELECT = 119; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.STOP = 120; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.AGAIN = 121; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.UNDO = 122; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.CUT = 123; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.COPY = 124; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.PASTE = 125; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.FIND = 126; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.MUTE = 127; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.VOLUME_UP = 128; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.VOLUME_DOWN = 129; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_COMMA = 133; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.ALT_ERASE = 153; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.SYSTEM_REQUEST = 154; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.CANCEL = 155; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.CLEAR = 156; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.PRIOR = 157; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.RETURN2 = 158; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.SEPARATOR = 159; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.OUT = 160; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.OPER = 161; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.CLEAR_AGAIN = 162; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.CRSEL = 163; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.EXSEL = 164; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_00 = 176; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_000 = 177; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = 178; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = 179; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.CURRENCY_UNIT = 180; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.CURRENCY_SUBUNIT = 181; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_LEFT_PARENTHESIS = 182; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = 183; lime_ui__$ScanCode_ScanCode_$Impl_$.NUMPAD_LEFT_BRACE = 184; 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openfl_net__$URLLoaderDataFormat_URLLoaderDataFormat_$Impl_$.VARIABLES = 2; openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.followRedirects = true; openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.idleTimeout = 0; openfl_net_URLRequestDefaults.manageCookies = false; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentX = 0.0; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentY = 1.0; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.currentZ = 0.0; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.defaultInterval = 34; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.initialized = false; openfl_sensors_Accelerometer.supported = false; openfl_system_ApplicationDomain.currentDomain = new openfl_system_ApplicationDomain(null); openfl_system_SecurityDomain.currentDomain = new openfl_system_SecurityDomain(); openfl_system_System.useCodePage = false; openfl_text__$AntiAliasType_AntiAliasType_$Impl_$.ADVANCED = 0; openfl_text__$AntiAliasType_AntiAliasType_$Impl_$.NORMAL = 1; openfl_text__$FontStyle_FontStyle_$Impl_$.BOLD = 0; openfl_text__$FontStyle_FontStyle_$Impl_$.BOLD_ITALIC = 1; openfl_text__$FontStyle_FontStyle_$Impl_$.ITALIC = 2; 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openfl_ui_Keyboard.F6 = 117; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F7 = 118; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F8 = 119; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F9 = 120; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F10 = 121; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F11 = 122; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F12 = 123; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F13 = 124; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F14 = 125; openfl_ui_Keyboard.F15 = 126; openfl_ui_Keyboard.BACKSPACE = 8; openfl_ui_Keyboard.TAB = 9; openfl_ui_Keyboard.ALTERNATE = 18; openfl_ui_Keyboard.ENTER = 13; openfl_ui_Keyboard.COMMAND = 15; openfl_ui_Keyboard.SHIFT = 16; openfl_ui_Keyboard.CONTROL = 17; openfl_ui_Keyboard.BREAK = 19; openfl_ui_Keyboard.CAPS_LOCK = 20; openfl_ui_Keyboard.NUMPAD = 21; openfl_ui_Keyboard.ESCAPE = 27; openfl_ui_Keyboard.SPACE = 32; openfl_ui_Keyboard.PAGE_UP = 33; openfl_ui_Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN = 34; openfl_ui_Keyboard.END = 35; openfl_ui_Keyboard.HOME = 36; openfl_ui_Keyboard.LEFT = 37; openfl_ui_Keyboard.RIGHT = 39; openfl_ui_Keyboard.UP = 38; openfl_ui_Keyboard.DOWN = 40; openfl_ui_Keyboard.INSERT = 45; openfl_ui_Keyboard.DELETE = 46; openfl_ui_Keyboard.NUMLOCK = 144; 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var this1 = new lime_utils_BytePointerData(null,0); $r = this1; return $r; }(this)); openfl_utils__$CompressionAlgorithm_CompressionAlgorithm_$Impl_$.DEFLATE = 0; openfl_utils__$CompressionAlgorithm_CompressionAlgorithm_$Impl_$.LZMA = 1; openfl_utils__$CompressionAlgorithm_CompressionAlgorithm_$Impl_$.ZLIB = 2; openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$.BIG_ENDIAN = 0; openfl_utils__$Endian_Endian_$Impl_$.LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1; ApplicationMain.main(); })(typeof exports != "undefined" ? exports : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : this, typeof window != "undefined" ? window : typeof global != "undefined" ? global : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : this);