/* This file is loaded by play.html. It should specify the size and location of each image resource used by the game. The StaticImageInfo object should have integer keys (Glk image numbers). These should map to Javascript objects which look like: { "image": INT, "url": URLSTRING, "alttext": STRING, "width": INT, "height": INT } The image number must match the key. (Yes, it's redundant, just do it.) The alttext is an optional string describing the image (for non-graphical displays and visually impaired users.) The width and height are the image size -- these fields are required! And the url should be a URL from which the image resource can be loaded. This may be an absolute URL, or relative to play.html. This information is not yet generated by Inform. If your game contains graphics, you can manually edit this file to include all the image data. Alternatively, use the "giload" command of blorbtool.py: python blorbtool.py GAME.materials/Release/GAME.gblorb giload GAME.materials/Release/interpreter interpreter */ StaticImageInfo = {};