# 2.8.2 - Fix resizing issue - Fix console embeddedCollection error - Fix vision bug # 2.8.1 - Fix tile leftover on start - Fixed console warning - Translation updated on Korean # 2.8.0 - Add compatibility with 0.8.6 # 2.7.5 - Fixed SWADE integration (via hook workaround) # 2.7.4 - Fixed marker sizing for non-square tokens on grid/gridless maps - Added on deck marker option (off by default) - - Option for player owned only - Animation and image options # 2.7.3 - Fixed deletion permissions in different scenes issue # 2.7.2 - Fixed marker in wrong location after reloading - Fixed marker not pausing with game - Marker visibilities are now tied to vision # 2.7.1 - Fixed issue with start markers being left over - Fixed issue with turn marker showing when combat has not started # 2.7.0 - - Added Turn announcement filtering - Turns announced for everyone - Turns announced for players (and player owned tokens) only - Turns announced for GM only (any not player owned tokens - Turns announced for players (and player owned tokens), with GM owned tokens showing Image announcement only (with ??? name) - Added Option for switching between showing Token Name or Actor Name - Updated Spanish translations - Fixed a bug with console error messages. # 2.6.9 - Fix console error when moving token outside of combat # 2.6.8 - Test compatibility with Foundry v0.6.2 - Start marker if enabled will no longer show up until after a token has moved for the first time on it's turn - Video files (webm, ogg, & mp4) should now properly display in the marker previewer in settings - Added new informational window to be shown when module is updated - Fix harmless error when setting custom image path for turn marker - Fix settings window not displaying logo # 2.6.5 - Migrate repository from GitLab to GitHub - Add Webpack to reduce overall script size # 2.6.4 - Enable Japanese Language support - Add option to disable Turn Marker - Now properly removes the start marker from the canvas when combat ends - Fix for webm token thumbnails not always displaying properly in turn announcements - Fix for error when manually creating a combat from the combat tracker # 2.6.3 - New optional feature: "Start Marker" - Places a static marker under the token when they start their turn to signify where they started - German language support - Korean language support - Added file browsers to the settings window for image selection - New setting to disable token image in turn announcements - Added marker preview to settings window # 2.6.2 - Moved global settings into their own window - Add support for localization (translators desired!) # 2.6.1 - Now properly integrates with Combat Utility Belt's 'Hide NPC Names' option - Fix for multiple turn change messages when a combatant is removed from combat # 2.6.0 - Now supports hex grids properly - New feature: Setting to announce turn changes with a chat message # 2.5.1 - Fix for error thrown when removing the last combatant from combat if combat has not started # 2.5 - Updated for new tile structure in 0.5.6+ # 2.4.2 - Last release for 0.5.5- # 2.4.1 - Ensure compatibility with 0.5.6 # 2.4 - Fix for marker misbehaving when token vision is disabled for a scene - Fix for marker being visible when tokens are hidden # 2.3 - Marker should now be hidden when the active combatant is hidden # 2.2 - Fix for multiple markers being placed, but not updated when more than one GM is logged in - Fix for error when changing image curing combat while player is connected # 2.1 - Fix error when trying to change the marker image when no combat is active - Fix error when moving a token outside of combat # 2.0 - Change animation to be SIGNIFICANTLY smoother by using PIXI animations - Remove "Animation Degrees" setting as it is no longer needed - Marker should no longer hide behind other tiles on the canvas - Each user can now define their own animation settings # 1.0 - Initial Release