#!/bin/bash # #################################################### # Fix for FreePBX Distro (SNG7) DHCP on Amazon EC2 # #################################################### # # https://github.com/kd4ned/freepbxdistro-aws-dhcpfix # (c)2018 Jeremy Gault / Voiceopia Communications # You are free to use this script as needed. # dhconfig() { if [ -n "${old_ip_address}" ] && [ -n "${alias_ip_address}" ] && [ ! "${alias_ip_address}" = "${old_ip_address}" ]; then # possible new alias, remove old alias first ip -4 addr del ${old_ip_address} dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0 fi if [ -n "${old_ip_address}" ] && [ ! "${old_ip_address}" = "${new_ip_address}" ]; then # IP address changed. Delete all routes, and clear the ARP cache. flush_dev ${interface} fi # make sure the interface is up ip link set dev ${interface} up # replace = add if it doesn't exist or override (update lifetimes) if it's there ip -4 addr replace ${new_ip_address}/${new_prefix} broadcast ${new_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "${reason}" = "BOUND" ] || [ "${reason}" = "REBOOT" ] || [ ! "${old_ip_address}" = "${new_ip_address}" ] || [ ! "${old_subnet_mask}" = "${new_subnet_mask}" ] || [ ! "${old_network_number}" = "${new_network_number}" ] || [ ! "${old_broadcast_address}" = "${new_broadcast_address}" ] || [ ! "${old_routers}" = "${new_routers}" ] || [ ! "${old_interface_mtu}" = "${new_interface_mtu}" ]; then # The 576 MTU is only used for X.25 and dialup connections # where the admin wants low latency. Such a low MTU can cause # problems with UDP traffic, among other things. As such, # disallow MTUs from 576 and below by default, so that broken # MTUs are ignored, but higher stuff is allowed (1492, 1500, etc). if [ -n "${new_interface_mtu}" ] && [ ${new_interface_mtu} -gt 576 ]; then ip link set dev ${interface} mtu ${new_interface_mtu} fi # static routes if [ -n "${new_classless_static_routes}" ] || [ -n "${new_static_routes}" ]; then if [ -n "${new_classless_static_routes}" ]; then IFS=', |' static_routes=(${new_classless_static_routes}) # If the DHCP server returns both a Classless Static Routes option and # a Router option, the DHCP client MUST ignore the Router option. (RFC3442) new_routers="" else IFS=', |' static_routes=(${new_static_routes}) fi route_targets=() for((i=0; i<${#static_routes[@]}; i+=2)); do target=${static_routes[$i]} if [ -n "${new_classless_static_routes}" ]; then if [ ${target} = "0" ]; then new_routers="${static_routes[$i+1]}" continue else prefix=${target%%.*} target=${target#*.} IFS="." target_arr=(${target}) unset IFS ((pads=4-${#target_arr[@]})) for j in $(seq $pads); do target="${target}.0" done # Client MUST zero any bits in the subnet number where the corresponding bit in the mask is zero. # In other words, the subnet number installed in the routing table is the logical AND of # the subnet number and subnet mask given in the Classless Static Routes option. (RFC3442) target="$(get_network_address ${target} ${prefix})" fi else prefix=$(class_bits ${target}) fi gateway=${static_routes[$i+1]} # special case to allow static routing for link-local addresses # (including IPv4 multicast) which will not have a next-hop (#769463, #787318) if [ "${gateway}" = "" ]; then valid_gateway=0 scope='scope link' else is_router_reachable ${gateway} valid_gateway=$? scope='' fi if [ ${valid_gateway} -eq 0 ]; then metric='' for t in ${route_targets[@]}; do if [ ${t} = ${target} ]; then if [ -z "${metric}" ]; then metric=1 else ((metric=metric+1)) fi fi done if [ -n "${metric}" ]; then metric="metric ${metric}" fi ip -4 route replace ${target}/${prefix} proto static via ${gateway} dev ${interface} ${metric} ${scope} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "failed to create static route: ${target}/${prefix} via ${gateway} dev ${interface} ${metric}" else route_targets=(${route_targets[@]} ${target}) fi fi done fi # gateways if [[ ( "${DEFROUTE}" != "no" ) && (( -z "${GATEWAYDEV}" ) || ( "${GATEWAYDEV}" = "${interface}" )) ]]; then if [[ ( -z "$GATEWAY" ) || (( -n "$DHCLIENT_IGNORE_GATEWAY" ) && ( "$DHCLIENT_IGNORE_GATEWAY" = [Yy]* )) ]]; then metric="${METRIC:-}" let i="${METRIC:-0}" default_routers=() for router in ${new_routers} ; do added_router=- for r in ${default_routers[@]} ; do if [ "${r}" = "${router}" ]; then added_router=1 fi done if [ -z "${router}" ] || [ "${added_router}" = "1" ] || [ $(IFS=. ip2num ${router}) -le 0 ] || [[ ( "${router}" = "${new_broadcast_address}" ) && ( "${new_subnet_mask}" != "" ) ]]; then continue fi default_routers=(${default_routers[@]} ${router}) add_default_gateway ${router} ${metric} let i=i+1 metric=${i} done elif [ -n "${GATEWAY}" ]; then routersubnet=$(get_network_address ${GATEWAY} ${new_subnet_mask}) mysubnet=$(get_network_address ${new_ip_address} ${new_subnet_mask}) if [ "${routersubnet}" = "${mysubnet}" ]; then ip -4 route replace default via ${GATEWAY} dev ${interface} fi fi fi fi if [ ! "${new_ip_address}" = "${alias_ip_address}" ] && [ -n "${alias_ip_address}" ]; then # Reset the alias address (fix: this should really only do this on changes) ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0 >/dev/null 2>&1 ip -4 addr replace ${alias_ip_address}/${alias_prefix} broadcast ${alias_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0 ip -4 route replace ${alias_ip_address}/32 dev ${interface} fi # After dhclient brings an interface UP with a new IP address, subnet mask, # and routes, in the REBOOT/BOUND states -> search for "dhclient-up-hooks". if [ "${reason}" = "BOUND" ] || [ "${reason}" = "REBOOT" ] || [ ! "${old_ip_address}" = "${new_ip_address}" ] || [ ! "${old_subnet_mask}" = "${new_subnet_mask}" ] || [ ! "${old_network_number}" = "${new_network_number}" ] || [ ! "${old_broadcast_address}" = "${new_broadcast_address}" ] || [ ! "${old_routers}" = "${new_routers}" ] || [ ! "${old_interface_mtu}" = "${new_interface_mtu}" ]; then if [ -x ${ETCDIR}/dhclient-${interface}-up-hooks ]; then . ${ETCDIR}/dhclient-${interface}-up-hooks elif [ -x ${ETCDIR}/dhclient-up-hooks ]; then . ${ETCDIR}/dhclient-up-hooks fi fi make_resolv_conf if [ -n "${new_host_name}" ] && need_hostname; then hostname ${new_host_name} || echo "See -nc option in dhclient(8) man page." fi if [[ ( "${DHCP_TIME_OFFSET_SETS_TIMEZONE}" = [yY1]* ) && ( -n "${new_time_offset}" ) ]]; then # DHCP option "time-offset" is requested by default and should be # handled. The geographical zone abbreviation cannot be determined # from the GMT offset, but the $ZONEINFO/Etc/GMT$offset file can be # used - note: this disables DST. ((z=new_time_offset/3600)) ((hoursWest=$(printf '%+d' $z))) if (( $hoursWest < 0 )); then # tzdata treats negative 'hours west' as positive 'gmtoff'! ((hoursWest*=-1)) fi tzfile=/usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT$(printf '%+d' ${hoursWest}) if [ -e ${tzfile} ]; then cp -fp ${tzfile} /etc/localtime touch /etc/localtime fi fi execute_client_side_configuration_scripts "config" } # Section 18.1.8. (Receipt of Reply Messages) of RFC 3315 says: # The client SHOULD perform duplicate address detection on each of # the addresses in any IAs it receives in the Reply message before # using that address for traffic. add_ipv6_addr_with_DAD() { ip -6 addr replace ${new_ip6_address}/${new_ip6_prefixlen} \ dev ${interface} scope global # repeatedly test whether newly added address passed # duplicate address detection (DAD) for i in $(seq 5); do sleep 1 # give the DAD some time addr=$(ip -6 addr show dev ${interface} \ | grep ${new_ip6_address}/${new_ip6_prefixlen}) # tentative flag == DAD is still not complete tentative=$(echo "${addr}" | grep tentative) # dadfailed flag == address is already in use somewhere else dadfailed=$(echo "${addr}" | grep dadfailed) if [ -n "${dadfailed}" ] ; then # address was added with valid_lft/preferred_lft 'forever', remove it ip -6 addr del ${new_ip6_address}/${new_ip6_prefixlen} dev ${interface} exit_with_hooks 3 fi if [ -z "${tentative}" ] ; then if [ -n "${addr}" ]; then # DAD is over return 0 else # address was auto-removed (or not added at all) exit_with_hooks 3 fi fi done return 0 }