# TextHighlighter ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15260226/54765330-a61a4900-4c3c-11e9-99b4-8fd7a41c2be0.gif) ## How to install - Type `Add Repository` into command palette - `Install Package` - Choose `Text Highlighter` ## Keybinding ### with NeoVintageous https://github.com/NeoVintageous/NeoVintageous ``` vnoremap j :TextHighlighterToggle snoremap j :TextHighlighterToggle nnoremap j :TextHighlighterToggle nnoremap c :TextHighlighterClearAll ``` ### normal keymap Put settings like below to your keybinding file. ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+super+j"], "command": "text_highlighter_toggle" } // use specific color as below { "keys": ["ctrl+super+j"], "command": "text_highlighter_toggle", "args": { "color": "markup.changed.git_gutter"} } { "keys": ["ctrl+super+h"], "command": "text_highlighter_clear_all" } ``` ### Available colors by scope `[ markup.changed.git_gutter, support.class, markup.deleted.git_gutter, markup.inserted.git_gutter, constant.numeric, constant.character.escape, variable, string, comment ] ` ## Inspired Inspired by https://github.com/ryu1kn/vscode-text-marker