var mouse = {}; var pressed = []; var entityConstructors = {}; var entities = []; var lastFrameTime; var frameTime = 1000 / 60; var data = {}; var numData = 0; var numDataLoaded = 0; var messages = []; var achievements = {}; var times = 0; var camera = {x: 0, y: 0}; var numLaps = 3; function Timestamp(){ return window.performance && ? : new Date().getTime(); } function MouseUpEvent(event){ mouse.pressed[event.button] = false; } function MouseDownEvent(event){ mouse.pressed[event.button] = true; var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); mouse.x = ((event.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width) * canvas.width; mouse.y = ((event.clientY - / rect.height) * canvas.height; } function LoadText(f, c){ var msg = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", f, true); msg.onreadystatechange = function(event){ if(msg.readyState === 4){ if(msg.status === 200){ data[f] = msg.responseText; numDataLoaded++; if(typeof c == "function") c(msg.responseText); } else{ console.log(msg.statusText); } } } try{ msg.send(); numData++; } catch(e){ console.log(e.message); } } function LoadImage(f, c){ var img = new Image(); img.onload = function(){ data[f] = img; numDataLoaded++; if(typeof c == "function") c(img); } img.src = f; numData++; } function ImageLoaded(i){ this.image = i; } function InitMap(jsonObj){ var tileLayer = null, objLayer = null; for(var i = 0; i < jsonObj.layers.length; i++){ if(jsonObj.layers[i].type == "tilelayer") tileLayer = jsonObj.layers[i]; if(jsonObj.layers[i].type == "objectgroup") objLayer = jsonObj.layers[i]; } if(tileLayer){ map = []; tileTypes = {}; for(var x = 0; x < tileLayer.width; x++){ map[x] = []; for(var y = 0; y < tileLayer.height; y++){ map[x][y] =[x + y * tileLayer.width] - 1; } } for(var t in jsonObj.tilesets[0].tileproperties){ tileTypes[t] = jsonObj.tilesets[0].tileproperties[t]; tileTypes[t].collision = tileTypes[t].collision | 0; } } if(objLayer){ for(var i = 0; i < objLayer.objects.length; i++){ if(!entityConstructors.hasOwnProperty(objLayer.objects[i].type)) continue; var e = new entityConstructors[objLayer.objects[i].type](objLayer.objects[i]); entities.push(e); } } } function Start(){ if(("" + window.location).indexOf("improvedPhysics") > 10) window.fixedPhysics = true; canvas = document.getElementById("screen"); context = canvas.getContext("2d"); window.addEventListener("keyup", function (event){ pressed[event.keyCode] = false; event.preventDefault(); }); window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event){ pressed[event.keyCode] = true; }); mouse.pressed = []; canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", MouseDownEvent); canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", MouseUpEvent); LoadImage("carGreen.png", ImageLoaded.bind(GreenCar.prototype)); LoadImage("carYellow.png", ImageLoaded.bind(YellowCar.prototype)); LoadImage("carPurple.png", ImageLoaded.bind(PurpleCar.prototype)); LoadImage("carRed.png", ImageLoaded.bind(RedCar.prototype)); LoadImage("track.png"); Restart(); window.requestAnimationFrame(Draw); lastFrameTime = Timestamp(); setTimeout(Update, 0.95 * frameTime); frame = 0; } function Restart(){ entities = []; var c = new PurpleCar(); c.x = 3777; c.y = 314; entities.push(c); c = new RedCar(); c.x = 3777 + 200; c.y = 314; entities.push(c); c = new YellowCar(); c.x = 3777; c.y = 314 + 150; entities.push(c); c = new GreenCar(); c.x = 3777 + 200; c.y = 314 + 150; entities.push(c); var b1 = { x:0, y:0, width:1180, height:3000, progress: 1, }; c = new InnerCircle(); c.x = 348 + 1000; c.y = 472 + 1000; c.radius = 1000; = b1; c.invert = false; entities.push(c); c = new OuterCircle(); c.x = 112 + 2418 * 0.5; c.y = 270 + 2418 * 0.5; c.radius = 2418 * 0.5; = b1; entities.push(c); var b2 = { x:7105, y:0, width:1300, height:3000, progress: 5 }; c = new InnerCircle(); c.x = 5996 + 1000; c.y = 484 + 1000; c.radius = 1000; = b2; c.invert = false; entities.push(c); c = new OuterCircle(); c.x = 5832 + 2418 * 0.5; c.y = 259 + 2418 * 0.5; c.radius = 2418 * 0.5; = b2; entities.push(c); var b3 = { x:3040, y:1200, width:2540, height:2224, progress: 3 }; c = new InnerCircle(); c.x = 3180 + 2286 * 0.5; c.y = 1557 + 2286 * 0.5; c.radius = 2286 * 0.5; = b3; c.invert = true; entities.push(c); c = new OuterCircle(); c.x = 2972 + 2715 * 0.5; c.y = 1327 + 2715 * 0.5; c.radius = 2715 * 0.5; = b3; entities.push(c); var b4 = { x: b1.x + b1.width, y: 0, width: b2.x - b1.x - b1.width, height: b3.y, progress: 0 }; c = new InnerCircle(); c.x = 8360 * 0.5; c.y = -999999; c.radius = 258 + 999999; = b4; c.invert = true; entities.push(c); c = new OuterCircle(); c.x = 8360 * 0.5; c.y = -999999; c.radius = 450 + 999999 + 50; = b4; entities.push(c); var b5 = { x: b4.x, y: b3.y, width: b3.x - b4.x, height: 9999, progress: 2 }; c = new InnerCircle(); c.x = 8360 * 0.5; c.y = -999999; c.radius = 999999 + 2465; = b5; c.invert = false; entities.push(c); c = new OuterCircle(); c.x = 8360 * 0.5; c.y = -999999; c.radius = 999999 + 2675; = b5; entities.push(c); var b6 = { x: b3.x + b3.width, y: b3.y, width: b2.x - b3.x - b3.width, height: 9999, progress: 4 }; c = new InnerCircle(); c.x = 8360 * 0.5; c.y = -999999; c.radius = 999999 + 2465; = b6; c.invert = false; entities.push(c); c = new OuterCircle(); c.x = 8360 * 0.5; c.y = -999999; c.radius = 999999 + 2675; = b6; entities.push(c); var b7 = { x: 2878, y: 2577, width: 2909, height: 329 }; c = new OuterCircle(); c.x = 8360 * 0.5; c.y = -999999; c.radius = 999999 + 2675; = b7; entities.push(c); var b8 = { x: 5030, y: 2521, width: 757, height: 385 }; c = new InnerCircle(); c.x = 8360 * 0.5; c.y = -999999; c.radius = 999999 + 2465; = b8; c.invert = false; c.ignoreCollision = true; entities.push(c); entities.push(new LapBox(3728, 247, 100, 270)); times++; } function EntityDo(what){ for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++){ if(!entities[i].alive) continue; if(entities[i].hasOwnProperty(what)) entities[i][what](); } } function GetAchievement(ach){ if(achievements[ach]) return; achievements[ach] = true; messages.push(480); var elem = document.getElementById("achievement" + ach); elem.src = "achievement" + ach + ".png"; } function Update(){ var t = Timestamp(); while(t - lastFrameTime < frameTime){ t = Timestamp(); } if(numDataLoaded != numData){ lastFrameTime = Timestamp(); setTimeout(Update, 0.95 * frameTime); return; } frame++; UpdateKeys(); EntityDo("Update"); for(var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) messages[i]-=3; if(keys["keyRestart"].state == 1) Restart(); lastFrameTime = Timestamp(); setTimeout(Update, 0.95 * frameTime); } function Draw(){ context.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; context.fillRect(0, 0, 640, 480); if(numDataLoaded != numData){ context.fillStyle = "#000000"; context.font = "40px verdana" context.fillText("LOADING " + numDataLoaded + " of " + numData, 0, 240); window.requestAnimationFrame(Draw); return; }; context.translate(-camera.x, -camera.y); context.drawImage(data["track.png"], 0, 0); EntityDo("Draw"); context.restore(); for(var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){ context.fillStyle = "#ff0000"; context.font = "40px verdana" context.fillText("ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!", 0, messages[i]); } window.requestAnimationFrame(Draw); } function Collision(a, b){ if(Math.abs(a.x - b.x) > (a.w + b.w) * 0.5) return false; if(Math.abs(a.y - b.y) > (a.h + b.h) * 0.5) return false; return true; } function Car() { this.progress = 0; this.frameProgress = 0; this.laps = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.speedX = 0; this.speedY = 0; this.angle = 0; this.radius = 40; this.accel = 0.3; this._accel = 0.3; this.friction = 0.05; this.isCar = true; this.alive = true; this.Draw = function() { context.drawImage(this.image, this.angle * 100, 0, 100, 100, this.x - 50, this.y - 50, 100, 100); context.strokeStyle = "#FF00FF"; if(window.debugMode) StrokeCircle(this.x, this.y, this.radius); context.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; context.font = "20px verdana" context.fillText(this.laps.toString(10) + "/" + numLaps.toString(10), this.x - 25, this.y - 50); } this.Drive = function() { var circle = null; for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { var other = entities[i]; if(!other.alive) continue; if(!(other instanceof InnerCircle)) continue; if(this.x + this.radius < continue; if(this.x - this.radius > + continue; if(this.y + this.radius < continue; if(this.y - this.radius > + continue; circle = other; //break; } if(circle === null) return; function Angle(cx, cy, ex, ey) { var dy = ey - cy; var dx = ex - cx; var theta = Math.atan2(dy, dx); // range (-PI, PI] theta *= 180 / Math.PI; // rads to degs, range (-180, 180] if (theta < 0) theta = 360 + theta; // range [0, 360) return theta; } var angle = Angle(this.x, this.y, circle.x, circle.y); if(circle.invert) angle = (angle + 180) % 360; //angle *= 57.2957795; if(angle < 22.5) this.angle = 3; else if(angle < 22.5 + 45) this.angle = 2; else if(angle < 22.5 + 45 + 45) this.angle = 1; else if(angle < 22.5 + 45 + 45 + 45) this.angle = 0; else if(angle < 22.5 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45) this.angle = 7; else if(angle < 22.5 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45) this.angle = 6; else if(angle < 22.5 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45) this.angle = 5; else if(angle < 22.5 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45) this.angle = 4; else this.angle = 3; this.circ = circle; this.circAngle = angle; } this.GetVelocity = function() { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.speedX, 2) + Math.pow(this.speedY, 2)); } this.FixedSolveCollision = function(other){ var inverted = other instanceof OuterCircle; var carCol = other.isCar; var toOtherX = other.x - this.x; var toOtherY = other.y - this.y; if(inverted){ toOtherX *= -1; toOtherY *= -1; } var toDist = Math.sqrt(toOtherX * toOtherX + toOtherY * toOtherY); var toNormFactor = 1 / toDist; toOtherX *= toNormFactor; toOtherY *= toNormFactor; var moveDist = toDist - this.radius - other.radius; if(inverted) moveDist = other.radius - this.radius - toDist; if(!carCol){ this.x += toOtherX * moveDist; this.y += toOtherY * moveDist; } else { other.x -= toOtherX * moveDist * 0.5; other.y -= toOtherY * moveDist * 0.5; } var toDotProd = (this.speedX * toOtherX + this.speedY * toOtherY); if(toDotProd > 0){ var toSpeedX = toDotProd * toOtherX; var toSpeedY = toDotProd * toOtherY; var offSpeedX = this.speedX - toSpeedX; var offSpeedY = this.speedY - toSpeedY; this.speedX = offSpeedX - toSpeedX; this.speedY = offSpeedY - toSpeedY; } } this.Update = function() { this.Drive(); switch(this.angle) { case 0: this.speedX -= this.accel * Math.sqrt(0.5); this.speedY -= this.accel * Math.sqrt(0.5); break; case 1: this.speedX -= this.accel; break; case 2: this.speedX -= this.accel * Math.sqrt(0.5); this.speedY += this.accel * Math.sqrt(0.5); break; case 3: this.speedY += this.accel; break; case 4: this.speedX += this.accel * Math.sqrt(0.5); this.speedY += this.accel * Math.sqrt(0.5); break; case 5: this.speedX += this.accel; break; case 6: this.speedX += this.accel * Math.sqrt(0.5); this.speedY -= this.accel * Math.sqrt(0.5); break; case 7: this.speedY -= this.accel; break; } this.speedX -= this.speedX * this.friction; this.speedY -= this.speedY * this.friction; this.x += this.speedX; this.y += this.speedY; for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { var other = entities[i]; if(!other.alive) continue; if(!other.isCar) continue; if(other == this) continue; var dx = other.x - this.x; var dy = other.y - this.y; if(dx * dx + dy * dy > Math.pow(this.radius + other.radius, 2)) continue; if(window.fixedPhysics){ this.FixedSolveCollision(other); } else { var midX = this.x + dx * (this.radius / (this.radius + other.radius)); var midY = this.y + dx * (this.radius / (this.radius + other.radius)); var vel = this.GetVelocity() + other.GetVelocity(); vel *= 0.5; this.speedX = this.x - midX; this.speedY = this.y - midY; var normFactor = 1 / this.GetVelocity(); this.speedX *= normFactor; this.speedY *= normFactor; this.speedX *= vel; this.speedY *= vel; } } for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { var other = entities[i]; if(!other.alive) continue; if(!(other instanceof InnerCircle)) continue; //console.log("Inner circle found"); if(this.x + this.radius < continue; if(this.x - this.radius > + continue; if(this.y + this.radius < continue; if(this.y - this.radius > + continue; //console.log("Inner circle box collides"); var dx = other.x - this.x; var dy = other.y - this.y; if(dx * dx + dy * dy > Math.pow(this.radius + other.radius, 2)) continue; //console.log("Inner circle radius collides"); //this.circ = other; if(other.ignoreCollision) continue; if(window.fixedPhysics){ this.FixedSolveCollision(other); } else{ var vel = this.GetVelocity(); this.speedX = this.x - other.x; this.speedY = this.y - other.y; var normFactor = 1 / this.GetVelocity(); this.speedX *= normFactor; this.speedY *= normFactor; this.speedX *= vel; this.speedY *= vel; } } for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { var other = entities[i]; if(!other.alive) continue; if(!(other instanceof OuterCircle)) continue; if(this.x + this.radius < continue; if(this.x - this.radius > + continue; if(this.y + this.radius < continue; if(this.y - this.radius > + continue; var dx = other.x - this.x; var dy = other.y - this.y; if(dx * dx + dy * dy < Math.pow(other.radius - this.radius, 2)) continue; if(window.fixedPhysics){ this.FixedSolveCollision(other); } else { var vel = this.GetVelocity(); this.speedX = other.x - this.x; this.speedY = other.y - this.y; var normFactor = 1 / this.GetVelocity(); this.speedX *= normFactor; this.speedY *= normFactor; this.speedX *= vel; this.speedY *= vel; } } } } function GreenCar() { Car.apply(this); } function RedCar() { Car.apply(this); } function PurpleCar() { Car.apply(this); this.Drive = function() { camera.x = this.x - 320; camera.y = this.y - 240; if(keys["keyLeft"].state == 1) this.angle = (this.angle + 1) % 8; if(keys["keyRight"].state == 1) this.angle = (this.angle + 7) % 8; this.accel = (keys["keyUp"].state > 0) * this._accel; if(keys["keyUse"].state) (new Car()).Drive.apply(this); } } function YellowCar() { Car.apply(this); } StrokeCircle = function(x, y, r) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x,y,r,0,2*Math.PI); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } function CircleDraw() { if(window.debugMode) { context.strokeStyle = "#0000ff"; context.strokeRect(,,,; context.strokeStyle = "#ff0000"; StrokeCircle(this.x, this.y, this.radius); } } function InnerCircle(x, y, r, b) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.radius = r; = b; this.alive = true; this.Draw = CircleDraw; this.Update = function() { if(!"progress")) return; for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { if(!entities[i].alive) continue; if(!entities[i].isCar) continue; if(entities[i].x + entities[i].radius < continue; if(entities[i].x - entities[i].radius > + continue; if(entities[i].y + entities[i].radius < continue; if(entities[i].y - entities[i].radius > + continue; if(entities[i].progress - == -1) entities[i].progress =; } } } function OuterCircle(x, y, r, b) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.radius = r; = b; this.alive = true; this.Draw = CircleDraw; } function LapBox(x,y,w,h) { this.alive = true; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = w; this.height = h; this.Draw = function() { context.strokeStyle = "#ffffff"; if(window.debugMode) context.strokeRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); } this.Update = function() { for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { if(!entities[i].alive) continue; if(!entities[i].isCar) continue; if(entities[i].x + entities[i].radius < this.x) continue; if(entities[i].x - entities[i].radius > this.x + this.width) continue; if(entities[i].y + entities[i].radius < this.y) continue; if(entities[i].y - entities[i].radius > this.y + this.height) continue; if(entities[i].progress == 5) { entities[i].laps++; entities[i].progress = 0; entities[i].frameProgress = frame; if(entities[i].laps >= numLaps){ if(entities[i].hasOwnProperty("Finish")) entities[i].Finish(); } } } } }