var mouse = {}; var keyPressed = []; var entityConstructors = {}; var entities = []; var lastFrameTime; var frameTime = 1000 / 60; var data = {}; var numData = 0; var numDataLoaded = 0; var times = 0; var keyUps = []; var keyDowns = []; var stage = 0; var speedFactor = 1.0; var score = 0; var started = false; var debugMode = false; var hiScore = 0; var transition = 1.0; var decorations = []; var stageStart = 0; function Timestamp(){ return window.performance && ? : new Date().getTime(); } function MouseUpEvent(event){ mouse.pressed[event.button] = false; } function MouseDownEvent(event){ mouse.pressed[event.button] = true; var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); mouse.x = ((event.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width) * canvas.width; mouse.y = ((event.clientY - / rect.height) * canvas.height; } function LoadText(f, c){ var msg = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", f, true); msg.onreadystatechange = function(event){ if(msg.readyState === 4){ if(msg.status === 200){ data[f] = msg.responseText; numDataLoaded++; if(typeof c == "function") c(msg.responseText); } else{ console.log(msg.statusText); } } } try{ msg.send(); numData++; } catch(e){ console.log(e.message); } } function LoadImage(f, c){ var img = new Image(); img.onload = function(){ data[f] = img; numDataLoaded++; if(typeof c == "function") c(img); } img.src = f; numData++; } function ImageLoaded(i){ this.image = i; } function InitMap(jsonObj){ var tileLayer = null, objLayer = null; for(var i = 0; i < jsonObj.layers.length; i++){ if(jsonObj.layers[i].type == "tilelayer") tileLayer = jsonObj.layers[i]; if(jsonObj.layers[i].type == "objectgroup") objLayer = jsonObj.layers[i]; } if(tileLayer){ map = []; tileTypes = {}; for(var x = 0; x < tileLayer.width; x++){ map[x] = []; for(var y = 0; y < tileLayer.height; y++){ map[x][y] =[x + y * tileLayer.width] - 1; } } for(var t in jsonObj.tilesets[0].tileproperties){ tileTypes[t] = jsonObj.tilesets[0].tileproperties[t]; tileTypes[t].collision = tileTypes[t].collision | 0; } } if(objLayer){ for(var i = 0; i < objLayer.objects.length; i++){ if(!entityConstructors.hasOwnProperty(objLayer.objects[i].type)) continue; var e = new entityConstructors[objLayer.objects[i].type](objLayer.objects[i]); entities.push(e); } } } function Start(){ audioCtx = new AudioContext(); canvas = document.getElementById("screen"); context = canvas.getContext("2d"); window.addEventListener("keyup", function (event){ if(keyPressed[event.keyCode]) keyUps.push(event.keyCode); keyPressed[event.keyCode] = false; if(!(event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey)) event.preventDefault(); }); window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event){ if(!keyPressed[event.keyCode]) keyDowns.push(event.keyCode); keyPressed[event.keyCode] = true; if(!(event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey)) event.preventDefault(); }); mouse.pressed = []; canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", MouseDownEvent); canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", MouseUpEvent); LoadImage("bomb1.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Bomb.prototype)); LoadImage("error500.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Error500.prototype)); LoadImage("br.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Br.prototype)); LoadImage("cake.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Cake.prototype)); LoadImage("candle2.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Candle.prototype)); LoadImage("cash.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Cash.prototype)); LoadImage("drnick.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Drnick.prototype)); LoadImage("drnickSad.png", function(i){Drnick.prototype.imageSad = i;}); LoadImage("explosion.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Explosion.prototype)); LoadImage("hand.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Hand.prototype)); LoadImage("heart.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Heart.prototype)); LoadImage("heartLeft.png", ImageLoaded.bind(HeartLeft.prototype)); LoadImage("heartRight.png", ImageLoaded.bind(HeartRight.prototype)); LoadImage("mouth.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Mouth.prototype)); LoadImage("stoicism.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Stoicism.prototype)); LoadImage("terrorist.png", ImageLoaded.bind(Terrorist.prototype)); LoadImage("bg0.jpg"); LoadImage("bg1.jpg"); LoadImage("bg2.jpg"); LoadImage("bg3.jpg"); LoadImage("confetti1.png"); LoadImage("confetti2.png"); LoadImage("confetti3.png"); LoadImage("flag.png"); window.requestAnimationFrame(Draw); lastFrameTime = Timestamp(); setTimeout(Update, 0.95 * frameTime); frame = 0; } function Restart(){ entities = []; stage = stageStart; score = 0; speedFactor = 1.0; entities.push(player = new Drnick()); entities.push(new [Error500, Cake, Stage2Spawner, Terrorist][stageStart]()); times++; } function EntityDo(what, param){ entities.filter(e => typeof e[what] == "function").forEach(function(e){e[what](param);}); } function Update(){ var t = Timestamp(); while(t - lastFrameTime < frameTime){ t = Timestamp(); } if(numDataLoaded != numData){ lastFrameTime = Timestamp(); setTimeout(Update, 0.95 * frameTime); return; } if(!started){ Restart(); started = true; } transition += 0.025; var oldStage = stage; frame++; EntityDo("Update"); entities = entities.filter(e => !e.dead); keyUps.forEach(function(k){EntityDo("OnKeyUp", k);}); keyDowns.forEach(function(k){EntityDo("OnKeyDown", k);}); keyUps = []; keyDowns = []; if(keyPressed[keyCodes["VK_R"]] == 1) Restart(); hiScore = Math.max(score, hiScore); if(oldStage != stage){ transition = 0.0; } if(((stage == 1) || (stage == 3)) && (frame % 15 == 0)){ decorations.push({ x: (Math.random() * 640) - 12.5, y: -56, image: (stage == 1) ? data["confetti" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1) + ".png"] : data["flag.png"] }); } decorations = decorations.filter(c => c.y < 480); decorations.forEach(function(c){c.y += 4}); lastFrameTime = Timestamp(); setTimeout(Update, 0.95 * frameTime); } function Draw(){ context.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; context.fillRect(0, 0, 640, 480); if(numDataLoaded != numData){ context.fillStyle = "#000000"; context.font = "40px verdana"; context.fillText("LOADING " + data.length + " of " + numData, 320, 240); window.requestAnimationFrame(Draw); return; } if(transition < 0.9999){ context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.drawImage(data["bg" + ((stage - 1 >= 0)? stage - 1 : 3) + ".jpg"], 0, 0); context.globalAlpha = transition; context.drawImage(data["bg" + stage + ".jpg"], 0, 0); context.globalAlpha = 1.0; } else context.drawImage(data["bg" + stage + ".jpg"], 0, 0); decorations.forEach(function(d){ context.drawImage(d.image, d.x, d.y); }); EntityDo("Draw"); context.fillStyle = "#000000"; context.font = "12px verdana"; var stageStrs = ["drnick has a certain frustration today", "bitslap's birthday", "drnick is selected for paid thing", "an european shooting"]; context.fillText("SCORE: " + score + " HIGHSCORE: " + hiScore + " STAGE: " + stageStrs[stage], 0, 12); if(typeof player != "undefined"){ if(player.sad){ context.fillStyle = "#ff0000"; context.font = "30px verdana"; context.fillText("GAME OVER", 0, 240 - 15); context.font = "20px verdana"; var sadStrs = ["Love will never come", "The years go by but nothing changes", "Why work so hard when life gives you nothing", "The world is full of awful people"]; context.fillText(((lastSpeedFactor >= 1.5) && (score <= 75 * 2)) ? "That's right, why even try when there's no point" : sadStrs[player.stageSad], 0, 240 + 15); } } if(debugMode){ entities.forEach(function(e){ context.strokeRect(e.pos.x + e.offset.x, e.pos.y + e.offset.y, e.size.x, e.size.y); }); } window.requestAnimationFrame(Draw); } function EntityCollision(a, b){ if(a.pos.x + a.offset.x > b.pos.x + b.offset.x + b.size.x) return false; if(a.pos.y + a.offset.y > b.pos.y + b.offset.y + b.size.y) return false; if(b.pos.x + b.offset.x > a.pos.x + a.offset.x + a.size.x) return false; if(b.pos.y + b.offset.y > a.pos.y + a.offset.y + a.size.y) return false; return true; } function ImgDraw(){; context.translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); context.drawImage(this.image, 0 - (this.imgOffset ? this.imgOffset.x : 0), 0 - (this.imgOffset ? this.imgOffset.y : 0)); context.restore(); } function RotDraw(){; context.translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); context.rotate(this.imgAngle); context.drawImage(this.image, 0 - this.imgOffset.x, 0 - this.imgOffset.y); context.restore(); } function Vector(x, y, z){ this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.Length = function(){ return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } this.Multiply = function(factor){ this.x *= factor; this.y *= factor; return this; } this.Normalize = function(){ this.Multiply(1 / this.Length()); return this; } this.Add = function(x){ this.x += x.x; this.y += x.y; return this; } this.Sub = function(x){ this.x -= x.x; this.y -= x.y; return this; } this.Set = function(x, y){ if(x instanceof Vector){ this.x = x.x; this.y = x.y; } if(typeof x == "number"){ this.x = x; this.y = y; } return this; } this.Clamp = function(min, max){ this.x = Math.max(min.x, this.x); this.y = Math.max(min.y, this.y); this.x = Math.min(max.x, this.x); this.y = Math.min(max.y, this.y); return this; } this.Set(x, y); } function Entity(){ this.pos = new Vector(); this.size = new Vector(); this.offset = new Vector(); } function Drnick(){ Entity.apply(this); this.speed = 6; this.size.Set(48, 55); this.offset.Set(18, 3); this.pos.Set(320, 240); this.sad = false; this.coolDown = 0; this.Update = function(){ this.coolDown--; var spd = new Vector(0,0); if(keyPressed[keyCodes["VK_LEFT"]]) spd.Add(new Vector(-1,0)); if(keyPressed[keyCodes["VK_RIGHT"]]) spd.Add(new Vector(1,0)); if(keyPressed[keyCodes["VK_DOWN"]]) spd.Add(new Vector(0,1)); if(keyPressed[keyCodes["VK_UP"]]) spd.Add(new Vector(0,-1)); if((spd.Length() != 0)&&(!this.sad)) this.pos.Add(spd.Normalize().Multiply(this.speed)); this.pos.Clamp((new Vector(this.offset)).Multiply(-1), new Vector(640 - this.size.x - this.offset.x, 480 - this.size.y - this.offset.y)); if(entities.filter((e => e.isEnemy && EntityCollision(this, e)).bind(this)).length > 0){ if(!this.sad){ this.sad = true; this.image = this.imageSad; this.stageSad = stage; lastSpeedFactor = speedFactor; } } } this.OnKeyDown = function(key){ if((key == keyCodes["VK_SPACE"]) && (!this.sad) && (this.coolDown <= 0)){ switch(stage){ case 0: var s = new Stoicism(); s.pos.Set((new Vector(40,0)).Add(this.pos)); entities.push(s); break; case 1: var m = new Mouth(); m.pos.Set((new Vector(40,35)).Add(this.pos)); entities.push(m); break; case 2: break; case 3: var b = new Br(); b.pos.Add(this.pos); entities.push(b); break; } this.coolDown = 25; } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function Enemy(){ Entity.apply(this); this.isEnemy = true; } function Error500(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.pos.Set(320 - this.image.width * 0.5, 0 - this.image.height); this.offset.Set(27, 1); this.size.Set(66, 63); this.counter = 0; this.dx = 1 - (Math.round(Math.random()) * 2); this.speed = 2.0; this.Update = function(){ this.pos.y += this.speed * speedFactor; if(this.pos.y >= 0) this.Update = function(){ this.pos.x += this.dx * this.speed * speedFactor; if(this.pos.x < 0) this.dx = 1; if(this.pos.x + this.size.x > 640) this.dx = -1; this.counter += speedFactor; if(Math.floor(this.counter / 60) - Math.floor((this.counter - speedFactor) / 60) == 1){ var h = new Heart(); h.pos.Set(46, 24); h.pos.Add(this.pos); entities.push(h); } if(this.counter > 600 * speedFactor){ this.Update = function(){ this.pos.y -= this.speed * speedFactor; if(this.pos.y < 0 - this.image.height){ this.dead = true; stage = 1; var c = new Cake(); entities.push(c); } } } } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function Heart(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.speed = 4.0; this.offset.Set(this.image.width * 0.05, this.image.height * 0.05); this.size.Set(this.image.width * 0.9, this.image.height * 0.9); this.Update = function(){ if(typeof this.yDivide == "undefined"){ this.yDivide = this.pos.y + 100 + Math.random() * 110; } this.pos.y += this.speed * speedFactor; if(this.pos.y > this.yDivide){ var hL = new HeartLeft(); var hR = new HeartRight(); hL.pos.Set(this.pos); hR.pos.Set(this.pos); entities.push(hL); entities.push(hR); this.dead = true; } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function HeartLeft(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.speed = 4.0; this.offset.Set(this.image.width * 0.05, this.image.height * 0.05); this.size.Set(34 * 0.9, this.image.height * 0.9); this.Update = function(){ this.pos.Add((new Vector(-1, 1)).Normalize().Multiply(this.speed * speedFactor)); if(this.pos.y > 480){ this.dead = true; } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function HeartRight(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.speed = 4.0; this.offset.Set(this.image.width * 0.05 + 34, this.image.height * 0.05); this.size.Set(34 * 0.7, this.image.height * 0.9); this.Update = function(){ this.pos.Add((new Vector(1, 1)).Normalize().Multiply(this.speed * speedFactor)); if(this.pos.y > 480){ this.dead = true; } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function Cake(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.offset.Set(this.image.width * 0.05, this.image.height * 0.05); this.size.Set(this.image.width * 0.9, this.image.height * 0.9); this.pos.Set(640, 240 - this.image.height * 0.5); this.amplitude = 0.75; this.fof = Math.PI * 0.3; this.speed = 1.5; this.dy = 1 - (Math.round(Math.random()) * 2); this.candles = 0; this.counter = 0; this.phase = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; this.Update = function(){ this.pos.x -= this.speed * speedFactor; if(this.pos.x + this.image.width + this.amplitude <= 640) this.Update = function(){ this.pos.y += this.dy * this.speed * speedFactor; if(this.pos.y < 0) this.dy = 1; if(this.pos.y + this.image.height > 480) this.dy = -1; this.pos.x += Math.sin((frame / 10) * speedFactor) * this.amplitude; this.counter += speedFactor; if(Math.floor(this.counter / 20) - Math.floor((this.counter - speedFactor) / 20) == 1){ var c = new Candle(); c.pos.Set(this.image.width * 0.5, 1); c.pos.Add(this.pos); c.vel.Set(Math.cos(Math.PI + Math.sin(this.counter + this.phase) * this.fof) * 5 * speedFactor, Math.sin(Math.PI + Math.sin(this.counter + this.phase) * this.fof) * 5 * speedFactor); entities.push(c); this.candles++; } if(this.candles >= 32){ this.Update = function(){ this.pos.x += this.speed * speedFactor; if(this.pos.x > 640){ this.dead = true; stage = 2; var s = new Stage2Spawner(); entities.push(s); } } } } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } screenBox = { pos: new Vector(0, 0), size: new Vector(640, 480), offset: new Vector(0, 0) }; function Candle(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.vel = new Vector(); this.imgOffset = new Vector(this.image.width * 0.5, this.image.height * 0.5); this.imgAngle = 0; this.size.Set(this.image.width * 0.9, this.image.width * 0.9); this.offset.Set(0 - this.image.width * 0.9 * 0.5, 0 - this.image.width * 0.9 * 0.5); this.Update = function(){ this.pos.Add(this.vel); if(!EntityCollision(this, screenBox)){ this.dead = true; } this.imgAngle += speedFactor * 0.1; } this.Draw = RotDraw; } function Stoicism(){ Entity.apply(this); this.size.Set(this.image.width, this.image.height); this.Update = function(){ this.pos.y -= 4; if(!EntityCollision(this, screenBox)){ this.dead = true; } if(entities.filter((e => (e instanceof Error500) && EntityCollision(this, e)).bind(this)).length > 0){ this.dead = true; if(!player.sad) score += 100; } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function Mouth(){ Entity.apply(this); this.size.Set(this.image.width, this.image.height); this.Update = function(){ this.pos.x += 4; if(!EntityCollision(this, screenBox)){ this.dead = true; } if(entities.filter((e => (e instanceof Cake) && EntityCollision(this, e)).bind(this)).length > 0){ this.dead = true; if(!player.sad) score += 50; } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function Br(){ Entity.apply(this); this.size.Set(this.image.width, this.image.height); this.Update = function(){ this.pos.x += 4; if(!EntityCollision(this, screenBox)){ this.dead = true; } if(entities.filter((e => (e instanceof Terrorist) && EntityCollision(this, e)).bind(this)).length > 0){ this.dead = true; if(!player.sad) score += 25; } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function Cash(){ Entity.apply(this); this.imgOffset = new Vector(this.image.width * 0.5, this.image.height * 0.5); this.imgAngle = 0; this.size.Set(this.image.width * 0.5, this.image.width * 0.5); this.offset.Set(0 - this.image.width * 0.25, 0 - this.image.height * 0.25); this.pos.Set(320, 240); var ang = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; this.vel = new Vector(Math.cos(ang) * 3.5, Math.sin(ang) * 3.5); this.pos.Add((new Vector(this.vel)).Multiply(0 - this.pos.Length() - this.size.Length())); this.inScreen = false; this.Update = function(){ this.pos.Add(this.vel); this.imgAngle += 0.1; if(EntityCollision(this, screenBox)){ this.inScreen = true; } else if(this.inScreen){ this.dead = true; } if(entities.filter((e => (e instanceof Drnick) && EntityCollision(this, e)).bind(this)).length > 0){ this.dead = true; if(!player.sad) score += 75; } } this.Draw = RotDraw; } function Hand(){ Enemy.apply(this); var angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; this.imgOffset = new Vector(787, 28); this.imgAngle = angle; this.vel = new Vector(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle)).Multiply(3.75 * speedFactor); this.size.Set(35, 35); this.offset.Set(this.size).Multiply(-0.5); this.pos.Set(320, 240); this.counter = 0; while(EntityCollision(this, screenBox)){ this.pos.Sub(this.vel); this.counter++; } //console.log(new Vector(this.offset).Add(this.pos)); this.Update = function(){ this.pos.Add(this.vel); this.counter--; if(this.counter == 0) this.vel.Multiply(-1); if(this.counter < 0){ if(!EntityCollision(screenBox, this)){ this.dead = true; } } } this.Draw = RotDraw; } function Stage2Spawner(){ Entity.apply(this); = 0; this.counter = 0; this.Update = function(){ this.counter += speedFactor; if( < 5 * 60){ if(Math.floor(this.counter / 45) - Math.floor((this.counter - speedFactor) / 45) == 1){ var c = new Cash(); entities.push(c); } } if(Math.floor(this.counter / 60) - Math.floor((this.counter - speedFactor) / 60) == 1){ var h = new Hand(); entities.push(h); }; if( > 10 * 60){ this.dead = true; stage = 3; var t = new Terrorist(); entities.push(t); } } } function Terrorist(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.offset.Set(this.image.width * 0.05, this.image.height * 0.05); this.size.Set(this.image.width * 0.9, this.image.height * 0.9); this.speed = 3; this.bombSpeed = 4; switch(Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)){ case 0: this.pos.Set(0 - this.image.width, (Math.random() * (480 + this.image.height * 2)) - this.image.height); break; case 1: this.pos.Set(640, (Math.random() * (480 + this.image.height * 2)) - this.image.height); break; case 2: this.pos.Set((Math.random() * (640 + this.image.width * 2)) - this.image.width, 0 - this.image.height); break; case 3: this.pos.Set((Math.random() * (640 + this.image.width * 2)) - this.image.width, 480); break; } this.goTo = new Vector(); this.RandomGoTo = function(){ this.goTo.Set(Math.random() * (640 - this.image.width), Math.random() * (480 - this.image.height)); } this.ThinkMove = function(){ this.vel = (new Vector(this.goTo)).Sub(this.pos); this.vel.Add(new Vector(0.0001, 0.0001)); this.counter = this.vel.Length() / (this.speed * speedFactor); this.vel.Normalize().Multiply(this.speed * speedFactor); } this.RandomGoTo(); this.ThinkMove(); this.bombCounter = 0; = 0; this.Update = function(){; this.counter--; this.pos.Add(this.vel); if(this.counter < 0){ if( < 10 * 60){ this.RandomGoTo(); this.ThinkMove(); } if( > 10 * 60){ this.dead = true; stage = 0; var b = new Error500(); entities.push(b); speedFactor += 0.25; } } if( == 10 * 60){ switch(Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)){ case 0: this.goTo.Set(0 - this.image.width, (Math.random() * (480 + this.image.height * 2)) - this.image.height); break; case 1: this.goTo.Set(640, (Math.random() * (480 + this.image.height * 2)) - this.image.height); break; case 2: this.goTo.Set((Math.random() * (640 + this.image.width * 2)) - this.image.width, 0 - this.image.height); break; case 3: this.goTo.Set((Math.random() * (640 + this.image.width * 2)) - this.image.width, 480); break; } this.ThinkMove(); } this.bombCounter += speedFactor; if(Math.floor(this.bombCounter / 45) - Math.floor((this.bombCounter - speedFactor) / 45) == 1){ var b = new Bomb(); b.pos.Set(this.size).Multiply(0.5).Add(this.pos); b.vel.Set(player.size).Multiply(0.5).Add(player.pos).Add(player.offset).Sub(b.pos); = b.vel.Length() / (this.bombSpeed * speedFactor); b.vel.Normalize().Multiply(this.bombSpeed * speedFactor); entities.push(b); } } this.Draw = ImgDraw; } function Bomb(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.vel = new Vector(); this.size.Set(40, 40); this.offset.Set(this.size).Multiply(-0.5); this.imgOffset = new Vector(25, 41); this.imgAngle = 0; this.Update = function(){ this.pos.Add(this.vel);; if( < 0){ this.dead = true; var e = new Explosion(); e.pos.Set(this.pos); entities.push(e); } this.imgAngle += 0.15 * speedFactor; } this.Draw = RotDraw; } function Explosion(){ Enemy.apply(this); this.size.Set(this.image.width, this.image.height); this.imgOffset = new Vector(this.size).Multiply(0.5); this.imgAngle = 0; this.size.Multiply(0.8); this.offset.Set(this.size).Multiply(-0.5); = 45; this.Update = function(){; if( < 0){ this.dead = true; } this.imgAngle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; } this.Draw = RotDraw; }