var data = []; function GetImage(src) { if(!data[src]) { data[src] = new Image(); data[src].src = src; } return data[src]; } function GetAudio(src) { var audio = new Audio(src); return audio; } function DrawBox(obj) {; context.translate(-camera.x, -camera.y); context.strokeStyle = "#000000"; context.strokeRect(obj.x - obj.width / 2, obj.y - obj.height / 2, obj.width, obj.height); context.restore(); } function BoxDraw() { DrawBox(this); } function DrawImage(obj) {; context.translate(obj.x - camera.x, obj.y - camera.y); if(obj.flipH) context.scale(-1, 1); if(obj.flipV) context.scale(1, -1); if(obj.offsetX) context.translate(-obj.offsetX, 0); if(obj.offsetY) context.translate(0, -obj.offsetY); context.drawImage(obj.image, 0 - obj.image.width / 2, 0 - obj.image.height / 2); context.restore(); } function ImageDraw() { DrawImage(this); } function DrawRotating(obj) {; context.translate(obj.x - camera.x, obj.y - camera.y); context.rotate(frame * obj.rotationSpeed); context.drawImage(obj.image, 0 - obj.image.width / 2, 0 - obj.image.height / 2); context.restore(); } function RotatingDraw() { DrawRotating(this); } function DrawSprite(obj) {; context.translate(obj.x - camera.x, obj.y - camera.y); if(obj.flipH) context.scale(-1, 1); if(obj.flipV) context.scale(1, -1); if(obj.offsetX) context.translate(-obj.offsetX, 0); if(obj.offsetY) context.translate(0, -obj.offsetY); context.drawImage(obj.image, obj.frame * obj.frameWidth, 0, obj.frameWidth, obj.image.height, 0 - (obj.frameWidth / 2), 0 - (obj.image.height / 2), obj.frameWidth, obj.image.height); context.restore(); } function SpriteDraw() { DrawSprite(this); } function DrawParallax(image, speed) { if(!speed) speed = 1.0; var scrollX = camera.x; var scrollY = camera.y; scrollX += canvas.width * 0.5; scrollY += canvas.height * 0.5; scrollX *= speed; scrollY *= speed;; context.translate(-scrollX, -scrollY); for(var x = Math.floor(scrollX / image.width) * image.width; x < Math.ceil((scrollX + canvas.width) / image.width) * image.width; x += image.width) { for(var y = Math.floor(scrollY / image.height) * image.height; y < Math.ceil((scrollY + canvas.height) / image.height) * image.height; y += image.height) { context.drawImage(image, x, y); } } context.restore(); } function ParallaxDraw() { DrawParallax(this.image, this.speed); } function DrawTiled(image, x0, y0, _width, _height) { if(image.width == 0) return; if(image.height == 0) return;; context.translate(-camera.x, -camera.y); var width = _width; for(var x = x0; x < x0 + _width; x += image.width) { var height = _height; for(var y = y0; y < y0 + _height; y += image.height) { context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, Math.min(image.width, width), Math.min(image.height, height), x, y, Math.min(image.width, width), Math.min(image.height, height)); height -= Math.min(image.height, height); } width -= Math.min(image.width, width); } context.restore(); } function TiledDraw() { DrawTiled(this.image, this.x - this.width * 0.5, this.y - this.height * 0.5, this.width, this.height); } function DrawTiled2(image, x0, y0, width, height) { if(image.width == 0) return; if(image.height == 0) return;; context.translate(-camera.x, -camera.y); for(var x = Math.floor(x0 / image.width) * image.width; x < Math.ceil((x0 + width) / image.width) * image.width; x += image.width) { for(var y = Math.floor(y0 / image.height) * image.height; y < Math.ceil((y0 + height) / image.height) * image.height; y += image.height) { var _x = x; // where to draw on screen var _y = y; // where to draw on screen var __x = 0; // x on image from where blitting starts var __y = 0; // y on image from where blitting starts if(x0 > _x) { __x += x0 - _x; _x = x0; } if(y0 > _y) { __y += y0 - _y; _y = y0; } var _width = image.width; var _height = image.height; if(x0 + width < _x + _width) { _width -= _x + _width - x0 - width; } if(x0 + width < _x + _width) { _width -= _x + _width - x0 - width; } if(__x < 0) __x = 0; // Added on 28/04 to correct Firefox bug if(__y < 0) __y = 0; // Added on 28/04 to correct Firefox bug if(_width < 0) _width = 0; // Added on 28/04 to correct Firefox bug if(_width > image.width) _width = image.width; // Added on 28/04 to correct Firefox bug if(_height < 0) _height = 0; // Added on 28/04 to correct Firefox bug if(_height > image.height) _height = image.height; // Added on 28/04 to correct Firefox bug if(_width == 0) continue; // Added on 28/04 to correct Firefox bug if(_height == 0) continue; // Added on 28/04 to correct Firefox bug context.drawImage(image, __x, __y, _width, _height, _x, _y, _width, _height); } } context.restore(); } function TiledDraw2() { DrawTiled2(this.image, this.x - this.width * 0.5, this.y - this.height * 0.5, this.width, this.height); }