function InitCosmonaut(x, y) { var c = NewObject(); c.x = x; c.y = y; c.width = 40; c.height = 80; c.xSpeed = 0; c.ySpeed = 0; c.image = data["cosmonautSprite.png"]; c.frameWidth = 143; c.Draw = CosmonautDraw; c.Update = CosmonautUpdate; c.colliders = []; c.offsetY = 29; c.offsetX = -33; c.frame = 0; c.hasFlag = true; c.hasSeenSoftRock = false; c.hasSeenAmmonia = false; c.dieOnLanding = false; c.lightOn = false; c.hasSeenDarkness = false; // DOOOOOOOOM! c.hasSeenMaggot = false; // Better than hasSeenFaggot c.maggotDistance = 115; c.cubeActivated = false; c.cubeDistance = 150; c.fatalFallingSpeed = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((2 * 480) / gravity)) * gravity; // t = sqrt((2h) / a); v = at; c.jumpSpeed = 5; c.walkAccel = 0.5; c.walkSpeed = 5; c.iAnimSpeed = 6; c.iJackhammerSpeed = 5; c.flagX = 66; c.flagY = -21; c.layer = 2; c.lightImage = data["light.png"]; c.deathSound = data["fall.wav"]; c.jackHammerSound = data["jackhammer.wav"]; c.jackHammerSound.loop = true; c.groundSound = data["ground.wav"]; c.jumpSound = data["jump.wav"]; c.jumpSound.volume = 0.0; // Annoying } function CosmonautUpdate() { var isJackhammering = false; if((keys["keyJump"].state == 1) && (this.colliders[1])) { this.ySpeed -= this.jumpSpeed;; } if(keys["keyLeft"].state != 0) this.xSpeed -= this.walkAccel; if(keys["keyRight"].state != 0) this.xSpeed += this.walkAccel; if(this.xSpeed < -this.walkSpeed) this.xSpeed = -this.walkSpeed; if(this.xSpeed > +this.walkSpeed) this.xSpeed = +this.walkSpeed; if((keys["keyAction"].state == 1) && (this.hasFlag) && (this.colliders[1])) { if(this.flipH) InitFlagpole(this.x - this.flagX, this.y + this.flagY, true); else InitFlagpole(this.x + this.flagX, this.y + this.flagY, false); this.hasFlag = false; } isJackhammering = false; if((this.colliders[1]) && (this.colliders[1].Hit == SoftRockHit)) { if(keys["keyAction"].state != 0) { InitJackhammer(this.x, this.y); isJackhammering = true; if(keys["keyAction"].state == 1); } if(!this.hasSeenSoftRock) { if(!IsDialogActive()) { InitDialog("This rock is softer than the others in this planet.", "I can break through it with my jackhammer. (Press action to use)"); this.hasSeenSoftRock = true; } } } if(!isJackhammering) this.jackHammerSound.pause(); var wasFlying = (!this.colliders[1]); DoPlatformerPhysics(this); if((this.colliders[1]) && (wasFlying)); if(!this.cubeActivated) CameraFocusOn(this); if(((this.colliders[2]) && (this.colliders[2].IsSolidTo == FlagBlockIsSolidTo)) || ((this.colliders[3]) && (this.colliders[3].IsSolidTo == FlagBlockIsSolidTo))) { InitDialog("Perhaps you should mark the landing site", "with the glorious banner of the motherland before proceeding."); } if(this.ySpeed > this.fatalFallingSpeed) this.dieOnLanding = true; if((this.colliders[1]) && (this.dieOnLanding)) { deathMessage = "You fell from too high, damaging your space suit, without which surviving on this lonely planet is impossible."; this.alive = false;; this.jackHammerSound.pause(); InitCosmonautBody(this.x, this.y); } for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; if(!obj.alive) continue; if(Collision(this, obj)) { if((!this.hasSeenAmmonia) && (obj.Update == AmmoniaUpdate)) { if(!IsDialogActive()) { InitDialog("To further investigate the mysteries of this planet, I must", "descend below the surface of this dangerous ocean of ammonia."); this.hasSeenAmmonia = true; break; } } if(obj.isDarkness) { if((!this.hasSeenDarkness) && (!IsDialogActive())) { InitDialog("Who knows what evils lurk in the darkness?", "(Press action to activate space suit illumination)"); this.hasSeenDarkness = true; } if(keys["keyAction"].state == 1) this.lightOn = !this.lightOn; } if(obj.isMaggot) {; this.jackHammerSound.pause(); deathMessage = "Your space suit was ruptured by the monsters' acids, and your body succumbed to their venom's infection."; this.alive = false; InitCosmonautBody(this.x, this.y); } } if((obj.isMaggot) && (!this.hasSeenMaggot)) { var mdx = obj.x - this.x; var mdy = obj.y - this.y; if(mdx * mdx + mdy * mdy < this.maggotDistance * this.maggotDistance) { if(!IsDialogActive()) { InitDialog("What was that? Some sort of monster?", "How can life prevail in such a desolate place?"); this.hasSeenMaggot = true; } } } if(obj.Update == CubeUpdate) { var mdx = obj.x - this.x; var mdy = obj.y - this.y; if(mdx * mdx + mdy * mdy < this.cubeDistance * this.cubeDistance) { = true; } } } if(this.xSpeed != 0) { this.frame = Math.floor(frame / this.iAnimSpeed) % 4; if(this.frame == 3) this.frame = 1; } else this.frame = 1; if(this.hasFlag) this.frame += 3; if(isJackhammering) this.frame = 6 + (Math.floor(frame / this.iJackhammerSpeed) % 2); if(this.xSpeed > 0) this.flipH = false; if(this.xSpeed < 0) this.flipH = true; if(this.flipH) this.frame += 8; } function CosmonautDraw() { if(this.lightOn) DrawImage({x: this.x, y: this.y, image: this.lightImage}); DrawSprite(this); } function InitJackhammer(x, y) { var j = NewObject(); j.x = x; j.y = y; j.width = 10; j.height = 10; j.Update = ProjectileUpdate; j.dx = 0; j.dy = 10; j.targetHit = SoftRockHit; j.damage = 2; } function InitCosmonautBody(x, y) { var b = NewObject(); b.x = x; b.y = y; b.width = 115; b.height = 67; b.colliders = []; b.xSpeed = 0; b.ySpeed = 0; b.image = data["cosmonautDead.png"]; b.Update = DeadBodyUpdate; b.Draw = ImageDraw; b.deathFrame = frame + 60; }