function InitAmmonia(x0, y0, x1, y1) // Implemented as x0y0x1y1 to be more practical on the editor { var a = NewObject(); a.drawX = x0; a.drawY = y0; a.width = Math.abs(x0 - x1); a.height = Math.abs(y0 - y1); a.x = (x0 + x1) * 0.5; a.y = (y0 + y1) * 0.5; a.Draw = FogDraw; a.Update = AmmoniaUpdate; a.x0 = x0; a.cycleFrames = 300; a.surfaceTexture = data["ammoniaTop.png"]; a.belowTexture = data["ammonia.png"]; a.bottomTexture = data["ammoniaBottom.png"]; a.layer = 4; a.drawX = x0; a.drawY = y0; } function FogDraw() { DrawTiled(this.surfaceTexture, this.drawX, this.drawY, this.width, this.surfaceTexture.height); DrawTiled(this.belowTexture, this.drawX, this.drawY + this.surfaceTexture.height, this.width, this.height - this.surfaceTexture.height - this.bottomTexture.height); DrawTiled(this.bottomTexture, this.drawX, this.drawY + this.height - this.bottomTexture.height, this.width, this.bottomTexture.height); } function AmmoniaUpdate() { this.drawX = this.x0 + ((frame % this.cycleFrames) / this.cycleFrames) * this.surfaceTexture.width; } function InitSpace(x0, y0, x1, y1) { var s = NewObject(); s.image = data["space.png"]; s.speed = 0.5; s.Draw = ParallaxDraw; s.layer = -1; if(x0) { s.speed = Math.min(640 / Math.abs(x0 - x1), 480 / Math.abs(y0 - y1)); } } function InitFlagpole(x, y, flip) { var f = NewObject(); f.x = x; f.y = y; f.image = data["flagpole.png"]; f.Draw = ImageDraw; f.flipH = flip; f.layer = 3; } function InitFlagBlock(x, y, w, h) { var b = NewObject(); b.x = x; b.y = y; b.width = w; b.height = h; b.friction = 0.1; b.IsSolidTo = FlagBlockIsSolidTo; } function FlagBlockIsSolidTo(obj) { if(obj.Update == CosmonautUpdate) { return obj.hasFlag; } return false; } function IsDialogActive() { for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { if((objects[i].alive) && (objects[i].Update == DialogUpdate)) return true; } return false; } function KillDialog() { for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { if((objects[i].alive) && (objects[i].Update == DialogUpdate)) objects[i].alive = false; } return false; } function InitDialog(a, b) { if(IsDialogActive()) return; var d = NewObject(); d.layer = 5; d.Draw = DialogDraw; d.Update = DialogUpdate; d.lines = [a, b]; d.showLines = ["", ""]; d.initFrame = frame; d.iSpeed = 2; = data["dialogBg.png"]; } function DialogDraw() { DrawTiled(, camera.x + 20, camera.y + 360, 600, 100); context.fillStyle = "rgb(0, 196, 0)"; context.font = "15px Courier"; context.fillText(this.showLines[0], 30, 393 + 7); context.fillText(this.showLines[1], 30, 423 + 7); } function DialogUpdate() { var passedFrames = frame - this.initFrame; var showLength = Math.floor(passedFrames / this.iSpeed); var totalLength = this.lines[0].length + this.lines.length[1]; this.showLines[0] = this.lines[0].substr(0, Math.min(this.lines[0].length, showLength)); this.showLines[1] = this.lines[1].substr(0, Math.min(this.lines[1].length, Math.max(showLength - this.lines[0].length, 0))); if(keys["keyDialog"].state == 1) this.alive = false; } function InitCheckpoint(x, y, w, h) { var c = NewObject(); c.x = x; c.y = y; c.width = w; c.height = h; c.Update = CheckpointUpdate; c.used = false; } function CheckpointUpdate() { for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; if((obj.alive) && (Collision(obj, this)) && (obj.Update == CosmonautUpdate) && (!this.used)) { SaveCheckpoint(); this.used = true; } } } function InitDarkness(x0, y0, x1, y1) { var d = NewObject(); d.drawX = x0; d.drawY = y0; d.width = Math.abs(x0 - x1); d.height = Math.abs(y0 - y1); d.x = (x0 + x1) * 0.5; d.y = (y0 + y1) * 0.5; d.Draw = FogDraw; d.surfaceTexture = data["darknessTop.png"]; d.belowTexture = data["darkness.png"]; d.bottomTexture = data["darkness.png"]; d.layer = 4; d.isDarkness = true; // EEEVULZ d.drawX = x0; d.drawY = y0; } function InitMaggotType1(x0, y, x1) // Goes back and forth between x0 and x1, runs in light's direction if present { var m = NewObject(); m.x0 = x0; m.y = y; m.x1 = x1; m.width = 26; m.height = 10; m.xSpeed = 0; m.image = data["maggotSpriteGreen.png"]; m.frameWidth = 40; m.speed = 2.5; m.minDistance = 250; m.iAnimSpeed = 7; m.goRight = (Math.random() < 0.5); if(this.goRight) m.x = x0; else m.x = x1; m.isMaggot = true; m.Draw = SpriteDraw; m.Update = MaggotType1Update; m.colliders = []; m.layer = 2; m.offsetY = 12; } function InitMaggotType2(x, y) // Walks in a random direction until hitting a wall, then change direction, runs in light's direction if present { var m = NewObject(); m.x = x; m.y = y; m.width = 26; m.height = 10; m.xSpeed = 0; m.image = data["maggotSpriteGreen.png"]; m.frameWidth = 40; m.speed = 2.5; m.minDistance = 250; m.iAnimSpeed = 7; m.goRight = (Math.random() < 0.5); m.isMaggot = true; m.Draw = SpriteDraw; m.Update = MaggotType2Update; m.colliders = []; m.layer = 2; m.offsetY = 12; } function InitMaggotType3(x, y) // Sits still, runs away from light { var m = NewObject(); m.x = x; m.y = y; m.width = 26; m.height = 10; m.xSpeed = 0; m.image = data["maggotSpritePurple.png"]; m.frameWidth = 40; m.speed = 2.5; m.minDistance = 250; m.iAnimSpeed = 7; m.isMaggot = true; m.Draw = SpriteDraw; m.Update = MaggotType3Update; m.colliders = []; m.layer = 2; m.offsetY = 12; } function MaggotType1Update() { for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; if(obj.lightOn) { var dx = this.x - obj.x; var dy = this.y - obj.y; if(dx * dx + dy * dy < this.minDistance * this.minDistance) { if(dx > 0) this.goRight = false; else this.goRight = true; } } } if((this.goRight) && (this.x > this.x1)) this.goRight = false; if((!this.goRight) && (this.x < this.x0)) this.goRight = true; if(this.goRight) this.xSpeed = +this.speed; else this.xSpeed = -this.speed; DoPlatformerPhysics(this); if(this.xSpeed != 0) this.frame = Math.floor(frame / this.iAnimSpeed) % 3; else this.frame = 0; } function MaggotType2Update() { for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; if(obj.lightOn) { var dx = this.x - obj.x; var dy = this.y - obj.y; if(dx * dx + dy * dy < this.minDistance * this.minDistance) { if(dx > 0) this.goRight = false; else this.goRight = true; } } } if(this.goRight) this.xSpeed = +this.speed; else this.xSpeed = -this.speed; DoPlatformerPhysics(this); if(this.colliders[3]) this.goRight = false; if(this.colliders[2]) this.goRight = true; if(this.xSpeed != 0) this.frame = Math.floor(frame / this.iAnimSpeed) % 3; else this.frame = 0; } function MaggotType3Update() { this.xSpeed = 0; for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; if(obj.lightOn) { var dx = this.x - obj.x; var dy = this.y - obj.y; if(dx * dx + dy * dy < this.minDistance * this.minDistance) { if(dx > 0) this.xSpeed = +this.speed; else this.xSpeed = -this.speed; } } } DoPlatformerPhysics(this); if(this.xSpeed != 0) this.frame = Math.floor(frame / this.iAnimSpeed) % 3; else this.frame = 0; } function InitLandingSpot(x0, y0, x1, y1) { var l = NewObject(); l.x = x0; l.y = y0; l.maxModuleDistance = Math.sqrt((x0 - x1) * (x0 - x1) + (y0 - y1) * (y0 - y1)); }