function InitModule(x, y) { var m = NewObject(); m.x = x; m.y = y; m.ySpeed = 0; m.xSpeed = 0; m.width = 120; m.height = 170; m.image = data["module.png"]; m.Draw = ModuleDraw; m.Update = ModuleUpdate; m.colliders = []; m.offsetY = 8; m.layer = 1; m.yThrust = 0.2; m.xThrust = 0.1; m.landed = false; m.dialogs = 0; m.maxDeceleration = 2; m.landingSpot = false; m.explosionSound = data["explosion.wav"]; m.thrusterSound = data["thruster.ogg"]; m.thrusterSound.loop = true; m.particles = []; m.particlePeriod = 5; m.iParticleAnimSpeed = 10; m.currentParticle = 0; m.numberOfParticles = Math.ceil((5 * m.iParticleAnimSpeed * 2) / m.particlePeriod); m.particleX = 25; m.particleY = m.height * 0.5; m.particleSpeed = 5; for(var i = 0; i < m.numberOfParticles; i++) m.particles[i] = {x: 0, y: 0, frame: 4, image: data["fireSprite.png"], xSpeed: 0, ySpeed: 0, frameWidth: 70}; } function ModuleDraw() { for(var i = 0; i < this.numberOfParticles; i++) { var p = this.particles[i]; DrawSprite(p); } DrawImage(this); } function ModuleUpdate() { if(!this.landingSpot) { for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; if(obj.maxModuleDistance) { this.landingSpot = obj; break; } } } else { var lsdx = this.landingSpot.x - this.x; // LSD coordinates??? LOOLOLOLOLOLOLO var lsdy = this.landingSpot.y - this.y; if(lsdx * lsdx + lsdy * lsdy > this.landingSpot.maxModuleDistance * this.landingSpot.maxModuleDistance) { deathMessage = "You have ventured too far from the landing spot and you ran out of fuel."; ChangeGameState(4); } } for(var i = 0; i < this.numberOfParticles; i++) { var p = this.particles[i]; p.x += p.xSpeed; p.y += p.ySpeed; if((frame % this.iParticleAnimSpeed == 0) && (p.frame < 4)) p.frame++; } if((!this.landed) && (this.dialogs == 0)) { if(keys["keyLeft"].state != 0) this.xSpeed -= this.xThrust; if(keys["keyRight"].state != 0) this.xSpeed += this.xThrust; if(keys["keyUp"].state != 0) { this.ySpeed -= this.yThrust; if(frame % this.particlePeriod == 0) { var p; p = this.particles[this.currentParticle]; p.x = this.x + this.particleX; p.y = this.y + this.particleY; p.ySpeed = this.ySpeed + this.particleSpeed; p.xSpeed = this.xSpeed; p.frame = 0; this.currentParticle++; if(this.currentParticle == this.numberOfParticles) this.currentParticle = 0; p = this.particles[this.currentParticle]; p.x = this.x - this.particleX; p.y = this.y + this.particleY; p.ySpeed = this.ySpeed + this.particleSpeed; p.xSpeed = this.xSpeed; p.frame = 0; this.currentParticle++; if(this.currentParticle == this.numberOfParticles) this.currentParticle = 0; } if(keys["keyUp"].state == 1); } } if(keys["keyUp"].state == 0) this.thrusterSound.pause(); var oldYSpeed = this.ySpeed, oldXSpeed = this.xSpeed; DoPlatformerPhysics(this); if((Math.abs(oldYSpeed - this.ySpeed) > this.maxDeceleration) || (Math.abs(oldXSpeed - this.xSpeed) > this.maxDeceleration)) { var excess = (Math.max(Math.abs(oldYSpeed - this.ySpeed), (Math.abs(oldXSpeed - this.xSpeed) > this.maxDeceleration)) - this.maxDeceleration) / this.maxDeceleration; excess *= 10000; excess = Math.ceil(excess); excess /= 100; deathMessage = "You exceeded the max deceleration by " + excess + "% damaging your landing vehicle."; this.thrusterSound.pause();; this.alive = false; InitBrokenModule(this.x, this.y); } else if((this.colliders[1]) && (!this.landed) && (this.alive) && (this.ySpeed < this.maxDeceleration)) { if((this.dialogs == 0) && (!IsDialogActive())) { this.thrusterSound.pause(); InitDialog("Computer readings indicate the source of the magnetic field", "lies below."); this.dialogs++; } if((this.dialogs == 1) && (!IsDialogActive())) { InitDialog("If I find where it comes from, I might be able to disable it,", "in which case the communications will be restored."); this.dialogs++; } if((this.dialogs == 2) && (!IsDialogActive())) { this.landed = true; InitCosmonaut(this.x, this.y); } } if(!this.landed) CameraFocusOn(this); } function InitBrokenModule(x, y) { var b = NewObject(); b.x = x; b.y = y; b.width = 120; b.height = 170; b.colliders = []; b.xSpeed = 0; b.ySpeed = 0; b.offsetY = 8; b.image = data["brokenModule.png"]; b.Update = DeadBodyUpdate; b.Draw = ImageDraw; b.deathFrame = frame + 60; }