function InitFlyingSaucer(x, y) { var f = NewObject(); f.x = x; f.y = y; f._y = y; f.image = data["flyingSaucer.png"]; f.frequency = 0.5; f.amplitude = 5; f.Draw = ImageDraw; f.Update = FlyingSaucerUpdate; = {}; = f.x; = f.y + 675 * 0.25; = 450 / 2.5; = 675 * 0.5; f.abductionDelay = 300; f.abductionCounter = -1; } function FlyingSaucerUpdate() { this.y = this._y + this.amplitude * Math.sin(frame * (this.frequency / (2 * Math.PI))); if(this.abductionCounter < 0) { var vikingsBelow = 0; if((ExistentAndAlive(vikings[0])) && (Collision(, vikings[0]))) vikingsBelow++; if((ExistentAndAlive(vikings[1])) && (Collision(, vikings[1]))) vikingsBelow++; if((ExistentAndAlive(vikings[2])) && (Collision(, vikings[2]))) vikingsBelow++; if(vikingsBelow == levelVikings) { if(ExistentAndAlive(vikings[0])) { vikings[0].abduction = true; vikings[0].abductionX = this.x; vikings[0].abductionY = this.y; } if(ExistentAndAlive(vikings[1])) { vikings[1].abduction = true; vikings[1].abductionX = this.x; vikings[1].abductionY = this.y; } if(ExistentAndAlive(vikings[2])) { vikings[2].abduction = true; vikings[2].abductionX = this.x; vikings[2].abductionY = this.y; } this.abductionCounter = this.abductionDelay; } } else { this.abductionCounter--; if(this.abductionCounter == 0) { level++; ChangeGameState(2); } } } function InitSpikes(x, y, w) { var p = NewObject(); p.x = x; p.y = y; p.width = w; p.height = 65; p.Draw = TiledDraw; p.image = data["spikes.png"]; p.Update = SpikesUpdate; p.friction = 0.5; p.IsSolidTo = SpikesIsSolidTo; } function SpikesUpdate() { for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; if(!obj.alive) continue; if(obj == this) continue; if(Collision(this, obj)) { if(obj.Hit) { obj.Hit(999); // Note that spikes do not distinguish between ally and foe } } } } function SpikesIsSolidTo(obj) { if((obj.Hit) && (obj.Hit == VikingHit)) return false; return true; } function InitNuker() { var n = NewObject(); n.x = -999; n.y = -999; n.width = n.height = 1; n.Update = NukerUpdate; } function NukerUpdate() { if(keys["keySuicide"].state != 0) { for(var i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) { if(!objects[i].alive) continue; if(objects[i].Hit) objects[i].Hit(999); } } }