function Extend(b, a){ a.prototype = Object.create(b.prototype); a.prototype.constructor = a; a.parent = b; } function Entity(obj){ this.x = obj ? obj.x : 0; this.y = obj ? obj.y : 0; this.xSpeed = this.ySpeed = 0; this.width = (obj && obj.width) ? obj.width : 0; this.height = (obj && obj.height) ? obj.height : 0; = (obj && obj.hasOwnProperty("id")) ? : 0; } function Character(obj){, obj); this.head = 1; this.width = 21; this.height = 24; this.frame = 0; this.walkFrames = this.stillFrames = 0; } Extend(Entity, Character); Character.prototype.physics = { // Megaman II physics gravity: 0x40 / 0x100, jumpSpeed: -(0x04 + 0xDF / 0x100), maxFallingSpeed: 0x07, minDropSpeed: -(0x2 + 0x1F / 0x100), // If jump is not pressed and ySpeed <= this value, dropToSpeed: -(0x1), // set ySpeed to this climbSpeed: 0xC0 / 0x100, // For ladders airSpeed: 0x1 + 0x50 / 0x100, // I consider this value too low. walkSpeed: 0x1 + 0x60 / 0x100, accelSpeed: 0x20 / 0x100, accelFrames: 7, decelSpeed: 0x80 / 0x100, decelFrames: 8 }; Character.prototype.CheckFeet = function(){ for(var x = this.x; x < this.x + this.width; x++){ var tp = bg.TileProperties(bg.GetTile(Math.floor(x / 8), Math.floor(this.y / 8))); if(tp.standon || tp.solid) return true; } return false; } /* NOTE: I haven't implemented collision for up, left or right, since no such exists in the prototype map yet x,y is considered to be at bottom left corner, because obj={x,y,xSpeed,ySpeed,head,width,walkFrames,stillFrames as numbers} physics=as mm2Physics object above input={jump,jumpDown,left,right,up,down as booleans} jumpDown is true when jump was just pressed */ Character.prototype.Move = function(input){ var onGround = false; if(this.ySpeed < 0){ this.y += this.ySpeed; } if((this.y / 8) % 1 < 0.125){ if(this.CheckFeet()){ this.ySpeed = 0.0; onGround = true; } } if(this.ySpeed > 0){ for(var yspd = this.ySpeed; yspd > 0;){ var dy; if((this.y / 8) % 1 >= 0.125) dy = Math.min(8 - (this.y % 8), yspd); else{ if(this.CheckFeet()){ this.ySpeed = 0.0; if(input.left || input.right) this.walkFrames = this.physics.accelFrames; else{ this.stillFrames = this.decelFrames; this.walkFrames = 0; } break; } dy = Math.min(8, yspd); } yspd -= dy; this.y += dy; } } if(onGround){ if(input.jumpDown){ this.ySpeed = this.physics.jumpSpeed; } if(input.left){ if(this.head > 0){ this.head = -1; this.walkFrames = 0; } if(this.walkFrames < 0) this.walkFrames = 0; if(this.walkFrames < this.physics.accelFrames){ this.xSpeed = -this.physics.accelSpeed; this.frame = 1; } else{ this.frame = 2 + [0,1,2,1][(Math.floor(this.walkFrames / 8) % 4)]; this.xSpeed = -this.physics.walkSpeed; } this.walkFrames++; } else if(input.right){ if(this.head < 0){ this.head = 1; this.walkFrames = 0; } if(this.walkFrames < 0) this.walkFrames = 0; if(this.walkFrames < this.physics.accelFrames){ this.xSpeed = this.physics.accelSpeed; this.frame = 1; } else{ this.frame = 2 + [0,1,2,1][(Math.floor(this.walkFrames / 8) % 4)]; this.xSpeed = this.physics.walkSpeed; } this.walkFrames++; } else{ if(this.walkFrames >= 0){ if(this.walkFrames < this.physics.accelFrames) this.stillFrames = this.decelFrames; else this.stillFrames = 0; this.walkFrames = -1; } if(this.stillFrames < this.physics.decelFrames) this.xSpeed = (this.head > 0) ? this.physics.decelSpeed : (-this.physics.decelSpeed); else this.xSpeed = 0; this.stillFrames++; this.frame = 0; } } else{ if((!input.jump) && (this.ySpeed <= this.physics.minDropSpeed)) this.ySpeed = this.physics.dropToSpeed; if(input.left){ this.xSpeed = -this.physics.airSpeed; this.head = -1; } else if(input.right){ this.xSpeed = this.physics.airSpeed; this.head = 1; } else this.xSpeed = 0; this.frame = 9; } this.x += this.xSpeed; this.ySpeed += this.physics.gravity; if(this.ySpeed > this.physics.maxFallingSpeed) this.ySpeed = this.physics.maxFallingSpeed; } Character.prototype.GetHitBox = function(){ return { x: this.x + 7, y: this.y - 4, width: 8, height: 16 }; } LoadImage("player.png"); function Player(obj){, obj); this.gunTemp = 0; = 100; this.hurtCountdown = 0; if(!(data["player.png"] instanceof Array)) data["player.png"] = Img2Imgs(data["player.png"], 39, 32); } Extend(Character, Player); Player.hurtSound = CreateSfxr('{"volume":{"master":0.5,"sound":0.5},"envelope":{"attack":0,"sustain":0.0941090683790326,"punch":0,"decay":0.26974761764078947},"frequency":{"start":0.3571215180214686,"min":0,"slide":-0.3154066938350195,"dslide":0},"vibrato":{"depth":0,"speed":0,"delay":0},"change":{"amount":0,"speed":0},"duty":{"ratio":0.3485278319105903,"sweep":0,"value":0.41111117186637386},"phaser":{"offset":0,"sweep":0},"lowpass":{"cutoff":1,"sweep":0,"resonance":0},"highpass":{"cutoff":0.09207287176747393,"sweep":0},"supersamples":8,"repeatspeed":0,"wavetype":0}'); Player.shootSound = CreateSfxr('{"volume":{"master":0.5,"sound":0.5},"envelope":{"attack":0,"sustain":0.09245108139170495,"punch":0,"decay":0.19106619530800334},"frequency":{"start":0.6658081539938399,"min":0,"slide":-0.4892230735622518,"dslide":0},"vibrato":{"depth":0,"speed":0,"delay":0},"change":{"amount":0,"speed":0},"duty":{"ratio":0,"sweep":0,"value":0.48032840412741207},"phaser":{"offset":0,"sweep":0},"lowpass":{"cutoff":1,"sweep":0,"resonance":0},"highpass":{"cutoff":0.2434192413763701,"sweep":0},"supersamples":8,"repeatspeed":0,"wavetype":3}'); entityConstructors["Player"] = Player; Player.prototype.Update = function(){ var input = { left: keyPressed[keyCodes.VK_LEFT], right: keyPressed[keyCodes.VK_RIGHT], up: keyPressed[keyCodes.VK_UP], down: keyPressed[keyCodes.VK_DOWN], jumpDown: keyDowns[keyCodes.VK_X], jump: keyPressed[keyCodes.VK_X] }; if(this.hurtCountdown > 0){ this.hurtCountdown--; } this.Move(input); scrollX = Math.max(0, this.x - 96); if(keyDowns[keyCodes.VK_C] && (this.gunTemp <= 0)/* && (this.hurtCountdown <= 0)*/){ var b = new Bullet(); b.x = this.x + [-15, 0, 25][this.head + 1]; b.y = this.y - 19; b.xSpeed = 5 * this.head; b.ySpeed = 0; entities.push(b); this.gunTemp = 15;, audioCtx, gainNodes[5]); } var sax = 0; if(this.gunTemp > 0){ this.gunTemp--; var fa = [1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]; this.frame = fa[fa.indexOf(this.frame + 1) + 1] - 1; if(this.frame == 5) sax = 4; } if((this.hurtCountdown <= 0) || (Math.floor(this.hurtCountdown / 3) % 2)){ sprites.push({ x: this.x - 9 + sax * this.head, y: this.y - 26, image: data["player.png"][this.frame], flipH: this.head < 0 }); } if(xp > level * 75){ xp = xp % (level * 75); level++; } } Player.prototype.Hit = function(b){ if(this.hurtCountdown > 0) return; -= b.damage;, audioCtx, gainNodes[5]); this.hurtCountdown = 40; } LoadImage("bullet.png"); function Bullet(obj){, obj); this.width = 6; this.height = 4; this.damage = 10; } Extend(Entity, Bullet); Bullet.prototype.Update = function(){ this.x += this.xSpeed; this.y += this.ySpeed; if(this.x + this.width < scrollX) this.dead = true; if(this.x > scrollX + 256) this.dead = true; if(this.y - this.height > 224) this.dead = true; if(this.y < 0) this.dead = true; sprites.push({ x: this.x, y: this.y, image: data["bullet.png"], flipH: this.xSpeed < 0 }); var self = this; var ea = entities.filter(e => e.GetHitBox).filter(this.filter ? this.filter : (e => true)).filter(e => BBCollision(e.GetHitBox(), self)); if(ea.length > 0) this.dead = true; ea.forEach((e=>e.Hit(this))) } LoadImage("enemy2.png"); function UziEnemy(obj){, obj); this.startX = this.x; this.gunTemp = 0; this.shooting = false; this.shotsFired = 0; this.pause = 0; if(!(data["enemy2.png"] instanceof Array)) data["enemy2.png"] = Img2Imgs(data["enemy2.png"], 39, 32); } entityConstructors["UziEnemy"] = UziEnemy; Extend(Character, UziEnemy); UziEnemy.prototype.Update = function(){ if(this.deathCountdown){ this.frame = 13; sprites.push({ x: this.x - 9, y: this.y - 32, image: data["enemy2.png"][this.frame], flipH: this.head < 0 }); this.deathCountdown--; if(this.deathCountdown == 0){ this.dead = true; } return; } var input = { left: false, right: false, up: false, down: false, jumpDown: false, jump: false }; var self = this; var nearestPlayer = entities.filter((e => e instanceof Player)).sort((e => Math.abs(self.x - e.x)))[0]; if(nearestPlayer.x > this.x) this.head = 1; else this.head = -1; if(this.shooting == false){ if((this.x - this.startX) * this.head > 0){ this.pause--; if(this.pause <= 0){ this.shooting = true; this.gunTemp = 0; this.shotsFired = 0; } } else input[["left", "", "right"][this.head + 1]] = true; } else{ if(this.gunTemp > 0) this.gunTemp--; else{ if(this.shotsFired >= 3){ this.shooting = false; this.pause = 10; } else{ this.shotsFired++; this.x += this.head * (-1) * 7.5; this.gunTemp = 12; var b = new Bullet(); b.x = this.x + [-15, 0, 25][this.head + 1]; b.y = this.y - 19; b.xSpeed = 5 * this.head; b.ySpeed = 0; entities.push(b); } } } this.Move(input); var sax = 0; if(this.gunTemp > 0){ this.gunTemp--; var fa = [1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]; this.frame = fa[fa.indexOf(this.frame + 1) + 1] - 1; if(this.frame == 5) sax = 4; } sprites.push({ x: this.x - 9 + sax * this.head, y: this.y - 32, image: data["enemy2.png"][this.frame], flipH: this.head < 0 }); } UziEnemy.prototype.Hit = function(){ if(!this.deathCountdown){ this.deathCountdown = 30; xp += 100; } } LoadImage("bird.png"); function Hawk(){ } LoadImage("enemy4.png"); function HawkerEnemy(){ } entityConstructors["HawkerEnemy"] = HawkerEnemy; LoadImage("enemy3.png"); function BomberEnemy(obj){, obj); this.triggered = false; this.damage = 50; this.counter = 0; if(!(data["enemy3.png"] instanceof Array)) data["enemy3.png"] = Img2Imgs(data["enemy3.png"], 35, 38); } entityConstructors["BomberEnemy"] = BomberEnemy; BomberEnemy.explosionSound = CreateSfxr('{"volume":{"master":0.5,"sound":0.5},"envelope":{"attack":0,"sustain":0.35308309589509046,"punch":0.4437482897491746,"decay":0.28466391750083575},"frequency":{"start":0.13878830759539296,"min":0,"slide":0,"dslide":0},"vibrato":{"depth":0.6913376718839922,"speed":0.2795265902041917,"delay":0},"change":{"amount":0,"speed":0},"duty":{"ratio":0,"sweep":0},"phaser":{"offset":-0.04284320572161654,"sweep":-0.15743174862438433},"lowpass":{"cutoff":1,"sweep":0,"resonance":0},"highpass":{"cutoff":0,"sweep":0},"supersamples":8,"repeatspeed":0,"wavetype":3}'); Extend(Character, BomberEnemy); BomberEnemy.prototype.Update = function(){ this.counter++; if(this.hasOwnProperty("exploding")){ if(this.exploding == 0){ if(BomberEnemy.explosionSound){, audioCtx, gainNodes[7]); } } this.frame = 14 + Math.floor(this.exploding / 5); if(this.frame > 21){ this.dead = true; return; } sprites.push({ x: this.x - 9, y: this.y - 32, image: data["enemy3.png"][this.frame], flipH: this.head < 0 }); if(this.frame <= 18){ var self = this; var ea = entities.filter(e => (e.GetHitBox) && (e != self)).filter(e => BBCollision(e.GetHitBox(), self)).forEach((e=>e.Hit(this))); } this.exploding++; return; } var input = { left: false, right: false, up: false, down: false, jumpDown: false, jump: false }; var self = this; var nearestPlayer = entities.filter((e => e instanceof Player)).sort((e => Math.abs(self.x - e.x)))[0]; if(this.counter % 10 == 0){ if(nearestPlayer.x > this.x) this.head = 1; else this.head = -1; } if(this.triggered){ input[["left", "", "right"][this.head + 1]] = true; var obj = this; var x = obj.x + [0, 0, this.width - 1][this.head + 1]; var tp = bg.TileProperties(bg.GetTile(Math.floor(x / 8), Math.floor(obj.y / 8))); input.jumpDown = input.jump = !(tp.standon || tp.solid); var self = this; var ea = entities.filter(e => (e.GetHitBox) && (e != self)).filter(e => BBCollision(e.GetHitBox(), self)).filter((e=>e instanceof Player)); if(ea.length > 0) this.exploding = 1; } else{ if(Math.abs(this.x - nearestPlayer.x) < 128 + nearestPlayer.width + this.width) this.triggered = true; } this.Move(input); sprites.push({ x: this.x - 9, y: this.y - 32, image: data["enemy3.png"][this.frame], flipH: this.head < 0 }); } BomberEnemy.prototype.Hit = function(){ if(!this.exploding){ this.exploding = 0; xp += 75; } } LoadImage("boss1.png"); function BossTruck(obj){, obj); = 15; this.blinkCountdown = 0; this.aimDirection = 0; this.gunTemp = 0; this.shotsFired = 0; this.firePause = 0; this.defeated = false; this.direction = 1; this.movePause = 0; this.moveDuration = 30; if(!(data["boss1.png"] instanceof Array)) data["boss1.png"] = Img2Imgs(data["boss1.png"], 105, 42); } Extend(Entity, BossTruck); BossTruck.prototype.Update = function(){ if(this.defeated){ if(currentTheme != victoryTheme){ currentTheme.pause(); currentTheme = victoryTheme;; } sprites.push({ x: this.x - 21, y: this.y - 42, image: data["boss1.png"][2], behind: true }); return; } if(this.blinkCountdown > 0) this.blinkCountdown--; if(this.movePause > 0){ this.movePause--; if(this.movePause == 0){ this.moveDuration = 30; } } if(this.moveDuration > 0){ this.moveDuration--; if(this.moveDuration == 0){ this.direction *= -1; this.movePause = 15; } this.x += this.direction; } if(this.firePause > 0) this.firePause--; else{ if(this.gunTemp > 0) this.gunTemp--; else{ var b = new Bullet(); b.x = this.x + 40; b.y = this.y - 28; var fieldOfFire = 0.5; b.xSpeed = [-5 * Math.cos(fieldOfFire * 0.5), -5, -5 * Math.cos(fieldOfFire * 0.5)][this.aimDirection]; b.ySpeed = [-5 * Math.sin(fieldOfFire * 0.5), 0, 5 * Math.sin(fieldOfFire * 0.5)][this.aimDirection]; var self = this; b.filter = (e => (e != self)); entities.push(b); this.gunTemp = 6; this.shotsFired++; if(this.shotsFired >= 3){ this.shotsFired = 0; this.gunTemp = 0; this.firePause = 20; this.aimDirection = (this.aimDirection + 1) % 3; } } } var nearestPlayer = entities.filter((e => e instanceof Player)).sort((e => Math.abs(self.x - e.x)))[0]; if(Math.abs(this.x - nearestPlayer.x) < 256){ if(currentTheme != bossTheme){ currentTheme.pause(); currentTheme = bossTheme;; } } sprites.push({ x: this.x - 21, y: this.y - 42, image: data["boss1.png"][(this.blinkCountdown > 0) | 0], behind: true }); } entityConstructors["BossTruck"] = BossTruck; BossTruck.prototype.GetHitBox = function(){ return { x: this.x + 15, y: this.y - 6, width: 24, height: 26 }; } BossTruck.prototype.Hit = function(other){ var actualHitBox = { x: this.x + 15, y: this.y - 24, width: 24, height: 10 }; if(BBCollision(other, actualHitBox)){; if( <= 0) this.defeated = true; else{ this.blinkCountdown = 5; } } }