// This flow visits a GitHub page, reads some info from the page and makes a download // Visit the webpage https://github.com/kelaberetiv/TagUI // Save text from the element using XPath into variable license_type, // then show the variable value on the console using echo step // Learn XPath: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.asp // XPath Cheatsheet: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kensoh_xpath-rpa-tagui-activity-6829673864633704448-Iw-D read (//*[@class="Link--muted"])[3] to license_type echo `license_type` // Look for a web element with provided XPath, CSS or attributes // Then click to download the file to the folder of current flow click //get-repo click //*[contains(@href, "master.zip")] // Wait 15 seconds to give the download time to complete on slow networks wait 15