classdef Hn < manifold & handle % The n-dimensional hyperbolic manifold H(n) embedded in R^{n+1} % % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0, R. Bergmann ~2015-10-20 properties type = 'Hn'; tau = 1; steps = 50; ItemSize; Dimension; allDims; end methods function obj = Hn(n) % Create a Manifold for thh n-dimensional hyperbolic manifold obj.type = ['hyperbolic manifold of dimension ',num2str(n)]; obj.ItemSize = n+1; obj.Dimension = n; obj.allDims = repelem({':'},length(obj.ItemSize)); end function y = exp(this,x,xi,t) % exp(x,xi) exponential map at the point(s) x towards xi in T_xHn % % INPUT % x : a point or set of points on the manifold Hn % xi : a point or set of point in the tangential spaces TxHn % % OPTIONAL % t : shorten vectors xi by factor t % (given as one value or an array of same length as number of xis) % % OUTPUT % y : resulting point(s) on Hn % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1. % R. Bergmann ~ 2015-01-20 | 2015-10-20 if nargin<4 % define t t=1; end if this.useMex y = HnExp(x,xi,t); else y = this.localExp(x,xi,t); end end function xi = log(this,x,y) % xi = log(x,y) logarithmic map the point(s) x from y % % INPUT % x : a point or set of points on the manifold Hn % y : a point or set of points on the manifold Hn % % OUTPUT % xi : resulting point(s) of x(i) to y(i) elementwise % % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.1 % R. Bergmann ~ 2015-10-20 % computes v = (y+x*)/sqrt(^-1)*d(x,y) if this.useMex xi = HnLog(x,y); else xi = this.localLog(x,y); end end function x = mean(this,varargin) % mean(f) calculates the mean of the input data with a gradient % descent algorithm. This implementation is based on % % B. Afsari, Riemannian Lp center of mass: Existence, % uniqueness, and convexity, % Proc. AMS 139(2), pp.655-673, 2011. % % INPUT % f : m x n Data points ([this.Itemsize,m,n]) to compute % m means of n points each, pp. % OUTPUT % x : m data points of the means calculated % % OPTIONAL % 'Weights' : (1/n*ones([m,n]) 1xn or mxn weights for the mean % the first case uses the same weights for all means % 'InitVal' : m Initial Data points for the gradient descent % 'MaxIterations': Maximal Number of Iterations % 'Epsilon' : Maximal change before stopping % % % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.1, J. Persch 2015-11-05 ip = inputParser; addRequired(ip,'f'); addParameter(ip,'Weights',NaN); addParameter(ip,'InitVal',NaN); addParameter(ip,'MaxIterations',50); addParameter(ip,'Epsilon',10^-6); parse(ip, varargin{:}); vars = ip.Results; f = vars.f; dims = size(f); if length(dims) ~= length(this.ItemSize)+2 if all(dims(1:length(this.ItemSize)) == this.ItemSize) && length(dims) 0 epsilon = vars.Epsilon; else warning('Epsilon should be larger than zero, set Epsilon to 10^-6') epsilon = 10^-6; end if vars.MaxIterations > 0 iter = vars.MaxIterations; else warning('Iterations should be larger than zero, set Iterations to 100') iter = 100; end if ~this.useMex x=this.mean@manifold(f,'Weights',w,'Epsilon',epsilon,'MaxIterations',iter); else x = HnMean(f,w,epsilon,iter); end end function d = dist(this,x,y) % d = dist(x,y) distance between points x and y on Hn % % INPUT % x,y : two points or sets of points on Hn % % OUTPUT % d : resulting distances of each pair of points of p,q. % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.1 % R. Bergmann ~ 2014-10-19 | 2015-04-11 if this.useMex d = HnDist(x,y); else d = this.localDist(x,y); end end function ds = dot(this,x,xi,nu) % ds = dot(x,xi,nu) inner product of two tangent vectors in TxHn % % INPUT % x : base point (optional because all TXM are equal) % xi : a first tangent vector( set) % nu : a secod tangent vector( set) % % OUTPUT % ds : the corresponding value(s) of the inner product of (each triple) V,W at X % % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.1 % R. Bergmann ~ 2015-10-20 if nargin < 4 nu = xi; xi = x; end if this.useMex ds = HnDot(xi,nu); else ds = this.localDot(x,xi,nu); end end function eta = parallelTransport(this,x,y,xi) % eta = parallelTransport(x,y,xi) parallel transport xi along g(.,x,y) % % INPUT % x : a point( set) on P(m) % y : a point( set) on P(m) % xi : a tangential vector( set, one) at (each) X % % OUTPUT % eta : tangential vector( set, one) at (each) Y % % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1. % R. Bergmann ~ 2018-03-05 | 2018-03-05 % Note that this is very similar -- again sXi = size(xi); dir = this.log(x,y); norms = sqrt(,dir,dir)); dir = dir./shiftdim(norms,-1); normMask = repmat(norms==0,[this.ItemSize,ones(1,length(sXi(2:end)))]); scp =,dir,xi); % substract V-part (scp*dir) and add the negative direction eta = xi - shiftdim(scp,-1).*(dir+this.log(y,x)./shiftdim(norms,-1)); eta(normMask) = xi(normMask); %those that need not to be transported end function [Xi,k] = TpMONB(this,x,y) % Xi = TpMONB(x,y) % Compute an ONB in TpM, where the first vector points to y, % whin given. % % INPUT % x : base point( sets) % OPTIONAL: % y : directional indicator( sets) for the first vector(s). % % OUTPUT % Xi : basiscolumn matrice(s) % --- % MVIRT 1.0, R. Bergmann ~ 2014-10-19 | 2014-10-23 if isrow(x) x_=x'; else x_=x; end y_given = 0; id = eye(this.ItemSize); Xi = permute(repmat(id(:,1:end-1),1,1,size(x_,2)),[1,3,2]); if nargin == 3 y_given =1; if isrow(y) y_=y'; else y_=y; end Xi(:,:,1) = this.log(x_,y_); normsv = sqrt(sum(Xi(:,:,1).^2,1)); Xi(:,normsv>eps,1) = Xi(:,normsv>eps,1)./repmat(normsv(normsv>eps),[this.ItemSize,1,1]); end for col=1:size(Xi,2) for i = 1+y_given:this.Dimension Xi(:,:,i) = Xi(:,:,i) - x.*repmat(permute(,:,i),x,Xi(:,:,i))./,x,x),[2,1]),this.ItemSize,1,1); for j = 1:i-1 Xi(:,:,i) = Xi(:,:,i) - Xi(:,:,j).*repmat(permute(,:,i),Xi(:,:,j),Xi(:,:,i)),[2,1]),this.ItemSize,1,1); end Xi(:,:,i) = Xi(:,:,i)./sqrt(repmat(permute(,:,i),Xi(:,:,i),Xi(:,:,i)),[2,1]),this.ItemSize,1,1)); end end if nargout > 1 k = -ones(size(p_,2),this.ItemSize-1); k(:,1)=0; k = reshape(k,[pS(2:end),this.ItemSize-1]); end end function y = addNoise(this,x,sigma) % y = addNoise(x,sigma) add noise sizes = size(x); x = reshape(x,this.ItemSize,[]); ONB = this.TpMONB(x); y = this.exp(x,sum(repmat(sigma*randn(1,size(x,2),this.Dimension),this.ItemSize,1,1).*ONB,3)); y = reshape(y,sizes); end end methods (Access = private) function Y = localExp(this,X,V,t) dims = size(X); X_ = reshape(X,this.ItemSize,[]); V_ = reshape(V,this.ItemSize,[]); normv = sqrt(max(,V_),0)).'; Y = X_; % compute Y = cosh(t*norm(v))x + sinh(t*norm(v))*v/norm(v)) % for all terms, where the norm is large enugh, otherwise, stay % at x. if any(normv>eps) Y(:,normv>eps) = X_(:,normv>eps).*repmat(cosh(t*normv(normv>eps)),[this.ItemSize,1])... + V_(:,normv>eps).*repmat(sinh(t*normv(normv>eps))./normv(normv>eps),[this.ItemSize,1]); end % be sure to reshape again onto Hn for security reasons Y = Y./(sqrt(-repmat(permute(,Y),[3,1,2]),this.ItemSize,1))); Y = reshape(Y,dims); end function V = localLog(this,X,Y) dims = size(X); X_ = reshape(X,this.ItemSize,[]); Y_ = reshape(Y,this.ItemSize,[]); scp =,Y_).'; w = Y_ + X_.*repmat(scp,[this.ItemSize,1]); normw = sqrt(max(,Y_).^2-1,0)).'; V = zeros(size(X_)); scp = acosh(max(1,-scp)); % = d(x,y) % only apply to nonzero distances cols = permute((normw>eps),[2:length(size(Y)),1]); if any(cols) V(:, cols ) = w(:, cols )./repmat(... normw(1,cols)... ,[this.ItemSize,ones(1,length(size(Y))-1)]).*... repmat(... scp(1,cols)... ,[this.ItemSize,ones(1,length(size(Y))-1)]); end V = reshape(V,dims); end function d = localDist(this,X,Y) dims = size(X); X = reshape(X,this.ItemSize,[]); Y = reshape(Y,this.ItemSize,[]); d = zeros(prod(dims(2:end)),1); cols = ~(max(abs(X-Y))