classdef Rn < manifold & handle % The manifold of the usual n-dimensional euclidean space. % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0, R. Bergmann ~2014-10-22 properties type='Rn'; ItemSize; Dimension; allDims; end methods function obj = Rn(n) obj.type = ['R',num2str(n)]; obj.ItemSize = n; obj.Dimension = n; obj.allDims = repelem({':'},length(obj.ItemSize)); end function q = exp(this,x,xi,t) % exp(p,v) - Exponential map at the point p with respect to v in % TpM. % % INPUT % x : a point or set (columns) of points on the manifold Rn % xi : a point or set (columns) of point in the tangential spaces TxM % % OUTPUT % y : resulting point(s) on Rn % --- % % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0, R. Bergmann ~ 2014-10-26 % J. Persch ~ 2016-10-26 if nargin < 4 t=1; end if isscalar(t) q = x+t*xi; else if isvector(t) s=[this.ItemSize,length(t)]; else s = [this.ItemSize,size(t)]; end assert(all(s == size(xi)),'t should be scalar or match dimension of v'); q = x+repmat(permute(t,[length(size(t))+1,1:length(size(t))]),[this.ItemSize,ones(size(size(t)))]).*xi; end end function xi = log(~,x,y) % log(q,p) - Inverse Exponential Map at x of y. % % INPUT % x : point or set of (column) points indicating the % tangential base points (in Rn) % x : point(s) on Rn being put into the % tangential plane at their corresponding p % % OUTPUT % xi : points on the tangential plane at point(s) p % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0, R. Bergmann ~ 2014-10-22 assert(all(size(x)==size(y)),'p and q have to be of same size'); xi = y-x; end function d = dist(this,x,y,norm) % dist(x,y) computes the length of vector x-y % % INPUT % x,y : 2 point sets (columns) on the SnRm data % % OPTIONAL % norm : (2) norm to use (0 to disable, i.e. stay elementwise) % % OUTPUT % d : lengths of the shorter arcs between on S components and abs on R, then the norm % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0, R. Bergmann ~ created 2013-10-25 ~ last edited 2014-10-22 assert(all(size(x)==size(y)), ... 'Distances can only be computed for equal length vectors p and q'); assert((size(x,1)==this.ItemSize) && (size(y,1)==this.ItemSize), ... 'The manifold dimension of either p or q is wrong'); d = abs(x-y); if (nargin < 4) norm = 2; end if norm~=0 d = shiftdim(sum( d.^norm, 1).^(1/norm),1); %eliminate leading zeros end end function eta = parallelTransport(~,~,~,xi) % W = parallelTransport(x,y,xi) parallel transport a tangential % vector xi at x along a geodesic from x to y % % INPUT % x : a point( set) on P(m) % y : a point( set) on P(m) % xi : a tangential vector( set, one) at (each) X % % % OUTPUT % eta : tangential vector( set, one) at (each) Y % % --- % ManImRes 1.0, R. Bergmann ~ 2015-01-29 | 2015-04-10 % Changelog % 2015-04-10 Introduced Mex-Files if nargin > 4 error('Too many input arguments for parallelTransport'); elseif nargin< 4 error('Not enough input arguments for parallelTransport'); end eta = xi; end function [V,k] = TpMONB(this,p,~) dimen = size(p); V = permute(repmat(eye(this.ItemSize),[1,1,dimen(2:end)]),[1,3:length(dimen)+1,2]); if nargout > 1 k = zeros([dimen(2:end),this.Dimension]); end end function ds = dot(~,P,V,W) %,V,W) % Compute the inner product of two tangent vectors in T_P M % % INPUT % X : a point(Set) in P(n) % V : a first tangent vector( set) to (each) X % W : a secod tangent vector( set) to (each) X % % OUTPUT % ds : the corresponding value(s) of the inner product of (each triple) V,W at X % % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0, J. Persch 2016-10-23 % dimen = size(P); if all(size(V) == dimen & size(W) == dimen) ds = permute(sum(V.*W,1),[2:length(dimen),1]); else error('Dimensions of Input must coincide') end end function fn = addNoise(~,f,sigma) fn = f + sigma*randn(size(f)); end end end