classdef (Abstract) manifold < handle & matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous % An abstract class representing a Manifold. % This class provides all generell functions available on manifolds and % implements those, that are only based on these function interfaces % % Instances of manifolds have to provide these functions. % % PROPERTIES % type : a string indicating the type of manifold % % FUNCTIONS % _Abstract, Static % exp(p,v) : exponential map at p w.r.t v. % log(p,q) : inverse exponential map of q at p % dist(p,q) : distance of p and q on the manifold % dot(p,v,w) : inner product of v,w in TpM % _Static % addNoise(X,sigma) : add Noise on the manifold to the signal/data % X with standard deviation sigma % _normal functions % mean(x) : Karcher mean of the values x % meadian(x) : median of the values of x % midPoint(x,y) : Compute the mid point between x and y. % filter(image,filter) : Filters the image using the Karcher mean % geopoint(x,y,t) : Compute the geodesic between x and y and % evaluate it at t % geodesic(x,y) : functional of the geodesic, % 'pts' for a number of equidistant points % 't' for a vector of sampling points % schildsladder(x,y,xi): Transports the vector xi from x to y with % Schild's ladder % poleladder(x,y,xi) : Transports the vector xi from x to y with % the pole ladder % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0 % R. Bergmann ~ 2014-10-18 | 2018-02-16 % see LICENSE.txt % Changelog % 2018-02-16 ? unifies notation properties useMex = true; %Whether or not to use mex-files in the manifold-functions end properties (Abstract) type; % (string) A string representing the manifold ItemSize; % (array) dimension of one manifold point Dimension; % (int) dimension of the manifold allDims; % (cell) as many colon operators ({':'}) as the length % ItemSize end methods (Abstract) % exponential map of xi in TxM at x on the manifold q = exp(this,x,xi); % inverse exponential map of y at x on the manifold v = log(this,x,y); % distance between p and q on the manifold d = dist(this,p,q); % inner product of v,w in TpM d = dot(this,p,v,w); % addNoise(X,sigma) add noise w.r.t. the manifold itself and a % standard deviation sigma to a (multidimensional) signal X of % manifold valued pixels. Y = addNoise(this,X,sigma,varargin) end methods function y = mean(this,varargin) % mean(x) calculates the m means of the input data x [.,m,n] % with gradient descent algorithm. The implementation follows % % B. Afsari, Riemannian Lp center of mass: Existence, % uniqueness, and convexity, % Proc. AMS 139(2), pp.655-673, 2011. % % INPUT % x : m x n Data points ([this.Itemsize,m,n]) to compute % m means of n points each, pp. % OUTPUT % y : m data points of the means calculated % % OPTIONAL % 'Weights' : (1/n*ones([m,n]) 1xn or mxn weights for the mean % the first case uses the same weights for all means % 'InitVal' : m Initial Data points for the gradient descent % 'MaxIterations': maximal number of iterations % 'Epsilon' : change of bewteen to iterates to stop % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0, % J. Persch 2015-07-24 | R. Bergmann 2018-02-16 % Changelog % 2018-02-16 Unifies variables, switches to new gradDesc scheme % Changelog % 2018-02-16 RB; adapted to the new functional gradient descent % scheme ? clearer code. ip = inputParser; addRequired(ip,'x'); addParameter(ip,'Weights',NaN); addParameter(ip,'InitVal',NaN); addParameter(ip,'MaxIterations',50); addParameter(ip,'Epsilon',10^(-5)); parse(ip, varargin{:}); vars = ip.Results; stoppingCriterion = stopCritMaxIterEpsilonCreator(this,... vars.MaxIterations,vars.Epsilon); x = vars.x; xS = size(x); mD = length(this.ItemSize); m = size(x,mD+1); n = size(x,mD+2); if xS(1:mD) ~= this.ItemSize error(['input data item size (',num2str(xS(1:mD)),... ') does not fit item size of manifold (',... num2str(this.ItemSize),'.']); end if n==1 % only one point each - direct return y=x; return end % if isnan(vars.Weights) w = 1/n*ones(m,n); elseif isvector(vars.Weights) % repmat to all n means w = vars.Weights(:)'; if length(w) ~=n error('length(w) does not match data points'); end w = repmat(w,m,1); else w = vars.Weights; if any(size(w) ~= [m,n]) error('dim w do not match data points'); end % normalize w = w./repmat(sum(w,2),1,n); end % functional - dist collapses manifold dims, hence we sum over % the second dimension % F = @(yk) sum(w.*this.dist(repmat(yk,[ones(1,mD+1),n),x).^2,2); gradF = @(yk) sum(shiftdim(w,-mD).*gradDistance(M,... repmat(yk,[ones(1,mD+1),n]),x),mD+2); if isnan(vars.InitVal) %no initial value given yI = x(this.allDims{:},:,1); %take all first points else yI = vars.InitVal; if size(yI,mD+2)==1 %only one init point given -> repmat yI = repmat(yI,[ones(1,mD),m]); end yS = size(yI); if any(yS(1:mD)~=this.ItemSize) || size(yI,mD+1) ~= m error(['InitVal has to be of size [',num2str(this.ItemSize),'] or [',... num2str([this.ItemSize,m]),'] but is [',num2str(size(yI)),'].']); end end stepSizeRule = @(x,eta,iter,initial) 1/2; y = gradientDescent(this,yI,gradF,stepSizeRule,stoppingCriterion); end function y = median(this,varargin) % median(x) calculates the m medians of x ([.,m,n]) % of the input data with a gradient descent algorithm. % This implementation is based on % % B. Afsari, Riemannian Lp center of mass: Existence, % uniqueness, and convexity, % Proc. AMS 139(2), pp.655-673, 2011. % and adapted to the median defined in % P. T. Fletcher, S. Venkatasubramanian, and S. Joshi: % The geometric median on Riemannian manifolds with % application to robust atlas estimation. % NeuroImage. 45 S143?S152 % % INPUT % x : m x n Data points ([this.Itemsize,m,n]) to compute % m means of n points each, pp. % OUTPUT % y : m data points of the medians calculated % % OPTIONAL % 'Weights' : (1/n*ones([m,n]) 1xn or mxn weights for the mean % the first case uses the same weights for all means % 'InitVal' : m Initial Data points for the gradient descent % 'MaxIterations': (50) Maximal Number of Iterations % 'Epsilon' : (10^(-5)) Maximal change before stopping % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0 % J. Persch, R. Bergmann 2015-07-24 | 2018-02-17 ip = inputParser; addRequired(ip,'x'); addParameter(ip,'Weights',NaN); addParameter(ip,'InitVal',NaN); addParameter(ip,'MaxIterations',100); addParameter(ip,'Epsilon',10^-5); addParameter(ip,'StepSize',@(x,descentDir,iter,s) 1/iter); parse(ip, varargin{:}); vars = ip.Results; x = vars.x; dims = size(x); mD = length(this.ItemSize); dD = dims((mD+1):end); if length(dD) ~= 2 if size(x,mD+2)==1 %only one median to compute y = x; return end error('f wrong size'); end % shift manDim in first dimension m = dD(1); n = dD(2); if isempty(vars.Weights) w = 1/n*ones(m,n); elseif isvector(vars.Weights) % repmat to all n means w = vars.Weights(:)'; if length(w) ~=n error('length(w) does not match data points'); end w = repmat(w,m,1); else w = vars.Weights; if any(size(w) ~= [m,n]) error('dim w do not match data points'); end %normalize w = w./repmat(sum(w,2),1,n); end if isnan(vars.InitVal) xInit = x(this.allDims{:},:,1); else xInit = vars.InitVal; if size(xInit,mD+1) == 1 || size(xInit,mD+2) == 1 xInit = repmat(xInit,[ones(mD,1),m,1]); elseif size(xInit,mD+1) ~= m || size(xInit,mD+2) ~= 1 error(['too many initial points (expected ', ... num2str([M.ItemSize,m,1]),' but ''InitVal'' is of size ',num2str(size(xInit)),'.']); end end if vars.Epsilon > 0 epsilon = vars.Epsilon; else warning('Epsilon should be larger than zero, set Epsilon to 10^-6') epsilon = 10^-6; end if vars.MaxIterations > 0 iter = vars.MaxIterations; else warning('Iterations should be larger than zero, set Iterations to 100') iter = 1000; end stoppingCriterion = stopCritMaxIterEpsilonCreator(this,iter,epsilon); F = @(p) sum( w.*this.dist(repmat(p,[ones(1,mD+1),n]),x),2); gradF = @(p) ... sum(... -shiftdim(w./(... %the following line avoids division by zero this.dist(repmat(p,[ones(1,mD+1),n]),x) ... + double(this.dist(repmat(p,[ones(1,mD+1),n]),x)==0)),-mD)... .*this.log(repmat(p,[ones(1,mD+1),n]),x),... mD+2); y = subGradientDescent(this,xInit,F,gradF, ... vars.StepSize,stoppingCriterion); end function m = midPoint(this,x,z) % m = midPoint(x,z) % Compute the (geodesic) mid point of x and z. % % INPUT % x,z : two point(sets) of manifold points % % OUTPUT % m : resulting mid point( sets) % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0 % R. Bergmann ~ 2014-10-19 | 2015-01-29 m = this.exp(x, this.log(x,z)./2); end function filteredImage = filter(this,varargin) % filteredImage = filter(this,image,filter) % Convoles the this-valued image with the filter using % Karcher mean % INPUT % image manifold Valued image % filter filter matrix of size (2*n+1)x(2*n+1) % % OPTIONAL % 'BoundaryCondition' ['nearest'] specify boundary % conditions: % (nearest,symmetric,periodic) % % OUTPUT % filteredImage filtered image with Karcher mean % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.2 % J. Persch, R. Bergmann ~ 2017-04-06 | 2018-02-17 % Changelog % 2018-02-17 RB; rephrase to avoid reshapes and use allDims. ip = inputParser; addRequired(ip,'image'); addRequired(ip,'filter'); addParameter(ip,'BoundaryCondition','nearest'); parse(ip, varargin{:}); vars = ip.Results; image = vars.image; filter = vars.filter; bc = vars.BoundaryCondition; dimen = size(image); imgDim = dimen(length(this.ItemSize)+1:end); assert(length(imgDim)==2,'Works only for manifold valued images.'); fSize = size(filter); assert(all(mod(fSize,2)) || fSize(1)==fSize(2),'Filter needs to be of dimension (2*n+1) x (2*n+1).'); n = (fSize(1)-1)/2; switch bc case 'nearest' image = image(this.allDims{:},[ones(1,n),1:imgDim(1),ones(1,n)*imgDim(1)],[ones(1,n),1:imgDim(2),ones(1,n)*imgDim(2)]); case 'symmetric' image = image(this.allDims{:},[n:-1:1,1:imgDim(1),imgDim(1):-1:imgDim(1)-n+1],[n:-1:1,1:imgDim(2),imgDim(2):-1:imgDim(2)-n+1]); case 'periodic' image = image(this.allDims{:},mod(-n:imgDim(1)+n-1,imgDim(1))+1,mod(-n:imgDim(2)+n-1,imgDim(2))+1); end range = 0:2*n; filteredImage = zeros([this.ItemSize,imgDim]); for i = 1:imgDim(1) for j = 1:imgDim(2) filteredImage(this.allDims{:},i,j) = ... this.mean(reshape(image(:,i+range,j+range),[this.ItemSize,1,prod(fSize)]),... 'Weights',filter(:)); end end end function W = geopoint(this,x,y,t) % geopoint(x,y,t) - Gives the point \gamma_{x,y}(t) % placeholder, has many manifolds admit a faster way to compute % the combination of exp and log, e.g., SymPosDef % % INPUT % x,y : a point or set of points on the manifold % t : a scalar or set of scalars % % % OUTPUT % w : resulting point(s) % --- % Manifold-Valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0 % J. Persch, R. Bergmann | 2017-03-31 | 2018-02-16 % Changelog % 2018-02-16 Unifies notation % 2015-04-10 introduced mexfile W = this.exp(x,this.log(x,y),t); end function geo = geodesic(varargin) % geo = geodesic(this,x,y) % Compute the geodesic between x and y using pts-2 points to % interpolate % % INPUT % x,y : two points of the manifold % OPTIONAL % pts : (100) optional length of geodesic, or set to length t % if t is chosen % t : vector of points lead to geo = \gamma_{x,y}(t) % % OUTPUT % geo : the geodesic between x,y evaluated at several points. % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.0 ~ J. Persch ~2015-10-29 ip = inputParser; addRequired(ip,'this'); addRequired(ip,'x'); addRequired(ip,'y'); addParameter(ip,'pts',100); addParameter(ip,'t',[]); parse(ip, varargin{:}); vars = ip.Results; this = vars.this; x = vars.x; y = vars.y; if size(x,length(this.ItemSize)+1)>1 ||size(y,length(this.ItemSize)+1)>1 error('x,y should be points on the manifold'); end if vars.pts > 0 || isscalar(vars.pts) pts = vars.pts; else error('pts should be a scalar >0'); end if isvector(vars.t) t = vars.t; pts = length(t); elseif isempty(vars.t) t = 0:1/(pts-1):1; else error('t should be a vector'); end geo = zeros([prod(this.ItemSize),pts]); v = this.log(x,y); for i = 1:pts geo(:,i) = reshape(this.exp(x,v,t(i)),prod(this.ItemSize),1); end geo = reshape(geo,[this.ItemSize,pts]); end function nu = schildsladder(this,x,y,xi) % schildsladder(this,x,y,xi) approximates parallel Transport % by mappting xi from TxM to TyM using Schild's ladder % % INPUT % x,y : two point(set)s on the manifold % v : a tangent vector(Set) on TxM % % OUTPUT % nu : the resulting vectors in TyM that are approximately % parallelTransport(x,y,xi) % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.2 % J. Persch, R. Bergmann | 2018-01-04 | 2018-02-19 nu = this.log(y,this.geopoint(x,this.midPoint(this.exp(x,xi),y),2)); end function nu = poleladder(this,x,y,xi) % poleladder(this,x,y,xi) approximates parallel Transport % by mappting xi from TxM to TyM using the pole ladder % % INPUT % x,y : two point(set)s on the manifold % xi : a tangent vector(Set) on TxM % % OUTPUT % nu : the resulting vectors in TyM that are approximately % parallelTransport(x,y,xi) % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.2 % J. Persch, R. Bergmann | 2018-01-04 | 2018-02-19 nu = -this.log(y,this.geopoint(this.exp(x,xi),this.midPoint(x,y),2)); end function [v, mean_f] = var(this,f) % var(f) computes the empirical variance % 1/(numel(f)-1) * sum (f-mean(f))^2 % of f % INPUT % f : manifold valued Set % OUTPUT % v : variance of the set (scalar) % mean_f : mean value of the set % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.2 % J. Persch, R. bergmann, 2017-01-06 mD = length(this.ItemSize); f = f(this.allDims{:},:); num_el = size(f,mD+1); mean_f = this.mean(reshape(f,[this.ItemSize,1,num_el])); v = 1/(num_el-1)*sum(this.dist(repmat(mean_f,[ones(1,mD),num_el]),f).^2)/this.Dimension; end function xi = JacobiField(this,varargin) % xi = JacobiField(x,y,t,eta) - evaluate a Jacobi field % along the geodesic geo(x,y) at point t, where the % 'weight'-function f(k,t,d) determines the boundary % conditions of the field and hence the meaning of eta, % % INPUT % x : a point on the manifold Sn (or a vector of points) % y : a point on the manifold Sn (or a vector of points) % t : a value from [0,1] indicating the point geo(x,y,t) % (or a vector of values) % eta : an initial condition of the Jacobi field, where the % following weights determine the type of initial % condition. % % OPTIONAL % 'weights' : [@(k,t,d) = (k==0)*t % + (k>0)*sin(sqrt(k)*t*d)/sin(sqrt(k)*d) % + (k<0)*sinh(sqrt(-k)*d*t)/sinh(sqrt(-k)*d) % provides the weight depending on the eigenvalue (k) of % the curvature tensor coresponding to the ONB basis % vector, the position t along the Jacobi field and d the % length of the geodesic. % For the standard value, eta is a tangential vector at 0 % and the second boundary condition is J(1)=0, i.e. the % Jacobifield corresponds to D_x\gamma_{xy}(t)[\eta] % % --- % Manifold-valued Image Restoration Toolbox 1.3 % R. Bergmann | MVIRT | 2017-12-01 ip = inputParser; addRequired(ip,'x'); addRequired(ip,'y'); addRequired(ip,'t'); addRequired(ip,'eta'); % for the weights we have to include two numerical tricks: % for both k=0 or d=0 the second and third terms yield nan % but since the nominator is also zero we have to avoid to % divide by zero. % Furthermore for d==0 (hence x=y) the result is just the % identity, hence the last term, that for d==0 we have just 1 addParameter(ip,'weights', @(k,t,d) (k==0).*(1-t).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*sin(sqrt(k).*(1-t).*d)./(sin(sqrt(k).*d) + (k==0) + (d==0)) + ... %last term avoids division by zero (k<0).*sinh(sqrt(-k).*d.*(1-t))./(sinh(sqrt(-k).*d) + (k==0) + (d==0)) ... ); parse(ip, varargin{:}); vars = ip.Results; sX = size(vars.x); x = reshape(vars.x,this.ItemSize,[]); y = reshape(vars.y,this.ItemSize,[]); eta = reshape(vars.eta,this.ItemSize,[]); t = vars.t(:); dDim = (length(this.ItemSize)+1); %dimension where the data lives l = size(x,dDim); % number of vectors if (size(y,dDim) ~= l) error(['The lengths of p (',num2str(l),') and q (',... num2str(size(y,dDim)),') have to be the same']); else if sum(size(t))==2 % number ? extend to l t = vars.t.*ones(l,1); elseif (length(t) ~= l) error(['The lengths of p (',num2str(l),') and t (',... num2str(length(vars.t)),') have to be the same']); end end myEps = 10^(-8); d = this.dist(x,y); xi = zeros(size(eta)); xi(this.allDims{:},dmyEps)>0 % only continue with large enough ones x = x(this.allDims{:},d>=myEps); y = y(this.allDims{:},d>=myEps); eta = eta(this.allDims{:},d>=myEps); t = t(d>myEps); dS = d(d>myEps); p = this.geopoint(x,y,t); [V,k] = this.TpMONB(x,y); W = this.parallelTransport(...%repmat both x and p to num TpONBs repmat(x,[ones(1,dDim),this.Dimension]),... repmat(p,[ones(1,dDim),this.Dimension]),... V); weights = vars.weights(k,t,dS); % decompose eta into basis of v alpha = shiftdim(,[ones(1,dDim),this.Dimension]),... repmat(eta,[ones(1,dDim),this.Dimension]),V),-length(this.ItemSize)); % shift weights by mandim dims back such that .* work correctly % - sum over all tangential vectors i.e. dataDim+1 xi(this.allDims{:},d>myEps) = sum(alpha.*W.*shiftdim(weights,-length(this.ItemSize)),(dDim+1)); end xi = reshape(xi,sX); end function xi = DxGeo(this,x,y,t,eta) % xi = DxGeo(x,y,t,eta) - Compute the Derivative D_xGeo(t; x,y)[eta] % i.e. of geo(x,y,t) with respect to the start point x. % % For a function f: M \mapsto R and fixed y,t we have for the % gradient of g(x) = f(geo(x,y,t)) that % _x = _g(x,y,t) % hence with the Adjoint we obtain % grad g = AdjDxGeo(.,y,t)(x)[grad f]. % This function hence only requires eta=grad f to computed % the chain rule. % % INPUT % x : start point of a geodesic, g(x,y,0)=x % y : end point of a geodesic, geo(x,y,1) = y % t : [0,1] a point on the geodesic to be evaluated, % may exceed [0,1] to leave the segment between x and y % eta : (in Tg(t;x,y)M) direction to take the Adjoint derivative at. % % OUTPUT % xi : ( in TxM ) - the adjoint of DxGeo with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 xi = this.JacobiField(x,y,t,eta); end function xi = DyGeo(this,x,y,t,eta) % xi = DxGeo(x,y,t,eta) Derivative of the geodesic(x,y,t) wrt y. % % % INPUT % x : start point of a geodesic, g(x,y,0)=x % y : end point of a geodesic, geo(x,y,1) = y % t : [0,1] a point on the geodesic to be evaluated, % may exceed [0,1] to leave the segment between x and y % eta : (in TyM) direction to take the derivative of. % % OUTPUT % xi : ( in Tg(x,y,t)M ) - DyGeo with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 xi = this.JacobiField(y,x,1-t,eta); end function nu = DxExp(this,x,xi,eta) % nu = AdjDxExp(x,xi,eta) - Derivative of Exp w.r.t. base point x % INPUT % x : base point of the exponential % xi : direction of the exponential % eta : (in TxM) direction to take the derivative at. % % OUTPUT % nu : ( in TExp(x,xi)M ) - the DxExp with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 f = @(k,t,d) (k==0).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*cos(sqrt(k).*d.*t) + ... (k<0).*cosh(sqrt(-k).*d.*t); nu = this.JacobiField(x,this.exp(x,xi),1,eta,'weights',f); end function nu = DxiExp(this,x,xi,eta) % nu = DxExp(x,xi,eta) - Derivative of Exp w.r.t. xi % INPUT % x : base point of the exponential % xi : direction of the exponential % eta : (in Txi(TxM)=TxM direction to take the derivative at. % % OUTPUT % nu : ( in TExp(x,xi)M) ) - the adjoint of DxExp with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 f = @(k,t,d) (k==0).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*sin(sqrt(k).*d)./(sqrt(k).*d + (d==0) + (k==0) ) + ... % last terms are again for avoiding division by zero (k<0).*sinh(sqrt(-k).*d)./(sqrt(-k).*d + (d==0) + (k==0) ); nu = this.JacobiField(x,this.exp(x,xi),1,eta,'weights',f); end function xi = DxLog(this,x,y,eta) % nu = AdjDxLog(x,y,eta) - Adjoint of the Derivative of Log % with respect to the basis point x. % INPUT % x : base point of the logarithm % y : argument of the logarithm % eta : (in TxM) direction to take the derivative at. % % OUTPUT % nu : ( in TxM ) - DxLog with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 % the following weights of the Jacobi field are derived in % [Bredies, Holler, Storath, Weinmann, 2017, Lemma 4.5] f = @(k,t,d) -(k==0).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*sqrt(k).*(-d).*cos(sqrt(k).*d)./(sin(sqrt(k).*d) + (d==0) + (k==0) ) + ... % last terms are again for avoiding division by zero (k<0).*sqrt(-k).*(-d).*cosh(sqrt(-k).*d)./(sinh(sqrt(-k).*d) + (d==0) + (k==0) ); xi = this.JacobiField(x,y,0,eta,'weights',f); end function xi = DyLog(this,x,y,eta) % nu = DyLog(x,y,eta) - Adjoint of the Derivative of Log % with respect to y. % INPUT % x : base point of the logarithm % y : argument of the logarithm % eta : (in TyM) direction to take the derivative at. % % OUTPUT % nu : ( in TxM ) - the adjoint of DxLog with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 % the following weights of the Jacobi field are derived in % [Bredies, Holler, Storath, Weinmann, 2017, Lemma 4.3] f = @(k,t,d) (k==0).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*sqrt(k).*d./(sin(sqrt(k).*d) + (d==0) + (k==0) ) + ... % last terms are again for avoiding division by zero (k<0).*sqrt(-k).*d./(sinh(sqrt(-k).*d) + (d==0) + (k==0) ); xi = this.JacobiField(y,x,1,eta,'weights',f); end function xi = AdjJacobiField(this,varargin) % AdjJacobiField(x,y,t,eta) - evaluate a adjoint of a Jacobi field % along the geodesic geo(x,y) at point t, where the % 'weight'-function f(k,t,d) determines the boundary % conditions of the field and hence the meaning of eta, % % INPUT % x : a point on the manifold Sn (or a vector of points) % y : a point on the manifold Sn (or a vector of points) % t : a value from [0,1] indicating the point geo(x,y,t) % (or a vector of values) % eta : an initial condition of the Jacobi field, where the % following weights determine the type of initial % condition (given at g(t; x,y). % % OUTPUT % xi : tangent vectors in TxM. % % OPTIONAL % 'weights' : [@(k,t,d) = (k==0)*t % + (k>0)*sin(sqrt(k)*t*d)/sin(sqrt(k)*d) % + (k<0)*sinh(sqrt(-k)*d*t)/sinh(sqrt(-k)*d) % provides the weight depending on the eigenvalue (k) of % the curvature tensor coresponding to the ONB basis % vector, the position t along the Jacobi field and d the % length of the geodesic. % For the standard value, eta is the Jacobi field at 0 % and the second boundary condition is J(1)=0, i.e. the % Jacobifield corresponds to D_x\gamma_{xy}(t)[\eta] % % --- % R. Bergmann | MVIRT | 2017-12-01 ip = inputParser; addRequired(ip,'x'); addRequired(ip,'y'); addRequired(ip,'t'); addRequired(ip,'eta'); % for the weights we have to include two numerical tricks: % for both k=0 or d=0 the second and third terms yield nan % but since the nominator is also zero we have to avoid to % divide by zero. % Furthermore for d==0 (hence x=y) the result is just the % identity, hence the last term, that for d==0 we have just 1 addParameter(ip,'weights', @(k,t,d) (k==0).*(1-t).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*sin(sqrt(k).*(1-t).*d)./(sin(sqrt(k).*d) + (k==0) + (d==0)) + ... %last term avoids division by zero (k<0).*sinh(sqrt(-k).*(1-t).*d)./(sinh(sqrt(-k).*d) + (k==0) + (d==0)) ... ); parse(ip, varargin{:}); vars = ip.Results; dDim = (length(this.ItemSize)+1); %dimension where the data lives sX = size(vars.x); dD = sX( (length(this.ItemSize)+1):end); x = reshape(vars.x,[ this.ItemSize,prod(dD) ]); y = reshape(vars.y,[ this.ItemSize,prod(dD) ]); eta = reshape(vars.eta,[ this.ItemSize, prod(dD) ]); t = vars.t(:); l = size(x,dDim); % number of vectors if (size(y,dDim) ~= l) error(['The lengths of p (',num2str(l),') and q (',... num2str(size(y,dDim)),') have to be the same']); else if sum(size(t))==2 % number ? extend to l t = vars.t.*ones(l,1); elseif (length(t) ~= l) error(['The lengths of p (',num2str(l),') and t (',... num2str(length(vars.t)),') have to be the same']); end end myEps = 10^(-8); d = this.dist(x,y); xi = zeros(size(eta)); if sum(d(:)>myEps)>0 % only PT large enough ones p = this.geopoint(x,y,t); [V,k] = this.TpMONB(x,y); W=V; W(this.allDims{:},d>=myEps,:) = ... this.parallelTransport(...%repmat both x and p to num TpONBs repmat(x(this.allDims{:},d>=myEps),[ones(1,dDim),this.Dimension]),... repmat(p(this.allDims{:},d>=myEps),[ones(1,dDim),this.Dimension]),... V(this.allDims{:},d>=myEps,:)); weights = vars.weights(k,t,d); % decompose eta into basis of v alpha = shiftdim(,[ones(1,dDim),this.Dimension]),... repmat(eta,[ones(1,dDim),this.Dimension]),W),-length(this.ItemSize)); % shift weights by mandim dims back such that .* work correctly % - sum over all tangential vectors i.e. dataDim+1 xi = sum(alpha.*V.*shiftdim(weights,-length(this.ItemSize)),(dDim+1)); end xi = reshape(xi,sX); end function xi = AdjDxGeo(this,x,y,t,eta) % AdjDxGeo(x,y,t,eta) Adjoint of the Derivative of geo(x,y,t) wrt x. % % For a function f: M \mapsto R and fixed y,t we have for the % gradient of g(x) = f(geo(x,y,t)) that % _x = _g(x,y,t) % hence with the Adjoint we obtain % grad g = AdjDxGeo(.,y,t)(x)[grad f]. % This function hence only requires eta=grad f to computed % the chain rule. % % INPUT % x : start point of a geodesic, g(x,y,0)=x % y : end point of a geodesic, g(x,y,1) = y % t : [0,1] a point on the geodesic to be evaluated, % may exceed [0,1] to leave the segment between x and y % eta : (in Tg(t,x,y)) direction to take the Adjoint derivative at. % % OUTPUT % xi : ( in TxM ) - the adjoint of DxGeo with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 xi = this.AdjJacobiField(x,y,t,eta); end function xi = AdjDyGeo(this,x,y,t,eta) % AdjDyGeo(x,y,t,eta) - Adjoint of the Derivative of geo(x,y,t) wrt y. % % For a function f: M \mapsto R and fixed x,t we have for the % gradient of g(y) = f(geo(x,y,t)) that % _y = _g(x,y,t) % hence with the Adjoint we obtain % grad g = AdjDxGeo(x,.,t)(y)[grad f]. % This function hence only requires eta=grad f to computed % the chain rule. % % INPUT % x : start point of a geodesic, g(x,y,0)=x % y : end point of a geodesic, geo(x,y,1) = y % t : [0,1] a point on the geodesic to be evaluated, % may exceed [0,1] to leave the segment between x and y % eta : (in Tg(x,y,t)) direction to take the Adjoint derivative at. % % OUTPUT % xi : ( in TyM ) - the adjoint of DyGeo with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 xi = this.AdjJacobiField(y,x,1-t,eta); end function nu = AdjDxExp(this,x,xi,eta) % nu = AdjDxExp(x,xi,eta) - Adjoint of the Derivative of Exp with % respect to the basis point % INPUT % x : base point of the exponential % xi : direction of the exponential % eta : (in TExp(x,xi)M) direction to take the Adjoint derivative at. % % OUTPUT % nu : ( in TxM ) - the adjoint of DxExp with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 f = @(k,t,d) (k==0).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*cos(sqrt(k).*d.*t) + ... (k<0).*cosh(sqrt(-k).*d.*t); nu = this.AdjJacobiField(x,this.exp(x,xi),1,eta,'weights',f); end function nu = AdjDxiExp(this,x,xi,eta) % nu = AdjDxExp(x,xi,eta) - Adjoint of the Derivative of Exp with % respect to the tangential vector xi % INPUT % x : base point of the exponential % xi : direction of the exponential % eta : (in TExp(x,xi)M) direction to take the Adjoint derivative at. % % OUTPUT % nu : ( in TxM, more precisely TTxM ) - the adjoint of DxExp with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 f = @(k,t,d) (k==0).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*sin(sqrt(k).*d)./(sqrt(k).*d + (d==0) + (k==0) ) + ... % last terms are again for avoiding division by zero (k<0).*sinh(sqrt(-k).*d)./(sqrt(-k).*d + (d==0) + (k==0) ); nu = this.AdjJacobiField(x,this.exp(x,xi),1,eta,'weights',f); end function xi = AdjDxLog(this,x,y,eta) % nu = AdjDxLog(x,y,eta) - Adjoint of the Derivative of Log % with respect to the basis point x. % INPUT % x : base point of the logarithm % y : argument of the logarithm % eta : (in TxM) direction to take the Adjoint derivative at. % % OUTPUT % nu : ( in TxM ) - the adjoint of DxLog with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 % the following weights of the Jacobi field are derived in % [Bredies, Holler, Storath, Weinmann, 2017, Lemma 4.5] f = @(k,t,d) -(k==0).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*sqrt(k).*(-d).*cos(sqrt(k).*d)./(sin(sqrt(k).*d) + (d==0) + (k==0) ) + ... % last terms are again for avoiding division by zero (k<0).*sqrt(-k).*(-d).*cosh(sqrt(-k).*d)./(sinh(sqrt(-k).*d) + (d==0) + (k==0) ); xi = this.AdjJacobiField(x,y,0,eta,'weights',f); end function xi = AdjDyLog(this,x,y,eta) % nu = AdjDyLog(x,y,eta) - Adjoint of the Derivative of Log % with respect to y. % INPUT % x : base point of the logarithm % y : argument of the logarithm % eta : (in TxM) direction to take the Adjoint derivative at. % % OUTPUT % nu : ( in TyM ) - the adjoint of DxLog with respect to eta % --- % MVIRT R. Bergmann, 2017-12-04 % the following weights of the Jacobi field are derived in % [Bredies, Holler, Storath, Weinmann, 2017, Lemma 4.3] f = @(k,t,d) (k==0).*ones(size(k.*t.*d)) + ... (k>0).*sqrt(k).*d./(sin(sqrt(k).*d) + (d==0) + (k==0) ) + ... % last terms are again for avoiding division by zero (k<0).*sqrt(-k).*d./(sinh(sqrt(-k).*d) + (d==0) + (k==0) ); xi = this.AdjJacobiField(y,x,1,eta,'weights',f); end end end