{ "metadata": { "name": "", "signature": "sha256:daf845121b68fedc6c20fe71f5f45290441e727ef67b53809f4a1ba57a794f9d" }, "nbformat": 3, "nbformat_minor": 0, "worksheets": [ { "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Created 7/9/2014 by KO\n", "
\n", "Implements propensity-score matching and eventually will implement balance diagnostics" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "%matplotlib inline\n", "import math\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import scipy\n", "from scipy.stats import binom, hypergeom\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 1 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Goal: find the average treatment effect in the treatment group (ATT) on RE78.\n", "\n", "Import the data: controls and treated from Lalonde/Dehejia papers. Here's what the site says about the data:\n", "\n", "The variables from left to right are: treatment indicator (1 if treated, 0 if not treated), age, education, Black (1 if black, 0 otherwise), Hispanic (1 if Hispanic, 0 otherwise), married (1 if married, 0 otherwise), nodegree (1 if no degree, 0 otherwise), RE74 (earnings in 1974), RE75 (earnings in 1975), and RE78 (earnings in 1978).\n", "\n", "http://users.nber.org/%7Erdehejia/nswdata2.html\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "names = ['Treated', 'Age', 'Education', 'Black', 'Hispanic', 'Married',\n", " 'Nodegree', 'RE74', 'RE75', 'RE78']\n", "treated = pd.read_table('nswre74_treated.txt', sep = '\\s+',\n", " header = None, names = names)\n", "control = pd.read_table('nswre74_control.txt', sep='\\s+', \n", " header = None, names = names)\n", "data = pd.concat([treated, control])\n", "data.head()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "html": [ "
\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0 1 37 11 1 0 1 1 0 0 9930.0460
1 1 22 9 0 1 0 1 0 0 3595.8940
2 1 30 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 24909.4500
3 1 27 11 1 0 0 1 0 0 7506.1460
4 1 33 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 289.7899
\n", "
" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 2, "text": [ " Treated Age Education Black Hispanic Married Nodegree RE74 RE75 \\\n", "0 1 37 11 1 0 1 1 0 0 \n", "1 1 22 9 0 1 0 1 0 0 \n", "2 1 30 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 \n", "3 1 27 11 1 0 0 1 0 0 \n", "4 1 33 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 \n", "\n", " RE78 \n", "0 9930.0460 \n", "1 3595.8940 \n", "2 24909.4500 \n", "3 7506.1460 \n", "4 289.7899 " ] } ], "prompt_number": 2 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Compute propensity scores to start. Then we need to separate the treated and controls again (preserve original indexing) in order to match them.\n", "\n", "\n", "Note, this section might need some fine-tuning to make it match Dehejia and Wahba (see their appendix for how they computed propensity scores)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "propensity = LogisticRegression()\n", "propensity = propensity.fit(data[names[1:-1]], data.Treated)\n", "pscore = propensity.predict_proba(data[names[1:-1]])[:,1] # The predicted propensities by the model\n", "print pscore[:5]\n", "\n", "data['Propensity'] = pscore\n", "#pscore = pd.Series(data = pscore, index = data.index)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "[ 0.42716293 0.25617646 0.54874013 0.37386481 0.40217168]\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 3 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Implement one-to-one matching, caliper without replacement. Variants of the method are examined in the following paper. This is something to explore further.\n", "
\n", "Austin, P. C. (2014), A comparison of 12 algorithms for matching on the propensity score. Statist. Med., 33: 1057\u20131069. doi: 10.1002/sim.6004" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "def Match(groups, propensity, caliper = 0.05):\n", " ''' \n", " Inputs:\n", " groups = Treatment assignments. Must be 2 groups\n", " propensity = Propensity scores for each observation. Propensity and groups should be in the same order (matching indices)\n", " caliper = Maximum difference in matched propensity scores. For now, this is a caliper on the raw\n", " propensity; Austin reccommends using a caliper on the logit propensity.\n", " \n", " Output:\n", " A series containing the individuals in the control group matched to the treatment group.\n", " Note that with caliper matching, not every treated individual may have a match.\n", " '''\n", "\n", " # Check inputs\n", " if any(propensity <=0) or any(propensity >=1):\n", " raise ValueError('Propensity scores must be between 0 and 1')\n", " elif not(0 N2:\n", " N1, N2, g1, g2 = N2, N1, g2, g1 \n", " \n", " \n", " # Randomly permute the smaller group to get order for matching\n", " morder = np.random.permutation(N1)\n", " matches = pd.Series(np.empty(N1))\n", " matches[:] = np.NAN\n", " \n", " for m in morder:\n", " dist = abs(g1[m] - g2)\n", " if dist.min() <= caliper:\n", " matches[m] = dist.argmin()\n", " g2 = g2.drop(matches[m])\n", " return (matches)\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 4 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "stuff = Match(data.Treated, data.Propensity)\n", "g1, g2 = data.Propensity[data.Treated==1], data.Propensity[data.Treated==0]\n", "# test ValueError\n", "#badtreat = data.Treated + data.Hispanic\n", "#Match(badtreat, pscore)\n", "stuff[:5]" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 5, "text": [ "0 25\n", "1 213\n", "2 75\n", "3 14\n", "4 210\n", "dtype: float64" ] } ], "prompt_number": 5 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Here's the result: if we put the propensity scores of the treatment and matched controls side-by-side, we see that they're matched pretty well." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "zip(g1, g2[stuff])" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 6, "text": [ "[(0.42716292681386048, 0.42581880946572531),\n", " (0.25617646165856756, 0.25484822320097977),\n", " (0.54874012613984235, 0.54874012613984235),\n", " (0.37386481070884442, 0.37424224379754362),\n", " (0.40217167818759586, 0.4025488132226952),\n", " (0.37341040912703743, 0.37341040912703743),\n", " (0.53301175942990109, 0.53492670949658028),\n", " (0.38451503327005687, 0.38489660886065941),\n", " (0.50914521709464833, 0.5038713907925424),\n", " (0.61794972732004938, 0.58527783340947481),\n", " (0.36708091086829236, 0.36693596150764657),\n", " (0.52310609372279693, 0.52399253077902697),\n", " (0.37001375859203811, 0.37001375859203811),\n", " (0.41040938689881862, 0.40263858902000565),\n", " (0.37295623086366536, 0.37330571977466881),\n", " (0.36206521830641381, 0.36206521830641381),\n", " (0.53663014121627661, 0.53887945917796798),\n", " (0.37046647062835597, 0.37046647062835597),\n", " (0.57103382954029125, 0.5709591033853374),\n", " (0.53976237257756132, 0.53976237257756132),\n", " (0.36543122767419073, 0.36543122767419073),\n", " (0.59343787140217641, 0.58088215756113837),\n", " (0.4386969080721812, 0.44247414429559007),\n", " (0.36753212799132406, 0.36753212799132406),\n", " (0.35997778168476563, 0.35997778168476563),\n", " (0.40954977660006303, 0.40954977660006303),\n", " (0.36963807095849838, 0.36918577756921234),\n", " (0.26069791214312099, 0.26100872287425286),\n", " (0.35789562808324343, 0.35789562808324343),\n", " (0.36753212799132406, 0.36708091086829236),\n", " (0.35789562808324343, 0.35789562808324343),\n", " (0.45658813935562875, nan),\n", " (0.40082653085458858, 0.40082653085458858),\n", " (0.52624903693537084, nan),\n", " (0.5375136651601029, 0.5375136651601029),\n", " (0.56484900646250547, 0.56420807943645801),\n", " (0.40038494333600216, 0.39999799811496028),\n", " (0.56561608250077011, 0.56652020912997003),\n", " (0.46330566204377877, nan),\n", " (0.37257932252559373, 0.37257932252559373),\n", " (0.52850447140293089, 0.53075874267386913),\n", " (0.3969042231346866, 0.39612686819916004),\n", " (0.36790692445253587, 0.36753212799132406),\n", " (0.27913948507677838, 0.27881522993582841),\n", " (0.35915945500472685, 0.35868111759952492),\n", " (0.40082653085458858, 0.40168028755982904),\n", " (0.36790692445253587, 0.36790692445253587),\n", " (0.36288641657881326, 0.36288641657881326),\n", " (0.40038494333600216, 0.40079387221848178),\n", " (0.53301175942990109, 0.57005720877929322),\n", " (0.3913433578168215, 0.39168310001168555),\n", " (0.41393321094396696, 0.4127054899751052),\n", " (0.35500470600275558, 0.35500470600275558),\n", " (0.5375136651601029, 0.57053301873387885),\n", " (0.4117397433545737, 0.41137419523919089),\n", " (0.35789562808324343, 0.35789562808324343),\n", " (0.40567343869825451, 0.40603741546027916),\n", " (0.47360442597144675, 0.44944907059288414),\n", " (0.59691150969843831, 0.58464545042501748),\n", " (0.39304342081844873, 0.39301309024977354),\n", " (0.36790692445253587, 0.36835856598771649),\n", " (0.39350085125328266, 0.39350085125328266),\n", " (0.39612686819916004, 0.39775517139652095),\n", " (0.37386481070884442, 0.37386481070884442),\n", " (0.41434922364455296, 0.41302230654596012),\n", " (0.38619843594707792, 0.38619843594707792),\n", " (0.37386481070884442, 0.37424224379754362),\n", " (0.41608090759002542, 0.41309626451423542),\n", " (0.47723165395085809, 0.47774167074970658),\n", " (0.54112719501669537, 0.55768626228483698),\n", " (0.38405562703559115, 0.38451503327005687),\n", " (0.57901039501721874, 0.57317432336471086),\n", " (0.38016333753745757, 0.38041199464841013),\n", " (0.5375136651601029, 0.55545300341207382),\n", " (0.52810275907963666, 0.55097984688635149),\n", " (0.39953799040539978, 0.39938108342140327),\n", " (0.53075874267386913, 0.56180397045598252),\n", " (0.37129563329740667, 0.37046647062835597),\n", " (0.40178416325708044, 0.40255931536012274),\n", " (0.36333543761891568, 0.36333543761891568),\n", " (0.5375136651601029, 0.5375136651601029),\n", " (0.5217350446165081, nan),\n", " (0.59732989436222506, 0.58907212092192596),\n", " (0.53663014121627661, nan),\n", " (0.38919010277019828, 0.38919010277019828),\n", " (0.39744213629889608, 0.39736320517754298),\n", " (0.26207005517968529, 0.26138340190382492),\n", " (0.37174898822506325, 0.37174898822506325),\n", " (0.55984202089567947, nan),\n", " (0.38489660886065941, 0.38514373934059354),\n", " (0.41393321094396696, 0.41126954472315269),\n", " (0.35789562808324343, 0.35789562808324343),\n", " (0.36963807095849838, 0.36963807095849838),\n", " (0.52850447140293089, 0.52822407944383731),\n", " (0.41051397115899052, 0.41051397115899052),\n", " (0.5687410368098067, 0.56887204494312937),\n", " (0.36498110138737444, 0.36498110138737444),\n", " (0.57546114010719607, 0.57669759720271807),\n", " (0.37469705231202188, 0.37469705231202188),\n", " (0.27200031650600354, 0.27659164918684331),\n", " (0.37257932252559373, 0.37257932252559373),\n", " (0.37681958989925324, 0.37681958989925324),\n", " (0.36963807095849838, 0.36963807095849838),\n", " (0.35500470600275558, 0.35500470600275558),\n", " (0.35707939391258053, 0.35707939391258053),\n", " (0.41882782270999969, 0.4199216409379678),\n", " (0.53663014121627661, 0.53663014121627661),\n", " (0.36288641657881326, 0.36288641657881326),\n", " (0.38024100782850595, 0.38062096495388931),\n", " (0.39397088933484964, 0.3917332458962281),\n", " (0.32878224824302671, 0.32857587970056046),\n", " (0.24604313298890371, 0.24531002119584097),\n", " (0.52145634998553481, 0.52341300607717067),\n", " (0.35215316763290705, 0.35293545509098728),\n", " (0.55291558624596349, 0.55453051526410713),\n", " (0.53812498686079091, 0.53760415714737053),\n", " (0.53165840610880255, nan),\n", " (0.53178741742330415, 0.53526343055701198),\n", " (0.36732044941345232, 0.36726529273432967),\n", " (0.50016320180970986, 0.54233385721831306),\n", " (0.54568333247369738, 0.54649842890599332),\n", " (0.37088397590008554, 0.37046647062835597),\n", " (0.37807518272603041, 0.37811089138712795),\n", " (0.54505617352098923, 0.54778717953003553),\n", " (0.37187026316150906, 0.37123230389724349),\n", " (0.42907939387160898, 0.42621298956406267),\n", " (0.503576849031942, nan),\n", " (0.41499892319370452, 0.40530744104465677),\n", " (0.34867332496059367, 0.34855987148037076),\n", " (0.35124881591719082, 0.34951011622716577),\n", " (0.368354966402969, 0.36835856598771649),\n", " (0.39388148189718369, 0.3939643292973713),\n", " (0.42287750361949428, 0.42323937900753988),\n", " (0.27508239938161005, 0.28098466748341883),\n", " (0.41651421693564455, 0.42037816699807562),\n", " (0.4167397609523012, 0.41919527728474437),\n", " (0.46806147084466776, 0.45878647462448441),\n", " (0.36978946463533807, 0.36963807095849838),\n", " (0.49379330696466373, nan),\n", " (0.43357631858871326, 0.43257515170041527),\n", " (0.34692254178035581, 0.34623057969596582),\n", " (0.46757669724338247, 0.46341413004896059),\n", " (0.37685357018163268, 0.37681958989925324),\n", " (0.4455565269264718, 0.44617327640136217),\n", " (0.61886657105467635, 0.60079264899057727),\n", " (0.37718188114200613, 0.37705709921672609),\n", " (0.40934354192118261, 0.40954977660006303),\n", " (0.39573595296507968, 0.39432477073157096),\n", " (0.44255500877946502, 0.42053379991459011),\n", " (0.36811932082281856, 0.36790692445253587),\n", " (0.42116861754671925, 0.42103202468255674),\n", " (0.47650112195239025, 0.47887757800201047),\n", " (0.39476901876612058, 0.39217707695803344),\n", " (0.53190717776280616, 0.54227884676845073),\n", " (0.49379443849344062, 0.45360505623822056),\n", " (0.4872454286920998, 0.48602144945577064),\n", " (0.41089388876758753, 0.41048788604880759),\n", " (0.53019919491977685, 0.52624903693537084),\n", " (0.42206423034004498, 0.42342902381310754),\n", " (0.42156230780201276, 0.42182411349268001),\n", " (0.41195948127964338, 0.41102028893247478),\n", " (0.41575142347870969, 0.41004419660549557),\n", " (0.37949264038566599, 0.37894686448575243),\n", " (0.44597592218322879, 0.44343522976592487),\n", " (0.54700647957502357, nan),\n", " (0.46839575084837853, 0.42584389373973836),\n", " (0.30118504354309478, 0.30266228063350109),\n", " (0.39535751543292041, 0.39479876377674628),\n", " (0.46967422150989402, 0.47016706817874493),\n", " (0.40711739797786478, 0.40603741546027916),\n", " (0.43016221895202345, 0.40603741546027916),\n", " (0.59539063185170427, 0.57227359694234925),\n", " (0.25033235153545463, 0.2506659230345058),\n", " (0.41813865251776078, 0.40263858902000565),\n", " (0.2969316019282166, 0.29322046060925033),\n", " (0.46046038221301638, 0.45526853386815697),\n", " (0.52687531615177041, 0.54771545246673836),\n", " (0.50045740817131545, 0.51770231215857909),\n", " (0.63404475620095613, 0.58689845316771205),\n", " (0.376835082633315, 0.37604736111069387),\n", " (0.59996973878777604, 0.57989993766179626),\n", " (0.47324609795733941, 0.47791911265297649),\n", " (0.53695349937194692, 0.53707042977012709),\n", " (0.60108829050619672, nan),\n", " (0.6729751518671101, 0.63068079328671744)]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 6 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [] } ], "metadata": {} } ] }