#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2018 Alex Schroeder # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . sub ParseData { my $data = shift; my %result; while ($data =~ /(\S+?): (.*?)(?=\n[^ \t]|\Z)/sg) { my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2); $value =~ s/\n\t/\n/g; $result{$key} = $value; } return %result; } sub EncodePage { my @data = @_; my $result = ''; $result .= (shift @data) . ': ' . EscapeNewlines(shift @data) . "\n" while (@data); return $result; } sub EscapeNewlines { $_[0] =~ s/\n/\n\t/g; # modify original instead of copying return $_[0]; } sub main { die "There is no temp directory, here.\n" . "Perhaps this isn't an Oddmuse data directory?\n" unless -d 'temp'; die "The main lock already exists in the temp directory.\n" if -d "temp/lockmain"; mkdir "temp/lockmain" or die "Cannot create main lock in temp: $!\n"; local $/ = undef; # Read complete files foreach my $dir (qw/keep page/) { warn "Did not find the $dir directory.\n" unless -d $dir; } # include dotfiles! my $t = 0; my $n = 0; foreach my $file (glob("page/*.pg page/.*.pg"), glob("keep/*/*.kp keep/.*.kp")) { $t++; open(my $fh, '<', $file) or die "Cannot read $file file: $!\n"; my $data = <$fh>; close($fh); next unless $data; my %result = ParseData($data); if (exists($result{host}) or exists($result{ip})) { delete($result{host}); delete($result{ip}); open($fh,'>', "$file~") or die "Cannot $file~: $!\n"; print $fh EncodePage(%result); close($fh); rename("$file~", $file) or die "Cannot rename $file~ to $file: $!\n"; $n++; } } rmdir "temp/lockmain" or die "Cannot remove main lock: $!\n"; print "I looked at $t files and found $n host or ip keys which I removed.\n"; } if (@ARGV) { print qq{ Usage: $0 [--page DIR] Goes through the wiki and removes the hostname or IP number from page and keep files. Make a backup before running this script! Run this script in your data directory. } } else { main (); }