# In order to build a copy of Oddmuse with all the version numbers, use: # make build. This creates modified copies of the files in the build # subdirectory. VERSION_NO=$(shell git describe --tags) TRANSLATIONS=$(wildcard modules/translations/*-utf8.pl) MODULES=$(sort $(wildcard modules/*.pl)) BUILD=build/wiki.pl $(foreach file, $(notdir $(MODULES)) $(notdir $(TRANSLATIONS)), build/$(file)) # PREPARE/BUILD: this creates copies of wiki.pl and all the modules # and translations in the build subdirectory. These copies all contain # a reference to the revision they were created from (git describe # --tags). prepare: build $(BUILD) build: mkdir -p build clean: rm -rf build prove t/setup.pl release: perl stuff/release ~/oddmuse.org/releases 2.3.3 build/wiki.pl: wiki.pl perl -lne "s/(\\\$$q->a\(\{-href=>'https:\/\/www.oddmuse.org\/'\}, 'Oddmuse'\))/\\\$$q->a({-href=>'https:\/\/alexschroeder.ch\/cgit\/oddmuse\/tag\/?id=$(VERSION_NO)'}, 'wiki.pl') . ' ($(VERSION_NO)), see ' . \$$1/; print" < $< > $@ build/%-utf8.pl: modules/translations/%-utf8.pl perl -lne "s/(AddModuleDescription\('[^']+', '[^']+')\)/\$$1, 'translations\/', '$(VERSION_NO)')/; print" < $< > $@ build/national-%.pl: modules/translations/national-%.pl perl -lne "s/(AddModuleDescription\('[^']+', '[^']+')\)/\$$1, 'translations\/', '$(VERSION_NO)')/; print" < $< > $@ build/month-names-%.pl: modules/translations/month-names-%.pl perl -lne "s/(AddModuleDescription\('[^']+', '[^']+')\)/\$$1, 'translations\/', '$(VERSION_NO)')/; print" < $< > $@ # from: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/oddmuse.git/tree/modules/namespaces.pl # to: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/oddmuse.git/tree/modules/namespaces.pl?id=2.1-11-gd4f1e27 build/%.pl: modules/%.pl perl -lne "s/(AddModuleDescription\('[^']+', '[^']+')\)/\$$1, undef, '$(VERSION_NO)')/; print" < $< > $@ modules/translations/new-utf8.pl: wiki.pl $(MODULES) cp $@ $@-old perl stuff/oddtrans -l $@-old wiki.pl $(MODULES) > $@ rm -f $@-old translations: $(TRANSLATIONS) for f in $^; do \ echo updating $$f...; \ perl stuff/oddtrans -l $$f wiki.pl $(MODULES) > $$f-new && mv $$f-new $$f; \ done # Running four jobs in parallel, but clean up data directories without # race conditions! jobs ?= 4 test: prove t/setup.pl prove --jobs=$(jobs) --state=slow,save t # Spin up a quick test development: @if grep --quiet 'ScriptName = "";' test-data/config; then \ echo Not overwriting \$$ScriptName in test-data/config; \ else \ echo '$ScriptName = "";' >> test-data/config; \ fi morbo --listen http://*:8080 \ --watch wiki.pl --watch test-data/config --watch test-data/modules/ \ stuff/mojolicious-app.pl %.pem: openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem gemini: cert.pem key.pem perl stuff/gemini-server.pl --wiki_cert_file=cert.pem --wiki_key_file=key.pem