# Copyright (C) 2004 Brock Wilcox # Copyright (C) 2006–2015 Alex Schroeder # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use v5.10; AddModuleDescription('questionasker.pl', 'QuestionAsker Extension'); our ($q, $bol, $FreeLinks, $FreeLinkPattern, $LinkPattern, $WikiLinks, @MyInitVariables, %AdminPages, %CookieParameters, @MyFormChanges); our (@QuestionaskerQuestions, $QuestionaskerRememberAnswer, $QuestionaskerSecretKey, $QuestionaskerRequiredList, %QuestionaskerProtectedForms); # A list of arrays. The first element in each array is a string, the # question to be asked. The second element is a subroutine which is # passed the answer as the first argument. @QuestionaskerQuestions = (['What is the first letter of this question?' => sub { shift =~ /^\s*W\s*$/i }], ['How many letters are in the word "four"?' => sub { shift =~ /^\s*(4|four)\s*$/i }], ['Tell me any number between 1 and 10' => sub { shift =~ /^\s*([1-9]|10|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten)\s*$/ }], ["How many lives does a cat have?" => sub { shift =~ /^\s*(7|seven|9|nine)\s*$/i }], ["What is 2 + 4?" => sub { shift =~ /^\s*(6|six)\s*$/i }], ); # The page name for exceptions, if defined. Every page linked to via # WikiWord or [[free link]] is considered to be a page which needs # questions asked. All other pages do not require questions asked. If # not set, then all pages need questions asked. $QuestionaskerRequiredList = ''; # If a user answers a question correctly, remember this in the cookie # and don't ask any further questions. The name of the parameter in # the cookie can be changed should a spam bot target this module # specifically. Changing the secret key will force all users to answer # another question. $QuestionaskerRememberAnswer = 1; $QuestionaskerSecretKey = 'question'; # Forms using one of the following classes are protected. %QuestionaskerProtectedForms = ('comment' => 1, 'edit upload' => 1, 'edit text' => 1,); push(@MyInitVariables, \&QuestionaskerInit); sub QuestionaskerInit { $QuestionaskerRequiredList = FreeToNormal($QuestionaskerRequiredList); $AdminPages{$QuestionaskerRequiredList} = 1; $CookieParameters{$QuestionaskerSecretKey} = ''; } *OldQuestionaskerDoPost = \&DoPost; *DoPost = \&NewQuestionaskerDoPost; sub NewQuestionaskerDoPost { my(@params) = @_; my $id = FreeToNormal(GetParam('title', undef)); my $preview = GetParam('Preview', undef); # case matters! my $question_num = GetParam('question_num', undef); my $answer = GetParam('answer', undef); unless (UserIsEditor() or $QuestionaskerRememberAnswer && GetParam($QuestionaskerSecretKey, 0) or $preview or $QuestionaskerQuestions[$question_num][1]($answer) or QuestionaskerException($id)) { print GetHeader('', T('Edit Denied'), undef, undef, '403 FORBIDDEN'); print $q->p(T('You did not answer correctly.')); print GetFormStart(), QuestionaskerGetQuestion(1), (map { $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>$_, -value=>UnquoteHtml(GetParam($_))}) } qw(title text oldtime summary recent_edit aftertext)), $q->end_form; PrintFooter(); # logging to the error log file of the server # warn "Q: '$QuestionaskerQuestions[$question_num][0]', A: '$answer'\n"; return; } # Set the secret key only if a question has in fact been answered if (not GetParam($QuestionaskerSecretKey, 0) and $QuestionaskerQuestions[$question_num][1]($answer)) { SetParam($QuestionaskerSecretKey, 1) } return (OldQuestionaskerDoPost(@params)); } push(@MyFormChanges, \&QuestionAddTo); sub QuestionAddTo { my ($form, $type, $upload) = @_; if (not $upload and not QuestionaskerException(GetId()) and not $QuestionaskerRememberAnswer && GetParam($QuestionaskerSecretKey, 0) and not UserIsEditor()) { my $question = QuestionaskerGetQuestion(); $form =~ s/(.*)

