Add support for `ditz edit' command

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Id: cbc36fd79b58e7a9370e3fe3a7f30154615dcd47
Type: feature
Creation time: 2008-04-11 10:03 UTC
Creator: Kentaro Kuribayashi <kentarok@...>
Release: 0.3 (released 2008-04-11)
Component: emacs-ditz
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Issue log

2008-04-11 10:12 UTC Kentaro Kuribayashi <kentarok@...> closed issue with disposition fixed
2008-04-11 10:03 UTC Kentaro Kuribayashi <kentarok@...> assigned to release 0.3 from unassigned
2008-04-11 10:03 UTC Kentaro Kuribayashi <kentarok@...> created