/* * react-circular-progressbar styles * All of the styles in this file are configurable! */ .CircularProgressbar { /* * This fixes an issue where the CircularProgressbar svg has * 0 width inside a "display: flex" container, and thus not visible. */ width: 100%; /* * This fixes a centering issue with CircularProgressbarWithChildren: * https://github.com/kevinsqi/react-circular-progressbar/issues/94 */ vertical-align: middle; } .CircularProgressbar .CircularProgressbar-path { stroke: #3e98c7; stroke-linecap: round; transition: stroke-dashoffset 0.5s ease 0s; } .CircularProgressbar .CircularProgressbar-trail { stroke: #d6d6d6; /* Used when trail is not full diameter, i.e. when props.circleRatio is set */ stroke-linecap: round; } .CircularProgressbar .CircularProgressbar-text { fill: #3e98c7; font-size: 20px; dominant-baseline: middle; text-anchor: middle; } .CircularProgressbar .CircularProgressbar-background { fill: #d6d6d6; } /* * Sample background styles. Use these with e.g.: * * */ .CircularProgressbar.CircularProgressbar-inverted .CircularProgressbar-background { fill: #3e98c7; } .CircularProgressbar.CircularProgressbar-inverted .CircularProgressbar-text { fill: #fff; } .CircularProgressbar.CircularProgressbar-inverted .CircularProgressbar-path { stroke: #fff; } .CircularProgressbar.CircularProgressbar-inverted .CircularProgressbar-trail { stroke: transparent; }