invisible(local({ # if this is arm64 macOS, include Homebrew info <- as.list( if (info$sysname == "Darwin") { javaHomes <- c( "/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home", "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home" ) for (javaHome in javaHomes) { if (file.exists(javaHome)) { Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME = javaHome) break } } } # Ensure that the user library exists and is set, so that we don't install to # the system library by default (e.g. on OS X) isDevel <- identical(R.version[["status"]], "Under development (unstable)") || identical(R.version[["nickname"]], "Unsuffered Consequences") if (!isDevel &&"R_LIBS", unset = NA))) { userLibs <- strsplit(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), .Platform$path.sep)[[1]] if (length(userLibs) && is.character(userLibs)) { lapply(userLibs, function(lib) { if (!identical(lib, "NULL") && !file.exists(lib)) { if (!dir.create(lib, recursive = TRUE)) { warning("failed to create user library '", lib, "'") } } }) } .libPaths(userLibs) } # set TZ if unset if ("TZ", unset = NA))) Sys.setenv(TZ = "America/Los_Angeles") # bail if revo R if (exists("Revo.version")) return() # only run in interactive mode if (!interactive()) return() # bail in Docker environments if (!"DOCKER", unset = NA))) return() # create .Rprofile env .__Rprofile.env__. <- attach(NULL, name = "local:rprofile") # helpers for setting things in .__Rprofile.env__. set <- function(name, value) assign(name, value, envir = .__Rprofile.env__.) set(".Start.time", as.numeric(Sys.time())) NAME <- intToUtf8( c(75L, 101L, 118L, 105L, 110L, 32L, 85L, 115L, 104L, 101L, 121L) ) EMAIL <- intToUtf8( c(107L, 101L, 118L, 105L, 110L, 117L, 115L, 104L, 101L, 121L, 64L, 103L, 109L, 97L, 105L, 108L, 46L, 99L, 111L, 109L) ) # Ensure TAR is set (for e.g. Snow Leopard builds of R) TAR <- Sys.which("tar") if (nzchar(TAR)) Sys.setenv(TAR = TAR) # ensure Rtools on PATH for Windows isWindows <- info$sysname == "Windows" if (isWindows) { PATH <- Sys.getenv("PATH", unset = "") paths <- strsplit(PATH, .Platform$path.sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]] hasRtools <- any(file.exists(file.path(paths, "Rtools.txt"))) if (!hasRtools) { # construct candidate Rtools paths rMajor <- as.numeric(getRversion()[1, 1]) rMinor <- as.numeric(getRversion()[1, 2]) candidates <- c( sprintf("C:\\RBuildTools\\%s", paste(rMajor, rMinor + 1, sep = ".")), "C:\\Rtools" ) discovered <- FALSE for (candidate in candidates) { if (file.exists(file.path(candidate, "Rtools.txt"))) { bitness <- .Machine$sizeof.pointer * 8 entries <- paste(normalizePath(Filter(file.exists, c( file.path(candidate, "bin"), if (getRversion() < "3.3.0") file.path(candidate, "gcc-4.6.3/bin") else file.path(candidate, sprintf("mingw_%s/bin", bitness)) ))), collapse = .Platform$path.sep) Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(entries, PATH, sep = .Platform$path.sep)) discovered <- TRUE break } } } } # prefer source packages for older versions of R pkgType <- getOption("pkgType") if (getRversion() < "3.3") pkgType <- "source" options( # use public cloud repos = c(CRAN = ""), # HTML help help_type = "html", # source packages for older R pkgType = pkgType, # no tcltk = FALSE, # don't treate newlines as synonym to 'n' in browser browserNLdisabled = TRUE, # keep source code as-is for package installs keep.source = TRUE, keep.source.pkgs = TRUE, # no fancy quotes (makes copy + paste a pain) useFancyQuotes = FALSE, # warn on partial matches # warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE ## too disruptive warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE, warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE, # warn right away warn = 1, # devtools related options devtools.desc = list( Author = NAME, Maintainer = paste(NAME, " <", EMAIL, ">", sep = ""), License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Version = "0.0.1" ), # huh? timeout = 3600, = NAME ) # if using 'curl' with RStudio, ensure stderr redirected method <- getOption("download.file.method") if (is.null(method)) { if (getRversion() >= "3.4.0" && capabilities("libcurl")) { options( download.file.method = "libcurl", download.file.extra = NULL ) } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("curl"))) { options( download.file.method = "curl", download.file.extra = "-L -f -s --stderr -" ) } } # always run Rcpp tests Sys.setenv(RunAllRcppTests = "yes") # attempt to set JAVA_HOME if not already set if ("JAVA_HOME", unset = NA)) && file.exists("/usr/libexec/java_home")) { JAVA_HOME <- tryCatch( system("/usr/libexec/java_home", intern = TRUE), error = function(e) "" ) if (nzchar(JAVA_HOME)) Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME = JAVA_HOME) } # auto-completion of package names in `require`, `library` utils::rc.settings(ipck = TRUE) # generate some useful aliases, for editing common files alias <- function(name, action) { placeholder <- structure(list(), class = sprintf("__%s__", name)) assign(name, placeholder, envir = .__Rprofile.env__.) assign(sprintf("print.__%s__", name), action, envir = .__Rprofile.env__.) } # open .Rprofile for editing alias(".Rprofile", function(...) file.edit("~/.Rprofile")) alias(".Renviron", function(...) file.edit("~/.Renviron")) alias(".Home", function(...) setwd(.rs.getProjectDirectory())) # open Makevars for editing alias("Makevars", function(...) { if (!utils::file_test("-d", "~/.R")) dir.create("~/.R") file.edit("~/.R/Makevars") }) # simple CLI to git git <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) commands <- c("clone", "init", "add", "mv", "reset", "rm", "bisect", "grep", "log", "show", "status", "stash", "branch", "checkout", "commit", "diff", "merge", "rebase", "tag", "fetch", "pull", "push", "clean") for (command in commands) { code <- substitute( system(paste(path, "-c color.status=false", command, ...)), list(path = quote(shQuote(normalizePath(Sys.which("git")))), command = command) ) fn <- eval(call("function", pairlist(... = quote(expr = )), code)) assign(command, fn, envir = git) } assign("git", git, envir = .__Rprofile.env__.) # tools for munging the PATH PATH <- (function() { read <- function() { strsplit(Sys.getenv("PATH"), .Platform$path.sep, TRUE)[[1]] } write <- function(path) { Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(path, collapse = .Platform$path.sep)) invisible(path) } prepend <- function(dir) { dir <- normalizePath(dir, mustWork = TRUE) path <- c(dir, setdiff(read(), dir)) write(path) } append <- function(dir) { dir <- normalizePath(dir, mustWork = TRUE) path <- c(setdiff(read(), dir), dir) write(path) } remove <- function(dir) { path <- setdiff(read(), dir) write(path) } list( read = read, write = write, prepend = prepend, append = append, remove = remove ) })() assign("PATH", PATH, envir = .__Rprofile.env__.) # ensure commonly-used packages are installed, loaded quietly <- function(expr) { status <- FALSE suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( utils::capture.output(status <- expr) )) status } install <- function(package) { code <- sprintf( "utils::install.packages(%s, lib = %s, repos = %s)", shQuote(package), shQuote(.libPaths()[[1]]), shQuote(getOption("repos")[["CRAN"]]) ) R <- file.path( R.home("bin"), if (info$sysname == "Window") "R.exe" else "R" ) con <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") writeLines(code, con = con) on.exit(unlink(con), add = TRUE) cmd <- paste(shQuote(R), "-f", shQuote(con)) system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) } if (file.exists("renv/activate.R")) return() packages <- c() invisible(lapply(packages, function(package) { if (quietly(require(package, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE))) return() message("Installing '", package, "' ... ", appendLF = FALSE) install(package) success <- quietly(require(package, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)) message(if (success) "OK" else "FAIL") })) # clean up extra attached envs addTaskCallback(function(...) { count <- sum(search() == "local:rprofile") if (count == 0) return(FALSE) for (i in seq_len(count - 1)) detach("local:rprofile") return(FALSE) }) # display startup message(s) msg <- if (length(.libPaths()) > 1) "Using libraries at paths:\n" else "Using library at path:\n" libs <- paste("-", .libPaths(), collapse = "\n") message(msg, libs, sep = "") }))