# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Keypatch IDA Plugin, powered by Keystone Engine (http://www.keystone-engine.org). # By Nguyen Anh Quynh & Thanh Nguyen, 2018. # Keypatch is released under the GPL v2. See COPYING for more information. # Find docs & latest version at http://keystone-engine.org/keypatch # This IDA plugin includes 3 tools inside: Patcher, Fill Range & Search. # Access to these tools via menu "Edit | Keypatch", or via right-click popup menu "Keypatch". # Hotkey Ctrl-Alt-K opens either Patcher or "Fill Range" window, depending on context. # - If there is no code selection, hotkey opens Patcher dialog # - If a range of code is selected, hotkey opens "Fill Range" dialog # To revert (undo) the last patching, choose menu "Edit | Keypatch | Undo last patching". # To check for update version, choose menu "Edit | Keypatch | Check for update". ''' Do not use shortcut(Ctrk + Alt + K) for debugging, otherwise debugging features will not be available. ''' ######################################################################################################### is_debug = False if is_debug: ''' Install pydevd: 1. sudo pip install pydevd or 2. Install pycharm-debug.egg, Ensure to use pycharm pro https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/remote-debugging-with-product.html # import site # site.addsitedir("/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages") ''' try: import pydevd pydevd.settrace(host='localhost', port=51234, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True ) except Exception as e: print(e) ######################################################################################################### import os import re import json from keystone import * import idc import idaapi import ida_ida import six ################################ IDA 6/7 Compatibility import ########################################### if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700: import ida_search from idc import ( get_operand_type, print_operand, get_item_end, get_item_head, get_item_size, get_sreg, has_value, get_full_flags, get_wide_byte, get_func_attr, set_func_end, warning, get_screen_ea ) from idaapi import ( get_bytes, plan_and_wait, is_mapped, Choose, jumpto ) else: from idc import ( GetOpType as get_operand_type, GetOpnd as print_operand, ItemEnd as get_item_end, ItemHead as get_item_head, ItemSize as get_item_size, GetReg as get_sreg, hasValue as has_value, GetFlags as get_full_flags, Byte as get_wide_byte, GetFunctionAttr as get_func_attr, Jump as jumpto, Warning as warning, ScreenEA as get_screen_ea ) from idaapi import ( get_many_bytes as get_bytes, analyze_area as plan_and_wait, isEnabled as is_mapped, func_setend as set_func_end, Choose2 as Choose ) ######################################################################################################### # bleeding-edge version # on a new release, this should be sync with VERSION_STABLE file VERSION = "2.2" MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN = 256 MAX_ENCODING_LEN = 40 MAX_ADDRESS_LEN = 40 ENCODING_ERR_OUTPUT = "..." KP_GITHUB_VERSION = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keystone-engine/keypatch/master/VERSION_STABLE" KP_HOMEPAGE = "http://keystone-engine.org/keypatch" X86_NOP = "\x90" # Configuration file KP_CFGFILE = os.path.join(idaapi.get_user_idadir(), "keypatch.cfg") # save all the info on patching patch_info = [] ################################ Python2/3 Compatibility function ####################################### # Convert unicode/string/bytes to string def to_string(s): # python3 bytes if six.PY3 and isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode('latin-1') # python2 unicode elif six.PY2 and isinstance(s, six.text_type): return s.encode('utf-8') return str(s) def to_hexstr(buf, sep=' '): # for python3 bytes if six.PY3 and isinstance(buf, bytes): return sep.join("{0:02x}".format(c) for c in buf).upper() return sep.join("{0:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in buf).upper() ######################################################################################################### ################################ IDA 6/7 Compatibility function ######################################### def get_dtype(ea, op_idx): if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700: insn = idaapi.insn_t() idaapi.decode_insn(insn, ea) dtype = insn.ops[op_idx].dtype dtyp_size = idaapi.get_dtype_size(dtype) else: dtype = idaapi.cmd.Operands[op_idx].dtyp dtyp_size = idaapi.get_dtyp_size(dtype) return dtype, dtyp_size def set_comment(ea, comment): if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700: idc.set_cmt(ea, comment, 0) else: idc.MakeComm(ea, comment) def get_comment(ea): if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700: return idc.get_cmt(ea, 0) return idc.Comment(ea) def read_range_selection(): if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700: return idaapi.read_range_selection(None) return idaapi.read_selection() ######################################################################################################### # return a normalized code, or None if input is invalid def convert_hexstr(code): # normalize code code = code.lower() code = code.replace(' ', '') # remove space code = code.replace('h', '') # remove trailing 'h' in 90h code = code.replace('0x', '') # remove 0x code = code.replace('\\x', '') # remove \x code = code.replace(',', '') # remove , code = code.replace(';', '') # remove ; code = code.replace('"', '') # remove " code = code.replace("'", '') # remove ' code = code.replace("+", '') # remove + # single-digit hexcode? if len(code) == 1 and ((code >= '0' and code <= '9') or (code >= 'a' and code <= 'f')): # stick 0 in front (so 'a' --> '0a') code = '0' + code # odd-length is invalid if len(code) % 2 != 0: return None try: hex_data = code.decode('hex') # we want a list of int return [ord(i) for i in hex_data] except: # invalid hex return None # download a file from @url, then return (result, file-content) # return (0, content) on success, or ({1|2}, None) on download failure def url_download(url): # Import for python2 try: from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError except: from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError # create the url and the request req = Request(url) # Open the url try: # download this URL f = urlopen(req) content = f.read() return (0, content) # handle errors except HTTPError as e: # print "HTTP Error:", e.code , url # fail to download this file return (1, None) except URLError as e: # print "URL Error:", e.reason , url # fail to download this file return (1, None) except Exception as e: # fail to save the downloaded file # print("Error:", e) return (2, None) def get_name_value(_from, name): """ Fixed: the return value truncated(32 bit) of get_name_value function that analyzed 64 bit binary file about ida64 for win. eg: type == idaapi.NT_BYTE (type, value) = idaapi.get_name_value(idc.BADADDR, "wcschr") # ida64 for win value = 0x14003d3f0L is correct ida64 > 7.x for macOS value = 0x4003d3f0L is truncated ida64 >= 6.x for win, ida64 == 6.x for macOS :param _from: ea :param name: name string :return: tuple """ name = to_string(name) (typ, value) = idaapi.get_name_value(_from, name) if typ == idaapi.NT_BYTE: # typ is byte name (regular name) value = idaapi.get_name_ea(_from, name) return (typ, value) ## Main Keypatch class class Keypatch_Asm: # supported architectures arch_lists = { "X86 16-bit": (KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_16), # X86 16-bit "X86 32-bit": (KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_32), # X86 32-bit "X86 64-bit": (KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_64), # X86 64-bit "ARM": (KS_ARCH_ARM, KS_MODE_ARM), # ARM "ARM Thumb": (KS_ARCH_ARM, KS_MODE_THUMB), # ARM Thumb "ARM64 (ARMV8)": (KS_ARCH_ARM64, KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN),# ARM64 "Hexagon": (KS_ARCH_HEXAGON, KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN), # Hexagon "Mips32": (KS_ARCH_MIPS, KS_MODE_MIPS32), # Mips32 "Mips64": (KS_ARCH_MIPS, KS_MODE_MIPS64), # Mips64 "PowerPC 32": (KS_ARCH_PPC, KS_MODE_PPC32), # PPC32 "PowerPC 64": (KS_ARCH_PPC, KS_MODE_PPC64), # PPC64 "Sparc 32": (KS_ARCH_SPARC, KS_MODE_SPARC32), # Sparc32 "Sparc 64": (KS_ARCH_SPARC, KS_MODE_SPARC64), # Sparc64 "SystemZ": (KS_ARCH_SYSTEMZ, KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN), # SystemZ } endian_lists = { "Little Endian": KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN, # little endian "Big Endian": KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN, # big endian } syntax_lists = { "Intel": KS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL, "Nasm": KS_OPT_SYNTAX_NASM, "AT&T": KS_OPT_SYNTAX_ATT } def __init__(self, arch=None, mode=None): # update current arch and mode self.update_hardware_mode() # override arch & mode if provided if arch is not None: self.arch = arch if mode is not None: self.mode = mode # IDA uses Intel syntax by default self.syntax = KS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL # return Keystone arch & mode (with endianess included) @staticmethod def get_hardware_mode(): (arch, mode) = (None, None) if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 900: is_64bit = ida_ida.idainfo_is_64bit() is_32bit = ida_ida.idainfo_is_32bit() cpuname = ida_ida.inf_get_procname().lower() is_be = ida_ida.inf_is_be() else: # heuristically detect hardware setup info = idaapi.get_inf_structure() is_64bit = info.is_64bit() is_32bit = info.is_32bit() try: cpuname = info.procname.lower() except: cpuname = info.procName.lower() try: # since IDA7 beta 3 (170724) renamed inf.mf -> is_be()/set_be() is_be = idaapi.cvar.inf.is_be() except: # older IDA versions is_be = idaapi.cvar.inf.mf # print("Keypatch BIG_ENDIAN = %s" %is_be) if cpuname == "metapc": arch = KS_ARCH_X86 if is_64bit: mode = KS_MODE_64 elif is_32bit: mode = KS_MODE_32 else: mode = KS_MODE_16 elif cpuname.startswith("arm"): # ARM or ARM64 if is_64bit: arch = KS_ARCH_ARM64 if is_be: mode = KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN else: mode = KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN else: arch = KS_ARCH_ARM # either big-endian or little-endian if is_be: mode = KS_MODE_ARM | KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN else: mode = KS_MODE_ARM | KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN elif cpuname.startswith("sparc"): arch = KS_ARCH_SPARC if is_64bit: mode = KS_MODE_SPARC64 else: mode = KS_MODE_SPARC32 if is_be: mode |= KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN else: mode |= KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN elif cpuname.startswith("ppc"): arch = KS_ARCH_PPC if is_64bit: mode = KS_MODE_PPC64 else: mode = KS_MODE_PPC32 if cpuname == "ppc": # do not support Little Endian mode for PPC mode += KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN elif cpuname.startswith("mips"): arch = KS_ARCH_MIPS if is_64bit: mode = KS_MODE_MIPS64 else: mode = KS_MODE_MIPS32 if is_be: mode |= KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN else: mode |= KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN elif cpuname.startswith("systemz") or cpuname.startswith("s390x"): arch = KS_ARCH_SYSTEMZ mode = KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN return (arch, mode) def update_hardware_mode(self): (self.arch, self.mode) = self.get_hardware_mode() # normalize assembly code # remove comment at the end of assembly code @staticmethod def asm_normalize(text): text = ' '.join(text.split()) if text.rfind(';') != -1: return text[:text.rfind(';')].strip() return text.strip() @staticmethod # check if input address is valid # return # -1 invalid address at target binary # 0 type mismatch of input address # 1 valid address at target binary def check_address(address): try: if is_mapped(address): return 1 else: return -1 except: # invalid type return 0 ### resolve IDA names from input asm code # todo: a better syntax parser for all archs def ida_resolve(self, assembly, address=idc.BADADDR): def _resolve(_op, ignore_kw=True): names = re.findall(r"[\$a-z0-9_:\.]+", _op, re.I) # try to resolve all names for name in names: # ignore known keywords if ignore_kw and name in ('byte', 'near', 'short', 'word', 'dword', 'ptr', 'offset'): continue sym = name # split segment reg parts = name.partition(':') if parts[2] != '': sym = parts[2] (typ, value) = get_name_value(address, sym) # skip if name doesn't exist or segment / segment registers if typ in (idaapi.NT_SEG, idaapi.NT_NONE): continue _op = _op.replace(sym, '0x{0:X}'.format(value)) return _op if self.check_address(address) == 0: print("Keypatch: WARNING: invalid input address {0}".format(address)) return assembly # for now, we only support IDA name resolve for X86, ARM, ARM64, MIPS, PPC, SPARC if not (self.arch in (KS_ARCH_X86, KS_ARCH_ARM, KS_ARCH_ARM64, KS_ARCH_MIPS, KS_ARCH_PPC, KS_ARCH_SPARC)): return assembly _asm = assembly.partition(' ') mnem = _asm[0] opers = _asm[2].split(',') for idx, op in enumerate(opers): _op = list(op.partition('[')) ignore_kw = True if _op[1] == '': _op[2] = _op[0] _op[0] = '' else: _op[0] = _resolve(_op[0], ignore_kw=True) ignore_kw = False _op[2] = _resolve(_op[2], ignore_kw=ignore_kw) opers[idx] = ''.join(_op) asm = "{0} {1}".format(mnem, ','.join(opers)) return asm # return bytes of instruction or data # return None on failure def ida_get_item(self, address, hex_output=False): if self.check_address(address) != 1: # not a valid address return (None, 0) # return None if address is in the middle of instruction / data if address != get_item_head(address): return (None, 0) size = get_item_size(address) item = get_bytes(address, size) if item is None: return (None, 0) if hex_output: item = to_hexstr(item) return (item, size) @staticmethod def get_op_dtype_name(ea, op_idx): dtyp_lists = { idaapi.dt_byte: 'byte', # 8 bit idaapi.dt_word: 'word', # 16 bit idaapi.dt_dword: 'dword', # 32 bit idaapi.dt_float: 'dword', # 4 byte idaapi.dt_double: 'dword', # 8 byte #idaapi.dt_tbyte = 5 # variable size (ph.tbyte_size) #idaapi.dt_packreal = 6 # packed real format for mc68040 idaapi.dt_qword: 'qword', # 64 bit idaapi.dt_byte16: 'xmmword',# 128 bit #idaapi.dt_code = 9 # ptr to code (not used?) #idaapi.dt_void = 10 # none #idaapi.dt_fword = 11 # 48 bit #idaapi.dt_bitfild = 12 # bit field (mc680x0) #idaapi.dt_string = 13 # pointer to asciiz string #idaapi.dt_unicode = 14 # pointer to unicode string #idaapi.dt_3byte = 15 # 3-byte data #idaapi.dt_ldbl = 16 # long double (which may be different from tbyte) idaapi.dt_byte32: 'ymmword',# 256 bit } dtype, dtyp_size = get_dtype(ea, op_idx) if dtype == idaapi.dt_tbyte and dtyp_size == 10: return 'xword' dtyp_name = dtyp_lists.get(dtype, None) return dtyp_name # return asm instructions from start to end def ida_get_disasm_range(self, start, end): codes = [] while start < end: asm = self.asm_normalize(idc.GetDisasm(start)) if asm == None: asm = '' codes.append(asm) start = start + get_item_size(start) return codes # get disasm from IDA # return '' on invalid address def ida_get_disasm(self, address, fixup=False): def GetMnem(asm): sp = asm.find(' ') if sp == -1: return asm return asm[:sp] if self.check_address(address) != 1: # not a valid address return '' # return if address is in the middle of instruction / data if address != get_item_head(address): return '' asm = self.asm_normalize(idc.GetDisasm(address)) # for now, only support IDA syntax fixup for Intel CPU if not fixup or self.arch != KS_ARCH_X86: return asm # KS_ARCH_X86 mode # rebuild disasm code from IDA i = 0 mnem = GetMnem(asm) if mnem == '' or mnem in ('rep', 'repne', 'repe'): return asm opers = [] while get_operand_type(address, i) > 0 and i < 6: t = get_operand_type(address, i) o = print_operand(address, i) if t in (idc.o_mem, idc.o_displ): parts = list(o.partition(':')) if parts[2] == '': parts[2] = parts[0] parts[0] = '' if '[' not in parts[2]: parts[2] = '[{0}]'.format(parts[2]) o = ''.join(parts) if 'ptr ' not in o: dtyp_name = self.get_op_dtype_name(address, i) if dtyp_name != None: o = "{0} ptr {1}".format(dtyp_name, o) opers.append(o) i += 1 asm = mnem for o in opers: if o != '': asm = "{0} {1},".format(asm, o) asm = asm.strip(',') return asm # assemble code with Keystone # return (encoding, count), or (None, 0) on failure def assemble(self, assembly, address, arch=None, mode=None, syntax=None): # return assembly with arithmetic equation evaluated def eval_operand(assembly, start, stop, prefix=''): imm = assembly[start+1:stop] try: eval_imm = eval(imm) if eval_imm > 0x80000000: eval_imm = 0xffffffff - eval_imm eval_imm += 1 eval_imm = -eval_imm return assembly.replace(prefix + imm, prefix + hex(eval_imm)) except: return assembly # IDA uses different syntax from Keystone # sometimes, we can convert code to be consumable by Keystone def fix_ida_syntax(assembly): # return True if this insn needs to be fixed def check_arm_arm64_insn(arch, mnem): if arch == KS_ARCH_ARM: if mnem.startswith("ldr") or mnem.startswith("str"): return True return False elif arch == KS_ARCH_ARM64: if mnem.startswith("ldr") or mnem.startswith("str"): return True return mnem in ("stp") return False # return True if this insn needs to be fixed def check_ppc_insn(mnem): return mnem in ("stw") # replace the right most string occurred def rreplace(s, old, new): li = s.rsplit(old, 1) return new.join(li) # convert some ARM pre-UAL assembly to UAL, so Keystone can handle it # example: streqb --> strbeq def fix_arm_ual(mnem, assembly): # TODO: this is not an exhaustive list yet if len(mnem) != 6: return assembly if (mnem[-1] in ('s', 'b', 'h', 'd')): #print(">> 222", mnem[3:5]) if mnem[3:5] in ("cc", "eq", "ne", "hs", "lo", "mi", "pl", "vs", "vc", "hi", "ls", "ge", "lt", "gt", "le", "al"): return assembly.replace(mnem, mnem[:3] + mnem[-1] + mnem[3:5], 1) return assembly if self.arch != KS_ARCH_X86: assembly = assembly.lower() else: # Keystone does not support immediate 0bh, but only 0Bh assembly = assembly.upper() # however, 0X must be converted to 0x # Keystone should fix this limitation in the future assembly = assembly.replace("0X", " 0x") _asm = assembly.partition(' ') mnem = _asm[0] if mnem == '': return assembly # for PPC, Keystone does not accept registers with 'r' prefix, # but only the number behind. lets try to fix that here by # removing the prefix 'r'. if self.arch == KS_ARCH_PPC: for n in range(32): r = " r%u," %n if r in assembly: assembly = assembly.replace(r, " %u," %n) for n in range(32): r = "(r%u)" %n if r in assembly: assembly = assembly.replace(r, "(%u)" %n) for n in range(32): r = ", r%u" %n if assembly.endswith(r): assembly = rreplace(assembly, r, ", %u" %n) if self.arch == KS_ARCH_X86: if mnem == "RETN": # replace retn with ret return assembly.replace('RETN', 'RET', 1) if 'OFFSET ' in assembly: return assembly.replace('OFFSET ', ' ') if mnem in ('CALL', 'JMP') or mnem.startswith('LOOP'): # remove 'NEAR PTR' if ' NEAR PTR ' in assembly: return assembly.replace(' NEAR PTR ', ' ') elif mnem[0] == 'J': # JMP instruction if ' SHORT ' in assembly: # remove ' short ' return assembly.replace(' SHORT ', ' ') elif self.arch in (KS_ARCH_ARM, KS_ARCH_ARM64, KS_ARCH_PPC): # *** ARM # LDR R1, [SP+rtld_fini],#4 # STR R2, [SP,#-4+rtld_fini]! # STR R0, [SP,#fini]! # STR R12, [SP,#4+var_8]! # *** ARM64 # STP X29, X30, [SP,#-0x10+var_150]! # STR W0, [X29,#0x150+var_8] # LDR X0, [X0,#(qword_4D6678 - 0x4D6660)] # TODO: # ADRP X19, #interactive@PAGE # *** PPC # stw r5, 0x120+var_108(r1) if self.arch == KS_ARCH_ARM and mode == KS_MODE_THUMB: assembly = assembly.replace('movt.w', 'movt') if self.arch == KS_ARCH_ARM: #print(">> before UAL fix: ", assembly) assembly = fix_arm_ual(mnem, assembly) #print(">> after UAL fix: ", assembly) if check_arm_arm64_insn(self.arch, mnem) or (("[" in assembly) and ("]" in assembly)): bang = assembly.find('#') bracket = assembly.find(']') if bang != -1 and bracket != -1 and bang < bracket: return eval_operand(assembly, bang, bracket, '#') elif '+0x0]' in assembly: return assembly.replace('+0x0]', ']') elif check_ppc_insn(mnem): start = assembly.find(', ') stop = assembly.find('(') if start != -1 and stop != -1 and start < stop: return eval_operand(assembly, start, stop) return assembly def is_thumb(address): return get_sreg(address, 'T') == 1 if self.check_address(address) == 0: return (None, 0) # use default syntax, arch and mode if not provided if syntax is None: syntax = self.syntax if arch is None: arch = self.arch if mode is None: mode = self.mode if arch == KS_ARCH_ARM and is_thumb(address): mode = KS_MODE_THUMB try: ks = Ks(arch, mode) if arch == KS_ARCH_X86: ks.syntax = syntax encoding, count = ks.asm(fix_ida_syntax(assembly), address) except KsError as e: # keep the below code for debugging #print("Keypatch Error: {0}".format(e)) #print("Original asm: {0}".format(assembly)) #print("Fixed up asm: {0}".format(fix_ida_syntax(assembly))) encoding, count = None, 0 return (encoding, count) # patch at address, return the number of written bytes & original data # this process can fail in some cases @staticmethod def patch_raw(address, patch_data, size): ea = address orig_data = '' while ea < (address + size): if not has_value(get_full_flags(ea)): print("Keypatch: FAILED to read data at 0x{0:X}".format(ea)) break orig_byte = get_wide_byte(ea) orig_data += chr(orig_byte) patch_byte = ord(patch_data[ea - address]) if patch_byte != orig_byte: # patch one byte if idaapi.patch_byte(ea, patch_byte) != 1: print("Keypatch: FAILED to patch byte at 0x{0:X} [0x{1:X}]".format(ea, patch_byte)) break ea += 1 return (ea - address, orig_data) # patch at address, return the number of written bytes & original data # on patch failure, we revert to the original code, then return (None, None) def patch(self, address, patch_data, size): # save original function end to fix IDA re-analyze issue after patching orig_func_end = get_func_attr(address, idc.FUNCATTR_END) (patched_len, orig_data) = self.patch_raw(address, patch_data, size) if size != patched_len: # patch failure if patched_len > 0: # revert the changes (rlen, _) = self.patch_raw(address, orig_data, patched_len) if rlen == patched_len: print("Keypatch: successfully reverted changes of {0:d} byte(s) at 0x{1:X} [{2}]".format( patched_len, address, to_hexstr(orig_data))) else: print("Keypatch: FAILED to revert changes of {0:d} byte(s) at 0x{1:X} [{2}]".format( patched_len, address, to_hexstr(orig_data))) return (None, None) # ask IDA to re-analyze the patched area if orig_func_end == idc.BADADDR: # only analyze patched bytes, otherwise it would take a lot of time to re-analyze the whole binary plan_and_wait(address, address + patched_len + 1) else: plan_and_wait(address, orig_func_end) # try to fix IDA function re-analyze issue after patching set_func_end(address, orig_func_end) return (patched_len, orig_data) # return number of bytes patched # return # 0 Invalid assembly # -1 PatchByte failure # -2 Can't read original data # -3 Invalid address def patch_code(self, address, assembly, syntax, padding, save_origcode, orig_asm=None, patch_data=None, patch_comment=None, undo=False): global patch_info if self.check_address(address) != 1: # not a valid address return -3 orig_comment = get_comment(address) if orig_comment is None: orig_comment = '' nop_comment = "" padding_len = 0 if not undo: # we are patching via Patcher (orig_encoding, orig_len) = self.ida_get_item(address) if (orig_encoding, orig_len) == (None, 0): return -2 (encoding, count) = self.assemble(assembly, address, syntax=syntax) if encoding is None: return 0 patch_len = len(encoding) patch_data = ''.join(chr(c) for c in encoding) if patch_data == orig_encoding: #print("Keypatch: no need to patch, same encoding data [{0}] at 0x{1:X}".format(to_hexstr(orig_encoding), address)) return orig_len # for now, only support NOP padding on Intel CPU if padding and self.arch == KS_ARCH_X86: if patch_len < orig_len: padding_len = orig_len - patch_len patch_len = orig_len patch_data = patch_data.ljust(patch_len, X86_NOP) elif patch_len > orig_len: patch_end = address + patch_len - 1 ins_end = get_item_end(patch_end) padding_len = ins_end - patch_end - 1 if padding_len > 0: patch_len = ins_end - address patch_data = patch_data.ljust(patch_len, X86_NOP) if padding_len > 0: nop_comment = "\nKeypatch padded NOP to next boundary: {0} bytes".format(padding_len) orig_asm = self.ida_get_disasm_range(address, address + patch_len) else: # we are reverting the change via "Undo" menu patch_len = len(patch_data) (plen, p_orig_data) = self.patch(address, patch_data, patch_len) if plen is None: # failed to patch return -1 if not undo: # we are patching new_patch_comment = None if save_origcode is True: # append original instruction to comments if orig_comment == '': new_patch_comment = "Keypatch modified this from:\n {0}{1}".format('\n '.join(orig_asm), nop_comment) else: new_patch_comment = "\nKeypatch modified this from:\n {0}{1}".format('\n '.join(orig_asm), nop_comment) new_comment = "{0}{1}".format(orig_comment, new_patch_comment) set_comment(address, new_comment) if padding_len == 0: print("Keypatch: successfully patched {0:d} byte(s) at 0x{1:X} from [{2}] to [{3}]".format(plen, address, to_hexstr(p_orig_data), to_hexstr(patch_data))) else: print("Keypatch: successfully patched {0:d} byte(s) at 0x{1:X} from [{2}] to [{3}], with {4} byte(s) NOP padded".format(plen, address, to_hexstr(p_orig_data), to_hexstr(patch_data), padding_len)) # save this patching for future "undo" patch_info.append((address, assembly, p_orig_data, new_patch_comment)) else: # we are reverting if patch_comment: # clean previous IDA comment by replacing it with '' new_comment = orig_comment.replace(patch_comment, '') set_comment(address, new_comment) print("Keypatch: successfully reverted {0:d} byte(s) at 0x{1:X} from [{2}] to [{3}]".format(plen, address, to_hexstr(p_orig_data), to_hexstr(patch_data))) return plen # fill a range of code [addr_begin, addr_end]. # return the length of patched area # on failure, return 0 = wrong input, -1 = failed to patch def fill_code(self, addr_begin, addr_end, assembly, syntax, padding, save_origcode, orig_asm=None): # treat input as assembly code first (encoding, _) = self.assemble(assembly, addr_begin, syntax=syntax) if encoding is None: # input might be a hexcode string. try to convert it to raw bytes encoding = convert_hexstr(assembly) if encoding is None: # invalid input: this is neither assembly nor hexcode string return 0 # save original assembly code before overwritting them orig_asm = self.ida_get_disasm_range(addr_begin, addr_end) # save original comment at addr_begin # TODO: save comments in this range, but how to interleave them? orig_comment = get_comment(addr_begin) if orig_comment is None: orig_comment = '' patch_data = "" assembly_new = [] size = addr_end - addr_begin # calculate filling data encode_chr = ''.join(chr(c) for c in encoding) while True: if len(patch_data) + len(encode_chr) <= size: patch_data = patch_data + encode_chr assembly_new += [assembly.strip()] else: break # for now, only support NOP padding on Intel CPU if padding and self.arch == KS_ARCH_X86: for i in range(size -len(patch_data)): assembly_new += ["nop"] patch_data = patch_data.ljust(size, X86_NOP) (plen, p_orig_data) = self.patch(addr_begin, patch_data, len(patch_data)) if plen is None: # failed to patch return -1 new_patch_comment = '' # append original instruction to comments if save_origcode is True: if orig_comment == '': new_patch_comment = "Keypatch filled range [0x{0:X}:0x{1:X}] ({2} bytes), replaced:\n {3}".format(addr_begin, addr_end - 1, addr_end - addr_begin, '\n '.join(orig_asm)) else: new_patch_comment = "\nKeypatch filled range [0x{0:X}:0x{1:X}] ({2} bytes), replaced:\n {3}".format(addr_begin, addr_end - 1, addr_end - addr_begin, '\n '.join(orig_asm)) new_comment = "{0}{1}".format(orig_comment, new_patch_comment) set_comment(addr_begin, new_comment) print("Keypatch: successfully filled range [0x{0:X}:0x{1:X}] ({2} bytes) with \"{3}\", replaced \"{4}\"".format( addr_begin, addr_end - 1, addr_end - addr_begin, assembly, '; '.join(orig_asm))) # save this modification for future "undo" patch_info.append((addr_begin, '\n '.join(assembly_new), p_orig_data, new_patch_comment)) return plen ### Form helper functions @staticmethod def dict_to_ordered_list(dictionary): l = sorted(list(dictionary.items()), key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=False) keys = [i[0] for i in l] values = [i[1] for i in l] return (keys, values) def get_value_by_idx(self, dictionary, idx, default=None): (keys, values) = self.dict_to_ordered_list(dictionary) try: val = values[idx] except IndexError: val = default return val def find_idx_by_value(self, dictionary, value, default=None): (keys, values) = self.dict_to_ordered_list(dictionary) try: idx = values.index(value) except: idx = default return idx def get_arch_by_idx(self, idx): return self.get_value_by_idx(self.arch_lists, idx) def find_arch_idx(self, arch, mode): return self.find_idx_by_value(self.arch_lists, (arch, mode)) def get_syntax_by_idx(self, idx): return self.get_value_by_idx(self.syntax_lists, idx, self.syntax) def find_syntax_idx(self, syntax): return self.find_idx_by_value(self.syntax_lists, syntax) ### /Form helper functions # Common ancestor form to be derived by Patcher, FillRange & Search class Keypatch_Form(idaapi.Form): # prepare for form initializing def setup(self, kp_asm, address, assembly=None): self.kp_asm = kp_asm self.address = address # update ordered list of arch and syntax self.syntax_keys = self.kp_asm.dict_to_ordered_list(self.kp_asm.syntax_lists)[0] self.arch_keys = self.kp_asm.dict_to_ordered_list(self.kp_asm.arch_lists)[0] # update current arch & mode self.kp_asm.update_hardware_mode() # find right value for c_arch & c_endian controls mode = self.kp_asm.mode self.endian_id = 0 # little endian if self.kp_asm.mode & KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN: self.endian_id = 1 # big endian mode = self.kp_asm.mode - KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN self.arch_id = self.kp_asm.find_arch_idx(self.kp_asm.arch, mode) self.syntax_id = 0 # to make non-X86 arch happy if self.kp_asm.arch == KS_ARCH_X86: self.syntax_id = self.kp_asm.find_syntax_idx(self.kp_asm.syntax) # get original instruction and bytes self.orig_asm = kp_asm.ida_get_disasm(address) (self.orig_encoding, self.orig_len) = kp_asm.ida_get_item(address, hex_output=True) if self.orig_encoding is None: self.orig_encoding = '' if assembly is None: self.asm = self.kp_asm.ida_get_disasm(self.address, fixup=True) else: self.asm = assembly # update Encoding control # return True on success, False on failure def _update_encoding(self, arch, mode): try: syntax = None if arch == KS_ARCH_X86: syntax_id = self.GetControlValue(self.c_syntax) syntax = self.kp_asm.get_syntax_by_idx(syntax_id) address = self.GetControlValue(self.c_addr) try: is_mapped(address) except: # invalid address value address = 0 assembly = self.GetControlValue(self.c_assembly) raw_assembly = self.kp_asm.ida_resolve(assembly, address) self.SetControlValue(self.c_raw_assembly, raw_assembly) (encoding, count) = self.kp_asm.assemble(raw_assembly, address, arch=arch, mode=mode, syntax=syntax) if encoding is None: self.SetControlValue(self.c_encoding, ENCODING_ERR_OUTPUT) self.SetControlValue(self.c_encoding_len, 0) return False else: text = "" for byte in encoding: text += "%02X " % byte text.strip() if text == "": # error? self.SetControlValue(self.c_encoding, ENCODING_ERR_OUTPUT) return False else: self.SetControlValue(self.c_encoding, text.strip()) self.SetControlValue(self.c_encoding_len, len(encoding)) return True except Exception as e: print(str(e)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.SetControlValue(self.c_encoding, ENCODING_ERR_OUTPUT) return False # callback to be executed when any form control changed def OnFormChange(self, fid): return 1 # update Patcher & Fillrange controls def update_patchform(self, fid): self.EnableField(self.c_endian, False) self.EnableField(self.c_addr, False) (arch, mode) = (self.kp_asm.arch, self.kp_asm.mode) # assembly is focused self.SetFocusedField(self.c_assembly) if arch == KS_ARCH_X86: # do not show Endian control self.ShowField(self.c_endian, False) # allow to choose Syntax self.ShowField(self.c_syntax, True) self.ShowField(self.c_opt_padding, True) else: # do not show Syntax control for non-X86 mode self.ShowField(self.c_syntax, False) # for now, we do not support padding for non-X86 archs self.ShowField(self.c_opt_padding, False) #self.EnableField(self.c_opt_padding, False) # update other controls & Encoding with live assembling self.update_controls(arch, mode) return 1 # update some controls - including Encoding control def update_controls(self, arch, mode): # Fixup & Encoding-len are read-only controls self.EnableField(self.c_raw_assembly, False) self.EnableField(self.c_encoding_len, False) # Encoding is enable to allow user to select & copy self.EnableField(self.c_encoding, True) if self.GetControlValue(self.c_endian) == 1: endian = KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN else: endian = KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN # update encoding with live assembling self._update_encoding(arch, mode | endian) return 1 # get Patcher/FillRange options def get_opts(self, name=None): names = self.c_opt_chk.children_names val = self.c_opt_chk.value opts = {} for i in range(len(names)): opts[names[i]] = val & (2**i) if name != None: opts[name] = val return opts # Fill Range form class Keypatch_FillRange(Keypatch_Form): def __init__(self, kp_asm, addr_begin, addr_end, assembly=None, opts=None): self.setup(kp_asm, addr_begin, assembly) self.addr_end = addr_end # create FillRange form super(Keypatch_FillRange, self).__init__( r"""STARTITEM {id:c_assembly} BUTTON YES* Patch KEYPATCH:: Fill Range {FormChangeCb} <~S~yntax :{c_syntax}> <~A~ssembly :{c_assembly}> <##- Fixup :{c_raw_assembly}> <##- Encode:{c_encoding}> <##- Size :{c_encoding_len}> <~N~OPs padding until next instruction boundary:{c_opt_padding}> {c_opt_chk}> """, { 'c_endian': self.DropdownListControl( items = list(self.kp_asm.endian_lists.keys()), readonly = True, selval = self.endian_id), 'c_addr': self.NumericInput(value=addr_begin, swidth=MAX_ADDRESS_LEN, tp=self.FT_ADDR), 'c_addr_end': self.NumericInput(value=addr_end - 1, swidth=MAX_ADDRESS_LEN, tp=self.FT_ADDR), 'c_assembly': self.StringInput(value=self.asm[:MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN], width=MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN), 'c_size': self.NumericInput(value=addr_end - addr_begin, swidth=8, tp=self.FT_DEC), 'c_raw_assembly': self.StringInput(value='', width=MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN), 'c_encoding': self.StringInput(value='', width=MAX_ENCODING_LEN), 'c_encoding_len': self.NumericInput(value=0, swidth=8, tp=self.FT_DEC), 'c_syntax': self.DropdownListControl( items = self.syntax_keys, readonly = True, selval = self.syntax_id), 'c_opt_chk':idaapi.Form.ChkGroupControl(('c_opt_padding', 'c_opt_comment', ''), value=opts['c_opt_chk']), 'FormChangeCb': self.FormChangeCb(self.OnFormChange), }) self.Compile() # callback to be executed when any form control changed def OnFormChange(self, fid): # make some controls read-only in FillRange mode self.EnableField(self.c_size, False) self.EnableField(self.c_addr_end, False) return self.update_patchform(fid) # Patcher form class Keypatch_Patcher(Keypatch_Form): def __init__(self, kp_asm, address, assembly=None, opts=None): self.setup(kp_asm, address, assembly) # create Patcher form super(Keypatch_Patcher, self).__init__( r"""STARTITEM {id:c_assembly} BUTTON YES* Patch KEYPATCH:: Patcher {FormChangeCb} <~S~yntax :{c_syntax}>
<##- Encode:{c_orig_encoding}> <##- Size :{c_orig_len}> <~A~ssembly :{c_assembly}> <##- Fixup :{c_raw_assembly}> <##- Encode:{c_encoding}> <##- Size :{c_encoding_len}> <~N~OPs padding until next instruction boundary:{c_opt_padding}> {c_opt_chk}> """, { 'c_endian': self.DropdownListControl( items = list(self.kp_asm.endian_lists.keys()), readonly = True, selval = self.endian_id), 'c_addr': self.NumericInput(value=address, swidth=MAX_ADDRESS_LEN, tp=self.FT_ADDR), 'c_assembly': self.StringInput(value=self.asm[:MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN], width=MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN), 'c_orig_assembly': self.StringInput(value=self.orig_asm[:MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN], width=MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN), 'c_orig_encoding': self.StringInput(value=self.orig_encoding[:MAX_ENCODING_LEN], width=MAX_ENCODING_LEN), 'c_orig_len': self.NumericInput(value=self.orig_len, swidth=8, tp=self.FT_DEC), 'c_raw_assembly': self.StringInput(value='', width=MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN), 'c_encoding': self.StringInput(value='', width=MAX_ENCODING_LEN), 'c_encoding_len': self.NumericInput(value=0, swidth=8, tp=self.FT_DEC), 'c_syntax': self.DropdownListControl( items = self.syntax_keys, readonly = True, selval = self.syntax_id), 'c_opt_chk':self.ChkGroupControl(('c_opt_padding', 'c_opt_comment', ''), value=opts['c_opt_chk']), 'FormChangeCb': self.FormChangeCb(self.OnFormChange), }) self.Compile() # callback to be executed when any form control changed def OnFormChange(self, fid): # make some fields read-only in Patch mode self.EnableField(self.c_orig_assembly, False) self.EnableField(self.c_orig_encoding, False) self.EnableField(self.c_orig_len, False) return self.update_patchform(fid) # Search position chooser class SearchResultChooser(Choose): def __init__(self, title, items, flags=0, width=None, height=None, embedded=False, modal=False): super(SearchResultChooser, self).__init__( title, [["Address", Choose.CHCOL_HEX|40]], flags = flags, width = width, height = height, embedded = embedded) self.n = 0 self.items = items self.selcount = 0 self.modal = modal def OnClose(self): return def OnSelectLine(self, n): self.selcount += 1 jumpto(self.items[n][0]) def OnGetLine(self, n): res = self.items[n] res = [idc.atoa(res[0])] return res def OnGetSize(self): n = len(self.items) return n def show(self): return self.Show(self.modal) >= 0 # Search form class Keypatch_Search(Keypatch_Form): def __init__(self, kp_asm, address, assembly=None): self.setup(kp_asm, address, assembly) # create Search form super(Keypatch_Search, self).__init__( r"""STARTITEM {id:c_assembly} BUTTON YES* Search KEYPATCH:: Search {FormChangeCb} <~S~yntax :{c_syntax}> <~A~ssembly :{c_assembly}> <##- Fixup :{c_raw_assembly}> <##- Encode:{c_encoding}> <##- Size :{c_encoding_len}> """, { 'c_addr': self.NumericInput(value=address, swidth=MAX_ADDRESS_LEN, tp=self.FT_ADDR), 'c_assembly': self.StringInput(value=self.asm[:MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN], width=MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN), 'c_raw_assembly': self.StringInput(value='', width=MAX_INSTRUCTION_STRLEN), 'c_encoding': self.StringInput(value='', width=MAX_ENCODING_LEN), 'c_encoding_len': self.NumericInput(value=0, swidth=8, tp=self.FT_DEC), 'c_arch': self.DropdownListControl( items = self.arch_keys, readonly = True, selval = self.arch_id, width = 32), 'c_endian': self.DropdownListControl( items = list(self.kp_asm.endian_lists.keys()), readonly = True, selval = self.endian_id), 'c_syntax': self.DropdownListControl( items = self.syntax_keys, readonly = True, selval = self.syntax_id), 'FormChangeCb': self.FormChangeCb(self.OnFormChange), }) self.Compile() ################################ IDA 6/7 Compatibility method ####################################### def find_binary(self, ea): if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700: return ida_search.find_binary(ea, idaapi.cvar.inf.max_ea, self.GetControlValue(self.c_encoding), 16, idc.SEARCH_DOWN) return idc.FindBinary(ea, idc.SEARCH_DOWN, self.GetControlValue(self.c_encoding)) ##################################################################################################### # callback to be executed when any form control changed def OnFormChange(self, fid): # handle the search button if fid == -2: address = 0 addresses = [] while address != idc.BADADDR: address = self.find_binary(address) if address == idc.BADADDR: break addresses.append([address]) address = address + 1 c = SearchResultChooser("Searching for [{0}]".format(self.GetControlValue(self.c_raw_assembly)), addresses) c.show() return 1 # only Search mode allows to select arch+mode arch_id = self.GetControlValue(self.c_arch) (arch, mode) = self.kp_asm.get_arch_by_idx(arch_id) # assembly is focused self.SetFocusedField(self.c_assembly) if arch == KS_ARCH_X86: # enable Syntax and disable Endian for x86 self.ShowField(self.c_syntax, True) self.EnableField(self.c_syntax, True) self.syntax_id = self.GetControlValue(self.c_syntax) self.EnableField(self.c_endian, False) # set Endian index properly self.SetControlValue(self.c_endian, 0) elif arch in (KS_ARCH_ARM64, KS_ARCH_HEXAGON, KS_ARCH_SYSTEMZ): # no Syntax & Endian option for these archs self.ShowField(self.c_syntax, False) self.EnableField(self.c_syntax, False) self.EnableField(self.c_endian, False) # set Endian index properly self.SetControlValue(self.c_endian, (mode & KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN != 0)) elif (arch == KS_ARCH_PPC) and (mode & KS_MODE_PPC32 != 0): # no Syntax & Endian option for these archs self.ShowField(self.c_syntax, False) self.EnableField(self.c_syntax, False) self.EnableField(self.c_endian, False) # set Endian index properly self.SetControlValue(self.c_endian, (mode & KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN != 0)) else: # no Syntax & Endian option self.ShowField(self.c_syntax, False) self.EnableField(self.c_syntax, False) self.EnableField(self.c_endian, True) if self.GetControlValue(self.c_endian) == 1: endian = KS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN else: endian = KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN # update other controls & Encoding with live assembling self.update_controls(arch, mode) return 1 # About form class About_Form(idaapi.Form): def __init__(self, version): # create About form super(About_Form, self).__init__( r"""STARTITEM 0 BUTTON YES* Open Keypatch Website KEYPATCH:: About {FormChangeCb} Keypatch IDA plugin v%s, using Keystone Engine v%s. (c) Nguyen Anh Quynh + Thanh Nguyen, 2018. Keypatch is released under the GPL v2. Find more info at http://www.keystone-engine.org/keypatch """ %(version, keystone.__version__), { 'FormChangeCb': self.FormChangeCb(self.OnFormChange), }) self.Compile() # callback to be executed when any form control changed def OnFormChange(self, fid): if fid == -2: # Goto homepage import webbrowser # open Keypatch homepage in a new tab, if possible webbrowser.open(KP_HOMEPAGE, new = 2) return 1 # Check-for-update form class Update_Form(idaapi.Form): def __init__(self, version, message): # create Update form super(Update_Form, self).__init__( r"""STARTITEM 0 BUTTON YES* Open Keypatch Website KEYPATCH:: Check for update {FormChangeCb} Your Keypatch is v%s %s """ %(version, message), { 'FormChangeCb': self.FormChangeCb(self.OnFormChange), }) self.Compile() # callback to be executed when any form control changed def OnFormChange(self, fid): if fid == -2: # Goto homepage import webbrowser # open Keypatch homepage in a new tab, if possible webbrowser.open(KP_HOMEPAGE, new = 2) return 1 try: # adapted from pull request #7 by @quangnh89 class Kp_Menu_Context(idaapi.action_handler_t): @classmethod def get_name(self): return self.__name__ @classmethod def get_label(self): return self.label @classmethod def register(self, plugin, label): self.plugin = plugin self.label = label instance = self() return idaapi.register_action(idaapi.action_desc_t( self.get_name(), # Name. Acts as an ID. Must be unique. instance.get_label(), # Label. That's what users see. instance # Handler. Called when activated, and for updating )) @classmethod def unregister(self): """Unregister the action. After unregistering the class cannot be used. """ idaapi.unregister_action(self.get_name()) @classmethod def activate(self, ctx): # dummy method return 1 @classmethod def update(self, ctx): try: if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 900: # Since IDA 9.0, form_type is deprecated, should use widget_type if ctx.widget_type == idaapi.BWN_DISASM: return idaapi.AST_ENABLE_FOR_FORM else: return idaapi.AST_DISABLE_FOR_FORM else: if ctx.form_type == idaapi.BWN_DISASM: return idaapi.AST_ENABLE_FOR_FORM else: return idaapi.AST_DISABLE_FOR_FORM except Exception as e: # Add exception for main menu on >= IDA 7.0 return idaapi.AST_ENABLE_ALWAYS # context menu for Patcher class Kp_MC_Patcher(Kp_Menu_Context): def activate(self, ctx): self.plugin.patcher() return 1 # context menu for Fill Range class Kp_MC_Fill_Range(Kp_Menu_Context): def activate(self, ctx): self.plugin.fill_range() return 1 # context menu for Undo class Kp_MC_Undo(Kp_Menu_Context): def activate(self, ctx): self.plugin.undo() return 1 # context menu for Search class Kp_MC_Search(Kp_Menu_Context): def activate(self, ctx): self.plugin.search() return 1 # context menu for Check Update class Kp_MC_Updater(Kp_Menu_Context): def activate(self, ctx): self.plugin.updater() return 1 # context menu for About class Kp_MC_About(Kp_Menu_Context): def activate(self, ctx): self.plugin.about() return 1 except: pass # hooks for popup menu class Hooks(idaapi.UI_Hooks): if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700: # IDA >= 700 right click widget popup def finish_populating_widget_popup(self, form, popup): if idaapi.get_widget_type(form) == idaapi.BWN_DISASM: try: idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Patcher.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Fill_Range.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Undo.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, "-", 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Search.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, "-", 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Updater.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_About.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') except: pass else: # IDA < 700 right click popup def finish_populating_tform_popup(self, form, popup): # We'll add our action to all "IDA View-*"s. # If we wanted to add it only to "IDA View-A", we could # also discriminate on the widget's title: # # if idaapi.get_tform_title(form) == "IDA View-A": # ... # if idaapi.get_tform_type(form) == idaapi.BWN_DISASM: try: idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Patcher.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Fill_Range.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Undo.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, "-", 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Search.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, "-", 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_Updater.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, Kp_MC_About.get_name(), 'Keypatch/') except: pass # check if we already initialized Keypatch kp_initialized = False #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plugin #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Keypatch_Plugin_t(idaapi.plugin_t): comment = "Keypatch plugin for IDA Pro (using Keystone framework)" help = "Find more information on Keypatch at http://keystone-engine.org/keypatch" wanted_name = "Keypatch Patcher" wanted_hotkey = "Ctrl-Alt-K" flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP def load_configuration(self): # default self.opts = {} # load configuration from file try: f = open(KP_CFGFILE, "rt") self.opts = json.load(f) f.close() except IOError: print("Keypatch: FAILED to load config file. Use default setup now.") except Exception as e: print("Keypatch: FAILED to load config file, with exception: {0}".format(str(e))) # use default values if not defined in config file if 'c_opt_padding' not in self.opts: self.opts['c_opt_padding'] = 1 if 'c_opt_comment' not in self.opts: self.opts['c_opt_comment'] = 2 self.opts['c_opt_chk'] = self.opts['c_opt_padding'] | self.opts['c_opt_comment'] def init(self): global kp_initialized # register popup menu handlers try: Kp_MC_Patcher.register(self, "Patcher (Ctrl-Alt-K)") Kp_MC_Fill_Range.register(self, "Fill Range") Kp_MC_Undo.register(self, "Undo last patching") Kp_MC_Search.register(self, "Search") Kp_MC_Updater.register(self, "Check for update") Kp_MC_About.register(self, "About") except: pass # setup popup menu self.hooks = Hooks() self.hooks.hook() self.opts = None if kp_initialized == False: kp_initialized = True if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700: # Add menu IDA >= 7.0 idaapi.attach_action_to_menu("Edit/Keypatch/Patcher", Kp_MC_Patcher.get_name(), idaapi.SETMENU_APP) idaapi.attach_action_to_menu("Edit/Keypatch/About", Kp_MC_About.get_name(), idaapi.SETMENU_APP) idaapi.attach_action_to_menu("Edit/Keypatch/Check for update", Kp_MC_Updater.get_name(), idaapi.SETMENU_APP) idaapi.attach_action_to_menu("Edit/Keypatch/Search", Kp_MC_Search.get_name(), idaapi.SETMENU_APP) idaapi.attach_action_to_menu("Edit/Keypatch/Undo last patching", Kp_MC_Undo.get_name(), idaapi.SETMENU_APP) idaapi.attach_action_to_menu("Edit/Keypatch/Fill Range", Kp_MC_Fill_Range.get_name(), idaapi.SETMENU_APP) else: # add Keypatch menu menu = idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Keypatch/", "Patcher (Ctrl-Alt-K)", "", 1, self.patcher, None) if menu is not None: idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Keypatch/", "About", "", 1, self.about, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Keypatch/", "Check for update", "", 1, self.updater, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Keypatch/", "-", "", 1, self.menu_null, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Keypatch/", "Search", "", 1, self.search, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Keypatch/", "-", "", 1, self.menu_null, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Keypatch/", "Undo last patching", "", 1, self.undo, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Keypatch/", "Fill Range", "", 1, self.fill_range, None) elif idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION < 680: # older IDAPython (such as in IDAPro 6.6) does add new submenu. # in this case, put Keypatch menu in menu Edit \ Patch program # not sure about v6.7, so to be safe we just check against v6.8 idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Patch program/", "-", "", 0, self.menu_null, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Patch program/", "Keypatch:: About", "", 0, self.about, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Patch program/", "Keypatch:: Check for update", "", 0, self.updater, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Patch program/", "Keypatch:: Search", "", 0, self.search, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Patch program/", "Keypatch:: Undo last patching", "", 0, self.undo, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Patch program/", "Keypatch:: Fill Range", "", 0, self.fill_range, None) idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/Patch program/", "Keypatch:: Patcher (Ctrl-Alt-K)", "", 0, self.patcher, None) print("=" * 80) print("Keypatch v{0} (c) Nguyen Anh Quynh & Thanh Nguyen, 2018".format(VERSION)) print("Keypatch is using Keystone v{0}".format(keystone.__version__)) print("Keypatch Patcher's shortcut key is Ctrl-Alt-K") print("Use the same hotkey Ctrl-Alt-K to open 'Fill Range' window on a selected range of code") print("To revert (undo) the last patching, choose menu Edit | Keypatch | Undo last patching") print("Keypatch Search is available from menu Edit | Keypatch | Search") print("Find more information about Keypatch at http://keystone-engine.org/keypatch") self.load_configuration() print("=" * 80) self.kp_asm = Keypatch_Asm() return idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP def term(self): if self.hooks is not None: self.hooks.unhook() self.hooks = None if self.opts is None: return #save configuration to file try: json.dump(self.opts, open(KP_CFGFILE, "wt")) except Exception as e: print("Keypatch: FAILED to save config file, with exception: {0}".format(str(e))) else: print("Keypatch: configuration is saved to {0}".format(KP_CFGFILE)) # null handler def menu_null(self): pass # handler for About menu def about(self): f = About_Form(VERSION) f.Execute() f.Free() # handler for Check-for-Update menu def updater(self): (r, content) = url_download(KP_GITHUB_VERSION) content = to_string(content) if r == 0: # find stable version sig = 'VERSION_STABLE = "' tmp = content[content.find(sig)+len(sig):] version_stable = tmp[:tmp.find('"')] # compare with the current version if version_stable == VERSION: f = Update_Form(VERSION, "Good, you are already on the latest stable version!") f.Execute() # free this form f.Free() else: f = Update_Form(VERSION, "Download latest stable version {0} from http://keystone-engine.org/keypatch".format(version_stable)) f.Execute() # free this form f.Free() else: # fail to download warning("ERROR: Keypatch failed to connect to internet (Github). Try again later.") print("Keypatch: FAILED to connect to Github to check for latest update. Try again later.") # handler for Undo menu def undo(self): global patch_info if len(patch_info) == 0: # TODO: disable Undo menu? warning("ERROR: Keypatch already got to the last undo patching!") else: (address, assembly, p_orig_data, patch_comment) = patch_info[-1] # undo the patch self.kp_asm.patch_code(address, None, None, None, None, orig_asm=[assembly], patch_data=p_orig_data, patch_comment=patch_comment, undo=True) del(patch_info[-1]) # handler for Search menu def search(self): address = get_screen_ea() f = Keypatch_Search(self.kp_asm, address) f.Execute() f.Free() # handler for Patcher menu def patcher(self): # be sure that this arch is supported by Keystone if self.kp_asm.arch is None: warning("ERROR: Keypatch cannot handle this architecture (unsupported by Keystone), quit!") return selection, addr_begin, addr_end = read_range_selection() if selection: # call Fill Range function on this selected code return self.fill_range() address = get_screen_ea() if self.opts is None: self.load_configuration() init_assembly = None while True: f = Keypatch_Patcher(self.kp_asm, address, assembly=init_assembly, opts=self.opts) ok = f.Execute() if ok == 1: try: syntax = None if f.kp_asm.arch == KS_ARCH_X86: syntax_id = f.c_syntax.value syntax = self.kp_asm.get_syntax_by_idx(syntax_id) assembly = f.c_assembly.value self.opts = f.get_opts('c_opt_chk') padding = (self.opts.get("c_opt_padding", 0) != 0) comment = (self.opts.get("c_opt_comment", 0) != 0) raw_assembly = self.kp_asm.ida_resolve(assembly, address) print("Keypatch: attempting to modify \"{0}\" at 0x{1:X} to \"{2}\"".format( self.kp_asm.ida_get_disasm(address), address, assembly)) length = self.kp_asm.patch_code(address, raw_assembly, syntax, padding, comment, None) if length > 0: # update start address pointing to the next instruction init_assembly = None address += length else: init_assembly = f.c_assembly.value if length == 0: warning("ERROR: Keypatch found invalid assembly [{0}]".format(assembly)) elif length == -1: warning("ERROR: Keypatch failed to patch binary at 0x{0:X}!".format(address)) elif length == -2: warning("ERROR: Keypatch can't read original data at 0x{0:X}, try again".format(address)) except KsError as e: print("Keypatch Error: {0}".format(e)) else: # Cancel break f.Free() # handler for Fill Range menu def fill_range(self): # be sure that this arch is supported by Keystone if self.kp_asm.arch is None: warning("ERROR: Keypatch cannot handle this architecture (unsupported by Keystone), quit!") return selection, addr_begin, addr_end = read_range_selection() if not selection: warning("ERROR: Keypatch requires a range to be selected for fill in, try again") return if self.opts is None: self.load_configuration() init_assembly = None f = Keypatch_FillRange(self.kp_asm, addr_begin, addr_end, assembly=init_assembly, opts=self.opts) ok = f.Execute() if ok == 1: try: syntax = None if f.kp_asm.arch == KS_ARCH_X86: syntax_id = f.c_syntax.value syntax = self.kp_asm.get_syntax_by_idx(syntax_id) assembly = f.c_assembly.value self.opts = f.get_opts('c_opt_chk') padding = (self.opts.get("c_opt_padding", 0) != 0) comment = (self.opts.get("c_opt_comment", 0) != 0) raw_assembly = self.kp_asm.ida_resolve(assembly, addr_begin) print("Keypatch: attempting to fill range [0x{0:X}:0x{1:X}] with \"{2}\"".format( addr_begin, addr_end - 1, assembly)) length = self.kp_asm.fill_code(addr_begin, addr_end, raw_assembly, syntax, padding, comment, None) if length == 0: warning("ERROR: Keypatch failed to process this input.") print("Keypatch: FAILED to process this input '{0}'".format(assembly)) elif length == -1: warning("ERROR: Keypatch failed to patch binary at 0x{0:X}!".format(addr_begin)) except KsError as e: print("Keypatch Error: {0}".format(e)) # free this form f.Free() def run(self, arg): self.patcher() # register IDA plugin def PLUGIN_ENTRY(): return Keypatch_Plugin_t()