vim9script import autoload "kg8m/util/logger.vim" import autoload "kg8m/util/string.vim" as stringUtil final cache = {} export def SourceLocalVimrc(): void const filepath = expand("~/.config/vim.local/vimrc.local.vim") if filereadable(filepath) execute "source" filepath endif enddef export def OnTmux(): bool return !!exists("$TMUX") enddef export def OnRailsDir(): bool if has_key(cache, "on_rails_dir") return cache.on_rails_dir endif # Support Rails engines. cache.on_rails_dir = isdirectory("./app") && (filereadable("./config/environment.rb") || filereadable("./bin/rails")) return cache.on_rails_dir enddef export def IsCtagsAvailable(): bool if has_key(cache, "is_ctags_available") return cache.is_ctags_available endif cache.is_ctags_available = ($CTAGS_AVAILABLE ==# "1") return cache.is_ctags_available enddef export def IsGitTmpEdit(): bool return IsGitCommit() || IsGitHunkEdit() || IsGitRebase() enddef export def IsGitCommit(): bool if has_key(cache, "is_git_commit") return cache.is_git_commit endif cache.is_git_commit = argc() ==# 1 && !!(argv()[0] =~# '\v\.git%(/.*)?/COMMIT_EDITMSG$') return cache.is_git_commit enddef export def IsGitHunkEdit(): bool if has_key(cache, "is_git_hunk_edit") return cache.is_git_hunk_edit endif cache.is_git_hunk_edit = argc() ==# 1 && !!(argv()[0] =~# '\v\.git%(/.*)?/addp-hunk-edit\.diff$') return cache.is_git_hunk_edit enddef export def IsGitRebase(): bool if has_key(cache, "is_git_rebase") return cache.is_git_rebase endif cache.is_git_rebase = argc() ==# 1 && !!(argv()[0] =~# '\v\.git%(/.*)?/rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo$') return cache.is_git_rebase enddef export def IsTabnineAvailable(): bool if has_key(cache, "is_tabnine_available") return cache.is_tabnine_available endif if empty($TABNINE_AVAILABLE) const remotes = system("git remote -v 2> /dev/null") cache.is_tabnine_available = remotes ==# "" || stringUtil.Includes(remotes, "") else cache.is_tabnine_available = $TABNINE_AVAILABLE ==# "1" endif return cache.is_tabnine_available enddef export def RubygemsPath(): string if has_key(cache, "rubygems_path") return cache.rubygems_path endif if exists("$RUBYGEMS_PATH") cache.rubygems_path = $RUBYGEMS_PATH else const command_prefix = (filereadable("./Gemfile") ? "bundle exec ruby" : "ruby -r rubygems") const command = $"{command_prefix} -e 'print Gem.path.join(\"\\n\")'" const dirpaths = split(system(command), '\n') var rubygems_path = "" for dirpath in dirpaths if isdirectory(dirpath) rubygems_path = $"{dirpath}/gems" break endif endfor if rubygems_path !=# "" cache.rubygems_path = rubygems_path else throw $"Path to Ruby Gems not found. Candidates: {string(dirpaths)}" endif endif return cache.rubygems_path enddef export def RemoteCopy(original_text: string): void const text = original_text->substitute('\n$', "", "") system("ssh main -t 'LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 pbcopy'", text) var message = "Copied" const max_width = v:echospace - 60 if max_width ># 10 message ..= ": " .. stringUtil.Truncate(text, max_width)->trim() endif logger.Info(message) enddef export def RemoveTrailingWhitespaces() const position = getpos(".") keeppatterns :'<,'>s/\s\+$//e setpos(".", position) enddef export def ConvertToVim9script(): void if getline(1) !=# "vim9script" append(0, ["vim9script", ""]) endif # Replace `function` with `def` and remove `abort` :%s/\v^(\s*)function>!?/\1def/Ie :%s/\v^(\s*)endfunction>/\1enddef/Ie :%s/\v\) abort>/)/Ie # Add function's return type and argument's type :%s/\v^(\s*)def ([a-zA-Z&:#_.]+)\((\w+)(.*)\)$/\1def \2(\3: FIXME\4): void/Ie :%s/\v^(\s*)def ([a-zA-Z&:#_.]+)\(\)$/\1def \2(): void/Ie # Remove `call` except for: # - :call foo() # - call foo() # - "call foo()" # - 'call foo()' :%s/\v(:)@)@ strpart(string, i, 1)" echomsg " - string[i : ] => strpart(string, i)" echomsg " - string[-i : ] => strpart(string, len(string) - i)" echomsg " - string[ : i] => strpart(string, 0, i + 1)" echomsg " - string[ : -i] => strpart(string, 0, len(string) - i + 1)" echomsg " - string[i : j] => strpart(string, i, j - i + 1)" echomsg " - string[i : -j] => strpart(string, i, len(string) - i - j + 1)" echomsg " - string[-i : -j] => strpart(string, len(string) - i, i - j + 1)" enddef export def SetupDemo(): void set foldcolumn=0 set signcolumn=no lightline#disable() enddef