import type { Denops } from ""; import { batch } from ""; import * as vimFuncs from ""; import * as vimOptions from ""; import { assertLike } from ""; import { benchmarkOnce } from "../../benchmark.ts"; import { notify } from "../../notification.ts"; type Log = string; type Logs = Log[]; type Progress = string; const LOG_TEMPLATE: Log = ""; const LOGS_TEMPLATE: Logs = []; const PROGRESS_TEMPLATE: Progress = ""; interface CheckOptions { retryCount: number; prevProgress: Progress; } interface CheckResult { status: "running" | "finished" | "error"; logs: Logs; options: CheckOptions; } const MAX_CHECK_RETRY = 60 * 5; const DURATION_THRESHOLD_SECONDS = 30; const LOG_SKIP_PATTERN = new RegExp( [ /^$/, /^ +\w+\.\.\w+ +[^ ]+ +-> origin\/[^ ]+$/, /^ - \[deleted\] +[^ ]+ +-> [^ ]+$/, /^ [^ ]+ +\| +\d+ [-+]+$/, /^ \* \[(new branch|new tag)\] /, /^Already up to date\.$/, /^Applied autostash\.$/, /^Created autostash: \w+$/, /^Fast-forward$/, /^Fetching submodule [^ ]+$/, /^From github\.com:/, /^From https:\/\//, /^Submodule path '[^ ]': checked out '\w+'$/, /^Updating \w+\.\.\w+$/, /^Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '[^ ]+'$/, /^[^ ]+: pushed_time=\d+, repo_time=\d+, rollback_time=\d+$/, /^[^ ]+: remote=\w*, local=\w+$/, /^\( *\d+\/\d+\) \[[-+]+\] ([^ ]+|compare plugin|send query)$/, /^\( *\d+\/\d+\) \|[^ ]+ *\| Same revision$/, /^from the remote, but no such ref was fetched\.$/, /^origin\/HEAD set to [^ ]+$/, ].map((regexp) => regexp.source).join("|"), ); export async function show(denops: Denops): Promise { const NOTIFICATION_TITLE = "Updating Vim Plugins"; try { const elapsedTime = await benchmarkOnce(() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { scheduleToRun({ retryCount: 0, prevProgress: "" }); function scheduleToRun(options: CheckOptions): void { setTimeout(async () => { const checkResult = await checkProgress(denops, options); await writeLogs(denops, checkResult.logs); switch (checkResult.status) { case "running": return scheduleToRun(checkResult.options); case "finished": return resolve(); case "error": return reject(); default: { const unknownStatus: never = checkResult.status; throw new Error("Unknown status:", unknownStatus); } } }, 1000); } }); }); const shouldStay = elapsedTime > DURATION_THRESHOLD_SECONDS * 1000; await notify({ title: NOTIFICATION_TITLE, body: "Finished.", stay: shouldStay, }); } catch { await notify({ title: NOTIFICATION_TITLE, body: "Something is wrong.", stay: true, level: "error", }); } } // cf. .config/vim/syntax/dein_update_logs.vim const BUFNAME = "kg8m://plugin/update/logs"; const FILETYPE = "dein_update_logs"; const SYNTAX_NAME = FILETYPE; async function writeLogs(denops: Denops, logs: Logs): Promise { let bufnr = await vimFuncs.bufnr(denops, BUFNAME); if (bufnr === -1 || bufnr === undefined) { await denops.cmd(`noswapfile edit ${BUFNAME}`); bufnr = await vimFuncs.bufnr(denops, "%"); await batch(denops, async (denops) => { await vimOptions.filetype.set(denops, FILETYPE); await vimFuncs.setbufvar(denops, bufnr, "&buftype", "nofile"); }); } await batch(denops, async (denops) => { await vimFuncs.setbufvar(denops, bufnr, "&modifiable", true); await vimFuncs.setbufline(denops, bufnr, 1, logs); await vimFuncs.deletebufline(denops, bufnr, logs.length + 1, "$"); await vimFuncs.setbufvar(denops, bufnr, "&modifiable", false); await vimFuncs.setbufvar(denops, bufnr, "&modified", false); await vimFuncs.setbufvar(denops, bufnr, "&syntax", SYNTAX_NAME); }); } async function checkProgress( denops: Denops, options: CheckOptions, ): Promise { options = { ...options }; const logs = filterLogs(await getLogs(denops)); const lastLog =; const resultBase = { logs, options }; if (lastLog && lastLog.startsWith("Done:")) { return { ...resultBase, status: "finished" }; } const progress = await getProgress(denops); if (progress === options.prevProgress) { options.retryCount++; if (options.retryCount > MAX_CHECK_RETRY) { return { ...resultBase, status: "error" }; } } else { options.retryCount = 0; } options.prevProgress = progress; return { ...resultBase, status: "running" }; } async function getLogs(denops: Denops): Promise { return ensureLogs( await"dein#install#_get_log"), ); } function filterLogs(logs: Logs): Logs { return logs.filter((log) => !LOG_SKIP_PATTERN.test(log)); } async function getProgress(denops: Denops): Promise { return ensureProgress(await"dein#install#_get_progress")); } function ensureLogs(maybeLogs: unknown): Logs { const predicate = (maybeLog: unknown): maybeLog is Log => { return typeof maybeLog === typeof LOG_TEMPLATE; }; assertLike(LOGS_TEMPLATE, maybeLogs, predicate); return maybeLogs; } function ensureProgress(maybeProgress: unknown): Progress { assertLike(PROGRESS_TEMPLATE, maybeProgress); return maybeProgress; }