#!/usr/bin/perl # neutrality test # based on test-neutralite.bat by Vivien GUEANT @ https://lafibre.info # written by Kirth Gersen under GNU GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html # kgersen at hotmail dot com # project home : https://github.com/kgersen/neutrality-test use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; #TODO bug ? use IPC::Open3; use POSIX "strftime"; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use IO::Handle; use Config; use IO::String; use URI::URL; our $VERSION = "1.1.5"; =pod =head1 NAME My::Module =head1 SYNOPSIS neutrality-test [options] [url] Arguments: If no url argument, stdin is used instead. The url (or stdin) must contain a list of tests, one per line. See below for the syntax. Options: -debug display debug informations -help brief help message -4 IPv4 only -6 IPv6 only -ul perform only upload tests -dl perform only download tests -timeout timeout, in seconds, for each test. default is 0 = no timeout -csv output results as a 'database ready' table Syntax of test line: GET [