##Darwin Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Texts 2 and 3 Sublime Text / Textmate compatible syntax highlighting for the [__Darwin__](http://www.cbrg.ethz.ch/darwin) language. ####Installation: The easy way to install is to use [__Package Control__](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation). And the easy way to do this is to ``CTRL-SHIFT-P`` (``CMD-SHIFT-P`` on Mac) into the Command Palette, type ``install``, select ``Package Control: Install Package``, and select ``Darwin``. The only very slightly harder way is to clone this repository into the Sublime Text Packages directory (which can be found from the menu under _Sublime Text_ - _Preferences_ - _Browse Packages..._), but you don't get automatic updating this way. ``git clone https://github.com/kgori/DarwinHighlight.git path-to-package-dir/Darwin``