#!/bin/bash # FUSION Foundation # no need for a complex versioning scheme, just increment SCRIPT_VERSION=10 # historically grown, changing this would break stuff BASE_DIR="/home/$USER" # global configuration file containing node settings CONF_FILE="$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/node.json" # set to 1 to enable debug mode, or use -d argument DEBUG_MODE=0 txtred=$(tput setaf 1) # Red txtgrn=$(tput setaf 2) # Green txtylw=$(tput setaf 3) # Yellow txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # Text reset while getopts ":d" opt; do case $opt in d) DEBUG_MODE=1 ;; \?) echo "${txtred}Invalid argument: -$OPTARG${txtrst}" ; exit 1 ;; esac done [ $DEBUG_MODE -eq 1 ] && set -x scriptUpdate() { # get the first 150 bytes and extract the script version remoteVersion="$(curl -fsSL -r 0-150 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUSIONFoundation/efsn/master/QuickNodeSetup/fsnNode.sh" | grep -Po '(?<=SCRIPT_VERSION=)[0-9]+')" # prevent an error if the version number can't be read if [ -n "$remoteVersion" ]; then if [ $SCRIPT_VERSION -lt $remoteVersion ]; then echo "tbd" fi fi } distroChecks() { # check for distribution and corresponding version (release) if [ "$(lsb_release -si)" = "Ubuntu" ]; then if [ $(lsb_release -sr | sed -E 's/([0-9]+).*/\1/') -lt 18 ]; then echo "${txtred}Unsupported Ubuntu release${txtrst}" echo "Currently supported: Ubuntu 18.04 or newer" exit 1 fi else echo "${txtred}Unsupported distribution${txtrst}" echo "Currently supported: Ubuntu 18.04 or newer" exit 1 fi } sanityChecks() { if [ -z "$BASH" ]; then echo "${txtred}The setup script has to be run in the bash shell.${txtrst}" echo "Please run it again in bash:" echo "bash -c \"\$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUSIONFoundation/efsn/master/QuickNodeSetup/fsnNode.sh)\"" exit 1 fi # checking the effective user id, where 0 is root if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then # validate user, no point in moving on as non-root user without sudo access if ! sudo -v 2>/dev/null; then echo "${txtred}You are neither logged in as user root, nor do you have sudo access.${txtrst}" echo "Please run the setup script again as user root or configure sudo access." exit 1 fi # make sure that the script isn't run as root and non-root user alternately if sudo [ -f "/home/root/fusion-node/node.json" ]; then echo "${txtred}The setup script was originally run with root privileges.${txtrst}" echo "Please run it again as user root or by invoking sudo:" echo "sudo bash -c \"\$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUSIONFoundation/efsn/master/QuickNodeSetup/fsnNode.sh)\"" exit 1 fi fi # using locate without prior update is a perf vs reliability tradeoff # we don't want to wait until the whole fs is indexed or even use find if [ $(sudo locate -r .*/efsn/chaindata$ -c) -gt 1 ]; then echo "${txtred}Found more than one chaindata directory.${txtrst}" echo "Please clean up the system manually first." sudo locate -r .*/efsn/chaindata$ echo local question="${txtylw}Do you believe this issue is already resolved?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Running checks again..." sudo updatedb sanityChecks else exit 1 fi fi # this also covers the case where the setup script was originally run as non-root user if [ -n "$(sudo locate -r .*/efsn/chaindata$ | grep -v $BASE_DIR)" ]; then echo "${txtred}Found chaindata directory outside of $BASE_DIR.${txtrst}" echo "Please clean up the system manually first." sudo locate -r .*/efsn/chaindata$ echo local question="${txtylw}Do you believe this issue is already resolved?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Running checks again..." sudo updatedb sanityChecks else exit 1 fi fi # silently make sure jq is installed if node.json already exists if [ -f "$CONF_FILE" ]; then dpkg -s jq 2>/dev/null | grep -q -E "Status.+installed" || apt-get install -qq jq fi } checkUpdate() { local nodetype="$(getCfgValue 'nodeType')" # get the container creation date as unix epoch for easy comparison local dateCreated=$(date -d "$(docker inspect -f "{{.Created}}" fusion 2>/dev/null)" '+%s') # query the Docker Hub registry for when the image was last updated local dateUpdated="$(curl -fsL "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/fusionnetwork/$nodetype" | jq -r '.last_updated')" # make sure that no update is triggered if the registry returns no data [ -z "$dateUpdated" ] && dateUpdated=0 || dateUpdated=$(date -d "$dateUpdated" '+%s') # if the container is older than dateUpdated return 0, otherwise return 1 [ $dateCreated -lt $dateUpdated ] && return 0 || return 1 } pauseScript() { local fackEnterKey read -s -p "${txtylw}Press [Enter] to continue...${txtrst}" fackEnterKey } askToContinue() { local input while true; do read -n1 -r -s -p "$1" input case $input in [yY]) echo; return 0 ;; [nN]) echo; return 1 ;; *) echo -e "\n${txtred}Invalid input${txtrst}" ;; esac done } installDocker() { # install recent Docker version; function currently unused # this has some additional requirements for the key import sudo apt-get install -q -y apt-transport-https gnupg-agent software-properties-common | grep -v "is already the newest version" echo echo "${txtylw}Adding Docker repository${txtrst}" curl -fsSL "https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg" | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository -u -y "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Added Docker repository" echo echo "${txtylw}Installing Docker${txtrst}" sudo apt-get install -q -y docker-ce echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Installed Docker" } installDeps() { echo echo "${txtylw}Updating package lists${txtrst}" echo "This might take a moment, please wait..." sudo apt-get -qq update echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Updated package lists" echo echo "${txtylw}Installing dependencies${txtrst}" sudo apt-get install -q -y ca-certificates curl docker.io jq | grep -v "is already the newest version" # install recent Docker version if distribution package not installed # dpkg -s docker.io | grep -q -E "Status.+installed" || installDocker echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Installed dependencies" } getCfgValue() { # read configuration values from the respective JSON files local cfg_arg="$1" local cfg_val if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "${txtred}Incorrect number of arguments ($#)${txtrst}" return 1 fi local keystore_file="$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/data/keystore/UTC.json" local cfg_file="$CONF_FILE" # extra spacing for readability if [ "$cfg_arg" = "address" ]; then cfg_val="0x$(jq -r '.address' $keystore_file)" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "nodeType" ]; then cfg_val="$(jq -r '.nodeType' $cfg_file)" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "testnet" ]; then cfg_val="$(jq -r '.testnet' $cfg_file)" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "autobt" ]; then cfg_val="$(jq -r '.autobt' $cfg_file)" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "mining" ]; then cfg_val="$(jq -r '.mining' $cfg_file)" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "nodeName" ]; then cfg_val="$(jq -r '.nodeName' $cfg_file)" else echo "${txtred}Unknown argument ($cfg_arg)${txtrst}" return 1 fi echo "$cfg_val" } putCfgValue() { # write configuration values to the respective JSON files local cfg_arg="$1" local cfg_val="$2" if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "${txtred}Incorrect number of arguments ($#)${txtrst}" return 1 fi # create main node data directory mkdir -p "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/" local cfg_file="$CONF_FILE" # create minimal JSON skeleton for jq if the config file doesn't exist yet if [ ! -f "$cfg_file" ]; then echo '{}' > "$cfg_file" fi # extra spacing for readability if [ "$cfg_arg" = "nodeType" ]; then cat <<< "$(jq --arg nodeType "$cfg_val" '.nodeType = $nodeType' < $cfg_file)" > "$cfg_file" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "testnet" ]; then cat <<< "$(jq --arg testnet "$cfg_val" '.testnet = $testnet' < $cfg_file)" > "$cfg_file" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "autobt" ]; then cat <<< "$(jq --arg autobt "$cfg_val" '.autobt = $autobt' < $cfg_file)" > "$cfg_file" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "mining" ]; then cat <<< "$(jq --arg mining "$cfg_val" '.mining = $mining' < $cfg_file)" > "$cfg_file" elif [ "$cfg_arg" = "nodeName" ]; then cat <<< "$(jq --arg nodeName "$cfg_val" '.nodeName = $nodeName' < $cfg_file)" > "$cfg_file" else echo "${txtred}Unknown argument ($cfg_arg)${txtrst}" return 1 fi } updateKeystoreFile() { echo echo "${txtylw}Open your keystore file (its name usually starts with UTC--) in any" echo "plaintext editor (like notepad) and copy and paste its full contents" echo "here; it should contain a lot of cryptic text surrounded by \"{...}\".${txtrst}" local keystorejson while true; do read -p "Paste keystore contents: " keystorejson if [ -z "$keystorejson" ]; then echo "${txtred}Keystore contents required${txtrst}" elif [[ "$keystorejson" != *"address"* ]]; then echo "${txtred}Invalid keystore format${txtrst}" elif ! jq -e . >/dev/null 2>&1 <<< "$keystorejson"; then echo "${txtred}Invalid keystore format${txtrst}" else # this breaks for me - avoid xargs if possible #echo $keystorejson | xargs > "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/data/keystore/UTC.json" # this should be a pretty robust solution mkdir -p "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/data/keystore/" printf '%s' "$keystorejson" > "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/data/keystore/UTC.json" echo local address="$(getCfgValue 'address')" local question="${txtylw}Is this the expected address of your staking wallet?${txtrst} $address [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "${txtred}Please use the right keystore file${txtrst}" else break fi fi done } updateKeystorePass() { echo echo "${txtylw}Please enter or paste the password that unlocks the keystore file.${txtrst}" local keystorepass while true; do read -p "Enter keystore password: " keystorepass if [ -z "$keystorepass" ]; then echo "${txtred}Keystore password required${txtrst}" else break fi done printf '%s' "$keystorepass" > "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/password.txt" } updateExplorerListing() { echo question="${txtylw}Do you want your node to be listed on the node explorer?${txtrst} [Y/n] " local nodename askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "${txtylw}What name do you want the node to have? No spaces or special characters, three characters minimum.${txtrst}" while true; do read -p "Enter node name: " nodename if [ -z "$nodename" ]; then echo "${txtred}Node name required${txtrst}" elif [[ ! "$nodename" =~ ^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ ]]; then echo "${txtred}Invalid characters in node name or too short${txtrst}" echo "Only a-z, 0-9, - and _ allowed, minimum 3 chars" else break fi done echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} The node will be listed on the node explorer as \"$nodename\"" else echo "${txtred}✓${txtrst} The node will not be listed on the node explorer" fi putCfgValue 'nodeName' "$nodename" } warnRetreat() { local nodetype="$(getCfgValue 'nodeType')" if [ "$nodetype" = "minerandlocalgateway" -o "$nodetype" = "efsn" ]; then if [ "$mining" != "false" ]; then # check if the configured address is mining and has active tickets local address="$(getCfgValue 'address')" local mining="$(getCfgValue 'mining')" # talking to the RPC socket directly without invoking efsn is the fastest possible way to access the API locally # besides connecting to the HTTP/WS ports, but those are not exposed for the miner image, so this doesn't work: #local data=$(printf '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"fsn_totalNumberOfTicketsByAddress","params":["%s","latest"],"id":1}' "$address") #local tickets=$(curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data "$data" http://localhost:9000 | jq -r '.result') # nc has to be called with sudo because the socket is owned by the container which is running with root privileges local tickets=$(printf '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"fsn_totalNumberOfTicketsByAddress","params":["%s","latest"],"id":1}' "$address" \ | sudo nc -N -U "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/data/efsn.ipc" | jq -r '.result') # tickets override for testing purposes #tickets=12345 if [ $tickets -gt 0 ]; then echo echo "${txtylw}Your node is currently configured for mining and has $tickets active tickets.${txtrst}" echo "If you stop the node for too long, your tickets might get retreated." echo local question="${txtylw}Are you sure you want to continue?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" [ $? -eq 0 ] || return 1 fi fi fi } initConfig() { local question # purge existing node data; the user was warned about this, # he can reconfigure the node if that's not what he wants sudo rm -rf "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/" echo echo "${txtylw}Please select the node type to install:${txtrst}" echo "${txtylw}1. minerandlocalgateway${txtrst} - miner with local API access; if unsure, select this" echo "${txtylw}2. efsn${txtrst} - pure miner without local API access; only select if you have a good reason" echo "${txtylw}3. gateway${txtrst} - local API access without mining; doesn't require keystore and password" local nodetype local input while true; do read -n1 -r -s -p "Select option [1-3] " input case $input in 1) nodetype="minerandlocalgateway"; break ;; 2) nodetype="efsn"; break ;; 3) nodetype="gateway"; break ;; *) echo -e "\n${txtred}Invalid input${txtrst}" ;; esac done echo echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Selected node type $nodetype" putCfgValue 'nodeType' "$nodetype" echo question="${txtylw}Installing testnet node${txtrst}" local testnet="true" # askToContinue "$question" # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Installing mainnet node" # else # echo # question="${txtylw}Are you sure you want to install a testnet node?${txtrst} [Y/n] " # askToContinue "$question" # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # testnet="true" # echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Installing testnet node" # else # echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Installing mainnet node" # fi # fi putCfgValue 'testnet' "$testnet" if [ "$nodetype" = "minerandlocalgateway" -o "$nodetype" = "efsn" ]; then updateKeystoreFile echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Saved keystore file" updateKeystorePass echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Saved keystore password" echo question="${txtylw}Do you want your node to auto-buy tickets required for staking?${txtrst} [Y/n] " local autobuy="false" askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then autobuy="true" echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Enabled ticket auto-buy" else echo "${txtred}✓${txtrst} Disabled ticket auto-buy" fi putCfgValue 'autobt' "$autobuy" # MINING SETTING UNAVAILABLE UNTIL AFTER NODE UPGRADE # echo # question="${txtylw}Do you want your node to mine blocks (participate in staking)?${txtrst} [Y/n] " # local mining="false" # askToContinue "$question" # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mining="true" # echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Enabled mining of blocks" # else # echo "${txtred}✓${txtrst} Disabled mining of blocks" # fi # putCfgValue 'mining' "$mining" fi echo question="${txtylw}Do you want your node to auto-start after boot to prevent downtimes?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -f "/etc/systemd/system/fusion.service" ]; then sudo curl -fsSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUSIONFoundation/efsn/master/QuickNodeSetup/fusion.service" \ -o "/etc/systemd/system/fusion.service" fi sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl -q enable fusion echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Enabled node auto-start" else # suppress warning about nonexisting service unit on fresh install sudo systemctl -q disable fusion 2>/dev/null echo "${txtred}✓${txtrst} Disabled node auto-start" fi updateExplorerListing } removeContainer() { # only try to stop the container if it's running [ "$(sudo docker inspect -f "{{.State.Running}}" fusion 2>/dev/null)" = "true" ] && stopNode # remove container and base images no matter what echo echo "${txtylw}Removing container and base images${txtrst}" sudo docker rm fusion >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo docker rmi fusionnetwork/minerandlocalgateway fusionnetwork/efsn \ fusionnetwork/gateway >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo docker rmi fusionnetwork/minerandlocalgateway2 fusionnetwork/efsn2 \ fusionnetwork/gateway2 >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Removed container and base images" } createContainer() { # read configuration files echo echo "${txtylw}Reading node configuration${txtrst}" local nodetype="$(getCfgValue 'nodeType')" local testnet="$(getCfgValue 'testnet')" local nodename="$(getCfgValue 'nodeName')" if [ "$nodetype" = "minerandlocalgateway" -o "$nodetype" = "efsn" ]; then local autobuy="$(getCfgValue 'autobt')" local mining="$(getCfgValue 'mining')" local address="$(getCfgValue 'address')" fi echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Read node configuration" if [ "$testnet" = "true" ]; then # run testnet node testnet="--testnet" else # run mainnet node testnet="" fi if [ "$autobuy" = "true" ]; then # turn autobuy on autobuy="--autobt" else # turn autobuy off autobuy="" fi # make sure mining remains enabled for old configs if [ "$mining" != "false" ]; then # turn mining on mining="" else # turn mining off mining="--disable-mining" fi echo echo "${txtylw}Creating node container${txtrst}" if [ "$nodetype" = "minerandlocalgateway" ]; then # docker create automatically pulls the image if it's not there # we do not need -i here as it's not really an interactive terminal sudo docker create --name fusion -t --restart unless-stopped \ -p -p -p 40408:40408 -p 40408:40408/udp \ -v "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node":/fusion-node \ fusionnetwork/testnet-minerandlocalgateway \ -u "$address" $testnet $autobuy $mining \ -e "$nodename" elif [ "$nodetype" = "efsn" ]; then sudo docker create --name fusion -t --restart unless-stopped \ -p 40408:40408 -p 40408:40408/udp \ -v "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node":/fusion-node \ fusionnetwork/testnet-efsn \ -u "$address" $testnet $autobuy $mining \ -e "$nodename" elif [ "$nodetype" = "gateway" ]; then # one could optionally create a public gateway, but that should always utilize # encryption which requires a properly configured reverse TLS proxy like nginx sudo docker create --name fusion -t --restart unless-stopped \ -p -p -p 40408:40408 -p 40408:40408/udp \ -v "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node":/fusion-node \ fusionnetwork/testnet-gateway \ $testnet \ -e "$nodename" # workaround for the breaking change introduced with https://github.com/FUSIONFoundation/efsn/commit/8fab78ee3872be05cda3c53db24a49ddea0dfe98 # originally the gateway did not use an entrypoint script which defined a data subdirectory; this prevents two things: # 1) orphaned chaindata wasting disk space # 2) a full resync because chaindata is gone if [ -d "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/efsn" ]; then if [ -d "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/data/efsn" ]; then sudo rm -rf "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/efsn/" else sudo mkdir -p "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/data/" sudo mv "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/efsn/" "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/data/efsn" fi sudo rm -rf "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/efsn.ipc" "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/keystore/" fi else echo "${txtred}Invalid node type${txtrst}" exit 1 fi # reset global update variable hasUpdate=1 echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Created node container" } startNode() { echo echo "${txtylw}Starting the node${txtrst}" sudo docker start fusion >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Node started" echo echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" echo "| Please use the \"Show node logs\" function from the main menu |" echo "| to verify that the node is really running without errors! |" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" else echo "${txtred}Node failed to start${txtrst}" fi } stopNode() { echo echo "${txtylw}Stopping the node${txtrst}" echo "This might take a moment, please wait..." sudo docker stop fusion >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Node stopped" else echo "${txtred}Node failed to stop${txtrst}" fi } installNode() { [ $DEBUG_MODE -ne 1 ] && clear echo echo "---------------------" echo "| Node Installation |" echo "---------------------" if [ -d "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node" ]; then echo echo "${txtylw}You already seem to have a node installed in $BASE_DIR/fusion-node.${txtrst}" echo "It will be stopped and its configuration and chaindata will be purged." echo "This means it has to sync from scratch again, which could take a while." echo "Please look into the \"configure node\" menu if you want to change node" echo "configuration settings which don't require a full reset." echo local question="${txtylw}Are you sure you want to continue?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "${txtred}✓${txtrst} Installation cancelled" return 1 fi fi mkdir -p "$BASE_DIR/" local spacefree=$(df -B 1024k --output=avail $BASE_DIR | egrep -o '[0-9]+') local spaceoccup=$(sudo du -B 1024k --summarize $BASE_DIR | awk '{print $1}') local spaceavail=$(expr $spacefree + $spaceoccup) if [ $spaceavail -lt 25000 ]; then echo echo "${txtylw}You seem to have less than 25GB of free storage available for chaindata in $BASE_DIR.${txtrst}" echo "If the node runs out of disk space, it will stop syncing and your tickets might get retreated." echo local question="${txtylw}Are you sure you want to continue?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "${txtred}✓${txtrst} Installation cancelled" return 1 fi fi local memavail=$(awk '/^MemAvailable/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo) if [ $memavail -lt 2097152 ]; then echo echo "${txtylw}You seem to have less than 2GB of free memory available.${txtrst}" echo "If the node runs out of memory, it will crash and your tickets might get retreated." echo local question="${txtylw}Are you sure you want to continue?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "${txtred}✓${txtrst} Installation cancelled" return 1 fi fi echo echo "<<< Installing node >>>" installDeps initConfig removeContainer createContainer startNode echo echo "<<< ${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Installed node >>>" echo pauseScript } deinstallNode() { [ $DEBUG_MODE -ne 1 ] && clear echo echo "-----------------------" echo "| Node Deinstallation |" echo "-----------------------" if [ -d "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node" ]; then echo echo "You already seem to have a node installed in $BASE_DIR/fusion-node." echo "It will be stopped and its configuration and chaindata will be purged." echo local question="${txtylw}Are you sure you want to continue?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "${txtred}✓${txtrst} Deinstallation cancelled" return 1 fi fi echo echo "<<< Deinstalling node >>>" sudo rm -rf "$BASE_DIR/fusion-node/" removeContainer sudo systemctl -q stop fusion sudo systemctl -q disable fusion sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo rm -f "/etc/systemd/system/fusion.service" echo echo "<<< ${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Deinstalled node >>>" echo pauseScript } updateNode() { echo echo "<<< Updating node >>>" removeContainer createContainer startNode echo echo "<<< ${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Updated node >>>" } updateNodeScreen() { [ $DEBUG_MODE -ne 1 ] && clear echo echo "---------------" echo "| Node Update |" echo "---------------" updateNode echo pauseScript } showNodeLogs() { [ $DEBUG_MODE -ne 1 ] && clear echo echo "-------------------" echo "| Node Log Viewer |" echo "-------------------" echo echo "${txtylw}Press Ctrl + C to quit!${txtrst}" echo pauseScript echo echo # entering a subshell here so killing the logger doesn't exit the main script ( # restoring SIGINT so Ctrl + C works trap - SIGINT # we do not have to attach because we don't need interactive access # this also has the advantage that the node doesn't need to be running sudo docker logs fusion --tail=25 -f if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${txtred}Failed to show node log${txtrst}" fi # ignoring SIGINT again trap '' SIGINT ) echo echo pauseScript } change_autobuy() { local nodetype="$(getCfgValue 'nodeType')" if [ "$nodetype" = "minerandlocalgateway" -o "$nodetype" = "efsn" ]; then local autobuy="$(getCfgValue 'autobt')" local state # just making the output a bit nicer [ "$autobuy" = "true" ] && state="${txtgrn}enabled${txtrst}" || state="${txtred}disabled${txtrst}" echo echo "Ticket auto-buy is currently $state" # we can't just use the API here as an unexpected node restart would cause problems local question="${txtylw}Do you want to change this setting? Doing so will enforce a node update and restart!${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "<<< Changing auto-buy setting >>>" [ "$autobuy" = "true" ] && autobuy="false" || autobuy="true" putCfgValue 'autobt' "$autobuy" updateNode echo echo "<<< ${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Changed auto-buy setting >>>" echo pauseScript fi else echo echo "This setting is only available for minerandlocalgateway and efsn node types" echo pauseScript fi } change_mining() { local nodetype="$(getCfgValue 'nodeType')" if [ "$nodetype" = "minerandlocalgateway" -o "$nodetype" = "efsn" ]; then local mining="$(getCfgValue 'mining')" local state # just making the output a bit nicer [ "$mining" != "false" ] && state="${txtgrn}enabled${txtrst}" || state="${txtred}disabled${txtrst}" echo echo "Mining of new blocks is currently $state" # MINING SETTING UNAVAILABLE UNTIL AFTER NODE UPGRADE echo echo "${txtylw}Sorry, the mining state can't be changed at this time; this feature will be enabled with a future release.${txtrst}" echo pauseScript return # we can't just use the API here as an unexpected node restart would cause problems local question="${txtylw}Do you want to change this setting? Doing so will enforce a node update and restart!${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "<<< Changing mining setting >>>" # make sure mining remains enabled for old configs [ "$mining" != "false" ] && mining="false" || mining="true" putCfgValue 'mining' "$mining" updateNode echo echo "<<< ${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Changed mining setting >>>" echo pauseScript fi else echo echo "This setting is only available for minerandlocalgateway and efsn node types" echo pauseScript fi } change_wallet() { local nodetype="$(getCfgValue 'nodeType')" if [ "$nodetype" = "minerandlocalgateway" -o "$nodetype" = "efsn" ]; then local address="$(getCfgValue 'address')" echo echo "The current staking wallet address is ${txtgrn}$address${txtrst}" # we can't just use the API here as an unexpected node restart would cause problems local question="${txtylw}Do you want to change this setting? Doing so will enforce a node update and restart!${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "<<< Changing staking wallet >>>" updateKeystoreFile echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Updated keystore file" updateKeystorePass echo "${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Updated keystore password" updateNode echo echo "<<< ${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Changed staking wallet >>>" echo pauseScript fi else echo echo "This setting is only available for minerandlocalgateway and efsn node types" echo pauseScript fi } change_autostart() { local state="$(systemctl show fusion -p UnitFileState --value)" # just making the output a bit nicer local statemsg [ "$state" = "enabled" ] && statemsg="${txtgrn}enabled${txtrst}" || statemsg="${txtred}disabled${txtrst}" echo echo "Node auto-start is currently $statemsg" local question="${txtylw}Do you want to change this setting?${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "<<< Changing auto-start setting >>>" # if auto-start wasn't enabled during installation, state will be empty here if [ "$state" != "enabled" ]; then # download systemd service unit definition if it doesn't exist yet if [ ! -f "/etc/systemd/system/fusion.service" ]; then sudo curl -fsSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUSIONFoundation/efsn/master/QuickNodeSetup/fusion.service" \ -o "/etc/systemd/system/fusion.service" fi # reload systemd service unit definitions sudo systemctl daemon-reload # enable the systemd service unit sudo systemctl -q enable fusion else # disable the systemd service unit sudo systemctl -q disable fusion fi echo echo "${txtylw}Modified systemd service unit${txtrst}" echo echo "<<< ${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Changed auto-start setting >>>" echo pauseScript fi } change_explorer() { local nodename="$(getCfgValue 'nodeName')" if [ -n "$nodename" ]; then echo echo "The node is currently listed on the node explorer as ${txtgrn}$nodename${txtrst}" else echo echo "The node is currently not listed on the node explorer" fi local question="${txtylw}Do you want to change this setting? Doing so will enforce a node update and restart!${txtrst} [Y/n] " askToContinue "$question" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "<<< Changing explorer listing >>>" updateExplorerListing updateNode echo echo "<<< ${txtgrn}✓${txtrst} Changed explorer listing >>>" echo pauseScript fi } configureNode() { while true; do [ $DEBUG_MODE -ne 1 ] && clear echo echo "----------------------" echo "| Node Configuration |" echo "----------------------" echo echo "${txtylw}1. Enable/disable ticket auto-buy" echo "2. Enable/disable mining of new blocks" echo "3. Change staking wallet to be unlocked" echo "4. Enable/disable auto-start after boot" echo "5. Hide/show or rename on node explorer" echo "6. Return to main menu${txtrst}" echo local input read -n1 -r -s -p "Select option [1-6] " input case $input in 1) echo; change_autobuy ;; 2) echo; warnRetreat && change_mining ;; 3) echo; warnRetreat && change_wallet ;; 4) echo; change_autostart ;; 5) echo; change_explorer ;; 6) break ;; *) echo -e "\n${txtred}Invalid input${txtrst}"; sleep 1 ;; esac done } show_menus_init() { [ $DEBUG_MODE -ne 1 ] && clear echo echo "-----------------------" echo "| FUSION Node Manager |" echo "-----------------------" echo echo "${txtylw}1. Install node and dependencies" echo "2. Exit to shell${txtrst}" echo } read_options_init() { local input read -n1 -r -s -p "Select option [1-2] " input case $input in 1) installNode ;; 2) echo -e "\n${txtylw}Bye...${txtrst}"; exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "\n${txtred}Invalid input${txtrst}"; sleep 1 ;; esac } show_menus() { [ $DEBUG_MODE -ne 1 ] && clear echo echo "-----------------------" echo "| FUSION Node Manager |" echo "-----------------------" if [ $hasUpdate -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "${txtgrn}An update is available, please update your node!${txtrst}" fi echo echo "${txtylw}1. Install node and dependencies" echo "2. Update node to current version" echo "3. Start the node" echo "4. Stop the node" echo "5. Deinstall node" echo "6. Show node logs" echo "7. Configure node" echo "8. Exit to shell${txtrst}" echo } read_options() { local input read -n1 -r -s -p "Select option [1-8] " input case $input in 1) echo; warnRetreat && installNode ;; 2) updateNodeScreen ;; 3) echo; startNode; echo; pauseScript ;; 4) echo; warnRetreat && stopNode && echo && pauseScript ;; 5) echo; warnRetreat && deinstallNode ;; 6) showNodeLogs ;; 7) configureNode ;; 8) echo -e "\n${txtylw}Bye...${txtrst}"; exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "\n${txtred}Invalid input${txtrst}"; sleep 1 ;; esac } [ $DEBUG_MODE -ne 1 ] && clear echo echo "-----------------------" echo "| FUSION Node Manager |" echo "-----------------------" echo echo "${txtylw}Initializing script, please wait...${txtrst}" echo # make sure we're not running into avoidable problems during setup scriptUpdate distroChecks sanityChecks # check for updates if node.json already exists, save state in global variable hasUpdate=1 if [ -f "$CONF_FILE" ]; then checkUpdate hasUpdate=$? fi # ignoring some signals to keep the script running trap '' SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTSTP while true; do # showing only the install option on initial launch if [ ! -f "$CONF_FILE" ]; then show_menus_init read_options_init else show_menus read_options fi done