color = { { hex, rgb, text = "Main FG", var = "main_fg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Secondary FG", var = "secondary_fg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Main BG", var = "main_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Sidebar BG, player BG", var = "sidebar_and_player_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Cover overlay, Shadow", var = "cover_overlay_and_shadow" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Indicator FG, Button BG", var = "indicator_fg_and_button_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Pressing FG", var = "pressing_fg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Slider BG", var = "slider_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Sidebar indicator, Hover button BG", var = "sidebar_indicator_and_hover_button_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Scrollbar FG, Selected row BG", var = "scrollbar_fg_and_selected_row_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Pressing button FG", var = "pressing_button_fg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Pressing button BG", var = "pressing_button_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Selected button", var = "selected_button" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Miscellaneous BG", var = "miscellaneous_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Miscellaneous hover BG", var = "miscellaneous_hover_bg" }, { hex, rgb, text = "Preserve", var = "preserve_1" } } defaultSpotifyColor_Inc = table.concat({ '[Variables]', 'Main_FG = ffffff', 'Secondary_FG = c0c0c0', 'Main_BG = 282828', 'Sidebar_And_Player_BG = 000000', 'Cover_Overlay_And_Shadow = 000000', 'Indicator_FG_And_Button_BG = 1db954', 'Pressing_FG = cdcdcd', 'Slider_BG = 404040', 'Sidebar_Indicator_And_Hover_Button_BG = 1ed660', 'Scrollbar_FG_And_Selected_Row_BG = 333333', 'Pressing_Button_FG = cccccc', 'Pressing_Button_BG = 179443', 'Selected_Button = 18ac4d', 'Miscellaneous_BG = 4687d6', 'Miscellaneous_Hover_BG = 2e77d0', 'Preserve_1 = ffffff' }, '\n') defaultSpotifyColorList = { "ffffff", "c0c0c0", "282828", "000000", "000000", "1db954", "cdcdcd", "404040", "1ed660", "333333", "cccccc", "179443", "18ac4d", "4687d6", "2e77d0", "ffffff" } function Initialize() -- Default Spotify colors defaultSpotifyColor = {} for i = 1, 16 do defaultSpotifyColor[i] = { hex = defaultSpotifyColorList[i], rgb = hexToRGB(defaultSpotifyColorList[i]), var = color[i].var } end -- Parsing color from skin variables local meter = 1 for k, v in ipairs(color) do local rawColor = SKIN:GetVariable(v.var) if (not rawColor or rawColor == '') then local colorFilePath = SKIN:ReplaceVariables("#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Themes\\#CurrentTheme#\\") local file =, 'r') if (file) then file:close() SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', v.var, '8a4fff', colorFilePath) SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', v.var, '8a4fff') rawColor = '8a4fff' else file =, 'w+') file:write(defaultSpotifyColor_Inc) file:close() SKIN:Bang('!Refresh') return end end color[k].hex = parseColor(rawColor) color[k].rgb = hexToRGB(color[k].hex) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'Box' .. meter, 'Color', 'Fill Color ' .. color[k].hex) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'Box' .. meter, 'LeftMouseUpAction', table.concat({'["#@#RainRGB4.exe" "VarName=', v.var, '" "FileName=#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Themes\\#CurrentTheme#\\\\" "RefreshConfig=#CURRENTCONFIG#"]'})) local t = 'Text' .. meter local tM = SKIN:GetMeter(t) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', t, 'Text', color[k].text) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeter', t) local s = 13 while tM:GetH() > 40 do s = s - 1 SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', t, 'FontSize', s) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeter', t) end meter = meter + 1 end currentTheme = SKIN:GetVariable("CurrentTheme") spotifyVer = SKIN:GetVariable("LastSpotifyVersion") ParseCoreSetting() backupCount = SKIN:GetMeasure("BackupFileCount") backupName = SKIN:GetMeasure("BackupFileName") spotifyCount = SKIN:GetMeasure("SpotifyFileCount") cssName = SKIN:GetMeasure("CSSFileName") jsName = SKIN:GetMeasure("JSFileName") htmlName = SKIN:GetMeasure("HTMlFileName") UpdateStatus('Please wait') nC = 0 curSpa = 0 userCSSFile = SKIN:ReplaceVariables('#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Themes\\#CurrentTheme#\\user.css') local tryToReadCSS =, 'r') if (not tryToReadCSS) then tryToReadCSS:close() local f =, 'w+') f:write('') f:close() end DevTool_Button() end function ParseCoreSetting() injectCSS = SKIN:GetVariable("Inject_CSS") == '1' theme = SKIN:GetVariable("Replace_Colors") == '1' radio = SKIN:GetVariable("Radio") == '1' home = SKIN:GetVariable("Home") == '1' sentry = SKIN:GetVariable("DisableSentry") == '1' lyric_alwaysShow = SKIN:GetVariable("LyricAlwaysShow") == '1' lyric_noSync = SKIN:GetVariable("LyricForceNoSync") == '1' vis_highFramerate = SKIN:GetVariable("VisualizationHighFramerate") == '1' experimentalFeatures = SKIN:GetVariable("ExperimentalFeatures") == '1' fastUserSwitching = SKIN:GetVariable("FastUserSwitching") == '1' logging = SKIN:GetVariable("DisableUILogging") == '1' removeRTLRule = SKIN:GetVariable("RemoveRTLRule") == '1' madeForYouHub = SKIN:GetVariable("MadeForYouHub") == '1' songPage = SKIN:GetVariable("SongPage") == '1' end liveUpdate = false initLive = true liveUserCSS = '' oldLiveUserCSS = '' function Update() if (totalSpa and not firstTimeMod) then if (liveUpdate) then local f =, 'r') liveUserCSS = f:read('*a') f:close() if (initLive) then oldLiveUserCSS = liveUserCSS initLive = false end if (oldLiveUserCSS ~= liveUserCSS) then oldLiveUserCSS = liveUserCSS UpdateUserCSS() end end if (#extensionWatch > 0) then for k,v in pairs(extensionWatch) do local f ='#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Extensions\\' .. extensionTable[v.index].file), 'r') local cur = f:read('*a') f:close() if (v.init) then extensionWatch[k].old = cur extensionWatch[k].init = false end if (extensionWatch[k].old ~= cur) then extensionWatch[k].old = cur Extension_Update(v.index) end end end end liveUpdate = SKIN:GetVariable("LiveUpdate") == '1' return status end function UpdateInitStatus() totalSpa = backupCount:GetValue() if (totalSpa == 0) then SKIN:Bang('!HideMeterGroup', 'ClearBackupGroup') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Button_Disabled', 'StrokeColor', 'Stroke Color 909090') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Button_Disabled', 'LeftMouseUpAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Button_Disabled', 'MouseOverAction', ' ') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Button_Disabled', 'MouseLeaveAction', ' ') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'ButtonText_Disabled', 'FontColor', '909090') if (UpdateSpotifyFolderStatus()) then UpdateStatus('Something is wrong. Please reinstall Spotify before backup.', 'warn') else SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeterGroup', 'BackupButton') SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeterGroup', 'Preprocess') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeterGroup', 'CoreSettings') UpdateStatus('Please backup first', 'ok') end else SKIN:Bang('!HideMeterGroup', 'BackupButton') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeterGroup', 'Preprocess') SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeterGroup', 'CoreSettings') if (UpdateSpotifyFolderStatus()) then SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ApplyButtonText', 'Text', 'Re-apply') UpdateStatus('Ready', 'ok') else SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Apply_Disabled', 'StrokeColor', 'Stroke Color 909090') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Apply_Disabled', 'Color', 'Fill Color 0,0,0,0') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Apply_Disabled', 'LeftMouseUpAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Apply_Disabled', 'MouseOverAction', ' ') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'Apply_Disabled', 'MouseLeaveAction', ' ') SKIN:Bang('!SetOptionGroup', 'ApplyText_Disabled', 'FontColor', '909090') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ApplyButtonText', 'Text', 'Apply') UpdateStatus('Ready. Please Apply at least one time.', 'ok') firstTimeMod = true end local pref ="%appdata%\\Spotify\\prefs"), 'r') local currSpotifyVer = pref:read("*a"):match("app%.last%-launched%-version=\"(.-)\"") pref:close() if (currSpotifyVer ~= spotifyVer) then UpdateStatus('Spotify version and backup version are mismatched. Please Clear Backup and Backup again.', 'warn') end spaList = {} for i = 1, totalSpa do SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'BackupFileName', 'Index', i) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'BackupFileName') local name = backupName:GetStringValue():gsub("$", "") table.insert(spaList, name) end end SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeter', '*') SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') end function UpdateSpotifyFolderStatus() SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'SpotifyFileCount') return spotifyCount:GetValue() == 0 end -- For progress bar percent = 0 function GetPercent() return percent end processSum = 0 curProcess = 0 function UpdatePercent(total) if (total) then processSum = total curProcess = 0 return end curProcess = curProcess + 1 if (processSum == 0) then percent = 1 else percent = curProcess / processSum end SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeter', 'PercentBar') SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') end function UpdateStatus(text, kind) if (kind == "warn") then kind = "[\\xf057] " elseif (kind == "ok") then kind = "[\\xf118] " elseif (kind == "done") then kind = "[\\xf164] " else kind = "[\\xf254] " end status = text SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'Status', 'Prefix', kind) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'Script') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeter', 'Status') SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') end function Init_Unzip() bC = 0 SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'BackupFileCount', 'FinishAction', '[!UpdateMeasure BackupFileCount][!CommandMeasure Script "totalSpa=backupCount:GetValue();UpdatePercent(totalSpa);Unzip()"]') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'BackupFileCount') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'BackupFileCount', 'Update') end function Unzip() --Pre-process if (nX) then local p = "#@#Extracted\\Raw\\" .. nX .. "\\" .. nX .. ".bundle.js" if (sentry) then UpdateStatus("Removing Sentry of " .. n) fileUtil(p, disableSentry) end if (logging) then UpdateStatus("Removing UI logger of " .. n) fileUtil(p, disableLogging) end if (removeRTLRule) then UpdateStatus("Removing Right-To-Left style rules of " .. n) local mainCSS = "#@#Extracted\\Raw\\" .. nX .. "\\css\\main.css" fileUtil(mainCSS, removeRTL) if (nX == "zlink" or nX == "login") then local glueCSS = "#@#Extracted\\Raw\\" .. nX .. "\\css\\glue.css" fileUtil(glueCSS, removeRTL) end end fileUtil("#@#Extracted\\Raw\\" .. nX .. "\\index.html", function (data) if (nX ~= "zlink" and nX ~= "login") then data = data:gsub('css/glue%.css', '', 1) :gsub('', '%1', 1) else data = data:gsub('', '%1', 1) end return data end ) if (nX ~= "zlink" and nX ~= "login") then local path = SKIN:ReplaceVariables("#@#Extracted\\Raw\\" .. nX .. "\\css\\glue.css") local glue =, 'r') if (glue) then glue:close() os.remove(path) end end end bC = bC + 1 SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'BackupFileName', 'Index', bC) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'BackupFileName') n = backupName:GetStringValue() if not n or n == '' then Duplicate() nx = nil return end nX = n:gsub('','') UpdateStatus("Unzipping " .. n) UpdatePercent() SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'Unzip', 'Parameter', '"7z.exe x "Backup\\' .. n .. '" -oExtracted\\Raw\\' .. nX .. '\\ -r"') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'Unzip') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'Unzip', 'Run') end function disableSentry(d) d =d:gsub('sentry%.install%(%)[,;]', '', 1) :gsub('""', '"https://NO@TELEMETRY.IS/BAD"') return d end function disableLogging(d) d = d:gsub('data%-log%-click="[%w%-]+"', '') d = d:gsub('data%-log%-context="[%w%-]+"', '') if (nX == "browse" or nX == "collection" or nX == "genre" or nX == "hub") then d =d:gsub('logUIInteraction5%([%w_]+,[%w_]+%)%{', '%1return;', 1) :gsub('logUIImpression5%([%w_]+,[%w_]+%)%{', '%1return;', 1) :gsub('_logUIInteraction5%([%w_]+%)%{', '%1return;', 1) :gsub('_logUIImpression5%([%w_]+%)%{', '%1return;', 1) :gsub('this%._documentFragment%.query%(\'%[data%-log%-click%]\'%)', 'return;%1') :gsub('_onClickDataLogClick%([%w_]+%)%{', '%1return;') :gsub('_setUpStandardImpressionLogging%(%)%{', '%1return;') end if (nX == "zlink") then d = d:gsub('prototype._logUIInteraction5=function%(.-%){', '%1return;') end if (nX == "lyrics") then d = d:gsub('LoggingService%.prototype%..-%{', '%1return;') end if (nX == "playlist") then d = d:gsub('(exports%.logPlaylistImpression=)[%w_]+', '%1()=>{}', 1) :gsub('(exports%.logEndOfListImpression=)[%w_]+', '%1()=>{}', 1) :gsub('(exports%.logListQuickJump=)[%w_]+', '%1()=>{}', 1) :gsub('(exports%.logListItemSelected=)[%w_]+', '%1()=>{}', 1) :gsub('(exports%.logFeedbackInteraction=)[%w_]+', '%1()=>{}', 1) end return d end function removeRTL(d) d =d:gsub(",%s?%[dir=rtl%].-(%{.-%})", "%1") :gsub("%[dir=rtl%].-%{.-%}", "") :gsub("%[dir=ltr%]", "") :gsub("%[dir%]", "") :gsub(",%s?%[lang=ar%].-(%{.-%})", "%1") :gsub("%[lang=ar%].-%{.-%}", "") :gsub("%[dir=\"rtl\"%].-%{.-%}", "") :gsub("html%[dir=\"rtl\"%].-%{.-%}", "") return d end function Duplicate() SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'Duplicate', 'Parameter', 'robocopy "Raw" "Themed" *.css *.js *.html /S /COPY:D /R:50 /W:1 /NJH /NS') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'Duplicate') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'Duplicate', 'Run') UpdateStatus("Copying @Resource\\Raw to @Resource\\Themed") end function Init_PrepareCSS() pC = 1 glue = nil UpdateStatus("Preparing CSS files - Skin might be irresponsive, don't freak out.") SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'CSSFileView', 'Path', '#@#Extracted\\Themed') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'CSSFileView', 'FinishAction', '[!CommandMeasure Script "PrepareCSS()"]') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'CSSFileView') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'CSSFileView', 'Update') end function PrepareCSS() SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'CSSFileName', 'Index', pC) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'CSSFileName') local nP = cssName:GetStringValue() if not nP or nP == '' then local pref ="%appdata%\\Spotify\\prefs"), 'r') local currSpotifyVer = pref:read("*a"):match("app%.last%-launched%-version=\"(.-)\"") pref:close() SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'LastSpotifyVersion', currSpotifyVer) SKIN:Bang('!Refresh') return end local d = '' if glue and nP:match("glus%.css$") then d = glue else local f =, 'r') d = f:read("*a") f:close() -- Replace default color scheme with our keywords. -- When we apply custom color scheme, we just find -- and replace keywords, no need to search color -- again and again. d = d:gsub("#1ed660", "var(--modspotify_sidebar_indicator_and_hover_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#1ed760", "var(--modspotify_sidebar_indicator_and_hover_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#1db954", "var(--modspotify_indicator_fg_and_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#1df369", "var(--modspotify_indicator_fg_and_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#1df269", "var(--modspotify_indicator_fg_and_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#1cd85e", "var(--modspotify_indicator_fg_and_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#1bd85e", "var(--modspotify_indicator_fg_and_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#18ac4d", "var(--modspotify_selected_button)") d = d:gsub("#18ab4d", "var(--modspotify_selected_button)") d = d:gsub("#179443", "var(--modspotify_pressing_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#14833b", "var(--modspotify_pressing_button_bg)") d = d:gsub("#282828", "var(--modspotify_main_bg)") d = d:gsub("#121212", "var(--modspotify_main_bg)") d = d:gsub("#999999", "var(--modspotify_main_bg)") d = d:gsub("#606060", "var(--modspotify_main_bg)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(18,%s?18,%s?18,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("#181818", "var(--modspotify_sidebar_and_player_bg)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(18,%s?19,%s?20,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("#000000", "var(--modspotify_sidebar_and_player_bg)") d = d:gsub("#333333", "var(--modspotify_scrollbar_fg_and_selected_row_bg)") d = d:gsub("#3f3f3f", "var(--modspotify_scrollbar_fg_and_selected_row_bg)") d = d:gsub("#535353", "var(--modspotify_scrollbar_fg_and_selected_row_bg)") d = d:gsub("#404040", "var(--modspotify_slider_bg)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(80,%s?55,%s?80,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(40,%s?40,%s?40,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(40,%s?40,%s?40,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(24,%s?24,%s?24,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(18,%s?19,%s?20,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("#000011", "var(--modspotify_sidebar_and_player_bg)") d = d:gsub("#0a1a2d", "var(--modspotify_sidebar_and_player_bg)") d = d:gsub("#ffffff", "var(--modspotify_main_fg)") d = d:gsub("#f8f8f7", "var(--modspotify_pressing_fg)") d = d:gsub("#fcfcfc", "var(--modspotify_pressing_fg)") d = d:gsub("#d9d9d9", "var(--modspotify_pressing_fg)") d = d:gsub("#cdcdcd", "var(--modspotify_pressing_fg)") d = d:gsub("#e6e6e6", "var(--modspotify_pressing_fg)") d = d:gsub("#e5e5e5", "var(--modspotify_pressing_fg)") d = d:gsub("#adafb2", "var(--modspotify_secondary_fg)") d = d:gsub("#c8c8c8", "var(--modspotify_secondary_fg)") d = d:gsub("#a0a0a0", "var(--modspotify_secondary_fg)") d = d:gsub("#bec0bb", "var(--modspotify_secondary_fg)") d = d:gsub("#bababa", "var(--modspotify_secondary_fg)") d = d:gsub("#b3b3b3", "var(--modspotify_secondary_fg)") d = d:gsub("#c0c0c0", "var(--modspotify_secondary_fg)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(179,%s?179,%s?179,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_secondary_fg),%1)") d = d:gsub("#cccccc", "var(--modspotify_pressing_button_fg)") d = d:gsub("#ededed", "var(--modspotify_pressing_button_fg)") d = d:gsub("#4687d6", "var(--modspotify_miscellaneous_bg)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(70,%s?135,%s?214,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_miscellaneous_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("#2e77d0", "var(--modspotify_miscellaneous_hover_bg)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(51,%s?153,%s?255,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_miscellaneous_hover_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(30,%s?50,%s?100,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_miscellaneous_hover_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(24,%s?24,%s?24,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(25,%s?20,%s?20,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_sidebar_and_player_bg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(160,%s?160,%s?160,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_pressing_button_fg),%1)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(255,%s?255,%s?255,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_pressing_button_fg),%1)") d = d:gsub("#ddd", "var(--modspotify_pressing_button_fg)") d = d:gsub("#000", "var(--modspotify_sidebar_and_player_bg)") d = d:gsub("#333", "var(--modspotify_scrollbar_fg_and_selected_row_bg)") d = d:gsub("#444", "var(--modspotify_slider_bg)") d = d:gsub("#fff", "var(--modspotify_main_fg)") d = d:gsub("black;", " var(--modspotify_sidebar_and_player_bg)") d = d:gsub("gray;", " var(--modspotify_main_bg)") d = d:gsub("lightgray;", " var(--modspotify_pressing_button_fg)") d = d:gsub("white;", " var(--modspotify_main_fg)") d = d:gsub("rgba%(0,%s?0,%s?0,%s?([%d%.]+)%)", "rgba(var(--modspotify_rgb_cover_overlay_and_shadow),%1)") d = d:gsub("#fff", "var(--modspotify_main_fg)") d = d:gsub("#000", "var(--modspotify_sidebar_and_player_bg)") --Because all glue.css in all spa are the same, so --just store modded glue.css and we can apply to all remaining glue.css if not glue and nP:match("glue%.css$") then glue = d end end f =, 'w') f:write(d) f:close() pC = pC + 1 PrepareCSS() end function StartMod() local totalApply = 3 + (injectCSS and 1 or 0) + (theme and 1 or 0) + (radio and 1 or 0) + (home and 1 or 0) + (lyric_alwaysShow and 1 or 0) + (lyric_noSync and 1 or 0) + (experimentalFeatures and 1 or 0) + (fastUserSwitching and 1 or 0) + (vis_highFramerate and 1 or 0) + (madeForYouHub and 1 or 0) + (songPage and 1 or 0) UpdatePercent(totalApply) UpdatePercent() CheckSpotifyFolder() end function CheckSpotifyFolder() SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'SpotifyFileCount', 'FinishAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "DoesSpotifyNeedDelete()"') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'SpotifyFileCount') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'SpotifyFileCount', 'Update') end function DoesSpotifyNeedDelete() if (not UpdateSpotifyFolderStatus()) then UpdateStatus("Removing Spotify\\Apps") SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'Remove', 'Run') else Transfer() end end function Transfer() UpdatePercent() if theme then UpdateStatus("Transferring Extracted\\Themed to Spotify") SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'TransferMod', 'Parameter', 'robocopy "#@#Extracted\\Themed" "%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps" *.css *.js *.html /S /COPY:D /R:10 /W:1 /NS /LOG:"#@#robocopy_transfer_log.txt"') else UpdateStatus("Transferring Extracted\\Raw to Spotify") SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'TransferMod', 'Parameter', 'robocopy "#@#Extracted\\Raw" "%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps" *.css *.js *.html /S /COPY:D /R:10 /W:1 /NS /LOG:"#@#robocopy_transfer_log.txt"') end SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'TransferMod') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'TransferMod', 'Run') end function Restored() UpdateStatus('Restore succeeded') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'SpotifyFileCount', 'FinishAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "UpdateInitStatus()"') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'SpotifyFileCount') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'SpotifyFileCount', 'Update') end function parseColor(raw) local hex = '' --RRR,GGG,BBB if raw:find(',') then for c in raw:gmatch('%d+') do c = string.format("%x", c) hex = hex .. c end else hex = raw end local r = 6 - hex:len() --Less than 6 hex if r > 0 then for i = 1, r do hex = hex .. 'f' end -- More than 6 hex elseif r < 0 then while hex:len() ~= 6 do hex = hex:sub(1, -2) end end return hex end function hexToRGB(hex) local rgb = {} for h in hex:gmatch("..") do table.insert(rgb, tonumber(h, 16)) end return table.concat(rgb, ',') end --Open file and return file handle in write mode + file data function fileUtil(path, callback) path = SKIN:ReplaceVariables(path) local f =, 'r') local d = nil if (f) then d = f:read('*a') f:close() f =, 'w') d = callback(d) f:write(d) f:close() return true end return false end function NameToIndex(nameTable, name) for i = 1, #nameTable do if name == nameTable[i] then return i end end return nil end themeTable = {} function UpdateTheme() local themeCount = SKIN:GetMeasure("ThemeFolderCount"):GetValue() if (themeCount == 0) then print('No theme found in Themes folder.') return end themeName = SKIN:GetMeasure("ThemeFolderName") for i = 1, themeCount do SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ThemeFolderName', 'Index', i) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'ThemeFolderName') table.insert(themeTable, themeName:GetStringValue()) end currentThemeIndex = NameToIndex(themeTable, currentTheme) if not currentThemeIndex then --Fallback to first theme if cannot find current theme name in Themes folder. SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'CurrentTheme', themeTable[1]) SKIN:Bang('!Refresh') return end if currentThemeIndex > 1 then SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'ThemeBack') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'ThemeBack_Disabled') end if (themeCount - currentThemeIndex) > 0 then SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'ThemeNext') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'ThemeNext_Disabled') end end function ThemeChange(dir) currentThemeIndex = currentThemeIndex + dir SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ThemeFolderName', 'Index', currentThemeIndex) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'ThemeFolderName') SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'CurrentTheme', themeName:GetStringValue()) SKIN:Bang('!Refresh') end function ThemeNew() local name = "New_Theme" local n = 1 while NameToIndex(themeTable, name) do n = n + 1 name = "New_Theme_" .. n end newThemeFolder = SKIN:ReplaceVariables('#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Themes\\' .. name) SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'CurrentTheme', name) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ThemeRunCommand', 'Parameter', 'mkdir "' .. newThemeFolder .. '"') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ThemeRunCommand', 'FinishAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "ThemeNewContent()"') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'ThemeRunCommand') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'ThemeRunCommand', 'Run') end function ThemeNewContent() local file = .. '\\', 'w+') file:write(defaultSpotifyColor_Inc) file:close() file = .. '\\user.css', 'w+') file:write() file:close() SKIN:Bang('!Refresh') end function ThemeDuplicate() local name = currentTheme .. '_2' local n = 2 while NameToIndex(themeTable, name) do n = n + 1 name = currentTheme .. '_' .. n end SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ThemeRunCommand', 'Parameter', table.concat( {'robocopy "', currentTheme, '" "', name, '"'} )) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ThemeRunCommand', 'FinishAction', '[!WriteKeyValue Variables CurrentTheme "' .. name .. '"][!Refresh]') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'ThemeRunCommand') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'ThemeRunCommand', 'Run') end --Mod JS file function ModJS(packName, jsFile, replaceTable, modded) local jsSpo = SKIN:ReplaceVariables("%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps\\" .. packName .. "\\" .. jsFile .. ".js") fileUtil(jsSpo, function (d) for _,v in pairs(replaceTable) do d = d:gsub(v[1], v[2], v[3] and v[3] or nil) end return d end ) end --Mod HTML file function ModHTML(packName, replaceTable, modded) local htmlSpo = "%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps\\" .. packName .. "\\index.html" fileUtil(htmlSpo, function(d) for _,v in pairs(replaceTable) do d = d:gsub(v[1], v[2], v[3] and v[3] or nil) end return d end ) end --Inject extensions function ModInjectExtension(packName, extensionFolder, extensionFile) local extension = .. extensionFile), 'r') if (extension) then local extensionData = extension:read('*a') extension:close() extension ="%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps\\" .. packName .. "\\" .. extensionFile), 'w+') if (extension) then extension:write(extensionData) extension:close() else print("Cannot inject extension" .. extensionFile .. ". Check %appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps\\" .. packName .. " folder to see if it exists.") end end end function CopyUserCSS() UpdateStatus('Transferring user.css') local d = {} UpdatePercent() table.insert(d, ':root {') local colorTable = theme and color or defaultSpotifyColor for k,v in ipairs(colorTable) do table.insert(d, table.concat({ ' --modspotify_', v.var, ':#', v.hex, ';\n', ' --modspotify_rgb_', v.var, ':', v.rgb, ';' })) end table.insert(d, '}') if injectCSS then UpdatePercent() local css ="#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Themes\\#CurrentTheme#\\user.css"),'r') local u = '' if (css) then u = css:read('*a') css:close() else print('user.css is not found in theme folder. Please make one.') end table.insert(d, u) end for _, v in pairs({"zlink", "login"}) do local f ="%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps\\" .. v .. "\\css\\user.css"), 'w+') if (f) then f:write(table.concat(d, '\n')) f:close() end end end function UpdateUserCSS() CopyUserCSS() UpdateStatus('user.css is updated at ' .."%X %x"), 'done') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'WebSocket', 'reloadspotify') end function findSymbol(info, package, key) local p = SKIN:ReplaceVariables("%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps\\" .. package .. "\\" .. package .. ".bundle.js") local f =, "r") local d = f:read("*a") f:close() local k for i = 1, #key do k = {d:match(key[i])} if (#k ~= 0) then return unpack(k) end end print("Cannot find symbol for " .. info .. " in package " .. package) return nil end function Finishing() CopyUserCSS() local modTable = {} if (radio) then UpdateStatus('Enabling Radio') table.insert(modTable, {'radioIsVisible=', '%1true||', 1}) UpdatePercent() end if (home) then UpdateStatus('Enabling Home') table.insert(modTable, {'this%._initialState%.isHomeEnabled', 'true', 1}) table.insert(modTable, {'[%w_]+(&&[%w_]+%.default%.createElement%([%w_]+%.default,{isActive:%/%^spotify:app:home%/)', 'true%1', 1}) table.insert(modTable, {'[%w_]+%.isHomeEnabled', 'true'}) UpdatePercent() end if (lyric_alwaysShow) then UpdateStatus('Enabling Always show lyrics button') table.insert(modTable, {'(lyricsEnabled%()[%w_]+&&%(.-%)', '%1true', 1}) UpdatePercent() end if (vis_highFramerate) then ModJS('lyrics', 'bundle', { {'[%w_]+%.highVisualizationFrameRate=','%1true||', 1} }) UpdatePercent() end if (lyric_noSync) then ModJS('lyrics', 'bundle', { {'[%w_]+%.forceNoSyncLyrics=','%1true||', 1} }) UpdatePercent() end if (experimentalFeatures) then UpdateStatus('Enabling Experimental Features') table.insert(modTable, {'[%w_]+(&&[%w_]+%.default.createElement%([%w_]+%.default,%{name:"experiments)', 'true%1', 1}) UpdatePercent() end if (fastUserSwitching) then UpdateStatus('Enabling Fast user switching') table.insert(modTable, {'[%w_]+(&&[%w_]+%.default.createElement%([%w_]+%.default,%{name:"switch%-user)', 'true%1', 1}) UpdatePercent() end if (madeForYouHub) then UpdateStatus('Enabling Made For You hub') table.insert(modTable, {'[%w_]+(&&[%w_]+%.default.createElement%([%w_]+%.default,%{isActive:/%^spotify:app:made%-for%-you)', 'true%1', 1}) UpdatePercent() end if (songPage) then UpdateStatus('Enabling Song Page') table.insert(modTable, {'window%.initialState%.isSongPageEnabled', 'true'}) UpdatePercent() end UpdateStatus('Injecting a websocket and jquery 3.3.1') ModHTML('zlink', { {'()', '%1'} }) ModInjectExtension('zlink', "#@#JavascriptInject\\", 'spicetifyWrapper.js') ModInjectExtension('zlink', "#@#JavascriptInject\\", 'jquery-3.3.1.min.js') UpdateStatus('Leaking useful functions, objects'); -- Find PlayerUI symbol: local playerUI = findSymbol("playerUI", "zlink", { "([%w_]+)%.prototype.updateProgressBarLabels", "([%w_]+)%.prototype._onConnectionStateChange" }) if (playerUI ~= nil) then table.insert(modTable, {playerUI .. '%.prototype%.setup=function%(%){', table.concat({'%1', '>{if(p<=1)p=Math.round(p*(;};', 'Spicetify.Player.getProgressMs=()=>this.progressbar.getRealValue();', 'Spicetify.Player.getProgressPercent=()=>this.progressbar.getPercentage();', 'Spicetify.Player.getDuration=()=>this.progressbar.getMaxValue();', 'Spicetify.Player.skipForward=(a=15e3)=>;', 'Spicetify.Player.skipBack=(a=15e3)=>;', 'Spicetify.Player.setVolume=(v)=>this.changeVolume(v, false);', 'Spicetify.Player.increaseVolume=()=>this.increaseVolume();', 'Spicetify.Player.decreaseVolume=()=>this.decreaseVolume();', 'Spicetify.Player.getVolume=()=>this.volumebar.getValue();', '>this._doSkipToNext();', 'Spicetify.Player.back=()=>this._doSkipToPrevious();', 'Spicetify.Player.togglePlay=()=>this._doTogglePlay();', '>{!this.playing() && this._doTogglePlay();};', 'Spicetify.Player.pause=()=>{this.playing() && this._doTogglePlay();};', 'Spicetify.Player.isPlaying=()=>this.progressbar.isPlaying();', 'Spicetify.Player.toggleShuffle=()=>this.toggleShuffle();', 'Spicetify.Player.getShuffle=()=>this.shuffle();', 'Spicetify.Player.setShuffle=(b)=>{this.shuffle(b)};', 'Spicetify.Player.toggleRepeat=()=>this.toggleRepeat();', 'Spicetify.Player.getRepeat=()=>this.repeat();', 'Spicetify.Player.setRepeat=(r)=>{this.repeat(r)};', 'Spicetify.Player.getMute=()=>this.mute();', 'Spicetify.Player.toggleMute=()=>this._doToggleMute();', 'Spicetify.Player.setMute=(b)=>{this.volumeEnabled()&&this.changeVolume(this._unmutedVolume,b)};', 'Spicetify.Player.thumbUp=()=>this.thumbUp();', 'Spicetify.Player.getThumbUp=()=>this.trackThumbedUp();', 'Spicetify.Player.thumbDown=()=>this.thumbDown();', 'Spicetify.Player.getThumbDown=()=>this.trackThumbedDown();', 'Spicetify.Player.formatTime=(ms)=>this._formatTime(ms);', 'Spicetify.Player.eventListeners={};', 'Spicetify.Player.addEventListener=(type,callback)=>{if(!(type in Spicetify.Player.eventListeners)){Spicetify.Player.eventListeners[type]=[]}Spicetify.Player.eventListeners[type].push(callback)};', 'Spicetify.Player.removeEventListener=(type,callback)=>{if(!(type in Spicetify.Player.eventListeners)){return}var stack=Spicetify.Player.eventListeners[type];for(var i=0,l=stack.length;i{if(!(event.type in Spicetify.Player.eventListeners)){return true}var stack=Spicetify.Player.eventListeners[event.type];for(var i=0,l=stack.length;i{if(e){console.log(e);return;}Spicetify.Queue=r.getJSONBody();});%1', 1}) end table.insert(modTable, {'(const [%w_]+=function%([%w_]+,[%w_]+%){)(this%._bridge)', table.concat({'%1', 'Spicetify.addToQueue=(uri,callback)=>{uri=Spicetify.LibURI.from(uri);if(uri.type===Spicetify.LibURI.Type.ALBUM){this.getAlbumTracks(uri,(err,tracks)=>{if(err){console.log("Spicetify.addToQueue",err);return};this.queueTracks(tracks,callback)})}else if(uri.type===Spicetify.LibURI.Type.TRACK||uri.type===Spicetify.LibURI.Type.EPISODE){this.queueTracks([uri],callback)}else{console.log("Spicetify.addToQueue: Only Track, Album, Episode URIs are accepted")}};', 'Spicetify.removeFromQueue=(uri,callback)=>{if(Spicetify.Queue){var indices=[],uriObj=Spicetify.LibURI.from(uri);if(uriObj.type===Spicetify.LibURI.Type.ALBUM){this.getAlbumTracks(uriObj,(err,tracks)=>{if(err){console.log(err);return}tracks.forEach(t=>Spicetify.Queue.next_tracks.forEach((nt,index)=>t==nt.uri&&indices.push(index)))})}else if(uriObj.type===Spicetify.LibURI.Type.TRACK||uriObj.type===Spicetify.LibURI.Type.EPISODE){Spicetify.Queue.next_tracks.forEach((track,index)=>track.uri==uri&&indices.push(index))}else{console.log("Spicetify.removeFromQueue: Only Album, Track and Episode URIs are accepted")}indices=indices.reduce((a,b)=>{if(a.indexOf(b)<0){a.push(b)}return a},[]);this.removeTracksFromQueue(indices,callback)}};', ';%2' }), 1}) -- Register play/pause state change event table.insert(modTable, {'this%.playing%([%w_]+%.is_playing&&![%w_]+%.is_paused%).-;', '%1(this.playing()!==this._isPlaying)&&(this._isPlaying=this.playing(),Spicetify.Player.dispatchEvent&&Spicetify.Player.dispatchEvent(new Event("onplaypause")));', 1}) -- Register song change event table.insert(modTable, {'this%._uri=[%w_]+%.uri,this%._trackMetadata=[%w_]+%.metadata', '%1,Spicetify.Player.dispatchEvent&&Spicetify.Player.dispatchEvent(new Event("songchange"))', 1}) -- Leak playbackControl to Spicetify.PlaybackControl table.insert(modTable, {',(([%w_]+)%.playFromPlaylistResolver=)', ';Spicetify.PlaybackControl = %2;%1', 1}) -- Disable expose function restriction table.insert(modTable, {'(expose=function.-)([%w_]+%.__spotify&&[%w_]+%.__spotify%.developer_mode&&)', '%1', 1}) ModJS('zlink', 'zlink.bundle', modTable) local actExtension = Extension_ParseActivated() for k, v in pairs(extensionTable) do if (actExtension[v.file]) then UpdateStatus('Injecting extension ' .. ModHTML('zlink', { {'()', '%1'} }) ModInjectExtension('zlink', "#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Extensions\\", v.file) end end actApp, actAppCount = App_ParseActivated() if (actAppCount > 0) then App_CopyRountine(1) else Succeeded() end end function Succeeded() UpdateStatus('Mod succeeded', 'done') UpdatePercent() if (firstTimeMod) then SKIN:Bang('["#@#AutoRestart.exe"]') SKIN:Bang('!Refresh') else SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'Websocket', 'reloadspotify') end end extensionTable = {} extensionPage = 1 extensionTotalPage = 1 extensionWatch = {} function Extension_Init() local actExtension = Extension_ParseActivated() SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'ExtensionFolderCount') local count = SKIN:GetMeasure("ExtensionFolderCount"):GetValue() local name = SKIN:GetMeasure("ExtensionFolderName") extensionTotalPage = math.ceil(count / 5) for i = 1, count do SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionFolderName', 'Index', i) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'ExtensionFolderName') local p = name:GetStringValue() local f ='#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Extensions\\') .. p, 'r') local d = f:read("*a") f:close() d = d:match("// START METADATA(.-)// END METADATA") local extensionElement = { file = p:lower(), name = p, author = 'N/A', descr = 'N/A' } if (d) then local extensionName = d:match('// NAME:(.-)\n'):gsub('^ ', '') = extensionName and extensionName or p local extensionAuthor = d:match('// AUTHOR:(.-)\n'):gsub('^ ', '') = extensionAuthor and extensionAuthor or 'N/A' local extensionDescr = d:match('// DESCRIPTION:(.-)\n'):gsub('^ ', '') extensionElement.descr = extensionDescr and extensionDescr or 'N/A' end table.insert(extensionTable, extensionElement) end Extension_DrawPage() end function Extension_ParseActivated() local r = {} local list = SKIN:GetVariable('ActivatedExtensions', '') if (list:len() <= 1) then SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'ActivatedExtensions', " ") SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'ActivatedExtensions', " ") return r elseif (list:sub(list:len()) ~= ';') then list = list .. ';' SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'ActivatedExtensions', list) SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'ActivatedExtensions', list) end local needRewrite = false for extension in list:gmatch('(.-);') do extension = extension:lower() for _, v in pairs(extensionTable) do if (v.file == extension) then r[extension] = true break end needRewrite = true end end if (needRewrite) then local newList = '' for k,_ in pairs(r) do newList = newList .. k .. ';' end SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'ActivatedExtensions', newList) SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'ActivatedExtensions', newList) end return r end function Extension_DrawPage() local n = extensionPage local actExtension = Extension_ParseActivated() for i = 1, 5 do local index = (n - 1) * 5 + i if (extensionTable[index]) then local p = extensionTable[index] SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionName' .. i, 'Text', SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionName' .. i, 'ToolTipText', SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionAuthor' .. i, 'Text', 'By ' .. SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionAuthor' .. i, 'ToolTipText', SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionDescr' .. i, 'Text', p.descr) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionDescr' .. i, 'ToolTipText', p.descr) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionBack' .. i, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "Extension_ShowOption(' .. index .. ',' .. i .. ')"') if (actExtension[p.file]) then SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionShadow' .. i, 'ImageAlpha', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionBack' .. i, 'Active', 'StrokeColor 8a4fff') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'Active', 'StrokeColor 8a4fff|FillColor 8a4fff') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'Active2', 'StrokeColor FFFFFF') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'MouseOverAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'MouseLeaveAction', '') else SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionShadow' .. i, 'ImageAlpha', '0') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionBack' .. i, 'Active', 'StrokeColor 200,200,200,200') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'Active', 'StrokeColor 200,200,200,200|FillColor 0,0,0,0') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'Active2', 'StrokeColor 0,0,0,0') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'MouseOverAction', '[!SetOption #*CURRENTSECTION*# Active "StrokeColor 8a4fff|FillColor 8a4fff"][!UpdateMeter #*CURRENTSECTION*#][!Redraw]') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'MouseLeaveAction', '[!SetOption #*CURRENTSECTION*# Active "StrokeColor 200,200,200,200|FillColor 0,0,0,0"][!UpdateMeter #*CURRENTSECTION*#][!Redraw]') end SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. i, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "Extension_Toggle('.. index ..')"') SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeterGroup', 'ExtensionGroup' .. i) else SKIN:Bang('!HideMeterGroup', 'ExtensionGroup' .. i) end SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeterGroup', 'ExtensionGroup' .. i) end if (n == 1) then SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'ExtensionBack_Disabled') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'ExtensionBack') end if (n == extensionTotalPage) then SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'ExtensionNext_Disabled') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'ExtensionNext') end if (n > 1) then SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'ExtensionBack_Disabled') SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'ExtensionBack') end if (n < extensionTotalPage) then SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'ExtensionNext_Disabled') SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'ExtensionNext') end SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') end function Extension_Toggle(n) local actExtension = Extension_ParseActivated() local fileName = extensionTable[n].file actExtension[fileName] = not actExtension[fileName] local list = '' for k, v in pairs(actExtension) do if (v) then list = list .. k .. ';' end end SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'ActivatedExtensions', list) SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'ActivatedExtensions', list) local isWatching, watchIndex = Extension_IsWatching(n) if (isWatching) then table.remove(extensionWatch, watchIndex) end UpdateStatus('Hit Re-apply to update extension changes', 'ok') Extension_DrawPage() end function Extension_ChangePage(dir) if ((extensionPage + dir) >= 1) and ((extensionPage + dir) <= extensionTotalPage) then extensionPage = extensionPage + dir Extension_DrawPage() end end function Extension_IsWatching(i) for k,v in pairs(extensionWatch) do if (i == v.index) then return true, k end end return false end function Extension_ShowOption(index, meterIndex) SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeterGroup', 'ExtensionOption') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionOpen', 'LeftMouseUpAction', '["#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Extensions\\' .. extensionTable[index].file .. '"]') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionUpdate', 'LeftMouseUpAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "Extension_Update(' .. index .. ')"') local actExtension = Extension_ParseActivated() if (actExtension[extensionTable[index].file]) then SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionOpen', 'X', '(150-50)r') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionWatch', 'LeftMouseUpAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "Extension_WatchToggle(' .. index .. ')"') if (Extension_IsWatching(index)) then SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionWatch', 'FontColor', '8a4fff') else SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionWatch', 'FontColor', '000000') end else SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionOpen', 'X', '150r') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'ExtensionOptionWatch') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'ExtensionOptionUpdate') end SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionBack', 'Y', SKIN:GetMeter('ExtensionBack' .. meterIndex):GetY()) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionBack', 'MouseLeaveAction', '[!HideMeterGroup ExtensionOption][!CommandMeasure Script "Extension_DrawPage()"]') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeterGroup', 'ExtensionOption') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionName' .. meterIndex, 'ToolTipText', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionAuthor' .. meterIndex, 'ToolTipText', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionBack' .. meterIndex, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. meterIndex, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. meterIndex, 'MouseOverAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionActivate' .. meterIndex, 'MouseLeaveAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeterGroup ', 'ExtensionGroup' .. meterIndex) SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') end function Extension_WatchToggle(i) local isWatching, watchIndex = Extension_IsWatching(i) if (isWatching) then table.remove(extensionWatch, watchIndex) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionWatch', 'FontColor', '000000') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeter', 'ExtensionOptionWatch') SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') return end table.insert(extensionWatch, { index = i, old = '', init = true }) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'ExtensionOptionWatch', 'FontColor', '8a4fff') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeter', 'ExtensionOptionWatch') SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') end function Extension_Update(index) local file = extensionTable[index].file ModInjectExtension('zlink', '#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Extensions\\', file) SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'WebSocket', 'reloadspotify') UpdateStatus(file .. ' is updated at ' .."%X %x"), 'done') end -- APPS appTable = {} appPage = 1 appTotalPage = 1 function App_Init() SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'AppFolderCount') local count = SKIN:GetMeasure("AppFolderCount"):GetValue() local name = SKIN:GetMeasure("AppFolderName") appTotalPage = math.ceil(count / 5) for i = 1, count do SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppFolderName', 'Index', i) SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'AppFolderName') local p = name:GetStringValue() local isValid = true -- Check folder name for char in p:gmatch('.') do local b = string.byte(char) if (not (b >= 97 and b <= 122)) then isValid = false print('"'..p .. '" folder name is not valid. Please use only lowercase alphabet characters and no space.') break end end if (isValid) then local f ='#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Apps\\' .. p ..'\\index.html'), 'r') local appElement = { file = p, name = p, author = 'N/A', descr = 'N/A' } if (f) then local d = f:read("*a") f:close() d = d:match("// START METADATA(.-)// END METADATA") if (d) then local appName = d:match('// NAME:(.-)\n'):gsub('^ ', '') = appName and appName or p local appAuthor = d:match('// AUTHOR:(.-)\n'):gsub('^ ', '') = appAuthor and appAuthor or 'N/A' local appDescr = d:match('// DESCRIPTION:(.-)\n'):gsub('^ ', '') appElement.descr = appDescr and appDescr or 'N/A' end end table.insert(appTable, appElement) end end App_DrawPage() end function NormalizeAppId(name) return name end function App_ParseActivated() local r = {} local list = SKIN:GetVariable('ActivatedApps', '') local appCount = 0 if (list:len() <= 1) then SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'ActivatedApps', " ") SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'ActivatedApps', " ") return r, 0 elseif (list:sub(list:len()) ~= ';') then list = list .. ';' SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'ActivatedApps', list) SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'ActivatedApps', list) end local needRewrite = false for app in list:gmatch('(.-);') do app = app:lower() for _, v in pairs(appTable) do if (v.file == app) then r[app] = true appCount = appCount + 1 break end needRewrite = true end end if (needRewrite) then local newList = '' for k,_ in pairs(r) do newList = newList .. k .. ';' end SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'ActivatedApps', newList) SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'ActivatedApps', newList) end return r, appCount end function App_DrawPage() local n = appPage local actApp = App_ParseActivated() for i = 1, 5 do local index = (n - 1) * 5 + i if (appTable[index]) then local p = appTable[index] SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppName' .. i, 'Text', SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppName' .. i, 'ToolTipText', SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppAuthor' .. i, 'Text', 'By ' .. SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppAuthor' .. i, 'ToolTipText', SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppDescr' .. i, 'Text', p.descr) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppDescr' .. i, 'ToolTipText', p.descr) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppBack' .. i, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "App_ShowOption(' .. index .. ',' .. i .. ')"') if (actApp[p.file]) then SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppShadow' .. i, 'ImageAlpha', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppBack' .. i, 'Active', 'StrokeColor 8a4fff') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'Active', 'StrokeColor 8a4fff|FillColor 8a4fff') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'Active2', 'StrokeColor FFFFFF') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'MouseOverAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'MouseLeaveAction', '') else SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppShadow' .. i, 'ImageAlpha', '0') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppBack' .. i, 'Active', 'StrokeColor 200,200,200,200') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'Active', 'StrokeColor 200,200,200,200|FillColor 0,0,0,0') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'Active2', 'StrokeColor 0,0,0,0') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'MouseOverAction', '[!SetOption #*CURRENTSECTION*# Active "StrokeColor 8a4fff|FillColor 8a4fff"][!UpdateMeter #*CURRENTSECTION*#][!Redraw]') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'MouseLeaveAction', '[!SetOption #*CURRENTSECTION*# Active "StrokeColor 200,200,200,200|FillColor 0,0,0,0"][!UpdateMeter #*CURRENTSECTION*#][!Redraw]') end SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. i, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "App_Toggle('.. index ..')"') SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeterGroup', 'AppGroup' .. i) else SKIN:Bang('!HideMeterGroup', 'AppGroup' .. i) end SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeterGroup', 'AppGroup' .. i) end if (n == 1) then SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'AppBack_Disabled') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'AppBack') end if (n == appTotalPage) then SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'AppNext_Disabled') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'AppNext') end if (n > 1) then SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'AppBack_Disabled') SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'AppBack') end if (n < appTotalPage) then SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'AppNext_Disabled') SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeter', 'AppNext') end SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') end function App_Toggle(n) local actApp = App_ParseActivated() local fileName = appTable[n].file actApp[fileName] = not actApp[fileName] local list = '' for k, v in pairs(actApp) do if (v) then list = list .. k .. ';' end end SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'ActivatedApps', list) SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'ActivatedApps', list) UpdateStatus('Hit Re-apply to update app changes', 'ok') App_DrawPage() end function App_ChangePage(dir) if ((appPage + dir) >= 1) and ((appPage + dir) <= appTotalPage) then appPage = appPage + dir App_DrawPage() end end function App_CopyRountine(appIndex) if (not appPageLogger or not appMenuItems) then appPageLogger, appMenuItems = {}, {} end local react, sidebarList = findSymbol('React and SidebarList', 'zlink', { '([%w_]+)%.default%.createElement%(([%w_]+)%.default,%{title:[%w_]+%.default%.get%("your_music%.app_name"%)', '([%w_]+)%.default%.createElement%(([%w_]+)%.default,%{interactionId:"main"%}' }) local sidebarElement, lastRequestedPageUri = findSymbol('Last Requested Page URI', 'zlink', { '([%w_]+)%.default,{isActive:/%^spotify:app:home/%.test%(([%w_]+)%)' }) if appIndex > #appTable then ModJS('zlink', 'zlink.bundle', { {'[%w_]+%.default%.createElement%([%w_]+%.default,%{title:[%w_]+%.default%.get%("your_music%.app_name"', react .. '.default.createElement(' .. sidebarList .. '.default,{title:"Your app"},' .. table.concat(appMenuItems, ",") .. ')),' .. react .. '.default.createElement("div",{className:"LeftSidebar__section"},%1', 1} }) appPageLogger, appMenuItems = nil, nil Succeeded() return end local app = appTable[appIndex] if (actApp[app.file]) then App_UpdateManifest(app.file) UpdateStatus('Injecting app ' .. SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'CopyApp', 'Parameter', table.concat({ 'robocopy "#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Apps\\', app.file, '" "%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps\\', app.file, '" /S /COPY:D /R:10 /W:1 /NS /LOG', appIndex ~= 1 and '+' or '', ':"#@#robocopy_copyapp_log.txt"' })) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'CopyApp', 'FinishAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "App_CopyRountine(' .. (appIndex + 1) .. ')"') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'CopyApp') table.insert(appPageLogger, table.concat( {'"', app.file, '":"', app.file, '",'} )) table.insert(appMenuItems, table.concat( {react .. '.default.createElement(' .. sidebarElement .. '.default,{isActive:/^spotify:app:', app.file,'(\\:.*)?$/.test(' .. lastRequestedPageUri ..'),isBold:!0,label:"',, '",uri:"spotify:app:', app.file, '"})'} )) SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'CopyApp', 'Run') return end App_CopyRountine(appIndex + 1) end function App_ShowOption(index, meterIndex) SKIN:Bang('!ShowMeterGroup', 'AppOption') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppOptionOpen', 'LeftMouseUpAction', '"#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Apps\\' .. appTable[index].file .. '"') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppOptionUpdate', 'LeftMouseUpAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "App_Update(' .. index .. ')"') local actApp = App_ParseActivated() if (actApp[appTable[index].file]) then SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppOptionOpen', 'X', '(150-20)r') else SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppOptionOpen', 'X', '150r') SKIN:Bang('!HideMeter', 'AppOptionUpdate') end SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppOptionBack', 'Y', SKIN:GetMeter('AppBack' .. meterIndex):GetY()) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppOptionBack', 'MouseLeaveAction', '[!HideMeterGroup AppOption][!CommandMeasure Script "App_DrawPage()"]') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeterGroup', 'AppOption') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppName' .. meterIndex, 'ToolTipText', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppAuthor' .. meterIndex, 'ToolTipText', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppBack' .. meterIndex, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. meterIndex, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. meterIndex, 'MouseOverAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'AppActivate' .. meterIndex, 'MouseLeaveAction', '') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeterGroup ', 'AppGroup' .. meterIndex) SKIN:Bang('!Redraw') end function App_Update(index) local file = appTable[index].file App_UpdateManifest(file) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'CopyApp', 'Parameter', table.concat({ 'robocopy "#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Apps\\', file, '" "%appdata%\\Spotify\\Apps\\', file, '" /S /COPY:D /R:10 /W:1 /NS /LOG', ':"#@#robocopy_copyapp_log.txt"' })) SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'CopyApp', 'FinishAction', '!CommandMeasure Script "App_UpdateStatus(' .. index .. ')"') SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeasure', 'CopyApp') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'CopyApp', 'Run') end function App_UpdateStatus(index) local file = appTable[index].file UpdateStatus(file .. ' app is updated at ' .."%X %x"), 'done') SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'WebSocket', 'reloadspotify') end function App_UpdateManifest(file) UpdateStatus('Checking manifest.json of app ' .. file) local path = SKIN:ReplaceVariables("#ROOTCONFIGPATH#Apps\\" .. file .. "\\manifest.json") local manifest =, 'r') local needCopy = false if (manifest) then local data = manifest:read("*a") manifest:close() local bundleID, appName = data:match('("BundleIdentifier").-"(.-)"') if (bundleID) then if (appName and appName ~= file) then data = data:gsub('("BundleIdentifier".-)".-"', '%1"' .. file .. '"') manifest =, 'w') manifest:write(data) manifest:close() elseif (not appName) then needCopy = true end else needCopy = true end else needCopy = true end if (needCopy) then local templateManifest ="#@#Extracted\\Raw\\zlink\\manifest.json"), 'r') local data = templateManifest:read("*a") templateManifest:close() data = data:gsub('("BundleIdentifier".-)".-"', '%1"' .. file .. '"') manifest =, 'w+') manifest:write(data) manifest:close() end end function DevTool_Button() local prefsFilePath = SKIN:ReplaceVariables("%appdata%\\Spotify\\prefs") local f =, "r") if (f) then local data = f:read("*a") f:close() local key, value = data:match("(app%.enable%-developer%-mode).-(%w+)") if (key and value == "true") then SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevToolText", "Text", "[\\xf14a] Developer mode") SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevToolText", "LeftMouseUpAction", '!CommandMeasure Script "DevTool_Toggle(false)"') else SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevToolText", "Text", "[\\xf0c8] Developer mode") SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevToolText", "LeftMouseUpAction", '!CommandMeasure Script "DevTool_Toggle(true)"') end else SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevTool", "MouseOverAction", "[!ShowMeterGroup DevToolTip][!Redraw]") SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevTool", "MouseLeaveAction", "[!HideMeterGroup DevToolTip][!Redraw]") SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevTool", "StrokeColor", "Stroke Color 909090") SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevToolText", "FontColor", "909090") SKIN:Bang("!SetOption", "DevToolTipText", "Text", "%appdata%\\Spotify\\prefs file is not found. Please make one or reinstall Spotify, then refresh Spicetify.") SKIN:Bang("!UpdateMeter", "DevTool") SKIN:Bang("!UpdateMeter", "DevToolTipText") end SKIN:Bang("!UpdateMeter", "DevToolText") SKIN:Bang("!Redraw") end function DevTool_Toggle(enable) SKIN:Bang('!WriteKeyValue', 'Variables', 'DevTool', enable and 1 or 0) SKIN:Bang('!SetVariable', 'DevTool', enable and 1 or 0) ParseCoreSetting() local prefsFilePath = SKIN:ReplaceVariables("%appdata%\\Spotify\\prefs") local f =, "r") if (f) then local data = f:read("*a") f:close() local key = data:match("(app%.enable%-developer%-mode).-%w+") if (key) then data = data:gsub("(app%.enable%-developer%-mode).-%w+", "%1=" .. (enable and "true" or "false"), 1) else data = data .. "\napp.enable-developer-mode=" .. (enable and "true" or "false") .. "\n" end f =, "w") if (f) then f:write(data) f:close() DevTool_Button() SKIN:Bang('["#@#AutoRestart.exe"]') else UpdateStatus("Cannot write to file %appdata%\\Spotify\\prefs.", "warn") end else UpdateStatus("%appdata%\\Spotify\\prefs file is not found. Please make one or reinstall Spotify.", "warn") end end