require(ISLR) require(boot) ?cv.glm plot(mpg~horsepower,data=Auto) ## LOOCV, data=Auto) cv.glm(Auto,$delta #pretty slow (doesnt use formula (5.2) on page 180) ##Lets write a simple function to use formula (5.2) loocv=function(fit){ h=lm.influence(fit)$h mean((residuals(fit)/(1-h))^2) } ## Now we try it out loocv( cv.error=rep(0,5) degree=1:5 for(d in degree){,d), data=Auto) cv.error[d]=loocv( } plot(degree,cv.error,type="b") ## 10-fold CV cv.error10=rep(0,5) for(d in degree){,d), data=Auto) cv.error10[d]=cv.glm(Auto,,K=10)$delta[1] } lines(degree,cv.error10,type="b",col="red") ## Bootstrap ## Minimum risk investment - Section 5.2 alpha=function(x,y){ vx=var(x) vy=var(y) cxy=cov(x,y) (vy-cxy)/(vx+vy-2*cxy) } alpha(Portfolio$X,Portfolio$Y) ## What is the standard error of alpha? alpha.fn=function(data, index){ with(data[index,],alpha(X,Y)) } alpha.fn(Portfolio,1:100) set.seed(1) alpha.fn (Portfolio,sample(1:100,100,replace=TRUE)) boot.out=boot(Portfolio,alpha.fn,R=1000) boot.out plot(boot.out)